#High Cholesterol
justhangingaround1995 · 6 months
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heartatackuriel · 1 year
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My road to diabetes, high cholesterol and eventually a heart attack has officially started.
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My lab results came back. I have high cholesterol! Yippee! 🙃
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delicatus-cherub · 4 months
Im gonna start testosterone around this year hopefully, they took blood lab tests for me. Apparently I have high cholesterol & the doctor said I should get this under control first.
Does anyone know how to lower high cholesterol levels?
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manjitkaur · 8 months
What is cholesterol, and how does it affect our body?
High Cholesterol
Too many lipids, or fats, are present in the blood when you have high cholesterol. Hypercholesterolemia or hyperlipidemia are other names for it.
For optimal functioning, your body needs a specific amount of lipids. Your body is unable to use all of the lipids in excess. In your arteries, the excess fat starts to build. Fatty deposits, or plaque, are created when they react to other chemicals in your blood. Years may pass during which this plaque doesn't create any issues, but it builds up inside your arteries without your knowledge.
 For this reason, it's risky to have high cholesterol untreated. Your blood includes excess lipids that, unknown to you, contribute to the plaque's growth. If your cholesterol is high, a blood test is the only way to find out.
There are different types of cholesterol:
Low-density lipoprotein: LDL cholesterol is often called ‘bad cholesterol’ because too much of it can clog up your arteries and lead to health problems later on, such as heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. You do need some LDL cholesterol in your blood. It’s when there’s too much that it’s a problem.
High-density lipoprotein: HDL cholesterol is often called ‘good cholesterol’ because it carries cholesterol away from your cells and back to your liver to be broken down. So, it helps prevent disease.
Reasons for cholesterol
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High Cholesterol Effects on the Body
High cholesterol causes plaque to build up inside your blood vessels over time. The buildup of plaque is known as atherosclerosis. Individuals who have atherosclerosis are more at risk for a wide range of diseases. This is due to the vital functions that your blood vessels conduct throughout your body. So, there are consequences when an issue arises with one of your blood vessels.
Your blood vessels are going to build plaque if your cholesterol is high. The plaque gets larger the longer you don't get therapy. You suffer from narrowing or blockage of your blood vessels as the plaque grows.
You may have a long time to continue using your blood vessels. However, they will function better than they need to.
Depending on which blood vessels are blocked, high cholesterol increases your chance of getting more illnesses.
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If you want an Ayurvedic treatment for high cholesterol, consult with Dr. Sharda Ayurveda for the best treatment for your high cholesterol problem.
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tarzantips · 9 months
Home Remedies for High Cholesterol: Natural Strategies for Maintaining Healthy Levels
It can be difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle in the fast-paced world of modern living. According to many, high cholesterol can be a silent beginning to cardiovascular problems.  Look into easy home remedies for high cholesterol to get started on the path to a healthier heart.
From the comfort of your home, discover simple, all-natural methods to take control of your health, lower cholesterol the natural way and encourage a heart-healthy lifestyle.
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Home Remedies for High Cholesterol
1. Oats and Soluble Fiber
Oats (steel cut or rolled oats)
Milk or water (choose for non-dairy options like oat milk or almond milk can use
Toppings like nuts, honey, or berries (Optional toppings)
How to Prepare:
In a saucepan, boil milk or water.
Add oats and cook as per the packet instructions (usually simmer for 5 to 10 minutes until thickened).
Serve with toppings as you like.
How Often:
For breakfast, eat oatmeal or as a snack, you can eat several times a week to get benefit from its natural treatment for cholesterol properties.
You should avoid sugary processed cereals, choose plain oats, and sweeten naturally with fruits or a touch of honey.
2. Garlic
Garlic cloves (Fresh)
How to Prepare:
Crush, chop, or mince cloves of garlic as well as let them sit for 5 to 10 minutes to release their active compounds.
Add raw garlic to sauces, salads, or other dishes.
How Often:
Consuming 12 fresh garlic cloves daily to get home remedies to lower your cholesterol benefits
Garlic can interact with medications so talk once with your doctor if you are taking blood thinning drugs.
3. Green Tea
Green tea bags or leaves
Hot water
How to Prepare:
Remove the tea bag or strain the leaves before drinking.
Boil water and let it cool slightly.
Pour the hot water over a green tea bag or tea leaves.
Let it steep for 2 to 5 minutes.
How Often:
You can drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily.
Avoid more consumption of green tea which can lead to caffeine-related side effects. So make it balanced.
4. Exercise
Yet another natural ways to control cholesterol is get into the habitual routine for physical routines like brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming.
Aim for at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity at moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week.
If you have any underlying health issues then you should take a consultation with a family doctor before starting a new exercise routine.
5. Plant Sterols
Foods rich with plant sterols or sterol supplements (ask once to the doctor)
How to Prepare:
Foods that are labeled as "Enriched with plant sterols", consume them or take sterol supplements as directed.
How Often:
Follow the recommended dosage provided on the product according to the label.
Sometimes sterol supplements may not be suitable for everyone so once ask to your doctor sure before utilizing them as a natural way to cure high cholesterol.
6. Nuts
Mixed nuts (walnuts, pistachios, almonds)
How to Prepare:
Simple snack on a small handful of mixed nuts or you can add them to salads and other dishes.
How Often:
Consume a small serving of nuts several times a week.
Nuts are calorie-dense, so consume them in moderation to avoid excessive calorie intake.
7. Apples and Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar (organic as well as unfiltered)
How to Prepare:
Eat apples as a healthy snack or add them to salads.
For apple cider vinegar, mix 12 tablespoons with a glass of water and drink it before meals.
How Often:
Include apples in your daily diet as well as drink apple cider vinegar 23 times a day before meals.
Dilute apple cider vinegar to avoid potential damage to tooth enamel.
Monitor blood sugar levels if you have diabetes, as apple cider vinegar may affect them.
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8. Turmeric
Fresh turmeric root or Turmeric powder
How to Prepare:
Add turmeric to curries, smoothies, or soups as well. If you are using fresh turmeric root, grate or finely chop it before use.
How Often:
Adding turmeric into your cooking regularly is beneficial in natural cure to lower cholesterol and anti-inflammatory effects.
Turmeric can interact with certain medications so consult with a doctor provide if you are taking any.
9. Cinnamon
Ground cinnamon sticks or cinnamon
How to Prepare:
In baking, sprinkle ground cinnamon on oatmeal, or yogurt or use it.
For cinnamon sticks, steep them in hot water to make cinnamon tea.
How Often:
Use cinnamon in your diet regularly, but try to avoid excessive consumption.
Some people may be sensitive to large amounts of cinnamon, so moderate use is recommended.
10. Hibiscus Tea
Dried hibiscus petals
Hot water
How to Prepare:
Steep-dried hibiscus petals for 5 to 10 minutes in hot water
After straining then drink the tea
How Often:
Enjoy 2 or 3 cups of hibiscus tea per day as part of your beverage choices.
Hibiscus tea may interact with certain medications or affect blood pressure, so consult with a doctor if you have concerns high cholesterol natural treatment.
11. Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds
How to Prepare:
A glass of water and a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds should be soaked overnight.
Drink the water and the softened seeds on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
How Often:
For a few weeks, drink fenugreek water every day to possibly reap the benefits of natural remedies for cholesterol.
For some people, they experience some digestive discomfort so start with a small amount and check your tolerance.
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12. Psyllium Husk
Psyllium husk powder
How to Prepare:
Add 12 tablespoons of psyllium husk powder to a smoothie or a glass of water.
Eat it right away to avoid it thickening.
How Often:
Add psyllium husk to your diet on a regular basis, but make sure to hydrate well to avoid constipation.
If you have a history of bowel problems, proceed with caution and, if necessary then look for medical advice before taking this home remedies for high cholesterol.
13. Red Yeast Rice
Red yeast rice supplements (consult with a doctor)
How to Prepare:
Follow your doctor's instructions when taking red yeast rice supplements.
How Often:
Observe the suggested dosage listed on the product label or as directed by the doctor who prescribed it.
Red yeast rice and medications may interact, so before using it, speak with your doctor.
14. Avocado
Ripe avocados
How to Prepare:
Avocados can be mashed or sliced and used as a topping, spread, or in salads.
How Often:
Because avocados contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, include them frequently in your diet.
Since avocados are high in calories, eat them in moderation.
15. Hibiscus and Ginger Tea
Dried hibiscus petals
Fresh ginger slices
Hot water
How to Prepare:
Soak ginger slices and dried hibiscus petals in hot water for five hundred minutes.
After straining, sip the brewed beverage.
How Often:
Drink 2 to 3 cups of ginger and hibiscus tea every day.
If you have any concerns, speak with your doctor or pharmacist as ginger might react with a few medications in natural cure for cholesterol.
16. Lemon Juice
Freshly squeezed lemon juice
Warm water
How to Prepare:
In a glass of warm water, combine the juice of half a lemon.
In the morning, sip it on an empty stomach.
How Often:
Drink this lemon water every day to lower your cholesterol.
Regular consumption of lemon juice may cause loss of tooth enamel in certain people. To lessen this, rinse your mouth out with plain water afterward.
17. Algal Oil Supplements
Algal oil supplements (a source of omega3 fatty acids, suitable for vegetarians and vegans)
How to Prepare:
As instructed on the product label or as suggested by a medical professional, take algal oil supplements.
How Often:
Follow the provided recommended dosage.
Before beginning any supplement routine in high cholesterol home remedy, speak with your doctor.
18. Fenugreek Tea
Fenugreek seeds
Hot water
How to Prepare:
1 to 2 tsp. of fenugreek seeds should be crushed.
After adding them, steep the mixture in a cup of hot water for 510 minutes.
After straining, sip the tea.
How Often:
Drink one or two cups of fenugreek tea each day.
Fenugreek can worsen stomach issues in some people. Start slowly and keep an eye on your tolerance.
19. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds
Water or your choice of milk
How to Prepare:
Add 12 tablespoons of chia seeds to a glass of milk or water.
For the consistency to become gel-like, let it sit for a few hours or overnight.
Enjoy it as a pudding or include it in yogurt and smoothies.
How Often:
Because chia seeds are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids that is another beneficial home remedies for reducing high cholesterol, include them in your diet several times a week.
When consuming chia seeds, drink lots of water and exercise caution if you have a history of digestive problems.
20. Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract supplements (talk with a doctor)
How to Prepare:
Follow your doctor's instructions when taking supplements containing olive leaf extract.
How Often:
Take the medication as prescribed by your doctor or on the product label.
Before taking supplements just talk once with your family doctor.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can stress cause high cholesterol?
Ans: Yes, one possible cause of high cholesterol is stress. Stress causes the body to release chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones can increase the amount of cholesterol, especially "bad" LDL cholesterol that the liver produces.
Stress can also result in unhealthy coping strategies like eating poorly and exercising less, which can raise cholesterol levels.
2. Can high cholesterol be genetic?
Ans: Yes, there may be a genetic component to high cholesterol. A genetic condition known as familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) causes high blood cholesterol levels.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is unable to be eliminated from the bloodstream by the body in people with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) due to a gene mutation inherited from one or both parents.
3. How long does it take to lower cholesterol?
Ans: Lowering cholesterol takes quite a few times. While medication can produce more immediate changes, changes in lifestyle may take weeks or months to show results. For specific advice or best home remedy for high cholesterol, speaking with a medical expert is necessary.
4. Can dupixent cause high cholesterol?
Ans: Evidence exists to suggest that some patients taking the medication Dupixent (dupilumab), which is prescribed for eczema and asthma, may experience an increase in cholesterol.
People's reactions may differ, yet, making it critical to regularly check cholesterol levels while undergoing treatment. Check the advice and information of a medical doctor for specific information.
5. Does Xeljanz cause high cholesterol?
Ans: Yes, a higher risk of high cholesterol levels has been linked to the medication Xeljanz (tofacitinib), which is used to treat certain autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Patients taking Xeljanz should talk to their doctor about the possible risks and benefits of the medication, as regular monitoring of cholesterol levels is important.
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thehealthofficers · 1 year
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Lemons are an especially valuable citrus fruit with regards to bringing down cholesterol levels. This is because of their high satisfaction with vitamin C, a strong antioxidant that has been displayed to diminish the risk of heart disease.
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suzieb-fit · 1 year
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I'm very happy to get back into weight training.
Long story, but I couldn't really use the little home gym at the last house.
But yay for another tick for the new place!
Upper body strength finishes today's fitness.
Felt so good! I focused on chest and back with this one. Bit of ab work thrown in there too.
It's been a good day.
Still on the shorter fast phase of my new monthly programme.
Few days left til it goes up by a couple of hours.
Three good workouts, a bit of time outside with some wandering around my lovely local area.
And a food diary that looks fine to me.
But talking of diet....
Just got my yearly cholesterol test results.
Gutted. They've gone up quite significantly.
I eat a high fat diet, but the vast amount of research I put into these things, that doesn't raise your cholesterol.
Well, healthy fats don't.
I have to concede that it's most likely my saturated fat intake that's the cause.
I love my cheese, and I love my butter/coconut oil bulletproof coffee 😞.
I'm very active and have a good diet apart from the high saturated fat component.
Ugh. It sucks.
Anyway, as much as it hurts to acknowledge this, I think I'm to have to go back to low fat dairy.
Seriously, it REALLY hurts to say that out loud!
I'll do that for the next 12 months, see what next year's results tell me.
Can't start yet though. Just got a fridge full of my usual stuff.
Anyway, apart from that huge blow to my ego, I've had a great day!
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eatclean-bewhole · 2 years
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#cholesterol #diabetes #health #healthylifestyle #nutrition #hearthealth #healthy #heartdisease #bloodpressure #weightloss #fitness #healthyliving #highbloodpressure #wellness #healthyfood #highcholesterol #diet #heart #hypertension #bloodsugar #heartattack #obesity #inflammation #hearthealthy #healthyeating #stroke #nutrition #integrativenutrition #nutritionist #healthcoach
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sportsandlaughs · 2 years
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heartatackuriel · 1 year
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My biggest goal in this life is being like Princess Daisy in right image, being so obese, so lardy, so unhealthy. Only eating, eating and excessive eating fats, sugar, salt. Until the day that I give myself my first heart attack, sweating like a pig and feeling short of breath. But the only thing I do is keep eating that substance that blocks arteries called fat.
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Who knew the best way to get me to stick to eating healthier would be having high cholesterol? I'm already less puffy. Maybe I will be able to get back down to my ideal weight of 165 (doubt I'll be able to get back down to my pre depression medication 145).
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dentalmedicaluk · 20 days
High Cholesterol: Discover Root Causes and Prevention
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Do not ignore if you see yellow lumps around the eyes as this indicates high cholesterol. Several causes like age, gender, heredity, obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes or kidney disease may be responsible for your high cholesterol. Different types of cholesterol include high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL) or triglycerides. Lipid profile test is the primary method for diagnosing high cholesterol. Cut on saturated fats, get a healthy diet, regular exercise and quit your smoking habits to lower your cholesterol. Visit MD.co.uk for a healthy heart.
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monismochi · 21 days
People that have never had to search up the menu of a restaurant before they go in order to research the breakdown of every single ingredient on the menu items for "contains", ensure the nutrition information aligns and won't make their body shut down due to high levels of something, and then somehow figure out a way to be able to afford whatever tf they found (usually on the higher end) or plan how to deal with the judgement of only buying a starter (bc its the only menu item they can eat not triple everyone else's costs)
Truly don't understand the social impacts of dietary restrictions. Bc its truly destroyed so many of my close friendships and has made my anxiety so much worse if I'm ever around people who don't have food restrictions or are outside of my home unit. Like yes it's annoying that I can't eat anything I want, but it's the constantly being judged for it or being made to feel high maintenance for doing something I really wish I didn't have to that makes it absolutely HELLL
Please keep this in mind whenever you invite a friend out to eat who has restrictions, and if you're planning on a place. Maybe check the menu yourself to make sure they're good, or let them choose the place, or just don't do something food related even. It's just. It's hard when social interactions revolve around food and you're never able to partake the way everyone else does.
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1percenthealthier · 2 months
Eat This for 7 Days & See What Happens to Your Heart! (Goodbye High Chol...
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Can BP, Thyroid, etc. Be Reversed
Rising urbanization and the unhealthy diets, and sedentary lifestyles that go with it have enabled this unrecognized, rising pandemic of non-communicable chronic diseases. When the insulin produced in the body is unable to function as required, glucose builds up in the blood and, left untreated, leads to a host of problems like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, PCOD/S, and more.
Read more to know how to reverse it: https://www.freedomfromdiabetes.org/blog/post/can-bp-thyroid-etc-be-reversed-like-diabetes-can/2889
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