#Heavy Metals
praguehead · 1 year
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"Fluid as water, brilliant as silver, heavier than lead, mercury spills through a mine worker's fingers."
National Geographic
October 1972
ph. Robert W. Madden
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"An environmental toxicologist in California is cleaning up areas contaminated with heavy metals or other pollutants using fungi and native plants in a win-win for nature.
Where once toxic soils in industrial lots sat bare or weed-ridden, there are now flowering meadows of plants and mushrooms, frequented by birds and pollinators: and it’s thanks to Danielle Stevenson.
Founder of DIY Fungi, the 37-year-old ecologist from UC Riverside recently spoke with Yale Press about her ongoing work restoring ‘brownfields,’ a term that describes a contaminated environment, abandoned by industrial, extraction, or transportation operations.
A brownfield could be an old railway yard or the grounds of an abandoned oil refinery, but the uniting factor is the presence of a toxic containment, whether that’s a petrochemical, heavy metal, or something else.
Noting that she had read studies about mushrooms growing around the Chernobyl nuclear plant, she came to understand further, through her work, that fungi are an extraordinarily resilient species of life that consume carbon, and even though petroleum products are toxic to plants, to mushrooms they are essentially a kind of carbon.
In fact, mushrooms break down several categories of toxic waste with the same enzymes they use to consume a dead tree. They can also eat plastic and other things made out of oil, like agrochemicals.
At the Los Angeles railyard, as part of a pilot project, Stevenson and colleagues planted a variety of native grass and flower species alongside dead wood that would incubate specific fungi species called arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, which assists plants in extracting heavy metals like lead and arsenic from the soil.
Alongside traditional decomposer fungi, the mixture of life forms demonstrated tremendous results in this brownfield.
“In three months we saw a more than 50 percent reduction in all pollutants. By 12 months, they were pretty much not detectable,” Stevenson told Yale 360.
Decontaminating soil like this typically involves bringing in a bulldozer and digging it all up for transportation to a landfill. This method is not only hugely expensive, but also dangerous, as contaminated material can scatter on the winds and fall out of the backs of trucks carting it away.
By contrast, the plants that draw out the toxic metals can be harvested and incinerated down to a small pile of ash before cheap transportation to a hazardous waste facility.
The technique, which Stevenson says has some scaling issues and issues with approval from regulators, is known officially as bioremediation, and she’s even used it to safely break down bags of lubricant-soaked rags from bicycle repair shops.
“People who live in a place impacted by pollution need to have a say in how their neighborhood is being cleaned up. We need to empower them with the tools to do this,” she said."
-via Good News Network, July 16, 2024
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reality-detective · 2 months
👆 The Product of: "Chemtrails" 🤔
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blatentmisinformation · 2 months
Your body needs small amounts of heavy metals like lead and mercury every day in order to stay healthy. It is recommended to eat at least a can of tuna each week to get the requisite amounts.
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urbansoulfarmer · 23 days
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Water lilies thrive in water containing high concentrations of heavy metals such as cadmium, and are capable of absorbing metals to up to 16% of their dry weight.
Growing a sweet potato in a fish tank observes ammonia and nitrates.
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Microfluidic sensors enable real-time detection of multiple heavy metals in water
A group of researchers from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has designed and developed advanced microfluidic sensor arrays that use fluorescent probes to simultaneously visualize and quantitatively detect multiple heavy metal ions in environmental water in real time. "This innovation provides a powerful new tool for monitoring water quality and ensuring water safety," said Prof. Jiang Changlong, who led the team. The study is published in Chemical Engineering Journal. Heavy metals such as mercury (Hg2+), lead (Pb2+), chromium (Cr3+), and copper (Cu2+) are common pollutants in our water systems. These contaminants are difficult to remove and can cause serious harm to both ecosystems and human health.
Read more.
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elektroskopik · 3 months
Toxic arsenic and lead detected in tampons sold in the U.K., Greece, and the U.S., according to first-ever tampon study | Fortune Europe
Researchers found more than a dozen metals, including lead and arsenic, in widely available tampons in the US and Europe used by potentially millions of people.
Lead was found in all 30 tampons tested from 14 different brands, according to the study published this week in the journal Environmental International. Lead exposure can cause neurological damage. This is the first paper to measure the concentration of metals in tampons, said Jenni Shearston, a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California Berkeley School of Public Health and the study’s lead author.
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the-final-sentence · 4 months
A white flag at last.
Marina Diamandis, from “Heavy Metals”
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thebusylilbee · 2 months
did y'all hear about the heavy metals found in dark chocolate ? we really can't have shit in this world :(
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jbfly46 · 2 months
Oh yeah don’t shop at Trader Joe’s cuz they have zero quality control and all their food is full of heavy metals like lead and cadmium, their gluten free food isn’t gluten free, their vegan food isn’t vegan, and their frozen food gets thawed and refrozen multiple times before it hits the shelves. The whole store is based on false advertising. Also Aldi’s sells dead bodies from the Ukraine war processed into their food and chemicals used in their food products that’ll give you prion disease.
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lasseling · 6 months
Moms Across America Tested New Children’s Cereal & Found Poisons Like Heavy Metals, Arsenic, Aluminum, Cadmium, 8 Different Pesticides (Some Known To Change Sex Hormones) & More
All this in 1 cereal box
Testing reveals ‘General Mills Trix Loaded Cereal’ is actually “loaded with heavy metals and pesticides” also contains “Artificial dyes, preservatives, chemicals” - We found arsenic and cadmium 200-400% higher than what the EPA allows in drinking water - We found aluminum levels to be 1,365% to 1,650% higher than what the EPA allows in drinking water - We found glyphosate levels 158 to 174 times higher than has been shown in animal studies to cause sex hormone changes and organ damage when animals ate 0.1 parts per billion of glyphosate for 2 years of the glyphosate herbicide, the the formulation. And we also found 8 different pesticides. One of them is an ingredient used in shampoo that kills lice, and the other one is a fungicide known to cause endocrine disruption and hormone disruption in humans and wildlife at very low levels. So, clearly, this is not a great way to start your day with toxic chemicals, and we call on General Mills to get to the source of why their cereal is so contaminated and to do things like test fertilizers because we think that's the source of the heavy metal contamination. This is a very serious issue because heavy metals can cause neurological damage and developmental disorders that can be lifelong. So this is very serious. We are in a national physical and mental health crisis in America, and we need manufacturers like General Mills who have the resources to actually do something about cleaning up their the food supply and the products that they offer.“
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awesomecooperlove · 10 months
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metcooverseas6 · 4 months
Understanding Rubber Washers: A Guide by Metco Overseas
Discover the versatility of rubber washers with Metco Overseas. Explore various types including standard rubber washers, silicone rubber washers for high-temperature resistance, and soft rubber washers for delicate applications. Learn how these essential components can enhance your projects with durability and flexibility. Visit Metro Overseas for top-quality rubber washers tailored to your needs.
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healthtruth101 · 9 months
The Shocking Truth About Heavy Metals… and How To Protect Yourself!
Heavy Metals are in just about everything... Watch this video to find out WHERE they are, HOW they are entering your body, and most importantly, how you can detox and protect yourself right now!   
 Are you suffering from heavy metal toxicity? You may have chronic symptoms like fatigue and brain fog, which can be caused by heavy metals. If you have any chronic symptoms, it may be worth it to take steps toward detoxing from heavy metals and avoiding them in the future so that you feel better.
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realityreaperr · 1 year
Anyone else have consumed a heavy metal in the past month?
Hey. Kinda weird question but I’ve never been the smartest… one thing I DID catch in science class though was heavy metals are BAD for you😅😅😅… Does anyone know how to determine if theyve been in contact with a heavy metal… or stuff… this summer I’ve been huge into fishing so IDK. I’m not picky on what I eat. Help? Haha.
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