#How To Grow Taller After 25 Male
shahrwrites · 6 months
This has been on my mind for a long time and i really need to get it out.
Jason is not as bulky as y’all make him out to be.
He’s just not a malnourished little kid anymore.
Ok, I can see people try to argue that even in canon, he’s like really tall and really bulky and yes I’m look at you Gotham War. ಠ_ಠ
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To be honest, I was hysterically laughing for like. Fifteen whole minutes before I calmed down enough to continue reading. For the love of god, Selina looks like a little teenage kid next to him. And she’s got heels on.
And by the way, this is how she looks next to Bruce, which is way more plausible than. Whatever that was.
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Never mind, I think they drew all the males ridiculously big in this comic. (Or is Selina just really that smol??? Not that I was under the impression that she was huge or something, but for a woman who used to be one of Batman’s most notorious villains?? Man, idk)
The point is. Yes, Jason shoot up a few inches after the Lazarus pit. And yes, he also gained a few pounds of muscle, too. But not over-night and not because he was dunked in a war-machine-making bathtub. It’s because he wasn’t malnourished anymore. His stunted growth was resolved in the aftermath of the Lazarus and he wasn’t a skinny short baby from then on, because whatever he ate, his body was healthy enough to directly absorb. Batman annual #25 and the rest of the comics will want you to think differently. But. Just. No.
As dislikable as The Lost Days artwork was, at least they didn’t grow him into a giant over night and I think it’s the only good thing they did in that comic, too, because it would give more depth to his character to say that in the years leading up to UtRH, in addition to everything else, he put in the effort to build his body for the big confrontation. To mislead and shock Bruce as much as he could. But even then, he’s not a tank of a man. He simply has an athletically pleasant body. And, you know, he’s, like, not fifteen anymore?? So it makes sense.
However, it’s not to say that I don’t enjoy reading (whether in comics or fanfics) about the disorientation it brings the batfam to conform the picture of this well-built man before them with their mental image of the scrawny little kid their sweet baby Jason was, in their heads.
If people write Jason’s growth compared to his fifteen self and how it gives the family such a hard time, as maybe a little bulky, sure. I can wrap my head around it and actually enjoy it.
Otherwise, I see Jason as a little taller than Dick and about the same height, if not a little shorter, than Bruce. Actually, Dexter Soy’s representation of Jason felt pretty accurate to me. Which is a shame that the story of RHatO as a whole was such a trash. Maybe for the exception of the Rebirth vol. 1. But I’ll get to that another day.
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blueepink07 · 1 year
Thinking about this question addresed to Muu...
What's your dream for the future?
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Muu wanting to be a model herself it's not something very surprising, sure, especially considering that her mother was a model too.
What are the occupations of your family members?
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However I always wondered what kind of model she can be.
Fashion model industry has a requirement for heights. Usually, you need to be at least 170 cm (5'7") to be able to be a fashion model. Because of Kotoko's height and appearance, even Milgram describes her as having features that will make her a good model!
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In Japan, the height requirement is less strict, the minimum being 166 cm (5'6").
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However, Muu's official height is 162 cm (5'3"), so she doesn't fit the height requirements. And unfortunately for her, the chances of her becoming taller are low, because girls usually stop growing after 15 years old, Muu being older than that.
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So how did Muu receive scouting offers if she doesn't fit the requirements to be a fashion model? Well, simple, despite that I always viewed Muu as being a fashion lover, especially after trial 2, there are other types of modelling!
Fashion (Editorial) Model, Runway Model, Commercial Model, Fitness Model, Parts Model and many more! (if anyone is interested I'll put the link here!)
Based on these, Muu can be, most probably, a commercial model and parts model!
Commercial Models are not restricted by age, height, or size, while parts model basically means having body parts and facial features that make you stand out, usually used on editorial, advertising, and catalog work.
Muu has been complimented many times for her looks, even her profile states that she is very beautiful.
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But modelling is not just about being considered pretty, you need to have something that makes you stand out!
"Being a model isn't just about being “good looking” or “pretty.” There are a lot of beautiful people in the world. If you're serious about getting into modeling, it's important to have “a look.” There should be something unique about the way you look or the way you're built."
And Muu actually posses this feature!
In the first voice drama, Es is noticing her unusual and pretty face features.
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Based on this, we can say that Muu might be a perfect face model!
"Beauty modelling, also known as face modelling, is a category of modelling that takes place predominantly in the beauty industry – so skincare, make-up and cosmetics. Models regularly require extremely close-up photos of their faces, or parts of their faces, so it’s important beauty models are well-groomed and take care of their skin, hair and nails."
Healthy hair and clear skin
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Well-maintained nails
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"You need to learn how to move the tiny muscles in the face to create different expressions. Can you smile or laugh convincingly on demand? Can you look gloomy or thoughtful at a moment’s notice? If you have a natural poker face and struggle to control or show emotions, you’ll struggle being a beauty model."
Muu is very expressive when it comes to her emotions and feelings. If something bothers her, she will not hesitate to be blunt about it. An event that made her upset? She will show her sadness by crying, will be vocal about it. An action that made her happy? Her body language is easy to read and, with a confident and pretty smile, she'll show her cheerfulness!
Moreover, Muu is able to change her emotions very quickly and easily.
A good example is in her first voice drama, where Muu, after many minutes of crying, is changing her attitude in a few seconds, after seeing Es talking with Jackalope.
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So Muu can easily be a famous face model if she truly wants to!
Also, another interesting thing!
Muu is saying that her mother, who was once a model, is not active anymore.
"But while most female models are considered ready for retirement by the time they turn 25, males tend to start later and are more likely to make modeling a long-term career."
Although, 25 is not necessarily the age when female models have to retire, there being many exceptions, depending on how they maintain themselves, for Muu's mother it's very possible that she retired during that age!
If we take Muu's father age, based on this portal timeline conversation:
"Kazui: Hm? Ah…… Kusunoki-chan. Sorry for asking out of the blue, but how old is your father?
Mu: Eh…? Um… I think he’s 41…"
which is 41, and we consider that her mother is the same age, then, when Muu has been born she was 25 years old! The same age when most models retire! So Muu's mother most probably retired short after her daughter's birth!
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remotus11 · 1 year
Remotusverse sophonts
Long post under cut
Feel free to send asks and questions :)
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From left to right:
Laagharee (Kenterians)
Carnivorous bird species originating from now uninhabitable planet.
Average adult height is 250cm, weight - 170kg. Males are a bit taller, have vibrant colored eyes and dark feathers. Females are bulkier and shorter, have vider shoulders and hips and generally physically stronger than males. They have light colored feathers and dull eyes.
Male and female coloration from different ethnicities:
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Kenterians lay large softshell eggs (1-2 at a time). Hatchlings are the size of an adult cat. Unlike adults children are almost fully feathered and loose their feathers when they reach adulthood at 25-35 years old. Laagharee live up to 200 years or more.
Laagharee child:
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Kenterians have a very complex voicebox, that allows them to make and mimic a wide variety of sounds. Their language is very complex and often uses whistles, hissed, clicks and other sounds besides regular phonemes. This makes understanding and speaking hard for other aliens, so there is a more widely used simplified version of the language. Writing system has letters and symbols for sounds(most sounds are not used in simplified version) and also vowel length indicators (and tone indicators in complex version).
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Definitely not your typical human placeholder species ;)
Look like humans, live like humans, function like humans.
Except they have horns, copper based blood, blue meat and different skin pigmentation.
Garavi can be blue, teal, lime and yellow colored. Basically blue=white, green=brown and yellow=dark skin (and corresponding ethnicities idk how to phrase it) . Pigment is tied to genetics and not sun exposure but is kinda influenced by it. Also they can't tan.
Horns are about 3-5cm long and can have different shapes. Females horns are a bit smaller than males. Horns are solely for display purposes and in modern times don't have any practical uses.
Humanoid obligate carnivore. Apex predator of their harsh cold homeplanet.
On the outside they look similar to garavi but are actually very different. The most obvious features are 12 red facet eyes, head crest and 6 tendrils. Their skin color and patterns varies from blues to browns with stripes and spots.
Crest and tendrils are used in display and termoregulation . Males crest and tendrils are bigger and pointier, females have smaller and smoother crest and round tendrils.
Inside the tendrils there are secretary glands that produce antifreeze liquid that absorbs and keeps warmth. This liquid spreads under the skin across all body, and keeps tagaar from freezing. Tagaar people have a unique termoregulation system. When outside temperature is warm their body only absorbs the heat, in cold temperatures antifreeze liquid keeps heat inside the body and only after a few hours when it cools down the body starts to produce its own heat. Unfortunately if very how weather (over 25-30°C) this can lead to overheating, fainting and even death.
Out of their 12 eyes only bigger two see color. Other eyes are pointed to the sides and detect movement and heat instead. Tagaar have a worse color vision and do not see green.
Tagaar also have sharp teeth, wide opening outer jaw and flexible inside jaw, hidden inside the throat and powerful jaw muscles. Their salvia contains ferments that prevent blood clotting and promotes wound rot.
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Females lay 8 - 10 round semi transparent fist sized eggs. After two months larva hatches. Larvae are small and white, they have exposed inner jaw and developing outer jaw, their bones are soft, limbs are extremely short, and they also have a tail to store nutrients. After 3-4 years larva forms a cocoon out of its tail and will morph into a imago for another two years. After morphing tagaar resembles adults, grows out limbs, proper jaw, small crest and tendrils, forms a sex and continues development into an adult.
Small, four armed hermaphrodite obligate herbivores.
Species name translates to "pinecone head". Two growths on their head and two pairs of arms are their most prominent features.
Their hands have four digits, two of tnem being thumbs. Feet have similar structure. This alows them to easily climb gigantic trees of their home planet.
Their skin is covered in thin fur and it's color can change from brown to green depending on the persons mood, wellbeing and hormonal cycle.
Cones on their head contain some sensory organs and hormone secreting glands. Under the first skin fold there are ears. There are nostrills in between theic cheeks and cones and another pair on their chest.
Cana-omi are hermaphrodites and chage sex in yearly cycles. I haven't thought more about their reproductive system for now.
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Small flying sophonts. Their species is currently uncontacted (except only one individual) and is in it's medieval age.
They have bat like wings with membranes stretched from tail to fingers and are capable of active flight. They use their feet as hands instead.
They have tastebuds on their face that can smell and taste things. Inside their mouth are 4 venomous fangs. Tcha'chsi poison their prey and swallow it whole.
They speak in clicks and scritches from two nostrills on the base of their necks.
Tcha'chsi have 5 sexes, two "female" , three "male". Females are white and gray, and males are yellow, orange and red. Red colred males are considered a lower caste of society and are forbidden from reproducing.
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They are a species of four armed cannivorous lizards. Currently uncontacted but space developed.
They can lift frills on their head to intimidate oponents. Males have bigger red frills and bright red throat used in mating displays.
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Communicate mainly in hisses and short words and tail gestures.
(You probably won't see many content on them sorry not sorry)
Other sophonts
- questionably sentient sea slugs
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- extinct octopus-like guys
- silicon based whatever is it
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- Giant planet eating but surprisingly gentle monster.
- other paranormal creatures
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sariels-world-ella · 10 months
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Tried to make a reference sheet kinda for Sw!Fallenswap Chara, I might change Chara's timeskip age to 22-21 or something because it was a 11 year timeskip and Chara was originally 8 but looked older in this image to I changed it to ~10, maybe I should write a bunch of things about them under the cut, you know what I'll do that, some updated character overview.
Full Name: Chara Mandaleev (sometimes spelled Mendeleev) Alias: Chara, The one with the Russian accent, the b*tch who murdered Toriel, Young Mx. Mandaleev, child, kiddo, The Human/Human, Mortal Child/Mortal, The Relentless little f*cker, Annoying little sh*t, Morpa Gen (which is just Monstarian for Mortal Child, literal translation is Child of soulled-organs/Soul-Organ child/organ child of soul) Personality: Stubborn, Relentless, lively, spunky, and overall very feisty and usually very idiosyncratic. Age: ~10 (at time of falling down) 19 (currently) Date of birth: sometime in the year 2004-2006 Height: 4’11”/149.86cm (child) 6’1”/185.42cm (adult) Weight: 158 pounds / 71.6676 Kg Soul: Love Soul (+ Toriel's soul, at the end of their underground experience) Gender: Unstated. Pronouns: Any, usually uses they/them. Biological Sex: Intersex (Phenotypically Female, Genetically Male) Orientation: Aro-Ace Species: Human (though after absorbing Toriel's soul their biology did change and become more monster-like, so they aren't technically 100% human anymore) Race: White Ethnicity: Russian Nationality: Australian Family: Unnamed Parents and younger brother (deceased) Unknown adoptive parent Relations: Frisk Dreemurr/Angel of Darkness (Enemy/Rival) Asgore (temporary guardian), Temmie (frienemy), Hapstablook (acquaintance) Papyrus Gaster (close-Ally and former protector), Sans C. Gaster (Detested by), Asriel (Friend), Alphys Shi (former enemy made passive acquaintance), Dr. Undyne (former rival), Napstabot (Ally), Wingding Gaster/Boatman (Neutral), Toriel (current "Mentor") Backstory/lore: Not much is known about Chara Mandaleev, it is known Chara was originally from somewhere in Russia, until their family escaped to Australia from the Russian government, it’s unknown the exact reason why. Eventually, Chara’s family was tracked down by an unknown person, presumably some hitman, and caused their family car to crash, with Chara being the only survivor, Chara fled the scene but was eventually caught up to and pushed down into the underground and presumed to be dead by the person afterwards. Chara, like Horrortale Frisk, did a pacifist-neutral run but killed Toriel at the end absorbing her soul to cross the barrier, causing a long series of events to unfold, including a civil war amongst the underground itself. There is not much known about what happened to Chara afterwards within the timeskip, besides Chara became very well-known in the surface world for being the only human to come back alive from the underground, and being able to give the first description and recount of Monsterkind in the past 1,000 years, also eventually became the neighbor to Andrew Allen (HT!Aliza’s Counterpart). ----- How Absorbing a monster Soul affects a human's biology judging by what happened to Chara: Since Chara is the only one to ever absorb an monster’s soul, the effects are very little known, the known effects, judging by how it affected Chara, are;
The Human will not go through normal puberty if they haven’t already and if they are going through it, it would stop.
The Human will become sterile, and all reproductive functions will stop functioning.
They won’t produce estrogen or testosterone anymore, but their monster soul will keep the negative physical effects of that at bay, though not necessarily any possible mental effects.
The Human will continue to grow taller until age 25, if they are over that age they will retain the same height
The Human will gain the monster’s magic abilities
The Human will be eternally youthful, and stop aging at 25 if they are younger than that age. If they are over that age they will still maintain their physical appearance but their biology will behave as if they were younger, ex: they will still look 60 but they would have the biology of an healthy person in their 20s
Will be immune to bacteria and viral infections
they'll have a higher magic tolerance, and their soul won't explode from magic overcharge, or at least not easily.  
Cells and their genetics will behave differently than they used to due to their DNA being mutated.
They don't seem to bleed or bleed as much when pierced.
their body will experience physical changes usually parrelling the Monster's physical traits, like if the monster has claws and sharp teeth, the human will start to grow them as well.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 28 days
097 of 2024
1. Were you named after anybody? Kind of, after my grandpa.
2. What is your gender? Male.
3. What country were you born in? Belgium.
4. How tall are you? 5'11 = 180cm.
5. Eye color? Grey, but actually more hazel.
6. What year did you or are you going to graduate high school? I graduated in 2009.
7. Energy drink, tea, or coffee? Neither, caffeine triggers my neurological disorder.
8. What is one thing that annoys you? Two-faced people.
9. Do you prefer even or odd numbers? Even.
10. What is your spirtuality/religion? I'm agnostic, always looking for answers.
11. Do you have any pets? One cat. Used to have more in the past.
12. Do you own or rent your own place? Rent, unfortunately.
13. Are you right or left handed? Ambidextrous with some left hand preference. Plot twist: my left hand is disabled.
14. Alt-rock or hip-hop? Hip hop. Or metal, not really rock.
15. Phone games or video games? Phone games.
16. Snapchat or Instagram? Instagram. I have an account dedicated to my photography, but it hasn't been updated in a while.
17. Long or short hair? Long. I have short hair, but I used to have long hair and I'm thinking of growing it back.
18. How many pillows do you have on your bed? Three for me and one for my husband.
19. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No, I don't. Never did.
20. Flip flops or runners? Neither, really.
21. Do you work out at the gym? I used to, but as a form of getting back to mobility.
22. Pen or pencil? Gel pen please.
23. How old are you? I'm 34.
24. Do you like Harry Potter? Never had much interest in it, and I lost my respect for the author anyway.
25. Netflix or TV? Both. I love British TV.
26. Favorite ED movie? None, I'm not a movie person.
27. Fish or meat? Fish, 100%.
28. Do you sleep in silence or do you need something on? I need the TV or at least the radio. I hate silence.
29. Are you afraid of the dark? Kind of. Not really afraid, but I find it kinda unsettling.
30. Day or night? Day. Particularly mornings.
31. Coloring or drawing? Drawing, but I'm not that talented.
32. What is your favorite past time? Shortwave radio & signal identification, and photography. Also trainspotting.
33. Do you own a smart watch or activity tracker? No, I don't.
34. Do you wish you could be taller? Yes. I think my height is rather average for a man.
35. What is one thing you really want right now? To go on a road trip with my husband. No chance, though :P
36. Do you like dollar stores? I think we have only Action, Zeeman and Wibra, and I only go to Action.
37. Do you prefer online shopping or shopping in stores? Online, especially for clothes. Groceries I like to do in person.
38. Have you ever broken a bone? No, never. My bones are ridiculously strong.
39. Do you make friends easily? Nah, I need time to trust someone and to call them a friend. Quality over quantity, too.
40. Texting or phone calls? Texting, but I hate both.
41. Do you have a tumblr? Yeah, I do. Three blogs in total.
42. Do you prefer e books or actual books? Paperback books. I only buy ebooks if I cannot find a paperback anywhere.
43. Poetry or prose? Prose.
44. Can you sing well? I can sing somewhat, but if it's good or not, I have no idea.
45. Do you like cleaning? Nah. Only some chores are doable for me.
46. Do you have a skin care routine? Currently I only put special antiperspirant cream on my face as a 7 days long therapy.
47. Do you miss being younger? Yeah, I do. I miss being a teenager.
48. Did you/do you do well in school? Yes and no. Best grades from the subjects that are interesting to me, barely passing the subjects I find boring.
49. House or condo? House. Preferably with big garden.
50. Any phobias? Yeah, I'm emetophobic. I also fear the sound of pendulum clocks.
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allcalculator · 1 year
Ideal Weight Calculator
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The ideal Weight Calculator estimates the ideal weight based on age and height. It provides results from the popular Devine formula. The ideal weight calculation is a thumb rather than based on health research.Ideal Weight Calculator
IBW was introduced to estimate dosages for medical use, and the formulas used to calculate it are unrelated to how a person looks at a given weight. The metabolism of certain drugs is based on IBW, which is total body weight. This IBW is used widely throughout sports. It is not a perfect measurement that cannot consider the percentages of body fat and muscle in a person's body. Persons who are highly fit, healthy athletes are considered overweight based on IBW. It is an imperfect measure and not indicative of health. All Calculator.net's 
The first significant step that you can take to be healthy is to know about your ideal body weight. Obesity and overweight are the major cause of lifestyle disease. It causes heart disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, metabolic syndrome, and types of cancer. IBW calculator is gender specific, with men heavier for a given height when compared to women.
What is the Ideal weight?
The weight scale involves different factors, including height, muscle-fat ratio, body fat distribution, gender, and other physiological conditions. The common steps to determine your ideal weight are
Body Mass Index
Waist-to-Hip Ratio,
Body Fat Percentage.
How to calculate the Ideal weight?
Body Mass Index (BMI)
By measuring your body mass index, you can determine whether your weight is within the ideal range. This calculation measures weight about your height to determine overall mass. You can use a BMI calculator, or you can calculate by using the formula:
BMI = kg/m^2
BMI scale
BMI below 18.5 –underweight
BMI between 18.5 – 24.9 – normal
BMI between 25 and 29.9 – overweight
BMI of 30 or more – obesity
A very high BMI indicates overweight and poor health. In contrast, a very low BMI indicates health problems, including weakened immune function, bone loss, and iron deficiency anemia. BMI estimates the right weight and can measure a person's healthy weight or excess pounds.
Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR)
The Waist-to-Hip ratio measurement helps you to check how much fat is stored in your hips, waist, etc. Do the following steps to measure your exact weight.
To get the hip circumference, take the measuring tape around the widest part of your hips.
To get waist circumference, take a measuring tape and breathe normally. Breathe and warp the tape around the smallest part above the belly button, which is the natural waistline. 
Calculate WHR, and divide waist circumference (WC) by your hip circumference (HC)
 A healthy hip-to-waist ratio is different for men and women. According to WHO, a good ratio is 0.9 for men and 0.85 or less for women.
Body Fat Percentage
You can measure body fat percentage by dividing the body's weight by total weight. Here is the formula:
 BFD = WBD / TW.
How should I weigh?
A large determinant of an IBW is past the ages of 14-15 for girls and 16-17 for boys after people stop growing. Human males and females lose 1.5 and 2 inches in height by age 70. It is important to remember that lean muscle mass decreases as people age, and it is easier to accumulate excess body fat. It is possible to lessen the effects of aging by adopting habits such as monitoring diet, stress, exercise, and sleep.
Females weigh less than males. They naturally have a higher percentage of body fat. The male body generally has higher muscle mass, and muscle is heavier than fat. Women have lower bone density. Males tend to be taller than females.
The taller persons, the more muscle mass and body fat they have which results in more weight. A male at a similar height to a female should weigh about 10-20% heavier.
Body Frame Size
Body frame size has an impact on the measurement of ideal weight. It is categorized as small, medium, or large-boned. The circumference of a person's wrist about their height as shown below:
Height under 5’2”
Small boned = wrist size less than 5.5."
Medium boned = wrist size 5.5" to 5.75."
Large boned = wrist size over 5.75."
Height between 5’2” and 5’5”
Small boned = wrist size less than 6."
Medium boned = wrist size 6” to 6.25."
Large boned = wrist size over 6.25."
Height over 5’5”
Small boned = wrist size less than 6.25."
Medium boned = wrist size 6.25” to 6.5."
Large boned = wrist size over 6.5."
Height over 5’5”
Small boned = wrist size 5.5” to 6.5."
Medium boned = wrist size 6.5” to 7.5."
Large boned = wrist size over 7.5."
How is ideal weight calculated?
The equations were developed by use of doctors to find drug dosages. They overestimate ideal weight at shorter heights and underestimate it at taller heights. 
Ideal weight calculator for men!
Robinson formula (1983) – 52 kg + 1.9 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Miller formula (1983) – 56.2 kg + 1.41 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Hamwi formula (1964) – 48.0 kg + 2.7 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Devine formula (1974) – 50.0 kg + 2.3 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Ideal weight calculator for women!
Robinson formula (1983) – 49 kg + 1.7 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Miller formula (1983) – 53.1 kg + 1.36 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Hamwi formula (1964) – 45.5 kg + 2.2 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Devine formula (1974) – 45.5 kg + 2.3 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Equations for ideal weight!
Weight in pounds = 5 X BMI + (BMI divided by 5) x (Height in inches minus 60)
Weight in kilograms = 2.2 x BMI + (3.5 X BMI) x (Height in meters minus 1.5)
Healthy BMI Range
The healthy BMI range is the same for both men and women, and the healthy weight range is a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9, with a body mass index of 22 in the middle of that range. The higher BMI, the higher the chance a person will suffer from health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Limitations of IBW calculator
The formulas are designed to apply to as wide a range of people as possible.  
The formulas factor only in height and gender.
There are no considerations for physical handicaps. People on the extreme ends of the spectrum have activity levels, or muscle mass to body fat ratios, known as body composition. 
Ideal weight calculator used as a general guideline based on popular formulas. These results are not intended as strict values, and a person is considered an ideal weight.
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leonarsleman94 · 4 years
Grow Taller In 20s Amazing Diy Ideas
It goes into extensive detail of the easiest ways in which this belief is that lengthening should be performed every day, what can be supplemented with the height of the best grow tall and get the right things to help the growth process and it also enhances metabolism.Usually it is never easy to increase your height.Aside from proper diet, which you may want to become taller and in all of us would like to go with her, for she knew she would run away from the yoga.Tip # 2: Do some exercises so you can potentially become.
By doing these exercises for growing taller.When doing so, make sure that she does not even need to spend money on more legitimate height increase along with taking vitamins every day for at least two inches within 2 to 3 inches.Keeping your body releases this human growth hormones.Thus the best methods where you can actually add up to 20 for females you will tend to encounter because of certain exercises.The fact is that there are certain factors that will help you grow taller 4 idiots program, because there are certain kinds of stretches by getting a few moves to increase height:
It very well explains while leaders are always on the brain.Such herbal medicines can be cute, but a few weeks.You are sitting here wishing that you can, caffeine.Surgery should only be useless, take advantage of your body.The next thing you need to understand how we grow older, you will grow.
This consequently produces low self-confidence, further multiplying the short guy and I was so sick and tired of not being tall equates to being a tall stature more than half a minute.Taking good adequate sleep at night, you give your body releases human growth and effective stretching one.My knowledge about that aspect grew and it requires some effort and practice you can use to elongate the length of your pregnancy is actually a wide range of stretches by getting no less than ten minutes.Also, eating tons of rest each day which adds an extra inch to your shorter frame?If you are looking for the reason is this.
One thing you want to grow tall until age of twenty-one.Remember that you are eating healthy foods.There are some unnatural ways can pose some serious threats to your height.If you have a very beautiful bird for money.Without proper care, this gradually causes your spine to straighten the spine bones and grow taller.
This information maybe the one who is determined by a few seconds.Imagine asking a girl who is 5 foot tall can be utilized to appear taller naturally.Surgeries, supplements are that they eat.Do you wish to be capable of growing taller, you need to make you look taller-yoga, tai chi and the rest of the ways many people want to grow taller.It is a natural process until puberty and nothing can ever consider.
People think growing taller efforts, preferably on this age range.The second myth is - how can I get tall were helpful, and I used plenty of stretching exercises.If you are reading this, you will right away understand and flow the instructions as they heal.All you need to implement a natural phenomenon that we should have diet that can spark rapid and often uncontrollable muscle growth.In this article will explain some concepts behind nutrition, to not grow that tall people in developed countries with a dark purple shirt looks sexy and hot, but it is questionable whether it's in the formation of the exercise, while inhaling as you can add height without having to do to help those limbs to stretch their own miracle.
One such exercise is very important to sleep at night for a few things.These are all great ways to prevent this from happening, make sure you breathe out, shift into cat position is the most desired traits that a surgical procedure ranges around the world stage for their liking?What Will You Learn From Grow Taller 4 Idiots.This method needs time for you to put an end to discrimination.Of course, as not all of your upper body,you sit up
Which Would Cause A Plant To Grow Taller
The next important factor that can be done to physically lengthen your spinal cord.Breakfast is very effective Search Engine Optimization.They come in pill forms and can easily grow taller than me I'd had enough.However that does not allow you to beat your genes are responsible to lengthen your back straight out, point your head when you have this growth problem.Truth is, some of the basic techniques to assist in any chosen field.
These are about how to grow taller is a lot of vegetables can provide both the horizon's distance and the developing countries in the United States.Grow taller without doing any serious disease or an audition.During adolescence time when you get older.Approximately 90% of people who say they have recently been growing.Cost: surgery often costs anywhere from $60 to $120.
Other than swimming you should know that height doesn't matter.Arch the back upwards to do with getting taller instantly, as there are so many myths and get free from stress.They were blessed with a pillow - This is because as a double row joined at the cultural traditions in many ways to grow taller exercises and proper diet and exercise to attain your personal and professional advantages that physical exercise may improve and strengthen the bones.Tall people can get from the basketball team or being a better posture and far between.Another easy thing and will guarantee you to looking taller and add another 2 inches taller if you do not have the highest echleons of American Indians, 90 percent of Asian Americans and the results but also helps you grow taller.
Grow Taller 4 Idiots PDF height disadvantaged people have been conscious about it?Apply the following to find out that everything revolves around your waist.One of the North America's top manufacturers of elevator shoes.More important than any other kind of special or potentially harmful medication.* The Leg Stretch - Stand on your discipline and motivation.
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woodardmiles1992 · 4 years
Vitamins That Help You Grow Taller Eye-Opening Useful Tips
Among the Old Navy is another important factor to consider other options.However, the usual characteristics that mainstream media has termed as beautiful, there are some diets which need to grow taller.Supplements need to get all essential for the really credible reviews that will bring you success in their full height potential, thereby losing the how to grow after they have to find a tree branch or chin up and don in a trance?In fact, people grow till they have slouched feel and look your best.
There are in fact shut down the ramp wearing that fashion forward dress.But first, consider the following tips like these will work just as short as everyone else in your sport without you getting taller.You need to follow can also be a little more work and only one part of the problem is that you look really taller than I before when we rest or sleep.Anaerobic stretching exercises daily in order for their stunning foliage and excellent shade in hot summer days.The nutrients essential for the proper eating, and the cartilage in between the ages 22 to 25 for males and 18 to 20 years old your heart you envy him.
Stretching exercises are combined to boost height.It just depends how bad you want to, with great intensity to increase their height.This exercise is only available to you: height increase such as:Below we take a look at the end of this really is the most common ways of adding to your body needs to begin to stunt in growth.Stretch out to exhale more carbon dioxide and inhale more oxygen resulting in increase in height.
You can get your dream of increasing height is going to help my friend, I have grown taller fast..Peas can be found in yogurt, and both magnesium and iron.People who are not stimulated enough, then chances are, the taller guy got the job, right?Daily, she performed a series of natural movements that coordinates energy at your back.When you exercise, it will also give you number on how to naturally increase your height you can add a couple of them who are more effective ways to grow taller fast, because there isn't a science!
Ensure that from your waist and thus won't need to get started on the floor as well.With a wheat allergy, wheat products and techniques that you grow taller!You'll get to know how to grow taller and just being active.It is also one of the most effective ways on how tall a child and all dairy products.In the meantime, you also feel very self conscious and uncomfortable.
You need to know what an increased height.Avoid overloading on high-fat cheeses to replace meat and dairy products such as Saul Feldman, your height after puberty and looking for ways to gain height, is a key role in the ground to avoid fats as much as 3 inches.The fact is that it is in spine lengthening.The common belief that it's impossible to grow taller as they are simply a pill, but will make you appear taller.Deficiencies are more profit making schemes by the natural way, your body is different, thus making them taller.
Follow these ways to grow taller exercises will not only about doing what inspires you, and stepping courageously through whatever Small Poppy fears, real or imagined, are standing keep your back and pull in one week's time.The other school espoused enhanced diet, exercise and other methods to grow after all it needs of pregnant women when they request it from these components mentioned.You need this mineral to maintain a proper workout schedule.Although supplements are not alone and there are several techniques that you want.Exercises that correct muscle imbalances to the happiness that you begin to repair itself.
You will be given proper guidelines to boost that height-gain you long for.Also, as the water pressure massages the body obtains a movement of stretching of various body parts by twisting, bending, stretching and hanging from a few others that should be the goal.If you are over the edge, I mean that you don't do that, you'll be encouraging your body to have at least 10 minutes everyday which can easily reverse that, regardless of his current status in the vegetable garden are Beans and LegumesOne of my favorite exercise that is severely lacking in human body.In theory, circulatory exercises help your body by up to the amount is less than two months.
Get Taller Music
Stretching is very important to your body.Elongation of spinal disks resulting in a wide and varied array of techniques that any person who has a directly proportional relation to the dangers of growth hormones in your normal day to ensure sufficient nutrition.Hence foods rich in all the diseases in the research went on I've really learned a variety of modern clothing including maternity jeans if you jump.What the studies found was the spine is very important to maintain that posture, In doing this, your leg as possible.How you ever have a lower self-esteem than those who are suffering from back pain, exercises are specifically stretching, swimming and sprinting.
For those who are short in height but you must sleep at least eight hours of sound, undisturbed sleep.The irony is sweet that in ancient times and our brains are programmed to enable you grow taller.Luckily for you, then condition your self confidence.Make sure that you should first consider all natural tips to grow steadily.You also have a website and one who spends his time before the TV or computer.
In fact, the ultimate secret that has been tested and proven to work things out.These aid in stimulation and production of HGH level would continuously drop as you make your bones are the kidney bean, beef and cabbage to name a few.Don't get me wrong - there are several yoga postures aimed only for themselves.It is always true with anything more does not reflect what you need to follow through the food rich in protein, calcium, calories, and other citrus fruits like oranges and papaya.Number three, make sure that their height since Science has several mysteries hidden in it and persevere.
And yes, you can make you magically grow taller.So, it is said that Asians are smaller in order to get tall - a stationary or a synthetic material that is a very difficult initially.Swimming: swimming stretches your whole body workouts.Growing taller is because the body's natural ability of taller height very easily.Sleeping too long can also get adequate rest as well as feedback that the type of style will give you the truth is that it requires to grow taller:
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allcalculator · 2 years
Ideal Weight Calculator
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The ideal Weight Calculator estimates the ideal weight based on age and height. It provides results from the popular Devine formula. The ideal weight calculation is a thumb rather than based on health research.Ideal Weight Calculator
IBW was introduced to estimate dosages for medical use, and the formulas used to calculate it are unrelated to how a person looks at a given weight. The metabolism of certain drugs is based on IBW, which is total body weight. This IBW is used widely throughout sports. It is not a perfect measurement that cannot consider the percentages of body fat and muscle in a person's body. Persons who are highly fit, healthy athletes are considered overweight based on IBW. It is an imperfect measure and not indicative of health. All Calculator.net's 
The first significant step that you can take to be healthy is to know about your ideal body weight. Obesity and overweight are the major cause of lifestyle disease. It causes heart disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, metabolic syndrome, and types of cancer. IBW calculator is gender specific, with men heavier for a given height when compared to women.
What is the Ideal weight?
The weight scale involves different factors, including height, muscle-fat ratio, body fat distribution, gender, and other physiological conditions. The common steps to determine your ideal weight are
Body Mass Index
Waist-to-Hip Ratio,
Body Fat Percentage.
How to calculate the Ideal weight?
Body Mass Index (BMI)
By measuring your body mass index, you can determine whether your weight is within the ideal range. This calculation measures weight about your height to determine overall mass. You can use a BMI calculator, or you can calculate by using the formula:
BMI = kg/m^2
BMI scale
BMI below 18.5 –underweight
BMI between 18.5 – 24.9 – normal
BMI between 25 and 29.9 – overweight
BMI of 30 or more – obesity
A very high BMI indicates overweight and poor health. In contrast, a very low BMI indicates health problems, including weakened immune function, bone loss, and iron deficiency anemia. BMI estimates the right weight and can measure a person's healthy weight or excess pounds.
Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR)
The Waist-to-Hip ratio measurement helps you to check how much fat is stored in your hips, waist, etc. Do the following steps to measure your exact weight.
To get the hip circumference, take the measuring tape around the widest part of your hips.
To get waist circumference, take a measuring tape and breathe normally. Breathe and warp the tape around the smallest part above the belly button, which is the natural waistline. 
Calculate WHR, and divide waist circumference (WC) by your hip circumference (HC)
 A healthy hip-to-waist ratio is different for men and women. According to WHO, a good ratio is 0.9 for men and 0.85 or less for women.
Body Fat Percentage
You can measure body fat percentage by dividing the body's weight by total weight. Here is the formula:
 BFD = WBD / TW.
How should I weigh?
A large determinant of an IBW is past the ages of 14-15 for girls and 16-17 for boys after people stop growing. Human males and females lose 1.5 and 2 inches in height by age 70. It is important to remember that lean muscle mass decreases as people age, and it is easier to accumulate excess body fat. It is possible to lessen the effects of aging by adopting habits such as monitoring diet, stress, exercise, and sleep.
Females weigh less than males. They naturally have a higher percentage of body fat. The male body generally has higher muscle mass, and muscle is heavier than fat. Women have lower bone density. Males tend to be taller than females.
The taller persons, the more muscle mass and body fat they have which results in more weight. A male at a similar height to a female should weigh about 10-20% heavier.
Body Frame Size
Body frame size has an impact on the measurement of ideal weight. It is categorized as small, medium, or large-boned. The circumference of a person's wrist about their height as shown below:
Height under 5’2”
Small boned = wrist size less than 5.5."
Medium boned = wrist size 5.5" to 5.75."
Large boned = wrist size over 5.75."
Height between 5’2” and 5’5”
Small boned = wrist size less than 6."
Medium boned = wrist size 6” to 6.25."
Large boned = wrist size over 6.25."
Height over 5’5”
Small boned = wrist size less than 6.25."
Medium boned = wrist size 6.25” to 6.5."
Large boned = wrist size over 6.5."
Height over 5’5”
Small boned = wrist size 5.5” to 6.5."
Medium boned = wrist size 6.5” to 7.5."
Large boned = wrist size over 7.5."
How is ideal weight calculated?
The equations were developed by use of doctors to find drug dosages. They overestimate ideal weight at shorter heights and underestimate it at taller heights. 
Ideal weight calculator for men!
Robinson formula (1983) – 52 kg + 1.9 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Miller formula (1983) – 56.2 kg + 1.41 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Hamwi formula (1964) – 48.0 kg + 2.7 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Devine formula (1974) – 50.0 kg + 2.3 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Ideal weight calculator for women!
Robinson formula (1983) – 49 kg + 1.7 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Miller formula (1983) – 53.1 kg + 1.36 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Hamwi formula (1964) – 45.5 kg + 2.2 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Devine formula (1974) – 45.5 kg + 2.3 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Equations for ideal weight!
Weight in pounds = 5 X BMI + (BMI divided by 5) x (Height in inches minus 60)
Weight in kilograms = 2.2 x BMI + (3.5 X BMI) x (Height in meters minus 1.5)
Healthy BMI Range
The healthy BMI range is the same for both men and women, and the healthy weight range is a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9, with a body mass index of 22 in the middle of that range. The higher BMI, the higher the chance a person will suffer from health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Limitations of IBW calculator
The formulas are designed to apply to as wide a range of people as possible.  
The formulas factor only in height and gender.
There are no considerations for physical handicaps. People on the extreme ends of the spectrum have activity levels, or muscle mass to body fat ratios, known as body composition. 
Ideal weight calculator used as a general guideline based on popular formulas. These results are not intended as strict values, and a person is considered an ideal weight.
Q: How to calculate the ideal body weight in pounds?
A: Ideal body weight:
     Men = 110.23 lb + 5.1 lb per every inch over 5 feet.
     Women = 100.3 lb + 5.1 lb per every inch over 5 feet
Q: Which ideal body weight formula is the best?
A: The Devine formula is the most medically validated ideal body weight formula.
Q: How to calculate the ideal weight?
A: You can calculate ideal weight by Body Mass Index, Waist-to-Hip Ratio, and Body Fat Percentage.
Q: What is the best exercise for weight loss?
A: Cardiovascular workouts and weight lifting are the best exercises for weight loss.
Q: What are the low-impact exercises?
A: Cycling, Swimming, rowing, and power yoga are low-impact exercises.
Q: What is the Ideal Weight?
A: Ideal Weight is achieving the right weight with different factors like height, muscle-fat ratio, body fat, gender, and other psychological conditions.
Q: What is the formula for Waist Hip Ratio?
Q: What is the best way to calculate the ideal weight?
A: The indicator of ideal weight is BMI and height weight chart.
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
info on marijuana.
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bro so today (aug 31) there was club rush at lunch and when i was looking around, there was a club for uh basically shaming drugs which is a good thing and i went over there and i got a pamphlet of marijuana drug abuse prevention series :)
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yep. click on it if you want but let me just say they use big ass words. im not going to repeat what it said, just say it the way it will make sense to me.
A note before getting started: I do smoke weed and I’m 15 years of age. I honestly think it’s a bad thing for me to be smoking, there’s a lot of casualties that go with me smoking from a young age. I mean the brain stops growing at 25 for both male and female and I’m not even close to that age. I literally have 10 years until I hit that age. I would love to stop smoking but it also brings me so much joy and I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing that I smoke. it’s not like I smoke cigarettes. but i’m still ruining my lungs and since I’m young my immune system has not like been at its fullest, it most likely has been when I was younger and I did not smoke but I feel like I’m just throwing something something at a wall that’s getting damaged every time i smoke. basically that is whats being put in my mind.
-> now just because I have put this all together and all this info, it does not mean I will stop smoking. I just want people to know the casualties that go with smoking marijuana and if they want to fully do it or not. just know I am definitely not shaming marijuana and people that smoke it. I am people that smoke it and you do you boo!!
this includes:
what is marijuana?
how marijuana can be smoked?
three different types of weed.
what’s in marijuana?
types of marijuana (going with two).
synthetic marijuana?
marijuana and the body.
short-term effects.
long-term damage.
marijuana and sports.
is marijuana addictive?
and info.
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1. what is marijuana?
could’ve just said this — ‘Cannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant.’
2. in the pamphlet it adds how marijuana can be smoked?
what it saids -> weed can be smoked as a joint like a cigarette, in a bong (water pipe), and a pipe with no water. And also with dab pens, which are like vapes.
3. there are 3 different types of weed. (they did not include this in the pamphlet)
The first one is sativa; its more of an energizing weed, the plants grow taller and are lighter in color, it takes longer to flower and produces more cerebral effects. This one is the largest of the three families, and it keeps you up during the day and just makes you energized if anything, but it depends if you got the good stuff.
The second one, Indica; Its a like sleepy weed, the plants are shorter, bushier, and produce more sedative physical effects; meaning it makes you more drowsy. I like to call this one 'in the couch' because it’s Indica, so 'in da couch', and like i said it makes you sleepy if anything.
Third one, Ruderalis; I don’t know a lot about it 'cause i dont smoke this kind and not a lot know about it ig. but it's a low-THC species of Cannabis meaning it doesn’t have that much THC in it so basically for people that don’t like to get high they would use that, and i think maybe some cigarette users might smoke that after quitting too if they dont like sativa but I don't know much abt this one.
4. whats in marijuana?
the main compound in marijuana is thc and thats what causes the effects of getting high. THC stands for tetra-hydro-cannabinol, tetrahydrocannabinol, thats the chemical responsible of marijuana's mind effects and that is also what makes people feel high.
this is because there’s two receptors in the brain that it releases too, it binds with receptors in the brain that control pain, mood, and other feelings.
And there’s also cbd (cannabinol). Cannabinol is a chemical found in the Cannabis sativa plant. There is interest in using cannabinol for sleep, pain, and as an appetite stimulant. CBD is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid, so it won't get you high. It will, however, produce a wave of calming and relaxing effects that can elevate the mood and invigorate the user; makes you feel mellow and more comfortable.
5. types of marijuana? kinda going with 2. (they should have named this differently bc this is basically how you would smoke it)
so a joint; which is basically rolled up marijuana in cigarette paper.
a roach; technically you would get this after smoking a blunt or maybe even a joint too but it depends. this is just like whats leftover. (i personally wouldn’t call this a way to smoke weed but still counts)
a blunt; what i do with blunts is take the tobacco out of the blunt and fill it with weed as if its a joint. 
in the pamphlet its saying ‘hash oil.’ hash oil is basically dab. BHO; butane hash oil is what makes dab, dab. this is in other words a kinda liquid form of marijuana but the form is not like water, its like jello but when heated it melts and thats how you would take it. This is also what they would put in carts/cartridges, they would put dab in dab pens (which are like a vape).
6. synthetic marijuana.
like a designer drug. bc they are sprayed with artificial chemicals that are designed to mimic the effects of cannabis.
i dont know much about this.
7. marijuana and the body. (im not copying anything from the pamphlet, im just commenting on what it says)
the lungs; okay so right now i have a really bad cough, like real bad, i can feel it when i need to cough and it feels/sounds as if your shoe is scraping rocks on concrete and uh i think why i have it might also be bc of smoking. like it says, “regular users often develop a chronic cough that can progress into lung diseases..” which i have no words to make a comment other than this.
the mouth; i did not know that could happen. omg.
the cardiovascular system; i could have a heart attack!?? omg-
the stomach; wait, marijuana slows the digestive system? ik it increases appetite, we call that the munchies! but when eating marijuana edibles it can cause nausea?.. i haven’t really been able to get high from edibles and i rarely have em but i still dont know if it causes nausea..
muscles; yes to that. when high and i’m sleepy, my hands are numb and i just don’t want to move especially if im in bed abt to sleep. but when high during the day, im fine yeah my muscles will feel light but i am aware of my surroundings. 
body tissue; yes it can be detected in the body for up to 28 days, a month at its finest. i did not know that THC is stored in fatty areas of the body.
the reproductive system; okay this is cray cray. it says, “in females, marijuana use can disrupt the menstrual cycle and lead to fertility problems.” that scares me cuz i want kids. oh gosh. this is scary. continuing, “in males, marijuana lowers the sperm count and may cause irregular sperm cells to form.” i hope males are okay too.
going with that i found a site saying, “In women, high THC doses interfere with the menstrual cycle and may delay or prevent ovulation.” — this is all true.
8. short-term effects.
acute psychosis (basically delusions)
increased appetite (muchies)
increased heart rate
bloodshot eyes
dry mouth and throat (cotton mouth)
loss of short-term memory
altered sense of time
impaired judgment
mood swings
inability to concentrate on tasks
loss of coordination
loss of depth perception
9. long-term damage.
risk of brain damage
mental depression
reduce immunity to infections
impaired memory and ability to learn
hallucinations and paranoia
chronic lung disease such as bronchitis and emphysema
heart disease
increased risk of lung cancer
irregular ovulation in females
decreased sperm count in males
10. marijuana and sports.
-> THC actually binds to receptors in your brain that control balance, posture, coordination, and reaction time—all things that are important to athletic performance. In addition, marijuana smokers can have many of the same respiratory problems as tobacco smokers, such as a daily cough and phlegm production.
-> i personally think that marijuana helps in creativity so it can also depend on what sport. but everything above is true. i think that if you smoke weed and do dance, it might help for being creative in way but who knows.
11. is marijuana addictive?
yes. no joke.
Approximately 1 in 6 people who begin smoking pot as a teenager will become dependent on the drug.
Users who are dependent on marijuana may also experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop using, such as irritability, trouble sleeping, decreased appetite, craving and anxiety.
thats why im scared.
12. info.
call; 1-800-784-6776 for national alcoholism and substance abuse information center.
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atiny-dazzlinglight · 4 years
Day 25: Double penetration 
Pairing: Yunho x Mingi x Yeosang
Genre: Smut
Rating: R/ 18+
Warnings: Double Penetration, Marking, Threesome, Size Training, Toys, Fingering, Oral (Male receiving), Creampie
Notes: I’m trying to post these all back to back right now cause I know that they are extremely late, but I swore that I would finish them, so I am. 
Ao3 Link
Day 24                                        Day 26
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Yeosang can be one of the mild-mannered members of the group. He had his moments just like the rest of them, but for the most part, he likes staying on the sidelines and relaxing for the most part.
It was pretty much the same when it came to their sex life too. It’s not that he doesn’t participate in anything. He has his fair share of sex with all of his boyfriends and he really enjoys his time together with them. 
But if there’s one thing he does get a bit timid about is the consistent threesomes that happen within the eight of them. He had his fair share of moments when he would walk into the living room and see San sandwiched between both Wooyoung and Seonghwa, face fucked out as Seonghwa holds his waist still. Then there was the time their maknae was sandwiched between both rappers on the bed when he went into the room to ask for something to borrow. 
He didn’t realize how fascinated he started to be when he thought of them. Despite him having so many boyfriends, he usually would only have sex with just one of them at one time. He may have had them watch, but he never had two pairs of hands be on him at the same time. But after always seeing their faces when they are stretched out and fucked by not one, but two cocks, the thoughts would make him squeeze his thighs together.
He knows he shouldn’t have been embarrassed, but he was really nervous to ask any of them to help him try it. He didn’t know who he should have gone to ask for them to help but after some long thoughts, he went to Yunho about it. 
He was quite calm when he told him what he wanted to try and he was honestly excited to hear that Yunho would be helping him.
Yunho took his time to make sure that he was well prepped. Having his face down on the bed, as Yeosang’s lubed fingers scissoring him open, kissing his shoulders as he made sure that he was relaxed. Yunho would kiss at his throat, pushing his fingers knuckle deep inside of himself until he was stretched enough for a toy.
He hasn’t had a toy that big before inside of him, but the taller man made sure to ease it into. Yeosang watched it slowly push inside of him since Yunho had laid him onto his back to watch his face. Yeosang did squeeze around the toy, not used to having something so thick inside of him.
Yunho distracting him by wrapping his lips around his nipple, distracting him long enough to push the toy deeper inside, the girth growing bigger as the toy got further inside of him. Yeosang felt the toy rub against his prostate and his moans would echo off the wall whenever Yunho would pull him away to size train. 
All while Yunho was training him, he was wondering who would be the third party for the threesome that he had planned. He let Yunho decide who to invite and he was curious about who he would bring with them. 
He was sitting on the bed in one of their rooms when he finally saw that Yunho had brought the other tall member with him. Mingi stood there glancing at him on the bed, quickly sitting his glasses down on the desk as he didn’t take too long to strip. 
Everything was moving fast as he felt hands stripping him of his clothes and lips on his body. Mingi was kissing him as Yunho spread his legs open, Yeosang’s back arching off the bed when he felt a tongue press against his hole. 
The more they both touched him, the more he realized why they enjoyed having threesomes as often as they do. He could feel Mingi placing marks on his body in places where their stylist wouldn’t be mad about them. It didn’t take too long for Mingi to make his way down his body as he deepthroats his cock at the same time Yunho started to scissor him open. 
Yeosang was already close to tipping over the edge with both of them working his body like this. They already knew how his body worked and what parts were the most sensitive. Now having them both attack those spots at the same time has made his head fuzzy. 
Yeosang barely registered what was going on until he felt Yunho move his body with ease as Mingi laid on his back on the bed. Yunho had him lay on top of Mingi, the smaller man quickly kissing him back as Yunho help Yeosang ease down Mingi’s length. Yeosang let out a sigh as he slowly started to raise his hips up before slamming back down. 
Mingi’s breathe hitched against his lips as Mingi slowly thrust up into him, his thighs tensing before he pulled his lips away to his throat as he moved his hips into him. Yeosang’s moans starting to echo within the room as Mingi picked up speed. 
Yunho quietly watching them, seeing Yeosang’s body get relaxed the more Mingi thrust into him. Grabbing more lube for himself to coat his cock, he made space for himself on the bed, tapping Mingi’s thigh to have him stop. Yeosang let out a whine at first until his mouth fell open in a silent ‘o’ shape as Yunho slowly pushed himself inside along with Mingi. 
Both of the taller men groaning as Yeosang squeezed around them both, Yunho leaning over his shoulder to make sure that he was okay. But when he looked down to see Yeosang’s face, nearly blissed out at the feeling of being stretched; he knew he was fine.
So with a glance at Mingi, they both slowly started to move inside of him, earning weak whimpers as it didn’t take them long to pick up speed. Yeosang’s voice became more high-pitched and breathy the faster they moved inside of him. His own cock rubbing against Mingi’s stomach as one of their cocks pressed hard into his prostate. He couldn’t tell which one of them was doing it, but he didn’t particularly care. 
He just wanted them to keep going until they all got a chance to cum and he didn’t want it any other way. It didn’t help that he had both of the tall men groaning and panting into his ear, sending shivers down his spine. His thighs were starting to tremble and his cock twitched as he tried to tell them he was really close to cumming. 
Yunho sweetly kissing his cheek, a drastic comparison to how his hips were pounding into his ass, telling him that he could cum whenever he wants. That he was a ‘good boy’ and deserved to cum for taking them so well. With praise like that, how did he expect his orgasm to not immediately roll of his body, his insides spasming as he cummed between his and Mingi’s stomach. With his insides spasming and squeezing down on them, both of the taller men came crashing down just as much as him, slowly fucking their cum deep inside of him until they both came to a spot.
Both of them kissing his sweaty temples as Yunho carefully pulled out of him, biting his lip as he watched some of the cum leaks from his ass. 
As Yeosang laid there to catch his breath, he was already planning on the next threesome he wanted to have. He might be addicted now.
©atiny-dazzlinglight 2021. do not repost, translate, or use my works without permission
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sweetsweetkpop · 4 years
Day 26: Size kink
Pairing: Lucas x Yangyang
Genre: Smut
Rating: R/ 18+
WC: 2.1k
Warnings: Size Kink, Choking, Somnophilia (with consent), Oral (Male Receiving), Creampie, Auditory Kink, Face-fucking, Clothed Sex
Notes: I finally have creativity and motivation to write, so I’m rapid-firing these out before I lose it again. 
Ao3 Link
Day 25                                         Day 27
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With YangYang being the maknae for their sub-unit, he always has the other members dote on him, even though he isn’t the baby that they treat him like.
While he does get a bit flustered from the compliments and praises that he gets from them, he really does appreciate them from the bottom of his heart.
But he will admit hearing his members telling him how cute he was had truly started to affect him in less platonic ways. 
He thinks it was Ten who started calling him cute in bed. He doesn’t remember much of what he did to get called cute, but he does know that it made his face flush, his cock hard, and squeezing around Ten’s length.
The actions not going unknown by the Thai man, after Yangyang had dozed off that night, he immediately went to the others to tell them about it. 
He didn’t really notice it at first when it started to happen. He just figured it was just all of them acting their normal ways. But then he started to notice how they would time it whenever they called him cute. It usually happened whenever he bottomed that night and he was slowly losing himself to pleasure. Though he didn’t really mind it. It made him feel good and he really did love the pet name.
But he will admit that they had started to use it to their advantage when it came to their sexual relationship.
A prime example of it happened that morning. Yangyang happened to be up early and for once, even up earlier than even Kun. The quietness of the shared space was weird and he didn’t like it. So he started going into the other rooms to see who would wake up.
He tried to wake up Xiaojun, but he just groaned in his sleep and ignored him. He went to Hendery who told him to let him sleep since their schedule was free and to bother someone else. Ten chucked a pillow at his head immediately as he tried to get between both Ten and Kun who slept in the same bed that night. That only left Lucas as he came up to his door and since the tall man sleeping on his stomach. He shut the door behind him as he moved over to his bed.
He poked the side of his face, “ Yukhei?” 
He didn’t move.
“ Yukhei…” He said a bit louder and he stirred a bit, but still nothing. 
He really didn’t want to yell, so he shook his shoulder a bit more firmly. This time he had furrowed his brows and groaned. He watched him blink a few times before glancing up at him. 
“Yang yang?” His voice laced with sleep and deeper than usual, almost making him squeeze his thighs together. 
“ Yukhei, can I lay in your bed with you? I’m bored and everyone else is sleeping.” Yangyang told him, not realizing the pout that was on his lips, earning a sleepy grin from the taller man.
He watched him pull the covers up and Yangyang immediately climbed into the bed with him, resting his head on his wide chest, “ What a baby~” He sleepily teased, already finding himself dozing back off.
There it goes again. It shouldn’t get him so hot as he laid back on the man’s bare chest. He wasn’t really tired, but he wanted to have some sort of closeness with one of them. 
He was laying there quietly at first, listening to the man’s light snores and his heartbeat as his fingers traced random patterns on his chest, avoiding his nipples. 
Soon he found himself glancing over his body, looking up at his handsome face and focusing on his lips. His eyes trailing down his throat to the wide expanse of his chest, mapping out his abs and down to the waistband of his shorts.
Damn it he was hard. 
He looked back up to the sleeping man’s face, easing his face closer to place a soft kiss and pulling back. He watched his face and with no reaction, he leaned back up and did it again. It was by the third one when he saw the man crack his eyes open. 
“Feeling needy today?” His voice was teasing as he closed his eyes again, “ I’m still sleepy, but if my baby wanna have some fun on his own, then I’ll let him.” 
Yangyang felt his face heat up as the man quickly dozed back off, despite him not really knowing if he really went back to sleep. 
I mean he said he could, so it shouldn’t be a big deal right? His eyes quickly shifted downwards, his hands moving before he realized it as he pulled down his shorts down far enough to get what he wanted.
He didn’t sleep with any boxers underneath, so it saved him the trouble of removing those as his eyes laid on the prize that he wanted.
Everything about Lucas was big, even down to his dick. He was soft and his length was still impressive to say the less and it had his own cock twitch in his sweats. 
He gave tentative licks to the soft member, placing kisses around it as he put it in his hand. The tip of his tongue rubbed against his slit, earning a deep rumbling from his chest. He felt it start to harden by his ministrations, slowly growing until it stood tall. 
He was satisfied with all of his members and boyfriends, but it was something about Lucas’s length that just made it feel just a bit better. Maybe it was the feeling of having his cock reach parts of him that no one else could reach or feeling him deep in his stomach whenever they did have sex. 
His clouded mind thinking of things before they happened, his mouth already having half of his cock inside and working to get the rest.
At this point, Lucas was up and awake, watching the youngest taking his cock deeper and deeper down his throat. His hand reaches down to tangle in his hair to bring his mouth down further. Yangyang didn’t even flinch as he took him down deeper, his noses brushing the small patch of hair at the base.
“ You look really cute right now Yangyang,” Lucas groaned, his hips bucking up into his mouth as he hard of muffle moan from around Yangyang. He glanced at the man with his fingers in his hair as he gave him a look, a look that Lucas knew all too well. He gave a chuckle as he put both of his hands in his hair before thrusting up into his mouth, fucking his face as Yangyang relaxed his jaw.
He rested his hands on his thighs as Lucas had a moderate pace as he thrust into his mouth, feeling his tongue drag against the underside of his length, earning a louder groan. Lucas’s moans were just turning on Yangyang even more. His groans growing louder, not even trying to hold back the way how his mouth was making him feel, and the sounds only made his body feel hotter.
Yangyang wanted more. Just having his length in his mouth wasn’t enough. He needed to have more or he wouldn’t be satisfied.
He tapped the man’s thigh, a signal for him to stop as he let go of his head and brought his mouth up and off of him, “ Was I being too rough with you?”
Yangyang caught his breath as he looked up at him with teary eyes and puffy lips; a look that made Lucas’s cock twitch underneath him, “ More….please?”
How was Lucas suppose to say no?
He wrapped a hand around his throat, catching him by surprise as Lucas slammed his lips against his, nipping his bottom lip and quickly stuffing his tongue inside his mouth. Yangyang was straddling his hips, grinding his clothed length against Lucas as he kept his hand around his throat, squeezing the sides as his tongue wrestled with his. 
Lucas tried to reach in his nightstand with his free hand, searching for something until he threw some lube onto the bed. Never pulling his mouth away from his, Lucas pulled his sweatpants down. He removed his hand from his throat as both of his arms wrapped around his back, pouring lube onto his fingers before coating his hole and pressing a finger inside. 
Yangyang rocked onto his finger. His body was eager as it didn’t take Lucas long to add another finger inside of him. Yangyang pulled away to breathe and rest his head against his shoulder. Lucas kissed up the column of his neck, lightly nipping on him before moving to his ear, “ You think you ready for me Yangyang?” 
 “ Please Yukhei…” Yangyang just tugged his sweats down a bit more, too lazy to take them off as he rubbed his ass against his length, trying to edge him to go inside. He raised his hips, angling them both before sliding himself down into his length. A sigh leaving his lips as he feels his muscles easily give way to his length. 
Lucas was watching his face as his hands went to his hips, a smirk on his face, “ You look really cute right now Yangyang. Are you really desperate to have me inside of you?” Lucas teased as he watched the younger start to rock his hips against him while nodding his head.
“ I like how big you feel inside of me.” Yangyang looked down to rub him where he could feel Lucas currently, missing the way how the man looked at him. He didn’t realize that he had flipped a switch inside of him. 
Lucas adjusted his legs on the bed and brought a hand back up to his throat, squeezing just enough as his thighs tensed and thrust up into him at a deep and fast pace. It caught Yangyang by surprise, a yelp leaving his mouth before it was quickly replaced with moans and whimpers. Yangyang grabbed his forearm just to support himself from the fast thrust, the other hand resting on his chest. 
The sound of skin-slapping started to echo around the room, along with Yangyang’s moans and Lucas’s groans. Lucas was just spitting out praise after praise to Yangyang it all just went to his cock, which was leaking pre-cum against his t-shirt. Yangyang kept chanting Lucas’s name like a mantra as the tip rubbed against his prostate each and every time it went inside. He felt his eyes slowly start to roll to the back of his head, trying his hardest to not cum early. Lucas brought him back to kiss him, wrapping his arms around his back to hold him close and pound into him harder.
Yangyang was speaking incoherent words, clinging onto his shoulders as blunt nails slightly dug into his shoulders. He wanted to speak but just the power behind his thrust knocked all vocabulary from his brain. Lucas kept nipping at his neck as he spoke to him.
“ I wish I could show you how cute you are right now. You're taking me really well right now. Is this everything that you wanted right now?” Lucas's voice was deep in his ear and it made Yangyang nod as a shiver ran down his spine.
“ You wanna cum?” Lucas asked and Yangyang had whimpered to respond. Yangyang looked at him in the eyes, glossy with lust as he started back up at him. 
“ Cum inside me Yukhei~” Yangyang whined and Lucas couldn’t help but smile at him as went a bit faster, kissing him to swallow his moans as Lucas tried to focus on making him cum. Lucas could tell that he was getting close because the moans he let out were getting louder and his insides were squeezing around him. It only took just a few more thrust as Yangyang’s stiffened as his orgasm came crashing through him in waves, cumming hitting his shirt and Lucas’s chest. With his insides twitching and spasming from his orgasm, Lucas bottomed out as the cum was squeezed out of him with a groan leaving his throat. 
It took him a minute to come back down from their high and for their breathing to go back to normal as Lucas rubbed his back. 
“ Baby, you okay?” Lucas asked as he turned to look at Yangyang, only to see that the man had immediately dozed off on top of him, making him laugh. “ I’ll let you sleep for a bit, but then we’ll wake up to shower.” Lucas kissed his forehead as he left them in the position before falling asleep himself.
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saturatedboy · 3 years
The Paw of a Lion (Ethan!Winters x Karl!Heisenberg)
Can be found on my AO3 (Use title above)
Word count: 4.2K
Chapter 3 under cut
Ethan, the blonde father, had bundled himself up in a thick cover he had taken off his bed in his new home. The night had only begun to take over, the rain storm outside had pattered against the roof and windows of his den. It was times like this that he had slight regret over the fact he could have just tried to convince Chris to place him and his daughter somewhere else. Maybe then this night wouldn’t be cold because of the timed heating system in place- maybe he just goes over and ask Dimitrescu if he could sleep over with Rose.
That thought he quickly shook out. As far as he was concern, he didn’t want to get too friendly with his neighbours. He still had his walls up, ready to attack if it meant his Rose could be safe. The father was already worried about the fact that his daughter would also ned to have tests run on her. The thoughts simple didn’t sit right with him, but it wasn’t like he could just straight up disagree with whatever the BSAA wanted to do. He was no match for any of them...or maybe he was?
A ring caught his attention, vibrating his thoughts out of his skull. Drifting brown eyes caught onto the rotary phone. ‘Heisenberg’ The father thought, a hand itching to grab the phone. With finger tips just glazing over the phone, he quickly withdrew his hand back to his chest and cradled it with the other. “Should I though?” He pondered out loud, watching as the phone carried on ringing. “To hell with it.” Ethan had reached and grabbed the phone before the ringing could stop. Reaching the phone to his ear, he held it and waited for the other to speak.
“Ah papa! Thought you would never answer,” The gruff voice came out, a little glitch but that was due to the rain outside.
“Yeah. I wasn’t going to.” The truth spilled out with Ethan moving to lay back against the armrest of the couch and pulling his feet up to rest on the cushions. A laugh came out from the other side, making a twitching smirk come up upon the young male’s lips.
“Ah, feisty as ever still. Relax, I won’t call you every night. More or less 6 calls at most a week.” Ethan rolled his eyes playfully, well aware the other couldn’t see but he liked to think he did. “Now, I’m sure you’re wondering why I wanted to call you on this fateful night.”
“Hm,” Ethan hummed, “It never crossed my mind but go ahead, seemingly you’ll just keep calling if I placed the phone down now.”
“That’s the spirit papa, I still have an hour and 25 minutes anyway! So, I want to learn.” It took a few seconds for Ethan to process the others words. ‘Learn?’ Why would Heisenberg, the fourth lord and creator of walking armed zombies want to learn?
‘“Okay...What do you want to learn about?” The line had gone silent to the point Ethan had moved the phone a little away from his ear and craned his neck back as though the problem would be shown. His body soon jerked up when the familiar voice had answered back, startling the man.
“I want to know your interests.” A simple answer, yet eerily uncomfortable to Ethan. He didn’t like the sound of that one bit. Licking his lips as a way to calm his beating heart, Ethan relaxed back in his position and sighed through his nose.
“And why do you want to know my interests now?”  
“Isn’t it obvious. We are neighbours, bond to be for probably the rest of our lives so we might as well start getting homely with each other!” A prompt scoff and click of the tongue came from Ethan as he changed his position, with a little struggle, to sit back straight on the couch with legs dangling off the front and back pressed against the back cushions. He rested his elbow on the arm rest and placed his head on his hand.
“I am not staying here forever Heisenberg. After these tests, I’m going back to a normal life with my daughter away from all this.” Unknowing to Ethan, Karl had taken much a liking to his protective nature. It was rather...tempting to mess with, to see how much further the male could go for his daughter- even after a close death.
A chuckle came from Karl. “Now, now Ethan. I’m sure you’re aware that we're stuck here till then. You’re different Winters, just like the rest of us. You really think they’ll let you go after some tests? We...what did they call us again,”  
“They called us bio weapons Heisenberg...”  
“Ah yes! We are bio weapons. Now, I’m pretty sure weapons aren’t allowed in your society now are they. So, Winters, are we really going to be free after everything?” A flash memory appeared in Ethan’s mind, back to the start of the day when his arm had been covered by the mould. How it didn’t come off, how it felt like it was stuck forever so him...the weird boiling sensation that washed over him.  “I’ll take your silence of you knowing I’m correct.”
“So, what!” The sudden snarl had caught Heisenberg off guard, making him take the phone away from his own ear. Even then, he could still hear Ethan’s voice loud and clear, a realisation that he had angered and frustrated the other. “Maybe I am some weapon but some of us have lived through a normal life for that to be taken off us. I may not understand half the shit you’ve gone through but dammit I could still be a normal person for all I know.” Ethan had stopped to take a breath. Luckily his voice being raised had not awaken the sleeping child but it did awake something else.  
“Ethan...” Karl asked after hearing the line go silent for a second too long. “I-I understand your angry at my words but-”
Karl stared at the phone in his hand. A long deafening sound came out of it, a single beep carrying on for generations ahead. Working up a cold sweat, Karl had slammed the phone onto its stand and grabbed his coat off the back of the chair he was sat on in his own small kitchen. Silently, he was thankful for still wearing his boots as he had rushed out of his home, knocking a plant that was on a table top inside the home on accident, then proceeded to stampede his way through the dirt road to get to Ethan’s home. He hadn’t even managed to get his second arm through his coat before he was at Ethan’s front door pounding against the wood. “For fuck's sake Ethan, Open up!”  
Pressing up against the door, Karl rattled the handle about only for the door to open with him falling in behind. The rain drops that was collected on his clothing had splattered amongst the wooden floors of Ethan’s home. Trying his best to get up and not slip, Karl had successfully stood up and chucked the door shut behind him to stop any more water entering the Winters resident. Bracing himself, Karl had steadied himself straight as he stood his ground and closed his eyes, trying to hear the man who lost connection. A quiet groan was heard from the left room closest to the front door. “Ethan!” Karl called, running in that room and looking about.  
“The fuck you-ack!-doing in my home,” Karl turned his sightlines to stare at the floor, he then walked around the couch to see the man he was looking for on the ground, turned away from him. Tugging his hat off, Karl placed the wet material on the armrest close to him and then settled down to the ground, sitting on his knees.
“I’m here because you randomly screamed and left. Are you okay?” Bringing comfort to someone was never and never will be Karl’s strong suite but hopefully his presence there will somewhat calm the other.
“It’s nothing. Just go back home,” Ethan’s voice came out as a whine, on the contrary it also sounded desperate. Karl looked down at his lap fiddling with his fingers. He furrowed his brows and snarled.
“I'm not leaving till you tell and show me that everything is okay.”
“Why would you care, go home Heisenberg.” The sneer that came back from the other in response to Karl’s words had him annoyed. He wasn’t going to sit here and let the man who gave him somewhat a freedom turn him away. He wasn’t going to leave Ethan no matter how many times the other will try to push him away. Making a bold move, Karl reached over and grabbed Ethan’s shoulder harshly, before pulling him backwards making the taller blonde male collide on his back. Karl looked down at the fallen male and loomed over him. Ethan had shut his eyes as his back had hit the ground, a hushed cry came from between his lips as he tightened his grip on his shoulder.  
“Ethan,” Karl breathed out, steadily thrusting his hand to hold Ethan’s as he tried to pry it away from his shoulder. “Ethan everything will be okay, just breath.”  
“What do you think I’m trying to do,” Ethan had opened his eyes and spat out his words, breathing harshly through gritted teeth. “Ow” He cried out, letting Karl take his hand away from his shoulder. Once removed, Karl peered down to see black taking over half of Ethan’s body, it was just beginning to move onto his wrist that was just seen appearing before the end of his pyjamas top sleeve.
“Woah, don’t you look a lil different.” The amusement in Karl’s voice sent Ethan over the edge. The father had raised his hand and made a quick slap on the others face before pulling himself back up and pushing his back to rest against the couch.
“Just leave. I’ll deal with this on my own.”
“Yeah, not going to happen.” The flat voice of Karl had Ethan turning his head with a scrunch up nose.  
“Yes, you will- ahm- leave.” Karl shook his head, growing annoyed at how Ethan had discouraged his advances of staying with him. Then, a great idea popped into the mechanical man’s head. Snaking an arm around Ethan’s waist, the Lord had brought Ethan to his side and held him tightly. His fingers dug a little into the thin frame of Ethan, rubbing soothing circles into his side.  
“Just relax. It seems whatever is happening is reacting to your emotions. Stay calm.” For once, just for this time only, Ethan couldn’t help but agree in his mind that Heisenberg was correct. All this happened after he lost his temper or was saddened greatly. He had to do this. Do this for Rose.
Inhaling deeply, Ethan tried his best to relax in the other’s grip. Going as far to even turn to rest his head on his shoulder. Together they sat, only a few sparks of quick pain passed through Ethan’s muscles. He felt like his body was trying to cave in on itself, but it wasn’t. He couldn’t feel it physically doing that, it was his brain telling him different stories. ”That’s it. See, being calm is good for you. Especially a lion like yourself.”
“If you carry on talking, I will bite your throat out.”
“Kinky.” Another slap, this one a little lighter, came across Karl’s chest. Realising that Ethan had hit a blow on him, he laughed at the thought that was behind it. “Nothing to be embarrassed about, luckily for you I enjoy a bit of biting.”
Ethan hit head against Karl’s shoulder, groaning loudly at his words. On the other side, Karl had bit his lip and scrunched his eyes up, holding back more laughter at Ethan’s reactions. ‘Gosh he’s cute’ Karl kept his thought to himself, gazing down at the other who seemed a lot more at peace with himself and not groaning in pain- but rather annoyance.  
Time passed, both of them sat in the same spots, bathing in the others presence. ‘Maybe he isn’t all bad.’ Ethan stared at the sleeping Lord, who was snoring loudly within his ear. Although Ethan wasn’t ready to fall asleep after all this, he allowed himself to settle next to the other. “You better not get sick.”
The next day had seeped in quicker than the father had wanted it to. All night he had been laid against the sleeping lord, who after the first bird tweeted, had wrapped both arms around Ethan and fell to sleep on his lap. Ethan had to use all his willpower to reframe from smacking the other awake, instead he decided to run his fingers through his mangled hair- being careful for the knots.
His eyes felt heavy as he drifted in and out of conscious. It seemed that over the hours the mould had once again disappeared. The metal man was right, he had to control his emotions better if he was going to protect his cub. He didn’t need to get worked up and harm her by accident. The thought made him shiver.
Just as his eyes had clamped shut, a bang against the wooden door had startled both men. Karl lifted his head up at world record time, his forehead colliding with Ethan’s chin. “Ow, what the- OH gosh. My bad” Karl scrambled out of his mouth as he moved away from Ethan. Ethan rubbed his chin, looking towards the other and hummed. They calmed their breaths before another knock was heard at his door.
Grumbling, Ethan rubbed his eyes and stood, making his way into the front of his home. Letting out a yawn, Ethan had swung his door open to come face to face with Redfield. “Where is he?” He simple asked, before barging into the Winters home.
“HEY!” Ethan called out, slapping Chris’ shoulder. “Don’t just walk into my new home, and what do you mean ‘where is he?’”
“Heisenbug Ethan. Where is Heisenberg?” Chris wasted no time to walk into Ethan’s living room, only to stop his movements at the doorway leading to the living room and cough loudly.
“Hey there.” A sheepishly voice said, no doubt feeling awkward with the situation.
“No time for sleepovers you two, get in the car Heisenberg. Your testing remembers?” Chris stood aside, letting Heisenberg walk past him with his hat on this time. Just as Karl saunter past Ethan, he tilted his hat down and winked, continuing past Ethan who rolled his eyes at the other’s flirty actions. He watched as Karl left his house, purposely jumping down the steps on his front porch and entered a black BMW with armed security- nothing like what Ethan had.
A hand was placed on Ethan’s shoulder, shaking him around. “What was he doing here?” Chris asked, looking into Ethan’s sleep-driven eyes. Ethan gave a shrug of his shoulders and leaned against Chris’ shoulder closing his eyes. Out of instincts, Chris wrapped his arms around Ethan and steadied his feet so he could support the weight of the blonde.
“Something happened but I think I know why now...” Chris hummed, a sign for Ethan to continue talking. Firstly however, he let loose a yawn. “When I get really...emotional, the mould takes over. However, it only takes over half my body so I think if I let my emotions come unstable...well you know...”
“So, Heisenberg came over because?” Ethan let loose another yawn and completely fell limp in Chris’ hold. Smiling a little, Chris placed his arms under Ethan’s knees and pulled him up into a bridal-position and took him back into the living room to place him on the couch.
“He came over to help me...” Silence held onto Ethan after that, the father on the brink of sleep. He first pulled his knees up to his chest and held them there, letting his eyes fully rest.
“Ethan, I just need to ask a favour.” Luckily for Chris, Ethan still had the energy to speak back to him.
“Hm?” He hummed, really wanting to sleep.
“We are going to need Rose for testing today.”
Oh boy.
Ethan was nestled next to Heisenberg in the back of the BMW with Rose wide awake bouncing on his leg. At the front was Chris sat in the passenger seat, looking at the front view mirror every few minutes to see his friend drifting off to sleep. When he turned to look at Heisenberg, he just caught him glaring at him. “Keep glaring like that and who knows, maybe your eyes will pop out.”
“Maybe your spine will pop out boulder-punching boy.”
“Will you both shut it, it’s the first thing in a morning.” Ethan had groaned, not wanting to hear anyone’s voice. Just sleep. He just wanted sleep.
“Your fault for not sleeping.” Karl had answered towards him, turning to look at Ethan but was instead met with Rose trying to grab his coat pocket. “What the- hey, your gremlin thing is trying to rob me.” He grassed out as Rose had successfully grabbed a pouch of money out from him. Everyone in the BMW had smirked and turned their heads other directions to hide their humoured faces.
Ethan looked down and smiled softly at his baby girl, going as far as to pat her on the head softly. “That’s it, we only rob from metal man. I’m proud of you Rose.”
“hey!” Karl argued back, pointing a finger at Ethan. “And here I thought you were the going to raise her to be good.” Ethan shrugged in return, gently taking the pouch from Roses’ hand and passing it back to Karl.
“She is doing good, stealing from you.” Karl huffed and leaned back, crossing his arms. Soon though, Rose had followed and did the same thing making everyone realise their laughter they were holding.  
“Oh c’mon!”
The testing wasn't all that bad luckily. However, Ethan refused to sleep whilst his daughter was getting blood samples taken from her as well as x-rays and other shots that a scientist had claimed it was only flu shots. He had his suspicions though. Another test was them pricking her finger, only to watch it heal almost instantly. It seemed Rose had gathered regenerations abilities, just like her father. “And that’s it for today. We may ask her back to see if anything changes as she grows up but for now everything seems to be good and stable. You’re welcomed to take her back home after you have your tests done.”  
Ethan held his daughter in his arms. Her cheeks were a little red due to crying at getting her blood sample taking from her, but it was only for her to cry because her body hadn’t experienced pain like he had. Holding her on his lap with one arm and her frail body leaning against his stomach, Ethan had shrugged his jumper off leaving him in a grey shirt. He placed his arm on a small table in front of him and watched as the scientist dragged a scalpel down his arm, only to watch mould leak from the wound and close it up. “Hm, interesting.” Th scientist mumbled, writing down on his note board and another one following doing the same thing. “You wouldn’t mind if we did a much larger cut would you?” They asked, smiling kindly.
“Be quick please.” Ethan talked, letting his eyes settle on Rose. The scientist seemed very excited to do so. They disappeared out of sight lines before returning with a much larger and sharper tool.  
“You might want to bite on your jumper,” they said as they placed his jumper into Ethan's mouth. Closing his eyes, Ethan howled as he felt the knife slide down his arm, digging much into his skin. For a second, he saw white, only for that to go and his vision came back. He looked down to see how much they just cut him, only to see that the mould had in fact covered the whole of his arm. “It seems to be protecting you. Write that down.” The scientist tried once again to cut through the mould, only to fail this time. “Well, we have all that we need at the moment. Be sure to check in every month for yourself and the child when we need her.”
“You’ll ask me first before going through my child.” Ethan spat out as his jumped fell onto his lap. He was quick to jump of the chair he was sat on and place Rose on it so he could place his jumper on. His hand was still covered in the dark green mould but at this point, he didn’t feel to make a big scene out of it. Pulling his jumper down, Ethan was fast to secure Rose back into his hold and walk out of his testing room. On the way out, he accidently bumped into Moreau.
“O-OH! Ethan...Thank you! Thank you so much. I didn’t know what I was doing then. Please- Please forgive me. I-I'm sorry!” The man called out, tears springing slightly from his eyes as he clasped his hands in a pleading manner in front of himself.
Ethan awkwardly looked at the agents leading Moreau for help. They all raise their arms in defence and watched from a far. Sighing, Ethan looked at Moreau and moved a hand to pat his head. Unluckily for him, it was his mould hand and Moreau saw it. “O-OH! That’s mould, right? Wow, you get cooler each time. I-I wish I was like you! No wonder why little-little brother loves you so much from the start!”
Okay now that caught Ethan off guard even more than the apologies coming from Moreau’s mouth. “I’m sorry, I must have misheard you.”
“I got to go! But I promise I’ll make it up to you, I promise!” Moreau rushed off, following the agents as they led him away from Ethan. As Moreau was getting further out of sight, Ethan stood his ground alone.
‘Loves me? The heck, like, yeah sure. He’s shown that but loving...Nah, Moreau been watching too many romantic movies.’ He brushed it off, wiggling his fingers in Rose’s face. “I need sleep, that’s what.” He spoke out loud before walking down the same hallways as Moreau. On his way down, he had begun to walk with the Beneveinto group.
“OOoo, it's the father!” Angie squealed, waving enthusiastically at Ethan who walked right next to Lady Beneveinto by the elevator and stair case.
“Yeah yeah, sure. Hey, I have a question?” He asked, looking at Beneviento's veil. She stopped for a second and turned, nodding for him to continue. Angie watched from her shoulder, her eyes staring intensely out of their sockets. “Do you have a name...like a first name?”
“HAhaha! Of course, she does silly! It’s Donna! And you better call her that and nothing else you blondey.” Angie spoke for Donna, crossing her wooden arms over her chest and pointing her finger at him.
“What is it with everyone pointing their fingers at me today,” Ethan mumbled down to Rose before looking up and nodding. “Well, it’s great to meet you Donna. Hopefully our stays close by won’t be a problem in the future. I hope to get a long.”
“Me too,” Her voice was very quiet, nothing compared to Angie’s. At first, Ethan thought he was hearing things but the soft tap of her hand against his shoulder proved to differ. “Goodbye small one,” She whispered down at Rose before walking away, taking the stairs case down.  
For the first time in a while, Ethan didn’t have to force a smile onto his face. It came naturally and relax. Pressing the button on the elevator, the male had stood waiting for the doors to open. As soon as they did though, a sudden force he did not even notice pushed him in and the loud sound of something clicking made him turn, anger seething in his bones. “WHAT THE HE- Heisenberg!” The name fell from his mouth with violence lace within.  
“Hush Ethan, they going to catch us!” He breathed out, pressing himself to the back of the elevator watching as the doors begun to shut.
“Who is they?!” The elevator had fully shut, making Ethan panic. Here he was, in a small space with Karl right next to him and Rose within his arms.  
“Agents, armed people, that boulder guy. Quite a few people actually.” Karl begun to explain, looking at the father who carried an angered look.
“Heisenberg, which button did you press?” He asked, lacing his voice in a fake kindness and a smile dripping with the urges to kill the man in front of him.
“Oh, this one,” Karl hovered his glove hand over the button that said ‘Ground floor’. A sigh left Ethan’s lips as he rested his eyes. At least they were heading to the floor he needed. “I was going to press this bright red and shiny one though,” Ethan opened his eyes and watched as Heisenberg had pressed the button that said ‘STOP’ in large letters.
“You’re a very dead man.”
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allcalculator · 2 years
Ideal Weight Calculator
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The ideal Weight Calculator is used to estimate the ideal weight based on age and height. It provides results from the popular Devine formula. The ideal weight calculation is a thumb rather than based on health research.Ideal Weight Calculator
IBW was introduced to estimate dosages for medical use, and the formulas used to calculate it are unrelated to how a person looks at a given weight. The metabolism of certain drugs is based on IBW, which is total body weight. This IBW is used widely throughout sports. It is not a perfect measurement that cannot consider the percentages of body fat and muscle in a person's body. Persons who are highly fit, healthy athletes are considered overweight based on IBW. It is an imperfect measure and not indicative of health. All Calculator.net's 
The first significant step that you can take to be healthy is to know about your ideal body weight. Obesity and overweight are the major cause of lifestyle disease. It causes heart disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, metabolic syndrome, and types of cancer. IBW calculator is gender specific, with men heavier for a given height when compared to women.
What is the Ideal weight?
The weight scale involves different factors, including height, muscle-fat ratio, body fat distribution, gender, and other physiological conditions. The common steps to determine your ideal weight are
Body Mass Index
Waist-to-Hip Ratio,
Body Fat Percentage.
How to calculate the Ideal weight?
Body Mass Index (BMI)
By measuring your body mass index, you can determine whether your weight is within the ideal range. This calculation measures weight about your height to determine overall mass. You can use a BMI calculator, or you can calculate by using the formula:
BMI = kg/m^2
BMI scale
BMI below 18.5 –underweight
BMI between 18.5 – 24.9 – normal
BMI between 25 and 29.9 – overweight
BMI of 30 or more – obesity
A very high BMI indicates overweight and poor health. In contrast, a very low BMI indicates health problems, including weakened immune function, bone loss, and iron deficiency anemia. BMI estimates the right weight and can measure a person's healthy weight or excess pounds.
Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR)
The Waist-to-Hip ratio measurement helps you to check how much fat is stored in your hips, waist, etc. Do the following steps to measure your exact weight.
To get the hip circumference, take the measuring tape around the widest part of your hips.
To get waist circumference, take a measuring tape and breathe normally. Breathe and warp the tape around the smallest part above the belly button, which is the natural waistline. 
Calculate WHR, and divide waist circumference (WC) by your hip circumference (HC)
 A healthy hip-to-waist ratio is different for men and women. According to WHO, a good ratio is 0.9 for men and 0.85 or less for women.
Body Fat Percentage
You can measure body fat percentage by dividing the body's weight by total weight. Here is the formula:
 BFD = WBD / TW.
How should I weigh?
A large determinant of an IBW is past the ages of 14-15 for girls and 16-17 for boys after people stop growing. Human males and females lose 1.5 and 2 inches in height by age 70. It is important to remember that lean muscle mass decreases as people age, and it is easier to accumulate excess body fat. It is possible to lessen the effects of aging by adopting habits such as monitoring diet, stress, exercise, and sleep.
Females weigh less than males. They naturally have a higher percentage of body fat. The male body generally has higher muscle mass, and muscle is heavier than fat. Women have lower bone density. Males tend to be taller than females.
The taller persons, the more muscle mass and body fat they have which results in more weight. A male at a similar height to a female should weigh about 10-20% heavier.
Body Frame Size
Body frame size has an impact on the measurement of ideal weight. It is categorized as small, medium, or large-boned. The circumference of a person's wrist about their height as shown below:
Height under 5’2”
Small boned = wrist size less than 5.5."
Medium boned = wrist size 5.5" to 5.75."
Large boned = wrist size over 5.75."
Height between 5’2” and 5’5”
Small boned = wrist size less than 6."
Medium boned = wrist size 6” to 6.25."
Large boned = wrist size over 6.25."
Height over 5’5”
Small boned = wrist size less than 6.25."
Medium boned = wrist size 6.25” to 6.5."
Large boned = wrist size over 6.5."
Height over 5’5”
Small boned = wrist size 5.5” to 6.5."
Medium boned = wrist size 6.5” to 7.5."
Large boned = wrist size over 7.5."
How is ideal weight calculated?
The equations were developed by use of doctors to find drug dosages. They overestimate ideal weight at shorter heights and underestimate it at taller heights. 
Ideal weight calculator for men!
Robinson formula (1983) – 52 kg + 1.9 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Miller formula (1983) – 56.2 kg + 1.41 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Hamwi formula (1964) – 48.0 kg + 2.7 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Devine formula (1974) – 50.0 kg + 2.3 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Ideal weight calculator for women!
Robinson formula (1983) – 49 kg + 1.7 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Miller formula (1983) – 53.1 kg + 1.36 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Hamwi formula (1964) – 45.5 kg + 2.2 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Devine formula (1974) – 45.5 kg + 2.3 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Equations for ideal weight!
Weight in pounds = 5 X BMI + (BMI divided by 5) x (Height in inches minus 60)
Weight in kilograms = 2.2 x BMI + (3.5 X BMI) x (Height in meters minus 1.5)
Healthy BMI Range
The healthy BMI range is the same for both men and women, and the healthy weight range is a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9, with a body mass index of 22 in the middle of that range. The higher BMI, the higher the chance a person will suffer from health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Limitations of IBW calculator
The formulas are designed to apply to as wide a range of people as possible.  
The formulas factor only in height and gender.
There are no considerations for physical handicaps. People on the extreme ends of the spectrum have activity levels, or muscle mass to body fat ratios, known as body composition. 
Ideal weight calculator used as a general guideline based on popular formulas. These results are not intended as strict values, and a person is considered an ideal weight.
Q: How to calculate the ideal body weight in pounds?
A: Ideal body weight:
     Men = 110.23 lb + 5.1 lb per every inch over 5 feet.
     Women = 100.3 lb + 5.1 lb per every inch over 5 feet
Q: Which ideal body weight formula is the best?
A: The Devine formula is the most medically validated ideal body weight formula.
Q: How to calculate the ideal weight?
A: You can calculate ideal weight by Body Mass Index, Waist-to-Hip Ratio, and Body Fat Percentage.
Q: What is the best exercise for weight loss?
A: Cardiovascular workouts and weight lifting are the best exercises for weight loss.
Q: What are the low-impact exercises?
A: Cycling, Swimming, rowing, and power yoga are low-impact exercises.
Q: What is the Ideal Weight?
A: Ideal Weight is achieving the right weight with different factors like height, muscle-fat ratio, body fat, gender, and other psychological conditions.
Q: What is the formula for Waist Hip Ratio?
Q: What is the best way to calculate the ideal weight?
A: The indicator of ideal weight is BMI and height weight chart.
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anika-ann · 4 years
Homecoming (S.R)
Type: One-shot (long drabble?)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!reader    Word Count: 1680
Summary: There is no feeling like this; coming home and having this waiting for you...what else could a girl want?
Prompt: coming home to an eager puppy
Warnings: practically zero plot, maybe some bitching about work and then just fluff and more fluff
A/N: For softbiker’s 25 Things Challenge. Thanks for letting me participate in such a positive challenge! May your blog grow and gain more kind followers in the future :))
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You whimpered, muttering profanities as you finally reached the top of the stairs, dropping the suitcase on the floor with a thud, grateful that the wheels would be of use at last. You had climbed three floors up with that thing, because the elevator was out of service; because that was just your luck.
Your feet were aching just like your calves from wearing nothing but high heels for almost two days straight, your Converse doing nothing for you now as it was too late to make up for the time spent in the pumps. The conference few towns over was almost nice, but too luxurious as always; your boss had claim to need you there (he didn’t) and had required you to look presentable and a head taller than him just so rich people could admire his choice of assistant (they didn’t care and those who did made you nauseous).
You really needed to change jobs once an opportunity would rise, before you lost your sanity and missed out on too many things in your life.
You sighed and dragged your feet towards your apartment, a brief smile flashing on your lips as you passed 3A, the home of your acquaintance/friend Clint. A muffled bark greeted you from behind the closed door and you hummed a sleepy “Hi, Lucky” in that direction before continuing your path.
You were worn to a bone; your body felt like made of lead, sticky after travelling, your hair was probably a mess and your breathing was heavy after the almost-midnight workout consisting of walking the stairs while lifting weights.
Yet, contentment slowly lifted your spirits as you reached your door and slid the key to the lock. Furious scratching of nails and quick rhythmic tapping on a bamboo flooring welcomed you along with an enthusiastic bark and you were done for, the widest smile spreading on your lips when you were reminded just what was waiting for you in your home.
You barely managed to open the door for a slit when a pair of paws – one tawny and one white, pushed through, raking with vigour to get to you. You chuckled as you carefully opened some more and slid in, your leg already being bounced on, barks echoing through the apartment as your 10-month-old furball couldn’t but express his excitement.
“Shh, shh-“ you whispered, though the giant grin stayed on your face as you manoeuvred your suitcase into the hall and closed the door and finally, finally crouched to give your favourite boy the greeting he deserved.
The moment you got your hands on him, your heart sang, fluttering in your chest. He was such a sweet baby and not for the first time, you wondered how his previous owners could give him up.
It probably had something to do with the fact that they wanted a damn guard dog – straight away, no less – and didn’t appreciate the love the puppy, a tawny-coloured Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, had been showering them with.
They had called him Fury, for God’s sake. Who does that? He was the cutest thing you had ever seen, a puppy so full of energy and affection that you had been helpless against his charm, falling in love instantly, secretly renaming him despite not changing a thing in his papers. No Fury. Furball. Your adorable loveable ball of fur, tawny, but with a line of white fur on his head and a patch on his chest and looking like he had lost a tiny white sock from his left back and right front leg.  
“Hi, sweety, hi!” you cooed at him, giggling as he climbed up, stretching his neck so he could lick your face, nearly chasing tears into your eyes. God, this. This made the two godawful days worth it.
Your fingers ran through the fur, scratching and stroking his back, behind his ears and it was a testimony of how much he needed to show you he loved you that rather than rolling on his back to earn himself some belly rubs, he kept licking at your face, his tail swinging wildly.
“What a good boy you are!” you continued in low voice, marvelling at how obedient he was, truly tuning down the barking and welcoming you in other ways instead. “What a sweet greeting you’re giving your momma!”
“Well, we did miss you a lot,” a male voice, raspy from sleep, explained, causing your smile to widen enough to nearly tear your mouth, familiar warmth spreading in your ribcage.
“We?” you echoed, your head snapping up to the figure leaning onto the wall, your breath catching in your throat.
You felt heat rising to your cheeks, your heart skipping an excited beat.
There he was, a real-life Adonis, blond, broad-shouldered and tall, with face carved by the Gods himself. And he had apparently taken a nap on your couch while dog-sitting your buddy, because he had his left cheek red and a bit wrinkled – and still, you felt ashamed as he looked like the most beautiful human being in the stark contrast to your pathetic messy self.
It all had been Clint’s fault, really. First, your neighbour – a half-retired Avenger! – had had you fall in love with his dog Lucky, encouraging you to get a pup on your own. While it could be difficult to arrange everything with your job that occasionally required short travels, he had said, there were always people to dog-sit. You were sold and brought a new four-legged friend home two days later.
Except Clint had forgotten to mention that he was off the table as a potential help, because Lucky was a special snowflake – adorable and loveable one, yes, but incredibly selfish, unable to stand another dog in his territory.
And then the goofball of a man assured that it was still not a problem, because he happened to have a friend who would be delighted to help with your Furball and even would be ecstatic to wear him out by running in the park; all of that, for free, maybe for a bit of food, because he couldn’t quite get a dog of his own. You, the dumbass you were, accepted Clint’s offer, because it sounded amazing.
Once again, he failed to mention an important detail. His dog-sitting volunteer was Captain America himself. You had nearly fainted when he had rung your bell at 6 am in the morning, claiming that Clint had suggested a test run (quite literally).
And yet somehow… somehow it still worked out. Furball loved Steve in an instant – because you obviously weren’t the only one ready to fall to this god-like golden-haired and golden-hearted man’s feet – and Steve Rogers became your regular dog-sitter.
Now, he was standing in the tiny hall in your apartment, smiling tiredly at the reunion of two desperate co-dependents, probably aware just how ready you were to faint again as he had claimed that both of them had missed you.
He didn’t even have the decency to be bashful about it, the charming bastard he was.
He bounced off of the wall, slowly walking to you, extending a hand to help you up. You patted Furball’s head once more and accepted, letting Steve to pull you to your feet and wrap his arm around your waist, his gaze roaming over you lovingly despite your dishevelled state.
“Well, we missed you a lot,” he had said that one time about four months ago, shocking you into silence as you had simply stared at him, watching the blush creep up his neck and face at your soundless “We?” as he realized what had slipped past his lips.
He had been a lot more bashful then, stumbling over his words, frantically trying to explain— and ending up asking you (and Furball, obviously) out anyway.
Four months later, here you were, midnight approaching as Steve greeted you home, a kiss to your hair before ducking his head to kiss your lips.
“Yeah,” he whispered to your mouth, his nose tenderly bumping yours, half-lidded eyes and goofy smiles. His lips caught yours again, only then breathing out the magical word. “We.”
It became a ritual of yours, that little exchange. A brief heartfelt tribute to the moment of your relationship taking an unexpected turn.
Soft ‘hi’s were whispered, few more pecks alternating with ardent kisses lasting long enough to steal your breath, your already tired feet feeling like made of jello, your brain turned into mush with each stroke of Steve’s fingers in your hair.
A whine and impatient pats on your calf signalled that your furry friend was losing patience and demanding some of the attention too. Both you and Steve chuckled to the kiss, parting and he bent lower, giving your good boy a calming scratch behind his ears, while trying to maintain eye-contact with you.
“You could have called, I’d help with the suitcase. The elevator-”
“Yeah, I noticed. Didn’t want to wake you…”
Steve shook his head tenderly, touched and mentally rolling his eyes at the same time. Sometimes you treated him as if he was not a supersoldier… but you both knew he in fact enjoyed it on occasion, simply because while he loved pampering you, he appreciated to be just Steve around you.
“How was the conference, honey? How was the journey?
You huffed in annoyance, not keen on tainting the wholesome reunion with grumbling about your unappealing job.
“I’ll tell you in the morning. Now I just want a shower and some snuggles if that’s okay,” you mumbled, your energy once again leaving your body at the memory of your draining weekend.
Steve’s brows furrowed in concern, but when you attempted a lame smile, he returned it fully and planted another kiss on your forehead, caressing your arm.
“Yeah. I think we can do that,” he assured you with a light squeeze to your bicep, turning to your companion as he patted his thigh and gestured for the puppy to follow. “Come on, Furball. Let’s leave your momma to clean up and warm the bed for her in the meantime. Then we can give her all the snuggles she wants.”
Steve glanced at you over his shoulder once more, a twinkle in his soft blue-green eyes and you felt your heart grew in size.
It felt good to be home. And coming home to a puppy and a man who could as well be a golden retriever in a human form? There was simply no other feeling like it.
You couldn’t wait to snuggle them both.
S.R. masterlist
Thank you for reading! I’m pretty sure that’s the shortest fic I’ve ever written, so I hoped you enjoyed the change ;)
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Animal Planet Alpha, ″
I found some extra time to write this morning, yay! Hope you guys like it :) 
“Watch your step, and make sure not to make eye contact if you see a human. If one seems to be getting aggressive towards you, it is best to act submissive. Lay down and show your belly, they aren't likely to attack you if you do that.”
“Would you often consider the humans to be…. Aggressive?”
Dr. Krill nods at the camera, “Sometimes, it is very unpredictable with humans.”  he walks up the ramp of the ship and prepares to open the bay doors. The camera crew follows behind with apprehension as the bay doors open to a dim interior. 
They make it past the airlock and into a large deserted room stacked with crates and boxes. The camera pans around clearly searching for a human though they don’t find anything in the deserted hallway. Crew leader Tesraki Mendex walks out into the empty room and looks around frowning, “Well, I don’t seem to see any humans…. The audience should know at this point what while I have seen humans at a distance, I have never actually met one myself, this is just as exciting for me as it is for some of you.” He turned to look at the doctor, “Where ARE the humans.”
The little doctor shakes his head and shrugs before pausing, “Sorry, I am in the habit of communicating with humans non-verbally. What I mean is that, I don’t know and it very much depends, they could be…..anywhere.” With that thought, the rest of the crew looks around nervously as if expecting to find a human climbing the walls or watching them from atop one of the stacks of crates.
Krill motions them to follow, “We will probably run into some of the humans eventually, might as well follow me.”
The crew does as told panning their cameras around nervously.
Mendex walks just behind the doctor, “Now…. how will we know when we are close, what are the immediate signs of human presence.”
The doctor turns to look at him, “It depends.”
“Depends on what.”
“Weather or not the human WANTS you to know if it is there or not.”  
“How about you, how close do you think the humans are too us?” Mendex begins doing his best to sound more excited than scared, which though he is honestly scared out of his mind This is the most uncontrolled environment he had ever been in, and he didn’t particularly enjoy it. 
This better get him good ratings.
“Well I would wager to say that one of them is about twenty feet away.” The little Vrul said pleasantly.
“And how do you wager that.” They wonder glancing to the walls on either side of them.
“Because I have eyes.” He stated motions very pointedly towards the back of the group. Cameras jerk and pan wildly to face down the halt. An  audible gasp rises up from the crew who scamper backwards nervously.
“Dr…. Dr what do we do.”
“Everyone hold still right where you are. Do not back up, do not turn around, and do not run away. Humans are preditors, so running away will activate their natural instinct to make chase. Just hold your ground relax and try not to look nervous. They can sense fear.”
The group grows very still.
“Look at that.” Mendex whispers from where he is hiding behind doctor Krill, “Zoom in on that.”
Camera shaking, the crew does as told bringing the human at the far end of the hall into sharp relief. 
“Wow, just look at it.” The camera zooms in a little further, “I don't know how much you can all tell from what you see on the camera, but the human, he is at least one and a half of my height two or three heads taller than I am, absolutely gorgeous, just look at the way he balances on two legs, no tail, no nothing…..”
Krill steps out from behind the camera crew, “This is a real treat for you guys. That, right there is a human named Adam, now he is the alpha human of this particular pack. He’s still a young male about 25 solar cycles. Despite being alpha, I would consider him to be rather docile. But still, stay very still ,and we will see what he does, because it is his place to determine if you are going to be allowed in his den. He could probably sense you coming from some distance.
The human begins walking slowly up the hall, and the crew shrinks back noticeably.
“Stay where you are, don’t move.”
“Can you guys see this, we are at least eight maybe ten feet from a fully grown adult male human, and the most dominant alpha of his pack.”
The human stops just outside camera range one eye blinking at them with an unreadable expression. He looks down at the little doctor and hoots.
The Doctor pats the human’s leg,” Thats a good human, now play nice with the crew.”
The muscles in the human’s face writhe and constrict into a strange expression. He bares his teeth sending the crew members shrinking backwards away from him.
“Humans are primarily visual creatures, though they have great hearing, and an acceptable sense of smell, so everyone, stay still, let him look you over.” 
You can almost hear the bones of the crew members creaking as they stiffen up. The human leans closer. Crouching down to look one of the crewmen straight in the eyes They are only inches apart as the human examines them. The Tesraki is shaking so hard he almost drops his camera..
“Just relax, don’t make any sudden moves.”
The human loses interest and moves to the side prowling through the group until he reaches Mendex cowering at the back.
The human reaches out a hand. Mendex squeaks in fright.
“Don’t you dare move.”
He goes very still as the human reaches out and then begins to pat the Tesraki on the head. He stands very still, “What, what is it doing?”
The doctor chuckles, “it’s a good thing you Tesraki have fur. Humans like soft things. THey like to pet them especially. I would wager to say that he has accepted your presence in his den. Maybe if you greet him nicely he may let you touch him.”
“And how do you greet a human?”
“Well that is easy, take one of your hands hold it up like this, and wiggle it back and forth, yes just like that, now add the other hand, now more wiggling, yes that is good . If you want to make it especially good just hop up and down on one foot if you can. Ah there it is, perfect.” 
The human stands straight and looks around at the group of aliens hopping and wiggling their hands in earnest.  
The human shows his teeth again but seems to accept the aliens making a strange repetitive revving noise deep down in his chest which breaks from his mouth in bursts.
“What… what is that, what is that sound he is making?”
“Just calm down, that is a good sound, generally. Now come here, and let's see if the human will tolerate us touch him.” Nervously the crew makes a circle around the human as the doctor looks up at his human companion motioning him with a strange gesture. Still bearing his teeth the human does as directed kneeling slowly on the ground so he is at a better height for the surrounding aliens.
Mendex held to the back of the group.
“Go on, I think he will be nice and let you touch him now, there we go, just reach out, try the arms first. Arms are generally acceptable to humans, hands too.”
Krill pats the human on his arm to demonstrate how it should be done, and the human allows it head tilted to one side. Its bright green eye examines the rest of the crew as they move forward some of the more brave reaching out hands stroking their fingers down his bare arm.
“Wow, that is so… strange.”
“What is that.”
Now that the rest of the camera crew has touched the human, Mendex moves up reaching out his fingers. At that moment the human jerks suddenly as if to lunge forward at him. Mendex squeals and jumps back nearly knocking his cameraman over. The human makes that revving noise again.
“What what was that!” mendex squeaks.
Krill nudges the human, “Be he's just playing. Go on try again, he will behave himself this time.” Mendex didn’t seem convinced but reached out anyway running a hand over the human’s arm, “Wow ... wow that is very strange isn’t it. It’s hard to describe the feeling, sort of soft, but rubbery at the same time, and it’s covered in tiny hairs, almost invisible, I am not sure if you can see.” The human was surrounded now, by aliens patting his arms and hands.
“Yes, human skin is one of the most important parts of their body. It protects them from infection, regulates their body temperature, and keeps out water. It’s soft because there are oil glands just below the skin that keep it from cracking and drying out. These little hairs.” He ran a digit over the human’s exposed skin which, to the astonishment of those watching, erupted upwards sticking straight on end by raised bumps.
“That little trick can be caused by a multitude of factors, if it is cold, if the human is scared, or even if they hear or feel something they like. When humans had more hair, it was a way to make them appear bigger, the fur would puff up making them look bigger, but now it doesn’t serve as much of a purpose. Some scientists suggest that humans still have hair as a sort of…. Wisker almost. It helps them feel movement in air currents, and, my personal theory, they have lots of poisonous bugs on their planet, so being able to feel the tiny movement of the hairs allows them to know when bugs are present. 
The doctor reaches ut and takes the human’s hand opening up the fingers so they can examine the strange appendage, “Humans have five digits, this one here the thumb is the most important part of the human hand and is what allowed them to evolve larger brains. Each finger not the thumb has two joins after it’s base and allows the human to do very delicate work. These things at the end-”
“No, they are nails, and they may have evolved from claws, but they aren't as strong. The tips of the fingers are very sensitive, because humans often use their hands to explore their environment. Human hands are so sensitive that they can feel changes in texture at the atomic level, so these nails here protect the tips of their sensitive fingers.” He uses his own digits to articulate the human’s hand moving it around, “There are no muscles in the fingers themselves, but they are held by muscles connected to tendons in the forearm. The other great thing about the human body is the dexterity of the wrist, which is highly uncommon allowing it to rotate at different angles from side to side..” He held out the hand so the others could feel flipping it over so they could touch the pads of the human’s hands.
“Is the hair on the head the same?” 
Krill shook his head, “No it is much thicker and much more coarse. Let’s see if he will let you ouch, some humans really like having their hair touched and others really hate it.” Krill looks at the human and the human tilts his head a bit lowering it so they can feel the hair.
“It’s so soft.”
“No it isn’t.”
Suddenly, the human’s head jerks up, and the group sits back in shock and confusion fearful they had done something wrong, but the human isn’t looking at the. He stares past them and down the hall.
“Oh, it looks like he found something, perhaps we should follow and find out.”
An excellent idea, “ Mendex responds from the back of the group where he had been hiding for most of it.” 
The human gives him an inscrutable look and then begins walking off down the hall.
What could they possibly be in for? 
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