#Haikyuu romance
lssugaluv · 9 months
The way he asks you to marry him.
Fem reader x various Haikyuu characters.
• Haikyuu Headcanons.
• Small Stories + Headcanons.
• Contains: Fluff, bunch of it. How long you’ve been dating for, romance, sweetness, petnames, high school to adult romance.(most of them.)
• Characters: Ushijima, Kuroo, Sugawara, Atsumu, & Suna.
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You and Suga have been dating for 4 years now. You began dating on your third year of high school.
You were the girl of his dreams. When he had finally gained the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend, after having the biggest crush on you since your first year, he felt like he was about to pass out.
Those nerves came again when he asked you to meet him at your favorite garden in Kokedera, Kyoto. It was just the two of you, he wanted the proposal to be as intimate as can be.
He asked you to come in a cute flowy white dress he bought for you. He wore a loose white dress shirt with kacky pants and white slip on vans.
When he saw you arrive, he swore you were an Angel sent from heaven. Gorgeous as ever. Today you were just extra gorgeous to him.
At first you had no idea why he asked you to come dressed up to the garden but you didn’t question him. Once you arrived and saw him playing with his fingers and slightly flushed from his cheeks, you knew something was up.
He went ahead and grabbed both of your hands and yelled “I LOVE YOU.”
You giggle and tell him you love him as well.
You open your eyes wide and grow the biggest smile you can possibly have. “Baby, you don’t need to yell.” You say as you giggle. You reach in to kiss his soft lips and place your forehead on his, eyes closed. “I would love to be your wife.” As you both give each other the biggest bear hug.
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You and Ushijima have been dating for 3 years now.
You two met in middle school due to your family moving to Sendai and being neighbors with Ushijima. You guys will unintentionally walk to school together and back home.
In high school, you guys will hardly talk but he had always though you were very pretty. He loved how naturally beautiful you were and how happy you seem to be. He got to know after you two graduated Shiratorizawa. You both went to the same college and pursued your dream careers.
The way he asked to marry you was by taking you to the pathway to Shiratorizawa. Compared to your middle school walk, the high school was a bit further from your homes.
You guys will have to pass through a river path everyday and gorgeous greenery.
You two were walking in silence hand in hand. He always loved how your small hand fit perfectly with his huge hand. He loved how the soft wind will blow your hair and he was able to see your beautiful side view and features. He loved how every step he’ll take, you’ll try to keep up with him.
You two finally arrived to the River pathway and he had asked you to take a seat on the grass with him. You two enjoy the nature and the sounds of the river currents. Despite your now busy lives, he always enjoyed this peace with you. With no one around but just the two of you.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you Y/N.”
You gently smile and rest your head on his shoulder , rubbing your hand up and down his forearm.
“I do too Toshi.”
He moves in front of you, blocking the view of the river, which you didn’t mind at all. He’s the view you love to see.
“Please marry me.” He says as he opens a small dark blue cube box with a simple silver band in the box.
You couldn’t help but not hold back your tears and nod your head as in yes. You stick your hand out and he places the small engagement band around your small finger. “I love you” you say as you give him the most sweetest kiss.
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You and Suna have been best friends since elementary.
You two began to actually date on your first year of high school. You have been his high school sweetheart, his biggest supporter, his best friend, his everything since day one. He knew one day he will marry you. And the day to ask the big question has came at last.
Suna has always been one to keep to himself but when it came to the two of you being alone, man was he attached to you. He always shows his true colors when only being with you. He is crazy in love with you.
The way he asks to marry you is by asking you to come over to his apartment and making dinner together.
You came dressed in a nice light pink corset top with light washed jeans and low white heels. You always loved to get dolled up for him even when he said he preferred you in his sweater and sweatpants.
He was dressed casual, a black polo shirt and some jeans, and shoes, well he had slippers on because he was inside his apartment.
You guys decide to go with chicken Alfredo pasta since today’s date night dinner was Italian. You guys always will meet up during your busy weeks, or FaceTime when he was out of the country or town due to tournaments. You will always play “Spin the Wheel” using your phone and typing which country you guys should do date night with.
Since it was Italian night, you guys made homemade pasta, got store bought Gelato, and decided to watch “Letters To Juliet.” He knew how much you love romance movies, so he always let you choose the movies.
Meanwhile you guys were eating, you noticed he was eating slower than usual. Which you grew to worry because the food was very delicious. “Rin Rin, is everything okay?” He picked up that he was overthinking and quickly stuffed pasta in his mouth. “Yes princess. The food is delicious.” He says with a mouthful.
When you cleaned up after eating and served the gelato, you meet him at the couch with the movie ready to play on Netflix. You notice that he was on his phone, which was a rule that when on date night, no phones allowed. You stopped the movie to ask him what was wrong again.
He assures you nothing is wrong and told you to play the movie. You then notice he once again is focused of his phone when you pull the phone away from his hands. He freezes when you gasped after you read what was on the Google search.
“ How to surprise girlfriend with a proposal?”
After you finished reading, you saw he was right in front of you, both knees on the ground and one small white box on your thigh. “I panicked and didn’t know how to surprise you. But I want you to be with me forever more. Sorry you had to find out through Google Y/N.”
You place the white box on the side of the couch and literally jump on him, both of your bodies dropping to the ground. You begin to give him a billions of kisses all over his face, with the biggest smile on your face. “A millions times yes Rintarou.”
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As he’s pacing back and forth in Kenma’s room, he finally got an idea. “I know where! I can propose to Y/N at the beach.” He says as he grabs on to his best friends shoulders, blocking his game.
Kenma moves his head to the side to get a view of his game. “I already told you that idea.”
You and Kuroo have been dating for 2 years. You guys met at work in the office. You guys actually met at the beach. It was frustrating day for him, and he loves to cool off at the beach. You had gone that day because you were supposed to go on a date, just for the guy to stood you up. You knew of one another at work but never actually spoken until that day.
He had saw you walking alone by the waves, barefoot while you were holding your heels. It was freezing that day, which he thought you were insane walking barefoot. He walks toward you when he saw you were wiping your tears and standing in front of the ocean.
“Y/N, are you okay?” You turn to face the tall man and completely ball out crying. He invited you to eat ramen after your cried it out and took you home. He waited in the living room until you showered and had made tea for you. He then had left once he saw you fully asleep, and left a note on your nightstand giving you his number.
You meet him at the beach and you see he is standing right in front of the ocean. You silently walk toward him and stand next to him, taking in the ocean breeze. “Remember two years ago when I met you at this exact spot? You were crying for some asshole meanwhile I was having a work meltdown.” He still hadn’t made any eye contact with you but continued. “I remember thinking how pretty you looked crying and wondered to myself, man, if only a girl can cry for me.”
He takes your hand and placed a small diamond ring on your left ring finger. “Let me be the one to wipe your tears on the altar when we’re getting married. I love you, always and forever. Thank you for being my everything.”
You begin to cry after staring at the tiny rock for a good 5 minutes. He gently picks up your face with his two huge hands, wiping your happy tears with his thumbs. “Yes Tetsu. Yes.”
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You and Atsumu have been dating for 5 years. You began to date during your second year of high school. Everyone who knew you and Atsumu gave you 1 week for you to break up with him. They always knew Atsumu to be the dumb volleyball nerd meanwhile you were a smart straight A student. You both were pretty popular, but people thought you were too much for Atsumu.
Atsumu has always been loud, obnoxious, and sometimes an airhead. But boy did he love you. He knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you as soon as you had surprised him at one of his volleyball games. “She’s the one.” He said nice and proud to his teammates that day at the locker rooms.
During the nationals, he went out of the country and had invited you with him. It was pretty tough for you to leave due to your university schedule but you had managed to make it. You were wearing his jersey that day, cheering loud and proud for your MSBY superstar.
You hear the bell and call it game and they had won. From there , some people were leaving and you were so excited to see Atsumu to congratulate him and the team. From there, you see yourself on the jumbo screen confused. You look down at Atsumu and look back up at the jumbo screen to see Atsumu on one knee with the screen saying “Marry me baby.” The screen once again goes back to you with tears running down your face and the rest of the crowd cheering loudly.
Bokuto had ran to go get you and grabs your hand and you both run to the court. Once you guys get to the doors of the entrance of the courts, Bokuto stops and leaves you on your own. You charged towards Atsumu, jumping on him and clinging on him. You gave him a huge kiss and said “I would love to marry you Atsumu.” He then pulls your head towards him and gives you three huge kisses, carrying you meanwhile the crowd roars again and all cameras on you both.
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After thoughts:
• Hey y’all. Coming back to you with some fluff because why not? And Haikyuuuu head canons are my fav. I just got married through the court. So of course love is in the air and I wanted to write about proposing.
• Not Proofread. :/
• Please enjoy, like, comment & Reblog.
• Please do not copy my work. <3
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colourstreakgryffin · 7 months
can you do Kenma x high school first year female reader who wants to join the girl’s volleyball team but is struggling to learn how to play so she can’t join yet and Kenma helps her?:3 ty!:p
Yessssiieeee~! My love! My Haikyuu baeee~! I love Kenma so much! That like… I can’t even express how much I love Kenma! Let’s goooo~! This is rather cute and I can already see it!
Kozume Kenma; Level 0; Training
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“It’s fine, okay…?” Kenma speaks gently as he slowly walks over to the bouncing volleyball rolling on the grassy floor to pick it up and return to his designated spot in front of the portable net he and his childhood best friend, Kuroo had set up for him to assist his longtime crush in honing her overall sport skills
You, a second year girl much like him. In the background, not that noticeable but yet with a unique yet unexplainable spark that drew him to you
You really became determined to follow your passion and join the female Nekoma Volleyball team after you overheard one of your closest friends, Kenma himself joined the male Volleyball team as their main Setter. You have always wanted to play volleyball and regularly practiced with Kuroo, sparking up Kenma’s mad jealousy over you and his dorky childhood best friend bonding over matching desires
You’ll like him more than Kuroo, if he works harder to join the Volleyball Team right? You’ll like him, more than Kuroo, if he helps you with your own practice sessions. It may be true that Kenma thinks about you a lot… besides Kuroo, you’re one of his only actual friends and you’re so sweet to him…
So angelic and pure, like you are made directly from cotton candy and clouds. Kenma finds himself falling deeper and deeper in love with you everyday, his crush on you overtakes his thought process a lot
You were quite distressed as you widen your stance and stretch your pressed-together forearms outwards, so professionally as you waited for Kenma to fire a practice shot at you. Nowhere, it’d be painful but judging him, you know to always be on your toes for how unpredictable he truly is. You still liked that unpredictability well, such a little genius he is
Despite how tense you are over your rejection in trying to apply for the girls’ team. You were still smiling and determined to get what you wanted, and Kenma thrived off that. You were such a wonderful piece of motivation to keep doing all he can in the boys’ Volleyball Team, Kuroo’s encouragement did play a part but so did you
You two were simply passing shots to each other. It was simple, it was fun, it was quiet as Kenma occasionally intervened to show you specific strategies he used during practice with his team. You couldn’t help but feel a warmth rise in your stomach everytime Kenma’s cute, smooth yet reserved voice rung out and his surprisingly calloused hands moved your arms or hips in a precise style
He was just helping you, both of you thought that… but that didn’t mean both of you weren’t blushing intensely at every decision Kenma makes over helping you physically
Kenma did help you in all ways he can. He was straining himself, just a bit, to practice with you for hours, not necessarily above his usual hours but he wanted to try harder than he did with the team; all to try impress you whilst assisting you with your own volleyball skills by applying his own experience. He was no volleyball protege like Kuroo but he didn’t want Kuroo possibly stealing up your heart
Kenma will help get you into the girls’ team, on his own and at the best of his abilities. Kuroo and his many requests to assist him with training you, would always be rejected as he pushes on. It’s not just for a random girl… it’s for the girl he really likes, the girl who understands him well, the girl who has his heart. If you want to be a member of the Girls’ Volleyball Team but got rejected for your unsuitable skillset;
He’ll just train you to be even better, better than any of those girls ever could be
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amjustagirl · 11 months
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when the sun meets the moon outtakes: in which Bokuto adopts a dog
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pairing: bokuto koutaro x f! reader
genre: romance, family fluff
wc: 900
a/n: as the name suggests, an outtake from my fic when the sun meets the moon.
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Bokuto Koutaro is a kind man with a good heart. 
You grew up experiencing crudeness and petty meanness and you’ve grown jaded, expecting nothing more of people, but ever since Bokuto came into your life, he’s made you believe that there is kindness and goodness in the world, if only you stop to look. And so you fell in love with him, your sunshine boy with a heart of pure gold, got married after he proposed to you in front of thousands of volleyball fans, popped out three gorgeous sons.
“A wolfpack”, Kiyoomi names your little Kous, his lips tilting upwards when he’s called in as reinforcement by Hinata when Bokuto brings them into practice . You think the name quite fitting considering the way they boisterously roll around with their father and find themself in mischief in a myriad of ways, though you suspect Kiyoomi’s opinion of said wolfpack nosedives dramatically after his daughter is inducted as an honourary member with a ridiculous ritual involving a homemade obstacle course in his living room, aided and abetted by Koutarou himself. 
In this instance, however, Sachiko is very much the instigator of mischief. 
You should’ve noticed something was off when she yelled a panicked “bye auntie!” and bounced past you at breakneck speed to get out of your front door. 
“Huh”, you say. “How strange.”
What’s even stranger is that none of your sons come out to greet you. Usually they’d be racing to see who reaches her first when she gets home from a long day of work, the winner celebrating by leaping into your arms (and oftentimes knocking you flat onto the floor). What’s a hundred million billion times stranger (Kousuke’s words, not hers, he’s started learning bigger numbers at school) is that Koutaro himself isn’t coming out to wrap you in his arms with a bear hug, peppering you with questions about your day. 
“Kou?” you call. Usually that’s enough to get all four of them running, but not today. 
You slip off your shoes. There’s a suspicious looking packet by the dining table that catches your eye. A happy looking dog in bright colours on the front of the packet is all you need to know. 
Leaving on your socks to dampen your footsteps, you press your ear to your sons’ bedroom. 
“Hide him in the wardrobe ‘til okaa-san sits down for dinner!”
“He’s not going to stay in the wardrobe for a whole hour?!” 
“How d’you even know it’s a he? Sachiko said it might be a she!” 
You throw open the door. Four faces turn to look at you, three a picture of practised innocence, your husband alone looking guilty. 
“Is there something I should know about?” you ask. 
“Nothing!” your sons shout in perfect synchrony. Bokuto stares at the floor. You can almost see his ears droop. 
You take pity on him, striding over to throw open the wardrobe. A puppy with yellow fur and a stub for a tail stares woefully at you. You resist the urge to drop to your knees and squeal at its utter cuteness. 
“And what do we have here?” you do your best at trying to sound stern. 
Finally, your husband speaks up. “Babyyy”, he tries pleading, though he stops short as you raise an eyebrow. “The kids found this poor little thing in the drain and it looked so cold and hungry I said we should take it home and take care of it ‘til it’s okay.” 
Your boys sense a moment of weakness. 
“‘Kaa-sannn it was shivering” Kouji does his best attempt at pouting pitifully. 
“And it was raining”, Kouichi reasons. “We couldn’t leave it there! It’d be sad!”
Kousuke, your youngest, rounds up the rear with his most devastating weapon, puppy dog eyes of his own. “Kaa-san pleaseeee can we keep it?”
“Fine”, you sigh, making a show of exasperation because your boys, if left unchecked, would bring every pitiful critter and being under your roof and you have no desire for your home to turn into a menagerie. “We’ll take it to the vet on the weekend, and discuss if we can keep it if it isn’t microchipped okay?” 
Cheering, your boys run out of their bedroom to acquaint the puppy to its new home. 
You turn your attention to Bokuto. “Kou”, you start to say, but he’s already hugging you close. 
“Sorry”, he chuckles. “I know I should’ve talked to you first about it.”
You poke his chest. “Sometimes, I wonder how that big heart of yours fits into your chest.” 
“I’m sorry -” 
“Don’t be”, you smile. “That’s why I love you.”
He presses kisses into the crown of your head. 
“That doesn’t mean you’re getting out of teaching the boys how to be responsible for our newest family member though. 
“Oh no”, he groans.
Your smile widens into a mischievous grin. “Oh yes”, you say. “That includes walks and cleaning up after accidents and scheduling mealtimes and all of that. I suppose it’ll teach them how to be responsible at the very least.”
His mouth curls up in a matching grin. “I guess that also means Omi-omi’s got some responsibilities too since Sachiko-chan said she has a quarter-share in our pup!” 
You expect another irate call from Sakusa Kiyoomi tomorrow. It’s okay, you’ll divert his calls to your irrepressible husband anyway. 
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flowerstardrops · 2 years
( BEGONIAS ) kozume kenma x gn!reader
this is actually a one-shot containing an intimidating!reader. i thought the idea was cute but it's also lowkey self-indulgent due to my past experiences.
WORDS: 1689
GENRE: romance ( crush stage ), fluff
AT SOME POINT IN OUR LIVES, we come to the realization that life was never fair to anyone. It just is, what it is in its most objective form, meaning that it simply moves continuously without waiting for anything or anyone. But the people living within it is what makes us so unsatisfied.
Subconsciously, we are shaped by experiences that nudge the beginning of our evolution. And we reach the highest forms of development when in contact with other beings that are also growing, similar to ourselves. When our experiences interconnect, it creates external ripples that accordingly creates impacts within ourselves, and thus, creates learnings. Learnings that we will all eventually internalize.
The process of developmental evolution occurs to everyone, and you are no exception.
Perhaps it’s your face or the way you stare off into space when thoughts run through your head, but when subjective beliefs come in contact with objective knowledge, one is left at a standstill. Placing labels plucked by one's' views on the face of an object is what causes the dissatisfaction to emerge. Society is no exception, in fact, the abstract concepts that make up a community is what makes the society itself. While, the technical aspects are what makes an individual alive.
Perceptions are what makes an object and an individual exist after all.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to appreciate how you are viewed. Because for one, you can say that the way you are perceived doesn’t fit within the boundaries of what society would call “friendly”. And it frustrates you almost to no end because making friends is the same as making pie for people who suck at baking: it’s not easy.
So, you live life unintentionally isolated for the most part. Sometimes there are people around you that don’t seem to mind you the way you are, but they don’t hold enough appreciation or bond with you to stay. But as a person, you have grown accustomed to watching others from afar; them inviting others in but never happening to include you. Either way, they all come and go.
“(Last Name)-san,” He spoke quietly and paused as if unsure, “Do you have the notes for yesterday’s lesson?”
But there is this one person that seems to approach you at random times. He isn’t necessarily always with you to be considered a friend, but he isn’t far away as to be considered a stranger. He isn’t a prominent-enough imprint in your life, but he is always there and hasn’t truly left.
In the smallest ways, Kozume Kenma became the pebble to the silent and unmoving puddle of your life.
You nodded curtly, “Yes. Do you want to borrow it?”
“Yeah, thanks.”
“It’s no problem.”
He’s your seatmate and every single day, he doesn’t fail to interact with you at least once. You aren’t entirely sure why because he doesn’t seem to be keen on talking with other people. Similar to you, he’s typically alone but the difference is that he does so intentionally. But gathering the circumstances, you assumed that he was doing this out of pity.
He probably noticed the way you tried your best to open yourself up to people but still failed with awkward laughs and short-word responses. If he was doing this out of pity, you wish he’d stop because you just feel pathetic.
Kozume Kenma is aware that he’s an introvert through and through, and sometimes, it’s difficult. More so because he likes someone. And even more so because he has difficulties outwardly expressing.
He isn’t like Lev who could wear his heart on his sleeve and not care too much about it, and he isn’t like Taketora who could just pounce on a girl he likes, confessing his love. Because he is Kenma, and Kenma finds it hard to show his appreciation for the person he likes. Without them finding out about his liking. Without them finding out about his liking yet still making progress.
But Kozume Kenma is lucky because he likes you. You, who were similar to him yet quite different at the same time.
“Thinkin’ about (Last Name)-san again?” Kuroo teases him with a sly grin.
Kenma settles for ignoring him and continues to gaze at you from afar. He and his team had just finished running laps and he could feel the sharpness of his breath everytime he breathed. But as he watched you sit on the other side of the field, sitting on a bench with a book in hand, the uncomfortable exhausted feeling in his chest blurs out.
“How about we run there and say hi?” Kuroo suggests and Kenma immediately shakes his head.
“Why not? (Last Name)-san looks kind of serious all the time but they seem nice. I’m sure they’d greet you back.”
“They are nice, but it’s not because of that.” Kenma responded and shook his head once again.
“Then what? If you think they’re going to figure out that you like them with just a ‘hi’, then you’re being silly. We’re just gonna run past them and give them a wave, okay?” Kuroo pushes persistently.
Kenma let out an annoyed sound and grumbled before sipping on his jug, “Do what you want.”
Kuroo claps his hands together, earning the attention of the other members who were taking a break, “Okay! Instead of running back and forth here on the side of the field, this time, we’ll run around it. Five laps, let’s go!”
As Kenma’s teammates began to run, he decided to stay behind as per usual. With every step and every sharp breath released through his mouth, he finds himself closer to where you were, until eventually, he runs right past you. He sees the way your head tilts up to look away from the book you were reading, and all in the span of a few milliseconds, he sees the way your lips curl upwards a little and your eyes making contact with him as a form of greeting.
His face suddenly feels hotter and it isn’t entirely because of the run.
He runs past you four more times, and each time, you seem to be observing him and his teammates. You don’t smile nor do you give any form of encouragement, but he feels your eyes on him the entire time. He imagines that you’re the prince or princess to be saved right after the boss level, and with each lap he accomplishes, he comes close to saving you. And that is sufficient encouragement to get himself going.
Right after the final lap, he stands on the other side of the field from you once again with his chest rising and dipping deeply. He sees that you have set the book down once again, but this time, you were clapping silently while looking at them.
“Seems (Last Name)-san is impressed with you.” Kuroo comments right beside him.
Inside, Kenma hopes that the claps were for him, but instead he says, “It’s probably for all of us.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say…”
The weeks go by and every single day without fail, Kozume Kenma talks with you with his usual quiet voice.
“(Last Name)-san.”
“Yes?” You ask, flitting your eyes away from your Science worksheet to look at him. You weren’t exactly a big fan of Science-related Mathematics.
“Do you need any help?”
“Yes, please.”
“(Last Name)-san.”
“Do you have an extra eraser?”
“Thank you.���
“(Last Name)-san.”
“Yes?” You pause, looking up at your seatmate before adding, “Just call me (First Name).”
“A-Ah, okay. Call me Kenma, then.”
You nod then speak up, getting straight to the point, “What do you need?”
You see him flinch slightly and you tilt your head curiously at the rather strange reaction. You were sure that you hadn’t said anything offensive—or maybe did you? You replayed the previous scenario inside your head before coming up with none that might’ve caused him to react this way. So, you waited. You watched as he turned his gaze away for a second before looking back at you once again, piercing light honey irises staring into yours.
He purses his lips then quietly asks, “Can… Can we be friends?”
You might’ve missed his words due to how silent it is, but the proximity helped you in hearing him. You concluded; he was quite shy.
You frowned and he immediately bit his lip awkwardly, turning to face the board once again. You catch the way the tips of his ears had begun to turn red.
“Sorry, d-don’t mind what I just—”
You cut him off, “I thought we were already friends. Or maybe I was just getting ahead of myself?”
His head turned to look at you rapidly with his eyes wide. He waved his hands a little frantically right in front of him with furrowed brows representing his worry.
“No. No you weren’t. I just…” He paused unsurely, “I just didn’t want to be rude if I declared us to be friends all of a sudden. I was considering— maybe you didn’t want to, s-so I asked.”
He waited.
A second later, he heard a silent “pfft” and eventually it had grown to a fit of quiet chuckles.
“Am I really that scary?” You asked, your laughter dying down as your eyes turned serious. Your curiosity and perhaps a little bit of anticipation for his answer were flooding your mind at the moment.
He didn’t like it. He didn’t like how you looked at him at the moment. It was the same expression you had when there were times that other people from class didn’t necessarily try to include you, even if they knew that you were trying hard to fit in. Your lips were twitched to the smallest of frowns and your eyes had grown dull.
“No, you’re not.” He shook his head, “You’re easy to talk to. Besides… I’m surrounded by hyperactive volley-crazed giants during matches. Now, they’re scary.”
He sees your lips curl up to a smile and he took this opportunity to ask once more.
“So. Friends?”
“Thanks, Kenma. And yes, I’d like that.”
© flowerstardrops — do not commit any acts of plagiarism. i do not condone anyone stealing or copying my works, and especially posting these on another platform.
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 2 years
Summer of Nostalgia
Miya Atsumu x Reader (2.9k wc)
Inspired by: A Moment Apart by Matrx
Genre: Fluff, Romance
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Meet me here, on the first day of summer, and we’ll watch the sunset together.
You remember your promise that you’d come back and be reunited with your summer fling. I’ll come back, you had cried, hugging the boy who had changed your life over the course of one season. I promise.
You cringe at the memory. No matter how serious you were with your over-dramatic declaration, it was still embarrassing. And your behavior following - the pathetic crying as the family van brought your summer vacation to a dismal end and the holing up in your room, vowing never to come out, declaring your life was over, and you would never see him again - was even more so.
But you decide to cut yourself some slack. On your summer vacation, you met a boy. You assumed that he’d be the summer fling you read about in romance stories or saw on social media (totally fabricated.) You’d take picturesque photos together, save a seashell that they collected for you, brag about to your friends. Your summer fling is someone you could be your true self, knowing that if they didn’t like you for it, you could turn away and never see them again.
Although that part didn’t really go to plan, because your summer fling had not only embraced who you truly were, but he seemed to cherish that. And in turn, you found yourself falling for him after every sunset you watched together.
It was not what you had expected. Falling in love was never mentioned in any of the blogs you found online, it wasn’t anything your friends had gushed about when they shared their stories of summer love. (More like lust, you had thought.)
But when it came to Miya Atsumu, with hair as golden as the summer sun, and a heart as deep as the ocean, you didn’t care that your summer fling didn’t live up to expectations. Because he had smashed them instead.
It had started with a simple game of beach volleyball. You played volleyball for school, so you were drawn to the boys playing on the lone sand court. You had been captivated, in particular by one of the players who had a killer serve and dropped setter dumps like it was no big deal. But of course every time he had he wasted no time shoving it in the other players’ faces. 
Your presence didn’t go unnoticed by them, and eventually you were cajoled into joining the pick up volleyball game they organized. And it was then you had learned his name.
Miya Atsumu, he said with a dazzling smile. I’ll be sure to go easy on ya. 
I’ll do the same, you replied with an equally saccharine smile. His eyes had flashed, and you felt the familiar competitive fire light within.
Competitive to a fault, your friends had told you in the past. And you had reaped the “reward” of your cocky attitude, as Miya Atsumu sent every serve your way and wasted no time in sending a setter dump just in front on you on the sand.
Good game! I’d be more than happy to give you some pointers so you would’ve suck next time, yeah?
Irritation burned on your skin, more than the sunburn agitated by the sand chafing on your sensitive skin, and even more than the sting of defeat. His twin brother immediately swooped over and apologized for him. But you gave Atsumu the sweetest smile and said you’d be back tomorrow. You had to show him up, even if it meant scooping more sand than digs and almost rolling your ankle again and again.
And you did show up, beating him a few times and letting him win other games. But the absolute best games were the ones when you both got to be on the same team. Once Atsumu found out you were a volleyball player he sent his best sets to you, pushing you to jump higher and hit harder. It was intoxicating playing with him, and despite the handicap you had from playing in the sand, you felt you had never played better.
But despite his competitive spirit, Atsumu also held a caring side. One time you actually hurt yourself, almost a week after you joined the casual yet structured games. Atsumu carried you off the sand and onto a bench, gentle in his actions. He worked with you through stretches and holding your ankle so gently, making sure you were okay. And he was adamant on walking you back to the summer home your family was staying in.
(You sap! You remember his brother Osamu calling after you both. Zip yer lid! ‘M always this nice! Atsumu bellowed back. You tried not to let a blush take over your face, but by the sly smile Suna sent your way you figured you weren’t doing very well with that.)
If playing with Atsumu was the hot, fast, energy of the sun, spending time with him off the court was the soothing blue waters of the ocean. It was no less intoxicating, but the slow walks on the beach, sharing an ice cream cone, or playing in the water exposed you to a side of Atsumu you never would have guessed possible. 
Laying on the warm sand at night, staring up at the crystal clear skies together. The stars twinkling down at you both, you both let free any remaining inhibitions and delved in your deepest secrets.
How Atsumu would do whatever it took to play professional volleyball. How inadequate you felt coming upon the conclusion of your high school career with the expectation of going out into the world and becoming something worthwhile. 
(At that confession, Atsumu rolled over so he hovered over you. Sand stuck to the underside of his arms rained down on you, but you were distracted by the look in his eyes, intense even in the low light.
You are incredible. Your existence is the most valuable and worthwhile thing you can do. The only thing that would make it better is you doing something that would make you happy.
The conviction in his words, from a boy you only knew for a summer, gave you the strength to pull him close and show how thankful you were for his belief in you.)
You spent hours with Miya Atsumu, and while your days together were numbered you never thought of how unfortunate that was. You were only thankful that you were allowed to bask in the presence of his greatness, to brush shoulders with someone as fiery as a shooting star, racing across the sky to what would surely be his next grand adventure. You were grateful to have held the attention of someone who is meant for greater things.
Of course you exchanged numbers and socials and became friends on any available platform. But after your tearful goodbye, and the summer nostalgia faded away, apprehension overtook you. Could you reach out to Atsumu? He never reached out to you. He performed the obligatory “likes” on any photos or posts you made, but that was it.
As autumn came and the school year had started, you slowly emerged from your slump of lost love and you were able to get back into the swing of things. Classes were harder, club volleyball was much more serious, and future decisions lied on the horizon. Any lingering, nostalgic feelings for Atsumu withered like the dead leaves on the trees. You couldn’t spend time daydreaming about Atsumu. He was a summer fling for god’s sake. 
Summer flings aren’t meant to last long, that’s the whole point of them. They’re meant for fooling around, trying things you wouldn’t dare try back home. Having your first kiss at a bonfire on the beach, or holding hands as the ocean waves crashed over you.
Laughing more than you ever thought possible. Feeing more at peace than you ever had before.
Those cherished memories were the ones that kept you warm in the coldest of winter nights. When your brain would admonish you for foolishly holding Atsumu to such high standards, while your heart wanted nothing more than to be with him.
But when spring arrived, hope blossomed.
A family vacation was booked. You were going back to that same beach with your family. You would be there for the first sunset of summer. You could see Atsumu again.
That hope bloomed into a fixation, borderline obsession, as the school year came to a close and the family roadtrip to the beach grew nearer. The promise you made to Atsumu, to meet him on the beach to watch the first sunset of the summer with him, was your nightly mantra - the last thought you had before drifting to sleep.
Was it crazy? To hope that something as silly as summer romance could transcend into something not bound by the simple changing of seasons?
And now, as the van pulls into the same beach house your parents rent every year, you carry a wary sense of anticipation.
“We’re here!” Your dad shouts from the front of the car. The car occupants exit, stumbling around to stretch cramped limbs and shake out any pinpricks from sitting for so long. You take in the house, and it’s weathered shutters, the cheerful beds of flowers swaying in the breeze, a large willow tree just waiting for you to run your fingers through its branches.
(You remember a late night of Atsumu gently pushing you against the tree, kissing your deeply as the leaves kept you hidden from any passerby's. It was terrifying and thrilling and you for sure thought this was what summer flings were.)
The next hour is a chaotic mess of moving bags and totes into the house, assigning bedrooms and packing away supplies. Your mom was adamant on unpacking everything properly before heading to the beach, while your father was rushing around with your younger brother to put away everything quick quick so we could run down to the ocean. You were on their side, although you did what you could to help your mom out. 
Sunset was fast approaching, and you had someone to meet. 
Finally, finally, the last bag is unpacked, the final pair of shoes finding their proper place by the door, and your mom is content with the way things are. You barrel out the back door and spill directly onto the beach. The setting sun reflects off the shimmering water, basking the beachside golden. Other families and couples walk along the shoreline, laughing and talking and enjoying the last rays of the official first summer sun.
You take it all in for a second before you’re running to the sand courts. It’s a ways down, and you find yourself sprinting against time. You’re doing everything that you can to meet Atsumu before it’s too late.
Meet me here, on the first day of summer, and we’ll watch the sunset together.
The sand is uneven and not ideal for running, but you don’t care. You refuse to break this promise. How could you - it was the easiest of asks, one that if broken could cause unparalleled damage to the person who you would never want to hurt. You will not hurt Miya Atsumu, you will not break this promise.
You can’t even consider the idea that he wouldn’t meet you there. From every moment you spent with him last summer he was nothing but reliable. In how he treated his friends and brother (poorly to an outsider, but the teasing is rooted in years of friendship), the strangers who joined their games (overconfident and maybe rude, but always quick to shake their hands in good sportsmanship and provide tips to younger players), even your own parents and younger brother (polite and courteous, not hesitating to bump the volleyball with your dad and brother.)
How he treated you, as if you were a marvel on your own. Like you were as important as the moon is to the ocean’s tide, as bright as the summer sun, as sweet as a shared ice cream cone. Atsumu treated you as if you, the real you, was the most valuable thing in the world.
The golden sunset hour is beginning to fade, as you finally make it to the sand volleyball courts. They’re deserted, which isn’t that surprising, as games rarely went on past sunset. A few people are lingering, some walking away with arms and legs covered in sand. Your attention isn’t on any of them - it’s on the boy sitting in the sand by the water.
Your breath catches in your throat at the sight. It’s him, it’s Atsumu. You would recognize him anywhere - from his broad back and strong shoulders, to the golden hair shinning in the light. He kept his promise, as he sits facing the ocean and watching the sunset. And now it’s your turn.
Your heart is thumping in your chest as you approach, brain running wildly in your head. What do you say? How do you say it? Is Atsumu even here for you? Does he remember you? Does he want anything to do with you?
You’re close enough now that you can call out to him, and there are two scenarios that play out in your mind. One, is that he turns and gives you a weird look, unable to remember this weirdo who knows his name. (Um, do I know ya? Can I help ya? Jeez, these tourists.) Or two, he’ll turn to greet you with a smile and a friendly wave. (Hey, long time no see! I’m surprised to see ya, how have you been?) Obviously option two is better than option one, and while your heart may yearn for something more grand, you would be happy to settle with fond remembrance and a handshake. 
Before you can say anything, Atsumu turns and looks behind him. He’s quick to meet your gaze and you watch as his eyes widen to saucers and he quickly scrambles to his feet.
“Y/N?” He says. The cautious optimism you hear in his voice fills you with cautious optimism, pumped through your veins as your heart beats faster.
“Hi Atsumu.” 
The greeting is all the signal Atsumu needs before he bounds forward and wraps you in his arms. You feel your feet leave the ground as Atsumu lifts you up and swings you in a circle. You’re helpless to do anything but grab onto his shoulders, a startled laugh escaping past your lips.
But it’s minuscule compared to the joyous laughter that Atsumu lets out. He laughs and swings you around and holds you tight in his arms. Soon after he sets you back in the sand, but he refuses to let you go, instead bringing you close to his chest and leaning his head against yours. From your place you can feel his heart hammering in his chest, and his laughter is still mingled with his breathing.
Huh, he must have missed me too.
“I can’t believe yer here!” Atsumu slightly pulls away, only enough so he can cup your face in his hands and stare at you. You see wonder and awe and something more in his bright eyes. You’re certain that the same look is reflected in yours.
“I could say the same,” you tell him. You bring a hand up to hold his that still cradle your face. “I really really hoped you would be here, but I wasn’t sure.”
“Same! This was the longest year of my life, and I was so scared ya wouldn’t show.” Some of the light in Atsumu’s eyes is dimmed as his smile ebbs away. “Honestly, I was certain ya would hate me since I never texted ya or anythin’. But my idiotic brother smashed my phone not even a day after ya left and I had to get a new number and I lost yers and I was honestly tempted to strangle my brother but then my ma said I couldn’t and-”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright.” You interrupt his rambling and bring a hand up to soothe Atsumu. His face is warm from the summer sun, the tanned skin smooth under your touch. “It’s fine, I’m not upset with you or anything.”
Atsumu sighs, in relief or dejection you’re not quite sure. “I know, but I coulda messaged ya on social or somethin’ but by the time I got my new phone it was already a week since ya left and I thought ya woulda forgotten me.” 
That thought makes you pause and you don’t hesitate to hold Atsumu’s face in your own hands. “I don’t think I could ever forget you Atsumu. I thought you wouldn’t want anything to do with someone like me.” You can see Atsumu open his mouth to argue but you cut him off with a quick kiss. You can feel him smile into it before reciprocating. His arms wrap around you and bring you close.
The summer love you felt last year returns full force, massive in it’s impact as it crashes into you. You were silly to think that a love as large as the ocean would wash away. It’s continuous in it’s give and take, crashing into you like the blue waves cascading along the shoreline, reaffirming its presence with every smile Atsumu gives you.
After you break apart, you smile up at Atsumu and meet his gentle eyes. You’re close enough that you can see the freckles dusting his cheeks and nose. “I am really glad to see you.”
He smiles wider, brushing his nose against yours and quietly replies. “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”
Together you turn back towards the ocean, quiet as the summer sun sets over the horizon. It’s the end of the first day of summer, but it’s the beginning of a love that will span countless of sunsets.
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Taglist: @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @eunoji @savantsoulfinder @iamapotat @myasaaaam @jellien @rntrsuna @fantasycantasy
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sukirichi · 2 days
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𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 | 𝐒. 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮
— in which you and your fuck buddy pretend to date, which totally won’t lead to feelings at all, right?
content / warnings. toxic college settings. explicit smut. MINORS DNI. choking. exhibitionism. fingering. making out. masturbation. voyeurism. toxic characters. reverse cowgirl riding. implied dub-con. friends with benefits. fake dating. unedited.
dedicated to @kyriaan
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The sixth beep of your phone that cursed morning had you shuffling around your bag for the device, fishing it out and muting it with exasperation. To no one’s surprise, he was the sole topic again. Oikawa this and Oikawa that — how he’d be such a great boyfriend to you and your friends could also go on dates with his equally charismatic friends; you were tired of hearing the same thing over and over again.
“Funny seeing you here,” a bored voice drawled out, the scraping of a chair against the floor snapping you to your senses. “Never in my whole life did I imagine I’d find you hiding in a library of all places — are you reading Freud? His theories are shit. They’re not even scientifically proven.”
You raised a brow at Suna Rintaro, your not-so friend friend.
You and Rintaro had a strict friends with benefits relationship.
It started with meeting at a party once when you needed a release from the stress of finals, you made out on the crowded dance floor and found yourselves tangled in the sheets with barely any memory of the night before. The rest was history. Soon, you ran into him more often than you’d expected, and it wasn’t long before you added his name into speed dial.
Funnily enough, you weren’t that close to him.
You either knew everything about him or knew little to nothing. Most of the time you spent with Rintaro would be when you two were drunk out of your minds, bodies too occupied with moving against one another that ‘getting to know each other’ had never been a thing.
For some reason, however, Rintaro was someone you could trust with your whole heart. You just wouldn’t date him because you weren’t looking for a relationship, and neither was he.
Both of you loved the arrangement you had now.
“Why do you know so much about Freud? I just randomly picked up this book.”
Rintaro shrugged, “‘Hooked up with a girl in Psychology once; she was pretty hot, but you’re still my favourite,” winking, he chewed on his gum before snatching the book away from you.
A protest nearly fell from your mouth when a mop of wavy, dark hair sauntered inside the library, taking long, confident strides as he chatted with Iwaizumi. Eyes widening, you ducked your head behind Suna, desperately clutching the hoodie clad on his stiff back.
Rintaro glanced downwards at you, “You’re hiding like you murdered somebody’s pet. Should I be worried or should I help you in hiding someone’s body?”
“Literally shut up. Oikawa is right there.”
“Oikawa... Tooru?” following your line of sight, Rintaro’s back slouched at the same time his lips curled into a mischievous smile. You could tell he was stifling his laughter; the vibrations of his back spoke enough of his urge to betray you. “Oh, he’s looking here. At you, I might say — care to explain?”
“I have nothing to explain to you. We’re not even friends.”
“Ouch,” Rintaro clutched at his chest, “That hurt. Weren’t you at my dorm like five nights in a row last week? You didn’t want me to leave the bed either. I thought we had something special!”
“Suna Rintaro, I am not fucking around with you. Shut up. I swear if Oikawa walks here, I’m never talking to you again.”
As if to prove a point, you plopped until your upper body squished against his back and the chair, cheeks puffing out in frustration as Rintaro sighed. “Okay, you don’t have to explain anything to me, but come on. You’re using me as a human shield and I have zero context on what’s going on,” he tapped your thigh, head slightly tilted to the side with a wary eye out for Oikawa. “Listen, if he’s bothering you, I could deal with it. He looks like the type of guy who doesn’t know what ‘no’ means so if that’s the case, stop hiding. I can help you with it. Just tell me what’s wrong.”
Your grip on his hoodie listened. Peering up from the bottom of your lashes, you nervously licked your lips. “Wait... you mean that? You’ll really help me?”
“Yeah! You send me nudes that motivate me to ace my exams so this is the least I could do.”
“You just have to make everything sexual, don’t you?” you rolled your eyes and ignored Rintaro’s shameless smile. Scanning the room, you glared at Oikawa’s direction before sitting up and gluing yourself to Rintaro’s hip, whose brow raised but said nothing otherwise. “Okay, so the thing is... my friends may or may not have set me up with Oikawa. They kind of gave him false hope I’m really into him — which I never will be because he has a shitty personality — but he’s not having any of it. He insisted I should go with him on just one date, and if I still don’t change my mind about him, then he won’t push further. Otherwise, he really doesn’t take no for an answer. He’s everywhere that I ended up blurting out I was already dating someone.”
Rintaro rested his chin on his palm. “That’s a lot of information to take in,” he mused, “So... you need help in finding a fake boyfriend, is that it?”
“About that,” with guilt written all over your face, you scratched the back of your neck and chuckled, making sure to avoid eye contact the entire time. “You were the first one to come to mind so I told him I was dating the middle blocker from his team. The uhm, guy who stays up until three am fighting in Twitter threads.”
Rintaro’s jaw dropped. “No way,” he clicked his tongue, hands coming up to ball beside your cheeks as he fought the desire to squeeze your cheeks. Meanwhile, you blinked at him innocently, lower lip jutted out in hopes you’d appease him — which more or less worked as he slumped in his seat. “I can’t believe you dragged me into this.”
“I didn’t have a choice!”
“You did and you chose to date me!” Rintaro hissed under his breath, “Jeez, if you wanted us to be official, you could’ve said so. I would’ve thought about it,” exhaling through his nose, Rintaro pushed his hair back, his head too much of a mess to notice you getting flustered. “Fine. I’ll be your fake boyfriend, but don’t you dare fall in love with me. Our condition when we started sleeping together was that we’re limited to casual relationships only. I like our arrangement already, and you mean a lot to me as a friend so I don’t want to lose you, alright? Whatever we’re doing, it’s all going to be an act.”
“Deal,” you shook his hand, face lighting up at how it didn’t take much to convince him. “Now go to the party with me tonight. We’ll show Oikawa why he can’t have me.”
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The sight of bodies grinding onto another and music blaring through the speakers weren’t new to you and Rintaro. You’d both seen the same scene a thousand times before, having been part of that crowd at one point. Yet, tonight felt different from rest. The music felt muted as you walked through the door with Rintaro’s hand down on your waist, the stench of alcohol and sex overpowered by the musky perfume your fake boyfriend wore.
You couldn’t think clear around him.
You tried to blame it on the jitters that set your nerves on fire, anxiety pooling in your stomach at the thought Oikawa made it clear he wanted to see you tonight.
Of course, you weren’t stupid. Knowing the guy infamous for his reputation for sleeping around and changing partners like they were his clothes, he wouldn’t give up once he had his eyes set on someone. It just so happened that unfortunate person had to be you.
“Relax,” Rintaro breathed into your ear, pulling you closer by the hip when you weaved through the people nearly fucking on the floor. The sudden gesture had you jolting for a split second. Blinking, Rintaro’s reassuring smile greeted you with a tinge of amusement, his gaze tracing down your nails forming crescent moons on his arm. “Do you really have to cling to me all night?”
“We’re supposed to be a couple madly in love, remember?” you reminded with a bounce of your heel, surveying the throng of people milling in and out of the frat house in search of Oikawa.  “You should kiss me too as soon as we see him. Then he’ll stop bothering me and we can be over with this fiasco.”
“Asking just in case, but how should I kiss you? Like a peck?”
“Kiss me like you want the whole world to know I’m yours,” you said nonchalantly, not thinking too much of it since this was supposed to be an act. Until a horde of loud males started cheering as soon as they entered the room, the crowd welcoming Oikawa and his friends warmly when Rintaro suddenly grabbed you by the wrist, twisting you to face him. The last thing you saw before Rintaro tilted his head to the side to press his lips to yours was the look of utter horror on Oikawa’s face.
Although, honestly, who cared? Rintaro tasted like beer and strawberries, his musky scent clouding your senses that your eyes closed in response.
Knees weakening, you grabbed onto Rintaro’s shoulders to steady yourself, gasping into his greedy lips when you felt him squeeze your hip possessively. You groaned into the kiss, your hands running up to play with the ends of his hair as Rintaro’s back hit the wall, his bent leg trapped between your thighs. He quickly took the chance and nudged his knee on your clothed pussy. Your skirt grazed against your sensitive core that you attempted to pull away to breathe, but Rintaro wasn’t having any of it.
Smirking beneath you, Rintaro hooked a finger into the chains dangling from your skirt and pulled you flush against him. You had no time to react before he was pushing a tongue past your lips. Warm, wet muscles danced against each other as Rintaro memorized the taste of you the same way you did for him — not a single care about air anymore when he made those low, deep whimpers setting fire to your loins.
But just as soon as you leaned in for more, his hair tugged backward to deepen the kiss, Rintaro pulled away. “That’s how I’d kiss you if I were your boyfriend,” he declared, pads of his thumb swiping against his moist lip swollen from the little nips you gave him — the look of pleasure and satisfaction displayed all over his handsome face that told you how much he enjoyed your needy whines.
You gaped at him, your skin burning from being edged.
Rintaro flicked you on the forehead. “Don’t look at me like that. You asked me to kiss like I wanted to let the world know your mine, and he was looking. Besides, we need to show someone who you belong to, right?” pushing his weight off the wall, Rintaro lightly bit your earlobe as you breathed hard, his sharp, cold gaze focused on a flushed red Oikawa standing across the room. “I have a better idea if you’re up for it.”
Arms crossed against your chest, you wrapped your arms around his waist in faux affection, when in reality you only needed to hear what he said through the loud music. “What do you have in mind?” The smirk on Rintaro’s face was as loud as a warning siren.
“Turn around.”
Even if you didn’t want to, Rintaro wasn’t asking. He spun you around by the shoulders, your back flushed against his chest when you felt his knee nudge between your legs once more. His fingers calloused from playing volleyball snaked past your thigh and dangerously close to your heated pussy. “This is what I had in mind,” he whispered, his voice sending tingles straight down your spine. “Let’s burn that pretty face of yours into his head. Show him what he can’t have.”
Your dignity told you to say no. To be fingered in public like this was less than ideal, even more so when your lace panties dangerously flashed into view. Yet, you found yourself arching your back to retaliate.
Ass nudging against Rintaro’s hardening cock, you smirked upon hearing his low groans. One palm cupped your ass as a warning before he playfully snapped your underwear against your thigh, a wince painting your half fucked out features from the sting. Glancing at him from the side, you sneered, about to protest when he wiggled his free hand and cupped your pussy.
Your mouth hung open.
Oikawa’s drink fell from his hands. No longer was he paying any attention to his friends, rather on the way you keened and your tongue threatening to loll out your lips the moment Rintaro’s thumb flicked your clit.
“You’re such a naughty slut. Who knew you were into this?”
“He’s watching, Rintaro,” you whimpered, gripping at his wrist like he wasn’t knuckle deep in your pants already. “Someone could see and think we’re—”
“That’s the point,” lowering his mouth onto your neck, you gasped at his teeth sinking down on the skin. Behind you, you could hear the hand on your ass disappear at the sounds of a belt unbuckling, fuelling your imagination to both the best and worst scenarios. Rintaro wasn’t far behind in his surprise as were you; you never expected you’d enjoy giving someone a show either, much less cum on the spot the second Rintaro’s cock slipped inside you. “Aw, fuck, did you just come undone for me? I haven’t even done anything yet.”
You shook your head, palms slippery with sweat as you held onto his slick hands squeezing your waist. The music was no longer audible from the pounding of your heart. Hell, you could barely feel your legs when Rintaro mumbled something incoherent around you before he guided your connected bodies onto a nearby couch.
Plopping down with your weight on top of him, you held onto his knees for dear life. Rintaro settled on the leather couch occupied by a stoned student laughing by himself, the latter’s chuckles halting when he was greeted by the sight of your hazy eyes and pants falling from your mouth. Meanwhile, Rintaro rested his arms on the back of his head. He didn’t have to lift a finger, much less give a command for you to know he wanted you to ride him right here — if you looked straight across, Oikawa would be right before you a few feet away, his frown deeply engraved into his face.
“Rin, I...”
He sat up in a flash at the hesitance in your voice, warm hands wrapping around your waist protectively. It took you a second to realize he hid his nestled cock from everyone’s prying eyes in case you weren’t comfortable, but the gesture did nothing but make you clench around him harder — both from the anxiety and anticipation.
You’d never admit it out loud, but you wanted people to watch. You wanted him to see Rintaro had total control over your body, no matter how humiliating the situation might be.
“Do you want us to stop? Should we go somewhere else?”
You didn’t answer with words. Instead, you bent your legs to rest beside his thighs, fingers looping around the ones hooked under your breast to steady yourself before you lifted your hips, then slammed back down. Again and again, until sweat dripped from your head to your jaw, you kept eye contact with a red-faced Oikawa. All the while as you bounced on Rintaro’s dick and threw your head back, laughing with your whole chest at the lights spinning from the ceiling since it reminded you of the seventh heaven you were in.
Rintaro let you go at your own pace, his grunts and garbled utterances of your name blending with the party wilding from the background. You could feel him twitching inside of you. His cock bumped and grazed your walls until the tip kissed a particular sensitive spot that had you losing your balance for a moment, nails digging into his ripped jeans to catch your breath.
“Goddamn,” Rintaro cursed, stealing away your ability to breathe with his hand snaking into your neck. “You dirty fucking slut, getting off to acting like a whore in front of the whole campus, huh? Go on. Show them how you’re such a whore for my cock.”
You couldn’t swallow down your words.
Rintaro’s grip on your neck had you on a literal chokehold, strong enough to deprive you of air and tighten around him, but not to a point you felt lightheaded. If anything, the power he displayed only fuelled you to ride him harder. Drawing figure eights with your hip, you could feel drool smearing your lipstick as the red stains smudged against Rintaro’s palm, the sound of slick and skin slapping against skin like music to your ears.
Only Rintaro could ever make you feel this way.
From the night you’d met him, each time you fucked would be the best experience of your life. Not once had he failed in bringing you over the edge or experimenting with the most absurd positions you’d never thought of before, and now you were returning the favour.
You rode his cock like it was your last mission. ‘Death by cock’ didn’t sound like such an unfavourable thing either, not when it meant losing yourself in his thick girth spreading you wide and the lewd sight of your cum sticking to his thighs. His jeans were a mess, but Rintaro never complained. He didn’t care then, and he wouldn’t care now. Seeing you dirty his clothes, your sweat dampening his shirt and your own cum coating his cock like a rewarding trophy of what felt like the best night of his life — Rintaro didn’t give a single fuck about the mess.
“F-Fuck, Rin, I’m coming!”
Rintaro held your waist, taking over with complete control as he slammed your hips up and down his twitching cock, curses falling back and forth from his mouth. “Cum on me,” he ordered. Resting his chin on your shoulders, Rintaro’s other hand twisted your jaw in the direction of Oikawa biting his lip, his hand suspiciously following your movements from under the luminescent lights. “Look at that dirty fucker. Let’s show him what he missed out on, yeah?”
A burst of warmth exploded inside you. You were too stunned to move, thighs burning from the ache that you accepted it with delight before falling back into Rintaro’s chest. “That was the best fuck of my life,” you admitted through lidded eyes, “But we’re fucked tomorrow. The whole campus is going to talk about us.”
“Let them.”
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Post-nut clarity hit you hard like a truck.
Albeit expecting the rumours and looks you’d be getting the next day, the blatant impressed stares mixed with some envious ones never got easier by the end of classes. Everywhere you went, people would be whispering. But like Rintaro always used to say each time you cried to him, there’d be light at the end of the tunnel, because the best part of it all that made everything worth it?
Oikawa avoided you like the plague. Not because he was appalled of what he’d witnessed and what he’d done, but rather word spread out how he’d been rejected.
For the first time in his life, Oikawa Tooru felt humiliation, at the hands of his own teammate, no less — something Rintaro took pride in when you crashed by his room that night.
“You should’ve seen the look on his face. It was priceless,” he snickered while scrolling through the phone, about to comment when the door swung open, revealing a carbon copy replica of Rintaro. In female version.
Rintaro quickly shot out of bed and threw a blanket over your head, stalking to the girl standing with her mouth hanging ajar at the door. “What are you doing here? I thought you guys wouldn’t be home until the weekend. Plus, how’d the fuck you get inside the dorms? You’re not supposed to be here, Remi.”
Remi ignored him. “Are you hiding your girlfriend? Mom needs to know about this, she’d love to meet her!”
That was how you found yourself stuck to Rintaro in a cramped booth with his family not an hour later. You awkwardly picked at your food, stealing glances at an equally silent Rintaro while his younger sister, Remi, kept babbling about how her brother hid a girlfriend this whole time. His family went out of town for business for a while, but since they got home earlier, they decided to surprise Rintaro with a visit.
He sure was surprised, and so were you since they hadn’t stopped calling you ‘dear’ ever since.
His parents were nice — they warmly welcomed you and even invited you to have dinner with them sometime at their house. Mrs. Suna would whip up a meal to welcome you as part of their family, saying that you should consider it a thanks for making their son smile. Remi was the most excited out of all them. She’d been wanting an older sister for a while now, and she hadn’t stopped clinging onto your arm the whole time until her parents forcefully snatched her away when it was time go back home.
The entire walk back to the dorms felt suffocating.
None of you spoke a word, not until you arrived at your building and Rintaro shoved his hands down his pockets, swinging back and forth on his feet. “So... are you free this Friday? You should come have dinner with us.”
“You’re seriously asking me that?”
“Why not? You’re invited. Don’t be rude and not go.”
“It’s not being rude, Rintaro, you’re asking me to lie to your parents,” you snapped, halting in your tracks to stare at him in disbelief. “They adored me all because they think I’m dating you, but we’re not the least bit close to that. We just fuck and call it day, maybe hang out when we’re bored, but we don’t know each other at all. And weren’t you the one who told me that we can’t be more than just fuck buddies?”
Rintaro rolled his eyes. “You’re right, but I agreed to pretend to be your boyfriend to push Oikawa away. Now do me a favour and keep up with the fake girlfriend thing. My parents will be devastated if I tell them we’re not real.”
“I don’t want to lie to them!”
“It’s not a big deal! Why’re you making a mountain out of everything? So because the deal on my side doesn’t require fucking, you’ll back out just like that?”
Your mouth hung open in shock. “It’s because I don’t want to be your fake girlfriend, Rintaro, I want to date you for real!” you blurted out, eyes widening at the same time Rintaro’s cheeks flushed. Realizing what you just said, you inwardly regretted it with a grimace. “I’m sorry. You said we can’t be more than that and I know I just ruined our friendship, but I’m really sorry. I can’t bring myself to lie to your family like that, and I don’t want to lie about my feelings either,” hanging your head down low, you bit the insides of your cheeks. No matter what you said, you couldn’t take it back anymore.
“Rintaro, I like you. You make me happy and I want to do the same for you, but I understand if we’re done now. It was nice to have met you.”
Without waiting for his response, you ran back into the building when a hand wrapped around your wrist. You stared at the long fingers and to the arm connected to it, heart sinking into your chest when you came face to face with Rintaro’s handsome face.
“You didn’t even give me a chance to speak.”
“I’m sure you don’t want to be near me, Rintaro.”
Rintaro sniffed, averting the intensity of your gaze and shrugging his shoulders shly. “On the contrary... I’d like to spend every waking minute with you,” he mumbled so soft that you wouldn’t have heard it if you didn’t listen hard enough, but you did, and you were left gaping at him with warmth spreading through your skin. You stood there, watching as Rintaro laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head. “Sorry if I said that a little too late, but yes. I’d like to be your real boyfriend. Then I can fuck you exclusively because I don’t think I like the idea of you riding other people like that.”
You swatted his arm away with a laugh. “That’s the reason you want to date me?”
“There’s other reasons too like how I love talking to you and I want to get to know you more,” he cupped your face, grinning when his palms felt the warmth emanating from your skin. “And also, I want to do this more with you.”
Leaning down, Rintaro kissed you under the flickering lights of your hallway, the both of your lips stretching into a smile. In a way, you were thankful your friends tried setting you up with someone else, because if you’d known it would lead you to realizing your feelings for Rintaro, you would’ve asked him to date you a little earlier.
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bizkitsnuggets · 24 days
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main m.list
synopsis: in which atsumu miya is helplessly in love with yn but can't make a move until his professor partners them up for a project.
fluff, atsumu being a dummy, sort of dense yn, tiny angst, college au
status: completed (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
introduction: alpha sigma fr || foursome (what!)
a/n: hey sry if this is bad 🤕
likes and rebloggs are vv appreciated!!!
chapters —
chapters with ✎ are written parts.
01: a wreck ✎
02: oddball
03: a ride? already? ✎
04: crisis
05: nana addict
06: nana addict pt. 2
07: ppl w/ bleached hair sux ✎
08: territorial feelings
09: cuddles and nana
10: what did you do? ✎
11: stupidity at its finest
12: animals and regrets ✎
13: 4ever your passenger princess
bonus chapter
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slyvieselkie · 27 days
Your Eyes - Sakusa Kiyoomi
Check out my masterlist for more!
Warning: slightly suggestive at the end
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩͙‧͙
Sakusa is insecure about not being a good boyfriend, expressive or affectionate.
Kiyoomi Sakusa is not prince charming, one could say he was the complete opposite. He was honest and blunt about how he felt, the things he disliked. Sakusa hated germs and crowds, he avoided people as much as possible. The only he had going for him was his looks and volleyball, which didn't compensate for much.
That's why Sakusa realised he spent all of his luck on dating you. The 'everyone's friend' girl, the personification of bubbly, and cuteness all in one bundle. The world let out a gasp when you two revealed your relationship, why and how did this happen? Don't ask him, everything happened in a blink of an eye and now he has the sunshine next to him everyday.
And it's not he treats you differently. You two don't really touch, the most that happens is a hug in private. View this incident here.
Evidence #1 - At School
It's been a week since he's started dating you and Sakusa's getting tired of the stares. Yes, he understands that you two shouldn't be together-get over it!
"Ha ha, everyone's a little restless about the news eh?", Motoya laugh trying to lift the spirits up but its not working.
He lets out a sigh behind the mask, maybe he should just break up with you? It seems like a shitty thing to do, but this is getting a little ridiculous.
"Sakun~! Good morning~!", confused he turns around and sees you lunging for him.
You've clearly just woken up from the way there are strands sticking out at the back. There's also a grain of rice stuck to the corner of your mouth, like always. And the way you're running tells him that you forgot some books today, most likely History.
Instincts take over and he slides to the left, you blink in confusion as the ground suddenly zooms towards you. Motoya jaws drop as you face plant and lie flat on the ground, others also gather around and some make a side-glance at Sakusa. However, he doesn't do a single thing. You giggle and wave everyone off, turning to the boy with beam. Everyone frowns as the two of you walk off.
Verdict: should've helped you up but didn't
He doesn't really talk much, you mainly chat his ear off, and when he does its always a diss.
Evidence #2 - Shopping with your sister
On a rare day where Sakusa agrees to go out with you, the two of you follows your older sister to go shopping since she has all of the membership cards. While she's a little weirded by him, the kid is nothing like how you describe him, she's willing to give him a chance.
At first he's polite, he thanks you for buying him a cool shirt and her for the discount. After that is where everything falls apart. She and him wait outside the dressing room for you to come out in the dress she chose.
"I'm out, how do I look?"
You look cute in the sundress with daisy prints, she grins but Sakusa goes, "You look a little chubby, and you also look ten."
Her jaws drop while you laugh, "Are you serious?! No!", and run back inside to change.
Your older sister is fuming because not only did he insult you, he insulted her eye for fashion! Unforgivable!
That's why when Sakusa leaves the table at the cafe to go to the bathroom, she's letting out everything and seething.
"That bastard, who does he think he is?! Only I get to make fun of you, call you chubby, and ten! What is he?! He's been your little boyfriend for two months and now he thinks he gets that right?!"
You soothe her by feeding her pieces of cake, "Come on, Sakun wasn't that rude and he was right", "Hey, whose side are you on right now?! What's gonna happen when you bring him home to meet our parents?! Our ancestors will roll in their graves!"
"Hey hey you're thinking a little too far!", you sigh, "He's only like that in front of people, otherwise Sakun's pretty sweet", she snorts, "So he only humiliates you in public?"
Sakusa hides behind the corner for a bit longer until she's fully calmed down. He peeks out from behind the corner and watches as you play with your earlobe, tired of trying to play civil.
He also doesn't wear the shirt just yet, it's still in his closet in the shopping bag and folded neatly.
Verdict: should've just said you looked cute
You two also rarely hang outside of school, he says you see each other everyday and he has volleyball so its not possible.
Evidence #3 - training camp (made up for plot sake)
He's been at the volleyball training camp since Monday, and only today on Wednesday has Sakusa decided to contact you. You don't call him because he most likely won't pick up or will just tell you to call back at another time.
While everyone's getting ready for sleep, Sakusa sneaks away and face-times you.
"Sakun!", you pick up after one ring and he stares down at your giddy smile, "...Hey."
You're belly-down on the bed and the mirror on the side shows your legs kicking back and forth. The volleyball player notices your hair is a little damp and small droplets drips down onto the fluffy robe you're wearing. He doesn't get to say much after that, its predominantly you telling him about what happened at school. It becomes white noise and he only tunes back in when you've trailed off.
The boy lets out a sigh, "What's wrong with you", he can see your legs have stopped as you pout and murmur, "Well, I just miss you a lot."
The ridiculousness makes him snort, "Idiot, its been two days", your whining zooming closer on the screen, ""That's sooo long though, don't you miss me~?"
Nothing is aggravating him but he shoots back, "Not at all, you're annoying as hell", you gasp and wail from the other side, "Sakun, you're so mean~!"
Sakusa entertains you for a little longer before he's hanging up.
After a tired sigh, he turns around and scowls because literally the whole camp is there watching him like a soap opera, "You fu-", "Wow you're a complete jerk", Washio shuts him down.
Everyone claps in agreement and he clicks his tongue, "Mind your own business", then Oikawa grins like the Cheshire cat, "My my, I wonder if you'll be saying that when she has a new guy~", his partner elbows him, "Shut up Shittykawa, no need to state the obvious."
He's getting pissed off now.
Then the blonde twin from Inarizaki doubles down, "I have to say, she sounds adorable and I'm sure she's pretty as well. Why don't you share her number so one of us can actually take care of her~!", the two idiots from Karasuno join in, "Here here, that's no way to treat any girl you bastard!", "Well said Nishinoya, gimme her contacts bastard!"
He rolls his eyes before focusing on that creepy captain from Nekoma smiling at him, "Captain, I have his phone!", the lankly Russian shouts running away from him.
Sakusa growls as marches over while they find your contact photo, the bikini pic you sent to him ages ago. He snatches it back while they go wild, these motherfuckers are gonna turn him into a killer.
"Damn buddy, why are you being like this?!", Sakusa hears all sorts of complaints behind him as he returns to his room.
Verdict: should've said he missed you too
No one really likes you dating him, they think he's a toxic person. And maybe he is, there's always someone calling him 'rude' or a 'jerk'. Sometimes, Sakusa wonders why you two are dating at all. What was it that you saw in him that random day you asked him out? It's completely taken over his mind, he can't focus on volleyball or school.
His frustration grows and grows as no solution appears, what the hell do people want him to do? What the hell do you want from him? What the hell does he want to do?
Making your way down to the front seats of the stadium, you suddenly hear your name being called. Curious you turn back and see a friend from primary school. Excitedly, the two of you run to each other and have an emotional hug comparable to the ones in the movie.
"Yeah! I'm here to support Inarizaki! You're here for Itachiyama!", you giggle and point to Sakusa, "Yeah, that's my man right there~"
She gasps excitedly at the boy's looks, "Oh my gosh, girl you caught a huge fish!", the two of you go wild and everyone else glances over uncomfortably.
As the game starts, the two of you are drawn into the intensity. Sakusa is sweating profusely as he battles against Inarizaki, eyes completely focused on the ball like a hawk. And you're sitting there silently amazed...and getting slightly hot because he's so fucking hot. He was cute and handsome before, but holy shit you caught the biggest fish there was.
Finally the game ends with Itachiyama winning and you cackling making fun of your friend, "How's it feel loser?!", "Ugh this shame! You watch next time, your boytoy is going down!", "Hey leave him out of this!"
You gasp and look down at the court to see Sakusa staring at you, immediately you were jumping up and down waving wildly, "Sakun!"
He blinks for a moment before walking off with his team, "Uhhh what was that all about?", your friend asks confused but you're too busy giggling, "He's so cute!"
As the two of you make your way out of the stadium, your friend brings it up again and you tense up feeling it start again. If it was anything else, you would've just given up at that point. But! It was your Sakun so you will defend him forever.
Finally free from the locker room talk, Sakusa tries to find you. He spots you quite quickly, you're facing a row of plants with a girl from Inarizaki. As the boy approaches, he can see your body shift uncomfortably and frown.
"I said we're perfectly fine", "Come on, what kind of boyfriend does that? I know you're letting him get away with being mean and rude because he's your first, but you can do so much better!"
The volleyball player froze. He watches as she suggests a few of her friends, pulling her phone to show pictures of friendly and charming guys that would suit you so much better. And nothing hurts more than the way you scan them silently, as if you're actually considering it.
Before he knows it, Sakusa is calling out to you. As the friend panics and runs away, you beam and bounce towards him like nothing happened. He stares at the distance you keep, how your hands to reach out half way but pull back after. Even as you two walk home and your talking like usual, he sees the other couples holding hands and linking arms. It makes Sakusa uncomfortable and a tight feeling grows inside him. Even now he doesn't want to hold your hand, doesn't want to scoot closer to you.
"Sakun?", oh somehow he's already at your house.
The right thing to do would be to say his farewells and go home, but he can't. You stand at the entrance and smile softly with a strange look in your eyes. His heart isn't working anymore, it knows you want to break up with him. And for the first time in your relationship, Sakusa feels horror and dread.
The boy also realises what everyone and he wants from himself, for Kiyoomi Sakusa to be normal. Why couldn't he have learnt from his verdicts, why can't he just be like everybody else? You must want the same and now that he couldn't accomplish that, you've given up.
"Sakusa", you've even stopped using the nickname, "Come here."
You pull him inside the house by his bag straps, there's no strength but he follows to get the last bits of affection he can get from you. In the living room, the two of you sit with a little distance in between. This must be your last test, his last chance. He just has to do something, hug you, kiss you, something like that? His eyes stare down at the emptiness as if it'll close up if he does.
"Sakusa", his eyes trail up to your soft smile, "I love you, and I know you love me too."
There's a lump in his throat, how do you know? No one else does, not even Sakusa himself knows.
"Can I touch you?", it takes him a few seconds to stutter a nod.
With a whisper you reach out, "Your eyes", he instinctively closes them and allows you to graze his eyelids, "They're the windows to your soul", feel his eyelashes, "And they're always following me", the skin below his eyes, "Staring at me like I'm the most precious thing."
It comes as a revelation to Sakusa, you were completely right. Even before you approached him with your confession, his eyes has always been following you from afar. Staring at the back of your head in class, trailing your flowing hair in the hallway, observing the way you spoke, smile, laughed. And then meeting your sparkling eyes on that 'random day' when everything started.
You're in his lap now, cupping his cheeks and pressing your lips against his eyes, "I hate that they've made you forget the way you look at me. Your gaze is so different from all of them. I don't have to make you laugh, have to comfort you, help you in anyway, and yet you still look I'm the prize you don't deserve."
His mask finally comes off and you coo at his deep flush, "Oh Sakun, you're the prettiest boy with the prettiest eyes and the prettiest heart", kissing his jawline.
The change in the atmosphere makes him hide away against your neck, but you still imagine to fluster him by playing with his rosy ears.
You murmur against his hair, "Never feel pressured to step out of your boundaries. It's you and I in relationship. As long as we're happy, you don't need to worry about them."
He looks up at you again like you've descended from the skies and you coo against his lips, "Just keep looking at me, don't let those eyes stray anywhere else."
Sakusa should feel embarrassed at the way he whines for you, but your kisses makes his mind go blank. And he wonders if everyone else gets as hot and dazed he's getting now. Your prettiest boy allows your voice to fill every crevice in his ears and your hands to explore him like no other. All the while meeting your hungry eyes.
You'll never forgive the people that made Sakusa forget he wears his heart on his sleeve. Because his love travels from his eyes to his action.
From sneaking the History book you 'forgot' in your bag, to the first pair of earrings he gifted you that looked way better, to the daily photos from that training camp he started sending after that phone call. Sakusa has always shown you that he loved you, so what if the normal people couldn't understand?
But you do have to thank them, because it was this progression that allowed you to become the centre of Sakusa's everything. His eyes, his heart, his thoughts. You smile feeling the boy dig his face into your chest, your fingers fall to his back where you trace every ripple and ridge that slightly twitch with your movements.
"H-Hey, that tickles", he stutters and you giggle hugging him tightly, "Sorry pretty boy~"
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Hi Lovelies, I hoped you carnivores enjoyed pretty boy Sakusa!
One of my favourite troupes is 'scary misunderstood' guy that turns into 'shy cuddly bear' after meeting the perfect partner! *chef's kiss*
See ya (˶ > ₃ < ˶)♡
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schelamski · 4 months
Sakusa Kiyomi in "On and about with the hq-boys"🛫
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-a series of airport drabbles.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Lets go home. You´re freezing and I don’t want you catching a cold.”
You have been waiting for the msby team to arrive at the airport. For several hours you had to wait for your boyfriend Sakusa, who was a player in said volleyball team. It wasn’t even that cold in this part of the airport but you were running cold whenever you got sleepy. About to drift away in a weird sitting position you suddenly heard a lot of mumbling voices. Like the many other times you took it on yourself to pick up your boyfriend from the airport when he had away-games, you fell asleep for some good ten minutes before waking up again to go through this whole procedure another time. Today wasn’t any different and you had been napping for a few minutes when you finally heard voices. Snapping your eyes open the msby team was arriving. Infront of the others you could see your distressed boyfriend, he really hated planes. Being stuck with that many people on limited space, he wanted to be one of the first people to exit. Also, Sakusa really wanted to have you beside him again. When your eyes met you were already on your way to him, but you tried to not throw yourself at him, guessing closure wasn’t what he needed right now. However, you were surprised when he slumped himself on you, suddenly having his body wrapped around you.
“Was it that bad, huh?”
“At least you’re back again, I missed you. I even vacuumed a bit earlier because I haven’t heard the sound in so long.”
“Don´t tell me that’s what you’re missing when I’m not there. I guess I´ll have to be back on track tomorrow. But first, lets go home. You´re freezing and I don’t want you catching a cold.”
Kiyomi couldn’t help but think of how he felt at home as soon as he had you in his arms, but you weren’t exactly running hot right now, so there was no other option than get you in your warm bed for some undisrupted sleep.
It takes everything in you to mask your surprise when he takes your hand in his while walking out to get his luggage.
“And I missed you too.”
Now you cant hide your smile.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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yenonnoff · 11 months
atsumu miya x fem!reader
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⌒☆ synopsis : when y/n l/n, a rising actress, decides to star in a romance film that could make or break her career, she’s unable to showcase her skills, revealing her inexperience within the romance department instead. worst of all, atsumu miya, her co-star and the main lead’s love interest, seems to hate her guts! with absolutely, unbearably zero chemistry between the two, an idea was proposed: spend time with one another in the upcoming weeks. will y/n be able to ignore her professionalism and listen to her heart? and will she, a clueless romantic, be able to pick up on the signs her co-star is sending her?
⌒☆ content: actors/celebrity au, social media au, modern au, enemies (got off on the wrong foot) to friends to lovers, slow burn (sorry 😞), mild angst, fluff, crack/humor
⌒☆ warnings: she/her pronouns used, contains swearing, mentions alcohol/alcohol consumption
⌒☆ status: on-going (07/18/23)
🎬 chapter names may change as the story progresses + unless stated differently, ignore all timestamps
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🎬🎧 — playlist
。o♡ HOT dummies // mentally sane + atsumu ig? 。o♡
( minor chars! )
01. vengeance (like batman)
02. vroom vroom! im here (୨୧)
03. wtf is love
04. sweet dreams (or not)
05. hi, mr. charismatic
06. give me a break (୨୧)
07. morning madness
08. you ruined my coffee with your scowl (୨୧)
09. emergency conference meeting!
10. strangers (?) at an amusement park (୨୧)
11. perhaps a malfunction?
12. a mistake, 100% a mistake
13. your words
14. message sent, message received
15. tolerate! tolerate! tolerate!
16. me, you, and a beautiful sunset (୨୧)
17. snap out of it!
18. brewing up a storm
19. do not disturb
20. conversation over coffee
21. cat chase (୨୧)
22. 2 people, 1 truth (୨୧)
23. the act of kissing (୨୧)
24. plans & precautions
25. fame is not for the weak (୨୧)
26. a pro’s guide to scandals
27. stranger danger!
28. what comes after heartbreak? (୨୧)
29. you’re slipping through my fingers
30. pointless conversations filled w/ TMIs
31. elephant in the room
32. to the miya’s (୨୧)
33. wait a minute, you what?!
34. mondays are for bad luck
35. anything for you (୨୧)
36. clown circus clown
37. love is when two hearts beat the same (୨୧)
38. to new beginnings
39. i want to call you mine (୨୧)
40. choices with lovely outcomes (୨୧)
41. gross! lovebirds!
42. co-star to your main event
43. a lovely tryst
44. clueless romantic, but i love you
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a/n: hi!! this is my first ever smau + my first time posting on tumblr so pls be patient if smth looks off (and if smth does, pls kindly inform me!!). i want to thank @idlerin for inspiring me to make this, so many thanks to syl!! u should check out her smaus and other works, theyre all amazing!! asides from that, i want to give the fattest biggest thanks to my best friend may (@kqbukimono) for putting up w/ my spontaneous questions and for giving the best advice ever (ure the best ig 😜). she also helped me choose the title! ok im being too nice, he might make fun of me. thank u so much to everyone who is planning on reading my smau!
taglist is open! dm or ask to be a part of it!
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idlerin · 1 year
an oikawa tooru social media au
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pairing. celebrity!oikawa tooru x f!reader
synopsis. you were oikawa tooru’s #1 fan, until you became his #1 hater. you hated him so much you went viral on twitter (accidentally) and literally became known as “the oikawa tooru hater”, doesn’t help that he keeps fueling the fire by subtweeting you. everyone is all in for this new drama. what isn’t known to the public, is that this particular drama’s been on hold for three years (him being your ex and all).
tags. social media au, celebrity smau, college au, exes to lovers, second chance romance, idiots in love, crack, humor (hopefully), fluff, and perhaps a little angst? ehe (groveling !!)
warnings. time stamps dont really matter unless i say so, cursing, some drinking alcohol n stuff and sometimes suggestive but nothing graphic
status. completed (01/15/23 - 02/11/24)
— playlist.
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teaser 1 — teaser 1.5 — teaser 2
[name]’s pe(s)ts | in need of medical attention
episodes !
(⚘) — has narrative parts
01. rid me of my despair
02. murder is ethically wrong
03. he’s literally everywhere
04. i’m NOT petty (⚘)
05. i think i’ve seen this film before
06. he’s back !
07. baby girl of all baby girls
08. the famous friend
09. forget me not
10. why are you running!? (⚘)
11. blast from the past
12. i despise you (⚘)
13. villains are hot (⚘)
14. adulting and other important stuff (⚘)
15. what we look forward to
16. a nightmare dressed like a daydream
17. antithetical girlie
18. this is the tactic (⚘)
19. honey it hurts (⚘)
20. exes and ohs
21. takoyaki cravings
22. kill me with kindness
23. tell me, tell me (⚘)
24. do you think about me?
25. wish u were sober (⚘)
26. you look like shit (⚘)
27. a taste of fame
28. reminds me of
29. helpless, breathless (⚘)
30. oh how you woo me
31. all over again
32. disconnected
33. this love is so illogical
34. don’t care if you ruin me (⚘)
35. hate clingy men
36. need you like oxygen (⚘)
37. media craze
38. hard to love (⚘)
39. coming home
40. only your love
41. new friends
42. love languages
43. utterly nonsensical
bonus content
post break-up [name]
don’t you know that i’m intoxicated !
you said you liked the way i spoke
unsent letter #1
one of the boys
kuroo being a menace for 12 panels straight
kodzuken mayhem
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taglist is CLOSED !
to be REMOVED from the taglist you can just send an ask or comment :)
notes. hey so i’m starting my first smau series?!!? *squeals and kicks feet in excitement* i hope i get to finish it lmao i plan to not make it that long prolly around only like 30 chaps! hope u’ll enjoy reading it as much as i’ll enjoy making it! also thank you everyone for 200 followers! i rlly appreciate it &lt;3
icons used as pfps are not mine but the content of this smau is. please do not repost this on any other platform. © idlerin 2023
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lssugaluv · 1 year
His favorite things to do while making love to you…
Contains: Haikyuu men x Fem reader.
Warnings: Mentions of s3x, small nsfw details, love making, bit of curse words, Minors do NOT interact, mentions of gentle bites/markings (Atsumu’s) . (If you don’t feel comfortable reading this, please skip!)
Summary: When doing the deed, your boyfriend loves to show you his immense love he has for you. Where your boyfriend shows what his favorite things are, from either holding your hand to caressing you.
Contains: Fluff, Small bits of NSFW, pet names, love language, physical touch, quality time, romance, time skip Haikyuu characters.
Characters: Kuroo, Sakusa, Sugawara, Kageyama, Iwazumi, Atsumu.
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When making love to you, he loves to give you small kisses.
Kageyama can be very shy and to himself but when making love to you, he loves to reassure you of all the love he has for you.
He will randomly give you small pecks here and there, but only when you two are home. He isn’t big on PDA, but he loves kissing you. It can be forehead kisses before he leaves to practice, to shoulder kisses when he approaches you from behind while you’re cooking.
When doing the deed, you usually begin by you laying on your back in the middle of your shared bed. He always begin slow by passionately kissing you at a slow pace. As he goes in, he always has a thing of placing his forehead on your shoulder meanwhile quietly groaning.
This obviously drives you insane, no matter how many times he’s done this. He gives you always a couple of minutes to adjust meanwhile he slowly begins to thrust in and out of you.
He loves to place small kisses either on your shoulders, forehead, lips, neck, ears, any place he could. This is a sign of him making sure to remind you how much he loves you. And you never get tired of that.
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When making love to you, Kuroo loves to keep you extra close.
Kuroo loves to fuck the living life out of you. This man has a crazy stamina as well. But he also loves to tone it down once in a while to also show you how much he loves you.
Whenever he can, he loves to hug you or keep you close to him. If it’s at a restaurant, he’s sitting right next to you instead of across from you. When it’s at home, watching television on the couch, either you’re laying in between his legs, or his arm around you, but you have to be literally next to him, no gap in between.
When doing the deed, he specifically loves the sitting position. Why? He has three reasons why.
1. He knows this position can be done literally anywhere. He will simply pick you up and do it on the kitchen counter, dining table, on the couch, on the bathroom counter, there’s countless places.
2. Kuroo loves to show you how much he loves you. He loves keeping you close. You’re his prized possession and you belong only to him. The closer you two can be the better.
3. He loves being able to kiss you and have full access to your body. He loves to hear his name being moaned out by your pretty voice. When he knows you’re close to finish, he loves to hold you extra tight, gently caressing your hair and whispering sweet nothing’s next to your ear.
If he could work from home and just be with you and in you, he will. He loves to remind you that he will always protect you and that you will always be loved by him.
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When making love to you, Atsumu loves to bite you.
Just like Kuroo, Atsumu loves to fuck. That man loves to also show PDA. He doesn’t care where or who is around. He loves to show you how much he loves you, indoors and outdoors.
He loves to not only remind you, but also remind his fans, other girls and men, who his heart belongs too. There’s times where he will literally have you sit on his lap while at a fancy restaurant. His big hands caressing that gorgeous ass of yours.
You on the other hand can be a bit shy. And that’s what he loves the most. Where you become flustered but still follow and accept all he does. He had your heart completely and you have his.
When making love, he is the type to be extra. He will literally pay people to make your shared room romantic. There will be candles, rose petals all over the floor and bed, champagne and all. Anything to remind the love he has for you. He will also take you out of town or the country and make love to you at beautiful sceneries.
Atsumu can have you in any position he desires. He loves to leave his bite marks behind that beautiful body of yours. His favorite spots are your weak spots. Which are your thighs, shoulders, and ears. When he begins, he always begins with biting your plush thighs.
He will switch you into many positions in one night. He loves to having in a sitting position in bed. When he begins to thrust, they’re slow but are powerful. Hitting that delicious spot that drives you insane. He loves when you throw your head back, giving him access to hold your back with one hand, kissing and biting your breasts and neck. He leaves marks on your neck, but usually leaves you small light ones since you get shy to show them off.
He loves when you have finally became overstimulated and can’t take anymore. He always encourages you to go one more time. He loves this meanwhile he bites your shoulders gently and you begin to mark him on his neck and scratch his back and shoulder blades.
When you two are finished, he always steps back to see the work of art he has left on you. He loves to praise your body and himself for that ✨ extra touch. ✨
P.S. when he goes to practice or games, he purposely walks around shirtless to show off the marks and scratches his girl left him.
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When making love to you, Iwazumi loves to caress you.
Iwazumi can be an angry man with a small amount of patience. But when it comes to you, it’s like all the anger is never there. You are his world, he absolutely loves you.
He loves to show you how much he loves you by spending quality time with you. He loves to be with you. He loves how much you love him as well. He loves to caress your hair randomly, or caress your hand when holding it. He loves to especially caress you when doing the deed.
When making love, he loves to slowly undress you and gently throw you on the bed. He loves to step back and remind you how beautiful you are. Iwazumi can never get his hands off of you, not when you’re this amazing.
Iwazumi can go using any position but his favorite two are the simple missionary one to be able to caress you cute face when seeing you in complete pleasure.
The other position is carrying you with both of your arms and legs around his body. He puts your back on the wall meanwhile he thrusts into you.
You tend to throw your head back, giving him complete access to your neck and breasts. He caressed them with his lips, gently leaving open mouthed kisses on them. He also tends to lick and leave small marks behind.
You are his and and he is yours. He will always show you how much he loves you in best he can.
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When making love to you, Sakusa loves eye contact.
Sakusa is always to himself. You know he isn't one to show much affection, especially when out in public. He does not believe in PDA, which you have always been okay with. You had always accepted him the way he is.
When it comes to doing the deed however, he always tries his best to pour his heart out as much as he could to prove to you that he truly loves you. He always feels bad for not being as affectionate as you must wish, but he tries.
He loves to have you on either the missionary position or the sitting position because where he can see you the better. He loves to see those sexy but adorable face expressions you make in complete pleasure. He loves when you get all shy trying to look away from his eye contact.
Everytime you look away, he pulls your face gently towards his.
"Now now baby, don't get shy on me."
When around your close friends and family, they always see how Sakusa looks at you. All they see are heart eyes and eyes of affection but only meant for you.
Sakusa is not a man of many words, but you know that saying, actions speak louder than words.
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When making love to you, Sugawara loves to hold hands with you.
Oh Suga, the man who only has eyes for you and you only. This little bundle of love completely loves you. Everything he does is meant to make you happy and that's that.
Of course, he is not like the shy guys who doesn't like PDA, he does, but in a bit of a respectful manner. He loves to hold onto your hand the most. If he could, he would never let go. He actually wishes to grow old with you and be burried holding hands once its your time to go.
When doing the deed, man is he so gentle. He takes care of you as if you were a delicate rose petal. He always loves to remind how beautiful you and your body are.
As he slowly thrusts, he loves to look at your adorable faces. How your cheeks begin to get flush pink due to his eyes glued onto your face. How he begis to thrust a bit faster to where you seek his hand and ask him to go faster. Where he grants your pleas and you begin to hold onto his hand tightly.
Holding your hand during sex means unity. Your unity of how strong the love you two have for one another.
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After thoughts:
I hope you enjoyed this small fluff/nsfw.
I dont know which one of these are my favorites. They were all so cute.
Let me know if you would like to see a part two with other HQ characters.
Please reblog, like and comment.
Do not steal my work! <3.
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shoyoackerman · 5 months
“they’re just friends why are you shipping them” “you’ve never heard of bromance” “they’re not gay”
Tell that to the directors, writers and artist who barely put any energy into the supposed love interest of the show/movie. Like the two characters who aren’t supposed to be shipped and are friends only, are literally dying for each other and expressing love in subtle or niche ways only the other person would know.
Whilst the mc and love interest chemistry is drier than the fcking sun.
so uh blame the writes and directors for being lowkey (highkey) shippers
This obviously isn’t for every canon ship, since some are rlly well written. But like theirs a reason fans are shipping characters together.
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amjustagirl · 2 years
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chapter 8: raze everything to the ground
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chapters: 8 / 15 pairing: miya osamu x f! reader genre: romance, angst, fluff, inarizaki shenanigans wc: 3.3k summary: miya osamu does not dare set fire to his heart. it burns anyway.
(prev / next)
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You drop all plans at trying to make Miya Osamu yours. 
And it’s fine. He doesn’t owe you anything, he’s already been generous enough to let you into his life as a friend. There’s no obligation to see you in any romantic light. You’re not entitled to that. He’s just not receptive to your advances and sure, you might mope about it for an hour or two, watch a weepy tv drama with a lead that kinda looks like Osamu (but his eyes are so much warmer, his crooked smile is so much more charming), stuff your face with the onigiris that he gave to you - 
It’s fine. It’s really, absolutely, completely fine.   
Kaiyo and Suzuki-san plot Suna’s death when you spill what went down at your planned romantic night out with Osamu. Suzuki-san grumbles about never letting that bastard have fresh onigiris any more. Kaiyo goes a step further, plotting to poison the chuupets that he has a sweet tooth for. 
“You can’t keep plannin’ to murder my friends”, Atsumu says despairingly. “We don’t have enough space to hide their bodies.” 
“We’ll dump Rin in the ocean”, Kaiyo says. “He’ll make good fish food.” 
Atsumu just groans. 
Vengeful friends aside (it’s kinda nice to have someone on your side for once, you have to admit), nothing much changes. You’ve already achieved a semblance of happiness, and the only hurdle to holding on to that is to keep from wanting more, so you just need to discipline your mind from wandering off into daydreams starring Osamu (holding hands, watching stars - gods, STOP) and mourning what could’ve been, how much happier you could’ve been (stop stop stop) - 
“You sure you’re okay?” 
“‘Course”, you reply, swallowing bile. Lying comes easier to you now. “How’s your opening party going? Need any help?” 
He looks at you with doubt, but you smile at him until your cheeks hurt, chattering away about how excited you are about his party. Steps of a lonely dance you’re all too familiar with, waltzing away from uncomfortable truths. “I’ll be tryin’ out a couple of new dishes, wanna see what y’all think about it”, he says, still frowning, but he’s distracted with the happy prospect of everyone he loves his new restaurant, the shine of its wooden countertops, the large billboard that displays his reworked menu that he forgets his worries about you easily enough. 
“You’ll be there, right?” he finally says after a long ramble about how the builders have done a great job, how he’s been tryin’ out the new kitchen and it works like a dream, how he can’t wait to show off his fancy rice cooker to Shinsuke ‘cos he’s finally doin’ his rice some justice. 
“I’ll be there to help out”, you answer.
He shakes his head at you. “That’s not what I’m gettin’ at, silly. It’s your place too.”
Only in the sense that your name is on the title deed and you’re finally accepting rent for it from him, but you don’t recognise the place when you walk in. Gone are the creaking floorboards, the blood red noren, the wooden framed doorways with a lantern hanging by the road. It’s a modern, open space, blonde wood with a touch of concrete, plenty of soft furnishings and natural lighting from the skylights and sweeping windows. By letting Osamu do whatever he wants with the ruins of your family’s restaurant is probably the equivalent of dancing on your ancestors’ graves and your parents are probably gnashing their teeth and cursing their ungrateful offspring, but he’s achieved what you’ve asked of him - to create an inviting, lovely space for guests to come and be comforted and fed. 
A place where one can be happy. If you don’t recognise the place at all, he’s achieved that and more.  
It also seems that he, in turn does not recognise you - dolled up by an insistent Miya Kaiyo, who teaches you that no, a mascara wand is not a deadly weapon, despite it’s intimidating appearance, wearing a dress that flutters around your knees unlike the usual shapeless, boxy garments you dress yourself in (at work, that’s what you’re provided with, off work, you just like to be comfortable). His eyebrows draw together until he figures out who you are, then his mouth gapes open, like a fish gasping for its last breath. 
Before you can approach him though, he’s suddenly crowded by a gaggle of obaa-chans, long time customers of the shop who seem to have adopted him, cooing and pinching his cheeks despite the fact that his actual mom (who you are going to give a wide, wide berth tonight) is watching indulgently that her son is being swarmed. You greet Suzuki-san instead after leaving your gift of ume bonsai, a miniature plum blossom tree in a terracotta pot in a corner of the shop. 
“You should say hi to the boss instead”, she tells you crossly but it’s not as if she’s averse to you stepping into the back to relive poor Miyamura-san of his designated job to run back and forth between the front of the house and the back kitchen to replenish the buffet line of onigiris and pickles and steaming pork bone and bitter melon soup. 
It’s during one of those trips that you’re knocked off your orbit by a Suna Rintaro who looks marginally less likely to spit at the world, though he’s still scowling. Keep doing that and your face might freeze in place if the wind changes, you feel like telling him, but you lose the thought immediately as he shoves his hands in his pockets, looking down the length of his nose at you, like you’re a bug on the floor he’s been ordered not to step on. 
“Samu told me to apologise to you”, he blurts out, tone abrupt. “Sorry for being rude.” 
You stop yourself from wringing your hands, letting them twitch uselessly, a pair of injured lovebirds fluttering at your sides. “It’s fine”, you repeat your favourite refrain these days though it’s clear you’re not convincing anyone when he snorts rudely at you. 
“Clearly not”, he retorts, glowering. He’s an angry dark cloud floating about a roomful of joy and you’re tempted to ask him to tone it down lest he spoil ‘Samu’s party, but something, something smooths out the unhappy creases in his face. 
“But I guess it doesn’t matter. Love sucks, doesn’t it. Fuck this shit.” 
He looks down at you with something akin to pity before stalking off, an animal licking his wounds, too quick to exit the scene before you can grab his arm and demand what exactly he means by that. You keep an eye on him after that, watching him pace around the back, knocking back shots of sake and shochu, wrinkling his nose presumably at the bitterness trickling down his throat but he seems relatively harmless. 
Your attention from Suna Rintarou is pulled once Osamu climbs onto a chair, cheeks flushed red and ruddy with the alcohol flowing freely in the room. 
“A toast”, he calls hoarsely. The crowd cheers. 
To Suzuki-san, he exclaims, to Morita-san, to Ishida-san, to Miyamura-kun, his trusty crew. They raise a glass to him, and cheer kanpei! “Don’t burn down the place again”, Morita and Ishida chorus and Osamu just rolls his eyes and laughs. 
It’s not an unpleasant surprise when he turns to you, though the sudden focus of everyone’s attention on you makes you feel like you’ve ingested a flaming piece of coal.  
“To my landlady”, he chuckles, eyes bright. “My sensei. My friend. Thanks again for teachin’ me. For trustin’ me. I couldn’t do this without you.” 
He moves on just as your heart can explodes out of your chest in a shower of confetti and fireworks. You stagger, knocked off your feet as you grab a chair to regain your balance, reminding yourself to act normally, smile and breathe, damnit. Thankfully, everyone’s focus has moved on, everyone aww-ing as he thanks his parents (his mother chokes up, wipes away a tear) for allowing their son in the kitchen (a dig at his grandmother, who’s thankfully not in attendance today), laughs when he mentions “Kaiyo, my long suffering accountant, chief gremlin and my sister in everything but blood - ” (he accepts a bear hug), calls out to Shin-chan and Sho-chan (they only laugh when he calls them both demon spawn, and promptly start arguing who’s more demonlike), and of course he concludes with - 
“To ‘Tsumu, my twin. Though I still think maybe life would’ve been easier if I ate you in the womb”. 
The gathered crowd guffaws as Atsumu yells back that he should’a smothered him in his sleep, and it probably would’ve devolved into yet another (good-natured) Miya twin brawl if not for the quick thinking of Suzuki-san, who puts on some music and Miyamura-kun who pops up like a magician, brandishing onigiris instead of rabbits, and you take advantage of the commotion to grab your bag and slip away, into the alley where you can sit on the steps of the backdoor to the restaurant, simmer yourself in the conflicting emotions battling for dominance in the cavern of your chest. 
Head between knees, you don’t know if you should cry or laugh. But before you can do either - or both, really, the heavy thud thud of footsteps approaching interrupts you and Miya Osamu squeezes in beside you even though his sudden appearance is really quite inconvenient for the romantic feelings you have for him that you’re trying so so hard to raze into the ground. 
“I didn’t manage to say a proper hello just now - so, hi there”, he smiles boyishly, a halo of gold on his head from nearby streetlamps. 
“Hi”, you can’t stop yourself from smiling back, drinking in the sight of him, all to yourself for once. Your heart struggles against the iron restraints you’ve clamped it down with, but you hold firm. “Now that you’ve said hello, you really should get back to your party.”
“It can wait”, he replies, untucking his apron. “Did you eat? Still hungry?”
“I’m at a party you’re throwing - so, yes. I’m gonna be full for days.” He laughs, throwing his head back and something, something inside you clenches, keeps your heart in a burning bind. “You should really go back in with your guests, ‘Samu. But - um. Congratulations on your new place. It’s amazing. I knew it would be.” 
He gazes at you with a soft, indulgent smile. “Thanks”, he murmurs, a whisper that you want to hold in your palms, brand the memory of this exact moment, drive it red-hot into your flesh, carve it into your bones to hopefully keep that horrible, greedy, grasping side of you that wants him, that wants far too much at bay. 
Keep moving forward, eyes on the horizon and don’t look back. 
“I’ve got a present for you”, you say, opening your bag. “I left my other gift - an ume bonsai out in the front, though Suzuki-san said you’ll probably end up killing it, so she suggests you give it to Kita-san for safekeeping instead, but anyway - here you go. 
Your father’s knife. 
The hon-deba that’s been passed down through your family for generations, the knife your father used to scale, clean and fillet fish whole, earn his place in the restaurant not merely by birthright, but by his talent, hard work and skill. It’s single bevelled, the blade shaved down from years of work, until it fit perfectly in your father’s hand but it’s always sat uneasily in yours. 
“I’d like for you to have this”, you say, unsheathing it, smiling as it flashes silver, reflecting the streetlight.
“No - ”
“But you have to give me 100 yen as payment for it. Just to honour the old wives’ tale - lest this gift sever our friendship.” 
He makes no move to take it. 
“You can’t give away your family’s knife just like that - ”
“It’d be better off with you. It’ll just rot with me if I hold on to it”, you insist, pushing it into his lap. 
“Maybe you could something with it, cook again -” 
This knife only holds bad memories for you. Ghosts linger whenever it sits in your palm, and even if you hide it away in some hidden corner of your home, at best it will gather dust and dirt, at worst, it will haunt you, remind you of your shortcomings and failures like a malevolent god.  
“It’ll have a better home with you. You’ll do good with it, feed so many people with it, build them up, make them stronger. You’ll use this knife as it was intended to, for people, to bring them happiness and comfort with food.”
“It’s your family’s heirloom -” 
“I don’t have any family left, and I want to give it to you.” 
“Why”, he finally says, slowly, ponderously as if he’s considering every word that spills out of his mouth. “Why are you always so nice to me?” 
“Because you are the best person I know”, you reply. “Because I like you.”    
Osamu just looks at you with wide, wide eyes. “Me?” he breathes. 
He’s giving you a lifeboat, a way to charter yourself out of the mess you’ve made, but it’s too late. You’ve already surrendered to the depths of your feelings for him, allowing yourself to drown in the honey-gold pools of his eyes. 
“Yes, you.”
It’s too late. Water has already filled your lungs, choking you with salt. Any flicker of hope is snuffed out as he crams himself away from you, eyes shuttered and dark.
“I’m sorry.”
Later, you will blame the blue-dark haze of night and the yellow-gold light that dances along every inch of his skin for making him look almost other-worldly, for tricking you into being honest with him for once. Later, you will blame the sake that Morita foisted upon you for the fog in your mind and the pork bone soup that you know Osamu placed on the menu for you, because you forget to hide behind a veneer of politeness, of detachment. 
But in that moment, that split second when you realise you’ve essentially done the equivalent of pouring gasoline on your heart and setting it on fire, you’re frozen in place, unable to run and save yourself. You can only watch the water rush in, the world ablaze. 
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” 
You’re not sure if you’re trying to placate him or you. Probably to coax his shoulders down from about his ears, ease him out of the wide-eyed stare he’s levelling at you. You’re fine - you expected this, you’re not even disappointed because you knew this would happen, saw it barrelling towards you like a freight train a mile away and that’s fine, it’s wholly, completely, absolutely fine. 
“I’m going to see if Miyamura-kun needs any more help, it still seemed pretty busy in there last I checked.”
You slip away and he lets you, still clutching your father’s knife in what seems to be utter shock. 
The party’s already winding down. Shoma is sitting placidly in a corner playing with Asami, Shino chattering away with her father’s teammates both past and present (you’ll be able to tell if you’re jumping right if there’s a pow! when you take off from the balls of your feet - like a rocket, Shoyo? - honestly, I have no idea how Shin-chan is following anything you idiots are saying) but most are packing up, making it easy for you to blend in with everyone else and escape out of the restaurant and into the cold city streets. 
Kombu-chan greets you with a sniff as she always does, wriggling away when you try to entice her into your lap. 
“Looks like you don’t want me tonight either”, you chuckle humourlessly. “Probably should get used to that. Actually, I don’t even know why I’m not used to that already.” 
She just licks her paws, meticulously cleaning the lily-pink pads of her tiny feet, clearly not bothered enough to listen to you monologue on about the sad, sad state of your life, the disappointment you have no right to feel, the unwelcome prospect of having to face Miya Osamu come tomorrow or the day after and put on a smile to pretend that you haven’t just embarrassed yourself by admitting to having feelings for him that he does not reciprocate, how you wish you’d just sewn your mouth shut and hunkered back in your cave, isolating yourself from the world once again - 
The doorbell rings. 
Kombu-chan stiffens, casting you a look that you clearly read as what now, what dares disturbs my slumber as you unfold yourself from your seat on the floor, ready to fend off some travelling salesman with no concept of time, jumping back a step when you realise Miya Osamu’s standing right outside your door. 
“Can I come in?” he asks, though he’s never had to in all the time you’ve known him. 
“Of course”, you murmur, flitting into the kitchen to boil water for tea, a nervous reflex. He doesn’t follow you, waiting by your dining table, feet tapping an off-tempo rhythm on the linoleum floor. When you serve him his cup of steaming green tea, he pushes your father’s knife back at you, saying without preamble - 
“I wouldn’t be able to make you happy.”
“Oh”, you reply stupidly, taking the knife from him. “Okay.” 
His brow creases. “Okay”, he says. “I’m not makin’ any sense, and you probably want to throw me out cos I know I’m an ungrateful bastard - ”
“You don’t owe me anything, Osamu”, you interrupt. “I meant what I said - you are still the best man I know, and that still hasn’t changed.”
“This is what I mean”, he pinches the bridge of his nose. “You - I - gods. I just didn’t want you to be under the impression that I’d be able to make you happy. You deserve so much better than me -” 
You weigh his words, turning them individually like seashells, swimming through tea leaves trying to divine if he means what he says at face value, or if he’s just trying to let you down politely with that trademark kindness of his. He’s brought you so much happiness through his friendship alone, leading out from your self-imposed exile out into the sun, and every step forward you’ve made in pursuit of happiness is aided and guided by him so he can’t truly, possibly mean what he says. 
“ - there are better places to look to for happiness. I’ve always been happiest with my restaurants, feedin’ people, makin’ them happy - maybe that’s somethin’ you wanna reconsider -” 
(your scars itch again, a low, simmering burn) 
“Ah”, you say, the puzzle pieces before you clicking together. “I see.” 
He stares at you, wide-eyed. There’s a flush burning its way up the column of his neck, slow-roasting the pink apples of his cheeks. “I just - I was just puttin’ it out there for you to reconsider cos I think it’s a waste -”
(a waste, he says.)
“Thank you, Osamu”, you interject, smiling so widely that your teeth ache as if you’ve been gorging yourself on candy all day. “It’s getting late.”
His mouth snaps shut. 
“I - “ he looks baffled, pained. “I put my big foot in my fat mouth, didn’t I?”
“Not at all”, you say breezily. “I understand where you’re coming from completely.”
You place the knife carefully on the table when you stand, making your way to the entryway to open the door in a clear invitation to leave that Osamu has no choice but to heed out of politeness. “Of course, don’t worry about it. And it’s late, Osamu, you have the grand opening tomorrow. You should go home, you need a good night’s rest.”
Patiently, you wait until he laces up his shoes, until he asks you, once, twice if you’re really okay, to which you reply with a smile that you’re fine, and a too-cheery goodnight, Osamu, until he really doesn’t have any further reason to stall, retreating back down the corridor, waving hesitantly at you as he disappears into the lift. 
(your scars gape open into fresh wounds.)
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a/n: yes i know i'm evil for leaving y'all on a cliffhanger til i'm back in september so! feel free to scream at me and drop by my inbox!
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flowerstardrops · 2 years
( DOUBLE TAKE ) kita shinsuke x fem!reader
wherein the reader confesses to kita shinsuke through the form of a serenade and a rose.
WORDS: 899
GENRE: romance, fluff
this is my first one-shot / ficlet, please be nice. & i was kind of craving for something soft and simple with kita shinsuke since i could associate those words perfectly with him. hope you guys would like this as much as i do.
FOR ALL THE DAYS THAT Kita Shinsuke had spent his lunch periods, he simply ate his food cleanly and quietly. Some days he’d be at the cafeteria, and some days he’d be at the classroom. It depends on what day it is. His schedule is ingrained into his mind like a permanent tattoo that he never fails to see. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, he spent lunch eating peacefully in the classroom. He appreciates the Cherry Blossoms hanging on a branch that is by the window between each bite. And every Tuesdays and Thursdays are spent eating with his volleyball team.
Days are efficiently planned out in order to get the maximum output, also in regards to the amount of effort he applies.
Kita Shinsuke was content with every single day being similar to the previous ones. The only change making itself known are the constant improvements through the work that he performs.
Today is Monday. Kita believes that as a new week begins, it strings along a stem of opportunities that are waiting to be plucked and planted beneath the soil of hard work. It’ll grow into something great, as long as you make it, he believes. And since today is Monday, he sits in his assigned chair just by the window where he can admire the sky and the flowers. Laid on his desk is a bento box graciously made by his loving grandmother and he cannot wait to dig in.
Shinsuke liked the sound of acoustic guitars. When fingers pluck against the metal strings, it produces a sort of hum that could only describe a soft melody. An instrument formed with wood and six strings, and although it may be simple, he thinks it’s an accompaniment to another form of language. A language wherein it is communicated through the notes and the symphonies, wherein the understanding lies within your own perceptions.
And he thinks it’s beautiful.
But it’s strange. He’s never heard the guitar being played outside by the halls. They are usually heard inside the music room, echoing through each nook and corner, and bouncing off to the outside to emit a distant sound.
Then, he hears the voice of a young woman.
“I could say I never dare
To think about you in that way, but
I would be lyin'.
And I pretend I'm happy for you
When you find some girl to take home
But I won't deny that,”
The beginning wobbles a little, and Shinsuke wonders if she’s nervous. But it continued firm, and he had to pause from his eating to look out through the open door with the slightest quirk of his brow, wondering where the singer was. When he sees no one, he looks back to the window and continues eating.
“In the midst of the crowds,
In the shapes in the clouds,
I don't see nobody but you.
In my rose-tinted dreams,
Wrinkled silk on my sheets,
I don't see nobody but you.”
Her voice was beautiful, and there was a tinge of anxiety from what he could perceive. He wonders why she is nervous. The slightly lower tone that her voice contained was unique amongst the usual established female singers that he’d hear from the radio. If she thinks it might not be perfect, Shinsuke on the other hand, mentally admits that he’d appreciate listening to such a voice every morning.
The sound gets closer and closer, but he ignores it, deciding to admire it from where he was while he was eating.
Her voice is almost alarmingly close, and so he looks up towards the door and sees a young woman. She’s the girl from Class 3-4, just a couple of classrooms away from where his own classroom was at. But, he wonders why she is there by the door, with a one light pink rose taped on the fabric of her school blouse, just over where her heart is. He initially thought that the acoustic guitar sits snugly in her hands, but with the way her knuckles are slightly pale, he begins to think otherwise.
“Boy, you got me hooked onto something,
Who could say that they saw us coming?
Tell me,
Do you feel the love?
Spend a summer or a lifetime with me,
Let me take you to the place of your dreams,
Tell me,”
Oh, but why is she here? She looks at him with such admiration that he ponders on why he had yet to see it up until now. It radiates so much emotion that he thinks that even he has yet to feel, so much so, that his lips hang slightly open in surprise.
Why does she look at him like he’s the pinnacle of her life’s days?
“Do you feel the love?”
His lunch is already momentarily forgotten as he watches the girl from Class 3-4 fumble with the guitar in her hands, gently placing it on the table right next to his. It created a soft noise that caused her to grimace. She then tries to frantically peel off the rose stem taped over her chest, and when she looks at him, he sees her take a deep breath.
“Kita Shinsuke,”
He blinks slowly, “Yes?”
Her hand holding the rose extends towards him, and her next words cause a flurry of heat to grow beneath his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
Her eyes burn directly at his own honey-colored ones.
“I like you.”
© flowerstardrops — do not commit any acts of plagiarism. i do not condone anyone stealing or copying my works, and especially posting these on another platform.
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 2 years
Chapter 35 - Epilogue
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AN: WE DID IT! Ugh even as I’m typing this I can’t stop crying. Every time I revisited this chapter in particular it makes me emotional. Not because it’s the end of the story but because the reader finally gets to skate how she wants.
I want to thank each and every person who comes across this story - I know my level of interaction with comments and everything was substantially lower than what I���ve done in past stories. My real life responsibilities have taken over a lot of my free time which resulted in my desire to interact here decrease. Hell even get this story out took ages - not because I didn’t want to, I just didn’t have time.
I hope to return with another story, but I don’t have anything in the creative tank. My requests will be open again, and if anyone has a fun story I would listen! Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart. I hope everyone has a fantastic day, and please drink plenty of water! 💙💙💙
Taglist: @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @eunoji @meianshugoswife @katsuera @savantsoulfinder @iamapotat @myasaaaam @jellien @rntrsuna @fantasycantasy @qualitygiantshoepsychic @taelia15 @aster707 @sebariaman @a-little-pebbl @sugaslilsugabby @imarriedachef @1-800-simpingcowbaby @tenaciouswritersheep @everytimeswift @ti-mame @youraggedybitch @eclairia-monarch
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