#Harry Potter And The half blood Prince
faithsoneluv · 1 day
i don't think people understand how hard it is not to ship tomarry / harrymort because what do you mean they're borderline canonically soulmates. what do you mean they're PROPHESIED to each other. what do you mean they're literal parallels, had the same childhood circumstances but turned out the exact opposite. what do you mean harry's the embodiment of the light side and tom's the embodiment of the dark even though they're so, so similar. what do you mean they both have common names even though they themselves are anything but common. what do you mean they have uncountable amount of bible references that apply strictly to them, what do you mean harry makes sure to mention tom's the handsomest in the room whenever he sees him and apparently likes their connection. what do you mean their wands share the core of the same phoenix and therefore literally can't kill each other even if they wanted to. what do you mean harry wanted to give him another chance despite everything he's done, what do you mean tom offered him his hand, what do you mean harry killed tom at the same age except the order of the numbers is reversed. what do you mean harry's eyes are the same colour as tom's favourite unforgivable (avada) AND the colour of his house, what do you mean TOM'S eyes are the colour of harry's favourite defence spell (expelliarmus) and the colour of his house. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE EACH OTHER'S OTHER HALF. WHAT DO YOU MEAN HARRY IS LITERALLY TOM'S SOUL??? 😭
NOT TO MENTION THESE THINGS AREN'T EVEN FANON LIKE...? lmk if i missed something though.
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toorumlk · 22 hours
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‘what if we’d gotten highschool sweethearts romione’ is a genuine though that keeps me up at night (i would do nothing to change their slow burn however)
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iamnmbr3 · 7 months
JK Rowling: Harry Potter is 100% heterosexual.
Harry in book 6:
Meticulously catalogues Tom Riddle's evolving level of hotness in each memory he watches
Gets so distracted by seeing Draco Malfoy changing that he gets hit on the head by a piece of luggage
Is deeply horrified that large numbers of girls are interested in him, doesn't even consider dating any of them, and goes to great lengths to avoid them
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soraya-snape · 1 month
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I know Cedric just died and Draco was dying but something about Sev in these two scenes just made me forget everything and everyone around me.
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allamericanb-tch · 4 months
that scene in the half blood prince where one of the inferi is dragging harry down into the water
do you think maybe it was regulus thinking harry was james
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peaky1wh0re · 8 months
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Favorite Brother duo
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readwithlivvy · 7 months
i'm sorry snape lovers but this is what canonical snape is
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wordsarelife · 3 months
—bigger than the whole sky
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: you get bad news and theo is conflicted about it being his fault
warnings: sad, but ends in (kinda) fluff, trauma, mentions of war
theo was watching you as he always did as you sat at the avenclaw table, chattering with your friends.
his friends were used to that weird habit of his, it seemed like wherever you went, theo was close to watch over you.
"what is it with you and that girl?" mattheo's voice made theo raise his head.
"y/n?" theo asked surprised.
"of course, y/n" blaise rolled his eyes next to him. "what other girl could he possibly mean? all you ever do is stare at her"
"we're friends" theo shrugged. it was true. you guys weren't the best friends in the world but would occasionally meet up on the astronomy tower since you had run into each other there in third year. theo had recognized the book under your arm and you had spend and hour sitting and talking about it.
you often came there now to exchange books and read in silence or talk about them after you had finished them.
"yeah, looks like it" draco said sarcastically as he watched theo's eyes glide back to your form.
"just admit you're in love with her and they'll stop bugging you" pansy nudged the tall boy next to her and theo just shrugged.
"i don't know"
"you don't know, what?" draco asked with a raised brow "you don't know if you're in love with her?"
theo nodded his head and his friends sighed simultaneously.
"how can you not know that?" enzo spoke for the first time "have you never been in love?"
"just because you fall in love with every girl you see, doesn't mean we all do" mattheo joked and enzo frowned at him.
"i'm just not sure, okay?" theo said defensively, without taking his eyes off of you "and even if.. it would never work"
without theo noticing, pansy smiled at him, as he watched his eyes light up as you noticed his eyes and raised your hand, waving at him. "how do you feel around her?" pansy asked softly.
"warm" theo simply said, before he continued "when she looks at me, it feels like the sun glazing my skin during the summer. and when she laughs it sounds like the wind moving the trees. i have the need to keep her safe all the time, even though i know that nothing will happen to her here"
"i think you have your answer, mate" blaise said and theo had never noticed him sounding so sincere and serious. he looked between his friends. they all spotted a similar expression, atleast until his eyes fell on pansy, who looked like she was about to cry.
"that was beautiful" she muttered, while she snuffled her nose "why don't you ever say things like that about me, draco?"
draco's eyes widened in surprise, before his face spotted an expression similar to betrayal, as he turned his head to look at theo. "thanks, mate, for raising the bar to the sky"
pansy slapped his arm and draco's eyes were back on her again, just like theo had already turned his head back at you, not even hearing a word of what draco had said.
you threw your head back, laughing at something the girl next to you had said, before you turned your head and raised your eyebrows in surprise as an unfamiliar owl landed on the table in front of you.
theo raised his eyebrows too. he watched as you ripped open the letter and your eyes scanned the paper. he could not read the expression on your face and was wondering what you were thinking, when you quickly muttered something to the girl next to you and stood up, rushing out of the hall.
"was she crying?" blaise asked surprised and theo quickly remembered seeing a few tears slipping over your cheeks.
and then he knew what letter you had just gotten.
"a ministry owl" he said for his friends to hear. he didn't have to further explain. they all knew what that meant
"oh" pansy said and all color vanished from her face. "do you think..?" she left the question unfinished and theo just nodded.
"where do you think she'll go?"
"i know where" theo muttered "but i'm not sure that i should be the one to comfort her now"
"what? why not?" mattheo shrugged "you clearly love her"
theo looked up from the table and his friends noticed the hint of tears in his eyes "what if it was my father? i can't possibly try to comfort her, when i'm one of them, can i?"
"you're not one of them" pansy shook her head "you're not you're father, none of us are our parents"
"that doesn't matter. there's a war brewing and when it comes down to it, i'm on the wrong side"
"you're still her friend" draco argued.
"draco is right and that you're conflicted on all this shows how much you care enough to not let your beliefs come between you two" pansy said.
"go" enzo nodded.
theo stood up from the table and walked out of the hall in a quick step. he took two steps at once when he walked up the astronomy tower. just like he expected you were already there.
you were staring down to the grounds of hogwarts, while quite tears ran over your cheeks. they were reddened just like your eyes and despite it all, theo thought that you were incredibly beautiful.
you turned around when one of the floorboards made a sound when he stepped closer, but quickly relaxed once you noticed it was him.
"hey" theo muttered, before he sat down beside you. "is it alright if i sit with you?"
"you already are" you shrugged, but there was no malicious intent in your voice and theo relaxed.
you sighed, before you pushed the letter from the ministry in the taller boys direction. theo's eyes scanned the words on the page.
"they burned our whole house down" theo looked up from the paper when you started speaking. "they didn't find my parents once the aurors arrived. they're not sure if they could flee, or if the death eaters took them"
"i'm sorry" theo muttered, while he folded the paper. "i hope they're alright. i wish i could do something"
"you've come here" you said softly, before you moved closer to him and put your head an his shoulder. theo reluctantly raised his arm and then gently rested his hand on your shoulder, pulling you closer.
"do they know who did it?"
"do they know which death eaters—“ you sat up suddenly and theo fell silent.
you frowned at him, scrunching your eyebrows together as you thought about what he was implying with that. you were not stupid, you knew that many of your classmates parent's were involved with the wrong people.
theo just stared at you blankly, while you did the same. neither of you said a word, before he tried to look away.
"what are you talking about?" you asked, bringing his attention back to you.
"nothing, i just--"
you could read the sadness and regret in his eyes. he looked like he was personally at fault for whatever had happened to your home and family.
"you think your father could have done it"
his eyes widened when he heard the anger in your voice. he watched as you stood up from the floor and walked to the middle of the tower.
"y/n" theo muttered, as he rose to his feet and followed you. he was interpreting your anger in the wrong way. "i'm sorry, i know that i--"
"that you what?" you said angrily as your turned around to look at him. "this is not your fault, theo. you don't get to think or say it is"
theo raised his eyebrows as he realized what you were really angry about. you weren't angry that both of your lifes had been dedicated to opposing sides through the acting of your parents. no, you were angry that he thought he was somehow to blame for something that had been decided before he was born.
"i don't know what i can do, y/n" theo said helplessly "i want to comfort you, but how could i when there's a chance that i'm a part of what caused your hurt" "you're not part of any hurt, theo" you shook your head "what's happening out there has nothing to do with you and me"
"but what if it has?" theo gulped and tears shimmered in his eyes "what if the war comes and we have to kill each other"
"i won't let it come to that"
"how can you know?"
"i don't know anything, i just know that right now, all i want is for you to hold me"
theo looked at you for a few seconds and you weren't sure if he would just turn around and walk away, but he softly nodded his head, before he opened his arms, so that you could step inside.
after a few minutes, you softly stepped back and took his face in both of your hands.
"i don't know what's going to happen to us, theo" you whispered as theo watched you closely. he felt the warmth of your hands on his cheeks and your touch felt so familiar that he wasn't sure if he could ever live without it. "all i know is that we will not become the victims of our parents decisions"
theo nodded and you did the same. he softly kissed your forehead, before he brought you back to his chest and just held you for what felt long enough to fix anything that had not yet happened to you.
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world-of-celebs · 22 days
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Emma Watson arriving for the New York Premiere of 'Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince' at the Ziegfeld Theatre New York City, USA - 09.07.09
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iseeksouls · 1 month
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Harry Potter eras
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lost-inthe-v0id · 5 months
Young Snape x Reader prompt/idea? Idk
I can’t really write so this is a scenario I made up that I just word vomited
I’ve always had a crush on snapes young actor since I was like 8 so this is js something I made up when I would daydream
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Student!Reader is a ravenclaw pure blood with no strong opinions on wizards/witches with no magic parents and a lot of ravenclaw and slytherin friends
Student!Reader and Student!Snape meet on the train and click right away but don’t hang out at school as much because Lily told Snape she didn’t like reader. They’re still acquaintances until that changes due to Lily getting closer to James and Severus getting a class with Reader. Little by little they slowly start getting closer together.
Reader would like to spend more time with him but he feels a responsibility to stay with Lily all the time since she was the only one who cared to stick around with him. Reader doesn’t like the way Lily treats him and the fact she’s all buddy buddy with his bullies
Finally it’s all solidified when Severus and Lily have an argument their 4th or 5th and he calls her a mudblood. Lily starts to ignore Severus not only everytime he goes to apologize but anytime he comes near her at all. She starts to stand by and just watch James and his gang bully Snape and sometimes laughs.
Reader finds Severus crying and comforts him. Gives him a pep talk about how wonderful he is and how people make mistakes and no one deserves to be treated like he is. Finally after that they start hanging out everyday. Severus becomes good friends with Readers friends but they still usually only hang out with each other.
Reader tells people in Ravenclaw and slytherine how Lily treated Severus and people stopped talking to her, gossiping about her even. Since Reader is a pure blood that’s part of an affluent family she grew up around other affluent family kids. Overall reader was not only friends with higher influence kids but also very respected among them due to her kind and understanding nature. So a lot of these people started to look down on Lily.
Finally it all comes together when Snape and Reader are near a tree talking one day when he starts telling Reader how much he doesn’t deserve her and kind of confessing and rambling when Reader kisses him. After that they start dating, the don’t try to hide it either. They hold hands ALL the time, sometimes you find the pair snogging, other times you find Reader laying her head on his shoulder.
Lily doesn’t like this, she liked the fact Severus liked her and the attention she would get from him on top of that people she use to talk to won’t even look at her now. She tries to talk to him saying she’s ready to hear him out but by then Severus couldn’t really give a shit.
Idrk about the rest
I know not a lot of people like Snape like that so I’m just posting this for myself not really expecting anyone to see this lol
If someone does end up making a full fledged fic plz credit me :<
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toorumlk · 18 days
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best friends to lovers? no, best friends AND lovers!
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iamnmbr3 · 5 months
can u imagine if harry had been sorted into slytherin
6th year would've been insane
Draco: *gets up in the night for a drink of water*
Harry: oh. fancy meeting you here by the water jug at 2 o'clock in the morning. :)
Draco would've cracked after a month and been like 'FINE. FINE! Want to see my Dark Mark? HERE! Happy? Can I take a shower by myself in peace now?'
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beirarowling · 3 months
"And what about Percy?" asked Harry; the third-eldest Weasley brother had fallen out with the rest of the family. "Is he talking to your mum and dad again?"
"Nope," said Ron.
"But he knows your dad was right all along now about Voldemort being back—"
"Dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right," said Hermione.
—J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
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hmione · 1 year
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Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince 2009 | dir. David Yates
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omniluci-estumbra · 10 months
Draco vs the Vanishing Cabinet
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