henryisalesbian · 1 year
I don’t know if your requests are still open, but if they are, can you draw one of my Arlesdale lads,,?
Also I adore your art, keep up the great work!!
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decided to say FUCK IT and draw all three :0-} i hope you like them !!
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keirawantstocry · 4 months
hi tis i 💋anon. Im running out of ways to convey my love for your writing. Just kissing you is no longer enough, I need you to kill me- Youll still get kisses ofc but- AHHHH. anyways
So ive been having Thoughts about current tubbo. I think he needs to snap and be Covered in blood. Remember day 1 that he was back? where he Immediately threatened the Chocobos cause they were noisy, yeah just snaps and kills all of em. Then just, goes about his day after, not bothering to clean anythin. I feel fit would maybe have a moment of 'WHO DID HE KILL- oh okay', maybe quietly fawning after idk, camera cut to pac. jaw on the Floor, unable to get himself together, Bright Fuckin Red.
I Dont Know i just need more of Pac (and fit lets be honest) being obsessed with men that could(and would) kill them. I also just want Tubbo covered in blood. Thats also my agenda now.
Hope youre having a good day :> (srry that these Keep Gettin Longer)
darling I need you to know that I think ab this ask every day. kisses aren't enough, you need me to kill you?? that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard in my life. I get flustered everytime I read it. gah anyway enough about me you're here for the freaks (affectionate) also never apologize for how long they are i love it
Fit's first emotion when he spotted Tubbo was concern. The second was something deep in his gut that felt eerily similar to the feeling he got seeing Pac kill people in Purgatory. Which sort of made sense considering Tubbo was currently covered in blood. 
Tubbo met his eyes with a strangely empty look. “Hey Fit.” 
“Why are you covered in blood?” And why did his voice sound so strained when he asked?
Tubbo blinked at him slowly with eyes full of emotion that contradicted his emotionless face. “I got annoyed.” 
The deep feeling in his gut overtook the concern when he realized that Tubbo hadn't hurt an islander or child. “And you haven't cleaned the blood off why?” 
Tubbo's eyebrows dipped down. “I don't know.” 
Fit took a step forward and put his hand on the least bloody part of Tubbo's shoulder. “Why don't you come home with me and let me clean you off, yeah?” 
Tubbo nodded slowly. “Yeah okay.” 
Fit had forgotten one tiny detail. The tiny detail in question was standing in the doorway of Fit’s house with an open jaw and wide eyes. 
“Pac,” Tubbo said with a stupid grin before pushing past him into the house. Fit and Pac both watched as he walked straight over to the bathroom and slammed the door. 
Pac grinned with a stupid expression that Fit knew was the one he made at the men he liked. “Who did he kill? Did you watch? Do you think he’ll let me lick the blood off his face?” 
Fit choked on air. “Excuse me?” 
“C’mon,” Pac said in a whine. “He’s strong.” 
“Are you attracted to that?” Fit asked in half disbelief. 
“You’re saying you aren’t?” Pac asked. 
Fit froze. Took a long moment to consider it. It made a lot of sense. The way he couldn’t keep his eyes off him. The intensity of the feeling in his gut that seemed to grow with every second. “Holy shit.” 
Pac laughed wildly. “You spent all that time in the wasteland and you’re telling me you never got a boner for some guy covered in blood?”
Fit spluttered turning bright red but before he could respond, the door to the bathroom was swinging open again. 
There stood Tubbo, shirtless, holding a damp cloth in his hand. “I can’t reach my back, can one of you-” 
“I’ll get it!” Pac interrupted, rushing over to take the wash cloth from Tubbo’s hand. Fit followed them both into the bathroom silently. 
Fit sat at the edge of the bathtub as Tubbo lifted himself up onto the counter. Pac’s mind was clearly out of it considering the long looks he was not subtly giving the man. And the fact he was cleaning blood off his chest and not his back like he had originally asked. But nobody was complaining. 
Fit had to admit there was truth to Pac’s line of thinking. There was something about the mess of blood on Tubbo’s chest that made his mind dizzy and his heart race. So yes. Nobody was complaining. 
Pac motioned for Tubbo to stand back up and he did so with a sigh, standing in front of Fit so Pac had room to work. Fit watched as Pac ran the washcloth under cold water again before wiping it quickly down the blood covering Tubbo’s back. He averted his gaze from his chest up to his face to see the slight pursing of his lips and the hiss at the evident chill of the water. 
“Fuck dude couldn’t made it any colder?” he bitched. 
Fit slapped him lightly on the arm and didn’t think about how warm his skin was. “Leave him alone. He’s helping you.” 
“And why aren’t you? If I remember correctly you said you would help clean me up. I was fine with being bloody, you're the one who insisted on this.” 
Pac paused and peeked at him over Tubbo’s shoulder. “Really?” 
Fit swallowed feeling dizzy and nodded. “Well, yeah.” 
“Then do it.” Tubbo was reaching behind him and taking the wash cloth from Pac’s hands. Fit saw it all in slow motion but with sharp vision. The washcloth was cold. The washcloth was in his hand. Tubbo was looking at him expectantly. 
“There’s no blood left on your chest,” Fit said stupidly, feeling incredibly out of his depth all of a sudden. 
Tubbo shrugged before taking a step forward and turning to sit himself down on Fit’s lap. Fit didn’t even know it was possible for his body to freeze up more but it did. Pac met his eyes, nervous trepidation meeting awestruck joy. Waving him on with one hand, Pac leaned back against the counter to watch them carefully. 
Slowly, Fit took a deep and careful breath. He brought the washcloth up every so gently to rub at the blood staining the skin at the top of Tubbo’s spine. The man’s shoulders slipped down as he relaxed and let the silence fill the room. With his non-metal hand, Fit held the curve of Tubbo’s bicep to keep both of them steady as he scrubbed at a particularly stubborn smudge of blood. The skin under his hand was so warm it was hard to focus on cleaning the blood off. Pac’s eyes were boring into him and the strangely soft lighting in the bathroom made this moment feel much more intimate than was to be expected. 
Simultaneously it felt as if it stretched on forever and also was over way too soon. 
Fit dropped his hand, letting the bloody washcloth fall to the floor. “There,” he said gently. 
“Thank you,” Tubbo said in an even quieter voice before he stood. “I’ll get out of your hair now.” Before either of them could protest, he was pulling his shirt back on and leaving. 
They both stared after him, feeling as if part of them was now missing. Pac giggled suddenly and Fit’s eyes darted over to him. “What are you laughing about?” 
“That was the most-” Pac laughed again. “That was just crazy. You two are something else.” 
“Shut up,” Fit grumbled. 
Pac just laughed once more before standing up to give Fit a quick kiss. “I’m going to go see what Richas is up to, okay?” 
Fit nodded, trying to clear his head. “Yeah, okay, I’ll see you later Pac.” 
“See ya, querido.” 
Fit’s head spun as he stood up. He had a lot to fucking think about.
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thewritetofreespeech · 3 months
This idea literally came to me while I was waiting in line for food.
Could I request reader deciding to cook Lucifer an entire feast because she felt like he deserved something grand after a long day of work?
All while the brothers watch.
Lucifer x Reader - Dinner Date
“Why does he get some fancy smancy meal?” Mammon complained. A pout on his face with his arms crossed as he watched you cook.
“I just thought it would be nice. I’m sure he’s had a stressful week.”
“Hob-nobbing with royalty and diplomats. I’m sure it’s been suuuuch torture.”
Lucifer had been gone all week for a diplomatic union conference with Lord Diavolo and the other nobility. They held these meetings a few times a year to maintain order and the alliance of peace in the Devildom. Luckily, every time Lucifer went the house was still standing when he came back (although there were a few close calls).
“Everyone doesn’t have your social knack for parties and people, Mammon. I’m sure it was harder for Lucifer.” You tell him as you kneed the dough for the bread.
Mammon scoffed. “Well..yeah. I guess you have a point there.”
“Please. Every time you open your mouth at a party, one of those Gucci loafers goes right in.” Asmo teased. To which the second born looked aghast while he giggled. “So! What are you making?!” The pretty demon asked. His chin in his hands as he leaned against the counter. All sweet and sultry. You tell him what you were making, one of your specialties, and Asmo cooed. “Awww! He’ll love it! I of course could never eat something rich like that, since I’m watching my figure, but I’m sure Lucifer would love it.”
“Don’t fish Asmo.” Satan scolded. Realizing what his brother was doing with his backhanded comment. “I already tried and you’re not getting any.” Asmo pouted as well and stood up. No longer looking, or feeling, cute. “Though your efforts are commendable, I have to agree with Mammon. I don’t know why that black heart gets anything nice from us? Surely the break from all of us was enough of a gift for him.”
“Don’t say that Satan!” You scold him back. And his shoulders immediately fell. “I’m sure he missed all of you. Besides, everyone deserves a nice meal when they get home. Why can’t you all be more supportive like Beel?”
“Yeah. Why are you helping?” Mammon asked. His ‘little brother’ looking up from his own dough with flour on his nose and an apron around his waist.
“[Y/N] said if I helped I could have leftovers.”
“Oh come on!!”
“What’s going on here?” The group turned towards the entrance of the kitchen to see Lucifer standing there. Apparently just having arrived as his bag was in his hands.
“Gah! Get out of here!”
“Yeah Lucifer get out of here.” Mammon reiterated; although you have a feeling that it wasn’t for the intent of hiding the surprise like you had.
Lucifer frowned at his brother, but then turned to the group again. “Does someone care to explain?” The group stood their silently before Satan spoke up.
“[Y/N] wanted to make you dinner as a ‘welcome home’ gesture.” He told him.
“But they wanted it to be a romantic surprise!” Asmo chimed in.
“I never said it was romantic!!” You snap at Asmo. Your cheeks pink at the accusation.
“Oh…well…my apologies. Do you want me to go upstairs and wait then?”
“No…I mean…it’s almost done.” You told him. The cat was out of the bag anyway, so might as well not bother.
The boys all seem to get the shift in the air, and single file out of the kitchen to leave the two of you alone. “I’ll go see if Belphie is up from his nap.” Beel said as he took off his apron. “You’ll call me when you’re done?” His eyes already sparkling at the thought of leftovers. You nod and he took off as well.
“Sorry for ruining your surprise.” Lucifer apologized. “When I couldn’t find anyone around the house, I assumed the worst.”
“Well, Levi and Belphie are in their rooms obviously. They didn’t want to come down. The rest just sort of…came in when they figured out what I was doing.”
“They were jealous.” The smirk on Lucifer’s face was very handsome, and very cheeky. “Thank you, for my gift by the way. It is good to be home.” He leaned in to give you a quick kiss. “And I’m absolutely ravenous. How about I pick out a nice bottle of Demonus? Give you time to finish up. I wouldn’t want all your hard work on the surprise to go to waste.”
You nod and Lucifer left you alone to finish up. He seemed to enjoy the meal. Making a lot of positive comments with nearly every bite and telling you about his trip over courses. When you finish you texted Beel that you were done, who promised to clean up & do dishes in exchange for all the leftovers and dessert, while the two of you went upstairs to spend the rest of the evening in his room alone.
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delilahcalicocat · 1 month
Can I request something smutty for Tama Tonga there’s like nothing for him anywhere
A/N: Of Course! I actually just wrote one a couple minutes ago! But I'll write for him! This is a little like, Friends to Lover, where Solo and Y/N are really good friends. Until Tama joins up. They start talking, they start dating, and they take things into the bedroom-
{Warnings: Unprotected Sex, Kissing Making out, Friends To lover, swearing, fem!reader.}
You and Solo were best friends, attached at the fucking hip- you had met in kindergarten and that's where it started.
Through your teen years, Solo introduced you to his various family Members, one of then being Tama Tonga.
You didn't really get to know Tama though, since Solo was pulling you away as soon as you began to speak to Tama.
So after many years, you just simply forgot about Tama.
Going on to become the WWE Women's Champion.
That was a pride to the Bloodline. Until Tama appeared.
You remembered him just off his face, the panic ensued.. it was BackLash-
You went to shoo him off, only for your opponent to go for a pin. Luckily you kicked out.
But this was too risky, your "friend" could cost you the title
And you remember what he said earlier that night... "You lose, I fuck you until you cry. Got it?"
Secretly you wanted to lose, but Tama disappeared to the back again.
You got distracted by Liv Morgan, and lost your title..
Uh oh. That wasn't good...
You immediately ran backstage and profusely apologized to the Bloodline.
But Tama didn't care, he drug you away to the empty arena hallway.
And got to work. Within seconds, you were upset at this idea.
"Tama! You knew that was my favorite ring gear! It'll take ages to-" You got caught off guard by him slamming his cock up into you.
"Gah- ngh..." You wanted to scream, but Tama would silence you with his hand.
He fucked you at a brushing pace, making you moan and gasp. You never really cried for your release, that was until he was purposely edging you. To make you beg for release, to hear your somber little feeble pleads to cum.
You stayed silent though ignoring his actions, trying to distract yourself.
"Aren't you going to beg? Pet." He asked
"No sir. I'm fine currently." You said
"Wow, we're feeling confident today" Tama added.
You growled and flipped him off "Fuck you" You remarked
"Darling, I am fucking you." He sighed
"Nghhhhh- Whatever." You growled
He pulled you into a kiss, which quickly turned into making out, while casually cockwarming. But ehh.
Eventually you couldn't take it anymore, you began to plead for release.
Tama's expression turned from Angry to lustful in a second.
He nodded and then began to slam into you fast and hard.
Because of how long you waited, you physically lasted a second. Before your knees weak
Tama Tonga, he took a few minutes. Before finishing. Making a remark about your lower half.
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askthe-r-m-au · 3 days
Yeeeee I'm finally doing this-
Restarting the old R-M fic
(It's on my main account but it's pretty old... so...)
uhh just so yall know as lore gets added onto the AU things might change
Feel free to ask me here or on my blog directly
[ @dayseedrawz2 ]
Ok now onto the Fic!
[The Ring-Misstress | Chapter 1: an alliance]
☆Welcome... to the AMAAAAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS!!! My name is Caine!!! And I'm here to show you the most Jaw-dropping,Heart-stopping, MIND-BENDING parraphinallia you have EVER LAYED YOUR...☆
Blah blah blah... that's all Pomni could hear. She'd been a part of the circus crew for about a week or 2 now?? Maybe more?? Eh, who's counting. Not her! Long enough to know that Caine's daily routine consists of him rambling on about the adventure they'll have that day for at least 5 minutes. So she had plenty of time to dissociate.
Not that she minded Caine's endless rambling. In a way, it was actually kinda comforting, weirdly. Like listening to white noise to fall asleep. She was too busy in her own world to make out completely what he was saying, though. "Blah blah blah, adventure, blah blah blah code, blah blah blah Pomni, blah- Pomni?"
♧Gah! Huh?? Wha??♧
The Jester was suddenly brought back to reality (unfortunately).
☆You got all of that, right??☆
♧Caine, I don't really care what you have set up for the next adventure-♧
☆My dear, that's the thing!! Today's adventure is unfortunately canceled because SOMBODY just had to EAT AN ENTIRE CHUNK OF CODE...☆
The ringmaster angrily turned towards Bubble.
°○I regret nothing○°
Caine could only groan in frustration before he poked bubble, who disappeared with a "Pop!"
☆... Well then, with that outta the way, I suppose you all enjoy your day off!! I'll be out here if anyone needs me!☆
The crew set off to their rooms, including Pomni. She turned towards the hallway with everyone else, being the last one to her room. But just as she was about to reach for her door, she noticed something...
What looked to be some sort of glitch?? Should she call Caine?? She wasn't sure... but she decided to anyway.
♧Uhh, Caine??♧
No answer. Oh, well. Guess he must've left to prepare the next adventure. That's all he ever does. I mean, he isn't a real person. There's probably not much else he'd want to do.
She took a double-take at the weird thing she'd seen.
♧Wait a second...♧
What at first seemed like just a jumble of 1's and 0's infact, was not. She recognized this... A string of code...
She could read it.
♧"01010101 00100000 01001100 00100000 01000010 00100000 01000010 00100000 01000101"♧
Hesitantly, she reached for the string of code...
Just then, a familiar voice hurriedly approached...
☆My sincerest apologies dear!! It seems my WackyWatchTM must've missed your message!! I hope I'm not too- Huh?☆
Pomni was fidgeting with the numbers. Scrambling them around, trying to make something of them. Eventually, she left them in a certain order. The numbers formed a sphere and slowly dissappear, leaving a familiar transparent ball...
°○Wow!! That was weird!! I'm gonna go now!!○°
And with that Bubble floated off to who knows where.
Pomni stared down at her hands. In them, few little bits of code, like glitter, slowly faded away.
She looked up from her hands startled to see that Caine had been floating there the entire time. He looked almost- dumbfounded...
☆How... did you do that??☆
Pomni seemed a bit confused at the question.
♧Y-you code things all the time what do you mean??♧
☆Yeah no- how did you do that without a Cane??☆
He gestured to his cane that was floating beside him.
♧I- Well- I dunno I just- sorta reached out and-♧
☆Well dear, I'm quite impressed!! Not only because of that but- I've never seen that sorta thing happen to bubble before...☆
He muttered under his breath.
☆Say... Perhaps whenever you aren't busy with adventures, like today, you could help out with bugs and stuff!! How's that sound??☆
He look right into Pomni's eyes, almost pleading, in a way... Pomni thought about the offer for a moment.
What if... there were a code for the exit..?
Maybe... just maybe... helping the ringmaster was her ticket out of here!! To get on his good side!!
♧Uhh, yeah sure.♧
☆Well then, I understand if you d- wait, really?☆
♧I guess so.♧
She couldn't believe it!! He was actually buying it!! "Exit here I c-"
☆Oh Thank you thank you thank you!!! I could really use a hand around here!!☆
He wrapped her in a very uncomfortably tight hug. Nonetheless she manged to force a smile...
♧Heh, n-no problem...♧
This took all day-
Also I'm finally on summer break so imma hopefully have alot more time to write-
Uh anyways uh-
Ask Caine, Pomni an Voz I guess-
(or me about the au/fic in general)
See ya in chapter 2!!
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A/N ::: Kafka Hibino has healed my 7-10 page writing affliction and he's working on healing my soul. Not really. But woudn't that be nice?? Anyway. Just more cute shit and me daydreaming about this strapping 32 years young buck.
C/W ::: Don't freak out people, but I used my imagination here 🖐️🌈 (from SpongeBob?? Anyone remember that episode?) Anyway, I'm not sure if I should be concerned that I'm writing such happy, cute stuff or if I should be concerned that it took me so long to get here. Whatever. There is nothing to watch out for unless you hate that gross cutesy romantic shit some couples do (I hate that stuff, but this is Kafka - and fiction - so it's ok).
WC ::: Less than 800 (I KNOW)
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He didn't know what to do with his hands. He'd never really been in this type of situation before and he didn't want to do something stupid. Something he thought was stupid … and worse yet, something he thought YOU'D think was stupid. So, he just left them there, on the couch, at his sides.
Kafka was so amazed that he'd even landed a girl like you in the first place that he didn't want to jinx it. So, he just stared at you, his eyes wide with adoration and wonder. He took in your every feature and memorized every curve of your face. He wanted to remember this moment forever.
He didn't want to ruin it by doing something that would be a dead giveaway of his lack of experience.
"You're … you're so beautiful, y/n. Gah! 'M sorry, I keep saying' that, don't I. I do. Don't I? Sorry."
You giggled, your nose brushing against his warm cheek. "Yeah, you do. But it's ok. I don't think anyone has ever called me beautiful so many times in a … well, at all, maybe. I don't mind it." Lifting your left hand, you cupped his chin and turned his head, so he'd be face to face with you. "I think you're really handsome, too, Kafka."
"You do?!" He all but yelled out. His cheeks burned with embarrassment, and his heart skipped a beat. "I-I mean, um … thank you. I'm not used to being called that either. Usually, people just say I'm cute or funny, but never handsome. But if you think I am, then … I must be. Right? You're way smarter than me."
"Well, that's not true. You're very smart, too, Kafka. Sure, not about traditional things. But that just adds to your charm. Truly, you have a very extensive knowledge bank of things most people will never understand."
He smiled shyly. "That's sweet of you to say."
"It's true," you insisted. "You're one of a kind, Kafka."
"You know, there are so many things I want to talk to you about. Like, there's this new episode of [show name] that came out last week, and I just had to see it. Did you know that--"
You pressed a finger to his lips to stop him from rambling. "Let's save that for another time, ok? Right now, I'd much rather be doing this." Kafka's eyes fluttered shut as you leaned in to kiss him softly. He'd never felt anything so gentle and sweet before. It was like a dream that he never wanted to wake from. You were just so perfect for him, and he couldn't get enough of you. He never wanted to let you go.
But he just couldn't shut up.
"Have you ever seen that show? I mean, it's so cra-," you kissed him again hoping to gently get the point across that you wanted his lips to be moving, just not in that way.
Kafka nodded knowingly and apologized. "Yep! Sorry! Zippin' it up righ' now!" He motioned with his fingers to fasten the nonexistent zipper on his lips, and he tossed the key.
You tried to reach out and catch it in time, but, in your head, the fake key landed behind the tv and now it wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"Kafka, I didn't mean to zip it completely. I just … well, I don't wanna talk in words with you right now. I want to teach you another language. I'll be right back." You smiled down at him and held his outstretched hand until the two of you weren't able to reach the other anymore and went down the hallway to your bedroom.
"Yeah! Yeppers. I'll just … I'll just uh, oh! I'll find the key while you're back there!"
When you came back, you turned the corner to see the man actually looking behind the tv. "Kafka, what in the world are you doing? What are you looking for?"
He stood and faced you, "Hm? Oh! The key I threw earlier. I need to unzip my lips so I can kiss you properly." The smile on his face was like no other you'd ever seen. It had an air of confidence with an underlying anchor of uncertainty that seemed to be holding him back a little.
"Ok, I see. Well, just use the key you already have to do that. Aren't 'body keys' universal?" You gestured for him to come sit back down on the couch with you.
"Key? I already have another key? And uh, what's a 'body key'?" He scratched his head and tilted it like a puppy trying to understand its very first 'sit' command.
"Yes, Kafka. The one to my heart. Here, let me." You pulled your hand out of your pocket and unlocked his (technically already open) lips and kissed him. Deeply. "Now, don't lose this one, ok? I don't have another one and if you look closely, you can see that this is the kind you're not allowed to make copies of."
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@supersecretsaga @darkstarlight82 @southside-otaku
@arlerts-angel @reiners-milkbiddies
@katkusuo @kazutora-kurokawa
@trevengersprincess @bakubunny @viburnt
Just tell me if you guys don't want to be tagged in Kaiju No 8 stuff and I won't anymore. (I think I've said this a couple of times so I'm probably not gonna give you another out ;) )<3 Thanks!!
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toraashi · 2 years
feeling your pulse (ft. tighnari, gn!reader) 1.3k words
notes from tori: kinda shitty and has a bad ending. i love him so much though, and i’m currently writing an extremely long fic with him in it for halloween!! sorry for being so absent, hopefully this makes up for it!
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His hand wound around your wrist like a bracelet, holding your twitching fingers still as he prodded at the wound on your forearm, frowning at the jagged gash that bled down your flesh. 
Tighnari was gentle, but there was something harsh in the way he smeared a personally engineered disinfectant across the injury, the pads of his fingers calloused. The breeze blew against your sweat dabbled neck, and you shivered. 
“Don’t move, please.” He commanded, “You’ve caused enough harm as it is. How many times do I have to tell you to be more careful?” An exasperation soaked his words in a way that sank guilt into the pits of your stomach. 
“It’s not like I did anything crazy.” You murmured bashfully, training your eyes on the way he rolled out a string of taupe bandages, the contrast striking against his copper skin. Tighnari sighed, looping the fabric around your arm a few times before speaking once more. 
“There’s a reason why it’s a common mistake and a reason why we have rules in place to prevent things like this from happening.” He scolded, ripping the bandage from the roll, tightening the vice grip it had around your limb. “A quick side-trip to an area where rishboland tigers are known to nest — unaccompanied, mind you — may seem unassuming, but if Collei hadn’t managed to find you, you’d no doubt be a carcass by now.” You winced as he tucked the frayed edges of the wrapping in with the rest, dragging his eyes from your hand to your face. You couldn’t bear to meet his gaze. “Must I remind you that you don’t have a vision? Not only that, but you’re still a trainee! The rule is—”
“I know, I know. Trainees can only patrol with an expedition team or a master forest ranger, but Tighnari, you were busy, and—” 
Your explanation held no weight, and you could practically feel the chagrin rolling off of the man in waves. Bearing the brunt of his frustration was almost worse than becoming tiger food (Tighnari would insist that you weren’t going to be food, it would’ve been a territorial attack—), and you wished more than anything that you could push his perpetual look of disdain into that quaint smile he always seemed to wear around you.
A weighted silence humidified the air, and each breath you took seemed to get heavier and heavier before it crushed you, and you finally mumbled an apology, staring holes into his patiently resting hands.
His fingers stilled, and a knot formed in your chest as they moved to cradle your arm once more, his thumb sliding over the inside of your wrist, the other folding around your fingers. Finally, finally you found it in you to flick your eyes up to his, the vibrant greens melting into a warm brown that loosened the anxiety beneath your ribs. His lips were turned down disapprovingly and you watched his eyebrow twitch before relaxing, his dark lashes fluttering against his cheekbones. 
“Gah, You know I can’t be mad at you for long,” He relented (somewhat perturbed by the influence you had on him), and pursed his lips momentarily before relaxing, training his soft gaze on your form. “But promise me you’ll be more careful. I can’t be sending you out if I don’t have full faith that you’ll follow the procedures we have in place.” Swallowing thickly, you let your head bounce affirmatively, ignoring the accelerating thump of your pulse just beneath his fingertips. 
“I promise. I’m sorry for worrying you.” You expressed, your tongue heavy in your mouth, throat dry under his speculative eyes. 
“There you go. Now, how are you feeling? Is the wrapping too tight? I can loosen it just a smidge for you if it’d be more comfortable, but it’s better if it’s taut.” His fussing warmed your cheeks, and you shook your head, the pit of guilt sprouting and growing around your body. 
“It’s not uncomfortable. Thank you for helping me again.” The melancholy swamping your voice did not go unnoticed by the forest ranger, and for a moment, he quieted, the sound of  the wind rustling through the trees filling the hut. 
Whatever expression he was wearing was impossible to read. His ears twitched, the dangling earring tinkling, his eyes hardened, then softened, and his nose wrinkled for just a moment before he inhaled, struggling to find whatever words were on the tip of his tongue. 
“Are you worried that I’m disappointed in you?” He finally settled on asking, and you sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, chewing anxiously. Perhaps you were. Was it so wrong to crave validation from him? The ache in your chest told you there was more to your longing. 
“A little.” You admitted, blinking. A haze fell over your vision as you pondered his question, his visage blurring into a watercolor of green and browns. The scholar had exceptionally high expectations for his forest rangers, and although originally you’d brushed past his strict demeanor, months spent in his company flipped your opinion on its head. You were snapped from your thoughts at the brush of his hand against your cheekbone, vision refocusing as you tuned in to his doting head tilt, his ears sagging just a bit as he watched you, something sweet laden carefully behind his eyes.  
“I don’t think disappointed would be the correct word. Exasperated, perhaps. Concerned.” His tone was colored with a coo, a sugary fondness trailing like an aftertaste, the brush of his thumb against your skin raising bashful goosebumps you were sure he could feel. “You’re too reckless.” This reprimand felt plush, soft like a pillow; you wanted to fall into his care. 
He offered you far more leniency than you likely deserved. 
“That’s arguably worse,” You huffed, the words puffing out relentingly as you leaned into his touch, the fullness of your cheek molding to the curve of his palm. His finger twitched against your skin, and you allowed your eyes to flutter closed, zoning in entirely on the shakiness of his breath, the warmth of his skin, the sound of a hum rumbling from his throat. 
“A guilty conscience would do you some good,” He murmured, the practicality of his statement overshadowed by the tender lining of the syllables. Scoffing, you let his words float in the space between you, the soft bustle of forest rangers filingl the silence of the hut with contentedness. 
Your brow twitched as a bird chirped, and his pinky brushed against the underside of your jaw, your heartbeat catching with the motion. 
“Your pulse is racing,” He commented, and you couldn’t decide if the observation was oblivious or otherwise. Parting your lips, you raised your eyelids just enough to catch the wide, curious gaze of Tighnari. He was leaned in suspiciously close, enough that his breath wafted against your chin. Chills raced down your spine; how could they not? 
He was beautiful: the vibrant greens of his eyes just bright enough to stand out amidst the vivacious forest, just bright enough to snag your heart on a string and draw it closer and closer. 
Your lashes bristled and you leered nearer, simmering at the sound of his breath catching in his throat, his entire countenance falling still, taking in your motions carefully. 
“Tighnari?” It came out light, a near plea, and the atmosphere shifted, the particles in the room expanding and contracting with your shaky breaths. 
“Yes?” Inquisitive.
“Honestly… I’m sort of happy you were worried for me,” You confessed, finally blinking up to gaze at him, his eyes half-lidded, following yours as they wandered to his gently parted lips. “It makes me feel like you care about me, and it’s a nice feeling.” Tighnari seemed to chew on your words, swirling them around on his tongue and swallowing them for what they were before he offered his response.
Patting your cheek, he pulled back slightly, gaze slightly skittish as it avoided yours, cheeks puffed out bashfully, but the determined curve of his lips warned you of his words. 
“I guess that means you haven’t learned your lesson then. Would two weeks of clearing the road be sufficient punishment? Or shall I give you more?”
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I've practically been stalking your old ivan drago content and saw your imagine prompt for being Rocky's younger sister and having a crush on Ivan, can you IMAGINE the idea of you, being Rocky's younger sister, seeking ivan out after his life changing loss because you know what that means for him? Just being soft and understanding because even though your brother won (and there's a good reason as to why that's the appropriate ending cough cough) you feel the need to offer a shoulder and comfort ivan because you see him for what he is, the product of having to please such a demanding regime? Maybe it's just my penchant to see big strong antagonists and want to hold their face in my hands lol (like iceman, my beloved)
Gah dammit now I wanna write about this!!!!
(No seriously tho I love this, I have daydreamed about it so many times, just needed someone to convince me to write about it! But I'm doing this as a headcanon instead of an actual story because I don't think I can properly get across what I want to get across. Which is why I never wrote about this despite fantasizing about it.)
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Headcanon/Preference # 28
Pictures NOT mine.
Year posted - 2023
*I'm randomly coming back to this request because I saw it in my drafts, and I'm dabbling with a few pieces with Dolphs characters again, so I wanted to finish this one. That being said, I've actually got a story I'm working on based loosely on that imagine, it's got a fun little twist to it though. So keep an eye out for that, and I apologize this took so long, but that's honestly kinda just how I roll. 😅 ALSO this isn't exactly what you asked for, but I think you'll enjoy it regardless! MY BAD!
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☓Before the fight☓
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☭ So before the fight you'd only seen Ivan on the TV screen. But even then you could see him for who he really was. And apparently you were the only one who could, so you kept your thoughts to yourself.
☭ You more or less threatened your brother to take you with him to Russia. And he of course tried reasoning with you, but you'd made up your mind, and he wasn't going to change it.
☭ Rocky was of course worried that the cold might get to you, so he made sure you were bundled to the nine every single day. It was sweet, but a little annoying at the same time. And you had to admit the cold was definitely harsher in Russia than Philadelphia, and that was saying something.
☭ But despite the cold, and the harsh glare from the locals, you found yourself enjoying the landscape scenery.
☭ You helped to encourage your brothers training, and despite having lost your old friend Apollo to him, you couldn't help but find yourself enamored in a way with the Soviet boxer. A fact that you kept under lock and key.
☭ You wondered most nights what would happen in the end. What would happen to Rocky if he lost? What would Ivan go through if he lost? There was just so much at stake, and you couldn't decide who you wanted to come out victorious. Well both of them if you had it your way, but you knew that wasn't an opinion.
☭ You often replayed the fight he had with Apollo in your head. You'd seen how Apollo's theatrics effected him, and how unbothered he'd been by Apollo's taunting. How precious he was, and how powerful.
☭ It made you worry for your brother, but you knew he was one tough son of a bitch. You'd been there for every single one of Rocky's fights after all, even back when he was fighting in shitty clubs.
☓During the fight☓
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☭ You were sorta like Rocky's coach at this point, well maybe not coach but rather his hype-man, always had been. So you were with him when he went out to the ring, and beside him in the ring.
☭ You had to admit, seeing Ivan up close for the first time... Jesus he was huge... And very intimidating with his cold expression. Queue your curiosity and worry both spiking.
☭ You shook hands with his team, per the typical routine, and when you were about to turn and leave the ring. You found Ivan staring at you, making eye contact, and maintaining it for far longer than you probably should have.
☭ Rocky noticed your hesitance, and gently bumped his shoulder with yours, knocking you out of your stupor. You offered your older brother a small smile, and he gently bumped your chin with his glove, drawing a proper smile from you. Which in turn made him smile.
☭ He didn't even notice Ivan had been staring at you, or that Ivan continued to do so as you left the ring. But the announcers? The fans? They noticed. So around the world people wondered if maybe it had been a bad idea letting you go to this fight.
☭ Before the fight started, you stood beside the ropes in Rocky's corner, and made good on tradition. Resting your foreheads together you said a prayer and wished him luck, smiling when he kissed the crown of your head before breaking away.
☭ All throughout the fight, you found yourself feeling rather queasy, you'd never experienced that before during any of Rocky's fights. You knew subconsciously because it wasn't just because of your worry for Rocky.
☭ You realized pretty quickly into the fight, that far more was riding on Ivan winning than Rocky. For Rocky if he lost, he would have been humiliated, and failed in avenging Apollo... But Ivan. You knew he would suffer far worse if he lost.
☭ You didn't have to speak Russian to know that his entire life would be determined by the outcome of this fight. If he won he'd be a hero, like Rocky was back home. But if he lost, odds are he'd loose everything he's come to know. How perceptive of you.
☭ Often you'd find yourself looking to Ivan when they were separated for a short break. Almost always finding him already staring at you, his expression dark and furious. Which admittedly made you a little nervous, but you didn't feel his frustration was directed at you.
☭ By the time they were both bloody and exhausted, you were on the brink of tears. And both men had noticed. Rocky trying to comfort you as best he could during his breaks, despite the fact that his state of mind was more important. (Something you kept reminding him about, but he didn't care. He's a good brother.)
☭ Ivan did nothing but watch, wondering if you were afraid for your brother, afraid for himself, or if perhaps you were afraid of him at this point? A series of thoughts that only confused him, and distracted him more than he'd care to admit.
☭ When Ivan picked that man up by his throat, you found that the tears had finally escaped, rolling down the apples of your cheeks as he shouted in Russian. His eyes found yours in the commotion, and he was certain he'd gotten his answer to his earlier ponderings.
☭ Little did he know you were crying for him, not because of his actions.
☓After the fight☓
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☭ The crowd had boomed with excitement, and many people rushed the ring to celebrate with Rocky. You had watched as Ivan was led out by his team, and you didn't think twice about following them.
☭ When his team realized you'd followed them, they tried to shoo you away, but then Ivan noticed it was you, and barked at them to leave in his native tongue. Perplexed they complied and left you alone in the locker room.
☭ "What are you doing here?" He questioned, his accent think and heavy, like honey to your ears. "I..." You were at a loss for words. "I'm not sure... I-." He scoffed at you before turning away, looking at himself in the mirror, and glancing at you through it.
☭ "I guess I just wanted to see how you were... If you're... If you're okay." You tried to make sense of the way you felt, you knew you were drawn to him, you just didn't know why. He simply kept watching you through the mirror as you fumbled adorably over your explanation.
☭ But what you said next really caught him by surprise. "Your hands... Are your hands okay?" You'd asked, now looking at him through the mirror, he turned to you with confusion evident on his expression. No one ever asked if his hands were okay after a fight before, not even his wife.
☭ "I'm usually the one that mends Rocky's hands after a fight... Are your... Are your hands okay?" You explained yourself, taking a tentative step towards him, freezing in place when he stepped towards you.
☭ "You are afraid of me." He stated. "Not exactly." You quickly defended yourself. "I'm not afraid of you... I'm anxious around you." You added, thinking he'd accept that response. "What is the difference?" Ivan argued, watching you approach him.
☭ "My heart is racing, but it isn't because of fear." You tried to explain, feeling incredibly sheepish, especially considering you knew he was married. "I know fear... And you do not inflect fear in me." You added, sort of hoping he wouldn't understand what you meant.
☭ Thankfully he did. "I feel it as well." He admitted in a soft tone, not wanting to startle you as you gently unwrapped his wrist wraps. He noticed how you flushed at his confession, it made him smile softly.
☭ You tended to his busted up hands with a gentle touch, more gentle than he's used to. And by the time you'd finished, he couldn't help himself and he kissed you.
☭ It was tender the way he tilted your head back with his index finger, slowly leaning in to give you the opportunity to turn away if you wanted, but you didn't turn away.
☭ It's probably the most wholesome moment of his life, and yes I'm taking into account the birth of his son Viktor.
☭ You were just so sweet, peering up at him with big doe eyes. Foreheads resting together you both forgot about the world around you, if only for a moment.
☭ Ivan just wanted to wrap you in his arms and stay that way forever. He wasn't sure why he was so drawn to you, but he had been enamored with you long before you even knew about him.
☭ Granted you had just been a face on the screen of his TV, but that didn't stop his heart from fluttering at the mere sight of you. Perhaps it was fate, perhaps you were made for eachother, separated from eachother across the world.
☭ After what felt like hours the moment was ruined, because down the hall you could hear Rocky calling your name, probably worried sick about where you'd disappeared to.
☭ "I have to go." You whispered, despite not wanting to. "I know." Ivan murmured equally saddened. "Until we meet again." He added before giving you one last kiss, breaking away and leaving right before Rocky barged in. His heart shattering in his chest, as he knew you'd probably never see eachother again.
☭ "There you are!" Rocky breathed a sigh of relief, and practically fell into your arms. He never questioned why you were in Ivan's locker room, and he never questioned why you'd run off like that. (He had a feeling he didn't want to know.)
☓Years later☓
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◈ You hadn't seen him since his fight against Rocky. And you wondered if he'd even recognize you anymore. Or if you'd even see him that is.
◈ You knew about his son, and his determination to fight Adonis Creed.
◈ What you hadn't honestly expected, was for him to show up your brother's restaurant, atleast not unannounced.
◈ "Rocky we need-" You cut yourself off as you laid eyes on him, he looked even more handsome than you'd remembered. Frozen in place you jumped when Rocky touched your arm.
◈ "You okay?" He asked with a soft expression, wordlessly pulling you into a hug when you nodded your head yes.
◈ "(Y/n)." Ivan had approached you both, and you could tell Rocky didn't trust him. "Hello Ivan." You smiled softly, those old butterflies from before fluttering around in your belly.
◈ You'd secretly been sending letters to Ivan for years, and while you sent them religiously, you only ever received a handful in return. Not that you minded, you understood, better than anyone.
◈ "Still so beautiful." He mused as if Rocky wasn't standing right there, his hand coming up to brush his knuckles across your cheek bone. Rocky was quick to put himself between you and Ivan of course, ever the protective brother.
◈ "Rock." You placed your arm on his bicep, gently tugging at his arm, a reassuring smile on your face when he turned to look at you. "It's okay." You reached up cupping your brothers cheek, smiling as you felt him relax under your touch.
◈ When you looked to Ivan again, you asked him if he would like to take a small walk. Rocky immediately tried arguing against it, but you assured him you would be fine, and he listened to you begrudgingly.
◈ "You look good Ivan." You'd mused as you walked side by side, just the two of you, as he'd made Viktor wait in the car. "I've missed you." He admitted, making you smile. "And I've missed you." You found it funny that he could still make you blush.
◈ "I kept all of your letters." He added in a soft tone, again making you smile. "Yeah?" You stopped walking and he turned to you, taking your hands in his. "Of course." He smiled.
◈ "You were always on my mind." Ivan murmured quietly before wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his head into your neck. You quickly wrapped your arms around his large shoulders, your right hand coming to rest against the back of his head.
◈ "You know... I never married." You mused thoughtfully, hoping he wouldn't think you crazy. "I couldn't bring myself to love anyone else." You added when he pulled back from the hug.
◈ "I would have given anything to have you by my side, helping me raise Viktor." Ivan closed his eyes for a moment, thinking back on his fantasy. "Want about now?" You wondered aloud before you could stop yourself, and Ivan smirked.
◈ "You would want that? Want me?" He asked with a small smile, adoration shining in his eyes. You cupped his face between your hands, pulling him down to your height so you shared the same air. "It's all I've ever wanted Ivan." He visibility melted into your touch.
◈ Needless to say the world was shocked to see you by Ivan's side, and even more so when you announced your engagement. Rocky tried to "reason" with you, claiming it was a rash decision. But you told him about everything, the moment you shared with Ivan in Russia, the letters, and the way he made you feel, the way he'd always made you feel.
◈ Rocky came to realize your love for Ivan, was like his love for Adrian. He knew you never really dated, or let yourself get attached, especially after his fight with Ivan. And despite his past with the Russian, he supported you (warning Ivan about what would happen if he broke your heart like any good brother would.), and he attended your wedding of course.
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squigglewiggles · 5 months
Hey There! I'm not sure if you remember from the first blog, but I think I requested a Welcome Home TK Fic, with Julie and Frank going into the woods
Hello, There! I do remember! Here you go, I will re-post it for you! I apologize, I completely forgot what I named it!
Warning, this is a tickle fic!
Hanging Vines
“OOH! Frank! Look at that one there!” Julie squealed. Out in the neighborhood, Frank and Julie were out catching bugs and critters of all sorts. The heat was near overwhelming with the sun shining down on the two puppets, but the breeze was enough to keep them from getting too warm. The smell of fresh flowers and nature surrounded them as they frolicked around, looking for insects.
“Yes, Julie I see it,” Frank recoiled as Julie shouted in his ear, “However, that one is quite extraordinary!” Frank smiled. He ran over to the bug that had just landed on a nearby flower. Julie followed.
The bug appeared to be a beautiful butterfly! The wings were beautifully colored with vibrant pigments, which stood out further with a shimmering iridescent tint. Frank Pulled out his magnifying glass, but the critter flew away closer to the forest before he could get a good look!
“Hey! I wasn’t done with you yet!” Frank exclaimed. He ran after the creature with Julie still trotting along after him. It landed once more, just outside of the forest. Frank pulled out his magnifying glass once more and took a look at the butterfly. He got a few more seconds of looking before Julie crashed into him! Her attention was caught by a dragonfly whizzing around, so she was not looking ahead and bumped right into him, knocking him into the forest. 
“AH! Julie, you have to be more careful! Now I’m covered in dirt-” Frank paused, as he was laying on the ground of the forest, he felt something tug at his wrist and ankle. He looked down to see vines wrapping around his arms and legs, which soon pulled him deeper into the forest.
“A-Ah, what?? Julie! H-Help- GAH!” Frank yelped. He tried to clamber out, but before he could even move an inch, the vines had grown too strong. They lifted the gray puppet up into the air.
“FRANK! What’s going on??” Julie yelled to them. She tried to help by pulling him down, but the vines had gotten her too. Before they knew it, both of them were hoisted into the air by huge green creeping plants. Julie tried to crane her neck to see if Frank was alright, but she stopped once she heard a familiar sound. Frank started to giggle hysterically, which caused Julie to wonder…
“Frank? What’s so funny!?” She called out. Before long, she was filled in on the situation. Another vine had slowly creeped up to Julie’s torso. It started to lightly scratch and wiggle at her sides and tummy, causing her to squeak and cackle at the sensations. Frank was getting similar treatment, as the vines had worked their way up towards Frank’s neck, wiggling against the sensitive skin.  
The two puppets were wiggling, giggling, blushing messes as the vines had their way with them. The teasy plants were relentless and seemingly taking note of what made Frank and Julie squeal and thrash the most. From pinching to wiggling to vibrating to tracing, there was not a single thing these vines did not try.
“HEHEHEY! LEHET UHUHS DOHOHOWN! HEHEHAHA!” Julie squealed in her most demanding voice, which was not very demanding at all. At once, the vine suddenly dropped her, only to catch her by the ankle so that she was dangling upside down from her leg. Julie yelped. In this new position, she was now left utterly defenseless. The vine that had previously been working at her torso was now making its way up towards her foot. It came up and peeled off her high heel, then started scratching ruthlessly at the arch of her foot. To say that Julie screeched would be a complete understatement.
“AAAHAHAHAAHAHA NOHOHAHAHA NAHAHAT THEHEHERE EEEEE! NAHAT THEHE TOHOHOES!!” She pleaded, but to no avail. The vines continued exploring her tender tootsies, while also moving to tickle up her leg, to her knees and thighs.
While Julie was losing it, Frank was in his own predicament. His shirt had been lifted up, his hair was a mess, and his cheeks were as red as the tomatoes in his garden. The creeping plants had moved from his neck and shoulders to his tummy and sides, as well as his loser back and thighs. His laugh was squeaky and high pitch, as well as scattered with snorts and squeals of all sorts. Involuntary flinches and squirms took over his frame as the vines traversed his body. 
“PLHEHEHAHAAHA! *snort* HAHAVE MEHERCHYHYHY! NAHAHAT THEHERE, PLEHEHEASE!!” Frank wailed. The vines did not budge as he begged and writhed. All of his most tender spots being hit at once was nearly too much to bear, but these vines seemed to know just the right pressure and technique to keep him from going over the edge, which made it all the more maddening. 
Before long, both Frank and Julie were nearing a limit. Their minds were foggy with glee, and their laughs were breathy and weak. After what seemed like an eternity of skittering, wriggling, scritching, and teasing, everything stopped at once. The vines set them down ever so gently, and rubbed their tummies, feet and backs. After both of them had calmed down, the vines recoiled back into the earth. 
“Oh, goodness… Are you alright, Frankie?” Julie questioned.
“Uhm.. yes, I’m quite alright. Are you?” Frank responded. Julie sat up, then crawled over to help Frank up. They both sat together for a minute. Both of them a hot mess, with hair and clothes ruffled up, looked at each other with a knowing look. 
“Yes, I’m alright, Dearie…” Julie paused for a moment, “You liked that, didn’t you?” Julie smirked.
“Wha- I- Uhm, well… yeah…” Frank said sheepishly.
“Hah, knew it!” Julie teased, “I did too. Fun, right?”
“Pfft, yes, I suppose. You’re such a little sponge for tickles, aren’t you?” Frank teased back.
“HAH, yeah I am! I have no shame in that.” Julie Beamed.
“I can tell.” Frank Mused. He stood up, Julie following. Just as they stepped out of the forest, a butterfly landed on Frank’s nose. Both of them froze, realizing it was the same butterfly from before. 
“Frank!” Julie gasped. “Look!”
“I see it, Julie.” Frank said, calmly. 
All of their worries had been taken from them by those vines. They went home to gather themselves and restore their earlier appearances, soon after spending the rest of the day together looking at the beauty of the insects they found. Both more calm and relieved of stress than they were before. 
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kumimi3 · 1 year
could you please also write the idol scenario for chigiri too? i really liked your last one!
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❪ BLUE LOCK BOYS <33 ❫ ❮ a star idol dancing for their lover ⟡⟡ ↳ chigiri and isagi
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continuing | return back to level i !
❪ chigiri ❫
he knew of your performance the day before, Chigiri is observant and has good hearing, listening intently to the producers in the meeting room, the mention of your name took him by surprised
Chigiri was subtle, he knew it was going to be a secret with how quiet you’ve been since last week, practicing on your vocals much strictly than before
bringing you water inside the music studio, putting a humidifier inside your shared apartment, making sure you don’t hurt your vocals by helping you breath, those are the simple services he did to help you since day one
And once your performance is now starting, Chigiri was already at the front seat as he looks at you with a small smile, clapping along with the crowd as you/your group starts to sing and dance
Chigiri has been allured by you since the camera showed your majestic visuals, as if you were looking at him with those sweet eyes of yours
When the performance ended, he was one of the people who stood up and clapped even more loudly, you just did so wonderful with your performance, how could he not?
Taking away your earpiece and entering the hallway, you suddenly stopped when you heard many squeals and screams from all over the people in the stadium, you realized you were on the screen, but why exactly were they loud all of a sudden?
“Congratulations, Y/n, you look marvelous as always."
Turning around, you met Chigiri’s longing eyes stare at you while holding a big bouquet of your favorite flowers, he was holding it tightly in secret, he just couldn’t help but blush when you smiled at him
Everyone was looking at the screen, watching as Chigiri starts to walk forward and hand you the flowers, what surprised them the most was him suddenly picking you up and kiss you so passionately you almost forgot that you and your lover are still obvious to everyone
His teammates whistled at the scene, but Chigiri didn’t care, he is in his own bubble with you
Breaking off the kiss, he smiled as you both press each other’s forehead, and when he heard that the match was about to start, he pecked your forehead with a light kiss and ruffled your hair before walking together with his team, not before saying
“Y/n, I’ll win this game for you.”
❪ isagi ❫
This boy… OML
Once he saw you at the stage, he was stunned, who was that beautiful angel dancing with the most mesmerizing aura? Oh my gosh its his lover, the love of his life!!!
Won’t waste a moment and quickly sprint towards the seat closest to your position, he will scream your name at the top of his lungs and literally combust and short-circuit when you notice and give him a cute expression
“Hey, miss! Do you see them? That’s my sweetheart!” “Mister, look at the one in the middle, they’re so beautiful right? I’m gonna marry them someday!"
Compliments you so much to the other people, he barely couldn’t focus on you because he knows that just one stare across your eyes and he knows his legs will feel like jelly with how much he loves you
If he has his phone with him, he will definitely take pictures and videos of you, you can even hear him screaming behind the camera, “Go, Y/n!” “Gah, you’re so cool!"
The time the performance ends, he runs back to the field and open his arms to welcome you, it wasn’t long before he attacks you with so much kisses, cupping your face gently yet giggles so much
The rush of adrenaline finally dies down and his face now becomes like a tomato, apologizing to you, but he was still caressing your cheek and holding your waist
“I’m the luckiest man in the world. I’m gonna go up to the field and play, okay? And I want you to know that… I will win, for you, for us.”
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lyraeon · 7 months
how do you deal with feeling like you're being ditched for a better offer by a friend? it feels like that might be happening and it hurts a lot
it feels like since this friend got involved with a new group of people, they've been slowly ditching me.
i paid them for a sketch commission back in January and they said it was taking a while but was close to being done in February. it was more of an informal thing but thats beside the point. it's also making me feel messed about by them
Gah. I keep forgetting I have this ask. I just haven't been in a place where I felt like I could give advice in general, and barely been on Tumblr. so, sorry about that, first of all.
A lot of times if someone really clicks with a new person or group, they'll spend extra time with them cuz it's new and exciting. So, if your friend's been hanging out with others more, but still talking to you, I would just give it some time. but since you're talking about a commission from months back, I'm guessing it's been a while.
It sucks when friends move on, but it's also a natural part of life whether we like it or not. people change and grow, one way or another, and that includes friendships waxing and waning. There's likely something they're looking for that they're getting more from the new group than you, for better or for worse.
As far as the commission goes though, if you gave them money for a commission it doesn't really matter if it was informal or not, as long as they knew that's why they were getting the money then they're obliged to deliver. So you're going to have to decide if it's worth it to you to check in on it, or you just want to write the money off as lost.
To be honest, if you're sure they know about the commission, there's a chance they're (at least subconsciously) avoiding you out of guilt about owing you. So that might be something hanging out there too.
I would probably not want to stay friends with someone who took my money and didn't deliver, unless I knew exactly why, and even then I'd expect a direct apology about it. I don't know how close you two were before this so I don't know how committed you are to keeping them as a friend.
Personally in your situation, I'd make pros and cons of keeping them as a friend first, then confront them if I felt it was worth it. I would confront them specifically saying that hey, I don't know if you remember this but I'm still frustrated you never delivered, and at this point I'm ok with just putting this behind us but I would appreciate an apology for taking my money and not keeping up your end of the bargain first (but I also would have written it off several months ago). It's a major breech of trust to do that, so wanting an apology, or even wanting them to still deliver or give you your money back, as a condition of continued friendship feels reasonable.
But like I said, is what I'd do. Doesn't have to be what you do. But definitely know that you're worth it and there will be other friends out there, likely that respect you more too.
If anyone else has extra advice, please feel free to add!
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
i love your single mum stories, they're so cute!!! I think Steve learning to do the kiddo's hair would be adorable and I know you'd write it so well. your fics always make me smile, and I hope you're having a good day so far! :)
That makes me so happy to know my fics make you smile, that’s the best compliment 🥺 I’m hoping you have a great day as well, anon ❤️
This will be set not long after reader and Steve first started dating for reference, so in this baby girl is 1. (I’ll list them in better order on my master list by the way to avoid confusion) and this is kinda short I apologize but gah the cuteness
Lord have mercy, this gif. I just had to use it because his hands in his hair fits the fic well.
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You were a bit skeptical when Steve claimed he wanted to learn how to do your daughter’s hair.
“You do realize that it’s not as easy as it looks,” you’d warned.
“It can’t be that bad, it’s just hair,” he replied, clearly missing the point.
“Oh I’m talking about trying to do hair on a squirming, refuses to stay still one year old,” you’d said, amused.
“Just let me give it a shot,” he begged, bottom lip out, giving you puppy dog eyes.
“Now how can I say no to that face?”
The first time he’d attempted was a hilariously wholesome effort.
Your daughter had refused to sit still so Steve had been chasing the wobbling baby down the hallway, a brush in his hand, a hair tie sticking out his mouth. He may have had the longer legs, but she was incredibly fast.
He’d finally gotten her still long enough to put a very loose and droopy, very crooked ponytail in her hair. He wasn’t successful in adding a bow, she’d had enough and taken off.
“Okay. You’re right,” he panted, “That was so much harder than it looked.”
You gave him a knowing look.
“I don’t think I’ve ever had a work out that intense.”
“You don’t work out in general,” you pointed out.
“Who needs to when she’s as active as that?”
It took practice and somehow, much to your amazement, a dose of his charm, before he’d truly mastered the art of doing her hair.
It took a couple of months and as her hair grew longer, more styles were introduced. A tiny ponytail became a longer one, became pigtails, became a bow or a headband in her thick, dark hair.
Steve would sit her in his lap with something to preoccupy her attention in her hands and talk to her, all the whole brushing her hair perfectly. He knew how to get the perfect ponytails or pigtails, how to position bows and barrettes where she couldn’t pull them out easily and how on struggle days, to just brush her hair and let it go.
After getting her ready one day, dressing her and doing her hair in pigtails, without any assistance from you, you were extremely impressed. She was as cute as a button and Steve was very proud of his work, beaming at you.
“I told you it was a piece of cake!”
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shadowqueen402 · 7 months
Hello again! If you want to, can you continue on with the idea of TADC cast being introduced to Wonderworld? (And for Pomni, a way to escape)
Sure thing! I can already imagine how that will turn out.
When Balan led the seven to Wonderworld, neither of them were expecting much. But they were curious as to why Wonderworld took place inside a theatre building.
But when they entered into a world with a wide green land and thirteen different lands, neither of them were prepared for any of this.
"This is Wonderworld?" Ragatha asked, looking around. "I've never seen a world such as this before!"
"And what might those be, Balan?" Caine asked, pointing to the thirteen different lands.
"Those are called stages, Caine," Balan explained. "They're places that my thirteen fellow friends reside in order to confront their personal pain."
"So basically, your friends come here to emotionally heal, correct?" Zooble guessed. Just then, she suddenly felt something touch her leg. When she looked down, she spotted a bunch of colorful, round creatures approaching her. "Don't tell me that your place is infested with Gloinks too!"
"An insect collection?" Kinger asked, glancing down at the creatures with curiosity.
"I don't think those are insects," Gangle pointed out. At this, Kinger yelped despite the fact that Gangle was literally right next to him.
"These are not Gloinks nor insects, you see." Balan scooped one of the creature up into his hands. "These creatures are called Tims; worry not, they're super friendly."
"Alright, I've had enough of these things," Jax said, averting his eyes while looking mildly annoyed. One yellow Tim had hopped up and was now nuzzling his cheek. This caused Ragatha to stifle a giggle.
"Come on, Jax," Ragatha said, scooping one up gently. "That little guy sure likes you."
"Dear brother, I heard voices from within." Another male's voice immediately grabbed everyone's attention. "I wasn't aware that you brought Visitors in."
Everyone turned and stared in awe at the person who entered the room. He was a man who was as tall as Balan. But unlike the behatted maestro, this man had black, tentacle-like hair and long tentacles emerging from his back. His outfit was purple and black. And his eyes were blue with a yellow sclera. By his feet was a small black creature with a white mask that looked like a squirrel.
"Dearest friends, meet my twin brother," Balan said, walking over to Lance. "Despite us being different, we still look out for each other."
"Is he a maestro too?" Ragatha asked.
"While Balan himself is the maestro of positivity, I am Lance, maestro of negativity," Lance explained. "Together, we work to give every Visitor a chance. To help them mend their hearts and regain their balance."
"Whatever you say, Gloomy," Jax said, smiling mischievously at Lance, who wasn't amused by the nickname that was given to him.
While everyone was talking to the two maestro brothers, Pomni looked around silently. She stopped when she saw them; two doors with some light flowing inside. Now was her chance! She could finallt escape!
Pomni waited until everyone was distracted. Then, she quietly snuck off and made her way out of the Isle of Tims and down the corridor. She was so close! She could finally leave! Once she opened those doors, she would be back home and into her normal life!
Pomni reached out for the doorknob. But to her dismay, something stopped her. She was suddenly knocked over and was snuggled by a bunch of Tims. "GAH!" Pomni yelped. This drew everyone's attention as Balan walked over to Pomni.
"My apologies, Pomni," Balan said while scooping up the Tims. "My dear Tims mean no harm, really." Jax, in the background, was heard snickering at the sight.
"Y-Your Tims…?" Pomni asked, backing away from them as they chirped at her.
"They must have assumed you wanted to play," Balan guessed. "When it comes to affection, Tims sure have their way."
Pomni stayed rooted where she was. All she could do was eye those Tims in curiosity and fear.
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denjischainsaws · 3 months
The mono yellow rooms seem to be endless, and the hum buzzing of the cheap, fluorescent lights doesn’t help for the sanity of the group. It’s like a game. A cruel one. What would go first, their mind, or their lives? Does it even matter at this point? Their top priority is to get out of this nightmare. It’s quiet, before something lands with a thud…
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
Ace angrily whispers (let’s not lie now, it’s anything but a whisper) to Nico. They keep dropping supplies, such an irresponsible and stupid act. What if those monsters heard the group? Even worse, if they all were caught and were mauled to death?! They’d end up like Eden and David…at least, Ace thinks that’s what he saw, the first body was short and small, it was Eden for sure! But the other one…It was practically unidentifiable!! Gah, it’s too scary to even think about!
“I’m sorry, I didn”t mean to-“ Nico was cut off by Ace again.
“Don’t try to ‘awwwww, I’m sorry’ out of this one! Do you want us to fucking die?!” The redhead’s voice began to get louder, beginning to slightly echo. Xander had to intervene.
“Ace, now’s not the time to fight. They already apologized, drop it.” Xander’s eyes were a dull gray, the burning passion in his eyes no more. Ace remembered hearing about the eyes being the window to one’s soul. Did they all just give up…? There’s no way! There has to be a way to escape, and certainly Nico isn’t helping to find that!
“Xander’s right.” Teruko yawned, beginning to help Nico pick up what was dropped. “We’re not gonna get anywhere by fighting.”
‘You shouldn’t even be talking,’ Ace muttered, beginning to scoff. He looked up at the brunette. “Says the person who tried to fight one of those things, it’s a damn miracle you didn’t fucking kill us all!”
“Ace. Stop.” Xander began to get more frustrated. “Please, just for once, stop arguing.”
Nico began to speak, but that was the last damn straw for the jockey.
“I don’t fucking care at this point! We have a damn unlucky student, some ‘rebel’, and some fucking idiot who can’t do shit right? How the hell do you expect us to get out of this shit hole when the odds are against us?! I wish I never found any of you, I would’ve been better off finding Levi or any of the smart bitches here!”
Ace’s voice was soon drowned out by the sound of footsteps approaching. No- not footsteps, they were too heavy and fast to be those. It doesn’t matter, whatever was approaching was approaching fast.
“Ace, we have to go-!”
“Fuck no! Listen to me for once, you shit for brains! Nico is holding us back, we have to do something about it-“
He felt a hand tightly take his.
How long has it been since that happened? If Ace’s being honest, he’s lost track of time. There’s only been a few memories replaying in his dead, his eyes dull and almost..soulless.
The screams of Teruko.
Something had hit her weak knee when she was running, causing her to slow down before the horde of entities got her. Despite dying so close to the other three, they never found her body.
The shouts of Xander.
By the time the three boys finally lost the entites, it was far too dangerous to find Teruko…or the supplies Ace dropped when running away. Furious and horrified by the mess the shorter redhead made, both Nico and Xander decided to abandon Ace.
He still remembers Xander’s words and cries.
“You took Miss Teruko away from me, you bastard-“ He let out small sobs as Ace’s eyes widen at the betrayal
Whatever. He can find his own way out.
God, save him.
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Thank you for answering. To fill your inbox more could I request a oneshot of yoshikage kira finding out he has a daughter who is the same age as josuke (josuke has a crush on her) and she is a powerful stand user?
Hi hi again sorry it took so long, I hope 3.5k words can make up for it. This is literally the longest oneshot I've made. It... Falls of a tiny bit? I'll let guy guys be the judge of that. I've tweaked the story a tiny bit but dw Reader is still a very powerful stand user and I want to be her friend
Don't Stop Me Now!
Notes: Fem!reader/uses fem pronouns, reader and Josuke get into a fight, read through half of this but gave up because I'm tried and just woke up, apologies for any mistakes
"So yer sayin' there's a possibility that freak had a kid?"
"And they're in Morioh right now?!"
Jotaro silently nodded his head. He had been following this mystery for some time now. It had only been two years since the defeat of Yoshikage Kira, and now this. To prove his point further Jotaro dropped some unsent letters and mail he found earlier in Kirs's old vila. The mail had come from the other side of Japan, talking about some affair long ago and the possibilities of her child being his. It didn't seem Kira had ever replied back. He was able to track some of the letters back into the 80's helping concrete the evidence that this child was near Okuyasu's and Koichi's age.
"The newest letter from the woman says her kid was visiting Morioh for the new school year, and she wanted to meet her biological father. It says she's a girl around your ages and looks just like Yoshikage. And if it turns out she is his kid..."
"There's a huge possibility she's a Stand user," Koichi finished.
Jotaro nodded again, "I'm going to be busy trying to track down this girl's mother, maybe get some more clues on Kira's past and maybe even get some hints on which kid is hers. While I'm gone I need you three to stay back here to try and find her yourself."
"Will do!" Okuyasu grinned, hitting his fist into his open palm. Koichi agreed with him, already thinking of what to look out for. They left the older man soon after.
"Do y'think we'll bump into this chick easy if she's a Stand user?" Okuyasu asked his friend.
"Most likely. I mean, we've fought a lot of Stand users in the past because we gravitate towards each other. With our luck we might just even bump into each other without even looking for her!"
"Hmm..." That summer two years ago had the worst of it, but even after that there was some rouge users they had to deal with, Okuyasu still remembered last summer when Jotaro had Koichi leave to Italy because of the bastards. Luckily he came back okay.
"Koichi, I think I have an idea of where we need to look. But first, we gotta find Josuke!"
Meanwhile, leaving school in a flourish, students packed into a tight group all left at once from their after school activities. They subtracted from each other, students leaving for home, after school jobs, free time with friends. Only two students peeled away by theirselves, one unaware of the boy following her. She walked down a lonely road without a care in the world.
He followed her into a convenience store. He wasn't sure why. There was no doubt he was looking like a creep. He just wanted to talk! But this girl was so quiet. Often times Josuke found himself doing something stupid just to get closer to her, but he always ended up looking like a fool.
Exhibit A.
Josuke had never gone to this side of Morioh. This was a nice store. Far too orange, but it had a good variety of snacks. Maybe he could give up and buy some before heading home.
He had the window of his jacket pulled forward, tripping over his feet as someone threw him into the corner of the store. A hand covered his mouth from letting out another squeak, and Josuke looked down to see you.
Wait! You?!
"Shh, keep it down, I'm not sure if he followed us into the store."
Slowly, she took her hand off of his mouth. Josuke was weak enough to notice the faint trace of floral perfume. It smelt good. Was that citrus?
"What are you talking about?"
Confused, she looked him up and down, then at the door, "Huh... To be honest I thought you followed me out of school because you were trying to protect me or something. Or you were too scared to walk home alone..." She shook her head; "You really didn't notice that guy following us after we left school?"
"Well, I know about him now! I'm definitely not leaving you alone with that guy around!"
"Thanks, really, but that's not needed. I can take care of myself" The girl let go of his jacket and instead adverted her attention to the snacks rowing the wall beside her. While she looked asked for his without leaving the snack cakes. Following her, Josuke introduced himself.
"Josuke..." She mumbled under her breath while examining two snack cakes, torn between strawberry cream filling or vanilla. "...Oh yeah, you're the boy all the girls in school seem to be fawning over." . Josuke didn't have the time to answer, as the girl had already decided on vanilla, before skipping over to the drinks and chips. He didn't know what else to do besides follow her around the tiny shop as she filled her arms with snacks and such. Every once in a while she would turn her head around to see Josuke still following her. Even as she made it to the check out, he was still there.
"This isn't necessary," She told him making her way to the exit.
"He could still be out there!" Josuke tried.
They made it outside. The girl looked every way out into the empty road and sidewalk with nothing in sight. "See? Nothing." This time she didn't wait for a response and proceeded to skip away. Except Josuke continued to trail her. The feeling in his gut told him to keep following her. That something wasn't right.
Their walk was relatively quiet apart from the occasional quip from you trying to get Josuke off your back. He'd only fire back with his own ammo.
You broke into your snacks just as clouds began to form, sending the streets into darkness. The weather report didn't say anything about rain, you noted gloomily. You looked over at Josuke, he looked even more miserable.
"Not a fan of the rain?"
"It'll ruin my hair." Josuke sighed.
You grinned a little, "Hm... Maybe if just... left, you wouldn't have to worry about your precious hair getting ruined!"
Josuke finally had it, "Jeez, I'm just trying to help you! There's no reason for you to be so cynical!" His hand grabbed your blazer, making you stop to look at him.
"Cynical? What are you doing that's helping me? You're just following me home like some dog!" Disgusted, you took a single look at his hand and shoved it off your arm. "Take a look around, Higashikata! It's just you, me, and the rain! You can stop trying to play hero!"
His jaws opened, but he was quickly silenced by a single droplet of water.  More came down faster while you stared him down silently. He felt humiliated, not because of you, but because you were right. Feeling that you won, you left Josuke to soak up some of the rain. He watched you leave feeling lost.
"Hey– Wait a second!"
"Jeez, who the hell does that guy think he is?" Still, there was a guilty panging in your gut. Were you too harsh? There wasn't any malicious intent but the guy seriously had to take a hint.
Damnit, I'm supposed to be working on this... I'll never make a single friend if I can't relax.
You cursed yourself, and whispered a tiny apology to your worrying mother across Japan. You'd never been the best with kids your age, "an old soul" your grandfather called you. It was beginning to be clear that was just code for antisocial and awkward as hell. Secretly deep down you hoped you could find that Josuke guy again tomorrow to apologize. Right now you'd need to get out of this rain before you got sick, and your snacks got ruined, too.
Something moved in the corner of your eye. Your heart skipped, you twisted to see if it was the boy you hoped it was, but you weren't so lucky.
The hulking figure behind you was shrouded in a big black hoodie, hood up so you couldn't get a good look at his face. He was bigger than you, all your senses and your gut told you to get out of dodge or fight. But you calmed yourself. Cool. It. Maybe he just needs directions. We can't have a repeat of last time...
"May I help you?" You ask instead.
The man scratched at his brow with one hand, never taking the other out of his pocket, you noticed but didn't say anything about it yet. "Yeah. Y'see, there's a grocery store around the bend. The food's pretty good, but it's expensive. And I don't have the cash."
"Ah..." Seriously? He's looking for handouts? What a moocher! "...Well, sorry but I can't help you out. I don't have anything on me. You should try Owson, it isn't that far away–"
"Nah, I ain't askin'." Your eyes quickly focused on the shining blade he pulled out of his pocket, "You can play pretend all you want, I know you got the money. I don't wanna hurt ya, just be a good girl and give me the wallet."
"Pfft! You think you can intimidate me with that letter opener? Hah!" You giggled some more. Sure, you were acting cocky. But you didn't care. You weren't going to let yourself be bossed around by some asshole. "I'm not giving you shit! So why don't we both turn around and walk our own ways, and I'll pretend this never happened."
The attempted robber's eyes steeled over, the grip on his weapon tightening. You took your own stance; setting your shoulders, bringing your hands into fists. That familiar aura taking a hold of you, heating your blood to it's boiling point. He didn't seem to feel it; no one ever did, really. But it powered you. It gave you a sense of security. You couldn't really describe it, but once this feeling came over you, you felt like you were unstoppable: even with a foe twice your size.
A burly man in all black charged past Josuke. Confused, the boy twisted to watch him run, thinking nothing of the rush. He turned around just in time to catch a shoe flying past his eyes at mach speed, hitting the guy square between the shoulders, but it did nothing to stop him. Josuke jumped out of the way into a puddle, splashing the sidewalk with water, just in time for you to barrel right through him, another shoe in hand as you screamed. With a smooth move, you picked up your other shoe, getting unlimited ammo to throw at the guy but it did nothing to phase him again. Instinct kicked in, Josuke followed. His long legs gave him an easy opportunity to slide in right next to you. "What's going on?!" He asked over the pelting rain.
"This bastard stole my wallet!" You shrieked, throwing another high brand shoe without a care in the world about the price behind the lable. Quickly, Josuke got to work. He grabbed you by the waste, hauling you into his arms in a deft move. You didn't argue, instead you knew exactly what he was doing. Without the fear of leaving you behind Josuke could run even faster now. He brushed away the rain drops trying to blind him, and he was losing distance between him and his new enemy. But it wasn't enough, your added weight couldn't let him over power the thief just yet.
"Throw me!" You commanded.
"Huh?! Are you insane?!"
"Just do it!"
Josuke couldn't fight back. Biting his lip, and with the power of Crazy Diamond behind it, he was able to chuck you at the guy dressed in black. Except it was over kill, and you went sailing above his head. Josuke watched on in horror, but to you this was the perfect throw. That familiar feeling began to overflow in you again. Josuke could see the red sparks flying off of you. It was like in slow motion. Suspended in midair, you pointed a perfectly manicured finger at the crook, fire sparking from your finger tip, followed by a hot pink fist extending out connect with the man's face. A name escaped your lips:
"‹⟨Ashes to Ashes⟩›!"
An invisible wave of heat and fire traveled through the man's clothes. Josuke watched, frozen now, as his hoodie became dust in the blink of an eye. Neither had no time to think as your Stand's fist immediately followed after your attack, and you plummeted to the concrete ground, just as your thief did as well.
You tumbled, but quickly stabilized yourself. The heat of the moment was gone, your attacker was now unconscious, missing the clothes on the top half of his body, along with most of the hair on his head. Groans of pain could be heard as Josuke leaped over his body to squat down next to your body, offering you a gentle hand to help you back to your feet, that sparkle of amazement hadn't left his eye. "You– You..."
Your grin split across your face. You cheered despite the stinging pain of your broken skin and the gravel stuck to your side, you didn't care. You were victorious.
"That was awesome! We definitely need to do that again!" You gave Josuke a pat on the arm before skipping away. Without his hoodie, your wallet tumbled on to the sidewalk for you to find easy. It was bright pink with a stitched in cat head on both sides (horribly done, Josuke believed you had to do it by hand yourself). It had soaked up some of the rain water, but you deemed the contents good enough.
You turned, Josuke was still staring at you in shock. His body shook. Was it excitement? Confusion? Fear? "You're... You're a Stand user."
"Huh? A what?"
"That thing you just did, that fist that came out of you to punch this guy!"
"You saw that?" You asked bewildered. A new feeling of hope swelled inside of you. And you felt it. That same aura you had, now coming off of Josuke. A new figure appeared, hulking in size compared to it's summoner, wearing steely blue armor, and a helm in the shape of a heart. "You can see him, right?"
Without speaking, you did the same. Letting Josuke see your ghost. It was an angry pink, contrasting the pastel colors of his own, with horns sharing resemblance to pointy ears. Heat came off of it in excess, rain heating up into steam before it even touched it's body.
This boy. He was just like you.
"You called me a "Stand user", right? Is that what this is? Can yours control fire too?"
"No, not fire. But it can punch pretty damn well. I've named him Crazy Diamond. He can also do this," The stand moved towards you. Your own stand fizzled away as it's palm touched your cheek, softly. A calming haze surrounded you, making you feel safer than before. Crazy Diamond's hand was warm, you began to notice the cuts along your knees and your elbows, and the burns across your fists were healing, zipping up like invisible thread pulling your scars back together until they disappeared completely.
Once Crazy Diamond moved away, there wasn't any more pain, and you were completely unharmed. He left too, leaving you alone in the rain with a very soggy looking Josuke.
"Oh, Josuke! Your hair!"
In comedic timing, the hair forced up into his pompadour fell, slapping wetly against his face. His eye twitched ever the slightest, but Josuke shook it off, pushing his bangs aside. "No worries! It's just hair. I'm just glad that you're healed again." His bangs flopped forward again, he quickly pushed them back. "Hey, about earlier? Before all of this happened... I want to apologize. I didn't mean to upset you. It's just, it's hard to push down a gut feeling. Y'know?"
"Yeah. I get it. I should apologize too for being such an ass. Maybe if I listened I wouldn't have gotten my wallet stolen." You offer him a slanted smile and you got one back. "Let's just agree that we were both in the wrong."
"Heh! Sounds good!"
Thunder sounded from behind the buildings, drawing in both of your attention. The weather was only getting worse, and you clothes were soaking up another pound of water by the minute.
"This is getting ridiculous..." Josuke groaned.
"I didn't expect it to get this rough. Maybe we should head back to get an umbrella before we head to my house?"
"Your house?" Josuke asked skeptical, but he followed you back.
"Duh. I have my own gut feeling your house is way too far away. I've got a landline you can borrow, and towels and gel for your hair, too."
"Why didn't you say so earlier?! Hurry up!" You out right laughed, sprinting after him as he broke into a dead run to the convenience store. It was a quick in and out, there was an argument over what color umbrella you should've bought, but you easily defeated Josuke by reminding him who was paying for it. You got the last umbrella with a sky blue color and fluffy white clouds, contrasting with the dark inkyness above. Finally out of the rain, you and Josuke kept close together, conserving heat and walking at a leisurely pace. You didn't mind. Josuke on the other hand had trouble controlling the excited vibration in his shoulders. He'd have to turn his head so you couldn't see the angry blush on his cheeks. You were just so... Strangely cute. He just watched you knock a guy out in one punch, but he can't help but think about how cute you looked curled up into his side like this!
Josuke cleared his throat.
"I never caught your name. It'd be weird if I went to your house and I didn't even know what to call you right?"
"Seriously? This whole time I haven't told you my name?!" You laughed again, Josuke thought it was loud and sweet. "My full name is Kira Y/n!"
"Heh... Hey. Hey, wait a second." Josuke stopped in his tracks. "Say it again? I think this rain is messin' with my hearing."
"Ki-ra Y-n." You punctuate with a giggle, cupping your hands over your mouth for added affect. "Everyone just calls me by my first name, even without asking. It kind of gets annoying... But you can just call me Y/n too! Something wrong, Josuke?"
He was staring at you, dazed and confused. Struck silent over something. He didn't say a word, but a new voice filled in the silence, calling Josuke's name. It was high and shrill, turning to look behind you you could see two strangers in the distance, quickly closing in.
The taller one was making good time, the shorter one behind him tried to keep up with an umbrella shielding him from the rain. Confused as hell, you slowly got out of the way of the two men, ready to activate your Stand ability again if the situation called for it. But these two didn't sound like enemies. They looked the same age as you and Josuke. Who the hell were these two?
The louder one, still shrieking as he neared, ended up slamming into Josuke sending them both into a rain puddle.
"Okuyasu!" The short one waddled up to his friends, looking worried.
"Josuke! That girl you've been diggin' is a Stand user!"
It was all at once. Adding on to the roaring storm it was deafening. These two were Stand users? How did they know you were, too? And why the hell was this baseball looking freak trying to pick a fight with you?
"YEAH, DUDE! SHE'S COOL!" Josuke and company tried to keep him at bay.
"Jeez, you find one person with an ability like yours and you find a whole gaggle," You sigh. "Who are you people and what do you suddenly want for me?"
The boy with silver hair suddenly looks at you from behind the other boy's shoulders with wide, blue eyes. "You're last name is Kira, isn't it?" He asked.
"Yes..?" You say confused.
"I knew it!" The boy, probably named Okuyasu cheered in victory in Josuke's arms. He was ignored by both.
"Your dad has history in Morioh. Bad history. We found some evidence of you being his kid in his old house, we've been trying to track you down ever since school let out today, and we found you with Okuyasu's help." He pointed over Okuyasu's shoulder, who gave you a big grin.
"W-What? I'm so–" A hand was thrown over your face to silence your thoughts.
"What?! Who are you people?! Why is this all happening suddenly? This whole time I've thought I was alone with these abilities, and suddenly there's... Three more of you?"
"More like, four, actually." The silver haired boy confessed, not thinking about how it didn't help the situation. He thought for a second silently. "Actually there's a lot more than four of us–"
"Y/n," Josuke said interrupting his friend. He left Okuyasu's side to gently hold your shoulders, making you stare up at him through his wet bangs and into his piercings eyes. "There's a lot of us Stand Users in Morioh. Your dad... He was one too, but he didn't use his ability for good. It's a lot to unpack, but whenever you're ready to listen, we'll tell you."
You sniff away the cold, brushing away a stray raindrop that somehow made it under your umbrella on to your cheek. Behind Josuke, his two friends stood, offering soft looks, sympathetic of something you didn't understand. With a deep breath, you agreed. "I'm ready. We should get to my house already and get out of this cold." Josuke nodded with a gentle smile, pulling you into his side to share his warmth with you.
"Lead the way."
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malicedafirenze · 2 months
Unfiltered thoughts about Court of Wanderers by Rin Chupeco
Untagged spoilers below the cut, click at your own risk
For a proper review that makes a bit more sense, see here. This is just my unedited notes I took while reading
Love that Remy and Zidan are back to being bitchy
Lol only one bed but on purpose 
Did Eugenie just fuckin decapitate a guy with her long nails are you fucking kidding me 😂
Ugh Valenbonne showing up in person. Idk if I dislike it bc he’s a hateable bastard or because it lacks believability…
The overgrown castle and night empress cocoon give big video game boss lair energy 
She‘s described with „dark skin, the same shade as Remy‘s“
Oh I‘m glad Remy is finally giving his father a bit of honest ranting about his abusive bs 👀
Lil bit cringe that the kids at the Fata Morgana would ask if Remy, Zidan and Xiaodan are lovers, and take an interest in how Zidan slakes his thirst
Remy telling the kids stories feels a bit indulgent 
Malekh offering to let Remy take control 😍
Again, very self indulgent, could do with more subtlety but well
Good to know that she pegs him sometimes I suppose 😄
They‘re just so transparently horny the whole time. Like I‘m here for it but it gets cheap so quickly if there‘s extended focus on that
Ooov the villain was Aluria‘s colonialism? 👀 (remy‘s mother, re. her motivations, in his dreams)
Vampire pigeon 😂
Them arguing while fucking is funny but also a bit goofy 🙈🙈
I‘m on board with some bdsm familiar shit on display, but the presentation of it somewhere between kink and obligation is a bit off
Lady Rotteburg‘s apologies for her treatment of Remy ring a little hollow/indulgent too
I find it odd that Remy still meets with and gives info to his father‘s messenger?
Ooh okay that was in discussion with Malekh
I find it a bit toothless that xiaodan (and malekh) are so utterly supportive of remy‘s choice re. humanity/vampirism. They seem a big too perfect and potentially boring to me at the moment?
Ok good Zidan is weirdly controlling re. Remy‘s dreams shortly after
I‘m 12 Chapters in and a bit dismayed that I‘m finding it alright so far :')
Missing any acknowledgment of pressure/equalizing when Zidan drags Remy underwater 😑
Malekh‘s past with the night king 🤝 Raihn from TSatWoN
That the whole gathering of court leaders would pause to speculate on what remy has with zidan and xiaodan feels kinda cheap
I‘m here for the exhibitionism but I find it odd in its presentation. Like, ok their whole thing is submission, but it‘s still a weird af combo of a council meeting and an orgy
Like ffs her mother is watching 🙈
I just don’t love how much of the actual dialogue is so self indulgently about „oooh so a reaper is in bed with the third and fourth court leaders“. Like sure make that part of the conversation but it‘s so cheap if that‘s all there is to it
Some of the exposition is presented in sort of plump dialogue 
I‘m bothered that apparently Remy still doesn’t know precisely what being a familiar entails
Elke recapping the development between Allegra and herself feels v much like it could have been much better woven into the story :‘)
So much interpersonal stuff is just really plump. „Hi remy sorry for my lord attacking you I seriously want to be friends. Ok sure I‘ll then immediately answer your deeply personal question that perfectly mirrors your own internal struggle re. getting turned“
Ok them fucking on Ishkibal‘s throne to help Malekh make new memories of it is fun and hot
Gah why does everyone else need to keep talking about it afterwards though, including with Valenbonne 🙉
Still feel like everyone‘s being entirely too generous and forgiving towards valenbonne
I don’t mind the focus being political, but I feel like there’s too much tell vs show
Remy being hurt by Thaïs being one of the traitors rings a lil hollow, calling her a friend when they‘ve only interacted a handful of times and one of those was her being pushy af
And Xiaodan figuring out all the details of the priestess‘ plan is also a bit much? idk
Them both being in a frenzy and remy getting malekh back by insulting him is cute
The whole thing where it uses the nth court leader instead of names is so grating 
I‘m not a fan of how valenbonne is still their ally tbh
Increasingly bothered by everything that makes him appear sympathetic again
He apologizes but he‘s not really rueful about any of the horrible shit he‘s pushed remy to do??? 
This Jost twist is also kinda coming out of nowhere??
Not sure I got completely why and how Ishkibal is using the Night Empress‘ body
I do not like Valenbonne being all badass, using breaker to protect Remy etc, who is this for 😭
Valenbonne‘s „I should have died the day I realized you were still out fighting in those caves“ rings so fucking hollow what 😭😭
“I think the only legacy he wanted to leave behind was you” 
How tf is any of this earned
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