yesnowhatno · 1 year
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weirdlookindog · 11 months
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"And swing yourself from side to side"
Arthur B. Frost - Hys Fyve Rules.
Illustration from Lewis Carroll's 'Rhyme? and Reason?', 1884.
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frecklenog · 8 months
sometimes i forget that i’m a neopronoun user simply because hy/hym is pronounced exactly the same as he/him. and also it’s not hy/hymn
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evanthefunky · 2 years
I asked my friend to explain some legend of Zelda stuff bc im just. Confused. And she left me with more questions than answers as the only thing she said brought up something I didnt ask or know about.
So uh if I have any mutuals or pals I can ask legend of Zelda stuff. Or even a random person in the tags. I have questions and I'm looking for excited-to-share enthusiasm answers please and thanks :)
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buthappysoverrated · 2 years
This is somehow prompted but I think it’s like fairly clear that I have a type at least for male blorbos (different type for other blorbos call it bi blorboality or something). Deacon. Arcade. Half of Jesse Eisenberg’s character. Viktor both in game universe and Arcane. Tim Drake. I’m super weird about Riddler in Gotham and I want to chew walls right now just by mentioning him. And take a look at my oc. Ughhhh.
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ficisid · 2 years
ISID questions displays all the questions related to ISID modules.
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imbecominggayer · 30 days
Signs You Have Written An Actual Mary Sue
*Insert SIREN NOISE As Writer Has Just Said "Mary Sue"* whoop
For the sake of clarity, I'm going to be using the term "Mary Sue" as a catchall term for characters that lack important flaws. I understand that the term is often disproportionally used against female characters but I want to use a recognizeable term for this issue.
Also, this advice is for "serious works of fiction". If this story isn't intended to be critically viewed by anyone else and is just meant for fun, write Mary Sue.
Okay? Ok!
What Is A Mary Sue?
A "Mary Sue" is a character who is defined by their inhumaness as they lack flaws and consequences. And that is the key term that defines the Mary Sue: "consequences".
The Mary Sue has the impressive ability to bend reality to serve it's own needs. Like a parasite!
But let's get to some specific signs
A: They Lack Substantial Flaws
"Substantial", in the world of writing, means "of plot significance"
Mary Sue often has flaws but they are either:
Fake Flaws that are never shown to the audience such as a character who is a horrible cook who never cooks
Cute Flaws that never impede on a character's likeability and success. Their anger issues never lead to bad impulsive decisions. Their naivety never loses it's "charm"
Substantial flaws are flaws that actively hurt a character's chances at getting their goal while simultaneously ruining the character's life.
Compelling Characters are tempted by vices, have their morals tested, fail spectacularly, and make bad decisions.
Mary Sues are enlightened characters whose bad decisions tend to be portrayed as a natural intuition. A character who never fails meaningfully.
p.s: flaws should be dark reflections of their good qualities. determined=stubborn. idealism=savior complex
B: They Lack Agency
Mary Sue, despite their wealth of charm and attractiveness, never makes active decisions.
They never make active decisions because Mary Sue is a character who is so perfect they have no desire, goal, or lack of something. Afterall, if someone has the ability to get anything they want, why would they want?
Mary Sue never has to change anything about themself to get a goal because they neither have imperfections or goals.
Instead, the plot comes racing at them as conspiracies, mysterious love interests, and practically God herself, desperately try to involve this mediocre individual in the drama for some reason!
As I have mentioned in my: Writing Advice: Give Your Characters Agency, characters need to have agency in order to have a compelling character and plot since narratives are based on the question "what is this character willing to do to get their goal"!
Mary Sue don't need to ponder this question since they don't have a goal. They either passively hope to survive while not doing anything active in order to try and survive or they just kinda walk around.
C: They Bend The Rules Of Reality
But not in a cool way. Like more of a bully kinda way.
I'll give you some quick examples of what types of "bending reality" exist since it kind of depends on the plot!
a: "Character A is not conventionally attractive, doesn't practice self-care, insults other, has a HUGE superiority complex, and is obnoxious. Yet for some reason, several characters crush on them when there’s no redeeming qualities."
b: "Character B fails to do something but it's okay because that failure allowed them to succeed and they actually end up winning overall"
For A: Basically, Mary Sue changes the character settings of other characters and often forces them outside of their typical behavior while not simultaneously providing a reasonable explanation for hy this happens.
For B: The plot caters exactly to their needs. Like even mistakes play out as victories because the plot develops in the direction making them being right in the end. Mary Sue doesn't get pushed by the plot here. They are the plot
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Imagine if, while in the zoo, the tributes of the 10th hunger games had spent their time bonding and at some point kinda joked about escaping together? And they all thought out exit strategies and such and even the word they’d use as signal to initiate the plans. They discuss who’s good at what, jokingly dividing tasks between them, with Wovey, Bobbin, and Mizzen getting the task of “stay behind us and don’t die” because they’re the youngest. No one really takes it seriously, they just use the fantasy to escape their horrid reality for a second because it’s nice to imagine all of them can make it out alive, even if they know that’s not the case.
Then the arena bombings happen
Otto and Ginnee probably still die, since they died from schrapnel, but Panlo and Sheaf were far enough away to still be conscious and moving around (that last part is mostly because of adrenaline). Everyone’s caught off-guard, but someone (probably Coral) sees their chance and screams the word they discussed, and all tributes jump into action. Jessup and Lucy Gray still save their respective mentors, but because the tributes are working together the peacekeepers have been taken out so there’s no one to drag them away. Instead, all 21 remaining tributes book it as fast as they can and manage to escape the area before reinforcements arrive. They are now on the run, and cannot show their faces without getting shot on sight, but they’re alive and that’s what matters. Mizzen, Sheaf, and Treech are the best thieves of the group (Mizzen’s small and fast (he was just closer to the snakes than everyone else shut up), Sheaf is described as "a limber little girl", and Treech sneakily stole Dill’s water bottles. That’s my evidence. Also they need more love) and thus go out to scrap together anything that may be helpful.
They, being the overachieving badasses they are, get their hands on futuristic medicine to cure Dill’s tuberculosis faster than the real world ever could and help Hy manage his asthma (because it’s chronic, there’s no way they can find a cure for that just lying around even in the future). I say they’re overachieving, because Sheaf did the back handspring for food, Treech only died because of Lucy’s cheating (still getting 6th(movie)/3d(book) place, and he definitely would’ve killed her and been a real contender for the win if she hadn’t cheated), and Mizzen is 13. A 13-year-old got 5th(book)/4th(movie) place. I rest my case.
They use the newfound supplies to heal their wounds and disinfect them, Jessup doesn’t get rabies because I make the rules here, and things are good. They spend a while utilizing their unique skills to stay hidden until one of two things happen:
1) the mentors, who have gotten quite attached to their assigned tributes, fight for the games to be disbanded and rally the rest of the academy, leading to a better Panem where the Capitol and the districts become a functioning, not-dystopian nation again and everything ends well.
2) the tributes manage to escape the capitol and flee into the woods, letting Lucy Grey lead them to the Covey because ain’t no way they can just go back to their own districts just yet. The covey, being nomadic, is the best place for them to stay until they’ve grown up enough to be unrecognizable from their child selves to anyone who doesn’t actually know them.
Either way, things are better. I wanted to share this because I’m sad that all these wonderful (fictional) children died for the amusement of genuine monsters (and those indoctrinated to believe district people are not people)
Edit because a lot of new people are liking this post: someone wrote it :)
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yukkoislost · 6 months
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hi guys.
new au alert.
if u saw what i wrote before editing the post then no you didnt and if you didn't see before the edit then wdym edit i nvr changed it silly !!!
more below the cut <3
alright so the main places for this au are called Elation and Cimmerian. Elation is basically paradise for a lack of better word. nobody knows who created the place, but it's been there for as long as their history books can remember.
Cimmerian on the other hand, is like a dump (?). its a graveyard for all unwanted creation, where they're thrown there to rot and die. or at least they used to rot and die there, until the (clean up) where the dumpster pets decided that they were sick of just sitting around waiting and hoping for a chance at life so they decide to create their own.
Elation has a set of rules, and also a ruler., except nobody friggin knows who the ruler is and the rules are just something expected of all Elation Drones to know, engraved into their codes. the ruler is also known as the creator to drones in Cimmerian, and boy is the creator hated LMAO
N is a Elation Drone, Drones perfected by the ruler and given permission to play eternally in their paradise. as one of the first few biological Angel Drones, he's treated well and has a considerably high rank amongst the other creations in Elation.
(biological Angel Drones and Angel Drones are differentiated by their wings. N has feathered wings, a sign of being a creation made with blood and flesh from the ruler. they're more powerful)
Uzi on the other hand, is a Cimmerian Drone. more accurately, a shapeshifting Cimmerian Drone. she stays with her dad in a small gloomy town called Copper 9.
she got her shapeshifting genes from her mom, who used to be a biological Angel Drone, but then defected and was tossed out by the creator. her dad is just an ordinary Cimmerian Drone, which are basically drones who were thrown out because of one wrong code or another.
anyway the main storyline is the creator, having noticed how Cimmerian was suddenly flourishing, sent down some of its creations in order to wreak havoc and disturb the peace. N just so happens to be one of the drones that was sent, being one of the most powerful and all.
i'll work on this au more because i'm ngl this is hella fun <33 will likely make a book for it eventually :3 and will also be makkng N and uzi a proper reference sheet in due time !!!!
was highkey inspired hy hole dwelling btw
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orangelemonsstuff · 1 year
Rose Android
Automation!Au Riddle x Scavenger!Reader
Summary: You found a disembodied head of an Android and put him back together again only to get a strict, rule follower, android to help you around
Tags: Angst & Fluff
this au is credits to @jackplushie
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Is this how it's going to end?
he did well didn't he? so why did his mother threw him away?
he performed tasks perfectly, he did what she asked, he installed essential modules through his system to become knowledgeable, he became a perfect android for her so why..?
he only wished for her to have a freedom to go outside. that's all what he wished for.
"This one kept acting up on its own whether i order it or not, yes i did modify it to have it's own intelligence yet, it somehow remained lacking in... well perfection."
just to go outside to sightsee, is not perfection
What exactly should he do to reach her eyes? to show her he is perfect in everyway, he's the perfect android she created.
he didn't ask for anything big or extravagant, he just asked to see how the world is really outside.
"take it, sell it, do whatever you want with it. I have no more use for it anymore. although i do like how he look his face plate might be useful- ah nevermind leave his head alone in that big scrap dump site i just have another copy anyway and i feel that it's much better."
ah he remembers it, how painful it was when they ripped and torn his limbs apart, how of his torso was ripped apart from his head. his wired nerves still can feel it till this time and his creator, his mother. just watched how he get violated
but how could he even call her a mother when she wasn't even one?
maybe calling her 'mother' that one time is the reason why she threw him away, he had just learned what that word is he didn't mean to call her that at all
maybe that was his flaw.
since an assistant bot like him can be cheap and affordable his system stored in his head is technically useless to those scavengers but of course they didn't give his body any peace.
but his main system left in his head is still active, he couldn't even make out the muddy clouded sky with the warnings and notice prompt up to his eyes. still aware of the pain
the outside world is terrible. he shouldn't have asked to be here at all. so he could be with her still.
was he really that useless and hated, his moth- creator had to call those scavengers to separate his parts that way?
maybe she found joy in his suffering after all
he doesn't know anymore. his mother completely abandoned him, thrown away in this dump, unloved.
his eyelids twitched, he felt something he had never felt ever. what was that called again? he couldn't remember without his code that installed his knowledge of everything. but it was something fiery and annoying, something he wishes to completely eliminate and get rid of.
"..ou see that?" someone is near
his left ear is the only thing that can hear his other is much more and completely damaged to the point of no use
but with the use of it he can hear the scattering, clanging of metal rubbish, as the steps get closer and closer. it seem like they weren't alone and talking to someone still he can't figure out what is since the steps are lone.
he can feel them, a human.
he couldn't see them at all, he could make out figure but they're not clear not as clear as the pop ups infront of his eyes
"...ain capacitor in his neck is still attached" system nerves that still works behind his skin felt rubber gloved hands carress him, and immediately flip it over rather gently
"can you speak?" he didn't answer, he can't. not that he would either he swore that he'll only follow the orders of his creator
the person continued to examine him flipping it over and over again while humming in a satisfied way
"hmm... i don't think i can sell this one" for some reason he felt satisfied that an imbecile of a scavenger can't get a use of his remaining parts at all
"--hy are.. you.."
"-have an idea" the voice recognition in his left is starting to give up as well yet he swore he could hear another voice together with the scavenger.
those were the words he lastly heard before he completely shut down, his whole system is giving up on him too, seconds remained on the last pop ups before he completely dies out. this is it
this is how it'll end after all
oh well, at least no one can said he didn't wish for his mother's praise and love at all
the only wish this android had.
to be loved and free.
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Scanning... Complete!
Audio: Working.True
Vision: Working.True
Arms: Access.True/Left.accessible.incompatible/Right.accesible
Legs: Access.True/Left.accessible/Right.accesible.incompatible
Information Code: None, Consider Installing.
Android is: Stable to perform tasks
Overall Stability: Moderate. Please Change Parts to Compatibility.
he opened his eyes.
the mechanic buzz of his insides worked once again, his eyes weren't as sharp as before but he could see clear and properly, his ears were all working and he could feel his arms and legs once again.
what- how-
he's supposed to be alrwady gone weren't he? how did he get his body back? wasn't he a disembodied head earlier? he was supposed to fade into darkness or die as they should say!
he sight blurred few times before focusing, on the person sitting behind the screen of his charging station, sleeping peacefully
"Oi! he's alive, HEY! wake up" a grey android cat jumped into the persons stomach knocking them awake, coughing.
this person is...human.
when did his eyes had a scanner? or maybe it was intuition that had that conclusion. no, his eyes definitely upgraded to have a scanner. it showed him their vital points, their blood type, and other medical terms a doctor should see when checking up a person. did his new eyes came from a nurse bot? oh dear.
"Grim... that hurts... you should really remember you're not an actual cat" you held your stomach, recoiling in pain before looking up at him. your eyes brightened at the sight of his consciousness
"See! he's awake!" 'Grim' jumped down on your lap as you propered yourself up to stand and walk over to him
you removed the glass top capsule to remove him, discharging him off the port. with incompatibility of his right leg he fell right into their arms, yet you catch him perfectly fine. he didn't know if he was heavy or light that you weren't t falling when coming contact at him.
"Are you alright?" you asked sitting him down in a nearby office chair. he didn't answer
"hmm... I'm pretty sure your voice capacitor is still intact, how come you can't speak at all?" He still didn't answer. during his time on his creator's residence he wasn't allowed to make contact with the other doctors and scientists since he is only his creator's assistant even if he desire to talk to the others, she would shy him away from them. scolding him he should focus on his own studies.
"do you think his voice is still working?" Grim asked, paw up his chin
"it's still attached of course it is still working, HE just wouldn't speak" that's right, it'd be a rule breachment if he did talk to you. his creator would be mad at him if he does.
his creator?
his mother.
that doesn't feel right. he couldn't remember why he feels this strong edge on him, he's definitely not with her right now but he doesn't feel the desire to come back to her either.
"how bout turning it off n' on again? might work" The cat suggest as it climbed off the office chair near him
"i had reset him earlier already so no complications would impact his system but he still looks off doesn't he?" You said crouching down to meet his eyes but he yet to look down even more to avoid it
"yeah he's really different from the bodiless head before, good thing you managed to put him together with spare parts" Grim observed him sitting slouched down as you tilt your head in wonder, for some reason he looked like he doesn't have that much energy considering how he is positioned but his battery remained full
he also pondered and wondered something too
what exactly have you done to him? where did you find these body parts? you even managed to reset him without his actual body. HOW EXACTLY DID YOU MAKE HIM WORK AGAIN?
"yeah but still i think one his legs are incompatible, maybe i should shut down him again and remove both to che-"
".....the right one." he interjected, interrupting you before you get the idea of doing some procedures on his body without notice, it would be very unnerving to have both of his legs gone again
"It spoke./He spoke!!" Grim and You said in synchrony as you lift his head up with both of your hands
it's warm, you're warm like how a human should be.
you snickered as you prop him up properly again "try not put your head down too low from now on, your head or eyeballs might fall off" What.
the cap of the glass capsule he was in earlier was conveniently placed infront of him, it was so reflective he could see himself sitting so... poised
it was his turn to examine himself next
his face is stil the same as before, his eyes are the same color as what he has before the scavengers took it. he noticed a ribbon tightly attached to his collar, as if to stuck his head to the torso. he's wearing something similar to what a person would wear in a baroque tea party. the outfit is assorted in white, black, yellow and red accessories like the cape covering his back, the white rose corsage dripping in red, the sash draped on his waist and lastly, the golden crown on top of his head. he's dressed like a display doll rather than a assistant bot.
you notice how he tapped around his body trying to figure out what's up with the clothing you gave him
"do you like it? It was Grim that suggested i dress you that way, he said it fits your face" He don't know? he doesn't have a an opinion about it, what kind of android would be?
"Did you just played dress up with my body-- err head?" he asked frowning at you two with his eyebrows striking together.
"we didn't just dress you for fun though, well there might be a little fun in the process BUT THE POINT IS-"
"The point is, these garments serves purpose on holding you together so your body won't disassemble" You said as you look directly at his black grey eyes, those eyes really fit him.
you stood up from your position and went to your work table. picking up a staff that fabulously carved and designed.
"from now on you would be frail and delicate as a rose, that's why... here!" you hand him the staff hesitantly, hoping it'd be lightweight enough for him to carry
"you'll need it to get up and down the stairs or support your body if you have the feel to explore." you say, watching him examine the staff carefully
"but you still need to be careful until i found proper parts for your body, limit your movements okay?" you noticed how he looked a tad bit sad, he looks like a sad hedgehog
"Don't worry, I'm not forbidding you to go free on your own now, do whatever you want just as long you'd be careful so you won't fall-" you stopped talking when his gloves hand gripped the fabric of your shirt
"why exactly did you fix me? assuming this is your workplace and you are actually a mechanic, i didn't even have a body left anymore yet you still... " his mechanical voice startled you
"well, you're still working aren't you? it'd be such a waste now if a good android like you get discarded to no return" you held his gloved hand lifting it up to your face
"Do you have a name i can call you? hopefully i didn't reset your memory that much that you forgot it" you chuckled as your rub your fingers on his knuckles
it took him a few minutes to search his memory on what his creator used to call him before mumbling "....Riddle." and looking away from you
"Riddle right? then let me properly introduce myself.... and that gremlin over there is Grim" you snicker at the offended look of your android cat with your comment
"I, scavenger of the Ramshackle Lab, welcome you back to the world Riddle." your smile alone had made promises to him. taking your hand would mean he'll trust you like how he is to his creator
how could he not trust the one who fixed him?
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you learned the hard way that Riddle had his own artificial intelligence even if he didn't got a code, when you found out he actually came from the Rosehearts Pharmaceuticals Enterprise AND the personal assistant bot to Mrs. Rosehearts herself you were to shocked you started to shriek, he scolded at you for being too loud at the information, although the restart you did at him did affect his memories and he can't seem to remember how exactly did he end up in a dumpsite where you don't usually explore it didn't affect his intelligence at all.
it was proven whenever he helps you at your workshop when you fix up Ace and Deuce or him alone, recommending tips on how to properly mend thr androids you keep
For some reason he is happy when you gave that house rulebook to him which he forcefully made the other androids to follow most of the times when you're around or not. you recommended him that he should tone down his strictness since it interferes with your work sometimes.
he did follow it and to your relief, cut the androids skme slack but of course the strictness was now directed at you. he's little bit of a worrywart, making sure you follow your schedule properly you definitely once assumed he'd cut your head off if you don't. you didn't mind, it's just his instinct to be a an assistant after all
other than that you were also happy he finally got along with the other especially at the HRTSLBYL Androids you assigned him to watch over. he's been really helpful
so why did Mrs.Rosehearts throw him out again? even worser he literally didn't have a body when you found him, yes of course the Rosehearts Enterprise is a huge deal, they have a lot of money to buy new androids to help them, but Riddle is likely stuck with her most of the times and some of his memories are from when he was helping her with work.
why exactly did Mrs. Rosehearts threw him away? let him be scavenged even.
is it because of his awareness?
a lot of androids you took in had their own mind of some sort, they have their own personalities and such but it never really bothered you since you finally had human like company surrounds you and not just soulless robots that follows around but is it really because of that awareness they get discarded for?
you look at him arguing with the two HRTSLBYL androids on the garden from the distance, his heels and staff sink to the ground in his fury targeted at Ace and Deuce.
maybe it's because they act more human than actual humans does.
"Why you little- The rules said-"
"I'm so happy you three are getting along" you walk over to them, chuckling at their antics
Riddle sighed, Ace and Deuce on the other hand brightens up and ran over to you complaining about Riddle being strict again
"They wouldn't even try cutting the hedge of the bushes, im trying to lecture them to do their jobs as androids." he scold, you laughed
"Cut us some slack Riddle, it's not like those bushes are going to be a tree and plus our battery drains out faster isn't that right?" Ace slinged his over your shoulder and ultimately clung to you wih a smug face that mafe Riddle fume even more
"Get your hands off them and do your job already OR ELSE IT'LL BE OFF WITH YOUR HEAD WITH THESE SHEARS" he turned red as the other two squeaked and ran off inside the house.
"What did i say about being to tight on those two? i know they are your favorite to drill on but still..."
"Hmph, it is only you that tolerates those twos behavior. my suggestion would be disciplining them to be proper androids to protect you or even help around" and now he's lecturing you, its this way how he acts is the reason why Ace and Deuce do more effort on avoiding him rather than following him
"It's alright Riddle, trust me. there's more things they can do other than gardening and helping around here." you try to convince him
"i don't get why you are in their defense, they don't follow rules at all." he contradict
"Rules are meant to be broken after all"
"no, they aren't. they are made to be followed"
"Come on now, Rules are ridiculous. i bet there's even a rule on that rulebook about one should not lay down on this very grassfield because it's forbidden"
"actually-" Riddle stops when he you suddenly plopped down on the ground laying face up the sky like a deadman
"HEY!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" he panicked as he crouched down immediately at your levek trying to check you vitals inside his scanning eyes, his panic reside when you brightly laughed
"so there is one huh? i wonder who wrote that Rulebook" you grinned
"Actually, Sam from the store sold me it. it doesn't belong to this house in the first place"
"HUH!?" His shocked face is funny. he's really ridiculous
"Come on Riddle, lay down. it feels nice" you say breathing in the fresh air of your garden you could hardly smell in the streets of a nearby android dumpsite
"O-okay..." he laid down besides you, carefully. he lets his staff roll on his side not far from his reach, you must've been working hard that you dozed off almost immediately after laying down and inviting him. he in the other hand rolled over to your side to watch you sleep the world away, completely ignorant of his presence.
but it's you
the one who didn't give up on him and worked on hours trying to find compatible parts for him, the one to let him be free to leave whenever he want, free to make his own choices, free to decided what path he'll take.
your personality, your appearance, your condition that he ever worries about on. that's what makes you his favorite human
a human that he likes the most
you made him feel emotions a normal Android wouldn't feel, you were the one he'll promise to protect forever.
the human he loves the most.
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nctsworld · 1 year
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10k followers... insane!!! i'm always appreciative for all the love on my gifsets, stories, and more. i know i haven't been that active in the last year or so, but i'm always around and am grateful for those who've stuck by over the years. thank you so much <3 y'all are amazing!!!
followers only (i will accept anon messages but i'm hoping you follow me ;_;)
reblog this post (likes don't count)
send me an ask with any of the following emojis and respective specific info below
i will be taking asks/submissions until sunday, october 22nd at 11:59pm pst (pacific time)
as always, please be patient and no promises on getting everyone’s gifts done!
tagging everything with #nctsworld10k for blacklisting purposes
some of the ideas for this i've taken from this sleepover post!
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gifts for you:
💚 gifset of one to three nct members
send in the names of one to three nct members and i’ll make a gifset of them!
feel free to add concepts, colours/colour palettes, videos, moments, etc. (eg. renjun + 7llin series; yangyang + xiaojun + smiling; taeil, jeno, jaemin + blue, etc.)
🎨 aesthetic archive moodboard/gifset
i will glance at your archive and blog and create a moodboard/gifset based on what i see!
optional: let me know what is your specific aesthetic if it isn’t obvious (eg. water, cities, neon lights, colours, etc.)
📖 blurb/fic request
send me one nct member, a genre or two (fluff and/or smut preferable, but i can also do angst and comedy), and any mixture of tropes/kinks/aus/prompts from this list and i’ll write a short blurb or fic!
🎵 song from my spotify list
i will put my liked songs playlist on spotify on shuffle and give you the song that comes up!
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gifts for me:
🍵 confessions
confess to me something on or off anon
🤞 guess the fic 
explain one of my fics to me badly and i have to guess which one it is - here is a link to my masterlist
☀️ song recs
send me your favourite song + the artist who does it and tell me why you like it!
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tagging the wonderful people who have made my time here awesome!!! special shout-outs to y'all :3
@ambivartence @baekhyuns-lipchain @baekonbaek @baekwin @dearlyminhyung @delhyun @djxiao @fadedinmysong @haechanhour @hchan @hotdogct @huangrenjuns @husbandhoshi @hyuckles-chuckles @hyuckworld @hy-ck @jae-min @jaemtens @jenodreams @jeongvision @jjsungie @lee-minhoe @leehanie @leemarkies @lunena @nakamoto @nctaezen @nctdream @nctsjaemin @neocitycafe @neoneun-au @ohoshi @potatzu @ppangjae @ressonancee @sehunniepot @taeminnomuyeppeo @uservernon @vamphaechan @winsmoke @yunogf
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pensbridge · 10 months
Here is a list of random hair-related headcanons for Polin
💛 📖 ☀️ 💚 🌼 💌 💙
Colin likes to play with Penelope's hair. When they first get married, he absentmindedly twirls his fingers through her loose curls when they're cuddled up in bed, as he's engaged in a good book. And one night that they go out to a show, from a private opera box, he helps fix her hair that's fallen out of place now that they don't have to worry about rules of propriety.
Colin learns to braid Penelope's hair. He gets help from Daphne while practicing on Hyacinth, after she walks in one day as Hy is yelling at him, ready to bolt toward the staircase.
When Agatha is old enough and full-headed (though she was present with many curly locks anyway the day she was born), Colin does her hair just because he enjoys it, taking some responsibility off the maid more often than not; and Agatha uses the time to recite stories and plays with her wild imagination.
Penelope's favorite part about Colin's hair is that it's a little long on top. She loves watching him on mornings when she wakes up before him, seeing him just comfortable while it's a little messy. She spent so many years enamored by the put-together charmer making his way through balls that watching him relaxed with his bedhead is a whole 'nother thing entirely.
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yevasxvoid · 1 year
Clouds Hidden Beneath The Sun - [Yuta Okkotsu x Reader]
Chapter 1: In that common summer season, I fell in love like it was magic
August 2017
“If you don’t take me seriously,” Y/n leered, “I’ll just kill you.”
Blood dripped down Okkotsu’s arm and soaked his white jacket while light bruises littered Y/n’s body. She was livid—this boy had the audacity to go easy on her during their first encounter. It didn’t matter whether or not this was only a Goodwill Event, she wanted to experience his full potential. She wanted to feel the other special grade’s wrath. Gojo-sensei’s judgments are never wrong, having him speak about your potential was no small feat—there had to be more to this timid boy than what he showed. Y/n no longer cared about the rules of this event, she would force Okkotsu Yuta to show his hand.
“You don’t understand how dangerous Rika is,” he repeated.
Y/n could sense that the curse was itching to join the fight, after the way she thrashed Yuta around.
“You don’t understand how much I couldn’t care less, so be it.” She stood up straight, “Domain Expansion…”
Okkotsu’s eyes widened as he understood just how serious she was.
“Fine, you’ll get your way” Okkotsu sighed, “But I apologize in advance.”
Y/n only smiled. 
“Rika,” he said with a grim expression.
Y/n’s heart pounded in her chest as she narrowly dodged the curse’s massive claws—the inhumane shriek was enough of a warning for Y/n to go on the offensive. Her eyes widened as she sensed Okkotsu appear behind her and send a kick to her stomach, sending her flying into the nearest construct. Rika was already rushing towards her by the time Y/n stood up, blood trickling down her forehead and onto her jacket. Y/n just barely dodged the attack this time, her claws grazing Y/n’s throat and ripping up her jacket. Their attacks were coordinated and lethal, Y/n had to concentrate closely to keep up with both of them. She panted heavily as she watched Okkotsu and Rika stand a few meters away, watching her. 
Y/n’s breath was erratic, sweat and blood trickling onto her jacket as her body ached and burned—She was excited! Okkotsu maintained his offensive stance as Y/n threw her jacket aside and pulled out her daggers. 
“Cursed Technique: Distortion.” Y/n said.
Okkotsu’s eyes widened as he saw multiple Y/n’s appear and disappear. He blinked and when he opened his eyes, Y/n appeared and landed multiple hits on his body then countered Rika’s attack, landing multiple hits on her. Okkotsu gritted his teeth, he could barely see his surroundings or hear Y/n’s movements but he could hear Rika’s loud shrieks of rage and pain. He took a deep breath, giving up on seeing and focused on feeling their cursed energy. Y/n knew Okkotsu would find a way to counter her distortion, but focused her attention on Rika—Y/n was unable to land a hit on her normally so relied on harshly countering her attacks. Y/n’s body was completely numb, the only thing she felt was the way her heart pounded in her chest and blood thrummed in her veins. 
She felt something swell inside her as Okkotsu spoke and called back Rika, “Cursed Technique: Mimicry.”
“Cursed Technique: Passion” Y/n couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped her lips, the sound was amplified in her ears almost as loud as her heart beat.
“That’s the attitude,” she said enthusiastically as all her wounds healed instantly, “give me your all, Okkotsu Yuta!”
The next few events were a blur for them both because they lost consciousness. 
Okkotsu opened his eyes to see the orange hues of the evening sky outside through the window of his hospital room. All his senses had returned and he turned his head to the other side to see Gojo Satoru leaning against a wall, his head hanging low—he remembered the Goodwill event. 
“Oh my god is she dead!?” Okkotsu panicked and sat up, wincing slightly. His arms, knee and ankle were wrapped tightly in bandages.
“Yes,” Gojo said grimly.
Okkotsu’s heart dropped to his feet and his eyes glossed over.
“Just kidding,” Gojo laughed.
Utahime entered their hospital room, scowling at Gojo, “Y/n is perfectly fine, her body just needs more time to recover.”
“Oh, and we won the goodwill event,”Gojo added after wiping away his tears.
“Really?…we both passed out though,” Okkotsu said sheepishly, “I felt like she was still attacking when I lost consciousness…is she always so aggressive?” 
“No, she’s usually very reserved actually.” Utahime smiled.
“We won because Y/n violated a few rules by threatening your life and all, nothing severe enough for punishment unless you have a problem with it.” Gojo smirked.
“Do you?” Utahime asked.
“No…not at all,” Yuta trailed off, ‘I actually thought she was going to kill me.’
“Her cursed energy is almost endless and she held her own against me and Rika without even using her domain expansion. Her power is insane. Her physical capabilities are almost as good as Maki’s…Is she really the same age and grade as me?” Okkotsu reflected, “She’s not even at her full potential yet and that’s…the power of a special grade.”
His face turned a light shade of pink as he recalled the events. 
“It’s scary, really.” Utahime said before leaving.
“You’re not at your full potential either,” Gojo walked towards the exit, “..I’m gonna go check on Y/n.”
Okkotsu could hear Gojo’s unsaid words, ‘So you better keep training rigorously.’ He planned to take them to heart, so he could proudly say he’s on the same level as someone as skilled as Y/n.
Okkotsu reached for his phone and saw a few messages.
Jujutsu High School First Years
Panda: Okkotsu won us the Goodwill Event! 🎉
Maki: I heard Y/n wiped the floor with him.
Inumaki: Same.
Yuuta: Guys 😅 she was really scary….
Inumaki: Isn’t Maki scary?
Inumaki: Isn’t Rika scary?! 💀
Panda: You see scary women everyday, there is no excuse…
Maki: 😐
In truth, Okkotsu hadn’t intended on using Rika at all. He was comfortable with using them against curses but not other sorcerers, much less fellow students. Y/n knew how to press his buttons and force his hand. Rather than swiftly defeating him, she chose to drag out the fight and let the humility set in. When that didn’t work she became frustrated and simply threatened his life with a domain expansion. It wasn’t Y/n’s aggression that made him comply, but her confidence that convinced him she could handle Rika too. He decided to go on the offensive in order to satiate her curiosity but that only seemed to feed it. Although it was most likely unintentional, Okkotsu hated the noises Rika made as Y/n began to overpower her—and it was what pushed him to use his cursed technique. Y/n went absolutely feral and forced Okkotsu to keep up, pushing the limits he had set for himself until he had passed out with no clear recollection of the fight’s conclusion. He couldn’t stop his mind from repeating the sound of her voice as she activated her second cursed technique; passion. Her vehement expressions were burned into his mind, whether he liked it or not—Okkotsu couldn’t decide.
Mrs. Fujino’s lips were in a thin line as she stared down at her 3 month old baby. The father was away on a mission while she was forced to take maternity leave. It was suffocating and lonely to bear a child to a man you have no affection for. It was the middle of the night, past 3am when the baby continued to cry. 
“What do you want from me, affection?” she sneered.
She fed it. She kept it clean. She walked around with it for hours. The woman was going insane trying to consider what else the baby could possibly need. She was exhausted, her eyebags prominent, cheeks sunken and puke stained her clothes. Her eyes closed and hands gripped the pillow tightly and pressed it onto the source of noise. Her breath of relief was caught in her throat as she was harshly shoved to the ground. 
“ARE YOU MAD!?” Mr. Fujino had come home early. 
“I’M TIRED!!” the woman stayed on the floor, hands tugging at the hair on her scalp, “OF YOU AND THAT STUPID FUCKING-”
Mr. Fujino’s body moved on its own when he backhanded her. The woman froze in place and didn’t even look back at him. He opened his mouth to apologize but his expression hardened when the baby began to cry again.
He reached into the crib and took the child into his arms, “Neither of us wanted this arrangement but we had established a mutual respect. It won’t be so anymore if I see you put a hand on my child again. I won’t let my months of suffering with you go to waste.”
The woman began to sob as he left the room with the baby.
Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed as she woke up from a nightmare, her throat dry and the smell of hospital and flowers filled her nose. She opened her eyes to see the cloudy night sky, almost void of stars. Gojo Satoru sat in a chair facing the hospital bed with his usual smirk on his face, Y/n blinked at him for a few moments—she stiffened as she remembered the events.
“What’s my damage?” 
“No streak for Kyoto!” he cheered, “You lost the Goodwill event”
“That’s all?” Y/n asked.
“On Tokyo’s behalf, yes.” Gojo mused, “Though, I have no idea what Yoshinobu has in store for you.”
“During the fight, I was able to use Passion...and I realized that I need more practice with simultaneously using my cursed techniques.” Y/n stated, “I might want to see him again in the future so I hope I didn’t terrify him.”
“Ah, teen romance,” Gojo jested, “I remember my first love.”
Y/n stared blankly at him, opting to leave her poisonous words unsaid.
“On a serious note, it’s nothing he can’t recover from” Gojo continued, ”I believe you’ll make a lot of progress after fighting Okkotsu but remember to take it easy first. I’m late to a meeting, see ya!”
Y/n picked up her phone and saw multiple messages.
2017 Goodwill event
Momo: We lost the goodwill event 😒Okkotsu could barely keep up with Y/n
Aoi: If Y/n wanted to win, she would have
Aoi: Boring people like you wouldn’t understand
Noritoshi: We should respect Y/n’s decision no matter what the outcome was.
Aoi: You have a crush on her. We get it, Kamo.
Momo: The principal is gonna be fuming
Noritoshi: I don’t think he’ll do anything excessive
Y/n:  *one attachment*
Y/n: I’m awake
Momo: 😗 you’re always so pretty
Y/n: I was aware of what the consequences would be when I got carried away in the fight
Y/n: I have no regrets so don’t worry about what happens to me 
Y/n: I am looking forward to being discharged 😚 hospital food isn’t very good
Y/n swallowed hard as she opened her mother’s message, it was a 10 minute long voice note. A chill ran down her spine as she played it. There was some static in the background, she was traveling somewhere. 
‘Are you stupid or just insane?’ She began until my father’s voice cut her off.
‘Ignore your mother, she’s just very tired. We heard about what happened at the Goodwill event. That behavior was very-’ He was cut off by her this time.
‘Irresponsible and foolish!! I thought we raised you better than this’ she spat.
‘Anyways, I heard you threatened to use your domain expansion. You do realize the amount of trouble you would have caused us if you successfully initiated it, don’t you? I understand that boy is also a special grade but that doesn’t justify your recklessness. In fact, that person was only introduced to the Jujutsu world a few months ago. Unlike you, he was a normie for the majority of his life. You rarely make these types of bad decisions so principal Yoshinobu won’t give you a judgment too harsh, but it is out of our hands.’ My father spoke in a condescending but neutral tone. 
He never raised his voice or showed anger towards his family. He was quite straightforward with us because he was confident he knew what was best, ignoring our feelings in the process. Y/n knew her father had a hard time expressing his feelings. It’s ironic that his marriage was arranged with a woman who could barely contain hers. The rest of the voicenote was her mother being angry, Y/n was unsure if this anger ever came from a place of concern for her daughter. The woman never hesitated to say the most hurtful things to anybody because she was one of the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerers in the world. Who could humble her, really? 
‘Even if he is a special grade, behaving like that over a boy is embarrassing. Are you desperate for attention? Did we not give you enough? You’re disappointing me.’ Y/n felt her excitement rapidly drain from her body to be replaced with a disgusting feeling—shame. She knew she was better off not taking her mother’s words to heart and held back her tears, she was good at it. 
Both of Y/n’s parents were grade one sorcerers—borderline special grade and happened to be decent acquaintances. Which is why they were arranged to be married and give birth to a child who could be a special grade. Everyone’s expectations for Y/n were always high and she was capable of fulfilling them. However, nobody gets praised for doing something that’s expected of them. Her parents made that clear. 
At the end of the voicenote her father took the phone from her mother and sighed, ‘Don’t take her words to heart, you know how she just speaks nonsense sometimes. Our mission is almost over so we’ll be home in a few days. Goodbye Y/n.’
Y/n looked down at her lap as a few heavy tears left her eyes, “shit.” 
The Sister-Exchange event was called to an abrupt end due to the amount of damage done to the area and Y/n was being discharged from the hospital today. Her friends were waiting for her return but she had one more thing to do.
“Okkotsu Yuta.” she called out.
She was hesitant about this encounter and approached him with a cold expression. The familiar voice instantly caught his attention—although, there was no longer that terrifying edge to it that activated his fight or flight.
“Y/n Fujino…I’m glad that you recovered well,” he said awkwardly.
His timid nature brought a smirk to her lips, “Are you scared of me?”
“Kind of,” he said honestly.
“As a fellow special-grade first year, I was only curious to see where your current power ceiling was,” she said, “I mean, you were only a normie a few months ago. It was foolish for me to make you show your hand when I have more experience with sorcery than you…experience means more than classification, so I apologize if you felt threatened by a few of my parlor tricks.” 
The aggressive edge to her voice was replaced with a passive poison, Okkotsu recognized when he was being patronized. In fact, he disliked this passive aggressiveness more than Maki’s straightforward attitude.
‘This girl…really knows how to get on my nerves.’
“Is that your version of an apology?”
“Were you expecting one?”
“No, but I expected accountability. I don’t think a domain expansion would be classified as a ‘parlor trick’.” 
“Okay, I’ll admit my last comment was unnecessary.” Y/n paused, “...my words weren’t meant to be that offensive. What I meant is that you have a lot of potential as a Jujutsu Sorcerer and seeing a glimpse of your power made me expect more. What I did was irresponsible and in the moment I used your classification to excuse my actions.”
“Oh, thank you…” he felt his face turn red, “I don’t think you owe me an apology or anything. I’ve heard alot of things about you and none of them mentioned being unhinged so for a moment I wondered if you had something personal against me. Fighting you made me realize all the things I have to continue working on so I can accomplish my goals, so there’s really no hard feelings.”
Y/n laughed and felt herself become flustered too, “I don’t hate you or anything, I assure you….where are you headed? I’m assuming you’re unfamiliar with Kyoto.”
‘Okay, maybe she’s not too bad.’ Okkotsu thought, ‘Alot of Jujutsu Sorcerers are bad at expressing themselves so I probably shouldn’t take it too personally…’
“I’m headed to Kyoto station. You don’t have to accompany me if you’re busy.”
“I’m headed in that direction too, so it’s not a bother” she began to walk.
Y/n’s parents were opportunists, like any other respected Jujutsu Family; they taught her how to properly reconcile. Okkotsu didn’t seem like the type of person to hold grudges so this was unnecessary, Y/n knew that but she did want to know more about him—let’s call it—networking. That is what this was.
The sky was clear and the sun shined brightly. The cool breeze blew softly on this warm summer day. The street was busy and the sidewalks were mostly empty until they reached the main road. The silence weighed heavily on Okkotsu as they walked together on the sidewalk. Since making friends at Jujutsu High, Okkotsu was convinced his social skills had improved but in this situation, it felt like all his progress was evaporating into thin air. 
Y/n’s attitude was relaxed, perhaps borderline uninterested as they walked together but she was just as aware of the awkwardness. It was intentional because she didn’t want to carry the conversation. If Yuta wanted to speak, she resolved that he would.
“Why did you become a Jujutsu Sorcerer?” Okkotsu spoke up.
“Both my parents are exceptional grade 1 sorcerers, so I was put on the jujutsu path from the day I was born. Everyone would have been quite disappointed in me if I let my talents go to waste and besides, I couldn’t imagine living as a normie…completely unaware of the danger right in front of them. It’s scary to imagine.”
“What if you get tired of sorcery?” He asked.
“Humans will always get tired of routine whether it’s working an office job or exorcizing curses. I mean, most sorcerers don’t put their lives on the line to save other people because they’re passionate about it. Most people do it for money, status or simply because they’re good at it. I know that there’s a lot of corruption in the Jujutsu world and I don’t consider myself a reformer or anything….but there must be a reason why I have the power that I do. A lot of sorcerers already have morally righteous goals but not me… I’ll discover it eventually. Why are you a sorcerer?”
“I appreciate your honesty, I can tell you thought alot about it.” He paused, “In simple terms, I want to unravel a curse.”
Y/n laughed, “Don’t put it in simple terms after I gave you a monologue. I didn’t ask you to be nice, I’m genuinely curious.”
Okkotsu explained everything to her from how he became cursed to how he became a sorcerer with the goal of unraveling the curse.
“I’m sorry for your loss, you both must have loved each other very much…” her face burned, “I attacked her during the event…I feel like a bitch.”
“I mean, Rika did wipe out your comrades almost immediately in the first event. Like you said earlier, it wasn’t anything personal.”
“You’re right,” Y/n said. If only her parents loved each other as much as those two did. “When I was first introduced to the Jujutsu world the snobby major clan kids would call me a ‘government baby’ so I beat them up alot.” Y/n smirked, “That’s how I became friends with Maki and Noritoshi. Although, I haven't talked to Maki as much since we started highschool. My point is, to tell her I hope she’s doing well.” 
“Isn’t Kamo Noritoshi also a snobby heir?” he asked.
“Noritoshi is my boyfriend.” she laughed as Yuta became embarrassed, “Most of the kids from renowned sorcerer families are obnoxious but some are better when you get to know them.”
‘They’re on a first name basis and everything…’ Okkotsu nodded, “Sorry.”
Before they knew it, they both arrived in front of the train station, “It was nice meeting you Y/n, wanna exchange numbers?”
Y/n took her phone out of her pocket and unlocked it, handing it to Yuta. 
“I look forward to seeing you again.” Y/n said, more earnest than intended when he handed back her phone. 
‘I threaten to kill him and then befriend him….how am I gonna explain this to Noritoshi or anyone? I’m late to my own party because I had to take a walk with another boy? Oh god.’ she thought as she began to walk, ‘It’d be more incriminating to lie about it…oh god.’
When Y/n stepped foot into the Jujutsu High Dorms, she was smothered instantly.
“Y/n!” They all called out as they all ran towards her, except for Mai, Noritoshi and Kokichi.
“You did so well, I’m proud of my favorite underclassman!” Aoi Todo cried, “I apologize for assuming you’re boring because of your taste in men.”
“You guys are going to smother her, give Y/n some space.” Noritoshi said.
“Why are you so late?” Momo pouted, “We haven’t seen you in days and you basically tip-toed your way here.”
“Oh, I saw Okkotsu on my way here and decided to be nice so I don’t have a reputation for being a lunatic.” She admitted. 
“You spent 30 minutes reconciling?” Mai hinted something suggestive.
“What? No, are you forgetting that I had to walk here?” Y/n was visibly offended.
“You’re almost an hour late,” Kasumi added.
“Y/n’s taste in men is getting more interesting,” Aoi laughed.
“It’s not like that!” Y/n unintentionally raised her voice, ‘I’m not like that…why would Mai even suggest that idea.’
“You all need to stop jumping to conclusions.” Noritoshi spoke up.
“You and Okkotsu are monsters,” Momo decided to change the topic.
“It was so strange seeing you struggle in a fight, I was worried!” Kasumi added.
“I never realized you could be so unhinged,” Kokichi commented.
“I knew you had it in you! I could never be friends with a boring person.” Aoi bragged.
“Oh really? A few months ago you called her  a ‘boring girl with no passions’.” Mai called out his hypocrisy. 
They all continued to bicker over the events while Noritoshi remained silent for the most part—-he scarcely made eye contact with Y/n. It was unnoticeable to everyone but her, it made her uneasy. She was too busy contemplating all the reasons he could be upset and how she could apologize to register to chaos happening in front of her.
Mai and Todo were recreating the fight.
“If you don’t take me seriously, I’ll kill you!” Mai impersonated.
“You don’t understand the true extent of my power…” Todo replied.
“That’s not what he said!” Kasumi interrupted.
“Guys stop being silly,” Y/n pleaded.
“Seriously,” Noritoshi spoke.
Everyone dispersed after a few hours, leaving Y/n and Noritoshi sitting next to each other with lots of tension. 
“I was being selfish during the event and I made all your efforts go to waste, I apologize.” She intertwined their fingers, “Will you stop being so cold?”
“I’m not upset about your actions at the exchange event,” he said.
“Then…is this about Yuta?” Y/n noticed the way he tensed at the name, “You don’t seriously think I’m that easy.”
“Yuta Okkotsu wasn’t holding back his own power during the event, he was struggling to control it” Kamo continued, “He’s a stain on Jujutsu High’s legacy more than anything….but he intrigues you.” 
“I don’t judge people based on orthodox jujutsu values, you know that. I respect Yuta as a sorcerer, that’s all” Y/n began to withdraw from him.
“So if you don’t mind, what could you have possibly been talking about for more than 30 minutes?” 
“I apologized to him, talked about sorcery and then we exchanged numbers because he asked. I also told him that you’re my boyfriend because everything that happened was platonic.”
It was Noritoshi’s turn to feel guilty, “I’m sorry for doubting you, that was immature of me.”
Honestly, Y/n questioned her actions earlier too. She questioned the way her heart beat sped up when they spoke to each other and the way honest words easily fell from her lips rather than lies. She questioned the faint disappointment she experienced when hearing about Yuta’s love for Rika. Y/n was a liar and a deceiver, but she was not a cheater. 
“No, I understand where you’re coming from,” Y/n leaned into Noritoshi’s touch, “I would be jealous too, if you spent time with another girl.” 
He kissed her hand softly, “I shouldn’t waste the precious time we have together by arguing over hypotheticals.”
“Would it kill you to let me be mad at you for once?” Y/n smiled, “It’s hard having such a perfect boyfriend.”
Noritoshi’s hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him so their faces were inches apart. Y/n’s face burned as their breaths mingled. His hand cupped the side of her face gently as his eyes flickered down to her lips. He loved to take his time, to admire his gorgeous girlfriend before indulging in her. Y/n always found the anticipation more enjoyable than when their lips actually connected. Her boyfriend was by no means a bad kisser. She appreciated him, which is why she put in the effort to return his admiration. There was no reason for her not to return his feelings. Perhaps only certain people can feel a spark—people like Okkotsu Yuta.
Okkotsu couldn’t stop thinking about Y/n’s duality on his way back to Tokyo. The malicious girl who threatened to kill him and the seemingly sincere one. He wanted to continue being an object of her attention; whether it was criticism or praise but he knew it was unreasonable. 
‘Besides, she has a boyfriend’ Yuta pushed the silly thoughts out of his mind for once and for all as he entered the Jujutsu High dorms in the late afternoon. The other first years sat at a table playing Uno and barely glanced in his direction.
“Oh, Yuta’s here.” Panda glanced up from his cards. 
“Salmon,” Inumaki said.
“Hey loser,” Maki stated.
“You guys missed me a lot.” He said sarcastically as he sat in the empty chair at the table. 
“Fish flakes.” 
“It’s not like you went and intentionally risked your life or anything.” Maki placed down a plus 4.
Panda’s brows furrowed before he placed a plus 6 on top. Inumaki placed down another plus 4, bringing it right back to Maki who had no choice but to pick up 14 cards.
“How’s Y/n?” Maki asked.
“She’s doing well. She was really nice to me for someone who threatened my life a few days ago. We had a civil conversation before I left and she said she hopes you’re doing well.” 
“Y/n is one of the creepy humans. She doesn’t have a passion for sorcery but does it anyway—Uno.” Panda placed down a green 3, “It’s not like she was born a normal human, so I guess I shouldn’t judge her.”
“Cod roe,” Inumaki placed down a green plus two,
Maki placed down 4 plus twos, “She’s bad at expressing her emotions and is a bit of a liar, but you’d know if she disliked you.”
Veins popped out of Panda's forehead as he picked up 10 cards. In the end, Inumaki won by placing down his last two cards at the same time.
“Does she have a boyfriend?” Yuta asked.
He heard a chuckle come from Inumaki. 
“She’s been with Noritoshi for months, everyone knows that.” Panda laughed too, “It’s okay Yuta, heartbreak builds character for humans.”
“Even if she didn’t have a boyfriend, you’re not Y/n’s type.” Maki said bluntly.
“That wasn’t my motive-”
They teased him for the rest of the night.
“We already decided Y/n won’t be receiving any punishment” Gojo’s lips remained in a thin line, “What is left to talk about?”
“Our deal with the Fujino’s should be coming to a close soon,” one of the higher ups said.
“Starting January 2018, Y/n will be transferred to Tokyo Jujutsu High.” Yoshinobu said.
Gojo looked around the room with the usual smirk on his face, ‘What are you all planning to do this time…’
Gojo’s smile vanished as he exited the building. There was something they were keeping from Y/n. Something that if the higher-ups discovered, would lead to a secret execution of the Fujino’s immediately. 
‘In a situation like that, Y/n would have to be my first priority.’ Gojo resolved, ‘She’s essential to reform Jujutsu Society  and…she’s too young to be executed like that.’
“Aren’t you too young to be in your rebellious phase?” Gojo said.
“Aren’t you too old to be talking to random little girls on the street?” Y/n folded her arms.
Gojo continued to stand tall, but he was holding back tears beneath his blind fold, “Children are so harsh…”
“At Least take off your blindfold when you talk to me, creep.” 
“If I do it will you stop calling me that? I have a reputation to uphold,” he tugged his blind fold down to his neck.
“I just want to confirm something…” she did a sassy hand motion for him to bend down.
Gojo’s brown furrowed as he complied, stooping down to be on her eye level , “Happy now?”
Her finger was suspended in the air, a little less than a centimeter away from his eyeball, “You’re the real deal.”
He laughed, “Gojo Satoru in the flesh. Are you a fan?”
“No, the opposite.” she pouted, “How can one person have so much power?”
He patted Y/n’s head, “awww, little Y/n’s jealous of me~”
“...if I take sorcery seriously, will I be untouchable too?” she asked.
“Hm, is something bothering you?” a small smile still graced his face.
“It’s just a constant life of bloodshed. Why would anybody willingly become a Jujutsu Sorcerer?”
“Well, that’s for you to figure out. What if I told you there was potential for you to be as strong as me?” 
“I’d say you’re a liar.” 
“True, I am the strongest and I always have been,” He stood up and held out his hand to Y/n.
She took it as they began to walk together, ‘He’s probably taking me back home…’
“I never thought too much about why I wanted to become a sorcerer, It’s just what I’m the best at. Every sorcerer has their own reasons, so you just have to find yours.” 
“What if you die wishing you did something else?” she asked.
“...how old are you?” He jested.
September 2017
It was late in the afternoon and Y/n had just finished practicing with Aoi Todo, a man with endless energy who insisted on pushing Y/n’s physical limits.  Earlier this morning, principal Yoshinobu had informed her that she’d be transferred to Tokyo Jujutsu High in January. Y/n told her classmates about it nonchalantly, but was off-put by it.
“That’s so excessive…” Kasumi had frowned.
“I guess, but I’ll be fine no matter where I go” Y/n smirked, “Maybe I’ll learn something new there.”
The revelation answered just as many questions as it gave her. It explained why they had been giving her so many cakewalk missions recently—it had almost been insulting. It also explained why her parents had been so upset about the situation, but Y/n wasn’t a trouble maker. She followed all Jujutsu Regulations and this was her very first offense.
‘Why would Gakuganji have it out for me?’  Y/n was lost in thought as she stretched while Aoi ranted about idols, ‘What could anybody gain from me being in Tokyo? Why didn’t Gojo warn me about this? Is there something being hidden from me?’
“You stressed about your transfer?” Todo asked.
“What makes you think that?” Y/n switched legs.
“You’re one of those people who like to mislead others to stop yourself from being vulnerable. I don’t know what the higher-ups' intentions are with sending you to Tokyo. But as your big brother, I’m confident you’ll still kick ass there.” 
Y/n gave a small smile, “Thanks Todo.”
There was no point in arguing the nickname, Aoi Todo had ridiculously unshakeable resolve. 
The months went by very quickly. Y/n wasn’t allowed to go on missions during December “Due to the transfer process”. She spent time with her other classmates very often, and slowly distanced herself from Noritoshi. The way Y/n saw it, their relationship was a result of proximity. She was a talented sorcerer from a respected family, and he was the heir to one of the Major Clans—someone her parents wouldn’t despise. Figuring out the right way to breakup was more difficult than Y/n imagined, so she’d save it until last minute.
Whether she spent time with friends, or tiptoed around her boyfriend; nights were always the same. Every night she stared at her white room ceiling, in a silent, cold house with not a single thought passing her mind. As time passed, she felt uneasy. She could not remember the last time she went so long without fighting curses. 
December was the most difficult time of year for Y/n. Her parents forbid her from spending holidays with other families, but they never came home for them, either. To compensate for this, her friends insisted on celebrating her birthday on December 24, 2017, a day where they were all free. Y/n remember the unease she felt as she got ready, she wore a white knitted sweater, brown pleated skirt, black stockings and black platform boots. She brushed it off as the same feeling she usually had, but when she stepped out of her house—every fiber of her being screamed that something was wrong. Her father stood outside, waiting for her.
“Happy birthday, Y/n.” He donned the usual neutral expression, and held his hands behind his back with elegance.
“Good evening, father.” She bowed, “If I knew you would come, I would have prepared something.”
“Don’t worry about that, I’m here on urgent matters.” He said nothing, and Y/n followed him silently inside their car. 
“Where is Mother?” Y/n asked.
“There’s been a terrorist attack on Kyoto and Tokyo. She is busy.” His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, and Y/n’s blood ran cold when she saw. On his nail beds were bright crimson. That’s usual for a Jujutsu Sorcerer, but not for her father. Her father barely ever dirtied his hands when fighting a sorcerer, and he always washed them thoroughly after work. He was a germaphobe, and could only make a mistake like this if he was panicked, or under duress. 
‘A terrorist attack? Shouldn’t we be out there, then?” Y/n knew better than to raise her tone at her father.
“We have more important matters to attend to.”
“Most important matters?” She couldn’t contain the rage, and suspicion that was beginning to consume her. She wanted her father to banish her skepticism, and give her an explanation for this strange behavior, “You’re separated from mother, and thousands of people are about to lose their lives. What could be more important than doing your job?”
He didn’t yell at her, or patronize her for asking questions.“Your mother made her decision, and so have I.” The car ride was silent as they drove to the outskirts of the city, and into the mountains. Y/n couldn’t win a fight against her father. Attempting an escape would only make matters worse for her.
They arrived at an abandoned temple with vines growing along the infrastructure. The aura there was quiet, and unsettling. This energy was the crux of the anxiety that plagued her these past few months. Emptiness. An alluring kind.
She felt as if she were half her age. She had the urge to grab her fathers sleeve, and beg him to not make her go in there. She lunged backwards, and materialized her dual blades. 
Her father grinned, “If only you fought back sooner, my dear daughter.”
She reached for her cursed energy, but nothing came to her. In a flash, her father smashed his knee into her gut/ She coughed up blood, and collapsed onto the floor. She had never felt a hit that hard in her life.  Mr. Fujino placed a cloth over her nose, and Y/n couldn’t escape his death grip. This man is not my father, he can’t be.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
You got me thinking about this all day. I'm on mobile so forgive autocorrect
Padok stared at the kid in front of him. The kid stared intently back.
"You can... just take them. They're free," Padok repeats.
"That's not fair! I don't want to be in your debt! We'll trade."
"Ok. What do you have in mind?"
The kid, who had curly hair and a green tunic over a brown undershirt shrugged and started sorting through his bag. He pulled out many things including a little doll of himself which he immediately put back in, a raft that he swiftly threw over his shoulder before it expanded and knocked a few of his companions to the ground, and a large bottle that was obviously supposed to be a terrarium complete with sticks and a brightly colored beetle, before finally pulling out a stick with a few leaves and flower blossoms on it. The kid smiled proudly and set it on the table, declaring it a "symbol of life and prosperity grown in the blessed gardens of the Great Mothers."
Padok had no fucking idea what that was supposed to mean but he nodded and set the stick on the shelf, getting a bunch of bananas to hand to the kid, who accepted. This usually is a red flag that you're dealing with yiga, but Padok had his doubts.
The curly haired kid thanked him and wandered away. Padok slyly watched him take a banana and chomp off the top, peel and all. Curly made a disgusted face but chewed and swallowed while several jaws dropped in the group he'd come with, along with one chiding "Hy-Rule!"
Scarf attempted to stop Curly, but Blue Hat stepped in with a grin, shake of a coin bag and a gesture where the quad colored tunic kid was watching in fascination. Wolf pelt tried the peel and actually nodded like it was alright. Scarf threw up his hands and turned to their leader, a man with full plate armor - how rich are these people?- who had been teaching the caped boy with a replica of Link's sword how to peel and eat a banana properly. Lobster shirt was watching them and took the banana peel, rubbing the inside consideringly. When Armor turned to address Curly, Lobster shirt carefully dropped the peel on the ground and went to bother his elders.
"But it is edible?" Curly asked loudly, shaking the peel for emphasis.
"I mean yes, but just because it won't give you food poisoning doesn't mean you should eat it!" Armor argued, rubbing his eyes.
Lobster shirt pointed out Lola, Padok's dog, to wolf pet, who ran to greet her and slipped on the dropped peel landing flat on his ass.
"It doesn't matter how it tastes!" Curly was meanwhile arguing. "Everything that can even give nutrients is a gift you shouldn't waste! What if after here we get stranded something we can't scavenge or hunt in? You'll be wishing you had extra peels to eat!"
Armor opened his mouth, visibly sighed, and gave up. Curly took another triumphant bite of the peel and cringed. Blue hat exchanged money with Quad Color. Scarf's face was buried in his hands.
Padok's pretty sure these guys aren't yiga.
I'm cackling oh I love this.
The increasingly doubtful stable master, hyrules canon bag of goodies with the raft and doll, the shout of dismay from the group but twilight testing it with... I can't tell if he used his human or dog taste buds, even my black hole of a goat dog won't eat banana peel XD. I think twilight just. Is like that.
But wind discovering the banana slip on his very first banana.... Tricking twilight with a dog to pet (mood), the way the guy thought time was rich af or at least descended from people who were, with his plate mail, hyrule ACTIVELY defending his terrible taste but hating the banana peel XD. The general air of chaos. Oh I love this!!!
Yeah sure despite the bananas they manage to pass the test anyway. First people to do so, but now he's got a great story to tell the next people coming in lmao.
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girlactionfigure · 8 days
🟪 TUESDAY morning - events from Israel  
ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
▪️OPPOSITION LEADER MK YAIR LAPID.. Yesh Atid party, spotted in Washington, DC meeting with Barak Obama, after meeting with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.
.. Lapid to US Sec State Blinken: "Israel will not be able to recover from the bloody impact, 101 abductees have been in danger of their lives for 346 days. Don't let Hamas get away with evading returning hostages. We will provide a safety net (meaning the opposition votes will offset coalition parties who would vote against a deal) to bring the kidnapped home. No extremist parties will be allowed to overturn a deal within Israel.”
▪️POLITICAL RUMORS.. rumors and leaks continue to swirl over whether MK Sa’ar and his small opposition party, a break-away from Likud 5 years ago, will join the coalition.  The latest from the rumor mill: The security portfolio to Sa'ar - Minister in the Prime Minister's Office to MK Elkin - Deputy Foreign Minister to MK Sharan Hashakal - New Tikva party will be independent for now (will not immediately re-merge with Likud).
.. (Ch. 14) The details regarding Gideon Sa'ar are already closed.  Alternative source: The negotiations are close to closing, there are still a number of small issues remaining.  Another source: Sa'ar will have a veto on the promotion of legal reform.
.. (Ch. 14) Likud officials are preparing to thwart the return of Gideon Sa'ar to the government.
▪️AMMO THEFT.. Huge theft from an IDF base in the south - 18 containers with military equipment were broken into, a huge amount of ammunition was taken. (Ch. 14)
▪️ISRAEL RETURNS TERRORIST BODY.. to Jordan, from the Allenby crossing attack that killed 3 civilian workers.
▪️RED ON RED - JENIN.. Arab reports, the security forces of the Palestinian Authority, abducted and arrested tonight the senior Hamas operative in the Jenin Tha'er Lahluh Brigades, known as "Abu Sanad".  Violent gunfights broke out between Hamas and PA forces.
▪️TERROR WIFE?  Arab reports, the army arrested Abla Sa'adat tonight in the city of El Bira in Ramallah, the wife of the secretary of the Popular Front in the Territories, Ahmed Sa'adat, who has been imprisoned in Israel since October 2001 for his part in the murder of Minister רחבעם זאבי, hy”m
▪️HOUTHIS WARN.. against an attack against Yemen following the launch of the missile at Israel.
▪️HOUTHIS CLAIM.. "The US offered to recognize our rule in exchange for the cessation of attacks."
▪️US SEC DEFENSE TO ISRAEL.. Austin to Def. Min Gallant: Israel must give the talks (with Lebanon) time to succeed, escalation will have devastating consequences.
▪️UN SEC GENERAL - ISRAEL BAD.. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that "nothing justifies the collective punishment" imposed by Israel on the population of the Gaza Strip "who experience unimaginable suffering".  In an interview with the French news agency AFP, Guterres claimed: "It is clear that we all condemn the terrorist attacks of Hamas, as well as the kidnapping of the hostages, but the truth is that nothing justifies the punishment. The collective of the Palestinians, and this is what we see dramatically in Gaza."
♦️COUNTER-TERROR - SHECHEM.. clashes that developed in the Balata camp in Nablus tonight, between IDF forces who arrived to make arrests, and local terrorists who tried to prevent the arrests, unsuccessfully.  Casualties reported among the terrorists.
⭕3 rounds of HEZBOLLAH ROCKETS at northern towns overnight.  Significant damage in Menara.
✡️A brief daily word of Torah: Truth reveals God’s Oneness in the world. - Sefer Hamidot, Rebbe Nachman of Breslev
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objectshowstamps · 4 months
Object Show Stamps intro
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greetings, and salutations! This is a gimmick blog for stamps related to object shows, if you couldn't tell. Requests are always welcome when the askbox is open. The little stamp guy in our profile picture (and mostly everything else) is Stampe! Below are rules and important stuff, then the mods.
1. All stamps are free to use! Credit is preferred, but not required at all.
2. Do not request any darkships, or anything illegal. Basic DNI. Trife, Nickcase, or any ship with Taco doesn't count.
3. Leading on from rule 2, all ship requests are made in a neutral stance, do not take any request as us liking or disliking a ship.
4. Requests with slurs will be tagged with warnings, and to a minimum. The only ones allowed are the F slur, and the T slur. Please make sure you are requesting these jokingly, and you can reclaim them.
5. Please elaborate on the show and character, usually this wouldn't be a problem if it's someone with a distinctive name. Characters like, Nickel, Taco, and OJ will have to have a show stated. Along with most characters from niche object shows.
6. It may take a long while for your ask to be posted, especially if it's from a niche object show, or just a difficult request in general.
The mod list goes.
Mod 🍻, The original, the one writing this! Most posts that don't have a sign off are from him. Pronounced Mod Beer. He/Him
Mod 🪤, The helperrrrr, second ever mod on the blog. Tends to make stamps more than posting. Pronounced Mod Cheesetrap. They/Them
Mod 🎅, The gay, the third ever mod! One of the most active mods on the blog. Also was temporarily removed because of Karkat Vantas. Pronounced Mod Santa. He/She/Neon
Mod 🎁, The president, the fourth ever mod. Tends to do the niche object shows, also the petscop fan. Pronounced Mod Gift. Hy/Him/It
Mod 🚺🔛🔝, The paper liker, the fifth mod. Used to only be here for Paper asks, but now does anything.pronounced women on top. They/Them/Any
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Anonlist undercut
I LIED!!!!!! It's being redone rn plz don't jump me
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