tinogiehd · 1 year
bodyswap :]
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chiieur · 1 year
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I had a dream about you. We were in the gold room
where everyone finally gets what they want
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scuderiasundays · 1 year
trophy boyfriend
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summary: a high school reunion with a special appearance by yours truly
words: 809
a/n: my first and most likely last drabble. the product of my latest dreams and delusions. bon appetit 👩🏻‍🍳
“Time flies when you’re having fun.” You wondered why no one had thought to mention how painstakingly slow time passes when you’re doing the opposite. You had graduated high school seven years ago and to say that you had drifted from your friends would be an understatement. The daily updates about everything from dorm room decor to upcoming deadlines had withered down to annual “Happy birthday! Hope you’re doing well.” texts. This is why it came as such a surprise when an invitation for a class reunion showed up in your inbox. 
“It looks like they’re planning a high school reunion now that the pandemic has settled down. I won’t be going, of course.” You casually brought up the topic over dinner with Carlos, your boyfriend of three years. Life was busy enough as it was, and this was one of those rare nights you had him all to yourself. No late-night cramming for you and no post-race briefings for him. You couldn’t help but wonder how you got so lucky to end up with the doe-eyed Spaniard sitting opposite you. Carlos had devoted the whole evening to making his signature burgers, only pausing for the occasional dance break with Piñon. 
“You know what? I think you should go.” The uneasy look on your face was enough for him to reach across the table to hold your hand. “Hey, look at me. No one knows what you’ve been up to and you’ve come so far.” Carlos was right about you disappearing off the face of the earth. You kept a low profile on all social media platforms, preferring to keep your inner circle small. The only people who knew where you were at any given moment were your mom, Carlos, and your study group at medical school. The shift to online classes during the pandemic had allowed you to follow your boyfriend from race to race but you had somehow managed to stay out of the public eye. You treasured what the two of you had, a love that was just yours. 
It took a walk to the gelato shop and Carlos running you a hot bath with bubbles to finally convince you to go. It just so happened that the reunion was happening on a Sunday. “It would’ve been more fun with you by my side. I could’ve introduced you as my trophy boyfriend.” You joke, mentally calculating the travel time between the venue and the circuit. “I’ll see what I can do, amor.” He says, giving you a kiss goodnight before turning out the lights.
Sunday came and your eyes were glued to your phone screen as you checked Carlos’ location on the “Find My” app. It was obvious you were using your phone as an escape from interacting with the crowd slowly gathering in front of you. “Hi! We didn’t even think you’d show up, Y/N. We’re all dying to know what you’ve been up to!” You heard a shrill voice approach you from behind and immediately knew it belonged to the former class president. You chatted back and forth, slowly dying inside as you were bombarded with questions from left and right. 
You had gone to an all-girls school, and it wasn't long before the topic of significant others came up. "Are you seeing anyone? What line of work are they in? Medicine? Finance, maybe?"  You hadn’t prepared for this one: “He works with cars.” That was all your frazzled brain could muster. “Oh, a mechanic! Give me his number. I need to get my car detailed,” someone said. Way to jump to conclusions, you thought as you politely excused yourself from the hustle and bustle. 
You were walking back to rejoin the crowd when you noticed everyone gathered around the only man in the room. He appeared to be holding up a gleaming, gold trophy, truly captivating his devoted audience. “No, it can’t be,” you thought as you edged closer. You could hardly believe your eyes but there he was in all his glory. “Lots of driving for one day but it looks like I made it just in time.” Carlos says, lighting up the room with his infectious charm. 
A million selfies and autographs later, you were being driven home in Carlos’ 812 Competizione. Carlos’ hand lay softly on your thigh as you leaned into the breeze seeping through the car’s open window. 
“I realized something tonight, Carlos. I don’t need emotional validation from people I hardly know anymore. None of them would be crazy enough to fight post-race pain and fatigue just to make me happy. You, my love, are all that matters.” It all comes out like word vomit, but you mean every single word. He takes a quick glance at you and chuckles. “Te quiero tanto. It was my honor being your literal trophy boyfriend, even if it was just for the night.” 
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shortnotsweet · 1 year
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“I had a dream about you. We were in the gold room
where everyone finally gets what they want.
You said Tell me about your books, your visions made
of flesh and light and I said This is the Moon. This is
the Sun. Let me name the stars for you. Let me take you
there. The splash of my tongue melting you like a sugar
cube…We were in the gold room where everyone
finally gets what they want, so I said What do you
want, sweetheart? and you said Kiss me. Here I am
leaving you clues. I am singing now while Rome
burns. We are all just trying to be holy. My applejack,
my silent night, just mash your lips against me.
We are all going forward. None of us are going back.”
― Richard Siken
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anjellaufeyson · 6 months
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It was the end of times, the apocalypse. Every person I stood with was backstabbing, prideful, and dull. I came from a wealthy family, yes. But I came from a family who had morals, rare but true. A traditional family that almost suffocated me with their rules. I played with my cross neckless, a gold chain laid upon my chest. I stayed true to my faith, as true as one could be in this state. 
“You–come with me, it’s your turn,” the man said in a deep yet calm voice. 
He gave me a weird feeling, like he was pure evil but his demeanor was indifferent. He ranged between the look of heaven yet his personality was on the verge of evil but stood on sinful. His demeanor could deceive even the best. I followed him into a dimly lit room, his hands lingered on the desk. He leaned over on it from the other side. “If you lie, I will know. If you try to trick me, I will know and this interview will be over and you will be left to die…now let’s begin. Do you believe you’re evil?” 
His words were so serene that you almost wouldn’t think to weigh what he was asking you to answer, “Yes.” 
The expression on his face changed, I’m assuming he didn’t expect that answer to leave my lips. “And why is that?” 
I stared at him, taking in every feature and every malevolent thing about him. “I’ve wished death upon everyone in this hellhole. I’ve come to even welcome the thought of death, as long as it means I wouldn’t have to spend another second here. But my God has kept me strong.” 
His gaze lifted, his eyes glared at me, “your God?” I nodded and a stomach-twisting grin arose on his face. “Do you fear during your time here you’ll fall into temptation?” He walked around the desk and stepped closer to me, closer than I was comfortable with. “I take it you’re aware of the seven sins?” I nodded once more, staring at him and the proximity we stood within. “Which one do you believe you’ll fall into?” His words came out slowly.
I took a step back and he followed, “Envy.” 
His hands hooked behind his back, “Is that right? Most would’ve said–lust.” 
I was hesitant to speak, where is he going with this? “I have no reason to say that, I’m ‘pure’.” Almost regretfully I’ve never gotten the opportunity to lose it before the end of the world. But maybe that’ll help my chances. “Is this interview done now?”
A smile appeared on his face as he brushed my hair out of mine, “So eager.” He finally stepped back, “Would you ever fall into such a deadly sin? The irreversible sin?” 
I shook my head, “I have no reason to. God forbid anything tempting enough would slither its way to me. Why risk eating the forbidden fruit when you’re already comfortable with the knowledge you already hold?” Years of catholicism will leave you using bible stories as metaphors. 
The glimmer in his eyes made me realize the difference between good and evil. His breathing became heavy, “Good answer.”
Assuming it was the last one I headed towards the door, “Did I make the cut…what was your name again, sorry?” 
He raised his head while staring daggers into me with his blue eyes, “Michael Langdon…and we’ll see, you still have one test.” 
I walked to my room and sat in silence, it’s either here or downstairs with the dumbasses I’m forced to live with. I opened the one book I had time to pack, and the rest perished. The bible clung to my hands. I closed my eyes and felt my breathing get softer and warmer. My body felt like it was falling into the depths of sleep. 
God, is this the biggest test of my faith? What is to come of me? 
As I begged in faith, my door creaked. Is this a dream? There entering my domain of solitude was a person dressed in a black latex suit. “What the hell are you doing in my room, get out if I wanted to join you guys down there I would’ve,” I said sternly. The person in the suit shook their head and stepped closer. 
I set my bible in the bedside drawer. The person came closer and it was like my being recognized the person who stood underneath the suit. The tall figure, the feeling that makes me question my faith. It was clear who this was. I took the mask off and it dropped onto the floor as I realized I had been right. “Michael?” I can’t even escape the evil of this world, even in my dreams.
A sinister yet heavenly smile laid upon his face. 
“What is your test,” I asked, a little too fearlessly. The control I had in my dream felt so real. “Is it based upon how humans only care for flesh in this time of desperation and frightfulness? How do they want someone to cling to, how their selfishness is almost pitiful?” I stepped closer and stared into his piercing eyes, “All of us are no better here than the corruption that lies outside these walls.”
He tilted his head a bit in amusement, “Your biblical nature is impressive. Though I’m sure my knowledge on it is more…profound.” 
“Ask away.” 
His eyes turned what I swore to be fully black. He looked so devilish, “How did Satan come to be?”
Easy, one of the easiest questions. “He was God’s favorite, pridefulness struck him and so did foolishness. He lacked what God had plenty of, power. He must’ve found it disappointing that his favorite assumed he was better than the almighty himself. Then he was turned into nothing but a fault in the world and its sins. That’s the best question you have for me?”
Michael glared harshly at me but also seemed as if he was trying to figure me out. “You’re not as persuaded as the others–they easily fell into sin during my visits with them. But you–you stay true to your morals and beliefs.” 
“My faith is not easily shaken.” I stood tall, almost sinfully proud. I glanced down at the floor and then back to Michael. “I think you should get going. There is no test to pass, if I’ve already failed I’m okay with that.” 
His hand raised and he dragged it along my shoulder, moving my hair. He leaned in close to my ear, and I froze. “This is the test your God has laid before you.” 
At first, I was confused but then I remembered what I internally asked God before he entered my room. “Would God bestow such an easy test such as this? This lacks temptation.” 
Michael touched my gold rosary and it felt like he tugged it a bit, causing me to move an inch closer. “Temptation is all around.” He moved his hand and suddenly his hair was shorter, he had a youthful look to him–something more innocent? He had a black cape and he was wearing some maroon.
“How did you–” I paused mid-question, this is my dream. Dreams are unrealistic and filled with illusions. I hated how attractive I found him. 
His hand raised and he rested his hand behind my head. “Rules are made to be broken,” his voice sounded so deceptive. As if he was leading me astray. He moved in closer, his lips inches from mine. “Sins are to be avoided, but if it’s so immoral then why does it feel so good,” he questioned. His words came out slowly and deeply. 
My body was falling into whatever trap he seemed to be laying at my feet. But I turned away, “Michael,” I whispered. His hand dragged itself along my skin to my neck. His rings were cold and I almost gasped at the exposure. 
“Don’t you see how easily the skin falls into sin?” An incomprehensible noise left my lips. “Speak,” he said and so I did. 
In a fast motion, he turns me around and pushes me onto my bed. My chest hit the mattress, even in quickness the touch was so gentle. His fingertips dragged along my back as he moved my hair off of my nightgown. 
How could I allow myself to get into this situation? How could I allow myself to not want to get out of it? “This is wrong, morally and strictly. The woman said physical contact between two people is forbidden and punishable by death.” 
A tiny raspy laugh escaped him, “Trust me, I outrank that command.” His hands feel around my waist and I’m about to push them away but he gripped my skin roughly. 
Michael’s touch was so delicate yet rough. Again, him being a constant continuation of good and evil. Innocent and tainted. My will couldn’t be this lost. I stood up and turned around to face Michael. “I can’t do this, it doesn’t feel–right.” 
Something almost hypnotizing showed in his eyes, “This is a dream. What do you have to lose? What moral codes are you breaking?” 
My mind was filled yet hollowed out. The scales were weighed in my mind and just like the other fools I am inferior to survive with–I fell. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him eagerly. He kissed back way more intensely. 
Michael pulled away and I watched as his tongue ran along his teeth. “Ah, every human remains the same. The only societal vice that stands till the end of time.” His head tilted as his thumb touched my chin and held itself there. “What a pity, I hoped you would’ve proved me wrong.” 
A hurt expression washed over my face, “This isn’t a dream…this is the test?” 
“Smart one aren’t you.” 
I moved away from my bed and slowly backed away, “You–you tricked me? I was just a pawn in your experiment.”
Michael followed me in a begging manner, “But don’t you see? You like everyone fell into your needs, and why shy away from that?” His deception rendered me silent. “You passed.”
What other characters would you like to see one shot on? I just do my current crushes, but I'll take recommendations. Hope you like this one, it's wordier ngl, I was trying something new.
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xxladyballadxx · 1 year
To Love and To Cherish
(Richter Belmont x f! reader)
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
||Sequel to Reunited||
⤹ (Read the first part 'Reunited' before reading this one.)
Summary: A few months has passed ever since Richter finally reunited with his long lost childhood friend. During vampire hunts with (Y/n), his adopted little sister Maria couldn’t help but notice Richter looking at his friend very differently. Leading to Maria believing Richter sees her more than just a friend. Even Tera noticed a spark between Richter and (Y/n)
The day after when Maria spoke to Richter about that certain someone...
Richter finally realizes that he is deeply in love with (Y/n)...
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
(Y/n) and Richter had a lot to catch up on since they haven’t seen each other for nine years. The two talked about their tragedies, about how (Y/n) got this strange god-like power out of nowhere. Her heart shattered into pieces finding out that Richter lost his mother that got killed by this vampire that haunts him in his dreams. 
“Oh Richter, I’m so sorry that happened to you…” Says (Y/n), giving him her sympathy. She felt terrible for not being there for him. 
Richter placed his hand onto hers, he lifted his head to look up to her with a sad face and asked, “What happened to your family? Did they survive?” 
This was very difficult and heart-breaking for (Y/n) to tell him but she told him anyway. (Y/n) lost her entire family, everyone she loves were killed by a herd of vampires. More of a clan, a cult. 
She watched her loved ones die right in front of her. Richter felt his heart breaking apart while listening to what happened. 
A vampire who appeared to the commander, tried to hurt (Y/n) and get rid of her. That was the moment this incredible power awakened within her. A bright glowing light burning that vampire’s flesh, ashes to dust. Not only can she bend the power of light, she can also control every element. 
After every vampire witnessed what (Y/n), they took her and made her a weapon for their wars. Using her as a puppet. “I still have no idea how I got this power. There are times where I wonder if I'm controlling it… or it controls me.” her words dipped out into a spiral of darkness where she felt she was still trapped somehow. She continued to tell Richter about her past, “I had to obey them. If I don’t, they will kill those innocent people and suck them dry. Even the children…” 
Richter clenched his fists, swallowing himself up in anger. He was very pissed off that the whole clan of vampires kidnapped (Y/n), making her into a weapon. “If only I could have been there…but everything happened so fast…” he placed his hand onto hers, his face lifting up to hers sorrowfully.
(Y/n) squeezes his hand, her (e/c) orbs focused on him, “I’m here now, Richter. Never again will we ever get separated.” The two smiled at each other with comfort. (Y/n) sighed, moving away from Richter for a moment, “There’s something I have to show you…something’s that-” she couldn’t find the right words for it somehow. So she closed her eyes and began to change as Richter sat back and watched her transform into some sort…of a goddess. 
Her entire body glowed into a shimmer of gold, bright as a sun. Her hair shone radiantly, floating in mid-air. A short dress with shades of red, yellow and orange appeared on her, the colours of a flame. Her eyes were flaming gold, glimmering like thousands of lights. 
Richter gasped in a spark of shock, seeing her transformation for the first time. It was like he’s seeing a goddess right in front of him, standing before her, “W-woah..”
Tera and Maria barged into the room without knocking after noticing a bright light from a gap of a door, both were flabbergasted after seeing (Y/n)’s transformation. (Y/n) switched back to her human form, all the glow disappearing on her skin as she dropped to her knees,  “Ugh..” 
“(Y/n)!” Richter rushed to her in worry, his hands gripped onto her arms as he pulled her up. “I’m fine, this happens a lot when I transform.” 
Maria stepped forward to take a closer at (Y/n), she asked her, “What are you? How did you come across this…power?” Tera was just as curious as her daughter, they wondered the same thing. 
(Y/n) wish she knew how she claimed this strange power, “I don’t know. It just appeared out of nowhere. I have no idea where it came from…” she motioned her head down, her eyes set on her bruised-sore hand, “Perhaps it has something to do with me being torn away from my loved ones, my family…and..” she moved her sight onto Richter. 
Richter scooped her into his strong arms, holding her in a tight embrace “I thought I lost you forever…” 
Tera cleared her throat, the two turned to her, “This reunion is a blessing, truly. I’m very glad for both of you but right now…” she looked at (Y/n)’s ruined clothing, “(Y/n) needs to change her attire. Poor thing has been wearing that for god knows how long.” 
(Y/n) chuckled lightly with a short smile. Maria ran out of the room to get a new set of clothes for her. She returned quickly and passed them to (Y/n) kindly, “Here you go.” (Y/n) takes it from her, “Thank you..Maria and…Tera.” 
Tera and Maria smiled warmly with a slight nod. “(Y/n), I-OW!” Richter got punched in the arm by Maria, giving him a scowl, “I know you’re quite very happy to see her but bloody hell Richter! This poor woman needs to get fucking changed and we wouldn’t want you to continue your conversation with her just yet while she puts on her new clothes...” Maria had a little bicker at him, her arms folded into her chest, “You fucking pervy wanker…” 
(Y/n) blushed, dipped her face into the fabric of the clothes that she was given. Tera put her hand to her lips and giggled. A reddened-faced Richter scratched the back of his head, “Y-you’re right, I’m sorry. I-I will see you in a bit..” he walked past Tera, heading downstairs as he waited for (Y/n). Tera and Maria became the last ones to leave the room. 
As soon as (Y/n) slipped into her new attire. She swung open the door and headed downstairs to see Richter and the other two. Richter stood up from the table, gazing upon her. (Y/n) walked over to him, smiling gracefully. 
Richter couldn’t get his eyes off her for some reason, “You look…you look good..” he was going to say ‘beautiful’ but the word escaped from his lips. (Y/n) gave a little giggle in return. Tera and her daughter noticed the way they looked at each other. 
They didn’t want to say anything about it…yet.
Months had passed ever since (Y/n) was finally reunited with her dear childhood friend Richter.  However, the word ‘Friend’ doesn’t seem to fit the case as Richter has been looking at (Y/n) very differently, he’s been at it since he came back to her, even during vampire hunts with her and Maria. 
The way (Y/n) strikes down vampires with her magic abilities, along with her rapier sword swinging towards the neck as their heads come rolling. Whenever she's in her other form, she uses her beam of light to burn out the vampires, their burning flesh dripping. 
Richter tries to stay focused in the ruthless fight with the vampires, he can’t seem to get his oceanic eyes off her. Maria took a quick notice, seeing the way Richter gazes at (Y/n). 
“Watch out!” (Y/n) flew down to the vampire that was about to attack Richter from behind, piercing the enemy’s head. She kicked it afterwards, watching it roll onto the ground with blood making a small swirl. 
She sheathed her rapier sword, making her way to Richter, “Is everything okay, Richter? You haven’t been very…” (Y/n) wanted to know what’s on his mind, appearing to be concerned. 
“I..uh…” For some reason, Richter’s heart began racing whenever (Y/n) walked close to him. Her presence somehow triggered his heart to flutter, causing him to feel a hint of awkwardness, “E-everything’s fine, (Y/n)..” Richter finally responded, his eyes looking away. 
(Y/n) sighed, she smiled and lifted her hand to caress his face which set his whole body and heart in an explosion of fuzzy warm feelings. Richter was stunned by her touch, his body felt unmoving. “Try to stay focused, Richter, wouldn’t want a vampire to sink their fangs to your neck now do we?” With that, she walked off down the path, heading home as she disappeared through trees. 
Richter took a deep breath, feeling his heart cooled down. As he calmed down, he earned a strong punch towards his arm by Maria, “WHAT THE FUCK, MARIA?!” He rubbed his arm, “WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR, HUH?!” 
Maria scoffed, crossing her arms, “You can be such a fucking dick sometimes. I have seen the way you look at (Y/n), did you think I would not be aware of that?!” she brought it up, turning Richter’s attention to the fact he couldn’t move his eyes away from (Y/n). 
Why does his heart beat so wildly whenever he’s close to (Y/n)? 
Or whenever he thinks about her?
“Richter…” Maria puts her hand onto his shoulder, squeezing it, “She’s more than just a friend, isn't she?” she sensed the bond between Richter and (Y/n) had blossomed into something more special. 
“You have feelings for her…” 
When that popped into Richter’s head, he came to a realization that he is in love with (Y/n)...that he has strong feelings for her…
Back at home, (Y/n) lends a hand to Tera, helping her with cooking which she appreciates. (Y/n) has actually been helping around the house a lot. Cooking, cleaning, picking up flowers. Tera didn’t want (Y/n) to overwork too hard. She doesn’t seem to mind at all, (Y/n) rather do something then just staying still and doing nothing. 
With them keeping themselves occupied, Richter chilled in his room thinking about what Maria just said to him. 
‘You have feelings for her…’
Richter heaved a sigh, slammed his head gently onto the desk. His thoughts of (Y/n) began to appear in his mind, scattering everywhere. He wishes to love her, to cherish her and to stay by her side. But what if (Y/n) doesn’t feel the same way?
“Richter?” His heart skipped a beat by the sound of (Y/n)’s voice, his whole face glowing red. “Shit, shit, shit…” Richter mumbled under his breath, clenching onto his beating heart. He slowly took a breather and went up to open the door for (Y/n).
“Richter, are you okay? You seem…a little red.” (Y/n) pointed out, spotting a faded colour on his cheeks. She stepped inside as Richter shuts the door behind her 
“I..I’m fine..” Richter sat down on his bed, looking down to the ground. (Y/n) knew that was a lie coming from his mouth. She sighed disappointedly, “You’ve been distant towards me ever since I began going on vampire hunts with you and Maria..” settling herself next to Richter so she can face him properly. 
“Richter, please look at me…” (Y/n) urged him. Richter believes he doesn’t deserve to look her in the eye but slowly he gains courage to turn his face towards her direction. 
“We’ve known each other for so long ever since we were childhood friends. You can’t keep hiding things from me forever, Richter.” She added, moving her hand to hold his, “Please…tell me what’s bothering you.” 
Richter tried to find a way to tell her, he worried that he might mess it up real bad. His heart weighed heavily, having a bad thought where (Y/n) rejects him. He shakes his head, trying hard not to think about it. 
A sigh slipped across his lips, having no choice but to tell her, “(Y/n)...I began to have feelings for you..” he continued on, “I like you more than just a friend, I can’t fucking get you off my mind and ever since we were separated, I thought I would be alone forever.” 
At long last, he poured out the words from his heart and confessed to her, “I love you, (Y/n).” his eyes gazed upon her. (Y/n) felt her whole body and heart melting away. She inched herself closer to him, cupping his face and locked her lips with his.
This led to Richter wrapping his arms around her, he held her close and deepened the kiss in a slow passionate motion. (Y/n) pulled away for a moment, her thumb caressing the side of Richter’s face, “Oh Richter, I wanted to be the first one to tell you. I love you so much, you’re been in my thoughts lately and I just realized that you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.” (Y/n) hugged him, burying her head into his chest, “You, Richter Belmont, are the one that I shall love and cherish forever.” 
Richter tightened the hug, never wanting to let her go. Their hearts connected when they had their first kiss, they came to realize that they were meant for each other. Richer moved away, motioning his hand to move (Y/n)’s hair out of her face. He leaned in to kiss her until their moment together was interrupted by a certain someone barging into the room. 
“About fucking time you told her, you wanker!” Maria ranted on, “it was so fucking obvious you liked her more then just a friend! The way you set your eyes on her just gave it away!” (Y/n) and Richter separate from each other, their faces going all red. Richter snarled at her, “Can you just knock on next time for fuck’s sake!” he rose up “Were you fucking eavesdropping?!” 
“For god’s sake, Richter, I only heard the part where (Y/n) said to you ‘You, Richter Belmont, are the one that I shall love and cherish forever.’...that’s the only thing I heard..” Maria folded her arms in irritation. 
Tera sighed, entering the room. She smiled at the two people who officially became lovebirds, “You know, you two make a very fine couple. I’m glad both of you figured out your feelings for one and another.”
(Y/n) goes over to Richter, wanting to hold his hand. The two smiled warmly with their shooting gazes crashing together. A serious-looking Maria swooped in to Richter, pointing her finger at him and said, “If you ever fucking dare hurt this poor lady, I will have my magic birds tear you to shreds.” 
Richer gulped humorously, his body trembling. (Y/n) let out a chuckle, giving a quick peck towards Richter’s cheek, causing him to jump a little. Tera gripped Maria’s arm, dragging her away, “Alright, Maria, let’s leave them two alone now. You, young lady, shouldn’t have barged in and ruined their moment.” With that, they left the room and closed the door on their way out. 
Richter tackled a giggling (Y/n) to bed, tickling her neck with kisses. (Y/n) cried in laughter, “Richter, you know that tickles!” 
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this, (Y/n). Bloody hell, I’m so lucky to have you!” 
(Y/n) cupped his adorable face and kissed him, her head attached to his “And I am lucky to have you, Richter..” 
(A/n) - HOLY FUCKING HELL I WROTE A LOT FOR THIS PART! I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE UNTIL NOW. Well, I was thinking about writing a special last part for this. Not quite sure yet. You might encounter a few mistakes on here since I was writing this like a madwoman, trying to finish it. So, I hope you all enjoyed this ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ I will be sure to write more of him in the future!
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dominantslasherking · 2 years
Slashers With Dominant Male S/o On Valentines Day
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+.
Backstory: Takes place at a slashers asylum...but its valentines day
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You boredly sat at the table, your eyes closely slanted onto the plain white table, where multiple valentines cards were laid out right in front of you.
"Quiet! He noticed them!" Billy muttered to Stu, the ghost face killers intently watching with wide smiles on their faces. The other tables who were at the tables with the two scream killers had their attention to the table you sat at.
Norman bates was the first to speak up, "Do...you think he will like them?" Norman hummed out, his voice gentle but held no sense of shyness. "Of course he fucking likes them." Chucky aka Charles lee ray spoke up, ruffling his hand through his hair, he wasn't in his doll form currently, he took a drag of his cigarette which he had took from one of the nurses he murdered.
Bo Sinclair turned to his brother in annoyance, before speaking out to the rest of the killers, "Here comes the silent fuckers...----no offence." He mumbled the last part to Vincent who just stayed silent under his wax mask.
Both Jason Voorhes, and Michael Myers had finally arrived at the dinnng room , following after behind them was Thomas hewitt, with his sluggish and sleepy like movement.
All three of them had sat near [Name] With their eyes glued to the valentines cards directed to you, obviously they had already placed theirs there, so they could only wait.
"Thanks everyone." Your husky voice spoke up which was pleasing to everyone's ears, as they melted just by your words. The more demonic slashers had finally arrived, chains both on their neck and wrists were glowing a light blue color, it had restricted their powers.
Pinhead headed over to the table, curious about the silly cards which were in shapes of hearts, and gifted to you, he was pleasured with the panging jealousy inside his chest, which caused him a different sensation of pain: It greatly pleased him.
Freddy Kruger was muttered curses, while staring at pinheads--well pins. Freddy had resisted the urge to grab on of the pins and stick it into a guards eye...he has done that before, but he only ended up getting tackled and months in solitary for killing a guard. "Heyy~ Babee~ Did you read mine yet!" Freddy teasingly asked as his burnt features twisted up into a rigid smile.
"HEY- Freddy, why don't you take your burnt sausage dick and shove it up your ass!" Chucky cackled, while throwing a heart shaped chocolate at Freddy's head. "Say that again! Killer Carrot top! Once I get out of these shitty chains, guess whos dream I'm coming to??---YOURS BITCH!" Freddy insulted right back, but before he could say much more Hannibal had stopped their argument.
"Why don't you two, sit down, and let us enjoy our meals, I'm sure [Name] does not appreciate your tussle as he is trying to read the cards." Hannibal stated, while he stared down at his tasteless food.
Slowly you inhaled a deep breath, "What time...will we go?" You slowly asked, the asylum was getting boring fast, and you were ready to leave.
Pennywise had giggled on your words leaning down on the table, his eyes flashing gold as he suddenly slipped off his shackles once you had spoken. "Penny is always ready." The clown teased, ready to help the other slashers who had chains on.
Lifting up from your seat, you stared at the slashers at the other table, who were also standing.
It sounded like a swell plan...
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raayllum · 1 year
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I had a dream about you. We were in the gold room where everyone finally gets what they want. You said Tell me about your books, your visions made of flesh and light and I said This is the Moon.
—Richard Siken, "snow and dirty rain"
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walker33961 · 1 year
Alejandro real-time forgot that he had a little picnic planned with you in Japan on spring times... You really felt a bit broken when you realised that he forgot ... Meanwhile....he was down feeling from the recent missions , no proper intels, seeing best ones in injury and enemies change in location often and sending threats to his motherland .....
He really wanted to tell you these things , Well...you were aware that the time was not going well over Him, over the team & base ... After the mission got finally complete from his side , He got busy reconstructing the base.. After a good ass war with the shadows and specially , Graves....
Whenever he came home , we was all dull , broken from inside ..he hardly shows his emotions..
He was always better in hiding emotions after losing his elder brother , He almost lost his brother like person, his best friend and mate, Rudy..
Everyone wanted to see the Happy - chilled Colonel they knew & always saw They know about you, they know you always fix him. They know you are his "Home"...
They have a high expectation this time since it was the most freak shit mission and he also got locked in his own black site prison...
Time : 2:43 AM
Door nob twisting sound fills the silent room and he stepped into the house, A beautiful garden surrounded 2 storey house, in a location which only Rudy, los Vaqueros, Task force 141 Boys knew about..
After he stepped he got welcome by the little sweetie in the house "Marie" The cute munchkin milk white cat you got as a wedding gift from your sweet mother- in - law.
It's a family tradition that the bride will be gifted at least 1 kitten / cat which signifies the peace love and wellbeing of the family, Marie always brought light to both of your dull days❤
But this time, emotions and mental health striked him bad honestly.... So it's different this time.. No happy face after petting Marie..still... His heart became a bit warm ..
Alejandro : Awe Pequeña - *Little* . How you've been.. *tired voice but enough to understand* *petting the cat*
"Donde esta tu Mamá? " - *Where's your Momma*
The cat meows and walks to your room, Alejandro following Marie.. After she stopped and scratched the door a bit... She went away to her little space and He Twisted the nob and sees you sleeping peacefully..
He saw your sleeping state , time stopped like he's in a dream and your a angel from heaven sleeping in beds as if sleeping in clouds..
Your wedding ring shinning bright, sharing little shines around your face..
The orange Bedlights throwing a gold glow over your fair light brown skin He sees it As it's sharing aura lights in the midnight dark blue sky .....
And your charcoal black hair, shinning normally... But he sees it as if it's the wave of sea in the yellow moonlit night.....
One thing tho...it's ain't like he's the one who works..
He always saw you struggling with your work and getting less chance for yourself.. Even ignoring the fact of being in rest when sick... That's why he planned for a Japan spring picnic under the sakura falls..but... Got cancelled due thar historic mission....
You didn't mind since you are understanding....He's fking lucky for it !
Alejandro :
*comes near you and sits down carefully on the floor, so that u don't wake up*
"I have no idea how I got you Mi Amor , Maybe I did something good in past and you're the reward for it....I can never describe how you fix me everytime, wish I could tell you how much I want a little picnic , a little time spend.... To make u feel loved a bit more . I want to open up my heart, don't know what the fuck is stopping me from being free to my beloved wife... I love you more than anything Y/n.. I just wish. ...
*starts sobbing*
You :
*slowly opening the eyes from the sudden sobbing sounds, seeing Alejandro sitting and wiping his eyes, hair all messed up, diry clothes still on, eyes full of tiredness*
You : *hugs him placing hands over his neck and pulling him closer*
"Don't cry , your pretty earthy brown eyes don't deserve these bitter like tears..I love you Ale , and i understand that it's not easy to open up no matter how close the person can be... Take your time Amor.....I'm always with you , to listen whatever you wanna speak about"... *kissed him on his forhead*
*you feel his body getting lighter from the pain and burden which was over him.. He was melting in your touch, sobs getting lighter and his breathing getting back on the right pattern*
Alejandro : Can we plan for it aga.....
You : Honey, You don't have to plan a trip to make me feel loved.. Your presence is much more important to me than those trips.. All i appreciate is a cup of coffee, sitting together in a couch , Marie in your lap , And some sweet movie playing in... I live for these moments to be happen everyday..bcz home is home..and your My Home . ...But your long mission calls and...
Alejandro : Not this time... Los Vaqueros and 141 , all of us got 6 months off from our missions...the rookies are well trained and will assist , we'll give direction to lead from our homes... As easy as that...
" I promise to make the use of these times, to the fullest.. ❤"
You : LOS QUIERO MUCHO ALEJANDRO - *love you so much* *A big kiss over his lips*
Alejandro : Y/n .... *staring at her with whole love*
You : Hmm?
Alejandro : Gracias por todo.... - *thanks for everything*
You : *hugs*
Alejandro : *inhaling her sent , which he feels home*
You : * Releasing the hug* Honey you better take a shower... I'll prepare the dinner
Alejandro : How about I have you tonight as a meal... It's been....
You : *pinches him a little*
Alejandro : Ouch Mi Amor, Okay okay I'm going for a shower...
*screaming from the bathroom *
"I'll make sure I keep my words about it...."
You : *😳😳😳😳😳😳*
<3 : @alewesker @sleepyconfusedpotato @sarahs-secrets2
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dnffics · 7 months
the gold room
by wooowriter
Rated T, three chapters, 33.9k words
Tags: Bodyswap, Sexuality Crisis, Hurt/Comfort, Self-Discovery, Hopeful/Bittersweet Ending
I had a dream about you. We were in the gold room where everyone finally gets what they want. Or, 20 year old Dream wakes up in 2023.
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tinogiehd · 1 year
I feel like the gold room is haunting me /pos
sorry 😭😭
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princemick · 7 months
“I had a dream about you. We were in the gold room where everyone finally gets what they want.
You said: Tell me about your books, your visions made of flesh and light and I said: This is the Moon. This is the Sun.
Let me name all the stars for you.”
— seb and lewis in their lover era
u sending me this w no context on a random monday night when u dont reply to my text is why we work but also, r we marge and homer?
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lmh8903 · 6 months
Benny Rodriguez x Reader Pt 7
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In the days following our conversation on the porch steps, Benny and I navigated our newfound relationship with caution. We treated it like it was a blown glass figurine, too easy to break and too hard to repair again.  Every moment spent together felt like a revelation, a discovery of shared interests, dreams, and fears. We laughed, talked, and grew closer with each passing day. The Sandlot remained our sanctuary, where our bond had been forged and we continued to create memories. But now, it held an added layer of significance, serving as the backdrop for our blossoming romance.
Since we were taking our relationship slow, we decided not to tell people about it yet. It has been refreshing having that side of ourselves private. No one gets hurt this way. Phillips won't know that I moved on and the boys won't be in our business. 
Sneaking around with Benny has been new and exciting. I know I'm not doing anything wrong, well maybe I am because of Phillips, but sometimes it feels like I'm sneaking out to meet with some random guy. But this isn't some random guy. This is Benny Rodriguez, the boy I've been in love with forever. 
Later tonight Benny and I have plans to have a late-night picnic at the Sandlot. We meet there quite frequently because no one is there.  As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in hues of pink and gold, I found myself eagerly anticipating our late-night picnic at the Sandlot. The anticipation buzzed in the air like electricity, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement coursing through my veins.
Finally, my waiting is over. It is 10 o'clock and everyone in my house is asleep. Since Benny and I are practically neighbors, we shine flashlights into each other's bedroom window to signal that we are ready. I flash mine into Benny's room and he signals back. I start to put my shoes on and sneakily go out the front door. As I make my way through the living room towards the door, I see a bright light coming from the kitchen. 
"And where do you think you're going, young lady?" Yeah-Yeah's voice broke the silence, his tone laced with playful curiosity as he intercepted my path.
I chuckled, rolling my eyes at his antics. "I'm just meeting up with some friends," I replied, trying to keep a straight face despite the mischievous glint in his eyes.
A smirk played on Yeah-Yeah's lips as he raised an eyebrow suggestively. "You mean Benny?" he teased, punctuating his words with exaggerated kissing noises that made my cheeks flush with embarrassment.
I shot him a mock glare, playfully swatting at his arm. "Shut up, Yeah-Yeah," I said, unable to suppress the laughter bubbling up inside me. Despite his teasing, I knew Yeah-Yeah meant well, always looking out for me in his unique way.
"Maybe get better at sneaking out Y/N. You two have been so obvious. Do you ever know when I sneak out?" Yeah-Yeah asked. 
"No. But that's probably because you never sneak out because all of your friends are asleep by 9" I respond matter-of-factly. 
Yeah-Yeah rolled his eyes dramatically, but the playful smile never left his face as he sauntered off, saying "Your secret's safe with me Y/N. I just want you to be happy." 
I met Benny at our usual spot, a secluded corner of the Sandlot hidden from view by a cluster of trees. His smile lit up the darkness as he spread out a blanket and unpacked the contents of our makeshift picnic basket. The faint scent of freshly cut grass mingled with the aroma of sandwiches and lemonade, creating an ambiance that felt both magical and intimate.
As we sat side by side, the stars twinkling overhead like diamonds scattered across velvet, conversation flowed effortlessly between us. We talked about everything and nothing, sharing hopes, dreams, and fears beneath the blanket of night.
In those stolen moments, I felt a sense of freedom, unlike anything I had ever experienced before. There was something exhilarating about sneaking around with Benny, about keeping our budding romance hidden from the prying eyes of the world. It felt like our little secret, a sacred bond shared between just the two of us.
But amidst the joy and excitement, there lingered a shadow of guilt in the recesses of my mind. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was betraying Phillips, that our clandestine meetings were a betrayal of the love we once shared. Yet, with each tender glance and whispered confession, those doubts faded into the background, replaced by the undeniable certainty that Benny was where I belonged.
As the night wore on, the cool breeze carrying whispers of summer's end, Benny reached for my hand, his touch gentle yet filled with warmth. "Y/N," he began, his voice soft against the backdrop of chirping crickets and rustling leaves, "I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what."
His words washed over me like a comforting embrace, banishing the last traces of doubt and uncertainty from my mind. At that moment, beneath the canopy of stars, I knew that our love was worth fighting for, worth cherishing with every beat of my heart.
As we lay together on the blanket, the world fading into a blur of moonlit dreams and whispered promises, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected journey that had brought us together. Our love may have started as a fragile whisper in the wind, but with each passing day, it grew stronger, and more resilient, until it became an unbreakable bond that would withstand the test of time.
"Yeah-Yeah knows about us," I admitted quietly, breaking the peaceful silence that enveloped us. "As much as I've loved having this to ourselves, I think it's time we tell people."
Benny's expression softened, his eyes reflecting a mixture of understanding and acceptance. "I've been thinking the same thing," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Keeping our relationship a secret feels... I don't know, like we're hiding something that shouldn't be hidden."
I nodded in agreement, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders at Benny's words. It was time to stop hiding, to embrace our love openly and unapologetically.
"But how do we do it?" I asked, the uncertainty creeping back into my voice. "What if people don't understand, or worse, if they don't approve?"
Benny squeezed my hand reassuringly, his touch grounding me in the warmth of his presence. "I'm assuming by people you mean Phillips. We'll face whatever comes our way, together," he vowed, his voice filled with determination. "And as long as we have each other, nothing else matters."
His words echoed in the stillness of the night, a beacon of hope guiding us through the uncertainty that lay ahead. With Benny by my side, I knew that we could weather any storm, and overcome any obstacle that stood in our path.
As we lay beneath the blanket of stars, hand in hand, I felt a sense of peace settle over me like a comforting embrace. Our love may have started as a fragile whisper in the wind, but with each passing day, it grew stronger, and more resilient, until it became an unbreakable bond that would withstand the test of time.
As we prepared to face the world together, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected journey that had brought us to this moment. With Benny's love as my guiding light, I knew that our future held endless possibilities, each one more beautiful than the last.
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kedreeva · 1 year
Steddie + Richard Siken Quotes
If you're wondering about some other nice Siken quotes to go with these boys, since i have most often seen the jacket one, here's a bunch more:
"The way you slam your body into mine reminds me I’m alive, but monsters are always hungry, darling, and they’re only a few steps behind you"
"You’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and you’re trying not to tell him that you love him"
"I’ve been rereading your story. I think it’s about me in a way that might not be flattering, but that’s okay. We dream and dream of being seen as we really are and then finally someone looks at us and sees us truly and we fail to measure up. Anyway: story received, story included. You looked at me long enough to see something mysterioso under all the gruff and bluster. Thanks. Sometimes you get so close to someone you end up on the other side of them."
"He was pointing at the moon, but I was looking at his hand." (hello Steve looking intently at Eddie while Eddie tries to tell him about Nancy)
"I crawled out the window and ran into the woods. I had to make up all the words myself. The way they taste, the way they sound in the air. I passed through the narrow gate, stumbled in, stumbled around for a while, and stumbled back out. I made this place for you. A place for you to love me. If this isn't a kingdom then I don't know what is."
"You go to work the next day pretending nothing happened. Your co-workers ask if everything's okay and you tell them you're just tired. And you're trying to smile. And they're trying to smile."
"Tell me we're dead and I'll love you even more."
"Let’s admit, without apology, what we do to each other."
"Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story."
"Because people die. The fear: that nothing survives. The greater fear: that something does."
"I wanted to hurt you but the victory is that I could not stomach it. We have swallowed him up, they said. It’s beautiful. It really is. I had a dream about you. We were in the gold room where everyone finally gets what they want. You said Tell me about your books, your visions made of flesh and light and I said This is the Moon. This is the Sun. Let me name the stars for you. Let me take you there. The splash of my tongue melting you like a sugar cube… We were in the gold room where everyone finally gets what they want, so I said What do you want, sweetheart? and you said Kiss me. Here I am leaving you clues. I am singing now while Rome burns."
"For a while I thought I was the dragon. I guess I can tell you that now. And, for a while, I thought I was the princess, cotton candy pink, sitting there in my room, in the tower of the castle, young and beautiful and in love and waiting for you with confidence but the princess looks into her mirror and only sees the princess, while I’m out here, slogging through the mud, breathing fire, and getting stabbed to death. Okay, so I’m the dragon. Big deal. You still get to be the hero."
"You just wanted to prove there was one safe place, just one safe place where you could love him. You have not found that place yet."
"And no one can ever figure out what you want, and you won't tell them, and you realize the person who loves you isn't the one you thought it would be"
"I don't really blame you for being dead but you can't have your sweater back."
"This is my favorite part. It starts and ends here. The pebbles shine, the plan worked, Hansel Triumphant. Lesson number one: be sneaky and have a plan. But the stupid boy goes back, makes the rest of the story postscript and aftermath. He shouldn’t have gone back."
"Don’t leave the room until I come back from the dead for you. I will come back from the dead for you. [...] Leave the lights on. [...] I’m in the hallway again, I’m in the hallway. The radio’s playing my favorite song. Leave the lights on. Keep talking. I’ll keep walking toward the sound of your voice."
Anyway. Enjoy.
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galacticspaceguy · 2 years
I, am cringe. But I am free.
It was finally the day. This wasn't what Soundwave would have ever dreamed of happening.
Soundwave was never one for showing his emotions, masking his feelings was so much better. But as of recently, he almost entirely let himself go. His spark fluttered in ways he was unfamiliar with.
He remembered these feelings as slight notions he felt towards his ex-leader.
He was never like this with Megatron. This is so much more.
He looked over himself one last time. Nothing changed much. Except for the excessive gold that draped over his shoulders, waists and arms, and a purple cape, with the Decepticon insignia on it in a brighter purple.
Most of this was Starscream’s idea. But… Soundwave supposed he didn’t mind. Plus, Soundwave had his own surprise for the ceremony.
“SOUNDWAVE!!” Frenzy bursted into his room.
“Frenzy?” Soundwave was starting to finally use his actual voice after centuries.
“We’re starting- Woah.” Frenzy stopped and stared.
“Did I mess something up!? I knew something looked off-“
“You look so good!” Frenzy screamed. She ran up and grabbed Soundwave’s hand. “Now let’s go, your future conjunx Endura awaits!”
“You finally approve of me and Starscream’s relationship?” Soundwave lightened up. Perhaps there was hope-
“Haha! No.” Frenzy scowled. “But Starscream is gonna let me play my guitar, so…”
“Of course he did.” Soundwave sighed.
The Nemesis was beautiful. Rows of Decepticon flags were hanged up. There was energon, music, and a crowd of happy Decepticons.
Either they came because there was energon, or because no one has seen a proper bonding since the early parts of the war, where young bots and cons were ready to get their sparks tied before death got to them first.
Everyone went silent when old Cybertronian music started picking up, Frenzy’s guitar playing in soft rifts. All eyes were on Soundwave. Then the door on the other side of the room opened. Starscream stepped out, wearing gold and a cape similar to Soundwave’s, with the addition of a gold crown, with one big red jewel on its crest.
The Decepticon’s parted, making a clear path for the two. They were the envy of all. When they had finally met in the middle, their hands roughly held the others, not wanting to let go. It almost felt surreal.
Soundwave took in every bit of Starscream’s beauty. From the slight makeup to the polished paint.
“You look beautiful.” Soundwave whispered.
“Look who’s talking.” Starscream smirked, leaning in ever so slightly.
Starscream and Soundwave had already gone through most of the conjunx rituals, the four ceremonial acts that made them whole.
Now this would make it more publicity official.
They just had to finish the “Act of Devotion” showing off the admiration and desire they held for one another. Though Starscream had a few sincere words to say, Soundwave had something more planned.
They stood on a higher platform, next to the control panels and the warships screens.
They looked out at their people.
Time to start the ceremony.
It was the dead of night. They planned to sneak onto the Nemesis and recapture all the Decepticons that had escaped Ghost’s prisons. Optimus picked up a few more Autobots for the mission, but they were a small force against the Cons, even with Ghost’s forces right behind them.
“Megatron, are you certain?” Optimus knelt down beside him. “That’s about a few hundred Decepticons in that ship.”
“This will work.” It has to. “If we keep holding off to recapture those cons, the more we put this town, this planet, in danger.”
“We are putting ourselves, and these humans, in danger.” Optimus glanced towards the dozens of humans in black vans behind them.
“We have to do this.” Megatron was stubborn. Optimus sighed, walking away.
“Besides, they’re under Starscream’s command, how bad could it be?” Megatron called out after him. Joking even though Megatron was also doubting himself.
This has to work. And it will.
They approached the Nemesis, human forces surrounding it. The Autobots were planning an attack from above, managing to get onto the Nemesis’s roof.
“Is this a good idea?” Arcee whispered.
“Of course it is. No one will know we’re up here.” Megatron replied, coming off ruder than he anticipated.
“You didn’t install a defense mechanism for your warship's roof!?” Elita yelled, (quietly)
“I never needed too. I didn’t think you’d Autobots were that insane.” Megatron looked back at them.
“So you admit this plan is insane?” Bumblebee butted in.
Megatron rolled his eyes and sighed angrily. He stopped when he reached the far end of the metal roof.
“This is the main deck.”
Elita started to tear at the metal roofing.
Oh no. Megatron should’ve repaired his ship after that meteor shower 3 thousand years ago.
Soundwave was ready to break the oath. The oath of never showing his face again. Being a spy meant giving up a lot of things. But he isn’t anyone’s spy anymore. The ceremony was almost over, then Starscream and Soundwave would connect their sparks in private to finish the ritual. Soundwave ran a hand over Starscream’s chest.
It was all so perfect. Until they heard an explosion from the ceiling.
Multiple Autobots fell from the ceiling. They grunted and groaned as they got up. Among them was Megatron.
Soundwave’s visior would have cracked right then and there. His fists tightened, almost blowing up that dragged right here and now.
“Wha…” Megatron gained back his grip on reality, quickly firing up his fusion cannon. He looked around the room, then his gaze landed on Soundwave and Starscream.
“Is this a Conjunx ceremony?” Megatron muttered, asking, not just stating facts.
Soundwave wanted to cuss, scream, and attack, but Starscream was already getting to that.
“Must you Autobots ruin everything!?”
The rest of the Autobots had adjusted already.
“Never took you for the settling down type, Screamer-“ Elita started, then noticed Megatron. His eyes showed hurt as his fusion cannon lowered.
“Let’s finish this now, Cons!” Bumblebee said, charismatically.
“Decepticons! Attack- “ Starscream started to scream out orders, before Soundwave stopped him, Soundwave’s hand landing on his chest.
Soundwave looked at Megatron. Behind the mask there was hate in Soundwave’s eyes.
They were over.
Soundwave pulled Starscream in, catching him in a dip.
A collective gasp was let out by everyone, even Starscream, as Soundwave’s mask unhitched. Soundwave’s blue eyes locked with Starscream’s red ones.
In a moment Soundwave locked Starscream in a kiss. Their sparks flowed with a vibrant blue, interlocking with each other. That was about half the deed to be done.
Soundwave pulled a shaken Starscream up.
“Now, you may attack.”
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long post about Rebels and my personal trauma below cut. The episode was amazing, guys
I don’t think I have any words to say. The rebels ending mural has been my home screen for five years.
The music, the people, the story.
it’s all been a part of my life for so long now.
I was in 6th grade when the show ended, and I was going through a really hard time. And Rebels kept me going. The way Kanan and Hera looked at each, Ezra and sabines banter, chopper the war criminal, Zeb and how he seemed to lose all brain cells when in the same room as Ezra.
I remember how much I daydreamed, that summer. I remember coming up with this whole storyline of how things could go. I picked the legends planet Sarkhai as my theory, I remember that much.
Rebels and SWTOR were my rocks, back then.
Last episode, everyone was saying how much lighter Ahsoka looked, like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. And… I felt like that too. Like seeing her forge herself again healed some fractured piece of my heart with shining gold.
And now, seeing the moment that I’ve hoped and dreamed out for five years, it’s… it’s everything I could have hoped for.
it’s a little whisper to that lost and hurt girl, saying I know it hurts. But you always knew there would be an end to the suffering, and now that end is here.
I’ve come a long way since then. I’m on medication for my OCD, which finally got a diagnosis. I used to be so paranoid at the thought of someone slipping medication into my food or drink that I refused to eat.
I’m back in school. I transferred for seventh grade, and I still remember on the car ride home from the first meeting, I was dreaming again. Thinking about where Ezra was, and how Sabine would find him.
I made it to December before I stopped going to school.
But now I’m back, and I’m a senior in high school! And I’m in drivers ed and I own more than two pairs of clothes and I’m taking back more and more of my life every day!
this isn’t some ‘Rebels guided me through all this.’ If anything helped me move forward, it was Solar Ash.
But Rebels was the teddy bear and blanket while a storm raged outside.
I stopped engaging with Star Wars almost entirely for around a year and a half when I realized that I was getting unhealthily obsessed with it, that was how much I leaned on rebels.
In the end, what Rebels is to me, is a reminder that the child I was isn’t gone. That I’m different now, and older, but my childhood hopes and dreams are still a part of me, and they can still come true.
this is… something completely disjointed that I probably shouldn’t be putting on the internet for privacy reasons, but I just needed to share, to spill it all out into the abyss.
I broke down ugly sobbing when I saw the first trailer, because we were going to find Ezra and why was it live action, why now it wouldn’t be the same people and they all looked wrong and sounded different.
But then I watched the first episode. I curled up on the couch with my friend and we held on to each other and screamed with joy more than once.
I was terrified because it was different, it wasnt that dream that I had held onto through my pain. And… it’s different. But the same. Like I am.
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