#He's very grateful to All Might for making the world look so much less scary to me
kakusu-shipping · 7 months
🥥&/or🍫&/or🧋for Nezu (i hope one of these works haha) - @wheresunandseameet
Yes and thankyou very much!!! I'm so sorry for being picky like this, thankyou for your patients!!
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🥥 - If your familiar f/o is being hurt by someone else what would you do to help?
M-Mister Nezu.. Hurt by someone else...? I... I'm not really s-sure... All I'm good at is teleporting an-and I need to be.. touching someone to teleport them and.. Mr. Nezu... Doesn't like being touched... so I couldn't get him out of danger......
I-I'd have to go get some-someone else, someone st-stronger, a-a good hero.. May-maybe Mr. Yagi o-or Mr. Aizawa... Someone else.. wh-who could help..
🍫; What would other characters in your familiar f/o's source think of you and your f/o?
(out of character) Most of the UA staff are rather thrown off by Nezu adopting a kid, especially one raised by the Hero Commission. He's never been a compassionate mouse, he can't handle being touched in any way, and truthfully his energy for children start and end on a professional level.
All Might is probably the only one who understands the guilt Nezu carries for leaving Hawks behind when he left the Hero Commission, and that this, taking one of their child soldiers out of that life, is his way of easing his conscious at least a little. He's also the only one who supports him in this, playing a sort of co-parent to me. More like a grandfather I suppose. He's the main one to give physical affection, support, and encouragement. Though he certainly shows favoritism to Midoriya, he tries to be there for all his students, including me, especially sense I have no one else in my corner.
Most of Class 1-A and 1-B react to Nezu legally adopting me with the same amount of confusion as the teacher's did. It just seems so out of character for their aloof principal. The rumor that we're closer related than just adopted father/son spread and a lot of 1-A pestered me for background information on Nezu for a while until Bakugo made them back off.
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witchersgoldenbard · 3 years
My sweet darling @mayastormborn asked for some nonverbal Geralt:
Some non-verbal Geralt during winter, and they all allow him to just *be*? No one asks him anything, they just bring him some of his safe-foods and a drink and top it up through the day. Any conversation is through gestures though as little as possible
Well, sweetness, I hope this little thing brings you some comfort and is somewhere near what you had in mind 💕👉👈 (tho it’s not and I will try again)
1.8k words, no warnings except the obvious
No Words Required
When Geralt wakes up with the first light, the weak rays of the winter sun slowly but stubbornly bringing a new day to Kaer Morhen, he knows it is one of those days that will have to remain silent on his part. Usually, he would turn to Jaskier beside him and press a kiss to his brow to wish him a good morning, but the very thought of talking is almost enough to quicken his heartbeat and make his hands shake. No talking, then.
He closes his eyes again and tries to fall back to sleep, maybe he just needs to start this day over. He doesn’t dare to hope, but it might be worth a try.
Despite giving it another chance, his tongue still feels too heavy in his mouth when he opens his eyes again, the world around him still blurry and sharp-edged at the same time. So Geralt has no option but to accept his fate. At least for today. Only for today, he hopes.
“Good morning, my love,” comes Jaskier’s tired voice from beside him, and Geralt thanks the Gods he doesn’t believe in that he can still find happiness in this familiar tone. Grateful that not all his senses are set to overwhelm him today.
He turns to smile at Jaskier, who waits a moment, gives him a chance to say the words he doesn’t have the strength to utter today. Wants to force himself to say, but his heart, his hands, his head, they all deny him. Warn him.
And Jaskier only softens his smile and asks, as quietly as he can, “Silence day?”
Bless him. Bless this man, this wonderful man, for understanding. For knowing him well enough, for seeing, for asking.
Geralt nods, but reaches out to hold Jaskier’s hand with only a slight tremble in his fingers, afraid to find that touch will be denied, too. But the warmth of Jaskier’s skin feels good, the softness under his fingers bringing its usual comfort, and Geralt smiles at the bard’s hands.
“Touch and noise still fine, darling?” Jaskier asks anyway, despite seeing the smile he is wearing. Always asking, always reassuring. Always loving and caring. Always there.
Geralt nods and taps Jaskier’s hand twice, too.
“Would you like me to tell the others?”
Geralt hesitates, quickly calculating if he has enough strength to grunt and hum his way through the day, make enough noise for them to let it pass. But it feels wrong, and he knows they don’t judge. They all have these days, even Jaskier, and it’s always better if everyone knows.
So he nods and is rewarded with a gentle smile.
“Wonderful. And this is going to be the last complex question of the day, I know they’re hard, but technically it’s still yes-or-no? Really, it will depend on your response, uhm—“
Geralt squeezes Jaskier’s hand and regards him with an amused smile. He loves this man so much, how could he not smile even when the world is heavy around him?
“Right, sorry,” Jaskier mumbles and sits up, scratching the back of his head and looking at Geralt. “Is there anything you need? Except to not talk, and possibly the usual, you know. Anything you need, right now?”
The hand still wrapped around Jaskier’s wrist gives Geralt perfect leverage to just pull and have Jaskier land on top of him with an undignified squawk. The bard chuckles as he lies on top of Geralt, their warm chests pressed together like they were made for just this.
Jaskier hums the moment Geralt’s arms wrap around his middle, keeping the warm and comforting weight on top of him. Let the world be heavy, he thinks. I am safe right here.
“I’ve got you, love,” Jaskier promises. “And you’ve got this.”
The first time Geralt goes nonverbal around him, it’s a few weeks after Posada. They are returning from a contract, off to find the alderman to receive their well-deserved coin. Jaskier is prattling on about heroics and monsters and witchers, only interrupting his enthusiastic monologues to hum a tune, trying for a melody and always discarding it immediately.
He has grown used to silence beside him, looming and annoyed and stoic. Hums, at most, though they are always more like grunts, noncommittal and monotonous.
But then, suddenly, the hums stop and the Witcher’s ever-focused eyes have lost some of their shine. Jaskier notices these things — of course he does, he’s an artist after all! And Geralt has pretty eyes. But that’s beside the point.
“Geralt?” he asks, stopping in his tracks and watching the Witcher beside him. The same Witcher who doesn’t even notice that he stopped walking, eyes on the road before him, seemingly lost in thought.
“Geralt!” Jaskier calls again. Still no reply, but the Witcher finally stops. Stands. Looks at him over his shoulder. His eyes still not entirely right, and Jaskier doubts it comes from the various potions he has had last night.
“Something’s wrong,” he says, and Geralt glances around after a second, hand moving to his sword. Good, Jaskier thinks, he’s not completely out of it. “No,” he says and takes a step forward, noticing the sudden tension between Geralt’s shoulders. He stops. “No, I mean… With you. Are you alright?”
Geralt frowns. Well, at least there’s a constant for you.
“Are you okay, Geralt?” he asks again, gentler but really starting to worry.
Another frown, but this time followed by a nod. Which is not very reassuring. Jaskier might not know him well, but he knows right then that he’s lying. He lets it go, though, and they make their way to the town, easily finding the alderman.
A wretched man who only wants to give them half their payment, but Geralt doesn’t seem inclined to argue. Jaskier frowns and gives the alderman a piece of his mind, making a whole scene for everyone around to hear. “And if the Witchers on the whole Continent might hear from the White Wolf’s bard that you betray them, that your hand doesn’t fulfill what your tongue promises, maybe you shall surrender to the monsters then. Leshen and whatever so pleases shall feast on you, maybe that will be the day you wish you had paid the White Wolf what he was promised and more!”
Needless to say, they leave with more coin than expected, and Jaskier can’t wipe the smug grin off his face.
Geralt smiles at him for the first time, then, over their small campfire, and Jaskier smiles back.
“Is speaking hard for you today?” he finally dares to ask.
Geralt stares at him. Nods.
Jaskier nods back. Grins.
“Well, good thing you have me then, isn’t it? A bard to yell at stupid people for you. We’ll make a great team, you’ll see.”
Geralt doesn’t say anything to that, obviously. But even the next day, when the first thing he does is insult Jaskier’s fashion sense, he doesn’t mention it, doesn’t deny it. And Jaskier is sure he didn’t imagine that small smile that could have meant Maybe you are right.
Either way, he was.
Jaskier leaves the bed before Geralt, promising to bring him breakfast.
“You still have three other meals you can try to leave bed for, let’s have breakfast here,” Jaskier argues with a grin and a fine that brooks no room for discussion even if Geralt were up for it.
And so, they have breakfast in bed. It’s warm and comfortable and Jaskier chatters away, not expecting a response in any way. Perfect background noise, taking away the sharp edges of his surroundings, making everything a little less overwhelming and oppressive. Jaskier knows his place in the network of Geralt’s nonverbal days as he talks, keeping his voice down and calm and so, so warm. Familiar.
It almost makes him feel normal. It definitely makes him feel safe.
When he finally has enough strength to leave bed, they make their ways downstairs to sit by the hearth. Geralt has found that the warmth helps, brings him physical comfort when there is nothing else to ground him.
“Good to see you, pup,” Vesemir says and claps a broad hand on Geralt’s shoulder after looking at Jaskier for a second. Geralt smiles.
Pup. Vesemir only calls them that on the heavy days, and it’s a constant that always helps them through the worst of it.
Life still happens around him, everyone has their own tasks, and where he’s sitting in the middle of it all, he feels like he still gets to be a part of it.
There are warm foods throughout the day and a jug of something hot and spiced always appears by his side. Geralt is not completely sure how the time passes, but it doesn’t matter.
What matters is that Lambert is sat beside him, silent, offering his company. If Geralt leans into him and Lambert leans back, well, then that’s between them.
What matters is Eskel who lies down on the fur beside the hearth and gently pulls Geralt to lie on top of him, head on his broad chest, careful hand running through his silver hair. He talks, though all Geralt feels is the rumbling of his chest.
It’s all that matters.
The first time it happens around Eskel, they’re both still pups. Barely grown into Witchers yet.
“There are worse things than not talking, Geralt,” Eskel tells him, Geralt’s head resting on his shoulders. “I know it’s scary. It feels like there’s nothing worse. But it doesn’t make you any less of a Witcher. Or any less Geralt. You’re still the White Wolf, even if you can’t howl. I’ll howl for you, Wolf,” he promises with a kiss to his cheek. “And when the day comes, you’ll do the same for me. Because it happens. And it fucking sucks, but you’ve got this, okay? And I’ve got you.”
Geralt nods into Eskel’s shoulder and tries not to feel pathetic that the only sounds the world gets to hear from him that day are his sobs.
But Eskel was right then and is still right now. They’ve got each other and they take care of each other. Howl and fight and protect each other.
They do the same for Lambert on his heavy days.
And for Jaskier, years and years and years later.
For Ciri and Yennefer and everyone who needs it.
That’s what family does. Nothing has to change on the days you can’t talk, on the days that words fail you. There are always people to yell at the world for you, to wrap you in a hug and tell you everything you need to hear. Even Witchers can have that.
And Geralt has a whole family now to tell him: “You’ve got this. And we’ve got you.”
It’s really all that matters.
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edenmemes · 4 years
horizon zero dawn starters
❝  you can sense it. you already know you’re going to lose.  ❞ ❝  did you want to be alone?  ❞ ❝  you wouldn’t be so eager to speak with me if you knew me.  ❞ ❝  that will draw attention. we won’t have this place to ourselves for long now.  ❞ ❝  it’s a world worth fighting for. not just here. everywhere.  ❞ ❝  trying to live up to glorious pasts has a way of getting people killed.  ❞ ❝  never celebrate a victory before it’s earned.  ❞ ❝  i crave vengeance. do you?  ❞ ❝  my comrades weren’t so lucky. i might shed a tear, if they weren’t all cutthroats and cheaters.  ❞ ❝  i’ll always have a minute for you. maybe even two.  ❞ ❝  you walk on the edge of life and death. i can tell.  ❞ ❝  what is a gift but an award you did not earn?  ❞ ❝  so many voices to listen to, it must make your head hurt. i promise my voice will be soft and soothing.  ❞ ❝  i wish i could borrow some of your courage now.  ❞ ❝  i’ve always wondered. are all your kind hunters and fighters, or just a few?  ❞ ❝  no one doubts your determination. but you need to rest.  ❞ ❝  a bold claim. i wonder if you’ll live up to it.  ❞ ❝  why would someone name a knife?  ❞ ❝  so you’re alive ! we should celebrate! drinks on me!  ❞ ❝  try not to forget me, while you’re out there saving the world.  ❞ ❝  when we spoke earlier, you winced, then looked like you were in pain - or frightened.  ❞ ❝  i’m really not one for crowds.  ❞ ❝  so - how are we gonna do that? oh, wait, i forgot. we won’t. i do all the dangerous stuff.  ❞ ❝  i knew there was something about you. hammered from the stuff they make leaders out of.  ❞ ❝  no matter what happens, i will not intervene. do you understand? you are on your own.  ❞ ❝  it’s always a pain in the neck when you show up, girl, one way or another.  ❞ ❝  you’re bleeding, let me have a look. here, hold still.  ❞ ❝  just don’t think this means i enjoy it.  ❞ ❝  i don’t want to jinx it, but we might be in the clear.  ❞ ❝  when i start a fuss, i like to finish it.  ❞ ❝  i promise to look solemn at your funeral before i hit the bar.  ❞ ❝  what could go wrong? turns out, a lot.  ❞ ❝  let me come with you! i won’t be a bother. i know how to stay out of sight.  ❞ ❝  now i’m supposed to fill ____’s shoes. and instead, here i am, stumbling around in them.  ❞ ❝  we need to talk - alone. and you need to pull it together.  ❞ ❝  i guess growing up means putting what you should do in front of what you want to do, right?  ❞ ❝  oh, are you going to shut your mouth now? because that would be a surprise.  ❞ ❝  i will come to you in secret. no one will see me, so i won’t get in trouble.  ❞ ❝  it looks like something chewed you up and spat you out.  ❞ ❝  these are the true wilds, with threats unlike any you have ever faced.  ❞ ❝  that moment the door opened and you were standing there, and the way you smiled... i had to look away or you were going to see. on my face. what had just... blossomed inside me, you know?  ❞ ❝  i’m not afraid of you - i’m not afraid of anything.  ❞ ❝  stop being evasive? you might as well tell me to stop being charming. it’s impossible.  ❞ ❝  what a waste. at least he died better than he lived.  ❞ ❝  i’ve been looking up at the stars a lot, and the only story i see written across them is that we are small and insignificant and will soon disappear with hardly a trace left behind. it’s a hard story, and i don’t like it much..  ❞ ❝  if i’m going to stand for something, it’ll have to be something i believe in.  ❞ ❝  the strength to stand alone, is the strength to make a stand.  ❞ ❝  soon it’ll all seem familiar. like home.  ❞ ❝  now i see that i was just lucky to get a minute of your time.  ❞ ❝  i know my duty to them - and to you. i’m here. and wherever you go...i will follow.  ❞ ❝  you're really good at making it impossible to like you.  ❞ ❝  i’ve missed our little talks.  ❞ ❝  will change happen at all, while men live in palaces?  ❞ ❝  confidence is quiet. you’re not.  ❞ ❝  you’re not a very convincing liar.  ❞ ❝  i already have all the friends i need. i don’t need the bother.  ❞ ❝  all right, cool your fire. i got nothing to hide.  ❞ ❝  i see you don’t recognize me. well, it was a long time ago.  ❞ ❝  you will turn back - or bleed. your choice.  ❞ ❝  when we met, i thought i was a big shot talking to a pretty girl hidden away in the middle of nowhere.  ❞ ❝  you would speak ill of the dead? truly you have no shame.  ❞ ❝  truth is, i get lonely once in awhile. there. i admitted it. don’t think less of me.  ❞ ❝  do you have any idea how dangerous it is out there?  ❞ ❝  but i don’t know anyone here.  ❞ ❝  come on, stop. you’re going to make me tear up.  ❞ ❝  i feel like i should drop to my knees and worship you.  ❞ ❝  think i’m done? think again. i’ve gotten out of worse scrapes.  ❞ ❝  it’s hard to imagine where we’d be without you - and i don’t want to try.  ❞ ❝  if we’re to fight together on the brink of life and death, i’d prefer to do so with your forgiveness.  ❞ ❝  trust is for fools. it shifts and crumbles like sand.  ❞ ❝  what will you do while i risk my life?  ❞ ❝  you can smile, can’t you? ...no, that’s a grimace.  ❞ ❝  you killed that demon...pulled its guts from the carcass!  ❞ ❝  the sooner you’re gone from here, the better.  ❞ ❝  for now, all you need to know is that i’m a whisper of reason in this howling pit of insanity.  ❞ ❝  i heard the rumors, but i didn’t know for sure until saw you just now. i’m glad to see you’re okay.  ❞ ❝  no barrier can now stay you from your sacred task.  ❞ ❝  i won’t deny i risked your life. but it was the only way.  ❞ ❝  they can’t shoot if they’re dead. keep them busy, i’ll find an angle.  ❞ ❝  comforts are weakness.  ❞ ❝  as for honor, sacrifice-- true sacrifice, the kind rulers know nothing of -- it’s all a fat joke.  ❞ ❝  i’ve been sharpening my blade, anticipating the scent of the fight.  ❞ ❝  you’re not just a traveler. that armor was fitted for you. and the way you hold your bow...  ❞ ❝  i’d expect to see some tomatoes fly, maybe rocks. hopefully not spears. in any case, be ready to duck.  ❞ ❝  i’m not here for the price on your head.  ❞ ❝  for a moment, i was a child again, rapt from stories told by hunters at the campfire.  ❞ ❝  this...attachment to me will only hold you back.  ❞ ❝  whatever you do, don’t let their shabby looks fool you! they’ll kill you as soon as look at you.  ❞ ❝  i’m doing what i love. and what could be wrong with that?  ❞ ❝  when the arrowhead passes between armor and skin - that’s the place i belong.  ❞ ❝  right. why would i expect an answer? it’s so much more exciting to keep it all a mystery...  ❞ ❝  oh, it’s a story all right, but it takes a while to tell. maybe another time, over a drink or three?  ❞ ❝  why are you talking like we’ll never see each other again?  ❞ ❝  i’ll wager you don’t scare easy - it’s a good quality.  ❞ ❝  there will be people celebrating, and feasting. more than you've ever see in one place.  ❞ ❝  i didn’t bring you here to answer questions. i brought you here to deal with that.  ❞ ❝  ...you’ve...put a lot of thought into this.  ❞ ❝  i do not want to hear this talk from you again. doubt is heavier than a week’s snow.  ❞ ❝  bandits are drawn to here like infection to a wound.  ❞ ❝  i guess you’re doing the right thing for the wrong reason.  ❞ ❝  i thought you and i were agreed: only enjoy the killing as much as the challenge.  ❞ ❝  rumors spread like blood.  ❞ ❝  they would steal from us, chase us through the night, laughing.  ❞ ❝  leave it too long, your fingers itch for the bowstring.  ❞ ❝  you’re strong, shrewd, capable... i could use someone like you on my side.  ❞ ❝  you defeated it? alone?  ❞ ❝  grasp your grief. and kill it.  ❞ ❝  at least i’ll have a fire to keep me company.  ❞ ❝  only survivors scar. after everything you’ve been through, you keep going.  ❞ ❝  just stop being evasive and tell me who you really are.  ❞ ❝  i don’t mind putting my worthless ass on the line. but not yours.  ❞ ❝  i’m not here to intrigue you.  ❞ ❝  how about you? who do you think i am? what will you remember of me? ❞ ❝  everything freezing. the ground, the air... me.  ❞ ❝  you lost someone you care about. that leaves a wound. the sort of wound a lot of people don’t recover from.  ❞ ❝  the only thing i know i’m still fighting for is...you.  ❞ ❝  i didn’t earn this mercy, but i will die to make myself worthy of it.  ❞ ❝  to say you have my gratitude feels woefully insufficient. you saved my life.  ❞ ❝  makes you wish you could kill them more than once, doesn’t it?  ❞ ❝  why did you act so strange when we spoke earlier?  ❞ ❝  being smart won’t count for nothing if you don’t make the world a better place.  ❞ ❝  to serve a purpose greater than yourself...that is the lesson you must learn.  ❞ ❝   if a big, meaningful talk is what you’re after, move along.  ❞ ❝  that carcass! what sort of beast was that?  ❞ ❝  what are you doing out here all alone? where are your men?  ❞ ❝  you’ve obviously heard of me. you know what i’m capable of. why do you think this will turn out well for you?  ❞ ❝  there’s so much to discover before the world ends.  ❞ ❝  i couldn’t wait to see you again. it’s like...i’m dead and only come alive when i’m here with you.  ❞ ❝  some even say you have a conscience. how extraordinary!  ❞ ❝  do you always accuse people you’ve just met of lying?  ❞ ❝  if you ever visit, look me up. i’ll show you around, make introductions. it’d be a whole new life, if you want it.  ❞ ❝  it had a name once, not that it matters now. i was born there.  ❞ ❝  i always knew you were different... i think you’re a blessing.  ❞ ❝  no one hears your prayers anyway.  ❞ ❝  this place is difficult even for the prepared.  ❞ ❝  i underestimated you. i won’t make that same mistake again.  ❞ ❝  oh. is that supposed to sound scary or something?  ❞ ❝  look, maybe i shouldn’t say this, but it’s obvious that you don’t belong in this... backwater.  ❞ ❝  were you kept hidden away? did you have overprotective parents or something?  ❞ ❝  hmph. don’t go soft on me.  ❞ ❝  i prefer the company of spirits. or my own.  ❞ ❝  blood spilled calls for blood spilled! if the ground is cursed, then let our vengeance sanctify it.  ❞ ❝  so many people here, all talking at once. how does anyone think?  ❞ ❝  why is it that every time something bad happens to you, someone else tells you something bad that happened to them, as if that makes it any better?  ❞ ❝  i’ve never seen armor like yours.  ❞ ❝  the wrongness here jags at me like an arrowhead.  ❞ ❝  when you found me, i was trying to eke out a glorious death. but now a glorious life seems more preferable.  ❞ ❝  tomorrow, may the sun rise on the world.  ❞ ❝  you saved my epitaph from being ‘a fine soldier but a fool of a man’.  ❞ ❝  i don’t think i know you at all. but i’d like to.  ❞ ❝  i don’t like this. it feels...wrong.  ❞ ❝  oh, i’m grateful for this wound. it’s a lesson i won’t forget.  ❞ ❝  you’re a clever one. but not so clever as to heed my warning, i see.  ❞ ❝  not everyone follows the law like you do.  ❞ ❝  how many times have i pulled you from danger by your neck? made excuses for your behavior?  ❞ ❝  for what it’s worth, i’m glad you’re coming with me.  ❞ ❝  what have i ever given you but struggle?  ❞ ❝  it’s starting to feel real, you know? that we might actually get out of this place.  ❞ ❝  i’ve never been part of anything. i serve my own interests. always.  ❞ ❝  i apologize for my...behavior. i thought i was dead.  ❞ ❝  look, i don’t even know your story. must be a good one. if you ever feel like telling it, look me up.  ❞ ❝  when my anger has thawed, i will feel nothing.  ❞ ❝  i can’t remember when i had this much fun! i should be thanking you!  ❞ ❝  you gave him a quicker death than he deserved.  ❞ ❝  that...could be the last creepy thing you’ve said to me.  ❞ ❝  something’s really bothering you. if you think i’m gonna abandon you, you’re wrong.  ❞ ❝  surprised you saw me, the way you keep looking every other direction to make sure no one’s watching. careful there, or you’ll sprain your neck.  ❞ ❝  remember how the blood pounded in your ears? they’ll ring later, in the calm. it’s a call to arms, from your inner desires.  ❞ ❝  ___’s dead. i was ready to go through anything to make that happen. and i did.  ❞ ❝  is there a reason why you’re acting so cranky today?  ❞ ❝  you hold your grief close, like a tailsman.  ❞ ❝  i hope you can find peace.  ❞ ❝  you don’t know who i am, do you?  ❞ ❝  you know there’s always been dirt on my hands. now there’s blood too.  ❞ ❝  i want to be strong like you. but...  ❞ ❝  i hadn’t given up on hope, but i’ve forgotten the taste of it.  ❞ ❝  just...don’t start singing again.  ❞ ❝  you’re sparing me? after all i’ve done?  ❞ ❝  i don’t intend to die today.  ❞ ❝  it will take many good deeds to make up for the crimes you’ve committed.  ❞ ❝  but why should you have justice, and not me?  ❞ ❝  such a voice... a cold, awful jangle that scrapes your bones and hollows your guts.  ❞ ❝  one more word, and i’ll throw you in jail myself.  ❞ ❝  only in the struggle against death do we find, even for a moment, the spark of life.  ❞ ❝  the war changed you. changed us both. we’re not kids anymore.  ❞ ❝  i can’t sleep, i can’t breathe knowing you could be out there...hurting...  ❞ ❝  now i’m left to wear my sins. for me, at least, they hang heavy.  ❞       ❝  but what does a girl like you know of loss?  ❞ ❝  it’s a good thing you’ve got brains. because your personality could use some work.  ❞ ❝  i was going to ask you to leave with me...to go somewhere out in the sun where no shadow could reach us.  ❞ ❝  they didn’t need to disgrace my name. i did it myself, serving a rotten throne. ❞ ❝  you don’t approve? well, i have a secret for you. neither do i.  ❞ ❝  perhaps you are not an evil man. just a weak one.  ❞ ❝  losses can feel... overwhelming. but they remind us of our connections to others.  ❞ ❝  i don’t exactly see anyone beating down the door to spend time with you.  ❞ ❝  if i had known, i would never have spoken to you.  ❞ ❝  forge a new life. one of better make.  ❞ ❝  impossible odds, fine company, killing without consequence --- how could i resist?  ❞ ❝  look at me. i can’t imagine how you’re feeling, but you don’t have to go through it alone.  ❞ ❝  i wish i had known, all this time, what you were going through.  ❞ ❝  i’m with you. until the end.  ❞ ❝  i thought you just wanted to have tea and conversation! is there a battle coming? i wasn’t informed!  ❞ ❝  we’ve only met a few times, and yet you know me so well.  ❞ ❝  are you going to drive me off, too? it’s okay. i’ve dealt with worse.  ❞ ❝  now i know the kind of person i want to be, watching you.  ❞ ❝  it’s so...bittersweet. like a smile through bloodied teeth.  ❞ ❝  i swear i saw my ancestors... they said: ‘we’re not surprised to see you here’.  ❞ ❝  more mercenaries? what kind of person sells their loyalty?  ❞ ❝  keep moving or you’ll die!  ❞ ❝  this is the kind of place you’d take someone if you want to lose them forever.  ❞ ❝  if that’s destiny, i wouldn’t wish it on anyone.  ❞ ❝  i’ve thought about what you said. every time, the wound you gave me caught on my ribs.  ❞ ❝  i’ve never seen such disregard for personal safety.  ❞ ❝  the most important thing is what you’re not like - your father.  ❞ ❝  i’m never lonely where there’s killing to be done.  ❞ ❝  my past - and my secrets - are my own. you’ll do well to remember that.  ❞ ❝  only to you do i extend the courtesy of a warning.  ❞ ❝  if the war’s not over, i’m not done.  ❞ ❝  a long kiss, the best kind... i can still remember the feel of your hand on the back of my neck.  ❞ ❝  it would be a worse fate to bow our heads to the challenge and say, ‘too much’.  ❞ ❝  let’s not say farewell. i’ve had enough of that to last me a dozen winters.  ❞ ❝  have your wounds even had time to heal?  ❞ ❝  you can stop worrying. the secret’s safe with me.  ❞ ❝  just to be clear, i have no plans to murder you, alright?  ❞ ❝  you’re an idiot. a dangerous idiot, but an idiot.  ❞ ❝  i’m kicking myself for not seeing your potential from the beginning.  ❞ ❝  for your sake, you must go where you will never find me. this is goodbye.   ❞ ❝  so that’s what this is? a tantrum? a cry for attention?  ❞ ❝  change won’t come in a single sunrise.  ❞ ❝  this place may not seem like much, but we’ll make the best of it.  ❞ ❝  no murderers here, if that’s what you’re asking.  ❞
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angelkurenai · 3 years
Beautifully reckless - Dean Winchester x Reader
Title: Beautifully reckless
Pairing: Michael!Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: None
Prompt: lately i just felt like reading a michael!dean fic, and since you're an amazing writer, I'd love to see you write a one shot/imagine with him. so here you go, reader is sam's and dean's friend who is a psychic, and after michael possesses dean, he starts feeling something for her that he never felt before? just some soft michael!dean, please? i love ur fics, they are truly unique and awesome to read
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“Took you long enough, you bastard.”
The voice tone, to some extent, took Michael by surprise, to the point he jumped on the spot. Though he would never admit to that. He was used to respect, well, fear actually and he was used to hearing calculated and careful words. It wasn't like he had not been called that many more times before, but that was mostly in his face, and not behind his back (literally) and in such a tone. Not when everyone around him knew better than to push their luck. The fact that he really wasn't still around the people who used to tremble in fear when he was facing them, or not actually, and that he, Michael himself, wasn't entirely the same person as when he was in the Apocalypse world.
“I- Excuse me?” he couldn't stop the words from leaving his lips before he stopped in his steps and turned around to face the source of the voice that was so bold.
Within barely the span of a minute, he found himself being stunned twice... or maybe thrice, but there was barely any time to duel on that. Not in those first few seconds. Not when the sudden giddiness overwhelmed him and his breath came out shakily, as if somebody had just knocked it out of him. What was it that had just happened to him made him frown but his attention was instantly back on you.
The smile on the face of the person standing before him was not a surprise on it's own, seeing how much the sparkling and warm eyes told him that smiling was not a rare occurrence, but rather the fact that he had not expected such a friendly and caring, if the words were even enough to explain it, smile on your face after the way the words had sounded. Or perhaps it had indeed been all him and there had not been a real threat behind those words. He, after all, still kept forgetting that things had changed drastically.
“Let me guess-” the smile turned into a smirk, the teasing kind, the friendly and familiar kind of teasing he had truthfully never been on the receiving end and that sent him off balance “This is payback for those three weeks I stood you up in a row huh? Fair enough, fair enough. You had the right to not show up today either so I suppose I should be grateful you're here. And we're perfectly timed too.”
“Perfectly timed?” he repeated “I actually-” but before he could get to complete his sentence, he felt a pair of arms wrapping around him in what could clearly and very easily be described as a quick hug. It wasn't the long, tight and longing one he might have expected, probably because it hadn't been long since you had last been in touch, however that was not what he really dueled on at that moment. Not something he could duel on that is, not when he had to stop himself from returning the hug himself.
It was an impulse which he could again easily recognize, and even more easily blame on you. Because you had to be the one to blame, there was no other explanation. There was no other way to describe the way his body had just straight up frozen, not in shock but rather eager no less than a puppy (he could never admit to that) to turn to face you, eager to close the distance and eager to take everything in, whether it be by just getting to look at you or by, hopefully (why really?), getting to have you melt in his arms. Though shockingly enough he found himself doing the latter, feelings his muscles relax and a soft breath leave his lips when you were wrapped around him. It was strange, in a frightening way, and he had to push back all those feelings despite how he realized that it was easier to breathe with you there, without any weight resting on his chest. It was you who was responsible, that was easy to understand. What wasn't easy was the why. Why all of a sudden he felt this way with you?
“Gosh, Winchester-” ah yes, how did he not realize it? He was indeed the reason why and Michael hadn't even given his vessel a second thought, not until your eyes locked with his and his heart skipped a beat or two “I'll be able to see an angel's true form before you ever get rid of the green plaid huh?”
“I-” he looked down at himself, well aware that he hadn't had the chance to change Dean's clothes just yet “Funny enough, it was exactly what I had in mind too. Was actually planning on it.”
“Oh finally ready to dress to impress? Hm I wonder how I will be able to spot you next in the crowd. Was lucky this time I suppose.” you pulled away, playful smile ever present.
His eyes narrowed slightly in a way that must have scared his enemies in the past but that held no real threat this time, and maybe that was the most scary part: that he didn't meant it to be, especially to you “And... what makes you think I was actually heading this way?”
“Oh I see.” you placed your hand on your hips, nodding your head with a growing smirk “Feeling bold today. We haven't seen each other in quiet some time and here you come, ready to take me by surprise. I must warn you, though you already know, so I better say remind you-” you took a step closer to him and although he didn't let it show on his face, well, on Dean's face (or so he hoped) that didn't mean he didn't feel the flutter in his chest and the sudden weakness of his knees “You-” you poked his chest with your pointer and he could swear he felt the skin of his vessel start burning there, as if a fire was there that was only spreading “Would find it hard to surprise me, Dean. Not many people can, it's a tough challenge.”
“Well, you might have just done it there. It's time you finally found the right person because I was never one to say no to a challenge.” he felt his own lips form into a smirk, even though he was unable to believe how much he enjoyed seeing the sparkle of excitement in your eyes. Soon followed by the very familiar playfulness he could grow used to. And why shouldn't he? He had his sword, his perfect vessel, and nobody could take that away. He was in full control over Deans body and you clearly had not realized any difference, because apparently for what it mattered, maybe he was a lot like Dean after all- or at least could be, and that was more than enough.
“Bold of you to assume-” you pulled away and he had to stop himself- his vessel from taking a step forward to still be close with you “That it's a game with only one player. Let's see just how easily surprise you can be, Winchester. Feels like after years of friendship I might still be able to learn something new about you.”
“Then it would only be right to warn you I am not that easily taken by su-”
His words would have certainly held more value and determination, if not a chance at convincing you, if his voice had not wavered and, halfway through the sentence, they hadn't been cut off by a far-from-manly yelp that broke through his lips.
Well, if that wasn't a first. Again.
“Yeah, I get it. I get it. You macho man.” you scoffed, but the smirk on your lips was so playful that it almost made him forget what had just happened. Almost. Or maybe just for the moment, because he was sure he had a lot of thinking to do afterwards and maybe a much-needed conversation with his vessel about it.
“I- I didn't-” he blinked, more stunned with himself for reacting this way than anything else.
“'S alright-” you grinned at him in the end “Just, enough talking. Come on, this is no place for that kind of stuff.” you giggled and he got the impression that this wasn't a first for you, so really he ought to be prepared to be surprised in more ways than he could ever imagine.
“Wha- what a-are you-” it was so unlike him but everything about this situation was unlike anything he'd experienced before, he didn't really know what he should consider a normal reaction at this point.
“Wha- what?” you teased, mimicking him “Cat got your tongue, Winchester? Come on, move your pretty ass before they give our table away if we keep talking here.”
And just because he was such a fool for you already, or perhaps out of some inexplicable fear that your table would indeed be given away and you would have to part ways before he got enough of it, he didn't need to be told twice. He followed after you no better than a lost puppy, even if he'd deny it for the rest of his existence, not paying an ounce of attention as he should to the rest of his surroundings. And so, he didn't know what should alarm him more out of the two. The fact that it was easy to let go and relax so easily around you or the fact that he couldn't bring himself to be too far away from you.
Michael was confused. And whenever he was confused, as with anything in his entire existence ever since he was in heaven, he was intrigued. And whenever he was intrigued, he followed the one that interested him. Admittedly it had been centuries, if not ever before in his life, since the one to interest him in this way had been a person, and no less a woman like you.
“Feels like forever, doesn't it?” you breathed out as you both settled into your seats “I shouldn't tell you this but gosh... You're making me so sentimental and weak, Winchester, I'll have to change that somehow. But I have no idea how you do it in the first place, so...” you huffed with, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Good to know.” the easy smile on his lips felt both like his own and not “So I have to keep it up then.” and when he realized he too too much pleasure in your being playful with him, rolling your eyes, he didn't feel like questioning whose pleasure it was.
Your lips parted, and truth was he would have loved nothing more than to hear you tease him again, but he was also thankful for the interruption from the waitress and the moment of silence that followed afterwards, because at least then he had some time to gather his own thoughts, replay any moments that should have struck more than how beautiful your smile was or the way you looked at him.
Well, not him, Dean. But maybe-
“You said...” he started just as you'd given your orders, though he had barely cared about that when the thought crossed his mind “See an angel's true form?”
“Wha- Oh that.” you laughed, shaking your head “I'm not even close to that yet, I'm afraid. Not as much as I'd like but that's only because you're to blame, Winchester. I'm being as careful as I can so as expected things are going slow.”
“You've been... trying?” the confusion, if not the worry, was evident on his face much as he tried to hide it.
“If you say one more time that us psychics are too curious for our own good then I will kick you.” you said and proceeded to do just that under the table with your foot, managing to earn a small groan followed by a warm laugh from Dean.
“You said if. But I didn't say a damn thing!” he protested, still laughing and enjoying (far too much) the innocent shrug you gave him.
“Just taking precautions.” you grinned before you paused for a second too long and looked back up at him again with a softer smile, if he could even call it that, because it didn't reach your eyes not the way it should as he had observed the past couple minutes “I just...” you let a soft sigh “I'm sorry. I've- I know I've made you worry far too many times in the past. Scared you even. And well, you're no better sure, but I'm supposed to be the friend who has the functioning brain cells here and I haven't really lived up to that. I know-” another sigh and he was really starting to feel bothered by how much this seemed to stress you out, more than it stressed him out to keep up the act “I know how much you worry you. I really do. So I promise, even if it's hard for me, that I will hold back if I see things getting out of hand and I'm in danger again.”
The words rang in his ears louder than actual sirens ever could.
“Again?” he repeated with a raised eyebrow. He knew he probably looking more accusing than concerned, if not what he felt even more deep down: terrified. And he didn't even know what was more alarming anymore. The way his heart squeezed inside his chest or his palms clenched in order for his body to cope with the fact that his blood had ran cold and the shivers were far too unpleasant.
He didn't like it, he didn't like it one bit and he knew something had to be done about it.
“Figure of speech, I promise. There haven't been any close calls. At least- You know, ever since we last saw each other that is. But that too has been quiet some time. Speaking of which-” the smile returned on your lips and he had almost not realized it was not there until he understood how the uneasiness in his chest was also due to how you looked so distraught “How have things been for you hm? I haven't the slightest idea about what my two idiots have been up to lately. Is Sam alright?”
“Well, he's been... keeping busy, to say the least. Same goes for me. I wouldn't even know where to begin. Think of it as... a multiverse of madness being out there that needs the Winchesters to deal with.” he forced a small smile on his lips but he barely felt it to begin with, even if you were trying to stir the conversation away from any dangerous endeavors you might's recently had. And, truth be told, he couldn't even begin to think of all the times you might've gotten in trouble that weren't because of your own actions. The mere realization of that fact brought another unpleasant shiver down his spine.
“Ah, makes sense. We've been meeting up in this place at least once every week. 'S good though, I suppose, to take a break once in a while.” you gave a soft shrug, resting your chin on your palm and looked at him through your lashes “I am afraid we were both turning into two very sentimental fools, after all. Coming here, in the place we first met, after all these years.” a small laugh escaped your lips but he could hear the nervousness behind it, see how shy you were about it and deep down he loved seeing this side of you as well, if not wonder what else he could possibly do to evoke it “What are we anyway?”
The question did something to him and he soon realized it wasn't really him, but Dean. He couldn't always tell the difference, what with the Winchester being his perfect vessel, but in that moment he could, crystal clear. And once again it piqued his interest.
“Well, I don't know about you but I for one-” he paused to look into your eyes, to try and read some sort of emotion on your eyes that he might miss otherwise “Don't think I mind so much. Hell, I'll take pride in being always a fool for you.”
To see the way your eyes widened and your back straightened in surprise. Surprise that the words were said out loud or that they were said and were straight to the point, he couldn't tell. What he could tell was that you were not used to this and it was a good thing because things were changing and in a way this should too.
“Ah Dean, whatever happened to you these past months?” you looked away from him when you snapped out of the shock you were in, not that the small forced laugh was any indicator but the fact that you still felt stunned if not shy. You shook your head “Have some mercy on my poor heart, will you? Don't say things like that so carelessly.”
“I'm not being careless. If anything... I'm being honest.” and doing an incredible job at not showing how much that scares me but he couldn't really say that out loud and he knew “Besides, you were the one who started it.”
“Well, yes but actually no. This is what we do, Dean, you can't just go and- and be so... open about it. We-” a nervous laugh that he found too adorable for his poor heart's sake, well Dean's actually but it felt all the same at that moment “What was it that Sam called it? Uh yes, we're both too emotionally constipated to function like proper humans.”
“We don't talk about it remember?” you added in almost a whisper voice, making Michael wonder what was really there more than your playful banter and the way his vessel's heart couldn't rest for a minute “Besides, I know you're not as cool about it as you'd like to think. I can see it all over your face, so stop pretending Winchester.” you huffed, leaning back in your seat with your arms crossed over your chest, and he realized maybe he had underestimated you.
“And that is supposed to mean... what exactly?” he couldn't help the edge his voice took, too many years, centuries that felt an eternity, had taken their toll on him.
“Well, many things actually. But what matters most right now is one...” you tilted your head to the side, a soft expression on your face which stunned him momentarily “There's something on your mind.” it was a statement the left no room for debate “Wanna talk about it?”
The mere sincerity and care in your words were too much to believe in this entirely unprecedented event, and so it was no surprise when the words got stuck in his throat and his mind went entirely bank. Despite the lump that was stuck in his throat, despite how hard it was to swallow it over, the words in the very end formed before he could even comprehend it. And they were some of the most honest ones he'd spoke in a long time “Do I?” he questioned, mostly himself without any expectations for an answer “Funny...”
“What's funny about it?” naturally, though, you didn't hold back. It was clear that no matter how well you could read him, no matter how he was an open book to you, you wanted to know more of him. But which him was the real question.
Michael couldn't even remember when it was the last time that someone cared to know about him. Him, and not whoever had granted him access to wear around. Him, and not whatever face he had. Him, and how he felt. Him, and how he he thought. Him, and why he had done everything he did, what had led him to it and how he felt about it. It was a scary thought and feeling. Scary to hope there could be someone that would look past all of those layers, all that the eyes could see, and try to understand him. Scary that he wanted it, even more. Scary that after all this time, at the most tumultuous time and as he was in the right path to his goals, he felt the need for something so deep. Scary that it could lead him away from said path.
Who was even that reckless to try any of it though? Who could so carelessly approach him and-
“Nothing.” the question answered itself “It's just amusing how... strange it sounds to hear someone ask me if I wanna talk about what troubles me, after all this time. But-” he said as fast as he could, the second he saw you frown in worry “We have plenty of time to talk about that and I promise we will. Later. For now-” he grinned, leaning back in his seat “Seeing an angel's true form huh? That's quiet reckless, you know. If not stupid and careless...”
“Yeah, I know, I was just throwing out the idea that I might-”
“But also fun.” he added before you could get to complete your sentence, enjoying the way that after your frown a smile light up your face once he added with a smirk “Want any help with that?”
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vexillumalbum · 4 years
MLQC boys being interrupted while having sex w/Reader
I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. 
All I want to say is that I wrote it long ago so there might be some mistakes. Also please bear in mind that English is not my native language. Thank you! I hope you'll enjoy!
NSFW below!
The orange rays of the setting sun warmed the naked skin of your back pleasantly from behind the windows. Your boyfriend's white button-up casually framed your waist, barely clinging to your forearms, previously sliding off your shoulders. You had to hold it with your hands to keep it from sliding completely off. 
In fact, in that position, Gavin had a perfect view of your bare curves, with the shirt or without it. 
He was lying on his back facing you, propped up on pillows with his arms behind his head. His watchful gaze never left your body, even for a moment. His amber eyes scanned your figure, gliding over your perky breasts, smooth skin glazed in orange and silky strands of hair dancing near your neck and collarbones with your every move. 
He licked his lips.
“Come here.” It wasn’t an order, but also not a plea. It sounded more like a request of a man so in love with his girl that he couldn’t bear not touching her anymore. 
You giggled - and Gavin could’ve sworn it was the prettiest sound in the whole universe - before wrapping your fingers around his outstretched hand, letting yourself be guided to his solid body. 
Minutes later you were a moaning mess, your hips pinned to the mattress by two calloused hands, the devilish sounds coming from between your legs mixing with heavenly whimpers of your boyfriend’s name that were leaving your bruised lips. 
The grip you had on Gavin’s hair tightened when he sucked on your clit in time with his fingers working magic inside your heat. In response you heard a growl as his hips started assaulting the mattress even faster. The beast has been awoken
Tingling on your skin came as a warning for the pleasure that was supposed to arrive next. Your muscles were squeezing Gavin’s fingers hard and he couldn’t wait for his cock to be enveloped by your wet warmth next. Heels dug into the mattress, fingers gripping white sheets, head thrown back with parted lips and ragged breath and—
Thump thump thump
“Are you guys okay in there?!” Minor’s concerned voice sounded from outside of the bedroom right after knocking. It startled you to the point where you jumped up, covering your bare figure with anything you could reach for, even though you were sure the doors were closed and the intruder wasn’t able to come inside the room. “I’ve heard some weird noises and I thought I’d check on you! You know, better safe than sorry!”
Gavin immediately looked over you, checking if you were alright, before turning his head to the door with a look that could kill. He palmed himself through his boxers, his erection still evident and painful. 
“We’re alright! Thanks, Minor.” After a brief moment of silence you managed to say, not knowing if you should laugh or cry or maybe both. You heard a quiet “okay” and some shuffling - the intruder left the area.
In a moment of passion both you and Gavin had forgotten that Minor was temporarily living in your apartment due to AC disfunction at his place. He wasn’t a perfect roommate but at the same his presence wasn’t overbearing and you didn’t have any complaints… up until now.
“I’ll beat him up.” Through clenched teeth Gavin’s voice was low as he was putting on some shorts he took out of the drawers, and he now resembled the Super-Scary-Officer-Gavin more  than Your-Loving-And-Doting-Boyfriend-Gavin. 
“Don’t be so harsh on him. He was concerned.” You giggled only to be met with a doubting look from your boyfriend. “As he said, better safe than sorry.”
“I’ll give him something to be sorry about.” Poor Minor
The last few weeks have been pure torture. You were very open about how much you hated these business trips that both you and Victor had to take all the time to different places in the world. Your boyfriend was less outspoken, however the days of longing were taking its toll on him as much as on you. Sleepless nights, lonely dinners, unfulfilled lust…
Therefore, when there were no meetings, reports and proposals to write or filming sites to visit on the horizon, you jumped almost literally at the opportunity and took Victor to the wellness center. 
It was a pleasant evening, the sun had recently set, but the heat was still there, aligned from time to time by the cool breeze. The white bathrobe your only cover as you and Victor relaxed on the private terrace of the apartment, with the sound of the bubbling jacuzzi in the background.
Sitting in his lap, your boyfriend was caressing your bare thigh with one of his hands, while the other was stroking your hair. It was an intimate moment shared between two lovers finally reunited and ready to spend some much needed relaxing time together. 
It started as an innocent kiss between sips of fine dry wine selected by Victor himself.
He had you almost fully naked on his lap, with your robe slipping down your back, threading fingers in your silky strands and tasting your lips - which he had to admit - were even tastier than his favorite crimson beverage.  
You were determined to get him naked, to free these gorgeous muscles from beneath the soft robe. With your nails scraping his skin lightly you were revealing more and more of his toned body earning sweet sighs from Victor as a reward. 
His skilled fingers moved from your hair to kneading your butt, making your already wet pussy to rub on his clothed hard length. The added friction was like a cherry on top of the whole make out session but you didn’t want to stop there. Why would you settle for just a cake when you can have a full four course meal, right?
“Victor, I need it, please.” You begged when he didn’t want to give you what you wanted well knowing what was it that you desired. 
“What is it, babygirl?” His question was whispered into the damp skin of your neck where Victor was leaving love bites. “Tell me what you need. You know I’ll give you everything.” He sounded so seductive, his low voice was making you shiver and you were sure your pussy was getting wetter and wetter with every word he said. “Just say it.”
“You.” You crumbled. “I want your cock. Please.”
He fulfilled his promise a few seconds later when you felt his girth stretching you out in the best way possible. Victor gripped your hips and with a look that was telling you to prepare for a ride, he started thrusting up while roughly bringing you down on his cock over and over. 
You gripped his shoulders with one hand while the other was clamped over your mouth to make sure no-one could hear the moans your boyfriend was bringing out of you.
So close, you were co close, and when his thumb pressed on your clit, you could swear you saw stars and—
Bzzt bzzt bzzt
You jumped at the sudden sound, fear taking place of lust and passion. With a quick look to the side you saw that Victor’s phone was ringing and the caller’s ID was “Financial Director”. Thinking it was important you exited his lap, sliding to the next chair. 
A low growl escaped him when you pulled away, his member still as hard as ever. His furrowed brows were the indicator of how much he didn’t like what you did, but you only smiled to him sheepishly and gestured to his phone. 
A part of him was impressed of how much you valued his work and that you knew how important it was. Yet, the other part was furious that your love making fucking got interrupted. 
He took a second or two or more who knows if he stopped time to admire your rosy cheeks and bruised lips and how you were panting after minutes of passion, before picking up his phone from the table and answering the call.
“Be quick.” The tone of his voice so much different than when he was talking to you, eyes narrowed and teeth clenched - he was mad. But that didn’t stop him from giving you a look that you could only describe one way: I’m not done with you yet.
At times like this, you were immensely grateful for the almost deafening music that could be heard in the Live House all the time. 
Usually, it annoyed you that the rumble from the speakers drowned out any other noises - like when you were talking to others, but now you liked that you had the freedom to moan as Shaw's hips were pounding into you to the rhythm of the club song. 
Hands clutching his muscular arms, head tilted back repeatedly hitting the wall behind you, you were braced for a wild ride. Your boyfriend's hands tightly squeezing your ass supporting your weight, his hot lips nibbling at your neck marking you in every place he had access to, his cock driving into you with a reckless abandon.
And all of this caused by your short dress that showed a little too much skin in Shaw’s opinion (and he would never have thought that something like “too much skin showing” would be a problem for him but seeing every guy in the club eyeing you had his blood boiling) and your teasing ways.
During the break between songs, when Shaw had a chance to rehydrate himself for another hour on stage, your boyfriend decided to satisfy a different type of thirst. For your pussy
Sex with Shaw was always fun and wild and everything you ever wanted. But it was the best when he was hot and bothered and when envy was seeping through his body like a venom making him see red.
To be honest, you weren’t surprised when he grabbed your wrist right after exiting the stage and pulled you into the back room. You weren’t surprised when he pinned you to the wall, his lips already marking your collarbone as his hands were skillfully pushing your panties aside. You weren’t surprised when he unzipped his pants and pushed them down, freeing his hard cock.
And you sure as hell weren’t surprised when he slid into you with one sharp thrust while sucking on the sensitive skin below your ear.
“Tell me,” he panted in between the thrusts while his tongue was exploring your neck. “Do you enjoy making me jealous? Do you think it’s funny or something?”
As you were able to only whimper and moan, you didn’t respond. Of course you were enjoying making him jealous once in a while, especially when you were rewarded with his hips snapping into your in the back room of Live House.
“Answer. Me.” You swore he wanted to kill you with how intensely he was impaling you on his cock.
“Yes! Yes oh god yes!” You managed to choke out right before his fingers pinched your clit. Loud scream elected from your throat and you didn’t fail to notice the smirk Shaw was having plastered to his handsome face.
“Let me make this clear, baby.” He slowed a little as he leaned into you to have his mouth right next to your ear. “You are mine. Only mine.”
You wanted to respond. Say something, anything, but then—
“Shaw! We’re going back on the stage!” 
Adam’s voice broke through the music and your pants along with a few pound knocks. You jumped at the sudden intruder, your eyes wide and lips parted. 
Shaw on the other hand was totally unfazed when he started thrusting into you with a full speed again. And again. And again. And again. 
He didn’t even say anything back, he just went straight back into fucking your brains out.
“I told you, you’re mine.” He murmured into your sweaty skin when he saw how startled you were. “So focus on me and only me.”
You liked surprising your boyfriend. For example when you visited him at the university with some tasty lunch and a big smile plastered to your face, or when you learned how to brew tea so you could make him the best beverages when he was particularly stressed with work, or when you memorized all scientific names of his favorite butterflies to feel closer to him through joined hobby…
Or when he came back to his office at the Research Center after a tiring laboratory work only to find you wearing very skimpy purple lingerie and his lab coat, sitting in his chair with a smug grin and a twinkle of mischief in your eyes.
Part of him wanted to chide you for being reckless like that. After all, he would as much as kill, without even batting an eye, anyone who stumbled into his office with you being inside looking like that. 
But other part of him the freaky part already imagined taking you in various positions, against different surfaces during his whole lunch break. 
And so he started with face-fucking you on his desk, while pinning you to the mahogany wood with one hand as the other was palming himself through his trousers. Your panties torn and long forgotten on the floor, the lab coat loosely hugging your form with your legs wrapped around Lucien’s shoulders and hands grabbing his hair tightly. 
This man’s mouth could not only recite poetry and name every flower in the garden, but also it was able to make you cum in a record time. You had to bit your lip very very hard to control the volume of your moans.
Your second orgasm was delivered to you by the scientist’s long nibble fingers exploring your warm sensitive flesh like his life depended on it. And in a way it did, because you were the sole purpose of his existence and making you feel good was his mission, so…
Lucien was preparing you for the third one, when you decided that enough is enough. After all, you came there to make him feel good, not the other way around. 
So before your boyfriend could react you pushed him onto his chair and dropped to your knees with a grin, and when he stubbornly wanted to got up again, you batted your eyelashes a few times as you stroked his member through the fabric. He got the message and relaxed into the seat. But don’t be fooled, he was still in control.
“Such a good girl.” He praised you when you were undoing his belt. He gripped your hair guiding your face closer to his crotch.
You’ve given Lucien a blowjob so many times already, you knew exactly what to do. You licked, sucked, bobbed your head and massaged with your hands what you couldn’t fit into your mouth. 
Every sigh from the professor was making you shiver so you worked even harder to hear more of them until—
Knock knock knock
“Professor, excuse me…” From behind the door the head of one of Lucien’s assistants peeked out and before you could do anything he saw the position you and your boyfriend were in and immediately panicked. “Oh my— I’m—I’m so sorry!” 
He was long gone before you could even pull away from Lucien, but you didn’t miss the murderous stare professor had while looking at now - fortunately - closed door. You didn’t know if you should laugh or collapse into the ground from embarrassment. 
You were sure your face was redder than a tomato. Luckily, knowing Lucien’s reputation no-one would be so stupid to tell anyone about this situation. Or so you hoped so.
Before you decided on your final reaction to the intruder, Lucien’s palm grabbed a handful of your hair and he brought your head closer again so that your nose was brushing his hard moist cock. 
“I believe we have some unfinished business here, butterfly.”
Weirdly, you never saw this assistant in the Research Center ever again…
Kiro loved music almost as much as he loved you and his snacks.
So he was taking every opportunity he could to show you around his studio, write music with you and compose. 
And do other, less appropriate deeds.
For the longest time Sunshine Boy couldn’t find inspiration for his newest song. He tossed and turned in his bed every night and skipped meals because of it. He didn’t want to disappoint his fans and you, his greatest biggest fan!
But only if he knew that bringing you with him to the studio would be the cure for his lack of inspiration, he would’ve done it already days ago. Why didn’t he think of it sooner? You were his muse after all! Your moans were the greatest music to his ears!
So that’s how you ended up with Kiro pounding into you from behind tightly gripping your hair to guide your head nearer to the microphone so that every one of your whimpers could be recorded properly. 
The speed of his thrust was setting a rhythm that he wanted his new song to be in which gave him a plethora of sounds escaping your mouth. Oh how much he loved those sounds.
Gripping your hips he angled you a little more so that he could go even deeper, take you even better. He was sure he was leaving bruises on your skin with the force of his grip, but he didn’t care. He would smother them with kisses later. 
“More, Miss Chips. I wanna hear you more.” He murmured as his hand circled your waist and his fingertips pressed onto your swollen clit. If you didn’t know better, you would think that he wanted to kill you from the sheer amount of pleasure he was causing you. 
Your moans were getting higher and higher and Kiro knew it was because you were getting closer to your release. He loved that moment, right before your orgasm when your muscles were clasping around his cock trying to milk him from everything that he had, and your eyes were rolling onto the back of your head and you legs were shaking like leaves on a windy day and—
Bam bam bam
“Kiro, what are you doing in there?! Our recording session starts soon!” Savin’s voice sounded from the other side of the door and Kiro cursed under his breath that he was interrupting his own recording session.
You on the other hand squealed and tried to move away from your boyfriend but he didn’t let you.
He slowed down his thrusts and clamped a hand over your mouth.
“We’ll be there in a minute!” Kiro answered but his agent didn’t seem to be convinced because he insisted on waiting for you two at the door.
When you wanted to move away again, disappointed that you wouldn’t be getting the realest that you wanted, Kiro brought you closer to himself again and started snapping his hips into your once again. His hand still clamped tightly over your mouth. 
“Well, maybe our recording is over but we can at least finish this.”
thank you so much for reading!
if you want to read more of my works they are here
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Pick a card reading: What you should like more about yourself!
This one is for the ones on that self love journey, the ones that need a pick me up or have a hard time with self confidence/esteem especially.
So I'm sure it's quite clear. The cards that you pick will reflect why you deserve to be more loving to yourself, what wonderful qualities you have, and maybe help convince you to lessen your negative inner language.
Please pick one of the groups ( 1, 2, 3 or 4.)
You might be drawn to an item, the card itself, or a number. Please calm your mind and meditate for a minute.
Side note: If you have a hard time choosing, or nothing seems strong to you, perhaps you could come back later on and try. Do not pressure yourself, darling.
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Number one is the badge saying "yup"
Number 2 is the wing
Number 3 is the little bird
Number 4 is the chain saying "BE MINE"
GROUP 1 : (Yup badge)
Morning affirmations, Joy, Strength
6 of wands, 4 of pentacles, Mother of swords
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What an interesting blend of character you are!
With the owl, this is a strong suggestion that you are able to see through deep into situations and understand "in between the lines". A great communicator, the queen of swords can be straight to the point, brilliant and not to be messed with. Your ability to say it like it is might be perceived as a little harsh to very sensitive or younger people, however it is a strong and much needed trait in the world. We need people with the organisational skills and know how of the mother of swords! The queen always reminds me of someone who is a good teacher, and a fair person.
With the 6 of wands and the 4 of pentacles, the combination hits in a way of potentially dulling that light. The traits I list may be some that you are aware of in a way, but perhaps have a lesser opinion of. The interesting mix of you is in the way of you being so strong, able to endure and be positive, yet a wonderful balance of being able to have boundaries. Again, I'm seeing the strong ability to recognise when someone is being a "rat" as the animal is right next to the owl. I can't help but get the idea that it is direct experience. I would be surprised if you haven't recently come to a revelation about a person in your social circle, or cut someone out/created more boundaries.
Strength mentions having resilience, coming through things more compassionate, stronger and brighter. Brighter being strong in focus to me, as it is next to joy. Your ability to have fun *despite* issues or obstacles is an enviable trait! I really feel that while you might have your difficulties, you never let them suck you in for too long mentally. You seem to try and stay positive through things, and not everyone can do that. You are also much more smart/knowledgeable than you give yourself credit for. Don't let anyone put you down, because you're being shown that if you go for what you've been studying/working at, with strong persistence you can succeed. I feel like the branches signify people who have acted as obstacles, or your troubles in life. This is confirmation you can rise above them, and if you're stuck right now, please accept my confirmation that things can and will change. Life can't help but flow, no matter how people may try and resist. So if anyone is putting you down, or getting in your way - know that their resistance to your future and well being is futile.
You keep having those boundaries. Keep on keeping on. You're sharp, you're witty, and of all things you have kept your kind heart. One day the joy you try to find in the little things will come to you effortlessly and in x100.
I got the need to call you cherub. Chin up, Cherub.
GROUP 2 (the wing)
Wait, generosity, magic, peacefulness
The hermit, Ace of swords, Son of swords.
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eYou're an extremely thoughtful person, aren't you? I get social activist vibes, the kind of person who thinks about bigger issues than just in their personal world, and could debate very well. The ability to get to the kernel of truth within an argument or bigger pattern in the world seems equal to none. If you have a hard time accepting that your opinions mean something, or you would be able to be persuasive, this is confirmation for you that actually - yes - you do have something meaningful to share with others.
In this pile I'm seeing a more peaceful, patient character. Someone who simply tries to be good, and do good for others. You create magic for other people. My heart swells at this, as I'm seeing reciprocity of kindnesses between you and others over time.
While The son of swords on it's own could potentially be quick to intervene or make a judgement, with the hermit and wait, I'm feeling more that you take the time to think things over. For example, if asked to make a decision, you would want to take your time and really think. If you were asked what your thoughts were on a political stand point, you would think in depth and make no judgements from the surface. This is so helpful, as there's less chance of misunderstanding/unkindness as well as the ability to make better long term decisions for yourself.
Very introspective, and the ace of swords suggests you have great clarity of mind. I can imagine you would be a wonderful person for explaining complicated matters to a wide group of people.
Generosity is what it says on the tin: You are a generous human. That is so, so important. There are many people out there who might feel like no one thinks about them or cares, and you come in and surprise them with something, or offer them help without them asking. It makes people feel valued, and like they are important or have a place in someone's life.
Peacefulness suggests not inviting drama, and I get 2 things. You might be described as grounded, or "chill". As well as this likely suggests your lack of interest in being within a dramatic situation. You are likely very good at looking at others drama, and seeing where it truly stems from, as well as having a good idea of advice for them. If you have friends right now, it's likely they feel peaceful being around you and that they can truly calm down or get your advice on their *own* drama.
You are so important to the people around you, and if there are people that can't appreciate you, I promise you they have *no* idea how lucky they are. You offer so much as a friend, confidant, and as a person who cares for the worlds well being. I appreciate you.
GROUP 3: ( Little bird
Blessed change, gratitude, engagement, follow your heart, father of pentacles, the empress, the star
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You're cool.
Right off the bat, I see your ability to see the silver lining, to take changes as they come (and I don't mean you happily drudge through hard changes, I mean more like you accept them more easily than others). Do you know, it really helps a persons resilience in life if they can have gratitude for things in general, as well as seeing the positive affects of life changes. You have an ability to notice the opportunities in said silver lining. An example I've read in the past involved a man who lost his job, but an opportunity came up for something he was passionate regarding his hobby. He would not have been free to do it unless he was let go of.
You're my free flowing group. Very adaptable. You're able to take time out to really think about what you truly desire in life. When themes like this come up, I really get the idea of authenticity. To put a focus on following your heart, being grateful for what you've taken part in and even quirky circumstances is a massive strength. Do you have any idea how scary that is to people? To wake up and think "My heart wants this, I'm going to actually aim for it because I need to be myself." That's terrifying to many!
Note: If you are finding it hard to be upfront or true to yourself due to fear, this is confirmation that you will be able to in the future. Take your time, as this will come naturally to you.
I know you might be shrugging thinking, but sometimes I get really negative or scared too. I won't say that's not a thing humans experience. What I am saying however, is that you have that strength of character to say actually, nothing would be worse than to answer to my fear. Fear of self expression, fear of being judged. Fear of not having your project liked. These kinds of things.
I feel like you're a fun person who is very interesting to people/has had at least one very interesting or unusual experience. I want you to know the cards are showing that people really enjoy speaking with you, and hearing your stories. So no negative self talk of being boring, or disliked.
Your flexibility, and your ability to be sociable, yet able to pull back appropriately is wonderful. The world needs those who can be more easy going as this can help people de-stress and stop thinking about their worries.
I'm seeing wonderful creativity, and again, being able to be social and talk to many people very well. You're a shining star, and you're supposed to be!
I wonder if sometimes you feel like you need to be "more" productive, but let me tell you... Networking with people is half the job.
I'm also wondering (as a rainbow stands out) if some here are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. It would make sense with the authenticity. If you have a social media presence, or a creative project you want to get out, or expressing your personal experiences to the world - this is confirmation to keep standing tall, stand proud because yes, you do have a lot to offer! King of pentacles next to the empress also suggests you might be on to something that can bring in some income for you. Again, even sharing your experiences is very valued and may well be it. The world itself wants to see you, or whatever you desire to create.
If you have a hard time focusing or being practical, darling, you get along well with others for a reason. Ask for help, whether it's family, friends online, a teacher, anyone. There's help to steer you further in the right direction. You're a beautiful person and you matter to people. You are loved, so please love yourself.
There's something here that seems upset, and I just have the biggest urge to hug you! So if you will, accept my many energetic and virtual hugs!
GROUP 4: "Be mine"
Worthiness, Ups and downs, courage
Ace of pentacles, Ace of wands, daughter of wands (reversed)
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Daughter of wands reversed suggests to me, that you have the traits such as this, but perhaps not the confidence in yourself right now about those things. The book describes her as passionate, visionary, cares more for career and starts a family later; stubborn, strong (i take this as physically actually) and may be going through a spiritual breakthrough or a big change. With this I get the thought that you probably don't recognise just *how* passionate you truly are. You might be finding it hard to go a certain way in your career and studies. There might even be some worries that you might not stick at it. But what you are not realising is your actions have magic in them.
If you are interested in LOA: Your actions manifest not only in a practical sense, but *that's* what truly gets the energy moving. You need physical expression of some kind.
I'm getting such practical, but passionate energy. The ace of wands with courage? That's amazing. Fire sign or not, you have classic fire energy. Even when you lack confidence, you have a strange inner ability to be brave even at your worst times.
Oh, if only you had the confidence to aim!
Your energy and action are seriously magnificent. You have a *lot* of inner energy, spiritual energy, physical vitality. If you have health issues this might sound strange to you - but I get the idea your body was built with a lot of vitality available. You might have really struggled in life with ups and downs here, but I'm seeing you crash right through all the barriers and try to do life the best way you know how. No matter your struggles, you are a warrior here.
The 2 aces here (that is so interesting to have seen) show that you are probably quite good at beginning new things, and when you're motivated, you're MOTIVATED. I'm getting the idea that when you *do* take action on a goal, you go at it with everything and it can surprise people.
I'm seeing creative ability. It's an ability that I have seen myself. An example would be.... A mistake is made in a piece of art. It didn't go the way you wanted originally. But, wait a minute... that's starting to look like something, so I'm going to change it all up and create something completely different than intended.
It's seeing potential in a small detail. I'm seeing original thinking.
I just see a bulls eye, and such great energy and ability, but the lack of confidence. And so, I feel like you're at a time where you're stopping yourself, or won't aim for something out of fear of failing. I also got the sentence biting your tongue. I'm sorry if you're in a situation where you can't speak up for yourself, as this is not aligned with your character.
Overall I believe your a creative but practical person, and have the ability to really pull through and create wonderful things. You can be *very* brave as well as motivated and so I feel you inspire others, as well as surprise them.
I really do feel that with worthiness, it is hinting to confidence/self esteem issues as it says "know that you deserve to receive good in all ways".
You deserve to be successful. You deserve to take the career path that you have been thinking about. You deserve people to treat you well. You deserve to have that hobby, whether you're "good" or not.
Deep down somewhere you know you are bigger than this. I am wishing for a healthy full confidence boost for you and some new energy to help push you.
Please have the courage to aim, as bob ross says:
"we don't make mistakes, we make happy little accidents"
And that's the last of them! I hope you enjoyed, and I hoped this help you feel a little better about yourself. We need to cheer ourselves up sometimes and let ourselves think good things. We attract more honey with sugar after all!
Until the next pick a card!
Thank you!
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asexual-abomination · 3 years
Plat!Yan!Chrollo x Autistic!Reader x Plat!Yan!PT - Soulmate AU Part 1
This is largely self indulgent writing, as I know that very little of this niche exists, if any. The reader here is largely based on myself and my own thoughts of the world, but I hope others enjoy my writing. I have no formal education in writing, so if you have any advice for my writing style, please feel free to send it in.
This idea was largely inspired by the lovely @kiame-sama, who wrote this concept with a romantically yandere Chrollo, though I am aro-ace and changed it just slightly for my own writing. I hope to continue this series with more parts, but they may not all follow the same story thread.
This part just includes the body swap.
You were never going to make the best impression on your soulmate. Or at least, you could never make the best impression on their friends, and that was what mattered largely to you. Talking to people would never be your strong suit, but at least on your end you had many months and other friends to keep your soulmate entertained. Waking up in a stranger's body, talking to other strangers about all details of their life? Horrible.
It should have been a comfort that there was a small yellow flower tattooed just below the date on your back, indicative of a platonic soulmate, but the idea that you would likely be expected to spend time not just with your soulmate, but with their friends as well threw you off so incredibly. Your soulmate would surely need the patience of a saint to deal with you, at least according to most people you speak with about your soulmate.
Your preparations for the switch were over now, all things embarrassing put away for now, some good food prepped, and a letter you had written taped to the inside of your bedroom door. For now, you were going over the final rules for your friends who were under strict instructions of exactly what they could and could not speak about with your soulmate. Even though they chuckled under their breath about your extreme caution, at this point you had to trust that they would follow what you said, since your switch was just minutes away.
Your closest friend, Jo, assured you that they would keep the rest in line. Knowing their authoritative personality and intimidating aura, you were much more reassured that things would go well. Even as you got up to leave, they were giving everyone their famous evil eye to keep them quiet.
Heading into the bedroom, you laid down, only to realize that your breathing was coming short and there seemed to be not enough air getting in your lungs. Were you seriously having a panic attack just before your switch? You tried to calm yourself with the breathing exercises you had been taught, but there was little you could do, which only made your panic grow faster.
You had only seconds to spare, and the reality of the situation hit you with the force of a freight train. Keeping your eyes open, you took one deep breath to hope you wouldn't ruin everything on the spot.
Everything changed in an instant, the position of your body, the tension of your muscles, the temperature and smell of the room. And the last thing to hit you, the fact that your soulmate decided to switch while driving on a highway.
Internally, you felt a massive surge of panic, outweighing the mild anxiety you had been feeling by a landslide. Until you realized that the body you were in appeared to be functioning on its own.
It was common knowledge that during the switch, there was no change to the body's ability to understand and speak languages, though you wondered if you were among the first to find the same thing applied to driving skills.
Slowly, you brought your breathing back to a calm, knowing that a meltdown right now could spell things much worse than humiliation. Once you felt ready enough that you wouldn't cry the second anything moved a moment to fast, you looked up to the rearview mirror to take in the inhabitants of the car.
Seeing the body you were in -- your soulmate -- was jarring, but he didn't appear immediately scary in the mirror. He had slicked black hair, wide eyes the color of granite, and wore a black trench coat with white fur that was open to show his bare chest underneath. But your attention was quickly drawn from his reflection to the fact that there were others accompanying you in this car.
Sat next to you in the passenger's seat was a woman with bright pink hair and a stony face, staring straight ahead at the road, who didn't appear to have noticed that there was any difference in her driver's behavior. Taking up the back seats were three men, one blond with a babyish smile, another blonde much taller than the first with a toughened look about himself, and a man with long black hair tied back looking grumpily out of his side window. All of them gave off intimidating vibes, almost putting you off of speaking at all.
After a few moments of quiet driving, it became apparent to you that these people weren't going to notice you until you spoke up. You were grateful for the time to prepare your first words, but with the menacing energy all these people gave off, you had to put your minimal understanding of conversation to its maximum.
"Ah... This wasn't quite what I was expecting..." Not the best opening line, but at least you had begun to announce your presence.
It was the pink-haired woman next to you who first responded with a questioning hum.
"I'm not sure who this is, but whoever they are, I'm their soulmate." That seemed to incite a reaction from the entire car.
"Soulmate!?" The black haired man jumped from his position, his grumpy mood dissipated and replaced with confusion mixed with excitement. The two other men were looking between themselves, while the woman's face somehow got even tougher, glaring towards you with something that you assumed was suspicion.
"Hah... I'm about as surprised as you are!" You tried to add some joy to your tone, hoping that matching their excitement would somehow dispel the situation faster. However, they continued to glare at you, and you began to wish that you could sink away into the seat, though there was very little that would help with at this point.
It's almost deathly quiet in the car for just a few moments, before all hell breaks loose. The others in the car were yelling questions at you, and yelling in general at each other.
"Would you lot calm down!?" The woman seemed to be your ally here, "If you keep this act up, we're gonna scare his soulmate off before the switch is even over!"
"Why wouldn't the boss have told us about his switch? This isn't like him in the slightest!" The black-haired man was clearly upset, though you weren't sure if he was angry at 'the boss' or at you.
The woman hushed him by saying that 'the boss' likely meant this as a test, which only served to confuse your perception of these people further. After a few moments of whispering between themselves, they finally turned back to you.
"So, who are you?" The rougher looking blond asked, not exactly setting a good tone.
It took you a few moments to even notice that he had even spoken to you, as the realization that your soulmate made seemingly no preparations for your switch hit you hard. Even though the day he would switch with you was embedded on his body, he had let you wake up in some random moment of his life, while you had spent months working around this day to get the best outcome possible.
"My name is (Y/N)," you introduced yourself carefully, not quite sure if you wanted to give your full name away to these people, "And who might you be?"
The four looked between themselves, completely ignoring your question. "No-one we know by that name."
They went further into their suspicious act, but were kind enough to also give their own first names before continuing their own interrogation. It was the baby-faced boy in the backseat, Shalnark, who asked the majority of the questions, he seemed to be very pushy and tricked you into giving answers multiple times.
The conversation was very one-sided, as you tried every trick you had ever been taught for keeping interactions equal, only to eventually realize that all four of them were working against you, using tactics for talking that you had never thought of before.
You were quick to become frustrated with their incessant questions. There were no spaces for the others to talk, leaving you feel like bug under a microscope as they stared at you. Eventually, it seemed that they were happy with the information they had gotten from you, which was a lot, including the full name you hadn't wanted to give them earlier, your home nation and your line of work.
Whoever these people were, they were good at interrogation, Shalnark especially good at tricking you with simple questions that he insinuated much greater answers from, which worried you for what these people could do for a living. If your soulmate was their boss, could he be even better at this type of talk? You didn't think you could handle conversations with a man that potentially intelligent.
Now that they were being less interrogating, you tried to take the opportunity to add your own questions, but you could only glean a few things from the way they answered. For one thing, the highway that you were currently on was on the same continent that you lived on, but a few countries over. For another, there were many more members of this group that worked for your soulmate.
Asking questions about your soulmate got a strange reaction each time, all of the passengers of the car taking a moment to look between themselves before giving you vague answers. His name was Chrollo, and as their boss, they didn't feel it was right to tell you too much about him, or so they said. You found that he was well-read, though they still refused to tell you much about precisely what he read.
It felt useless to try and pursue the conversation further, as you were nowhere near their level of smarts in conversation. To try and alleviate some of the tension you were feeling, you attempted to bring up lighter topics, asking them for funny stories, which they somewhat complied with. Although their style of telling stories seemed odd to you, as they left out a lot of details without prompting, but you were at least happy that the focus was off of you.
They told you stories of traveling around the world, and how they saw some of the worlds most gorgeous sights and expensive luxuries nearly everyday. You had to assume that they were embellishing most of it, but they made their lives sound rather fun, and you wondered if your own friends were giving Chrollo anywhere near as good an impression back home.
It had to have been at least an hour before another fear hit you, one that plagued you nearly everyday. From your perspective, everything was going well, they were laughing and telling stories not just to you but with each other, which indicated that they were happy with how how you acted. However, the fear that plagued you from inside told you that they weren't happy, that you had done something wrong and now they were laughing at you. Looking back on every word you had spoken, you felt almost physically sick, seeing every flaw in your word choice and tone in hindsight.
The passengers were looking and laughing between themselves and talking, so they didn't notice right away that there were tears gathering in your eyes, for which you were grateful. Just as suddenly as you were sat there, surrounded by happy voices with tears in your eyes, you were back home, sat amongst your own friends, who laughed perhaps even louder.
Once you came to and realized that you were no longer driving, and in fact were sitting on your own couch with your own friends, the tears really started to run. The letter that you had spent so much time carefully writing was clutched hard in your hand, but not so much that it would crumple or bend.
You quickly stood while mumbling an excuse, rushing to your room as your friends called after you. It felt odd to be back in your own body, the smells and sounds of everything hitting you horribly clearly. There was very little you could do to keep yourself from getting overwhelmed.
Your friends had already been prepared for what to do if you were overwhelmed coming back from your switch, but that didn't stop their concern for the way you were acting.
"Hey, (Y/N)? You okay in there?" Jo's voice came through the door, and you were grateful that your closest friend was here for you. "The others are all gonna start heading home now, but I'm gonna stick around. I don't want you to feel alone at the moment."
With a quick confirmation from you from behind the door, Jo headed to get some rest in the living room. Practically falling into your bed, you pulled the weighted blanket you had gotten as a gift over yourself, staring up at the ceiling as all of the feelings of excitement and fear finally crashed down on you.
Thanks for reading!
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happyreid187 · 4 years
Privilege - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
WC: 2.1 K
A/N: Sad Spencer post nightmare comfort. Discovering and sharing feelings about each other. Mild angst then fluff. I wrote this after my season 8 rewatch but it’s not explicitly situated in any particular season. 
Warnings: Brief mentions of Spence’s various trauma; case issues, mom issues, drug use, generalized dark and twistiness. Insecurity. Swearing. Single sentence implying reader grew up religious. References to sex but not actual smut. 
With both of us working insane hours, we agreed early on to be casual, and then completely and entirely ignored that agreement in every way except verbiage. Avoiding labels and verbal expressions of affection, I pretended that it wasn’t emotional self destruction to spend every waking hour with this man who was notably not my boyfriend. With the amount of affection between us, it was easy to pretend it was something more. When we weren’t working, I essentially lived in his bed.
I was deep asleep when I heard him whimpering, waking to find him tossing and turning, breathing quickly. It took me a second to get my bearings, but when I did, I woke him as gently as I could
“Spencer! Spence.” His eyes shot open, and he immediately jumped, looked to me with his eyes welling up, and started shaking.
“Hey,” my voice was desperate as I wrapped my arms around him, “Baby, what’s the matter?” The pet name was generally reserved for other activities in this bed, but it felt appropriate now. I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to calm him. “Was it about a case?”
“It was about...” he started. “No, I don’t want to freak you out!” He sort of tossed and turned again, now in my lap. “This isn’t your job, you shouldn’t have to deal with this.” He sounded angry; with himself, and the situation. I tried to ignore the feeling that’s he might be angry with me.
“Why would it freak me out? Your job is depressing as shit, Spence. This is kind of predictable. Talking through it with you? None of this is work for me. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but you can.” I said, waiting for him to decide how to proceed.
He fiddled with his hands in that nervous way of his. “It was about you. First, you were breaking? Like glass on a windshield? Cracking but not falling apart. And everything around us was breaking; the phones and then the walls and then your face,” his voice broke then, “and then my own chest.”
Where the tears were only threatening to overflow before, he was really crying now, in a way I’d never seen him do before. In a way grown men rarely do in our terrible society if they can avoid it. In a way that made it hard for either of us to breathe. “But then it sort of mixed with work, and there was an unsub and he had you, and I couldn’t get to you. I tried, but I couldn’t get to you, and then...” he paused there, and I inferred the rest by his pained silence.
“You don’t have to keep going, I get it. And I’m not freaked out. I’m right here, Spencer. You’ve got me, and I’ve got you too. You are okay. You’re okay.” he didn’t say anything for a minute, and I rethought my words. “I’m not trying to belittle or silence you. I know you don’t feel okay. But you’re here with me, and no one’s broken, and you’re breathing, and I’m breathing, and you’re okay.”
“I’m not worried about me...” he grumbled, like it was obvious. Like I was wasting our time, worrying about him.
“Well I’m fine. I’m good. I’m happy to be here for you.”
He looked up at me doubtfully. “How can you be happy to be woken up at 4:02 am?”
Too sleepy to veil my feelings entirely, with words like adoration and devotion drifting through my head, I settled on saying, “It’s a privilege to have the chance to be here for you, and support you, and help you feel better. I have you, and you have me; okay? I’m here.”
“I’ve got you...” he softly echoed my words from earlier.
“You’ve got me.” I answered easily. It was a simple, honest fact to share.
There was a shift in him then. He pushed himself up with one arm, leaning back and staring at me, looking exasperated and vaguely frantic, like he just realized something was wrong. He looked almost angry as he asked “What the fuck are we doing?
I didn’t even know how to begin to answer that question. “I’m sorry?”
“I’m having nightmares about losing you, you’re like, taking over my subconscious, and renting all this space in my head, and then I wake up to find you here, in my bed, drying my tears and calling it a privilege! Like do you have to be so... I don’t know. Warm?” Well, that was a new one. I had never known that to be a bad thing, particularly with him. He flocked to my sentimentality like a moth to a flame.
He wasn’t done though. “I never intended to care about someone this much. It’s confusing for me. I know you have your catholic guilt, but you don’t have to martyr yourself for me. Dealing with my shit is emphatically not a blessing.” He took a deep breath and braced himself. He half smiled, half sobbed, and to be frank, he was freaking me the fuck out. “Unless you..” he trailed off. IQ of 187; an epic communicator, this one. I gave him a look that begged him to continue, holding my tongue as if he would break, like the dream, if I spoke. He sighed heavily, trying to catch his breath. I reached over hesitantly, unsure if he wanted to be touched, terrified of making it worse. Slowly, I wiped away the tears on both cheeks, willing him to look at me. He didn’t, choosing his lap instead.
I waited for him to continue. “I don’t have a lot of experience with fuck buddies,” he spit the last two words like they repulsed him, like they didn’t fit right on his tongue. Foreign words with uncertain and unsettling definitions. “...but I don’t think it’s supposed to feel like this.”
“Feel like what?” Despite the tears and the heavy air that threatened to suffocate me, I felt a new feeling. Like I would maybe feel better soon. I silently begged him to speak faster, hoping he could somehow telepathically pick up on my anxiety as I hung on every word.
“A privilege. That’s just...” he paused again, shaking his head. I could feel my anxiety coursing through my veins in a bizarrely literal sense. I wasn’t entirely sure where he was going with this, and I waited in suspense as he chose every word carefully. He then looked with me with the warmth I’d come to know, to expect, and to crave. “I know you’re a really tender person but why would you do this if we're just sleeping together?”
IQ of 187, this one.
After his lengthy monologue with its intensely painful pauses I cut straight to the point. “Are we?”
The sadness vanished from his face, leaving nothing in its place but wheels turning. No more damned pauses; I have to be brave now. “I’m not.”
“What?” I couldn’t figure out what to make of his expression. It wasn’t relief. Concern, maybe? Or disbelief? “Just sleeping with you that is. Does that make you upset?”
“No, no, y/n/n, it doesn’t make me upset.” his eyes meeting my face. I could feel that he was about to ramble, finally, and I was intensely grateful. “It depends on what you really want. It’s hard for me to believe that you actually want this.” he points at himself, like that explained his insecure thinking. Honestly, how dare he speak about my person in such a way, but now wasn’t the time to critique his criticism.
“You want to be woken up by nightmares after cases? To sleep alone while I’m gone? and when I’m around deal with my neurosis and awkwardness and rambling? and family drama? and drug cravings?” He dropped his eyes and his voice, “You could do so much better.”
We didn’t have time to even begin to unpack all of that. Not in the middle of the night, on the edge of everything we both want. I could write a novel explaining how he is in fact the very best I can imagine, but that would take time to convince him of. Time like years. Time like marriage.
Again trying to move this conversation to the conclusion I ached for just a bit faster, I answered directly, “Yes. I want that. I want you.” Like it was the simplest thing in the world.
I searched his face for some sort of happiness or disgust but received a blank stare and a look of bewilderment.
“I just want you. I’ve wanted you this whole time. I thought you would figure it out.” I laughed, and he smiled, a real smile that touched his hazel eyes that somehow sparkled in the dimly lit room, finally. “With fuck buddies, I don’t typically snuggle and go on museum dates or stop seeing other people or stick around for months.”
“You want me?” he smiled, but doubt loomed, and his smile fell as his long fingers traced my jaw.
“You say that now, but I think you’re going to find that I am a difficult person to love.” He said, as if I didn’t already know him. As if I didn’t already see him in all of his brilliance and darkness, all of his complexity and baggage. As if knowing him hadn’t been a precursor to loving him.
“Spencer, everyone thinks that about themselves.” I replied, greeted with still more disbelief. I continued in spite of him. “Besides,” I shrugged with a small smile, like my conclusion was entirely self evident, “It’s too late now.”
“What, you think that about yourself? First of all, you are unbelievably easy to love. The easiest in the whole world, probably. I know that that sounds hyperbolic, but I really mean it - I sincerely think that you are the single most lovable woman on the planet.” he rambled, talking with his hands and earning a tearful chuckle from me. “In my world at least. You are in fact, despite my best efforts, impossible not to...” he paused to physically shove the thought away, moving forward with a grimace.
“Second of all, what do you mean too late? I have a feeling I might know what you’re going to say. Please say it, y/n,” he whispered like that would make it less scary. “Or do you want me to say it? I don’t want to spook you but... it’s too late for what?”
“Too late to stop myself from loving you.”
 Finally, finally a look of understanding graced his face. A look like he believed me. He smiled that stunning, whole face smile of his that was reserved for special occasions.
 “Can you say the whole thing?”
“I love you, Spencer.”
“I love you, too.”
He was only half sitting up anyways, so when I kissed him he fell to the bed, and protested immediately. “No! I’m so gross and snotty, stop.” I settled on peppering kisses on his neck and damp cheeks instead.
I laid my head on his chest, murmuring, “You can go back to sleep, and when you wake up, I’ll still be loving you, and I won’t be broken because of it, and I certainly won’t be gone.”
“Okay,” he responded, voice still broken, but no matter. He’ll heal. He’ll believe me more with time. Eyes heavy and stinging, my adrenaline eventually waned, and I was about to fall back asleep, when his voice pulled me back.
“Just to be completely clear, this is no longer a fuck buddy situation. Like, I'm your boyfriend. Right?”
“Was it ever really a fuck buddy situation?” I laughed “But if it was, it’s over. You are mine, Spencer Reid. If that wasn’t obvious.”
I could hear his smile in his voice “Sorry, it’s so late, and my brain isn’t really working and I just wanted to make absolutely sure.”
He paused for a few minutes.
“I’ll check back again in the morning.”
“I’ll still be here.”
In my half asleep state, his soft words barely registered. “Good morning, sweet girl. I’m so lucky to get to love you.”
“I love you too.” I mumbled, smiling without opening my eyes. There’s his confirmation. He’s always been one for collecting good data, I suppose.
“Please keep doing that.”
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greentrickster · 3 years
In the An Ace in Time AU, how does Franziska react to the events of Turnabout Goodbyes/get introduced?
Wow, haven't thought about this AU in awhile! Here we go!
Well, given that Edgeworth dies partway through Turnabout Goodbyes in this version, rises as a vengeful spirit, finds peace, and then just... continues to linger on this mortal coil for no particular reason? She's honestly pretty devastated at first. I mean, they didn't have the best relationship, but that's still her adoptive brother that she loves and he was murdered, he was so tormented in life that he became an angry ghost. It makes it impossible to ignore how much of a negative impact Manfred had on Miles, and drives home very sharply how much she does love her brother, that his death hurts so much.
She flies to Los Tokyo as soon as she finds out and goes straight to Peoples' Park, since that's where he tends to hang out when he's not with Phoenix or at the courthouse or Prosecutors' Office. In this world, vengeful spirits tend to look less human and can be kind of scary - Miles was very shadowy with a red glow to him when he rose, as well as his more tattered look, crown, and slightly less human features. When he found peace, his shadowy sections got a touch lighter, the red changed to his classic shade of pink, and his mouth shows up when he smiles now. Seeing Franziska again for the first time since he became like this was the first time he made the effort to look the way he did when he was alive, though he can't change his colours or give himself pupils. It meant so much to him that she came, he didn't want to scare her off by being all huge and any spookier than he could help. They found a private area in the park and had a long, long talk, and Franziska honestly cried a lot. Her brother might be here, but he still died, and she's still grieving his death, even as he comforts her as best he can.
From this point on, any case that Miles would have prosecuted, Franziska covers instead, she moves to Los Tokyo, takes over his old office, and begins a reign of fire and terror on the local criminal population. Miles shows up to help her sometimes, but he'll equally often help Phoenix, or just observe the proceedings and be super judgey, in that special way that can only be achieved when you're judging someone from beyond the grave. Franziska is never happy that Miles was killed, but she is grateful that she at least has the chance to spend more time with him, and improve their relationship (and prove to him she's the superior lawyer).
In an interesting twist, she actually has a bit of a soft spot for Phoenix in this AU. Vengeful ghosts aren't just dangerous because of any powers they might have, but because, over time, if they don't find peace, they become less cognizant and more aggressive, until they have to be banished by a sufficiently powerful spirit medium. Phoenix directly brought Miles peace by solving the DL-6 case and proving his innocence in court, and Franziska is eternally grateful for that. So Phoenix is one of the only defense attorneys that need not fear her whip, though she still doesn't give him an inch in court.
This also means she is absolutely livid when Phoenix is first disbarred from the Gramarye trial, and then killed in a mugging. She blames Klavier personally for this, and she plays an enormous part in Phoenix being allowed to continue raising Trucy in spite of being, you know, dead and a vengeful ghost. She has successfully blossomed into a beautiful young woman with no chill, and she's fully prepared to make it everyone's problem.
When the truth of the Gramarye case comes to light, Franziska is still mad at Klavier, but, oof, haha, that situation with the brothers Gavin brings back some very unfun memories of her relationship with her own father, haha, Gott Sie Dank for therapists on speed dial... Forgiveness comes slowly to her, but it is an option now, at the very least, and one that she's being encouraged towards.
Yes she becomes Chief Prosecutor, Miles is very proud of her and also teases her about it a lot. Overall she gets a chance to get a better support group, heal from her own wounds that Manfred left her, and really flourish. She still didn't get to prosecute with a bullet in her shoulder during the EnGarde trial. Fortunately they have a ghost Miles and spirit medium Pearl, so the trial continues both very similarly and very differently to how it did in canon.
...that was a lot, in retrospect, I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for the ask!
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pregnant-piggy · 4 years
A little elf
Ron Weasley x reader
This is part of All I want for Christmas is fanfiction
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: pregnancy, slight mention of abortion
A/N: I’m back with a pregnancy-fic (gotta be true to my url in some way). This fic is all support and Ron’s soft and protective side
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As the skies grew more pale outside, the rain and wind of the autumn made place for the cold and ice of the winter. Grass turned dry and died out, leafs had fallen of the trees and froze overnight. Icicles hung from the corners of buildings if it had frozen and the roads were getting slippery.
The shops had taken out their Christmas decorations and red and green adorned the streets. Fairy lights had been hung in trees and gardens flickered at night with colours shows in the shape of reindeers and fat Santa’s. At some houses Christmas trees were already standing in living rooms and cringe texts hung behind windows. Children dressed as angels went past streets, singing Christmas carols to whoever passed.
Normally you loved to walk outside at night and look at all the decorations. Countless of rounds you had made around the block with Ron every December. You knew which houses did what for Christmas, which ones were the first to put up the tree and which families always forgot and then put up the lights on Christmas Eve.
However, tonight none of the decorations were noticed by you as you walked home. With your hands in gloves in your pockets and your scarf tightly around your neck, you walked as slow and fast as possible; wanting to get home as fast as possible yet not wanting to get there at all.
Faint carols reached your ears as you turned around the corner to the street of your house. Halfway on the street stood the choir you hadn’t seen yet this December. You had gotten to know the leader a few years ago and feared you wouldn’t get out of a conversation when you walked by.
You took a halt in front of the choir and listened to the children together with some of your neighbours. Mrs and Mr Sanchez, the couple that lived next door, stood listening happily with their arms around each other. You watched them for a while as the choir sang ‘O Holy Night’.  
And indeed as you had thought, the leader of the choir, Francis, walked over to you after she had told the children to continue to sing.
‘Hey, y/n, long time no see!’ Francis happily said.
‘Hello, Francis,’ you nodded. You weren’t exactly feeling as ‘jolly’ as one might be in such a scene, but you conjured a smile on your face for the woman in front of you. ‘How are you?’
‘Busy, busy, busy,’ Francis said. ‘We are booked full for December. I don’t think I have a day off. But that doesn’t matter!’ she quickly added. ‘I enjoy working with these children so much. I believe they truly are my Christmas miracle!’
A bit more genuine smile came to your face. Francis was someone who was grateful for everything that was going on in her life. She enjoyed every second of her life and made sure she did plenty of things that she could look back at when she was old and grey and stuck in a chair at a retirement home. You loved to listen to Francis’ enthusiasm. Though you didn’t see her very often, because she was indeed always busy, the times you did see her you always were happy.
‘Is Ron not here? You usually come together,’ Francis noticed and the smile fell off your face.
‘He was busy,’ you lied, putting the fake smile back on your lips. You glanced around. ‘Are you coming back here?’ you asked, hoping to change the subject.
‘One more time, on Christmas Eve,’ Francis said.
‘I’ll make sure to come and bring you some snacks.’
‘They would love that,’ Francis sighed. One of the children signed for her and she had to leave you alone. ‘I’ll talk to you soon, y/n.’
‘See you soon.’ Francis went back to the choir and you turned around and walked to your house.
The light in the kitchen was on and a yellowish glow shone on the bare bushes in your little front yard. In the spring and summer they would be full with flowers and green leafs, but in the autumn and winter they lost their beauty.
Taking a deep breath you put your key in the lock and opened the door. The hall was dark and the door to the kitchen closed, only a stripe of light coming from the crack between the door and the floor. When you closed the front door behind you and put on the light, something dropped in the kitchen and a moment later the door was opened to reveal Ron.
He was wearing the apron you had gotten from your great aunt, one with little flowers and bees. His cheeks were red and there was a smudge of flour on one of them. The red locks that needed a haircut, though you actually liked it better like this, were standing in all ways, like it looked when he woke from a rough night. On his lips played a relaxed smile, that soon dropped as he noticed your tense state and worried eyes.
‘What’s the matter, sweetheart?’ he asked and quickly walked over to you to help you take of your coat.
While he turned around to the coat rack, you answered. ‘I’m pregnant.’
Ron dropped your coat on the floor and he spun around. His eyes were big and his jaw dropped. He stared at you for a second, before a big grin formed on his face.
‘That’s amazing! You’re pregnant? We’re gonna have a baby?’
‘No, it’s not! We aren’t prepared! There’s no room in our lives for a baby! What about our jobs? And our friends? We can’t just come over with a baby! Our lives would change so much!’
Ron took your hands and tried to look you in the eye, but you kept your gaze at the ground. He pulled you in an embrace and a tear escaped your eye. His hand rubbed soothing circles on your back and his lips were pressed against the top of your head.
Ron brought you to the kitchen and sat you down on a chair. He turned the stove off and gave you a glass of water before he took place opposite of you. He waited until you had drank the water and then took your hand over the table, forcing you to look him in the eye.
‘Listen, I am not forcing you to have this baby. It is your body and your decision and I am no one to change that. But I also want you to realise that this could be a good thing. Can you imagine how our lives would be if we had a little one running around? A happy baby, part you, part me. And it won’t be so difficult with jobs, you could even just keep yours the way it is now if you want. I won’t mind working less, I actually was thinking of already doing so. It is scary, but we will make it work.’
Ron squeezed your hand and you chuckled softly while the tears were streaming down your face. Ron got up from his chair and sat down in his knees in front of you. He wiped away the tears from your face and pressed a kiss to both your hands.
‘I am not asking you to make a decision right now, sweetheart,’ he said. ‘But just think about it. I will be happy with whatever you decide, as long as I am with you.’
You smiled tilting your head as you watched Ron get up and continue with dinner. His words had put your mind to work, but you pushed it aside for now, feeling that your emotions would influence the decision.
For the rest of the evening you talked with Ron about other things. You told him about Francis and the choir and he talked about his work and the new invention George had made. Of course you couldn’t just forget you were pregnant, but you just didn’t pay much attention to it and you noticed neither did Ron.
A part of you felt guilty for the burden you had placed on his shoulders. He had seemed so excited when you told him you were pregnant and the look on his face when you told him that you weren’t ready was still fresh in your mind.
Ron had sensed how you were feeling, like he always could. At night as you lied in the dark in bed, his hand took yours and he gave a little squeeze.
‘Don’t feel guilty, sweets,’ he said. ‘I am happy with or without a baby. Really. I support you whatever you decide.’
‘Thank you,’ you said with a hoarse voice. ‘I love you.’
‘I love you more.’
For a few days you and Ron didn’t talk about it. You both just went your normal ways, doing what you normally did. But that didn’t mean that you didn’t think about it. In contrary, it was all you could think about. You tried not to show it too much to Ron, but you knew he noticed. He was a little more gentle towards you, making sure there wasn’t anything to worry about at home or making sure you were comfortable.
Those days you barely slept. You ate little and felt nauseous with every smell. You were always cold, but whenever you put on a jumper you were hot. Your lips were cracked and your eyes dull. Your skin was breaking out and with every hand that you brushed through you hair, you pulled along hairs.
On the fourth day of all this, you had called in sick from work. After you had reassured Ron that you would be fine on your own and that he could just go to work, you were alone for the first time in a week.
Your plan was to just stay in bed all day, but an hour or so after Ron left you got antsy and wanted to do something. Your bed was uncomfortable and warm and you couldn’t lie in it for another second anymore. So you shuffled downstairs in a pair or leggings and one of Ron’s jumpers. You made some breakfast for yourself and after that sat in the living room staring at the TV for a while.
If you had watched TV the whole time or had fallen asleep, you didn’t know, but around lunch time you startled awake. You turned off the TV and decided to go for a walk.
It was snowing outside and the world glistened with little crystals. It wasn’t so cold that the streets were slippery; the snowflakes only lied on the ground for a second before they melted. Soon your hair was wet from the snow and your cheeks cold, but you didn’t mind. The cold, fresh air did you good.
In the park close to your house you sat down on a bench and watched the people around you. There was an elderly couple walking arm in arm with each other. Two businessmen sat on a bench not far from you. They were talking about something you didn’t understand and you frankly didn’t care about.
The park was fairly empty for the time of the day. Normally it was full of people that would take a little stroll at lunch time, especially in the holiday month. But today it was empty and you liked it so.
You sat on the bench for a while, just staring ahead of you, until you were started by a woman with a stroller.
‘Can I sit here?’ she asked and you nodded at her. The woman flashed you a smile and sat down next to you, turning the stroller around so the child in it was facing whom you assumed to be their mother.
You paid little attention to the people next to you. Or at least you tried to. The mother had started to talk to the baby while giving them little bites from a piece of bread. The baby giggled when the woman started to make funny faces and you couldn’t help but smile.
The baby looked at you, when their mother turned to take something from her bag, and made grabbing hands to you. You chuckled and stuck out your tongue to the child. They copied you and chirred with excitement.
‘She seems to like you. Usually she’s not like that with strangers,’ the woman said when she turned back. ‘Do you have kids?’
‘Uh, no…’ you said and flashed the woman a quick smile.
‘I’m not judging you!’ the mother said quickly. ‘It’s just usually mothers who make her feel comfortable. Maybe you just have a special talent.’
You laughed and shook your head. ‘No, I don’t think that is it.’
‘Well, at least you made her happy,’ the woman said while she got up. ‘It was nice to meet you.’
‘You too,’ you said and smiled at the mother and waved at the baby. You watched them walk away and then got up yourself. With renewed confidence you walked home and for the first time since you had heard that you were pregnant, you felt happy.
That evening you had taken a hot bath, soaking off all the negativity you had been holding for the past days. You were standing in front of the mirror in your underwear and stared at your belly. Your finger was tracing your skin lightly, as if you were tickling the baby that was growing inside of you.
‘Sweets? Where are you?’ Ron yelled from downstairs as soon as the door had shut behind him.
‘Up here,’ you said with a distant voice as you kept staring at your mirror image.
Loud and fast footsteps were heard on the stairs and Ron came bursting into the bedroom. Worry stood on his face and he was panting lightly. You looked up confused to him.
‘Are you okay?’ he asked and the anxiety left his face as you nodded. ‘Why are you standing there?’
You shrugged as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Your hand had dropped from your stomach and was now hanging along your body. Ron took of his coat and stood behind you. He rested his cold hands on your shoulders and you hissed.
‘Oh, sorry,’ he muttered but when he tried to take his hands away you kept them there.
You looked at Ron through the mirror and smiled at him. ‘I made a decision.’
Ron froze and you turned around so you could look at him. He looked at you with big eyes and you took his hands, placing them around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck.
‘We’re having a baby,’ you whispered softly.
Ron stared and after a few seconds swallowed. ‘We’re having a baby?’
You nodded and giggled at Ron’s anxious face. He started to smile and pulled you close against his chest. His hands on your back were cold and his cheek in your neck too, but you held onto him. For minutes you stood like that, until Ron turned you back to the mirror and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, resting his hands on your lower-stomach. His touch sent shivers down your spine and sparkles through your veins.
‘We’re gonna be parents,’ you said.
‘We’re gonna be the best parents,’ Ron said.
- - - - - -
General HP: @kitkatkl @girllety @yuptha-tsme @sleep-i-ness @iamak20 @thefuturelawyer @weasleydream @missmulti @deafgirltingz @moonstarrnghtsky @mytreec @lilulo-12fanfiction @emmaloo21 @kashishwrites @ananad1 @figlia--della--luna @kylosleftbuttcheek @mrs-malfoy-always @thefandomplace @magicwithaknife @mt2413 @aesthetically-hailey @superbturtlemakerathlete @the-natureofme @missswriter
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Bring your Daughter to Court Day and Dad Friends
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Summary: Rafael tries to multitask, miscommunicating the date he direly needs a sitter to Lucia, which means Catalina has to accompany him to court last minute. He manages to maintain his serious demeanor as well as he can, rewarding the well behaved little one with ice cream and a trip to the park. Suddenly, Rafael realizes he doesn’t have dad friends, and the opportunity arises to gain one. 
Pairings: Rafael Barba x OC
First Part - Second Part -Third Part - Fourth Part - Fifth Part - Sixth Part
A/N: This installation also partially based off of @teamsladsandgents​ ask a couple weeks ago that Down A Sitter was based on.
How had his mother forgotten she was supposed to babysit? Apparently, it was because Rafael Barba sent March 18 instead of 8, probably while he was making Catalina’s lunch and thinking that was the time for an email. Now, his mother was in Florida with Enrique, and he was without a sitter because Rebecca, Al, and Rodney were on the trip together. He could probably take her to Olivia’s, have Lucy watch her, but there wasn’t time to do that and make it to the courthouse. Lucia lived too far away. That left him with one option, and it was one he wasn’t sure he liked.
It was another defense case, a pillar of the community who killed his daughter’s abuser. It was all heat of the moment; the bastard had shown up on his step looking for Brendon’s daughter, the one he’d raped and left nearly dead. The other women? The ones he hadn’t dated? They hadn’t been lucky enough for the nearly. In minutes, he’d shot him, calling the police on himself. Olivia had convinced him to take it. And now it looked like he’d have company.
“Mija, how good can you be if papi brings you to work?” Her eyes lit up as she looked up at him.
“I can be so good, papi! I’ll help.”
“I’d just need you to be very, very quiet. That’ll be the best.”
“But I want to help.”
“You have to protect papi’s briefcase,” he fibbed, thankful selective defense work meant he just needed the file within it.
“I can,” she nodded seriously. He fastened her into her car seat, kissing her forehead and getting to the courthouse. He was grateful he could transition the necessities to a less full suitcase, leaving behind spare pens and pads of paper and only taking the file, a couple of pens, snacks, a bottle, the ipad, and her coloring book and box of crayons. Consolidating made him feel less messy. Most people at the courthouse didn’t know the dad side of him, and even as he relaxed, he hadn’t quite shaken the reputation he earned as a prosecutor. Now, he was clad in one of his dark three piece suits with a bright tie and suspenders, just like everyone was used to, the same briefcase in his hand. What they weren’t used to was the little girl with his eyes settled on his hip, clad in bright pink leggings and a white sweater with her arms wrapped tight around her father’s shoulders.
“Can I help you with something?” he asked, brow raised as he shifted Catalina to walk through the metal detector. Her blanket was clutched in her hand from the car still, and she held it from the floor, carefully walking through.
“Cute kid,” the guard asked. This was one who’d been here forever, and he seemed surprised. 
“Thank you.” He picked Catalina up again, briefcase by his side. He’d developed more muscle definition in his arms than he’d ever had since Rebecca went back to work. Catalina refused to walk, and he enjoyed fatherhood too much to make her. 
“If you’re good until we leave, we’ll get the biggest sundae you’ve ever had, mija,” he reminded her during an empty stretch of hallway. Catalina nodded seriously up at him, and he smiled more fondly than he intended, nodding to his client. He’d sent a text of warning, but the older man just gave him a grin.
“Taylor was a daddy’s girl too. Thank you, Mr. Barba. I know you could have tried to continue this.”
“I don’t want to draw this out for you anymore, I assure you. If it means unorthodox company, so be it. We may be waiting for a while.” 
He settled the coloring book on his briefcase, and Catalina sat on the bench beside it, using it like a makeshift desk. He entrusted Brandon to watch her while he stepped to the clerk.
“How long is the wait running for The People vs Aerie?” he asked, and he remembered why he didn’t like this one.
“Who’s the cutie?” she asked, popping her gum as she slowly looked at the docket.
“I asked a question,” he said impatiently. He didn’t want this day to be about his child. He wasn’t even sure he liked sharing her with work. The divide, save the friendships he’d made, was too deep. Fin, Amanda, Liv, and Carisi were one thing. Everyone else? He was fine without them. 
“Geeze, I’m just wondering if she’s your niece or somethin’. It’s hot seeing a man with a kid.”
“She’s my daughter. Her mother is out of town and there was miscommunication with the sitter.”
“I didn’t know you were married, counsellor.”
“Please just give me an estimate.”
“Couple hours. I’ll bump you as far up as I can.”
“Thank you.”
He turned to see Catalina chatting happily to Brandon, and he thought it might be a blessing she was here. Brandon hadn’t been handling things well. Sure, he was handling things better than Rafael had; he let his wife and daughter be there for him. But he was also treating himself as less worthy now, grappling with the reality that he’d ended a life even if he didn’t regret doing it. He’d confided in Rafael as they prepped that he worried he was never going to be good again. That’s when Rafael did something that confirmed the change in him: he was vulnerable with him. They talked about something not many people had in common. Ending a life changes you, and though they did it for different reasons, both felt they’d done what they needed. 
“She’s smart as hell,” Brandon chuckled, watching Catalina color. “And looks exactly like you.”
“I’m very fortunate. Her, not so much,” he joked, hand resting on her back as he sat back down so she was between the pair of them. 
“Cute co-counsel,” Carisi said, stopping by. 
“Mr. Sonny!” Catalina grinned, and Rafael almost grinned. Carisi, while Rafael would always give him hell, attended their church, was overall a good guy and attorney, and had become one of Catalina’s chosen few during playdates with Jessie and Billie Rollins. He’d even been babysitter one Saturday night to give Rebecca and Rafael a night off, so he was developing soft spot for the young ADA. 
“Cat!” he grinned, leaning down and hugging her. Catalina didn’t let go, and Sonny put his briefcase down to hold her for a minute. “What are you doing here?”
“Protecting papi’s briefcase!” Catalina spoke well for her age, but he was going to miss the staccato of her toddler chatter. Carisi and the abuelitas and the squad could all understand her easily. They all had enough experience with kids. There had always been a delay between her words and his replies at first. Words would break up or run together, and he’d have to process things. Now it didn’t matter how she strung the noises together; he got it as easily as Rebecca.
“Wow, big responsibilities, kiddo. I gotta go to court. I’ll see you soon, okay?” he grinned, ruffling Catalina’s hair before she climbed back to the bench and leaned against Rafael. He was proud that his daughter hurried to his side when she wanted protection from the strange place and people around them. It made him feel like he was doing something right. The clerk, as annoying as she was, did get them moved up, and Rafael carried Catalina in, setting her on the bench directly behind his seat. After a few moments, she got nervous, standing and leaning against the bannister as everyone got settled. Rafael quietly urged her to sit as everyone settled in, looking over the file before him. She didn’t, looking around at the busy courtroom, and he set his mouth in a line, picking her up and fighting the urge to smile as her arms wrapped around his shoulders and her head came to rest on his shoulder.
“Do you need a continuance, Mr. Barba?” the judge asked. He’d been in front of this judge before. Last time, it was as a prosecutor in the Martha Hobbs case. He supposed that was why there was a tone of amusement in his voice. There goes whatever reputation he had left, but it didn’t bother him like he expected. 
“Not at all,” he said breezily. Suddenly, he realized he’d perfected that parental stance. The one where fingers laced around the toddler on his hip, but he could still take back a hand to turn pages and write notes. He’d always thought it was some kind of magic when Liv did it with Noah. “Shall we move ahead with Mr. Aerie’s arraignment?”
“Of course. Nothing unusual here.” Rafael fought the urge to roll his eyes, cutting his eyes to the ADA for this case covering a laugh. He was just glad it wasn’t Carisi this time.
“He’s weird,” Catalina whispered, well aware of how to keep her voice quiet enough only her father could hear her. He squeezed her gently, the corner of his mouth tugging up. Soon enough, Brandon was being escorted to pay bail, and Catalina had commented on the whole affair. She’d done much better than he’d expected, so he knew he’d be taking her for ice cream. His biggest worry had been the courtroom with it’s crowded benches, but she’d settled in just fine on his hip. 
It was still strange to him the way he could be a source of comfort for her, and he felt the weight of responsibility in the best way. She trusted him implicitly, looked for him when she needed comfort. Sure, she’d leave his side for a friend, but she’d always want to come back and climb onto his lap. It struck him again how unimaginable his father’s behavior was. In fact, he’d thought about it a lot as he took care of Catalina, especially the past few days with Rebecca gone. His first instinct with her was never anger. Occasional frustration with a tantrum, but she was learning to understand the world and needed him to make some part of it safe and consistent, not scary and volatile.
“Bye Mr. Aerie,” she said softly as they parted ways, Brandon’s wife ecstatic to get him home. Taylor was still in the hospital, and they’d be spending the night by her side. This case made him wish he could keep Catalina with him forever, safe from the kind of people he’d seen in his tenure at SVU. She wrapped around his knees on the steps of the courthouse as he answered questions. Media moved on, and they didn’t want to examine him anymore. They just wanted the statement and to follow Brandon into the waiting car. He would’ve held his daughter close, but he didn’t want her face plastered on the news. Rafael didn’t leave the Aeries until the SUV’s door closed, Catalina’s hand held in his. Once they were gone, he scooped her up and started towards the ice cream parlor he knew was only a couple of blocks away.
“You were very good today, mija,” he smiled gently, kissing the top of her head. “I think we ought to go for a walk and get you some ice cream.”
“Really?” she asked, and her smile was wide enough he could not say no if he wanted.
“Really,” he nodded, laughing as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Gracias, papi!”
A long time ago, he would have tried to maintain the composure and seriousness from inside the courthouse until he was far from where anyone could see him this relaxed. Now he was adjusting his briefcase, as his daughter told him all about what she wanted on her ice cream. She wouldn’t take a nap that afternoon after the amount of sugar he was about to give her, but he had a feeling the grin he’d get, her face covered in melted chocolate and ice cream, would be worth it.
“Ms. Olivia!” Catalina’s voice made him follow her gaze, seeing Liv making her way to the courthouse. 
“So that’s how you got Brandon moved up the docket.”
“I added a one to the date when I texted mami to babysit while Becs is gone,” he said, mouth set in a line again. He didn’t like the fact this story was both unavoidable and going to be told forever.
“So Cat got to come to court?”
“Al and Rodney are with Becs. Mami is in Florida.”
“I was so good,” Catalina said proudly. “And Mr. Brandon got bailed.”
“Recognizance didn’t work?” she asked.
“He has the means to flee. But the bail is minimal. We’re going to get ice cream.”
“Because I was so good,” Catalina added, face serious as she nodded.
“You were, mija. Say bye to Oliva.” 
Soon, they were sitting at a table in the ice cream shop, and there was far more ice cream in front of Catalina than Rebecca would ever approve of. He’d originally said one scoop, any toppings, but then she asked with wide eyes if she could get three flavors. Normally, he’d try to say no, but not today. She’d been good at the courthouse, plus he was the one she inherited her sweet tooth from. They’d gotten four scoops and every topping she wanted with an agreement she’d share with papi. He’d almost teared up when she said I always share with papi. Almost. But now he was taking a picture of them together, trying to decide how much he hated that he took selfies now. But, he only took selfies like this, of him sitting in a low booth with Catalina beside him and the massive sundae between them. Surely, that didn’t count? He sent it to Rebecca anyway.
Guess who was an angel in court. We miss you, mami.
Certainly not the hot one. Proud of her. I miss you both terribly.
What time do you get home tonight?
Eleven. The boys are dropping me off. And I’m guessing that sugar means you’ll both be up.
I’ll be up either way. Te amo, hermosa. I hope the trip has been good to you.
I love you, handsome. It has been, but I miss my family.
“Should we video call mami when we get home?” he asked when sticky hands had been cleaned as they walked back to the car. He saw familiar faces passing them by, giving nods as they approached the courthouse they’d parked near. 
“Yeah!” she nodded eagerly, and Rafael could see the energy hitting her. 
“Or maybe we call her from the park? Then you can play! Run around and swing and slide.” He was humming each activity, pressing kisses to the top of her head. He hadn’t taken her to Central Park yet, and he’d been to the Billy Johnson Playground on the east side with Olivia and Noah when she’d needed a friend. It looked like an old part of the nature around it, making him think of the stories Catalina was so fond of. She liked gnomes and cottages in the woods lately, and the little park fit right in. Plus, the focus was more on what she could run on and climb, but still with the swing he could push her on when she got tired. When she did get tired, he could rest with her at the little gazebo and feel secluded and out of the city.
Maybe they needed a vacation.
“Yes!” she giggled, hugging his neck. He smiled, stopping at the car to order an Uber. To and from court was all the driving he intended to do. He traded his briefcase for the diaper bag, leaving his vest and blazer now that the day had warmed up and tucked one of the blankets Rebecca insisted was in case of emergency in the diaper bag. 
“We’re going to a really special park.”
“Why’s it special?”
“You know the pretty one the zoo is at?”
“Papi knows a cool playground there. It looks like gnomes live there.”
“That is cool,” she said, her excitement apparent. He loaded them into the car, ever grateful to not have to drive, and tipped generously when the driver was kind enough to drop them off away from the zoo. As soon as they were in the park, Catalina wanted down, her hand in his as they walked along the path.  When they got to the little gazebo, he stopped, and Catalina looked up at him quizzically.
“Want to call mami from here?” She lit up, pulling herself to stand on the bench he sat on. Rebecca was packing up, he knew, so he wasn’t surprised when she answered quickly, blowing her hair from her face. When she fully registered it was them, she grinned. 
Rebecca was relieved to see the day really must be going well. Catalina was giddy, blue from what Rebecca guessed was cotton candy ice cream staining the cuff of her sweater as she pushed her hair back. Rafael was smiling, the one that showed his teeth and crinkled his eyes. They still hadn’t been home, but the image of Rafael in the dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, his tie and suspenders featuring the same shade of pink as their daughters pants was perfection. She wasn’t sure he realized how often he did it, but she didn’t want him to stop matching their daughter so she’d never tell. 
“You guys seem like you’re having fun! Maybe it’s good papi can’t type.” This time Rafael laughed because he was kind of thankful for his snafu. This weekend was only his third or fourth time out and about with Catalina for more than a trip to the park or run to the grocery store. This weekend, they’d gone to a museum and church on their own, and now they were having another daddy daughter day. He liked it. 
“Papi and I had...lunch....that wasn’t ice cream. And now we’re at a special playground!”
“The Billy Johnson Playground at Central Park. I’ll take pictures for you, mami.”
“You two will have fun. You’ll have to show it to me one day.”
“Secret park!” Catalina said seriously and his smile grew broader, arm around her middle. 
“Maybe we can show mami this part before?”
“Deal.” They said their goodbyes soon enough, Rebecca heading to the airport. He watched as Catalina walked just a couple of steps ahead, looking back over her shoulder to be sure he was there. Her eyes lit up when she saw the park, and Rafael was glad to see there were other kids her age there. They hadn’t quite found her a group of friends her own age; Fin’s grandson, Jaden, was one of only a couple, and Rafael didn’t know the other two well. He stayed close to her as she hurried to the climbing set, taking pictures and sending them on to Rebecca. Mostly, moms and nannies were there, and he felt slightly out of place. When he was in groups of parents, he always found himself wondering who knew. Shifting awkwardly, he nodded towards them and went back to watching his daughter with a fond smile.
She’d found two sisters, one her age and one who looked to be about five. The older girl was helping the younger two navigate the playset, leading them to slides and climbing nets easily. Each time Catalina looked unsteady on her feet, which was often given her age, he wanted to scoop her up, but apparently it was important to let her take a tumble or two. Rafael didn’t like that idea or the fact that they had to keep bandages in the diaper bag. Luckily, the time she did fall, landing on her rear with her legs out, the older of her new friends laughed and helped her up. 
“I’m guessing white sweater is yours?” a man asked, and he chuckled. 
“Her new friends are mine. Flower pants and leopard dress.”
“They made friends fast.”
“Is she into princesses and fairy tales?”
“Yeah. Especially gnomes right now?”
“Sarah is my eldest. She’s obsessed with Fairies.”
“Makes sense. Catalina like fairies too.”
“She and Megan look the same age?”
“Two and a half?”
“Right on,” he chuckled. “I’m Hank.”
“Rafael. I think we’re the only dads here today.”
“Yeah. It’s normally just me during the day when we’re here. I’m a writer, so I can stay home while my wife’s at work. You’re all dressed up though. I’m guessing this isn’t your normal day?”
“I’m an attorney, but I work from home.”
“How does that work?” 
“I work with the Innocence Project. Meetings with defendants are Mondays. I can do the paperwork and brief writing from home. Then court when needed. I take defense work on occasion, like today. Sitter fell through so Cat had to come. My girlfriend is a teacher, and she snuck off with her friends for a long weekend.”
“My wife’s a school librarian. We picked those educators, huh?”
“Apparently.” It felt so normal to be talking to him, and Rafael thought to himself maybe he could have a dad friend now. His friends from Harvard and the DA’s office and SVU had kids, but they’d always have been work colleagues first. There was no erasing what they’d seen together, the tension over cases, the Householder case. Hank seemed nice enough, and they had similar lives. At least they could team up on park trips since it turned out their usual stomping grounds overlapped. 
God, Hank looked like a writer though. He had on a thick flannel over a t-shirt, and tattoos peaked out of the rolled up sleeves. Slim fit jeans and black sneakers, the cool kind not the functional kind, just rounded it out. He was tall and lanky and younger than him, and Rafael suddenly felt he could be Catalina, Megan and Sarah’s grandfather. Hell, he technically could. Still, he was new to this, and he supposed most men in their fifties weren’t settling down with a partner for the first time and raising their first child. Besides, Hank was probably still a little older than Rebecca.
“Megan scraped her knee,” Sarah said, running over to the two men, followed by Catalina holding the hand of teary Megan. 
“Dad, that’s a bad word.”
“Shoot,” Hank corrected. “I forgot the bag.”
“I’ve got bandages. Princess ones,” Rafael said, digging the box from the diaper bag. “There’s neosporin in there too.”
Catalina climbed on Rafael’s lap, and he could tell by how she laid back against him that he had succeeded; she was tired out. Rafael didn’t want to go yet, able to hear Hank saying they’d head home once Megan was patched up. Was making friends as an adult always so much like asking for a girl’s number was when he was younger? He hadn’t been a dad for long, only a few months. Maybe having someone other than Rebecca he could call during tantrums and long days would be good?
“Hey, before everyone heads out, maybe we can all meet at the park again sometime? The girls seemed to really get along.”
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Hank said, digging out his phone and handing it to Rafael. “Put your number in. I haven’t made many dad friends who aren’t also writers or don’t have traditional office jobs. We’re both basically house husbands.”
“Yeah. And it’s hard.”
“Easier than it was two years ago though, right? Five’s even easier.”
“I actually only found out I was a dad in December. It’s a long story. But it’s easier now than in January.”
“We’ll delve into that at the park later this week?”
“Perfect. Do you take insurance?”
“As long as you’ve hit your deductible. Send me the pictures of the girls, okay?”
“Will do,” he nodded as they walked towards the sidewalk. He’d ordered an Uber to take he and Catalina back to his car. Soon enough, he was cooking her dinner, watching her dance around the kitchen to the soft jazz he was playing, and Rafael was grateful for the break from Disney. Not having Rebecca’s return each evening made him appreciate even more how much she’d had to do to keep their daughter happy and healthy and safe for the last two years. He needed the time he’d had to heal, but he often wished he could go back and be here to help sooner. It was his own fault. Instead of pressing the guilt down like he used to, he let himself acknowledge it, tucking it to the side instead as he settled a bowl of macaroni in front of Catalina. Once she was tucked in, he put his feet on the coffee table, working on his laptop and only pausing to send Hank the pictures he’d snapped of the girls playing. He heard Rebecca at the door at eleven, just like she’d estimated, and he hurried to meet her. 
“Heya, handsome,” she grinned, and Rafael could feel the stupid grin split his face.
“Welcome home, hermosa,” he beamed, pulling her in and kissing her deeply. 
“Missed me?” she teased as she smoothed his hair.
“Terribly,” he nodded. “I’ve been spoiled to see you every day.”
“It seems like you and Cat had a good time though?”
“Yeah. We went to the Children’s Museum Saturday. Then Sunday was mass and lazy movies. Today was hectic, but good.”
“Yeah? You two seemed happy at the park. And ice cream for lunch.”
“We had a lot of fun at the park. She made friends with two girls, Sarah and Megan. They have a playdate Thursday.”
“Oh yeah?” she chuckled. “You finally click with the playground moms?”
“Hank. He’s a writer, and his wife is a school librarian. His girls are two and five. He’s home with them most of the time.” Rebecca couldn’t help but grin at how he tried to pretend it was just convenient. 
“That’s cool. I bet it could be nice talking to non-police or court affiliated people, hm? Maybe you two could grab a beer sometime.”
“We’ll see. He’s surprisingly nice to talk to. Sarah and Megan have the same tantrums.”
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bbdaydreams · 3 years
Courage My Love// Semi Eita
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Pairing: Semi Eita x Reader
Summary: You like Semi and come up with a plan to confess to him, unfortunately it takes a turn. You meet again a couple years later by chance.
Chapter Six: Shape Up
Series Masterlist•<previous•next>
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“Alrighty, your food will be ready shorty,” the waitress spoke before leaving with the booklets and you all thanked her.
Semi and you still haven’t had a real conversation since sitting down at the table together, just mumbling some words to get through the night which Taka took notice of. “Are you two nervous or something? It’s alright, I’m not scary and you guys don’t look scary. Enjoy yourselves please, besides this is all our treat to you guys.” Feeling guilty for your behavior you immediately apologized to Taka and his band mates and thanked them again for the invitation. Semi did the same as well. You’re both just gonna have to fake it. “It’s okay! We’re going to be spending a lot of time together so I think it’d be cool if we could get to know each other, where are you from? I’m from Tokyo.”
“Miyagi,” you and Semi answered at the same time.
“Oh! Have you guys met before or anything?”
“We went to the same high school,” Semi answered causing you to internally face palm.
“That’s crazy! Were you two friends?”
“We were. Then we lost touch when we graduated. You know, busy busy,” you spoke up before Semi could. The last thing you want was someone you look up to questioning your past drama. Just seeing Semi was enough to remind you of how things went down all those years ago.
“Yeah, this is actually our first time seeing each other since then.”
“Wow, now I’m the odd man out,” Taka laughed to which you did too. While laughing you felt something poke your side.
Semi was sneakily trying to hand you his phone. Semi started branching off to a different conversation with Taka to distract him which you know he did so you could look at his phone without suspicion since everyone else was having their own conversations. You took a quick glance at the text message he typed to someone but didn’t send.
“Can we talk after this?”
You glided your eyes back onto the two singers, focusing more on the ash blonde. You two haven’t spoken in six years, what could he have to say, you asked yourself. Starting to think out every logical scenario you could, you thought that he just wanted to get the confrontation out of the way so you could both do this tour without any issues. Whatever happens, you know that even if you say no, you’d have to talk to him eventually. Might as well get it over with sooner than later so you typed your response.
“Yeah seriously thank you so much for listening to my band too. I’m so glad you like us. I’m actually a big fan of your music,” you spoke, jumping into the conversation so you could pass Semi his phone back with ease under the table.
“Thank you. I really liked your voices and wanted you guys to join me for the last song on our set list. It’s one of the new songs off the latest album,” Taka explained.
“Which song is it?” You asked excitedly.
“Take What You Want. We made the song with 5 Seconds of Summer but I think you guys would sound really good doing their parts.”
“I’m so down!”
“Sounds good to me,” Semi added, amused by your enthusiasm.
“Here’s your food,” the waitress spoke as she set down your plates with the help of another waiter. You all thanked them for the food before enjoying your meals.
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The rest of the dinner was actually quite enjoyable. From what you could tell, Haruka and Jiro were mostly catching up with each other, which you understood since they were close their final year of high school. Tomo and Toru of One Ok Rock seemed to enjoy the stories Izumi was telling them while Ryota and Yui were having fun helping Ranmaru and Subaru practice their English. You loved talking with Taka. He was really easy to get along with and made it much easier to break the ice with Semi. You all finished your meals and left the restaurant together.
“That was the best meal I’ve had in forever!” Izumi announced when everybody was outside.
“Right? I cant way to try more food!” Jiro added on.
“What do you say guys?” You and Semi said simultaneously, crossing your arms and turning from each other.
“Thank you,” Your band members said all together.
“It’s nothing really,” Toru started.
“Yeah, we’re glad we got to meet like this,” Tomo added.
“We had a lot of fun tonight. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the tour will be like,” Ryota continued.
“You’re still very welcome. We’ll see you all tomorrow at the venue. Eita, Y/n, don’t forget, two in the afternoon for rehearsal. We’re heading back to our bus so good night,” Taka finished. The guys in One Ok Rock all waved you guys goodbye before heading off.
“They were really nice,” Subaru spoke.
“Yeah, this’ll be so exciting. It’s your guys first time in the US right?” Yui asked Won’t Regret.
“Yeah, thanks again for helping us practice,” Ranmaru said.
“No worries. You can ask us for help if needed.”
“Do you guys want us to walk you to your bus? It’s dark out,” Jiro offered, looking at Haruka for a response.
She smiled at him before responding, “Jiro you’re funny, our buses are in the same lot. We might as well just walk in a group.”
“Girls, you can head off. I’m gonna talk with Semi so I’ll catch up later.”
Yui was the first one to give you a worried look, wondering if you were fine being alone with him. Izumi and Haruka looked confused and curious. From what they knew, you haven’t been in contact with Semi since high school. Tendou was the one that mostly helped you through grieving the loss of your best friend but they could recognize the look of nostalgia in your eyes when you reminisced on old memories with him. They know you were strong, but it was a pain that never completely went away.
“How long?” Izumi asked.
“It might be a while,” Semi answered. “I’ll walk her back straight to your bus, don’t worry.”
The girls reluctantly let left you with Semi while the rest of boys accompanied them. As the groups walked away they would occasionally turn their heads back to the two of you out of curiosity to see what was going to happen. You were known for having a laid back attitude but stepping up and becoming assertive if need be in less than a second. Semi was typically pretty patient with you but it’s best to be careful since he has a shorter fuse.
“Hi,” Semi started awkwardly once his everyone was out of sight.
“Hey,” you responded in the same tone.
“Wanna go sit on that bench? Also, how’ve you been?”
“Yeah, and I’ve been good. You?”
He started walking across the street after looking both ways. “I’m doing great. How’s Tendou? Congrats on your marriage, by the way.”
“Marriage?” You asked confused.
“Didn’t you and Tendou get married and have a honeymoon in France?”
You let out a laugh before responding. “Tendou and I have been broken up for like three years now dude. I’ve never gone to France with Tendou, he went for his career and now lives there. I’ve only gone if it was for touring. Where’d you get that idea from?” You asked, gradually laughing harder resulting in Semi feeling relief. Half of it being that you might be single and the other part being that the laughing is a good sign that you’re willing to humor him.
“I saw he posted pictures of himself with the Eiffel Tower and stuff so I just assumed,” he chuckled along.
“Yeah but wouldn’t it make sense if I was in those pictures with him? I probably would’ve posted a picture of my ring too.”
“You know I follow you still?”
“Yeah, I pay attention to my notifications sometimes. I’ll be honest though, I did unfollow you.”
“Understandable,” Semi sighed.
You both went quiet after that, getting comfortable on the metal bench. Taking note of his expression, you took the lead for conversation. “What was it you wanted to talk about?”
“Oh uh, I wanted to apologize,” he responded, grateful for the dim lighting so his blush wouldn’t be super noticeable.
“Well, I’m listening,” you said before crossing your arms in a playful manor.
“I’m sorry for calling you a bitch. I’m sorry for raising my voice at you. I’m sorry for saying all that petty shit and hurting you. I’m sorry for all the pain I gave you. You know that saying that’s like ‘you don’t know what you have until you lose it?’ Well I lost you, and that was my biggest regret. All these years-“
“Semi, you can stop-“ you interrupted not expecting him to go on a full on rant for an apology. You were fine with a simple ‘I’m sorry’. Never would you have expected the ash blonde to list out every thing he did wrong. It was high school, that’s when mistakes are meant to be made because you learn from them. After walking the earth for twenty four years, you couldn’t give less of a shit about the things that happened. You grew up, you were over it, you have other things to focus on than hold onto a grudge because someone hurt you.
“Let me finish. Please. All these years I never tried to reach out to you because I think you made it clear that you didn’t want to speak to me and I respect that but oh my god I’m so proud of you. You’ve accomplished so much. You’ve traveled around the world, living your dream. I know we may have ended on bad terms but I have never, not once, ever wished for your life to take a turn for the worst. I’m genuinely so happy for you. I’m just so, so, sor- What? Why are you crying? I’m the one apologizing!” he asked, raising his hands to wipe your tears.
While listening to him all you could think about was how guilty you felt. “Because I’m sorry,” You answered, grabbing his wrists to pull them away from your face so you could wipe your own tears. “I’m sorry for pushing you away. I’m sorry for not reaching out either. I’m sorry for almost starting a physical fight with you.” You were letting all your frustrations out at this point from all the emotions you had built up inside you. While you had to admit you were upset with him, you were the one that started it. “I shouldn’t have said what I said the night of the talent show. I should’ve told you the truth. I started this. I’m the one at fault.”
“Y/n...” Semi wrapped his arms around your back, using one hand to guide your face into his chest to help you calm down. “It’s okay. You’re okay.” His voice was soft, different compared to the way he was speaking before. His task at hand was just to focus on you. “I missed you,” he spoke.
“I hmff ugh oo,” you responded, head still buried in his chest.
You pulled away from him and straightened your back. “I said I missed you too.” You took a couple seconds to look at him. He looked almost exactly the same as he did back then. The only differences you could tell were that his hair was longer and he looked more mature, maybe a little buffer. It was somewhat comforting. “I don’t get it. I told myself I should hate you after all that happened but I could never bring myself to accept it. It’s weird that we’re talking with little difficulty right now to each other.”
“Little difficulty? I’m not gonna lie, my heart is beating so fast right now. I was so nervous to even hand you my phone at the table,” Semi laughed, eyes not looking away from your form laughing into your hand. “I don’t get it either though. I honestly thought you were gonna hate me and yell at me like, do you really forgive me?”
“How do I say this?” You asked yourself before taking a deep breath to answer his question. “After graduating and experiencing the real world, I realized I don’t need to focus on high school bullshit. We were so young-“
“Now you’re making me feel old.”
“Shut up! We were just teens. Now we’re adults, ya know? With bills to pay and actual responsibility. I’d rather focus on me, myself now than what happened in high school. Am I gonna forget it? No, it helped build the person I am now. Can I forgive? I may be a petty bitch and say I don’t wanna but what’s that gonna do for me? Nothing so I might as well.” After giving your long explanation you looked at him again and took in his features, old happy memories flooding back to you.
“Do you think we start over?” Semi asked hopefully.
“Hey, I’m Semi Eita. I play in a band and I’m a bit of an asshole sometimes. What’s your name?”
“I’m L/n Y/n and I also play in a band and can sometimes be a bitch,” you responded with a laugh.
“It’s nice to meet you. Can I walk you to where you need to be?” he asked, getting up and putting his hand out to help you up.
“Sure, that’d be really nice.”
After he helped you up, you started walking towards your bus with Semi walking right next to you. “Hey I’m actually playing a show tomorrow night, you should check us out!”
“No way, what time?” You asked deciding to play along.
“Like seven but you know how it goes, it’ll probably be more like seven-fifteen.”
“Ugh that’s annoying. Can you come to mine? I think I play at like eight.”
“Sure, dude. Anything for my bestie.”
“Aight I’m done. Bestie is too far, dude.”
“What! I can’t call you my bestie even though we just reunited six years after not seeing each other?”
“Correct. We can be ‘friends’,” you said, using your fingers to put air quotes, “but honestly I’m still on edge. Like after we went our separate ways it was hard for me to reconnect with people because it hurt when we ended things. I don’t wanna go through that again.”
Semi sighed, “I get that. Sorry again. I promise I won’t do that again.”
“It’s okay. And you better. Or else we’re really throwing hands,” you teased.
“Oh yeah?”
“Don’t make me go all WWE on you!”
“Oh my god Semi, is that a threat?”
“Y/n!” Izumi yelled which made you focus on your tour bus. The girls had each opened a window to stick their head out of and wait for your arrival.
“Are you okay?” Haruka asked.
“Do you want back up?” Yui followed up.
“I’m joking, Yui,” Semi said, putting his hands up in defense.
“You better, or else I’m gonna be the one fighting for y/n,” Haruka warned with a glare.
“I guess this is goodnight, Semi. You don’t want to throw hands with Haruka, she’s pretty buff. Thanks again. See you around,” you said as you waved him goodbye and hopped on the bus.
“See ya,” Semi responded. He turned around and threw his head upwards to the night sky and let out a sigh before walking to his bus.
Yui with her head still out of the window took notice of how Semi relaxed after you left him. “Hey, girly,” she started, getting up from her spot after closing the window. “You okay? How’d it go?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. It actually went surprisingly well.”
“That’s good news!” Izumi cheered.
“So are you friends again?” Haruka asked.
“Hmm, I guess so? We’re basically just starting over.”
“This tour is gonna be interesting,” Yui finished.
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Getting back onto his bus, Semi immediately felt three pairs of eyes glued on him. Jiro set his Nintendo switch down while Subaru put his phone on his lap and Ranmaru stood up.
“We’ve been expecting you,” Ranmaru started with a straight face.
“Yeah!” Jiro added only to be shushed by Subaru.
“Well... good news?” Semi responded, not knowing what to make of the way his band mates were acting.
“Go on...” Subaru said, this time being shushed by Jiro.
“First, I’m gonna be a guest vocal for One Ok Rock with Y/n during their last song. Second, I told Y/n everything I needed to say. We’re friends again. We’re all good,” Semi said with a smile.
Ranmaru took a few steps closer to Semi before lovingly slapping his back. “Proud of you, bro.”
“Woooo! Go Eita!” Jiro jumped up to hype up his bandmate.
“Awesome!” Subaru finished. “Happy for you man. Now, I hate to be the mom here, but we should get to bed. Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day.”
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“Good job guys!” Taka said, patting both of your backs.
“Thank you! Is there anything you want us to change?” You asked.
“Hmm, nah. I know most people say practice makes perfect but I think as the tour goes on we’ll improve the performance each night.”
“Sounds good,” Semi said.
“Can I give some feedback?” You asked. Taka and Semi both gave you a nod to go on. “You,” you pointed to Semi, “are being so stiff. It’s your first tour in the US. Loosen up! I’ll be blunt, if how to act now is how you’re gonna act during your set, which is the first one, you’re not gonna grab anyone’s attention. The majority of the crowd probably haven’t even heard of your band. You gotta draw them in.”
“I have to agree with her,” Taka joined in.
Semi grew wide eyed and turned a little red. You were about to speak up again but he beat you to it. “Sorry, I think I’m just nervous. This is all new to me,” he said, bringing a hand up to the back of his head.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to sound harsh! I just want you guys to grow. Being on tour right now is a big honor so I want you to get the most you can out of it. And-“
And you were rambling. Same old Y/n, Semi thought to himself, letting you ramble while he had a small smirk on his face, amused by the words you were speaking.
“Just perform how you would back then! I think if you brought that energy you’d really get a lot of people hooked!”
“Ya think so?”
“I know so. Can we try again but exaggerate our movements? This dude has to shape up.”
“I’ve heard so many stories about you mentoring the smaller bands, it’s nice to see that you live up to them,” Taka smiled.
“Thank you,” you responded with a blush. “Now Semi, follow our lead. And don’t let us down tonight.”
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Taglist: @pluviophilefangirl @yourstarvic @sunaswife @mynscorner @syaziahvg @discountkiyoko
46 notes · View notes
Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 7- Of Banquets, Bastards, and Burials
Summary: Jaskier seems full of good ideas, one that brings you and your Witcher into the halls of a prideful Queen.
Warnings: nothing but a good time, mostly
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Grumbling in disgust at the messy monster slaying you and Geralt had just endured at the frozen lake nearby, you hastily burst through the wooden doors of the local tavern where Jaskier and the other villagers currently are. He's trying to get the gory details from some man who insisted on accompanying you both on your hunt, resulting in him fleeing the scene covered in chunks of globby Selkiemore blood from a blow you landed onto the creatures opened eye.
Right before the beast swallowed Geralt, his silver sword cleanly slicing through the creatures stomach and finally putting an end to the tiresome hunt. Just like that, done and done. You watch as the tavern goers faces grimace at the gnarly scent protruding from yourself and Geralt, your crimson eyes catching the delighted sight of your laughing bard as he finds you two easily in the crowd.
You walk up to the table that the bard is sitting at, "What's that stench?" Questions the man by Jaskier's side, you glare at him like he's the biggest dumbfuck in the whole Continent. Your body is spotted in splayed monster guts likewise to Geralt who's almost unrecognizable by how much blood and innards coats his face. What else would cause such a scent?
"Selkiemore guts. Had to get it from the inside." Replies Geralt bluntly.
"We'll take what we're owed." You add, the man nods as he quickly reaches into his jacket to pull out the sack of coin. Jaskier taking this time to begin singing his famous Toss a coin to your Witcher ballot, the whole entirety of the tavern happily joining in as he gets out of his seat.
Not caring to join them you turn to walk away from the masses, Geralt trailing behind as you make a beeline for the wooden keg, "Fuck me I need a drink." You exclaim before filling up a mug and quickly downing it like there's no tomorrow, Geralt chuckling as he does the same. When you pull the cup from your lips does the bard make himself known.
He leans against the counter all the while rambling on about how you two owe him for making yourselves so famous now. Wordily explaining how for a single night he'll need you both to watch out for him as he and the two of you attend some princess' banquet, though you're not entirely sure what he's on about considering you're too distracted by the free beer.
Setting an empty mug upon the wooden counter you roll your eyes, done with his excessive disjointed talking, you turn to leave as Geralt follows your lead towards the stairs, Jaskier calling out something of possible interest to sway your minds.
"Food, women, and wine, Geralt!" Shouts Jaskier, stopping Geralt in his tracks as you turn around.
Jaskier looks at him hopefully as Geralt lets out a tired sigh, "I already have Y/N." Grumbles your tired Witcher as you walk over next to him, a spark of interest tugging at the inner adventurer in you.
"I haven't had a kingly meal in ages, nor have I worn a silken dress in almost a decade." You add with a humored laugh, turning your attention to Geralt, "I bet you'd love to see me in silk and jewels, now wouldn't you my love?" You purr into his ear while lightly touching his dirty arm, he looks at you with a telling half grin.
You watch as Jaskier paces in front of the two of you with a small cloth draped casually over the side of his shoulder while he contemplates how tonight should go for him, that is if everything goes well and no lords try and kill him. Since you took a much needed bath earlier, you get the privilege of cleaning off Geralt as your talkative bard continues his ramblings about the party tonight.  Grasping the small bucket in your hands you crouch behind Geralt, dumping a warm bucket of water onto your grumpy Witcher's gut smeared head, you hold in your giggles as he sputters and wipes his face from the sudden tiny waterfall to his head and face.
"Now now, stop your boorish grunts of protest, you should be grateful to have Y/N as your willing washer." Quips Jaskier as he walks around Geralt's tub and you who's seated behind him with your hands in his dirty hair, "It is one night of you two bodyguarding your very best friend in the whole wide world. How hard could it be?"
You flick some stray pieces of Selkiemore guts out of Geralt's tangled mane while Jaskier walks around you once again, "Every lord, knight and twopenny king worth his salt will be at this betrothal." He explains as he picks up some bath salts on the nearby cabinet, "The Lioness of Cintra herself will sing the praises of Jaskier's triumphant performance!" You snort when he throws the salt into the bathtub, tiny crystals landing around and on Geralt as he watches the bard, unfazed and rather quite annoyed.
Taking a cloth from the side of the tube you gently rub the dirt and blood from Geralt's tense shoulders, "How many want your head on a spike?" You wonder with a small chuckle as the bard looks elsewhere trying to think for a second.
"Hard to say. One stops keeping count after a while. Wives, concubines, mothers sometimes." He replies as Geralt lets out an annoyed huff, suddenly Jaskier stops and sits on the edge of the tub, "Ooh, yeah, that face! Ooh! Scary face!" He looks up at you, "Ah and Y/N, those ruby sparkling eyes of yours paired with your own dangerous royal status. No lord in his right mind will come close if either one of you is standing next to me with a puss like that." Geralt reaches for his cup, just as Jaskier grabs it out of his hand, "Ooh, on second thought...might want to lay off the Cintran ale. A clear head would be best."
Chuckling in amusement you rest your arms on either side of Geralt's muscular shoulders as he huffs in frustration, "I will not suffer tonight sober just because you hid your sausage in the wrong royal pantry." He grumbles while you try to untangle his wintery mess, "We're not killing anyone. Not over the petty squabbles of men."
"Yes, yes, yes. You two never get involved. Except you actually do, all of the time." Notes Jaskier as he walks to the front of the tub, you simply shrug your shoulders in reply, he does have a compelling point, "Ugh. Is this what happens when you get old? You get unbearably crotchety and cantankerous."
"Only if your a moody Witcher." You jest, causing Jaskier to snicker as Geralt rolls his golden eyes.
"Actually, I've always wanted to know, do Witchers ever retire?" Questions Jaskier thoughtfully.
Geralt looks up at him, a frustrated expression dancing across his features, "Yeah. When they slow and get killed." You watch as the bards eyebrows raise at his dismally bleak answer before his lips turn into a mischievous grin, Geralt looking much the opposite as he suddenly turns his head in an attempt at finding his missing clothes, "Jaskier where the fuck are my clothes!"
You squint at the smirking bard, wondering what's brewing in his inquisitive noggin, "I know that look. Jask what the fuck are you planning?"
He throws a casual hand upon his slender hip, "Oh don't fret about the clothing, I sent them away to get washed like Y/N's." Says Jaskier before turning to Geralt, "Anyways, you're not going tonight as a Witcher."
You stroll into the large bustling banquet hall, your darkly colored dress flowing as you walk. The material is comfortable and beautiful, it hugs your torso and back as it crawls up to your neck, leaving your arms bare except for the lacy fingerless gloves adorning your hands and partial forearm. The lower half of your gown free of any restraints as it swishes elegantly with each step, easier done with the two slits running up to your separate thighs. A ribbon and jeweled necklace gently hugging your neck as a creasant moon and sun hangs from the material. Your feet are covered by two comfortable black boots laced in a thin mesh that rides slightly above your knees. It appears that Jaskier may indeed shine with good taste with his clothing choices for yourself, Geralt on the other hand, less so.
Your crimson eyes scan over the other party attendees, some of them giving you double takes as you saunter through the room, your whole pose practically screaming royalty. With a small tug at the corner of your lips you walk next to Geralt's left side while Jaskier restlessly glances around the party goers on his right. You can tell how excited he is to be playing tonight, plus very nervous for the possible angry lords trying to seek him out from his past shenanigans.
"Right, so stick to me, look mean and pretend you're mute. Y/N, just don't make anyone piss themselves. Can't have anyone finding out who you two are." Whispers Jaskier right as a short bearded mage wearing green finds you three in the crowd, you recognize him instantly.
His face lights up at the sight of you and your Witcher, "Geralt of Rivia, the mighty Witcher! And of course, Princess Y/N of Alkatraz, the fearsome dhampir!" He beams with a hearty raise of his silver mug, many banquet attendees turning to stare at you two. You can't help but internally cringe after he loudly announces who and what you are, great now half the banquet knows your business.
"Shit." Whispers Jaskier softly, you nervously smile at some ladies who have turned their done up faces towards you, in turn you make sure to keep your fangy grin hidden as you give them a small friendly half grin.
The bearded mage walks over to you both, a smile upon his face and a drink still in his hand, "I haven't seen you since the plague." He jests at Geralt before turning to you, "And the Vampire Queens only heir, it's an honor, haven't seen the likes of since..."
"Good times, Mousesack." You interrupt with a quick flash of a smile, your eyes darkening for only a second, he shakes his head as a laugh departs from his lips.
"I've missed your strikingly unprecedented temperament my dear princess, and Geralt, how I've longed for that famously sour complexion. I feared this would be a dull affair, but not the White Wolf and Lady Dhampir are here, perhaps all is not lost." Declares Mousesack as he eyes up Geralt's formal attire, his brows furrowing in thought, "Why are you dressed like a sad silk trader?" You could have laughed if not for the watchful wary gazes around you.
Geralt turns to glare at a fidgety Jaskier, who looks at him like a scared puppy. You watch as Mousesack puts a hand to Geralt's broad shoulder, guiding him away to gossip about the royal attendees in line for princess Pavetta's hand. You decide to keep away from their speaking and instead vouch to wander about on your own. Your eyes scanning the crowd as you eavesdrop in on their conversation across the room.
Minding your business by a flaming warm torch, you suddenly hear what sounds to be a very pissed off older lord who's cornering your retreating bard. Without skipping a beat you look up and lock knowing eyes with Geralt who immediately excuses himself from Mousesack to intervene before Jaskier gets his parts snipped off.
With a snicker you watch as Geralt humorously calms the situation, explaining that Jaskier had his balls kicked in by an ox as a child, the lord suddenly going sympathetic and in turn giving the bard a single golden coin. You smoothly bring yourself over to your boys, your dress flowing beautifully as you walk. But as soon as you rest your lace covered hand upon Geralt's forearm does the sound of trumpets pierce through your sensitive eardrums, the familiar scent of blood flowing into your nostrils.
"All rise for Her Majesty, the Lioness, Queen Calanthe of Cintra!" Shouts a nobleman, you turn your sights upon a blood spattered golden armored woman who practically swaggers into the great banquet hall, a smirk upon her blood spattered face.
Leaning a careless arm against a short marble guard wall, Geralt doing the same to your immediate right, the both of you watch with interest as Queen Calanthe saunters past some tables where she snatches a beer in delight. Your bard gone from you once again as he swiftly walks near the Queen, he places himself near a stone pillar as more musicians follow behind him, his favorite lute in hand and a beaming smile upon his face.
Queen Calanthe continues her walking as she boasts of how close-by townships needed reminding of who really is Queen, her people cheer in pride and gratitude, then to your utter amusement she sasses for Jaskier to play a jig as she struts over to the royal table, where a very anxious looking princess Pavetta quietly sits, tears rising to her enchanted blue eyes.
Nonchalantly you reach over and with a cheeky smile take the beer from out of Geralt's firm grasp, he simply lets go as a humored grin falls onto his handsomely clean face. Then to your usual unvexed temperament, you raise an eyebrow as a rowdy lord begins snapping at another about who's actually managed to slay a manticore or not. In the heat of the moment your ears prick to the whispered gossip being spilt by a woman who's just outed yourself and Geralt as her lips brush past the Queen's ear. So much is happening all at once and those fucking lords won't shut the fuck up.
"Enough!" Shouts the Queen, the lords instantly snapping their heated attentions in her direction, just as everyone else does so and now you're dreading what she's about to say next as she eyes your direction, "We have two renowned guests here tonight." The lot of the banquet hall turning in their chairs to face you and your equally as annoyed Witcher, "Perhaps one of them can declare which esteemed lord is telling the truth?" She challenges, a smirk forming onto her lips.
Pursing your lips together in irritation, you watch as the displeased lords turn back to the two of you, "Neither." Answers Geralt bluntly, you cringe inside as the first lord accuses him of calling himself a liar. Great start Geralt, really great start.
The lords face grows in aggravation as he throws a disapproving hand in your direction, "Eh, The Butchers of Blaviken, ha, he bleats utter nonsense." Laughs the lord and the other nobleman around him. You keep your mouth shut as a calm aurora keeps about you, tonight you will not cut anyone's head off, or at least you'll try.
Tension sits high on the air as you wait for Geralt's two cents on the matter, "Perhaps the lords encountered...rare subspecies of manticore." He replies, Jaskier sighing in relief, you doing the same.
The lords nod in agreement as you decide to add something to the matter, "I do not doubt it, those fuckers can be ruthless and tricky in their nature...any dead one is better off then alive." You reply, the lords all nodding in agreement once again as the Queen breaks out into an amused smile.
"Perhaps our esteemed guests would like to entertain us with how they slayed the elves at the edge of the world?" She exclaims with bravado, raising her beer into the air, oh right she hates elves with a burning passion, fucking racist.
"There was no slaying." You deadpan loud enough for the hall to hear, turning your glare to the disappointed lords to save the Queen from your displeasured gaze.
Geralt sensing your resentment comes to your rescue, "I had my arse kicked by a ragged band of elves. My lady Y/N here had to reason with Filavandrel, saving me from a sured demise lest I have had my throat cut." He replies with a nod, the Queen grins as the lords cheer on, wondering about the song considering it tells a different story.
You roll your eyes at their jests, "At least when my blade clashed with Filavandrel's silver, I didn't shit myself." You quip with satisfied smirk upon your lips as their faces fall in embarrassment and irritation, "Which is all I can hope for you, good lords. At your final breath, a shitless death." You conclude with a raise of Geralt's mug, "But I doubt it." You mutter quickly before downing the rest of it. Geralt holding in a chuckle at your side as the lords burst with laughter.
"It would have been your blade at Filavandrel's throat had you been there, Your Majesty." Speaks a man as the crowd cheers, "Not that any elven bastard would crawl from their lair to meet you on the field." The Queen smiles at his boastful words, he looks like an important lord to the Queen, wonder who he is?
"Any man willing to paint himself in the shadow of his failures will make for far more interesting conversation this night. Same goes for any lady fierce enough to wield a blade like myself. Come, Witcher and princess Y/N. Take a seat by my side while I change." She smirks with a tilt of her head as you bite the inside of your cheek in growing discontent. This is not how you had anticipated for this evening to go, but honestly when does it ever go your way?
Sitting at the high table, Geralt by your side and the Cintran royalty to your farther right past Geralt. You sit in silence as you watch the lords and ladies converse and feast at their tables, your ears listening as Calanthe complains about her dress, probably the only thing you could agree upon. She then speaks of how she's pleasantly grateful for yours and Geralt's company tonight as this way you both are granted permission to remove any irritants from the crowd who may disturb the peace. Your Witcher refusing her just as you do the same when the first of Pavetta's royally dull suitors comes to speak his status and point.
The first eligible contender being a smiling Lord Peregrine of Nilfgaard, he steps into the large center of the room with a smackable cheerful face, his long black hair pulled back into a low pony tail. The little man boasting of his heritage right before Queen Calanthe practically shits all over his name and kingdom. She turns down a couple more as the party continues to carry on for another good twenty minutes. Until Jaskier starts playing The Fishmonger's Daughter very loudly for the whole entirety of the hall to hear. At least the music dulls the million conversations happening amongst the bustling chatty crowd.
You lean into the plush cushion on the back of your seat as the lot of the banquet begins clapping blissfully along. Calathe sighs, "How much more of this peacocking must I endure? This...All this because male tradition demands it. If I were a man, I could simply tell the whole lot of them to fuck off, declare outright who Pavetta should marry and have done with it." She scoffs, "Or, better yet, let the poor girl decide her own fate."
Geralt turns his attention to the bored Queen, "Something tells me this isn't the first time you've navigated the vagaries of male tradition. In fact, I'd wage you thrive on it."
She gifts him a bemused grin, "Spoken as one who has navigated his own share of fools."
"Tell me, Witcher, why are there so few of you left?"
You side eye him as he takes a long pause to think on the depressing matter, both Calanthe and Pavetta listening in on Geralt's slow reply. He sighs, just the breath leaving his mouth enough to speak on his behalf, "It is no longer possible to create more of us, since the sacking of Kaer Morhen." He pauses again, eyes set to the marble floor below, "Tell me, Your Majesty, why do you risk your life on the battlefield when you can rest on your throne?"
"Because there is a simplicity in killing monsters, is there not? Seems we are quite the pair, Geralt of Rivia."
His golden eyes trail from Calanthe to the rest of the party goers, "Hm."
"Now you, princess Y/N, how is it that you have found yourself in the company of a Witcher and his bard? That is a story I would indeed love to hear." Says the Queen as you frown, talking to her is not what you wanted, there's a reason you made Geralt sit in between you both.
"I found them wandering the road like a lost puppy. It would have felt like a crime to leave them there all alone, so here we are." She chuckles at your reply.
"Very well. But I must ask, how is it that you came into my court with malevolent origins infused in your creation, did you not think you'd strike fear into the hearts of my honored guests?"
You turn your focus to the curious Queen who no doubt is testing you, "I am what I am, that I cannot alter nor change as there is no cure. Not that I need one...And your guests, well, if I wanted to gift them with the kiss of death. They would have never made it to your front gates."
She raises a brow, face shifting into a satisfied grin, "I could use someone like yourself in my court, it's too bad, if I had a son. Perhaps our houses could have formed an alliance, now that would secure Cintra with all of the north."
"Too bad indeed." You could have thrown up at the idea of such a ghastly concept, you throw on a fake grin instead, "He'd be a little young for me."
"Would he now?"
Geralt holds back a smile as you look at the Queen from across him, "I am almost five hundred years old after all."
She raises a brow, "I didn't realize dhampirs never aged, I was under the assumption that was just elves and powerful mages."
"It is understandable to be unacquainted with the concept, after all, my kind is incredibly rare."
She leans back in her seat, "Fascinating."
Your scarlet eyes scan the large room as you hope she refrains from asking anymore further questions. When all of a sudden you can hear the clashing of chain mail and swords behind the wooden doors right as they burst open, a lone knight breaking forth into the banquet hall. He calls for everyone to calm down as he hastily walks to the center of the stone mosaic floor, you can tell something is most definitely up with this mystery knight in shining black armor, who's quite literally made a royal welcome.
The black knight stands in the center of the cavernous hall, "Please, I need but one moment of your time." He respectfully kneels before the throne, I am Lord Urcheon of Erlenwald, and I have come to claim your daughter's hand in marriage." Proclaims the armored man Lord Urcheon, voice loud and true.
The room fills with delicate whispers as the Queens heartrate speeds up with growing tension, "Knight..of no reown...from a backwater hamlet, dares to enter my court without revealing his face?"
"I apologize, Your Majesty. A knight's oath prevents me from revealing my face until the sounding of the twelfth bell."
"Bollocks to that." Says the Queens favorite lord before briskly walking up to him and forcefully pulling off his helmet to reveal the cursed face of a man resembling that of a hedgehog. Oh yes, tonight is about to get very interesting. You share a quick look with Geralt as your scarlet irises trail all over the knights dark grey colored skin, whiskers, sharp teeth, and pointy spikes protruding out of his head in place of where a full head of hair should be.
The Queens dark eyes go wide in shock, "Witcher, kill it." Urges the Queen breathlessly as fearful tears whell up in her dark eyes.
"No." He replies as she glances over to you, your eyes still locked onto the strange looking knight.
"Y/N, whatever the price."
You shake your head in refusal, "This is no monster."
"I order you." She demands, her voice trembling.
You snap your shinning eyes over to her, "This knight has been cursed. Have you not a heart to hear him out?" You challenge.
Calanthe shares a glare with you before facing Lord Urcheon, "You're both bloody useless." She sneers, pointing at the knight, "Guards! Kill him!" In seconds you watch as Lord Hedgehog or Urcheon, fights off the approaching guardsmen, bringing them down easily as he then faces the Queen once again.
"Lioness of Cintra, I have come to claim what is rightfully mine! Pavetta. By the Law of Surprise." He exclaims just as more lords and guards unsheathe their swords as they race over to attack the cursed knight. You watch in astonishment as Lord Urcheon clashes blades with numerous men, all going quite well for him until he's punched in the face, where he abruptly falls to the floor as a trail of blood seeps out from his lips and nose. The furious guard standing at the ready raises his axen spear into the air as he prepares to kill the bested knight.
In a blur of red you're at the cursed knights defense, swinging your stolen sword into the air as your blade cuts the wooden staff in two, the weaponized part conveniently landing into the hands of Lord Urcheon. You growl at the surprised guard, listening to the sound of flesh being cut as Geralt slashes down a man from behind you, who'd just as soon seen you dead. A second later the three of you freeze and glance around the room as everyone stares on in stunned silence, the tension in the room at an all time high.
"Kill them all!" Demands Queen Calanthe as she points to you, Geralt, and Lord Urcheon who's now rising up from the floor. An instant later sounds great battle cries emitting from either side of the room as all hell breaks loose.
Deciding to be a little chaotic for the hell of it, as a man swings his dagger at your head do you immediately shift into a hoard of angry black bats. You can see, hear, and smell everything all at once in a perfect mix of dangerous unison. The men below you have no chance as you storm your way through them, leaving a war path in your wake of blood and broken bones while Geralt fights valiantly through the fearsome angry guards.
Shifting back into your original form, you grab the throat of a young lord who was about to plunge his sword into your side, his eyes going wide before you sucker punch him in the nose, breaking it instantly as he then passes out due to overwhelming pain. Another swings his sword at your arm, missing by an inch as you whip around to throw him across the room and into a marble pillar, his arm breaking in two with a dreadful crack.
"Stop!" Shouts the Queen, in an instant you turn your attention over to Calanthe and Geralt who stand, facing one another defiantly.
The room goes silent as everyone remains at ease with themselves, everyone unsure as to where this is all headed. A second later Pavetta runs down the small stairs as she pulls Lord Urcheon into a tight embrace, okay that is indeed strange. They tightly hug as she scolds him for coming here and not staying away, concluding that there is something most definitely going on here between this odd Lord Urcheon and the princess of Cintra. They soon release one another, sharing one lasting heartfelt look before Urcheon breaks away to cautiously take a step towards the Queen, he then falls to one knee, bowing with respect.
"Your Majesty, the dhampir speaks the truth." He slowly rises, "I was cursed as a young boy. My whole life a living misery until the day that I saved your husband, King Roegner, from certain death. By tradition, I chose the Law of Surprise as payment. Whatever windfall he came home to find...would be mine."
Calanthe sneers, "Oh, the stupid bastard. Better you had let him die!"
"You knew he'd come," Says Geralt, "and you pushed me to kill him."
Eyes of the Queen, Pavetta, Lord Urcheon, Geralt and yourself glance between one another at this revelation for her urgency earlier. Her dark gaze falls onto her daughter, "You...carousing with the beast that swindled your stupid father!"
"Tis' no swindle." Says her favorite lord, "Asking for payment with the Law of Surprise is as old as mankind itself."
"Don't lecture me, Eist."
"It's an honest gamble. As likely to be rewarded with a bumper crop as a newborn pup Or...a child of surprise." Nods Eist as Pavetta and Urcheon hold hands, "He could not have known. Destiny has determined the surprise be Pavetta."
"When I heard King Roegner had returned to find a child on the way, I abandoned all thought of claiming the Law of Surprise. I knew, I knew no woman would ever accept me like this. So I waited. I waited until the twelfth bell when the curse breaks. I never intended to meet her." He explains to the Queen honestly, dark eyes now focused on Pavetta, "Just from afar."
Pavetta smiles up at Urcheon, "Until destiny intervened and our hearts collided."
"And at dawn, I awoke with her in my arms and me..like this." He says soflty.
Sir Eist steps closer to the deeply conflicted Queen, "Who are we to challenge destiny? Life was saved, debt must be paid, or the whole order of the world falls apart."
Mouseack steps into the spread about circle of the six of you, "Honor destiny's wish, or unleash its wrath upon us." Queen Calanthe looks rather dismal as she glances between all of you standing before her.
"There is no us! I bow to no law made by men who never bore a child! Is there no man amongst you who does not cower before destiny?" Tests the Queen as she turns to Geralt, "You, Witcher...who has known monsters of every fang and claw, are you afraid too?" She smirks.
"No. I've seen mothers lash themselves raw over the death of a child, believing they crossed destiny, ignoring the stench of the 50 other children in the plague cart outside. Destiny....helps people believe there's an order to this horseshit. There isn't." He concludes with a half smirk, "But a promise made must be honored. As true for a commoner as it is for a queen." Calanthe's eyes whell up with fearful tears as she turns to Pavetta who's eyes fall from her mother to the man by her side.
She looks into the knights dark eyes while resting a comforting hand upon his prickly cheek, "I love Duny, mother." She looks at Calanthe, "I will marry him." Enchanted gaze set back to her cursed lover as she smiles brightly, "I will finally be free."
Everyone looks to the Queen expectantly in this sweet rare moment, she slowly hands over her sword with sad eyes as a single hopeless tear falls onto the floor. She shifts her attention back to Duny as she reluctantly reaches her hand out for him to take her blessing, although you're nervous something more sinister may arise at this interaction.
Your inner thoughts remaining correct as Calanthe pulls away from Duny, a fake smile upon her tearful face as she reveals a sharp hidden dagger from her right hand, time stills as she thrusts it towards his throat in one calculated motion. Your ears suddenly pounding in pain as Pavetta let's out a blood curdling scream that magically launches everyone back in a violent burst of wind, you included. You're quickly airborne, but before you hit the hard back wall you suspend yourself in mid-air, floating above the ground as gusts of wind blows your hair and dress every which way.
Lowering yourself closer to Geralt you watch in bewildered surprise as Pavetta and Duny raise into the air, a cyclone of wind surrounding them as she chants something incomprehensible in elfish.
"The fuck do we do now?" You scream over the loud noise, Geralt purses his lips together before pulling out a tiny glass bottle and downing the potion as he forces his way into the circle where he's able to stop Pavetta. The swirling cyclone of chaos and the two lovers falling to the ground in an instant, the room finally going calm once again.
Still casually levitating next to Geralt, you watch a cautious Calanthe slowly walk over to Pavetta and Duny, he leaves her side as the Queen and princess have a moment together while everyone else in this giant hall gather themselves from off of the ground.
You set your feet to the marble floor, gaze trailing around the destroyed area and all the disheveled guests until you land your sights onto the back of Geralt. A concerned hand lays against his forearm that draws his attention to the left, "Are you alright?"
He gifts you a small grin, "I am fine Y/N."
"You hit the marble pillar pretty hard."
He takes your hand to place a gentle kiss against your knuckles, "Don't worry for me, I am uninjured." You can't help the concerned expression crossing your features, you open your mouth to speak when Calanthe pulls everyones focus yet again.
"Destiny has spoken..and I have listened. The Law of Surprise will be honored." Breaths the Queen, heaviness in her words, "Pavetta will marry Lord Urcheon." She concludes, the room whispering amongst themselves.
"React poorly and you won't just face the Lioness, you will be facing the sea hounds of Skellige. Because Queen Calanthe has agreed to my proposal of marriage." Exclaims lord Eist, the three of them holding hands as they stand side by side.
"There will be two vows tonight! I assume that's agreeable." She shouts, everyone silently giving their nods of agreement, "Delightful." She whispers.
Standing around in a large circle, you watch as Calanthe blesses and marries Pavetta and Duny, they kiss and a moment later Duny begins convulsing like he's about to vomit. He falls to the floor with a pained grunt before he suddenly looks up once again, this time appearing rather more human like, the curse seemingly broken.
Him and Pavetta immediately embrace each other once again as she looks at him in confusion, "The twelfth bell has not yet rung." She whispers in astonishment, puzzlement clear on Calanthe's face.
"What has happened?" She wonders.
Mousesack steps forward, "I think your blessing of this marriage has fulfilled destiny...The curse has been lifted." He concludes with a grateful smile at the positive turn of events.
"Whew! I think this has the makings of my greatest ballad yet." Beams Jaskier as a high lady of the court touches his arm, her hands all around him.
You let out an amused snort, "If you're alive in the morning." You mutter before turning to leave, not caring enough to stay for any more action.
Geralt gains the bards attention before existing with you, "Don't...grope for trout in any peculiar rivers until dawn." He advises, taking a couple steps as he trails behind you.
"No, wait! Wait!" Announces Duny as he stands up to look at you and Geralt, "You've both saved my life. I must repay it." He says with a hopeful smile as you walk over closer to Geralt's side.
"You've proven yourself to be the kind of man who would do the same." Shrugs Geralt, "I want nothing."
You nod, "As do I."
"No, please. Please Geralt of Rivia, my Lady Y/N, do not feel like you're doing me a service. I cannot start a new life in the shadow of a life debt." He says with pleading eyes, perhaps he makes a compelling point.
Letting out an irritated huff of air you shrug, "A single prized weapon will suffice as payment, Lord Urcheon...nothing more is needed." His face breaks out into a satisfied smile as he turns his expectant attention back to your Witcher.
Geralt sighs, "Fine. I...um...claim the tradition as you have, the Law of Surprise." The Queens dark eyes go wide as yours do the same, what the fuck is he doing? "Give me that which you already have but do not know." He ends with before turning his back to the newlyweds and the Queen.
"No! What have you done, Witcher?" Snaps Calanthe as he turns a calm face towards her.
"Fear not, Your Majesty, if I am seen in your kingdom again, it'll be to kill a real monster, not lay claim to a crop or a new pup. Destiny can go fu.." Pavetta lets out her dinner onto the floor as she abruptly cuts him off, you shut your eyes tight, knowing exactly what that means.
"Fuck." He mutters as everyone stares at him knowingly, you then nod to the royal family, swiftly turning to make a quick exit, Geralt following your lead as the two of you hastily walk out the wooden doors and into the messy hallway. Mousesack close behind, "Clearly the girl has access to immense primal power." He concludes, causing yourself and Geralt to stop and face him.
"Obviously, and she has no fucking clue how to control it." You deadpan as Mousesack gives a tiny grin.
"I will stay. Guide her." He assures, meaning every word.
Geralt nods, "You're a good man, Mousesack."
The old mage grins, "You both should stay too." He quickly advises, his efforts falling flat, you've already made up your mind.
"This has been enough partying for the two of us. We're getting out of here. Alone." Answers Geralt, the mage wanders closer, a telling look upon his bearded face.
"You're bound to this now, Geralt. Whether you like it or not." Shaking your head you touch Geralt's arm, your crimson eyes finding the old mage's.
"This isn't our problem, we're not here to stay or help anyone....you know us better than that." You add, irritation clear in your voice.
"Yes, I do, but you can't outrun destiny just because you're terrified of it. It's coming either way. Not believing won't change that." Argues Mousesack, he's beginning to grow on your nerves by the second, though he means well you'd rather get your hand smashed by a boulder then stick around for this unborn child of surprise.
Shaking your head, you scoff, "Bullshit. This was just a girl using her magic to stop her mother from killing her lover. Nothing more for us to be concerned about. This is the Continent, weird shit happens all the time." You muse with a shrug.
Mousesack hums, "So you say my dear princess, but the bond that will come into being between Geralt and this child...when it is born, will be extraordinary. If you dismiss it, leave without claiming this...child surprise, you will surly unleash true calamity upon us all." You let go of Geralt's arm as he walks closer to the mage.
"We'll take that chance. Mind yourself. True words are rare birds in courts like this. Watch for daggers in your back. Or, more likely, poison." Warns Geralt as he puts a friendly hand on Mousesack's shoulder, "Be careful, old friend." Sincerity clear in his gravely voice.
Mousesack looks down in disappointment before giving Geralt a downcast farewell, your Witcher handing him a curt nod before turning and walking towards the doors past you. Standing your ground you purse your lips together as you frown at the old mage.
"Y/N, you're both making a mistake....this will not end well for you dear princess, and you of all people should understand that." Urges Mousesack knowingly, further pressing on your buttons at his admittedly truthful words.
Scoffing you frown, "Do not lecture me on the ways of destiny and all that fun magical shit...I know it's cost Mousesack, destiny has never done anything for me in all my four hundred and eighty some years on this fucking Continent." You growl, glaring at the wall before finding his troubled gaze once again.
He gives you a small smile, "I believe destiny has intervened more then you'd know, in ways that you do not understand yet...even for as old as you are." You simply roll your eyes at him.
"God all you mages and wizards are all the same, believing in the first signs of anything enchanting and going with it." You argue, stepping in closer to the breaded man, "I've dealt with your people in the past and have suffered for it..."
"I know of your troubles and trials that have given you a bad taste with them, us, but listen, sometimes you must forget the past and move on for a better future." He softly urges.
Shaking your head you find his pleading eyes again, "May you be the only sensible one then...truth be told you're one of the only mages I could ever stand, but that's not important anymore...I do hope you live long and die on your own accord, but one would be a wise fool to think that my old friend, watch for tricksters in the shadows lest you face a grim end. So long Mousesack, friend from.." You pause, not sure what else to say.
He reaches out to clasp your hands with his, "I know Y/N, although I'm wary we may never see one another again."
Letting out a small laugh you smile, "Maybe you're fucking destiny will say otherwise, farewell, and uh....watch out for your kingdom." He lets go of your hands, with a tiny nod do you turn your back on the greying mage, swiftly exiting through the doors where you find Geralt on the other side waiting patiently for you.
The two of you walk in time with one another, "If we're lucky we'll never see this fucking kingdom again. From fun banquet to child of surprise, Geralt you're really on a roll...gods the both of us. Jaskier's right, we do get involved in everything."
He glances at you, "We should really stop doing that."
"We could live as recluses in the woods and hunt bears for sport, or become pirates", Geralt chuckles at your words, a smile coming to your once frowning face, "Or not, you're not really the pirate type..."
"We could live in Alkatraz, your homeland? I'd give money to see your mothers face the second you brought me home."
You nudge his arm playfully, "My mother? The actual Vampire Queen, meeting a Witcher of all people. You'd maybe make it across the stone bridge leading into the castle before she'd be sending death hounds after you. And my love, they are not cute and cuddly by any means, annoying slobbery bastards more like." He pushes open another door as you walk through after him, "We'll find somewhere, or not...if I'm being honest, I quite enjoy traveling with you. Keeps my life interesting, never know what's going to happen next, and best of all. I have you all to myself."
"Except when Jaskier decides to join us. Some nights I contemplate strangling him in his sleep." You laugh at Geralt's blunt comment, "I've thought about doing that too, although I'd miss fucking around with him too much, he's just so easy to scare. I'll probably end up being the cause of his first grey hair." You muse with a smile, Geralt leading the way out the door and into the cool night air.
You turn to him as you keep pace, "And don't you dare make a jest about you and your white hair."
Geralt smiles down at you, "I wasn't."
"You were thinking it."
He hums, "I'm actually thinking something else, and I would like to tell you when we get back to the tavern." His tone is lower this time, the implications obvious as you gasp and smack his arm.
"Geralt!" He chuckles at how he's already got you flustered, the cheeky little shit, "Well, perhaps I may take you up on that offer. It does sound rather intriguing, then you could finally get me out of these silks and jewels...I bet you'd love that." He raises a brow as you practically purr into his ear.
Though this night may not have ended pleasantly at the banquet, you'd be damned if it didn't end pleasurably on your own terms.
Tagged:  @notahappytree​ @ashleyforeverareject​ @sokkasdarling​ @kmuir1​​@haleypearce @diegos-butt​ (@auds24 sorry idk why ur name won’t work)
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hermit-pistol · 4 years
Leone Abbacchio Fluff Alphabet:
And with that, the 600 follower special is concluded! I know that they took me forever to finish but I hope that you enjoyed reading them! Please like and reblog to show love, and read some Abbacchio fluff under the cut:
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Abbacchio enjoys the simplicity of doing nothing and going nowhere. Honestly, some of his favorite activities that you do together take place in the courtesy of your own home. Don't get it twisted though, he still will take you out for the occasional meal and show you a good time!
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He admires your ability to stay calm. Other people he has known in the past would tend to annoy him with how high strung they were. He much rather prefers a partner that he can sit in comfortable silence with, and can just go with the flow of everything.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Abbacchio, to be fair, has had his own fair share of emotional baggage, so he knows what you're experiencing all too well. Thankfully, he also knows how to overcome the situation when these feelings grow to be too much. He'll whisper words and phrases of affirmation, assuring them that everything will be okay and that he will always be there for them.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
His vision of the future is very uncertain, and in all fairness, he couldn't even believe that he'd made it this far in his life. His previous career as an officer and currently being in the mafia were certainly not considered "safe" jobs. He does want a future with you though, no matter how risky the job. He just won't think too far ahead.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Abbacchio is very passive aggressive. He'll be very lenient when it comes to making decisions in the relationship but can obviously step it up if needed. Most of the decision making will be in the hands of his partner for sure.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He bottles things up until they explode at the surface. He'll yell and most likely something will come out harsher than intended, this ends up with him being in a position where he has some serious explaining to do. Things will work out eventually, but things might be rough for a while.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He loves you for showing him that living wasn't all that bad to begin with. Life hasn't been very kind to him and you know that. When he's having very low moments, you remind him of his team and you who both love him very much. You are one of the only reasons that he keeps on going.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Getting Abbacchio to open up and speak about the things that he's experienced in this lifetime will take a lot of coaxing and convincing. In time, he'll tell you when he's ready, but for a good while he'll be very selective with what he wants to share with you. Only when the time comes and he feels that you're worthy of knowing will he come clean. Be ready.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
He has a hard time seeing the positives of a situation, and before he met you, he was truly unhappy with his life. It took him so many years to learn that seeing things from a different, more optimistic point of view really made a huge difference. He thanks you for opening him up to new experiences.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Abbacchio does not mess around when it comes to you getting attention from other people. He may appear passive at first, but he’s had an eye on the two of you this whole time, don’t worry. If things get out of hand, he’ll just drag you out of there so fast you won’t even have time to process what just happened.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Abbacchio is a very rough kisser, to the point where you have to remind him not to leave marks on your lips. There's a time and a place for everything, but it takes some reminders to let him know that a simple showing of affection shouldn't result in your face being all but ripped off. Other than that, he's got quite the natural talent.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
The funny thing that sets Abbacchio apart from the others is that he won't outright tell you that he loves you. He very much so believes in the concept of tough love, and even though he can be unbearable at some points, it's very rarely that he verbally expresses that he loves you. It's rather expressed in the actions that he does.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He's going to wait for ages until he pops the question, so long in fact that you had thought about proposing to him just to get it over with. He'll ask for the help of his team to put the wedding together since he doesn't have much to work with in terms of family. When it's all said and done, he'll totally have to fight the urge to break down into tears when he sees you walking down the aisle. You just look so beautiful!
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Abbaccchio really doesn't need nicknames, unless you ask him to call you something specific. If not, he's content with referring to you by your name. After all, it is the most sincere form of flattery as they say.😳
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Only a few people can tell that something is up with Abbacchio (mainly, Bruno and Fugo) and once they figure out what's going on with their teammate they can't help but smile. They'll leave teasing out of it because they know that the others might go too far, but whenever you enter a room they share a knowing glance as they watch him clam up on the spot.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He's not very fond of showing his affection in public, and sometimes this really gets on your nerves. There are times where he doesn't even feel comfortable holding hands with you, but you try to respect his wishes. You know that he's just a little awkward and shy when it comes to these things and that his actions in the outside world are completely different compared to when you share alone time.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
(I know this might be one you guys have heard of before but it can't leave my brain so-) Abbacchio can sing, and he can sing quite well. But he will never do so in front of people, and even in front of you. The only times that you can hear him is when he thinks that you have left for the store and sneaks into the bathroom. One time you had your ear pressed against the door so hard that it accidentally opened. He was holding a hairbrush like a microphone and was less than pleased that you had found him.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
It may not seem like it, but Abbacchio can be quite romantic. When the two of you are alone he might offer to give you a massage or might shower you in kisses of his own accord. Both of those might end up leading to something else, of course ;)
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He will always make sure to make sure that you have complete confidence in whatever you decide to pursue. If you succeed, then he will be the proudest man you've ever seen. Even if you experience some shortcomings he'll encourage you to keep trying and re-adjust your goals so they can be more attainable.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Abbacchio doesn't really come across as the type of person that's spontaneous. While he doesn't like surprises, whenever he does have a nice gesture planned he wants to make sure that you're prepared for (possibly) one of the best days of your life. He hypes it up in subtle ways like "Pack your bags" and "Make sure to bring your swimsuit". 😉
U nderstanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Don't let his emotional unavailability at times fool you, for he can understand your emotions quite well. He'll pay attention to details that could decipher your moods, like the slam of a door or heavy sighs as you shuffle your feet into the living room. Of course, he'll ask you how to make you feel better, but he secretly prides himself on his awareness when it comes to you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Abbacchio isn't the best at maintaining relationships with people, unless they're very special to him. You are easily one of the best things that's ever happened to him, and if you weren't in his life he'd be extra grumpy and then some. You are his rock, and he cherishes you every single day the two of you are together.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
When the two of you aren't busy, you insist on having a "couple's night" which consists of watching a movie together. He’s a bit of a “fun killer” when it comes to having a movie night, turning down almost every idea and suggestion that you have. You eventually decide on a basic horror movie, with Abbacchio grumbling through it the whole time. He does enjoy when you cling to him during the scary parts, though.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Abbacchio can be affectionate when he wants to be (only when you’re ALONE). There are times when he doesn't want to be in the same room as you, and then others when he's clinging to you no matter how hard you try to escape. Catch him in a good mood and he'll even nuzzle his head into the crook of your neck.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Whenever you've been away for a bit, Abbacchio will seemingly be unfazed by your lack of presence, almost to the point where it bothers you. Your man really doesn't show that many emotions, huh. When you walk through the door; however, he'll be there in the doorway ready to greet you and wrap you in a giant hug. You smile, knowing that he secretly missed you after all.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He's not the type of guy to give gifts or do anything extravagant outside of special occasions. If you're having a bad day he will bring you dinner and listen to you vent. If you're the one, he's willing to go the extra mile in maintaining the relationship and wanting to keep you as happy as possible.
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diredove · 4 years
Curious Fool
My first time attempting to write anything longer than headcanons, please note I’m going off of this AU! I’m in love with Crowley so I see this as an x reader story, but it can easily be interpreted as something else!
Warnings: Very Mild cursing, Crowley being scary (as in, threatening and a hand squeezing a throat), Me grasping at straws to make Potentially Evil!Dire make sense! Gender Neutral Reader as well!
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You wondered about Dire Crowley more than you would like to admit. He was an enigma that your brain for some reason was terribly invested in solving. It started small, maybe because you were holding back your suspicion out of guilt, the man had given you a roof over your head and food to eat in this strange new world, surely he deserved better than you concocting conspiracy theories about him? But gratitude should not inspire stupidity in someone, and it didn't inspire in you.
Why exactly was he being so gracious? For all the pretty words he spoke to you, he certainly didn't act guilty. Every sympathy he offered to your plight felt like it was meant to silence you, "Shush, no more of that." he seemed to whisper between the lines. Yes, it was all too bad you were stuck in a world not your own and that poor, poor Crowley was working himself to the bone to find a way back for you to no avail, but what would you have him do? He's already being so kind.
And that was another thing, wasn't it? He wasn't all that kind at all, or if he was it was only in a backhanded way. Wasn't he just the sweetest thing alive for giving you a place to stay? As if you weren't breaking your damn back every single night sleeping on the couch of the teacher's lounge and waking to the racket of your dearest headmaster starting up that monstrous coffee maker at the crack of dawn each morning! Well, what about the food you were provided every single meal time? Quite generous, he'd say. And you would beg to differ because you had a diet of convenience store sandwiches and children's snacks and sodas! Everything you ate was from Sam's shop and didn't cost that old crow a dime!
And maybe, just maybe, you would have been more understanding and grateful for it given your circumstances, if Dire Crowley wasn't absolutely loaded. He could easily afford to buy you actual meals, put you up some place that wasn't a glorified common room, pay you! But for all his guilt and graciousness, he didn't. It felt like he was trying to trick into being grateful to him when he hadn't actually done anything for you to be grateful for, in the grand scheme of things.
But that's not all. If that had been it then you could have convinced yourself you were being dramatic and gone on with your topsy turvy little life. But no, Dire Crowley simply would not let you rest (on a proper bed or otherwise).
Why did he act like that? You were not someone to turn your nose up at an odd personality, considering how well you were handling being in a potential alternate universe, one might say you have one yourself. But there was just something... off about him. He always seemed a bit too happy, he laughed just a tad too hard, his stares were too intense, he went silent after whatever spiel he'd been on so quick you'd think he had a switch inside him. Alone, those were just the quirks of being human (though you didn't even know enough to call him that either), but they stacked up quickly.
And you had really fought with yourself on this, worried you were being prejudice against him out of paranoia, but then you saw him get angry.
Everyone gets angry, everyone yells sometimes, it's a fact of life and you're an adult who can accept that. But seeing the headmaster shift from harmless eccentric man to inflicting backbreaking labor on teenagers who didn't get to explain themselves at all was rather... jarring to say the least. He yelled in his oddly charming accent and his mask hid whatever anger would have shown on his face, and maybe you were being overprotective of the young ones and forgetting that that type of punishment was far more manageable in a world of magic. But you couldn't shake the feeling that he was holding back, like he was seconds away from sounding like a different person beneath the quirky act. Like a parent putting on a goofy voice to scold their child to keep themselves from letting their frustration show.
But, and maybe you're just dense from here on, all that did was make you squint a little. There was just as much of a chance of him putting up a front as there was of you misunderstanding things and reaching too far. But the seed had been planted, and now you were curious.
So, instead of coming up with crazy ideas you had no backing for, you thought: "Let's just ask."
Not Dire, of course, as if he would tell you the truth or appreciate you prodding him. Thankfully though, there were people close to him that you could interrogate instead.
And then you started hitting walls, thick ones.
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"What's Dire's deal?" Seemed like a pretty clear question, so why was every single answer you got so convoluted?
Sam had tried to act unbothered, but you saw how his hand froze as he stocked the shelves of the Mystery Shop. He looked at you with his bright smile and waved his free had dismissively.
"He's something alright, I'll give him that! He's an odd one, I guess you could say! What's with the interest, Starlight?" He answered, though a question for a question hardly satisfied you.
Crewel had outright ignored you, even after you had repeated your question several times he kept maneuvering around you and acting like he was busy. He absolutely wasn't, he had moved the same four beakers back and forth between lab tables three times. Once he realized you weren't going to take his hint and scram, he looked down his nose at you as if you had ruined his entire week.
"You know, puppies that never stop yapping are troublesome. But do you know what's even more troublesome, Little Scamp? Puppies that sniff around where they don't belong. You'd do well to train yourself out of that habit, and quickly." He'd told you coldly, which shocked you into a stupor because you had thought him overzealous but friendly just moments before.
You had hoped Trein, with his unflappability and no nonsense policy, wouldn't beat around the bush and would be the one to change your luck so far. Instead, he averted his eyes and cleared his throat uncomfortably. He seemed to be taking extra care to choose his words, as though they were fragile as glass slippers. Even Lucius looked still in his arms.
"He is a man, as am I, nothing more and nothing less. It is best to leave it at that, My Dear." He implored you gently, you couldn't help but feel this was as close to a plea as the stoic man would ever get. Lucius stared at you unblinkingly, as if trying to determine your answer through your eyes alone.
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You hoped the cat couldn't actually tell, because your answer was no.
You still had one more shot. Vargas was loud and a bit much at times, but his love of his own voice would work in your favor. However, you had learned from your mistakes and decided getting straight to the point wasn't in your best interest. If everyone wanted to play with you, it was only right to join the game.
"Please, tell me more about your school days, Ashton! Were you really the star of the Magic Shift team?" You asked in an awed tone, eyes wide.
The coach was eating it up like it was his last meal, you had been stroking the man's ego for over two hours already and if he tells you about the goal that turned the playoffs around one more time you think you'll snap. But his defenses are down, and his lips are loose, so you'll grin and bare just a little longer.
"That's right! I was king of NRC, undisputed! There wasn't a soul on campus who didn't want to be mine!" The man boasted, "Well, except for Beth. She wasn't all there though, not that I cared! She wasn't all that, I'm not bitter about it!"
He's definitely bitter about it, but you don't have time to unpack that when your opening is right in front of you.
"Right right, I totally get it. Hey, speaking of the past, when did you meet Crowley?"
Okay, you lied. There wasn't an opening at all, you burst in with a sledgehammer. But your cutesy act was getting hard to keep up!
Vargas takes the sloppy bait though, " Oh, that guy? He just kinda popped up and offered me a job to be honest. The pays good, so I deal with the old coot being a weirdo."
You have to stop yourself from lighting up, "Weirdo?" You question dumbly, finger on your chin and all.
Vargas looks both ways and then gestures for you to come closer, you can't tell if he's being playful or not with that glint in his eyes.
"Look, don't tell anyone I told you this, okay Dolly? Crowley's got some crazy going on around here, I swear. I don't know details but I've got suspicions." The coach whispers, you nod eagerly for him to continue.
"There's this... room. I don't know what's in it, it's always locked and not even the staff master key opens it. He goes in there every Friday, and I don't see him come out, he just appears again Monday morning. There's this bright light that shines under the door whenever he goes in, and after a few seconds, it stops." Ashton explains, and it's more than you had hoped for.
Creepy locked room, disappearing act, unexplained happenings? This is exactly the dirt you've been looking for!
"He thinks he's being sneaky about it, but I caught on, see? I was following him to ask about a some paperwork and I saw it. I know somethings up, Crowley is up to no good and I don't care how crazy I sound." Ashton stresses, as he goes on he seems more serious, you can't take time to be happy about your findings because he looks so pale.
"Vargas, are you oka-"
"Listen Dolly, I know you're curious, but you don't want nothing to do with this and neither do I. Freaky shit is going down, and if you're smart like me you'll act like you don't know a thing."
You stare at him. H-Had he been on to you the whole time?
"I'm trying to help you, stay away from the west wing and don't-" He stops. His eyes are on something behind you.
"V-Vargas?" You call, shakily.
"I've said enough. Stay outta the west wing, Doll. For your own good."
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You don't stay out of the west wing.
In fact, you deliberately seek it out. Ace gives you a funny look when you ask him, but he points you in the right direction anyway. You wish you were more embarrassed about being a member of staff asking students for directions, but you've got bigger fish to fry.
You know this isn't smart, no matter how harmless the headmaster may seem, no one likes being found out. But your life is in his golden-clawed hands and you'd feel even less smart following him blindly and hoping you're safe with him.
The west wing isn't what you expected (though to be fair you had been expecting a torture chamber), it's an entirely normal hall like all the others in school. It's so mundane your face falls. There's also no way to tell if anything is amiss from a glance alone, so you'll have to use less tact than you were hoping to. Making your way down the hall you turn each knob one by one to see which won't turn.
After about twenty or so doors, curse the long hallways in this college, you see one that's quite out of place. It's at the very end of the hall, how cliché, and while it is the same size and color as all the others, it's surrounded with a ridiculous number of portraits. There are big ones above the doorframe and little ones squeezed into the narrow spaces along the sides of it, and if that wasn't enough, the ones that wouldn't fit in either spot were enchanted to float nearby. And the portraits themselves are nothing like the silly but sweet ones that gossip as they watch over everyone who passes in the main building, these are painted with snarls and angered eyes. Both human and nonhuman beings are depicted, each one staring straight at whomever would stand in front of the door. Their eyes seem to be looking in every direction at once even though their pupils are painted straight ahead, it feels like they can see everything without shifting their gaze. You can't even tell if they're alive like the others, they're so... cold.
You take a deep breath, that must be it. You've come to this far, and you'd planned everything so carefully there was no reason to be afraid. The students were having Magift practice today, so that meant Vargas was busy, but it also meant that Crowley was doing his rounds and would stop to "give the players some good old fashioned encouragement ". He would go on forever, there was plenty of time for you to investigate and cover your tracks before he ever even wondered where you were.
You could admit the only person you were convincing was yourself, but it helped you forced your legs to move toward the end of the hall. Even as you walked closer, you knew you shouldn't, the air around you seemed like it was trying to force you back, oppressively pushing you with every step you took towards that door. You wouldn't be able to open it, Ashton had told you already, what exactly were you gaining, being stared down by the lifelike yet lifeless portraits as you neared the door? Nothing, and yet your hand grabbed the knob impulsively, you hadn't realized you'd been holding your breath until it left your lungs in a rush at the touch of icy cold iron in your clammy grip.
You shouldn't have touched it, you shouldn't have, now what? Your plan was to turn back after your curiosity was sated, but you couldn't. The force that was pushing back against you before was now pulling you forward, beckoning you. The portraits no longer looked like a warning, but an invitation. You've come so far, now come a little closer, something that wasn't a voice nor a thought breathed around you.
You twist the doorknob, like a fool.
It turns.
Your heart leaps with excitement and fear, and you feel a surge of adrenaline run through your body. You can go in, you can go farther!
You feel yourself smiling widely even though you're sure you're not happy, you go to push the door open just a little further.
You stop as four pinpricks upon your throat flare with pain, your eyes go wide like a deer and you freeze.
"Crewel was right, you're truly nothing but trouble."
The voice sounds familiar, and yet nothing like the person it belongs to. But you'd know those gold-tipped fingers anywhere.
"I really am getting on in years, to make such a mistake." Dire sighs, his voice does not lilt and his tone is low. He sounds like an actor who's given up on staying in character.
You catch a whimper in your throat when the hand upon it slides up the front of your neck to grip under your chin and rear you head back at a terrible angle. You meet the dead-eyed gaze of Crowley's mask as he looks straight down at you.
"But you've made an even bigger mistake, Youngling, by testing me."
You want to apologize, or plead for your safety, because the man looming over you is not the one you've grown reluctantly fond of. But because we have established that you are a fool, you say instead:
"Your vest is a mistake. There's sequins on it." You snark weakly, you sound pathetic, half because of the grade school insult and half because you're gasping for breath.
Dire stares down at you blankly. Then he grins, not his usual one full of jolly cheer, but a wide toothy one that is just a few degrees off from a sneer.
"Oh, you really think you're just the cutest little thing under the sun, don't you?" He asks, he chuckles halfway through but it's dry and dark.
Why are you so foolish, why do you speak?
Abruptly, the pressure points on your neck are released and you fall to your knees, gulping sweet sweet air.
"Well you're right! You're just adorable, thinking you could catch me out!" Dire shouts cheerfully, hands on his hips and accent back in full swing. His façade is back in place like it was never gone.
You stare in disbelief.
"You know, anyone else would have to be put under a curse of eternal silence for snooping around like you did." He continues, "But I am so very kind, I'm going to let you walk out of here without laying a finger on you."
You shakily get to your feet, leaning against the wall for support and as something to curl in on to cower from the overly happy man before you.
He stares at you smiling for many moments too long, you know he's trying to scare you and you're angry at yourself for being so. Abruptly, he nods.
"I'll be off then, I'm sure you get the message? Of course you do! Make your way back to your room then, off you get! Goodbye!"
The man walks away quickly, waving his hand in farewell.
He left you without a fight, with the door left unlocked and you still in position to reveal what was on the other side. You balk at the obvious show of his power over you.
He knew you were too terrified now, he knew you would obey him like a dog told to stay, the smug bastard.
You bite your lip in frustration and confused tears fill your eyes. You just want to know what's going on, you just want to go home! Nothing makes sense.
You look at the door that's slightly ajar.
Then at the exit of the west wing across the long hall.
You can no longer hear Crowley's footsteps.
And because you are a fool, and because you are defiant, and because you want some semblance of control, you make a mad dash through the door before you can change your mind.
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jenomark · 4 years
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➔Pairing: Taeyong x Reader ➔Other Members/ Characters: Ten | Johnny  ➔Genre: Smut (w/ plot!) ➔Warnings: Weight is mentioned a lot | Self-esteem & Self-worth issues | Could be triggering for people with weight issues | Fingering | Vaginal sex | Oral (M) ➔Word count: 4,321
➔Summary: For many reasons, you haven’t had sex in a long time. Though you love yourself and your bigger body, you’re always aware that other people might not. After a bad night with someone who didn’t want to be seen in public with you, your best friend Ten offers to set you up with his friend Taeyong. 
*This is very body positive, but it does deal with a lot of negative things that are very close to reality for most people. I tried to portray things as accurately as I can, given my own experiences. I know not everyone’s experience is like mine. It’s a very honest outlook on having a one-night-stand or FWB relationship while being a bigger girl. 
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  Mr. No Name. He hit all the right notes and strokes. He was attractive and mildly interesting. More importantly, he said he didn’t care what you looked like, or that it had been awhile since you’d had sex. His clothes flew off mid-air, and you watched them land here and there. Mistakes never landed in one spot, you thought. They peppered your life like seasoning, and even so, life had been tasteless, as of late. You still found yourself craving the morsel that would poison you.
“Can you give me a moment?” you asked.
  Nameless stretched across your bed like a God, his arms draped out in what he must have pretended was satin. IKEA might have felt honored. When he spoke, he told you to hurry back quickly. He said he didn’t have that much time, but you suspected he was the type to fuck and leave. 
  “Okay.” you said.
  You left your bedroom, not really thinking that you’d just left a stranger to rummage through your personal belongings. You went into the bathroom and turned off all the lights. You didn’t want to look at your body stuffed into the lingerie you carefully picked out for the occasion. You didn’t want to know what he saw when he looked at you. You hated that you were that girl, but old habits die hard, or rather, they come back from the dead and pick you apart until you’re just bone.
  Sex. It never mattered much to you. You would consume it when it came, just a notch above feeling grateful that someone would stick themselves inside of you. You didn’t know if it didn’t matter because it didn’t, or because you couldn’t fathom caring so much about someone that didn’t care for you back. It was easier to skip the hurt altogether and go straight for the parts where you ate the ice cream without the excuse.
“Get a grip.” you told yourself in the darkness.
  It had been awhile since you’d had sex because, despite being happy in your own skin, you were still terrified of someone seeing you naked. It was hell to explain how fulfilled you felt as your own person until a man looked at you and diminished your worth by calling you the most unfuckable person in the room. It was so easy for someone to tear down years of hard work and self-reflection for a two second shame fest by a stranger in a passing car, yelling about your weight, or what you should and shouldn’t be eating. And, yes, you hated that you cared what people thought of you, even after all this time.
 Enter: Mr. No Name. You called him that because he gave you an alias to call him by, and the fake name didn’t sit well with you. You wanted to ask him why he didn’t want you to know him, but deep down, you already knew. No one wants to be seen with the fat girl. You knew you were completely right when you asked him for coffee, and he looked as if you’d asked him to march around town with a parade float tied to his leg. Not everyone would look at the straight-sized man and the plus-sized girl and think negatively, but there would always be people who were still looking. Maybe you didn’t want to be seen as much as he didn’t want to be seen. Maybe you were also the problem.
 Still, you were horny and touch starved. After all, all you wanted from him was sex. That was the agreement. And you loathed yourself for briefly wanting more, for looking at him and his desire for you, and thinking that it could extend beyond the bedroom. Silly you for wanting what some people had. You had to forgive your own poor self-esteem and hope that others would, too.
 When you went back to your bedroom, he had passed out on your pillow. He was hugging the other one, his naked body smooth against the fabric. In his sleep, the prospect of him didn’t seem as scary as you thought. You wouldn’t hold it against him. You woke him and told him to put his clothes back on. 
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“So what?” he said. “Things don’t work out. It wasn’t meant to be.”
  You looked over at Ten and felt that he was completely missing the point. It was your fault. You were never honest about how you felt because you didn’t want to bring attention to it. He knew your lingering insecurities as well as anyone, but there were things he could never truly understand. Last thing you wanted was for someone to pity you, or worse, think you’re just making it all up in your head. 
“I want sex,” you said. “I think I’m drying up down there.”
“Dating apps.” Ten said, as if his genius idea would save you. 
“Absolutely not.”
“You have to start somewhere.”
“I’m not a fetish,” you said. “Dating apps make me realize why I don’t date in the first place.”
“If you wait for things to happen organically, you might miss out,” Ten said. “Do people still do newspaper ads?”
“Are newspapers even a thing?” you asked.
  You and Ten looked at each other and shrugged. There were so many things you understood about each other. You sat down and wiped sweat from your forehead. You were supposed to be cleaning your apartment. There was something about deep cleaning that soothed you. And Ten was supposed to be helping, but he was sipping his hot tea and playing around on his phone.
“Can I be honest with you?” you asked.
  It felt like now or never. He didn’t need to know everything, just a little bit where you were coming from. There were sirens going off in your head telling you not to say anything to him. Your big mouth couldn’t stop once you were dead set on something.
“Always,” he said, putting his phone down. “Is this about the date?”
You nodded. “It’s about me, too. I’m..I don’t love the body I’m in..sometimes..other times, I love her. She gets me from point A to B. She makes me feel sexy. Forget what makes you healthy and what doesn’t. I don’t listen to anyone else but my doctor. All I know is that I love myself, from my ridiculous long second toe, to my double chin. All of it. And I think that scares people away, and I think I let them scare me away, too.”
“Was he that bad?” he asked.
“He didn’t want to be seen with me. Before we entered my apartment, he asked if anyone knew he was there,” you said. “ I would have cried if I was any other person. You know, I’m not even mad that he was like that. At this point, I expect that more than I don’t. I’m mad that, for one moment in time, I really expected him to be different. He kept saying how much he loved my body, and I didn’t get fetish feelings from him. I thought, “Wow, he could really be the one. He could be the fuck buddy of a lifetime.” Despite fucking it up in so many other ways, he made me feel like a person. I felt wanted.”
“He sounds like a dick.” Ten said.
Slowly, you nodded in agreement. At the same time, you and Ten sipped your drinks, lost in thought. 
Then, as if he remembered something important, Ten tilted his head and said, “I know a man.”
“That’s great,” you said, dryly. “I know a lot of men, too.”
‘“No,” he said, slapping the table. “I have a friend.”
  You raised your eyebrows. You thought about being sarcastic, but Ten wasn’t paying attention. It was no fun if he didn’t play back. He was excited by his own thought process, the wheels in his head spinning. 
“You just want sex!” he said.
“With someone who will be seen with you in public,” he continued. “So they don’t kill your lady boner. I know a friend who will do that for you.”
“No.” you said, flatly.
“Why not?”
“I’m not a charity case,” you said. “I don’t want a man to fuck me just because he feels bad.”
“This guy isn’t like that.”
  You wanted to say that all guys were like that, but that way of thinking didn’t help anyone. It wasn’t true. You knew there were men out there who were what you wanted, you just didn’t know why they were halfway around the world. You thought of Ten’s friends, which were also your friends, by default.
“Which friend?” you asked. “All of them are with someone. Besides, I wouldn’t have sex with any of them. It would be too weird.”
“You don’t know him.”
“But I know all of your friends.”
“Not this one,” Ten said. “He’s in my art class. You’ll love him. Come to Saturday’s class. I’ll introduce you.”
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  They say fat girls shouldn’t wear overalls. You looked at your tummy in the reflection of a car and pressed your hands against it. Your thighs looked like they were bulging in the little shorts. You shook your head to rid yourself of the thought demons that tried to make you think you were anything less than sexy. Whenever it came to the opinion of men, unfortunately, they liked to show up and rear their ugly heads. You looked adorable in your overalls, and you’d look smokin’ hot out of them.
 You weren’t good at art, so you didn’t know how to dress up, or how to behave. You showed up and stood by a bunch of people smoking cigarettes and gossiping. You thought the atmosphere would be more like the movies, and you thanked yourself you didn’t show up in some ridiculous scarf and a beret. 
“You’re earlier than I am,” Ten said, hugging you from behind. “That’s not something I can get used to. You look like an art ho.”
“What is an art ho?” you asked.
  Self-consciously, your eyes started going towards your reflection. Ten took your arm and led you inside, past the smokers, and right through a door into a cool and brightly lit studio. Ten came every week, and you could see why. The place had a cheery vibe, and everyone around you was smiling and sitting down at an easel. There was food in the corner of the room and all of these prints on the wall that you could look at for hours.
“So,” you said, sitting down. “We just...paint things?”
“Yes, “Ten said. “We get a theme for the day. No rules. No stress or worries. It doesn’t matter what it looks like. All that matters is that you have fun.”
“That’s easy for you to say, you’re a great artist.” 
Ten blushed. “I try my best.”
  Taking your place and watching everyone slowly trickle into the class, you noticed how attractive everyone was. You didn’t know what Ten’s friend looked like. You didn’t even know his name. You imagined him in your head, building him up like a clay figure. He had eyes and a nose, he was tall and resembled a beautiful marble statue. You looked around the room and realized there were mostly couples, their eyes finding each other wherever they went. Your eyes kept swimming around the room, too, even as the class began. And that’s when you saw him.
“Whoa.” you said underneath your breath.
  He was beautiful. He was tall, like you imagined. So much of his broad shouldered body peeked out from behind his easel. He had black hair, which he swept back from his forehead. He had a smile permanently fixed to his face, and the warmest brown eyes you had ever seen. You physically gulped before nudging Ten.
“Who is that?” you asked. 
Ten smirked. “That’s Johnny. All the girls love him.”
  You were all the girls. You couldn’t stop staring at him. You wondered if painting him would be too creepy. As class began, you tried focusing on the project at hand, but your eyes kept going back to him.
“I need to get laid, “ you whispered. “I need to get laid so badly.”
“Will you relax,” Ten whispered back. “I don’t need you climaxing in front of my class. I think that’s frowned upon.”
  You forgot about Johnny as best as you could and painted the sexiest fruit bowl of your life. You were proud, tired, and most of all, itching at the chance to talk to Johnny. You were thankful for Ten in that moment, so thankful that you could have kissed him. But, your attention was not on Ten. You were thinking about Johnny’s big body slamming you down onto your bed and fucking the still life out of you.
“I want you to meet him now.” Ten said. 
  You stood fast, your knee knocking into the easel. Several people looked your way because of the loud noise. You waved and tried to shake off the embarrassment. Johnny stood too, his face a model of perfection. He was so happy that it was infectious.
“He’s a little too attractive.” you said. 
“Johnny?” Ten asked. “I guess so.”
  Ten ushered you forward. As you were getting ready to extend your hand out to Johnny, Ten kept pushing until you were in front of the easel at the end. A man stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans.
“Hello, “ he said. “I’m Taeyong.”
  You were speechless. You cursed yourself for automatically thinking it was Johnny. The look on your face must have said it all, because Ten needed to cover for you. He told Taeyong your name after fixing you with the longest side-eye in human history.
“Taeyong,” you said. “Right. I’m sorry. I’m just...so..in love with your painting.”
  You looked at his painting. It was chaotic. The fruit were different colors and they were all smashed, the seeds ripped out, and the juices flowing. He had more paint on his hands and arms than what was on the canvas. 
“This?” he asked. “Thank you. Painting gives me energy.”
  Ten put his hand on your shoulder and said he was going to clean up his station. You couldn’t recover from the initial embarrassment, so you offered to go help him.
“It’s okay if you don’t like what you see,” Taeyong said. “I understand.”
  Ten gave you one last “I will fuck you up if you ruin this for yourself” glance before disappearing. Everything in you felt apologetic towards Taeyong. It wasn’t even about him. 
“It’s not you.” you said.
Taeyong laughed. “That’s usually how the saying goes.”
“No!” you said. “Really, it’s not you. You’re wonderful.”
  And you meant it. Though he was different from Johnny and different from what you expected, Taeyong was very handsome. In your mind, you didn’t judge the way he looked because you didn’t want him to do the same to you. You knew how it felt too well, which is why it hurt you that he was feeling that way.
“Can I be honest?” you said. “I think I fucked this up. Ten didn’t tell me anything about you, and I thought you were someone else.”
“Ahh,” Taeyong said. “Imagine the disappointment.”
  You could feel yourself growing dizzy.  You took a seat in the chair next to Taeyong. When you stood, you were a little taller than him. When you sat, your body felt massive in front of his smaller frame. You looked into his face, into his eyes which didn’t look as upset as they should have been.
“I’m an idiot,” you said. “All these years wanting people to censor themselves for me, and I end up doing it to someone else. Can we start over?”
Taeyong sat. He placed his hands between his thighs and nodded. The way he moved was so cute that you couldn’t help but smile.
“Taeyong,” you said. “Would you like to come home with me?”
“Y-e-eesss.” he said, drawing the world out cutely.
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  You found yourself back in your bedroom, in a role that seemed too familiar. You were starting to feel scared that Taeyong only came back because of some fat fetish. He had been seen with you in public, had even reached for your hand on the walk back to your apartment, but fear had a way of resurfacing in intimate spaces. 
“This is nice,” Taeyong said, gesturing up at the painting above your bed. “I draw on my walls, but this is much more sophisticated.”
  You couldn’t seem to talk. Your mouth was dry. You asked him if he wanted a drink so that you could have one to loosen up. He said he didn’t drink much because his neck got all splotchy and red. You skipped the drink and disappeared into the bathroom, like a coward.
“We’re here again,” you said to yourself. “Just fuck him al-”
  There was a knock at the bathroom door. You turned on the lights and opened it slowly to see Taeyong standing there. 
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“I’m good.”
“It’s just that,” he said. “You’re talking to yourself. I talk to myself sometimes, too. Do you want to do this another time?”
  He looked so sweet that something in you just toppled over the edge. You didn’t say no. You didn’t say yes. You crossed the threshold and kissed him, grabbing the back of his head. The kiss itself was so soft and tame that you kept trying to make it more aggressive. Taeyong released his lips from yours and rubbed his mouth. He laughed nervously and looked down at the floor. His lips were red and swollen, his eyes more lustful than before when he finally looked back up at you. He stepped forward and kissed you, pressing his body up against yours. Normally, feeling someone's tummy against yours would make you retreat, but you were so lost in the moment that you didn’t notice. 
“Bedroom?” Taeyong asked.
  It was Taeyong who guided you to your own bedroom. Your eyes went straight to the painting above your bed. There was a new appreciation for it. When you looked back to Taeyong, he was looking at you like he was looking at art: admiring, questioning.
“You’re nervous,” he asked. “Why?”
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been with someone.” you said.
  You and Taeyong sat on the edge of your bed. You were itching to kiss him, but you felt that the questions on the tip of his tongue would get in the way.
“Being nervous is okay,” he said. “But I want you to know that I’ll take my time and make it enjoyable for you.”
  He leaned in to kiss you, his hand pushing your hair out of the way so that he could rest it on your cheek. Your hand was on his thigh. Things started escalating, like you were both trying to one-up the other. Taeyong’s hand was on your breast, trying to figure out the machinations of the overalls. You were rubbing his leg a little too much. He had to ask you to stop or he'd explode. You laid back on the bed and let him hover above your body. Your thighs felt extra jiggly when his hands caressed you. You felt yourself clamming up, and Taeyong sensed it and stopped.
“I’m not entirely comfortable with my body sometimes.” you admitted. 
“Do you want to stop?” Taeyong asked. “We can watch movies or play board games?”
“Board games?” you asked.
He shrugged. “I like games.”
 You wanted to laugh. Taeyong was much different from Mr. No Name. Being with him felt less like a performance. It was like you were being intimate with a friend, only intimacy looked a lot like awkwardness. 
“I don’t want to stop,” you said. “Do you?”
“No.” Taeyong said.
  He sloped down to kiss you. His hand continued moving up your thigh and into your shorts. Having someone's fingers inside of you after not having anything for so long felt like an epiphany. You moaned and stopped kissing Taeyong. Not because you wanted to stop exploring his mouth, but because you couldn’t contain your excitement. You opened your legs and let him finger you, his skinny and long fingers jerking in and out of you with zeal. 
“Don’t stop,” you moaned. “Don’t stop.”
  You came around his fingers quickly, your hand reaching out to grab his wrist. He delicately kissed the side of your neck, double chin and all. You took a minute to catch your breath, but Taeyong was all over you. He unhooked your overalls. He lifted up your shirt to reveal your stomach. Checking to see if it was okay with you first, he kissed your soft flesh. You moved further up the bed so that his face was down below. He helped you remove the outfit, and you finished it off, sitting up on your bed naked and fighting the urge to cover yourself.
“Don’t tell me I’m beautiful,” you said. “Don’t say anything at all about my body. Tell me about yours.”
  Taeyong smiled in understanding. He yanked his shirt over his head and pointed at his scar. The pink jagged line was shiny. You yearned to place your lips against it. 
“A scar,” he said. He brought his hands up his body, his ribs noticeable. Seductively, he brought his hand back down until his fingers caught on his zipper. It didn’t take much for Taeyong’s baggy pants to fall to the ground. He slipped off his briefs to reveal his soft cock. “Can I show you my body?”
  He was going to come to you, but you scooted to the edge of the bed. You didn’t love the way your body looked while you were sitting, but your attention was saved by Taeyong’s cock. You took over, working him in your hands, and watching as he came to life. You leaned down to suck him, enjoying how he whimpered from the warmth of your mouth. You stopped momentarily to kiss his scar before you were back at it, drawing him closer and closer. Before he could spill, you let him go and climbed back onto the bed on all fours, your ass facing him. The position was easiest for you. You didn’t have to look at men when they fucked you, your fat moving rabidly, and your mind wondering how distracted they were by your body. You waited for him to come to you and thrust his cock into you from behind, but Taeyong didn’t. 
“I want you on top,” he said. “I want to see you.”
  You watched Taeyong lay on your bed, his body just below the painting. He was relaxing in a bunch of pillows, and he was smiling. If you went on top of him, his small frame seemed like it would disappear underneath you. The thought of your thick thighs rubbing against him made you queasy. Yet, there was something so sexy about him wanting you that carried you forward. It was an interesting situation. 
“Are you sure?” you asked.
Taeyong lifted his arms behind his head. “Ride me.”
  You gripped his thighs and climbed on top of him. You were hyper aware of your body touching his. You lifted your ass up and tried to situate yourself. As you did, Taeyong’s hands were all over you. He poked and prodded you, smoothing his fingers over your skin and exploring everything there was to see and not see. At first, you froze in place. You had never had anyone feel your body like that, like a painter painting a canvas. You could feel his brush strokes as you closed your eyes, his fingers moving over your nipples, and the way he touched you when he went between your legs. 
  Lowering yourself down onto his cock, you had to slowly let him in. Every inch was felt, moving inside of you so intensely that every time you moved back up just a little, you wanted to lurch forward in pleasure. Taeyong held your waist and kept his hands there as you rocked over him slowly. 
“I forgot how good this felt.” you said.
  You hadn’t ridden someone since university. It was the second time ever, and the first time with someone you could actually see yourself liking. You tried pushing the L-word thoughts out of your head. You and Taeyong were only having sex, not dating. 
“Faster.” Taeyong said, the words coming out of his mouth surprising him.
  You rode him faster, trying not to think too hard about the way your body bounced, or how it looked. He touched you as you fucked him, his hands getting increasingly more desperate. The way he looked up at you made you feel bold. You pressed down on his chest and started fucking yourself on his cock with a new pace, your body slamming down on him hard. The sounds of your bodies slapping together was loud, and at one point, you slowed down because you were scared you were hurting him.
“No,” he moaned. “Keep going.”
  You fucked him until you came, throwing your head back and riding the wave. Taeyong watched you with awe, even when you didn’t stop moving. You wanted him to come, wanted to finish him off the way he deserved.
“Give it to me,” you said, fucking him. “I want it, Taeyong. Come for me.”
  You pushed your breasts against his chest and kissed him. The moan that broke free from his lips was loud and whiny. You kissed his neck and kept taking his cock until he came, his body stiffening before relaxing. You let him stay inside of you long after he had come, his fingertips drawing love hearts on your skin.
“I was thinking,” Taeyong said. “Tomorrow we should get that drink.”
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