#He couldnt stop the volcano
tdlosk-confessions · 4 months
I wish people would make fics about S3 ep2 because it's just SO so... yeah it's so fucking bad and good, (ALSO MOD IF U HAVE IDEAS GIVE THEM!! LET EITHER MAKE A FIC OR EAT THE IDEA.)
[Confession 341]
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foliejpg · 1 month
its just something about the way patrick portrays himself like a sweet innocent little boy. how he couldnt do a take of young volcanoes without laughing saying the word assholes. the photos of him covered in rabbits and ducklings. the way he speaks like hes eight and still learning how the world works and bright eyed and bushy tailed and hopeful. even though we've all heard his solo album. we know he's got that grit and angst and upset. and we all know he's actually a little spitfire brat from hell who would get in fistfights with his bandmates and pissed in joes room bc he was mad. but he's just a sweet little boy who couldnt do any wrong. just look at him.
- the stump anon from earlier ^_^
i’m convinced a lot of that is because he was basically whisked away into a life of rockstardom when he was 17 and kind of stopped developing into a normal adult 💀 he’s been famous since before he could purchase alcohol he simply does not Know how not to be like that
then he Also had anger problems and a massive chip on his shoulder with something to prove and no idea how to and also a deadbeat dad who left when he was eight so there’s that. enter hardcore king emo prince pete wentz who actually takes an interest in him for the first time ever and is like okay i love this kid and then patrick Stayed a kid bc people like him finally.
especially pete who’s cool and older and hot and screams in the bands patrick has gone to see and wants to be in
but that’s just my own interpretation of what we know lmao
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trickstarbrave · 10 months
I will give you a shiny quarter if you explain Morrowind to me like I’m five (pretty please)
its is quite difficult given i dont know how complex of topics 5 year olds can understand. but i can try to explain it in the most simple way possible because i explain it regularly to one of my roommates and wife who do not understand elder scrolls lore at all. be warned: this is still gonna be long and weird bc the story is long and weird.
(also excuse the swearing i wouldnt swear like this to a 5 year old)
a long long times ago, some 3000+ years before the game actually starts, there was a dude named nerevar. he made friends with some dwarves (dwemer) who lived underground and united the whole country of resdayn (later renamed to morrowind) to drive out the nords who had taken over. he also had a rly cool ring named moon-and-star, which was magic and let you be really persuasive, but he also enchanted it to kill anyone besides him wearing it so it couldnt be misused. this is relevant later
well he married the queen almalexia and made a big council of important people mostly made up of his buddies. he called it the first council and important people on it were his bestie voryn, his wife almalexia, and two younger friends sotha sil and vivec, along with the king of the dwemer dumac and dumac's mage kagrenac (the dwarves use weird magic with sound. if i go into details this will get very confusing).
for like 200 years because elves live for a long time, everything was pretty alright.
but it turns out the nords were there for a reason. they were looking for the heart of a dead god. the god's name for the sake of the story is lorkhan, but different places call him different things like shor or shezzar. the nords worshipped lorkhan and wanted to bring him back or something (probably, or at least just find it because hey thats their guy). but after 200 years of peace the dwemer found it underground in a volcano they lived in. and kagrenac had an Idea
the idea was to build a really cool really powerful giant robot mecha god (because the dwemer were really steampunk) to protect them. and it would be powered by the heart lorkhan.
voryn, nerevar's bestie, ended up finding out about this and told nerevar "hey the dwemer are up to something weird". and nerevar went "huh? they are?" and went to ask his goddess, azura, who knows a lot of things. azura said "yeah they are. stop them. what the fuck" and so nerevar went to his other bestie dumac.
and nerevar told dumac "hey why the fuck are you building a giant robot god?" and dumac's reply was "nerevar what the fuck are you talking about?" and nerevar, being mad his friend was Lying to him (maybe dumac didn't know. we dunno) because he already had multiple people confirm they were in fact doing that, he told dumac their friendship was over and kicked him off the first council and they went to war.
the details here get fuzzy. the nords showed up and joined in. the dwemer had steampunk robots everywhere. cat people showed up because why not. there were orcs there too. it was a big clusterfuck and there were different accounts of what happened. some people say voryn was fighting alongside the dwarves. some say he was fighting with the nords. some say he was fighting alongside nerevar. its hard to tell.
but most accounts have one thing kind of in common that a lot of the fandom agrees on: kagrenac grabbed their three cool tools to control the heart of a god, banged on it really hard, and then every single dwemer (except for one who was on holiday) vanished in an instant. and everyone was pretty confused by that, not really knowing what else to do. they now had a giant robot, the heart of a god, and 3 tools to wack the heart with to make weird shit happen.
so nerevar, unsure, said "hey voryn watch the tools for me." and left voryn with the tools and the heart. voryn said they should just destroy the tools, but nerevar wanted a few different opinions before just chucking them in lava or whatever. but while he was gone voryn started fucking around with the tools and the heart to see what would happen.
nerevar asked his buddies. almalexia, vivec, and sotha sil said they can use the tools to help resdayn/morrowind. nerevar didnt know if that was a good idea or not, so he asked azura. azura said "fuck no, dont ever do that". so nerevar made his friends pinkie promise him on azura's behalf not to use the tools on the heart.
and then again the accounts get weird here. some say nerevar died in battle against the dwarves/nords. some say voryn killed him. some say his friends (almalexia, vivec, and sotha sil) killed him. but regardless nerevar and voryn died. almalexia, sotha sil, and vivec had the tools. and they decided to use them on the heart and became gods.
this pissed azura off. they pinkie promised. what the fuck. so she made all the elves that lived there into dark elves. almalexia, sotha sil, and vivec became known as the tribunal and said "we dont need you anymore azura fuck off" and became living gods who could help their people and preform miracles! though they needed to take the tools up to red mountain and recharge their batteries on the heart regularly. azura tells them "nerevar will be back one day and beat all your asses" and made a whole prophecy about it called the nerevarine prophecy (reincarnations get the name+'ine' tacked on in the elder scrolls)
also the tribunal destroy voryn's house/family, the sixth great house of morrowind, house dagoth. just destroy it all. kill a bunch of ppl and the others kinda go somewhere else if they lived. because they sided with voryn or whatever and were deemed traitors
a bunch of other shit happens. septim empire rises to the throne. vivec trades the not working robot to tiber septim who makes it work with a bootleg wish version of the heart of a god and takes over. more time passes. its now the third era and its been 3500 years.
the protagonist is a prisoner who is released from their sentence in morrowind because the current emperor wants to use the prophecy to keep a better hold on morrowind politically. the protagonist was chosen because part of the prophecy is being born under a specific astrology sign and not knowing who your parents are. which could be anyone but y'know.
so the protag/nerevarine has to do a bunch of shit and finds out through weird dreams, oh hey, voryn's back. he's calling himself a god and dagoth ur now. asking nerevar to call him back, go grab the tools, and come meet him at red mountain. also maybe get married to or hook up with him or something. nerevarine thinks that's weird and ends up finding out dagoth ur has also unleashed a plague onto morrowind which turns you into scary eldritch monsters. and then one of dagoth ur's minions infects you with it.
nerevarine finds a cure which makes you not go insane and not turn into a big scary monster. but leaves all the cool shit of "you cant catch any other disease" and "you will never age". the never aging and getting diseases thing was also part of the prophecy. cool.
then the nerevarine needs to go to the nomadic ashlanders who live up north where theres a bunch of ash (hence the name) and worship azura (and the two other og gods) and ask all four tribes to name them nerevarine. they all think youre stupid because an outlander (someone not born and raised in morrowind) cant be the nerevarine. but you find an original copy of the prophecy and go "nuh-uh, i can be" and also go find the moon-and-star ring only nerevar can wear. then they go "well shit" and have you go a bunch of quests and then decide you're cool enough to be nerevarine.
then the nerevarine goes and convinces the three great houses you can talk to (the other two are on the mainland) to name you hortator, which is a war lord/classic roman definition of dictator, and it was the title nerevar had. you do some stuff, kill some guys, boom--named hortator.
then vivec hears about this and calls you in and says "well i guess you are the one doing the prophecy huh. look i need you to kill dagoth ur he's dangerous. here's our plan, are you in? i can give you one of the tools of kagrenac, you need to get the other two from dagoth ur's goons, and then kill dagoth ur's weird brothers he has put his power into. then bang on the heart with the tools and cut him off". vivec then teaches the nerevarine how to use the tools.
you can also just like. kill vivec and take the tool. you wont know how to use it tho and if you use it wrong you will take so much damage you die really fast. if you do this you can go to the only living dwarf who also has that disease but hasnt lost his mind and ask him how to use it and he'll be like "UHHHHHH i'll see what i can. fucking do i guess. i didnt make this." and he'll jerry rig it for you.
then you can kill voryn's brothers or not (you'll need to kill at least 2 for the other tools) and then march up to red mountain. dagoth ur will then be like "yo. are you really nerevar?" and you can say yeah or no or idk. and then have a conversation. and then you fight. but after you kill him he's not really dead, so you gotta run up and start wacking that heart while he yells at you to knock it the fuck off. and then he's cut off from the heart, you run away, and he falls in lava and dies.
and then azura shows up and goes "hey thanks man i have some other shit for you to do though". after which you can do some other content or play the dlc.
thats morrowind baby
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weirdleeenough · 4 months
Drabble, Love Letter
Everything she couldn't say to him.
Pining, SFW. High School Crush.
Asahi Azumane / You
Two years ago, I saw a boy.
A boy with fire filled orbs. Loud, wide and soaked in honey, that no matter how tight he'd shut them, he couldnt hide how he'd decided when it was daytime.
It wasn't like burning houses or viscous lava. He wasn't volcano eruptions or natural disasters. No.
His gaze didn't hurt me.
Instead, it trapped me.
Trapped me in sunshine stares and a hot chocolate dream. I'd been sitting at a campfire roasting marshmallows with his attention. That was the kind of eyes he had. I didn't understand why back then, but I felt really lost when he looked away. Like I'd needed his light to find my way to somewhere I didn't even know I was going.
It was weird.
I'd felt rude after. For scrutinizing him so harshly. Especially when he'd looked away with a deep blush, head bowed like he was ashamed to be so amazing.
He was tall, and rough around the edges, and covered in a mountain of sweat like he'd carried the heavens everywhere he went.
And he was pretty.
I'd noted his uniform then too. He'd went to the same school as me. Was a first year like me too, despite how monstrously tall he was. Despite how ruggedly handsome he was. After that evening, I'd rushed home. Buried myself in books and studies and pretended like I hadn't scanned a boy like he was a piece of clothing in a thrift shop.
I'd forgotten about him until the day after, where I'd spotted him on my way past the bathroom. Then the cafeteria, and the library, and the vending machine.
It was like suddenly, I couldn't stop seeing him. He was everywhere, and everything, and I'd decided that I'd either witness his beauty or not live at all.
Three weeks from then and I'd started calling it a crush. Because I couldn't deny my ruby red cheeks to my closest friends every time he'd passed anymore.
It was ridiculous.
I was ridiculous.
I'd had a crush on a boy I'd never spoken to, and probably would never speak to ever, ever, ever.
And I still do.
I still blush whenever I see him, still walk home the long way just so I can spot him. Still stare deep into the sun hoping I can catch a glimpse of him in it.
That's right.
Everyday, I wake up and there you are, hanging brightly above me.
There's a place for you in the sky. I swear on it. And if I haven't made it obvious, I really really like you. I'm not sure if I can give any better reason than these simple, silly words I have here. That's why I hope you don't see this. That's why I hope writing this will help me get over these silly feelings.
And that's why even if I'm a stranger in your eyes, I hope you'll glance my way just one more time.
Your Secret Admirer.
(P.S. I'm not a stalker!
I pinky promise!)
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knwatchesninjago · 7 months
S1E12 The Rise of the Great Devourer
Look who livessss!!!
Welp i gtg soon so imma just get straight to it, lolll!!
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and he didn't even put the slat on the inside parts.... he put it on the BREAD?!?!?!!!!
that's it.... im done questioning ninjago
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Why is he soo tiny? 😭💞
How can Pythor look at that baby and hurt him?
Ok... time out... I'm back to questioning ninjago again....
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its right above lava....
apparently this volcano is also THREE BAJILLION DEGREES!??!?
ummm... forget the anchor... how in the world did the Destiny Bounty survive?!?!? And the ninjas!?!?
*sighs once again at ninjago logic*
(or the lack of it)
(boy do i miss my old tag of #Lloydster_Enters_The_Scene.... too bad the lloydster wont be coming back anymore :'( )
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The deep voice in the beginnng made me cackle 🤣
I was soo set on editing after I watched that, but im on a time crunch due to my bet with my friends soooo...
Also... where are the ninjas' braincells? Who in their right mind would let a 7 year old fly a ship all ALONE??!?
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Wwhen i ws watching this scene i really couldnt help but laugh when I saw the plank, loll. Dang, Wu... u reallly would make ur students walk a plank? Lolll
But all jokes aside... Kai... you really have some strong feet...
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My little gremlin is sooo smalll 😭
#Stop Discriminating Against Snake-People
Okay... okay.
This is my biggest complaint.
Look I get it that the serpentine are the "bad guys" in this season, but... EXCUSSE ME?!?!!?!?
The only snake that deserves to be punished is Pythor. Actually...no. Even he deserves a break.
No one deserves to be locked up underground. Did you see the cave he was stuck under? It was full of skeletons. And Pythor was the oly one alive....
that has a lot of implications. The guy had to probably eat his fellow snakes in order to survive... the snakes were treated horribly.
Now I dont remember exactly why they were forced underground but if my memory serves me right... was it bc of some war?
But like... I bet there were so many innocent snakes as well, right?
Like looks at these babies:
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i'm pretty sure these snakes are ment for comedic relief but stilll... some of them are sooo sweet 😭
And.... Cole..... blackberryy.... u did NOT have to shoot Skales....
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Honestly with that kinda blast i have no idea how Skales even survived that, lolll.
Also... WU!!! WHAT THE HECK DUDE?!?!??
WHat was this for??!??
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Why didn;t you let Pythor leave?!
Why are you trying to get both yourself and Pythor killed?!?
I know that it was trying to give off the vibe that Wu was "sacrifising" himself or something, but imo, it was just plain stupid.
But then again, im giving too much critizism to a kids show. No kid out there is analyzing the show like i am, so ur off teh hook this time, lol.
Also... y'all... this mailman deserves the world.
He is so dedicated to his job. Plus he's old.
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I'll leave you with this:
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Byeeeee!!! Cya laterr!!! <3333333
Oh wait!! I 4got to add this:
#My fav quotes
"But Sensei"
"Butts are for sitting"
(excuse me??!? wasn't there a yellow color or something? or am i remembereing wrong?)
"You are like the sunrise, we can not begin a day without you"
Zane sweetiee... ur too precious for the world!! <333
alright byeeee
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abigail-nicole · 2 years
tgcf livetweet
“when the people said you were a god, you were a god. If the people said you were shit, then you were shit.” This is delightful
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I read TGCF in spring of 2020, sitting on my porch roof amongst blooming dogwood trees, and it was the most pleasant experience reading a book I may have ever had. I livetweeted and since twitter seems to be barrelling towards self destruction I am archiving the live-tweet here. 
this book is hilarious and I am 2 seconds in 
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“Body in the abyss, heart in paradise” is a cool phrase in translation but I bet the chengyu is better 
what say a good crown price you have there—would be a shame if SOMETHING WERE TO HAPPEN TO HIM
Crown Prince Is A Total Himbo 
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“when the people said you were a god, you were a god. If the people said you were shit, then you were shit.” This is delightful
“Blood Rain Reaching Towards A Flower” is a metal af name
I fell asleep during my reading time last night but: team XIE LIAN IS A HIMBO & I’m waiting to be proven wrong about this
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this book is funny & xie lian is peak Dumb Baby
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xie lian + wei wuxian = forgetting everyone’s names
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Xie Lian gets sassy 
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I love Ruoye. almost as much as the butterfly baby
I too want to be with the woman holding a knife to my throat
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Wait this is way too early in this very long book for me to have feels about Xuan Ji & Pei Ling
 magine if your favorite scarf was also a pet and friend & that’s Ruoye, my new favorite magical accessory
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I’m pretty immune to body horror & the Human Face Plague is Not Cool Not Cool Not Cool
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Oh Xie Lian was about due for a Himbo moment huh
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ten thousand withered bones
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Among the Four Calamities and Four Famous Tales...there are NATURAL pairings here
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But we love every one of His facets, our Demon Lord, Hua Cheng
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OF COURSE Hua Cheng lives in a volcano city. I have met him once for three pages & I already know he Respects Aesthetics
Xie Lian sighs, contended, proud of his Demon Crush
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Xie Lian, after hearing eight pages of description of how everyone is scared of Hua Cheng: mmmm sexy
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Ok i got really into this part and fffff i have to be at work in 6 hours. Ch 13 later with more Himbo Xie Lian & Lonely Yet Too Smart For The Room Hua Cheng
Xie Lian....the Himbo who got kicked out in 15 minutes for calling out eerybody.....Hua Cheng who is so fed up he was like “fuck it im out ANd im better than all of u”........energy
Xie Lian replying to all in the email chain & everyone like SHUT UP BOOMER
Xie Lian just wants to be debt free. Millennials would worship at his shrine
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Xie Lian eating trash. Man mxtx really loves to drag this guy
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I love their dappled sunlit ride in a haywagon together #romance wait what’s their hashtag what’s the wangxian of #TGCF (it’s #hualian) 
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oh no Hua Cheng is Soft crying emojis 
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I would apologize but I’m loving my Exquisitely Slow Stop-Every-Page Livetweet read of #TGCF lets appreciate these soft gays
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God their dynamic is so sweet and Soft
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Scaring away the ghosts for your crush and then telling him “no you did it” #justHuaChengthings
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Xie Lian renowned himbo tries to flirt & be smooth
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san lang i love u  
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Omg these gay babies
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(3/26/20) reading tgcf at work is the most enjoyable day I’ve had at work all week and NO ONE GOT STABBED TWENTY TIMES, UNLIKE YESTERDAY
Xie Lian giving up his hat......so soft..... Hualian standing shoulder to shoulder staring at the stars.......soft
Omg Hua Cheng breaking the sword in the sheath....the inexpert power dynamics of Nan Feng & Fuyao trying to trick him & failing....Xie Lian couldnt dissemble if his life depended on it....it’s Good Fucking Food
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Xie “I’d rather die than risk the possibility of my boyfriend getting snake bite” Lian
they’re moving real fast huh
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This person buried in the mud who became a demon is also v creepy there’s a lot of creepy stuff in this book!!!
from one demon to another, bro—
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XL: I’ve known San Lang for two days and if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself
Even the Pet-Weapon-Fashion Accessory Ruoye ships them
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Murder pit?? But i wanna see my boyfriends new body
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Murder pit? 4/10. My hot “friend” 8/10
Okay i did NOT see this twist coming
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Lolololol #hualian
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Substantial Boyfriend Himbo move by Xie Lian here
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Archive note: for interest, this is where season one of the Heaven Official Blessing donghua stopped! 
continued in part 2. 
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      He stared down into the pit of the volcano. The magma soon to make itself known the the islands end. The destruction of a lifetime. The ending of souls. It hurt him to think about.. and that’s why he was here today. 
     His knees bent. Fingertips pressing gently against the volcanoes thick ring. The palms of his hands now holding a glow that flowed down and branched across the surface. He couldn’t stop the bast- but what he could do was minimize the damage dealt. Focus it’s blast radius. Strike where everyone was mostly evacuated from. 
     Taro gritted his teeth. The energy used was taking a great deal out of him. Especially making an eruption this size wait... a wait that turned into a failure. Holding it off as long as he could, but nature is.. as it’s intended. 
     The first blow caused his body to jerk. A yell to ring out from the guardian. The sound of it hitting the earth rattled him thoroughly. Lava spewing out from the top, looking as if there was no end in sight. 
     The second blow done even more damage to him. This time he screamed even louder. The blast reaching further out.
     Finally, the third. Sounding as if it hit harder than the last two, but meeting somewhere in the middle. The moment it hit the ground, three times- one last large blow, making it four. It sent him flying. His body weak- unmoving as he landed onto his back. White eyes beneath a ashe covered mask welled up at the site. The distant screams. He could feel the hurt of the earth as she mourned her lost children.. He could feel the distress of everyone around. 
     The sound of sudden sirens, the cries for help. He couldn’t move- His strength was gone. And so he cried. He mourned. The sky darkening even more so than before and in response, rain began to pour down unto the land. Putting out any and every fire it could. If he was helping in someway- It was through his sadness. 
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soshinee · 5 years
super monkey ball is messed up for a lot of reasons but it’s extra fucked up that they sent baby with the team to go get the bananas back. like aiai, meemee, and gongon are all adult monkeys but baby literally can’t even walk. also i just remembered that baby is aiai and meemee’s child wtf. they’re going to defuse bombs inside volcanoes and getting swallowed by whales and they’re taking their infant child with them wtf. what is he supposed to do, cry? oh my god his skull is still soft these monkeys are horrible parents oh fucking hell
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Febwhump Day 28- “You have to let me go.”
“I got you— I got you, Hen!” A pain filled scream slip from Jackieboy’s lips, the hero saw stars as he held the doctor’s hand with all his strength. An electric-like pain shot up his broken arm as it slightly swayed with Henrik’s weight. Indigo eyes opened once more, and a sob threathen to escape when they met with his friend’s icy blue ones.
He knew what he was thinking, he’d seen that peaceful look in his eyes. Before he knows it, the hero is shaking his head. “Stop that! J-Just hold on!” As soon as he said that, his grip loosened from the ledge of the bridge.
“Jackie... You cannot keep holding on forever.” Henrik’s voice was merely a whisper, but still Jackie was able to pick it up. His heart thundered against his rib cage. “You have to let me go. Let me go, or we will both die.”
Tears stung his eyes but he didn’t let them fall. Instead, he tried to pull himself up, his muscles screaming in pain as he did. “I’ll never let you go. I-I can save you! I can save us!”
A heartfelt chuckle escaped from Henrik, causing the hero to return his gaze at him. “So stubborn... Jac— Jackie? Please, take care of Elaine for me...” A single tear rolled down Henrik’s cheek before he let go of Jackie’s hand. Panic seized the hero’s chest, the pain of now having to fully hold on to Henrik’s weight almost making him go blind with pain.
“Henrik! Henrik, please! Don’t do this!” Jackie shouts desperately, Henrik’s hand slipping from his already weakened grip. “No no no no! Agh-!” It all happened in slow motion, Jackie couldn’t even hear his own shouts over the frenetic beating of his heart. And before he knew it, Henrik’s hand slipped completely and he plunged to the water below them.
“I love you-“
“HENRIK!” Jackieboy screamed, hand outstretched towards his friend. He was sure to let go and fall after him, but was caught by surprise when a black, clawed hand took a hold of the collar of his suit and yanked him up. Horrified indigo eyes met with toxic green ones. With the surge of adrenaline, the hero throws a punch, aiming for the demons jaw. But to the hero’s surprise, his fist was caught with incredible ease.
“Look what you did... you let him die.” The demon sneered with glee before glitches ripples through his body. “Some hero you are.”
There was no time to react, everything was happening too fast yet too slow. He felt like he was going to faint, or that his heart would give out by the anguish he felt. He couldn’t— He couldnt save him. Anti’s lips moved but he couldn’t make out the words. Not that it mattered, nothing mattered. That was until he felt gravity pulling him downwards, and the image of Anti becoming smaller. He was falling... falling, and falling, following Henrik’s trajectory.
Wide eyes shut close before the impact. However, instead of meeting with cold waters, he’s met with hard, carpeted floor. The air is knocked out of him as his body hits the floor with a harsh thump. His heart is still beating a million miles per hour, and his teary eyes are still adjusting to the sudden change of scenery. His bedroom... the tall ceiling was very familiar. The cork board on the wall with red strings all over it, mappings all the areas that he had already searched for Henrik and Anti.
Rushed footsteps echoed outside his room, a few seconds later his door swung open, revealing a worried Marvin.
It was— it was all a dream. But how far is that dream becoming reality?
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Zukaang soulmate au part 10
Standing in front of the pillar watching the rest of the group go in through the window was interesting to say the least, Iroh had decided to stick around in the town of sorts while the group went flying, not really wanting to go into a desert. Zuko leaned against the stone wall and let out a sigh.
"What's up?" Toph asked without looking in his direction
"Me or Appa?"
"You, sparky"
"Ew what kind of nickname is that?"
"The kind of nickname you get for being all oogie with Aang in my own home"
Zuko cleared his thoat awkwardly at that "right, sorry about that"
"No need, its funny watching you two be all awkward around eachother... well figuratively watch anyways" Zuko let a smile form on his lips at her joke "but seriously what's up? You've been sighing around since the others went in the library"
Zuko hugged his knees to his chest "i don't know really, Im just, scared? I guess... I know Aang is powerful, much more powerful than I am, but I'm scared somethings gonna happen to him and I won't be able to help him"
Toph didn't say anything for a second "I know what you mean, I guess? Not exactly, but I understand the feeling of wanting to protect someone even if they don't necessarily need it." She paused and turned her head in his direction "if its any consolation, I know Aang appreciates your protective nature.. and I for one can always be the backup protection, nothing can stop me"
Zuko let out a full belly laugh at her words, to which Toph grinned "you know, Ive never heard you laugh like that, now I understand why Aang tries so hard to make you laugh"
Covering his face with his hands Zuko let out a small groan. "Its just a laugh! What is it with you guys and my laugh?"
"Its cute"
They sat leaned against the library for a good bit befote Toph shot up "library sinking.. Library sinking!" She took a stance and slammed her fists into the stone wall to hold it up. Meanwhile sandbenders were closing in around Appa.
Zuko fired a blast at one of them and dodged a bit of sand thrown at him. The went back and forth for a bit until Zuko made a bad step and the sandbenders managed to make him sink down to his hips in sand. Panicking he blasted fire at the benders who were actively taking Appa away from them "No! Get back here! Appa!!" He tried tirelessly to get out of the sand but from where he was stuck it was nearly impossible. Zuko was still struggling against the sand by the time the library fell and Aang flew out with Sokka and Katara.
"Zuko!" Aang shouted while running up to him and getting him out. "Are you okay? Where's Appa?"
"Im okay... I'm fine, the sandbenders, they... they took him. They took Appa, I tried to stop them, I really tried but they got the upperhand" he hung his head, not daring to look at Aang who was rightfully angry.
"Why didnt you do anything!?" He turned to Toph
"Aang she can't see out here! Not to mention she was holding up the library!" Zuko shouted as he stood up
"And you!" Aang jabbed a finger into Zuko's chest "why did you let them get you!? If you cared enough not to make that missed foot they wouldn't have gotten you!" Zuko couldnt say anything, he just looked at Aangs fierce expression. His mark stung, it felt like it was burning and freezing at the same time. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes just from being scolded for even trying.
"Aang stop it! Toph and Zuko did everything they could, now we need to focus on getting out of here" Katara gently scolded the angry airbender
"All you guys care about is yourselves! Do you even care that Appa's missing!"
"Of course we care about him, but we can't go look for him unless we get out of this desert alive"
At that Aang opened his glider "im going to find Appa" was all he said before shooting up into the air.
Zuko brushed himself off and avoided eyecontact with everyone until Katara reached her hand out and grabbed the back of his tunic "He's right to be upset, but he shouldn't have said those things, just.... look, Zuko he's never been apart from Appa for more than a day so he's going to freak out-"
"Appa is his animal guide" Zuko said bluntly "of course he's freaked out, it's like he lost a part of himself"
Katara gave a sad expression at the bluntness in Zuko's tone "well, lets not stand around, we have to try and get out of here"
And so off they went, walking in the heat was nearly unbearable to say the least, it was absolutely worse for the others give ln that Zuko grew up in a volcano. But it was certainly not the best situation to be in with very little water to share among multiple people. So Zuko couldnt blame Sokka for running up to the cactus.
"Wait Sokka! Cactus juice is a hallucinogen!" He tried to warn
"Whats that?" Katara asked with a scrunched nose
"Well its sold around the fire nation as a drug that makes you hallucinate" with that they turned to see Sokka had already drank quite a bit of it "usually you only have a small bit of it and it lasts you about an hour, but he, he's gonna be out of commission for a good day at least"
And with that they had to drag a drugged up Sokka and Momo through the desert with Katara leading them, holding tight to Zuko's hand who was holding onto Sokka's wrist given that his hand would likely slip out, Toph held onto Sokka's other wrist and Momo's tail so he wouldn't fly off and get lost.
After a while Aang landed near them and Zuko went running to him but stopped short when he glared over his shoulder. Seeing the fear and hurt in Zuko's eyes Aang softened his expression and let out a sigh "sorry" he mumbled and then moved towards him "I couldn't find him"
After that Aang was added to the linked congo line of dehydrated kids attempting to get out of the desert. They managed to find a sandbender sailer and sail it to a large rock formation in the middle of the desert, which happened to be a giant nest of whatever these jerks of bugs were called. The sandbenders arrived and managed to get the bugs away for good but ended up accusing them of stealing the sand sailer.
"I know that voice, hes the one who stole Appa" Toph said in a slowly angering tone
"You stole Appa!? Where is he!? What did you do to him!?"
"We didn't steal anything! You have the wrong person!"
"You said to put a muzzle on him!" Toph shouted at the bender
"You muzzled Appa!?" Aang's emotioned boiled at this point, the avatar state activating all to quickly. Katara grabbed Sokka, who by this point sobered up, and Toph and ran.
Zuko on the other hand stayed behind with Aang. He reached his hand up, taking a gentle hold of Aang's wrist. The contact made Aang jerk his attention to Zuko, who just stared into the hurt glowing eyes and pulled him down, easing him out of the avatar state and holding him as if he'd fly away and never return. "Im sorry" he whispered against the airbenders shoulder.
Feeling the front of his tunic soaked with Aang's tears was worrisome given the situation they were in, but the sandbenders helped them escape the desert and get back to the small rinky dink town where they rehydrated themselves and made their way on foot to their next destination.
Ba Sing Se.
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The Baker and The Prince (Pt. 10)
Roman POV
It was cold, to cold, Roman opened his eyes to examine his surroundings. He was in a cell, his wrists chained to the floor.
"That cant be right. . . I'm not a criminal, I'm a prince!" he tugged at the chains, which seemed to be burning his wrists.
"I wanted to thank you for bringing him down my darling, it was so much easier with you at my side," Presley's voice came from outside the door.
"Of course it was easy! Prince's live for forbidden romance, a lowly baker is just what he would've fallen for," Roman froze, his mouth seemed to have gone dry.
"Well it was a brilliant show, you'll be rewarded kindly once we off the others and reclaim the throne," Presley said. Ran could see his silhouette outside the door, and Virgil's just behind it.
"I tried to tell Patton to stay home, a shame he didnt listen, isnt it," Virgil voice sounded. . . different.
"Virgil he's your brother! You dont mean that!" Roman tugged harder on the chains, his wrists burning like they were going to fall off.
"Oh! Wonderful! He's awake!" Presley opened the door, Roman barely paid attention to him as he walked inside. Virgil was dressed in attire usually reserved for royal weddings. His eyes seemed glazed over, dead, even.
"Virgil. . . this isnt you. . ." Roman said, almost pleading with him.
"You dont know anything about me," said Virgil, with a smirk that was so similar to Presley's it nearly froze Roman to the spot.
"Yes I do! You have a necklace that turns you into a cat, when you were seven years old Patton bought you a broomstick and a hat so you could pretend to be a witch, you lost both your front teeth at nine years old from trying to climb rocks, when you were twelve you got your first binder and were so excited you nearly smacked someone in the face because your hands were flapping so fast," Roman was practically begging Virgil to show some sign of recognition, anything that would show he'd won him back, but all that stared back was cold uncaring darkness.
Then Roman heard a click, his shackles fell to the ground. He made the last effort he could, and kissed Virgil on the lips, holding his body close as if were he to let it go he would die.
Roman opened his eyes, and the scene was gone, he was in a garden, facing Presley, who was emitting a faint amount of smoke.
"Well done Roman, you beat me! Now let's see how good the others are, hm?" a screen opened up around them, Roman couldn't do anything but stare.
Logan POV
Logan felt like crying. Why were they back home? Where was Remus? Why wasnt anyone listening to them?
"Hello? Can anyone hear me? Wheres Remus? Has anyone seen my boyfriend?" they were shaking, shaking so violently they thought they might collapse. No one made any sign of recognizing them, or even that they were there at all. So they did what they'd always done when this happened, ran into the woods. The daemon that lived there was always helpful, he helped them realize they were genderfluid, he bought them their first binder, gave them a home.
But the treehouse in which they lived was nowhere to be seen, only a stump, and a royal crest graffitied onto it.
"No no no no no- this cant be happening!" Logan fell to their knees, burying their head in their hands.
"Remus. . . tell me you didnt do this. . . tell me you didnt hurt my only friend. . ." they were sure no one would hear them, but they felt a hand rest on their shoulder.
"I had to Logie, he was dangerous," Remus' voice was cold, the complete opposite of the man they knew and loved.
"You're not Remus, you're not my boyfriend, you arent real," Logan glared behind themself. They were correct, the thing behind them was merely an amalgamation of white and brown hair, and green. . . sludge. Logan ran off, and directly into a wall of screens. Roman hugged them from behind.
"Are you real?" Logan said.
"Are you?" Roman replied, he'd been crying, Logan could tell. They hugged him back, and turned to face the next screen
Patton POV
It was busy in the shop, busier than it had ever been. Where was his brother? Virgil always helped when it was busy! But Patton couldn't find time to go check on him.
The shop finally attempted, he could finally go look for his brother. What awaited him in Virgil's room was not a pretty sight. The whole room looked ransacked, shelves overturned, papers and books strewn across the floor. There was a note on Virgil's bed, Patton picked it up.
I ran away Patton, I cant deal with you ir your nagging anymore, life isnt all sunshine and rainbows and you need to realize that, and just because you're older doesnt mean you're wiser, you cant keep telling me what to do and expect it not to have consequences.
Patton felt tears running down his cheeks. He abandoned all pretense if self preservation and leapt out the window. The grass below cushioned his fall much better than expected. He raced through the garden, ignoring the aching in his legs and burning feeling in his lungs.
"Virgil! Virgil come back! Please!" Patton felt hopeless, like there was a pit in his stomach he couldnt fix.
"Virgil! Virgil please I cant do this alone!" he cried.
"Then you shouldve been a better brother." Virgil stepped out from the trees, anger clear as a day across his face.
"I didnt mean to. . . you couldve told me. . . Virgil I'm so sorry. . ." Patton collapsed to his knees, hiding his face so Virgil wouldnt see his tears.
Then he was leaning against something, or someone. Logan helped him up, they smiled at him, and he felt much better.
Remus POV
The unloved brother, the screwup, the shame of the family. That's all Remus was. Everyone seemed keen on telling him that all the sudden, even Logan wasnt holding back their glares. He tried to talk to them, ask what was wrong, but they didnt respond with much more than a noise of indignant disgust, and a wave of the hand, dismissing him. It was then that Remus had finally noticed what he was wearing, a servants uniform, and Logan was dressed like the royalty Remus had always though they were.
"Logan where is all this coming from? You said you didn't care how gross I was, you helped me dissect a heart!" Remus felt tears forming in the corners of his eyes.
"That was then, I'm a monarch now, I have better things to do then spend time with a disgusting servant like you." Logan's voice was cold, he didnt even look at Remus when he spoke. But Remus was no stranger to being ignored, and he wasnt about to waste his talents now.
"LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU LOGAN. I DONT CARE IF YOU SUDDENLY THINK IM THE SCUM OF THE EARTH. I LOVE YOU. YOU CANT CHANGE THAT. AND YOU LOVE ME TO. I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT." Logan looked at him, their eyes widened with shock, and he took this opportunity bring them in for a kiss.
"Uh- Re- there are other people here- can you eat your joyfriend's face later-" Roman's voice broke through the silence. Remus parted his lips from Logan's, they were both in their normal clothes, standing in a room of screens.
Virgil POV
There were screens everywhere, his friends were being tortured, Remy and Emile had joined the ranks of the dragons, and Virgil couldn't stop them.
"Stop it! Stop it! Take me instead! Kill me if you have to just leave them alone!" tears were streaming down his face, the one time he was begging for a response from Presley, yet he received none. He watched Roman be betrayed by aan that wasnt him, Logan lose their best friend, Patton lose him, Remus be abandoned. He couldnt take it, he felt numb, he hated it, he wanted to get out, he wanted to get out and he didnt care how.
"Its all my fault. Is that what you want? Do you want me to say that? Hm?" Virgil tried to lift his head, but he couldnt seem to find the energy.
"VIRGIL!" multiple voices called out to him. He was lying on the ground now, he didnt care why.
"Where are Emmy and Remy?" Patton asked, concern apparent in his voice.
"Dragons, he turned them into dragons, like the others," Virgil said, tears were staining his face.
"They failed their challenges, it's their fault," Presley said. He was smoking like a volcano now.
"You're dying, arent you," said Roman, taking out a sword.
"Only for now, when I kill the five of you I'll be stronger than ever," Presley laughed and retrieved his own weapon, and time itself seemed to freeze in place.
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Psst.. The Little Mermaid And Romas?
Roman was a singer, he knew that much, but at heart he was an anthropologist, and that took precedence over concerts any day. This particular evening Roman had decided was as good a time as any to explore the abandoned ship wreck east of the kingdom with his brother.
"There might be sharks! Or a giant squid!" Remus said.
"You're a giant squid," Roman said, nudging him to the side.
"I now! That's why I hope we meet one!" Remus said, spinning ina circle and spreading out his tentacles. Roman rolled his eyes and flicked his tail.
"Come on, we've got a ship to explore," Roman said, shooting through a hole that used to be a window. Remus followed, only for his lower half to get stuck. Roman yanked him the rest of the way through and went on his way exploring.
They had amassed a large summary of items before the rude intrusion of a very large and hungry shark, retreating to the surface in their escape.
"That was close," said Roman.
Remus shook his hair out "Yeah! And it was awesome!" he responded enthusiastically.
"We should check with Patton to see what these are," said Roman.
Patton, a stout man with the wings of a bird, was Roman's only ticket to information about the surface. Thought he wasnt exactly very good at it.
"And this one looks like a dinglehopper!" holding up what, to anyone who knew even the most basic details of human culture, was clearly a fork.
"What's it for?" Roman said, leaning his head on his arms.
"The humans use it to brush their hair!" Patton said, demonstrating on his own.
"Woah," Roman said, Remus merely laughed.
"Well we've gotta get going before dad notices we're missing," Roman said.
"Well come back soon!" Patton said, watching the duo disappear beneath the waves.
"The surface! Of all the places to skip out on a concert for! The surface!" King Romulus was fuming, so much in fact that there were bubbles forming near his head.
"It was only to see Patton! We didnt go near any ships!" Roman tried to explain, but the situation only seemed to worsen.
"That's it, I've had enough of you two and this surface-world nonsense. Virgil! Watch them." a short purple-haired merman swam out from behind the throne.
"Of course, sire-" he said, swimming between the twins. The trio left the throne room, Remus annoyed, and Roman angry and dismayed.
They were distracted momentarily by the appearance of brightly colored flashes of light above the water. Before Remus and Virgil could stop him, Roman was charging towards the source of the light. A large, elaborately designed boat.
"Roman you get back here! Dont even think about going near that boat!" Virgil called. But Roman was already climbing up to an opening at the side of the ship.
The ship was completely full of humans, dancing, singing, and causing general amounts of party related ruckus. But what really caught the young merman's eye was a the man at the center of it all, tall, muscular, with brown hair and eyes. What looked to be a labrador was dancing at his heels, until it noticed Roman's face peaking through the ship. Before he could duck, his face was covered in dog slobber.
"Hey! Hey! Easy girl- easy," the man brought away the dog, and seemed to stall a bit as he examined Roman's face. He was about to open his mouth to speak when a voice called for a man named Thomas, at which he promptly retreated. Roman took the opportunity to retreat back into the water.
"Roman that was stupid! You couldve been killed!" said Virgil.
"Oh but you shouldve seen him! He was so tall and handsome and he looked like he could hoist me into the air with one arm!" Roman said, holding his hands to his heart.
"Oh dont tell us you fell in love with a human!" Remus said, grinning cheekily.
Roman was about to defend himself, when lightning stuck behind them. He whipped around only to see the ship which held his beloved going down in flames. He raced under the water and thrashed around looking for him. He finally located his knight in shining armor and dashed to his side, heaving with all the strength he could muster to get to the surface. He stayed by Thomas'side until he noticed the prince's eyes begin to flutter. The song he'd been singing faltered, and he darted back into the water before he could be noticed. He watched as a taller man with a scar across his face approached his prince, draping a cloak over his shoulders and guiding him to a castle. Roman retreated back into the water, where Remus and Virgil awaited him.
"Of all the ignorant stupid boar-headed things you couldvw done! Why in all of Atlantis would you go after him!" Virgil said.
"Hes in love Virgil let him make stupid decisions if he wants," Remus said, cackling. Roman merely glared at him.
He and Remus finally lost the distressed merman in Roman's favorite hideout, the grotto. Within it was a statue of Roman's prince, a prize won after the storm.
"Sooooo- tell me about him- does he look like he'd taste good cooked over a volcano?" Remus laughed.
"Oh be quiet!" Roman snapped. He went on about the love of his life for several hours before the atmosphere seemed to change.
"A human?" Roman's spine seemed to go rigid.
"H-Hello- father-" he said. Remus' eyes widened. Roman hid behind the statue.
"My own son, in love with a human?" King Romulus' voice seemed to echo, causing different trinkets to fall to the bottom of the cove. There was a flash of light, and Roman's treasures were destroyed. All that was left of the rampage was the face of the statue. Roman stared at his father, shock, fear, and sadness evident on his face. Before his own brother could call out for him he'd left the cove, much to far away to hear their pleas.
He'd been crying against the rocks for who knew how long, when he heard voices.
"Poor thing,"
"Broken heart, he must feel horrible,"
Roman looked up, two mereels were circling above him.
"What do you want?" he said, wiping his face off.
"Oh you poor child, we only want to help you!" said the first.
"And we know just what you need, and just who can do it," said the second. The two held their hands out, Roman hesitated, before reaching his own out.
He was taken to what seemed like the rotting carcass of a whale.
"In here, in here, she wont bite," said the eels.
"Who've you brought me now?" said a gentle voice. Roman swam further into the home, to be met with a woman in front of a mirror, blue and purple hair framing her face.
"A prince!"
"Prince Roman!"
The eels chattered on, the woman turned around. She was small, she looked kind.
"Hestia, a pleasure to meet you," she said.
"Now it's my understanding that you're in love with a human yes?" Hestia smiled, the once white lines across her body shifting to an odd shade of pinkish-red.
"Yes but- I havent got any way to pay-" Hestia held a finger to his lips to shut him up.
"Oh the payment wont be much, a token really! All I want from you is. . . your voice," she said, smiling.
"My voice?" Roman replied.
"Only for a little, my brother Remy hasnt one of his own, you'll only have to go three days without it, that is if you get a kiss from your prince before sunset on the third," the lines shifted to a gold color. Roman was barely focussing on that, to busy thinking of the kiss.
"Alright- my voice- I'll do it," Roman said.
Hestia grinned, "Good, Remy! come here darling!" she called. A younger merman with sunglasses and brown hair swam out of the back, twisting a necklace in his hands.
"Now, as for you, sing," Hestia said, pointing at Roman. He did as told, felt something rise in his throat, and then he couldnt breath. He couldn't see or hear, he felt like he was dying. He heard laughter, female laughter. Someone dragged him to the surface, and he let out a sharp inhale.
"Roman! Roman! Stay with me!" Remus said, shaking Roman's head from side to side.
Roman coughed and tried to respond, but nothing came out.
"You signed away your voice you idiot!" Virgil said, as though this wasn't immediately obvious to everyone on the beach. Remus was about to interject when they heard a voice, Thomas' voice. Virgil quickly spun a piece of cloth around Roman's body, and he and Remus fled into the ocean.
"I mean he acts like I'm a child! It's not my fault the ship-" Thomas paused upon noticing Roman, who smiled at him delightedly.
"Well hello there, and who might you be?" Thomas said, helping Roman out of the water. He stumbled a bit and fell forward into Thomas' arms.
He tried to respond, but to no avail, Thomas seemed concerned by this.
"Are you alright? Can you not speak?" Thomas said. Roman nodded, the smile he got in return was enough to make his heart melt.
"Well, let's get you warmed up then, off to the castle we go," Thomas said.
It was a cozy affair his first night at the castle, warm by the fire with Thomas telling him stories. He seemed entranced by how the firelight danced in Roman's eyes.
The next day Thomas took him out into the town, he wished he couldve laughed at all of Thomas' jokes. Late that night they sat in a boat,music playing from all sides, familiar faces popping up every now and again
Roman had barely noticed Thomas' face close to his own until they were thrown out of the boat by a mysterious force.
The third day was by far the worst. Roman had awoken to find Thomas gone, to marry a man he said had saved him from death.Roman had watched as the ship sailed off, until three voices piped up.
"Roman! Roman it's the sea witch's brother! Hes stealing your man!" Remus said. Virgil and Patton nodded along side him. It took a fair bit of planning time before they could reach the boat, but by the time the trick had been realized, Roman felt something in himself change. He felt, again, like he was dying.
"Poor princey, no kisses for you hm?" Hestia's voice came from the water, she rose out of it, a familiar weapon in her hands.
"You like it? It's a birthday present from your father," she said, laughing so loud the ship trembled.
"What do you want from him!" Thomas yelled, dragging Roman closer to himself.
"Dont you talk to me like that! I'm going to rule all seven seas! And the likes of you wont stop me!" Hestia growled, bringing the trident down between the ship, causing it to begin to sink. Lifeboats crashed into the water, Roman fled under as well, attempting to reach the sea witch. He thought he'd snuck past her when he was pinned to the sea floor by the trident, a whirlpool beginning to form.
"Now you get to see what it felt like to be me! Disgraced, a shame to my family! Left for dead in the relentless waves of the ocean!" Hestia snarled. Roman felt static on all sides, and then nothing at all. A large object had fallen in front of him, Hestia, dead. Her brother backing away from the body, holding up what looked to be a broken down shipwreck. Roman popped his head above the water, Thomas was smiling at him.
It took nearly half a day to explain what had happened to King Romulus, and longer still to get him to calm down about Roman and Thomas' idea for marriage. But eventually, he conceded, and Roman was allowed to happily marry his prince charming, and live peacefully with him in their castle by the ocean.
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abbyofthefirenation · 5 years
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just thinking about how aang was only twelve and he stopped a volcano with only airbending while roku, a fully realised avatar couldnt even stop one on his own. roku really wasnt shit huh.
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lamalefix · 6 years
A seal on the heart
read on ao3
Place me like a seal over your heart like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its passion unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters can not quench love; rivers can not sweep it away.
[Solomon’s Song of Songs 8:6 – Holy Bible, New International Version]
In the dim morning light, his hand sparkles. More precisely, it is his finger, the left ring finger the one that sparkles. This is what forces him to open one eye and then the other, the light that refracts on his finger, on that metal band, clashed on his eyelid with a decisive irreverence and woke him up.
The smile that curls his lips is not long in coming, but there’s something else, something more that clouds his eyes.
One of the first conversations they had in that bed, after a night very similar to the one they left behind, concerned fear, what scared him. Magnus never wanted to give a real name to what scares him most, he's colourful, he's cheerful, and he doesn’t like being vulnerable, and he can’t be, he can’t afford it.
When he was vulnerable, he allowed his father to come in his life; when he was vulnerable, he was wounded by Camille; when he was vulnerable, his magic overwhelmed him and brought destruction.
He never liked being vulnerable, keeping down barriers, being seen for what he is. And maybe that's why he's always so colourful, so sparkling, so irreverent in his way of dressing, so explosive with his hair, with makeup and polish.
To be seen naked to the feelings that most wants to deny, vulnerable. In his true form, like his eyes.
Yet, yet, great power comes from vulnerability. Keeping down barriers means unleash every emotion even those you want to keep away from your heart, because you have to keep everything away. You can’t select the things you want to feel, everything is muted, numb.
He has built a wall around his heart, after all those times that his heart has been broken, and so everything came muffled, numb.
And, years ago, he couldn’t feel it, that whirlwind that he now has in his heart. Maybe he never really felt it. It’s a sudden happiness that almost frightens, which burns down the throat and makes his heart beat with such force and vehemence that he feels, he feels just a little helpless and a little omnipotent. They are self-excluding concepts, yet, and yet here they are.
He never gave a name to what he felt, he just went around with his little baggage of emotions divided into macrocategories, because it’s with macrocategories that you do less harm, and now now, has this thing that shines on his finger, which makes his hand sparkle and that makes him vulnerable and invulnerable at the same time.
There is always that fear, the loss, but perhaps now giving it a name and admitting its existence is what helps him to be better. To love more, to love more strongly, to throw his soul into that love, to live fully every second, every instant, wholeheartedly. Feeling every emotion, witnessing every single change. Accepting that losing can happen, accepting his fears, is a step towards lowering his defences.
And so, Alec arrived and threw down the wall with this real bone cruncher, his awkward and a little nervous smiles, his clumsy dance steps, fingers intertwined nervously in the most hidden corners of the Institute, stolen kisses in the less visible corners of the streets of New York, words whispered in the darkness of their bedroom, the fulfilling silence of a beautiful night of sleep.
And now there is that ring that gives him an impossible power, an incredible light, which in his vulnerability makes it omnipotent, stronger than anything else, than anyone else. To love and to be fully loved, this is what he has always wanted and has always denied with those high and insurmountable walls around his heart. This is what he has now. Alec, their rings, and those marks on their skins.
Magnus looks at his left hand with a funny interest, rubbing his finger on the metal band and a light smile curls up more on his lips.
His hand sparkles. Alright, both his hands have always sparkled, his fingers, with the multitude of rings with which he fitted them. But now it's really different. He's always been fabulous, but now he feels something more, something else.
Alec tightens his grip on Magnus’ hips a bit more, while he sleeps. Usually Alec is the little spoon, because he often moves in his sleep with those nightmares that cloud his rest, and so it’s usually Magnus the one that surrounds him, like a shell, to protect him from the fog of nightmares that tarnish his head, as if sometimes he takes his demons home.
But tonight, it was natural for Alec to take that position. His face sunk in the back of Magnus head, their legs intertwined, one arm that wraps his waist and the other under his neck now, for a while, hugged his shoulders. Alec's breath against his skin is hot, it seems almost the puff of an active volcano, and it is certainly the most fitting comparison that passes in Magnus’ head: his passion is like a volcano.
Magnus grins and caresses with the fingertips of his glittering hand, Alec's arm, going down searching for his hand. The light little tinkle that the two metal bands jangle when they meet, when they collide, makes his heart jump in his chest.
A sense of belonging, a sense of fulfilment, of wholeness burn in the back of his throat. Nobody has ever wanted him so much, no one has ever wanted him that much to do that step, to kneel and propose, to swear loyalty until the last breath. And maybe he still doesn’t believe it, and it's been weeks, weeks since that day and he still has to metabolize. He thought he had turned it round, but instead he goes back to look at his finger.
And he looks at his hand and then turns it and there is the thick and pitch black tattoo of that marriage rune on his palm. The only thing he could think of, to respect Alec’s traditions, was to tattoo that rune. Binding the two of them, even to the slightly gruff and cruel eyes of the oldest Clave members.
Alec moves his other arm, the one that was under Magnus’ neck to squeeze his shoulders, his hand falls on his chest, at the height of the other tattoo. A rune on the hand and one on the heart.
“If you keep looking at it,” Alec begins to say, his voice hoarse and kneaded by sleep, but it thunders in Magnus’ chest  with unbelievable satisfaction. “You'll consume it,” he adds, rubbing his nose and lips into the soft skin behind his ear. A light peck, a very sweet kiss that makes a very tiny shiver climb down his back.
Magnus ponders the idea of not telling him anything, but he can’t restrain himself. “Metals don’t work like that, Alexander”.
“You say so. But you don’t know how hot your glance is...” he replies, very serious. “My low parts know it so very well”.
Magnus bursts out laughing. “You have a thing for my eyes, and my glance...”.
“And you clearly have something for your hands... or for that ring.” Alec mutters, pretending to be annoyed.
Magnus sighs. He likes to look at his hands, his hands are perhaps the thing he likes more about his body. And let’s admit that he is breathtaking in all his bold outstanding beauty. But his hands are something more. Vehicle of destruction and wonder, perfectly accustomed to the continuous flow of magic, that would succeed in creating a whole new world. And maybe, it’s also for this reason that he takes care of them with skill, covering them with rings. Perhaps it is better to say he covered them with rings. Because now he has only the one on his left ring finger, to decorate his hands and it’s more than enough.
“I'm a little jealous,” Alec groans, snorting his hot breath on Magnus’ neck before letting him go completely and lying down on his back, legs and arms outstretched like a starfish. Luckily, their bed is big, if not huge, that time they slept together at the Institute, Alec did the exact same movement and found himself lying on the ground.
Magnus rolls on his side and looks at him, grinning. Alec is all sleepy-eyed, a tiny pout curls in his face, but he seems to be struggling against his lips not to smile. Magnus wants to kiss away that expression between the sullen and the pleased from his face, but he decides on moving just a little and blows a raspberry in the crock of Alec’s neck.
Alec snorts. “Oh you! Unfair!” He laughs and covers his eyes with his left hand. Even its ring shines in the dim morning light.
The band that is on his finger, which is exactly identical to that worn by Alec, the one that makes his hand shine in the light that comes a little shyly from the window, to the naked eye is nothing special. A tiny metal band not even half a centimetre thick. Surely Magnus has older or more modern, more expensive and more showy rings. But he certainly has nothing more precious. For this reason, he can’t stop looking at it, to follow with his thumb the thin and smooth texture of that ring.
Alec's expression is clearly a satisfied grin, now, he smiles and looks at him all languid, and he's all so damn inviting, with his ruffled hair and his eyes just a bit sleepy.
Magnus moves to gain the position he prefers, the head on Alec’s chest to hear the young heart of the love of his life, of his immortal life, beating slowly in his rib cage. The hand on the rune on his chest.
“Are you jealous?” Magnus asks grinning.
“Sure” Alec answers, the expression very serene and vaguely sulky on his face. “Of course, I'm jealous,” he adds. “Since when there is that thing, you don’t even look at me anymore. Admit it, you just wanted me to put it on your finger.” the tone is amused, playful, and his eyes shine, he seems to be still trying to look serious, but with very little success. On his lips a smile trembles, again.
“Well, you caught me! A wedding ring was missing from my collection” answers Magnus, very serious. Yes, he is good at acting. “So Alexander, my dear, you can go now”.
“Oh terrible, you're terrible!” he replies laughing and blowing a kiss in his hair.
Magnus clings more to him, and perhaps smiles so much that his cheeks hurt, then returns to rest his head on his chest, rubs his cheek against the rune and sighs. “I love you” he says very softly, almost in a whisper.
Alec passes his fingers on his bare shoulders, runs through the dry and defined musculature of his back, counts the vertebrae of his spine. “I love you,” he whispers, too. The voice is velvety and hoarse, still a bit kneaded by sleep.
Maybe he will never metabolize this thing, this incredible happiness that reverberates in his bones and radiates under his skin, running through his veins; maybe he will never be able to really give it a name because he has never been so happy, never like now. And maybe today he is happier than yesterday, this week he is happier than last week. And it will always be like this, for an indefinite, indefinable, infinite time. As long as the two of them will love each other everything will be in place.
An impossible vulnerability is strength, the strength to love and to let himself be loved.
“I'm happy.” he says then, very softly and comes out like a whisper from his lips, incredulous and taken aback, the breath that is shortened at the back of his throat. Happiness is a tiny thing, yet so powerful. It makes an exorbitant noise, while it beats hard in his heart, yet, yet it’s such a natural emotion, so genuine.
And he feels naked, oh God, to be honest he actually is naked, but he feels even more naked, a nakedness, a crudity: he is vulnerable, and there’s nothing better than this.
Happiness is this, a snap of kisses, the tinkling of entertwined rings, and the light caresses that glide over their skin. It’s in the silent and eloquent glances, the smiles drowned in the edge of a cup of black and hot coffee, or melt in a kiss more moist and deep, slippery.
And it has never been so nice to be vulnerable.
“Very good,” Alec replies, rubbing his fingers over the short short hair on Magnus’ nape, in a reassuring caress. “It will always be like this,” he adds.
And it sounds like a promise.
Always. Always.
And Magnus wants it so much, a promise, a forever. And perhaps not to think about it, or more to seal that promise, Magnus rises and reduces the distance between their faces. And he kisses the hem of his lips first, very softly. And for a moment he stops and looks at him. Alexander with his curled lips that look like rose petals, and they taste honey and pomegranate, of love and eternity, of unconditional loyalty and devotion.
Magnus could swear to hear the sound of his own Adam's apple coming down when he swallows, the hot breath that escaped from Alec's lips along with the soft and slightly annoyed moaning of those who still want more. Damn it. Will he ever get used to this? To this whole thing? He hopes not.
And then their hands move, the paths of the fingers are intertwined on their respective skins, follow the black contours of those new runes, and interlace in elegant and perfect swirls, as if that has always been their place.
And again, Magnus’ heart makes that little jump when the wedding rings tinkle again, in the only instant in which their left hands meet and touch at the same point.
He is happy. Of an impossible happiness, is almost on the edge of chaos, far beyond any expectation, beyond any possible dream or desire. It’s the happiness of those who no longer have defences, and no longer have to have them, not around the heart. Because his heart is well protected, from that soft and slightly languid gaze that has kidnapped it, from the very first moment.
Alec is the only one. Alec is the love of his life. Of all his immortal life.
And that one kiss becomes ten, and then a hundred and then more and more. Or maybe he’s exaggerating. But the hunger, the insatiability of that passion seems to burn him in the throat, along with joy, the contentment. Being in the right place is priceless. Being chosen, loving and being loved is all that he has always wanted.
They break apart only to look at each other, to say very soft incognizable words, sweet nothings, and they are so close that their words are lost on their respective mouths.
Then it is Alec who moves forward, in a desperate movement that makes his whole body arch, and tugs Magnus in his arms. They are not morning routine kisses, a bit sleepy, they are those ravenous kisses that tear their breath away and leave them dazed at the end, their eyes half closed and a satisfaction that breaks their bones.
Magnus shoves another little kiss on his lips, while Alec rubs his eyes with the back of his hand.
“So?” Alec asks, an impatient gurgling that rises from his stomach. “Breakfast?”.
“Well, we either have breakfast or I eat something else,” Magnus replies smiling, but without really moving from that privileged position, his hand resting just above the rune on Alec's heart and his chin propping up the back of his hand, perhaps, with a decidedly too flirtatious air.
“You're terrible,” Alec snorts, rubbing his thumb in the middle of his forehead. “I know that for that kind of activity, however, I need a little more energy”.
And Magnus laughs and moves. “French Toast!”.
“As always,” Alec nods finally jumping out from their bed.
The promise of a forever that now seems palpable, on the tip of their tongue.
Maybe it will not be forever, maybe they will not be eternal, but they are working on it. They are working on it. Indeed, it can be said that the heaviest step has been accomplished. They have those rings that symbolize belonging, have those runes, Alec burned on the flesh, and Magnus inked under his skin, and those marks make them one, one on the hand and one on the heart, binds that seal their union. Like in Solomon’s Song of Songs.
And Magnus has learned it by heart, that passage, that passage from which the Nephilim marriage ritual descends, and every time he looks at his hand, at that spark of light that the metal band refracts he feels in the right place. Vulnerable and invulnerable. Almighty, omnipotent.
Because their love is the strongest, and maybe eternity really awaits them.
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acidmatze · 5 years
rambling about guitars under the cut
So.. im actually looking forward to practicing guitar which is funny because i dreaded it when I was longer. Like, i obviously loved playing guitar but i also dreaded it. In my family, extended family included, playing an instrument was seen as this thing that you have to do CORRECTLY and PERFECTLY and its something you have to do SERIOUSLY so fun is NOT ALLOWED because it means youre not taking this SERIOUSLY. So basically if youre playing an instrument and youre not absolutely miserable while doing it you might as well throw yourself in an active volcano and die because youre wasting your time and are garbage. Im not even sure where this is coming from, given that my dads side of the family is as musical as a wet slice of toast you fished from the toilet and my moms side very much had fun while making music and singing. I think it was created because my dads side of the family hates fun on all forms and now since suddenly people wanna play instruments they arent allowed to have fun with that either. When my german grandmother wanted to have fun she went out and started a feud with others. “If you ever had fun in your life i probably hate you and your entire rotten family and also fantasize about burning your house down and poison the soil in your garden” - My german grandma, probably.
Anyway, so i had to take playing guitar very SERIOUSLY. I had to practice daily which is no problem when you like what youre doing but the problem was... I wasnt actually allowed to play anywhere. This was when my dad was already retired and spend roughly 18 hours a day watching football (european) on TV. So... if he just heard one note of noise thats not football or even *gasp* music he would start yelling that we had to stop that shit immediately because he wants to watch TV and we are annoying shitlords. (He has calmed down over the years fortunately) I also couldnt play upstairs cuz thats my german grandmothers apartment who also hated music with a burning passion. You would think shes the kind of person that digs german folk music but the older she got the more she hated that too. So the basement it was.... Do you know how shitty it feels like to be send to the shitty cold dark basement to play guitar? And then there was the problem that I had to do it SERIOUSLY so every time i played a wrong note i felt like someone was pouring lava on my hands. Not ideal when you want to learn something because making mistakes is just part of that. And since i had to play SERIOUSLY i also wasnt allowed to deviate from the PROPER WAY to play even if my teacher encouraged doing so. Not fun at all. So i never practiced and then was terrified when i met my teacher once a week because I hadnt practiced. But i just couldnt bring it up then because i wasnt even able to explain what was going wrong here.
But now i can finally play for just myself and unlearned all this toxic bullshit my family taught me in regards to music. As long as I am happy with it its all good and I am very easy to please. If it sounds vaguely melodic im happy.
So if i really ever get a banjo it will be the real test cuz i heard those things are LOUD so theres no way i can practice without my neighbours hearing it unlike now with my electric guitar where i only have to plug in headphones.
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sockpansy · 6 years
Lost At Sea
Hey! This is a fic based off of two drawings done by the amazing @thelazyblueshipper who gave me permission to write a fic!
Warnings: blood mention, ghosts, kidnapping (its too a mermaid) and let me know if I need to tag anything else!
Roman had wanted to do it for years, ever since the pirates found out about them. Ever since they started to take, kill, sell their kind.
Roman wanted to stop them.
But Logan wouldnt let him.
"Its too dangerous Roman! As long as we stay farther down and away from nets, we can be safe."
"But then we have no freedom! We are confined to the deep waters only! We have to watch how fast we go, we can even float on the surface to sunbath!"
"But if they catch us, we die." Logan spat. "If we go after them, we Will get caught, then what do you suggest we do?"
Roman fell silent, not able to make a reasonable agrument.
"There are ships we could fix up easily and-"
"No Roman."
That had been the end of that argument.
"Help! Help!" Patton sped through the water in search of someone, anyone who could help.
He found Roman and Logan, who had heard him and came as fast as they could.
"Patton! Calm down padre, what's wrong? Predator? Underwater volcano?"
"Virgil!" Pattin cried.
Logan looked around."where....is Virgil? Patton what happened?"
Patton's tears floated in thw water. "I just wanted to go above for a little bit, i didnt know they were so close! I didnt know there net was so close!"
The rest was lost in cries, but it was obvious what happened. Virgil had saved Patton but got caught by pirates instead.
"Roman." Logan starred at the water above them.
"We need a ship."
Luckily, Roman knew were a ship was in...ok condition and not filled with water completely.
"How did you even find this?" Patton asked as they arrived at a small islabd with an old ship on it. It had a hole in the side and a broken mast,but was rather alright.
"Before we started to stay under, I found it."
"We better get to work if we want to get Virgil back before they reach a port then." Logan was still unsure, but...they couldnt just leave Virgil,to be sold or...killed, if he wasnt already.
It took a few days to fix the ship, but they found swords, and old clothes they could wear when they transform in homaniod forms. Roman was the self proclaimed captain, with logan as the firdt mate who has some common since. Patton was the one incharge of leading the way to Virgil right now.
But logan still worried. They only had three people, a small, barely afloat ship, and they are all secretly mermaids. They were up agianst a full pirate crew, on a big ship, who catch mermaids.
They needed a plan.
"We need a plan." Logan said one night. "We can't just attack, we will be killed or captured."
Patton looked down."if I just stayed away..."
"Patton, we have been over this, it isnt your fault, and we sre gdtting virgil back." Roman said, tilting his captain's hat up.
Patton sniffled but nods, pushing his new glasses up. (He put on a random pair and found out that he can see a lot better with them, same with Logan)
Logan,nods as he thought."we could go under the cover of night, but even then they will have people awake and ready to fight..."
"What about during a storm?" Roman suggested.
"Well they will be busy with the storm right? We can show hi in mermaid form, get in, pretend to be part of the crew, get virgil out and only have the fight if we get caught." Roman suggested.
Patton lit up."that could work! Its dark during storms, and...and if they see our patched up ship, they can think its a ghost ship!"
Logan nods along as he listened. "It...could work...that we need some way to have our clothes when we are in the water so we can change quickly..."
Roman hummed."we could...get dressed on there ship?"
Logan shook his head."too wierd and supious."
"We could pretend to be crew members who fell over?" Patton suggested.
Logan nods, "yes...but only one of us, it will be easier to get one then...and other two will stay on the ship and act as ghosts." He grinned ad the plan started to come together.
Virgil didnt know how much time past. He remembered pushing Patton away from a net, just cor his tall to get caught, he remmebered being hauled up over the ocean. He remembered being out in a barrel filled with water, and a lid being put on with holes so he could breath. But he lpst count of the days and nights he spent in there.
He had given up after day two, accepting his fate.
He could feel a few rain drops through the holes in the lid, and couls hear yelljng do the ship didnt get blown off course.
Then he heard screams for help.
A scream from the water.
That sounds way to familiar.
Pattin was screaming for help. They caught him.
Virgil started to fight inside the barrel, knowing full well that it was tied up so he coulsnt move it or knock it over, but he ahd to try. Patton was in danger. Why wasn't Roman or Logan with him!
He could hear pattin on the ship.
"Thank you, i fell off in the storm."
Wait, what?
He couldnt hear much after that, because there was yelling about a...ghost...ship?
It wasnt long before his barrel was opened and Patton stared st hin in human form. He,smiled and held a finger to hus mouth to tell Virgil to stay quiet. Held helped Virgil out of the barrel and threw him over into the ocean, and Patton jumped in after him, transforming once he was in the water and gathering up his clothes.
"Hey Virgil, long story short, we need to get to the pirate ship."
"But we just got off it!" Virgil said, before coughing. He hasn't used his voice in a while. Patton just grabbed his hand and swam to a different, smaller boat.
Patton helped viegil onto the boat and Virgil saw Roman and Logan standing and facing the other boat in human forms, as if daring them to attack in thus storm.
Patton put on his clothes as he got out some for Virgil. "Ok, short story longer, im so sorry I got you captured! We fixed up an old boat Roman found and came up with a plan to save you. I pretend to have fallen overboard in a storm, they gwt me up, i fins you, Roman and Logan pretend to be pirates on a ghost ship, and we are all free!" By the time he finished talking, Virgil was dressed and then hugged tightly.
"Im sorry i wasnt more careful Virgil...you could have been..could have..could...could have..." Patton sniffles aa he held virgil tight.
Virgil hugged back."im right here pat, i promise, id do it agian to save you in a heartbeat."
The ship turned away from the other and left the storm. Once a safe distance away, Virgil was covered in hugs.
Virgil smiled as he stood and loked st his pirate clothes, "ya know guys...why dont we do this all the time?"
"Uh Virgil, I dont think getting caught is something id like to makw a habit." Roman suggested.
"No, i mean...saving mermaids. You guys have a plan that worked. And with an extra person, you have a bigger crew. Why cant we save more of our kind before we are the only ones left?"
"I agree with Virgil." Patton smiled. "And i like being in the sun." He giggled.
Roman tipped his hat grinning. "And ive been wanting to do this forever!"
They all looked st Logan. The first mate. The logical one. The one who fixes plot holes and makes sure everyone is safe.
He gave a smile. "Well, we have to name the ship first, dont we?"
It took a while, but soon, a legend was born for the small crew.
Legends that say that if you are a pirate crew transporting mermaids, avoid storms.
For in a storm, you will come across a ship called 'the Siren' with ghosts on it.
No one knows how many are on the ship. They only know that there are always four who will always be seen at one point.
There is a boy with square glasses and a dark blue bandana around hus forehead. If you see him in the ship, watch him, for if he gets into the water, your ship will sink.
Then there is a boy with round glasses, and a light blue scarf around his waist. He seems sweet, but it will be too late when you realize it is him. He is a spy who boards your ships as crew. He is the reason you get caught.
There is a boy with purple hair and eyes. Much like dark blue, beg that he stays on the ghost ship. If you don't see him, then you must fear everything around you. You never know what he will take. Food, gold, your life, maybe all three.
Then there is the captain, who stands at the end of the bowsprit, sword held at his side. It is said that his eyes are red with the blood of those who he has fought, and if you get close enough to see the color, he will add your blood to his eyes as well.
The legends warns you to be wary of boys with light blue eyes on on your ship. To stay clean of storms. To release mermaids when you see the ship, so many you will live to tell about the encounter.
Legend says that it is safer to let mermaids be free.
Yes i was tempted to name the ship lamp.
And done! First off, i know i kinda skipped around, but in happy with how thiz this turned out!
Bowsprit: the poll thingy at the front of a ship
Also! Some things i wanted to to say! The crew does get bigger. Some mermaids they save decide to,join, others will stay until they heal if they are injured then leave. Others stay to repay a debt, so the amount of crew members change.
At the end, the legend talks about each side a bit, and i wsnt to explain why i chose to do that the way i did!
Logan is logic. He is smart and you can do a lot of damage (probably) to the bottom of a boat if you know what your doing. He breaks boats (with help from other crew members) to make them sink. But only some.
Patton is morality. He is cute and sweet and he volunteered to be the spy. He joins crews and finds out how many mermaids are on board and finds a way to get the ship into a storm. Sometimes he will disappear from a crew ship a few days ans reappear like he never left. He swims right under it and will go inform the sides about the boat by leaving at night.
Virgil as Aniexty. He causes fear. Patton will tell him were gold is, food rations, and on occasion, jerks who need to be taught a permanent lesson. He sneaks on and steals, throws overboard, does anything to inconvence the pirates.and because well...they are pirates,too, they need money!
Roman is creativity. And he is the captain. And what js scarier than the red eyss he has? He started the rumoe about his eyes himself, and does sword fight on occasion. I just feel it fits him to stand dramatically xD
Part 2:
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