neroushalvaus · 4 months
"Sori siitä."
– Alexander Stubbin syntilista
Viimeinen ennakkoäänestyspäivä käsillä ja vaalipäivä jäljellä, eli vielä ehtii levittää vaalipropagandaa. Vaikka tämä on kirjoitettu Tumblr-henkisesti Your Kokkari Is Problematic -muotoon, en suinkaan yritä tällä listalla känselöidä Stubbia, enemmänkin antaa teille argumentteja keskusteluun sen Stubbia äänestämään menevän Sylvi-tädin kanssa. Kaikki Tumblrissa taitavat pitää Stubbia suht pellenä, mutta vielä kuulen soraääniä ihmisiltä, joita ärsyttää kumpikin ehdokas ja meinaavat siksi jättää äänestämättä. Nyt yritän vakuuttaa paatuneimmankin siitä, että Stubbia vastaan kannattaa äänestää.
Osa näistä on "vain" Stubbin suusta lennähtäneitä sammakoita, joita ei kuitenkaan ole hyvä unohtaa, kun valitaan maalle keulakuvaa. Jos löytyy jotain, mikä suututtaa Sylvi-tädin, niin hyvä! Suututtakaa Sylvi-täti.
Tämän te tiedättekin liian hyvin, eli koulutuslupaus. Jätkä poseerasi virnuillen "Koulutuksesta ei leikata" -kyltin kanssa, ja Sipilän hallitus sitten kuitenkin leikkasi koulutuksesta n. 800 miljoonaa euroa. (HS) Lisäksi hallitus heikensi opintotukea Stubbin johdolla. (IS)
2024, presidentinvaalien toisen kierroksen vaalikeskusteluissa Stubb pitää palestiinalaispakolaisille avustus-, terveys- ja koulutusapua tarjoavan UNRWA:n tuen katkaisua Suomelta oikeana päätöksenä. Haavisto ei ole samaa mieltä ja on esittänyt vaihtoehtoja avun saamiseksi perille, jos UNRWA ei ole toimintakykyinen. (HS)
Puhuaksemme myötätunnottomuudesta Gazaa kohtaan, nostetaan esiin hyvin harkitsematon "herja". Ulkoministerinä 2009 toiminut Stubb ei halunnut keskustella haastattelussa Kirkon Ulkomaanavun tukemasta klinikasta Gazassa, jonka Israelin ohjusisku oli tuhonnut, "koska ei halunnut antaa Kirkon Ulkomaanavulle ilmaista mainosta". ("To be honest, varför ska man promovera Kyrkans liksom utlandshjälp - det är så där att 'en Nokia blev stulen, ska ni göra något?'. De försöker liksom lyfta sitt eget brand, that's the point.") (Ylen ruotsinkieliset uutiset)
2015 Alexander Stubb väitti eduskunnassa, että 90% silloin käsiteltyä hallintarekisteriä koskeneista viranomaislausunnoista oli ollut positiivisia, kun positiivisia lausunnoista oli vain 10%. (Yle) Tämän voisi laskea vain samaan sarjaan Essayahin maitolitramöläytyksen kanssa, ellei tämä lausunto olisi ollut eduskunnassa pidetty puheenvuoro, jonka täten oli tarkoitus ajaa Stubbin omaa agendaa hallintarekisteriasiassa.
Alexander Stubb kirjoitti seuraavan twiitin vuonna 2013, päivä sen jälkeen, kun uusnatsijärjestö Suomen vastarintaliikkeen jäsenet olivat tehneet puukkoiskun Jyväskylän kaupunginkirjastoon: "Voisiko joku kertoa mikä on Euroopan äärioikeiston ja -vasemmiston ero nykyään? En oikeasti tiedä. Kertokaa please. #ideologia #ääri #keino". Kun häneltä kysyttiin, miksi hän kysyi kysymyksensä juuri tuolloin, hän perusteli kysymystään näin: "Koska olen seurannut molempien ääripäiden liikkeitä Euroopassa viime vuosina, enkä löydä eroja." (X)
Alexander Stubb kannatti Iltasanomien presidentinvaalitentissä Suomen ja Venäjän kaksoiskansalaisten kaksoiskansalaisuuden "takautuvaa" poistamisesta. Lipsahduksia sattuu, mutta Stubb väitti myöhemmin Ylen tentissä, että oli sanonut vain olevansa valmis keskustelemaan asiasta. Olli Rehnin sanoin: "Oliko virhe, sori siitä" ja Jutta Urpilaisen sanoin: "Tässä tulee vähän sellainen olo, että sinä laitat 40 000 ihmisen perusoikeudet vaaraan saadaksesi muutaman äänen Jussi Halla-aholta". (HS)
Stubb on toistuvasti vaalitenteissä kieltäytynyt ottamasta kantaa hallituksen politiikkaan tai siitä seuranneisiin lakkoihin vedoten siihen, että presidentti ei saa olla työmarkkinaosapuoli. (IS, mutta katsokaa mikä tahansa vaalitentti, jossa Stubbilta tätä kysytään). Hän on myös pehmeästi kritisoinut vaalitenttejä, joissa ehdokkaita on yritetty saada ottamaan kantaa sisäpolitiikkaan vetoamalla siihen, ettei se kuulu presidentin tehtäviin. (Yle) Stubb ei kuitenkaan ole presidentti ja hän ymmärtää oikein hyvin, että näillä kysymyksillä yritetään kalastella tietoja hänen perimmäisistä arvoistaan. Vaalien alla on toisteltu koko ajan, että presidentti on arvojohtaja, mutta toinen vaihtoehtomme kieltäytyy kertomasta arvojaan. Koska hän on Kokoomuksen ehdokas ja hän ei ole sanoutunut irti puolueensa politiikasta, on turvallista väittää, että hän tukee hallituksen kaavailemia leikkauksia sekä työntekijän aseman heikennystä, kuten palkatonta ensimmäistä sairaslomapäivää. Ei ole ollenkaan perusteetonta olettaa näin, kunnes hän itse sanoo toisin.
Lisää saa laittaa, mutta toivon asiallisia ja totuudenmukaisia lisäyksiä.
(Huom. En lue Stubbin koulukiusaajataustaa tähän listaan, sillä en halua vetää ihmisen lapsena tekemiä virheitä keskusteluun siitä, onko hän nyt presidenttiainesta. Mainitsen sen kuitenkin, ettei minun voi sanoa sitä unohtaneen, ja lisään tähän Stubbin kommentin, josta voi lukea hänen suhtautumisensa asiaan 2014. Sillä on tässä ajassa ehkä suurempi merkitys: "Hemmetti sentään. Miten siihen pystyy vastaamaan ja puolustautumaan. Jos joku ihminen on tuntenut, että olen häntä kiusannut, niin silloin olen tehnyt väärin ja minun pitää pyytää anteeksi – koska olen ollut mulkku. -- Jos kohtaan sellaisen ihmisen, en voi muuta kuin halata ja pyytää vilpittömästi anteeksi." [HS])
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melatien · 4 months
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tiny yoichi (unwillingly) lures out soldiers by being his helplessness little self so his brother can strike
#bases are the most reliable way to find food afo found!#yoichi is crying bcuz he pitys them <3#not because hes nervous#im gonna be honest i made this idea up on the spot when drawing this#pewdiepies new art video awakened something in me I NEEDED TO REMIND MYSELF I CAN STIL DRAW BANGERS TOO#i didnt disappoint myself!!!! competitiveness is my enemy and my bestie literally#anyways his right eye was an absolute horrendous nightmare to draw it was going so well until i did the hair then it ruined the eye#i actually thought yoichi was wearing shoes at this age but then i looked back at those chapters and realised yoichi was shoeless#WITH ONLY A BANDAGE ON HIS FOOT??!?!!?!? agony#can yoichi not make me wish he had something good in life for ONE SECOND#think of this as like how he responded to afo killing those people that (presumably) beat yoichi up beforehand#we dont know if hes crying because his brother is killing or if he was crying before being 'saved'#ill try do some fluff art soon ive been really interested in body horror related art lately so i wanted to play around!!!#i have a BUNCH of ideas written down ive yet to do#i just keep doing whatever i feel like#i am the master of ignoring the instructions and winging it#mha#my art#yoichi shigaraki#one for all#my hero academia#first ofa user#shigaraki yoichi#mha yoichi#tiny yoichi#tiny yoichi in his shabby little clothes#ive actually been dying to draw tiny yoichi again but KIDS ARE SO HARD TO DRAW!!!!!#i had an art moment though#HALLEJUHAH#art gods had my back fr
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sketchy-tour · 4 months
Aa realizing I'm probably just gonna have to be okay with posting sketches more often.
As much as I love pouring my heart into a piece and showing it off, I am simply not in the headspace nor have the energy to juggle big pieces and everything else.
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daemon-in-my-head · 26 days
I'll never be over Sally calling her own son a dreadful child or saying she should've ended him before he was even born. I don't give a single flying fuck about the crimes he's committed (at least in this context). Nobody should talk about their child like that. And you know this absolutely vile woman probably told him this and much worse shit straight to his face. She said all that shit to a small kid that was presumably still innocent at that point. Aka, she most likely told her child it would be better if he were dead. Aka, she told her kid to kill himself. A FUCKING CHILD. And thx to the Belladonna lying around in their kitchen, I'm still convinced she tried to kill Gortash once he came back.
'Sold him cuz they needed money' my ass. You made your own kid, the person you were supposed to protect, pay for your own fuck ups and debts and mistakes and send him straight to hell. LITERALLY. FOR SOMETHING HE HAD NO FAULT IN. AND THEN THIS THING HAD THE AUDACITY TO TRY ND KILL HIM.
The absolute hatred and disgust I have for this fictional woman. I despise Bhaals A+ parenting, but this woman is worse than the fucking lord of murder. Imagine being more loathsome than an evil deity whose whole bit is goddamm murder and death. I swear to fucking god-
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zeravmeta · 2 years
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i dont need romance i need what these two have
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autism-corner · 4 months
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comments on em under the cut <3
-Jagged scars bc he did it himself with. a big knife.
-no sixpack. just bc.
-many pubes. other bodyhair is a bit less bc he isnt on T (<- excuse bc i couldnt make it look good /hj)
-pretty neat scars. got them done fairly early in his life.
-left his abs bc he really tries to keep em. dont particularly like it but :/ i feel like its part of him idk
-was on T a few years before getting isekai'd, aster helped him find a replacement.
-NEAT surgery scars. got them done, after his parents died, by top-level surgeons (+ didnt have big boobs to begin with)
-nips+snakebites+eyebrows pierced. hes a royal man he deserves it.
-left his pack bc i think he uses it as a coping mechanism....
-has been on proxy-T since a few months before his parents died.
-tiny boobs tiny scars. did them himself aswell.
-navel pierced bc hes a slut so ofc.
-no abs. this man does nothing to keep himself in shape.
-not on T but has found some remedy that has permanently lowerd his voice
-main reason for transition was so he could be in hiding better, he really doesnt care for much else.
-no nips.
-main control panel is in his abdomen bc its easily defendable. distinct connection of panels at the lines where they open bc i didnt want him to have abs and this works <3 + i couldnt figure out a reason behind topsurgery scars other than that <3
-no pubes bc hes a ken doll down there (i forgor)
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evercelle · 4 months
Hi Ever!! Some time ago I asked about Venti constellations, and since then have reached c5! I’m losing years off my life waiting for his next banner, but I wanted to ask if it’s all that worth?? Should I be investing in a weapon and its refinement instead? If so, which weapons are the best for a DPS build?! He’s been benched for a while because I don’t really know what else to do for him but he needs better treatment 😰😰 please help !!! 🙏🙏
hiya! well, first and foremost, weapons banner is a scam and i can't in good conscience recommend anyone roll on it. dont ask me how i know. but if you're prepared to potentially drop $$ i guess it comes down to (1) what kind of venti build you run and (2) what's more useful for your account
c6 is a nice con that increases both venti and and his teammates' dmg, bc it's a rare source of anemo res shred (+ shreds whatever element you absorb in his burst). getting a limited con is theoretically cheaper than a weapon if you have bad luck, but it's not a game breaker the way some other units' c6 are. the most practical benefit to trying to roll a weapon instead of con is that you can use a weapon on other characters if you wanted to... but that's also weighed against how cursed it is trying to get & refine it lol
for EM build, r5 stringless is a better choice than pretty much every r1 5* bow. for a crit build, polar star if you're actively proccing all its passive bonuses is probably the strongest pick, but aqua and harp are competitive options if you don't wanna micromanage rotations. refining a 5* weapon is almost certainly not worth it for most players bc there really isn't content hard enough in the game that demands insane stat sticks, so if anything, maybe consider trying for c6r1? r5ing is some real simp money... dont ask me how i know
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stupidrant · 2 months
i think the most we will get is PC release (if that) this year but that means we gotta deal with those trolls bc changing angrb0da’s skin color is such a big deal to these mfs and i still dont understand that sweet baby inc shit bcuz all the information im seeing is just bundled bullshit LMFAOOO i feel like her actual character gets overshadowed by the made up problems and no one actually talks abt HER as a character or even analyses her fr (outside of here ofc) lol sms abt to make a banger with her and atreus istg
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joelletwo · 4 months
[video description: a gintama takagin+shouyou amv set to the last half of "punching bag" by the front bottoms, using only scenes and flashbacks from their carnal shoass fight]
unconscionable violence as mutual informed consent therapy
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kitty-meowskers · 1 month
oh my god.... oh my god..... his trailerrrrrr
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
I'm sorry but the moment Alicent decided to obey her father she knew what was going to happen she knew she would have to have sex with him and have heirs. It's the only reason viserys remarried
what else was she meant to do? this was a day and age where women, especially young girls were controlled by their fathers, to some if not a great extent until they were married off (children of nobles typically betrothed for political reasons not love, these betrothals arranged by their fathers to whoever they pleased and saw fit, no matter what it could mean for the daughter). was she supposed to say no? was she supposed to disobey? what could have happened to her if she did? there was no point in which she could say no, when she could disagree. she was a girl, a child, all she could do was bite her tongue and pray for a miracle, pray for Viserys to not take to her, that at the very least he would wait to get her pregnant (the fact a 14 year old had to worry about that is sickening)
she was 14, she was grieving Aemma and reliving the pain of the loss of her mother, her father gave her an order, though disguised as a suggestion, one she could not deny. it didn't mean she wanted to, it didn't mean she wanted him to marry her, it doesn't mean she would have been forced to bear heirs as a child herself (especially because Aemma died because Viserys tried to get her pregnant to young and cause long lasting health issues that eventually lead to her fatal pregnancy), it doesn't mean she wanted any of it. but she didn't have any other choice, she didn't have a choice when her father sent her to his chambers, when Viserys claimed her hand, when Viserys assumed her consent and raped her in their marital bed, when she bore multiple children before she was 18, when she had to take care of him in his illness, when she had to practically rule in his stead. women didn't have choices at the time, nine of it was s choice she could have said no to, she just had to take it, all of it, cause her father told her to and it's her duty to obey him, and then Viserys married her and it was her duty to serve him.
y'all are so quick to blame a CHILD for the actions of her father and the king himself and forgetting the time and place she was in. nothing she could have done would have spared her fate, if not bringing her a worse one.
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lovesickeros · 6 months
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mayhaps I may one too many jokes about sagau characters rigging my pulls because this is getting ridiculous now..
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dipndotz · 1 year
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hello fellow webber fans and others alike, i humbly request you help with WEBBERSWEEP in the constant battle polls for our favourite silly spider
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sebek-zigbolt · 2 months
I don't think I'm strong enough not to pull for bday sebek even tho I want to save for ch 7 cards...... bcause yea........
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syntheticpaperd0ll · 3 months
im feeling it tonight so this one goes out to all my girlies (gender neutral) with addictions. recovering from addictions. who don't want to recover from addictions. who are relapsing or have relapsed. who have moved from one addiction to the next. who cant recover from addictions. this one is for people with addictions other than drugs. shopping. sex. internet. food. self harm. all the weirdest and worst addictions that people may or may not consider normal. for all of you also trying to live in a world where addictions are so demonized, i see you. i love you.
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besuretosavorit · 16 days
Nishiki has been of legal drinking age for 2 months at the start of Yakuza 0, what do you mean he's already a regular at Serena? He says he likes it because the "family higher-ups" haven't found it yet; how frequently is he having to interact with the lieutenants that he already needs a respite from them? 
I wonder how long he spent just venting to Reina about anything and everything, finally having a space of his own separate to Sunflower or the Dojima family. Anyway, this was meant to be a lighthearted "baby boy please think of your liver, you were still a teenager less than 100 days ago" type post.
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