#Heroes of Olympus Fanfiction
josendlessmonolouge · 3 months
Frank’s mom got him a build-a-bear in military uniform when he was little and she was deployed. It even had little combat boots. Frank takes its boots off every night since they’re too hard to cuddle with and puts them back on in the morning as a little bed time/ morning ritual. He sleeps with it every night. Hazel notices this and frank gets terribly embarrassed. But she just finds it absolutely precious. (Also she wants to go to this stuffy store of the modern era) Frank definitely is like “you’ve never gotten a build-a-bear!! Becuase 1940s!!! that’s so terrible actually omg” Cue to cutesy road-trip and a build a bear date. Hazel definitely would get a pawlette or the horse but it wasn’t available at my location last time I went. Frank definitely takes Hazel to do “childish” things since she didn’t get to have a childhood like he did. Build-a-bear? Lego store? Special treat Birthday breakfast? Drive to CVS so she can have a coloring book? Literally just loves her so much. Maybe Nico tags along with them. Nico would fw stuffies so hard bro. Honestly both the death kids partner’s just letting and encouraging them to get to have childhoods. AAHHH WILL STICHING NICO’S TEDDY BECAUSE HES A GOOD SEAMSTRESS FROM SUTURING (sutures are very different skill from traditional sewing as someone who can do both but let me live in my own world)
aghhh why do I have such good fic ideas but I suck at writing fanfiction. Like can’t even write the characterization for my own characters let alone other people’s
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pipnchips202 · 8 months
while i eat up practically every valgrace fic i see, down bad jason grace for leo valdez is always one of my absolute favorites; so, here are 5 valgrace fics where jason is the pining one :)) (for the most part)
1. hopeless case by restinreeses
rating: teen and up
warnings: none
“Nico,” Jason wheezes as he slams the door to the Hades cabin open. “Nico, I think I’m in love with my best friend.”
“No, really?” Nico drawls, barely looking up from his book.
Or: in which nico is jason’s wingman this time around.
AHHHHH!!!!!! this is REALLY good; i love the characterization and the many implications of jason having helped nico get with will prior to the events of the fic. also, platonic jasico will ALWAYS get me.
2. EP: things leo does; by jason grace by jacksonpercy (robertmontauk)
rating: not rated
warnings: none
God, he loves Leo’s laugh. It’s more like a giggle than anything - all high-pitched and bubbly; his mouth stretches into the widest smile Jason’s ever seen, and his tongue sticks out of his tongue just a little bit, and holy fuck Jason’s in love with Leo.
[leo does things sometimes, and jason notices.]
i was very much obsessed with this fic at some point (still kind of am, actually). it’s basically a 5 + 1 of jason just pining for leo and i LOVE it. small warning though, there is a mention of kinks in the second chapter, if that’s weird for you. it’s really just an offhand comment and doesn’t get brought up again, so do with that what you will. they are teenagers after all, and as a teenager myself, i can confirm i’ve thought of similar stuff several times! but, anyway, this fic is really good.
3. staring at me (with your lips and tongue) by ethannku
rating: teen and up
warnings: none
“You really believe all that?” Leo asks, and if Jason were more aware of the world, he might’ve registered the hopeful breathiness in his voice. But as it is, he’s far too focused on the hand on his chest. He nods anyway, once he realizes Leo’s asked him a question.
Leo huffs and leans closer while simultaneously pulling Jason closer.
For a moment, they just look at each other, their noses inches apart. Leo’s breath comes in soft puffs on his face. There’s a hint of a smile on Leo’s face, but the corners waver as if he’s having second thoughts. Jason registers Leo’s eyelashes flickering, and his blood sings when he realizes he’s looking at Jason’s mouth.
Or; Jason is down bad, and Leo might be too.
this one’s really good, too. lot of kissing. a few suggestive references/jokes but no suggestive actions, just kissing. also has many piper moments mixed in :)
4. Crooked Glasses by thebigqueer
rating: teen and up
warnings: graphic depictions of violence
leo & jason confess their feelings for each other in an arcane-themed alternate universe.
Leo has always been flirty. When he casually smirks at Jason and tells him how handsome he looks; when he bites his lip suggestively and tells Jason that no, he doesn’t mind if he changes his shirt in front of him; when Jason asks what’s for dinner and Leo responds, “Not sure, but I know you’re the desert,” Jason doesn’t make much of it. Sure, an occasional blush and an attempt at jokingly flirting back, but Jason knows he doesn’t mean it. Besides, he isn’t special. If Jason had to count the amount of people Leo had made out with just in the past year, it might take both his hands.
But lately it’s been different. There’s a softness in Leo’s eyes when he catches sight of Jason, a more soulful smirk when he offers that they sleep in the same bed, a hopefulness when he asks Jason if he wants to come with him on his next haul.
i’m gonna be honest: although i plan to someday, i’ve never seen arcane. and this is an arcane au. however, even though i know absolutely nothing about arcane, i did understand this, i think. i’m putting it here because a) it’s well written, b) it does in fact feature pining jason grace, and c) i have very limited options when it comes to valgrace fics anyway, so i don’t have much of a choice. yes, there is action and a mild fight with sherman yang and connor stoll, but it’s not that graphic in my opinion, but that’s just me; what’s more graphic is actually the gratuitous descriptions of leo’s gorgeousness from jason’s pov (understandably so). anyway, this is a good fic; if you’re not familiar with arcane, you can probably still read it, because i enjoyed it quite a lot!
5. hold me, thrill me, kiss me by restinreeses
rating: teen and up
warnings: none
“You love me,” Leo declares, his smirk widening with every passing second. “You, the great Jason Grace, love me.”
He fumbles for his words, but they melt in his mouth as Leo's hands snaked up the small of his back – those delicate fingers tracing patterns into his skin that burnt worse than his SPQR tattoo.
“I wouldn’t call myself great,” he mutters at last. Leo leans in, raising one thick eyebrow.
“I dunno,” he says, “I’d say you’re pretty great.” His lips brush over Jason's, once, twice. “You know. For loving me.”
In which Jason falls and Leo catches him.
okay, so i was debating whether or not to put this one because jason is still dating piper during this fic. she doesn’t make an appearance, she’s only mentioned, but jason and leo kissing is referred to by the both of them as an affair, which might make some uncomfortable. however, this has absolutely gorgeous writing. is jason still in love with piper during this fic, though? no. a bit complicated. however, it is, once again, pining jason as promised. they kiss a lot in this one, too.
— piper <33
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rowanrowlandridley · 2 years
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More María di Angelo sketches
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verlierer-is-lost · 4 months
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I have no memory of this sketch, but it’s an old Valgrace sketch I did from my fanfic:
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captainsophiestark · 10 months
Piper McLean x Reader
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Fandom: Percy Jackson
Summary: Piper's girlfriend has been holed up in the Athena cabin working overtime on a project with Annabeth. Late on the second day with no breaks or sleep, Piper and Percy decide it's time to stage an intervention.
Word Count: 1,361
Category: Fluff
Requested on Wattpad!
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Piper's POV
"Hey! Percy!"
The man in question turned to greet me with a smile and a wave as I crossed Camp to reach him where he stood on the docks of the lake. I waved back as he called out to me.
"Hey Piper! What's up?"
"Have you seen either of our girlfriends?" I asked, finally coming to a stop in front of him with both hands on my hips. "I've hardly seen mine in days."
Percy shook his head, a fond grin pulling at his mouth all the same.
"No, Annabeth's been holed up in her cabin working on some crazy architecture-engineering project. I was actually planning to check on her today, make sure she's remembering to sleep and eat and drink water. Your girlfriend's probably right there with her, if you want to join me."
"Yes," I decided without hesitation. "Yes I do."
"Okay, what if we changed the building material all together?" I asked, slumped all the way over the table in the middle of the Athena cabin, one hand absent-mindedly tugging at my hair. Annabeth and I had been tearing our hair out trying to perfect a joint engineering-architecture project, and without sleeping or leaving our cabin for a few days, we were both starting to go a little crazy.
"We could... but wouldn't that affect some of our design elements here, since it won't hold weight and interact with other materials in the same way?"
"Ugh, you're right. So, do we change the design to fit the existing material, or do we change the design to try to accommodate a new material? Which one do we think will give us less of a headache in the long run?"
Annabeth hummed, staring at the blueprints and the 3D mockup we'd made on Daedalus' laptop for so long that I thought she might've fallen asleep with her eyes open. Finally though, she took a deep breath in and moved forward, turning the design and pointing at it with her face so close to the screen the blue glow completely lit her up, even with a few low lights on in our cabin.
"What about this space right here? Could we fit in some extra supports or something like that with minimal design changes?"
I leaned forward, getting my face right next to Annabeth's to look at whatever she was seeing. At the same time, I heard the door to our cabin slam open behind us, sunlight flooding the dim room. I hissed, throwing my hands up and turning to glare at whoever had just interrupted our work session so rudely, only to find my girlfriend standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips, Percy Jackson right behind her.
"Did you literally just hiss?" she demanded. I just narrowed my eyes at her.
"What are the two of you doing?" I whined. "And can you shut the door please? The glare's gonna make it hard to see the details we need to on the screen."
Piper and Percy shared a look that I didn't love, then both crossed the room to Annabeth and I, leaving the door wide open behind them. To my left, I saw Annabeth glaring daggers at Percy, but my attention quickly shifted to Piper as she came to a stop right in front of me, hands still on her hips.
"You've been sitting in this cave working in the dark nonstop for days," she said. "You need to take a break and go outside, you fucking vampire."
"No, Pipe, I need to finish this project. Seriously, we're so close-"
"We're not close," Annabeth deadpanned from beside me. I whipped around to look at her, mouth open and eyes wide from betrayal, but she just looked back at me with a blank, exhausted face. Vaguely, in the back of my mind, I wondered if I had the same raccoon dark circles under my eyes as she did. If so, it would explain why Piper was acting so urgent.
Annabeth just shrugged in response to my glare. Percy had his arms around her shoulders, and I could see her giving in to his persuasion inch by inch.
"We're not close. We found a major flaw that's going to take a lot of work to fix," she said with a tired sigh. "It might not hurt to take a short break. Who knows, maybe inspiration will strike once we finally focus on something else for a change."
I gave a long, dramatic, drawn-out sigh, then flopped my head back to look at my girlfriend. Her arms were still crossed, and I could tell that she was not going to give up before she drug me out of this cabin.
"Fine. What, exactly, did you have in mind for a break then, Pipe?"
She grinned and held out her hand. "Come on and let me show you."
With a tiny little bit more whining and complaining from me, I let Piper lead me out of the Athena cabin and into the sunlight. Percy found similar success, and he and Annabeth headed towards the lake while Piper and I peeled off towards the forest.
"Don't tell me your idea of a break is taking me into the woods to fight monsters," I teased, still holding Piper's hand as I trailed behind her through the cabins. She glanced back to shoot me the stink eye.
"Of course not, don't be ridiculous."
Part of me had been expecting more information, but I should've known Piper would keep making me wait. None of her surprises had ever failed before though, so I didn't mind too much.
A few minutes later, just beyond the first few lines of trees, we came to a small clearing with a picnic laid out, right on the edge of the creek. This close to Camp, we were unlikely to run into monsters, which made this the perfect spot for a relaxing afternoon with my girlfriend.
"You are... incredible," I said, a little dazed as Piper and I settled onto the blanket together. She grinned.
"I know. But I'm always happy to hear it. So do you want to tell me about that project you're working on?"
I eyed her suspiciously as I took out a sandwich, not sure if she meant it or wanted to test if I'd really let the work go for the afternoon break. Piper caught the look and rolled her eyes with a sigh.
"It just seems like an important project that I haven't heard a lot about yet. You don't have to talk about it now, but if you want to tell me, I'd love to hear about it."
I grinned, biting into the sandwich as I leaned back against Piper. She put her free arm around me without hesitation, and with every second I spent close to her like this the stress of the project melted farther away.
"I love you, Pipe. But I'll respect your break bubble for now. Let's talk about what you've been up to while I've been holed up with Annabeth."
"Are you sure?"
I nodded. "Totally sure. Maybe later I can talk about it a little, but right now, as the focus and adrenaline are wearing off... I think my brain might be a little too fried to think about it anymore."
Piper laughed, then pulled me in a little closer to her.
"Well, let's see if we can do anything about that, then. Um... Rachel convinced me to help her with some painting yesterday."
"Ooo, really? What did you paint? Can I see it?"
"Sure. It can be the next stop on our break tour after the picnic."
I smiled, not even bothered by the new activity that would take me away from work a little longer. My project with Annabeth was important, and I loved the work we were doing, but I also loved my girlfriend. Every single moment that I could spend with her I wanted to take, and I truly couldn't imagine any better place to be. Thank all the gods and Fates that I had her in my life.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Percy Jackson Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
a/n: requested by @mischivana " can you please do 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, or 48 either jason or connor. or 24 or 44 (or both) with jason. can you make them x mortal reader cause there really isn't enough mortal reader stuff around and I've been craving it, thank you!!!! " i've done this for jason since i haven't written much for him, so i hope you enjoy! my past two things for him have been very sad, so this is a bit happier lol
warnings: minor injury detail prompts: "Don't worry; it hurts a little less each time." and "I love you and it terrifies me." gn reader
What Are You So Afraid Of? - Jason Grace
Midnight. There's a crash downstairs.
You jolt up in your bed, heart pounding. It's silent for a moment, and you start to think that you might just be hearing things, but then there's another. Louder, closer. Heavy. With your heart racing, you grab the nearest thing you could use as a weapon - a stuffed teddy, for heaven's sake - and stand on tired legs.
There's a bang on your door, and you jump. You should call the police, but your bones feel locked with terror. You can't bring yourself to reach for your phone. This is perhaps the worst time for your parents to be away.
Another bang, and a rattle of your door handle, and the intruder stumbles in. All at once, they fall into your wardrobe with a series of curses and shouts, and you launch the teddy bear at them. It gets the expected result, simply bouncing off the intruder's header, and it's then that you notice who it is.
"Yours truly," the intruder groans.
"What -?"
He makes a gasping sound as he steps forward, and you can only see his shadowed form as it stumbles. Immediately, you rush over, catching him under the arms and dragging him over to your bed, laying him over top of your dishevelled covers.
"Watch your eyes," you say before flicking your bedside lamp on.
He curses again when the light switches on, covering his eyes with a bruised and bleeding arm. Already, there's blood on your bed sheets.
"What happened?" you demand.
Jason shifts slightly, getting as comfortable as he can as you check him over for other injuries. Besides his arm and a gash on his leg, he's seemingly all right, but the amount of blood is making you nervous.
"On a quest."
"Yeah, I guessed. But what happened? Haven't you taken some ambrosia?"
His arm moves now, and his eyes slowly adjust to the dim light of your room. Though bloodshot, they still gleam a gorgeous glittering blue that has you almost transfixed. You catch yourself before you get distracted, rifling around in your nightstand for the little first aid kit you keep in there for situations like this.
"Ran out," he says quietly. "You've still got some here, right? I think I left some last time."
You pull it out just as he asks, wordlessly passing him a chunk of the godly food. It's sat in your drawer for a few weeks now - somehow it hasn't gone off - and you're glad that you forgot about it. As a demigod, the ambrosia helps Jason heal, but if you, a mortal, were to eat it, you'd likely combust into flames and die. If it always smells as good as it does now, you're eternally grateful for your bad memory. You probably would've been a pile of burnt ashes had you remembered.
"Fighting some monsters at North Beach, but they got some good hits in." He looks over at you then, noting the horrified expression on your face at how easily he speaks about being almost killed. "Don't worry; it hurts a little less each time."
"That's supposed to make me feel better? Jason! You're bleeding everywhere!"
He waves his hand nonchalantly and plasters on a smile, but you notice the way the pain he's in makes the scar on his lip twitch. "I'm all right, (name). Promise. just needed some ambrosia. I'll be healed up in no time."
You watch carefully as the blood slowly stops flowing, and the skin gradually mends itself back together. Begrudgingly, you shove the first aid kit back into your nightstand.
"I can't stay long," Jason says, closing his eyes for a moment. "I can't put -"
"Me in danger, yes I know. Son of Jupiter and everything." Kneeling beside the bed, you resist the urge to take his hand in yours and squeeze it, more for your own comfort than his. "You can't just walk back to your camp from here in the middle of the night. It's too dangerous. You always say monsters are more dangerous at night."
"I'll be fine."
His eyes open again, locking onto yours. Fifteen years old, and already those eyes hold more than they should have. You've seen your fair share of things in that same amount of time, but you can't even begin to think what life as a demigod could entail. What it could do to a person. Already, they hold more memories and horrors than they really should.
"I can't risk your life, (name)," he insists.
"You and your saviour complex! You're staying here tonight. You can head back in the morning when I can call you a taxi."
"You could call me one now."
"Absolutely not."
"(name) -"
"I won't hear any more about it," you say.
You grab the spare blanket you keep in your wardrobe, wrap it around your shoulders, and pull the duvet on your bed over Jason until it reaches his chin. He could easily move and hinder the process, but he stays still. You've got a feeling that he doesn't mind being taken care of sometimes. Not when he's usually the one taking care of others.
"Get some sleep," you tell him, sitting on top of a pillow beside the bed. "You have to be exhausted."
He shakes his head and rolls onto his side so he can face you. "I want to make sure you're all right."
"I'm not the one that was attacked tonight."
"That could change."
You give him a look. "Jason, I've been fine every other time you've come here. What are you so afraid of? In all the time we've known each other, no monsters have shown up at my door."
He goes quiet then, and you worry that you've pushed too hard. Jason may be in charge of the camp he stays at, but you know how hard it all is for him, what with being the son of the king of the gods. He's lonely, and you're well aware that his coming to see you, whether it be after a quest or just on a whim, allows him to escape that life. But always with the monsters, the warnings. He's never stayed more than an hour, afraid he'll get you killed, but you want more than that. You need more than that. You don't want to spend the rest of your life waiting for him to appear, just for him to leave so soon.
"I'm sorry," you murmur. "I just -"
"I love you," he interrupts, "and it terrifies me."
The rest of your sentence gets stuck in your throat, and for a moment you can't breathe.
He looks away, the lamplight reflecting in the bright blue of his eyes. "I've loved you for months. Ever since we met, really, when you accidentally saved me from a bunch of monsters following me in the Legion of Honor and told me that I needed to brush my teeth if I was going to get so close to you. But I'm - I'm scared of losing you."
Your hands are shaking a little. "You're not going to lose me."
"I don't want to risk that," he says. "I don't remember my family - my mom and sister. I've known nothing but being a demigod all my life. But you help me forget about it all and pretend that I'm a normal kid for a little while. I don't want to lose that or you. But me being here puts you in danger."
"You don't need to feel the same." He still won't look at you. "I just needed you to know."
"Will you look at me?"
He struggles with himself for a moment, but eventually, he turns his head, fixing his gaze on yours. With a shaky hand, you find his beneath your duvet cover and squeeze gently, offering the best smile you can manage.
"I do feel the same," you say. "And, I've been safe all this time. I'll stay that way regardless if you stay a few more hours, okay?"
He doesn't look entirely convinced, but still, he nods and says, "Okay. But just this once."
"Like hell it'll be just this once."
A soft laugh escapes his lips. "I'll keep you safe."
"Of course, you will, Jase."
Even still, it takes barely ten minutes for him to doze off peacefully, smiling so softly that it makes your heart feel warm. You don't let go of his hand, ensuring that even in sleep he knows you're still there. And you press a soft kiss to his forehead as you switch your lamp off, praying that this wasn't all a dream or some figment of your imagination.
I love you. The words still echo in your mind, even as you eventually fall asleep, head fallen on the pillow his own rests on.
I love you.
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poppitron360 · 4 months
Okay so @green-tea217 requested that I share this fanfic based on this post that I made.
I never usually post my fanfics, but I’m feeling brave. This one isn’t finished, but I’ll post the first chapter ‘cause I’m really proud of it. I’m working on the other fanfics that were requested, but I’m posting this one first because I’ve worked rlly had on it.
Summary: Kind of an OC/FanChild fic about my hcs for Percabeth’s kids. VERY Leo/Nico heavy bc they’re my two favourite characters, particularly Leo.
TWs: Swearing, lack of smut (she is a teenager)
Disclaimers: I was still reading SoN when I wrote this chapter, and I am currently on HoH, so if I’ve missed anything that gets revealed later, that’s why. Also I listened to the audiobooks, so if I spell a name wrong, that’s also why, either that or I’ve spelt something the British way.
Chapter 1:
Olympia hated stories.
She hated telling them. She hated hearing them. She hated the way they were often twisted and bent to contain some kind of message. She hated the theatrics of sharing them around the fire, the hushed voices and dramatic tone. And she hated how every story she heard was almost always about her dad.
Olympia Grace Jackson-Chase.
Of course.
For as long as she can remember, people had told her stories about her parents. About her and her birth. How she had been born on Olympus. How Apollo himself had delivered her, and named her “Olympia Grace” so that it would rhyme with her last name. That wasn’t entirely true. “Grace” was the last name of her Auntie Thalia and Uncle Jason. She hated the stories about them too- about all her parents’ friends. They were myths and legends in the eyes of the other campers, to her they were just people who babysat her sometimes. The Cabin 9’ers had been shocked when she’d told them that the heroic son of Hephaestus who had saved the world from Gaea and her evil forces was actually just Little Uncle Leo, and the first Fire User in three and a half centuries isn’t very mythical and legendary when he’s running in from the kitchen, waving a tea-towel at the fire alarm and yelling “Oh shit, the guacamole’s on fire. I set the guacamole on fire. Don’t tell your mom.”
People never wanted to hear those stories. Only the exiting and dangerous ones.
“Percy Jackson fought the Minotaur when he was only ten years old!!!”
“Percy Jackson keeps insisting I tidy my room.”
Suffice it to say, she was sick of it.
“Dad,” she asked, approaching the kitchen table.
Perseus Jackson, the man, the myth, the legend himself, looked up from his comic book and ginned at her.
“What is it, dolphin?”
“Can you… like… not send me to camp this year?”
Her dad frowned, put The Amazing Spider-Man down on the table and leaned back in his chair.
“Why? What’s up? Are the other campers not nice to you there?”
“It’s not that… in fact, it’s the opposite. The attention is getting too much. I wanna learn to fight, but… I’d rather you just teach me yourself. You can show me how to use my water powers.”
“Oly, I know it’s hard, especially as you’re one of the first Legacies at Camp Half-Blood. I can absolutely arrange for you to not go anymore if you don’t want to… but there’s only so much I can teach you on my own, particularly with your mother’s workload. I want to make sure you’d be protected. Could you maybe give it a try, please?”
Olympia was pretty sure she’d been “giving it a try” for the last 14 summers, but she didn’t want to argue with her dad.
“Fine,” she said.
“That’s my girl,” he beamed, “Now, remember to pack your armour for Capture the Flag, I don’t want to have to drive out there and back just ‘cause you forgot it again.”
She sighed and left the room.
She just wished that he had stayed in the car when he’d dropped her off, but no. He insisted on walking with her to the Big House, saying hello to Chiron and generally being a huge embarrassment. It didn’t take long for the crowds of campers to form around them, whispering behind their hands. She hugged her dad, and said goodbye to him as quickly as she could.
She dumped her things in the Poseidon Cabin. She was allowed in both her mom and her dad’s old cabins, but she preferred to be alone to sleep. She did her activities with the Athena kids though, she didn’t want to stand out any more than she already did.
Olympia sat alone, perched on the edge of the Athena table, when suddenly a kid shuffled up next to her. She looked about twelve, with the same grey eyes of her mother.
“What’s your name?” The girl asked.
“Olympia Jackson-Chase,” Olympia sighed.
“I’ve noticed you doing cabin activities with us, but you don’t sleep with the other Athenians? What’s up with that?”
Olympia took a deep breath, and began to explain, “I’m a-“
“Wait. Jackson-Chase?” The kid gasped.
Oh, here we go, Olympia thought, preparing for the usual swooning and/or geeking out.
“Your mother was Annabeth Chase?”
Olympia was slightly taken aback, “Usually, people talk mostly about my father. I’m always “The daughter of Percy Jackson,” never “the daughter of Annabeth Chase.””
“Oh but she’s a legend! She re-designed Olympus! She led our cabin in battle against the Titans! She even held up the sky! I mean, I know your dad did that too, but-“
“She did it for longer. She was under that thing for over a day, he only held it for at most 20 minutes.”
The girl laughed.
“And, if you ask me, she was the one who did all the work when it came to defeating Kronos. Dad did jack shit, just handed a knife to a guy.”
“Exactly! Just because he was in the Prophecy-“
“Nah, it’s a lot simpler than that,” Olympia said, “It’s because he’s a man.”
They sat in silence for a bit.
She never blamed her dad for overshadowing her mom. He didn’t mean to. In fact, he openly hated the stories that didn’t recognise her for all she did. They were so in love, it was sickening.
“I can’t believe she’s, like, my sister.”
The girl gasped, and grabbed Olympia’s arm, “Wait, does that make me your aunt?”
Olympia shook her head, “Don’t bother with family trees, man, otherwise you get into the whole “my dad’s dad is my mom’s mom’s uncle, which makes me kinda my mom’s second cousin, and my dad her cousin-once-removed”- it’s just too much to get your head around.”
She looked directly into the girl’s grey eyes, “My advice, kid, believe whatever bullshit they tell you about the Gods not having DNA, and just try not to think about it.”
The girl’s face fell. “Oh.”
Then she looked exited again, “Did you come out of her tummy or her head like I did with my mom?”
And there we go, Olympia thought. Geez, they didn’t hesitate to ask the really invasive questions, did they?
She took her three-pronged fork out of her pocket, and fidgeted with it, twirling it in her fingers. Instantly, she realised her mistake.
“Why do you carry a fork around and never eat with it?” The girl asked. More questions.
Might at well get it over with, she thought.
“Gift from Grandpa,” she replied.
“A gift from Poseidon? What does it do?”
She sighed again, and dangled the fork over the girl’s glass of orange juice, and let go. It dropped into the glass with a satisfying plop, and then rose to the surface. No, it wasn’t rising. It was growing. It’s shaft elongated, and the prongs stretched to become longer and way more deadly. Intricate designs started carving itself into the metal. Olympia stood up, and grabbed the shaft of the fork just as it finished growing. A three-pronged death skewer of pure celestial bronze. A Trident.
The surrounding campers gaped at her, open-mouthed.
“Woah,” said one of the Hephaestus campers, clearly someone who hadn’t seen the spectacle before.
“Sorry Chiron,” Olympia called. She twisted a little ring of metal around the shaft of the trident, and it shrank back into a fork. She sat back down.
“It responds to water,” she explained, “get it wet, and boom, Trident.”
She had named it Blue. It was her first word, after all. Or at least, that was the story. Poseidon had given it to her on her second birthday, and she had just looked at it, holding it in her tiny fist, and cried “bloooo!” It was probably just baby babbling, but Dad said it counted.
“So what’s Poseidon like? Do you have water powers too? Can you get me your mom’s autograph? Is your dad really 7ft tall?”
She ate the rest of her lunch in silence, only answering the onslaught of questions from the young camper when she had to.
Cabin 3 offered a pleasant respite from the crowds and the people. She dropped her armour and weapons from the day’s activites by the door and kicked off her shoes.
She looked at herself in the mirror.
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(Drawing of Olympia: Art by me)
Her curly black hair, which she’d dyed the tips of blonde, was pulled back into a messy ponytail. Around her neck hung a necklace of leather chord, fourteen different coloured beads threaded onto them, each painted with a different design. Her broad shoulders and thick muscles bulged through her plain navy-blue tank top. Her skin was tanned from spending long hours training in the sun. She had a battle-hardened look to her that meant people often mistook her for a daughter of Ares. But her eyes was what made her stand out most- one grey, like her mother, one green, like her father. Her parents had told her how her birth had ended the centuries-long feud between Poseidon and Athena for good, and she had been given those eyes as a way of symbolising that. Another story. It felt like every part of her body had been attached to a story about something her parents had done. Why couldn’t she just be herself? She had spent 16 years living under the shadow of her parents, she was homeschooled from an early age, and had been going to camp since before she could even hold a sword- the demigod life was all she’d ever known. Someday, she’d get away from it all. She’d sink to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and just study the fish, and she wouldn’t have to worry about people or monsters
Suddenly, she felt something tap her on her shoulder. Quick as lightning, she grabbed Blue and spun around. Blue, still in fork form, was about a centimetre away from the neck of her intruder, who held up his hands in surrender.
“Whoah there!” He said.
When she saw who it was, she lowered the weapon and pulled him into a tight hug.
“Leo!” She cried.
“Hey, how’s my favourite cousin? Or… whatever.”
She looked at him and smiled. Despite him being old enough to be her dad, he was about half her size. With a thin, wiry frame and very little meat on his bones. His wild, curly brown hair framed his pointed face and elfish features. His dark skin was covered in a thin layer of motor oil and grime of unknown origin. He tapped her cheek affectionately, leaving a grubby handprint on her face. He walked over to her bed and leaped onto the top bunk, his legs dangling off the ladder.
“You need to stop growing,” he instructed, “You are getting too big, it’s not fair.”
“You need to stop being so short,” Olympia retorted, then her face broke into a huge smile, “I feel like I never see you anymore!”
“I know, you’re too old for me to babysit now, kiddo,” He complained.
“Well that always ended in disaster anyway. There’s still burn marks on that wall.”
“Did your mom find out?” He asked.
“Nope. Dad told her he just wanted to hang more pictures up. And then he went on a long speech about how nice she looked in that wedding photo, and then took her out for ice cream. I think she bought it.”
They stayed in comfortable silence for a few seconds, and then she asked, “So… it’s great that you’re here and all, but… why are you here?”
“What, I can’t come and visit my favourite partner in crime every now and then?”
“Leo…” Her tone was firm.
Leo’s face was suddenly dark and serious, he paused before speaking, but said, “I think I have news about your brother.”
That was Chapter 1- if this post gets… let’s say… 30 notes, I’ll post Chapter 2.
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kandii000 · 1 year
Pjo mermay 7/11 Hazel bioluminescent jellyfish
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sweetnnaivete · 3 months
just posted the first chapter of my hoo x thg fic if you guys want to check it out 😖
tags . . . @nuncscioquidsitamor-13 @kozumesphone
@sleepinginmygrave @55kywalker @maybxlle @puffoz
lmk if you want to be added / taken off of this specific story's taglist ! i won't be offended, i know it's not interesting to everyone
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currymunches · 11 months
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Bad Boy Supreme looking intense 🔥
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josendlessmonolouge · 3 months
Lazy stay at home days with heroes of Olympus boys headcanons
frank, Leo, Jason, Percy
i think he probably has some post traumatic arthritis from all the injuries he sustained in the war (just like me frr except I wasn’t saving the world I was just weak) so while he usually likes to be active maybe go for a long run in the morning or go on a hike with you, some days he aches too much to do the active sort of date he prefers. He feels guilty if he spends a day not actively being productive or working out so I think these are probably the only lazy at home days he gets. I think likes to spend days at home days watching sports, or nature documentaries (getting new ideas of what he can transform into) while cuddling. He peppers lots of his own fun facts and dry humor in though. he’s not the best at cooking, as his grandma never cooked, they had a maid who cooked for the family. However, every now and then his mom would bake with him. but he still loves to cook with you. I think he likes to play chess, checkers, and other two person strategy games. Finish the day off with breakfast for dinner. Probably waffles with lots of fruit with some bacon or ham.
Leo’s ideal stay at home day with his partner? Probably playing Mario cart or Mario party. You, Him, A bowl of guac, an entire bag of tortilla chips. Sitting on the floor playing video games or building legos.. oh man he’d have every Star Wars Lego set. He’s in heaven. I think he lets you play with his hair too. He’s definitely a little spoon/sit on your lap/ lean on you not the other way around. he’s very skinny and pretty bony likely more so than you and doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable. Finish the day off with a fire in the backyard maybe some roasted hotdogs some 80s rock-n-roll CDs playing. I think he’d dance with you, not well at all but he’d try and you would just eat it up. Maybe watch some classic Mexican movies while y’all fall asleep- he’d like that. Tbh I think he just loves 80s comedies.
Jason is like Frank in that he struggles to have a day to wind down without feeling guilty. You have to force him to just chill out for a day man. Even so I think his ideal day is pretty structured. Wake up at 6am, make breakfast trying his best not to wake you up too. I feel like Jason loves him some steak and eggs for breakfast, bro was raised by wolves, he also can’t cook that many things… but he tries to make you something too. I think his love language is acts of service, so he makes you pancakes or a smoothie or just something simple that he knows is going to taste good. He wants to workout or train so bad but he knows it’s good for his muscles to have a day off plus he can spend it with his amazing partner. Honestly what he’d like most is doing your hobbies with you. I think he just likes to see you smile.
Percy: Percy needs a day off bro and he knows it. Percy’s idea of fun? Build a pillow fort in the kitchen with a Blue blanket (bare with me), fish patterned blanket on the floor. Man makes the cozy pillow version of the tunnel room in an aquarium. Don’t tell me he doesn’t have one of them y2k fish lamps. He and and you hang out there for the whole day him probably with a shark stuffie in his lap. I think because Poseidon is his father he’s really good at doing sailor’s knots and tying nets, therefore meaning he’s good at macramé and friendship bracelets so I think he’s like to make bracelets with you. Maybe watch some Jeremy wade or romcoms on a lap top. Play some board games. Listen to an audio book while curled up together. Just a nice slow paced day is all he needs
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sodamnbored · 1 year
I fucking LOVE writing oh my god
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tsarisfanfiction · 1 year
The Midnight Healer
Fandom: Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo Rating: Gen Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst Characters: Will Solace, Nico di Angelo Not all new campers arrived in the daylight, and it was usually the ones that arrived in the dead of night that needed the most help. Day one of @solangeloweek "Night Light (Will Solace)". This was my second attempt at writing something for this prompt because the first one just didn't want to co-operate, but I really like what I ended up with! This is set somewhen post-Trials of Apollo but could be anywhen afterwards! Reminder that there’s now a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi!
It was dark.  Over the years, Will had got used to the dark – once upon a time it had been unfamiliar to him, a son of Apollo who slept with the sun and then rose with it again the next morning, even before he’d known who his father was, who he was, but then he’d got better and better and better at healing and not all new campers arrived in the daylight.
It was usually the ones that arrived in the dead of night that needed the most help, lingered closest to death and Thanatos’ waiting wings, and Will had long since lost count of the number of times he’d been pulled from his bed at some point during Artemis’ shift, when the sun wasn’t even a glimmer teasing the horizon, because someone was dying and he was their best chance at surviving until the morning.
Sometimes, he wasn’t enough.
Chiron had chivvied him out of the infirmary when Thanatos had come, a god Will had never seen face to face but knew the feel of better than almost any other.  It wasn’t an encouragement to go back to bed and sleep – there would be nightmares, now, if Will even tried – but the old centaur’s token effort to shield him from the loss.  Too little, too late, after Lee, after Joy and Robyn bleeding out beneath his hands, after Elias and Sally battered and clammy and dripping wet with water instead of life in their lungs, after Nathan’s torn off arm and Michael’s abandoned bow.
Being left alone to think after another life lost was no better than preparing the body for a funeral – and Will had done both enough times to know.
A hand caught his as he stumbled aimlessly across the camp, uncaring about the harpies circling – they wouldn’t attack him, never attacked Apollo kids for being out after-hours – and without even looking, Will sank bonelessly into waiting arms.  He couldn’t see in the dark, anyway, never had been able to.  Some Apollo kids could see as well in the dark as they could in the day, but others never got night vision no matter how long they were trapped in the dark – Will had always been the latter.
He didn’t need to see.
Nico’s arms wrapped around him tightly and they fell down into solid earth, through shadows that fought to get at Will but could never touch him, and he let his boyfriend take him wherever he was planning with no complaint.
They reappeared by the Sound, where the crescent of a waning moon reflected in the water, a reflection of a reflection of his father’s light, distorted so much that it was barely the same thing anymore.  Nico guided him to the water’s edge, half-carrying him before setting him down where the waves lapped near-soundlessly against the shore.
When Will slumped sideways, physically drained and mentally exhausted, Nico caught him again, settling him against his shoulder in a comforting hold.  A hand ran through his hair, just once, before lips pressed against his temple and fingers tangled with his own in his lap.
Neither of them spoke.  They didn’t need to.  Nico hadn’t been in the infirmary, hadn’t been summoned to save the life of a camper whose string the Fates had chosen to cut regardless, but the way he’d appeared, caught Will and whisked him away told him that Nico knew, had felt a soul pass from the living to the Underworld, and had come looking for him, because of course Will would be the healer on duty in the middle of the night.
It was always Will.  He was the best healer in the cabin – Jerry showed promise but he was still new, Raphael and Emma had gone home for the fall, and the rest of his siblings were better at inflicting wounds than healing them – but even if he hadn’t been, he was the head counsellor, the big brother.
Lee had never let Will be the one summoned in the middle of the night, always going himself despite Will surpassing him in healing ability after a year or two at camp, and at the time Will had never understood why.  Michael wasn’t a good enough healer to take the midnight shifts but Robyn had stepped up instead, and Will hadn’t understood why then, either – he was the better healer, he’d seen people die, had lost people he’d tried to save, why wasn’t it him?
He understood, now.
It was different, at night, when they had no evidence of their father in the sky and everyone else was sleeping.  When the darkness closed in, fought against the light of healing, dragged souls into Thanatos’ embrace.  When they were the light, not their father in the sky, and sometimes they weren’t enough.
Will would never let his siblings take the burden instead, not as long as he was around to shoulder it himself, the same way Lee, the same way Robyn, and all the other midnight healers before him had.
He wondered if they’d had someone to catch them, too.  If Lee had snuck into cabin ten to cry on Miri’s shoulder, sneaking back out at the first rays of dawn before her siblings awoke, if Robyn had kicked Nathan awake while the rest of them slept to rage silently at the injustice while Michael cursed along with her.
He hoped so.
He’d spent a year suffering the midnight healings alone, the ones where they made it but also the ones that didn’t, whose injuries were too much even for him, on top of the grief from the first war that still threatened to consume him when it struck, and now he had Nico he didn’t know how he’d managed without.
Nico didn’t say anything, just held him as grief and exhaustion crashed down and the tears fell.  Will burrowed his face in the junction of Nico’s throat and shoulder, into soft and worn fabric and cool skin, and sobbed.
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verlierer-is-lost · 7 months
Now that my Valgrace fanfic is done, here’s the link:
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captainsophiestark · 5 months
Anniversary Allergies
Piper McLean x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Summary: Y/N tries to do something nice for their 6 month anniversary with Piper, but slightly underestimates just how much their allergies will hate being anywhere near the Demeter cabin
Word Count: 1,183
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
Relationship anniversaries are no joke when you're dating a daughter of Aphrodite.
I knew that, and I'd been trying to figure out how to prepare for one for the better part of the past week. I'd been dating Piper McLean, the love of my life, for almost six months, and I wanted to make our anniversary extra special.
With a little help from Annabeth and her strategic planning, I put together a whole day of things for Piper and I to do around Camp Half-Blood. I debated getting permission from Chiron for us to go into New York, but eventually decided against it. A lot of the best memories so far of us being together had come from being at camp, so it only felt right to celebrate at camp too.
I spent the day before our anniversary making sure everything was perfect, then woke up extra early on the morning of. I knew Piper would probably have something of her own planned, but I also knew that waking up early enough would make sure I beat her to it with my own plans, at least to start.
I strolled through camp with a smile on my face, the sun just peeking up over the trees, and headed for the Demeter cabin. The most classic, romantic thing I could think of to start the day was a bouquet of roses for Piper, so that's what I was going to get her, my own allergies be damned. If I could exist around all these plants at camp for months at a time, a couple of flowers couldn't be that bad, right?
I pushed open the door to the Demeter cabin, a big smile on my face. Most of these kids were insanely early risers, and I found Katie and Miranda sitting at a table in the back, catching up with each other while working on a planter box between them.
"Good morning!" I called, striding over to them with a smile on my face. They turned to me with smiles of their own, but before they could get a word out, I doubled over with the force of a deafening sneeze.
Miranda raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Just- ACHOO!"
Another fit of sneezes seized me, and I doubled over again, tucking my face into my elbow. It went on for the better part of 30 seconds, and when it finally stopped, I let out a long groan before straightening.
"Okay, I should maybe go outside. But I came in here because- because- DAMMIT!"
I swore loudly before doubling over again in another fit. Katie and Miranda appeared on either side of me, looking concerned, but I didn't have a handle on myself enough to so much as acknowledge them.
"What's going on in here?"
I whirled around at the sound of my girlfriend's voice, managing to meet her eyes for just a second where she stood in the doorway before doubling over in another sneezing fit.
"Di immortales, why would you come in here?" I heard her cry between my earsplitting sneezes. A moment later, her hand gripped my upper arm and started dragging me towards the door. I stumbled after her, another fit of sneezes hitting me when I got a little too close to a patch of lavender on the way out.
I stumbled after Piper a few more steps, until we were well away from the doorway of the Demeter cabin. I stayed doubled over for a few minutes after the last sneeze ended, then when I felt confident it was finally over, I groaned and straightened up. My eyes were still a little puffy, but I could clearly see Piper staring at me with one eyebrow raised, a hand on her hip.
"What were you doing?" she asked. I gave her a sheepish smile.
"I... wanted to get you a bouquet of roses for our anniversary. To start the day off right."
Piper pinched the bridge of her nose.
"So to begin our anniversary... you thought the best choice would be to expose yourself to a bunch of things you're allergic to, to the point that I had to drag you out of the Demeter cabin and almost decided to drag you up to Will in the infirmary?"
"Well, when you put it like that..."
Piper shook her head and laughed, the sound bright and perfect, then moved forward to pull me into a soft, lingering kiss. She had a beaming smile on her face when she finally pulled away.
"That's incredibly dumb and incredibly sweet. Happy anniversary."
"Happy anniversary, Pipes."
I gave her a smile of my own, then pulled her back in to continue our kiss. We probably would've stayed like that for a while, except for the fact that the rest of camp was slowly waking up and getting moving, and a few different cabins were making faces and fake-gagging as they passed us.
Piper and I pulled apart again, still sharing grins. She looked me up and down, then spoke.
"So, how are you feeling? Do I need to rush you to Will for some antihistamines, or are you alright?"
"I think I'm fine, as long as I stay away from the Demeter cabin. Although, I should probably let Katie and Miranda know I'm alright..."
I turned back to Piper after briefly glancing back towards the Demeter cabin, and found her with a mischeivous look on her face.
"Or?" I asked.
"Or you could let your girlfriend, who's entire superpower magical heritage revolves around love and romance, take the lead on our second anniversary activity of the day."
I sighed dramatically, throwing my head back, but when I met Piper's eyes again it was with a big smile.
"Alright, I guess you can take over for the first anniversary activity. But I planned some other great stuff for the rest of our day that's gonna be way better than the whole flowers thing."
"Oh yeah?"
"I don't know, I think dragging you out of the Demeter cabin to save you from a fatal sneeze attack is pretty unbeatable."
"Alright, whatever. Why don't you take me to your ideal first anniversary activity then, O wise and knowing daughter of Aphrodite?"
"I will. Tell me what you think about this: you and me, a beautiful clearing in the woods all to ourselves, and a breakfast buffet-picnic with all your favorite foods to start the day?"
"...That literally sounds perfect. You are really, really good at this."
"I try." She smiled and leaned in to kiss my cheek, taking my hand as she did so. "Now come on, we have a whole day of celebrating waiting for us."
"Yeah, we do. I've got lunch all planned, and you're gonna absolutely love it."
"I can't wait."
We shared another smile as we headed off through camp together, hand in hand and lost in our own little world. The sun shone down on us for the most perfect weather I could've asked for, and despite a somewhat rocky start, I knew today was going to be perfect.
As long as I was with Piper, every single day would be.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Riordanverse Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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I Was Lost Within the Darkness but Then I Found You
Summary - Leo Valdez has a nightmare. A chilling nightmare… involving his partner.
Leo Valdez x Demigod!GN!Reader (they/them pronouns used!)
Category - Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst (if you squint)
TW - Use of “Gods” as an exclamation, Canon demigod nightmares… ?
Please let me know if I missed anything!
Contains - Sad Leo™ … but reader fixes that right on up <3
Word count - 516
Author’s Note - I have a few things I need to quickly cover. Firstly, I want to thank everyone for their patience. I am sure I am not the only one to notice my writing’s recent absence. Life has been kind of crazy lately and I appreciate your continued cooperation with me. Secondly, I recommend listening to “Until I Found You” by Stephen Sanchez while reading for full effect :) Finally, I want to thank my Argo III buddies (yes, I know some of you are here…) for getting me pumped up. Without you, this fic would not be here for everyone now! With no further ado, please enjoy!
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A soft but repetitive knock on the door woke Y/N. Thank the gods their siblings were all away for the winter or they would have had a full-blown mutiny on their hands. Grasping around their nightstand for their alarm clock, it took them a moment to recover the elusive item. When discovered, it assaulted their eyeballs with a vengeful glare of light. Guess it didn't want to be disturbed, either. Huh, Y/N thought, join the club.
3:28 in the morning. Yeah, they weren't too pleased about that.
Throwing the warm, tight covers off of themselves, fully prepared to spar with whoever decided to interfere with the delicate work of Hypnos, Y/N whipped open the door. Immediately, all their anger washed off them in a tsunami wave.
There was their boyfriend, Leo Valdez. Shaking like a leaf in the slight draft allowed through the magical barrier of Camp Half-Blood. Overall, not their favorite sight.
"Oh, my Gods!" Y/N exclaimed, grabbing the frozen boy by the shoulder and pulling him in.
"I was outside the door," was all he managed to mumble.
"Yeah, I could see that," All humor disappeared from Y/N's face at the look on Leo's.
"What's wrong?" They were suddenly on guard.
"I- Um, I..." Leo trailed off as a violent shudder racked over him.
"Oh, Gods, c'mere!" Within seconds, Leo was sat cross-legged on his partner's bed, wrapped up burrito-style in the fluffiest blanket Y/N could steal off one of their half-sibling's beds. Y/N sat in front of him.
Immediately, he collapsed into their arms.
"I had a nightmare," he sniffled. "I couldn't figure out where to go."
Y/N placed a solid kiss on his forehead before responding.
"You know you can come here right away," they pouted dotingly.
"I... couldn't," he struggled out. "It was about you."
"What..." Y/N took a deep breath to compose themself. "What did I do?"
"Not what you did... what was done to you," Leo emphasized.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Y/N cooed.
"No..." Leo moved for the first time in minutes, shaking his head vigorously.
Y/N shushed him to calm down, rubbing their hands up and down his arms comfortingly.
"Please, can you just... sing to me?" Leo requested, voice dipping to an all-time low.
Y/N agreed eagerly. As they helped arrange for Leo to lie against their pillow, they admired him. Even in his weakened state, he trusted them. They knew his past. They knew that having his trust was no laughing matter. He knew they intended to honor it.
Leo snuggled close to their warmth. He nuzzled his face into the crook of their neck and allowed them to wrap their arms around his waist.
They could feel Leo's breath slow as they began, their whispered tone making the intimate scene feel like home. At least, that's how Leo felt.
"Leo," Y/N hummed. "Wrap me up in all your-"
"I want you in my arms," Leo added.
"Oh, let me hold you."
That is exactly what they did.
I'll never let you go again...
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dividers courtesy of the lovely @saradika-graphics and @cafekitsune <3
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