#High Speed Connection fanart
soaring-trash · 9 months
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“Well, they’re fuckin’ stupid.” Imogen muttered, plainly, a scowl briefly flitting across her face.
“In fairness, I’m rather glad they didn’t. I think I much prefer you anyway.”
“Yeah?” Imogen looked… astonished, and Laudna suppressed her laugh this time, amusement chasing the sudden rush of emotion away.
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lcvemiyuki · 23 days
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"close to his heart" | hinata, hq
𓂃𓂃𓂃𓊝 ࿐𓂃𓂃𓂃
content: you attend an intense and crucial match for the jackals and discover a certain wing spiker wears his promise ring in secret to give him good luck during a game
warnings: fluff, established relationship, timeskip!msby hinata
character(s): hinata
word count: 590
a/n: i saw a fanart of this exact scenario and just HAD to write something about it because ughhhhhhh. like that was me fr in the stands. (if i find out who the artist is i will add it in the future!). also, i know jewelry is prohibited to wear during matches, i don’t know what the protocols are, but for the sake of this writing lets just pretend if anything🤗
art creds: @/sunfluff on ig @/ah_e0k on twt (inspired this scenario)
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
the ball ricocheted off the ground, sending the crowd into a frenzied uproar.
the match was a nail-biter, with each team clinging to the game with pure willpower. the players' shoes squeaked in protest against the polished floor; their faces glistened with the sheen of sweat, a tangible testament to their craving for victory.
in the midst of all this, you knew that every match held a special significance for the orange-haired decoy—every single point, every last serve, it all mattered.
as the jackals were nearing the final set of the match, it was apparent that hinata was exhausted, his energy nearly depleted. but adrenaline forced his legs to move just a bit longer, his thigh muscles searing and flexing with every strenuous movement.
all of his senses were heightened.
he became intensely aware of a certain necklace he had tucked under his jersey as well.
the realization of its presence served to slow his fast-beating heart just enough to keep him grounded.
the closest, tangible thing to him wasn't his teammates or the high-speed ball whirling toward him. 
it was you.
wearing his promise to you on a silver chain around his neck was a risky move, but it was the only thing that seemed to calm his nerves.
the game demanded his attention once again as the blond setter lofted a perfect set in his direction. with a sudden burst of renewed energy, hinata leaped for the quick attack, his hand connecting with the ball with infallible precision and force.
the resulting smack echoed ominously through the gym. before anyone could fully comprehend what had happened, the match was over.
the crowd was only a few seconds late in reacting, their cheers filling the stadium as the realization dawned. the shrill sound of the whistle signaled the winning point, initiating a wave of exhilaration that swept through the stands.
"yeah!" hinata yelled, triumphantly balling a fist into the air. his teammates, brimming with uncontained excitement, rushed over with their hands delivering congratulatory slaps on his back.
as the match drew to a close, you finally allowed yourself to release the breath you'd been holding. next to you, the younger, orange-haired girl—her face glowing with pride for her older brother—jumped up and down with joy.
both of you were clad in jackal merch, his number visible on your jerseys. despite blending in with the sea of fans, a pair of keen eyes found you anyway.
after sharing a celebratory hug with natsu, you turned your gaze back down the stadium. you were searching for the mvp of the night—only to find that he was already staring up at you.
at that moment, the deafening noise levels of the stadium seemed to fade into insignificance. it felt as if only you two were there— as if, he was telepathically communicating with you. a loving smile spread across his face as his hand reached for his neck. slowly, he removed the skin-toned bandages to reveal the shiny, silver-chained necklace and his promise ring to you dangling on it.
you gasped, the sound getting caught in your throat and leaving you speechless.
"he was wearing his ring this whole time?" your fingers immediately touch your own, fiddling with it.
as if he could read your mind, hinata’s smile grew larger. he brought the silver ring to his lips in a tender gesture—a small peck that resonated in your heart.
this ring was his good luck charm, the one thing he wanted close to his heart. and for that, he was willing to break a few rules.
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
want more?
⤷ masterlist.
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helsaweekmasterlist · 3 months
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Calling ALL Helsa shippers!!!
Helsa shippers, @helsadiscord proudly presents our annual event 🎉 Helsa Week 2024 🎉
Save the dates! From 29 April - 5 May 2024, we invite you to celebrate and appreciate Helsa in any form of fan creations.
For one week, there will be a one-word prompt every two days. We look forward to seeing your submissions 🤩
DAY 1 - 2 (29 - 30 April). STORM.
“Let the storm rage on.”
Whether the emotional storms, turbulent waters and tempestuous sides of Hans and Elsa as they face the unknown together 💙❤️
DAY 3 - 4 (1 - 2 May). RACE.
Get your heart racing with excitement, re-imagine moments of passion and adrenaline-pumping intensities involving high-speed adventures, intertwined destinies and unexpected twists 🏎️ 💨
DAY 5 - 6 (3 - 4 May). MIRACLE.
Explore the miracles of love, redemption and unexpected connections while delving into the couple's tumultuous past and unforeseen future 🌟🌟🌟
DAY 7 (5 May). FREE.
Free space for your creativity! Let your imagination shine, do whatever your heart desires!
⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯
When posting your work, please:
1. @helsaweekmasterlist
2. Tag #Helsa Week 2024, #HelsaWeek2024 and #HelsaWeek along with other appropriate tagging (fandom, characters, ship, spoilers, NSFW and content warnings).
Don’t be afraid to be creative, let inspiration flow! Create fanfiction, fanart, comics, edits, mood boards, headcanons, poems, essays, cosplay, meme, anything you fancy! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
♥Have fun and Happy Helsa Week!♥
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avaantares · 7 months
Wait, Zhao Yunlan's gun is actually a...?!
(I've never claimed production meta for @guardianbingo before, but after the amount of time and research I put in on this, I feel like I've earned the "Zhao Yunlan's Gun or Whip" square, haha)
Maybe this is something fandom as a whole figured out back in 2018, but I, who didn't hear of Guardian until 2020, did not realize until now and I need to share the knowledge because when I finally noticed, I made an unholy sound.
I've tracked down where Zhao Yunlan's gun came from -- or at least, what it most likely started as. Not the in-universe dark-energy-maybe-uses-bullets-maybe-doesn't-device-that's-best-not-thought-about-too-long, but rather the actual fake-steampunk-revolver-that-is-best-not-looked-at-too-long-because-it's-awful prop.
Y'know, this disaster:
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I was actually working on a different Guardian Bingo fill and needed to look something up for continuity, so I'd flipped through a couple of episodes at super high speed trying to find a scene. As luck would have it, one of my skips forward happened to land on the scene I screencapped above, when ZYL confronts Zhang Shi.
Normally we don't get this clear (or this stationary) a shot of the godawful gun prop. I'd assumed all along they had just taken a plastic gun, glued some extra bits and bobs on it to make it look fancy, and hit it with some dry brushing (fun fact: you can watch the paint flake throughout the series; check out the top of the barrel and the side of the cylinder in the above screenshot!) to make it look #steampunk like the abandoned aesthetic of 25% of the show (as I've said before, I have theories about what happened in preproduction, but that's another post). This sort of thing is exactly what I've done for cheap cosplay weapons or background props for film work that aren't going to be seen at HD detail range.
Anyway, since the detail showed up better here than in other shots, I paused the video to look at the random screws and hex bolts (why??) they'd glued on it, since I recalled that I had the aforementioned gun/whip bingo square to fill.
That's when I noticed a detail that had eluded me before: An inverted V shape at the bottom of the grip.
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Only looking more closely, that's not an inverted V. It's a symbol that I've seen a whole series of variations of over the past 15+ years... every time there's a new installment of the Assassin's Creed video game series:
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So I started hunting. The principal weapons in each game turned up no matches, but eventually I found a gun that looks almost exactly like ZYL's:
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It's not a perfect replica, but the details are certainly all there: The stylized logo; the leaves and swirls on the grip; the feathers up the back; even the Victorian scrollwork beneath the barrel.
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Now, what's really interesting is that this gun isn't actually from the AC game series. It's part of an elaborate fan project by artist David Paget that started as a class assignment back in 2014. Even though it gathered a bit of steam in the AC fandom and generated a couple of forum role-play groups, OCs and the like, nothing about this artwork was ever connected to a real Assassin's Creed title. So why would there be a physical version of a gun that was only someone's fanart?
This is where the smoking gun (*rimshot*) goes missing, because I can't prove any of this, and it's been long enough that digging through the archives of the internet to find answers is going to take way more time than I can afford to spend on a project I'm not getting paid for. But there are two likely possibilities:
Scenario A: Some employee in a toy factory somewhere in China got told, "This Assassin's Creed franchise is really big, so we need to be producing replicas from those games to sell. Work up some designs." So the employee Googles "assassin's creed gun," finds David Paget's very professional-looking art, and whips up a replica to mass-injection-mold without realizing it's not actually from a game. Later, someone on the cash-strapped Guardian production team needs a gun to mod, and finds a cheap toy revolver on clearance after several years of sitting in storage because there was little demand for a replica of a gun that was never in a game. They buy several, glue hex bolts on the cylinder for reasons unknown, and poof! Instant pseudo-steampunk!
Scenario B: Other fans were involved in the design. Someone did build a 3D model of David Paget's design that's still available on Sketchfab (screenshot below), and it's not unreasonable to assume that other fans could have thought it looked cool and built 3D printable models. Later, someone on the cash-strapped Guardian production team needs a gun to mod, and acquires the 3D print file of one of those models from the interwebs. They mod the file a bit, print some, glue hex bolts on the cylinder for reasons unknown, and poof! Instant pseudo-steampunk!
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Personally, I find Scenario A far more likely than Scenario B, for two reasons: First, the hero prop looks more injection molded than 3D printed, especially given the technical state of 3D printing back in 2017-8. And second... Budget-challenged dramas do have a history of picking up bulk video game replicas and using them as cheap props. I made a post back in 2019 about the WoW Horde shields we spotted in a different drama...
Anyway, no firm answers about the source of the hero prop -- the world may never know! -- but we have now confirmed that in some alternate universe (possibly one of the first eighty?), Zhao Yunlan and/or Zhao Xinci is an Assassin.
Wait, wait, wait... *recalls mechanics of how the whole Assassin's Creed frame story is supposed to work* Uh... so... who wants to write a genetic memory explanation for the whole Kunlun -> [lots of lifetimes] -> Zhao Yunlan thing?
(I did actually check the catalogue of a friend of mine who makes replicas of props from various media franchises to see if he'd done a commission of the David Paget design, since a surprising number of his custom pieces actually do end up on film and television, but while he has a gorgeous replica of a revolver that actually appears in an AC game, it appears he has not done the Zhao Yunlan gun. I didn't really think it likely, since he's in the U.S., but you never know.)
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sorenphelps · 1 year
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marauders x atla/lok AU -- remastered.
I’ve been rewatching atla with my bf recently, which really put me in the mood to revisit this old idea. So I present you a brand new fanart of Peter, Remus, Sirius, James, Lily and Snape (from left to right) designed as atla/lok characters. Also, have an additional sketchdump with some scenarios and whatnot.
Some further unreasonably detailed ideas:
James is an earthbender/metalbender, the only son of famous metalbending acupuncturists. He is also the pro-bending team captain of the Zaofu Saber-tooth Moose Lions. His teammates are Kingsley (firebender) and Xenofilius Lovegood (water/swampbender). He has a very obvious crush on Lily, non-stop trying to impress her with little gifts and dangerous stunts. He is a clever and resourceful prankster. His metalbending master was McGonagall, who is deep down a little disappointed that James became a pro-bender instead of a detective. She watches all of his matches anyways.
Lily is a non-bender from Republic City, who is a chi-blocker and a herbalist. Her childhood friend is Snape who also shared an interest in herbs and poisonous plants. Lily started learning chi-blocking because Snape became way too invested in bloodbending. She is secretly a pro-bending fan and is very fascinated by James’ seemingly failed attempts at flirting. She is estranged with her sister as Petunia hates benders. Lily developed a friendship with Sirius over both of them sharing a complicated relationship with their siblings. She bonded with Remus over their interest in healing.
Sirius is a powerful firebender who owns a motorbike. He met James while trying to fix a stubborn loose screw and they’ve been inseparable ever since, pulling off various shenanigans. He has an unlimited number of parking and speeding tickets. Because of this, he's been sentenced multiple times by Police Chief McGonagall to perform community service in Republic City’s Power Plant generating lightning. His family originates from the richest Fire Nation colony governors, who managed to maintain their noble status and money, but also their traditionalism. They enrolled Sirius to the Fire Nation Army so he could become a high-ranking officer as expected, but he eventually deserted to find real adventures. He still wears his military uniform jacket as a memento.
Remus is a waterbender who has a strong connection to the wolf spirit of the Forgetful Valley. As a little kid he was bitten by a venomous animal possessed by a dark spirit and became very sick. He could be eventually healed by the water of the lake the wolf spirit drank from that season. Hence during full moon his waterbending abilities are charged with the wolf spirit’s energy, forming the shape of the wolf’s head during attacks. He needs to drink from the Forgetful Valley lake waters during lunar eclipses unless he becomes sick again. He works at an animal clinic as a healer. He is dating Sirius, but they are both very awkward about their undeniable feelings.
Regulus is a firebender working as a double agent for Republic City’s Police and Triads. He is involved in various triad business, gathering information and handling pro-bending bets. He is quiet and introverted as opposed to his brother Sirius whose powerful bending abilities and fearless personality gained him quite a reputation. They are not in speaking terms with each other, even though they often get in trouble together when Sirius eventually interferes with his little brother’s operations not knowing he is a double agent.
Peter is a seemingly weak earthbender from Ba Sing Se who cares more about culinary delights than anything else. However, he is deeply involved with Triad business, handling bets, spying and other illegal activities. During a turf war his hand was injured, so he wears a Dai Li rock glove to cover it. As he looks rather harmless, prefers to hide his bending abilities and leaves a general cowardly impression of himself, no one really suspects that he is in fact a spy and a smart player.
Snape is a waterbender prodigy, who also knows much about poisons. He is still obsessed with Lily, even though she has ended their friendship when he demonstrated his self-taught bloodbending abilities on her sister. He spent years researching bending forms and developed his own techniques hoping to win Lily’s trust back. As a result, he is able to bloodbend without a full moon which is his preferred style despite knowing all other sub-forms of waterbending. His talent sparked the interest of Voldemort.
Voldemort is an energy bender who, alongside his mother, was attacked by an enraged snake spirit. His mother died, however he survived due to his awakening energy bending powers, somehow sealing the snake spirit into himself thus enslaving it as his servant. In exchange, his face developed snake-like features. He could turn spirits into dark spirits and seal their power into himself. He planned to find the next Avatar (Harry) so he could rip Raava out of him, corrupt and seal the spirit into himself. He believed this would make him the most powerful being on the world, as then he would gain the bending powers of the Avatar.
Dumbledore is an airbending master and spiritual guru. He has a pet phoenix spirit. He is the grand master of the White Lotus and the unofficial guardian of the spirit portal of Republic City. His main priority is to protect earth citizens as the new Avatar will be born as one of them. However, his master plan is to reconnect Raava and Vaatu and permanently fuse both of them with the Avatar, as only this could bring true balance.
You can find more atla/lok AU content with old ideas here, here and here. Anyone who is willing to write or somehow contribute to this AU, feel free to tag me. I’m in so deep, I might even draw more.
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bryan360 · 5 months
Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
2024 Review - Seagate 2TB Portable Drive (First Half - Unboxing Impressions)
No “On This Day” posting once again, but might be the right time to focus on this instead. It’s been a long waited time for me; especially for what was my most “limited” experience when trying to complete my art trades in time. Though thankfully I’m keeping it cool to get through my friend’s request for January 2024; without having to rush as I’d developed my art skills for sometime. I’m lucky enough to get those done despite giving some multiple details if I wanted to keep it going. Other than that, I’ve been secretly supported my DeviantArt page with two recent fanarts I’d saved. At least that counts for something while I’m not too busy on my friend’s art trade requests this hard. 😅
Just needed to squeeze one more for the last week of January 2024. But for today, I’m now about to bring you my first half review for my Seagate 2TB Portable Drive I was looking forward. Keep in mind, this will be the focus for an unboxing part I’d taken. Do forgive myself that I would’ve like to continue on by installation and progression, but that’s gonna be for February posts hopefully. So anyways, here’s my unboxing impressions for this latest item after my mom ordered from Amazon.com. Link Here
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(Dated: Jan. 6th, 2024) (The time I’d recorded myself when unboxing my package)
Let me just say it does bring my excitement regardless this is suppose to be my last year’s Christmas present request. (And the second one which yet to be revealed.) Well, we can’t expect anything to arrived in time for that matter. So as I get into my package, it came with the main item, a USB 3.0 cable, and two other books. Nothing too much, but exactly what it needed like if I wanted more. Besides, this is good enough of having two items to install with my gaming console; which I’ll get to reveal soon.
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(Dated: Jan. 25th, 2024) (Just after setting up with my external portable drive. Sorry if I would’ve included from the beginning.)
Here’s a closer look of my portable drive while I’m holding. It seems small enough to fit in your pockets, but best if you don’t do this by accidental breaking. I’d looked up for the product details from Amazon.com that was about “4.6 x 3.15 x 0.58 inches and 6.72 ounces.” Just making sure if it can fit anything other than pockets from your pants. For as the USB 3.0 cable was obviously needed to transfer with. It’s about 18 inches and hopes of high-speed connectivity. If I ever lost it, then preying myself when checking some similar USB 3.0 cables that should work to transfer connection.
My Overall Thoughts (so far):
I’m very happy to unboxed this without some issues. There’s plenty other hard drives to looked from, but the Seagate one is the first way to go. I would imagined if I can planned more on hard drives for other of my devices. Since it didn’t have with my own laptop/computer desktop, my gaming console is the closest way I can get. Either way, this portable drive of mine is something to look forward to.
Hope you guys enjoy this first half review I’d going through, but promised be back for more during February 2024 for free time. I’ll be coming back for another weekdays at the program through Mondays and Fridays as always. What that being said, at least I got this first half review in time….just before going to bed though. ^^* See ya, guys.
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4 @paektu
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ooh youd never watched mh before? like not the og series either? i also really like the new show!
Never! Think might have heard about the toys once, a few years back? A bit isolated out here heheh, and the internet speed is... well
okay so far i've only seen what's free on youtube and The Monstering and that's enough to tell me something Very Important about this show. Well. A few Very Important Things
when was a kid (one million years ago) i was Obsessed with the idea of Halloween Town and loved imagining all these stories about my version of it
(accessed via a well, for some reason)
imagined being a pumpkin headed scarecrow (legit my first self insert OC, before I know those terms) and hanging out with MY ghoul friends (werewolf, vampire, skeleton, ghost, the usual)
drew fanart for it and daydreamed about it all year long...
my neighbor, the kid i played most with bc neither of us had anyone else, liked playing animal uprising in barbie town and wasn't so keen on the spooks, so my desire for a funky creepy friend group VESTERED. like worms. or maybe maggots
There've been other shows or movies that TRY to do this, but they either go too dark for me, or the spook stuff is so surface level it's like halloween decorations
soft core body horror via Frankie! Oh hey Cleo has bugs crawling under her wrappings! The teens are eating EYES and BRAINS and sloppy joes made from TOES?
The students are ACTUAL spooks! Draculaura can turn into a bat! She's got NO reflection! Frankie keeps falling apart- Literally! Ghost students!
Creative use of the spook! Here's an eyeball to record your class project on!
it's VIBES
the vibes are EVERYWHERE
2.) This show feels safe. Comfortable. Cozy.
Meet Frankie. They use they/them pronouns
Clawdeeeeeen and the school...
the students go from AHH A HUMAN!! to sneaking around trying to eves drop on Clawdeen and the headmistress and now they don't look scared they look curious, they're interested in this human talking about her love of monster stories and how she doesn't fit in with humans and just wants to stay here with them- it's sweet. It's so sweet.
Even before she turn out to be part werewolf, the feeling is, the students like her. They'd be happy to have her stay. There's a connection here even WITHOUT being a monster
like Draculaura and Frankie and Duce want to help Clawdeen figure out what kind of monster she might be SO SHE CAN STAY. the framing is, turning out to be a monster would be the EXCUSE for her to be here, with friends. The ones she already has, now
my heart
dont touch me
3.) the... the expectations of what a body should look like.... break them and be joyful
Clawdeen the werewolf girl is worried for a sec that she doesn't have ENOUGH armpit hair
for fun we get to see it growing THROUGH her SHIRT!
also i dont know why but it feels like this is one of the first times i've seen weregirls with leg and arm hair that has actual, noticeable, fur tufts. not just smooth with a fur coloring. this has Texture. these girls are HAIRY
and again it's just another thing, it's normal at monster high
hey i love it
Iris is on the fear squad
the monster who is fat and has one giant eyeball is on monster high's version of the cheerleading squad!
metal leg? Clear and obvious scar stiches all over their body? yep! zero self image issues this monster is just out there grooving!
hey this merdude has a tail with no legs he uses a wheelchair no biggie
i have EXTREME dysphoria and no money to do anything about it
i want to go to monster high, too
it looks safe
last and most important of all....
character voices. CHARACTER VOICES.
a lowbar, you might think, and yet i've spent good money on media written for adults that DOES NOT HAVE THIS
i've watched maybe, four five eps? and already i can HEAAR the characters in my head! i can feel the TONE of the show! i can imagine my own little adventures for them bc it's easy to feel what they'd say or do!
you know what i hate? things that arn't set up! things that are forgotten!
eleven minutes and so far not ONCE has something happened that wasn't set up before hand
Oh everyone's out of the camera ghoul yay- wait. I don't see cleo in the pile. did they forget to animate her?
She's still in the camera monster's pocket dimension!
as set up by her having trouble even buying coffee bc her id doesn't look like her, as set up by her new photo also getting ruined accidentally by Frankie, as set up by her getting caught by the monster when she came back to demand another photo!
the way the three bell chime "ding, ding, DOOOM" are used when Clawdeen is exchanging thumbs up with the wolf pack only to cut on the DOOOM to her going into the woods for the pack meeting against her instincts
nervous ding nervous ding BIG DOOOOOM OF THIS IS A BAD IDEA
brain candy
that's brain candy for me
i feel like a zombie media student
"gOoOoOd eDiTtInG....!" i moan, shambling towards the next episode with arms out stretched
there's so much of this tbh its always there
ok i have to stop this rant this is getting ridiculous
---- VOice acting! I'm sensitive to stiff acting and these ppl are haivng FUN i can FEEEEEEL it. Cleo and Spectra stand out for me. And Lagoona especially. i love Lagoona
---- DESIGN AND COLORS aye it's pretty! my eyes are having fun!
---- MUSIC AND SOUND DESIGN they are on point and make everything ten times better
----- WORLD BUILDING i don't need to explore it but it feels like there's a world and a history of monsters out there and that sells the whole school
----- THE FEELS so far Draculaura in the Food Fight ep hits the hardest. Girl giving a presentation against witch craft, while secretly practicing witch craft, to convince herself it's bad... needing confidence to cast spells correctly, only she loses hers... all of the wanting to be a witch, it makes her feel like her, and then- the realization that that MAKES her a witch. She already IS one. She wants to tell her dad but, just, can't. And her friends support her.... oh, that hit good
And also, of course, Frankie the nonbinary monster!
who isn't a split of guy and girl, or a multiple personality deal. They're just. Nonbinary. They don't need a reason or an explanation.
sure you could say, it's cause they're made up of parts from other people, but the show doesn't say that. Frankie calls those parts their "past" selves/lives. this is their life though and they are their own self. silly, sweet, emotional, curious Frankie Stein. who goes by they/them
as someone with zero gender, who can't introduce my self as they/them, that feels so good
this SHOW feels so good
cleo/frankie is really cute, very adorable, but i think im just bitten for the whole show now. i don't care what happens in particular just let me frolic gleefully in the childhood i wish id had :)
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imaginative-123 · 2 years
CARS 3 ALTERNATE ENDING Monty and Cruz 2017/ The Fabulous Hudson Hornet at Willy's Butte 2006 by me
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So here's my HOT TAKE, Cars 3 ending is underwhelming tbh, bec Cars 3 kinda exists to make an apology to a abomination sequel yet made an underwhelming ending instead, of making Cruz won the race and flip Jackson Storm as a connection to Doc flipping the rookie on his glory days. Despite the fact there's no scenes of Cruz having a closer connection to Doc only McQueen who has more flashback scenes and emotional scene when he was with Doc Hudson and when he's alive during that time. It makes the flipping scene underwhelming bec what was the point of having McQueen more scenes with Doc Hudson only to have his trainer won the race making the connection not having a lasting impact on me and I never cheered when Cruz won bec my expectation from the first and second half was so high and the payoff was so underwhelming. The reason More than New Paint alternate ending works bec in summary McQueen was not allowed to race bec Sterling sees more potential in Cruz, despite in my additional version McQueen could've been given an upgrade bec the actual movie conveniently never give him upgrades in the RUZTEZE Center despite they have techno stuff and based on my research Corvettes like him can get upgrade, and despite trying to race against his trainer Cruz he can't keep up with her despite she has the fastest speed than him, and Sterling was willing to give the 95 no to her as a connection to Louise who stole a number to enter a race bec she's being discriminated as a woman back in the 50s the only difference was Cruz was allowed to race with that no. due to her speed but the connection is there between her and Louise Nash. So McQueen was in the position of Doc who did everything to go back to racing only to be turned down the only difference was Tex Dinoco gave him a chance to race again one last time and this time he decided to wear Doc Hudson's colors and 51 no. as a way to honor him and was sponsored by DINOCO bec it's his dream at the first movie but he turned it down at the end bec he found a family in RUZTEZE including his newfound friends from Radiator Springs, but it's also a callback that Doc never got a chance to show them, this time McQueen had a chance to show Doc that he can get back to racing one last time.
This ending personally for me could've given McQueen a chance to win and that's where he needs to retire and give his Ruzteze place to Cruz bec it can allude to the ending of Toy Story 3 where Andy decided to give away his toys to Bonnie the new owner including his fav toy Woody bec he decided it's time to let go and play his toys one last time before heading off to college. As his last childhood moment. That could've been what Cars 3 that McQueen, he decided that retiring would make his decision that it's time for him to let go and be a trainer of Cruz just like how Doc retired and be a crew chief of McQueen, but nope he said at the end he didn't want to retire making the story overall pointless. It makes the credits scenes confusing if during his time of coaching Cruz did he even retire or not?
Although I only liked Cars 2 and 3 for the fanarts despite me having problems of the story overall. So here's my art in detail in humanized alternate version.
So in this version McQueen decides to retire after winning the first Piston Cup and giving it to Cruz who only won second place after Cruz gave him a chance to win against Jackson Storm who pushes him to the wall and I used the alternate ending where McQueen flipz over Jack just like how Doc flips over the rookie in his glory days. Cruz wants to decline due to her generosity but McQueen said she deserved it since she wants to follow her idol and here she was standing beside her idol who won the Piston Cup and was giving it to her. So Cruz happily happily receives the trophy as her reward.
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As McCqueen won, to which he teaches Jackson Storm to not judge a book of it's cover and Jcakson was left humilated but realized that he;s right and he told McQueen that he's right but he'll work hard to win again someday and McQueen may have distaste against him but he respects him as Jackson lost himself at the crowd, the media and news reporter questioned him if he's willing to race again. He decided that it may be the time to retire since he finally decided it's time to let go and give his DINOCO place to his friend Cal Weathers who got fired earlier in the actual movie to give his older gens a chance to race again including Bobby Swift to which Cal's crewchief and uncle Strip Weathers agreed to his decision and tried to fix his relationship with his nephew in the end in my version that is they have an argument earlier as to why he's fired but Strip explained he has no choice to remove him for the next gen cars bec he has to follow the rules and Cal was angry and depressed bec it's his dream of continuing his uncle's legacy only to be thrown under the bus that he quit racing. But he visited McQueen's race at he end of the movie and him hearing McQueen's decision makes him relieved that there might be a second chance and Strip and Cal apologized to each other for what happened. After the speech, Tex Dinoco approached McQueen who was being approached by Sterling who seems shocked and tried to apologized for underestimating McQueen's win. McQueen decides to sarcasticly mock Sterling bec of him being thrown under the bus bec it reminded him of his mentor Doc Hudson who was in his same position and he did gave him a favor bec he couldn't continue racing but Monty just got so lucky bec Tex Dinoco was standing beside him.
Tex Dinoco finally announced that he talked with Rusty and Dusty about Sterling's shady practices behind the scenes for only caring about the brand and money not Monty himself, being incredibly rude and power tripping to his employees, and not hiring more female trainers and applicants only Cruz as a trainer bec if you keep an eye in the RUZTEZE Training center there are more male trainers and workers than women although to be fair there's a woman janitor but I still stand my point, bec he doesn't believe women can't be a racer and he only hired Cruz bec Cruz was begging for a job and he has no choice but to let her in bec in my ver she was being let down by everyone for wanting to be a female racer bec in actual racing world there is still discrimination against women, he's only skeptical of her strengths as a trainer at first but only used her for his own gain when he realize her car has more speed than Monty that he doesn't cared about his opposite gender just for the sake of using their strengths as a means to his own gain. And Tex always keeps an eye on him, despite the two founders retired and they found out about Sterling's true nature they decide they want to return to the company and will never trust Sterling again and they made him officially fired from Ruzteze. Sterling was furious at first but before he comes at Monty and blames him for everything the security decides to take him away for making a scene.
After that, McQueen decides to propose to Sally and Sally agrees that she agrees to be married to McQueen. And Cruz was also happy about this and was being approached by Maddy McGear and asked McQueen and her for an autograph and she agrees, and after taking photographs with Maddy who was taken a camera shot by her mom, Melissa Bernabrake. Cruz had a realization and asked if Maddy wants to be a racer like her and Maddy cheerfully agrees she wants to be like her and Cruz tells her to never give up on your dreams bec someday it will happen, and Cruz said she'll build a organization for women to have more women racers and promote more equality alongside male racers and rebrand it to Racing Center Cruz Ramirez, and Tex Dinoco and Monty agrees and Sally asks Cruz is she can teach her to be a race car driver and see if she can compete with McQueen someday bec she was interested with racing and was inspired by her boyfriend. To which Cruz was willing to do and Monty was worried at first but was willing to give his girlfriend a chance.
As for this happy ending for the artwork I made here are the art details. So Since McQueen retired from racing to make it allude to TS3's ending. McQueen's car will be like Doc Hudson except McQueen will have no Ruzteze decals just Fabulous Monty McQueen just like how Doc used his old decals for his retirement and mentor McQueen when he's alive.
Based from the art I made before of Doc Hudson wearing Paul Newman shades, Herb Thomas clothes during the 50's the driver he's based on, and Paul is also athletic I gave him lean muscles and an old build.
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Herb Thomas
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Since most humanized fanarts like to depict him in long coat sleeves, I based him on wearing polo shirt from Herb Thomas including white helmet and goggles.
For Monty I based him on what Doc's hairtsyle was and wore his shades and holding his helmet. And his collars is altered to have red linings to represent his fav color with white color. And he has a lean build bec of his training back at RUSTEZE Training center. So his white pants and brown leathers shoes remained the same. so his beard may be based from Pewdiepie to represent his late 40's look although Pewds is 34 but still I decided take his appearance but make McQueen look older, and the Piston Cup sticker of Doc is the first NASCAR sticker from his old days so McQueen is from 2017 Piston Cup sticker.
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And credit to the artist for inspiration
Fabulous Lightning Mcqueen by moonepaws
However the link to that is not found anymore sadly although I did saved the image.
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As for Cruz's car is based on 2016 Scion Fr-S.
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And maybe this 2017 CRS Sports Coupe.
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Bec this is based on research.
So I mixed the 2017 and 2016 version together.
As for the yellow car's color I used the actual ending race of Cruz colors to represent the colors for the alternate ending.
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For the signature I based it on her actress Cristela Alonzo's signature on Cruz Dinoco Funko POP!
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Since she's the new star of Ruzteze I based it on the sideways logo like her DINOCO version on her hood.
The inside of their cars is based on the images I found on google regarding NASCAR stock car interiors so some may not be accurate bec I can't find other parts, bec some are blocked by how they were pictured so take it as a grain of salt.
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As for her appearance since she's Hispanic and may be Latina from the sources I've seen on the internet, I based it on her actress appearance.
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Including Hispanic women.
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And face shapes I chosed for Hispanic women face shapes is rectangular appearance that is top middle bec I seen Cruz as more of an energetic person. But I also make her chin flat to make her look different from the women I designed from my Cars Human AU.
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As for her NASCAR fire suits I had to research 2017 version bec the movie is set in 2016-2017 the only suit I found is Danica Patrick for female racers.
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For her yellow color I based it on NASCAR yellow suit colors.
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And her right shoe says Ronaldo bec in Cars 3 she said when during a ritual and wants McQueen to concentrate and rest his tires and he should name them just like as she named her tires, for her back left tire Maria, front left tire Fuerita, back right tire Ronaldo, and front right tire is Debbie Richardson.
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Also here's the clear view of details bec the whole picture is landscape and it's hard to see
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Sorry for the long post I just wanted to express my art and explanation. I'm willing to hear your thoughts on this redesign.
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kingbyx · 7 months
The Snowfury
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Im writing a bsd Httyd au, because I have an inescapable obsession with both series.
To summarize without many spoilers (incase I ever do finish any fic in the series instead of just planning to write them), ADA are dragon riders, they love dragons, dragons love them, basically the main riders from Httyd in RTTE. Their island is just covered in rescued dragons. PM are dragon hunters who, under Moris guidance, have learned to ‘tame’ dragons through fear and abuse. Chuuya is not in the PM, he’s off being awesome and thinking everybody he loved is dead you know how it is. Atsushi (since Chuuya is not the main charcter even if I love him in this au) is a guy, who, through a series of unfortunate events, ends up with the ADA. His dragon, his bestest friend (Named Byakko, after his ability), is a lightfury (and Akutagawa had a Nightfury names Rashomon of course)
The problem with this is that I have a bit of a problem with the Lightfury. Her concept was cool, and some fanart of her is so nice! But her canon animation was just, eh, and overall I feel like her design could have been better. Some parts just don’t make sense, and really I think they could have done the ´sleek, feminine Fury species that is similar but very different than the nightfury’ idea without having her look,,,, squished. And oddly fem for a DRAGON. I always thought she felt out of place in the world of HTTYD.
So, in my efforts to slightly change her design so I could have a lightfury in my au without using the full canon design, I got carried away and now here we are, I made an entire species, for some reason.
Allow me to explain.
Lore/General Info
The ‘Lightfury’, actually known as the ‘SnowFury’ by the groups that live around them. Though even they don’t see them much. ´Lightfury’ is a term used by cultures who do not naturally have these dragons, as they mistook them for ´daytime NightFurys’ instead of arctic dragons. The dragon eye lists them as SnowFurys, but as artwork of them was limited due to their stealth, few have made the connection between the ‘two species’.
Snowfury’s share a common ancestor with the Nightfury, but evolved in an entirely different environment. While NightFurys are known to prefer forested habitats, preferable near lakes, beaches, rivers, etc, Snowfurys are found only in the snowy wastelands far to the north and far to the south. Though they are now nearly extinct in the south, that is where they were originally named aswell, and no humans are known to inhabit the north.
Just like NightFurys, they are few and far between. In the south, hunted to near extinction (perhaps they truly are gone?) and no one knows if they live in the north. Perhaps they fled there, perhaps they all died in the journey across the ocean, perhaps they have existed there forever and we will never know. Perhaps we are wrong entirely, and they have simply become even better at hiding? Some have heard they can turn invisible, not just blend in, but truly invisible
This will be explained further in the design details, but Snowfurys are larger and bulkier than NightFurys, and though still one of the fastest dragons, they fall just slightly short of the Nightfury. They have a layer of not-quite-blubber, it keeps them warmer but isn’t quite as squishy or heavy, as they still need to be sleek to fly at such high speeds. They can swim in freezing water and walk through blizzards barely noticing the cold.
Their shiny white scales make them nearly impossible to make out within the snow and ice, during a blizzard they are even more deadly. They are known to dig burrows in snow, both as nests/dens and for hunting/stealth purposes.
Changes I made and why/ cool design element of the species
No blue/pink undertones, their stark white but slightly sparkly coulouring is an amazing camoflauge, they are deadly in the snow. Though I couldn’t portray it well (can you tell ive never edited something before and am not at all an artist?), similar to the NightFurys faint stripes, they have a faint rosette pattern, almost like a snow leopard.
Not sure how visible it is, but head is less squished. Proper muzzle for fishing! And carrying babies! All those good things!
Their tail fins do not split at the end, they are known to use it almost like a shovel at times
Their claws are longer thicker and sharper than a NightFurys, they use them to grip onto ice and climb mountains with minimal effort.
Their eyes range from various blues, light teals and pale purples, nothing too vibrant though, they have very pale eyes (while nightfurys have more vibrant eyes, in bright greens and yellows and organes, even red perhaps)
Again, they are bulkier and stronger. Sacrificing a tiny bit of speed for higher strength. Still the second fastest dragon though, just slightly behind NughtFury. This extra bulk not only keeps them warmer but allows them to power through blizzards and scale icy mountains without blinking, they can swim in freezing water without getting cold and walk through deep snow. I made the Snowfurys legs a bit propertionally thicker, aswell as their neck.
Still less ear nubs, but i added a third set. They are shorter but wider than Nightfurys, it’s cold!
Back fin is rufflier and there is a smaller one on head, I mostly just liked the look. The fins on legs and back/head/tail help with aerodynamics, and swimming. They are surprisingly durable, as they need to hold up against freezing temperatures and crazy wind.
More scale definition, though not as muh as a NightFury. They have thick protective scales, but retain a smoother look, not only are they better swimmers than NightFurys but it makes them even harder to spot against the smooth shiny snow.
I made the other two tail fins larger to match the main one
Other little bits
Female Snowfurys are larger than males, and male Snowfurys are about the same as Female Nightfurys if a bit larger and male night fury’s are smaller than female nightfury’s
They have all the same ability’s as Lightfurys, retractable teeth, plasma blast, invisibility, you get it.
You could just say the Lightfruys don’t exist in this au, and Snowfurys are an unique species, but they are still called Lightfurys in most places (Americas, Yokohama seas, United Kingdom’s, etc. Only the southern frozen islands (where Fyodor and Nikolai are from in this au btw) call them Snowfurys, but they found them first so it’s the ‘true name’. It is also what’s in the dragon eye.
Do canon Lightfurys exist? Maybe, how am I supposed to know?
They swim very well as I think I mentioned, better than Nightfurys but not quite like a true tidal class dragon. They eat a lot of fish like Nightfurys, though they will eat basically anything, this would have one day perhaps included humans, but any living ones are sure to avoid humans now
They’re basically cold proof, on land and in water. They can do it but aren’t usually fans of extreme heat, since they have a natural layer of fat (not quite blubber but close) meant to keep them warm. They get hot quick and retain that heat well, they have never been seen in a warm place, though who knows if they go there or not. You rarely see them anyways,
They basically have the same reputation as Nightfurys, but since they don’t live most places even more mysterious. Nobody really knows anything about either species, even the Dragon Eye has rather vague drawings, though it’s still more info than anywhere else. It’s believed that more detailed records exists, but either nobody has found those lenses or the information wasn’t put on a lense
I’ll probably make a more detailed ref sheet with wings (same as canon LF,smoother than Nightfurys and a bit shorter and broader) and eye colours and stuff someday
Pack orientated species, just like Nightfurys. Though adults almost always hunt alone for stealthyness, they always live in groups, it’s important. They are social!
No I will not tell you what is in the north, that is a SECRET! Yes it is awesome and plot relevant and angsty but fluffy at the same time and I will make my readers cry when I write it!
I Hope this was at least somewhat coherent, I’m tired but brain won’t sleep until it gets to share its thoughts.
Will i ever actually write this? Yes probably but like, I’m currently on my avian au, Ranpo bad things happen bingo (I’m on prompt 15/25 now, whoo!) and that unfinished SKK au I’m writing (it’s like, 10k and I’m not even at the main plot what am I doing?? It’s based on a one of my favorite movies ever and includes wolves and feral woods child Chuuya btw). Someday, I will write Httyd au, eventually.
Any ideas for rider dragons are lovely,,,, you know incase you want to. I have most but there’s a few that I’m just, aaaaaah
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xemonchi · 2 years
Hello hello I have been reading Saturation by @greentrickster and without a doubt I love this fanfic
I absolutely love reading this and had been speeding through it for a week, I love the story telling and the world building and it makes me super inspired to make my own fanfics more rounded (if that's the correct saying).
I love how all the little pieces fall into one big overall one, how little details connect throughout the story like Miles Edgeworth and his sleeping problem (which I heavily related to, just ask my girlfriend haha she has to deal with it alot) anyway I love particular detail turns into a lovely arc or fluffy scene and I love how realistic it is (given it's still an anime/game logic rules all type), like with the bets and the whole nicknames and teasing about crushes at work
The language side of it is amazing, I simply loved it and the important parts of keeping in character with every single character like Edgybaby and his very formal speaking verses Larry's high on a Monday night type.
I could go on and on about it and I absolutely would but one thing is for sure, I'm definitely interested and looking forward to more.
- Daniel :)
P.S I'm definitely gonna do fanart of this (as soon as the brain goes art mode /j)
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everlasting-elegy · 2 years
Swapped! AU (Barbatos, Diavolo)
What would the demons be like in a world where they are players of Obey Me! and you’re their favourite character? Genre: Fluff Word Count: 2.1k
Of course the all-knowledgeable demon would have heard of Obey Me! in passing during his time travels, but he only knew of its name, he had more pressing matters to attend to
It was only when he noticed how much time Diavolo was wasting on the game that he realised just how prevalent the game was going to be in this timeline but more importantly, how prevalent the game was going to be to him
As he supervised Diavolo playing the game, carefully making sure the game didn’t affect Diavolo’s judgement or that he was getting too addicted, Barbatos found himself getting intrigued by the game, in particular you, a character who drove the plot forward
Barbatos has downloaded the game on his D.D.D. but his poor soul doesn’t even have the time to log in daily. Instead, he drops in a few lies as he supervises Diavolo playing the game so that he can see you more
“Young Master, I recommend you use a card of (Y/N) for that battle if you want to be most efficient. Yes, I’m aware I said that the last battle and the battle before that. I merely have your best interests in mind.”
But Barbatos isn’t as sleek as he thinks, Diavolo sets you as his home screen and spends money to get your cards all for his butler’s sake. Diavolo even purchased a figurine of you to give to Barbatos, he never felt so embarrassed but he couldn’t deny a gift from the Demon Prince
He doesn’t have the time to read through dialogue or fanfictions so he opts for quickly scrolling through fanart of you when he’s stressed or frustrated. Your reassuring smile is all he needs to give him that extra burst of motivation
Barbatos also enjoys listening to fan made playlists about you as he does menial tasks around the castle. Playlists like “in a forbidden love with (Y/N)” and “dancing with (Y/N) in a forgotten ballroom” are his go to. He also enjoys consuming Drama CDs that feature you and your character songs, he loves hearing your voice and allows him to keep up with the stories and lore
Despite how little he plays the game, Barbatos has all of your routines memorised for the game. He knows exactly what to do in Surprise Guest events to make you happy as well as the dialogue that you’d prefer as well as all your interests and likes. What sort of butler would he be if he couldn’t even keep you happy?
Barbatos’ favourite card of you is one where you are similarly dressed as a butler, holding a knowing smile with your hand to your chest, signalling subservience. The thought of you offering your services to him, or just working alongside him to lighten his workload leaves him feeling elated for the rest of the day
Barbatos waved goodbye as Simeon picked Luke up from the castle after another lesson of baking. His movements were controlled yet gentle, efficient yet relaxed, as though he had all the time in the world to bid them a good day. With one arm, he hauled the door with a single motion, slowing down until it closed with a soft click.
And then he high-tailed it out of there.
Typically Barbatos mastered moving smoothly and silently along the tiles but now his hurried steps resonated against the walls. It was interrupting his thinking but he couldn’t slow down. Fortunately Simeon arrived just under three minutes earlier to pick up Luke than usual. His next errand could be completed fully with two minutes left to spare and if he maintains this speed to his room he would have bought himself an additional twenty seconds.
Back in his room, he pulled out his D.D.D. Ensuring his volume was down, tapping at what he needed until he heard (Y/N)’s familiar voice on the screen. Yes, his connection was fast too, everything was going according to the plan he established in his mind. At this rate he’ll be able to play three parts of the event story while being able to listen to all of (Y/N)’s voice lines as well as roughly nine dance battles where he’ll hopefully be greeted by (Y/N) in at least a third of them as a surprise guest.
One minute down, he was making good time. Halfway through a cutscene, the reflexes he honed over millennias were put to good use as he expertly tapped precisely when (Y/N) had finished speaking and skipping all the other characters. He needed to prioritise. Two minutes in, slowly turned to three. At this rate he may even be able to try and pull for (Y/N)’s exclusive UR+ card.
But then he heard it. The faint rumble that Barbatos could feel under his shoes as the earth shook. Then another. Gradually getting louder and louder as Diavolo was approaching his room, despite not being expected in at least a minute and a half. Barbatos’ tapping became urgent, surely he could at least finish the battle before Diavolo inevitably walked in without knocking. Should the young master realise this is what Barbatos has been doing in his spare time he wasn’t going to let this go, but the urge to at least play the game until completion was overwhelming, he’d only have a couple more seconds at most-
As the door swung open, Diavolo was greeted with Barbatos standing poised at the centre of his room, arms behind his back in his typical fashion.
“Ah, Barbatos,” Diavolo nodded. “These papers urgently need to be sent to a demon who is currently at the Mausoleum.”
“I’ll see to it immediately,” Barbatos dipped his head to accept the job, simultaneously reaching a hand forward to accept the papers. But when Diavolo didn’t just place the papers in his hand like usual, he looked up only to freeze.
He forgot to put his phone away. Instead it lay flat in his palm with Obey Me still on it’s interface.
“Young master,” Barbatos stammered. “I-”
“Actually… I think I’ll take care of this for once,” Diavolo pulled his hand back before Barbatos could take the papers.
“Lord Diavolo-”
“Enjoy the game, Barbatos! Although I do hope you don't neglect your duties for this,” Diavolo teased as he left Barbatos' room with a hearty laugh.
Caught wind of Obey Me! when Lucifer was absentmindedly complaining about his brothers who got addicted to said game. Diavolo’s eyes instantly lit up. So this is what the youths are up to these days!
The instant he had free time, Diavolo was downloading the game, hoping he’ll now be able to join in conversation should he ever run into the demon brothers again. But as he keeps playing, he finds that he doesn’t care if the topic of the game never arises in conversation, he just wants to see his favourite character, you
His boomer brain makes him susceptible to getting addicted to technology. He never realised just how much time he spent idly tapping at the game until Barbatos returned from an errand, asking if Diavolo finished the pile of paperwork only to realise said pile hadn’t been touched
Now he is constantly supervised by Barbatos, the only times he can play Obey Me! being when he’s on break or just before he goes to sleep. If Barbatos walked past the young master’s quarters in the middle of the night, he’d likely see the dim light of Diavolo’s phone from under the door
Of course he’s whaled on all your cards, outfits in game and merchandise. If an event features you, he is undoubtedly ranked in the first thousand of players. For a Demon Prince, even ‘whaling’ is a mere blip on his spending. The purchases are anonymous and untraceable to him though, as per Barbatos’ recommendation
Diavolo struggles with your Surprise Guest events, his hands are just too big, he ends up fumbling and does something you disapprove of. But it’s no problem, he can just whale on your favourite foods and items as well
Naturally his favourite card of you is the rarest and most extravagant one around. You are lined with gold and silver with far too many jewels to count. Some would argue that the card is gaudy or distracting but to Diavolo it only makes sense that a character as deserving as you would be surrounded with such wealth and glamour
Has a life-sized (possibly even larger) statue of you posing dramatically on a podium erected in his throne room. No aristocrat questions it when they see it, presuming it’s some obscure hero from one of the three realms but no it’s just Diavolo being a simp
He does enjoy reading fanfictions with you just before he heads off to sleep. Primarily the fluff and crack ones where you’re caught up in or up to your usual antics, usually having cameos of other characters. It feels like he’s part of the fun and allows him to have a pleasant night’s sleep
Perhaps it’s childish but Diavolo genuinely looks up to you, it’s clear you have an admirable personality due to your decisions in the game. If there’s ever a tough decision to make, he’d sometimes try and adopt your mindset, figuring out what you’d do in the same scenario
It wasn’t everyday Diavolo could find a plausible reason to have the demon brothers over at his castle for dinner. As chaotic as it could be, he always preferred it over the deafening silence when it’s just him and his butler. He sat attentively at the head of the table in the dining room as he overheard the brothers.
“WHOA!” Leviathan was tapping at his D.D.D. “It’s about time they had another event featuring a new UR+ card with (Y/N), it’s been months!”
Lucifer rolled his eyes, sending an apologetic glance to Diavolo who only laughed jovially. Barbatos entered the room to pour them all drinks.
“I knew it was going to happen,” Leviathan ranted. “This human who’s really big in the Obey Me community went on and on about how there needed to be a new (Y/N) event. But it was kind of weird because I’m pretty sure they weren’t even that big on (Y/N)... whatever, I’m not complaining!”
“I do apologise,” Lucifer cleared his throat as he regarded his brothers. “Don’t you have something better to babble on about?”
“No, this is quite entertaining to listen to,” Diavolo urged the brothers to continue, his chest swelling with a pride that rivalled even the eldest. Lucifer raised his eyebrows but sighed in resignation, letting them continue.
“Actually, I heard about this on Devilgram!” Asmodeus exclaimed, hurriedly getting on his D.D.D to find said post. “This popular witch was saying how she was given this request by an Obey Me fan to hex an influencer to complain about the lack of (Y/N) content so that the developers would listen. She went to Devilgram to talk about it because it was the weirdest request and not only that but it was entirely anonymous! Completely untraceable. How weird and dramatic~”
Barbatos stopped pouring Diavolo’s cup at Asmodeus’ explanation.
“Oh yes, I heard about this as well,” Satan piped up. “Apparently it’s gone down as one of the most expensive witch hirings in Devildom history. Apparently enough to cover the witch’s living expenses for an entire year.”
“Was it now?” Barbatos asked, his voice strained. His head turned to his master with a painfully forced smile. Diavolo could only shrug and laugh. Disposable income was just that, and what better way to use it than to promote the one he loved?
“This all sounds very amusing,” Diavolo chuckled. “I presume this results in a positive outcome, though? I’m sure these Obey Me fans will be very happy to hear this character is getting some attention.”
Barbatos’ eye twitched at Diavolo feigning ignorance of the subject matter.
“Oh I’m very happy!” Levi cheered. “To whatever madman made that purchase, I don’t know who you are but thank you!”
“Young master,” Barbatos stood by Diavolo’s side, voice hush. “After dinner I think we need to discuss these recent purchases of yours.”
“I don’t think anything needs to be discussed,” Diavolo said dismissively as he took a sip of his tea. “A leader will do whatever they can to make their people happy. Don’t you see how happy Leviathan is?”
Barbatos could only sigh as he left to get food, leaving Lucifer who overheard the exchange to gawk at Diavolo in disbelief.
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Swapped AU General Headcanons: (Leviathan, Mammon) (Beelzebub, Lucifer, Satan) (Asmodeus, Belphegor)
Obey Me! Masterlist
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pwnyta · 2 years
I need to say this… Genshin’s biggest problem is not the fact that every new character needs newer materials to ascend (because you don’t need high lvl units at the beginning of the game + you can speed run the game), but the fact that event stories happen… and then they are gone forever.
Majority of Genshin event stories are really good or at least enjoyable, but I wonder what the fuck would people think couple of years from now when they would see fanarts from the events without knowing that those fanarts are connected to events… there is already people who don’t know why people ship Mona and Scaramouch, and people who are super confused about other things that they’ve seen and thought “oh I guess I will see it later in the main story” but alas… my point being that it will SUCK to be a new player, because a lot of lore/canon characters interactions exists only within events. I loved interactions between Xinyan and Childe, Scaramouch’s story was interesting, fucking FAKEBEDO is a whole new character that only exists in the event, there were TWO completely new maps to explore (Apple Archipelago and the Enkanomiya one, sorry, I don’t remember names), there is just… so much stuff put into events. Wasn’t the information about Guoba being a god a part of an event story?
There is just so much, but I also have no idea how to fix this lol. They can rerun events, but that would either mean that og players would need to go through the same plots again, or that og players would be completely locked out of the events they went through. Also, there were so many events that it would take too much time to rerun even the majority of them. My point being… maybe put those events as an extra episodes for a new players? Like, they wouldn’t be able to get primos out of it, but at least they would know a little more about lore
I disagree with that first part. I dont think you can argue the lore in 1 time events are important if youre advocating people speed run the main story of the game… THAT SAID… youre right about the 1-time events.
Its a shame really. Does Albedo have 2 events connected to him that are gone now? I know the Festering Desire was an exclusive sword from an event I wasnt around for and then Fakebedo too of course… which also had an exclusive sword which is Albedos best in slot.
Honestly I can accept 1-time events, if you can play Genshin you can watch the events played out by someone on YT but when theres an amazing free weapon attached to it… you can never get it! I mean missing out on a fun event is one thing but missing an exclusive item is the real problem.
The Golden Apple Archipelago was SO much fun I just cant believe people have to miss out on that. The community during that time was at its PEAK tolerable just because it was a ton of fun. Wait the Three Realms Gateway event was a 1 off story?! Thats ROUGH. Another weapon gone… also some great Vishap lore and possibly hints that Kokomi is a fucking Vishap. I love how theyre like 'Vishap people have slit pupils' and guess whos the only character without pupils at all…
Also Chongyun has slit pupils….
But also also… Being nervous that some people are dragon people is a little strange in the realm of Genshin where theres cat people, dog people, various Yokai and the Adepti… one of which is a literal dragon who brought millennia of peace to his nation… whos very close friends with a character who might be another one of the Vishap Sovereigns from the lore of that event… and no one cares. LMFAO
Yeah I mean its inconvenient but like I said you can just watch the event on Youtube…. the only trouble is missing some good F2P weapons SUCKS especially with the Fakebedo event since thats Albedos BEST weapon….
You also miss the little pets which is sad but probably not a big deal. Imagine not having that cute Shiba you can fight in your teapot because you missed that event. Couldnt be me.
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multisfabulis · 3 years
Word Count: 1040
Who knew engaging in RWBY discourse would give me the idea of writing this? The reason I wanted to write this was because of two things. One was that I was so disappointed by how the show did Penny so dirty that I wanted to write something featuring her, regardless of whether it be in ship context or not. The other thing was because I thought about Ruby thinking about peppering Penny's face full of kisses and I was so taken in by that cute image that I decided to write a Nuts and Dolts fic.
Another thing was that this was written during NND week. I think seeing all the fanart, along with writing this fic, has made me a pretty big NND shipper because wow, these two are already so adorable by themselves but putting them together is like magic. I hope the cuteness of all the fluff I put in this was conveyed to everyone who read this!
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     A blur of green and copper whizzed past Ruby. It was far too quick for her to see what or who it was but it left behind just a burst of warmth before fading back to the frigidity of winter. The saber-toothed Grimm she was engaged with was taken out by a bright green laser, along with several short black swords. It didn’t take long for her to recognize who they belonged to.
     She watched as the swords began to slowly pull out of the Grimm’s body. She could faintly see thin wires connected to the hilts and she was hit with a maelstrom of emotions at the sight of them. It had to be a coincidence; a terrible coincidence, surely. Her eyes followed the swords back to their source. There, in the shadow of Remnant’s cracked moon, was the outline of a girl.
     She couldn’t believe it. She was so scared to believe it because what if this was a dream? What if she was sleeping right now and she could wake up any minute? What if this was a hallucination? She saw her die, she saw her body in pieces all over the arena floor. Was this really her?
     She was flying, something she couldn’t do before now. She didn’t seem as small as she was back then, almost as if she stopped trying to hide herself and had embraced her artificial nature. Ruby couldn’t help but be reminded of the fireflies she used to catch at home during the summer when she looked at the girl currently hovering in the face of the moon. Was this her firefly, who somehow managed to reclaim her light?
     The girl swooped down and landed on the cobblestone road. She was able to see her much more clearly now that she wasn’t obscured by the moon’s shadow. Her heart leapt as tears pricked at the corners of her eyes.
     She wasn’t quite like how she remembered her. Her skin seemed to be warmer, similar to a human’s, her coppery hair had grown longer and curlier, and her robotic nature was obvious now at first glance. Yet she still had the dusting of freckles across her cheeks she loved to count out, the bright green eyes she could gaze into for days, and the smile she was insatiable for. Yeah, it was her.
     It had been two years since her horrific death. Two long years where Ruby felt as if she was on a rollercoaster with uplifting highs and miserable lows. So many things had changed in those two years, including herself. She wasn’t the naive, innocent girl she was back then. She saw firsthand the darkness of the world they all lived in and how cruel it could be, starting with the Fall of Beacon.
     She had accepted her death long ago. She had accepted the heartbreaking fact she wasn’t coming back, she’d never see her again. She had accepted it yet she was looking at her right now, wondering if she was real. She was scared to but she so badly wanted to believe the girl she loved was alive.
     Taking a step forward, she called out in a watery voice, “Penny?”
     “Ruby!” Penny waved her hand in a salute with a grin. “Salutations!”
     It was really, truly her. Tears spilled down her cheeks as Ruby ran up to her with the intention of tackling her into a hug like she’d done so many times before. She threw her arms around Penny, leaving a trail of rose petals behind in her wake. She responded by twirling her around until they both lost momentum. Even with her Semblance giving her a boost in speed, it wasn’t enough to knock her down but she didn’t care. Penny was in her arms, alive and gleaming.
     Her embrace was painfully tight. Penny returned it with as strong a grip, albeit not to the point of crushing her spine. How much it hurt was towards the back of her mind because it served as a very real reminder that this wasn’t a dream. The pain was like a shock to her system and she welcomed it.
     She buried her face into her shoulder, letting out all of the pent-up sorrow she’d kept bottled up over the last couple years. Countless apologies and desire for wanting to see her again flowed past her mouth as Penny only answered with an understanding “I know”. She missed her so, so much and she planned on more than making up for all that lost time with her.
     She pulled away just enough to look into Penny’s eyes. They were still the same shade of spring green she absolutely adored. She cupped her cheeks and touched her forehead to hers. There were so many things she wanted to say to her but she could only settle on the one that meant the most.
     “I love you.”
     “I love you too, Ruby.” She kissed the tip of her nose.
     God, she was adorable. She just wanted to pepper her face full of kisses as she breathlessly told her to stop amid bouts of giggling. Instead she exhaled, gave her a kiss on the lips, and embraced her again. She’d have plenty of time and way more chances to kiss her later.
     It was then she remembered they weren’t alone. It didn’t and shouldn’t matter they were making a scene in front of everyone. She hadn’t seen her girlfriend in two years so she deserved to have a happy reunion with her. They were going to have a much-needed talk at some point in the near future but this was now. She wanted to spend the little time she had left in the moment to bask in her presence.
     She found her beautiful, sweet, wonderful firefly again and she wasn’t going to let anything come between them.
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helsaweekmasterlist · 2 months
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Calling ALL Helsa shippers!!!
Helsa shippers, @helsadiscord proudly presents our annual event 🎉 Helsa Week 2024 🎉
Save the dates! From 29 April - 5 May 2024, we invite you to celebrate and appreciate Helsa in any form of fan creations.
For one week, there will be a one-word prompt every two days. We look forward to seeing your submissions 🤩
DAY 1 - 2 (29 - 30 April). STORM.
“Let the storm rage on.”
Whether the emotional storms, turbulent waters and tempestuous sides of Hans and Elsa as they face the unknown together 💙❤️
DAY 3 - 4 (1 - 2 May). RACE.
Get your heart racing with excitement, re-imagine moments of passion and adrenaline-pumping intensities involving high-speed adventures, intertwined destinies and unexpected twists 🏎️ 💨
DAY 5 - 6 (3 - 4 May). MIRACLE.
Explore the miracles of love, redemption and unexpected connections while delving into the couple's tumultuous past and unforeseen future 🌟🌟🌟
DAY 7 (5 May). FREE.
Free space for your creativity! Let your imagination shine, do whatever your heart desires!
⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯
When posting your work, please:
1. @helsaweekmasterlist
2. Tag #Helsa Week 2024, #HelsaWeek2024 and #HelsaWeek along with other appropriate tagging (fandom, characters, ship, spoilers, NSFW and content warnings).
Don’t be afraid to be creative, let inspiration flow! Create fanfiction, fanart, comics, edits, mood boards, headcanons, poems, essays, cosplay, meme, anything you fancy! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
♥Have fun and Happy Helsa Week!♥
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kageyahma-remade · 4 years
Whisper of the Heart and Haikyuu!!, both being feel-good stories about personal growth with a foundation of interpersonal support and self-care, how very special places in my heart. Whisper of the Heart’s storyline of two people inspiring each other to pursue and improve in their crafts and Haikyuu!!’s focus on human connection and relationships, specifically revolving around Hinata and Kageyama’s relationship, led me to realize that there are A LOT of parallels between Shizuku & Hinata, and Seiji & Kageyama.
Shizuku and Hinata are the protagonists of their respective stories and therefore undergo the most growth. Shizuku sets a goal for herself to finish her novel by the time Seiji returns from Italy, and Hinata aspires to be good enough to beat Kageyama, the “King of the Court”, declaring that even if it takes ten or twenty years, he will do it.
Seiji is very good at making violins and has high aspirations that will take him elsewhere on the globe to improve. Kageyama is hailed as being a prodigy setter and has a strong drive to become the best there is. (I think the moment these parallels clicked for me was when I realized that their aspirations brought the both of them to Italy: Seiji to be an apprentice violin maker in Cremona, Kageyama playing for Ali Roma). They have worked hard for what they love and their goals have been set for a long time, in contrast to Shizuku and Hinata. Shizuku and Hinata acknowledge they need to catch up; Shizuku says “it must be nice to know what you want to do with your life. Me, I just go from one day to the next” and Hinata, having started playing volleyball later than Kageyama (and playing in a proper team even later), learns along the way what he wants to do and HOW best to do it
Seiji and Kageyama start farther ahead in their personal progress but give Shizuku and Hinata the inspiration and the means to start theirs. They create a place for them to use their talents -- Kageyama using his precise setting to make use of Hinata’s incredible speed/jump height/overall natural athleticism, Seiji being a part of Shizuku’s connection to Baron and part of her inspiration to write. They open up their viewpoints to a world they could have never seen without them.
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And these relationships spark passion and drive and inspiration between every individual. Kageyama makes Hinata promise that he will meet him at the world stage one day. Long before Shizuku even noticed him, Seiji admired her talents and checked out dozens of library books hoping she would see his name on the cards. They excel on their own but with Shizuku and Hinata there, they can become even greater.
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These relationships are about having someone around who makes you want to be better, who makes you want to dig deep and learn about yourself and go through the hard work of improving without the glamour and glory. I got into it briefly with this post but there’s a whole lot more i want to talk about (especially after seeing this beautiful piece of fanart by hazwqste !)
i got carried away and this got super long so i’ll be going into this in more depth (and including haikyuu manga spoilers!) under the cut:
First of all, they meet and get off on the wrong foot, and don’t get along very well.
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They get to know each other and are soon able to fully express themselves around each other and allow each other to excel at what they love. Seiji shows Shizuku Baron’s eyes twinkling in the light and the violin he made, Shizuku excitedly tells him about things feeling like they came from magic or a storybook and even sings the lyrics she wrote when Seiji plays Take Me Home, Country Roads on the violin. Hinata and Kageyama have a love for volleyball in common and once they figure out how to put their skills and abilities together to make their freak quick attack work, they practically glow with excitement and become almost inseparable. 
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An event separating these two pairs act as catalysts to their growth (Seiji to Italy and Kageyama to the week-long All-Japan Youth Camp in Tokyo), because Shizuku and Hinata realize how far behind they are and how much they have to work to catch up. They even have similar running sequences that express their fear of being left behind.
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Shizuku and Hinata both express the desire throughout their stories to be at an equal level to Seiji and Kageyama. Shizuku tells Yuko, “He wants to find out if he’s talented enough. Well, so will I! ... if he can do it, so can I!”.
One example of this with Hinata is that he wishes to complete the new quick attack during the Tokyo training camp arc so he and Kageyama could be on equal footing: during the Inter-high preliminaries, Hinata an Kageyama’s freak quick attack was something that was uniquely theirs, but it was something that Kageyama controlled. Heck, even Coach Washijo tells Hinata, “Without Kageyama as your setter, I can’t say I see any worth in you.” Hinata expresses a desire to evolve, to be able to pick his shots and stop closing his eyes, to learn from the best in the prefecture and work on everything he needs to improve on.
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Shizuku and Hinata set off to go on journeys of their own to improve: Shizuku writing her novel with only Yuko and Nishi knowing, and Hinata in the ball boy arc and Brazil arc. They work hard, but realistically go through periods of doubt.
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Here I noticed even more parallels between Shizuku and Hinata: Shizuku ends up skipping dinner, staying up late, and letting her grades slip while she works on her novel. Hinata has a history of not taking the best care of his body -- he practices all the time and needs to be reminded to take a break. He doesn’t start fully paying attention to the food that he’s nourishing himself with until he’s denied food at the Miyagi select rookie training camp. And he has a bad habit of not changing out of sweaty clothing and not wearing a jacket when he should, which leads to -- you know.
They feel discouraged and alone and end up thinking about Seiji and Kageyama’s hard work.
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But they learn the importance of balance and self-care and soon feel okay again with wonderful scenes where a mentor figure brings them food to comfort them.
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Most of Whisper of the Heart and Haikyuu!! are told from Shizuku’s and Hinata’s perspectives. However, the inspiration taken from Seiji and Kageyama does not go unreciprocated. In fact, even before they met, it’s like Seiji and Kageyama had been waiting for Shizuku and Hinata. Kageyama’s grandfather tells him at a young age that if he gets really good, someone even better will come find him. And it’s not until he gets to high school that Hinata tells him, “I’m here!”. It’s not until 6 years after that that Hinata is able to match/surpass his skill level and they have their fateful rematch to decide who will stay on the court the longest. Seiji hopes Shizuku will notice him a long time before they properly meet, and he waits right by Shizuku’s window right when he returns from Italy. They work hard because of Shizuku and Hinata, too. It’s almost like fate brought them together and keeps them together even when they’re apart.
For as long as they have known each other, these relationships have made them want to work hard in their respective crafts and really think about how to best nurture their growth -- whether the reasons are to become the best of the best, to beat the other at the world stage, to prove their worth in something they choose to pursue, or to follow their aspirations to the other side of the world
until finally,
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they meet each other again
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after a period of being apart,
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ceaselessly waiting for each other and inspiring each other
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and becoming better people because of it.
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omega-deku · 5 years
So I would love to progress on my art and try comics any tips? ÙwÚ
Hi! I’m so sorry about the late reply. D: I hope you don’t mind if I take this opportunity to address all the anon messages about how we can improve as artists. 
I have a tough time answering this question because there is so much I need to learn. I’m super flattered that some of you feel that my art is good enough to ask me for tips, first of all!! So thank you, guys.
It’s a struggle because I only recently started taking up art again. So I’ve forgotten a lot of the things. So I’m probably not the best person to ask about this.
I used to draw all the time as a kid, but after high school, I stopped drawing. I stopped drawing for almost a decade, pretty much. I really regret it. I feel like I could have come such a long way if I did keep going. My parents really discouraged me from pursuing art, even just as a hobby, too. Even when I left home (I’m back now tho), my ex-spouse, greatly discouraged me from doing art too. I mean, “proper” art. They told me my art wasn’t “real art” because it’s not studio art, it’s “sellout” art, like anime/cartoons/fanart. I had even worse self-esteem as I do now, and I listened to them and gave up. I convinced myself I hated drawing. 
Please don’t deny yourself things that make you feel engaged and connected. If drawing makes you feel good, if it makes you not realize how much time has passed and makes you feel like you’re accomplishing things, even little by little, please don’t stop. Even if you suffer from depression and feel like things like this are pointless, remember that just doing things in general will help you. Drawing is an awesome way to get into the flow state. To me personally, it’s almost like a meditative state and I find it helpful in dealing with chronic pain and mental health issues. 
Anyways, I’ll try to compile some advice sort of things.
1. Draw what you enjoy! I think the most important thing is to draw what you like. It’s okay if it’s “dumb stuff”. Draw your favorite characters or pairings from your favorite tv shows if that tickles your fancy! You’re much more likely to be spending more time drawing if you’re drawing stuff you like. And as long as you’re drawing, you’re improving. (But still, challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone!)
Especially for those of you who are planning to pursue art as a career, it’s essential that you don’t view practicing art as a chore. 
2. Draw from life. If you really want to take your art to the next level, drawing from life is vital! I think many of us have come across artists who are just amazing, but there are things that look a little “off”. For example, the anatomy doesn’t look quite right, or the perspective is a little wonky. Things like that can be a tell that they’ve learned to draw from other people’s art rather than from life. Or just haven’t practiced the basics enough. (My art isn’t amazing or anything close to that lmao, but it definitely suffers from this. I need lots of life drawing practice.)
There is nothing wrong with learning from your favorite artists, but to really train your “artist’s eye”, you need to strip away all the stylistic choices and go back to the basics. Training that Eye is one of the most crucial things you could do as an artist. 
Just take a piece of paper, a pencil and start drawing what you see. If you can, take figure drawing classes at your local community college, or draw the animals you see at the zoo. Sit on a bench and draw the scenery in front of you. Over time, you’ll start to recognize common patterns, simplify/think of things in terms of lines and shapes.
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If you can’t afford a class or have the ability to go outside easily, drawing from photographs can be the next best thing. (See the Resources below for an online figure drawing tool.) I’m not experienced enough to definitively say why this isn’t the #1 idea, but from what I hear, there are things that you’ll miss out on, such as subtle shifts in shadows, colors, and other things that will happen from small movements in pose changes, a cloud moving, or whatever else. A different “feel”, if you will.
With the digital art boom, a lot of artists are learning how to do cool digital effects and fancy things, but forgoing basic anatomy, perspective, shading, etc. Which is all fine if you’re just having fun, but isn’t the best idea if you’re really serious about improving. Practice the fundamentals!
(If you have been dreaming about CalArts at one point like I did when I was in high school, one advice I came across from everyone who went there was to draw from life. All the time. It’s not an answer I expected from people who draw funny looking characters all day. You mean all these people who draw such simplified cartoon people and animals can actually draw like masters? Perfectly rendered bowls of fruit? I didn’t realize how much work goes into animating simple characters.)
3. Put in the time. 
It’s really easy to get suckered into just watching “how to improve” videos all day and thinking about improving. Watching how other artists work is an important learning tool, but you’ll never actually make progress if you aren’t practicing. 
Sometimes, the best thing to do is to not think about it. Just do it. 
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It’s like when I’m spending a whole lotta time thinking about getting physically fit than just, you know.. just doing it. “Tomorrow for sure.” 
It may seem like it’s worthless, but doing those lame 5 push-ups a day instead of the 20-minute workout you wanted to put in, is better than nothing at all. You are making progress, no matter how small it may seem.  
Make it a habit to practice every day. That way, you don’t even hesitate. It’s as automatic as brushing your teeth.
All the artists you see who have fantastic, awe-inspiring art may seem like Unreachable Gods sometimes, but those artists didn’t just pull that out of their ass one day. They put in hours and hours and hours of work. Let’s not disrespect other artists by ignoring that and chalking it up to “talent”. No one is born with an innate ability to draw. WE can get there too if we practice!
I want to get good enough to draw the things I have in my head one day!
Some resources that may be helpful:
Draw a Box - This is a site for free lessons for absolute beginners. Look under “Lessons” to learn. The creator of the site is the mod for r/ArtFundamentals. You can post your work there to get critiqued.
Check out Proko’s videos on gesture drawing, art fundamentals, etc. Daily routines of successful artists.
Use this site to practice figure drawing, gesture drawing - Set aside some time to practice drawing people and animals every day. Start trying to see things as lines, shapes, and go big. Don’t get too caught up in the details, and tiny drawings. Learning to draw fast (not draw FAST as in speed, but as in capture the gesture in a post, the “feel” of the movement) will force you to do this more, and with more experience, make your figures less stiff looking. 
And it’s okay if you’re aren’t good at it. You’ll make loads and loads of shit drawings until you can get decent. 
I’m most definitely in this stage right now, trying to train my Artist’s Eye. As in, I can’t just draw a figure from memory. I don’t really know what goes where without a reference, or how they move, etc. You can tell by how stiff my drawings look.
Lulusketches How to Improve video - She has similar advice, but her point about looking at “Art of” books something I have come across from multiple professional artists; Her advice on worrying about finding your own “style” is really good too. Do challenges like she said!
Her playlist of art tutorials & advice is great. They’re short and sweet. Her beginner digital art tutorial got me started on digital art (the one with Ginny Weasley). 
Not free ($30 a month), but these online Schoolism classes look helpful. It’s run by Bobbie Chiu. I saw some great reviews and I want to try them someday. They’re taught by artists in the animation/film industry. But you gotta have a basic grasp on digital art/photoshop for many of the classes, I think? I’m not 100% sure. They’re pre-recorded video lessons. 
You can pay more for feedback from the teachers, but you can also just use it as a self-learning guide. 
This drawing faces from any angle video was pretty helpful for me. The artist has loads of other tutorials.
I don’t feel qualified enough to give much advice on comics. I mean, I don’t even draw the lines for the boxes, haha.. However, these comic books are basically required reading for some courses:
Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics & Making Comics.
I can’t remember which one it is that I read, I think it was Making Comics? But wow, if I remember correctly, it was FULL of really useful things about how to make effective comics. I lost the book while moving years ago, but it was FANTASTIC learning material. I loved every panel of it. 
He talks about everything from perspective, placement of characters, speech bubbles, how big panels should be, etc. 
If you can afford it, get a used one and start reading! Even if you don’t want to make comics just yet, it’s super interesting. 
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