#Hufflepuff Nina
magomo · 2 years
So after so many months of not being in the mood to play, I finally finished the Crushed SQ (the one with Ismelda crushing on Barnaby) and yeah what a nice way to end this side quest 😂
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I mean I got to sit with Charlie and… are you writing me a love letter? Like in front of me? Lmao as if 🥲
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Pretty Girl
pairing: draco malfoy x female reader
warnings: draco in love, fluff, some jealousy, soft draco, flirting, making out
summary: although you're a hufflepuff, draco can't seem to suppress his feelings for you and has been asking you out since third year
a/n: i don't think i'll ever get out of my draco phase atp, its been years
song: yellow - coldplay
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You were walking through the castle halls with your best friend, Cedric Diggory, wearing a blue sundress with your hair down and a ribbon holding two stands behind your head.
There were no classes today, so you decided to put on some light makeup as well and were taking a walk to the kitchens with Cedric.
"One day in the summer you need come over to my cottage, I can teach you how to bake," you announce, looking up at him as he drapes his arm around your shoulders.
"Hmm, I don't know if that would end well," he paused as he glanced down at you. "The last time you tried to bake with the house elves, you set the kitchen on fire," he laughs as he recalls you begging the house elves not to tell anyone.
"Okay that's not fair and you know it. You helped-"
You and Cedric turn around to see a smiling Draco Malfoy walking towards you both. His smile turns into a scowl as he sees Cedric's arm around you.
He quickly covers the jealousy with a charming smile as he looks back at your eyes that he adores.
"What now, Malfoy," Cedric sighs, already knowing what was going to happen.
Draco Malfoy was seen as rude to most people. So it was quite a shock to everyone when he asked you, a half-blood hufflepuff, out to hogsmeade for the first time in third year. You politely declined his offer because of some past encounters with him.
Although he has never said anything offensive to you, he has to your friends.
Your rejection didn't stop Draco from asking again. If anything, it made him want you more.
Ever since then, he has asked you out almost every week. Each time you rejected him, but it still didn't stop him.
Two years later he found himself in love with you. He has tried to get over you, but he can't picture himself with anyone that isn't you. If you were to ask him what he loved most about you, it would take more than a day to list everything. He grew up without much love, except from his mother, so it was a rather odd feeling when he first started to fancy you.
The first time he had gotten some hope for the two of you was when you had agreed to go to the yule ball with him last year. He thanked Merlin and almost cried of happiness. It was most definitely the best night of his life. You two had ended up almost kissed but were interrupted by Snape.
Back to present time, he asked if he could speak to you in private. Cedric looked over at you to make sure it was okay, you nodded and told him you would join him in a few minutes.
Draco gently grabbed your hand and pulled you into an empty classroom.
“You look so beautiful, darling” he compliments as you feel yourself lightly blushing as you avoids his eyes.
You should be use to the compliments by now since he gives them several times a day, but that doesn’t stop your cheeks from turning a light pink shade each time. He finds it adorable and hopes to be the only one to have the affect on you.
“Thank you, what is it you wanted to talk about?”
“Look, you know how much I fancy you- the whole bloody school knows. I- I just want you to give me one chance, love. If you truly don’t feel the same way about me than I’ll accept that,” he starts, his voice growing quieter as he leans towards your face.
“Please, sweetheart,” he whispers, his eyes dropping to your beautiful rosy lips as you gently pull the bottom one in between your teeth in thought.
“Um... okay,” you whisper with a small nod and smile.
He froze, before the biggest smile makes its way to his face. His lips brush against yours as he asks if it’s okay for him to kiss you.
You respond by gently pressing your warm lips to his slightly cold ones. He warps his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him as the other hand is holding your cheek. You run your hands through his hair and gently tug, getting a light groan from him.
You slowly pull back as you look at him in awe. His hair messy, his tie loose around his neck, his cheeks tinted red, his stunning eyes bright, and his lips slightly swollen.
“You are very pretty, you know,” you blurt out, turning your head in slight embarrassment.
He gently grabs your face and tilts your head so you’re looking at him. “Thats all you, angel. My pretty girl,” he whispers to you.
You peck his lips before slowly kissing down his jaw, trailing your mouth down his neck. Your gentle butterfly kisses and your teeth grazing his skin get some more low groans from him.
“As much as I’m enjoying this, love, if you keep doing that, you’re not going to be leaving this room anytime soon,” he grins.
You trail your lips back up to his, giving a quick peck before taking two steps back. “You’re right, I have forgotten about how I was supposed to go back to Cedric, do I look okay?”
“You look perfect as always, darling,” he replies while watching you straighten your hair with your hands.
“I don’t know you what you see in Diggory anyways”
“Oh knock it off,” you laugh hitting his shoulder as you start walking to the door.
“I’ll see you at dinner, yeah?”
“Mhm, bye Draco,” you smile at the boy, giving him one last look over.
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As Draco enters the common room, he finds his best friend, Blaise Zabini, doing some potions work on the couch.
He walks over and drops onto the couch next to him. Blaise glances up, back at his paper, and then whips his head to the boy when he takes in his state.
"I- what have you been doing"
"You'll never guess, mate," Draco sighs dreamily recalling your kiss.
"Does it happen to do with a certain cute hufflepuff that you happen to be obsessed with?"
"Maybe, and I am not obsessed with her"
"And I enjoy doing potions homework"
"You told me you did," Draco lies.
"No I didn't"
"Yes, you did"
"No, I didn't"
"Yes, you did"
"No, I didn't!"
"No, you didn't"
"Yes, I did!"
"Aha!" Draco grins in victory.
Blaise rolls his eyes, "did you two kiss?"
"Maybe we did, maybe we didn't," Draco shrugs.
"Good for you, it took long enough"
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A few months later, you and Draco were a happy couple and were so close to one another. Since that day you first kissed, he somehow found a way to be with you almost all of the time.
You two were sitting on the grass outside, you both sneaked out, and Draco was showing you the constellation that he was named after.
He suddenly turned and tickled your stomach as you fell backwards laughing.
"D- Draco! St- op, I c- an't breathe! L- let me go-" You laugh as he gives you a few seconds to take some breaths.
"Never, sweetheart," he says rolling on top of you.
"Get off of me you oaf!" You giggle trying to push him off of you.
"Let me think about that, hmm... how about no," he says pecking your lips.
You then flip the both of you so you were now straddling him as your hair surrounding your faces. You lean down and kiss him softly. Pulling back slowly, his lips follow you and you lightly laugh. You look at him with such love and wonder how you got so lucky.
Draco happens to be thinking the same thing as he kisses to again and rests his forehead on yours.
"I love you," he whispers.
"I love you more," you whisper back.
"Not possible, love"
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the murder's hogwarts houses (bc everyone's doing it)
kaz: slytherin.
inej: slytherin. no i will not elaborate.
jesper: gryffindor.
wylan: ravenclaw. (i dare you to fight me on this)
nina: gryffindor.
matthias: hufflepuff.
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domaslut · 1 year
The Blackthrone family.
Happy New Year, from this chaotic, chilling and crazy family. I’ll try to update Clarice and Gwendolyn’s mother infos & biography later on.
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“Some people are better off dead… And, just to be clear, with ‘some people’ I mean my parents”. Nina Dobrev as Clarice Charlotte Blackthrone.
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Gal Gadot as Gwendolyn Mary Blackthrone.
“Every single time I save someone’s life, I like to think I am a step closer to redemption. My parents taught me how to kill people, I have learnt to protect them”.
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Morena Baccarin as Gemma Vivienne Blackthrone-Rossellini.
“Don’t bother asking me to translate what I have said… I’ll tell you a secret, sweetheart. When I switch from English to Italian, it’s because I’m annoyed and, if I am upset, people around me die”.
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Michael Fassbender as Tobias Richard Blackthrone.
“I strongly believe that you only know someone’s true colors, when they are begging for their life. It’s delightful to watch their spirit break, when you look them in the eye before finishing them off. The world does not belong to the weaklings. It’s our duty to purify it”.
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elhaz92 · 1 year
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Il Grido della Mandragola: edizione speciale San Valentino
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Six of Crows characters in Hogwarts houses
Gryffindors- Mattias and Wylan
Ravenclaws- Inej and Jesper
Hufflepuff- Nina
Slytherin- Kaz
Mattias is incredibly brave...he literally betrayed everything he has ever known for goodness, sort of a Sirius like Gryffindor.
Wylan is a Neville Gryffindor, he is shy but, when it comes down to it, he could end a war and start one.
Inej is a Ravenclaw like Luna...she can sense the emotions of other people while concealing her own.
Jesper is a Ravenclaw like Flitwick, who was a champion dueller in his day.
Nina is too obsessed with waffles not to be a hufflepuff- she is probably a Cedric kind of gal.... always willing to help somebody, and she knows how to get you to worship her.
Kaz is like Snape....he can probably fight on four different sides of a war and would forget which side he actually was loyal to.
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thebestofoneshots · 8 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 5.3 K Warnings: PG-13 kisses Prompt: You venture to a reading club, entering a part of Hogwarts you had not yet been into, and meeting new and exciting people. A covert trip to the library, on a quest for a werewolf book, leads to an unexpected encounter. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. A/N: Sprinkling in a bit of spice, hope you enjoy <3
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Chapter 15: No One Like You
The week went by a lot faster than you expected it to, Remus, just like the last time, had gotten a lot better by dinner, Madame Pomfrey told him he could go once he took a painkiller potion, and gave you some anti-headache drops. You both thanked her and walked together towards the Great Hall. You were in awe of how fast he healed, really, just the thought of how bad he had been in the morning, and how much better he was now, was outstanding, and it made you wonder what other benefits his condition brought along, even if it was clearly a nuisance for him. 
Later on the week you’d gone to the book club Nina had invited you to, you wondered if she had also guessed Remus’s condition by reading the book she’d lend you, even if she hadn’t spent so much time with Remus; and to be honest, one of the reason you realised was because you were made pretty aware of the moon phases by your classes and professor on the past few months, you had gotten that silver ring as a gift, and you spend a great deal of time with the boys, down to the point that you easily noticed when they were all acting weird. All of them things Nina had not been a witness to, at least not up close like you had, but she had been around a lot longer than you, you really had no way to tell, unless you straight up asked, and that was obviously not happening.
“So… did you like it?” She asked you with a bright smile when she spotted you outside of the Ravenclaw common room. 
You nodded “It was really nice, helped me learn a lot too.” 
She frowned “Learn a lot… about werewolves you mean?” 
You nodded “I hadn’t studied them before,” you added later “I mean I know it’s not all accurate…” I certainly hope some of those Alpha and knotting things aren’t accurate, you thought “but it got me investigating more about them, it’s pretty interesting.” 
Nina nodded “It is, right?” She told you with a smile “I was taking an extra class on magical creatures and they’re all super interesting. They say Newt Scamander may come give a talk at some point next year, it would be absolutely brilliant!” 
“Yeah, totally!” You agreed she guided you inside her common room, and you marvelled at the ceiling. You remembered Remus had told you about it, how it was enchanted to look like the sky above instead of a  normal roof. It was definitely prettier than what you and Rem had created together, but you rather liked the Gryffindor one best.
Nina smiled when she saw you, “beautiful, right? I’m sure you would’ve fitted in perfectly in Ravenclaw.” 
You smiled at her “I’m not sure I’m as studious as most of you,” you told her with a smile “Just the other day I skipped some classes because I had a headache.” 
“Yeah, but you still have incredible grades,” she told you, matter of factly “Everyone thinks we’re nerds that study all the time,” she whispered, leaning in closer to you “but just because we’re reading it doesn’t mean we’re studying,” she smiled mischievously “as you saw with the book.”  
“Yeah, those spicy scenes were certainly something…” you replied. 
Nina guided you towards a small little gathering in front of the fire, it was different to the Gryffindor one, it somehow looked a lot more regal and elegant, reminded you of Professor Nightshade, and then made you wonder how the Hufflepuff common room would look, perhaps Alex could sneak you in one day, after all, he was the head boy. 
“Hey everyone, this is (Y/N),” She said as she pointed at you, you waved awkwardly. 
“Not that she needs much of an introduction,” a boy said, standing up and offering his hand for a shake, you took it with a smile “Neil Perry, it’s nice to meet the new Gryffindor legend.” You laughed, Neil had a very dashing smile, he almost reminded you of Prongs, he was just as bright “That’s Alice,” he said pointing to a girl with silver hair. 
“We share a class, don’t we?” You asked with a smile, she nodded, and the two of you shook hands. 
“That over there is Nox,” he said pointing at a boy with Slytherin robes. 
You both shook hands as well, “Nice to meet you,” he said “This is Comet, by the way” he said, pointing at a girl who was sitting right next to him. 
 “I’m really sorry about the Slytherins that have been picking on you,” she told you with a smile “We’re not all entitled pricks.”  
“Some of us are even nice,” Nox added.
“I don’t hold grudges against houses,” you told them with a smile “I kind of skipped the whole indoctrination moment by getting here so late,” you joked, and it cracked a chorus of laughs from the entire circle. 
Comet extended her hand for you to shake, “I already like you,” the girl said with a grin, which you returned with a wink, you already liked her as well. 
“I’m Jennifer, everyone calls me Jane,” a girl with curly black hair and freckles said as she extended her hands, you shook it. 
“She picked the book,” You heard another girl say from behind, she was wearing Ravenclaw robes too “I’m Clara,” she told you with a smile. You’d seen her around Nina often. 
“Marina,” said another girl with a wave, she was wearing a Hufflepuff beanie. 
“I believe that’s all of us?” Neil said with a smile. 
Then another boy barged into the room, he had light brown hair and looked a little distressed for being late, “I’m sorry, got caught up on the stairs when coming from the library,” he said.  Neil smiled fondly when he saw the boy “That’s Todd,” he told you, “he doesn’t talk much, but he enjoys listening to us a lot.”
You also smiled at the boy “Nice to meet you,” you said looking at him “I’m (Y/N)!” 
He looked at you puzzled “Same (Y/N) Nina won’t shut up about?” He asked, still fondling with the amount of things was carrying in his arms.  
You raised your eyebrow, smiling at the same time “All good things, I hope.” You said as you shook his hand, and helped him hold some of the books he was carrying. 
Todd nodded “It’s like she completely forgot about her old Gryffindor crush and replaced him with you.” 
“Will you shut it, Todd?” Nina said, with a tight smile on her face.
He just shrugged and took a seat next to Neil. Nina looked a little debased, so you placed a hand on her shoulder “Don’t think too much about it,” you told her with a smile, you could feel her ease under your hand “Where should we sit?”
“Come here!” Jane said as she slid to the side of the rug where she was so you could both fit in as part of the circle. Once you did, she took out the book and levitated it towards the centre of the circle, letting it float in between you all. “All right, session starts now.” 
“Favourite parts?” Asked Clara. 
“The chase scene at the end,” Said Neil “No offence Jane, but the book was a bit slow.” 
“Excessive with the descriptions of abs,” added Nox.
“Nah, I rather enjoyed those,” countered the first boy. 
You raised your eyebrows at that but nodded in agreement. 
“I like the way they depicted the werewolf.” Said Nina, who was next to you. 
“Yeah, especially on the sexy scenes,” added Comet with a cheeky smile. Alice hit her on the arm playfully “What? It’s true!” She retorted. 
“I don’t know about the knotting though,” you added in. 
Nox cringed from the other side “Please don’t remind me of that,” he said “I’ve been trying to erase those lines from my mind.” 
“I found it rather interesting,” said Jane “That’s why I chose the book.” 
“But it’s not like that in real life, is it?” You asked, trying to sound playful. 
“Well I’ve never done it with a werewolf, but I highly doubt it,” Responded Comet casually. 
“It’s not,” Todd said, everyone stared at him, and he turned red “I looked it up on a BOOK! Merlin guys!” that got a chorus of laughter from everyone. 
The reading circle continued on, with its playful banter, jokes and a rather in-depth discussion of the relationship mechanics within the story. You actually had lots of fun, Nina was right, just because they had their head buried in a book, it didn’t mean they were nerds. Even if some people would see you from afar, talking about a book so gleefully and entertainedly, that they would consider you as such. Once the reunion was over, they decided on the next book that would be reviewed, Nox picked a wizarding world book titled “Point of Know Return” and he promised it would be delightful, with Pirates, mermaids and fairies and underwater cities deep in the pacific. He also promised there would be no knotting. 
As the night started to fall, you realised the stars on the Ravenclaw ceiling became a lot brighter, you wondered if there was a  spell that you could implement to make the same thing happen to the one you’d created in the Gryffindor common room. “All right guys,” said Jane, “I think we should all head to bed, especially our guests from other houses since you don’t want to leave after curfew.” 
Everyone nodded and started to stand, as you grabbed the book they’d borrowed, you remembered “Hey Guys! Sunday’s the Halloween Party at Gryffindor, you should all come! Costumes are obligatory tho…” 
“You’re inviting us? To a party?” Nox asked in disbelief. 
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” 
“We aren’t exactly the type of people that get invitations to parties often,” added Todd.
“Speak for yourselves,” added Neil “I’m down!” He smiled, yeah, he definitely reminds you of Prongs “I’m sure I can conjure something to dress up as before Sunday.” 
“I’m coming too!” Said Jane with a smile. 
“If she’s going I’ll be there,” Clara said as she gave you a thumbs up.
“Yeah, I’m definitely coming,” smiled Comet. “Minho will be there, won’t he?” You nodded in response. “Good, I’ll tag along with him.” 
“I’d be lovely to see you all there!” You assured, and waved at them as you walked towards the door, Nina walked close behind you. 
“Did you enjoy yourself?” She asked you with a smile. 
You nodded “Yeah!” You responded excitedly “It was excellent! I’m pretty sure Remus and Lily would also love to join in, have you asked them?” 
She seemed surprised but shook her head “They uh… they’re not like you. Remus is always very polite, but too closed off and Lily is always busy.” 
“I think you should ask Remus,” you told her “I could ask him for you if you wanted,” you offered, but she shook her head again. 
“I’d rather it was just a you and me thing,” she said shyly. 
You raised an eyebrow at her statement but shrugged “Just us then,” you said, placing your arm over her shoulder, Nina tensed up with the unexpected contact and then relaxed back again, once she remembered it was you. 
“I really like hanging out with you,” she said, almost in a whisper. You reassured her by rubbing the side of her arm with your hand, Sirius’ touchiness was rubbing off on you.
“I like hanging out with you too, luv.” You smiled “You’re coming to the Halloween Party, yeah?” 
She shook her head “I’ve got a thing that day,” She told you. 
“A thing? What kind of thing?” 
“A date,” she mustered. 
You stopped the two of you dead in your tracks “Shut up! With who? I thought you liked Remus. Wait… Is it Remus? He didn’t tell me a thing, I’ll punch him!” 
“It’s not Remus.” She said and then frowned “How did you know I liked Remus?” 
You arched an eyebrow “You should be more surprised no one else knew, I figured it out on the first day of study group.” 
She laughed, “Well, I was pretty hung up on him then, that’s not a lie. But…” she cleared her throat “Someone else came around, made me realise Remus wasn’t really my type.” 
“What?!” You narrowed your eyes at her, “Come on, tell me who!” 
She shook her head, a diverted smile playing on her lips “No-uh.” 
“Awww… Nina!” You complained. She just shrugged in response.
“You figured out who the first one was by yourself, figure it out a second time,” she replied. You smiled and shook your head at her response. 
“Fine them, what prize do I get if I get it right?” 
You raised your eyebrows at her, “Not a Ravenclaw, remember?” 
“Fine then, a kiss.” You gave her a look. “What? You wouldn’t kiss a girl?” 
You laughed “I would, I have. Kissed Evans a couple of weeks ago actually.” You explained “But… I’m kind of dating Sirius now.” 
She frowned as if the news were a shock to her “Sirius Black? You’re dating him?” You nodded “And is he aware you are dating?” 
You opened your mouth, drawing a bit of air in before speaking “Well… uhm– he seemed pretty aware last time I checked.” 
“What I mean is…” she started, shaking her head as if she wasn’t sure which words to use “Does he know you are exclusive?” 
“I’m sorry?!” 
“Sirius has a bit of a reputation…” 
Finally, you understood what Nina was going on about and you smiled at her softly, she was worried about you, so sweet. “He knows,” you reassured her “We uhm-“ you cleared your throat “We’ve got a bit of history.” 
“And what about Remus?” She asked then, curiosity getting the best of her. 
“What about him?” 
“I thought you’d end up dating him.” 
Now you frowned “Remus? Why would I–“ 
“-you always seemed to be really close to him, from the day you arrived, really.” 
“I…” you started, but you weren’t exactly sure what to respond. Remus really was great, very different to Sirius, but he had his own charm to him, and he was just as beautiful as your boyfriend, just a different kind of beauty. The more you thought about it, Nina wasn’t wrong, if you weren’t so enamoured by Sirius, you might have fallen for Remus instead. 
“Nevermind,” she said as she discovered you weren’t saying anything, “Want me to walk you back to your dorm?” 
You smiled “That’s so gentleman-y of you Nina,” you told her with a smile “But I’m gonna stop by the library on the way, it’s better for you to stay here, or you might be returning after curfew.” 
“The library?” She asked, puzzled “What for?” 
“I’ve been looking for a book,” you told her with a smile “for a little investigation I want to do on Magical Creatures.” Nina nodded, and pulled you into a hug before the two separated, she stayed in her common room as you walked towards the library. 
When you arrived, the doors were closed and you carefully sneaked inside, not wanting to disturb anybody. You were pretty sure no-one had spotted you, cause even when it was past curfew, and you were still roaming the halls of the library quietly, attempting to find a book, you realized no-one had asked you to leave, the librarian seemed to have left too. 
“You’ll have trouble for sneaking about at this time,” you heard a portrait say disdainfully. 
“I’m not sneaking about,” you responded “It’s not my fault no one was looking when I entered.” The portrait raised an eyebrow at you, as if he thought what you were saying was bull. You stared at the old wizard for a second, narrowing your eyes and turned your back on him, still trying to find the book. As you scanned through the old bookshelves, you finally spotted a book that could be useful, “Dark creatures and the things that make them tick'' you were just about to grab it, when you heard a very low whisper from a couple of bookshelves behind. 
“Merde…fuck-fuck.” You recognized that voice. You would recognize it anywhere. It’s Sirius. 
You looked around, trying to find him, but no matter where you looked, there seemed to be no-one there. Since you had to move further into the library, to try to spot the boy, you decided to put a disillusionment charm on yourself, so you could walk more freely, and perhaps sneak up on him. 
You walked through the lines of shelfs, quietly so you didn’t make much noise, but no matter how hard you looked, Sirius was nowhere to be found. Just when you started to think you had imagined it, and started walking back to get the Dark Creature’s book you’d found, you heard the creaking of a door. You turned around and saw how the door of the restricted section was being opened, by itself. 
Finally it downed you, James’ invisibility cloak, Sirius must have it, you thought before walking up behind him. Or, at least behind where you assumed he was. Eventually you saw his wand come out of the cloak, along with his delicate but strong looking hand. You smiled, almost wanting to applaud yourself for recognizing your boyfriend with a simple “merde.” 
You sneaked up on him, sharply placing your hands over his shoulders, He turned sharply, the cloak falling on the floor before he pushed you against one of the bookshelves. He narrowed his eyes, and then he drew in a breath “Mon Coeur?” he asked, visibly confused. Truth be told, he had smelled you earlier, but he assumed it was just that your scent had stuck to his own clothes from when you were sitting together in the common room earlier that day. 
Finally you vanished the disillusionment charm and smiled “Surprise,” you whispered, he still had you pinned against the wall, hand bunching up your uniform threateningly, you bit your lip “I had no idea you liked it rough, Puppy,” you joked, a playful smile on your lips, as you eyed the way he was holding you. 
“Shit, sorry.” He whispered, finally letting you uniform free, you quickly straightened it, and then turned your head back to him, “What are you doing here?” he asked. 
“Came to find a book after the reading club with Nina.” 
Then you heard noise  and he quickly picked the cloak up, placing it over the two of you as he drew you a bit closer to him. “Shh, it’s Peeves!” He whispered, he probably didn’t need the two of you to stand so close together, nor did he need to place his hand over your mouth, since the two knew you were sneaking about, but he was certainly enjoying it.
And you were enjoying yourself too, especially when you slipped your tongue out of your mouth and licked the hand that was covering it. He made a disgusted expression when you did, pulling back and cleaning it off on his pants as he stared at you in disbelief. “What the hell?” He mouthed, the shadow of a diverted smile playing on his lips. 
You shrugged, with a smile placed on your own, you found his reaction really amusing. You then looked to the side, the sound was further away, far enough for you to whisper “What are you doing here?” 
“Looking for a book,” he said as he placed his hand on your shoulder, thumb brushing on your neck as he pushed your forwards lightly, motioning you to move. 
“And here I assumed you’d come for a barbecue.” 
He rolled his eyes as he chuckled “It’s for a prank, the one for the Slytherins that we talked about the other day, remember?” 
“And you got commissioned to pick the book by the boys?” 
“I was meant to come with Remus, he was feeling off, and I told them I’d come alone. I wasn’t really eager to spend a long time snuggled up against Wormy under the cloak.” 
“But you were eager to snuggle up against Remus, I see,” you teased. He chuckled again. 
He used his free hand to pull his wand out and illuminate the titles of the books as he read through them, he now stood a lot closer to you, his chest basically pressed against your back, you could feel it going up and down as he breathed. Somehow it felt different to when you sat on his lap, almost more intimate. Maybe it was the rush of sneaking about together, or maybe you were just being silly, “What are we looking for?” You asked him, turning your head to see him better, reflecting on how lucky you were a boy like that was your boyfriend. His stunning grey eyes, framed by his dark eyelashes, were scanning the bookshelves as he did. 
“It’s a book called The Compendium of Pernickety Enchantments.” He told you as he continued scanning the shelves. You nodded and did the same. But then in-between some books, further down on the shelves, you found a small tome about werewolves. You had to take it. But you obviously couldn’t do it while Sirius was still there, or at least not while he was paying attention. 
You had to think of something, a distraction, but one that wouldn’t get the two of you caught. And then you remembered Sirius was a boy, and there was one thing that could easily distract any boy “Hey Puppy…” He hummed in response, his face awfully close to yours, his long hair brushing against your cheeks “You haven’t cashed out on those kisses that I owe you.” 
He frowned, giving you a look before turning back to the bookshelves “You’ve been too busy, haven’t you?” he responded, “with the whole trying to finish the book before the session and then the session today, on like our only bit of free time of the week” 
You arched an eyebrow at that “You jealous?”, you teased.
“Well, you should spare some more time for your boyfriend.” 
“How about I spare it now?” You said, finally turning to face him. 
“Right now!?” He questioned, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you, confusion evident in his face, we’re in the restricted section of the library!, he thought. 
“Of course, if you don’t want to…” you said, with feign innocence and a little shrug of your shoulders. You were tempting him, and Sirius wasn’t one to resist temptation, let alone if it came from you. So he placed his hand behind your neck and pulled you towards him. You gently let your backpack fall on the floor. 
“C'est une idée terrible,” he said as he finally closed the gap between the two of you. 
“When have we ever been known for doing the most prudent thing?” you responded in between a kiss. And it was true, when you and Sirius were together it seemed like you threw caution to the wind, responsibilities be damned, fun? Pleasure? They always seemed to come first.
 Sirius now had both of his hands on your face, expertly leading the kiss, as you pulled your wand from your pocket and started using it to levitate the werewolf book towards your bag. You felt terrible as you did, distracting Sirius with a kiss to take a book from the shelves without him noticing, even if it was harmless, made you feel dirty, and not in a good way. Sirius trusted you, and here you were, hiding your knowledge from him, even if it was because you feared you’d lose a friend over it. 
When the book was safely inside the bag, you decided you’d make it up to him, and placed both hands around his neck, drawing him just a little closer to you and focusing absolutely all of your attention into the kiss. And that had you almost completely forget about the werewolf book in your bag. Sirius was kissing you hungrily, thirstily, like you were water and he’d been in the desert for days.
 You weren’t too far behind either, his lips might have been the most incredible thing to ever be created. So incredible you almost wanted to bite them. And you didn’t hold back from that either, you gently bit his lower lip as the two of you separated slightly, panting for air. 
“Did you just?” He whispered, but you ignored it, and went to place soft, wet kisses over his sharp jawline before using one of your hands to pull his hair out of the way and trail kisses all the way to his neck. 
Sirius Black smelled incredible, of pine trees, musk and a tinge of leather, probably from the leather jacket he often wore, he smelled like an adventure, and you couldn’t help to be hauled by it. Sirius had lowered his hands over to your hips, and held you close as you kissed his neck, eventually you found a particularly sweet spot, and kissed away, stopping to smile as he stifled a moan. 
“Shhh…” you whispered as you continued kissing the spot. Eventually his hand found his way to your waist, tucking your shirt out of your uniform skirt before placing his hand in the warmth of your back, his cold rings causing a shiver to rush down your spine. But his touch, oh, his touch made  your skin feel like you were on fire. You placed your hands over his hair and pulled him back a little, bringing his lips back to yours. Both you and Sirius had kissed plenty since you started dating, but never like this, in fact you were certain he’d never reached for your skin the way he had today, but it felt good, and you didn’t want him to stop.  
Eventually he stopped the kiss, letting his forehead rest on yours, his hand still in the small of your back “We should stop,” he said, panting. 
“…don’t want to,” you answered, a little bratty in the way you’d said it. 
“Don’t make it harder for me Starshine,” he groaned, as he softly bumped his forehead on yours. 
You reached for a quick kiss on his lips “‘m not…” you replied, and kissed him again, now in the corner of his lip “I just–“ you kissed his cheek now “don’t want to stop kissing my beautiful boyfriend.” 
“…merde…” he said, it was taking him all the restraint in the world to stop himself from pinning you against the bookshelves again, this time with your legs around him instead, but with you being so willing, it was harder, so much harder. 
You looked at him expectantly “je m’en fous,” He whispered, and dragged the two of you onto a nearby table, easily hauling you to sit on it, you helped accommodate the invisibility cloak around the two of you, managing to set it around the table by the time he was kissing you again. You weren’t sure you’d ever felt like this before, especially when he reached his hand higher and unclasped your bra. He broke off the kiss to look at you, to make sure you were ok with it, you only brought him back to the kiss in response. 
You moved yourself to reach him better, his left hand already in your abdomen, dangerously close to your breast, when, all of the sudden a vase, that was at the end of the table, tumbled and fell to the ground, making a very loud noise in the otherwise quiet library. You broke off the kiss, pulling apart just a little and staring at each other, both alert of what may happen, over his shoulder, you managed to see a shadow, it was peeves in the distance. 
“Shit, we’ll get caught.” You whispered, turning back to look at him. 
He looked at you impassively, as if he was itching to tell you the “I told you so”. You deserved it, but he very well knew it had also been his fault. He seemed to be thinking about the possible escape plans now, but he hadn’t found the book he was looking for by the time you started snogging. 
“The book,” you whispered. 
“You find it, I’ll distract Peeves.” 
“What? No way! You’ll get caught.” 
“Aw… put a little faith in me, will you?” He told you with a smile, “Find the book, I’ll see you just outside the library.” 
You weren’t entirely convinced by his plan, but nodded, turning around to look for the book, while he got out of the cloak and used the same disillusionment charm you had used earlier. You took a deep breath, still trying to gain back composure from the kiss, and moved towards the bookshelves, scanning through the names of the tomes, trying to find The Compendium of Pernickety Enchantments. After looking through three shelves, you finally found the book, and right next to it, there was one called, The Refined Art of Mild Hexes: A Sophisticated Spellbook, so you grabbed it as well, since it looked like it could be useful. 
You scurried all the way to your backpack, which was still laying on the floor from earlier, and threw both books inside of it. Once the backpack was securely hanged over your shoulder, you scurried outside of the restricted section. 
You were already close to the door when you spotted Sirius, hiding behind a huge shelf, he was almost imperceptible, but close behind him was Peeves. Sirius didn’t see him, since he wasn’t looking towards him, but you could. 
So even if Sirius had told you he’d deal with it by himself, you weren’t about to let him get caught, you had to improvise. You kneeled behind another bookshelf, cloak still covering your frame, and pulled out a piece of parchment, scribbled a small dialogue on it, and charmed it. You used your wand to levitate it to the other side of the library and then, you popped the seal. Now there were whispers coming from the other side of the library, Peeves smiled wickedly as he heard, and started flying towards them. 
You ran towards Sirius, and covered him with the cloak quickly, he was a little startled at first, but then smiled. “That was you?” You nodded “Brilliant! It’s like you’re made for this.” He told you, and it was no lie, he was genuinely impressed with your cleverness, one more reason to the pile of why he was so smitten by you.
“Thanks,” you said, a small blush creeping up your cheeks. You looked to the side so he wouldn’t notice, he’d probably tease you mercilessly about it if he had. After a couple of seconds you took his hand in yours and did a small head gesture to indicate him it was time to move, Peeves was far away enough that you could sneak out of the library unnoticed. 
A couple of minutes later, you were out of the library and speeding through the halls under the cloak.  Sirius was the one leading the way now, he took sharp turns, taking you through stairs, doors, halls and even small passageways. He clearly knew the way by memory, and it made you wonder how many times he had sneaked about the castle like this, how many he’d do it with you from now on. 
Another sharp turn, and he pulled you into a broom’s closet. Letting the door shut quietly behind you. “What is it? Did you hear someone?” You whispered in his ear. He almost felt guilty from the shiver that your innocent whisper had sent down his spine. 
He shook his head and raised one of his eyebrows with a smirk “You said something about… wanting to continue kissing your beautiful boyfriend, didn’t you?” You looked at him with amusement, your eyes shining at his words. “Turns out he also wants to continue kissing his beautiful girlfriend…” 
You were about to ask “here?”, but then again, why would a broom closet be any less proper than the restricted section of the library. You bit your lip and let him close the gap between the two. The common room would have to wait. 
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Disclaimer: This story WILL NOT include knotting; I also do not mean to poke fun at anyone who reads / writes it either, this was just meant for comedic purposes, and I firmly believe you can read and enjoy whatever type of smut you like. Now if you don’t know what knotting is… google it if you’re brave? But trust me, it’s not for the faint of heart. 
Series Masterlist | The Interlude | Next Chapter
TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader @orkwardx0  @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow  @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader (hi lovelies, this chapter came out on Wednesday, but for some reason the tags weren’t working, I was told by dear Lily, so sorry for the inconvenience, hope you guys enjoy <;3)
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A/N: Is it me or is it geting hot in here? Next week we have the Q&A, you can send in your questions now for the long post, or save some for asks later that day, (The halloween special is coming and boy, is it going to be fun! One of my fav chapters tbh, also a tad angsty, but you'll see...) Ly, Lilly xx
Raead more Marauders Fiction
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The Crows: Hogwarts Houses
so I think it's obvious that Kaz is a Slytherin
like come on
I think he could also be a Ravenclaw
so that's a tie for me
Matthias is a Gryffindor
no doubt
I will not hear anything else
I mean he was prepared to question his whole belief system for Nina
like if that's not courage and bravery I don't know what is
Inej is a Hufflepuff
I know some people see her as Gryffindor but
she is not brave or daring or chivalrous
she fought for herself, yes
but only out of necessity
she is however loyal, kind, honest, caring and an amazing friend
a Hufflepuff
Wylan is a Ravenclaw
I don't think I need to explain this one
I also think that because he can't read but is still manages to be an absolute genius with the tools that he does makes him the ultimate Ravenclaw
Nina is either a Gryffindor or a Slytherin
but because she is so stubborn and happily goes against her family just to prove a point I think she's more of a Gryffindor
(feel free to fight me on this one)
Jesper is probably a Hufflepuff
or a Gryffindor
but I'm leaning towards Hufflepuff just because of his pureness towards his friends
like look at him
even though he has some very bad habits he still tries his best
and lets not forget his absolutely adorable love for Wylan
and his sentimental attachment to his guns
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restinslices · 5 months
My Fandom Ocs
I was scrolling on tumblr and ended up seeing @mattmurdocksthighs (fantastic name btw) do this post showing off their ocs and I was like “I wanna do that” so here we are. No one asked for this but LISTEN- I don’t ONLY think about Mortal Kombat. And I’ll probably write about them at some point and get like, 2 cute lil like. I’ll keep updating this because my brain is always coughing up this shit. Their stories also got a lot of shit going on so I’m giving the very basic stuff so this shit ain’t too long. (Rereading this and the shit ended up long anyway). Last updated: 2/15/24
Kajsa Helvar
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Universe: Six Of Crows
Related to: Matthias Helvar - Older Brother.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Love Interest: -
Faceclaim: Ivanna Sakhno
Summary: Kajsa is Matthias’s younger sister who is believed to be dead. She survived the village fire and was taken by Fjerdan officials to become an assassin (they got a bootleg Black Widow program. Shhhhh) for them since Druskelle take too long and are easily noticeable. After she finds out he’s alive, she leaves Fjerda and tracks him down but when she realizes his girlfriend is Grisha, she believes he’s being poisoned and wants to kill Nina. When Matthias refuses to let that happen, she thinks it’s too late and the only way to save his soul is to kill him. Will she succeed? Will they make up and undo her brainwashing? Who knows? Not me.
Marina Starkov
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Universe: Shadow and Bone
Related to: and Malyen Oretsev - Dad. Alina Starkov - Mom.
Grisha order: Etherealki - Sun Summoner
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Love Interest: (I ain’t think that far ahead, ngl)
Faceclaim: Park Ji Hye
Summary: I was bummed we didn’t get the book ending with Mal and Alina so she was made. Mal and Alina did the dance as old as time when they found out Mal was the third amplifier and did not use any protection. This resulted in an accidental baby. Mal was at sea and Alina was married to Nikolai so they lied to the people of Ravka and said she was theirs. Mal only finds out years later during a random visit. Ngl, she was created for drama and scandal. I did not think her future through. All I knew was that she hated this Ravkan royal life and preferred to be with Mal and wanted more freedom. Typical princess shit.
Polaris Lupin
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Universe: Harry Potter
Related to: Remus Lupin - Dad. And before y’all ask, her mom is black but she’s not a cannon character so I’m not putting her here
House: Ravenclaw
Sexuality: Lesbian
Love interest: Bounces between Luna and Pansy cause she loves a lil bit of toxicity. She get it from Remus fr
Faceclaim: Chandler Kinney
Summary: In my version, Remus is gay. I know fans debate whether he’s bi or gay, in this version he’s gay. He’s in denial and ends up hooking up with a female witch, and while that confirmed that he had to face the hard reality of another thing about him being different, her ass must’ve been listening to Usher cause she said she was three months pregnant and she was keeping it (some of y’all enjoyed that more than others and I’m ok with this). At first he wanted nothing to do with this kid but came around to the idea, which was real convenient cause her mom got killed by her own family. Guess we locked in for life now. She has his werewolf gene and is trying her hardest to succeed in school to hopefully make their life better.
Carina Min
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Universe: Harry Potter
Related to: Sirius Black - Dad. One of my ocs I put in every universe is her mom. Don’t judge me.
House: Hufflepuff
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Love Interest: Fred Weasley
Faceclaim: Saerom from Fromis_9
Summary: Carina was born October 31st 1980, the year before shit went left. After Sirius’ imprisonment, her mom gave Carina her last name so she hopefully wouldn’t be connected to the Black family anymore. She is extremely sheltered and since her mom was raised after death eaters, she tries to shield her from everything wrong with the world, trying to give her the life she felt she deserved but obviously sheltering your kid as much as she did leaves them extremely codependent. Carina has always wanted for nothing and never had the need for ambition. She sees the world extremely black and white but when entering Hogwarts she finds out that’s not true and has to solve a huge question; who is she? She’s also a metamorphmagus like her mom but I didn’t know where to fit that.
Poppy Ejiri-Finstock
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Universe: Teen Wolf
Related to: Bobby Finstock - Dad. Mom is a non cannon character. Not the same as Carina and Lilith
Creature: Werejaguar and Kitsune Chimera
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love interest: Isaac Lahey
Faceclaim: Serena Motola
Summary: Poppy was born a human with heart disease and because of this, she has constant medical attention. She lives with Coach in Beacon Hills and is friends with Isaac, Erica and Boyd and has no knowledge of the supernatural. When Erica and Boyd go missing, she wants to investigate which Isaac is very against since the alpha pack traumatized him for investigating and he’s a werewolf. All this secrecy puts a strain of their relationship and she only finds out about the supernatural when Stiles is possessed. Lucky for her though her mom is like “bring my child back to my house” and she goes to live with her, which is also encouraged by Isaac. She only returns in season 5 because she’s experiencing heart failure and wants more time with her dad and also because her mom needs to work more. Good news, they got a heart for her! Bad news, the Dread Doctors are around. She’s kidnapped, experimented on, deemed a failure, brought back by Theo but sided with Scott and stays apart of his pack.
Wren Hale
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Universe: MCU
Related to: -
Sexuality: Pansexual
Love interest: -
Faceclaim: Devyn Nekoda
Summary: She is from the universe that Dr. Strange destroyed in “What If?” Her parents were two Shield scientist sent to find the Infinity Stones. They found the soul stone, her mom killed her dad and since she was a witch who specialized in power absorption she was able to absorb the stone. Unfortunately though, she was pregnant and after giving birth to her daughter, Wren sucked almost all the power out of her, leaving her too weak to even stand. Wren became a test subject immediately and this went unnoticed since in this universe The Avengers were never formed because Loki never came to Earth. She ended up absorbing the mind stone after it crashed on Earth and absorbed the rest of her mom’s power. Wren ended up clearing Natasha’s mind after a failed breach, killed everyone else at Shield and began her new life with Natasha until Dr. Strange got everyone killed. Instead of dying like everyone else, she was able to jump from variant to variant thanks to the two stones working together and now goes universe to universe killing Dr. Strange so he can never destroy another universe like hers.
Lilith Lokisdottir
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Universe: MCU
Related to: Loki Odinson - Dad. Mom is the same as Carina’s. She AU hops.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Love interest: -
Faceclaim: Lucy from Weki Meki
Summary: Ok so, Lilith is the product of Loki and an enhanced Midgardian. She is born during the snap which means she never gets to meet Loki and instead has a fatherly relationship with her uncle Thor. She’s still kinda in development but my idea rn is that because Loki isn’t there to teach her magic, she’s sent with Wanda. Unfortunately Wanda made a little pit stop and Westview happened. She ages rapidly in the hex and plays Wanda’s adopted niece in her little show. Because of her own magic trying to protect her and fight against Wanda’s, when the hex goes down she still looks the age she’s grown into, but her brain didn’t age as fast which causes her judgment to be skewed. So instead of being the new Goddess of Mischief, it slips into chaos and destruction. Will she be healed? Find out next episode.
Claudia Moore
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Universe: Twilight
Related to: Billy Black - Dad. Jacob Black - Older Brother. Rachel and Rebecca Black - Older Sisters. Non cannon character is her mom.
Species: Witch Shifter Hybrid
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Paul Lahote (I don’t wanna hear about Rachel)
Faceclaim: Kiana Madeira
Summary: Going back in time Claudia’s mom was best friends with Billy and Sarah, Jacob’s parents. She really wanted a baby and the two volunteered to have Billy be a donor for her and she accepted. She had Claudia months after Sarah and Claudia and Jacob became best friends. Years pass and she’s friends with the kids on the reservation and has no knowledge about Billy being her biological dad. Then New Moon happens. Cullens leave, Bella drops her, and her main friend group including Jacob and her boyfriend seem to abandon her and it’s clear her mom and Billy know something and they aren’t letting her know what. After a huge fight with her mom she takes off this necklace her mom gave her that she said she enchanted so vampire powers would not work on her and has a tracking element. She runs off, sees Paul, the imprint shit happens and this triggers a change and after getting angry she turns into a jaguar bitch. So that necklace she got wasn’t just used to protect her from vampires and to track her location. It was also to suppress her shifter abilities. Now everyone thought shifters wouldn’t happen anymore and it was always sons, but her mom was like “imma just be careful”. It was like she had a protective bubble around her so that’s why the smell of vampires didn’t trigger her. When she took off the necklace that bubble was popped and when the imprinting shit happened it triggered her shifter gene. Basically saying “hey y’all can do this now! Hurry up to make up for lost time!” And that necklace wasn’t gonna work anymore. She’s a wolf not a jaguar because (I like it) it works differently for witches. In my head I have more lore for witches and how they used to assist the packs and also turn into animals but their animal would be a symbol of who they are as a person. The inside showing up on the outside type of thing. Maybe I’ll make a separate post rambling about it.
Minnie Thompson/Cullen
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Universe: Twilight
Turned by: Carlisle Cullen
Species: Vampire
Special ability: Power mimicry
Sexuality: She just be living
Love Interest: -
Face Claim: Vanessa Morgan (specifically as Sarah Fox)
Summary: Minnie was born in 1906 to Robert and Mary Thompson and was soon followed by a younger brother named Joseph. Growing up, Minnie had a tendency to mimic others actions and predict what they’d do next, which was usually used to avoid conflict. This increased when her father started taking her hunting, which allowed her to gain the mindset of a hunter. She meets Carlisle when he’s volunteering to help the injured in her neighborhood and finds herself enjoying his company. Her brother dies of an illness and that plus other stress drives her father to attempt to kill his wife, Minnie and himself. Luckily she survived and was turned by Carlisle, who she’d grown close to by then. She was 18 and is the first adopted daughter he gets. Over the years their relationship went downhill because of multiple situations I don’t wanna ramble about here (maybe I will on another post), but it all comes crashing down when Jasper and Alice arrive. After finding out Jasper was a proud Confederate, she gets into an argument with Carlisle and says he has to leave. This leads to an ultimatum; they stay or she stays. Carlisle continues making excuses and she leaves. She has her own solo shit she’s doing but if we skip all that and look at the books, she’s an ally sometimes. She is still angry with them and keeps her distance but they reunite and there’s some of them she cares about and doesn’t want to die, which causes her to become a temporary ally. This is the best way I can summarize this. I have an embarrassing amount of lore in my head for her.
Medora Montgomery
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Universe: PJO
Cabin: 10 - Aphrodite
Fatal Flaw: Recklessness
Sexuality: Demisexual
Love interest: I ain’t think that far
Faceclaim: Cascina Caradonna
Summary: She’s still a wip but as of right now her story is that she is from a wealthy family and her father despises Aphrodite for what she’s done. Growing up her father talked horribly about Aphrodite and made it seem like she is nothing more than a “whore goddess” with no real significance. She also has experienced being over sexualized like many other girls and it always being her fault has been drilled into her head. When she is sent to camp and claimed by Aphrodite, she hates it. She doesn’t hate her cabin mates but she, like others, mistakenly believe that Aphrodite only represents sex and she blames her for all the sexualization she’s faced. She is desperate to prove that she can be more and throws herself into situations that are way too big for only her to handle. She has to figure out what Aphrodite means to her, how to love herself as she is, how to get her inner light back and has to learn how to recognize that she is a victim and that creeps exist. It is not her job to make sure they keep their comments and hands to themselves.
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the-transid-gacha · 3 days
Can you make a Harry Potter based alter whose TransPureblood (CisMuggleborn) and uses lots of witch / Harry Potter related xenogenders and transids? And is fem? Thank you sm! (Do tell me if you need more info lol!)
Name: Lucia
Genders: Magicgender, Spellbookic, Magicaforestic, Magicatta, Spellcastic, Magicbeing, Witchcoric, Magideitic, Nightskygender, Darkelemagical, Magicadored, & Starcollector
Orientations: Heterosexual & Heteromantic
TransIDs: TransPureBlood, PermaStudent, PermaBraidedHair, PermaDyedBangs, TransStraightAStudent, TransHerbologyMaster (Also doesn't want to be a master in this but wants to be really good in class), TransYellowEyes, TransSlitPupils, TransSpeciesCatHybrid, TransRavenClaw, TransAutistic, TransHyperfixation, TransKneeBrace, TransHeight (Shorter), TransArthritis, & TransNaive
CisIDs: Muggleborn, Student, Black cat owner, Green eyes, Brown hair, Freckles, Potions master (Not a master but is fantastic in potions class), Heart pupils, Popular, Insomnia, Hufflepuff, ADHD, Easily excited, Short, Obsessive, & Dogwood wand
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, It/It's, Witch/Witch's, Magic/Magic's, & Spell/Spell's
Species: Human (Witch) (TransSpeciesCatHybrid)
Age: 16
Source: Harry Potter
Role: Magic caster
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Here you go!!!!! I hope you love her!
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honeii-puff · 2 months
for grishverse asks, like any one of them, I just kinda want to know, since they’re such good questions, and if you feel like it all of them
shadow | rank all the grishaverse books you’ve read.
I did this one already
bone | have you seen the show? what’s the best part of it?
Also did this one already
siege | if you got to kill off one character, who would it be?
Probably Heleen. Burn the Menagarie down whilst we're at it
storm | share and tag your favorite fan art
Dont have one, i love all the fanarts
ruin | favorite character?
Did this one already, its Inej
rising | what’s the best ship? canon or otherwise.
Kanej. no questions.
six | favorite grishaverse quote?
the "I would have come for you" bit from Kaz. That or "Best way to steal a man's wallet"
crow | which crows are you most and least like?
Most like Inej, Least like Kaz
crooked | if you got to rewrite the first chapter of six of crows, how would you do it?
I'd probably let Anya live longer bc she was cool
kingdom | pick a character and give them a theme song
Jesper - Killer Queen by Queen
king | what’s your favorite idea for a new series in the grishaverse?
Probably something centric on Captian Inej Ghafa
scars | which character deserved better?
rule | favorite book cover?
The russian version of Six of Crows. its beautiful
wolves | sort all the characters you can into hogwarts houses, (or choose to give them zodiacs, mbtis, alignments, etc—)
im just gonna do the crows
Kaz: Slytherin
Inej: Hufflepuff
Wylan: Slytherin or Ravenclaw
Jesper: Gryffindor
Matthias: Hufflepuff
Nina: Gryffindor
ketterdam | change the ending of one of the books
os alta | when did you get into the grishaverse? tell us all about it
I'd say about 2021 i read Shadow and Bone and half of Seige and Storm, then dropped it. I watched the show in 2022, read six of crows, saw s2 of SaB, and then read KOS
djerholm | what pair of characters would you kill to see interact with each other?
We need more Kaz and Nikolai interactions.
the unsea | what type of grisha powers would you want to have? or what crow’s skills would you want to steal?
Stealing Inej's grace, I have the balance of a toddler :P
the true sea | rant about whatever grishaverse thing you want to (a hot take, something that bothers you, something you love, etc)
And not in the way "oh we need more religious characters"
I want full in-depth explanations on each religion. On Djel, Gheezenism, the difference between Ravkan, Kaelish, and Suli saints, what they worship in the Southern Colonies, Novyi Zem, and Shu Han, all of it.
Give me it all.
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magomo · 2 years
(NOTE: I actually finished this side-quest last April but my board exam was on May and I totally forgot this was on my draft 🤣)
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You’re the boy who loves me too, right? Lol
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I mean... he's not wrong (he couldn’t do it without me hehe)
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The dynamic of this trio has been odd and funny ever since The Gift of Gratitude 🤣 It's nice to see them together again
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This is just them flirting and dating I'm telling you
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You heard her Charlie... you can take out the wedding ring now
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Is it the wedding ring?
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Yea I know, still waiting for the ring Charlie
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Oh! Oh! It's not a ring... but oh well my face will be on that clock in the future anyway... alright 🤭
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Summertime Sunsets
pairing: cedric diggory x female reader
warnings: just fluff
summary: you had been staying at your boyfriend cedric's house over the summer, and he takes you on a picnic to watch the sunset
a/n: i didn't know what to write for cedric lmao
song: sunsetz - cigarettes after sex
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"Hello, darling," Cedric greets you as he walks over you where you were reading on the couch.
"Hi, Ced!"
He had gone out for something for a few minutes and his parents were running errands.
"How's the book?"
"Oh, it's wonderful! It's so beautifully written," you inform him.
"I'm glad, I'm also sorry to put a pause on your reading," he says as he takes the book from your hands, marks the page, and places it down.
His takes your hands in his and pulls you off of the seat.
"What are we doing?"
"You'll see, sweetheart," he smiles.
"Hm, okay," you shrug and grin at his excited state.
He pulls you outside by the garden and you follow him as you walk up a hill.
"Jeez, Ced, you should have told me we were gonna work out," you laugh.
"Don't worry, angel, we are almost there"
You finally make it to the top and you see a small field surrounded by flowers with a basket and snacks set up in the middle. The sun was setting and the sky was painted with colors that make is look unreal.
"Oh, wow, Cedric this is beautiful!"
"Hm, almost as beautiful as you," he winks. Your cheeks heat up, even though you've been dating for over a year, he still has that effect on you.
"Honestly, this is perfect. Thank you," you smile and sit with him on the blanket.
"No need to thank me, love"
"You have got all of my favorites," you could have cried.
"I had to have the favorites for my favorite person," he passes you a bouquet with flowers he hand picked and arranged.
"Cedric, you are too good to me"
"Only because you deserve the world, my love"
You were sat in between his legs as you rest your back on his chest. He cast a spell to play some quiet music in the back, he knows how you prefer to do things with music or some type of background noise.
You both were eating some strawberries as you watched the sunset and talked.
Your boyfriend was truly perfect.
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nina-belova · 2 months
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hey there, loca! (I'm sorry, It's never not funny saying that)
this is a blog of mine where i could be moody, horny, random and a crackhead that i am—with my awful jokes that only i find funny (if you find it funny, I'll kiss your nose)—legally. apparently. i will also reblog or post about stuff from my fandoms. i watched a lot of stuff—not that kind of stuff, get your head out of the gutter 🤨🫵🏽—name it. anime, movies, tv shows, books, games, kdrama, manga, manhwa, manhua, webtoon. look forward to it, maybe we'll have something in common and if you wanna talk about it just hit the button below my description. anyway, here's the awaiting introduction i guess.
ann/nina (it's up to you what you wanted to referred me as). she/her. eighteen. an introvert in disguise of an extravert. enfp. cancer. hufflepuff. a writer with lots of unfinished WIP.
and that's all, folks! I'm afraid that's all i can tell you about myself for an introduction, or else it'll be too long. btw @annn-starrr is an imposter, she copied my interest and claimed she likes those things first. you dumb bitch, you thought you ate??? come outside where we can settle things properly or you're just too much of a scaredy cat who depends too much on her daddy?
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alieno-r · 11 months
here’s MY hc hogwarts houses for the crows.
kaz; slytherin (big on cost/benefit analysis, prepared, ruthless, bold)
inej; ravenclaw (intelligence, planning ahead, observational, witty)
jesper; hufflepuff (open-minded, loyal, genuine)
matthias; gryffindor (practical, stubborn, chivalrous, proud)
wylan; ravenclaw (learning for the sake of learning, curious, interested in understanding)
nina; gryffindor (honest, loathes to back down, idealistic, playful)
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nefarioushan · 1 year
my six of crows/grishaverse characters Hogwarts house headcanons:
-Kaz Brekker, Slytherin (wants power and uses knowledge for his own advantage)
-Wylan Van Eck, Ravenclaw (naturally curious)
-Matthias Helvar, Gryffindor (noble and knight-like morals)
-Nikolai Lantsov, Slytherin (cunning)
-Zoya Nazyalensky, Slytherin (wants respect and power)
-Inej Ghafa, Hufflepuff (loyal and wants to help others)
-Jesper Fahey, Gryffindor (almost stupidly brave, yearns for adventure)
-Nina Zenik, Gryffindor (not afraid of risk)
-David Kostyk, Ravenclaw (a simp for knowledge)
feel free to post your head canons :) please no hate, spoilers for HL or anything like that.
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