#Hux hates everything
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"co-commander" ?????
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wrongfourtytwo · 1 year
Ignore this
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andyy-says · 1 year
Ky*o R*n is actually the funniest character in the sequels
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bensoloslover · 8 months
Stolen Moment
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Kylo Ren x Fem! Reader.
Word Count: 1,771.
Warning: Suggested Nuidty, Mild Kidnappings, Nothing Crazy.
*Reader and Kylo have a establsihed realtionship. Reader is kidnapepd and has a small meeting with an old friend.
“Ky” Her voice felt shy as she spoke, which was contrasting to the normally warm and easy going personality she carried that he loved so much.
“Yes, (Y/N/N)?” She was laid on his chest, (Y/H/C) down for once and body nearly bare against his. They spent many nights like this. Ever since their days learning under his uncle, how he hated that man for everything, but her. He would thank him for the chance of meeting her.
“Does something feel…” the pause had the hair on his arms sticking up. “Out of place to you? Like something is going to happen? Something almost strange feeling?” She looked up at him now, eyes showing a fear he wished she didn't have to endure.
(Y/N) was force sensitive, in her own way. She had a harder time connecting with the physical side of things, but her connection to the force itself? He envied it. It spoke to her in ways that sounded almost surreal, even to a powerful force user like himself. Where he could bend the force to his will, move through peoples mind, bend will. She could get into the soul of the universe, tell stories of things that haven't even happened yet. Understand the world in a way one could only dream.
“I can have the Knights stand guard of you tomorrow, and you may even shadow me throughout the day if you’d like?” They had been at war with the rebellion for sometime now. He knew she had no interest in the fight, she’d made that very clear, but he knew she'd feel safer by his side as he went about his day then to be apart with these feelings.
“I don't know yet if it's that serious, I can't really get a grasp on what is going to happen. Just. Something.” She laid back down to his chest.
“Well maybe some sleep will clear your vision, after you meditate tomorrow morning come find me and we can spend the morning tomorrow. I only have a few meetings before training.” She hummed her reply, he knew she was in agreement, she came to find him almost every morning once she'd gotten through her routines.
“Goodnight my love.” Her voice was more velvety now, he knew she'd sleep soon, and he'd have the knights guard her till she woke.
When Kylo woke up his morning went as usual. Tuck (Y/N) back to bed, shower and change into his usual attire, meditate for a few minutes in his study, head to the bridge to meet Hux and start his day. Nothing seemed off yet. Rebels were still out of their reach currently, so nothing but trying to track them down was really important at the moment. Rey and his mother had been blocking any trace of them from him for weeks now.
They're here. They're on the ship, Ky.
He heard it loud and clear, his body running frigid at the panic in her tone. He could always feel her, she was like a constant warm aura around him, no matter the distance, and suddenly everything had run cold.
“Man the ships, all gun up. The rebels are on the ship.” He heard Hux start shouting commands as stormtroopers left and right started marching in groups around the ship in an instant. He ran down the halls as he made his way back to their living quarters. How they had even gotten on the ship he couldn't phantom.
Kylo Help. The Jedi. She’s here.
For the second time that day dread filled his core. Not her. Not now..
I’m on my way (Y/N)
His footsteps sped up, he was running now, sliding through turns and ripping the doors open with the force as he attempted to reach their quarters. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. He got on the elevator to their floor, pacing the small room when it happened.
He felt nothing. For the first time since the first moment they met, he felt nothing of her presence. The elevator started to creak and groan as the force around him began to swell with his anger.
As the doors exploded open he ran down the hall. The knights he left to protect her laid on the ground, leading up to the room. He blew the doors straight through to the back wall tearing off his helmet as he looked for the worst imaginable. Their bed was made. A still hot cup of tea sat by her meditation seat in their living room. The breakfast cart still set up neatly by the dining room table, untouched.
But (Y/N)? Nowhere to be found. He ripped through every room twice. Then he broke. He felt his anger explode through the room. Felt the ship tremble as he screamed and slammed his helmet into every thing within arms reach.
They’d taken the one person on the ship he would break without, and they knew it.
(Y/N) remembered waking in a cold sweat. She remembered trying to get her morning started as normal.She remembered the fighting outside that broke her from her meditation. The rebels burst into her room. Her fear as she begged Kylo for help, though for the first time she couldn't feel if he was answering her or not. The silence. Cold.
Now she was here, wherever that was exactly. She couldn't feel Kylo. She couldn't remember how she had ended up. There was nothing in the room around her and there was no way she could escape the ropes bounding her to the chair she was in.
“You’ve grown into a marvelous young woman, (Y/N).” Chills ran up her neck. She could pick that voice in a chorus of millions.
“Mrs. Solo.” She felt it now, the force moving back through her. Her mother in law’s presence. Leia had always been warm, her aura like a blanket to whoever could feel it. She was strong, and easy to be around. She emerged from the shadows, pulling a chair with her to sit across from (Y/N).
“Oh no, we never married.” Her chuckle reminded her of her years at the Jedi Temple, she could never dislike Leia, no matter how much Kylo resented his mother, she was always a kind soul. “I'm still Organa, or Skywalker if you please, darling. Only Ben carries Han’s name.”
“Ben goes by Kylo Ren now.” Leia rolled her eyes at the announcement. As if she had just been told her son just broke another plate.
“Ah yes, Kylo Ren. I find it funny he chose a name that rhymes with Ben. Since he clearly hated the name so much.” She sipped on a cup of warm tea while speaking. “How is he?”
Her question was genuine, (Y/N) could feel it. She could feel him again, suddenly. Hot. Red hot with anger. Then he was gone, as quick as he was there. Cold again. She knew it had something to do with Leia and Rey, her lack of his connection with him. They were good at blocking him out, keeping their rebels safe at all cost.
“He’s quite angry right now.” She felt the ropes drop from her arms. The force.
“You just gave him my location, you do know that.” (Y/N) rolled her shoulders back. Neck cracking from the uncomfortable position she had been held in.
“I'd rather him come get you. You're more of a hazard to keep around, he’d mount every one of my soldiers head’s on his saber before he let a single hair on your head be harmed.” Leia chuckled. She knew her son had fancied (Y/N) since the day she dropped him off with Luke. She was beautiful. “I told them not to take you originally. These youths are far too ambitious though, not listening to their elders.”
“Am I a mother in law yet, or has he not made you empress of the new empire yet?” This time it was (Y/N)’s turn to laugh, she looked at the black kyber crystal on her ring finger.
“Engaged, not yet married. Said he'd like to have squashed out your rebales before we sat down to plan our future.” She held up her hand to show her the ring, Leia taking it into her own.
“What a beautiful kyber crystal, he must have looked far and wide for such a rare color.” She turned her hand to watch it sparkle.
“General Leia” a voice spoke up from behind the two. A man with curly brown hair and a warm complexion walked into (Y/N)’s eyeline. He was nervous, she could feel it. He looked at her then back to Leia, a allure of confidence she knew he didn't possess in his voice. “Everyone is either up in the air ready to go or on their way. Just us left.”
“I'll be ready in one moment Poe, let me have one more moment with my daughter.” (Y/N)’s heart warmed at the title. She knew Leia didn't agree with Kylo’s ambitions, neither did she honestly, but she knew she'd never be anywhere but his side.
“Tell my son I love him for me. No matter what.” Leia squeezed her hand. “It's time for us to leave before Kylo shish kebabs us. There's tea and some crackers on the table for you dear. I know you'll feel him as soon as we leave so no need to give you a eta I'm sure.”
“Thank you, please be safe.” (Y/N) leaned over and hugged her, taking in the warmth of her hold. She felt like Ben in a way, like mother like son she supposed.
“You too dear.” With that Leia walked out. (Y/N) felt no need to follow her. She heard her spacecraft leave the atmosphere as she sat and took in her empty surroundings. Standing up she walked to the table and took a bite of one of the sweet crackers Leia had left her. Taking her tea out the door.
She felt him then. He filled back into the coldness she felt all morning. Their connection was unblocked. She could tell he was close. She could feel the force around her again.
(Y/N) ? Can you hear me? Are you okay? You're calm. Are the rebels gone?
Yes love, I’m fine.
I’m on my way. I saw your location for a moment. Enough time to find you.
I know. I’m waiting.
She took a sip of her tea and chuckled, banthas milk and some sugar, just like how Ben likes it.
Just some Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo brain rot I've been thinking about.
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thepilotanon · 1 year
kylo who is super affectionate in private but pretends he hates it in public
Yes and no.
Kylo absolutely LIVES for affection from you, regardless if it's in public or not, and he easily reciprocates it in private. Since he has a reputation to uphold, he's not the squishy and soft partner around 'troopers and subordinates. But he allows you to perform your desires to give him affectionate attention: you go and hug him when he returns from a mission or coming out of a meeting, you get to your toes to kiss his helmet right in front of Hux, or you hold on to his hand or arm whenever you walk beside him onboard or on a planet. He never pushes you away or scolds you, only just hums or makes grunts of affirmations whenever you do so.
I'd say it takes Kylo about three kisses and a two minute-long hug before he's ready to leave in the morning in your private quarters. Whether you're still asleep or and early-bird like he is, Kylo soaks up whatever he can of your affection and be able to give it back before he puts up his Supreme Leader Persona. He easily initiates by kissing you awake and snuggling you in bed, requesting you two just stay in bed for a few more minutes.
I know I wrote it somewhere here before, but you going onto the comm channel where Kylo is connected with his fleet and asking him if he wants anything special for dinner or you miss him, and he just allows it and takes it like it's nothing out of the ordinary for him (because it's not), and everyone else has to go along with it? No one ever dares to say anything about your behavior around Kylo, because they know how important he is to you, so you probably get away with a lot.
Kylo never denies your attention and love in public, no matter what. If anything, he thrives better whenever you give him a smile or squeeze of his hand while running the First Order. If you two were to have children, he absolutely allows them to interrupt anything and everything when they want his attention, especially when you help them find him. He may put on a tough-guy act around everyone else, but he saves the best pieces for you.
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beskarinhyperspace · 4 months
A Ripple In Space
"What can I say, I’m an extreme individual.."
More Chapters | MASTERLIST
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6. Negotiations
*Mature, Explicit, NSFW*
Kylo Ren x fem.reader
* angst, hurt/comfort, touch starved kylo, dubious consent
WC 3.7k 
Meanwhile Kylo was still on duty, taking a break in his office. His meetings were painfully boring and long. He wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place. Which made every one of them more bitter.  
Since leaving the Finalizer, his only desire was to get back home to you. Home.. For the first time in a very long time, Kylo was feeling a sense of belonging and going through his day was a challenge by itself. He was unable to keep you off his mind. The way you smelled, your skin, your lips, everything about you was intoxicating to him. You were all he could think about. He particularly liked the way you boss him around. Like he was not one of the most dangerous and feared man in the galaxy. He liked that you were not bending to him even when you were scared.  
It has been two days since he last saw you and somehow it felt like a lifetime. His mind kept drifting to the last night you spent together. His cock slowly pushing inside of you, stretching you open with a tit in his mouth. Urgh, he sighed deeply in frustration. He could already feel himself twitch as he became harder under his desk. What he hated most in all this was that he couldn't talk to you. 
I really need to fix that, he thought to himself before the com-link on his wrist beeped. 
*” Incoming, Supreme Leader” * 
“Listening trooper.” he replies. Quickly brushing his lustful thoughts away. 
*” Not sure if it's something worth mentioning but it’s about the girl.” * 
A pinching sensation crawls into his chest knowing exactly who he was referring to, “what about her?” 
*” Prisoner 226 is in medical. They are running tests on her.” * 
Kylo starts to panic imagining the worst, “what happened?” 
*” Unconfirmed, she's been unconscious for the past twelve hours sir.” * 
“Twelve hours??” His voice laced with rage. Closing his eyes, he tries to collect himself.  “Prepare my ship, now.” he ordered. 
*” Copy that.” * 
He puts on his helmet, rushing to the guard standing just outside his door. “Tell General Hux that I have an urgent matter. I don’t want to be bothered for the next forty eight hours.” 
The soldier simply nodded in agreement as Kylo clenched his fist going for his vessel. 
As he set the coordinates, his mind kept going back to you and the way your soft lips were saying his name. His real name. He hadn't heard it in years. He made sure to erase everything from his past and didn't want to be reminded of anything from it, but he knew he couldn't hide from you and truthfully, he didn't want to. 
Kissing you goodbye was difficult enough. Not only because he wished he had more time with you, but he also felt bad every time he left. As if he was leaving something important behind and didn’t want to let go. 
Arriving to the Finalizer, he landed quickly, rushing to the medical wing. He completely ignores the soldiers and the officers who were patrolling around. His heart hammered in his chest while he ran through the ship’s corridors. Finally, he reached the ship's clinic but started to panic when he saw no one else around. That was until he heard a voice coming from behind. 
“She's going to be fine.” The feminine voice reassured.  
He removed his helmet, turning around to look at the nurse, “what happened?”  
“Probably just a simple virus.” She replied plainly. 
Kylo’s eyebrow raised slightly, “a simple virus doesn't do this..” 
The woman’s face remained emotionless. “She was previously malnourished. Her body is still fragile and weaker against those types of viruses.” 
He clenched his jaw knowing it was partially his fault. “Can I see her?” he asked calmly even though he didn't like the way she was talking down on him. Plus, he didn’t have the time nor energy to argue with her.  
She simply twisted her lips and guided him to you. When he arrived at the room, his eyes were automatically drawn to a device on the side of the bed with pouches of liquids hanging from a hook on the wall. You were still asleep and plugged into maker knows what machine. As he approached, he noticed how faint your breathing was.  
He turned back to the nurse, “Is she stable?” he asked hurriedly. 
“Yes, it still might take a few days for her to be back on her feet—” 
“I'll take her to into my quarters. Prepare whatever she might need.” He cut her right off. He didn't want to leave you in this cold, lifeless place. He wanted you to be as comfortable as you possibly could. He hated seeing you in here. So small, so fragile, so vulnerable in the open. 
“She hasn't woken up once yet. I believe it would be best for her to stay here– “she stopped, and for some reason she was getting more tense than before. Sensing Kylo’s gazed intensely watching her. She took a deep breath before continuing, “What I meant to say, supreme leader, is she will be better taken care of here.”  
He nodded, “Then I'll stay.” His voice came out calm and soft. She watched him take a seat on a chair that was beside the bed before nodding herself and walked away. 
He took a moment just watching you asleep, tucked in your grey metal bed. His body was slowly coming down from the adrenaline, now knowing that you were safe. “You’re perfect.” He sighed, pushing the hair away from your face. His gloved fingertips delicately stoked your cheek, “You shouldn't be here. You wouldn't have gotten sick if you weren't here..” 
The first thing you noticed was the cold breeze on your bare legs and the thin fabric covering your frame. As you finally opened your eyes, you found yourself in a small white room. The air felt cold and more recycled than ever. Which made you shiver slightly as you regained consciousness.  
Turning your head slowly, you see Kylo asleep in an armchair that looked half a size too small for him next to you. His hair, unmistakably tousled from his helmet while his pink lips were slightly parted. 
As you lowered your eyes, you noticed a clip attached to your fingertip. Without hesitation you unclipped the device. Making the machine emit a rather loud beeping sound.  
Without missing a beat, Kylo shot his eyes open with a hand going for his lightsaber. Freezing himself in his movement, as he looked straight at you. “You're awake”, more like an observation than a question. 
You tried to speak but your throat felt dry. Making you choke slightly as you tried to talk.  
“Don't move, I’ll get you some water.” He rushed out as he quickly rose from his seat. 
‘Don't move’, you laughed to yourself. As if you could go anywhere. You can't help but notice how adorable he looked trying to help you. But your smile quickly fades as you sense something odd. As you look around, you start to panic. Where am I? Why am I here? You asked yourself, trying to figure out what happened, and then it hits you. He killed his father.. It was the last thing you heard before losing consciousness.  
As if knowing you were thinking of him, he come back with a smile on the corner of his lips. A smile? A happy smile? Walking around the ship with a smile? When was the last time you saw him do that? Did he ever do that? 
He came closer, giving you a half a cup of water, “Here, drink it. You'll feel better.” 
You drink it in silence. Making as little eye contact as possible. He didn’t seem to notice, until; “Are you hungry? I can ask the nurse for someth—” 
You stopped him, feeling slightly on edge, “No it's fine, I feel fine.” you replied sounding anything but fine. 
He frowned, his smile disappearing into a line. “What's the matter?” he asked cluelessly. 
You shake your head. Right now, was not the time. “No, there's nothing.” 
“C’mon sweetheart, we're past this. I’ve watched you for months. I think I would know when you have something on your mind.” he scoffed. Turning his head to the side, insulted that you’d take him for a fool. 
You sighed, taking a deep breath. There was no way around this. You had to be honest with him. “Is it true? About your father?” 
His jaw clenched before slowly moving his eyes back to you. “What is?”  
You felt the energy in the room shift. A lingering heaviness floating, but you had to ask. “D-Did you, kill him?”  
“Yes” he replied simply. His eyes watching you surprisingly unfazed. Your chest squeezed at his response. Cutting the air in your lungs. Noticing your reaction, Kylo got up from his chair again. “You should rest” he tells you softly. Not giving you a chance to stop him. You watched him leave in silence as he moved through the door, putting his helmet on. Feeling too drained and exhausted to stop him on his way out. 
The next day you woke up feeling energized. The nurse surely knew how to make Liacynth tea. You felt almost brand new. After getting dressed, you start going back to your quarters and back to Kylo.  
Well, that was new. You would've expected him to lash out, yell or even destroy something. Instead, he just got up and left. I mean this man was more confusing every day. Unpredictable really. 
As you stepped inside the apartments, the doors automatically closes behind you. You stood in the entrance and glanced at the state of the place. Everything was trashed. Random broken pieces of glass were scattered on the floor. One of the kitchen chairs was undoubtedly thrown into the wall. Even the dining table was cut from the middle to its edge. Maybe you spoke too soon. Looks like he did rage after all. 
You walked carefully to the bedroom. Seeing the door being halfway open. “Ben?” You asked cautiously. Pushing it as you entered the room cautiously. Seeing him sitting on the edge of the bed. His back turned from you. He was holding his head in his hands while his helmet was on the floor in a corner. “Ben?” You tried again and he slowly raised his head. Turning his body slightly in your direction. His eyes were small and red. His hair was still tousled and unclean. His lips, maker his lips, plusher than you have ever seen them. “What happened?” 
Without making a sound. He stands up, coming closer to you. Taking a good look at you up and down, “You're so pretty,” he says, “so good, so pure and beautiful.” He lets out leaving his lips slightly parted as his eyes were staring at you pained. He looked faded out as if he hadn’t slept in days.  
You sigh, “what happened?” 
He takes a moment just staring at you before answering, “You” 
“What?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. 
He takes a deep breath, “How do you feel?”  
You look at him, then you look around you, “hum, confused?” 
“I meant physically.” 
You let out a deeper sigh, “Good, I’m slowly getting back on my feet”  
“Good” he replied simply. Passing you by as he went into the kitchen to get himself a glass of water.  
Growing impatient you followed him, “you didn't answer me, what happened ben?” 
He drank his water slowly as he watched you. He was so damn irritating sometimes. He knew what he was doing by making you wait. Taking his last sip, he placed the cup on the counter before looking back at you. His eyes were small and heavy. “You should rest. You were injured. I’ll take care of your work schedule.” He dismissed you again. 
You start to get frustrated, “why don't you want to answer me?” 
“Why are you always asking so many questions?” He growled back. But you remain silent, only watching him with a defiant look. He scoffs, turning his gaze to the side. “I already told you.” 
You smiled from the corner of your lips, looking down. “So, you trashed the place because I’m good and pretty? Yeah, that makes sense...” 
He came slowly closer, his body only inches away from yours, “and pure..” 
You couldn’t help but giggle, “You don’t know me, I am definitively not pure.” 
He clenched his jaw “more than me.” he says, taking a deep breath. “I-” he cuts himself off, searching for his words. “I don’t deserve your attention.” 
You squinted your eyes at him, “What are you on about now?” 
“This, all of this wouldn’t’ve happened if you weren’t here. But here you are, trapped on this ship, MY ship!” You could feel the frustration and annoyance in his voice. “You think you would’ve let me talk to you out there? kissed you?” He brought his gloved hand to your face. Brushing his fingertips gently on your cheek, “Touched you?” He scoffed, closing his eyes as he removed his hand. “Of course not, how could you?” Looking almost disgusted at himself. 
“Everyone is deserving of affection-” 
“--Not me” he said stepping back. “I take, I hurt, I destroy, I kill...” Before looking right into your eyes, “I killed my own father!” And there it was. The wound at the center of it all. Even if he was smiling you knew how much it was destroying him. “I saw it in your eyes, the way you looked at me?” You could clearly see the pain in his eyes, and they were shooting straight at you almost pleading.  
“How long ago was it?” You asked in a low tone. 
“A year, and I was too much of a coward to inform my mother of my actions.” Replied with disdain. 
“I’m sorry.” You let out softly. 
He remained still, almost in shock. “What?” 
“I said I’m sorry” 
He tilted his head intrigued, “But you haven’t done anything, it’s my fault.”  
You sigh, “It’s true. I don’t know what happened in your past but, everyone is deserving of love...” 
Confused, he came closer again, “Aren’t you scared of me? Of what I can do? I know you are.” 
You closed the gap between you and brought your hand to cup his cheek, shaking your head. “I see you; I don’t know why but I just know you wouldn’t hurt me. Not on purpose at least.” 
“Like I said, pure...” He smiled faintly, passing his thumb on your bottom lip. “Could I–, can I kiss you?”  
You stayed silent and simply nodded as he brought his lips onto yours. Letting a deep breath out of his nose as he took you in. Wrapping his arms around your waist to squeeze you before bringing a hand lower, going for your butt.  
You smiled against his teeth, “Ben, we can’t. This needs to stop..” 
“Stop? Hyal, can’t you see what you’ve done to me?” He removed his hand from your bottom to grab yours, playing with your fingers. “I would do anything you’d ask of me.” 
“That’s a bit extreme, isn’t it?” You raised a brow. 
He looks into your eyes softly, “What can I say, I’m an extreme individual.” 
You roll your eyes, “I’d like to take things slow. You know, get to know you more?” 
He smirked, “I can do that.” 
Raising an eyebrow, “Really?”  
Nodding, he gives a chaste kiss at the corner of your lips. “Go get yourself clean. You must feel uncomfortable after passing days in medical.” 
“Says the man who has greasy hair.” 
He smiled looking at the floor, “uh yeah, past couple of days had been challenging to say the least. Go ahead, I’ll go after you.” 
As you were about to close the faucet and step out, Kylo enters. “Don’t mind me I'm just taking a quick one.” 
You shook your head, watching him enter in the small space with you, “You’re unbelievable.” 
“What? I was called. Couldn't wait an hour for you to be done.” he teased as he washed his hair. 
You stared at him with your mouth open, “I don’t take an hour.” 
“Sure, you do” he says rinsing himself from the lathered shampoo. “First time you stayed here.” 
“That was months ago!” you protest.  
He smiled, giving you his hand to take before pulling you closer to him, “You’re right, in all honesty, I wanted to see you and your beautiful body before I go.” he admitted, passing the back of his fingers on your nipple, moving down to your stomach. You gasped, feeling them harden to his touch. Seeing your reaction, he smirks. Nibbling his bottom lip. “You really don’t understand hyal. You’re all I can think of, All- the- fucking- time.” now swiping both of his thumbs over them as he watches you lean your head back slowly. Looking more than satisfied, he let out a low growl, and brought his lips down to your chest. He took one of your nipples in his mouth. Suckled and flickered his tongue on it while his thumb continued to play with the other. You couldn't hide it anymore as you start to let go some pleasured noises.  
“Oh sweetheart, you really like that don't you?” He teased, his voice low and soft. “How about this?” You felt his thumb leave your tit before feeling two of his fingers moving through your folds. Swiping and quickly gliding as you started to coat them. You couldn't stop the desperate growl that escaped your lips even if you wanted to. You needed this, wanted this, you wanted him. He let your slippery nipple roll out of his mouth, “Yeah? Does that feel good?” You nod, moaning with your mouth fully open as he comes back, brushing his tongue on both of your nipples. While his thick fingers were stretching you so deliciously slow. “shit..” he let out almost a whisper. His eyes full of lust seeing how well you were taking them in. He began to pump them faster. While his other hand squeezed a breast within his reach. His tongue fluttering on your sensitive peaks. 
“Please Kylo..” you cried out, feeling that warmth boiling up between your legs. 
He stopped moving completely and removed his hands from you. “Not yet.” He says, as he lowered himself down. Feeling his hands spreading your thighs gently open.  
“What are you--” you didn’t have to finish your sentence that his lips were around your clit. Softly pulling and sucking. “Ohh” you let out smiling. Closing your eyes as you relax in his touch. 
Putting your thigh over his shoulder, he brought back his fingers to your entrance. Pumping each one of them a couple of times before leaving you feeling empty. Curiously you opened your eyes to look at him.  
His back was curved while his wet hair danced on the inside of your thighs. Hearing his low and small desperate moans as he was fucking his fist covered in your slick. Followed by the sound of his lips smacking on your pussy hungrily as if he couldn't get enough.  
The wet noises that echoed in the background made you feel somewhat powerful. Here you were on the finalizer, a star destroyer, with one of the most beautiful and dangerous men in the galaxy. Who in this moment, was kneeling between your legs as he pleasured himself, pleasuring you. The thought of it alone was enough to drive you closer to the edge as you let out some uncontrollable whimpers. 
“Mmm that's it.” Noticing you were getting closer; quickening the pumping of his fist. “Be good and come with me sweetheart.”  
He started to move his tongue and lips around you faster, sloppier. Making your legs shake as you finally came on his slippery tongue. He followed with a low growl as he saw you become more relaxed. Leaking in his hand shortly after.  
“I wouldn't call that taking things slow.” You finally let out, breaking the silence.  
He smiled as he looked at the state of the both of you. “Well, I needed a taste. I'm sorry, it was selfish of me.” 
“You are definitely not sorry.” you replied scoffing, teasingly rolling your eyes.  
He chuckled, “you're right, I’m not sorry.” A grin appeared on his lips, “I wanted to see that sweet, hot body of yours shake and twitch in my hands. In all honesty, I don't even have to go anywhere today.”  
“What?” You gasped, slapping him on the shoulder before he starts to pull away. Rinsing himself under the running water. “You're despicable..” you followed. 
He laughed at your comment, “Tell me something I don’t know.” 
“Urgh.” you grunted out as you were about to walk away, but he quickly gripped your wrist, pulling you closer to him. 
Yet again you felt intimidated by the way he towered over you. He locked his eyes onto yours and seemed to notice as he released his grip. Bringing his fingers back to your cheek. Softly brush the tips of them against your skin. “I was serious when I said I would do anything you asked me.” He pushed the hair out of your face, “if that's what you want, then you should have it.” He followed by moving lower to your ear, almost a whisper, “but by the way your soft and needy pussy clenched around my fingers, I’d say that you're not sorry either.” He smiled when he saw how pink your cheeks were turning. Giving you a small delicate kiss on your neck, “I promise not to do it again only if you also promise me one thing.” 
You closed your eyes, sighing “negotiating?” 
He chuckled, “I am not going to touch myself until you give me the permission to touch you again.” He stops, licking slowly and softly the same spot he just kissed. “...and I want you to do the same.”  
Your eyes shoot open, “what?” 
He chuckles, “you heard me.” He says firmly. Taking your hand, planting gentle kisses on your fingers. 
You took a moment. Thinking about these new sets of rules. You nodded in confirmation, and he smiled, cupping your cheek before tilting down to kiss you on your temple. 
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jinx-xxed · 3 months
Out in the Cold
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A/N; This kind of AU is what most of my writings are based in, so I hope this is a good introduction! There will be more of these to come :) I hope you enjoy!
Part of Written in the Stars
Part 2
Summary; You are a pupil of the Force under Supreme Leader Snoke along with Kylo Ren. You hate him. He’s arrogant and cocky and has done nothing but make your life miserable. So what happens when you have to save his life?
Content; Aftermath of TFA, treating Kylo’s wounds, enemies to ???, Kylo’s a loser, reader taking things into their own hands, probably some medical malpractice, some Force connecting, reader also hates Hux
Wc; 3.9k
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“Leave the base at once and come to me with Kylo Ren,” Snoke’s voice manages to remain booming and intimidating even amongst the collapsing rubble. His projection leans back in the throne he’s sitting in, his gnarled face creased in contemplation. “It is time for you both to complete your training.”
“Right away, Supreme Leader,” you say, head bowing. His projection fizzles out not even a second later, leaving you alone to figure out how to complete the new task you’ve been given without losing your life in the process. The planet is imploding, and there’s only so much longer before the sun boiling beneath the surface breaks through and burns everything on it to mere ash in the atmosphere. It all went awry so quickly, it’s almost laughable. Starkiller Base—Hux’s little passion project—has been rendered a failure, destroyed by Resistance forces.
You tear through the halls of the base, the entire foundation shaking and crumbling around you. You stop by your office, which has already been mostly cleared out by members of your elite personal fleet—Fleet 74—and grab BB-12 who’d been waiting for you. He rolls obediently behind you as you rush out. People are in a frenzy, most trying desperately to get to transports and get the hell out, others trying to stick it through and finish whatever duty they’d been given by a higher up. You tell whoever you can to head to the hangars, to pile onto transports and evacuate, even if it’s hard to hear over the commotion. You click on the radio that’s attached to your shoulder. “Fleet 74—this is your captain speaking. I’ve been given a new assignment I have to complete before I can leave, so I can’t lead you out. Follow formation, follow Chief, and I’ll get back to you when I can.” You say, shoving past a panicked lieutenant.
“Heard, Captain. Stay safe.” Chief, your second in command, responds. “We’ll be waiting for you.”
You enter into hangar eight, and it can only be described as chaos. Stormtroopers and engineers and all kinds of different workers are running about, getting into whatever kind of ship they can while trying to maintain some kind of pathetic semblance of order. TIE fighters screech as they shoot into the burning atmosphere, orange and red and black blazing outside the hangar opening. Flames lick at the darkened sky, rising from the cracks in the planet that look as though they’ve been torn open by a gods hands. You can feel the planet dying beneath your feet, you can feel its desperate call to the universe as it burns and burns and burns, swallowing itself whole. You focus on your breathing to block it out.
You fly down the catwalk, down the steps leading to the main floor, searching for one of the smaller transports. Workers part for you, letting you take your pick, knowing you take priority when it comes to evacuations. In the eyes of the Order, they are lesser, meant to be your stepping stones—but you’ve never seen it that way. You’ve never cared much for the hierarchy despite your favorable position within it.
You clamber into the transport, immediately shutting the ramp when BB-12 is safely inside and connects himself into the ships’ systems. You haphazardly slide into the pilots seat, flipping switches and pressing buttons with a near panicked efficiency. “Gods damn all of this,” you mutter to yourself. Although from the look of the base, it seems the gods have already done a good job of damming it all to hell.
The ship roars to life, engines purring and controls feeling sturdy within your palms. You shoot from the hangar, leaving the caving infrastructure of Starkiller Base behind and entering into the thick pine woods surrounding the territory. That’s where Kylo Ren is supposed to be. He left the base when this all started, chasing after some fresh faced Jedi girl and the traitorous Stormtrooper that decided to accompany her. It creates a strange uneasiness in you, wondering what state Kylo must be in to result in him having to be retrieved. Snoke better not have me going out here just to find a dead body.
“BB-12, activate life-form scanners.” You call back to the droid. He gives a robotic chirp in response and the scanners activate on a monitor to your left, the screen a jumble of different information. A sensor runs across a circle, beeping idly as it comes up with nothing. You curse, also hearing the alarms to your right as the ship warns you of dangerous surface level conditions as if you don’t already know about the planet splitting apart beneath you. It looks far worse from your place in the sky, fractures akin to spiderwebs forming and spitting lava that swallows chunks of earth and trees. You can see the specks of straggling Resistance fighters amongst the stars as they flee, shooting into hyperdrive and getting far, far away from this place.
Trying to find one man in an expanse of trees and snow and darkness and fire is going to be near impossible like this, you realize. Relying on sensors that are jammed from broken frequencies and a crumbling planet isn’t going to work. You sigh to yourself, straightening your back in your chair, flicking on autopilot, closing your eyes, and steadying your breathing. The destruction around you steadily fades as you descend into the Force, becoming merely background noise as you search for one thing in particular. Your Force combs through the planet below, running through the trees like a wolf on a hunt, sniffing, searching, chasing.
A heartbeat, erratic and struggling, fighting to be heard amongst the wailing of the dying planet. Your eyes shoot open and your hands fly back to the controls, snapping the ship out of autopilot as you jerk to the right. You begin descending when the heartbeat gets louder, pounding in your ears. You ease towards the ground, crushing a few trees in the process and kicking up clouds of snow. You order BB-12 to stay on board as you lower the ramp.
Snow sucks at your ankles, it settles into your hair and bites at the exposed skin of your face. You’re sure there’s ash mixed in there—you can smell it in your nose and taste it on your tongue when you breathe in. You hurry forward, eager to get this all over with. You notice the signs of a struggle on the trees as you pass, burning gashes within the bark, branches sliced clean in half and charred at the ends. Lightsabers. There’s blood on the ground as well, standing out starkly against the white of the snow. This battle had not been a good one for either side.
Up ahead, you see something abnormal. A black form, laying lifelessly in the snow—and that’s when it hits you. You’re overwhelmed by feelings of rage and disappointment and grief and fear and blatant pain, coming to you in waves of violent flashes of color and creating an uncomfortable tenseness in your muscles. It’s suffocating and purely Dark.
Kylo is collapsed on his back, eyes closed and lips slightly parted, chest steadily rising and falling. At least this wasn’t a waste of my time, you think. You study him with disinterest, some sick sense of arrogance rising in you at the sight of him fallen on the ground, entirely at your mercy. You take note of the wounds littering his body, the most obvious being the massive gash that now lays across the left side of his face. It’s open and bleeding, smearing his skin red, running from his collarbone all the way up past his eyebrow, the edges cauterized and burnt black. A lightsaber wound, just like the ones within the trees. Part of you wishes you could’ve seen it, seen the slash that did this to him, see the girl that managed to do what you never could. You sense rather than see the other injuries on him, knowing he has quite a few and that they’re all causing him to lose an alarming amount of blood. He won’t last much longer out here, that’s for sure.
Leave him, a voice hisses from the darkest corners of your mind, the ones you try to ignore. You shake your head and ignore them now. Leaving him here would do nothing for you, your head would be on a spike just as soon as you abandon him.
You look past him to the cliff he’s laying on, the ground split perfectly through the middle, entirely isolating him from the way back to what was once the base. An ominous orange glow emits from the fissure, and you can feel the raging heat from where you stand. A tree crumbles right in front of you, the earth coming loose at another quiver of the planet and succumbing to the lava that swallows it in less than a second. That’ll be you soon if you don’t move it.
You grumble to yourself, glaring down at the man that’s the bane of your existence, and position your body. You grab at his arms first, the fabric of his robes wet with melted snow. You haul him up and sling him over your shoulders, nearly buckling under his weight. “Oh good fucking-“ you hiss, muscles bunching and straining. You knew he was dense but not that dense. You use the Force to help, taking off some of his brute weight and at least allowing yourself to walk.
You stumble back to the transport, your glower feeling like it’s permanently etched onto your face at this point. You move to the cargo hold where there’s a cushioned fold out table set into the wall. You gracelessly slide Kylo onto it, struggling for a second to get all his limbs in place and secure him in position. Without his weight on your back, you’re able to hurry to the pilot’s chair, the planet now rumbling more violently than it had before. Surveillance systems on the monitors are screaming at you, telling you to get the fuck out now. It doesn’t have to tell you twice. You prepare the hyperdrive, flying higher and higher into the sunless sky, the edges of it beginning to blur with bright blues and whites as you ascend into lightspeed. You’re shot far from the planet just as it finally gives in to the molten heat boiling in its core, a shockwave exploding from its center that rocks the ship and makes it beep in alarm.
You collapse in your seat, blowing a sigh out of your lips in relief. You scrub your hands over your face, the tips of your fingers cold from the snow. However, your relief isn’t allowed to last long as you hear movement behind you, turning the chair to see Kylo suddenly back in the world of the living, trying to get up and off the table. You can almost feel the way that each shift of his face or neck pulls unpleasantly at that gash, birthing a searing pain that’s so acute it’s nauseating.
“Stop-“ you say, getting up and out of the pilots chair, “stop moving. You’ll only make it worse.”
His eyes snap to you, only now noticing that you’re there, deep brown irises dark with a swirl of unpleasant emotions. His brows furrow, despite the way it pulls on the wound, as if he wants it to hurt more. Portions of his hair are plastered to his forehead and cheeks, both from melted snow and blood, his skin is clammy and pale, making him look entirely disheveled and nothing like the Commander he usually does. There’s a shame that’s rising in him, brewing like a storm. Shame that you’re seeing him like this, shame at the fact he lost—shame that’s going to quickly boil into anger. “Why are you here?” He demands, his voice low and holding a wild uneasiness. He’s vulnerable and he’s weak, two of the worst things to be when you’re in the First Order. It makes him as volatile and dangerous as an injured animal.
“I was ordered to retrieve you before you imploded with the planet.” You say roughly, immediately on the defensive. “We’ll be returning to the Finalizer and then moving to the Supremacy under Snoke’s command. He told me we had further training to complete.”
There’s a confusion that flashes across Kylo’s face, but it’s brief as you sense his consciousness shift drastically like an uneven scale, his body slumping against his will. His head smacks back against the cold metal wall, eyelids fluttering weakly, shallow breath passing desperately between parted lips. His left hand clutches at the cushions beneath him, though it’s an absent action—he doesn’t know what he’s holding on to, or why he’s doing it, only that if he doesn’t, he thinks he’ll lose his last anchor on whatever’s keeping him together. The adrenaline in his body has fully run out at this point, nothing left to keep the blood-loss and debilitating pain at bay, and now it’s hitting him at full force. You can only imagine the wave of nausea that’s probably rolling through him, creating an awful sinking feeling in the gut.
There’s panic that rises in you at the way his condition has worsened so quickly, and you hurry to dig through the deeper part of the cargo hold to pull out the standard issue first aid kit. “BB-12, open your storage port.” You snap, the droid detaching himself from the ship’s systems to follow your orders. A compartment in his front clicks open, revealing a small assortment of materials you keep hidden within your companion. You pull out a syringe, a can of ointment, and a bag of pills—all things you definitely shouldn’t have but stole anyway. “Send an alert to the Finalizer, an urgent order for medics at the ready on my return.”
BB-12 leaves you be to assess the situation before you: a gravely injured man that’s very possibly on the cusp of dying under your watch. There’s five injuries of note; the one on his face, a clean gash on his right shoulder, the jab of a saber on his left, the blaster shot in his side, and a cut along his left leg. You grit your teeth, channeling every bit of medical practice you’ve gotten from Jaharah—your fleet’s medic—and from the base training every officer receives. Keep your hands from shaking, focus on stopping the blood, clean the wound, do what you can. Don’t let him die. If he dies, it would definitely mean your own demise at the hands of Snoke, so there’s plenty weighing on you here to keep you focused.
You move for the syringe first, biting off the cap of the needle and going to move down the collar of his padded armor. In his agony-filled haze, he reaches his hand up and grasps at your wrist, his hold weak and weightless. His fingers are freezing, even beneath his gloves, a result of an onset of hypothermia. He mutters half-coherent phrases like don’t and leave me, but you ignore them and shake him off. You and him share a similarity in the way you’re both so vehemently against any sort of pain relief, whether it be as a result of training or some sort of masochism, you’re not sure. But you remember all those years back when you were all alone and dealing with your own gruesome wounds, trying so desperately to stave the blood, to keep it from hurting as badly as it did. You remember wishing for something, anything, to make the pain go away but never being given the relief. You’re sure he’s feeling the same now. So you stick the needle into the taut skin of his neck and shove two pills into his mouth, forcing him to swallow.
A low groan leaves him, his head slumping, fresh sweat beading along his hairline. “If you die on me I’ll be so fucking pissed with you.” You hiss, mostly to yourself since you doubt he can hear much of anything now anyway. He’s still with you, just barely, and you feel his anger rolling off him in waves. He probably wants nothing more than to throw you out of an air lock and into the cold vacuum of space. You move to focus on the wound that’s eaten into his side, too deep to have cauterized enough to stop the worst of the bleeding. You struggle to pull back the burnt layers of his uniform to see the injury, quickly resorting to just cutting it away with the scissors in the first aid kit. It’s bad, of course, with just the outer edges of the wound black, the rest a throbbing, oozing red. You grab the gauze and coat it in the ointment: a highly potent healing salve that’s meant to help with different kinds of system regeneration and pain relief—and a salve that’s nearly impossible to find or make nowadays, hence why you keep a secret stash. He better be grateful that I’m using what little I have on him.
You press the gauze to the wound, blood almost immediately soaking through and staining your palm. You add more and then put a wrap around it all to keep it in place. The others aren’t as bad, being simply surface level injuries from a lightsaber, so you instead focus on the awful wound on his face. You haven’t seen a wound this horrid on someone else in a good few years. You take your clean hand and place it against the top of his head, using it as a sort of direction control, tilting his head back. He keeps silent, the only evidence of his discomfort being the stuttering of his breath and the twitch of his good eye.
The sedatives and pain relievers have kicked in by now, evident from the slight release of tension in his shoulders, how he’s not trying to fight you despite him regaining consciousness, and the way his suffering is no longer suffocating the Force around you. You begin to clean around the wound, your faces so close together it’d be considered invasive in any other circumstance. The space is silent except for the sound of your mixed breathing, the smell of blood and burnt flesh assaulting your nose with each inhale.
You try to be gentle with your work, but pulls on the gash are inevitable, and you see his hands clench out of the corner of your eye each time. There’s also the occasional flicker of the lights as his Force shoots out from him since he’s unable to keep control on it in this state, and so it’s taking his anger and pain out on the things around him, thankfully avoiding you in the process. You move down his face, down his neck, and to his shoulder where you have to cut away more of his uniform. The wound doesn’t get any better until it finally cuts off just below his collarbone, and it gives you a feeling of relief, like a light at the end of a tunnel. You clean as much of the blood as you can, then layer on ointment and gauze. You gather a general sense of his condition with your Force, digging deeper than the surface which is now unbelievably easy with him in a weakened state, unable to put up as many walls against your prodding. The ones he does have up are weak and simple to bring down. You almost feel bad… almost. The salve is doing it’s work, trying so desperately to start the regeneration process in a desolate environment, but it’s doing a good job of easing his pain and bringing him steadily away from death’s doorstep. You begin to clean the remaining injuries until there’s urgent beeping at the control panel, drawing your attention.
You huff, straightening yourself. Kylo’s stable enough to where you could leave him to see whatever’s causing the disturbance, but it still makes you uneasy. You unclip your cloak, rolling it into an odd shape and putting it at one end of the table. You then ease him onto his back, idly feeling the warmth of his body beneath the layers, his head lying against your cloak. “Rest,” you order, “we’ll be back to the main ship soon, so you can get proper medical attention.”
His dark eyes watch you as you move to leave, his face drawn into a tired neutrality. “You did a good job.” His words are quiet, weak, but they make you stop regardless. There’s something else he wanted to say that he kept to himself, something he’s quickly hid away so you can’t access it. You feel some mixed emotions with a lingering sense of gratitude he’s trying to beat down, creating a weird feeling of embarrassment in him.
You don’t look at him, but the slight rise of your shoulders is enough. You clear your throat. “Thanks.”
You enter the cockpit—the beeping having not stopped—and slump into the chair. The blood staining your hands smears across the control panel as you mess with it, trying to receive whatever message is trying to come in. The radio communicator buzzes to life. “There you are, finally.” Hux. “I was beginning to wonder if your transport was an empty carrier.”
The muscles in your jaw tense automatically, words bitten through your teeth. “Do you have something important to say, Hux?”
“Did you manage to retrieve Commander Ren?” He asks, annoying voice made more annoying by the crackling of the comms.
A small growl builds at the base of your throat at his tone, like he doubted you were going to be able to succeed. There’s a reason the task was entrusted to you and not him, and it’d do him good to remember that. “Yes, I did. We almost didn’t make it before your little project ate itself alive. Really great job, by the way.” You know that has the general seething, you can practically see the way his nostrils would flare and his eyes widen in your mind. Starkiller has become both the height and ultimate failure of his career, and you’re just digging bloody fingers into his open wound. “Did the Fleet members on the base make it back?”
Now it’s Hux’s turn to bite his words. “No need to worry, General, all your friends made it back in one piece. I would suggest you hurry back to the Finalizer, there’s much to be done.” And then he’s gone, the communicator clicking off.
“Stupid bastard.” You spit.
You glance back at Kylo, a black mass laying on a fold-out table far too small for someone his size, his eyes closed. It makes another spike of panic spear through your chest, wondering if he died when you turned your back for just a moment, but a brief reach with the Force has you relaxing. He’s just fine—well, as fine as he can be in a state like that: covered in gauze, sedated to hell, bleeding, trying not to aggravate the wounds by moving. You study him for a second longer before turning back to the control panel, the Finalizer coming into frame along the upper edge of the glass paneling of the viewport. There’s a sense of foreboding that comes along with the appearance of the massive flagship, one that has you steeling yourself and sitting up a little straighter.
It seems one chapter has just ended and another one is just beginning.
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*enables you* what happened with TLJ 👃
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After all these years I still can't properly find words to explain how deeply betrayed I felt after the credits rolled and I shuffled out of the movie theater with everybody else. There was a TON of hype surrounding this movie, an absolute fuckton. I only saw positive reviews about it, the cast, the director, the plot. I got excited to see where Rian Johnson & Co. would take the ST.
The only remotely negative comment I saw before watching the movie was a fandom blog saying they didn't like what happened to Poe. Since this blog was about racism in fandom, I knew something was off. That was my only warning.
And y'know, it was like, five minutes in? Ten minutes? And Poe makes a "Yo mama" joke at Hux? I used to go into movies with an open mind and spent days gathering my thoughts about them because I was always slow to react, slow to gather my thoughts into coherent strings of words. It's how I enjoyed Michael Bay productions and JJ Abrams' love affair with lens flare. I never got actively angry with a movie I was watching, and I was fucking angry by the time the movie ended. I still remember texting a friend while standing out in front of the theater because I was so confused. The response to TLJ was so positive so why did I come out of the movie so frustrated and confused and dissatisfied with the whole thing?
It's been years and we all know how this movie divided the Star Wars fandom and just... broke Fandom Spaces in a way I never expected. We all know what TLJ did and didn't do, and how TROS provided the final nail in the coffin that was the ST experiment. But back then, all I saw was positive commentary about the themes and messages of TLJ, how it portrayed failure and the dangers of putting someone like Luke Skywalker on a pedestal, how the Force was female, how... important it was to see Poe get characterized as a hotheaded hotshot who needed to be demoted, slapped around, and stunned in order to learn some kind of lesson, how important it was to see Finn lose everything he gained in TFA so that he could relearn how not to be selfish or something while starring in a fucking incredibly tone-deaf B plot, how Rey... I'm not sure exactly what because she didn't need training anyway and then spent most of her time trying to bring Ben Swolo back to the light????? Rose was so promising as someone who grew up under the FO's thumb but she and Kelly were fucking abandoned by Disney so I don't know if Rose existing was actually a good idea if it meant giving Kelly unending trauma. Mark slipped up by calling Luke "Jake" and expressing his displeasure in front of cameras, and I was so fucking baffled and alienated by his character after knowing how his story ended in ROTJ that I couldn't connect with whatever lessons I and he are supposed to be learning. JJ set up Snoke like a mystery box and Rian just yeeted him off without so much as a fucking explanation so what was the point of that? Hux was a fucking joke. Phasma was barely there. The only character that Rian cared about was fucking Kylo Ren and Adam says years later that he was never supposed to get a redemption arc anyway.
Like, this was the movie everyone hyped up? This was the movie that didn't answer any questions left unasked by TFA and didn't bother to move forward with character development for any of the known characters? I spent money watching a slow space chase that ended on a planet made of salt and killed off Luke for Reasons? Am I stupid? Am I dumb? Am I a peasant incapable of understanding the masterpiece Rian directed, this so-called Best Star Wars Movie Since ESB?
But I couldn't say anything. I couldn't be dogpiled for hating such a empowering movie for women, a diverse and inclusive movie that had the likes of John and Kelly and Oscar. I couldn't be lumped in with the Star Wars dudebros with their raging misogynistic and racist takes on the movie, the cast, Kathleen Kennedy and Lucasfilm, Disney, etc. I couldn't be seen as one of them just because I didn't like a movie that I should like, I'm supposed to like. So I sat in silence, read meta, witnessed the fucking catastrophic explosion around some wild ass AO3 fandom essays written by a racist OG member of OTW about Finn/Poe, saw hate piled on black and bipoc fans, saw r*ylo fans come for John and John clap back at them, just saw an absolute fuckton of hate, and so by the time TROS came around I just... checked out. There was no way JJ could salvage what Rian had done and I was right. TROS was a corporate-run soulless garbage end to the Sequel Trilogy, but it ended just as The Mandalorian finished its first season and regained a lot of good will with this small story about a lonely Mandalorian bounty hunter who encountered a Force-sensitive Baby Yoda.
And then TBOBF/Season 3 of the Mando Show happened, just like how TLJ happened. All the promise, all the unanswered questions of the previous movie/season, all fucking dropped or provided with the worst, most unsatisfying answer. I'm sure others have found better answers and can live with what Star Wars gave us, but I haven't been able to. TLJ came out years and years ago, and I am still so bitter today. I'm still so bitter because TFA had such an incredibly compelling setup with such promising characters, and then TLJ Did That.
I got so heated while writing this. I'm still so mad. I'm still so bitter. I bury my head so deep in the sandbox I built for myself so that I don't have to think how Disney is twisting and contorting all these Mando'verse shows so that they all eventually lead to the ST, their precious hot potato child that just... didn't have to end the way they did if they actually had a fucking plan and fucking stuck the landing. I'll give the MCU this - their Phase 1? They fucking stuck the landing. I fell off the train tracks and haven't really watched the MCU since Captain Marvel, but at least they had a fucking plan and didn't fucking derail themselves like Disney did with the Sequel Trilogy.
I could be nice to people who like this movie but I'm not going to be. They can be nice on their own blogs.
Man, I can't even watch Knives Out or Glass Onion because my blood starts boiling. Just. TLJ did a lot to ruin what I hoped would be a positive and creative connection with Star Wars, and it took the Mando Show and the 2 minutes where Din and Luke locked eyes on the Imperial light cruiser to bring me back.
I'm gonna stop before I get way too heated for sleep.
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This is highly just my own interpretation, and a bit incomprehensible because tired brain all the time and I'm just having fun here, but -- thinking again about Hux's legacy and how he carries his father's name, like I briefly mentioned in this post. Armitage wants to be remembered, he desperately wants to be recognized and lauded in history for his accomplishments -- but that's a loaded sentiment, because he carries his father's surname. And it will always be more than just a name. Until everyone who knew Brendol and young Armitage is dead, Armitage Hux will always on some level be Brendol Hux's son.
Everything about Brendol and Armitage's parent-child relationship is contradictory. Armitage was an unwanted child, but yet Brendol also refused to let him go, refused to leave him with his mother and refused to abandon him on Arkanis. Brendol hated, rejected, and abused his son but yet viciously molded him towards his own values and ends. Brendol saw him as weak and yet refused to cull him like Brendol had so many others. And I think that's a significant part of why Armitage is so trapped between despising his father, rightfully, but also always subconsciously, obsessively trying to prove himself worthy of his father's hypothetical respect, approval, love -- even, irrationally, after his father is dead. [I really believe that's part of what was going through Armitage's head as he watched Starkiller fire. Like, I've done it. Are you proud of me, father? energy. Which is of course chasing the impossible.] There's both deep shame and deep pride, or want of pride, in Hux's name and legacy.
[On the side: I personally very much reject the idea that Hux was carried by nepotism via his father. Armitage's association with Brendol will always be lose/lose for him. If an officer is partial to Brendol, then they likely legitimize Brendol's abuse and hatred of his son and extend that to Armitage. If they dislike Brendol, since Imperials don't exactly have sympathetic tendencies they likely also dislike his son and believe in the nepotism angle. Further, Brendol's abuse of his son is no secret, which is humiliating for Armitage in this sort of setting. Some officers may tell themselves that nepotism carried Armitage to stroke their own egos, but I believe the reality is that the legacy of Hux's name has done nothing but hinder him every step of the way, something he's had to actively fight against his whole life -- again, contradictingly, as Armitage is yet still always trying to prove himself to his father. If anything, I'm much more wiling to believe nepotism is only a legitimate accusation with Sloane.]
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starlightsearches · 1 year
Yes come to the dark side we have daddy issues and weekly therapy lmfao
But the way I would crumble so fast. I’d try to be defiant but uh. I’d do anything he told me to
so sorry i let this sit in my inbox for so long but now it gives me an excuse to write about hux hitting it from the back so 😚
some TWs for mentions of self-harm, somnophilia, and minor dub-con elements. 18+ only. female reader.
the thing about hux is that he's quite the romantic behind locked doors.
because everything about you is so different from what he's known—being loved and touched and felt so gently.
so sex is always soaked in emotion, wet lips and nudged foreheads and his blushing pink knuckles pulling you closer anywhere he can reach.
it's heavy, and so is this, but in a different way.
hux is incendiary, leaving sparks and ashes in his wake as he stalks down the empty corridors.
it all weighs on him. feeling overpowered, over-ruled, and worst of all, feeling impotent.
and he hates it more than anything, insides of his cheeks mangled from biting back all he wished he could say until his breath stank with the coppery scent of his own blood.
anger like this doesn't go away on it's own.
he could drive it out of himself. let it drip down his fingers with the blood from his knuckles, find ways to let the hurt bloom across his skin until everything else is washed away.
it’s what he would do, before you.
he's in his quarters instead, still in uniform, staring at you from the end of the bed you share most nights.
it feels wrong, and that's what he needs right now, watching you breathe with the cadence of sleep. his eyes tracing hungrily over the slope of your back, the curve of your ass and the plush skin of your thighs.
hux is not gentle when he grips at your hips, but you don't wake. not when he tugs you towards the end of the bed, not when your head slides from the pillow.
not when he yanks the waist of your shorts down over your ass.
he's not sure when he got so hard, or how, but his cock is pulsing at the jiggle of your ass when he bares it.
hands still clad in leather gloves, he grips at the tender flesh without any thought of gentleness, spreading your ass cheeks wide, baring you to him.
and he's not angry anymore, but there's something else terrifying inside of him, a pressure, a need he can't suppress in his chest when he spies your puffy pussy glistening in the low light.
you groan when his fingers split you open, tracing your slit with slow but insistent movements.
hux just shushes you, squeezing at his handful of ass while his fingers impatiently circle your clit.
you're not as wet as he's used to, but sleep has made you pliant enough. he slips his cock from his trousers and breathes hard, stroking the tip up and down your weeping cunt.
there's a whine on your lips when the head of his cock slips inside, eyes fluttering open when he pulls your hips back to meet his.
he presses the flat of his palm firmly against your spine, keeping you right where he wants you.
"go back to sleep, love."
and maybe hux doesn't want you to see him like this. maybe he's afraid of what will bubble to the surface if you look him in the eyes.
he just wants to get lost in it—in the slap of skin and the way your ass dents against his hip bones and the bliss of your cunt fluttering around him, the pace hard and fast and not at all what he's used to.
he's close already, neck stretched long and his eyes on the ceiling, vision fogged at the edges.
he's so close, but there's a sick guilt in the pit of his stomach, a faltering in the pace of his hips.
how could he use you like this?
hux wills himself to stop, to slow the tempo of his thrusts and beg for your forgiveness on his hands and knees, to deny himself of a pleasure he's never once deserved as part of his penance.
but there's the brush of your fingers, your shaky hand covering his own, pressing him tighter against the swell of your hip.
a swift breath, the sight of your pink tongue pressed between wet lips.
"armitage," you breathe, "please."
you like this.
and he's never been able to deny you anything.
he thrusts harder, deeper into your wet and aching pussy, fingers gripping at your hips close enough to bruise.
and when he feels you cum around his cock with that delicious cry, he's completely forgotten what had him so furious in the first place.
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tomatette · 7 months
Imagine ...
So, Hux isn't an idiot who would just walk onto the bridge and give Pryde some weak story about escaped prisoners without a plan. Or rather a multitude of plans. He must have made preparation for his cover being blown, you can't make me believe otherwise. So yeah, just letting himself be shot in the chest and accepting defeat? That's so not Hux, no matter how much they tried to make him look like a clown.
Anyway, he managed to escape, but something went wrong, and now he's stuck on a planet rarely frequented by space travelling folks. Why? Well, because it doesn't have a lot to offer. Agriculture. That's it. Endless fields of crop and pastures. Towns that are not even really worth the name, just a small conglomeration of houses around a market square.
No industry to speak of, some imported technology, but mostly for farming purposes. Everything is calm and peaceful, people are happy with their lot in life.
Now, Hux ... What do you think how he'd cope. Would he strive? Would he hate it? Would he become a farmer?
I'd love to hear your thoughts :)
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First Order Poe Dameron (+ some NSFW) headcanons
General Poe Dameron, the former ace of the Resistance, good guy turned bad guy, doesn't abuse his power like others in his position, he uses logic, patience and psychological warfare with his enemies.
Poe joined the First Order after slowly realizing the Resistance couldn't defeat them, even with all the heroes in it. He experienced the same with the New Republic before joining the Resistance. He knew, especially their lazieness, that's why he joined the Resistance. Now he joined the First Order in hoping to finally bring order.
Poe had spilled every information about the Resistance, and after he heard what he will receive for it, he got greedy and gladly shared the top secret stuff. In return he was promoted to a General and got his own fleet with his own Star Destroyer as Flagship.
Poe will mind probe the prisoners, then either getting them locked up or erasing their minds and dropping them off.
If Poe has you captured, and you were a close friend to him back in the day, he will keep you on his ship. Would offer you joining the First Order. If you refuse, don't think you're free, he will keep you with him, joining or not.
There's a 50/50 chance between having you imprisoned inside a cell and having you with him in his quarters. If it is the latter, there will be a Protocol droid keeping watch on you and Stormtroopers guarding the door.
Poe is mostly still the same as he was in the Resistance, only a bit more strict, demanding and showing little mercy to prisoners.
Poe is now 100% more possessive. Will not let you go, only letting you leave his Star Destroyer with either him or his most loyal Stormtroopers.
Poe will treat you more like a prize, being cocky and demanding with you.
First Order Poe is 100% dom in bed, he has fear kink, glove kink, blaster kink, and size-kink.
In sex, Poe likes teasing you with his fingers, edging you until you can't take it anymore and then overstimulating you with his cock. Though he mostly prefers a straight up fuck.
Now Poe likes your fear, so if you try to escape, and he captures you again, he will punish you with overstimulation and whisper threats into your ear until you're a begging mess.
If you tried escaping and end up surrounded by his Stormtroopers, your wrists cuffed behind your back and on your knees, Poe will get hard at the sight.
But Poe isn't pure evil, no. If you accept joining the First Order, he will actually use his power to protect you and give you everything he couldn't at the time in the Resistance.
Poe will most likely get rid of General Hux because of his incompetence and making the First Order look weak.
He would keep Captain Phasma. He likes the way she leads the troops.
If the Supreme Leader planned another superweapon-construction, Poe will gladly test it.
If you join him he will give you a position as a pilot in his fleet.
Don't worry, he can be sweet if he wants to, he actually prefers it before doing something with you.
Overall he is more demanding, he loves the power he has now.
Poe hates Kylo Ren, he thinks Ren is a whiny man with anger issues, not being worth of being in the First Order.
Poe is a very competent General, he knows the Resistance, making it easier for him to fight them.
Poe has the tendency of taking what he wants and if someone threatens him or won't give him what he wants, he threatens to show up with his fleet and orbital bombard the planet with his ships.
Won't hesistate putting you in your place. In fact he quite likes it when you act up or disobey so he can do it.
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hux-and-gay · 2 months
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024: Day 1: Memory Loss
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Till You Return
look at me still posting day one prompts on day two lmao. Pls reblog I don’t have A03 yet.
Rating: General Audiences
maybe more chapters in the future idk yet
after their shuttle crashes, Hux finds himself stuck on a planet with his rival, yet again. but it seems Ren is not exactly himself.
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At first everything was loud, too loud. Sounds so jarring he couldn’t discern what they were or where they were coming from. Everything echoed as if he were underwater. He was bombarded by sensations, rumbling, crashing, the smell of smoke, light flashing. screaming? No that was himself, pain shot through his body, he couldn’t tell from where. Was he bleeding? He wasn’t sure. He reached out grabbing the wall in frontal of him to pull himself from the rubble of the crashed shuttle. He stumbled forward, almost falling into the belly of the ship. He caught himself on his elbows glancing back to see his foot still stuck in the twisted metal of one of the passenger seats. He moved it slightly. It hurt but it didn’t seem to be stuck too tightly. He gritted his teeth and yanked it forward, yelping as the metal cut into his boot. Once it was free he pushed himself to stand, ignoring the throbbing pain shooting through his leg. 
As much as he hated to give any form of credit to the man, If Ren hadn’t been piloting he’d likely be dead. He looked across the compartment where the other troopers had been standing. The ceiling had caved in, their bodies strewn across the floor. He knelt down to them, removing the helmets of those he was able to, and feeling for a pulse. Dead. He grumbled to himself. He’d told them to sit down but they hadn’t listened, now their stupidity was their downfall. He limped to the cockpit door which still seemed relatively intact though the access panel was crushed and it was slightly ajar. He grabbed it and pushed as hard as he could, which was quite difficult while trying no to put weight on his leg. He could see Ren at the pilot's seat through the crack in the door. 
“Ren, A little assistance, please!” He grunted, pushing harder as the door started to move. “Of course this would happen. I’m beginning to think it’s not merely a coincidence that something goes awry every time you’re with me. This is the second crashed shuttle you know.”
There was no response. 
“Typical.” He squeezed his body through the slight opening in the door he had widened, trying to mask his anxiety about Ren’s lack of response. If Ren was injured it would make things a lot more difficult. Though his silence could mean alot more than just injury… he tried to shake away the feeling. He doubted a mere crash landing would kill Kylo Ren, and if it did, well, he should want that, right? 
He didn’t have any time to dwell on these thoughts. Once he was through the door he rushed forward, almost hopping as to not put pressure on his injured leg- which probably looked more ridiculous then he elected to admit. 
Ren was slumped in the pilot's chair, he didn’t appear to be bleeding, which was a good sign. Hux took his head, gently lifting it. His eyes were closed and there was an angry bruise across his forehead. He must have slammed against the console when they landed. He was breathing so he wasn’t dead. Hux wasn’t sure whether to be fortunate about that or not. He got to work quickly, unstrapping him. 
“Of course you're going to make me drag you out of here. Don’t say I never do anything for you.” He said even though he knew Ren wouldn’t hear.
As he began pulling Ren up from the chair he started to smell something acrid, sulfuric. He wasn’t entirely sure what it was but it could not have been good. The air seemed thinner in the cockpit, harder to breathe. He glanced up seeing a gaping hole in the roof. It must have been the atmosphere that was causing the difficulty. He actually had no clue what planet they were on or whether the air was breathable. 
“Kriff” He mumbled to himself. He glanced around taking shallow breaths and trying not to cough at the tightness in his throat. Quickly he squeezed himself back through the door grabbing two of the trooper helmets and limping back over to Ren. Taking one He began shoving it over Ren’s head, which was slightly difficult since he was bigger than the average stormtrooper. 
“the one time that ridiculous helmet of yours would prove useful you don’t have it.” He grumbled finally managing to shove it on, winching slightly at the thought of how much it was probably pressing on the man’s head wound. He pulled the other helmet on himself, taking a deep gulp of air as soon as it was filtered. He squinted through the visor, the helmet was certainly something he had to get used too.
 He grabbed Ren and hoisted him up hissing as he fell back on his leg. He certainly couldn’t carry him, dragging would have to suffice. He couldn’t deny he was slightly amused by the notion. He dragged Ren from the ship, taking the transponder with him. Once they were free of the wreckage he brought them a safe distance away and leaned Ren against a tree before collapsing, panting. He was grateful his co-commander wasn’t conscious to see how much he’d struggled. He glanced down at his foot, the pain was numbing, he didn’t think he could take his boot off without cutting it. He’d have to wait for the first order to arrive. Right… they didn’t know where they were. He picked up the transponder, it was somewhat crushed but salvageable, he took off the front panel and began working on it. So immersed in the inner workings of the machine he didn’t notice Ren stirring. 
“Don’t move!” Ren’s voice cut through the silence.
“Oh your awake?” Hux said not even bothering to look up. “Good I was begging to think you were dead, not that I would’ve been adverse to that.” 
“Silence Imperial scum!”
“Imperial- What?” He sputtered, turning to Ren who was standing over him with a broken tree branch. 
“Ren, what are you talking about?”
“My name’s not Ren.” He growled angrily “You’re probably part of the remnant aren’t you?”
“The remnant?” Hux shook his head realizing what was going on. “Lovely, you were bad enough before, and now you’re delusional. Put the bloody stick down, I'm unarmed, I won’t attack you. I’m not a fool.”
Ren relented and dropped the stick. “You’re bleeding.”
“And you hit your head, evidently very hard.” He responded curtly. He hadn’t noticed he was bleeding, nor was he sure from where, but he wasn’t that concerned about it at the moment. “Ren- or Ben… or whatever you remember your name being, I’m not an imperial.”
“Then why are you wearing a stormtrooper helmet?!” He said, hand lingering over where he’d placed the stick down.
“So are you.” Hux nodded. 
“I am?” He reached up and felt around his head. “Oh, I guess I am-“ He began to take it off. 
“No! Don’t take it off!” Hux yelled, sounding more anxious than he intended to. 
“What? Why! I can barely see and it’s really tight.”
“Not my fault you have a big head.” He scoffed. 
“Hey! no need to insult me!” He said, crossing his arms. 
“Oh what a joy it is to be stuck here with an oversized concussed toddler,” Hux added, shaking his head. “You can’t take the helmet off because it’s filtering the air.”
“Oh! I guess that makes sense.” 
Hux couldn’t help but chuckle slightly. Ren’s agreeable nature was odd, endearing, almost cute. 
“Did you think I put a helmet on your head for fun? I’m beginning to think you’re more brainless than you were before.” 
“Do you want me to get the stick again?” Ren asked bluntly, Hux couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. 
“Oh no, I’m terrified.” He crowed sarcastically. 
“Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine,” Ren added as he paced around the tree. Hux had to admit he was jealous the man could still walk, though he wasn’t sure which injury would have been better.
“If you’re not an imp, then what kind of uniform is that? It looks pretty imperial to me.” He said poking Hux’s shoulder 
Hux scowled and shrugged off the finger. “The empire is long gone, I’m part of the first order, so are you, though it seems you’ve forgotten.”
“First Order…” He sounded out the words slowly and deliberately as if he were testing them on his tongue, trying to see if it felt familiar to say. “What of the republic then?”
“Also gone, aside from a few loathsome troublemakers bent on keeping the Galaxy in turmoil.” 
“But my mother was with the republic…”
“And you’re with the order. Ren I can’t make it make sense to you, I can just tell you what is true.” He slumped his back against the tree picking up the transponder again. He didn’t really think it was important to explain what he knew of Ren’s past to him at the moment. 
“What’s that?” Ren inquired pearling over his shoulder like a curious child. 
“The transponder, communications were shot so I’m fixing it. If not, we won't be able to contact anyone.”
“And you know how to do that?” He sounded impressed. 
“What, fix it? Yes, sometimes engineering skills can be useful.” 
“What happened?” 
Hux mumbled under his breath, the questions were only distracting him and he was in too much pain to put up with Ren at the moment. “Would you calm down with the questions they’re giving me a migraine.”
Ren blinked at him waiting for his answer, making it clear he would only keep asking. 
Hux sighed, “Our shuttle crashed, It’s just over ther-“ As he spoke there was a massive explosion in the direction the shuttle had been, they both jumped slightly as the trees shook with the force of the blast. “Or it was over there.”
“So who are you exactly?” 
“Hux.” He didn’t care enough to add anything more. He was still trying to focus on getting communications back up. 
Ren raised an eyebrow “If I don’t remember who you are then a name isn’t going to do much to help. How do I know you?”
“You’re my co-“ He paused, smirking to himself. “My assistant.” 
“You’re assistant?” I find that hard to believe.”
“Means nothing to me if you don’t believe me. Again I can only tell you the truth.” There wasn’t any reason for him bluff but he had to admit there was some fun to it.  
“Fine then why would you need an assistant?” 
“Well I’m the- the leader, I rule the order.” It was a childish lie he knew, but Ren didn’t have any reason not to believe him, or prove he was lying. 
“So you're like on the senate?”
“Something like that.” It was nothing like that, but why bother explaining something that wasn’t true. 
“Oh- Does it hurt?” Ren kneeled down beside him
“Does what hurt?”
“Your leg, It’s bent weirdly.” He nodded to it, brushing his fingers across his boot but trying not to add any pressure. 
“I’m fine.”
“That’s not what I asked.” He insisted. 
“It hurts, yes, I’d be surprised if it didn’t. But at the moment I’m more concerned about getting off this planet, and dealing with your… Amnesia.” Hux wondered to himself if Ren’s memory loss would be permanent. He doubted it, but it would change a lot of things. One of the leaders of the order not even remembering what the order is could prove a challenge, or an opportunity. He yelped, jolted from his thoughts as Ren suddenly propped up his leg up on his knee.
“What are you doing?!” He choked biting back pain at the sudden movement. 
“Helping you? Come on, don't tell me you can’t bear a little pain.” 
“It’s no use, I can’t take my boot off.”
“Don’t worry I have my-“ Ren’s hand reached down to his belt finding his saber but staring at it curiously as he held up the unfamiliar hilt. “Jeez, how much have I forgotten?”
“I couldn’t tell you, and there is no way you are putting that thing anywhere near my body!” He scooted himself further away from Ren, he’d seen the man use his saber to angrily slice through the finalizer’s walls too many times now, he did not want to become his next innocent victim, especially when Ren was impaired.  
“Relax, it's just a quick cut, I’ll be careful.” He assured him, taking the saber hilt firmly in his hand. 
“It will hurt a lot less if the boot is off, so stop squirming damn it!” He grabbed his foot and steadied it making it clear Hux did not have a choice in the matter. 
Hux sighed watching as the blade flickered to life. Ren blinked at it, eyes wide. “It’s… it’s Red.”
Hux hadn’t yet thought of how shocking that would be for him. As far as Ren or rather Ben was concerned he was still a Jedi in training, living with his uncle, or his parents, or whoever under, republic rule. He probably didn’t understand exactly what the first order was and Hux wasn’t exactly sure he wanted to deal with him discovering that he was a Sith apprentice. “it’s not yours.” Hux lied, hoping Ren’s memory would eventually return so he wouldn’t have to explain all this later. 
“it isn’t?” He looked at it puzzled. “Then why do I have it?”
“you fought the man who owned it, you won and took his blade.”
“Oh!” he laughed, smiling as he did. “ for a second I thought I’d turned to the dark side!” Hux had never seen him like this before, for a second, it seemed as though he didn’t have a care in the world. Like he was just a young boy again. Seeing this made Hux smile internally then he immediately scowled, shaking off the feeling. That wasn’t something he should enjoy, in fact, he should be disgusted by it. Even if it was in the past, he’d never experienced that kind of happiness, and Ren had, and he threw it away. Now he was looking upon it fondly? Feeling remorse that Ren was no longer like that? He shook his head. He was just getting buried in his thoughts again, there was no attraction to this strange boyish version of Ren. There couldn’t be. 
“Yes, what a crazy notion…” he added dryly, not bothering much to hide his lie. 
Ren got to work carefully cutting through the boot, making sure he wouldn’t singe any skin. Once there was a slit down the side, he removed the boot carefully and worked to unclip the garter that held up Hux’s sock before gently rolling down the fabric. Hux winced, glancing at his swollen bloodied foot. It was definitely twisted in the wrong direction as Ren had pointed out, but the boot had hidden just how bad it was.
“Oh yeah this is definitely bad.” He said studying it. There was obvious concern in his voice. 
“At least I haven’t lost several years of my memory.” Hux jested. 
“yeah well if you didn’t let me take your boot off, you might’ve lost a foot.” He interjected, paying him a serious glare. 
“I think that’s a bit of an overexaggeration” Hux added, rolling his eyes. In reality though his foot had gone numb, he wasn’t actually sure how bad it exactly was. 
“Hux, the boot was cutting off your circulation, your foot is purple!”
It took Hux a second to process what he said. However it wasn’t the comment on his injury that stumped him, it felt odd to hear Ren say his name right now. He felt like more of a stranger than the man he’d known for several years. “Why are you helping me? You don’t even remember who I am and I haven’t exactly been cordial.”
“Well, I’m your assistant right? Isn’t it my job to assist you?” There was a sarcastic tone to his voice and Hux tried hard not to laugh. “Plus why would I just leave you in pain? Is that something I normally would do? Cause If so, then I guess I’m not a very good guy.”
Hux paused thinking about the question. “I- I don’t know. I suppose not.” It's true. Ren had hurt him in bursts of anger when his powers got the best of him, but he never felt that his life was threatened by Ren. Perhaps he should have, but sometimes he felt as though there was this unspoken bond between them. They both saved each other's lives on several occasions, Though they never spoke of it openly. And despite all their arguments they had always paired well together and been successful on their missions. 
“Look,” Ren said, his voice sounded oddly somber, and genuine, “ I don’t know how much of what you’ve told me has been true, you very well could be lying to me right now. But what I do know is you pulled me from the shuttle or whatever or wherever I was. I was injured and unconscious, but now I’m safe because of you. That has to mean something doesn’t it? I may not be able to see your face through that helmet, but there’s something about you that feels familiar. Safe. You’re someone that I trust. I know that. Even if you lie to me. There’s something about you that tells me you’re important to me even if I can’t remember why. So whatever kind of person I am normally, I must value you very highly.”
Hux was stunned. He wasn’t sure what to say. Ren valued him? It was all too surreal. surely It had to be because of the injury? Naturally, he was just delusional, concussed, confused. He’d overheard countless times Ren complaining to Snoke, asking the Supreme Leader why Hux was still around and grumbling about his appointment as co-commander. There was no way these two men could be the same person. But deep down, Hux knew what Ren had said was true, and he knew he felt the same. 
“Thank you.” He said quietly. It wasn’t much, but it was all he could think of to say. It was something he rarely said, though Ren wouldn’t know that at the moment. But part of him knew Ren realized it was a special occurrence. 
Ren smiled at him, placing a hand gently on his knee before quickly turning back to his injury. “Good, now shut up and stop moving!”
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@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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Force sensitive Hux au
Kylo discovered that Snoke was suppressing Hux's abilities just to keep them apart. It is General Hux who was his dyad in force. Not Rey. But now without Snoke there is no one between them. And there is no one between Hux and force. And it is painful but Hux doesn't want to learn from Kylo. He doesn't trust him nor the force. He can't sleep, he hears voices, everything vibrates. And he feels emotions that aren't his. Its getting worse and worse. And he hates that the only thing that helps is being close to Kylo. But he can't deny It any more, or he will go mad. So one day Kylo found him curled up on his bed. Hux got up.
"Mh... Sorry. I was waiting for you"
"In my bed?"
"Yeah. Everything else vibrates and It made me want to vomit"
Kylo sat down close to him.
"You can go back to sleep. We will talk later. I can stay. " He answered Hux thoughts. Hux rubbed his face and laid down again. He was too tired to protest and having Kylo so close felt wonderful, so he just went back to sleep. After "okey Ren you can teach me but I will not call you master" talk they started immediately next day.
And Hux was indeed a fast learner. And after few weeks its kinda started to bother Kylo. A lot. Force was listening to Hux as it has never listened to Kylo before. Hux built his own saber. And it was flawless. Elegant. Pure white blade. How the fuck did he turned kyber white? Kylo didn't know. He knew that Hux was an kyber expert because of Strakiller, but he was never really interested in his research. Hux could meditate for hours. Kylo couldn't last even two. And it was tearing him apart because Hux was everything that he wasn't. Everything that he wanted to be.
Navigation consoles began to suffer again from his rage.
"Ren! Ren stop it immediately! Ren! Supreme Leader it is you own ship for the fuck sake!"
Kylo breathed out and deactivated the blade.
"What's going on? Ren?"
" am sorry"
" I Hope so. But i don't care about you being sorry i care for an explanation" and Kylo explained. And Hux was looking at him with disbelief.
" Oh come on. Enough of this whining Ren" he stopped him " Can you even hear yourself?"
" You alone told me that force is a path aren't you ? "
"Yes but..."
" So there is infinite number of paths. You can't blame me that i chose a different one. Actually if we are what you called It a dyad? Its perfectly logical that we are opposites. Let's say it clear there is nothing in control, in order about you. Just chaos. I could never live like this. "
" Yes but..."
"But but ... I told you stop whining like a child. Look at yourself. You are pure, raw force. You could go against Rancor with this red thing and ego of yours. And you're siting here and whine because i have a prettier lightsaber?"
"I... "
" And what? That my abilities are better? Are you joking? I didn't beat you in a duel even once. And how the fuck did you cracked kyber Ren? Because if i could do that Starkiller would be ready at least few years faster!"
"How the fuck did i cracked kyber? How the fuck did YOU make it WHITE!?"
"Wouldn't you like to know huh?" Hux smiled "Why don't you just ask?"
" I'am not Snoke. i'am not going to hide things from you. Do stop breaking consoles and start verbally communicating what's going on because i am tired of this hide-and-seek" Kylo was blinking at him. Hux sighed. "Come. I will show you kyber."
They did not arrive to laboratories because Kylo pressed him to the wall and kissed. Hux just moaned tilting his head back.
"Is it verbal enough Hux?"
" Its suggestive enough. First my quarters. Then kyber. " He said when he regained breath. " But enough of destroying my ship"
" Oh. Now it's yours ? "
" You just said i am better than you at basically everything? Shouldn't i be Supreme Leader then? " He mocked. He had never learnt that you have to be careful what you wish for. Kylo smiled amused and kissed back of his hand.
"You know what Hux? You are right" Hux blinked.
"I can see It now. Crystal clear. My destiny is to conquer, bring down empires. And lay them at your feet. Yours is to rule. "
And Hux for the first time in his life was absolutely speechless.
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knox’s teacher AU
David is a principal.
He scares all of the students because of his scheer size and general scariness of him. However, the moment a student comes up to him with an issue, he is doing everything in his power to help them. He is secretly a softy. His office is actually quite comforting.
additionally, Angel is the secretary that everyone likes, they have candy in a bowl for anyone that comes in. David acts like he is irritated with them, but they are secretly engaged (they wear the ring on a necklace). The students keep trying to set them up.
Asher is the Physical Education teacher.
He is specifically the one that everyone likes. Class with him isn’t a competition. It is a matter of not sitting on the sidelines. He makes it a safe space for all people of all types. Asher goes and argues the fact that “benchmark testing” in gym is beyond idiotic and has no measurement on how much a kid improves. He refuses to do any tests related to that. preac
Milo is the tech ed teacher.
He without a doubt refuses to go by “Mr. Greer”. He specifically tells the kids to call him Milo. David isn’t pleased with that, but when Milo says that “Mr. Greer” sounds like his dad. David doesn’t argue after that point. He lets the kids have creative liberty over their projects when they get to a certain point in their skills.
Lasko is an English teacher.
Lasko teaches specifically creative writing. He has lamps all over his room because he understands that LED lights trigger headaches. He has one of the aesthetic, cozy rooms. He constantly has kids in there hanging out and making themselves at home. He has a drawer full of a variety of drinks and snacks for his kids. He wants them all to be aware that he is a safe space.
Huxley is an Environmental/Biology teacher.
Hux is the kind of science teacher that is able to explain the different concepts in understandable ways. Rather than explaining it in the long winded terminology, he does projects and experiments to better cement his lessons in the classroom. He isn’t judgemental and has the most easy going personality. Every school in the area has tried to get him to transfer at some point. Not a single one has been successful.
Gavin is the health/anatomy teacher.
Okay, everyone knew that this was happening. However, he is honestly the best to fulfill this role. He would be able to handle it without making it uncomfortable. Gavin goes over consent, in fact it is the first topic discussed within his class. He teaches inclusive sex ed courses, as well as actual sex ed and offers ways to be safe. He is blunt about it, but he still makes jokes about things to lighten the mood. I wish I had him for sex ed instead
Damien is a math teacher
He likes definite answers. He likes certainty that comes along with math. There is rarely more than one right answer while everyone is scared of him at first, they realize that he is a lot like David. They seem so harsh at first and rough, but once they open up they are just big softies. He focuses more on the impact he has on his students and providing a positive role model rather than following the curriculum. Makes deals with his students for movie days for good grades on exams.
Guy is a theater teacher.
Tell me where i am wrong with this? I dare you to tell me I am wrong. He is the most qualified to be licensed drama queen and teach his students how to do it. He is not a theater kid, he is a kid in theater. There is a difference. He also plays the most fun acting games, not the uncomfortable cringy games that makes everyone hate acting classes. I would love him. He would have fun projects too, he would make options because not everyone wants to be in theater. He would also be super open and just tell his class every little detail. He would always have a coffee too.
Geordi is the on-campus therapist.
Offers so many actually helpful things not just “have you tried drinking water?”. Offers a safe space for students, allowing them to speak out without any sort of judgment. Would offer hugs if the kid is okay with it, because you can’t tell me that he wouldn’t be so comforting. He is close to the students’ age and is able to relate to them all with some of the experiences and actually gives good advice, is willing to sit down with parents/teachers to sort issues out. Checks in on students, plans fun events.
Elliot is an art teacher.
He loves clay and making non traditional things. He teaches the basics, but then he loves to see what the kids create. He does not grade based off of skill, but instead on how much effort they put into their projects. He also loves a good laugh with projects, and has students pick the music. At the end of the year, he presents the spotify wrapped so they are aware of the really interesting music taste that they all have. He is like a big brother to most of the kids.
Sam is the school nurse.
First of all, he has a room dedicated to those students that are sleep deprived. Would take so many classes to make sure he is up to date on different medical information as well as different signs for bad situations. Has protection in his office to give out in order to prevent teenage pregnancy. Has so many things for periods too because he understands how much those things are and he knows that not everyone comes prepared. He always looks so cozy. No judgment passed.
Vincent is history teacher.
He makes it interesting, like he sticks to the curriculum, going over the basics and vital information because he has to. However, he also has “Weird History Wednesdays” where he teaches events in history that are really weird. Makes it into a game, where he groups up the students and they have to guess what happens next. The prize is opting out of an homework assignment. He spends hours setting up teams. Has an organized spreadsheet. Yes this is based off of Puppet History. Don’t judge me.
Avior is the physics and astrology teacher:
He loves space, would take field trips to the nearby observatory. He would be the teacher that even the “outcasts” because he is able to make it such a fun environment. Refuses to give individual tests, instead gives group projects and group tests. He makes sure that everyone participates and ensures that it is a safespace. He teaches classes on the stories on the different constellations as well to break it up from the more serious class work.
if you want to read more of what I’ve written, you can find my masterlist here!
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offical-ouroboros · 6 months
Should or Shouldn't - 2
here's the second part :3 there's a bit of a cliff hanger... But I'm working on a third part!
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CW: yandere hux idk, mentions of drugging (sleeping pills), hux + reader struggling with emotions, hurt/comfort???, hux is a bit of a jerk but he's also a sweetie, not proof read
It was more exhausting being with Hux than being in a trial.
That's how it felt most days.
There was nothing to do! Either he was away, or he was… just watching you.
Sometimes he got bold. He'd touch you, cut you up.
It was never anything bad.
Nothing like the trials.
Cuts like the light mark of a razor blade. Just enough to see red.
Sometimes you didn't even notice. And then, when you felt the wetness- Saw the blood, you'd freak out.
You'd cry and sob, and beg him for something to help.
These times, you never blamed him.
He never had to deal with your hurling insults. Screaming at him. Fighting him. Saying you hated him.
. . . Why did it make his mind struggle when you did that?
. . . Why did he care if you hated him?
. . . Was he . . .
Developing feelings?
No. Of course not. It wasn't possible. He was a machine. Sure, he was made to help humans, but they'd never coded anything like affection into his system.
This was just a side effect. Something left over. Part of his medical knowledge. Part of his programmed desire to aid humans.
. . . So why couldn't he purge it?
Everything felt so heavy as you woke up. You were moving- Well, being moved. Your full body weight pushing you down.
You let out a small sound as you stirred, feeling sick as you saw the ground quickly sliding away from you.
The familiar grasp of claws held your shirt.
You don't bother speaking. You've moved enough, made enough sound- He knows you're awake.
“Sleep, worm.” Hux's voice urges you.
“I- Mhn… I can- can't-” You whine, feeling nauseous with the movements.
“You will.” He speaks again. “Transport is in progress. I do not want your idle squirms.”
Shuddering, you bow your head as you try not to vomit.
“S-Slow down, I'm gonna- Mmnh…” Hearing your worsening cries, he suddenly comes to a stop and you crash to the ground. “Ow- Fuck!” You whimper. But you don't move.
You just lay there, whining as you try to take deep breaths to calm down.
“Little worm should not have woken up…” He seems upset. “Recalibrating.”
“ . . . Huxy, I don't feel good.”
That stupid nickname. If his tech wasn't so advanced, you'd hear that cheesy dial-up tone that older computers made when processing something.
“An accurate response. My dosage was correct. But you refused to drink more.”
Dosage…? What did he-
“D-Did you drug me?!” You cry out, doing your best to look up before gagging and looking back down.
“Affirmative. The worm was complaining of difficulty sleeping. Analysis shows one's conditions as the most likely issue.”
Yeah. Being kidnapped by a killing machine, bound by your legs, and made to sleep on the freezing cold floor could lead to insomnia.
You're tense- Partly from how sick you feel, and partly from general fear.
“Where… Where are you taking me?”
A moment of silence.
“A new location has been found suitable.” He speaks plainly. “Will the worm behave? Or be bound once more?”
You swallow.
“I… I can be good.” You mumble.
“Unexpected. Further testing required to validate your hypothesis.”
Trembling, you bow down a bit more.
“Is there… Any other way you can carry me?” You ask meekly.
“ . . . Requesting approval.”
You pause. He was… Asking for your permission?
“ . . . Will it hurt?”
“Uh… Approved?”
In a swift motion, you're plucked from the ground and held… Surprisingly sweetly.
Your legs are raised over his forearm, keeping the blade of his hand pointed away from you. His clawed hand is under your back, encouraging you to sit up slightly.
It's… A princess carry.
“Mmh…” You'd felt so sick. And now…
Your head meets his chest.
“ . . . Good organic.”
If he could smile he would.
This ‘new location’ was… Nice.
Like the rest of it, everything reeked of death with a partial stench of chemicals.
But… Other than that?
There was a bed. Sort of.
A deconstructed sleeping pod, piled up with random scraps of blankets and fabrics.
A window-
Which was actually just a massive hole in the wall, but Hux had patched it up by melting the dome of the previously mentioned pod to it.
And… A table.
Which was just a chair from the dining hall with the back removed.
It really wasn't much. It was still a mess- And you could swear there were blood stains on some of the cloth in the bed.
But… it was definitely better than the floor.
Right now, you're nestled sweetly into the pod, buried in the fabric. Hux had been bringing you more- It seemed any time he found something that wasn't full of holes or tears, he'd deliver them to you.
You could try and ask him to stop, but he wouldn't.
“Your body temperature is not regulated. These will adjust your heat levels when recharging.”
The longer you spent with him… The nicer it actually felt.
It was tiring, yes. Boring, of course. All you could really do is sit there and sleep.
But God did you miss being able to rest. Having a bed. Being warm without a fire. Feeling… Safe.
When things first started, you were terrified of him. With good reason, of course.
You'd seen what he could do. Felt his blade. Been reduced to agonizing pain as he injected you with… Some kind of chemical.
But now… He was good to you. As good as an artificial intelligence hellbent on killing humans could be.
And things were especially different-
When you woke up to him cuddling you.
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