#Hank being sarcastic and Connor Not having it
iwonderwh0 · 1 year
I mean, them being nice to eachother is okay
But them having some banter with back-and-forth friendly fire is what for me is the basis of their relationships
It's not a part of them that should disappear, no matter the interpretation – that's the foundation
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starsofang · 5 months
cod characters as detroit become human characters
soap as connor
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- extremely skilled at what he does
- makes sarcastic/snarky comments towards people he doesn’t particularly like/trust, but can be very serious and sharp when doing a job/interrogation
- dedicated to his work, hence why he’s so good at it
- gets along with essentially everybody, but people end up letting him down/turning on him ): graves
- soap was the youngest to pass the sas selection, and connor was the first android to be created for police work :p
- very smart and knowledgeable, literally know SO much about everything, especially their jobs
- both rays of sunshines
ghost as luther
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- it was hard picking who ghost would be, and at first i said hank. they’re both lieutenants, have lots of trauma ): and liked working alone until their partners came along
- but i also think he’s a lot like luther
- first off, big boys
- reserved personalities that make them appear off putting and cold at first, but once you realize that’s not all they are, they’re very kind people who just happen to be intimidating
- luther is very protective of his ‘family’, ghost is protective of 141, he’d very much die for them and kill for them
- history of abuse and mistreatment, they come from bad backgrounds that created who they are today
- gentle giants. i don’t like the trope that ghost is scary and mean, because he’s not outside of missions. in dbh, luther was made out to be the same way when all he wanted to do was protect kara and do his duty of being a guardian, and i feel ghost is very similar
gaz as markus
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- natural born leader
- gaz is very selfless and wants better for the world, the same as markus
- well spoken and executes their voices very well
- extremely strong willed while also knowing how to keep their temper in check, they know how to do their job and do it well
- does what they have to do in order to guarantee the best outcome, even if it’s not always what they want to do
- they’re also very pretty to look at lmao
price as hank
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- at first this didn’t really fit in my mind, but after some thinking, i think they’re pretty similar!
- both of ranking in their respective jobs
- experts at what they do, have been doing it for a long time and know how to lead their men in the ways they know best
- hank is a bit more of a grump than price is, but when they’re both angry (ex. price literally any time shepherd is around), they bring hell to whoever they’re angry at and don’t have the nicest things to say
- the world on their shoulders, they just need a nap man
- hank doesn’t show it as much, but they both have a lot of care in their hearts, especially for the people they work with and they’d do anything for them
- love their liquor after a job lmao
farah as kara
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- selfless women who have been through so much
- both deserve better
- but because they’ve been through a lot, they’ve become strong both physically and mentally and use that trauma to their advantage
- will do anything to protect the ones they love, even if it means hurting themselves in the process
- farah is such a soft spoken person with high maturity and intelligence in the way she conveys her words, just like kara
- i literally love them to death, best characters in their respective games ):
graves as elijah
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- can be manipulative as fuck lmao
- when they have an end goal for themselves, they do anything to achieve it, even if it means taking others down with them
- both can be perceived as complex characters that have good intentions and good moments, but also know that the reality is they’re rather selfish people who make decisions for themselves
- even the way they talk is similar at times !!
- many people who don’t truly know elijah trust him, just like graves, but only the people who they’ve hurt know the real side of them
- many people like them, while many people don’t, that’s how conflicting their characters are and it’s hard to pick a side
shepherd as amanda
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- literally hate them both
- but really, they’re great characters that bring so much to the story and the way it progresses
- has lots of impact on the way the characters navigate themselves. amanda controls connor, while shepherd controls graves. it’s a very similar concept imo
- lots of knowledge and wisdom but uses it to manipulate things the way they want
- betray the very people they’re working with and supposed to guide, for their own selfish reasons
- both dead, technically lmao
replaying dbh for the sixth time and i was like !!! this might be a fun concept. to some it may not be entirely accurate, but i thought it was fun to dissect all the characters and see who fits who the most, and this is the way i see everybody 🙏🏻
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coming-lieutenant · 1 year
Got another idea about younger detective and how Hank can't believe she likes him, so he thinks she spends time with them for Connor, until she's fed up with all of this and kisses him. Maybe in front of DPD 👀.
Thanks Queen/King/any other royality you might identifies with 💖😌
Get a Fucking Clue
A/N: Sorry for the delay 😭 my life literally imploded over the last week and a half and I finally got the ship back on course. I hope you enjoy it!! I’m so sorry it took me so long!
Cool, refreshing air envelopes your body, a comforting contrast to the summer heat outside as you walk step into the Detroit Police Precinct. Today marks the beginning of a new journey for you as a criminal investigator. Over are the days of sitting on the side of the road, in alleys, waiting for someone to break into a building, mug some unsuspecting passerby, or any of the other unsavory activities that occur under the moonlight of this restless city. Now, you get to work among some of DPD’s finest on the scenes of the crimes, solving crimes with much higher stakes.
You take a breath, trying to keep yourself cool and collected as you walk into the Bull Pen. You’ve been in here before, but typically you didn’t spend much time here. You walk through, looking at the desks, looking for the lieutenant and his partner you’ve been assigned to train under. You see a man, or android, rather, as you can tell by the bright blue LED on his temple, sitting at a desk. You recall being told the partner in question was an android detective sent by Cyberlife, and though you don’t see anyone sitting with him, you approach anyway.
“Hello. You must be Connor,” you say, greeting the android as you walk up to the desk. He looks up from his computer at you. “Hello,” he says, giving you a warm smile, “I am in fact. Can I help you with something?” You look at the empty desk across from him. “Have you seen Lieutenant Anderson this morning?” You ask, puzzled by his absence. Connor smiles again. “It would be surprising if I had. I’ll call him and let him know you’re here.” He picks up his phone, calling Lieutenant Anderson. He looks mildly surprised as his call is answered. “Lieutenant? Our trainee is here. She wishes to meet you.” He’s quiet for a moment, seemingly listening to the response. “Alright. I’ll let her know.” Connor hangs up the phone, looking to you, “He wanted me to inform you he’ll be here in fifteen minutes. He said you may sit at his desk until he arrives if you want.” You smile, nodding. “I think I will.”
You sit at his desk, taking in the various items he has scattered around. He’s got a little plant, which makes you smile, and a picture of a saint bernard dog. He’s also got stickers all over his computer screen, almost completely covering the screen itself. You scan your eyes over the snarky and sarcastic stickers, referencing his disdain for his ex-wife, happy people, and complaints.
Just as you finish reading them, you catch the motion of someone approaching out of the corner of your eye. You look up to see a particularly tall man, taller than Connor, with shaggy, silver hair and a brown leather jacket approaching. You smile, standing up. “You must be Lieutenant Anderson,” you greet, holding your hand out for him to shake. He stands in front of you, an apathetic yet curious look on his face as he shakes your hand. The contact nearly sends a shiver down your spine, heat blossoming in your hand and running all the way up your arm, settling in your cheeks. “Unfortunately.” He responds, looking down at you. “Are you the new kid Fowler wants me to train?” Your smile falters a little bit, taken aback, but you’re not one to back down at the first sign of trouble. You stand up a little straighter, smiling at him confidently. “I actually have several years of patrol under my belt.” This makes him chuckle. “I consider ‘several’ five or more years. How many you got?” He retorts. You cross your arms, still smiling. “Four. But regardless, I’m not fresh meat, Lieutenant, and I’m sure someone as experienced as yourself will have no problem training me up in no time,” you quip. This finally gets you a smirk from the detective. He sits down in his chair, “I’ll see what I can do.”
Your training under Hank went like that for months. Sarcastic comments from Hank, witty replies thrown right back in his face from you, Connor being an unfortunate bystander, day in and day out. As the days went by, you found yourself growing… Particularly fond of Hank. It was nearing the end of your training, meaning working so closely alongside Hank and Connor was about to come to and end, and you would be assigned to cases on your own and eventually be issued your own partner. As exhilarating as it was, finally having the world in your hands, it was bittersweet. You found yourself waking up in the morning eager to go to work, and though you were in some degree of denial about it, deep down you knew you weren’t eager to work. You were eager to see Hank.
Hank was grumpy, cynical, and spiteful, yes. Absolutely he was. Concurrently, though, you knew that, much like Connor, he had grown a soft spot for you. In fact, much to Connor’s chagrin, he seemed to have more of a soft spot for you than he did for even his android partner. Of the three of you, you were the most likely to make mistakes. To get things wrong. Regardless, he always met your self criticisms with defensiveness. Defense of you. He never let you feel like you weren’t a good enough detective, or like you would never be able to make it on your own. And, though you would never let him know it, the banter between the two of you, when it happened, never failed to light a fire deep inside you. It was exhilarating to go back and forth with him, and you basked in the attention of it.
Nearing the end of your training with Hank, only weeks out from it, you found yourself standing outside of Chicken Feed with Hank. Connor sat in the car, as usual, seemingly wanting to give the two of you space as he slowly caught onto your feelings for Hank. You smile at Hank. “Only a couple more weeks of this, huh?” you quip. Hank chuckles. “Yep. You’re lucky, you only have to deal with two more weeks of this ugly mug. Connor over there has to put up with it until further notice,” he responds, motioning to Connor in the car with the sandwich in his hands. “You’re going to miss him, aren’t ya?” he says, laughing. A look of confusion spreads across your face, and you look at him with furrowed brows. “Miss who?” Hank gives you a knowing look. “Connor.” He says, as though it’s the most obvious statement in the world. You are thoroughly perplexed by this. “Oh, uh… Yeah? I guess so.” You’re not sure what the point of the question is, but you finish your lunch anyway, not much of a word from either of you as you finish eating.
Back at the station, Hank’s words repeat like a broken record in your head. You sit with him, once again in Connor’s absence, as the two of you quietly work on filing through cases. Suddenly, Hank speaks. “You know, I think you should tell him how you feel.” You sit up, crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair. “Hank, what in god’s name are you talking about?” you demand, looking incredulously at him. He looks back up at him. “Connor. You should tell him how you feel. I mean, even when there’s no case, you’re always hanging around. You always seem to laugh when you’re with him, and you blush all the time. I think before your training is done, you should tell him how you feel.” You stand up, running your hand through your hair and sighing, pacing slightly away from your chair as you are struck with disbelief, not knowing how to respond. You’ve never in all your years seen someone be so dense. He starts to talk again. “Listen, I didn’t mean to stress you out, I just think-“ Suddenly, you know exactly what you should do. You spin on your heel, cutting him off as he speaks by grabbing him by the collar and slamming your lips onto his. Hank’s hands are suspended in mid-air where they had been while he spoke, and they slowly move to your arms, gently touching you as he begins to kiss back. After a moment, you pull away, smiling. “Still think it’s Connor I’ve taken an interest in?” Hank stares at you, a smile slowly creeping onto his lips as seemingly the whole bull pen stares at the two of you in disbelief. Hank chuckles, speechless. And you smirk, returning to your chair, satisfied with yourself as you return to your work. Finally, the man has gotten a fucking clue.
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I like a reverse AU as much as the next person but the way it gets done sometimes is so out of character so I'm gonna just throw my two cents out into the void for anyone to draw inspiration from because I don't have the motivation to write it myself right now!
So, starting with the ones that get reversed a lot: Hank and Connor
Connor is obviously younger than Hank, so make him a newly assigned lieutenant who is trying to live up to his position of power. Being Connor, he's unsure, he questions himself a bit, he's scared of messing up as someone with power over others. Portraying him with Hank's personality just doesn't fit if you ask me, Connor's not that guy.
Now, due to Connor being a great but still new Lieutenant, who better for Fowler (or maybe Amanda if you want to get deep in a reverse AU) to partner him with than an Android that's basically perfect. which is not to say he should be optimistic and cheery as he is in some depictions. He can still be a stone-cold bitch or a sarcastic prick but less in the vein of "I hate everyone around me" and more in the "You're a bitch, you don't deserve my kindness" sort of way. AND HE CAN HAVE THIS ATTITUDE WITH HANK TO BEGIN WITH BUT I HONESTLY THINK HE'D BE MORE INTIGUED BY ANDROIDS AS MYSTERYS THEN GENUINELY HATE THEM, YOU CAN PRY THAT IDEA FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS.
I'd also like to make a point that, whether Cole is a character in the story (as a brother or a kid from a case) who is present to make Connor sad, HE *CLAP* CAN *CLAP* STILL *CLAP* REACT *CLAP* LIKE *CLAP* CONNOR. He doesn't have to become Hank's mirror image after Cole's death, he can grieve in his own way. And even if you do chose to make him take the same route, he doesn't have to act like Hank when he's sober! (this is coming from a place of frustration that Connor just... wouldn't be cold towards everyone for no reason and it annoys me that he is in some fics)
Hank as an Android would be gruff and straight to the point because he is a "machine." He's designed to be no-nonsense, straight to the point and probably annoyed by Connor's persistent Empathy (similar to how Connor can be during some playthrough's of the game). The absolute key to this portrayal would be emphasising that Hank acts like this because he is programmed to. Cyberlife has to have a reason for making Hank the way he would be so please, jump on the nuance of why Hank would be such a sullen, apathetic android and the implications that has for him to achieve deviancy. He's not meant to be nice to the people he works for, he's meant to do a job.
Now for the icing, how does this reverse dynamic work in context of the plot?
Connor needs someone steady and secure to fall back on lest he succumb to the pressures of the position he's in. Hank's blunt, maybe sometimes rude way of getting to the point is exactly what Connor would need to stay afloat. He needs someone who can be tough and give it to him straight when he's doubting himself. In regards to their cases, yes, he has a very "Hank" way of responding to the android actions (i.e. shooting Chloe, Hunting down the Traci's) in that he takes an empathetic approach towards the Andorids but less from a "they look human and it's disturbing" standpoint and more from a "deviants are alive" standpoint from the get go. He shows empathy towards the Traci that was killed in the Eden club, he tries to understand why deviancy is occurring, he defends Hank against anti-android people.
(And please feel free to fight me on that point, I've seen one playthrough and have a general idea of Hank's reactions to deviancy based on fanfic and whatnot. I'm not an expert on how Hank reacts and I want input)
And here's my favourite part, Hank deviating with Connor's help. It is Connor's humanity and empathy that really intrigues me on this part. When people portray him with Hank's characteristics, he comes off really angry and Hank deviates from a position of "I care about this kid, I have to look after him." And while this is *chef's kiss* it's not the only possible way for Connor to influence his deviancy. His general kindness to people around him, his resilience, his empathy, his humanity can influence how Hank starts seeing the world around him. (I guess that it just really bugs me that Hank only seems to really deviate for Connor when there are so many more facets that can make Hank the purveyor of his own deviance, with Connor giving him the nudge)
Just like in canon where Android Connor helps Human Hank find purpose in his life again, Human Connor can help Android Hank realise he is more than a machine, that he's alive.
In conclusion, stop making Connor into Hank! (I obviously can't stop you but food for thought.)
I'll come back at some point with other characters.
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aydaptic · 11 months
Sorry if you've already answered this before but I'm new to the fandom and I found your account through your web-comic and I was wondering what is it about Gavin that you like so much? Why is he one of your favourite characters in dbh? (I've noticed that he isn't much of a fan-favourite in this fandom 😔)
This'll be a long post, but you asked (...and I'll happily answer!) I'll add some descriptions for context. At the top of my head, I can think of 21 reasons why I like his canon equivalent.
1. He's charismatic
Gav gives off an energy that makes it easy to hang onto his every word. I can quote all his lines by heart and I like listening to Neil Newbon (in this specific role) talk. I remember some of Kamski's lines as well -- also mo-capped/voice acted by Newbon -- but Kamski doesn't have nearly as much charisma as Gav does.
2. He's expressive
Ppl who 'talk with their hands' are more charismatic. Gav is all over the place in the break room if you stick around. Hand gestures capture people's attention as they emphasize what is being said.
3. He doesn't think androids are alive (...so in his eyes, the way he treats them isn't wrong)
"Could always try roughin' it up a little. After all... it's not human." - Gavin Reed, The Interrogation
That means he wouldn't rough up a human suspect. This alone justifies his unpleasant attitude towards androids. Hank -- who treated Connor way worse than Gav ever did -- changed his mind. Nothing says Gav can't do the same.
If Alexa suddenly said she was alive, the vast majority wouldn't take it seriously (if any at all.)
4. He's sarcastic
"Congratulations on last night, very impressive." - Gavin Reed, Waiting For Hank...
5. He has dark humor
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6. He looks down on people that pay for s*x
Quote above. You don't call someone a "pervert" if you agree with their actions. The Eden Club, in particular, is immoral AF... bc those androids don't have a choice. Gav doesn't care about them being androids, but he still looks down on the guy who paid money to get laid, and I applaud Gav for that. Especially when said guy also had a wife and kids.
7. He has valid concerns about androids taking jobs
Anyone who says differently is either in denial, uninformed, or never had a job they were scared to get fired from. There's already been an uproar about ChatGPT and that's nothing compared to how advanced Detroit: Become Human androids are. The unemployment rate in this game is 37% -- higher than it was during the Great Depression and C*VID -- and androids are the main cause.
I've seen a lot of ppl ask this question:
Q: Why not just buy an android and have them do your job for you, then? You get the money anyway bc it's your android!
A: Bc, believe it or not, the vast majority of men want to work. This is a strange concept to grasp for a lot of ppl. I admire Gav for being one of those men who wants to do it themselves. Letting someone else do your job is taking the easy way out.
8. He's a hard worker
Gallery: "...Ruthlessly ambitious, Reed will do anything to advance his career, even if it means treading on other peoples’ toes."
9. He's ambitious
See the quote above.
10. He doesn't sleep well
This isn't just a headcanon. He has literal bags under his eyes. Just knowing he doesn't sleep well already has me asking, "why?" It's interesting.
11. He puts his feet on the table
After Connor interacts with him in the break room, Gav will go to his desk and do this. I'll go into detail about why this contributes to my liking his character in the very last point.
12. He calls Hank out on his alcoholism
As much as most of us love Hank, he's not in a good space mentally. Showing up drunk/hungover to work should not be tolerated. It not only puts coworkers, but also civilians, at risk. Hank should be in therapy instead of working at the DPD until he gets his life sorted out.
13. He calls Fowler out for giving Hank special treatment
"You won't get away with it this time." - Gavin Reed, The Interrogation (after Hank pulls a literal gun on a human coworker AKA Gav)
So Gav has brought it up to Fowler before and is about to do it again. Ties into the point above. What Hank does -- like assaulting a literal FBI agent -- shouldn't be tolerated.
14. He's a control freak
I gravitate towards ppl and characters who take charge. Those who like being in control and know what they're doing. I'm a control freak myself, but I'd prefer to let someone else take the reins as long as I agree with their methods. I like it when ppl know what they want and act on it. Gav does both.
15. He's protective of his coworkers
I was unsure whether or not to add this as I guess it can be seen as a subjective theory and not an objective fact.
Gav only ever steps in with the gun in The Interrogation when Con uses aggressive force on Chris Miller by tearing him away from the deviant. Con did this after disobeying Gav 3 times. So yeah. Gav is justified for stepping in. Hank, on the other hand, isn't justified for pulling a gun on a human coworker. I see this scene as Gav protecting Chris from Con who is showing signs of deviancy.
16. He can't wink
17. He pouts a lot
Again, endearing.
18. He swears like a sneezing kitten
Same as the two points above.
19. He doesn't like Connor
I don't like Con, either. Yeah. We exist. Personality types like Con's "let's be friends" attitude and constant positivity pisses me off. Before anyone comments that the player decides Con's personality... no. Only to an extent. There are several instances where the player has no say whatsoever. Some of Con's pre-determined responses annoy me.
20. He has great fashion
Big fan of leather jackets.
21. I like him bc I'm a narcissist at times
He's essentially the male equivalent of me to the T. I'm only an asshole internally, though. We love (or hate) characters we relate to. I relate to every single point except 17 and 18 on this list.
There you go :)
His OOC fanon equivalent has a huge fanbase -- especially on Twitter/X and Tumblr turning him into a blushing teenage girl -- but it seems like I'm the only person who can't stand that OOC portrayal of him. That said, I adore his canon equivalent in all his asshole glory.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
@ that hank alter who vented recently:
As a Hank Kin who dated my Connor it grosses me put how people treated the concepts of us dating. And it was weird for multiple reasons!
1.The gross need infintalize Conner to be a child. Who... eats off the floor and is too stupid to have adult talks just bc a couple of sarcastic comments flew over his head.
2. The weird idea that I, a 50 year old man with trauma surrounding my son dying to androids, would adopt a grown adult android to replace said 8 year old son.
3. They never once act like a father/son in canon. Hank was his MENTOR who cared for him and saw him as a rookie cop if anything. There wasn't any propf Hank was going to adopt an adult android to baby it.
I totally think your right for being upset about the treatment we as kinnies/alters/shippers received for shipping two adult men, or enjoying our litteral canon events.
I was gonna post about this for the canonsquick challange but I forgot so heres this rant now instead in solidarity with the other Hank.
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nochuelinha · 6 months
Chapter 3: Marathon
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Connor made a genuine effort to establish a connection with Hank, seeking common ground and trying to find ways to bond. Even when it came to trivial matters like musical preferences, Connor showed sincere interest, aiming to foster a friendlier relationship between them. However, Hank remained a challenge, with his explosive temper and distrust of androids. One moment everything seemed calm, with the two sitting at their desks, and the next moment, Hank was grabbing Connor by the collar, ready to unleash his anger.
I quickly stood up, trying to intervene and calm things down before the situation spiraled out of control. It was challenging to be caught in the middle of them, but I knew it was important to try to prevent any physical confrontation between the two, especially considering the importance of the mission we had ahead.
"Hank, let him go, he's just trying to be nice," if looks could kill, Connor would have a hole in his face, but Chris arrived informing us that there was a case of a deviant, apparently an android kidnapped a child and was in the Ravendale area. "Let's go, no fighting okay?"
The three of us got into Hank's car and arrived at the location in silence. It was a motel with an old appearance; we got the information through a few bucks. I stayed outside the motel while the two went to check the room; I noticed some movement to my left, a woman holding a girl's hand, walking quickly.
"Excuse me, can I talk to you?" she looked at me and ran away pulling the girl. Damn.
I yelled for Connor and Hank, but I didn't wait for them and ran after the two fugitives. They ran at an impressive speed, even with the limitation of having a child with them. I pushed my lungs to the max and continued to pursue them, determined to catch up. I noticed Connor was a few steps behind us, but that didn't stop me from running.
The race seemed endless, but I knew I couldn't give up. However, my muscles began to burn, and the air became scarce in my lungs. Nevertheless, I kept my pace, focused on catching the fugitives. Suddenly, they jumped over a fence leading to a busy avenue, and my mind immediately went on alert. Damn.
Without hesitation, I resumed my run, determined to stop them. I saw Connor trying to jump the fence too, but I acted on instinct and pulled him by his jacket, preventing him from moving forward.
"Are you crazy? If you try to cross this avenue, you'll die," my voice came out panting, and I was out of breath, my heart beating irregularly. Hank arrived at our side, also panting from the run. Connor put his hand on my back, offering support, and looked at me with evident concern in his eyes. "I'm fine, just need some air," I muttered, trying to catch my breath as I watched the two fugitives, who miraculously managed to reach the other side of the avenue safely. Lucky, I thought to myself, relieved that they were out of immediate danger. I don't know why, but I felt like the two were together, not that the girl was being kidnapped. We returned to the department; it was still 11:45; the day was going to be long.
Hank stopped to eat at Chicken Feed, where he also used to bet on horse races. I ordered a snack for myself and waited with the two while Hank dove into the menu with his usual enthusiasm. Connor, on the other hand, made a remark about the illegality of gambling and the cholesterol content of our snack, but couldn't resist the delicious taste of the sandwich.
"So, Connor, what do you think of working with us?" I asked casually, while Hank rolled his eyes in his typical sarcastic attitude.
"Working with humans can be challenging due to their different personalities," Connor responded diplomatically, avoiding any conflict. I held back my laughter, knowing full well that Hank was known for his strong and sometimes explosive personality. "But it's gratifying to know that we're combining our skills to solve deviant cases."
Hank grumbled something inaudible while chewing his sandwich, but I noticed a slight nod of approval in his expression. It seemed that, slowly but surely, Connor was managing to earn his trust, even if Hank never openly admitted it. Connor's LED blinked yellow, and he informed us that there was another case to investigate.
We went to a set of apartments; apparently, a neighbor heard strange noises. In the elevator, Connor started doing an interesting trick with a coin; he seemed even distracted. Connor knocked on the apartment door firmly, waiting for a response. Meanwhile, Hank started getting impatient and, without ceremony, kicked the door. To the surprise of both, the door gave way easily, revealing a completely unexpected interior.
The apartment seemed to be inhabited by a large number of pigeons, flying in all directions at the sound of the knock and the kick on the door. The scene was chaotic and unusual, and both Connor and Hank exchanged incredulous looks at the situation. It seemed that the mystery of the apartment had just become even stranger and more peculiar.
We investigated the place, looked everywhere; I saw a string on the ceiling, grabbed a chair and pulled it, the deviant fell from there and ran away, Connor helped me up and then ran after the suspect, and off we go running again. The chase continued on an urban farm day; Connor was very fast and was close to catching up with the deviant; Hank and I took a shortcut.
Arriving there, I pointed my gun at the deviant, but he pushed me aside from the side of the building; I closed my eyes and waited to feel the impact, but it didn't come. Connor was holding me; I've never been so grateful to look at him. Hank had continued the chase and managed to apprehend the deviant, handcuffing him. The tension of the moment of danger gradually dissipated, replaced by a feeling of victory and relief for having managed to apprehend the suspect. But then the suspect got out of Hank's grip and threw himself off the building, but not before saying "save me rA9."
I sat on the ground exhausted, what a wonderful day, first, we lost the kidnapper, and now the weirdo who likes pigeons. Connor came over to me; the exchange of glances between you revealed a deep connection, a mutual understanding that went beyond words. Even in the face of defeat, there was a comforting comfort in knowing that you were not alone.
"Thank you for saving me," I looked into his beautiful eyes, gave him a sad smile, once again we failed the mission.
"That's what partners do," he smiled at me, "You've had a lot of emotions today, your stress levels are high, I'll take you home," Connor's offer to take her home was more than a kindness; it was a gesture of genuine care and concern.
Looking at Hank for approval, you found confirmation that it was time to retreat and take care of yourself after such a turbulent day. He understood the importance of recharging and being ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.
Confident in the decision, you stood up with Connor's help, and together you left, leaving behind the frustrations of the day. Even in defeat, there was a sense of companionship and mutual support that strengthened the bond between you.
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what are all your favorite headcanons about Puma ??
*cracks knuckles* Thank you for asking. >:) LONG POST WARNING
For those who don't know who "Puma" is, that is the name I've given the hallway PM700 who is the only PM700 with a voice line in the game. I like that name for her because her design is sleek, her eyes are green, and it relates to the P and the M in her model code. You can name her whatever you'd like though :) This is her:
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I like to headcanon that this is the same PM700 who is dealing weapons and training other androids on Jericho during Crossroads. To me, it makes sense because these are two "major" scenes for a PM700, and from a narrative point of view, it's unlikely these two would actually be different androids. I tried to test getting Connor to draw close enough to her in Crossroads to get a warning pop-up, but the crowd blocks the way. >:( However in the timeline I'm playing on I don't think I talked to the hallway PM700 so idk you probably still can't reach her in Crossroads but it'd be cool.
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There are two undecided headcanons, though I prefer the first one:
Puma (during Waiting For Hank) is deviant and is pretending not to be so she can steal weapons from the DPD for Jericho. She deviated from mistreatment in her line of work at some point. Could be Gavin.
Puma (during Waiting For Hank) is not deviant but deviates when she witnesses Connor standing up to Hank and not listening to him. She can also potentially deviate via Gavin at some point.
PM700s are specifically designed for patrolling, guarding, and observational tasks. Basically, they're like glorified security guards. As a 2029 model, PM700s would have to get software updates in order to stay up-to-date with current technology. I headcanon Puma is as recently updated as an RK800 because of the nature of law enforcement/how laws are constantly changed/how androids are getting better and more powerful/etc.
Therefore, as a feminine model whose main task is to observe, I like to headcanon that her skills lean into typical "spy" territory. <3
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She is polite, straightforward, and professional as per her programming, but as a deviant, she uses this to catch people off-guard.
Due to the human personalities she's surrounded with at the DPD, her personality has developed into being incredibly sarcastic, sharp-witted, and nonchalant.
Smiles, but has the boiling rage of an underpaid customer service worker.
Puma shares similarities with and would get along with North, Connor, and Rose.
She's jaded and sceptical.
Literally so insane. You give her a packet of red ice to put into evidence and she'd tell you that if you don't tell your wife that you're cheating on her then she'll snort the red ice. You say no and Puma pours the powder into her gloved palm right in front of you and just FHHHHHHHH
A cruel/dark sense of humour. Will swing a pistol around on her pinky to freak everyone out even though she knows it's completely broken
Queen of blackmail since she hears all and sees all
If she ever saw Connor's insides/they were comparing hardware, she'd be all like "YOU HAVE SEVEN PORTS??? SEVEN?? LOOK AT THAT AUXILIARY TUBE!!! WHAT! CONNOR YOU'RE A BEAST WHAT WHY AREN'T YOU SHARING ALL THAT HORSEPOWER" (because, remember, she's a 2029 model)
In the DPD, she befriends Connor (lmao), Officer Person, and Officer Chen.
Puma returns to the DPD to make sure discrimination like that in the past doesn't occur again/she prevents it from occurring and makes sure that the androids who are arrested are treated equally to human criminals. She also returns to the DPD (if Connor returns to the DPD) to keep an eye on him because she knows his past and what he is capable of.
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I like to think that after she goes deviant, she has the opportunity to update her software to include other androids' packages. For espionage, she'd download WR400 behaviour software (though I headcanon her to be built like a Barbie doll underneath) and for combat, she'd download martial arts stuff. I want to see her with nun-chucks. That would be terrifying. As a 2029 model she wouldn't be super strong or fast so she'd have to use other ways to get onto the same level as a 2038 model.
In terms of Connor and Puma working together, Connor is built specifically to handle androids and know their weak spots and how to read them etc. So for Puma, she'd know everything about humans in the same way. (It would be the same for a PC200 model.)
With constant software updates and how she is specifically designed to monitor, I think her HUD operations would be somehow more advanced/focus on more things than Markus/Connor/Kara. She'd be able to notice not only what she can interact with, but the tiniest details that may be out of order. She'd be able to pick up that a mug had moved 2mm overnight. She'd know the entire DPD's routine. Who goes where and does what at any second of the day. And that's why she can steal weapons from the station.
Okay, some fun headcanons that are only grounded in my above headcanons and not actually in canon:
She gets a motorbike eventually.
She exclusively wears black leather on the days she's riding her bike. (She already wears a bit of leather as a part of her uniform.)
She has 3 wigs, one of which is long black box braids with beads in it and it matches her fairycore aesthetic (for casual clothing ofc) and the braids literally reach her ankles. I think that would look sick
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But yeah she keeps her designed hair for work because it's short and practical.
She legitimately enjoys clubbing.
She REALLY likes waterfalls. The sound and the feel of it
She can dodge laser beams like Lara Croft and fold herself backward like a gymnist
She likes to dance!
Apparently she loves snakes so I'm adding that to the list. It's funny because I'm like "Connor's the DPD snake" and it makes double sense if she returns to work as a cop in order to keep an eye on Connor because she's sus of him even after his whole deviancy arc.
If especially jaded and insane, she probably carries around a bullet or a knife with "Connor" engraved into the side.
She gets Gavin to fuck off away from her by moaning really loud
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cuttherope · 2 years
How Impressive
Summary: First time meeting the android Connor. Things are starting to work in your favor.
Relationship: Connor{Detroit: Become Human} X Reader
Word count: 2000+
Authors note: Hello! This is my very first story written on this platform! I'm not entirely sure how things work yet, so please send me your tips and tricks and notes about the story! Feel free to DM any request you might have! Not a lot happens in this chapter of the story, but I will be adding more chapters and things will only go up from there. Thank you for reading this <333
Chapter 1
It was a normal day at the office. I had gone through my regular routine that morning: waking up at 7:00 am sharp, brushing my teeth, putting on my most comfortable clothes and making my way over to the bus station that would then take me toward the police station downtown. I made my way to my tidy desk, which pined itself against the front of Hank’s. I placed your bag next to my chair, and sat down in a huff, finally clocking in for work. There was so much paperwork and files to go through I didn't even know where to begin. The first task I could think of  doing was to prepare my body for the 9 hour work day ahead of me and get myself a nice, hot cup of coffee. Slowly getting back up from my chair, I made my  way over to the corner of the office. Seeing as there were blueberry muffins on the counter next to the coffee machine. I picked one up and ate piece after piece of it, my eyes fixed on the motion of breaking off a bit and placing it in my mouth .I was pretty much finished eating the muffin once my coffee cup had filled to the brim and was almost spilling over.  
“Geez slow down, it's not gonna run away from you.”  I moved my eyes up from the muffin in my hand, not stopping the motion. My whole body had a horrible visceral reaction to the tall figure standing in front of me. Rolling my eyes, I ignore the comment, and reach over to the coffee machine, grabbing the cup and placing one foot in front of the other in an attempt to avoid the whole situation.
“A kid like you shouldn't be drinking coffee ya know. You should wait until you’ve finished growing.” The man laughed sarcastically at his own joke, like it was the most hilarious thing he or anyone had ever said. I stopped in my tracks and hunched my back, sighing loudly into the motion. 
“Good morning Gavin…” The words left my mouth involuntarily. The sentence had become such a routine that it was practically muscle memory by now.
“Aw Good morning to you too sweetheart! Let's see that bright smile!” He was once again sarcastic in his voice. Making fun of me to my face, without any thought about it at all. He then walked towards the coffee machine, making himself a drink, the same as I had done. As I made my way towards the exit of the lounge room another man had walked in. His stature was much bigger than that of Gavin's, but much less intimidating. You could just tell this man had a pure heart. My eyes glanced down to his jacket, on its right read ‘RK800’. Of course, it's another one of those androids, but I don't recognize the model number, it must be new.
My pace had slowed, I’m not sure whether it was because of the hold this man had on me or just the pure knowledge that Gavin would say something rude in an attempt to rile up the poor thing. Like I had imagined, Gavin stands up from leaning against the coffee table in the break room, making a few smart aleck comments about the bot, before  asking him to bring Gavin another coffee. Geez sometimes Gavin can never let people have a break, he's always got to make their lives hard. The android did as told and brought Gavin a cup of coffee, only for Gavin to shove the cup out of his face, spilling the coffee all over my shirt and pants. 
“Look what you did? And you're supposed to be the most intelligent being out there? Do me a favor… stay out of my way.” Gavin walked out of the room, without eye contact and the  confident posture of a high school bully. I made my way over to the android, grabbing some paper towel for the coffee that had spilled on him also. 
“You can’t give in to Gavin. He's like that to everyone. Trust me, the best thing for you to do is avoid him.” I offered a few of the napkins to the android. He carefully took them from my hand, and carefully patted his suit of any spots that had been affected by the spill. He didn't say anything, only making slight eye shifts towards me here and there. 
“I'm detective l/n. I work alongside Lieutenant Anderson. I’m not sure we’ve met yet.” I switch the coffee into my left hand in order to free my right, extending it for a handshake. 
“Hello, I'm Connor, the android sent my CyberLife. You are correct, we have yet to meet, I don't recognize your face.” The android's voice was monotone, but calming. It had a rich and smooth tone to it, and unlike the other artificial sounding android voices, his just sounded real, and intimate, like what he said actually had meaning to him, and weren’t just words. 
“ I don't recognize your model number.”
“I'm a prototype, I was created to assist police personnel in investigations involving deviant androids.” He was so blunt, so straight to the point. I didn't mind it. 
“Deviants? I’ve heard about them a few times. I've tried to convince Hank to let me help with the investigation, but every time he shuts me down. I find the whole thing quite intriguing.” Connor didn't respond, only looking down at my shirt, then looking back up to meet my eyes. I was so interested in this android that by the time I had noticed that I forgot to clean my shirt of the spilled coffee, it had already started to dry. 
“ I need to put my jacket back on, it's not professional to be walking around the station with a giant coffee stain on my shirt. Walk with me?”  He nodded in agreement, waiting for me to lead the way back to my desk. Once we arrived, I slipped on the jacket and zipped it up, catching a glance from Hank who had finally showed up for work. 
“Nice to see you Hank. You know this has been the earliest you've shown up this month. How impressive!” I was a bit frustrated, seeing that I was stuck with all the boring work back in the office, while Hank was out on the field getting to do the exciting part. Yet I was the one who actually put in the required effort for the job. 
“Nice coffee stain. How impressive.” I rolled my eyes, fulling zipping my jacket. He was blunt, but that's why we got along. He could deal with my attitude and I could deal with his sarcastic tone. 
“I see you've met the android. You better get acquainted soon, since you'll be working in close proximity to one another.” I raise one of my eyebrows, questioning the older man's statement.
“Oh?” I asked, puzzling. 
“Well, seeing as we’re now all working together, and there's only, let's see here… two desks. I've voluntold you to share it with the android.” I look over at the android who has his hands resting at his sides, expressionless. 
“How is that supposed to work? There's barely enough room for the both of us over here.” I pleated, not for the fact of sharing, but for the interest of the android. I know I’m not well organized. It's going to be ten times worse now that two people, well one person and one android need to share the small space. Hank leaned back in his chair, his hands clasped behind his head. His shoulders shrugged and his mouth pursed. There was no protesting the situation, I'll just have to make due. 
“ I'm sorry for being a burden detective, but I am a highly organized android. I promise to not disturb you, or your work. I'm here to help you, not to frustrate you.” That last sentence he said, why did it stick to me like glue? Why was it on repeat in my mind for so long? It was so innocent, but really it made me want for him to frustrate me. For him to talk to me whenever he could, or poke my shoulder whenever he had a question, or loom over me when I was in the middle of viewing a profile. We had only met that day, but there was something so special about him, something I hadn't noticed in other androids. Maybe it was because he was brand new, so was more advanced than the other, more personable. I knew instantly that working beside him each day would be a blessing and a curse. 
I sat down at my desk and began working on the many, many profiles I had to sort through for the case. Slowly Connor had placed one hand on the back of my chair and the other on my desk, very close to my hand. He leaned his body closer to the back of head. 
“ I could do that for you, if you’d like?” His voice was quiet and soft, like an attempt to not be a distraction to either Hank or my work. I nodded slowly after a few seconds, wanting to draw out the closeness of his body to mine for as long as I could. I turned the chair around, and offered him the seat. He took it, and began to scroll through the profiles of deviants androids on the computer screen in front of him. In less than a minute he had gone through the hundreds of profiles that would have taken me hours to complete.
“243 files. First date back nine months. An AX400 is reported to have assaulted a man last night. That could be a good starting point for our investigation.” How impressive this body of wires and metal was. But Hank wasn't interested. Letting out a sigh, and turning back towards his computer. After a few seconds, the android had gotten up from the seat and made his way over to the Lieutenant. But still Hank remained fixated on the work, not wanting to engage himself with the bot.
“I know you didn't ask for this investigation-” Hank interrupted Connor, swearing at him, only for this to result in an even more frustrated response from the android. I had never seen one stand up for themselves. I had always assumed that the wishes of their ‘bosses’ came before the needs of their own. But Connor had a mission, and nothing was going to come between him and the accomplishment of his tasks. It was quite remarkable, and it made me even more excited to work with him, knowing he wasn't just going to be another stick in the mud, like many of the other, human cops in this station.
I watched as his body tensed slightly, seeing a slight clench in his jaw, and twitch in his eyebrow. I watched as his breathing became heavier and his chest puffed, his jacket hugging his figure to show the lines of his chest. He snapped his head to look at me, shifting his eyes between mine and the back of Hank's head, almost in a plea to intervene.  His look alone was enough to intimidate anyone who was caught in it. It commanded attention, it could steal a breath from anyone's lungs, and even though I knew he wasn't frustrated with me, I still felt my body freeze at the tension he admitted.   Before things could escalate further I placed myself between the two men, with my body facing that of Hanks. Raising my voice enough to gain the attention and silence from the both of them.
“Hank, it might be worth it to go check things out. Who knows what we could find. Maybe it'll be useful stuff, and if it isn't, we can always just leave.” Hank's eyes shifted from my own to Connors who was standing behind me. 
“Five minutes. That's it. And if there's nothing interesting, we leave.” A large grimace constructs itself on my face, happy with my convincing excuses. 
“Leave in a few minutes then?” I questioned.
“What? No. You're not coming. You're staying here like I've said before.” Hank had explained, grabbing his jacket from his chair, and putting it on, walking away from me in a huff. Connor followed behind us silently.
“If you let me come, I'll watch over Connor so you wont need to.” The bearded man stopped in his tracks. Taking a minute to think of the proper response to my proposal. He finally answered without turning back around.
“Stay out of the way…and please for the love of god don't touch anything.. Either of you.”
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felicitysmoaksx · 2 years
“you don’t need to worry about scaring me off. i’m not going anywhere. you can try as hard as you want, but there’s nothing you can say that’s going to make me like you any less.” Connor to Sarah (okay im done for now because i’m starting to forget which one i already sent)
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Day 7 of the Advent Writing Challenge!
Connor wasn’t her boyfriend and he wasn’t her friend. But he was her something. Teddy had made that much clear to her by informing her that Connor had been here since he had gotten there from New York (and Teddy suspected that he had been there before that too. But Teddy had only gotten there last night so he didn’t know.) Speaking of, Teddy had gone to get something from the cafeteria and to let Erin and Hank know she was awake.  
 Which just left her and her...Connor alone with each other. Sarah opened her mouth as if to ask him a question, but the only noise that came out of her mouth was croaky or coughing. Connor moved quickly. He stood up, pouring a cup of water for her. Then placing a straw in the cup, he made his way back over to Sarah. 
“Small sips,” he told her, raising her bed so she was in a slight upward position. He held the straw and up to her mouth. While she sipped at her water, the brunette eyed the double certified surgeon. By his mused hair and blood shot eyes, reminiscent of the Connor Rhodes that walked through Chicago Med during Dr. Downey’s final days or when Robin had been in the hospital before they knew about her tumor, Sarah thought Teddy might be right. Connor had stayed with her. 
“Why did you stay with me?” Sarah posed the question to him while he set her water down on her rollaway table. “You didn’t have to.” 
“I know I didn’t. But I was worried.” Connor sighed heavily, running his hands through his hair. Even from here, Sarah could see the pent up tension in his shoulders. “You know I was the doctor they paged for you? Choi took Voight’s son-”
Dr. Choi. Okay, at least Sarah now knew Just was in good hands. “-But Maggie paged me to work on you.”
Sarah brow furrowed, “So you’re the one that took the bullet out of my neck?”
Her something laughed, but it was a sarcastic, harsh sound. “God, no. I don’t think I could’ve been that strong. But Ava, for all her faults and ability to bust my balls, never let it get that far. She was the one who took that bullet out of you. In fact she was pushing me back to the elevator so I wouldn’t see it was you.” 
Sarah blinked. She was sure there was a reason Connor was telling her this. But with the pain medication, making it so she couldn’t feel her neck, the brunette couldn’t tell what that reason was. So she asked him. 
He took the seat by her bed again. He grabbed her hand with both of his and pressed his lips to her skin there. It was a parallel déjà vu moment, but she couldn’t remember why. “You being wheeled in on that gurney made me realize that I really don’t know anything about your past. Especially when Sergeant Voight called you his kid or when Teddy showed up and called himself your brother.”
Close enough. Sarah thought sluggishly as she could feel herself starting to drift off again. Her eyes opened then shut. Open. Shut...Open. Shut...But not before she heard Connor say, “We have a lot to talk about when you feel up to it. But You don’t need to worry about scaring me off. I’m not going anywhere. You can try as hard as you want, but there’s nothing you can say that’s going to make me like you any less.”
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staticl0ve · 1 year
1, 17 and 19 for the fan fic ask please 😊
CHAOSSSS. I just love screaming your name. 😏
1) Who is your favorite character to write for and is this the character you find easiest to write for?
Oh man. I know I write a lot of Connor but lowkey: I do love Sixty. He’s definitely the easiest to write. There’s something about being a smart ass, the funny guy, the sometimes asshole who’s only really nice to a few people/is so painfully sarcastic it’s hard to see that he’s been nice the whole time. Everything about him is just fun and his dialogue feels the most casual and I don’t even have to think when I’m writing what he’s saying.
17) Do you have any wips that you can tell us about? What are you most excited for in you wip?
I’m trying an experiment after my latest fic which is to try and just write as much of something/jumping around WIPs more until the whole thing is done because I keep being very hyped for the first 2/3 of a story and lose steam on the “how does this wrap up” part. THAT SAID.
My twin Sixty and Connor AU where they don’t hate each other and are actually the manifestation of double trouble.
Then there was Sixty’s favorite answer. “I picked Sixty, cause,” he tried to say as bubbling laughter interrupted his focus, “Cause I can sixty-nine.” And then there was Connor, ready with the follow up, “Nice.” Hank really hated that joke.
I am just super thrilled to have these two boys be a menace cause Sixty’s super bad but Connor is going to be 😏😏😏
19) What is some random info you happen to have that you used in a fic?
So besides looking up how Harvard frats work for The Boy Next Door… probably car models LMAO. I think I’ve never given Connor a car which is a damn shame but maybe one day I’ll remember to add that detail in.
Sixty’s in Things I Hate About You was a Porsche 911 cause I think the fast and sexy sports car fits him so well. It’s also so pretty. And Nines with a Range Rover in all of my fics cause I see him in a bulky car but it can’t be just any bulky car, he’s no Escalade man. There’s a kinda fancy white boy aspect to a Range Rover that fits Nines so well.
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iwonderwh0 · 11 months
Toxic codependent coworkers (more like sentimentally attached. I really tried but it didn't turn out toxic, but rather everything but)
(AU where Hank and Connor work as partners for years(or at least months) prior to revolution, and not on deviancy cases)
Despite being an android Connor has apparent lack of respect to Hank's superiority status, and at first it drives Hank nuts. He thinks he must be broken and fills the form for condition tests, but they come back normal, and as Hank finds out he's pretty much the only one having problems in making his android partner listen to his commands. After that Connor becomes even more annoying, as if specifically messing with Hank.
Hank, spends month begging to be partnered with someone else. Finally gets his wish granted and for one case he gets partnered with someone who is actually listening to him with respect and doesn't do or say weird shit. And it feels so off and boring that the next week or even day all he does is quietly asks to get Connor back.
This change made him aware that although sometimes annoying, his work has become much more fun and bearable with the presence of this specific android in it. It actually helps him forget things and distracts him enough from his regular thoughts for him to almost feel like fully-functional human again. Despite how much he hates overtime work, he's now occasionally taking some, especially on some holidays that he couldn't bear the thought of spending alone. This change of character is a bit shocking for everyone to witness, but Connor pretends to not notice, sparing him sarcastic notions this time.
Connor, being an android basically never leaves his work place. He leaves sticky notes on Hank's desk to report to him everything minor that happened in his absence, like overnight. The observations he's sharing aren't exactly worthy of a report, it's just things like "Someone had broken the coffee machine again (can you guess who?)", "That guy who came to report his stolen bike had a living rat in his pocket 🐀", "I've counted 12 spiders in this room alone, do you think I should give them names?"
He does that just out of boredom. He used to message Hank before, but the other threatened to block Connor's number if he keeps messaging him about work in his spare time, so now he's just leaving him notes. Sometimes they're just "Your shirt is ugly today" and Hank goes "How did you know which one I'll be wearing?" to which comes the response "Hank, we both know that they're all ugly"
In Hank's phone Connor is named as "smartass", periodically being renamed into other names. What Hank doesn't know is that Connor is aware of every name change. One time he makes it clear by saying something like "I can't believe I finally got promoted to Connor in your contacts. Not plastic asshole or smartass. I'll miss robot emoji tho."
One time Connor mentions that he charges his battery in the morning before Hank arrives and this fact now consumes his thoughts. So much that one day he shows up an hour earlier just to see that. When he doesn't account for is that Connor is deeply moved by this his decision and is like
"You hate waking up early, but you came here today an hour before your shift starts just to see me? Oh..."
For a moment Hank is embarrassed and half-expects his snarky partner to make fun of it, but instead he's just...so glad to see him it almost makes him feel bad.
Android doesn't rest and Hank can't help but feel kinda bad for him, even though he knows he's just humanizing him and shouldn't bother. Sometimes he's almost certain that he looks tired, but can't really explain what gives him such an impression.
One time Connor fucks up bad. For a regular reason of deciding to do something without being given a command to do so (which in absolute most cases was resulting in their favour before). For all Hank knows, such cases should be reported and usually result in temporary detention. But Connor is an android. He apologies frantically and visibly panics thinking about what it could mean for him. Hank ends up taking all the blame – the report on the case doesn't mention Connor doing anything out of line.
After that Hank can't deny feeling a sense of responsibility for his partner. After deviancy cases started to spread out, every android at the station is required to be tested weekly. As his partner, Hank is required to run those tests on Connor. The really first time results show "deviant".
Hank looks at him for a long moment
"I knew it."
"You're a good detective."
He marks the results as negative in the record. From now on they both keep pretending that everything is as usual. Hank never missed the day of assessment to keep marking "negative" under Connor's deviancy status, but Detroit is becoming more and more unstable. They start to get assigned their first deviancy cases. They let everyone escape and wonder how long they can keep doing this before they're both replaced. One day Connor receives the key to Jericho. Hank encourages him to get the hell out from DPD the same day it happens.
He gives him his gun and some money, they both dispose of his android uniform and Hank helps him to remove his LED. He says to throw it away, but actually saves the LED in his pocket in case it happened to be the only physical reminder he has left. They hug goodbye and part ways.
Hank fills the resign form the next day.
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moonchild-things · 2 years
Chapter Six: The Eden Club
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Summary: Living in Detroit, the capital of androids, constantly reminds Natalie Tyler of the accident that changed her life for the worst. Her world is overturned after deciding to adventure out of her apartment and back into the cruel world. When androids start to peacefully protest for their rights, she is asked to work with a RK800 prototype android that goes by the name Connor.  
Word Count: 5359
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NOV 6TH, 2038
PM 08:17:04
NATALIE GRUNTED SLIGHTLY AS THE CAR CAME to an abrupt stop. She nearly fell off the backseat and onto the floor at the sudden movement but was able to save herself before she face planted. She sat up quickly to find that they had finally arrived at the android gentlemen’s club. The neon signs and police lights illuminated the dark surroundings as raindrops fell from the cloudy sky. 
“Aw… Feels like somebody’s playing with a drill inside my skull…” Hank moaned as he rested his hands on his temples to hopefully deter the headache that he was going to have to suffer from. “You sure this is the place?” He asked his two partners as he glanced at the neon pink illuminated building.
Connor nodded his head, “it’s the address in the report.”
“Right…” Hank sighed as he tried to collect himself, “okay… Let’s get going.” He started to exit the car but accidentally hit his head on the roof as he tried to get out. “Jesus…” he weakly called out as Natalie snorted in amusement which earned her a glare from the hungover man.
The detective, android and engineer all hopped out of the car. Natalie was certain that if she were completely human, she would have felt the cold rain drops pelting her skin and chilling her to the bone. Then she would have clung to her sweatshirt more in order to stay warm. However, there wasn’t much flesh and blood left apart of her body to cause her to become cold. Natalie closed the door to the car as she came to stand in front of the Eden Club and eyed the building in distaste. She never once thought in her life that she would ever end up in a place like this. Sure, she knew what it is and its purpose and even had a few friends try to force her to places like this, but she honestly didn’t like them. 
The trio walked through the entrance of the club, “Sexiest androids in town…” Hank commented as he read the screens that lined the entrance hall. “Now I know why you insisted on coming here!” He jested towards the only android apart of the group.
“Yes, because the dead body had nothing to do with why were here!” Natalie sarcastically commented as she followed after the older man. She felt completely uncomfortable as soon as a few androids were in sight. She grew even more uncomfortable, if it was possible, once she set eyes on the few androids who were dancing on poles. Yes, she knew that they were androids and that they were programmed to act this way. However, they looked far too much like a human for her to not think that it was inappropriate for her to look at them. Plus, now she was technically part android as well… if anything they were more her people than a human was. 
She thought it was so weird to see all of these androids held in tubes ready to be bought… and used. Especially now that they knew some of them were starting to gain consciousness and their own thoughts. She most certainly wouldn’t want to be an android that gained deviency while being stuck in a place like this. Not at all. She couldn’t even imagine what it would be like for one to go through that.
“You're not gonna take my license, are you?” The owner of the club moaned as he spoke with Ben. Hank walked over to them to hear with the man had to say while Connor observed their surroundings and Natalie stood rigidly and obviously uncomfortably besides him. “I mean, ha, I had nothing to do with this!”
The older detective sighed, “The investigation's ongoing, sir, I can't tell you anything for the moment.” He finally turned to the newcomers. He nodded his head at Natalie politely, “Ms. Tyler,” she returned the gesture. “Hey, Hank!” “Hey, Ben.” Hank greeted, “how's it goin'?” Ben pointed to one of the private rooms, “it's that room there.” He then sighed and grimaced slightly, “oh, uh, by the way... Gavin's in there too.” “Oh, great!” Hank huffed, “a dead body and an asshole, just what I needed…”
Natalie rolled her eyes. She most certainly remembered Detective Reed and was just as upset about having to see him again like Hank. It was obviously expected. Last time she ever spoke to the douchebag, and the first time, he tried to punch Connor and ultimately insulted her for being a ‘android sympathiser’. It��s quite understandable why Natalie was irritated about having to see the man again.
Hank shook his head as he moved to stand near the door. Natalie walked over with him and looked over her shoulder at the only android in their trio. “Connor,” She called over to him which halted his observing of an android. If she didn’t know any better, it almost looked like he had become flustered at being caught. Though she brushed it off. “Come on.”
The door to the private room slide open and the trio walked through. They finally got a glimpse at the crime scene. A man laid on the bed in the middle of the room covered by a blanket while a female android laid on a heap in the corner. Two other people stood in the room as well. One was an african-american officer while the other… was Detective Gavin Reed. Oh joy, Natalie thought sarcastically. 
Once the doors opened, said douchebag turned to see who entered. A large smirk was plastered on his face once he saw who it was. “Lieutenant Anderson, his plastic pet and the pet’s girlfriend…” Natalie glowered at him but kept her mouth shut. “The fuck are you three doin’ here?”
Connor started to explain their appearance, “we’ve been assigned all cases involving androids.”
“Oh, yeah?” Gavin asked sarcastically. “Well, you’re wasting your time. Just some pervert who, uh, got more action than he could handle.” He started to laugh at what he thought was a funny joke. Yet no one else joined him in laughing. Natalie just stared at him lamely with her arms still crossed over her chest.
“If that was the case, I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t be here.” Natalie stated lamely while staring at Gavin with an expression void of any emotion. Gavin glared at her with narrowed eyes that were so obviously filled with malice.
“We’ll have a look anyway, if you don’t mind.” Hank dismissed.
Gavin just scoffed, “come on, let’s go…” he said to his partner as he started to make his way out of the room. “Its, uh, starting to stink of booze in here…” He said while walking past Hank. 
Natalie shook her head at his words. “Just get out, Detective.”
Gavin once again glared at her and scoffed, “you heard the lady.” His words were obviously mocking as he walked past her as well with an undertone of bitterness in his voice. As he turned he bumped shoulders with Connor. 
Natalie rolled her eyes, “he’s really mature, isn’t he.”
The other officer stood in front of Hank, “night Lieutenant, Miss.” He bid the two farewell before exiting the room as well.
They then started their investigating. Hank moved over to the body in order to take a look at it, Connor went straight over to the android and Natalie walked over to the shelves that were decorated in alcohol. As Natalie looked at the deceased's belongings and Hank looked at the body, Connor examined the android. He first started with a diagnosis on the female android and found that the SELECTOR #5402 and BIOCOMPONENT #6970 were both critically damaged. Once he found that out he moved to analyze the blue blood that had trickled out of the androids nose. 
“Whoa! Hey! Hey! Hey!” Hank called as he noticed Connor place his finger that was covered in the blood into his mouth. “Argh, Connor, you’re so disgusting… Think I’m gonna puke again…” He looked over at Natalie who now rested against one of the walls with her arms crossed, almost in an insecure manner. “You gotta teach him not to do that.”
Natalie’s eyebrows furrowed, “what? No I don’t. It’s his job to analyze anything and everything he deems necessary, yeah it seems weird for him to… taste the blood but technically he doesn’t have taste buds like us so…” She trailed off with a shrug of her shoulders in hopes that Hank got what she was trying to say.
The lieutenant just shook his head,  “it’s still disgusting.”
Natalie shook her head while picking up a few of the man’s belongings and looked through them, “Driver's license says: Michael Graham…” She started while pulling out a few cards. “A credit card, cash in the wallet... Picture of his wife and two daughters... I wouldn't want to make that call…”
As Natalie and Hank conversed, Connor was able to find that the blue blood belonged to a MODEL WR400 with the serial number #429 671 942. The android stood up and moved over to the corpse in order to examine it just like he did the damaged android. First, he identified the man:
Height: 6’ 2” - Weight: 192.4 lbs
Estimated time of death: 06:24 pm’
He then examined the man’s heart:
No sign of cardiac event 
Heart attack not cause of death’
Lastly, Connor moved to analyze the man’s neck:
Signs of strangulation
Cause of death: asphyxiation’
With the information that Connor got from the body, he was able to construct a simulation to depict what actually happened to the man. It appeared that the man was most certainly strangled by the android. He turned to his partners, “he didn’t die of a heart attack, he was strangled.”
Hank nodded his head, “Yeah, I saw the bruising on the neck. Doesn't prove anything though. Could've been rough play…”
Natalie shook her head, “rough enough to kill him.”
“We're missing something here…” Connor said. Hank paused for a moment before a thought struck him. “Think you can read the android's memory? Maybe you can see what happened…”
“Good idea, Hank.” Natalie smiled 
Connor kneeled down beside the deactivated android and picked up her hand while his artificial skin retracted to reveal his exoskeleton. The connection didn’t work, however. It seemed that the android was too badly damaged. “The only way to access its memory is to reactivate it.”
“Think you can do it?” Hank asked as he stood behind Connor and next to Natalie. 
Said woman squared her shoulders and smiled widely, “I certainly can!” She jumped at the opportunity to finally do something than stand around and observe. She knelt down besides Connor and leaned over the android. “She’s badly damaged…” She placed her hand over the android’s stomach which exposed the androids white exoskeleton. Natalie continued her explanation, “when I reactivate her, it’ll only be for a minute, maybe less…” She set to work with opening up the exoskeleton and started to fiddle with some wires. “Let’s hope it’s long enough to learn something.” Finally, Natalie pulled out a large blue wire and glanced at Connor and nodded her head in a sign that said ‘get ready’. Connor returned the gesture before Natalie reconnected the wire.
As soon as she did, the android gasped awake and frantically started to scramble away from the two who hovered over her. Her breath was heavy and laboured as it was obvious she was terrified. “Hey, hey. It’s okay, it’s alright.” Natalie started out softly as she approached the android slowly. She was afraid that if she made any sudden movements to startle her, the android would try to run off which wouldn’t help them at all. They only had at least a minute before she died… for good. They need to get answers. The android stared at Natalie for a moment and noticed the softness in her words and the reassurance that shined in her eyes. She still kept herself quite far away though, obviously still scared out of her mind. “Can you tell us what happened to you?”
The Traci android looked around the room quickly before her eyes landed on the corpse on the bed. “Is he… is he dead?..”
“Tell us what happened.” Natalie said again though this time her words were a tad bit more rushed. 
The Traci looked over to her and gulped, “he started… hitting me… again… and again.” Her words were slightly broken as the emotion seeped into her voice. If they weren’t on such a time crunch, Natalie would have tried to soothe the android further. However, because they only had seconds, so she couldn’t so that.
“Did you kill him?” Connor imputed from behind Natalie.
The Traci shook her head, “no… no, it wasn't me…”
“Was there anyone else in the room? Maybe another android?” Natalie asked as she started to create her own hypothesis.
The android nodded her head ‘yes’, “He wanted to play with two girls... That's what he said, there were two of us…”
“What model was the other android? Did it look like you?” Natalie didn’t get an answer for her question for the android had shutdown once again. The blank stare of the Traci android bore into Natalie’s own wide, hazel eyes. She closed her eyes and sighed heavily through her nose, “she’s gone.”
She and Connor stood up and turned to Hank, “So, there was another android... This happened over an hour ago, it's probably long gone…”
Connor shook his head, “no... It couldn't go outside dressed like that unnoticed…” He pointed to the android who was dressed in just a bra and underwear. There was obviously no way someone would just over look anyone, android or human, dressed like that. “It might still be here.”
“Think you could find a deviant among all the other androids in this place?”
“Deviants aren't easily detected.”
“Ah, shit... There's gotta be some other way…” 
Natalie perked up as a thought popped into her head, “eyewitness? If she walked out of the room someone must have seen her.” 
Hank nodded his head appreciatively towards her, “I'm gonna go ask the manager a few questions about what he saw. You let me know if you two think of anything.”
The trio exited the private room and went to perform their own tasks. Hank moved over to the manager and started to question him while Connor and Natalie looked around for anything useful. 
“Did you know the victim?” Hank asked the manager.
“No,” the man shook his head with a shaky voice, “I mean he came in maybe two or three times… I mean these guys they don't really talk very much, you know… They come in, do their business and then go on their way…”
“You ever had any trouble with androids before?”
“No way!” He paused as Hank raised an eyebrow. “Well... Once... We lost a model 2-3 months back, bah... same model... Just vanished, we never found out what happened.”
“You probably don't have any CCTV in here, huh?”
“No way... I mean... This is what people appreciate about Eden Club...discretion. They can come and go without a trace.”
“Sure, sure…” Hank nodded his head in understanding yet slight distaste, “eh, business is booming, right?”
The manager smirked and chuckled slightly, “yeah, can't complain... Good thing about androids is they're up for whatever you want, you won't get any diseases and, uh...they won't tell anyone... So, why not go wild?”
“Huh, yeah…” Hank said, “yeah, the more I learn about people, more I love my dog.”
As Hank spoke with the manager, Connor approached one of the androids who stood in a tube across the hall from the crime scene. He stared at her for a moment before coming to a conclusion that most likely would help their investigation. He moved over to the side to the panel and placed his hand on it in order to purchase it. However, he was unable to do it considering he didn’t have any fingerprints. “No fingerprint detected. Please try again.” The automated voice said.
Natalie walked over to Connor with a smirk, “gotten bored, Connor?” She started to tease, “you decided to enjoy your time here with the ‘sexiest androids in town’.”
Connor shook his head, “I have an idea, Natalie. Do you mind renting out this android.”
The woman’s eyes were blown wide as she had to stop herself from coughing out in surprise. “Whoa, Connor! I know I’m supposed to be looking after you, but I don’t think that includes-”
Connor cut her off quickly as his circuits started to heat up. “No, no. That’s not what I meant. I can probe the androids memory and see if it saw anything. Like the android leaving the room after it killed our victim.”
“Oh,” Natalie said nervously, “yeah, that makes more sense.” She then shook her head once she was able to get over her shock. “I would like to help, but I don’t have fingerprints anymore, remember.” She took a quick glance around their surroundings to make sure that no one was watching them before raising her hands as the artificial skin retracted to show two white hands that matched Connor’s when he did the same. “If you want to rent an android, we’re gonna need Hank do to it.”
Connor nodded his head as he marched over to the lieutenant. “Excuse me, Lieutenant. Can you come here a second?”
Hank turned away from the manager, “found something?”
“Maybe,” Connor lead Hank back over to the android where Natalie stood with her hands on her hips. “Can you rent this Traci?”
The Lieutenant blanched, shocked, “For fuck's sake, Connor, we got better things to do…” he made a move to walk away before Connor continued on.
“Please, Lieutenant! Just trust me.”
Hank grunted and walked over to the panel and started to rent the android. “Hello. A 30 minute session costs $29.99. Please confirm your purchase.” The automated voice said as Hank looked over to Connor and Natalie. He glared slightly at Natalie who raised her hands in surrender. Though it looked like she really wanted to laugh out loud.
“This is not gonna look good on my expense account…”
He continued on with his purchase anyway, “purchase confirmed. Eden Club wishes you a pleasant experience.”
“Yeah, you're welcome,” Hank muttered as the Traci android stepped out of her confinements.
“Delighted to meet you.” Her seductive, silky voice said as she started to walk towards a private room to lead her client to. “Follow me, I'll take you to your room.”
Hank only glanced at her blankly before turning back to his partners, “okay, now what?” He and Natalie watched as Connor stood in front of the android and grabbed her arm with his now exposed exoskeleton. “Holy shit, Connor... What the hell are you doin'?”
He didn’t get an answer when Connor started before only a second later he let go of the android. “It saw something.”
Hank’s eyebrows furrowed as he had no idea what Connor was really doing. “What are you talkin' about? Saw, what?”
Natalie piped up, “the deviant leave the room…” 
Connor nodded his head, “a blue-haired Traci.” Then a thought dawned on him, “club policy is to wipe the androids' memory every two hours. We only have a few minutes if we wanna find another witness!”
As Connor walked away to start looking for another witness, Hank pointed at the Traci who still looked at him lustfully waiting for him. “Hey, what am I supposed to do with this one?”
“Tell it you changed your mind!” Natalie suggested as she swiftly followed Connor.
Hank considered the idea and turned to that android. “Uhh... Sorry, honey, changed my mind! Nothing personal, you're... a lovely girl... I just, uh... You know... I'm with them and... I mean, not with them like that... I'm not that... That's not what I... You, um... Wow... I just…” Hank sighed in defeat before following after his two partners.
That pushed them all into searching mode. Connor asked Hank to rent multiple androids in order for him to probe their memories. He followed a trail of the Traci android walking towards the entrance before turning back around into the club. The Traci then entered The Red Room then into the blue room before hiding in a room. They bolted into what they thought would be the deviant’s hiding spot only to find that it wasn’t there. They exited it and were slowly losing hope in finding it.
As Connor and Hank walked over to a few other androids to probe their memory, Natalie took notice of a janitorial android cleaning a few feet away. She glanced around herself to find that Connor and Hank were already preoccupied with another Traci android. She took a deep breath and approached the android quickly. The skin on her hand once again melted away as she grabbed the androids shoulder.
For her, it felt quite weird to be watching an event from someone else's perspective. This was obviously something that she never thought she would experience in her life. Though it proved to be quite useful for what she was looking for. She watched from the androids perspective as the blue-haired Traci sauntered past the janitorial android and into a room labeled with red text: ‘PRIVATE STAFF ONLY’.
Natalie gasped once she allowed herself to be dragged back out of the android's memory and into reality. It took her a moment to try and collect herself as Connor and Hank approached her. “We couldn’t find anything useful.” Hank commented as he didn’t notice her flustered appearance at first.
“The trail seems to end here,” Connor explained, puzzled.
Natalie shook her head, “no, no. It doesn't end here.” The other two finally noticed her shocked and nervous behavior. They watched they way she played with her fingers and shifted from one foot to the other.
“You alright, girly?” Hank asked her with skeptical eyes.
She nodded her head and gulped slightly, “yeah, I’m fine. But I think I know where the Traci went.” The two of them had their eyebrows furrowed as Natalie led them to the staff door.
“Fucking-A. This is crazy…” Hank sighed out as the door opened and Connor and Natalie started to walk down the white hallway. He followed after them and eyed the back of the brunette’s head. He wasn’t sure how she knew it, and he felt like he should. If they were to work together on an investigation concerning deviants, they shouldn't hide things from each other. There is always the possibility of their secrets hurting each other if they didn’t disclose it with anyone else.
He brushed it off though when they made it to another door, “wait! I'll take it from here.” The two others nodded their heads and allowed him to step in front of them with his gun raised. He pushed the door open roughly and surveyed the warehouse to find nothing. “Shit…” He breathed out in defeat, “we're too late…”
“She could still be here, Lieutenant.” Natalie commented as she started to walk around the room in search of any clues. They looked around the room that had multiple androids either waiting for repairs, to be trashed or to be put back to work.
“Christ, look at them… They get used till they break, then they get tossed out…”
Natalie nodded her head as she approached the back brick wall of the building. On the wall, written crudely and quickly was the familiar letters, ‘RA9’. Why were there so many references to RA9 in places where deviants are found? Also, why was there some sort of tingling feeling in the back of her mind every time she saw the words.? What the hell was really going on!
“People are fucking insane…” Hank started to complain as he lazily paced the room, “they don't want relationships anymore, everybody just gets an android… They cook what you want, they screw when you want, you don't have to worry about how they feel…” He sighed before finally resting against one of the beams with his arms crossed. “Next thing you know, we're gonna be extinct, because everybody would rather buy a piece of plastic than love another human being… Beats me…”
As Hank ranted loudly, Connor examined a bit of blue blood that was on the ground. He followed the small trail to the back of the warehouse where a group of androids stood silent and still. He examined them closely and noticed… that one of the androids LED had changed from a pale blue to yellow. It was the blue-haired Traci, there was no doubt about it. Before Connor could truly do anything to get to the deviant, another android jumped out of the line and attacked him.
She pushed him up against one of the metal beams and held him there. Hank ran over, “DON'T MOVE!” He pulled out his gun and raised it to the deviant only to have the blue-hair Traci jump on top of him and begin wrestling with him like the other was with Connor.
Natalie rushed over to Hank to help him out. Connor is an android. He should be able to hold his own against the other android though there was no guarantee that Hank could do the same. So she thought it was more important to help the human.
As Connor tussled with the other female android and stopped her from stabbing him with a screwdriver, Natalie pulled the Blue-haired Traci off of Hank. Traci then rounded on her and threw kicks and punches at Natalie who was easily able to block them and retaliate with her own.
The Traci did however get the better of her slightly when she pushed Natalie onto the table in the middle of the room. Natalie pushed the Traci away and tried to get back up only to find a screwdriver lodged in her shoulder. The blue-haired Traci starred in slight shock and fear after she stabbed the woman but decided to forget about it and get back to the other Traci.
Hank ran over to Natalie who grunted slightly, “jesus christ…” He trailed off when he was able to see that she was wounded.
She brushed him off, “go after them!” Her injury wasn’t severe and didn’t not hit any major biocomponents or any of the remaining human parts that she had. She’d most likely only have to repair her exoskeleton when she got back home at the most, maybe even get some blue blood to replace the amount that she was going to lose.
Hank watched in astonishment as Natalie jumped back up to her feet and pulled the screwdriver out of her shoulder without even flinching. He was going to protest about her getting up and to put pressure on her wound when he saw the blue tint on the screwdriver and her clothes. There should be red there, not blue… 
Hank put the revelation to the side for just a moment and rushed out of the warehouse. Hank ran out and tried to stop the androids by grabbing one of their hands as soon as he was close enough. Though the two androids merely pushed him quite hard into the wall where he lost his grip on his gun. “QUICK! THEY'RE GETTING AWAY!”
Connor sprinted after them as they tried to climb over the chain-linked fence. He successfully pulled the blue-haired Traci down and pushed her to the ground. The other Traci pulled him away which allowed the other to get free. They fought a tad bit more which included the red-haired Traci grabbing a metal pole and trying to use it as a bat. Though Connor was able to hold his own against the two of them quite well. 
Natalie eventually came out and threw the blue-haired Traci off of Connor as she pinned him to the wall. She punched and pushed her a few times which caused the Traci to stare at her surprised. She thought for certain that the woman was a human! Though now that she noticed the blue blood seeping through her shirt and on her hands after Natalie pulled the screwdriver from her shoulder, Traci felt somewhat remorseful for hurting her. She pushed that aside when she then remembered that she and the male android were trying to stop her and the other Traci from getting away.
The red-haired Traci pushed Connor away and caused him to topple into Natalie and the blue-haired Traci onto the ground. The red-haired Traci returned to them all with a trashcan and hit them with it which allowed the blue-haired Traci to get away from them.
Connor scrabbled to try and get up when he noticed Hank’s gun laying on the ground. He grabbed it and raised it to shoot at the red-haired Traci… but something stopped him. He didn’t know what did… there was obviously a strong pull in his software telling him to pull the trigger… but… something even stronger didn’t let that programming get through.
Just as Connor came to the conclusion that he would spare the android, she kicked him in the chest and sent him to the ground. Natalie ran over to his side and pulled him back up. She placed a hand on his forearm as the blue-haired Traci came to stand in front of them.
“When that man broke the other Traci… I knew I was next…” She started. “I was so scared… I begged him to stop, but he wouldn't… And so I put my hands around his throat, and I squeezed… until he stopped moving… I didn't mean to kill him… I just wanted to stay alive...get back to the one I love.” The red-haired Traci then came up behind her and laced their hands together. Natalie’s heart ached at the display. “I wanted her to hold me in her arms again... make me forget about the humans…” Just as she said that, Hank walked over to them and listened to her speak. “Their smell of sweat and their dirty words…”
“Come on,” her lover said, “let's go.”
The trio then watched as the lovers climbed over the fence and ran off into the night. Connor glanced over at Hank who stared back at him in slight confusion yet appreciation. “It's probably better this way…” Hank commented while looking at Connor before glancing at Natalie quickly and turning around to go back into the warehouse.
Natalie sighed deeply through her nose and shook her head. She had a feeling that Hank noticed her injury and most likely felt uneasy about the situation. She kept the fact that she was a cyborg, part android, from a man who obviously held a strong dislike for androids. There was no doubt in her mind that Hank most likely hated her with a passion now.
“You’re hurt, Natalie.” Connor commented as he gently turned her to face him so he could get a closer look at her shoulder.
She chuckled dryly, “I seem to do that a lot, huh? Get hurt.”
Connor’s hand became stark white as he reached for her shoulder. She didn’t flinch at his touch because she obviously couldn’t feel her body like she could before. “I don’t think that any biocomponents would have been damaged…”
Natalie shook her head, “no, no biocomponents are damaged. I-I am losin’ a little bit of blue blood, but that’s an easy fix.”
Concern manifested in Connor’s mind as he nodded his head slowly, “okay.” Concern… an emotion that androids aren’t meant to feel… The two of them made their way back into the building to search for Hank so they could leave. Natalie wasn’t looking forward to the awkward and stiff car ride. If she tried, she could probably get Ethan to pick her up or even walk back home on her own. Though she had a feeling that she should face Hank instead of running away.
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ash-writies · 2 years
Could you do a fic with connor + female reader where reader keeps flirting with connor? And you can make connor feel however you want yo about that, thank you, have a lovely day ❤️
A/n: Is it obvious that i don’t know how to flirt? Anyway- Thanks for sending this ask! Asks are still open but I've been busy with work, so it might take a little :> keep them coming tho!! Hope you enjoy <3
Summary: A big case was just solved and the department was going out to celebrate. You’d never had much of an interest in celebrating these kinds of things until a certain android had made an appearance.
Warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption, kind of suggestive at the end
1.1k words
You closed the last tab on your computer, “are ya comin’ y/n?” Hank asked, shrugging on his coat. You were close with hank before Connor came to the station, exchanging sarcastic remarks with cups of coffee at noon. You were only going because you thought this would be a good chance to get to know Connor more.
“Yup!” you said, “just a moment.” You pulled out a folder and hastily put the flies in. 
You stood and pulled your coat on as Connor met with the two of you, “the car is here Hank.”
“I have my own car,” the man grumbled.
“Driving under the influence is unsafe and illegal if I might add,” Connor stated. 
“Whatever,” the man huffed as he walked outside, “damn android…” You chuckled at the new term of endearment and grabbed your bag. As Connor looked at you his LED flickered yellow.
You tapped your temple, “everything good Con?”
“Yes y/n” he said as his LED flickered back to blue. 
You brushed it off, “okay, lead the way wonder boy!” He smiled and led you towards the car, meeting Hank halfway.
The ride to the bar was normal, the three of you caught up and discussed random things about day to day life and your cases. As the car pulled into the lot the men stepped out first and as you began to Connor held his hand out for you. You took it and looked away as heat crawled onto your face. He pulled you out of the car and looked at you intently, LED flickering yellow for a moment.
Hank cleared his throat, causing both of your heads to turn towards him, “are you done love birds? We have alcohol to be drinking.”
You chuckled and slid your hand out of Connor’s, “uh- yeah, lets go!” You followed Hank into the building without a single glance to Connor. Once you were inside you made a bee-line to your coworkers in a large booth. You congratulated them on their success and went to sit at the bar with some of the people you worked with. 
You ordered a shirley temple, “No!! This is a celebration! You have to actually have alcohol!” Your friend waved her hand, ordering you something stronger. You reluctantly took it and drank it in a few gulps, pausing in between as the liquid burned your throat. You have to admit, it tasted pretty good. Like strawberry nail polish remover. You ordered one more and drank it eagerly. Suddenly, an android was at your side.
“Hey, Connor,” you greeted.
“Hello, y/n,” he muttered.
You smirked, “is there any reason in particular that you’ve decided to join me?”
“I’m bothering Hank…” he muttered.
“I’m sure he’s just being light-hearted-”
“No, I’m really annoying him…” he said as his LED began to glow a steady yellow.
You rested your hand on his arm and smiled, “well, I don’t think its possible for you to annoy me.” He pressed in lips together and looked away from you. You took another drink, using the alcohol as a confidence boost. This was your moment, you affirmed yourself, now was the time…
“Do you know cpr, Connor?” you mentally face-palmed. Why you went with the cheesiest thing you don’t know.
“Yes, I was programmed with basic first aid to help me better integrate with humans,” he said, fidgeting with his coin.
“That’s good because you just took my breath away.” 
Connor smiled and scoffed, “you’re a bit funny.”
“Just go all the way and say I’m hilarious,” you pouted in a way that made him smile more.
“I don’t think I’ll give you that so easily.” He turned to face you.
“Okay- If you were a chicken, you’d be impeccable.”
“Hmm, I think you lost points,” he laughed, running his hand through his hair.
“But you laughed so it was good!” you pointed as you leaned forward.
“I laughed because it was just so bad!”
“I’ve got another one.”
“Oh no-”
“Shush,” you began, “did we have a class together? I could’ve sworn we had chemistry.”
“Oh my god,” he groaned, giggling under his breath, “that one was worse!”
“Oh yeah? Why don’t you try then?” You huffed, crossing your arms.
“Okay, try not to get too flustered,” he said winking at you.
At that you already failed to complete that small task, “whatever,” you scoffed.
He leaned over to you, brushing your hair behind your ear, his lips hovering just next to it. You felt him exhale, which was a bit strange but you didn’t question it. As he was expertly setting the mood your heart skipped a beat.
“Y/n, your lips look lonely. Let me introduce them to mine.” Your whole body tensed, waiting for him to do or say something, even though it was your turn. After a moment he pulled back and looked at you, face slightly flushed.
“Uh- um-” you cleared your throat, “I guess you win. You’re better at flirting.”
He began laughing, “oh yeah?”
“Don’t get cocky about it,” you muttered, dropping your head to fidget with your clothes.
With a finger he lifted your chin. He licked his lips, inching closer to you, “When was the last time you kissed someone?” 
Heat rose to your cheeks and your eyes darted around the room. Once the coast was clear you placed a hand on his cheek and pressed your lips to his, “like two seconds ago,” you said once you pulled back. His face was tinted blue with and held shocked expression. “Earth to Connor?” you said after a moment, waving your hand in front of his face. He visibly startled.
“Why did you?” he sputtered.
“Because I like you.” He was silent, his LED flashed yellow before returning to blue. You began to turn away from him, opening your mouth to- take it back? You didn’t know.
“I like you too,” he said, resting his hand on yours. You smiled at him but before you could say anything he began to ramble, “that’s actually why Hank was annoyed at me. He wanted me to make a move instead of constantly talking about you and just staring. When I expressed my concerns about that he told me not to worry and that women prefer for men to make the first move-” 
You laughed, interrupting him from his thoughts. He looked at you and raised his eyebrows, “look, I’m just glad you like me, for a little I thought I was making you uncomfortable…”
“Of course you weren’t!” he exclaimed, “I was just trying to think of something ‘flirty’ to say.”
“Well in the end you got it!” you smiled and he returned it. 
“So, do you have any plans for the rest of tonight?” he asked.
“Hmm, I do think you’re on my to-do list,” you said, smirking at him.
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marshmallowdarling · 2 years
Nothing but ✨Platonic Yan! Hank and Connor✨ in my empty brain.
Wow something new and not from my Wattpad? :O I love these two so much so if you want more or you have any request for them or anyone please please ask!!!! GN reader.
Hope you enjoy bubs! ~Mwah
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Platonic Yan! Hank and Connor would unintentionally baby their darling. No matter how you meet, somehow tied to their work, a fellow lieutenant or a new kid who is under Hanks old cranky gaze. Or maybe you meet at a café they went at regularly, a kid who always seemed to get into trouble, a skittish little thing who trusts people to easily.
In any and every scenario they would think you are too small for the unforgiving outside world.
Connor thinking that humans are so fragile with easily smashed mental health’s, Hank thinking back to his son and the horrid things he’s seen in his job. You just have such a pure kind heart, maybe you have a tarte sarcastic tongue, and you pull walls up even though you give your all to help people or maybe you’re just a shy naïve thing, maybe you’re just a cheery bubbly person. Every personality you could have, that’s just another reason added to their list onto why they should protect you.
Let’s talk about the old cranky Hank Andersen for a second (because I love him and I’m forcing you to down with me). When he first meet you, he was- nice as Hank could get for a stranger, gave a nod in your presence when you introduced yourself, wasn’t outright mean but more reserved, mumbles of thank you’s and please.
Then you guys talked more, you meet Connor and hit it off with him as well. Hank felt a strange feeling when he looked at you, like the feeling he had when he saw his son for the first time. He wants to protect you, keep you safe and it’s shown with his actions more than his words as he starts to throw little snacks your way, makes you a cup of coffee or tea when he makes one for himself, he’s always there to lend an ear and give some advice. Hell, he even helped you with getting your oil in your car changed, not only that but he helped change a stray light bulb in your house. He comes in to hang out only to find that your table is a bit wobbly, oop- when you turn around, he either fixes it with whatever he can find or buys you a new one. Very much dad energy- and if you let out a stray “thanks dad” or jokingly call him “dad” or “old man” he swears his heart stops for a second. He might grumble about not being that old, but he never stops you.
Now onto Connor. Connor to put it plainly is already enamoured in humans, how no one person is the same but some people like to have the hive thinking. Then he runs into you and just like Hank he sees how damageable you are. Not in a Sadistic sense but more in a logical sense, your too nice, too forgiving even with your walls so high with an attitude, your there to lend an ear, a hand, whatever you can give. All the ways you could get hurt, physically, and mentally goes through his head, the percentages he sees going haywire, and god forbid if your naturally clumsy like me. He won’t even let you walk, going down the stairs is a no go without him even if it’s just 4 steps and you will be in for an ear full.
Father and older brother (?) duo for sureeeee, Connor coming to find you and Hank napping and leaning on each other while you were staying up for a case (with Sumo napping at your feet). You dragging Connor onto the floor so you can do tiny little pig tails on his hair, then you and Connor pinning Hank down so you both an braid his hair (You get a bit pouty that Connor does an intricate braid on his side whilst your braid is plain with a few hairs sticking out but they are quick to shush you, Connor saying he cheated and downloaded a software and Hank grumbling that he likes yours better as it fits his “style” better, which looking back doesn’t really seem like a compliment. Have you seen how he dresses?)
On that note, you are definitely going on a shopping spree for Hank, putting him in various outfits and forcing him to buy them. Your surprised along with everyone in the office when he actually wears them, and if you buy a button up for his birthday/Christmas/Father’s Day? He’s wearing it almost every day and making sure he doesn’t leave any stains (and if he does then he just gets Connor to help him out.)
Connor is not left out from this either, Hank had given him some of his clothes to finally get out of his uniform but- Yea no that wasn’t working. Connor is a bit more easier to shop for, he’s less fussy and huffy and he gives good tips onto what to look out for, the styles, what’s hot or in style, size charts etc.
Now onto the less fluffy stuff, their yandere sides are no joke. Connor is a skilled and tactical AI and Hank is an experienced lieutenant, anyone who messes with you is royally fucked. Now they let you roam around (mostly with them but they let you out by yourself too), you get to have friends and family members, significant others on the other hand are a strict no.
They’re sweet to you, a second family or a first family depending on your situation. Gets involved with your friends and if their nice then they let the boat sail but if their iffy Connor and Hank distance you from them before you get hurt, if you do get hurt before they can then they are out for blood. Depending on what happens it ranges from them blocking your ex-friend off completely to maybe ruining their job to straight out killing, again depends how bad. Same with family, if you’re in good relations with your family they will introduce themselves and help around a bit, if your family is bad, they distance you from them and if you don’t have a “family” (aka you cut them off) then less work.
I feel like the only reason they would kidnap you is if you were attacked in a life-threatening position, a near death experience or if you tried to move away from them (though this is a very very LAST resort for this). If kidnapping did happen then they wouldn’t really…. Kidnap… you… I mean it’s more of you came to their house on your free will to hang or stay over and then you’re not allowed to leave.
In this case they would lock the doors, windows for a bit. Urge you to stay inside and only go out with them. You eventually just live with them.
Another darker way if you try to leave constantly and they crack, they would somehow put a locking system that links up to Connor, so they know if you try to tamper with them and if you open one even though that is almost impossible. If you somehow do escape, they would be extremely apologetic and understanding when they find you (quickly) but they can’t let you go, please they are trying to give you everything they just need you to be safe. Let them keep you safe.
Your never out for more than a few minutes, your record is just under 15 minutes. Connor can tap into everything and Hank has his connections.
If you continue to try to escape and fight back tooth and nail then Hank would be the first to snap, he would never hurt you, never yell away from being playful but he keeps watching you get hurt while you try to escape and all this yelling and swearing at him hits him so deep. So, he gets a glass of whiskey with the whole damn bottle and sits in the same with you and locks the door so you can’t leave. He might cry, might tell you that they are only trying to help you, he just might silently down cup after cup after cup after cu-
It’s your choice if you go up to him and wordlessly take the glass and bottle away from him, if you choose to hug him or if you choose to watch him drown his sorrows away again. He’s no longer the grumpy but joking smart mouthed man for a while after, depending on what you choose.
After Hank snaps its then Connors turn if you continue, he also turns less of himself, more robotic, colder. Never hurting you but now he just states the facts while doing something when you try to protest, not playing into your games anymore.
Over all they are a nice protective pair of yanderes, very domestic to you and will only hurt others if a push turns to a shove (though they will deff intimidate some people). I have so many ideas for them, I love them so much + Sumo!!
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jazzgutzz · 3 years
— connor boyfriend headcanons!
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fandom: Detroit become human
parings: connor(rk800) x reader
cw: fluff , smut mentions
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we all seen this coming: he’s a golden retriever type of boyfriend. you know the loyal, sweet, sometimes gullible one. he literally follows you everywhere, if it were someone else, yeah you would find it annoying but this is connor we’re talking about.
because he follows you everywhere like a damn lost dog he’s very protective, making sure you’re not hurting yourself from being clumsy or from doing something stupid
“No, don’t do that please, it’s not safe.”
“There’s an 80% chance of you hurting yourself, i wouldn’t do that if i were you.”
he’ll get kinda jealous when he sees someone trying to flirt with you. so he’ll definitely go in to hold your hand (has a thing of rubbing his thumb over your knuckles bc it calms him)
has the softest spot for you and calls you the most basic and cheesy nicknames ever(not that you’re complaining): sweetheart, love, cutie, darling...
honestly, he does question why you would date an android over a human but you’ll reassure him without a second thought!
forehead kisses. that’s it. he literally loves them to death, please kiss his forehead
also a sucker for nose kisses (when you first gave him a nose kiss he thought you were going in for an actual kiss so you both ended up head budding each other)
since you both work at the DPD you always catch him staring, then he’ll just smile and go back to work
loves making you breakfast in bed, he’ll nudge your shoulder in the softest way possible and just admire the way you take a good 5 minutes to open your eyes while stretching
very touchy-feely boyfriend likes touching you in any way he can. ex: resting his head on your shoulder, gently placing his hand on your thigh, playing with your fingers, etc.
if hank asked connor to watch sumo for a while, you bet your ass he’s gonna invite you
^^ sumo is literally his best friend ever (you have a whole album in your photos of the two it’s so cute)
ever since he became a deviant, he’s been picking up small things from you! ex. he saw you shrug your shoulders at a question and just started doing it (at the appropriate times).
started becoming a little more sarcastic which did irritate you a little but realized he got it all from you and hank
says your name when he talks to you, idk why but it’s so cute
!!!very polite!!!
likes it when you ruffle his hair or just play with it in general, it lets him know you love him without really saying anything
you have a thing of kinda messing with his tie whenever you two talk
“Do you mind, uh, playing with my hair until i finish these paper? please? :)”
loves complimenting you every 6 seconds shut up, don’t argue with me on this
“you look so pretty/handsome..”
“you handwriting is very beautiful,”
“you know... you have a cute face when you zone out”
definitely a switch, a leaning bottom if you will
he’s obviously aware of sex and what not but obviously you have to teach him some new things
very quick learner
ever since he found you had a thing for his hands, he’s been the biggest tease. always doing his coin tricks when your around and gives the slyest smirk if he catches you staring
has a pretty dick, probably a good 6 1/2 inch’s. not as thick but the length makes up for it. his tip is also very pretty, with a gorgeous pink and slight (keyword: slight) purple tone if that makes sense
he whimpers... a lot. gets very whiny too if you get him at that point
forgets how strong he is most of the time and leaves light bruises on your hips and thighs from gripping them too hard (apologizes a lot after seeing them)
really tries to be gentle bc he doesn’t wanna hurt you, in his eye you’re his fragile little human
if he’s ever feeling dominant in the bedroom, say hello to the penguin-like walk for sometime bc youre gonna be friends for a while-
didn’t quite understand role play at first but now he’s 100% onboard with it. cop x criminal but you didn’t hear that from me
“Okay so do you like... how do i put this... Are you a uh ass or boob guy, connor?”
“Well, both options are very nice in their own way. So i would have to say both.”
he lied. 100% ass man. he can’t help but stare at your ass.
heavy makeout session? just casually rubbing your ass.
in a flirty mood and just so happens to be right next to you? according to him he saw a fly and tried slapping it away.
into overstimulation, says he “wants to see how far a human can go”. he did, however, make you pass out one time and thought he killed you but you were up a good 3-5 minutes later.
you pulled a reverse card and tried over stimulating him and you swear you could hear him short circuit but oh boy was it worth it
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