#He seriously needs someone to knock him down a peg
vee-is-a-clown · 2 years
Ok so another story about the homophobic dude because he's so.. weird...
He saw some think lettering on an assignment that we were doing for social studies and he legit says, "These letters are as thick as Obama's wife!"
We all ignored him because we wanted to let him leave with his dignity but he wanted gratification.
A bit later he says, "No seriously, Obama's wife is super hot. I would smash her."
I look up at him and ask to please change the subject and he says, "What? I thought you were into that kinda thing."
Ok so he's wrong on several different levels
He refers to Michelle Obama as her husband's wife. Never throughout the conversation did he call her by her name.
He sees everyone ignoring him and decides to double down.
He thinks that because I like girls, I'm not uncomfortable with him talking about how he would bang a 50+ year old woman.
My dude really needs to chill
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simpletale-officiale · 10 months
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SIMPLETALE is an AU that aims to parody undertale. while also giving it its own original twist, although its not just limited to undertale, as we also aim to parody other silly little bits of the multiverse. like underfell, underswap, heck. maybe even underverse! you can find some of the AU's included in the lineup drawn above, as well as in the descriptions for the askable AU's further on in this post
the AU uses old concepts for undertale, and some fanon misconceptions. to make a funny and entertaining story, but also one with worldbuilding and some slightly more serious bits. unfortunately we cannot show the rest of the cast for simpletale currently because that's spoilers and we want to keep it secret for later (;
(be sure to frequently check this post, as characters could be added to be askable in the future)
questions are not just limited to characters though, you can also ask us, the creators, questions about the production of simpletale, or even our own opinions on it! maybe even some questions about areas...? but ill be nice and give some suggestions. "whats your favorite thing about simpletale?" "whats your least favorite thing about simpletale" dont be shy, ask!
moving onto the characters.
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the simple. the basics. the one and only's!
the simpletale bros!
sans- a rather cheeky, clumsy, and humerus fella. likes getting a laugh out of others, often through humerus actions, he ends up annoying the shit out of his brother a lot of the time, and they argue a lot, they love being brothers though, and most of the time they make up rather quickly. usually tries to speak as little as possible and be as straight to the point as possible. has a fast food addiction
papyrus- a bumbling perfectionist imperialist. believes himself to be superior to others, even when in a low position of power, he was accepted into the guard because..... they needed someone to do the paperwork, dogs ain't that good for writing. despite this he believes himself to be the most important and supreme member of the guard, despite the most important thing he does being signing the occasional tax document or punting a trespasser (usually just random preteens) 20 feet into the air. a bit of a narcissist with a sailors mouth but he does actually care for the people in his life, despite coming off so rude most people find him annoying though ):. basically papyrus autism thrown to a hundred. banters with sans often when he tries to knock papyrus ego down a peg. tries to act menacing, but hes really just an 80's cartoon villain goofball. cooks the most delicious food you will ever taste, we let bro cook for a REASON.
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the simpled is swapped?
the simpleswap bros!
they started out exactly like simpletale sans and papyrus, but decided to parody each other for shits and giggles, and then got all their friends along, which created simpleswap. their personalities are a bit altered from the simpletale brothers due to reasons but their whole swapped personality thing is a gag and they might break character once you say something outlandish or spook them.
papyrus- apathetic, and a bit apolitical with almost everything. started smoking weed to parody sans fast food addiction but actually started smoking it regularly, so hes like.... high. always. once you get through his apathetic and at times, cold and careless character, he can be surprisingly kind and humble, honestly a pretty decent guy. finds his old self cringey and dumb. works as an accountant on the side, cooks pretty tasty food, and often makes tasty weed brownies????
sans- cheeky, energetic, and plays this character of perfection to parody papyrus narcissism, think of the character of perfection kind of like how liquid chris works, effectively doing anything papyrus did, but better. still tries his best to get a laugh out of everyone, hes in better shape then simpletale sans and is overall more athletic, playful and energetic, takes the whole parodying eachother thing less seriously then his brother. him and fellsimple sans are best pals
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their bold, their brash, they certainly dont belong in the trash, an-OUCH I FELL AND BROKE MY FUCKING KNEEES-
this one goes slightly more heavy into parodying fanon
sans- has anger issues, plays up this role of being a punk, "fuck the government" "acab" "i dont believe in consistency" you get the point, a bit of a greedy fuck, loves gold, as well as sharp stuff and gold, he has some.... taboo fetishes like hes probably into bdsm. being the only one out of the skeletons to not be asexual as well as being the only one to be straight. rides a motorcycle, but likes trucks more, probably secretly works with trucking, simpleswap sans is his best friend and he loves to drink with simpletale sans, tough attitude, but is secretly just as silly as the others.
papyrus-has a job as a guard but ends up skipping most of the time because the guards are pretty horrible people and they make him pretty stressed, likes books and philosophy, probably plays this fake role of an evil, heinous guard at work, if ever does it that is. hes a real cheapskate compared to sans, but will buy good books or vinyl albums at a high price if he feels their high enough of quality. hes shy compared to the other papyruses.
....aaaand error.
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a bit of a sleazy fella with a PLAN. he doesnt destroy aus here but does more heinous stuff, like rob banks in AU's, make illegal businesses or currencies, clash with rival gangs, and occasionally fights with ink (although their relationship is very sexual, parodying the fanon misconception that errink is canon) ask him the right questions, and he might even bring some of his gang members along to answer (; his personality is somewhat apathetic, but he always has a PLAN!!!!!! AND YOU CANT FIGHT NATURE JOHN......
killer: nickname: assassin has been unlocked!
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coming from an alternate timeline of simpletale where sans got bored? varisk (frisk replacement) decided to mentally manipulate him into thinking that robbing and killing is a better option then doing nothing. and pays him for it eventually papyrus was killed in crossfire and sans murdered varisk, the pin on his jacket is a soul, but souls are useless in the simpleverse, blood is much more valuable. he's a silent but professional skeleton. cares deeply about his boss and coworkers.
EXTREMELY good with firearms as well as chains. its hard for him to move his mouth, so its almost always locked in a constant smile the liquid that leaks out of him is like an oil like substance, touching it for too long burns your skin, its incredibly cold though. he's ruthless and aggressive in battle and is often the tank/brute in whatever operation dysfunct has going on. usually smug and professional, but can also be very gentle around those he deems friendly enough.
picked up by error after an.... incident in his au.
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the nightmare and dream brothers!
nightmare: claims to have been "betrayed" by his brother (dream stole his sandwich) believes dream causes all his misfortunes and bad luck moments. kind of acts like a spoiled rich kid with a military obsession. started the gang by feeding into errors idea of a free multiverse, where there are no governments and an independent existence for everyone. a world with anarchy and fun. he can be a good manipulator at times, but is all bark no bite. pretty cringe, both him and his brother claim to be "gods" but in truth, their both mutations/byproducts of the simpleswap universe "glitching" creating this disgusting blob and a ball of light (think like sans bad time eye) inside of a husk body. both are amortal and seek to destroy the other, or at least piss each other off for as long as possible.
dream: LOVES shit talking about his brother plays this role of an innocent cutesy kind emperor, when he is everything opposite to that, except for emperor I guess. he is an emperor. believes causing nightmare misfortune will bring him luck in some form (it doesn't, but hes too stupid to realize) if he gets the chance he would probably torture and give his enemies a VERY painful, but quick death. he wants his brother to be at the bottom of life, the worst point in his life, before he plans to KILL. speaks in a very Shakespearian way. is a snobby fuck. not really greedy. but will do ANYTHING in his power to make his enemies die the most painful death he can give them. not cruel to his people, but gaslights them a lot. claims what he does is for the "greater good" acts nice, and very kind to his "friends" but would betray them the moment he finds anything better. the type of guy to give you puppydog eyes after burning down your house
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thanks to kyne for activating my dastardly plan to take over this tumblr, im not just gonna be thrown away as a simple outcast at that pub anymore, im fuckin important goddamn it!!!!!
i also may edit the intros a bit add my own flare you know but the importance is i am now your stand in if you ask anyone thats in the multi-bar!!!!
bio: 404 was born omnipotent, automatically more powerful then all the other simpletons. he would become aware of how through an alternative reality known as the prescratch timeline where that version of him speaks of what he was destined for. nobody believes him however and that bitch error keeps harassing me about talking shit well guess what whore i dont fucking need you anymore because ive found myself somebody who won't just use me and then throw me away when its most fitting fuck you never talk to me again bitch
liks: chaos, delinquency, anarchy, NOT following the rules, 100 gecs (the one with the stupid horse), being powerful, super transformations, hyperpop, chains, gold, copypastas, big hot strong men that could absolutely penetrate me hard, 100 gecks (literally, i have 100 of them as pets and its awesome!!!), flexing, being totally dripped out, colors associated with errors, busting it down (gay kind not cool kind)
dislinks: order, rules, politics, leaders, having to follow instructions, horror sans from the evil guys fuck you you stole my place on that group which im not that upset about anymore after realising they all suck anyways but i still hate you because you refuse to actually fight and keeps saying random quips everytime youre on screen like actually shut the fuck up, gex, women because im severely femalephobic and extremely homosexual so they terrify me, error (cheater and liar dont ever trust him with anything), ink who stole my man with her fuckin cursed woman parts and apparently in the prescratch timeline everyone calls her mommy????? kinda sussy BUT THE SIMPLEVERSE IS LIMITLESS! Because there is a multibar just down the road > (https://simpletale-officiale.tumblr.com/post/727125546167828480/farm-sans)
Undertale by @fwugradiation
Underswap by popcornprince and @underswapped3
Underfell by @underfell
error sans by @loverofpiggies
Killer sans by @rahafwabas
Dream and nightmare by @jokublog
Sigh.... 404 by.... @vibeless15
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joojeans · 10 months
˚◞♡ ⃗ I Dare You Pt. 1
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♡ Bestfriend!K x Afab!Reader
♡ Summary: You’re sitting on the floor with your friends playing a juvenile game–truth or dare. Things have been spiraling out of control for some time now, but what happens when you’re dared to turn on one of your best friends without touching them? Can they handle it? Can you handle it? Spoiler alert: neither of you can. Find out how things go from seriously fucked up to seriously fucked, one member at a time.
♡ WC: 2.5k
♡ Content: cocky yudai, praise, body worship, mild exhibitionism, pinch of thigh riding, dry humping, dominant k, reader begs a lil, unprotected sex (be smart), scratching, dirty talk, creampie
Fuck, it’s your turn.
Every truth and every dare have been getting increasingly more out of hand. Nicholas has already admitted to fucking in K’s bed and Fuma shared a hesitant kiss with K. You can’t even begin to imagine what will be asked of you.
Luckily, you’re not the type to turn down anything when it comes to truth or dare. You’re no bitch.
“Truth or dare, y/n?” 
It’s Fuma asking, so you almost feel safe. Or, you would, but he’s been surprisingly less… gentlemanly tonight. Whatever is in the air seems to have gotten to him too.
“Dare.” You’re no bitch.
Fuma ponders for a moment, rubbing his jaw. His eyes glance away from yours to look at K and he smirks. “I dare you to give K a stiffy.”
“You dare me to wha–”
“Without touching his dick.”
As if the clarification helps. It doesn’t. You tilt your head and look at K, curious about what he thinks of the dare. “I can’t exactly do that without his consent, you know.” 
Aha. An easy out. Surely, he won’t agree to it, right? You’re just friends. That would be weird.
K shrugs, crossing his arms with a self-satisfied smirk as he leans back against the couch. “You can try. It won’t work, though. I have amazing self control.”
Fuma rolls his eyes. “This is exactly what I thought he’d say. You have to prove him wrong, y/n. He’s so cocky about everything. Knock him down a peg. Please?”
Your tongue pokes into your cheek as you think about it, glaring at an all-too-confident K. Seeing him look so sure of himself does make you want to show him that you’re more powerful than whatever self control he claims to have. Plus, you’d be able to hold this over his head forever. That sounds fun.
“Alright. I’ll do it.”
K’s jaw slackens just slightly. Clearly, he wasn’t expecting you to go through with it, but he quickly recomposes himself, eyes daring you further. “Let’s see it then. Give it your best effort.”
What K seems to be forgetting is that you’re not only a girl, but you’re his best friend. You know how to seduce a man, but even more, you know exactly how to get to K. You don’t become someone’s best friend without learning about what makes them tick along the way. You won’t need long.
You crawl across the floor to where K is sitting. He moves his arms out of the way, expecting you to sit in his lap or something. Nope. You push him forward enough so that you can sit on your knees between his back and the couch. His hands float awkwardly in the air, not sure where this is going. You smooth them down with your hands to let them rest at his sides.
Your hands take up residence on his shoulders, massaging them. K winces slightly at the feeling. You’re throwing him off because nothing you’re doing is what he expected. You dig your fingers deep into his flesh as you move, working at his neck and along his shoulders. You hum, the sound closer to his ear than he expected–evidenced by the way he stiffens momentarily under your hands. “So strong, aren’t you, K?”’
He nods. “Mhm.”
Your hands glide down to his upper arms. They’re doing less massaging and more fondling here, cooing at the strength of them. “I can tell you work soo hard. You do such a good job perfecting your body, mm?” You let your nose nudge against his neck as if it were an accident, pressing your chest against his back. “You’ve got a perfect figure. I bet every part of you is perfect from head to toe. You’re so gorgeous, K. So fucking strong and firm.” To add insult to injury, you make a sound somewhere between a sigh and a moan.
K is struggling to keep up his unwavering facade, his eyes squeezing shut for a moment as he tries to reign himself in. You knew all this praise would get to him. He always preens when you give him even the smallest compliment. This is more than he’s used to handling.
Determined to prove that he’s not fazed by you, he takes your hands and guides them down his chest to his abs. He presses your palms flat against the material of his shirt, the defined muscles easy to feel even through the fabric. You’re hovering over his shoulder at this point, so you turn your head to face him. He mirrors you, looking right at you as if he expects you to give up now that he’s pushed you further.
“God, K.” You practically moan it and his tongue swipes over his bottom lip. “I know I said every part of you is perfect, but I didn’t expect you to be this perfect.” You chew on your lip for his eye, hands grazing up and down his abs. You feel them tense under your hand and you have to keep from smirking at him. You can’t even see whether or not there’s a tent in his sweats–intent on holding his eyes–but you’d be willing to bet everything there is one.
“Want to feel something even more impressive?” K’s words catch you off guard this time, one of his hands pushing yours further down until it meets the resistance of his waistband. A few fingers slip past, touching the skin underneath and you gasp silently. He’s not wearing underwear?
Your eyes are all over his face, jaw slack. He’s good. You don’t push your hand further inside his pants, but you don’t remove it either. You don’t want to and you weren’t prepared for that outcome. This was supposed to be about K.
“Alright, alright.” Fuma interrupts the bubble you and K have found yourselves in. “Enough. I said no touching dick, didn’t I? Besides, you already did it. He’s going to spring right out of his pants if you push down any further.”
You glance down and see that K is, indeed, straining against his sweats. You want to feel victorious but, instead, you feel hungry. You can’t seem to take your eyes off what you’ve done to K. You. You did that. To your best friend.
“I don’t care that she got me.” K's hand wraps itself around your wrist, not pulling it from inside his pants. “Look at her eyes. I got her too.”
Your cheeks heat up at his words. It’s as if you forgot that all your other friends could see you practically salivating over K’s dick. You look up and around the room to find them all looking at you incredulously. Are they surprised to have seen you seducing K like that or are they surprised to see you cock drunk in the middle of the living room for a cock you’ve never even had?
You start to pull your hand back, but K’s grip tightens around your wrist. He removes your hand but keeps hold of you. “Excuse us.”
Before you can make sense of everything that just happened and is continuing to happen right now, K is dragging you down the hallway to his bedroom.
“K, what are you doing? Why are we–”
K closes his bedroom door once the two of you have passed the threshold, gathering you into his arms and slotting his lips against yours. He hums, you whine. Confusion, relief. You follow his lead, kissing him with the impatient intensity he kisses you with. He falls onto his bed with you beneath him, hands brutishly grabbing at your hips. He pulls back just enough to glance down, hand sneaking inside the bottom of your shirt to touch the warm skin of your hip.
“K–” You gasp for breath, hands holding onto the front of his shirt. “We aren’t having sex.”
He laughs, looking back at you with stars in his eyes. “Duh. We’re just going to make out for a while because you caused a problem for both of us. Would you rather we go back out there and keep playing as if we aren’t so fucking horny right now?”
You scrunch your nose, not wanting to admit that he’s right. “Well… no. But–”
“Exactly. Just kiss me.”
K catches your lips with his again, slotting his knee between your legs. You instinctively grind yourself against it and you feel embarrassed, especially when K smirks against your lips. “Go on, pretty,” he coos. “Get yourself off on me. I’m feeling nice.”
You smack his chest playfully, but your fist clutches at the material of his shirt, hips grinding against his thigh. You sigh, leaning your head back to enjoy the sensation until K lifts your face back up with a strong hand. 
“I said kiss me.” 
You both lean into each other at the same time, lips and tongues everywhere as they work with and against each other. K fights your tongue for dominance, groaning when your grinding against his thigh occasionally brushes against his erection. His hands start to guide your hips, making sure you graze over his cock each time. He wants to get off too, after all.
Unfortunately for you, all this does is make you even more needy. You could’ve gotten off perfectly fine on his thigh, but feeling his cock against you, even through the layers of clothing, is making you want more. Need more.
“Fuck, K,” you groan, hips lifting to feel as much of him as you can. 
“Hmm?” He teases, knowing very well what you’re on about as meets your hips with his, firmly pressing himself against you.
You whine and you sigh. He feels so fucking good. You can’t believe you’re about to say what you are.
“God, fuck. K, just fuck me. I can’t stand it.”
K chuckles, lips dropping to your neck. “That’s not a very nice way to ask your best friend for something like that.” His lips busy themselves on your neck, his hand reaching down to unbutton your jeans. “Ask nicely.” He pulls down your zipper.
Frustrated, you almost tell him to fuck off. But you know you can’t at this point. You need him to fuck this out of you. You can’t be left with this feeling or all you’ll do when you see him from now is think about what he’d feel like inside you. You swallow your pride.
“Please, K.” Your breath catches in your throat when he lifts your hips, shimmying your pants down your legs, your underwear coming off with them. “I need you inside me so bad, please.”
He’s holding himself up on one arm as he grins down at you, free hand palming himself through his sweats. “There we go, princess. Was that so hard?” He leans in to kiss you again, sighing into your mouth as he frees his aching cock from his pants. He guides his leaking tip up and down your folds, testing your entrance to see if you’re ready for him or if he needs to prep you. He doesn’t.
“Fuck, baby. You’re this wet for me? Starting to think you wanted me to fuck you even before that stupid little game.” 
One of his hands holds the side of your face as the other guides himself inside you, both of you moaning at the feeling. He bottoms out easily with the help of your overwhelming arousal, his hips finding their rhythm without any time needed to adjust.
“S-shit,” you moan, each of K’s thrusts entering you with power behind it. Your hand reaches over his shoulders and pulls at his shirt until it’s bunched up at the top. You grab at his bare back, nails digging into his skin when he kisses your cervix particularly hard. “Feel so fucking good, K.”
K’s eyes are fixed on the sight of himself disappearing into you over and over, his mouth hung open in awe. He hisses at the sting of your clawing, but only proceeds to fuck you harder, wanting more of it. He uses the hand that’s not keeping him up to pull your hips up in time with his thrusts, wanting to sink his cock as deep inside you as humanly possible. “You take me so–” He groans. “Fucking well.”
You whimper as the pleasure is quickly becoming overwhelming, your hand clapping over your mouth. You weren’t exactly planning to be fucking with your friends just in the other room tonight. K notices you trying to keep quiet and smiles at you, smug. “Feels too good, baby?” He picks up his pace, clearly trying to make it more difficult for you. “You wanted them to know that you could get me hard but you don’t want them to know you let me fuck it out on you?”
K tsks and leans in until his lips are by your ear. “They’re not stupid, pretty. They know you’re in here wrapped around my cock.” He nibbles at your ear, cursing under his breath when he feels you clenching around his cock like a vice grip. “Gonna cum all over my cock with them just outside, aren’t you?”
He pulls back to look at you as you whine, covering your hand over your mouth with his own, looking down at you like you’re his prey. “Do it, then. Cum for me.”
Something about the way he’s looking at you with dark, determined eyes and the way his hand is trapping yours and the way he’s fucking into you at a relentless pace despite how slowly he’s talking… it’s all too much. Your toes curl as your orgasm approaches, biting the inside of your hand hard to keep from crying out K’s name where everyone outside can hear it. Your eyes roll into the back of your head and K watches with lustful eyes, his own hips stuttering from the feeling of you cumming on his cock.
“Fuck, y/n. You’re so fucking sexy–fuck.” The veins of his arms are straining, trying to keep himself steady as he fucks into you a final few times before pumping you full of his cum. 
The fatigue hits you both immediately. You were running on such high adrenaline levels this entire time, and the sexual release also released the adrenaline. K slows, breathing ragged, until he pulls out of you and falls onto his back next to you. You lie there panting for a bit, both of you trying to make sense of what just happened.
It’s you that turns to look at him first. He feels your gaze and turns his head to meet you, lips pulling into a playful smirk. “I should tell them how wet you were for me. You know, since they got to see how hard you made me.”
You smack his chest, narrowing your eyes even as you laugh. “Absolutely not! We will never speak of this again. You hear me?”
K hums, lids lowering as he turns on the charm. “You really think that, don’t you, pretty?” He pauses, allowing you to nod your response. “Mm, you’ll see. You’ll be begging me to fuck you like that again in no time.” He leans forward, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll let you pretend until then, though.”
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okkotsuus · 1 year
ocean eyes (satoru g.) !
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features: satoru g. suguru g.
contents: angst. hurt + comfort. heartbreak. unhealthy relationship. not being the first choice. grief. idk what this is. ooc gojo?. 1.5k words.
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satoru gojo is an unattainable man. not just because of his physicality and undeniable charm, but because he is not able to be in a relationship. he is emotionally unavailable in the way that is needed to sustain a healthy, romantic partnership.
he can’t read a room, can’t take anyone he sees as ‘weak’ seriously, and will always choose work first. gojo laughs when he sees you crying, he doesn’t think it’s funny: he just does not know how to help. he’ll blame all problems on weakness, because all his problems stem from such. satoru gojo leaves you in a cold, empty bed on the first ring of his phone.
it’s not his fault, he has his own unresolved issues. you can see it in the dazed look he gets when he walks side-by-side with you. the hollow chuckle that escapes him whenever your eyebags grow more pronounced. it’s evident in the silent panic that radiates from him if it looks like you’ve skipped meals and got quieter.
staoru gojo never recovered from the loss of suguru geto. it’s in the way you can never catch him on christmas eve, or february third. it’s the spare, dented, swirly button he keeps in the pocket inside his uniform jacket. it’s in the way he freezes for the briefest second when he sees a man with long, black hair.
everyday you are forced to fight for your lover’s attention over a man who left this plan of being long ago. but to satoru, suguru will be someone he will never escape: and he doesn’t want to. 
it brings you to tears often. he dryly chuckles and awkwardly rubs at the nape of his neck, ocean eyes darting away from you as that alluring facade crumbles. gojo satoru doesn’t know how to care for the people he cares for. last time he did, they left. so, he’d rather leave it to be dealt with personally.
but sometimes it seems he is able to shake those shackles, and that’s what keeps you at his side. sometimes in the light, his eyes glow like sapphires. sometimes he holds you so tenderly and whispers the world to you. sometimes he keeps the bed warm, an arm lazily thrown over your middle. and sometimes you feel that you are number one in satoru gojo’s heart.
but you always get knocked down a peg.
suguru geto is like a brand on satoru gojo’s soul. something that exceeds him beyond life, beyond his betrayal, beyond his very death. he exists in the corner of gojo’s mind, always in the peripheral even for the brief times you are the focus. he never leaves, and he never will.
it’s tiring, having to claw your way to spend one moment in your lover’s mind. it burns when he looks away from you to run that button between his fingers. it aches when you wake up and the bed’s cold, only to find him standing in the kitchen and holding a full glass of water; staring at the screen of his phone which splits the night.
everyday he breaks your heart. you don’t know why you stay. you cannot justify it.
but you love him, so very dearly. you love every quirk, every stupid habit, every idiosyncrasy. you love satoru gojo in all that he is, all that he was, and all that he ever will be.
you love him in the way that suguru geto never got the chance to, the way that satoru gojo loved him too. 
and that’s why the two of you will never work, unless gojo heals. he won’t be healing anytime soon.
maybe that’s why when you received word from shoko that he’d been sealed, after seeing suguru, you weren’t surprised. hell, you laughed. “how very him” you said while that dry chuckle rumbled deep in your chest. secretly, you couldn’t help but feel that this was inevitable.
he was sealed for a total of nineteen days. you were betting on twenty-four, like the day suguru died (since all that mattered to him was suguru). but no, he popped out on the nineteenth day, the day of the month that the two of you got together about a year ago.
you know it was pure coincidence, purely. gojo didn’t even unseal himself, so it couldn’t have been his doing. but it felt like a one-up between you and the memory you had been competing with for so long.
satoru gojo appeared in your home, delirious and looking so very different. his eyes were hollow, but the second he laid eyes on you, they softened just the tiniest bit. he had never done that before. only when he gazed upon that worn-down, jujutsu high uniform button did he have that expression.
a part of you thought that he was a figment of your imagination. you just stared, for a while, as if you were a deer in headlights. your eyes traced every rise and dip of his face, every strand of snowy-white, every speckle in those ocean eyes. everything was spot-on.
the phone in your hands clattered loudly to the floor as you crashed to your knees, still staring. tears welled up in your eyes as you turned away, knowing that crying made him uncomfortable.
but a rough, calloused hand held the slope of your cheek so gently that you really thought you were dreaming. your eyes, sparkly and glossy with tears that fought against your lash line, traced his form again. you couldn’t believe this was him, but now that he was even closer you were forced to realize it all the more.
this is satoru gojo, holding you so gently while tears fall over his thumb. the same satoru gojo who giggled uncomfortably when you had cried. the same satoru gojo who called you ‘weak’ with a boisterous chuckle and a grimace on his pink lips. the same satoru gojo who would back up if you suddenly cried like this, holding his arms to his chest. this is satoru gojo who is pulling you into his arms while your body shakes, wracked with sobs and wails.
he holds your head against his firm chest while fingers delicately run along your spine. your hands fist the black, compression shirt that he wears. tears wet the material crystalline globs that fall down your cheek instantly soaked up by fabric.
you have never known him like this, like how he wished to show you. you didn’t know what to say, what to think, what to do. so you just cried, and cried. but he didn’t say one joke, not one giggle, not even a scornful look.
“it’s all okay angel, ‘m here now.” his voice comes out in a rumble that you can feel come from deep in his chest. it just makes the tears flow harder, like a dam released. so many emotions held back pour out, you pour your soul out onto his chest, not saying a single word. but he takes it all, so gently, so diligently.
“i missed you, so much ‘toru, so so much…” you can’t get the sentence out without being interrupted by a sniffle or whimper, but he listens. his soft eyes never leave your form, hands cradle you like glass, you feel his entire soul envelope you.
it is now that you know the strength of satoru gojo’s love. and it is now that you understand how hard it was for him to have let go of someone he loves. how hard it was for him to let go of suguru geto.
he is the most loyal person that you know, by far, likely the most loyal you will ever know. maybe it was seeing suguru, or rather his body, like that which gave him the closure he needed so desperately. it was that that allowed him to see what was in front of his eyes. suguru is dead, he has been. but you are very much alive. he can’t let another love slip from between his fingers. this realization of his gave you the man whose arms you’re in.
“angel, i can’t even say how sorry i am, jus’ know it’ll all be different. i promise.” those words are what stop the tears. you look up at him and see his eyes, his beautiful ocean eyes. you can’t see a singly deception in them, not a single half-hearted truth. you beam a smile and huddle closer to him.
he’s back, you’re not dreaming. satoru gojo has come home, and he finally loves you the way you loved him for so very long. you don’t have to fight the memory of a dead man any longer. you don’t even care if he never gets over suguru, truly, just as long as he keeps holding you like this.
you’re happy.
and that’s why the two of you work so very well, because satoru gojo was able to heal; for you.
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okkotsuus 23
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
an ego thing ~ modern!Aemond x Reader
previous part 2 // next part 4 // series masterlist
summary: our academic rivals are at it again, forced to run a study group together. warnings: NSFW 18+ explicit spicy times, oral (f&m receiving), teasing, spit play. word count: 2.3k note: happy feral Friday loves 😈 you asked, you pleaded, you cried and I delivered because ily 😚
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“Professor, I don't need a co-facilitator,” you beg your professor.
“It’s university policy, Y/N,” he tells you, “two students have to lead the study group.”
You huff in disappointment. You tutored for extra credit, and not to mention it looks phenomenal on your transcript, but you didn’t want someone dragging you down. You just wanted to host the study group, answer questions, and get out as soon as possible.
“Who’s leading with me?” you ask, crossing your arms.
“Aemond,” your professor answers and your heart drops into your stomach.
You hadn’t really spoken since the other night and your scandalous quickie in the library study room. You’d turned in your paper, said an awkward goodbye, and then proceeded to use your vibrator to the memory of Aemond calling you a bad girl while fucking your brains out. 
Scratch that last part. You’re trying to forget that part. You’re trying to forget the whole thing actually. 
“Seriously?” you ask and your professor nearly rolls his eyes.
“You’re the top students in my class,” he tells you, “it would be good for you to join forces, and work together.”
You raise your eyebrows at his hopeful expression. He tilts his head to the side, lacing his fingers together as he speaks.
“Or no study group,” he says suddenly, “no extra credit, I’ll just do office hours.”
Your mouth falls open.
“That would be a disservice to the class,” you accuse.
“Then you better go chat with Mr. Targaryen.”
A frustrated noise escapes you and your professor’s eyes widen, he even takes a step back.
“Fine,” you say between your teeth, and your professor gives you a relieved smile. 
That’s how you found yourself at the door of Aemond Targaryen’s dorm room. You know it's him, you asked his sister Helaena who confirmed he’s still living on campus even though his roommate (and brother) Aegon joined a fraternity and moved into their house. 
There’s a name card on the door that reads “Aemond” in the shape of a wolf. It matches all the doors on the floor, a cute attempt by the resident assistant, Cregan Stark. 
You knock on the door, tapping your foot impatiently. 
“Hey,” he says opening the door, but it's phrased more like a question. 
He’s wearing a simple black t-shirt and sweats. You can see he was studying, books are strewn at the desk that lies in the corner of his room. 
“Hey,” you tell him, “look, Professor Strong says we have to do the study group together.”
Aemond hums to himself.
“When is it?” he asks, leaning against his door frame.
“Can’t,” he says, pursing his lips.
“Why not?” you ask, already irritated. 
“Nosy,” he sneers, looking you up and down. 
“Got a hot date, Targaryen?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Maybe,” he answers, smirking as your cheeks pink. 
“Well save the girl the agony of a date with you and cancel.”
“Who said it was a girl?”
“Spare the guy then.”
He chuckles, moving out of the way.
“I’ll make it work,” he says, “come in, stop standing there.”
You follow him inside. 
“I made some flashcards,” you tell him, closing the door and dropping your bag on his floor. He sits in the chair at his desk, next to his bed. 
“Okay, so you’ve got it all figured out,” Aemond says, in a condescending tone.
“Haha,” you tell him, flipping through, “I only made a few but I figured we could make it fun-”
“How are flashcards fun?” he teases.
Your patience is wearing thin. He’s acting different, cockier now that he’s fucked you. You can sense it with every word he speaks, with the way his eyes caress your body. You want to knock him down a few pegs. 
“Like this,” you tell him, taking the elastic band off of your deck of flashcards.
Aemond raises his eyebrows at you, still seemingly unimpressed.
“Every question you get right, I take something off,” you tell him.
His lips part, a fire dancing in his different colored eyes before he composes himself. You’ve caught him though, and a smirk plays on your mouth. 
“We can’t play that with a study group,” he argues.
You shrug.
“Fine, we don’t have-”
“But we’re not with the study group,” he says, cutting you off. 
Your smirk grows. 
“Here I’ll even start with an easy one,” you tell him, looking at the flashcards in front of you while absentmindedly twirling a piece of your hair. 
“Perfect,” you say, choosing one, “what is the capital of the Reach?”
Aemond takes his tongue between his teeth, you can see it slightly poking out. Your cheeks flush at the memory of his tongue on you. 
“Highgarden, easy,” he tells you. 
“Mhmm,” you answer, unzipping your sweatshirt. 
Aemond watches as you shrug out of the sleeves, letting it fall to the ground. 
You keep going, and with every correct answer another piece of clothing drops to the floor. Your pants are off, then your shirt. You’d even argue for a solid five minutes if your shoes count (they do). They now lay on the ground along with your socks. 
You’re thankful for the matching set you decided on, a lacy number that compliments your skin tone. Aemond’s eyes rest on your face, but you can tell he’s trying to not let them drop to the amount of exposed skin you’re showing. 
Your eyes light up wickedly as he hesitates before answering the next question.
“You don’t know it,” you gasp, dramatically. 
“Hold on-”
“You smug son of a bitch!”
“Don’t talk about my mom like that, c’mon-”
Laughter escapes you as you watch his eyebrows knit together in confusion. 
“Just go to the next one,” he says, motioning. 
“We’re out of cards,” you say, twisting your mouth into a pout, a sarcastic apology.
Aemond’s jaw slacks, his disappointment evident on his face.
“Oops,” you shrug, still clothed in your bra and panties, “guess we need to think of more.”
“You’re actually evil,” Aemond groans, causing you to chuckle.
“Poor baby,” you mock him, reaching for your shirt. 
Aemond is quick to stand, tearing the fabric from your fingers. You blink up at him. 
“Think of another question,” he asks.
You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Please,” he adds, looking away. 
You bring a finger to tap your chin, narrowing your eyes and keeping your lips in a firm pout. 
“Hmm,” you pretend to think. 
“Any day now.”
“I’m thinking.”
Aemond clicks his tongue, and something in his eyes darkens. 
“You are such a brat,” he says, before bringing a hand behind your neck, pulling you flush against him.
His kiss is punishing, it makes your knees tremble. Aemond’s free hand finds your waist, caressing the exposed skin and playing with the lace at the top of your panties. His tongue enters your mouth, deepening the kiss. You let him kiss you for a moment before pushing him away, a hand on his chest. 
Aemond’s reaction is immediate, pulling your face back to his, the snarl on his face. You kiss him back, wrapping your hands around his neck. His hands fall to your ass, kneading into the soft flesh. He backs up toward the bed, taking you with him as he sits, hands skirting down the back of your thighs to pull you on top of him. 
He’s kissing you all the while, tongue licking the roof of your mouth, dragging out a moan as you grind your hips into his. He pulls away only a moment to tug his t-shirt off and throw it to some corner of the room. He’s rock hard, and feeling him underneath you sends a shiver of pleasure up your spine. Aemond drags his mouth to your neck, sucking on the smooth flesh. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” he murmurs against your neck, “how long I’ve pictured having you in my bed.”
“Awww,” you breathe, “careful Aemond, I’m beginning to think you might like me.”
“Shut up,” he murmurs, biting into your collarbone. 
Your breath catches and you tangle your fingers in his silky hair, holding his face against you. You’re bound to be covered in hickies tomorrow from how he’s nipping at you, but you can’t summon the energy to tell him to stop. Not when his lips feel so good against the soft skin of your throat, your shoulders, your neck. You can feel the sharp edge of his nose nudging the spot where your shoulder connects with your throat. 
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it,” he says as his fingers reach to unclasp your bra. 
You shrug the material down your arms, shimmying out of it until your breasts are freed, hanging heavy and lifting with every ragged breath you release. 
“Hmm?” Aemond murmurs before latching onto your nipple, swirling his tongue around the hardened peak.
Your eyes nearly roll back into your skull as a wave of desire ripples in your core. 
“I have,” you whimper, “especially when you’re being an asshole.”
You feel his finger teasing your underwear and you lift your hips, dragging your fingers down his chest until you reach his hardened cock. Aemond releases a breathy chuckle as you dip your hand below his waistband, wrapping your fingers around his length. 
It’s not fair how well-endowed he is, it's cruel really. 
You bite your lip in anticipation as you stroke him, watching his lips part, the way his breath turns ragged and his lashes flutter across his sharp cheekbones. His fingers pull your underwear to the side and you lift your hips, sinking down onto him.
You can’t help the pleasurable sigh that leaves your lips as you raise your hips beginning to ride him. The burn in your thighs is glorious, and Aemond’s hands rest on your hips, guiding you but letting you control the pace.
“You know what I think?” Aemond says, bringing a hand behind your hair, tangling in it, yanking your head backward.
You moan as you continue to bounce on his cock, as he buries his face between your breasts. He captures your nipple in his mouth, biting down harshly, before doing the same to the other. 
“I think you fucking like it,” he growls, “getting me all worked up in class.”
You choke out a laugh as he drives his hips up into you and it finishes with a moan. 
“You’re such a dick.” 
“You fucking love it.”
You tangle your hands in his hair, holding him against your breasts as you continue to ride him. Aemond’s hands dig into your hips, lifting you to assist the increasing pace. Your breasts bounce wildly against his face as he slams you on his cock, the slickness of your arousal coating your inner thighs.
Aemond becomes impatient, twisting you onto the bed. You lock your legs around his waist as he drives his hips into you. 
“You’re cute when you’re angry,” you tease and Aemond wraps a hand around your throat.
The space between his thumb and forefinger pinches your jaw.
“Open up,” he tells you and your eyes widen.
You can feel your cheeks redden but you do as you’re told by opening your mouth.
“Wider,” he growls and you stick out your tongue.
You know what’s coming, but it still sends a thrill through you as he spits onto your outstretched tongue.
“Still cute?” he asks, quivering an eyebrow.
You close your mouth swallowing.
“Adorable,” you tell him.
His thrusts increase, grip tightening on your throat as he fucks you relentlessly into the mattress. You’re trembling underneath him, whimpers leaving your lips.
“You’re not leaving this fucking room,” he growls, “not until I fuck this bratty little attitude out of you.”
Your smile is wicked, as his hips roll against you, cock brushing against the sweet spot within you. You can feel your orgasm creeping up on you when suddenly he pulls out, standing up. 
“On your knees,” he says, pumping his cock in his hand. 
You eagerly oblige and wrap your lips around his length. He hisses through clenched teeth as you bob your head around his length, his fingers tangling in your hair. You’re a drooling, gagging mess as he fucks your mouth, tears spilling down your cheeks as his cock hits the back of your throat. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna-”
You hum around his length as he finishes, and you enthusiastically swallow his release. You release him with a pop, wiping your mouth on the back of your hand. 
Aemond helps you off of your knees, panting.
“Fuck that was good,” Aemond says, kissing you again.
You moan against his mouth. You don’t think you’ll ever tire of kissing him, that smartass mouth of his works wonders. 
His hands grip your waist pushing you onto the bed. He settles between your thighs, lips closing around your clit, and a strangled cry escapes your lips. 
“Fu-fuck!” you mewl as he slips two fingers inside of you, his tongue unrelenting in its strokes on your needy clit. 
Aemond crooks his fingers against the rough section of your inner walls that makes your vision go white. You bring your hands to your breasts squeezing them as he feasts on you. Your thighs tremble around his head, and soon you’re releasing a flurry of obscenities as your pussy clenches around his fingers and you find your release. 
“Stop, stop,” you whimper as he keeps fucking your swollen walls with his fingers. 
Aemond hums, lightly licking at your clit, as he slowly removes his fingers from you. He lays next to you as you try to recover from the intensity of your orgasm. 
“What time’s the study group?” Aemond asks.
“The study group?”
You blink, running a hand over your face. 
“C’mon use that big brain of yours,” he teases, smirking at you. 
“Umm it's at 7,” you tell him, jogging your memory.
Aemond glances at the clock that sits on his desk, before turning back to you.
“Good,” he says rolling on top of you once more, hardened cock pressing against your thigh.
“Plenty of time.”
note: hope you enjoyed!! ILY ILY ILY MWAH 🤭😚😘
taglist: @ephemeralninon, @aemonds-wifey, @haydee5010, @schniiipsel, @sweetsweetpsyche, @letmeloveyouuuu, @glitterandgoldfinds, @greenowlfactif, @vrtualfairy
HOTD taglist: @bluevxnus, @thattargboy, @xlilacfrostx, @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @marvelescvpe, @geminithrone, @deltamoon666, @i-killed-ramsey, @tempt-ress, @eddiemadmunson, @zillahvathek, @hangmanscoming, @jojoesq, @f4ll-for-you, @rwdkarla, @nik2blog, @cc13723things, @filipiniamultifandom, @watercolorskyy
bold means I couldn't tag
visit my masterlist (link at top) for link to HOTD taglist 💚
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kckt88 · 4 months
Cruel Intentions.
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Two brothers who attend an elite university make a bet: to deflower the new dean's daughter before the start of the new semester.
Warning(s): Language, Drug Taking, Slight Homophobic Language, Bet Making, Maniplulation, Kissing, Loss of Virginity, Smut – Fingering, Oral Sex (M Recieving), P in V, Major Character Death.
Word Count: 8124
Taglist - @immyowndefender, @mrsbarnes314, @dixie-elocin, @targaryenbarbie, @ammo23
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
“What are we betting for?” asked Aemond.
“Money of course” quipped Aegon stubbing out his cigarette.
“Seriously-how boring, let’s put something really worthwhile on the line” said Aemond.
“Ok-If I win, I get your car”.
“And if I win?” asked Aemond pursing his lips.
“I’ll let you fuck my girlfriend” replied Aegon.
“Not even remotely worth it” quipped Aemond.
“Oh please-I see the way you look at Alys”.
“Again-Not interested” retorted Aemond.
“Not even if I tell you that Alys will let you put your cock anywhere-she’s into all sorts of freaky shit” said Aegon smirking.
Aemond paused as he thought over his brother’s proposition, he wasn’t wrong when he pointed out his fixation with Alys, she was a little older and she was so fucking beautiful, and she had a spectacular set of breasts that he just wanted to bury his face between and worship.
Of course, there were other parameters of the bet that needed to be discussed but a chance to stick his cock into Alys was more than enough to gain his acceptance and the fact that she was allegedly into freaky shit intrigued him thoroughly.
He was sick of bedding insipid debutants who’s shoe size was higher than their I.Q, he wanted someone different.
“I accept-now what are the actual terms of the bet?” asked Aemond.
“You know the new dean’s daughter-“
“-Reese Hargrove?” asked Aemond.
“Yeah, that one-little miss prim and proper thinks she too good for anyone, so I say we knock her down a peg or two” replied Aegon.
“-And how do we do that?”
“You will seduce her and then discard her” said Aegon.
“Seriously? That’s too easy-not even remotely enough of a challenge” laughed Aemond.
“Did I mention that she’s a proper daddy’s little princess-“
“Again boring” said Aemond yawning.
“-And a virgin” replied Aegon smirking.
“How’d you know that?” asked Aemond curiously.
“I take it you didn’t read her manifesto in the University magazine” asked Aegon as he threw a copy onto the glass table.
“Menstrual cramps?” asked Aemond as he glanced at the front cover.
“Shut up and turn to page sixty four” snapped Aegon.
Aemond rolled his eye and picked up the magazine, he flicked through the pages until he found the one, he wanted.
“Why I plan to wait by Reese Hargrove-Jesus christ is she for real?” asked Aemond.
“Oh, she’s daddy’s little angel-a paradigm of chastity and virtue”.
“Hm” muttered Aemond as Aegon ripped the magazine from his grasp.
“Let’s see-boring, boring, boring-I love my parents, boring, boring, boring-making a mature decision-oh here, she has a boyfriend named Trevor, been going out for a year and he understands” said Aegon mockingly.
“What a loser” snarked Aemond rolling his eye.
“My point is-you and I have fucked our way through most of the girls at university, which is hardly a challenge anymore”.
“So, all I have to do is fuck her and I win the bet?” asked Aemond.
“Pretty much-but if you’re thinking it’ll be easy then your wrong-” muttered Aegon.
“How do you even know that?
“Remember that chick I told you about over Easter?” said Aegon.
“The one who broke your nose after you tried to finger-wait that was her?” asked Aemond trying to stifle his laughter.
A girl with some bite to her-this could be interesting.
“Yes, it was her, humiliated me in front of everyone so now it’s payback time”.
“So, this bet is just your desperate attempt at getting revenge against a girl who wasn’t interested in you-for fuck sake Aegon” muttered Aemond running a hand through his sandy blonde hair.
“Oh, cut the moral high ground shit brother it doesn’t suit you-or do I need to remind you of the time you fucked your way through all of the Baratheon sisters in the space of a week”.
“Far point-so I fuck Hargrove and then what?” asked Aemond.
“Providing you have proof of the deed being done, then I’ll let you fuck Alys” replied Aegon.
“What does Alys say about all this-” mused Aemond.
“Well of course I asked her before I discussed things with you, and she agreed-“
“-Just like that?” asked Aemond disbelief.
“We have a semi open relationship remember-as long we tell each other that we want to fuck someone else, then it’s ok. Sometimes we even share” shrugged Aegon.
“Well, I’m not into sharing” growled Aemond.
“Do you seriously think I want to see your bare arse-no thanks. I just meant that me and Alys are open to many forms of expressing ourselves and our love” said Aegon.
“-And you’re ok with her potentially fucking your own brother?”
“You have to win the bet first” laughed Aegon.
“-And if I fail?”
“I get your car which I will make sure to fuck Alys in” quipped Aegon smirking.
“Fine-you’re on” said Aemond holding out his hand.
“There was me thinking you’d need a little more convincing”.
“Thing is, can you imagine what this would do for my reputation? Screwing the new deans daughter before the semester starts” mused Aemond.
“Would be one of your greatest victories-aside from the school nurse that you fucked last year, I’m still surprised they didn’t kick you out for that” said Aegon reaching for his silver cross necklace and pulling away the end.
The white power lingering on the small scoop spilled over the edge as Aegon lifted it to his nose and inhaled it in one sharp breath.
“Speaking of getting kicked out-if mum and dad see you doing that, they will go crazy, they told you last time that there were no more chances” said Aemond.
“What they don’t know won’t hurt them-besides you need to start making nice with Reese”.
“I suppose this would make an interesting chapter”.
“Oh, gee your journal, could you be any more queer?” said Aegon.
“Could you be more desperate to read it” smirked Aemond.
“I would say good luck brother-you’re going to need it-besides it might be worth mentioning that you only have a limited time in which to get Hargrove into bed” replied Aegon.
“What do you mean?”
“Her father’s preoccupied with getting ready for the new semester, so Reese is staying at our aunt’s place for a few weeks, but I also know that she’ll be spending the last two weeks of summer break at her grandmothers place-so that means you’ve only got four weeks to win the bet” said Aegon.
“FUCK” exclaimed Aemond as he turned on his heel and left the room.
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“Your home is so beautiful Mrs Hightower” exclaimed Reese, her grip tightening on the reins of the horse she was riding.
“Oh, thank you-It’s been in my family for over a hundred years”.
“I’ve never seen anything like it” replied Reese.
“Does your family ride much?”
“My grandfather used to breed horses on his farm-“ said Reese softly.
“Really how-“
Suddenly the sound of a distant bang echoed through the air.
“What was that?” asked Reese looking around in alarm.
“Oh, Aemond must be here”.
Reese smiled at Mrs Hightower and directed her horse to follow as they entered a small clearing.
“Pull” shouted Aemond and he aimed the shotgun he was holding towards the sky.
The accompanying attendant pressed a button, and a small clay disk was launched into the air, and without skipping a beat, Aemond pulled the trigger and shot the clay out of the sky.
“Ahh fuck me” muttered Aemond as he handed the attendant the shot gun and plastered a fake smile on his face before he raced over to his aunt.
“Aunt Ellen-god I’ve missed you” exclaimed Aemond as he wrapped his arms around her.
“I miss you too”.
“I’ve been looking all over for you” replied Aemond sweetly.
“Now, I want you to meet Reese-and be nice”.
“Well-well-“ muttered Aemond as he slowly walked towards Reese who was still sat upon the chestnut mare.
“Reese Hargrove-this is my nephew Aemond Targaryen”.
“I do believe you’ve already met my older brother Aegon” said Aemond as he reached forward and helped Reese climb down from the saddle.
“Briefly” replied Reese clapping her hands together slowly to dispel the dirt.
“Reese will be staying with me for a few weeks”.
“Interesting-that makes two of us” muttered Aemond as he folded his arms behind his back.
“Thank you for helping” muttered Reese.
“Aunt Ellen, why don’t you go a whip us up some of that iced tea of yours and I’ll tend to Reese” said Aemond smiling.
“Alright-you two don’t get into any trouble”.
“We won’t” said Reese and Aemond in unison.
Aemond waited until his aunt had disappeared inside before he took Reese’s hand and led her towards the manor.
“Come on-quickly, lots to see” urged Aemond.
“Ok” muttered Reese.
“I read your manifesto” said Aemond.
“Oh, you did” replied Reese smiling.
“Hm-I must say I found it rather appalling”.
“That’s a first, most people praise me for it,” said Reese.
“Most people are sheep-who are you to criticise something you’ve never experienced”.
“I wasn’t criticising anything-it’s just my belief that people shouldn’t experience the act of love, until they are in love. I just don’t think people our age are mature enough to experience those kinds of emotions”.
“Are you a lesbian?” asked Aemond smirking.
“I didn’t mean to offend you-I just picked up on a little bit of that lesbian vibe”.
“Look-I wouldn’t expect a man of your experience to understand my beliefs”.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Aemond.
“I’m well aware of your reputation and that of your older brother,” said Reese.
“What have you heard?”
“That you promise girls the world to get them in bed with you, but then again I suppose that’s a better approach than your brother who thinks he can just take whatever he wants”.
“I heard about that-Aegon shouldn’t have done it, but I heard you were pretty adept at defending yourself” said Aemond.
“You almost sound impressed” muttered Reese raising her eyebrow.
“Oh, believe me I am” replied Aemond smiling as he walked away.
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Later that night after her shower, Reese was sitting alone in her bedroom reading a book, when the sound of loud opera music broke her concentration.
“What the-“ muttered Reese as she put the book down and looked around bewildered.
A few minutes later she let her bedroom and wen in search of someone who could tell her what was going on, gods the music was so loud.
Noticing the lights on in the pool house, Reese slowly opened the door and went inside.
“Hello-Excuse me” said Reese loudly.
Just when she was about to give up and look elsewhere, Reese spotted Aemond sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, his hand absentmindedly swirling in the air as he reclined against the cushions.
“Excuse me” said Reese as she slowly approached Aemond.
“What a pleasant surprise” replied Aemond as he paused the music.
“Are you aware that this music is playing in every room of the house?”
“It’s not-just yours, I thought you’d like it” said Aemond.
Reese scoffed and turned around full intent on walking back to her room, until Aemond pressed the remote again and ‘Lovefool by the Cardigans’ began blasting through the speakers.
“So, what were you doing in your room?” asked Aemond smirking as Reese turned back to face him.
“-Anything interesting?” asked Aemond as he levered himself off his chair.
“Yes actually-it was quite intriguing” replied Reese.
“I got you a gift” said Aemond as he reached behind one of the ornate stone pillars and handed Reese a leather bag, embossed with her name.
“What-“ exclaimed Reese.
“Something to start the new semester with”.
“You didn’t have to do this” muttered Reese softly.
“I get it -you hate it” snapped Aemond as he pulled the bag out of Reese’s hand only for her to snatch it back.
“No-I love it, you just didn’t have to, that’s all” retorted Reese.
“Do you think you can pry yourself away from your reading and join me for a swim?”
“Ok-just give me a minute” muttered Reese and she turned away from Aemond and left the pool house.
Aemond nodded and then proceeded to get undressed, having no qualms at all about being completely naked. Reese’s reaction to his nudity would be very interesting.
Suddenly his mobile rang, Aemond grimaced when he saw the name highlighted on the screen, but he answered, nonetheless.
“Fuck her yet?” asked Alys.
“I’m working on it”
“Loser” replied Alys.
“Blow me”
“Call me later? Aegon wants to go for a drink” mused Alys.
“Ok” said Aemond as he hung up the call and threw his phone onto the chair.
With the music now playing softly in the background, Aemond placed a towel around his neck and turned his back to the door.
Sure, enough the door opened, and a soft gasp of surprise echoed around the tiled room, Aemond smiled before he slowly turned giving Reese a complete view of his naked body.
“Do you mind turning around so I could put on my bathing suit?” asked Aemond thoroughly delighted by Reese’s reaction.
“I-I’m sorry” muttered Reese and she placed a hand over her eyes and turned away.
It was only when she heard the splash of water that turned back to face Aemond who was now in the pool.
Reese took a deep breath before she untied her robe and descended into the warm pool.
“Your right you know” muttered Aemond.
“About what?” asked Reese.
“What you said today-I’ve done something I’m not proud of”
“Look I wasn’t trying to give you a hard time-“
“-No, it’s ok, I mean look at you with all your morals and values, you seem to be happy in your choices, I envy you. No bullshit”
“Really” asked Reese curiously.
“Seriously-you’ve got everything going for you-your smart, beautiful, determined. Everything I’d want in a girlfriend” said Aemond.
“You know I’m seeing someone-“
“-Oh yes, the infamous Trevor, it’s funny you haven’t mentioned him until now”
“He’s backpacking through Europe-He’s great, I really miss him,” said Reese.
“I’m here” whispered Aemond as he reached out and slowly ran his hand down Reese’s arm.
“I’m sorry but you are not my type”.
“Honestly?” wondered Aemond.
“Yeah-your smart, your beautiful, listing my qualities on your fingers is not going to get you anywhere with me, the best you can hope for is my friendship and your really walking a fine line at that” replied Reese as she moved away from Aemond and climbed out of the pool.
Aemond watched aghast as the wet swimsuit clung to every one of Reese’s curves, her body swaying slightly as she picked up a towel and left the room.
“Night sweet pea” snarked Aemond as he lowered himself into the water.
This was going to be harder than he thought.
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“Oh no what am I going to do”.
“Is something wrong?” asked Aemond as he sat at the breakfast table.
“That was Mrs Collins-their short of volunteers over at the retirement home, but I have theatre tickets for this afternoon”.
“Oh no that’s terrible” said Aemond softly.
“I have a thought why don’t you two fill in for me”.
“I’d love to” said Reese smiling.
“You two are the best-thank you, so sweet of you”.
“Can’t help it” said Aemond pulling a face as his aunt kissed him on the head and hugged him.
Gods, how he found himself in such a predicament Aemond would never know, for the love of all that was holy why did he have to open his big mouth.
He supposed it was another opportunity to spend time with Reese, but the car ride on the way to the retirement home had been rather awkward with neither one of them not knowing what to say to the other.
The retirement home itself had a funny smell to it and just as Aemond hoped to be paired with Reese, he was shoved into a room with an old lady called Mrs Sugarman.
Turns out she was quite senile, so he could work that to his advantage, he supposed sitting in a chair and doing the crossword puzzle was the only semblance of entertainment he would have for the next few hours.
“Oh, did I ever tell you the time, when my late husband sent me-“
“Yes, you already did, Mrs. Sugarman” replied Aemond.
“Oh, I did?”
“Right after we played backgammon, Mrs. Sugarman” muttered Aemond.
“Oh! We played backgammon”,
“Uh huh. You beat me three times” exclaimed Aemond.
“I did?”
“Yeah, and I fucked your daughter-“ said Aemond.
“I said would you care for some water?” asked Aemond smiling sweetly.
“No thank you dear”.
Aemond rolled his eye and resumed his crossword puzzle.
Suddenly a knock at the door, had Aemond springing into action as he put down the newspaper and sat behind Mrs Sugarman, smiling.
“How’s going in here?” asked the nurse.
“We played backgammon, and I won three times” exclaimed Mrs Sugarman excitedly.
“Oh well done” said the nurse brightly.
“Isn’t it wonderful” gasped Mrs Sugarman.
“See I told you she was special” said the nurse as she hugged Reese who smiled widely at Aemond.
As they got in the car for the drive home, Reese reached into her pocket and pulled out a beaded bracelet.
“What’s that?” asked Aemond.
“A friendship bracelet-I made it with Mr Gottlieb” replied Reese.
“Sounds like you had a productive day” mused Aemond as he watched Reese tie the mismatched beaded bracelet round his wrist.
It was positively ghastly, the colours were wrong, it made a weird clicking sound when he moved his hand and it clashed terribly with his outfit, but he found himself unwilling to tell Reese any of those things, so he kept quiet and decided to wear the damn thing if it made her happy, as making her sad invoked a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“You know I actually feel good about myself-Mrs Sugarman was cool” said Aemond.
“Oh, come on your trying to tell me that you had a good time with that old lady”.
“I did, we played three games of backgammon and-oh alright I was bored out of my mind” said Aemond frowning.
“It’s ok-it doesn’t make you a bad person”
“It does-“ muttered Aemond.
“No, it doesn’t” replied Reese softly.
“I can’t win with you” quipped Aemond.
“It’s not about winning Aemond-you know what you take yourself far too seriously”.
“I do not” snapped Aemond.
“Yes, you do-you should lighten up” laughed Reese.
“I am lightened up can we just drop this”.
“Ok-fine” replied Reese shrugging, but as Aemond huffed, she turned to him and began pulling faces.
“What are you doing?” asked Aemond.
Reese ignored him and continued to pull faces.
“Cut it out-it’s distracting, I said stop that” exclaimed Aemond smiling.
“Are you smiling?” asked Reese.
“It’s ok, you can laugh-I won’t tell anyone” replied Reese softly.
Aemond looked over at Reese briefly before he returned his attention to driving, but his heart skipped a beat when he felt her take his hand and entwine their fingers.
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Gods the music was loud, it was almost hurting his eardrums.
Why in the fuck had he let Aegon talk him into coming here was beyond him. The place was cheap and smelled like rancid shit, but it served its purpose.
He needed a distraction, his days were being consumed by Reese and it was driving him insane, the more time he spent around her the more he wanted her, but she didn’t give any inclination that she was interested. Sure, she’d held his hand in the car but that was it, nothing had happened in the days since.
Probably wasn’t the best idea to come here and get shit faced, as his frustrations surrounding Reese and the copious amounts of alcohol that he’d consumed did not make for a good combination, and it led to some pretty bad decision making on his part when he happened upon Floris Baratheon and allowed her to suck his cock in one of the toilet cubicles.
If he squinted his eyes enough, he could almost imagine that he was Reese, that it was her lips stretched around his cock, that it was her hands grasping at his thighs as he ruthlessly fucked her mouth.
But it wasn’t-it was Floris, and he knew he would end up regretting this later, but he needed to come, he was desperate. In his pursuit of Reese, he’d gone from regularly indulging in depraved and debauched sex to nothing and he needed this, to clear his mind if anything.
He just wished Floris would shut the fuck up, her little moans were distracting him, he screwed his eyes shut and he saw Reese smiling at him, her blue eyes twinkling in the-
“FUCK” moaned Aemond as his spilt rope after rope of come into Floris’ mouth.
He probably should have lingered a while longer, but as soon as he tucked his softened cock back into his trousers, he couldn’t wait to get out of there, he didn’t want Floris getting the wrong idea-again.
He placed a quick kiss on her forehead and practically vaulted himself out of the cubicle and made a hasty exit from the shithole that Aegon had dragged him too, he did consider looking for his brother, but he was more than likely piss drunk and cock deep in Alys or some bimbo they’d found.
So, he hailed a taxi and went back to his aunts manor, hoping that tomorrow would be brighter day.
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Aemond sighed deeply as he watched Reese through a pair of binoculars, upon hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, he and turns to find Alys standing behind him.
“Aegon’s looking for you”.
“Who are you spying on?” asked Alys as she snatched the binoculars from Aemond’s hand.
“No one” muttered Aemond.
“Is that her?”
“Oh no she’s crying-little baby seems upset by the big bad book” mocked Alys.
“Shut up” snapped Aemond.
“What’s up your arse?”
“She’s really getting to you isn’t she” quipped Alys.
“If you must know yes-I don’t know what to do. I can’t stand that holier than thou bullshit, yet I’m completely infatuated with her, she made me laugh”.
“So that’s why you’re going to lose the bet with Aegon?” mused Alys as she examined her red painted nails.
“I’m not losing the bet-it’s just taking a little longer than I expected”.
“Mind if I take Aegon’s new car for a ride?” asked Alys as she leaned forward and kissed Aemond on the corner of his mouth.
“Alys-the only thing you’re going to be riding is me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some work to do” replied Aemond quietly.
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Reese looked up from her book and smiled as she saw Aemond approaching.
“Bonjour Mademoiselle” whispered Aemond as he knelt down and slowly pressed a kiss to her left cheek then her right.
“Bonjour Monsieur Targaryen” replied Reese as Aemond’s lips met hers.
He leaned forward slightly, trying to manoeuvre her onto her back as they kissed, his tongue sliding against hers.
“Aemond. No” said Reese as she sat up and pushed him away.
“I’m sorry about that” muttered Aemond as he stood up.
“I am too” whispered Reese.
“You know what-I’m not sorry. I don’t take it back”.
“I thought we were just going to be friends?” asked Reese.
“I-I can’t handle it. I can’t keep my feelings all bottled up like you. Can you honestly tell me that you feel nothing for me?”
“Yes, I have feelings for you Aemond”.
“T-Then what’s wrong. It’s not like you have a husband. Unless your married to Jesus”
“That’s not fair” snapped Reese.
“Do you really want to know why?”
“Yes, I want to know why” retorted Aemond.
“Because I don’t trust myself with you” snapped Reese as she stood up and left Aemond alone.
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Later that night as she sat brushing her blonde hair, Reese was startled by a sharp knock at the door.
“Come in”.
The door opened slowly and Aemond walked in, his expression giving nothing away as he stood in front of her.
“I just came to say goodbye”.
“Where are you going?” asked Reese.
“Back to the city-I might go to the south of France until the end of summer. I just can’t take your games anymore” said Aemond shrugging.
“What games?”
“Oh, come off it, your hot one minute, cold the next. You make me feel inadequate” said Aemond bluntly.
“Well, I guess if that’s how I’m making you feel then it’s for the best that your leaving”.
“Good for you” muttered Aemond as he turned around and went to open the door.
“Aemond-I don’t want us to part on bad terms” muttered Reese.
“Well, I’m afraid you don’t have a choice in the matter-you’re a hypocrite and I don’t associate with hypocrites”.
“How am I a hypocrite?” asked Reese.
“Oh, please Reese. You spend all your time preaching about waiting for love. Well, here it is. Right in front of you, and you're going to turn your back on it. So, I guess we're just fucked. I'll move on. But you are going to have to live the rest of your life knowing that you've turned your back on love. And that makes you a hypocrite. Have a nice life”.
“Wait” gasped Reese.
There was a beat of silence before Reese slowly walked towards Aemond, placed her hands in his face and kissed him.
Their tongues moved together as they slowly walked backwards towards the bed.
“Aemond” moaned Reese as she began to undo the buttons on his trousers.
For a brief moment Aemond was stunned to silence, as he watched Reese climb onto the bed and undo the buttons on her silken p.j top, his chest becoming more exposed with every undone button.
This was happening, she was giving herself to him. She was soft and sweet, like a ripe peach ready for the taking.
But he couldn’t do it, something was stopping him, he didn’t know what it was, but the feeling of uncertainty swirled within him almost to the point of making him feel sick.
“I-I’m sorry I can’t” spluttered Aemond as he turned around and left the room.
The tears rolled down Reese’s cheeks as she quickly buttoned her p.j top back up, she had offered herself to him and in turn he had rejected her.
She couldn’t stay here now, not after this.
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“Morning” said Aegon brightly as he handed Aemond a coffee.
“Morning” replied Aemond through gritted teeth.
“So, how’d it go last night with Reese?”
“If your asking if a nailed her then the answer is no-“
“She shot you down” asked Aegon smirking.
“Exactly the opposite” admitted Aemond.
“So, what went wrong”.
“I don’t know-she was laying on the bed ready to do it and I was-I just didn’t feel right about it” said Aemond.
“Your telling me you had the chance to fuck her, and you didn’t-god are you pathetic”.
“Fuck off” snapped Aemond leaping off the bed.
“Oh, if your heading towards her room, you won’t find her”.
“Where is she?”
“You don’t know-she left thirty minutes ago” retorted Aegon smirking.
“Where did she go?” demanded Aemond.
“She apologised to our aunt and then told her she was going to stay with some friends in the city-you blew it Aemond, that girls come to her senses, and she’ll never go near you again”.
Aemond let out a growl of frustration before he stormed out of the room, he had to go after her, tell her he’s sorry.
She’d obviously left because of him and what happened last night, and the thought that he wouldn’t see her everyday had left him feeling hollow.
After speaking to his aunt, who told him that Reese had taken a taxi to the train station, Aemond got in his car and put his foot down in the hopes that he could beat the train and arrive at the station in the city before she did.
After the train pulled into the station, Reese grabbed her things and stepped onto the platform, she felt guilty about her hasty departure from Mrs HighTower’s manor, but she couldn’t stay not after last night-she’d fallen in love with Aemond, and it hurt when he rejected her. His reputation of bedding copious amounts of women seemed a little exaggerated in that moment.
As she stepped onto the escalator, Reese couldn’t help but think about Aemond, she wondered if he was ok, and she hoped he wasn’t too upset when he’d discovered that she’d gone.
As the escalator ascended, there he was standing there, looking at her as if she was the only person the world.
“I’m impressed”
“Well, I’m in love” said Aemond he cupped her cheeks and kissed her, not caring if they were in the middle of a packed train station.
She had fled and he had chased her, this was their moment, and no one was going to take it from them.
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“I-I’m ready. Make me yours” whispered Reese as she pulled off her clothes.
Reese laid down and smiled shyly as Aemond gazed at her naked body.
"So beautiful” whispered Aemond as he slowly reached out and ran his fingers over Reese’s breasts.
Goosebumps erupted over Reese’s skin as Aemonds hand began to move lower.
“I-I need to prepare you” whispered Aemond.
“P-prepare me?” whispered Reese.
“I don’t want to hurt you” replied Aemond as he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Reese’s lips.
Reese gasped when she felt Aemond’s fingers rubbing her folds.
“O-Oh Aemond” exclaimed Reese as he slipped a finger inside her.
Aemond buried his face in Reese’s neck as he added another finger to prepare her as best he could.
Aemond removed his fingers and then laid between Reese’s open legs, supporting his weight on his left arm as he reached down and took his hard cock in his hand and placed the tip of it against his cock her now slick entrance.
Reese shut her eyes tight and took a deep breath as Aemond sheathed himself within her.
Reese’s cunny choked his cock so tight that he needed a few seconds to adjust, making him terribly aware that he was not going to last for too long.
Aemond’s cock twitched and throbbed with need, and he released a shuddered breath while Reese sighed in relief. 
“The pain will ease,” rasped Aemond.
Aemond was generous enough to start with a slow, deep grinding that soon enough turned the stinging pain into pleasure.
“Gods be good,” panted Reese, gripping Aemond’s shoulders.
“Fuck. You were made for me. You were made to fit my cock in this sweet cunt of yours.” breathed Aemond as he increased the pace of this thrusts.
“A-Aemond. Please.” exclaimed Reese her nails digging into his shoulders.
“Tell me you want me” moaned Aemond his hips slapping against hers.
“I-I want you, Please Aemond” gasped Reese.
“I love you-I love you so much” exclaimed Aemond as his thrusts beginning to stagger. He was close. So close.
“Love you too” gasped Reese as she felt Aemond’s fingers encircling her pearl in tandem with his thrusts.
It felt like lightning had shot across her stomach. Gods it felt so good.
“I want you to come-come for me” moaned Aemond, he needed her to come before him, he would not disgrace himself.
“AEMOND” screamed Reese.
Aemond pushed into the hilt for one last time and let out a long loud groan as he painted her insides with his white hot spend.
Later that night as he escorted Reese to her waiting taxi, Aemond couldn’t contain his happiness, for the first time in a long time, he felt like he was worth something. That he wasn’t totally soulless, and he’d found the capacity to love and in turn be loved, and it was all down to Reese.
As he watched the taxi drive away, he thought that nothing in this world could ruin his happiness, but of course he was completely oblivious to the looming figures of Aegon and Alys silently watching him from the balcony.
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The next morning, Aemond had left the apartment bright and early, he’d gone for a run and stopped by a flower shop on the way home, buying flowers for a girl was a completely new experience for him but Reese was worth it.
He arrived back home, clutching the bouquet of flowers but was stopped in his tracks when he spotted Alys sitting on the edge of his bed, in only her underwear.
“A-Alys” gasped Aemond as he placed the flowers on his desk.
“I hear that you succeeded in your task”.
“Hm” replied Aemond.
“So, I thought that we could make the necessary arrangements” mused Alys as she reached out towards Aemond’s groin, only for him to push her away.
“Some other time” replied Aemond as he walked away, ignoring the look of fury on Alys’ face.
“Excuse me?”
“I’m not in the mood” said Aemond slamming the door shut.
He needed to get out of here, he needed to get away from Alys and Aegon, so he did the only thing he could think of and rang Reese, she spoke softly to him and whispered words of love, it calmed him down immensely and making plans to see her later that day made his heart skip a beat, he was too engrossed in the phone call to even notice Aegon entering the room.
“I love you too” muttered Aemond before he ended the phone call.
“I love you too-my god you’re completely pussy whipped” said Aegon flatly.
“Stop it” ordered Aemond.
“Oh, come on Aemond it’s just a bet” replied Aegon as he looked over at Alys as she shut the wooden sliding doors.
Alys walked over to Aemond and kissed him, her hands gripped the fabric of his shirt, until her pushed her away.
“This is ridiculous” laughed Aemond.
“What’s ridiculous dear brother is you-look at what you’ve been reduced too, have you given any thought to what’s going to happen once the semester starts-not only are you dating miss manifesto but she’s also the new deans daughter” said Aegon.
“Stop it”
“Before you know it, you’ll be giving campus tours with her-oh wait her father doesn’t know about your past, does he? I doubt he’ll let his little princess be seen with the likes of you. Quite disappointing to see that Reese’s manifesto was a total sham, I think he has a right to know” said Aegon picking up the phone.
“Put the phone down” ordered Aemond.
“Oh, this will only take a second” replied Aegon.
Aemond lurched forward and snatched the phone out of his brother’s hand, before slamming down on the desk.
“Quite the predicament you’re in” mused Aegon.
“I don’t care what either of you say, the fact of the matter is that I was planning on telling her everything this afternoon” said Aemond pulling on his long black coat.
“Oh, that’s right. I forgot, your so in love” mocked Alys.
“Do you honestly think that you’ve changed in the few weeks you’ve known her. Let me tell you something little brother-people don’t change overnight. You and I are two of a kind, at least I have the guts to admit it-you were going to leave University and legend, now all you’ll be is a joke”.
“I-I’m willing to take my chances” said Aemond reaching for the door.
“Don’t do it Aemond, you’ll not only ruin your reputation, but you’ll destroy hers”.
Aemond didn’t respond, he gave Alys and his brother one last look before leaving the room.
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Aemond walked around the city for hours, thinking about Reese, the bet and what he should do, his brother’s words playing on a loop in his mind.
He seemed to walk aimlessly, without any sense of direction, letting his feet carry him wherever they desired, until he found himself standing in front of the apartment complex where Reese was staying with her friends.
After taking a deep breath, Aemond entered the building and knocked on the door.
“Hi” breathed Reese as she opened the door.
“Hey” replied Aemond solemnly as Reese pulled him in for a kiss.
After a few minutes Reese, pulled away and then gave him a quick tour of the apartment, she smiled sweetly as she took his hand and pulled him into a well-lit bedroom.
“This is my room”.
“It’s nice-“ mumbled Aemond.
“Do you think we can be quiet? asked Reese suggestively.
“There’s something I have to tell you”.
“Ok-tell me” replied Reese.
“This isn’t working out for me anymore”.
“Yeah, me neither-what’s wrong?” said Reese.
“It’s not you-it’s me. I’m completely fucked up”.
“What are you saying?” asked Reese.
“I thought I was in love with you, but it was just a lie-I wanted it to work but unfortunately. I feel nothing”.
“Why you are you doing this?”
“I just wanted to see what you were like in bed” muttered Aemond his shoulders slumping.
“I know you don’t mean that” gasped Reese.
“You know nothing-you don’t even know me; the fact of the matter is there is someone I want and you don’t even compare to her”
“I don’t believe you”.
“I don’t know how to make this any clearer-you mean nothing to me; you were just a conquest” snapped Aemond.
“Your such a coward-look at yourself, your shaking. Is that what you came to tell me”.
“Listen I’m sorry I’m completely-“
“-Yeah, your completely fucked up-get out”
“Reese-“ said Aemond reaching towards her.
“Don’t touch me”.
“Please-“ whispered Aemond.
“DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME AEMOND-GET OUT” screamed Reese as she slapped him across the face.
Aemond stood stunned for a moment, watching the tears roll down Reese’s cheeks. His heart pounding in his chest.
“Just leave” begged Reese as she turned away from him.
Aemond bowed his head and then left the room, furiously wiping at his own tears as they fell.
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“Jesus-a little melodramatic don’t you think” said Aegon as he spotted Aemond sitting in a darkened corner of the room.
“I thought you’d like to know what happened between me and Reese-It’s over”.
“Really?” asked Aegon.
“You were right-I can’t change, you and I are two of a kind, I thought we should celebrate” replied Aemond as he pulled out a bottle of champagne.
“I’d love to-but unfortunately I’m expecting Alys” said Aegon examining his nails.
“Great-As I’ve won the bet, I guess it makes sense for Alys to be here. We we’ll need to make arrangements after all”.
“We do” nodded Aegon as he took the half-filled glass from Aemond.
“What shall we toast too?” asked Aemond as he lifted the glass of champagne in the air.
“To my triumph” said Aegon smugly.
“Not my choice of toasts, but it’s your call-to your triumph over Reese” retorted Aemond as he downed the contents of his glass.
Aegon however let out a melodious giggle.
“What’ so funny?” asked Aemond.
“Silly rabbit-my triumph isn’t over her, it’s over you”.
“Come again?” asked Aemond confused.
“You were very much in love with her, and your still in love with her-but it amused me to make you ashamed of it-you gave up on the first person you ever loved, because I threatened your reputation, don’t you get it your just a toy Aemond, a little toy I like to play with and now you’ve completely blown it with her, I think it’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard-cheers” said Aegon as he lifted the glass of champagne to his lips.
Aemond stood their stunned to silence at his brother’s revelation.
“Hmmm tastes good” exclaimed Aegon.
“I also feel I have to tell you that, no arrangement will be made for you to have your way with Alys-you see she doesn’t fuck losers” said Aegon smirking.
Aemond nodded his head solemnly before he left the room.
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“Will you please just tell her that I called?” asked Aemond desperately before he slammed the phone down.
Slumping in his seat, Aemond reached for his leather bound journal and ripped it open.
He had to speak to Reese, he had to make things right with her.
After spending hours furiously writing page after page, Aemond wrapped up his journal and began walking to the apartment where Reese was staying, of course Mrs Michalak refused to allow him entry into the apartment or even tell Aemond where Reese was, but he was desperate.
“Please-will you just give her this” begged Aemond.
“Of course,” replied Mrs Michalak as she took the journal.
“T-Tell her I’m sorry please-Reese if you’re in there. I’m sorry” said Aemond loudly.
“Mr Targaryen, that is enough-Now I need you to leave” urged Mrs Michalak.
“Tell her, that I’m not going anywhere-I will wait for as long as it takes”.
“Goodbye Mr Targaryen” snapped Mrs Michalak before she slammed the door.
“Fucking bitch” muttered Aemond under his breath before he walked away.
-Later that night-
Reese stared at the envelop gripped between her fingers and for the briefest of moments she considered throwing it in the bin, before curiosity got the better of her and she opened it.
Dear Reese, I don’t know what I could possibly say that would rectify the harm I’ve caused you. The truth of the matter is that being with you was the only time I have ever been happy. My whole life has been a joke. I prided myself on taking joy in others’ misery. Well, it finally backfired. I succeed in hurting the first person I ever loved.
Enclosed is my most prized possession. My journal. For a long time, I considered it my trophy. A sordid collection of my conquests. If you really want to know the truth than please read it. No more lies. Please give me another chance. I’m a wreck without you.
Your, Aemond.
Reese tore the brown paper that was wrapped around the leather bound journal and opened it.
Completely unprepared for what she was about to read.
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All night he waited, sitting opposite the apartment building hoping and praying that he would catch a glimpse of Reese as she passed by her window.
But he didn’t, he’d made a massive mistake, and he had no idea how to fix it, Reese was the first girl that he’d ever loved, and he had broken her heart.
He’d allowed himself to become entangled in one of his brother’s sick twisted games and it was Reese that had paid the price, she didn’t deserve any of this. Maybe it was for the best that he left her alone, as much as it hurt to think of never seeing or speaking to her again, it wasn’t about him, it was about her.
So, with a breath of determination, Aemond decided it was for the best that he went home.
Casting one last baleful look at the apartment building, Aemond walked down the street, completely oblivious to Reese looking out of the window, and watching as he walked away.
It must be madness the drove her, but she couldn’t let him leave like that, so she decided to follow him, she had no idea what she was going to say once she caught up with him but that was a plan for later.
“Son of a bitch-Targaryen”
“Who-oh hey Roland” said Aemond.
“Is that all you have to say for yourself?” snapped Roland.
“What else am I meant to say”.
“You know Floris told me what you did”.
“Floris-I haven’t seen her in months” replied Aemond.
“What about your little escapade in the club toilets not to long ago”
“Oh-shit” muttered Aemond, he knew that was going to come back and haunt him.
“You think it’s appropriate to do that to my little sister” snarled Roland as he shoved Aemond backwards.
“Oh, get over it Roly she willingly got on her knees and sucked my cock-I didn’t force her”
“You smug piece of shit-“ snarled Roland reeling his fist back and punching Aemond in the face, sending him flying towards the ground.
Aemond quickly rose from the ground and tackled Roland, both of them falling the floor with a heavy thud.
“You-fucking-cunt” breathed Roland as one of Aemond’s punched connected with his nose.
“If anyone is the cunt here, it’s you” wheezed Aemond as Roland managed to knee him in the stomach.
“AEMOND” shouted Reese as she ran towards him.
He didn’t seem to hear her, too lost to his rage as he repeatedly punched every bit of Roland he could reach.
Reese reached forward and pulled on Roland’s coat, suddenly he reared backwards, and she was propelled away from the fight.
At the sound of Reese hitting the floor, Aemond quickly came back to his senses, his eye widening at the sight of her laying haphazardly on her side.
Aemond levered himself off Roland and immediately went to Reese, crouching slowly beside her.
“Reese-are you ok?” asked Aemond nervously.
“I-I’m ok-AEMOND LOOK OUT” screamed Reese as Roland came up behind Aemond and tackled him into the road.
After shoving Roland away from him, Aemond hunched over trying to catch his breath, he’d hit his head on the concrete and was momentarily dazed, the blood dripping from the cut on his forehead.
“AEMOND” shrieked Reese.
Squinting his eyes, Aemond looked up and saw the car hurtling towards him.
Then all of a sudden, a pair of hands seized the back of his coat, and he was propelled out of the way.
Everything after that happened so fast.
Reese didn’t even hear the sound of the car honking or the screech of tyres, she didn’t even feel the impact of the car as it hit her.
She slid up the bonnet and crashed into the windshield before she slipped over the roof and over the back of the car, before landing heavily on the road in a heap.
“Someone call an ambulance”.
“Reese-can you hear me” urged Aemond.
“I-I tried to stop in time” said the driver panicking.
“I-Is she going to be ok?”
“Reese, my love” said Aemond.
“A-Aemond-hurts” muttered Reese.
“It’s ok, an ambulance is on its way-you’re going to be fine” urged Aemond.
“D-Do y-you love me?”
“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I’m sorry for what I said-none of it was true. Please Reese, forgive me. I’m sorry-I’m so sorry” exclaimed Aemond as he reached out and took her hand.
She wanted to say more, to move-but she couldn’t. Her legs wouldn’t work, and she felt so cold all she could do was squeeze Aemond’s hand.
“Please-Reese hold on” begged Aemond a tear slipping down his cheek.
“L-Lo-ov-e y-you-“ rasped Reese.
“Don’t do that-don’t say goodbye. Don’t leave me” cried Aemond.
The birds, she could hear the birds, the light it was bright-so bright. Perhaps she could close her eyes just-
“Reese-please, just hold on” begged Aemond. The sounds of sirens echoing in the distance.
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The funeral was a complete blur, he didn’t want to say goodbye. But he had no choice. She was gone.
It was a beautiful service, complete with flowers, poems and hymns.
Aemond stared at the picture of Reese and he felt his heart constrict painfully.
He didn’t want to hear from anyone, not his parents, not Aegon or Alys. They were remnants of a life that he no longer wanted.
Reese had shown him there was more, her love had opened his heart to a whole realm of possibilities, and he was determined to live. For her.
So, after the funeral he packed up all of his belongings and watched with mild curiosity as Aegon and Alys were being hauled out of their apartment bound in handcuffs and surrounded by police officers.
The drug trafficking and distribution charges that Aemond had reported them for should earn them both quite a lofty custodial sentence. Although it wouldn’t see them incarcerated forever, it would see them face the consequences of their actions.
Casting one more look at the place that never really felt like home, Aemond climbed into his car and drove away.
He owed it to Reese; she had given her life to save his and he was determined to make something of himself.
He wanted to make her proud.
As he clutched the steering wheel, the beaded bracelet she’d made him jingled on his wrist and he smiled, he had once scorned her gift but now when he looked at it, he remembered they day she had tied it to his wrist, and he smiled.
Reese taught him everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. He would always miss her.
But their love was like the wind. He couldn’t see it, but he could feel it.
She would always be with him, a guiding light in the darkness.
The End.
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usbshitake · 8 hours
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What (most probably) would be with Gavin Reed after being knocked out by Connor in archives?
Being knocked out by Connor would significantly impact Gavin Reed, triggering his insecurities and amplifying his aggressive tendencies. His response would be characterized by heightened hostility, a desire for retribution, and potentially more reckless and isolative behavior.
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What would happen in exact?
FBI agents, who have discovered him, approach cautiously. One might ask, “Detective Reed, are you alright? What happened?”
• Gavin, still seething, might snap, “I’m fine. That goddamn android blindsided me.”
The agents help Gavin to his feet and suggest he gets checked by a medical professional. They would likely also inform him that an incident report will need to be filed.
• Gavin, irritated but recognizing protocol, might reluctantly agree to a quick medical check, saying, “Yeah, yeah, let’s get this over with.”
• Gavin is escorted to the medical bay or a nearby clinic for a brief check-up to ensure there’s no serious injury.
• During the examination, he remains impatient and curt, eager to get back to the station and confront the situation head-on.
• Gavin heads to Captain Fowler’s office, knocking briskly before entering.
• Gavin remains standing, too agitated to sit. “Captain, that android—Connor—he knocked me out cold in the archives. We can’t have machines attacking officers. This is crossing a line.”
Atmosphere in PD
• Many of his colleagues, who likely dislike him due to his arrogance and abrasive nature, would find some enjoyment in seeing him taken down a peg.
• Comments like, “Finally, someone put Reed in his place,” or “Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy,” would be common.
• Conversations might include questions like, “Did you hear Reed got knocked out by an android? How does that even happen?” and “I wonder if he provoked it. Wouldn’t be surprising.”
• A small number of colleagues might feel some sympathy for Gavin, recognizing the seriousness of an officer being attacked, even if they don’t particularly like him.
• These individuals might express concerns more diplomatically, such as, “No matter how you feel about Reed, getting knocked out by an android is a serious issue.”
Reaction on gossip
• When Gavin first hears the gossip and whispering, he would likely feel a surge of anger and humiliation.
• He might initially overhear comments in passing or catch snippets of conversations when entering a room.
• True to his confrontational nature, Gavin would probably confront those gossiping directly. “Got something to say? Say it to my face,” he might snap, glaring at the whispering colleagues.
• His aggressive stance would likely silence some, while others might smirk or make sarcastic remarks, further fueling his anger.
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How would his behaviour change (spoiler: he would get worse)
• Internally, Gavin would feel a mix of rage and determination. The gossip would reinforce his feeling of isolation and mistrust towards his colleagues.
• He might also feel a need to prove himself even more, pushing him to take on riskier tasks or confrontations to demonstrate his toughness and capability.
• His behavior would become more hostile and defensive, particularly towards those he suspects of gossiping about him.
• Gavin might become even more aggressive in his interactions, using intimidation to assert his dominance and deter further gossip.
• The incident and subsequent gossip would likely increase Gavin’s isolation within the precinct. He might find himself working more alone, distrusting his colleagues even more.
• Any remaining professional relationships could become strained, as Gavin’s defensive and aggressive behavior alienates even those who might have previously been neutral or sympathetic.
• Gavin’s reputation as arrogant and disliked would be reinforced by his reaction to the incident. His confrontations and aggressive responses to gossip would cement his image as someone difficult to work with.
• Colleagues might avoid him more, both out of dislike and to avoid potential conflicts.
• Driven by a need to prove himself, Gavin might throw himself into his work with even greater intensity. However, this could lead to reckless decisions or burnout.
• His focus on proving his toughness could result in taking unnecessary risks, potentially leading to more dangerous situations or further incidents.
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lurkingshan · 10 months
I've been following your discussions on ephemerality vs permanence, control & voyeurism, and on that theme I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on Boston having that video of Mew and Ray. It seems odd that he'd hold on to it for two years, without their knowledge, only to use it in a power play that isn't even fully about Mew. What do you think is happening there? I feel like it has to play into the power dynamics in his relationship with Mew, the way they hold each other in apparent contempt but stick together, as well as Boston's voyeurism and how he'd delight in holding some sort of compromising secret against Mew without his knowledge, but I haven't got any fully realised thoughts about it yet, so I'd love to hear your perspective.
Hi anon, thank you for asking! I have mentioned before that it feels like we're still missing a lot of information about this friend group and their history together, so there may be some information coming to give context to this particular incident and why Boston felt the need to record it. But my current suspicion is that his decision to record and keep this was not initially that deep or sinister.
Boston is a photographer; his instinct is to document what he sees. In the very first episode, he was walking around with a camera taking pictures of the surroundings. In the second episode, after he asked Nick to pose for some photographs, we saw how serious he is about this when it was revealed that he has his own private dark room. Most student photographers would use a dark room at school (think Ink in Bad Buddy), but Boston has built his residence around his photography, indicating this is much more than a casual hobby for him. He tells Nick that he likes to have mementos of certain people and moments in his life, and he hangs on to the photo strip from his first hookup with Top (I don't think it's a coincidence that his first time with Top has a connection to his love for photography; that's a signal that this was meaningful to him).
In accordance with this interest of his, Boston is a natural voyeur and keen observer of other people. He notices everything that is happening with his friends, and he is always documenting it, even if just in his own mind. He knows about Ray's feelings for Mew; he also knows Mew does not feel the same. He knows Mew has a chip on his shoulder about his virginity. He knows Top needs to feel like an alpha. He knows Nick can be appeased with some vague weasel words and a small bit of affection. And he uses all of this information to his advantage when the need and opportunity presents itself. He seems to have little to no qualms about doing so; Boston ruthlessly pursues what he wants and he doesn't really have any sense of loyalty.
On top of that, I tend to agree with you that Boston has some kind of longstanding issue with Mew. The way he digs at Mew about his virginity is hard to miss. It might just be that Mew's self-righteousness about sex grates on him on principle, and he wants to knock him down a peg. Or it could go deeper. I have been reading it as something of an inferiority complex, given that we know Mew is also a top student. Perhaps sex is the only arena in which Boston feels superior to Mew, and so he wants him on his playing field so that he can beat him at something. When he first hooked Mew up with Top, he clearly expected Top to sleep with him once and then move on, like he did with Boston; the fact that Mew actually got Top to pursue him seriously threw Boston off and pushed him into a bit of an obsessive spiral over Top.
So, back to your question: why did he record Ray and Mew doing whatever it is they did a couple years ago? At that time, it was probably simply because he saw it, and his instinct is always to observe and document. Boston is someone who likes knowing things and keeping a record, and he always has a camera ready. I'm not sure there needs to be any deeper reason than that. I doubt he recorded it with the conscious thought that one day he would use it to humiliate or expose them, though depending on how early this issue with him and Mew and sex popped up, he may already have been thinking that Mew is a hypocrite and here was his proof. But even if that wasn't the case then, when he saw an opportunity to use Ray's feelings for Mew to his advantage in his play for Top, he pulled this up from the archives and recognized it was the perfect ammunition. And as I mentioned above, he has no qualms about using it to his advantage.
Tagging in @chickenstrangers who I know also had a lot of thoughts about Boston's photography, and @ranchthoughts @waitmyturtles in case you have anything to add on the voyeurism thread.
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13leaguestories · 10 months
It's funny to me that there are no doms in Sea of Stars because the whole time I was playing, I was thinking "Someone seriously needs to put you in your place MC, knock you down a peg"
Because she is just the most annoying little shit, I swear (I know I made her, but I'm afraid I made her too much of a brat).
So now that I know that, it's like, she is really getting away with it, huh, she's going to continue calling poor inoccent Zihr a good boy while making fun of him for not understanding, and continue annoying everyone for fun. She is just too powerful, can't be stopped.
Well, that's only with sex in mind. Seben 100% puts Moran not only through their paces but causes them to doubt themselves a few times. Tsering can go toe to toe with Moran on a lot of things (while simping, what a god), Sin also, though would rather be secretive, has their moments. Checl, has already called Moran out a few times and Zihr ain't scared to speak his mind especially when he gets more comfortable.
What I'm saying is, on that front. Sex front, meh lmfao. But that can also change, same as how Superstition changed because Rahim used to be a pretty good switch and now he's like 98% made of sub material. I have to write them first and get comfortable. So, who knows lmfao.
But also, any other story and I'd be like "ugh, you're right" but this one it's like "yes, be as bratty and as a cocky a little shit as you can be. EMBRACE IT!" Lmfao. I love Moran, I'm sorry. It's fun to finally write a MC that's like this after writing a lot of em that are like "what day is it?!"
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thatpunkmaximoff · 2 months
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[Book Two of…]
Story: 3 out of 5 Smut: 2.5 out of 5
I can’t believe it took me so long to finish this book. After flying through Hooked, I expected the same to happen for this one, but I just couldn’t get into it.
Don’t get me wrong, Emily has such a wonderful way of telling a story, but I guess the royalty one just wasn’t for me.
Tristan (Scar) is everything in this book! I thought it was gonna take a while for me to like him, but damn… Michael (Mufasa) was just the worst. You’ll be rooting for Tristan from the very beginning.
As for Sara… I normally like the FMC right away, but she rubbed me the wrong way and it took forever to even remotely like her. Like I know she’s angry and wants revenge, but the entitled attitude was a no for me. Fortunately, everything worked out in the end.
Other characters will pull you in- Simon (Simba) is just the cutest- and others will have you wanting to punch them. Not all of them are who they seem to be. Seriously, I was left gasping because of who turned out good and who turned out bad.
* So far, what I’m getting is Tristan = Scar, Michael = Mufasa, Xander = Zazu..
* Lmao. Tristan really wiped beneath his mother’s eye to prove she wasn’t crying and called her out. Damn ��
* “Long live the king” — That gave me chills.
* Faasa family. Ahh, I get it lol. But dang, they want revenge on the royal family..? This is going to be good.
* Is uncle Raf a modern Rafiki? If so, what happened to being the all-wise neutral party? lol.
* “I’m no one’s queen. I’m just the one who will burn the crown.”
* Oohhh. Is Simon (Simba) a- I hate this word, but it is what it is- a bastard that everyone pretends to not know is the new king’s child?
* And so Sara meets Tristan 😏 Sort of. I wonder how this is going to go down since she’s supposed to be married to Michael 👀
* Holy shit. Sara’s first night and a severed head is tossed at the feet of Michael. And she came with a warning from the Rebel King. Interesting…
* … and Sara’s just rubbed me the wrong way. I know she has ulterior motives, but pulling the “I am to be you queen, give me respect” just made me lose respect for her 😂
* Long live the rebel king!
* “I prefer you this way. On your knees, chest heaving, and face flushed while you stare up at your betters. Let this be a lesson, little doe. Don’t forget your place.” // “And where is that?” // “Trembling at my feet.” — yassss! lol.
* I am Team Tristan 100% 😏 Fuck Xander! I’m glad he got knocked down a couple of pegs.
* Tristan and his apparent nephew Simon are so cute 😩
* Poor Antony is about to meet his doom 😂
* Oh shit. Michael is hallucinating his dead father? Tristan is going to spin the “mad king” bit and sway people from supporting him.
* Someone needs to slap Marisol back into her place and FIND SHEINA!
* I just realized that Timothy and Paul are the human version of Timon and Pumba lol. Right?
* Oh fuck. Tristan’s trusted spy brought Sheina to the one place the rebels gather to fuck her..? wtf.
* Goddamn. Tristan is very displeased. I can’t- I can’t even write the words he said! Holy shit.
* I am not a fan of Sara finding out the castle’s secrets when she still wants to kill Tristan. I don’t trust this hoe!
* So wax play gets Sara going…
* “So you’re a witch on top of being my brother’s whore?” — goddamn 😂
* lol Edward’s punishment. I almost forgot Tristan was pissed at him.
* Oohhhh. Did she finally realize that Simon is Michael’s bastard kid?
* And Uncle Raf is here? Everyone’s just a major cockblock.
* I don’t trust uncle Raf. Or Xander. Something is up.
* My little liar… that’s what he’s been calling her this entire time 😂
* Holy shit. They’re fondling each other under the table with Michael right next to them. And someone poisoned the cousin?! And it wasn’t Tristan..? 👀
* Oh. Sara poisoned him 😂
* She should have slit that creepy bastard’s throat when she had the chance.
* Thank you, Tristan, for making him suffer. You’re a real one.
* Fuckkkk. The story of how Tristan got his scar..? Yeah, fuck Michael. He needs to die asap.
* He didn’t let her cum. What a dick 😂
* I knew something was fishy with Raf. Now he’s pinning Sara’s father’s death on the rebel king? On Tristan?! Why do I get the feeling that isn’t the truth either?
* He’s playing his brother like a fucking fiddle lmao.
* Damn. I like Sara finally standing up for herself to Marisol and Ophelia. But…
* …now Timothy’s dead because she didn’t listen. Although what are the rebels after? I doubt Tristan told them to do that unless they’re starting to not have faith in their rebel king.
* Knew someone went against his orders. But who and why?
* Oh shit. She let him fuck her 😬
* And now she knows he’s the rebel king. Let the shitshow begin.
* Fuck. Michael killed their father? And Xander and their mother nudged him the direction? wtf.
* “I am nothing if I’m not yours. So do it. Kill me, Sara. Put me out of this constant purgatory of needing you without having you.”
* … and she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t kill me. Was the dick really that good? 😂
* Shit’s gonna hit the fan! Tristan told her he didn’t kill her father and her uncle plans to use her as scapegoat so he can take the crown. For fuck’s sake.
* Oh Simon. You would ask Tristan to be your dad and break my heart in the process.
* Ophelia, you traitorous cunt! I can’t believe you snitched on Tristan and Sara. I hope they kill you.
* Marisol is a rebel!? What is going on?!?!
* Holy shit. He crowned Simon as king seven years later 😨
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ghastigiggles · 4 months
for the ask game!! kaveh, neuvillete, itto!
This was an easier one for me but I'm still happy about it because i FINALLY get to talk about someone I've been thinking too much about for a long time. SO
Trust Neuvillette because... yknow. Laughs in Furina kinnie. He'd take it way too fucking seriously but still think its cute, I think. Silly little humans and their silly little quirks, and all.
Wreck the SHIT out of Kaveh listen. listen to me I love him, right. He's great. He's sassy. HE NEEDS TO BE KNOCKED DOWN A COUPLE PEGS! There is nothing I love more than seeing the mighty fall hard and yknow! Sometimes his ass deserves it! (Props to the authours for constantly making this happen.)
GET WRECKED BY ITTO OH MY GOD. This is a personal FUCK YOU (/nm/lh) to ANY authour whose written ler Itto and put it in the tag because every time it KILLS ME. I'm glad we're all on the same page regarding his ass though. As much as I bitch I read it every time and it's always just... SOOOO good. And he's goofy! And he grew on me fast after I played his quests! And I might try to pull for him on his next rerun because of all of the above!
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the-diabolist · 2 years
37 Hours
-part 2-
c.w: more suggestive/explicit language, very dialogue-heavy, alcohol. ~1k
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As you walk into the kitchen, two kids run out, giggling. Maeve turns on her heel to follow them with nary a word of parting for you - which is fine, as far as you're concerned, because the conversation you're planning to have isn't going to be kid-friendly.
Your best friend is at the island counter, making a tray of snacks and sipping a glass of what appears to be a coke (but is probably mostly rum). You hop up onto a stool across from her and she glances up from her ants-on-a-log.
"Gwendolyn, I wanna climb your brother-in-law like a tree," you say in lieu of greeting.
"Oh honey no," she winces, "dear god. He's a mess."
"Good, I like 'em messy," you grin, waggling your eyebrows suggestively. She laughs. "Tell me what you knowww."
"Ugh, fine. As usual, your taste is terrible," she says, before taking a hearty swig of her drink. "He's 45... no, 46, I think? Whatever, mid-forties. He's a cop."
Your face scrunches up as if you'd just caught a whiff of something putrid.
"I know," Gwen continues, "but if it makes you feel any better, he's apparently quite a slacker. He's not, like, fueled by an all-consuming passion for justice or anything... not that I'm trying to sell you on this terrible idea," she reasserts.
"Hmm," you rest your chin on steepled fingers, considering. "Not necessarily a deal-breaker then. Go on."
Gwen rolls her eyes.
"Never been married, no girlfriend right now - as far as I know, anyway. Dylan says he's always been a player, never really gets serious, tends to have several girls on the hook at any given time."
"Casual works for me. And if I have to beat out a little competition to be his favorite, so be it. I like challenges. Proceed."
"He's moody, often cranky, not as emotionally mature as his age would suggest. His shit is not together in the slightest - his lifestyle basically hasn't changed since high school. And this is all coming from Dylan, I haven't spent much time around him myself."
None of the information she's spilled so far is grounds to terminate your plans for a fling, so you press on.
"And he just moved back here recently, right? I think you mentioned that a while ago."
You steal a sip from her glass while she arranges the platter of snacks in front of her. (You were right: rum.)
"Yeah. It's been a few months. He comes over every so often."
"He seems fairly decent with Maeve." You comment. Gwen shrugs.
"He's not bad. Apparently he doesn't usually like kids, but he's partial to her, I guess. Wish he'd stop smoking around her though."
You start laughing with a snort, nearly spitting out the handful of m&ms you'd just popped in your mouth.
"I uh. May have taken care of that for you," you snicker.
"No shit?" She raises her eyebrows, grinning. "Good girl. He needs someone to knock him down a couple pegs."
"I can definitely help him out with his pegging situation."
Gwen, who had just taken a swig of her drink, immediately does a spit take into the sink and starts laugh-coughing.
"Oh god, I love you," she cackles. "Listen, if you can manage that -- I'll give you fifty bucks."
"I'll do my best, trust me," you smirk. "But first I'm gonna sit on his face."
Your conversation is cut short as the glass door slides open and Maeve bounces back in, holding a folded piece of paper in one hand, which she extends to you.
"Uncle Jack said to bring you this," she says seriously, then begins to wreak havoc on some cookies. You silently meet her mother's eyes conspiratorially, then unfold the paper.
It's his portrait. You furrow your brow in confusion, wondering why he would send it back to you. You notice the corner, where you'd put your number, is torn off - then you flip it over and see he's written something on the back.
Keep this for your spank bank. - the big bad wolf
He watches you walk back to the house, admiring your form with even less restraint than his ravenous gaze had possessed while you were sketching. He thinks about how good you probably taste and nearly licks his lips. Finally, he looks over the drawing you'd left with him. It's a good likeness - you're clearly talented - but he does think you've exaggerated his attractiveness a bit. You must be just as smitten as you'd seemed.
They aren't jackal ears, but that would be an absurdly specific request for a child to make - and anyway, they look much the same, and it's uncanny enough as it is. His eyes travel down to the corner, where you've signed your name... and number. He smirks.
You'd left your supplies behind; he grabs a pencil, rips off the corner with your number, and scribbles something down before folding the picture into quarters and handing it off to a nearby Maeve.
As she runs off again, he lights another cigarette and leans back in his chair, visions of you flickering through his mind. The pretty arch your spine would make if he bent you over the back of the couch; the maddening way you'd moan for him, breathless and begging for more; the prefect view of your bouncing tits he'd have if you rode him.
If he walked inside right now and dragged you into the bathroom, would you let him stuff you full of his fingers? He saw how your thighs had pressed together in response to his lascivious comments - he was dying to know how wet he'd made you.
He bets you'd put up a good fight if he chased you. He bets fear looks really good on you. He bets he could get you to scream.
He's going to have a lot of fun with you.
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420technoblazeit · 1 year
Fun fact having watched every pov of haven that has vods at least once and my favorites at least three times (favorites being yours kribers and gawains) i have now started doing dialogue packets where i map out the exact way characters talk. There’s something wrong in my brain but im rolling with it
aklshghsalg have fun parsing through lux's hsitty fake british accent king. tbh a lot of c!aster's dialogue is them being a dick and prodding people for answers and then getting defensive when there's any pushback whatsoever. they constantly swing between taunting people and acting like the victim. it's like kokichi but if kokichi didnt have half his charisma and he let his paranoia completely overrun him all the time
key phrases: 'uh-huh yeah. sure' and 'oh really?' they also like using nicknames for other people to knock them down a peg. it usually doesnt work. basically whatever they can do to make people think theyre brushing them aside or not taking their opinion, criticisms especially, seriously. it's an inferiority thing and a defense mechanism, theyre trying to prop themselves up by any means. sometimes they really are just blind to their own faults but that's more from a need to think theyre in the right
pretty key to their characterization is that they always believe the person theyre talking to is looking to get something from them. or that theyre biding their time waiting to attack. so they'd rather get on the offensive first before the inevitable fallout. which surprise surprise! that fallout comes sooner if you act like a dick all the time. someone should really tell them that. not that theyll listen lmao
theyre also a massive hypocrite. for c!aster to justify the way they act they gotta go through some massive fucking mental gymnastics. a lot of this justification includes their past experiences with sleep + lux and just in general yk. theyre always a step behind because of their amnesia. if you were to really boil them down to their core theyre lost, physically and in terms of their identity. theyre angry that everyone else has some idea of who they were before they arrived at haven. they know that other people know more than them and in their mind knowledge = power so theyre weak. and that makes them do shitty things to try and get as much knowledge as they possibly can
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unladielike · 1 year
Send 🏈 for our muses to play a sport / ball game together // someone trying to get her in on a game that tem happens to be part of? 🤔
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        LOVE LANGUAGE: QUALITY TIME. » still accepting!
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    Honestly enough, Vivian had merely been content watching; after all, observing people in their natural habitat just so happened to be a hobby of hers, so she'll watch from afar while silently cheering on those who were pitted against some blond. Apparently, though, her name was Tem, a tidbit she only managed to pick up after around half an hour; either way, it doesn't take long for her to determine she dislikes this rude, ball hurling gremlin.
    Why, judging from the way she talked, Vivian could only conclude she was a bitch and that 2D women really were better. Seriously, Tem was so mean-spirited, she found herself frowning every now and then. Still, it didn't seem like her friends were particularly bothered by it, so she doesn't intervene; however... at some point, her presence was finally noticed, to the point where she finds her arm being pulled forward.
    "C'mon, play with us!" a tall, lanky boy then urges upon dragging her towards the volleyball court and by that point, Vivian's quick to frantically shake her head.
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    "O-Oh no, I couldn't possibly..." she protests before proceeding to yelp when without warning, he claps her on the back. God, talk about pushy... "It's fine! We're all mostly amateurs here, so you don't need much experience with volleyball at all! Just help me knock Tem down a peg, okay?" the boy then grins, causing Vivian to shoot him a tired look.
    "Fine... but if my whole body ends up drenched in disgusting sweat, you better buy me ice cream afterwards."
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moohnshinescorner · 3 months
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Betrayal Series Book 2
Axel betrayed me.
As hard as I tried to keep him out of my heart, he broke through it like shattered glass. Even though my father didn't approve and our relationship would always be a secret, I didn't care. He was worth it...until he wasn't.
Six months have passed, and that's exactly how long it's taken me to get over what he's done. I never see him at my father's estate. My father never mentions him. Like he never existed at all, he's wiped from the face of the earth.
Until my father tells me he's going to stab Axel in the back and replace him with someone new. I know what a mistake that will be, but my warning falls on deaf ears.
We finally come face to face for the first time. His ingenious plan knocks my father off his feet and he takes the business for his own. If my father wants it back, it's going to come at a price. A price that he won't have to pay--but I will.
And that's to marry him.
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Can I just say that book two just wants me to smack a whole lot of people. Let's start with Axel's parents. Seriously...like grow a pair and quit treating Axel like the enemy. I think I would just break my word already and let the dominos fall as they may. They don't deserve what Axel sacrifices for them.
Now let's move on to Dante. Man I think Axel should just take him out. I mean seriously he is a whiny little b. I thought he was suppose to be like a kingpin, tough as nails. But in this book a twist of faith will bring him down a peg or two. I understand where Axel is coming from in regards to how he handles Dante, but it is still frustrating.
This book consumed my energy and time. I was drawn in and could not put it down for one second. The ending just blew me away and left me panting for more. Axel and Scarlett are just so drawn together. Their chemistry is so strong that it is like they need each other like you need air to breath. But Scarlett is very naïve and I think she sees it for what it is, but is having a hard time accepting the truth.
This book has triggers of course. Murder, blood, gore, extreme violence, etc. hence the reason it is a dark romance genre. It is a continuation of It Kills Me, so be sure you have read book one first. This cannot be read as a standalone. It will however keep you on the edge of your seat and biting your nails. In this book we really get a deep dive into who Axel really is and he is just so beautiful. He was definitely dealt a bad hand in life. I feel terrible for him.
With a drop off ending I am dying to find out what happens next. Will Scarlett be the death of Axel? Or will Dante destroy everyone in his path of hatred?
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*Zero soon lunged with his misery ax only for Bun to kick him in the stomach which caused him to keel over and puke all the while complaining and yelling at him. The Hero just looks over and sighs.*
Bun:are you done?
*Bun was getting flashbacks to the old classmates he used to have and the people he knew. It was always the same. So much power and influence looking down on others and the second someone steps up or knocks them down a peg they cry and scream about how unfair everything was and how that deku shouldn't fight back and how he was wrong and yadayadayada.*
*the god charged turning his ax into a pair of bladed nunchucks and started swinging faster and faster as his weapon got progressively bigger shooting blades all over the arena as Bun with a stomp of his foot shot fire and manipulated the ground around him to make a large barrier to stop Zero from hurting others.*
Bun:don't! Do that!
*the Zero kept fighting as Bun Activated the quirk Foresight and started floated along with flying around dodging the attacks as soon Zerofuku weapon changed into a large spiked club and swing it hitting a flurry of feathers that shoot out at him as Bun was using his skills and analysis to get an upper hand. He soon saw Zero get so mad he turned the misery ax into a gaint weapon that sprouted several blades much bigger then even him as Bun used Fa-Jin and Blackwhip to dash to a free safe area and landed using the muscle tendons of his muscle power to soften his cannonball into the ground.*
Zero:WHY!? WHY ARE YOU NOT TAKING ME SERIOUSLY!? *he continued screaming about how he just wanted to be loved and how he tried his hardest and got punished for it.*
Bun:Zero. Get up. I think I see now. You don't really hate humans…do you?
Bun:you wanted to help others to spread happiness and joy but you didn't know how to do so and just saw the darkest parts of humanity. I..I was the same. I wanted to be a hero to help others and make everyone feel safe with a smile as I just liked helping others. I put my all into it only to be beaten down by the "blessed" and "More deserving" hero candidates even though they just wanted fame money or power. I almost considered ending my pain but couldn't because of my mother. Soon I came to meet someone who trained me and gave me the chance to become a hero. I took it. It wasn't what I thought it'd be. I saw hardships. I met some who wanted to be saved and others who didn't want to be saved. I faced so much unfair bias for things I could not control or I was hated for being blessed. I lost family friends and teachers. Like you I stared to hate most people for what they represent and what they've done. I soon realized I didn't want to be a hero. I just wanted to do good and help all I could with my life. Like me you wish to be loved by those close to you but you also want nothing more then to help others.
*he soon knelt down and held put his hand planting Randgriz into the arena floor.*
Bun:come on Zero. Let's do this like real mature men. Let's work and take our frustrations out.
*Zero looked at him like he was crazy but he soon rethought his life and Bun was right…he was jealous of Buddha he was angry at himself. He wanted to help. That's all he wanted…he needed to work on himself and love himself and keep helping all he can. He wants to do this! HE NEEDS TO DO THIS!*
*Zero threw his ax away feeling no misery both of them started laughing and smiling growing happy as they punched each other. Both remembering why they wanted to do what they did. Not out of hate but out of love. Zero wanted to help and loved spreading joy and happiness and Bun loved his fellow man and wanted nothing more then to help and save all who need it.*
*after the round of punching both of them fell on their backs laughing and enjoying their company Zero was about to forfeit and help Bun up as both his horns soon came off and slithered into his heart and mouth Bun reacted and charged to help but was knocked away by two dragons that consumed Zero and became a large scaly dragon like sphere that soon broke open with a sea of blood and out came a demon who towered over Any champion of the gods or of the humans. This was the demon who destroyed half of Nefilim this was the being who'd power was too much for his body and the demon who tried to tempt buddha from enlightenment. THIS WAS HAJIN*
Hajin:*walking out of the sea of blood as the blood forms clothes of him.* Devine reputation is coming for you Mortal.
Bun:what..what the fuck? WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ZEROFUKU!?
Hajin:consumed him completely and killed that third-rate god.
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