#Hocus Pocus Main Theme
music-in-my-veins14 · 4 months
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 2 years
~ Astro Observations ~
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Saturn is known as the protector planet as it rules over barriers, restrictions, delays, limits & any protection that can be forced. Look at your chart to see where you will experience the most setbacks yet are protected. For instance, I've noticed someone with Saturn in the 6th house is very hard working and often puts in twice the work to get places, but they can experience setbacks with their colleagues nitpicking or criticizing them. But they are usually protected, their hard work pays off, or they always thrive. I see A LOT of famous people with Saturn in the 6th house.
Libra risings like people who are like themselves or else they completely avoid those who are obnoxious and aggressive as it appalls them. Yet, I commonly see them drawing in these individuals at the same time. Best rising for enemies to lovers as the main protagonist just doing their thing unbothered until an aries rising shows up lmao.
I notice the type of people we are attracted to reflect our 1st or 7th house in some way. For instance I have Venus in 1st and I always attract Aries rising & Mars in 1st house people. I noticed the same for someone who had Moon in their 1st house commonly attracting Capricorn risings or those with Saturn in their 1st house.
The sun sign is actually very important in your chart and isn't just some hocus pocus bogus crap found in magazine horoscopes. From my observations I've developed a theory that Mutable signs adapt using their sun signs qualities they usually start off HATING but find it necessary to utilize for their own personal power. Cardinal Signs seem to dislike their sun signs qualities and chase after everything using THE OPPOSITE qualities of their sign. It's when they use their sun signs qualities to their advantage they will find their initiations successful. While fixed signs struggle the most to master their own sun signs qualities as it sticks with them through and through, they relate the most to their sun sign as these qualities are something inate they use to identify themselves. However, they struggle to figure out how to use their qualities in a positive light as they can easily get stuck in a cycle.
Ex, a lot of Virgo euns hated cleaning or organizing themselves using lists as they were younger but later adapted because of the many health problems this sign usually experiences so found it necessary
Ex, Cancer suns tend to ignore their emotions and lash out at others being deemed insensitive so they focus on Detachment when really they should be utilizing their magnetism and intuition through human connection as they are the sign with the most power over others emotions.
Ex, Aquarius suns struggle with seeing the use of collaboration with others opinions and applying their innovative thoughts towards real life skills. They can get stuck in a constant pattern of not feeling accepted or heard. But mastering their creative thinking and differences to use positively will give them the most recognition.
Mutable sun sign = Adapting to your Qualities
Cardinal sun sign = initiating your Qualities.
Fixed sun sign = Mastering your Qualities.
This is also why imo it's the hardest to spot a mutable sun sign as they're usually farther away from Adapting to their sun signs qualities until they've gotten more experience in life. Usually looking at the general themes in their life can help you identify them the easier.
Ex, Gemini suns are focused on developing communication skills and confidence in their socializing capabilities.
Ex, Pisces suns usually deals with people taking their dreams for granted and is most likely influenced by a harsh or strict environment.
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In Solar Return Charts the most common house placements tend to be the 1st House, 6th House, 7th House and 10th House. ESPECIALLY 1ST & 6TH HOUSE! This is because most of our years are focused on the tangible and everyday aspects of our lives which is ruled by the 6th house, our public person and career is the 10th House, and focusing on ourselves is our 1st House.
If you're a student I frequently see 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th & 9th Houses filled in solar return charts. The 3rd/5th/9th Houses are all about acquiring skills, learning from what's in front of you, hobbies and pleasure, and higher knowledge or lessons to be taught that bring about movement in your life. I also included 6th house because that's our daily life + physical health while the 8th house is about our mental health so it makes sense why students often have that house filled...
Wanna find out how to turn your creative thinking into a weapon and utilize it for success? Pallas (2) can show what you're naturally gifted at intellectually.
Pallas is the asteroid representing Athena goddess of war, strategy, knowledge & creative thinking. I've seen this asteroid work wonders tbh. My friend has it in Libra 12th House and she's a visual artist mastermind. She can piece any aesthetic or visual together like a puzzle.
If you want to manifest any desires, look at your 11th house! This house rules our wishes and what is rewarded after we've put hard work into it. Finding direction will be much easier to achieve if you look at your 11th house and what it's telling you to work for. Basically I've seen Pluto in 11th = earning power over people, Saturn in 11th = earning respect and titles, Venus in 11th = earning love or money (wealth indicator), Neptune in 11th = earning a prophecy, deep undivided loyalty & glamour, Mercury in 11th = earning your name to be widespread, knowledge & fast results.
I'd say Mercury in the 11th is a big "viral celebrity" placement as they can easily do something and everyone knows their name overnight. Also good for scholars!
The 12th house is also known as the house of Loss. Your planets, sign & rulership could determine what you end up sacrificing or leaving behind. For example, Cancer in 12th could often leave their homes or roots, they usually experience family loss early too. Scorpio in 12th house loses their fear, finances & secrets easily (beware of who you let talk to you). And Sagittarius in 12th house can lose their freedom, knowledge acquired, and faith in others.
The most copied people tend to be Scorpio risings, Pisces risings, Pluto in 1st house, Neptune in 1st house and 12th House placements. That's because with Scorpio energy in the 1st house their identity is literally exploited and used for power dynamics (legit had my friend catfished a bit ago and she has an 8° sag rising with Pluto in 1st conjunct her ascendant). And Pisces energy around the 1st House because people have no barriers with you and feel entitled to take your identity. It can almost feel like a sacrifice of themselves for Pisces rising or those with Neptune in 1st house (ex, Marilyn Monroe & Kim Kardashian, it's not a mistake they both have Neptune in 1st house).
Differences between the angular houses cuz I know we get these mixed up easily:
Your 1st house = How you identify yourself in the world.
Your 4th House = Your roots and how you grow into the world.
Your 7th House = How others identity you, your close connections.
Your 10th House = What you're known for, your reputation.
The houses of legacys are 4th, 8th & 10th. This is your history and how you make your mark on the world, how you will be remembered, and your title in the word.
8th house placements is what we knowingly gatekeep from the world, and the house rulership tells just as much if it's empty. Rich people usually have Jupiter in the 8th house because they are quite literally gatekeeping their wisdom, knowledge, gifts & MASS amounts of power. They also receive money randomly sometimes and have fabulous luck with stocks or investments.
Usually people with Moon in the 8th House tend to be reserved with their deepest emotions and family life. They can often take the longest to open up or trust others as they're used to being blackmailed or having their emotional security taken away from them.
Countries' rising signs MAKES A LOT OF SENSE. Russia has a Scorpio rising (known for intelligence agencies, spies, and cold environment...also destruction of the USSR), the USA has a Sagittarius rising (known for freedom, boldness & diversity...also aggression lol) & Britain is a Libra rising (country known for its fashion, etiquette and tea, its so libra LMAO)
Sun sextile Mars is the best aspect for a natural leader. You know how to utilize your individuality to stand out during competition and you also naturally bring out shining qualities in the people you lead. You take challenges to your ego with ease and although passionate you still remain assured and unbothered by threats. Also high sex drive is present here
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A lot of psychics have Moon sextile Neptune because they access otherworldly feelings subconsciously without blockages. And are both Water and Fire dominant. Water rules unconscious and flowing emotions, while Fire represents intuition and gut feelings hence "follow your heart" being their motto.
In general looking at your Moon placement is THE MOST important when figuring out your intuitive abilities as the Moon is the unconscious mind & your personal feelings and behavior. You could determine what suits you best with this!
Ex, Mercury aspecting Moon does well with Tarot & Oracle or any divination that requires pattern connections and using your hands
Ex, Pluto aspecting Moon might be able to talk to ancestors, spirits, and gain information about dangerous events
Ex, Venus aspecting Moon would be great for Glamour magic, Love spells, WEALTH MANIFESTATIONS, and herbalism!! TEA READINGS LOL
I need to stop with Libra & Tea �� istg Tea is ruled by Libra & Neptune BUT THATS JUST MY INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS COMING THRU.
I don't necessarily believe in everything I listed or think it's all good practices like Love magic but I wanted to help you develop an idea of how each planet can be connected for practical use.
I feel like Uranus is actually a hard planet to understand and sometimes value in everyday life because it's just so...out there LOL. Like it's described as sudden surprises, rebellion, electricity, revolution & eccentricity. It's just a hard planet to relate to in general because it's the opposite of conformity so applying it in your life is umm confusing to say the least lol.
Basically I look at Uranus as sudden ups & downs, where we grow FAST but where we get knocked down BAD too. I literally think cancel culture would be ruled by Uranus ngl LOL. It's unpredictable and awakens or shakes up whatever it aspects.
So Uranus aspecting Venus would cause a turbulent love life, a somewhat Detached or Hypersexual character, Very wealthy and a visionary in fashion or with money. But alsoooo struggles to maintain relationships or struggles A LOT with self love.
TW but I've often seen those with Uranus in 2nd & 6th House struggle the most with body dysmorphia and weight fluctuation. Your health can always spike up and down too. It's because these houses rule over our self-worth, body and physical health. Therefore, sometimes it can really shake your eating habits up which would obviously cause a struggle in your mental health.
However I've also seen some of the MOST inflated egos come from people with Uranus in 2nd House. Again the unpredictability and sudden Shockwave to your confidence with Uranus can literally make you feel like God or sunken. It's VERY drastic.
Oppositions to the Ascendant, also known as Conjunctions to the Descendant are qualities we possess that others DON'T accept us for and often make us feel insecure. Lilith Opposite Ascendant would probably be heavily shamed for their promiscuity and manipulative behavior. While Uranus opposite ascendant would be ridiculed for their Weirdness or Intelligence. People would label them as crazy lol�� (totally not me).
Also if you have Uranus aspecting the Ascendant or Mars you are VERY clumsy and accident prone LMAO�� your movements literally come off as a shockwave to others and everything around you. It's just one step and all of a sudden a whole clothing rack comes falling down. Uranus does rule Natural Disasters so...are we even surprised?
When looking at your Solar Return Chart it's not just Pluto to be concerned about BUT CHIRON. This asteroid is the wounded healer meaning it will detail the wounds you have to recover from and face that year. Chiron also highlights where we feel or are literally rejected so...check that fr.
The saddest Chiron placement imo is in the 1st & 4th House. Because your identity and self expression is rejected with the 1st house, while in the 4th house you could be outcasted by your own family and feel blocked put from any form of emotional security.
An example of what I think is a good example of significant Chiron energy would be Selena Gomez and her Venus conjunct Chiron at a 1° orb in Leo 1st house. Basically it shows up as her body being rejected, women rejecting her, and her own creative projects or indivuality feeling rejected. She probably is very self-deprecative because of this as she never feels her appearance or identity is good enough.
Chiron in 1st House people also get copied lots...just sayin
Women tend to be VERY jealous of those with Venus or Moon aspecting Chiron because they view that individual as wounding their views of femininity and project their insecurities onto them. The women with Venus/Moon aspecting Chiron placements are seen in general as being too vulnerable or soft which are stereotypical feminine qualities a lot of women can feel resentment towards brought on by the ✨️Patriarchy✨️
Marilyn Monroe also has Venus conjunct Chiron...��
So does Jessica Alba, Olivia Rodrigo and Kurt Cobain.
Their lovesick songs PLZ what's more Venus conjunct Chiron than that�� excluding miss Alba lol.
The same goes for women with Sun & Mars aspecting Chiron. Men are usually jealous of their success and degrade them because they see them as a threat to their masculinity.
Fun fact: The 4th House rules over the Father while the 10th house rules over the Mother in family astrology. Although I generally always saw the Moon sign as the most accurate representation of the maternal figure in your life but I found the above on astrology websites.
I also found some sources saying the 10th house actually rules your dominant parent? It's a whole debate on Google but it did say the 10th house rules the Mother in my astrology books so...idk I see it. Let me know in the comments your thoughts!
And to end this off, let me know your rising sign degree and I will try to guess your favorite colour to wear lol
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everything-person · 1 month
Captain Swan SuperNatural Summer
I was looking so forward to this event. I had so many ideas and concepts. But real life happened and my muse ran away so i was unable to write any of my ideas no matter how hard. But with this being the last event I will not turn up empty handed so I made art for all the ideas. @cssns
TRIGGER WARNING under cut has 9 art pieces they are numbered the 9th piece contains images of blood
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1.) Sands of time based on the movie/video game Prince of Persia. King Nemo ruled with his brother and right hand Jafar. The King already had sons but one day while wandering the market he found two orphan boys that showed grant potential and took them in. After invading the sacred oasis of MistHaven Killian is framed for the murder of his adoptive father. With the help of Princess Emma he escapes and finds there is more to the dagger and plot behind his fathers death then he thought.
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2.) Phoenix Diamond Based off of Onward. Henry never knew his father Graham. ON his 16th birthday his mother gave him a gift from his father it was a magic wand powered by a phoenix diamond to bring Graham back for one day. He tried the spell himself but it didn't work. But when his mother touched the wand it began to glow. The spell went a miss and now they are in a race against time to find another phoenix diamond to bring him back unbeknownst to them the dangers that lie in their quest.
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3.) Living in the Dark inspired by Being Human. Killian is a vampire that has stopped drinking from fresh blood. Graham is a werewolf. They get an apartment together and be roommates. They wind up renting from Emma but there's something strange about her son who randomly pops in on the guys. Everyone trying to get a sense of normal life but how can they living in the dark.
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4.) Wrong Ship inspired by Doctor Who episode. Jolly Roger magically tranforms into a human woman and goes to find Killian. Confusion and misunderstanding puts a rift into Emma and Killians relationship.
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5.) Sandcastles and Riptides Liam and Killian are mermen raised under their grandfather King Triton brother to King Poseidon. Emma is the princess of misthaven raised under her well meaning but over protective parents. Each of their worlds forbidden from each other but fate demands them together.
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6.) The Swan and the Hook is a pirated themed story with lots of twists and turns. I know doesn't appear supernatural but trust me there was/is supernatural undertones.
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7.) Witches of Storybrooke loosely based on Hocus Pocus. After Henrys mother dies he goes to live in the sleepy town in Maine. He learns the legend of three witches that used to live there and of a candle that was to bring them back to life. Hoping maybe he could find some magic to bring his mother back he ventures into the woods. But he finds there is are two sides of every story when the witches do come back.
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8.) Dance with the Devil Killian succeeded in his revenge against Rumplestiltskin and turned into the Dark One as a result. For centuries he stayed in the dark ones castle until one night he heard of princesses coming of age ball. Unable to turn away the temptation he slipped into the ball and had a hypnotizing dance with a beautiful blonde before barricading himself back into his castle. What happens when he finds the same blonde battered and abused in his forest years later?
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9.) How a got a pet vampire was a supernatural comedy that came about from a discord discussion of a prompt.
Those were my ideas and maybe some day I can actually write them the titles might change if I do these were just the best I could come up with.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
"You can't just ask me questions and expect me not to ask them back!" Merle said, scooting his chair in. They were sitting around the circular meeting table. The meeting itself had ended about an hour ago, but this room wasn't booked for another two hours.
Originally, they were all supposed to stay, but Taako and Lup had made up some bullshit excuse (Lucretia wanted to doubt the existence of a live cooking themed around Fantasy Hocus Pocus, but with how insistent they had been on its existence, she wasn't sure anymore). Davenport did actually have another meeting to go to. Barry, at least, seemed to tell the truth when he said he was going to go home and nap. Magnus's had obviously been a lie, unless "going to walk my fish" was a euphemism that Lucretia didn't know about.
So here she was with Merle.
"I think I can," Lucretia said, pulling her journal closer to her.
"It's team building," Merle said. "Y'know, with the whole team." He gestured around to the empty table.
"Sure," Lucretia said.
"Fine, fine," Merle said. "I'll come up with a different question." Merle leaned back in his chair, squinting his eyes up to the ceiling as he thought. Lucretia finished writing down Merle's answer to the last question. Then, "alright. I've got one."
"Hit me," Lucretia said.
"What's your biggest fear?"
"That's.... so much deeper than what I've asked you," Lucretia said.
"First you want me to make a new question, then ya don't want my question-!"
"No, no!" Lucretia said. "I mean, I'll answer it. But that's a pretty deep cut, Merle."
"That's just how I role, baby."
"Never call me that again."
"Right. Right, gotcha."
Lucretia tried to think. Her biggest fear? She was scared of lots of things. One of her family members dying. Her dying. Ferrets. The big filing cabinet Davenport had next to his desk, the one that wobbled every time someone went near it. But her biggest fear?
"Forgetting who I am," Lucretia said, before she could really even think about it more. "Forgetting where- where I came from and just- everything about me. Not knowing who I am and not being able to remember."
"Oh," Merle said. "Wowza."
"You asked," Lucretia said, laying her journal flat. She had started to bring it up to her chest as she thought.
"Wowza like, that's deep!" Merle said, "not like, that's bad. Is that- I mean, d'you think that's why you, uh, chronicle so much? So you remember stuff? Or am I just pullin' at straws here?"
"The writing is... a part of it," Lucretia said. "But I- to be honest, Merle, I try not to think about it too much, considering it's my biggest fear. Maybe the journalling is part of it, maybe not, but it's not the main reason I write, no."
"Gotcha," Merle said.
"Now to throw it back at you-" Merle groaned and Lucretia cracked a little grin. "What's your biggest fear, Merle?"
"Fantasy Kool-Aid Man," Merle said, no hesitation.
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milfgyuu · 11 months
I haven't sent one of these in a hot minute! The last gifset had me thinking: Sincr it's 🎃time, how about assigning the typical horror movie roles/tropes to Seventeen? Like, we already know Mingyu is The Hot Girl that Dies First™️ 🤣 (grouping them is also fine!)
HELL YEAH, it's spooky time!!!!! I am popping these under a read-more jusssst in case there are some sweet angels on my blog that may be sensitive to the themes or aren't into the horror genre <3
but if you're into SVT and horror film roles/tropes, read below!
Cheol - is surviving. idc. he's giving Chad Michael Murray in House of Wax like he definitely is kind of the asshole with a seedy past in the movie but it's also the reason he is making it out alive because he's fighting back. mf is running around with a tire iron and a gash down the side of his face and he's PISSED.
Jeonghan/Minghao - is taking things a little too...unseriously. like "why are you guys freaking out? ooooh he's gonna getcha!" probably even finds himself getting caught or injured and laughs when everyone gets mad at him because "it was just a joke, omg u guys". definitely turns out to be the killer in the end.
Joshua - god, sorry, but he's the handsome, sweet, innocent boyfriend of the female lead who gets absolutely gutted by the killer in the first half of the movie. Like he is the letterman jacket-wearing jock bf of Drew Barrymore's character in the original Scream. He was truly a bystander but boy is he pretty.
Junhui/Hoshi - He's just a side character but the whole audience loves him! and then he gets kidnapped and disappears halfway thru the movie so everyone assumes he's dead but just when the killer is about to whack the main character he shows up out of nowhere and knocks them out with a fire extinguisher to save them. he's a hero, baby. he still might get got tho :/
Woozi - can we get fluffy for a sec? i know it's horror tropes but this is Thackery Binx from Hocus Pocus, ok? he was kind of a little shit and then he got turned into a cat so now he's chasing around these three idiot kids trying to help them stop the witches from eating all the kids in Salem and he's perpetually irritated at his lack of opposable thumbs bc if he had them, he could just do it all himself.
Wonwoo - he's the dark-knight detective on the case. he's scary, kinda shady, and is likely doing a ton of illegal shit to find leads and force information out of people, but he's not a bad guy. He's been on the case for over a decade and lives off black coffee and cigarettes. definitely makes it to the end and has a hand in taking the killer down.
Mingyu - ok, yes, i still think he's the token slasher-bimbo - like he's the opening kill before the title sequence BUT alternatively, he's the martyr...he's the character you end up loving and then you have to watch as he sacrifices himself so everyone else lives & we love/hate him for it. We weep for him. We write alternate ending fics for him.
Seokmin - Sigh, he's the dad who buys the super-haunted house in a paranormal horror flick. He can't afford to move because he poured his life savings into buying the house. Shit keeps getting progressively worse. His dog chased something into the woods and never came back. His kids are possessed. His wife is floating in the corner and making weird noises. but he's hot - like ryan reynolds in Amityville.
Vernon - bro, he is actually Darry from Jeepers Creepers. I literally can't explain this to you if you haven't watched this CLASSIC and those of you who have seen it...you get it. Like why tf is he ignoring Ms. Dabney????? she's trying to save him and he's like...ok weirdo...i'm gonna go check out that hole where it looks like bodies are being dumped...bye.
Seungkwan - he's not going in that fuck-ass house dude. he's not doing it. he will stand guard with whatever makeshift weapon he can find and he's talking mad shit about everyone and their stupid plan the whole time he's waiting. he is, however, a good friend, and he will run into the house the first time he hears someone scream. is soooo pissed when he finds out it was over nothing and now he's stuck with everyone else in the death trap.
Chan - he is the planner, the optimist, the strategist. he is getting everyone the hell out and he's got the brains and balls to pull it all off. like, my boi is setting traps as if he's Freddie in Scooby Doo. He is pissing the killer off left and right. definitely gets himself in a pinch - almost meets his end - and still, somehow finds a way to live.
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orphanheirs · 3 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag, @transthadymacdermot!!
What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
The characters. They existed as deviantart ocs that I used to roleplay with in chatrooms before any semblance of a story existed. This was back in high school.
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I'll give a few examples here because there's a lot of songs I think fit the vibe of the story (I have a 4-hour long playlist of "soundtrack" songs)! All of these are based on pure vibes, not necessarily lyrics. For a TV show, I think a folk revival type song like "Over Again" by Stick in the Wheel or "Cannily Cannily" by Maddy Prior and Tim Hart would be sick. If it was a short instrumental intro song, an eerie tune like "More Bones to Sort" from the OTGW soundtrack or this song would work well. To get more general Rasputina is an artist whose overall sound is something that would work great for the story. If you don't know them they're a band that makes rock music with cellos and is very weird and goth about it.
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
I love them all, but right now I have to admit my favorite is Tristan. It's definitely partially because he's the most developed right now, but also because he's the reason I revived the story after dropping it almost 10 years ago. I remembered him and thought he had potential and fell in love with him all over again. Coming up with ideas for his arc and his backstory got me excited for the overarching story again, and I changed him from a side character to a main character. I have a lot of fun with his personality and I relate to him a lot on a personal level.
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow, Over the Garden Wall, Labyrinth, possibly Interview with the Vampire? and people who grew up with things like Hocus Pocus and A Series of Unfortunate Events. Maybe fans of Neil Gaiman? It's kind of hard to say though; I have no idea how the story would be marketed because it's..pretty weird lol.
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Not sure what the biggest of them all is, but my big three I guess would be plotting, research, and actually writing. I feel like I'm hitting my head on a wall when I try to outline story beats or whatever, so I think I'll just have to fly by the seat of my pants and plot as I go. Research also feels like a hurdle I need to get past because I want to base the story itself on actual mythology and folklore, and root the "real-world" parts of the story in the real historic regency period. Right now I know enough to share fun facts in a conversation, but in reality I don't know shit. I have a lot of work to do in that regard. Actually writing has been a challenge due to a combination of annoying factors including having very little free time in my life, executive dysfunction, and being? scared? of writing? because what if it comes out bad? Which I know is silly but it blocks me from writing a lot of the time nevertheless.
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Right now I'm thinking Crispin has a pet bat named Sparrow. Crispin named the bat Sparrow because he literally thought it was a sparrow, that being the only flying creature he knew of at the time. Now he knows better, but Sparrow is still Sparrow. I haven't thought much about it, but I think Crispin's keeping of a pet is one of the things that indicates he's different from his family/species, i.e. he experiences empathy and longs for companionship. The demon Tristan summons can shapeshift, and takes the form of many different creatures throughout the story.
How do your characters travel/get around?
Considering the time period, the options are limited. There's a lot of walking in this story, but also getting from place to place by carriage or cart. There's likely to be some horseback riding as well. In terms of the supernatural, Crispin can "teleport" himself from point A to point B using magic--but not very far. I still need to figure out the specifics of that though. Tristan is greatly aided in getting around by the demon he summoned, who transforms into a flying black steed Tristan can ride on.
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Right now I'm bouncing around and writing snippets of scenes that come to mind/interest me most. I'm considering everything experimental at the moment, and not committing to anything actually being in the final novel. This is helping me get over my fear of writing, and I like it because sometimes I end up liking what I write more than I thought I would. I also *might* write the story in novella form first, try out some things with that, learn from it, and then expand and/or rewrite it as a full novel. Other than that I'm researching and brainstorming and drawing (which is part of my process)!
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Hmmm I think the fact it's a dark fantasy/horror story and the fact it's set in the regency period will attract people. The regency period and fantasy are both really popular right now (as far as I can tell). Also the fact that it has found family, which seems to be a popular trope. The fact it has queer characters might be appealing too. Other draws might be the Halloween aspect, and the deal with the devil trope. And if anyone likes enemies to friends and twist villains. There's also heavy use of gothic tropes and subverting them/combining them with folk horror tropes. Regency media (cough cough Jane Austen) tropes will also go under the knife of subversion.
What are your hopes for your WIP?
I hope to make it a published novel! Ideally traditionally published, but who knows if that'll happen lol. I also want the book to be illustrated, and to illustrate it myself. Besides that, I'd love to do some comics featuring the characters and maybe even short animations. (She said as if she had endless free time...)
Tagging: @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @finchmomentwrites, and @kaylinalexanderbooks !
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Oo-de-lally! Oo-de-lally! Welcome to Wonderful World of Darklords! One year ago today, we aired our pilot: a domain ruled by a petty, vindictive lion who usurped his elder brother's throne. To celebrate our podcast anniversary, we're returning to that well with another petty, vindictive lion who usurped his elder brother's throne: Prince John. Topics discussed include:
The challenges of Ravenloft-izing a movie in which the hero is far more dynamic, interesting, and competent than the villain (not a common issue in Disney movies);
The darklord powers that a villain as pathetic as Prince John can bring to the table;
How to bring horror into one of the most lighthearted, silly, and non-horrific movies in the Disney canon, without going against the spirit of the Robin Hood legend;
The potential that the Merry Men have for guerrilla warfare, creepy fey magic, and unspeakable cultic practices;
and more!
The full writeup for Nottingham is available for free on DM's Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/437923/Nottingham-A-Ravenloft-Domain-of-Dread?affiliate_id=241770
For Book Club of Dread next month, we'll be drinking Hocus Pocus Punch, which you can find here: https://crayonsandcravings.com/hocus-pocus-punch/ Be very careful if you decide to spike it; it sneaks up on you. Ask us how we know!
All music recordings are in the public domain (mark 1.0) and are licensed through https://musopen.org:
Chopin Nocturne in B-Flat Minor, Op. 9 No.1 (main theme), performed by Eduardo Vinuela
Chopin Etude Op. 25, No. 12 in C Minor: “Ocean” (darklord theme), performed by Edward Neeman
Chopin Nocturne in F Minor, Op. 55 No. 1 (land theme), performed by Luke Faulkner
Rachmaninoff Morceaux de Fantaisie, Op. 3 - 2. Prélude in C sharp minor (Dread Possibilities), performed by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Chopin Nocturne in E Minor, Op. 72 No. 1 (parting thoughts), performed by Luke Faulkner
Dialog for Yensid was written by Azalin Rex himself @darklordazalin
The Wonderful World of Darklords logo was designed by Halite Jones, whom you can find on @halite-draw or on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/insta_halite
Contact us on:
Facebook: @wonderfulworldofdarklords
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheWonderfulWorldofDarklords651
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pa-stella · 1 year
Lolita Fashion and 3Gumi!
| Leaders ⁜ 2Gumi ⁜ 3Gumi |
Yamada Saburo // M.C. L.B.
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Simple wardrobe with subtle school vibes. Piano and book related details. Main pieces from left to right: School Girl Set (AATP), Antique Piano Skirt (Abilletage), Apprentice School Suspender Skirt (Meta), Dance of the Black Cats Skirt (BTSSB), Regimental Stripe Mini OP (JM), School Tartan 3 Stage Frill Salopette (AP), British Library Square JSK (JM).
Amaguni Hitoya // Heaven & Hell
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Simple black and white wardrobe with rockabilly and vintage vibes. Main pieces from left to right: Doll Coppelia JSK (Aatp), Biker Jacket Style OP (Meta), Irregular Tuck Skirt (Sheglit), Stripe Biker Style JSK (MR), Buckle Belt Jsk (IW), Ribbon Trim Skirt (MmM), Crown Salopette (Aatp).
Busujima Rio Mason // Crazy M
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Basic wardrobe with military influences. Poisoned food details. Main pieces from left to right: Aya Set (Meta), Fantastic World Map OP (AP), Punkuma Camouflage Biker Jacket (Meta), Elegant Army Doll Skirt (AP), Name of Guardian Jsk with Hood (Meta), Alice Print II OP with Apron (BTSSB).
Amayado Rei // Mastermind
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Queen themed closet with a lot of gold and red. Main pieces from left to right: Vampire Princess ~Forest Princess in the Solitary Old Castle~ OP (AATP), Victorian Maiden OP (VM), Girly Leopard OP (AP), Promenade Plantee Pearly JSK (BTSSB), Hocus-Pocus in the Rose Blooming Night Queen OP (BTSSB).
Arisugawa Dice // Dead or Alive
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Chaotic wardrobe featuring playing cards and violin details. Main pieces from left to right: Antique Playing Cards OP (IW), King of Spades and Queen of Hearts Skirt amd Jacket (IW), Classical Coin Corset JSK (IW), Trump Applique Pleated Skirt (AP), Card Playing Kitty Mini Skirt (Meta), Cartes Et Squelettes JSK (JeJ), Violin Print Jacket (JM).
Kannonzaka Doppo // DOPPO
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Mostly black and white wardrobe inspired by the life of a salary man, with old school and subtle cross details. Main pieces from left to right: Vocaloid x Metamorphose Set (Meta), Embroidery Tie OP (Meta), Pleated Wrap Skirt (BTSSB), Arietta Suit (BTSSB), Long Sleeve Carol OP (Atelier Boz), Houndstooth Double Pleated Skirt (BTSSB), Karen Cross OP (Atelier Boz).
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ask-sebastian · 11 months
Few musical/movie songs here:
It really isn't Halloween for me without Rocky Horror or Hocus Pocus!
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noridal · 1 year
This post was supposed to be a rant about ESC fans asking for countries to only sing in their native language, instead I'm turning it into a music recommendation post since I feel like these requests comes from a place of "I want to listen to music that's different from usual, and not the usual pop radio songs".
As someone whose music taste can be summed up as "if it's weird, I'm in" have some music that you definitely don't listen to on the radio:
The Rabbit that hunts tigers -Yin Yin (This would the perfect soundtrack for a futuristic western movie where the main character is also a samurai imo)
Kontinuum- Klaus Schulze (cool background music, mysterious sci-fi but not in a soul crushing or scary way)
Flight of the Ancients- The Shaolin Afronauts (the best intro to an album I've ever heard and funky jazzy vibes. Cool trumpets)
Semillero- Dengue Dengue Dengue (idk how to describe this but mh. Would use it as a soundtrack for Heart of Darkness by Conrad)
The Gereg -The Hu (Mongolian Rock-Metal, worth checking them out)
The Gods We can Touch- AURORA (this is way less obscure than other suggestions but I swear to god AURORA sounds like an angel to me but the vibes are those of a biblically accurate one)
Hocus Pocus- Focus (prog rock jodel?!? Spotify suggested this to me and I'm in love with this)
Acid Rain- Liquid Tension Experiment (found this by searching jazz metal. Instrumental. Very good)
Trumpet Sketches - Janko Nilovic (trumpet makes brain go brrrr)
NanowaR of Steel (Italian comedy metal band. Sings both in English and Italian, if you ask me they go for the too-good-to-be-just-a-joke comedy)
Dr. Steel (Dark with dieselpunk vibes. Every song is unique yet the vibe is so familiar, definitely villainy. Comes with lore)
Paul Shapera (a compilation of rock operas that take place in the same universe, there's plot. Lots of it. I can't recommend a single one because the cool part is seeing the story evolve)
Tales under the Oak (dungeon synth music, very calming and frog themed)
Specific playlists I have too much fun making:
POV: you just died but luckily there's a party on the other side
This is about craving your lover's insides (both playlists are currently in progress and will be updated whenever I feel like it)
All links lead to spotify, except for kontinuum which I could find only on YouTube. Also please note that the playlists include less obscure songs so maybe that's a good place from where you can start? Idk. Italic means that it's only instrumental, I feel like Hocus Pocus should be in the group too but jodel counts as singing.
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bluenpinkcastle · 11 months
LEGO Halloween and Spooky sets
I had hoped I would be able to start posting every day again for Halloween but that just didn't happen, as life tends to get in the way. So instead, I will share my research for all things Spooky or Halloween related: The main "spooky" lines are Monster Fighters from 2012 (with nine sets and four polybags), Scooby Doo from 2015-2016 (with five sets and one polybag), and the Hidden Side from 2019-2020 (with 21 sets, two polybags, and nine foil packs).
2007-2009 was the Fantasy Era castle series, which included 11 sets of minifigures versus trolls (5614, 5615, 5618, 7036, 7037, 7038, 7040, 7041, 7048, 7078, 7097), eight set of minifigures versus skeletons (7009, 7029, 7079, 7090, 7091, 7092, 7093, 7094), 1 chess set of minifigures versus skeletons (852001), three minifigure versus trolls battle packs (852271, 852701, 852702), one battle pack of minifigure skeletons (852272), one minifigure versus the undead tic tac toe game (852132), and one giant chess set of minifigures versus trolls AND skeletons (852293).
In 2010, the Collectible MiniFigure (CMF) series 14 (71010) was all "spooky" elements which included a wolf guy, zombie pirate, monster scientist, wacky witch, plant monster, specter, zombie cheerleader, tiger woman, gargoyle, skeleton guy, monster rocker, zombie business man, banshee, square foot, and spider lady. Other "spooky" minifigures could the zombie from CMF 1 in 2010 (8683), the zombie Captain America from 2021 Marvel CMF series (71031), the zombie dancer, slime singer, and vampire bassist from 2021's Vidiyo Bandmates (43108), the cute little devil and the spooky boy from CMF 16 in 2016 (71013), and the spooky girl from CMF 12 in 2014 (71007). Additionally, there have been several Build A Minifigure (BAM) minifigure elements at LEGO stores throughout the years, including a Halloween Trio from 2018 (BAM2018-3) and Halloween Minifigures from 2020 (BAM2020-3).
LEGO has several Minecraft sets which fall into the mildly spooky realm, including the Zombie Cave (21141), Big Fig Pig with Baby Zombie (21157), Pumpkin Farm (21248), and the Steve, Zombie, and Pig Foil Pack (662101), as well as a Minecraft BrickHeadz Zombie (40626). LEGO produced four Ghostbuster sets (10274, 21108, 75827, 75828), four Dimensions sets (71228, 71233, 71241, and 71242), and one BrickHeadz (41622).
Some of the sets not part of main themes include the Belville Witch's Cottage from 1999 (5804), the Studio's Vampire's Crypt from 2002 (1381), the Adventure Designer Kit from 2013 (20214), the Haunted House from 2020 (10273), and the Ideas Hocus Pocus Sanderson Sisters' Cottage (21341).
Additionally, LEGO has produced a variety of smaller, holiday builds for things like pumpkins, monsters, shops, and accessory kits. You can find most of those builds by going to places like Rebrickable or BrickLink and using key search terms such as Halloween, pumpkin, witch, vampire, monster, witch, etc., which will give you a long list of Halloween-related builds (3047, 3731, 7831, 7832, 7836, 10696, 11003, 31038, 40012, 40013, 40014, 40020, 40021, 40032, 40055, 40070, 40090, 40104, 40122, 40203, 40260, 40272, 40351, 40422, 40423, 40493, 40497, 40562, 40570, 40608, 561410, 561610, 561910, 850487, 850936, 853607, 854049).
Whew! That's quite the list! Maybe next year, I'll be in a better position to post pictures of all those sets :)
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jules-has-notes · 4 months
Look What You Made Me Brew (Unexpected Musicals) — PattyCake Productions music video
Every villain is the protagonist of their own story, and part of that viewpoint requires finding ways to justify their actions. The so-called heroes must deserve to be on the receiving end of their machinations.
So when the PattyCake guys decided to convene a meeting of some of their favorite baddies for their second Halloween video, they turned to the music of Taylor Swift, who some people view as a hero, and who has been villainized by others. Her gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss anthem was the perfect choice for these characters to revel in their wickedness.
title: Unexpected Musicals — Look What You Made Me Brew
performers: Jennica McCleary (Winifred Sanderson), Stephanie Trilli (Sarah Sanderson), Jaimz Dillman (Mary Sanderson), Michelle Knight (Regina / Evil Queen), Leah Lowman (Maleficent), Tiffany Trilli (Cruella De Vil), T. Robert Pigott (Captain Hook), Emma Dahlin (additional vocals), & Hannah Juliano (additional vocals)
original songs / performers: main title theme from Hocus Pocus; "Look What You Made Me Do" by Taylor Swift; "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift; "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift; "…Ready for It?" by Taylor Swift; "Style" by Taylor Swift; "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift, feat. Kendrick Lamar
written by: Hocus Pocus main theme by John Debney; "Look What You Make Me Do" by Taylor Swift, Jack Antonoff, Fred Fairbrass, Richard Fairbrass, & Rob Manzoli; "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, & Karl "Shellback" Schuster; "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, & Karl "Shellback" Schuster; "…Ready for It?" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, Karl "Shellback" Schuster, & Ali Payami; "Style" by Taylor Swift; "Bad Blood" Taylor Swift, Max Martin, Karl "Shellback" Schuster, & Kendrick Lamar
arranged by: Randy Nichols, Layne Stein, & Tony Wakim
release date: 3 October 2017
My favorite bits:
the witches' fantastic acting in the intro
everyone's dramatic entrances
the emphasis of specific instruments for each character — stacatto brass behind the Evil Queen, tinkling bells for Maleficent, cymbals and kettle drums with Cruella, clockwork precise snare drums and piano for Hook
the Evil Queen's gritty belt on the second ♫ "bad dreams" ♫
everything grinding to a halt for the "Shake It Off" gag
all the samples from Taylor's other songs blended into the polyphony section
Winnie's final cackle
the spellbook rolling its eye at their melodrama during the end credits
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Many of the songs in this medley had also been featured in PattyCake's "Cinderswift" video at the beginning of the year. The one new Taylor Swift song is sung by Leah (Maleficent), who played Cinderella in that project.
Because there is no animated version of Hocus Pocus, the other villains are dressed in costumes and playing characterizations based on the live-action adaptations of their stories.
This video was filmed in a cottage interior set at Columbia Street Studios in Orlando.
Jennica, Jaimz, & Stephanie all returned to reprise their Sanderson sisters roles from "Hocus Heathens" the previous Halloween.
Michelle had played the Evil Queen in PattyCake's very first Unexpected Musical, "Snow Spears", and has continued in that role for their Villains Lair series.
Robby and Tiffany have also remained as Captain Hook and Cruella in The Villains Lair.
Leah first portrayed Maleficent in "Michaeleficent" earlier in the year, and has done so occasionally in the years since.
Some fans pointed out that Maleficent singing the line about "kingdom keys" could also be read as a reference to the Kingdom Hearts video game series in which the character is an antagonist.
The blinking spellbook was created by Rick Underwood, who specializes in props and special effects makeup, which he also uses to create scares for Universal Studios' annual Halloween Horror Nights events.
This video was published a few weeks before Layne flew to L.A. to film VoicePlay's messy version of the song with the pocket.watch crew, which premiered in January.
This video racked up a million views on Facebook in less than two weeks.
Jennica provided a peek behind the scenes on Facebook Live as the cast an crew were preparing to film.
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madam-kumo · 1 year
Identity V characters as Music
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(I did skip some because I had no idea what to do for them. Also Major spoiler warning)
Emily Dyer (doctor)
Nurses Office by Melanie Martinez.
For obvious reasons
Freddy Riley (Lawyer)
The Fine Print by The Stupendium
He mentions in his backstory that he hopes to find a better job than the "menial" job he has with a low wage.
Kreacher Pierson (Thief)
Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson
He literally steals parts from the ciphers.
Emma Woods (Gardener)
Dandelions by Ruth B.
A happy song for a happy character. (Emma is literally so cute, she deserves it)
Servais Le Roy (The magician)
Circus by Brittney Spears
Where do we find magicians? A circus...
Martha Behamfil (Coordinator)
Bang! by AJR
Martha has a gun. That's it.
Fiona Gilman (Priestess)
W.I.T.C.H by Devon Cole
I was gonna go with Dragula by Rob Zombie but that felt too aggressive for Fiona.
Tracy Reznik (Mechanic)
Puppet Boy by Devo
It has the cheerful sound to it like Tracy does but I chose this song because I love her mechanical dolls (they underrated).
Vera Nair (Perfumer)
Francis Forever by Mitski
I feel like this song sums up how Vera felt after murdering her sister.
Kevin Ayuso (Cowboy)
Country Girl by Luke Bryan
I gave him the most southern song I could physically think of.
Margaretha Zelle (Female Dancer)
Liquid Smooth by Mitski
I think this song shows how Margaretha felt and how she saw herself just before coming to the manor.
Sergei (Weeping Clown or Joker)
Cigarette duet by Princess Chelsea
This song is pretty much a nutshell of when Sergei was having problems with Margaretha and was trying to convince her to stay with him.
Aesop Carl (Embalmer)
Coraline Opening Song
If you paid attention to when the other mother is making the doll then you can see when she lays the great aunts doll on what looks like a kit of some kind then you can see that it's an embalming kit. (My favorite movie song for my main)
Norton Campbell
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Set It Off
I saw somebody use it in an edit when he attacked Orpheus and Melly so I think this song fits.
Patricia Dorval (Enchantress)
Come Little Children from the Hocus Pocus 1993 film
I always got the vibe that Patricia is very family oriented and tries to avoid social conflict when she can so a peaceful song like this literally being sung by a witch is something Patricia would enjoy. (I love this woman so much)
Mike Morton
Freak by Sub Urban
I couldn't really think of one without repeating so I decided on this one.
Demi Bourbon
Alcoholic Friends by Dresden Dolls
I think this was how she felt after her brother got the invitation to the manor.
Victor Grantz
Message man by Twenty One Pilots
I think this song fits him because I'd imagine he's very observant since he's so quiet so not a lot of people know much about him but he knows a lot about others.
Andrew Kreiss
Tears to Shed from the Corpse Bride film
The movie is about death and the song is about comparing yourself to others. Nothing else fits quite like this one does. (I can't describe how much I adore Andrew)
Luca Balsa ("Prisoner)
Welcome to the Internet- Bo Burnham
I feel like Luca matches the overall chaotic vibes this song has and he would probably explain the internet just like Burnham did (very quickly and kinda passive aggressively)
Melly Plinus (Entomologist)
Entomologist by GHOST
Need I say more
Edgar Valden (Painter)
My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstones
This song sounds happy like Edgar
Ganji Gupta (Batter)
The Sports Wii theme song
This is what he gets for beating up my poor Geisha during rank
Anne Lester (Toy Merchant)
Pogo- Living Island
A cheerful song because she deserves it (I have a soft spot for Anne mains)
Ada and Emil (Phycologist and the Patient)
Dark Red by Steve Lacy
I love their relationship so much
Orpheus (Novelist)
Satisfied by Marina and The Diamonds.
I don't know, just seems fitting.
Alice Deross (Journalist)
Ramalama (bang, bang) by Róisín Murphy
If you've ever heard this song, you know exactly why I chose this song.
Leo Beck ( Hell Ember)
We'll meet again- Vera Lynn
This song is probably something he would listen to on repeat to hope that it will help him reunite with Emma. (I'm gonna cry)
Jack (The Ripper)
Run Rabbit Run by Flanagan and Allen
I have a feeling that he's one of those killers that taunts his victims so this song fits.
Violetta (Soul Weaver)
Spider's Web by Melanie Martinez (my favorite portals song)
She's literally a giant spider. (And I love her for that)
Michiko (Geisha)
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
Michiko just wanted to marry the man the man she loved but it was ripped away by her lovers father. (I wanna give my main a hug so bad)
Joseph Desaulniers (Photographer)
Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
You saw this coming, don't lie to me
Burke Lapadura (Mad Eyes)
Rainbow Factory by Glaze
He works on machines and stuff. I don't know, I'm running out of ideas.
Yidhra (Dream Witch)
Puppet Boy by Devo
This is the only song I'm repeating because it fits so well.
Robbie (The Axe Boy)
Teenage Dirt Bag by Wheatus
I feel like it matches his energy as a kid with way too much energy and mischief in his little body.
Mary (Bloody Queen)
Where's your Head at? by Basement Jaxx
You could say she lost her head....I'm done.
BonBon (Guard 26)
Blow! By Ke$ha
His ability is that he can make these explosive thingies when he chair someone.
Ann ("Disciple")
Brutus us by the Buttress
This song was the first thing that came to mind when I saw her, obviously.
Antonio Paganini (Violinist)
Sex with a Ghost by Teddy Hyde
I feel like the "woman in the mirror" could be replaced by the devil he made a deal with.
Galatea Claude (Sculptor)
Breezeblocks by Alt-J
This perfectly describes how I think Galatea felt when her statue was destroyed by her father.
Percy (Undead)
Zydrate Anatomy by Alexa PenaVega, Paris Hilton, and Terrance Zdunich
Another song I can't really explain why but it feels right.
Grace (Naiad)
Siren by Kailee Morgue
Perfect for Naiad by the title alone.
Phillipe (Wax Artist)
Hidden in the Sand by Tally Hall
His backstory has always freaked me out a bit since he literally has a corpse covered in wax glued(?) to his shoulder.
Keigan Nicholas Keogh (Clerk)
The Principle by Melanie Martinez
I feel like Clerk would be the kind of person to subconsciously abuse her power like the principle does.
Alva Lorenz (Hermit)
Rat by Penelope Scott
Alva says he will never know the true answers to humanity so I feel like this song fits into that phrase.
Ithaqua (Night Watch)
Below the Surface by Griffinilla
This song was the first thing to come to mind for him so I'm gonna keep it.
Sangria (Opera Singer)
Ballad of Jane Doe from the Ride the Cyclone musical
Jane doe hits some of the highest notes in this song I've ever seen in a musical and I just feel like Sangria would really like this song.
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thenightling · 1 year
Disney’s Haunted Mansion (2023) review
Last night I saw Disney’s The Haunted Mansion and it was surprisingly good. The main antagonist is The Hatbox Ghost, whose real name is Aleister Crump. The first name is from Aleister Crowley, whom he has a similar, though loose, backstory.  The surname is from Rolly Crump, a Disney artist who helped design the Haunted Mansion Ride and a lot of its features.  That was a nice homage.  There are lots of nods to the famous Disney Park ride and yes, Mr. Gracey is in it, but he’s not as big a character as he was in the 2003 version with Eddie Murphy.  I’m not usually a big fan of Jared Leto or his questionable method acting.  I have seen his “Joker” and his portrayal of Dr. Michael Morbius. But this was probably my favorite of his roles.  I cannot tell if that was his voice or not as the Hatbox Ghost being processed to sound deeper and creepier or if it was someone else’s voice.   Either way it was really well done.  And Jared Leto finally found a role where he is supposed to be a hammy creep.  I liked this version of the Haunted Mansion a lot more than the 2003 version with Eddie Murphy. There was a little more depth to this one.  And more interesting characters rather than the cliche workaholic father. This version dealt a lot with themes of grief and yes, there is a bit of a found family in it. My one complaint is something that happened with Madame Leota.  In this version of the story Leota was trapped inside her own crystal ball by The Hatbox Ghost.  Toward the end of the movie one of the protagonists uses a spell to free her but then shortly afterward Leota delivers the line “I can feel the spell fading and soon I will be returned to my crystal ball.  It’s not so bad.  It’s actually quite spacious in there.”  Why do this?  The Hatbox Ghost was defeated.  It doesn’t make sense. There’s no reason for her to have to return to the crystal ball.  If it’s about selling the merchandise there are plenty of scenes of her inside the crystal ball already.
It almost feels like this annoying detail (and the only part I don’t like) was added by some bitter Disney employee who was angry he didn’t get to keep Binx trapped as a cat for all eternity in Hocus Pocus.   In general it was a fun movie.  That bit about Leota having to return to her crystal ball was the only part that bothered me.      I do think this may have been strategically released toward the end of July in the hope of recreating the cult classic that emerged from Hocus Pocus- a rare Disney sleeper hit.  Either that or Disney just had no faith in it because of the failing of the first attempt at a Haunted Mansion movie.  Based on the twelve week or so gap from theatrical release to home video Disney set this up so that it would be on DVD and Blu Ray and streaming just in time for the Halloween season. This was a fun movie, not too scary, but horror enough that I think adults won’t get bored.  Some of the characters (including ghosts) could have been developed better though. Part of me hopes for a sequel while another part of me dreads the franchise being milked to the point of annoyance like the later Pirates of the Caribbean movies.  Also the reveal that Trevor’s father was dead was easy to predict.   But it is still a family film despite the PG-13 rating so some moments have to be easy for the kids to figure out.  Not everything has to subvert expectations. And often subversion is done poorly in Hollywood anyway.              It was a fun film though. And some moments were genuinely sweet, such as the idea of ghosts sending small and subtle messages to loved ones like that cute cat, Tater Tot.  For those keeping score, there are now three Disney Haunted Mansion movies. There's The Haunted Mansion (2003), Muppet Haunted Mansion (2021), and Haunted Mansion (2023). There’s some good atmosphere in the movie too and some subtle homages to films like Poltergeist.  I liked it. 
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
This is the song Spotify thinks it’s Number One, but it’s only in that spot because I’ve fallen asleep to it.  The song is about a man who realized he’s in love, and starts acting like a big sap, so of course it’s so gentle and relaxing to listen while unwinding from the day’s labors.  The song is composed by John Debney, who is a working artist since the 80’s both in movies and in TV.  Everyone has heard his handywork in something somewhere.  If not in SeaQuest, then in Elf.  If not in Hocus Pocus, then in Passion of Christ.
Submitted by @eggs-n-ham-sam​
I’m mildly shocked at you leaving a particular movie out of the short list here, not because the music was groundbreaking or anything like that, it’s just that
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given who you’re sending it to, lol.  Elf was a good choice I can hear the music from that one in my head
Theme he briefly riffed on at about 1:30 sounds an awful lot like one of the main themes that Bear McCreary used for scenes with “The Hybrid” on Battlestar Galactica. (if you’ve never listened to any of that shows music, I think it’s great, lots of taiko drums composer did magic imho)
I did not expect a Seth McFarland production to have music that high quality, I continually forget that he actually is capable of that, family guy and the others keep the money coming in so he can do other stuff.
I think a collaboration between him and Adam Sandler could interesting.
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Welcome to Wonderful World of Darklords, ya filthy animal! While it's not animated, Home Alone is technically Disney now that they've bought 20th Century Fox (and let's face it, we're eventually doing Hocus Pocus and Haunted Mansion, so "not animated" isn't a dealbreaker). What's more, in a world where a magical wish really can make your family disappear, Kevin is a perfect darklord trapped in a hell of his own creation--and ready to put your PCs in that hell, too. Topics discussed include:
How to get your PCs to go into Kevin's little funhouse so they get all tore up, even though they presumably won't be tempted by promises of stereos, VCRs, and toys;
Suggestions for translating Kevin's sadistic traps into their equally sadistic D&D equivalents (with some inspiration from the master of "up yours" traps, Gary Gygax);
Alternate versions of Kevin and his house with a variety of different tones, from "heartwarming holiday special about family" to "cathartic beatdown of a spoiled, hateful man-child;"
The challenges of adapting a film where the wish-fulfillment power fantasy character is the darklord and the hapless victims are the PCs;
And more!
The full writeup for the McElminster house is available for free on DM's Guild: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/461188/The-McElminster-House-A-Ravenloft-Domain-of-Dread?affiliate_id=241770
The official WotC Home Alone-inspired stream we mentioned is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DssYPINaF9E&t=2s
Bingo cards from the inimitable @dusty-purple are available here: https://bingobaker.com/#65799823d1221317 Play along!
Book Club of Dread absolutely will not be ready December 20th (very optimistic view of your editing powers there, Past Rachel), but we're going to move heaven and earth to make sure it's out by Epiphany so the Christmas Bellringer is still appropriate. For the Christmas Bellringer, you want roughly equal parts ginger beer and orange juice OR roughly equal parts gin, ginger beer, and orange juice; adjust the proportions to taste. Please, we beg you, go slow if you add the gin. The ginger beer will hide the flavor of the gin, you will forget you aren't drinking a mocktail, and your bell will get rung if you pour yourself a big ol' glass with the intention of nursing it over a couple hours. This stuff makes Hocus Pocus Punch look like chocolate milk.
All music recordings are in the public domain (mark 1.0) and are licensed through https://musopen.org:
Chopin Nocturne in B-Flat Minor, Op. 9 No.1 (main theme), performed by Eduardo Vinuela
Chopin Etude Op. 25, No. 12 in C Minor: “Ocean” (darklord theme), performed by Edward Neeman
Chopin Nocturne in F Minor, Op. 55 No. 1 (land theme), performed by Luke Faulkner
Rachmaninoff Morceaux de Fantaisie, Op. 3 - 2. Prélude in C sharp minor (Dread Possibilities), performed by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Chopin Nocturne in E Minor, Op. 72 No. 1 (parting thoughts), performed by Luke Faulkner
Dialog for Yensid was written by Azalin Rex himself: @darklordazalin
The Wonderful World of Darklords logo was designed by Halite Jones, whom you can find @halite-jones or on Instragram at http://www.instagram.com/insta_halite
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Facebook: @wonderfulworldofdarklords
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