wildlifegermany · 1 year
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coffeenuts · 1 year
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Bienchen by Hobbyknipsel https://flic.kr/p/2oDB8hV
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bequietandobserve · 1 year
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Apis Mellifera, European or western honey bee. Shot on Pocofone F3, 4.1mm f/2.4, 1/500s, ISO 50
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lotharulsamer · 1 year
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Heute habe ich in Esslingen dieses Foto aufgenommen: am 25. Dezember fliegen Bienen aus! Die Erderwärmung macht der Natur mehr und mehr zu schaffen. Und die Folgen spüren auch wir Menschen immer stärker. Mehr zum Thema Klimawandel unter www.deutschland-geliebte-bananenrepublik.de #bienen #honigbienen #honigbiene #natur #nature #naturschutz #umwelt #Umweltschutz #umweltschutz #klima #klimawandel #klimaschutz #erderwärmung #esslingen (hier: Esslingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmm24seNnuC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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insidebw · 1 month
Baden-Württemberg kämpft gegen asiatische Hornissen – so kannst du mithelfen!
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onlinebiene · 5 months
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phototagebuch · 1 year
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qprinty · 2 years
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🐝 💕 LOVELY LOVE 💕 BEES LOVERS ✨🐝 ✨🙋🏻‍♂️Save the bees 🐝 For beekeepers Entertainment Profile 👉🏻 @shirts_motivation✨ . . Woman's Shop Men’s-shop Kid’s-shop 🛍 Check Bio 👉🏻 for More promoCodes . . Follow for more @shirts_motivation Follow for more @shirts_motivation . . #imker #beekeeping #honigbiene #bienenstock #honeybee #bienenliebe #bienenfreundlich #apiculture #carnica #bees #imkerei #bienen #honig #biene #beekeeper #bienenvolk #imkern #imkernmachtglücklich #imkerhonig #imkerneulinge #imkerverein #apiary #imkereibedarf #bee #krafthonig #buckfastqueen #bienenkönigin #blütenhonig #beekeeperslife #bienenboerse24 #redbubble #pin (at USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjUA7JrqgMO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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supersplinter · 2 years
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Fünf Sterne Produkt. #studioknoblich #gumo #moin #jamoin @rattrayspipes #pfeifen #pfeifenraucher #honig #honigbiene 😗 #kommmalklar (hier: Stuttgart, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CglXTamDY3f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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katelynnwrites · 3 months
Who is her favorite person besides Laura?
Is she a picky eater?
What’s her favorite thing to do besides cuddling Laura (because same Honigbiene same)?
her favourite person would probably be Klara because Klara is the one who gives her her beloved honeybee.
by a certain point, Laura actually has to stop Klara from crocheting her a new one in all sorts of colours every time they meet at natio camp because Honigbiene simply has too many.
the original one is still have favourite and she brings it with her everywhere, even as she grows up.
Honigbiene is a bit of a picky eater that's my influence there but she doesn't mind trying new foods. it's only if she dislikes them, that she refuses to touch it again. she also has a thing about not letting different kinds of food touch so her Mama has to get her those plates with seperate areas. like rice in one section, meat in another sort of plate.
until she's about three, her favourite thing remains cuddling her Mama. after that it probably becomes her photography.
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Honeybee inside Foxglove Flower 4 - Iris H Richardson
Love this honeybee image. The honeybee had not yet noticed me and allowed me to get really close.
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schwarmgold · 2 years
BLACK-WEEK-2022 bei Schwarmgold - 10% Rabatt auf Honigetiketten
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BLACK-WEEK-2022 bei Schwarmgold 26.11. bis 02.12.2022
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mixes-archive · 2 years
König SFW Alphabet
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Hello and welcome to the archive! It seems that a lot of guests have appeared since yesterdays advertisment, welcome! We do hope you enjoy your stay and make sure to read the rules :)
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A = Affection
(How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
König is so affectionate, more so in private than in public. He loves calling you the most embarrassing german nicknames like Honigbiene or Mausi. Will mostly stick to Schatz when around others though. He also is very physical with his affection, leaning against you even if he knows you can't support his weight or carrying you around in various positions (man's is strong so he will carry you no matter what)
B = Best friend
(What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Becoming his friend might just be the most difficult thing you'll ever do. You'd have to be a bit careful around him outside of the battlefield, as to not scare him. But if you get him authentic Austrian alcohol or Mozartkugeln, he will be loyal to you forever.
As a friend, he'd constantly talk about his (and your) interests. König will also ask about your country a lot if you feel comfortable enough to answer his questions. He'll also actively seek your presence out just to be around you.
C = Cuddles
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
König is, once you get to know him, an oversized and touch starved teddy bear. He LOVES cuddles. Whatever position and wherever, as long as it's not infront of others. He will look for any excuse to wrap his arms around you though, yes, that includes "correcting your form" when you handle a gun he's even slightly proficient in.
Once home, or at base, you almost can't get him off of you.
D = Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I can't see him settling down, but if it was your wish, he absolutely would follow you anywhere to settle down, even if it was a country which language he didn't speak. But he'd probably ask to save up for a nice house where he doesn't bang his head on the door frames first.
He knows how to make a few Käsespätzle and that's it. If you know how to make Austrian cuisine like 'Oma', König will love you forever and beg you to teach him. He'll try to help you cook however he can, but DO NOT. let him near the stove.
He will gladly do the dishes and clean your home as a thanks though.
E = Ending
(If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I don't think he'd tell you, maybe write a letter and leave it for you to find once you get home.
That being said, you'd ever have to have fucked up massively for him to break up with you, or he's forced to for your safety. If the latter is the case, he will be back for you as soon as it's save to do so.
F = Fiance(e)
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
It'll take a while for him to realize your relationship is permanent, maybe a year or so, but it goes fairly quick after that. He's lowkey really scared of either you or him dying, so he kinda tries to rush a wedding.
G = Gentle
(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Gentle giant baby boy <3
He'll be really gentle with you, since he knows how big n' strong he is, König will hold his strength back a lot. Although, if you're both on the battlefield, he will be much less inclined to care about that sort of stuff, just grabbing your hand and running or forcing your head down to avoid bullets.
He always thoroughly thinks about what to say before he says it, so if there's even the slightest chance something he says could hurt you, he won't unless absolutely necessary.
H = Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Much like cuddles, König absolutely loves hugs!! He's more inclined to stick to them on the battlefield since there isn't much time for affection there. His hugs are so warm and soft though, your face either stuck in his man-boobs or in the crook of his neck.
I = I love you
(How fast do they say the L-word?)
When either he or you confesses to the other. After that, he'll say it all the time. Alternatively, if you've been friends for a long time and your relationship just progressed in a romantic way, he'll have said it wayyy before he had those kinds of feelings for you.
J = Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Probably not that jealous, unless someone is explicitly flirting with and not leaving you alone. In that case, König will magically find more courage than any person should have and scare them away at all cost if they don't leave you alone.
After, he'll give you a lil kissy and say something like "Niemand sollte dich stören wenn du das nicht willst, Schatz."
K = Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
A TON of forehead, nose and hair kisses. If his mask is on, he's more likely to kiss your hands, shoulders or neck. If you're really lucky, he'll even lift his mask up a teeny tiny bit and kiss you properly.
König is no more than putty in your hands if you kiss the corner of his mouth.
L = Love language
(How do they show their affection?)
GIFT GIVING, PARALLEL PLAY AND PHYSICAL AFFECTION. He loves collecting little trinkets for you!! Going from small flowers to an absolutely gorgeous necklace (he'll keep the secret of how much it cost to his grave). And honestly, König gets so giddy when he's in a 10 meter radius of you. If you leave the room to go sit somewhere else, he'll follow you around too. If he was drawing you, König will look at you like this >:(, but immediately melt if you just keep working and acknowledging his presence occasionally.
Also, just loves holding you however you prefer, he likes it warm >:)
M = Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
Trying to escape his iron grip to get ready. (spoiler: he will not let go ever)
You can however, convince him to let you go if you say you'll make breakfast. He'll consider letting you get up then.
N = Night
(How are nights spent with them?)
Cuddling and maybe having him talk to you in german. He'll try to teach you if you can't speak it too. If you respond, König will actually be so happy and fall asleep with a smile on his face :)
O = Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Honestly, once you get past his shyness, he's so talkative with you. If you ask, he'll tell you anything about his past and his childhood growing up in different parts of Austria.
P = Patience
(How easily angered are they?)
We all know how irritable he gets on the battlefield, but no matter what you do, that anger will never, ever be directed at you. You could literally murder his entire family and he'd be "Schatz, why did you do that? :( That wasn't nice :(( Please can we talk about this? :["
But seriously, if you do find some way to make him angry, he'll write you a letter and leave you alone for some time until he's cooled down.
Q = Quizzes
(How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Every. Single. Detail. If you told him about that one embarrassing thing you did in fifth grade, he won't only remember what you did, he'll also remember how you said it, the look of absolute horror in your eyes when you realized just how cringe it was and the way your arms moved was just so fascinating to him.
König will also write a lot of what you say down in is diary, occasionally reading old entries about you when he's separated from you for a long time.
R = Remember
(What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
(Trying) To make Schnitzel and Petersilkartoffeln on your off-day at base. König doesn't even think he'll forget the wretched smell the first burnt Schnitzel produced, but the payoff of the smile on your face and the final meal is unforgettable to him.
If he has the chance, he'll absolutely tell everyone about the story, his shyness leaving him for even just a minute or so.
S = Security
(How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
With his life. And his body too. König has been a meat-shield to you one too many times for your taste.
But in turn, you have to keep a little bit of a look out for him at social situations.
T = Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Maybe not effort, but a lot of thought. When it comes to tasks and dates at least.
König starts working on gifts month in advance, putting his blood, sweat and tears into it to get it just right for you.
U = Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
If he can't remember how to say something in English or misuse a phrase, he'll stop talking for a little while, sulking about 'not being able to communicate properly'. He also has the tendency to back out of social situations last minute.
V = Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)
Only about his skin. Man's uses more skincare items than one of those clean girl grwm on TikTok. After he meets you, he'll possibly also care a little more about his hair, but that's it.
W = Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He relies on you a lot. Both in senses of communicating with others, as well as emotionally and physically. If you're gone for a while, he'll start hugging pillows and writing romantic letters he never sends. He's much more shy when you aren't around.
X = Xtra
(A random headcanon for them.)
Loves to draw you and flowers specifically. Also keeps trying to dry them in his sketchbook, but forgets they're in there and opens it before they've dried.
Y = Yuck
(What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Probably someone who makes fun of him for being shy, or bosses him around all the time.
Z = Zzz
(What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Hugging you and pressing your face into his tiddies<3
König loves gathering a lot of blankets and just stewing them atop both of you!!
A/N: he is so bbg and I love him please keep the requests coming
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maylovessyou · 4 months
Part 2 - nightmare
Sooo... Finally the 2nd part, I've been a week abroad and didn't have much time to write, as soon as I got back home I finished this part, I strongly believe there will be like at least 3 more and as always I hope you all enjoy it very much! Reposts are really appreciated!!
Tw: afab, cursing/fowl language, name calling, tell me if I missed any
Word count: 1,550
He just stays there, a smirk imprinted on his face "so that's what you think of me, Honigbiene?" He asks tilting his head.
You quickly turn around facing him with fear in your eyes "I... Uhm.." you stutter, ashamed of what he's heard.
"I'll snap your back in half if I ever hear you talking about me like that, kleine Hure." He threatens through gritted teeth.
"I... I'm sorry, König.. just..." You try to explain yourself tho you couldn't find any valid reason.*
He looks at you with nothing but apathy on his face and walks away, grabs the lighter and cigarettes on the counter and rushes outside to have a smoke. You look at him both perplexed and angry, why would he take *your* cigarettes without asking? Or even caring?
You try to ignore it and run after him to get your stuff back. When you get outside you find him lighting a cigarette and looking at you with a smirk.
"What do you want, Hure?" He growls. "I'm not a whore, if anything you're the one that fucks every living thing." You spat back at him, his face contorting into a pissed frown.
"Watch your tongue before I'll cut it off." His words harsh as ever, tho their effect on you is minimal, after all this time how could it be any other way? Yea?
You get back inside, forgetting about your belongings and most of all ignoring him.
You take out your phone and look for something to make for dinner, somehow, somehow, you still manage to have a soft stop for his wellbeing, and that only.
You find some sort of pizza pockets that you think you'll like so you start making them, by the time you've finished baking them it's become 7pm.
You plate them on the table and look for him, first in the living room, then outside, then his room. Nowhere to be found.
"The cunt left?" You ask yourself aloud shaking your head in disappointment and turning around to get the cutlery, only to find him there, grabbing you by your nape.
"What did I tell you about calling me names? Huh?" He yells, the height difference, force and brutality different and age difference makes you shiver from fear. Hatred leaking eyes pierce through you, leaving you tremble.
"Answer, Honigbiene." He yells again, your eyes widening.
"I... I was just worried... Yea.. worried." You babble, trying to sound convincing.
His grip loosens though he keeps your eyes fixated on him. "No one taught you manners? Useless bitch." He looks down on you, almost feeling disgusted.
You quickly wiggle off his grasp and just look at him, rubbing where he left a sore mark. "I was calling you to eat. Just trying to be gentle. But you're clearly not worth it." You said feeling repulsed by him and going to your room, just as far as you can from that monster of a man.
König, on the other hand, took it more easy. It was fun to mess with you, make you feel bad, sad, angry, make you cry. He simply sat on a chair and ate the food you made, like nothing had just happened.
After an hour or so he comes up to your door "I like ya cooking, who taught you?" He grunts, feeling like an animal.
You hear his voice, oh you do, but you also don't do or say anything. Complete silence. Ignorance too.
"Hey I'm talking to you, Honigbiene." He scowls, your avoidance pissing him off.
"Go away." You whisper, just enough for him to hear. And hopefully do as said.
But he doesn't. Why would he? He's the man right? He got the pants. So he bangs on your door, hard. "Open up, ja?" He smirks, thinking he's having control over you, but still, you don't say anything.
After some time he decided he's had enough, so what's better than just breaking in? Knocking down the door? Easy. The first thing that comes to his mind tho isn't to break down the door, maybe you didn't lock it, right? Right? Right.
He simply wiggles the knob and boom! He's inside. Your figure way smaller than him, any size is smaller than him. Just a little mouse hunted by the cat. No, a tiger in this case.
You stay there, scrunched up by the headboard, your phone and headphones by your side. "Go out." You whisper, the fear that König instills in you has no words capable of describing. "Please.." you add, you're voice sounding weaker than usual.
"What? The little girl's gonna cry now?" He says in a mocking, degrading tone, not caring to pick his words correctly.
You just look at him, speechless, scared, fragile even. Only a moment after you take your gaze off him, looking down at where your knees and chest meet, trying to ignore your now flooded waterlines.
König just looks at you, the pathetic state you're in, feeling nothing but superiority. "Look at me when I speak." He demands, his voice stern as always, but you're unable to. Certainly not when you're on the verge of tears.
You slightly raise your head up, enough for your eyes to meet his, and then you see him. A wide smirk plastered on his face, the bastard enjoying the torture he's giving you.
"Don't cry now. I bet you've gotten hurt in worse ways, Honigbiene." He tries to sound sympathetic and cover the mock in his voice, of course, he doesn't succeed.
"Please just leave.." you plead once again, you're voice shaking and lips quivering, eyelids becoming heavier by the second.
He looks at you up and down one last time before exiting the room, closing the door with a loud slam.
Night falls and you're still in your bed, drenched in tears of fear and broken heart, not because of him directly, but because of the way he treats you. You've done everything you could to make this agonizing stay a little less hard, but he hasn't put any effort, no, on the other hand he has just gotten worse and worse.
At around 1am you decide to get up and take a shower, refresh yourself, get something under the teeth, hopefully be alone. At least now.
And you do so, after you've finished showering you just walk down to the kitchen and heat out the leftovers of the dinner you cooked, careless to get dressed. After all, you were sure you were alone.
You take the plate and sit at the table, slowly eating the food and sipping water, the headache you've had until now slowly vanishing.
After finishing you rub your eyes and slightly stretch, "this is a nightmare... A very big, tall and strong nightmare." You say to yourself, your head resting in your palms.
"As if you were a dream." You hear a voice say right behind you.
Taglist: @Lillumrorum , @captainsarcasmandsass , @attractivesteaminghunkofflesh69 , @notyoursweetcat
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phototagebuch · 1 year
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12.6.2023: Nektar
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qprinty · 2 years
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🐝✨BEES LOVERS ✨🐝 ✨🙋🏻‍♂️Save the bees 🐝 For beekeepers Entertainment Profile 👉🏻 @shirts_motivation✨ . . Woman's Shop Men’s-shop Kid’s-shop 🛍 Check Bio 👉🏻 for More promoCodes . . Follow for more @shirts_motivation Follow for more @shirts_motivation . . #honeybee #beekeeper #honeybees #apiary #honeycomb #bees #beekeepers #honey #beekeeperslife #imker #backyardbeekeeping #honigbiene #biene #bienen #apismellifera #beekeepersofinstagram #hive #beekeeping #beehive #bee #savethebees #beesofinstagram #apiculture #pollen #urbanbeekeeping #pollinators #beekeeperlife #imkerei #honig #rawhoney #kidsshopping (at USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjUAj25KDmu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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