#He's a big softie and I'm sure he loves all his friends so much
pushing500 · 9 months
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The Tumblr poll has spoken!!
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Great timing, Randy. Appreciate it. 🙄
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He doesn't wanna talk about it. (in his defense it was very dark)
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The second time's the charm, it seems! No more fungus zombie infection to worry about for now.
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I think Laursen is feeling a little overprotective of his fellow cultists after the close call we've had, bless his heart <3
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withleeknow · 5 months
i think you'll do well with requests bc they seem to be popular in the fanfic side of tumblr! but even if it doesn't take off that quick, at least that'll be less overwhelming bc some ppl can be so demanding....anyways, i hope the best for you in this new journey haha 💝
me personally, i'm not very creative so i'll leave the details to the professionals (aka you) but i'd like to req something from minho's pov. i think those type of stories are SEVERELY lacking in the lee know fics department lol 🥲 it could be a childhood friends to lovers where he is pining for oc but he has a lot of self esteem issues and thinks she's not interested in him. also a big softie and just all around head over heels for her. you can add your magic! (if this is even remotely interesting enough to write lol i just want a minho pov tbh shsjjfjdjdj 😭)
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light years.
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summary: three times minho bites his tongue, and one time you don't let him.
pairing: minho x f!reader genre/warnings: childhood friends to lovers, fluff, angst; kissing, cursing, so much pining i could hurl. could this have been more edited? oh absolutely lmao but i actually don't hate it sooo this is what we're going with :p word count: 4.2k note: to the first anon, thank you so much for your kind words! :') and i'm sorry that this took me longer than expected. i was trying to figure out what i wanted to write for your prompt but then i got the second request with the song and i thought they would go nicely together hehehehe i hope the both of you enjoy thissss
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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I'm not sure what it means to love But I blink kind of slow around you I'm not sure what it means to love But I'll grow wherever you do What that means, I don't have a clue
I'm Not Sure - Margeaux Beylier
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Minho is 18 years old, and he doesn't know what love is, doesn't really care for it at all.
While his friends are out there wrapped in the clutches of young love - the kind that blooms with stolen glances in classrooms and sticky notes passed in secrecy, Minho finds it simply unnecessary. He doesn't understand it whenever Hyunjin whines about not having a girlfriend because they're still young, they've got all the time in the world for romance later down the line. It's not the end of the world like Hyunjin laments it is.
Minho has his own life to prioritize. College is starting after the summer and he still needs to figure out how he's going to cope with the absence of his cats once he moves away. He's got dancing and he's got his other hobbies to keep him fulfilled and occupied.
And above all, he's got you.
You're getting ready for your sister's wedding when it happens for the first time. Or rather, when it doesn't happen.
You step back into the room where Minho is waiting for you on the sofa, his gaze resting idly on the screen of his phone, scrolling absentmindedly through his friends' group chat even though he has no interest in whatever they're talking about. You cough lightly to indicate your return after disappearing into the bathroom minutes prior to change into your dress. He looks up upon your soft announcement, and when his eyes settle on you, he swears it feels like an invisible force has collided with his chest and knocked all of the air from his lungs.
Throughout all his years of knowing you, inseparable from childhood until now, Minho has never seen you like this - all dolled up with your hair falling over your collarbones, cascading over your shoulders in soft waves that beckons him to run his fingers through. The light blue dress hugs you beautifully, the silky material catching the light from outside the window every time you shift on your feet under his steady gaze.
"So...?" you ask, moving your arms awkwardly behind your back like you're not sure what to do with them. "What do you think?"
What does he think?
Minho thinks you might just be the prettiest girl in the world. He thinks he must have been an idiot his whole life, to have spent most of his waking hours beside you and not once has he noticed how truly breathtaking you are. He thinks about the feeling that spreads in the pit of his stomach, sends warmth throughout his body and makes his heartbeat race a million miles an hours.
Your best friend blinks slowly as he savors the warmth that he's never experienced before. It's similar to the feeling you get when you're sitting under the shade of a big tree on a summer's day. It's comparable to the satisfied tranquility you get after you've just finished a hearty meal. A little hazy in your contentment.
It's not until you probe with a pointed Well? that Minho realizes he's been staring at you in silence for a few minutes now. He swallows thickly, willing away the words that he wants to say but they get lodged in his throat. He reckons it's weird to verbalize them, because it's not how the two of you function. You don't often utter that kind of sentiment out loud and he doesn't either. Never have and likely never will.
In the end, he bites his tongue. "You look presentable," is what he settles on.
You roll your eyes, then reward him with a laugh.
Minho doesn't care about love. He only cares about you.
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Minho is 21 years old, and he's gotten used to his heart beating erratically whenever he's in your presence.
Three years flew by in the blink of an eye, and graduation is just around the corner. You've always done well in school, straight A student with a track record that most could only dream to have. You put in the hours, you do the work. You deserve everything that you've achieved.
But it's been a challenging few months for you both, being seniors and all. He's had to watch you struggle to stay on top of your classes while also having to slave over a thesis 24/7 until you were sure it was perfect. It reduced you to tears a few times, and Minho was there to hold your hand through it all.
He held you in his comforting embrace when you wanted to give up. He made you dinner when you were too immersed in your schoolwork to notice that you'd forgotten to eat. He was your biggest support system; if it weren't for him, you don't know if you would've made it through.
It's hot outside today, a little unbearable but not uncharacteristic for June. Minho waits in a familiar hallway, the same hall that he's walked past for hundreds of times over the past few years, the same hall that he won't see again once he holds a degree in his hands in only a few weeks' time.
As he sits on an old wooden bench, he bounces his leg as if he's one of the people in the classrooms that line the hall. He doesn't have to be on campus today, but here he is regardless because you're scheduled for your thesis defense this morning. You're in one of those rooms, probably also bouncing your leg from the overwhelming nerves. Minutes feel like hours; you went in there a while ago after he had sent you off with a pat on the head and an encouraging Godspeed.
He's nervous for you, but he's sure that you'll do great. Years of hard work accumulating in what must be the most important moment of your academic journey. You even stayed up all night last night, refusing to sleep a wink just to revise your arguments and talking points.
Minho's head snaps up instantly as he hears a door creak open, the sound of it reverberating throughout the empty hallway like a gong announcing your return from battle. It takes you a few seconds to step out of the room and into his line of sight. He can't see you very well with all this distance between you, but he can still make out the way your frame is visibly shaking with every step you take. He rises to his feet, and you break into a sprint.
He opens his arms wide - a hug of consolation or congratulations, he doesn't know yet - but he still can't seem to brace himself for the collision. You run straight into his embrace, your warms wounding around his middle tightly. Minho feels your tremors, hears your sniffles from where you're pressing your cheek against his shoulder.
"How did it go?" he asks gently.
You start crying then, and he doesn't know if the tears that his shirt is soaking up are those of joy or of grief, but he holds you through it anyway. He swears he can feel every single beat of your heart, hammering so wildly as you're pressed against him like you could sink into him if only you'd push just a little bit more.
"I passed," you say in between sobs. "I got an A."
Minho heaves out the breath that he's been holding ever since you entered that classroom, but it's not like he had any doubt about it to begin with. He hugs you tighter than he's ever had before, and he loves you just the same.
You two must look so dramatic, all wrapped up together in your own little bubble, but who the fuck cares? Although, when another student passes by and coughs, you do break away from him, a little embarrassed for a second.
Even with your hair all mussed up and your flushed cheeks stained with tears, he still thinks you look the same as you did when you were 18 at your sister's wedding. The prettiest girl in the world.
Minho wipes away the wetness on your face with his sleeves, then swipes with gentle thumbs at the moisture that's gathered along your lash lines.
"Holy fucking shit," you breathe out, your shoulders sagging with evident relief, so much more relaxed now that you've done it. "I can't believe it's finally over."
Your best friend can't entirely agree, because he's always believed in you. He's had faith in you since the beginning, since you were mere children laughing and crying together on the playground. You were meant to do great things, this was always crystal clear to Minho.
I love you, he thinks as he smooths a hand over your hair, his chest swelling with nothing but pride and fondness for you. You did so well.
But it's not what he ends up telling you. He swallows it down, washes it away with a dose of regret and longing. He's still not the type to express sappy sentiments, and he's grown accustomed to adoring you only in secret.
"Let's go," he says softly. "I'll buy you dinner."
Minho is still young, he's still got his whole life ahead of him, but he knows what love is now. He knows that it's you.
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Minho is 24 years old, and he finds it hard to make peace with the fact that you're starting to get out there, that you're finally going on dates now that academics aren't taking up most of your time anymore.
To be fair, none of the guys you've seen have been graced with a second date, and Minho thanks his lucky stars whenever you return from a night out and text him a simple Not it. He knows that it wasn't your decision in the first place, that your mom and your sister have been setting you up on blind dates because they want to see you bring a boyfriend home.
You complain about it all the time, whining about how you're not interested but your family is adamant on it. Minho is well aware, and yet, there's a part of him that's a little shaken, because what if? What if the universe miscalculates and the stars misalign just enough in his misfortune for you to cross paths with someone who's absolutely perfect for you? Someone who's a good man that can give you what you've always deserved to have.
He really doesn't know what he would do if that happens. When it happens?
He doesn't know why you're here tonight either, sitting on a chair on the other side of his kitchen island in a pretty dress when you're supposed to be going on a date in half an hour. The guy apparently works for a big record label, some producer that your sister knows through a friend of a friend.
You look indifferent, kind of bored, as you watch Minho makes dinner for himself. "You seem miserable," he comments, taking a quick break from chopping vegetables to glance up at you. You do look a bit miserable, but you're still the most beautiful in his eyes.
You throw your head back and groan loudly, "Because I am. God, I don't know why they keep making me do this. These guys always give nothing."
"Please elaborate."
"They're all boring suits with tedious routines." you say, and as absentminded as your tone is, it sounds a little pointed to Minho's ears. "They don't make me laugh."
Do they not make you laugh, or do they not make you laugh more than I can?
"Then don't go," he snickers, though there's no humor in his voice at all. "These guys sound like duds. Just tell your sister to fuck off."
"Do you mean that? Do you really think I shouldn't go?"
And there's something in your gaze, something so suddenly expectant in the way you're looking at him that makes Minho wonder. If he says yes, would you listen? Would you stay here with him? Would you stay here for him?
I'm serious. Don't go. You can have this and I'll make myself ramyeon. Just be here with me.
You both stare at each other on either side of his kitchen island for an infinite stretch of time. He feels like your eyes are trying to tell him something that he can't decipher, as if they're sending him signals in a language that he never learned how to read.
For a second there, he indulges himself. He pretends that you're only asking because you want to hear him say it. That you want him to put up a fight and not let you go.
But he bites his tongue because it's become a bad habit. A habit that he can't shake because he simply doesn't have the courage to do so. Because if you stay here tonight, looking like that under the cozy lighting of his living room, he might just spill his secrets and he wouldn't be able to take it when reality comes crashing down and you end up telling him that you've never felt the same way.
"I'm kidding," he musters up the words, and tries to plaster on a smile for your sake, even though he's not sure if you really believe it. "You're dressed up anyway. Go and get a free fancy dinner, if anything."
Minho knows what love is, but his love has always lived in the shadows, his longing has only existed in the dark that it terrifies him just thinking about it meeting the light.
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Minho is 26 years old, and he's been a coward for the better part of a decade.
Maybe he's loved you for even longer, but he has spent the past eight years head over heels in love with you, and not once has he done anything about it. Never been able to gather enough courage to ask you out, never even hinted at his feelings for you. He loves you from his place by your side and yet, you've never known.
He loves you the most, but he loves you in the worst way that a person can love another - he loves you in silence.
You're the prettiest girl in the world, and Lee Minho is a pathetic coward.
All these years, he's kept quiet and for what? There's always a spot reserved for him right next to you and yet, it feels like he can only watch you from the sidelines, far away from where it really matters, because he doesn't think he can fit into your life the way he truly wants. You taught him what love was, and love, to Minho, is unattainable. Something he can spend the rest of his life yearning for but won't ever have.
Love hurts. Sometimes, all love does is hurt.
"I would've taken you to a nice restaurant if you asked, you know," he says, putting a chocolate cupcake on the coffee table in front of you before he sits down next to you on the fluffy carpet of your living room. He pulls out a candle next, placing it right in the center of the sweet treat.
Your gaze follows his hand has he lights the candle, your eyes glinting with excitement as though you're a child again and your favorite day of the year is still your birthday. The tiny flame curves and bends, dancing to a rhythm that looks like only you can hear. You watch the candle like it's magic, while Minho just watches you, thinking the same thing.
He watches as you close your eyes and clasp your hands together for the theatrics, then you blow out the flame seconds later with a swift breath.
You turn to him with a smile, "I don't need a nice restaurant. This is perfect."
He blinks, and there's that warmth simmering in his belly again. He first felt it when he was 18, and he feels it now. He feels it almost every moment that he spends with you, and he reckons it's only reasonable, because you're his home personified and love can still be beautiful even when it hurts. There's his heart racing again, but that's nothing new to Minho.
He muses over your words. Perfect. Just one simple word is enough to get his hopes up in a way that it really shouldn't.
Your definition of a birthday well spent is in your cozy apartment, eating takeout pizza with your best friend. Perfect, to you, is him baking you a singular chocolate cupcake upon your request and being with him within these four walls, where his fingers occasionally brush yours when you sit next to each other.
Oh, Minho would follow you to the ends of the earth if you asked him to.
He clears his throat lightly, breaking away from your gaze that's full of gratitude and childlike wonder. "What did you wish for?"
"I'm not gonna tell you. It won't come true then."
Wishes don't come true anyway, he thinks, but obviously he won't say it out loud to you, and on your birthday no less. Instead, he diverts his attention to the cupcake, subconsciously tonguing his cheek as he takes a small chunk of the sweet and offers it to you.
You let him feed you even though your eyes are narrowed. "What was that look?" you ask.
"What look?"
"You had a look."
"No, I didn't," Minho insists.
"Yes, you did. You wanted to say something, didn't you?"
He shrugs, popping a piece of cupcake into his own mouth. The answer is yes, he did want to say something, but if you want to get technical about it, then he's wanted to say something for years now. He asks you the same thing every birthday, What did you wish for?, and you would refuse to tell him every time.
"Wishes don't come true," he verbalizes it this time, with a voice that's lighthearted on purpose despite knowing that you wouldn't take it that seriously either way.
You roll your eyes. "Now you're just being pessimistic."
"What? I'm speaking from experience."
"You've never had a birthday wish come true?"
"My birthday wishes haven't come true since I was 18."
Minho feels your eyes on the side of his face, and when you remain quiet for a beat too long, he turns his attention back to you. "What?"
"How do you know they didn't come true?"
Because you've been my wish for almost a decade now. I didn't use to believe in wishes but I always believed in you. Every year, I wish for you to look at me the way I look at you, but it never comes true. Every year, I wish that you would love me back, not just as a friend, but you never do. You are my wish, but you're also the very reason why I know wishes don't come true.
Then he's laughing, but nothing is remotely funny about this. It's your birthday and suddenly all he can think about is how much it stings to be reminded that you're the only thing he'll ever wish for, and still, maybe this simple wish is absurd enough that the universe will never grant him what he truly wants.
"Never mind," he says. "This whole thing is silly."
There he goes, biting his tongue again. Coward.
"No, what were you going to say?"
"You're so bossy today," Minho pretends to complain.
"It's my birthday. Tell me," you press on, and suddenly he can't find any appreciation for your stubbornness that he's adored all his life. You keep your eyes fixed on him when all he wants to do is hide from you.
What is he supposed to say to you? What can he even say? That he's spent more than a third of his life hopelessly enamored with you? That the second he utters any of this out loud, he knows it will be the end of your friendship?
And Minho can't afford to lose you. Even if it hurts, he would rather let love hurt than live in the absence of you.
"Eat your cupcake," he says instead. "I'll get some ice cream."
He makes a move to get up, and the bad habit further cements its place in his subconscious. He's always running away from you when you're supposed to be the person he can be the most open with. This is how he knows he doesn't deserve you.
But you reach for his wrist and it makes him still, the feeling of your hand sliding downward to hold onto his fingers. He's used to the feeling of your smaller hand in his, used to how he can hear his heartbeat in his ears whenever you lace your fingers together.
What he isn't accustomed to, is the look on your face this very second, akin to the one you wore two years ago as you sat on the other side of his kitchen island, asking him if you should go.
Expectant and hopeful; you're holding something back too.
The words that slip from your lips are ones that he never imagined you would say to him.
"I've waited for you long enough."
His poor excuse of retrieving ice cream is all but forgotten as he stares at you, doe-eyed and despairingly confused. "What is that supposed to mean?"
You take a breath, and Minho wonders if this is how he looked every time he wanted to say something only to back down in the end.
Then it all comes rushing out.
"For a while, I thought there might've been something between us, something more than just friendship. I don't know why I thought that, I just had a feeling. On the day of our graduation, I thought you would finally kiss me or at least say something, but you didn't. Whenever I went on dates, I wanted you to tell me not to go, that I was wasting my time with those guys that couldn't make me laugh because they weren't you. You never said anything, you never did anything. I waited every birthday just like I waited tonight. You're still holding it over me and I'm starting to wonder if you really love me too or if I imagined everything this whole time."
Your voice gets smaller toward the end, almost as if the uncertainty takes over you the longer he remains silent. He doesn't have the words for it, doesn't really have the mental capacity to process all of what you just professed. Years and years of longing, of hoping that you would come running into his arms the same way you did on the morning of your thesis defense, and it turns out that you were always the one waiting for him to reach you.
If you really love me too.
Your fingers start to loosen around his but Minho doesn't let you get away, not now and not ever again. Not when he finally knows that he's burnt up enough of your time just because he was too stuck in his head to see that you were holding a hand out for him all along.
He pulls you into his orbit and he likes to imagine that somewhere out there in the infinite universe, two stars collide when he kisses you for the first time, long overdue but still heavenly nonetheless.
He's crying but you don't seem to mind the tears. You're kissing him back and it's really all that matters. He can't think straight but he adores you to the point that his lungs ache.
"I love you," he mumbles against your lips. The sentiment comes out clumsy, half coherent but wholeheartedly sincere. "I'm sorry. I love you, I love you, fuck, I love you."
You're the one who breaks the kiss first, with your hand on his chest gently pushing him away. Panic instantly shoots through him like a lightning strike. These are the words he's been holding back for years, did he not even say them right? Did he fuck things up yet again?
You brush the tears from his cheeks, your voice so impossibly soft when you ask, "Do you mean it?"
Minho splinters into a million pieces, of course he does.
Your name falls from his lips, sounding like a prayer, like the most tender plea that's ever been uttered, "I love you the most. I'm so in love with you that it hurts. I've been yours for so long and I never said anything. Fuck, I-I'm sorry. I love you so much. I'm sorry. I-"
You bring his face to yours once more, shushing him with a kiss that makes him putty in your hands. You tell him that it's okay, and you kiss him like you forgive him. The world could be ending right now, and he doesn't think that either of you would even care very much.
Because you're the only wish of his life, and you kiss him as though you want to make up for the lost years. Because Minho feels like he's 18 again and you're the most beautiful girl in the world, wearing a smile that leaves him breathless in the most wonderful way possible.
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 06.05.2024]
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slvt4felix · 9 months
'Twas the Night Before Christmas...
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Pairing -> Dad!Bang Chan x fem!reader WC -> ~3,300 words Includes -> lots of fluff, so domestic, dad!Chan with twin girls, Christmas activities, implied female reader, brief mentions of pregnancy, baking fights Summary -> Now that your twins are 4 years old, it's time to pull out all the tricks for Christmas morning. The memory making for Chan and you starts when the kids go to bed, the two of you preparing for the morning to come. Author's Note -> I couldn't help but write a Christmas Chan fic. He was the perfect one for it. I'm a big softie for dad Chan. He would be so sweet. So, I hope you guys enjoy this one as much as I did! I spent all Christmas morning writing it! Happy Holidays! ♡ Masterlist ♡
You close the pink painted door softly behind you and immediately smile at your husband. He's standing beside you, hand covering his mouth, trying his best to hold in his giggle. His eyes sparkle with excitement. You guys have had this night planned for weeks, wanting to get it right. Your twin girls are turning 4 this year, and that means it's time to step it up. You guys want the Christmas magic to stay alive for as long as possible, so you need to start strong. There has obviously been lots of presents from Santa during previous years, but you both decided that it's time to really go all out now that they are starting to become more aware of the festivities of the Christmas season.
The whole thing had been Chan's idea, of course. The poor guy had been absolutely smitten with his daughters since they were born, and now they truly had him wrapped around their fingers. In fact, you guys have just managed to put them to sleep after reading not 1, not 2, but 4 stories to them, Chan eventually helping them beg you for the fourth one; it was his favorite, too, after all. He loves to read it to the girls, making them laugh at all the silly voices he creates for the different characters. He even softly sings some of the lines to them, which always results in your babies falling right asleep. They try to deny it, but their dad's voice always manages to put them right to sleep, their eyes falling closed and soft snores leaving their mouths. At that point, you practically have to drag Chan out due to him always wanting to curl up right next to them and make sure they are safe while they sleep. It's one of the things you adore most about your husband. He would do anything for your girls.
The two of you tiptoe away from the door, in hopes not to wake them up for it takes an awful long time to put them back to sleep. Chan reaches down and grabs your hand, pulling you to the living room even faster, unable to wait any longer to start on the Christmas fun.
Your house is decked out in decor from floor to ceiling, both of you in love with the festivities of the holiday season. It had been another night a few weeks before when the two of you had stayed up until the early hours of the morning, decorating the entire house for your kids to wake up to in the morning. Chan had been so excited when hearing their little feet pitter patter on the hallway outside their rooms that he had immediately sprung up to see their reactions. Just like you had expected, their little eyes lit up and they were amazed by all the lights and tinsel strewn around the house. Chan had made nearly the same face the night before after everything had been set up. You adore seeing all the little characteristics they inherited from their dad. Even though it was quite annoying hearing people mention how much they look like him after you carried them for 9 months, but Chan was never too cocky about it.
When you get to the living room, you pull away from Chan, plopping down on the tan couch covered in fuzzy Christmas blankets and throw pillows. You let out a large content sigh after a long day of seeing different family and friends for the holiday. Christmas day is reserved for your small family and grandparents. You had managed to come home by 7, but there were still many things to do; this included having to bake cookies, which lead to an unfortunate flour fight and the kids staying up way past their bedtime. Now, it's 9:30 pm, and all you wanna do is cuddle up with Chan and put on a silly Hallmark Christmas movie. He complains every year, but you know he secretly loves them.
Feeling you let go of his hand, Chan looks at you and gives you sad puppy dog eyes and pouty lips.
"But we need to set up all the stuff for the morning," he reminds you, eager to get started.
"I know honey, but it's not even 10 yet, we have tons of time. Plus we still need to clean up the kitchen from your little baking fight."
Chan laughs at the memory of your two children, absolutely covered head to toe in flour. They sneak chocolate chips from the bag as the two of you finish up, sticking the cookies in the oven. Bath time was a whole event today.
"I know, I'm just excited," he tells you as he approaches the couch. He lays his hand on your cheek, tilting your head up. He leans down, placing a kiss on your forehead.
You blush slightly, as he whispers, "I love you," his words still having the same affect even after all these years.
"i love you too."
He pulls away and turns around, heading into the kitchen.
"Wait, where are you going?" you ask him, confused. All you wanted was to rest a minute and maybe have a cuddle or two.
"I'll clean up the kitchen, you just close your eyes for little while. It's been a long day. I'll wake you up when it's time to start getting everything ready for the morning," he explains, sending a wink your way. You laugh at his antics and let him go clean up the kitchen.
You start to get comfy on the couch, excited to take a few minutes to yourself during the busy holiday season. You hear muffled music start to come from the kitchen. You smile upon hearing the familiar tunes of traditional Christmas music. Chan can never work or clean without music playing, but you guess the love for music aligns well with his career. You've never been one to say no to music, although it did take a while for your love for Christmas music to grow. You have Chan to thank for that one. Your eyes fall shut, the soft sounds lulling you to sleep.
You start to stir due to fingers lightly threading through your hair. You open your eyes to see the same excited, brown eyes you wake up to every morning. He smiles when he notices you're awake. You can tell he has something to tell you simply from his body language. You have gotten to know everything about each other and there's little you don't notice. He shifts slightly as he kneels next to you, anxious to get the information out.
"I cleaned up the kitchen, but I've got a great idea," he says. You roll your eyes in fondness, as you sit up to make room for him on the couch. He sits down next to you, pulling your legs into his lap. He can't keep things from you for long. You're his favorite confidant. He often comes home from work and spills everything that happened. You're always the first one to hear new songs, your kids always the next in line to hear their dad sing with his band.
"It'll be messy, but I promise it'll be worth it. The girls are gonna be so amazed," he says, trying to convince you. It doesn't take much for you to agree with him, since your kids are easily impressed.
"Okay, I think it's been long enough, I doubt they're gonna wake up any time soon. Show me what you got Christopher," you say, sparking an instant reaction in the man. He shoots up from the couch, rushing to your shared bedroom. You laugh as you notice him slow down to tiptoe past the kids room before going back to his mission. He comes back, just a couple minutes later with a large pair of boots he must have dug through your closet to find. They are probably from a concert he had years prior. Chan had probably liked the boots a little too much and begged the stylists to keep them.
"What in the world are you gonna do with those?" you ask him, genuinely curious. This was one of the few times where you had no idea where this conversation was heading. That wasn't too surprising though, considering how creative the man is. He sets the boots gently on the floor, careful not too make too much noise in fear of waking the girls up. They aren't necessarily light sleepers, but a chunky pair of boots hitting the wood floors would definitely make them rouse from their beds. He heads back into the kitchen to retrieve God knows what.
He comes back out with a giddy smile on his face, and the culprit for the earlier mess in his hand. Flour. You chuckle, immediately realizing what his idea entails.
"You're a genius," you say, shaking your head with affection.
You stand up, taking the flour out of his hand and placing it on the coffee table.
"This is gonna have to happen last though. We don't wanna mess it up before morning hits." He nods his head in agreement.
"Let's get the presents out and then let's worry about the cookies," Chan suggests. You head into your bedroom together, heading to your secret hiding spot for the presents. You open your closet up, a place your kids don't normally get into. You immediately take notice of how some of the presents have been shuffled onto the one side of the closet. You hold in a laugh upon realizing Chan had to shove the presents aside in order to grab his black boots. You carefully grab a few of the presents and Chan grabs a few more, always eager to show off the muscles he works hard for in the gym.
You head back into the living room, placing the presents under the tree. You had made sure to wrap each of the girls' presents in different wrapping paper so it would be easier for the four year olds to tell which present was theirs.
Eventually, the both of you have stacked up the presents under the tree, resulting in an impressive sight of gifts. Your little girls will be unable to contain their excitement at all the wrapped toys. A lot of them had to be similar due to their tendency to fight over toys. You are still trying to teach them sharing, but they tend to struggle with it a little bit. Chan has gotten good at sorting out the fights, being able to pick out the right words to say in order to stop the arguing. Unsurprisingly, he just has that leader quality about him that makes people listen to what he has to say, especially his two kids.
As your admiring the plenty of presents, you spent more money than you'd like to admit on, you barely notice as Chan leaves the room. He comes back with something behind his back and it quickly draws your attention. You notice the small wrapped gifts behind his back and smile. There had been a year where you guys had decided not to get each other anything, but you have been unable to ever go through with it. Chan tends to go all out for Christmas gifts and so do you, so there was no shot at trying to hold back. He simply goes to the side of the tree, pretending like he doesn't know you had seen him. He sets the three variously sized boxes down behind the gifts for the children. You decide to grab the gifts you had gotten for Chan in the morning, knowing there is bound to be a time when the girls will be distracting him enough for you to sneak them under the tree. He had been complaining about his computer lately, groaning in frustration when it would glitch or run out of battery too quickly. So, you had gotten him a nicer one for Christmas, especially since he uses the thing so much. You know he'll love it and you're excited to see his reaction. He'll thank you for days, even weeks, after.
Since the presents are all settled under the tree, you head into the kitchen, grabbing the plate of still warm chocolate chip cookies the kids left out. They were getting overtired, so you had promised them you would place the cookies where Santa could see so he could have a treat on his journey across the globe.
You make your way back into the living room to see your husband swaying gently to the Christmas music, still playing from when he had been cleaning up the kitchen. He's texting on his phone; you assume it's one of the boys considering he always seems to be texting them about one thing or another. You set the cookies down on the coffee table and walk behind him. You wrap your arms gently around his waist and go onto your tiptoes, hooking your chin over his shoulder.
"Who are you texting?" You ask with no malice in your tone, just simple curiosity. He smiles, leaning back gently into your touch.
"Felix was asking about what our plans were for tomorrow. He wanted to come over to see the girls and give them their gifts," he says. You're sure that by the end of the night tomorrow, a few of the boys from his group will have stopped by. The girls love them, especially Felix and, surprisingly enough, Seungmin. He entertains them little, but the man has somehow caught the kids' hearts.
You nod against his back as he turns his phone off and places it back in his pocket, giving you his full attention. He places his hands over yours, and you hum in content, completely and fully happy with the life you're living. One of Chan's hands grips your wrist and he spins out of your hold. His grinning face now looking back at yours. He pulls you in gently by the waist, his body still swaying to the beat of the music. You wrap your arms around his neck, quickly catching onto his aim here. In the background, "White Christmas" plays, one of your favorite Christmas songs, a fact Chan is all too aware of.
He starts to gently lead you in a slow dance, a tradition the two of you have followed since the first year you were married. You had still been in your honeymoon stage when it had started, getting married just a month before. It was your first Christmas Eve together as husband and wife, and in the middle of baking cookies for a family gathering the next day, Chan had asked you to dance with him. Since then, you have slow danced every year on Christmas Eve to various Christmas songs. It has slowly but surely become one of the main things you look forward to within the holiday season. He dances with you on other occasions, but for some reason, it feels so much more special when the only light comes from the soft glow of the Christmas tree, muffled Christmas music fills the room, and the smell of cookies wafts throughout the house.
You spin slowly around the room, ensuring not to step on Chan's feet. Your fingers gently play with the hair on the nape of his neck as your head lays on his chest. His fingers have found their way to your slightly raised shirt, softly rubbing the exposed skin along your waist, causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin. He never fails to have the same effect on you even after 6 years of marriage and two children.
You hear Chan start to softly sing the tune, and you get lost in the sound of his voice. Your eyes closed, appreciating the delicate moment between the two of you.
However, as the song nears it's end, you are quickly thrown out of the calmness. Chan runs his hand up to the dip of your back, holding you gently there, as he attempts to lean you back in what he hopes to be a romantic dip. It turns out to be a dramatic fail, as you lose your footing due to the surprise and he tumbles to the ground with you. You both land on the soft rug which blankets both of your falls, keeping either of you from getting hurt. Chan immediately panics, terrified he hurt you. You quickly reassure him, knowing how worked up he could get over this.
Before long you're both in a heap on the floor, unable to control your laughter. You giggle softly in his neck as he hugs you, still trying to keep relatively quiet, not wanting to wake up the girls who are sleeping in just a room over.
"Alright we have to get started on everything else. It's getting late," you whisper in his ear, aware that Chan would lay here with you forever if he could.
He slowly gets up before grabbing your hand, helping you to your feet. You make your way back over to the cookies.
"Alright, do you want a bite of the cookie, or do you want me to?" Chan questions.
"You can take the bite," you say, remembering how excited he had been for this whole thing. Not to mention you had snuck a cookie when Chan had tried to gather the girls up for bedtime.
He takes a bite, humming at the taste. He sets the cookie back down on the plate after making sure the perfect amount had been bitten off. It has to look like Santa had taken a bite of it the night before. Next, your eyes land on the glass of milk next to the plate. He nods to you, and you drink half of it so that it is noticeable that someone drank some.
Once you set the glass down, Chan excitedly hands you the flour and grabs his boots from where had set them down earlier. He only puts one on at first, but you remind him that Santa would make footprints with both feet and he rushes to put the other one on.
You bring the flour over to the fireplace and dump a tiny bit on the brick that extends a little out from it. You spread it gently with your hand, rubbing the excess on your pants. Chan steps straight onto the flooring, pushing down, to ensure a footprint will appear. He steps away and just like you had expected, a pair of big boot footprints show in the flour, facing away from the fireplace. The two of you make a path of footprints leading to the cookies, then to the tree. The flour looks as if it were snow brought in from outside. Chan's boots made nearly the perfect replica of Santa's footprints.
You stand back, admiring your work, knowing the girls are going to freak in the morning.
"You're definitely cleaning that up in the morning," you tease him with a laugh despite knowing he would do it without you even having to ask.
You work quickly as a team, putting all of the evidence away, before getting ready for bed. You were both already in your matching Christmas pajamas, you had bought for your family this year. The girls were just as eager to wear them as you were. Chan had pretended to hate it at first, but you knew he was just messing around. He secretly adored doing all the silly, cringy family things you asked him to.
After brushing your teeth and washing your face, you crawled into bed with him. You lay your head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat rhythmically in your ear, lulling you into a deep sleep.
Before you slip into unconsciousness, you whisper out, hoping your husband is still awake, "Merry Christmas, Channie."
"Merry Christmas, Darling."
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like-a-omen · 3 months
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Best friend! Noah thoughts because he's been on the brain alot lately
18+ below the cut minors DNI
Best friend noah would definitely sit there and watch you try on all the new clothes you just bought just to wait till you finished trying stuff on to pull you to the bed and eat you out because you was already in just your underwear why waste a good opportunity?
Best friend noah would secretly love it when you get bored watching him play video games because that means gaming head and that's definitely in his top 3 favourite kinds of head from you
Best friend noah would always get you flowers on February 13th never the 14th because that's valentines day and that's for couples, but deep down he wants to make sure you have something nice to wake up to on valentines day because he's a big softie that cares
Best friend noah waking up in the middle of the night after you'd both accidentally fallen asleep to whatever show you both wasn't really watching, being too preoccupied with eachother initially to care about the show. The glow from the TV is just enough to see you in the dark sleeping peacefully cuddled into him he smiles to himself before pulling you closer, he won't admit it but it's moments like these that he cherishes and secretly hopes that no other man gets to have with you.
Best friend noah suggests a new games night tradition. Whoever loses the chosen game you guys play that night has to give the winner victory head, however after round one the game is quickly forgotten as it doesn't take long for the prize to escalate into noah thrusting into you. As you both lay there catching your breath, he can't help but turn to you with that goofy smirk on his face "so wanna lose again?"
Best friend noah calling you up all excited because the anime you both had been waiting what felt like forever for the next season had finally dropped, before you know it he's in your bed the array of snacks and drinks spread out in preparation for binging the whole season in one sitting.
I hope you all enjoy the best friend noah brainrot has hit me like a train lately
Its not much and definitely not the greatest but I'm tempted to give writing a bit more of a go this was quite fun to create 😊
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leeneir · 10 months
Relationship; Iso x Gender Neutral!Reader Headcanons
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This is my first time posting stuff like this so idk how it fully works but I'm figuring things out🫶
These are mostly based off of what I have written for my Iso x oc ship, I'm sorry for that but take what you like💙💙🫶
Iso at first introduction isn't talkative. He's not necessarily an asshole, but he is introverted. Either you'll have to pull the first move quickly, or let him warm up to you
Very much goofy. If you have loose locks of hair, Iso will push it back and forth with his finger like a cat.
Iso LOVES food, but he's also picky. He's the type to eat his favorite food nonstop, but if there's something he doesn't like, he won't eat it. If you don't mind, he'll let you have it.
Boy is RICH. Not like presumably Chamber, but he's an infamous assassin that can kill dozens at a time. He's got money for sure. Iso will spoil you with clothes, food, items, literally anything you want he'll buy it for you. Oh, there's a really nice top you saw at the store earlier? He'll buy all the options available. (Bonus: He knows your size and preferences.)
LOVES holding you. It doesn't really mean holding you. Iso will simply put a hand on the small of your back and just keep it there while you're talking to other agents.
Iso is a jealous type but it isn't too much of an issue. He'll notice how you were extra chatty with Yoru during training or how you volunteered to help Sage the entire day and he'll get a bit annoyed that you aren't spending time with him too. Later that, he'll come into your room with a knock and literally just bury his face in your neck while keeping his arms firmly around your waist. You wouldn't see it, but he's definitely pouting.
Adding on to the last HC, Iso will stay like this with you even though your standing. If you complain that your tired, he'll simply pull away, pick you up, and carry you to your bed where he'll snuggle up to you for the next few hours.
Iso isn't open about your relationship. He's not one for PDA, the most he'll do is just place a hand on your shoulder or back. No one even knows he has feelings for you (even you earlier on). But behind closed doors, he's one big softie.
Iso has of playlists for any scenario. You're on a mission and he misses you? He's got one. You two are together and he's just staring at uou lovingly? Yup, got one for that too. Both of you are with the other agents and you're on opposite ends of the group and it feels like a slowburn friends to lovers romance? You bet. This man has playlists for a n y t h i n g .
Iso does that thing where when you're aim training and your form is a bit wrong, he'll hold you and guide you properly and intimately. There's no room between you guys.
If you get injured on a mission, Iso will beg Sage in his mother tongue to stay by you and make sure you're. He doesn't tell her about your relationship, but because he's asking in their native language, Sage has a suspicion that there's more than he's leading on. (Bonus: She's the first to figure out your relationship but is a good bro and doesn't tell.)
Iso is an artist. He's more into environmental sketching, but he'll occassionally draw you. He gets embarrassed when you find out and probably assumes you think he's a creep. Show him some TLC and reassure him that you love the drawings, it'll get you a kiss.
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fictoculus · 6 months
Dunno if you've done this before, but characters with tall reader!
This is mostly me being sick and having OC obsession brain rot, but the majority of my OCs are 5'9–6'0+ for reference by what I mean for "tall".
Love your writing, by the way! Keep yourself safe and make sure to treat yourself for all the joy you bring your viewers with your writing<3. Also, this is my first request:D
(Thinking about characters like: Venti, Diluc, Zhongli, Traveller, and whoever else you want to write/if you don't write for some of these characters, that's fine!)
౨ৎ them w a tall partner...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
FEAT... aether, venti, itto, alhaitham, diluc
A/N... hiiii anon tysm for the request!! i loveee this idea it's so cute so i'm more than happy to write it ^^ unfortunatelyyy i wasn't able to write anything for zhongli as i js couldn't think of anything, i hope that's ok!!! also thank youuuu! i'm so glad you like my stuff, nd please make sure you take care of yourself too!! hope to see you again soon, enjoy ♡ alsooo i tried out some new colouring!! i hope you guys like ittt i think it's prettyy :3 oh and disclaimer these heights may not be accurate!!! i got them from this website but it seems pretty reliable to meee
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✧ aether. - 5'4"
the traveller, the honorary knight, the swordfish II captain, the first sage of buer: just a few of the multitude of titles aether has earned from the many battles he's fought for teyvat. he's always fighting for people, protecting people, blindly jumping head-first into danger; he needs someone to protect him for a change, and that someone is you.
he always feels safe with you, and the way you stand behind him when he's chatting with friends or purchasing items from vendors makes him feel untouchable; evident by the way he practically melts under your touch.
one of the first things people tend to notice about you is your height, and although it doesn't really bother you, aether thinks it's ignorant and unfair. don't get him wrong, he loves your height, but there's so much more to you than that. he wishes people would notice your style, or your personality, maybe even your smile, anything. as long as nobody tries to steal you from him, he doesn't mind.
he'll often find himself being the little spoon while cuddling, and honestly, it's the thing he most looks forward to after a long day of completing commissions and collecting resources.
he loves how tall you are, how gentle you are, how loving you are; he loves all of you, and he hopes you love all of him too...
✧ venti. - 5'5"
venti loves the way you tower over him, and finds your subsequent protectiveness rather endearing.
your height sometimes intimidates people, and discourages them from wanting to strike up conversation with you. venti, however, was never bothered by it, and had no problem shamelessly flirting with you the very second you entered angel's share that fateful day.
the bard struggles to understand how people could possibly be afraid of you. of course, he knows how strong you are, and is aware of the lengths you'd go to in order to protect him, but nothing about your personality was something to be scared of.
the more he got to know you, the quicker he came to the realisation that you're really just a big softie - a gentle giant, if you will.
your impressive stature also means that you can carry him around. venti loves nothing more than being in your arms, face nuzzled into your chest as you take him to bed after a long day, or resting his head on your shoulder and forcing you to lift him up when he 'falls asleep''.
all in all, your boyfriend views your height is anything but negative. he loves you the way you are, and, as cliché as it sounds, wouldn't change anything about you for the world...
✧ itto. - 6'1"
no matter how tall you are, itto will give you piggyback rides. and you will enjoy them. to put it quite frankly, you don't have a choice.
even though you're taller than him, he still loves to have you in his arms, whether that means cuddling, carrying you around, or simply just hugging you from behind. something about having you in his hold makes him feel stronger and more confident than he ever has before.
the members of the arataki gang were shocked when they first met you, genta mistaking you for itto when he caught sight of your silhouette. nonetheless, they have all grown to be quite fond of you, and often leave small gifts on your doorstep which never fail to bring a smile to your face.
your height was something you sometimes felt ashamed of, however, itto always makes sure you feel happy within yourself, and will do everything in his power to wash the insecurities away; showering you in kisses and telling you just how perfect you are...
✧ alhaitham. - 5'10"
at first, alhaitham was slightly embarrassed that you were taller than him, not because of your appearance, but because of how he'd been relentlessly teasing his roommate for his height while having a partner who stands at an impressive 6'5"...
nevertheless, the scribe truly admires everything about you, and will often just stare. even though he wants nothing more than to have you in his arms, he's more than happy to admire you from afar, to watch you go about your day or make idle chit-chat with the local vendors so that he can just take you in; "archons, they're beautiful".
even though he stands shorter than you, he is extremely protective over you; intertwining his fingers with yours whenever he has the chance, and staring down anyone who 'looks at you wrong'. you often tease him for this, poking fun at his pout before kissing it away with a smile, only for it to return as you pinch his rosy cheeks.
the love alhaitham has for you is immeasurable, and the (not so) little things like your height only make him fall harder for you. his heart skips a beat when he feels your arms snake around his waist from behind, being pulled into your chest as you rest your head on his shoulder. yes, you could still do this even if you were shorter, but for him, nothing compares to being able to sink into you; he rather enjoys feeling smaller when he's with you...
✧ diluc. - 6'1"
you and your husband, diluc, stand at a similar height, him just slightly taller than you at 6'1". people often stare when you walk into a room hand-in-hand, but the darknight hero couldn't be more proud.
he never misses the chance to show you off, introducing you to everyone he knows while making sure to subtly flash the wedding ring he oh so gently slides onto your finger every morning. however, as soon as someone dares to make a rude remark about you, your husband has no problem stepping in front of you and handling the situation himself. yes, you're capable of looking out for yourself, but the redhead always feels the need to protect the ones he loves most.
the two of you are a package deal, and are rarely seen apart from each other unless absolutely necessary. diluc can't stand being away from you, and often finds his mind flooded with thoughts of you when he should be focused on the financial papers spread out on the desk before him.
being the taller ragnvindr, diluc often takes it upon himself to hand you items from higher up shelves, knowing full well you can reach them just fine by yourself. "given my stature, wouldn't it be rude not to hand my partner the things they couldn't possibly reach?", he always asks, pressing a loving kiss on your forehead and handing you whatever you were reaching for. such a tease...
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you’d like me to write next!
TAGLIST... @maopll . @nyxmainex apply here
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© FICTOCULUS 2024; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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prentissluvr · 4 months
IM HERE WITH MY DEAN THOUGHTS!! (mostly platonic)
when you become friends/best friends, he’s ride or die for you
not on the same level of sammy but it’s a close second
the playful banter between the two of you is just great
although he knows that he can be annoying and uses it to his advantage
flirting with you to annoy his brother (he knows that sammy is in love with you and does it to get on his nerves)
has a reserved nickname for you but does pull out the pet names if you’re having a bad day
speaking of bad days/sick days
he will go out of his way to take care of you
pulls out all of the stops for his bestie
this is when you realize this man is a secret softy at heart (refuses to admit it, because he’s a “big bad hunter”)
platonic cuddles/casual physical affection
dean is reserved with physical affection (im thinking post hell! dean) (earlier szns dean wouldn’t hold back tbh)
but once he’s comfortable with you (and is sure that you won’t leave him or sammy)
then it’s a free for all
swinging his arm over your shoulder, sharing a bed if there’s only two beds (sam seethes sometimes but this is way before you guys get together lol), resting his head in your lap during movie nights (starts off as a joke wanting to annoy you but then does it almost everytime you guys have one, loves when his hair is getting played with)
there’s def more but ill cut it off here (i love bestie dean but im also in love with him LOL) (the winchester brothers have a GRIP on me)
HELLO DAISYYYY HEHEHEHE this is amazing i'm so obsessed <33
cw : mentions of injuries, pet names obviously , dean is annoying ofc <3, sammy and reader like each other, swearing probably, alcohol mention, unedited! wc : 1.5K
⟢ ride or die : i mean yeah, this is pretty much undeniable. sure, sam will always be his first priority, but the moment he knows that you're a part of the team, no doubts, he's prepared to do just about anything for you. both fortunately and unfortunately, this does mean he gets really protective of you similarly to how he is with sam, especially if you're younger than him. and even if you're not, the fact that you're his best friend makes you family, and we know how dean feels about family <3
⟢ playful banter : this is basically just your whole friendship with him HAHA. not truly, of course, but mostly heh. like idk what else to say, he'll take any opportunity to tease you or make you fake angry because he just thinks it's too funny. and he'll love whatever way you respond to that. he definitely enjoys if you return his fire with your own teasing and retorts and i personally think you are so allowed to be mean to him because he's an idiot!! obviously don't be actually mean, but he enjoys having a teasing relationship where you can call each other stupid and know that the other means it with love lol.
when the two of you get into it, sam gets so annoyed. like you'll be arguing about the value of mustard on sandwiches and both of you are so invested in winning the argument and sam is like oh my god, dean please focus on the road and shut up, both of you😭😭 the boy is trying to sleep, he doesn't need this right now. so you either keep arguing in hushed tones (which doesn't last for long) or you pick it back up at another time (that's also probably inconvenient and annoying to sam still HA).
and yeah, dean can be very annoying and he loves to rile you up LOL. it's great when you reciprocate his banter, but sometimes he's just so ridiculous that it has you rolling your eyes and groaning in frustration. and unfortunately for you, that, or any other dramatic response, is exactly what dean is trying to get out of you. "dean, will you shut up?" is one of his favorites. he just laughs at you, he thinks the way you say it is so funny and cute.
he does other annoying things too, like rest his elbow on your head or shoulder if it reaches, he doesn't care if you're his same height, barely shorter, or significantly shorter, he's gonna make fun of your height. and if you're taller, yeah he's still gonna make fun of that, too. he'll playfully put his hand on the top of your head, just for the pure intention of annoying you. idk basically anything that annoys you, he does it (usually without going overboard, he knows where to draw the line).
and yeah, the flirting is more about annoying sam, but it's a total plus when you give him that look saying, "really, are you kidding me?" he'll love a good banter on that end of the spectrum too, if you're down for flirting back. unfortunately, this sends sam the wrong message for the longest time, but it's not your fault that you don't know that he likes you back! you're just playing around with dean heh.
⟢ pet names/nicknames : yes yes yes!! he absolutely has a nickname that is specific to you!! basically your version of "sammy." it might be a nickname based off of your given name, but it totally could be an inside joke, something silly and cute. it might even be a pet name that he uses for you exclusively. i can see him calling a younger best friend "pumpkin," mostly as another method of annoying you. that one is used pretty sparingly though because it's a little over the top for the both of you. he definitely uses it a lot less than whatever his main nickname for you is, which he uses just about all the time lol. if you have a nickname based off you name, sam probably uses that, too. so, dean likes having a separate nickname that he came up with which only he uses.
and yes! he does use pet names casually and occasionally, but he's far more likely to use them if you're having a bad day, if you were injured on a hunt, or something like that! i think maybe this is just because i'm obsessed with the time that dean called lisa honey once, but i think the idea of dean calling his best friend honey is really adorable. that one is used for maximum comfort, especially if you're injured <3 "c'mon, honey. keep your eyes open, you're okay." i can also see dean using baby platonically sometimes!
he does occasionally use over the top names like sugar plum or honey bunches to annoy you lol. he will "sweetheart" you in a teasing way because he loves the way it makes you fume LOL. but in special circumstances, he'll call you sweetheart sincerely (also more likely when you're injured—"you're alright, sweetheart, we're almost to the motel"). idk if this counts as a pet name, but he'll definitely call you kid and kiddo if you're younger than him like how he does with charlie <3 i see him using darlin' very casually! "alright, c'mon darlin', let's see what sammy found." casual pet names means he's in a good mood though. he also will use insults like pet names because you're his idiot best friend <33
he won't tell you this but he likes if you've got a nickname for him, too! but he will tease you if you try to use the same pet names for him, even if you're casual about it in the same way he is.
⟢ taking care of you on bad/sick days : uhm yeah, he tries not to be obvious about it, but when he goes the the store just to pick up your favorite treat or kisses your forehead like fifty billion times when he thinks you're asleep, there's no way you can miss what a big softie he is. if the way you wear your hair allows, he'll brush any stray strands out of your face, especially if you're sick and it's stuck to your face with with sweat. checks your temperature on your forehead with his hand <3 then if he thinks you have a fever, he busts out the thermometer and takes your temp that way just to make sure you don't have to go to the hospital. he brings you your meds and lovingly bothers you about eating enough food. makes you watch movies with him lol
on days that are simply just bad, well, he's horrible with emotions, but he knows that pie and alcohol can fix almost anything (this is not true, but it still helps you to have a treat and a drinking buddy). while he's bad with emotions, he is absolutely more than willing to listen to anything you need to talk about. he's not sure how to tell you that he's there for you out loud, so he'll pour you another drink if you're not too drunk and rub your back with a soft, but firm hand. his go to phrase to comfort you is, "we'll figure it out," and it works because you know he really means it, and he says it in a soft and sweet tone that's quite rare for him.
⟢ physical affection : he can definitely be more reserved sometimes with touch, but he welcomes any physical affection that you initiate. if you purposefully stand shoulder to shoulder, he'll put his arm around you, and he'll certainly accept any hugs you have to offer. like you said, once he's even more comfortable and confident in your being around, he's much more open about swinging an arm around your shoulder and any given moment (especially because he can shove you around a little that way lmao).
he's definitely okay with the bed sharing, mostly because it's a necessity, though he tries to get you to share with sam much more once he realizes that you like each other because he can see sam physically become upset when you share with dean lmao.
movie nights are prime time for physical affection with dean!! i definitely agree that he puts his head in your lap first to annoy you, but when you don't bat an eye and start running your fingers through his hair, he's done for. he always is trying to get you to do it again, every time you watch something together, and that's when it gets annoying lmao, because he won't let you rest your head on his shoulder anymore or let you be the one to put you head in his lap. he'll make an exception if you're having a bad though hah. once again, he will dial down the cuddles if he can tell that it's bothering sam, but will absolutely not give up the physical affection with you because he thinks sam needs to get over it LOL. because, at the end of the day!! you'll always be his best friend, and he will always respect you and your relationship with sammy.
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crusty-chronicles · 8 months
Yu Yu Hakusho Men Reacting to Receiving Flowers
Synopsis: How the men of Yu Yu Hakusho react to receiving flowers and if they'd get you some in return 🌺
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He pretends to be offended, but honestly it makes his heart melt
The fact that you went out of your way to actually buy him something makes him feel special.
Doing it just because without expecting anything grand in return.
If you give him flowers in private, he puts up less of a fuss.
“I'm not sick or anything, you know. Besides, you could've just plucked some weeds instead of spending so much money.” He says after (not so) begrudgingly taking the small bouquet from you.
Already knowing they won't last more than a week in his care. But still trying to hide the heat rising to his cheeks.
But if you give him flowers in front of his friends, namely Kuwabara, he makes a big show of it.
“What am I? A girl? Or did you just wanna take on gardening, because there's no way in hell you actually got me flowers.”
You end up calling him a jerk before leaving.
And he feels really bad after.
Despite his tough guy act, he genuinely does care about you and hates to see you upset. Especially when it's because of him and his big mouth.
So he shows up later to your house with an even bigger bouquet of roses.
“I'm sorry for being an ass. I didn't mean it I just…didn't want- Well, Kuwabara would never let me live it down.” He tries to explain.
But you weren't buying it, judging by how you still hadn't opened your door all the way. So he tries to apologize again the only way he knows how.
“I'll take you out wherever you want for a week if you let me in?” He says hopefully.
“That's not enough. You really hurt my feelings today.”
“Two weeks. And I'll buy you flowers every day. Your favorites~ sunflowers.”
He keeps true to his word and makes sure to always accept whatever you gift him with a huge smile from now on.
No matter if it makes him look like a softie or not.
He's thrilled
Will point out and explain what every flower means.
What each part of the bouquet symbolizes
Please buy this man red roses
As cliche as they are, they symbolize love. Your love.
And he can't help but be smitten by the fact.
He's not the slightest embarrassed whether you give them to him in public or private.
Even if the others tease him for it, he'll just come up with a witty remark to shut them down.
“Maybe they think you're a girl after all,” Yusuke said, followed by another taunt from Kuwabara.
“His delicate features got to them.”
“What a funny way of saying the two of you have never thought of getting your partners flowers before? You do know Valentine's Day is coming up right?” Kurama shut down.
And the both of them start racing to the nearest boutique. Pushing and shoving each other out of the way.
When you gift Kurama flowers, they don't wither away within a few weeks.
Instead he'll use his demon energy to keep them alive for years.
Might even plant some of them to make a new bouquet for you in the future.
All in all, it's one of the few gestures that makes his heart beat just a little bit faster. And he cherishes each and every bud.
Hiei ⚔️
He could care less tbh
He isn't all that familiar with human gestures, so he doesn't know what to make of it when you present him with a bouquet
“Are you taunting me?” He asks.
And you have to explain to him that sometimes humans like to gift flowers to their lovers as a way to show affection.
He personally thinks it's a waste of time and energy. A few weeds that shrivel up and die within a week are supposed to symbolize your feelings? Why waste your human currency when he can just show you affection through his actions. i.e. watching over you.
He tells you as much too, but the second he sees you deflate, he quickly snatches them up.
Grumbling out a ‘Don’t start sulking like a child. I didn't say I rejected your little gift.’ And a ‘Next time don't bother. Come to me directly.’
Hiei will only receive your flowers in private.
You will not be able to catch him in public to give them to him.
In fact, he rarely goes out during the day. Preferring to wait for you at home.
He will also not mention it to the others and trusts you'll do the same.
Your relationship is private, and he prefers to keep it that way.
While Hiei personally doesn't see the appeal of giving flowers, he knows you do.
Which is why you wake up one morning to see a single white orchid on your pillow
And he'll deny it was ever him that left it there.
Bonus Jin🌪️
The purest of bois
He's absolutely ecstatic when you give him flowers
Like Hiei, he doesn't understand many human gestures. But it's the fact you're giving him something that makes him so happy.
You could probably give him a rock and he'd have the same reaction
He eventually asks you why you brought him flowers.
And when you say it's because you love him, he's practically jumping with joy. Picking you up in a strong hug and swinging you around a few times before placing a smooch on your cheek.
“You've got me ears wigglin’ and everything!” And sure enough, the tips of his ears are jittering about in excitement.
He'd like to return the favor and get you flowers just as beautiful however-
“We've got a few pretty plants in demon world, but they'd probably bite your head clean off. Woosh! Just like that.” He explains.
He settles for bringing you little wildflowers whenever he has a chance to visit instead.
He's a little fascinated to find out there's meaning behind each flower.
He just figured they were pretty and that's it.
When you tell him a baby’s breath (which he thinks is an incredibly weird name for a flower) means long lasting love, he swears he can feel his face warm.
So he tries to find you flowers that hold meaning too.
The color red always seems to mean love, so most of the flowers he gifts to you in return are that color.
He's just an absolute sweetheart all around 🥺
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
Ngl, being able to edit things here is cool, other media don't have this option so all you have to do is delete or slowly die every time you remember that mistake🥲
WELL– in that case it would be really fun to see Yelena just being a big softie to reader and end up getting caught by her friends doing so, then everyone would make fun of her or something (it would probably be their last time making fun of something in their lives, poor souls.
I saw that you still have things to write, so no hurry (and good luck with all this-). Also, Your writing is really good so it will be good anyway, but I'm sure you'll get it!
passive-aggressive magic tricks [Y.Belova]
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pairing: yelena belova x reader
summary: a fun game night with your friends takes a turn when they realize how much of a soft dork the russian turns into when she's around you.
warnings: none, i think [except peter being verbally attacked every other paragraph lmao]; so much dialogue; a weirdly written game of uno; just...so much chaos; never written for yelena before so feel free to yell at me if she's too ooc in this one
wordcount: 1.2k
a/n: this gif makes me feel things gonna start this off by saying that this is meant to be romantic but you can read it as platonic if you want. i know everyone has an opinion on yelena's sexuality and not everyone will agree with mine and that's okay! [just don't be a jerk about it. i personally think yelena is a demiromantic asexual so do with that what you will] ALSO, this is so chaotic and borderline nonsensical and you can blame 🌟 for making me think about yelena playing uno that one time. ALSO ALSO, thank you for the vote of confidence, lovely anon, this was actually really fun to write and i hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
“This sucks,” Kate declares with a pout.
“Don’t be such a crybaby, Kate Bishop.” Yelena’s words only make the archer’s pout deepen which makes the whole situation feel even more ridiculous.
“Yeah, Kate,” you jump in. “You’re the one who started talking shit in the first place.”
An offended gasp escapes her lips at your accusation. “I wasn’t talking shit! I was being honest about my skills.”
This time, Peter cuts in before the blonde gets a chance to make fun of the archer again. “Guys, I thought we decided against Monopoly so we wouldn’t fight.”
“Fighting is Yelena’s love language,” you reply with a shrug.
You pretend not to notice the way the Russian’s lips quirk up into a small smile and instead focus on Kate and her awful decision-making skills. It takes her a few extra seconds and she still manages to choose the most annoying card in her hand.
“It took you two minutes to throw in a plus-four?” Peter questions, clearly doing his best to not sound judgemental.
“Shut up and take the cards, Pete.”
The boy grumbles something you don’t quite catch but Kate is quick to punch him in the arm, earning herself a kick to the shin. Their dynamic is certainly…interesting and you can’t stop yourself from wondering how much of it comes from being two only children attempting to one-up each other.
Yelena leans in toward you, pretending to whisper. “Why are we hanging out with them again?”
The pair clearly overhears her considering both the glare and the pout that gets thrown your way. You merely shrug in response, attempting to shield your cards from her expert gaze. “It’s…entertaining, I guess.”
“You guys are jerks,” Kate says, speaking the thoughts Peter is far too nice to vocalize. (It’s definitely not because he’s terrified of getting on Yelena’s bad side.)
“And you suck at Uno.”
She rolls her eyes at you but decides not to reply. The small moment of silence allows Peter to take his turn and the game continues…until Yelena decides to betray you.
You’re not fully paying attention to the strategies each one of your companions is forming which means you don’t realize it when they decide to team up against you.
You’re only four cards away from winning and the blonde beside you can’t stop herself from sneaking a look at your deck. Kate somehow manages to catch her in the act and the two stare each other down until the archer raises an eyebrow, silently asking to be a part of the Russian’s plan.
A plan that quickly leads to Kate placing down another plus-four card and Peter being thrown one of Yelena’s under the table. 
“We can stack, right?” He asks, mainly in an attempt to keep you from noticing what they’re doing.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” you reply with a shrug. “Just don’t be surprised when Yelena pulls out a knife from her boot.”
The joke gets a few chuckles, and a slightly concerned look from the young Avenger. 
“Do not worry, Spider-Boy, I promised y/n I wouldn’t threaten you…again.”
“Right…” Peter’s clearly not convinced but he throws in his card anyway.
You turn to face Yelena with a smug smirk. “Sorry, babe, but it looks like I’m on my way to winning this round.”
“You sound like Kate Bishop.” She playfully rolls her eyes at you but the glint in her eyes shows off more amusement than annoyance. “I hope you handle losing better than she does, though.”
“Hey!” You and the archer both voice your protests, albeit for different reasons, as the blonde slams down the last plus-four card needed to ensure you won’t win any time soon.
This time around, she’s the one who looks at you with a smug grin but you’re too busy being dramatic to fully appreciate how good she looks when she’s being competitive. It’s genuinely just a stupid card game and yet you pull out all the tricks you’ve learned over the past few months to get the Russian to melt into the huge softie she is at heart.
“Oh, come on, that was mean.” You pull on your best impression of Kate’s wounded puppy dog look. A look that includes slightly wide eyes and an incredibly deep pout.
A pout Yelena has never been good at resisting. (But only when it comes to you, much to the archer’s dismay)
She, literally and figuratively, keeps her cards close to her chest but you catch the way her free hand twitches slightly, almost as if she’s fighting to keep herself from touching you. It’s strange how affectionate she wants to be with you when she’s always been the first to pull away from a hug, the first one to scoot away when someone sits too close. 
Being guarded had always felt like second nature to her until you came along.
Her hand reaches out before she can stop it, landing on your knee and giving it a soft yet reassuring squeeze. It's a subtle reminder that underneath all her sarcasm and the rough edges, she cares about you. A lot more than she ever thought herself capable of.
“It’s just a game, sweetheart.” The words are a mere whisper but somehow the person with the worst attention span you’ve ever seen manages to overhear them.
“Did you just call y/n ‘sweetheart’?” Kate blurts out, clearly far too shocked to worry about her safety. “You actually have feelings?”
“Wait, did she really say that?” Peter’s slightly more cautious but there’s both awe in curiosity shining in his brown eyes.
“I heard her!”
“I think you hit your head too hard on your last mission, Bishop,” you reply, trying to steer the conversation away the second Yelena starts glaring at your friends.
Despite all her other skills, Kate is still awful at reading the room so instead of accepting the safety you’re offering, she decides to be stubborn like always. “Don’t lie to me, y/n, I know what I heard. Yelena’s just a big-”
“A big what?” The blonde cuts in with the most threatening glare she can manage. Which, considering she’s an ex-assassin, is quite effective at shutting the archer up.
“Um…” You can practically see the wheels spinning in the brunette’s head as she tries to come up with something different to say. She clearly fails based on the words that come out. “A big softie..?”
“Oh, Kate,” you sigh. “You’re never going to learn to stop poking the bear, huh?”
“What do you mean?” 
Her confusion lasts for about a second before Yelena shoots up from the couch and lunges toward her. The archer gets the message pretty quickly after that, expertly ducking out of the way and taking off running in the direction of the bathroom.
All you can do is laugh and shake your head as the Russian chases after her. “Go easy on her, babe!”
“Yeah, Yelena, listen to your girlfriend!”
“Kate!” You and the Russian yell out at the same time, leading to a fit of giggles belonging to the biggest instigator you've ever met.
"So much for a chill game night," Peter mumbles, placing his cards onto the coffee table. "You're gonna go help Kate out, right?"
You shrug. "I'll think about it."
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Let's talk about genocide Starlo
... because on one hand, I understand where the devs were coming from. They wanted to highlight that Star was not the cool, badass sheriff he'd love to be. Some pointed out how, realistically, he couldn't have defeated Clover and especially delivered the final blow (he does it in pacifist/neutral bc hes in the worst possible headspace). Star is a big softie and a "naive fool," lets be real. But still, there is one more thing that he is: caring.
He cares about the town, toursits, especially his friends. It's been shown over and over and OVER again. And i'm sure as hell disappointed he didn't bring a real gun. Yeah, he was always aware this was all play pretend, but just for a few minutes, this man should have tried to be the sheriff he never got the chance to be before.
For the sake of everyone. For the sake of justice.
I'm not even asking for an epic battle. I'm asking for a battle that wouldn't even be close to Undyne's in UT's geno. But it would be Starlo's battle. A battle he was robbed of for the sake of Ceroba getting the spotlight.. for the 2nd time. Because this dude is clearly seen as a joke by the devs. I'll ask:
Why ceroba AGAIN? she shone in pacifist, while Star was always more of a comic relief and its depressing. Especially since the genocide route ties too well with a twisted image of justice. Star values it as much as Clover, but here he could have been the hero of justice. I just have to say....
He should have said... "I may not be a real sheriff by title, but my soul will deliver justice!" Or smth Then just like during the Asgore fight, he'd almost be dead, ceroba arrives, tries to protect star, gets shot by Clover, they say goodbye to each other, then, before he is about to get shot too starlo says smth like genocide undyne and that's how he goes out.
Even better, he, without thinking, throws his hat on the ground (bc he metaphorically no longer wants to admire or associate himself with humans, ever again), seeing his bff die in front of him and goes either: "I don't care if you make fun. This isn't about being cool anymore. This is about my town, my friends. This is about JUSTICE." or "No... I won't fight you/deliver justice as North Star." *pause* "I'll do it as Starlo." and the dork then just stares at clover (There'd be a "laugh" option if Clover decides to act because, well, they see him for the nerd he is) but he's DETERMINED and at this point it doesn't even matter if he's not skilled, he'd do something he hadn't done in years just for the sake of saving his remaining friends, family, and other potential victims: Starlo would fight AS HIMSELF.
But maybe he wouldn't even fight after he takes his hat off. maybe he'd try to explain to Clover violence isn't the answer like Martlet, because that's something the real him would do. He'd drop the hat, drop the gun, drop the belief that he's a badass, and instead accept that he was, and always will be, a big ol' softie. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Point is, would he actually kill clover? hell no. That would be ooc (now that I think about it, why wouldn't he, when he is able to do it in other 2 routes? And he COULD have done it in flawed pacifist? His whole world and identity crashing down and losing all his friends is terrible, losing his bff to a human he trusted and to whom he gave a gun is also terrible, but so is letting a genocidal maniac continue killing)
But he'd die knowing two things:
1)he had tried to be a real, dignified sheriff, and failed (bc he died, not bc he didn't try. In canon, he doesn't even try and THAT'S SO UNLIKE HIM especially considering the situation)
2)in his final moments, he finally became himself again
and that.. that would have been so much more satisfying than what we got.
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lukabitch · 2 years
I'm good at being friends with people but as soon as I start catching romantic feelings, I avoid them like the plague (which is quite counterproductive, I know :/). How would a killer of your choice react to a survivor they're on good terms with suddenly avoiding them for the same reason?
Me too bestie! It’s just feels so awkward talking to them. I’m doing multiple killers because I fell like it. Thank you so much for the request! :)
Tw: Killers being aggressive and possessive.
Killers: Ghostface, Wesker, Trapper, Micheal Myers.
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He immediately knew something was up.
He didn’t know why you were avoiding him he just knew you were.
The two of you would talk all the time when seeing the other outside a trial.
So it was really suspicious when you would duck and hide from him.
It’s starting to get to him more and more. He just couldn’t stay away from you any longer.
Eventually he would find you during a trial and pinned you down.
To say he was frustrated was an understatement.
He certainly wasn’t expecting the answer you gave him. You had feelings for him of all people?
He very quickly warmed up towards you.
Expect to be teased into oblivion about this.
“Aw you like me? Come on say it again! Pretty please?” I swear he’s bratty!
Eventually though he would give you a kiss. A very nice way of saying he likes you back.
This is the start of a beautiful relationship. :)
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Uh oh big mistake.
This man is absolutely annoyed.
I mean why can’t you just talk to him? Was someone keeping you from doing so?
He’s a bit more reasonable unlike Ghostie.
He’ll leave a note asking to meet him at a specific spot. It wasn’t the spot the two of you talked at. It was the one you first meet at.
You come around the corner and immediately try and turn back.
He was not letting you go that easy.
He would gently ask why you were avoiding him. He didn’t want to scare you off with being aggressive.
He’s surprisingly gentle and sweet about it.
Omg? You made this man into softy with your cuteness!
Will mumble about how you could have talked to him.
“Sweet boy you could always tell me. I would say yes.”
Awww you two are so sweet together! :)
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He’s more sadden by you avoiding him.
Did he do something wrong? Was he too rough in a trial? This poor man was racking his head.
He needs to talk to you but with him being the brute he is it’s a bit tough.
I mean it was almost like he would scare you off!
He would get frustrated not with you but with himself.
He had a plan to keep you in place. Don’t worry it’s not a bear trap.
You were off in the woods and he was able to get behind you. Obviously he startled you but it wasn’t the reason you were squirming.
When he hears that you like him it’s like a weight lifted off his shoulders.
This man is holding you like a teddy.
You’re the most important thing to him in this realm.
He’s going to make sure you know that!
He’ll tell you how much you’ve helped him. He’ll just be saying the sweetest things.
“I love you, you know?” Yes you did in fact know. :)
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Micheal Myers:
He’s more confused is anything. He may be a bit angry.
He would try to get closer to you but you’d just run off.
Unlucky for you he’s incredibly good at tracking.
He’ll just follow you until he can confront you.
He’ll grab you and hold you in place. Probably will give one of his head tilts.
He didn’t ask he really couldn’t but hearing you blurt out why was interesting.
He’ll just hold you might press the press the lips of his mask against you.
He somehow manages to be both rough and gentle at the same time.
Considering this man isn’t used to giving and receiving affectionate he doesn’t know what to do.
He can’t exactly communicate his feelings but he’ll try his best.
He’ll do any type of song and dance to get the point across that he likes you.
Eventually you’ll catch on and the two of you just hold each other.
The most quiet and cute couple in the realm!
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aerkame · 6 months
Do you have hcs for the "Hero is Back" Sun Wukong?
Since I do not know the context of the headcanons, I'll just go with anything in general. Also, this is canon. (I'm being serious)
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And you know what? That's very fitting.
Just like Monkey King Reborn and The Monkey King 2023, I think this version of Sun Wukong would also be very standoffish, especially towards someone he just met or doesn't know well. That is, if this was hundreds of years ago. I think modern day Monkey King would probably be more secretive of his identity but more friendly. Just respect his boundaries and personal life please.
Defiantly doesn't like the fame of Sun Wukong in modern times. He really doesn't come off as the type to like large crowds and popularity.
However, there's still that playfulness to him, he might pull a joke or two on you and act a bit silly while alone or with friends.
He would be a great dad if I'm being honest. He did so well with taking care of Liuer and the girl even if he probably won't admit it. Though I don't think he likes kids all that much, those two had to grow on him.
The modern version of him seems like he'd be a chill and nice person to hangout with. Although a bit stubborn and hotheaded
There is a bit of confidence to him and everything he does, he's got a natural charm
This dude is also surprisingly calm compared to most people, pretty sure he would feel safe to be around and relax with. I know I would feel safe around him.
Would absolutely be an introvert's best friend. He's patient even if it doesn't seem like that at first glance, and he's mindful of others personal space. He knows when to leave someone alone.
I feel like he'd be in the same boat as myself when it comes to relationships just based on how he acts. He's open to being in one, but he doesn't catch feelings easily, if not at all. So the chances of him dating are pretty slim. Plus, there's the immortality issue.
He does like to tease/flirt every now and then, but don't take what he says to heart. It's all in good fun.
IF he does find a special someone, he'd be so soft around his lover. He's a big softie around people he cares for in general.
I'd expect him to be very romantic and hush hush about his partner as well.
This monkey man, dresses to impress. Even if it's a hoodie. He will find the best looking one for sure and wear matching clothes.
He probably stays near other monkeys or people he personally knows, he doesn't seem like the type to get out much to socialize. Maybe go to events, but not to meet people though.
Probably socially anxious when the crowds start to get too large.
Bet he'd love to go to art walks and art events.
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hurricanrxna · 1 year
balloons & birthday bashes .
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pairing : husband!cody rhodes x reader genre : pure fluff! synopsis : it's your birthday this weekend and your lovely husband Cody has been working hard to make sure that it's the most amazing day you've ever had. surprises and tooth-rotting fluff ensue!
a.n. : my first post on this new blog, weeee! I have always been such a softie when it comes to Cody, and I hope that my fellow lovers of this man will enjoy this onslaught of fluff and cuteness &lt;3
send in your requests here!
Cody wondered if, in another life, he would've been a party planner. Maybe it was the excitement of getting everything organized for your birthday party, or how all the perfectly coordinated decorations made him strangely giddy. The joy he got from visiting the local party supply store was a strange but not unwelcome new sensation that made him laugh all the same. No matter what his alternate universe self could be, where he was now was making him happy.
Ever since Cody had fallen in love with you, he had wanted to take care of you. Not in an infantilizing way, but a spoiling-you-with-the-best-stuff kind of way. It was true that he wrestled because he loved the sport and wanted to build his reputation and honor his family, but the money he earned gave him the chance to give you the life he knew you deserved. That was evident in the way that he just burst with happiness when you both bought your first house together and said "I do."
So giving you quite literally the most extra birthday celebration possible was kind of a no-brainer. You were onto him, mostly because he was an awful liar and it was impossible for him to hide his smile around you. But you also weren't aware of the true extent of the situation, and he wanted to keep it that way until the last minute.
"What are you up to..?" You had asked suspiciously with a big grin as Cody shuffled you out of the house. He had made sure your friends, who were all in on the surprise party, were able to keep you occupied for a few hours while everything got set up. Cody chuckled sweetly, leaning forward to kiss you before he opened the front door with a gentlemanly air.
"Me? Up to something? Babe, I would never! I'm an upstanding man, I'll have you know." He feigned incredulousness, placing his hand to his chest for added effect. "I just thought it'd be fun for you to hang out with your friends a bit on your birthday! Plus, I heard there may or may not be a bottomless brunch in your immediate future if you go with them..." He said with a sing-song lilt, gently urging you forward to where your best friend and a few others stood waiting. Cody still held your hand, though, up until the last minute.
"Alright, alright, you had me at bottomless brunch. Damn you!" You laughed, kissing him on the cheek with a big grin. "See you later, then?"
"Before you know it!" And with that, it was time for Cody to get to work.
Everything had already been planned for months, and now it was just a matter of getting everything set up. Oh, and making sure that all the guests made it on time plus the caterers and the-- Okay, he needed to breathe. Everything was gonna be fine! Cody was nothing if not a stickler for detail, and everything was about as planned as it could possibly be. So he took a minute to gather himself before heading to the bedroom to change. Of course he was gonna wear something snazzy for your special day!
Cody spent the rest of the next couple crucial hours decorating. While he could've easily hired someone to do all this without him even needing to lift a finger, he thought it was more important that he do it himself to show how much you mean to him. That meant he busied himself putting up streamers, blowing up what felt like a 1000 balloons, setting up tables, you name it. By the time all the setting up was said and done, your house and backyard was bursting with your favorite color.
An hour before you were due to return home, all of your friends and loved ones began to pour into your home. Everyone you could possibly want at your birthday party was here, eager to see you and your husband! They marveled at the impressive spread of decorations and food (which was a generous smattering of all of your favorites) in your honor, including the very cute photo of you that Cody had gotten printed as a centerpiece for the whole celebration.
It was only a moment longer before you returned home to find your backyard lit up and the sounds of a roaring crowd calling you inside. Maybe you had expected just a small get together with your closest friends and family, or maybe even just an intimate dinner with your husband. But an entire party?! Yeah, he was so extra~
Cody was the first to welcome you back, of course, practically sprinting over to you to pick you up and swing you around in his arms. Pharaoh hung close to your feet and barked excitedly, clearly enjoying all the attention he was getting from the guests too.
"Welcome home, y/n! Whaddya think?" He asked, clearly hoping with every ounce of his being that you were happy. "You know me, I get a little carried away when it comes to you. You mean the world to me, and I wanted to show you." The cheerful crowd of your favorite people behind him was painted beautifully like a dreamy backdrop.
Without hesitation, you answered. "I love it, and I love you. Though I think you might spoil me a little too much," you chuckled, pulling him in closer with a gentle kiss (with him looking as good as he did, how could you resist?!) "How am I supposed to keep my ego in check when my husband plasters up a giant photo of me at my surprise birthday party?!"
"Who said you should keep it in check? I don't see anything wrong with knowing how amazing you are," he beamed. Reaching forward he grabbed your hand and tugged you further into the party, never straying too far from you. "Besides, just wait 'till you see the pile of presents."
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tinykittendelusion · 2 months
Seventeen as Bollywood Characters
a/n: i keep seeing people do this on Instagram and Twitter and i wanted to try it too
tw: a bit of swearing.
Scoups - Ram Prasad Sharma (Main Hoon Na)
Okay so you remember how srk was all older brother in this movie yeah scoups for sure. Also I love the dynamics between Ram and Lakshman (Very scoups and dino also maybe mingyu coded) . Plus i just think he's a shy awkward dork in everyday life but would have this alt cool persona.Also him being an idiot in love? SIGN ME UP!
Jeonghan - Prem Sharma (APKGK)
Prem was a sweetheart in Ajan Prem ki Gazab Kahani. He is so jeonghan coded cause like he wants everyone to be happy duh he's the president of Happy club but he's also mischievous and just ready to bend the rules to make people he cares for happy. Comes off as this cocky idc person but is the biggest softie.
Joshua - Raj Malhotra (DDLJ)
Okay so you remember Srk with the ukele in the mustard fields YEAH THAT'S JOSH. Except he's most probably playing Sunday morning. He's the gentleman (Sometimes) who is a little crazy. Very Raj coded he's fun and flirty and funny but can also be serious if the situation demands it. A big family guy and your family's approval matters a lot. The only difference is that he'd charm your parents in seconds no Jaa simran Jaa for you your parents approved 10 mins after they met him.
Jun - Jai Singh Rathore (Jaane tu ya jaane Na)
Jun is a baby but ykw so is jai. Jai is the pinnacle of the imran Khan romcom universe he's sweet caring funny and wierd oh and also oblivious which also describes jun very well.Hes in love with his bestfriend (LOVE THAT HE CALLS HER MEOW MY CAT!JUN AGENDA IS WINNING)but doesn't realise that until she starts seeing someone else I love the jealousy and confusion .Plus this whole thing plays into my childhood best friends to lovers trope i see jun as.
Hoshi - Rocky Randhawa (Rocky Aur Rani ki Prem Kahani)
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This Outfit Ik Hoshi would love it. Okay Hoshi is a himbo he's cute funny and a little bit dumb(lovingly) and that's very Rocky coded. Also I just see him as this doofus in love who will do anything and everything to keep you happy. also I just want him to say "handle with care I'm a fragile". Very emotionally intelligent.He may not know much about current affairs but he does know how to make you smile.
Wonwoo - Rohit Mehra (Koi Mil Gaya)
Okay hear me out on this one.I started thinking about parallels here but all began with that meme Maa mujhe sab dikh Raha hai but Rohit and wonwoo are pretty alike they are kind sensitive but confident people who love and care openly. He may be shy but he'll express his care and affection anyways. Also his jaadu is dino.
Woozi - Arjun Saluja (ZNMD)
They both are hot workaholics. Also just like Arjun learnt to live a little and enjoy life on the Spain trip I feel woozi did that during the Nana tour. They both can come off as the I don't like fun grumpy types but once they get into the mood of relaxing and having fun they become the life of the party. Both have that annoying friend who they hate lovingly (Hoshi and Imraan).
Dokyeom - Rohan Raichand (K3G)
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This GIF is very Dk coded. I feel Raichand brothers are very puppy coded but they are puppies like dokyeom and not mingyu (I'm not making sense am i?). He's the younger brother he's hot he's funny and he's a tease. This is Also because I feel dokyeom and Hrithik Roshan just look alike. Also very emotional likes just keeping everyone happy. Boyfriend Material through and through.
Mingyu - Adithya Kashyap (Jab we met)
I know what you guys are thinking that Adithya is this quieter soft character whereas mingyu is a big happy clingy puppy. Ik but I also have a theory so basically we see Adithya being all sad because shit has happened in his life but after geet heals him he's this happy and joyful person which makes me think that it was how he was before he felt let down by everyone and that happy joyful persona he has is like mingyus mingyu is optimistic and kind and caring he also is emotionally intelligent and very aware of what people around him are feeling and that's very Adithya coded.
Minghao - Aman Mathur (Kal ho na ho)
Yes. Minghao has that I'll do anything for Love vibe. While aman may be more outgoing I feel at core that Minghao and Aman are same people. Also Minghao seems like the person who will fall for Naina but then help her call for someone else.Makes people delulu but are very anti delulu duo.
Seungkwan - Baburao Ganpatrao Apte (Hera Pheri)
Honestly at first i considered Meenamma(Chennai Express) or Poo(K3G) for seungkwan but then i remembered Baburao. I'll fight for the BSS X HERA PHERI UNIVERSE. Also I feel they both have the same level of sass. Also the way Baburao and Raju behave ? that's Hoshi and seungkwan right there. Fucking funny both of them.
Vernon - Ranchhodas Chanchal (3 Idiots)
Normally I'd say BSS are all the 3 idiots aka Rancho, Farhan and Raju but I feel Vernon is a lot more like Rancho. He's smart intuitive and loyal to a fault person. Also I feel the whole thought process that Rancho had for learning ? yeah that's Vernon he learns what he enjoys, he's chill he's laid back just like Rancho. Plus i think he'd also wonder whether the nose comes in the middle while kissing.
Dino - Lakshman Sharma (Main hoon Na)
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Okay I present you this gif. The minute i saw it my first thought was how dino coded the character is. The character is this younger brother who comes off as this non caring idgaf about anything but having fun but is actually very sad emo at times which I feel is also dino dino does things for the plot but he's a very old soul at heart. Plus I love the dynamics between lakshman and ram aka scoups and dino so heheh ig?
a/n: Desi brainrot is here guys tell me what y'all think
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albertasunrise · 1 year
Day by Day - Oops Baby
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Summary: Being best friends with Frankie meant movie nights, drinks with the guys and a shoulder to cry on when you got your hear broken. He is head over heels for you but you don’t feel the same… yet a drunken mistake will tie your lives together forever!
Relationships: Frankie Morales x Reader
Warnings: Like AO3 I choose to give none. Read at own risk. 18+ (Shorter chapter but I hope you still enjoy! 🤣)
Series Masterlist - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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Frankie took things day by day. 
There was no other way. Here he was as a new father, having to navigate what should be the best time of his life without you. He was supposed to be doing this with you. The night feeds, the changes and the firsts were all supposed to happen with you beside him but instead, he had Will and Ben popping over on their free days just to give him a little extra support. 
No... This isn't how he'd expected this to go. 
After your funeral, he had found tooth and nail not to let himself spiral like he had when he'd left the army. You have been there to support him back then. Sat with him as he came down from his coke high and finally being the one to force him to choose between the drugs and those that he loved. Because of you, he had quit cold turkey with little or no help from anymore but you. 
He owed you his life.
Without you, he'd surely have been six feet under but now. So that's what made this all the harder to come to terms with. If anyone deserved to be dead for the choices they made it was him... Not you. 
Never you. 
You were all light and sunshine. You had made his life worth living. Given him something to fight for and now he was left without you to help guide him through this new journey. A journey that really you should have been leading. 
"Esme's down for her nap." Said Ben as he walked into the Kitchen, noting how Frankie was staring off into space "Fish?"
"Hmm?" The older man hummed and turned his head so he was looking directly at the younger Miller. 
"You okay man?" 
"Mhmm." He hummed in response and Ben sighed. 
"It's okay not to be ya know?" Ben stated as he walked over to the coffee machine to pour himself a mug "We all miss Titch but-"
"I said I'm fine Ben." Frankie growled as he got to his feet "I have to be!" 
"Titchy is so lucky to have you as a dad... She couldn't ask for a better one but it's okay to need help." Ben said as he placed his mug down and walked over to wear Frank was leaning against the counter "We will do everything we can to help you brother but you need to let us in." 
Frankie couldn't fight back the tears that threatened to fall. His dam was breaking and he didn't have the strength to keep the waters at bay any longer. 
"I just..." Frankie trailed off as he felt one stray tear fall. 
"You didn't expect you'd have to do this alone?" Ben asked and Fish nodded his head "Look I get it... Titch and you were meant to be, everyone could see that, and I can't even begin to imagine how you much be feeling right now but I want to help man... I need to do right by Titch." Ben choked "I loved her too." 
Frankie nodded before his head dropped and he allowed himself to sob openly. Benny pulled him into a tight hug, holding him as he allowed his own tears to fall and then after a short while they pulled back and gave each other a small nod. 
"You're not alone in this Fish." Ben repeated, "Titchy is going to be the most loved and spoilt little princess that ever lived!" 
"You're telling me! Will already has a giant stuffed panda arriving tomorrow." Frankie chuckled "Apparently he just 'couldn't help himself'... For such a big guy... Huge softy." 
"I have a confession to make..." Ben trailed off and Frankie's eyes narrowed as he waited for the younger man to elaborate. 
"I bought her a Giant giraffe!" 
Frankie laughed for the first time in what felt like forever. It made Ben smile to see his friend genuinely smile and it made his heart swell to see it. 
"She's going to have a zoo at this rate!" 
Scaling the isles and balancing keeping his now two-month-old entertained whilst searching for the items on his list was quite the feat. It transpired early on that Esme did not like the supermarket. She started to well up the moment he laid her in the baby seat attached to the trolly and he had had to come up with imaginative ways to keep her happy as well as grab what he needed to feed himself. 
And today was no different. 
He was walking around pulling faces at his grumpy daughter whilst glancing down at the list and grabbing items as and when he spotted them. 
"Frankie?" His name being called pulled his attention away from the task at hand and to the voice's owner. 
Mary stood there, giving him a sheepish look as her eyes flitted between him and Esme. 
"How are you?" She asked as she braved another step forward, her hands wringing as she waited for his reply.
"I'm getting there." Frankie replied as he gave her a weak smile "Hard grieving the woman you loved whilst trying to raise a newborn baby." 
Mary gave him a grim nod, her eyes drifting to Esme again and she looked at her longingly a while before she returned her attention to him. 
"I've missed you." She started and Frankie sighed. 
"Mary I-" 
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." She interrupted and he stopped in his tracks "It was wrong of me to try and replace her... I just, I wanted to have that with you. Be a family. But I realise now that it was her all along." She sighed "And I don't blame you for it. You loved her and you lost her and I cannot even begin to imagine how you must be feeling but I just need you to know that I am here if you need a friend." 
"Just friends?" Frankie scoffed and Mary's eyes widened. 
"I mean it." She defended "I know that you and I aren't on the cards but I want to be there to support you if you need it! Help with the baby or just-" 
"I have the Millers for that but thanks." He stopped her, knowing that this conversation needed to stop "It was nice seeing you, Mary." 
"Nice to see you too Frank." She replied, her voice barely above a whisper "And you too Esme." She finished before waving at the baby and turning to leave. 
Leaving Frankie to dwell on what had just happened. 
He finished his shop. Successfully managing to avoid any tears and grab everything on his list. Paying for the items he then left the market, chatting away to Esme who was grinning up at him from where she lay. He then looked up in an attempt to spot where he had parked his car and stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing there, smiling at him from across the parking lot. He was frozen to the spot as he watched your hand raise up and lay flat, inviting him to hold it. 
"Come back to me." You uttered, as your smile widened and then a car horn sounded beside him and his attention was torn away from you and to the car that was waiting for him to move out of the road. 
He quickly jogged forward before looking up again, his heart sinking when he found you weren't there anymore and then he shook his head as he remembered that it couldn't have been you. 
You were dead.
Esme's cries soon pulled him back to the real work and he was quick to sprint back to the car so that he could scoop her into his arms and attempt to soothe her as his own heart ached. 
"I'm sorry baby girl." He said as he rocked her in his arms "I'm sorry I just thought I saw someone." He choked, supporting her head so he could lean her back to place a kiss on her brow "It was just Papi seeing things." He finished before placing her in the car when she finally settled. 
After packing his truck, his eyes drifted to the spot where he had seen you standing. You had seemed too real. Like he could just reach out and touch you. Then his mind wandered back to what you'd said to him. 
Come back to me...
What did that even mean? 
2 weeks later... 
"Stop hogging the baby man!" Ben grumbled as he tried to pry Esmerelda from his brother's arms. 
"How am I hogging the baby?" Will scoffed, grinning at Frankie who watched the two men fawn over his daughter with amusement. 
"You've been cuddling her for like... the whole evening!" Ben whined, "I want Titchy snuggled." 
"Titchy?" Will Scoffed "Surely bubbles would be a more appropriate nickname for her." He chuckled as he looked at Esme who was blowing raspberries at a child sitting in the chair behind her. 
"I think Titchy suits her." Frankie defended, winking at Ben before his eyes locked onto someone familiar standing at the bar. 
"Well, I guess she is pretty teeny." Will stated as he finally relented and handed over the infant to his brother, grinning at the smile that filled her features as he took her into his arms "You're definitely her favourite." 
"Damn right." Ben agreed as he lifted Esme enough to blow a raspberry on her round tummy. 
"Fish?" Called Will when he noted how Frankie was staring off towards the bar, his eyes then following the man's to see what it was that he was looking at "See someone you recognise?" 
Frankie didn't answer. He kept his eyes fixed on the figure at the bar, his heart thundering in his chest when they turned around and your face came into view. You were in different clothes from the last time he'd seen you. Dark blue jeans and a cream linen shirt that made you look effortlessly beautiful. 
"Titch..." He mumbled, his eyes widening as yours locked onto his and then he was standing. 
"Fish... what the?-"
"Can't you see her?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of you as he straightened his spine and smiled sweetly at you. 
"See who?" Ben asked, his eyes then drifting to where his friend was looking. 
"She's right there." Franky choked as he started to take small steps towards you. 
"Who is?" Will demanded again as he stood up to follow his friend, grabbing Frankie's arm to stop him.
"Titch." Frankie growled as he turned his head back to look at him "Can't you see her?" He growled as he motioned at you. his chest heaving as he glared at Will. 
"She's not there Catfish." Will sighed and Frankie practically growled.
"Yes, she is! She's right..." He trailed off as he turned his head to see that you weren't there anymore "She was right..." 
"Maybe we should head home brother." Will said as he tried to steer Frankie back to the table. 
"I'm telling you she was right there!" 
"No one is there Francisco!" Will growled, the use of his full name taking Frankie by surprise "Titch is dead!" 
"I know that!" Frank yelled, his eyes welling up as he shrugged his arm out of Will's grasp "I know that okay it's just... I swear she was there... I saw her as clearly as I can see you." 
"Frankie we all see people we miss from time to time." Will sighed, giving his friend's arm a friendly squeeze "Doesn't mean they're actually there. 
"It's not the first time!" He defended "I saw her a few weeks ago at the market." 
"Don't believe me!" Fish growled, stopping Will in his tracks "But I know what I saw." He sobbed "I saw her..." He trailed off before grabbing his daughter off of Ben and making his way back to the car. 
Will and Ben hung back a moment, sharing a look of concern before heading out to catch up with him. He was their ride after all. They knew grief could manifest itself in strange ways but seeing you around seemed a bit extreme. Even for Frankie. 
Fish woke with a start, his heart hammering against his ribcage as he looked around the room for the source of that voice. 
"Frankie, can you hear me?" 
"Where are you?" He asked, his eyes wide and wild as he continued to scan the room for the source of that voice. 
The voice he was sure belonged to you. 
"Come back to me." I said and his heart was racing so much he was sure it couldn't be good for it. 
Screaming pulled his attention away from the mystery voice and he turned on the bedside lamp before rolling over towards where Esme lay in her side sleeping cot. 
"What's the matter princessa?" He asked as he pulled her to his bare chest " Hungry maybe?" He asked her as he shuffled down the bed so he could get up, grinning when she started to suck on the skin of his peck "Take that as a yes." 
He couldn't help but scan the room one more time before leaving it to make Esme her bottle. He was sure it was you. Sure as he could be that that voice had belonged to you and as he perched at the breakfast bar feeding his daughter, he dwelled on those four words you said to him again. 
Come back to me...
What did you mean by that? 
He wasn't the one that left. You were. 
So how could he go back to you? Surely you didn't mean what it sounded like? You wouldn't want him to leave Esme. You would want him to keep living for her if not himself. So why did you keep asking him to go back to you? 
It didn't make any sense. 
So when Emse was finished at tucked back into bed he lay down and decided it was time. 
He had to visit your grave. 
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For updates follow @albertasunrise-ficsblog
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gaysullengirl · 3 months
𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞, 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞. jealousy
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❝ i forget you aren't mine ❞
- cedar, gracie abrams
The past few days had been surprisingly uneventful, there were no new cases, the team was busy with their usual paperwork.
"Hey Isabelle, do you wanna grab a coffee?" Emily asked, Isabelle turned toward the woman, "Sure." She responded with a smile.
Emily had asked her if she wanted to get coffee twice before and she declined both times.
Isabelle had a tendency to over think everything, she declined because she wasn't sure what they would talk about.
To her it was odd Emily was so interested in being her friend, she asked her a lot of questions and Isabelle was taken a back every time.
Ever since Isabelle was younger other kids didn't approach her because she looked scary, hostile, and sad all of the time, she didn't mind though, she enjoyed talking to herself.
The two women grabbed their coats and headed out of the building, "There's this really nice coffee shop a few minutes away, if you wanna walk." Emily offered and Isabelle nodded in agreement.
A few minutes passed before a word was spoken, "How do you like the bau?" Emily asked curiously.
"I really like it." Isabelle replied, 'shit should I say anything else?' she thought, "It's been my dream job for a while."
"Aw that's nice!"
"Mhm." Isabelle hummed. "Uhm, how do you like it?" She asked.
"I love it, of course there are those challenging moments but over all I enjoy it." Emily gushed.
Isa just nodded, unsure of what to say, Emily sighed before asking, "What do you think of the team?"
"I like everyone- Hotch is kinda intense." She laughed, Emily  nodded in agreement, "Yeah, once you get to know him though he can be really nice."
"Rossi and Morgan can be intense at times but Morgan is secretly a big softie." Emily whispered the last part like a girl gossiping on the playground.
"And Spencer while you probably know him better than any of us." Emily added, and Isabelle smiled, a rosy tint running to her cheeks.
"I really like Penelope- she so sweet, like a ball of sunshine." Isabelle exclaimed, smiling as she thought about the technical analyst.
"What about Jj?" Emily questioned, right after she did she noticed the slight change in Isabelles body language and furrowed her eyebrows.
"I don't know her well, but I like her."
Emily chuckled, "You can't lie to a profiler." Isabelle looked to the woman and her eyes widened.
"Well I dont know- I don't like that she calls him Spence." Isabelle said, immediately regretting her the words.
"God! That's so stupid, I mean it's not like i'm the only one who can call him that- I don't know- I just don't love it."
"That makes sense." Emily agreed, "You think so?" Isa asked, digging her nails into her palm.
"Of course, it sounds like you're just jealous."
Isabelle frowned, jealous?, she never really felt jealous before, it was odd, it felt like a combination of anger and love.
Emily noticed the look of concern on Isabelle's face, "But if I were you I wouldn't worry." "What do you mean?"
"It's obvious Spencer loves you, I've never seen anyone's eyes light up the way his do when he talks about you."
Isabelle halted her steps, "He talks about me?"
"Yeah, all the time- ever since you came to the bau he constantly gushes about you to anyone who will listen."
"What does he say about me?" Isabelle questioned, "Well after he cussed you out on that case he told me he felt bad and that he was being dramatic because he really didn't hate you."
"Mhm, he said something like 'I can't hate her when I love her that much' I think."
"We're here" Emily pointed out with a smile, Isabelle was so caught up in talking with the fellow brunette she didn't even realize.
the girls spent their walk back to the bau talking about their love of the 'Harry Potter' book series.
Derek walked over to Spencer, who was at the coffee bar pouring copious amounts of sugar into his coffee.
"Easy there, tough guy, have some coffee with your sugar." Derek laughed. 
"I need something to wake me up." Spencer yawned, "Ooh, late night?" "Very."
"My man!" Derek patted him on the back, "Not that kind of late night." He scoffed.
"Hm, so you and pretty girl make up yet?" Morgan asked, Spencer looked to him with a confused expression plastered on his face, “Who’s that?”
"Isabelle." Morgan replied
Spencer flared his nostrils, "Don't call her that." Derek raised his hands, “Ok, ok my bad.” He laughed.
He leaned against the counter, "So you really like her, huh?"
Spencer blushed, "What- no! no we're just friends."
"You getting all defensive tells me you're not." Spencer looked around the bull pen, not finding Isabelle, "Okay, I like her."
Morgan's grin widened, "Pretty boys in love." He smirked, pinching Spencer's cheek.
He swatted Derek's hand away, "I don't think she even likes me so nothing's gonna happen."
Morgan raised his eyebrow, "Reid, seriously? You don't think she likes you?"
He shook his head, "Spencer I can definitely say she's in love with you, when Owen had that gun pointed at you all she could do was stare."
Spencer pursed his lips, still unsure, "Reid! When she hugged you she practically took both of you down."
"I guarantee she loves you." Morgan added before walking away.
Spencer stayed still, Emily once told his to never listen to Morgan's advice on female, but did that apply this time?
authors note!
the next chapter few chapters are sad (for you guys!) 😈😈
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