witchcatcreations · 1 year
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Hys is up to trouble!
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iconsturkish · 2 years
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azuregosa · 7 months
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HYS pantyhose 40D
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bunathebunny · 2 years
today's on "have you seen this thing i made":
t-rated, 1.5k words
soulmate au but they don't exactly like that
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rubymoon-snape · 2 years
Disclaimer: I don't own Beast King GoLion.
Author Note: This is Fem Akira/Fala pairing, but the duo are just realizing their feelings for the other. This has three scenes that could have gone slightly different if Akira had been born female.
"Fem Akira"
~Episode 2~
"Daibazaal plundered all the treasure on Altea, destroying us." Raible paused before he swung his cane at the group. Hiroshi and Tsuyoshi jumped while Akira and Isamu ducked briefly before Isamu and Takashi jumped out of the way. Akira straightened up and blocked with her spear.
"What gives?" Tsuyoshi demanded.
"I knew it. He was just making us let our guard down!" Hiroshi exclaimed.
"What the hell's going on here?" Akira questioned.
Raible was surprised to see that there was a woman in the group.
"I had to test your skills," Raible answered. "Especially since one of you is a woman."
"Just because Chief is a woman doesn't mean she can't fight," Isamu jumped in. "She's as capable as any of us!"
"Moody, that's enough," Akira said.
"Agreed. The princess will welcome you five indeed."
The group looked up the staircase to see a lovely young woman in a pink dress. She smiled and slowly descended the staircase. Raible explained how he and the princess survived the attack as Fala came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs.
Akira had to figuratively pick her jaw off the ground. The princess was breathtakingly gorgeous. She had to gather her wits about her because she barely heard the princess asking for their names.
"Kogane Akira." Akira had no idea how she was able to say her name without stuttering.
"Shirogane Takashi."
"Kurogane Isamu."
"Seidou Tsuyoshi."
"Suzuishi Hiroshi."
As the princess told her sad tale, Akira couldn't help but feel for her. As the tears fell from her blue eyes, Akira wanted to brush those tears away and perhaps even comfort her. Akira mentally shook herself as Raible interjected himself into the conversation, but she still missed the entire conversation until GoLion was mentioned. The leader focused on what was being told to her team. Even thought she was hesitant, there was no way she was going to make the decision for everyone. She looked to her right at Takashi, who said, "If we don't kill Daibazaal, there's no way we'll survive!"
"He's right. Let's fight Daibazaal!" Akira agreed. She was happy to see the tears were no longer coursing down the princess's face. The smile on her face drew Akira's attention even as Isamu, Tsuyoshi, and Hiroshi added their comments.
Fala held her hand out, clearly indicating that the team should kiss the back of it.
Everyone laid down their spears, and Akira approached, knelt down, and grasped her hand. She laid a kiss on it and stood up, nodding to the princess. Before she stood aside for her teammates to do the same, Fala realized that she was female as well. "A woman?"
Fala's eyes sparkled at the idea of a woman in the leadership position. Takashi stepped up to kiss her hand.
~Episode 7~
Hiroshi, Akira, and Isamu stopped running once they were a few corridors away from the royal governess.
"Geez, now we have some old lady on our hands," Isamu groused.
You said it. I can imagine what's waiting for us," Akira replied. "Especially when she finds out that I'm female."
"No sweat. Just leave this to me," Hiroshi stated.
Just then, the alarms sounded. Of all the reasons for the alarm, the princess trying to fly the Blue Lion wasn't on Akira's list at all. She was impressed with Fala's actions and willingness to put herself in harm's way to protect her planet. Akira found herself wanting to see what the princess could do, and no ranting from the governess could make change her mind.
~Later in Episode 7~
"Just a moment! In a lonely village in the Pierrane Mountains live strong hunters. Maybe one of their men is qualified," Hys stated.
"Men? Women are just as qualified. Kogane is a  woman after all," Fala mentioned.
"Kogane?" Hys questioned.
"The one wearing red and white," Raible clarified.
"The ingrate who told me to shut up is a girl?!" Hys was indignant.
"She is not an ingrate," Fala countered. "She's brave, selfless, intelligent, and beautiful." Fala couldn't help but blush when she thought of the female pilot, and no ranting from either Raible or Hys could prevent her from wanting to get closer to her.
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buthappysoverrated · 6 months
you BOOP miette? you BOOP her head with you paws? oh! oh! love for mutual! love for mutual for One Thousand Years!!!!
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greatturtledragon · 1 year
The Pyramids Unveiled: Unlocking Ancient Mysteries
0 notes
ivyrejectward-2 · 1 year
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0 notes
carcinocommander · 2 years
Me ta66ing 9ver and seeing 42 notificati9ns (it's all 9ne mutual) (I'm happy xey enj9yed my 6l9g that much) (I h9pe it has a g99d day/night)
0 notes
witchcatcreations · 1 year
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Some sketches from this summer! We've got Roz and Hys, some hands, some foods, and me!
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iconsturkish · 2 years
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turtle-ly · 1 year
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happens to the best of us
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bunathebunny · 2 years
today's on "have you seen this thing i made":
Sabine & Talia bromance
t-rated, 2.3k words
additional warning: non-graphic violence
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buthappysoverrated · 10 months
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look at my cringefail son who happens to be an incredibly smart and talented doctor
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yesnowhatno · 1 year
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psakhich · 1 month
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225 notes · View notes