chartreuxcatz · 2 years
where’s that post about the friends who bought a plot of land together and lived in separate houses on that land? That’s what i need. I need my own house. With friends just a yard away. A small house. Apartment sized. Part of me just wants to build my own. But the point is I like the idea of living with friends but I really need my own space. My own bathroom my own washer my own dryer my own kitchen. It would be easier to let myself have moments of productivity when i can guarantee that no one else is in the house.
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Amazon Affiliate Listicle, but with my ADHD and propensity for swearing
So I'mma do a listicle of Amazon affiliate links just like every other place is doing for Prime Days.
I'm just gonna tell you ahead of time that I'm doing it for money and the sense of incredulity I feel about... Amazon as a whole.
A Backbone, probably the most ridiculous gaming accessory I've ever seen. Yes, I'd like to use my phone as a controller for $35 more than a normal PS5 controller costs and have almost no other functionality!
I am ALL ABOUT BIDET ATTACHMENTS, okay, but this brand is so fucking overpriced. I'm not paying $77 to launch high-powdered water up my chocolate starfish, and I'm definitely not paying the normal $110. I WILL say that I've used this brand and it was good, but... Dudes. It's a stream of water to make wiping your ass easier. How much is that actually worth? This is a much better price for the exact same functions.
When I saw this set of movies, I didn't see that it was James Bond. Daniel Craig is wearing like a sweater, but I also didn't realize it was Daniel Craig. All I saw was CRAIG. This is, for some reason, absolutely fucking hilarious to me.
Instant Pot for $65, need I say more?
Okay I'm not even joking, this is just a pretty fucking decent price ($84) for a 1.5 TB microSD card.
If you have a 3D resin printer, today is the day to stock up: AnyCubic has some really good resin deals going on! I personally love the plant-based resin, but I've heard amazing things about their water-washable stuff. I wanna try the ultra-tough resin, though. (Note: this is UV resin so you don't have to actually use it in a 3D printer. You can use it in a mold too.)
Let's spend $50 to make a single cup of coffee at a time when I can make better coffee using a disposable tea bag. 🙄 The hatred I have for single-use coffee makers knows no bounds.
What you do is take about two regular spoons full of coffee grounds (another half a spoon if you like it harsh, half a spoon less if you like it light), put them in the tea bag. Put any other spices and flavorings you like in the bag too. Close it, and tie it closed really well (I wrap the strings around the top of the bag and tie them again when I've tied it.) steep for 5 minutes in a mug full of hot water (doesn't matter how it got hot), and then add milk or creamer depending on your preference. It will have less of an acidic bite and a better flavor profile.
I'm super into the idea of bleaching my tooth enamel until it rots away and my teeth are super white but extremely sensitive! Give it to me, Crest! Yeah Daddy!
If you DO want the tooth-brightening shit, you'll probably want to invest in a few tubes of Sensodyne. Trust me.
Oh, you eat Tide pods? Cool, cool, if you Wan a be like 2021 about it. I'm a dishwasher pod kid. Snack time.
OK no sarcasm, this shit will clean your washing machine so fuckin good. My daughter gave me some and suddenly none of us smell like Satan's asshole anymore. Fucking amazing.
Okay look, if you wanna get special pimple patches, go ahead, they're on sale today and they DO work, but they're just hydrocolloidal bandages. I get the regular ones bc I can cut them to shape.
Okay fullstop, I love the power mops Swiffer makes and this is a GREAT deal. Anyone wanna buy me a new mop? 😂
Oh shit, they have Naked mini-palettes for 40% off. That's $21 omg why am I a poor with expensive makeup taste??? WHY? (They also have the Stila liquid eyeliner on sale somewhere.)
Yes, sir? I'd like the biggest, widest computer monitor to ever exist. I'm a gamer, you see. A thousand dollars today, you say? What a deal! I'm a gamer! (Look, I have a gaming computer and a pretty big monitor but there's a fkn limit, Samsung. There's a line and you've crossed it.)
I almost didn't click on the "pet products" tab because I miss Ziva SO MUCH. But I do love pampering my pets. In that vein, WHO WANTS TO BUY A SHOCK COLLAR?
If you've ever needed 900 poop-scooping mini garbage bags... Today is your day. Time to shine.
Aw fuck, I found a pretty damn good deal on a cat tree.
If you don't have a 3D printer, you have to buy Settlers of Catan like a peon and it's on sale today.
I'm actually disappointed in myself how much I want this.
If you wanna train your pet to talk these things are on sale.
For the low, low price of $98, you too can let your child kill themselves by improperly using a Zipline kit.
As a general rule Raven and I don't buy Nerf products because they're owned by Hasbro and we're boycotting them because of the whole Pinkertons thing. Plus, in the world of foam dart guns they're actually doing the worst when it comes to innovation and performance. But! We will get them on clearance or secondhand. I consider Prime Day to be clearance, so have this multipack for a kid's party that I wish I'd had for Raven's birthday party last month.
Also, this translucent blaster.
I love this style of shorts (although I got the viral tiktok ones) but omg this one has POCKETS.
Today I discovered that there is a brand called THE GYM PEOPLE and they make really boring clothes.
Hey plus-sized ladies! Want yet another ugly beige bra? Look no further!
I have one of these mandolin slicers. Highly recommend.
Get your kids used to corporate surveillance with an Amazon Echo made just for them!
Amazon putting these under "off to college" is absolutely fucking hilarious to me.
I'm actually really bummed I don't have the money to get this Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Amazon knows what's up when it comes to kids: a five-pack of identical pants. I think it's for uniforms but like. Let's be real, kids just go through clothes like that.
Every time I see a Skullcandy product, I remember when I was at a Skullcandy booth at the Warped Tour and I asked the booth babe how they compared to Sennheiser or even Audio-Technica. She looked at me, and in a snooty voice, said, "I've never even heard of Sennheiser before."
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helmort · 9 months
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑰𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑾𝒉𝒐 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝑬𝒍𝒐𝒏 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒌⭐(Friday's Tale)
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On the frigid morning of January 1, 2024, an ungodly hour past midnight, Elon Musk found himself knee-deep in the ultimate glitch. Picture this: London on the horizon, a pivotal conference at the ungodly hour of 6 a.m., and an unforeseen digestive apocalypse curtesy of some dodgy sushi. His plush ride turned into a war zone, and the richest, most powerful man on Earth discovered a new definition of rock bottom – he'd shitted himself.
The streets teemed with life, paparazzi sniffing for their next scoop. A crisis unfolded. Hotels, no refuge. Commerce, on pause. Jammed phone lines condemned him to the clutches of a dilemma only a laundromat could remedy. In the city's underbelly, he stumbled upon a humble establishment run by an Indian family. The scent of spices and incense masked the scent of Musk's misfortune, but a crowd of over twenty had already gathered.
Clad in a jacket disguising the wreckage below, Musk attempted to navigate the disapproving glares. Asserting his identity became the only way out. "I'm Elon Musk, and I need immediate assistance!" he proclaimed. The Indian proprietor, undeterred by celebrity, retorted, "I don't care who you are; you wait!" Musk cranked up the volume, "I'm Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and Twitter, and it's of vital importance that you…" the Indian, cut him off, "I'm Jagdish Patel, I don't give a bloody bloody who you are! You wait!" An air of tension thickened. Musk persisted, "It's crucial; I have a conference with the most important people on Earth about…" Patel interrupted again, "I don't bloody care! We're working since morning, and nobody on Earth cares about us, so we don't care about them!" Unyielding, Musk continued, "I can give you $1000 if you…" Patel shot back, "You can give me all the money in world, but you wait! This old woman is here for hours!" Anger boiling, Musk threatened, "You know!? I can pay somebody to kill you if you don't help me!" Patel, indifferent and powerful like Shiva in person, replied, "I don't care! I'm Indian; if you kill me, I reincarnate and kick your ass in another life!"
The dialogue hit a crescendo when two towering, Jamaican-accented men intervened, "Yo, yuh haffi wait like everybody else, or we mek yuh shit dat second time inna row!"
At the stroke of 5 o'clock, wearied by the relentless standoff, Patel apologized, "We're closing. Come back tomorrow, Sir." slamming the door on Elon Musk's face.
In the heart of London, the man who could launch rockets to space and redefine social media was defeated by a humble Indian and a touch of poop, a stark reminder that money can't buy everything.
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roguemonsterfucker · 1 year
Hey! About your new cage cleaning setup—do you mind sharing? What kind of pets are you talking about? I have the same issue. But if there's a secret way to make it easier, I'd love to hear about it.
I have a few species, but the one I was specifically talking about improving the cages were my guinea pigs.
They've always lived in C&C cages (you can google 'c&c cages for guinea pigs' to see what I mean), but I've made some changes to the location and substrate that has made cleaning so much easier.
Previously, the cages were on the floor and it made it where I had to bend over a lot to clean and it was killer on my back so I just... wouldn't. For long periods of time. And if you know anything about guinea pigs, you know they poop a LOT and so falling behind on cage cleaning for them is... bad. Pretty bad.
Now the cages are on a table and I barely have to bend my back to scoop up the substrate.
Speaking of the substrate, I use Biofresh Performance Bedding. I'm able to buy it in bulk at my local lab supply store and it's a fucking life saver y'all. As long as I keep up regular cleaning and don't let it get too mushy, it scoops up so nicely with a little dustpan. I highly recommend that substrate for a lot of different species.
I used to try to use fleece for the guinea pigs, as in theory that should be cheaper because you reuse the fleece. But that took way too many spoons to wash. It's so much easier to just use disposable paper based substrate.
I also rearranged the cages to be in a bit of a circle around the room. So it's easy to move from one to the next when cleaning, feeding, or anything else. Before, they were spread around the room and it was hard to streamline the process of caring for them. But now all the cages are arranged in a way my brain can seamlessly transition from one to the next.
I think those are the main changes I made. I don't know how helpful this info will be to anyone else.
But if anyone wants advice for improving their own animals' set ups, please feel free to ask. I know a lot about a lot of different types of pets and I may be able to offer some help.
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giantimpex · 1 year
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What is the best way to remove dog poop? How do you dispose of #dogpoop in #India? Should I use a pooper scooper?
Yes, using a pooper scooper is one of the best and most convenient ways to remove dog poop. It allows you to pick up the poop without having to touch it directly, which can help keep your hands clean and hygienic. Additionally, many #pooperscoopers come with features like strong spring-loaded jaws and comfortable grip handles, which make the task of picking up poop easier and more efficient. So, if you want a quick and hassle-free way to clean up after your dog, using a pooper scooper is definitely a good option.
GIANTIMPEX offers a pooper scooper for dogs that provides a comfortable and secure grip. It features a double spring-controlled jaw clamp that makes it easy to open and close, as well as a grip handle and strong spring-loaded jaws for efficient and effective cleaning.
Sturdy,Durable & Lightweight-Great for dogs of all sizes! Easy to use! No stuck on poo! No gloves needed! It's that simple - MAKING YOUR LIFE EASIER!
Available in #Amazon, #Meesho and #Flipkart
Order Now
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thatpunnyperson · 2 years
I dont talk about it much, but I have 3 pet snakes--one (1) ball python and two (2) california king snakes--and I love them very much. But this is going to be a long post and I dont know how to do a "read more" on mobile
This love I have for them managed to make me forget just how long it takes to clean their tanks. I try to replace their tank substrate every 2-3 months because I use orchid bark (fir wood chips traditionally used for growing orchids, but also excellent reptile bedding) because I spot clean the substrate once a week when I feed my snakes. So the substrate stays fairly clean despite the length of time it sits in the tank becsuse I'm removing the poops and urate deposits shortly after the snake poops, but I am adamant about replacing all the substrate in each of the 3 tanks at least every 3 months, preferably every 2 months.
But oh my god my ball python lives in a 55 gallon 18" by 18" by 36" tank and the substrate is about 1"-2" on the bottom, which ends up being absolutely heinous to scoop out. The king snakes are in ~20 gallon 12" by 18" by 24" tanks that also have 1"-2" of substrate on the bottom, but the math works out that I can buy two big bags of substrate from the pet store, put one in the ball python tank, and split the second between the two king snake tanks, which gives them all a good amount of bedding to dig in and push around (not sure why they all like digging but I love it).
So the tank cleaning always involves going from one tank to the next, removing the tank furniture and spraying it down with an enzymatic cleaner and disinfectant, then removing the old substrate, using a small dustpan and brush to clean out all the dust from the substrate, then spraying the tank down with the cleaner/disinfectant, then washing the furniture off in the sink and letting it air dry a bit, wiping out the inside of the tank and then spraying it down with water and then wiping it out Again and letting it air dry a bit, then adding the new substrate in, spraying it with water to help bolster the humidity, putting the now-clean water dish into the tank and filling it with clean bottled water, putting the rest of the clean tank furniture back into the tank, and then spritzing it all down again with water to really boost the humidity.
And THEN, closing the tank doors (cause these tanks have little front doors) so the humidity can have some time to really seep into the substrate and the tank furniture. I have a bunch of stuff piled on top of each tank to both keep my cats from climbing onto them and to keep the humidity and heat in as much as possible (the tanks have a mesh top that makes it hard to keep the humidity and heat in, and ball pythons like fairly humid environments)
This all takes me about 30 minutes per tank, so I obviously do it when my snakes are scheduled to be fed, because I like to feed my snakes in little dedicated feeding tubs that I then cover with a thick blanket so it's dark and quiet for them. And THAT is because, when I first got my ball python 13 years ago, the guy at the pet store was like, "ball pythons are shy so you should feed them in a low-traffic part of your home so they dont get disturbed and spit up their food," to which my family was like, "okay, so we have a ton of decorative tea towels and we're going to put them on the snake tub because we're gonna feed her in the kitchen in case she bites someone and we need to clean up the blood." She has only bitten me 3 times in the 13 years I've had her and all times were my fault for confusing her.
Anyway, I love my snakes and the painstaking process of cleaning their tanks is a small price to pay for their health and happiness, but my god the substrate is the worst. I get splinters every time because I refuse to wear gloves despite literally using my hands to push the wood chips around.
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kristenbrady · 6 months
50 Pet Businesses You Can Start Today
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Do you have a love for animals? There are many different businesses to start that allow you to work around cats, dogs, and a variety of other pets.
You probably know the basics — dog grooming, training services, walking, etc. However, there are more creative pet business ideas. Below I list unique pet-associated businesses you should consider starting.
Organic Pet Treat Maker: Pet owners are increasingly concerning themselves with the ingredients of their pet treats and food. In selling and baking organic pet treats, it’s possible to grab the attention of dog and cat owners concerned with things such as the environment and health.
How To Become A Professional Dog Trainer by Ed Frawley
2. Obedience Professional: You are aware of dog trainers. If you feel you have the skills and knowledge, you can actually start out a different niche — as an obedience professional. It’s possible to work not just with canines to develop great habits, yet also work with their owners in order to maintain these habits.Image courtesy: Goochie Poochie Grooming via Pexels
3. Yard Cleaner: Anybody who has a dog understands the challenge of cleaning after them — especially when it pertains to the yard. This means that many customers are likely willing to pay for somebody to come to their yard and offer poop scoop services.
Related Reading: I Make Extra Money Using These Dog Walking Apps/Jobs
4. In-Home Cleaner: You might provide services to pet owning customers who need a hand picking up all of the fur and additional messes their pets leave inside their houses.
5. Pet Blogger: If you like to share pictures of your pets or tips with additional pet owners, you might think about starting up a blog about your pet expertise or adventures.Image courtesy: Pixabay via Pexels
6. Pet Toy Maker: The majority of pet owners buy some type of toys for their pets to play with. If you enjoy fabricating or sewing little toy type items, you might sell them as cat or dog toys.
7. Housing/Bed Designer: A few pet owners even buy large pillows, beds, playhouses or additional furniture for their pets to use. Builders or woodworkers, you might create some of those larger items then sell them to pet stores or owners.
I Built a Tiny Fishing Hut Diorama
8. Tank Designer: Not every pet owner has cats or dogs. The ones who have lizards, fish, snakes or likewise pets require tanks. Therefore, if it’s possible to make unique tank designs, there’s a market to sell them.
9. Animal Travel Service Provider: Once people move or travel with their pets, it might be a stressful situation. If you have transportation methods or even just tips to share with animal owners, it’s possible to provide a service helping animal owners transport their furry friends.
10. Animal Bandana Maker: Designers and crafters, you can create some simplistic bandanas out of some colorful fabric or additional soft material then sell them on the internet, at pet stores or at craft shows.
Continue reading on Medium
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How to Productize Your Services: How to Make Money While You’re Sleeping
How Any Business Can Gain More Leads
Beginner's Guide To Starting a Podcast
Grab Kristen’s Books on Amazon: 
How Any Business Can Gain More Leads
How to Productize Your Services: How to Make Money While You're Sleeping Audiobook
How to Productize Your Services: How to Make Money While You’re Sleeping Paperback
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kierancampire · 8 months
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Playing Paleo Pines in my dinosaur Oodie :3
Also, apparently I somehow have 14 hours in the game already so I just wanna share some thoughts so far!
If it isn't obvious by the fact I have put 14 hours into it over 3 and a bit days with no idea I was playing that long/that much I am loving the game! It's very cute, fun, pretty, relaxing, and just an enjoyable game! At the start I did feel lost a few times and kinda had no idea what I was doing and ended days early as I just had nothing to do. But now I have the opposite issue! I currently have 12 dinos making up 6 varieties, going around and cleaning their pens, interacting with them, topping them up on food, and then farming, literally half the day is gone and by the time I try to do stuff, I just have no time! And not only was that meaning I can do nothing, for a while now I have felt stuck in a loop of doing the same few things, going over the same few areas, not getting to explore, not getting to look for new/rare dinos, and not getting to open new areas as I am just so severely limited by time! However, I had no idea you can change the time cycle, so I'm gonna put it on relaxed mode and hopefully get a lot more done!
I also can't deny that I have felt super overwhelmed at points. Obviously keep in mind I get overwhelmed exceptionally easily and it causes me severe stress and I cannot cope with micromanaging and multi-tasking, so what I am about to say may not sound bad to some but for me it's hell, keep in mind I only have 30 minutes to do all of this and yes, half the day is taken up by the chores on just my home area:
So I wake up, get all the bits I need for my home area, go around to my dinos and top up their food, scoop any poop, feed them their treats and say hello to them, harvest what is ready to harvest, de-weed if I need to, water them all, then put all the stuff away. And then I need to check what tasks I have, see what items I need more of, and then I need to do a ton of different things with my day. I need to clear up my home area to make more space for me and the dinos so I can get more/get more resources (which that can take ages and certain dinos can only do certain things, so the more dinos I have the more I need to do), I need to explore the world to harvest ingredients and food, I need to keep checking the area for dinos/rare/ultra rare dinos (which by the way that alone takes more than the single day to completely check both areas, I haven't even unlocked the desert yet), I need to clear areas in the main world so I can access new areas/more dinos, I need to take and look after more dinos until they become helpers so I can do more things, I need to complete tasks I have and accept new ones, I need to engage and trade with all the NPC's so they give me discounts and more tasks, and I need to make sure all my dinos stay happy or they can leave! And dinos take ages to become helpers, they start off with really small energy so they can't do much, and you only get more energy by levelling them up by using them, and they only get energy back by starting a new day, and then I need to not only keep making sure I have things to sell so I can keep buying food for my dinosaurs so they stay happy and don't leave, which obviously becomes more expensive the more dinos I have and some eat way more than others, I also need to make sure that I have enough treats/poppins to tame, care for, and befriend dinos, which you want to collect them and just have more to do more tasks, but then that means more food and more space, you also need to wait for them to become helpers so you can even use them, so you need to decide if you want to clear space in your home to make room for them, or spend ages going to areas to clear areas to find more dinos, then dedicate the time to finding, taming, and bringing back dinos, but also you need to leave pocket space so I can pick up the resources I need!
Which that's another thing, the pocket space is tiny and apparently you can increase it, but you need to spend A LOT of money on a person who rarely appears selling clothing and be a consistent customer with her to offer you a pocket upgrade, so not only does it take ages, but you have to dedicate a lot of money to that, while making sure you still have money to buy seeds, dino food, dino enclosure stuff, poppins, and anything else you may need! And some of these things are super expensive and you never have that much money on you! And then on top of all of this there can be random events where they want specific items, food, or your time from you!
And like I said, I was trying to manage and do this all in 30 minute days, where simply just trying to solely focus on looking for dinos takes up the whole day to the point I was coming back home in the dead of night with only 2 of the areas partially unlocked as I need to still unblock another main area, and the small areas in the main areas I have unlocked so I can fully access all the areas! I have been feeling so overwhelmed at times!
But then it also has been really relaxing, really enjoyable, and now knowing I can double the length of the days it should make things so easier! I still have all that stuff to manage obviously, but at least now I have more time to do so!
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7.21.23 Friday
8:47 am
Uncle Jun went out an hour ago going to Georgia'Z + Betsilog'z gang ( always wearing their plastics coat )...
Me? Still having windblow trap... I feel bitterish for 16 years... I feel frustrated coz people behind the scene seems not guilty for the things they've done to me...
They planned a different life on me but I had different planned supposed to be...
I need money and job for 16 years they stole my college diploma... A lot of frustrations and they took away my self-esteem... I LOST OLD FRIENDS some became fake and it hurts me so much... Some are just on the shadow laughing at my back coz of my ugly situation.
9:48 am
I texted Uncle Jun on messenger to remind Uncle DD for the next food money on Sunday lunch... I hope he can give the exact amount of 2600 coz Neko is included she needs chicken and beef cubes and some veggies, we need soap here and laundry soap and dishwashing liquid.. Just be fair.... Inday is the super hero here... Be fair! I'm not happy!!
I'm thankful on Ely for assisting me on my facial wash et al...
9:04 pm
Thank God for today and most specially thanks to my friend Ely... I got the job... It is very stressful afternoon, my acid in the stomach is attacking me again and I have backache... I badly need money...
Uncle Jun is sleeping now and he didn't feed Neko ( my adoptive daughter) ... Uncle Jun seems plastics...Why, he didn't feed Neko ( the rottweiler )... I already prepared their food...
But my son-dog was fed by my nana... Thank God!
I wanna prove angels and extend my life coz I'm so genuine.... I badly need money and career...
10:14 pm
Done, feeding Neko and Lalah ... I cleaned the kitchen.... I cleaned my baby John's poops in the kitchen as well... Done, eating as well...
Will brush John's teeth and rest for awhile and shower and sleep...
Thank God for today, I badly need a job...
10:51 pm
Rest and shower in a lil while... I'm thinking why Uncle Jun didn't feed Neko and Lalah, he will just scoop the porridge in the refrigerator, I cooked it this morning... Hmmm.... Is he sick or plastics? Or hating Uncle DD but I will adopt Neko in a lil while...
Done,brushing John's teeth and he's sleeping now like a baby ( so, classic ;) )....
It is hard for him to sleep without brushing his teeth, angels... When I'm sick and I can't stand, he will just look at me and he will not sleep until I brush his teeth... Then, I will pray and try to stand just to brush his teeth...
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11:32 pm
Still, have windblow trap... But I'm happy today... Still, thinking of money... I have to buy my own facial wash... I need money....
I wanna buy starbucks everyday... I need lotion and John's needs like his stuff... We need a new rice cooker... I wanna cry...
I'm happy today though I have pain in my stomach and backache...
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chinahatbeach · 2 years
Thoughts for Today
Happy Hump Day. The day after Valentine’s day when chocolates are on sale. I do like the chocolate covered macadamia nuts. I doubt I would find those on sale. Maybe in Hawaii….. and I’m not planning on a trip there soon. Darn it!
There is snippets of snow still on the ground and roofs. Yesterday was a nice surprise with a tad bit of snow. That was the highlight of my day. Also a nice chitchat with my mother in law rounded out my day. Small blessings.
I do dislike Valentine’s day. Let’s go out and buy flowers for people on one day. That’s similar to funerals. How about buying flowers for people on just an ordinary day for an ordinary reason. That would make folks happy. It breaks up the doldrums. And the buying of chocolates……. if you are a diabetic, that sucks. Those sugar free chocolates taste ok but if you eat more than one, you get the happy squirts. Yes, I know…… don’t ask!
How did I spend my Valentine’s day? A fancy dinner……. nope, fried chicken. I sat on the couch watching Judy Justice and sharing pieces of it with the dogs and cat. Yes, The Terrorist loves chicken. She sat next to me waiting for a small piece of it.
Today, I am inspired to clean house and make another bag for Top Notch. I continue to work at organizing my home, removing unwanted items, and the less means less mess. It’s still too cold to work outside in the garage. That’s on my ‘to do’ list but I do not want to freeze in the process. Out with the old, not getting any new, give to the donation places and feel good about using what I have in my world. The only things new I want to bring home are baby chicks. I plan on that next month when it’s warmer outside. The old birds won’t be happy about that but they’ll get use to the new birds one way or another. Once again, a pecking order happens.
I also have some crafty crafts in mind and must try putting together a few things. I feed the Terrorist canned cat food and I have wondered what to do with all those empty cans. I do have a thought or two and will attempt to make things. As I sat here thinking about those cans, a thought sprung and hot dang, I’ll try making it happen. I must wait for warmer weather as spray paint is involved and it’s too cold outside to be doing that. Yes, I love using spray paint. I love painting unwanted furniture and making new things out of stuff.
I looked at an large old bowl I have sitting in my kitchen and thought, “today’s the day to repair that!” It was my mom’s bread bowl and I’ve made bread in it. It has a large crack thru it and I am scared it will break if used. How do I fix that? I can use kintsugi (Japanese way of fixing broken items) but it’s not broken all the way thru it. Hmmm…….. I must continue on my thoughts on how to fix that. I do not want to get rid of it but want to use it.
And one way that I get things done is making my own, Honey Do List. It does help me keep on track and set goals for myself. It helps me to make time to sit my tookus down and read a book, get the laundry done, poop scoop (shit happens), and it gives me gratification when I get things done.
Well, day light is burning and I’m in the mood to get things done in my world. I have free time today and work this evening, so……. time’s a wasting.
I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!
And that’s the way it is………
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hmleughmyer · 2 years
Dear Soulmate,
I hope someday I bump into you, my eyes meet yours, and I drown in them. I hope when I see you smile at me my heart pounds like there isn’t enough room in my chest. I hope you take my hand, lace your fingers through mine, and we go walking, barefoot in the sand, under the stars, as we listen to the soft rhythm of rolling waves. I hope we get drunk on each other as we sip wine and tell each other our deepest, darkest secrets. I hope you gently touch my face and then tuck a strand of hair behind my ear before pulling me into you with intention, and kissing my lips with a primal passion. I hope we make love under the covers, by a crackling fire, as snow blankets the earth outside. I hope you make me laugh so hard I cry. I hope you will cry with me. I hope you are patient, compassionate, and kind, and you don’t mind sharing the bed with our 4-legged kids. I hope you think I’m beautiful, even on my worst days. I hope you hate seeing me sad, and I hope you like hugs. I hope you are sensual, cuddly, and adventurous in bed. I hope you like reading, art, and exploration. I hope that you try to write poetry or music, even if it’s bad. I hope you can laugh at yourself. I hope you like to dance and sing, and you aren’t afraid to get up and karaoke at some dive bar we stop at on our way to Sante Fe. I hope you love hearing me sing, even when I’m completely off key. I hope you dedicate some of your free time to mucking barns at a farm sanctuary or scooping poop at an animal shelter. I hope you are empathetic and giving. I hope we cook vegan food together and make up our own recipes and concoctions. I hope you love that I rescue rats and that I let them kiss me on the lips. I hope you love my constant antics and sarcasm. I hope when we argue it’s because you can think for yourself, and not because you were brainwashed by others. I hope after we have a good argument we can have makeup sex all night long. I hope that you challenge me and let me challenge you. I hope you can be present in the moment and that you have the curiosity of a child. I hope you like documentaries and dark history. I hope you love Halloween, and never miss out on finding the perfect costume. I hope you are creative, you love to create, and you think outside the box. I hope you’re a dreamer and have big dreams. I hope we go hiking together to remote waterfalls, and I hope you like rollerblading in the park. I hope we can walk our dogs together, and take them on vacations, and stay in mountain cabins with back deck hot tubs. I hope we can go camping together and roast vegan hot dogs and marshmallows while listening to music, getting high, and telling ghost stories. I hope that you like to try new things, and that you collect old things. I hope you like coffee and thrift stores and books. I hope that you love me because I would endanger my own life by stopping traffic to try and save a family of geese. I hope you think I’m funny when I thought I was being my own best audience. I hope you buy me slutty things to wear for you because you think I’m silly and sexy when I’m role playing one of my many personalities. I hope you love summer thunderstorms and autumn bon fires. I hope you like getting lost in the woods and lost in thought. I hope you’re a hopeless romantic. I hope you like candles and chocolate and bubble baths. I hope you like skinny dipping in the gulf at night. I hope you’re as crazy and as fearless as I am. I hope when I find you, you will love me for just little ol’ me, and I hope you will never let go.
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copperbadge · 2 years
Hi Sam! (If you have the time/spoons!) What did you do to get ready for Dearborn and Polk to arrive in your home? I am adopting cats for the first time as an adult and I am so nervous about not having the right stuff for them and not being prepared.
Even if you could point me in the direction of decent resources, I would really appreciate it! As a fellow ADHDer, I am hoping you might have some more neurodiverse friendly advice and I've seen how well you take care of the cryptids so I feel I can trust your judgement.
You're awesome either way! 🧡
Eyy, congratulations on your upcoming adoption! I felt very similar, like I was unprepared and nervous about it, even though I did my best. Just be ready to do some extra spending in the first few days after they come home -- buying supplies you didn't think of or extras of stuff they really like. You really have to get to know them first. And give yourself permission to not be perfect (for example, my cats eat junk-food kibble, but it's what they'll eat and they're so tiny that any way I can get food into them is good, so Meow Mix it is).
I think the most important thing really is to start with the bare bones to find out what your specific kitties like. For example, I got two beds, a nice soft plush fluffy $20 bed and a Sulk Gourd made of like, $2 felt. Guess which one they wouldn't go near! I ended up using the fluffy bed to keep them off of furniture I didn't want them to jump on because they avoided it so hardcore. So I'd start out with really basic stuff -- a couple of toys, 2-3 kinds of cheap bed, basic food/water dishes, and see what your little ones prefer.
I do want to point out that I didn't know I had ADHD when I adopted the cryptids; it wasn't even on my radar yet, as it would be a year or two later. That said, I still had coping mechanisms. I did look at cat ownership and think "What are the most unpleasant parts of this going to be?" and tried to mitigate those -- I know myself and I know it would be hardest to do the unpleasant parts, so I wanted to make those parts as easy as possible. I wanted to be sure I could give them the care and love they deserve.
For me, there were two major concerns: I didn't want them eating anything they shouldn't, and I was worried I'd forget to scoop the litter, or avoid doing it because it's stinky. For the former, I just went through the house and picked up anything I thought might hurt them; I bought a few containers and put stuff like sharp objects, string/thread, plastic, etc in the containers. I kept an eye on them when they came home to make sure they wouldn't chew any wires (Polk tried, but I wrapped double-sided tape around it and that stopped her).
For the latter, the "how often can I make myself scoop the litter" concern, I bought an Omega Paw "rolling" litterbox. You just roll it onto its lid, roll it back, and pull out a tray where all the poop ends up, which you can dump into the garbage (I have a bin specifically for dumping litter, which I double-bag and empty about once a week). This was fine for a while, but they both love to "garden" in the litterbox, so eventually I replaced it with a vertical box (they have to jump in through the top) to cut down on how much litter I had to sweep up. It's actually less work to scoop it every night than it was to sweep up litter constantly, and I'm spending like $20 less a month on litter. (You are supposed to have one litterbox per cat plus one spare, but mine are bonded and prefer to share litterboxes, plus my apartment is small, and so are they.) If this is a concern for you I might also suggest something like the Kitty Poo Club that sends you a new box with litter crystals in it each month; it didn't work for me because again, the litter got kicked everywhere and those little crystals are FUCKING SHARP, but it's an option.
Lastly, because I knew it might take them a while to feel safe, I deliberately left spaces in my home where they could hide -- they have a whole labyrinth under my bed where they can run around between storage boxes, there's space behind one sofa, there's some little cubbyholes in the bathroom, etc. I wanted to be sure that if they felt scared or unsafe they could go to ground somewhere that I controlled, rather than trying to, say, squeeze behind the stove or something, where they might get hurt. They didn't use them often, but once in a while something would scare them and at least this way I could see where they hid. And so I could leave them alone until they were ready to come out again. 
Good luck with your incoming cryptids! Get a bonded pair if you can -- they're sweet and they keep each other entertained. :D
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boyswanna-be-her · 3 years
Ok but for real how do I get into pet sitting bc I’ll probably be terminated from my job in two weeks and this 9-5 isn’t for me 😩😩😩
- start a social media account for your business now. It’s ok if you just post your own pets but don’t lie
- Make a business card and carry some with you.
- Start thinking about who you want to cater to and how far you’re willing to travel. What services do you want to offer? Start thinking about prices. If you dont know where to start just google it. You can charge different prices in different situations. Just give a quote when you communicate.
- Offer to pet sit for friends and family—free if you can afford it. If you cant afford to do it free BE UP FRONT with your friends abt how much you’re going to charge. Many young people underestimate how much overnight pet sitting will cost. Or just won’t tip/pay you at all. It’s hard times! Just communicate and don’t make assumptions. These people will be your references in the future! Post their animals on your social media.
-Network as much as you can, wherever you can. Who do you know? Does your best friend go to book club? Does your grandma go to church? Give people a few business cards and ask if they’ll give them to their friends/family/coworkers. Get outside with your dog if you have one. And talk to friendly dog owners. Ask your vet if they would consider recommending you if you have a good relationship with them—you’d be surprised how hard it is to find someone reliable and even vets don’t always have someone as a go-to!
- Buy insurance and bonding if you can afford it. Insurance is quite reasonable (just google) and makes a huge difference in new people taking you seriously. Being bonded is just another step you can take to protect yourself and is also relatively cheap. Imo there’s a big plus in being able to add “insured & bonded” to your cards/site/etc
- Think about your pitch. Do you love to walk dogs? Do you want to cater to senior pets w special needs? Do you have experience potty training puppies? Have you ever had a pet bird? Do you know how to maintain a saltwater aquarium? Think about your past pets and volunteering and what you can extract from that to categorize as experience. If you’ve ever had an old, dying pet who you loved, guess what? You’re a senior pet care expert! Etc
- Find a local friend who will act as your backup. It means a lot to be able to say “i have another pet sitter I subcontract with, just in case of an emergency.” You can also give them any work that you can’t cover and your clients will appreciate not having to take the extra step of findind someone else reliable. Obviously choose a reliable friend!
- Go the extra mile with their property. Seriously. Leave the property cleaner than you found it. Put away the kids’ toys. Straighten up. Wipe down the counters. Take out the trash. Put your linens and towels in the laundry basket before you leave. Hell, I even scoop all the dog poop out of the yard before I leave. Overnight pet sitting is lucrative, especially if you give the housesitting aspect extra care.
- Be professional. Take notes when you meet with someone. Think about what questions to ask before you meet with someone. Communicate and don’t assume anything. Where are you going to sleep while you’re there? What are you going to eat? How often and for how long will you realistically leave the property? Clients can forget to give you simple instructions—so just ask. They always appreciate it.
- Leave a note or do something special when you exit someone’s property. I leave a recap letter and a cupcake foil with pet treats in it. I left a comb for my last client with detailed notes on how she can groom her senior cat without annoying or hurting her. In the long run, it’s quite cheap to buy things in bulk to leave a special impression.
- I’ve heard that Rover is good for finding gigs, and it’s relatively cheap.
If I forgot anything just ask in the comments!
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bellsyafterdark · 3 years
Oh Boba and Paz... Paz figures out what he's up to and Boba thinks he's going to be upset because Paz's priority has always been the safety of their pack and now their child and surely he'll blame Boba for not looking into this before so he knew if he needed to take precautions. But Paz just settles in to help. They need to know for their baby's sake, just in case, but they need to know for Boba's well-being. That's part of taking care of the pack too.
Paz has barely crossed the kitchen’s threshold when Fennec is on him, crowing as she scoops the sleepy baby from his shoulder.
“Who’s been sleeping all day?” Nipping her chubby cheek, Fennec smirks at the little one’s shriek of glee, startling awake. Their baby's high squeal of laughter pierces the air as Fennec peppers her with more playful bites to her neck and arm.
“Just changed her,” Paz says. “She’s hungry.”
Fennec rubs her soft belly, eyes narrowed teasingly. “Poop and sleep, poop and sleep. Is that all you’re good for?”
“And eat. She’s hungry.”
Helmet lifting with a hermetic hiss, Paz’s hand encircles his fellow alpha’s waist and Fennec tilts her head for the kiss Paz plants on her cheek. Beside her at the preparatory table where the pack has taken their meals for a break from the formal dining room, Din is carving a roasted pair of nuna.
He greets Paz with a tired smile and leans into the kiss for his temple.
“Did you rest today?” Paz asks, fingers threading in Din’s short hair.
Paz glances at the fresh coil of steam as the nuna’s meat parts under Din’s blade. “Did you hunt those yourself?”
Din’s mouth tugs in a poorly hidden smile.
The frustration that Din did not take the afternoon off as planned is eclipsed when Paz notices Din and Fennec stand in the kitchen, absent of the usual attendants. It’s nice to have the privacy to remove their helmets, but if Din and Fennec prepared dinner by themselves, it’s an honour but....
“Am I gonna survive this meal tonight?” Paz teases, though the concern is somewhat sincere. The modest meal with carefully nurtured vegetables smells delicious but Din, in particular, was not famed for preparing more than hydrated rations.
Fennec hums skeptically, bare pinky nestled in their baby’s mouth where she suckles on the flavour of pureed vegetables from the bowl before the master assassin.
“You’re welcome to starve,” Din says.
Paz frowns. “No Boba?”
Fennec and Din tense and exchange a shrewd look. In Fennec’s arms, the little one burbles, chubby fingers wrapping around her mother’s wrist.
“I’ll get him.” Paz is already donning his helmet again.
“He’s been in the study since yesterday,” Fennec says.
Paz had just thought the head of their pack had come to bed so late and left too early for him to notice. If Boba was absorbed in a project, it could be something very good... or bad for all of them.
Fennec looks up at the tap on her orange pauldron, then scowls at the way Paz offers his hands expectantly. She clutches the baby tighter to her chest. “No.”
“If he says no to me, he can’t turn away his own ‘ad.”
Din’s hand closes around his wrist. His brown gaze creases, warm and gentle. “You don’t need her to buy your way in. Just talk to him.”
Paz glances at their other partner for support, but Fennec just inclines her head, conceding Din’s point. And bounces the baby in her arms, happy not to relinquish her claim.
Arms dropping to his sides, Paz sags with a weary sigh. Fine. He’ll try.
Din pats the armour over his kar’ta. “And tell him to hurry up. We’re almost ready here.”
Paz doesn’t know why he hesitates. He and Boba no longer harbour bad blood, past arguments about boundaries and duties long negotiated (but often revisited). He no longer looks at Boba with jealousy for the love they share of the beroya Paz lost, then found again in the sanctuary of this other alpha’s family. Boba no longer glares him down with suspicion of attempting to turn Fennec, his first mate and master assassin, against him.
They can even be tender with each other without the prelude of any conflict. Paz would be lying to say he didn’t enjoy it. There’s just... something about the way Boba makes the ground feel unsteady under his feet. How he sometimes makes Paz’s heart skip a beat faster with the slightest chuff of frustration or displeasure. It’s that he can make Paz want to sink to his knees with the right look. It’s how Paz has developed a shorthand with Fennec and Din, that he doesn’t yet share with Boba, and Paz often finds himself stopping to watch, assess and re-calculate.
When the door to Boba’s private study slides aside with a hiss, Paz is confronted with the wall-to-wall projections of internal bioscans, gene sequences and what looks like an expansive bloodline record flowing from the common tongue to Mando’a and back again. It isn’t a great leap to arrive at his conclusion.
“Whose bloodline are you studying?”
Bowed with both hands planted on the desk at the study’s center, Boba is squinting at something on an older monitor that Paz can’t see. He’s not wearing his armour, which still makes Paz internally flinch from a lifetime of being armoured every waking moment for protection.
“Mine,” Boba says.
Paz approaches the desk, ephemeral blue-white lines of the projections wrapping and shivering around his broad shoulders. “Something wrong?”
“That’s what I’m trying to find out.”
At Paz’s left, one of the images with what looks like a family tree blinks, updating to render two of the lowest nodes red: deceased. He looks back at Boba with a frown, recognising the concern in his face.
“Fett, are you sick?”
A wry smile twists Boba’s mouth. He finally glances up from the monitor. “Some have found my tastes objectionable.”
Paz snorts a soft laugh under his breath and nods back the way he had come. “Enough research. Food’s ready and the ad’ika’s hungry.”
A cloud passes over Boba’s expression, eyes flickering to the updated family tree. Paz follows his gaze, suspicious. The family tree suddenly takes on new meaning.
“Are... you doing this for her? So she’ll know where she comes from?”
Paz’s chest tightens with fear. They had all agreed when the little one was born that it didn’t matter who her other sire was, they had each other, and... they loved each other, so they never checked, but had Boba taken it upon himself to find out? Was he the other half of her DNA?
Boba sighs and sinks into the large seat behind his desk, arms sprawling wide, somehow making it look like a throne. He looks at Paz with some reluctance.
"We should... determine the child's paternity," Boba says, tone affecting that slow, deep resonance that makes Paz internally flinch because that voice was reserved for court, for outsiders and enemies. Or when something was very seriously wrong.
The ground beneath Paz feels unsteady and a sick feeling churns in his gut. He takes too long choosing his next words because Boba gestures to the projections.
“Did I ever tell you about my brothers?”
“They were different. They didn’t live long. The way they were built, I’m afraid.”
‘Built’. Paz turns the word over, mulling its meaning. He often forgets that Boba is a clone of a man because he looms larger than most natural-born Paz has ever met, he doesn’t really know the difference. The idea there could be... or once have been a galaxy of men out there just like Boba is... intimidating.
“Not like you?” he asks.
“I was unaltered, but I’ve feared... how different from them I really am. If perhaps there is programming in me that could skip a generation.” Boba points to the family tree again. “These are the vode I’ve been able to track down. Those with children of their own.”
Paz feels his blood chill. “How did they die?”
“That... is what I’m trying to find out,” Boba repeats. His face falls with regret and he stumbles for his next words, something Paz has only witnessed one other time: when making amends with Din. “I should... I didn’t... I....” He sighs, shaking his head.
Paz frowns. “Go on.”
“If I knew there was a risk Din could carry even with the beskar... the anchor was meant to....”
“So you’ve said,” Paz reminds him. They don’t need to rehearse those old conversations. None of them thought Din could get pregnant with the properties of the beskar anchor in his womb, but no measure was absolutely certain.
Boba’s mouth presses in a tight line. “If the little one is mine. I don’t know what she’s inherited from me. I don’t know what lies ahead of her.”
“... I see.” Paz shifts his weight, hands finding his hips as the mental cogs turn over the new information.
“I’m sorry,” Boba says, hoarse.
"What for? You didn’t choose your lineage.”
And what a poisonous web that has been for the two of them to untangle, the descendants of House Vizsla and Mereel deciding to leave their families’ old wounds in the past.
“I could have taken precautions. Spared any possible child from this risk.” Boba stares at his hands, brow tensing with guilt.
Crossing the remaining distance, Paz comes to Boba’s side, studying the cloud of data floating before them. Boba is, indeed, an anomaly, but one that warrants his own sterilisation?
“Stories say my father’s temper was legendary, and his ambition worse. But people have told me he loved his own legend more than our people’s cause. He destroyed families. Maybe even...” No, to think how much his father may have led to their people’s downfall is still too painful to contemplate aloud. “I don’t know how many I’ve trampled. But Din was the last.” Paz swallows thickly, eyes fixed on the rotating bioscan of an anonymous subject. “Do you think that sort of trait is hereditary? That one day... she could destroy everything we’ve built here?”
Or that Paz still might?
Boba tilts back in his chair, turning to look up at him. Hesitantly, Paz meets his gaze.
“If it is... it’s clearly curable,” Boba searches his face, eyes firm with that look that makes Paz’s knees want to buckle.
You won’t be the end of us.
Paz bites his tongue hard against the abrupt sting at the back of his eyes. This is not at all what he anticipated to encounter when he came to bring Boba down for dinner. “Maybe yours is, too.”
"Hn.” Boba sits back in his chair, looking ahead. His shoulders drop when Paz reaches out, carefully curling round the nape of his neck, fingertips brushing the scars of bonding marks long healed.
“If you still want to find out, I will help you.”
Boba’s mouth pulls in what might have been a smile, but he ducks his head, face turned away. At last, he sighs, straining in his chair, then pushing to his feet. Paz’s hand drops back to his side.
“Enough for tonight.” Boba echoes his earlier sentiment, surprising Paz when he steps in, reaching for him, and Paz obediently lets his helm be drawn down to rest against Boba’s forehead. Boba’s eyes sink shut and Paz draws the breath deep, sharing the heat of air and life in the kov’nyn, even with Paz’s buy’ce between them. The lingering tendrils of fear dissipate in Paz’s chest and he reaffirms their early conviction. It really doesn’t matter who the little one’s other sire is. They are all her parents.
Boba’s hands hold the sides of his buy’ce and he’s smiling when he pulls back. "You mentioned food? I hope it’s hot.”
“Din prepared dinner.” Paz holds onto Boba’s wrists, lingering.
The way Boba freezes with trepidation is almost comical. “By himself?”
“Fennec may have helped.”
Boba’s gaze darts away as though searching for an exit. “Oh.”
Paz keenly sympathises. “We should at least make a show of gratitude. It did smell edible.”
Boba arches a skeptical eyebrow and claps his free hand on Paz’s shoulder, squeezing gently. “Well. Let’s at least hope the little one doesn’t take after Din in the kitchen.”
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rebelwrites · 4 years
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Can We Keep It?
Jax Teller x Reader
Requested by Anon // Reader finds a stray dog and decides to take care of it?
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“You know Jax is gonna kill you right?” Lyla laughed as you watched Leigh playing tug with the little westie she had decided to name Pluto.
“Yeah” you shrugged sipping your coffee “but it’s worth it”
“What did the vets say?” She asked.
“The usual for a stray, she needs to gain some weight, but other than that she has a clean bill of health” you smiled “I mean Leigh has been pestering Jax for a dog for a while now but every time he says no, so it was like a sign when we found her”
The roar of the guys bikes made you smile, you hadn’t seen your husband in a week and was happy he was home.
“Leigh baby daddy’s back” you smiled, kissing her head.
“Do you think he will like Pluto?” She asked, scooping the dog into her arms.
“I think he is gonna love her baby” you laughed as you walked outside.
“There’s my two favourite girls” Jax shouted as he walked across the yard.
“Hey baby” you grinned wrapping your arms around his neck “I missed you”
“I missed you too darlin’” he whispered before kissing you softly.
“Daddy look” Leigh giggled coming up to you both.
Instantly Jax looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
“What did I say Princes” Jax said crouching down to match his daughters level.
“But daddy” she whined giving him her best puppy dog eyes and pout, what can you say she learnt it from you.
“If it’s any help I didn’t actually buy her a dog” you laughed “we found her at the park”
“Leigh baby, a dog is a big responsibility,” Jax said softly trying not to give in but you could see him cracking, he always did.
“I promised moma I’d look after her, walk her and everything” Leigh pouted “look how cute she is daddy”
Before Jax could speak Pluto clambered out of Leigh’s arms and onto Jax’s knee, reaching up and licking his cheek.
“See daddy she likes you” Leigh grinned. “Can we keep her pleaaaaaaase”
“Yeah daddy can we keep her?” You giggled.
“I’m outnumbered on this aren’t i?” He smirked searching behind Pluto’s ear.
“Yup” you winked.
“Fine but if she poops in my trainers she’s gone okay” Jax sighed giving in.
“Thank you daddy” Leigh grinned taking the dog off him “come on Pluto it’s dinner time”
“Seriously you let her call it Pluto” Jax laughed standing up draping his arm over your shoulder.
“Hey have you tried denying her when she pulled the face” you laughed.
“It’s the same face that you do that makes me cave” he chuckled, kissing your cheek.
“I do not pull the puppy dog face” you gasped making him raise his brow at you “okay maybe she got it off me”
“Damn right she did”
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@chibsytelford @talicat713 @corebore123 @nothingeverdies @teapartydreams @mrspeacem1nusone @khyharah @itmejado @woahitslucyylu @beth-winchester21 @minnicelli @everyhowlmarksthedead @trulysuccubus @haynsey @witching-hour @destynelseclipsa @edonaspanca @abbiesthings @angelreyesgirl @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @jadesamhart @lady-pswrld @ly--canthrope @hennessyauntie @gemini0410 @i-love-scott-mccall @est11 @mystic-shadows42 @sugary-x-sweet @starrynite7114 @skyofficialxx @terminallygenius @sadeyesgf @lauraashley93 @leaalfred @angelreyesgirl89 @sheeshgivemeabreak @marquelapage @meteora-fc @penny4yourthot @justahopelessssromantic @ilikechocolatemilkh @mayans-sauce @xbreezymeadowsx @ben-c-group-therapy @-im-fantastic- @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @milaxmariex @fvckthisbxtchup @cubblycie
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btzone · 3 years
Up and Down = 1 and 2
Some people do all their thinking in the shower. I do all my thinking when I’m walking my dog and waiting to scoop poop. Random thoughts come to me and even full on conversations happen. My Western brain and my Japanese brain were having a conversation and I thought, maybe there’s some Westerners who don’t know this about Japan and as small and silly a tidbit it may be, I can connect it to Buck-Tick so I will share.
In 1991, Der Zibet released a two part album called 思春期 I -Upper Side- and 思春期 II -Downer Side-. (思春期 = shishunki = puberty). Think of this as Japan’s “Use Your Illusion 1″ and “Use Your Illusion 2″ if it helps frame it, but these were released on separate dates and had less songs. Atsushi and Hisashi were guest members on songs on Downer Side.
The cover art doesn’t have the titles but these are the albums:
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The titles are on the spines:
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Now, my Western brain would think “upper side” and “downer side” must refer to drugs because all the musicians I like were junkies at one point and clearly these are the two sides of drug-infested songwriting. My Japanese brain is thinking, “Fucking gaijin! It’s clearly just part one and two.”
上 = ue = up = part 1
下 = shita = down = part 2
If you only listen to Japanese music or watch Japanese movies, you may not have come across this because it’s usually written on books, especially textbooks. To make things easier to carry (perhaps), books in Japan may be split into 2 parts to purchase. Sure, the up/down notation limits you to only 2 parts but that takes care of most books. (Poor Tolkien had to have his books split into 上1 and 上2!)
We had to buy the textbooks in Japanese public school. I don’t have any of those books anymore but I think a couple classes had the text split into 上 and 下. Here’s some high school mathematics textbooks I found online as an example where I point out (with funky arrows) the upper side and downer side, or part one and part two. 
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