#Hitoshi Shinso fanfic
angel-sweets666 · 3 months
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Purple n orange
shinbaku x fem!reader
Two boys and a girl are in a poly relationship. One day bakugo and shinso come home with ruined moods from the god awful day they had.
Warnings: swearing and bakugos temper tantrums
a/n do I know this ship is the most unlikely ship known to man? Yes. Do I love these two boys and think they’d make a great pair for a poly relationship? Yep. I MEAN THEY JUST SEEM LIKE IT COULD WORK, MAYBE. MAYBEEES🤔🤔
Bakugo slammed open the door to your shared home, the force of it rattling the walls. You jumped, startled by the sudden noise. "Woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, huh, Katsu?" you grinned, trying to lighten the mood.
He snapped his head toward you so quickly that you thought he might have given himself whiplash. "I wish Deku would wake up on the wrong side of the road!" he exclaimed, stomping his feet angrily. His face was flushed with rage, his eyes practically blazing.
Shinso followed behind him, looking more annoyed than angry. His shoulders were slumped, and he let out a heavy sigh as he closed the door more gently behind him.
"What's wrong, love?" you asked Shinso, your voice soft and soothing. He crawled into your arms, seeking comfort, and laid his head on your chest.
"I risk my life out there, and those people don't appreciate me," he pouted, his bottom lip jutting out slightly in a rare show of vulnerability.
Bakugo's rage flared even more at Shinso's words. "Hah? They’re just pieces of shit! I'LL BLOW THEM U—"
"I'm begging you to learn what an inside voice is," you interrupted, giving Bakugo a stern look.
He huffed, crossing his arms and pacing the room like a caged animal. "It pisses me off, alright? We put everything on the line, and they don't give a damn!"
You nodded, understanding his frustration. "I know, Katsu. It's not fair, but blowing up the house won't help."
Shinso snuggled closer, his breathing starting to even out as he relaxed in your embrace. "You're right. It just feels like no matter what we do, it's never enough for them," he said, his voice muffled against your chest.
You stroked his hair gently, trying to provide some comfort. "You both do so much. Sometimes people don't see that, but it doesn't make your efforts any less valuable."
Bakugo stopped pacing and looked at you, his anger slowly dissipating. He walked over and sat down beside you and Shinso, his presence comforting in its own way. "Tch, you're too good to us," he muttered, a hint of gratitude in his voice.
“I’m amazing I know” you said with a cocky grin, wrapping your legs around shinso as you seemed pleased with yourself.
You made a disgusted face as you took a sniff at Shinso's hair. "Katsuki, come here," you called, waving Bakugo over. He looked at you curiously but yelped in surprise as you grabbed a handful of his hair, pulling him close to take a sniff as well.
"Okay, so you two stink like pure fucking ass," you declared, your nose wrinkling in disgust. "I'm begging you on my knees to have a shower. A bath. Even some deodorant. SOMETHING. Did a villain shit on you or something!?"
Bakugo's eyebrows furrowed, his expression shifting from confusion to irritation. "HAH?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STINKS LIKE ASS," he retorted, stomping his foot like a petulant child.
Shinso groaned as he sat up, rubbing his temples. "I have a headache," he muttered, clearly not in the mood for Bakugo's antics. He stood up, still looking like he wanted a cuddle but preferably from someone who wouldn’t say he stinks like ass.
With a weary sigh, Shinso walked into Bakugo's arms, surprising the blonde who blushed deeply at the unexpected closeness. Bakugo hesitated for a moment before wrapping his arms around Shinso, a soft, almost tender gesture. He took a tentative sniff and grimaced.
"Okay, we do stink like shit," Bakugo admitted, his voice quieter now.
You couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of them. "See? Now, go take a shower, both of you. You'll feel a lot better.
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tales-from-elysivm · 6 months
★。/ falling in love with you \。★
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ask: this was a request! but I can't find the ask on my old blog, but I do know that it was a quirkless!assistant!reader with midoriya, todoroki, bakugo, shinso, monoma, and kendo. I did cut off monoma and kendo since I feel like I don't know enough about their characters, if that's ok!
pairing: midoriya x gn! reader, todoroki x gn! reader, bakugo x gn! reader, shinso x gn! reader (separate)
fandom: boku no hero academia
word count: 3,722
tw: none, wholesome fluff with some swearing on bakugo's section
notes: this had taken a really long time on my original blog, so im happy to finally be able to share it, if you're from my OG blog, and you were waiting, im sorry it took so long! and since I can't get back into my old blog anymore (I lost the password), please resubmit your asks at anytime and ill try to get to them asap!
! be sure to like and reblog if you enjoyed !
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~the meeting~
You’re first introduced to Class 1A/1B as a stand-in for a sparring partner in hand-to-hand combat. It was better - in Aizawa’s opinion - for you to brush up on your skills while also putting his students in a more hands-on approach to learning. You stand before the class, ready. 
You challenge whoever is confident with their skills so far to come forward and fight you. Over your shoulder, Aizawa stands huddled in his sleeping bag. He isn’t too worried, he trusts your abilities to handle his class, and besides, you needed to grow to tolerate them quickly.
None of the students wanted to fight you at first.
There was at least one of their close friends that teased them because they had noticed you staring at them out of all the other blue-clad students. So, of course, to avoid further embarrassment, they step forward to be the first example.
The rules are simple. No quirks. Just simple hand-to-hand. The first to pin the opponent for at least half a minute is the winner of the exercise.
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I. midoriya 
~ after the meet ~
Izuku really didn’t want to fight you
He didn’t know your strengths, your weaknesses, your quirk, your skill set, how powerful it was versus what it looked like, etc. (cue the nerdy rambling). He had no notes on you!
Izuku had seen you in class every once in a while when he wasn’t busy. You sat by the teacher’s desk grading papers and sometimes assisting Aizawa by running errands or taking over while he took a nap on the floor. But based on your stature and appearance and the fact you were wearing a school uniform, you seemed to be a student as well.
That leads to plenty of interesting theories about you!
“I think they’re a villain!” Kaminari said light-heartedly. It sounded like a rather malicious thing to suggest, Izuku thought, despite his wider grin. “In like… a rehab program or something.”
“Why would they send a villain to a school for a rehab program though?” Iida pulls his drink from his mouth. “It’d be much more likely they be put on community service or in more safe environments.”
Izuku looks across at you.
You’re sitting away from the teachers at the moment, trading notes with a girl in class 2C, laughing as you both scribble away and discuss some class that he can’t quite hear. You wave her off before moving down the table to another group who are slurping ramen over a table full of messy textbooks and broken pens. Izuku knew these kids to cause enough trouble for everyone, but they push aside their bowls and utensils and kick off their bags so they can let you sit with them. 
Have you always looked so pretty from this far away?
~ falling in love with you ~
My boy falls hard and fast… save him…
Izuku always pays attention during a class, but he always tries to pay a little more attention when it’s you that’s teaching <3
After assisting Aizawa for a few weeks into the term, Momo asked who you were. In all the “excitement” of having to shephard a class of hormonal superheroes around, you had forgotten to introduce yourself!
He pulls out his hero notebook and begins taking detailed notes on you
[Y/N L/N], your power stats and small doodles of you in the bottom corner. Some more detailed, some awfully sketchy, but he never feels he got it quite right
Aizawa pats your head and dismisses you from your teaching duty for the day
For the rest of the class you resign yourself to your desk and join the students in learning the next emergency protocol
He thinks you might be looking away when he glances at you
Are you looking at him too?
You’ve ruined him, he’d swear on it. He can’t help it, just by looking at you. The swell of your hips when he can see you walking in front or behind him, the way your eyes light up if he even gains the confidence to talk about his hero notebooks with you, the little shocks he gets when your knees touch on the floor of his dorm room. Or maybe he finds you distracting in some way? Your voice drags him from each lecture, even if it’s not aimed at him. Your smile lures him in. He’s sure you have to have a quirk somehow, hidden there that you haven’t told him about yet.
Do you find him as distracting as he finds you?
Among his many nervous habits, a new one is born. What is it? Well, drawing you in his notebook. 
It’s during one of these very creepy-sounding moments that he remembers he never actually asked you what your quirk was. Nor had he seen it in action before
Other people had wondered about it before, but no one had an answer
So he asks you
You laugh.
It’s almost shocked, but partly sad. You tell him, quite simply, that you’re quirkless. And that Aizawa gave you the position in 1A because you were willing to become a teaching assistant on the side. Though you suspect it’s favouritism, he wants you to have a good education, UA is a nice place, he’ll be close by in case any shit goes down. 
If anything Izuku falls even more in love with you. Hearing you ramble with him about your favourite heroes, how you want to be your own hero even if you can’t do the same things as they can, and you’re still here talking to him.
You’re one of the first people he tells about All Might passing on his quirk to him. He’s worried you might be envious of it, or hate him for lying his way into UA, but you beam at him and assure him he’ll be the best Number One Hero you’ve ever seen.
Yeah, he’s definitely fallen a bit harder, if the sweaty palms and nervous heart skip is enough to go off of.
~ fighting for your attention ~
Now imagine this poor, sweet, innocent broccoli-head of a boy finally falling in love with you! He’s smitten with you
But now he’s watching you interact with his classmates interact with you a little more closely
He doesn’t mind of course, he knows everyone loves your personality and just the feeling you give off. It makes them feel warm and safe and you being quirkless limits any sense of a threat to those who are more sceptical
What he doesn’t like is that he knows some of them fancy you
Some of them love you
He begins studying harder, training harder, works out more so he can make sure he can hear your sweet praises and warming smiles
Any “good job!” and “i’m so proud!” you can offer him is cherished. He cherishes you
So he gathers his courage to try harder just for you, so you can think of him as your number one hero!
Now the only question is; do you cherish him?
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K. bakugo
~ after the meet ~
An unbridled opportunity to inflict pain on an (admittedly) attractive stranger?
Fuck yeah
Quirk or no quirk, he was going to absolutely destroy you. He was sure of it!
Shitty hair said you looked oddly familiar, but who cares?
Katsuki had seen you around in the dormitory building, of course, he never paid you much attention. You were wearing a uniform, so he guessed you were a student. He thought you were boring. 
Pretty, but boring. 
Not that he was looking, shut up–
Maybe if he kicks your ass a bit he’ll stop getting so distracted
Are you fucking kidding?
You kicked his ass! Barely breaking a sweat! 
One minute he’s preparing to just kick you in the gut and land a right hook to your face, but then he steps into the field where white lines have been drawn and you smile at him. You wish him good luck and bow before getting into a fighting stance. 
He draws a blank after that. Sure, he lands the first kick, but gets your thigh instead so you skid across the pitch. Then you effortlessly sidestep his next swing and he just wants to blast your face off in embarrassment.
Then, most painful of all, you punch him right in the gut and kick him until he’s down. 
He’s butt-hurt, as expected and refuses to even look at you.
Shitty hair slaps his shoulder and laughs as he joins the rest of the class. You brush dust off your uniform and prepare to fight Mina next. 
“That was something huh?” Kaminari jests, snickering. “I should’ve gotten that on camera.”
Katsuki decides just then that he’s going to make your life hell for what you’ve done.
~ falling in love with you ~
He’s not falling in love with you, shut up-
Ok so he’s a grouchy boy anyway right so of course he’s not going to admit it as quick as the others 
In fact he makes it a goal in life to annoy you enough until you hate his guts, then he might feel better about wanting to grind your face into the pavement 
He kicks your chair out when you go to sit so you slam into the floor, shut the door to the classroom in your face, shoves you in hallways at every chance he gets, and even becomes so petty he begins stealing your favourite snacks and drinks out of the fridge and cupboards 
Smug bastard even devours them in front of you just so you know that it was him 
He hates them but that doesn’t stop him! 
And - as much as he doesn’t want to admit it - he kinda hates the small flicker of disappointment that flutters behind your eyes before you offer to go on a snack-run for everyone on your way 
He makes it sound like your idea that he stalks alongside you to the grocery store.
“You’d probably get lost if someone wasn’t around to hold your hand,” he’d mock you. If you inquire if he’d hold your hand around the store, he’ll definitely leave you behind. Don’t tempt him. And if you laugh he’ll walk back to the dorms and leave your ass to wonder where he went, searching through aisles for him. He knows you would.
Begrudgingly, he knows somewhere in him won’t let him abandon you there. What part? No idea but he hates it. 
Which is why he is now escorting you on the seventh snack-run of the month. You push the trolley around because even with all your begging he won’t do it. Shopping list in hand you throw in bags of snacks and surprise treats for your classmates.   
You have everything stacked up now. Popcorn for movie nights, and each person’s specific sweets, but instead of heading towards the cashiers, you’re turning towards the scoop-and-weigh section. 
“Oi, dumbass!” Bakugo doesn’t follow after you at first, and he doesn’t care that people are turning to stare at him. “Cash register is that way!”
“I know that.” You smile and disappear behind the aisle. He really has no choice but to drag his feet to follow. When he comes around the side you’re scooping a bag full of honey-roasted almonds - ones he knows you hate but his mouth waters at. 
“What are you getting those for?” He curses how soft his voice is now, but he can’t help but wonder why you’re buying them now.
“They’re your favourite, right?” You respond.
“Yeah?” How did you even know that?
You must be reading his mind with some hidden quirk or something, because you quickly explain that you had questioned Kirishima about the hidden stash in the cupboards one time and he had told you almost immediately. So, why not grab some more when you noticed that his stash was getting low?
Without letting him answer you walk past him to the checkouts. He watches after you, mouth dry. He can’t even think of an insult for you right now.
~ fighting for your attention ~
He still won’t admit it to himself so don’t expect a massive, dramatic confession from him (…yet)
No, he’s willing to fight anyone and everyone who wants your affections from the sidelines 
Someone looks at you a little too long? (Punch them)
Someone touches your shoulder during a PE class? (Make their life hell)
Deku asks for your help on an essay and you respond with an all-sweet smile that just rubs him the wrong way? (Kill him - but not actually)
Jealousy is a dangerous game for Katsuki 
(He’s not jealous don’t even ask—)
He’s willing to completely flip the tables so that maybe you’d notice that something’s different: he doesn’t kick your chair out anymore, or eat your snacks, or try to fight you in the hallways 
Instead he does all of that for pretty much everyone else—with exceptions for Kirishima of course 
Anything so he can deny that he’s gone the slightest bit soft for you when you both sit in the common room and eat your respective snacks, talking about some annoying classmate that had pissed him off for the fourth time that day 
And god dammit, won’t you just notice that he appreciates you? 
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S. todoroki
~ after the meet ~
Now, my first question is, is it vague curiosity or a drive to urge his strength forward that makes Shoto fight you?
It’s the strength training, he reasons
He doesn’t need it of course, he’s capable enough, but that doesn’t stop him from arguing with himself that that could be the only reason
And no, it’s definitely not because he can see you giving him a curious look over the heads of his classmates, and certainly, not because Kaminari gives him a knowing grin because even he can see you staring at him
So he puts himself forward as a volunteer
For the training… sure
Even after you lose to Todoroki he’s courteous about it. You both bow out of respect and he rejoins the line. After that he doesn’t expect to see you very much after that, perhaps never again. He thinks, despite the theories, you might be a student-teacher from a different academy.
But no, the next week you show up to their regular classes. And not long after that, you’re both working on group and pair projects together.
Like today, it’s theory. Emergency Evacuation in a Disaster. You pick some form of ‘emergency’ and then plot out an essay with detailed instructions for evacuation for the project. Simple. You pick a disaster and begin the essay.
You ask him questions in between, just general small talk, asking how his day is and the like. But he appreciates it. He knows that you know who he is and yet you just ask him normal questions. (Let’s say this is before his arc to make friends.)
You praise him for his strength in your battle and it makes his heart pound. Is he sick? What does this mean? 
What do you mean when you say you like his company? How does he get you to stop? He doesn’t like not being in control of how his heart is beating.
~ falling in love with you ~
I don’t think that originally it would be obvious to you that he fancies you
He’d be courteous at first, hold the door for you, compliment things about you, pull out your chair or save you a seat at lunch, it’s simple little things
You don’t notice of course, you just think he’s being nice
But to literally everyone else, it’s so obvious to them that he’s already completely smitten with you. He barely talks to anyone else… and yeah he doesn’t talk much with you either but he tolerates your company more than others
And he’s a gentleman so why would he outright say anything?
(That’s the reason and not that he’s afraid to, yeah totally-)
So instead he sits and listens to your conversations 
It’s not your fault he’s having a bad day, but at the moment he’s giving the cold shoulder to everyone in 1-A. 
That doesn’t stop you from dragging your chair up to his small desk during your break and eating there with him. He doesn’t tell you to leave, because he doesn’t think he can. He just watches you pull out utensils and begin to eat. He hasn’t even bothered with his own food, he can feel a pit swallowing his stomach, like he couldn’t cram anything in there if he wanted to.
“Bad day?” you ask, like you couldn’t already tell. “Don’t wanna talk about it?”
He nods at you. He can’t lie. And he sure as hell can’t ignore you.
“I understand,” you give a thoughtful hum, eating a bite of your food. “My day was pretty crappy too. It gets like that sometimes, you just gotta keep going. You can’t stop living just because your head’s a bit heavy.”
He didn’t ask for your advice, and maybe before that would’ve bothered him that you didn’t stop talking, but now he can’t find it in him to be frustrated. His annoyance deflates at your presence. You radiate this homely comfort he hasn’t felt in a long time.
Shoto goes through the effort of pulling out his food, just so you might feel better about it.
He forces out the words;
“And your day? Tell me about it… please.”
~ fighting for your attention ~
Now shoto is less likely to actually try and confront others about their shared affections
In fact in normally takes him a good while to officially realise that he loves you
But pretty soon he just begins to seek you out more
As he grows more social, earns new friends and becomes accustomed to everyone, you work with him closely to help him learn social cues and overcome his trauma
He comes to like touching you, whether it be a hand on his head, touching knees in the dorms, a simple hug, or you leaning on him until you fall asleep on him during the winter. He feels comfortable with you
But with this realisation comes one more;
He wonders if he could handle going back to living without you
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H. shinso
~ after the meet ~
Now, shinso’s quirk is pretty hard to implement in a fight, which is why he mainly prefers hand-to-hand
Overall, he feels tired, if not a little bored, by the spar with you
He hadn’t noticed you at all before this lesson in 1C, but his teacher had said that you were helping by moving down from 1A
Why, he couldnt figure out
But nonetheless, he finds you watching him while waiting to spar you in your first physical education class together, so he volunteers
And he quickly gets disqualified– 
He swears he doesn’t mean to, but almost as soon as he begins the fight, you overwhelm him.
What you lack in a visible quirk, you make up for in speed, kicking and jabbing and ducking away before he can get a hit in. It’s when he finds you hovering over his shoulder, about to throw a punch to his face, that he panics and asks for your name.
A bit confused, slowing down a little bit, you give it to him, and almost as quickly, you’re under his control. The teacher immediately barks at him to release his control, and he obliges, but he’s still disqualified and you’re given an instant win. When you stumble, regaining your own self-control, you look up at him in bemusement. 
But you don’t look scared at all, instead you smile at him.
“Brainwashing? That’s a pretty cool quirk, huh?”
You confuse him, and he’s not sure if he likes it yet. 
~ falling in love with you ~
After you move down to 1C to work on your General Hero courses, you begin to grow closer with Shinso 
You don’t think that his quirk is any different to the others at UA, which he is somewhat confused by
‘Some of these guys can set people on fire! Brainwashing doesn’t sound too different to the others you see here’, was your only explanation whenever he asked about it
Overtime, you become one of his only friends in 1C, he tolerates you
He spends most of his time with you, studying, eating, talking, he helps you write papers on general hero practices, telling you about his history with children being scared of his ‘villain quirk’
All things considered, he trusts you, and i dont think he could say that for many other people at UA
You both sit cross-legged on the floor of his dorm room. He very rarely decorates it, but you begged him to let you set up the fairy lights and little cat decals that were meant for his wall. Begrudgingly, he agreed.
So that’s what you’ve been doing, arranging kitties on the wall over his desk. Cute little art pieces that resemble grey and calico cats. 
Meanwhile, he’s studying on his floor, laying back and occasionally sneaking glances at you to see if you’re tangled in the lights. Soon enough you have them strung up nicely in the corners of his dorm-room, sending soft gold light over his purple hair. He doesn’t move until you lay on the floor beside him, looking up at the ceiling.
“What do you think?” you ask, leaning up on your elbows to admire your handiwork.
He’s quiet for a moment, just looking at you, taking in the view of your side-profile. 
“They look nice.”
Shinso isn’t talking about the lights.
~ fighting for your attention ~
Listen, usually Shinso absolutely hates using his quirk for anything out of villain fights, because if he does he feels like he reinforces the idea that he might be a villain too
But, when it comes to you?
He’s relatively tame at first, he doesnt get too jealous or overprotective as someone else might (cough, bakugo, cough), but it doesnt mean that he doesnt need reassurance sometimes
If it gets to the point that another one of your suitors is making you uncomfortable, then by all means, hes asking them what theyre doing and forcing them to walk away
And afterwards, having that little moment of supposed villainy feels worth it
Just keep smiling at him
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im sorry this took so long!
I hope you guys enjoyed
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lizzy06 · 2 months
Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader Fics Recs!! (Tumblr/Ao3/Wattpad)
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My Hero Academia Fic Rec Masterlist
ab intra ✨✨💖💖by andypantsx3 (humor, eventual smut, brainwashing)when a wave of disturbing crimes sweep the city, pro hero Hitoshi Shinsou is assigned to work the case with you. What's even more frustrating than his obnoxious personality is the fact no one will tell you why he’s involved. Things only get more suspicious from there.[COMPLETED]
no grave to hold my body down✨ by Hawnks (supermintfluff) (oneshot, hurt/comfort) Kindness is its own superpower. Love is, too.[COMPLETED]
Jealousy✨ by @alienaiver (oneshot, fluffy banter)Shinsou wants your attention after coming home, but you are preoccupied.[COMPLETED]
 The Sports Festival✨ by @writing-freak(oneshot, fluff) reader with a weather quirk faces off against shinsou in the sports festival[COMPLETED] pt 2: Parties for No One ✨by @writing-freak (oneshot, fluff)you consider approaching shinsou after the sports festival. an unlikely friendship commences. [COMPLETED]
Why aren't you scared of me? by @bakugohoex (oneshot, slight angst, fluff)in which shinso joins class 1a and whilst everybody seems to be scared of him out of fear he’ll use his quirk, you try to befriend the boy and he develops feelings as soon as you talk to him.[COMPLETED]
Diary by @onyxiana-is-obsessed (oneshot, fluff)Shinsou finds your diary where you’ve written way too much about him. Good thing he feels the same way.[COMPLETED]
Speechless by @alaskamonsters (oneshot, first meetings)[COMPLETED]
18 by @songbirdsingingthings (oneshot, jealousy, fluff) .[COMPLETED]
how to start an office romance✨ by animepseud (multipurposeroom) (fluff, humor, angst, slowburn)When a serial killer shows up to terrorise the neighbourhood, who do you call? According to the neighbourhood, not Shinsou.is there a better time to pursue romance than in the midst of a serial killing investigation?[COMPLETED]
Friendly Reminders & Math Equations✨ by kingyohno (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff)What one person writes on their skin also appears on the skin of their soulmate. Reader is forgetful and Shinsou is bored. Awkwardness ensues.[COMPLETED]
lilac eyes | shinsou x reader✨ by personb (strangers to lovers, fluff, angst)You just wanted to live for one night at a party with Jirou, though it seemed your night was going to be far more eventful than you anticipated. And you welcomed it, well him at least, with open arms. And to be fair he was very, very hot.[COMPLETED]
Your name on my skin✨  by  @dira333 / Fogfire (oneshot, soulmate au, )What your soulmate writes appears on your skin.[COMPLETED]
Two mind related quirk users walk into a train  ✨ ✨ by  wotefokizbrunch (oneshot, mindreader! reader, humor)When Shinso is sleep deprived his inner monologue just rambles non-stop and you, being a mindreader, find it hilarious.[COMPLETED]
Heart & Mind ✨ by orphan_account (oneshot, strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort)You have trouble finding a sparring partner because of your Quirk. Few are willing to have their emotions manipulated, after all.[COMPLETED]
Love at First Sight by ScatteredScribbles (oneshot, fluff, coffee shop au, love at first sight) Even though Shinso knows better, some part of him still wants to believe it’s possible–that there’s a single person in the world made for him, and they’re lounging about in the coffee shop he works at.[COMPLETED]
Just Say It by @sunnieskies02 (oneshot, soulmate au, hanahaki disease, slight angst with happy ending) [COMPLETED]
Show Me by hunnybby(oneshot, crush, fluff, humor) Shinsou Hitoshi's classmate just won't leave him alone. If she wanted to know his quirk so bad then she should have paid attention.[COMPLETED]
We Really Need To Stop Meeting Like This by spicyNess (oneshot, tooth rooting fluff, crush)The more you bumped into him, the more you wanted to.[COMPLETED]
Late Night Visits by candlelight27 (oneshot, college au, fluff, smut, idiots in love)A not-so-innocent game of truth and dare and all your conspiring friends might give you an opportunity to sort out the feelings you have for your best friend, Hitoshi Shinsou.[COMPLETED]
 Heroes Together by @writing-freak(oneshot, fluff)after growing up close friends with shinsou, you are forced to move away and leave your home behind. years later, you return, reunited with the best friend who doesn’t seem to remember you. [COMPLETED]
In All Honesty by Avistella (oneshot, fluff)People have always been wary of talking with Shinsou, but not you. When you start distancing yourself from him, Shinsou becomes worried.[COMPLETED]
Chocolate kisses and Catpuccinos by HydrangeaPartridge (coffee shop au, strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, smut)In which you are an accident prone-waitress in a cat café where Pro Hero MindJack (aka Shinso Hitoshi) likes to spend time. How will your relationship evolve through the four seasons of one year?[COMPLETED]
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word count: ~18.2K
paring: God!Shinso x f!Nymph!Reader
warning(s):  dubcon, marking, slight impact play, somnophilia, oral (f!recieveing), creampie, gods as always being manipulative and cruel.
authors note: hello there, I know I promised this much sooner than it is being granted but as I am sure you can see by the word count, this kind of got away from me. This is actually a sequel to Plucked Flower! And when I was discussing with the lovely @/melodramaticmura about who would be which god, it seemed rather appropriate to have Shinso be the god of sleep. And well, I wanted to make a stand-alone fic of that, perhaps even make a series on it, but it was too tempting to have him steal away Sero's prized nymph so here we are. So please, let Shinso guide you into a peaceful slumber~ 🔮
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A long time ago, Gods ruled the world.
Everything that the mortals could see, touch, and know were all controlled by the Gods who blessed them with their divine skills and talents. But, over time, the mortals became more dependent - more greedy - with their reliability on these seraphic creatures. As the demands of the mortals they created, and thus cared for, grew to be overwhelming and abundant, they knew they could not stay within their mortal plane any longer; for they were meant to be treated as divinities, not as servants.
And for once, in a rare moment of solidarity, the Gods worked alongside each other to create a home for which they could call their own; an empyrean realm that only they could have access to, which contained all the splendors known to man and even more. A dwelling where they can find peace and tranquility, and to be finally removed from the demands of the mortals; to finally have the undivided devotion they so craved. For it much easier for a mortal to obey the wishes of a God, if they came they came down to them in a beacon of light and gold.
Serve away they did, the mortals, tending to their temples and bringing forth gifts upon their alters; all the while they would lavish in their heavenly realm of gold and marble, to feast upon delicacies, to relish in the prosperity that the mortals provided to them, and indulge in one another; especially if that indulgence was at the expense of a mortal, to provide them with the vanity and sense of superiority they wished to continue to grasp onto.
Through all this splendor, however, it was easy to grow bored. Hanta, like most Gods, grew bored.
For a God could never cherish anything for too long. An immortal life always paired itself with dissatisfaction; for how could a God truly value anything if they did not have a finite time to have it? How could they enjoy splendor if they have not known poverty? How could they value life if they could not know death? And how could they appreciate anything, if all they wanted was more?
Living forever took the beauty of life away. All the love and heartbreak seemed so meaningless after a while when one could find no reason to hold onto it, that in time it could be replaced by a new adventure, a new thrill, and a new body to make claim to. Why keep something when you could easily abandon the old, and seek out something new? 
And despite the many claims he so sweetly whispered within your ear, the many reassurances and acclimations of love, Hanta finally grew bored of you.
You knew it was bound to happen; there truly was only so much a nymph can do to claim the interest of a God. You knew the thrill he found, the infatuation he grew of you, was within the chase of claiming you for himself; the cat-and-mouse game he so perfectly cast and you so perfectly played into was the thrill he wanted within that moment. 
Of course, there was the thrill after he caught you. How he laid you upon his bed day in and out and claimed his prize in any way he could; whether that be with sweet words, soft kisses, warm and gentle caresses, or have you on your knees to worship his aching cock, to then have it drag in and out of your tight hole as you scream his name for the heavens to hear.
It was to fill his ego, to have the most prized and beautiful creature to claim as his own. To have complete and utter control held over you, the utter and undiverted devotion that he pulled from you constantly as you obeyed and worshipped him however he pleased. To relish in, not only your body but the jealousy of the Gods around him as they grew envious of his little pet.
And once he lost interest, once his fellow Gods grew unbothered and uncaring of his treasures, he would find some other way to gain a boost to his ego; regardless of the feelings he may hurt along the way.
You had to give him credit though, it took him much longer for him to lose interest in you than what every other god that filled the heavenly realms, and even yourself, thought. Many said a few weeks, some said a few months, and you thought perhaps a year. Though it was hard to tell given the way time seemed to matter little the more you stayed there, how it moved so quickly and yet not at all at the same time, to say how long before he lost interest but it was certainly longer than a year.
It was gradual too. Slowly, but surely, he left you alone in that small portion of the heavens he carved out for you. What started with him parting from you earlier some mornings, thus leaving the giant bed he shared with you empty, turned into every morning as you would reach for him only to be met with cold silk and loneliness to sink to your heart. And soon, those daily visits he would give to you so diligently, to allow you some much-needed company as you staved away your boredom, soon started to wane. How he used to share his meals, his laughter and companionship, started to bore him and consequently, he began to leave you with small scraps that were left behind the day before as he neglected yet another meal, and as the weeks progressed, leaving you hungry altogether. 
Though despite all of this, he would still return to you at night; to lull you to sleep in his arms and whisper those sweet nothings into your ear until you fell into a blissful sleep. And it was when he stopped arriving in your bed at night that you knew he no longer cared for you. That those declarations of love were truly just empty words so he could use you as he saw fit, like many a god to a nymph before him. Now leaving you to try and find a semblance of peace all alone in a place you did not belong.
You had no other forms of company either for the other gods barely acknowledged you. Some were spiteful that you would tarnish their realm and way of life by simply existing there as if it was your fault you were placed there. Others tolerated you, though they preferred your silence, wanting merely to look at you and nothing else. Others… they wished to have you in more carnal ways; falsely putting on kind airs only to lure you into their trap - much like Hanta - though luckily none was able to do anything untoward before Hanta intervened; but now you knew not to trust them, and to avoid them altogether.
After Hanta abandoned you, you were left alone to fend for yourself. Granted the small piece of heaven that was made for you was beautiful, and gave you some semblance of peace knowing you would not be bothered here - to which you were eternally grateful to Hanta for such a gift - it left you more lonely than you had ever been in your life. Moreso than when you were cast out from your forest of birth by your fellow Anthousai and forced to find a home, and sisterhood, by yourself.
Because through those trials of loneliness and rejection, you did find a sister. One that loved you, that built a home with you, that kept you company in the best and most nurturing of ways; a companion you adored with your whole heart. And one you were tricked to abandon to come here. 
For as lonely as your life got, at least you had her. Here, you had nothing.
You thought of her often, and the memories you shared together, as you lay upon the clouds of gold and splendor alone and unwanted. Thoughts of her made your lonely days more bearable as you reminded yourself of a time when you were wanted, where you were loved, and where you felt happy and fulfilled as you remembered the bouts of laughter shared between the two of you.
Though Nymphs were ageless, they could die in the mortal realm or transform themselves into the nature they were born to nurture. But here? You had no such release, bound to live amongst the gods until the end of days. And as they progressed, you couldn’t help but worry about your sister; you were safe, but was she? Was she still around in your little home within the mountains? Or was she now gone, lost to the passage of time? 
Your worry grew tenfold when, one morning, you tried to remember her face and couldn’t. She was the only thing that tethered you to happiness in this cruel world you found yourself in; the only thing that brought you warmth as you were surrounded by coldness. Your heart could not help but sink with dread as you frantically tried to think of her face. You had to, for she was the reason your sanity was still intact. She was the reason your heart had not broken fully.
You couldn’t help but weep for weeks on end as you slowly realized you were forgetting her.
You knew you could not sit idly by and let this happen to you; to allow these cruel creatures to break your spirit out of amusement. You had to know, had to remember, for it was all you had left; and you were going to cling to it, to fight for it, for all eternity if you had to.
So you waited, with determination blazing your heart and mind, for the God - the man - who caused all of this. Knowing that at some point he will show up and grant you a visit. He would do so every now and then, seemingly almost out of obligation like an owner would for a pet they cared little for. You knew then, you could ask him for a favor.
It was hard to tell how long it had been, how long you had been waiting, but finally, the day had come when you were granted a visit from the winged God; the flapping of his wings signalling you, and thus filling your body with hope, as you heard him approach. Scrambling you got to your feet, unable to hide your excitement as you stood, as you waited with bated breath for him to appear.
Hanta brought with him a tray of food, many delicacies that the Gods would indulge in, ambrosia and wine, you were unsure if this was a way for him to apologize for leaving you for so long without a meal, but the proud smile he garnered on his face when he approached you was clear he felt like he was providing you with a gift.
And though you wished to scowl at him, wanting to allow him to know how unfair it was for him to leave you with little food and company, you knew you had to be your usual sweet self if it meant allowing you to get your way. 
You welcomed him with open arms, clinging to him tightly as you knew he loved for you to do, as you babbled sweetly on how much you missed him, nuzzling your face into his chest as a sign of utmost affection.
You could feel him chuckle before the deep and mirthful sound could fill your ears, as he brought a hand to pet your hair “I miss you too, my beautiful flower.”
His gentle petting of your hair turned into gentle tugging, clearly wanting to have your part so he may rest and enjoy the meal he brought; guiding you gently to do the same and he passed you a goblet of wine; deep purple in colour a far cry from the strawberry wine he used to give you.
You sipped it gently as you listened to him regale tales of what had befallen him while he was away, some excuse as to why he could not visit you before now, as he indulged in your quiet devotion. Though after a while, noticing your lack of enthusiasm or want to partake in the glorious meal, he grew a little concerned as he leaned over towards you to pet at your cheek.
“What is wrong, my sweet love?” Hanta asked of you, moving to push a few strands of hair away from your face “You do not seem yourself.”
You found yourself bashful over his sweet gesture, almost surprised that he still held some tenderness for you. With a timid smile, and huff of a laugh you shook your head “No, no, nothing is wrong.”
“I can tell when you are lying, love” Hanta smiled back, ducking his head to look properly at your face; finding your reaction to him filling his sense of pride. “So please, indulge me”
You took the line he was casting, knowing now would be the only time you could possibly have to pluck the courage to ask him; shyly looking back at him as you tried to find the words, forever grateful for his patience as he looks upon you with tender eyes as he waits for you to speak.
“I was just wondering…” You finally began, “Seeing as I have a few myself these past few nights, if… if you gods ever dream?”
Sero scoffed at you, finding your question as silly and innocent as you were, tone almost condescending as he leaned down closer, a hand continuously stroking your cheek. “Oh my dear, of course we don’t. A God has no need for such childish things as dreams, those are silly things we made for mortals to keep them happy.”
You cannot help yourself from turning your eyes downcast at his almost brutal condescension. Taking a moment to compose yourself before you batted your lashes up at him; your wide and sad eyes a weakness you knew to be his when it came to you, as you asked him again, “Hanta, surely there are times when they are needed, even for a God. If what you say is true, if gods have no need for dreams that mortals do, then there is still a need. Therefore there is a God who provides these, and thus can help another God if needed.” 
Hanta began to draw away from you, clearly figuring out where you were trying to lead the conversation. His eyes could not help but turn darker as jealousy began to cloud his vision of your wanting to seek out another god, as his grip upon your head grew tighter. “You want this God, is that it? The God that provides you these sweet dreams, you want him in your bed?”
You tried to shake your head as best you could, wincing at the slight pain he was now causing you, whimpering out weakly, “No, not at all! I only wish for you to warm my bed!” 
“Then why are you asking me about him?” Hanta could not stop his voice from turning dark, not at all enjoying the fact that you would want to seek another god for any reason; were you truly ungrateful over all that he had done for you that you would find it inadequate?
Though you were not wanting to engage in his wrath, you could not help but become a little elated over the fact that there was a God of Sleep; and Hanta knew of him. But if you ever wished to find him, to be allowed to move freely to do so, you would have to calm, and flatter, the God before you.
“Because I need aid with my dreams,” you whimpered out, eyes turning glassy as they begin to fill with tears - another weakness you knew Hanta to have and for you to exploit. And you almost wanted to smile, to drop the act, at how quickly it worked.
You could see his eyes soften, his grip loosening, as he scanned your face; his other hand coming up to cup your other cheek as he began to fawn over you in concern. “Why? Have you been plagued with nightmarish vision? Have they hurt you?”
You shook your head, though it clearly was not enough to reassure him as his hands continued to stroke your cheeks in a calming manner. You knew you had him in the palm of your hand, as you allowed a few tears to fall from your eyes.
“Then why do you need to seek the Sleep God, my love?” He asked, voice still gentle as he looked down upon you, wanting nothing more than to cease those tears from falling.
“So I can remember my sister!” You blubbered out, and though the tears were falsified before they became honest and true as you reminded yourself of your sister; how the thoughts of forgetting began to cause those tears to fall more freely and stain your delicate face.
“Please, I left her behind for my love for you was stronger. I cannot help but miss her, and if I cannot go to the mortal realm to see her, then I wish to dream of her.” You choked out, as you grabbed hold of his hand, kissing his palm to try and sweeten him and his ego further. “Please Hanta, if you love me as you claim to do, you will allow me this small gift.”
Who was he to refuse you? His good, and obedient nymph. He couldn’t, not when you looked at him so sorrowfully. With a nod of his head, he pulled you into his arms, shushing you as he kisses the crown of your head. 
“Do not cry, my love. I’ll take you to him.” 
Though the heavenly realm proved to be a gift above all else, it was not shared equally amongst those that built it. Those whose gifts were heavily tied to the mortals, that dealt with the macabre that their lives would bring, were looked down upon by those whose talents were more serene. It was easier, and more harmonious, to live amongst those that gave love and song than those who had to deal with death and sorrow.
So they were banished to a realm seldom visited unless a favour was needed; a realm filled with darkness that lacked the treasures from above; the Underworld.
Hanta kept you close as you made your way down into the depths of the depressive world, carrying you within his arms and tucking your head into his chest to spare you from the horrors that await a long journey such as this. Needing to protect you, his precious flower, from a dangerous place such as this realm proved to be; a venture no nymph should find herself in, but he was willing to do this for you to cease the sorrow that had befallen you. At times, you yourself couldn’t help but whimper as you clung even tighter to his tunic as the wails of lost souls made your heart stutter with fear.
Soon his wings fluttered to a stop, gingerly setting your feet upon the damp ground, before a cavern-like area. The dark obsidian that lay jagged, almost broken, surrounded the open entrance of the cave and made you question if you should enter, for it seemed far from hospitable. Nonetheless, Hanta pushed you forward, forcing you to take the first step towards what you desired; knowing that he would not be wanted within the rooms of these lands
“Go on, my love” Hanta smiled gently, easing your fear and reassuring you of any falsities your mind could conjure up. “He will not harm you, and I will stay right here should you need me.” 
With a tentative nod, you resigned yourself to your fate as you turned towards the lair before you. With a deep breath, your trembling feet began their stride toward the God who may be able to help you.
The corridor itself was long, lined with those jagged dark rocks and jewels, as you kept yourself small and away from it all as you continued down the winding passage; unsure if it would even allow you to find your way out of its seemingly endless path. A dim light, one of calming blue, rid you of any sense of hopelessness as you approached a room. The room was darker than what you were used to, but that calming blue hue filled the entirety of the space and allowed you to take in the surroundings.
It was more beautiful than you were expecting. An inverse of the pastel and gold that covered the heavenly realm, as dark marble and a silvery mist surrounded you; intricate furnishings with many a carving of stories long past deep within them. Despite the warnings, despite the claims otherwise, this place was not of ruin and decay, but rather of equal splendor that you have become accustomed to from the heavenly realm above.
In the center of all the strange but wonderful opulence sat a giant glass orb propped so beautifully atop of a pillar, woven so intricately like vines, of tourmaline. You couldn’t help but approach it, the alluring purple aura seemed to call out to you, reaching your delicate hand before you, nothing else crossed your mind that your desire to touch the orb's smooth surface.
“You’re a bold little one, aren’t you?” Hitoshi spoke, chuckling deeply as he took in your startled form. 
You jolted your body towards where you heard the God speak, and looked upon his figure that sat on a simple, but elegant, throne of silver; mere feet past the orb. You felt heat rush to your cheeks, flushing them in embarrassment for being so engrossed by a crystalline ball that you failed to notice him. Sheepishly you lowered yourself to your knees - tucking your head close to your chest - as you bowed deeply to him to showcase your respect.
“I apologize for my rude intrusion,” you whimpered, knowing how fickle and quick to anger most Gods were, and hoping your little oversight of his presence would not cause his wrath.  
“Rise,” He tells you, clear from his infliction that he finds boredom in your display of decorum, sitting more upright within his throne to regard your form with interested eyes. “And state your business here. For it is not every day a mortal like yourself so brazenly enters my domain.”
You nervously shift your weight from foot to foot, keeping your gaze downcast as you do as you are told; unable to not find his intense gaze unnerving. “I-I was hoping to seek your skills, to help me with a sorrowful plight I find myself enduring for I-!.” 
His low chuckle made your shoulders tense even further, as the flush that painted your face grew darker. He raised a hand to cease your babbling from continuing; perhaps he found you childish if the condescending shake of his head as he leaned closer to you, was anything to go by.
“I already know what you are here for, little one. Merely wanted to see you squirm in nervousness for a moment longer.” He began to explain. “I already know who you are and your plight; the sad reality of the God of Sleep is that I know every mortal’s dream, and must endure the burdens that come with it.” 
You can tell his words rung true, for as you finally gazed up at his handsome face you could see the dark circles that stained the skin under his eyes, his own sunken deep within his skull, you could tell he suffered the same nightmarish visions, the unease and sorrow, and the sleeplessness you, and the many mortals like you, may find.
“You wish to see your sister, for you are forgetting her,” Hitoshi continued, hand rubbing his forehead as he sighed, watching the elation come forth upon your face as you frantically nodded your head, knowing that now he must aid you in some fashion or else you would not leave him to be alone once more. 
He stood from his throne, his height more imposing than you thought it to be, to stalk his way over to you and the crystalline ball you stand beside; shrinking away from him, you allowed him to pass you with little fuss. With a wave of his hand, the orb filled with a cloud of dark purple smoke. He beckoned you closer to him once it did, and you watched as the smoke slowly cleared away the closer you found yourself to the God and his crystalline glass; soon revealing your sister’s slumbering face.
“She dreams of you often,” He stated, standing aside to allow you the chance to look upon the image without distraction. 
“She does?” You could not help but become overwhelmed with both joy and sorrow as you gazed upon her; elated to know she was still alive and dreamt of you. You just merely wished you could do the same. Tears formed in your eyes as you reached out a cautious hand to gently touch upon the smooth glass, to caress the image of her cheek. “It warms my heart to know that, thank you.”
Hitoshi allowed you a moment to stare, gaze looking upon you in question; pondering what he should do. Knowing of your current plight, one of abandonment and loneliness, he could not help but relate. He found a semblance of sympathy and empathy for the creature before him; for he too found seldom joy within the realm of the Underworld, being placed here and forgotten by the Gods that claimed to be his brothers. He could not help but wish to end your suffering, as well as his. He tried his hardest to garner a plan out of this small act of kindness he would give forth to you in your time of need.
“You certainly act brave,” he called out to you, tone more gentle than before, “but I know you wish to dream of her yourself though pride is stopping you from asking me such a favour. For the Gods that surround you only grant one if you provide something in return.”
He pauses, allowing you a moment to take in his words; speaking once more as he could tell your attention was back on him rather than your sister, watching as your brows furrowed in question, knowing he must speak carefully in order for his plan to work
“I can assure you that I wish nothing in return,” he stated plainly, as he moved to sit on his throne once more. “The end of your sorrowful anguish, to cease the added pain and suffering it causes me, will be payment enough. I only ask for you to visit me here, should you wish to take upon my offer, for it shall be easier for me to provide you with the dreams you want from my throne.”
His response took you by surprise, as you gazed upon him in shock, overwhelmed by his apparent kindness that you could not do anything for a moment but stand there frozen in place - much like the few marble statues that decorated his home.
“Does that suit you?” Hitoshi asked, a brow raised in question as he watched you with amusement.
You nodded your head in a rapid fashion as you scurried your way back to him; unable to stop yourself from taking hold of his hands and squeezing them as you knelt in a bow before him once again; “God of Sleep, truly I wish there were more words I could say and express to you my gratitude and thanks to your kindness, but alas I cannot, but please know from the bottom of my heart that I am so overjoyed to hear you speak those words….” You continued profusely babbling to him your thanks and you kept his hand tightly within yours. 
“Hitoshi, you may call me Hitoshi.” He simply smiled, finding your devotion towards him at that moment welcomed for it rarely happened, relishing in it for a moment longer before removing your hands from his. “I await our next visit, but for now it is time for you to depart.”
You nodded your head in understanding before you bowed your head to him once more in respect, then gingerly walked down the few steps from his throne and towards the long, jagged corridor of obsidian without another word or complaint. 
“I will send my trusted friend Tamaki to fetch you,” Hitoshi called out to you, a smirk playing on his lips. “So there will be no need to bother and bring Hanta back with you.”
Hitoshi was true to his word, another surprising moment for you within a land of selfish and deceiving Gods, for when you woke the next morning - alone once more in your vast bed of silk - you caught sight of a man standing within a dark wooden gondola, seemingly waiting for you. Clearly, there was no one else he could possibly be there for, as this small portion of the heavens was made for you, a portion that seldom had visitors. 
Slowly you rose, eyes straining to properly see him, though you knew he was here for you the man situated himself so far away from your slumbering form that you couldn’t help but have a twinge of doubt.
‘Was he perhaps timid?’
A strange notion, and trait, for a God to possess but the closer you approached him, in your barely covered form, the more you began to realize it was true. Another handsome face, as all Gods possess, though his pale skin and dark hair were a striking contrast to the bright flush that stained his face and pointed ears; clearly he was bashful over looking at you in such a state - his eyes never looked upon for more than a brief second before darting away.
“A-are you, Tamaki...?” You asked him, timidness within your own voice as you softly called out to him, trepidation filling your being as you continued to approach him; after all, you had been fooled before by false displays.
“Y-yes I am!” You could see his eyes snap up to you as he stood taller as if bringing forth his name meant bringing forth his station and thus made him want to stand with pride. “I am the Ferryman of the Underworld, I was sent here to get you.”
You watched as he paused, giving you one more look-over before averting his eyes again, letting out a small cough of discomfort over your barely covered body; a reaction you were not used to getting, though perhaps he too was guarded for the fear of unleashing the wrath of a fellow brother was not something he wished upon himself.
“...Though perhaps I should allow you to dress before bringing you before Hitoshi,” he finished, clutching tighter the giant wooden oar he carried and was using for support
Your face flushed in a similar red to the God before you as you nodded your head, perhaps it would have been wiser to dress before approaching the strange presence that entered your little domain, but curiosity always did get the better of you. You nodded your head politely before scurrying off to find suitable garb to wear.
You admired Tamaki’s patience, and his courteous nature for it took you far longer to find a dress that would keep you warm as you stayed in the cooler domain of the Underworld; after all, when Sero brought you here, dressing you in fine clothing was the least of his worries. Every time you looked over at the Ferryman, his eyes were never focused on you, but rather daydreaming as he gazed upon the soft pastel colours of clouds above.
You approached him again once ready, and the kind smile he cast as he gently helped guide you into his gondola put your racing heart at ease; you could not say with certainty that you could trust him, but as he allowed you to sit and get comfortable before slowly descending his vessel down towards the domain he called home you couldn’t help but think that maybe you could.
He was a wonderful guide as well as you made your way back into the treacherous waters and dark world that was the netherworld. His tone, and demeanor, always reassured your every need; from when your shoulders would tense as the gondola grew a little too close to the sides of a cavern, or how your hands would grasp the side of the vessel tightly as the descent moved a little too quickly, or when the screams of the wailing souls became almost unbearable causing you to cover your eyes - he would gently reassure your fears every time.
“Do not fret, fair nymph,” Tamaki’s soft voice rang out above the screeching souls that lay below you, effectively stealing your attention away from their pity. “They will pass in due time, they merely wish to make those suffer alongside them; once they see you will not befallen to their tricks, they will leave you be.”
“They will..?” Your voice was barely above a whisper, unable to properly hear yourself as you continued to try and close your hearing off to the cries of the lost souls, scooting yourself towards the middle of the gondola to avoid their reaching hands.
Yet he still heard you, as if the deafening keenings meant nothing to him, as he nodded his head; using his long oar to steer his vessel down a long stretch of water, away from that of the river Styx. “And do not fear them, as long you are in my care they will not harm you nor snatch you from my boat.”
Slowly the gondola came to a stop, the motion as smooth as the silvery water below, in front of a familiar obsidian cave - the entrance still as daunting and inhospitable as you remembered it being the day before, even if now you knew you were wanted within those walls. He helped guide you, with a courteous hand, up from your seat and out of the dark wooden craft he had grown accustomed to; only pulling his hand from your grasp, and thus support, once your feet were firmly planted on the ground before you. 
“Thank you, Tamaki,” You said, eyes gleaming with genuine sincerity as you gazed upon him, your hand taking his once more to give it a small squeeze of gratitude. You almost giggled when you noticed his cheeks began to flush once more, as his bashfulness took hold and caused him to turn away from you yet again and focus his attention elsewhere.
“I shall be here to guide you back once you are done,” he muttered, his voice never before sounding so small since you met him, as he tugged his hand from your grasp. “Now go. Hitoshi can become impatient if you make him wait too long.”
With a nod of your head, you turned to face the mouth of the cave, dread setting in once more as you swallowed thickly the anxiety that began to bubble up within you; praying that you had not caused the God of Sleep ire for taking so long to get to him as you made your first steps back to his throne.
The blue light guided you as before, calming the gnawing apprehension that made a purchase into your heart for you felt as if you were a lamb being led to slaughter despite the generosity and kindness you were shown merely moments before. Tamaki had said that he would not have harm be brought before you, therefore he would not lead you to harm. You were not a lamb being led to slaughter, as you so felt at that moment, by merely approaching and being within Hitoshi’s lair.
Just as you did before, with timid and apprehensive steps, you stepped through the threshold of silver smoke and jagged obsidian into the room he resided and called home; eyes downcast, feeling smaller than ever before, you took gingered steps to where he sat upon his pearly throne, kneeling before him as a mortal should before a God. His imposing figure, one that loomed over you, caused you to lower your bow further until your head laid upon the cool marble your feet once stood upon.
“Not as bold today, are we?” Hitoshi chuckled, releasing you with an unhurried motion of his hand, his eyes staying with your figure as you moved to stand before him.
He watched as you simply shook your head in response, gaze still downcast as if too nervous to meet his eye; a frown formed upon his lips in disappointment over your timid display, wishing for you to be more excited, more jubilant like you were in your last meeting. Though perhaps it was because of your actions yesterday that you felt the need to be more apprehensive of your every move, not wanting to accidentally offend or upset him.
Hitoshi hummed, finding your continued lack of response telling of his assumptions. He stood from his throne and gracefully sauntered down the few imposing steps before it, regarding you and your smaller form for a brief moment before he ushered you to follow him, to which you did so dutifully; to come before the crystalline ball and its swirling clouds of violet haze. 
Once more, when the smoke began to tire of its own billowing dance and wished to retire away, images of your sister arose causing you to sigh out in quiet joy and behold her sweet and slumbering form. 
“You may stay for as long as you wish,” Hitoshi whispered out, finding that if he were to speak louder he may spook you from the charming trance he had put you under, as he placed his hand upon the small of your back to guide you closer to where you truly wished to be.
He almost chuckled at how you merely nodded in response to his generosity, too engrossed with your sister to think of anything else; even the gracious God providing you such a spectacle. Perhaps if he was in a worse mood, he may have been offended, perhaps even telling you to leave. And yet, he found it rather amusing, endearing even. He could tell why you were plucked from the mortal realm and kept amongst the gods as a pretty rose to gaze upon for eternity - you were certainly an interesting creature, at least as far as he could tell.
“Enjoy it for as long as you may like,” he spoke again, settling down once more onto his throne, chin within his palm as he gazed at you wondering if your response would change. He chuckled to himself when he saw the small rise and nod of your head; clearly too enraptured still to even think of a single word.
Time was frozen still for you, at least that was how you saw it, when you gandered down upon your sister; eyes filled with warmth as your fingers delicately outlined her face with thoughts that raced through your mind. You wondered what she dreamt of, what the days ahead of her looked like, and if she remembered you. A faint smile painted your lips as you thought of all the possibilities that could befall upon her.
Though time at that moment was still for you, it still marched onward.
For Hitoshi, he watched you for hours. His chin never left his palm, as his eyes just softly gazed at your form; curiosity further seeped into his being the longer you stayed. He was almost disappointed when he had to have this little visit come to an end, something he could not help but find odd as no words were spoken between the pair of you. Yet he could feel he missed your presence already.
“The sun is about to rise, little one,” he called out as he sat more upright upon his throne, “which means your sister will wake, and thus we will no longer be able to see her in my crystalline orb.” 
“Has it really been that long?” You softly answered, voice barely above a whisper as your hand dropped from the item in question back to hang limply at your side.
“Afraid it has.” 
“Then I thank you kindly for allowing me such a prolonged gift as this,” You said, casting forth to him a smile of gratitude; though despite your efforts not, you could tell sadness seeped through. You bowed once more, kneeling upon the ground you had spent hours standing upon. “It was more than I could have hoped for.”
“You are welcome to come back here if you so choose,” He watched as you stood once more, an amused smile gracing his handsome face. “For you have been nothing but a quiet and respectful guest.”
“I-I can…?” You questioned, hands coming forth to clasp together nervously; wondering if his amusement was genuine due to your company or if he had a trick he wished to play and had accidentally shown his hand.
“I have not had a more peaceful rest since the millennia started.” He began, gracefully taking a pause so he may walk over to you. “If having you here to admire your sister means I can have more moments of levity like this, then I would be a fool to cast it aside.”
Hitoshi took your hand in his, bringing it forth to place a tender kiss upon the back of it before turning it over to place a small golden bell within your palm, before letting it go. 
“Should you ever wish to return, ring this bell twice. It shall signal to Tamaki that you will be in need of his services, and thus will return you here.”
It was the jubilation on your face, he could only assume, that was what made him wish to provide you this sanctuary in the first place. Your smile beamed forth a ray of light as you gazed up at him, clasping tightly the small gift he had provided to you close to your heart.
“Thank you!” You gushed, feet almost stumbling over themselves as you didn’t know if you wanted to go forth to him and take his hand to showcase your gratitude, or if you wanted to leave to ensure further rest for this God before you (as well as showcase your prize to Tamaki, the man the bell was tied to).
In the end, you chose to scamper away, your gratitude and declarations of thanks echoing within the long and winding hallway. Hitoshi merely shook his head, breathing a sigh of mirth as he returned to his throne; his mind raced with thoughts of you. He wondered if he would get to see more moments of your bubbling personality showcased to him, more so than the small snippet he was blessed with at that moment. 
Ultimately all of his thoughts led to one conclusion, that he hoped you would ring the bell very soon.
Despite your desire otherwise, it took you a little more than a fortnight to call upon Tamaki once more; not at all for the reason that you were no longer interested in visiting the Underworld once again and indulging in the gifts brought before you, but rather you would feel horrible if you were to summon a God such as he to take you to and fro on whatever whim you had. Knowing he had far more important tasks to uphold, not simply to take care of you.
Yet, Tamaki greeted you with that same kind smile, one that grew wider when you apologized for being such an inconvenience as you clambered into his boat. 
“Nonsense.” He chuckled, using his oar to steer his vessel. “Your company is a highlight to my day, a far better kind than the souls that screech for my attention. So you need not worry about calling me forth.”
“Is that so?” You hummed, leaning forward towards him with a smile, placing your chin in your palm.
“Yes.” His face flushed that familiar shade of red, yet his eyes remained on you - clearly less shy than before as he grew more accustomed to your presence. “So, call upon me whenever you wish, for I know Hitoshi would prefer if you did as well.”
His eyes then looked away from you to instead focus on successfully steering you to where you were to be; back to Hitoshi. You took the time to survey the surroundings, as it was clear the ride was to remain in silence until the end, taking into account all the small jewels and gems that littered the dark walls of the nether realm. A small glimmer of beauty and hope in an otherwise bleak and dreadful world as you continued your descent. 
Though this time, after the boat had slowed to a stop, a visitor was there waiting for you. 
Hitoshi stood tall, making the daunting entrance of his lair seem small and almost meek. He approached the gondola with purposeful steps. His eyes glimmered with mirth as he nodded his head towards his old friend Tamaki before he bowed before you.
“As always, you have arrived safe and sound.” Hitoshi’s deep voice mumbled out, as he stood to his full height once more. “I am grateful to be able to have Tamki provide such a service.”
“As am I.” You managed to get out, voice meek, as you looked over at the ferryman in question. “He certainly puts me at ease and makes this descent more palatable.”
“Yes, well, I cannot argue with such a statement,” Hitoshi mumbled again before presenting his hand for you to take. “But a ride is not why you are here, now is it? Come along, little one, we cannot keep Tamaki from his duties any longer.”
You nodded your head, giving one last grateful smile towards the God who brought you here, before gingerly placing your hand upon his; finding Hitoshi’s gentle strength almost dizzying as he lifted you from the gondola with ease.
With practiced ease, surely muscle memory for him at this point, he guided you through the caverns towards his home; not at all bothered by the sharp stones that jutted from the walls or the rocky terrain as you were. You leaned into him often, finding his presence and body a needed support, as you tried to keep up with his quick pace.
You wished that the path toward his throne room would be more kind, less abrasive, and less aggressive toward those that wished to seek his help. But much like those gemstones hidden amongst the cavern walls of the Underworld, once you got through all the dread and unpleasantness, you were greeted with something wonderful. And the vast room he called his own always seemed to comfort you in some way whenever you entered it.
This time, when you passed through the haze of silver smoke that always permeated the air around his threshold, like a door to keep his privacy intact, you already found your sister’s slumber face illuminating the giant crystalline ball you had grown so fond of.
Hitoshi allowed you to break free from his hold of you to dart towards your sister, following after you at a much more leisurely pace. He could not blame you for your eagerness to see her, after all her slumbering form was a beauty to behold in and of itself, however he did wish he could hold you and your attention just a moment longer before it was diverted elsewhere.
Nevertheless, he had a plan today. One that he knew you would adore above all else, even more so than any gift the Love God had ever given you previously, or since you entered the realm of the Gods. Unhurried, he followed behind you, taking in the image of your admiring eyes for a moment longer before deciding to break the peaceful silence that had befallen.
“Do you wish to visit her?” He asked, placing his hand to the back of your neck to stroke the hair that laid there.
“More than anything…” You whispered, smiling fondly at the image before you, an action you had grown accustomed to doing. “However, such a wonder cannot happen, nor be granted to me while I am here.”
Hitoshi chuckled, an almost sinister grin forming upon his lips as he gazed down at you, lowering his head to whisper in your ear, “What if I told you that you could?”
He delighted in the way your body shivered at his action, the way your eyes finally were diverted from your sister and thus focused upon him; that he finally was the one to capture your whole attention.
“Can you?” You breathed out, having lost all the air within your lungs and body over his words; unable to breathe at not only the possibility of perhaps being able to hold your sister in your arms again, but the price it might cost for such a miracle.
“Dreams are an amusing thing, little one.” Hitoshi smiled, taking hold of your shoulders so you could face him fully. “A reality that is not fully our own, a realm in and of itself that is not beholden to the same rules as ours.”
He paused, and watched as your little brain tried to understand fully what he was saying. Finding it adorable when your brows furrowed together in concentration as you tried to put the pieces he was alluding to together. He brought his hand up to pat your head, stroking his palm down your hair soothingly as he continued.
“I can control that realm, a gift given to me by my mother.” He muttered those words, his smile growing wider as he saw your eyes light up in hope. “If you allow me your trust, to give forth your sleep to me, I shall be able to connect your dreams together and thus allow you a brief moment to be together again.”
It was almost comical to him how trusting you were, how you would so easily give up something so precious as the ability to command your own sleep to him. How you practically threw yourself into his arms, in both desperation and shock that such a gift could exist, as you quietly begged him for that chance.
“Please Hitoshi!” You said, hands clinging tightly to his tunic as you felt your eyes well with tears as your feelings overwhelmed you. “I beseech you, please, take me to her. I would ask nothing more of you, of your skills, gifts, or time, if you allowed me this. My anguish would cease being your burden if you allowed me to speak with her just this once.”
You turned your face away from him as you felt the warmth of your tears begin to stain your cheeks. Wanting to lessen your humiliation, you focused back on the image of your sister, and you asked him once more to take you to her, even if only for a brief moment.
Your naivety, your utter trust in him after all you had known and learned from the Gods, made Hitoshi’s smile grow even darker as mischievousness tainted it. You were so willing to eat from his palm, that you had no time to properly think if his intentions were pure. So blindsided by the love of your sister and desire to see her, you would do anything - even if it meant being at his mercy. 
He almost felt pity for you, such a sweet creature like yourself being taken advantage of by a more powerful being. 
“Hush, little one,” he cooed, almost in condescension, as he pulled you against him once more to dry the tears that fell so freely from your eyes. “I would have not have offered such a gift if I had no intention of giving it to you.”
He continued to brush your tears away as he listened to you hiccup and sob, trying your best to form a response to him and his kindness but failing; shushing you once more as he pulled your head to rest against his chest, allowing you a moment of reprieve to calm yourself down.
“Now, now.” He began after silence had enveloped the pair of you for a breath. “Whenever you are ready, please lay yourself down in any place you deem comfortable within my home.”
He allowed you to pull away once more, watching as you sniffled and nodded your head, your hand wiping away the last of your tears as you looked about the abode. Deciding that his throne would be the most comfortable spot to choose if you were to lay down. However, you could not bring yourself to gain the courage to sit upon his throne. Instead, you chose to lean your body upright to sit comfortably against it, your head settled upon the arm of his chair to further ensure that you would slump over once sleep overtook you.
Hitoshi wanted patiently as you made your decision, finding your bold action to use his throne in some fashion entertaining, a refreshing outcome from your usual polite and timid nature. He approached you once it was made clear you were comfortable, kneeling down to your eye level as he brushed your hair away from your face.
“Close your eyes for me… there we are, that’s good,” he whispered out, eyes turning a pale silver, like the mist that surrounded his room, before he brought his hand up to your face. “Now, I must warn that you may feel nauseous once being thrust from one realm to the next, do your best to focus on where you are headed, for it will help, alright?”
You nodded your head in acknowledgment over his words, shifting one last time in a more comfortable position. “Alright.”
“Good, and do not fret, I will watch over you”
With that, his hand made contact with your brow as his power surged through your being. Your eyes rolled back into your skull, as you felt your consciousness being violently thrust from this plane, this realm of existence. You fought back the turning of your stomach, the urge to fetch up the bile that sat in your stomach, as you gripped tightly to your robes; to ground yourself into the reality you wished to be in most, a dream with your sister. Abruptly, your world and soul stopped moving, lurching you forward to fall into a soft and grassy field; a meadow that reminded you of when you used to run through and create flower crowns with your sister, a long time ago.
You turned, and turned, and turned, trying to find your bearings as well as anything of importance or familiarity within the giant landscape of flora you had been transported to. Your eyes tried their best to adjust to the bright light that had been thrust upon you from a sun that was nowhere in sight; but after all the disorientation that you had suffered, your mind eventually cleared. Gone was the haze that clouded it, and now you could finally spot, far in the distance, a sight that made your heart warm. Your old home.
You picked up your skirts with a watery smile, doing your best to hold back the tears of happiness that were about to fall, as you began to run towards it. Elated was how you felt for at last you made it back to the one place you felt joy within your long life. Back to the place where you felt love and adoration; back to her. 
When the rundown cabin, filled with trinkets and coin from travelers long past, became far more than a small speck on the horizon, your voice came to you. Shouting your sister’s name, screaming out your presence here, as you continued to sprint as quickly as you could to her.
You caught sight of her after a few calls of her name, her head poking out from the bedroom window you used to share. Your pace quickened, far past your own abilities but you found little use to care of the pain when the person you loved most was in view, as you called out even louder; an arm waving to allow her to notice you promptly. You became jubilant as the realization of who you were came across her face. You almost tripped over your own feet as laughter began to pour out of you, as you took in the actions of her throwing open the cabin door with abandon, her not bothering to care of any damage she caused, before she ran to meet you.
The embrace you shared with one another was so forceful and tight that it caused you both to fall to the ground, pain and soreness subsided by the sounds of each other's laughter over finally being together once more; to hold one another and feel whole again. Sobs soon mixed in with the laughter, tears of joy understandably shed, as you both clung onto each other tightly. You were the first to pull away, certain that she would not disappear once doing so, wanting to see her face fully for the first time after all these years.
“There you are,” you breathed out, pressing your forehead against her with a relieved sigh “Oh, how I missed you terribly! My thoughts while we were apart were only of you.”
“As were mine!” She huffed out a laugh, bringing forth her hand to dry the flowing tears from her eyes. “I have been dreaming the same dream for years, hoping that one day you would return back to me.”
“I’m sorry it took so long!” You sobbed, leaning into her to wrap your arms tightly around her, burying your face within her shoulder as you babbled out another apology; finding comfort as she gingerly played with your hair as she used to do whenever you were upset.
“There is no need to apologize, my dear sister.” She uttered, resting her head atop yours. “All that matters right now is that we are finally together. After so long, after so much time apart, we are together again.”
She felt more so than saw your head nod in agreement, taking yet another moment to bask in the warmth that was your glow (as you did the same) before she patted at your back, an action that caused you to pull away slightly. With a warm smile, she caressed your cheek, humming in delight when she felt the heated skin upon her fingertips as her eyes searched yours.
“Come with me,” she finally spoke, standing with an outstretched hand for you to take. “Let me bring you home.”
With an ecstatic nod of your head, you agreed. Tears formed in your eyes at the mere thought of entering the home you once shared with her again as you took hold of her hand, allowing her to pull you to your feet. Together you walked alongside each other, pulling on each other’s arms, as nostalgia washed through you both - like a warm blanket on a winter’s eve - as you remembered a time when this was the existence you lead.
Meanwhile, as you slept, Hitoshi dutifully watched over you; finding your slumbering face rather beautiful as you allowed him to keep guard. He wondered if you were also so trusting, so naive about the world and the nature of Gods. Surely you must be if a few simple words of affirmation by another would allow you to be swallowed up by him; to follow willingly into a world not your own. Even more so, trust a God like him, after staying in this unforgiving place for so long.
Regardless, he stroked your cheek with a fond smile, knowing that this would not be the last time he would see you, to relish in your serene beauty, and enjoy your company; already his mind had raced with the many ways he wished to spend it.
The Gods within the Underworld barely get any company, as the Gods in the realm above them would rather steer clear of their domain; a sense of haughtiness as they turn their noses up at the prospect of spending their precious time with Gods they deem lower than them.
Therefore it cannot be helped that Hitoshi grew rather fond of you so quickly; a meek and sweet little nymph like yourself was more than a welcomed guest in his domain. Truly he would do anything in his power to have you keep visiting him and wanting his company. And, being the naive little thing you were, you so easily gave him the control he needed to ensure you would come crawling back to him; the power to manipulate your dreams and sleep. 
He wasn’t going to be cruel, after all, he wanted you to trust him and to do so of your own free will. At first, he only took an hour or two of sleep away, a simple ploy set in action for whenever you arrived back to him, he was able to easily coerce you to stay even longer; to catch up on the rest you had missed. Of course, you did not mind in the slightest, for that merely meant allowing you the chance to spend more time with your sister in the small way you could.
Once you woke, you always repaid him in kind, indulging him further with your awakened company; answering his questions, both of simplicity (like the times you recalled what your favoured the most) and those of a more personal nature (like the many stories of your previous life within the mortal realm). As well, you allowed him to showcase to you more of his domain and home, taking his arm with little fuss as he regaled the histories of the items that surrounded you, explaining to you how everything worked within the Underworld; from the souls, Tamaki would bring through, to the decisions Shigraki would make to keep things in order, to his own duty of keeping mortals well rested so they may continue their devotion to the many Gods they adored.
At the end, before he set you free to leave with Tamaki, he would always find the small pleasure of kissing the back of your hand; heart thrilling as you would cast before him your sweet smile before bidding adieu. He longed for you to gaze at him so lovingly, to hold and keep that precious smile with him forever.
Though, after a while, your stays with him became less frequent. Hitoshi used to be blessed by your company almost every other day. Before he knew of it, those frequent days together dwindled down to merely a couple of visits every few weeks. Now? Now Hitoshi would be lucky if he got to enjoy your presence once a month. And the worst of it was, whenever you finally did show your pretty face, there never was an explanation as to why you were gone from him for so long. With a wave of your hand, you would brush it aside, as if starving him of your companionship was nothing to be of worry, as you approached his throne. 
Truly, when all was said and done, this was all your own doing. 
Hitoshi simply could not have you vanish like the silver mist that enveloped his throne, he doubted he could survive if you did. So, he just had to make things a little bit worse for you; to slowly deprive you of more and more sleep. And the times he would gift you with slumber, they would be filled with dreams unpleasant and cruel.
He just had to have you crawl back to him, to stay with him. He simply had to.
It wasn’t as if you did not want to visit Hitoshi, you wished with every fiber of your being that you could; you really did. You enjoyed the time spent with him, both he and Tamaki were very kind and always sought to make you comfortable - never to leave you bored or feeling unwanted. Unfortunately, someone else decided for you that visiting was no longer to be.
Hanta had a renewed interest in you just as you were starting to get comfortable within the God of Sleep’s domain; monopolizing your time more and more, almost unbearably so, with his presence and touch. As if he was making up for lost time, doing his best to renew the interest he once captured so easily. Though he claimed otherwise, you knew that his actions were simply made from jealousy; he wanted you to be his pet, whom he called upon at any moment, to give your utter devotion to. Now your devotion seemed to be turned elsewhere, and his pride simply could not have it. 
He couldn’t keep hold of you at all times; duties had to be done, and other men and women needed to be blessed by his presence and touch. Only then were you able to slip away from his hold to visit the Underworld. Though every time you entered, you felt more and more ashamed of who you were, about the marks that were left upon your skin, and the reasons you could not see Hitoshi more frequently. Embarrassment always filled your being when you felt the Sleep God’s eyes upon you, taking in your dishevelled and messy form, knowing you were a sore sight to see; and you could never find the strength to confide in him as to the reasons why.
You simply wished to forget all that transpired while away, even if for a moment.
That moment of levity would simply be that; a moment. For once you returned to the clouds above, Hanta would be waiting for you; wings twitching in agitation as the scowl upon his beautiful face would cause you to shrink in fear. Anger, agitation, would fill his being at your deliberate disobeying of his rule to stay where you were until he was to return; dragging you to the bed you shared. Though you tried to plead with him that it wasn’t nearly anything his mind could conjure up, that he need not be so harsh with you, it never sunk into him - merely falling onto deaf ears. Despite protesting thus, he would bend you at the waist, pinning you to the silk sheets so you could not move, or fight him, before he would fill you with his cock; ignoring your squeals of pain as he stretched you completely. To slap his hand upon your skin until your skin was red and raw as he teethed marked you with the last mementos of his lovemaking. Actions never ceased until your voice became hoarse from the pleasured screams, and your body became limp with his marks of strength; making it clear to any gods nearby that you were his.
After which, the vicious cycle would continue.
Moreover, to add insult to the injury you were currently plagued with, you could not find a sense of slumber; a moment of rest and the peace that paired with it. Oh, how you wished you did, you wished for a moment of sanctuary from the torture you were in, and yet it never came. Always just slipping past your fingertips, like mist in a dense fog. Hanta and his insatiability, much like when he first claimed you for his own, took from your body and sense of strength and repose needed to even sit up. It left you ragged and begging to melt into the clouds that surrounded you; chanting silently to the God realms away to grant you what you desired most. A reprieve from this world, no matter how small it was to be. But once you felt it ebb at the corners of your consciousness, Hanta would ultimately rouse you to continue his ravishings.
The fair few times you could allow yourself to sink into the inky abyss of slumber, your being finally being so worn down it had no choice but to relent to it, the dreams within it would be far more cruel than the fate currently abusing you. Dreams so conniving and hurtful, of fears locked so far away, that you not help but wake with tears in your eyes; whimpering and wailing sobs into the vastness of the heavens around you. With your cries growing more intense when you found your only comfort against all this pain and suffering was Hanta and his touch; one that would ultimately lead to salacious things.
You began to resent him. His voice, his touch, his presence even remotely near you. You wished he had never caught sight of you, never gave you all those gifts, and most important of all, never brought you here to the heavens. As the days passed you felt stuck in an endless cycle of hell, one seemingly by his own hand. You were once so exuberant, full of life and wonder, and now you could feel yourself wasting away into nothing. No longer able to skip and frolic into fields of flowers or clouds, your body was too weak; barely even able to lift your arm to grab hold of anything. Your eyes, ones that were bright and filled with wonder as they looked upon the many majesties of the world, could barely be forced to open; a stinging pain would follow as any glimmer of light would cause you pain. And your head. Your poor head that would read and listen to the stories of old, now suffered from severe throbbing pain as your mind pulsed against your skull - trying to free itself from the prison it found itself in.
You could not escape it, nor Hanta - especially after he had taken the golden bell gifted to you as his own. Your life seemed to be regaled to misery as you lived every waking moment in pain. You wished that death could find you and turn you into an everlasting rose, then be subjected to spend more time with him; the cause of all the suffering.
Hanta could sense it all too. The indignation that filled your very being and thus cast forth onto him. He became less patient with you, his temper flaring considerably as he found your irritability insufferable; finding your whining and aversion to his help a scornful cross he felt he had not deserved, not after all he had done for you. The rage within him would burn even brighter whenever you would implore him to allow you to see the God of Sleep, to ask for his aid in the matter that had been plaguing you instead of him. Bitterness filled him over being replaced by a God lesser than him; for being a fool to allow you the freedom to visit that domain and become dependent on someone other than him.
“Hanta, please!” You wept, palms coming to press against your eyes to relieve some of the unbearable pressure behind them. “I cannot keep going like this. Can’t you see that I am in pain? That I am suffering?”
You removed your hands from your eyes, your feeble attempt to try and soothe the pain found in your body futile, having them fall into your lap in defeat. You looked over at him, back turned to you, as he tried to ignore your wails once more in favour of sharpening the many golden arrows he possessed. 
“I thought you loved me!” You called out again, trying in vain once more to garner his attention, the declaration working as you saw his shoulders tense.
“I do love you.” Hanta began, turning to give a look of scorn when you tried to argue otherwise “But it is clear that your reliance on another God caused you this misery. If you stayed here, and allowed me to take care of you, you would not have found yourself in such a state.”
“Take care of me?” You huffed out a laugh in scorn, hands balling into fists over his claims “You left me here. Abandoned me once I no longer suited your fancy, with no food, drink, or company. Alone is a place where I did not belong! How could you blame me for wanting to be cared for!”
“You could have asked for more!” Hanta stood, his wings twitched as he did his best to control the fury bubbling within him “Have I not given you everything? Have I not provided you splendor that no other creature, mortal or otherwise, could have dreamed? Have I not carved out of the heavens a home for you? You are acting like a petulant child, one that has been so spoiled that they cannot find it within themselves to have an ounce of gratefulness or gratitude.”
You could not help yourself, could not fight the urge otherwise. How could he claim all those things about you, to compare you to a mollycoddled child, when he was the one that would abandon anything once he got bored. To pin the pain you are under as something of your own fault, and not bother to care about trying to lessen the burden.
“I hate you.”
The words slithered out in a vengeful hiss, marking them as true and honest as you looked away from him in scorn; finding yourself so disgusted by him that you wished not to acknowledge his presence. You had never said those words before, never been pushed to think that way of anyone, even the nymphs that casted you out. Yet, you felt the need to let that be known and you sat and seethed.
You did regret those words after you spoke them, finding a moment of levity as your mind cleared from the anger and pain it had been placed under. Though it was too late. A final straw had been broken, after weeks of being placed under the pressure of a bend, within Hanta.
He marched towards you, to where you sat so pitifully, to take hold of your arm; not bothering to care over the cry of pain he inflicted as he dragged you to your feet to follow him to the edge of the heavenly clouds that you called home. Bringing forth the golden bell from his tunic to hold it menacingly over the border that kept the Gods in the heavens, and the mortals within the earth.
“Apologize at once.” He demanded, tugging you even closer to him to cease your struggling against his hold “Say that you are sorry or I will drop it.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I had not meant to say! Please Hanta, believe me! I could never hate you! Don’t do this!” You begged, falling to your knees as you clung to his waist
But despite obeying, despite always doing what he said like the sweet-natured nymph you were, it did not matter. In a moment of vexation, a moment to showcase his power over you, Hanta still did not relent (as he always did to your cries) as his fingers let slip the golden bell. Allowing it to sink away for all eternity.
You collapsed in a heap, fingers digging deeply into the cloud below you, as you wept and sobbed; despite the pounding in your head telling you to stop, you couldn’t. Your one saving grace, the one thing that brought a semblance of happiness to you in this realm was gone. And with that revelation came the doubt that you would ever see your sister again nor get a decent night’s rest until the end of time - or until your ultimate banishment from here, whenever that mercy may come.
You couldn’t help but kick and scream when you felt Hanta’s arm wrap around you as he picked you up from the ground. Using the last morsels of strength within you to try and fight him off and away, for his touch was the last thing you ever wanted upon your skin.
But what was the strength of a nymph when compared to a God? 
He laid you in bed, and though he tried to join you, to hold you close and whisper those sweet nothings in your ear as he knew you used to love, you kept pushing him away. Instead choosing to curl up into a tight ball and weep until sleep ultimately took your anguished form. All Hanta could do was watch as guilt gnawed at him - latching onto his soul like roots of a tree that took purchase into the earth - as he reaped what he had sown. 
The anguish you felt is what finally caught Hitoshi’s attention towards you and your ever-growing plight, for it had seeped through into your dreams when your body finally tired out from all it had been fighting. He could sense your pain, your sorrow, the distress that filled every ounce of your soul; it caused his breathing to labor as he could not help but panic over what had transpired. He rushed to look into his orb of dreams to search for you and to understand what had transpired for your soul to give up and to become on the verge of death; something impossible for a creature like you to do within the heavens.
You were always surprising him, weren’t you?
He wanted to find a semblance of admiration over you achieving such a feat, but all he could find was fear over the thought of losing you. Your blurry appropriation finally came forth to him within the haze of smoke so familiar to him, blurred lines turned clear as he turned more of his attention towards you; and subsequently, the memory you had gripped so tightly to. That of your precious gift, your golden bell, being taken away from you.
Histoshi wasted not another moment. Summoning forth Tamaki with urgency, as he began to move through his labyrinth hurriedly; meeting the other god at the riverbed to his home. Tamaki could tell from the distressed look within the other God's eyes, that something was amiss.
“Go gather the nymph.” Hitoshi instructed, voice hardened with ice as he tried to keep his composure “And bring her back here to me, as swiftly as you can”
“Has something happened?” The meeker God questioned, worry gathering within his heart as his eyes scanned Hitoshi’s features.
“Go and get her.” Hitoshi reiterated voice hissing at the accidental stalling his friend was causing. “And do so swiftly! Though, be wary of that Love God, for he is watching over her.” 
Without another word, or hesitancy otherwise, Tamaki nodded his head before hastily setting his vessel in motion. There was something wrong, for his oldest friend would not have treated him so coldly, would not be so fearful of a wasted moment. Something had happened to you, and Tamaki feared it was something awful.
Bravery was never something that came naturally to the ferryman, he was far too meek and worried of causing ire from his fellow brothers and sisters; especially those few that lived among him. He felt it course through him as he ascended to the heavens to retrieve you, determination settling within his heart as he made up his mind to bring you to the Underworld for good.
Tamaki was quiet when he approached your little piece of heaven; heading the advice to be wary to ensure a safe recovery of you. Though when he appeared, he found you surprisingly alone. You lay curled up like a baby bird in its nest upon your bed, but he knew it wouldn’t be for long. For the Love God was clearly only absent to gather your items of comfort, and with his powerful wings to swiftly guide him through the air, Tamaki knew it was only a matter of moments before he would return; there was no time to dawdle. 
Gently he scooped you into his arms, taking note to cradle your weak head gently against his chest, as he carried you to his gondola. Setting you upon the bench you so eagerly used to sit upon, he allowed you to rest as he took you back down to the Underworld; to your new home.
You awoke, mind filled with a disorienting haze as you tried to recall how you ended up blessed enough to find slumber. To garner a restful enough sleep and avoid the terrors your mind could come up whenever you were in that realm. However, that wonderment of how you could have become so blessed after so agonizingly long was drowned out by confusion as your brows furrowed as it tried to comprehend what this odd weight upon your body was.
It was familiar to you, like an old friend, one soothing and reassuring. Yet at the same time, it did not feel like something you knew. The hand that stroked your hair, and scratched gently upon your scalp in a manner so gentle, was not one that you knew. The arm that held you so tightly to a broad, lithe, chest did not feel at all similar to the one you cuddled up against night after night.
It wasn’t familiar to you, thus you could only assume that you were no longer in the arms of Hanta, but rather someone else. Now that you were in this hold, you were afraid you could never go back to what you were used to. How you preferred the more tender hold of the arms that embraced you, how they held you with your comfort in mind, not to keep you trapped; a hold that you could not help sink deeper within. Finding the soft tunic a welcomed reprieve to warm and bare skin as you clung to it.
Though despite your wanting to sink back into the inky abyss that was the realm of slumber, your mind did not allow it; far too concerned with whoever was holding you. Though it felt nice, something about it still did feel right. Your brows furrowed more so together as you began to push against the embrace, your tired eyes burning as they opened to gain clarity of your situation.
A frightful gasp left your lips as you looked upon a familiar pair of violet eyes, those accompanied by the almost charming dark circles of deprivation. Despite your best efforts to pull away from him, knowing just how irate Hanta would be if he were to catch you with him in such a manner, Hitoshi kept you in place; his arm tightly digging into your sides to keep you against him.
“Hush, and be still little one,” Histoshi shushed you, hand moving from your hair to stroke upon your cheek in a manner meant to calm you further. “Your body is still destitute of slumber, it cannot handle your struggles.”
You relented, body falling more limp within his hold, though you fought the urge to fall back into his chest; wanting answers to the racing questions that ran through your mind as they managed to take precedence over your want of sleep.
“How…. how did I get here?” You finally asked, voice cracking and sore from your wails just hours prior, as you kept your gaze downcast. “From what I can recall, I needed the bell you gifted me to summon Tamaki; one of the few that knew how to get to you”
“As you know,” he began with a sigh, tugging at the ends of your hair in an effort to get your pretty eyes to gaze back at him; disappointed that you wouldn’t relent and do so, “I can feel all the anguish that the mortals are beholden to as they sleep, you are no exception. I felt all your pain and suffering, and I could sense that you were unable to escape the grasp of the Love God. So, I figured the only course of action to end your distress that I could provide was to gather you myself so you may get the rest you sorely needed.”
He watched as you buried the palms of your hands into your eyes gently, trying in vain to allow your muddled mind to come to terms and piece together what he had just said. After a moment of silence, he pulled your hands back down to rest in your lap.
“Are you alright now?” He asked, voice barely above a whisper, as he watched you nod your head. Dissatisfied over your lack of response he placed his forefinger under your chin to force your head up to face him. “Are you sure?”
Your meek response was good enough to appease him as he let go of your face to instead pull you closer within his hold; his hand once more moving your head to place it against the crevice between his neck and shoulder. Hand once more absently played with your hair as he continued to soothe and strived to relax your body.
“Sleep, little one,” he mumbled into your brow, “Stay as you need so you may regain all that you lost. I promise to look over you.”
Instead of gratitude, instead of your body falling heed to his request, he felt your body shake as you silently sobbed. You wished you could allow yourself such a sweet reprieve, but you knew better now. Once you garnered enough strength to walk, you would have to be taken back to the heavens once all this was over. If not by the God before you, then by the God you have surely angered and left in a cold bed. You felt Hitoshi move your body to sit upright, his hands resting upon your heated cheeks as he attempted to dry them from your ever-falling tears. 
“Why are you upset, my darling one?” He asked, searching your eyes for a response, only to find you closing them and looking away.
“If I do stay, if I do as you ask of me and regain my strength and rest, it will not matter.” You blubbered, shaking your head to rid yourself of his grasp on your face.
“And why do you say that?”
“After I do, I will have to return back to Hanta. And I do not want to suffer the false hope that will befall me if I stay, for once I go back I will suffer as I had before. Sleepless and filled with horrid visions!”
Hitoshi did his best to hide the smile that was yearning to break free. He found he was grateful this one time that your glossy eyes would not look at him. Here you were, like a child, in his lap as you wept over the fear of another bad dream that may fall upon you again. It was clear your state of mind had been broken, that your resolve had been shattered, and now you were at the mercy of him and his plan; thus now he could finally strike. 
“Who has declared that you must go back?” He whispered as he kissed the crown of your head to soothe you further. “You could just stay here with me, you will never have to worry about sleep and nightmares again. And your sister, I’m sure she missed you.”
With the mention of your sister, you finally looked up at him, your sobbing quieted down as you hiccuped your response. “Y-you w-would let me stay...?”
“I would.” He nodded his affirmation alongside his words, ensuring you would believe him. “And you may visit your sister as often as your heart desires, to wander the Underworld and beholden to their treasures whenever you please. You would just have to keep me company whenever I request it.”
“And Hanta? W-what of him?”
“You would never have to worry about being taken away from him if you did not want. Wherever silver mist gathers, especially within the archways of this domain, he cannot enter nor breakthrough. He may charge his way here, but he will never be allowed to enter my throne.”
You took a moment to gaze upon the familiar archway you had walked through countless times, watching as the silver smoke twirled languishingly amongst itself as if it had a mind of its own. It brought back the memory of when you first came here, how Hanta pushed you to make the journey to the God of Sleep alone. It was not done to test your bravery, but rather for the reason Hitoshi claimed; he was not welcomed here and therefore could not follow you.
It all made sense why Hanata hated that you would visit Hitoshi, for he could not keep an eye on you. He could not control you and whatever you did while here.
Now you were presented with an offer. A tempting one that promised you everything you had been deprived of while you were up in the heavens; to be taken care of fully. To be able to enjoy the spoils found here, to sleep, and to see your sister. Your exhausted mind could not help but agree that his terms and conditions to be his companion within the Underworld was a far better offer than what you were granted within the Heavens.
“I’ll stay…” You murmured out, as you allowed your body to fall limp into his arms in acceptance. “...I’ll stay.”
“Good, now rest little one, you are safe now.”
Hitoshi was unable to cease holding back the triumphant smile that wished to come forth, relenting to it as it spread across his beautiful face in an almost sinister manner before he pressed a kiss to your forehead. He had won, and now he was hoping to reap the rewards he waited so patiently for; grinning more widely as he heard a whine slip passed your lips, the sound going straight to his cock as he shifted you within his lap.
“What is the matter now?” He muttered into your brow, pressing another kiss there as he watched you squirm.
“I can’t sleep...!” You murmured out, clearly exasperated over your mind telling you of desires that you wanted while your body continued to betray you.
“Never fear of things such as that my darling.” His kiss slowly descended down your face before they paused at your lips; brushing against them in a manner much like a butterfly’s kiss. “I can help you, you need only ask me to do so.”
“Please help me Hitoshi…” You breathed out as you clung to his tunic once more.
He knew you were ready to plead further to him, he could hear the hitch in your voice as you made an attempt to do so. But he could not wait any longer, not after all the work he placed into his efforts, nor after hearing you consent to him; even if he desired to hear you beg for him further. His lips pressed against you in a kiss he has waited far too long to enjoy.
But greed swiftly appeared and possessed him, taking his kisses from sweet and small - tiny pecks to showcase his love and adoration for you - to ones more consuming as he melded your lips into his; not caring about breathing more so the want to feel your lips against his. His hand came to hold your jaw in place, craning your neck upward so that he may deepen the kiss to his desire.
It was not harsh, nor hurried, as one would expect from being consumed by the throws of passion and lust; especially the kind that had been suppressed for so long. Hitoshi could not recall in most recent memory, or memory long passed, ever having a lover by his side. And now that he had you, now that he finally had you here, he wished to engulf you completely and enjoy what the Gods above have denied him.
His motions were languid as he continued to hold your lips against his, he relished in how pillowy they felt as he continued to suck and smack upon them; not bothering to care of your whimpers of discomfort over how lewd the sounds had become, or how the mixture of saliva would drip down your chin. He still refused to relent as he found himself possessed over you and this feeling of domination. He slipped forth his tongue into your pliant and sweet mouth; how he delighted in the way your strength left you and caused you to go limp within his hold. 
With the knowledge that you would not fight against him further, rather allowing yourself to succumb to him and his desires instead, his hands began to roam your body; no longer afraid of angering you and your possible attempts to fight otherwise.
You couldn't say that you did not enjoy it. 
The unhurried, leisurely manner in which Hitoshi was making love to you was a far cry from the throws of quickened and almost brutal passion that you had grown used to. Such a contrast made your head dizzy and lightheaded as you allowed the God before you to do as he pleased; yet uncertainty filled the distant corners of your mind, how the ebbed and flowed almost as a warning bell, as you wondered if your body was going pliant to his advances due to your own building want or if he somehow placed you in a dream-like trance.
Regardless, you still found yourself in bliss as your hands began to roam themselves; how they gripped and tugged at his tunic as you allowed your voice to be heard. The small noise of pleasure did nothing more than spur Hitoshi on as his lips began to drag from your own and down to your jaw. You felt a shiver run down your spine as you heard his groan of delight when your hands found purchase underneath his tunic. The contrast of your warm hands against his cool and bare chest was a wondrous thing, one that made the both of you flush deeper in heat.
Though, after a while, it was not enough. Your mind still pounded against your skull, a brutal reminder that you needed slumber, and despite Hitoshi’s claims that he could bring that forth to you, he had so far made ill on that promise.
“Hitoshi…” You whimpered out, voice strained as you found it difficult to even speak in your current state.
“Yes, my darling?” Hitoshi mumbled into the skin just below your jaw as he placed a kiss there to try and encourage you to speak more.
It did not work, all he was met with was your continuous stream of discomforted whimpers; the way your brows pinched and furrowed in displeasure was a clear sign to him that he must move faster if he wished to come true with his promise and grant you the sleep you requested.
He tugged at your dress, being mindful of how precious the silk must be for you and thus not wanting to ruin it. Using a tender hand to glide the fabric of your sleeves down your arms to your wrists to allow the material of your bodice to slip under your ribs; effectively it released your breasts and allowed him to gaze in hunger at your chest; his cock stirring as he watched your nipples harden when greeted with the cold air of his home.
He wasted no time, like a man possessed, to trail his lips over your newly exposed, supple flesh. The softness he found caused his cock to twitch harshly as he took the time to kiss up and down the valley between your breasts, as he inhaled the scent of your skin; committing it to memory should he never have the chance to have you like this once more. His dexterous hands began to roll and squeeze at your mounds, biting his lip as he watched the flesh shake in a tantalizing manner before he slipped one of your hardened nipples into his awaiting mouth; his tongue circling around it as he sucked gently upon it. 
Hitoshi wanted nothing more than to garner more noises of pleasure from you as he absently rocked his hips against yours, and groaned into your skin. His other hand undertook the task to play with your skirts, to work in a quickened manner while you were too preoccupied from his mouth to question him as he dragged them up and over your hips so he may have access to your most sacred place; your sweet cunt. 
His teeth, though blunt, left a stinging pain in their wake as he marred and nipped at your supple flesh. It caused your eyes to shoot open as you looked down upon him, his lavender eyes were filled with a lustful haze as they connected with yours; it made your body shudder in his hold as you whined at his cruel action. You could feel him smile upon your skin as he laved over your newly found mark with his tongue.
“Stay awake for just a little longer, my darling,” he cooed, nipping at your skin once more to hear you call out his name in that adorable whine he was starting to love. “That’s it, look at me, keep your eyes open and on me, alright?”
“I-it hurts…!” You jerked your body away from his pinching teeth, your mewl of displeasure following suit.
“Keep looking at me, and do not fall into the grips of dozing.” Hitoshi muttered, pressing a few kisses over the red marks he had given you. “And I promise you that it shall not hurt anymore.”
His deft fingers found your cunt,  spreading your folds open so he may be able to gently pet and coax out further pleasure from your body; to showcase to you that he meant as he said. His middle finger explored, dipping briefly into your leaking entrance, before slowly stroking your little bundle of nerves; groaning at how violently your hips bucked over his slow and deliberate act, how they seemed to follow his hand, greedy for more of his sinful touch. 
Despite his desires otherwise, how he wished to rub harshly upon your puffy clit to hear you wail and cry out for him as you became overwhelmed with ecstasy, he knew you were not restive enough for such a thing. As well, he wanted nothing more than to see your pretty eyes, half-lidded with lust for him, to stay focused upon him. 
He continued his tortuous petting, whispering his fingertips upon your clit but never pressed down before they swiftly moved to poke at your fluttering hole; all the while he smirked into your chest as heard your panting breath. A guttural groan left his parted lips as he finally relented and sunk a finger into you; relishing in your keen of pleasure as your hand came to tug upon his wild mane of violet locks.
You pulled him closer once he breached your weeping cunt, mewling quietly in delight at his skillful and gently petting; though you found that it wasn’t enough. The burning ache of need deep within your core was calling out for release, it heightened the pining to find slumber, as your hips moved against his hand in urgency for him to grant you something more. Your fingernails dug into the skin of his chest and dragged them down toward his hips; it left an angry trail of red in their wake, as your other hand tugged harshly on his mane once more. Calling out his name in a prolonged whine of frustration, not caring over this hiss of pain that sucked through his teeth.
“Getting impatient, are we?” Hitoshi growled, nipping at your neck to feel your yelp beneath his tongue.
“Y-you promised!” You wailed, hands moved to grip his shoulders as you felt his fingers spread within you.
“To not hurt you, indeed I did.” Hitoshi teased, leaning his head back to enjoy the blissful looks upon your face. “Do you not feel good, darling?”
“N-no!” You shook your head before you cried out his name, unable to finish your thought before being lost to the pleasure he brought forth.
“No?” He teased, slowing his fingers until they barely moved within you, chuckling at your bucking hips as you attempted to gain back the stimulation you craved. “Well, my darling, your body is telling me something different.”
If you were more awake, you would feel the heat of embarrassment taking over the flush of desire upon your skin, though at the moment you could not seem to care about decency; your desire to follow through and ultimately find and form of reprieve to your aching body.
“No, you promised to guide me to sleep.” You stuttered out, finally being able to find your voice now that his actions upon your body subsided. “And you’re prolonging that now.”
Hitoshi hummed, stifling another laugh over your petulant state, as his lips kissed upwards your neck and jaw before meeting their intended destination; kissing you languidly like before to placate your rigid state.
“Apologies,” he murmured, breath mingled with yours as he allowed you a chance to catch it. “I was merely just preparing you appropriately so you take my cock with ease. Though you are right; you have waited long enough.”
You squirmed at his words, finding a sense of awkwardness in how crude yet honest, not something you were yet used to from him, as you gripped tightly to the fabric at his shoulders when you felt his fingers leave your cunt; kissing your teeth in a quiet hiss as you feel yourself tighten around nothing.
“Go on now,” Hitoshi whispered, leaning so his back may sit flush against his silver throne, a smirk tugging at his lips. “If you so wish for relief so badly then you may take my cock out to have it.”
He admired the way you so timidly nodded your head at his request before your hands, one filled with trepidation, shook as they lowered to where they needed to be. He felt how gingerly you worked as you adjusted and shifted his robes to unbound his hardened member; he groaned in relief once he felt you delicately free his leaking cock.
If you were not so in need of him at the moment, he would ask you to stroke him; to pump your hand up and down his length until he guided you toward his own euphoria. He supposed he now had more than enough time for such salaciousness at a later date. Instead, he grabbed your waist as he pulled you to sit higher, hovering you over him as he properly aligned himself against your heated core.
Slowly, agonizingly so, he guided your hips downward to impale yourself on him; pressing his lips to yours to shush the aching whimpers that tumbled forth as you felt yourself being stretched to your limit by him; and though you had experience with Hanta, his cock was far thicker than you were ever used to. Hitoshi muttered your praises, telling you of how well you were doing as he slowly filled you full of him.
“You’re doing so well.” He groaned out, teeth gritted as his jaw clamped tightly shut as he did his best not to spill his load into you before he barely had begun to have his fun. “You’re so close, almost there my darling.”
He could tell why Hanta was so fond of you, so unwilling to let you venture off on your own and out of his sight. Your cunt was truly heavenly as it swallowed his cock greedily, already spasming and milking him for what he was worth. He let out a strangled breath, a mixture of a moan and a sigh, once you were fully seated; taking note of your discomfort once more, he rocked your hips back and forth in a lazy, slow, manner until your brows became unpinched and your huffs turned to sighs of pleasure.
“That’s it, good girl…” He sighed out once you took control and swayed your hips on your own, hands glided to your waist to help lift your hips to bounce upward upon him; showcasing to you the gentle rhythm he wanted you to ride him. 
“L-like this?” You asked, as you placed your hands in a more steady position upon his chest as you rolled your hips to glide him in and out of your heat; moaning alongside him when you hit a particularly tender spot within you.
“Fuck yes.” He groaned as he threw his head back for but a moment to relish fully in the euphoric feeling of your tight, dripping, hole.
His hands began to wander again as the slow and unhurried lovemaking progressed. Fingertips took hold and dug into your supple flesh anywhere he could, from the plush of your beautiful thighs, to pinching at your waist, to massaging and groping your breasts. Hitoshi had to distract himself from his more primal urges, to find a use for his body to ensure that his hips didn’t snap up into you. For he was aware of what your exhausted body needed, and that was not being rough.
You cried out sharply when you felt his hand make swift contact with your backside, your supple cheek radiating heat from the pain, as your eyes snapped back onto him; tears formed in your lashes as you blubbered out “what did I do wrong?”
Hitoshi did feel a little guilty, your sad eyes were not something he wished to see, but it was a far better cry than how they drooped just moments prior. His fingers brushed over the sore flesh, as he pressed more soft kisses to your jaw as a way of an apology; taking hold of it, in his other hand, after the peppering of affection
“Look at me, my flower.” He whispered, brows furrowing as he felt you tighten around him. “I need you to look at me, alright?”
You nodded in affirmation to his request with a sniffle, tears still formed upon your lash as you continued to rock your hips against his own; the pleasure overwhelmed you as repeatedly hit the small spongy button within you that made you feel dizzy. Matched that with the fabric of his tunic that caught your clit every time you moved made stars dance across your eyes. It caused you to ascend to your release far quicker than you ever thought possible, as your mewls and babbles of “more” filled the air.
He could tell you were close, given how your walls clamped sporadically around him while you gushed and leaked down onto his thighs. His quiet moans of pleasure melded with your own as he hugged your body tightly against his, as his hips bucked into your own; taking control over you in that primal manner he wished to suppress but could not any longer.
His grip tightened the harsher his hips snapped into you, his heavy cock bullying its way into you to perpetually hit that special spot that made you breathless and squirm within his hold. He was so close to letting go, but he could not do so before you, for he wished for nothing more than to feel your sweet cunt around him as you came.
Your eyes shut tightly as your body seized and gave into the surmounting pleasure and pressure in your core. You wailed out, as those waves crashed into you over and over; your eyes rolled back into your skull as white danced across your vision before you felt yourself go limp against him.
Hitoshi felt your breath against his nape as he held your shaking body against him as he continued to chase his own high. He could tell you were doing your best to stay awake, but how could you? After all, you had climbed a mountain of pleasure before jumping down from it, not even the most powerful of Gods could sway from exhaustion from something such as that.
Yet, despite being stuck between the realm of awake and napping, he could still feel your warm walls clenching in response to his bucking hips. With the knowledge that despite you not being awake you were still reacting to him, your body still obeyed him in some fashion, causing his teeth to clench as he hissed out a final breath before he spilled inside you; filling your pussy completely with his cum.
Hitoshi took a moment to hold your body flush against him as clambered down from his high; placing kisses upon your brow and temple in a prolonged manner to showcase to you his appreciation. He shifted your body to lay more comfortably against his chest once the mood suited him, staying buried deep inside you to ensure that when you woke you would still be filled with his cum, as his hands ran up and down your tired body in a soothing and loving manner.  
“There’s a good little flower,” Hitoshi muttered into your hair, pressing a final kiss to your crown, as he pulled you higher in his hold as he admired your sleeping form. “I’ll take much better care of you than he ever will.”
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stay tuned for more~
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slayfics · 9 months
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Unknown Pleasures Ch.1
You’ve had a crush on Katsuki Bakugo since joining UA, but will another student change your mind?
Warnings: Minor angst
1.2k words
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The hum of the engine filled the car as the song stopped and Denki continued driving down the road. The last few weekends had consisted of Denki riling up whoever he could to come out on an adventure in his new car.
You sat in the middle back seat between Hanta and Katsuki, leaning your head against the headrest you let out a heavy sigh. A wave of relief washed over you finally being able to take your mind off responsibilities for a moment.
These random weekend adventures always lifted a weight off your shoulders and allowed you to enjoy your youth.
In the front seat, Hitoshi shifted uncomfortably. Hitoshi was a new addition to your usual cast of shenanigans. Denki had quickly befriended him much to the dismay of Katsuki who detested anyone new.
"What's Kirishima doing tonight?" Hanta asked curiously. Denki fiddled with his phone at a red light attempting to change the song.
"Oh, he is busy with Ashido~," Denki said in a sing-song voice.
"Tch- that's why you picked up this mind freak?" Katsuki huffed, making his disdain for a new face heard.
"Hey play nice blasty!" Denki called back to him.
Katsuki grunted and you giggled pinching his cheek, "Come on don't be rude," You teased.
"Cut it out!" Katsuki yelled smacking your hand away.
The light turned green, and Denki shoved his phone into Hitoshi's hand. "Why don't you be DJ man?" Denki suggested as he focused back on driving.
"You want me to choose a song?" Hitoshi clarified.
"Yeah, go ahead! I want to hear what you usually listen to!" Denki said encouragingly.
Hitoshi fiddled with Denki's phone until selecting the song Atmosphere by Joy Division.
"Oh! I love this song!" You exclaimed and began to sing.
Hitoshi's eyes wandered to the rearview mirror where he caught the reflection of you singing. The calm smile that painted your face as you sang the words perfectly caused his stomach to flutter.
However, the euphoria your playfulness gave him came crashing down when he noticed how your eyes wandered to Katsuki. Your eyes danced as they admired his face as if you were waiting for Katsuki to acknowledge you.
But what if you knew he looked at you the way you longed for Katsuki too?
His stomach only soured the more he observed the interaction. Katsuki's gaze stayed out the window completely indifferent to the softness of your expressions and the longingness in your eyes.
As if your soft features and carefree personality weren't enough to do him in, your voice was intoxicating as well. Hitoshi was sure he could spend a whole day listening to you sing his favorite songs.
Denki's voice infiltrated Hitoshi's daydream shattering his lovely image of you singing just for him.
"Alright, we're here!" Denki announced.
"About fucking time- had enough of being in this stupid car," Katsuki exclaimed and threw open the door exiting eagerly.
Hitoshi's eyes followed your figure as you quickly jumped out after Katsuki. The way the moonlight hit your skin as soon as you stepped out and your features bounced as you happily sprang in excitement forced him to suck in air to ground himself.
"You ready man?" Denki asked, noticing Hitoshi's slowness.
"Yeah," Hitoshi answered, forcing himself to blink away his desires and exit the car.
You five began to walk up a hiking trail. Denki had claimed the view had to be amazing at night, and hiking was one of the only things he could get Katsuki to agree to come to.
Hitoshi was new to the group and hung back observing the four of your interactions. It didn't take long for him to notice your gaze never left Katsuki. He was always in your line of vision and most of all he was the main person you responded to in the conversation. The other two boys might as well not have been there at all in your eyes.
Eventually, the conversation pushed you out as the three boys got into a heated discussion regarding something pointless.
Hitoshi quickened his pace, taking this opportunity to speak more with you.
"Hey," He called out to get your attention.
"Hey general studies~," You teased.
Hitoshi would have corrected you that he was enrolling in the hero course now, but your teasing caught him off guard and it took all his concentration not to be flustered by your comment.
"How are you enjoying the hike so far?" You asked.
"It's fine-," He shrugged his shoulders." So- what usually happens on these night outs?" he asked.
"Hmm- well usually we try to get in as much trouble as we can before Bakugo yells at us to go back," You giggled.
Hitoshi's nose scrunched up at the sound of how you sang out Katsuki's name. Your crush on him was all too evident.
But why?
What did you see in that belligerent blond?
“Are you excited to be in the hero course now?” you asked, snapping Hitoshi out of his thoughts.
“Yes of course. It’s all I’ve ever wanted… I’m especially excited to get to know everyone more.” He stated.
“Oh, that’s funny~ last I remember you said you weren’t here to make friends.” You teased.
Hitoshi flushed slightly at your comment, “Yes, I did say that- however, I find myself particularly excited to get to know you more. Speaking of that- would you like to go out to eat sometime?” He asked.
His words took the breath out of your lungs and froze your footsteps. Hitoshi stopped and turned to face you, taking in your shocked expression. You had never been asked out so straightforward before- nor did you expect it from your new classmate. And then there was your feelings for-…
Hitoshi spoke, bringing you out of your spiraling thoughts.
“It’s Bakugo, isn’t it?” He asked simply.
His words sent you into even more peril. In the brief time Hitoshi has spent with you he had picked up your crush on Katsuki. Was it that obvious?
“Is he your boyfriend?” Hitoshi asked further.
You stuttered like an idiot not knowing how to form a sentence after being so taken off guard. “He- well no he’s not but- I uh- I don’t-,” you tried to get out anything that would make sense. Thankfully, Hitoshi hated seeing you in such discomfort.
“It’s all right. You don’t have to explain, I think I understand. However… if you’re ever tired of waiting for him to appreciate you like he should- I can assure you I’d do a better job.” He spoke.
Your eyes searched his, completely overwhelmed by his boldness. His expression was genuine, calm, and serious. Hitoshi had every intention of laying out his affinity for you honestly and politely. It was unlike anything you had experienced before- and left you speechless.
“The hell are you two doing back there?” Katsuki spewed looking back at you both. In the fleeting moment you two had stopped to speak, the three boys had made some considerable distance.
Hitoshi let out a disgruntled sigh, the angry chihuahua's temper poked at his nerves. It was past cruel that such a vulgar man would have your affection. However, as Hitoshi averted his gaze from you to Katsuki he saw for the first time a quick shimmer of possessiveness in the blond's eyes.
Did Katsuki have some feelings for you after all? Or was it just his ego that appreciated your attention? Whatever the case, the tension that held between the two students was not going to be the last.
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee
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sinfulpanda16 · 9 months
Someone Better?
Hitoshi Shinsou x fem reader
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"There's someone else I like."
Those words kept playing back in his head over and over again. Kirishima had asked you out earlier, you didn't tell him, but he found through Kaminari. Why the hell did you reject him? Kirishima? That man has everything the looks, the strength, the personality, you two would look so good and perfect together it pissed Shinsou off.
He was walking you home like usual but he couldn't stop thinking about what Kaminari had told him. He was looking down at the ground when he spoke up "Hey, so I found out that Kirishima asked you out." he says and then turned to look at you.
You're taken aback a bit by him, how did he know? Kaminari was there when Kiri shot his shot so he probably told Shinsou you figured. You relaxed a bit and giggled. "Oh yeah he did" you replied a bit shy after remembering that moment.
He fucking caught that. The little blush growing on your face, probably at the thought of Kirishima. Oh no. Did that mean...no. He mustered up the courage and asked "So, how'd it go? Did you say yes?"
You laughed softly. "Oh no. I rejected him."
"No? Wait why?" he asked. He was relieved of course but at the same time a bit shocked. A lot of people would love to be with someone like Kirishima.
You turned away and looked at the ground "There's someone else I like." you smile softly and continue "Someone I really like and I want to be with him."
Its quiet for a bit, you turned to look back at him. Shinsou was already looking into your eyes. He gave you a small smile, you returned his smile and he tells you "I'm happy for you Y/N".
Shinsou grunts as he finishes his last set on the bench press. With one last grunt he pushes the barbell up and he's done. He sits up all sweaty and panting. Damn his workout was so good, letting out his jealousy. He smiles to himself "Fuck Y/N. You know how to get me fired up."
He gets up and heads for a shower. He let's the water run in his hair.
"I'm happy for you Y/N."
He runs his finger through his damp hair. No the hell he's not. The thought of you being with someone else makes his chest ache. He wants you to be happy yes but...not with someone else. He wishes you could be happy with him.
That night he layed in bed looking up at the ceiling.
"There's someone else I like. Someone I really like and I want to be with him."
Him. If not Kirishima who? Who the he'll could that guy be? Is he better than Kirishima? He grabs grips of his hair in frustration. There's someone better. Shinsou has always been insecure about his looks, he knows he's not a lady's man, his quirk, with everyone having told him its makes for a good villain not a hero, his strength, he wasn't automatically placed in Class 1-A or 1-B and everything in general. You mean to say that's there's someone who can top all that better than Kirishima? Needless to say, Shinsou fell asleep after a few tears of jealousy and insecurity.
The next day after-school you and him were at the nature park. School has been a bit heavy on yall so you decided some time outside would be relaxing. Shinsou was following behind you, smiling like an idiot watching your cute self lead him to a 'pretty place'. You turn around "You like cute things right, Shinsou?" you ask him.
Yeah. You, Shinsou said in his mind. "Well, I don't mind them." He said chuckling at your question.
A bit more walking later and you both arrived at a flower field. "Tada! Here we are!" you announced excitedly. It was beautiful, the endless sea of flowers. Shinsou stared out into it "Wow. This is pretty Y/N." he said and turned to you smiling. You returned his smile and for a moment it was just you and him, in front of the giant flower field. His purple eyes looking back at your (e/c) eyes, they're so pretty. Everything about you is beautiful, your eyes, your smile, your aura, even your interests were beautiful. Like the flower field you brought him to.
Shinsou blushes and turns away abruptly his eyes landing on a tree. Shinsou smiles, "Hey let's climb that tree. We'd get a better view of the flowers from up there." he says hoping you'd want to.
You bright up "Yes lets! But make sure to catch me in case I fall." you order playfully.
Shinsou chuckles "I'll be right your side don't worry." he reassures you. Smiling softly as you head towards the tree.
You go to climb the tree being careful to not slip. Shinsou was below also making sure you were careful. When you were seated on a branch he starts climbing the tree and sits right next you. The both of you smile looking out into the landscape. "This is nice. Right Shinsou?" you say not looking away from the sunset setting behind the flowers.
Shinsou responds softly "Yeah. I could do this with you over and over again." You blush at his words, you could do this over and over with him too. He was looking at you and he saw you blushing. He did that?
Shinsou takes a deep breath making you turn to him. "Y/N" he says firmly and goes to hold both your hands. You're shocked by his actions but don't pull away. He begins to speak again "You're the only person that has made me feel things no one else has ever made me feel. You make me feel like I'm this strong, well-respected and remarkable man...but... you also make me feel like I'm this weak, undeserving, invalid man. You drive me nuts." What is he saying? You make him feel sad? "This must be what falling in love feels like. Because regardless of the insecurities you bring me back to, I still want to be with you, and I want to only be with you. I want to go far and beyond to work on myself so I can be the best man for you. Y/N..." he brings your right hand closer to his face and places your knuckles on his lips "I love you." he says gently and leaves his lips on your knuckles closing his eyes.
You're shocked "Shinsou." you say softly. He opens his eyes looking right at your beautiful ones. He pulls your hand away "I know there's someone else. Someone else better than me for you, and I have no right to get in between you two but...If you give a chance, I promise to go to the depths of the earth for you. I promise you won't regret it." he says emotionally.
You hold his cheek smiling softly at him and go in for a kiss. Shinsou is taken aback but doesn't pull away. He kisses you back your lips taste so sweet and unconsciously he wraps his arms around your waist.
After a moment you pull away and smile at him. "Shinsou, you're the one I want to be with. I love you too." you say making him forget the insecurities he had earlier, making the happiest man on earth.
"Thank you, Y/N" he replies going in for another to which you happily return.
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needtoloveoutloud · 2 months
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Shadows Of Our Past, Present, and (possible) Future — Series
My Hero Academia — Female!OC Fanfiction on AO3
Part One (Completed — 93k words):
The one where Shota Aizawa stumbles upon a back alley full of stray cats and ends up adopting a child
“Fine, then a cat? We both know how much you love those little furry…things.” At this, Shota paused the game and turned to the pushy blonde next to him. “I actually have considered that.” “And?” “And: also, no. It makes no sense.” Hizashi looked almost scandalized. “Makes no sense?” “I made a pro and contra list.” “Of course you did.”
When underground hero Shota Aizawa, twenty-two years old, is out on patrol one Friday evening, he doesn't expect that a single meow from a cat would lead him to find a homeless girl called Yoru. From then on, Yoru and Shota grow up together, make mistakes together, and try to overcome every obstacle life throws at them.
>> Read on AO3 <<
Part Two (Ongoing, regular updates — growing long fic — 246k words so far — READ PART 1 FIRST, PLEASE AND THANK YOU):
The one where Yoru Aizawa tries to navigate through life at U.A.
Two days after her fifteenth birthday, Yoru decides to drop the bomb on him. “I want to go to U.A.” “You want to go to U.A.” Her Dad puts the book he's been reading down on the glass balcony table.  “Yes, I want to go to U.A.” She slumps down on the outdoor couch next to him, grabbing the discarded book. “What are you reading?” ‘A Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi — The classic guide to strategy ’. She raises an eyebrow. “Reading that for fun, huh?” “Why do you want to go to U.A.? You never cared much about heroes. Besides Edgeshot, that is.” Yoru smirks up at him. “What, jealous?” “As if.” “You know, even if they sold Eraserhead posters, I wouldn’t hang them up. It would be super weird.” “Good to know where your loyalties lie.” He rolls his eyes. “Back to the topic at hand, why do you want to go to U.A.? Because Shinso wants to go?” “No.” Pause. “Okay, that may be part of it. But I’m serious. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and I really want to go.” “That might be so, but you still neglected to tell me why you want to attend there.” Yoru plays with her hair, noting how it’s time for another hair cut when she finds some splint ends. “I wanna be a hero.” Her Dad blinks. “A hero?” “Yes. Well, I want to help people and do some good with that shitty quirk of mine.”
When Yoru tells her Dad that she wants to attend U.A., she expects it to be a difficult path. She didn't expect all the awkwardness, blossoming friendships, confusing feelings, and near-death experiences, though.
>> Read on AO3 <<
Please heed the warnings/tags (TWs in the author's notes of chapters where they apply to).
This story is a mix of:
Slice of life
SLOW BURN Romance — Enemies to Lovers (Bakugo x Yoru)
Growing up, coming of age (hopefully lol)
Teenage awkwardness
Mixed media (pictures, music, chat screenshots (later on in Part 2), etc. — chat screenshots will always have the written text below, to make it accessible for visually impaired folks or people who use screen readers)
Author: NoBecksPleaseNo on AO3
Please don't copy the work, the character, the premise, etc. Also, no cross-posting anywhere, please and thank you.
Disclaimer: Yoru's image is AI generated and then edited/adjusted by the author. The other character images in the header are from Pinterest (besides the one of Present Mic/Midnight, that one's from the light novels) — unfortunately without a source. If you're the artist, and you're not okay with me using them, please message me and I will remove them. If you're the artist and are okay with me using them, please tell me, so I can credit you.
Besides the OC characters, I don't own any already existing characters from the My Hero Academia Universe — that honor belongs to Kohei Horikoshi.
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zzeraphilm · 3 months
little white lies
Shinsou Hitoshi x GN!Reader word count: 2,517 summary: shinsou and y/n's childhood dream was to become heroes, side by side. but as you grow up, reality hits hard, and sometimes lies make the pain easier to bare.
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Tiny pitter pattering feet crunched the granite beneath them. Two little children, imagining their powers, capturing villains and saving the world. With their school jumpers tied around their necks, their makeshift capes fluttered in the wind as they ran around the monkey bars. 
“Ah ha! Stay back villain! The twin heroes Étoile and- Hitoshi, did you think of a hero name yet?” Y/N, the taller of the duo, snapped at the little boy beside them. 
“Uhm, not yet I’m still thinking about it.” He mumbled.
“You should do some research! My dad showed me all of the ways heroes can be named! I picked mine because it means star in French! One day I hope to be a shining star that saves people!” 
The thick head of purple hair bobbed up and down, nodding along to the ramblings of his friend. Since his first quirk manifestation, he has been scared to show Y/N his ability, brainwashing isn’t particularly associated with heroism. In Shinsou’s eyes, Y/N was blessed with the perfect quirk to become a hero unlike him. He remembers the day their quirk manifested, they were on their way to school and the scatterbrained Y/N tripped on the cracked pavement, bracing for impact they felt a beam of light pushing them upwards in the air. From their fingertips, the rays of sunlight had curved into a little cloud for them.
They were smiling ear to ear, their happiness so infectious that Shinsou couldn’t help but cheer. From then on, in class Y/N would mould the various rays of light from a lamp or fire into a multitude of objects, shapes and weapons. Their class praised Y/N, knowing their future success as a hero was guaranteed. Shinsou couldn’t continue to be petty around Y/N, his friend was quite literally the light of his life, and he just wanted to remain by their side. 
Towards their second year in Middle School, Y/N’s life took a drastic turn. Their family had to relocate out of their town, meaning Shinsou would be left for the dogs in his high school who would torment his dreams of becoming a hero alongside Y/N. They promised to continue to talk everyday, Y/N would send extensive messages, updates about their life in their new town. How they befriended many people and have started their own Hero Appreciation Club at their new school.
Shinsou buried his jealousy like second skin. He lied through his teeth like it was biological to him. Y/N knew of Shinsou’s quirk, they reassured him that despite everything, he could become an incredible hero. But with the world around him painting him to be the perfect villain to Y/N’s hero, he despised the thought of being a hero. So when on their weekly phone call to each other, as Y/N rambled about attending a hero school and how they wanted to live up to their childhood dream. Shinsou agreed, said he felt the same and promised to live up to Y/N’s wishes. That was when the lies first started. 
Shinsou got into UA’s General Studies course, his grades were excellent and the prestige of UA’s reputation around the world was enough for his parents to agree in his admission. Despite knowing that he had tried so hard to get into the hero course. It was futile, because a useless quirk as his would never work in a battlefield situation. 
Y/N succeeded in getting into the hero course at Shiketsu High School, at the news of their admission into the hero course, Y/N cheered endlessly on the phone with Shinsou. So excited to finally see their dream come to fruition. Upon asking if Shinsou held up his end of the plan, he said he did. That he got into UA. He just didn’t mention which class, so Y/N assumed that everything was fine. That they would soon be reunited as heroes. 
Being a part of the hero class meant Y/N was constantly busy, unlike Shinsou. His high school life was as ordinary as one could have it, he had thought multiple times to drop out and go to a regular school. It would’ve made no difference, yet whenever him and Y/N spoke, he felt guilty. A sticky, black tar-like feeling at the pit of this throat. He didn’t want to disappoint them. He wanted to be the boy that was always by their side, in every dream and every thought. He just wanted to be beside them again. And if that meant he had to maintain this facade of a hero-to-be, then so be it. As long as it remains just between him and Y/N. 
“Then we had to do these 2v2 fights in a hypothetical villain attack. It was crazy, I think I really got into the character of a villain!” They laughed through the screen, as they tilted their head at Shinsou’s nonchalant hummed response. 
“Toshi, how’s your hero studies been going? Do you guys have a lot of written content to cover?” 
Shinsou stopped scribbling in his notebook, he couldn’t have Y/N think that they failed to get into the hero course, and was merely a general studies student. He broke his train of thought with a cough.
“Yeah kinda. Uhh, Mr Aizawa is getting us to make notes on past rescue missions for an assignment.” He had lost count over how many lies he had said, maybe this was the 100th one but he couldn’t remember. Just as long as Y/N believes him. 
“Oh wow! To think Eraserhead would be such a strict guy. My teachers think it’s best to learn through doing, so my hands are too sore to even pick up a pen nowadays!” Before they could finish their sentence they yawned loudly. “Ah, I’m so sorry Toshi, I’ve been so tired lately.” 
Shinsou couldn’t help but smile at how cute they looked trying to stop themselves from falling asleep. 
“Then go to bed stinky. You gotta wake up early tomorrow,” With a light hum and a slow nod with their head, Y/N waved him goodbye. 
Shinsou was afraid of course, if Y/N found out the truth, that their childhood friend was a disgusting liar with a villainous quirk so of course he would manipulate them into believing everything he said. His mind was full of self-sabotaging and self-despising thoughts. He could only shove his mind into his studies to cover up the screams in his head. 
News of the attack in USJ spread across the school like wildfire, the thought of a villain attack sent a shivers down the spine of every student. Of course, the news spread to the rest of the country, with Y/N spamming Shinsou’s phone with endless missed calls and messages. Shit. He was so busy lately with his studies that he forgot about Y/N thinking he was with the hero class. 
12 missed calls from Y/N ☆ Hitoshi answer me Pls Pls answer me R u okay?!?? Pick up my calls!
“Hitoshi! Where are you? Are you okay? Did you get hurt? I saw the news and- oh God I can’t even- Please tell me you’re not hurt!” 
Y/N’s mind was spiralling out of control, endless visions of Shinsou hurt and pinned down by a villain flooded their mind. They felt sick with anxiety, they had cried themselves to sleep the night before thinking the worst because Shinsou hadn’t responded to them. 
“I’m okay. I’m fine, luckily I called in sick.” He mumbled. 
Relief flooded over their body, Y/N physically felt the weight of worry be lifted from their soul. 
“Thank goodness, how are your classmates? Are they recovering okay? I’m so sorry you guys had to go through that. You know can always talk to me Toshi. I know we’ve been busy lately to even talk but I’m always here for you.” 
Shinsou felt dirty, he felt disgusting for the lies that he had laid. He had dug himself in his own grave by this point. 
“Yeah, thanks Y/N. I’ve- I’ve got to go there’s some stuff I’ve got to do.”
“Of course Toshi, just message me when you get home! Stay safe.” Click. 
The two tried to speak regularly, but with the stress of their hero activities and Shinsou’s growing guilt turned resentful - they hadn’t spoken in over a month. The UA Sports Festival was fast approaching and Y/N had already been bragging to the rest of their friends about Shinsou. How excited they were to see him on the screen, hyping everyone in the room with their shining persona. Any mention of Shinsou, Y/N instantly beamed and everyone knew from a mile away how much the boy meant to them. The rest of Class 1-A at Shiketsu had their eyes glued to the screen upon the announcement of the UA Sports Festival. Y/N was busy writing their message to Shinsou wishing him luck. Despite the extensive chat history largely consisting of missed calls and messages from Y/N.
Shinsou tried to block out Y/N from his life the last few weeks, muting their messages and focusing their studies. Seeing Class 1-A at UA going about their days ignited a fire within him. He had been so spiteful of himself, for lying to Y/N about his hero journey, it only justified his own beliefs that he couldn’t become a hero like them. To then seeing the danger 1-A posed for the rest of the school, he felt cluster of emotions, ranging from spite, hatred, jealousy, envy and disappointment. Mainly towards himself. His self-sabotaging behaviour had only fuelled his disbelief over himself, seeing others succeed in the dream he and Y/N had made him sick. 
By now, he did not care for Y/N, he had become blinded by his envy. His self-hatred. His new found desire to win. 
“Guys it’s starting!” Y/N had invited their classmates and close friends to their parents’ home to watch the sports festival together. They huddled around the television screen, on the sofa, the floor and even on top of each others laps. Bags of chips and snacks messily spread across the table and multiple cups of juice were handed out. They were all excited to see the infamous Shinsou Hitoshi that their beloved classmate would fawn over. 
The silent shock that cast over the room was deafening, Shinsou walked out along with the general studies class and all of a sudden the attention was towards Y/N. It moved so fast that they barely noticed they had moved onto the next class. Nobody wanted to call Y/N’s bluff and continued to watch in silence. Each move that Shinsou took didn’t live up to the heroic version of him in their minds. Some even saw him as, villainous. Y/N didn’t speak, didn’t take a sip or eat anything. Their eyes were glued to the screen, jaw tightly locked in position and their fists balled till their skin turned white. 
The day was supposed to be a fun, class get together at their friends house to cheer for their favourite UA student. No one would’ve guessed that it was all a lie. Some of their classmates knew of Shinsou’s quirk briefly, some had no idea that he could brainwash people. So during the student-student battle rounds, they were left shocked at how unsportsmanlike Shinsou was, the way he manipulated his quirk to win. He was nothing like how Y/N described him, this boy who was full of wonder and was always determined to be by Y/N’s side. Some of the students felt sick, some of the students resembled the same kinds of people that swayed Shinsou away from his dreams of becoming a hero. Before the fight between Midoriya Izuku and Shinsou could take place, Y/N turned off the TV and walked out the room. No one tried to console them. 
Well done for today. Call me when you’re free.
“Y/N, you there?”
“Shinsou why did you lie to me?” 
His heart almost skipped a beat at his exposure. 
“I didn’t mean to lie to you.”
A new found anger filled Y/N’s voice, they screamed. “But you did! For almost half a year! You pretended to be a part of 1-A, I thought you almost died at USJ! Yet I see you on national television using your quirk like your some sort of-“
“Some sort of what?! Villain? I fought damn hard today, I’m not having you prove them all right!” 
The call cut abruptly, both Y/N and Shinsou were left aghast. Years of dreams together and years of friendship. Suddenly began to melt away. Had their feelings for each other, their dreams to be together side by side as heroes come to an end now?
Since they last spoke on the phone, Y/N became fully integrated into Shiketsu High’s hero course, ignoring the rest of the world around them. Allowing themselves to be swallowed whole by their hero activities. Despite their hard work, their mind was always elsewhere. Their last conversation with Shinsou left a bitter taste in their mouth that nothing could clean out. Maybe if they had been more understanding, they could’ve fixed everything. 
Unlike a few of their classmates, Y/N pass their Provisional Licence exam with a breeze. Only a few more steps closer to becoming a pro, was all that was driving Y/N to continue with their studies. Their endless spiralling thoughts had consumed them to the point of delusion that only a harsh voice from a certain pro-hero caught broke their train of thought.
“Are you Y/N L/N?” 
They whipped their head around to face the Erasure hero, Eraserhead. Aizawa Shota, who upon close inspection, was the older spitting image of Shinsou. Y/N cursed how the image of Shinsou followed them everywhere they turned. 
“You’re friends with Shinsou Hitoshi from UA, yes?” They gave a hesitant nod. 
“Well he reached out to me to train him, tell me. Do you think he can do it, train to become a hero?” His stagnant voice held no indication of hope nor malice. So this was Class 1-A’s teacher.
Y/N could only recall the memories of their childhood with Shinsou, where despite his smaller frame compared to other kids, his slight stammer as a child. He would always stand up for Y/N no matter what, he would always hold their hand whenever it would get dark sooner than expected. How Shinsou would always give them the other half of his candy to make sure that Y/N would always have something to eat or smile at. How no matter what Shinsou would be by their side, even if they were apart, the spirit of him was always leaning over them. Y/N knew, from the very first day they met him, that Shinsou was their hero.
“Yes. I know he can become the greatest hero, because he’s always been mine.” 
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Turn Off Your Phone (Dom!Pro!Hitoshi x sub!Plus-Sized!Black!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot) [REQUEST FILL]
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Pairing: Hitoshi Shinso x Black!Fem!Plus-Sized!Reader (Married Couple/Dom x sub Dynamic)
Synopsis: In which Hitoshi gets tired of not being the center of your attention and forces you to put your damn phone down.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Dom!Hitoshi/sub!Reader; Husband!Hitoshi/wife!Reader; Pro!Reader; Aged Up!Hitoshi (he’s in his late 20s-early 30s); Dom/sub Dynamics; BDSM; Consensual Hypnosis; Dubcon; Bondage; Oral (Giving & Receiving); 69ing; Facefuck; Riding; Doggystyle; Reader Cums 3x; Dumbification; Cum Drunk!Reader; Cunnilingus; Spanking; Hair-Pulling; Unprotected PIV; Creampie; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you! 
Writer’s Note: This is a request by @dance-to-mythoughts-blog that was sent soooo long ago & I just managed to get to. I’m so sorry for the long wait! School & work literally became my entire summer, so I barely had much time to write. I hope you enjoy this regardless! -Jazz
“Turn your phone off.”
You turn over to look at your husband, dazed and confused from scrolling through Pinterest. He is lying down next to you, in a tank top and boxers that do nothing to hide the muscles straining against the fabric. And he doesn’t look happy.
Sensing his irked tone, you slowly turn over in your cami that sticks to your soft, pudgy form and teeny-tiny shots dedicated to Hitoshi, his pro hero name printed across the back in bedazzled letters. “Excuse me?” you scoff.
You want to think you’re just hard at hearing or that your brain is muddled from the past few days at work. You work alongside Hitoshi as a pro hero, kicking ass, taking names, and sitting through boring meetings fantasizing about your hubby bending you over a table.
You love working with him, mostly because of how respectful he is towards you. You are more than just his wife when you work together. You’re equals. Hero to hero. He respects your intelligence and skills, allows you to use your voice…which is why you can’t understand why he’s talking to you like you’re a goddamn child now.
He glares at you, his handsome face written with irritation and his scarred lips pressed into a thin line. ”I said. Turn your fuckin’ phone off. You’ve been on that thing all day instead of on me.”
You sit up and place your phone in your lap for the first time in hours since he got home from your morning shift at the agency, much to Hitoshi’s joy. His shift is overnight patrolling which starts in an hour and he’s still here arguing with you.
“And that’s my fault?” You sharply ask. “We have a very demanding job, Shinso. This whole day, our team has been blowin’ us up about meetings, reports, villain sightings, and other bullshit.”
Hitoshi sits up too, on the same time as you are apparently.
“Yeah,” he replies, “but you’re not at work anymore. You’re here with me scrollin’ through Pinterest.”
He nods down at your screen showing one of your Pinterest mood boards that you’ve recently become obsessed with making. ”I have about eight hours till I have to get up and be back at work,” you argue, referring to your 5AM shift tomorrow at the agency. “Morning patrols. And you know my social media time relaxes me!”
And you’re not lying. An hour of scrolling through social media, watching YouTube, and online window shopping does relax you after a long work day. But Hitoshi begs to differ. When your phone suddenly dings with a notification, you go to check it, but your husband stops you by placing a hand on your thigh.
“I can’t relax you more?” He asks. He looks up at you with those damn violet eyes that always seem to melt you other than that handsome face, cropped lavender hair, and those muscles.
And his touch…it’s like you immediately lose all bodily functions when he touches your skin. And he knows that because his fingers, ringed and tatted at the knuckle, slink farther up your thigh to squeeze the soft flesh there. You ignore the way his calloused palms feel on your heated skin and scoot away from him.
“I’m not arguing with you tonight,” you sigh, swatting his hand away when he attempts to smack your ass. “Besides, don’t you have to get dressed soon and head into work which requires you to be on your phone just like me?”
You didn’t mean for it to come out as argumentative as it did, but it’s too late. As soon as Hitoshi hears the edge in your voice, his eyes darken and his brows narrow. Aw, shit.
“Yeah, and I’d rather spend my last hour of freedom with you.”
Your phone dings again, but the lavender-haired pro shoots across the bed and snatches it from you before you can check in. ”Gimme this,” he growls.
“Hey!” You snap. You go to grab it back, but Hitoshi is so tall, even when you’re both sitting, that all he has to do is hold it away from you and you can’t reach it. “Shinso, stop! Gimme back my phone!”
You try to stand up on the bed to reach over him, but he puts your phone on the bedside table before grabbing your ankles. You shriek, feeling the soft cushion of the mattress leave your feet as you find yourself falling backward in the air. Before you can hit the bed, Hitoshi quickly flips you both so he is underneath you.
He hits the mattress first while you’re wrapped up in his arms, your plush, soft body pressed against his harder, toner one. Your hands press against his hard chest, secretly indulging in the hard planes of his abs and shoulders.
Your husband stares up at you through long lashes, molten lust in his gaze. “Not until I get some attention…or do I have to use more persuasion?” His hands move down to grab on your ass while his lips toy with your neck.
You softly moan as soon as his lips touch your skin, his kisses tinged with the slight sharpness of his teeth as he nibbles on your collarbone. As he does this, your phone dings again.
“Shinso, c’mon,” you whine. “It’s a text. I have to answer it.”
You try to push off of him, but he stops you by suddenly rolling on top of you, trapping you beneath his big body. His knee wedges between your warm, plushy thighs, pressing right against your crotch…which is the last place you want anything of his right now.
“Mina can fuckin’ wait. You can tell her later that you were busy gettin’ put in the mattress by your one and only.” He gives you a smirk before pressing his lips to yours in a wanton, rough kiss that leaves you breathless.
You absolutely love his kisses. You love it when he teasingly nibbles along your bottom lip, pulling on it a bit before letting it pop back into place. You love the way his tongue slips out to swirl against yours, sharing spit and drawing the most desperate sounds out of you. You love the way he grinds his hips into yours as if he can’t wait to be inside of you.
As he does all of this to completely turn you to mush, just the way he likes, your phone continues to ring. Hitoshi pulls away, drawing a line of saliva with him that connects to your bottom lips. He then pulls your top up to reveal your soft, juicy breasts and hardened nipples.
You gasp as he leans down to begin caressing and showing your titties some love, sucking and tugging on the nipples with his teeth. “‘Toshi,” you moan. “Baby, no, we don’t have time.” Your hands raise to push him away, but they just tangle in his short, lavender locks.
His violet eyes flick up to meet yours as he pops one of your nipples out of his mouth. “We’ve got more than enough time. Just shut up and let your man take care of you.” He continues his pleasurable assault on your tits just as your phone begins ringing, filling the bedroom with the sound of ‘The Boy is Mine’ by Brandy and Monica.
“I-It’s Mina,” you breathlessly say. You reach one of your pudgy arms out to reach your phone. “I need to—“
“No.” Hitoshi’s voice is firm and not with the bullshit. It shocks you into silence and causes warmth to zip through your belly as it usually does. He looks up at you from your chest, his eyes nailing you to the spot. “What do I have to do to take that damn phone off of your mind? You got any ideas, babydoll?”
He sits up, straddling you and giving you a very nice view of his body and hard cock pressing against his briefs. You instantly feel yourself throb and get wet not just at the sight of the tent in his underwear, but all for the idea he’s got in store for you.
You can tell just what he wants by the smirk playing on his lips and the way his eyes have darkened. He knows you want it too. You need to feel like you’re under his complete and utter control, walking through the fog that he holds your hand in.
Your arm slumps against the bed, defeated. “Fine,” you sigh. “But only for the hour.” Hitoshi gives you a big, sexy smile that turns you on immediately like a light. Immediately, he goes to the bedside and fetches his scarves that he wears with his hero outfit.
They don’t just work nicely for combat when fighting villains. They also make for great restraints. Your heart pounds vigorously and does mini somersaults as you watch Hitoshi mount you and begin tying your wrists to the headboard. His hands move expertly, making the finishing knot tight enough to keep your hands tied but not tight enough to hurt you.
Once he finishes, he sits back and admires his handiwork…and you. “That’s my girl. Just hold still and look at me…thaaat’s it.”
His violet eyes begin to glow, piercing deep into yours as if he is trying to unravel the mysteries of your soul. You allow him to, letting yourself relax under his hypnotizing gaze. It doesn’t take long for your body to loosen and your head to fog as you fall deep under his spell aka his quirk.
Hitoshi only wipes your brain enough to take away the anxiety surrounding not answering or being near your phone and replaces it with him. Only him. When he finishes, you feel as if you’ve just smoked a blunt, your body and mind relaxed.
“How do you feel?” he asks, his eyes searching your face.
You relax against your binds, your muscles like putty. “Good, Daddy,” you reply, your voice breathless and soft. “Really, really good.” A slow, stupid smile stretches across your lips, feeling giddy and at ease.
Hitoshi smiles, immediately stripping off his shirt to reveal his beautiful body and tattoos to you. ”You’re about to feel even better.” And that’s a fucking promise.
Minutes later, you’re naked and your legs are wrapped around Hitoshi’s head as he slurps and sucks on your pussy, his tongue fucking your hole so skillfully that you can’t keep your voice down. “Oh, my God ‘Toshi, yes!” you cry out. “T-That’s so good, ohhh, fuuuck yes!”
You have no consciousness or self control. You can think about nothing but your husband and his mouth making you feel oh-so incredible. He peers at you from between your thighs, his tongue slashing against your clit. “Mmm-hmm,” he hums. “You’re makin’ such pretty sounds for me, babydoll. Keep it up. That’s exactly what I wanna hear.”
His pillowy-soft lips begin to gently suck on your clit over the hood of your pussy lips, sending shivers and sparks of pleasure throughout your body. You tug at your binds, your body unable to keep still from the pleasure. It twists like you’re possessed and your back arches off of the bed as if a demon is being expelled from you.
Only Hitoshi can be the one to release you. Only he can make you so insane like this, damn near seeing heaven’s gates with his lips, tongue, and fingers as he replaces his tongue to flick and rub your clit.
Sloppy sounds begin to drift through the air as his mouth moves faster in an effort to make you explode. It doesn’t take long for that feeling of your peak to near, causing your body to tense. “Oh, shit, I’m cumming!” You gasp. “Fuck, Hitoshi, yes! Please, Daddy, let me cum!”
You know the drill and that’s why you beg. Hitoshi knows that you won’t cum because of his quirk. He has to order you to do so. It’s a little game that you play together and he always wins. So when he finally feels like you’ve had enough, he looks up at you, his lips glistening with your juices.
“Cum,” he orders, his voice echoing in your head.
Like a button being pushed to activate something inside of you, your orgasm is triggered and you cum in your husband’s mouth with a choked moan. Hitoshi gladly slurps up what you offer him as your body shakes and thrashes against his mouth, the aftershocks taking over.
Your loud moans die down into soft groans and sighs while Hitoshi hums appreciatively against your pussy. Once your orgasm high fades, he pulls away and licks his lips clean of you. He stares down at you like a starving man and you’re a dessert plate.
“Look at that face,” he chuckles. “You’re so cum drunk, it’s adorable. I bet you want more, right?” You nod, unable to let out nothing but a soft whimper. Your man doesn’t like that.
He takes a handful of your braids and harshly tugs on them, causing you to gasp at the sharp sting. “What was that?” He growls, getting reeeeal close to you. So close that you can smell the mint gum on his breath.
Your stomach flips and your pussy gushes despite the orgasm it just had. You love it when he gets like this. “Yes, Daddy, I want more.” He smiles and presses a soft, chaste kiss to your lips. “That’s my good little kitty. Now come here.”
He unties your wrists and gives you time to recover before flipping you on top of him. You giggle, settling down onto him with your plump ass in his face. His hands come down to smack it, watching it recoil deliciously for him. “You’re just too fuckin’ perfect,” he sighs. “I can’t believe I have to go into work and give up this for an hour.”
He adjusts underneath you so his cock is in your face, only separated by his underwear. “Take me out, baby,” he raspily orders you. You do so, peeling his briefs off of him to reveal his long, thick cock dripping in precum for you.
While you spit on your hands and proceed to stroke him, he begins to eat you out again, flicking his tongue against your overly-sensitive clit. “Hitoshi,” you whimper. “P-Please go slow. M’sensitive.”
He begins to do that ‘thing’ that you like—where his big, fat cock bobs without him using his hands or hips to do it. Your eyes grow big, hypnotized by the lewd movement. “As long as you do a good job suckin’ this cock,” he huskily says. “Think you can do that for me, kitty?”
You look back at him, knowing he loves it when you do that. “Yes, sir.”
Minutes later, you’ve got your throat full of his cock while he plays with your pussy, his fingers gently stroking your clit in semi-circles. You indulge in his delicious sounds and the way his toes curl as you bob your head up and down along his length, taking him in and out of your tight, wet throat.
“Such a good little slut,” he groans. “Your mouth was made for me, baby I swear.” You begin to take him deeper, coaxing him to use your mouth for his pleasure. He catches on immediately. “Oh…you want me to fuck that gorgeous face? Say no more.”
He lifts his hips up and begins thrusting into your mouth, plunging his cock deeper and deeper into your throat. You begin to gag along his length, but you never tap out. You take all of him, desperate for more.
“Yeah?” he chuckles. “You like that? This pussy certainly seems to—she’s so wet for me.”
He begins to eat you out, swirling his tongue inside of your wet hole and nudging his nose against your clit. As you indulge in each other and your tastes, the sound of a buzzer suddenly pierces through the air.
Hitoshi’s iPhone alarm. He sets it every morning when he wakes up or before a late shift when he needs to rest beforehand. He doesn’t want to oversleep. You pop off of his cock, catching your breath. “T-Toshi, your phone!” you moan. “You have to get ready!”
But Hitoshi never moves, his voice muffled by your thighs as he continues to eat you out. “Don’t care. Now cum for me.”
And like a puppet on a string, your body does exactly as your man wants it to.
You grind your hips shamelessly into his mouth as you have your second orgasm, pleasure zipping through you as fast as the speed of light. You moan and sob to the ceiling as you cum all over your husband’s waiting mouth, his cock throbbing and pulsing at the sound of your sweet, sexy moans. At some point, his alarm stops and all that fills the air are the sounds of his sloppy pussy-eating and your moans.
You think that Hitoshi will see how exhausted you are as your second orgasm fades. You think he’ll see that this is enough and your pussy can’t take another orgasm…but as usual, you’re wrong.
Hitoshi is a greedy lover. “Nicely done, gorgeous,” he chuckles. “You listen so well to me.” He begins to fuck your hand wrapped around his cock, groaning as he does. “You’ve still got somethin’ to take care before I leave, kitty, don’t you?”
And like an obedient submissive for your Dom, you turn to him and nod. “Yes, Daddy,” you obediently say.
Gently, you lift yourself up with Hitoshi’s cock still in your hand. Slowly, you sit yourself down and take the head inside of the wet, quivering depths of your pussy. You both moan at the sensation, especially as he gets deeper and deeper, sinking inside of you as you sit on it fully.
Desperate and needy, you begin to bounce on his cock. It is slow at first, but gradually, you grow frantic and begin to fully bounce on him, your tits jiggling and your pussy open for him.
Hitoshi grabs your tits and massages them as you bounce on him, watching your ass jiggle and shake as you take his cock.
“That’s. Fucking. It,” he growls, each word punctuated as you come down. “Such a. Good. Fuckin’. Girl!” He wraps a hand around your braids, tugging them back. “You love takin’ this big dick, don’t you? Much better than a phone, right?”
You can’t agree more with that. “God yes!” You practically sob. “Yes, I love it!” Your hips begin to grind as you ride your husband’s dick like you stole the damn thing, pleasure zipping throughout your bones and muscles.
Suddenly, the sounds of your mixed moans and sex are interrupted by your ringtone again. Mina is calling again. You look towards the glowing screen, but Hitoshi stops those thoughts by wrapping a hand around your throat. “Don’t even fuckin’ think about it,” he growls. “I’m about to break that phone if you keep playin’ with me.”
The phone continues to ring, rudely puncturing the air and ruining the atmosphere. “B-But—“
You squeak as you’re suddenly picked up and placed on all fours on the bed. Face down, ass up. Just the way Hitoshi likes to fuck.
With his cock still inside of you, he grabs your hips and begins to draw himself out of you “Or do you not wanna cum?” he asks. The loss of that feeling sends you spiraling. “‘Toshi, no!” You beg and plead. “Please don’t stop! I’m sorry!”
Hitoshi slides back home inside of you, drawing a loud moan out of both of you. “You’re what?” he firmly asks. “Say it again.” His hips begin to piston in and out of you at a slow but hard pace, stretching your pussy out and abusing your G-spot in the best way possible.
You gasp, moan, and wail into the bedsheets, your hands gripping the sheets in an effort to keep yourself from exploding. “I-I-I’m sorry!” you sob. “I’m so sorry, Daddy!”
Hitoshi places a foot on the bed and begins to fuck you silly, his cock stroking your insides and filling you up over and over again. “Keep sayin’ it,” he demands, his voice low and deep. “Tell me you’re sorry for ignoring me. That you’re sorry for bein’ a little brat all the goddamn time. Say it if you want more of this cock.”
You would say that you’re a cow and can moo if he ordered you to. “I’m sorry, ‘Toshi! I won’t be a brat anymore, I promise! I’ll be your good girl!”
The tears that have begun to prick at your lashes wet your lash line. Hitoshi reaches down to wipe one away, sucking on his finger. Freaky ass bitch. “You are my good girl. You just need to be reminded sometimes.”
He goes faster, harder, drilling your pussy into the bed. “So you’re not gonna be a brat no more? You’re not gonna be in your phone while you should be fucking me, right?”
“No!” you wail. “No, I promise, Daddy, oh, my God, I’m gonna cum!” Your words come out in a rushed, rapid sentence as your moans grow louder and your third orgasm of the night peaks.
“Do it,” Hitoshi growls, his voice deep in your ear and echoing in your head. “Cum for me and I’ll forgive you. C’mon, baby, give it to me. Do it for me.”
His voice and his cock demand you to have your final orgasm of the night. As soon as it hits, it is intense and abrupt. You let out a loud moan of your husband’s name along with a string of sobs as you cum all over his cock. Hitoshi chases his orgasm with yours, your pussy clenching around him and stroking his orgasm out of him.
“I’m gonna cum,” he moans. “Stay right there.” You do as you’re told and stay still even as your pussy quivers and throbs around him, overstimulated by his rough fucking. “Cum for me, husband,” you purr. “I’ll take it all. I always do.”
That is the straw that breaks the camel’s back for Hitoshi. He grabs his arms around you and holds you tight as he cums deep inside of you, filling you to the brim with his spunk. You let out a delirious giggle as he cums, the high of his sex and the orgasms washing over you.
When your dual highs fade and you come down from the clouds, Hitoshi peppers your face and neck in kisses. “My perfect little wife,” he sighs. “My kitty. My good, good girl.”
You shiver and melt at his words and under his lips, feeling his quirk begin to fade. Once it does, Hitoshi lays you down under the sheets and presses himself against you. You curl into him, spooning with him. “That was much better than Pinterest,” you softly say.
Hitoshi’s raspy laugh makes your stomach joyously flip. You tilt your head up to share a kiss with him, but the sound of his alarm stops him. “Ah, shit, I’m late,” he groans. His hand shoots out to slam on his phone screen, stopping the sound.
He turns over to face you, giving you a lazy smirk. “Might as well take my time then.” He kisses you and trails his lips down to your neck, sending goose pimples across your skin. “But what about—“
Your phone rings again and this time, Hitoshi lets you answer it. You moan weakly as he begins to massage one of your breasts, his thumb playing with one of your hardened, brown nipples. “It’s Mina,” you giggle and shush him. He gives you a wink as you answer the phone. “Hi, hon, it’s Y/N.”
“Y/N, hey, I’ve been calling you!” Mina says. “Where’s Hitoshi? I’ve been trying to reach him. We’re supposed to patrol tonight.”
Hitoshi motions for you to give him the phone. When you hand it over, he then crooks his finger in a come hither motion towards you, exciting you. ”Yes, sir,” you giggle.
Like a moth to a flame, you draw yourself to him and begin to kiss, touch, and stroke him to your heart’s content while he keeps his voice level on the phone. “Hey, Pinky, it’s me,” he says. “Sorry about the confusion. I got caught up in something.”
That overnight shift never happened, by the way.
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kaged-kitty · 6 days
Thinking about American transfer student Glitch Quirk!Reader catching the eyes of Hitoshi! He is completely fascinated by the way they moved around through school, zipping between students! (American students gotta run, we got only 5 minutes passing periods dawg.. just a habit)
While Hitoshi is transitioning Into the hero course Reader would try their best to befriend Hitoshi by scaring him (weird love language, freak). Glitching behind him while he is in conversation.
Sure he used to squeak out in surprise, but now he knows Readers presence inside and out! You can’t sneak up anymore ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ nnnoo!
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
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jujutsukgojo · 1 month
I'm a hero now
Chapter one: That's a fact shinsou hitoshi x reader 1/? Summary:
He’s sorry and is a terrible piece of shit. He’ll show you that you’re safe from now on. Not because he has something to prove to the world. Not because he’s a hero now and heroes make things right. No, he’s going to do it because it’s you.
And it is you who matters the most to him. 
tw: bullying, spoilers, quirk misuse and discrimination and stage fright
“Do you want to play with me?” Hitoshi walks up to you with his friends behind him. Your yellow dress is splayed around you with little grass stains. Before, you plucked the offending grass and were tossing the blades. Now you are rubbing them with your hands as you shrink away from your purple haired classmate.
  “You’re not doing anything.” He points. He notices you stiffen with every word he speaks. Before you got all quiet towards him, you talked all the time. Now he has to push you to do it. Lately, it's been bothering him. “You can talk! Say something, will you?” 
   You still look down and shy away from him. “Pretty doll, play with me! We never play anymore. Will you play?” He has always thought you were pretty. The sun always hits your face in the best way. He says under his breath, “Probably the prettiest in the world. Do you know that?”
  You look at him with a frown on your face, still plump with baby fat.  “Rea-” Your eyes go blank for what may be the hundredth time.
He watches your figure practically run down the hallway when he says hello. You narrowly missed the passing students. People come out of the classroom behind him. Unfortunately, he doesn’t move in time and once again, he was pushed and ignored by a group of students who pass through him every day. It's not like they have anything to worry about anyway. He's scrawny and is tired from the lack of sleep. He’s admittedly unkept and dehydrated, filled with way too much coffee and not enough water. He’s not a physical threat at all.
   Yet you, someone who is thought to be a hero among the school, runs from him and doesn’t even try to save him. You who are called worthy of being a hero, something he has even witnessed with his own eyes, leave him to the wolves. He’s seen you stand on tables to yell at all of those who ridiculed a student who had been bullied the entire school year. He saw how passionate you were when you stood up to the main offender. So, why not save him? He grew up with you. The two of you have been in each other’s class for years in every school. There has not been a single class that the two of you haven’t shared. He remembers one time there was a group project and you refused to talk to him. The third member had to be the middleman because of it. 
   Are you really that much of a coward? 
  He goes to the cafeteria and sits down at a far table. He sips on his coffee he bought from the vending machine and munches on his sandwich bought from a gas station. There was no time to prepare a lunch and he owes the lunch people some cash and he doesn’t have that right now. Suki, the head lunch lady with a kind but stern voice is liable to smack him on the head again if he doesn’t have it. 
  Suddenly, right as he is about to take a bite of his awaiting ham sandwich, his chair is kicked from under him. He is violently thrown to the ground, his ass hitting the tile hard. Above him is the evil red headed villain of the school, Subaru. He’s a pest with a fire quirk. The asshole flashes it around like he’s Endeavor when in reality, he has a far inferior quirk that just happens to be offensive rather than defensive. It’s like a candle light.
    People’s laughter echoes off the cafeteria’s walls. The noise grates his ears and makes his cheeks warm. “Aye, Hitoshi, what’cha got there?” One of his goons without a memorable name grabs the sandwich and takes a large bite from it. The missing chunk swishes around his large mouth disgustingly as he tries to talk with his mouth full. Before they can do anything else like they always do, he hears a voice stop their next actions. 
“Stop.” The group of boys turn to look at you. For the first time, he actually has your compassion. Subaru of course flirts with you to get out of your bad side. Instead of falling for his charm (or lack of), you begin to scold him and his cronies for their immaturity. 
   The floor’s tiles are cold under Hitoshi’s hand as he pushes himself up. After the group of assholes’ scolding, you find his purple eyes. He watches the fierce color turn to something close to fear. Hitoshi stands up and watches you run away from him once again. 
  After the incident, he no longer dealt with bullies like that. Everyone asked him to not use his quirk instead. He sits in his seat as a few students come up to him. They never participated in the bullying. He doubts they even knew since they’re always in their own little world. 
  “It’s kind of villainous, Shinso. So, don’t use it on us!” One of his classmates poke his arm. “Don’t worry, I get that a lot.” He rubs the back of his neck. The leaves outside blow into the sky, away from these people. He wishes he were one of them to get away from the judgment and fear.
When he starts at a new school and grade, they all find out about his quirk and this happens. People think he’s a freak or a villain. He never tells and the teachers don’t. Subaru and co. knew about his quirk, they even told him. But now everyone does? 
Subaru must’ve told and decided rejection and isolation is better than a punch in the face.
He’s left middle school and is going to U.A to be in the hero course. Just in case, he also applied for general studies. Brainwashing will only get him so far. He’s untrained and doesn’t have a flashy quirk. The likelihood of succeeding is slim because of the lack of physical prowess. Still, that doesn't mean it's impossible.
  Right as he is about to enter the building, he sees a familiar face: you. He had no idea you were applying. Are you becoming a hero too? It’s in your nature so it’d make sense. You don’t register him staring at you or wanting to talk to you. The last time he’s actually gotten a word out of you was in elementary. You yelled at him and ended that conversation with a harsh kick. The teacher sent you to the principal’s office after that. Hitoshi struggles to even remember why that happened or what you said. Either way, he’s got his whole future ahead of him now. 
Then he gets a clear view of your face, making him slow down. He feels a clench in his chest that has a pressure he recognizes. This terrible feeling is too familiar to him. He feels it when he looks at a hero with an ideal quirk and when he sees you walk away with all the things he doesn't have. Friends, a smile, and a confidence that you carry is so bright compared to his. Hitoshi has felt this way since he can remember. He wants you to notice him. All his life he hasn’t even been a blimp on anyone’s radar, including yours. He wants you to look at him. For a strange reason, he wants you to be proud of him. 
Like he thought, he didn’t get into the hero course. There wasn’t anything he could do against those robots. Everyone else had some kind of quirk that could defend or fight them while he lacked. He wonders how you did or if you even tried out for it. Wouldn’t that be something? For the hero of the schools to become an actual hero that ignored him for the majority of the time. 
Bitterness rears its head. He can see it now. You in a costume to fit whatever your quirk is, face on the screen about how you stopped some villain all while he is still reeling from you and everyone else avoiding him like the Bubonic Plague. For some reason, some stupid ass reason, he sees your back again. Then the image goes to your hand that won't reach out to him. 
   He stops on the sidewalk. People pass him, ignoring his inner crisis. He clenches his fists. “Why do I care?” This has been going on for years now. He doesn’t remember how you first met but it must’ve been from school. Every year he sees you in every class he’s in and he also remembers playing with you when the two of you were little.
  That doesn’t matter. Neither should these feelings. What does it matter that you ignore him? That you don’t have his back like you do others. Well, you did that one time at lunch. He rubs his hand on his face, hoping to get rid of his blush and how he distinctly remembers that and how no one was violent afterwards. Leery? Definitely. But no one hit him or called him names. They were just careful around him. Even then, it stung every time they’d ask for him to not use his quirk on them. Then there is you. You running from him hurt more than others. Especially when he looked forward to seeing you-
Is that what it is? He feels the heat of his cheeks and ears. He looks at the sky and groans and curses as an answer pops in his mind. One that he doesn’t want to say or think of.
“That doesn’t make it right! They have to conform to a law that they might disagree with, right? That’s what you’re saying?”
  His teacher growls and rubs his tired face. Hitoshi can see the smiles covered by his classmates’ hands. “Yes, yes-”
  “Then why do we have to do this? We have different beliefs, obviously. And I don’t want to write about yours.”
  “Excuse me?” 
The teacher was clearly starting to get offended. Hitoshi watches in awe as something as simple as an assignment ended up into an argument because you saw the teacher berate a student. They didn’t understand the question of the assignment and when you saw how the teacher was acting, you stood up like you always do. 
“This,” You shake the paper. “Has nothing to do with this class. This is for the hero course, not general studies. And even if we are supposed to do this, why would we have to write your conviction?”
  “I’ve been way too patient. Detention.” You pout at first then have this gleam in your eyes. “Ha! Detention? Coward. And to think you're a hero. Tsk, tsk."
   “Nezu. Now.” You huff and suck on your bottom lip. You lean back to your friend sitting behind you and whisper, “I’m getting that three day weekend, bet.”
  “ (Y/n) (L/n)!” The teacher shouts. Hitoshi and the class are snickering. The teacher points to the door, demanding you leave. You pack up your things and huff. “Shinso, go with her and make sure she goes to Nezu. She’s acting up today.”
   He sees you tense at the mention of his name. Practically all of the happiness is sucked out of you in short seconds. Hitoshi says nothing as he beats you to the door. The class is continuing like usual, but he can’t help but feel embarrassed as hell. Right before you exit, you look worriedly at your friend. Hitoshi is already in the hall waiting for you. 
  You whip out of the classroom fast. So fast that Hitoshi is having a tough time keeping up with you. Huh, physically and metaphorically, you’re ahead of him. All he can see is your determination and speed. 
The next day, it happens again. Just like the years before, everyone found out about his quirk and have been cautious. 
“Aye, don’t use your quirk on us, okay!” One of his classmates smile. Hitoshi notices a small bead of sweat on their forehead. “It’d be alright anyway. We’re surrounded by heroes! So behave, Shinsou!” 
The other classmate, a girl, nudges him. Hitoshi smiles and rubs the back of his neck. “Don’t worry, I won’t.” The clouds are out today, covering the sun that he wanted to shine.
Finally, the sports festival arrived. Hitoshi has been training his quirk and even some fighting. He doesn’t have a trainer or anything, but he has been watching movies and boxing to mimic. His quirk is controversial so he can’t use it at his discretion. He can’t even find volunteers other than his parents who did it reluctantly. He had to swear not to make them do anything crazy. Surprisingly, he’s now able to brainwash multiple people at once.
  And yet despite him being behind everyone else, he’s confident. Him and several general studies students go up to the hero course to check on them. He’s the only one to actually go face to face with them and declare that he’ll win and take their spot in the class. 
   When doing so, he can’t help but think of you. To see the look on your face when he wins and gets ahead of you. He can see it now. Your shocked expression and maybe admiration in your eyes. To be able to actually see him.
  He turns to leave and the first thing he sees are your eyes. He has half a mind to go up to you and tell you what he’s going to do. He doesn’t like when your eyes are like this, which is all the time when he’s around. He wants them to turn to something different. 
  You move out of his way and enter deeper into the classroom. He didn’t think that you’d get into the sports festival but he wouldn't put it past you to stir the pot as well.
Due to the chatter, he couldn’t hear what you were saying to Bakugou. All he knows is that he didn’t like how you talked to that jack ass while he’s known you for years and you avoid him. 
  You don’t breathe when you run into him in the hallway of the sports festival arena. Hitoshi stares down at you, just as surprised. He didn’t think that you’d even attend it. He discovered you weren’t participating and was disappointed. You’re the opposite of him. He was bullied and wimpy. He avoided confrontation whenever he could, yet you thrived whenever it was necessary.
  He has watched you all these years and the same feeling has remained all this time. Now, he has a chance to prove himself, to show you and the world that he isn’t a villain and that he can be a hero. Here you are about to witness him give it his all. All the times he has watched you be a hero; you are finally going to see him be capable of being one too.
  As he studies your face, his palms begin to sweat. He ignores it and says, “I’m going to win, (Y/n). And I want you to watch me.”
You say nothing and nod slowly.
He walks up to different people. Each falling for a trap they didn’t see coming. He doesn’t know what to expect but having them around may help. Suddenly, ice shoots their way. He gives the command he needs, “Dodge the ice and do not drop me.”
  Since they were aspiring heroes with grade A training, they managed to evade it. They’re from class b, he assumes. He can’t help what his quirk is and how little he knows. Once he wins, he’ll train harder to do things on his own so he won’t have to do this as much.
  Finally, they got caught in some trap and he had to abandon them. Of course, he let them loose. They were genuinely confused as to what happened and when the race started. He would’ve felt bad but he’s not here to make friends. 
  He comes across the extreme tight ropes and sees how the one freaky girl glides past. The frog is too far ahead but the floating one is complaining. The pink one goes past her. She’s a lot more flexible than he thought she’d be. That’s the hero course for you. He doesn’t doubt that she’ll do well. 
  “Hello?” He asks the round cheeked girl. She turns to look and says, “Huh?” That’s all it takes for her to float and guide him across, hand in hand. He can’t remember the last time he held hands with a girl. They’re littler than his and the pads are plushier. The tips of her hands remind him of a cat. Once he’s across, he feels the eyes of heroes on him. As shady as it may seem, he hopes they’re impressed by the usage of students.
  Truly, he means no harm to these people. It’s just business. He uses the floaty girl to get him a good chunk through the course. Finally, he lets her go so he wouldn’t get too used to her. She woke up in a daze then sped off.
After an intense race, he makes it in the top forty. He looks up to see his classmates who are clapping, except you. You look horrified, terrified. His smile of victory quickly vanishes. 
When the cavalry battle starts, he goes up to just a few people who all fall for the same ‘hello’ trick he used on the pink cheeked girl. He doesn’t want to make it seem that he’s watching you so he just looks through the corner of his eye. From what he can see, you cover your mouth with your hand, already figuring out what's going on. 
He was shocked to see the tail drop out. His pride was too great for him to continue. Hitoshi hears how admirable yet disappointing it is. Hitoshi is the reason for it. His chest feels a heaviness in his stomach from guilt. It disappears when he thinks about this opportunity that the tail was given and how he disregards it. Hitoshi replaces that guilt with disgust. He can't help but glare at the nervous looking heteromorph as he walks to a green haired guy.
Now it’s time for the one on one fights. All he has to do is get the plain looking one to talk. Midoriya or something?
  He can feel your eyes on him. So badly he wants to prove to you that he can win. He wants everyone to know that he can be a hero. He talks to the freckled kid, egging him on. The one thing he knows will get to him to talk is that boy with the tail. The Tail dropped out of the festival due to shame and pride. No one understood why he did it, but he was eager to talk to Midoriya. Hitoshi isn’t dumb. He knows that the tail told Midoriya about his quirk even though it’s common knowledge among general studies. 
Finally, he got him. Midoriya was just an inch away from stepping out of the line. Eraserhead had informed everyone of Hitoshi’s quirk, so everyone was leaning in their seats to see it in action. The heroes in the back talk about him and why he isn’t in the hero course. Of course, there are the nervous ones and call his quirk villainous like they always have. 
  He is so sick of it. 
Unfortunately, Midoriya somehow broke through Brainwashing and charged at him. His strength and speed are hard to keep up with but Hitoshi got a few good punches in. Hitoshi knows you heard everything he says to Midoriya and watch as he is flipped out of bounds along with his dream. It crushes him. It feels like his dream just went walked away from him like you have done for so long. 
   Midoriya’s words stick with him. Hitoshi got to vent and say what has been in his heart. It's what he needed to do and to hear a few words of encouragement. To see eyes that didn't fear him. A person that didn't judge him or consider him a villain. Meeting the freckled kid is a blessing. This encouragement is what he needs  to know in order to let your approval go, he knows this. Everything else has left him except for you. There’s something about your approval, something about you that makes him hang on. 
    When he turns around, he’s met with cheers from his classmates. He’s in shock by the words and excitement. He looks at your face to see if you do the same. You look at him with disgust and leave your seat. It hurts for a minute or two. Then he hears his classmates call him the hero of general studies, the star. Words that were always your title. He hopes you hear it, wherever you went. He may not have won the sports festival, but he did win your title. 
The next day, he’s greeted with claps and whistles. He receives high fives and pats on the back. Even the teachers tip their hats and congratulate him. In front of everyone in his home room Snipe says that he got an internship. 
   “ Yes!” The guy next to him shouts. The class hangs onto him and even rubs his head. “Hey,” Hitoshi swats them away from his head.
 “You act like I’m messing it up.”
  A boy with a clown face, Aoi, continues to ruffle his hair. Hitoshi stares at him unamused. “So fluffy and soft…”
  And here he thought it was greasy. A girl with blue skin pipes up. She sits on the edge of someone’s desk casually. “It’s nice having someone go against the hero course. They’re pretty strong, huh?”
“They were formidable.” Is all he says about it. He doesn't want to admit that it was hard yet. He wants to bask in this for a minute.  “Yeah. Honestly Hitoshi,” She licks her plump lips. “I didn’t think you’d make it that far. I’m impressed. I never thought anyone here could hold a candle to them. Except (Y/n), of course. She could take them.”
“Definitely.” Chikuchi walks over and flicks his hair as well. Aoi gives a light chuckle. “They’d be good together.” 
“A duo!”
Hitoshi raises a brow. “What?”
“Love!” A girl clasps her hands together and coos with hearts in her eyes. Hitoshi sees people with knowing smiles and a flush to their cheeks. “Hitoshi and (Y/n), sitting in a tree-” He chokes on spit.
  “Huh?” He sees you enter the room and everyone goes silent. Your eyebrows furrow for a moment then finally release. “Mmhmm.” You hum suspiciously. You don’t acknowledge him like always. Even with all of these people around him singing with praise, you remain across the room like he doesn’t exist.
  Still, with what was said about the two of you and how far off that is, he can’t help but feel tingly. The admiration he has for you turned into a different kind of feeling over time. He’s kept it a secret that he’s denied constantly. Now hearing how his peers are reacting to the thought of it, he’s warm inside. 
  He smiles a little as people go on about the internship. His mind moves away from you and onto his new opportunity. Little did anyone know, Eraserhead has taken it upon himself to train him. Hitoshi already knew of the internship since the hero told him right after the festival.
"How am I supposed to learn this? Can I really learn something that took you six years?" He doesn't know how, but he's completely tangled in binding cloth. "I wouldn't waste my time on something pointless." 
  Hitoshi wiggles in the binds as his mentor just watches him struggle. As he turns and squirms, Hitoshi hears a familiar laugh. In the corner of his eye, he sees you skip along with your friends. A large, spike headed boy pushes this one shorter boy to the ground and yells. Since Hitoshi has realized that it's possible for him to be a hero, his protective instincts have risen. In his fight with the binds, he spots you beating him to it. You stand firm and your voice is stern. 
"Leave him alone. Act like you have some sense." The big guy moves towards you. Hitoshi's eyes widen with each step he takes towards you. Your friends tug on your hand to get away. Finally, the bully leans down to you, saying something that isn't reaching Hitoshi's pounding ears. Suddenly, the scene stops when your mouth moves for the final time. The spike headed one backs off with his head hung low. 
  Hitoshi pauses as everything unfolds and you walk away. He's stuck in binds while you go passed him once again. 
"Do you know her?"
"Yeah, we kind of grew up together. We went to the same school our whole life." This is embarrassing. "It's no big deal."
"Keep focus at the task at hand. You being tied up like that is giving me second hand embarrassment."
You're not aiming to be a hero yet each time you run right past him. He can't keep up with you or the hero course. How is he going to be able to do this? If you saw him now, he'd die even more than he wants to on the regular. 
"I said get out of it I'm flushed."
  After all the drama that took place with class 1-a, everyone had to move into the dorms. Hitoshi understands that it’s not their fault. Most of general studies do. That doesn’t change the irritation, frustration, and discomfort though. Some of the students don’t have the money to move into dorms so they have to get scholarships. The pressure of maintaining those Hitoshi hears is hard. 
  You are one of them. When the teachers sent letters to people’s homes, Hitoshi knew his parents, if not Eraserhead, would let him go. You on the other hand is a different story. He has no idea if you are able to do it.  His future in the hero course is set as long as he trains hard. All of those in the hero classes are fine. It’s general studies, business courses, and support that are up in the air. He knows that it’s none of his business. But this is you. Someone he’s grown up with. 
  The front door to the dorms is open. He sees the red couch set in the commons and a large kitchen in the back. The counter has a coffee set that will be well loved here. There are elevators at each side of the commons with a stair sign not too far from them. It reminds him of a hotel or apartment lobby.  It’s all plain and simple. 
His things have already been moved to his room on the third floor. He unlocks his door and right as his foot enters it, he sees you struggling with your door. He’d be a liar if he said he didn’t care that you were here or not. That he’s done with your approval and recognition. Yet he feels lighter at the sight of you and his chest feels like butterflies. He’s happy you are here even if the feeling isn’t mutual. 
   You finally get your door open. Hitoshi goes into his own room to rest. Laying on his back, it hits him: you’re practically living together. 
  He pops up on his bed in shock. Taking a deep breath, he smacks his cheeks to get rid of that thought. This is simply a school dormitory. 
The planning for the school festival is buzzing. Everyone in his class had some kind of idea for it. A maid cafe, food stands, a haunted house, all of it. Everyone’s excited to plan and experience a happy moment in this eventful year. He volunteered to be the scare at the haunted house. Whereas you had a choice: to enter the beauty pageant or work in that maid cafe.
“This is so embarrassing you guys.” You hit the table. “Come on! You lost the bet fair and square.” Tsutsutaka leans on the desk and wiggles his brows. Your nose shrivels. “Ew.”
  “You have to help, (Y/n).” The students start to cause a fuss. You sigh. “It’s not like that, okay? I…I’ll lose the pageant-”
  Hitoshi turns his head to look at you. You continue. “And a maid cafe? Seriously?” 
“ You lost the bet!” You groan at their shout. “Can’t I run a food stand or something?”
“ No!” 
“You won’t be alone. There’s going to be others working with you. Don’t be so self conscious.” A student hangs onto you, rubbing your shoulder soothingly.  “It’s either the maid cafe or the pageant. Either one you’ll be a doll in!” Chikuchi says with sincerity. You frown and look down. “I’ll do the maid cafe…”
  The rest of class went to planning. His mind drifted off and thought of you dressed as a maid, making his cheeks red.
 After scaring the future heroes, he went to the food vendors and got some candied apples. He slurped on a slushie and talked to a few people in the hero course. He went to the play and was totally confused. Not to mention suffered from secondhand embarrassment. The concert was alright, but he lost interest and had to go back to the haunted house anyway. 
  As he walks to the haunted house, he sees the cute themed maid cafe. Unable to help himself, he brushes past a crowd to go in. A few of his classmates hang onto his shoulders. “They can’t turn you down, our star!”
The first person he sees is you. Your back is turned to him. He’d recognize that back of yours anywhere. Following your directions, you welcome him ‘home’. 
  “Besides, it’s her.” One of the goons hum the tune to K-I-S-S-I-N-G. If he wasn’t dead set on being a hero, he’d smack the clown. Alas, he can’t put his hands on him. Eraserhead would choke him again. 
  You turn around and give a closed smile. A vein is bulging out of your forehead and your eye is twitching. “Come with me, masters.” 
  Hitoshi feels a pulse in an embarrassing place. He wants to slap himself for it.
The clown faced goon squeals and follows you too closely. Hitoshi can’t help but trip him in a way that makes the clown look clumsy. You look back at the boy who shrieked on his way down. You still don’t see Hitoshi standing there, with your eyes to the floor in an attempt to avoid the shame. 
  You ask what the ‘masters’ want to eat and drink. You put on a cutesy act while they order. Hitoshi looks you over, noticing how the uniform hugs you. It’s his turn to order. He goes for a coffee when you look at him and freeze. Your breath is heavy. 
  “Aye, the star of general studies and (Y/n)-” Tsutsutaka elbows clown face’s stomach. Groaning, clown face finishes, “Sitting in a tree-”
  Chikuchi comes out of nowhere and steals you away with a mischievous grin. “Let’s go, let’s go!” 
  “What’s going on?” Hitoshi gets up with them and follows them to the pageant. He sees you, horrified, on the stage. You suck on your lips nervously and your knees shake a little. A few people whistle or even coo at your maid uniform. 
  He wants to shield you. To pick you up and take you off the stage. You hate this and hate the way they’re looking at you. Honestly, he doesn’t like it either. The presenter goes to you with a microphone and completely ignores your terrified face. Some people in the crowd comment how you look like a scared bunny or even a kitten. 
  He’s had enough. Tsutsutaka stands next to him, curious of Hitoshi’s reaction of clenched fists and flared nostrils. “She does look scared…” Tsutsutaka takes a step but Hitoshi beats him to it. Hitoshi goes up to the stage and picks you up bridal style. Some of them clap and others complain. You burrow your head in his chest.
  Back stage, he puts you down. Your knees buckle from under you. Hitoshi immediately catches you before you land too hard on the ground. Your hands cover your eyes. The covering doesn’t hide you sucking on your lips to stop them from wobbling. You're breathing heavy, chest rising and falling harder and harder. Tsutsutaka rushes backstage and finds the two of you.
"Are you okay?” Should you be with the nurse? You're breathing way too hard and look sickly. He goes to pick you up again. You gasp and stare up at him in horror. Immediately, you run from him and don’t look back. 
 He bounces on his heels in his room. Today he'll be fighting both classes of the hero course. He's trained with Eraserhead for months now and has gained a lot more definition in his body. Not only is he stronger but he's faster and more tactical too. However, he isn't blind. He knows that he's majorly behind. The classes had months of legitimate training and experience with villains while he's remained indoors and wrapped in a binding cloth.
  That alone is worth more than what he's done. Through this time with Eraser, he has also paid less attention to you. Not that you've noticed or anything. During this time, he's slowly letting you go and focusing on himself in a more positive light. It's more than he imagined. 
  The clock strikes and he heads to the grounds. He passes some students who encourage him to do his best since they're aware that he's training. He gives them a thumbs up and says goodbye. Once again, you're missing. It's okay though. Hitoshi can't afford to think of you anyway. The joint training is his exam of his potential even if Eraser didn't tell him that. 
 The second the beastly student appears and throws Tsu and Kirishima, he reacts and uses his voice changer. Right when Jurota freezes, Hitoshi pictures you for some reason. It's your eyes that are scared whenever he's around. He pushes that away and launches his binding cloth only to be met with an air prison. Kaminari throws himself at Jurota, electrifying him. Tsu then captures Kosei and runs. Hitoshi can only watch as she runs as fast as she can injured. 
  The next match is crazy. Midoriya goes out of control and his team are fighting valiantly. Monoma's crazed antics before weren't unfounded. Class B is equal to class A. Unfortunately, Hitoshi is a dead weight. He knows this, especially when he's tackled by Midoriya. He was so close to capturing his rival. So, so close. Hitoshi feels so heavy. He's disappointed in his performance and how obvious his weakness is. He admits that he only saved Midoriya for their rematch, he's choked by his mentor. In that moment, he wonders if Eraser is actually scolding him for what he said or because of what he was thinking of: you. In the first round he hesitated because of you. It threw him off.
  Either way, he feels like shit. The bright side is that in his second year, he gets in the class. 
 The war has begun, and the heroes lost the first round. His teacher, Eraserhead, is severely injured and down for the count. All he can do is hold onto Erasure for a short while. He’s lost an eye and his leg valiantly, earning mass respect, including from Hitoshi. He has always respected his teacher but seeing the lengths Eraser would go to protect everyone inspired Hitoshi to do his absolute best. 
He put his uniform on and wishes general studies well. “Promise you’ll be okay, star!”
He’s grateful for his mask that hides a part of his face. “I will. I don’t have my license yet, so I won’t be in the front lines or anything.”
“Do your best, Shinsou!” He gets cheers from the general studies in all the grades that gather around to wish him goodbye. He spots you on the couch hugging your blue skinned friend. He doesn’t know what to say to you. But in case something does happen, he wants to at least talk to you even though he is sure you won’t say a thing back to him.
  He’s in front of you. He wants to squat to get to your level on the couch but doesn’t. There are so many things to say yet none at all. There is nothing to be paid and then there is so much owed. Hitoshi wants to yell at you and declare that he’s a hero. Then he also wants to say nothing and leave with mystery. 
  It’s you. The one he’s known for years and has always chased in a way. The one who protected h im as he done for you at the festival. He hated how scared you were and hated how people looked at you. He hated how because you weren’t in the official running, you were disqualified and it made people think you weren’t as pretty as they thought. 
“Be safe.” Is all he can muster. You look stunned.
  Kaminari repeated what Midnight told him: to picture the person who matters the most. Is it strange that he thought of you? So, that is all he will say.
After he did his duty and brainwashed Aoyama and his parents, Eraserhead tells him, “It won’t be in April now due to this mess. But you’ll be in my class. You’re prepared enough to enter. Let’s hope you can keep up.”
He nodded, excited to his core. The only bad thing about it is losing you even though he never had you. Waking up in the morning for a cup of your coffee that you made in the pot, how you cooked pancakes for everyone one day and a traditional dish the next. He’ll lose seeing you every day and waiting for your replies. He takes a deep breath. He can’t think of that, and he shouldn’t. For the first and only time, he has the opportunity to become a hero. 
Eraserhead leads him to the hero course of 1-A. The veteran explains what is happening and the plan for everything. Finally, Hitoshi appears and waves.
“I’ll be joining the hero course soon. I thought it’d be in April but this all happened.” 
Hitoshi looks at the class who will not shut up. “Join class A!” The red head leans on him and shakes him. Eraserhead clarifies why Hitoshi is there in the first place.  Prior to him coming in the class A commons, he worked on Aoyama. The blond was scared and rightfully so. His story is frightening. Hitoshi could only imagine being thrusted into the very thing you're against because your parents pushed you into it and some killer is stalking you. 
  He hopes Aoyama will be okay. He hopes the same for you.
He rides on Machia who is brainwashed, then is flung around. Hitoshi thinks of Midoriya, his friends in general studies and the ones he is coming to know in the hero course. Most of all, he thinks of you. The last time he saw you, you were clinging onto your friend. 
Picture the person who matters the most. 
Despite everything, it’s you. The way he protected you during the festival and now this. He needs to. He wants to. If he were to say it out loud, no one would understand. He doesn't even get it but it's true.  Hitoshi continues to control Machia then it is thwarted. The beast cries out about betrayal and fights. Hitoshi tries to gain control back by using different voices but is stopped each time. 
   This is not going well. 
Picture the person who matters the most. 
He sees you playing with him when the two of you were kids. It was years ago and he barely remembers that time. He thinks of how you saved him back in middle school and stopped the bullying. He sees your fearful eyes and the urge to stop them. You've always thought of him as a threat. As a villain. Now there is a giant one that could crush you like a leaf. He hates being a villain in your eyes. 
  He'll take that assumption over your death any day. 
He’s officially in the hero course now. Because of his efforts, he got his license without a hassle. At first, he didn’t think he deserved it. Machia was able to break out of his Brainwashing several times then it all went to hell after that. The only thing Hitoshi managed to do was prevent another massacre. Still, the damage that was done was great, making Hitoshi feel like shit. After talking with a few people, including his parents, he's come to realize that he did good for a first timer. 
The world is still picking up the pieces after Shigaraki a year later. So many things have changed since then. One of the things that haven't are the friendships he made in general studies. Although they don't spend every day together, they still treat him as a friend. 
He comes back from the third year general studies hall. He didn’t see you and hasn’t for a bit. Everyone verified that you were still in school. It’s a little embarrassing that they literally keep track of everything and are still rooting for the two of you. 
  Suddenly, there is a familiar figure facing away from him. He hasn’t seen you in a while. It's not like he has totally forgotten about you, not at all. The reason is that life has drifted him away. Now, here you are bouncing and trying to reach something another student is holding over your head. You're so playful with him. If it were Hitoshi, you'd scream and run. Even though he thought of you when he was fighting. 
  You jump in the air again. His breath hitches.
After school, he walks to his dorm. The day has a crisp breeze that fights the heat of the sun. Days like this are cherished after the hell that the League brought. Once again, he finds you smiling and talking animatedly to your friends. The sun hits your face just right, making you look like a painting. Kaminari, of course, comes up to him and leans on him. “Is that the maid girl?”
“Her name’s (Y/n).” 
“She’s pretty.” Hitoshi side eyes his friend. “The prettiest.” Hitoshi’s eyes get wide. Was that from a movie? There is something memorable about that. Kaminari’s his friend. Has been for a bit, too. So, it’s okay to say what Hitoshi has been thinking, right? “I think she hates me.”
“What? Why?” Hitoshi can’t keep his eyes off of you. “I don’t know. Probably my quirk if anything.”
“Well first of all, that’s stupid so let’s get that out the way. Second, I thought you were well liked in general studies?” He blows a bubble with his gum. Hitoshi holds out his hand for the blond to hand a stick over.
  “Yeah, after the sports festival. Even then she doesn’t look at me. She runs instead.”
  “Huh…you want me to go ask her?” Hitoshi elbows him in the ribs, thinking murderous thoughts. "Absolutely the fuck not.”
“W-why not? It’ll solve it.” Kaminari groans as he rubs his ribs. “I’m just saying it could be something different, you know? Maybe she actually likes you and is nervous.”
  Hitoshi scoffs. You? Like him? His old classmates still joke about it but he knows better. “Nah, she’s been doing this since we were kids.”
  Kaminari decides to listen instead of replying. Hitoshi sighs as he leans on a pillar. “We’ve gone to school together since I can remember. It has always been like this.” He scratches his head. “I’m used to it by now.”
  Kaminari leans on the other side of the pillar. “Like, I get that you’re used to these kinds of things. Still, it doesn’t make it right. I say just go up to her.”
  Hitoshi crosses his arms. Just how shy does he think he is? “I’ve talked to her before, Kaminari. I’m not totally hopeless.”
 Without looking at him, Hitoshi knows Kaminari took that and ran. “Pfft, when?” Hitoshi shouldn’t take the bait. He should turn around and leave or something. “Throughout the years. We’ve never held a conversation I think. The last time we talked was during the wars.”
  Kaminari comes closer to Hitoshi’s side of the pillar. “You, uh, said goodbye?”
“In a way.” Hitoshi glares. “What?” 
His friend shrugs his shoulders. “I said my goodbyes, too. We all did.” The wars are a sensitive topic among society. With a breath, the human charger sheds the sadness away. He gets in front of Hitoshi. “Go get your girl then, Hitoshi.”
Hitoshi’s ears are warm. “She’s not my girl, Denki.” A mischievous gleam grows in Kaminari’s eyes. “So… I can get her then?” Hitoshi freezes. “ No!”
“Tsk, tsk. She’s fair game, my man.” Kaminari turns away from Hitoshi and heads your way. Hitoshi grabs him by the back of his collar and drags him from you without you noticing their conversation. In all honesty, he wants you to know. To hear him say what’s been on his mind for years. 
Denki never made a move on you or told anyone how Hitoshi felt about you. Now it’s graduation day. The support course has already grabbed everything and walked. Now it’s your turn. He sits on the edge of his seat in case you need him again. You go up and grab your diploma. You turn to the crowd and shout, waving it around. He’s proud of you. Not only did you graduate, but you also managed to go up on the stage. Your cheesy smile lights up the whole place. He knows there is no way he’s the only one in awe. 
You are still the prettiest. 
  Finally, it’s his turn after his classmates in the hero course. Everyone has been through so much and has grown immensely. This includes him and you. He goes up to get his diploma. The hero course and general studies shout. He’ll miss them all. His eyes find yours immediately, it’s natural now. He’s been looking for years. 
   You don’t notice at first until you hit his dead on. The last time he’s looked into them was when he was sent off to the second war. He went up to you for the last time and told you to be safe. Midnight told Denki to imagine he’s protecting something dear to him and Hitoshi went by that. You don’t look away. He wonders if this is your way of saying goodbye.
You kiss your friends goodbye and twirl around on the sidewalk. It’s dark out and starry. Maybe if he says one more thing to you, maybe if he says how he feels, then he can let you go? Does he want to? Need to?
  “Hey,” You stop twirling and look behind at him. He’s face to face with you, alone, for the first time. The light from the party is still going strong, illuminating your features. You’ve grown and are even prettier somehow. He takes a deep breath. This might be the last he talks to you or even sees you. 
   “Thanks for being safe.” Your eyes are wide and you’re speechless once again. “You don’t have to say anything, you never do,” He rubs the back of his neck. “I…I wanted you to know that I’m happy you’re alright.”
He now notices how much bigger he is than you. Taller and stronger, his voice is deeper, too. He’s grown a lot now. 
  When he looks up all he sees is your back, running from him down the street. He’s grown up a lot now so it doesn’t hurt so bad. It still stings, but at least it won’t keep him up at night he hopes.
Once again, he’s lying. He has come to terms with his adoration for you. After an incident in the bathroom that will never be talked about again, the beating of his heart pounded. No longer did he try to muffle it after he talked to Denki.
 One day. One day he’ll tell you he’s always liked you. Then maybe he can move on somehow. First loves usually don't last, right?
  It’s been a few years since he’s been a pro hero. It’s a rare day he has off and has reluctantly decided to go with his friends for breakfast. What he really wants is to be able to sleep in for once but they won’t leave him the hell alone. The bell above the restaurant door dings when he opens it. The diner is kind of on the small side and has old tiles. The place looks well-loved and the customers are clearly familiar. 
  “I’ll wait.” The young worker behind the counter groans. “Please order something. You’ve been hogging the counter for hours.”
“It’s been an hour. I’m waiting for my wife. I don’t trust your cooking.” The worker gasps. “I am excellent at my job!”
  The man at the counter takes a sip out of the small ceramic mug. “This is awful. I’ll wait.”
  “Look, I did it exactly how it’s supposed to be done. You guys are just picky!”
A middle-aged woman comes up to Hitoshi and his friends from school. Everyone’s in civilian clothing but that doesn’t stop everyone from recognizing them. “Coffee anyone?”
“Doe, don’t give them that shit, rude as hell.” The one behind the counter stomps her foot. “ You’re rude as hell!” 
  Hitoshi and the rest grin. “I’ll take a cup.” A few of the customers send him prayers. The worker behind the counter stomps away. Hitoshi would feel bad for her if the coffee hadn’t been so bad. The taste makes him choke and put the mug down. The middle aged waitress, Doe, laughs and pats Hitoshi on the back. She calls the busboy over to collect everyone’s mugs. 
  “Really, it’s not that bad…” Midoriya, despite saying that, puts his cup with the busboy. Suddenly, the door opens up. The customers sigh in relief. The man and the counter asks loudly, “And where in the hell have you been?”
Hitoshi turns to look at who he’s talking to. There you are, putting your jacket on the rack and waving at everyone. “Sorry I’m late, sorry, sorry.”
“Look at what she was serving!” It’s like they’re telling on the poor girl. “And look at this-” The others move to look at the man’s sad plate but Hitoshi can't stop staring at you. “What kind of fish is this?”
  “Oh, you poor things.” You fully enter and go behind the counter. You lean in to look at the customer’s plate. “Oof.”
  “It’s not that bad! I’ve been doing this for years.” Doe huffs and walks away and stops at your side. “You might want to make some coffee, baby.”
 “I followed the directions!”
 You pour yourself a small cup and drink. You take a drink and make a disgusted face. “You knew better, Rieka.” 
  Before Rieka can retort, you put your apron on and make a new pot of coffee first. Watching you in your element is so relaxing? Entertaining? You are just naturally flowing and are so fast with it all. 
   “The usuals?” The man at the counter clicks his tongue. Izuku chuckles at the patrons' interactions with each other. Doe comes by with the fresh pot that was quick to brew. “Round two?”  With a little cream, he drinks. It’s better and familiar. It is exactly like the pot of coffee you’d always made at the dorms.
  The table orders their meals and waits. Hitoshi still can’t believe it. You work here, he actually saw you. He hasn’t seen you since graduation day. You look more mature than you did then. He hopes he does too. 
 Quickly, the orders fly out of the kitchen with customers happily taking their plates right out of the waitress's hands. “How’d you find this place, Sero?” 
  The meals are on the table in no time. Each hot with mouth watering food. Sero takes the first bite. “Mm, it’s a usual hang out for heroes.”
“Seriously?” Ashido bites into her eggs then puts ketchup on them. “Yep. It’s because it’s lowkey and has good food. Apparently, Doe's dad used to be a hero so she makes an effort to keep it normal for heroes. The people who eat here don’t say anything or act up. Then again, most of the time we just order and take out real quick.”
 Denki nudges Hitoshi. The latter already knows of the feelings he had towards you. “We know her, don’t we?”
  Izuku’s already half done with his plate. “She looks familiar.” 
Hitoshi nods. “We went to school together in general studies. Her name’s (Y/n) (L/n).”  Izuku taps his chin. “The maid cafe!”
“And the pageant. Oh my God, everyone talked about the pretty maid on the stage. Apparently, she looked terrified.” Mina bites into her buttered toast. 
“Why did she enter then?” Izuku asks after he takes another drink of his coffee. “She didn’t.” 
The table looks at Hitoshi. “She had to choose between the cafe or the pageant and she chose the cafe. But some of the class dragged her up on stage without officially entering her.”
  Ashido shakes her head. “She probably has stage fright or something. A few people were laughing about it, but I never thought it was funny.” 
Uraraka shakes her head as well. “It wasn’t. I didn’t get to see it but by the sounds of it she was ready to faint, poor thing.” She chews on her food. “Thankfully Hitoshi here saved her.”
  The tips of his ears are warm. “What? I didn’t hear about that!”
He looks at Ashido. “I carried her off the stage.” There is a gleam in her eyes that gives him a heavy and dreading feeling. Doe comes back with a smile on her face. She sports the same shine as Ashido.  “Everything okay here? Need anything?”
“More coffee, please.” Hitoshi holds up his empty cup. Doe smiles. “I’ll get the chef to get right on it, handsome.”
  He side eyes Ashido who loudly sips on her beverage. “I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you.”
"Her hero."
Why is he nice to these people.
Hitoshi is almost done for the night when he hears a short scream. He jumps from building to building with grace. Because of the years of doing this, he has become used to the dark, so he can see what’s going on with ease. 
  He gasps as he sees you held up by some thug in an alley. The villain is covering your mouth. You try to fight him off of you. Hitoshi swings over and kicks the criminal. Of course, they’re a common sort and easy to take down. All it takes is for him to ask a simple question, “Who?!”
“Wha-” Their eyes go blank. Hitoshi takes the time to cuff them and call them in. He turns to you. You’re crying, your hand is to your chest. “(Y/n), it’s me, Hitoshi.” His hands are up as he walks to you slowly. 
“It’s just me, okay? I need you to breathe.” You are pressed against the brick wall of the building. Your breath is erratic. Those eyes of yours dart around. “Take a breath, (Y/n). Please.”
You run away and out of the alley. The villain is out cold with a simple word from Hitoshi. He takes off after you. Surprisingly, you’re fast. He never thought you’d be running from him this long. You slightly trip as you turn the corner. 
  Thankfully, he has training. He swings his bind up at a streetlight and lifts himself up on top of a building. He hops on the buildings’ roofs and follows you that way. With one move, he is able to wrap his bind around you and lift you up to his arms. You scream from the lift and look shocked when you land in his arms. 
  “Please breathe, (Y/n).” You mouth, ‘put me down’. He follows your direction and sets you down gently. Quickly, you push him away from you. Finally, for the first time, he tells you what he thinks. He doesn't know why it happens. 
Hitoshi takes his mask off roughly. “That’s it, that’s it! I don’t know what the hell I did to you but damn it, I don’t deserve it. I’m a hero now, (Y/n). A hero! My quirk isn’t judged and shouldn’t have been in the first place,” He lowers himself to your line of sight. “I am a hero. There’s nothing wrong with my quirk. Yet despite all those years you ignored me, hurt me, I’ll still save you.”
  Your eyes tear up. Shit, he shouldn't have done that. You've just been through something terrible and he's yelling at you. Why did he anyway?  “Are you going to apologize?” 
His brows furrow and jaw drops. “Excuse me?” You shut your mouth. You’re being careful with answering his questions. “You can stop being scared, you know. I just want to know how the hell you get off.”
“Do you remember me?”
“Yes. We grew up together. We went to school together all our lives.” You start to glare at him. “Do you remember me?”
He’s confused and starts to think back when you interrupt. “I have lost so many memories of my childhood because of you and your disgusting quirk.”
  You step closer. “In kindergarten, you got your quirk first and tested it out on me, repeatedly. Then the next year was the same and the same after that year. Finally, I became scared of you and when you came up to me, I wet myself from fright. You and everyone around laughed.”
  You start to struggle. “Here I am terrified of the boy who I used to play with and you think it’s funny,” You chuckle with no humor. “I decided then and there that if no one was going to save me, that doesn’t mean I couldn’t save them. They may not care about me, but I care about them. Hitoshi Shinsou,” 
You point. “I hate you. Years went by and I had to protect them from what you did to me. Because of your quirk use, I barely remember vital moments. My birthdays, teachers, friends from then and it’s not because of age!”
  “Oh my God…” He whispers. He forgot all about that. Kindergarten was so long ago he doesn’t really remember it. He remembers you being there and playing with you. Now that he’s in front of you, watching as tears stream down your face and your lips wobble, he is plagued with the past that he forgot.
   At first, he used you to show everyone his quirk. Then it developed into something fun. After that, it was to keep playing with him once he noticed you distancing yourself. Come to think of it, it was about third grade when he had become an outcast.
“In high school you did it to all of those people! And in the same breath say you want to be a hero!” 
“I can’t help if that’s my quirk, (Y/n)...”
“No, but the way you use it and disregard their feelings is what makes you a villain! And you haven’t apologized yet! You’re a poser, a villain in white. Fuck you, at least Tomura was honest.”
  You back away and turn around to the roof's door. “I’m sorry…”
You stop. “Are you sorry or is it your status now? Like Endeavor, only sorry after he got what he wanted?”
  “I don't recall any of that. Not until now.” And it's barely registering. He knows his words aren’t empty but to your ears they must be so hollow they feel like air. You clench your fists and walk away. For the first time in years, his eyes water. 
“What do I do?” Hitoshi thought about going to his friends, either ones he met in general studies or the hero course. He already went to his parents to see if they remembered you and surprisingly, they did. They just didn’t know what he had done to you. So, he went to his mentor. 
  “You’ve acknowledged the problem and feel remorse. That’s step one. Step two is atonement. It’s not a real apology if there is no action.”
He rubs his face. “What should I do, Eraser?” Hitoshi has gone over this several times in his head. He still is struggling to believe it. 
“It’s up to you. You’re the one that knows her.”
No, he doesn't. 
 He walks home with his hands in his pockets. Everything is running through his head all at once. All this time he thought proving himself to be a hero was gaining his hero license and saving those who couldn’t save themselves. He judged Endeavor for his stupidity and villainy yet didn’t think of his own. Being a hero goes beyond a license and personal accomplishments. It goes past acknowledgment. 
  He’s wanted these things for a long time. As an underground hero, he is content, happy even. He achieved what he’s wanted all his life and does it his way. He’s a fool to think that he is a good person at heart who is just misunderstood. That's what he's always said about himself. That and how unfair the world is to judge and punish someone with a villainous quirk who is a good person overall. 
  Why the fuck couldn’t he remember what he did to you? How could he miss the signs? All this time he claimed he was the victim when in reality, he's a bully. How could he not see that he is not a true hero? How scared were you every time he came up to you? 
He stops walking and looks up to the sky. It’s clearing up and the sun is coming out, shining brightly on him. His revelation stings and hurts his heart. Fuck acknowledgment, fuck accomplishments. He’s sorry and is a terrible piece of shit. He’ll show you that you’re safe from now on. Not because he has something to prove to the world. Not because he’s a hero now and heroes make things right. No, he’s going to do it because it’s you. 
And it is you who matters the most to him. 
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angel-sweets666 · 3 months
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comforting shinso
Hitoshi Shinso x nurse hero reader
Shinso got hurt while out at patrol, so he came home to you. A pro hero with a healing quirk and his partner
The evening was quiet as you sat in your living room, the soft hum of the TV in the background barely registering. You were waiting for Hitoshi Shinso to come home, eager to spend some time together after a long day. Suddenly, the sound of the front door creaking open drew your attention.
You turned to see Hitoshi staggering in, his face pale and his shirt soaked with blood. A deep slash ran across his chest, the crimson staining his uniform.
"Hitoshi!" you cried out, rushing to his side. "What happened?"
He winced, trying to keep his breathing steady. "Got into a fight… villains… couldn't avoid it."
You quickly guided him to the couch, your heart pounding with worry. "Sit down. Let me take a look."
As he lowered himself onto the cushions, you gently peeled away his shirt, revealing the gruesome wound. Blood was still seeping from the gash, and you knew you had to act fast. Placing your hands over the injury, you focused on your quirk, feeling the familiar warmth spread from your fingertips.
A soft glow enveloped Hitoshi's chest as your healing quirk activated. You concentrated, pouring your energy into mending the torn flesh and stopping the bleeding. Hitoshi hissed in pain but remained still, trusting you completely.
"Hang in there," you whispered, your voice soothing. "It's going to be okay."
Gradually, the wound began to close, the raw edges knitting together under your touch. The bleeding slowed, then stopped entirely. Hitoshi's breathing became less labored, and some color returned to his face.
After what felt like an eternity, you finally pulled your hands away. The gash was now a faint scar, a testament to the battle he had fought. You let out a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from your forehead.
"How do you feel?" you asked, your voice shaky.
Hitoshi looked down at his chest, then back up at you. "Much better, thanks to you," he said, his voice filled with gratitude and affection. "You saved me."
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close. "Don't scare me like that again," you murmured into his shoulder, your heart still racing.
He hugged you back, his grip gentle but firm. "I promise I'll be more careful. I can't lose you, and I don't want you to worry."
You pulled back slightly, looking into his eyes. "I love you, Hitoshi. Just… please take care of yourself."
He smiled softly, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "I love you”
You leaned in and kissed him, your lips lingering on his, grateful that he was safe and that you were there to help him when he needed it most.
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Ooh.....Thanks for sharing your fics recs....Because you don't mind, can I ask for another top fav fics recs that you love? Thanks so much.....
Of course! I’ve only got about 10 because sorting through bookmarks takes a while but I can always do more
These are all complete and written in english
Emrys the Really, Truly Terrible by lindenwaverly
Merlin - Arthur wants to look for Emrys, Merlin is very against the idea, crack with plot, 15,241 words
Regent by Theroundbartable
Merlin - Time travel, Arthur becomes a child, Leon is immortal, Merlin is regent because Arthur left a will, Arthur has childhood trauma and suppressed memories, check the tags for triggers, 148,386 words, 16 chapters
The chaotic neutral’s guide to time travel by DancingInTheStorm
Mha - Shinsou has no fucks to give and UA has to deal with it, 1,629 words
Luminescence by livinglittlelie
Mha - Soul mates Tododeku fic, everyone has marks that glow when they touch their soulmate, Izuku thinks he’s markless his whole life and Todoroki has trauma surrounding his soulmarks, super cute, little bit angsty and briefly goes into platonic soul bonds and relationships too. 9,229 words
Lost and Found by Andai
Mha - Dadzawa is protective when Izuku’s dad shows up, he claims his kid openly, and proudly. Midoriya Hisashi is promptly told to fuck off. 15,216 words, 3 chapters
Somewhere in Between by PhantomWriter
Good Omens, Merlin crossover - Merlin shows up in the bookshop, he and Aziraphel have an interesting conversation. 4,300 words
Emrys smiled by NoTearsFalling
Merlin - Merlin punches a knight to protect a kid, a foreign king tries to punish him, 4,430 words
Let Us Cling Together As The Years Go By by TheGameIsOn_Geronimo
Good Omens, Merlin crossover - Aziraphel and Merlin meet a few times over the years and become friends, just immortal things, 5,477 words
A dog is a Merlin's best friend by OlisDrabbles
Merlin - Merlin keeps the dog from the Valiant episode and it becomes his best friend and the number 1 Merthur shipper, 4,159 words
I Also Have Magic by OwlsWithFins
Merlin - Merlin’s magic is revealed and the knights all stand up for him by confessing to also having magic, they pretend to do little tricks so it’s believable, crack and fluff, Mercelot, 3,208 words
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sannasruins · 2 months
never enough
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hitoshi shinso x reader
type: angst
warnings: abandonment/ghosting, disappointment, femmenine compliments but gn!reader
a/n: first post in 10 months, this is loosely based on a romance i had last year, it always sucks to be left behind, doesn't it?
word count: 2k
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He left.
You weren’t enough for him, or maybe you were too much. You couldn’t help yourself though, it was adoration at first sight with his stark gaze and shockingly deep violet hair.
Maybe he never even liked you in the first place, because if he did, why would he do this?
It was a cold winter day when he approached you, frost creeped at the corner of windows, and small snowflakes drifted down from the dark grey sky. It was probably the coldest it had been that whole season.
Christmas was coming soon. In your college days that meant going out with friends and drinking parties, but now all your friends were dating or married, spending their day off with their loved one. Leaving you, a newly graduated office worker at a top 10 hero’s company, to come in on your day off so that you didn’t spend your night alone in a cold empty apartment.
That was where you first saw him, Hitoshi Shinso, in person at least. Of course you had heard of him, the brainwashing hero, the hero with a villain’s quirk.
You had seen him on TV, on newspapers, in magazines and on social media. Despite having only graduated 4 years prior and only recently advancing from sidekick to hero, he was rising through the hero ranks while being employed at another, bigger and more popular, hero’s company.
He had also come into the office on Christmas, though it wasn’t as sad when he did it, you thought to yourself, crime doesn’t stop for holidays. Your paperwork could have though.
Hitoshi noticed you when he walked into the small office space you occupied that you were occupying, making eye contact with you, before walking into the breakroom that was connected to the office.  You felt heat rise from your shoulders, up your neck and into your cheeks, and you knew that your face must be brightly flushed.
But how could you have helped yourself, when those piercing purple eyes looked right into you, past what felt like every boarder you had up, past every lie you told yourself, and saw you. You felt exposed, and bare, in a way that not even nakedness could compare to.
You rationalized to yourself as you see his figure retreat into the breakroom, the door closing behind him, that it was just all in your mind, he had just glanced at you, that was all. You still couldn’t help but feel your heated face, sighing and putting your face in your hands for a moment before focusing back on your computer and work.
You heard the door to the breakroom open and close again, signaling that he had exited, but you decided to not look up, because your face had just started to cool down from the last time he looked at you with his pretty pretty face and his pretty pretty eyes.
So, you were surprised when something, a chip bag, was plopped down onto your desk Infront of you, with a small jump, you looked up at and saw that Hitoshi Shinsou had just placed a bag of chips from the vending machine in the breakroom on your desk.
“Its cold,” he murmured, and his voice was like velvet and melted chocolate to your ears, sweet and smooth and everything you ever needed. He leaned on the desk opposite you, “the heat isn’t on today, no one was supposed to come in.” he explained further.
You looked at him with a question on your face, it was cold in the office, that’s why you were wearing your coat and scarf still, but it didn’t explain why he had come over and why he had put a bag of chips on your desk.
“Eating helps keep you warm, replenishes your energy.” He answered your unasked question.
You nodded; your ears hot with a blush you thought he could for sure see all over your face.
“Thank you,” you grabbed the bag from in front of you and put it in one of your desk drawers, “I appreciate it Mister Hitoshi.”
He nodded at you, a small smile graced his lips, before he pushed himself off the desk, and left the room, leaving you in a face splitting smile the second you heard the door close behind him.
You squeezed your eyes shut and told yourself to breathe, to calm down, it couldn’t have meant that much, that it didn’t mean that much. And that just because he was so beautiful, heroic and it seemed kind to boot, that you couldn’t get a crush on him, he was just being a nice person, right?
It seemed like Hitoshi Shinsou wanted nothing more than to have you not be rational though.
After that Christmas day where he gifted you a bag of chips in a cold office, he began to be the places you were more often. Smiling at you as you passed each other in the hallway, asking you how your day was going.
It slowly became more, he soon started seeking you out at your desk, talking to you on his breaks when he wasn’t on patrol, it didn’t really matter if you were working, it wasn’t his company but he was still your superior, so he could do as he saw fit. That didn’t stop your coworkers from starting to whisper though.
Hitoshi Shinso would notice things on your desk, knick-nacks or books, and surprisingly to you, he was a fan of some of those things as well, and it felt almost like fate to you. Your similar hobbies, your taste in music, your taste in coffee, it was all so close to his, how could it not be meant to be?
It didn’t take long after his desk visits started for him to get your phone number, and the two of you would call, only on his schedule though, he was the busy hero who had to work odd hours, so it wasn’t surprising and quickly became normal for you to be awoken at 3 am from a call by him, asking to talk. It wasn’t his fault you were tired in the mornings and it started to affect your work, you didn’t mind if it meant you could spend time with him.
You finally one day, after getting home from the office, worked up the courage to ask him if he would like to hang out on his next night off, maybe to go out to the movies, to dinner, anything would be fine with you, as long as he was there. And to your pleasant surprise, he agreed, but then told you he had tonight off, and to give him your address, he would be there in 30 minutes.
You panicked, this amazingly beautiful man who you thought was so out of your league was coming over to your apartment? In 30 minutes? You weren’t ready, you looked frazzled and tried after a long day working, and your apartment was messy. How could you make both yourself and your apartment presentable in that little of time?
You texted him back, “okay, that sounds great! I live at XXX, apartment number XXX :).”
You rushed to pretty yourself up, putting on nicer clothes in comparison to the office clothes that he has only ever seen you in, and quickly tried to tidy your apartment.
You were shoving clothes and boxes into a closet when you heard the doorbell ring, and with one last push you got them in and quickly closed the door behind it before it could all come tumbling back out onto you. With a quick brush of your palms down your clothes to smooth out any wrinkles from your outfit, you went to the door excitedly.
There he was, the tall man with tired eyes, and he was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. His socks didn’t match.  It didn’t look like he was planning on going out with you tonight, but that’s okay, it wasn’t a date, you had asked him to hang out, not to go on a date, so its fine.
You invited him in, he complimented you.
“You look pretty tonight.” His voice was like honey and salve, soothing away all your mental pains, “you look really nice outside of those florescent office lights.”
He smiled at you, a dimple in one of his cheeks, and his tired eyes crinkled at the edges. Your heart melted. How could a man this perfect ever exist?
The two of you played board games that night, him beating you badly at all of them, all the while, smiling at you and telling you that you were lucky you were so pretty. You didn’t mind him insulting your intelligence like you would have when most people do it, all it did was make you bush and look down, because you were happy, he called you pretty.
He left that night with a parting hug, you had told him to get home safe and he thanked you for having you, and then pulled you into a hug. You were so startled you almost didn’t hug him back, but you gave him a quick squeeze before seeing him out the door and closing it behind him.
You were obsessed, he was all you could think about, your friends got tired over how often you would text them about him but you didn’t care because you were so happy that his attention was yours, that he had set his sights on you.
He came over to your apartment a few more times, and the two of you even started watching a tv show together, he had recommended it and told you he wanted to watch it with you.
He sat on your couch, and when you sat further away than where he wanted, he pulled you to him, and put his arm around your shoulder.  
He smelt like cigarettes and it made your nose scrunch but you tried to not let it bother you too much, he was perfect in literally every way, and he liked you, he liked you enough to call you, to flirt with you, to cuddle with you on your couch and watch a tv show together. You could deal with a little cigarette smell.
And you started to get hopeful, hopeful for something more, that maybe you could join your college friends and by next Christmas, not be spending it alone but be spending it with a rising hero, someone so amazing had made time for you, had noticed you, thought you were pretty, beautiful, desirable.
He kissed you good bye when he left that night, just a quick peck, but it had you on cloud nine for the entire next day.
As quickly as his attention came, it left.
At first you tried to tell yourself that he is a pro hero, that he is busy, that he doesn’t always have time to text you, to call you. But the spaces in between texts grew longer and longer, hours turned to days, and days to weeks.
You were watching him slip between your fingers and no matter what you said, no matter what invitations you made, or witty jokes you told, he simply was non-responsive.
You didn’t see him at work anymore either, besides occasionally seeing a glance of him in the first-floor entrance, he never came to your branch of the building anymore. Those glances hurt so bad, but you couldn’t help but look, he was still so perfect, and you don’t know what you did wrong, no matter how hard you wracked your brain for an answer.
Your friends told you he used you, or at least tried to. And the whispers at work didn’t stop for quite a while, poor you, not too long ago you were going around telling everyone about how much you like him and how sweet he is. How could you never notice that he didn’t talk about you the same way.
You weren’t enough, and you were too much.
He didn’t like you.
And he left.
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slayfics · 5 months
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Unknown Pleasures Ch.2
You’ve had a crush on Katsuki Bakugo since joining UA, but will another student change your mind?
1.1k words
Chapter links
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The next school year had finally come, and it was time for Hitoshi to join the hero course. As excited as he was to begin his path to becoming a hero, he couldn't help but feel the universe was mocking him.
It started with his new dorm room assignment. He had been assigned to the empty room on the fourth floor. Which just so happened to be next to Katsuki's room. Then his seat assignment in class happened to be right behind yours.
Which might have been nice, if it didn't mean he had a front-row seat to seeing you fawn over Katsuki every damn day.
It was ridiculous how many times you gazed off to look at him during lectures. Fourty-two times in lecture today, he kept a tally.
Wherever Katsuki went, you were trailing close behind. Praising him, ogling over him, trying to be closer to him. It was painfully obvious to Hitoshi, he wondered why no one else picked up on it. Even worse, Katsuki did little to return any of your affections.
Maybe it wouldn't infuriate him as much if Katsuki reciprocated your affinity. Hitoshi did observe that Katsuki yelled at you slightly less than others and didn't complain about your presence slightly less than others. Be that as it may, it was still laughable compared to what Hitoshi knew you deserved.
Hitoshi winced at the way you'd prance over to Katsuki- books held tightly to your chest, skirt bouncing up and down, big doe eyes looking up at him. Just to have some snide remark thrown at you by the blond. Your smile instantly dulls, your shoulders drop, and your eyes become dreary.
Katsuki dimmed your light, and you didn't notice it, but Hitoshi did.
Yet, ever the gentleman, Hitoshi kept his distance since you had turned down his advance. Instead, he watched as you kept at your chase to win over the chihuahua's affection.
It was late at night. Late enough for you to be in trouble for being out of your room and on the boy's side of the dorms. Hitoshi heard your yells along with Katsuki's, followed by the slam of a door.
He tried to ignore it and tell himself it wasn't his business but he couldn't stand knowing you were in pain.
Hitoshi stood up from his bed to open his door. You were just passing his room and froze at the sound. Your eyes locked with his, they were puffy, red, and your face was damp with tears.
"You alight?" he asked. A dumb question he knew, but where else could he start.
"Me? I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, general studies," you said with a weak smile and wink despite your disheveled appearance. Then your face caught a mischievous smirk as you said far too loudly, "Wow Shinso you finished your room up nicely."
He knew. He knew what you were doing, but- he didn't stop you as you padded into his room.
You wanted Katsuki to hear. You wanted to use him to make the blond jealous.
Why couldn't he stop you?
He wanted to be closer to you, but not like this.
"You really do like your music, don't you?" You asked, hands behind your back as you spun around his room reading the posters. "And... cats?" You asked with a teasing smile picking up a plushie cat on his bed.
"That was a gift," he said slightly embarrassed rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's cute, kinda looks like you. It's got that dead look in its eyes," you said playfully jumping up to sit on his desk.
Hitoshi didn't give into any of your teases though, "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked as he observed a few tears still forming in your eyes.
"I'm not the kind of girl that likes to talk," you said looking down to pet the stuffed cat.
Hitoshi nodded in understanding. He should have stopped there. Asked you to leave if you didn't want to talk. But- you stalked into his room. You were in his space. You asked for this.
"You know... you have options if he isn't treating you right," Hitoshi said boldly.
Your eyes snapped from the cat to his, taken off guard by his bluntness. You tried but no witty remarks came to mind, as Hitoshi stepped a bit closer.
"He doesn't appreciate you. Doesn't notice how you go out of your way for him, how your eyes light up when you see him, how you wait for him to acknowledge you. But I do. You give it away to him for free, but I would earn it, work for you, value you. Why don't you give something else a try?" Hitoshi suggested as he stood directly in front of you.
"Shinso, you don't understand," You muttered before new tears formed.
"I know- I don't know the whole story. What I do know is you're here crying because he made you cry. Aren't you tired of this?" he asked inching even closer, and gently wiped away a tear. "He was stupid to let you walk away," he said, eyes resting on your lips.
You knew you should leave. Your crush on Katsuki ran too deep, but Hitoshi's words played in your head like a song you'd been dying to hear, and you couldn't find the willpower to move away from him. "You're making a mistake," you spoke softly, heart rate increasing as he neared even closer daring to close the gap between you both.
"Let me," he whispered, closing the gap, lips pressed to yours.
You had time to pull away but didn't, it felt so nice. The affection you longed for so needed, the soft collision so wanted. Your hands moved on their own fingers interlacing with lavender strands. Pulling him deeper in.
The lavender was so pleasant.
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Thank you to everyone that hyped this enough to inspire me to make another chapter.
sinners: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @derangedmango @reneinii @zanarkandskylines @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55
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duckieflix · 28 days
♡ ୨`hitoshi shinsou`୧
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☆ ⸝⸝ “you know those aren’t the lyrics, right?” “duh i know that, i did it on purpose”
no warnings, a bit of swearing tho :)
author note: i’m actually so sorry for dropping one fic and disappearing i actually forgot that i wrote stories. i also apologise, this story is very poorly written and rushed :<
hitoshi shinsou x reader
the room was buzzing with excitement as your classmates flicked through the various song choices on the bright screen. mina and kirishima fighting over who would get to sing first, you chuckled at the sight. bakugo screaming how they were “fucking nerds”
you sat between your boyfriend, hitoshi, and hagekure. looking up at your boyfriend's usually stoic face, you noticed that it had softened into a more relaxed expression.chuckling, you nudged his arm.
"so do you plan on singing or are you gonna continue to sit there pretending you're too cool for this?", you giggled, watching as his features hardened when he noticed you looking at his face.
"psh, i don't kneed to pretend", he mumbled, "i'm already cool"
you shoved his shoulder slightly, "as if”. you both watched as your classmates fussed over the machine before a lightbulb went off in your head. “wanna sing with me?”
the question caught hitoshi off guard. you wanted him to sing? out of all the people you could have asked.
“never” he mumbled, briefly glancing at you then quickly back towards the chaos in front of him.
you pouted at the purple haired boy “please, babe!” your pleading eyes were something hitoshi was never able to say no to. so he sighed, standing up with your fingers intertwined.
“let’s get this over with”
- - - -
everyone cheered as you and hitoshi stood side by side in front of the screen, microphones i hand. you flicked through the songs before landing on ‘since u been gone’ by kelly clarkson. you smirked at your boyfriend who looked mildly uncomfortable.
switching on the song, you stood by hitoshi with a wide smile. as it began, you began singing. albeit your voice was off-key, it was still fun. you could faintly hear hitoshi’s expressionless voice read off the screen as if it was a class presentation.
you pondered ways to get him to actually sing when you got the idea to sing the wrong lyrics. knowing your boyfriend he would correct you and show you how to do it properly.
“since i’ve been gone!! hitoshi can’t read for the first time!” (author: this is so stupid omds)
hitoshi’s tired eyes widened a fraction at your strange lyrics. “you know those aren’t the lyrics, right?”
you grinned “duh i know that, i did it on purpose”
“sure you did, let me show you how a real pro sings kelly clarkson”
soon, hitoshi began to belt the song, taking the entire class by surprise. hitoshi…SINGING LOUDLY?!?
as the song finished the room was quiet. hitoshi had a faint blush on his cheeks as he scowled at the ground. without warning, everyone erupted into cheers.
“yeah shinsou! you rock!” kirishima yelped.
you hugged your boyfriend and smiled “that was amazing, babe”
scratching the back of his neck, he nuzzled into your neck “i’m never letting you talk me into anything again”
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