#Haslin romance
radiant-gate · 1 year
Haslin romance One-Shot
Nature was simply his element.
He took a deep breath to absorb the smell of this new forest. Old trees, strange flowers, darker grass… everything was different here. And he welcomed that. He had moved away from the camp a little and was enjoying a moment of peace. He was not worried that something might happen to him.
And yet his fine nose had picked up the familiar scent of their leader: she seemed to be flying at a great distance from him. Haslin touched the bark of a nearby tree, so he could absorb some history of this tree, understand how nature lived in this area.
He heard a twig crack.
How thoughtless of her- he wasn't used to her showing such bluntness. "You should pay more attention to your steps than just focusing on me." He heard a small laugh. "You're just distracting me too much."
He could hear heavy footsteps now and turned in the direction they were coming from. "I take it you're worried about me?", Haslin addressed her.
She nodded.
"But not for the reasons you suspect." She looked around thoughtfully. "Is something bothering you, walking into the forest so casually? - The last time someone in my group did that, he turned out to be a vampire spawn. Do I have to fear something similar?" a deep, low laugh left his throat. "Not at all…" he fell silent for a moment and his eyes darkened.
"However, it may be that when we reach Moonrise Tower you may learn something about me that you will not like. It is the tainted past of a druid who was also once young and learned many lessons from his mistakes."
She folded her arms.
"I've heard that before in my group too." She smiled at him encouragingly.
"I assure you: you'll have to come up with something more to surprise me anymore. This group gathers all sorts of weirdos around that you are the least of my problems." She nudged him playfully, which of course didn't have the slightest effect given his size and measurements. "However, you are my most pleasant weirdo."
Haslin had to shake his head with a smile. "You shouldn't have favourites." She winked at him. "Then don't be so attractive and I'll let it go right now." His hands settled around her waist. "I could say that to you right now."
She stood on her tippy toes, wrapped her arms gently around his strong neck and breathed in a tempting voice, "Try me," before he could say anything back, her lips had settled on his. She only felt him grab her legs and then, as if by reflex as if she had never done anything else, she wrapped her legs around him.
She could barely feel the bark of a tree pressing into her back.
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beesxrated · 5 months
Emerald Again
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3 years post Withers party and you meet Halsin again. 🪷->🪻
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You make your way back to Emerald Grove, it's been almost 3 years since you've been there. It looks greener with all of the Tiefling gone. Beautiful flowers of many colors bloom around the gate, vines twisting around it keeping it shut. The only way you can see to get in is climbing the rocks next to the gate. As you do so you look up to see him waiting for you. His hair is longer and he has some new scars on his arms. Once you reach him he envelopes you in a tight hug.
"It has been too long." Halsin says, "I knew this day would come. I have missed you."
You stare up at him, you'd forgotten how tall he really was, "I have too. I needed to get away from the city, it's too loud."
"You are looking for the calmness of nature." He laughs, "I thought you might join me for a while."
You nod and he leads you into the Grove. You pass all the old barrels now covered in moss and any sign of the refugees being there is almost long gone. Druids walk freely and go about their business as if you aren't there. Halsin takes you down into the Inner Sanctum. Nettie greets you before quickly leaving, side eyeing Halsin on her way out. Once Nettie is out of sight Halsin kisses you, it's more passionate than it ever was before.
"I have missed you. I think about you always." He says keeping his face closer to yours.
You smile, "So have I. I wanted to come sooner, but I was worried you would be too busy."
"I am never too busy for you, my heart." Halsin kisses you again, "I only wish you would stay with me, here. Enjoy the wilderness as nature intended."
"I was hoping you'd say that." You laugh and kiss his cheek, "I was hoping to stay, as long as you wanted. I missed our time together, in nature."
"What about your other partner?"
You sigh, "We split about a year ago. We both wanted and needed different things."
"I am sorry it did not work out for you, but I am glad you are here with me."
Before you can answer he is kissing you again, hard and passionate. It's almost as if he's wanting this kiss to tell you how much he wanted you and missed you. Maybe even how much he loves you. He picks you up and carries you to a nearby table. He pulls away and almost rips off your blouse. Haslin's eyes never leave you or your body as they glow yellow for a few seconds before fading back to his blue ones. His lips make contact with your neck and travel lower down your body before he kisses you fully again.
Soon clothes are being thrown to the floor, mostly ripped if not completely destroyed. Hands touch every inch of skin available, desperate for something. His mouth leaves yours again venturing to your stomach, your thighs, your hips. He picks you back up again almost recreating your first night together. He pushes you hard against the chamber walls before going back down your body, just like he had the first time.
You get goose bumps as his tongue and hands find all of the right places. His warm breath sends shivers up your body. Halsin lets his hands travel up to your chest, grabbing and massaging. He pulls one of your legs over his shoulder for better access to what he wants. When he finally pulls away your body is overwhelmed with pleasure and sensation.
Halsin's lips meet yours again as he finally pleases himself, pushing into you. The noises coming from him are deep and loud, unafraid of anyone who could possibly be listening. It doesn't take long for him to finish. His voice and yours is hoarse, yours almost gone. He carries you back to one of the tables and sets you down, he kneels in front of you, placing his head in your lap.
For someone who talks so much, he has so little to say to you now. However, he seems calmer, happier. His shoulders seem looser, his breathing slower.
"I am sorry, I couldn't control myself." His voice is softer now than it was before.
You run your fingers through his hair, "That's okay. Perfect would mean there's nothing left to explore."
He laughs pulling his head up to look into your eyes, "I am glad you see it my way now."
The two of you spend the rest of the night in each other's arms. Naked, just as nature intended. Both of your hands touching every part of each other, pleasuring each other whenever feels right.
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magnetic-rose · 10 months
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tatterings · 8 months
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I'm horny for their horniness (and LOVE).
Astarion would absolutely whisper naughty nothings to Halsin to try and get him flustered
Only to be the one to clutch his pearls when Halsin shares his filthy mind
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christinasketch · 10 months
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In honor of Baldurs Gate being released, here's a quick doodle of my half elf barbarian who never misses an intimidation check 💪🏻
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tearlessrain · 9 months
seeing some absolutely wild complaints about the romances on reddit from people who I can only assume skipped through all the conversation dialogue for some reason
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queercatboyrights · 7 months
amazing how I've put almost 95 hours into bg3 and have yet to progress into act 2 in any of my saves
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radiantblog · 9 months
Haslin flirts with romanced Tav :D
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antiqua-lugar · 9 months
also made good progress on lae'zel personal quest, completely reworking my githyanki's character. I just wanted them to be bros who just want to ride a dragon but with the Big Reveal and everything that would just mean they have the same character arc and no one can do it like Lae'zel so why bother.
Older mentor figure who might have been having doubts tho... left home as a good little soldier to hunt down/track mindflayers, spent too many years on faerun as a ranger, discovered its beauty and now sometimes as he looks at the stars he Starts To Wonder...
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frantic-fiction · 3 months
Hey you.
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Pic: Cuddlelion on steam
Astarion x gn!Tav
Summary: Young Arabella comes to stay at the camp during the trip through the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Her curious questions affect Astarion more than it should.
Based on this post by the-phantom-otaku
Thank you to my lovely friend Ayselluna for requesting this fic sorry it took me so long. Hopefully you like it.
Word Count: 1.5k
The camp is as lively as it always is. Gale is working away on the group's supper, Wyll giving him unwarranted pointers. Karlach is trying to sneak spoonfuls of the unfinished stew only to have her hand slapped away dramatically with a spoon. Shadowheart is in her evening prayer, and Haslin sits beside her in contemplation. Scratch and the owlbear cub are playfully wrestling in a mud puddle. The grinding sound of Lae'zel sharpening her sword echoes through the camp.
Astarion clenches his jaw, hands tightening against the leather binding of the book Tav had gifted him last week. He hated this time of evening the most when it was too late to keep moving on their journey but too late to hide away in his tent. Not that it would have stopped him before, but things have changed. Or maybe he had changed because he was waiting for them instead of tucking himself away.
Because they should have been back by now, Tav had said they would only say hello to the skeleton. Something about 'Not wanting him to feel lonely.' It's a thing only Tav would think about because who cares about a reanimated skeleton besides Tav? But that was almost thirty minutes ago, and these woods left a sickly feeling lingering in the air. Astarion was familiar with darkness, but these shadowlands were filled with malice and evil, still not fully comprehended.
Astarion should find them. Ensure they're not trying to bring home an orphaned squirrel, stray cat, or whatever Tav seems to get up to when he's not watching. Make sure they're safe so he can quell the fire of anxiety that's eating away at him.
But as Astarion is tossing his book down to leave, Tav emerges from the red foliage. Their face is stretched into a soft, beaming smile, and the moon's glow cascades down in dim rays. Gods, they're always so breathtakingly beautiful that he doesn't think he'll ever get enough.
Tav shakes their head and speaks down. That's when Astarion notices the small tiefling child holding their hand. He recognizes her from the grove, Arabella. He smirked when he remembered her attempted robbery of that artifact from those testy druids. Then the images of her parents lying stiff in those dirty cots press forward into his mind, and he has to look away.
Now that he knows Tav is safe, he tries to focus back on the book. It wasn't anything special, just a romance novel about a dashing pirate and a blushing maiden. But Tav had gone out of their way to keep his collection filled with new material so he would not complain about the lackluster writing.
Astarion was halfway through the chapter by the time someone had approached. By smell, he knew it wasn't Tav, so he ignored them and hoped they would take the message and move along.
They didn't because soon there was a tug at his sleeve and a small clearing of one's throat.
"Hey, you!"
Astarion lowered the book and looked down to find Arabella looking expectantly up at him.
"Yes, hello," Astarion says cordially before pressing his face back into the book.
If he was being honest, children unnerved him. After being entombed for that long, painful year trying to save that young boy, he did everything in his power to steer clear of them. Astarion's hoping if he ignores the young girl long enough, she'll get bored and move on to bother the next party member.
However, the little tiefling wouldn't be swayed so easily.
"You look sick."
Astarion freezes and stares unblinkingly at the girl. "Excuse me?"
"Yeah, you're pale, sickly pale. You have dark circles under your eyes, and even your cheeks look kinda hollow. Are you okay?"
Now Astarion is thoroughly offended. Scoffing, he crosses his arms and sticks his nose in the air.
"I'm a vampire. I can't get sick." However, Astarion betrays his confidence by bringing one hand up to his face to prod at the skin under his eye.
"Really?" Arabella says in surprise, causing Astarion to snap his gaze down to the child. "Aren't vampires supposed to look young?"
Now fuming and outright pissed, Astarion sees the ghost of a smirk on the tiefling's face.
"Listen here, you little sh–"
"Astarion!" Tav interrupts, walking up behind and touching the girl's shoulder warmly.
"What? The little shit started it!"
Tav gives him a pointed look that he knows means he needs to calm down, or he will be in the dog house tonight.
"I didn't mean to upset him, ma'am," Arabella says, all sickly sweet, playing into your caring side. "I was just curious. I've never met a vampire before."
"No, the little devil-"
"Astarion," Tav warns, forcing him to bite his tongue. "Don't mind him, Arabella. Let's get you something to eat. Gale made a beef stew tonight."
Tav offers the young girl her hand, and as the two walk away, Arabella sends a smirk over her shoulder and sticks out her tongue, taunting him. Astarions hand twitches towards his dagger, wanting to teach the twerp a lesson, but he takes a deep breath and turns on his heel, storming into the tent.
By the time Tav retires for the night, Astarion is tucked away in the corner of the tent. He's glaring daggers at the hand mirror grasped tightly in his hand, willing the glass to show his reflection. Nimble fingers are poking and prodding and pulling at the skin under his eyes and around his face, trying to pick apart any details he could not see.
A deep frown pulls at his lips and creases his brow. Astarion's shoulders are slumped, betraying how much Arabella's words have affected him. It wasn't a secret the man was vain and took pride in his appearance. To have a child pick apart his insecurities left him upset and wanting nothing more than to see his face just once more.
Astarion is pulled from his brooding thoughts when he feels two arms snake around his middle and the soft press of kisses peppered up his neck. Instinctively, he melts into Tav's touch, still astonished by the simplicity of this new relationship.
"Hey, handsome," Tav breathes into his ear, pressing one more fleeting kiss just below before pulling away to get ready for bed.
He absentmindedly greets them, still too focused on his internal conflict. Out of the corner of his eye, he watches Tav strip bare and move around, tossing random bits and bobs to find their night clothes. Once they're dressed, Tav stops and stands in the middle of the tent. He can feel them staring at him as he's transfixed on the empty mirror.
"Do I look sick?" He drops the mirror and turns to face Tav. "Do I look hollow and pale…old?" His voice trails off at the end, and he's unsure if he wants to know the answer, but it's eating away at him.
Tav's eyes soften. "Was that what Arabella said to you?"
Pity. He could see it in Tav's eyes, and he recoiled, disgust curdling in his gut.
Astarion scoffs." Please, Tav, I don't need your pity."
Tav grabs his hand and pulls him close. "There is no pity. Understanding yes. But not pity."
"It's all the same." Astarion looks down.
"No, but that's beside the point. Arabella is a child Star. They will say the most insulting things without realizing it or just because they know it will hurt. Do you want to know what I see?"
Astarion nods softly, holding onto the hem of Tav's shirt. He knows he's being foolish, but Astarion wants the reassurance that Tav is happy to give.
Tav cups his cheek, forcing him to meet their eyes. "Your face might look hollow to Arabella, but I see your high cheekbones and sharp jawline," Tav emphasizes their point by trailing a thumb against his jaw and pulling Astarion into a fleeting kiss. "Not to mention everything those lips and tongue have done to me."
Astarion smirked and chased after Tav's lips, pouting when he was denied.
Tav's hands trail down his chest and slip under his shirt, splaying against his cold skin. Astarion lets out a shaky breath. "Yes, you are pale, perhaps at times sickly. But I love it because after you've finished feeding, I see that beautiful flush covering your body."
"Maybe you have laugh lines and forehead creases that a little girl would consider old. But if you ask me? Astarion, when I see you smile and laugh, gods, it's the sexiest thing in the world. Because it shows me that you're happy and safe and here with me."
Tav has now thrown their arms over Astarion's shoulders and has pulled their body flush against his. Astarion is at a loss for words, especially when Tav looks at him with such love. Tav kisses him softly, and he tightens his hold, wanting nothing more than to meld into their body.
"So, who cares what a child thinks? You are beautiful, and between the two of us. I'm going to be the one worrying about wrinkles, not you, mister immortal vampire."
"Thank you, my love," Astarion whispered against Tav's lips, smiling into another sweet kiss.
"Let's lay down. I think it's time to cuddle, don't you think?"
Astarion's insecurities fade for the night because how can the darkness stand a chance when he has Tav as his guiding light?
Just something short and sweet while I'm in the middle of moving. Sorry if anyone felt ooc. Let me know what you guys thought of it.
Taglist: @heartfully10@ayselluna@marina-and-the-memes@anixson@canonicalchaoticneutral @toadsbitch @meulinkitten-blog @ambr4armr @lotusandcrystals @venussakura @synapticjive @skittleabyss @asterordinary @lariatbunny @whispering-depths @butchboi-chihuahua-slumlord @darkest-part-of-the-forest @queenofcarrotflowers-s @sessils @d20bunny @cherifrog @ophelia-ophelian @bgthree @darlingxdragon @mothynyx @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @babyqnn @mmendez0124 @kokoyu-art
Want to be added to the taglist? DM me please!
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Interesting takes I've seen so far in the "Makes me feel safe" votes
1) people saying Astarion or Laezel would make them feel safe- I have to assume you mean Act 3 versions of them that are healed and have a close bond with you??? Idk man Act 1 and even 2 versions don't offer much physical or emotional safety 😂 ya'll
2) Haslin comes off as a predator to some of you?? A creep? This startled me. Then I realized his writing was lacking and they shoe-horned in the romance so if you ask him casual questions, like just friendly "any lovers in your life?" It triggers as flirting and then he acts like you guys have been making moon eyes at each other and is surprised if you reject him. He's also Polyamorous and some people see him asking when you're in a relationship already as being gross. It's interesting because my interpretation of Halsin is WAY DIFFERENT but I can also see how some people got there
3) Karlach is a safety net for most people the only thing that de-railed her from winning was two things: her heat issue/engine causing lack of physical safety and then interestingly her Rage. She gets loud when she's mad and hits objects and this can trigger some people. Neat take! Never noticed that
3) Wyll not sweeping the poles surprised me a lot but people seem concerned that he'd take them put on an adventure and get everyone killed monster hunting and that cracked me up a bit
None of these are my opinions I just trolled the tags and comments and saw these angles presented
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radiant-gate · 2 years
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is it true we can romance Daddy Haslin? By Selûne's Grace! That would be so awesome (sorry Gale I love you anyway)! Finally an adult is helping me lead these weirdos)! #haslin #bg3 #baldursgate #bg3haslin #Photoshop #photoshopediting by myself
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beesxrated · 5 months
A Day In
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Another Halsin fic.🪻
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Light pours through the trees waking you up. You groan and turn in the large arms around you, burring your face in his bare chest. He pulls you closer kissing the top of your head before he rolls and faces you as well. Halsin's lips meet yours in a long sleepy kiss before they continue to your cheek and your neck. His hands trace and caress every inch of your body as his lips and tongue caress the rest.
"We just woke up, Halsin." You mumble as his lips meet your stomach just above your waist.
You feel him chuckle against your skin, "You can tell me to stop if you want, love."
But you don't, you enjoy his touch and lips against your body as he slowly moves downward. His hands push you down onto your back and his mouth having almost reached what you desire most. Instead he raises himself up and kisses you again on the lips before pulling away and sitting up on the edge of the bed. You lay there frustrated.
"I have some things to get done, but after those I am all yours." He leans back and kisses you hard.
You sigh, voicing your frustrations, "How long will you be?"
"I do not know. I would say maybe an hour or two."
"I don't know if I can wait that long, Hals."
He smiles at you, "I will make it as fast as I can."
He gets up, dresses himself and leaves your space. You lay there in your frustration thinking of all of the ways to get him back for this. Playfully, you think of doing the same to him, but know you don't have the willpower to pull away from him like that. You doze off thinking about Halsin.
You awaken this time to shadow, eyes still closed you begin to wonder if you may have slept through the entire day. That fear is quickly squashed as lips meet yours, softly. You open your eyes and find Halsin starting to travel down your body again.
You surprise Halsin as you push him down onto his back, taking your time in kissing his body as he has done to you many times. He seems to enjoy it just as much as you do. His hands slide into your hair tugging as you nip at his hips. You look up for just a moment to see his eyes closed and seemingly enjoying every touch. You tease him, kissing and touching all around the throbbing bit of his pleasure.
He groans as you finally take it into your mouth. His hands grip the roots of your hair pushing further into you. His body starts to shake as you work on him. You notice how much he is enjoying this and regret not doing it sooner. He's always been a giver and never complained, and now you also like being a giver.
Haslin tries to get out your name, but shudders every time you change up what your doing even a small amount. Noticing this you release him and he immediately flips you around on him. His mouth on your pleasure and yours on his. You start to lose focus as he grips your hips keeping you in place, refusing to let you move as he finishes you off.
Once he's finished with you he pushes you back into the bed on your back. His hands massage you as he continues with his mouth for a minute longer before he shifts himself up onto his elbows. Halsin almost growls, something you'd never heard him do before, as he pushes himself into you. You realize you have become louder now than you ever had before, your throat starts to feel scratchy as you groan his name.
You have lost all sense of yourself as he forgets his previously soft and slow motions you were used to. He thrusts harder than you'd ever thought he could before. He seems almost feral as his teeth find your neck and he growls again. Your nails scrape up his back and into his hair gaining a deep, heavy moan from him. Halsin brings his head next to yours as he reaches ecstasy, letting out a low grumble. His trusts become slow and shallow as you feel him finish. As he pulls himself from you he lets out a huff, and falls next to you.
Your body shakes as it tries to regulate the emotion and pleasure coursing through your body. Halsin lays his head on your chest, breathing heavily. His hands trace shapes or words on your stomach as you brush fingers through his hair.
"What are you tracing?" You ask when your throat stops stinging.
Halsin hums a bit, "Nothing, just letters."
"Does it say anything?" You ask trying to focus on the letters he could possibly be writing on your body.
"I love you." He says, "And promises in a language forgotten."
"What are you promising?"
"You will learn in time. For now, I want to lay with you."
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wizardsimper · 6 months
I haven't got to the epilogue myself but from what I've seen ITS SO SWEET
Here are my favourite things so far
~ Romanced Gale will boop your nose
~ God Gale has hubris turned up to 11 (also love his design)
~ Professor Gale threatening to blow himself up when his students misbehave
~ Shadowheart has 33? animals
~ Astarion seems genuinely happy
~ Also if you cast spirit guardians you can chase spawn Astarion which is pretty funny ngl
~ Literally Halsin's entire ending (and that sweet sweet character development)
~ The letters from other characters (Zevlor, Elminster, the emperor etc)
~ Also Halsin's lil dance (go white boy go)
~ Not sure if he needs to be romanced or not, but Haslin gifts you a wooden duck that he whittled
~ Lae'zel is off fighting Vlaakith
I haven't heard much about Karlach or Wyll, but patch 5 did introduce a new kiss animation for Wyll and it's beautiful
And that's just the stuff I've seen, I'm sure there's so much more and I'm actually really excited to finish the game now
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acreshome77088 · 6 months
I'm in the middle of finishing my 2nd playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3 on this one I'm romancing Halsin only my 1st full playthrough I romance Astarion & Haslin. Now I do love Astarion but I'm gotta keep it 💯Halsin has the entire key to my heart 🥰💖 I can't wait to finish Act 3 so I can see the epilogue you get when you only romance Halsin.
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rpgchoices · 10 months
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Gale flirting with my character right in front of my boyfriend
I wonder if Gale and Astarion can be romanced at the same time. I know Haslin and Astarion can
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