#He's a brat - I'm sorry
ambercast · 1 year
(continued from here with @ofescapisms )
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Mads finally looked up from his phone, making a face when he saw it was one of the cops. "This whole place stinks of unnatural shit. Maybe it one day will miraculously start working. You don't know." He set the phone on the counter next to him, though, screen-down. "Can I help you?" they asked then with absolute condescension.
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huffley · 4 months
This scene isn't talked about enough
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farshootergotme · 1 month
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"PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE!" Batman said calmly.
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lloydfrontera · 2 months
my biggest gripe with the manhwa rn is that they made javier more of an asshole than he is in the novel and then took away most of the scenes where we see him being kind and soft with others.
javier can be an ass, he is a brat and he's especially annoying when he's with lloyd, but above anything else he is kind and loyal and selfless and good. i cannot emphasize enough how good javier is. he's the kind of person who cannot see someone in trouble or danger and do nothing about it. he's the kind of person who would sacrifice his life for total strangers and no hope of any reward. he's the kind of person who can't even enjoy a lavish party without feeling guilty because he'd much rather help people in need with that money.
he's so fucking good, lloyd is a little annoyed by it because he keeps getting dragged into life-threatening situations because javier just won't stop helping people they don't even know. mind you, lloyd is also endeared by this and would not want him to change but god can it be frustrating in his endeavor to keep them both alive.
there's this particular scene that i just. i'm so sad it was cut. where javier is helping around the refugee camp, going without sleeping and eating so he can focus on helping as many people as possible and then he spots a little kid that got lost on his way back. so he decides to help him.
and he's so gentle with this kid.
Javier walked over to the kid and called him. The flustered boy looked up. Javier strove to put on a warm smile on his face. "Are you lost?" “...” The boy nodded, his eyes all wet. Javier carefully stroked the boy's head. "I think I can help you with that. Why don't you let me help find your tent?" suggested Javier. “...” The boy nodded again. "But why didn't you eat the food? It's going to get cold. Are you not hungry?" "I am… hungry," the boy finally said. But what he said next caught Javier by surprise. "But I won't eat it," said the boy. "Why not?" "My mother is hungrier." "Is that so?" "Yes." “...” Javier wondered why this kid came out to take the food when he had a mother. There must be a reason, he thought to himself. He held out his hand. "I will hold the tray for you." "..." "I won't spill it. I promise." "Okay..." Javier took the tray and wrapped the boy’s hand with his own.
like. god. javier is not a naturally warm person. he's very reserved and stoic and sometimes outright cold, but he still tries so hard with this kid. because he knows what it's like to be him. he knows what it's like to be a child and be scared and hungry and without a home. and he remembers how much it meant for a kind adult to reach out a hand to him and help. and he wants to be that to others too.
everything he does, he does because he genuinely believes it's the right thing to do and therefore his obligation. and even when it doesn't come naturally to him, like being warm and gentle to a child, he still tries his best to do so.
and like that wasn't enough, when they finally find the kid's mom, javier finds out she's blind. recently blinded actually. that she used all her strength to get her child to safety and now she has to depend on him to take care of them because she can't do it anymore. her blouse is smudged with porridge.
so javier kneels down and explains who he is, why he's there and that he wants to help. he lifts up a spoonful of food and slowly and carefully starts to feed her himself. she's a complete stranger and javier doesn't hesitate one second to do this for her.
this is who javier is!! this is who he is at his core!! he's kind and he's selfless and he's above all else good!!
if your audience can't imagine javier comforting a child, then you failed your audience. you missed the point of his character.
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kittehbiscuits · 1 month
"I was fired from the Neitherworld afterlife agency and all I got was a broken nose."
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The silly 😜 I need to bash his face in.
Unshaded/uncropped under cut
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grandcovenant · 9 months
carlo's inherent tragedy as a character means that if he hadn't died young he would've gone through something worse. the horrifying realization that he inherited his father's personality <3
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sollucets · 1 year
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Tell me what we were going to do! [fake snores]
What is our relationship? We’re… what should we be? We're friends! […] Fine, we're boyfriends. Happy now?
Aren't you going to say it back? Do I have to?
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fighting-naturalist · 2 years
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Daniel being a whole mood in “Rite of Passage” (ft. Michael Shanks’s signature Face Journeys™)
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mittenhater · 4 months
i think shakespeare wrote a play just like this
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saamaton · 2 months
if anyone's ever been so julia it's charles leclerc
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laismoura-art · 8 months
I wish to talk about a moment! This dialogue:
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Everybody I see talking about this moment only goes as far as saying, "Oh, Bi-Han is sexist >:O"
Which... he is. But more than that, he is:
He is not saying this because he has a problem with women being warriors per se. He is saying this because, unlike Kuai, Bi-Han still thinks the old Lin Kuei traditions are right and should be followed.
So if the old Lin Kuei says Female Lin Kuei are not allowed, then by all means, Female Lin Kuei are not allowed!
And do you know who else thinks the old traditions are right and should be followed?
She thinks the Lin Kuei should be led with iron fists.
She thinks the Lin Kuei should be merciless.
She thinks the Shirai Ryu and the Lin Kuei should remain enemies (and also thinks genocide is justified)
She thinks power should be pursued no matter the cost (even if the cost is your free will or the lives of your fellow clansmen)
But like a child who claims their country was better under a dictatorship, Frost is forgetting one little detail:
She has NO IDEA what that time was actually like!
I mean, she wasn't there! She has no idea what the old Lin Kuei was like!
And by all means, she never WOULD!
Cause as Bi-Han nicely reminds her: The old Lin Kuei, the one he follows and she sooo would rather have, DOESN’T ALLOW FEMALE LIN KUEI!
For as much as she complains about Kuai and how much he disregards tradition, she forgets his disregard is PRECISELY what made her Lin Kuei to begin with!
I mean, if she would rather have him be traditional, he could just have told her to fuck off his temple when she came to him, right?
After all. She wants the traditions to be followed.
He could have beaten her up for being mouthy and questioning his decisions. After all, the Lin Kuei must obey without question.
He could have sent her to face Hanzo (and be killed in the process). After all, the Shirai Ryu must be enemies (heck, he could've even allowed Hanzo to kill her on that one meeting. She started the fight, so she finishes it. Isn't that tradition?)
Also, it's funny that she praises the Cyber Initiative, when it means she gets some cyber enhancers and gets to command an army. But I wonder if she would have liked the ACTUAL Cyber Initiative, the one in which she would be just like the mindless robots she controls.
I wonder if someone like Frost, someone so strongminded, would ACTUALLY stand what the old Lin Kuei was like.
Be silenced? Forced to submission? Used as bait? Cannon fodder? As a Puppet??
Do you think she would stand be through what KUAI has??
I don't think so!
And I think people spend so much time being angry at Kuai for being angry at her that they forget just how much he did for her till he decided he had enough!
Can you imagine how many times Frost called him weak for his decisions?
Heck! He was accepting of her. He was kind and caring of her. He encouraged her to value her humanity and free will. He put an end to a war so she and his other students wouldn't have to fight and possibly DIE in it!
And all that for what? To hear that he's WEAK???
Can you imagine how much that must've sting?? How much that must've crushed his heart??
His heart is not frozen as he claims. It's BROKEN!
And all that because some stupid teenager can't be bothered to learn some history or by all means LISTEN to what the man who gave her everything has to say!
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scottyfreaks · 3 months
Jimmy getting so frustrated at Scott during the hide & seek game that he hate-fucks him afterwards
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theinfinitedivides · 10 months
hello hi yes before i catch up on MITD i would just like to say that Lee Joon Hyuk as Kang Ok/the copycat *cough* in Vigilante is in fact the fandom designated bisexual who serves c*nt and he is glorious in it, that is all
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 months
okay two things about the jdrama. it picks up during episode 3 (thank god) and also raye's actor is so absurdly attractive that it keeps distracting me from whatever's going on. like bro is throwing off the hotness index of the entire cast
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magnifiico · 10 months
@howthesleeplesswander || are we ready to die? i think we're ready to die 8'D
He had no concept of time down here. Only that enough time had passed for his mind to clear, reality to assert itself, and King Magnifico to find—
Well, a dungeon cell was no more befitting a king than the mirror just as abhorrently containing him. So, what was he? After all he had done for Rosas, the sacrifices he’d made, the protection he’d offered them for years beyond count, they would treat their king like some common criminal? His queen would dare to turn her back on…
His queen. Amaya. Amaya.
Magnifico had run his muddled mind through the events of that day on a near tireless loop: picking at bits and pieces of his memory, recollecting flashes here, a foggy and distorted mess there. And despite all that he had gathered—a puzzle he’d had plenty of time to build—he’d yet to trace back to what had offended her so. What had antagonized her, driven her to stand against him as if he were the villain betraying the very kingdom he had built?
I built this. We built this.
And he’d promised from the beginning he’d do anything and everything it took to protect it. No questions asked. No holds barred. Magnifico used that book because he had to. The people hadn’t given him a choice; if he had let them—
No. No, no no. We said we’d never let that happen again.
But nevertheless, here he was. Dethroned. Defamed. He’d almost convinced himself his queen planned on letting him rot eternally, but when he heard the creak of a door on that fateful day—could’ve been morning, afternoon… or perhaps his darling had decided to pay an evening visit when all had quieted down—Magnifico hadn’t needed to see her to know. Her footsteps were a recognizable rhythm, soft and elegant, down the steps. Somehow, the echo seemed to penetrate his magical prison just as well, and in some way, each beat trembled down to his core.
When she stood outside the bars, however, peered in at that loathsome little mirror on the wall, he was ready to face her. That is, he’d convinced the faint flutter in his chest that he was.
“You’ve placed a magical mirror in which I am already very securely contained—trust me, I’ve had plenty of time to determine that’s the case—within a literal prison cell,” he observed blandly, head cocking while a bitter smile tugged on his lips. “Is that not just a touch excessive, my dear?”
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stackthedeck · 10 months
Can you imagine if someone, After they unmask Spider-Man, do the math about the age he started fighting crime.
I Can imagine some of his enemies being like "oh god, I almost killed a kid"
Or some of his friend being horrified by how young he was. Especially when they discover it was at this age he gain a guilt complex
respectfully, what spider-man villain has a problem with fighting children lmao like I see this joke a lot about Peter's villains freaking out about fighting a teenager, but I think the substantially funnier joke is that no one gives a shit about Peter being a kid. Real fuck them kids energy you know?
Do we, collectively as Spider-Man fans, actually think any of Peter's villains give a shit. Like the only one I could imagine having hesitations is maybe the Punisher but he shows up when Peter is an adult. Like villains introduced before Amazing Spider-Man #30? Norman doesn't have a problem with hitting kids canonically, Doc Ock is like that, etc. Maybe the Lizard, Connors is cool but idk early Lizard appearances show him as having pretty limited control when he's the Lizard. Idk I'll think on which Spider-Man villains draw the line at killing a teenager
also i promise i'm not trying to be mean... but like I think his friends would not give a single shit about him being spider-man at 16. like say Harry by nothing short of a fanfic miracle, survives and works through everything after his dad's death and forgives Peter. what's he going to do feel bad that his dad was hitting him too? I mean probably, but like they've got a lot of shit to unpack together. Flash enlisted in the army at 18 and really admired Spider-Man before and after he knew he was Peter, I think he sees it as nothing but heroic. MJ canonically always knew because of a retcon that I think is bullshit, but nonetheless. Gwen never knew Peter was Spider-Man which I do think is one of the greatest missed opportunities of comic books, maybe she'd have a bigger reaction to him starting young, but like she'd have a bigger crisis to deal with if she found out. Shit, what other friends does Peter have? Johnny Storm? The dude that started at 15, yeah he'd make fun of Peter for getting into the game late. My niece was fighting Doctor Doom when she was six, web-head, sorry the shocker brained you before your SATs lmao
I think why I'm struggling with his friends having any reaction to like Peter's age is that when they do find out they're not that far removed from 16, they remember being that young and feeling like they were basically adults. I mean you're not basically an adult at 16, you just feel like it, but really the idea is only horrifying to us as the reader because we're not the intended audience of the high school years anymore. kinda like reading hunger games hits different when you're frontal cortex finishes cooking
I think the only kind of person that would have to have a reaction to Peter starting being a hero so young would have to be like someone with good parents and a stable home life and in comic books that's just the latest generation of heroes and like they did a whole arc about it
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