thedeadthree · 1 year
-`. 𝖚𝖗𝖑 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊 ❦
-ˋˏ .·:·. ⊱ indorilnerevarine ➵ THEDEADTHREE ⊰ .·:·. -ˋˏ
-`. baldur’s gate has my psyche and soul at the moment so in honor of that and the dearest (un)holy trinity i thought it would be cute to do a change as it’s been a bit!
-`. 𝖒𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖆𝖑𝖘 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘! ❦
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Yanderes in a Zombie Apocalypse...The Kind Survivor
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Imagine the zombie apocalypse starts and suddenly the entire world itself is turned upside down. Those who survive are the ones who can adapt quickly or be lucky enough to be dragged by the former. You re some of the few that adapt turning everyday items into tools and weapons to guarantee your survival. While you could go at it alone you don’t. Shaking your coworker or classmate out of their horror-stricken state and saving them from being eaten. 
“Hey you better move it or you’ll end up just like them.”
Maybe you know you’ll be lonely or that you can’t leave someone behind or maybe it's because it's them. Always so forthcoming and so kind to you before the world turned into this. Maybe you consider this payback for their hospitality, either way, you’re leading them away from the danger to regroup somewhere safe.
“T-thank you (Y/n).”
“It's fine, Wendall. Just keep moving we can’t rest here.”
He’s the Kind Survivor, the one who holds onto his sweet, trusting persona. Leaving you to be the untrusting hardened protector. Your roles become clear as you unwillingly are added to a group of fellow survivors. Of course, it’s him who proposes staying with the team still silently accepting your unspoken alliance. Even when the group discards your opinion for their own plan, he advocates for them, soothing your anger.
“I don’t trust them Wendy!”
“(Y/n) we can’t do this alone! We have to trust in them!”
“Until we can’t. What do you plan to do then?!”
“T-then we can leave. Okay (Y/n)...I’ll start thinking about us….about you more okay?”
“Thanks… I’ll be more open-minded.”
For a while, this will work, with your Kind Survivor becoming an important voice in the group while you gain their respect and reverie. Wendall couldn’t be happier, falling into a sense of normalcy as he watches you grow emotionally. For a while, this feels right. 
But this doesn’t last.
The first betrayal ruins him opens his eyes. One selfish member's actions put everyone at risk but who suffers the most is you. Led out on a fool’s errand only to be swarmed and backed into a corner. Nothing but your wits and survival instincts to let you lead the remaining scouts with you. You’re holed up in a roof for days, forced to stay quiet, stave your hunger, and remain vigilant. As you hoped, Wendall and the surviving group arrive with food and medicine as everyone reunites.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n)!”
“Hey, Wendy.”
“Oh, my–(Y/n) you can’t believe how happy I am to see you!”
“...I trusted you’d come…and you did.”
No one’s more happy to be reunited than your Kind Survivor who doesn’t dare relay the frustrating tale of that one’s betrayal. Only holding you close and rubbing his face against your head as he burns your scent into his memory all over again. It's another member who tells you while Wendall lasor focuses on checking you for any and all injuries. You don’t seem all that perturbed–your inclination to trust the others was right—all was well. Sure there was betrayal but you didn’t like that one member much at all so it wasn’t much of a deal to you. The same cannot be said for your Kind Survivor.
“I’m okay Wendy. I’m fine.”
“You haven’t eaten in days I wouldn’t call that fine.” 
“Wendy I–”
“Hush. Eat before anything…please.”
He’s still so sweet. Always so kind. But something's…amiss. The other members feel he’s not the same. Those on midnight watch find his eyes staring at your resting form, not even moving away when they joke with him. When he does turn to look at them, there’s something fiery, something dark lingering behind those eyes before he hides them with his typical amicable smile. They begin to fear him.
“Ah, Wendall-san?”
“What is it? Jjitjg?”
“Uh, nothing never mind.”
The members have a right to. Wendall is dealing with an anger he’s hardly ever experienced. All his life had been a constant string of highs—working his dream job, meeting you, getting to hang out with you. But then the world turned mad which didn’t initially scare him as much as it should. Somehow being saved and haphazardly comforted by you it still wasn’t so bad. He thought the same when you both joined the group. But when that one member betrayed the whole team it shattered him. How could they?! Leaving his (Y/n) out there! When they so courageously followed the so-called leader on this goose chase!? What was his baby doing now while they simply huddled in fear of that one?! How were you feeling being so far for so long?! 
He? He was dying. 
Would you be disgusted that your Kind Survivor was truly contemplating letting all the others die while he went to search for you? Disgusted in knowing that it was he who was behind that one’s sudden psychosis? He didn’t care!
But when he saw your smiling face he was relieved but still fuming. This..band of wretches was why you were bedded for a week. These worthless meat sacks were using up the supplies meant to take care of you. These fleas were eating all the food that should have rightfully belonged to you.
It was a rising resentment. Pushed down and suffocated every time so that he could steer this group right and properly encourage your latest streak of compassion. It made you so much more integral to the group, as a protector and a leader. 
It made his skin crawl. He was so proud of you.
It was another member’s incompetence that puts the nail in the coffin–the entire group’s coffins. Since the death of your old leader the group was out of sync; squabbling and running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Of course, the most incompetent one volunteered for the role; forcefully pressuring the others to follow their lead. It led to chaos. The chaos that relied on you to save everyone again. Again, forcing you to risk your life.
“This–this–this is the second time–”
“That I’ve survived the impossible? Don’t know, guess I’m just the best human shield there is.”
“No! This is the second time you’ve almost died because of them! I can’t–I can’t!”
He snaps. 
You can calm your Kind Survivor all you like but the damage has been done. He’ll bow and apologize to everyone who’s witnessed it. But he’s not sorry. He’s determined. At a moment's notice, he fights to free you from them even if you resist. Physically you might be able to overpower him but he shouldn’t be underestimated. After all your Kind Survivor has learned so much. So many ways to subdue you, so many ways to trick the group; running off with you will be easy. With so much time to plan he’ll get his plan off without a hitch. 
By the time he’s done, you’ll both be miles away from the ruins that were this ragtag team.
“I’m sorry (Y/n)...I thought we’d be safe with others. Now I know we’re better off on our own; where only we can trust each other.”
Your Kind Survivor has grown a lot and he’s learned not everyone’s worth both of your compassion. In fact, he’s made the executive decision to actively keep it and you all to himself.
By any means necessary.
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lvoryingrid · 1 month
Rengoku Kyojuro x fem!Reader
Synopsis: Kyojuro and (Y/n) were childhood friends who grew up together, sharing dreams, laughter, and memories. As time passed, they were pulled apart by the responsibilities and expectations of their families. Now, years later, they are reunited by an arranged marriage, destined to rekindle the bond they once shared.
Warning: 🔞 minors do not read/interact: contains 18+ content, smut/erotica,
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The cicadas sang in the late summer afternoon, their song mingling with the distant rustle of leaves as a soft breeze passed through the sprawling courtyard. The estate was grand, yet there was a sense of old-world elegance that made it feel timeless. The garden was filled with lush greenery, flowers in bloom, and a koi pond that shimmered under the dappled sunlight. It was the kind of place where time seemed to stand still, yet today, it marked a pivotal moment in two lives.
(Y/n) stood at the edge of the garden, her thoughts drifting to memories of a time when the world seemed simpler, a time when she and Kyojuro were inseparable.
She remembered the way they used to race through these very gardens, their laughter echoing through the air as they chased each other, pretending to be mighty demon slayers defending the world from the flesh-eating demons. Kyojuro, with his boundless energy and unwavering determination, always declared that he would become the strongest Hashira. And (Y/n), who admired his spirit, always promised to stand by his side.
But childhood dreams often gave way to reality. The responsibilities of their respective families and the expectations placed upon them had pulled them apart. It had been years since they had seen each other, and now, fate had brought them together once more.
"Lady (Y/n), the preparations are complete," a voice called from behind her, pulling her from her reverie.
She turned to see one of the attendants bowing respectfully. "Thank you," she replied softly, her voice steady despite the storm of emotions swirling within her.
(Y/n) quietly sat in the tearoom, her hands folded delicately in her lap, though her heart was anything but still. She had known this day was coming for months now, ever since her family had informed her of the arrangement. An arranged marriage—a union forged not by love, but by duty.
As she waited, she couldn't help but wonder what Kyojuro would be like now. Would he still be the same spirited boy she had known? Or had the years changed him, just as they had changed her?
The door to the tearoom slid open, and (Y/n) looked up, her breath catching in her throat. There he stood, tall and proud, his golden eyes alight with the warmth of a thousand suns. His haori, emblazoned with fiery patterns, fluttered slightly as he stepped inside, his presence commanding yet gentle.
When their eyes met, time seemed to stand still. The years of separation melted away, and for a moment, they were just Kyojuro and (Y/n) again, two children with dreams too big for the world.
"(Y/n)," Kyojuro greeted her, his voice warm and filled with a sincerity that touched her heart.
"Kyojuro," she responded, her lips curving into a small smile.
He stepped forward, closing the distance between them and kneeled in front of her. "It's been a long time," he said, his gaze never leaving hers.
"It has," she agreed, searching his face for any sign of what he might be feeling. But Kyojuro had always been difficult to read, his emotions often hidden beneath a mask of strength and optimism.
"I am glad to see you again," he continued, his tone earnest. "I have thought of you often over the years."
His words surprised her, and she felt a flicker of hope. "I have thought of you too," she admitted, her voice soft.
A moment of silence passed, but this time, it was not so heavy. There was something about Kyojuro’s demeanor that made it easier to breathe, easier to accept the reality of their situation. He was kind, even in his strength, and there was no trace of arrogance in his gaze—only a genuine interest in getting to rekindle their shared bond.
“I understand that this marriage was arranged,” he began, his tone gentle but direct, “but I want you to know that I do not take it lightly. I will do everything in my power to ensure your happiness and well-being, (Y/n). You have my word.”
His words were sincere, and they eased some of the tension in her heart. "Thank you, Kyojuro. That means a lot to me."
He smiled, the warmth of it reminding her of the boy she had once known. "We were close friends once, (Y/n). Perhaps we can find that friendship again."
"Perhaps we can," she agreed, feeling a spark of hope.
Before they could speak further, the shoji doors slid open with a soft, almost reverent sound. The presence of their parents and the elders immediately filled the tearoom with an air of solemnity and purpose. Kyojuro’s father, Shinjuro, stepped inside first, his imposing figure softened by the formal attire he wore. His face, weathered by years of battle and responsibility, showed a rare calm, though his intense gaze remained fixed on his son.
Following Shinjuro were (Y/n)’s parents, who moved with a grace that spoke of years spent in refined surroundings. Their expressions were poised, but the faintest glimmer of concern lingered in their eyes as they took in their daughter’s face. They knew the weight of the duty they had placed upon her, and yet, there was an unspoken hope that this union might blossom into something more.
The elders entered last, their presence dignified and commanding. They took their places around the room, their hands folded within the sleeves of their robes, ready to officiate the ceremony that would bind the two families together.
Kyojuro rose to his feet as the elders began to speak, their voices low and resonant, reciting the ancient words that had joined countless couples before them. (Y/n) followed suit, her movements measured and graceful, though her heart beat wildly in her chest. She stood beside Kyojuro, feeling the warmth of his presence as they faced the elders.
The ceremony proceeded with a quiet reverence, the traditions unfolding with a precision that spoke of centuries of practice. (Y/n) and Kyojuro listened as their respective family histories were recounted, their ancestral lines entwined through words and ritual. The significance of the moment was not lost on either of them—this was more than a marriage; it was a merging of legacies, a pact that would shape the future of both families.
As the final prayers were uttered, Kyojuro took a small, intricately carved box from one of the attendants. He opened it, revealing a delicate, gold ring adorned with a single flame-colored gemstone. The sight of it took (Y/n)’s breath away. The stone seemed to flicker with an inner fire, reminiscent of Kyojuro’s spirit.
“With this ring,” Kyojuro began, his voice steady and filled with resolve, “I vow to protect you, to honor you, and to cherish you, (Y/n). May our union be as strong and enduring as the flame that burns within this stone.”
He gently took her hand and slipped the ring onto her finger. The metal was cool against her skin, but the weight of it was reassuring, like a tangible promise.
(Y/n) looked up into Kyojuro’s eyes, and for a moment, the world around them faded away. She could see the sincerity in his gaze, the depth of his commitment to making this marriage work, not out of obligation, but out of a genuine desire to build a life together.
“I accept your vow, Kyojuro,” she responded, her voice soft but unwavering. “And I, too, vow to stand by your side, to support you, and to honor the bond we now share.”
The elders nodded in approval, and with that, the final blessing was bestowed. A sense of finality settled over the room as the ceremony concluded. The union was complete.
For a moment, there was silence, a brief pause in which the reality of what had just happened sank in for everyone present. Then, Kyojuro’s father spoke, breaking the quiet with a firm but gentle tone. “May this union bring strength to our families and honor to our ancestors.”
The tearoom, now filled with murmurs of approval from their families, suddenly felt too confined. Kyojuro, sensing the need for some fresh air and perhaps a moment to collect their thoughts, turned to (Y/n) with a gentle smile.
“Shall we take a walk?” he asked, his voice soft enough that only she could hear.
(Y/n) nodded, grateful for the suggestion. Together, they bowed respectfully to their parents and the elders, then quietly slipped out of the tearoom. The cicadas’ song had grown louder as they stepped into the courtyard, the late summer sun casting a warm, golden light over the garden.
The path they chose meandered through the estate, leading them past the koi pond that had shimmered during the ceremony, and under the shade of ancient trees whose branches swayed gently in the breeze. The atmosphere was serene, a perfect contrast to the whirlwind of emotions that had surrounded them just moments ago.
For a while, they walked in companionable silence, the only sounds being the rustling leaves and the distant chatter of birds. Despite the calm, (Y/n) could feel the tension in the air, a subtle undercurrent that neither of them had yet addressed. She stole a glance at Kyojuro, noticing how his expression was thoughtful, yet his shoulders remained relaxed, a sign of his unwavering composure.
After a few more steps, Kyojuro slowed his pace, and then, as if gathering his courage, he turned to her. His golden eyes, so full of warmth and sincerity, met hers, and she could see a hint of something deeper—perhaps a vulnerability he rarely showed.
“(Y/n),” he began, his voice low and earnest, “I know this has been a lot to take in, and I want you to know that your comfort and happiness are important to me.”
She listened intently, sensing that he was building up to something significant.
He took a deep breath before continuing, a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks, a rare sight for someone as confident as Kyojuro. “If you don’t feel comfortable yet... if you’re not ready... we don’t have to... consummate the marriage tonight. We can take our time, get closer to each other again... I don’t want you to feel pressured.”
His words hung in the air between them, filled with a tenderness that touched (Y/n) deeply. She hadn’t expected this level of consideration, and it warmed her heart to know that Kyojuro was thinking of her well-being.
For a moment, she was at a loss for words. She had been prepared for the formalities, the duties, and even the expectations that came with this union, but this gentle offer was something unexpected, something precious. She realized then that, despite the years and the distance that had come between them, Kyojuro was still the same person she had admired as a child—kind, thoughtful, and deeply respectful.
“Thank you, Kyojuro,” she said softly, her own cheeks warming with a blush. “That means more to me than you know. I... I think I would like to take things slowly. There’s so much we’ve both been through, and I’d like to rekindle our friendship before anything else.”
He smiled, a look of relief washing over his features. “Of course, (Y/n). We’ll take this one step at a time, together.”
They continued their stroll, the tension easing with every step as they talked about the simpler things—memories of their childhood, the state of the garden, even the koi that darted through the pond as if unaware of the significance of the day.
As they reached a secluded part of the garden, where the path wound around a small grove of cherry trees, Kyojuro paused and turned to face her fully. “I’m glad we’re taking this walk. It reminds me of how we used to explore these gardens as children, finding secret spots to hide or making up stories about the demons we would one day defeat.”
(Y/n) chuckled softly, the memories of their shared adventures brightening her mood. “We were so fearless back then, so sure of ourselves. It feels good to remember those times.”
Kyojuro nodded, his eyes softening as he looked at her. “We were fearless because we had each other. Perhaps, as we walk this new path together, we can find that courage again.”
(Y/n) smiled, feeling a warmth in her chest that was different from the anxiety she had felt earlier. It was a warmth born of hope and the rekindling of an old bond, one that she realized might be stronger than she had thought.
“Yes,” she agreed, meeting his gaze with newfound confidence. “I believe we can.”
Days turned into weeks, and as the late summer slowly transitioned into the golden hues of autumn, (Y/n) and Kyojuro settled into their new life together. The initial formality that had surrounded them after their marriage began to melt away, replaced by a growing comfort and familiarity.
They spent much of their time walking through the estate gardens, often in the early mornings when the dew still clung to the grass, or in the evenings when the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink. Their conversations flowed easily, filled with both light-hearted banter and deeper reflections on their lives and responsibilities.
(Y/n) found herself drawn to Kyojuro in ways she hadn’t expected. She admired his dedication to his training, the way he approached each day with a sense of purpose and determination that never wavered. His mornings were often spent in rigorous practice, the echoes of his strikes against wooden training dummies resonating through the estate. She watched him sometimes, from a distance, marveling at how his movements were both powerful and graceful, a testament to the years of discipline and hard work that had shaped him into the warrior he had become.
It wasn’t just his skill that captivated her, but also his physical presence. Kyojuro had grown into a man who embodied strength and confidence. His broad shoulders, honed from countless hours of training, his strong arms that moved with precise control, and the way his haori clung to his muscular frame—all of it left (Y/n) acutely aware of how much he had changed since their childhood days.
One morning, after finishing his training, Kyojuro noticed her spying on him, his skin glistening with sweat, his breath slightly labored from the exertion. He smiled at her, his golden eyes warm and bright, as if he hadn’t just spent hours pushing his body to its limits.
“Good morning, (Y/n),” he greeted her, his voice as spirited as ever. “Have you been watching me train?”
“Good morning, Kyojuro,” she replied, her voice slightly higher than usual, betraying her sudden self-consciousness. “I… I was just enjoying the morning air.”
Kyojuro, perceptive as always, noticed the faint blush on her cheeks and couldn’t help but feel a similar heat rising to his own face. He wasn’t used to feeling flustered, especially not around (Y/n), but there was something about this moment—something about the way she looked at him, her eyes full of warmth and perhaps something more—that made his heart race just a little faster.
He chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck in a rare display of bashfulness. “It’s alright if you were watching. I don’t mind,” he said, his golden eyes meeting hers with a sincerity that made her heart flutter. “In fact, I’m glad you’re here. Your presence makes the morning even better.”
(Y/n) felt her blush deepen, and she looked down at her hands, trying to compose herself. “You’ve become very skilled, Kyojuro,” she said, her voice softer now. “Watching you train… it’s inspiring. You’ve truly grown into the hashira you always dreamed of being.”
Kyojuro’s expression softened at her words, a gentle smile spreading across his face. “Thank you, (Y/n). That means a lot coming from you.”
He stepped closer to her, the air between them charged with a subtle tension. “And now that we’re together again, I feel even more determined to keep those promises we made to each other back then.”
(Y/n) looked up at him, her heart swelling with a mix of emotions—fondness, admiration, and something deeper, something that had been growing quietly in the back of her mind since they had reunited. She had always cared for Kyojuro, but now… now there was something more, something that made her heart skip a beat whenever he was near.
“I’m glad we’re together again too,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “It feels… right, somehow.”
Kyojuro nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. “Yes, it does,” he agreed, his tone gentle.
As they stood there, the world seemed to blur around them, leaving only the two of them in sharp focus. Kyojuro's golden eyes, filled with warmth and sincerity, held (Y/n)'s (e/c) gaze with an intensity that made her pulse quicken. The morning air, once cool and refreshing, now felt charged with an energy that neither of them could ignore.
Kyojuro took a small step closer, the gap between them narrowing until only a breath's distance separated their bodies. He hesitated for a brief moment, as if searching her face for any sign of hesitation, but all he found was a reflection of his own longing. Her eyes, wide and bright, spoke volumes that words could never express.
"(Y/n)," he murmured, his voice soft and full of emotion, "I've missed you more than I can put into words. Being near you like this... it feels like I've found something I didn't even realize I was missing."
His words, so tender and sincere, struck a chord deep within her. (Y/n) felt a swell of emotions rise in her chest, and before she could think twice, she reached out, her hand lightly resting on his arm. The contact, though small, sent a shiver down her spine, and she could see the same effect in the way Kyojuro's breath hitched ever so slightly.
"Kyojuro," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart, "I feel the same way. I’ve thought about you so much over the years, and now that we're here... together... it feels like we’re exactly where we’re meant to be."
Her hand slid up his arm, feeling the strength and warmth beneath her fingers, until it reached his shoulder. She could feel his heartbeat—strong and steady—echoing the rhythm of her own. Kyojuro’s other hand rose, hesitantly at first, before settling gently on her waist. The touch was light, almost reverent, as if he were afraid she might slip away if he held her too tightly.
Time seemed to slow as they gazed at each other, the world around them fading into a soft blur of colors and sounds. The cicadas’ song, once so prominent, now seemed distant, like a gentle hum in the background of this moment that belonged only to them.
Kyojuro’s hand, warm and reassuring, slowly trailed up from her waist to the small of her back, pulling her just a fraction closer. Their bodies, now almost touching, radiated a shared heat that mingled with the warmth of the late summer morning. (Y/n) felt herself drawn to him, as if some unseen force was gently pulling them together, guiding them toward an inevitable moment that had been years in the making.
He leaned in, his forehead gently touching hers, and she closed her eyes, savoring the closeness, the way his breath mingled with hers, warm and inviting. The air between them was thick with unspoken words, with the promise of what could be, and neither of them wanted to break the spell.
With a tenderness that belied the strength he was known for, Kyojuro tilted his head, his lips brushing against hers in a kiss that was as gentle as a whisper, a soft, tentative connection that sent a surge of warmth flooding through her body. The world around them seemed to disappear entirely, leaving only the sensation of his lips against hers, the softness of his touch, and the overwhelming sense of rightness that filled her heart.
(Y/n) responded instinctively, her hand sliding up to rest against his chest, feeling the steady, reassuring beat of his heart beneath her palm. She kissed him back, allowing herself to be lost in the moment, in the feel of him, the taste of him, the undeniable connection that had always existed between them, now fully realized in this tender embrace.
Kyojuro deepened the kiss slightly, his hand on her back pulling her closer until there was no space left between them. His other hand came up to cup her cheek, his thumb brushing gently against her skin as he poured all the emotion he had kept locked away for so long into this one, perfect kiss.
When they finally pulled away, it was only by a breath. Their foreheads rested together, eyes still closed as they savored the moment, the closeness, the connection that had just been forged between them.
(Y/n) opened her (e/c) eyes slowly, her gaze meeting his once more. In his golden eyes, she saw everything she had ever hoped for—kindness, strength, warmth, and a deep, abiding love that had quietly grown over the years they had been apart.
"Kyojuro," she breathed out softly, her voice trembling slightly with the weight of her feelings. "I've never stopped thinking about you, even when I thought I had to. I've carried those feelings with me every day."
He searched her eyes, the depth of his own emotions mirrored in hers. "Neither have I," he confessed, his voice husky with longing. "I've tried to ignore it, to focus on my duties, but it's always been there."
They once more closed the gap between them. Their kiss grew more intense, their bodies responding to the unspoken confessions of their hearts. The softness of their lips grew more insistent, more urgent, as if they were trying to convey every unsaid word, every unexplored feeling through this single point of contact.
Kyojuro's hand traveled up her back, his fingers threading gently through her hair. He cradled her head, tilting it to deepen the kiss, and she sighed into his mouth, her body melting into his embrace.
The heat between them grew, and their kisses grew more passionate, the gentle brush of their lips now replaced by a hunger that had been building for years. His thumb traced the curve of her cheek, sending shivers down her spine, while her hand gripped his uniform shirt, holding onto him as if he was her lifeline.
He broke away for a moment, just long enough to gaze at her again, to make sure she was ready for what was to come. Her eyes, filled with desire and trust, gave him the answer he needed. He leaned in again, capturing her mouth in a kiss that spoke of all the moments they had missed, all the love they had denied themselves.
Their breaths melded together, their hearts racing as one. The hand on her waist grew more possessive, his fingers digging in slightly as he pulled her even closer. He could feel the softness of her curves pressed against him, and the heat grew, a fire that threatened to consume them both.
(Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers playing with the strands of his hair. Her own need grew with every touch, every caress. She wanted more of him, all of him, and she wasn't afraid to show it.
Kyojuro's hand traveled down her back, coming to rest at the base of her spine, his touch burning through the fabric of her clothes. He pulled her hips closer, the evidence of his desire clear as he held her against him.
Their kisses grew deeper, more urgent, as their bodies seemed to speak a language of their own. Her hands roamed his shoulders, exploring the muscles beneath his shirt, feeling the power and warmth of his body. He groaned into her mouth, the sound vibrating through her, setting her ablaze.
They stumbled backward, and she found herself pressed against the warm, rough bark of the tree, Kyojuro's body caging hers protectively. His kisses grew more feverish, dropping to her neck, where he placed open-mouthed kisses that left her gasping for air.
Her own hands grew bolder, sliding down his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. She could feel his breath on her skin, hot and uneven, and she arched into him, seeking more of his touch.
Their bodies moved in a silent dance, a symphony of passion that had been waiting to be played for far too long. The whispers of the wind in the leaves above them seemed to cheer them on, as if nature itself was celebrating their reunion.
Kyojuro's hand slid around to the front of her shirt, his fingers brushing the skin just above her waist, causing her to shiver. He paused, looking into her eyes again, questioning.
"Don't stop," she whispered, her voice thick with need. "I want this. I want you."
The words were all the encouragement he needed. He unbuttoned her shirt, exposing the soft, delicate skin beneath. He kissed her collarbone, her shoulders, his mouth leaving a trail of fire wherever it touched. She leaned back against the tree, her eyes closed, lost in the sensation of his lips on her skin.
Their kisses grew wilder, more frantic, as the passion between them reached a boiling point. They were no longer just two people reunited after years apart; they were two souls finally finding their way back to each other, ready to embrace the love that had always been there, ready to let it consume them completely.
Kyojuro broke away, his breathing ragged, his eyes dark with desire. "I want you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I need you."
(Y/n) nodded, her own need clear in her eyes. "Take me, Kyojuro," she urged, her voice a soft plea. "Make me yours."
With a groan, he lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist as he carried her to the soft, moss-covered ground beneath the tree. He laid her down gently, his eyes never leaving hers as he removed her shirt, his gaze drinking in the sight of her bare skin.
He kissed her again, his hand sliding up to her bare breast. He took his time, worshiping each inch of her body with his mouth, leaving her trembling and desperate for more.
Their clothing fell away, piece by piece, until they were both naked beneath the warm embrace of the summer sun. Kyojuro took a moment to look at her, to appreciate the beauty that had haunted his dreams for so long.
He leaned over her, his body a delicious weight that felt comfortable to her. His kisses grew more insistent, his hands exploring every inch of her, relearning the contours of her body. Her own hands roamed his back, her nails digging in slightly as she urged him closer.
With a primal growl, Kyojuro claimed her mouth once more, his tongue delving deep as he felt the warmth of her body beneath him. Her legs parted willingly, inviting him in, and he settled between her thighs, feeling the heat of her core against his erection.
He took a moment to breathe in her scent, a heady mix of sweat and arousal that made him dizzy with need. He kissed her neck, her collarbone, her breasts, his tongue swirling around her hardened nipples, making her gasp and arch into his touch.
(Y/n)'s hands slid down to his waist, her nails scraping lightly against his skin as she urged him closer. He complied, his hips moving in a slow, sensual rhythm that had her hips rising to meet him. The anticipation was almost unbearable, the connection between them palpable.
Kyojuro reached down, his hand sliding between their bodies to stroke her slick folds. She was wet and ready for him, her arousal a testament to the depth of her feelings. He groaned, the sound resonating through his chest as he felt her heat against his fingertips.
"You're so wet," he murmured, his voice filled with awe. "So beautiful."
"It's because of you," she breathed, her eyes never leaving his. "Because of how much I want you."
He slid a finger inside her, feeling her tighten around him. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she bit her lip to stifle a moan. He moved his hand in a steady rhythm, watching her face contort with pleasure.
"Kyojuro," she whimpered, her hips bucking against his hand. "Please…"
With a gentle nod, he positioned himself at her entrance, the tip of his cock pressing against her. He paused, looking into her eyes, ensuring she was ready. She nodded, her eyes glazed with passion.
Slowly, he pushed inside her, feeling the tightness of her pussy as it stretched to accommodate him. She gasped, her nails digging into his back, but she didn't protest, didn't ask him to stop. Instead, she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer, deeper.
He thrust into her, the sensation of her warm, wet heat around him almost too much to handle. Her walls clenched around him, and he had to fight to keep from coming right then and there.
They moved together, their bodies fitting perfectly, as if they had been made for this very moment. Each thrust was a declaration of adoration, each kiss a promise of forever.
(Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs tightening around his waist as she met his every thrust. Her breasts bounced with every movement, and he couldn't resist the urge to lean down and capture one in his mouth, sucking gently as he fucked her.
Her moans grew louder, her breathing more ragged, as he hit that perfect spot inside her. She writhed beneath him, her hips matching his rhythm, her body begging for release.
"Kyojuro," she screamed his name, her nails scratching down his back as she reached the peak of pleasure. Her body tightened around him, her orgasm crashing over her like a wave.
Her moans echoed through the quiet garden, a testament to the passion that had been secretly building between them over the years. Kyojuro felt her pussy spasm around his cock, her body shuddering with the force of her release. He groaned, his own orgasm approaching like an unstoppable storm.
He quickened his pace, his strokes growing more powerful as he claimed her fully. (Y/n)'s eyes met his, her gaze full of trust and love, and that was all it took for him to lose control. With a final, deep thrust, he buried himself inside her, filling her with his warmth as he reached his peak.
Their bodies trembled together, the aftershocks of pleasure rippling through them as they clung to each other, their breaths mingling in the stillness of the morning. For a moment, there was nothing but the sound of their hearts beating in sync, the feel of their skin pressed together, and the knowledge that they were finally where they belonged.
As the intensity of their union began to wane, Kyojuro pulled out of her gently, his eyes never leaving hers. He leaned down to kiss her again, a soft, lingering press of his lips that spoke of the love and tenderness that had grown from the friendship of their youth.
They lay there for a while, the warmth of the sun and the gentle rustle of the leaves the only companions to their shared silence. The world around them had not changed, and yet, everything felt different. They had crossed a threshold, one that would shape their futures and the bond they shared.
(Y/n) rested her head on Kyojuro's chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. It was a sound that had been absent from her life for too long, and now it was the sweetest melody she could imagine.
The warmth of his embrace was like a balm to her soul, and she felt a sense of belonging she had never known before. This was more than just the culmination of an arranged marriage; it was the reawakening of a love that had never truly been extinguished.
"(Y/n)," Kyojuro murmured in between pants, his voice thick with emotion. "I never imagined, it would be like this."
"Neither did I," she replied, her voice just as raw with feeling. "But I'm so glad it did."
He leaned closer to press a soft kiss to her forehead, his arms tightening around her slightly. "We will make this work," he promised, his voice filled with determination. "Together, we can conquer any challenge that comes our way."
Her eyes searched his, and she knew he meant every word. The bond they shared was unbreakable, forged not just by the vows they had exchanged earlier that day, but by the years of friendship and longing that had brought them to this moment.
They lay there for a while longer, the only movement the rise and fall of their chests as they breathed in unison. The scent of damp earth and blooming flowers filled the air, mingling with the lingering scent of their passion. It was a heady mix that seemed to anchor them to the moment, to each other.
As Kyojuro and (Y/n) gathered their discarded clothing, the quiet rustle of fabric was the only sound that broke the tranquil silence between them. Kyojuro leaned in close, his breath warm against her ear, and whispered softly, "Tonight, we will consummate our marriage in every way." His words, laced with promise, sent a shiver down her spine, anchoring them both in the intensity of the moment.
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goldsbitch · 4 months
part 3 to p1, p2
It's time to tell you exactly what makes me your soulmate. Disaster dinner continues.
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Is it possible to miss someone you've never met? In what strange corner of the universe would this make sense? It felt just like that to Lando - as if he just reunited with an old friend and desperately searched for a way how to connect again. Where to start?
Anita solved that one for him. "Y//N is one of the medics on grid. She was so lovely today. Helped me a lot!" She turned to Lando and then Y/N in a search of some reaction, but those two were stuck in their own silence. She brushed it off and continued. "I figured it would be nice to take her out for a dinner. Wanted to have her join for the club later, but I am afraid it's for invited only, sorry..." she said, with fake modesty. Lando scoffed, completely unbothered by anyone noticing. Anita was doing it again, luring people in and then making sure she nonchalantly pointed out that she is more "VIP" then they are. He usually brushed it of and sometimes found it funny, but this time it made him fuming.
"You are more than kind to do this," Y/N replied and Lando had to close his eyes in order to hide how overcome he was instantly by hearing her speak. Her own voice was always blurry in his visions. Hearing it now, in real life...It was like getting new headphones. "But remember, you should not drink today after the heatstroke...I just need to point that out, can't stop myself," she said semi jokingly.
"Oh course, sweetheart," she replied and took a sip of her cocktail.
Y/N felt a little out of her place in the restaurant, not really sure what she was doing there and why she agreed to come with them. They were a couple, so why was she there playing the third violin? She tried to stop all her intrusive thoughts about Anita's boyfriend. But how could she, the most gorgeous and alluring guy was sitting right there. She secretly watched all of his little moves, the way how he twitched his fingers while holding the menu and wondered how his skin would feel on her own. She cursed herself for being so easily distracted by him. Barely glancing at the menu, she waited for what the two would order and was planning on matching them.
A charming waiter came, shared few words with Anita and recommended some dishes from the special menu.
"I'll have the truffle pasta, sounds great," Anita said, smiling flirtatiously at the waiter. There was an awkward silence, which Y/N tried to fill in. "Yes, I'll have the same, sounds great."
Lando did not even think twice before speaking up. "Um, actually, I really think you should try their salmon. It's to die for. I think you'll love it." He was not able to look at her, while she did the exact opposite. She was taken back by his forward comment. Salmon was her absolute favorite dish. What a strange coincidence that he would recommend it. "Can we get two of the salmon dishes? If that's ok with you, Y/N," he continued, this time finding the courage to look at Y/N. She panicked. "Yeah, yeah. Salmon. Great."
It was like a fire was lit in Lando. He opened the can of worms and there was no way going back. Suddenly, he had all the answers right at arms lenght. And the questions just started flowing.
"How do you like working at the formula 1 medics team?" "Will you be tracking the whole season?" "Do you like traveling so much?" "Are you missing your friends and family?"
It might have been too much for someone to be bombarded with questions, but she found herself excited and eager to overshare. Those two danced a dance of their own, laughing gently and speaking over each other, while also eagerly listening to what the other one had to say.
Anita felt like she was sinking into the chair deeper with every minute that passed. She knew the feeling all to well. Lando, without knowing probably, found anyone apart her interesting. Practically inhaling every word Y/N said. Or at least that's how it felt. Poor girl had absolutely no idea how different this situation was for her this time. Unlike Lando, Y/N still took Anita into account.
"So, Anita, you're a model, right?"
She came back alive and started sharing model related stories, while Y/N listened. Ever-so-impatient Lando just stared at her and started biting his lip in order to stop him from speaking for a moment, realizing that he is in fact not alone with Y/N, but still in a very much public social setting. Y/N listened to Anita, while all familiar phantom pain kicked in, this time in her lips. She kept glancing over to Lando, because it was just too hard not to look at him, when she noticed how vigorously he was biting his own lip. It sometimes happened that her own inexplicable pain aligned with the actions of other. Nothing special.
Lando was at the peak of rude that evening, impatience getting the better of him. "So, Y/N, why have you decided to study medicine?" he said, when Anita took a breath, fully intending on continuing her story. The same way as he interrupted her, she did not give Y/N any room to answer.
"You know what Lando, I am getting real sick of you publicly making it obvious that you don't give a shit about me or what I have to say," she said straight to his face, internally begging for him to deny it.
"I'm sorry, it's just....not every day you meet someone who really does something special with their life," he said, as if Y/N was the first medic he had ever encountered.
"Wow, that's rich. So on top of you not caring what I have to say, you also don't think what I do is interesting."
Lando knew she was right. He knew it all along, but he was also aware of the fact that most of the times, the relationship had been beneficial to both of them. So many emotions mixing in him got him holding his fragile glass real tight.
"Don't play the innocent card," he started, looking deeply into Anita's eyes. "We both know the moment I'm not on the grid anymore, you're jumping to someone else."
The walls felt like they were closing on Y/N. Witnessing couple's fight, however quiet, was never pleasant. All the more when you'd literally just met these people. They played their little verbal tennis, while keeping the decorum composed, as they seemed to be quite skilled at that. Until Lando slipped up. His tight grip on the thin crystal finally ending up with a thousand tiny shiny glass pieces everywhere. It was like a slap to the couple, making them wake up and notice their surroundings. The good old clean up and apology dance began between the guests and the waiters, all of them rushing to help the F1 star with a minor cut that bled crimson drops on the white table cloth. Everybody was so focused on him, that they all missed the second wave of drops hitting the table, this time coming from Y/N hand. She stared at her hand and time stopped. It's not that she was scared of blood. It wasn't that it was the first time something like that happened out of nowhere. It was precisely because it did not happen out of nowhere. Her veins were rushing with panic, instead of blood. She grabbed one of the napkins and pressed hard on her hand, praying that nobody had noticed. Thousands of ideas appearing out of nowhere. So wait, anytime he got hurt, she got hurt as well? Or was it more people? Another coincidence? Her brain was an analytical one. She ran through all the possible little pains that a formula driver could have. It somehow checked out.
She stared at him, completely missing the whole scenery happening in front of her. Anita making a scene, waiters rushing around and Lando trying to calm everyone down.
"When did you crash last time? Like a big one, hospital one," she shot out, as if it was the most important piece of information known to mankind.
Lando felt her panic and intensity for a few moments before she managed to silence everyone, but was equally surprised by her question as everyone else.
"Um, I'd say...yeah, Las Vegas, November." He gave her a questioning look, trying to figure out what was going on her mind, while gesturing the staff of the restaurant to leave them alone.
A massive wave of panic settled over her, images of herself getting admitted to a hospital at that time flashing by. She had to get out there, immediately. And Lando felt that.
"No! No, you're not going anywhere. This is important, you can't just run away like you always do," he said, before she even had a chance to move, because he knew precisely what she was doing. Seen it enough times to recognize the look. If nobody stopped her, she'd be out of there in seconds, not even saying goodbye. A true flight type of person. As if she hadn't been perplexed enough by this point.
"How do you-" she started to ask before being interrupted by Anita, who had have enough.
"I'm sorry, but do you guys know each other?" she asked, with a tone of annoyance barely hidden behind a fake smile.
Lando froze once again, like he had many times that evening. It was not his fault. His soon-to-not-be girlfriend set this seventh circle of hell up. How was he supposed to respond to that?
Y/N hesitantly responded. "No, of course not. I mean, I've only worked with the team here for few weeks anyway."
"Seems like you do, by the amount of questions you're asking" Anita said directly at Lando, fully ignoring Y/N at that point.
"If I had known her, I would not have had to ask questions, right?" he responded, failing at letting his sassy side dormant.
"Is that why you never ask me any questions? Because you know me?"
He bit his tongue. Lando was trying to be good.
Anita made her signature "I knew it" smile once again, which finally set Lando off.
"One asks when they want to hear an answer."
"Great. Charming as ever. You know what? I've had enough."
"Ani, I am really sorry. This is going to sound incredibly rude. I apologize. It's nothing personal. But this is really between me and Y/N."
Absolutely mortified Y/N did not even dare to look at Anita. What the fuck was his game. That was his girlfriend, she was just a random girl.
Anita replied, without missing a beat. "You two can go and play your weird little game without me."
Heavy silence fell, as Anita hastily grabbed all of her things and walked out. Y/N was waiting to see if Lando would even consider getting up and rushing over to her, but knew well enough that that was not the case.
Lando cared. He deeply cared about what Y/N thought of him. "Before I say anything else, please know that I plan on breaking up with her and sorting it out like an adult. This is not how I usually am."
"Ok. I mean, you do you. This is all very...personal," she said, her mind still caught up in her recent discovery. "I'm sorry, this is going to sound strange, but bare with me, this evening is already so much drama, this will not be a great addition."
She was talking to him! Getting curious. Lando would be willing to sit there for hours and listen to her. "Go for it".
"Do you get that weird pain in your left elbow?"
"Yes, after a heavy work out."
"Do you bite your tongue out of nowhere?"
"Only when I'm nervous."
"Ok, ehm. Your wisdom tooth is growing, right?"
"Yup, and it hurts like hell sometimes." This time, it was her shooting questions and him trying to follow in a direction he could not yet fathom. But it was like she was in a trance.
"Ok, ok. You'll think I'm crazy."
"I know you think that," he smirked, knowing they were reaching break through.
"What?" she snapped out of it back to reality.
"You first. I think I also have something you should know." Lando was half excited, half terrified to get his truth out. After all those years, this was all happening in a matter of hours. His life was turning upside down.
Y/N took a deep breath. "The reason I went into medicine is because I have a condition. Random inexplicable pains, cuts, bruises with no real cause of correlation to what's happening with my body. Nobody knew what it was when I was growing up, so I was determined to figure it out on my own." She took out her own blood stained hand from below the table. Lando's eye's went wide. She reached out with her other hand to gesture him that all is fine and no help is needed.
"I think my body mirrors what happens to yours."
"I can feel your emotions. And see glimpses of your life," he blurted out, unable to hold this in for any longer.
They did not stay in the restaurant for long. Felt all too public for this type of conversation. Instead, they were back at his hotel apartment, having to sneak in to avoid any unwanted publicity. Once again, they were sitting opposite each other in his living room area.
"So wait...you feel everything I feel? Like physically?"
"Apparently," she said, flabbergasted. For some reason, the two emotions mixing with each other was anger and relief. Her biggest life mystery solved, in the weirdest way possible. Without saying a word, she kicked him in the shin.
"Ouch," he said and she flinched.
"Yep, checks out."
"I can feel your anger, you know? And frankly I don't understand why you're mad at the moment." He was fascinated. The possibilities that laid ahead of them were thrilling.
"I believe at this stage you should also be able to also see my anger. Pray tell me why, why did you have to pick a career that is so physically exhausting!" she moaned, causing him to laugh out loud. Yeah, that was really unfortunate on his part. He made a note mentally to hire a physical therapist for her one day.
She calmed down a bit, slowly coming to term that her emotions were not a private thing anymore - well, technically they never were.
"So what, you just casually know what I feel and see random glimpses of my life?"
"I think it's the strong emotions I feel. It seems the closer I am, the stronger it is."
She was silent, hoping to get a little more out of him. He took a deep breath, desperately trying to ease up the mood.
"Your first nights at the university apartment you shared with those three loud girls. No idea about their names, but I remember the excitement about leaving your home. And jesus, the massive mess the four of you made the first week. How at one point you had to wash your dishes in the bathtub, because it was just too much. And how much fun you'd had while doing it."
She couldn't help but smile at that very specific memory. Gone were the unhinged early uni days, for the better probably. It was absolutely breaking her mind in two, knowing he had these random glimpses in her life.
He saw (and felt) the positive emotions that entered the chat, so he tried to sway the conversation that way. "Oh, and the incredibly awkward morning when you brought that one guy home, did not realize that one of the girls was in the room the whole time and how in the morning it turned out to be her ex."
"My god, you saw that?" she said, absolutely mortified. He just nodded, his heart jumping when he made her squeamish.
"It was like being there during the incredibly awkward breakfast."
"Well," she gulped, trying to switch attention from her. "Nobody knows this, but...pain is not the only thing I feel."
She dropped the ball and watched it rolling, wondering if he'd catch up.
"What do you mean? Like exhaustion?"
"That as well."
He was still not connecting the dots.
"Had a fun night last night, didn't you?"
His eyes went wide and a strange rush of guilt washed over him. He just stared at her, finally getting why one of her first reactions was an angry one. Not that he felt that way, but the level of intrusion he must have presented to her was a lot to take in.
"Well...you're welcome, I guess?" he said cheekily, smirking because he knew exactly what she would do.
Shocked, she opened her mouth and smacked his hand jokingly, not realizing it would hurt both of them.
"Fuck this shit," she exclaimed and once again, he could not hold his laugh in as she tried to shake the pain out of her hand.
"This is going to be very funny."
"I'm sorry, Lando - this all just so bizarre. I'm barely taking it in. Literally don't understand how you're so calm."
He laughed gently. "Well, I did have few extra days to process. And hearing my name roll of your tongue is distracting enough," he said flirtatiously.
Her cheeks went red and her mind stopped, mind getting filled with desire and arousal. Lando lips turned into a wide smile, him feeling her arousal as if she was screaming it loudly to his face.
"Glad to see my words have an effect on you. This is indeed going to be fun..."
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minaturefics · 2 months
Head and Heart
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Request: Could I request an Aragorn x Reader fic maybe where they have to separate during the trilogy, and when they’re reunited they both want to confess their feelings but they each think it’s unrequited?
A/N: It's here.... finally here.... I honestly don't think this is my best work, but I've gone over it so many times and I think it's time to just get it out here! I hope you enjoy it all the same, and thank you for your patience. I think I've lost my writing mojo - this might be the last fic in a long time (。•́︿•̀。)
Aragorn x Reader
Gender-neutral reader
Non-graphic mentions of wound treatment
6.6k words
There was an unsettling sillness to the forest. Darkness curled around the little campsite, only kept at bay by the small fire. There were no croaks or squeaks from the shrubs, no hoots or chirps in the trees. There was not even the slightest whisper of wind to rustle the leaves. Behind you, the company slept, breaths loud in the silence, while you kept watch. The fire had burned low, the warmth of the flames barely reaching your back, and you glanced behind, wondering if you should refuel it, but Aragorn was already kneeling by the smouldering flames, feeding it sticks and twigs.
It had been a tense couple of weeks with the long treks at night and the fitful sleeps in the day, the unyielding wind and the unforgiving landscape, the cool indifference between the emissaries of Gondor — you and Boromir — and Aragorn.
When you had first laid eyes on him at The Council, you had noted his handsomeness — his dark hair, his piercing eyes, his short beard flecked with grey — but then came the revelation of his lineage. So this was the king come to claim the throne of Gondor. This was the man you would have to swear fealty to and serve under. This was the man who would inherit the land and people that the stewards have long since cared for. 
As though sensing your gaze, Aragorn looked up from the fire and met your eyes. He stood, eyes only flickering away for a moment to check on the others, and walked towards you slowly. You straightened, muscles tensing, and he brought his hands up in a placating gesture. 
“Peace,” he whispered. “I have only come to smoke.”
He settled on the ground next to the boulder you were perched on. Strange, for the king to willingly choose the cold earth when there was more than enough space on the rocks nearby, to willingly choose to be lower than you were. 
He brought out a pipe from his pocket, filled the bowl with leaves, and soon the air was filled with the sweet scent of pipeweed. 
“Do you smoke?” he asked around the stem of his pipe.
You shook your head. “Though I am fond of the plant they once used to be. In Gondor, you can smell them in the wind in summer when the flowers bloom. The scent of them followed Boromir and me to the borders of Rohan when we journeyed to Rivendell.”
He hummed. “You and Boromir must be close. There are not many who would be trusted with such a task.”
“We have known each other for many years.” You shrugged. “My family has long been loyal to the stewards of Gondor.”
You glanced at Aragorn, wondering if he had picked up on your subtle dig. It was not the throne, or who might fill it, that you were loyal to. Aragorn may be the heir, but he was still a stranger. And only a fool would trust another so easily, especially when it came to the country’s land and its people.
You expected him to frown, to grow grim and silent perhaps, but instead a small smile pulled on his lips. “I do not think you care for crowns and titles.” He took a long draw from his pipe and blew it out in a steady stream. “Your heart is with the people and the land. I do not think there is anything you would not do for Gondor.”
Your stomach flipped. How had he read you so easily?
“Of course,” you said, irritation rising unbidden within you. “We have lived in the shadow of Mordor for many years. We have supported and defended the people. We have shed sweat and blood for them.”
“I understand,” he said, serious. “I am aware my presence is an uncomfortable one. But we are not enemies.”
“You do not understand. Gondor may be your birthright, Aragorn, but it is myhome.”
“And I swear to you, I will defend her.”
“You swear to me?” You scoffed. “As a king?”
“As a man.”
You met his eyes. The firelight flickered in them, but there was nothing fickle about his gaze. Something stirred in your heart, a softening, an awakening, and you nodded, short and sharp. “Alright.”
Aragorn watched you as you tried to cheer the hobbits after dinner. They were seated in a circle around you on the soft moss, between the great roots of the Lothlorien trees, listening to your stories. There was a fire in your eyes, a merriment, a wildness, and warmth in your voice.
“And then,” you said in a hushed whisper and the hobbits leaned in, “Faramir and I pushed him into the river! Oh, Boromir was furious. He crawled right out and dragged the both of us by our ankles and pulled us in with him.”
Pippin snickered and glanced at Boromir who was seated beneath another tree root.
“You should tell them about the time you got stuck in the bell tower!” Boromir called, grinning.
“The bell tower?” Pippin’s head whipped back and you let out a long groan.
Your eyes darted to Aragorn’s, lighting up in surprise, and you flashed him a smile before turning your attention back to the hobbits. His heart gave a little lurch and he grimaced. He did not have time for such things.
Ever since that evening, you were quicker to smile at him, more likely to walk beside him and talk. He had thought  you beautiful before, stoic and stalwart, seated at The Council, but now, thawing, warming, it was like the first flowers of spring beginning to bloom. Beauty was one thing but spirit was another. And he could not help but admire yours. How you tried to encourage the hobbits through the snow on Caradhras, how you helped Gimli up from his knees in Balin’s tomb, how you stood, crying but defiant, after the Balrog took Gandalf. 
He knew, just as well as any, that it must have been grim, gruelling work as a ranger in such times. Many of his men had grown serious and solemn over the years, and a part of him envied the Gondorian rangers for having your light when he had none. 
He glanced down at the forgotten sword and whetstone in his hand. No, whatever fledgling feelings he might have for you had to be halted. He had just barely earned your esteem; it would be madness to think of earning your affection.
“That’s it,” you said, deflating a little, “I’m out of stories.”
Pippin and Merry gave disappointed groans, and Sam and Frodo flashed you grateful smiles. They went off towards their beds, fluffing the pillows and straightening the blankets, and fell into a quiet conversation among themselves. You stood up and wandered in Boromir's direction and he turned his attention back to his sword, running the whetstone along the edge with a satisfying shink. 
He lost himself in the motion, driving away thoughts of Gandalf, thoughts of the ring, thoughts of you. 
“Are you alright?” You asked and he blinked out of his meditative trance. Your eyes were soft and concerned. 
He nodded. “I am just burdened by the future. I am anxious to carry on with our errand.”
“It has been a harrowing few weeks,” you said, coming to join him on the soft ground. “It would do us all some good to rest here under the protection of the elves.”
“We do not have time.”
“We have time for this,” you said firmly. And then more gently, “Aragorn, we have all suffered a great loss. You more than most. You knew Gandalf the longest among us, have you not?”
“I have,” he murmured, the corners of his eyes burning. He sniffed and swiped his tears  away before they fell.
“Would it… would it ease your mind to speak of him?”
He was uncertain anything would ease the tightness in his chest and the hollowness in his stomach. Still, the words flowed from his lips, low and stilted.
“It was Gandalf who introduced me to pipeweed,” he said, memories of the mischievous wizard filling his mind. “Elrond was most displeased.”
You laughed, a hearty, sweet sound, and he let out a long sigh, muscles loosening. 
“He showed me how to fill the bowl and tried to teach me how to blow smoke rings.”
“Can you?”
He smiled a little, remembering sitting next to Gandalf, practising. “Not quite. It is harder than you think.”
“Well, perhaps next time you could show me.”
He nodded absentmindedly and shifted, laying his sword and whetstone aside. His pipe, in his pocket, jabbed him in the thigh with the movement. It would be nice to take a moment, to have a smoke and relax, just like you said. “Or perhaps,” he said slowly, “I could show you now.”
You glanced around, eyeing the ethereal flets high in the trees. “Is that permitted here?”
He grinned. “I’m sure they will permit it. In the memory of Gandalf.”
He prepared the pipe and lit the leaves. The smoke filled his lungs, sweet and soothing, and he leaned back against the tree root. After a few long draws, he attempted the smoke rings. The first few were short lived, more like coughs of smoke rather than rings, and then one or two vaguely ‘O’ shaped.
“Gandalf would be disappointed,” he murmured with a chuckle. 
“Have another go,” you said with a smile.
He inhaled, long and slow, the smouldering leaves glowing. He relaxed, Gandalf’s scolding instructions filling his mind, and exhaled. Two clouds, and then, to his amazement, a perfect smoke ring. 
You grinned at him, eyes bright, and warmth spread through his stomach. 
You tugged at the borrowed robes and wished you had some sort of mirror. They were soft and fine, the pale blue fabric iridescent in the starry elvish lanterns. It was gracious of the elves to extend the invitation of a formal dinner to the fellowship, but it seemed like everyone except Legolas and Aragorn felt a little ill at ease at the prospect of dining with the elves.
“Come on,” Boromir called, “we are waiting for you, my friend.”
You smoothed the fabric down and stepped out from behind the changing screen. The rest of the company were standing around, already changed, by the base of the steps. You walked towards them, forcing your eyes to stay trailed on Boromir instead of straying to Aragorn.
No, it did not matter what he thought of you. It did not matter at all.
The past couple of weeks in Lothlorien felt strangely like a dream, a world removed from everything else. Sheltered by the elves and swathed in trees, it seemed as though Aragorn could lay down his sword and rest. It had been odd, seeing him joke with the hobbits, egging their bickering on with his wry comments, or watching him laugh with Legolas while they spoke in Elvish. 
Was this who Aragorn truly was? He had more than shown his valour and strength in the past few weeks, his firm words to Boromir on Caradhras in the presence of the ring, his unwavering patience and calm in Moria, but this… 
Boromir clasped your shoulders and grinned. “You look amazing. These robes are more difficult to put on than our formal wear, but more comfortable I should think.”
You nodded, your eyes darting to Aragorn anyway. His eyes swept over you, expression barely changing as he inclined his head, and continued his conversation with Legolas. Disappointment pooled in your stomach as you followed the rest of them up the stairs towards the dining flet.
 Disappointment? At what? There was nothing to be disappointed about. He was a companion, just another member of the fellowship. It would be a foolish notion to expect his regard of you to change simply because yours of him had.
And what was it that changed it? Some promise of caring for your homeland, some moments of laughter and levity, the shared grief of losing a companion? You shook your head. How could you let yourself be swayed by such things? He was still yet to prove himself a good king.
Dinner was an uneventful affair. The food was good and any dips in conversation were filled in by Legolas who told tales of Mirkwood to the elves. Eased by the wine and bolstered by the delicious meal, Pippin shyly asked if there was to be music and dancing, and the company was led to another flet with musicians. 
The hobbits had paired up, and Legolas, cajoling, baiting, and challenging Gimli, managed to get the dwarf to at least attempt the steps. Boromir and you had stood off to the side, choosing to watch first, and Aragorn was speaking to Haldir. The flutes and the harps were clean and clear, but the hand drum beat more rapidly than you anticipated.
“It is like our waltzes back home,” Boromir said.
“But faster.” Your eyes darted between the pairs, trying to puzzle the steps. “And it is to the beat of four and not three.”
“It is not so different,” Aragorn said. “In practice.”
“You know how to dance?” You turned to him, astonished.
“Of course.” He broke into a smile. “I was raised in Rivendell.”
You blinked at him and looked away. How did you forget? It was so easy, looking at Aragorn, to see the wild, skilled Ranger and forget the noble circumstances of his birth. Yes, he was a king. The disappointment from before corroded through you. Yes, you must not forget that. No matter his trappings — a good man, a good ranger — Aragorn was a king.
And a good man did not necessarily mean a good king. And Gondor… Gondor would need a good king.
Boromir nudged you with his elbow. “You should dance, my friend. You were always better than Faramir and I. Valar knows I’ll trip over my feet with this new music.”
“It has been many seasons since I last danced.”
“It is easy,” Aragorn said, offering his hand to you.
For a moment you stared at his palm, the creases in them still smudged with errant dirt despite the comforts of Lothlorien. The hands of a man who knew strife, who knew work. 
Before you knew what you were doing, you placed your hand in his and he walked you to the edge of the dance. He laid a hand on your waist, large and warm, and stepped closer to you. You could smell him, leather and soap and sweet pipeweed.
“Your other hand on my shoulder,” he murmured, breath rippling the errant strands of your hair. 
He led you through the steps, his fingers flexing on your waist, his voice low and close. You stared at your feet, at his chest, at the trees beyond his shoulder. Your heart sped up and you willed your breaths to lengthen, hoping he could not sense the change in you. 
“You are a good dancer. A quick learner,” he said. 
You nodded, not trusting your words. Warmth radiated from him, and it seemed as though your hand seared with the heat of his skin. He was solid and steady, and so, so close.
The dance was blessedly short, and when the final chord rang out, you stepped back from him, bowed stiffly, and walked away.
Aragorn cradled your head, his hand growing wet with your blood, and stared down at your pained face. Your breathing was laboured and erratic. Had they come too late? He glanced up to see Gimli and Legolas bent over Boromir. A black arrow stuck out from his shoulder and he let out a weak groan. Slain orcs lay around the clearing, their crude weapons scattered on the ground, and the hobbits were nowhere to be seen.
He looked back down at you, willing you to open your eyes. He couldn’t help but sweep his thumb over your muddied cheek. “Please,” he whispered. “By the Valar, please.”
How was it that it was only a week or so ago that he held you in his arms, warm and close, cheeks flushed from the dance? He had kept that memory close  in his mind, guiltily revisiting it in the quiet of the night, fingers twitching to reach out across the moss to touch you again. You had been strangely distant since that night. You were polite and friendly, but your glances had become fleeting and furtive and you hardly sought him out to talk in the evenings like you had done before. 
Did you catch a glimpse of the affection in his eyes? Were you discomfited by it? Possibly. Why else would you withdraw from him? Perhaps you felt it would be too risky to reject him outright, given his position as the future king, and thought it would be best this way. 
You groaned, brows furrowing, and mumbled something unintelligible. He whispered your name and to his relief, your eyes fluttered open. “Boromir,” you muttered. “The little ones…”
He looked up and saw Legolas and Gimli tending to Boromir, discussing how to remove the arrow. “He is alive. The hobbits have been taken by the orcs.”
“You need to save them.”
“I need to save you first.”
“There is no time… The Ring…”
“No. I will not leave you here.”
You muttered some garbled swear at him but did not protest when he began to inspect your wound. He parted your hair carefully, fingers combing through the matted strands. It was a fairly large wound, but not deep. At least, nothing that would be immediately fatal. It would have to be cleaned and bandaged properly to prevent infection. Legolas was already starting a fire and Gimli had gone off, presumably to camp to gather water and whatever spare cloths they could use as bandages. 
It was an hour later when you and Boromir were finally fully awake. Your wounds were bandaged but the both of you were pale and weak.
“The little ones,” Boromir said. “You must go after them.”
Aragorn looked at you. Your eyes were glassy and glazed, the collar of your cloak still stained with blood. “We cannot leave you like this.”
“Cannot? Or will not?” you asked, lifting your eyes to meet his. Your gaze was strong and defiant despite the pain. “The hobbits need to be rescued. Boromir and I cannot go on in our condition. We may yet live as we are, but Merry and Pippin do not stand a chance if you do not go.”
He exhaled sharply and glanced away. You were right, of course. But how could he leave you like this? Weak and bleeding, at risk of attack, at risk of infection. What would a good ranger do? What would a good king do?
“We could split,” he suggested uneasily. “I could remain while Gimli and Legolas go ahead.” 
But even as he said those words he knew it was not the best course of action. Gimli and Legolas, as skilled and strong as they were, would not be able to confront a pack of orcs by themselves. One glance at Legolas’ dubious expression confirmed his thoughts. 
“We are not on death’s door yet,” Boromir said with a grim smile. “I doubt that the orcs will return to this place; they already have what they came for. We can rest here for a day or two, then make our way back to Minas Tirith.”
The both of you, alone and injured? There were so many things that could go awry and it would be at least a three or four day journey to the city, longer even, in the condition the both of you were in.
“You know Boromir is right,” you muttered, your gaze steely.
It was then that he felt the way he did the night he spoke to you by the fire. That in your eyes there was a right thing to say or do, and anything else would lower your esteem of him.
He nodded slowly. “But we will not leave you here among these corpses. Let us at least get you back to camp with a fire. It will not take us long.”
You shared a look with Boromir and agreed. Between the three of them, it was quick work to help you back to camp. He would see you again, he knew, he hoped, but even then, as he followed Legolas and Gimli away from the camp, he could not help but look over his shoulder for one last glimpse of you.
A cool wind blew through the window of your room at the Houses of Healing, carrying with it the sound of the army marching out to Osgiliath. You pushed yourself up onto your elbows, groaning and wincing, and slumped back against the headboard, craning your neck towards the window. If you could not see Faramir off on his deadly errand, then you would at least watch him from your room. 
How had it come to this? Boromir, delirious and incapacitated with fever and infection. Faramir, sent off to Osgiliath, surely to die. And you, weak and helpless, unable to do anything but watch.
Faramir had said he was relieved that you were not coming with him, that if he and Boromir were to die, he could trust that you would ensure Minas Tirith would be well defended and cared for. 
There was no comfort in that. There was no comfort in all of this. 
Duty and honour and calling. What did anything matter if you were left alone in the world? Without Faramir, without Boromir, without… 
Without Aragorn. 
For a moment, you laid any sort of obligation to your station, to your city and country aside, and allowed yourself to indulge. When did he become someone so close to your heart? How? 
It was all those moments of softness. Those rare moments where he was simply just a man, when he set down the mantle of ranger and king. Like when he smoked with Merry and Pippin, nestled between tree roots, discussing the characteristics of the various pipeweed strains. Or when he devoured one of Sam’s dinners of potatoes and wild mushrooms faster than anyone else, shrugging with amused resignation when everyone stared at him. Or when he sat up with you during your turn as the night watch, talking about his boyhood misadventures. 
And that moment when he had danced with you, his strong arms around you, his grey eyes bright in sparkling lights of Lothlorien. He had smelled like soap and cedar, and you were close enough that you could smell the sweet wine on his breath when he spoke. There was something in his eyes you had not seen before. Tenderness? Affection? 
You shook your head and laughed at yourself. Affection? There was little chance of that. You had challenged him that night by the fire, silently made him work for your respect and approval on the journey. It was necessary, perhaps, to prove to him that as a servant of Gondor you were not so easily swayed by someone who claimed to be king. But as a person, as yourself… There was no way that such behaviour would endear you to him. 
He was friendly enough, yes, but he was friendly with everyone in the fellowship. That was all there was to it. Camaraderie and friendship. And it was not as though he had given any indication of… feeling more. And as king, he would have to select a suitable partner. In Rivendell, there were rumours of his long friendship with Elrond’s daughter. Yes… Someone like her would be suitable. And you…
You would stand by as always, the protector and servant of Gondor, and watch him be happy with another.
The bell tolled and you snapped out of your musings. The army was just leaving the gates of the city, their armour gleaming in the sun. You muttered a silent prayer for them, hoping that Faramir would return whole and safe.
Yes, whole and safe. That was all you would ask for Aragorn too. It did not matter if he did not return your feelings, all that mattered was that you would see him again, healthy and smiling. 
The cragged stone walls of the narrow path began to look the same to Aragorn. The horses’ clops echoed off the high walls, and Legolas’ and Gimli’s muffled chatter strangely amplified. The air grew cooler and, somehow, more still as they continued forward. He glanced behind and Legolas gave him a short nod. They would be close to The Paths of The Dead soon. 
Andruil bumped his calf with each step the horse took and he felt for the pommel with his fingers. For so many months he had tried to ignore the truth of his heritage. To the hobbits he was Strider, and to the rest of the company he was simply a ranger. But now… there was no hiding, no denying, what he was. Who he was.
Would the others treat him differently now? Would they see him as other, higher, than they were? The thought of Merry and Pippin, usually so affectionate and playful,  growing distant and formal made his heart ache. Would Boromir retreat back into his position of Captain and Steward, rebuilding the walls that they so carefully took apart on their journey? And you…
He thought back to that night by the fire. He had not missed your subtle dig, your silent display of suspicion, and he had tried to reassure you, to show you that he was just the same as you and Boromir. And over the months it seemed that you had softened, sitting with him while he smoked, splitting your rations with him when he had offered some of his share to the hobbits, sharing amused looks with him when Gimli and Legolas were bickering about something inane. 
You even let him dance with you.
In that moment, he felt that you finally saw him as he was. A man. Just a man. But then your eyes had shuttered and you walked away from him. He sighed. There was no hope for him now. With the sword returned to him and him on his way to invoke the debt as the heir to the throne. You would be lost to him, he knew, the moment he was crowned. 
The city was in an uproar — singing, drinking, dancing — celebrating the destruction of the ring. It seemed that ever since Aragorn returned from the Fields of Cormallen, there were always people around him. You had recovered enough to return to your own rooms in the Steward’s House in the citadel, though Boromir and Faramir were still recovering in the Houses of Healing.
Aragorn had stopped by your rooms once, expressing relief and joy at your recovery, but had not come by since. So it had begun, then, the inevitable distancing that would happen. He had proven himself a worthy heir and king, marching with the Rohirrim, going to the Paths of the Dead, facing the Enemy at the Black Gate, just as you wished at the start of the journey. Gondor would be in good hands. But what of yourself and your heart? At the beginning, nothing mattered more than his suitability as king, but now… 
You let out a frustrated huff and shook your head. Maybe a walk would clear such futile thoughts from your mind. Maybe you should go see Boromir, he always had a way of cheering you up. It was a short walk down to the Houses of Healing and you found Boromir sitting up in bed, reading through some documents.
“Ah, my friend,” he said with a smile, setting the parchment aside. “You have good timing. I am sick of these papers.”
You peered at them. “Trade agreements?”
He shrugged. “Faramir and I have decided that he will take the post of Steward, but he still values my input on such things.” He took you in, eyes searching your face. “You are upset about something.”
You opened your mouth to protest but deflated instead. You sank into the chair next to his bed. “I am vexed by something. That is all.”
He stared at you for a moment before the corner of his lips twitched upward. “Is it Aragorn?”
“Why would you ask such a thing?”
He chuckled. “We have been friends for many years now, and have been by each other’s side for months. Besides, I have had my suspicions for some weeks.”
You shifted in your seat. “What suspicions?”
“That perhaps your feelings towards him have changed. Softened. I have seen it with my own eyes. I knew for sure that night in Lothlorien.”
You stared at your hands and sighed. “Even if I admit to it, it matters little. He will not return my feelings, and even if he did, I am not a suitable match for him.”
Boromir threw his arms up. “I know you are stubborn but you are being deliberately obtuse and difficult now.”
You bristled and frowned at him. “Do not tease me, I am not in the mood.”
“First, your argument of unsuitability is nonsense — your family is well regarded in the city, and do not forget your own title as Captain. And second, is it so hard to believe that he might return your feelings?”
“I don’t see why he would,” you muttered petulantly. 
He rubbed his forehead and let out a long breath. “I am not usually one to meddle in such… things, but a man can only take so much. You are not the only one who has come into my room, sulking and moody.” You blinked at him and he shook his head. “Aragorn is one to keep things close to his heart, yes, but even he cannot completely hide what is in his eyes.”
Your heart sped up a little. “What… what are you implying?”
“That there is reason to hope. And that maybe Aragron, like you, feels as though his feelings may be unrequited.” Your brows furrowed. “Ah, do not act confused — do you not remember how cold you were to him at the beginning? And how wary you were in the first weeks?”
“But I have been friendly since then.”
“Maybe so, but I would not fault him for being… careful. Some encouragement would not go astray.”
Encouragement? At the risk of looking like some fool? But Boromir was not one to make up stories, and his assessment of character and behaviour has not led him, or you, wrong so far. Perhaps you could… try. Try to show a little more interest, and see if Boromir was right. 
Aragorn leaned back against the cool stone wall and took a long drag from his pipe. He had escaped to some high tower in the Citadel, yearning for the open, unbroken sky, and wishing for a moment of peace. The stars winked above him, shimmering just the same as they did in Rivendell, and a fragrant breeze blew from the plains below. 
In a few days, everything would change. 
He had accepted it the moment they entered the Paths of the Dead. His lineage, his duty. He had known since the beginning that he would eventually return to the throne but those decades in Rivendell, those years of roaming the wilds made it easy to forget. He let out a long stream of smoke, watching the pale white puffs evaporate into the night. He inhaled, relishing the sweet scent of the pipeweed, and on a whim, blew some smoke rings.
He smiled a little, remembering that night with you in Lothlorien. It seemed like a whole lifetime ago. His heart had wrenched in his chest when you had opened the door to your rooms, and you stood, haloed in warm light, safe and whole and real. It had been nearly too much to sit in your rooms, talking and smiling, with you so close. The gravity of the mission and the perpetual looming peril during the journey helped keep his feelings buried, but seeing you at home in your rooms stirred his imagination and images of you, of a future with you, plagued his mind for days. 
He had tried to keep his distance, for his own sanity, but for the last week it seemed as though you were determined to seek him out. With the coronation coming up, it was inevitable that he would see more of you — you were assisting with some of the preparations — but you always lingered to talk when discussions were finished. You urged him to take breaks, suggesting he walk with you in the gardens or courtyards, and you even called on him one evening.
It was… confusing. Were you just being friendly? Or was there more to your actions? He knew he was not a man prone to delusion and it certainly seemed as though your feelings had changed. Warmed. But he wished to know for sure. Could he ask you? Would you be receptive to such a thing?
It felt as though he was running out of time. That his coronation would somehow alter things forever. 
He took another drag of his pipe and closed his eyes. He had faced death at the Black Gate but did he have enough courage to face you? To bare his heart, to be open, for the chance that you might reciprocate?
Yes, he thought, or he would forever regret that he did not. 
You rubbed the smooth fabric of the silks you were to wear for the coronation. It shone in the warm light of the candles and you stepped back to admire the handiwork of the seamstresses. Intricate embroidery decorated the hems of the sleeves and the collar, the design more ornate than anything you had worn before, and you traced it with your finger. It was beautiful, something more fit for royalty than one of the nobility, and you had protested, but Aragorn and Boromir insisted upon it.
You sighed and turned away, wandering towards the window. The city spread itself in front of you, the flickering torches on the parapets forming concentric circles leading down to the plains. Aragorn would take a partner eventually. Would they care for the city and Gondor? Would they appreciate her beauty and her people? 
The city was flooded with visitors, the citadel more busy than before housing the dwarves and elves and other nobles. Lord Elrond’s daughter had come with him and your heart shattered at the sight of her. But to your surprise, Aragorn had made no overtures to her. They were friendly, yes, but the little you saw of them together, they seemed more like siblings than lovers. Was it possible that you were mistaken? Or perhaps the elves had a more modest way of displaying affection?
Boromir still continued to insist that Aragorn had feelings for you but the evidence of it felt weak. True, he had taken you up on all your offers for walks, and had talked long with you when you called on him that one evening, and once or twice you thought you had seen the tenderness in his eyes but you could never be sure. Maybe it was too little too late?
There was a knock on the door and you called out.
“It is me,” Aragorn said, his voice muffled through the thick wood of the door. “I know it is late but I wish to speak with you.”
You opened the door and let him in. His eyes flickered towards your clothes hanging on the wall before he focused on you. He was dressed in one of his more casual tunics, still not changed for the evening, and your eyes darted to the open V of his shirt collar. “I am surprised you have not turned down for the evening,” you said, glancing away and gesturing for him to sit by the fire.
“I could say the same for you.”
He joined you on the cushioned bench and stared at the fire. His face was impassive and his jaw was tense. What was so important that he had to see you on the night before his coronation? Were there any last minute changes to be made?
”Aragorn?” you whispered. “What is the matter?”
“I was thinking about our first few weeks together when we left Rivendell,” he murmured. “You were not very fond of me then.”
You nodded slowly, unsure where he was going with it.
“And as you said, Gondor is your home.”
Your stomach lurched. “Aragorn, surely you know I do not hold any reservations about you anymore. If I had caused offence then, I —”
He shook his head. “No, I understood then, and I understand now. But still, given the coronation tomorrow, I simply wanted to be sure.”
“Then let me be clear,” you said, a little exasperated. “My feelings about you as a king have changed.”
He nodded slowly and stared into the fire. It crackled and popped in the silence. You wanted to ask if he had more to say, but something stayed your tongue and you waited.
“And of me as a man?”
“As a man?” You met his gaze and your heart started to thump.
His eyes were unguarded and soft, the silver steel of his eyes warm and molten. His lips were parted gently, as though he was ready to say more, but was waiting for your reply. What could you say to him? Was he asking what you thought he was asking? 
What could possibly convey the hidden depths of your affection?
You wanted to reach out, to place your hand on his cheek, but the space between the both of you felt like a chasm. Slowly, ready to snatch your hand back at any time, you moved it from your lap and offered it to him, palm up, on the bench. You avoided his gaze, scarcely daring to breathe.
He reached out, fingers curled and uncertain, and softly clasped your hand. His skin was rough and warm, familiar and foreign at the same time. You let out a ragged breath, sounding strangled. How was this possible? Was it even real?
“I was not certain,” you muttered. “But Boromir —”
“Boromir?” Aragorn chuckled and you looked up. He grinned and shook his head. “I did not take him as a meddler.”
“He simply… encouraged me to be open about my feelings.” Feelings. The reality of the situation dawned on you and a smile crept onto your face. “I cannot believe this.”
“I am in greater disbelief than you are. I was struck from the moment I saw you.”
“And I you.”
He arched an eyebrow. “I find that hard to believe.”
“You are not the only one who knows how to conceal your feelings,” you said with a laugh, shifting closer towards him. 
His other hand came to rest on your cheek. “There shall be none of that now. For too long have I been apart from you.”
He dipped his head and captured your lips. His lips were soft and tender. He kissed you slow and languid, savouring and tasting. He smelled of cedar and musk, and his breath held the lingering sweetness of pipeweed. You tried to pull back but he followed you, his lips seeking yours again. His kisses grew passionate, impatient, as though trying to make up for the time they did not have you.
He paused for a moment, breathless, and muttered, “Join me tomorrow, in front of everyone. Walk with me after I am crowned.”
“You would have me with you then?”
“I would have you with me always, meleth nîn.” He pressed a kiss to your temple. “Will you have me?”
“Yes. Anywhere, anytime, my love. Forever.”
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into-the-feniverse · 7 months
Finished reading Trigun/TriMax a couple days ago and have been feverishly trying to piece together a timeline, so here’s the result of that ✨
EDIT: as of 3/13/24 this has been UPDATED
For a more detailed timeline (with vol/ch marks): google sheet
Full res of the graphic (& other resources): bit.l/trigunresources
Notes & rest of the timeline under the cut!
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Edits as of 3/13/24
The detailed spreadsheet is organized and color coded! If you'd like a more concise breakdown of events/see some of my reasoning behind certain time stamps feel free to skim through that
Changed where in the timeline the Maylene and Wolfwood events happened (originally where I had placed them would have made Maylene like 6 when she and Wolfwood reunited which is NOT correct)
moved where in the timeline Knives started collecting the GungHo Guns (at latest he started in 0090 (20 years before 0110) since it's noted that Monev has been training in a cellar for the past 20 years
Moved where Knives initially tracked down Conrad (felt like it needed to happen at least a decade before July)
Changed up some of the months (personally, I don't think the Ark launched in December, since that'd put Milly and Meryl's arrival to the colony in July, which wouldn't make sense. So I placed the ark launch in October which of course offset some of the other month stand ins)
Added an earth year for when Knives and Vash are born. The explanation is I think at minimum there was at least a 2 year period between them and Tesla (since Rem was around for that whole process). I do think it was more than that, but that’s the earliest possible year I think it could have happened. Personally I’m more in the camp of 5-10 years, but def not 50 like in tristamp
Old Notes:
If you see any typos or phrase inconsistencies: no you don’t 💕 (😭)
Blue text can be completely ignored, that’s just kinda my personal preference/wild guesstimating of when “exactly” those events happened
Blue lines can also be ignored, they’re also just rough guesstimates on where exactly in the timeline these could have happened
The distance of the lines from one another doesn’t really mean anything, I started trying to follow a system to notate when things happened really close together but it was//// not consistently done ngl
Fun fact: by the time Wolfwood leaves the orphanage Meryl is 18! And she was 14 at the time of July’s destruction
Additional fun fact: Brad is 17 when he and sensei meet up with Vash in the Factioned city (which I think is absolutely RIDICULOUS), and we know this because he was 4 the one/last time he had met Vash and it’s been 13 years since
It was noted by Karen, one of Meryl’s coworkers, that she and Milly had been on assignment with Vash for about 4 months. (Might be that they were out searching for him during that time as well, but I’m choosing to interpret it as they were actually with him for that amount of time)
I’m also working on a 98 timeline for comparison (but more like just sequence of events cause I don’t think I have the patience to sift through the lore quite as much… mainly making it just to clarify how the anime delineates from the manga)
I am//::: feeling v unhinged after this and feel like it could be improved/i need to do a more thorough read, but I’m calling it quits for now before I actually go insane (but hopefully some people will find it somewhat helpful!)
Also: if anybody has any notes to add or clarifications/corrections I would be more than happy to hear them 👂
304 notes · View notes
happilyhertale · 9 months
Missing you – Modern Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
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Summary: You have been separated from your boyfriend Aemond for some time now. But that doesn't mean you won't find a way to sweeten the time until Christmas.
Pairing: Modern Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut; 18+; NSFW;
Author’s note: My last Smuff Story! I really enjoyed writing all these little stories and sharing them with you! Thank you for reading and for your kind reactions!
English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 1k
Other stories of mine
12 days of smuff
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You find yourself in the warmth of your bed, wrapped in the embrace of your duvet. The room is in darkness, but your senses are wide awake. A soft glow emanates from your mobile phone, which you hold to your ear. From your phone comes the familiar voice of Aemond, your boyfriend. December envelops you with anticipation, the prospect of returning home for Christmas and being reunited with him fills you with a certain sense of anticipation.
Separated by the distances of the various universities you attend, maintaining the flame of your relationship requires effort. Despite the challenges, these nightly phone calls have become a cherished ritual for the two of you.
Your voice pierces the silence, "Will you be home in time for Christmas?"
The question hangs in the air and you wait patiently for his answer. Silence reigns, which only heightens your anticipation.
"Aemond?" you break the silence again after a while.
"Oh, sorry... I nodded," he mumbles as realisation dawns on him. Your soft laughter fills your room, bridging a little the gap between your distant places.
"Of course I'll come home in time," he says quietly, "...but I'd like to come now," he adds after a short while.
Your laughter fills your room again, "Wow, Aemond, that was really bad," you say.
Aemond is laughing now too, but you can hear the slight undertone that sounds so familiar.
"Oh, come on! I miss you so much... And your body... Your soft hands... And it'll be a while before we can see each other again," he says softly. You smile, but hesitate to answer him.
"And my hand is already slipping into my boxers..," he suddenly murmurs and tries to engage you in a naughty conversation. You blush slightly at the thought of his fingers slipping under the waistband of his boxers and touching the shaft of his hot manhood. Your teeth dig slightly into your lower lip.
"Aemond..." you start, but he interrupts you.
"My hand is cupping my cock... Can you imagine how it twitches when I think of your hand touching me now... how your delicate fingers grip it? How they move up and down?" he murmurs.
And suddenly the familiar warmth between your thighs, which have been longing to be pleasured by Aemond, makes itself known.
In the meantime, Aemond slides his hand up and down, waiting for your reaction, or at least a word. But just before he's about to admit defeat and come to terms with the idea that he'll jerk himself off right after the phone call, he hears your soft voice.
"Does he twitch when you think about how wet I already am for you? How much I long to be home for Christmas?" you whisper, running your fingers over your panties to find your sensitive bundle of nerves – and Aemond's cock does indeed twitch.
He moans slightly, closes his eyes and imagines sliding the tip of his cock through your wet folds, only to slide into his warm home. His hand grips tighter, smearing the already leaking precum along its length.
"Gods, yes... He twitches so much... Baby, I need you so much... I need to feel your warmth... I need to be inside you..." gasps Aemond as his hand slides faster.
Your hand is now inside your panties, rubbing the wetness that is already dripping from your hot entrance along your folds to finally tease your clit. You moan softly and make Aemond's cock twitch again at the other end of the line. Slowly, you let two fingers slide inside you and imagine they are Aemond's.
"Aemond... I wish you were here... could thrust into my tightness..." you whimper and with each word your fingers slide into you a little faster. Aemond moans again and feels the pressure spreading from his abdomen to his balls as his hand increases the pressure and slides faster.
"Oh Love... I'd thrust into you so hard you'd scream... you wouldn't be able to walk for weeks," he moans as he imagines your hand sliding up and down his cock and the other starting to massage his balls. His mobile phone slips into the crook of his neck, but he hears you breathing heavily, hears your moans, which he answers with his own moans.
Your thoughts are focussed on Aemond. You listen to his deep voice and hear his moans. You can't help but imagine him gripping you, not letting go and thrusting into you, turning you into a moaning mess.
"Yes, baby... spoil your pussy for me," Aemond growls suddenly and you can't help but obey him. Your fingers thrust into you faster as your palm smacks against your pearl with each thrust. You can feel the pressure building up in your abdomen.
"Aemond... I... I..." you stammer as your warm walls tighten around your fingers. You moan into the phone, closing your eyes and breathing heavily as you hear Aemond moan. Your moans do the rest and Aemond feels the twitching, the pressure pulling from his balls into his cock.
He comes with a long moan as he hears your familiar whimpers and moans. He dresses his belly in white, pumps his hot member a few more times and watches as all his juice is pumped out. He moans and breathes heavily and lets his head fall back onto the pillow, exhausted. You can't feel his heat, you're not lying in the same bed, but the same contented smile adorns your faces, your hearts beating wildly as you listen to your heavy breathing.
"I love you," Aemond whispers and your smile widens.
"I love you..." you reply.
"And I can't wait to hold you in a few weeks' time..." he adds.
You giggle softly and turn on your side to continue listening to his deep voice.
"Just holding me?" you whisper breathlessly into your phone.
"Mmhm... maybe a little more..." he mumbles.
"I'm looking forward to it..." you whisper and Aemond replies with a soft smile as his eyes slowly close.
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@hoshi-miharu-blog @arryn-nyx @aemonds-eyeball @praline357 @melsunshine @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @lauftivy @valeskafics @bl4ckph0enix @autumnhymns @fan-goddess @msmorningstaarr @believeinthefireflies95 @snh96 @echos-muses @bellaisasleep @aemondsbabe
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inkmonster21 · 11 days
I re read your Noa story like all the time. It's soo good. 😌 But I was wondering if I can request something, I hope it makes sense to...
Where reader and Noa have like mated but an attack happened on the village and they got separated for some time, and after like maybe a year later Thier CHILD comes wondering across their new buit village and then leads Noa to his mumma. Where they reunited and Noa's like 'ima father?'
I pretty sure the baby apes grow quickly, but I don't know how fast.
Thank you so so much! We’re getting close to wrapping it up so I’m so glad I’m getting some requests in! I hope I met your expectations! Enjoy!
The Lost is Found
The early months of life with Noa were a period of bliss. You were warmly accepted into the clan, and your place by Noa's side felt natural and purposeful. Dar, in her role as the clan's mother, took you under her wing, teaching you the ways and traditions of their community. You blossomed under her wisdom, and she was immensely proud of how you embraced your role as Noa's mate and the clan's emerging mother.
Noa trudges in after a long hunt with the young apes, exhaustion clear on his face. His horse carries three of them, while Noa walks alongside, his steps weary yet determined. Despite the exhaustion, a weary smile graces his features, evidence of a successful and fulfilling hunt.
As you watch Noa and the young apes return from the hunt, a warm sense of joy fills your heart. You can't help but imagine the future and the children that you and Noa will have someday. The sight of the young apes learning and growing under Noa's guidance is both a comforting and hopeful image, a vision of the future you and Noa would build together.
Noa proved himself to be an exceptional leader amongst the Eagle Clan, and you did not doubt that he would also be an incredible father. His strength, wisdom, and compassion would undoubtedly translate into his role as a parent. You envisioned him nurturing and guiding your future children with love and patience.
Noa leans his head against yours, taking a deep breath and inhaling your scent. "I have… missed you," he says, using your own words and making you laugh with the echo of your term. The genuine affection and longing in his voice are evident, as he communicates his feelings in his unique way.
"I missed you too," you reply, the words coming effortlessly and filled with genuine affection. There's something special about the simple exchange between the two of you, a subtle reassurance and connection that deepens the bond you share.
Noa's eyes soften at your words, a sense of comfort and contentment settling within him at the sound of your voice. He wraps his arms around you, wanting to be close and to hold you tight after spending the day away. "I've been thinking… about you all day," he confesses, his voice filled with a mixture of tiredness and affection.
“Well, here I am.” You smile. Noa's lips curve into a warm smile at your words. "Here you are," he agrees, pulling you even closer. The simple statement carries a sense of relief and contentment as if your presence alone is enough to soothe his weary soul.
“Noa…. Come on… show us how to skin!” Noa glances towards the young apes, a flicker of amusement in his eyes as they excitedly holler for him to come and show them how to skin the kill. He sighs, a mixture of weary and fondness on his face. "Alright, alright," he responds with a hint of humor, reluctantly untangling himself from your embrace.
You stand back and watch with a smile as Noa begins to show the young apes how to skin the animal. There's a sense of contentment and satisfaction in your heart, knowing that life is good and that you are truly happy. Watching Noa engage with the younger ones, passing on his skills and wisdom, fills you with pride and contentment.
Night has fallen, and the world outside is quiet. Wrapped in each other’s arms, you find comfort and safety in Noa’s embrace. Your breath is steady and even, having been completely drained of energy by Noa’s previous activities. In the quiet of the night, he gently traces your body with his calloused fingers, an intimate and soothing gesture.
Exhaustion finally takes over, and both of you drift off to sleep in each other's arms. Noa's breath is slow and steady, his body relaxed as he dozes off. The peacefulness of the moment washes over you, and the weariness of the day fades as you both surrender to sleep.
Noa is awakened by the frenzied shaking and whispered words of Anaya. With a groggy and disoriented expression, he rubs his eyes and sits up. The urgency in Anaya's voice immediately captures his attention, and he listens intently, trying to make sense of the hurried words. "under attack," Noa quickly turns to you, his voice urgent as he gently shakes you awake. "Wake up, my love… wake up," he repeats, his hands cupping your face tenderly. The worry and concern in his eyes mirror the seriousness of the situation.
As you slowly open your eyes and see the worried expression in Noa's eyes, your focus sharpens in an instant. Concern mixes with adrenaline, and you instantly understand the seriousness of the situation. Your heart begins to race, your mind clearing and readying for whatever challenges you may face.
Noa stands quickly, his movements purposeful and determined. "Go with Mother," he instructs. "Gather the young... find somewhere safe." The mysterious threat hangs in the air, a constant tension that demands immediate action. Noa's voice is firm and resolute as he readies his battle weapons, preparing to face the unknown danger.
Noa pulls you close, pressing your body against his as he claims your lips in a searing kiss. The heat and intensity of the moment convey both his passion and his worry. The kiss is filled with a sense of urgency and possession as if he's expressing his love and protectiveness in a single gesture.
You look into his eyes, your voice firm and unwavering. "Come back to me," you say, the words carrying a mix of love and worry. There's a silent plea in your gaze, a silent entreaty for him to return safely. Noa's eyes soften, and he takes your face in his hands, his touch gentle yet strong. "I will," he promises, his voice filled with determination and love.
With Dar by your side, you lead a group of young apes through the dense woods, seeking a safe hiding spot from the mysterious threat. The females form a protective circle, huddling together with worried expressions on their faces. You can feel the tension in the air, the fear and uncertainty palpable in the young apes' quiet hoots. As you press forward, the only thing on your mind is ensuring the safety of the young ones in your care and finding a secure place to hide.
The sound of Noa's yell pierces through the night, freezing the blood in your veins. "Noa," you gasp, your voice filled with worry. Without hesitation, you turn to go back, intent on reaching Noa. However, Dar attempts to grab your arm, trying to hold you back. But your determination is strong, and you quickly shake off her grip, turning to run back in the direction of Noa's voice.
Running through the dark forest, driven by your worry and instinct to reach Noa, you trip and stumble down a hill. Unarmed and vulnerable, you roll several feet before finally coming to a stop, the impact knocking you unconscious. The sound of your fall echoes faintly through the forest, swallowed by the silence of the night.
The once-thriving Eagle Clan lies in ruins, reduced to ashes and charred remains. Noa, Anaya, and the other members of the clan had put up a fierce battle, but the threat had left nothing behind, leaving only destruction in its wake. The sight of your home reduced to rubble and ash fills your heart with a mix of anger, grief, and emptiness.
Noa and the remaining survivors of the Eagle Clan gather together, their faces grim and determined. They begin to scour the area, searching for any signs of their lost friends and family, hoping to find anyone who may have escaped the wrath of the attack. The silence is deafening, the only sounds coming from the shuffling of feet and the occasional call of an ape as they look through the rubble.
The surviving members of the Eagle Clan have gathered in a cave away from the ruined settlement. The apes huddle together, seeking comfort and safety in each other's presence. The tension is high, a mix of fear and uncertainty in the air. They hope for the best, but the recent attack has left scars on each of them, and their future is uncertain.
Noa enters the cave, a weary yet relieved smile on his face. He had searched through every inch for you, his heart heavy with worry until he caught sight of your figure in the cave. Dar's eyes soften when she sees him, her expression filled with both relief and sorrow. She understands the gravity of the situation and the devastation the attack has brought upon the clan.
Noa's voice is soft and trembling with worry as he asks, "Where is she?" There's a mixture of fear and hope in his eyes as he scans the faces of the apes surrounding him, searching for any sign of you. The other apes look at each other, their expressions a mix of worry and uncertainty. They know the truth, but the news is difficult to share.
Soona speaks up, his voice is soft and regretful as he informs Noa, "She went after you... We couldn't find her." The words hang in the air, confirming Noa's worst fears. A wave of worry and despair washes over his face, his heart clenching in his chest.
"No." Noa mutters, more to himself than to the others. The mere thought of you being lost tears at his heart. Without another word, he turns urgently to leave, determined to go back and search for you. With the first light of dawn, Noa continues his relentless search, combing through every inch of the burned settlement. But despite his fervent efforts, he finds no trace of you. The hours pass and the sun rises higher in the sky, but Noa persists in his search, his determination fueling him forward.
You slowly awaken, the warmth of the sun gently coaxing you back into consciousness. Groggily, you lift your head, blinking as your senses slowly come back to you. Looking up, you get a glimpse of the steep drop you had fallen from, and the realization of your fall sends a wave of shock through you. It's a miracle that you are alive.
Your heart sinks as you climb back up to the top, finding the once-vibrant Eagle Clan now reduced to ashes and empty land. Smoke still rises from some of the structures, a bitter reminder of the destruction that has taken place. The silence is heavy, a stark contrast to the usual noise and activity that filled the settlement before.
You call out for Noa, desperation and hope in your voice, but your calls are met with only silence. No reply comes, no signs of life or movement. The settlement remains eerily quiet, devoid of any presence. The absence of Noa and the other members of the clan, as well as the missing eagles, leaves a heavy sense of emptiness and uncertainty in the air.
Tears stream down your cheeks as you search the area with increasing desperation, your heart heavy with worry and grief. Every step you take, every direction you turn, seems to bring only more emptiness and despair. The hopelessness of the situation weighs heavily on your heart, but you continue to search, refusing to give up until you find some sign of Noa or the rest of the clan.
The realization of your solitude sinks in, settling heavily in your chest like a cold, hard stone. You are alone, the once-boisterous commotion and laughter of the clan silenced. The only sound is the wind rustling through the trees, and the only company you have is your fear and uncertainty.
Sitting amidst the ruins, you give in to the grief and sadness that overwhelm you. Your tears fall freely, mingling with the ash and debris of the once-mighty Eagle Clan. The pain is raw and heavy in your chest, as you mourn the loss of Noa and the clan that was your home. The world seems to have turned cold and cruel, and the future feels uncertain and bleak.
Despite the overwhelming despair and loss, you found a spark of resilience within. One day, the realization came to you that there was a life growing inside you. A flicker of hope ignited in your heart, and determination filled your being. You knew that you couldn't let your circumstances break you completely. You were carrying a precious new life, a symbol of hope and a chance to rebuild.
As your hand drifted to your stomach, you made a silent vow. If you couldn't have Noa by your side, you would do everything in your power to raise his child. You would honor his traditions, keep his memory alive, and give your child the strength and wisdom he would have passed on.
With each passing day, a cave became your sanctuary. You diligently worked to make it a haven, carving out a space for yourself within the stone walls. The cold of the winter months added an extra layer of difficulty to your solitary existence. Sustaining your own life was a constant challenge, especially while dealing with the physical and emotional demands of pregnancy.
Despite the hardship, you channeled your determination and resilience. You foraged for food, carefully avoiding the attention of predators and other dangers in the wilderness. As your belly grew, you felt a sense of purpose in looking after the life growing inside of you, a purpose that kept you going despite the odds.
The pains of labor came upon you like a storm, and you were painfully aware of the fact that you were alone. The thought of dying during childbirth filled you with terror and dread. There was no one to help you, no one to offer comfort or guidance. The loneliness of the moment weighs heavily on your soul, as you brace yourself for the struggle ahead.
Despite the terror and uncertainty, your body demonstrated a strength you never knew it had. Like the opening of a dam, your birth canal opened, and with a final push, you gave birth to your son. The pain and exertion washed over you like a wave, but the moment your son was born, a flood of relief and joy surged through your being.
With each passing day, your son grew stronger and more vibrant, and the role of motherhood became your entire world. Every moment was spent caring for, nurturing, and bonding with your child. The solitary life you had built for yourself slowly faded into the background as motherhood consumed your existence.
A full year had passed since your son's birth, and time had flown by in a blur of love and dedication. You could see the resemblance to Noa in your son, but there were also distinct human-like traits that undoubtedly came from you. As you watched him grow and develop, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - pride, love, and a bittersweet sense of longing for Noa.
"Not too far!" you call out as your son swings from tree to tree in an elaborate game of monkey business. As you tend to the laundry, you can't help but keep a watchful eye on him, making sure he doesn't venture too far or put himself in danger. The combination of pride in his agility and worry for his well-being fills your heart in equal measure.
Despite your best efforts to keep him nearby, your son's natural curiosity and adventurous spirit led him to stray a bit too far. In his eagerness to explore the world around him, he unintentionally wandered further away from you than you would have liked, without even realizing the distance he had covered.
Your heart races in a panic when you realize your son is out of sight, vanished into the foliage. Without a moment's hesitation, you drop what you're doing and start running in the direction he had gone, calling out his name urgently. The fear and worry in your voice are palpable.
You huff and shake your head, a mix of worry and frustration on your face. "You can't ever listen," you chide gently, knowing that you should have been watching him better. Despite the sternness in your tone, you understand that his curious nature is simply part of who he is.
Your son drops from the trees, his small voice calling out timidly, "Mother." He looks around, searching for your familiar face, his expression a mix of curiosity and a hint of guilt for straying too far. As soon as he realizes the gravity of his actions, a flash of fear flickers across his face. He knows he's done something he shouldn't have, and the realization fills him with guilt and worry. He stands there, staring at you with wide eyes, waiting for your reaction.
"Mother!" he calls out again, his voice trembling with worry and fear. But his call is met only with the sounds of nature, the rustle of leaves, and the occasional bird chirp. The silence is deafening, and the realization that you are not within earshot sinks in.
Three young teenage apes amble across the path and come to a halt as they spot the lost child. Their faces contort into expressions of confusion and surprise at the sight of him. They have never encountered a being quite like him before. The child is a strange hybrid, a mix of ape and human traits, which piques the curiosity of the teenagers.
The female ape crouches down to his level, her voice dripping with kindness and concern. "Are you... lost, little one?" She speaks slowly and softly, trying to communicate with him in a way that he might understand. The other two male apes hang back, observing the interaction with mild interest and confusion.
Despite the kindness in the female ape's voice, the child is still frightened and unfamiliar with the presence of others. He nods timidly, confirming that he is indeed lost. In response to her question, he points to himself and repeats, "Lost." The child looks around anxiously, searching for his mother, the only companion he has ever known.
The female ape glances at her companions, a silent agreement passing between them. "We have to help him," she declares, her voice firm and gentle. Extending a hand towards the child, she smiles reassuringly. "Our leader will help you, little one." The other apes nod in agreement, their initial confusion giving way to a sense of responsibility and protectiveness.
The three young apes carefully lift the child, supporting him as they make their way toward the newly constructed village of the Clan. They walk quietly, their eyes constantly scanning the surroundings for any potential threats. The fact that the settlement is hidden from view indicates that the Clan has learned the hard way to stay out of sight.
The three young apes enter the Eagle tower and find Noa working diligently on nests, preparing for the coming season of the eagles. Noa's presence radiates strength and leadership, and it's clear that his attention is focused on the task at hand. There seems to be an air of expectation and excitement in the air, as the transition to adulthood and bonding ceremonies approach for the young apes in the Clan.
Since your loss, Noa has dedicated himself to his duties, single-mindedly focusing on the tasks at hand. Koro, the former leader, would surely be proud of the way Noa had stepped up and taken charge. However, Dar, the wise and maternal figure within the Clan, was worried. Noa's dedication to the work was impressive, but it came at the expense of his well-being, and she knew that he was stretching himself thin.
Noa looks up from his work as he hears the young ape address him as "Master." His face is marked by a flicker of recognition, and he sets down the materials he is working on, giving the young ape his full attention.
Noa moves towards the young ape, his demeanor calm and composed. There's a flicker of recognition in his eyes, but his expression remains neutral, showing no hint of emotion. "Yes?" He questions, his voice steady and even.
The ape's tone is uncertain as he relays the news to Noa. "We found a young… child?" Noa's eyes widen slightly at the unexpected information, and his expression becomes guarded. "A child?" He repeats, his voice barely above a whisper, his attention fully focused on the young ape. Noa's voice takes on a more direct tone as he clarifies, "A human child?" The thought seems to spark a mixture of surprise and curiosity within him. He glances at the young apes, silently questioning the validity of their claim.
The young ape's response is uncertain, adding to Noa's growing curiosity and confusion. "No... we… don't know." Noa's brows furrow as he tries to make sense of the information. "What do you mean, you don't know?" His voice betrays a hint of skepticism.
The young ape steps aside to reveal the young child, and Noa's eyes widen in surprise as he takes in the sight before him. The child was unmistakably a mix of human and ape, challenging the notions of what Noa believed to be possible. The revelation stirs a mix of curiosity and disbelief within him, and he approaches the child, studying him intently.
Looking at the child, Noa felt a pang in his heart. The possibility of what could have been with you and him weighed heavily on his mind. The mixture of human and ape features in the child served as a reminder of the connection he had lost and the potential that had been stolen away.
Without wasting a moment, Noa approaches the child and asks softly, "Where is your clan, young one?" His tone is gentle, but there's an undercurrent of curiosity and wonder. Noa's eyes never leave the child, studying his features and trying to piece together the circumstances that led him to be alone in the wilderness.
The child's voice is soft and hesitant, but the words “mother” and “lost” are clear. A pang of empathy and concern washes over Noa as he absorbs the child's reply. He understands the depths of loss all too well.
Noa lets out a soft sigh and lowers himself to the child's height, maintaining eye contact with him. With a gentle yet firm tone, he asks, "Do you know what direction your mother is?" Noa's gaze holds a mixture of compassion and a hint of hope that the child might have some clue as to his mother's location.
The young ape chimes in, adding to the conversation. "We found him near the river," he mentions. Noa turns his attention to the young ape, his mind processing the new information. The river could be a valuable clue, a starting point to search for the child's mother.
Noa's mind is set on finding the child's mother, and his hand instinctively reaches out, gently grasping the child, feeling a powerful connection to him. With determination etched on his face, Noa declares, "Let us find her." His decision is unwavering, driven by a protective Instinct that has been ignited within him.
Noa mounts a horse and rides off into the forest, the young child securely held in his arms. The forest path stretches before them, and Noa's heart races with a mixture of hope and determination. He scans the surroundings, his eyes searching for any signs of the child's mother.
Noa gently sets the child down from the horse, and the child dashes forward, scaling up the terrain towards a nearby cave. "Mother!" The child's voice echoes through the area, calling out fervently. Noa watches intently, his heart racing as he wonders if the child's mother might be inside the cave.
As if on cue, Noa found himself ambushed, tackled powerfully to the ground. His world spins for a moment as he struggles to right himself, only to find a spear pointed directly at his face. Noa's heart races, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he assesses the situation.
Suddenly, Noa's eyes widen as he gazes up at his assailant, a mix of disbelief and recognition filling his mind. His voice barely above a whisper, he utters your name, the sound of it bringing back a flood of memories.
As you toss the spear aside, your voice trembles as you call out, "Noa!" Your heart skips a beat as you lay eyes on him, your thoughts racing. You had believed him to be dead, and now here he was before you, very much alive. Relief washes over you, overpowering the shock of the unexpected reunion.
Your son's voice echoes through the air, "Mother!" as he rushes into your embrace. You gather him in your arms, holding him tightly against you, the mixture of emotions coursing through you. Seeing Noa alive has made your heart both race and yearn for explanations.
Noa observes the heartfelt reunion between you and your son, his eyes widening as the truth becomes evident before him. Noa's mind races as he absorbs the implications. You had a child... he hadn't seen you pregnant. His emotions tangle within him.
His eyes flickered between you and the child in your arms, a myriad of emotions passing over his face. Finally, he found his voice and posed the question that weighed heavily on his mind. "Is he... mine?" Noa's voice was a mix of confusion, hope, and a hint of possessiveness.
You meet his gaze and nod, the love in your eyes telling more than words ever could. Your voice quivers as you speak. "I thought I lost you," you say, tears welling up in your eyes. The weight of your words hangs in the air, conveying the depth of the loss you had felt. The reunion with him has brought a sense of wholeness, filling your heart with an overwhelming sense of joy and relief.
Noa couldn't believe his eyes. You were alive and well, and the child in your arms was his. Overwhelmed with emotion, he wrapped his arms around you and the child, pulling you both into an embrace. The feeling of your body against his filled him with a sense of profound relief and love.
With a gentle squeeze, Noa breaks the embrace and gazes into your eyes, his voice filled with a mix of determination and tenderness. "Come... we are going home." The words held a promise of protection and a longing to return to a place where they could be together, as a family.
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redheadspark · 6 months
Worth Fighting For
Summary - You seek out Druig after the near Emergence
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A/N - I had a request for this for the Spring Pormpt Session, but I lost the request, either I deleted it or it got deleted on its own. I am SO SORRY that I lost it, but I remember it's for Druig and number 6 (Pulling their partner in their lap) So I wrote it and I hope that helps!
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You never knew the open fields of South Dakota to be so quiet, so calm.  You weren’t used to this.
The calm you were used to was filled with jungle sounds and animals constantly bellowing in the air, not to mention the running waters of the river and the soft rustling of the green foliage leaves. But now all you see was land, flat and as fast as you could see amongst rolling hills and chilly air as you stood outside the farmhouse.
Ajak’s farmhouse.  You missed her.
The last time you saw her was back when you and Druig left the family, all 500 years ago.  You were sad to leave her, but you also understood where Druig was coming from when it came to standing to the side and letting the humans harm one another.  You always were the mutual factor between Druig and Ajak, loving both of them with all your heart and never wishing for the other to feel blindsided.  But Druig was your husband, your better half, and you had to follow him and not lose him in your life.  You knew deep down that Ajak was glad you left with him, she always praised your relationship and how you two complimented each other so well. 
But still, you missed her terribly, and you hated Ikaris for taking her away.
Shivering a bit in your jacket, you could hear the chatter inside of the house and you turned to look at the worn-down farmhouse that had Ajax’s touches here and there.  You could see she used the home for all its worth, and you had to wonder if she ever dreamt of the family being there again.  It was nice that you were, but not under the right circumstances.  So you walked back over to the front door, opening it to let yourself in.
Phastos and Ben were chatting with Thena, and their son Ben was watching the news that was playing the clip of a marble Tiamat poking out of the ocean, which left Makkari sitting on the bottom step of the stairs.  You looked eyes at her, seeing her give you a small smile and gesture up the stairs to the second floor.
He’s taking a shower, but I think he needs you. She explained with her fingers, her soft smile showing it was true.  Druig went through a lot on that beach, taking on a nasty wound from Ikaris thanks to a blast to the chest.  You saw he was hurting when you two reunited on that beach amongst the waves, but things had to be done.  There was no time to rest and recharge, not until now.
Thank you, ‘Kari.  You signed to her, squeezing her shoulder gently as you walked past her up the stairs.  Every creak under your boots was heard from each step while you were now on the second floor, the small hallway that led to two bedrooms and one bathroom.  One of the bedrooms was slightly open, and you noticed the light that was shining through and had a small sense that your husband was there.  Carefully and with barely any noise in your step, you poked your head in.
Druig was perched on the edge of the bed, freshly showered, and was wearing a thing shirt along with what seemed to be sweats.  His leather jacket was on the back of a chair that was to the side, his wet hair plastered to his face as he was looking out the window and sitting a bit too stiff for your liking.  You tiptoed your way in, closing the door gently behind you so you wouldn’t spook him or snap him out of his trance.  
“How was your shower?” You asked, walking over to stand in front of him. But his eyes were still on the view through the window, making you feel a bit worried as you then noticed his hands.  They were curled up a bit tight, almost in a fist at his sides while the thin shirt he was wearing was not hiding the massive bruise and wound that was on his chest.  
It made you beyond sad and angry that Druig would go through something like this, the Eternal who was the Pacifist and wished for humans to simply be kind to one another.  He wished to help them, to guide them into being together in peace.  Druig simply loved them, and yet he was almost killed by someone who was blinded to the truth. 
“Druig,” You said his name in a hum, not wishing to sound mad yourself at the pain he was going through, but it was still heard in your voice.  Druig’s eyes were still in the view, yet his hands were uncurled from being fists.  One of them opened up to you, almost like a flower that was ready to bloom.  There was nothing that would hold you back from taking his hand.  
You laced your fingers with his, feeling how cool his skin was against your palm.  You were going to say something else, maybe ask him how he was feeling, but he gently tugged you towards him.  Before you knew it, you were in his lap and his arms were around you to keep you close.  
At first, you were shocked.  But you felt it in the way he held you and tucked his head into your neck, you knew he didn’t want to talk about it.  He would hold you like this in the past when he needed comfort or to simply unwind, when talking wasn’t going to help but simply having someone be right there for him.  He never spoke about it or mentioned it, you figured that out on your own from being with him for so long.  
This was one of those moments.
You rubbed the back of his head with your fingers, feeling his soft hair along the pads of your fingers as he was berthing you in and still not saying a word.  He had days that were filled with grief or chaos, and days that were stressed or frustrating.  He love holding you, whether it was when you two were entangled in bed together or simply falling asleep in each other’s arms, there was something about him being able to hold you that brought him back to a safe space. 
He needed it after all he went through on that beach.
“I love you,” You said against his head as he was still holding you possessively, you feeling him hum as a sign that he was hearing you, “I love you with everything in me, okay?  I’m thankful you’re here and you didn’t leave me, Druig,”
He squeezed you a bit tighter as you kissed his forehead, the pair of you simply listening to the rolling winds outside the farmhouse and letting each other heal from all that happened.  You would hold him for every minute if you had to, as long as he was wishing for you to hold him and to bring him back to his old self you would.
His heart was worth fighting for.   
The End
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Spring Prompt Session
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doumadono · 2 months
Hejka, my beautiful friend 🧡. It's been a while. I would like to place an emergency request. I am going to be alone and away from my family for a few months and am very scared. Could I ask you to write me a story on how Kokushibo is my guardian demon? Maybe a little fluff? You know how much I love my imaginary man. Please take your time as this is something I will be experiencing over the course of tge the entire summer and autumn. Thank you 💞💞💞
Unexpected light - Kokushibo x Reader
A/N: please forgive me it took so long to complete your request! I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling scared about being away from your family. It's completely normal to feel this way, but remember that you are stronger than you think. This time apart can also be an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. Stay connected with your loved ones through calls and messages, and try to find things that bring you comfort and joy. We're all here cheering you on! #silnekobietyrządzą
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The forest loomed around you, its dense canopy blocking out the moonlight and leaving you in near-total darkness. You stumbled over roots and rocks, your breath coming in ragged gasps as panic gripped you. The reality of being separated from your family for months had begun to sink in, and the weight of that loneliness pressed heavily on your shoulders. That was why you decided to take a night stroll in the woods — it had provided you with a great deal of solace in the past.
You had heard tales of the demons that haunted these woods, terrifying creatures that preyed on the unwary. You hoped against hope that you wouldn’t encounter one, but deep down, you knew the odds weren’t in your favor that night. As the night grew colder, you found a small clearing and sank to the ground, hugging your knees to your chest. Tears stung your eyes as you thought of your family, wishing more than anything to be with them again.
A sudden rustle in the bushes snapped you out of your thoughts. You scrambled to your feet, your heart pounding in your chest.
From the shadows emerged a figure, tall and imposing, with six glowing eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness.
Your blood ran cold as you recognized him: it was Kokushibo, Upper Moon One, the most feared of the Twelve Kizuki.
You took a step back, but there was nowhere to run.
He moved with a grace that belied his size, closing the distance between you in an instant. His eyes bore into yours, and you felt like a mouse caught in the gaze of a hawk. "You should not be here," he said, his voice a deep, resonant growl. "Humans who wander into these woods seldom leave."
Your knees threatened to buckle, but you forced yourself to stand tall. "I… I have nowhere else to go," you stammered, tears slipping down your cheeks. "I'm alone. My family is far away, and I… I don't know what to do."
Kokushibo regarded you for a long moment, his expression inscrutable. "Why should I spare you, mortal?" he asked, his voice carrying a dangerous edge.
You swallowed hard, the reality of your situation crashing down on you. "I wish to be reunited with my family," you admitted, your voice trembling. "If you have any mercy, just let me go, demon."
He stepped closer, his presence overwhelming. "Mercy is not something I am known for," he said, his eyes narrowing slightly. "But there is something intriguing about your spirit. A determination, even in the face of fear."
You couldn't fathom why he would care about such a thing, but you clung to his words like a lifeline. "Please," you whispered.
Kokushibo's eyes flickered with an unreadable emotion as he continued to study you. The silence stretched, each second feeling like an eternity, until finally, he spoke again. "Speak, then. Tell me of these struggles that weigh upon your spirit. Don't try to fool me, I can sense all of your despair."
The unexpected invitation made you gasp, but the sheer intensity of his gaze compelled you to respond. "I’ve been separated from my family," you began, your voice trembling but gaining strength as you continued. "I was forced to leave them behind, and I don’t know how long I’ll be alone. It's… it's been overwhelming, trying to survive each day, not knowing if I’ll ever see them again."
There was a subtle shift in his stance, a slight softening of the harsh lines of his face.
You took a deep breath, the words flowing more freely now. "I feel like I’m constantly fighting against despair. The loneliness, the fear — it’s like a heavy weight that never goes away. I wander these woods, hoping for a miracle, for some idea that would fall on me and help me to find my family again. But every day, it feels like that hope slips further away."
You glanced up at him, expecting indifference or even mockery, but his expression remained inscrutable, his eyes fixed on you. "I don’t know why I’m telling you this, demon," you admitted, almost to yourself. "Maybe because you're the first being I've encountered in so long who hasn’t tried to kill me immediately."
A faint, almost imperceptible smirk touched Kokushibo's lips. "A low bar, but one I have surpassed nonetheless," he murmured, his tone holding a hint of dry amusement.
You found yourself returning his almost-smile, a spark of something like relief flickering within you. "I guess so," you said softly.
Kokushibo shifted his gaze to the moonlit forest around you, his voice thoughtful when he spoke again. "Humans often cling to hope, even when it seems futile. It is both their greatest strength and their greatest weakness."
You nodded, understanding his words. "Hope is all I have left," you said quietly. "Even if it feels like it’s slipping away every single day."
For a moment, neither of you spoke, the silence of the forest wrapping around you like a shroud.
Then Kokushibo turned his gaze back to you, his eyes reflecting the pale moonlight. "Your spirit, your determination, is intriguing," he repeated. "It reminds me of… what I once was, before I became this."
You blinked in surprise, not expecting such a revelation from a demon as powerful and feared as Kokushibo. "What do you mean?"
His expression darkened slightly, shadows crossing his face. "There was a time when I was human, like you. I had dreams, struggles, hopes. But those days are long past, buried under centuries of darkness and blood."
A shiver ran down your spine at his words, but you couldn’t help but feel a strange connection forming between you. "Is that why you’ve spared me? Because I remind you of who you once were?"
Kokushibo's gaze grew distant, as if he were looking through you into a past only he could see. "Perhaps," he said finally, his voice a mere whisper. "Or perhaps it is simply because your spirit intrigues me in a way I have not felt in a very long time."
You took a step closer, the fear that had initially gripped you slowly giving way to a cautious curiosity. "Thank you," you uttered, sincerity lacing your words. "For sparing me. For listening."
Kokushibo nodded slightly, the movement almost imperceptible. "Do not mistake my actions for kindness, mortal. I am a demon, bound by my nature. But I will allow you to continue your journey, for now. Leave now, if you value your life. And never come back here again."
As you turned to leave, a sudden impulse made you stop and look back at him. "Demon," you began hesitantly, "do you ever wish for something more than this existence? Beyond the darkness and the hunger?"
His many eyes widened slightly, as if taken aback by your question. For a moment, he seemed almost human, a flicker of something unspoken passing across his features. "Wishes are for the living," he said finally, his voice tinged with an emotion you couldn't quite identify. "For those who have hope. The night is long, but it will pass, mortal. And when it does, you will be one step closer to finding your way."
With that, he turned away, his form blending into the shadows. You watched him go, feeling a strange mix of emotions. Fear, relief perhaps.
The journey back home passed quickly as your heart beat faster within your chest. You still felt the adrenaline rush, but simultaneously, for no particular reason, you felt a sense of hope. You would find your family again. You would survive this separation, no matter how long it took. And you would remember that even in the darkest of places, there could be moments of unexpected light.
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tarotwithavi · 2 years
Random things about your 2023 . Short reading
Masterlist ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ paid reading
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Pile 1
Hello pile 1 , I'm seeing that you're very closed off to new opportunities right now and might be addicted or obsessed with something that isn't good for you and life will make you get rid of your toxic habits by a tower moment in your life. You just have some toxic cycles going repeating constantly in your life and it is going to change in the year 2023 .
Pile 1 , I see you getting your spiritual awakening in the year 2023 . This is going to be a tough cycle for you but remember it's for the best of you. I see that sometimes you might feel like doing nothing and just letting things flow on their own pace.
You have a weird way of looking at people, I'm sorry but weird is not the right word for it but it's just that you see people as something you should stay away from and you see World as a dangerous place. And that's why you mostly stay indoors. That perspective of you is good to change soon after you have your awakening.
I get that you might suffer from seasonal depression and it might be in the months of may - june. These two months are going to be life changing for you. Something great with happen in these two months that'll make you love life again.
I don't know if you know about Krishna consciousness, but it's a great thing. I've heard that it works wonders for people and changes their life for the best.
If you're thinking of travelling abroad I see you travelling in different countries.
You might get financial help from someone or you're going to help someone financially.
Pile 2
Alright pile 2 , 2023 is going to be your rich bitch era. Like money is going to be attracted to you. If you're family is having some financial problems they are going to be solved.
I see you connecting more with a female figure in your family. It could be your mother, grandmother , sister or even your best friend.
If are manifesting something right now , I see all of your manifestations coming true in the year 2023 .
If your into LGBTQ community I see coming out to your family and your family accepting you the way your are. This message is specifically for my lesbians, you're going to get a girlfriend.
My artists are going to get a lot of recognition for their artwork! And I see a lot of you getting in tune with your inner child.
If you live away from your family , I see you reuniting with them. And going out for a picnic with them. This year is very positive for this pile! It's so sweet!
A lot of you are going to meet your twinflame / soul mate soon. You'll most likely meet them through family or friends. I'm seeing a celebration, so you can meet them in a party, wedding etc.
I see you finding your soul purpose and destiny. I don't know it just came into my mind. I am seeing a boat reaching the coast idk take how it resonates.
If you've been manifesting your other half, I see you meeting your counterpart. A lot of you are going to experience true love.
Pile 3
Pile 3 I feel like you're not listening to your intuition and that might get you in a toxic Situationship. If your get odd feelings from someone like goosebumps , odd feeling in your guts stay away form that person. They're not good for you.
Alright so what I sense is that you might encounter a fake tarot reader or a scammer so stay alert. If someone tells you to do spells on your own , never do it. Because spells are very powerful and they can backfire.
Though it's okay if you do beauty rituals like having aura cleansing bath, a simple beauty spell . But love spells can back fire very easily. And never I mean NEVER involve yourself in black magic.
I see getting a lot of proposals from men who want to court you. Choose Carefully because one of them might be a obsessive lover.
If don't have good relations with your father, you might need to cut your relations with him. More like I see that your father is too controlling and you decide to go against him which will result in some arguments.
I See you reuniting with your old friends.
I see you getting victory and recognition for your work. But remember not to be over prideful ( lol is that even a word? )
If you're pregnant I see you giving birth to a healthy baby boy. And if you're thinking of having a baby I see you conceiving. '
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seriiousgiirl · 1 year
My satisfaction
Severus Snape x Professor!Reader NFSW. Fluff and smut (more like foreplay)!! Jealous and quite possessive Sev- oops.
Severus is 36 yo in this fic, and you are 25, age gap. (;
Summary: As the summer drew to a close, filled with long days of toil at the Ministry, your anticipation grew, centered on one person who had occupied your thoughts and held a special place in your heart for the past few months - Severus Snape.
With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, you made your way to Grimmauld Place, where the other members of the Order had gathered. And you couldn't wait for the moment when you would finally reunite with Severus and share the intimacy that had been denied during your time apart.
However, as fate would have it, your long-awaited encounter with Severus took an unexpected turn for the worse.
A/n: Hey there! It’s me again, I didn't post for a while sorry (I kind of had a mental breakdown), but here I am! A less serious fic than usual, but some fluff are sometimes well-deserved! Enjoy (:
Words count: 11K.
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As you gazed upon the foreboding structure of Grimmauld Place, a smile crept onto your face. The few days of respite you had promised yourself were finally within reach. You couldn't help but feel impressed by the security measures put in place, evident in the powerful enchantments that radiated from the building. Despite its dark and unwelcoming exterior, you understood why the Order of the Phoenix had chosen Grimmauld Place as their base of operations. The building was a veritable fortress, protected by the most powerful and intricate magical wards and spells. Within its walls, the members of the Order were safe from the prying eyes and ears of their enemies.
Your tenure at the Ministry had finally come to an end, and you were relieved to say goodbye to the endless days spent cooped up in an office, buried under piles of paperwork. At times, you regretted keeping your contract with the Ministry on top of your responsibilities as a teacher at Hogwarts. You were bone-weary, and some rest and relaxation before returning to school was more than necessary. 
The looming threat of Voldemort's return weighed heavily on your mind, you longed for the simple pleasures of rest and relaxation, away from the clamour and chaos of the wizarding world. And before the enigmatic facade of the building, you couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that perhaps within its walls, you might find the peace and calm you so desperately craved.
Although you were in dire need of rest, you knew that there was something more that you desired. You craved the warmth and comfort that only one person could provide - Severus Snape. 
Despite his icy exterior and difficult personality, you had always felt a magnetic pull towards him since the day you met. Over time, you had learned how to read his subtle cues and understand his emotions, even when he didn't explicitly express them. You knew when he was in pain or feeling vulnerable, and you could sense his admiration for you in the way his dark eyes would linger on your smallest actions. 
Your relationship with Severus was complicated, to say the least. It wasn't easy being close to him, and there were times when you felt frustrated or hurt by his actions. But at the same time, you couldn't deny the intense chemistry and connection between the two of you. You found yourself drawn to his intelligence, his dry wit, and his unwavering loyalty to those he cared about. 
Severus' presence in your life was a soothing balm for your soul. In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, Severus was a constant source of comfort and support for you. His willingness to open up and share a vulnerable side of himself that he rarely showed others was a testament to the depth of his feelings for you.
As the two of you spend time together, it becomes clear that rushing into anything would only put your relationship at risk. Instead, you both take your time to truly connect and enjoy each other's company, cherishing every moment you have together. It was like the outside world seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you and the love you share. It's a simple pleasure, but one that brings immense joy and contentment. 
And as you had parted ways for the summer holidays it was heart wrenching, especially since Severus made a promise that sent your heart fluttering. He vowed to offer you his heart entirely when the time will be right. The words were simple, but they held so much weight and significance. You knew that Severus was not someone who made promises lightly, and you felt honoured that he had chosen to share this with you. 
So when you received a letter from Severus telling you that he would be at Grimmauld Place with the Order at the end of the holidays, you were overjoyed. You threw yourself into your work, determined to finish everything quickly so that you could reunite with him as soon as possible.
And there you are, as you stood at the threshold of Grimmauld Place, your heart swelled with a blend of emotions - a combination of eagerness and trepidation. You were aware that reuniting with Severus, would be a mix of pleasure and challenges, as he still remained a complex, unpredictable, and enigmatic man in your eyes.
However, you were resolved to confront whatever obstacles lay ahead. 
As you approached Grimmauld Place with your luggage, you knocked gently before entering, not wanting to intrude. The musty scent of dust mixed with the aroma of cooking greeted you as you stepped inside. The interior was just as grim and dreary as the outside. The lengthy, chilly hallway with peeling wallpaper and old portraits hung on the walls gave an indication that the entire house shared the same deteriorated state. This first impression was enough to make you question whether you had made the right decision to come here.
But your hesitation was short-lived as Arthur Weasley appeared from what seemed to be the kitchen, and a sense of comfort washed over you. It felt like coming home, his warm smile radiated through even in this dismal environment.
"Y/n, there you are! I was starting to think I was hearing things," Arthur exclaimed as he greeted you with relief evident in his voice.
"I'm sorry, Arthur. I wasn't sure when I'd be able to come," you replied apologetically, feeling a bit guilty for being vague about your arrival date as you didn’t know when the Ministry would deem your work complete. 
As the youngest adult member of the Order, you were used to being treated with a bit of extra fondness, almost like a surrogate child. It was a given though you were one of the brightest members of the group, but your youth made them worry about your safety. This was evident as Arthur hugged you to welcome you, a gesture that showed the warmth and fondness he held for you. Even that you were a bit embarrassed by the display of affection, you still appreciated the gesture.
"The others are all in the kitchen. I'll take your suitcase up to your room," he offered kindly, gesturing for you to hand over your luggage. "It was a bit of a challenge to find you a place to stay, with so many people here, but Severus explained that you could stay with him," he added, a playful wink in his eye.
You couldn't help but blush at his comment. Your relationship with Severus wasn't exactly a secret amongst the Order members, but you still preferred to keep it private, especially from the students. Harry and his friends were among the recent additions to the safe house, and while you were happy to see them, it was also a bit of a bother to have to keep your distance from Severus in front of them.
"Thanks, Arthur. I appreciate it," you replied, grateful for his understanding. "And yes, staying with Severus is fine. I'm just hoping we can keep our relationship under wraps while we're here," you whispered with a small smile, hoping he would understand your desire for privacy. 
Arthur nodded in reply.
The sound of your voice caught the attention of the other members, and even more so when Molly emerged from the kitchen. "Y/n, my sweet, here you are at last. We've all been waiting for you," she exclaimed.
You made your way towards her while Arthur took your suitcase up the narrow stairs. 
Molly, known for her maternal nature, embrace you tightly, making you feel like one of her own. "The Ministry is a bore," she said while stroking your back in a comforting manner. "I'm so glad to see you after all this time. Sometimes I feel like you only exist through the reports you send us about the twins' behaviour." Her tone was light, but there was a hint of annoyance, clearly tired of dealing with her mischievous sons.
Despite her frustration, you could sense that Molly was genuinely happy to see you. Her affectionate embrace and playful teasing made you feel welcomed and loved. You smiled and hugged her back, grateful for the warmth and love of the Weasley family, which already made the grim atmosphere of the house feel a little less oppressive.
Molly motioned for you to follow her into the kitchen, which served as both a dining room and a gathering place for the members of the Order. She hurried you inside and quickly went back to attend to the dinner. 
A wide smile spread across your face as you took in the scene before you. The table was already set for dinner, and the aroma of the food was irresistible. Ginny was helping Molly in the kitchen, while Remus and Sirius were already seated at the table vigorously debating. 
However, what really caught your attention was Severus- sitting at the table a bit remote, his gaze fixed on nothing in particular. You could sense the dark aura emanating from him and knew immediately that the two men beside him were causing his discomfort. You wished you had arrived sooner to keep him company, but you were glad to be here now to offer him some relief.
Despite his current state, you couldn't help but find him as attractive as ever. The image of his face had been imprinted in your mind during his absence, but seeing him in person was, obviously, better. 
Severus had a complex and striking appearance that was difficult to capture perfectly. He had a sharp and angular face with high cheekbones, a straight and prominent nose, and a thin yet full-lipped mouth. His skin was pale, almost translucent, and accentuated the darkness of his long, lustrous black hair that hung straight and silky down to his mid-back. His eyes were piercing black and deep-set, framed by long and thick lashes that made them even more alluring.
He carried himself with an air of elegance and aloofness that was almost regal, and his slender yet muscular frame was always impeccably dressed in black robes that emphasised his intimidating presence. Despite his brooding and intense demeanour, there was an undeniable magnetism that emanated from him that had captured your heart.
Merlin-  the distance between you and Severus only intensified your desire for him. The longing you felt for his touch and the sound of his voice became more intense with each passing day. It was a constant ache in your chest, a burning need that could only be satiated by his presence.
As you gazed at him from across the room, you couldn't help but think about the moments you shared together. The way he would hold you close, his breath warm against your neck as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear. The way he would run his fingers through your hair, his touch gentle yet firm. You could almost feel his embrace now, as if he were standing right beside you, waiting for you to reach out and take his hand.
You found yourself lost in thoughts of him, your mind drifting to memories of the past and the longing for the future. As you imagined all the ways in which you could be intimate with him, letting your mind wander to all the secret spots that only the two of you knew about. You remembered the way his hands felt on your skin, how his fingers traced every curve and contour of your body with such care and precision in the dark of the night. You longed to feel his lips on your own once again, to taste his unique blend of sweetness and spice. The way he would kiss your neck, leaving a trail of fiery sensations behind; the way he would whisper words of love and adoration in your ear, making your heart swell with emotion.
And it wasn't just the physical connection that drew you to him. You also longed for the emotional connection that the two of you shared. The way he could read your thoughts and emotions without a word, the way he could comfort you with just a simple touch, the way he made you feel like you were the most important person in the world. 
His dark past and complicated nature could make things challenging at times, but the rewards of being with him far outweighed any difficulties that might come your way. The thought of being by his side, was all that you needed to make your heart sing.
You knew that it would only be a matter of time before you were able to be close to him again. The anticipation was almost too much to bear, but you knew that the wait would be worth it. The thought of being in his arms once again, feeling his body close to yours, sent shivers down your spine.
As if under some sort of spell, you found yourself walking towards him without even thinking. Your legs seemed to have a mind of their own, leading you straight to where he was. As your eyes locked onto his, you could see his guarded facade crumbling away at the mere sight of you. His dark aura dissipated, and a subtle warmth radiated from him as he looked at you with a mixture of longing and delight. 
Despite his typically reserved demeanour, you could sense his joy in seeing you again in the way that his eyes shone with unspoken emotion. His smile, although faint, was all the invitation you needed to close the distance between you. And even though he didn't say a word, you knew exactly what he was thinking. Severus's eyes had always been his window to the soul, and you had long since learned to understand the meaning of them. 
Severus stood up as you approached, ready to welcome you back. But just as you were about to reach him, your moment was rudely interrupted by Sirius, who stepped in front of you, effectively blocking your path. His arm rested nonchalantly against the wall as his body followed, a clear sign that he had no intention of moving.
"Y/n, isn't it a bit rude of you not to greet the owner of the place first?" Sirius smirked, enjoying the way he was able to interrupt the moment between you and Severus.
"Sirius," you said through gritted teeth, trying your best to keep your tone civil. You couldn't help but feel frustrated at the interruption, especially since it came from someone you didn't particularly care for. "It's a pleasure to see you healthy," you continued, putting emphasis on the word 'pleasure' as a subtle hint that you were not entirely happy with the situation.
Although you had only met Sirius once, the memory of that encounter was still vivid in your mind. He had exuded a certain level of insanity that left a lasting impression on you, and not in a positive way. 
But what bothered you more were the stories Severus had confided in you about his past with him. From what he had shared, Sirius had been one of the main culprits in the relentless bullying and torment Severus had faced during his youth. It was hard not to feel a sense of disgust and disdain towards someone who had caused so much pain to someone you cared about deeply. While you wouldn't say you outright hated Sirius, it was safe to say that you had no warm feelings towards him either.
"And it's nice to see you too. As pretty as ever." his voice was flirty, relishing the power he held over the scene. 
You could feel Severus's eyes on you as Sirius's voice filled the air, his tone dripping with flirtation. It wasn't unusual for Sirius to make such comments, but it still made you uncomfortable. As you stood there, caught between the two men, you couldn't help but feel a sense of tension building in the room. 
It was clear that Severus was not in the mood for any of his antics. 
As you tried to diffuse the situation, you forced a polite smile and responded with a small nod, "Thank you, Sirius. That's very kind of you to say." But even as you spoke, you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks, and you couldn't help but wonder if Severus could sense your discomfort. You turned to him, hoping to find some solace in his familiar presence, but he was already moving away, leaving you to deal with Sirius on your own.
Sirius's success in annoying Severus left you feeling disappointed and uneasy. You had been eagerly anticipating your reunion with Severus and were hoping for a happy and comfortable time together, but Sirius's meddling had quickly ruined those hopes. The tension in the room was palpable, and you felt like you were walking on eggshells around the two of them. You couldn't help but wonder why Sirius felt the need to provoke Severus and whether there was any underlying motive behind his actions. 
You feel disappointed by the turn of events. Your heart had soared with anticipation when you first entered the kitchen and saw Severus, but now it felt heavy with unease.
As you tried to maintain a neutral expression, Remus noticed your discomfort and offered a kind gesture. "Y/n, come sit next to me. I'll make sure there's a barrier between you and Sirius," he suggested, his voice full of kindness. He pointed to the empty seat beside him, inviting you to take refuge from the tension that had built up between Sirius and Severus.
Grateful for Remus's offer, you turned to him with a nod, relieved that he had intervened. "Thank you, Remus," you said with a small smile. You walked around the table to his side, glad for the chance to sit next to him. While you had hoped to spend the evening next to Severus, you knew it wasn't the right time to try and speak with him to enhance the situation, especially with Sirius present.
As you settled into your chair, Remus pulled it back like a true gentleman, making you chuckle at his gesture. "Always happy to help, especially for a former colleague," he said with a warm smile.
Settling into the seat next to Remus, a sense of nostalgia washed over you. As you looked at him, memories of the time when he was still teaching at Hogwarts flooded your mind. You couldn't help but think about how much his guidance and support had meant to you back then, particularly given his outstanding competence as a teacher. You recalled how challenging it was to be a young teacher, and having someone like Remus to turn to for advice and comfort was a source of great reassurance.
You remembered how he always had a calm and patient demeanour, even in the most stressful of situations. His gentle words and kind demeanour were like a balm to your frazzled nerves, and you always felt better after talking to him.
It was nice to know that some things never changed, even after all these years.
"How was the work at the Ministry? I can't believe you're still maintaining your relationship with them." Remus started to ask you questions, to see how you were doing. 
You sighed softly, "Dumbledore asked me to keep my connections for future purposes, and it turned out to be quite valuable. The Ministry is really in deep denial about You-Know-Who’s return, which made the task quite frustrating... Other than that, it was mostly tedious.” You spoke in a nonchalant tone, conveying your lack of enthusiasm for the subject.
Severus, who had been quiet until now, deliberately chose to sit across from you. He appeared to have calmed down, slightly, since the earlier tension, but he did not engage in the conversation either. Instead, he opted to listen to you intently, remaining silent but close by. It was as though he was silently observing the situation and trying to gauge the extent of the Ministry's ignorance towards the looming threat of Voldemort's return. Despite his silence, his presence conveyed a sense of support and solidarity with you, knowing how frustrating it can be to deal with incompetent people.
Remus nodded, showing empathy for your words. "And how is life at Hogwarts?" This time his eyes shifted between you and Severus, gently trying to include him in the discussion. 
"Life at Hogwarts is fine, Remus. I do miss you sometimes, especially after the traumatic events of last year. However, I believe a quiet year at Hogwarts would be uncharacteristic and not as enjoyable." You noticed Remus's efforts to include Severus in the conversation and appreciated it. You turned to Severus and offered him a small smile before turning back to Remus. 
"Severus has been a great help giving me his support, as always," you said, acknowledging his presence. "He's been doing a fantastic job with the students and has been invaluable in maintaining order and discipline. I am still learning from him."
Severus gave a small nod of acknowledgement but said nothing, remaining stoic as always. 
Remus looked at him with a hint of surprise, but then nodded in appreciation. "I'm glad to hear that he's been of such great help," he said, his voice filled with genuine warmth.
You nodded in agreement, grateful for Severus's unwavering support. "Yes, I don't know what I would do without him," you said with affection. "He's been a true asset to Hogwarts and to me, personally." Severus didn't say anything, but you could tell that he was pleased by your words. You had succeeded in alleviating the uneasiness without having to address it head-on, and you felt a sense of accomplishment.
As Arthur approached, you could hear the excited chatter of the teenagers growing louder, signalling the end of your brief respite. You took a deep breath, bracing yourself for the inevitable chaos that would soon ensue.
"Professor Y/f/n," Harry and his friends greeted you with beaming faces. Being one of the youngest teachers, you shared a special bond with your students, and they felt at ease around you. Despite your strict teaching style, you always made sure to be kind to them. You returned their greeting with warmth, delighted to see them looking so happy despite the recent events.
The Weasley twins, as mischievous as ever, greeted you with a twinkle in their eyes. "Evening, Professor," they said in unison, each giving you a playful wink before taking their seats at the table. 
As the Weasley twins settled in beside you, you couldn't help but notice Severus's sudden change in demeanour. His face, which had been relaxed and calm just moments before, now appeared tense and uncomfortable once again. It was clear that having to sit beside the mischievous twins was not something he relished.
Your eyes drifted towards Severus, but he seemed to be avoiding your gaze as he focused on his empty plate. The tension in his shoulders was palpable, and you could tell that it was taking a significant amount of effort for him to remain civil in the company of those he despised. It was unusual for him to hold back his snarky comments, and his usual biting wit was absent. It almost seemed as though he was waiting for the dinner to be over, holding his breath until he could leave the table.
You couldn't help but wonder if Severus was making an effort to tolerate the Weasley twins and the other members of the Order for your sake. Perhaps he was aware of how much you valued your friendly relationship with your students, even the most unruly ones, and didn't want to ruin that for you. Or maybe he simply didn't want to create any more tension than there already was. 
You knew that Severus valued your opinion, and his behaviour tonight made you appreciate his efforts to maintain a sense of civility in a difficult situation.
As you watched them settle in for the meal, you couldn't help but feel grateful for their energy and enthusiasm. Even though their antics could be exhausting at times, they were a reminder of why you had chosen to become a teacher in the first place. "I'm glad to see all of you, too." you said with a smile. 
Once everyone was seated and settled, Molly came in with the main course, expertly serving each plate with a generous portion. The aromas wafting from the dishes were delightful, and you could see that Molly had put her heart and soul into cooking this meal. You made sure to compliment her on the delicious food, and she beamed with pride, happy to have brought everyone together.
As the meal progressed, you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging amidst the lively and joyful discussion. Despite the tense atmosphere that hung over the wizarding world, this group of people gathered around the table felt like a strange little family, with their own unique relationships and dynamics. You observed as Harry and his friends eagerly shared stories, the Weasley twins interjecting with their usual humorous commentary. You noticed that even the most reserved members of the group, such as Remus and Tonks, were beginning to open up and join in.
As you looked around the table, you couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and belonging amidst the lively conversation and the delicious meal. 
However, your attention was drawn to Severus, who sat across from you, his eyes fixed on his plate. It was not uncommon for him to be withdrawn and quiet, but there was something different about his demeanour tonight. He looked as if he was in hell, as if he was forcing himself to endure the conversations around him and the overall good atmosphere.
You tried to catch his eye, to let him know that you were there for him, but he seemed to be avoiding your gaze. Wanting to offer him some comfort, you decided to try a subtle approach. Under the table, you gently brushed your foot against his leg, hoping to get his attention. It worked, and he raised his head at the sudden contact. You greeted his gaze with a gentle smile, hoping to put him at ease.
However, your smile disappeared just as soon. As you caught Severus' gaze, you couldn't help but notice the intense and hungry look in his eyes. The way his pupils dilated and fixated on you made your heart skip a beat, his passion made you feel powerless and crushed under the weight of his affection. It was as if he wanted to consume you, to be by your side at all times. 
You were his prey, and he just wanted to devour you. 
And then it hit you, understand why he was behaving like that - he had been waiting for this moment, for you, for what felt like an eternity. All he wanted was to be by your side, to devour you and make you his completely. Watching you from afar, yet so close and so distant was an ordeal for him, his patience was wearing thin. And all he could do now was convey his deepest desires through his piercing gaze.
As his gaze bore into you, you felt your body responding in ways that you couldn't control. The heat rose from deep within you, and you found yourself almost trembling with the intensity of his hunger. The silent exchange was enough to make your insides quiver and your panties wet. 
You couldn't deny that the way he looked at you made your heart race and your thoughts turn to him with an almost obsessive desire. It was both thrilling and terrifying to feel this way. You knew that you were vulnerable to his gaze, and you hated yourself for it. But at the same time, it was impossible to deny the excitement that ran through you whenever he looked at you with such need.
Despite the way your body was responding, you knew that you had to stay in control. You couldn't let your desires get the best of you, not when you were still in public. So you took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, and focused on the present moment. But it was a constant battle, as you couldn't help but feel the pull towards him, the desire to be by his side and give in to everything he wanted.
Severus' touch was unexpected yet electrifying.
His delicate hand grasped your ankle with your feet still at his reach with a firmness that commanded your attention, causing a sudden pause in your actions. The clatter of cutlery faded into the background as your focus shifted entirely to the sensation of his fingers against your skin.
His touch, seemingly innocent, began to explore with a deliberate and sensuous intent. His fingertips traced a slow and deliberate path, starting from your ankle and gradually moving upward, their gentle pressure leaving a trail of heightened sensitivity in their wake. 
As his fingers continued their ascent, traversing the softness of your calf, the intensity of your desire grew. The world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the intoxicating connection between the two of you. The brush of his fingertips against your skin set your nerves ablaze, each caress igniting a fire that spread through every inch of your being.
Caught in his gaze, you could see the flicker of mischief in his eyes, a knowing glint that hinted at the effect he was having on you. It was a dance of desire and restraint, a delicate balance between succumbing to the overwhelming attraction and maintaining a semblance of control. The anticipation hung heavy in the air, each passing moment increasing the intensity of the encounter.
The air crackled with tension, the unspoken invitation lingering between you. You could almost taste the unbridled passion that pulsed through your veins, yearning to be unleashed.
"Y/n? Is everything alright?" Tonks' voice cut through the secret connection you were sharing with Severus. "You're all flushed," she added, her concern evident in her voice.
You instinctively ran your hand over your cheeks, as if seeking confirmation. Indeed, your skin felt warm, a telltale sign of a mixture of embarrassment and desire. You let out a light laugh, attempting to dismiss any suspicions. "Oh, it's just the heat. Molly's dish is quite spicy," you quickly offered an excuse, hoping to divert attention away from the real cause of your flushed complexion.
Meanwhile, Severus' hand remained on your calf, continuing its gentle exploration with a teasing touch. His fingertips seemed to dance along your skin, igniting a trail of sensations that sent shivers down your spine.
Tonks smiled softly, her eyes reflecting a genuine concern. "If there's something bothering you, don't hesitate to let me know. You must be tired," she offered, extending her support and understanding.
You returned Tonks' smile, grateful for her attentiveness, and replied, "Thank you. I appreciate your concern. It's just been a long day, but I'll manage." You hoped your words conveyed a sense of reassurance, even as your mind remained captivated by the intoxicating presence of Severus and the allure of the forbidden connection that pulsed between you.
Yet, despite the undeniable pull, you knew that discretion and composure were paramount. The lingering touch of his fingers was a testament to the desires that simmered beneath the surface, but it was essential to maintain a façade of restraint, at least for now. The depths of your connection would be explored in due time, when the moment will be right.
With a subtle flicker of his lips, a smirk that conveyed both his satisfaction and the promise of what lay ahead, Severus withdrew his touch, leaving you longing for more.
You took a deep breath, attempting to steady yourself, to reclaim the fragments of composure that had momentarily slipped away. The meal resumed, though the taste of anticipation still lingered on your lips, as you continued to navigate the delicate dance of desire and restraint, yearning for the moment when the boundaries would finally dissolve, and the hunger between you would be satisfied.
"Well, I appreciate the evening, but I believe it's time for me to retire for the night," you announced, rising from the comfortable couch positioned next to the crackling fire. The evening had unfolded rather smoothly, without any major problems.
Harry and his friends had bid their goodnights and retired to their rooms, leaving the adults to enjoy their own conversations and activities. Throughout the evening, various groups had formed, each indulging in their own preferred pastimes. You had found yourself gravitating towards a cosy corner of the room where a friendly card game had taken shape. Remus, Severus, and Arthur had joined you, creating a dynamic mix of wit, skill, and good-natured competition.
Laughter filled the air as the game progressed. Strategies were devised, cunning moves were made, and lighthearted banter echoed around the room. Despite the occasional setback, you had managed to hold your own, refusing to succumb to defeat easily. The competitive spirit within you burned brightly, refusing to back down.
However, to your dismay, luck wasn’t by your side this evening.
"Y/n simply cannot tolerate losing," he playfully remarked, his dark eyes gleaming with amusement. His voice carried a sly undertone, accompanied by a mischievous smirk that danced across his lips. 
The comment elicited a chorus of chuckles from the group, adding to the jovial atmosphere. “Sev, please,” you shot Severus a playful glare, a mixture of mock indignation and amusement shining in your eyes. “I really am tired.”
"Ah, Y/n, don't worry," Remus interjected with a lighthearted chuckle through the exchange, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "We all have our off days. Fatigue can certainly play tricks on our minds."
Severus let out a soft sigh, carefully arranging his cards on the coffee table as he spoke. "Indeed, it seems our esteemed Y/n has been overtaken by weariness tonight," he remarked, his tone tinged with a hint of teasing. He rose from his seat, his tall figure casting a shadow over the room. 
Placing a reassuring hand on the small of your back, he guided you gently, "I'm afraid I must bid you all goodnight as well," Severus announced, his voice carrying a note of finality. 
As you made your way towards the exit, your eyes landed on Sirius seated across the room, engrossed in conversation with the other members while leisurely sipping his coffee. Despite your attempts to slip away unnoticed, Sirius's mischievous voice echoed through the space, causing a rush of embarrassment to colour your cheeks once again.
"Remember, no need to make too much noise tonight," Sirius playfully interjected, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. The remark caught you off guard, leaving you feeling both flustered and frustrated. With a furrowed brow, you couldn't help but respond, your tone reflecting your offence.
"Seriously?" you retorted, a touch of annoyance in your voice.
Sirius shrugged playfully, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he responded to your indignation. "Oh, come on now, Y/n. Don't be so uptight. We're all adults here," he teased, taking a sip of his coffee. "Besides, with such a stunning lady by my side, I can't help but let my imagination run wild. But fear not, my dear Severus, I won't pry into your intimate affairs. Some things are best left unsaid, don't you agree?"
Severus, ever the master of composed restraint, let out a disapproving huff. His grip on the small of your back tightened imperceptibly, a subtle sign of his displeasure, or it was a subtle display of possessiveness, a silent assertion of his claim over you. "Sirius, your insinuations are neither amusing nor necessary," he retorted coolly. "I assure you, Y/n's personal life is of no concern to you. And as for my own, well, that's a private matter that shall remain so."
His words carried a firmness that spoke volumes about his boundaries and his determination to protect you.
Sensing the tension, the other members of the group exchanged glances, momentarily taken aback by the shift in atmosphere. Molly, ever the mediator, decided to interject, her voice filled with warmth. "Now, now, let's not dwell on personal matters, shall we? We're here to enjoy each other's company."
Setting his coffee cup aside, Sirius's lips curled into a mischievous smirk. "Well, as the one sleeping in the neighbouring room, I do have a right to voice my concerns," he remarked playfully. "After all, a peaceful night's sleep is of utmost importance."
Severus's response was laced with a calm yet unsettling neutrality, his gaze fixed unwaveringly on Sirius. "If that's the case, Sirius, then I suggest you prepare yourself," he retorted, his tone carrying a heavy hidden meaning. The words hung in the air, leaving the rest of the group momentarily stunned, their breath caught in their throats.
In that moment, the room fell into an uneasy silence, the tension palpable. It was as if the playful banter had taken an unexpected turn, delving into uncharted territory. All eyes were on Severus and Sirius, their dynamic sparking curiosity and intrigue.
You felt the weight of Severus's gaze upon you, his hand on the small of your back providing both grounding and a subtle reminder of his presence. The charged atmosphere stirred a whirlwind of emotions within you—excitement, anticipation, and a touch of apprehension. 
As the seconds ticked by, Severus broke the silence with a restrained sigh, his expression betraying a mix of resignation and determination. "Let us leave it at that, Sirius," he stated, his voice low and tinged with a hint of warning. With a brief nod towards the remaining members of the group, acknowledging their presence, Severus redirected his focus solely on you, his eyes softened and filled with a familiar tenderness.
With a mixture of anticipation, you followed Severus's lead, your eyes briefly meeting Remus's warm and sympathetic gaze as you departed. As the two of you walked away, you could sense the tension from Severus still lingering in the air. The air felt charged with an unspoken tension, a palpable connection that seemed to intensify with each passing moment.
As you ascended the stairs alongside Severus, he turned his gaze towards you, his tone laced with concern. "Are you truly exhausted?" he inquired, his words serving as a subtle attempt to ease the tension that had lingered in the air.
A tender smile graced your lips, and you shook your head gently, conveying reassurance. "I am never weary when it comes to you, so there's no need to worry about me," you replied, your voice filled with warmth and sincerity.
His countenance visibly shifted, his aura transforming in response to your words. The once-stern lines on his face softened, replaced by a glimmer of contentment. It was as though your assurance had lifted a weight off his shoulders, offering solace in the midst of an unspoken storm.
A playful spark danced in his eyes as he seized the opportunity to tease you, commenting wryly on your performance in the earlier game. "Well, if you weren't exhausted, then you certainly exhibited quite the lackluster skills tonight," he remarked with a hint of sarcasm, his words carrying a gentle jest.
Your laughter echoed through the corridor, a melodic sound that harmonised with the ambiance of the moment. His playful banter had a way of easing your heart, encouraging a lightness to replace any lingering tension. Together, you continued down the hallway, guided by Severus towards the room that would be shared for the duration of your stay.
With a gentle sigh, Severus turned the doorknob, allowing you to enter the room. "It seems this house isn't the most inviting," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration. Stepping aside, he gestured for you to enter, his eyes searching your face for any sign of dissatisfaction. "Nevertheless, I've tried my best to secure one of the better rooms and make it as welcoming as possible for your arrival."
His words touched a chord within you, and a wave of gratitude washed over your heart. It was incredibly thoughtful of him to go to such lengths for your comfort. Taking a moment to absorb the surroundings, you scanned the room. Your suitcase rested in the corner, thoughtfully placed there by Arthur earlier. The overall atmosphere was reminiscent of a bygone era, with a faint musty scent hanging in the air. However, you could discern the effort Severus had put into improving its condition, and the room appeared in better shape than the rest of the house.
A genuine smile adorned your face as you reassured him, your voice filled with warmth. "It's absolutely perfect, Severus. Please don't worry about it," you replied, appreciating his sincere efforts. The gesture itself held more significance to you than the physical appearance of the room. In that moment, you realised how lucky you were to have someone who cared deeply for your comfort and well-being.
The sound of the door clicking shut echoed in the room, signifying that Severus had taken the precaution to lock it. Yet, as he spoke again, the tenderness that had been present earlier seemed to vanish completely. His words dripped with frustration and irritation, emphasised by the way his teeth clenched together. Turning towards you, his presence suddenly became overwhelming, almost taking your breath away. It was as if a storm had brewed within him, and you found yourself caught in its intensity.
"We've been interrupted three times," he seethed, his voice laced with anger. His gaze bore into yours, conveying his exasperation and disappointment. "You have no idea how much I've longed for this moment, and they had to ruin it, as they always do," he vented, his emotions palpable in the air.
Severus had always been a man who wore his irritations on his sleeve. Witnessing his anger or frustration was not uncommon, but this time, it felt different. It sent a surge of adrenaline through your veins, causing your heart to race with a mixture of apprehension and exhilaration. The raw intensity in his eyes stirred something deep within you, drawing you closer to him.
Determined to soothe his mounting agitation, you stepped towards him, your hand finding its way to his chest. Placing it gently against his sternum, you sought to convey a sense of calm and reassurance. "But I'm here now," you murmured softly, your voice infused with warmth and understanding. “I also have been waiting for you.”
With a firm yet gentle grip, his hand closed around your wrist, conveying a sense of possession and determination. His grip on your wrist was firm, yet gentle enough not to cause any discomfort. "I won't allow them to have the power to ruin what belongs to us," he stated, his voice filled with determination.
His words elicited a smile from your lips, touched by the way he unabashedly expressed his sentiments to you. It was a testament to the trust and intimacy you shared, knowing that he could freely convey his emotions without reservation. As your gazes locked, the intensity in his eyes mirrored the depth of his feelings, captivating you in a shared connection that transcended words. In that moment, you could sense the unwavering devotion and protectiveness he held towards you, a bond that no external disturbance could tarnish.
As you parted your lips to respond, his touch took a more assertive turn. His other hand found its place at your waist, applying gentle pressure that pushed you backward, causing you to stumble and land on the bed. The suddenness of his actions stole your breath away, leaving you momentarily stunned. "Severus?" you called out, your voice laced with a mixture of uncertainty and intrigue, a hint of curiosity lingering in the air.
In the blink of an eye, he loomed above you, a commanding presence that sent a rush of anticipation coursing through your veins. His knees secured your position, straddling you, a physical assertion of his control. Time seemed to stand still as his gaze locked with yours, filled with a raw intensity that set your heart ablaze. Without hesitation, his lips descended upon yours, capturing them in a passionate embrace that spoke volumes of the desire and longing that had been building between you.
The kiss was a whirlwind of sensations, an intoxicating dance between two souls hungry for each other. His lips melded with yours in a fiery union, their warmth and softness sending electric jolts through your entire being. The firm yet gentle pressure of his mouth against yours created a perfect balance, igniting a rush of desire that coursed through your veins.
Severus' kiss was an exquisite fusion of tenderness and ravenous hunger, his expertise evident in every calculated movement. His lips navigated your mouth with an artful precision, as though he had committed every contour to memory. It was a mesmerising dance of tongues, a symphony of desires interweaving in perfect synchronisation.
As the moments slipped away, the kiss intensified, drawing you deeper into a realm of unreserved passion and surrender. His hands traced the delicate curves of your face, fingertips entwined in the strands of your hair, unable to resist the magnetic allure between you. The yearning in his touch mirrored the fervour of his tongue, engaging in a hypnotic tango with yours.
The taste of him lingered on your tongue, a tantalising fusion of warmth and a subtle whisper of mint. It permeated your senses, etching itself indelibly into the recesses of your memory. With each exchange, the kiss became an unspoken testament to the raw desire that coursed between you, an orchestration of sensations that reverberated through your entire being.
In the timeless embrace, the boundaries of time and space dissolved, leaving only the profound connection and shared longing. It was a kiss that transcended words, speaking volumes in the language of passion and yearning. Within that intimate moment, you could feel the depths of his longing, the unyielding intensity of his desire for you, as though he had been suppressing it for an eternity, finally succumbing to the irresistible pull of his emotions.
As the kiss finally broke, a trail of soft breaths lingered between you, a palpable connection that bridged the gap between your souls.
"Severus, please," your silent plea escaped your lips, a desperate yearning emanating from deep within. The words carried a multitude of desires and fantasies, a kaleidoscope of longings that swirled within your mind. You were overwhelmed by the multitude of possibilities, unsure of which specific craving you sought to satiate. 
But still, you begged.
"Y/n, I'll make you feel exquisite," he murmured, his voice a velvety caress against your ear. As his hand left the softness of your face, it descended upon the button of your skirt, his touch sending shivers down your spine. With practised ease, his fingers skillfully manipulated the fastening, releasing the fabric from its confines, allowing it to pool at your feet. His movements were precise, executed with a confidence that spoke of his expertise in the art of seduction.
With each layer of clothing that fell away, the air grew heavy with anticipation. You laid before him, bared and vulnerable, your body a canvas yearning to be explored by his skilled hands. “Trust me,” there was an undeniable intensity in the air, an unspoken agreement that he would take you on a journey of pleasure and ecstasy.
The room seemed to hold its breath as his eyes hungrily drank in the sight of your exposed form. Every curve, every contour was a work of art that ignited a primal hunger within him. It was as if he had studied you from afar, memorising every detail, every secret desire, and now, finally, he had the opportunity to indulge in them.
Severus moved closer, his body now mere inches away from yours. The warmth of his breath fanned across your skin, teasing and tantalising your senses. His fingers traced a path along your waist, his touch leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. The anticipation built, a palpable energy that crackled in the air, as his hands travelled lower, inching closer to the apex of your desire.
Bending down, Severus's hands firmly gripped your thighs, pulling them upwards, exposing the vulnerability that lay between them. In an instant, his face descended between your parted legs, his warm breath teasing your most intimate parts. The sheer intensity of the moment overwhelmed you, causing a mixture of desire and embarrassment to wash over you.
Your hands instinctively rose to cover your face, a reflexive response to the rush of self-consciousness that flooded your being. "Sev... You don't have to..." your voice faltered, a blend of uncertainty and hesitancy lacing your words, as if unsure of how to navigate the sea of conflicting emotions swirling within you.
However, before you could utter another word, he silenced you with his commanding tone, reminiscent of the authority he usually held within the walls of his classroom. "Y/n, you're already wet, let me taste you," his voice was stern, cutting through the air with a firmness that sent a shiver down your spine. 
The raw power behind his words conveyed both his dominance and his unwavering determination to deliver pleasure. It was a tone that demanded surrender, leaving no room for doubt or hesitation.
As his fingers continued their exploration of your thigh, tracing delicate patterns against your heated skin, a sense of anticipation and desire began to build within you. The gentle touch sent electric currents of anticipation through your veins, heightening your senses and leaving you yearning for more.
And then, with a swift yet deliberate movement, his warm tongue found its way to your slickness, gliding along your folds with an expertise that left you breathless. The sensation was both delicate and demanding, as he skillfully flicked, lapped, and swirled his tongue against your most intimate area. Waves of pleasure washed over you, cascading through every nerve ending, as he explored the depths of your desires with an unwavering dedication.
The sensation was an intoxicating blend of softness and intensity, as his tongue teased and tasted, coaxing your arousal to new heights. The rhythmic motions of his mouth created a symphony of pleasure, drawing out muffled moans of ecstasy from deep within you. You surrendered to the sensations, losing yourself in the swirling sensations that enveloped your being.
You couldn't help but arch your back, surrendering to the intoxicating symphony of sensations that engulfed you. The combination of his warm breath and the wet heat of his tongue created a sensory overload, amplifying your pleasure to unimaginable heights. Your hands instinctively reached out, grasping at the sheets, desperately seeking an anchor in the sea of ecstasy.
The intensity of the moment was both exhilarating and overwhelming, as the boundaries between pleasure and vulnerability blurred into a seamless fusion of desire. The raw passion and expertise with which Severus pleasured you showcased his deep understanding of your wants and needs, leaving you utterly spellbound by his prowess.
Just as the intensity of the moment reached its peak, a sudden knocking at the door shattered the air, jolting you both out of the euphoric trance. Your hand instinctively flew to cover your mouth, a mix of embarrassment and concern flooding your senses. Had your impassioned cries betrayed your pleasure, reaching the ears of unwanted listeners despite your efforts? The uncertainty gripped you, locking your gaze with Severus in a silent exchange of anxious anticipation.
Severus, on the other hand, wore a distinct expression of irritation as his eyes narrowed in frustration. It seemed as if fate had conspired against you both, cruelly interrupting your stolen moment of intimacy once again. For a fleeting moment, he contemplated ignoring the persistent knocking, wanting to relish in the connection you shared. However, the relentless sound continued, demanding attention that couldn't be ignored.
“I’m going to commit murder,” he simply said.
With a deep, exasperated groan, he reluctantly withdrew, leaving you momentarily abandoned, your body pulsating with unfulfilled desire. As he made his way towards the door, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for the unfortunate soul on the other side, unknowingly intruding upon a sacred and intimate space.
Severus approached the door with an exasperated sigh, his brow furrowed in annoyance. The interruption had shattered the intimate atmosphere that had enveloped the room, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. He opened it just enough to face the intruder, leaving you partially exposed on the bed without a hint of concern. His stance conveying his displeasure at the untimely disturbance.
"Professor Snape?" The voice on the other side belonged to none other than George Weasley, at least, it was only one half of the mischievous twins.
Severus's tone was laced with irritation as he responded, "What do you want, Weasley?"
The poor boy seemed taken aback by Severus's sharp retort, stumbling over his words as he struggled to find an explanation. "I was told...- I thought this was Professor Y/n's room..."
Severus took a deep breath, and you could tell that his mind was working through the dilemma before him. The secrecy of your relationship, particularly in the context of being caught by a student, weighed heavily on his thoughts. He was torn between maintaining the discretion you both had agreed upon and addressing the unexpected intrusion.
Contrary to your expectations, he made a decision that surprised you. His voice carried a firmness that left no room for debate as he spoke, partially confirming the relationship you shared. "Yes, this is also Professor Y/n's room," he acknowledged, subtly acknowledging the connection between the two of you. "However, she is currently resting, exhausted from her day at the Ministry," he added, using the pretence of your fatigue to buy you both some reprieve. "Whatever you wanted to convey to her, can wait until tomorrow."
Severus directed a stern gaze at George, silently conveying that the matter was to be dropped and the conversation postponed. It was clear that Severus's authority and determination had left little room for further discussion. The room fell into an awkward silence, the weight of the interrupted intimacy still lingering in the air.
"Oh!" George's exclamation carried a tone of realisation and embarrassment, as if he had only just grasped the magnitude of his intrusion. “I-I’m extremely sorry!” The sound of his fumbling words reached your ears, hinting at his deep sense of remorse. It was unusual for one of the mischievous twins to offer such a sincere apology.
Severus, displaying his characteristic blend of authority and severity, began to close the door in response to George's realisation. However, he paused for a moment, reopening it slightly to deliver a stern warning. "Remember this," he asserted, his voice laced with a chilling intensity. "If a single word of what you witnessed here escapes your lips, rest assured that the punishment you will endure will be the most agonising and prolonged experience of your entire time at Hogwarts."
The weight of Severus's threat hung in the air, serving as a stark reminder of the consequences that awaited anyone who dared to breach the sanctity of your private moment. With a swift and decisive motion, Severus shut the door, cutting off any further opportunity for conversation. The distinct sound of the lock being secured echoed through the room, providing an additional layer of assurance that your intimacy would remain undisturbed.
As you slowly lifted your head, your eyes locked with Severus's, a mixture of amusement and desire shining in their depths. His return to the foot of the bed brought a renewed focus to the intimate connection between you, despite the temporary interruption caused by George's untimely intrusion.
With a playful glimmer in your eyes, you couldn't help but comment on the unintended consequences of Severus's stern demeanour. "Severus, you must have frightened poor George to the point of turning him as pale as a ghost," you remarked, a gentle laugh escaping your lips. The image of the flustered and embarrassed student played in your mind, a testament to Severus's ability to command authority even in unexpected situations.
Severus's smile grew, a mix of pride and amusement at the unintended outcome of his actions. "I do hope I left a lasting impression," he responded, his hands finding their way back to your thighs, his touch eliciting a shiver of anticipation. "Consider yourself fortunate, my dear, for if you were not well-behaved and such a good girl, I would have no reservations about employing a similar tone in our private moments."
His words, laced with a subtle hint of dominance and desire, had an immediate effect on you. A surge of arousal pulsed through your veins, making your cheeks flush with a deeper shade of crimson. You couldn't resist the temptation to surrender further, leaning back and resting your head against the bed, allowing the mounting anticipation to wash over you.
You didn’t have the time to think back about the situation as Severus's tongue trailed along your inner thigh. A soft gasp escaped your lips, mingling with the charged atmosphere.
The sensation was electrifying, a delicate blend of pleasure and anticipation coursing through your veins. Every nerve in your body seemed to come alive once again, acutely aware of the exquisite touch that was igniting a fierce desire within you. As his tongue continued its slow ascent, inching closer to the apex of your thighs, a cascade of sensations engulfed you.
The wetness of his tongue against your heated skin sent waves of pleasure cascading through your core. Each flick and stroke of his skilled tongue elicited a gasp or a moan, escaping your lips in a symphony of ecstasy. Time seemed to lose all meaning as you surrendered yourself to the intoxicating pleasure that enveloped you.
Severus's movements were a masterful dance, his tongue exploring every delicate fold with a blend of gentleness and fervour. The mix of sensations—his warm breath, the softness of his lips, the flickering caresses of his tongue—created a symphony of pleasure that resonated deep within your being.
“Sev-” you moaned out, desperate. You tried to keep your voice as quiet as possible, but it was an ordeal.
His touch on your most sensitive area sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, intensifying the already heightened sensations. With expert precision, his fingers skillfully caressed and teased your bundle of nerves, drawing out moans of delight from deep within you. The rhythmic patterns his thumb traced on that delicate spot were both languid and agonisingly pleasurable, amplifying your arousal with each gentle stroke.
As his other hand abandoned its place on your thigh, a new wave of anticipation washed over you. You could feel the slickness of your arousal, inviting and eager, as his fingers smoothly slid inside you, exploring your depths with slowness. The combination of his skillful touch and the intimate intrusion sent a surge of pleasure through your entire being, igniting a fiery desire within you.
Every movement of his fingers, both inside and out, was a calculated dance, aimed at driving you to the brink of ecstasy. The way he expertly manipulated your pleasure points and delved deeper into your wetness only served to heighten your arousal, pushing you closer to the edge with each passing moment. You were soaking wet for him, you were so soft for his touch. The sensations became a symphony of pleasure, building and crescendoing with every stroke and thrust, until you were consumed by the overwhelming pleasure that radiated throughout your body.
You surrendered to the intoxicating sensations, your body writhing and arching in response to his touch. Each flick of his thumb and tongue, each thrust of his fingers, brought you closer to the pinnacle of pleasure, driving you towards a release that was bound to be earth-shattering.
In that moment, all that mattered was the exquisite pleasure he was bestowing upon you, the way he skillfully played your body like an instrument, coaxing out the sweetest melodies of desire. The room was filled with the symphony of your moans, mingling with the sound of your rapid breaths and the intoxicating scent of passion that permeated the air. 
You couldn’t hold back anymore, it was too overwhelming. 
Lost in the sea of pleasure, you surrendered yourself completely to him, allowing him to guide you towards the peak of your desires. With each movement, each touch, he brought you closer to the edge, until finally, in a crescendo of ecstasy, you were consumed by a wave of pleasure that washed over you, leaving you breathless and utterly satiated.
As the waves of pleasure subsided and you basked in the afterglow, you couldn't help but marvel at the sheer intensity of the experience. Severus had taken you on a journey of bliss, exploring the depths of your desires and leaving you craving for more. The sensations lingered, etching themselves into your memory, as a testament to the passionate connection you shared in that intimate moment.
You lay there, breathless and content, in the aftermath of the pleasure he had gifted you. The room was filled with an air of satisfaction, a sweet reminder of the intimate bond you and Severus shared.
"Is this ordeal ever going to end?" The sound of Sirius' voice, muffled yet audible through the wall, pierced the post-coital silence of the room. His words hung in the air, a reminder of the intrusion that had interrupted your intimate moment.
Severus rose from his position with deliberate slowness, his gaze fixed on the wall as he wiped his mouth. The evidence of your intense encounter glistened on his lips and chin, and you couldn't help but feel a mixture of satisfaction and amusement at the sight. Your arousal had been so intense that it had left its mark, dampening the fabric of his shirt near his mouth.
An exasperated grunt escaped Severus, a tinge of despair colouring his voice as he rolled his eyes in frustration. The lack of privacy and peace in the house weighed heavily on him, and it was clear that the continuous interruptions were testing his patience. The intrusion from the outside world seemed relentless, disrupting the intimate moments you shared and preventing the tranquillity you both craved.
"Seems like peace and privacy are luxuries we're not allowed to have," he muttered, his annoyance palpable. The words held a sense of resignation, acknowledging the unfortunate reality that seemed to follow you wherever you went. The lack of uninterrupted privacy dampened the mood, casting a shadow over the blissful connection you had just experienced.
You shared a knowing glance with Severus, a mix of amusement and understanding passing between you. Despite the frustrations, you found solace in the fact that you were in this together, navigating the challenges that came with the circumstances.
"I apologise, Sev," you sighed, the frustration evident in your voice. This unexpected series of interruptions had turned your much-anticipated reunion with Severus into a chaotic and disjointed affair.
He leaned in closer, shaking his head in reassurance before planting a tender kiss on your lips. "There's no need to be sorry. It's not your fault," he whispered, his words carrying a soothing tone that eased your worries. The rare smile that graced his lips brought a sense of warmth and comfort.
With a shared understanding, Severus guided you to the task at hand—undressing for bed. His gestures were tender and gentle, a testament to the care and affection he held for you. It was as if the evening's disruptions had reminded him of the need for solace and intimacy, prompting a shift in focus from passion to nurturing comfort.
Together, you helped each other out of your clothes, a silent exchange of support and vulnerability. The intimacy of the moment was not lost, even as the initial plans were derailed. With each touch and movement, there was a shared sense of tenderness and a reaffirmation of the bond you shared.
Finally, dressed in comfortable pyjamas, you prepared for bed side by side. The lingering frustrations of the evening were gradually replaced by a serene acceptance of the present moment. As you settled under the covers, the weight of the interrupted passions gave way to the peaceful anticipation of restful sleep, secure in the knowledge that there would be time for uninterrupted intimacy in the days to come.
Severus embraced you tenderly, his face nestled in the curve of your neck. His nose inhaled deeply as if seeking solace in your scent. His hands traced soothing patterns along your hips, a gesture that conveyed both comfort and a silent promise. "When we return to Hogwarts, I vow to make every evening count," he murmured, his voice filled with determination and a genuine desire to make amends for the interrupted moments.
His words resonated within you, eliciting a heartfelt smile that spoke volumes about your trust in his intentions. You knew that his pledge was not merely a fleeting remark but a sincere commitment to creating cherished memories in the future.
With a surge of emotion, you found yourself uttering the three words that held so much meaning. "I love you," you whispered, your voice filled with gratitude and adoration for the man lying beside you. The weight of those words carried the depth of your appreciation for his presence.
In response, Severus reciprocated your declaration, his deep voice resonating in the dimly lit room. "I love you too, Y/n," he affirmed, his words echoing with sincerity and a tenderness that touched your soul. With those simple yet profound sentiments, you both found solace and reassurance in the unspoken promises of a shared future.
As the room fell into a tranquil darkness, you reached out to switch off the light, allowing the soothing embrace of sleep to envelop you. In that moment, you felt a profound sense of peace, knowing that love had triumphed over the interruptions of the evening, and that your connection with Severus would continue to grow stronger with each passing day.
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indras-wife · 6 months
may I request Yandere Indra with his s/o escaping him?
Heyyy! I am so sorry this request took me ages to complete as I was super busy with my studies. 🥺 Despite taking my time I hope you will the request. Yandere Indra is such a hot concept for me. That man is the embodiment of crazy person who will do anything to stay with his lover forever. Hope you enjoy this❤️💖
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Y/n thought a lot about her plan of escape very thoroughly for months. She was in an arranged marriage, one she never agreed to and hated her married life the minute it started. She knew very well that if her husband caught her running away, he would undoubtedly punish her or even worse kill her. After all, he was known as the “Red eyed demon” in these lands where they settled. But she could not help herself, her mind was continuously wondering about the life she could have if it was not for that man. She wanted her life and most importantly her freedom back. Living with Indra was a full nightmare for Y/n.
”But…but I don't want to marry you.!” Y/n looked at his eyes, hoping to see a change in those red rubies. Yet the only thing she saw was his unchanged and even darker expression, making it obvious that her cherished dream of being free from him will soon be crushed.
”You really think you have any freedom to decide your own future Y/n? How naive of you..~”he said, smirking. This man always got what he wanted and now he wants Y/n as his wife, the mother of his future children and his partner for life.
”You and I are destined to be together. No matter what, you belong to me. I won't let anyone or even YOU try to take what's mine away from me. Understood?” His eyes gleamed with malice as he spoke. Only at that moment did Y/n realise that the rumours about her soon to be husband were true…he truly was one crazy and merciless man who would not stop at anything to get what he wanted.
End of memory
Y/n waited till her husband left for his daily council meeting at night. She already prepared everything in advance, hoping that her plan to escape would succeed. She knew her husband would stay longer during this meeting as he was preparing for a surprise attack at the village he came from. This was the chance of the lifetime for Y/n and she would use it.
Gathering some clothes and food in her small bag, she finally came out of her house and started running towards the forest as fast as her legs could carry her. After some time of running, she started to run faster, not daring to look back or even think about being caught. Freedom seemed so close for her that she just could not stop. She was ambitious, she had to regain her freedom and her lost life. Maybe even reunite with the man she wanted to be with?
Y/n’s head was filling up with ideas of her bright future as she was running through the dark forest. Her heart, on the other side, was filled with the feeling of being scared the more she went away from her house and village.
“Stupid documents..I forgot them..” Indra was mumbling as he walked towards his house. He wrote down every plan of his, which was created by very precise calculations and wisdom that only he possesses out of every man in the village. He knew that if he wanted to make his father and brother pay. he had to rely only on his wisdom and precise methods. Or else he would fail and for him, failure is not an option.
As he entered his house, he felt a strange feeling; some sort of emptiness in the house which he never experienced. And what was weirder was his wife did not come to greet him.
“....” Indra knew something was off. “Y/n?” he said loudly, waiting for his wife to come to him.
But…there was no answer. Indra went upstairs to their bedroom, but Y/n was not there as well. He could not even sense her in the house.
Did she get kidnapped?
Did someone try to harm her?
Did someone take her away from him…?!
Or…maybe she escaped..?!!
Indra’s mind was full of ideas about what could have happened to his wife in this short period of time of his absence. He would not tolerate anyone harming her or taking her away from him. Y/n belonged to him and only him and he would make sure to let everyone, including her, know it. His mind screamed for him to go to the forest, hoping to reach those who kidnapped her. Or even to her.
Indra hurried out and ran to the forest. He would get her back no matter what. And if she was not kidnapped, but instead escaped him, he would show her the consequences of her actions without holding back.
-After some time-
Y/n was not sure how long she had been running in the forest. Everything looked the same to her, she even thought she was lost. Her legs were tired, her heart beating super fast and her mind thinking only about the escape.
As Y/n could not keep running anymore, she leaned on a tree to catch her breath.
“Kami…please help me find my way…Please…” she breathed as she closed her eyes, hoping to take a small rest and continue.
“You are calling for the WRONG god, Y/n…” Y/n heard Indra’s voice from behind her. Her body was signaling for her to not turn around. but ran, as far as she could. But she ignored her mind ans instead turned around, seeing her husband behind her.
“....!!” her eyes widened, walking back as she could not believe in her eyes.
Why is he here? Shouldn’t he be in his meeting? Did he know of her plan?
Thoughts were running in Y/n’s head, trying to make sense of what had happened.
“You were trying to escape from me huh..? And here I was thinking my wife was kidnapped, but in reality she is trying to escape from me..I thought you would NEVER do such a thing,...considering how good I treat you~” he spoke calmly, walking towards her in slow steps.
Y/n was totally freaked out. She was not expecting to be caught, and not to mention she was scared of what Indra would do to her. His calm way of speaking freaked her out even more. For him, this is a betrayal, and she knew better than anyone how Indra was dealing with people who betray him.
“Cat got your tongue dear WIFE..?” Indra quickly appeared in front of her and slammed her body on the tree. Y/n left out a small sound of pain as she could not dare to look at him. Her whole body was shaking, her heart beating fast and her mind replaying scenarios that she thought would happen to her soon enough. What will he do to her?
Kill her?
Torture her mercilessly before killing?
“I-In….Indra..I…”Y/n could only utter his name weakly, still not able to look at him. She felt too ashamed and scared to look at him. As she was trying to gather her thoughts to defend her. she heard Indra sigh deeply.
“You what? Want to tell me you are sorry? That you did not mean to ESCAPE from me, but it SOMEHOW happened..? How long were you planning this escape of yours, Y/n. Tell me…TELL ME!!” he screamed, grabbing her neck. Y/n knew he was livid. He would yell only when someone got him very angry. And she DID get him angry.
“S-SORRY…! I am sorry Indra..! Please….Please let…let me go…please!” Y/n spoke as her hot tears fell, hoping her cruel husband would really let her go.
“Let you go…?” Indra asked, his voice full of mockery. “Ah you…my SWEET, POOR WIFE~” He added, now laughing on her face. Y/Despite never bearing him laugh, she knew instantly that this wasn’t an innocent laugh. It was full of evil, mockery and foreshadowing of torture.
“I WILL NOT let you go. EVER. You are mine…Your soul, body, mind…your whole essence is MINE Y/n. There is no escape from me..and I will make sure you dont ever think about escaping AGAIN” he gripped her hand and pulled her body to his.
“W-What you plan to do with me..!?”Y/n asked, feeling scared for what will happen to her.
“Do not strain your mind thinking about it..~ You will see soon enough…~ I will make sure your legs will not work for DAYS and your mind will be blank of any idea about escaping me.”
Indra picked Y/n up and ran through the forest to their house. Something told Y/n, she would not enjoy what he would do to her and she knew that after this, she would not ever dare to escape or even think about it.
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hydrasra · 2 years
Reunions and answers
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SYNOPSIS: news spread faster than you can say "freedom." however, can you care about any of that when you're reunited with someone you've never met in person but feel strangely at ease with?
DISCLAIMER: this wasn't meant to be NOT FROM THIS WORLD's part 2 but here it is. probably swearing here and there who knows? I forgot and I'm too lazy to check. as usual, not beta nor proofread. ooc moments here and there probably. this may be the last part. don't hope for a part 3... possibly. again, reader has no gender.
TAGGING: @code-roevember
iii. "I AM NO GOD."
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"my, my... have you heard?" miko spoke as soon as she entered the plane of euthymia.
ei, who was meditating with her eyes closed, opened them and gave her full attention to her friend with a confused frown.
no greetings?
"there's someone imitating our creator it seems," the kitsune spoke so nonchalantly that the archon of eternity would have almost dismissed what she said... if it didn't involve their creator.
"who would dare do such a thing?!" crackling could be heard in within the place, depicting how ei felt and the head shrine maiden couldn't help but smirk.
"if I knew who, I would have dealt with them long ago, o' archon of eternity," miko said, putting a hand in her forehead and leaning back for dramatic effects.
"this is a serious matter, miko!" ei exclaimed, frowning at her friend.
the light-hearted expression on the head shrine maiden's face turned into a more solemn one, showing the archon that she knew the severity of it all, almost shocking the god if she didn't know her friend at all.
"I know, ei," a slight pause before she kept on talking, "I simply was trying to lighten the atmosphere at the very least."
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"are you serious?!" the chief retainer of the kamisato estate whisper yelled, shock evident on his face as a member of the shuumatsuban relayed the news to him, "has this information gone public?" the informant shook their head.
thoma stayed quiet for a few seconds, though it felt like an eternity to the informant who was starting to feel uncomfortable.
"all right," the reliable retainer said with a nod, "simply do not let that information leak to the public until my lord gives you the order to. I need to speak with him in order to know what to do."
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it has been two (2) week already since you've arrived in sumeru, though really, for you it simply felt like hours.
nahida had yet to make all of sumeru know of your arrival but you refused, for the time being. stating that you wanted to rest.
however, no matter how hard you tried to sleep these past nights, you weren't tired and it was as if your body was telling you that, no, you've not well spent your energy, despite having ran a lot a while back.
nahida was a little concerned when she took notice of how you never seemed to sleep when the rest of the whole of teyvat were peacefully asleep, dreaming or not.
was the house of surasthana not evoking the feeling of safety enough for you to shut down at night and get some well deserved rest? perhaps she could understand, this was once her jail before you came and helped her out through the traveler's actions.
"your gra-"
you sent her a playful glare and she could only sheepishly smile before correcting herself, "[name], are you uncomfortable?"
now you frowned, "why?"
she took a few steps towards you before sitting down next to you, "you haven't slept in days now."
you could only chuckle at her concern and before you could help it, your hand reached out to lightly ruffle her hair, earning a giggle from her as she tried to pull away, "my body refuses to."
nahida looked at you in concern this time as you told her the reason, "refuse to?"
you simply nodded.
"do you know why?"
a shrug was all she earned.
'I wish I knew.'
footsteps could be heard and, despite everything that nahida had tried to make you feel at ease, your body went into survival mode, ready to dash out at the mere sense of danger.
seeing you tense and looking towards the entrance, nahida pursed her lips, liyue had you so tense in such a small amount of time, huh?
"greater lord, I have brought those you have requested to you," and at wanderer's familiar voice, your body immediately relaxed but tensed once more upon seeing the acting grand sage, the leader of the forest watcher and the general mahamatra.
those three (3), however, could only stare in disbelief.
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"hello!" nilou explained upon seeing lumine walk through the streets of sumeru city, clearly on her way to the academia, or maybe the house of surasthana?
"nilou, hi!" paimon exclaimed back, giggling at the dancer as lumine approached her friend.
"hey there, nilou."
"what brought you here today?" the red hair asked, smiling wide once lumine was near enough and gently taking a hold of the traveler's hand.
"I am here to talk to your archon about something," lumine trailed off, waiting for nilou's reaction.
the girl was clueless however, just sending her a curious look and waiting for the blonde to keep talking.
lumine only chuckled before gently prying off nilou's hand from hers as paimon was simply quiet and watching, waiting for any reactions like the traveler.
"I'm so sorry, nilou, but it's rather urgent that I speak to nahida as soon as possible," she offered the dancer an apologetic smile once she saw the red hair visibly deflate, "but, I'll be sure to come to the grand bazaar and eat with you, all right?"
both paimon and nilou perked up: one at the mention of spending time together, the other at the mention of food.
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"as you all know, I have received a letter from the liyue qixin. the content of the letter was saying that an 'impostor' was within our land, hiding deep within our forests," nahida paused, looking at the three people in front of her, the other two were behind her.
those three in front of her kept throwing curious glances at their creator and nahida couldn't hide the growing smile on her lips, "however, they are wrong. this is the divine creator-"
"I apologise for interrupting, lesser lord, but how are you so sure that the one behind you is indeed their grace?" alhaitham spoke up, trying to appear as skeptical as possible, though it was no challenge to him.
nahida simply smiled as she put her hands on her small hips, "I have already confirmed that they were indeed the one that guides us with irminsul. wanderer was there with me at that time."
tighnari put a hand on his chin as cyno took a step forward and knelt down, "I believe that you have no reason to side with an impostor," he said, looking down at the ground before looking up, not at nahida, but directly at you. and he felt it, a tug at his heart.
those red eyes were intimidating in person, you'll admit that to no one but yourself.
"welcome home, your grace."
cyno's voice pulled alhaitham from his own thoughts and he looked at you, feeling a small tug at his own heart. he followed cyno suit and that made your eyes almost bulge out of their sockets, "I hope we will be able to provide you all the help you need against those that do not believe it is in fact you, our creator."
'now what in the fu-'
as if that wasn't enough, once tighnari looked at you, he knelt down too, feeling a tug at his own heart as well, "if you ever need anything, I will gladly provide."
you looked at wanderer who was smirking at those three knelt before you with an eyebrow raised.
"please get up. there's no need to kneel or whatever," you spoke up, making nahida and wanderer look at you as well, making you a little uncomfortable at being the center of attention, "and, please for the love of god, drop the 'your grace' title. just call me [name]."
as if waiting for the perfect opportunity to, the doors opened once more and inside walked a blonde traveler and her floating companion, "nahida! we have something urg- oh hey, alhaitham, cyno, tighnari, wanderer and your grace!" paimon exclaimed, happily floating nearer towards the group, "your grace?!" paimon came to a halt, a few feet further in front of lumine.
the three kneeling men now stood up, on high alert but relaxing upon seeing the traveler.
"wait, 'your grace'? paimon what are you-" lumine went quiet and seemed to be stuck in place next to paimon as she saw you, standing in front of her.
you seriously don't know why but seeing lumine made you smile warmly at her, a sight truly magnificent that if cyno could comment about it out loud, he would. though he feared of being seen as inappropriate for that.
"lumine.." you called for her by her name, and not by the name you had given her. as if her being able to tell that it was indeed you, the one that guided her through teyvat's challenges to get to her brother wasn't enough to help her ground the idea that you were here, flesh and blood, next to wanderer was not enough.
the others watched from the sidelines, though nahida was paying far greater attention. she was awaiting for the traveler's reaction to better grasp at the idea that it was indeed you their creator and that irminsul was either right or wrong depending on lumine.
a sudden invisible burden being put on poor lumine and she was not even made aware of it.
and suddenly, she ran. ran towards you before engulfing you in a hug while tackling you on the ground.
she will apologise for it after, just, please... allow her to feel like she has regained control of her life with you by her side to guide her, in the flesh this time.
laughter could be heard from you both.
small smiles were on everyone's faces.
and suddenly, the atmosphere felt lighter.
and outside, teyvat seemed brighter.
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question: what did you guys name your wanderer?
i named mine kiyoshi.
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terresdebrume · 3 months
For the WIP ask game: Edwin and Charles reunite, please?
[Ask me about my WIPs]
Hi and thanks for asking about that one, it's one of the works I'm most excited about right now (I cycle, I cycle). I had to check my tag to make sure I didn't end up sharing the same snippet as before xD
So, here's something new from draft 1:
Eye contact, with Charles, used to be easy. Or, not easy, exactly, but easier. Easier than it is with other people, at least. Right now, Edwin can barely look at his left eyebrow, but it’s enough to discern the way his frown deepens. The confused tilt of his eyebrows.
“What do you mean?” He asks.
Edwin closes his eyes against the tears threatening to boil over.
“Please, do not make this harder than it needs to be. I am talking about the message I sent you—the last one you read.”
“Edwin,” Charles says, urgency entering his voice as he takes a step closer to Edwin, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. What message?”
Edwin takes two steps back, pressing his fists together again. He looks up at Charles’ face and finds it tense and frowning but not…upset. Or avoidant. Besides… why would Charles have shouted his name in the street and ran after him if he truly was upset by Edwin’s confession? The possibility makes no sense. Edwin breathes in, then out, and his fists relax against one another.
“My… coming out to you,” he says, amending his sentence at the last minute. No sense in incriminating himself more than necessary. “You… it was marked as read, but you never answered. When we came back to school and we were told you had transferred out, I thought—”
The sound of his bookbags hitting the floor traps the rest of Edwin’s words in his throat, and then Charles is in his space again, hands on his shoulders, thumb pushing hard enough against his clavicles for Edwin to feel them through his layers. This is what Charles did when he wanted Edwin to listen to him carefully. Edwin does the same thing he did then: lifts his gaze and does his best to meet Charles’ eyes.
“I would never,” Charles starts, an intensity in his expression that has Edwin’s breath stop in his throat, “ever transfer school to get away from someone because they’re gay. Especially not a friend, and especially not you, Edwin. Never in a million years.”
Edwin lowers his eyes, tension seeping from his shoulders fast enough to leave him dizzy. His entire torso feels numb, sore in the way prolonged effort always leaves him. Edwin breathes. His eyes are still wet, but they don’t burn as much, and it’s almost easy to look at Charles again when he ducks down to find his eyes.
“Edwin,” he says, thumbs pressing harder against Edwin’s clavicles, “you were my best friend. You’re the only person I missed after I left—and it had nothing to do with you. I never got your text.”
“Yes,” Edwin agrees, frowning in confusion, “I am starting to understand that. I simply—why, then? Why did you leave, why did you not—”
Charles steps back again, burying his hands in the deep pockets of his jacket. The same patches adorn its shoulders, its elbows. On the lapel, Charles’ checkered button pin gave way to a cluster of raised fists in various shades of brown. The joystick is now a pair of Switch controllers. The Rastafarian flag is still there. The smiley pin is gone. But Charles doesn’t look entirely like his younger self until he shrinks in on himself low enough to look Edwin’s height again. Edwin’s stomach sinks.
“Things at home were uh…not great.” Charles’ hand comes up to scratch at the back of his head, and a fist squeezes around Edwin’s throat. Charles straightens up a little. Looks to the side, his face pinched. “Bad.”
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missezramay · 1 year
ted lasso, post-finale thoughts.
I went into the finale thinking yeah, if the writing serves, I can accept any outcome even if it's not exactly what I want. Instead, I was hit with a plethora of mixed emotions I didn't expect to have. Confusion, anger, hurt, annoyance, small bursts of joy in between, and just deep sadness. Almost 20 hours later and I'm still incredibly dissatisfied and processing. For the most part, finales should provide a feeling of celebration and relief. I... don't feel any of that.
I'm just really trying to pinpoint why I'm so sad.
Of course everything inevitably has to come to an end. Of course Ted was always going to reunite with his kid. Of course it's not about winning or losing. Of course Tedbecca can remain platonic if that was always the plan. Of course that's the way life goes, but...
For a show (and this season particularly) that constantly encouraged us to 'believe' and 'hope' in the idea that 'everything will work out', all those 75 minutes did was take me on an unsettling, emotional journey for no concrete reason other than to mess with the audience (the opening scene was just adding salt in the Tedbecca wound I've had since S2). Because everything in a macro sense, "worked out". But the WAY it "worked out" does not sit well with me?? And it's supposed to? For a lot of people (on Reddit/Facebook, lol), it was enough?? Richmond not technically winning and Ted leaving like that without so much as a tear? What am I missing??
When I tell you I'm trying to embrace the good parts, I'm really trying. Yes to KBPR & the women's team, Yes to Colin kissing his fella, Yes to Rebecca & Mae & the guys owning the club, Yes to Roy becoming Manager.
So... why am I still so upset? Hmm, let's see.
The boys' musical number? The cutest. Ted didn't think so.
Nate's apology? Heartbreaking. Ted didn't bat an eyelash.
Rebecca begging twice for Ted to stay? Ted, absolute silence.
Beard staying/getting married in London to his toxic gf? Comic relief, haha, fine. Except Ted wasn't there as Best Man.
Don't even get me started on the huge disservice to the Roy/Keeley/Jamie triangle.
Now listen, I get that he misses Henry & Henry misses his dad. I'm not that cold. A father/son's love is important. It was always the catalyst for this show; for him to work on himself so he can be a better father unlike the one he grew up with. That's fine.
But on this particular week. His last week with his Richmond family. There was NO sense of him being sad to leave them. He can be sad about missing Henry but he can ALSO be sad about leaving. No, he just completely checked out. He let everyone pour out their hearts (Hannah's getting her third Emmy, mark my words) to him, and he just stone-faced the entire time.
The argument is that he was internally processing, he was overwhelmed, he was trying to distance himself so it would hurt less. Fair points, okay. But this is a television show, moreover, A FINALE. TV characters, while relatable, are heightened versions of ourselves, there so we can better process our emotions and learn to handle things better in our real lives. Ted deserved MORE dialogue and displaying MORE emotion than whatever this was.
We're never going to see him again. We're over here crying along with Rebecca, Nate & Beard, but he didn't sob once. Even though he spent three years building a family with them. I even thought, hey at least he left his legacy with Trent's book but newsflash, he wanted his name taken off that too! Complete erasure.
I just feel so robbed of better moments. Like there were nice moments here and there. But they could've been BETTER. Honestly, Nate & Rebecca's breakdowns were close to perfection, so much love there. But the lack of dialogue and Ted not reciprocating? Broke ME.
I just cannot. understand. this. choice.
Massive sigh. I'm just truly baffled by the way everything wrapped up and not getting the satisfied feeling that one half of the viewership got. Maybe I'm in the minority, but that means something. It carries weight. Also, for a "three-season arc" that was planned well in advance, why all the rewrites and parallels and fakeouts... it's just cruel. But as the theme says (and maybe this was a warning all along), yeah, I guess this might well be it.
This show has given us so much and the last season flailed for the most part. I don't want to disrespect the show by being negative and cynical (looks like I failed!!) or cast blame on anyone in particular. The cast/crew are amazing people and I'll be grateful for being a part of the journey but I'm just so sad and this feeling sucks and I will never get over it.
Going to miss them. x
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