samuell-art · 6 months
(FLASH WARNING ig) Bye Lena Problems/Дока Лена Проблем animation meme
I MISS THESE OLD MEMES ☹️ (why tf are they called memes???)
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rememberthelaughtermp3 · 10 months
i really need to start learning polish again
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r-aindr0p · 5 months
I am language DISinclined as much as I WANT to learn a language. I’m so interested in languages that I have an English BA and I’ve considered going for a MA in linguistics because etymology is 🤩
But I can’t for the life of me learn a full language. That being said, I pick up random words in different languages all over the freaking place.
French? Yup. Italian? Check. Russian. Mmhmm. German. Yes. Sign language? Odd one out but yep. Spanish? Who doesn’t know a few odd words when you live in the US.
I DONT GET HOW PEOPLE CAN FULLY LEARN OTHER LANGUAGES WHEN MY BRAIN IS JUST LIKE “I like these words. Yeah. These are good. That’s it though. :)”
Helppppppppp I love language but language only wants a friends-with-benefits relationshippppppp
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Oh I totally get it honestly, language learning is not that easy usually especially when it comes to grammar which feels like a hellhole whatever the language you try to learn ! I did learn german at school and all I remember are a few sentences and christmas songs but the grammar is all forgotten already ugh.. Tried to learn japanese and grammar lost me again. As for finnish I just randomly say stuff and pray it is understandable, not an ounce of knowledge on it’s grammar.
The best way imo is to listen to other people speak the language more than try to learn the basics via grammar, sure it is important but getting the hang of a language by hearing it helps a lot !
Oh and I know a good online site I use as a French to English and vice versa dictionnary ! It’s called Wordreference it helps me quite a lot whenever I have doubts on some word’s meanings or when I remember a word in english but not in my own language…
And yeah, I gave a weird grammatical exception up here in french, that’s partially why hearing a language helps better than trying to understand the grammar first… We also have lots of words with a silent "t" at the end like "chat" (cat) which you pronounce "sha" or "rat" (rat) pronounced "rat" and then you have a few exceptions where the t is not silent all of a sudden like "brut" (crude/variety of champagne/brute)
And why ?? Well because that’s it, no real explanation sometimes….
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hiii! its my first time requesting, i was wondering if you could do the obey me brothers+side characters (not new) reaction/headcanons to teen!mc being russian and like born there and also knowing how to speak the language? and sometimes they just scream out different things (as you know russian is considered an aggressive language lol 😭)so the brothers just stand there:🧍
lil’ rambling..
i was born in russia and when i was 5 i travelled to france, i know how to speak 1.russian(first language) 2.french 3.english 4.italian and i am learning korean !
thank you in advance🫶
Bet sorry for the late answer been caught up with work.
I feel like russian could be aggressive but i personally find it very relaxing idk.
BUT anyway to the head canons!
Lucifer: he would be interested in the culture, 100% he would ask about ur experience and be impressed by u speaking more then one language (most likely even tell his brothers to learn from u), hell this mf would even show off that he will also show off (casually) how he speaks multiple languages to. After that it would be normal but would randomly suprise u with russian candy cause he SO HAPPENED to walk by a store that sold it *wink wink*
Mammon: ngl, he would be confused. He is a lil dumb ok but once he realizes its RUSSIAN he would think it was cool have u teach him some slang. But also think of a good way to make money inspired by this experience. Now he is scamming people with a language learning course☠️. Anyway i would also think he would learn to say i love u in russian to suprsie u but then text it to u, just to ask u to forget he ever did that lolol
Levi: sorry i feel like he would think it was cool but also be jealous about how cool u look by randomly saying stuff in russian. He would also try and learn russian in secret aswell lol. Hell, he would also watch shows from russia to better grasp the culture. He would play “tiny bunny” since its a popular game and be scared yet ask you to help understand references.
Asmo: he would be suprised when u cuss in russian, but then would think its cute. He would even as u to say certain words aswell. Since u know more then russian and english bro would ask u for other words to.
Satan: he would learn russian from u to solely cuss lucifer out in russian. He would also read books and suprise u with what he learned about its culture to swoon u with his knowledge.
Beel: i dont see him making much change however i feel like he would be interested in the food (ofc), mans would request u make him dishes and also when its his turn to make dinner its a russian dish cause he now wants to expand his food knowledge aswell as make u not so home sick
Belphie: would be impressed and honestly i feel like he would want to hear u say certain words in Russian out of curiosity.
Simeon: impressed and would honestly ask u to try and teach luke russian☠️ also he would probably try and learn new languages with u aswell.
Luke: he would ask u how to say stuff in russian, he and barbatos would even suprise u with russian baked goods, anything to give u nostalgia.
Diavolo: you know him, he would honestly hold a russian course and have people in devildom learn it but also hold a event to help u not be so home sick. Be warned though mans would probably gift u something expensive from Russian from out of no where😭
Solomon: he would honestly be flexing how his student knows multiple languages and also would try and suprise u with a russian toy that has a spell on it, little trickster
Barbatos: he would act indifferent but when u come to the castle for tea, cause whats waiting for u? Those delicious tea cakes, those delicious poweder cookies🤤Mans would bake like u sm treats
I hope u like it! Genuinely put alot of thought into this, and also
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strawbs-screaming · 10 months
☆ boxers reacting to you learning their native language ☆
obv with non-english speaking boxers, main cast only sadly because i dont wanna get burnout
Glass Joe
- really happy that you wanna speak to him in french & understand him better
- if you arent a native english speaker he will also learn your native language
- will cheer you on no matter how many grammar mistakes you make
- pretty good at teaching french somehow
- really patient with you
Von Kaiser
- admires the lengths you are willing to go to learn german
- understands your struggling because german is a complicated language
- not really good at teaching german tbh, he tries his best
- sometimes laughs at your pronounciations but not too much
- will congratulate you for every good sentence you make
Piston Hondo
- happy that you are willing to learn such a difficult language for him
- understands your frustation with kanji like damn why so many letters
- also good at teaching
- might be a little bit pushy about it if you give up but he understands
King Hippo
- really happy, celebrating the fact that he may be able to compliment you in 2 different languages & tell you stories
- will also try to learn your native language so he can make that 2 into a 3
- not good at teaching but will try every method with you
- understands if you want to give up, wont be pushy about it because he sometimes realizes the fact that he is grunting but in a organized way
- if you do end up becoming fluent, he'll be over the moon, praying someone doesnt use hippo slang while talking to you
Great Tiger
- happy that youre willing to spend your time to understand him better
- understands your annoyance, still thinks its funny
- will get his clones to help you out by playing out scenarios for you with them
- will teach you slang if youre planning to meet his younger family members because he doesnt want you to stay flabbergasted
- will teach you some mild insults just for funsies
Don Flamenco
- devious about the fact that he can rizz you up in 3 or 2 more languages now
- will learn your native language just so he can flirt with you
- ever wanted someone to teach you spanish on the kitchen table at 2 AM romantically? youre in luck!
- can and will teach you how to curse, hell yeah bestie go off on whoever you want whenever you want!!
- has to hold in his laughter if you happen to mispronounce anything
Soda Popinski
- happy but isnt expecting your efforts to last long
- god forbid you want to learn cursive
- good at teaching suprisingly
- will learn your native language if you somehow learn russian
- willing to teach you how to curse if you get good enough, you earned it
Bald Bull
- laughs, not because he doesnt trust you but because he can gossip with you more
- will do his best to teach you
- probably made you curse in turkish without you realizing it before, thinks its hilarious
- "ok so say yarr-"
- thinks your accent sounds cute when you're speaking turkish
- will teach you how to curse, down to the death threats and everything, curse near him in turkish and he will laugh his ass off
- gossips with you in turkish, happy he can shit talk someone in front of their face
- slang? Dont worry about it, turkish slang is full turkglish 90% of the time (turkglish is what is sounds like, turkish + english)
- speaking of turkglish, will speak in turkglish with you in front of other boxers to confuse them
-wont admit it, but is waiting for you to discover the pain in kabir (if you know what im talking about + understand why i find it funny i love you)
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asena-graywolf · 1 year
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Ya Tebya Lyublyu
It always seemed strange to you that your Russian-Japanese hybrid friend didn't speak any Russian at all. That included whether he had ever wondered or investigated the other half of his origin. However, you were a lover of Russian culture. You read the world classics of Lev Tolstoy in one breath. When Lev was asked why he did not speak Russian, he replied that his mother had never taught him or his sister. Moreover, he had never been to his mother's hometown. You went to the same high school as Lev. You were pretty close and your bond of friendship was pretty solid. You were a big supporter of the Nekoma volleyball team and even worked as a half-time assistant manager. The year you were preparing for the university exam, you went to the same classroom with Lev and helped each other in matters you did not understand. You finally got the Russian Language and Literature major. You and Lev were separated for the first time. But you couldn't say that your ties were completely severed. Your phone numbers were still registered with each other and you were texting occasionally. One day, after class, Lev invited you to play volleyball. You were wondering how he was going to play against the 1.90-foot boy. You had no luck. Once your powers were unequal but you would still enjoy playing volleyball matches with him in any way
You met on the subway and he took you to a nearby indoor volleyball court. Except for one day of the week, the hall was always packed. Lev had simply chosen that day when you two would be in the hall. He grabbed a ball from the ball basket and crossed the net between you. “Are you ready?” he asked energetically. ''Yes! You said "send it and come" You knew you couldn't make up for Lev's serve. But you weren't here to have a serious match with him. You were enjoying playing with Lev
His serve flew into the far corner of the hall. He had toured the whole hall except your area.
He answered you with an evil grin
"Ha ha! 1-0!” "You're so bad, Lev! And this is not fair at all. You are a professional volleyball player. Plus, you're almost 2 meters tall. The most obvious difference is that I am a woman. Our powers are not equal. How do you expect me to receive your service?” "Oh y/n. You are very fussy" "Fussy?! Me?" He chuckled when he saw her angry. ''Dont be angry. I was making a joke. Let's go on"
It was so difficult for you to race with Lev that you could barely respond to his passes. But you still had such a good time together
After you got tired and finished the match, you tidied up the hall. You left the hall and walked back to the metro station. It was starting to get dark. A light wind was blowing
“Do you miss volleyball?” ''And how!'' "Why don't you join the university volleyball team?" “What can I say…even if I enter, that environment does not attract me at all. You see, it never replaces the atmosphere in high school. They're so boring and spoiled" ''I understand. You know what's best for you, but you shouldn't deprive yourself of the activity you love." "You're right. That's why I came here to play with someone I won't get bored of"
Lev brought his hand to the back of his neck.
''Really? So you find me amusing" you chuckled "Of course… well I was going to tell you something else y/n" ''Like this'' “I told you when I was in high school, you remember, I don't know any Russian. No matter how much I wanted to learn it, my mother didn't teach me. You are studying Russian language and literature. I mean, if it's okay with you too…can you teach me?" Lev hesitated when he asked you for lessons. It was evident from the slight reddening of his face. ''Why not? I will gladly teach" ''Really?'' Lev's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Yes. But if you're going to be my student, I want seriousness" "As you wish sensei" you laughed at each other "Okay student. I would like to make a program suitable for you." ''Talking. Well… Friday, for example. What time does your lesson finish?" "Around 16.00. If you're fit, let's do our lesson that day" "Okay. I'll look forward to that day" "Okay. I'm definitely waiting for you. If you skip the lesson, we will change the cones accordingly" "Don't worry sensei. I'm true to my word"
You chatted on the way home. Where you should have left, you shook hands and left. But you couldn't see Lev briefly swooping after you.
When he was with you, there was a happiness that he couldn't understand. You felt the same way, but you couldn't figure out the meaning of this feeling. You didn't want to worry too much about it. 'Cause you had classes to take care of
After a busy week, it was Friday when you were going to have a private lesson with Lev. You waited for him outside the campus. You called to describe the way. The moment you saw him you waved and hung up
You greeted him. And after the recollection phase, you took him to the campus library. The library wouldn't be too busy at these hours. You have moved to a table where you can relax. You took out your pens and notebooks ''Yes. To learn Russian, you must first know the krill alphabet. The Krill alphabet has two uses. Handwriting and book writing. Most people use handwriting because it is easier to write. If you try to write in book writing, it will take longer.” He had it printed out of the stationery for her an hour ago.
You took all the documents out of your bag and placed them in front of Lev. ''Request. This is our alphabet. Now write them down with me. I will teach you how to pronounce them. Our first letter is…” Lev was willingly doing what you said, and focused his attention on what he had to say. He learned faster than he expected. If he worked on the alphabet a little more, he would memorize the entire krill alphabet. "You're doing very well, Lev. I didn't expect you to learn so quickly. Is it because you have half Russian blood?” "I don't know, maybe" “Do you know the meaning of your name?” ''Not that much. Of course I know. means lion “And what does the lioness, the wife of the lion, mean?” she licked her lips ''I do not know. What does it mean?'' "Levitsa" "Then I call you levitsa too" Was it a confession or just a compliment? Your cheeks were redder than wine. You missed your eyes. When you were playing chess, you tensed as if your opponent had checked you out. So much so that your heart was beating in your ears "Y/N?" You were lost and didn't even hear Lev calling you "Hey y/n. Are you okay?'' You startled as if your body had been electrocuted at low voltage ''Ah! I'm sorry, I'm immersed. Well… shall we finish the lesson for today?” ''What? Is that all you have to say?" ''That's all for now. If you study these letters at home, it will enter your mind thoroughly. Next week, I'll teach you how to make sentences and grammar." "We're here every Friday, I mean" "Yes. If it's okay with you," you said as you packed your bag and stuff. "Of course. It's fun working with you. You are a good teacher" ''Stop! This is our first lesson" you laughed ''Let it be. I got a positive energy from you. I think you can teach me anything effectively.” ''I hope''
From that day on, you had an hour of Russian lessons with Lev at the library every Friday. Thanks to you, he'd be someone who could speak Russian well. Lev, in every lesson you felt as if there was something he was hiding from you or something he wanted to say but was afraid to say. Neither you asked nor he said You continued the same routine without being told anything.
Then came the end of the term. During the break, Lev was going to his mother's hometown. He was excited to see Russia for the first time. You met him an hour before you left for the airport to send him off. One hand was behind him. "Lev? Are you hiding something behind you?" He handed you an elegantly packaged bouquet of carefully selected flowers. He made you a bouquet of your favorite flowers "Oh Lev! Are these…for me? They are very beautiful” "For you, of course. I packed a bunch myself from the florist. You deserve the better. Also, there is an envelope in the bouquet.” The envelope was stuck between the flowers. When you looked carefully, you noticed "I want you to read it after I'm gone." "Why don't you say what you're going to say now?" “Because if I say it now, I will be speechless and unable to express myself fully. I do not want to break up with you. But we will meet again" He came closer to you and kissed your cheek. When he felt her lips on his cheek, it was as if every cell in his body had been burned. ''Wait for me. Don't love anyone but me" "I promise, Lev. I will wait you. Everything will be better in the second semester.” "After you're in my life, there's no way anything could be bad y/n" Whispered in your ear for the last time "Dasvidania" He said ''see you'' in Russian. You answered him the same way. This breakup didn't upset you much, as he was gone to come back Lev had someone waiting now. And so are you
After saying goodbye to Lev, you went home. You put the flowers he gave you in the water and opened the envelope.
You can't imagine how hard I worked to write this and write this sentence. Ya tebya lyublyu It means "I love you" in Russian and drew a heart next to it. I will definitely come back to you. I will be yours when I return. Thank you so much for everything you taught me, my Goddess of beauty.
The messages he wrote hit you in the heart. Now you were looking forward to the day he'd come back
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viktortittiforov · 4 months
и - used for long i sounds, like ирена - irena
й - short i, the best way to deacribe is If youd type it with a Y in latin, it probably uses й! for example:
край - kray, while краи would be kraee instead (ee as in evil). i hope this made sense! also й ALWAYS needs vowels around it otherwise you cant pronounce it. sounds like yo, yu, ya, oy, ay, uy, etc.
as for ъ and ь , its similar, the first one is pronounced as in the word Under, while ь is a soft sound like latin Y again. for example кьоше is kyoshe. if you wrote it къоше it would be kuhh-o-she instead! thats what its used for, and never at the start of the word, and always with a vowel after i believe.
i dunno the third one since we dont use it in bg RIP but i hope his helped!!
@x-eins yeah thanks that helps!!! in that case й seems like it is kind of a 'j' in czech, because i think in most cases where the english transcription would use y, we use j (sounds the same), e.g. kray – kraj, perestroyka – perestrojka, yogurt – jogurt etc lol
with ь and ъ it's a bit more complicated lol but comparing with czech i think the first one is a bit of a mix between: our háček (what we call the hat in the hat letters - č, š, ň, ť, ď, ž), which is basically an indicator to soften the letter in question; our j, again, but only when it's after the consonants which don't have a hat letter version in cz (k, l, p, v, b, m, g, f, h), which again somewhat softens them (e.g. pyotr would be Pjotr in a czech transcription, though that might be written as пётр lmao, but let's not get into ё); our i, which also sometimes softens the consonant preceding it but only if that consonant is d, t, or n (DON'T ASK ME WHY THIS IS SO COMPLICATED); and our ě which again softens consonants (there are rules as to which consonants can precede it but essentially the english transcription of it would be 'ye').
ъ on the other hand is like??? what the hell. but as far as i understand it it's only used in front of certain vowels which *could* soften a consonant, but the ъ is there to indicate that they don't.... and some websites say it's only used after the prefix before a root word if the prefix ends with a consonant and the root word begins with one of the potentially softening sounds which would have y in them in the english transcription (я, ю, е, ё, so words like объезд or подъезд, which are objezd and podjezd respectively in cz, but this is the j that importantly doesn't soften certain consonants... 😮‍💨 this is where it gets kind of tangled up and confusing, but essentially podjezd if written as podězd would be like writing the word without the ъ in cyrillic...). but these rules might vary across slavic languages lol i wouldn't be surprised if they did, i think a lot of the pronunciation rules i am able to get my hands on are russian pronunciation rules
and as far as i understand it the one that you don't use, ы, is basically what would be y in czech, WHICH FOR US IS A HARD SOUND TO MAKE EVERYTHING VERY EASY FOR PEOPLE WISHING TO LEARN CZECH. we literally call it "tvrdé y" (hard y) and we call i "měkké i" (soft i), and where i would soften a consonant, y doesn't (it never softens anything) lmao and we also have a whole set of rules around when to use which i/y FOR THE CASES WHERE THEY SOUND THE SAME (the cases where i doesn't soften a consonant)
sorry this accidentally ended up containing a lot of unnecessary and cursed info about czech which is making me question how the fuck i ever got competent at speaking/writing/pronouncing this language 🫠
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Hello! Can I ask for Hunter x Hunter or Spy x Family matchup? Maybe both if it's not a problem....
My pronouns are she/her and I'm heterosexual. I prefer matchup to be romantic.
Actually I am pretty calm and reserved person, I, tend to don't speak when it's not necessary but I'm way more talkative and open with people i know. I rarely show emotions and I find it really annoying when somebody is overreacting or hyperbolizing. For some positive traits I'm patient and I try to understand people, I like to put myself in the shoes of others and see things from their perspective. I dont like to judge people based on trival things when I don't know them too well. Some people around me may describe me as "cold" because I don't show too much emotions and I don't like to be informative about myself and my life. However, I don't think it's entirely true, if someone inspires my trust, I will be happy to share some thoughts and spend time with them.
When it comes to my interests, I like reading and I try to learn languages like Russian, Japanese and Korean. I especially enjoy reading about art and visiting art galleries. I try to be as open as possible and enjoy every field of art, from medieval paintings to manga.
My love language is definitely time quality, although I'm not the type of person to give 100% of my time to someone. Meetings with me may not be the most common thing, but I like to make them special. I like to talk about various, even abstract ideas. I am particularly interested in philosophy, so I would appreciate a person who would have some original thoughts and different views on things.
I've hope it's not too long! Also excuse my english it's not my first language.
hi there!!! (your english is breath by the way) i am super happy that i get to do your matchup because this one is so fun!! you're the first person to ask for two fandoms, so this is rad!! without further ado...
the hxh character I chose for you is...
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i seriously love this man omg
he is also quite reserved, so even if you two are quiet around each other, there is still a lot of care and love between you two
he agrees that it is annoying when someone is overreacting, so when somebody does, you two just look at each other and roll your eyes and then giggle lol
he doesnt think you're cold but that's also because he is very close to you and cares about you a lot and has seen a greater side of you
who cares if you're quiet? that doesnt make you mean, it just means you are able to be yourself
that's how he sees it
and he's the same way, so he understands you
he loves that you love art and will often spend time at art galleries with you and listen to all of your knowledge
teach him what you're learning about languages, he thinks it is very cool
he loves spending time with you, but you're always both so busy, so it's rare, but that doesnt make him love you less, if anything, it makes him love you more when you go to see him
those times together are very worth it and very fun, it just really shows how much you care about each other
and you two always have deep conversations while watching the stars
its romantic in a quiet way and that's why you two are literally perfect :)
the spy x family character I chose for you is...
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pretty much same deal here
he is also quiet and reserved... i mean duh
but since you two got to know each other, he couldnt help but build a bond with you
he thinks that it is better that you're reserved along with him so you can keep what you two have quiet and it's kinda awesome fr
you two definitely have time to talk and hang out, even if rare, but when you do, it's always a really good time because you always have something interesting to talk about, making it much easier to open up to one another
this man knows dozens of languages, so if you ever need help go to him
read to him, i think he would love it
you two definitely have to meet very rarely, and mostly in secret, but it's never a bad time
it'll always be getting coffee or going to a museum and it never fails to be an interesting and lovely time
he loves to hear what you have to say about a lot of different matters, so he loves talking to you about anything
and you both love learning new things, so that's always your goal when you see each other
matchup rules --- pinned post
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mothpile · 8 months
offical mes language status:
english: i dont know take a guess
french: can understand, can read, and On a good day speak it. Writing is Understandable but i know my conjugation sucks balls because those damn tenses are fucked up man why is there so many. why is the chair have a gender how the fuck am i supposed to know what a chairs gender is. stoppp
armenian: can understand, can hold a conversation, Illiterate. i know like 80% of the alphabet cannot read nor write i do not know the difference between the fucking THREE r's there are i cannot pronounce a few letters im sure my armenian teacher from armenian school still has horrible nightmares about my nightmare student ass who would just not read of write for shit But Oh Man Could I Talk. And Talk I Did.
russian: completely lost it its crazy to think when i was a wee lad i could speak and understand it as well as english & armenian and then it degraded to just understanding to now I only recognize passing word spoken aloud.
korean: i know . the letters. and understand to a degree.. Simpler sentence structuring and like a Few words but duolingo has not been the best to me.
spanish: .. i have like 3 duolingo classes of knowledge. It Feels Like French.... 2! but they are yet to hit me with any One Billion Stupid Conjugations so i am keeping my hopes up Do not tell me anything that may ruin my hopes A moth can dream.
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davekat-sucks · 8 months
"Everyone is a little bit racist", no one likes to admit that but you aint wrong. People LOVE to praise the Japanese all the time and see them as a "prodigious" people and act like their country is 100% perfect and nothing bad ever happens there and everyone wishes they could be Japanese. I've also seen people who claim they hate racism and all non whites should be protected but as soon as a Japanese person says something a bit outta line it's a 180 from them and they'll talk about how bad racism is in that country. People will unironically say all Russians are homophobic, and all Germans are nazis but racism against whites doesn't matter because "all white people are born racist and dont have systematic oppression" or some shit. It's ok to call irish people potato munching, car bombing, drunken, leprechauns but it's a problem to call black people melon eating, poor, savages who will steal your bike. No one cares if you mock Europeans. I'm half spic, but people still can't comprehend that Spaniards are white, i get told im not because im not super dark and because i cant speak the language, hell I've been told to fuck off by other Hispanic people because i can't speak the language, i was just never taught. People will act like you are less of your race because you don't act like it and somehow people don't see this as racist because it's so normalized. But whatever i know people will discard whatever i have to say because i am mostly white and i could never understand because of my genes
They unironically enforce stereotypes for the sake of progressive activism. It's crazy how little self awareness those kind of people have.
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boypussydilf · 1 year
sherlock. what is it's gender. what is their deal. speak your trutg
oh dear with the state of my blog its now hard to tell when people walk up to me and say sherlock if they mean dgs sherlock the og or any of the several others ive started talking about. we need to like. color code them. anyway im gonna talk about dgs sherlock bc hes the one im most likely to have proper thoughts on and then probably also do one for mostly just. like. the general concept actually thinking about it i do have many thoughts on Non-DGS Sherlock i dont know why i allowed myself to think i didnt . i just get caught up in the bimbo dad but i like the entire folder hes stored in
dgs first tho <333333
Sexuality Headcanon: gay. Just gay
Gender Headcanon: If i had to make 1 decision. genderfluid <3 Sherlock Holmes (DGS) can fit so much gender in her !!!!!!!!!
A ship I have with said character: *looks at my blog* *looks at my pinned post* um i think you guys know . already. the only one i have . do i need to say it
A BROTP I have with said character: i mean. Iris. they r best friends for real ! they r like the most important people to each other ! they r this guy and their 10 year old daughter who packs peanut butter jelly sandwiches for them !!!
A NOTP I have with said character: im gonna be petty and say vanlock. i blocked the tag bc i got tired of seeing it. actually even moreso i like physically recoil when i see ppl shipping him with ryuu, it fucking. completely baffles me. like. nothing wrong with that. people who ship them aren’t weird in That sense. but theyre weird as in I can’t understand what compels you to do this . i dont like vanlock but i can Understand why people do i just got extra sick of it bc its semi common. i cant understand why people ship sherlock and ryuu. like youve misread the vibe badly. this is not it. oh dear god this just got 5 times as long as all the other sections of this fucking ask meme. power of being slightly annoyed sorry
A random headcanon: UHHHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD . I KNOW i have headcanons abou t this bitch he swarms around in my mind all the time. I am imagining Random Exploits of the DGS Cast on a daily basis where did the fucking Concepts and Ideas go. ill return to this once ive done everything else and see if i havent thought of anything fun by then. ive thought about it some more and my most recent thought on him has been like. she knows some russian and japanese right? actually a fucking lot of russian to be able to read entire newspaper articles but thats besides the point i just think that sherlock knowing several different languages is neat but, Like. its pure chance if she ever manages to learn enough to be able to …. use it. once every several months sherlock will get really really excited about a new foreign language and put in like 2 weeks of work before forgetting about it completely. he has the vocabulary of a very young toddler in half a dozen different languages and is remembering those vocabularies by sheer luck
General Opinion over said character: Im normal iam normal normal im normal and regular . im normal and im normal about him and i dont intend to put him under a microscope or anything. i am not putting him in a little plastic box and shaking him to find out what happens . *extends my hand ibuprofen style* who wants to speculate about dgs in hyperspecific ways with me. hello my like 3 dgs followers do you have thoughts on sherlock holmes. tell them to me. lets all be normal. Anyway uh hes funny
IVE GOTTEN THAT BITCH OUT OF THE WAY LETS TALK ABOUT …… im not even sure. The General Concept of Sherlock Holmes on a Wide Scale, which, like, ultimately probably just boils down to: acd holmes. time to get philosophical with it. thats not the right word.
Sexuality Headcanon: sherlock is either gay or aroace or some more specific combination of all previous terms. Hey does that… even count as headcanon? Ultimately my stance is “whatever as long as sherlock holmes is not interested in women” and it is stated very clearly explicitly and repeatedly in canon that sherlock holmes is not interested in women so . like.
Gender Headcanon: You know what’s funny is expressing disdain for women is an effective way to distance yourself from femininity in general, for instance, to assert masculinity as a trans man, or as a negative reaction to being a trans woman. So. Like.
A ship I have with said character: at first i was like “its just kind of an objective fact that sherlock and watson are gay but i dont have emotional investment in it” but that was a fucking lie
A NOTP I have with said character: The next time an adaptation tries to make him and irene adler straight together im going to thr authors house and shooting them point blank. shut up shut up shut up shut up. they would NOT
A random headcanon: man i dont even fucking know. he probably eats food off the floor and i mean this genuinely
General Opinion over said character: Sherlock Holmes is the ultimate Little Freak. Like 80% of the joy of any sherlock holmes media is “Watch this Freak Behave Oddly”. Some people think he would be hard to get along with personally i think we would make very good friends and i would love to hang out with the Freak.
Man. I hope this post isn’t actually as long and hard to look at as it looks in the mobile post editor. Unfortunately it probably is
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ishimaruboox · 10 months
About me!
Hello evweryone my name is Ishimaru but you can just call me Ixxy for now <3 Im new here!!!!
I will try my hardest to be very anonymous currently because I don't wanna be recognized by some peeps and i dont wanna be bullied erm.
Also I wanna let ppl know that i dont propagate anything or encourage any1 to b like me. im just a silly little guy whos just trying to find ways to cope and improve </3
I created this account bc I have relapsed and I hav problems with my weight and eating ever since 2019 and my mom comments on my body and weight while also joking that im a fatty or sumn when she is the one whos a whale herself >:( her obese ass is fatphobic at the same time how funny.
I'm Agender and I go by they/them.
It would be v cool to look for mutuals so hit me up if you wanna be moots!!!!
I'm 16 yrs old :3
Height: 171cm
Current weight: 75kg
Goal weight: 60-65kg
Ultimate goal weight: 52kg
Languages: Russian, English
I am autistic + CPTSD, not sure abt my ed tho
I am extremely sensitive and get frightened very easily so pls don't be mean to me. don't yell at me :-( (NO MEANSPO PLEASE)
I am pro-recovery however bc of me understanding that my trauma will never heal might make me come out as anti-recovery bc of this
Lolz pls don't take what I say too personally sometimes I just don't think before posting sumthing, i can also say things that might b considered weird so sorry
I am single but I am not looking for love here
DNI: None lol! I'm open minded and as long as u aren't shoving anything down my throat. However please don't follow me if ur under 14 years old or if you are strongly involved in drama/proship/anti discourses.
I am pro-MOGAI, pro-multispec labels, pro-endo, anti-harassment, pro-recovery etc. I believe that noone deserves harassment except for literal toxic assholes!!
I will not send any photos or pictures of myself here sorry it's just privacy
No!!! You absolutely cannot ask me about my trauma. Get outta here
If your profile has a default icon and/or no posts, you will be blocked. at least have a profile picture and a post so i won't assume that you're a bot or sumn
Since I don't have a DNI, I block freely!! and if i dont like you at all then its possible i block u as well, i block back too. (also i might block bc there might b possibility that i might fit in ur dni criteria and i respect ppls boundaries!!)
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orthodoxadventure · 7 months
what catholic rite are you and what type of orthodoxy do you want to convert to (and why)?
I was (am?) Roman Catholic. I attended a mix of Novus Ordo and TLM Masses. As for what 'type' of Orthodoxy, I'm not really sure what you mean? Do you mean 'Russian Orthodoxy' or 'Greek Orthodoxy'? Because all of those would fall under the Orthodox Church, upholding the same beliefs, although there might be differences in their Liturgies. Someone that attends a Russian Orthodox Church would be freely able to attend a Greek Orthodox Church, and would still be able to follow along and understand what's going on (asides from language barriers).
In my city, we have an Orthodox Priest who travels between my city and another nearby city that gives the Liturgy in a mix of Greek and English. On the days in which he is not present in my city or the neighbouring city, I attend the Liturgy at the local Romanian Orthodox Church. There are some slight variations between the Romanian Liturgy and the Greek one, but it's purely that the Romanians will sometimes kneel throughout the Liturgy whilst that isn't really a thing at the Greek Orthodox Liturgy (at least here). Despite the Romanians carrying out a lot of the Liturgy in Romanian, once you have attended one Liturgy, you kind of get a feel for what is going on. And there are books that have the Liturgy in both Romanian and an English translation.
As for 'why?' the interest in Orthodoxy, I answered that here: https://orthodoxadventure.tumblr.com/post/731914160774021120/howdy-hope-you-are-well-why-orthodoxy-i-dont
I've also answered a little about 'Why not Eastern Catholicism?' here, if that might be of interest: https://orthodoxadventure.tumblr.com/post/731820812148113408/as-a-catholic-who-loves-the-eastern-church-i
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chanstopher · 1 year
I resisted most kpop and all kpop fandom for a very long time 😆
I got into visual kei in high school (2007 ish) and one of my online friends also listened to some. She got me into J dramas, from where I got into KAT-TUN in 2010. She also watched K dramas and listened to kpop and she sent me some, but not being able to sing along by ear or through romanized lyrics frustrated me since I'd been able to do that with Japanese since I first listened to anime openings and such in middle school. I did listen to some 2ne1 and Big Bang, but mainly Japanese releases since at that point I was studying Japanese and reaching conversational fluency.
After college she and I mostly fell out of touch, KAT-TUN had slowed down after losing a member in 2013 and then another later, LiveJournal got taken over by a Russian "news" company, so all my sources of music and drama torrents were gone, the two main VK bands I listened two took hiatuses or had record company issues (one came back, the other eventually broke up), and so I was back to mostly listening to top 40 radio.
At some point, I got suggested a "reacts to kpop" video on YouTube, and I was like, "I wonder if I'll even recognize and of these groups." The answer was no, I did not, but one if the songs was Blackpink's Whistle, and I was like, "damn, this song is fun," so I started listening to them. I still didnt keep up with anything beyond just their music (and still dont), but it got some kpop on my radar again.
Then I went to Holiday Matsuri in 2021 and went to the hottest men in anime show, which is a men's burlesque contest. The winning act performed to God's Menu and Lisa's Money, two bangers that I hadn't heard because I wasn't actively paying attention to new music. I went and looked them up and played a Spotify kpop playlist the whole 6 hours drive home to add new songs to my library, but I still didn't look up any groups. I continued like that for about a year, just liking individual songs. Then, around when Time Out came out, something made me look up the Stray Kids youtube. I had watched the God's Menu video that first night I heard the song, but I didn't watch anything else. I subscribed to the channel that time, but u still didn't dive into the music videos or add a bunch to my library. Its like part of my brain new I'd not crawl out of that hole and it wasn't the right time for it lol
Finally, late August of last year, I let myself watch the music videos and listen to full albums. Then I resisted any additional content outside of "making of" videos for another month (which is a while for a disabled person with nothing to do but consume content).
Now, here I am. Awash in the swamp. Watching Han and Chan and understanding nothing 🤣
Thankfully I had already planned to learn some Korean since its the third most common language where I live and I had started watching kdramas, but its hard! I still have some bias to Japanese releases for that reason 😆 but it does vary by song since some don't fit/match rhythmically to the Korean versions as nicely as others. Hopefully I'll get there with Korean. I have to remember I have decades of familiarity with the sounds and basics of Japanese compared to very little familiarity with Korean.
this is a wholeeee journey u did not take the easels to mordor lmao but omg i’m learning so much about how things were found in the 00’s and 10’s when i was content to go to warped tour and never be online lmao but this journey feels educational with all the stuff u were into! and ur bias for japanese releases is understandable especially jyp groups they just hit different so i can understand having spent all that time learning japanese and being into japanese culture would only add to the fondness for them! your will power to get into skz so slowly is amazing I don’t know if i’ve ever done such a good job of avoiding diving straight into something the second i found a part of it i liked, but alas we all end up in the skz swamp one way or another lmao
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aeriedwelling · 1 year
I'm going to keep sending you those from time to time unless you say so but here are More Music Recs In Languages You Don't Speak (I've been meaning to put the Mrs Yéyé songs from last time on mediafire and send you the link for a while, it's going to happen at some point promise!)
First up I have been listening to Monde Nouveau by Feu! Chatterton, it's just fun to listen to, and in a similar vein there's Le Dernier Jour du Disco by Juliette Armanet and Si J'Étais Un Homme (New World, Disco's Last Day and If I Were a Man respectively) they're all popular pop songs where the lyrics are fine but not the center of the whole thing, and I like them, especially Le dernier jour du disco, it's got a good vibe.
If you're interested in Lyrics which you can't understand but sound fun because of all the wordplay and alliterations and whatnot, I'll recommend Hubert-Félix Thiéfaine's songs Le Temps des Tachyons and Les Dingues et les Paumés (Time of the Tachyons and The Madmen and the Lost Ones) hopefully you can tell there was thought put into how the words sound even if you don't understand the language. Fair warning you could probably find translations, especially since the guy's from Quebec, and I can totally make you one real quick of you want (for any other songs in french too tbh it's not too long if you don't try to make it fit the music or rhyme) but I know I find the lyrics a little - unappealing at time? Dogs tearing themselves apart and such things, tiny me hated Le temps des tachyons for that line haha.
Also in a similar but different vibe, Ben Oui! by MC Solaar (Well Yeah) mostly the parts where he sings tbh because the girl's parts are a bit less well thought-out rap and more pop filler, but it's still a vibe. Plus MC Solaar is a classic of french rap, not that I listen to that genre a lot but y'know haha. (Another famous french rapper I listen to would be Beloved Orelsan but you'd definitely need lyrics for most of those, whereas for Ben oui if I tell you it's about a girl who likes money and men who have some that's enough lol)
Finally, for the Winter Season, and especially appropriate if it's cold where you are, two completely different picks: Les Mains Froides by Oldelaf (The Cold Hands) which is a cute love story, and Ой, мороз, мороз (Oy, moroz, moroz, except it's pronounced maroz, it means O, frost, frost) which is apparently a classic in Russia? I don't know, my russian teacher had us listen to it in class and I think it's fun.
Okay that's it thanks for reading (and listening the precedent ones!) love you <3
Nouveau monde - oooough very strong start :0 loving the drums?? love the delivery of the lyrics it's nice :D - aaaaaugh the chorus???? this is funky and nice i like it a lot. only loss is the fade out i dont like songs that fade out in the end but i will make an exception this one is swag
Le Dernier Jour du Disco - oh her VOICE oooooh love love love - the piano into drums <3 <3 i feel like you've sent this one before maybe?? or i listened to it before i dont remember. but OUGH. funky and swag. love love love. i am going to attempt to sing along to this without actually knowing the lyrics that'll be fun. onto my playlists u go. (i meant to listen to more and then ended up with this on loop for like 20 minutes. banger song)
Si J'Étais Un Homme - oooooh brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr it's such a fun vibe :0 love the piano!!!! aaaaugh love love
Le Temps des Tachyons - this one was kinda weird? i'll have to look up lyrics like you said but it was. weird without them sjdfklsdjf
Les Dingues et les Paumés - i really like this one :0 could not tell u specifically what but oooough this is so so nice
Ben Oui! - liked the instrumentals but not the vocals jsdfkjskdf (i dont like rap very much i'm finding) - i stopped listening halfway through i wasn't strong enough to finish 😔
Les Mains Froides - oooooh love love love. i kinda expected it to swell more but then it kinda stayed the same the whole time? not a bad thing just not what i was expecting sjdkflsjd very good for drumming along to :0 i was bouncing in my seat the whole time sdjfksl
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cosmicck · 2 years
Omgomg I just remembered a random story not very vividly but i remeber some parts
OK so I was 12 turning 13 and this was when I barely knew fuckin english like I was born in America but I lived with my babooshka and my Nana for a few years because of my moms work job thingy and the two both spoke russian most the time but see my Nana was on my moms side who is black and my babooshka was on my horrible dads side who is Russian so anyway the two did speak pretty fluent russian but my Nana would speak I english most the time while being able to understand my babooshka same same
And little me who was 12 turning 13 barely spoke throughout life but I did speak I'm not a mute had a very strong russian accent and not many people understood me sadly except my family cuz I couldn't pronounce the russian words but my english wasn't good either🥲
It didn't get better till i was 14 and my accent left almost fully so that was good-
Anyway I'm getting fully off track so I was with my Nana and my aunt along with my mom who was somewhere in the store and my Nana said 'I'll be right back stay here with your aunt'(she said it in the language I can fucking understand-)and I just nodded keep in mind my aunt was fully focused on her phone which I didn't have soooo that was sad
I was just standing there waiting till some guy came up to me asking where..where the tampons where and I was like..wtf is a tampon? I think that was what he asked for but it was some women object thing
I knew what a tampon was or whatever he asked for and I just understood "do you know ?" And I was turning to my aunt who was not paying attention so instead of me just telling her that some dude was looking at me I was just like "I am sorry." And I think I walked away with my aunt making up an excuse-
I dont remember what else happned but it was embarassing cuz I didn't understand😭 my english wasn't so good and my hard ass accent didn't disappear till i was 14 so ya random ass story time...I think imma make these a thing when I remeber random shit
Tags: not lazy @gaybitchfx @vyloy @devilswhore-emrys @secretivemessenger @reallyromealone @katzzusstuff ok now I'm lazy
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