#His voice is sooo awesome
starpros-sunshine · 1 year
it's gonna be really hard to top the stage design of the fine/Knights cover say what you want but that was literally perfect in every way
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rubiehart · 2 months
idk if youve watched scream but like what abt that one scene where stu and tatum r walking and he picks her up and kisses her neck and shit but with bsf!jj where the pogues are talking and he just keeps groping and grabbing and they all keep talking cuz its just normal 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
i luv scream.. rip tatum u will always be famous
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you are sarah are walking side by side as you leave school, turning the corner as she rambles before hearing the voice you know so well. “yo, just picked up some new shit from cousin ricky that you and me are smokin’ toooooonight.” he says playfully a little too loudly, causing you to swat him on the shoulder.
john b smirks in sarah’a direction as he throws an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into him as she smiles. “stop it, jj.” you chuckle, his eyes widen jokingly taking mock offense, crossing sarah and john b before tackling you over his shoulder. stepping from the road to the pavement as you accept your fate and place your hands on his shoulders for balance, squealing as he pretends to drop you backwards. “sooo, i say impromptu party tonight at the chateau, to celebrate the stickiest of ickies, what’dya say?”
“are you serious?” sarah asks with a little chuckle, hoisting her bag further up onto her shoulder giving jj a raised brow look, looking back at john b for confirmation as he just smirks. “you heard the man.”
“as long as this one don’t invite the whole damn island, we’ll be fine.” jj says tapping your butt, spinning you around and placing you down next to him, still keeping a hand draped around your waist, holding you close to him.
“intimate gathering, close friends.” john b mutters, in an attempt to convince her, as she shakes her head with a smile. “cmonnn sarah, a lil’ weed makes all your problems drift away…” you tempt with a smile; wiggling your fingers in her face as she swats them away playfully, dropping them by your sides as jj reaches for your hand, swinging it obnoxiously as he rambles.
“we’re totally protected, yo- i am so buff” he smirks, flexing the arm he wasn’t holding your hand with and you roll your eyes. “i got you covered girl, fightin’ all your mental demons n shit.” jj smirks and speaks with that southern drawl you love.
“fine. whatever.” she throws her arms up in defeat and you squeal wrapping your arms around her in a tight hug. “this is gonna be awesome, okay let’s go.” grabbing her hand and continuing up the path, john b giving sarah a quick peck before the two boys wander off towards where the twinkie was parked on the other side of the road, hopping in and sharing a low high five as john b steps on the gas.
“so they’re coming. proud of you buddy.” he states with a side smirk, one hand on the wheel, focusing on reversing out of the space. “hell yeah they’re comin’. y’know me. mister convincer.” he says energetically, drumming a beat on the dashboard, john b rolling his eyes at his best friends’s antics.
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wynnyfryd · 6 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 35
part 1 | part 34 | ao3
cw: Fred slander apologies to any Freds
“Okayyy,” Robin says with a shaky laugh as she points at everyone in the booth, going around the circle and introducing them in a single breath. “Amy-Tim-Vickie-Beth-Grant-Jordan-Fred, aaand Nancy. You, um, you already know— Nancy... r-right,” she stammers at Steve’s pointed glare, “so, um. Anyway!”
She grabs him by the shoulders; shoves him front and center like he’s a really cool new toy she brought to class for show-and-tell. “Everyone, this is Steve! Steve, this is—”
“You don’t have to say it again.”
“Oh, thank god.” She slides into the booth with a relieved huff, and Steve scoots in after her.
Despite the awkward tension and that bonkers introduction, everyone at the table does their best to act cool, to say hello and make him feel welcome while they wait for the band to start. Grant slides him the basket of fries, and Jordan compliments his watch, and Vickie asks if he’s coming to the last football game of the season, voice high and shy as she rambles about how ‘Robin’s solo in the halftime show is sooo good, you really should come see it!’ and wow.
Is Robin vain or something? She’s got a crush on a clone of herself.
Steve munches on fries and keeps an eye on the stage, hoping to catch Eddie before the show starts, and the whole thing’s… not so bad, actually. Kind of decent. Almost nice, until Fred fucking Benson ruins it. Steve’s saying something about the basketball team’s chances this season when the little asshole rolls his eyes and leans in to stage-whisper to Nancy loud enough for the whole table to hear, “The Hair? Seriously? What’s he even doing here?”
...Yeah, fuck this. “He’s getting a drink,” Steve says and storms off to the bar.
He’s not getting that drink.
Turns out a tenner isn’t a big enough bribe to get a bartender to break the law, so Steve nurses a diet Coke that he pretends is a lager and refuses to even look in the direction of the booth. Fucking Fred. What an asshole.
And what a stupid name, too, like— who looks at a baby and thinks, yep, looks like a Fred to me? Ugh.
Robin, bless her, has the good sense to leave him alone for a couple minute until he cools off, but then the music starts and she comes over to shout ‘stop moping and dance with me!’ and that’s the end of that.
The band is fucking awesome.
Steve doesn't know what he expected, but it wasn't this: high energy, tight rhythms, a driving beat that makes him want to dance. The bass reverberates through the floor, up his shins and through his chest, and for a second it almost feels like he has his hearing back, like his whole body is a wall of noise, filled with the wail of Eddie’s guitar, the scratchy rasp of his singing voice, and Eddie's…
Eddie’s amazing. Lightning in a bottle as he bounces around the stage, hips moving to the rhythm, fingers blurring over the frets. He looks so fucking hot. Denim vest, silver rings, jeans showing a delicious amount of skin — skin Steve has put his mouth on; tattoos he’s tasted with his tongue.
God, he can’t wait to kiss him. Is probably going to combust if it doesn’t happen tonight. Or like, come in his jeans, more realistically.
They dance and jump and shout along to the covers they recognize, and when Eddie dips backstage to let the band do an instrumental thing, Steve shakes the sweat out of his eyes and heads to the bar for a water.
"Mind if I join you?" Nancy asks.
Steve sighs. This is what he gets for wandering off alone. Robin's still by the stage, twirling Vickie around swing-style to a frantic, jazzy drum solo in a move that's actually pretty impressive even if it makes no sense with the music, and Steve resigns himself to his fate and nods at the empty stool beside him.
They sip their drinks in silence — awkward and charged, old hurts hanging between them like static waiting to strike. "Sorry about Fred," she says eventually. "And- and for me, too, I guess."
Steve huffs a laugh. Appreciates the sentiment, even if it doesn't change anything. "It's fine."
She glances over at him, that journalistic focus etched into her face. “How are you?” she asks softly.
Another laugh under his breath. He thinks about answering her honestly, just to entertain himself. Pictures the way her face would fall as he went on and on: "Oh, you know. My mom left me to go ‘rest' in Evanston, like I don’t know that means she went to rehab without saying a goddamn word, and when I called my aunt to yell at her about it, she said some ice cold shit about how I should be happy my mom left me, because now I can keep the money from the lot fees all to myself, and I said ‘what lot fees?’ and it turns out mom had been hiding, like, a lot of money from me while I stressed out about our budget for months. Oh! And also my dad’s dead, but you knew that already. And also I want to hump my neighbor against a brick wall so bad my dick is turning purple. How are you?"
"...Steve?" she tries after a moment.
“I’m good,” he settles on. Gives the bullshit answer because that's all they've ever been to each other, isn't it? Bullshit. "Yeah, I'm good," he tells her, "and you?"
"I'm fine." Her smile is tight, bags under her tired eyes, and then she sighs out long and slow, "Actually, I'm not. Everything's been..."
Steve tries to listen, but he just can't bring himself to care. Doesn't want to hear about whatever drama she's going through with the guy she dumped him for. And then Eddie comes back out on stage, and he's looking out into the crowd, and no fucking way is Steve letting him look over here and think he's cozied up with Nance. No fucking way. Nancy's ruined enough good things for him already.
"Sorry," he cuts her off, not feeling sorry at all as he stands up and walks off without looking back at her.
"Steve?" She calls after him. "Hey- wait!"
Steve makes his way to the front of the crowd.
“Howdy,” Eddie greets the room, stepping up to the mic with a Hollywood-worthy grin. His guitar’s strapped over his back, the neck pointing to the ground, and he looks so good up there. So comfortable and real.
And his outfit's different now. The denim vest is gone, and he's wearing a cut off tank top. The tank top; the one he wore that night, loose around the arms to expose his pretty, painted ribs. Steve looks up at him, transfixed. Like staring straight at the sun.
“How’s everybody doing?”
The group at the stage all whoop and cheer, and Eddie laughs delightedly; thanks them all for coming, thanks the tech and service crews. He introduces the band next, pointing each member out by name and letting them do a little solo, and then he swings his guitar over his shoulder and says, “We got one last song for you tonight!”
More cheering from the crowd. Eddie plants his feet and scans the room, a small, secret smile lighting up his gorgeous face when his eyes land on Steve. Just for a second before he looks away, but that smile stays firm, and Steve knows the next words are meant for him.
“Now, this isn’t our usual style, but uh… a little birdie told me someone here might need to hear this.”
Eddie strums his guitar. The opening notes of Go Your Own Way ring out, sped up and made grittier to fit the band's sound. Steve’s heart is in his throat.
“Good morning, sweetheart," Eddie beams as his bandmates join in, "this one’s for you.”
part 36
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added tomorrow please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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fairytale-poll · 1 month
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
determined 5yo girls are more powerful than god
As a child i did not even realize this was a little merm adaptation, but it really reads. She is sooo strange and other worldly and the movie absolutely captures that dreamlike fairy tale vibe
Ponyo a roughly five-year-old magical goldfish who can transform into a frog-type thing and a human girl. She's the eldest daughter of the literal goddess of the sea and a former human sailor given immortality. She falls in love with the five-year-old boy who cares for her and is thrilled to explore his ordinary yet magical world. She's bouncy, exuberant, and joyful. She loves ham. She doesn't have to give up her voice.
ponyo ponyo ponyo little fishie in the sea!
Little fishy
Their a bug that falls in love with a human they rescue and becomes human, but even when they don't get to keep their human body, they still get to be with their love. It's a sci-fi fairytale musical.
Little Mermaid meets Starship Troopers musical starring awesome puppets and the most trans coded main character ever. Please. Please vote Bug Starship I love him. Go watch Kick it Up a Notch from Starship. Go watch Status Quo from Starship. You will understand.
He's a bug and he lives in space on a bug planet but he really wants to be a starship ranger which you can only be if you are a human and then one day a spaceship lands on his planet and so he goes to an evil bug called Pincer who then helps him become a human. And Bug falls in love with a human on the spaceship and it's very sweet. The musical and storyline are based on the little mermaid story, the creators themselves called it "the little mermaid but in space". Bug wanting to be a human/a starship ranger and achieving that and falling in love with a human is very much like the little mermaid
Starship is a musical that can only be described as The Little Mermaid meets Starship Troopers. It follows Bug, an alien bug who dreams of being a Starship Ranger, a galactic explorer/soldier, but the rigid confines of bug society keeps him trapped in a job he hates. He reaches a Starship Ranger named February from the hive and immediately falls in love with her. In order to be with her and pursue his dream, he makes a deal with a giant scorpion named Pincer who through sci-fi bs gives him a human body. Near the end of the second act he sacrifices his human body and returns to his bug body, and saves the day and wins February's heart. It's truly the ultimate Little Mermaid. He has multiple songs, and his bug body is portrayed by a puppet!! Vote for Bug!!
“It's a big, big, universe So many dimensions And unanswered questions Not to mention Life What an invention Life There's no choice involved in what you are given One mind, one voice, one body to live in It's a short, small thing we lead With so much potential Pointless or essential Which one can I be? Where do I fit? Where do I stand? Who are they to say what I am? And how can I stay inside this awful world I know? I need a way out I need an escape I'd rather be dead than to live in this place I wish that something or someone could just take it all away Someone take me away” dear god….. can anybody hear me…. (song from starship)
They are the purest little mermaid adaptation done in the most unuque way. An alien insect gets turned into a human, a race he has always loved and admired, to be with the woman he fell in love with. Also just a great musical.
Bug's whole arc is so so in tune with that of the little mermaid. He is an alien who has fallen in love with humanity through a crashed spaceship and trades his place in the hive for a chance to be with both with the human he's falling for and to be a Starship Ranger. He body swaps with human in a cryogenic pod! It's literally sci-fi Little Mermaid!
Don't stick to the status quo and pick the fairy tale!! it's what HE would want!!!
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fairyhaos · 4 months
seventeen and which mythical beings they are
requested by @mesanthropi ^^ physically held myself back from going on rants for shua's and hao's and jeonghan's pls (iykyk)
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vampire. formidable, mysterious vampire seungcheol from a powerful family name who lives in a huge, ominous castle and somehow manages to make sucking blood look sexy… shakes he's so fine oh my god. honestly vampire!cheol with glowing red eyes and an intimidating presence and the most smug fucking smirk in the world is such a vibe, and he also has the whole “i was born centuries and centuries ago” old hag thing down to an art
siren. specifically a mermaid-type siren that lives in the sea and has a pretty iridescent tail. water-dwelling being jeonghan just makes so much sense to me bc he has their fluidity and their peaceful and their mischief and also??? jeonghan with a shimmery mermaid tail and captivating siren voice???? i'd willingly drown myself for him actually, siren song be damned. he has the silvery voice of a siren and the ethereal looks to be one fr
wood nymph. bambi-eyed wood nymph joshua who communicates with the birds and tends to his forest and has flowers weaved in his hair and stars embedded around his eyes… the nymph!joshua obsession is Real guys and i am definitely a victim of it. curly haired joshua is just sooo wood nymph coded and i can see him as some soft-spoken, pretty being who lives in a birch tree and guides stray travellers when they get lost in his woods
witch junhui with his black cat familiar and his dented cauldron and his cottage in the middle of the forest!! witch junhui with his mini apothecary and his goofy-sounding spells and his eyebrow permanently half-singed bc his enchantments keep backfiring!! witch junhui with his soft spoken words and bright laugh and total kindness to everyone who happens upon his home!! witch junhui is so so dear to me and he really is just. a witchy little dude
shapeshifter. does this idea feed into his furry agenda a bit too much? yeah, it kinda does, but oh my god just imagine tiger shapeshifter hoshi who's part human but can turn into a large, big-fanged and bold-striped tiger at a moment's notice. he really just genuinely gives shapeshifter vibes, and every year he schedules one week where he'll traipse off into the nearest mountains and blow off some steam in his tiger form for seven days
dragon. okay so this is kinda not a humanoid mythical being, but wonwoo is soooo big friendly dragon coded. i can imagine him as a large, red scaly dragon, snoozing atop his massive hoard of gold in a secluded cave in the forest, little wisps of smoke coming out of his nostrils as he snores contentedly. that doesn't mean he can't be scary if he wants to tho, and can burn down any puny humans who try to steal his hoard in the blink of an eye
demigod. part-god woozi is just such a vibe okay, and he rlly does give off a hercules-type feel, where he can do inhuman things and seems almost untouchable in his awesomeness, even though he's right there in front of you. and he has a hatred of the gods and a mild tolerance for humans but at the end of the day, he appreciates and loves both for all that they do. (also in a percy jackson demigod sense, he is totally an apollo's kid and no i don't make the rules) 
fae. y'all know how far my fairy minghao agenda runs by now and like ??? can you blame me ???? the idea of sassy smol hao with fairy wings and a squeaky voice is cute and all, but also i just think he fits the idea of the entire tall, mysterious fae folk really well too. with his pointy fae ears and his shrewd gaze and his ability to say half-truths and riddles and give sage advice about how to live your life all at once, he really is very much a fae-like person. 
some sort of demon. he's so loud and bright and kind that, despite his huge presence and glowing eyes and the horns protruding out of his mess of fluffy hair, you don't even register that he's some dangerous, hellish creature before something happens and he just snaps, the air around him visibly darkening as he tears after the thing that caused him to lose control. he's so sweet and kind but so undeniably dangerous all at once. 
elf. i'm thinking lord of the rings elves, except i haven't actually watched lord of the rings but i have this idea of them being tall and rich and elegant beings, and it makes me think of dokyeom. he's just so pretty, and the elves rely on the natural elements to survive, right? dokyeom is just so sunbeams peeking through forest leaves, so little rabbits bounding through the undergrowth, so hand-whittled arrows and folk songs around a campfire and tall, tall, beautiful elves. 
will o’ the wisp or a sprite. he's endearing and mysterious, and once you gain his favour he's staying glued to ur shoulder for the entirety of your dangerous quest through the magical woods. he's very chatty and also very elusive, constantly flitting around in the air and disappearing in a wink of light before appearing on your nose once again. you can't tell if he's a help or a hindrance, but he's cute and bright and makes the journey a lot better
a smurf. smurfs count as mythical beings okay, and while ive never actually watched any smurf movie thing ever, i think vernon would make an absolutely brilliant smurf. they give off silly goofy weird adorable vibes, and that's basically vernon in a nutshell. also smol vernon with blue skin and lives in a mushroom looking house??? that's kinda cute and actually something that vernon might wanna do irl not gonna lie
nine-tailed fox. he's so mysterious and sexy and kind of dangerous but like. his unbelievable handsomeness kinda outweighs the danger. honestly i don't really have an explanation for this other than that the Vibes r there for some reason and he'd look so cool with those glittery wisps of magic threading through the air around him as his eyes glow a mysterious colour before he launches into a kdrama-esque fight sequence against the latest monster
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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @hanniehaee @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @zilinxue
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illubean · 4 months
Can you please do hxh characters with a blind s/o ? <33
HXH with Blind!S/o
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Characters: Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paladaknight, Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Porter Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
Warnings: none
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Kurapika Kurta
he's the most helpful out of this list
he helps you when you need it and backs off if you got it
he keeps and eye on you in the house to make sure you don't run in to or trip over anything
if you have any talents that would typically require you to be able to see he is amazed
he likes it when you display those talents around him
he is your #1 supporter
Leorio Paladaknight
in a way he's kind of glad you're blind
he's glad he doesn't have to be insecure that you might not like him bc he looks older than he actually is :((
he is your seeing eye bf
he's sure you're always safe and out of harms way <3
he holds your hand while walking down the street and pulls you out of the way of any poles or corners
10/10 very accommodating and mindful
it might seem like he's overbearing at times but he means well
Illumi Zoldyck
mike is your seeing eye dog/j
ok but real talk you have to be more than just some ordinary person to even interact with Illumi, blind or not
sooo you probably have some crazy awesome nen ability that attracted him to you to begin with
after finding out you're blind he's still not going to give you any special treatment
if your other senses are heightened thats a plus
do not expect him to guide you places and stuff because he just wont 🧍‍♂️
he is not helpful at all
Chrollo Lucilfer
you don't have to worry about anything, just sit there and look pretty
Chrollo is willing to cater to your every need
his favorite thing to do is read to you <3
he likes holding you close to him/in his lap where he knows you're safe
he simply refuses to let you go anywhere by yourself
you can who he is not only by his voice and touch, but also his scent
he wears a specific cologne just for this reason
he sits and lets you feel him up to get an idea of what he could possibly look like (ahem he just likes when you touch him)
Feitan Porter
similar to Illumi, he likes you better if you have a strong nen ability or heightened senses
you kinda have to if you ever want to know when he's coming
his footsteps are so light you literally would not be able to tell unless you had super hearing or something
I read a fic where the blind reader would make sculptures and stuff
so lets build on that
I feel like if you ask enough times he'll agree to sit down and sort of model for your sculpture
he lets you touch all over his face and watches you as you work
he wont bend over backwards for you but he makes sure you don't accidentally hurt yourself (most of the time)
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oinkoink321 · 11 months
Miles, Gwen, Hobie, Pav, and  Miguel with a cheerleader!Reader. 
Guys, I cannot stress enough how amazing cheerleading is. Like say what you want whether it’s a sport or not but have you seen those routines?!?!? Literally inhumane!!!! And as a cheerleader I want (need) to see more fics about this 😭
This is an “x reader” Reader is a Flyer/top girl (the person that gets thrown/put up in the air in stunts). Reader will  not be a spider person in this fic (sorry guys). Reader is implied to be on the quieter side or not “look” like a cheerleader(on Hobie’s part). Anyways, if there’s anything I can improve or change please let me know! enjoy! 
Warnings: none but the characters might be ooc
Miles Morales 
He literally sits through your routine in shock. He’s so caught off guard. Cheerleaders do things like this?!?!
Idk if he had cheerleaders in his school or not but idk if he would really pay attention to them at all. However, when he found out  you’re a cheerleader, he’s like “oh ok”.
Then one day you invite him to watch you perform, he gladly goes to support you but he’s not really sure what to expect. Then when he sees you doing all that tumbling or having enough courage to be tossed in the air like that, he’s in awe. 
He could barely even jump off a small building with spider powers and yet here you are, staying tight and sharp enough to hit all your motions and yell loud. 
He’s just so…..mind blown. His eyes are all on you, his mouth open at all the tumbling and shining you do. Gosh, he’s so taken aback. 
After the routine he’s walking up to you, a bit shy. He’s like “You did amazing! I can’t believe cheerleaders actually do all that! You were awesome flying in the air like that and blah blah blah”. He’d definitely be drawing you in your cheer uniform and doing your skills. He’s the sweetest <333
Gwen Stacy 
Since she used to do ballet, I think she might know a bit about cheer. Anyways, when she’s watching you perform, she’s in a daze. 
Since you’re not a spider person, she’s quite impressed with all the skills you can pull off. Especially the tumbling, you need incredible strength in order to tumble as fluidly as you do 
Her eyes are literally sparkling watching you. Her eyes are glued to you, your teammates and your performance. She has a soft smile on her face the entire time. She enjoys watching you so much! 
I bet she silently prays that you don’t fall or injure yourself when you’re flying or when you tumble. She knows how dangerous those can be so she can’t help but feel a bit nervous everytime she sees you do those skills 
Nevertheless, she loves watching them either way! She lets out a little sigh of relief when you’re done doing the performance and you’re completely fine.
She walks up to you and gives you a big hug. She whispers in your ear “You did so good”. She’s sooo proud of you after the performance. Also, I think she would stretch with you or work out with you when you exercise for cheer. Anyways I love her so much<3333 
Hobie Brown 
I feel like he’s pretty chill about you being a cheerleader, but he is a bit surprised. You? A cheerleader? The thought would never cross his mind. 
But when he sees you doing flips and being tossed? He’s on the edge of his seat. Then, he hears you yell out the words of your cheer. Your voice is powerful and your team hypes up the audience. 
He feels proud of you, who’s usually shy and quiet, being confident and getting a crowd to yell your school colors and name. 
He’s mesmerized by your boldness on the mat. If you’re speaking quietly he’d probably tell you to “use your cheer voice.” 
Anyways, he also looovvvesss seeing your dance and thinks you’re incredible. You’re so swift and sharp with your movements. He likes how each motion hits on the exact beat. 
After the performance, he wraps his arm around your shoulder, complimenting you. He’d be cool and level-headed around people but when you guys are alone, he’s all over you. He’d say how cute you look on your cheer uniform and say how amazing you were 
Also, he’s like your biggest supporter. You need help for fundraisers? He’s going to raves selling the items to people. You need help with skills for stunts? He’s willing to learn how to base so he can one-man you. Anyways he’s the best and I love him as well. (Let’s be fr I’m in love with all of them lol) 
Pavitr Prabhakar
OMGGG WHAT A CUTIE HE IS!!!! He’s going to every single game and performance he can just to watch you! He’s cheer you on and hyping you up! 
He’s so sweet and would yell the words with you and your team. He definitely know all the words and I can imagine him learning the dance with you. He’d also get you to teach him the cheers so he can fully support you <3 
He’s also so entranced when you’re going up in the air being thrown, or just being up there in general. He loved watching you fly, it’s like you’re floating. AND when you’re tumbling he’s literally screaming your name. 
In cheer routines, when they do their jumps, people/the team would scream “hit! Hit!” every single jump. You know for sure he’ll be yelling at you to hit you jumps on beat. 
When you guys have your “ending picture” he’s basically out of his seat. He’s pointing you out to everyone, going “Look! Look at them! I’m their boyfriend!” 
After the performance, he hugs you and spins you around, telling you how proud he is. He’s such a sweet heart and he rambles to you about all the awesome skills you did and begs you to teach them to him. Truth be told, he’s YOUR cheerleader. 
Miguel O’Hara 
Honestly…..he probably doesn’t care at first. I mean he does, he just kinda looks over it (in the beginning). But when you invite him to a performance, he’s like “okay, I have nothing better to do anyway” 
But when he sees you on that mat, yelling your team name, spelling it out, doing flips and being thrown, his eyes literally light up. He’s fascinated. He feels a bit guilty that he brushed it off to you at first. 
After that, he wants to go to more of your games and performances. He tells you he can record performances for you. He watches them over and over. He always pays attention to you in the video. 
He’d try to help you “point out” your mistakes, of course he doesn’t know much about cheer but he’s willing to learn. He’ll  watch videos about it and send you stretches to do if you were telling him about needing help with a skill. 
Going off of that, if you ever get injured he’ll help with treatment. Of course, you actually should go to a doctor but he will buy athletic tape and ice packs for you. He’d reluctantly massage your sore muscles lol (he loves doing that tho) 
Anyways, after competitions or performances, he’ll treat you to a restaurant or fast food. Or if you’re coming home late from practice he’ll make/order your favorite food. He’s always making sure you’re okay and not overworking yourself (same goes to everyone else) 
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arsonlookers · 27 days
Yandere Childe! [2] [suggestive]
Yandere Childe! who loves to be bound by something by you a kink of his. he just loves the idea that you are straining him, wrapping rope or something to stop him from attacking[pounding] you. [sexually]
"ms~ you really look sexy in your outfit right now~ are you seducing me~ I mean if you could just take this off me right now ~mmm~ I can help satisfy you to your heart's content baby~"
You glared at him "Stop it patient 01" as You took your clipboard from your table and started to scan the things you needed to do in this session.
"hmmm~ I mean ms. sexy~ don't call me that hmm~ you know my name call me by my name hmm~ with that sexy mouth of yours sexy~" he keeps seducing you with those dead and obsessed eyes of his as he stares at you sitting 5 feet away from him you are just this close to him if only he can just rip this bounds and have you in his arms.
"y/n~ " he calls with a raspy teasing sound his voice wants to catch your attention.
His teasing keeps continuing trough out the whole session, and You are just barely holding everything in as he keeps sexualizing you and even says out loud his intrusive thoughts and sexual dreams for you.
Can you blame him? You are just too sexy to bend and he imagines how you sound like when being stuffed you know~ so shamelessly even moaning in the middle of the session just to keep his wild imaginations of you in his mind not with the bored talk about this about who.
and when you calls him out for it he would just reply with "Hmmm~ that pitch is so perfect y/n~ but how would It sound like when being breathy and ahhh~ just non-stop incoherent calling of my name? AUUHhh~ just imagining it makes me want to just take you here right now~" A cold and passionate stare is all he can give towards your direction it is so full of passion and so full~ of obsession residing inside that ocean blue eyes of his.
"I wanna fuck you up sooooo~ BAddddd~ " He said with his alluring deep raspy voice but still does sound cheerful.
Not only that as if trying to lure you in the ocean like a siren wanting its claim on you. His ocean-deep blue eyes are so enchanting and so pulling as if like a dark abyss no light no hint of kindness to it but so addictive, so~ passionate to just look at ... like a forbidden fruit wanted to be eaten by you and only YOU.
As you stare deeper all you can think is how TEMPTING his offer is...his fantasies do sound sooo tempting.. but as strong as your resolve you did not fall for it and just tried to distract yourself from other matters in your clipboard
whines from being ignored* "nnngggggg~ stop ignoring meee~ y/n cant you see how hard I am right nowww~ stop ignoringgg my needddsss~ pleasee~" he sounds so submissive and desperate to be fucked by you just the idea of it makes him want to do more
"How about can you just kiss me at least~? or better yett~ suck off my dick~" He mischievously offers a tempting deal
"i won't touch you~ I promised I mean Im already bound just ahhh~ take the restrains of my dick pleasee~"
His whines just keep going non-stop on the whole session but not one bit of you listen to his tempting ideas of making you his or making you want HIM~
"Thats all" in your professional voice
"you will be backed to your room escorted by the guards " You turn your whole body around trying to look at him any further
he whines more "y/n pleasee~ sexyy~ dont leave mee~ I want to hear more of you~ I want to just use that mouth of yours... Mark it As MINE~" obviously too drunk by your voice and how he just wants to USe your lovely mouth and throat to his pleasure until you have no voice anymore
He keeps imagining a 69 position with you would be SOoooo~ awesome ~ I mean remember how he loves your Thigh? Oh please he will lovingly suffocate himself against them~
and the thought of you sucking him off SOo hard is just making him wanna cum so badly right now.
If not that~ then being tied up by you and just nonstop teasing him is also ok~ he loves everything you can do to him even if it means putting injection in him and just fucking is All ready makes him want to do it NOW
he is desperate
after all he knows that there are pest who are into you except him and these pests are always lurking in the darkness to just take you for themselves and own your whole being to them.
And just the idea of it is making him so MAD so pissed off that he just wants to kills everybody in this building except you just to make sure that YOU are HIS and HIS ALONE
no other man or woman can take you away, not your attention, not your eyes, and absolutely not your LOve~
And he will make sure of it even if he is against the very head of this Asylum [dr.zhongli] who is now planning to dispose of him.
ars: mind my tagging I don't really know how to choose for it just randomly choose what I see fit ©2024arsonlookers
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letsmyy · 2 months
i have a request!!! you should write a daughter of apollo x leo valdez fic but based on espresso by sabrina carpenter (idk i feel like that song gives children of apollo vibes!) it'd be leo obsessed with the apollo girl (like him being absolutely obsessed with her, having the biggest crush on her possible, he constantly thinks about her, him being an absolute loser bf) and finally getting the courage to ask her out on a date or something like that.
“she’s like a shot of espresso…”
leo valdez x duaghter of apollo!reader
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warnings: use of yn! english isn’t my first language so it might be some errors!!
thank you so much for your request, it made me so happy!! idk if what i wrote it’s exactly what you want but i hope you like it 🤕 this is my first timing writing a real fic and I think it really shows lol, but i promise I’ll try to improve in the next one, I’m so sorry if it’s that bad, and this is really short too? omg im really bad at this lol, but anyways, ly anon tell me your opinions (honestly) abt this later, kisses to uuu!! 🫶💗 (btw anon, please request other things I feel like I didn’t did you justice with this one)
words: 850
“is it that sweet? I guess so…..”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ - ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Leo was sure he was going crazy.
He always had a pretty big amount of silly crushes on girls, but with you? It was getting way too serious. Of course, you're beautiful, incredibly kind, and too generous for your own good, and you treated him well, but that isn't enough reason to make him lose sleep; at least that's what he thought.
And he was extremely wrong. Being in your presence was the equivalent of being bathed in the sunlight, and gods, he felt like a prisoner who hadn't seen the sun in years.
He's completely obsessed with you; he just needs the courage to verbalize that, but being honest, Leo felt like a coward at the moment.
While being lost in his thoughts (the thoughts being the pretty daughter of Apollo that never leaves his mind), the boy finally falls asleep.
Leo doesn't mind waking up if that means spending the day with the people he loves, so after getting ready for the day, he searches for you.
And he found you, talking with a much younger camper, helping him. You're smiling like it's the best day of your life, and Leo could swear that you're almost glowing.
The boy makes its way to you the same moment you finish talking to the kid, now having your full attention on Hephaestus' son.
"Leo! Good morning!" Your voice to him had the same effect as listening to his favorite music, it made him happy in ways he couldn't explain, even if his life depended on it. 
"Yn! Good morning!" He mimics you, not in a bad way, just a teasing one. You roll your eyes in fake annoyance.
"Sooo, did you sleep well, Valdez?" You ask, seeming really interested in the answer, but he knows that you're like that for everything, being extremely kind.
"Not really, would be better if I dreamed about you," you laugh amusingly.
"You say that every day, y'know?"
"I know, I say because it's true. " You can't help but blush a little. You're used to Leo flirting with you, but it never gets past that, so you just learned to joke back.
"Hilarious, Valdez... fortunately, I slept very well today, and I'm more excited than normal! I think it's because it's so sunny today, that's awesome, was thinking about going to the lake later. I can't waste such a pretty day like this one painting inside my cabin..."
"Unfortunately, I'll be in the bunker today, I have lots of things to do."
"What? No! You're coming with me, you can't waste this wonderful day either!" You grab his hands, walking toward the lake.
Leo could swear he would pass out at that moment. He couldn't even think about denying your offer, he would prefer dying to doing that.
After a few seconds, you guys get to the lake.
"Look how pretty it is! You have to go swimming with me, it’s a need.”
"Look, sunshine, water and fire don't get along so well, so I might skip that one" he says, apologetic. You frown, thinking.
"We don't need to go swimming, we can just talk, i really don't care." You smile lovingly at him.
"I don't want to ruin your day! There are many people that can go with you, you'll find someone better to do that." He's so oblivious that it's getting concerning.
"I want to spend time with you, Valdez. I don't mind if it's swimming or just talking, I want to, you know..be with you."
"Oh." He's acting like a loser, he can't think straight anymore and is blushing like crazy, but who cares?
"Oh?" You tease him, smiling.
"Yeah, we can. Just talk, I'm happy with that. " His smile was so genuine that made your heart melt.
That's when you realize you're still holding his hand, and you don't want to change that. You can feel he notices too.
Something just snapped in his head, now it’s the time, now or never, right?
"Yn? Can I tell you something?" He says it in a quiet tone, and you just nod.
"When I'm around you, it's like constantly drinking a shot of espresso, it's like being bathed in sunlight, you're incredibly energetic and enthusiastic, and i just can't get enough of you, you're my sunrise and daylight....all I'm saying is, gods, I very much love you more than just friends" You're surprised, really surprised, so surprised that you can't even speak for a moment, which just makes Leo even more nervous.
"Please say something...like, anything, a no it's better than silence because it’s less-“ Before he yaps again, you interrupt him:
"I like you too." The boy almost squeals of pure excitement.
"Seriously? Oh gods, oh gods. What?" He's so happy, it's so sincere, so soft, it's amazing, you can feel your heart beating so fast, and you don't even care; seeing him like this because of you is the best feeling you ever felt.
Then you see that one look, meant just for you, it's like time has frozen, and you're both thinking the same thing. Then, like all the stars aligned, you kissed him
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k9wa · 1 year
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𑣲 PALPITATE. ft hakkai shiba.
⠀ —when hakkai busting his bike leaves him stranded and vulnerable, both at the hands of public transportation and a girl who can't take a hint.
⠀ or
⠀ — two virgins who lack any social skills are forced to share the same bus route.
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⚠︎ fem!reader, no referring pronouns used, hakkai and you are so terribly fucking awkward, lot's of sillies.
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what was it about public transportation that was so god damn confusing? i mean, sure, the concept is simple, find the bus you wanna get on and you know, get on it. 
until you take into consideration all the factors in between which, for everyone's sake, i won't bore you with. save for two.
not only had you deemed public transportation your sworn nemesis, but now you were battling it in a city you’d never stepped foot in.
actually, there was someone in a similar situation to you, also (temporarily) struck by the punishment hammer that was being forced to bus everywhere while his motorcycle was in the shop. the day you met hakkai shiba was the first day you had to take the bus to your new part-time job across town. you approached him while he leaned lazily against a sign, displaying a small cartoon bus with a number inside it.
“um— excuse me?” hakkai felt his bones go stiff at the feminine voice that called to him. 
“sorry to bother you, i was just wondering, uh, is this the bus that go….” 
he didn’t get to hear where you were trying to go as his brain did its absolute best to tune you out. meanwhile, you waited patiently for a response.
…a response that the tall boy in front of you was really taking his time preparing. all while he kept perfectly still and facing forward.
“…um—excuse me…?” 
had he not heard you? 
was he just ignoring you? sure you understood not wanting to talk to someone, but a simple nod of his head would suffice, no?
“sorry— i just really need to know if this is the right stop to get on.”
hakkai didn’t move.
“um, i start at a new job in less than an hour? i can't really afford to get lost right now.” you chuckled uncomfortably, hoping to ease the tension.
nothing. it was as if you weren’t even there.
“blink once for yes??”
your hands drop to your sides, all you received was more nothing. his eyes didn’t even twitch.
“i’m—i’m just gonna try the stop down the road.”
hakkai couldn’t bring himself to watch from his peripherals as you walked away from one of the most awkward situations of your teenage life.
away, and to the wrong bus stop.
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the next time hakkai saw you was actually the very next day, after your first encounter with him. around the same time, as well.
turns out, you and he would be sharing a bus route until the youngest shiba’s bike was fixed and ready for riding again.
lucky you! 
you nearly threw yourself into the traffic beside you when the same guy from yesterday was back at the stop. the stop you learned the hard way was actually the right one. 
you trudged up beside him, leaving an awkward distance between you while he was sitting on the bench, and you opted for standing to the side of it.
“…sooo, turns out this was actually my stop, haha.”
you desperately tried to talk to him again, hoping to prove to yourself that he wasn’t really ignoring you as bad as you’d hoped the day before.
he didn’t answer.
“i um— got on the wrong bus yesterday. ended up all the way in roppongi? i think that’s what it was called, anyway.”
answer. say literally anything oh my god i’m begging you.
“pretty cool area, i'd never been before. silver lining, right?”
you turn to look at him, he’s pale as a ghost.
“youuu uh, ever been? to roppongi?”
….no response ever came. you clear your throat.
“awesome, cool, cool.”
this was gonna be a long week.
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back at the bus stop you stood, almost shoulder to shoulder with the same boy who you tried almost everything to pry a word out of the last two days.
tuesday night it dawned on you, what if he just…couldn’t hear you? maybe he had some kind of hearing impairment! it would be pretty shitty to assume he was just blatantly ignoring you if that was the case, so, wednesday afternoon you tried again.
“um, hey.”
you looked beside you to the stone face that was becoming unfortunately familiar. he didn’t answer.
so, like any sane person would do, you poked his arm.
hakkai audibly gulped, but continued to keep his eyes on the scenery in front of him.
“…hello? anyone home?” 
you poked him again. hakkai started to sweat rather profusely. it was a good thing he couldn’t see the way your brow furrowed at the physical cues that he indeed did know you were there.
“okay, what gives? are you just like– really not talkative or something?”
you’re a fool for waiting patiently for some kind of acknowledgement. hakkai was frozen in place.
“...seriously? nothing? not even telling me to shut up or– or leave you alone or something??”
you stomped your way in front of him, and finally reached a hand up to wave it in front of his face. 
“just one word! one word and i'll never speak to you again. swear it.”
hakkai, to everyone’s surprise, didn’t move, his eyes dead set straight. the waving and begging went on until your bus came to a screeching stop behind you.
maybe tomorrow.
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hakkai truly was beginning to mourn having an unlimited form of private transportation. not only did he hate the crowded seats of the bus, or quickly grow tired of the schedules ruining his chance to stay with his friends or gang members late that week, but hakkai had also convinced himself you were one more day away from just deciding to punch him square in the gut.
you absolutely were, by the way.
it’s not that he didn’t feel bad, but c'mon! anyone who knew him knew that yuzuha was the only girl he could talk to, it wasn’t anything against you personally.
it also didn't help that, you too, were completely socially inept. i mean, who keeps trying to make conversation with someone after finding out they’ve been actively ignoring them? anyone else would have just, y'know, moved along. 
you being pretty, like, really pretty wasn’t helping his case much either, but he couldn’t bring himself to think about that for longer than a millisecond before he turned red.
thursday, you didn’t show up for the bus. hakkai waited, watching the side of the sidewalk you would normally arrive from, but you never showed. 
which, in theory, should have been elating for him. it was a day where he could take a much needed breather, where he could comfortably arrive home without clammy hands or sweat beading down his neck.
it was…a little disappointing. not that hakkai necessarily enjoyed making a fool of himself (or shutting off all his senses to avoid that from happening,) but he couldn’t deny that your antics were… funny? to him? you were kind of an idiot, but in an endearing kind of way.
hakkai hoped to see you at the stop tomorrow.
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friday marked the end of the week, alongside the end of hakkai’s journey as someone who regularly relied on the public transport system. tomorrow morning, he would pick up his bike, and bring her back home where she belonged. balance would be restored.
you, however, were dreading leaving your home.
the day prior, you had the luxury of getting a ride to work from a friend, putting an ease to your mind and it’s swarm of thoughts regarding the very tall, very well sculpted, very pretty, very well kept–
the guy at the bus stop who wouldn’t pay any mind to your existence even if it meant his damn life was on the line.
he was an idiot, you were sure of it. not only was he stupid, he was rude! you ended up nearly stranded in another district because he couldn’t even spare you a nod of his head!
who cared that he was pretty? who cared that he had some of the best bone structure you’d ever seen in person, or that he was already standing at 183 cm at an age you assumed couldn’t be far from your own? he sucked!
…okay you cared. you had a thing for him. it was utterly humiliating. all you had done was run around poking (literally) and prodding at him for the last week, all because you didn’t know how to properly say “hey, i wanna talk to you!” or “hey, why are you ignoring me?”
that, and the curiosity of what could be causing him to pay such little attention to you was genuinely driving you up the wall. you digress. today, you would make it right.
you finally arrived, i shouldn't have to mention where by now, and were relieved to see the familiar blue buzz-cut. relieved alongside cursing god for making it so you actually had to speak to him again. you slowly took your spot to his left.
“...hey, um–”
you played with the strap of your bag.
“sorry if i’ve been on your nerves or anything this week, realised i was bein’ kinda overbearing.” you chuckled and looked up at him, not surprised at the lack of feedback.
“i just moved here? and everything has been going pretty south for me, but i didn't mean to take it out on you or anything.”
hakkai’s jaw was clenched, but staying true to himself, he didn’t answer.
“anyway, sorry again. hope the rest of your day goes alright.”
hakkai clenched his fists together, sucked in the deepest breath he thought he'd ever taken, and before the bus rounded the street corner, he spoke.
“..sh..ba…h..kai…” it was shaky, and it was spoken through his tightly clenched teeth, but he managed.
“...p–pardon?” you did your best to keep your eyes from widening and having your shock spread across your face, but it was a feeble attempt. hakkai turned his head in the opposite direction, away from you.
“..shiba…hakkai..” he mumbled again, but the second time was thankfully more clear. 
it quickly became your turn to stare straight ahead of you, unable to form some kind of answer in your head. you had been so damn talkative before, too.
the bus came to a rusty stop in front of the two of you. only then, were you able to mutter your name in response to him. one painful week later, you finally had an introduction.
maybe hakkai would keep taking the bus home even after picking up his bike. only sometimes, though. baby steps.
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luveline · 2 years
Hi! What about a suuuuuuuuper confident reader that gets literally sooo shy the second she and Eddie are alone together
-luv ur writing
does this still count for shy Saturday? ♡ gn!reader | 1.1k words
Flirting with Eddie Munson is fun. He's very pretty, very nice, and very very easy to wind up. Not in any malicious way – you aren't messing with him. You genuinely like him and think he deserves to feel as attractive as he is. That's why when you're at one of their Hellfire club meetings to pick up Mike, Lucas and Dustin as a favour to Nancy (though it hardly feels like a favour, you'd practically leapt to go) you give him your sweetest smile. 
Maybe you look a little silly but you don't think so. The kids are brushing past you, out the door, and you say, "Hey, handsome. How's it going?"
Used to you by now, Eddie says, "It's awesome. We finished a great campaign today, extremely well-written if I do say so myself, and Mike only cried once." 
You don't believe it for a second but it's easy to joke with him, even as Mike protests from behind. 
"He's getting better, poor little guy," you say.
Eddie smirks. "He's a lamb," he says agreeably. 
"Assholes," Mike says. He sulks off down the hall and Lucas follows, though Dustin waits for you at the precipice like the gentleman he is.
You'd hoped to speak with him a little longer but Dustin waiting prompts you on. "Catch you around?" you ask with a 'what can you do?' smile. 
"Actually, could I talk to you? Five minutes tops, promise." 
You open the door a little wider. "Sure, is everything-" 
Your hand squeezes the door handle. "Yeah, of course. Dustin, here. Take my keys. Don't try anything funny, please." 
Dustin takes the keys from your outstretched fingers and gives you a smile you don't understand. He turns before you can ask and makes a funny sound when he's halfway down the hall, like a cat purring. 
You turn back to Eddie. He's cleaning up the table in half efforts, haphazard as he scoops up the club dice and folds his divider. One of his knuckles hits a dice and sends it flying. 
You leave your station at the door to pick it up. It's a tiny thing with a crazy amount of sides, made up of green and black resin like dark smoke. You pick it up, straighten, and find yourself chest to chest with Eddie. 
The door clicks shut. 
You don't know what comes over you but your heart skips. You take a small step backwards. "Shit, sorry." 
He holds his hand out. 
You stare at his palm. 
"Can I have it?" he asks mildly. 
"Sorry," you whisper. 
You don't recognise your own voice. You can't understand what's happening to you – why is your face so hot? You feel itchy all over and want to move back, further away, only he looks so pretty and he's waiting patiently like you aren't being a real weirdo. 
You drop the dice into his hands. His fingertips stroke the centre of your palm as they close around it. "Thanks."
"Uh-huh. So uh, what did you wanna talk about?" 
"Right," he says. 
He drops the dice into a small wooden box and leans against the 'throne', hip popped out. Your eyes flit to his waist and then back to his face.
"How do you feel about rock music?" he asks. 
You blink owlishly. "Rock music?" 
"Yeah, are you into it?" 
You want to impress him badly, but you don't know anything that isn't popular. "I like Van Halen." 
"Yeah? You know, his name is Eddie too." 
He hold a hand to his chest in a show of extreme surprise. "For real. Anything else? Anything… heavier?" 
You hold your hands behind your back and can't work out his angle. Worse, you can't work out your own. Usually flirting with Eddie comes easy. He eats it right up and the kids egg you on. Now, you feel pinned by his eyes, the grinning uptilt of his pretty mouth. 
"Well," you start, looking over the table covered in eraser shavings and scratches from enthusiastic throws, "I like The Clash?" He laughs, not teasing, just a nice deep laugh. You try to save yourself. "I don't know. But I like listening to new music. Is there…" You swallow.
Is there a reason you're asking me? 
Eddie tilts his head to the side. Dark curls fall every which way, limp with humidity. The pieces closest to his face are tighter from sweat. "Is everything okay?" he asks. 
"Of course." 
"You don't seem like yourself," he says carefully. "Flighty. Do you wanna sit down?" 
You sit down without answering and Eddie skirts the table until he's by your side. "Shit, are you good?" 
"Dizzy spell," you mumble. You feel bad for stretching the truth – you do feel dizzy, but not because you're sick. 
He moves away and is back just as quick with a water bottle. "Here." 
You take a sip and wish the ground would swallow you up. "Sorry," you croak, wincing. "I'm fine." 
"Sure are." 
You feel queasy. 
"Anyways, I'm asking because I'm in a band." He sits on the table and looks down at you, talking to you like your best friends. It makes it all so much worse. 
Get a hold of yourself, you think desperately. 
"You are?" you ask weakly.
"I am. Corroded Coffin," he says, flaring his eyes, lips moving slow around the band name, "we play at the Hideout every Tuesday. I guess I wanted to ask if you'd come see us." 
The water bottle crinkles in your hand. You look up at Eddie and picture him now, doused in sweat from a set and the hot, bright lights, a guitar hanging from his neck. His ring heavy fingers curled around a pick. 
"Yeah," you say, and even to you your voice is loud, like you're underwater. "I'd love to." 
He kicks his shoe against your ankle gently. "Really? We're not much like Van Halen, but I could definitely fit something in there. We usually do a cover or two- of, like, Sabbath but- we can do Halen. Especially for a pretty thing like you."  
It's hardly the worst thing he's ever said to you, but you gasp. Eddie stops twisting his rings to look you over quizzically. Slowly, so slowly, something like understanding clears his expression. 
"Tuesday. Hopefully you'll be… feeling a little better by then," he says quietly. The smugness in his tone can't be missed. 
You doubt you will. 
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tea-plantz · 1 year
Hello! I absolutely LOVED your yandere!Bill Cipher x reader headcanons! Can I please get a part two where the reader loves Bill back? I’m a huge simp for the Dorito man 💛💛
Si mi amigo, I can of course write that for you, love! I swear, I’ve gotten sooo many Bill Cipher request lately, so I just had to do some more Bill content!
Also, like mentioned in the request, this is sort of a part 2 to my other Bill hcs, so I would recommend reading that one first!
He/him for Bill
They/them for the reader
<Yandere! Bill Cipher x reader HCS, where reader loves him back>
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The dream demon had kept you with him for quite some time now, always staying by your side. Now, you might have heard of something called Stockholm syndrome, which is basically when a victim starts forming and emotional bond, and starts feeling sympathy for their kidnapper. You can probably guess where I’m going with this.
You were well aware of the fact that Bill had abducted you, taken you away from everything you loved, but for some odd reason, you started… viewing him differently. The more time you spent with the triangle, the more you actually started caring for him, and in time, full on loving him.
When you first told Bill you loved him, he didn’t believe you. Of course he had told you that himself multiple times, and made you say it back, but you always sounded nervous when you did. Moreover, you’ve never voluntarily gone up to him and just blurted it out yourself so casually, without him demanding it. Naturally, he was suspicious. Was this an attempt to gain his trust to escape? Or perhaps you were just toying with him?
When Bill finally realized that you were genuine with your little love confession, he was absolutely over the moon! Bro was flabbergasted.
The person he loved and adored oh so much finally loved him back! And he didn’t even have to force you in any way! (At least not too much) Oh what a joyful discovery! He was so happy, floating around while giggling like a little girl.
After that, the dream demon showed you hella lot affection, we’re talking hugs, kisses, picking you up, petnames all day, playing with your hair, cuddles, constantly complimenting you, all that stuff. It was a lot easier too, since you didn’t push him away or act scared anymore, which just made him more enthusiastic. Thing is, in the start Bill loved your fear, but it got boring quickly. What he truly longed for was your heart (not literally), so when he finally got it, he was overjoyed!
When you suddenly returned the affection one time, he almost passed out. “Hey Bill, how’s it going honey?” “H-h-honey?!” *Bill.exe has stopped working*
You would expect someone to get less angsty and possessive once they got confirmed that the person that they care about shares the same feelings, however, this was NOT the case with Bill, per say. He got even more over protective than ever, if that was even humanly possible, craving to be by your side at all times, day and night.
The fact that you love him would definitely boost his already big ego A LOT! This man would feel like the most important person in the whole wide universe, including you of course~ He would also brag about his awesome and beautiful s/o all the time.
In my previous headcanons, I mentioned that Bill would play the piano for you. Well, now that he doesn’t need to force you to sit still, he would most certainly do music duets with you! Preferably with love songs. The demon finds them so enjoyable, plus you’re angelic voice drives him absolutely crazy! He craves to hear it at least once a day, and you can’t really say no to him, whatsoever.
Bill did ease off of the punishments, mostly because he didn’t really need to punish you anymore. Since your little escape attempts had finally come to an end, and you didn’t really cause that much trouble for him anymore, Bill felt no need to lash out at you. However, if you did do something he didn’t particularly like, he would still punish you, just less intense then the methods he used before.
The Dorito man would probably also get fewer anger tantrums. Don’t get me wrong, he still gets pissed of if you or somebody else rubs him the wrong way, but it’s a lot less intense then what it used to be.
He shows you off a lot to every single one of his henchmen, ALL THE TIME. Bill takes great pride in you, y’know?
Now that you have finally given in and stopped being so stubborn, you and Bill are able to rule together as king and queen/king/ruler of the universe for all eternity, at last. When the dream demon and his crew finally conquered Gravity Falls, he kept you proudly by his side, while showing of his powers to you *wink wink*. Bill even made you your own throne! And even though you hesitated a bit to actually sit in it (since y’know, it’s made out of actual people), he stared you down until you finally gave in. All with love of course! Bill really couldn’t wish for more, everything was just perfect! His dream finally came true, and better yet, it came true with you ruling beside him, just like he’s always daydreamt about!
Bill is definitely never EVER letting you go. If you thought he was a lovesick psycho before, he’s a literal monster now. All the affection that you provided him of, really made him lose it, and now he craves you more than ever. This triangle is going to keep you with him til the end of time, and there’s nothing you can say or do to get away. Not that you would really want to though, since Bill has finally managed to sneak his way into your heart! Forever…
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tmntxthings · 1 year
∑—fic. recommendations゜・。
tmntxthings rules & masterlist
《warning: some fics may be nsfw 18+ read the labels for context》
I really wanted a place to show more appreciation for other tmnt writers, so here we are, plus points for organization teehee, I’ll be adding more as I continue to read <3
一→ | leonardo hamato | ←一
its you by @ashbub
〈rottmnt, fluff, young!leo, oneshot〉
super duper cute, loved seeing a young reckless leo hehe <3 ash has amazing fics for donnie too
chair-ry on top by @marwhoa
〈rottmnt, fluff, oneshot〉
cutesy meet, despite the monster hehe, leo and his puns, go read all of marlowe’s stuff, rn
the key to my heart by @navithescribe
〈rottmnt, fluff, multi〉
smitten leo teehee, he’s hooked from chapter one
so shell feed by @pxrtalchopped
〈rottmnt, fluff, crack, multi〉
one of the first rise!leo fics i ever read, super fun <3
quick sketch by @landsel
〈rottmnt, nsfw 18+, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, multi〉
eeeeeeee, the feels, im in loveeee, the writinggg, the art, the storyyyyy mwah mwah <3
like father, like son by @eternalglitch
〈rottmnt, angst, multi〉
gonna be completely honest, i couldn’t read past chapter ten-ish but maybe one day my fragile heart will toughen up to finish, honestly a staple rottmnt fic, the writing is devastatingly beautiful <3
little blue hearts by @thelaundrybitch
〈bayverse, 18+, fluff, angst, multi〉
i rlly like the trust building it makes the story so much more realistic, & how relatable/funny all the characters are hehehe, go check out her other works too!! <3
一→ | donatello hamato | ←一
donnie has little mercy on the injured by @dancingdonatello / @pikoit
『rottmnt, fluff, hurt/comfort, oneshot』
loved this, donnie’s nice but yk he has a bad boy persona hehe, they have plenty more oneshots too, go read them alllllll
in my head, we belong by @dancingdonatello / @pikoit
『rottmnt, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, multi』
my heart strings were tugged plenty of times throughout this one, and yes it is completed!
crush too much by @afreakingdork
『rottmnt, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, multi』
oml no words, just go read, you won’t be disappointed, love love love this <3
weird city, weirder neighbors by @in-a-black0ut
『rottmnt, fluff, multi』
super fun, donnie my guy, what a greeting heheheh <3
cool for the summer by @stormywritestuff
『rottmnt, nsfw 18+, fluff, angst, multi』
so so detailed and intricate, love the relationship building, feels so lifelike in the best gritty way possible <3 also i couldn’t find the original post on ash’s tumblr so i went with landsel’s post hehe <3
perfectionists by @rheawritesforfun
『rottmnt, nsfw 18+, fluff, oneshot』
loved. that. sm. rhea has plenty more awesome works for the our beloved turtles, go!!! run!!!! <3
baskè-ball by @thegreat-aristurtle
『rottmnt, fluff, oneshot』
another rottmnt staple in my opinion, like if you haven’t read this yet run run run, beautiful writing <3
hold on by @dunk-on-em-ao3
『rottmnt, sibling angst, hurt/comfort, oneshot』
wahhhhhhh donnie my sweet soft shell turtle, this one rlly hit hard, the differences between donnie and his brothers & feelings that come with being ‘different’ lovely read <3
alpha stage by @snailsnaps
『rottmnt, sibling fluff/angst, multi』
this idea is so so neat and cute, I think the consequences here are the most intriguing, hehe link leads to their masterlist!! <3
softie by @rising-shellshock
『rottmnt, fluff, oneshot』
oh my lord this was so adorable, my heart stuttered a couple of times because i could just feeeeeel the love, pouring out of both donnie & reader, super duper cute <333
like you by @msbarrybeeson
『rottmnt, fluff, angst』
this was one of the first donnie x reader fics i ever read, and it took til now to find it again !!!! another rottmnt staple, the dialogue is just perfect, it’s like I can hear their voices, check out part two!! <33
一→ | raphael hamato | ←一
the red king and his crimson heart by @b00tyshakerr9000
〔rottmnt, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, multi〕
sooo sweet, raph’s a big softie, jay also has another multi fic for donnie <3 check out their stuff
first sight by @yn-hamato
〔rottmnt, fluff, angst, oneshot〕
definitely a cute meet, idc about the circumstances hehehe, tess has more amazing fics too check ‘em out <3
teensy-weensy hiccup, oops by @marwhoa
〔2k12, fluff, oneshot〕
ahhhhh i just love a little jealous raph hehe, again go check out marlowe’s stuff !!!! the bestest !!! <3
ego boost by @raphsgrl
〔bayverse, nsfw 18+, fluff, oneshot〕
so they didn’t rlly have a title so i just made one up >.< i hope that’s okay, just for labeling purposes hehe <333 on another note xD woof!! raph is a hottie right here <3
一→ | michelangelo hamato | ←一
golden hour by @b00tyshakerr9000
{rottmnt, angst, hurt/comfort, oneshot}
wahhhhhhhh my heartttttt T^T~~~~~ such a good read!!! <3
to fill a hole by @ray-jaykub
{bayverse, nsfw 18+, fluff, oneshot}
mikey is just so flippin cute, reunions are the best ;D heheheh <3
holding out for a hero by @sharpwindow
{bayverse, nsfw 18+, fluff, oneshot}
him just trying to hold out, and listen to splinter’s advice sksksksksks such a cutie, they also have a bunch more fics <3
849 notes · View notes
gaybananabread · 7 months
(Don’t mind the fact I go all out in this, I’m just excited) Hihi! Just noticed TADC in your fandom list soooo can I get grapes, pears, and maybe some mangoes too whilst yer at it with Ler!Kinger and Lee!Pomni? I would like the stomach and the chin to be heavily focused on spots but every other spot is great too! I think Pomni and Kinger have potential to have an adorable dynamic as I hc that Kinger is the circus father figure! Speaking of hcs, I personally think that Pomni would be an adorably ticklish squeaky toy and probably a fighter. Kinger on the other hand, I hc that he is not very ticklish at all! Sure you could get a giggle or two outta him if you try hard enough but that’s it. Sooo yeah! Gotta love ordering stuff! Have a great day and remember, you don’t have to write any of this if you don’t wanna!! Byeee!!!
Fruit(s): Grapes, Pears, Mangoes
GAH! Thank you Anon! Definitely gave me some good bones to work with! Kinger would be the one dad that has the mental stability of a pancake lol. Loved writing for these goobers, your hcs were really fun to work with! Love that you went all out, gives me some awesome ideas! As always, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Pomni
Ler: Kinger
Summary: Pomni is having an anxiety attack due to circus craziness. Kinger invites her into his pillow fort to calm down, showing her she can still have a laugh in their insane circumstances.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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She couldn’t take it anymore. The constant craziness, being in her new body, unable to really feel anything besides the constant stress of not knowing who the *squawk* she is. Oh yeah. The filter too.
The clown was curled up on the floor of the tent, on the verge of abstraction. The other members of the circus had gone to their rooms to cool down from that day’s “adventure.” 
Caine’s weird NPCs had wreaked havoc on the psyches of the characters, especially Pomni. She had failed the game, gotten hurt and accidentally broke Gangle’s comedy mask. Her mind was a swirling storm of regrets and uncertainty. 
She was so close to being done…
Kinger looked around, trying to find the newest member. She’d seemed…not okay, after the activity. He wasn’t one to talk, but that had been a bad day for everyone, and he felt stable enough to help out. What he saw made his heart sink; Pomni, curled up behind some giant building blocks, small black and glitchy particles hovering around her.
He quickly shuffled over to her, wrapping two floating hands around her shoulders and squeezing her close to him. “P-Pomni! It’s okay, you’re okay! Try to take some deep breaths…”
The girl tried to breathe, the warm embrace bringing her back to…wherever they were. She was far from better, but the particles had faded. Her pupils were still detached scribbles, though.
“Here, let me just..” Kinger carefully lifted her up, carrying her towards his fort, “get you somewhere calmer.” He pushed the pillow aside, ducking and setting her down on one of the cushions.
Pomni took a few shaky breaths, her eyes flicking back and forth between the twisting scribbles and her pinwheels. She had almost…oh *honk*. 
The royal piece rubbed her shoulders, trying to calm the girl down. “It’s okay, Pomni. Just breathe. You’re doing great.” His voice was softer than normal, more paternal. It helped.
“S-sorry…I k-kinda freaked…” She sounded so guilty…that wasn’t gonna slide. “Pomni, you’re fine. Everyone has bad days. I know I do.”
Pomni forced a smile, but it was clear she was still upset. Kinger tried to cheer her up, poking her side to get her attention. He didn’t expect the shocked, strangled squeak he got in response. The knee-jerk reaction was to check for injuries, but things clicked when he saw the blush on her cheeks. “Oh. You’re ticklish.”
She had enough awareness to try and run. Kinger quickly scooped her up, trapping her in a reverse hug with her small back against his chest. “Of all the bugs in my collection, I have to say there’s a favorite. Can you guess?” One hand held her shoulders, while the other traced her belly. “It’s the Tickle Bug!”
Pomni smacked at his hands, thrashing and flailing in his hold. She was a squeaky, giggly mess in seconds. It was light tickling, but she was stupidly ticklish. “K-Kihihinger! GYEEhehehe! Nohoho!”
He chuckled at the adorable sounds, looking at her eyes. The scribbles are gone, her multi-colored eyes back and wide with surprise. “Hmm, no, these work pretty well. You need a little help calming down, and laughter is the best medicine.”
Trying something, he moved his free hand to gently scribble under her chin. Pomni’s thrashing calmed way down, her giggles getting even squeakier. It was clear her chin was a melt spot, her eyes closing. Kinger cooed and kept up the tracing. “Aww, Pomni, do you like this spot?”
She whined through the giggles, but didn’t deny it. Even with her pride on the line, she wouldn’t tell that obvious of a lie. “Kihihihinger! Ihihihit tihickles!” 
“It’s supposed to, silly. Tickle Bug, remember?” He added more stomach tickles to the mix, gently scribbling where her belly button would be. She squealed, belly laughter slipping into the giggle fit. “KihihHIHIngeher! NYAHAHAhoho!” The thrashing was back, though it was more frantic than anything. She was caught between wanting to melt into the chin tickles and writhe from the belly scratches.
While it was adorable to see her like that, he was only tickling her to cheer her up. The silly chaos she was in, while cute, wasn’t the goal. He stopped, one finger still tracing under her chin as he hugged her. “Feeling any better?”
Pomni continued to giggle softly, but nodded. Without him, who knows what would have happened. “Uh-uhuhum, yeah. Thahanks, Kihinger…”
“No problem, friend. If you ever feel like that again, just come in the fort. I’ve got your back.” He released her from the hug, his eyes squinted in a smile. While he wasn’t any more sane than the rest of them, he tried his best to help out. It was nice.
Pomni hugged him one last time before ducking out of the pillow fort, a smile still on her face. The creeping dread wasn’t completely gone, but it had subsided. She felt like she could genuinely smile for a bit. That…that was enough, for her anyway. She could get through it with her new friends by her side. Just another day in the circus…
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dellalyra · 11 months
Sooo i just had a thought. Gojo and reader have to work, maybe for like a few days, and Auntie koko and nanami are unavailable too. And Akio is left in Megumi's and the other 1st and 2nd yr students care (aka, megumi being a big bro). Big bro megumi makes my heart swell, and your writing is godly.
𝘈/𝘕: 𝘚𝘛𝘖𝘗 𝘜𝘙 𝘒𝘐𝘓𝘓𝘐𝘕𝘎 𝘔𝘌 𝘐’𝘮 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘰𝘧𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘤 𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘣𝘳𝘰 𝘮𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘮𝘪 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘻𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯’𝘵 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘈𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘒𝘰𝘬𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘯 𝘐 𝘓𝘖𝘝𝘌 𝘞𝘏𝘌𝘕 𝘗𝘌𝘖𝘗𝘓𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘚𝘖 𝘕𝘐𝘊𝘌 𝘛𝘖 𝘔𝘌 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘶 𝘴𝘮 🥺🥺
𝘊𝘞: 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧.
𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗹𝘆 𝗕𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴
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So Akio is a year old, toddling away on unsteady feet and babbling the few words he knows with such confidence you’d think he was a trained speechwriter.
He’s a good baby, he started sleeping through the night at 5 months old and wakes up with his Papa in the morning for some cuddles and breakfast while Mama gets a little more sleep.
You were mainly pumping for him now, since his little teeth came in he’d become a bit of a biter. He had his parent’s sweet tooth too. His current favourite is Dorayaki.
With you back on call as a sorcerer and back to work teaching when he was 9 months old, your mom looked after him 3 days and he went to daycare the other two for some socialising.
It was an easy Tuesday night, your mom was away on vacation, Yaga and Shoko were in Kyoto for a few days and Nanami was away on a mission for a week at the least. However, daycare was also closed that week as Miss Hinata had come down with a cold. You had taken a few days off teaching, Satoru too.
Neither of you expected the phone to ring on a Tuesday night with Yaga on the other end urgency evident in his voice saying you both were needed in Sapporo, that on opposite ends of the city there were 3 special grade curses wrecking havoc and a curse user was suspected to be pulling the strings behind the scenes and needed to be found and dealt with. Neither of you could go alone, because the curses needed to be dealt with simultaneously to avoid further destruction - but, you had a baby babbling between you playing with his blocks.
But you had to go.
So - that left one person.
Without warning, you and Satoru packed a bag each and a bag for the baby, diapers, wipes, clean clothes, pjs, toys, travel cot and blanket and extra frozen breast milk and bottles and jars of baby food were stuffed into bags and loaded into the car. You’d decided you would drive to drop of Akio and Satoru would warp you both the rest of the way.
As you got in the car, you wrote all baby care instructions you could think of and more that were absolutely not necessary on some pink paper and folded it into the bag and added in ¥60,000 as an apology.
You both unload the car, you taking Akio on your hip who was very excited at this late excursion and recognised where you were and Satoru with all the baby equipment one could possibly need.
You tell Akio to knock on the door and his chubby fist bangs as much as he can and giggles.
“Mom? Dad? Akio?”
“Hi ‘Gumi.”
Standing in the open doorway to his dorm is Megumi, grey sweats and black sweatshirt with slightly damp post shower hair looking completely bewildered at the two of you being here with his little brother at 7pm.
“So! Oh - hey Yuuji! Whatcha watching? Oh! Attack on Titan! Awesome, I love that bit wh-” Satoru begins as he strolls into the room like he owns it and sees your son’s boyfriend’s laying out on his bed, show paused on the laptop.
“Dad.” Megumi rolls his eyes.
Satoru begins to plop the bags down and the crib case beside it and then walks back to you, lifting the baby from your arms.
“Sweetie, I’m so sorry but we have to go to Sapporo ASAP, nobody is around to take care of Akio so could you please watch him? Daycare is shut too and Aunty Koko is at the conference with Principal Yaga.” You plead, diving in headfirst to cuddle your eldest, face smushed into his chest now with how tall he’s gotten.
“Oh my god! Really?! We get to mind Akio?! Sure! Akio come see Yuuji-kun!” Yuuji says bolting from the bed and bouncing on his toes.
“Jesus, Yu, chill out. Yeah, mom, that’s okay. I - we can figure it out. Has he got everything? How long will you guys be gone?” Megumi shrugs.
“Dunno, kid. 2 days, probably. We’ve put all his stuff behind you, you guys are gonna have a blast! Bro time! Ugh, it’s so cute I’m gonna melt, isn’t it Princess?” Satoru whines.
You giggle as you press kisses to the babies head and Satoru follows suit, whispering goodbyes and then handing the little white haired boy to his older brother.
“C’mere, lemme give you a kiss too - ‘Gumi.” Satoru leans in and gets swatted away and you resort to blowing a kiss at each of the boys.
As you say your farewell to the boys, Yuuji shrieks your name.
“Wait! Aren’t you breastfeeding him?! We’re both boys, we don’t have tiddies, we can’t breastfeed him! Nobara is a girl but I don’t think she’s going to want to -” He frantically worries, before Megumi smacks him behind the head with an incredulous look using the hand not holding his brother. Satoru bursts out cackling laughing and you just purse your lips as to not lose it yourself.
“I’m leaving that explanation up to you, ‘Gumi. You’re the one dating him. Frozen milk is in there in the icebox - keep it in the freezer. Call if you need us! Love you boys!”
and with that, the parents are off - warped to a battle and an impromptu 2 nights at a hotel while the search for the Sapporo curse user is conducted.
Megumi wasn’t overly worried. He was a perceptive person, he saw how you and Satoru cared for the baby when he was home, helped you guys out with feeding and diapers - plus, Yuuji loved kids, and he was great with them. The second years might have to be roped in too to help, given that he was only 16.
Akio was now sitting on the bed playing with some toys while the boys both tried to figure out how to assemble the pop up travel crib. After about a half an hour, they gave up. At this point, Inumaki down the hall had heard the commotion and came to see what the deal was, smiling when he saw the baby and then laughing himself silly at the state of the first years.
He rolls his eyes, saying ‘Okaka’ and whips out his phone, snapping a picture of the scene and retreating with a pat on the head for Akio who babbled away at him.
A second later the door was flung open by a smirking Maki and Nobara beside her.
“Fuck me - you two are useless. C’mere, I’ll do it.” She rolls her eyes and begins to put the crib together as if it was second nature. Megumi quickly explains the presence of the baby and Nobara is quick to run and grab the baby for a cuddle.
“Bara!” Akio squeals with his broken vocabulary as she spins him around and begins to sort through his packed clothes to find him the cutest pyjamas.
One the crib is up (it took Maki literally 90 seconds) the girls leave the room with a kiss on the head each for the blue eyed baby.
As Yuuji goes to heat up a bottle, after an explanation of female anatomy, Megumi changes his brother into his pyjamas covered in small hedgehogs (his mom definitely bought these). When he’s cosy, he sets up the crib with the babies bedding and then sits him on his lap as he feeds him the bottle in his arms.
Akio’s eyes start to droop and Yuuji can’t stop cooing over the adorable sight of the baby in his boyfriends arms.
One the bottle is finished and the dreams have started, Megumi places him oh-so-gently into his temporary bed and climbs back into the bed with Yuuji.
“This can be like, practise! For when we have our own kids!” Yuuji says, beaming.
Megumi never thought Yuuji had considered that far ahead, given - well… everything. But it made sense, you and Satoru had promised that Yuuji wouldn’t die, and his parents never broke a promise.
“Oh yeah? You want kids?” He smirks.
“Eh, duh! We’re gonna be DILFs, Fushiguro! Two boys maybe, or a boy and a girl. We’ll call them… Eren and Mikasa!” Yuuji says, thinking face on.
“Is that because we’re in the middle of Attack on Titan?”
There was no disturbance that night, Akio passed out and the older boys in bed, Yuuji acting as big spoon.
They wake up to giggling, and babbling away as they spot Akio chatting to himself animatedly in his crib.
“Eh, Satoru usually gets up and cuddles with him in the morning so - I guess that’s what I should do too.” Megumi says, stretching as he rises from the bed.
So he does, he takes his brother in his arms who is poking at his cheeks with a cheery smile and strolls into the kitchen - everyone is still in bed so he makes a coffee and sets Akio down on the common room floor to play. Once his coffee is brewed, he sits the baby on his lap and feeds him some of the fruit his mom had packed along with some cereal puffs just as Satoru had written in the note.
He likes this. He doesn’t get up this early at the weekend when he’s home so he doesn’t get early morning baby snuggles. No matter how tsundere he acts, his heart goes soft for his baby brother - even if it really is just his dad copy and pasted.
He puts on cocomelon on the TV, he knows that’s his brother’s favourite and sits on the sofa with the baby cuddled into him. They’re alone, so Megumi places a soft kiss to his white locks and sniffs the baby smell he secretly loves.
“AKIO!” A booming voices breaks the reverie as a huge pile of fluff dives onto the sofa beside him and the baby squeals in sheer delight as what Akio views as a giant plushy is patting his head. Panda nuzzles the baby hello and Megumi just rolls his eyes. Panda takes Akio so Megumi can get dressed as Nobara and Maki enter the room, Yuuji following soon after.
With all their teachers away, they’ve no classes today. Yuuji and Maki go to train on the field, Nobara joining and Panda apparently soon after. Megumi straps the baby into his stroller and follows them down - he’s not missing training. They agree to take turns watching the little one during training, so once Akio is dressed Megumi pops on his sun hat and pulls the visor up to shield the baby.
Maki brings the baby on a walk in the stroller and uses it as cardio, Nobara is the one who gets him dressed when it’s her turn and she has him in little green overalls and a white T-shirt - and she can’t stop gushing over him, saying even though he looks exactly like Gojo-Sensei his definitely gets his adorable looks from his mom. Inumaki wanders out still half asleep around 11am and takes the baby out of the stroller and brings him inside for a snack and to play with some sensory toys in his bag. Every 2 hours, Megumi would go to change the babies diaper and around 1pm - got screamed at by a very, very, angry baby. He checked the notes you’d left him.
1pm - turns into the devil incarnate, needs his nap for about 1.5hours. Will scream at you, will cry, will throw a tantrum until he’s laying down and will then be an angel when he wakes up. Beware 1pm Akio - he’s special grade at that time. Is written in your neat cursive.
Well, that explains things. He whips the baby up, and carries him to his room and laying him into his crib and he’s never seen a personality change so drastically since Yuuji and Sukuna. The baby smiles a wide smile at his brother and then promptly, as if by magic, falls asleep.
He stays and reads as the baby sleeps, wondering what to do with the rest of the day. He texts you quickly, replying to your check ins and assuring you they’re all good. Satoru texts him that they’ll be home tomorrow in the late morning, with a selfie he took as he demolished a cursed spirit.
Yuuji texts him then, saying that since they all have the day off they should bring Akio into the city. He quickly agrees, he doesn’t quite know how to occupy a baby - and this seems like a good idea. He remembers the splash pad that you two used to bring him and Tsumiki to and decides to go there.
He packs up some snacks and then Akio wakes up all bright and bubbly again and is packed into his stroller. The first and second years make their way into the city and Nobara drags Maki to shop with her, much to Maki’s dismay. Inumaki goes to get some boba, Panda stayed back at the school - it was his nap time too apparently.
So that left Megumi and Yuuji. They strolled to the splash pad, and Yuuji seemed equally as excited as the baby. Megumi didn’t blame him, it was hot as hell today.
Yuuji whips the baby from his seat and takes off his little socks and shoes and holds his two hands and guides him to the splash pads where the other kids are playing. There’s tiny fountains shooting out water and logs you can tip over with enough water to fill it. The area for kids over 5 is nearby, but this baby area is perfect for the one year old. Akio splashes his little feet and laughs in delight as Yuuji shows him around and splashes his feet in return. The two seem to be having a whole conversation with each other, Megumi doesn’t think either of them understand much of what the other says.
He hears Akio saying ‘Gumi!’ and a pink head and a white head turn in his direction and wave at the boy in the shade, he waves back. How can he not? His heart feels so full at the sight in front of him. He snaps a photo, and sends it to his parents.
The baby then toddles over to him and grasps his hand.
“Gumi! Wada! Pease pay wada.” Megumi is surprised at how good the babies words are getting, he understood (with difficulty) that he wanted him to play in the water too. So he takes off his vans and joins them quietly, swirling the water to show the child who smiles up at him and Yuuji takes this opportunity to send a photo of this pure brotherly love to you. You both cry when you open it.
After an hour, they head to get ice cream and some lunch. They meet up with the others and grab food at a ramen place, as Inumaki delightedly feeds Akio his jar of baby food and a small bottle by Yuuji.
They then look up one final activity and decide on the Mori Building Digital Art Museum. When they enter, Akio’s eyes light up (literally) at all the sights and lights around him. He tries to catch the floating lamps as all the teenagers giggle at the babies awe and confusion. You brought him here one day when he was younger and Satoru was on a mission and Tsumiki was at a birthday sleepover. Inumaki was running wild taking photos, saying he wants to send some to Yuuta so he’ll come back quicker. Maki is acting photographer for Nobara who’s trying to get the best instagram shots she can. Yuuji is as astounded as the baby by all the pretty lights.
As Megumi lifted the baby up to touch some of the lights, pointing up at them - Yuuji got another photo.
Yuuji felt really in love at that moment. Megumi looked so pretty, dark hair reflecting the lights and small smile as he looked at his baby brother.
Around 6pm, everyone was beat. Once they got back to the dorms, Megumi went to give the baby a bath while Yuuji made food. The second years went to their respective room, but the three first years went to the common room around 7.30pm, a warm bottle in Megumi’s hand as he feeds the baby while they all watch The Jungle Book together on the sofa. Once the films over, Akio is asleep on Megumi’s chest, Yuuji has his head on his shoulder and Nobara has her head in Yuuji’s lap. The end credits wake up the teens, who bid each other goodnight, and Yuuji and Megumi share a shy kiss goodnight after Nobara leaves, and Megumi takes Akio, as carefully as he can without waking him, into his room where he lays him in his crib. Akio won’t let go of his fingers, so he falls asleep with his arm hanging off his bed into the crib. If someone had been there that night, they’d have seen a soft smile on both of the Fushiguro-Gojo boy’s faces.
He’s disturbed from his slumber the next morning by soft whispers and sounds. He groggily opens his eyes and sees you and Gojo kneeling beside his bed and the crib, both planting kisses on the baby who is delighted to see his Mama and Papa. Satoru blows raspberries onto the babies belly who begins to writhe in laughter at his very silly daddy and grins even wider when his dad presents him with a Sakura mochi saying it’s breakfast.
You are nuzzling into your baby and husband, hand still clasped in Satoru’s bigger one.
Megumi smiles at the scene, he loves his family. Even if they drive him crazy.
‘Akio! Look, baby! Your big bro is awake! Will we go say hi?’ Satoru smiles, Megumi likes seeing his dad so soft and enamoured - even though he always is like that with you around. In the morning light, it’s even more clear that although he has your nose, Akio is all Satoru. Blindfold tucked away - their eyes match in the golden light.
The tall man and baby come walking over to the bed as you sit on the edge and stroke your eldest’s hair.
‘Thank you, ‘Gumi. You’re the best big brother in the world. We love you, sweetheart.” You say, pressing a kiss to his forehead like you did when he was tiny.
“We love you ‘this much’!” Satoru says, pulling the babies little chubby arms wide to make a big gap to demonstrate that they do really - love their ‘Gumi so much. All of them.
Recommended Listening:
Sparks - Coldplay
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braxlrose · 11 months
Can you write about Bill having a partner that’s essentially like Avril Lavigne? That could be cool
a/n: I envy avril lavigne sooo let's do this, I scrolled all the way down through my asks and I never saw this so sorry this is so late!
also a shout out to @millzieraa cuz ik you lost your old account which was @krav3nn, so go check her account out you guys!!
bill w/ a avril lavigne wannabe gf who's like avril lavigne
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-he literally is obsessed with the way you dress. he thinks you look so cool and yall borrow eachother clothes all the time. im not joking, he actually thinks your style is the awesome and loves how close it is to his style
-he goes to skate parks with you and watches you do a bunch of tricks. like whenever you do one and do it really good he's smiling and clapping and all this shit. he also would love it if you taught him or tried to teach me how to do some tricks.
-if you do end up teaching him some stuff he totally shows it off on tokio hotel tv
-he also loves you a lot because you and tom get along really well. you and tom are a lot a like a tons of ways so he's happy that you're able to get along with his brother. he doesn't date girls who can't get along with tom.
-would literally dieeeee if you made a song about him. like he thinks your musik is amazing so he would love it if you made a song about him.
-he also writes songs about you. he can't help it. he's just so in love with you and thinks you're the coolest person ever. he loves you so much and will write multiple songs about you.
-one of the reasons he fell for you is because you weren't afraid to be yourself and didn't want others to hide who they were either. (let's pretend avrils music is music you actually make). like the song complicated, he loves how you just want people to be themselves and not change for anybody
-he also loves how fun and accepting you are. he likes people who are fun and spontaneous and you're just that
-totally does musik collabs with you and your band
-helps you dye your hair colors
-you and your band and tokio hotel go to parties together all the time. you and Bill both get equally drunk and just make out and dance together all night
-if there's a language barrier between you two, he'll figure out a way to communicate with you
-loves watching you play guitar and tom always gets kinda jealous if you play something better than him
-you two go shopping together at thrift stores allll the time to find new cool clothes
-is literally the best at giving you birthday presents since you and him have so much in common
-he gets your name tattooed on him
-he loves going to your concerts and watching you sing and play guitar. moving around stage and just listening to your amazing voice
-he also loves it when you come to his concerts, he gets so happy when he can see you in the crowd or if you're backstage and you give him a kiss for good luck before a concert
-thought it was the coolest thing when you wrote Sk8ter Boi (let's pretend it's about tom, and that the end of the song is changed bc obviously you don't end up w/ tom). but yeah he loved it and thought it was super awesome
-the band is really important to him and since you're in the musik business you're able to understand that the band is the most important thing to him and he really loves that about you. he had his last girlfriend break up with him because she said he didn't have enough time for him so he's really glad you're able to understand how much the band means to him and everything
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7 @billybabeskaulitz
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