#Horde She-Ra AU
blindwildnoise · 1 year
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Horde Prime and the Key
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rinniiart · 1 year
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|Devil I know|
The call was insistent, until Despara gave in to the call and went to the whispering woods.
Catra thought this was a cruel joke, Etheria still chose Adora, even now, to be its champion. History was repeating itself and Adora would leave her again.
Despara was unimpressed with She-ra and refused to use her. She didn't need a princess, she had an army.
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kaiserincatra · 8 months
“Hey, Adora.”
Adora looked up at the other end of the clearing at Catra. “You came,” she said, standing up.
“How long were you waiting for me? No, don’t answer that.” Catra stood still on the other end, not approaching Adora. She looked around, eyes squinted. “You’re alone?”
“Yes,” Adora said.
“Why am I here?” She asked, beginning to slowly approach Adora. Adora could tell Catra didn’t trust that she was alone. Truthfully, she didn’t blame her.
“I needed to talk with you. Catra, you… you have to come back. I can’t fight you.”
Catra scoffed. “Then don’t. But I’m not going back. Not after everything the Horde did to me.”
Adora walked close to Catra, standing right in front of her. “Catra, we’re supposed to look out for each other.”
“Adora, the Horde is evil. Haven’t you noticed that by now? H-How can you sleep at night, knowing everything you’ve done?”
“We’re not evil, Catra. We’re a military. The Rebellion has done-”
“The Rebellion doesn’t destroy innocent cities, Adora. Remember Thaymor? That was you.” Catra pushed Adora and backed away from her. “I’m not coming back. There’s nothing you can say to convince me.”
Adora crossed her arms and looked down. “Fine. I… I didn’t think I would. But I hoped so.”
“I’m going.” Catra began to turn around.
“No,” Adora said, her voice shaky. “Please stay. Just… for a bit.”
Catra stopped.
“I miss you.”
“...I don’t. Goodbye, Adora.”
“Catra.” Adora reached her hand out as Catra left. “Catra!”
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akirakirxaa · 10 months
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I may fall But not like this, it won't be by your hand I may fall Not this place, not today I may fall Bring it all, it's not enough to take me down
-I May Fall, RWBY OST
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bellatheinkdemon · 2 months
An Old, yet Unfamiliar Face
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nny11writes · 3 months
Realized as much as I love this idea, I'm not actually planning to write anything for it, so I'm sharing in case someone else wants it lol.
cw: alcohol use (two drunk idiots decide to get even more drunk is a large plot point)
Glitra modern soulmates AU - To Forget Your Face
Glitra soulmates where you don’t know who your soulmate is until you touch them and then you get the rainbow marks.
They are both drunk at a bar, get into an argument, and get tossed out for being disorderly. Glimmer tries to be the bigger person and leave (in the most petty way possible), but Catra is pissed and grabs her shoulder to whirl her around and keep fighting. Glimmer, also pissed but now excited for a reason to fight, throws a wild punch landing directly into her boob.
They are both swaying under the shitty street lights as they feel the tingle/burn of their marks, and it makes it through the alcohol haze. Both of them take one more look at each other and agree to forget via more alcohol because that's a choice people don't regret for sure. They get turned away from two bars for being too drunk to serve, so they hit up a liquor store instead and end up drinking at a park. They actually kinda like one another now that they aren’t trying to kill each other and agree to trade information.
But they’re, like, super fucking drunk.
So Glimmer less spells her name and more scribbles random designs on the inside of Catra’s arm and Catra puts down her old phone that’s been deactivated for years just under Glimmer's collarbone to try and be flirty.
They wake up the next morning and realize they met their soulmate and have zero memory of it. Catra is trying to decipher the fucking runic code her soulmate left (a name, a place, a time? wtf) and Glimmer is like, “That motherfucker gave me a fake number!? COME ON!”
Eventually they meet back up and after almost going at it again for the perceived bullshit, talk and agree to go on a date.
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
Outlaws of the Whispering Woods Chapter 4: The Lady
aka our first Glimmer POV in which Glimmer and Catra's uneasy alliance is tested by secrets and Catra's dangerous game comes to a bad end
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If you're just tuning in, this is a canon-divergent take on Season 5 with a Robin Hood twist focusing on the Best Friend Squad (Catradora and Glimbow).
Where we are currently is Catra is chipped but her chip is only intermittently activated so she's hiding dozens of secrets from Prime, playing keepaway in her own mind. This plan requires her to never think about anything important ever... an already near-impossible situation sorely tested by the fact that she and Adora reunited for the first time in two years earlier today and kissed. And how exactly is she not supposed to think about that?
Meanwhile Glimmer's magic is corrupted by Prime tech, Adora and Bow are leading a group of outlaws rob from the rich and give to the poor and Prime's trying to become a god.
Join us, won't you?
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Catra: While I’m gone, Scorpia, you’re in charge.
Scorpia: Yes!!!
Catra, whispering: Lonnie, you’re secretly in charge.
Lonnie: Obviously.
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I Just thought of a hilarious Au
Wenclair She-Ra Au
Most people would be like oh that's not so bad Enid as She-Ra cou- NO! Imagine if you will Wednesday freaking Addams as She-Ra, she obviously doesn't want people to figure out that she's She-Ra, so she puts on a show acting like a smug Enid to overcompensate, this Au would possibly start before the events of the show introducing a already established She-Ra Addams fighting Catra, which could be Enid, and the rest of the horde.
I find this whole concept hilarious because imagine Wednesday Addams the goddess of being goth or as close as u can get being the bright blonde, white & gold, smug and cocky She-Ra.
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blindwildnoise · 1 year
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Hello, this might be one of the most ridiculous designs I’ve ever did. And that’s only the beginning!
Horde Primal sure is a funny pun, but I think he would still use some sort of a name at this point in time. Maybe I should steal Anillis Kur?
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rinniiart · 1 year
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|Devil I know|
There is a little story that goes with this which is now free to view on my patreon. Enjoy~
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kaiserincatra · 9 months
“Where were you? We’ve been worried sick.”
“I’m fine, Shadow Weaver.”
“You weren’t looking for Catra, were you?”
Adora scoffed and turned away.
“You don’t need her, Adora. She chose to turn against us.”
“Maybe she wouldn’t have chosen to if you, y’know, treated her like a person.”
Shadow Weaver clenched her hand. “She never was as loyal as you. Honestly I’m surprised it’s taken this long for her to abandon us. Abandon you.”
Adora tensed up. “She didn’t abandon me.”
“Didn’t she? She fought you at Thaymor and forced you to retreat. Does that sound like someone who still cares about you?”
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hordora · 8 months
Hordora & Horde!Catra recklessly drive the skiff 🫨
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Defender Of Dragons Chapters 6 and 7 - Heartbreak
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Adora and Catra's issues finally come to a head... and they couldn't have come at a worse time. With the Dragonspawn laying siege to the Magicat camp and many of their friends being caught in the crossfire, Adora and Catra must brave this latest hardship and fight the strongest foe they've ever faced.
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antispopausandstuff · 10 months
Prime Princess AU
ever since she was small and fragile, she was his. such a tiny, warm thing in large, clawed, cold hands. and she belonged to no one else.
the more she grew, the more he told her of all the planets he experienced and conquered. all the terrified, tearful faces of the people. all the magic dying, or being turned against them.
she was small, curious, and almost afraid.
but she grew to be stronger. smarter. better. fear was a weakness used against their enemies. fear had no place in his empire.
the empire was a lonely place. despite the familiarity in her brothers' faces. despite seeing father everyday. she couldn't figure out why, nor did she want to ask father.
whenever she asked about the universe beyond war and damnation, he'd grow cold. telling her the chains of the living were their weakness. that she had no place amongst pathetic beings such as them. she couldn't recall what happened after the last time she asked him about it. all she knew was an ache in her neck.
she had a feeling that she shouldn't- wouldn't ever ask again.
she loved father.
she'd never disobey him again.
despite his teachings, she had never gone outside. he'd tell her she wasn't ready, that she still had more to learn. that her body was strong, but her heart was soft and weak. it needed to be as cold as the ice amongst the astral air.
with everything in her, she tried.
her heart got smaller.
and smaller.
and smaller.
but it never disappeared. it never stopped beating. it never stopped having the center of warmth that separated her from her brethren. from father.
"who are you?"
admittedly, she thought they were a little odd. and...ugly.
orange fur along their body, dark brown wild, scruffy hair, lighter tufts in the front. one eye was full of blue, the other yellow. their outfit was red, torn, and showed their clawed feet. long, furred black ears on the...side of their head? and a tail.
she simply blinked at them.
"well? who the hell are you?!" they shouted, pointing something green and sparking at her. she assumed it was a weapon.
she walked past them.
"hey!" they grabbed her by the wrist.
she held them by the throat, their feet dangling above the grass. choked out gasps, their body squirming, fear in their eyes.
fear is a weakness used against their enemies.
a sharp pain dug into her wrist. her gaze shifted, and she saw blue and gold liquid drip. the person's nails were digging and dragging into her skin.
...why did it hurt?
what are these colors doing?
she let go of them, turning her back on them as she stared at the scar. it was a couple inches long, and less than an inch wide. the liquid was gushing out of her.
what is this?
she turned her head back to the other. but they were gone.
"...father," she muttered quietly. he'd know.
it was most likely just a defect.
he'd fix it.
it was her version of blood.
she was confused. why wasn't it green, purple, or red? it was none of the colors she heard father speak of.
"because, you are not from here."
...she never knew where she came from. but she never thought to ask. she was afraid worried that father would be upset. that he'd feel she wanted to replace him.
she could never do that, though.
she loved him.
so why did her chest hurt?
she wasn't permitted to leave again. her time of exploration was deemed to be worth looking into for research, but too dangerous for one with a body like hers. that's what he told her.
she was still weak. and she didn't know why.
there was nothing that stopped her from killing that creature. frankly, if she never bled, she would've.
seeing them be afraid of her made her understand her father's statement. to never feel fear. it was weak.
but she wasn't afraid of them. they were scrawny, inexperienced, and most likely had a foul mouth. the pain in her wrist was minor, in comparison to previous experiences. but this was the first time she ever bled.
...maybe there was something she could do about this.
she had to.
she wanted father to trust her.
she was strong.
she was smart.
she was lonely.
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
Outlaws of the Whispering Wood (aka Robin Hood AU) Chapter 7!
It's been over a week since Adora has seen Catra and she is freaking out.
Bow is freaking out as well mostly because Adora is freaking out but also because your author has placed the characters in a dystopian techo Robin Hood fusion hellscape where everyone is in constant peril.
The vibe is in shambles and the girls are fightingggggg
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