gbveryspecialguests · 11 months
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 2 months
Against Instincts
Summary: Dean made a very serious mistake but much to his surprise, Reader forgives him & the two share a special moment.
TW/CW: Abuse (by Reader's father), Mention of Dean hitting Reader, Dean doubting himself, Mentions of injuries (bruises, welt, etc.), Angst Angst Angst, Dean Winchester x Reader
Requested?: No
Word Count: 1,979
A/N: Idek where this came from. It sorta spawned from me wishing Dean could show up & rescue me from my dog shit life (I'm not being abused I just have a lot of bullshit going on with my parents) & also just me feeling angsty as fuck. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the read. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Much love to all!
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(Y/N)’s POV 
    John Winchester was a hard ass at times but he was never cruel. I think that's why when his teenage son, Dean, returned from what was supposed to be a quick grocery store run with myself around the same age in tow claiming, "Her dad is a monster. We have to help her," he couldn't just ignore me & send me on my way. He visibly stowed his anger at Dean's tardiness & observed me. I’m sure he took note of the bruises scattered across the little bit of skin I had visible, some were old, some were new. He probably noticed the split lip paired with a blossoming black eye. Yet, he ushered me into the car with orders for Sam & Dean to stay put. 
    When he pulled into my driveway my face felt warn with embarrassment. From the outside, my house looked like no one had lived there in years. He walked me to the front door & knocked. When there was no response, he knocked again.  
    I looked up at him, “He’s probably asleep.” I opened the door & walked in. Inside, the house was spotless. When I entered, my father stirred on the couch & sat up.  
    He was very clearly drunk as he slurred his words, “Where the hell have you been, girl?” 
    I looked down at my shopping bags in my hands, “I went out to get milk & bread.” 
    My father rubbed his eyes, still having not noticed John standing just outside the front door, “Ain’t you got something to clean? Make yourself useful & get me beer first.” 
    I hid my face from John as I shuffled over to the fridge & retrieved a beer as instructed. I walked over to the couch & handed it to him, “What would you like me to clean?” 
    He looked up at me, furious, “Are you dumb? You should be able to figure out how to clean by now.” Dean was right, this man is a monster. I took a few steps back & looked around me for something to clean.  
    In the blink of an eye, my father jumped up from the couch & grabbed my arm, “Get your useless ass into the kitchen & wash those damn dishes,” he yelled before shoving me so hard toward the counter that I lost balance & hit the floor. John rushed over & offered his hand to me as my father lazily wandered over to the couch & plopped down. I gently took John’s hand & was hauled to my feet.  
    Suddenly, my father noticed John’s presence, “Who the hell are you?” John said nothing & simply pulled the me to the front door, placing himself between me & my father who was still plastered on the couch. Before the door shut behind us, I heard my father grumble, “Good riddance. She’s worthless anyway.” Tears rushed to my eyes but I fought them back as John pulled me toward the car. Once we were safely inside, he sped back toward the motel. 
    There was never a missing person’s report filed or police involvement. My father never bothered to look for me. People we encountered never questioned why I was with the Winchesters. It seemed everyone assumed I was their daughter & sister. Sure, life on the road was never easy & sometimes John was hard on me but I would much rather stay with the Winchesters than to go back to my father. At some point, I stopped only giving my first name when introducing myself & began introducing myself as (Y/N) Winchester. They were the closest thing I had ever had to a family. 
    I am pulled back to the present at the faint sound of voices outside my bedroom door. They’re too quiet to make out what is being said but I roll over grabbing my headphones to play music to drown them out completely. 
Dean’s POV 
    “What are you doing?” Sam asks, shaking me from my thoughts. I stay silent. “Dean, what’s wrong? Why are you sitting outside of (Y/N)’s door in the middle of the night?” I look down at my lap. “She tried to get you to talk to her didn’t she?” I nod. “What’d you do? Yell at her?” 
    I clench my jaw, “And hit her.” 
    Sam is taken aback, “You-” It’s quiet. “You can’t apologize to her if you’re just sitting out here on your ass.” 
    “She’s hasn’t cried,” I mumble. 
    “How do you know?” Sam asks. 
    “When she ran out of the room, I realized what I did & followed her. By the time I made it to her door, she had already shut it.” 
    “So, you-” 
    “I’ve been sitting here trying to convince myself to knock & she hasn’t cried at all,” 
    “You know when she doesn’t cry she’s-” 
    “I know,” I grit my teeth, “She’s angry.” 
    “Well, like I said, you can’t make it right sitting out here.” 
    “Not long after she left her dad & hit the road with us, I promised her that I’d never let anything happen to her. I’d always protect her.” 
    “I hit her, Sam. I’m no better than that piece of shit that calls himself her father.” 
   “Dean, don’t. That man let a stranger walk out of his house with her. He didn’t give two shits that he hurt her. He wouldn’t be sitting outside her bedroom door nearly in tears trying to convince himself to apologize. You’re better than that guy. You’re her best friend & you need to talk to her.” I tossed Sam’s words around in my head for a few moments before he walked off saying, “If you do decide to get up & knock, I might think about rescuing you when she beats the shit out of you.” 
    “I deserve whatever she does to me,” I mumble to myself. 
(Y/N)’s POV 
    After a few hours of listening to music, my headphones beep that they’re dying. I pull them off & toss them toward the end of the bed, making a mental note to charge them later. For a few moments, all I can hear is the music still playing through my dying headphones. Then, there’s a knock at the door. I hold my breath hoping they’ll go away. I’m sure it’s Dean but I’m hoping it’s Sam. If I face Dean right now, I might kill him. Okay, maybe not kill but definitely maim. 
    Another knock sounds. I begrudgingly toss the covers off of my legs & get up. As I pad over to the door, the knocker speaks, “(Y/N), please let me in. I am so unbelievably sorry. I know I don’t deserve it but please let me check on you.” I’m quiet, mentally arguing with myself about whether I should open the door or not. “Okay... I understand. I’ll leave you alone.” 
    I rush to open the door. His head shoots up to look at me. The worry & fear on his face hurts my heart. I know Dean. I know him better than I know myself sometimes, which is why I never expected the outburst from him that I got. I clench my jaw, “I’m fine.” Dean scans my face before breaking eye contact & looking down at his feet. I leave the door open & return to sit on the end of my bed. He stays put at the open door so I give him a look that says, “Well, come in.” 
    He begins making his way to me, “(Y/N) I-” he drops to his knees in front of me & drops his head into his hands, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me & I know that’s no excuse but please know I never wanted to hurt you I just got angry.” When he looks up again, there is tears in his eyes. His voice cracks as he reaches up, “Can I?” 
    I nod. He gently runs the pad of his thumb over the welt & slowly forming bruise on my cheek. I notice his jaw clench as he pulls his hand away, “Let’s hear it...” 
    I tilt my head at him with confusion on my face, “Hear what?” 
    “How you never want to see me again & I’m a piece of shit. I’m sure you’re probably wanting to give me a couple good right hooks for what I did,” his voice is small & quiet as he continues, “I deserve it.” 
    I think for a moment, “You’re right. I want to beat the shit out of you. The crazy & scary thing is I’d rather crawl into your lap & you hold me like we used to do when I would wake up screaming from a nightmare about my father. I want you to tell me everything is okay & that you’re here & you’ll keep me safe.” I let my words hang in the air for a second & it breaks my heart to see him break a little too. “But... you hit me, Dean... You’re supposed to make sure no one ever hurts me but you hurt me. I want so badly to just brush it off & move on but I can’t. Every instinct in my bones is screaming that I can’t trust you.” 
    He nods solemnly, “I understand. I’ll leave you alone.”  
    He stands to leave but I grab his arm, “Contrary to my usual belief, my instincts aren’t winning this time.” I tug him to sit beside me on the bed, “Dean, you’re the most important person in my life. Somedays, you’re all that keeps me going... I can’t lose you, not when I know that outburst is not who you are.” He’s quiet but a look of hope grows on his face. I continue, “I forgive you.”  
    A small smile graces his features, “Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me. I promise I will never hurt you again. I promise I’ll do better.” I nod & we’re left in silence for a few moments before he speaks again, “You were trying to get me to tell you why I’ve been distant lately.” I nod, he takes a deep breath, “I-... I’ve been trying to distance myself from you because... because I love you (Y/N). It terrifies me because I know you deserve better & I know you don’t feel the same way so I was hoping distancing myself would make those feelings go away but if anything, it made them worse & I was just super frustrated that it wasn’t working so when you came to me asking what’s wrong I just exploded.” he pauses, “I’m sorry you got caught in the blast radius.” 
    I take his hand in mine, “I’m gonna break this down piece by piece. First of all, idk how on earth you think I’m gonna find anyone better than you. You always take care of me & keep me safe. You know me better than anyone. You understand me better than anyone. I won’t find that anywhere else. Second of all, how dare you assume I don’t feel the same way,” I giggle, “When did you become a mind reader? Thirdly, why didn’t you just tell me you needed space? I would’ve understood. I didn’t enjoy just being left in the cold by my best friend & the man I love.” 
    He looks me in the eye, “I don’t deserve you, ya know that?” I shrug. He chuckles, “I’m sorry I didn’t just say something. I’ll add it to my list of things to be better about.” 
    I squeeze his hand, “While you’re at it, add stop doubting yourself to the list.” I place my free hand on his cheek, “I wish you could see yourself the way I do.” 
    He leans his forehead against mine, “I love you, (Y/N)” 
    I smile, “I love you too, Dean.” 
More Dean Winchester
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rowretro · 9 months
Running from riki
Just a lil fluff imagine I wrote on wp
Warnings: none rlly just a bunch of cuteness<3
also im new to writting on here so idk how to make it pretty pls help
"Baby, listen, the whole time your hand will be in mine hmm? I don't want no running off kay?" Niki asked in a soft yet stern tone as You smiled nodding. Within the 5 seconds in which you entered the mall, your feet were itching to run to the nearest store, your mind already running from store to store as your eyes scanned the whole place.
"Baby- remember what I said-" Riki added, his eyes narrowing to the littlun beside him "Of course baby I will- OOH CLOTHES-" There you go, running to the clothing shop but Riki was quick to act...
In one swift move, he pulled you into his arms, hugging her securely as he stared down at your slightly flustered figure "What did I tell you, princess?" Riki asked as you hid your face in his chest.
The male smiled at this action, softly letting go, his hand still gripping onto yours as they walked through the mall. Yet again, your feet were taking you to all kinds of stores, Riki being quick to act, pulling her back, cautiously not wanting to injure her arm.
His eyes suddenly fell on a running toddler, the toddler's parents' holding the toddler on a leash "Babe- I think we need to go to a store that sells those leashes-" Riki pointed out as you giggled, mischievously.
"why? are we going to have a baby???" You asked giggling at the way his expression changed "WHAT- EH- NO- ONE BABY Y/N IS ENOUGH FOR ME-" Riki defended himself as you just laughed more at the poor boy.
"So what if I can't get a kids leash thingy- I can always get a dog leash- Im sure it'll fit around your neck-" Riki said as y/n kicked his ass. "OW-" Riki yelled and within seconds she ran off in a random direction.
"She a runner?" A man randomly asked, sighing as Riki noded, with a sigh "She's a runner she's a track star-" he replied "Mine too- so I put her on a leash-" the male said, pointing at his daughter as Riki simply walked away, searching for You.
"There you are, princess- I swear we're going to have to do online shopping from now on if you keep running like this-" Riki sighed as you giggled "But babe that's boring-" You whined as Riki placed a soft peck on your forehead.
His hand held onto yours again as you two left the store. Was it annoying? yes, was it exhausting? yes, but either way it made him happy.
It made him happy to see his beloved giggle and run happily when with him, and on top of that, it gave him a reason to hold your hand more often, he loved the thought of everyone in the store knowing he's your boyfriend and you're his girlfriend.
And overall, he loves you, the most important reason why he tolerates your chaos. "BABY BABY BABYYY- SCREW MC DONALDS IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE- LET'S GO WINGSTOP!" You squealed as Riki snickered, placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
"As you wish princess~" The boy smiled, his hand firmly holding yours, as he matched your speedy pace, the 2 of you walking to the food court as you ordered your food.
Poor Riki was met with an empty space beside him when he got the food, the male sighed as he looked around, only to see you sitting by an empty table, cleaning off the crumbs from the people before.
He walked over to you, hurriedly, hoping to not lose you again, he placed the food on the table and hugged you tightly. "You really are a runner- you scared me for a split second I thought I really lost you-" Riki mumbled as you blushed at his words.
You kissed his lips softly as you looked up at him "You know- you're really cute when you're shy- and worried- but don't worry- Im not going to disappear that easily-" You smiled as Riki ruffled your hair.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
The Wayne doll house
Have some haunted doll au, since it's been bubbling away in my mind.
The bat cave is large and sprawling, many layers and tunnels and hollowed out cracks in the walls. It takes many years to fully reinforce to prevent stray kids from tripping into stagnant waters or fall down crags as he once did. The doll cave, as it becomes known, is in one of the deepest, darkest corners, one where the lights of the furnished caverns above don't reach.
It's one late night sitting at the computer when it suddenly occurs to Bruce that his first encounter with a doll was at the well entrance, many levels above.
There was nothing there when he went back.
The justice league stared at the subaru. The subaru, having no eyes, did not stare back.
The seven of them had just finished a very long, arduous mission, and narrowly escaped government censure after the base they'd been raiding had turned out to belong to some corrupt official. With the alert up, they couldn't escape through city airspace, or even in their hero suits.
So civilian it was.
Batman had hotwired some bloke's car while the rest of them ducked into alleys and shop bathrooms, but the problem remained. There was seven of them. And five seats.
"I can shift into something more suitable for being carried," suggested j'onn, "but I believe one of us might have to hide."
"Foot well?" Hal tried, and everyone looked around at the tall, bulky, broad heroes.
"Think they'd have to go in the boot," Barry finally said. Everyone immediately turned to him. "No."
Batman spoke up before the discussion could devolve.
"I think.... I would be best for that."
The team stared.
Having no lungs meant he could not drag in the tired sigh he wished, but whatever force allowed this body to talk was capable of approximating something suitably resigned.
"As I am, I am... incapable of fully passing as human. It would be best if I remained out of sight."
"So just? Go change? I swear we won't be weird about whoever you are under the mask. Even if you're like, bald."
"Thank you, Wally, but I'm afraid I'm being serious." Reaching for the mask in broad daylight was unpleasant, but the glue and wires held as he gave it a few thorough tugs. "It doesn't detach."
Everyone stared. Clark reached out as if he wanted to check, but withdrew.
"Do you even have a civilian identity??" Oliver eventually asked. "Because at this point I'm genuinely not sure."
Wayne Enterprises and Queen Industries had a meeting that same evening. "Hn."
"Can we go back to the 'incapable of passing as human' part?!"
"We can discuss it in the car," he snapped, stalking past Barry and popping the boot. "In case you haven't forgotten, we're on a time limit."
For once, that seemed to encourage them, and batman, with great dignity, folded his joints and cape into the small space, ignoring Hal's mutter of 'what kind of contortionist -' as he slammed the lid. With a little shuffling he managed to activate his comms.
"I will inform the watchtower of our delay."
"Batman, they're tapping all outgoing signals, you can't -"
"It won't trigger," he interrupted, before he twisted his consciousness and sent it spiralling across the country.
Bruce awoke with a groan, stretching his limbs and taking a moment to marinate in his annoyance before he reached for the comm and voice modulator on the beside table.
"Batman to watchtower, we've encountered delays. If the Texan state government calls we haven't entered the state in six weeks. Batman out."
"Reanimated corpse?"
"Uh... Demon?"
"Hm. No."
"You're not just a meta human, are you?"
"Batsy, please, someone's got to win the bet eventually. How do we even know you're not lying?!"
"You don't," Batman said, not looking up from his paperwork and Flash groaned, letting his sticky notes fall to the floor as he buried his head in his arms.
"One day," he bemoaned to the keyboard, "one day we'll figure it out."
"Until then please keep your eyes on the monitors."
Flash groaned again.
Robin ducked under superman's arm as he scuttled down the corridor, laden with the night's haul of snacks. The real problem wasn't getting them - stopping league members from raiding the kitchen would be extremely counterproductive - but keeping them until he could return home to his human body to eat them. Batman had started searching him each time they left and it was really cutting into his daily sugar intake. Unfair! Just because he didn't actually use energy to stay up my night to fight crime, it felt like he did!!
'Oh, you're broken, Robin, oh, don't go out until the glue has fully set, Robin' his arm was fine! It wasn't like there was much crime to be fought on the watchtower anyway! At least not physically.
So he was pretty pleased with himself until he went to set the snacks down and found that the tar like glue they used had soaked through the sleeve and gotten all over his chocolates.
With his other hand, he tried to pry them off, wincing as the wrappers tore and stuck. He tried to shake it, ignoring the way his elbow rattled in the joint.
"Come on, come on - aw, cheezits."
The arm fell off. Robin stared despondently at the limb, surrounded by torn wrappers and dripping black glue where it connected to the elbow. The sour stink of formaldehyde filled the air.
He was going to be in such trouble with Bruce.
The click of the door jerked his head up.
Flash stood in the doorway, wide eyed. Robin stared back.
Flash screamed.
Oh yeah @dehydratedmockingbird have a thing
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green-alm0nd · 6 months
Can I request a Hunter or Anakin (you can choose) fic, where they walk in on the reader practicing a dance?
If you need a song for the dance, I got you:
Of course I can! I hope you like it! <3
[Hunter x gn!reader]: I had no idea you could dance
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After a long mission, the Bad Batch go back to Pabu to rest. Hunter can't wait to see you again, but he was surprised when he walked in on you dancing to a song.
WARNINGS: None, really. Fluff, established relationship, soft and flustered Hunter. A bit short but I hope you like it!
Requested by: @kombatkid
"We're finally back!" Wrecked excitedly said.
Tech pushed his goggles.
"We know, it was unnecessary of you to tell us because we are also going back to Pabu." Tech implied, rolling his eyes.
"Hey! Party crusher!" Wrecker complained.
"I am simply stating a fact." Tech responded.
Hunter sighed.
"Will you two stop it?" He asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. The only thing the clone wanted was to arrive at Pabu, hug you, and spend some nice quality time with you.
It was the only thing he wished for in that moment.
Upon arriving, Hunter suspected you'd be waiting for him at your shared apartment in the upper part of the island. He breathed in the smell of the salty water that surrounded the isle. It usually gave him sensory overload, especially when it stormed. But seeing as it was a sunny and radiant day, it wouldn't really affect him much.
After Shep welcomed them again, Tech and Phee decided to leave the latest treasure caught in the Archium, while Omega and Wrecker headed down for a race. 'The one who loses has to swim in Pabu water at night!' Omega had yelled, before Wrecker and her starting heading to the shop that sold the closest thing to Mantell mix.
Meanwhile, Hunter walked towards your apartment. He heard a very small amount on music coming from the small cottage, but he figured it could be because you were cleaning, or singing it, or just listening to it.
Upon entering the apartment, his hearing perked up at the significantly loud sound of a hip-hop tune.
He left his stuff at the counter on the kitchen, and walked towards your shared room.
"Cyar'ika?" He asked.
He figured the music was too loud for you to hear him, so he decided to knock on the door.
However, it was open, and Hunter's jaw dropped at the sight. He stared at you through a small gap between the wall and the door.
You, dancing. And not just dancing, but giving everything you had into the song.
He stared at you, gulping loudly as your body; your soul, moved the way the song wanted to.
Your legs were doing an amazing job at keeping up with the music, almost always leaving the ground to jump or slide.
So were your arms, that swayed alongside the beat. And so was your torso, connecting both legs and arms. Your body itself was responsive to the music, and it looked almost natural.
Since when we're you able to dance like that?
Hunter stared, his face turning a shade of pink at the sight. You had been together for around 4 months, and yet he had never seen you dancing. He was so surprised, his arms dangled as if he was hypnotized.
He accidentally opened the door, and mentally slapped himself for doing so. Great: now he would be seen as a stalker if you found out about him staring at you while you danced.
You suddenly stopped, eyes widened. You turned off the music. "Uh...hi." You whispered.
Hunter took a deep breath, trying to make his heartbeat stop beating so fast.
"Hey." He said, with a flustered smile.
"How long have you been here?" You asked, your cheeks red.
"Enough time to realise that you're an awesome dancer." He responded, scratching the back of his neck.
"I thought you would be back later today. You're early." You responded, changing the subject, your face still red.
Hunter let out a playful huff.
"Don't ignore my compliment." He replied, walking to your room, wrapping his arms around you as he smirked.
"I'm not an awesome dancer. I'm just a good one." You shrugged off.
"Liar. But I'll take it." Hunter replied. "But really, you never told me you could dance. I didn't think you even liked it." He said.
"Its just a hobby. But now that you've interrupted me, I won't practice for like a whole year." You replied.
Hunter smiled.
"Pretty please?"
He chuckled softly.
"Well, one year will have to do then." He said, shaking his head.
You smiled back, the heat dying down.
"Oh, shut it, you."
I hope you like it since it's my first request and I don't know how it went ;-;
Reblogs, shares and comments are highly appreciated <3
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arpmemething2 · 7 months
Batman the Animated Series sentence starters
Send one for my muse���s reaction.  Feel free to change pronouns as needed.
"All right, scum bucket, it's you, me, and thirty stories. You're gonna tell me exactly what I want to know."
"That's one way to remove a splinter."
"I have this natural immunity against poisons, toxins, the pain and suffering of others. Go figure."
"I failed you. I wish there were another way for me to say it. I cannot. I can only beg your forgiveness, and pray you hear me somehow, someplace... someplace where a warm hand waits for mine."
"Last time we met, you tried to throw me off a building."
"If you think I've been bad news before..."
"Old and infirm as you are, I'd trade a thousand of my frozen years for your worst day."
"What kind of a saboteur uses a six-thousand dollar Metronex to set a time bomb?"
"I never counted on being happy."
"A strong mind can fuel a frail body."
"I need a new car."
"There's no way you could have escaped from that explosion! How did you get out?"
"I'm gettin' too old for this."
"I suppose what they say is true: society is to blame. High society."
"Succumb to the fear!"
"Gee, it's amazing the things you find in people's glove compartments."
"Children and guns do not mix. Ever."
"I'm having a BAD DAY! I'm sick of people trying to shoot me, run me over or blow me up!"
"They're not stupid, and it's your party."
"Aren't they just the cutest family you've ever seen?"
"It's midnight darling, time to unmask."
"It's gonna be one of those nights."
"When you look too long into the abyss, the abyss looks back through you."
"If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?"
"You've got to admit there's something between us."
"There's always time to heal."
"I didn't realize you'd taken up listening to rock and roll."
"Choosing a weekend date?"
"I don't believe in fate."
"An entire city screaming in fear. I wonder if we'll be able to hear it."
"Some thought I'd gone mad. Others thought I always had been. And so they put me where they thought I belonged."
"Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no tales."
"This city would fall apart without you!"
"I love that trick but I can never make it work."
"Taking up video games, are we?"
"I hate it when he does that."
"You are strong... but not strong enough!"
"They don't make straight jackets like they used to. I should know."
"He's not samurai. He's NINJA. They're spies and assassins. Their only code is to get the job done."
"A pixel is worth a thousand words."
"I am vengeance! I am the night!!"
"And who says opera has to be boring?"
"He always knew how to make an exit."
"Hey! Do I hit your kids? Oh, actually I do..."
"Now boys, didn't your mommies teach you that's not the way to get a lady's attention?"
"Not the robot theory again."
"Freeze, maggots! You're all under arrest!"
"You said you'd never let me go home!"
"What was she before she went bonkers?"
"This used to be a beautiful street. Good people lived here once."
"'Tis better to have loved and lost, and made a small profit, than never to have loved at all!"
"Chance is everything. Whether you're born or not, whether you live or die, whether you're good or bad. It's all arbitrary."
"But you've forgotten the first rule of comedy: if you have to explain the joke... THEN IT ISN'T FUNNY!"
"I told you not to speak!"
"Coming through! Hot stuff!"
"The snow is beautiful, don't you think? Clean, uncompromising..."
"When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping."
"What a pleasant surprise. Though I should warn you - breaking and entering is against the law."
"This could cause a stampede to pork."
"You really know how to put the fun in funeral."
"You ought to put your toys away."
"Would not, could not... would not, could not... oh, could not join the dance."
"Home. I never thought that could sound so good."
"Then I'll see you in your nightmares!"
"As the Bard said, "the fault lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.""
"You know what I'd have given for a death scene like this. Too bad I won't get to read the notices."
"He's a little protective of all this. I think he likes bats better than people."
"All your power and money has bought you an empire of misery."
"Don't try this at home kids!"
"I feel ill."
"Well, that was fun! Now, who's for Chinese?"
"You're about to fall out of orbit."
"Why can't he ever stay dead?"
"They can bury me in the ground, as deep as they like. But I'll grow back. We always grow back. Don't we, baby?"
"All men have something to hide. The brighter the picture, the darker the negative."
"You thought I was just another bubble-headed blond bimbo! Well, the joke's on you, 'cause I'm not even a real blonde."
"When the wage slaves start acting like they own the place, it's time to pull the plug."
"I've been known to be foolish, but ain't nobody calls me a liar and goes to bed happy."
"Since you don't like my side-splitters, how 'bout a skull-splitter?"
"This is kidnapping, mister! Last time I checked, it was highly illegal!"
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writing-with-gremworm · 11 months
Envelopment of the Hydro Dragon
Yandere Neuvillette
Very very brief mention of the second Yandere character
Mild fluff
Memory interjections/flashbacks
"Hello my love, did you sleep well?" Neuvillette whispers gently, brushing your hair aside as he smiles down at you. A warm smile crosses your lips and you giggle. This warmth was comfortable. Safe. You felt loved and even forgot how you got here.
Truthfully, you were running from something. But the warm embrace of a water dragon filled your mind with calm. Some say that the water remembers emotions. In a sense, it may be able to mirror those emotions too. Perhaps that is why Neuvillette fell for you.
"Good morning Neuvie." You smile, leaning into his hand as his fingers play with your hair.
You hoped that serenity would last forever. So when you were put on trial in front of all of Fontaine, you felt like everything was falling apart. Neuvillette's gentle smile was replaced by a calm and cool neutral expression as he sat in the judge's seat. Your bag was taken from you to be searched and you had no defendant on your side.
"Love, are you alright? You seem lost in thought." Neuvillette asks, looking into your eyes with his cool pearlescent ones. His gaze is gentle, it's as if he can tell you're worrying, though he did not directly state this.
"Yes, I'm okay. I'm just thinking about something from the past that wasn't the most pleasant, but it's okay now." In truth, it was something that wasn't so easy to brush aside. In the past, you'd had many moments where you were betrayed by someone you loved. This was one of the reasons you felt like you couldn't say as much to Neuvillette. You were afraid he would see what was wrong with you and he too would push you away as if you were nothing.
"Alright, if you don't wish to discuss the matter I won't make you. Hm, ah, why don't I obtain some macarons, you do seem to like them quite a bit." Neuvillette suggests. You flush, realizing he'd caught on to your habit of snacking when something stressed you out.
"T-That-! Alright. Thank you." You smile softly.
"We stand here today for the trial of (Y/N) (L/N). They have been accused of vision theft and illegal information dealings." Neuvillette states coldly, turning to face the prosecutor, "You may elaborate on the event in question."
"Of course. Ahem. I was surprised to hear of such flagrant crimes in a time as dire as this, though I was presented with irrefutable proof. Three nights ago four different reports came in discussing Mx. (L/N) entering an illegal information guild. Further, one of the key witnesses, Cicely Fauxbear, heard the conversation Mx. (L/N) and the cloaked figures had.
"Cicely Fauxbear, come to the stand."
"Ah, yes. I was shocked. Mx. (L/N) had been so close to Mr. Neuvillette, so I was assured of their character. I had intended to ask for some advice, but I instead overheard them telling cloaked figures 'I've mapped out the schedules of Neuvillette, our archon, and the other officials you requested to know of' But not only that, they started talking of Fontaine as-as Oh dear, it's to shocking to say- They said that Fontaine would soon fall according to plan." Cicely sobbed, covering her face with her hands.
Your eyes widened. You hadn't met with any shady figures, nor had you given scheduling information to anyone. You weren't sure where these accusations came from, but something felt off about this.
"Ms. Fauxbear, where was the location of this incident?" Neuvillette asks.
"I-It was simply a worn down Café, it didn't seem to have many patrons, so it was hardly notable." Cicely fidgets, brushing her hair aside as she looks down apologetically.
"I see. Mx. (L/N), as you are your defendant, what do you say to this?"
"This was stated to be a few days ago, as such it could not have been me. Forgive me for being somewhat crass, but I have not left your abode for anything but the shopping trip for essentials and an excursion to get the package Wriothesley sent me to give to you. However, there is no way to confirm this since no one went with me." You admit sincerely, biting your tongue since you realize you'd been too honest and left an opening for the opposing side to use against you.
"Your honor, that is clearly an excuse! They're trying to use personal feelings to sway this accusation!"
"Hm? You want me to grab a package? Of course, it'll give me a chance to explore a little too! You said the package was from Rizzley?" You ask, looking at Neuvillette. He smiles and chuckles softly.
"It's pronounced rise-lee, though I suppose Rizzley is close enough. He'd be miffed by such a nickname though. Ah, it is spelled a little strangely. Here, allow me to write his name down for you." Neuvillette hands you a small slip of paper with 'Wriothesley' written neatly on it.
It takes a bit before you locate the post office, but you manage to acquire the package Neuvie was talking about without much hassle since he'd mentioned he might get someone to pick it up for him beforehand.
"Hm, the box smells kind of floral, I wonder what's inside." You ponder, looking at the box before shaking your head and heading back. It hadn't been too long since you went out, but during that time Neuvillette must have become rather busy since he wasn't home. You leave the box on the counter and decide to try and bake something for Neuvie since he always buys you Fontaine specialty sweets.
"I can assure you that my personal feelings will not sway my judgment in this matter. The role of the judge is something I do not take lightly Ms. Fauxbear." Neuvillette assures Cicely, "Mx. (L/N), you state you did not go to a café, but on one of the days that fell within the expected timeframe you presented me with sweets, can you elaborate on this point?"
"Yes, of course, your honor." You smile sadly, "Those were sweets I baked personally, they're not the sort of delicacies you can find in Fontaine, they're much less refined and difficult to replicate with Fontaine ingredients alone. I can present evidence of this simply by baking them again." You state confidently.
"Understood. The day you baked sweets you say you acquired a package for me, what else did you do while you were in town?"
"I walked around and took in the architecture. The buildings here in Fontaine vary from those in Mondstadt, so I was inclined to observe them." You state simply.
"Your honor. I have something to say." Someone from the audience says, standing up.
"It is against protocol to include someone without good reason. What reason do you have to interrupt court proceedings?"
"I have collected statements noting (Y/N)'s whereabouts during the past three days, most notably statements from all cafés and post offices around Fontaine listed on the first page. I would like to submit this document for review." Neuvillette furrows his brow but quickly adjusts his expression.
"Understood, but if this proves to be falsified you will be tried in this court as well," Neuvillette states, motioning for the stranger to hand over the documents mentioned before.
"When I look up at the stars I remember the night we met. Do you think about it too?" You ask softly, a bit drowsy.
"Hahaha, yes, it was certainly a unique encounter. One does not often fall from the sky into my arms you see. Perhaps it was foreshadowing. It was certainly a dramatic introduction to the most lovely spring I have ever had the chance to touch." Neuvillette smiles, enjoying the soft flush that coats your cheeks.
"It was like a fairytale, aside from the fact it was because of a glider malfunction I mean." You state, clearing your throat and hiding a grin behind your fist.
"We will begin the proceedings again tomorrow once this evidence and the baking skills touted by Mx. (L/N) have been confirmed," Neuvillette states. The gavel slams down, announcing an intermission in the court proceedings. A few guards accompany you to a kitchen and permit you to bake the dessert for Neuvillette. Once it is complete Neuvillette is gathered and he confirms that the treat tastes the same as the ones he had previously.
The document was more time-consuming to check, but by the next Morning they managed to confirm the validity of the statement. The trial continues and it is decided that you did not trade away information. A separate trial begins regarding the vision theft. A stolen vision was found in your bag.
You looked surprised. As you should, you had never had such a thing, nor did you place one haphazardly in your bag. You had no idea how something like that would have ended up in your bag. Further, it was a Fontaine vision, which gave the claim that you'd stolen it more validity. You were at a loss for words, how could you combat this? Your bag had always been at home, in Neuvillette's home, it should have been safe.
"Your bag is always full, do you move often?" Neuvillette asks before taking a sip of tea. His nose wrinkles a bit, Wriothesley had sent a rather unpleasant floral tea this time, but at least you seemed to like it.
"Ah, I suppose. I guess I just haven't found somewhere to stay completely. I do best when I can travel. So I don't stay in one place too often." You state. Though, that was only partially true. You did do better when you traveled, but less because of an inherent ability to do better in new environments, and more because you were always safe for the first few months in a new place.
It isn't something you discuss often, but it's difficult to explain why you're being chased by new people because they always give you this look. Some even think you're lying.
"I see, well, I hope you find your stay here pleasant. I'll have a cup of tea ready when you return." Neuvillette smiles gently. That was the one time someone had expressed their desire for you to visit again. Of course, it was the first time you'd gained a friend this quickly.
Maybe it wasn't that surprising that such a friendship quickly became more. His lips were soft, they made you forget your worries with every gentle motion. His warmth seeped into your flesh and flushed your skin.
"If there is nothing more to say, then it is time for your judgment. I find (Y/N) (L/N) guilty of vision theft." Neuvillette slams the gavel down and the machine whirs as it weighs your judgement. Despite knowing the truth, the machine lies and blames you. You can almost hear its laughter, but you know it chose to lie. For once in a great while, it lied and only you and two others knew this.
"If I never came back, would you be sad?" You ask, looking up at the ceiling as exhaustion sets in. It was drawing too close to the time 'he' usually found you. It was time to run away again.
"Yes. I would be sad. Would you not feel the same if I suddenly vanished?" Neuvillette asks, looking at you with a sorrow in his gaze that feels unfamiliar.
"Yes, I would be sad. But I guess I would expect it. That's sort of been the default, I find I'm alone more often than not." You smile sadly, leaning close to him and closing your eyes.
"I would never leave you by choice. If I could promise you safety, would you stay beside me?" Neuvie inquires, his voice thoughtful and warm.
"Hm, that would be nice. I ... like the idea of that." You smile a bit, not realizing that Neuvillette had a strange smile on his face since your eyes were closed.
"Then I promise, as long as you are my lover, you will always find safety in my arms." He kisses your forehead, holding you closely and running his fingers through your hair.
You open your eyes and realize you're not being taken to a prison, nor are the guards from earlier the ones beside you, they feel distinctly different. They feel familiar.
"Where are you taking me?" You ask carefully. They do not respond, they simply continue to escort you to an unfamiliar place. It takes you a moment to process why they feel familiar. It was because they felt like hydro Eidolons, they took the form of people they were not. You look a bit surprised but ultimately realize this is your chance to escape.
Hydro Eidolons had a predictable pattern when they fought, so it would be easy enough to weave past and make a run for it now that you'd been led to an isolated place near the waters. However, being in this place also meant it was possible for whoever orchestrated this to catch you, so you had to be on guard.
Weaving through the attacks of those who harbor hydro-elemental energy is much like dancing. It matches the theatrics of the court and noble life in Fontaine, so it seems fitting that this escape was like a musical. Though many of the musicals you had seen had been tragedies, hopefully, this would not also become one.
As you sway and bob, swirling through the ribbons of water splashing around you, you dive into the crashing ocean waves and dive into the water. As you were not a vision holder, you did not have the luxury of breathing underwater for long periods of time, but you had plenty of experience with swimming to escape places until you found a wave rider you could take.
As you plunge into the water your vision is covered with darkness as something wraps you up, perhaps expecting this escape. You almost gasp, but manage to hold your breath. You feel yourself getting pulled deeper into the waters and your throat aches, begging for air. You gasp and choke as water fills your mouth and lungs and darkness consumes your vision.
Bubbles float to the surface, caught on the seafoam of faded expectations. They showcase moments once filled with laughter.
"Wow, you have so many stories." You remember this. Neuvillette had just finished telling you about a musical he liked. Looking back at it now stings a little, did he betray you? It couldn't be. He was a judge, and he had to be impartial. But surely he knew you weren't guilty.
"You ... want to braid my hair? Well, as long as you don't mind teaching the Melusines to braid it, as I'm sure they'll ask, then you may." Neuvillette seemed so happy then. The small moments always seemed to be the times he had the gentlest smile. You wonder if you're dying and if that is why you remember these things now.
"(Y/N), I promise I'll keep you safe. You just have to trust me." That wasn't just Neuvillette's voice, that was someone else too, the man you were running away from. His crimson hair flooded your vision like the blood of the Fatui debt collector who had gotten just a little too close to you.
Something twists in your gut. You trusted Neuvillette, though, of course, you had never told him about Diluc. So why did he sound so similar when he said he'd protect you?
'Did Neuvillette rig the trial? That's impossible, he would never do something like that.' But it seemed to make sense. After all, he would have been able to plant a vision in your bag as well. He was hosting you in his home. Your heart sank. A cold but burning sensation crept through your throat and chest.
"Ah, you're awake. I was worried you'd not wake up my love." Neuvillette says softly, kissing your forehead gently.
"N-Neuvie?" You stutter, your voice is a bit hoarse. You look around, letting your eyes adjust to the dim light.
"Yes love, you must have been so scared, but I'm here now. He won't find you here." A smile is evident in Neuvillette's voice, with one hand his fingers lace through yours. He holds you gently with his other hand.
"... He?" You hadn't specified it was a man looking for you had you? No, had you even said someone was following you? When did he find out you were being chased? Why didn't he say anything?
"That stoic Mondstadt noble, you have expensive tastes." Neuvillette laughs a bit, "Though I'm delighted that those standards include me." He kisses your knuckles.
"Y-You're being a little more affectionate than usual." You stutter, cursing the nervousness in your tone.
"But of course, I have to take extra care of you since you've had such an awful moment, no? It was hard for me to judge you guilty, my love.
But it had to be done."
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mac-lilly · 10 months
BTTMW4 recap
Well, here we go ...
As most of you heard, last year's con, BTTMW2, with 14 guests was a fucked-up fiasco. This one ... wasn't anywhere near as bad.
(Though, tbf, there was no way for a con to be worse than last year's edition. Even the DI staff said that.)
There was better communication and fewer delays. And the cast didn't look like they were about to keel over any second.
There were even actual JATP panels! On both days! With all of the cast being present! All the time! And they actually got to talk about their show and other projects.
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After three years, there wasn't much new information. The cast talking about the props they received (in Owen's case: stole) from the set was the most interesting thing.
Though Charlie talking about how he got sent to community theater bc he kept playing air guitar at his hockey games was so freaking adorable. And it felt so Luke.
The party ... and the "JATP concert"
So, while BTTMW4 was a fantastic experience in general, the party was a huge disappointment.
We already had a bad start. One of my friends is in a wheelchair, and the main access to the room was via a few steps. What kind of genius idea was this, DI?! It took them quite a few minutes to figure out how to get her down to the room. On the way back, I followed her. It was like an escape game.
So, yeah, not the ideal start.
And it didn't get much better. After last year's experience, I stayed away from the food. As cute as it looked, I wasn't keen on getting a Sunset Curve experience again.
Now the "JATP concert"
Well, it wasn't a "JATP concert". It was mostly Madi performing her own music. The closest we got to a JATP concert was her singing along to "Stand Tall" - the song was playing while the cast entered the room.
It was obvious that the guys didn't want to get on stage and sing. That's absolutely understandable. But then DI shouldn't have advertised it as a JATP concert. There were people who paid €220 for this party just to see the JATP concert. I'd be fuming if I had paid for that. (Please, don't get me wrong. Madi has an amazing voice. Unfortunately, her music doesn't do it any justice. And the terrible playback made it worse.)
So, anyway, yeah, not a good concert. The party got slightly better after the concert. Brenna D'Amico saved the party by getting on stage and doing group karaoke with the fans.
Random thoughts and occurrences:
Owen saying that this year was the first time he didn't get a gift for Nikolaus was heartbreaking
Owen with his giant emotional support candy cane - adorkable
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The Chowen meeting room was exactly as messed up as a friend and I predicted - two independent conversations in one room: The French fans chatting with Charlie and the rest of us talking to Owen in English. (How the French girls actually understood Charlie's archaic French - no clue. Magic.)
I got nervous when I gave Charlie his ghosties. He squeezed the bag, noticed the content was squishy, and asked if he should keep his dog away from it ... RIP Ghosties - they'll be Koa's snack.
The ones who actually looked into their bags (Sacha, Madi & Owen) said they liked the ghosties.
We got a video message from Kenny, saying he's working on some theatre productions. (I really hope he didn't ditch us bc of Zac's star on the Walk of Fame, though.)
The hotel charged €14 for a footlong sandwich. WTF?! I didn't buy one, but I kinda want to know what was on this sandwich. €14 ... even at overpriced train station shops, I get 3 sandwiches for the same price. The hotel was pretty fancy, though.
Today is Bart Johnson's (Coach Bolton) birthday. At the closing ceremony, right after DI said again that it would be the last con, he got a birthday cake, and he was asked to make a wish. So he said: "BTTMW5"! The faces of the DI bosses were priceless.
Honestly, it looks like DI might cave and do another edition. But who knows.
Fun fact: While my souvenir is COVID, all my friends got influenza. WTF?!
There are probably more things to talk about, but my brain is too foggy to come up with more stuff. So that's what you get for now.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 5
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Warnings: None. (Will however be a 18+ reader book)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
"Pull up the cams FRIDAY." Tony said, sighing as they regrouped back at the headquarters. "Track Y/N's movements."
Thor was the only one missing, still on Asgard, but would be on his way the minute Heimdall let him know that Y/N was gone.
Several cameras were pulled up over the holographic display, thanks to FRIDAY's abilities. They watched in silence, scrutinizing each frame as they watched her leave the coffee shop. Then when it had pulled up by the apartment.
Sam still couldn't help but feel proud about how easily she'd taken them down with nothing but an umbrella. All of the others also felt a sense of pride, though it was masked more by the uncomfortable, horrid feeling of knowing that she was in danger. The thought of all of them finally having their final soulmate or only soulmate, only to have her taken, perhaps killed, was nerve-wracking.
"That's was good work Parker." Tony said quietly, commemorating the Spider boy on his quick moves.
"Thank you Mr. Stark." Peter said quickly.
The next frame made all of them wince as they watched her get rammed with the car. Once again, proud that she kept trying to stand, but it was ultimately useless as she was drugged and dragged into the black vehicle.
"FRIDAY can you track that van to its location?" Tony asked.
"Yes sir." FRIDAY said, pulling up the tracking system which showed that the black van had gone to the airport.
"Which plane did the perpetrators take?" Fury asked.
"None from the looks of it. Neither public nor private sir." FRIDAY answered. "Nor can I track them anywhere in the airport. It seems they never entered."
"Fuck." Bucky muttered, drawing a hand down his face.
"FRIDAY what is the vent system in the airport both above and below?" Clint asked. Scott nodded.
FRIDAY computed and said, "The airport has security restrictions on those files. It will take me at least two hours to hack them. Do you still wish to continue?"
"Yes." Fury said. "Alert us the minute you've got them. Good thinking Barton."
"Thank you sir." Clint said quickly.
Fury stalked from the room.
Rhodey sighed, "I'm going to pick the sister up from school in an hour. Should I just bring her back here or-?"
"Probably would be for the best." Sam said with a shrug. "If she trusts you, of course. She has met you, hasn't she?"
"Yes." Rhodey said with a slight forward nod.
"Both of their rooms have been ready so you can just show her to it and then tell her she's free to roam about half the building." Tony muttered, still staring at the now blank hologram.
"Everyone should get some rest." Steve commanded. "You're going to need it when we figure out where they're keeping her."
Bucky put an arm around Steve, leading him from the room as Sam led the two out. Rhodey made a small nod, mostly to himself, before leaving to get ready to get Y/S/N from school. Peter went off to find MJ and Ned. Slowly, everyone dispersed until it was just Tony and Stephen.
"You can't torture yourself Tony." Stephen said softly.
Tony snapped his head to Stephen. "Should've made a tracker for her. Should've walked her home. Shit I screwed up so badly."
"We." Stephen said firmly. "We all knew the rules, we literally made them last night. She always has someone with her. I was the one already awake. I should've done it. It lands on me. Okay? Besides, I didn't get the portal there in time. Undershot it by a few blocks."
"Had to be indiscreet, that's not your fault." Tony muttered.
"We could play the blame game all day, or you can come over here and get some rest." Stephen commanded, sinking down on the soda that was in the room.
Tony stared at the blank hologram for a moment longer before moving over, laying down to rest his head in Stephen's lap. Stephen lowered his lips to kiss Tony's forehead. "We'll be okay Tones. We're gonna get her back."
"Yeah." Tony said with a bit of difficulty. "I just can't help thinking: In what condition?"
*Under the Airport*
You woke to muffled chaos. You could hear the sounds of hundreds of people talking, wheels clicking over tile, elevators working, food courts, dings, intercom noises, and everything else that came with a crowded place.
You blinked your eyes open, taking in your state. It was like you had been put into the 1966 Batman TV show. You sat on a normal wooden chair, arms tied around the back of it with rope. Your ankles were also tied to the chair along with your thighs and upper chest.
At least you were clothed.
Although, you were gagged.
Well. . . not gagged. There was something metal in your mouth, holding your mouth open. It felt weird and uncomfortable, tied behind your head. It trapped your tongue a little, making it impossible to talk, just make weird noises.
You scanned the dark area. There was a simple bodyguard whose eyes were trained on you, though he made no motion to let anyone know you were awake, nor did he move a muscle. You noticed that he didn't have any colouring marks around his wrists.
There were footsteps sounding on the opposite side and you turned your head to see a better dressed man, accompanied by two bodyguards.
He pulled up a chair, sitting across from you. One bodyguard moved behind you, unclasping the thing, pulling it from your mouth with a harsh jerk. It scraped the inside of your cheeks, drawing blood. You winced a little, letting your jaw fall slack at the sudden relief.
"Hello darling. Let's start easy. What's your name?"
"Y/N." You said quietly. There couldn't be any harm in telling him your name, right?
"Good girl."
"You're HYDRA?" You questioned.
He scoffed, "If we were HYDRA, we wouldn't be hiding under an airport. We'd have taken you to Germany or Russia by now. No, HYDRA is full of idiots who just want to take over the world using soldiers. Psh. They should just give up, seriously. They lost the Winter Soldier, they have nothing now."
"Then who are you?"
"Father of all monsters." You recited.
"Someone knows her mythology, good." He smirked. "I'm Vasagi Snyder. Not necessarily the leader of Typhon, but I'm in the top. My goal is to see whether or not you're worthy. Think it's an easy job though- you're basically the Avengers slut. Only a really good girl could possibly end up with the superheroes the world adores. . . right?"
You swallowed. "I don't get to choose my soulmates. No one does!"
He made a humming noise in his throat. "Very true."
Your bottom lip trembled and you quickly pressed them together. "What do you possibly want with me anyways?"
He smirked, "To create a super villain."
It took you a moment to realize that he meant make a baby with you.
You wrinkled your nose in disgust, "No thank you."
"You see, we've always wondered why children who are born from those who aren't bonded turn out bad. Sure, not all of them do, some get sick instead. And of course, just because you're born of two legitimate soulmates doesn't mean you're good. If that was the case, there wouldn't be any villains at all because no one would break the rules. But the thing is, if a child of unbonded parents has sex with a soulmate, it creates a powerful villain. The most notorious of them all was Thanos."
"You want to create another Thanos? You're insane." You sputtered. "The last Thanos cut half of every world's population in half!"
"And it was beautiful. But this time we'll get rid of every Avenger so it's impossible to go back and return the world to the former destruction. In fact, maybe we'll find a way to get rid of soulmate bonds for good."
You felt fear ping against you. Destroy the soulmate bonds? You couldn't destroy soulmate bonds! And what if they did? If they did. . . what would you be left with? Would any of them stay with you? Or would they start looking for others that were more worthy than you? T'Chall, Thor, Loki, would they go looking for those of royal blood? Other Goddesses? Stephen and Tony would certainly pull away. So would Bucky, Sam, and Steve.
Clint might stay. Rhodey too.
Vasagi chuckled, "Judging by the look in your eyes, you like the soulmate bond, don't you? You like knowing that there's unconditional love between you and someone that might not love you if there was no soulmate bond. But soulmate bonds are unnatural. They shouldn't exist. We should be able to fall in love as many times as we want, be able to sleep around without having to fear that we'll create a villain child. Without soulmate bonds, there is nothing to force a child to be one way or another. Think about the possibilities!"
They sounded horrendous.
Vasagi stood, coming over to lean over you. "But for now, while soulmate bonds still exist. . ." He ran a finger across your lines on the left arm, ". . . let's have some fun."
He dropped your wrist, turning to grab something, which- upon turning back- was revealed to be a knife.
He picked your wrist up again, dragging the tip lightly, back and forth across Sam's line.
You licked your lips in anticipation as you felt him move to Clint's line, pressing down slightly, but still not drawing blood.
Then Rhodey's line, which he sliced across in a quick succession of pain.
T'Challa's was like Clint's.
Tony's was cut deep. So deep you screamed. You could almost swear it touched bone.
Stephen's was scraped against, like the way you scraped cheese to make shavings.
Bucky's was cut and then the knife dug into my wrist, drawing more screams from you. You felt like passing out.
Steve's was cut down just as deep as Tony's.
He made simple slices on Fury's, Loki's, and Thor's, probably because if he cut as deeply as he had on some of the others, he'd cut your arteries and you'd bleed out.
"Bandage her, give her some water, take her to her cell." Vasagi commanded, "We'll try again to get her to comply tomorrow."
*Avengers Compound*
No one could actually wait all two hours. Around the hour and a half mark, Steve, Bucky, and Sam had filed back into the room, sitting down on the floor by the sofa. Stephen had drifted off slowly, though Tony was unable to sleep.
Everyone finally gathered back in the room by the time FRIDAY was done with the analysis.
"Here are the blueprints of the lower tunnels under the airport and the air ducts of the upper airport." FRIDAY's voice said.
"Thank you darling." Tony mumbled. "Clint?"
"Let's start with the basement vents." Clint said. "Makes more sense after all."
FRIDAY enlarged the basement plans. There were a few heat signatures, but they were faint. "It is impossible to get complete heat signatures. Though by estimate, there are about forty people down there. Could be more though."
"Where do you think they'd be able to hold Y/N?" T'Challa asked.
"The airport is built over an old army prisoner base." Fury explained, "Though a lot of it crumbled, if they were able to, they might've been able to open up a few of the cells."
Sam let out a sudden hiss, which made every look at him.
"Sorry, I just felt this. . . like a paper cut on my wrist. But there's nothing." He said with a shrug.
"Ow!" Clint yelped for a second, grabbing his wrist.
"What's happening?" Rhodey asked quickly, grabbing his wrist as though there had been a slice.
"He's using the pain part of the bonds." Stephen said quickly.
T'Challa grabbed his wrist as well. "It feels like he's pushing down with the blunt edge of a knife."
Tony let out a yell at that moment, nearly falling to his knees as he grasped his wrist. Everyone saw how it opened up to the bone before closing up again.
Then Stephen's wrist scraped together so that skin started to flake off.
Bucky let out a yell, pained tears coming to his eyes as the flesh of his wrist was cut open, and then the knife was dug into it, wiggling like an animal trying to burrow into the Earth. He fell heavily on his ass on the couch, holding his wrist, trying to breathe.
Sam went to comfort him as Steve gritted his teeth, his wrist cut open to the bone before healing like the others. Unlike with Y/N, the pain for them wouldn't last. It was simply symbolic.
Fury braced himself, but felt nothing more than a scratch. The same went for Loki and Thor.
"They're torturing her." Bucky growled ferally, still rubbing his wrist, though the pain had long faded. Tony was still bent over, Stephen's hands on his shoulders, trying to comfort him.
"Barton, figure it out." Fury said.
Nat took the lead though while Clint helped her.
"There we go." Clint said after thirty minutes. They had pulled up a section of cells that had been unblocked.
"FRIDAY, run heat signature test again." Stephen commanded.
FRIDAY did as asked, a slight heat signature in the shape of a ball curled up on one of the cell beds.
"Found." Clint said firmly, looking over at Fury.
"Get the team together Cap." Fury commanded, "And bring her home."
"Yes sir." Steve said, falling into Captain Rogers mode, "Avengers Assemble."
The others quickly moved to the Quinjet, although Steve sat Bucky down, "If you need to stay back-"
"No." Bucky growled, grabbing his gun and strapping it to his back, "I'm bringing our girl home."
Sam clapped him on the back, "That's my man."
Steve kissed both Sam and Bucky, "Just stay safe. I don't want to lose either of you."
"Sure thing Cap." Sam said while Bucky just nodded, his jaw clenched to tightly to speak.
Stephen was similarly trying to get Tony to stay home down in the lab.
"Tony, we got this covered. Besides, you're more for air combat, you don't need to go down into those tunnels." Stephen argued as Tony started to pick out which suit he was going to use.
"She's my soulmate too." Tony said. "I can't just- I have to go."
Stephen watched him with worry. "Can you handle it?"
"Yes, I can handle it. The pain just. . . surprised me. But you know it doesn't hurt anymore." Tony sighed, deciding on a black and silver suit as it was night out. "Bruce needs to have the lab prepped for when we get her home because-"
"He already does." Rhodey interrupted, coming into the room. "Also, her sister is here. We told her to just stay in the room. Vision and Wanda are staying behind so they can protect her if the Tower was infiltrated. I don't think anyone will go after the sister though."
Tony nodded, "Alright, let's get out there and bring her home."
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bunnys-kisses · 2 years
the leatherworker - wonho/hoseok lee
rating: e (18+) reader: f summary: that’s where you came in, you were the one that the companies went to when they wanted leather goods for their idols to wear. your studio was a level higher and next door to a fabric shop but you got your leather from sellers on the other side of the city. your work felt like a painting, or a puzzle. you admired the work on the leather but figuring out how to please everyone was a mind twisting puzzle.  tags: unrequited feelings, smut, angst, table sex, studio sex, riding a/n: would wonho be an american rabbit (the white ones) or an english lop (the floppy eared ones)?
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you hated these meetings, you really did. watching the big wigs of the design department for the company you partnered with to decide what was going to look good on stage. upcoming tours were a big commotion. 
that’s where you came in, you were the one that the companies went to when they wanted leather goods for their idols to wear. your studio was a level higher and next door to a fabric shop but you got your leather from sellers on the other side of the city. your work felt like a painting, or a puzzle. you admired the work on the leather but figuring out how to please everyone was a mind twisting puzzle. 
but you had a favourite client. since going solo wonho or hoseok lee found a liking to your craftsmanship. he felt like he owed you for sitting through all these meetings. he could read on your face that you’d much rather be at your studio cutting, sewing, measuring and crafting. your worn hands were made for the creation of goods, not hastily writing down notes as it felt like everyone was talking at the same time. 
  “ma’am, what time is a good time for wonho to come by for measurements.” 
you perked up, attention on you, “oh well. i was going to say that i could use the measurements from last time, but someone had to bulk up even more.” you pointed your pen at the man across the table.
there was laughter, hoseok smiled, he crossed his arms and his smiled remained, “well, maybe i just like making your job harder.” 
you broke out into a grin. after almost two years of working together, you could get away with jokes like that. he had spent enough of his off time at your studio to be able to crack a few jokes. 
  “so are we looking at a complete set of a harness that goes across the chest, around the arms and then highlighting his thighs? just so i know what i’m working with. it would be a pain to buy too little of the leather.” you remarked then tapped your pen against your painted lips. you weren’t the biggest lipstick user but you couldn’t come into this meeting without looking polished like a gem. 
  “if it’s not enough, i could always drive you.” he remarked uncrossing his arms and leaning a little more forward in his seat. 
  “i’ll survive on my bus pass mr. lee.” you responded. you never knew what he saw in you, you were a foreigner with calloused hands and a skill for creating all manners of leatherwork. 
the meeting continued, but hoseok seemed more interested in the way your pen pressed against your lips and as you listened intently the lid covered bottom of the pen entered your mouth. 
strange, strange man that lee hoseok. 
the date for a fitting was settled on next thursday, but you knew what he wanted when he showed up two hours early dressed in a tank top, baggy overcoat and jeans with that small gold chain. when people asked about he said he bought it for himself, but he knew that it was the christmas present you got for him that he never took off. 
when the blinds were drawn over the windows of your studio, your back was pressed up against the table. you pulled at his jacket which he shedded as his lips never left yours. large hands on your hips as he groped your sides, pushing up the baggy t-shirt your wore. 
  “missed you.” he said.
 “missed you too, i wish you texted more.”
he rested his cheek against your collarbone, you were now in just your bra and jeans. he wrapped his strong arms around you, “north american tours are hell. i want to do my best, which means pushing myself harder.” 
  “i know.” you kissed his dark hair, “and i’ll be here cheering you on.” six month together, or rather together in secret. under the guise of visiting for the custom orders. but in reality he wanted to see you. 
he kissed your jaw, “let me make it up to you.” as if sending you flowers every week or sending you an uber eats order to make sure you ate, or the lengthy text messages about how close he is to just putting your face all over his socials. everyone should know about you, he said. and you told him in time, for now you didn’t want to seem like you were getting better orders because you were dating him. you didn’t want either of your works to be discounted.  
he pulled you in for another searing kiss as you started to deal with his leather belt, the belt you made for him. in the process groping his bulge as you feverishly made out. 
  “i would like to know what kind of leather you want to use.” you teased.
his lips kissed and bit at your neck, “whatever one makes me look good. i want them all to know you made this harness for me.” he purred in your ear before his assault on your neck continued. 
soon enough you were both naked and he was seated on top of your table, he pushed all your work out of the way to beckoned you to join him. you made out on his lap, straddling his waist, knees digging into the hard table. he laid back and pushed the locks out of his eyes. 
dark eyes gazed up at you, he said as he face wound up when you seated yourself on his cock, “i can’t wait to show the world you’re mine my little leather maker.” 
you pinned his hands above his head and looked into his eyes, “i’m a leatherworker, hoseok.” then kissed him on the cheek, “ and you’re the beauty i do up in the finest goods. i spoil you.” 
he leaned up for a kiss but you pulled away. he said with his mouth hanging open, “then i should spoil you too.” he groaned as you started to move your hips up and down. your pussy engulfed his cock with the sound of slick wetness. 
the table creaked a little but you were more focused on the lust in your client’s eyes as you rode him. you kept his hands over his head, it laid in the midst of your materials. it was a sight to behold to see such a beautiful man laid out amongst the leatherwork you adored. 
you two continued to make out passionately as your hips moved against his, your nails dug into the skin fo his wrists as you rode yourself on him. his hard length twitched inside of you as he panted and moaned, face tensing up with every hard hit of pleasure. 
  “like that.” you purred.
  “i like you.” he responded. i love you, he thought. your kisses moved down his chest where you left wet kisses and he prayed you’d leave a small mark. something to carry you by every day until it healed. he’d let you make him all over if it meant carrying you like that, then maybe he could tell the world about his love for you. how he wanted you more than he needed to breathe. 
the sex continued, your chest pressed against his. your body jiggling with the movement of your hips, your pussy a vice around his hard cock. your walls hugged him in a sweet, slick heat as you hips moved providing the friction you both so desired. 
  “you’re amazing.”
  “you’re amazing too.” 
you’re a goddess, he thought.
i want you more than anything, you thought.
the movements picked up, the sound of sex in the large room. bodies moved together with a symphony that he never wanted to end. he loved how you felt against him, your passion, your warmth, your everything. eventually he used. a bit more of his strength and got out of your hold where he grabbed your face and cupped it. he pulled you in for a searing kiss. 
his tongue slipped into your mouth as you breathing rapidly through your nose as your bodies moved together against the hard table surface. you let out a small moan as your kiss deepened. his other hand on your hip, guiding you up and down on his length. 
  “fucking beautiful.” he said as he pulled away from this kiss, blush seared across his skin. he groaned loudly as you rubbed just right against the right spot. both hands now on your hips as he guided you up and down faster on his cock. the pleasure for both of you left you wordless. 
it was like the words were on the tip of your tongue but fell down your throat when you felt the sparks of pleasure behind your eyes. you gripped onto him, nails dug into his pecks as you rode him with such a passion. 
  “fuck, hoseok.” you panted, feeling the curl of pleasure tighten deep in you. you swallowed back the need to scream from the pleasure and panted wildly, losing your mind to the passions of sex on your workbench. 
  “yes, yes.’ he grunted as your movements continued. he leaned forward a little bit, curving his back to get closer to you but as the hit of pleasure rolled through him he rested back on the table and felt the temperature in his body rise more. 
the room grew hot as time went on, your bodies moving together like horny rabbits in the middle of your studio. your hope that you weren’t going to breed like them. the thought made a chuckle bloom in your lap but it never left your mouth as you were pulled in by the shoulder for another searing kiss. 
you panted and let out a series of loud quick moans in tune to every jump of your hips. eyes glazed over as you opened them and your brain felt foggy, all you could rely on was the tight vice of pleasure in your gut. 
your bodies were sweaty, pleasure coursed through your veins like a drug. it wasn’t long before hoseok was joining your movements to push even deeper into you. and with a few hard hitting thrusts, his head hit hard against the table, toes curled and a strangled groan exit his lips as he orgasmed. painting you white from the inside. 
you were panting as you gripped onto him, pushing yourself as far as you could onto his heavy, big cock. it pushed at your walls and stretched with as his balls hit against the back of your pussy with every hard thrust. soon enough you were moaning into the echoing room of your studio. your movements slowed down and you grip on him loosened. 
you pushed your hair out of your eyes as you let out a small moan in completion. you both were in silence for a few moments to catch your breath before hoseok pulled you to his chest and held you tightly. 
  “please.’ he said quietly, “let me show you off to the world.”
you swallowed and responded, “why don’t we get started on which leather you want.” avoiding the question. hoseok’s grip relaxed and you were able to get out of it, slipping off the table to get your clothes. 
soon he was up too, pleasure ran cold by your response. even if he couldn’t have you on his arm all the time, at least he could still feel you close in moments like that. and when you touched his body during the process of making your leatherwork.
as he gazed at you from behind, he whispered to himself, “i love you, my little leatherworker.” 
xoxo, U・x・U
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Merchild (5)
Part 4 : Part 6
Randy’s gotta drop off some fish, and then get back to Jade who really wants to show him what she’s found.
Warnings: Not any really.
Watching Jade dive back into the water calmed Randy a bit. He really didn’t want her to just hang out on the beach. A part of him wished she could but, what if someone saw her? What if Bruce or Eugene came by and saw her? He knew they were on lookout for a mermaid thanks to Bruce seeing her but still. He didn’t want to risk it, especially since he would be there to protect or cover for her if they did show up. Randy didn’t know what those two were planning to do once they found evidence of her or just Jade in general and he did not want to find out.
He loaded his truck with the three crates, silently wishing he had more. Randy wasn’t thinking yesterday when he caught all those fish. He knew he didn’t have many crates cause why have a bunch of you aren’t going to use them? He barely filled one so having a bunch of extra felt like a waste of space. Maybe now he could try getting more. He knew the five from yesterday were still at Wilson’s since he likes to use them as a display or for storing the fish, but he always gave them back the next day so it didn’t bother Randy. He hopped into his truck and drove off. Occasionally glancing over at the sea.
I wonder what she said, he thought to himself. The first time when she was frustrated was a bit scary. He had seen that kind of frustration from Andrew when he couldn’t figure out how to draw a cat, and just huffed and gave up. So Randy knew she was upset that she couldn’t do something but what? But when she showed up so upset, for a split second Randy was scared that she might hurt him. She was bigger then him, he was basically like a teddy bear to her! So it would’ve been bad if she wanted to do something to him. But when she slumped down, the fear disappeared with just a bit left tingling in his hands. Randy continued to think about that moment as he pulled into Wilson’s shop.
“Oh early today Mmh?” It was Lashunda. She was poking her head out the window of the back.
“Haha! Yeah didn’t have many crates left so I just filled the ones I got,” Randy replied closing the trucks door behind him.
Lashunda walked out and joined him in unloading the filled crates. They each took one and walked inside, setting them by the station where they’d be prepped. Jabari was sitting nearby reading a book, and looked up when he heard the two enter.
“Mind grabbing the last crate Jabari?” Lashunda asked.
Jabari sighed with a shrug, before hopping up and heading out to grab the crate.
“Need help with these ones today?” Asked Randy as Jabari carried the last crate inside.
“Nah, I’m pretty bored today so you just have me something to do. Dad’s out in town doing his thing and Brandon is out fishing right now…at least that’s what he said he was doing. Bet he’s taking a nap right now to be honest, haha! And well It’s Wednesday so Maria is at school.”
“Heh alright, I’ll let you have something to do for once. Since you seem sooooo bored,” Randy chuckled which got him an eye roll from Lashunda.
“Anyway here,” she handed him a wad of cash, “that’s for the fish yesterday. Decent amount this time.”
Randy was genuinely surprised by it but he didn’t know if it was from the amount or from the fact he hadn’t gotten this much in awhile.
“Uh thanks! Got the crates? Oh and any extra ones?”
“Mmh don’t know about extra ones, but we got your crates. They’re just outside the door for ya.”
“Thanks Lashunda, I’ll get them. Enjoy your fish gutting.”
Lashunda waved him off as he walked out of the house. Spotting the empty and cleaned out crates, he packed them back into his truck.
Damn, he thought to himself, I have the whole afternoon free from work if I wanted. I mean I could fill these crates but then I wouldn’t have any for tomorrow…perhaps I should just go back home.
A grin crossed Randy’s face. Perhaps, he thought, I’ll try and see what Jade was saying earlier. He hopped into his truck and headed back home.
While on his drive he was thinking about what she had said; Before he had left and after he told her to go back underwater she shook her head no, Yet she still went under, so what was she saying? One thing was for sure though; she could learn to speak. When she had said boat earlier it truly impressed Randy, he didn’t think it was possible. Although it seemed that if she were to learn more words there’d be trouble. Probably something to do with how certain sounds were made for certain words to be formed. He didn’t know the science of it but he didn’t really care. Randy was just excited to see Jade speaking words he could understand.
Eventually he pulled back to his home and parked his truck. Randy’s home was nice and cozy. It was small but had enough room for a family. It was his great grandfather’s home and just kept getting passed down to the eldest kid. His grandma got it, then his dad, then Randy. It was old, had to be fixed up a few times but it was nice. It sat under a large cliff, with large rocks scattered the beach. It wasn’t the prettiest of sights but, when the sun rose in the morning, it was a beautiful sight to see.
Randy looked out to the sea and smiled, he just got an idea. Quickly running into the house he ran through up to his room. Tossing his keys onto the bedside table, he opened up the drawer underneath his bed. Digging through the underwear and socks he eventually felt it, and quickly pulled it out. His swim trunks. He knew he didn’t need them and could just jump into the water with just shorts on but, he wanted to have some fun today.
Quickly changing into the swim trunks, he tossed on a white shirt and walked back outside. Walking along the beach towards his dock where his fishing boat gently bobbed in the waves. He walked along the dock, making sure to avoid the more broken bits of it, he made his way to the end. With a relieved sigh he sat down and let his feet dangle off the dock, as he watched the waves of the sea.
After a few moments he saw her, she slowly popped her head above the water looking over at him, before her head fully popped out with excited wiggles from her fins and a bright smile. Jade happily swam over with a bright smile, gently wrapping her arms around him in a hug. She started clicking and saying things that Randy really didn’t understand but she seemed excited.
Jade let go and swam back with an excited and bright smile. Randy felt a smile escape him before he got stood up.
“Alright, I don’t know what’s got you excited but, I hope you don’t mind just going for a swim,” he tossed his white shirt off onto the dock before jumping into the water with a splash.
Randy swam up and treaded the water a bit, taking in a big breath. He dove under a bit and slowly blinked his eyes under the water, so they could get used to it. He knew this probably wasn’t the best for his eyes but, he didn’t care when he was 10 and he’s not gonna start now.
He popped back up to see that Jade had swam up to him, curious about what was happening. Her head tilted at him.
“What’s wrong? Do I swim weird? Well you got a whole tail and fins! Of course I’m going to swim weird compared to you, haha!” He laughed as she seemed more confused but slightly amused.
The two swam about for a bit, getting used to swimming together…well more like Randy trying to keep up with Jade’s swimming and Jade happily showing off her tricks. She would swim down and back up, jumping out of the water with a flip and a smile. It was amazing to watch. He also noticed that her scales were all green. The started out green near her head and torso, then the green became slowly lighter in hue, eventually some of those started to have bits of yellow-ish color on them, and some that were more yellow than green had faded to an almost white color with a gentle touch of orange along the edge of them. Her tail and fins had this same effect, but it was amazing to see. Randy wondered if the colors meant anything or if they were just genetics.
Jade then dived down, waiting for Randy to join her again. Taking another breath he dived back down under the water, and he watched as Jade did the same. It was amazing to see her in her element. She quickly swam down past him with twists and turns, quick little flicks from her fins and tail. It was like watching a dancer dancing on stage with no worries. She had some amazing skills for just a kid, but maybe that’s cause she lived her whole life in water. Maybe what was impressive to him was just a normal thing for mermaids.
Jade swam further down and Randy followed for a bit. She was fast compared to him, and he was almost upset by that fact. He couldn’t believe he was getting outdone by a kid…then again said kid was a giant mermaid so maybe he should feel bad about this.
Jade swam down further and waved her arm, trying to get Randy to come further down. It was almost to dark to see but, he could tell she was trying to get him into what looked like an underwater cave. I can’t hold my breath for that long, he thought to himself before quickly swimming back up. He watched as Jade came up with confusion written all over her face.
“Sorry Jade, I can’t hold my breath that long. Don’t think I’d survive in a cave of water.” He said looking at her.
She was still confused, he needed to explain that he didn’t have gills like her. That’s it!
He swam closer to her and motioned her to lower herself a bit. She hesitatingly did so. Randy in that moment froze. Looking at her closely, studying her. Her seaweed like hair dripping water, sloppily flopped into the water. Her yellow eyes studied him with confusion and curiosity. The ear like fins on her head would occasionally twitch or flick. He then spotted them, her gills. They were alongside her neck.
“See these?” He asked while gently touching her gills, causing them to rapidly twitch shut from contact, “oh um…well those are your gills…I think….and I don’t have those, ”He swam back a bit but, moved his head so his neck was exposed.
Randy watched as Jade reached up to touch her neck, feeling the edges of her gills, all the while looking at his neck. She then reached out. A part of Randy screamed to move and that she might hurt him, but another part stayed calm and he focused on that. Her hand reached over and her claws gently touched his neck, feeling the smooth gill-less texture. Jade was amazed, as she touched her gills and his non-gills. She then giggled as his beard hair had tickled her. She pulled back and Randy felt a sigh of relief escape him. He couldn’t have been that nervous could he?
Jade then paused, her brow furrowed in thought, just before and idea popped into her head. She said a few things with clicks and another noises, all the while she extended her hand. She had a wide smile on her face.
Randy looked at Jade and at her outstretched hand, “I don’t know what you are thinking, or what you’re going to do…but I need you to know that I can’t breathe underwater,” he said all of this while awkwardly acting it out. Taking breaths above water and then pointing at the water and pretending to die. Jade nodded but insisted that he take her hand, by pushing it towards him more. He sighed, no use reasoning with a child who could literally kill you at any second.
Taking her hand she pulled him into a hug. Holding him like a child would a teddy bear against her chest. She smiled down at him before mimicking taking a breath. He nodded and took a huge breath, and the second he filled his lungs, she dove down.
Randy watched as the water and surrounding rocks rushed past him. He then watched as she dove straight into the cave she had been trying to get him to go into earlier. She gently let him go, holding onto his hand and motioning with the other towards the cave. She clicked a few words, but Randy was more amazed by what he was seeing. The cave was somehow lit up with a soft blue and green glow on the ceiling, and soft sand had made up the floor. The space was huge!
Randy then felt his lungs trying to give out, he quickly tugged at Jade and pointed to himself. Trying to motion that he needed to breathe. She froze confused for a second before quickly nodded, but instead of taking him out of the cave, she rapidly took him into another tunnel of the cave.
Randy was freaking out, he was going to have to take a breath soon and at this rate it’ll be just water! She quickly swam through the tunnel and then with a splash she stopped. Wait a splash?
Randy looked around, and took a few deep breaths. They were still in the cave but, there was an air pocket. Jade gently let go of him, but continued to hold his hand. She pointed up and explained something. Randy looked up and saw plants dangling from the ceiling, covering parts of the wall, and dipping into the water. He could hear a gentle trickle of water somewhere as well, but he was more amazed by the plants. Long vine like plants with gentle magenta, purple, and pink flowers growing in bunches on the vines. Jade reached up and gently held one of the flowers, happily explaining something.
Randy didn’t really need her to explain, even if he could understand her. He knew what this was, The Lungs of the Sea, Sea’s Breath, Mermaid Wishes, Wave Fruit; he knew many of its names. It was only a legend, that everyone believed had disappeared. It was a legend as old as the mermaids but everyone believed it had gone extinct, much like many believed all the mermaids had died or hidden away. It was a plant that would take in water, and turn it into oxygen. He had read every book in the library about the legends of the sea but this one was the most lost. Some books said that ancient sailors would take these plants and eat them or breathe in their seeds, so the plant could take root in their lungs. They could then breathe underwater, however they would forever be stuck living in the water. That or their lungs would burst from the plants wanting to grow, but that was a theory that many people believed actually happened to those ancient sailors.
Either way, Randy couldn’t believe it. This rare and ancient plant was basically and almost literally in his backyard, and no one knew. He was amazed and he then caught Jade looking at him with a cheeky smile.
“You knew this was here? Wow, and I thought I was just gonna drown for a second there, but you knew I wouldn’t…at least I hope that you didn’t just wing it…heh…You’re one smart or lucky cookie.”
Jade happily wiggled her fins and she gently guided Randy over to one of the walls. He noticed that there was a shelf of rock, that acted like a makeshift shore. He noticed that it was wet, despite the rest of the cave being dry. At least the parts not in the water. Jade laid down on the makeshift beach and looks up at the plants, and Randy sat nearby still looking at the slab of rock.
Looking closely he saw that there was a small leak of water flowing into the cave. That was the trickle he heard before, and it ran alongside the slab of rock into the water within the cave. Part of him wondered where it was coming from but that was a mystery for another time perhaps.
Randy looked over at Jade who was relaxing, looking up at the flowers. That’s when Randy got an idea. He quickly stood up and walked around the slab, gathering any fallen flowers from it, and a single long strand of the vine that had fallen. He then walked back to Jade and tapped her head. She paused and looked at him with a “what?” Look. He then gently gathered her hair and pretended to lift her head up. Jade lifted her head and Randy gather all her hair and laid it in the slab.
Giving her a thumbs up, she laid her head back down in confusion. Randy then got to work. Gently separating the hair into three strands, he got started on braiding it.
As he braided her hair he started humming a tune that his mom would hum to him when he braided her hair.
Randy loved braiding hair, and always did it for his mom when she asked. He didn’t know why he liked doing it but he did. He would even do it for the girls when he went to school. Watching the hair weave into each other into a pattern just soothes him for some reason. Made the chaos of long hair make some sense.
As he continued humming the tune he eventually heard Jade join in. She was soft at first and paused when she got the note wrong or just didn’t know the next part, but would pick it back up. Randy was a bit surprised that he didn’t fall into a trance, like the tales said. It said that a mermaid’s singing voice or even a gentle hum would lure sailors to their doom, but here he was perfectly fine. Maybe that tale was wrong.
The two hummed together as Randy braided Jade’s hair. Gently he placed some of the flowers into the braid as he went along. Once the hair was all braided he tied it up with the vine, at the very end.
“There we are,” Randy said, “Hope you like it”
Jade sat up and grabbed the braid and pulled it over her shoulder to get a better look at it. Her eyes widened in amazement as she gently caressed some of the flowers weaved into the braid. She turned to Randy and scooped him into a hug.
“Oh! Your wel-Come! You’re kinda Squ-EEzing me!” He said as he was hugged a bit too hard. He’s definitely going to have some bruising from this.
Jade placed him back down and slid into the water a bit more, all the while laying on her stomach. She then yawned and her eyes started to look sleepy.
“Woah someone’s tired. Must be pretty late then huh?”
She hummed and sank into her arms, as her eyelids started to sag.
“Heh, well…I’ll let you rest then…guess I’ll be stuck down here for a bit until you wake up huh?”
He turned back but before could fully process it she had fully adjusted herself on the rock slab and gently wrapped herself around him.
“Ohhhh…good thing the water is…and isn’t? Too deep…I don’t know anymore.”
Jade wrapped her arm around him and pulled him close, much to his surprise. She then drifted off to sleep.
“Guess I don’t get much of a choice…man Trisha’s gonna think I’m dead again. Just don’t pull me into the water okay sweet girl?”
Randy gently patted her face, and just laid there. He was glad the water wasn’t deep enough that he could drown in his sleep. He was also grateful that Jade’s tail was diverting the water away from him, making a makeshift island in the center of her curled form. Randy laid back against Jade with a smile. If he fell asleep, he should be okay. She’s gentle, definitely a kid who got tired real fast but still a gentle kid.
Randy would soon drift off to sleep laying against Jade, thinking about how his luck is changing and how it’s so weird.
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newtthetranswriter · 10 months
The Best Birthday
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(art credit goes to me, I drew this a while ago)
Word count: 2424
Paring: Akkun x Reader
Summary: He's used to his birthday being overshadowed, but this year it's all a trick to make it the best day yet.
Warnings: Nothing really, forgotten birthdays maybe? Let me know if there is anything I missed.
A/N: This was written very last minute as I was only made aware that Today is Akkun’s birthday like three days ago, and I only figured out a good idea last night for it. Not only is it Akkun’s birthday, but he just needs more love in general, so feel free to request more of him. Any ways enjoy and Remember to Hydrate or Diedrate
    Today is Akkun’s birthday, and I came up with a good idea on how to spend it. It may seem a little mean what I have planned, but I know he’s going to love it. 
     I woke up earlier than I normally would on a Saturday to start preparing for the plans. I had to text all our friends to make sure they remembered their parts in all of this. The basics of the plan was everyone act like it’s a normal day, no happy birthday texts, no asking for his plans, just pretend like it’s a normal day, when in reality while I’m dragging him around doing Christmas shopping, Takemichi and the others will be at our apartment setting up a surprise party.
     Before Akkun woke up, I made a small breakfast and a pot of coffee, which isn’t abnormal as we agreed when we moved in together who ever gets up first on the weekends makes breakfast. As I was setting the plates of French toast on the table, I was greeted by my loving red-headed boyfriend as he entered the kitchen.
     “Good morning, love, what’s on the agenda for today?” He asked, obviously wondering what I had planned for his birthday.
     I just shrugged in response, and pretended to think for a moment. “I was thinking we could go out and find a Christmas tree, maybe get some presents for the gang. We could even get some lunch. What do you think?” I asked, acting like I had no clue what the importance of today was. 
     Seeing his face drop slightly almost made me break, knowing for a lot of his childhood his birthday was either made to be about Christmas or completely forgotten in the flurry of the holidays, but I had to remind myself that this was all to give him the best birthday ever. “Okay, sounds good, maybe we can come home and watch a movie after?” He asked, quickly recovering from the disappointment of his birthday being ‘forgotten’.
     “Yeah, that’d be great.” I responded, trying not to break at how truly disappointed he sounded. We sat down and enjoyed the breakfast I made while talking about what we wanted to get everyone for Christmas. After cleaning up our dishes, we quickly got dressed and headed out for the day.
     While in the car on the way to the mall, Akkun kept checking his phone with a disappointed face. “Everything okay?” I asked as we pulled into the mall parking lot.
     “Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine.” He said with an obviously fake smile. I made eye contact trying to make sure we weren’t going too far with this plan, luckily even though there was disappointment I could still see hope. I held onto the hope that I could make it through this shopping trip without caving and telling him everything.
     Once in the mall, we went into many stores, grabbing a few things here and there we thought our friends would like. Getting everyone some little things, not wanting to go over board and save some money. After a few hours we stopped at the food court getting a quick lunch. Almost as soon as we sat down, Akkun was looking at his phone again, once again looking upset at the lack of birthday wishes.
     “Are you sure everything’s ok? Every time you check your phone, you get this disappointed look on your face. Did something happen to one of the guy’s or something?” I asked, still trying not to blow my cover.
     He quickly put his phone down and held my hand across the table. “Everything’s fine, I told you that earlier. I promise if there was anything bothering me, I would tell you right away.” He said with a genuine smile.
     I looked at him skeptically before responding. “If you’re sure, then okay. After we finish eating, let’s take this stuff out to the car and go look for a Christmas tree.” I said to him going back to eating.
     We had finished eating and had got all the Christmas presents into the car when my phone started ringing. Akkun looked at me confused, trying to see the caller ID on the phone as I picked it up, trying to hide who I was talking to. “Hello, what’s up?” I asked Takemichi, as he was the one to call me.
     He tried to keep his voice down so Akkun couldn’t hear him as he spoke. “Y/n everything is set up if you want to come back now, I can’t imagine it's easy doing this.” He told me, making me smile, knowing I could end the game sooner and stop Akkun’s suffering.
     “Yeah, we can do that, no problem. Thanks for letting me know.” I said hanging up the phone. I turned to a very confused Akkun as he sat in the passenger seat. “We’ll have to go find a tree another day, one of our neighbors flooded their apartment and the landlord wants us to make sure there’s no damage to our place.” I explained why we were changing plans, which is a total lie, but I digress. 
     He gave me a concerned look. “We can always go find a tree tomorrow, as long as everything is good back home.” He said, agreeing to finding the tree another day. I could also tell he was just ready to go home, even if he thought he was going to check for water damage that wasn’t even real.
     When we pulled into the parking lot of our apartment, we quickly got out of the car, ignoring the groceries. Making our way up to our apartment, I cuckold tell Akkun was suspicious when we were a couple doors down as there was no water in the hall or concerned neighbors being frantic about water damage. “What’s going on, Y/n? I thought you said a neighbor had flooded their apartment.” He asked as he stopped right outside our door. It was clear he figured something out.
     “Nothing's going on, I promise, just go inside and you’ll see.” I said, not wanting to give away the surprise. He raised his eyebrow at me, skeptical. After a moment of contemplation, he slowly opened the door. He was greeted by our friends yelling ‘Happy Birthday’ and he froze. Taking this as my cue, I wrapped my arms around his torso, resting my head on his shoulder. “See, nothing's going on, just a party for the best boyfriend ever.” I smiled up at him.
     After he got over his shock, he turned in my hold, placing a kiss to my lips. “Thank you.” He said in between kisses. 
     We were interrupted by Yamagishi yelling at us, “Hey, we’re here to stop making out in the doorway.” We pulled apart with a chuckle before joining the group sitting in our living room. “So Akkun, did we do a good job tricking you or what?” Yamagishi asked as we sat down.
     Shaking his head, Akkun rolled his eyes. “You guys really fooled me. I was beginning to think you all forgot.” He said, even though he was smiling at his friends, I could tell that it had truly hurt when he thought we had forgotten him.
     Squeezing his hand, I spoke up. “I’m sorry for tricking you, I know you’ve had a lot of shit birthdays. It was just the only way we could pull this off. There’s no way I could forget anything to do with you.” I smiled at him. He smiled back with a quiet thanks, before Takemichi interrupted all the current conversations with a question about cake. “We haven’t even eaten dinner, and you want cake?” I asked the man sitting across the room with messy hair.
     He just nodded in response, it seems his time spent around Mikey has produced a massive sweet tooth. Everyone just laughed at him before Yamamoto suggested we play some games first, receiving agreement from everyone.
    We then spent the afternoon playing Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros and a few other multiplayer switch games before order pizza for dinner. When the pizza arrived, we ate it while watching some Jujutsu Kaisen.
    “Okay now that dinner is done, let’s get presents out of the way before cake.” I suggested standing up from my spot next to Akkun. Everyone nodded before they moved to get what gifts they had brought. Once we all got back to the living room with our gifts the boys started to fight over who would give him gifts first, not wanting to deal with the bickering I spoke up. “Takemichi how about you start, and we’ll go around the room, ending with me.”
    Everyone seemed to agree, even with Yamagishi shouting that I wanted to go last, so I can one up everyone else’s gifts, earning an eye roll and glare from me. After people calmed down from laughing at Yamagishi’s comment, Takemichi gave Akkun his gift. It was a framed picture from our middle school days, specifically the night at Musashi Shrine after a Toman meeting when Akkun had worked up the nerve to finally ask me out. It was one of our best memories together, and it was clear from the look on Akkun’s face, he had no clue this picture existed.
    “When did you take this picture ‘Michi” Akkun asked looking at his friend. “I could've sworn no one was there when this happened.” He just received a cheeky smile from the black haired man.
    After he set aside the picture, he opened the next gift, this one being from Yamamoto. Pulling the gift from the bag, he was once again confused. It was a hoodie which isn’t that weird, but this one was from an amusement park we had gone to for our four-year anniversary, not just the same park but a special addition from the year we went. He looked from Yamamoto to me, utterly confused, why would Yamamoto get a keepsake from our fourth anniversary. Trying to deflect a little, Yamamoto spoke up, “I remember you guys saying you wanted to get that hoodie, but they were sold out, and I found it online so I figured why not.” He shrugged before motioning for the next person to give their gift.
   Each gift made him more confused as I just smiled to myself, glad it was all coming together. Every gift was a keepsake from different points in our relationship, a take-out menu from our first date, ticket stubs from a concert we went to, pictures taken of the two of us when we weren’t paying attention just being us. I could tell he was trying to figure out why our friends were giving him gifts that held some importance to the two of us. “While I do love all these gifts, but can I ask why are they all in relation to mine and Y/n’s relationship?” He asked, looking at a picture of us eating take-out using a box as a table when we first moved into our apartment together. 
    Our friends just shrugged and then looked at me. Knowing that everyone had giving him their gifts, I decided it was time to stand up. After standing, I pulled Akkun to stand with me in the middle of our living room, in front of all our friends. I held both his hands in front of me, and looked him in the eye before speaking.
    “Atsushi, I know today has been confusing. From everyone pretending to have forgotten your birthday, sorry again for that one, to all of our friends giving you different memories from our eight years together, but I promise there is a reason for all of it.” I watched his expression morph from confusion to surprise as spoke. “The truth is everything was part of my plan to make this special. If we made you think we forgot, I figured you wouldn’t expect this. Then the gifts were so we could take a small trip down memory lane with our friends, looking at the big and small events that lead me to make this decision. I know you have probably already figured out where I’m going with this, so I’ll cut to the chase.” Reaching into my back pocket, I pulled out a small ring box. I opened it to reveal a simple ring with two small gems in the shape of a heart, one being turquoise and the other being amethyst, our birthstones. “Atsushi Sendo, would you do me the honor of marrying me?” I asked with a large smile on my face.
   I could see the utter shock on his face, it was obvious he never expected this to be the turn his birthday would take. “Of course, that’s a stupid question.” He said, pulling me in for a passionate kiss. Our moment was interrupted by the flash of a camera, we turned to see a smiling Hinata holding a camera up. She waved and whispered a small sorry, before she was interrupted by Yamagishi shouting again.
   “Congrats, can we eat cake now?” He asked. All he got in response was Akkun taking the ring out of the box before chucking said box at his friend’s head. Yamagishi tried to duck out the way leading to the box hitting Takemichi in the face. After which, chaos in sued throughout the apartment.
   Laughing at his friends, Akkun pulled me closer to his chest, as Takemichi started to chase Yamagishi through the living room. “Thank for this. It truly has been the best birthday I could ask for.” He placed a kiss to the top of my head. “Honestly, I don’t think I could ask for a better partner in this life, I mean, who else would be fine with two grown men running around their house because of a ring box.” He said with a chuckle.
   I rolled my eyes watching the two. “I’m not fine with it, I’ve just accepted it. Plus, if they stay distracted, more cake for us.” I said, turning to look in his eyes. He let out another laugh in response, before we nodded in silent agreement to try and get cake without our friends realizing.
   Eventually, Takemichi and Yamagishi calmed down when they realized we were eating cake. We all sat and enjoyed the cake before our guests left for the night, leaving us to enjoy the rest of our night. Basking in the joyful realization that we are now engaged after so many years together. Ready to start the next phase of our life.
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The Adventures of Lester Papadopoulos and the Scrap Master
A Trials of Apollo Fic 
Lester's life has been a on a steady decline ever since he left his abusive family to go be on his own. The days at his new job at his local coffee shop are monotonous and unrewarding until one day he gets robbed by a human traffic light that insists things around here start changing. Lester just wished the "here" she was gentrifying wasn't his life.
Or: A platonic Meg&Apollo coffee shop au 
Chapter One
Lester threw his head to the table with so much force the resounding crack could be heard all through the coffee shop.
Kids if anyone ever tells you to get a job at a coffee shop you tell them to stuff some hot coals up their nose, because that’s what spilling hot coffee on yourself then violently banging your head against clear frosted acrylic countertops feels like. An experience also known as Lester Papadopoulos’ average work day.
From behind him Lester heard about the only sound capable of making his day worse, discounting his father’s voice, -which he never did for the fear for his own life- Reyna snickering.
“Clean up not going too well Lester?”
“I thought,” Lester said in a mumble against the counter, “that the coffee would have cooled down after closing.”
Reyna lifted an eyebrow. Lester didn’t know that for a fact, he was too busy crying onto counter tops (huh, Crying onto Counter tops? That sounded like a good indie band) but over his years of being the most mocked person in any room he entered he’d picked up a seventh sense to devine when people were judging him.
“You know we just closed minutes ago, right?”
“Yeah. I was the one that flipped the sign.” Okay now both eyebrows were up. Seriously Lester was surprised that this kind of stupidity coming from him was still surprising her.
“Okay. You do know how time works right?”
“Yes.” Lester mumbled, all too aware that his nose was bent at an angle that made him sound like a person doing a bad Big Bird impression.
“Okay then. Are you alright?”
Lester snorted, No, Lester thought, but I don’t want to inconvenience you any further with my presence, woman who shot me down for a date and laughed in my face not even two weeks ago, and is also one of the most brilliant people I know.
“Good because there is a little girl knocking on our door and you’re much better at turning people off than I am.” Reyna chuckled to herself like that was the funniest joke in the world. Lester sighed because if it hadn’t been targeted at him he actually would have found it funny. Currently it just felt painfully accurate to reality.
“Fine, I got it.” Lester picked himself up from the counter and brushed off his apron. There, now he looked about as presentable as anyone could after a ten hour work day. Gods he missed being on the family payroll.
Lester metaphorically hiked up his skirts and went up to the glass doors to shoo off some kid.
Truly his father was wrong, he was doing so well without him.
Lester had to blink to make sure the windows on the doors hadn’t been replaced with mirrors and he wasn’t seeing the reflection of the traffic light from the street, because there was no earthly way a parent would actively choose to dress their child like that.
Lester opened the door and addressed the fashion disaster question, “Uhm, excuse me but we’re closed. And we have a no loitering policy, so-”
“Do you guys have any leftovers?”
“Do we have any… leftovers?”
“Yeah, you know? Like food that is past its sell by date and, ya know?”
Lester blinked and observed the girl past her abysmal fashion choices. He could figure why a kid would be asking for something like that. The girl was on the shorter side with hair that might have once been a page boy cut but had long fallen out of maintenance. Her outfit, past being the last choice of anyone with common sense, was also stained and she smelled like the dumpster outside his apartment building.
This girl looked like a what if  scenario where the lost child in a grocery store was never found by their parents and grew up amongst the produce. Then going on to sustain their home in the store through wacky Home-Alone-esk shenanigans, eventually ascending over piles of outdated meats to become the grocery store scrap master.
“Might I ask why you want to know that?”
The girl peered past Lester, “Because I wanna eat it, duh.” She seeped so much sarcasm into that “duh” that even as a worker in retail he couldn’t help but be offended by the condescension.
“As a top thinker I object to the idea that that was the obvious direction of this conversation!”
“A top thinker?” The girl squinted at him, and, yeah, Lester had to admit that wasn’t his best comeback. In his defense he had just slammed his brain into a hard counter top only moments before.
“Yeah!” Even if it wasn’t his best strategy he would do what he always did, double and triple down on whatever stupid thing he said. It was a tactic that never went wrong.
“Okay. So are you going to answer my question or not?”
Lester sighed, he didn’t have the patience for this during the workday much less after, “Yes we do and you can.” He didn’t need to check, despite being relatively close to a big highway there wasn’t often much business at this little joint.
It was originally one of the reasons he picked it, Lester was painfully aware that he wasn’t much of a people person. Not that he didn’t like people, no he loved people! They just tended to not like him.
Something you and I have in common , he thought, looking at the girl, oh master of scraps . “Would you like some?”
The girl harrumphed, again acting like yes was the most dumbly obvious answer to the question “do you want to eat the leftovers of the leftovers of the coffee shop industry in America after starbucks.”
Lester shucked the door open and trudged in. He would let the girl have some food. What would be the harm? He waved to Reyna, who was currently trying to blend her eyebrows in with her irises, that or she trying to tell him “what the fuck” with her eyes over the fact that he had brought the girl in that she deliberately asked him to get rid of.
“Alright, over here-” Apollo waved the girl over to the counter where he normally emptied out the stale pastries into trash at the end of day. He was cut off when the scrap master barreled past him into the back of the shop, knocking his shoulder into his body with the force of a linebacker’s full charge. (don’t ask how lester knew what that felt like)
The girl’s pageboy-post-apocalypse poked itself over the counter as she raided the shelves. She shoved some muffins and several cake slices that definitely weren’t meant to be transported by kindergartener's backpack into her bag. Then before Lester could stop her she planted a whole cupcake, paper wrapping and all into her mouth.
Perhaps realizing she had done something wrong her eyes locked with Lester’s and went as wide as her mouth.
Reyna, who had been wiping down tables, decided now was the time to intervene and the scraps master must have developed some eighth sense along the line of Lesters’, and backed off the sweet shelves.
Seemingly understanding that she had limited her own time allowed in the shop she spun around. Her eyes impassively scanned her surroundings, until they lasered in on the sweetener packets, and abandoned whatever kind of decorum she might have had before -which apparently she did because whatever she was doing now was definitely worse- and shoveled handfuls of the packets in her backpack.
Finally getting over the shock of the whole scene Lester started walking to the girl, like a soldier ant marching to their death in a battle against the neighbor kid’s boot. The girl made a mad dash to the door, snatching one last croissant on her escape. Lester, the savant under pressure that he was, stuck his foot out to try and trip her.
Look, he did intend to let her keep the food. It was a lost cause at this point even if he wasn’t going to in the first place, but the sweetener packets? Really? What kind of situation was this girl in where she needed to steal sweetener packets?  
It felt like she took them just to take them, which Lester felt was just a dick move.
Luckily, or unluckily if you were the last scraps of Lester’s pride being yoinked by the scrap master, his foot missed the girls’ by about a meter so her escape remained unimpeded all the way to the door which she burst out of in a flash of traffic light colors.
“What just happened?” Reyna’s voice snapped Lester out of his shocked reverie trying to puzzle together an answer to that very question.
“I think we just got robbed by Dora the Explorer glow in the dark edition.”
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yxstxrdrxxm · 7 months
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POLL RESULT—! > An arts and crafts store. Just in case they were running out.
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YESTERDAY decided that since today was more or less a slow day, they ought to check the arts and crafts store. They were thinking about getting new supplies, as they were running out of papers and paints.
And so, they went to the store. They could vaguely hear people talk amongst themselves as they nodded at a few in greeting, but they simply ignored some of those who looked at them.
They couldn't look at them in the eye. They can't.
Taking deep breaths, they pushed through and checked the shop, pushing it open.
Di ~ ing ♪
The first thing that greets them was the scent of parchment paper. It was an oddity, but they felt strangely at ease because of it. Looking around, they began to try and figure out the inner workings of the shop, as they have severely underestimated how big it is.
There were papers and books strewn about everywhere, some of the canvases and pots were put in another area. The florist could only cringe internally, thinking of how much trouble it must be for those who enter the store.
And right by the counter was a blonde lady, sorting out the fallen letters and laughing out of embarrassment. Catching the feeling of being stared, her red eyes shifted to meet theirs.
"Oh! A new customer! Welcome, welcome," she said jovially, urging YESTERDAY to approach her with a friendly grin. "I'm sorry if the place is a mess. My name is ALICE! I own this store, by the way."
That... Explains the messiness...?
"Oh, it's okay. My name is YESTERDAY. I was hoping to be able to buy a few empty bottles and small canvases."
ALICE seem to hum at the request, moving to her left to begin her massive task of sorting the hoard. "I see, I see. Are you going to paint something? Not everyone requests a canvas that's smaller than the usual ones we sell here, you know!"
"Well... Sort of."
(It truly was just for their work, though, YESTERDAY didn't told ALICE that.)
"Oh, how about some paints, too?"
"Ah... Sure? Just not the big ones..."
"Okay! ♪ Any color in mind?"
"... Light green and purple, please."
ALICE hummed once again.
"You know, you remind me of someone."
That made YESTERDAY perk up. They could see the owner rise back up to put down the items on the desk, facing the brunette properly. Her expression was a tad bit contemplative, brows furrowed into thought.
"My niece would often paint in canvases such as these, you know," she began, gesturing to the ones YESTERDAY asked for. "He'd always do them with the smaller paints and in the lighter shades. I asked him why he couldn't think of doing it any darker, and he always tells me that 'he didn't have a reason to'."
"Honestly," she sighed, rubbing her temples. "I was honestly expecting that an artist such as him would choose a bigger canvas. He has the skills to make it big, but it's like he refuses to. Do you get what I mean, darling?"
YESTERDAY seem to blink a few times, their mind pondering on ALICE's comment for a while.
I wonder...
"I think I understand why, though," they interjected, fiddling with their mask to adjust it. "Maybe he's not... Ready to make his hobby to a job. Or even yet, he probably doesn't want to."
The blonde cashier raised an eyebrow, but she nodded, tapping her fingers on the counter in a rhythmic motion.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
"Maybe... Although, if that were to be the case, then I suppose me prying into it isn't a good idea."
With a laugh, ALICE began to pack up the items as she assessed the cost, informing her new client of how much and wishing them farewell as they left the shop.
It was... An odd experience, that's for sure. Although, it wasn't a bad thing.
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This poll will receive answers until 12 NN (GMT+8). Keep in mind that the majority will win, so vote what you think is right.
FLAWED TAGLIST: (send an ask to be added for Flawed!) @beloved-blaiddyd ; @mixed-kester ; @mochinon-yah ; @fffiii ; @leftdestiny-posts ; @ambrosia-divine
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storiescelestial · 9 months
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It all felt like a mystery going with the Doctor was exciting but meeting the Toymaker was definitely a mystery.
Right when Donna and the Doctor entered the shop the door closed and you weren't allowed in.
Confusing struck you and you tried the door again but it truly didn't go.
"Just go!" Donna called and you listened.
You ran maybe to get help? But as of right now you were on your own. You stayed near the shop however waiting.
You waited for about an hour when they ran out and the shop was suddenly gone, you ran towards them to catch up with them before they left.
"What are we doing?"
"Going to present time!" Announced the Doctor.
It was over in a flash and you were dropped off at your own home.
"We need to find him and as of right now you need to help us by exploring around your area, he may be anywhere really." The doctor explained before leaving.
You then left to your own home and kicked over a rock as you walked.
You opened your door and turned on the lights noticing a tennis ball?
You went to pick it up than something outside made a noise so you went outside to notice another ball.
You went to pick it up but when you stood back up you noticed the Toymaker standing beside you. You jumped back and tumbled a bit but he caught you.
"What- what do you want?" You said pulling away.
"I'm going to need to explain it." He stated in his Germam accent.
You allowed him inside and to sit on the couch, you sat beside him a bit nervous.
"Relax," he gently pushed your shoulder to lean against the couch.
"What's this all about?" You asked sitting back up and he pulled away.
His accent switched to British and that's him trying to be serious.
"I'm going to need a place to stay at for a while till that doctor goes off somewhere. I need your help."
"Why me?!" You freaked out realizing he wanted you to betray the trust of your closes friends.
"No," you quickly said after the question figuring the sooner he leaves the better.
"I knew you'd say that so," he pulled out a stack of cards and got them out shuffling them.
"Let's play a game. If I win I stay if you win I leave without another word."
You agreed to it probably making a mistake as you weren't good at games but you thought you were good at cards especially if it was anything other than war. You had terrible lucky with it.
"Your pick," he offered you.
You felt nervous amd the only thing you did was shake your head no.
"War than," he smiled.
Well...just your luck.
He quickly shuffled them before placing the stack down. You went first and got an 8 of clover while he went and got a Ace.
He chuckled at your defeat and you put the card back down and stood up, he stood up along with you.
"You get the couch I don't know what else to tell you, it is just one bedroom."
"Ja, that is fine." He gave a small bow which you scoffed at.
"Don't act so polite now," you mumbled as you walked off to your room shutting the door.
You went to relax, replaying the events that had happened and how come you're now stuck with the Toymaker.
You decided to just do something else to pass time other than this so you went to bed instead.
The next day however you got up to make breakfast only to reliaze that Toymaker had made it.
"Ta-da!" He smiled as you walked in.
"Morning," you said still kind of shocked from what he made.
He had made pancakes and eggs along with toast but he laid it out so it looked like one of those foods from movies that you wish you could have.
As you walked to it he pulled out the chair.
Now you really felt special as you took a seat.
"What's all this for?"
"Take zee like a zhank you." You noticed his German accent quickly.
After breakfast was done you went over to go sit on the couch and he took a place beside you.
"Is zhis vhat you normally do?"
"Yes, I don't go out much only if I need something but I usually go in the afternoon time."
"Dat is not fun," he complained.
"Well I'm not a fun person," you leaned back.
"But you are." He rested the side of his face against the couch looking at you.
I turned to him.
"Truly not." I snapped back.
"I bet du are."
I stayed silent for a moment just gazing at him and noticing features I hadn't seem to notice before.
"...not," I mumbled.
He sat up a bit now probing his elbow against the couch and rested his hand against his face.
"If you like ich can play zee games, ja?"
"Not now," I sat up too.
"Aw ze nein fun."
"I did tell you I was."
I got up and went to the kitchen.
The day went by fast I mean we did nothing really.
A day afterwards though the Toymaker discovered there was going to be a amusement park coming so he decided to surpise me.
"Where are we going? This is ridiculous."
"You'll be surprised." He smiled with a wink.
As we went I was surprised to see a big ferris-wheel in front of us.
"What- is this why you're wearing that band outfit?"
We paid before going in.
They had all kind of rides to go on. Small roller coasters or the ferris wheel or some cotton candy machines.
The Toymaker took me around exploring different rides before he got me some cotton candy.
The sun was setting by the time we were done, we sat down on a bench enjoying our time.
"Isn't this more fun zan sitting around?"
"It is," I agreed.
As the evening settled he wrapped an arm around me resting on my shoulder.
He seemed to relax and so did I. Honestly he was fun to be around and made things better.
But of course I had to remind myself of my friends, I pulled away from him and he pulled back.
"Sorry," he said.
After a bit we went back and settled down.
The next day he took me to a duck pawn to feed some of them.
We made some jokes and had a good time till he suddenly pulled me to the side.
"What-" he pressed a finger to his lips mentioning for me to quiet down.
There was the doctor and Donna walking by, this was a chance I could take to call out to them but I didn't for some reason I felt as if I'd betray a friend.
As they walked by us we turned and headed in the opposite direction and headed to a park nearby.
"This way," he said and I followed.
There he took me to a tree and he started to climb it.
"Scared?" He asked after he turned to me and I wasn't climbing.
"A bit nervous." I didn't lie to him.
He held out his hand and I took it as he helped me up.
We finally made it to one of the branches and sat there.
Of course I still held his hand.
"You prefer holding hands?" He teased me and I turned red with blush.
He laughed.
"No worries," he smiled.
I felt a breeze pass by us, it was a warm day so a gently breeze passing by was relaxing.
I rested my head on his shoulder and relaxed.
I relaxed for a few minutes before he made a slight movement and I got up.
"C'mon I wanna show you something," he hoped down as the branch wasn't high off the ground at all before he helped me down.
He than went off to another part of the park where some flowers grew.
They were a beautiful patch of dandelions.
He went down and picked a few before presenting them to me. I smiled and took them.
"Y'know you're sweet."
"Ja." He went to lay down on the dandelions and I laid beside him.
He took my hand and held it. I felt a blush come over me.
He chuckled noticing my blush.
He came close to me.
"Zer nothing to be embarrassed about."
"Really?" I asked.
"Really" he gave me a warm smile.
I smiled back.
We laid there for a few more minutes before getting up.
We got home and relaxed that rest of the time, I manged to calm my blushing state down but I have a feeling that'll become a big joke later on.
He usually tried taking you out he didn't care if it was a walk in the park or something.
But sometimes he would stay and help you out.
His favorite thing would have to be his random hugs. After you two created a friendship he would give random hugs here and there.
This one time you were just fixing up your bookshelf when he came along all excited and what not.
"Ah madame," he took your hand and began to dance.
"Um Toymaker?"
"Hm?" He had pressed his cheek beside yours.
"What's with the dancing?"
"Nothing," he smiled and spun you around before intertwining your fingers again.
You danced for a couple of minutes before separating.
But all in all he was sweet and kind. But he still liked to play his games so almost every night he'd ask you to play a game.
One day he had token you to the park again for a relaxing time, it was a beautiful day so why not?
While there you decided to bring a book and while he relaxed resting on your shoulder as you read to yourself, he listened however becoming interested in the book you read.
You caught on quickly and decided to read a bit louder.
After a while of this you finally put your book down.
"Interesting," he mumbled.
"I guess so."
He gave me a confused expression.
"Then why do you read it if it's not interesting?"
"Cause it's apart of a series I'm reading and if I miss this book than it wouldn't make scences."
"Ja, right."
He held your hand and cuddled more up to you.
"Aren't you comfortable enough?"
"Your keeping me warm, especially since your blushing."
You started to blush.
He smiled.
"Warm," he mumbled knowing you'd blush more.
I leaned back relaxing.
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maree-go-round · 1 month
Under the Heng Gate - Chapter 43
Chapter 43 : Third Brother, you truly dote on Sister-in-law.
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Li Yan was practicing a set of moves that Luo Xiaoyi had taught him in the courtyard.
After executing the final move, he looked to the side and shyly asked, "Aunt, how did I do?"
Qichi had specifically come today to check on his studies. When she inquired about his martial arts training, he decided to demonstrate a set of moves for her.
She stood at the side with her hands folded, watching him with a smile. "I can't say whether it's good or bad, but you do seem stronger than before. That’s always a good thing."
Li Yan wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled, feeling that this was already high praise.
As he walked over to her, he happened to see Qiushuang rushing into the courtyard from outside, running in a small jog. He couldn’t help but wonder, "What’s going on?"
Qichi glanced at her briefly. Those around her were usually so orderly, seldom rushing about in such a manner.
Qiushuang ran up to them and said, "Master, there’s an urgent matter."
Noticing something off about her expression, Qichi immediately asked, "What happened?"
Qiushuang whispered, "The Protectorate sent a letter, saying that the Grand Protector wishes to see the owner."
Qichi was taken aback, not immediately comprehending the situation. She even asked, "Which owner?"
Qiushuang said anxiously, "The owner of our merchant house, of course. That’s you, Master!"
Qichi’s expression stiffened as she carefully processed the information.
Why would Fu Ting want to meet with the owner of the merchant house?
"Are you sure?" She still found it hard to believe.
Qiushuang nodded repeatedly. "It's absolutely true. General Luo personally delivered the letter to our shop and ordered that it be sent to you as quickly as possible. He said the Grand Protector himself issued the order, and there must be no delay."
After the initial shock, Qichi quickly regained her composure and pondered, "Did they mention the reason?"
"They didn’t," Qiushuang replied. "They only said that the owner is summoned to meet him."
She fell silent, organizing her thoughts.
Li Yan had heard everything but hadn’t fully grasped the situation.
His aunt was the owner of the merchant house, but now his uncle wanted to meet the owner, which meant, in a roundabout way, he wanted to meet his aunt?
He knew that merchants had been looked down upon since ancient times, and he had never dared to speak of his aunt’s secret business dealings. Now, he couldn’t help but feel a bit worried. He looked at Qichi and quietly asked, "Aunt, is this serious?"
Qichi thought for a moment, then smiled at him. "Don't worry. Just keep doing what you're supposed to do. I’ll handle this matter."
Li Yan had always believed his aunt, so he obediently nodded. "I can at least keep my mouth shut for you, Aunt."
"Hm, that will suffice." After she finished speaking, she glanced at Qiushuang and began walking out of the courtyard.
Qiushuang understood and followed closely behind.
Once they were outside the courtyard, Qichi finally spoke, "We don’t know the reason yet, so let’s not panic."
At present, only Qiushuang, Xinlu, and Li Yan were aware that she had this identity in the Protectorate.
It was still unclear why Fu Ting wanted to meet her, but she couldn’t afford to lose her composure.
She thought to herself: It’s best to wait until he returns to find out more.
At 4:45 in the afternoon, Qichi carefully put away the ledgers one by one and locked them securely in the cabinet.
Just as she sat down before her dressing table, she heard the sound of footsteps outside.
She immediately rose to her feet, and as she stepped out, she nearly collided with the figure of a man standing in the doorway.
Fu Ting halted in his tracks and looked at her. "Were you about to go out?"
"No." She stepped back to let him in.
Fu Ting glanced at her briefly before entering the room. He tossed his horsewhip aside, then turned around to take a teacup from the table.
Qichi observed him closely. He seemed to be busy again, as there was dust clinging to his Hu boots.
Seeing him lift the pitcher of cool water to pour himself a drink, she quickly walked over and poured out a cup of freshly brewed hot tea, offering it to him. "Drink this instead."
Fu Ting was about to take a sip of the cool water when he noticed the tea she was handing him. His gaze lingered on her face for a moment before he set the cool water down and took the cup of tea from her, taking a sip.
Though the tea was of high quality, it was heavily flavored and didn't quite quench his thirst. 
After taking a sip, he still picked up the cool water and drank a mouthful. He glanced at her again, somewhat pleased with her gesture.
Noticing his expression, Qichi asked, "I heard that the trade negotiations with the Hu tribes have been progressing well?"
Fu Ting hummed, taking another sip of the cool water before setting it down.
"Are those merchants reliable?" she continued.
Fu Ting’s thoughts naturally drifted to the Yuxing Merchant House. "They're acceptable."
He glanced at her and asked, "Why do you ask?"
Qichi explained, "Qiushuang went out shopping today and saw Xiaoyi leaving the Yuxing Merchant House’s shop. It looked like he had issued some kind of order, and when she returned, she told me about it. I thought there might be some issues with the negotiations, so I decided to ask." As she spoke, she slowly steered the conversation toward what she really wanted to know. "Did Xiaoyi indeed issue any orders?"
Fu Ting didn’t hide the truth from her. "Nothing significant. I just wanted to meet the owner of that merchant house."
"Why?" She finally asked the question she had been holding back.
Fu Ting looked at her once more.
She discreetly clenched her hands, saying, "I’m just curious why, as the Grand Protector, you would want to meet a mere merchant."
Fu Ting replied, "To probe his intentions."
He walked behind the screen to change his clothes.
Luo Xiaoyi had asked him the same question earlier—why he insisted on meeting the owner of a merchant house.
His answer had been: When something unusual happens, there’s always a reason behind it.
This merchant house had been assisting the Protectorate without regard for loss or gain. Once, he could attribute it to righteousness; twice, however, made him suspicious.
The owner of that merchant house wasn’t even from the northern lands and had never set foot there, yet he repeatedly abandoned the profit-driven nature of a merchant to assist the Protectorate and the people of the northern lands. It was rather strange.
Over the past few years, other Protectorates had come forward, claiming they would speak on his behalf before the Emperor, detailing the hardships of the northern lands to garner attention from the court.
He had been wary and did not say much.
In the end, it turned out they were only interested in obtaining fine horses and elite soldiers in exchange.
When they failed to get what they wanted, those Protectorates only spoke sweet words to him, without ever advocating for his Protectorate General to Pacify the North. Instead, they competed to secure funds from the court.
He has risen to his position today through his own efforts, never believing that there will be good things in the world without reason.
The court itself prioritized interests, and merchants, who were inherently profit-driven, were no different.
A merchant house that already possessed vast resources, now flourishing in the northern lands, had ties to the Protectorate, and had even integrated into the livelihood of the people.
With the northern lands finally showing signs of improvement after years of hardship, he had no choice but to be cautious.
Qichi still stood by the small table, pondering his words.
She couldn’t ask for too many details and didn’t know what exactly he was trying to uncover. This left her feeling even more uncertain.
She glanced toward the screen, noticing that Fu Ting hadn’t fully stepped behind it. Half of his body was blocked. The half of his military attire he had just unbuttoned was hanging on him as he lowered his head to loosened his sleeves.
Sensing her gaze, he turned to look at her, but his hands did not pause. He stared into her eyes. "Is there something else you want to ask?"
Qichi hesitated to inquire further about this matter, as it would be too obvious. She chose another topic instead. “Is there anywhere worth visiting in the Hanhai Commandery?”
Fu Ting, hearing this unexpected question, swept his gaze over her once more, wondering what had gotten into her today, asking such irrelevant questions.
Nevertheless, he replied, “There are many places one could visit, but the most convenient would probably be the temple.”
"What temple?" she asked.
He replied, "You’ve been there before."
Qichi recalled it—the only temple she had visited was the one outside the city. After a moment of thought, she suggested, "Why don’t we stay at the temple for a few days?"
Fu Ting looked over and asked, "Why?"
Qichi softly replied, "There’s no sense of spring here in the residence. I thought it might be better outside."
This was an excuse she made up on the spot, uncertain if he would agree.
Fu Ting pursed his lips together as he removed his military attire, thinking that this was likely the first time she had ever made a request.
Qichi was looking at him, waiting for his response.
He looked at her face and nodded. "I’ll have Xiaoyi make the arrangements."
"Alright," Qichi replied, sitting down slowly by the table, surprised that he had agreed so readily. She stole a glance at him again.
Thinking: They say he’s a brute man, but it seems this man only shows his brute nature in bed. His mind is clearly quite deep; otherwise, how would he have taken this sudden step?
On the morning of the second day, Luo Xiaoyi received orders from his third brother and made the necessary arrangements before rushing to the Protectorate.
A group of servants had already prepared the carriage.
He waited at the entrance for a moment until he saw his third brother emerge. He quickly approached him. “Third Brother, everything has been arranged at the temple,” Luo Xiaoyi said.
By ‘arranged’, he meant that two selected teams of soldiers, dressed in plain clothes, would be stationed outside the temple. This was Fu Ting’s order. This way, worshipers could enter without hindrance while ensuring their safety.
After he finished speaking, Luo Xiaoyi added, "But why does Sister-in-law suddenly want to stay at the temple?"
Fu Ting replied, "If she wants to go, then we go."
Luo Xiaoyi chuckled, "Third Brother, you truly dote on Sister-in-law."
He shot him a look. "Lead the way."
Luo Xiaoyi, still smiling, went ahead and mounted his horse.
Qichi stepped out of the residence, draped in a lake-blue silk cloak, and looked at Fu Ting. "I’m ready."
Fu Ting nodded, reached out to tug the reins, and mounted his horse.
Xinlu and Qiushuang, one lifting the curtain and the other setting the stool, assisted Qichi as she stepped up into the carriage.
In the morning, the temple grounds were still quiet, with no one burning incense.
The mountain gate stood wide open, and the monks were already lined up in waiting. Upon hearing that the Grand Protector and his wife were planning a short stay at the temple, the abbot had gathered the monks to greet them at the gate.
After waiting for about half an hour, the group finally arrived at the mountain. The abbot hurried forward to greet them.
"Grand Protector, Madam, please—"
Fu Ting walked ahead, with Qichi following behind as they entered the temple alongside the abbot.
She noticed that today, he had donned a black military attire and carried a sword at his side, giving him an even more imposing and cold demeanor than usual. As they approached the main hall, she couldn’t help but tug gently at his sleeve.
Fu Ting turned around, noticing her gaze briefly land on his waist, and he understood her concern.
She was reminding him not to frighten the monks in the temple.
He unclasped his sword and tossed it to a nearby guard before continuing to follow the abbot inside.
The abbot continued to lead them, stopping in front of two meditation rooms in the rear courtyard. After reciting a Buddhist prayer, he paused and said, "Knowing that the Grand Protector and Madam would be visiting, we have specially prepared the best two meditation chambers in the temple. However, since the temple is a place for meditation, we must respectfully request that the Grand Protector and Madam stay in separate rooms."
Qichi felt somewhat uneasy at these words, glancing subconsciously at Fu Ting.
His gaze remained calm, as usual. "I understand."
The abbot thanked them and excused himself.
At that moment, he turned to look at her. "What are you looking at?"
So, he had noticed all along.
Qichi’s eyes flickered, and she averted her gaze. "Nothing."
He had a good guess of what was on her mind, and couldn’t help but suppress a smile. He then turned to inspect the meditation rooms. The two rooms were adjacent, nearly identical, except that the left one faced south, allowing in more light.
He entered the north-facing room first.
Seeing him go in, Qichi entered the one facing south.
Xinlu and Qiushuang followed her inside, quickly tidying up the room for her.
After a short while, Qiushuang quietly approached her. "Master, did you arrange to stay at the temple on purpose?"
Qichi nodded.
It wasn’t about enjoying the spring scenery. She knew Fu Ting was serious about something this time. Arranging matters within the Protectorate might be inconvenient for her, but here, it would be much easier.
Qiushuang then asked in a low voice, "Master, do you have any plans?"
She furrowed her brow and gently shook her head. "The official documents should take some time to be delivered, so let's take it one step at a time."
Qiushuang turned her head and exchanged a glance with Xinlu, neither saying another word, pretending they had come here merely to enjoy the spring.
Qichi stayed in the meditation room for a while, and when she stepped out, the sun had just risen.
The rear courtyard had a few flowers and trees planted, but since spring arrived late in the northern lands, the so-called spring scenery was less impressive than that in the Protectorate. A single branch of peach blossoms stuck out, the branch itself still bare, with only a few buds beginning to form.
She stood under the tree, not truly focused on the blossoms, but rather lost in thought over the troublesome situation she faced.
Fu Ting, who was about to leave the temple, paused as he passed by.
Qichi stood sideways to him under the tree. Perhaps because she was visiting the temple, today she wore her hair in a dignified cloud bun, adorned with no expensive jewelry. Her face bare of adornment, which made her complexion appear even fairer.
She seemed so deep in thought that she didn’t notice his presence.
He didn't say anything either, watching as a branch of peach blossoms brushed against her hair. He then looked at her again, seeing that she was still deep in thought.
He reached out and broke off the branch. He glanced at her again, holding the branch up to her hair. The thin branch adorned with budding flowers seemed like a simple ornament against her dark hair.
After looking at it for a while, he took it off.
He had no intention of teasing her, realizing that as the Grand Protector, with no extra wealth at his disposal, he couldn’t let his wife wear just a peach blossom branch as a hair ornament.
Qichi felt something brush against her hair and finally returned to her senses. She turned her head and saw him standing there, holding his horsewhip in one hand and a peach blossom branch in the other. She asked, "What’s that?"
He casually tossed it aside. "Just something I picked."
With that, he turned to leave.
"To the military camp?" she asked.
"Hm." He walked further away.
Qichi thought to herself that it was a good thing that he was going to the military camp. As she watched him leave, she suddenly felt something on her hair. She reached up to touch it and found a flower bud.
She rolled it between her fingers and examined it, wondering when it had gotten there.
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