#Hawks x Fuyumi Todoroki
insanesanitysparks · 7 months
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Thankfully Together Day 4 Keigo Takami x Fuyumi Todoroki
Pairing Name: Keimi - so cute don't you think?
Summary: It was just for some recon...until it wasn't...now they've got a whole other problem on their hands!
Tags: mha, bnha, Minors DNI, Thankfully Together, Keigo Takami x Fuyumi Todoroki, Hawks x Fuyumi Todoroki, Keigo Takami, Hawks, Fuyumi Todoroki, smut, romance, little bit of angst, fluff, gradual romance, adults getting in trouble, dirty talk, minor stalking, attention seeking behavior
2405 words
Completed One-Shots: Day 1: Izuku Midoriya x Ochaco Uraraka Day 2: Denki Kaminari x Kyoka Jiro Day 3: Enji Todoroki x Rei Todoroki
Frosty Feathers
It started as a fling, if even that. Hawks wanted more information about the number one hero before he started working with the man. What better way than to get close to his kids? He offered Shoto an internship but the kid turned him down. He tried to talk to Natsuo “in passing” but the guy had no interest in talking to heroes whatsoever. Touya, Endeavor’s oldest, was dead. And his wife was in a mental hospital…interesting but it kept him from approaching her. So that just left him with Fuyumi. That was fine, girls loved to talk and he was an attractive young man. He should be able to learn everything he needed from her.
So Hawks started focusing his research on Fuyumi. She was a teacher, frequented a cheap coffee place every morning on the way to work, and she was super friendly to everyone on her morning and after-school routines. She appeared to be the active housekeeper of the Todoroki household too, if the grocery bags and cleaning items she bought were anything to go by. She could work for him, this was going to be too easy!
He “bumped” into her one late afternoon at the store. She was buying supplies for her class. He helped her carry the armload to the register, paid for her (even though neither of them were hurting financially), walked her to her car and held the door for her like a gentleman. All the while, he rambled about how he thought teachers were underpaid and underappreciated.
And Fuyumi soaked it in. She melted at the affection, he could see her eyes softening, her shoulders relaxing. She laughed and smiled and conversed with him, sighing sadly when they made it back to her car and she thought their time together was near an end. By his observations, she was starved for attention but there was also something else. Something he couldn’t place his finger on. He knew it was risky, but he invited her out for coffee that weekend. In a heartbeat, she agreed.
They were just supposed to be friends. Hawks never intended for anything more. They went out for coffee and he was able to determine what the something was that he couldn’t place earlier in the week. For as much as loved and cared for her father, she also resented him for some reason and didn’t want to be defined as “Endeavor’s daughter.” Her coworkers were nice enough and the people she saw on a day-to-day basis were friendly but none actually made an effort to be friends with her simply because she was a Todoroki. So the fact that he talked to her after bumping into her and offered to take her out for coffee “just to talk” swept her off her feet.
He was planning to let her down gently after he started working with Endeavor, planned on telling her that work was going to keep him away and they wouldn’t be able to meet for a while. He would fade out of her life and she would be none the wiser. That’s what he planned on anyway, reality had a far different outcome. The outcome where he felt bad about disappearing so he sent her flowers at work, because he knew she’d be embarrassed if he sent them to her home. The outcome where he felt guilty about using her so he followed her to make sure she was okay…until she caught him in the act.
She had the eyes of a huntress when she stared at him from afar. She walked into a back alley and he followed because, despite being a hero, he was scared of the look in her eyes. He wasn’t ready when she fisted his shirt and slammed him into the brick wall behind him, smirking as she casually mentioned that she had her father teach her self-defense. No wonder she pinned him so easily! And then she kissed him, soft lips and tongue exploring his chafed, wind-burnt lips. Pressed against him as she was, soft hips, soft boobs, soft everything but with so much fiery intensity that he could scarcely believe she was the same Fuyumi.
When she pulled away, she was back. Eyes full of uncertainty but still holding hope. “Stay with me.” Her small voice begged and in his heart he couldn’t find it in him to turn away.
So he went with her. Followed her home, went in Endeavor’s house, and slept in Endeavor’s daughter’s bed. He wasn’t really concerned about being caught. He knew Endeavor was working that night and Natsuo wouldn’t disturb his sister, Shoto was at UA and her mother was in a hospital. It did feel strange though, to sleep in another hero’s house without them knowing.
Hawks wasn’t sure that Fuyumi was actually into him. Sure they had sex and sure they found each other attractive but they weren’t really serious. Sometimes they talked, sometimes they fucked. Fuyumi wasn’t the first girl he’d ever slept with and Hawks wasn’t the first guy she’d ever slept with. Besides, he hadn’t even told her his real name…not that it mattered. He went by Hawks so often that sometimes he thought that was his real name.
And then…the hospital…the fight with Shigaraki, the discovery of One for All and the truth behind Dabi’s origin, and the horrors that Hawks didn’t know had occurred within the Todoroki household. He knew it had never been sunshine, but damn… He wasn’t sure if he felt worse for Endeavor or his family, the abuser and the victims were being put in the spotlight and interrogated by the media.
Fuyumi called and despite his exhaustion and despite almost losing his wings, Hawks went to her. She held him so carefully, ran hands through his hair, hummed pretty little songs, wept into his chest and dampened his bandages. She was so nervous, so scared. He didn’t think he meant that much to her. They’d discussed this, they weren’t really a thing. They were just using each other. Still, he reached to comfort her. She batted him away.
“I-I don’t know how,” She started nervously, sucking in an anxious breath, “but I’m pregnant. You’re the only person I’ve slept with…”
Well, shit! The sky was literally falling and now this. Guess he should have expected it. Condoms weren’t 100% effective…still, he kind of expected her to be on a pill or something. In hindsight, maybe he should have clarified that. He wasn’t sure what to say to her either. They’d established that they weren’t serious, there was no obligation for him to stay, but she was clearly attached…and maybe he was too? Knowing that a part of him was growing in her… Fuck! It was terrifying and exhilarating! His father had never really been present and her father had kind of screwed stuff up, it would be kind of poetic if he wasn’t involved at all…but he didn’t want to be.
He didn’t think Fuyumi needed a serious response. She needed him. So in a truly Hawks fashion, he smirked and offered her a witty, “I guess I better not die then.” If looks could kill, she would have murdered him then but his lighthearted demeanor seemed to cheer her up.
They heard the door open but neither were afraid. They knew Endeavor didn’t disturb his kids when their doors were closed. Still, Hawks rose from the bed and walked toward the door. Fuyumi eyed him curiously.
“Well…I think I’m going to go fill your dad in. He should know what he’s fighting for. Wish me luck!” He marched out the door with a goofy salute and Fuyumi giggled at the surprised “what the-” that came from her father’s mouth in the other room.
Her amusement was short lived as another voice followed up in a tone that told her she was in trouble, regardless of her age and being able to make her own decisions. Her mother’s voice was stern and demanding, “Fuyumi!” Crap! Dad wasn’t the one they really had to worry about…her mother was a whole other storm!
~ flash back ~
(the night of their child’s conception)
The room was hot and smelled like sex, stuffy almost. Hawks and Fuyumi were both drenched in sweat and each other’s sex. Well, Hawks was drenched in her sex. Hawk’s stuff was being poured into condoms. He’d been through two already and was on his third. Fuyumi really could milk him for everything he was worth!
And speaking of milk…two lovely, thick and bouncy boobs were dangling in front of his face as she rode him. Soft, squishy, and cool to the touch despite the sweat that beaded on her skin. Beautiful, bouncy boobs. Pretty pink little nipples pebbled in front of him, making his mouth water as they were just out of his tongue’s reach.
Fuyumi had set a hard pace in her efforts to cum, an accomplishment she had yet to achieve. She’d already pulled two loads out of him, pausing to change condoms afterwards to avoid rips that could potentially get her pregnant. But she had yet to get her own release. Her face looked pained as she humped him, riding him like a horse across a wide open plain. She slowed to a stop just short of his third orgasm.
“I-I’m sorry,” She panted breathlessly, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m close, I just can’t…I don’t know why. I keep getting close and then I lose it.”
Hawks reached a hand up to caress her face. He usually let her take control because she liked to ride him, and if he was being honest he quite liked to be ridden. It pinned his wings beneath him, forced him to stay still, and the view of the big bouncing tits in front of him made it all that much more worth it! But it didn’t seem like that was going to cut it for Fuyumi today. No problem, he was an ambidextrous man and he lived to please.
He slid his one hand from her face to the back of her neck, the other wrapped around her back and pulled her close. Then he flipped them, pushing her into the blankets. He used his feather’s to pin her in place, arms over her head, legs pushed up and spread as far and wide as they could go. One hand rested next to her side, supporting his weight, and the other wrapped around her neck. He didn’t really squeeze, more like held, applying just enough pressure to give a threatening warning.
“Fucking bitch!” He teased, ruthless eyes gazing down into her teary eyes and sending shivers down her spine. He could feel her clench around him at the way he spoke to her. “Use my cock, make me cum like that and then can’t even be bothered to cum herself! Just a needy little slut aren’t you? Need me to breed you? Knock you up like the sexy little whore you are?” He leaned in closer and whispered in her ear, nibbling on her lobe and down her neck afterwards. He was careful not to leave any marks because they didn’t want people to know, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t tease her sensitive skin a little.
“Ha-Ha-Hawks!” She moaned, “Y-yes! I-I’m y-your d-d-ir-ty little, s-sexy, s-slutty b-b-itch! B-breed me! P-please! I need more!”
He was happy to give it! Going as hard and as fast as he could manage, flicking her nipples with his feathers. He felt himself getting close and nipped at her lip. “You better fucking cum! You better fucking cum or else your not cumming at all!” He commanded with a growl. “You ready baby? You want my fucking cum?”
“Yes! Yes! I want it!” She nodded desperately. He squeezed her neck a little tighter and grinned when her pussy clenched tighter.
“Good girl! Good girl! You’re gonna cum in three…” His hips started to stutter but he kept going. “Two…” She whined and writhed under him, twitching and shaking like she was being shocked. She was desperate and he was close, this had to work! “One!” He grunted, plunging as deep as he could go and rocking into her as he rode out his final orgasm. He was so blissed out by the feeling that he forgot to pay attention to her.
He collapsed on top of her, cock going limp inside her as he caught his breath and released her from his feathers. When he could finally think straight again, he pulled out and looked at her questioningly. “Did you cum? You felt so good I got distracted.”
Fuyumi nodded, eyes cloudy. She looked like how he felt, like he’d just run a marathon. Did she cum that hard? He shrugged, tugging the condom off and tossing it in the trash bin on his way to the bathroom for a cloth to clean her up with. Once they were both mostly clean, Hawks slipped back into the bed for cuddles.
“We should do that more often.” Fuyumi sighed in content. “I think I like dirty talk.”
“Yes ma’am! My icey little sex queen.” Hawks teased lightly, kissing her forehead before pulling back with a frown. He needed to remember to keep this casual. Don’t get attached.
When Fuyumi woke the next morning, Hawks was already gone but that didn’t really surprise her. They weren’t really serious, though she wouldn’t mind if they were something more. He was attractive and seemed to be a good man. She stretched and made her way to the bathroom, glancing at the trash bin to see if it needed emptied as she relieved herself. It didn’t register then what she was actually looking at, her brain just assumed it was lotion. Until thirty minutes later when she was remembering her passionate night over breakfast and it hit her. She hadn’t put any lotion in the trashcan! She ran back to the bathroom and checked…the cum had leaked out of the condom…but where? It was tied off…surely it didn’t… She took a shaky breath to calm herself. It probably just ripped when he was taking it off. And even if a little did get inside her, she was fairly certain she was outside of the fertile window. It would be fine!
Or at least that’s what she told herself until she missed her period…and the next one…and then the doctor told her otherwise. Well…shit!
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puppyaulait · 9 months
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Todofamily if Rei got a divorce part 1- (part 2)
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mysoncookie · 2 months
BNHA Dabi Must Reads
Time Travel - Where I Adopt a Bunch of Brats by ILoveMyths2003
╰┈➤ Available on Ao3, Complete, Time Travel Fix-It, Dabi Centric, Dabi is not a villain, Dabi Redemption, Found Family, Fluff, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, Extremely Slow Romance | Wordcount: 140,894
╰┈➤ Has an On Going Series Called "The World Of Tomorrow"
In Which Dabi Realizes He's too Pretty for Villainy by azurefaeblue
╰┈➤ Available on Ao3, Complete, Not Canon Compliant, Pretty Dabi, Scarless Dabi, White Haired Dabi, Hawks is a Simp, Crack | Wordcount: 3,435
╰┈➤ Has an On Going Series Called "In Which Dabi Achieves His Dream of Becoming a Trophy Wife"
area cryptid upset no one bothered to inform him of his tragic backstory by crimsonseekers
╰┈➤ Available on Ao3, Complete, Amnesiac Dabi, Crack Treated Seriously, Identity Reveal, Hero Public Commission Bashing | Wordcount: 47,710
In Which Dabi’s Tits Save the League and Dismantle Hero Society by azurefaeblue
╰┈➤ Available on Ao3, On Going, Social Media, Crack, POV Outsider, League of Villains as Family, Not Canon Compliant, Crack Treated Seriously | Wordcount: 23,688
these are my fav fics from BNHA! you can tell who my fav character is based on all of these fics ksksksksk
I know its a short list but these are fics that I genuinely enjoy & reread all the time. I'll prolly update this list cuz I aint satisfied with this being so short but idk we'll see
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mintshrooom · 5 months
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Fuyumi and Miyuki(OC) baking gingerbread cookies💕✨
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
imagine being AFO and hearing this shit while trying to take over society:
Dabi: I should've left you to drown in your own shit like the little fucker you are
Shouto: *le gasp*
Fuyumi: Nii-san tf are you talking about you refused to even be 10 meters near a poop infested Shouto
Shouto: *le gasps even more*
Natsuo: Well atleast we all know dear ol' dad can't even say he held us once as a baby
Enji: *continues to be the pathetic old man having a mental breakdown in the middle of the battlefield*
I just know AFO and the other pro heroes are tired of this family's drama. Hawks looks at them and wonders if is it really worth it to join the family of dramatic bitches just for the chance to fuck their batshit insane first son.
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lalenrasch · 6 months
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🎄⭐️Christmas Ships⭐️🎄
🎄DARIAS (Dabi x Rias)
🎄HUWUMI (Hawks x Fuyumi)
🎄KATSUYU (Katsuki x Tsuyu)
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lady-delamort · 1 year
Soft doodles~ ✨🌻
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Little cold kisses make the bird boyfriend happy~ ❄️🦅
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sparkles-and-trash · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about Keigo getting to know the rest of the Todoroki family as Touya’s boyfriend.
How nervous he would be to not be good enough, to not be let into what he knew was a tight knit family, especially the siblings, and for Keigo, who had no real family himself, it all seemed extra intimidating.
Keigo was prepared for almost anything, but it turned out he was not prepared for what actually was awating him.
Now, Keigo already knew Endeavor, or Enji (he finds it so weird to use his first name like that like wtf,) from work, but seeing him in this weird domestic role is jarring, to say the least.
Big, strong Endeavor in a cardigan, reading glasses and slippers? Weird as hell.
Rei is just as sweet as Keigo imagined her, and it makes his heart ache to see how much Touya looks like his mother in person, and even more so to see the open love in Touya’s face when he looks at his mother.
Keigo had expected Fuyumi to be as sweet and timid as she looked, but she honestly took him a bit by surprise. She’s quick and witty, not unlike her older brother, and clearly has no issue with putting Touya on the spot. She’s also very funny, and Keigo is deligthed to have someone to bounce off so easily.
Natsuo might look like a big, confident jock type, but he isn’t. He’s sweet, very sweet, and extremly passionate about the medical field, which is quite telling about his character in Keigo’s eyes. He also had a quiet and clever sense of humor, and kept making sure Keigo was always a part of the conversation, and it truly moved Keigo when he realized.
Now, Shouto was another one Keigo knew a little from work.
He actually thought the two of them got along well, but something seemed a little off with the youngest Todoroki all night. He talked like normal and wasn’t rude at all, but he kept sending Keigo some weird looks, and it was making him more uneasy than he liked to admit.
It didn’t help that Touya kept throwing looks back at Shouto, making it look like yhe two of them were having a telepatic conversation.
After dinner Shouto straight up asked Keigo if he could talk to him in private, and judging by Natsuo’s eyeroll and Fuyumi’s laughther, they knew what was coming.
When they were alone, Keigo suddenly struggled to meet Shouto’s mismatched eyes, which was ridiculous, but true.
«Did you know Touya was my first word?»
Keigo blinked, surprised. He did not know that.
Shouto just nodded.
«He was the first person to me me smile, and laugh, and talk, and even walk,» Shouto contuniued.
Keigo felt a small flicker of affection when picturing it, and felt a smile tug on his lips.
Shouto did not smile back.
«He walked me to my first day of school, and he still packs my lunch when he has the opportunity. He’s my person.»
Keigo was, maybe for the first time in his life, truly at a loss of words.
Luckily, Shouto continued on his own.
«If you make him sad, I will kill you.»
Keigo did not know if he should laugh or cry, so he did neither, and mereley nodded frantically.
«You have my full blessing to do that if I ever hurt your brother, I promise!» he said, a bit more nervously than he would have wanted.
Shouto just nodded solemnly.
Keigo nodded back.
After a few beats of silence, Shouto looked over at Keigo with that normal look of mild confusion and intrigue he ususally wore, not a trace left behind of the death threats he had just been giving out.
Keigo felt his shoulders slump in relief.
«So,» Shouto asked casually as they started to walk back to the rest of the family.
«Are you my brother now?»
And that’s how, for the second time that night, Keigo found himself at a total loss of words thanks to his boyfriends youngest brother.
It would not be the last.
masterlist - wip list - ao3 - ko-fi - wishlist
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poppy5991 · 9 months
Todoroki Sibling Groupchat:
Dabi: Hey, can someone bring me some chips?
Dabi: I can’t! Hawks is in the kitchen.
Shoto: Are you being homophobic rn??? In front of my groupchat???
Fuyumi: He’s discriminating against Dad’s bf. SHAMEEEEE
Dabi: Omg shut up
Dabi: It’s just awkward bc I tried to murder him that one time!
Shoto: Trying to murder Dad’s bf sounds kinda homophobic ngl
Dabi: So no chips?
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evisma-15 · 1 year
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puppyaulait · 9 months
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Todofamily if Rei got a divorce part 2 (part 1)
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heyyallitssatan · 16 days
Todo fam headcanons
Enji isn’t a dick addition
He didn’t intentionally train any of his to be heroes, he just accepted them as they were
Touya really wanted to be a hero, but when they figured out his quirk didn’t work with his body they had to have a lot of long hard talks, they tried to find a lot of support gear but nothing could completely keep him from burning himself and they didn’t want him to risk his life
He came around to the idea eventually and ended up going to school to become a paramedic
Fuyumi didn’t get parentified and was allowed to explore what she wanted, she ended up loving art and went to an art school before apprenticing under a sculptor and then a tattoo artist, she eventually went back to sculpting and runs her own studio now
Natsuo followed in his big brothers footsteps and went to med school, he’s an er doctor
Shoto loved the skating trips his mom took him on and became a professional/Olympic figure skater and coach
Also, Rei was a snowboarder in this universe because I said so
It should be mentioned, Touya took up rock climbing as a hobby and got really into it
Fuyumi started doing mma as a stress release, she tried to get her siblings into it but it reminded Touya too much of training and the other two never enjoyed fighting
Natsuo feels like he gets plenty of physical activity between the er and his twice weekly workouts, so his hobby is playing video games,
Enji picked up crocheting after rei told him he needed a non stressful hobby to help him relax
Rei I turn felt she also needed a nonstressful hobby, and promptly chose rebuilding old cars because they have more money than god and can certainly afford it
Shoto never really made time for hobbies until fuyumi taught him how to sculpt, now he enjoys making weird little trinkets to give friends and family, and occasionally his competitors
I like to think the show still progresses normally, just with shinsou in 1A instead of shoto
The the reason we find out about the todoroki family is cause bakugou and midoriya both do their internship with Endeavor sanders he gushed about his wife and kids every chance he got
Midoriya thought shoto was the best thing ever and rei tried to set them up
She succeeded and got an adorable little son in law
Fuyumi showed up during bakugous internship with miruko to drop off some food for her wife and he freaked out cause he thinks miruko is so cool and turns out she has a badass wife too, best day ever
Touya meets both of them when he shows up at hawks agency to pick him up for their dinner date, they both lose their shit cause why are so many of them dating heroes
They meet natsuo during his internship/study program with recovery girl
Then they see rei on tv as a pro snowboarder
Now they’re wondering how many todorokis there are cause they just keep showing up everywhere
Then they find out that Touya and fuyumi are both in a heavy metal band, which segways into them finding out all of the todoroki play various instruments, and sports
When they ask how the hell they all know so much and have so many hobbies they just respond that they were homeschooled and rich, this left a lot of time and money to invest in random interests, so they all developed a ton of skills for absolutely no other reason than they got bored
Now Endeavor is number one after allmight retired, and they were competing for that spot beforehand but it was more of a friendly rivalry to encourage them to get better (maybe it started out legit but they both chilled quite a bit as they got older and eventually became friendly, though they kept up the image for the public and because it made them better heroes), but after all might was forced to retire endeavor publicly stated that this wasn’t the way he wanted their rivalry to end, but he would do his best to honour all might memory and carry on his legacy
He also encourages the new number two, his son in law hawks and every other hero to challenge him and make him keep working for his position
Now, this was cleared with hawks beforehand kind of as an announcement of his engagement to Touya, sadly the public misinterpreted that and thought that he was dating his daughter fuyumi, miruko shot that down quick and informed everyone that fuyumi was hers and hawks could fight her for it, all in good fun, and hawks clarified that he appreciates the offer cause fuyumi is great, but he’s very gay and quite in love with her brother
This was great, it was the closest to celebrity drama they’ve ever gotten from the todoroki family and it’s still super wholesome
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kmcv-arts · 9 months
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You may now kiss the bride.
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sinnamonpork · 2 years
Civilian Touya where Enji actually saw his son burning and thought "shit maybe I went too far" so the todoroki family is now slightly less dysfunctional. Just thinking of bnha canon au but except of the Kardashians we got the Todorokis.
The eldest, Touya Todoroki, having such a massive following for all the inside shit he gets in their household. A muffled video of Fuyumi absolutely guilt tripping their dad for dinner: "Dad, remember when you weren't there for most of my formative years? Mom would-". Enji caves just from the first sentence. Another picture where we see Shouto, known for being calm and collected, having a crazed look in his eyes as the world gets a glimpse of his corkboard with a glittery title on top clearly showing "Tokoyami is Hawk's secret love child, and here's why". Shouto looks like a professor on steroids having a lecture and Natsuo, like a digilent student he is, is actually taking notes. Hawk's PR team got so much mail the next week asking questions after the picture dropped. They are: tired of this family.
The most views Touya's account ever got is a video clearly taken inside an office, the sounds of giggling heard from behind the camera. The undeniable hulking figure of Todoroki Enji is seen glaring down at the no. 2 hero with a face that is tired. of. this. shit. Hawks can be heard babbling, a mixture of "Look I didn't know he was your son" "Even if I did, I'd still hit that" "Wait, no, don't burn me Endeavor-san pls I promise I got pure intentions" "Have you ever seen your son? That's sex on legs, man" "WAIT I SAID I'M SORRY". Within the day, the image of Hawks on a full on dogeza while the flaming and absolutely disappointed face of Endeavor looks straight at the camera has become the next meme of the internet.
The video immediately got forgotten two weeks later when twin pairs of rings, with the picture clearly taken in Las Vegas, dropped into the internet. Endeavor was last seen muttering about Fried Chicken and "making him extra crispy".
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starclast · 3 months
huwumi sketches 🤍✨
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lady-delamort · 1 year
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Closing the month of May~
I really wanted to do something Huwumi for the mermay but until the end I came up with something that I liked. ✨✨💕❄️🦅
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