#Hopefully this is coherent
actual-changeling · 1 year
aziraphale turns around, two cups of freshly brewed tea in his hands, and stills.
rain is pounding against the window, and the sky is so dark it might as well be night, they're alone in the bookshop and safe from prying eyes, but -
"angel, you're staring."
"right, sorry, it's nothing."
crowley takes the cup from him, making sure their fingers don't as much as brush, and aziraphale settles in the armchair opposite him with a weight in his chest and a bitter taste on his tongue. having him hear again at all is oddly relieving, he breathes easier when he can feel his aura right next to his, can look at him from across the room and remind himself that he is alright, they both are.
they drink in silence at first, the noise of the traffic fading into that of the thunderstorm encompassing london, a pleasant background noise that makes his voice less cutting when he tries to speak.
"so. it's- well, i'm still figuring out the details, but-"
"the second coming," crowley interrupts him, not unkindly, "yes, i'm aware."
aziraphale blinks at him, caught momentarily off-guard, and no matter how hard he tries to grasp the vital information bouncing around his brain, all he can think of is that he cannot see crowley's eyes. that he hasn't seen them since- since the day he left.
a handful of years during which taking off his shades had been his first act upon entering the bookshop, now the statue remains empty, and his eyes and any indication of emotion carefully hidden. the white porcelain clings in his hands, and he puts the cup and saucer down, wringing his hands to try and stop them from shaking. guilt mixes with sorrow and anger, mostly at himself, and takes root inside his ribcage. vines slither up his throat and keep his words where they are.
it's stupid. he shouldn't.
aziraphale braces himself for the reaction he will receive but he cannot stop his arms from reaching out, crossing the gap between them. he makes it as far as his fingertips brushing over the cold metal frame when crowley violently flinches back, spilling his tea and then miracling it and the cup to heaven knows where.
it's a one-word response and yet more final than anything else ever could be, a piece of metal dropped in an empty warehouse, its echoes bouncing around and reminding you of your mistake over and over again.
"you don't get to do that. now, tell me whatever you have in mind or i will leave."
crowley is tense, muscles tight, back as straight as a serpent can manage, and he slowly leans away from aziraphale, shuffling down the couch until he is half slung over the armrest and as far away from him as possible.
shame stings in his eyes and sinks to the bottom of his stomach; he misses his eyes. crowley no longer feels safe enough around him to show them, and if there is one thing he hopes to solve it is that. the world can end but he cannot live without his world.
patience, he reminds himself. just be patient.
"right, about the second coming..."
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tvguts · 1 year
watching a video about the house of leaves inspired Doom mod and like. man, i admittedly don't know much about horror, but i am just so fascinated by the evolution of modern horror tropes. it's all about making the familiar into something unfamiliar, and that's what it's always been! the haunted dolls and creepy music boxes and rotting victorian mansions have been usurped by chuck e. cheese animatronics and old video games and your childhood best friend's basement playroom. as the general sense of what's nostalgic and comfortable evolves, so does the general sense of what's fucked up and scary. and isn't that nice
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wyrddogs · 1 year
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Introducing Zaku! He is an eight-week-old workingline Belgian tervuren, he was born on Valentine’s Day, and I’ve been actively waiting on him since 2020. He is @fayeandknight‘s Forte’s half-brother!
His breeder described him as bubbly, happy, sweet, and handler-oriented. She also described him as a “flying puppy” because of his habit of launching himself into her arms when she was picking up a different littermate.
Zaku handled hoteling and a ten-hour car trip like a complete champ. When we got home he had a bit of time to process everything and had a very impressive intermittent eight-hour tantrum. Very understandable, he’d just been through a lot and he is very small and his feelings are very big. Once he’s settled into his new routine he’ll feel better.
He met Kermit and most of the roommate’s dogs last night. Within five minutes, Kermit was play bowing and they had a fun little romp.
Looking forward to having adventures with this little guy!
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bigfuns-stuff · 9 months
Alright so, remember in season 2 of Good Omens when Aziraphale changes the Bentley to yellow and Crowley being really against it? Normally, Crowley lets Aziraphale get away with everything and he really only puts his foot down about heaven. Here comes my stupid fan theory: the Bentley is sentient and is an extension of Crowley right? So what if, the angel changing the outward appearance of the Bentley is almost like becoming “angel Crowley” (because azi says to come back and be angels) and in his subconscious, the thin dark duke picks up on this (completely unrelated and innocent expression of love, since it’s the colour of his eyes) and sees it as him needing to shed his former angel identity. (Yellow) into the black “demon” colour. The Bentley could be seen as a symbol of his religious trauma from this angle. It’s just my really silly HC tho. It doesn’t make much sense but I like it.
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Change is good!!
I have been terrified of change my entire life, and truly, why?
All of the major changes in my life have been stepping stones to greater things!
Every time I experience massive change, I learn more about myself and what I want and need - and I carry that forward into every new experience!
Even if, in the moment, an event seems devastating.... I grow.
The only way out is through. And through change, I grow.
The choice is to grow or to remain stagnant. And I've absolutely had many periods where I couldn't accept/manage change. I still do. As I write this, I am struggling to accept that a major change in my life is becoming necessary in order to maintain/increase my happiness. But, knowing that - being aware that this change would ultimately improve my life - how can I remain under the false impression that I am helping myself by staying in my limited comfort zone?
I always rationalize that I'm scared of change because things could be worse.
But they could be much better.
I rationalize that I don't deserve better anyway.
And that's EXACTLY why I need a change.
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Juliette, the Girlboss Trope, and Structural Change
From what I’ve observed, stories with “girlboss” protagonists tend to be less likely to critique existing power structures and end up focusing more on slightly tweaking surface level aspects of them to allow the protagonist to prove themselves within the context of the existing system. To me, this is extremely interesting within the context of These Violent Delights because Juliette is arguably initially set up to fulfill this archetype. Because she is a girl, her claim to the status of heir is questioned by those around her more than it would be otherwise. She feels more pressure to be ruthless and to do whatever she can to earn the respect of those around her. Toward the very beginning of These Violent Delights, she threatens to kill Tyler when he attempts to upstage her, saying that she will kill him before she lets him take her heirdom away from her. Without knowing that These Violent Delights is a Romeo and Juliet retelling, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to expect Juliette to become the leader of the Scarlet Gang and somehow fix things from the inside at the end. She is well set up to be the Strong Female Protagonist ™ who takes what is owed to her and is hardened and kickass and ruthless and doesn’t let interfering men get in her way. 
But importantly, regardless of how much Juliette initially knows it, this is a facade. The image of the hardened ruthless heir may be one that Juliette encourages, but it is a heavily distorted reflection of who she truly is. Because at her very core, though she was raised to be the heir of the Scarlet Gang and therefore should be the literal personification of the continuation of the blood feud, that is not who Juliette is. Throughout the duology, her main motivation is protecting those she loves. At first, she believes that she can do this by working within the existing system. She tries to legitimize herself as heir within the existing power structure of the Scarlet Gang. However, the Scarlet Gang Juliette is set to inherit is one built upon a foundation of fractures that legitimizes its existence through the perpetuation of the blood feud to the extent that to solve the blood feud, or even seek to calm it, would be a violation of its very nature. The Scarlet Gang could never accept a leader that sought to do this, nor could the White Flowers, who equally rely on the blood feud as a source of power, accept the figurehead of their rival gang as an ally. To do so would be a fundamental betrayal of the nature of these two groups. Thus, Juliette must choose between legitimizing her position as heir, bringing more suffering upon the people and city she loves in the process, and giving up her position as heir and forfeiting her power. 
But if Juliette forfeits her power, who does she forfeit her power to? After all, if she merely walks away, the blood feud will still exist. The refusal of one person to fall in line cannot topple an entire system. The answer comes back to Tyler who, unlike Juliette, truly is meant to represent the continuation of the blood feud. He feels the need for vengeance and hatred at his core, and is constantly suspicious of Juliette, recognizing her lack of loyalty though it is incomprehensible to him. Ultimately, there was never room enough for both of them. When Juliette threatened his life in These Violent Delights, she did so out of fear of him usurping her place. Little did she know, he already had. In representing the longevity of the blood feud, Tyler, not Juliette represents the longevity of the Scarlet Gang. While she was the heir in name, he embodied the very lifeforce of the gang. In a way, he almost represents the Juliette that could have been. And that is precisely why Juliette had to kill him.
Though Tyler’s death is foreshadowed by Juliette’s initial threat in the first book, when she shoots him in Our Violent Ends, it is not the callous, unfeeling kill of an heir pushing aside the final obstacle before claiming their rightful place at the top. Instead, it is Juliette’s final severance from the vicious cycle of the blood feud and the illusion of her status as heir. She recognizes that the power she would wield as the future leader, or even the true heir, of the Scarlet Gang stakes its legitimacy in the continuation of the blood feud, and therefore, she would lose legitimacy as a leader if she were to act against the blood feud. This is further demonstrated when Lord Cai tells her that she can choose between dying a White Flower and being heir following his discovery of her relationship with Roma, representing her direct defiance of the blood feud, and her murder of Tyler, representing her sabotage of the longevity of the blood feud and her rejection of her status as heir.
By this point, Juliette has established that she cannot live as a part of the blood feud. She put a bullet through its heart, firing on her own kin to do so. Because the blood feud has no future, she can no longer pretend to occupy the role of heir. But at the same time, in killing Tyler, she has rejected her place within the blood feud. She cannot die a Scarlet, and she cannot die a White Flower because she refuses to be either. In the end, it is not her and Roma’s apparent deaths that aid the end of the blood feud. Instead, it is their rejection of its perpetuation through their rejection of their statuses as heirs. Their continued survival after their apparent death and the birth of their daughter stands in direct defiance to the division brought on by the blood feud. Though, as is further explored in Foul Lady Fortune, this division is still very present, Roma and Juliette’s continued survival both acknowledges that the kind of change required cannot be brought about by the efforts of one titular protagonist, no matter how world ending their sacrifice, and gives hope for a better future. Unlike the girlboss protagonist, Juliette rejects the status quo and achieves her goals by rejecting power. Instead of seeking to be the figurehead of change, which would also be extremely ahistorical, she does her part and steps back, acknowledging that as a singular person, she does not and should not have the power to fix everything. In the end, she watches from the outskirts of Shanghai, and though she is doomed to forfeit her place within her home to protect the people she loves, she is safe enough to live with her husband and raise her daughter and use her remaining connections to do what she can. Because in the end, one person cannot fix everything, no matter how powerful they are. And the spark of hope represented by Juliette and Roma’s continued survival and the birth of their daughter as well as the protection offered by their weapons ring is enough. 
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broadwayfangirl222 · 1 year
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Theory: I know so many people are focused on this guy is (likely Hornigold) but I'm looking at the makeshift shelter. Some of the frames show they get in a fight and it looks like the ship is gonna sink
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So I'm thinking that they almost sink and barely make it to shore on this random island and they're gonna be stuck there temporarily (Potentially separated from eachother) Them being stranded on this island could be how Stede and Ed actually begin to talk things through and repair their relationship. And there's three possibilities with the rest of what I think will happen:
The makeshift shelter belongs to this dude (probably Hornigold) and they run into him
They made the makeshift shelter and this guy, also stranded, finds them
To parallel Stede hallucinating Nigel in episode 2, Ed's hallucinating Hornigold while him and Stede are stuck there
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honeyblockm · 2 years
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november 16th
An Iliad, Lisa Peterson and Denis O'Hare // L'manberg Finale, Wilbur Soot trans. @/tobeeoptimistic // Ozymandias, Percy Bysshe Shelley // the Pharsalia, Lucan // Jericho, The Reverent Marigold // Song for Cleomenes, The Mountain Goats // The Iliad, Homer trans. Robert Fagles // The Fourth Hour of the Night, Frank Bidart // The Revolution is Coming, Wilbur Soot trans. @/dsmptranscripts
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What are These Symbols in TDP?
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seen in context of Aaravos, on startouch elf/celestial elf clothing, etc.
And, what do they imply for deep magic, star magic, and S6?
Let's call them First Elf Glyphs...
Short story: 1. They’re on Aaravos, TMO, startouch concept art, and celestial elves garments. 2. They’re tied to the deep magic symbol. Them being on startouch and celestial elves garments signifies the celestial elves were taught deep magic, or know the ties between star and deep magic in some way, Aaravos may have taught deep magic to the celestial elves or the humans due to the symbols place on the page. 3. they might be emblazoned spells because moonshadow swirlies were also used as spells (Runaan’s dance to activate his engravings, the ancient dance at the old moon nexus to open the gate between life and death) & 4. Startouch elves=First Elves + They remind me of the First One’s runes from She ra (which form words hence, glyphs.) If nothing else, this is a compilation of where they’re found.
Long story: First, why they’re relevant:
They're in Callum's sketchbook, a page we also briefly see on screen in a book regarding Aaravos.
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This page in particular seems significant because it also connects to the eclipse imagery, and the half eaten/crescent moon which I believe both dictate important events but that's a theory for another day.
But by proxy, these symbols pique my interest. I feel like they're significant somehow,
a. we know swirlies carved into materials ie Runaan’s horn cuffs and dances on the ground can have significance as spells
b. we see them on Startouch garments:
-> Aaravos's cloak.
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(which, as @kradogsrats pointed out, these shapes but the cloak especially imo looks like falling stars)
->Aaravos's tabard/skirt, front and back.
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->Merciful One likely has similar aspects on their clothing, based on the similarities in their design to Aaravos.
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->Aaravos's and Merciful one's tunics (example of above)
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->the line arcing above the circle in the tunic is reminiscent of the signature celestial elf blindfold.
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->And if we take a closer look, we see that Astrid is wearing similar garb to the startouch elves. So these lines can likely be considered first elf glyphs too.
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We also see it on the concept art for Aaravos.
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Every single version, save for the one on the far right, has some variation of these lines and circles (or at the very least, lines and diamonds for the earlier ones on the left).
This one doesn’t but it does have these constellations, which the symbols also seem to connect to.
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->Lastly, Aaravos's hood...
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It's tied, of course, to the deep magic symbol--that strange uneven sun shape we've seen several places so far.
Speculation Time
So, these glyphs seem to be tied to deep magic and the startouch elves in general. I'll get back to that in a second.
But first, (and I understand this is a more superficial connection) it's interesting because they reminded me of She Ra’s “First Ones” language and imagery too:
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I find this especially relevant since Startouch elves also seem to be called the First Elves and this is confirmed by what Rayla says in S5: “In ancient legends, Startouch elves are sometimes called the First Elves.”
+ The First Elves had to have differentiated into the rest of the elves, and as it’s suggested and @random-fandom-ramble pointed out, “old magic” / deep magic is the root for primal magic. + as Aaravos may have mastered deep magic to master all 6 sources, Startouch elves are more likely to have mastery of deep magic / it seems like if you understand star magic, it’s easier to understand deep magic. So deep magic and star magic are inextricably connected, as are these related glyphs.
Hence, First Elf glyphs.
But why are they on the celestial elves' garb, what does that tell us?
While the celestial elves are said to be an "ancient" group of Skywing elves, it's unlikely they're as old as the First Elves themselves, so it's possible that Aaravos or another Startouch elf had a connection to them, passing down his knowledge. Plus, we're supposed to get a speech in S6 about Deep magic too. Could it be a flashback to him teaching these elves about deep magic?
Or, maybe some other Startouch elf founded it to begin with, to protect their knowledge when they left Xadia, leaving only "the last of the Great Ones," aka Aaravos. Maybe Aaravos and the Merciful One worked on it together.
But also, they specifically surround the image of the darkened star. Not a normal star. A fallen star--Aaravos. And it's next to the poem about Elarion. Could it be suggesting that Aaravos was the one to teach humanity these things about dark magic? Again- speech.
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Perhaps. But there are other things to speculate on too, like
Do these glyphs serve a purpose? Why are they on these clothes?
A. emblazoned spells-> Maybe it's like the swirlies Ethari engraves into metal, such as Runaan's armor, as @beautifulterriblequeen said in their theory. Passive spell of protection, magic boost or some activatable spell in general? A spell of protection or durability seems more plausible as the part of the tunic underneath isn't frayed whereas the translucent part on top is (unless that's just for silly character design reasons) ....no! No silly character design reasons.... They write the show for us detail oriented people
-> strengthens their connection with deep magic/star magic
Alternatively, it:
B. signifies status in some way
->some lines and shapes may indicate higher/lower status
C. allows Startouch elves to connect with each other in some way
->like the headcanon I’ve heard of stars on skin glittering in a sort of morse code for startouch elves to communicate since space is a vacuum!
Anyways. Even if the Dragon Prince doesn't yet seem to have coherent constructed languages... I’m still hoping there’s going to be explanations later in-show or some way of deciphering these or finding a pattern in them.
The similarity to First Ones writing especially makes me think this will possibly have more significance than other glyphs. Perhaps we'll even find out their true meaning or even exact translation.
But... if nothing else, they're still used to draw these connections, between startouch and celestial, between star and deep, etc, that may be elaborated on more explicitly in the show. Hopefully we find out soon!
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hisojuice · 9 months
Hello :) i want to say i love your blog <3.
I want to know what's your headcanon about what could be hisoka's most vulnerability during a relationship?
aawwwhh thank you!! i'm glad to hear you enjoy my silly little blog on this terrible man 🫶
also this had me thinking a lot. i'm interpreting this as what makes him vulnerable and what he's like when he is. hopefully that's what you meant aha
the thing about hisoka is he's a performer. he's always wearing his flamboyant and mysterious facade, regardless of the situation. whether he's fighting a promising opponent or doing the mundane, he won't let his mask slip.
he's perfected this front so well he's even tricked himself. in hisoka's mind the only thing he cares about is a good time, no need for anything that doesn't satisfy his hedonistic desires. this extends to relationships too.
he mostly views his partners as toys, things that serve to entertain him. his relationships are similar to the ones he has with his "fruit" (someone that has the potential to be a good fight). he might care for his partner but in the way that one would a beloved toy. he keeps everyone at a certain distance, no one needs to really know him nor does he want them to. although there are times where his playthings get a little too close, a little too tender. that mask he wears slipping a bit too much. and he feels. vulnerable. of course he'd never admit that, in his mind he just grew bored and the novelty wore off. he'd just find a different toy to satisfy himself with.
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frankiebirds · 2 months
usually my headcanon for spencer has been either bigender or unlabelled but Not Cis. but sometimes I think about genderfluid spencer where diana might not always know that she has a child, but when she does, she always knows if she has a son or daughter.
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readingismyhobby24 · 1 month
Okay! So I have decided to write a fic about HW Link! I was debating if I was going to just write it in a bunch of one shots or if I was going to write a full fic. I have decided to make it a full fic!!
With that being said, I have also decided the amount of sibling Link will have. I'm going with 6. He has two brothers and four sisters.
I'm going to need names for them! One sister is Linkle, so I just need names for the other five. You can literally throw out some names for me that you like, and I'll see which ones I feel like fit the most, or they might be saved for other characters throughout the story.
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redmaple-goblin · 1 year
For the chaos room i feel like each member represents the room in a different way
“Energy is the entity of chaos. Everything that can't be controlled, the intangible, the anarchy. The constant transformation, the cold and heat. Everything that involves the unexpected pleases the entity of Energy.”
Foolish: spontaneous, chaotic, he is literally so smart but everyone overlooks that for silly goofy foolish (the unexpected)
Jaiden: the death of bobby literally made her a new person. a caterpillar metamorphosing, the chrysalis holds the dna of the caterpillar but it literally becomes a slosh to be made anew (transformation)
Mike: (the anarchy)
Pac: the intangible ie: difficult to fully understand
Baghera: cannot be controlled
Fit: the cold and the heat (a storm when crossed)
(I dont watch too much of bag, fit, or tazercraft, please if you have info feel free to add it)
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bigfuns-stuff · 7 months
I think that Good Omens, Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss share more comparisons than originally thought. I’ll get the basic info out of the way. The colour palette of the three are obviously similar because they both take inspiration from the famous Christian and Dante Inferno versions of Hell. “3 rings down” from Helluva Boss. And general world building. “two sides of the same coin” Yin Yang idea that Heaven and Hell share in all 3 shows. In the fact that they are all awful and I hope death is just hanging out in a pit alone. Like where Laura Moon was supposed to go in American Gods after her death. The relationships between Stolas and Bliz represent the worse version of Azi and Crowley. The miscommunication, lack of respect and boundaries, divided by class. Fizz and Ozzie are like Bebzebub and Gabriel/Jim, the better version of both couples. The way they could be if they were honest, not to mention adorable. But because Stolas is a heartbroken idiot and Blitz doesn’t think he deserves love. And Azi and Crowley are just idiots pointe blank and shove their feelings down a hole and ignore it. The shared love of ducks between Lucifer and Crowley is very interesting to me, which represent how they both feel like ugly ducklings compared to their peers for not fitting in. Crowley never belonged anywhere, the world doesn’t like dreamers. Lucifer has apples in his design, his hat and cane, a reminder that his dreams failed. The reason why he didn’t believe in the Hazbin Hotel to begin with. He never got to see the good free will did to humanity and carries it around to remind himself of his failure. Crowley IS free will personified in the Good Omens universe. He WAS the snake that tempted Adam and Eve. And continues to use that to joke with Aziraphale. “Could l tempt you to a spot of lunch?” He was the first being who thought for himself and was punished, he was gifted imagination like Charlie, and is berated for wanting better. Emily is a more assertive Aziraphale, when she hears what happens to souls in Hell, she jumps to Charlie’s side without hesitation. Something Azi wishes he could do, to not have his religious trauma run so deep, and to heal Crowley heal from his. Angel Dust is a much more desperate version of Crowley if he was still under Heaven, used and abused, threatened with power imbalance. Husker is his Aziraphale. Helping him out of the hole he dug himself into.
In conclusion, Everyone needs a hug, let me know if you think there are any comparisons I missed!
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Was sitting in a cinema class the other day (the instructor of which also counts Velvet Goldmine amongst her favorite films) and I was asked what genre of movie I like to watch. I said that I like, for lack of a better term, weird gay movies, like velvet goldmine. She countered that velvet goldmine isn't that weird, ultimately I couldn't really explain what it was that I meant at the time, but I can now so here it is.
For the sake of explanation I'm going to compare it to Love, Simon. Obviously these movies are not comparable in content but Love, Simon is the perfect example of what I'm talking about. This is also not to disparage Love, Simon, it exists to be a cute feel good movie and it does that very well and I enjoy it for that.
That said, Love, Simon is there to make straight people who "are supportive" but think of gay people as wholly separate, a different species of person, who's experiences they could never relate to, feel a connection to gay people. Straight people can see themselves in Simon, see their own first love in his, and understand what he's going through. Velvet Goldmine exists to be queer. To tell a queer story to queer people. And that's not to say straight or cis people can't relate to it, the instructor of this class is a straight cis woman. But straight people relating to Velvet Goldmine happens because queer people are not some kind of separate species, not because it was made for them to relate to.
Love, Simon gives a teenage boy saying 'I'm gay but I don't look gay'. Velvet Goldmine gives a teenage boy putting on makeup and spraying his hair blue. Love, Simon gives a teenage boy nervously texting his crush on his room. Velvet Goldmine gives a teenage boy alone in his room jacking off to pictures of rockstars. Love, Simon gives a heartfelt coming out that's met with love and compassion. Velvet Goldmine gives an embarrassing forced outing and a boy being chased from his home. Love, Simon is teenage meetcute. Velvet Goldmine is sex drugs rock n' roll.
Love, Simon says "we're just like you". Velvet Goldmine says "we're fucking freaks and isn't that fun?"
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saintpoems · 1 year
now that sophie is at the center of the narrative im just thinking about how  logan never said a word to her, or hugged her or interacted with her in the same way he interacted with iverson. and i know he closed down the park for her birthday but that was more to warm kendall up to him than anything else. there’s nothing else thats significant between them, at least not like when kendall nearly drowned and we got that scene with logan and iverson by the pool; how logan was capable of comforting him and how sophie was’t really there. she was just off to the side and when she spoke, logan didn’t answer her and spoke directly to iverson.
that scene was such a direct way to show that she either 1) knows not to be around him or 2) wasn’t invited to sit with them or 3) someone kept her away because they know logan doesn’t want her around. succession isnt the kind of show that gives you unnecessary details, so the few scenes we’ve gotten with sophie and iverson tell us everything we need to know. sophie was not excempt from logan’s racism-- if anything, she was probably a target of microaggressions bc to him she was an outsider/adoptee/poc/non-blood family member and family/blood was so important to logan because it tethered people to him. 
it also mirrors the fighting dog theory-- logan saw two fighting dogs and sent the “weak one away” and established/reinforced a racial/gender hierarchy between kendall’s kids, just like he did among his own kids when they were younger, especially regarding gender (ie how that is Shiv’s greatest fault/the comment from s3 about her only being valuable bc she was a diversity hire for optics essentially). and what’s worse is that kendall knew his father was a racist and bigot and how sophie was still expected to go to family events and be around all that animosity and coldness anyway to preserve the nuclear family ideal (also instilled in him by the aforementioned hierarchies) for his fathers sake. so im not shocked that he backed mencken, but im horrified by the scale of it (which i have more thoughts on). 
also, logan’s mistreatment of sophie’s being more covert/different to the way logan physically hurt iverson is just. so much to unpack. im rambling, but shout out to rava. family dynamics aside, no wonder she kept them away from the roys as much as she could. 
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