#I *really* don't like the way followers of the Dead Three are dressed in-game personally
y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
Hey! Love your lore posts! Was wondering if you knew whether there was any symbolism attached to Banites covering their eyes? Is it simply to shield their identities or is it something to do with the Church? (perhaps a "see no evil" 🙈 type deal?)
I've never seen anything about them covering their eyes in lore (which isn't the same as it not existing, but if it does I haven't seen it). If it's about their in-game design then it's just a stylistic thing, not a lore thing.
Religious garb for the Bhaalists has them hiding their faces behind veils, and the Myrkulites behind skull masks and layers of corpse ash taken from the crematoriums. Both in black robes with deep hoods to further obscure themselves. Banites tend to *show* their faces (ritual facial tattooing (I think Gortash actually has concept art with facial tattoos?), gemstones worn on the forehead to denote high rank, that kind of thing) the closest to obscuring any of their face that I remember is wearing hoods at the regular evil meetings, and the fact that, due to the military nature of Bane's Church, armour has been a big part of the uniforms so some might have masks/visors on their fancy black spiky helmets?
Out of ceremonial garb, they must wear something black (at least one article of clothing minimum) and if possible a sash-belt in red with the Black Fist on it. Also two holy symbols (one on the neck, tucked in out of sight if needs be, one in the heel of their boot). No eye covering there.
'See no evil' would be out of character for Bane. He wants open tyranny and very much wants you to look at that evil. Dressing to honour your faith in Bane but hiding your identity feels incorrect in a way I can't articulate at 1 in the morning. But like Gortash standing in public with the holy symbol practically wearing a sign that says 'I worship Bane': their faith is legal and they're not the most subtle in dress regardless, so protecting your identity is ehh.
I'd go for obscuring your face for intimidation as an explanation, personally.
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ladyshrike · 1 month
Giving Into The Love
Kenji Sato X Best Friend
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A story I'm working on over on AO3.
(Word Count: 2504)
One | Two | Three | Four
Chapter 2:
It’s the sounds of waves crashing distantly in the background that wake her. The cool texture of something against her back causing a shiver to go down her spine. The moment her eyes open, it's like everything rushes back to her. Sound, memories of falling, the fast beating of her heart and the sudden panicked gasp that leaves her feeling breathless. It's like she’s still falling, the sensation of it alone ripping a screaming cry from her lips. It's like her senses are on high alert then, every ache, or sore spot, the cool air against her skin, everything, she feels it like her senses are dialed up to a million. The feeling so horrible that the moment something wraps around her arms tightly, she jumps, startled into sobs as the feeling tightens around her.
Until it begins to ease away.
There’s soft reassurances whispered in her ear, what could be a hand gently smoothing her hair down, a soothing action as the hold starts to feel protective. As if on some baser level instinct, some primal need for comfort, she clings to the form that holds her, sobs racking her body as she slowly realizes she’s safe. The person holding her is Kenji, and she’s in his living room, still half dressed and on his couch. Nothing else crosses her mind, just the need to get closer to him, to not leave his comfort, or this spot on his couch for anything. It's like a fear that has rooted her to that spot now.
“H-hey it's ok! You’re safe now!” His voice becomes a little clearer to her now, but everything still leaves her jumpy. “Mina! Get her a sedative! Something to calm her, anything!”
The prick she feels on her arm is startlingly not something she really registers until she starts to feel her heart rate slow, her breathing evening out a little and her brain stops racing the way it had been. It still takes a while, she's not sure how long really, but she feels like it's hours from how used to his hold on her she's grown used to. Or rather, aware of.
She moved first, hesitant as she slightly inched away. She feels her heart rate spike a little, but he eases her into it, keeping his hands on her arms, to keep at least some contact with her, afraid if he lets go…well, who knows what he might be thinking would happen if he lets her go. She only knows it feels like she'll continue to fall, like she'll slip through this version of events and go right back to falling from her complex.
“Y-yeah-, it's me, Warryn.” He affirms, hand moving to her cheek to keep her looking at him, more of a way to reassure himself that she isn't gravely hurt. “I…what…do you remember what happened? You showed up at my door, injured and…you were rambling about Gigantron, and Ultraman, and…you brought up Hoshi…”
He trails off after that, looking at her expression for anything that seems like a glimmer of recognition. Her eyes water at the thought and he seems to regret that, moving to tell her something, until she blurts out what she remembers.
“i-I was watching the game, and saw that Gigantron attacked the stadium, so I called you, but you didn't answer. I watched Ultraman and Gigantron fight over the stadium, and then her beam hit the floor above my apartment, and my window shattered, and the building tipped and I was hanging from something, and I fell and…I don't remember what happened after..I…fell and I…am I dead? Did we die? Is this just…a version of heaven for us? For me?”
She continues to ramble on, about the beach, and how she doesn't know how she got there. About Hoshi and how she followed her here. He stops her midway through it all, noting the panic in her voice.
“Hold on, you fell?! You were hanging from something out your window, and you fell?”
She furrowed her brows, remembering the window as it shattered all too clearly. She remembered having moved towards it, it’s a direct overlook to the stadium a two blocks or so away, watching the cracks form as it shattered, as if in slowmo. She recalls tripping over herself as the building was rocked by the force of an explosion above her apartment. She remembers frantically reaching for something, anything. The next thing she remembered after that was hanging there, struggling to hold on before she fell.
“Y…yes…I…was trying to call you, but…you wouldn’t answer and I thought…” Her words die off then. She doesn’t want to say it, she’s still on the fence about whether or not she was still alive. “And then Ultraman showed up to deflect Gigantron’s ray, and I guess…that’s what hit above my apartment…”
There’s a mix of emotions that pass over his face, none she had seen before in…well, such a long time really. She’s gotten so used to his expression being cocky, bored, prideful and sometimes angry. There is something, an emotion she does immediately know on his face, always used around her when he thought she wasn’t looking.
And that morphs to something she can only think is…guilt?
“Why…didn’t you answer? I was so worried…”
His hands fall to hers now, no words coming to mind. Like he’s trying to find the right ones, but can’t come up with a single one. He holds her hands gently, thumbing over the bandages he wrapped them in, the idea of her being hurt enough to need them seeming to cause him hurt.
He seems to break off of a trance of some sorts, looking back up at her with that same look. Distantly, she recalls his younger self, that expression being there when he did something he shouldn’t have, or snuck her a cookie when her mom said not to. Maybe…it was guilt? Maybe it was something new she just couldn’t clock?
She doesn’t realize she’s holding a breath until he speaks, a soft questioning sound leaving her lips with a quiet hum. “Hm?”
“I didn’t have my phone on me…and I guess when the stadium shook, it broke in my locker…” He sounds off, like he’s trying to sound sure that that was the case, or maybe trying to convince himself that was true? “I just…rode straight here before it got too bad, I guess…I didn’t even think that you’d be in danger…I thought…but the fight didn’t hit anywhere near your apartment? Aren’t you still living near To-oh University?”
She shakes her head. “No…I moved closer to the Stadium, remember? …Get to watch the games for free now…”
In truth, it was so that she was closer to him in some way. Yeah, they talked everyday, yeah, they went out on random little adventures when they each had the time, or when they both had something they wanted to see. They were thick as thieves, but she’d planned to stop by while he was practicing on the field, maybe get some inspiration for her work, both of them seeming to have hit a bit of a slump, though her more so as she was thinking of taking a hiatus.
“Free ga…Ryn…I can get you into any game you want, you just have to ask…you don't need to move that close to the Stadium, especially with the sudden influx of Kaiju, it's dangerous right now…”
“Ken, it’s always dangerous, anywhere here. The fights between the KDF and the Kaiju, and throwing Ultraman in the mix, it’s just, something is always bound to happen.” She attempts to point out, not wanting to admit the reality of what she wanted. She didn’t want to ruin a friendship this old after all. “And it was closer to my studio…” She offers.
“I get it, I really do, but…”
He doesn’t even finish what he’s saying, likely unable to come up with anything after the studio part of her answer. He simply sighs, brushing back the stray dusty hair from her face, something he catches himself doing as he pulls his hand away, clearing his throat.
“I…I left some spare clothes on the counter of my bathroom…why don’t you get cleaned up? I’m not a medical professional and we should get you checked out…ok?”
She’s still holding onto his free hand, trying to let go, but finding herself unable to. Seeing this, he whispers something reassuring to her, she can’t really hear what he said, trying to figure out why she can’t let go of his hand.
“I…um…could you…help me get there?”
She doesn’t really need the help, but she needs the time to let his hand go. Her only guess so far is that it is a fear response, or a response to something like…her need to find something real to hold onto. He nods and, while she’s a bit shaky on her feet, she manages to walk with him to his bedroom, to the door of his bathroom inside. Taking a shaky breath, she feels her fingers slowly unclasp from his. It’s only then she’s realized just how tight she was holding onto him, her hand pulling away to hold onto the frame of his door.
“Sorry I…I got it from here, thanks…”
His hand seems to chase after hers, like even he is afraid to let go, but he catches himself again, unsure of what to do with his hands now that he isn’t holding onto hers.
“O-oh…ok…I…Mina! Start the shower for her please! Warm please!”
It takes her a moment to recall the name belongs to his ai assistant that he’s built into the house. Sure enough, the water starts on its own, already falling warm, the perfect temperature. She takes a step in and finds he did in fact leave spare clothes out for her. She looks back at him, hand on the knob and he’s staring at her, assessing, as if still making sure she is actually alright, something he genuinely hopes the doctors at the emergency room would confirm.
“I…Is it ok if I leave the door open a little?”
His face turns a little red in hue, not a lot, she doesn’t expect it to or hope it really does, but it is something she notices. He nods quickly, flustered as he motions to the bed. “I was actually gonna…I was gonna keep an ear out from the bed…” He says sheepishly.
She doesn't know where she musters the courage for it, only having done so once or twice in her lifetime of knowing him, but she gets on her tiptoes, lips hesitantly pressing against his cheek, her own cheeks matching the hue of red his turn.
“Thank you for caring about me…”
She leaves the door slightly open, glad the mirrors are fogged over. She wipes the adjacent ones on the other wall to get a look at the state of herself, and her breath catches. The bruises are darker, the scrapes angry and inflamed. Her hair is a mess, tangled and feeling like there was still sand in it. There’s gauze bandaged to her cheek, a little clumsily might she add, but covering something beneath it. She pulls it off gently and feels her eyes water at the sight of a dark purple bruise along her jaw. It’s almost the size of her fist, and she faintly recalls her head hitting something while she tumbled out the window.
She’s acutely aware of just how sore she is as she removes the bandages on her hands, and thighs, the one a little more tender to the touch being on her stomach.
Clean up.
She wipes the tears from her eyes gingerly, trying to avoid the aching bruise. She takes the dirty clothes off, and steps in, flinching slightly when the water runs over her injuries. The weight of everything that happened finally crashing down on her. The reality of her situation makes it a thousand times worse. All her things, personal papers, important ones, her computer, her guitars, her clothes…all of it, it’s gone, burned or trapped in a building she knows too well won’t be cleared to get into until the structural integrity is assured to be safe enough to do so. The tears mix with the water as she stays under it for what feels like hours, but is likely only a few minutes. Her hair clings to her face and shoulders, still tangled, probably tangling further. She takes a moment to compose herself, trying to control her breathing. She doesn’t want to worry Kenji further after all. She was an adult, she could deal with things like this herself. Not necessarily alone, but herself.
By the time she steps out of the shower, her eyes feel dry, but she at least feels cleaner. The sand out of her hair, the dust and soot cleared off her skin, though still in her nose and throat when she finds her nose is running with a watery mucus speckled with soot. She looks at the clothes he’s left her, a black t-shirt that's entirely too big for her, his sweatpants, and almost embarrassingly enough, a pair of unused boxers, still rolled up and kept that way by a tiny strip of tape. Carefully, she throws the clothes on, noting her dirty clothes aren’t on the ground in a corner anymore. Had he come in to collect it to wash? Had Mina done so? She steps out, half expecting to find Kenji staring the door down with worry, but finding him missing, and…something making a screeching noise very close by.
Was it another Kaiju? It doesn’t sound like one she knows personally, but it's loud, and close. Panic fills her mind then. Where was he? Was he ok?
Her voice squeaks out, her throat suddenly dry as she quickly leaves his room. Maybe…maybe the basement? He has the cars downstairs, maybe he doesn’t even hear how close the kaiju is? Maybe he’s getting a car to take her to the hospital?
Without thinking of even asking Mina about where he is, she’s already in the elevator, her thumb allowing her access as she had come to find out months before. It starts its way down, and she would gladly admit that the moment she realized the sound of the kaiju screeching and chirping was actually getting louder, and sounding closer, freaked her out more. But not as much as the sight of Ultraman dropping a half ton of fish down into a large glass…containment unit…in Kenji’s basement. The scream she lets out is involuntary, the sight of a massive pink…baby kaiju in the glass unit startling her.
Ultraman’s head whips around, the color timer on his chest flickering almost aggressively as he suddenly shrunk and transformed, leaving her head spinning.
It was Kenji standing there. Not just a human sized Ultraman or something. Just… a frazzled and panicked Kenji, on his ass, looking at her likely equally startled.
“I-I can explain!”
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plaindangan · 2 months
DRBB - Satsuki and Mikako challenge Rei to a rematch to become the twerkslut champion of their class, though all three have tricks up their sleeves to try and win the top spot.
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
(NOTE: This is the first of essentially a reader participation response! Basically, you guys decide who wins based upon majority vote!! It'll be up for a week, so gives you enough time to really think things through!)
"Welcome one and all to our main event!! The following is a triple twerk threat match and it is to decide the Queen of Division "Alter"!!!" It was a packed crowd tonight, with fans of all over screaming into the stadium, looking very well excited for the long awaited show to begin! In the ring was the android bear girl hostess herself, Monokuma, who gave a fanged grin to the spectators. Mic in hand, she began to announce the participants, each one standing at a corner of the ring.
"Introducing first! She is the Ultimate Clown, whose moves make everyone else feel like the fool! She worked her way up being #3 of Alter, it's Satsuki Iranami!!!!"
"Heeeeeeey!! Satsuki will do her best~"
Waving to the crowd, was a clownish girl of 7ft stature. She was wearing a pair of pink overalls that barely covered the nipples of her own plump 'balloons' and certainly wasn't covering her ripe pair at the back. On that note, she actually did have a pair of pink balloons tattooed on her ass cheeks, which almost certainly had some people very much captivated. With a wave, a cute wiggle of her booty, she was constantly greeting the crowd with fervor.
"She'll put the scare with her moves and send your soul to the afterlife!! With claps that can wake the dead, Alter #2, Mikako Kurokawa!!!"
"I won't lose this time, Rei!!!"
With her arms crossed, stood Mikako at about 8ft tall and eyes very much determined. Her outfit of choice was, on paper, thed most conservative being a long black cloak that reached down to her ankles....but was so tight, you could easily see how hard her own set of big 'charms' were under there and looked just about a twitch away from ripping under the strain of her booty. An eager smile was on her face as she could just TASTE the crown that had slipped from her grasp the first time around.
"Finally, the last, but certainly not least!! She sits upon the throne as the Queen of the Alter Division. She can outsmart you before you know it and has taught everyone just how bad she can can be! Give a bow to Queen Rei Mekaru!!!"
"...This will end like all the same~"
Dwarfing both in height was 10 (out of 10) ft tall Rei. Thanks to the Change, her sense of restraint had gone out the window - and what crawled through was her increased need to show off her superiority. This is reflected in not just her standard crown and cape she was wearing, but the fact that underneath it, she was essentially wearing the epitome of a 'sexy teacher' outfit. A white dress shirt that was buttoned directly at the base of tits, giving everyone else a great look at her low cleavage and belly. On her hips was a pair of moons which were half covered by a stunning pair of gray dress pants...essentially meaning those behind at the moment were getting an impressively long look at the 'crack' in her armor. On her hands was a pair of black gloves, and even her orange hair was done up in a bun.
"For tonight, the match stipulation is clear - Busting Buns!!! You know the rules ladies! Whoever can bring out their twerk game to make the guy they're assigned to cum the most wins the crown!! And don't worry folks - these boys are built to last...trust me, I checked personally~ It'll be a lengthy match, in more ways than one~....Oh and Usami's here to keep count on the jizz spilled - yadda, yadda, yadda. " Monokuma reassured, the woman giggling to her self as the 'volunteers' took to stage. Three naked men wearing bags with eyeholes over their heads and hands tied behind their backs, being lead to the middle of the ring and guided into seats. From there, they were were strapped down to them. As for Usami, while she was in the ring, the android rabbit girl had tape over her mouth and was looking very dejected....oh well~
Satsuki took the one on the left, Mikako the one on the right and, finally, Rei took the one in the middle. All three, turning at the same time. Phat asses ready to get to work!!!
"Let's give it everything we've got!! Ittttt'ss twerking time!!!!" START!!!
Throughout the stadium a hypnotic, captivating rap beat began to blare. And with it? Came the throwdown~
Clapclapclapclap! Clap, CLAP! Clapclapclapclap! Clap, CLAP!
"Woooooo!! Time to for the Satsuki Special~" With a slap to her wobbly cheeks for good measure, Satsuki bent over and gave a self-wedgie to really let her orbs free as they began to clap ferociously and loudly, demanding all eyes on her as a true entertainer would want.
"Hey, hey, heeeeey!!!" Satsuki began, turning towards her 'volunteer'. "Don'tcha think that Satsuki deserves this crown more? Hmmmm? Hmmmmmm~ Just look at this big, bubbly, booty!! Satsuki's balloons are the best, don't you think? Say!! If you give up lots of that nice, sticky, load, Satsuki will even give you a private show! Wouldn't that be nice? Practicing making 'balloon art' on these fully, bouncy, balloons~ Feeling her badonkadonk bounce and bounce and bounce and bouuuunceee riiiight on your own twitchy snake? Pffff, Satsuki sees you really like that, hm? Queen Satsuki will be sure to reward her brave peasant for this!! She'll make an entire day just for you for being so darn helpfuly!! How do you like parades! Or circuses! Or...heh! Right, right, right! You really only care about the 'cake', huuuuuh?~ Then Satsuki will get the best of the best of the Alter Division to give you as many 'cakes' as you can eat!! Oooh!!! Really, stiff now!! Then it's a deal!!! But first, you need to start letting go of that spunk you got! Go, go, go, go, go!!! Satsuki's cake especially needs that frosting~" She declared tongue out in a teasing manner to her dear volunteer, if not winking at them. Her teasing tone complimenting Satsuki's own methods of keeping her rump directly towards the face of someone who was very clearly considering forgoing the cash to get some further 'entertainment'~
Claaaaaap! Claaaaap! Claaaaaaap! Claaaaaaap! Claaaaaap! Claaaaap! Claaaaaaap! Claaaaaaap!
"Don't get cocky!!! This is my victory!!!" Mikako said in reassurance to herself. Her hips swayed in time with the beat, and with each sway came a thunderous clap that would souls scurrying right over to her. Sprinting even, as Mikako slowly, sensually, lifted up her robes to show off her black, lacey, panties that were covering a mass of ridiculously jiggly fat. Once those globes came out? Why, she picked up the pace tremendously, her gothic booty cranking up the sound dangerously close to her guy's ear drums. Forcing his brain to only think of the ass right in front of him.
"Hehehehe~ Breath already stolen, eh? That's a given since I've worked hard to make it here!! All that meditation, all those 'spiritual shakeup' sessions, those long fights to make it to #2 - it was all for this moment!! I wouldn't even bother trying keep that cream in!! If the dead can't resist submitting to this ass, than why the heck would someone living do any better~ Yes...it's much better to just listen. Listen, watch and submit. Listen..." CLAP! "Watch..." CLAP CLAP! "And submit~" CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!!! "No shame in 'releasing your demons' on this ass~ Just give yourself the biggest release as possible, and hurry on it!! And make sure to keep them coming and cumming!!....Yes!! That's it, that's the hard-on I'm looking for!! Trust me, you won't regret this!! Just lose yourself in this and I guarantee that once I become Queen, there's nothing in either worlds that'll be able to give your the joy I'll allow you to have after tonight when I'm crowned!!! Dead or alive, you'll have the respect from all for helping me get what I rightfully earned!!! So get to letting out all that 'sin' that's in all those balls of yours! Right! This! Instant!! Spray my ass until people can hardly tell if its cum or 'ectoplasm' on it~" demanded Mikako, with every, little, second or possible distraction being forced away with those deadwakers crashing together and keeping her 'volunteer's' mind completely occupied.
For the one in the middle, they were having the instant privilege of being blessed with the Queen's performance. For a moment, she was still, arms crossed and barely even moving a muscle compared to how Mikako or Satuski were starting. But then, seemingly out of nowhere as the music started to ramp up - she did the splits. Much to the roar of the crowd, and the splitting of her own pants - revealing her red lace panties with the word 'QUEEN' stylized at the back. Her twerking was forceful, constant and utterly dominating in terms of power as she slammed her wideload onto the ground. Looking back, her stern glare prevented you from doing so much as blinking.
"Don't you even dare! You will look at my performance. You will keep those eyes on my luscious ass. You will think of nothing but wanting to get that cock of yours into my ass. You will do nothing else but be aroused and be envious of what you can not, yet, grasp. You will submit to those nasty carnal fantasies of yours and allow yourself to be as erect in moment's time. You will drive yourself crazy and wet based upon sight and sound alone. You will cum to no end - that is non-negotiable!! As Queen of the Alter Division, I hold much in the means of sway! Power! Control! And, of course, pleasure~" CLAP! CLAP CLAP! CLAP! "By submitting to me, you will be rewarded for supporting your Queen - and would you honestly risk losing out on being inside this, ugh can't believe I'm about to say this, gigantic, sweaty, 'twerkmeat' as they say?~...Heh. I see, you've made up your mind~ Well, then, quit holding back! And you better shoot as much as possible!! Coat my back white! Leave no doubt that it was myself who drove you to this point!!" Ordered the Queen, her tone absolute and demanded clear as day for someone's who title was on the line. Her ass, toned and well-forged in both experience & Boombox related matters, was continuing on in the hopes that this was a title defense in the bag~
But, ultimately, there can be only one winner: who takes the crown?
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stevie-petey · 7 months
I need something cute, like Steve getting a glimpse into the future and just seeing everything he's ever wanted. A big house full of kids, it's loud and busy, Toys scattered around. Then he just sees bug in all her glory. She's not dressed up or anything. Wearing pj's and sitting on the couch surrounded by a gaggle of little Harringtons. Some look like her, some look like him, maybe one who's too little to tell. Older ones sitting across the floor. Everyone's doing their own thing but all together in the same room. Everything feels warm and cozy. No more fighting for their lives, or worrying about what's gonna happen next. They're safe, surrounded by love that they created.
I imagine it like when Nancy comes back around Steve feels confused about his feelings ( Steve and Nancy never really had a friend phase like Steve and bug did, so I feel like they have trouble acting like friends around each other. It always lands into flirting territory and this might be confusing for the both of them.) And then he just gets hit with this vision and it makes him wanna cry. All he's ever wanted right in front of him but out of reach. When he'd get out of the upside he'd basically throw himself at bug. Any confusion is out the window and he knows what he wants.
ALSO, I feel like the jug reunion will be so good. I know season four took a lot away from Jon's character but I feel like it was needed. He saw his younger brother dead, his mom go crazy, planned a funeral BY HIMSELF ( and bug), he's almost died a million times. He deserved a break. He deserves to be a teenager and smoke weed, to forget about college for a minute. I feel like it helped him kinda go back to his old self, or maybe become someone new entirely that's a mixture of his two selves. Bugs tired when he comes back from California. She's been through hell and back and now she gets to see her old friend again. She gets to pretend like nothing has happened. Like she didn't almost die, like she hasn't been cursed or plagued with nightmares. She gets to relax and distract herself from everything that's happening around her. Don't get me wrong she's Happy, she loves Steve and she wouldn't give those memories up for the world, but she missed Jonathan. Everythings fucked but when bug and bee are together it's okay, they feel like everything will be okay. I feel like after everything that happened with vecna she'd feel homesick if that makes sense? She's way too stressed out and just wants to go home, but homes changed. Having Jonathan there would definitely help.
honestly what i adore about bug and jon is their childish innocence they still have together. the world is ending and theyve had the worst fucking three years of their lives but the second theyre together its bearable again.
i like to think of them as that feeling we all had as children, where we played superhero or tag or hide and seek, and the thrill and invincibility that followed after an exhilarating game with your best friend. your knees may be scrapped from falling, or maybe the dark closet you were hiding in began to scare you, but the moment youre back with your best friend all the fear and worries disappear because how couldnt they ? youre seven and your best friend is your favorite person in the entire world.
also you make such an interesting point about nancy and steve never JUST being friends. i never even considered that and now may have to rethink my pure hatred for that season 4 plotpoint (thats assuming the duffer bros even had that tidbit in mind). i think it adds such a nice layer to everything, so we shall see !!
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nightmarist · 2 years
OK ! DA OCs again....
Kasakos is the "Herald of Andraste" - a Tal-Vashoth mage who went from being Literally Silenced and hated for his existence to... Being Literally Silenced and Being hated and Praised for his existence. He likes listening to stories. Varric of course has the best ones. But he likes Cole, who can understand him without needing to force himself to speak, Solas with beautiful ancient visions, and really everyone and anyone. The Iron Bull is wary of him, but talks about his ventures. iron Bull is kind enough to avoid talking about hunting down Saarebas; it's not the same as making a joke to Krem about "killin 'vints" when Kasakos may visibly flinch.
Aribas is the "Inquisitor" who makes most of the Inquisition decisions on behalf of Kasakos (though she does consult him when necessary such as when concerning the mar or his actual person). She likes hanging out with Blackwall and Sera when she's not being serious. Blackwall almost fears her in the same respect that he fears Cassandra. Cassandra and Aribas have a somewhat rivalry due to the fact she hates the Chantry, openly and loudly, and refers to it as a human Qun. She loves to drink.
Saarkadan is their mutual friend. The three of them left the Qun together. Originally it would have been Saarkadan and Aribas alone, but Kasakos was reluctant to attack them so they killed his handler, freed him, and took him with them. Saarkadan, like Aribas, still has a hardened visage, but he likes soft things. Poetry, flower arranging, he likes Bas concepts of romance. He took up some Bas vices, but his favorite is smoking. He prefers quiet more than Aribas.
Dirthadin, a necromancer Dalish elf who left his clan to pursue lost Elvhen folklore, artifacts, and necromance the dead on long journeys to their riightful graves. While I like writing about him interacting with the Inquisition, I don't think he'd ever actually run into them. He's so wrapped in his own head trying to find elven secrets, believing Only He Can Save Elvhen Culture if he tries hard enough. If given incentive, he would join as an agent, but it isn’t his primary concern - which may be additionally frustrating. "Oh, the sky is being torn apart? Nevermind that, I have to shepherd the dead."
He left his clan as their Keeper, appointed his First as new Keeper, and just went on his merry way, much to their chagrin. His clan loved him, and feel so betrayed by him for it. It's painful for them and he ignored it. His clan is divided on his choice of honoring the dead, some think necromancy is horrific, others still think so but accept it as he is a follower (and named after) Falon'Din. The Journey of Death as the Dead's Psychopomp is a noble one to some.
New Ones !
Camille de la Rouge is a mage. de la Rouge is not their actual name, simply a moniker because they wear red. They are an Orlesean Mage, supposedly. They have the accent, sure, but none of the careful silver-gilt tongue-wagging for The Game - or so anyone thinks. They are more concerned with magic theory than fashion - they say while wearing a lavish red wool coat and hat that likely cost as much as a dozen fine wines. Their mouth and nose are usually covered by the height of their collar. White hair pulled back with tufts of bangs framing their face, adorned with a red tricorn hat. Their staff is split in two, worn on either side of their belt and snap together in battle. Some could mistake them for a rogue before seeing a flash of fire burn their corneas.
Philomené is also Orlesean, a minor noble. Of which house depends on who you ask, and every time you ask her, it seems a different story. She always has the mask to prove it, though likely they are spoils from her many assassinations. Very few would care enough to disprove their third cousin twice removed. And those that try may befall an accident. Her face is always covered by some kind of mask.
She enjoys the pomp of well-tailored dresses and ruff collars. Dresses, of course, are excellent for hidden pockets of knives, and jewelry is perfect for hidden needles of poison. She is a dramatic woman, loudly complaining about mud on her new heels and the long journey may cause wear on her dresses - using the assumption that she is a delicate orlesean flower, pathetic and wilted when not in the right conditions, as exactly the underestimation that gets her targets killed.
Valdyr Lambs-Shield, an Avvar warrior, who got his Legend Byname after shielding a lamb from a demon when all other animals were safely herded away from a rift. He promptly dispatched the lowly wraith, and bears a burned claw mark on his upper back-left shoulder. He is from Rams-Peak Hold south of the Hinterlands. Their Hold Beast is of course a Ram, a larger than usual creature with unusual reddish coloring. They herd some rams and sheep collectively and protect them from wolves snd great bears and other nature’s hardships as they provide milk and fleece necessary to survive. Twice married in Avvar custom, he has one son per wife, Dyrk and Bolor, both toddlers, but where he respects and cares about his wives, Lysala and Foradis, his actual interests lie elsewhere (men).
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ponycritterz · 2 months
<3 Hi I'm ponycritterz, or pony for short!
Click below to learn more about me, and what I'm going to post!! <3
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Hai hello!!!! :33
My pronouns are he/him, I'm gay n happily taken, and I'm 19 years old! I have the best bestie in the world, and I'm madly in love with all things nostalgia. I would describe myself as a guy who dresses goth, but has a bedroom full of cute pink stuff :))!! My goal one day is to have a pink poodle and stride down the sidewalk wearing all black, with a lovely corset ♡
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My interests include 70s-2000s nostalgia, collecting older toys/video game consoles, video games, vintage interior design, the color pink and red, and more!
My top three favorite video games to play have to be Baldurs Gate III, Overwatch, and Sims 3! But as for like., video games I love no matter what, that includes Club Penguin, Webkinz, Tomodachi Life, Sims Urbz DS, Rune Favtory Tides of Destiny, Cooking Mama wii, Animal Crossing GC and New Leaf, and many many more!!
As for like., misc interests, I like a few YouTubers such as Call Me Kevin, Jerma, Oneyplays, Supermega, Kurtis Conner, Izzzyizzz, Film Cooper, Inabber, and EXPLORE WITH US. I love a few shows too, including Golden Girls, Fullhouse, and How I Met Your Mother a lot right now!!
Christmas is my ALL TIME FAVORITE HOLIDAY. It's connected to me in such a nostalgic way, and not really in a religious way at all. I start decorating in July <3 /j
(Vintage) toys I collect include, My Little Pony gen 1-4, Calico Critters, second-hand Precious Moments (because I don't support them lol,) Barbies, Furbies, Muppets, Sesame Street, and more!
As for hobbies, I make digital art, crochet, cross stitch, make Perler bead art, make stuff with air dry clay, repair old toys, and window shop tehe :3 I'd love to learn how to sew.
For "fandomy" interests, I'm currently into Baldurs Gate III, Ghost (band,) Smiling Friends, My Little Pony (gens 1-4,) and definitely more I can't think of. I'm also still super interested in the "classic" fandoms, (such as Sonic, Creepypasta, FNAF,) I just don't talk about them as much anymore. And if you're wondering how we haven't met, I was on Amino, not Tumblr yet <3 LMAO :3
I heavily dislike spiders, death, religion, excessive drug use, and bigotz <3
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On a more personal note, I deal with a lotta dumb stuff that sets me back!! I'm on the spectrum, have BPD, chronic fatigue, severe OCD, and wayyy more dumb stuff. But!! I find posting on social media to be a fun way to cope here and there :)
I'm also under the age regression/dreamer umbrella, and will not tolerate any hate about that. ♡
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- You are a minor!! 17 is right on the line!! I recommend any minor that reads this to go play Webkinz and be a kid as long as ya can :) /gen
- YOU ARE A NSFW ACCOUNT!!! Whether it be some form of "agere" or not, ION like it!!!
- You are anti LGBT+, furry, agere, women's rights, abortion, vaxx, masks, all of that!
- You can't tolerate., "cringe"?? Cringe is dead!! Have fun, rawr means ily in dinosaur bro <3
- Can't tolerate tone indicators, some cussing, over use of ":3"....
- you are an asshole <3 ion like em!!
I am open to making friends as long as you're not dry, follow the DNI guidelines above, and don't talk excessively about drugs/religion. I ain't about allat!
Please interact if you are SFW, a nice person, LGBT+ or ally, whatever!! Just be cool :P
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What I'll be posting:
Moodboards, agere/dre inspo and such, maybe some requests, silly tingz, various crafts, and more :)
I'm not too sure I'll have like a consistent post schedule or anything, but I'd love to try as much as I can while staying healthy!!
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That's pretty much it!!
Thank you so much for reading!! I appreciate you, and hope you enjoy my blog :) I'm VERY new to Tumblr so I'm just getting the hang of things -- bear with me!! <3
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Words: 5.205
Warnings: none;
A/N: I'm sorry that this request took me so long. Mostly, because I really loved the idea. Therefore, I really hope you will like it. I had much fun to write it.
Summary: Because of a mysterious accident you land in Eos. Finding yourself in an unknown world, you're happy that you got help by someone. Nyx saves your life and quickly, he sees more in you than just a person who was in danger.
You were bored. Like, really bored. Your life was barely special before Corona had overtaken the world and now, with all the quarantines, restrictions and rules, the excitement was ... zero.
So, out of boredom, you started to clean your apartment. Every single corner. All of it. From your loudspeakers, random music was playing to cheer you up. Mostly soundtracks of everything you liked: Supernatural, Marvel, Dr Who, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings ... whatever there was in the gaming, movie or TV orbit drifting around, you probably liked it.
So, while you were humming with the latest tune of some triple A video game, you put the vacuum cleaner away to get a black cloth for a last task on your list before everything would be shiny again in your small apartment: the mirrors.
With slow, circling moves, you wiped over the reflecting surface. Your face was staring back at you. Mocking you. You and your boring life even without a pandemic. Sometimes, you even got the feeling of not being in the right place. That you should be somewhere else. That you belonged somewhere else. Where you would have friends and maybe even a partner…
Your eyes were taunting you. They reminded you of all the dreams you had in your youth. All the adventures you wanted to go on. All the exotic countries you wanted to visit. All the food you wanted to discover and yet, you were captured in a boring life, cleaning your apartment at 6 pm because you got nothing else better to do.
You looked into your own eyes, the cloth still touching the mirror as you whispered to yourself, "You know, it would be so great to be somewhere else. Just to be ... Away! Away! Away!"
"I hate these trips!", Libertus complained for the third time since they had passed the wall.
Nyx rolled with his eyes but stayed silent. He was still slowly polishing his blades. As he looked up, his eyes met the smirking expression of Pelna who thought the same as Nyx: 'cry-baby'
"Could you please shut up? Would you rather clean the training court instead?", Crowe asked, annoyed about Libertus' non stop whining.
"At least, it wouldn't be less dangerous.", Libertus argued, crossing his arms over his chest.
Crowe leant forward, supporting herself on her knees, "Oh, really? You remember the last time where we got charged with the cleaning task? Three barracks were burning, one was smoldering and the smell of smoke lingered in the Kingsglaive headquarters for three weeks.", she pointed out.
Libertus stretched out his arms as a question, "What? I just wanted to help and to dry everything faster!"
"Yes! With fire magic, god dammit! You're not the best with magic. At all. Just ... don't do that. This mission will be a bit ... easier, I hope."
Nyx' scoffed, "Please... What shall happen on a routine mission to kill some animals which are terrorizing the outskirts?"
Little did he know...
"Here kitty, kitty!", Pelna called out and tried to gain the attention of some Sabertusks that had been running into small woods.
"Seriously?", Crowe asked, crossing her arms with a frown on her face.
"What? Somehow we have to get their attention back or do you wanna run after them into the woods where the space is crap to fight against them?", Pelna argued.
Libertus stepped next to Crowe while Nyx was a bit closer to the woods and watched the scene closely. Somehow, it had become silent. Too silent for Nyx’ liking. Not one single sound was to be heard except the soft rustling of the leaves of some trees.
Then, he heard something in the distance but the bikerings of his friends were too loud, so Nyx couldn't locate the source of the sound or what it was at all. After another moment had passed, Nyx turned around with a stern expression, "Guys! Could you shut up, please? I heard something!"
"What did you hear?", Libertus asked and earned a rolling of Nyx' eyes.
"I don't know because you're still talk-", but Nyx stopped as he heard this voice again. This time it was louder and came from the nearby woods.
"Help! Anyone help me!"
"Have you guys heard it?", Nyx asked and stepped forward, closer to the voice. He still couldn't see the source so his eyes darted around to find it.
Pelna stepped to Nyx' side, "It came from the woods."
"Yes, but I can't see from where.", Nyx answered serious, drawing his brows together in concern. Running blind was a bad idea. Nyx still searched the area until a figure emerged from a bunch of bushes, running and stumbling forward.
Shocked, Nyx watched you. You were dressed in some casual, short clothes. It could be just something comfortable to chill or something to sleep with. But whatever it was, it wasn't suitable for someone who was out in the wild. So, the first impressions Nyx had about you were: reckless and … cute
"Help! Please, someone help!", you cried out once again while you stumbled forward, flailing with your arms to keep your balance. Four mean and vicious lonking beasts were chasing you. The animals were jumping out of the woods and caught up on you quickly.
This was enough for Nyx to react, "Guys! Take care of the Sabertusks! I will hurry to help them!", he commanded as he saw you falling to the ground, lying there in shock while waiting for the beasts to attack you. Without a second thought, Nyx threw his Kukri to your position.
Screaming and wheezing you crawled back over the ground, cutting deep into the palms of your hands with sharp stones. Backwards, you tried to create as much space as possible for the monsters with the ugly head, the sharp teeth and deadly claws.
Once again, you cried out for help as something appeared in front of you with a soft sizzling and a sound like fire cracking. You blinked for a moment and then, a man was emerging in front of you. He was surrounded by sparks and glitter. He knelt in front of you on one knee with burning scars in his face.
You cried out in surprise and fear, trying to crawl away from him but Nyx raised his hands to soothe you, "It's okay. You're safe now.", he said, trying to calm you but he still saw the panic in your eyes.
You crawled further till your back hit a huge rock, so your way was blocked. The guy looked back at something before he turned back to you. Obviously, he was pleased with what he saw because his expression was more relaxed than before. You noticed his incredible blue eyes and his handsome face. He looked strange with the hairstyle and the tattoos on his face. Strange but not scary, quite the opposite, which made it easier for you to calm down.
While putting away the Kukri, Nyx noticed that you became calmer even if your breath was still erratic. The pure panic became less and left were two beautiful eyes staring right back at him. Your whole appearance was eye-catching as he looked past all the dirt. Slowly, he crawled closer to you, "I won't hurt you. My name is Nyx. What's your name?", he said soothingly, stretching out his hand to you to show you that he was unarmed.
You calmed down by the sound of his warm voice and the sight of the smile on his full lips, "My... My name is YN.”
Nyx smiled softly as he heard your nice voice. As you shot him a weak smile, he felt his heart making a little jump because it was so beautiful. There was something on you he liked immediately. Quickly, he checked your skin but except for a few scratches and bruises, he couldn’t see any serious wounds, “Nice to meet you, YN. Are you hurt?”
You shook your head while moving your arms and legs a little bit to check on them, “I- I'm fine- ahhh!", you cried out in shock about the view of one of the mean beasts that had chased you as its head appeared next to Nyx'. You panicked and luckily, you passed out finally so you wouldn't notice how Nyx with the nice eyes would die before you would get killed as well.
As Nyx saw you passing out, he reached out for you, catching your shoulders before your head could hit the ground and placed your upper body on his lap. As you were secure, Nyx looked up and watched Libertus stepping closer with a dead Sabertusk body as a trophy raised in the air. He was covered in blood and had a big grin on his lips. Annoyed, Nyx sighed, "Great job, idiot.", Nyx said with you unconscious lying in his arms.
As you awoke, you found yourself in a room. It was grey, plain, simple and you were alone. Slowly, you sat up, your head was slightly spinning and a dull pain throbbed behind your temple but your vision became slowly clearer. As you looked around, your eyes landed on a neat folded pile of clothes. Your own were torn and dirty and so, you were thankful to change them.
While you dressed in plain black pants and shirt, you heard sounds coming from behind the door. You considered staying in the safeness of the room but your curiosity won. So, you sneaked out, looking left and right the hallway before you followed the undefined sounds.
After a few metres, you found yourself faced with the view of a courtyard. You were on the second floor and looked into a wide open area. There were men flying and jumping around, all dressed in black, uniform-like clothes. They were appearing and disappearing quickly. Someone started in one corner and landed immediately in another across the field accompanied with sparks and glitter. That you had seen this effect once before calmed you.
Like a circus show, the people were making flic-flac or somersaults. A thought struck you: maybe you got rescued by a bunch of acrobatics and the strange animals had been part of their show? You leant against the handrail to watch them excited.
Suddenly, a man, who stopped right in front of you, keeping himself steady with his hands on the handrail, brought you out of these deliberations and out of your fascination, "Oh, hey, sleeping beauty! Are you good?", the tall guy asked. But unfortunately, it wasn't the one with the incredible blue eyes.
"Libertus! Back to training!", someone called out in a harsh tone, commanding the man away from you.
"Sorry, I have to go.", and with that said, the man called 'Libertus', threw his blade and disappeared in a fog of sparkling stuff.
Still amazed, you watched the others and their 'training', leaning against the handrail with your arms again. As you got used to their tricks, you liked to watch them and how easy it seemed to move so quickly around.
So, as someone appeared next to you, you were startled about the sudden sound of an unknown voice. The owner was tall, with broad shoulders and dressed in a heavy outfit with leather and decorations, "Hi, good to see you awake. My name is Titus Drautos. I’m the Captain of the Kingsglaive.", he introduced himself seriously but calmly.
You frowned, "Kingsglaive?", you asked. You never had heard such a name.
"Yeah... They are the Kingsglaive.", Drautos said and pointed at the jumping figures, "How do you feel?", he asked, checking you quickly but your eyes were clear and there was no other sign of sickness.
"Oh, I'm feeling good again. Thank you.", you said politely, unsure if he wanted to know more but you also felt uncomfortable around him even if you couldn't say why.
"Is there anything I can do for you?", Drautos said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.
"Yeah, actually, I would like to speak with the man who saved me. I would like to thank him. I think 'Nyx' was his name?", you said carefully, watching the Captain’s reaction.
Drautos looked at you for a split second before he shrugged with his shoulders, stepping forward to the handrail, "Ulric!", he called out.
A few seconds later, you watched how a man appeared in front of you, emerging from sparks and glitter like on the field. This time, you were calmer and so, you were impressed how he did this. You never had seen something like this before. And once again, you noticed the glowing, fiery scars carved into his face and down his neck as he stepped in front of the Captain, taking position like a soldier.
"Yes, Sir?", Nyx said serious but already had caught sight of you staring at him. He was glad to see you awake and noticed you approaching with a curious glance. Your eyes were already distracting but Nyx tried to focus on his Captain.
"Since you were the one who had saved YN's life, I thought it would be just right if you would talk with them.", Drautos said serious, "Take care of them.", he said as if you wouldn't stay right next to him before he turned over to march away.
You stared after the tall man, "Actually, it wasn't his idea...", you said resentfully.
Nyx chuckled and closed up on you, "He seeks advantage from whatever he gets. Forget it. But I'm glad that you're awake again. You frightened me a lot as you passed out.", he said with a warm smile.
You chuckled shyly, rubbing the back of your neck, "Yeah...sorry for that. I never fainted before but on the other hand, I never was in such a scary situation."
"I know. Libertus can be frightening-"
"No! I meant this monster! I never saw something like this in my entire life.", you explained, shaking about the mere memory.
“You mean the Sabertusk?", Nyx asked, confused. Sure, not every Insomnian citizen knew all Lucis' animals or had seen them in real life but Sabertusks were so common that even the smallest kids knew about them.
"Saber- what? Nevermind. I just don't want to see any of this again."
Nyx chuckled, "Don't worry. Here in Insomnia, you're safe."
You tilted your head, "Insomnia?"
Nyx frowned and was concerned if you might have hit your head after all, "Yeah... Insomnia? The capital city of Lucis?"
You blinked several times because you had no idea what he was talking about, "Lucis? Is that a nickname for... Louisiana?"
Nyx stepped in front of you, looking in your eyes and checking your head but you seemed alright, "Amnesia, huh? Well, I guess this will be over soon. I'm sure it's coming from the shock. You're hungry?", he asked hopefully to be able to spend more time with you and watched how a broad smile spread on your lips.
"I'm starving!", you answered.
"Oh, no! Don't do that! Drautos will yell at me if I won't take good care of you.", he joked and showed you the way out of the headquarters.
As you stepped out of the building, you had no idea that the time for questions and wonders had just begun.
Nyx passed the entrance mindlessly and walked down the few stairs but as he couldn't hear you following him, he turned around just to see you staring at the skyline with big eyes. It was this moment where Nyx noticed two things:
First, the astonishment you showed as you looked at all the buildings and at the sky with the magical wall wasn't just an act and second, Nyx realized that he was attracted to you.
It was the second point that surprised Nyx the most. He barely knew you. He had just met you and still, there was something on you. He had felt it back on the field. Something he couldn't put a finger on. Were it your eyes? Or the way you looked at the surroundings as if you had never seen any of all this before? Or was it the way you looked at him?
Nyx thought about it like a magical aura that surrounded you. There was something on you he couldn't quite understand but he was eager to find out what it was. Amused but at the same time attentive, he watched you stumbling down the few stairs because your eyes were still directed at the sky. Nyx caught you at the last moment and shook his head with a grin, "Watch out, YN. Don't walk around so mindlessly or you will hurt yourself.", he whispered.
You noticed your cheeks redden, mostly as you felt Nyx’ strong hands on your body and how close he was, but as your eyes met his you saw the grin on his lips, "Usually, I'm more cautious but- have you seen the sky? It… Is it sparkling? It looks as if sparkling waves are spreading over the city…", you breathed, looking up once again.
Nyx looked from you at the sky and back at you before he placed you back on the ground, "Y-yeah… it's kinda sparkling. That's the magic of the crystal. The crystal which secures this city through the King's power?", he added as he saw your puzzled expression.
"Y-you… this city has a King? And a magical- what? A wall?"
"Very funny!", Nyx called out and laughed. He thought you would make fun of him but as you still stared at him with no amusement, he frowned, "Where do you actually come from?"
"Oh, I'm from New Jersey.”
“Never heard about it before. Come on, let us get something to eat and then we talk a bit.”
"What the hell is this building? Is this a church?", you asked, pointing at a building with two tall towers where something shot into the sky from the middle of the building, "This smoke looks … strange.", you pointed out.
This was the tenth question of that kind you had asked during the last five minutes. Nyx stopped in his tracks and looked at you, "It's the Citadel. The castle?", he tried to trigger your memories as you showed no reaction, "The 'smoke' you see there is actually the energy from the crystal that creates the wall. I told you about it before."
You nodded slowly, "Yeah… the crystal… You have some crazy stuff here.", you said, impressed, chewing on some spicy meat you had picked from a stick.
Before Nyx could react, he got a call and asked you to wait, "Ulric. Yes, Sir. Yes, we're still in the city. No, Sir.", he answered the questions asked by Drautos while he watched you wandering around. Nyx kept you in sight but was also fascinated by the way you looked at all the different things around you. He wouldn't call it naive but it seemed as if you were easily impressed. You found something interesting in the smallest things while Nyx caught himself by thinking about you as cute and … lovely.
Another question of Drautos brought Nyx back to reality and he realized that he stopped listening to his Captain a while ago, "Yes, Sir. I'm listening. Of course. Yes, I will take care of YN. Yes. Bye-", but the Captain already had hung up, "Good day to you, too, Sir."
As you noticed that Nyx was done with his call, you joined him again, "What was the matter? Are you in trouble?", you asked, concerned because you had hogged Nyx for quite a while.
"No, everything's good. It was just Drautos. Obviously, you're stuck with me a bit longer. I got the orders to look after you.", Nyx answered with a soft smile as he saw your worried expression which changed into a huge, charming, heart-stopping smile.
"Great. I still have a bunch of questions.", you said excitedly, linking your arm with Nyx' to wander further through the Crown's City.
But not just you had a lot of questions. Nyx too. In the beginning, he thought you would make fun of him as you asked so many things about the best known facts of Eos everyone actually knows.
But quickly, after Nyx had asked you a bunch of questions on his own, he realized that you weren't joking. Sure, as you told him that you came through a mirror, because you had been fallen through it, sounded more like a bedtime story for kids but you spoke about everything with so much conviction that Nyx believed you.
The Captain, slightly concerned about your state because Nyx had told him about his suspicion that you could suffer from amnesia, asked on a regular basis if Nyx had any new information about you. And not for one second, Nyx thought about telling him the truth.
He said neither something about your journey through the mirror nor about your life in New Jersey. That you knew nothing about Eos at all because this was simply not your world. He kept it all a secret.
Because Nyx felt the urge to protect you. Whenever he was with you in the past week he felt good. As if just your presence was able to lift his spirit. You were funny, curious and interested in him and in this, for you, new world. Nyx already liked you. A lot. It wasn't just attraction anymore, rather he really started to like you on a more emotional level even after this short of time. But he had no idea how you were thinking about him.
So, by the end of the week, Nyx collected as much courage as he could find, "Hey, uhm… Libertus and the others are meeting at Yamachang's. You… Do you wanna come with me? I- I mean us?", he asked and felt nervous. The whole week, he had been with you with no problem and now, he felt nervous because this question didn't belong to the Captain's order anymore to take care of you. For him, it was far more.
You saw the hope in Nyx’ eyes and the insecurity in his expression about what your answer would be. The past week, you had spent a lot of time with Nyx. You got to know him. His life as a Glaive. As a refugee. You had learned about his deceased family and his life in Galahd. And, not very surprisingly, you started to like the soldier with the greyish hair and the incredible blue eyes. For you, it was extremely hard to resist his charm and his handsomeness. And in the end, you didn’t want to resist him. You just had no idea how he thought about you.
You tried to get closer to Nyx so many times. You wanted to show him in a subtle way how you felt. Maybe, this invitation would give you the opportunity to make a move on him, "I would love to come with you.", the slowly growing smile on Nyx' lips gave you the sense to have done things right.
"YN, it's good to see that you're alright again.", Pelna said and gave you a drink.
"Yeah… Nyx did everything to bring me back on track.", you said and winked at Nyx who smiled shyly.
"The Captain already complained you two were just sightseeing all the time.", Crowe said jokingly.
You chuckled, scratching the back of your neck, "Yeah… I guess, the amnesia had hit me harder than I thought."
Nyx looked at you with a frown. After you had told him your story, he was sure you were okay. No amnesia or something like this. So, why were you sticking to this story instead of telling the truth?
"Oh, so, you remember where you come from and stuff?", Libertus asked.
You smiled at him, "Yes, of course.", you answered. Quickly, you checked on Nyx who still watched you. Were you seeing cautiousness in his eyes? Was he afraid of what you would say? You looked back at Libertus, "I come from Altissia. I was moving to Insomnia for a new job. As you found me, I was on my way but unfortunately, I had an accident with my car and then, the horrors with all these creatures started. You have to know, Altissia is built on water. We don't have such wildlife as Lucis has."
Nyx stared at you speechless. You were lying. Lying about everything. Effortlessly. But everything you said were things you knew from him. Nyx showed you a map of Eos. He told you as much as he knew about Lucis and Accordo. About all the differences he could remember. You turned your head and smiled softly at him. You even winked at Nyx and he saw in your eyes that you would explain it to him later.
You and Nyx walked side by side as you left Yamachang's a few hours later. The Crown's City was still buzzing. People were walking to bars, clubs and restaurants. You turned your head over to Nyx and because he was unusually quiet, you nudged his shoulder with yours, "You think they bought my story?"
Nyx looked at you with an unreadable expression, "You were lying."
"Yes and I hated it. Trust me. But what else should I say? The truth? That I fell through a mirror and landed here? Instead that I woke up in my bed in New Jersey, I awoke in an old hunters hut in the middle of nowhere?", you pointed out softly.
Nyx nodded. He understood your point. He was barely able to understand all this but he had accepted it. You had spoken so detailed about your home that there was no way that everything was just made up. But to explain everything to his friends would be maybe too much.
Suddenly, a thought struck his mind and he was surprised that he didn't have thought about this earlier. Carefully, he looked at you, "Do you miss it? Your … home, I mean."
Your brows shot up because you realized that you were barely thinking about your former life, "Actually, I uhm…", you whispered, searching for the right words, before you looked at Nyx and stopped. You had reached the plaza of the Citadel. You looked at the stream of magical power and at the beautiful sparkling light. The moon was already up and together it was a captivating view. You looked back at Nyx who waited patiently, "To be honest, I have barely thought about it since I've been here."
Nyx stepped closer to you. It was a moment that could change things and he felt it. Maybe it was silly to think about a future with someone he knew for just one week but here he was, looking into your enchanting, sparkling eyes and watching how your teeth were digging into your lower lip, "If it would be possible, if there would be a way, would you… go back?"
You also stepped forward with a pounding heart in your chest. For one week, you asked yourself how Nyx' lips would taste, how his hands would feel on your skin when he would want you and how soft his hair really felt between your fingers, "You know, as I was in this hut, before you found me? I tried to find a way to get back. Now, I think things might have changed.", you whispered.
Nyx' pulse quickened as he saw your breathtaking smile, "What has changed? I mean, this is not your world.", he said softly, stroking with the back of his hand over your cheek before he cupped your face carefully, "There's nothing that would keep you here.", he whispered.
You leant against his warm hand, even inhaling his scent, "For me, there would be a reason … rather… someone… to stay here.", you said, looking at Nyx in a certain way to tell him that you meant him. As you let your hands slid underneath his jacket, stroking over Nyx' chest, feeling him tensing, you saw that he understood, "But I- I'm not sure what this someone might think of it if I would want to stay.", you said meaningfully.
Nyx was nervous, excited and jittery at the same time. It had increased since you had started to touch him softly. Your affection gave him the courage to snake his other arm slowly around your waist to pull you closer, "You know, you have nothing to fear about this someone’s reaction. He would be more than happy to keep you here.", he breathed, nudging playfully your nose with his with a shy smile on his lips.
You mimicked his smile. The moonlight was sparkling in Nyx’ mysteriously glowing eyes which kept you in their spell, "Y- you're so sure about it?", you whispered.
Nyx nodded slowly, still looking into your eyes, "Yes, I am sure. YN, I… I'm falling for you. There's no doubt how I'm feeling about you. It's crazy because we just met one week ago but … you're so beautiful. And so amazing. The way you're interested in all these new things. How you look at everything … how you look at me… I wouldn't stop you if you really want to go back home but I… I would love to be the reason for you to stay here. With me."
You snaked your arms around Nyx' neck, pulling him closer, "You're the best reason I could ask for.", you breathed against his lips before you closed the gap finally.
Nyx responded to your move and kissed you deeply. His fingers found their way into your hair while he caressed your lips with his. The grip of his arm around you got even stronger to have you close while you played with his hair in a teasing way. He was overwhelmed by all the things he felt by just kissing you. No matter where you had come from, that you were there, with him, that you even existed was everything for him.
Under the magical, white moon of Lucis, Nyx gave you an unspoken promise. He wouldn't let you go. Never. From the beginning, you were more than just someone whose life he had rescued. You were what he had missed in his life all the time. He had been searching for something that had been out of reach. But obviously destiny meant it well and you had been falling into his life like a miracle. Literally. And Nyx would treat you like this. With his lips, he sealed this promise to you.
For the first time in your life, you felt as if you were in the right spot. You weren't misplaced anymore. You even had found people that already cared for you. You had found someone who wanted to keep you in his life. Maybe you should feel sad for leaving your former life just like that. Maybe you should feel lost because this wasn't your world. But in fact, you felt home. As Nyx kissed you, he showed you a future you never thought you would have.
For the first time, you felt excited for all the unknown things that were lying in front of you. You would discover all of these things. With Nyx by your side.
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Secret Santa
Summary: The BAU holds its first Secret Santa, and as fate has it, you pick your Spencer Reid. But you aren’t the only one with feelings. Gifts tell all.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x reader
Word Count: 1550+
A/n: We were going to do Secret Santa at work but shit hit the fan, and half of the people don’t want to give to the other half. So, I’ll substitute it with fiction. Please enjoy 🎅
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Considering the amount of time the group spent working, finding everyone on the team that one perfect gift would be time-consuming. So, you suggested Secret Santa. 
Penelope loved the idea. She went around to gather everyone available and dragged them to the bullpen. Rossi, of the first to hear, offered his house to host the event on Christmas Eve. 
Gaining momentum, you pulled a piece of paper from your desk drawer and went to work. Most of the team gathered around to watch as your fingers folded the page into small rectangles and then tore at the edges. For each sliver of paper, you wrote a name for each member of the team. And then concealed the information by folding each piece. Morgan came back with a hat from lost and found. 
"Who wants to draw first?"
Morgan stepped up. He rubbed his hands together wickedly and drew from the hat, picking out a scrap. He revealed it to himself, keeping an even face. 
Penelope couldn't contain her excitement and pranced to you. Unlike the others, she didn't contain her thrill of the pick. You would guess Morgan, but there wouldn't be one person she wouldn't be happy to buy presents for. 
Prentiss stuck her hand in. She was smart enough to step back and wait to unfold hers when no one was watching. In a room full of profiles, one could never be too careful. 
Rossi didn't seem too thrilled with his pick but went back to stand beside Prentiss, trying to look over her shoulder at hers. 
JJ pretended to be selective, choosing one playfully to grab another one instead. She followed Emily's lead. Waiting until later to look. 
Reid was the last in the bullpen and stood off to the side, watching everyone else as they took their turns. 
He bit his lip as he approached to pick between the last three. Once he pulled one, he unfolded it without concealing the corners of his lips. 
"Who'd you get, pretty boy?"
Spencer panicked, hiding the name in his fist so Morgan couldn’t peek. "That's not a part of the game."
"We have a case," Hotch called out from his office door. 
Morgan patted Reid on the back. There would definitely be more teasing later. 
The group filed into the meeting room one by one. Last, you extended the hat towards Hotch. Raising a brow, he diligently selected a scrap. He unfolded it and gave you a look. "Secret Santa?"
Nothing could fool him. When you smiled at Hotch sheepishly, he returned the smile, tucking the paper into his coat pocket and resumed his solemn expression. And you wondered if he'd picked you. 
You retrieved the last paper, putting it in your pocket for later. 
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The flight back home was when you remembered the piece of paper. Luckily the case hadn't been long, or else you'd risk running it through the wash.  
As the others slept and rested, you chose the privacy of an empty row to unfold the paper.
Of course. 
"Get somebody good?" Reid sat down across from you. And you entertained the thought that with his high IQ came with mind-reading capabilities. 
"Is there anyone bad?"
"I guess not."
You rested your cheek on your fist, staring at the scrap in concentration. "I don't know what to get them."
"You're lucky you looked at yours now. I've been worried about that the entire case. Slowed my reading speed down to ten-thousand words per minute."
You chuckle but offer your sincerest advice. "Whoever it is will love what you get them because it's from you."
"Thought that counts, right?"
You played with the paper between your fingers, and an idea popped up into your mind. "Right."
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On Christmas Eve, everyone arrived at Rossi's home around seven. Rossi had spent the afternoon cooking an Italian dinner, and nothing had ever smelled more welcoming. 
Each team member discreetly left gifts on a table along the wall of the large window looking out onto Rossi's backyard, lit with twinkling Christmas lights. Presents varied in size, some wrapped, some bagged. Each gift with a tag addressed to who without the giver's name. It was more fun for profilers to guess. Though by the time everyone sat down, there were two fewer gifts than people present. 
"I'll go first," Rossi offered. Instead of going to the table to find his gift, he left the room, only to return with two handfuls of gift bags. "Merry Christmas." Rossi went around the table, handing a bag to each team member. When he gave you a bag, he beat answered your impending question. "What? I got myself." Returning to his seat as he continued. "So, I decided to get the same wine for everyone, since everyone depletes me at these gatherings."
"You should've picked from the hat again!" 
"You didn't say I could pick again." He sassed back. "Why doesn't someone else go? Reid?" 
Reid pushes his chair back but halts as you place a pack of cards on the table. You hold up the box, showing everyone. "Normal pack, right?" Everyone watched with a curious look. You hold it out towards Reid with your left hand. But with your right, you wave it over the box, and it disappears. 
"You've picked up magic?!" Spencer radiated as you make the deck reappear, this time without the box. Everyone claps, and you bow in your seat. 
"I thought I may try and attempt to impress the great Spencer Reid. And I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve for later." You send him a wink. "Who's next?"
"Go, kid." Rossi encouraged you. You walk over to the presents. Penelope, Emily, and then you spot your name written on a medium-sized gift bag. It's not too light nor too heavy as you bring it back over to the table, taking a seat as you pull out the red and green tissue concealing it. 
It's a handbag. A cinched sack with a dusty rose print with a white stripe along the top. And a pristine designer name on the front. 
You'd seen this bag… somewhere. But the memory was fuzzy. 
"Wooooah." JJ is the first to see the label. "That's nice." 
Penelope leans over JJ and snatches your bag from your hands. "You would call a Guess bag nice. This is a beautiful, crafted stretch of the fabric!" Morgan and Emily are stretching their necks. While Hotch and Rossi's brows furrow at the hysteria.
You're scanning everyone's faces until you look across from your seat and see Reid, the only one unalarmed. 
"I don't get why people are willing to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a single fashion accessory." Rodeo Drive. A case. You're walking down the street, passing by the rich, feeling like a have-not. 
"It says that the owner of said handbag is worth something," You say to Reid, stopping in front of a designer's display window. Mannequins are dressed in obnoxious attire, but you're staring at a dusty rose bag displayed on a pedestal. "If someone buys it for you, they're telling you that you're worth wasting a lot of money on. If you buy it for yourself… then you're telling yourself that you're worth that." You'd seen many designer handbags you wouldn't be caught dead wearing, let alone paying the price of a down payment. But this one is modern and… your style. You can't help but gravitate towards it.
"You like that bag." He isn't asking. It's a fact. 
"I don't like myself that much." You force yourself to keep walking, but Spencer lingers, looking at the handbag another moment. 
You push back your chair, excusing yourself from the party. You miss the way the team looked between themselves, eyes one by one landing on Reid, who was quick to follow you into the hallway. Reid’s footsteps are too familiar not to recognize. When you turned on your heels, you nearly crash into him. 
He was worried you would be mad, but your demeanor spoke the opposite. You would hardly meet his eye, lips pressed together in a straight line. 
"I gave you a magic show, and you got me a purse!"
"I liked your show!" Spencer affirmed. "I loved it, actually."
"Why did you get me that bag?"
"Because you're worth that much to me." Now his eyes diverted your gaze, and the meaning behind his words clicked. "If anyone else had gotten me for Secret Santa, they would've bought me a book. But you gave me something that will last me a lot longer than five minutes. Something no one else would get me."
"The opportunity to ridicule me until the end of time?"
"A new shared interest!" He corrected. "And… maybe we could see The Magic Duel downtown sometime. I hear they're good. A little too into the banter-"
"Like as a date?"
"Yeah," he breathes out with a smile. He'd been holding that thought too long, you notice. 
"Sounds like a plan." You grin back at him.
"But you're paying. That purse really wiped me out."
Your laughter breaks up the tension, and Spencer takes your hand, leading you back to the group. 
If buying an expensive purse hadn't shown you his true feelings, his willingness to touch another human's hand did. 
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justforthesakeofitt · 4 years
How You Like That (M) Chaelisa (top rosé bot lisa)
Chapter 1
hi. this story contains many mature and adult themes that can be triggering and are just for fictional use. i don't condone any of this in real life, and this is pure fiction. so, therefore, if you can't handle that, please just leave this. but don't report this story. 
enjoy 🤍
(warning. contains strong language, human trafficing, mentions of degradation, corruption, meansé, topsé, idek but the story in general is dark and mature. so if you can't handle that please don't read!!)
roseanne smirked and swirled her glass around that was filled with her favorite champagne. the armand de brignac brut gold, which cost a mere two thousand two hundred dollars, had made it into the woman her favorite lists, when she tasted it for the first time when she was in France, at the age of nineteen. it made her feel as if she was drinking creamy silk with a lovely flavor, and she was all for that.
her silver hair, with a blueish undertone, was straightened and hung down
her back and over her perky breasts. the tint of her hair matched perfectly with her lamé velvet jacquard mini dress by one of her favorite brands, saint laurent. the dress was a perfect size, as it had been custom adjusted, and hugged her slim waist yet pretty wide hips quite well.
she was seated alone in her comfortable chair, her three bodyguards surrounding her so that she was protected at all costs. being rich had its many perks, but it also came with lots of downsides, such as constantly being exposed to the cruel world that was playing underneath everyone's feet. normal people usually weren't aware of half of the things that were going on behind the scenes of the portrayed world.
the dim and sensual lights that were present in the room, contradicted quite a lot with the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. it seemed as if a night club had meet merged with a dining hall in an expensive mansion, yet they somehow made this entire look and vibe work.
and it was dangerous to know these secrets. behind all the glimmer and glamour of being rich, a lot of dark poison was hiding. and simply being aware of the poison, and knowing about how everything was really being run, was dangerous.
it was dangerous knowing which big companies, who were known for their customer service, actually had ten thousand upon then thousands of illegal so-called 'contract workers' working for them. people in the normal projected world thought that the people working for the minimum wage were being treated as slaves and inhumane, but they never saw the layer of people that were working even lower up than the minimum wage workers. and those were plenty.
billions upon billions of dollars would go down the drain if someone were to reveal that the biggest vegan chain in the world, also owned one of the biggest meat industries. if the companies that were known to fight climate change and induce eco-friendly ways of making products were owned by the same person that was one of the biggest carbon emitters.
if people know, that you know their secrets, your life is at great risk. and since the richest people in the world, all play the same game, you always had to be on your watch. this was no soccer game, where you had a theme behind you. this was like wrestle mania. only the strongest and smartest could survive. and the people that you would think are your friends, are the ones that wouldn't even hesitate to hire an assistant the moment they find a weak spot in you.
"number 603 thirty thousand dollars! going once. going twice. sold to miss kang!"
roseanne chuckled as the blonde girl got pulled off of the stage by her leash that watched attached to her neck. her head hung low and tears were streaming down her face as you could see them shimmer in the dim lights,  which made it all more amusing for the woman.
all of them looked like pathetic little lost puppies, getting pulled one by one to the stage where their new fate would be laid out for them. it all depended on who they ended up with.
her best friend, jennie, had found her own little pet this way and had suggested it to her. after years of being alone, and watching her best friend with the girl, she decided to finally come and see for herself. maybe she'd find something interesting here tonight. 
jennie's pet, who's name was jisoo, was quite a lucky girl. while jennie was quite a mean and tough person on a daily basis, she had developed a soft spot for her pet. it wasn't that she let the girl get away with shit, but she treated her well. better than these girls usually got treated.
jisoo had behaved so well and served her so graciously, that after one and a half year of her possession, jennie had granted her the privilege of being addressed by her name, which was quite rare for the girls that came from here.
not may of the owners ended up granting their pets the status of being called by their actual birth-given name, and rosé wouldn't be one of them either. while jennie was more of a dominant woman who loved for jisoo to worship her and take care of her, roseanne was the sadistic type. 
where jennie received pleasure by letting jisoo worship her feet and have the girl smothered underneath her wet dripping slit, eating her out until her thighs were trembling and she was panting heavily, roseanne wanted the girl to be laying at her feet, whimpers escaping her cracked lips as bruises and cuts were layered on her skin. 
the twenty-seven-year-old woman's eyes gravitated towards the podium once again, before she slightly shifted when she saw the girl that got pulled by the thick leather leash. 
her black lingerie contrasted beautifully with her pale skin, and her black hair had been put into two sideways ponytails with big red bows attached to them. that could only mean one thing.
she was a virgin.
girls with their hair loose were previous prostitutes or whores that they picked up from the streets, giving them the lowest value in the entire lineup.
girls with ponytails were normal girls that they managed to kidnap but weren't virgins anymore. 
but girls with their hair in this innocent style, and cute bows attached to it to give
them an even more pure look, were virgins.
and they sold for the highest prices.
almost everyone wanted a little virgin pet. it was a thrill knowing that all they would associate sex with was their owners. no previous partners or experiences to draw
comparisons from. 
just them.
when roseanne saw the girl's face, her doll-like features with her big doe eyes, and her plump pink lips, she knew that the girl was going to be hers.
"number 209! her price starts at a mere five hundred thousand dollars. who bids higher
than that?"
chaeyoung immediately held up her bidding board that had her slim fingers wrapping around the wooden part, "one million!"
another voice rang through the room, a few seconds later, with an offer of one and a half million dollars. but this girl was going to be hers. no matter the cost.
the bidding went on for a while before her offer rang throughout the room of "twenty-five million dollars." 
the man, that previously was bidding for the same girl, chewed on his bottom lip before shaking his head.
a smirk grazed roseanne her dark blue colored lips, "number 209 twenty-five million dollars! once! going twice! sold to miss park!"
her eyes locked with her newly bought pet, and she mindlessly licked her lips. the girl's eyes were glossy and looked with a terrified gaze at her. 
"yes...--" chaeyoung muttered to herself with s grin, "--be scared, doll. you aren't ready for what I have in store for you."
there were only a few girls left, so she patiently sat through it all, satisfied with her purchase of the evening. non of the girls could top her pet. and for once, she was glad that she had listened to jennie's advice.
after the auction was over, she walked to the back and got handed two briefcases by one of her bodyguards, which she delivered to the woman that was behind all of this.
"you made jessie very happy. i hope the girl will make you happy too."
roseanne hummed and watched as the men were counting the money, before turning her attention back to the woman in front of her, "everything is clean right? no traces. no record and no evidence."
jessie nodded and smacked her bright red lips together, "everything is clean. we tripled checked. the police have already been paid to drop the missing person case, so she has been declared dead. the parents are quite poor too so they won't be able to afford to search for her or take any legal actions. she's dead and has been reborn the moment you bought her."
roseanne smirked and, with a firm handshake, greeted the woman before she made her way into a dark hallway that led to where the girl should be.
she opened the door to a room and saw a black wooden crate, which had been sealed by a lid at the top, sitting on the floor in the middle of the room.
when she saw that it was the correct one, she snapped her fingers, making two of the three men quickly make their way over to the side and lifted up the top.
she once again, almost immediately crossed eyes with her toy, and saw how panicked and vulnerable she seemed. this made her feel only more in control and boosted her ego.
there were soft pleading whimpers coming from the bound girl, but she ignored them completely.
after a few seconds of further inspection, the crate got closed again.
"deliver her in an hour to my address. make sure that she keeps whatever bodily fluid she has inside of her. i don't want her to arrive in filth at my place."
she got helped into her thick fur coat, and flicked her hair back, before putting on a peeked black cap.
the men nodded in understanding and turned their attention on the crate. one of them followed her, also functioning as her driver, while the other two stayed behind.
there were two small holes on the top of the crate in the cover, which made sure that the girl got enough fresh air to stay conscious, but not enough to make her feel great, so the chance of her throwing up or peeing herself was a big possibility.
she just hoped that the girl could hold it in, as she was sure that she wouldn't hesitate to hose the poor thing down immediately. 
she climbed up the stairs before walking outside. 
it was dark, already around the one at night, so the streets were fairly empty. these illegal legal things, were mostly done at night, just to give extra security and privacy.  "ready miss?" her chauffeur asked making her nod, "yes. take me home."
she stared out of the window, the snow slowly cascading down while the streets of Seoul were already covered in a thick layer of the frozen crystals.
it was only november, yet the heavens had sent them snow already. and to be fair, roseanne wasn't complaining. 
she smiled as she started to move up the hills, knowing that she was approaching her lovely home.  
her and her best friend, jennie, were actually neighbors, which was quite fun. this meant that she could show her new purchase off very soon, as all she had to do was go to the mansion next door. even tho it was a five-minute drive.
the moment the car stopped at the entrance of her house, she got out, hugging her black fur coat tighter around her body, before grabbing her purse and made her way inside.
"the room is ready right?" she asked one of her maids, who nodded and bowed slightly, before helping her out of her coat "yes ma'am. it is exactly like you wanted it to be."
she grinned and stretched herself before yawning a bit and walked inside.
"good. now, all we have to do is wait."
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Fuck yeah let's do it
Time to get personal
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1) What song makes you feel better?
Honestly a number of songs make me feel either happy or pumped but Goldfish Crackers by Gold Revere and Sunday Best by Surfaces are the sure-fire way to kickstart the serotonin production
2) What's your favorite feel-good movie?
Honestly probably any Disney movie. They just remind me of simpler times
3) What's your favorite candle scent?
Anything that smells like flowers or nature! I especially love scents that remind me of water for some reason. My favorite perfume smells exactly like a lake and I ritually soak myself in it
4) What flower would you like to be given?
It's guaranteed that I will cry if anyone gives me any flower, but my favorites would have to be orchids or lilies
5) Who do you feel most you around?
Honestly my dad, we're pretty much carbon copies of each other and share the same humor so I feel 100% comfortable with him. I even recently came out to him that I was Bi and he was so supportive about it that I cried about it later that night. We're even planning on getting matching back pieces eventually
6) Say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
Oh geez, my self worth is non existent so this took me a while
- my eyes
- my hair (when it's not overgrown like it is now)
- my calves weirdly enough
- my work ethic
- my humor
- my attention to detail
7) What color brings you peace?
Honestly blues and purples make me relax for some odd reason, bonus points if they're iridescent
8) Tag someone or multiple people who make you feel good
Oof obviously @thebo0knerd, @honestcactus, @prussianengel, @americanbeautea, and all of y'all
9) What calms you down?
Just being alone listening to music tends to calm me down, but the binging of Tik Tok and ironically creepypasta/scary story asmr helps too
10) What is something you're excited about?
My laptop! I'm almost able to buy it! It'll probably take a couple more paychecks but here's to an upgrade!
11) What is your ideal date?
Honestly just a trip to the mall followed by binging an anime, I'm a simple girl
12) How are you?
Honestly I've been in the dumps for the past month and a half. I've been working a lot with the public so that's always a fluctuating factor. I think I just need to move somewhere out of this godforsaken town and start somewhere fresh. Without the past constantly bringing me down
13) What's your comfort food?
Mozzarella sticks! In particular Denny's mozzarella sticks. My father would take me to Denny's as a treat whenever he got me for the weekends. He knew how bad it was when I was living with my mother and there's just a lot of comfort in those little artery cloggers
14) Favorite feel-good show?
Honestly a few animes! Right now its Haikyuu, Fire Force, and now Avatar. They're all just so inspiring and funny; they're all a great mood lifter
15) For every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word
🥺 @1a-imagines Direct Ray of Sunshine
🥺 @honestcactus Mood of 2020
💕 @americanbeautea Deity Goals
💕 @awkward-tension Angst Lord
💕 @desperatelittledemon CEO of "Shut Up Val"
16) Compliment the person who sent you this number
All of y'all mean the world to me and I'm always here to listen if y'all want to talk 🥺💖
17) Fairy lights or LEDs?
Why not both? I feel like LEDs are nice but nothing can beat fairy lights above your bed on a stormy day
18) Do you still love stuffed animals?
Of course! I still have most of my childhood stuffed animals and I still mourn my favorite one my mom threw away when I was 9
19) Most important thing in your life?
Oh jeez, I'm not trying to sound edgy or anything but I don't think I have anything important in my life. Obviously I value my sister friends but depression makes shit hard
20) What do you want to do most in the world right now?
Launch all the boomers and Karens into orbit
But honestly I want to start living for myself.
Like I feel like I've only been doing what people tell me to do and going wherever they go and I'm tired of it.
It's time I forge my own path
21) If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
"Blood doesn't bind you, friendship does"
22) What would you say to your future self?
"Ayo bitch good luck"
Just kidding
"It's okay to give yourself permission, no one is holding you down anymore, it's okay"
23) Favorite piece of clothing?
Honestly nothing yet, all of my clothes are either hand me downs or plain clothes. I'm planning on doing a complete wardrobe change so I can dress how I want
24) What's something you do to de-stress?
I'm an avid gamer so I'm always playing some game, anywhere from PS4 to switch, to phone games. They just help get my mind off of things
25) What's the best personal gift a person could give you? (Playlist, homemade card, etc.)
Honestly anything! I've never really gotten anything that was handmade, Book made me a couple paintings and I treasure them
26) What movie would you like to live in?
Avatar tbh (AND YES IT UNFORTUNATELY COUNTS) just the idea of a simple life with a bit of elemental powers is just appealing to me, I feel like I'd be a water bender
27) Which character would you like to be?
Oof all of the dead ones
I mean
Ms. Kobayashi
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A normalish life with dragon waifus? Sign me up!
28) Hugs or hand holding?
Hugs, honestly I'm so touch starved I'd probably cry if I got a genuine hug
29) Mornings, Afternoons, or Nights?
Late nights and early mornings, basically times where everyone else is asleep are just especially peaceful to me
30) What reminds you of home? (Things that remind you of the feeling of home)
I've got a very fucked up idea of home. I was raised in a military household so home was never a location, neither was having long-term friends. Not to mention after I lived with my ex for a year I've got an even more corrupt understanding of home.
But if I had to summarize it just anywhere I feel the safest, which generally means my bed
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layce2015 · 6 years
The Wolf Among Us (Bigby Wolf x Reader)
A Crooked Mile:
Chapter 4 Severe Case Of Lycanthropy
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Auntie Greenleaf's Apartment 
1284 White Plains Ave 
2:14 AM
"Bigby!" You shout as you and Snow catch up with him as you enter the apartment building. Bigby stopped and turned to face the three of you. "We just got here." Snow said to him. "Yeah, me too. It's number 23. I haven't seen it yet." Bigby replied. 
"We're late." Snow said.
"Yeah, I know." Bigby replied and all three of you walk up to the door that had the number 23 on it. "This is it." He said as the three of you stand in front of it the door. "Alright. How do you want to do this?" Snow asked you and Bigby. 
Bigby puts an ear to the door to listen for anything. "Hear anything?" You asked him. "If anyone's in there, they're being awfully quiet...." He replied then he goes to knock on the door. Seconds later, the door opens to reveal alittle girl in a yellow dress and her black hair in pigtails. "Hello?" She answered, groggily.
You, Snow and Bigby look at each other before facing the little girl. "Hi..." Snow greeted. "You woke me up." The girl said. "Uh, sorry about that." You said to her. "Is something wrong?" The girl asked as she rubs her eyes. "Who are you?" Bigby asked the girl.
The girl opens the door alittle wider and replies. "Rachel. Who are you?"
"Well, I'm the Sheriff. And these two are my partners." Bigby replied. "Uh, I'm the boss." Snow said, annoyed. You rolled your eyes as Rachel said. "Pleased to meet you. How do you do? Is there....Is there anything you need?" 
"Is Aunty Greenleaf at home? Does she live here?" You asked her. "You mean my mom?" Rachel said. "She ever...you know, make nightstand levitate? Turn frogs into cats, that kind of thing?" Bigby asked her.
"Is she a witch, dear?" Snow asked, getting to the point. "Oh no, I would never call my mommy that. She treats me alright." Rachel replied. "Is there....uh, something you want?" She asked as you three stand there.
"Rachel, do you mind it we take just a quick peek around?" Bigby asked her. "We'll be very quick, and we won't touch anything." You said to Rachel and the three of you begin to walk in the very crowded room.
"I've been here all night! Nobody's been here!" Rachel shouts as she chases after you three. Bigby glances at her before she says. "Ok, Sheriff, I'm gonna trust you not to break anything...don't get me in trouble."
"What are we looking for, specifically?" Snow asked you and Bigby. "Crane. He could still be here." Bigby replies as you and him look around the room. There was a stove, a cabinet with some trinkets and vases inside of it, potted plants, a skull of a deer on the wall, a record player and a picture of Greenleaf and Rachel. Behind you was a very large tree and a couch.
You glance at the record player and turn to Rachel. "Lemme guess...big band or classical?" You asked her. Rachel smirks and said. "Honky Tonk."
"No accounting for taste...." Bigby mutters and you elbow his stomach. You chuckle alittle as he looks at the picture. "That your mom?" He asked. "Uh huh." Rachel said.
"It's pretty rare to see a burner like this." You said as you bend down and look at the stove. "Dowdy. That's how we like it." Rachel replied.
"Your mom a hunter?" Bigby asked as he looks at the deer skull. "Oh, no, she'd never...that was found in the woods around Dix Mountain. I think." Rachel replied.
You turn around and looked at the large tree. "What is this?" You asked as Bigby turns and walks next to you, look at the tree. "Mommy uses that to carve her trinkets. It's from the old world." Rachel replied. "Trinkets? Like glamours?" Snow asked her, and she shrugs at Snow.
Bigby sniffs and mutters. "Not here."
"There's no one here but me." Rachel replied.
Bigby walks back over to them and goes to the Partition and looks behind it but sees nothing. "There's nothing that looks like Crane was here, either." Bigby said.
"Nothing?" You asked. 
"See?" Rachel said, smirking.
You shake your head and go to the back of the room and sees a closet door. You open it and see a box with a label that said:
Deliver to Aunty Greenleaf 
Return Address The Butcher
Then in the bottom corner was an odd symbol that was of a wheel with a person inside of it but it's limbs were bend in odd angles. You remember seeing that symbol on one of the packages back at the Tweedles before you left. "The Butcher." You muttered. "What's that?" Bigby and Snow asked. "A package having to do with someone called The Butcher. I saw one just like it at the Tweedles' office." You replied as you shut the door.
"Damn it." Bigby mutters. "I keep getting whiffs of that aftershave of his."
You sniff in the air and nodded. "I do, too." You replied while Snow nods at the two of you.
Rachel rubs her eyes and said. "Can I go to bed now? Please?" All of you glance at each other and you started to follow Snow, who was heading to the door. Rachel moves away and Bigby noticed that there was a glamour tube on the work table that was behind the girl.
"Is that a glamour tube?" Bigby asked and you and Snow stop and you walk back over to him. "Mommy really doesn't let anyone play with that. Trust me, I've tried." Rachel said.
Bigby walks up to the table and picks up the tube. "Oh, no no no no no, please please please just put that back exactly where you found it. No one is allowed to play with that." Rachel said, fearfully. "It's alright, honey, Bigby's not going to break it." Snow said to her, sweetly.
"No, you don't understand. She will freak out if she discovers I've let people in here and let them touch her stuff, okay? She checks all the time to see if things move. I don't wanna get in trouble." Rachel said in fear again.
"I'm not gonna break it, I just want to open it." Bigby said and he starts to mess with the tube. "No! Put it down!" Rachel screams. And when she screams the room started to shake then it stops. You look around the room in fear as Rachel begins to shout while Snow holds her back. "Pleeeeeease! Don't! This isn't what you think! You've gotta believe me, that guy isn't here! I promise!"
"It's going to be okay, Rachel!" You said to her as Bigby starts to mess with the tube. "Please. I'm begging you. I don't wanna...I don't wanna get in trouble." She said as she looks over at Snownin sadness.
Finally, Bigby opens the tube and then you hear Rachel starting to scream. You look over at her and become shocked as Rachel transforms into an old woman, Aunty Greenleaf you presumed. "Auntie Greenleaf." Snow gasped in shock.
"It hurts...when you do it that fast." Greenleaf said, angrily, and she begins to stretch her limbs. "You think we have time to waste on this shit?" Bigby asked, angrily, as he marched up to the woman. "You think this is some kind of game?"
"No. I don't. But congratulations on winning it...if that matters to you." Greenleaf sneers at him.
"Alright. Start explaining! And from the beginning. " Snow shouts at her as she walks over to her couch and sits down. "I was born in the woods to a jackal and a deer...." Greenleaf started to explain but you shout over her. "Not. That."
"Please, Greenleaf. Just help us catch Crane. That's all we care about." Bigby said to her. "That's not all we care about." Snow said to him, angrily. "Snow..." you said to her, calmly. 
"I ain't a fortune teller, Wolf. I have no heavenly idea where he went to." Greenleaf replied.
"You have to know something." Snow said.
"You're an accomplice to murder, do you realize that?" You said to Greenleaf.
"You might wanna check your facts on that." Greenleaf said, firmly. "It doesn't matter. I can't help you. I have no interest in being turned into a skink and crushed under boot heels. There's powers at work here beyond your pathetic authority."
"Whatever it is, Greenleaf....whatever it is that's keeping you from saying something?" Snow said.
"We can protect you, okay? Whatever it is you're afraid of....we can make sure that it won't come to pass." Bigby said to her. "You have no idea what's going on, do you?" Greenleaf asked as she slightly shakes her head.
"Okay, you know what I think? I think we've been more than patient with you." Snow said, angrily, then she turns and walks up to you and Bigby and said. "This witch been selling illegal glamours that continue to undermine everything we've built....she's harboring a fugitive that took advantage of it, and now she's resisting every attempt to make things right. I frankly don't give a crap if she's afraid for her life, we can at least make sure she never hurts us again." She walks up to the tree and looks at it before she says. "We're destroying the tree."
Greenleaf begins to panic and she stands up and shouts. "No!" And the room began to shake. You and Bigby almost fall over but regain your balance as Greenleaf looks between the three of you in anger. "How dare you come in here and threaten to take from me the one thing that.....that tree is ancient, it's part of the family, and it's the only thing paying for this shithole apartment! And the Fables who can't afford the glamours from you come to me for help. Without them, where do you think they could go?" She said, angrily.
"Don't give me that! You're making money off of other peoples' misery. Two Fables are dead because of this crap!" Snow shouts then she turns to you two again and said. "It's too dangerous leaving this stuff with her."
"You think I like being the old woman in these stories? The men are heroes, the ladies are whores...and the old hags like me get to watch everyone they love die!" sneers Greenleaf.
"We have very different ways of handling our fate." Snow said to her. "Very different means to handle it, too." Greenleafs snaps back. "Isn't there another way? She's a witch, can't she just....work for us? That way she'd be offical...." you said to Snow. 
"You want to reward her for criminal behavior? We can't trust this woman on the Thirteenth floor." Snow said to you, angrily.
"It doesn't matter cause I'd never do it. I'm not a house cat and I don't play well with others." Greenleaf said. "Oh, trust me, no one would confuse you for a cuddly animal." Snow sneered at the witch. Greenleaf glares at her and Snow turns to you two and said, firmly. "Bigby....(y/n)....this is an order. Burn the tree."
Greenleaf runs in front of the tree in a protective stance. "No! Look, look, I'll tell you, I'll tell you...Crane was here, he was here and he left. He went to the Pudding n' Pie to try to use my ring on the girls over there to get information."
"What does the ring do?" You asked her.
"He thinks it's the Ring of Dispel....you know, that it will pierce the protection around the girls' speech. He says pulling the truth out of them will prove his innocence. It won't, though....damned thing lost its power decades ago." Greenleaf replied.
"I'm sorry, but....we still can't let you keep the tree. It wouldn't be right after what's happened." Snow said. "Guys?"
"Please, Sheriff and Deputy...." Greenleaf begs.
"Today is your lucky day, Greenleaf. I'm hiring you as the Business Office's newest witch in residence." Bigby said.
"Bigby!" Snow shouted in anger.
"The witches over there will keep her out of trouble, and--and we have a glamour shortage as it is. It makes the most sense, Snow." Bigby said to her.
"Besides, Snow, are you sure you're doing this for Fabletown, or are you just angry at Crane because you're being a protective big sister?" You asked her.
"Of course, I'm angry. I mean, you do realize what he was doing...." 
"Yes, I do! I'm angry too, Snow. But that doesn't give us the right to ruin a woman's life!" You said, angrily. "We're not burning the tree!"
"Don't expect me to bow down to your sister here!" Greenleaf said to you. You and Bigby glance at each other and start to walk out of the apartment. "Don't think for a second that this is over." Snow said, threatenly, at Greenleaf as she follows you two.
"So what, are moving trucks gonna show up here or something?" Greenleaf asked. "Something like that." Snow said in a low tone. "We'll call you." You said as Bigby opens the door and let you and Snow out first before he leaves and shuts the door.
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lichacha · 7 years
The Woman with no Name
She followed him. There was still something she needed to discuss with him.
He was new in their team and he just led them to win. He scored the winning shot.
She wanted to congratulate him. She wanted to invite him for their celebration. He wasn't very good at what he's doing and still he made the winning shot.
But instead of celebrating with them he just vanished.
And she followed.
She followed that chubby, nerdy looking guy with long – ish curly hair that stood up in all kinds of directions, kind of like an afro.
She would've liked to shout his name to get his attention but her social anxiety stopped her from screaming his name in the middle of the crowded sidewalk.
So instead she followed him.
For a moment she thought she'd lost him but then she spotted his red oversized shirt that seemed too big even for his generally big body.
She followed him into the next street. And the next street. And the next.
She followed him out of the city center.
She followed him out of the city.
She noticed how the tone of the city changed into some eerie quietness.
And it was just him ahead of her and herself.
And then she noticed they were nearing the woods.
Every normal person would've either stopped and left or at least get curious as to where he was going.
She didn't though. She was just determined to invite him to their dinner.
She was mesmerized. It was as if a curse enveloped her whole presence.
She didn't even know how long they were walking for. She just followed him as if she was levitating.
She wasn't even aware of her steps anymore.
They neared a forest glade. And if she didn't know any better she could've sworn that this was the place where fairies live.
Dandelions lined the clearing having their seed floating through the air.
She could feel a gentle breeze caressing her face.
As they walked along she came to a stop when she saw an old building.
It resembled an old hospital. Or mental facility.
All by itself it looked run down and broken.
The kind of building you'd see in a horror video game. A closed and barricaded clinic of some sorts.
She could picture herself only armed with a notebook and a flashlight to try and escape the asylum with jumpscares lurking around every other corner.
But right now with the way the light hit the building it just looked serene and peaceful.
The light bricks once must've looked warm and welcoming.
On the side of the abandoned building she could see poison ivy climbing up the facade.
And the floating dandelion seeds just added to the fairytale look.
She asked herself what it looked like by night. Would it look the same but with the moonlight replacing the sun? Or would it look haunted and cold?
A shiver run down her spine.
But right now it was just an old building.
An old building that he was entering.
And she followed him.
When she stepped through the door she was shocked to find the building not abandoned. The polar opposite. The facility still seemed like it was running.
Must've been some kind of private clinic? Or maybe an old people's home?
Nobody in town knew about that building. It must've been a private institution.
She stepped in just in time so see him at the receptionist's desk and leaving down a corridor.
The lights inside were yellow and reflected on the light marble floor.
The walls were either tiled or stone. The ceilings were all in some kind of arc shape. They looked like catacombs. But not in a bad way. Not in a good way either. Just in a neutral way.
She followed him down the corridor and up a staircase.
The receptionist, a heavy middle aged woman with a reddish brown pompadour and a bun at the nape of her neck in an outdated nurse uniform, hurried after her and tried to make her stop.
But she payed her no mind.
She just followed him. And fast.
The nurse's short stumpy legs with feet clad in kitten heels stomped down the corridor and she yelled something along the lines of 'You can't just march in here' and 'I must ask you to please stop now'.
But still the kind woman was ignored.
He was gone somewhere.
She looked out for him and her steps slowed down.
She was standing on some kind of intersection with different pathways leading to different destinations.
She just kept walking looking into every new corridor.
On her way she passed a man cowering on some chairs lined outside of a room.
He was huge with no hair and a red shirt and grey-ish blue shorts and he had his arms slung around his knees. His expression was gloom and scared. He rocked himself back and forth.
The door wasn't closed.
Inside the room she could see a man with a clipboard dressed in a white coat talking to a woman. Her expression was understanding and every once in a while she would nod her head. Whether it was an indicator for him to keep talking or a sign of reluctant approval she didn't know.
On her right she could see three children playing. They were dressed in cream coloured shirts and brown shorts.
Two of them were on crutches.
When she looked at their legs she saw one of them with really thin crippled legs, another one with metal prostheses were his legs should be and the third one without the crutches with no legs at all.
The were hoisting themselves up an some metal bars. Whether it was a game or practice she didn't know.
She kept going. On her way she passed some more people. She passed children with disabilities.
Children with no arms or legs.
She passed people being pushed in wheelchairs that were so apathetic that she thought they might as well be dead if it wasn't for the occasional gurgling sounds they made.
At the end of the corridor was an open room.
And in that room he was.
She stepped in.
Finally she caught his attention.
He looked up from the hospital bed that held a person that he was staring at.
Next to the bed on a stool was a house carved from wood with beautiful detailing.
It must've been the size of a small toddler.
It was round and looked like a multi level cake that got smaller towards the top or maybe a Christmas pyramid. It was round and the wood had a light brown colour. Every angle revealed another beautiful detail. On the porch was a tire swing and some benches.
Some parts of the house were so thin and fragile that it seemed even the lightest gust of wind might break it.
She looked at him.
He didn't speak. Neither did she.
She grabbed the file from the end of the bed and observed it.
She tried to make out what it said but the paper was too yellow and old. The ink on the form was was faded.
On the place where a name was supposed to be was only an empty spot. It was clear by the state of the paper that once there had to be something there but now there wasn't
Her eyes skimmed the corrugated paper but she couldn't make anything out except for the age. 12. No. It didn't say 12 it said 129.
Carved on the paper next to the number was a house that resembled the piece of art next to the bed.
A skinny hand emerged from the bed and touched the wooden building.
A hand that was so skinny and wrinkled that it might as well belong to a skeleton.
The skin seemed paper thin. So thin the veins shone through it where the light hit it.
The bones were clearly visible and the long bony fingers affectionately caressed the texture of the miniature house.
Attached to the hand was an bony thin arm and for the first time she noticed the person that the hospital bed sheltered.
It was an old woman. Her cheeks were sunken in and her grey hair was thin. Her eyes were strictly cast on the piece of wood next to her bed and still it seemed as if she was looking at nothing in particular. As if she was looking but not seeing anything.
The woman's  hand grabbed the side of the house and gently spun it.
To the girl's surprise it didn't break and as it spun it played a beautiful melody like a music box with those dancing ballerinas in them.
“It's her's, you know? The house, I mean”, he said and finally looked up at his persecutor.
He stood up and beckoned her to follow him out in the hallway.
“Who is she?”, she asked.
“I don't know. Nobody knows”
“What's her name?”
“I don't know.”
“Doesn't she talk? Haven't you asked her? Why is she here? Why are YOU here? What kind of place even is this?”
“ Of course I've asked her. Everybody has. She just never answers. We aren't even sure if she can talk. Or if she can hear. I tried talking to her in the beginning but she never answered so I stopped talking”
“But who is she? Where do you know her from?”
“I don't”, he stated with a shrug.
She was getting frustrated.
“Why are you here then??”
“ I visit her. This is some kind of nursing home. Once I walked in here thinking it was abandoned. When I noticed that it wasn't I just kept walking. I kept walking until I came to her room. When the nurses found me sitting next to her bed  they asked me about her. And I asked them. Turns out that neither I nor they know anything about her except for her age apparently.”
“Why do you keep coming by?”, the girl's whole demeanor turned quiet.
“She doesn't have anybody. She is the oldest patient here. She was here before all the new nurses and staff got hired. I used to visit her every once in a while. But now she's dying and I don't want her to be alone. So I come by everyday now.”
There were still so many questions soaring through her mind but she needed to comprehend the newly gained information first.
When they re-entered the room the woman was still playing with her music house.
None of them talked. The atmosphere in the room demanded for them to be silent.
He grabbed another chair for his friend and so they sat in silence for who knows how long. Sometime along the way the same nurse that tried to stop the girl, entered the room and silently brought the two visitors some tea and biscuits served in fine china.
It was like a unspoken rule  or a spell that was cast over the room that when you enter it every sense of talking leaves you.
After a few hours of drinking their tea and listening to the sweet tune of the music box both of them quietly got up and left. The woman didn't even seem to notice. Maybe she did.
Before they left the room the girl thought she heard a whining sound. She looked back at her friend but he just kept walking. He did not hear it. She looked back to the old woman and found her gazing in their direction. But her eyes weren't focusing on her or anything in particular. So she just left. She didn't bring it up to her friend or the nurse or anybody else. It was probably just a loose floorboard. If she didn't make a sound all these times he visited her why would she start now?
On their way out the nurse told them that his visits do the old woman good.
And the girl promised to accompany him in the future. They said there goodbyes and left the old building.
They left the clearing. They left the forest and they entered the city. Neither one of them talked about what had happened that afternoon. As if it was just a figment of their imagination. It seemed surreal. It was night by now and the closer they got to home the more talkative they got. The old woman's spell wore off with every step they made. By the time they got home they excitedly talked about the game and the boy's winning shot. He walked her home, hugged her and told her he'd get her the next day so they could visit the little old woman again.
The next day when he got her they made their way over to the nursing home. And when they arrived the receptionist already awaited them.
Her face was gloom as she told them the old lady died in her sleep.
Without a word the boy just turned around and left.
The girl followed him. Once again she followed him like the first time she followed him on the way to the facility.
She tried to make out his expression but she couldn't read him.
Whether it was relaxation or conflict on his face she didn't know.
She, however, had a thousand thoughts running through her head.
Was that sound yesterday the woman trying to say goodbye? Or was she trying to make them stay? What would happen with that beautiful music box?
Who would hold the funeral? And what would her tombstone say?
The woman with no name.
The both of them never talked about what had happened again. Ever.
She didn't tell anybody and she knew for a fact that he didn't either.
She thought to know that he was sad and disappointed in himself for not being with her when it happened. The thought of her dying alone made her sad. She was sure he felt the same way.
Once many years later she tried to find the old woman's grave but without success.
If he ever tried to do so or not was a mystery to her.
And often she found herself imagining the 'what ifs'.
What if I told him about the noise?
Neither of them continued to visit the nursing home and by the time she was married and had children it all felt like a dream all over again.
And even when she was an old woman herself and lost all contact to her childhood friend she still thought back to the old woman with no name.
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