#Hey guys sorry to step in what if he has problems but is also happy energetic guy at the same time
tsukasalover · 7 months
heyyy i’ve been really inactive on here but i Am thinking about tsukasa and planning something. Go think about tsukasa tenma’s duality
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thatgenericwriter · 10 months
The Fake Boyfriend || Gregory House
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Paring: Dr. Gregory House x fem!reader
Summary: When a creepy dude starts hitting on you in the hospital you go to the closest person for help
Warnings: catcalling and gross men
"Hey sexy!" You turn to look at who's getting catcalled. Not finding any women looking uncomfortable. Actually, not finding anyone around you at all. No one but a creepy dude who is actively walking closer and closer to you.
'.....oh shit!' You turn around and start walking faster to the cafeteria doors. You pray that there's somebody in there that can help you.
"Hey pretty lady! Why are you walking away from all of this?" You shudder in disgust and start walking even faster to the now approaching cafeteria doors.
You can feel him getting even closer to you. And you're practically running by the time you open the doors to the cafeteria. Quickly scanning the room you spot two men sitting at one of the tables.
Praying that this works you turn around to confront the gross man who has now made it inside the cafeteria with you.
"Please leave me alone sir. I have a boyfriend and he's sitting right over there." You tell this man while gesturing to the men behind you.
"Yeah sure you do why don't you go over there and prove it." You take a deep breath as you hoped he wouldn't ask this. But letting out a shaky exhale you turn around and walk towards the table with the two men.
You hear him walking behind you, and as you get closer you can tell that these two men are actually doctors at this hospital.
"Hey sorry I'm late honey! Traffic was crazy getting here! I hope I didn't miss all of your lunch break." You slide in next to the closest guy to you. Which happened to be a ruff looking man in a suit. And as you took a second closer look you noticed the cane that he had under the table.
You give the two men a pleading look before turning back to the catcaller beside the table. "See I told you my boyfriend was here. So now will you please leave me alone."
You can tell that the two men now understand what's happening. The guy sitting across from you sits up straighter and has a more threatening look on his face. And the man that you had sat by lazily puts his arm around you and pulls you in to him more.
"This cripple is your boyfriend? Baby girl I could please you better than this man ever could." You felt the man's arm wrap around you tighter as this creep said this.
"Are you sure about that? Because I make a killer lasagna!" The man across from you rolls his eyes at the other man's comment before turning to look at the creep.
"Sir if you do not leave my friend's girlfriend alone I will have you personally escorted out of this hospital, and then make sure that you never step foot in this hospital again." This got the creepy man to scoff and roll his eyes before making an off handed comment about you not even being hot enough to be worth all this trouble. Before turning around and leaving the cafeteria.
As soon as the door shut behind him you let out a breath of air that you have been holding in, and relax into your seat before turning and looking at the two men that just saved you.
"I am so sorry for interrupting you guys! But also thank you so much for saving me from that creep."
The friendly looking man across from you tells you that it's no problem and that they were happy to help before introducing himself to you.
"I'm Dr. James Wilson and my lovely friend over there is Dr. Gregory House." You tell them your name and before you know it you're having a pleasant conversation with them. Well mostly with Wilson with house butting in with a sarcastic quick every now and again. But a pleasant conversation nonetheless.
That is until Wilson's pager goes off. He apologizes to both of you before leaving the cafeteria briskly. But not before sending a not so subtle wink to House. And that's when you realize that House has yet to take his arm off of your shoulders.
"I should also get going. My niece should be done with her test by now and I've got to get her home." You quickly scribble your number on one of the napkins on the table with a pin from your purse before sliding it over to House.
"Here's my number just in case you want to save me from anymore creepy men." You get up, after House removes his arm from around you, and grab your bag to start leaving.
You're halfway to the door before you hear house talking from behind you. "It's true you know!"
This stops you in your tracks as you turn back around to face House. "What?" You asked bewildered.
"It's true that I make a great lasagna. How about you come over to my place tomorrow night and prove me right." You give him a little smirk before nodding your head and agreeing.
You turn around again and are almost out the cafeteria doors before you hear House talking once again. "I'll text you the deets!" You shake your head in amusement before letting the door shut fully behind you and walking to the elevator to go get your niece.
Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed my first house fic!
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xxchumanixx · 6 months
No problem ma dear. I'm sure you're going to make the absolute freaking best our of my request. Happy to hear that you are going to make a story out of it 🥹♥️
Restoring faith
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Tim Bradford x reader
Warnings/Tag: fluff, language, comfort, angst, hurt, readers ex was abusive, grumpy Tim (yes, he's a warning), not entirely proof read yet Word count: 5.933 Authors note: Hello love, thank you so much for the request! I had so much fun writing it, and again, I'm sorry for losing the original request (but, tell you what, I managed to get the request at least copied and pasted, because I hadn't closed tumblr on my laptop yesterday and it was still there (even though it was just a bug, but hey, i managed to copy the text)) Fun fact: My daughters name is gonna be Hailee one day (If I ever get a daughter). Also, I might have messed a little with the timeline (in terms of Celina appearing a little earlier) Here's the original request:
"I currently can't stop thinking about Tim Bradford so I came up with this grumpy Tim request, cause I need grumpy Tim becoming the protective sweet guy he is. Tim has a new neighbor, a single mom. Afraid that now his peace and quiet in his home will be over, he's convinced of the contrary when reader's little girl wrapped the grumpy neighbor around her little fingers.  
Reader wants to start a new life away from her abusive ex and so she moved states with her daughter. Tim instantly melts when the cute little girl gets bubbly when she sees Tim. 
In the meantime Tim has a suspicion why reader is a single mom, she flinches when there're loud noises or when he gets too close to her. One night she wanted to do something in her apartment and fell from the ladder hitting her head hard. Her daughter runs to Tim telling him her mommy is hurt. Reader has a bad concussion and at first doesn't recognize Tim thinking it's her ex hurting her. From that moment her secret is revealed and Tim swears to himself he's going to protect these two at all costs. Perhaps we can also see Tim nursing her back to health with her concussion 😱🙃🥹 "
Now, without further ado, enjoy!
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Rolling your eyes you sat the box in your hands down. Where did she go now? "Hailee?" you repeated louder, leaving the kitchen to go look for your daughter.  
Leaving the house you saw her at your car, with a stranger.  
"Hailee!" you called, as you suddenly panicked, running towards her. The stranger took a step back, holding up his hands.  
Stopping in front of your daughter, shielding her as you softly pushed her behind you, you looked up at the stranger.  
"Can I help you?" you asked, heart racing. 
Did he find you? But he was in jail - he shouldn't even know you moved states.  
"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to intrude." the man returned, smiling slightly. "My name's Tim Bradford, I'm your neighbor. I saw that your daughter was alone and I just wanted to make sure she's okay."  
Eyes widening, you sighed in relief.  
"Sorry, I just-" you started, but cut yourself off. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N. We just moved here. Nice to meet you." He nodded, eyes wandering over the many boxes in and around your car. 
"Do you need help?" he asked, motioning at the boxes. "Oh..." you made, swallowing. "Yeah, some help would be nice, thank you." He smiled, a smile that caused you to return it.  
"Okay..." he mumbled, randomly picking one of the boxes and starting to walk towards the house. Picking up a box as well, you let Hailee walk in front of you, following Tim.  
He stood in the entryway, looking around. "Where do these boxes go?" he wanted to know. Reading what was written on the side of the box you motioned for the living room.  
He nodded, putting the box down.  
His eyes wandered over the numerous kids toys already scattered on the floor, cocking a brow.  
Clearing your throat awkwardly, you put your box down beside his.  
"She loves these toys, she's five." you explained, licking your bottom lip. He didn't seem too convinced of a five-year-old in his neighborhood, but you wouldn't let him judge early. 
Motioning outside, he walked out, picking up another box.  
"Hailee, honey, would you please stay here and wait for mommy and Tim to get the boxes inside?" you asked of her, motioning at the toys. She nodded, sitting down on a blanket and grabbing a few of her barbies.  
Nodding to yourself you walked outside, as Tim met you halfway, box in hand. 
It took an hour for you to bring all of the boxes inside, but when you were done you sighed in relief.  
"Thank you so much." you thanked Tim, handing him a beer. "I wish I could invite you for a dinner as a thanks, but my kitchen isn't ready for cooking yet, so more than takeout isn't possible for tonight." 
"Oh, don't worry, me and my girlfriend are going out for dinner tonight." he responded, smiling as he sipped his beer. 
His girlfriend. 
Damn, you should have known that a man this handsome would be in a relationship. 
Keeping a straight face, you nodded. "Well then, even better." you told him, smiling.  
When he was gone you and your daughter decided what to eat. "What about chicken nuggets?" you asked, watching her, as she drew flowers. 
"And fries?" Her eyes lit up, as she looked at you, hopefully. "Fries and nuggets for the lady it is, then." you told her, smiling. She cheered, eating a blueberry, before she continued drawing. 
It had been a month, since you and Hailee moved into the house.  
The boxes had been unpacked and the house looked finished. You had seen Tim a few times, had talked to him and met his girlfriend Ashley.  
She seemed nice. 
Your new job had already begun, and Hailee was at the kindergarden. It seemed all good, letting you breathe more freely, since you moved states.  
Tim seemed hesitant whenever Hailee was near, like he was afraid she could disturb his peace, the quietness that convinced you to move to this street. 
You had just been grocery shopping, Hailee was playing with a stuffed animal you had bought for her, whilst you were unloading the car, when Tims truck parked in his driveway. 
He got out, slinging his backpack over his shoulder, as he saw you. Coming over, he greeted you. "Hey." you gave back, heart pumping a little faster. 
Even though he was in a relationship, that didn't mean that he wasn't handsome.  
His eyes briefly wandered to Hailee, who was playing with the stuffed animal, making sounds to emphasize it. He bit his cheek, not seeming convinced that she wouldn't start shouting any second. 
Clearing your throat you averted his attention back to you. "How is Ashley?" you asked, smiling. He stiffened, biting his cheek, but he tried to cover it up. "Oh, she's doing great." he lied, wearing a tight lipped smile. 
Biting your lip, you nodded. You weren't bad at profiling people, but you could've still been wrong about it. 
"How was work?" he wanted to know, adjusting his backpack. "Oh, it was great." you told him, nodding with a smile. "The coworkers are very nice, I think I'll stay."  
He nodded, and you made a little more smalltalk, before you realized that you had groceries that needed to be cooled.  
Apologizing, you said goodbye, before you and Hailee went inside. You looked back over your shoulder, seeing as he did the same. He waved goodbye, and you did the same, before closing the door. 
"Mommy?" Hailee asked, sitting down on the couch as you began to unpack the paperbags. You hummed, signalling for her to continue. "Why did Tim lie to you?"  
Eyes widening, you halted for a second, before you continued to pack the grocieries into the fridge. 
"What makes you think that he lied?" you wanted to know, surprised about her even noticing. "He..." she paused, searching for the right words. "He seemed like he didn't like your question."  
Huffing to yourself, you smiled. She clearly came after you. 
"You know, honey, sometimes people don't like to talk about their private life." you told her, continuing to unpack some fruits. "If he doesn't want to talk about breaking up with his girlfriend, than that's okay." 
"But mommy, you told me not to lie." she gave back, brows furrowing. "Lying is bad."  
You nodded, walking over to her with a small juice box with a tiger on it. Handing her the box, you sat down beside her. "That's right." you agreed, as she took the box and opened it. "But some things are private. And maybe he's just too hurt right now, to talk about it." 
Drinking the juice, she nodded. "Okay." she spoke, after putting the juice down on the coffee table. "Can I have some cookies?" Laughing, you shook your head. "No, honey, we'll cook now - cookies later." 
The next day was your day off. Hailee stayed at home as well, so you could spend some time with her.  
You were baking, Hailee helping with the batter. Going through the list of things you needed for the batter, you noticed, that you didn't buy milk. 
"Damn it." you mumbled, biting your lip. "Dam-" Hailee wanted to mimick you, but you shut her up, your hand over her mouth as you sent her a pointed look. 
She grinned, causing you to shake your head, a smile on your lips, as you let go of her.  
You had real luck with her. She was a calm kid, one that wasn't stubborn or petulant - only in the right ways.  
Not like her father. 
Contemplating where to get milk from without driving to the next store, you bit your lip. 
You could go to Tim and ask him. 
"Hailee, what do you say if we ask Tim for some milk?" you asked your daughter, whose eyes lit up at the mention of him. She seemed to have grown a liking to him. 
"Okay." you mumbled, helping her down from the kitchen aisle. She ran forward and to the front door, before you stopped her. "Do you really want to go to Tim with your Frozen slippers?" you asked, cocking a brow. 
She blushed, giggling. "Do you think he likes Elsa, too?" she wanted to know, eyes sparkling. Chuckling, you kneeled down to help her into her boots.  
"I bet he loves her, just as much as you do." you told her, smiling. Giggling again, she slipped into the boots, the little lights on them flashing in multiple colors.  
Opening the door, she ran foward. Luckily Tims house was next to yours, so you didn't have to worry about her running out on the street.  
Picking her up, you helped her to ring the doorbell. It took a few seconds, in which you sat her down again, for Tim to open the door. 
His eyes widened slightly, as he saw you. "Hi." you greeted, blushing a little. "Hey." he returned, eyes narrowing. "We're sorry to interrupt, but we wanted to bake and I forgot to buy milk." you explained, sending him a crooked smile, as you wrung your hands nervously.  
"Do you happen to have some spare, that we can borrow?" His brows rose, one corner of his mouth turning upwards. "Borrow?"  
Biting your lip, you chuckled. "Yeah, with the intention to buy a new one." you explained. He huffed in amusement, before he nodded. "Sure, just give me a second." he told you, before he disappeared back into the house. 
A few seconds later, he returned, handing you the milk. You shrinked back, flinching, before you reminded yourself that he didn't want to cause you any harm. 
His mouth slightly opened, as his arm sank down a little, brows furrowing. Taking the milk from him, you breathed in deeply, trying to cover your reaction up. "Thank you." you nodded, forcing yourself to smile. "I'm gonna go grocery shopping tomorrow, then I'll get you a new one." 
He nodded as well, still a little confused from your reaction.  
When he was about to say goodbye, Hailee spoke up, holding up the new stuffed animal. "This is mr. Bubbles." she told him. You hadn't noticed her bringing it along.  
It was an elefant in the shape of a teacup. She had instantly loved it, after discovering it at the kids section.  
Tim looked at you, like he was looking for help. Motioning at your daughter with your head, you smiled a little. He looked down at her, inspecting the toy.  
"Cool." he told her, forcing himself to smile. "Looks... interesting." She giggled, not noticing his discomfort. But you did. Swallowing, your hand found her back. "Say bye to Tim." you told her. "Bye Tim!" she shouted, already running towards your front door.  
Clearing your throat, you nodded at him. "See you." He nodded in return. "Yeah, see you." 
Sighing on your way back, you swallowed.  
He clearly wasn't fond of the idea of a child next door.  
When the pie and muffins were done, you sighed. 
Your kitchen looked like shit. 
Starting to clean up, your daughter came up to you, chewing on a muffin. "Do you think Tim would like some muffins?" she wanted to know, batting her lashes. 
Licking your lip, you knew exactly what she tried to do.  
But the amount of muffins you had baked, convinced you to say yes - right after her hopeful eyes. 
Nodding, you started to pack some muffins into a box. "I bet he'll like a few muffins." you agreed, smiling encouragingly down at her. She jumped in excitement, waiting for you to put the muffins into the box. 
"Do you want to give him the muffins?" you asked your daughter. She nodded, smiling brightly, as you handed her the box. 
Humming to herself she walked to the front door, slipping into her boots, as she patiently waited for you to follow. 
When you were both ready, you left the house, walking over to Tims. Ringing the doorbell, you waited for him. When he opened the door, Hailee was the first to speak.  
"Hi Tim, I have muffins for you!" 
His brows rose, mouth agape. Swallowing, he licked his lips, crouching down to get a better look at the box in Hailee's hands.  
You were surprised that he did so, after he was so hesitant towards her before.  
"We want to cheer you up!" Hailee told him, smiling brightly. Tims gaze wandered towards you, brow cocked in a silent question, but Hailee was faster than you. 
"Mommy said that you broke up with your girlfriend." she explained, causing his eyes to harden. Your mouth opened, but you kept silent. "When I'm said, I ask my mommy to have some sweets. So I thought, you could use some as well, so you wouldn't be sad anymore."  
He nodded slowly, biting on the inside of his lip. 
God damn it. Kids and their fast mouths. 
"Thank you, Hailee." he told her, smiling at her, as he took the box from her hands. Then he stood back up, gaze fixed on you. "Listen-" you started, but he cut you off. "Thanks for the muffins." he told you, before he went back inside his house, closing the door. 
"Mommy?" Hailee tried to gather your attention, tugging at your sleeve as your gaze was glued to the door. "Did I do something wrong?"  
Looking at your daughter, you knelt in front of her. "No, honey, you did nothing wrong." you told her, stroking her arms lovingly. "He just didn't know, that we know about him breaking up with Ashley."  
Her eyes went wide. "I'm so sorry!" she apologized, eyes watering. Hugging her, you stroked her back. "Don't be, precious. It's all fine." "Is he angry with me now?" she cried, causing your heart to ache.  
The last time she said these words, her father had yelled at her for letting a cup of water drop to the floor.  
It was the last time she had seen him. 
Sighing to yourself, you picked her up. One of the curtains moved, as you walked past them and back to your house.  
Did he see Hailee cry?  
Shaking your head, you stepped inside, closing the door, before setting Hailee down to remove her shoes.  
"Are you angry at me?"  
Your brows furrowed at her question, as you shook your head. "No!" you told her, brushing some hair out of her face. "I'm not angry at you, honey. You did nothing wrong. But, next time, I would be grateful if something like this stays between us, okay? I'm not angry, Hailee."  
She looked up at you with big, round eyes, sticking out her pinky towards you. "Pinky promise?" she asked and you nodded, as your pinky curled around hers. "Pinky promise." 
A few days later, the box you had brought Tim sat on your porch, cleaned and emptied.  
Hailee was at the kindergarden, as you came home. Your work ended earliy, so you had some spare time until you had to pick her up. 
Taking the box, you wanted to open the door, as someone cleared their throat behind you. You flinched, instantly trying to shield yourself, as you turned around. 
It was Tim. 
Letting go of the breath you had held in, your heart hammered in your chest.  
"Hi." you said out of breath, as his brows furrowed in worry. "Are you okay?" he asked, licking his bottom lip. Nodding, you adjusted your bag, as it slid down your shoulder.  
"Everythings fine." you assured him, swallowing. "Just easy to startle, thats all." He nodded, before he cleared his throat. "Listen, I appreciate the muffins - I really do -, but my love life is something I'd like to keep private." he explained. "Yes, Ashley and I broke up, but thats my business, not yours." 
Your cheeks reddened, growing hot.  
"I'm sorry." you apologized, fumbling with the strap of your bag. "My daughter - she was just curious, she thought that you might have not been honest when I asked about Ashley. I know that its not my business, really. I just told her that you might not want to talk about it, and that she shouldn't worry about it. I didn't think much of it."  
He took a deep breath and you flinched again - you just couldn't help it.  
"Is really everything okay?" he asked. You knew it wasn't what he initially wanted to say. "Mhm." you made, biting your lip. He didn't seem convinced, but he didn't press further. 
"Its okay, I just wanted to make clear that its my business." he spoke instead, sending you a crooked smile that was surely meant to lighten the mood a little.  
Nodding, you agreed. "Yeah, I totally get that. Won't happen again." He nodded as well, a light smile gracing his lips. "Okay, thanks for the muffins again." he said, taking a few steps backwards. "They were great." With that he turned, walking to his truck. 
Only then did you notice the backpack resting on his back, indicating that he was off to work. You didn't know what he worked as, but it seemed to be in shifts. 
Getting inside, you breathed in deeply. 
He seemed reserved, but he was nice enough.  
A week later, you and Hailee were at a BBQ hosted by one of your neighbors. You couldn't help but look out for Tim, waiting for him to appear.  
The atmosphere was nice, the people were all friendly and open. Hailee was playing with a few kids around her age, as you were sipping some coke.  
The food was almost ready and you slowly lost hope that he'd still come. 
The fire crackled, heating up, as it suddenly banged, something inside it most likely having caused a reaction. 
You flinched, shrinking together almost unnoticably, as you frantically looked for Hailee. Finding her, still playing chase with the other kids, you breathed a sigh of relief, slowly calming down. 
But, as one of your neighbors - Jeff - pushed another - Henry -, they started to fight. Walking over to Hailee, taking her by the hand, you made sure to be out of harms way, as the men punched at each other. 
When no one was able to stop them, Monica, the wife of Henry, called the police. 
It took them only a few minutes, in which Henry knocked Jeff out, to arrive. When they entered the garden, you couldn't believe, who it was. 
"Mommy!" Hailee whisper-yelled. "Its Tim!" You nodded, somehow flooded with relief. He was a cop. He was one of the safest neighbors you could have. 
Tim and the other officer, a young woman, took a few statements, as you others waited. When they were done, Hailee let go of your hand and before you could have stopped her, she was on her way towards Tim. 
You followed her, sighing. 
"Hi Tim!" she greeted him, smiling up at him. He blinked a few times in confusion, before he smiled, kneeling down in front of her. "Hey Hailee." he greeted her, before his eyes landed on you.  
"Hi, sorry for that." you apologized, blushing. "I couldn't stop her. I think she's excited that you're a cop." He smiled, huffing quietly. "Don't worry." he told you, as you greeted the other officer - officer Chen.  
"It was all fine, until that douchebag-" you cut yourself off, as you squinted your eyes. "Until Jeff pushed Henry." you corrected yourself, sending Hailee a warning look not to repeat what you accidentally said. 
"Don't worry, we have them under control now." officer Chen told you, smiling slightly at Hailee, who seemed far more excited to see a cop, than some others would have been. 
You nodded, thanking her, as Hailee started to ask Tim questions about the various things clipped to his belt. He chuckled at her curiosity, explaining what the things were. 
You huffed to yourself, a little confused.  
She seemed to have him wrapped around her little fingers, after all.
That would surely get interesting. 
A few days had passed since the BBQ, leaving you to think more and more about Seargent Bradford.  
You had learned that he was a Sergeant, working for the LAPD. That explained the shifts.  
You were currently trying to fix a light that bothered you for quite some time now. Sometimes, it would work, sometimes not. 
Even though you were afraid of heights, you had climbed up the old ladder that you found in your basement, having your fingers crossed that it wouldn't shatter under your weight. 
Hailee was sat in the living room, playing with her dolls, as you tried to reach the lightbulb. Taking a shaky breath, you stretched a little further, as you suddenly slipped. 
Losing your balance you fell, your head hitting the ground rather hard. Your sight blurred, as you heard your daughter call out for you.  
She seemed to panic and you wanted to tell her that you would be alright, but you couldn't, as suddenly, the lights went out. 
"Tim!" Hailee called, crying as she frantically kocked on his door. "Tim!"  
The door opened, revealing Tim who looked down at the little girl with worry in his eyes, it only intensifying at her tear stained face. 
"Whats wrong?" he wanted to know, crouching down. "M-My mommy!" she called out, sobbing. "Its my mommy!"  
As fast as he could he picked her up, running towards the open front door of her house. Cursing at himself for not bringing his weapon, he slowly inched forward and into the living room, where her mother lay unconcious.  
"Fuck!" he breathed out, setting Hailee down and calling an ambulance, before he approached her mother. 
"Y/N?" you heard someone call out your name, luring you back into conciousness. "Y/N!"  
Your eyes slowly opened, trying to make sense of the blur you saw. "Hey, what happened?" the person who called out your name wanted to know. Its silhouette came into view and your eyes widened, as you sat up and inched backwards. 
"No, no, no, no!" you breathed out, as the person followed you, before your back hit the wall. "No!" you shouted, as he wanted to grab you, shielding your face with your hands. 
"Why are you here?" you wanted to know, as tears made their way out of your eyes. "You should be in jail, Robert!"  
He halted, you could sense it. "What?" he said, sounding confused. "Who's Robert?" He must have been messing with you, after all you were sure it was him you were seeing. 
"Go away!" you yelled, crying as your thoughts were with your daughter. "Where is Hailee?" "She's here, sitting on the couch." he told you, crouching down in front of you, as he carefully grabbed your hands, removing them from your face.  
"It's me, Tim." he explained, as your view slowly got clearer. "What?" you breathed, searching his face for any indication that it wasn't Tim. But you found none. 
"What happened?" you wanted to know, as you heard sirens. "Hailee came over, calling out for me." he explained, swallowing, as his gaze never left yours. "She said it's her mommy, so I grabbed her and went looking. You were unconscious. I assume you fell down the ladder?"  
Looking over at the ladder, you flinched. Your head exploded. 
"Don't move your head too much." he advised, as paramedics entered the room. "You might have a concussion." 
The paramedics asked what happened and Tim explained, saying that you were unconscious when he found you, that you had fallen off the ladder.  
They put you on a stretcher, securing your head and neck.  
"Wait," you told them, eyes widening. "What about my daughter?" The paramedics looked at each other, as Tim spoke up. "We'll drive after you to the hospital." he assured you. "Okay, thank you." 
He nodded, before you were brought to the ambulance. 
Once you were checked, the doctor, Dr. Sierra, told you the results.
"You have a concussion, miss Y/L/N." she said, reading through the papers she held in hand. Tim and Hailee were at your side, your daughter sitting on your bed.
"We made a scan to see if you have other injuries and requested the data from the hospital in Ohio, which you used to visit rather often, as I see." the doctor continiued, and you swallowed.
Your cheeks got warmer, as she closed the chart.
"There were multiple traumata, broken bones and other injuries." she explained what you already knew. Glancing at Tim she sent you a silent question, but you shook your head.
"No, he's in jail." you explained quietly, fumbling with the bedsheet. The doctor nodded, seemingly relieved.
"You can go in the morning, if your condition stays good." she explained, before she bid you goodbye.
The room grew silent, the only noise being the bedsheets you fisted rather aggressively.
You sensed that Tim had questions; he wanted to know what happened and more importantly, why you were so scared of him at first.
Sighing, you contemplated where your daughter was supposed to stay the night. She couldn't sleep at the hospital, they wouldn't allow it.
Swallowing, you looked at Tim.
"Can I ask you something?" you wanted to know quietly, brushing through your daughters hair absentmindedly. "Sure." he gave back, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
"You don't have to say yes of course..." you started, looking away for a split second. "But, can Hailee stay at your place tonight?" You prayed he would say yes, otherwise you didn't know where else she could stay at.
He nodded, as he bit his cheek.
"Of course." he said. "Where else should she go, when she could cuddle with Kojo?" He smiled, one that made your heart flutter despite the headache that was killing you.
"Thank you, Tim." you returned sincerely, smiling back through the pain. He nodded, before he brushed over his chin, thinking about something. You patiently waited for him, as Hailee played a game on your phone.
It wasn't the best way to keep her occupied, but right now it had to do, especially if it meant she was distracted enough to not listen to you two.
"I don't know what happened back then, but maybe you want to talk to me about it tomorrow?" he offered, sincerity in his eyes. "Or whenever you feel ready."
He was right. He deserved to know.
You nodded, flinching at the pain that shot through your head at the movement. He nodded in return, before he stood. "Hailee, what do you think about ice cream and nuggets?" he wanted to know, looking down at her.
She looked at you, unsure, but you smiled at her.
"Go with Tim, honey." you told her, hugging her. "He'll look after you tonight, whilst mommy stays at the hospital. You can trust him."
She nodded, kissing your cheek and you did the same. "I love you, buttercup." you told her, causing her to smile. "I love you too, mommy."
Tim picked her up, deciding to carry her to the car, as you handed him your keys.
"She's gonna sleep when you're at the car." you whispered, and he nodded, grinning. "I know." he mouthed back, before he said goodbye.
Your daughter waved over his shoulder at you, and you waved back, smiling at her.
The next morning, Tim came with Hailee to pick you up.
Your daughter was excited, jumping into your arms after not having seen you for a couple hours. You hugged her tightly, making her giggle as you tickled her.
Tim smiled, he seemed to be in a good mood.
Not grumpy anymore.
The doctor had dismissed you earlier, right before Tim and Hailee arrived.
When you left the room, walking into the waiting area, you were greeted by two officers. "Sergeant Bradford." one of them greeted him, a man that seemed around his forties.
"Nolan." Tim returned, nodding at him, before he looked at the woman beside him. "Juarez." She nodded in return, greeting him as well, before her gaze landed on you and Hailee, eyes widening.
"Oh, is this your girlfriend?" she asked curiously, but still a little hesitant. Your mouth opened, eyes widening as well.
Why was it so hard for you to respond, suddenly?
Clearing his throat, Tim looked at you, before he looked back at officer Juarez. "No, but she's a friend." he told her. "What are you doing here?"
Officer Nolan seemed hesitant, before he answered Tims question. "We have arrested a robber, but he fell, and we just wanted to make sure, that he's okay, before we bring him in."
Tim nodded, but you were sure there was more behind the story.
He motioned towards the exit, and you nodded. "Was nice to meet you." you told the officers, before you followed Tim out of the hospital and towards his truck.
When you arrived home, you weren't sure how to thank Tim for looking after Hailee, whilst you were at the hospital. Should you invite him for dinner?
Getting out of the truck, you helped Hailee to get out as well. Your head still hurt a little, but it was already better than hours ago, thanks to the painkillers they gave you at the hospital.
"I have a few days off from work, so I can help you with a few things." Tim spoke up, when you and your daughter rounded the truck and came to a stop beside him.
Mouth agape, you looked at him in shock.
"You don't need to do that." you told him, still grateful, but he shook his head. "I want to. Your concussion isn't gone after a day, and you need to rest or otherwise it could get even worse."
Biting your lip, you nodded carefully.
"Thank you, Tim" you gave back. "I really mean it." He smiled slightly, walking towards your front door and you followed him with Hailee by your side.
"You can thank me by getting well."
A few days had gone by, in which Tim had helped you with a few things. He played with Hailee, so you could take a nap or a bath, or would help to cook, so you wouldn't overstrain yourself.
He was different than before.
His grumpiness was all gone, replaced by a person as sweet as the muffins you and Hailee had baked together.
You weren't sure how he got to take these days off from work, but you were grateful for it. One time he was called to the station, because of an emergency that had occurred, but he came straight back afterwards.
You had gotten to learn a few things about him during the days you had spent together, about his past and the things he had seen in his life.
Deciding to make pizza, you made the dough with him helping you, kneading it with his big and strong hands.
Hailee had fallen asleep on the couch, exhausted from playing with him. She only had fallen more for him during the last few days. She really liked him, and so did you, you had to admit.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Tim asked, looking up from the dough.
You knew what he meant, still you had a lump in your throat at the thought of it. Biting your lip, you nodded. He deserved to know, if not for saving you, then for his help during the last couple days.
"I married rather young." you began, licking your lip, as you wiped your hands on a towel. "I was dumb and naive, not having seen the obvious warning signs that came with Robert."
He nodded, as his suspicions about the name you had called him, after you hit your head, were proved true.
"He was abusive." you continued, eyes watering as you bit your lip to stop the tears that threatened to spill. "Even when I was pregnant with Hailee he didn't stop. He took drugs, drank a lot. He used me as his very own punching bag, letting out his anger on me."
You breathed in deeply, leaning against the kitchen counter, as he continued to knead the dough, still listening.
"Half a year ago, he got arrested. He sold drugs, but the cops caught him. When he was finally gone, I made sure to get the divorce through as fast as possible, before we moved here. He'll be in jail for twelve years."
His brows furrowed, as he paused.
"For selling drugs?" he asked, confused. Shaking your head, you swallowed. "Homicide." you breathed, clearing your throat as your eyes filled with tears again. "After he got arrested, they found out that he had killed someone only a few days prior. He was able to make a deal."
He sighed, nodding as it made sense now.
"That's why you flinch, when there's loud noise or when someone gets too close." he concluded, setting the dough aside, wiping his hands clean on a towel.
You nodded, looking away for a split second, before you reminded yourself that you could trust him, looking back up.
"It's something I adapted after all these years with him."
You covered the dough up, so it could rise. It felt good, talking about it with him. Tim cleaned the countertop, before he put the cloth in the sink, drying his hands.
"Now you're safe." he told you, his eyes finding yours. "I promise. I'm gonna protect you and Hailee, as long as you let me." You nodded, cheeks heating up. You already felt safer than you had during the last years, all because of his presence.
“You have some flour on your cheek.” he told you, motioning towards it. You tried to remove it, but he shook his head. “Let me.” he mumbled, his thumb softly brushing over your cheek, removing the flour.
For the first time in years, you didn’t flinch at the contact. 
His thumb rested on your cheek, as his breath fanned over your face, causing your heart to race dangerously fast. Slowly, he leaned closer, your noses brushing as you did the same. 
Your lips softly made contact, his slowly moving against yours. You leaned more in his direction, deepening the kiss. His lips felt perfect, like they had been made to be kissed by yours.
His hands found their way to your hips, tugging you closer, as yours rested on his muscular chest. You knew that it was muscular, because you could feel it through the shirt he wore.
He softly guided your head back with his lips, deepening the kiss even more. His tongue brushed over your lip, asking for entrance.
You gladly granted it.
The kiss was soft, not demanding. His tongue brushed yours, fingers lightly digging into your hips.
Your hands went upwards, one finding his cheek, as the other stopped at his neck.
Only when you almost suffocated, did you break the kiss. It definitely was worth it.
He brushed a few strands of hair out of your face, his gaze finding yours. "What do you say," he started, hand resting on your cheek, sending a warmth through your body, that you hadn't felt in years. "if we go out for dinner?"
You smiled up at him, having a hard time to believe the luck you had. How could someone this perfect be interested in you?
"I'd love to go out for dinner with you, Tim." you told him, causing him to smile as well, before his lips connected with yours again.
It felt like he filled you with energy through his kisses. They caused something inside you to come alive again, only tearing apart as you suddenly heard your daughter behind you.
"Ew, mommy!"
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gracieheartspedro · 11 months
Beggin' for Thread
part 2 of Trash Talk
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pairing: fem!reader x abby anderson (post outbreak, set before the events of tlou2)
description: being stuck with abby and him-who-should-not-be-named on a mission is already a big problem. especially when you're not on your a-game. abby ends up saving your ass. but hey, it may not all be in vain. shit starts to get a bit better.
word count: 9.2k (HAHAHA I got wild with this one.)
warnings: MINORS DNI! this is 18+, no use of y/n, no real descriptions of reader, nsfw, smut, wlw, some slight bullying, this part has a lot of murder in it (so if you're not good with violence, pls skip out), use of guns, graphic description of dead bodies, ow*n is in a lot of this (sorry), dom!abby, abby giving reader a bed bath, fingering, eating out, use of a strap on, dirty talk, name calling. someone lowkey walking in on sexy time? if I missed anything, please let me know.
author's note: the wait is over! the love on part 1 blows me away. I love you guys so fucking much. you each make my heart so happy. thank you thank you thank you!!
“Hey, Heartless. Glad you could join us today.”
His voice makes your skin crawl. You rub your eyes, trying to clear the haze out of your vision. You’re overly exhausted. After Abby left, you never found sleep. You could not get her out of your mind. She left you disoriented. 
“Hey, Owen,” You mutter, his name tastes disgusting in your mouth. He was gross to look at, let alone talk to. You decide to occupy your mind by checking over the guns you were just dispensed while you sit and wait for the jeep you would be loaded into gets gassed up. 
“Heard you and Abby got into it.”
You heart stops. He can’t know?
You hold your composure, not even flinching at the question. If he did know, you’re just going to deny it and tell him to fuck off. 
“What are you talking about?” You play dumb, not ever looking up to meet Owen’s gaze above you. 
“Manny told me you were going in on her yesterday,” He sounds a bit unnerved when he says it. You stop checking over your gun, finally meeting his eyes. Before you can respond, you cock the gun before flicking the safety on. 
“It’s not my fault she can’t pull her fuckin’ punches. We could’ve easily been picked off one by one since she didn’t want to unload her gun at some Scars.”
You don’t even realize how bitter you sound until it all comes out like word vomit. You weren’t even that angry about that, you knew you could handle it all alone. It was the fact that she left you hanging last night and became cold so quick. 
Owen chuckles, “Take it easy, dude. I’m just wonderin’ why you think it’s okay to talk to her like that.”
He’s sizing you up. Typical of a man like Owen. 
You stand up, knowing damn well it was the wrong day for him to do some shit like this to you. 
You sling your rifle over your shoulder, “I’m not in the mood to answer to some fuck ass like you. And I’m also sure your new nurse girlfriend wouldn’t like to hear that her boyfriend is trying to stick up for his ex.”
“Don’t bring Mel into this,” He begins, his stance shifting, “You don’t get to talk about her.”
“And you don’t get to weasel your way into my business because you’re some entitled idiot who thinks every woman owes you something,” You begin to side step past him, “For all our sake, keep your mouth shut and leave the leading to the girls.”
You don’t listen to the rest of the shit he spouts at you. You walk towards Manny, who’s standing next to another guy, you think his name is Alex. You give him a slight nod of acknowledgment. 
“Hey there, cariño,” Manny says a smile creeping across his face, “Sleep well?”
Your skin crawls.
“Like a baby,” You mumble, your eyes feeling heavy as you respond, “Who are we waiting for?”
“Abby and Leah will be here any minute,” Alex explains as he finishes filling the jeep with fuel, “Think they went to grab some breakfast.”
Hearing Abby’s name next to another girl's name made your throat tighten. You can’t be jealous. She’s not yours.
Just as you’re about to say something about being late to your checkpoint, Manny's eyes avert up to the door leading into the stadium. Abby and Leah appear, both holding a plethora of breakfast burritos. Your stomach had been upset all morning because of anxiety, so the idea of food makes you want to hurl. You observe Abby and Leah hand each foiled wrapped tortilla to everyone, making jokes about being late. 
Abby’s eyes lock onto yours as soon as her head turns in your direction. She blinks before avoiding your gaze for Manny’s.
“Nice for you guys to join us,” Alex jokes as Leah walks towards him with an extended hand, burrito in tow. 
You scoff, “Yeah, we should’ve left 20 minutes ago.”
Abby’s face drops from a soft smile to a deadly glare. She gives Manny a burrito, her hands holding two remaining. 
One was meant for you. 
“Yeah? Well you should’ve gotten a head start by yourself. Cleared the way for everyone.”
Her sharpness filled you with rage. She extends some foil towards you. Before you can even say anything, your instincts are to swat her arm away. The burrito flies out of her hand, splattering across the concrete floor. 
“What the fuck,” She yells, her eyes trained on your deadpan expression. You feel a hand on your shoulder, and you glance back to a stern looking Manny. He doesn’t want a repeat of yesterday. 
You look back at Abby’s furrowed eyebrows, her scrunched face causing sharp pains to go across your chest. 
“I don’t like burritos.”
She shakes her head, “So you launch it out of my fuckin’ hands when someone else could’ve eaten it?!”
You don’t say anything, just turn and begin your climb up onto the jeep. You slip onto the spot you found yourself in yesterday, closest to the passenger side. 
You watch everyone hesitantly get in behind you. 
“Are you okay taking the top floors with Owen and Abby? Or do you want to come with me and Leah?”
Manny is adjusting his rifle on his shoulder. You all arrived to the skyscraper you heard Scars were trying to take over to get some higher ground on a popular WLF route. Your goal is to take out every Scar there and prepare it for WLF occupation. 
Manny wanted to make sure you would not act up for Abby and Owen. He didn’t want to deal with the fallout if there was another incident involving you. He really liked you, he didn’t want to see you getting chewed out or possibly killed. You appreciated him looking out for you. 
“That’s fine,” you settle your hands confidently on your gun, “I will be on my best behavior, Manny. Promise.”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
You stay back from the rest of the group as you all walk quietly through the destroyed streets of Seattle. Luckily this area wasn’t consistently flooded, so you didn’t have to wade through any filthy water today. 
Abby walks in front of you next to Leah and Owen. You stare at her backside, trying not to make yourself too obvious. You need to cut it out, you need to focus. 
When you all finally make it to the building, you huddle in with the group to remind each person where they are going. You and Manny hashed it out already so you want to be positive you knew where everyone would be if all hell broke loose. 
Owen cringes when he hears that you’d be joining him and Abby. 
You all split up to your designated places. You let Owen lead not wanting to argue when Scars could be on any corner. He starts towards a staircase, his gun trained forward. You follow him before Abby does, which means she gets to be behind you now. You three head up each staircase, your guns resting on your shoulders. You are as quiet as mice, your footfalls silent. 
Owen stops, turning back to you and Abby. 
“I hear them,” He whispers, pointing up the flight you have yet to go up. You nod, gesturing him to press forward. He continues on. This is when your adrenaline turns to numbness. You forget the emotions you had before you were in this staircase, they are now replaced with pure instinct. 
Owen creeps open the door and that’s when you hear it. 
A whistle from behind you. 
You snap back, your finger and eyes reacting at the same time. A single Scar with their bow trained right on Abby. With one squeeze, they are on the ground bleeding and Abby jumps forward towards your body. She wraps her arms around your waist, her gun aimed towards the door Owen just opened. More whistling. 
You’re not even focused on the fact that Abby has her hands on you, pulling your attention back to the open room of about 10 Scars. Owen is lighting up the room, but firing aimlessly. You hunch down, taking cover behind the door frame. Abby is beside you, tightly gripping onto her gun. You glance over at her. She’s not panicked, she’s not rattled. She’s angry. 
You smirk at her, sickly enjoying her in this state. 
You snap forward, aiming everywhere you see movement. Luckily Owen got the few at the front of the room. One, two, three, drop in their puddles of blood. When more gunfire erupts behind you, instinct is to look back. So when you look back at Abby firing skillfully at the people you missed, you just about fall to your knees. 
When you look back, you realize no more movement stirs the smokey room. 
“Everyone okay?” Owen calls out as you step forward as you wander around each piece of furniture in the room. You want to make sure you’re vigilant. 
“I’m good, are you?”
You step over a man’s body as you spot a foot move behind a desk. 
When you make it over to the body, it’s a girl with her hand over her neck. You aimed at her earlier, you could’ve sworn you aimed higher. 
The fact that your initial thought was how you killed her made your brain snap back. What the fuck are you doing?
She’s trying to speak, but nothing is coming out. Blood is pooling on her chest and hands. You kneel down to her, your demeanor changing from violent murderer to grieving friend. Even with the scars littering her face, she looks just like any other girl you may know. Her mouth is moving but nothing is coming out. You reach out your hand, touching her leg. 
You can feel your stomach flip when you notice a tear slipping from her eye. Guilt riddles your bones, the blood spilling from her by your own hand. 
You swallow thickly before you mutter the words, “I’m so fuckin’ sorry.”
She lets out one final breath. 
You stand, your legs feeling wobbly. You look back at Abby and Owen. He’s not focused on you, but Abby can’t look away from your actions. She gives you a curious look, watching you stumble a bit. 
“What is it?”
You can’t even form words, too taken aback from watching the life slip from that girl’s eyes. It brought you back to when you were a child, watching your sister die. That could’ve been someone’s sister. 
“What the fuck are we even doing?” You ask, trying not to stutter. 
Owen finally looks over at you after stealing a guy’s gun magazine, “What are you talking about?”
You know you’ll get in trouble for saying what you really want to say. You can’t trust either of them. Everything would get back to Isaac. 
So you don’t say anything.
You finish clearing the room, trying to avoid looking at the faces of the deceased. Owen and Abby leave the room while you trail behind them slowly. You’re on edge, trying to shake the emotions and ideas running through your head. It’s the same emotion you felt when that guy tried to force you to butcher a child, probably not even above the age of 10. Their mother stood by, screaming the child’s name, but you were too busy staring into the child’s eyes. 
They are just like us. What are we doing?
Owen kicks open another door, leading you and Abby through what you assumed was an old board room. There was no one there, but as you looked across the water damaged floor, you notice one of the shattered glasses windows. You creep closer, the glass crunching under your boots. You look down to the street, the grass overtaking the main road. You start to imagine what this place probably looked like before the infection. 
Now it’s a wasteland. 
You realize how high up you are when you hear a shaky breath behind you. Abby stands close to you, trying to see what you’re seeing, but instead she starts to panic over the height you were at. You face her, remembering all the times you were forced to take the high ground with her, only for her to have a panic attack and leave you alone. 
She’s practically dry heaving. You push her back, nudging her to get away from the open window. 
“We don’t need you throwing up,” You grumble, your hand on her shoulder, “Stay back.”
She swallows, shaking her head. “Deal.”
Owen scopes out an attached room before you three continue pressing on. You needed to clear every room that wasn’t destroyed by time and vegetation. 
You pander down an empty hallway by yourself, trying to ensure your footsteps are not loud. You grip your gun when you hear a couple voices in a separate stairway. You press yourself against the wall next to the exit, waiting for the voices to get closer. 
“There can’t be that many left. We already got two of them.”
You snap your head the direction Abby and Owen were the last time you saw them. Now it’s only Abby. She stares at you, her eyes glinting with curiosity. You nod towards the door next to you, cocking your gun. 
She knows what that means. She jogs over, trying not to be too loud. 
When she gets to your side, she gets into a defensive stance. The voices are coming down the stairs, you think. 
“Aim up. There’s two.”
She nods right before you kick open the door, exposing the two people on the stairs. They don’t even have time to raise their weapons before Abby riddles them with bullets. 
The sound attracts Owen, who comes stomping down the hallway. 
“There’s more, go down!”
You hold your ground, shaking your head, “We can’t! Isaac said we need to c-”
“Fuck what he said. We are gonna die if we stay!”
Owen is never one to abandon a mission, so you take his word for it. But you know what you heard, if they did kill 2 people, one of them could’ve been Manny. And if they killed Manny, you don’t know what you’d do. Manny is the only other person you can tolerate in the WLF. Besides… you know. 
You have to just hope he’s okay. 
Abby’s eyes widen as she looks down the hall where Owen was just coming from. Whistles erupt and you know what that means. Abby grabs your free hand, practically ripping your arm out of the socket as she takes off down the stairs. 
You’re practically being dragged down the steps, skipping multiple steps at once as Abby never gives up your hand. Owen is close behind, but every so often, he stops to aim up the stairs to spray bullets. He’s trying to slow them down, but he’s also probably attracting more to your location. A door swings open in Abby’s path, and without even thinking for a millisecond, you lift up your gun and shoot directly into the opening. It was just one guy and your aim was spot on. Your mind is solely on protecting the girl who’s incapable of letting go of your hand. 
“Keep moving!”
Another five flights and you’re finally on the ground floor. Abby finally releases your hand, letting you catch your breath for a second as Owen stands his ground and lights up the staircase behind you.
“We need to find the others! Now!” Abby yells over the gunfire.
You stumble forward, checking down the hallway you watched Manny and Leah go down before you three walked up the stairs. You don’t even say anything, you just start running down the corridor. Your throat is tight just thinking of Manny’s lifeless body. 
Two Scars appear behind a corner and you expertly shoot them, running straight pass them without hestitating. You’re in fight or flight mode, your body shaking with fear that you could stumble upon a horrible scene. 
You don’t know when you start doing it, but you start screaming his name. Over and over again. You’re giving away where you are to the enemy, but you did not care.
Before you can finish slaughtering more people, Manny and Leah yell your name from a room at the end of the hall. When you get to the door, you kick it open with all your might, breaking through the door with your foot. 
“¿Qué pasó? Are you alright!?”
You’re panting and on edge, so when you see Manny’s concerned face, you breath a sigh of relief. His voice brings a bit of comfort as well. 
Abby finally makes it to you, her boots halting right behind you, while her hands find the sides of your body. 
“We gotta go! There’s more Scars than we thought. We either go or die!”
You swallow thickly, your body buzzing at the feeling of Abby’s large hands on your hips. She’s not doing it on purpose, it’s almost like she needs to have you close. She needs to protect you just like you protected her.
Manny glances over at Leah, nodding in agreement that they are on the same page. Abby pulls you away from the threshold so they can leave the room they were scoping out. Owen gets to you four, informing everyone where he thinks the Scars could hide and how they would probably make your escape hard. Abby’s hands are still on you. 
You glance back at her, your lips slightly ajar. She looks down at you with hooded lids. 
“We are getting out of here and you’re not leaving my side, got it?” She whispers for your ears only. You just nod. 
You’re just following everyone at this point, keeping your finger trained on the trigger of your gun. Abby follows you closely, not letting you out her eyeline. You run through each corridor, trying to seek out a good exit. When you finally reach the end of a hallway, you peer out the floor to ceiling windows to see if you spot any Scars outside. There’s two rooms beside you that look like they are empty, but there’s no light shining through the thresholds. This is the only way out down this hallway. You were sick of being a sitting duck. When you realize you have no other choices you liked, you shoot out the window. 
The group jumps back at your reaction. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” Owen yells, smacking your shoulder hard. You turn your gun and aim it right at him. Abby’s eyes widen at your action, her arm instantly going up to block the barrel of your gun. She’s pleading with you, her eyes never leaving yours. 
“I’m getting us out of here. Why do you insist on being a prob-”
Before you can get the rest of the word out, you hear footsteps approaching you quickly from the right. All you can remember is the air being taken from your lungs and your body flying sideways, away from Abby’s protective stance. 
When you come to, you’re being held up by someone. You blink slowly, but your eyes will not focus on the person whose arms are holding you tight.
“What’s happening?” You manage to mutter. As you say it, you taste blood. Your ears are ringing, but you can still hear the voices around you. They are yelling to run faster! 
“You’re gonna be fine, okay babe?”
You know that voice. 
“You can’t call me that.”
She slows down a bit just to look at you, “Can call you whatever I want.”
Your head hurts. You know you can not fight the exhaustion plaguing your body. You can’t even argue back to her. You shut your eyes again, succumbing to the darkness. 
You notice the pounding headache first. Then the very dimly lit hospital room you’re in. Then the presence in the corner of the room. 
“Welcome back,” Her voice is smooth and velvety. You prop yourself a bit, but as soon as you do, it’s like the pressure in your head doubles. You feel like your brain may implode, the pain pulsating against your skull. You try to widen your eyes to focus on her, but your brain cannot muster enough energy to do so. Your vision is just slightly blurred while you train your eyes on her. 
“What happened?” Your voice is weak and your mouth is dry. You try your best to create saliva, but nothing really happens when you smack your chapped lips. 
“You got tackled by a Scar before any of us could see him coming. Asshole was quick. You smacked your head pretty hard on the floor,” She stands up from the chair in the corner, making her way closer to you. She’s not wearing the same shirt as yesterday. She’s in a long sleeve thermal, the light off white is a good color on her. 
You blink slowly, trying to take in the information, “What happened to him?”
“Manny shot him when I was ripping him off you. It attracted a lot more of them. I grabbed you before anyone else could and just took off running.”
You look up at her when she gets to your side. You don’t say anything, just shake your head. You can’t believe Abby, of all people, saved you from possible death. She had your back the whole time, even though you gave her shit. You didn’t even realize the small glances, the quick actions when you were in your own zone. 
All you could think about the whole time is how you were totally off your game and Isaac was going to have your neck for it. 
“And the rest of the group?”
“They were close behind. We made it back to the jeep pretty quickly. I held you in the back until we could get to the hospital. That’s where we are now.”
“Who didn’t make it out?”
Her lips go into a thin line, “Alex and Kerrigan.”
Alex was the guy from earlier this morning with Manny. He seemed nice enough, surely he didn’t deserve to die. Kerrigan was a girl you remember from a couple of meetings with Isaac. She was a smaller girl, quick on her feet and very quiet. You can’t even really remember her face, which makes you feel bad. 
“Shit… I’m sorry we couldn’t get to them.”
“Not your fault. They knew what they were getting into when we had them join patrols. I know Owen’s taking it pretty hard.”
You want to smack her for even bringing up his name. But you don’t. You know she still may have a special place in her heart for him. You just despised him, especially after he confronted you this morning. Prick. 
She’s taking her time explaining things to you. You realize she’s not ever looking away from you when she speaks, something she usually does when you stare at her. She’s watching you carefully, her beautiful eyes soft with empathy.
“Are you okay?” You question, reaching out to her closest hand. She doesn’t pull away when you grab it, bringing it into your side.
She bites her cheek, “Yeah, course I am. Just glad I got you out of there.”
The softness of her whisper brings warmth to your entire body. You didn’t care about your head, or how hot the room was, or how you may have serious repercussions when you got back to the Stadium. 
What mattered is that she’s here. She’s here and she wants to be. You felt relief that she may have come to her senses about what happened between you two. Something had to of changed.
“What changed? Why are you so dead set on helping me now?”
She winces, probably not expecting you to ask such a question. She contemplates for a minute, licking her lips to prepare herself for what she’s about to say. 
“I can’t stop thinking about last night. Made me realize how I really feel about you,” You’re heart races at her words. You’re amazed when she continues, “I think I was scared of having those types of emotions for you. That’s why I couldn’t stay. I didn’t want to lay in your bed and overthink everything when it’s pretty simple.”
You furrow your eyebrows, “What’s simple?”
“The fact that I like you. And I have for awhile.”
It’s like the world stops and it’s just you and Abby. You can tell she’s nervous to say it, but she needed it off her chest like it was suffocating her. She lefts out a long huff, crouching down in a squat. Her unraveling braid falls onto her shoulder and you let your eyes trail it down to her chest. You notice some blood speckled in with her freckles, right near her button nose and cheekbones. 
“Yeah, I like you, too.”
She smiles subtly, trying not to get too excited over the confession. But the truth was that she wanted to jump up and down in elation. She had never had someone confide in her about their feelings for her, so the idea that someone as beautiful as you could like her despite all her baggage, it gave her hope. 
“I want to go home,” You grumble not sure what else to say, your thumb running over the back of her hand, “I wanna go home with you.”
“The doctor here wants to monitor you another day. I have to ship out and get back to explain to Isaac what happe-“
“No, fuck that,” You squeeze her hand, “You’re staying here with me and bringing me back to the Stadium. I’m not going back with anyone else.”
She notes the serious nature of your tone. She looks up at you with those eyes. Abby Anderson could very well be the death of you. 
“I can’t refuse orders, babe,” She states, her eyes falling to your joined hands.
“Bullshit, Abby. If you tell Isaac I want you as my transport, he will let you stay. I don’t want to be with anyone else.”
You’re practically panicking thinking about Abby leaving without you. With the way you feel now, you don’t want to be out without her. She felt like the safest person to have around. You can’t trust anyone else. 
You start to finally bring wetness back to your mouth, “Tell him that you need to be with me.”
“You know damn well everyone will be suspicious. I need to go back. You need to stay here. Nora will take you back, you’ll be s-“
“Get me out of this fuckin’ bed right now. I’m going with you.”
You stay to move but your body feels like jello. As soon as you try to plant your feet on the ground, Abby is reaching over your legs and placing them back on the gurney. 
“Babe,” She pleads, “Just… fuck. Okay fine, I’ll stay. I’ll stay. We can both answer to Isaac when we get back, I guess.”
Relief rushes over your body. 
“He’s going to have a lot to say to me, that’s for sure. I failed two missions in a row that usually are a piece of cake,” You put your free hand over your forehead. You’re sweating so bad. You glance over at Abby who’s reaching over to one of the tables by your bed for a rag, “I’m not a submissive girl to him like I am to you.”
She smirks up at you. She can’t believe you admitted to being a submissive to her. 
“Yeah, you are, aren’t you?”
If your body didn’t feel like shit, you know you’d be grabbing Abby by her collar and hauling her up on the bed to kiss you. She made your face go hot, her piercing eyes raking down your body. You almost felt embarrassed being so vulnerable in front of her. 
“Stop looking at me like that,” You warn, adjusting your butt on the hard bed. 
“Like what?”
You rake your mind for a response. You settle for repeating something she said to you yesterday. 
“Shut that stupid smart mouth up for a minute,” You try to mock her but you sound nothing like her. She laughs at your half assed imitation. She pats your head with the cold rag, getting all the sweat off your forehead.
“Get some sleep, you weirdo.”
“How ya doin’, princess?”
You shake your head at the nickname, smacking her arm with your left hand. You’re still weak and tired, but you felt a lot better with some extra rest. Abby loaded you up in a jeep as soon as you could hobble outside, and now you are heading back to the stadium. You couldn’t wait to get in your bed and sleep for three days straight. 
“‘M good, thanks.”
Her smile is the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen. You didn’t know what this meant for you two, but you were excited to see how things would change over time for you two. Maybe you’d be put on less patrols together, but you could spend your free days and nights with her. After all this time, you could have her. 
She taps her fingers on the steering wheel, “Can I ask you something?”
She slows down the car to glance over at you, “What did you mean when you asked what the hell we were doing? Yesterday when that Scar was trying to reach out to you as she was dying?”
Your heart sinks. Your mind instantly goes to betrayal. Abby is only acting like this towards you because she wants information. She wants to rat you out.
You go from thinking about your deep desire for Abby to thinking about how to protect yourself, she’s going to ruin your life. You’re instantly spiraling. 
“I don’t know what you’re asking me. Are you insinuating something?”
You watch as panic spread across her face. She realizes how bad she sounds asking such a question. 
“No, no,” She’s starting to stutter and use her hands as she speaks, “That’s not what I meant by it.”
“Then what did you mean?”
“I’m just wondering if you feel the same guilt I feel sometimes! You know, like when you kill a someone and watch the life leave their eyes, I don’t know. Jesus.”
You breathe a sigh of relief. She wasn’t trying to double cross you, just emphasize with you. You really can not trust yourself to think the worst of everyone. Maybe because it felt like everything with Abby was too good to be true. 
You wet your lips, “Yeah, that’s what I meant. I don’t like to… I never enjoy killing people. I never have.”
She can’t help but laugh a bit. “Well you’re really fuckin’ good at it.”
“Top Scar killer in all the WLF,” You wince when you say it. She doesn’t say anything just shakes her head, speeding up the jeep down an old abandoned alleyway. You weren’t too far from the entrance to the Stadium. 
She clears her throat, “There’s only one person I’d really enjoy killing.”
Abby has never shared a lot about her past. You knew she and the Salt Lake crew were former Fireflies. You knew that she lost her dad not too long before she got to Seattle. But that’s all the information you managed to get out of her when you two were close before. She didn’t want to talk about herself, she’d rather hear about your tortured past. 
“Joel Miller,” Silence takes over the cabin of the car. You have no idea who that is or why she cared to kill him. Before you can ask, she speaks up again, “The man who killed my father.”
You understand what it feels like to want revenge. But you also know what it’s like to finally get it. Most of the time you still feel bad. Nothing brings back the dead, not even the satifaction of watching their killer’s take their last breaths. You brutualized the man who killed your sister, and it never made her death any easier. But you knew that yearning was different for everyone. Maybe it would make Abby feel better. 
You decide it’s best to just nod, acknowledging her desire. 
The rest of the ride is pretty quiet, just the sound of crackling of rocks under the SUV’s tires. When you get to the entrance of the Stadium, Abby waves and calls out to the gatekeeper. He opens the tall wired fence and lets you two pass through. As soon as Abby parks, it’s like a swarm of people surround you two. Abby gestures you to wait so she can get your door. You laugh thinking about that stupid saying some old people say. 
Maybe chivalry isn’t dead. 
She swings open the door, pushing aside some random guy who’s staring you down. You grab Abby’s shoulder as you ease yourself onto the concrete. You were still a bit unsteady when you walked. It was a mixture of the weakness but also Nora told you that the concussion you have is probably causing balance issues. You took her word for it. 
“Top Scar killer not looking so well, now,” The guy mutters from behind Abby, “Who knows, maybe one of us can be Isaac’s favorite ass kisser!”
You don’t even know the guy and the vibe he’s giving off is making you nervous. He’s about 5’8” and stocky. Abby could take him herself, but you don’t feel the need for her to fight for your honor after everything that you two have been through in the last two days. Abby huffs out in annoyance, ensuring you’re able to stand properly. You start to walk towards the ramp that leads up to the Stadium’s main corridors. The guy is still muttering shit as Abby unloads your backpack and hers. 
“What are you friends with her now, Abby?”
“Can you fuck off? Does it look like either of us are in the mood?” She spits, slinging your backpack over her shoulder. You stand and wait at the base of the ramp for her to catch up. The guy just follows her closely, interrogating her about the mission that failed. Abby just ignores him, her eyes locked on yours. Before she makes it to you, the guy asks one final question. 
“What do you have a crush on her or something?”
Abby drops her backpack on the ground, and within seconds, she has the guy pinned to a truck parked near the ramp. His body makes a loud thwack when he hits the metal. Her back muscles flex as she tightens her grip. As hot as it is, you don’t feel like watching her beat someone bloody for something so dumb. You weren’t feeling your fiesty self, you just wanted to be in bed. 
“Did anyone ever fuckin’ teach you manners or are you just that fuckin’ dense?” She has her teeth clenched. As you get close, you see that she’s ripping his t-shirt. Your moving slowly, but as soon as violent words are being exchanged, you firmly grab Abby’s arm. She peels her eyes away from the guy, her face still scrunched in frustration. 
“Just let him talk his shit, Abs. He’s just jealous because he can’t get any pussy.”
You don’t even know why you included the last part, but it only aggravates the guy more. You aren’t very good at deescalation. You usually instigate things, it’s your specialty. 
Luckily, the master of settling fights comes running down the ramp. Manny. 
“Hey, you guys just got home and you’re already stirring up trouble?” 
Abby still has the guy pinned, his eyes trained on your fragile frame. 
Manny grabs Abby’s arms and pries her off the guy, his body blocking you away from the guy as well. He starts speaking Spanish under his breath, probably venting his frustrations about Abby and you not giving him a moment of peace. 
He talks down the guy, guiding him away from you and Abby. You bend over to grab her bag and shakingly hand it back to her. She watches carefully as Manny escorts the guy further down the parking lot. With her free arm, she wraps it protectively around you. You get chills up your arms and back as you two walk into the Stadium. You’re surprised she’s showing any inkling of liking you to other people, especially her peers. You know there were probably about 10 other people in the parking lot, and they for sure saw her sticking up for you. 
She drops her arm as soon as you make it to the main hallways. People glare over at you as you drudge yourself down the halls, finally making it to a staircase that would put you right in front of your room. Abby lets you start up the stairs first while she stands behind you, keeping her eyes wide in case you fall backwards. You’re relieved as you reach the last step and spot your door waiting for you. 
Abby runs ahead of you, grabbing the door and wiggling the knob.
“It’s locked.”
She rolls her eyes, “I know that now. Where’s your key?”
You turn your jaw upward and gesture towards the necklace. “Here.”
Instead of making you unravel it, she lifts her hands up to your chest. Her fingers travel down from your neck to your collarbones. She’s teasing you and it’s working. 
She grabs the key and toys with it for a minute, trying to release the clasp. Once she figures it out, she holds the key up like a grand prize. 
“You’re so stupid, please let me in my room.” 
She giggles as she sticks the key into the latch and turns it, “Patience, princess.”
Once the door clicks, she opens it for you. The cold air of your room rushes out and cools your sweaty and dirty skin. You get a sense of solace when you walk in, your body feeling a bit reenergized at the sight. 
Abby walks close to you, shutting the door behind her. She shimmies off your bag, dropping her own near the door. 
“You mind if I stay for a bit?”
Butterflies creep into the pit of your stomach. You turn to face her, spotting a somewhat hesitant girl picking at her cuticles. 
“I was hoping you would. Maybe you could give me a bed bath, just like my nurse did.”
She nods, a smirk plastered across her freckled face. 
“If you need me to, I can for sure do that,” She starts to walk over to your sink, searching for some sort of bowl or towel, “I could probably do a better job.”
You stumble over to the side of your bed, kicking off your boots with a grunt. You know exactly where this is going, and even with your weakened body, you want her so bad. 
She continues to search around, finding a large bowl and a couple of your wash rags. She fills the bowl with the warmest water as you peel off some of your clothes, leaving you in just your underwear and tank top. 
“A better job, huh?”
She finds a bar of soap near your shampoo bottles. She sniffs it before she bounds over to you. 
“Yeah,” She places the bowl on your side table, dropping a rag inside it to soak it, “I think I know your body a little bit better than Nora. Especially after the other night.”
She can’t talk to you like this, especially now that you’re in your underwear. You scoot over on the bed to allow her to sit as she rings out the blue rag. She lathers a bit of soap on it before she starts with your arms. 
She grabs your wrist delicately, lifting it so she can clean the dust and dirt off. You watch her so intently, watching her wipe you down. When she finishes one arm, she does the other. She takes her time, tilting it back and forth to ensure she got every side. 
“You want me to do your legs next?”
You smile as she soaks the towel again and ring it out. “You can do whatever you want, Abs.”
She raises her eyebrows as she creeps further down the bed. She kicks off her shoes, settling herself between your slightly spread legs. 
“This bringing you back?” You question, slightly adjusting yourself so your legs get closer to her sides. She shakes her head sheepishly, grabbing your right ankle. 
“Hmm, maybe,” She traces your legs with the rag, using her other colder hand to rub in the wet areas, “If you weren’t so weak, I’d treat you just as well as the other night.”
Even in your broken state, you can’t help yourself. “Easier to control me when I’m like this.”
She chuckles, shaking her head, “That’s taking advantage of you, and that’s not my style.”
I guess now that she confessed her feelings for you, you had to deal with a softer Abby. One that wouldn’t take control of you in the public showers. You watch as she softly runs the lavender scented towel up and down your bruised and battered legs. She is focused, not looking at you, but her eyes trailing up and down from your thighs to your ankles. 
You sit up further, leaning forward and raising your fingers down to her chin. You tilt her focus to your gaze.
“What if I want you to? Ya’ know, give you my consent?”
Her eyes darken as she settles back a bit, making your hand fall from her face. She tenses up her shoulders before rolling them back, easing herself into the idea of getting between your legs again. You smile watching her do the mental gymnastics. 
Her hand settles back onto your thigh, “You’re so desperate.”
You know you got her. 
Without saying another word, her hand travels up to your underwear. She softly places her hand over your mound, her thumb tracing your clothed slit. You lay back as wetness pools in the spot she’s touching, your body heating up naturally. 
Before she goes any further, she pulls away and plops the rag into the warm water on your side table. 
She leans forward towards you, repositioning her entire body by propping herself on her elbows right in front of your core. It was hot watching the girl you were obsessed with settling herself, still fully clothed, before your heat. You could cum at the sight alone. 
She rubs small circles right where your eager clit was through your panties. Before you can even moan out for her, she slips past the fabric and dips her pointer finger into your core. As soon as she does that, it feels like the coil may snap. You didn’t even realize how horny she has you. Maybe it was the anticipation or maybe it was the fact that this time you knew her true feelings for you. Hate sex was hot, but sex when you know she’s plagued with thoughts of you when you’re not even around, that was even better.
You don’t expect her next move. Instead of sliding your panties off, she uses minimal strength to just rip them in half.
As soon as you’re fully exposed for her, she turns into an animal. She mewls at your glistening slit. 
“All for me?” She questions before leaning in to pepper kisses all along the wet trail. You can’t help but whimper desperately at the action. 
“Yes, Abs. All for you.”
She flattens her tongue, moving further into you. Her actions are painfully slow, taking her time to drink you up. You instinctively try to close your legs together when she starts to move faster, being overwhelmed by her maneuvers. As soon as you try to move, she’s using her strong arms to hold you down. Your legs are practically pinned to the bed, her right hand still sticky from your center. 
She shakes her head back and forth, creating a whole new feeling in your stomach. You don’t even think about how loud you’re being for her, not caring if the older guy next to you hears how loud you’re getting for Abby fucking Anderson.  
For not being with women often, Abby knew exactly how to treat your pussy. She decides to change it up and add her fingers back into the equation. Once her index and middle finger enter you, you know that familiar feeling heating up your stomach. 
“Abby, fuck, don’t stop.”
And she doesn’t. Instead she quickens her mistrations, her lips enveloping your clit and her fingers fucking you faster. You reach down, grabbing her braid and the crown of her head and push her further into you as your orgasm crashes down. She drinks you down, taking everything you gave her. 
She pulls away from you, her face wet with your slick. 
“Such a good girl for me,” She continues to play with you, her fingers remaining in your heat, “Do you need me to stop? Or do you want me to give it to you like I did before?”
You smirk as you glance towards the toy that you tucked back into your side table. 
“It’s in there,” You croak out, “Need you to.”
She reaches over you, her body pressed against your stomach as she opens the top drawer and grabs the strap. Your stomach is reeling in anticipation, ready to watch Abby on top you. 
When she gets it out, she rolls off the bed completely. You watch as she strips off her shirt, leaving her bra on. You still are in disbelief of her body, her muscles highlighted perfectly by the glisten of sweat. She keeps her underwear on but you crave to see how wet she is. 
“Take the underwear off,” You say, reaching out to touch her toned stomach, “Wanna see all of you.”
She puts the strap on, ignoring your request.
“I’m not taking any demands from you right now, sweetheart. You take what I give you.”
You loved seeing her be dominant. Seeing the appendage hang from her center makes you throb. She gets back on top of you, caging your body in with her strong arms. She nudges your nose with hers, teasing you by keeping her lips inches away from yours.
“Need you, Abs.”
She captures your lips as soon as the words leave your mouth. Her lips aren’t the only thing moving into you, her hips grind into your open core. The plastic cock does not enter you, but the mixture of her kissing you and grinding is enough to send you into maddening moans.
Her swollen lips pull away, her eyes dark as she lines herself up with your opening. She drags the cock up and down, gathering your slick before easing it inside. You see stars as it stretches you, your voice hearse and gutteral. Abby eats it up. She zeros in on watch it ease out of you and split you wide open. You’re so wet, the squelching sends her to another dimension. She settles into a pace that was agnoizingly slow, taking her time with your body. She reaches behind your legs and bends them so they wrap around her waist. The new angle allows her to hit you in all the right places. 
Your orgasm is building with each stroke. She’s smiling while your mouth is set in an “o” shape, loving the reactions she was getting out of you.
“Jesus, taking me so fuckin’ well, baby,” She mewls, her hands caressing up your sides to grab onto a very important part of your body that she hardly played with this time around. You’re not wearing a bra under your tank top, so when her hands make it under the white fabric, her fingers pinch at your nipples. “You love when I fuck you like this don’t you?”
“Yes, Abby, please. I need to cum.”
She leans forward, bringing her greedy lips to yours. Since your lips are already open, her tongue enters your mouth. You suck at it, trying to get her to pay attention to your pleas. She retracts back, fucking into you harder. 
“Cum for me, then, you little slut.”
The words send you overboard. You’re falling, crashing. The waves of pleasure take over every achy muscle, your body jerking forward into Abby’s sweaty upper body. She wraps her arms around you, fucking into you still as you fall apart. You don’t know the words you’re saying, you’re just loudly whispering into her ear. 
Once your vision clears up, you look to the side to check your position out in the mirror ontop of your dresser. You looked like a fucked out mess, but Abby is the most beautiful thing you ever did see. 
You’re trying to catch your breath, your body feeling even weaker than before. Fucking someone when you had a concussion was probably not the best idea, but god damn did every part of you feel like it was buzzing. Abby stands up, her legs wobbly from being on her knees so long.
“Do you want me to make you cum?”
She smiles at your question, but she shakes her head. She yanks down the strap, opening the side drawer and tossing it in. 
“No, I just wanted to treat you. You can repay the favor when you’re feeling better.”
You start to laugh, throwing yourself back into your pillows. As soon as Abby starts to crawl back into bed, there’s a loud knock at your door. You’re both half naked, so the scramble for clothes is instanteous. You grab the first pair of pants you see and as you’re yanking them up your legs, you realize they are Abby’s. 
“Coming in!”
It’s Isaac’s voice. Your stomach drops as the knob turns and you and Abby stand completely still in your spots. Her pants don’t fit you well at all, so hold them over your private area to block any eyes from it. 
He doesn’t even make eye contact with you, he instantly meets Abby’s panicked gaze.
“What the hell?” He turns to you and immediately turns his back, “Well I see that you’re feeling better.”
Your blood ran cold. 
“Yeah, can you uh, give us a minute?”
He doesn’t say anything, just opens the door and slams it behind him. You’re appalled that he even opened the door without confirmation of that being okay. Your eyes snap over to Abby, who’s look of fear turns into rage. You yank off her pants and toss them to her.
“We’re fucked,” She mumbles, putting her clothes on. You search a nearby dresser drawer for some sweatpants and pull down your ragged tank top. You look back at Abby to check to make sure she’s clothed before you head back to the door and let Isaac in. 
You nod at her before grabbing the handle and pulling the door open. When you meet his gaze, he doesn’t look impressed. You are shocked to see another figure beside him. Manny.
“Hey there,” Manny greets, his eyes showing a bit of hesitance. “We good to come in now?”
You don’t say anything, just open the door wider for them to step through the threshold. Abby stands by your desk, her arms crossed. She tries to keep an emotionless expression, but you can tell she’s pissed. And maybe a bit nervous. 
“Just checking in to see how you are,” Isaac says, his pacing leading him to one of the chairs in the corner of your room. You bite the inside of your cheek.
“Just a concussion. Some bruises. Should be good to get back on after some of the nurses here clear me.”
You try to sound confident but you’re still somewhat dazed from the sex you just had. You lean against the beam in the center of your room, trying your best not to look over to see what Abby is doing. You could still feel your cum dripping down your leg. 
“Yeah I don’t think you’ll be getting back on any time soon,” Isaac says, his demeanor changing towards you, “I still don’t trust you. And now you’re sleeping with Abby? You think I don’t see what you’re trying to do?”
Your heart sinks, “What the hell are you talking about?”
Manny clears his throat, “Owen told us you were questioning the mission. That you weren’t pulling your punches. Letting some Scars live.”
“Well, he’s a fuckin’ liar!” Your voice is cracking, unsure of how to defend yourself. You were pissed at Owen and you knew that emotion would turn into vengeance. They can’t ostracize you for something like that. They can’t kill you for being empathetic. Can they?
“She never said that,” Abby finally speaks up, “I was there. Owen has it wrong.”
“Abby…” Isaac says in a warning tone, “You better not be lying for her.”
Abby scoffs, “When have I ever lied to you? Never. I am not lying for her. Owen was the one who refused your orders and got us all to leave. He said we go or we die. You shouldn’t be reprimanding her. She told him we had a job to do.”
Isaac halts in his rebuttal, thinking of what his next move should be. 
Manny crosses his arms. You’re so pissed, you want to slap him. How dare he go against you and be here to watch Isaac try to accuse you of something like this? What did you ever do to him?
“Is this true?” Isaac questions, standing up to get closer to your slightly hunched over frame. 
You don’t even hesitate, knowing this was all going to fall back on Owen. You wanted to see how that ended for him. 
“Yes. I knew I could not let you down another time. I would never risk something like that. I’m loyal to you and this cause. I am sorry if I let you down again. I wanted to finish the job, I really did.”
You were an outstanding liar. And now you know, Abby was, too. She also had your back. Which made you like her even more. 
Isaac tries to sense any deception but there’s nothing written on either of your faces to indicate that. 
 “Report back to me in two days,” He says to you with a very stern voice, “and Anderson, I’ll see you tomorrow morning. You’re first patrol out.”
When he’s satisfied with his interrogation, he turns to Manny.
“Well, I guess you were right about one thing.”
Manny furrows his eyebrows at the slightly shorter man, unsure what he’s talking about. “Sir?”
“They are fucking each other, but they aren’t liars,” He turns back to you and Abby, giving you two a kurt nod. 
You cross your arms, watching Isaac leave the room and bump into Manny as he does. You don’t even want to deal with him right now, so you wave him out, not saying anything to him. You would deal with him later. Right now, you need a back rub and sleep. And that’s exactly what you intended to get when that door slammed on Manny’s ass on his way out. 
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viburnt · 9 months
Divorcing Izuku Midoriya Headcanons
I'm on a creative rush, and this may make zero sense because I'm tired lmao. Anyways, have some angst <3
Tagging the babes: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot @trickster-kat @angelshimaa (babe, you've missed some very angsty posts) @xhieru @mimisxs @dabislittlemouse
Content Warning: Divorce, emotional abuse and manipulation, mention of baby-trapping, alcohol.
• As I said in my last post, divorcing Izuku is a nightmare. Think about the most energy-draining and mental health deteriorating process, and multiply it for a minimum of 6 months. Izuku won't make things easy for you at all, trying to drag and prolong the whole ordeal just to keep you close. I've divided this set of headcanons by key moments/topics to keep some order. I hope you enjoy them, I'm pouring my heart on these (also pay attention to detail because I'm working on something hehe).
Denial and confusion: the first days after you serve him papers
• Izuku genuinely doesn't understand why you want to leave, refusing to accept the fact that you're not happy being by his side. He's given you all there is to give: a comfortable house, nice clothes, expensive cars, etc. So when you serve him papers, Izuku's first reaction is confusion followed by fear. In that head of his, he's made everything a good husband has to do! So why? Why would you not be happy?
• If you were smart enough and planned your movements with care, you should be able to go through your divorce without depending financially on Izuku or having to live in the same place. You'd have to deal with his incessant calls and texts, often having to block unknown numbers to avoid hearing his whines, but it'd be less difficult. If you weren't thoughtful about the situation and proceeded without the right steps, oh, you're in for a treat: there's nowhere you can go besides the house you shared with him, no place where you can be at peace. You're at Izuku's mercy, like it or not, but that's another story.
• In addition to his denial, Izuku starts to (unconsciously) guilt trip you. Phrases like "Sorry for not being enough," and "I know I'm very pathetic" become frequent. It pains your heart to hear those things because you know Izuku loves you, you are just not compatible at all. You try to let him see it's not about being enough, it's more about effort; with much patience, you set things clear to avoid any misunderstandings, but Izuku just doesn't get it.
• "Haven't I done this or that for you? Didn't I buy you all these things? Am I not enough?" "Izuku, I didn't ask you for any of this, all I wanted was my husband..." Conversations like this occur during this phase, and they can only be held through the phone (when he is sober and not yelling/hollering how much of a mistake a divorce would be). He tries to gauge sympathy from you, telling you that his job is important but that he loves you so much!
• He becomes an empty shell of the bright ray of sunshine the public knew. It goes unnoticed by many, but the people who work around him can tell. It is then when he starts telling others about his marital situation, and you end up seeing faces you've met once or twice during galas or hero events. You "accidentally" stumble across your husband's colleagues, like Ochako, who try to convince you to give him a second chance. "I- I know we don't know each other a lot but please, consider it. Izuku is a great guy a-and I'm sure you guys could fix any problem!" It is embarrassing for you because no one wants people to know their issues.
• What's so ironic about the moment when you serve him papers is that he receives them at his office, the very root of all the problems in your marriage. It was the place where he had spent anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine's... those four walls witnessed the beginning and the end of your relationship. Izuku has a mental breakdown when he finally reads the documents but, hey, he was still pro-hero Deku, right?
Negotiations and lawyers: The first weeks and months
• If having to deal with Izuku's colleagues trying to change your mind wasn't enough, be ready for your soon-to-be ex trying to negotiate. Midoriya suggests couple's therapy to talk this through, and for a split of second, it almost sounds like a good idea! But then you remember all those times when Izuku had promised you he'd be there for you and failed. It didn't seem plausible after that... Besides, all things considered, it'd be hard to find a therapist who could see your side of the story. Who would dare to tell someone as charming and popular as Izuku that he failed as a husband?
• Once therapy is off the table, Izuku brings up children. It may be considered a low blow, especially if one of your dreams was to form a family with him, so his offer felt cruel. "W-we can have kids! Wouldn't you want that? We can be a big family, with one- No, two babies!" "Ouch, it takes a divorce for you to even think about it, huh? That's uh, slightly concerning. Besides, a kid needs a father too... I'm not planning on being a single mom in this marriage" Now, Izuku strikes me as the kind that would try to . to stay. I'm sorry if it sounds terrible, but considering how sometimes he acts on impulse, he really could try it.
• Izuku also tries to be at home more often; he "cooks" (it's takeout disguised as home meals), brings you coffee to the bed, and calls you all kinds of sappy nicknames... It saddens you, why couldn't he care like that before? Of course, this point only applies if you still live with him during this whole process. If you don't, he starts frequenting the places where he guessed could find you: cafeterias, plazas, shops...
• Finding a lawyer for you was a hard task, especially because everyone sees you as a "dumb" woman who is trying to divorce Japan's number one hero. Not to mention they were very expensive, and Izuku was certainly not giving you money for that. You tell Izuku that mediations need to happen to progress with the divorce, but he never shows up to the meetings. There's always an excuse for that man! No matter how much you plea, he refuses to sign the paper. Izuku also becomes very mean towards you, outright berating you for not understanding him. It's gruesome to see him turn into such a monster during these months.
• As an additional point for this part, Izuku hires a private investigator to follow you around. He feels bad for thinking of it, but the idea that you could be seeing someone else while you're trying to divorce him eats him alive.
Last resort: Mediatic battle
• The media is very quick to pick up your marriage's fall down. Time after time you visited your lawyer's office for them to put two and two together, and Izuku takes that to his advantage. Sensationalist articles had already been happening, a lot of them being cruel and demeaning towards you. Titles like "Is she a cheater?" "No amount of success gives you the girl!" And "Pro-hero Deku will be looking for a new wife soon" started popping up. You have to take down any social platform to avoid being targeted.
• It is when Izuku gives a public declaration that things get worse. "I'm sorry, my wife is just not happy with me anymore. Please respect her wish! Don't harass her, I failed as a husband." It may seem like a hearty and sorrowful declaration from the outside, but Izuku picked word by word to gain sympathy and pressure you into changing your mind. People in the street call you "heartless", and the stress simply keeps growing for you.
• To put it in simple words, you were David against Goliath, except Goliath was a glorified person who had all the resources and support of the people. You were nothing but a tiny mouse squeaking to be set free of a relationship that was suffocating you.
The aftermath: Supposing you haven't given up and he signed the divorce papers
• If you somehow manage to divorce him after all these problems, congratulations. You survived 5% of the drama that awaits you! Now you won't be able to date someone without people snapping photos for entertainment news or judging you for leaving "such a great man". Izuku will still try to convince you to go back to him, playing his "sad lover" role in front of the cameras so well! He'll try to send expensive gifts and tell you to keep the house, he'll call you drunk in the middle of the night, and if you're not careful enough, he may try to gaslight you into thinking nothing wrong was happening in your marriage.
• One particular thing I must mention is that Izuku only signed the papers after you yelled at him at one of the legal mediations, hot embarrassment tears falling from your tired eyes as you begged him to let you go.
• Anyways, the list could go on, but those are the main points of divorcing Izuku :')
"Please, just sign the papers..." You said through the phone, your voice tired of pleading to someone who simply refused to hear you. "I will, I will! I'm just a little under the snow with work. Can you reschedule?" Izuku said, apologizing for not being there for you. Excusing himself for failing you, but refusing to let go. "You know how many articles I've seen with my face saying how much of bitch I am for visiting my lawyer's office?"
Izuku's silence was deafening, you could only hear him sigh slightly, perhaps feeling bad for putting you in such a position. "I don't want this divorce."
"But I do, so don't make things more difficult for me, please." He heard you say, biting his lip to hold back the tears. Izuku was glad you couldn't see him, sitting alone in his office with a half-empty bottle of wine you'd gifted him for his birthday. "Do you remember what day is today?" He asked.
"I don't know, Monday? I haven't slept lately." You answered unamused. "It's our anniversary... we married 5 years ago, on this very day." His words came out as a slow slur, his breath hitching as he crumbled through the phone. "I miss you a lot, please-"
"I'll see you on Wednesday, if you're not there I swear to God..."
"Mr. Midoriya?" Your lawyer called, her voice bringing your anxious husband back to reality. "Ah, sorry, it's me. Is... is she in there?" He asked, pointing at her office. She just looked at him with little sympathy and nodded. "On time, as always. Maybe you should avoid keeping her waiting, that's the least you could considering how many times we've had these conversations."
"There's no way I can fix this, is there?" Izuku asked as if the lawyer cared. "Wanna do something nice for her? Divorce her."
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Okay..hear me out
Both of the miles dating a villain hcs? Kinda like Spiderman and black cat type of relationship?
Bet let’s do it.
Miles’ x Villian!reader
Warnings: angst, some fluff, mentions of death and cuts, maybe some toxicity idk, lmk if I missed one
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Miles 1610:
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At first, you would sneak around with it and make sure he didn’t know.
Miles never questioned how you got fancy stuff, he just thought you had money saved up and we’re working
I headcannon that y’all would have secret identities at the same time, like y’all would be hiding your identities from eachother.
Y’all both sneak in the same dorm out of breath from fighting each other
“Hey babes” “hey what’s up? Why are you so sweaty” “why are you sweaty?”
It turns into you both going back and forth before you make up a lie
“I was… working out!” “You never work out” “are you tryna say something, Miles?” “No! No I’m just saying I’ve never seen you work out before, that’s all” “okay.”
You both get away from each other and sigh a breath of relief
Miles is lowkey afraid he’s catching feelings for the villian(you) but he tries to suppress it
You’re catching feelings for Spider-Man but trying not to say anything
I think he reveals his identity first.
You’re in shock but he doesn’t know that you’re the villain and he thinks you’re just shocked about Spider-Man
“So… what do you think, Mami?” “Wow. I mean wow. I’m proud of you but that’s a lot of information”
He is scared you’re gonna break up with him when in reality, you’re scared he’s gonna turn you into the cops
You still love him and this doesn’t change anything, it’s just you have more information on Spider-Man’s whereabouts 
He finds out you’re the villain during a fight in which you get hurt really bad and Spider-Man(miles) saves you from dying but reveals your identity in the process
“Y/n?…” “yeah?”
You cry because he steps back and covers his mouth with his hand
This man is so shocked and hurt oml
“So I’ve been fighting you this whole time?” “Yep. I’m sorry Miles I hope this doesn’t change anything”
It changes
He’s more protective of you and watches you 24/7 to make sure you aren’t partaking in any of your heists or crimes anymore
Y’all team up against a really bad guy(like the spot) and you learn to use your powers for good not evil
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Miles 42:
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Like our Miles, he keeps his identity a secret and you don’t realize it because you’re so caught up in your own crimes
He watches you from afar but doesn’t do anything, he just studies you and makes mental notes on your fighting skills
If y’all interact, you’d be very flirty and he would be very cold bc he has a girlfriend(you)
“Sooo the prowler huh?” “Yeah? You gotta problem with that?” “Nope, just wondering”
Is pissed that you’re hitting all of his spots and targets before he can
If you kill a guy Miles was supposed to kill, he wouldn’t be too happy
“That cabròn thinks he can take my money? He has another thing coming that’s for sure”
You sit terrified bc Miles looks genuinely angry since that’s how he got all his money that he used to spoil his princesa
Realizes something is up with you quickly tho
“What’s wrong, Ma? Where’d you get that cut on your face?” “Oh this? It’s nothing, really” “do I have to beat someone’s ass, mi amor?” “No miles it’s okay”
Watches you after school and watches you for the next week or so to make sure no one is bothering you but instead, he finds out your secret identity
He is shocked but doesn’t show it. He keeps it to himself tho
When you realize he’s the prowler, he brings up you being a villain
“So you’ve been the Prowler this whole time??? How could you keep something like this from me?” “It’s pretty simple when your girlfriend is also a villain. No te hagas el inocente, mi vida you’re just as wrong as me”
He is indeed right about that
You help him with some of his missions and he helps with some of yours
Together, y’all terrorize the night(mostly stealing from the rich and helping the poor)
Strengthens your relationship tbh
If something happened to you however, he would never forgive himself though, even if it was your fault
Y’all are Bonnie and Clyde fr 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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fragileruns · 1 year
fake dating with james? major angst end with fluff?
okay, to be completely candid with you guys, this is my first time writing like this. i’ve never really done fics or even small drabbles before, so i deeply apologize if this is the worst thing you’ve ever read. i promise i’m trying to get better. this has also been sitting in my drafts for so long, since i couldn’t decide how to end it.
summary: you fell in love with your fake boyfriend. he fell in love with you, too.
warning: not as much angst, sorry </3. fluff, horrible writing, a lot of rushing. james rants ab his love for you
Dating James was like a dream, truly. Even though it was fake, meant to just be a ruse to make Lily jealous, he made it seem like it was perfectly real. He walked you to every class, offered you his jumper the moment you shook in the slightest, gave you his breakfast if you were still hungry. He even made sure to throw in a grand gesture every once in a while — a large bouquet of flowers, buying you a nice outfit or that expensive perfume you wanted but couldn’t afford. Anything he could do.
The only problem was how much you liked dating him. It was hard to remind yourself that it was all fake — that it was all happening just to make another girl jealous, because that’s who he was in love with. Lily. Not you. And it broke your heart every time you were reminded of that. Every time he’d kiss your cheek and murmur something about Lily watching, whenever he’d come to you with so much excitement over the plan working, whenever he’d immediately pull away as soon as you two were alone. It all hurt.
And that was why you had to end it. Today, before you could chicken out and let yourself get lost in something that’s not real.
“James? Can we talk?” You questioned softly once you found him in his dorm room, Remus and Sirius studying something on one of the beds, and Peter trying to make light conversation. “Um — somewhere private.”
“Yeah, of course.” The bespectacled boy gave you a grin, quickly slapping Sirius lightly on top of the head to signal for him and Remus to leave, before nodding his head for Peter to do the same. After a few grumbles, the three eventually left the room, leaving both you and James alone. “Hey, did you see Lily at breakfast today? Marls said she was ‘bout ready to stab someone, must mean the plan’s working.”
“Right, yeah, that’s great, James.” You murmured distantly, almost as if you weren’t really listening, which was what caught James attention. A frown came over his face and he took a step closer to you, tilting his head slightly in confusion.
“Is something wrong? What did you want to talk about?”
“Us. I mean — this whole dating thing. Fake dating thing.” You clarified, mentally sighing at how nervous you already were. It was already proving to be more difficult than you could handle.
“I think we should end this.”
“This? The plan? No. Why would we do that?” James questioned frantically, his frown only growing. Truly, he didn’t know if he was upset because he didn’t want to backtrack with Lily, or if it was because he didn’t want to stop being with you.
“Because, it ran it’s course. It worked, it did what it was supposed to do. I think going on any longer would just be beating a dead horse, y’know? And you can’t exactly get with Lily if you have a girlfriend, even if it’s fake.”
“No — No, we have to keep going. We’re not done yet,” James was trying to come up with a reason. He didn’t know why, you did have a point. But the idea of ending things caused a feeling in his gut, and he didn’t like it. “There — there’s the Yule Ball. We can’t break up before the Yule Ball.”
“Ask Lily. I overheard her talking with Marlene and Mary about how she wished she could go with you.”
“Then I’d just seem like an asshole who left his girlfriend for another girl.”
“James,” you sighed. He was making it more difficult than you thought he would. You almost thought he’d be happy, that it had worked well enough he could be with Lily now. “It won’t seem that way. Ask Lily to the Yule Ball. This has to be over, okay? I just — it has to be, I’m sorry.”
You left before he could come up with another reply, leaving both yourself and James completely devastated and wishing for something that never really existed.
Two weeks and some moping later, it was finally time for the Yule Ball. Something that you should be excited for — all of your friends were.
But, it was hard to be excited when you knew the person you were in love with would be going with another girl. Sirius had offered to go with you, as friends, of course. You had updated him on why you ended things with James and you figured he wanted to distract you from it all. However, you declined — you knew he wanted to go with Remus and you didn’t want to stand in the way of their night.
Amos Diggory had asked you as well — you thought about saying yes at first, not wanting to be the only person without a date, but it would be cruel to lead him on, so you simply said you wanted to go alone.
It hurt, hearing Lily gush over James as she got ready. You were so used to hearing her complain about his antics and gestures, and now she was swooning and you didn’t think you could bear it. Mary kept sending you sympathetic glances — clearly your moping hadn’t been as subtle as you thought.
It even hurt when you were there, surrounded by friends. James avoided eye contact, always either making an excuse of getting drinks for him and Lily or simply staying silent — something very rare for him.
A slow song eventually came on, all of your friends rushing off with their dates to get the first dance of the night, all of them blushing and giggling. And you were happy for them, you were. You just wished you could join in the feeling, rather than sitting alone to the sidelines.
The even was going by dreadfully slow, and you were beginning to contemplate just leaving early — making an excuse that your head hurt, or you were sick — whenever Amos came up to you.
“Hey — I know you didn’t want to come with anyone. Or with me, at least. But you seem lonely,” he started, before plopping down on the seat next to you. “Do you want to dance? No strings attached.”
“I — that would be lovely, actually.”
He grabbed your hand, pulling you up and over to the “dance floor,” which was really just the middle of the Great Hall. You immediately felt less awkward than you had before — even if it wasn’t James, at least you weren’t sitting by yourself.
“Did you say no to me because of James?”
“Did you not want to come with me because you’re still hung up on James? You two seemed really… happy, together. I guess I should’ve figured you weren’t over him.”
“Oh, we were never actually —” You were cut off, both yours and Amos’ heads looking up to the figure who interrupted you. James.
“Sorry, mate, do you mind if I steal her for a moment? Thanks.” James didn’t wait for either of you to respond, instead pulling you to the complete opposite side of the room.
He avoided making eye contact with you, leaving you more confused than you were two seconds ago. What was the point of pulling you over here if he didn’t have anything to say?
“It looked like you and Lily were having fun,” you decided to speak, hoping to ease whatever tension was building between the two of you.
“What? Oh yeah, sure. I guess,” he said, practically waving you off. It was as if he wasn’t even listening, his mind in a totally different world. “I need to say something. And I need you to not interrupt me. Okay?”
You nodded, part of you terrified for what was about to come. You couldn’t think of anything you had done to him recently. You hadn’t even spoken to him, how could you have possibly upset him? What could he possibly need to talk about?
“I’ve always been in love with Lily. Since as long as I can remember, it’s been her. I didn’t even give anyone else a chance, because she had to be the one.”
“Gee. Thanks for the reminder, James.”
“Wait. I’m not done. I never gave anyone a chance. Not a serious one, at least. And — and then you showed up. And I know it was supposed to be fake, and it was supposed to just make Lily jealous. But, somewhere I think… I think I realized that maybe she’s not the one. Because whenever you ended things, it felt like — I don’t know, it sort of felt like my heart was missing.”
He kept rambling, and you opened your mouth to interrupt. To ask if he was saying what you thought he was. But, he quickly shushed you, holding a finger up to signal he was still talking.
“And, I thought maybe I just liked the attention. Liked being in a relationship. But, I’m here with Lily and it’s not the same. It doesn’t feel the same. I don’t feel the same. I just, I guess what I’m trying to say is, you’re the only person who made me feel so seen, so… so me. Does that make sense? I just, I think I might be in love with you.” He finally finished up, letting his eyes fall to your face, his eyes wide as if he had just confessed to murder.
You could tell he was nervous, but you stayed silent, blinking slowly as you processed his words. “You can — you can say something now. Please say something.”
“I think I may be in love with you, too, Potter.” You finally spoke, watching the grin that slowly took over his face once he realized what you said.
“Really?” He tried not to show how giddy he was, tried not to seem too much like a child who was just told they could get ice cream. But how was he supposed to contain himself when you just told him you loved him, too? How was he supposed to pretend like he wasn’t on cloud fucking nine?
“Yes. Now, are you gonna kiss me, or do I have to do it myself?”
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ashintheairlikesnow · 7 months
hey hey hey I have had a hell of a day (Actually Hell) because I did too many fun things (a problem apparently) and then also we put up the christmas tree leading to the inevitable christmas tree installation arguments (they pop up every year like clockwork!)
anyway i have been overstimulated and stressed (just want to emphasize that there is NO pressure here whatsoever! id like to avoid any semblance of that actually and I know you're already working on 12 days so take your time) and it would be very cathartic to see chris dealing with similar issues (the Wonderful guy. we are pretty similar.) thanks a lot for reading this, even if you don't write anything !
Sorry this took so long, Anon! I swear I've been trying to get this written for literally almost two months now
CW: Some references to Chris's past, overstimulation, anxiety
"Hey, where did Chris go?" Laken blinks and looks around, but the living room of the house they rent - filled with laughing, happy people - shows no sign of Chris's telltale lavender hair with its new-penny copper roots.
One of Brit's friends just shrugs at them and gestures, vaguely, in the direction of the kitchen. "Dunno. He wandered off a while ago, maybe that way?"
"Oh, okay. Huh." Laken steps back, the circle of laughing people closing up tight as soon as they do. Their dark eyes scan the room, but there's no sign of him.
He'd been doing great - all but holding court, one of the most popular people at the party. He's sort of famous, since the Olympics, and people had been peppering him with questions and compliments, crowding around wanting nothing more than to be friends with the ex-pet who stood up to the bad guys on live TV. They'd seen him dancing, too, the music loud enough to nearly make the walls shake. The easy, unselfconscious dancing they loved in him the most.
He'd seemed to be enjoying himself, at the time, but...
Where has he gone?
They weave around people, stopping to pick up an ornament that has fallen off the tree. The scent of pine is subtle and ever-present, and they carefully work the ornament's little loop back over a branch, ruefully watching a couple of pine needles come loose and drift down. The damn thing is already starting to turn a little brown around its edges, thanks to Laken's roommate having insisted on buying it literally the day before Thanksgiving.
Laken doesn't even celebrate Christmas, not since they stopped going to Mass on Christmas Eve years and years ago. Still, in a house they rent with three others, they're the only one who doesn't at least pay lip service to the holiday.
And even if they don't give a fuck about Christmas, they do like having an excuse to throw a party.
The tinsel wrapped in spirals around, over, and below the ornaments glitters in the light, and the look makes them think of Chris, and how his eyes have always looked just the same, to them, when they're out at night and the moon hits the green of his irises just right.
Their search leads them to Ben, contentedly sitting on the couch, a drink in one hand and his phone in the other, quietly reading something there while the party is in full swing around him. He glances up and then instinctively, immediately, uses a finger to push his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. "Hey, Laken. What's up?"
"Is Akio not coming tonight?"
"Oh... no." Ben blushes - it's adorable, and Laken can't help the smile playing around their lips. "He's got some kind of meeting with the gymnastics team, or his coaches? Or... something like that. He said sorry, though."
"Nah, no problem. But, hey, so. Uh, have you seen Chris, like within the last ten minutes or so??"
Someone puts Christmas music on and Laken shudders as they hear that damn 80s pop song start up again. If they have to hear that fucking song one more time...
"Nope. Not in a while." Ben shrugs, taking a drink. Whatever he has in that cup is pinkish-red and probably far more alcoholic than it tastes. Laken's roommate had insisted on a signature cocktail. "You could check outside? Sometimes when there's a lot of people, to Chris it's... too much."
Laken nods, still scanning the crowd, but their stomach knots a little with the first hit of real anxiety. Ben is right, Chris can get overwhelmed by too much noise and movement, but also he's been drinking tonight - they saw the same red punch in a cup in his hands earlier - and he has a tendency to get... hazy, when he drinks. Flirty in ways that aren't natural to him. Willing to let people hug him that he doesn't like, unable to bring himself to stop them. Sometimes his stammer smooths out, which makes people who don't know him feel more comfortable and people who do know him nervous. He starts tipping his head to the side in a way that makes the sweep of his growing-out hair hide the scar on his forehead, biting his lower lip when he smiles. It makes Laken feel a little sick to see it happen and realize Chris doesn't even notice when he's doing it.
The last thing they need is to have to come up with an explanation for Chris losing track of himself again, or why he's eating olives off the charcuterie board Brit brought knowing damn well he'll just go to the bathroom and get sick all over the place again, or... fuck, what if somebody hits on him and he's too drunk to stop it?
That hasn't happened since college, but...
They pull their phone out, uneasily checking for a text, but there's nothing. If he went outside, he'd text, right? He does, he always does. Texts can be easier and Chris is always a little nervous about being outside alone.
He insisted on coming tonight, said he was feeling good lately, but-... what if-...
They flinch when fingers touch their arm, only to see Ben must have stood up when they weren't looking. He slips his own phone into his jacket pocket and looks Laken over more closely. "Hey. It's okay, he's probably fine. You know he gets weird when parties are really going. It's like a light switch, enough to too much, I totally get it. It's why I'm on the couch fucking around on Kindle instead of, you know... talking to people." Ben says it like talking to people is literal hell, and... okay, Laken can see how that might be the case. "He probably just needed to get away from it and wandered off."
"Uh, yeah. I know." Laken rubs at the back of their neck, fingers moving through the soft, shorn undercut beneath their longer black waves. "I'm sure that's it. Just... you know, sometimes he... when he gets nervous..."
"I got you." They adore Ben, sometimes, for how often they don't have to finish the sentences they don't want to say. He knows what words haven't yet spilled, unwilling. Sometimes he acts like he belongs to us, not like he loves us. Sometimes I can't trust him to find his way back on his own. Sometimes I feel like Jake, and I hate feeling like Jake.
Words die in their throat.
Ben squeezes their arm, gently. "Let's split up and search around. I'll go outside, you go around the house, okay? We verify how he is, then whichever one finds him tells the other. Sound good?" Ben smiles, and Laken relaxes a little, finding a smile for him in return.
"Yeah, sounds good. Thanks, Ben."
"No problem." Ben has always understood Chris, thanks to his little brother being similar in some ways. He understands Laken's worry, too, because better than anyone else here - he knows how Chris sometimes gets lost in his past, especially if he's drinking, worse the maybe twice Laken's ever seen him try an edible or a pill.
What if he got drunk and someone offered him something and he took it? Drunk Chris sometimes isn't a Chris who can easily turn down anything he's offered.
This party was a stupid idea.
Laken takes a deep breath and squares their shoulders.
Chris is not a child.
He is a goddamn grown man and Laken is not his keeper. They're not his parent and they're not a babysitter. They're definitely not his fucking... owner or whatever the bastards that hurt him would have called it. They're his partner. He can handle himself, better than they could if they'd lived his life, and they need to trust him to either know his limits and to get away if he can't say no, or to come to them if he wants to ask for help. Otherwise, they're not any better than the bullshit he's been buried in for longer than he's known them.
Ben goes to check outside, slipping silently out the sliding door onto the back porch where a small crowd has congregated in a cloud of skunky smoke, while Laken heads upstairs, peeking their head in to room after room with no sign of him anywhere. They see some movement under a pile of coats, but that's... definitely not Chris, based on the very female voices who yell at them to give them some fucking privacy, please.
"Sorry, Brit," Laken calls, closing the door tightly. "And, um, Leigh. Just looking for Chris-"
"Well, he isn't in here or we'd have kicked him out already," Brit says, cranky but without any real anger in her voice. Laken doesn't recognize the redhead whose eyes pop up from beneath the pile of coats next to her. "Check a different room."
"Yeah, I will. Uh... keep having fun, I guess-"
"That's the plan! Now leave, please!"
The door latches as they close it, and they exhale. There's one room left, at the end of the hall, and they can hear a familiar murmuring from behind the door when they press their ear up against it.
Laken knocks, rapping gently with their knuckles, and turns the knob when they hear no answer - but no demand to stay out either. The murmuring goes silent. They sigh, and the door swings open, light cutting across the carpet until it reveals their wayward boyfriend.
No one has claimed this bedroom yet, so it's bare and empty except for a couple unpacked cardboard boxes, Brit's exercise bike by the window, a couple of her yoga mats, a laundry basket with a few folded towels, and a bare mattress the last housemate had left behind on the floor when they moved out.
Laken's lips press together, eyes scanning the room. Chris's phone is on the mattress, along with an empty beer bottle, but Chris isn't. "Chris? Cariño?"
A muffled rustling makes them jump, heart in their throat, and then they realize the sound came from the closet, where the folding doors are closed. Laken pulls them open to reveal Chris curled up, knees nearly to his chin, an open bottle clutched in one hand, his chewy necklace in the other. He'd chosen the bat one tonight, and his hand is closed around it in such a tight fist Laken can tell his knuckles are white even in the dark.
Chris doesn't look at them. He's swaying, rocking forward and back, his eyes focused on something far, far away from them. There's red lines on his left wrist, where he's dug his nails in, scratching not quite deep enough to draw blood, but close. Laken takes a deep breath, shifting into a crouch.
"Talk to me, Chris."
"No." The answer is flat, and they watch his thumb rub over the little nub of the silicone bat's nose, the points of its tiny ears. "No, no, no. No."
At least he's saying it out loud.
That alone makes the knot of anxiety in their chest start to loosen. If he can say no, he isn't gone, maybe just... standing a little farther back, inside his own head, than the surface.
"Okay. Okay, that's fine. No talking, that's fine. Are you okay, baby?" Laken keeps their voice just above a whisper and lays their hand on the wood trim that frames this shitty excuse for a closet, the floor creaking under them. "You... kind of vanished on me, there."
Chris's eyes flick to them and then away again. "Loud," He manages, and he sounds like he's forcing the word out between gritted teeth. Maybe he is. "Too, too, too... too loud. Too much, too... many."
"I guess Ben called it." Laken sighs, pulling out their phone and sending Ben a quick text that they found Chris and everything's fine. they get a thumbs-up in reply almost immediately. Ben must have been as anxious as they are, if he was just watching for their text to come in. "Do you want me to call Jake to come get you, or..."
"No!" He snaps it, and Laken tries not to wince. He's just struggling with the noise of the party, they tell themself, he's not actually angry. Chris almost never gets angry, and even then it's only at himself. Which... is worse, somehow. "No. Just... Quiet, it's... it's it's quiet."
"Right. Do you want me to stay with you? Be quiet with you?"
He shakes his head, but he doesn't say anything else. His mouth moves, but no further sounds come out.
"Chris, did..." They want to ask, did someone say something to you? Sometimes people said things, referenced pets or something in a way that set him off. But even if someone had... he probably wouldn't tell them, at least not now, not when every word seemed to have to filter through layer after layer of self-protection in his mind. "Never mind. Is there anything I can do for you? Water, or..."
He shakes his head. "No. Just. Um. Quiet... quiet, now. Please?"
"Yeah." Laken leans over and presses a kiss to his hair. He tips his head against their lips and they exhale in relief. "I love you, Chris. Come back if you can, but if you can't, that's okay, too. Just don't hurt yourself, okay? Things should start winding down in a couple hours." They take the little plastic bat and push it against the hand that's still scratching at his shoulder, until he takes hold of it again, pressing it against his mouth and running it back and forth, back and forth.
Chris is quiet, but as they open the door to head back into the hallway, they hear a quiet, "Love, love you," from Chris, barely audible.
They smile as they close the door. Down the hall, the sounds of the party hit them like a brick, beckoning them back to the noise and the cheer and the awful fucking Christmas music still blaring at top volume. Someone yells something out and the whole damn crowd cheers, making Laken wince at it feels nearly deafening.
Maybe Chris has the right idea.
@finder-of-rings @endless-whump @arlin-always-writing @newandfiguringitout @doveotions @pretty-face-breaker @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @boxboysandotherwhump @oops-its-whump @whumpyourdamnpears @cubeswhump @burtlederp @whump-tr0pes @whumptywhumpdump @whumpiary @orchidscript @outofangband @hackles-up @grizzlie70 @mylifeisonthebookshelf @keeper-of-all-the-random-things
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luna-eclipse2000 · 3 months
Baby, You’re a Firework
The AOT boys meeting you for the first time at the Fourth of July/Canada Day firework show
Ft. Eren, Armin, Jean, Marco, Levi, Reiner, Bertolt, Connie
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- He didn’t really care for fireworks as a kid
- He just didn’t get the appeal
- But when he got older, he loved going as it symbolized freedom
- Now he gets dressed up in those Old Navy flag shirts and wears a pair of red shorts
- He goes with Armin and Mikasa, obviously
- It’s so crowded that they definitely can’t get close to the front
- “Hey, let’s go up that little hill.” Armin says, pointing behind them
- The three friends climb the hill that has some people sitting on it
- They choose a spot where a tree isn’t blocking their view and sit down
- Armin starts to talk about how old fireworks are and that’s when Eren checks out
- He pulls out his phone and starts scrolling on twitter
- Then he hears a laugh
- It catches his attention somehow which us odd because the waterfront is absolutely packed
- So he looks up and watches as you stumble down the hill from behind him
- You literally take his breath away
- You look behind you to tell whoever you’re with that you’ll be right back
- But you trip on your own foot, causing you to fall down and roll to the bottom of the hill
- Eren is up in a flash and runs down after you
- “Hey, are you alright? That was a pretty nasty fall you took there.”
- “Yeah. I’m fine.” You say, sitting up. “I’m just a little clumsy”
- He holds out his hand and pulls you up
- He finally gets a good look at your face and to say he thinks you look stunning is an understatement
- “Hi. I’m Eren”
- “(Y/N). Thanks for helping me up”
- “No problem. You want someone to walk with you wherever you’re going?”
- You look a bit unsure but when you see your friend shooing you with a smile on her face, and two people sitting just below her and looking pretty ecstatic, probably Eren’s friends, you agree
- You also think he’s incredibly handsome and you’ll probably stay with him near where you’re going so your friend doesn’t start mocking you until you’re ready
- The fireworks begin to go off so you look up excitedly
- He looks down at you with admiration in his eyes
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- Armin loves fireworks
- He loves how something so magical is real
- Plus the show always takes place by the water, so he’s happy about that
- “Did you know that England uses to have someone called the ‘Fire Master of England?’” He asks his friends
- “Really?” Mikasa asks
- “What the hell is that?” Eren asks
- “So Queen Elizabeth the First loved fireworks so much that-“
- “Baby!” A voice squeals as a body throws itself into his side
- Armin grunts as he’s caught off guard
- He looks down at you just as you look up. “I was looking everywhere for you! You said you’d be by the water!”
- Armin blinks a few times. Were you drunk? Were you confused and in need of medical attention? Did he look like your boyfriend? You were super cute, though, so he wasn’t complaining. Just confused
- Then he sees a large male figure walking up to them
- And he understands
- He wraps his arms around you in a hug. “Ah, I’m sorry! I saw Eren and Mikasa and came to say hi. Didn’t realize how long we were talking for.”
- You look so relieved that he understands what’s going on
- You look over at his friends. “Oh, hi! It’s so nice to see you again!”
- Eren’s so fucking confused
- Mikasa catches on right away. “You too. It’s been forever.”
- Armin looks at the guy. “Darling, who’s this? I didn’t think you were bringing any friends.”
- “Oh, he’s no one.” You say and cling to him tighter
- “Ah, well it was nice seeing you.” Armin says, giving a smile to the guy. “Have a nice night.”
- “Ain’t no way you bagged that.” The guy says and then scoffs. “I’m not buying it.”
- Now Eren understands, and he’s ready to throw hands
- But Armin kissing the top if your head catches him off guard
- He lets you go and steps forward. “I suggest you leave my girl alone. You really don’t want to know what I can do when I’m pissed. Do you know exactly where to hit to make you seize up?”
- The guy suddenly looks scared. “No? I do. Now, please. Take your leave, or else you’ll be leaving in a body bag.”
- The guy scoffs and walks away
- Armin breathes out to calm himself down when he feels you wrap your arms around him again
- “Thank you! Thank you, so much! He wasn’t leaving me alone and I got really bad vibes from him.”
- Armin turns around and holds you again. “It’s alright, no need to thank me. Are you alright? He didn’t hurt you did he?”
- You shake your head as you pull away. “No. I saw you and just felt like you’d know what was going on.”
- “Alright, well you’re gonna stay with us, ok?” Armin says. “We’ll bring you wherever you need to go.”
- You nod thankfully. “You’re my hero. Seriously.”
- Armin’s face erupts into a giant blush. “H-Hero? No, please, I was just doing what any sane guy would do!”
- Eren smacks his shoulder. “Armin. You’re her hero.”
- Mikasa gives him a thumbs up
- “Armin? That’s your name? I like it. I’m (Y/N).”
- “Well I like your name as well, (Y/N)”.
- The fireworks start going off, causing Armin to break out into a huge smile
- “Did you know that fireworks originated in China around 2000 years ago?”
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- He’s there with Sasha and Connie
- Marco couldn’t make it as he had to go on vacation to see his family from overseas
- Sasha and Connie are loud
- They’re play fighting, screaming, and just being their usual idiotic selves
- Tonight, however, he can’t take it
- His social battery is already getting drained by all these people so him babysitting them is not gonna happen
- So he decides to take a walk
- It’s difficult to walk though since there’s so many damn people around
- “Hey! Knock it off!” He hears a voice shout
- He instantly looks around and sees you with a guy who’s obviously drunk
- “I said, leave me alone!”
- Jean instantly runs over, barreling over literally everyone
- He pushes the drunk away
- “I think you need a hearing aid, buddy!”
- “Why don’t you mind your own business?” The guy says grabbing Jean’s shirt
- He looks down at the hands, then back up at the guy
- He’s been in this exact same position more times than he can count
- It doesn’t even take that hard of a punch to get the guy to go down
- He’s not knocked out, surprisingly, but he’s definitely reeling
- Jean turns to you and his heart breaks as he sees you shaking
- He notices how pretty you are but pushes that thought away for now
- “Hey, are you alright?”
- You nod. “Th-Thank you.”
- “Don’t worry about it. Do you want me to stay with you in case that dumbass tries anything again?”
- You nod
- “Alright. Then let’s go. He’ll have a harder time finding finding us if we walk away”
- He gently takes your hand and pulls you away
- “I’m Jean, by the way.”
- “(Y/N)”
- You’re still shaken up so when you stop walking away, you wrap your arms around Jean’s waist
- This sets something off in his mind
- You feel safe with him
- You only just met yet your clinging to him like you’re a koala
- Now it’s his goddamn duty to protect you
- He wraps his arm around you to pull you even closer
- “I’m not going anywhere. Don’t worry.”
- You nod, feeling yourself calm down
- He’s nice and warm, even though it’s a warm night
- You feel like you’re meant to be pressed into his side
- Like his side was made specifically for you
- The fireworks start going off and you gasp in delight, completely forgetting everything that happened mere minutes ago
- Jean can feel his phone go off in his pocket, but he ignores it
- He’ll answer Sasha and Connie later
- When he has your number tucked securely into his contacts
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- He’s there with his parents and little brothers
- They’ve always gone to see the fireworks
- They found out last year that his youngest brother has some issues with loud sounds so they made sure to bring along some headphones for him
- Marco’s always secretly hoped he’d find someone while watching the show
- He finds the idea romantic, ok?
- One of his brothers starts to say that he needs the washroom so Marco grabs his hand and pulls him through the crowd towards the indoor event space
- He’s standing in line with his brother when he watches you get into the other line (either for the female washroom or the gender neutral one, he doesn’t know)
- He knows it’s weird, seeing a random stranger get in line to use the washroom and think they’re gorgeous
- But he looks at you nonetheless
- You feel someone looking at you so you turn your head and notice Marco
- You wave slightly and find it adorable how he blushes and looks away
- You’ve actually seen him before but never got the chance to say hello
- You work at a local toy store and so you see him and his family come in often to buy gifts for the youngest children
- He’s never noticed you before so he never read your name tag
- He feels embarrassed that he was caught but pushes the feeling aside as he eventually makes it to the front of the line
- As they exit the washroom, he sees you standing by the exit door
- You’re probably waiting for someone
- There’s no way someone like you came here alone
- “Hi there.” You greet
- He stops in his tracks. “Me?”
- “Who else could I be talking to?”
- Marco stays silent. He can’t believe you’re talking to him
- “I was wondering if you were here with anyone.” You look down at his brother. “I mean, anyone else.”
- “Oh, uh. Just my parents and my other brothers.”
- “Oh, ok. Sorry.” You say. You then fish into your bag and pull out a pen. You grab his arm and write down your number. “Text me when you get a chance. My name is (Y/N), by the way.”
- Before he can form a sentence, you’re already gone out the door. He looks down at his arm and sees your pretty handwriting
- He immediately fishes his phone out of his pocket and adds your name and number to his contacts
- He then quickly sends a text
- “Hey, there. You just gave me your number. My name is Marco”
- It doesn’t take you long to respond
- “Hi, Marco. If you want to join me, I’m sitting on a checkered purple blanket by the play structure :)”
- He instantly rushes his brother back to his parents before running off to join you
- He practically slides on the ground to sit, he’s so excited
- He’s never had someone so into him that they write their number on his arm like he’s in a romance movie
- He’s now just realizing that his fantasy is coming true as the fireworks go off
- You lean against him and he just about faints at the contact
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- Despises fireworks
- Hates them
- They’re loud, bright, annoying and make the air smell like shit
- He’s also surrounded by strangers and kids
- And what do those two things have in common?
- Germs
- And germs brings colds and sickness, which he absolutely cannot stand
- He only came because Hanji was going and we all know how much trouble Hanji can get in when by themselves
- He cringes at the sight of all the people standing around
- It feels like a cult to him
- All these people flock to one place to watch this big event in dedication to this one moment in history
- “I wanna get close!” Hanji says as they begin to push through the crowd
- Levi grabs their ponytail. “No, we’re not going in that cesspool”
- “Aw, c’mon, Levi! We need to get good spots!”
- “Don’t care. Not going in.”
- Hanji grabs Levi’s hand out of their hair and starts dragging him
- Knowing damn well that Hanji consistently forgets to wash their hands, he struggles to pull out of their grasp
- “Stop being so stubborn!” Hanji exclaims, gripping their friend tighter
- Levi grabs their wrist and yanks himself out
- But the force causes him to stumble backwards
- Tripping right over your legs as you sit on a blanket
- “Oh, my god, are you ok?” You ask him, his legs laying right over yours
- “Yeah. Fine.” He grumbles. He’s about to stand up and beat the living shit out of Hanji for making him tumble over a stranger but then he meets your concerned gaze
- He stops moving and wonders if he stopped breathing for a second
- “Seriously, that was a bit of a nasty fall. Did you hit your head?”
- “Uh… No. No, I’m fine. Sorry.”
- “Don’t be sorry, you didn’t mean to.”
- He nods and stands back up
- He looks around for Hanji but they seem to have abandoned him
- Levi clicks his tongue in annoyance “Damn, four-eyes”
- “Can’t find your friend?” You ask
- “No. Probably didn’t even realize that I fell.”
- “You can stay with me until they come back.” You offer
- He looks down at you patting the empty spot on the blanket
- He doesn’t know where that blanket’s been
- Hell, he doesn’t know where you’ve been
- But for some reason, he can’t say no to that sweet face
- So he sits down and crosses his legs
- “I’m (Y/N)”
- “Levi”
- You pull out a small thing of hand sanitizer and put some in your hand before holding your hand out to shake his
- Yup, he’s instantly star struck
- He takes your hand and shakes it. “I see you like your cleanliness, too?”
- “Mhm. I have a thing with germs. Just the thought creeps me out”
- The fireworks start going off and suddenly, he’s seeing them in a new light
- Maybe they’re not so bad after all
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- He doesn’t mind fireworks
- He’d honestly prefer to be at home and watch them from his backyard but the city banned backyard fireworks this year so he was forced to go out
- He doesn’t go with anyone
- He had a barbecue earlier in the afternoon so now he’s unwinding from having to talk to people
- It’s not that he doesn’t like people, he just likes not having to entertain them all the time
- He’s still a depressed bean so keeping up face is exhausting
- This is his time
- His time to be alone
- His time to-
- His head whips around as you pass him
- He can’t take his eyes off you as you push through the crowd
- So he turns and starts to follow you
- He doesn’t mean to be creepy
- He just hasn’t felt like this in years so he doesn’t want to let it go so quickly
- It’s like you’re a magnet and he’s metal
- Or a witch and you’ve casted a spell on him
- He follows you to the back of the crowd and watches as you walk over to a group of people
- A group that contains other guys
- The feeling washes away immediately and is replaced by more depression
- There’s no way in hell you aren’t here with one of those guys
- “Hey, looks like you’ve got an admirer.” Your friend says as he points to Reiner
- You turn around and see him
- You think he’s incredibly attractive with those broad shoulders and tall stature
- He starts to walk back into the crowd
- You feel your friend push you
- “Go get him! Bring him over!”
- You nod and quickly run back
- “Excuse me!” You grab his shoulder and when he looks down, his eyes widen
- He can’t believe it
- You stopped him
- “I was wondering if you wanted to join me and my friends.”
- “Friends?” He repeats. “Not your boyfriend?”
- You chuckle. “No. I don’t have one”
- He feels his heart leap for joy. “I’m Reiner.”
- “(Y/N)”
- You bring him back and introduce him to your friends
- They all seem jealous that such a fine man wants to talk with you
- You just smile smugly and grab his arm
- He’s so touch starved that he almost gets on his knees for you
- The show starts and you all watch as the sky lights up in different colours
- You rest your head against his strong arm
- He’s pretty sure he feels his nose start to bleed
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- He’s afraid of fireworks
- The sound and light brings back bad memories
- Whenever someone sets off fireworks, he immediately turns on a movie, putting the sound on full blast and hiding under the covers
- He does this during thunderstorms, too
- But his therapist wants him to do exposure therapy
- It’s easier for thunderstorms
- He just has to sit by the window in silence
- But fireworks?
- Those only come around every few months
- And his therapist wants him to go to the show
- He only agreed to go if he brings someone with him
- So Reiner and Annie step up to the plate
- She’s pretty nonchalant while Reiner us praising him up and down
- “You got this, Bert!” “Look at you! You’re doing so good!” “You’re gonna own these bastard fireworks in no time!”
- This helps but he’s still nervous as all hell
- The amount of people isn’t making it any easier
- With all the people buzzing with excitement, it’s just churning his stomach
- They opt to stay on the outside of the crowd
- As the clock strikes ten, Reiner puts an arm around his friend’s shoulder
- He feels a bit more confident
- But when that first firework goes off, he’s no more than a small dog
- He basically becomes a mouse
- He just wants to run and hide
- But with Reiner there, he can’t
- Another firework goes off, so he covers his ears
- Another, he closes his eyes
- And when the fourth one goes off, all that churning comes bubbling to the surface
- He pushes Reiner off and runs away, holding his mouth closed under the bile is too much in his mouth and he lets it out into the grass
- “Oh, sweetie, are you ok?” A soft, sweet voice says from behind him
- He tries to look up but he can’t as his stomach continues to empty
- He feels you start to rub his back comfortingly. “Here. Wipe your mouth”
- He takes the tissue out of your hands and wipes his mouth clean
- As he stands up, he turns to you but keeps his gaze down. “I- Um- I’m sorry”
- “Don’t be sorry.” You say. “Are you alright?”
- He finally looks up at your face and instantly wishes he didn’t
- You’re so beautiful that it makes him almost puke again
- Why did he have to be sick in front of someone like you?
- He opens his mouth to answer but a very loud ‘boom’ sounds off
- He drops the tissue and covers his ears
- You can see the poor boy shaking in his boots
- “Oh, sweetie.” You coo and run over to your bag. Your friend was supposed to join you, but she had to go away for the weekend. You just never removed the noise cancelling headphones from your bag
- You hand them over to him. When you see his eyes closed, you gently touch his arm. He finally opens them and looks at the headphones
- “Here. These should help”
- He gratefully takes the headphones and puts them on
- “Thank you”
- He calms down almost instantly. But you can still see him shaking
- So you gently grab his hand and smile up at him
- His hand is sweaty, but you don’t mind at all
- “It’s ok to be scared. I’ll stay with you until it’s over, ok? I’m (Y/N)”
- “I’m Bertolt.”
- Reiner and Annie watch the whole ordeal go down and tease him about it later
- Only he could pick someone up by blowing chunks in front of them
- Safe to say though that you exchanged numbers and talk all the time
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- This boy goes crazy for the Fourth of July/Canada Day
- He’s wearing a hat, face paint, flag shirt, matching shorts, flags in both hands, and even has celebratory crocs with matching Jibbitz
- Safe to say he stands out
- And in a crowd of thousands, that’s hard to do
- He’s there with Jean and Sasha, Sasha being dressed up too but not like him
- Jean in that moment really starts to question where he went wrong in life to get Connie and Sasha as his best friends
- Connie, even though his get up seems finished, needs more merch
- So he leaves Sasha and Jean to man their spot as he pushes through the crowd and up to the stand selling just about everything he could hope for
- Is part of him doing this to annoy Jean more? Abso-fucking-lutely
- He looks at all the items on offer when he notices someone walk up beside him
- He’s mesmerized but not just because you look amazing, but because you match his vibe
- You are wearing a light up hat and a necklace that’s singing the national anthem
- And don’t get him started on your makeup
- It’s way more elaborate than the painted stripes he did on his cheeks
- You look at him and smile widely when you see how decked out he is
- “I thought I was the only crazy one here!”
- “Crazy? Baby, you haven’t seen crazy yet”
- You laugh in response
- He wants to hear you laugh again
- No, scratch that. He needs to hear you laugh again
- So he buys the bubble wand and presses the button so bubbles start shooting out
- He starts screeching the anthem at the top of his lungs like a damn seagull
- You laugh so hard you nearly fall down
- Connie catches you though, so you end up laughing into his chest
- You’ve finally found another person who’s as insane as you are
- Connie knows how rare it is to find another person like him, so he knows he can’t just let you go
- “Are you here with anyone?”
- “Yeah, technically.” You sigh. “But they all thought I was being annoying and left. I was gonna buy something to cheer myself up”
- “No need.” Connie says, linking your arm with his. “You have new friends. Sasha’s like us and Jean actually tolerates our craziness. Pretty sure he secretly likes it”
- You giggle and hold his arm tighter
- “Then take me to thy leader!”
- He laughs and begins to lead you back. “I’m Connie.”
- “Nice to meet you, Connie. I’m (Y/N)”
- Sasha and Jean give each other a look as you two approach. They’ll leave Connie alone for now
- But once you’re gone? They’re mocking the living shit out of him
- Titanic references. Singing ‘A Whole New World’. Humming the wedding tune. Making kissing noises- the whole nine yards
- As the fireworks start going off, he starts screaming the national anthem
- Jean covers his ears and then his jaw drops as you join him
- People start giving you looks
- “Oh, god. Now there’s three of them” Jean says
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aishangotome · 3 months
Alfons Sylvatica: Chapter 10 Premium Story
Chapter 10
He said 'healthy date' but I thought he was going to take me to another dubious place again...
Kate: W-what is this...!?
We were in one of London's most expansive parks.
The park itself was familiar, but the problem was the sight that unfolded before my eyes.
People of all ages, men and women alike, were covered in pie.
Alfons: Don't you know? It's a festival where you throw pies at each other and get messy.
Alfons: A hit to the face is worth 6 points, a hit to the chest is worth 5 points, and a hit to the arm is worth 3 points.
The pies piled high on the table were not being eaten but were flying through the air.
Kate: W-what a waste!
Alfons: Ah-ha! You're really serious, aren't you?
Alfons: I love to have fun, but I also love stupid things like this.
Alfons: I just wanted to see you like this... Okay?
(He wanted to see me like this...)
His whisper tickles my curiosity.
Kate: ...But what about our clothes...? What if we get dirty...?
Alfons: We can worry about that later.
Female Staff: Are you participating?
Alfons: Yes, please. Two people.
He firmly included me in the count and followed the staff member who was guiding us.
Male Staff: Are you sure, sir? You're dressed pretty nicely.
Alfons: Nice clothes are meant to be dirtied.
Male Staff: I see, that's right! Here you go, miss.
Kate: Y-yes...
As I stepped inside the rope,
Kate: Wah, ugh...!
Suddenly, a pie hit me square in the face.
Kate: W-what...?
Alfons: Ah-ha! You look terrible!
Female Staff: Blue team, 6 points!
(That's right! A hit to the face is worth 6 points... but what's the blue team...?)
Kate: I-is this some kind of team battle...?
Alfons: Well, that's what it seems like.
Alfons: The judges are all over the place, and I don't think there's really a winner or loser.
Alfons: Everyone just wants to get messy with other people to let off steam.
Alfons said, dodging a flying pie amidst the chaos.
Alfons: Hey, you're being targeted again.
Kate: W-where from...?
Alfons: Behind you.
He pulled me in close, and...
Kate: M-m...!?
Alfons: ...hehe.
Our lips met, and Alfons' tongue licked away the cream that had stuck to the corner of my mouth.
Alfons: Hmm... the flavor is a bit off. It's not sweet at all.
Kate: W-what are you doing... in front of people? Um...
Their lips met in a deep kiss.
Their tongues intertwined, and Kate pounded on Alfons's chest, but he wouldn't let her go...
Kate: ...haah...! No more...! What are you doing...?
Alfons: To cleanse my palate of the bad pie.
Man with rolled up arms: Whoo! You're hot there, you two!
Young man: Damn lovebirds! May you two be happy forever!
Amidst the mix of teasing, insults, and blessings, pies come flying from all directions.
Kate: Kyaah!?
Alfons, who had been gracefully dodging them, finally got a pie splattered on his head.
Alfons: Ahahaha! I'm a popular target.
Kate: This is no laughing matter…!
Alfons: Should we fight back? Or run away?
(Well, if it comes to this...)
Kate: ...Of course, we fight back!
(The one who has the most fun wins!)
With determination, Kate swung her arm to throw a pie.
The pie I threw... hit the face of the person who pied Alfons.
Kate: Oh my... sorry!
Alfons: Hehe, nice control.
Young man: You did it!
-- In the end, the winner was unclear, and we were completely covered in cream from head to toe.
But the strange festival closed its curtain with many smiles.
Kate: Haah... that was an incredible festival...
Alfons: Haah... it was the best. Especially when that guy tried to sandwich us and slipped...
Kate: Pfft...don't remind me, I'll laugh again...!
I look at Alfons' smile in the twilight.
(…Alfons, you seem… genuinely happy now.)
Right now, Alfons' heart is here, and he is feeling "happy" with me.
I feel like I'm getting a little closer to him, like a mirage that is hard to grasp.
--Can I hold him in the palm of my hand next time?
(Why does thinking that way...)
(Why does it make me so happy?)
Kate: Thank you for taking me to a wonderful festival.
Alfons: You're welcome.
Kate: Hehe... I don't think I'll ever forget today.
Alfons: .............
The afterglow of the festival, the sunset, and his laughter.
As if all of this moment was being burned into my chest, my heart was slowly warming up.
Alfons: ...Is that so?
A shadow seemed to fall over Alfons's happy smile.
Like resignation, like self-deprecation...
His lonely profile shook her heart.
Kate: Is something wrong...?
Alfons: What is?
Kate: I don't know... you just seem a little down.
Alfons: Me? No way.
Alfons: I had fun.
Kate: Me too... I had fun too.
The word "fun" that came out of his mouth made her lean forward.
He didn't look back at her, but slowly looked up at the sky.
Alfons: ...Well, someday, when you want to blow off some steam...
Alfons: Just remember that there was a festival like this.
(Someday, when I remember...)
His words clearly implied that he wouldn't be there next time.
My chest aches slightly.
(When I remember, then... will you come with me again if I invite you?)
For some reason, I couldn't ask such a trivial question.
Alfons: Well, then.
Alfons: Let's do something about this sticky body.
Kate: Huh? Oh, yes...!
Kate: What should we do? I can't even get into a carriage in this state...
Alfons: Leave it to me. I know plenty of places that have showers.
The place he took me to was the same room where those questionable things had happened.
I hesitated, but unable to come up with an alternative to walking all the way back to the castle covered in sticky cream, I was helplessly led into the cramped shower room.
Alfons: ...Are you going to make another excuse?
Kate: ...
Alfons: Come on, think fast... or you'll be completely undressed.
Kate: W-wait...
As if coaxing a cat that hates baths, he peeled the clothes off my body.
Kate: Fuu... nn..
Sandwiched between his body and the shower room wall, I realized that the only thing left on me was my underwear, barely clinging to my knees.
Alfons: ... What's wrong? Your cheeks are as red as if you've already taken a shower, even though you've only taken off your clothes.
Kate: Th-that's because of you, Alfons...
Alfons: Hehe... Yes, yes. It's all my fault, isn't it?
He laughed as if praising my excuse and turned on the shower faucet.
Weakly falling water droplets wet my body and Alfons's.
Alfons: ... It's all my fault that this is pointed, as if it wants to be washed.
His hands reached down to my chest and pinched the tip of it between his fingers.
Kate: I-I'll wash it myself...
Alfons: There's no need to be shy.
With a last-ditch effort to resist, I raise both arms to cover my chest, but my right hand is quickly seized, lifted high, and pinned to the wall.
With only one hand left, I resist his that was desperately trying to play with my chest.
Alfons: You know, being covered up like that only makes me want to tease you even more, Kate.
Kate: You, ... ah!
He tickled the spaces between my fingers as I covered my chest, and I couldn't help but glare back at Alfons, who was standing behind me.
Kate: Th-this is...not how you wash someone...this is...wrong...
Alfons: Ah... my apologies. I got a bit carried away.
Alfons: Very well, if that's what you desire, I'll wash you properly. I'll make sure to clean every inch of you, just the way you like it.
Alfons's misbehaving hands gave up on their teasing of Kate's chest and began to trace the lines of her body, moving down to her stomach and then below.
Kate: T-there, with your hands...!
Alfons: Shhh... I'll wash places you can't reach yourself.
His fingertips followed the trail of liquid, sliding down her front and then between her legs.
Kate: H-hot... Alfons... ah, ah, ahh...
Alfons: Aha... it's sticky here too.
Alfons: ...But did you get pie on this spot too?"
With a dazed expression, Alfons pulls his fingers in and out.
Kate: "N-no, ahhh..."
Alfons watches me panting, soaked to the bone. His eyes, relaxed in pleasure, the smile that forms on his lips, and his slightly flushed skin flicker in my blurred vision due to the droplets.
**flashback to earlier**
Alfons: – I’m also curious about something.
Alfons: I wonder how I look in your eyes when we’re indulging in pleasure together.
Alfons: Do I look bored? Do I look unhappy? Do I look like I’m not enjoying myself?
**end of flashback**
(...... I don't understand......)
(Why did I think, without hesitation, that he looked "truly happy" earlier?)
(Now...... why?)
(Why does his smile feel so empty?)
Just a moment ago, I thought our fingertips had barely touched, but now our bodies are pressed together, so close.
Yet, his presence feels so distant......and I regret it.
Alfons: Now now, you mustn't overthink things.
Kate: Ahh––
I've realized why I'm so drawn to the "truth" of this person.
(Perhaps, I--)
(I'm starting to fall for this illusion of a man.)
Chapter 11
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
May I request something angsty with Ruhn where he breaks up with reader for some stupid reason and a few years later is still thinking about her. Then he meets her again or something? Thank you amazing writer!
Back to December
Ruhn x Reader
A/n: thank you for the request! I changed up the time so instead of a few years it’s months and I gave it a happy ending bc I hate ending things sad. I hope you like it❤️
Warnings: angst
“Ruhn what the fuck are you talking about?” He paces across his room, anger radiating off his body. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
“If you’re talking about earlier tonight with Ithan then you’re fucking crazy. I was fine! You know Ithan wouldn’t do anything, he’s your friend!” Ruhn has been getting jealous and overprotective recently when you’ve been talking with other males and it’s been driving you crazy. It doesn’t matter if the guy has been a total stranger or a friend, like Ithan. You guys have been able to talk it out but you’re at your breaking point. He’s always apologized but this time he isn’t listening to you.
You don’t understand why he’s been acting this way. “Ruhn,” your tone stern, “this has been going on for weeks and I don’t know if I can do this anymore. I think until you can get your jealousy problem under control we should take a break.” You felt your heart break in two as soon as the words left your mouth.
Ruhn stopped his pacing, his head snapping towards you. You watched the realization of his actions hit him. “Y/n, please. I’m sorry, I promise I’ll stop. Please, please don’t leave.” You shake your head, “No, Ruhn. We need some time apart. I need time.” You knew it was for the best. If you guys kept going with his current behavior it would break you.
Ruhn walked over to you, lightly grasping your shoulders. His pleading eyes met yours. “Baby I’m begging you, please we can work this out.” You brush Ruhn off and step back toward his bedroom door. “No. We need time, Ruhn.” His mouth turned into a deep frown. “Ok, well…how much?”
“I’m not sure Ruhn.” You turn away from him, opening the door. You look over your shoulder, “I still love you Ruhn, just give us time.” You leave, knowing you made the right decision.
~ 3 Months Later~
You were surprised when Bryce asked you to join her and Declan for lunch. You felt bad, you were close with them before you and Ruhn took a break, but you haven’t talked to them much. You were happy to see them, and you had a feeling as to why they asked to see you.
When you got to the restaurant Bryce and Declan were already seated. Dec noticed you walking over and jumped up. “Hey y/n! How are you?” He hugs you and then Bryce pulls you in tight. “I’m ok. I’ve felt weird. I can’t explain it, but I’m ok.” You all sit and fall into easy conversation.
Once your plates were empty and your laughter stopped you all fell into an awkward silence.
Dec breaks the silence, “So, we wanted to see you but we also wanted to talk.” You give them a sad smile and nod. “About Ruhn?” Bryce reaches across the table, grasping your hand. “He’s been a mess since you took a break.”
Somehow you knew. You constantly had this sad feeling in your chest. You couldn’t explain it but you knew it wasn’t your sadness.
“I’ve been talking to him through it all, and he feels bad about his behavior.” Bryce continues. “I’m not trying to make excuses for him or anything. I know you were hurt and I’m sorry. But I think you should talk to him.” You had a feeling of why Bryce wants you to talk to him but you had to be sure before risking your heart.
“I want to, but I have some questions and I need you both to answer them honestly.” Declan and Bryce nod silently, waiting for you to go on. “Does he know you two are seeing me?”
“No.” Declan responds, “he doesn’t know we’re here.” Good, you thought. At least he wasn’t sending his sister and friend out to grovel for him. “Remember how I said I felt weird? I’ve had this feeling in my chest, like sadness but I’m not sad. Is that him?”
Declan and Bryce shared a knowing look. Bryce turns back to you smiling, “Yes. When he was describing how he felt I knew. It’s exactly what Hunt and I felt when the bond snapped for us.”
Oh gods. That’s why he was so aggressive towards other males. The bond snapped for him and he didn’t even know it. It must have driven him crazy. And no wonder you’ve been feeling sad, it was him.
They could tell you were thinking back on everything. Declan spoke up, halting your thoughts, “We don’t expect you to talk to him. Especially if you’re not ready y/n. But he’s been a mess without you.”
You pause for a moment, you knew you had to go talk to him when Bryce confirmed it was the mating bond.
Standing outside of the door of Ruhn’s house you were anxious. Before you could knock for a second time the door flies open. Ruhn is standing there, a surprised look on his face, “Y/n.” He whispered it like he couldn’t believe you were standing in front of him.
He looked tired, there were bags under his bloodshot eyes. “Hi Ruhn. Can we talk?”
He steps aside to let you in. You lead him into the living room and plop down on the couch, Ruhn sits on the ottoman in front of you.
You start, “I’ve been feeling weird, in here,” you point to your chest right over your heart. Ruhn takes a shaky breath rubbing the same spot on his chest. “I want to be honest with each other if we are going to work again. I saw Bryce and Dec today, I had a feeling but Bryce confirmed it for me.” Ruhn’s eyes line with silver. “Why didn’t you tell me about the bond? We could’ve worked it out together.”
Ruhn opened and closed his mouth. He took another breath, “I didn’t know what was going on. I felt panicked when I was away from you or if you were with other people. I just, I was scared because I didn’t think it was real and I so badly wanted it to be.” You felt a tightness in your throat as you fought back tears. “I’m so sorry, y/n. I’ve been thinking about everything since you left. I know I was…intense, and it was wrong. I’m sorry and if you’ll let me, I'll make it up to you for the rest of our lives.”
He looked at you, eyes full of hope as tears rolled down his cheeks. You let a few tears escape, smiling at him. “Yes Ruhn. I took the time I needed and I want you. I want to explore this bond with you. I’m sorry you’ve been keeping this all in baby.” Relief washed over him as he rushed to the couch, pulling you into a tight embrace. He pulled away quickly, “I’m sorry, is this ok?”
You nod your head, “It’s more than ok. We’ve been apart long enough, it feels good to be back in your arms.” Ruhn let’s out a sob embracing you again. You wrap your arms around him, nuzzling your face into his neck. “I’m so happy to have you back love, you have no idea.”
You laugh, hugging him tighter. He pulls you into his lap leaning back on the cushions. Pulling back, you cup his face and brush his tears away with your thumbs. “We still need to have a talk about the jealousy. And how overprotective you were.” He nods his head quickly, “Absolutely. Yes, I promise. It couldn’t have been pleasant for you, again I’m so sorry.” You kiss his forehead. “Thank you. Let’s not talk about it tonight, let’s just enjoy being with each other.”
tags: @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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raainy-daze · 2 years
Yo yo, guess who?
Leo x male!reader: reader had an idea and asks Mikey to draw/paint a red-eared slider shell pattern on his back and surprises Leo with it! Bonus if he has Mikey add red eye stripes, and double bonus if happy churring and cuddles ensue. Dunno if turtles have clingy instincts, but maybe Leo could take a deep dive in these hypothetical instincts and just incoherently latch on to Y/N for a couple of hours and make happy noises.
(*one of the brothers approaches*
Leo: *hiss*)
Painted Shells
rottmnt leo x male!reader
summary: you think it’d be funny/cute to imitate your boyfriend, so you ask mikey to assist with your newest idea.
word count: 462
warnings for minor swearing
a/n: i’ve been forcing myself through a minor writer’s block these last few weeks, and i apparently just couldn’t figure out how to write this as a oneshot or anything, so it ended up being in this form, i hope that’s okay!
i’m finally back on requests you guys - i’m going to clear out my inbox before opening them again, but yay! sorry i was consumed by seasonal stuff. halloween’s soul itself possesses me every year ANYWAYS ENJOY
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when you had the idea, you had gone to mikey immediately. he agreed, of course, and preparation began.
preparation consisted of two steps
step one: acquire paint actually safe for your skin
that wasn’t too hard. most craft stores sold body paint, it was just a quick errand.
step two: distract leo
also simple enough. you just had to send him out for pizza - he always took unreasonably long on tasks like that. he always got into some sort of trouble every time he even stepped outside.
all the guys did, actually - but that’s besides the point
so, you set your hoodie aside, and set to work. (or rather, you sat down down while mikey set to work)
(you paid him in candy)
you actually did the eye stripes, which weren’t in the original plan. you got bored while waiting, so you took some of the paint and just started on your eyes.
when mikey was done, you handed him a handful of starburst and left him to his own devices
you wound up waiting in leo’s room while the paint was drying - speaking of paint drying, it felt like it was taking forever.
(you had this thought about ten minutes in.)
leo’s return to the lair was hailed by several crashes, followed by “I DIDN’T DROP THE PIZZA THIS TIME!”
a few minutes later, he was in the doorway. “hey, i brought you a slice.”
he didn’t even process the paint for about ten seconds
“and then the guy gave me the box, and i swear to-“ *pause* *blink* “HOLY CRAP”
he kind of starts laughing at first - not in a mean way or anything, just from being caught off guard
“did you get mikey to do that? what the hell, (y/n)?”
he was grinning. “holy crap, that’s cool!”
cuddling ensued
this is absolutely an ego boost for him, you know
his arms were around your waist from the front, and you were patting his shell with one hand, your pizza slice in the other.
“y’know, i didn’t think this would make you so clingy.”
“i am not clingy”
“you are literally clinging to me right now. this is the definition of clinging. please be careful, i don’t know if the paint’s entirely dry.”
you remained this way for a good hour and a half.
you noticed donnie sneaking a picture for blackmail when he walked by the door, but you weren’t going to mention it.
“this is kind of gay.”
“you’re gay.” leo’s voice was muffled by your stomach, which he was pressed against.
“how could you even say such a thing, babe?”
it occurred to you that you would have to wash this off at some point. that’d probably be a nightmare.
oh well, that’s future you’s problem.
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❝I watched you change.❞ ❝I could be mean. I could be angry. You know I could be just like you.❞
Pairing: Dallas Winston x Fem! Reader
Summary:After Dallas criticizing the reader's ways after thinking she was flirting with a Two-Bit, she decided to change.
Trope: Enemies to lovers
Warnings: Cursing, Smoking, Dallas being a cute idiot. <3
Songs: Change - Deftones, Just like you - Three Days Grace
You walked into the Curtis house, in a really good mood.
"Good morning! What's up?" you said with a bright smile as you shut the door behind you.
Everyone greeted you- well, some more bitter than others.
"Can you just shut up for once? And what the hell are you wearing? That band sucks." He said pointing to your cropped band t-shirt and your ripped baggy jeans in disgust before taking a puff of his cigarette.
"Oh. Sorry, I just woke up in a good mood I guess. Felt like wearing it. And you listen to the same band, Dally." You said, your attitude going from happy to sad real quick.
You were very sensitive and was very sweet to everyone. You didn't understand why he was being so mean to you.
"Dally, what is your problem? She's being nice to you and you're being a major dick." Johnny said.
Johnny never talked to his idol like that.
"She's being annoying, alright? So why don't you just shut up Johnny."
"Alright. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye Johnny." You walked out the house and didn't come back for the rest of the day.
"Fine then. Little bitch." He muttered under his breath as he watched you leave, covering up his regret.
"What's up with you, man? Why'd you talk to her like that?" Two-Bit said to his buddy, looking away from his show of Mickey Mouse for the first time. But he couldn't help but listen to the conversation between his two friends.
"Wouldn't you like to know, lover boy. Don't worry about it-"
"No I'm gonna worry about it. Y/N ain't did nothin' wrong since she got here and you're treating her like crap. You need to apologize, Dal."
"Yeah. I ain't gotta do shit."
It was the next day. And instead of wearing your favorite band, you just wore a regular plain blue T-shirt and sweatpants.
Dallas walked in the Curtis house to see you smoking with Johnny and Ponyboy, laughing at Pony's joke about some girl at school.
"Oh my lord! She does walk like that-" You cut yourself off at the sight of Dallas' figure walking through the door.
You blew a puff of smoke, looking away from him.
He sat on the couch, looking at you from a distance.
"Got something to say, Dal? Hm?" You sassed, rolling your eyes before looking at Johnny and Ponyboy.
"What's your problem?" He said, seeming he has forgotten everything from yesterday.
"Oh I'm sorry. I guess I'm still being annoying since you still managed to notice me sitting right here." You said with sarcasm in your voice.
He looked at you, realizing.
"Since when did you smoke?" He said, grabbing the cigarette from your mouth.
"Since I was being annoying. I just thought I'd act just like you. Because you seem to love yourself a lot. You just can't get enough of yourself. You are a selfish person who I thought was my friend. I hate you, Dally." You got up, slamming the door behind you.
He stayed there for a minute, a pain in his chest soon spreading to his brain and the rest of his body.
"Dally, Go." Johnny said, pointing to the direction your went.
He though for a minute, walking out the door to see you on the porch.
"Hey, Doll." He sat down beside you on the steps.
"What do you want."
"Okay don't start your moody shit right now. If you're gonna start that, go flirt with Two-Bit some more." He said, looking at you with anger, also a hint of sadness.
"What?! Dal, you can't be serious right now. I don't think of Two like that and you know it."
"Oh yeah? Then why were you talkin' to him all cutesy at the drive in yesterday morning? Huh?"
"Well if you have to know, he was helping me get a gift for you. I was gonna tell you something but you started being a jerk. So I left." You said, handing him a customized lighter.
He held it in his hands, staring at the designs of the flowers and the skulls.
"Doll, I'm so sorry."
Dallas Winston felt terrible. He got it all wrong and made you feel bad for absolutely nothing.
"It's alright. I just hope we're at least friends again." You said with hope lacing your voice as you looked at him.
"Actually, I was hoping for something different.."
"Look, Dal. I didn't mean to be annoying yesterday. I was in a good mo-"
"Doll, it's fine. You're not annoying. I'm just a major asshole. Forgive me?" He smiled, grabbing your hand gently.
You nodded, squeezing his hand slightly, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
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itslottiehere · 2 years
the pineapple coincidence (h.s) — part one
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hello beautiful people 🤍  welcome back! it’s been a while, huh? i’m so sorry to have made you wait for so long, but among all things that happened, i wasn’t in the mood to post my writing. but i’m back now! so, this is a new story about barista!harry x college student!reader, and i hope you’ll like it! (also, if you get the reference in the title, you get a big forehead kiss).  please, let me know what you think !! your feedback means the world to me. you can do so in the tags or in my asks if you wish to! without further ado, happy reading! <3
masterlist | leave your feedback or requests here
tw: none really for this part, perhaps for the next ones but they will be signalled.
word count: 4.1k
“hello, hi, can i please get a non-alcoholic cocktail? a mocktail? is that what they’re called? i don’t know, just uh- can i have one of those, please?”
“yeah yeah, slow down. coming right up.”
harry had kept an eye on her the whole evening, because she clearly didn’t want to be there. at first, he was afraid she was on a date with someone who was doing something to make her uncomfortable, so he kept looking at their table to see if he had to step up and kick them out.
but when he saw other people join her and her friend at the table, he understood that it was a group of friends, so he let down his guard.
still, he couldn’t understand why she was such in a poor mood.
“everything alright?” he inquired, glancing at her briefly.
“uh? yeah, yeah, everything’s fine.” she said, tapping her fingers nervously on the counter. harry looked down at her hands, and smirked.
“doesn’t seem like it.”
“i just- i just didn’t want to come out tonight.” she murmured.
he nodded lightly. “ah, i see. because you’re the designated driver?” he started grabbing the things to make her drink.
“no, it’s not - uh, i have to get up early and study tomorrow and i have to pretend to get drunk or at least pretend to be a bit tipsy or else i will never hear the end of it from my friends. they keep saying that “i can’t ever let go” she scoffed, and then looked up to him, eyes opening wide in surprise. “i’m sorry, i didn’t want to overshare and bother you with my problems, i tend to do that when i’m nervous and that’s why-“
“hey, slow down. it’s fine, i’m a bartender, more used to it than you think.” he answers, giving her a crooked smile. “here’s your drink, it has grapefruit and pineapple in it.” he extended his arm with the glass in his hand. “hope you’ll like it.”
“how did you know i love pineapple?” she smiled at him.
he shrugged: he didn’t know about the pineapple, but he did know she had a pretty smile.
he watched her walking back to the table, the drink clutched into her hands. she sat down and brought the straw to her lips, drinking a bit of the concoction harry prepared for her. when he saw the look of delight on her face, a grin made his way on his.
“hey dude, i’ll have a beer.” a guy interrupted his staring.
“wha- oh sure, coming right up.”
she really didn’t want to go out. finals were coming up and she had to get the best scores, or else she already could see the disappointed look on her parents’ faces. it’s not their fault, really, she was always good in school and everyone just kind of expected that from her.
so really it’s kind of her own fault, right?
it sure felt like it. she couldn’t blame her parents for expecting her to succeed in college: she was the best student at her high school, without a crazy effort; she was also the valedictorian at her graduation. so now at college, they expected her to do the same, and how could she let them down?
that kind of pressure, added to the stress of moving for college, turned her into an overwhelmed, burnt out mess, that just wanted to stay home and go to sleep early so that she could’ve woken up the following day and get back to studying.
but she wasn’t that lucky.
“we never see you anymore! the only time i can see you is in the library and you spend half of the time shushing me.” niall cracked a smile. “please come out with us.” he whined, giving her his best attempt at puppy eyes.
“no, i really can’t. i’m way too busy, i need to study.” she shook her head in disagreement. 
but that didn’t stop niall and his whining. “c’mon now, it’s at a bar nearby. you need to let loose once in a while, you really need a night out.”
she shook her head once again, dropping the gaze back to her books. “i said no, you should-“
niall interrupted her, standing up from the library chair. “i’m picking you up at 9pm, and i’ll drag you out the door or carry you bridal style to the car, but i won’t take no for an answer.” with that and a smile, he left her in the library.
and now, there she was.
she loved her friends, she really did, and she was glad that sometimes they dragged her out of her room to talk to some other human beings, but not tonight. she could feel the anxiety creep up, the sense of guilt of wasting a night that she could’ve spent studying eating her from the inside. 
she was becoming fidgety, her right leg bouncing so much she was afraid it was going to come off, her breath getting shallower by the minute, the grip of her anxiety getting stronger around her throat. so she excused herself and left the table with the excuse of “getting a drink”, just to get a break and maybe calm down.
she didn’t want to get a water as always because her friends teased her all the time.
“a water? really? can’t you get a cocktail for once? maybe a fruity one, where you don’t even feel the alcohol?” 
and she knew that maybe people who suggested that you had to drink in order to have fun weren’t exactly the best people, but she also knew where her friends were coming from: they just wanted to see if it may help her out with her nerves.
but it never did. the thought of letting go of control, especially control over herself? no, thank you.
so she walked up to the counter, thinking about the name of a drink that her friends mentioned, that was supposed to be something with pineapple in it, if she wasn’t mistaken. at least, that was one thing she’d enjoy.
after getting the attention of the curly headed bartender, she started nervously looking around and tapping her fingers on the kind of sticky counter, thinking about how much sleep she was going to lose and how tired she was going to be the following morning and how that was going to mess up all her schedule and-
“everything alright?” the bartender interrupted her rambling thoughts.
“uh?” she hadn’t expected him to talk. “yeah, yeah, everything’s fine.” she shrugged and kept looking around, never letting her gaze land on something or someone for more than four seconds.
“doesn’t seem like it.” the deep voice of the bartender nudged her on, and that’s all that she needed to decide to dump all her thoughts on him.
way to go, you idiot. this poor guy is just doing his job, just shut up already. 
after apologizing to him for what she did, he was still nice — wow, he didn’t get annoyed at me, and even gave me a small smile, she noticed — and he handed her drink, telling her it had grapefruit and pineapple in it.
at the mention of her favourite fruit, she lit up.
“how did you know i love pineapple?”
the thought of someone guessing something about her without even knowing her made her smile, a real smile.
the fact that she needed to realize that it was a real one made her think about how long it had been since she did smile for real.
mumbling a small thank you, she reached for the glass and held it close to her. she turned around and headed back to her table.
he has such a cute smile, she thought.
the rest of the night didn’t go any better. her friends were laughing loudly, way too loud for her taste; her anxiety made her even more quiet that she usually was, but no one seemed to notice that she didn’t speak more than four phrases during the whole evening.
they didn’t really realize she left the table and went out of the bar, either.
she decided to go in the back alley, so she wouldn’t be seen by any of her friends if they were going to come out for a smoke.
“fuck.” she murmured once she felt the cold air hitting her. she could hear her mother’s voice in her head:
“you should’ve worn more layers.”
“you should’ve brought a warmer jacket.”
“don’t even think about getting sick this close to finals.” 
that voice made her feel even colder.
she rummaged in her bag, looking for the one guilty pleasure she permitted herself to have. she took out her pack of cigarettes, opened it and realizing it was the last one, she made a mental note to buy a new pack the following day.
she knew she shouldn’t smoke, but it was the one thing that made her feel a little relaxed. she sighed, picking up the stick and putting it between her slightly cracked lips. once again, she started looking for her lighter, first patting her pockets, and once she didn’t find it there, she started looking in her bag.
“i was sure it was here, c’mon.” she mumbled with the cigarette hanging from her lips. “you must be in here somewhere.”
she kept patting every inch of her purse until finally, in some remote corner, she found the object of her desires. taking it out, victorious, she lit up her cig and took a long drag, letting the smoke fill her lungs; after a little, she opened her lips to let it out.
she could already feel her mind relax, the most relaxed she had been the whole evening. closing her eyes, she rested her back against the wall, and tilted her head back, feeling herself getting calmer by every drag of smoke she inhaled.
“and what is a good girl like you doing in a dark back alley smoking a cigarette?”
“AH!” the deep voice startled her, making her quickly turn around, clutching her chest, afraid her heart was going to fall out.
harry, on the other hand, just giggled at her reaction.
“you scared the crap out of me.” she murmured, glancing at her cigarette and quickly putting it out on the wall, keeping the end in her hand so that she could throw it away later.
“sorry, didn’t want to startle you.” he said, still quite smiling. “so, what are you doing out here?”
she waited a second before answering, pondering whether to lie or tell him the real reason she was out there. she decided on telling a half truth. “i just needed to take a breather, it was too stuffy in there.”
he nodded slowly, still looking at her. “ah, i see.” he nodded his head towards her figure, his eyes shifting to the hand holding the cigarette butt. “you smoke?”
“just, uh- just on occasion. please don’t tell anyone.” she fretted.
harry couldn’t help but chuckle at her reaction. “relax, who am i gonna tell? your parents?” while he didn’t think any of it, he didn’t see the look on her face. he then added: “you’re a grown up, you can very well do whatever you want.”
she had no reason to be scared of her parents finding out from harry, at the end of the day, how could he even get in contact with them? she realized her foolishness, and nodded before speaking up again, clearing her throat. “and what are you doing out here?”
he shrugged. “just taking my break, needed a breather as well.” plus, i didn’t see you inside and thought i might find you out here. hopefully not with the bloke who kept checking you out all night. he wanted to add, but refrained.
“ah, i see.” she nodded, looking around.
an uncomfortable silence surrounded them, were they supposed to fill it? what were they supposed to talk about?
before harry could open his mouth, she spoke up. “i-uh, i think i’m going to head inside. i’ve been out here for a while, don’t want to alarm my friends.” she gave him a tight lipped smile, getting closer to the door.
“oh alright. i’m coming back in too, break almost over anyways.” he smiled, a dimple making its appearance on his cheek. he headed towards the door, opened it and gestured her with his hand to go in. “ladies first.”
she murmured a small thank you, and passed right by him. in the fresh air of the night — instead of the humid stale air of the bar — he could smell her perfume: something flowery, sweet but not nauseatingly so. just the perfect balance.
he was too caught up in his own head that he didn’t notice he was running straight into her back. frowning, he looked down at her, and he had only a question: why did she stop?
“fuck me.” she murmured. “i can’t believe this! no! not again!” her voice grew louder as she spoke.
harry was confused, what happened? they were outside for a total of 7 minutes at best. following her line of sight, he took in the table where she was sat at. now void of people.
oh, c’mon now. 
“i swear to god i’m going to kill niall as soon as i see him, he better run away from me. and miranda too, if she thinks i’m going to let this slide again...” she spoke under her breath, searching for her phone in her purse. once she retrieved it, she sighed. “i’m sorry, my friends left without me for what feels like the millionth time and i’m sure they had a reason-“
harry was quick to interject. “hey, none of that. they could’ve at least told you. no reason is good enough for leaving you here alone.” he said in a firm voice. how could she blame herself for her shitty friends?
“no but look, they left me a message!” she showed him her phone.
from: niall <3
sorry babes, had to take miranda home. she got sick in the bathroom and it was not a pretty sight. text me when you’re home!
harry was unamused. “so?”
“so-” she gulped. “i know it’s not the best situation-“
“it was a jerk move.” he said sternly.
“and that they should’ve told me-“
“you could’ve been in danger.” he couldn’t believe she was trying to defend such a poor behavior.
she looked up at him, somehow pleading him to believe her. “but they had a good reason, she got sick-”
“there wasn’t a good enough reason to leave you in a bar by yourself.” harry looked at her in disbelief. this was a shitty thing to do and apparently it wasn’t the first time it happened.
“i can just call my boyfriend and ask him to pick me-”
“i can take you-” they spoke at the same time. “oh?” 
of fucking course there was a boyfriend. 
how didn’t he see that coming?
“yeah, i can call my boyfriend.” she nodded, mostly to herself. “i mean, he probably won’t be too happy and i’ll have to endure a long scolding on how my friends are the worst, but it’s the only way, isn’t it?” she looked at him briefly, before turning her attention back to her phone to dial her boyfriend’s number.
harry didn’t like the tone she had one bit, it was riddled with anxiety.  
she brought the device to her ear, giving harry a tight lipped smile, before shifting her eyes to look anywhere in the room, but him.
he didn’t know whether to feel flattered or sad.
“that’s weird.” she muttered lowly, glancing at her phone, which still showed her boyfriend’s name. “he always picks up.” she looked up at harry.
“mmh, maybe try to call him again?” he suggested. an obvious suggestion, clearly.
“yeah, i- alright.” she redialled, and tried again. with no luck.
she frowned, both sad and disappointed. harry had to stop himself from cradling her face in his hands and just tell her to drop both her friends and her boyfriend.
he was about to speak when she opened her eyes in realization.
“ah shit, of course.” she smacked her forehead with her left hand. “he has his phone on silent, he has a match tomorrow. how could i forget, he told me a million times.” she chuckled under her breath. ��i’m so dumb.” she added, under her breath.
so, you know your girlfriend is going out with her friends, probably also knowing how much she didn’t want to, knowing the kind of people her “friends” are, and you decide to turn off your phone? right on, dude, harry thought.
harry shifted on his feet. “my offer still stands, you know.”
“huh?” she looked at him.
“uhm, i mean, we’d have to walk home because i live nearby so i don’t have my car, but if you want i can go get the car and come and get-” harry rambled.
“oh! no, no, please, don’t bother!” she quickly waved him off. “i can get home by myself, i’ll walk. i live near campus, so it’s a 20 minute walk, tops.” she was about to bid her goodbyes when harry shook his head.
“no way, i’m not letting you go home alone.” he took off his apron, and threw it on the counter. “max?” he called after his colleague. “i’m off for the night. let me know if it gets too crowded and i’ll come in again.”
“no worries, H, it’s okay! have a goodnight.” he winked at him, giving her a little glance.
oh good god, max. that was smooth.
“ready to go?” he gave her a small smile.
she nodded, smiling back timidly. “yeah. yeah i am.”
“so,” she kicked a pebble with her foot, making it land off the sidewalk “have you always wanted to be a bartender?”
harry chuckled lowly. “uhm no, not really.” he smiled towards her. “i actually went to college for a little while, trying to get a degree in “something useful”, as my parents would say. but school was never really for me, i guess.” he shrugged. “so i dropped out, found a nice job as a bartender and been there ever since.”
“oh wow.” she said. “and what did your parents think of that?” she questioned, curious.
“i mean, i am an adult and i can make my own choices. they weren’t too happy but they understood, and with time they appreciated that i was taking responsibility for my decisions and whatever came from them.” he answered simply.
it all sounded so simple coming from him.
if only it was that simple.
“so you don’t have like a secret wish? something you’ve always wanted to do?” she inquired, hoping not to sound rude.
“uhm.” he thought about it for a second. “i guess no, goal wise. i just wanted to live my life the way i wanted to live it. i didn’t set any goals i must achieve, like having to do something before a certain age or anything, if that’s what you were asking.” he ended, looking over to her.
she nodded and stayed quiet, mulling over his words.
“but what about you, huh? do you have something planned?” he nudged her shoulder with his own.
“oh yeah, i do.” she nodded. “get in a good college — which i luckily did —, get my degree with the best grades possible, get a job, husband, nice house, kids, grow old.” she said, smiling timidly towards harry.
he nodded, but didn’t seem really impressed with her plans. she didn’t like the feeling of having disappointed him somehow, she never liked feeling that way with anyone.
“something on your mind? sounds too ordinary for a cool guy like you?” she asked him, smiling but actually meaning it.
he laughed, shaking his head. “no, no, that’s not it.” he got a bit more serious when he said the next sentence. “just... isn’t it a bit much? like, don’t you feel a little too forced into these plans?”
“what do you mean forced into? it’s something i want, no one is forcing me.” that was a half truth, but he didn’t need to know that. she would never admit it out loud.
“it just seems, uh-” he scratched his neck. “i don’t want to sound like an ass, but it seems like you forgot to include the time to... actually live your life.” he glanced at the sky, and then looked at her. 
as if his brain registered how his words could’ve been misinterpreted, he started apologizing. “i’m really, really sorry if i overstepped, i didn’t mean anything hurtful. i’m just some guy, my words don’t have to mean anything.” 
he didn’t want her to feel bad, he knew he could be a bit blunt at times and from the very little informations he had about her, he thought that she probably didn’t react to well at that.
if only he knew how deep those words hit her.
not in a negative way, or in a hurtful one. they were just the plain truth: she scheduled her whole life, forgetting that plans and goals and deadlines didn’t mean anything if she didn’t enjoy the ride. she set these goals for herself without really thinking that they didn’t matter at all to anyone else but her.
but, in reality, she did think about it, she couldn’t stop thinking about how nothing mattered if she didn’t enjoy what she was doing. she tried so hard to pretend that everything was going according to plan, but she was also tired of pretending.
however, she couldn’t let herself think like that. no, everything had to follow the course that she chose, that her parents taught her was the right one.
that was what her life was gonna be, and that was fine. she had to be at peace with her choice.
she had to.
when she slowed down her pace, he understood they were finally at her door. he wasn’t too happy about having arrived just yet, and definitely not at all excited about not seeing her for god knows how long, if ever. 
so he mustered all the courage he had to ask the following question.
“so uh- am i gonna see you again soon?”
she didn’t wait a beat before answering. “i don’t think so, i sure hope not.” she stopped and saw the confused look on his face.
she realized what she had just said and tried to make it right. “oh no, that’s not- that came out wrong.” she sighed, and a small smile spread on harry’s face.
“it’s just that my friends forced me to go out tonight and i really didn’t want to. i’m getting ready for finals and i’m just hoping i’ll go out once those are over, and not during.” she took a deep breath after her little rant.
harry just looked at her fondly, and chuckled. “for a second there i thought you didn’t want to see me anymore, hurt me deeply.” he put a hand on his chest theatrically, acting as if she stabbed him in the heart.
she wanted to say that he was the best thing out of this whole mess of an evening, but she kept it to herself, and just smiled at him.
“goodnight, harry.” she murmured, raising on her tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. “thank you for getting me home safe.”
“no problem, bunny. goodnight.” he smiled.
she tilted her head on the side, a smirk gracing her face. “bunny? and where did that come from?”
“oh uh- just from how you reacted in the alley, you jumped like a bunny. so i thought it was fitting.” he put his hands in his jacket pockets, shrugging.
when he saw the amused look she had on her face, he mimicked it.
“alright then, goodnight harry.” she said while taking out her keys.
“goodnight. see you after finals.” he flashed her a smile, taking three steps back still facing her. she got into her home, and waved at him before closing the door for good. not before getting a last glance of the bright eyed bartender.
after he turned around, harry made his way home. with a pep in his step, he felt like a proper teenage boy, getting back home all giddy because he got to walk home a pretty girl and she kissed his cheek.
his cheek was still tingling, the feeling of her lips on his skin not to be forgotten any time soon.
so, here it is!! please let me know if you want to be tagged in part two <3
taglist: @that-daydream-look
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huffle-dork · 9 months
Swap into the CrystalVerse Chapter 2: Switch
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix
Read Swapboys | Read Switch | Read SwitchSwap | AO3 Link
Prologue | Chapter 1 Taglist: @brokentimewatch
It's not too long before two cars pull up to the train station. Out of the first one steps a tall dark-skinned person with chin-length hair. They talk with Anti briefly, demanding an explanation but accepting that this isn't the time and leaving with Will, who Anti gives a short hug before he heads out. And out of the second one--
"Why the FACK can we not have five minutes of peace in our goddamn lives?!" Schneep looks pissed and annoyed, but he softens when he sees Bro. "Ah... good to see you again, of course, but it seems there is bad news, too."
Bro shrinks a bit at Schneep's anger but he also can't help but laugh because, same. "haha- I feel that bro..." He then looks scared and bites his lip. "Yeah... I need to find Alt... who knows what Mag is doing to him... or to one of your guys- i think... he really wanted Jameson last time, didn't he?"
Jackie sighs. "Are you okay? Anti said something about you healing really fast, but I can take a look, if you want. I've patched up this guy often enough." He vaguely gestures at Schneep.
Bro then looks back at Jackie and tries to smile, lifting up his singed shirt. "Uh- you can try, if you like. I dunno if it's like... good or not. I don't really... get checked often. Gotta keep go go going, you know? Hero work is never done..."
Dr. Parker can see the edges of the burn are a bit darker, tinged green. But the main part seems pretty much filled with healing skin, raised and pink. A bit hot to the touch but also cracking and Bro squirms uncomfortably. "Fucking shit- god i hate how it itches, jesuss!"
"Sorry," Jackie mumbles. "I didn't really bring anything to treat ichiness." He crouches to get a closer look. "...well, it's definitely healing, but there's some green... tinge here. It might be because of magic. In which case, I'm not qualified to do anything.”
Bro nods and pushes himself to sit up straighter, "S'probably the magic- green fire sucks ass, it lingers a bit longer than I would like. But thanks for checking, Doc."
"No problem," Jackie smiles. "Happy to help. If you feel up to move, we should go meet up with JJ and Marvin. I think—"
Before he can continue, Anti's phone starts to ring. Well, not ring, it's on silent, but the vibration is loud and noticeable. "Shit, sorry," he says, pulling it out. He looks at the Caller ID and frowns in confusion. Then picks it up. "What is it? Whoa!" He holds the phone away from his ear. On the other side a man is yelling. "Fucking shit, calm down! You scared the bejeezus out of me. I—what? Sam? I..." He glances at the others. "Hang on, you all keep talking." He turns to the side and listens to the call.
Bro readjusts himself after being checked on and then jumps slightly at Anti’s exclamation.
"That is probably not good," Schneep mutters. "Neither is it good that Magnificent may be in our world." He laughs. "Though I do wonder now... He has other magic, but those tricks... I wonder if..."
Jackie gives him an odd look. "I don't think we should go testing stuff like that out. We need to come up with some way to get Chase and Alt home--and Magnificent, too."
Bro looks back and studies Schneep with curiously, "Wait testing what out? You got something you think could help against Mag, Volt??"
"Heh." Schneep gives him a wan smile. "Well... a lot has changed since we got sucked into your universe. I do not... wish to discuss it too much, but I will simply say that our villain's illusions and manipulation no longer works on me." If Bro looks close, he'll notice that Schneep is playing with his hands in an odd way. Running a finger down the side of his left hand.
Bro looks excited by this and he grins, "Hey! Maybe that will work- but... I dunno- Mag's magic is... weird. I guess- I dunno much about magic though."
“How'd you get here, by the way?” Jackie asks, “Anti didn't fill in those details in the group chat. Only something about Magnificent doing shit. Do you remember anything specific? If we want to get you back home, it'd be easiest to do it the same way... probably."
Chase looks back at Jackie and nods, "Ah right- so he... he took Alt from our house, puppeted him in a super horrible way that isn't.... like him- not unless he's desperate. and he was... cuz he found this like... doorway thingy- But he needed Alt to glitch to work it. He used his magic and alt's glitches and then there was like- an explosion and i... woke up on the train tracks." He then frowns and tries to remember, "mmm... i dunno if something like that would be here... it was in some shady basement of this fucked up agency we have in our world- calls themselves Sclera."
"That's a werid name for an evil organization," Jackie says absentmindedly. "What is a shlcerla? I mean--sclera?" He sounds the word out carefully.
Schneep sighs. "Jackie, I thought you were a doctor."
"I am! That doesn't mean I know everything! Why, do you know about a sclera?"
"I do." Schneep grins smugly. "I wondered if there was a word for it in English, turns out, yes. It is the white part of your eye."
Jackie is silent for a moment. "Part of an eye... Like an iris?"
Schneep's grin fades.
Jackie turns to look at Bro. "We might have something like that here. There's this group called IRIS, they study weird shit. Anomalies. They call them ALTRs. And they... do a lot of fucked up stuff besides that." He glances at Schneep, then quickly looks away. "Maybe they'll have something to help. I think... I think I heard about them talking about other worlds..."
Bro also seems to pale, gripping slightly over his heart. "... Sclera does that too- but... with magic." He narrows his eyes and thinks, "If Iris is like Sclera then.... then yeah- that might be our best bet..." He shudders though but tries to hide it. "God- I hate places like that though- fucking freaky scientific-messed-up bullshit..."
Schneep looks at him sympathetically. He opens his mouth to say something, but--
"Fuck!" Anti shouts, drawing everyone's attention. "Okay, take Sam home and make sure they're okay, okay?! The rest of us will check on them. Yes, I'm sure! Yeah! No, stay there. Don't--don't let anything happen to you." His voice softens. "Be careful. Okay. Bye." He hangs up and spins around to look back at everyone else. "Okay. So. Chase was right. Magnificent is fighting Jameson."
Chase zips up to his feet, eyes wide, "Oh no! I hate when I'm right!" He curses and then adjusts his utility belt, pulling out his phone and looks about ready to burst into the air. "Okay where is he?? We can't- we can't let Mag get him again!"
"He's by the bus stop by his house," Anti says.
"Fuck! That's far!" Schneep curses.
"Not if I run red lights!" Jackie's head snaps towards his car, then back to Bro. "Hey, can you fly or do you need a lift?"
Bro nods and shoots into the air to hover, "I'll fly ahead! I know the look of Mag's magic by now, just point me in the right direction!"
"It's that way!" Anti points. "West and a bit south. We'll head there on our own. Remember to text us if you need to, calls might not work!"
Meanwhile, Schneep grabs Jackie and starts pulling him towards the car.
Bro nods, storing away his phone. "Right! Be careful!" He then blasts into the air and follows Anti's instructions, trying to push himself to fly as fast as he- scanning the area below for any signs of magic.
"Good luck!" Jackie calls. Then the three of them run to the car.
That was risky, JJ says.
Marvin smiles at him. "But it paid off, didn' it?" He pushes his cards back into a single deck on the dining room counter.
I suppose. JJ pauses. He somehow...drained some of my magic. I still feel...weak.
"Really? Fuckin' bastard..." Marvin mutters, then frowns. "T'at shouldn' be possible, t'ough. It should've brough' you back to the state you were in before. Did I do somet'ing wrong...?"
JJ shakes his head. You didn't do anything wrong, he reassures him. This is just... tricky.
Before Marvin can respond, there's a knock at the door. "They're here already?" Marvin says, surprised. "Okay, I'll get it." He heads into the entrance hall and opens the door.
But instead of any of his friends, Alt Brody falls into their house.
Alt was resting against the door as soon as he knocked on it- and as soon as it opens he stumbles forward, his head heavy. But, it's momentarily cleared of fog as he raises his red stained face to meet Marvin's eyes. He's still gripping his arm, magic pulsing weakly. "...m'rvin... moore...?" He slurs, confusion clear on his face. Then, he feels a wave of dizziness crash onto him that has him falling towards the ground.
"What the--?!" Marvin shoots forward and barely manages to catch Alt. He almost falls himself in the process but stays up. For now. "Jems! It's--it's t'at Anti from the other world!"
JJ rushes into the the front hall. He gasps at what he sees. What's wrong with him?!
"I don' know! Ah--a little help?" His legs are starting to go out.
JJ nods and hurries over, transfering support of Alt from Marvin to him. Living room, he signs awkwardly. Marvin nods, and the two of them move into the other room, where they set Alt down on the sofa.
There's a voice in Alt's mind. So familiar. {This is good,} it says. {Do as you would for now. But that man with the mustache...you should try to get rid of him when you have the chance. Knock him out...or worse. That'd be good, too. That would make me happy~}
Alt's eyes seem distant as something whispers in his ears, letting the others take him and move him into the living room. Even when hes out on the couch, He's still for a second, staring out ahead. Then, he shakes out this head and looks in between Marvin and Jameson. He feels really sick, his body is shaking in a way he can't really control. But... he knows these guys... right? He weakly shakes his head again and tries to stop the trembling in his corrupted arm.
"Are you alrigh', lad?" Marvin asks.
"..hngh... n-no- not... r-really..." Alt pants, feeling faint and leans back against the back of the sofa. "M-Mag... Mag did somethin' to... to m'magic... s'hurts... and I... i dunno... what's...." His eyelids flutter like he's ready to pass out again but he shakes his head to try to stay awake. "m'broth'r... i... i needa find Chase...I... I gotta s-stop Mag..."
JJ frowns. Who?
"Oh! Yes, Chase!" Marvin nods. "He was the one who isn' here, remember?"
Understanding dawns on JJ's face and he nods. Yes, he's the one Anti mentioned. Don't worry, Alt, our Anti saw him, he's fine and on his way. He uses the same name sign for Alt as the Henrik in Alt's universe: A-lightning.
"As for Magnificent, the bastard..." Marvin grumbles. "I'm sure he'll be comin' to us sooner or later. We have time to prepare."
Yes, get some rest and recover, Alt, JJ adds.
Alt seems comforted by seeing a familar sign, his chest suddenly aching for his friend. But, Hen would be in danger here... its good he's still back home. He almost wants to nod to them- he wants to relax- when he stiffens, blood starting to try to leak out of his eye again.
{Just wait here? Wait for him to come for you? No, that seems like a bad idea, doesn't it? They're trying to stop us from going after him.}
"... w-we can't j'ust wait here... w-we'll be just s-sitting ducks! We... we gotta... gotta stop him... s'mehow..." Alt's brain was fuzzy on the details- god he'd give anything to use his magic right now. He needs... he needs to get rid of this corruption.
He looks up at Jameson, head fuzzy as its assaulted with suggestions. Knock him out. Or worse. Make me happy. get rid of him. "y... you... do you know how... how to get rid'f dark magic...?" He shakily holds out his arm to Jameson, showing off the claws marks that match the ones on his own. Though, Alt's seem much more severe, pulsing with purple magic with every tremor of his muscles. JJ's are dark like stains- more just a sign of what was used to steal his magic.
JJ tries to hide his alarm at the marks on Alt's arm--and the ones on his own. We don't have to deal with black magic on a regular basis like you do, JJ says, but I'm sure I have a purification spell upstairs somewhere. I can check my book of shadows.
"T'at's a great idea," Marvin says. "We can take care of t'at, and t'en we'll talk about how to stop Magnificent."
JJ nods. He turns and starts leaving the room, heading towards the stairs.
{Go with him.} The voice comes with a bit more of a push than the last times. Some fog rolls in with the command.
Alt doesn't hesitate to push himself off the couch, the command to follow JJ filling his head with nothing else. He doesn't even look at Marvin as he stumbles after the magician.
This was good... he can get this black magic fixed... and then get rid of the magician.
"Alt...?" Marvin stares, confused, as Alt follows JJ upstairs. It's not too weird, maybe he just wants to get the magic taken care of right away, but... Was it just him, or was there something... on Alt's face? Just in case, he hurries back to the kitchen where he left the cards.
JJ glances back at Alt. Oh, you want to come? Alright, I'd be happy to show you my workroom. He smiles and continues up the stairs.
The workroom is halfway through being reorganized, with some of the books on the shelves and desks where they're supposed to be and some on stacked on the floor around the central table. And on the table itself is a black crystal sphere, nestled on a purple cushion.
Alt nods to Jameson, and looks dazedly around the house and the workroom as he's lead through.
When Alt looks at the crystal, he sees flickers of other people's faces in the reflection. They all look familiar, and yet... different. Some are wearing masks. Some are children. And there's one with a slit neck, green strings holding it closed.
Alt pauses and stares at the crystal, eyes widening slightly as he saw the visions within them. What... what was-
But none of this is important.
Oh. It didn't matter. Any concern that was trying to surface was quickly stuffed under heavy fog.
JJ goes right for the desk, sorting through the books there until he finds what he's looking for. He then skims that book, and after a few seconds, smiles triumphantly. Hand me your arm, he says, putting the open book on the desk.
It takes a second for Alt to react to Jameson, more blood slithering down his face. But, he turns and wordlessly offers his corrupted arm to him, staring intensely at his face.
JJ gently takes Alt's arm. He hesitates for a moment, glancing back at the instructions in the book. His eyes start glowing a bright blue, and that same blue light encases his hands. He carefully presses his palm against the claw marks. A cooling magic washes over the marks. It takes a couple waves, but soon the corruption of the dark magic disappears.
There we are, JJ says, letting go of Alt's arm and smiling at him.
Something... Something is wrong...
Jameson blinks. He squints at Alt's face. What is...
It's blood.
Jameson gasps and takes a step back. How did he not notice it before?!
The second the black magic is cleared, electric magic builds up around Alt and he starts to glitch again. Then, he throws out a hand and sends a wave of blue green electricity at Jameson.
Jameson lets out a little squeak--the closest to a shout he can manage right now-- and throws up a clumsy shield. Luckily, it blocks most of the electricity. What gets through isn't enough to shock him. Alt, snap out of it! he signs, backing up. He doesn't have the magic for another fight after Magnificent drained him. And he doesn't want to fight Alt! Glancing around, he rushes for the open doorway.
That familiar sign has Alt hesitating, something trying to spark in his foggy mind. But, that hesitation quickly leaves as Jameson starts to run. Alt tries to glitch in front of him, throwing out more barrages of charged magic.
Jameson skids to a halt, surprised by Alt's sudden appearance. Before he can recover or try that new teleportation spell again, Alt is throwing electric magic at him. Again he tries to conjure a shield but the magic breaks through this time. This time he manages a scream as the magic shocks across his skin.
Downstairs, Marvin's head snaps up at the sound of JJ's cry. "Jems?!" he gasps. He runs for the stairs, tightening his grip on his cane and the cards, already thinking of what combination could help. Was it Alt? Had he really seen what he thought?!
Alt doesn't hesitate again to glitch towards Jamie- and this time he attempts to grab Jameson's neck and then throw him into the wall, pressing hard against his throat. There's no recognition in his eyes as blood pools out of them. He thinks he might hear another voice- but its faint and it doesn't matter. He needs to get rid of the magician.
Jameson gasps in surprise when Alt grabs him. He pulls at his hands, trying to pry them away before something could happen--!
And he manages to push Alt away just in time. He scrambles backwards across the floor until he hits the central table. The black crystal ball is almost jostled from it's spot.
A voice comes from down the hall. "H-hang on, Jems!" Marvin shouts. He's struggling with the stairs, pushing himself faster.
Jameson nods. He ducks his head and crosses his arms. A blue dome appears around him, wavering for a second before solidifying.
Alt tsks quietly under his breath and then lashes out and throws lightning magic over and over at the shield. Trying to get it to crack-
The shield shudders with every hit, but it doesn't break. And yet JJ knows it will only be a matter of time. He feels his strength failing.
"Jems! Alt!" And then Marvin rushes forward, almost collapsing in the doorway of the room. He takes in the situation quickly--yes, he thought it was something like that.
Alt pauses in his attack to turn towards Marvin, regarding him with a slight head tilt. He's panting slightly, sweat dripping down his face and his hands trembling. His magic is being depleted really quickly so soon after getting drained by that curse. Yet, he needs to keep going. He has to.
Quickly, Marvin bends over and places three cards on the ground in a triangle formation: Five of Diamond - Six of Heart - Queen of Spade
Jameson's shield is reinforced, curving golden lines running over itse surface in a geometric pattern. He breathes easier.
Marvin hears a voice in his head. {That's not really fair, is it? Have you forgotten whose side your on? Or are you too afraid to remember?} He flinches, pushing away the accompanying fog.
At the same time, Alt hears it say something different. {A friend of ours has lost his way...so sad. He shouldn't be here. Make him leave.}
.... he lost his way? Well... Alt hated using these spells but- if they needed to convince Marvin then... Alt flares out a hand to his side, and a collection of glitches forms beside him- and then forms a wobbly electric field of magic that swirls in hues of green blue and white. Though the edges are harsher than Mag's, the colors are soothing and easy to look at. Maybe they could just lull you to sleep... make you forget all your pain, just for a second.
Marvin isn't expecting it. He looks down for a moment, fumbling with the cards--he'll need to use five or more, he's not leaving this to chance--and when he looks up again... there it is. An electric spiral hovering next to Alt. What? How... strange. But... nice. Marvin's eyes trace the spiral's motion, the ever-inward movement. His eyelids feel heavy all of a sudden.
JJ sees what's happening. "Marv--!" he tries to shout, but it breaks off into a wheezing exhale. The reinforcement around his shield stays--it will stay until the card formation is disrupted--but Marvin's other cards flutter to the floor, followed shortly by him collapsing to his knees, eyes blinking slowly...
"Sleep." Alt drones out to Marvin, watching him coldly and emotionlessly, pushing magic into his words.
He thinks he hears something slamming open from downstairs- but he's focused on his task. Nothing else matters. He doesn't even consider anything else is wrong until suddenly he's being tackled to the ground, his head hitting it hard enough for him to see spots.
"O-Oh my god, Alt!" A man in a pink mask is gasping desperately over him, looking worried. ...why...? No no wait- he's... he's important- he's so so important. Alt makes a choked noise of pain, the fog in his head hurting all of sudden. No no no its hurts- why does it hurt?
"C- Ch...!" Alt tries to choke out, shaky hand trying to grab onto his jacket.
For the others- as soon as Jameson shouted out, Bro flew past a house with bright lights flickering in different hues in the windows. He recognized the color of some of them- and it wasn't Mag... it was Alt!
He hurried down to the door of the apartment then tried to doorknob- not wanting to cause too much damage to the house. By some miracle it was open and Bro skids in and looks around, shouting out, "Alt?! ALT!!"
He sees the hues of blue and greens and doesn't hesitate to fly up the stairs- and hovers just a bit above them to see his brother trying to entrance Marvin. He yells out and tackles Alt back farther into the room- the magic bursting into pixels as the two boys crash into the bookshelves in the corner. Marvin can feel the influence leave him like he's waking up from being underwater.
Marvin gasps, starting backwards. JJ stares with wide eyes at Chase and Alt. His shield finally disappears as he stands up and scrambles over to Marvin's side. He reaches down to help him up.
"I-I... what?" Marvin shakes the image of that spiral out of his mind. "Th-t'at was—he can do t'at...?" he whispers. Then he looks up at JJ. "A-are you... alrigh'...?"
JJ smiles weakly. I should be asking you that.
"'M... fine. Physic'lly." Marvin takes JJ's hand and lets him pull him to his feet. In unison, the two of them turn and stare at Alt and Bro. "Y-you're the—the hero from the other world. Chase. Chase!" Marvin shakes his head again. "Chase, Alt's bein'—Distorter's in his head, I—oh!" And then Marvin gets back down on the ground and starts gathering up the cards. "T-try to get t'rough to him, if you can', I-I can try somet'ing!"
Bro looks back at the others and seems to relax at seeing they're both okay. "H-Hey- glad you two aren't hurt-" He then makes a face and his eyes glow with hatred as he looks down at the power that's taken over his brother. "Right... that bitch. Okay- lemme see what I can do!"
{Shhh. Shhhh.} The voice hisses in Alt's mind, like the comforting sound of rain falling. {Don't worry. You don't have to worry about anything. Shhh. Let me take care of this.}
Alt's eyes glaze over more as the voice of his friend comforts him. His hand falls back down and he lays limply on the ground, head lolling to look out past Bro. Nothing but the sound of rain blanking his mind, like what he would listen to in his headphones when sound was too much. His mind is calm and still- Even though his body is panting and shaking and trembling- he can't feel it at all.
"No No! fuck- Anti! C'mon lil bro, stay with me!" Chase whispers desperately, trying to shake Alt's shoulders.
Then, Chase hears something in his mind, too. {Oh? So where were you when your brother appeared right outside my house? Where? Why weren't you there with him? You don't care, I see. You're right not to. He doesn't care about you. He barely knows you, really, he wouldn't give two shits if you just died.}
Bro winces as the voice slithers into his head. He closes his eyes and then growls out, "No shut up! I do care- we know each other better than anyone! You're the one who doesn't care- or you wouldn't be running him ragged!"
He shakes Alt more, pleading, "Alt c'mon! Wake up!"
"Shit," Marvin curses, watching Chase and Alt. He has all his cards gathered, now he just needs to find the right ones! "H-hang on, you two! Jems, can you--I-I dunnae, help t'em?"
Distorter doesn't respond to Chase, instead continuing to speak to Alt. {Look, Anti... it's Magnificent. He's right in front of you. It's time to show him how you really feel. You're so much stronger than him, right? I believe you are.}
Alt's eyes narrow and flood with green and blue magic as Distorter makes him see Magnificent in front of him. His shoulders start to glitch, electricity building up around him. He starts to latch back onto Chase- then his arm is grabbed and-
JJ looks Alt. He doesn't have much magic left right now, but he can try. Maybe... He steps forward, up next to Chase, and grabs Alt's arm. His eyes flare blue, and frost suddenly flares from the point of contact, flashing sudden cold through Alt's system. It won't work if he's too deep in, but maybe...
It's like the gray is blown away by an icy chill, startling Alt back into his own mind with a painful jolt. He gasps, back arching as the connection breaks. He slumps back towards the floor and dazedly looks back and forth between Bro and Jameson. "..h..how did I...?" He then winces and curls his face into the ground, groaning softly. "F-Fuck..! My head...!"
Bro slumps with relief and then lifts Alt up and crushes him in a hug. "Oh thank fucking christ! God... god.... you fucking scared me Alt..." He buries his face in his brother's shoulders for a bit before letting go and helping to sit against the floor. Alt just dazedly lets him, trying to take everything in.
JJ lets go of Alt, slumping in relief. He was so glad that worked. He was so worried... But it was fine. It was all fine. It was Distorter, he explains to Alt. You remember him, right? Do you... know where you are right now, Alt? And is there... anything you need?
"I...I'm..." Alt swallows shakily and goes to hold his arms and curls up on himself. It was really hard to piece things together- but... he knows these guys. JJ and Marvin... this must be... their world. Once he thinks this though, he remembers how they got here and he gasps, looking around at the others in panic. "M-Mag-! Magnificent! He's here- he's...! He's trying to get to other universes- and-!" He then takes in the slight claw marks on Jameson's arm and he looks back at him with a pale face. "... shit- did he already...?"
"Wait what?? He already got you??" Bro asks, looking at JJ with worry. "Fuck! I flew so fast to try to stop that! Damn that slippery cat goddd im gonna skin him one of these days!"
JJ looks down at his own arm. Right... the marks. He could feel the effects, but he forgot they were visible. I'm fine, he reassured them. He did... somehow drain some of my magic, but... I'll recover with enough time and rest.
"They're righ', t'ough," Marvin says from the doorway. "We need t'stop him before that bastard does anyt'ing too big to recover from. If you're goin' to skin him, tell me so I can join." He chuckled.
Well... Jameson pauses thoughtfully. If he was trying to get to other universes, he succeeded. I don't know what we're going to stop him from now.
"Uh, how 'bout we stop him from murderin' us? Or from whatever he did to you! Or from doin' all t'at..." Marvin waves his hands around his head. "All t'at shit."
JJ chuckled, then turned serious again. You're right. I suppose I'm just a bit tired. This was a lot. He turns to Alt and Chase. Our house is warded against all sorts of nonhuman intruders. Distorter can't get in, but Magnificent might be able to. We'll be safe... briefly. Do you know of anyone else from your universe who could be here? Or is it just you two and him?
"It's just us this time," Bro sighs, "He got the jump on Alt and made him use this- weird doorway thingy! He almost got away with just Alt- god that would have been bad..."
Alt shudders and holds himself tightly, "If i was drained doing the spell... then Mag probably was too... which is why he tried to find the nearest source of magic. Then he'd... god... I... I don't know... h-he made puppets of you all once but- not even as himself... That was Distorter too... I dunno if he'd stick around for that though... and i... i dont think he'd kill you all... not yet at least. He... He likes making people useful to him. Or keeping trophies..." He grips tighter on his arms, digging his nails in. "h-he might just be trying to get to the next universe somehow... since he's experienced this one... in a way." The glitch hates that he's been around Mag long enough to know his thought pattern but... he did work with him for a long time.
Bro makes a face as he thinks and then perks up, "Oh! Yeah! I need to message the others! They were gonna be driving here! Then they uh- they mentioned someplace we can try to see might have something to help- somewhere callleedd ah fuck what was it- its like Sclera!" He scrunches his face and looks up to think. "...what do you call the colored part of your eye?"
"Iris-" Alt mutters.
"Iris! Yeah that was it!" Bro whips out his phone and sends a text to Anti. I found JJ and Alt! Mag got to JJ but hes okay- and Alt was affected by Distorter... anyways! JJ and Marvin were here so i guess we're in their house :)
Marvin and JJ stiffen. JJ looks back at him. Do you think IRIS could help?
"I... s'ppose," Marvin mutters, shuffling his card deck. "Probably. Yes. They... like t'is sort of stuff. Time and space and all t'at. So the question is jus'... which one of their places we go to t'find somet'ing helpful."
I don't think either of us are... the most qualified to answer that question, JJ says.
Meanwhile, Chase gets an answering text: Great we're reall close then. Just a few minutes and well be there.
Soon after, JJ and Marvin's phones both ding. They take them out and read the text that Anti just sent THEM.
"They're on th'way," Marvin reports.
JJ nods. Let's all head downstairs and wait for them. He turns and looks at the bookshelves Chase and Alt ran into. He frowns. You've ruined my shelves.
Marvin bursts into laughter. "Is--is t'at really your priority?"
I've spent a couple days organizing them. That one's all...ker-fobbled now.
"Did ye really jus' spell out t'at nonsense word?"
Chase looks back up and then blushes, getting to his feet, "Ah fuck! I'm sorry! I just- acted on instinct! I'm not that tired i could reorganize them if you want!"
Alt glitches to his feet and then shoves Bro towards the door. "Let's focus on the important stuff, Chase- like getting back home and stopping the evil maniac thats skulking through town?"
"...oh yeah-"
Alt shoves him more out the door, "My god you're impossible... did you take your meds today?!"
"'course I did but a lot is happening, Alt!"
Alt rolls his eyes then glitches downstairs.
Marvin giggles. Then he stops. The others couldn't hear the voice he just did. {You know fixing this won't get rid of me. We're stuck together. Embrace it now.} After a second, he shakes off the uneasy feeling and finally stands up, using his cane as support. "Yea, let's all go downstairs. We can settle the IRIS t'ing t'ere when the others arrive."
Alt finds the same space the others put him on earlier and slowly goes to curl up, holding his headphones and hiding his face behind his knees. He never thought he'd be so far away from home without his mask...
Bro watches Alt vaguely then sticks by the others, ready to help if they needed it. He wants to make sure they get down okay first- especially with JJ looking so spent.
JJ notices Chase sticking by. He smiles at him tiredly. Don't worry, I'm not actually mad. It was an emergency. And I understand the, ah, mile-a-minute effect, if you know what I mean.
"We shoul' lock you and Jems and Jackie in an empty room, see how insane you all become," Marvin mutters. "C'mon, Mr. Fantastic." He starts walking down the hallway. A bit slower than usual, but he did run up the stairs. The energy had to come from somewhere.
That's a different superhero, JJ says, following him. A fictional one.
"As far as we know! If other universes are real, perhaps all stories are, too!"
JJ smiles. He glances back at Chase to make sure he's following.
Chase laughs and then hovers over the others as they go down the stairs. “Oh yeah! Jackieboy- the one from our universe- he’s a hugeee comic nerd- gave me an earful once about my name being so close to that guy’s but I didn’t know! I didn’t read comics?? I had like… rugby to play and shit- pints to drink…”
Ah, you were one of those uni people, huh? I don't know why I'm surprised. JJ smiles again. I was a theatre major, which, I'm told, says everything about me and how I acted in uni.
"Imagine goin' to a second'ry school," Marvin says.
You mean a university?
Marvin pauses. "Well, I finished primary school, at least." JJ raises an eyebrow. "Don' give me t'at look, do you know how hard t'at was to do under my circumstances?!"
I'm very proud of you, Marvin. Sincerely.
Bro touches down to the steps once he’s sure the others are fine and then glances back at the living room. He sees his brother all curled up and his heart aches. He slowly makes his way over and sits down next to him. He waits a beat- then opens one arm to Alt’s backside but doesn’t move, waiting to see how Alt would respond.
Alt blinks up at Bro and seems to hesitate. But then he slowly adjusts so he can lay his head on Bro’s shoulder. Chase wraps a light around Alt’s back and the glitch seems to relax some.
“….I hate this.” Alt whispers weakly to Chase, trying to hide the frustrated tears wanting to leak out of his eyes. He scrubs hard at the drying blood on his face.
Chase closes his eyes and leans against Alt’s head. “I know…”
“I mean… im… im glad to see these guys again… just…” Alt shudders and curls up more. “…I know it’s good they’re not here but… I miss the others…”
“Yeah…” Bro sighs. He then presses light lips to his brother’s head, “We’ll figure it out though…”
Alt nods and hides his face against his brother’s shoulder.
Jameson and Marvin join Chase and Alt in the living room, noticing the way the two of them are acting with each other. They exchange looks, then decide not to say or do anything to interrupt the moment. "Won' be long now," Marvin says, going over to sit in his usual chair. "Jus' a few more minutes."
Frustratingly for Magnificent, he seems to have appeared in an area with few magicians or otherwise magic people. Sure, the city at large is very magical, but the west and south neighborhoods are odd dry spots. There are occasional empty houses full of spellbooks and the occasional talisman, but great amounts of magic are few... except for Jameson Jackson, of course, lessened as his magical signature is now that he's drained.
The dark magician curses as he comes up short on any other magic sources. Guess it was time to go back to what he knew- that Jameson could still prove useful to him, if he could find where he escaped to. And well- remembering the bonds between his puppet and his friends- where jj was- so would his failure crippled counterpart would be. It would be good to get rid of such weakness.
Flaring his eyes- he tries to locate that faint spark of Jameson’s magic.
It’s hard to find, but it’s there, glowing faintly… in the opposite direction he’s been walking all this time. How ironic.
Magnificent curses to himself- he'd been walking in the complete wrong way! Cheeky little magician... what a rookie mistake.
But as he stands there trying to locate it… he hears a voice. A voice that sounds like it’s coming from right next to him. “I knew I’d see you eventually.”
Mag freezes hearing that voice and whirls around, hurtling magic towards the voice. "You-!"
The attack misses, because Distorter is not at all where his voice was coming from. Now there’s laughter on Magnificent’s other side. Distorter is sitting on a house’s doorstep, watching casually. “Last time we met because of an accident, but not this time. You came here on purpose, right?” He stands up, head tilting to the side. “Couldn’t make it back home so you decided to try somewhere new? Hoping you wouldn’t fail as much here?”
Magnificent bares his teeth for a second but then stands up taller and tries to stay composed. He smirks, “A being like you couldn’t possibly understand my ambitions. You’re stuck as this- dead thing. But, I’m pushing past my limits. You’re just a speck in the grand scheme of things, cadaver.”
"It's funny how you think you're more than that. Cute, even." Distorter puts a hand on his cheek, a silent gesture of "awww." "You'll die too one day. There's no magic to stave that off forever. And even if you somehow find something that does, do you think it will change your core? Strip away my powers, I'm just a dead guy. Strip away yours and you're just a man with abandonment issues and a mean dad. There's a million of those."
Magnificent tries to keep his expression schooled, even as the demon claws at his inner most fears, his deepest feelings he's long tried to supress. He'd never admit it but yes- He's afraid to die. But, this was to that end. However, the last comments ignite rage in the mad magician as he lashes out with a wild yell and tries to grab where he sees Distorter.
Distorter doesn't move as Mag lunges at him, not even as his claws dig into his flesh. "Looks like I struck a nerve there~!" he sings. Still smiling. Always smiling.
Magnificent yells more and slams the cadaver into the ground, trying to choke him as his eyes light up with power. "Shut up! Don't you dare- dare compare me to any other lowly human! I am more- I am MAGNIFICENT!" He digs his claws in tighter and snarls, "I will not be judged by a being so consumed by sadness for a life that was obviously as meaningless as your very existence."
Distorter's grin widens. He doesn't breathe so the choking isn't bothering him, but he does need air to talk and so can't respond. Instead he reaches up, blackened nails scraping the edge of Magnificent's mask... and all of a sudden he doesn't look like himself anymore. He looks like Jackie--the one Magnificent remembers.
Magnificent's eyes widen in shock. It's instinctual- he lets go of Distorter and backs up, looking at him in confusion. But, then he snarls and teleports back, lighting his hands on fire to try to seem threatening. "No-! No I- I won't fall for your tricks, demon!"
Laughing, Distorter sits up, then stands. The movement is just a bit too fast to be natural. “It’s not a trick,” he says. “It’s a distraction.” And then he attacks—not physically. Mentally, psychic claws digging for a grip in Mag’s mind.
Magnificent looks caught off guard again then yells out as a powerful force is slammed onto his mind. He cries out and falls to his knees, gripping at his skull. Green light tries to ignite in his good eye, trying to push back the force. "N-No! You- You can't...!"
“I can’t? Then how am I doing it?” Distorter steps up to him, leaning down so their eyes are level. “Our goals aren’t really that different you know. And this is my home. It’d be so much easier if you let me show you the way.”
Mag meets distorter's eyes with hatred, snarling. "You- You overpowered when I was weak before- I-! I won't be bested by you ag-" He then pauses, the mental load slamming more against his mind as Distorter's logic tries to worm itself in. To Magnificent though, it feels like he's letting the wheels turn himself, figuring out a plan. Would it be so bad... to team up? They almost brought down their enemies together last time, but Magnificent hardly remembered himself. "... you... don't want to help me-" The dark magician breathes, though he seems unsure of that statement, narrowing his eyes at the other villain.
"Why wouldn't I want to? I don't hate you." Distorter's smile hides the half-lie. He does mildly dislike the dark magician, but he was so useful that he was willing to put up with it. "And helping you would help me, too. We could do so much together."
Magnificent's eyes are starting to slip- the pressure on his head becoming too much. Why- fight it though?
Because he didn't need anyone else! He was powerful enough on his own- he didn't need help!
Are you really going to look a gift horse in the mouth, sorcerer? You're in a foreign world- already weakened. Take what you can get.
Mag's furious expression starts to fall, face slacking. His claws loosen from his skull as he better looks Distorter in the eyes. "...we could... could do so much...together."
"Exactly." Distorter offers a hand to help pull Magnificent up. "I know where they are now, but I don't think they'll stay there for long. Your cub and that hero want to get back to their world soon, and the others have an idea to help them. We need to hurry."
For a fraction of a second, Mag hesitates. But then he lets himself get helped up and nods, blood welling up in one of his eyes. "Alright. Show me."
Distorter's grin widens. "I think I know where they're going. We can intercept them, take them off guard. Follow me."
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trashmammal69 · 2 months
I love your mitsuru and yukari fic had me pacing around my room (aaaaaah the meeting back up again !!!!) (Kotone!!!!!!)
Ahhh!! Tysm!! Also, HOLY SHIT I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! Did not expect writer's block to hit me so hard! But I *have* started writing ch 3! As an apology for the uhh... delays... (and as thanks for the kind words!) you're getting an extra special sneak peek at the opening of ch 3! It's still wip, but I hope you enjoy, and that it *somewhat* makes up for the drought. Enjoy!
Yukari hopped up the stairs of the dorm and stepped inside. She was greeted by the familiar ambiance of the building, the cheap fluorescent lighting and mildewy wallpaper making her feel at home. She made sure to give Koromaru a fond pet and kiss on the forehead before strolling into the lounge. The only person there at the moment was Junpei, who was mashing buttons on a small handheld.
"Yo, Yukari! 'Sup?"
She sat down on the sofa across from him, and dropped her shoulders, "Not much..."
He looked up from from his game, "Somethin' on your mind?"
Yukari bit her lip, wondering if Junpei was really the best person to talk to about this, but she replied anyway, "Um, Junpei, what does it feel like when you talk to Chidori?"
At the mere mention of her, Junpei's face lit up, "Chidorita, eh? Well, I'm always excited to visit her, obviously, and each time we talk, I feel a bit antsy... but like, in a good way!"
"Huh..." Yukari fidgeted with her hands.
"Anyway, why do you ask?" He gasped, and put on a sing-songy voice, "Yukari, do you *liiike* someone?"
She groaned, "I don't know! Maybe? I mean--no! I think..." She put her head in her hands, "ugh, this is so confusing..."
Junpei chuckled, "Tell ya what, you tell me how you feel about him, and I'll use my *Ace Detective* skills, and give you my expert opinion."
Yukari snickered, "Alright, 'Ace Detective' I guess I'll tell." She drummed her fingers along her knees as she explained her feelings, "Um, this is *so* embarrassing, but... I'm always really looking forward to seeing them. Which is something I don't really feel about people? But with them, it's different. I feel so light every time we hang out, or even just talk. It makes me happy, just being with them."
She looked up, and was met with a shit-eating grin plastered across Junpei's face.
"Dude, you have got it *bad*."
Yukari leaned her head back over the sofa, and sighed, "I hate to admit it, but you're probably right."
"So," he said, "who is it?"
She considered turning back now, considered waving the details aside and never bringing up the matter again. But... she had already come this far...
"It's..." Yukari groaned. "I can't believe *you're* the first one I'm telling about about this."
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" He sputtered.
Yukari shot him a glare.
"Know what? Never mind. Continue."
"It's..." She winced. "It's... a girl..."
Instantly, a toothy smile formed on Junpei's face, "Oooooo, you got a hankerin' for the ladies, huh?"
"Ugh, shut it, Stupei! You got a problem with that?!"
He laughed, and raised his hands defensively, "Not at all! You should like what you like, y'know?"
He leaned forward, "So, what lovely lady has caught your eye?"
After rolling her eyes, she relented, "It's... Kotone."
Junpei seemed elated, "Dude! I totally get that! She's super sweet, and a real cutie, to boot."
Yukari flushed, "Jeez, you don't need to lay it all out like that!"
"But you do agree, right?"
"I mean, yeah... she *is* really cute."
He beamed, "Man, this is great news! You two would be perfect together! Oh! Can I be your wingman?!"
"Not in a million years, Junpei."
"What?! I'd be great at it! I'd even teach you some of my pick up lines!"
She snickered, "I don't know what's worse, your pickup lines, or the fact they might actually work on Kotone."
"Now you're talking!" He laughed, "Seriously though, you need any help with her, I'm your guy." He shot her double finger guns and a wink.
"I'll think about it...."
"I'm not hearin' a no!"
"You know, you are super annoying sometimes." She chuckled. "But... thanks. I think talking about this really helped."
"Anytime, dude."
Before heading upstairs, she snapped around and jabbed a finger at him. "Oh, and if you tell *anyone* about this, it's curtains, got it?"
Junpei made a zipper motion over his mouth and gave a thumbs up, "Your secret's safe with me!"
"It better be! I mean it!"
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