#Haunted harvest festivals
streetsailorgossip · 7 months
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90smisaki · 2 months
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Spooky pumpkin
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muirmarie · 4 months
hey quick question why do I keep ending up with plot. where is all this plot coming from. I do not Want this plot. I specifically requested a no plot story next. someone please come take this plot away from me.
#stretching that writing muscle tag#listen i love me some world-building but this is supposed to be a throwaway. a gimme. a no plot needed#a fun times whimsy ride#so why am i trying to come up with harvest traditions for 3.5 different cultures so i can mush them together into one.#ESPECIALLY why since probably very little of it will even end up in the fic??? i just need to know so i can write the shape of them???#the ~haunted house~ which was built on this unpopulated colony planet with pieces of houses from the 4 nearby worlds#which is filled with mementos of those loved and lost. of ancestors too far back to even remember#a haunted house haunted by the ghosts of ancestors of different worlds who fought and killed each other#put together by their descendants trying to build an uneasy peace#i genuinely don't even know if I'll include that in the story!!! but it's there. that's what my brain is trying to give me. frickin PLOT.#i don't want plot!!!!!#like i love the idea of that house so much and it's gonna get like. one dang throwaway line. bc the story is VERY MUCH not about that.#the story is just early relationship fun times!!!!#but these four planets + earth scientists decided to hold a harvest festival and mush their ideas together and an earth scientist#mentioned haunted houses as an autumn thing and the scientists from those four worlds took the idea and RAN with it and made it their own#anyway. i'm probably not going to include the house at all. the story has NOTHING to do it with it. but at least you know about it now lmao#SIGH.
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popconfession · 1 year
I’ve been in a real ADHD place lately and playing a lot of sims and my runaway teen challenge darling is going through it.
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and an earlier in the night phone pic i sent a friend before realizing i needed more documentation of all the evil ghost’s chaos causing
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prismartist · 2 years
thank u for the tag @beartrust42 !! ^^
holding hands or linking arms in the cold // baking pies or making stew // watching horror movies or carving pumpkins // chasing each other through a corn maze or taking a stroll across an apple orchard // drinking hot chocolate or mulled wine // trick or treating or going to a haunted house // outdoor scary movie night wrapped in cozy blankets or visiting a small towns harvest festival // bookstore marathon or playing dress up in thrift stores
tagging @ranboocore @t4tcecilos @noobsomeexagerjunk @villlainarc @end3rs-eye @achromic-red-dreams-doze-angrily and uhh whoever else wants :P
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lyrashifts · 6 months
SCRIPTING IDEAS! ─── hogwarts events.
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pumpkin carving contests (for house points).
themed herbology classes.
halloween masquerade ball.
costume contest (for house points).
waking up to candy beside your bed (house elves put candy beside your bed halloween morning).
haunted houses & mazes in hogsmead.
yearly winter ball.
mistletoe will appear above the heads of couples or people will crushes on each other (this could be so chaotic and i love it).
ice skating.
cookie baking contest (for house points).
valentine's day ball.
for older years, amortentia is made around this time.
divination love readings!!
school-wide easter egg hunt (for house points).
weekly house parties in the common room.
gryffindor hosts a 'welcome back' party but first years are encouraged to attend.
new year's eve ball & afterparty in the common rooms.
there's a harvest festival / carnival every autumn that lasts a few days.
bonfires on the quidditch pitch.
annual field trips to places in europe.
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jo-harrington · 7 months
Team Building (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: No one does Halloween quite like the Hellfire Club, and you just so happened to have promised to join them.
Previous Part: Closing Time
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Mutual Pining and Slow Burn, Fluffy Fluff, Trick or Treating
Note: HAPPY HALLOWEEN and welcome back to the Store Manager Verse. I actually wanted to be further along with my chronological releases but it just never happened. This one is definitely probably one of the best timed releases with the holiday but there's a minor note that there's...maybe a reference to a yet-to-be published installation of the story. Eddie and SM are gonna be going on a little road trip at some point and will meet some of SM's family. DONT EVEN WORRY ABOUT IT FOR NOW. Just enjoy the shenanigans.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other writing.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
"You look cute today."
"You need to look less cute next week. We're doing zombies, remember?"
"Got it."
Every day.
"Did you pick up that fake blood from Melvalds like you promised?"
"Yeah it's at home."
"Ok great because...because I was a little afraid you were gonna forget about our plans."
"Don't worry Eddie."
He reminded you every day.
"Ok so we're meeting at Gareth's at 4 on Thursday."
"Alright I'll be there."
"No, uh, glitter makeup? We're going for realism. Shock and awe."
"I swear to god!"
Every day for an entire week, whether he was scheduled to work or not, Eddie showed up at Star Court to remind you that you had promised to go Trick or Treating with him and his friends.
It was cute endearing.
October--and more specifically Halloween--was one of your favorite times of the year at work. It was laid back and fun. No pressure from either Back to School or the Holiday rush, you could "dress up" with little costume pieces or fun makeup every day, and you could have a bowl of candy at the cash wrap that made everyone's day a little bit brighter.
And outside of work, you'd really embraced the season.
Correction, Eddie made you embrace the season.
Before moving to Hawkins, Halloween had always been incredibly...commercial. Costumes and decorations from the little seasonal aisle at the drugstore. The biggest display of candy at the grocery store that you needed to stock up on unless you wanted your house egged.
And your social life consisted, mainly, of outings with your coworkers. Pumpkin patches and haunted hayrides almost always became team building activities. That wasn't to say your coworkers--new and old--weren't your friends too.
But with Eddie...it was different.
A harvest festival outside of Muncie, horror movies late at night during a thunderstorm, warm apple cider at Merrill's Farm while looking for gourds that were shaped like your heads. Pumpkin carving on the porch at the trailer, cutting out bats and cats from black construction paper, and now Trick or Treating with his friends.
You thought, early on in your friendship, that it was just some throw away comment. But knowing him as well as you did now, you realized that he really meant everything he said.
Every promise was purposeful, especially when it came to the people he cared about. Which was why you were sure he was determined to make the night perfect. Not only for you, but for everyone.
Especially the handful of little sheep that were newcomers to Hellfire.
"The freshman," he explained on Sunday as you worked on your costumes together. "They're little turds but...I dunno, they have potential."
You'd already heard about them at the beginning of the year as Eddie gushed about his new recruits; younger brothers that Eddie sort of always wished for but was thankful he didn't actually have.
"They're not gonna think I'm some like...weird old person right?" you laughed self-consciously, thinking back to Jeff's comment when you said you wouldn't buy them beer. And sure you were not that much older than Eddie, but you were sure you were ancient to a bunch of 14-year olds.
"You're the coolest person I know. And I'm the coolest person they know."
"You saw how my brother is though," you waved your hand dismissively. Jimmy's words--who would have guessed your boyfriend's not lame like you--wouldn't stop echoing in your head though.
Boyfriend. Boyfriend. Boyfriend.
Eddie still wasn't your boyfriend.
They must have echoed in Eddie's too because his cheeks flushed and he immediately became bashful. He ducked his head into his shoulder a little bit and refused to meet your eyes as he hacked away at the sleeves of the old flannel in his hands.
"Your brother," he finally replied, "is a little turd too. I'm sure the kids will worship you. More than they worship me. I promise. Everything will be alright."
Before you knew it, Thursday rolled around.
You were running late to get to the Emerson's to get ready thanks to a last minute visit from your DM. Who knew that pictures of you and your team for the company-issued costume contest would take so long?
Still, to save time, you decided not to change costumes until you got to the house. Seeing as Eddie had grand plans for everyone's face paint to make them look as close to Day of the Dead as possible, you figured you would be fine.
However, you were not expecting the entire gaggle of boys to stare at you with stars in their eyes as you stepped out of your car, duffle bag full of torn old clothes and gallon of fake blood in-hand, done up like a glam metal superstar.
Or as close to it as you could get with the accessories you carried at the store. Rainbow hair extensions and glitter spray, layers of chain jewelry, and too much cheetah print.
"You," Eddie began as he pushed through the group to get to you. His face was already a ghastly pallor thanks to a layer of facepaint from melvalds, exactly as he had envisioned. "Are a traitor and a turncoat, a disgrace to the uniform, and your status as Corroded Coffin's number one fan."
"I've literally never heard you guys play," you rolled your eyes at him.
"Did my lesson about the different types of metal mean nothing to you?" he clutched a hand over his heart and then reached out and fiddled with your jewelry. "And didn't I say no glitter."
"I just need to use the bathroom to wash it all off. Then you can make me gross and moldy like you."
"It's not mold. It's rot. Get it right." You flipped him off and he grinned. "Hey sweetheart."
"Nice of you to finally join us."
Eddie threw an arm around your shoulders and led you into the garage. You said hi to Jeff, Gareth, and Dave, and then he introduced you to the sheep.
Mike and Lucas and Dustin and Will.
They were all a little bashful as Eddie went down the line; it was reminiscent of when you met the others, except less fun facts and more silly tidbits meant to embarrass the kids.
Will the Wise whose worst stat was intelligence. Dustin who had a girlfriend in Utah--
"She's real, I swear."
--Mike who had already gone through two new characters because he couldn't roll to save his life. Literally. And Lucas who liked sports.
"Oh my god," you scoffed at Eddie. “You make it sound like sports are a scourge."
"They are."
"You like hockey."
"I," Eddie paused. "Tolerate hockey."
You grinned triumphantly and said hello to each of the boys before ducking into the house to get changed.
"Dude, she is way out of your league." you could hear Mike whine, followed by a dull thud of a fist hitting an arm.
"That's what we've been telling him the whole time," Dave cackled.
Eddie and Will were the masterminds behind the zombification process--bickering back and forth about what scar went where and how gross that pus should look as they applied facepaint--but all the boys tossed in their creative input.
"Oh my god, do you still have that rubber eyeball from lunch? We can glue it to Jeff's hand."
"What if--don't touch my hair--what if we--don't touch my hair."
"More blood! More! MORE!"
Before you knew it, two hours had passed, it was dark out and gaggles of Trick-or-Treaters were already filling the streets. Gareth's mom had set herself up on the porch with a bowl full of fun-sized candy and wished you all farewell as you took off down the sidewalk.
A veritable hoard of the undead, with ripped clothes, foaming mouths, blood-soaked hands, and pillowcases to double as treat bags.
To your surprise, there was a lot more to Trick or Treating than you had initially thought. All your childhood, you'd just gone door to door for a few blocks, rang a bell, got some candy, and at the end of the night traded treats with your brothers or your friends.
To Hellfire, it was just as involved as any of their DnD campaigns. And it's how you learned more about each of the boys, and surprisingly, more about their fearless leader.
Lucas and Mike were the perfect strategists and, as you began your trek, listed off neighborhoods that gave the best candy. You got the in-depth analysis between full-size and fun-size candies, chocolate versus peanut butter versus nougat, and you made a mental note to be more mindful of the choices you put out at the cash wrap for next year.
Dustin and Eddie were the navigators mentally mapping the distances between each neighborhood and how quickly and efficiently the group could get around.
"We should have just taken the van," Eddie scoffed when Dustin suggested Loch Nora first, the furthest trek of the night.
"No, then we'll end up back at Gareth's by 10. We just need to walk fast, it'll be perfect."
"And my mom is making a casserole for dinner," Gareth piped up. "She said you're all welcome to stay."
"Why don't we end at my place," Mike suggested. "We can just hang out in the basement and my mom will order pizza."
"No one wants to sleep in your dusty ass basement Wheeler," Dave scoffed.
"We're definitely skipping school tomorrow," Eddie pointed at all of the kids. "I hope you all know that."
Dave and Jeff, much to your surprise, were the "war generals" as they so graciously called themselves. They had a few rolls of toilet paper and a carton of eggs tucked away in their pillowcases, in case they came across--
"The enemies!!!" The older boys hollered into the starry night sky, quickly earning glares from other kids and parents as they passed.
"And who would that be?" you asked. The entire group looked at you like you'd grown a second head. "I'm sorry I'm not well-versed in Halloween mischief."
"Oh it's gonna be fun corrupting you." Eddie laughed wickedly, and started ticking off examples on his fingers. "People who tell us we're too old to trick or treat."
"I thought you said no one cared!" you exclaimed.
"Most people," he clarified, "don't care. But someone called the cops on us. What was it? Last year? Year before?" He looked at the older boys for confirmation.
"Mrs. Peterson who likes to sic her dogs on the kids who get too close to her rose bushes," Lucas offered next.
"If someone has their porch light on, but doesn't answer the door."
"When someone gives raisins instead of candy," Will supplied, ignoring Dustin's quiet, I like raisins.
The list went on: people who made fun of their costumes, the one house where the guy sat on his porch and douse kids with "holy water" for engaging in devilry.
"And Jason Carver," Eddie finished with a flourish.
They all looked at you for some kind of objection...or maybe your approval? You weren't too sure.
But at your soft nod, they all whooped and hollered and a few of the younger boys even took off running so they could jump and scare some of the kids who were just minding their own business.
"See?" Eddie asked and grabbed your hand in his as you followed at the back of the group. "And you were afraid they were gonna think you were some gross old lady. They're trying to impress you."
"Impress is a stretch."
"Ah ah ah," he shook his head. "I will hear none of it. I told them all that they were to be on their best worst behavior. Make sure you have the best time. That they are mere peasants here to serve the Queen of the Undead."
You let his hand go and pushed him away from you, even though your heart beat a little faster knowing he wanted them to behave around you.
"Go before I gnaw on your brains."
"You promise?" he waggled his eyebrows at you suggestively.
It was an eventful night.
You moaned and groaned and shuffled your way across Hawkins, just like the zombies in Romero's movies, to get all sorts of sweet treats. Candy and popcorn and fresh-dipped caramel apples that someone was making in their yard in Loch Nora.
The group successfully TP'd one house, and you'd even personally egged someone's front door after they called the gang delinquents. You were not athletic in the slightest, but you hit your target dead on, and basked in the boy's gleeful war cries.
You were grateful for Eddie's suggestion of sneakers because you'd walked more in those 4 hours than you had during any Black Friday or Christmas Eve double shift in your entire career. You were sure even a day at Disneyland couldn't hold a candle to the Hellfire Club Whistle Stop Walking Candy Tour of Hawkins.
The boys all took to calling you mom pretty early in the night after you stopped Jeff from chomping into a handful of starbursts.
"Your braces," you reminded him, motioning to your teeth. "You're gonna snap a wire; you hate the orthodontist."
He groaned and all of the boys started snickering. Eddie, of course, was quick to shame him.
"Listen to your mother!"
And the nickname just stuck.
Of course Mike--who you noticed tried to emulate Eddie most out of the group of freshman--had a retort.
"If she's mom," he said smugly. "Does that mean you're dad?"
The boys all started making kissy faces and you had to laugh as Eddie got a little flustered.
After watching him flounder for a comeback, you decided to help him out, so you crossed the distance and pressed a quick peck to his cheek before you turned and shook your finger at the boys in a disappointed way.
"Next person to sass your father," you started. "And you're all grounded." They all looked a mixture of confused and worried for a second.
"What does that mean?" Lucas asked nervously.
"It means you start the next session with half of your hit points," Eddie finally recovered, voice growling in a threat. The boys all clammed up and turned to head to the next house.
"Sorry about them," he shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Nah, it's ok," you smiled reassuringly. "They meant well. Still...til death do us part, I guess."
You both froze and you started panicking.
Why had you said that?
Still, Eddie was able to make it all better. He shuffled his feet and cracked a smile, then gestured to your costumes.
"Or uh...undeath. Considering."
Still, you had butterflies in your stomach every time one of the boys called you mom and dad for the rest of the night.
By the time 10 rolled around, you were back at the Emerson's house. Gareth's mom greeted you all excitedly with sodas and plates of hot buffalo chicken casserole with crispy tater tots on top, and you all sat in the garage to eat and divvy up your haul.
"So," Eddie slumped on the sofa next to you at some point after dinner was finished. You were tiredly watching Lucas and Dave argue the merits of Three Musketeers versus Milky Way and glad for the distraction. "Did you have fun?"
"Of course."
"Enough to do it again next year?"
"Is this your way of telling me you guys trick or treat every year?" you joked. "Because I kind of picked up on those hints all night."
"More like...I don't know," he sniffed awkwardly. "You still planning to be my friend next year?"
"Stop asking me that," you hit the back of your hand against his chest. "If I got to see you be a big dork with your gaggle of kindergarteners--"
"Hey!" came Will and Mike's whine from a few feet away.
"--and I'm still here, nothing's gonna scare me away Eddie."
He grabbed your hand to stop you from hitting him again, but stayed silent for a moment, eyes darting back and forth between yours as his tongue worried his lip.
You got nervous the longer he hesitated to say something, and once he did, you had the sneaking suspicion it wasn't exactly what he'd really wanted to say in the first place.
You hoped it wasn't what he wanted to say. Hoped it was just something he couldn't say in front of his friends.
"Then you don't mind if we do Alien next year. And before you say anything, I think I would make a great Ripley. I already have the hair for it and I'm pretty sure I have that same underwear."
"Sure Eddie," you agreed a little stiffly. "Sounds perfect."
He smiled, but it didn't quite meet his eyes.
Still, the two of you stayed huddled together on that couch for the rest of the night, surrounded by friends.
Hands held comfortably together.
Next Part: Promotion
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bitterkarella · 7 months
Midnight Pals: The Halloween Factory 3
Bradbury: you! ape! clown! cenobite! frankenstein! wolf man! italian! Bradbury: why do you wear those costumes? King: well, it's halloween, ray, you see- Bradbury: no YOU do not see Bradbury: do not see the magic, the mystery, the wonder Bradbury: of halloween!
Bradbury: the calendar has many days but only one halloween! Bradbury: can it be that you've forgotten? forgotten the magic? King: ray, what are you talking about Bradbury: he's forgotten! forgotten!
Bradbury: you! clown! do you know why you dress like that? King: ah well, see, for halloween i thought i would be my own original character and Bradbury: cenobite! do you know why you dress like that? Barker: cuz it's fucking hot
Bradbury: and you! italian! why do you wear those colors? Lovecraft: u-uh well the green represents pesto and the white is parmesan and the red Bradbury: none of you know! none of you know!
Poe: ray what are you talking about Bradbury: none of you know Bradbury the true meaning of halloween! Bradbury: but tonight Bradbury: oh my friends Bradbury: tonight you will learn Bradbury: for learning the true meaning of halloween Bradbury: is the only way to save your friend
Bradbury: for learning the true meaning of halloween Bradbury: is the only way to save your friend King: dean! what happened to dean? King: was it those bullies from clarion west? King: i swear, if they harm one hair on dean's head--!
Bradbury: no, clown, it is not clarion west behind it this time Bradbury: your dean was whisked away by Bradbury: by Bradbury: look the important thing is you're all gonna learn the haunted history of halloween tonight Lisa Morton: but i already know- Bradbury: NO YOU DON'T
Lisa Morton: see, halloween actually began as the pagan harvest festival of samhain- Bradbury: NO it began as a celebration of childhood whimsy and freckle-faced mischief! Bradbury: your history has no place here!
Bradbury: come! come with me! Bradbury: we'll return to the beginning! Bradbury: to the very first halloween! King: you can't mean- Bradbury: that's right! Bradbury: back 2000 years! Bradbury: to a little manger in bethlehem Bradbury: to witness the birth of dracula!
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familyvideostevie · 8 months
october eighth
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day eight: remus lupin you and remus fool around on a spooky path at night | 18+, minors dni, fem!reader, semi-public sex, unprotected sex | 1.9k detailed content warnings: fem!reader, semi-public sex (risk of being discovered, doesn't happen), unprotected p in v sex, fingering, little bit of dirty talk, little bit of praising, remus is a tiny tiny tiny bit mean, creampie
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“Are you trying to torture me?” you ask. A cold gust blows down the forest path and you shiver, pressing harder into Remus’s side.
“Me?” he says. You can hear the smile in his voice. “Never.” His arm is warm and heavy around your shoulders. You’d walk faster if you were less glued to him but you’re not about to pull away. The path is scary.
“Why are we doing this, again?” You look over at him. Remus looks lovely every second of every damn day but in tonight’s light from the full moon he’s practically glowing. The scars on his face stand out and you want to trace them.
“Because I have something to show you.” The harvest festival you’ve left behind is a dull road back down the path. You haven’t seen another person in almost ten minutes, even though you’re still technically on the fair grounds.
“You better not have something scary planned.”
Remus smirks at you and presses his lips to your temple. “Have faith, love,” he says. “I’m not going to terrorize you.”
You roll your eyes. The path is well traveled though deserted. The trees around you are tall, the color of their leaves still visible in the moonlight. It’s not quite a proper fall night but it’s pretty close.
“Why isn’t anyone out here? Whatever you want to show me can’t be that great if no one else wants to see it.” You’re teasing and Remus can tell. He tugs on your earlobe.
“We used to come out here in the summer, actually,” he says. “Not so much this time of year. Bit nippy.”
“Yeah, and creepy.” You’re speaking in a hush for no reason.
“Well, we came to see who would be brave enough to sneak into that.” He points in front of you and as you see a massive house rising out of the shadows at the end of the woods.
“Remus!” you gasp. “Fuck, that is scary!”
He laughs. He laughs at you. Unbelievable. He tugs you close, arms around you.
“Rumor says it’s haunted.” You believe it. The house itself looms in a way that cannot be natural. The siding is chipped and rotting, the windows nothing but broken glass with torn curtains flapping in the wind. It looks like the perfect place to get murdered.
“We are not going in there.”
“No,” he agrees, “we are not.” His hand rubs up and down your spine, warming you through your coat.
“Did you ever go in?”
“A few times, with James and Sirius,” he says. “Most everyone else who came down here was only interested in the house.”
You frown. “Is there something else more terrifying and more interesting that you idiots hung around for?”
Remus smirks and you know he’s up to something. Your buttoned up, calm, collected boyfriend has a devious side that still manages to surprise you.
He leans down and presses his lips to your ear. “This is where we’d come to snog girls,” he whispers.
Your breath stutters in your chest and you swallow and embarrassing noise at his closeness. “Oh?”
“Among other things,” he adds. He turns you in his hold and walks you backwards until you’re back in the trees, off the path a little bit. Your back hits the bark of a trunk.
“Other things?” you swallow. You see where this is going but you’re not sure how far he’ll take it. Already you feel hot under your layers.
He steps back into your space, pressing you against the tree, and drags his nose down your throat, nipping at your skin as he goes. “Would you let me do other things to you, darling?”
“Remus,” you gasp. “Remus, really? In the woods? Here?” Anyone could walk by. And yet…your legs clench at the idea.
“No one will see us,” he says, pulling away to look at you full on. “We’re off the path enough, I swear.” He rubs the skin under your eye with his thumb. “If you don’t want to I will happily take you home and fuck you in bed instead —”
“I want to,” you rush out. It’s the truth. Your sex life is healthy and fun and you like trying new things with him, but this is…something different. This is hot in a way you didn’t think fooling around outside would be. You like it.
“I thought I was the only one who went a bit wild under the full moon,” he teases. Smug bastard. You slide your hand down his chest and palm him through his pants. He’s half hard already.
“Nope,” you say, popping the p. He grins wolfishly.
“Going to be quiet?” he says, whispering. The woods aren’t silent, but all you can hear is your own heartbeat and Remus’s breaths. You nod. “Good girl.”
You surge forward to kiss him. It’s teeth and tongues, sloppy but hot. Remus manages to undo his belt before leaving the button and zipper to you as he goes for your own pants, mouth never leaving yours until you pull away to spit in you palm.
He hisses when you get under his briefs to grasp his cock. It’s warm in your cold hand and you jerk him as best you can with his pants still on. “Fuck,” he gasps.
“What was that about being quiet?” you mutter. He kisses you again, tonguing into your mouth as he pops the button on your jeans. His long fingers find their way underneath your underwear and into your cunt and you moan against his mouth.
“Hush,” Remus chides. You pant into his neck, your grip on his cock haphazard as he circles your clit. “You’re soaked, darling,” he says. “You like this? Being out in the open like this? Where anyone could see how wet you are?”
You grasp his bicep with the hand not in his pants so you don’t fall over. “Oh my god,” you gasp. Who knew you were so into this?
“Not quite,” he teases. He slips two fingers into you and you bite down on his collar. “I’m going to fuck you right here against this tree,” he says, voice deeper than usual in your ear. “And then we’re going to go home and you’re going to ride me after I lap at your cunt until you scream.”
“Busy — ah — night.” Remus sucks on your pulse point and you clench around his fingers. He thrusts into your hand and then his touch is gone and you whine.
“Can’t have you wrecking my plan with those hands,” he says. “Step out of your jeans?”
You look around and see no one in the darkness. Remus pulls his boxers down a little further so he can free his entire cock and his balls. If you weren’t so desperate for him to fuck you right now you’d get on your knees, but instead you shimmy your pants down and step out of one leg. It’s not like you’ll be able to pull them up if someone comes by but not being totally bare makes you feel better.
“Now what?” The cool air makes your cunt clench and you can see that Remus’s pupils are totally blown. He crowds you against the tree so your back is against it once more and hooks one hand around your thigh to lift your leg. The mechanics of fucking like this worry you a little but you’re perfectly content to let Remus arrange you how he likes.
“Now I fuck you,” he says. He strokes himself a few times then lines up near your entrance, the tip of his cock brushing your clit for a few breaths.
You moan low in your throat. “C’mon,” you whine. Remus doesn’t wait any longer. He slide inside you in one movement, stealing the air from your lungs. He wraps one leg around his hip and taps the other. Between his firm hold and the tree, you’re fairly secure with both legs around his waist.
“So tight,” he says in your ear. “I’ve been inside you hundreds of times and you’re still so tight.”
You’re about to retort when some twigs snap in the darkness. You freeze and Remus stays where he is, face in your neck and arms steady, palms on your bare ass.
The trail is almost certainly out of sight but not far enough that you can’t hear a group of guys walking down it. “It’s not that scary, dude,” one of them says.
“Be quiet,” Remus reminds you and then he starts moving his hips. You swallow your moans as he drags his cock out and then in again, torturously slow.
“People used to fuck in these woods when we were younger,” another guy says. Their voices are already fading but it feels like they’re right next to you.
“If only they knew,” Remus continues. His lips are pressed to your ear, tongue darting out between every sentence. “I can’t believe they aren’t hearing how wet you are.”
You might explode. You might bite through your tongue. The group keeps talking but you can’t be bothered to listen anymore. There is laughter and under the cover of the sound Remus snaps his hips hard and you swallow a scream.
“Good girl,” he tells you. You clench around him. “They’re gone.” You can’t hear anything anymore except your blood pounding in your ears. Remus finally picks up the pace. The sounds must be obvious — your slick, his balls smacking into your ass, your panting. But you don’t care. The angle he’s getting is so good and it’s so hot that anyone could walk by and see you taking him and —
“How close are you?” Remus grinds out.
“Close,” you manage. “Close, Remus, keep going —”
“Me too,” he says after he licks a stripe up your neck. “Dirty girl, letting me fuck you against a tree, I’m not going to last long —
“Inside,” you blurt out. “Please, inside me, Remus.”
Your eyes are closed but he shifts his hold on you and uses one hand to grab your jaw so you’ll look at him. His pupils are totally blown and his eyes are wide.
“You want to — fuck — walk out of here with my cum inside you?”
You nod frantically and he grabs your ass again, picking up his pace.
“Anything, Remus,” you moan. “Anything, just — ah — don’t stop, I’m —”
His cock hits that spot inside you once, twice, three times, and you’re gone. Over the edge, head thrown back far enough that you thump it against the tree as you clench around him. He says your name like a prayer and his hips still as he spurts inside you.
“Fuck,” he hisses. You’re both panting and he gently guides your legs back to the ground even though you’re weak in the knees. Your jeans have almost come off the remaining leg entirely but you don’t care. Remus pulls out of you and without tucking himself back into his briefs he leans down to pull your panties back up your legs and around your hips, your jeans following. “Can’t lose any,” he says.
You laugh. “That’s filthy,” you say, breath still returning to normal. You can’t believe you just fucked in the woods.
He shrugs and puts his cock, shiny with you, away and fastens his belt.
“C’mere, Remus.” He obeys and cups your face with one hand. You kiss him gently, chastely compared to what you were doing before. “Let’s go home,” you say. “So I can blow you because I’m not kneeling on this nasty forest floor.”
He laughs loudly, so loudly you know that anyone walking by will hear. Good thing you’re not fucking anymore.
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thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here! promptober masterlist, find all fics under #fvspromptober23
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dailyadventureprompts · 7 months
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Adventure: Shadow of the Harvest Moon
Most imagine the shadowfell as a dreadful and dreary place, but there are islands of solace in the underworld, such as the realm of Dwindlehearth which manifests as a pastoral village rendered in an eternal autumn sunset. It is a place where those who were lonely in life find kinship in the folkish festivals put on by the attendant spirits, where those too stubborn to accept the end can work themselves to satisfied exhaustion in the fields before retiring in comfort, and where those never had enough can stay in on a rainy day and enjoy a filling meal by a warm fire. It is a good death, a good afterlife, the sort we would wish for those we loved dearest to allow their memory to fade most gracefully.
But Something is wrong in Dwindlehearth
Rot spreads through the fields and the shades can find no solace, foul things stalk at the edge of dark woods, clouds cover the face of the ember-warm sun and part to reveal a cold and leering moon, too low and with it's own strange, superntatural gravity.
If the dead are to know peace once again, something must be done.
After their latest bout of occupational grave desecration the party are called upon by the deathgod Nerull to help sort things out, whatever's causing the problem is hidden from his sight and he'll forgive them their literal and figurative trespasses if they can root out whatever corruption is twisting his pastoral realm into a nightmare.
Most shades in Dwindlehearth have varying levels of awareness, identities growing hazier the closer they get to moving on. The rot seems to remind them of all their regrets and failings, preserving their worst aspects while the rest of them atrophies. This is to say nothing of when the night descends unexpectedly, and those shades worst affected transform into monsters, or nightmarish hauntings.
Investigating the source of the corruption will prove difficult, but perhaps the party can get the aid of one of the attendant psychopomps ( most of whom are busy fighting the rot and fending off incursions from unseen enemies at the village's border) or by taking inconstant direction to seek out Dwindlehearth's mayor ( a position the psychopomps have no memory of appointing) who turns out to be a still living necromancer resided on an estate that she's transported to the middle of the death god's domain (especially if the party encountered hear early in the campaign). She's willing to help, but only if the party put in a good word for her with Nerull, as she's grown to quite enjoy the surroundigns.
Behind all the problems in Dwindlehearth is Zuggtmoy, demon queen of despair and decay, who saw the pastoral stillness of the village as the perfect place to spread her stagnation. Her influence drives souls to bitter, resentful, remembrance, priming them for transformation into foul minions.
Speaking of Minions, Zuggtmoy's influence was carried to the village by the departed soul of one of her priests, a poet mired in morbid melancholy by the name of Blaine Blackstem, who got one of the psychopomps to carry him over Nerrull's wards. Blaine was never a good poet, but his mistress's gifts and the nightmare landscape have transformed him into a looming scarecrow figure, striding through the fields sowing rot and then taking grisly inspiration as how the souls twist.
A number of Zuggtmoy's other fiendish minions probe the border of Dwindlehearth just waiting for a large enough breach to pour in, Blaine aims to accommodate them by creating an army of pumpkin monsters and setting them lose to overwhelm the psychopomps leaving the village undefended.
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
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sterekfests · 10 months
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Welcome to our Fall round of Sterek Fests! Sterek Fall Fest will run from September 3rd - October 7th in celebration of Fall, whether you enjoy drinking every kind of pumpkin spice drink or visiting a pumpkin patch every year. There’s a little something for everyone!
Check out our Rules and FAQs. 
We also have a Discord you can join that has events running such as @sterekbingo and @sterekweekly along with @sterekfests.
How to Participate:
Participating in Sterek Fall Fests is easy and stress-free! This is a no-commitment fest where you can participate as little or as much as you want. Participate in one week and none of the others if you so fancy, or participate in all of them! We have an AO3 Collection for you to post all of your creations in!   This fest is open to both Fic and Art, so create to your heart's content!
How to post:
You can post your creations to any website that you want, as long as they are viewable to the public, whether that’s Tumblr, LiveJournal, DreamWidth, or our AO3 Collection. @sterekfests so we see your creations to reblog them. Use the tags #sterekfestsfall2023, and #sterekfests for generic tags. For weekly tags: #sterekfestssweater, #sterekfestsbaking, #sterekfestsbonfire, #sterekfestspumpkin, #sterekfestshaunted,
Late Posting:
Late posting is always welcomed! The collection will stay open for late submissions.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask!
- Liam (@sterekbros) & Dori (@evanesdust) 
Keep reading to see all the awesome theme weeks ahead!
September 3-9: Sweater Weather
As the leaves change to a beautiful rainbow of colors, it’s time for Stiles and Derek to break out the sweaters and savor some cozy autumn days. Do they explore harvest farms and drink seasonal cups of pumpkin spice latte? Or maybe they take a hike through the woods or visit a corn maze? The possibilities are endless as they embrace the season and all the flavors of fall.
September 10-16:  Baking
It’s that time of year when cool weather brings out everyone’s love for baking! Tarts, pies, pumpkin butter, cookies, cheesecake bars, and cobblers are on the menu. Is Stiles in a baking mood with the change of the weather, getting ready for the upcoming holidays? Is Derek making his mother’s from-scratch apple pie? Maybe there’s a local bake-off for a harvest festival, where Stiles or Derek is the undefeated champion, and the other has come to challenge them to an on-the-spot bake-off. May the best baker win!
September 17-23: Bonfire
The air is crisp and autumn’s arrival is the absolute perfect time of the year to take advantage of the cool nights and starry skies and to make memories around the fire pit with friends, pack, and family. Roasting marshmallows for s'mores and getting cozy with your mate is one of the many things Sterek can enjoy this Fall around the bonfire.  Are they having a pack get-together at the rebuilt Hale house where Derek is hosting a bonfire party for the pack? Or perhaps they’re at the beach building up a bonfire to fight off the salty chilly air? Wherever you take Sterek this Fall, they’ll be snuggly and warm, enjoying the starry night together.
September 24-30: Pumpkin Patch
It’s that time of the year when everyone loves to visit a pumpkin patch! It’s one of the most Fall things you can do. Are Derek and Stiles getting ready for October, which is just around the corner? Are they picking out pumpkins so they can roast the seeds and use the rest for tasty recipes? Or maybe they’re taking their family to visit the games, including hayrides at their local pumpkin patch to support local farms and their seasonal farmers market? Perhaps the pack shows up for family photo ops for Eli’s first pumpkin patch visit! The possibilities are abundant, along with those cute adorable pumpkins we can only enjoy during the Fall season.
October 1-7: Haunted House
Phantoms and demons and ghosts, oh my! With Halloween around the corner, Stiles and Derek would certainly be brave enough to visit a haunted house or two, racing each other to see who would make it out first. Or maybe they work in one, chasing screaming patrons through the attraction. Either way, their wild energy and fearlessness would make for some thrilling entertainment.
@teenwolffandomevents @thebigbangblogproject @sterekevents
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
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I am unable to devote the time and concentration to my asks right now because of a crazy schedule at the Haunt and Harvest Festival at the Farm I work at. I am very sorry for that but I will get back to them after the season has ended. 
Here are photos of Lesbians Celebrating Halloween in the mid 1990′s and early 2000′s at my Hallowen parties. ENJOY!  
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saphirered · 7 months
for the prompts list - cinnamon sweet with Lucien please and thank you :)
Here you go! Loads of fluff and Lucien being Lucien so I hope you like it! 😘
It’s that time of the year Lucien would love to forget all together. The leaves have turned and fallen, the harvests have passed and all is in a slow state of decay. To think he once lived in a perpetual state of autumn seems a different life altogether, and one he would prefer to keep dead and buried. He’s really grown to hate autumn with a passion and he truly can’t wait until winter comes creeping in. At least frozen wastes haunting shadows bring more comfort than what he endured. Yet here you are, wrapped in your knits, wrapped him in them too, excited for the yellows and reds and oranges, the smell of autumn at its peak, the fresh harvests and festivals that accompany it. Here you are loving everything he’s avoided for so long. He doesn’t have the heart to tell you. If anything he hopes that perhaps through you he can endure and grow to like the season again and not feel like he slips into depression every time he spirals into those dark memories. It’s not your fault and he doesn’t want to spoil your fun. Maybe you can teach him how to love the autumn glow once more. 
“Remind me again why you insist in being here, outside in the cold when we could be warm and cozy inside by the hearth instead?” Lucien asks when you sit him down on the wooden bench in the garden. The majority has wilted, or been prepared to endure the coming winter, and while somewhat eery it is still beautiful in its own way. The wind blows the remaining leaves from the trees bit by bit casting a blanket upon the ground making it impossible to distinguish path from grass and unmarked flowerbeds. You hold two ceramic mugs in your hands when you take a seat next to him. Though your proximity does not quite transfer heat, he still feels warmer with you there. 
“Because, my dear Lucien, I want you to experience this properly.” He raises a questioning eyebrow but you are persistent and push the mugs into his hands. Completely at a loss of what to do with them he holds them. The contents seem to be milk. Just milk. He expected something like a tea maybe but the mugs are cold. 
“What now?” He asks when you look at him as if he’s supposed to know what to do now. 
“I need you to heat them up.” You chirp excitedly. A soft smile graces his lips but quickly turns cocky as it often does. 
“Glad to know you keep me around as your personal heater and servant. Shall it be steaming, boiling or evaporated, my dearest?” You cross your arms. Normally he would flick your nose playfully when you puff but he’s half sure you’ll kill him if he drops this mug so he refrains and instead pecks your nose and does as he’s told. Your crossed arms slack and the flush to your cheeks certainly isn’t because of the cold air.
“You have plenty of other uses too.” You tease back reaching for the box you’d brought. He’s not entirely sure how you managed to carry this all. You open the box and inside reveals two chocolate orbs. “I know you like hot chocolate but this one’s special.” You gently drop the orbs in the steaming hot milk each. Slowly but surely the chocolate begins to melt and inside, fluffy little clouds emerge floating on the surface. Lucien looks confused. 
“Dare I ask what this poison is you’re trying to feed me?” 
“They’re marshmallows. They happen to go very well with hot chocolate but there’s one more secret ingredient-“ You reach into your pocket and take the vial you’d stolen from the pantry. 
“Unconditional love and affection?” Lucien interrupts but you don’t miss a beat.
“-two more secret ingredients.” You correct yourself at his quip much to his amusement. You remove the lid from the vial of brown powder. Carefully you sprinkle a modest amount on top. When you do he catches on. Cinnamon. Curious. 
“So you are trying to cover the smell and taste of poison.” You take one of the mugs from him and clasp  it between your hands, cold fingers instantly warming. You scoff and roll your eyes. 
“While poison is poetic I think a dagger through the heart after a passionate night is far more.” You deadpan taking a sip. Lucien shrugs in agreement. 
“A satisfying end to be sure.” You snort and cough as your nose burns. The amusement in Lucien’s eyes is replaced by concern until you assure him you’re alright. “I think you might have mixed up the poisoned mug, love.” He pats your back as you recover and when you do he simply rubs circles allowing his hand to warm you and offer some relief. 
“One way to find out.” Your voice is still hoarse but you’re alright and take another sip of your drink. Finally he takes his first sip. Closely you study his reaction. First it is intrigue; the way he does a double-take, then a hint of confusion trying to figure out his senses. Next comes consideration. A raised eyebrow as he takes a second sip. Then his shoulders relax and he leans back on the bench. He nods to himself and takes another big sip when he notices you staring. 
“I take it you like it then?” You ask gingerly. He smiles and nods. 
“It reminds me of you so yes.” 
“How so?”
“You remind me of sweet things and cinnamon.” The flush to your cheeks darken. Cute. Of course he has to ruin the moment. Can’t let it get to your head. “You taste like it too.” This time you’re prepared though, unfazed you take another sip, rise to your feet and take a few steps away from him. You look over your shoulder, look him straight in the eye in a way that dares him to move. He knows he’s in trouble. 
“Let’s keep it a special treat then. Wouldn’t want you to get sick of the taste.” Now it’s his time to choke on the sip he took. Not what he was expecting, and certainly not the sultry expression on your face as you sway your hips through the invisible garden path and back to the porch, one there you take one last sip, looking at him over the edge of your mug. You step inside leaving the door open behind you. Lucien does not need to be told twice. He downs the cinnamon hot chocolate, the taste lingering on his tongue and follows your tracks inside.
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Jonerys Falling for You 2023
We (@moondancer71 and @arielchelby) of Ice and Fire Jonerys Discord are excited to kick off Jonerys Falling for You 2023! We will host five days of Jonerys autumn-themed content from October 16-20! All types of content are welcome: edits, gif sets, fanart, moodboards, and fanfiction. Everything will be appreciated! The prompts are listed below!
1. Day 1 (10/16) 🍁 Comfort | Warmth | Wearing His Hoodie or Cloak
2. Day 2 (10/17) 🍁 Fall Colors | Harvest Festival | Back-to-School/College AU
3. Day 3 (10/18) 🍁 Witching Hour | Monsters/Demons | Haunted
4. Day 4 (10/19) 🍁 Coffee Shop AU | Second Chance Romance | Road Trip/Exploring Nature AU
5. Day 5 (10/20) 🍁 Halloween Party | Trick or Treat | Free Choice
To participate, simply post your content to your own blog and/or to AO3 and @iceandfirejonerysdiscord and tag #Jonerys Falling for You 2023 and #IceandFireJonerysDiscord as we’ll track and reblog it here.
The rules are pretty simple: 
The main pairing must be Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen (no multi-shipping or explicit content featuring Jon and Dany with other characters).
You DO NOT need to be a member of the discord to join, as it is open to the AO3 and Tumblr Jonerys community.
You are free to mix prompts in your post, but do try to post on the day that has your “featured” or main prompt. 
The schedule isn't too rigid. If you run behind and have content for Day 1 that isn’t ready until Day 3, don’t worry! You can still post it and we will still reblog it!
Keep it positive and have fun! 
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us! We are looking forward to seeing what you all will create!
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tanthamoretober · 7 months
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As Tanthamoretober fades into Never Not Commenting November (watch this space) lets have a massive show of appreciation (via comments! Because comments!) for all our writers, artists and even musicians who were involved!
Our Authors and prompts (all links go to AO3)
Anarik or @theanarik Two fics One for the prompts: harvest, witchcraft and voyeurism One for the prompts: festival, wet, voyeurism, mistaken identity
Cailean or @jalehh Four fics One series, evolution to progress, prompts: bondage and impact play One for the prompt: first time One for the prompt: injury
Geek_and_Nina or @geek-and-nina Thirty-four fics! One series, Show Don't Tell, deaf Kit au. One series The Laughing Whale, siren/pirate au Pretty much every single prompt we could think of!
Haruka81 or @rukaroggy One fic, five chapters For the prompt: injury
Jad3dEt3rnal or @jad3det3rnal One fic For the prompts: the lights go out, magic, full moons
Jayenator565 or @jayenator565 One fic For the prompt: monsters (vampire Jade!)
KitsKat18 One fic For the prompt: haunted house
lowkeyed1 or @lowkeyed1 Eight fics in the series, Tanthamoretober Crack Fics Multiple prompts in each installment!
myrebelliousphase or @myrebelliousphase One fic For the prompt: biting (more vampire Jade!)
Nunspringa One fic For the prompts: haunted house and possession/exorcism
OnlySheStandsThere or @onlyshestandsthere One fic, two chapters (so far) For the prompt: black cat (werecat!Kit!)
pirateygoodness or @swashbucklery Three fics One for the prompts: Monsters (werewolves), dry humping, overcast morning, rainy day, underneath the sky, full moons One for the prompt: nestled under blankets, with traces of exhibitionism One for the prompt: black cat
rochke11 or @commanderbuffy One fic, two chapters (so far) For the prompt: killers
saltywaves or @shellyseashell One fic For the prompts: witchcraft/magic, cursed location, voices in your head, possession
Silver85 or @wigster07 Twenty-four fics Nineteen fics in the series Loving Me Loving You, (AWOOOO) hitting most prompts almost daily! Three fics in the Alpha Kit series for the prompts: Omegaverse and mirror sex, and jumping in a leaf pile One surprise epilogue for Architect of Catastrophe for the prompts: kissing in the rain and softness/tenderness As well as a co-written fic with rochke11 for the prompt: killers
slvershdws Two fics for the series Endearing Idiots One with ten chapters, each chapter for a different prompt: making caramel/candy apples, seasonable garments, pumpkin spice, bobbing for apples, rainy day, warm drinks, nestled under blankets, kissing in the rain, dead end, and costume party One for the prompt: first time
sofys37 or @blackdalek Three fics Two for the series Andowyne by Night, for the prompts: monsters (vampire Kit!), and comes back wrong One for the prompts: fireside, something in the woods, and wet
spybrarian or @spybrarian Five fics One for the prompt: exorcism/possession One for the prompt: dungeon Three for the series There's not a step we can take that does not bring us closer and the prompts: knife play, fireside, first time, wax play
StorySpinner_91 or @storyspinner91 Two fics One for the prompt: autumn foliage One (drabble!) for the prompt: double penetration
TheArcher or @bisexualshakespeare Four fics in the Harvest Festival series One for the prompts: first time, 69, and autumn foliage One for the prompts: long distance, mirror sex, voyeurism, magic, dominance/submission, full moon One for the prompts: biting, dominance/submission, face sitting One for the prompts: caramel apples and harvest ride
TheLateNightStoryTeller or @evodevo-geekmonkey One fic, nine chapters For the prompts: killers, witchcraft/magic, stalking, the Wyrm, help isn't coming, cursed person, mask, found footage, something in the woods
TheyAreSoGay or @theyaresogay One fic, three chapters (so far) For the prompts: festival and autumn breezes
ThisIsHelvetica or @this-is-helvetica One fic For the prompt: witchcraft/magic
Our Artists and prompts (links to tumblr)
@rghema Three sweet comics For the prompts: making caramel/candy apples, baking pies, and abduction
@jlmichigan Willow as bots text post series For many, many prompts through the month!
Our Music Composer (links to tumblr)
@mayblueflamesreign Two songs for the prompts making caramel/candy apples and seasonal garments
Absolutely epic work, everyone. Thank you all so much for being involved!
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daenystheedreamer · 18 days
modern au blackwood bracken rival rich people houses who go all out for holidays.
blackwoods win for [OLD GODS/FAITH WINTER SOLSTICE] (yuletide) displays cos of the weirwood tree BUT the brackens dress their horses up as reindeer. which you might think would be awesome but the horses buck off the bracken dressed as santa and he's like groaning moaning bloody on the ground screaming for 911 which freaks the kids out. so blackwoods win
halloween... blackwoods go all out for [OLD GODS/FAITH HARVEST FESTIVAL] (halloween) haunted house and DO have the best aesthetics BUT they actually follow safety codes. brackens also go all out but their house is genuinely fucked up and theres a few feral possibly rabid dogs and raccoons that snuck into the maze so you are actually running for your fucking life in there. so brackens win cos it is an actual fight for survival in there even though the blackwoods have better candy for trick or treaters (the brackens always pick trick)
[OLD GODS/FAITH SPRING RENEWAL CELEBRATION] (easter egg hunt) is a tie because both houses spend their time trying to sabotage the other. like stealing each others eggs before the big day. adding trick eggs. egging each others houses. throwing rotten eggs through any open windows. no one visits their easter displays for this reason
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