#Hammer main
theshortpants · 6 months
things might be rough, but Monster Hunter Wilds comes out in 2025 so we gotta make it till then ok?
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thefrogecakez · 11 months
Went out with a bang
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 days
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A fierce duel commences!
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hyakunana · 1 month
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A Wizard and a Rogue walk into the Archive
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pillars-of-salt · 6 months
bad disco elysium film adaptation. ruby's not butch. taylor swift plays klaasje.
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gavinosbornedrors · 3 months
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Monday Update!
My Monster Hunter Iron Hammer project is finally, finally done!
In all its low-poly, hand-painted drab-background glory! I am actually pretty happy with this. I would've liked this done a long time ago, and even this post to be out like a week ago, but the results are pretty solid.
I learned a lot about texturing details, the scale they should be that's readable from a far (I'm looking at you guild crest) and their distribution and density around the prop itself. Also had a moment where some other stuff regarding just illustration in general clicked that caused me to redo a bunch of detaling on this - but this came out better for it. This looked pretty solid near the end, but my decision to do a final, extra bit of metal shine, plus a bit of color overlay and shading really brought it home.
Against my better judgement I'm going to do another one - the Giant Jawblade - but the lesson this time will be speed.
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harrietvane · 3 months
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The dress from 1998's Ever After recently sold at Kerry Taylor auctions in London, from the Cosprop archives, to benefit The Bright Foundation (an arts-based education charity based in Hastings UK, which provides free access to creative activities, visual and performance arts for children and young people facing disadvantage)
Images from the auction house show details of the embroidery and base fabrics, as well as how the wings were attached (through button holes in the dress to slot into a channel in the separate, boned bodice worn underneath)
Wings are included, which are those worn after the ball, and are screen-distressed/torn on one side - apparently worn in the scene by the door, as Danielle returns home.
Described as "the Renaissance style gown of goffered pale-gold gauze, finely worked with purl embroidered flowers and spangled with 'pearl' droplets, integral ivory satin under-slip with quilted hem; cotton petticoat and separate boned and mesh corset; together with a pair of tulle and wire-framed wings, intentionally distressed"
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laniidae-passerine · 5 days
I’m one of those people who will double down on an m/f pairing when I realise that the female character is being ignored or degraded by the fandom because she’s ‘in the way’ for a gay ship involving a white boy (especially when she’s black or brown) and I think I’d just like that on the record
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angrycloudcrown · 2 months
whenever i block horny tumblr users it feels like im hitting them with the roblox ban hammer
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horny on main? not on my non-fucking watch
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smalltimidbean · 4 months
Quick question:
Was the Bruno Clone (aka: Linguini's "friend") based on the art on Fake Peppino's fight's background? The one next to "nothing compares!" or is that just a coincidence?
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Nah, I don't see it (silly/joking)
Silly aside: Yes, he was indeed based on that art! And a partly on the other art on the wall when Peppino escapes Chase Pep
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^That Guy - hence why Bruno's moustache is longer, and he wears a bow tie (but that is not the only reason for the bow tie specifically)
There is a reason why this guy looks so different to the other clones and why he looks like the wall art guys, but spoilersssss hehe
(Also credit to the Pizza Tower Wiki for the images)
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agena87 · 7 months
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Last night on the Farm (for tomorrow, you die)
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sygneth · 1 year
*details below*
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this was supposed to be a phone wallpaper but things got way out of control (uhhh i just noticed how bad the quality got so i did split it eventually)
i still did the wallpaper (9:18) crops tho, feel free to use them!!
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thefrogecakez · 8 months
No, Nope, Absolutely Not.. Get bonked beetch
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satiwi1 · 2 months
The psychological damage in media when the main character finds out someone close to them is dying and asks why they weren't told sooner only to realise it was because of their own negligence oh my god
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I love Dead on Main as a ship because of the raw Roger Rabbit/Jessica Rabbit energy
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communistkenobi · 1 year
another very silly writing rule I remember from high school english class was the idea that you should not repeat yourself in essays. books and essays that restate their main argument each time they present new evidence has always been very effective for my own learning, especially when the topic is complicated. the “no repeats” rule makes sense when it’s used to discourage students from trying to beef up word count and encourage students to properly synthesise their own arguments, but it was never explained to me in those terms, it was all just these writing axioms you had to follow to produce a “good” piece of writing
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