random hcs ask for abel this time:
worst trait.
best trait.
how aware of its nature is it?
does it feel any type of way about being a demon?
it is morally bankrupt. but does it realises so or is it simply a foreign concept?
Worst Trait
---Oh man this one is always hard for me to answer because of how A/Bel's...existence works. I've written this before but I'll just put it here: A/Bel is fundamentally inhuman, so its difficult to answer this as it ultimately doesn't really hold views that humans could hope to understand. Many villains are driven by something easily comprehensible to the human mind; love, power, safety--things everyone of us has felt at least once in our lives. A/Bel, though, is a demonic entity. It doesn't care about any of the things we care about and doesn't have any human motives--it can't. To it, humans are material to be used; meat. Hell--to say A/Bel views humans as a human views something like a cow is even an overstatement; humans are inherently compassionate--we are loving, we feel sympathy when we look into an animal's eyes, even if we've consumed it at a prior time. A/Bel is incapable of this, it doesn't have the necessary function in its mind to have that same level of connection. It can understand why that connection exists, but only in the same way a computer program understands code. It cannot feel it, it can only have the knowledge of it. To A/Bel, humans are like ants being paved over for new sidewalk--our deaths are inconsequential to it and it's sole purpose is to devour, to eat.
That was somewhat long winded, but I think its important to explain that speaking in human terms of morality-- everything A/Bel does is horrible and bad from the root of its actions. It manipulated and used its knowledge of the human psyche to exploit a grieving child before securing said child as a food source until death--and even then it will not let go. It dons aesthetics that, at the very end, will fade into nothing too; and those aesthetics only have one purpose--to give its vessel the slowly dwindling hope that a human could ever connect with it. That the weeks, months, years, and entire lifetimes MEANT something to it; right? Otherwise why would it stick around? But it doesn't...and its impossible. Hell it even uses Robin's late father's voice.
Robin, in himself, is the representation of how in the grand enormity of a compassionless existence--we do not matter to beings that fall outside of our own way of thinking. To any human, Robin's story is deeply traumatizing and horrendous, it naturally incites compassion and the want to protect. To a creature like A/Bel? Robin's vulnerability is the perfect nesting ground to burrow, and a canvas to create even more horror within...and everything about that is wrong.
So trying to grade his worst trait through the eyes of a human is difficult. Its actions and reasoning is so outside of human perspective I couldn't even try to understand it. The only thing I could ever say as worst is...all of it.
Best Trait
I alluded to this in another answer but I can put that here too and expand on it: Due to Abel coming into Robin's life at the ripe age of 15 - it has actually influenced quite a lot of his personality as, despite knowing better, Robin did naturally place Abel into the "family" compartment in his mind. It wasn't as though he had much choice. It walked beside Robin for an entire decade before both of their lives ended at the same time, but Abel - shockingly - used the last bit of its power to partially revive Robin in an act of mercy/love/survival (?) and it still doesn't know why it did such a thing.
It also, and this is very important: IT DOES NOT SABOTAGE HIM AS MUCH AS ONE WOULD THINK. I'd actually go as far as to say that it never does; Robin was never actually influenced by Abel once the contract was put into place. It did not ignite his obsession with getting his family back or his fall into darker magic, and it doesn't really push him to continue down the path he was on. It works to make Robin comfortable and happy in order to protect its meal, and gives Robin the means to an end to do certain things.
I would even argue to say that it has helped Robin in ways since it practically helped raise him. It was the influence he needed, weirdly enough. It comforted him, cooked him meals, taught him how to be confident - sure this all came from a place of selfish need for its meal but.... It did put legitimate effort into the act, it worked hard to make him feel safe, to make him happy (or what it could define as happiness since it cannot understand complex emotions), and to kindle his mind.
How aware of its nature is it?
Extremely. A/Bel and Robin both never forget what it really is throughout the entirety of their relationship. They don't speak of it outwardly but its something they are both highly aware of, and they do not even pretend otherwise. A/Bel also knows that it is a mask to wear and that its a recombinant lifeform, its a mish-mash of what Bel, the core, knows of humans. Without Robin being alive, A/Bel will also pass leaving just the core behind to continue onto its next meal, it isn't really "alive", it knows this and works hard to keep Robin safe because of it.
That being said, due to this acknowledgment it does keep its guise on VERY heavily towards other people. Humans cannot tell A/Bel is anything but a normal person, maybe a bit bizarre but nothing else. A/Bel is a tool, an instrument and a means to an end. Nothing more, nothing less.
I think this also comes through quite a bit when A/Bel speaks about Robin to others, ever since its conception it has never once called Robin by his name. It usually refers to him as "the boy" or "that one".
Does it feel any type of way about being a demon?
A/Bel is a biological tool, an instrument and a means to an end. Nothing more, nothing less. Despite its mask, intelligence, decision making and personality it is important to remember that A/Bel is just something to be worn and used for this momentary blip in the actual entity's existence. At the root A/Bel has as much individual will as a wrench. So it doesn't really...feel anything about it. Unless wrenches think.
The only time this becomes an actual issue is in modern au. Its been firmly established that A/Bel has returned to due Robin's soul being recycled and him being alive brings A/Bel back as was the basis of their contract, which lasts an eternity. Now its dealing with something it was never supposed to, it knows it died; and it isn't really sure how to..process it. So! It's feelings may change now that it has experienced the terrifying concept that is mortality but that's for the thread to toy with.
As of current its grappling with the issue quietly since it only really has Evelynn to discuss it with. So. Yikes!
It is morally bankrupt. but does it realise so or is it simply a foreign concept?
A/Bel, mask and core, cannot really...grasp human feelings in the same way we do, particularly complex ones. It can tell that humans would disagree with its methods but it doesn't understand why, nor does it try to. It also recognizes morally unwell characters and their influence on the world around them, it doesn't know why - again - but it has had conversations with Robin about having relations with more dangerous individuals and why its a bad idea. Ultimately its probably just to serve its need for keeping tis food safe but alas, it serves its function as being what Robin needs.
It is a mask that changes depending on the contract it makes and what its vessel needs, until modern au's explorations are complete this answer is ultimately impossible to come up with as its never had to recognize itself as alive or really think about what life means to it. However I don't think it will ever have the same revelations as @agonizedembrace's Evelynn - it might break its existence if it does. But! That's something to play with more in the future.
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
before i go to bed, i just wanna say that i know i take forever to get writing and messages out, but i always always always am excited to interact with y’all!! i’m always happy when y’all show interest in my characters, when you wanna plot and ship and put in the effort to create a dynamic that we both can yell about!! i always appreciate when y’all reach out for the first time bc i know that’s hard, and i appreciate y’all indulging me when i get an idea stuck in my head!! no matter how long i may take, pls know you guys make being here so fun and rewarding and my snail-like pace is just bc i’m a slow writer with a small social battery!!
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eeriehowl · 5 months
interesting how i was obsessed with xanxus, just had a giant crush on him and talked about him all the time....and now, when i got back into this hole, the main thing swirling through my mind is mammon
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gucciwins · 1 year
Do you have any plans for anymore bel and Harry one shots or blurbs?
as much as i would love to write for bel and harry forever i don’t have any one shots/blurbs in mind to write for them. love doing small updates but nothing big coming for them anymore.
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churrochamp · 1 month
Let's talk about Merlin and lying. This isn't meant to be character bashing, but it might not be the most generous take either.
In All About Love, bel hooks writes: "In our culture privacy is often confused with secrecy. Open, honest, truth-telling individuals value privacy. We all need spaces where we can be alone with thoughts and feelings - where we can experience healthy psychological autonomy and can choose to share when we want to. Keeping secrets is usually about power, about hiding and concealing information."
(hooks has a lot more to say about the reasons why people lie in relationships, and our need for love and difficulty with love in general. Book is fantastic, highly recommend.)
The question is: was Merlin's years of lying about his magic, and all that he did in Arthur's defence, justified? Why'd he do it?
I've been trying to think through how the fandom generally interprets Merlin's character and choices in the show, and how this character makes me feel. It's really complicated and interesting (to me at least lol).
I often see the claim that Merlin lied about his magic for years out of fear for his safety, but it's never fully satisfied me as an explanation. Given that as a fandom we pretty much all agree that magic can be a metaphor for queerness, there's a natural alignment with the claim that queer people aren't ever obligated to come out, for any reason, but it's often said, especially if their physical safety might be jeopardized (which I agree with btw).
And it's true, given Camelot's genocidal laws, Merlin's life could be threatened if he revealed himself as a sorcerer. On the other hand, Merlin is basically all-powerful in the universe of the show, and I don't think the rest of Camelot could do much to him if he were prepared.
What's more convincing to me is the claim that Merlin's afraid of the potential emotional harm that could come from revealing himself. What if Arthur hates and rejects him? That's something his magic can't defend against.
I think Merlin's heart is in the right place. He believes all his work is done in service of Arthur and their joint destiny, which is the good of Albion. And he does save Arthur's life a whole dang lot.
The issue is, probably a good half of the show's major conflicts directly relate to Merlin's actions and inactions - usually, lies he's telling (Morgana, Mordred...). Conflicts that maybe could have been resolved with much less harm if Merlin, who often is the only one with crucial knowledge, had made different choices (and Gaius too oh my GOD). Dude is shooting himself in the foot. Merlin's lying isn't just about personal privacy and autonomy. It becomes a fundamental part, baked into his relationship with Arthur and his role in their prophecy (and the governing of a kingdom jeez).
In addition to plot SNAFUs, the way I see it, Merlin's lying has two major consequences for him:
His most important relationship, with Arthur, is deeply flawed and incomplete.
Merlin remains the most important, influential character in the show. His energies go to trying to keep the power for himself.
As bel hooks argues, there can't be true intimacy in a relationship if one or both parties withhold and deceive the other. This could look like lying to manipulate the other party to get what you want, or even lying to make the relationship go easier. Relationships built on untruth aren't fair to all parties - the deceived person can't make informed choices in the relationship, and the deceiving person robs themselves of the opportunity to be fully supported and loved for who they are. When Merlin lies to Arthur about magic, when he tells Arthur that magic is evil, even if it is for "his sake," he's taking choice away from Arthur often at crucial moments, for both their relationship and the well-being of the kingdom. Without knowledge of the truth about magic, and about Merlin, Arthur can't make fully informed choices as a king or a partner. Things go to shit, and it's terribly lonely for both of them, even if only one of them know about it. Merlin's reason for this might be fear of pain. However, when you don't give someone the opportunity to love or reject you for who you are, how can you feel held by that person? You deprive yourself of the chance.
Another reason to lie can be desire for power and control. By keeping the secret of his magic and their destiny, Merlin keeps all the responsibility and power to himself. This is the premise of the show: Merlin is the only person who can turn Arthur into a good king, save magic, secure Albion's future well-being--and he must do it all secretly. The show jokes about it, the characters joke about it. This premise is a kind of power-fantasy - being the secret power working from the shadows, using all your wit and guile to succeed despite the secrecy, risking life and limb for no recognition, but having the satisfaction of knowing that you are instrumental. It's very James Bond. Without the secrecy, what would be the point of Merlin? The secrecy might be part of what makes Merlin feel special, worthwhile.
As the years go by, the lies compound and the relationship becomes inseparable from them. The most significant on a personal level, probably Merlin's poisoning Morgana, Mordred, Ygraine, and Sophia.
Merlin can't control all the factors, he can't do it all by himself, he can't make Arthur into the ideal king and boyfriend of destiny, and from the start it's a doomed endeavour. Luckily Arthur loves him all on his own, and does get to see him at the very end, and they'll get a second chance.
So in summary, why does Merlin lie about his magic and his actions for so long? Fear, love, and power, is what I suggest. And ultimately it leads him and Arthur to ruin. It's not exactly exemplary behaviour, but it is very very human.
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anundyingfidelity · 9 months
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Summary: A lonely space traveler happens to save from a certain death the most annoying person of the entire galaxy, the Emperor.
Pairing: Cleon XVII x female reader.
Word count: 8.1k. (oooops).
Warnings: well, spoilers for whole season 2. Language, angst (the reader wants to die, really). Talks about suicide, talks about suicide attempts, reader having nightmares, PTSD, reader is suffering too. Some hurt/comfort, some fluff? Filthy smut (included but not limited to hand jobs, unprotected sex, oral from both parts, dirty language, etc. etc.), and end of the world sex (to Beki's arsehole bitches yay🥂). Also Cleon refers to the reader as "woman" a couple of times lol. Reader has pierced ears? (wait for it). Bittersweet ending tbh.
Notes: just trying to make slow burn in a one shot because I'm a lazy fucker who doesn't like to write stories with chapters, otherwise I don't finish shit. Uh probably OOC Cleon??? I don't know. Fully inspired by my favorite trope ever: saving the bad guy and making him humble. I don't care we're four people watching Foundation, I need to write about this little piece of shit I love him so much. Cleon XVII is a himbo I said it. Not beta, we die like bitches of the Gossamer court.
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
Tagging: @curiouswildi hope you like it 🥺💘
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The last thing wandering his mind was Bel Riose. Fucking Bel Riose. That idiot. They had won over him; over him, who was Empire and still meant to be for years ahead. Next, the cold feeling of space was embracing him. But he felt he was not floating around anymore.
Cleon was tied to a surface. It felt like harsh, uncomfortable metal under his back. He slowly forced his eyes open, moving his limbs and trying to escape whatever it was restraining him to do so. His wrists and ankles, as his waist, were tied by a light blue particle field preventing the patient to move at all. He was met with the roof of a ship and equipment, but it wasn't any Imperial one. In panic, he moved until he was able to shake the surface he was on, panting and grunting, feeling some pain and sting resurging all over him. The headache was becoming unbearable and the sounds coming from his dry mouth finally transformed into screams. The room doors opened and a strange voice catched his attention.
"Finally, you're awake."
Cleon obliged to follow the shadow moving around, his eyes focusing to try and see who was talking. He heard steps and the sounds of metal and glass clinking around, probably looking for medication and tools as he was know fully concius. The figure finally came to view by his side.
"I will inject this, so don't move," you said, grabbing his bicep. Cleon was about to protest, but the needle was faster and the medicine was welcomed on his vurnerable system, easing the pain and calming down the headache. "Welcome back, Eminence," you smirked to him.
"And just so, who are you?" he asked chuckling to himself, licking his lips. "What have you done to me?"
"First, I saved your life and cleaned all your bloody wounds. You should say thanks at least," you sat down dangerously close by his side, on the same surface he was on.
"I did not ask you for mercy."
"Oh, but I did," you replied, a smirk on your lips. "Perhaps I shouldn't have, right?" you took a small pencil-like device in your hand from the pocket of your pants and used it to scan his vital signs. You touched his face carefully with your fingers, examining his eyes, his heartbeat, and any anomaly that might be on his system from head to toe, but the scanner found none. Cleon watched you doing so until he asked again, his voice softer this time.
"Who are you?"
"Just no one as important as you are," you said, saving the scanner back.
"Where are we?" Cleon asked, looking around. He observed he was placed in a small medical bay.
"In space, in the middle of nowhere I suppose," you shrugged, getting on your feet again. "It seems you're recovering quite well and fast. At least that's what my scanner says. So first, I think you should want some water, which I am leaving right here," you put a flask on the small table next to him. "And before I give you this to drink, I want to make sure you will not restrain or fight back at me."
He laughed, that narcissistic smile on his face. You wanted to punch him.
"You're no match for me, woman."
"Really? Then I could just throw you out there again, you know, it's not difficult. I'm spending resources on you, surely I won't oppose to that idea," you snapped back.
His smile faded slowly, thinking. If it wasn't for you, he would be dead by now, it was true. But he was so used to be immortal and undefeteable that the situation was kind of new. He only had been vulnerable and exposed to his doctors in the palace, and you were a complete stranger. And still, you had the heart to take him in your ship and save his life. He sighed, rolling his eyes to the ceiling.
"Fuck, fine. What do you want me to do?"
So this was his way of cooperating, you thought.
"After I turn off the restraints, you will have to sit down on the stretcher. I will help you. Do not try to get up yet, you might feel dizzy."
With a nod he said to you the orders were clear. Next, the restraints disappeared in the air with a push on a button and Cleon felt a small relief. As you promised, you helped him to sit and he realized that the clothes he had before were replaced with a set of new pale grey robes that allowed him to move freely. You offered the flask to his lips, but he watched you with a questioning look on his face.
"Is only water, I swear. See?" you had a small sip from the bottle and he looked more at ease after you swallowed the liquid.
You offered the bottle again and helped him to slowly drink. Once he was done, you placed a small tray with fruits and dry seeds on top of the same table beside the stretcher.
"You might want to eat something," you said, breaking the silence under his fixed gaze. Even when he was sitting down and you on your feet it felt rather intimidating. "I'm still collecting supplies and food. You were certainly not part of the plan these days."
"So you travel alone," Cleon said, taking a small red fruit between his fingers and began to eat it.
"I do," you nodded. "Sorry if the taste of the fruit is not pleasant."
"You're doing your best," he said while eating, studying the room around him. You were not sure if he was mocking you or not. "What was your name again?"
You chuckled. "You're very interesting, Empire. Why don't you finish eating and rest before taking a bath?"
The next few hours, you left him to rest and escorted him to your quaters, the only place with a comfortable bed, so he could get proper sleep. Since there were no further questions from him, you got to your business and requested more provisions to the merchants. Traveling alone had made you some contacts and traders, from time to time you would request for food giving in exchange money or rare knick knacks, and within a day you had a small capsule with supplements heading to your coordinates with everything you needed. You just had to wait for now.
After checking the estate of your ship and confirming everything was working correctly, you went back to your quaters to see how the Emperor was doing. You were startled to see him sitting on your bed with a book between his hands. He looked like he just had a bath because his shirt was gone and his hair was wet, some droplets running down his skin. Quickly, you studied him. He was handsome, muscular, his skin had a beautiful tan, and he was tall and heavy as hell, something you noticed when cleaning his wounds and taking him inside your ship. The earring on his left ear was also interesting, you thought, for a member of the most important dinasty of the galaxy. Very rebellious for the emperor.
You also knew he heard you steping in but never looked up from the book because he was the first one to talk.
"Never I could imagine you would have books in here," he said, clearly interested on the pages.
"Yeah, not all of us are barbarians as you work so hard to convice yourself we are."
He chuckled to himself, looking at you for the first time since you entered the room.
"Are you from Korell?"
"The book gave it away, didn't it."
"This is very old," he said, closing the book. "You are for sure not allowed to have this in Korell."
"That is one of the reasons I left," you replied, looking around the place. It was obvious to you that he was pearing within your personal stuff because the old myth book was secured down your mattress. At least he didn't leave a mess and everything seemed in the right place. "I was a threat in my planet so Argo kept looking for me for some conspiracy shit and terrorism when all I did was oppose myself to his repression and freakshow," you continued, his eyes drew back to you. "They wanted me dead in Korell, but I am the only one to decide that, even when and where will it happen."
Cleon shifted on his seat, wondering why you were sharing a piece of your life to him when he didn't even know your name yet. Words and thoughts wandered his head on how would he answer to your words, compassion or empathy sometimes were difficult things to feel. But before he was able to speak, you interrupted his thoughts.
"I will leave you alone to rest for a while and will come back when it's around supper. I follow Kornell cycle of time, so you know... Just don't poke around my underwear, Empire," you dragged his title mockingly.
He laughed softly, going back to his reading.
"Thank you for the idea."
That was the first time you would hear him expressing gratitude.
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Around more than a week passed, and Cleon was healing and his wounds were not so visible now. You made sure to inject him every day and gave your quaters and bed for him to sleep and recover. He had took a pad you had in the room so he could count the cycle of days in Trantor. Hardly to admit, he found himself missing home rather than hatred. Sometimes the rage mixed with sorrow, but he forced himself to try and understand that it was a normal feeling due to the sudden lose of everything he once had.
Cleon had been up from some time now as he counted the end of the eighth day on the pad, and wondered why your daily visit was taking so long. It was a habit you had, to come in and wake him up with the medicine, and after it was done, you would tell him to eat some of the fruits and food on the tray you brought for him. He got on his feet and put a shirt on before leaving the room to search for you. On the pilot cabin, you had an improvised, small stickable mattress on the wall that had saved your life before, so you used it to sleep and rest the past few days while he cured. Cleon observed your figure lying down on the mattress, walking slowly and sensing something was not right. He found you shaking and trembling, eyes still closed and chest heavily breathing as your hand held onto dear life what he realised it was a gun.
He felt somehow frightened and confused. If you wanted to kill him, you would already have done it. You had made yourself clear on that. The tremor of your body seemed it was increasing and Cleon, with a gentless he did not know he possesed, tried to soothe you with his voice, removing the gun from your embrace.
"Shh... everything is fine," he mumbled, not sure of his words, his other hand touching your shoulder in soft circles. He was able to withdraw the gun from your hands and placed it on the floating shelf near by.
Your eyes squeezed and some tears flowed down your face as you sobbed still in your sleep. Cleon hesitated on what to do next to wake you up. He leaned again, his hand slowly tracing the skin of your arm, like he did when his brother Dawn was a child.
"Woman? Wake up," he whispered, shaking you a little bit and pating your arm softly, and when he talked again, his voice was a little bit louder. "You're having a nightmare, wake up."
And as he repeated his words over and over, your eyes opened wide, feeling your lungs able to breath again. But your senses still were coming to awareness, and automatically you slapped the face of whoever it was touching your arm. You heard him groan in pain and you rolled over the mattres, until you hit the floor, taking out a small blade from below the makeshift pillow of fabrics you used. The blade pointing at him as you looked around the cabin to find out it was only both of you.
"What- are you okay?!" Cleon questioned with a frown, rubbing his hurting cheek as he remained on the other side of your bed, the only thing separating you from him was the mattress.
"Yes, I'm perfectly fine!"
He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Of course you are not."
"Then why the fuck would you ask that?! It's obvious I'm not fine!" you yelled. Your body was tense and ready to attack. You felt a knot on your throat, like if you were to cry again. Silence envolved you, trying to calm down. That inner voice in your head began saying it was just a dream, and you wanted to believe it. It was all in your head. It was not real...
"Do you want to kill me?" Cleon's gloomy voice echoed.
"What? No! I would never-"
"Then why are you sleeping with a damn blaster shot and a blade on your bed?!" he confronted, screaming at you, but not daring to move as you also remained standing in the same place.
"Because I wanted to kill myself!" you yelled back, pointing the sharp of the knife to you instead. His face became stern and you realised what you had said, and what was happening. Ashamed, you threw the blade back under the pillow. "Sorry, I don't want you to know that. Forget it."
You wiped the tears on your face under his piercing and concerning eyes. You forced your head to compose and burry your nightmares and memories deep inside before talking.
"I have to inject you," you said and walked back to the room, sure he would follow behind. Once you crossed the doors, you prepared the needle but Cleon remained standing near the exit of your room the whole time, arms crossed over his chest, observing you with utter worry on his face. Why? He really did not know. Probably because you were the only human and intelligent contact he had for days now, and you had the decency to keep him alive. Though he was not going to let that in his head - yet.
"Why don't you seat?" you most likely ordered. Cleon slowly made his way to you and remained standing, tall and kind of threatening. He was Emperor, after all.
"What is wrong with you?" he asked with a careful tone.
"Nothing, Empire. Just sit," you said, coldly, waiting for him to do as you requested.
"No, I need to know," he demanded, coming closer to you, jaw clenching. Anger started taking over your being and held his gaze as you replied.
"I have the right to decide whether or not speak about my personal life, I am not one of your subjects, so sit the fuck down so I can give you the last dosis of this shit."
"I need to know if I can fucking trust you after what I just heard coming from your mouth," his voice boomed around the place.
"You really want to know?! Fine, back in Korell I lost my family, my brother, my parents, my home - everything I had they took it from me! I was the last one alive and I escaped after they killed my brother in front of me and that day is still haunting me," you muttered and felt the tears forming on your eyes, but this time, of rage. "So if it concerns your own well being, like it always has been, no, I will not kill you. But you are no Emperor here, so stop that game. Some of us never gave a fuck about you or the Empire, or the Foundation and Hari Seldon, or the Church of the Galactic Spirit -I don't care! I'm tired, I just want to be free and live peacefully!"
You had not noticed you stepped closer to him, feeling the heat radiating from his body. His face was blank, as if he had been slapped again, but this time to reality. A reality he was not familiar with on his own bubble.
Quickly you grabbed his bicep and injected the dosis with him standing up. He whined in surprise. It was fast. So fast that you just removed the needle from his flesh and left the room.
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According to the Trantor cycle, evening should be now. When you left him alone in the room, Cleon spent the next hours by himself, and since he watched you looking up for garments and food around the ship before, he made sure to get those without speaking to you. Not that you wanted to talk either. He noticed you sitting on the main pilot seat, looking at the stars and the void through the glass the whole day. He got concerned for a moment, but decided to let you be as he, also, understood that some time alone was necessary.
However, Cleon thought to talk to you finally and say something. Anything to get you back to reality and forget your bad dreams. So he found himself making his way to sit on the other chair of the ship. He prepared the words to say inside his head, but it was more difficult to speak out loud.
"I think I owe you an apology," he finally said, taking in the view of space. You nodded slowly your head. Nobody turned to see each other.
"It's nothing. But apology accepted I guess."
"It's not nothing. I rarely thought about what other citizens and planets are going through... I'm so sorry it happened to you."
"I would like to say that was not your fault, but since the Empire withdrawal from Korell, living there definitely became so much worse," you confessed, very aware of the genetic dinasty and some of the things previous emperors did, which did not change much. They were the same man after all. Cloning again and again...
"Probably should apologise for that as well," he said.
"Yeah, it's too late, but thank you."
Cleon could still sense a feeling of resentment in your voice. He thought you were right to feel that way, but he was also going to try and make you understand him.
"I never had a mother, or a father, and my brothers are the same man as me, so it's hard to understand that some people lose their family and loved ones. I was born with that loss already... That's why I wanted to end the genetic dinasty."
"You are the eighteenth?" you asked, not knowing exactly why he was opening to you.
"The seventeenth."
"That's a lot of you though. Do you remember anything from the past?"
"I do not. But our memories are always saved. Everything that happens in Trantor is recorded and kept as data. If I want to know something about a previous Cleon, I would just request it."
You turned your gaze to finally see him, he looked in awe with space as he spoke.
"So what was your motive to destroy a planet?"
He turned his eyes to you. "I believe you didn't care about Empire or the Foundation."
"That doesn't mean I want to see a genocide, your Eminence."
Cleon stirred on his seat, with a strange feeling of guilt, sadness and regret. For some reason, the title falling off your lips made everything worse.
"You saw it," he said. "How? You're no part of the Foundation, at least you're lying to me."
"No, I am not! I did a stupid space jump without course and I ended here, unfortunately." You were growing tired of the conversation. "I don't know why we keep talking. We're both shitty people anyway."
Cleon chuckled, not to mock you, but because of the whole situation you were in together.
"I know you are. Brave enough to kill yourself, taking another life is nothing compared to your own."
You locked your gaze with his, thinking if he was he judging you or flattering you.
"And have you, like, tried to end with your life at some point? You must feel lonely, under the shadow of a clone, not allowing you to be, well, you."
He let out a deep breath, avoiding your eyes.
"I have not, but my genes are already compromised and adultered. No surprise if any of us dared to commit suicide before," he replied, looking to the void. "In any case, if something out of the ordinary is to happen to my brothers or myself, we have another clone with our same memories, same age, everything; prepared to be woken up and take our place. Like if we never existed."
"That's fucked up," you scoffed. "We are never trully free, are we."
You got on your feet to look up for something to eat and forget your small talk. You knew he had searched for fruits and dry food because you heard him moving around and then leaving a couple of times, but you had nothing through the whole day. Cleon followed your steps, leaving enough space between you both as you took a couple of apples, giving one to him.
"The jump, how did you do that?" he asked, taking a bite of the fruit. "You don't have spacers."
"The rebels are smart people. A lot of members of the Foundation replicated your technology."
"I thought you were not involved with them," he insisted.
"I am not, but I would never deny any help. That my support doesn't rely on them doesn't mean I will let a chance slide."
"You're not answering my question."
You pulled the sleeve of your shirt up to show your bare wrist to him. There was the same device Hober Mallow and the Clerics had, inserted on your skin.
"I use this.”
"This is a whisper ship," he mumbled.
"Smart. Yes, sort of."
Cleon scoffed. "So that means we can land somewhere."
"About that, uh, we can't."
He moved to throw the remainings of his fruit with a confused look. "Why?"
He heard your sigh as you covered your wrist again, looking away from his deep eyes.
"I- I threw myself to space because I wanted to kill myself," you started, avoiding his gaze. "I didn't care how long would take me, I just wanted to blow up my ship. Just end everything. But then I saw you, floating, dying... and for some reason I couldn't let you die. I didn't know who you were but I saved you. There's no energy or fuel to make another jump. I don't have that. We are far from what Terminus was now. From any planet, form of life or civilization... plus you are unarmed. You still are weak and anyone could kill you," you finished, and waiting for some reason that he could forgive you for giving him any sort of hope. "I'm sorry, Empire."
Beyond madness, Cleon felt you were worried for him. Not the kind of sentiment his brothers or palace workers would do, but a real one. Because you knew saving him was condemn him to death anyway. But this felt much better than dying alone. He had sins, past despiteful decisions and ghosts hunting him, as so were you. You just addressed your feelings and your life together in less than a day. And you were right, none of you were never trully free, but as crazy as it might be, being lost in space with you felt like freedom to him. Finally, he was far away from everything that was keeping chained to a life and responsibilities he never asked for, living under the shadow of an egotistical emperor.
There was a strong impulse growing inside him and before his rational voice began to scream it was a bad idea to continue, he had cupped your cheeks between his hands and his lips pressing hungrily against yours. You whined, surprised of the warm feeling of his mouth, his tongue hurriedly asking for permission to taste you. When oxygen was not enough you pulled away, shocked and panting. You barely noticed your hand around his forearm, recovering yourself from the best kiss you had in some time.
"Cleon," he whispered, kissing your lips one more time.
"Just call me Cleon. I'm not Empire anymore."
You kissed him in response with the same eagerness he had before, heart beating strongly in your chest. His hands caressed every inch of your body, from your neck, breasts, your hips, your soft thighs, your ass... he touched you with desperate fire while you moaned against his mouth, liking where was this leading you, more than you wanted to admit.
That was the first time you gave in to him completely.
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You moaned against his lips, those that forcefuly broke the heated kiss you shared as he ruts into you desperately to reach his own climax. His flesh hitting against yours made an obscene harmony that echoed the confines the ship, far from civil and coherent noises fell from his lips as he sucked into the skin of your neck.
"Fuck, yes, right there," a broken whimper escaped your throat, your nails scratching his back, your walls clenching around his cock. "Cleon..."
The sound of his name being moaned by your sweet, raspy voice, caused him to slow down his thrusts just a bit.
"I still don't know your name," he whispered, bitting your bottom lip only to kiss you wet again.
"And yet you're fucking me, isn't that enough?" you teased, rolling your hips to meet his own.
He gave you a smirk, that fucking handsome smirk you hated so much. He took you with his strong arms, flipping you around so he was now on his back and you got control on top of him. You sinked down his dick setting a reckless rhythm, his thrusts matching yours every time you went down, his grip hard on your waist, marking and bruising your skin. One of his hands massaged your bouncing breasts, one after the other, pinching and then, you felt his mouth biting your nipples and chest, as he leaned your body to him for easy access, with slow grunts and groans that didn't sound human anymore.
His cock repeatedly hit that sweet spot from the position you were taking him, increasing the tension inside you. The sensation of his hands coming back to your sides and making its way to your ass cheeks to guide your bouncing hips became too much so soon. You cried as you felt drunk and high, muscles tense as you finally came. Cleon held you tight, fucking into you as you reached sweet release. His tongue traveled down your collarbone and breasts.
"Cleon," you moaned, your hands on his chest to support your body better. You felt him twitch inside you, knowing he was dangerously close too. Quickly, you slid off him, taking his girth, slick with your own wetness, between your hand you pumped him hard, easing his own release. His seed coated your palm, sprinkling on his abdomen.
"Shit, you're great," he praised, voice dark from lust. His fingers tangled into your hair, his forehead against yours as you recovered from the intense sex session you had for the second time that day. He kissed you sweetly, like a sweetness he only had discovered in the short time with you. "I wish I could know your name."
"You can call me your savior," you gave him a playful smile.
After a shared lazy kiss, you got on your feet, legs still shaking, and left the bed to clean yourself in the small place you called bathroom right next to the only room of the ship. Once finished, you threw the cloth away, and looked directly the mirror, or poor attempt of it. In the damp glass, you watched Cleon appear to embrace your body against his, your back touching his chest muscles and his hands roamed your abdomen while he left butterfly kisses on your shoulder. His big arms around you, pressing your figure to his own, huge in comparison entrusting protection.
The nineteenth day it was, and you spent it exploring your pleassures, talking nonsense and overall for Cleon, thinking he might love you. The confinement had flourished different kinds of feelings and sentiments inside his heart. He finally learned to feel something else besides hatred, power, or selfishness. The more you spoke to him, the more he grew to like you. You were far from perfect and so was he, and the way you opened your heart to him - the man who was to wed a powerful queen, govern thrillions of people around the galaxy and kill a few others - caused him to feel unworthy of anything coming from you. The man he grew up to be slowly disappeared as long as you had him under your light and spirit; his old self was fading away. And it scared him, but excited him at the same time. Even when he was very aware you were near the end together, he had nothing to ask for but to perish with you.
"What's in your head?" you whispered.
Cleon had no longer been tasting the skin of your neck, his chin pressed on your shoulder instead with his mind running a million thoughts by now. He took a glance at the damp and dirty mirror of how perfect you looked, bare and exposed in body and soul, only for his eyes to witness the true beauty of being alive. Of being human.
A loving smile curled up on your lips, looking directly into his enamoured gaze through the mirror. He decided he wanted to remember you like this in the afterlife.
You finished marking the last spot with an 'x', a wide grin over your face.
"I won."
"Yet again," Cleon chuckled. His laugh had grew sincere with you as he settled on the floor on the cold floor of the pilot cabin, just giving enough space for the board between you and him. "And what is your question, person-I-not-know-the-name-of?"
You just had finished playing another round of a silly game. It was an old Terran game, and you were surprised it made it this far across the galaxy. It was good to pass the time though. It kept you and Cleon thinking about other things besides dying. The fuel and energy, along with the water, were lowering on their levels. Food on the other hand was not a worry, you knew you could request to the traders as long as energy was functioning to make communication with them. However, the energy of your ship had to be loaded in land, just like fuel. And you had no place to go now to do that.
Being together as long as you had the resources was the main goal now. So many things crossed your mind as you talked about everything and nothing at the same time the past days.
"Have you ever been in love?" you asked after some time thinking.
You thought maybe it was the first time in Cleon's life that he was finally able to think and behave on his own, with no burdens about a dinasty to protect or pleasing his council.
He was taken by surprise as you spoke. He immediately remembered Demerzel, his loyal advisor. His relationship was merely sexual, but there were no feelings that would assimilate to what love is in reality. For sure, his own clone should have been woken up by now with no further consequences. For Cleon, it felt like he was actually erased from existence forever. He was disposable, just like his brothers. But thinking about your question, his answer was no. He never knew what love was. Not from Demerzel, certainly not from Dusk, Dawn was slightly different though, he did love Dawn but not the way you were referring to. He never knew the love from a mother or a father, nor family. Sareth hated him, so even if they got to marry he knew there would be no space for such sentiment. His own future children with the Queen of Cloud Dominion would have grown up without an essential part of being human.
"No," Cleon finally gave an answer, his gaze went soft as he realised what you just became to him in a matter of days. "However I sense something different when I am with you. And I don't recall to know what that is."
You smiled. "Isolation tends to create adjustments in those who suffer it."
"And have you?" Cleon asked back. "Have you ever felt it before?"
"I did... With my parents, my brother, my best friends, and a couple of assholes who broke my heart."
He chuckled, admiring the charm you had to brush off the hardships in your life. You smiled back at him. Gods you loved seeing him like this, like if he was happy and nothing had happened.
"And how is it?" he said.
"It's affection, it's addictive, not everyone can escape from it. You feel like you belong somewhere, that your life is strangely complete," you mumbled, locking your gaze with his own. "And it hurts a lot. But as you go through that path, you get to know the most beautiful kind of pain."
"Does it hurt now?"
You swallowed hard, that familiar knot on your throat. You were not expecting to feel this way. Not for the Emperor, not for the clone, not for Cleon. Yet one does not control love. You don't decide to love someone without a reason. And what else could two lost souls do in the middle of the galaxy with no purpose but to wait and die? You had opened your deepest fears and secrets to him, not expecting Cleon doing exactly the same. He trusted you and you trusted him. You slept in the same bed, ate the same food and fruits, fucked like animals everyday and yet there was an emotional connection in between you thought would never know again after so many years. How could you not fall for him when everything was crumbling? Finally, you nodded your head, feeling the tears burning in your eyes.
"I always have been alone, Cleon, but my soul seems to have a little love to give. In the end, love is what makes us human."
Cleon put the board of the game away and leaned closer to you, his hand caressed your cheek, cleaning the tears falling down your face as he pressed his forehead with yours. He kissed you softly, swallowing your pain, as a way to say he was hurting too.
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It was the thirtieth day on the ship.
Your last try to get and land in any planet failed. As much as Cleon told you to stop, that everything was fine, you felt you had to keep trying until your last day. But the ship was basically to zero fuel and soon energy will follow. You used the control panel of the ship, hopefuly to find a near by land, but luck was not on your side. There was nothing. You don't know exactly how many miles you traveled with no course for a month. It was getting beyond bearing.
Frustrated, you pulled away the holo of the map and the calculations you did in the air, throwing a lose screw of your seat directly to the glass. It did nothing, but you were starting to hate the view of the stars and nothingness sorrounding.
"I told you to stop that," you listened to Cleon, who seemed just arrived to the pilot cabin.
"I had to try," you stood up, walking towards him. Your arms embraced his waist and he took you in with the same warmth.
"You're worried."
"I am not," you whined. "I should have sent for help with the merchants."
Cleon broke your hug and cupped your face between his hands, leaning closer to you.
"No, we should end this now," he whispered, his brows furrowed.
"Why not? You wanted to do it even before you found me."
"Because now ending me is ending you too!"
Cleon felt your pain, but there was no other option to make than to blow up the ship anyway. Even if you were to land somewhere, what was for him? You were not able to go back home, and Cleon was discarded at this point. The throne could not have two of the same in the middle. Hiding and running away sounded like a good choice, but still, where? There was nothing left, but he found comfort with you.
"I am okay with this," he said. "I told you. You have to do it."
"Cleon-" you plea was cut by his voice.
"How much time do we have?"
"I don't know, a couple of days at last."
"Then do it. You said you were to decide when and how you would die, this is the time," he remembered with a stern voice. "Take it."
You let out a shaky breath and pushed him to press your lips to his own, like saying goodbye. But you still would not accept this fate. Not like this. You kissed him with hunger and need, your tongues tangled up as your mouths danced together.
"I just have- I can't yet," you mumbled once the kiss was over, leaving you both seeking for air. "Can we just fuck each others brains again and pretend none of this happened for a moment?" you asked against his lips, your hand now on his cheek, caressing the stubble on his face. You always remembered to help him shave and that was one of the most normal things you had to do since you found yourself confined with him. The most casual and mundane things to do became
He nodded. "Yes, my love.”
Cleon kissed your lips with the same hunger and desire, his hands caressing every inch of you until he lifted you up, your legs quickly went around his waist. With eyes closed, you let him guide you to the bar fixed against the wall of your ship.
He made sure to throw everything that was on the surface to the ground to place you in there. Once you were sitting, he pulled your legs apart to stand in the middle of them, and full with lust, his lips and teeth marked your neck and collarbone. You moaned sweetly, palming his groin still covered with the fabric of his pants. He traveled down your breasts, kissing over your shirt until he took it off. He was lucky you decided not to wear bra anymore. He sucked on your tits and nipples, grinding his hips against your hand.
You tried to pull his pants away, but he finished the job first, pulling away from your chest. After his pants were discarded, his shirt followed. He also got used to no underwear so he stood exposed all for you. A true god he was, looking perfect and like if every inch of his body was created for you to worship completely.
Cleon hurried in getting you out of your clothes, and in minutes you were naked and feeling his tongue dancing on your belly. His fingers and massive hands teasing your thighs, avoiding the place where you needed them the most. You moaned when he finally used a single digit to rub your slit, collecting your wetness. He rubbed your clit, mouth going slow and dangerously close to your pussy.
You laid your back on the bar and Cleon grabbed your thighs to have you exactly at the edge of the surface, ready to eat from your heat.
"Cleon," you cried out his name, your fingers tangled on his hair as his tongue licked your most sensitive parts.
He kept your hips in place, fucking you with his tongue and licking your folds, going to your clit. You couldn't help but whimper and moan, removing his hair to see just how much he yearned your cunt.
You tried to roll your hips but his grip was too strong. He looked up to lock his dark gaze with you, his humming creating strong vibrations down your core. He played some more, using a finger to tease your entrance. You were about to cum just by watching him.
"Cleon, please-" you gasped when he inserted a finger inside you, thrusting slowly. "Please, I want to taste you too."
He stopped, looking your flushed face for a moment. Your eyes were begging to suck him right now. He released your pussy with an obscene sound, pulling his tongue and hand away, but your wetness still shined on him. You got on the ground with his help and started to kneel down, kissing his skin, from his chest and then abdomen, licking and biting to leave your marks on his sculptured muscles. You made sure to adore and suck the skin of his navel, knowing he was insecure with not having a belly button. Still without it, he was more human than he could ever get to accept because you have seen that on him.
Cleon grunted once your hand wrapped around him, his hand on your scalp. You gave him a far from innocent look from your position before licking the head, rolling your tongue around it, lubing it with your saliva. His desperate groans led you to wrap your lips around him, pumping with your hand what you couldn't reach with your throat yet. You had to learn he was big for you, so a little of warm up for your mouth was a good start.
He cursed under his breath, thrusting his hips a little to go further, slowly, and you welcomed his cock with a small gag once he reached the back of your throat. He moaned darkly, your rubbed your thighs together when he started to fuck your mouth. Both his hands taking the sides of your head as you choked and gagged around his lenght. You felt him throbbing but he quickly pulled out, and left you empty and with drool falling from your lips, your pussy now aching and clenching around nothing.
"So beautiful," he purred, the touch on your scalp soft now. "But I want to finish inside you."
You nodded, obedient. Cleon helped you to sit down on the bar again, he stayed between your legs, spreading them wide, you held onto him, arms around his neck. He entered slowly, the warmth of your walls swallowing his cock, inch by inch, until it disappeared completely inside your dripping cunt.
You shivered, broken moans falling from your lips. Cleon muffled your low cries with kisses, waiting for you to get used to him.
"Fuck me, Cleon," you mumbled against his swollen lips.
He complied happily, thrusting and pounding into your heat, with a frenetic and brutal pace you had learn to love. You hid your face in the crook of his neck, yor nails scratching his arms and back. His cock touched all the right places inside you and he whispered sweet nothings into your skin, fucking you right under the light of the stars and the void of space.
He moaned along with you, wishing heaven or whatever it was after felt exactly like this. Like you, with your arms around him, your sweet voice calling his name lovingly and whimpering for more, giving your soul to him and only him. Your walls started to clench and his hips stuttered, aproaching a craving release. But in between, he heard a word against his ear you never mumbled before, turning his lustful eyes to you and slowing down his thrusts.
You repeated it again, he was visibly confused but kept ruting into you.
"My name," you said, fingers now caressing his hair.
He smiled. He knew it now. The stranger who saved him had a name after all. Cleon kissed you fiercely, repeating your name again and again between wet kisses. You were close to release, feeling one of his digits rubbing your clit as you moaned together. The wave of electricity took your body first, clenching your pussy around his cock. Cleon followed soon after, rhythm slow and tense muscles, until he spilled inside you, coating your sensitive cunt with his seed.
Catching your breath, you remained together. He sucked on your neck softly, your name was the only thought inside his mind. And as much as you loved his touch on you, you remembered there was something to do still.
"Cleon," you called, getting his attention and feeling he was pulling out of you with a low groan. He looked at you with loving eyes and you smiled. You brushed his hair with your fingers pulling him to yet another smooth kiss. "It's time."
He knew it was. In silence his fingers found his earring, twitsting it and pulling it apart. He took it from his ear and placed it on yours carefully. You were always amazed at his touch, how rough and yet soft and gentle he could be.
"So you can remember me," he smiled when he was over. You let out a laugh and curved your llps in a grin. "It suits you."
"Thanks, Cleon."
Cleon leaned down to kiss you one more time before cleaning both of you. You dressed together as if you were not about to meet finally death. For some reason, you saved everything that was not on their cabinets or initial positions, packing all you could, like if you could take those belongings with you, most of which were from your family. One day Cleon asked why you had clothes that could meet his height, being taller than a lot of people around. You told him it was from your best friend. You thought every piece of clothes or souvenirs would help someday, but it never crossed your mind that it was going to be this way.
When everything was was done, you and Cleon settled in front of the control panel, however, before you could start the holo, a loud explosion could be heard. You frowned, turning to Cleon.
"Did you-? Ah!"
The ship almost overturned as something heavy hit the side, making you trip and fall over with Cleon on the ground. Again, an explosion was heard, far from the ship but clear enough to say it was getting closer, and seconds later, the ship got hit but this time on the glass, almost breaking it over. Quickly, you both stood up and saw what was happening.
"A black hole..."
"Look, there are debris around," you pointed a huge piece that looked the size of your ship, but that definitely was part of a much bigger one. You saw the debris and metal being swallowed and destroyed by the black hole. It wasn't pacing fast, but wasn't slow either. It looked like it was talking its time for much bigger things to eat, such as your ship. Cleon called you, taking your hands and pressing his forehead to yours. You could feel he was shaking, and your skin grew cold. You realised it was really happening now.
"Do it," he said. "Destroy the ship."
After a moment of hesitation, you gave a nod. He kissed you deeply again. You turned the holo to activate the ship and program its own destruction.
"Self-destruction mechanism activated," the computer confirmed.
"We have sixty seconds," you mumbled, tears already forming in your eyes. He cut you off with a kiss. You would miss those warm lips on yours.
"That's enough for me," he said. You smiled and he did the same.
"I love you, Cleon," you embraced his body with a hug. "I am happy I met this kind of pain with you."
He cupped your cheeks, pecking your lips, smiling down at you, saying I love you too. You, the one who saved him and gave him a second chance. Or at least a moment of relief. A place and a person who allowed him to be himself and find things he never knew would have.
"We have more in common now," he whispered. "We are both alone and hurting somewhere in the galaxy.”
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lucvly · 9 months
BEL AIR — chris sturniolo. ♪
warnings › tooth rotting fluff. not proofread !
author’s note › i miss writing fluff :(. this is just a 3 am scenario but in writing. also, i’ve been naming all my fics after the lana song i’m listening to as i write <3.
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2:30 AM, JANUARY 5.
the feeling of your bed slightly stirring made your eyes flutter open, the small beams of light entering your bedroom making it harder for you to even attempt to go back to sleep. the light startled your eyes, causing you to rub your eyes slowly before yawning and looking over to your right, seeing your boyfriend still residing in a peaceful sleep.
he looked gorgeous, as always. something about watching him sleep was always going to do it for you. his messy hair from stirring in his sleep, his mouth ever so slightly open as he breathed steadily and rhythmically, and of course he was hogging most of your shared blanket, but that undoubtedly was the least of your concerns as you indulged in the sweet moment that was these moments with your boyfriend.
seems like he could feel your lingering gaze on his face, or he could simply feel the absence of your presence and warmth near him, because his eyes started to open, blinking a few times to fully wake him up.
a smile started to form on your face as you watched him wake up, and he mirrored it, a lopsided smile also starting to appear on his lips as he started to actually be aware of the moment.
“stop watching me sleep, creep.” his morning voice was so groggy yet so clear, a chuckle escaping his lips as he leaned in to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“fine, next time i’ll just kick you off the bed.” your reply was quick, the tone in your voice still sounded like you were half asleep, and was followed by a roll of your eyes, then a quick kiss to his cheek.
“morning.” he finally said, his tone dripping the sweetness that you loved. his lopsided smile and the sleepy eyes made it hard to concentrate on anything other than him. like the fact you both had places to be in less than two hours.
“morning, i missed you.” you admitted, a soft giggle echoing in the room as you slightly moved closer to him, just enough to rest your head on his chest. being able to listen to his heartbeat was comforting, instantly making a wave of sleepiness wash over you once again.
“i missed you too,” he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, one arm rubbing your back gently, starting to trace random shapes and patterns into your skin with just his fingertips, causing shivers to run down your spine as your head laid comfortably on his chest.
“i don’t wanna get up, seriously.” you let out a sigh, the warmth and feeling of safety he radiated was overpowering your will to fully get up, even though you were well aware you both had a busy day.
“me neither.” he groaned, placing another kiss on the top of your head once again, his hand moving to play with your hair gently. “what if we just stayed in bed all day?”
you couldn’t help but giggle. he was truly the sweetest, and if he continued pleading you were sure he would’ve convinced you to stay in bed with him for the rest of the day.
against all your wishes, you pulled away from his embrace and sat up on the end of the bed, still taking in the morning sun and the smell of the vanilla scented candle you left burning throughout the night, which you probably had to put out.
“c’mon, i’ll make breakfast.” you finally stood up, looking for your slippers before actually even thinking about making your way to the kitchen.
“come back to bed, i’ll just push the meeting with matt and nick,” he whined, his arms reaching for you as you leaned over to him and placed a quick kiss to his lips. “please?” his morning voice was still evident, and he knew this made it almost impossible for you to say no.
“fine. five more minutes.”
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nakedisko · 10 days
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Today's yap: Commedia dell'arte & Gay subtext; Why is Közi dressed as the Pierrot in Verte Aile?
I've talked about this on Twitter a few months ago but since it is now banned to me i'll post my thoughts here as well. Hear me out.
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First of all, let's just summarize the plot: Gackt and Judith are a happy couple who live with the nobleman Kami, Judith's brother Yu~ki and Mana, a maid/prostitute. Everything was fine until Gackt dreamed that a misfortune would befall them. Worried, he and Judith go to visit a fortune teller who, after a blood pact, warns them that they are cursed and Judith will die. Gackt gets depressed and spends his days at the bar lamenting the inevitable. When Judith finally dies, Gackt is left with the regret of not having enjoyed the time he still had with her.
There is also a subplot involving the hooded man and the book that leads to Gekka no Yasoukyoku PV, but that's not the focus right now.
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You see, the Pierrot is originally a Commedia dell'arte character. It was an improvised form of theater, the shows took place on improvised stages and carts, the actors using whatever they could find around. The plot of the plays usually revolved around stories of lovers who could not stay together or master-servant relationships. the actors wore masks to play their characters, which were usually the same regardless of the story. Here are the three most relevant ones: Arlecchino, Colombina and Pierrot.
The most popular script involving them is simple: Pierrot is in love with Colombina and writes letters to her in secret, as he doesn't have the courage to confess his feelings. Then he gets his heart broken when Colombina gets with Allerchinno, who is more charismatic and flirtatious. Basically a love triangle.
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Now, what does this have to do with Verte Aile?The thing is that there is also a love triangle, although more subtle. Gackt, Judith and Kami, I wouldn't say Kami is in love with Judith though, but with Gackt.
Notice that while Kami's character is in the spotlight, he's always looking at the couple, especially at Gackt. His expression is not one of joy though, he looks upset. And just like Pierrot, he does nothing but watch.
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back to Közi, in his pantomime play is interesting to note how the soundtrack gives us clues about the characters' feelings. The scene begins with Közi performing a cheerful song, we have a close-up on each of the characters watching the performance and then... when the camera stops on Kami, he is gazing at Gackt and the music becomes melancholic.
Közi then simulates crying in his performance and cut his wrist, which Kami also did soon after that.
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Also, Közi was wearing a mask that he took off just before he cut himself. Kami is the only character to appear wearing masks after this (Bel Air PV.) The mask may symbolize the feelings he was hiding the whole time.
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I believe Közi's Pierrot symbolizes Kami's feelings for Gackt. seems very plausible to me, since it's not the first time Malice Mizer includes queer elements and Gackt participated in the script writing. If you know him you know he includes BL in his works quite often.
If you don't like this theory, you can also just say that Kami was in love with Judith. But I honestly don't see him paying any special attention to her during the movie. So it's up to you! Maybe I'll write more another day. ^3^
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imissylou · 2 months
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Hello, I'm Missy! I've created many challenges in the past, and I'm best known for the Herbs and Spices Legacy, which I co-created with my friend @sunboyish. If you know me, you know how much I love butterflies—I even have multiple tattoos of them! I searched everywhere on Tumblr but couldn't find the original butterfly legacy challenge. If you happen to find it, please tag me so I can give proper credit.
Since I couldn't find the original, I created my own version, and I hope it's refreshingly different for you. I get bored of legacy challenges easily (it's not you, it's me), so I designed each generation to stand out with unique traits and stories. Feel free to skip or modify any parts that don't suit your play style. This challenge includes elements from all the packs (except the Star Wars pack, ew). If it becomes popular, I'll make a base game version or add base game options.
You're welcome to add to this challenge or create graphics for it—just tag me! Without further ado, here are the RULES! [TW: Neglect, Abuse, Substance Use, Murder, Religion, PTSD, Abortion]
Rules and first Generation under the cut!
Click here for the Doc
Butterfly Effect: A Legacy Challenge
Start out with 0 simoleons or enough to make a starter home then take the money away
Each gen only takes 20% of the funds your last generation accumulated
I love mods, so go ahead and get every mod out there, but just don't make the challenge too easy, trust me it gets boring if its easy
All CC is allowed
You don't have to level up any skills to level 10, they're just there so you have an idea on what you're going to do that generation - mostly from the career you're doing
Must complete each goal before moving on to the next generation, optional goals are optional
You don't have to complete any aspiration, unless it says
Life span can be on any, it's up to you
Make sure you look ahead each gen there may be overlap
You don't have to make this a berry challenge, but i did put a colour pallet if you want to use it
I haven't played through it yet so feel free to comment any suggestions or email me at [email protected]
Please tag me in all posts that are about my legacy - I’m nosey and want to see your lets plays or sim making, if you use insta you can find me @ imissylou5
If you play this challenge please use the #butterflyeffectlegacy or #BEL
Have Fun, this is your game after all!
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Let's kick off this legacy with the epitome of elegance and grandeur—the Monarch! As the trendsetter of the family, your fashion sense is unparalleled, radiating style and sophistication in every outfit. Your iconic looks make you unforgettable, setting a high bar for all generations to come. Along with your keen fashion sense, you have an insatiable curiosity and just can't resist getting involved in everyone's business. You may be the first, but you’re destined to be remembered as the most glamorous, stylish, and intriguingly nosy generation. Get ready to strut your stuff, gather all the gossip, and set the runway on fire!
Your Colours - Orange and Black
Traits - Self Absorbed, Perfectionist, Nosy
Aspiration - World-Famous Celebrity
Skills - Writing, Charisma, Photography, and Painting
Career -  Style Influencer - Trend Setter Branch
Start as a Young Adult
Date Multiple People - You're Polyamorous!
Become Pregnant as an Adult, but you don't know who the Baby belongs too
Woohoo every partner you have the night you want to be pregnant, so you don't know the other parent
Do this every time you want to be pregnant
All your kids look like you dressed them up (which you do, no kid of yours will be trashy)
Have at least 2 outfits in each category
Go thrifting every weekend to collect all the thrifting clothing items
Get the squeamish trait if it pops up!
Have the Hungry for Love and People Person Lifestyles - Try to keep them throughout your whole life
Everytime you talk to someone, gossip with them
Travel every time you're stressed - Monarchs travel approximately 4,000 kilometres
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raythekiller · 1 year
. . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Welcome ˎˊ˗ ⌨
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hi!! I'm Ray (they/he/it), hope you enjoy your stay!
(yall can send requests in EN, PT or ES)
˗ˏˋ requests: open ´ˎ˗
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╰┈➤ Rules
I write for: (BanningK's) Jeff The Killer, Ticci Toby, BEN, Eyeless Jack, Masky/Tim & Hoodie/Brian (u can request others tho, I'll probably check the creepypasta and write for them anyway, but these are my main ones) (pls request some creepy women I'm begging)
needless to say I won't do stuff like pedophilia, zoophilia, non-con or anything like that. I also won't do yandere for now.
NSFW however is totally allowed.
honestly just don't be weird. if you don't know if I'm comfortable with something, send it in and I'll let you know.
the reader is always gender neutral unless stated otherwise. I'll also write non x reader content (like general headcanons and such)
I also take drawing suggestions (not "requests" cause there's no guarantee I'll actually do it)
I delete asks when I don't have any ideas for them, so if I didn't answer yours, this is why. You can send smth else tho
tags: #ray.writes (for headcanons/scenarios) #ray.draws (for art) #ray.talks.shit (for random asks/ramblings) #oc.lane hellshire (for stuff about my child)
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- ,, # Personality HC (Jeff, Toby, Ben, EJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Mean S/O With A Soft Spot For Him (Hoodie)
- ,, # Their Petpeeves (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Realizing They're In Love (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Plus Sized Goth S/O (Toby, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Their Ideal S/O (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Their Music Taste (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Quiet Reader (Toby, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Reader Who Dissociates (Toby, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Corruption Kink (Hoodie)
- ,, # NSFW Headcanons (Nina, Jason)
- ,, # General Headcanons (Kate, Clockwork, Jane, Nina)
- ,, # Bimbo Reader (Nina)
- ,, # Their Kinks (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Reader Sucking In Their Stomach (EJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Their Music Taste (Nina, Clockwork, Kate, Jane, Helen)
- ,, # Reader With A Quiet Voice (Toby, Nina)
- ,, # Reader With Narcolepsy (Clockwork, Hoodie)
- ,, # Reader Gets Hurt (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie, Clockwork, Nina, Kate, Jane)
- ,, # SFW And NSFW Headcanons (Lane - OC)
- ,, # Femme S/O (Clockwork)
- ,, # NSFW Alphabet (Nina)
- ,, # Reader Happy Stimming (Toby, EJ, Clockwork, Jane)
- ,, # S/O Making Them Jealous (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Lane - OC)
- ,, # General Headcanons (Cody)
- ,, # LGBT Headcanons (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Candypop, Masky, Hoodie, Cody, Helen, Clockwork, Nina, Kate, Jane)
- ,, # Their Ideal S/O (Clockwork, Kate, Nina, Jane)
- ,, # Jennifer's Body-Like Entity Reader (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Reader With Anxiety Tics (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie, Clockwork, Kate, Nina)
- ,, # Reader With A Thick Accent (Jeff, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie, Helen)
- ,, # Innocent-Looking Hypersexual Reader (Toby, EJ, Nina)
- ,, # General Headcanons (Lane - OC)
- ,, # Vampire Reader (Jeff, Ben, Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Clockwork)
- ,, # Reader Who Gets Tired When It Rains (Toby, EJ, Clockwork, Jane)
- ,, # Slendermansion Headcanons
- ,, # Reader Who Uses ASL (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Hoodie, Jane)
- ,, # SFW Headcanons (Nina)
- ,, # Shy Reader (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie)
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- ,, # Dislikes Headcanons (Lane - OC)
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- ,, # Heaven And Back (Hoodie x Prude! Reader) (NSFW/suggestive)
- ,, # Mine (Lane - OC x GN! Reader) (NSFW)
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- ,, # Nap time (Sally)
- ,, # Goofy guy (Jason The Toymaker)
- ,, # Lane The Lurker (Lane - OC)
- ,, # Aishite (Lane - OC)
- ,, # Brahms The Butcher (Brahms - OC)
- ,, # Fanservice (Lane - OC)
- ,, # Amigos (Lane - OC, Ghost Boy - OC)
- ,, # Plushie (Lane - OC)
🪦 Anon
🫀 Anon
🦇 Anon
📚 Anon
Caliginous Anon
👾 Anon
🔪 Anon
🥩 Anon
🐚 Anon
🧸 Anon
🦈 Anon
Tulip Anon
🦐 Anon
🫧 Anon
🚙 Anon
🐦‍⬛ Anon
🐇 Anon
🌙 Anon
🌻 Anon
🍬 Anon
🗯️ Anon
🍒 Anon
🌲 Anon
618 notes · View notes
talknerdytome18 · 6 months
Ranking All Books by Holly Jackson
Since I've read all of Holly's books, I'm going to rank them! Disclaimer: This is my opinion. If we don't have the same opinion, then respect that. Let's go!
Warning: this may contain spoilers for all books published by Holly Jackson. If you don't want to be spoiled, then scroll away.
6. Killjoy (2021)
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I found this story cute! Very fun and fast-paced. I loved seeing how it all started and loved seeing the friend group's dynamic again. I just found this to not be the best out of all of Holly's books (granted this is a novella, but it's not my fave). Also, too much Ant Lowe in my opinion. I would have preferred more Jamie Reynolds. Also, I personally think Connor and Zach should've kissed but oh well.
Overall, fun book! If you wanna go back to where it all started, then this novella is worth it.
5. Five Survive (2022)
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Guys... I have a reason why this book is ranked so low. I'm going to start by saying that I did not hate this book. I found the story intriguing and was engaged once the action started. For her first standalone, this book was really good and exceeded my expectations. My main problem with this book was that I found that I could care less about the characters. Personally, I found Red Kenny to be a weak protagonist in comparison to Pip and Bel and, not to mention how I could care less about Red and Arthur. Red and Arthur are cute, but honestly, I could care less if they got together or not.
Again, I don't hate this book. For Holly's first standalone, it was really good. However, I found that I didn't really care for any of the characters.
Overall, good book! Wish I connected more to the characters because the premise is incredible.
4. Good Girl, Bad Blood (2020)
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All books in the AGGGTM series are five star reads in my opinion, but I find this the weakest book in the trilogy. Honestly, I love this book with my whole heart. Coming from being Connor Reynolds's biggest fan, I love how much he appeared in this book and how he aided in finding Jamie.
I think this book suffers from what I've dubbed "Sequel Slump" - meaning that the first book is so good that the sequel "slumps" in comparison. In this case, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is so good that this book just "slumps" in comparison, and I think it's because it takes a while for the mystery to officially begin, since we're taken through a quick recap over the previous book's events and then the memorial.
Also, I personally think that Connor and Zach should've kissed. Connor going to Zach's house to play Fortnite after the memorial? Very fruity to me (joking... or am I?)
Overall, love this book. Wish it got more recognition in the fandom.
3. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder (2019)
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LOVE THIS BOOK. This book is fast-paced, thrilling and mysterious. It has a healthy dose of mystery and romance, along with characters I truly felt interested in. Pip's an amazing protagonist who fought hard to prove Sal innocent and find the real killer under the guise of her EPQ, all as she got the guy (Ravi Singh) in the end.
I loved that this book kept me guessing until the very end. I was suspecting everyone (Max, Jason, Naomi, Elliot, etc) and was genuinely surprised finding out Elliot killed Sal. Holly had written him to be such a likeable person that I couldn't believe he would kill Sal just so he could frame him as Andie's killer. AND BECCA? Never would've guessed it. Holly Jackson knows how to write compelling thrillers and I love that for her.
My only real complaint is again, Zach and Connor should've kissed. Connor honey I get that you liked Pip, but Zach Chen is literally right there. You boys are soulmates and I pray that the show recognises that (along with LauCara).
Overall, AMAZING BOOK. Deserves all the hype!
2. As Good as Dead (2021)
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AHHHHH I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH. THIS BOOK IS HOW YOU END A TRILOGY GUYS. From the beginning, I was hooked by the mystery of Pip's stalker. This book broke my heart with Andie's email - poor girl was so scared of her father and died trying to escape him. I really like how this book doesn't give Andie a full redemption arc, rather it explains her actions. It really humanises Andie - a girl who grew up in a toxic environment and died trying to save herself and her sister.
The ending? EVIL. FUCKING EVILLLL BUT I LOVE HOLLY EITHER WAY. In my heart, I believe Pip got back together with him and they married. They also got another golden retriever in my mind after they got married.
Only complaint was WHERE WAS ZACH CHEN? CONNOR AND HIM SHOULD'VE KISSED WTF. Not to mention Lauren and Cara... Love my girl Steph though. Hoping that Lauren and Cara are a thing in the show though since we don't know much about Steph.
The Reappearance of Rachel Price (2024)
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When Holly Jackson said that this book was her favourite, I can see why it is. While I struggled to get into it from the beginning, once I read past 100 pages, I was hooked. Bel Price is such a complex protagonist that I could find myself relating to. All the characters were just so complex and you truly don't know who's lying until the very end, when we find out (spoiler alert) that Charlie (Bel's dad) had ordered his father to kill Rachel.
Not to mention how insane the sibling plotline was??? I NEVER WOULD HAVE SUSPECTED THAT CARTER WAS RACHEL'S BIOLOGICAL DAUGHTER. My heart broke when Rachel spoke about how Patrick took Carter away from her when Carter was only two weeks old. The Price family are truly disgusting - Rachel, Bel and Carter deserved so much better.
Also, I preferred the romance between Ash and Bel over Arthur and Red. Ash is such a fun character and I was genuinely sad when him and Bel weren't endgame. I believe that one day, in the near future, they reunite and get together officially.
Overall, LOVE THIS BOOK. If you haven't picked this up yet, then do so now!
That's it! If you wanna talk, then my inbox is open :) - Em
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horce-divorce · 7 months
something something about the power imbalance inherent to being an unhoused person, how similar it is to the dependency that abusers intentionally foster in their relationships to keep victims from leaving. but if you're homeless and someone is putting you up, especially if it's for free/some kind of exchange other than rent, you're basically expected to put up with whatever indignity they can imagine for you and still just be grateful. And if you set a boundary or speak up for yourself in any kind of way, that's Taking Advantage of this poor kind person who's doing SO much for you already, how could you?
sorry its 2am and I'm trying to write a better draft about this for later too but its like. being homeless is a huge, huge vulnerability. ppl people will look to exploit that, intentionally or not. and doubly so if you're homeless because you're disabled.
also something the ableism involved... about how I know so many fellow disabled people who have struggled with homelessness, and we all have similar stories about people we trusted, friends or loved ones who seemed all too happy to help and take us in, and how we repeatedly impressed upon them the nature of our health and the situation, and they swore up and down that they understood and that we were on the same page about boundaries and expectations... only to have them blow up and kick us out at the absolute first sign of conflict or miscommunication, or because we didn't get jobs fast enough, or because we didn't contribute financially even after being told that wasn't expected, and so on.
and how, I know so many housed people who have never been through this, who all have very similar stories about how they tried to help a friend in need once, and they were SO lazy and horrible and took SO long to get their shit together that they clearly were just a freeloader taking advantage who should've never been trusted, just like all homeless people, and that's why we give them socks and canned beans instead of money.
I was never allowed to complain about ableist expectations or abled people ignoring my boundaries in my parents' home. Especially not after I became a disabled adult who still needed help with housing. And that's been true of most of the couch-hopping I've done since then, too.
Currently we have a fairly nice situation... we live with a trusted and pleasant friend. It's a whole house, not an apartment. Not even in the city. We have our own entire room. We don't have to pay rent or anything. It's temporary even aside from our discomfort, it's just been a nice place to land for the cold months.
However. Friends parents are not so chill. Their dad is the most disgusting man alive and has repeatedly gotten us sick bc he's always got something, bleeds all over and never cleans it up, never washes his hands, leaves his dentures on countertops and tables with food still stuck on them, coughs all over our stuff and never masks, is actively making the mouse infestation worse with all the food he leaves out, and puts our health at risk in SO many ways.
he used to work in Healthcare btw. His wife still does. They know we're here bc we're homeless; they know we're both disabled and immunocompromised; neither of them will wear a mask. Both of them are constantly coughing everywhere and not even covering their mouths. We've tried to politely bring this to their attention multiple times and nothing changes. They just ignore us.
We could literally die from this. We could get lifelong health complications even worse than what we have now. Bel lost his sense of taste today and now we're terrified that it's gonna be long covid or something else that sucks what little joy is left from our daily lives.
You lose everything, and then you're supposed to just say nothing and accept your lot, no matter how much danger you're in, because beggars can't be choosers. If you're disabled and poor you'd better just be fine with people abusing you and putting your health and safety at risk indefinitely, because you're lucky they're even helping you at all instead of JUST abusing you.
You dont get to have a home. You dont get to collect things, or keep sentimental things, or have a whole, adequate wardrobe. You get what you can carry with you and what won't get stolen or destroyed by others, or by the nature of moving so much. You dont get to have safety and stability and roots and community. You dont get the dignity of boundaries or your own space. You get what you get and you don't throw a fit. And be happy and say "thank you" if people are merely ignoring you instead of actively silencing you. And if the people "helping" you actually give you the thing that kills you, at least you didn't die of exposure, I guess? Or something?
Its just. Every single thing you do as both a homeless & disabled person reminds you how utterly worthless you are to the """normal""" people around you. Every day. It's so demoralizing.
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seulszn · 1 year
Can you do the “24 Hours with” and “beauty secret” thing they do with Vogue but with Y/N and Bella Ramsey. idk why it sounds better in my head. 😭
24 Hours with Y/N and Bella Ramsey | Vogue
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Pairing: Bella Ramsey x fem reader
Sypnosis: you and Bella do the 24 hours vlog for vogue
Warnings: N/A
No this is actually a really good idea honestly I will totally LOVE to do the makeup one with Bella I’m gonna have to brainstorm some things tho 😭 also I hope you enjoy this little fic. (This is my first time writing for Bella so give me feedback please 🙏🏾)
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“Good morning Vogue Bella Ramsey here with my lovely sleepy girlfriend and this is our 24 hour vlog.” They say leaning on you and stuffing the camera into your face.
“Leave me alone Bella I’m tired” you said pulling the covers up to your face and turning away from them. They only snickers before getting up and walking into the bathroom that is connected to her master bedroom. “It is currently 4 o’clock in the morning and we are in my hometown of Nottingham England.” They say talking into the camera. Bella was so excited about this vlog that they didn’t exactly know if you felt the same way. You came to England with Bella for a little vacation away from home and they had so much stuff planned for you to do.
“Y/N usually wakes up really late but I just won’t allow it this time” He adds as you shuffle into the bathroom with the blanket wrapped around your cold body “it’s too cold Bels” you groan looking at him sitting on a small stool, leaning on her she wraps his hands around your waist. “I’m sorry dear” he whispers before turning their attention back on the camera. “we have a long day today of photo shoots, clothes fittings, etc” they say as you turn to face the camera. “I wanted to stay in for real but he insisted” you say into the camera as Bella rubs your back.
“But why? We should spend as much time with each other as we can before you go back home!” They say looking at you. The thing is you didn’t plan on leaving, you didn’t plan on it you wanted to stay with Bella but you have no clue if she wanted the same. With a small smile on your face you kiss her forehead before getting up. “Fine as long as we can stop by a bakery to pick up some pastries then we are good” you add walking out of the bathroom and over to where you put your suitcases.
“Anything for you dear”
You and Bella have been dating for a little over a year you two met through the show you guys were working on “The Last Of Us” playing as a couple in the show wasn’t easy but it got better as you guys got to know each other. One of the things that was annoying about being a couple was paparazzi they were everywhere they harassed the two of you guys before you guys were a actual oficial “Couple”. But hey that’s what being famous is all about
“Me and Y/N always wear matching outfits when we can” Bella says talking into the camera as you fix your fishnets “the vibe today is cozy yet cute” they say placing the camera down on their vanity table and grabbing a jewelry box from out of a drawer. “Oh look at what Y/N made me for my rings” they say showing the camera a jewelry box you made for him “ain’t it cute?” They add giggling before opening the box and removing the rings they wanna wear. You walk over before stopping behind Bella. “Bels how is my outfit?” You ask trying to get his opinion on a fit you feel is a little to much. He turns around before smiling “You look cute” he squeals grabbing ahold of your hands. You smile at him “are you ready?” You ask as he nods his head.
“What kind of pastries do they have?” You ask as you and look at the glass with weird looking dishes “uhh a lot” they say scratching the back of their head trying to think of what to get. “I know that silly I’m asking what is good” you giggle as Bella smiles at you. “Get the scone it’s a all time favorite here” they say before pointing at a pastry with blueberries on it. You nod your head before turning to the cashier “yea I’ll get that” you say as the man nods his head and placing it into a small little oven to heat it up “what are you getting?” You ask Bella as she points to a chocolate croissant. “Well here you two lovebirds go” the cashier says handing you guys the pastries with a smile you had him some money before he stops you “please it’s on me, I’m a huge fan of you” he says as you smile.
“No please I can’t just take it” you say as he shakes his head walking off you turn to Bella as he’s stuffing his face “come on Y/N” she says as you shake your head no not wanting to leave without paying so you just place the amount on the counter as you walk off Bella just stares at you before following after you.
“Is it good” you ask Bella as she nods her head as he pushes it towards your face making you try it “it’s alright I don’t like dark chocolate” you say with a smile as Bella rolls her eyes and whispers something under her breath. Pulling the camera from out of her bag she opens it before recording. “So right now we are on the way to the studio to take pictures to promote the last of us, then after we have to get fitting for some award shows, and then after that it’s dinner with Pedro” they say discussing the day you guys have.
“Dinner with Pedro? Hmm this will be interesting.” You say as Bella laughs at you. Pedro was you two’s biggest supporters he knew that day you and Bella met each other a spark would happen he was your dad’s best friend and ever since he died he has kind of been a little bit overprotective of you he didn’t want anything bad to happen to you but he’s learned to back off a little bit now since you and Bella got together cause he feels like you would be safe in his arms.
“Y/N get comfortable please your so tense.” Your outfit designer Naomi says placing the finishing touches onto your outfit for your photo shoot. “Sorry just a lot going on” you say bitting your nails before a stress ball was placed into your hand “what happened? Fill me in? Was it Bella? DON’T TELL ME YOU GUYS BROKE UP!” Your best friend Sabrina who is also your manager yells gripping your arm.
“What- no we didn’t break up it’s just i don’t know I’m suppose to go back home soon and I don’t want to” you says as Sabrina nods her head scrolling though her phone “I’m guessing you don’t wanna leave her here is that correct?” You nod your head as Naomi groans leaning her head on you in disappointment. “Y/N if you love him why is this even a thing to be stressed about” she adds before poking you accidentally. You yelp before shrugging your shoulders “I mean Bella deserves her personal space and I don’t wanna invade that because I don’t wanna be alone” you stated as the room goes silent. You look over at Sabrina, and Naomi side eyeing you.
“Y/N are you hearing yourself?” Sabrina says as you don’t say anything just stare “have you even told Bella how you felt? About moving in with her?” Naomi ask as you space out before shaking your head as Sabrina groans and Naomi face palms herself. “What! I was thinking about telling her…one day hopefully” you say mumbling the last few parts in hope that they didn’t hear you. “Aren’t you guys going out to dinner?” You nod your head as Sabrina claps her hands with a smile on her face. “Good why not ask her then?” She says as you shrug your shoulders once again “I don’t know I don’t-” “Oh My Gosh Y/N stop making up excuses just this once” Naomi says before backing up to look at your outfit.
“You look beautiful dear” Bella says before looking at the camera posing, you smile at the before looking at him “Bella I need to talk to you about something later tonight” you offer as Bella nods her head with a smile on their face. “Sure dear how about at dinner tonight” they offer as you nod your head before turning your attention back onto the camera.
“Here we are at a five star restaurant with Mr. Pedro Pascal” your girlfriend says introducing the guest at the table he waves to the camera with a smile on his face. He takes the camera out of Bella’s hand before speaking into it. “What is this for?” He ask looking over at Bella who is looking at a menu. “It’s for vogue” he answers as Pedro nods his head before talking to the camera. You smile at him before pointing at something on the menu “they have Tofu Bella” you say as Bella’s face changes she smiles at you “They have a whole Vegan category right here” you point once again as she squeals.
“Do you know how hard it is to find vegan stuff at restaurants?” Bella answers as you smile at how cute they are. “Oh what would I do without you? Your always looking after me!” He says before grabbing your hand and pressing kisses to it. “So what are you gonna get?” You ask as Bella shrugs her shoulders before glancing at something on the menu. “Wanna share this spaghetti with me?” They ask before turning to you with a smile. You shrug your shoulders “I never had Tofu before” Bella eyes widen at what you said before shaking her head in disbelief “all this time since we have been dating you never once had tofu?” They ask as you look up into space trying to find at least a time you have had it….but nothing is clicking you shake your head. “We have to change that” they say as you giggle.
“You know it’s kind of unfair” Pedro says as you and Bella turn to him with the camera still in his hand. “What’s unfair?” You both say in unison. “You know how come vogue asked you guys to do the 24 hour thing before me!” He grumbles as you and Bella look at each other before laughing “it’s not funny! This is not funny it’s quite unfair actually, why didn’t they ask me huh? Do they think my life is that boring? Well I’ll tell you what my life is actually full with thrill” he says once again you and Bella don’t say anything you just stare at him. “Well maybe you might be the next person they ask” you say as Bella nods her head in agreement. Pedro mumbles something under his breath you roll your eyes “you know I was in shock when they asked us to do it y’know?” Bella confessed.
The waiter walks over with a smile on his face “what can I get the three of you guys today?” He ask as Bella points to his menu with a smile on his face “this Tofu spaghetti-” “with Mushrooms” you add interrupting her ordering Bella glances over at you before looking back at the waiter “with mushrooms, and vegan cheese on top” he adds as the waiter writes it down. He turns to you before you order a shrimp Alfredo but with extra shrimp on the side. The waiter leaves after he gets everyone’s order.
A good twenty minutes go by of everyone talking until Bella interrupts you “So Y/N what did you need to tell me?” Bella says as you stare at them in confusion before remembering. “O-oh yea um I n-need to tell you something” you stutter as Bella nods her head with a big smile on her face and ushering you to go on you start playing with your fingers not knowing what to say. “Come on babe say it I won’t judge you” she reassure you which calms you down slightly. As you open your mouth to say something the waiters comes over with your food “Tofu Spaghetti with mushrooms, Shrimp Alfredo with extra shrimp and your food will be out shortly” the waiter says before leaving to get Pedro’s food.
The night went of with ease Pedro and Bella cracking jokes, you making fun of Pedro, him recording cute moments between the two of you. It almost made you forget what you wanted to ask Bella until Pedro got up to use the restroom the table goes quiet for a few seconds before Bella grabs ahold of your hand.
“W-well you know how we have been together for a while now?” You question as Bella nods their head slightly confused. “Well don’t you think it’s time to take our relationship to the next level?” Bella tilts her head not knowing what you are trying to get at. “Babe what do you mean?”
“I just don’t wanna leave you-” “what do you mean leave me?” Bella says interrupting you, you sigh before grabbing Bella’s other hand “I go back to America in forty eight hours and I don’t wanna continue this long distance relationship anymore” Bella looks at you taking in what you are saying “I love you Bella I really, really do and this has been on my mind all day but I really want us to move in together. You can say no it’s totally fine i would understand one hundred percent if you want your personal space-” Bella stops you before you continued to ramble on and on. “Is that really what has been bothering you? Y/N I wanted to keep this a secret from you but I have been apartment searching since you came here” he reveals as you stare at him.
Really?” you ask as he nods with a smile on his face. Pedro walks back over to the table sitting down as you and Bella continue with your conversation “Aw Bella I love you so much” you say before hugging her and planting kisses all over her face. Pedro looks at the two of you confused but with a smile on his face at the cute little scene in front of him. “Me and Bella are moving in with each other!” You yell excited as Bella laughs at you.
“Fucking finally” Pedro says as you glare at him he snickers before placing the camera into Bella’s hand “if I can help you guys move in it would make my day” he offers as you nod your head turning to Bella with a smile on your face
“Me and Y/N are finally moving in with each other” Bella’s says as you nod your head wrapping your arms around his waist and planting kisses onto his shoulders. “It was such a fun day” he says “a long day” you add on as they snicker. “Well vogue this is 24 hours with Bella Ramsey and Y/N L/N and we hope you had a good day with us today until next time!” They say as you both wave at the camera. Bella closes the camera before turning to you “new adventures await m’lady” they stated as you roll your eyes with a smile on your face you honestly can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with her.
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I hope you enjoyed this I tried my best with this fic (and I feel as if I rushed the ending) I take criticism so please give me feedback and please request :) orevwa Ⓒ︎ bellaxellie.
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gucciwins · 8 months
okay i don’t know if u still talk about this series but i LOVED harry & bels story it was so beautifully written that i stopped writing my dissertation to finish it today!!! how do u they bel & h would be in 2024?? 🫶🏻🫶🏻
sweet angel! thank you so much for reading 💜 hope the dissertation is going well. I loved writing for harry and bel so here is an update for you.
word count: 1,383
love on tour
Y/N loved weddings. 
She loved the joy it brought the couple and everyone in their life. She loved seeing pieces of the couple scattered around as she tried her best to piece their story together. Y/N loved the cake, the food, and the open bar, where she loved to drink as many Shirley Temples as she liked until she gave herself a toothache. There was so much love in the air that Y/N always wanted to step back to see how happy everyone was to be there. The dance floor is where Y/N liked to be most of the night dancing from partner to partner. 
The wedding of Naomi Hart and Sarai Barrera is something Y/N had waited ages for after the engagement last year when on vacation in Italy with Y/N and Harry. It was a week-long celebration for her best friends, seeing as Y/N and Harry didn’t see them after the organized engagement party at Harry’s home, where their family gathered. 
While the ceremony today had been beautiful, Y/N could not stop crying. She delivered her speech and said everything correctly with no tear in sight, but after she pronounced them married, Naomi and Sarai shared a beautiful kiss, and the waterworks began. Harry pulled her to the side, squeezing her tight as she let her tears drip down her face, knowing she’d steal a moment to fix her makeup, although she knew it wouldn’t budge. Ailany, her makeup artist and close friend, promised a bucket of water would not move her makeup. 
Y/N was finally done with pictures and ready for a cold beverage. Still, because brides were busy, she was given a list of miscellaneous tasks that Y/N happily passed on to Naomi’s brother, who was excited to have something to do running away from any more photos. Y/N and Harry grabbed photos together. She knew they would be going up around their house in London. Harry had plastered his favorite pictures of them, from one hanging in the kitchen to a few scattered in the hallway next to the art pieces both had acquired through the years. Three were placed on the mantle, and each had their respective picture on the nightstand at the side of their bed. Their love is scattered throughout the house, easily seen by anyone who visits them.
She was running away from the large greenhouse and into the venue before someone could stop her. Y/N would also be keeping an eye out for her boyfriend. She needed a kiss to make it through the next hour. As Y/N turned the corner, she almost bumped into someone, but she quickly stepped away, noting the person had drinks in their hand. The familiar vanilla smell filled the air around her, and Y/N instantly settled. 
She had found Harry. 
“Bel, you alright?” 
Y/N nods, “Need a drink.” 
Harry grins at her, raising one of the glasses in his hand. “Fancy a water?” 
Y/N shoots him a bright smile. “Did you know I love you, Harry Styles? Because I do. So much.” 
His cheeks turn pink, “it doesn’t hurt to hear from time to time, my love.” 
She takes a long drink of water, sighing in relief. They happened to get married on the hottest day in California. Winter was like no other here, but today felt like the start of Spring. Harry slipped his hand into Y/N’s and began to walk with her. Y/N didn’t question where he was taking her. She was happy to steal a moment away with him. 
Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder, the comfort of being with her person enough to soothe her. 
Harry had led them to a dead-end that faced the ocean, the windows long and tall, allowing her to view every inch of the outside. He carefully helped her sit on the bench to smooth her dress. 
“Alright, amor?” 
They settled close to each other, Harry resting his hand on Y/N’s lap as she once again leaned her head on his shoulder. It’s a beautiful day, and Harry can’t help but think that one day, it will be Y/N’s and his turn to marry. They both want it, and he has the perfect ring for when the time is right. 
“Back to filming soon?”
Y/N sighs, “Let’s not, estrella.” 
“You’re going to leave me.” 
Harry knows she loves her job, but after the time they’ve spent at home together, he selfishly wants her to stay with him as he enjoys his break and begins the process for his next album. 
“I love you, Harry. You promised to come with me for a week or so.” 
He had agreed. Of course, he would be going, but there was something special about simply being Harry and Y/N inside the comfort of their home. 
“I will. You have the last of the award season soon.” 
Y/N frowns, “I was invited, but my films are releasing this year since everything was pushed back.”
“But Lily Gladstone, my love.” 
Y/N laughed. “She’s going to win. We’ll send her a bouquet of flowers.” 
“I will be attending the Brits,” Harry reminds her. 
“Will I be your date?”
“If you’re free?” He teases, knowing very well she has this date saved in her schedule.
The silence floats around them, and Y/N knows they must head back soon but makes no move to stand up. Instead enjoys the quiet of being with Harry.
“Y/N?” Harry voiced after five minutes. 
“What do you picture your future like in a few years?” 
She detects the tremble in his voice and moves her body to face him. Her hands snaked up his suit, and her fingers briefly played with the lace collar before settling on his cheeks. Y/N loves Harry. He’s never afraid to speak his mind, but sometimes he even overwhelms himself. 
“Well,” she starts. “Our future is us living in London. It’s a place we love, and I don’t picture us living elsewhere unless you magically convince me to live in Italy, which I would never oppose. We’ll have two dogs because you promised we’d get one this year,” she reminds him. 
“We’ll make it happen,” he promises. 
“In a few years, I hope we’ll be married. You’ll be touring, and I’ll be your groupie, having quit acting.” 
“Y/N,” he deadpans. 
“Kidding,” Y/N giggles. “I hope to have directed a few films, one I love with a cast and crew who support me every single step of the way. I want to continue to create a safe environment and continue to pave a path for Latinas. But mostly, I hope we’re happy. We continue to encourage our dreams and hold each other’s hand when things get tough. I hope to love you for as long as I breathe. How does that sound?”
Harry’s eyes shine with tears. He gives her a single nod. “It’s perfect. Everything I want.” 
He closes the gap, needing to kiss Y/N. Needing to express that he wants everything she stated. He feels the world pause around them, and he knows at this moment there is no one else in the world who could ever come close to making him feel as loved and cared for as Y/N makes him. Soulmate is a big word, but he knows it’s the one for them deep down. 
Y/N giggles against his lips, “You love me?”
“Te amo,” he responds. 
“I love you.” That is Y/N’s answer. 
Harry pulls her in for another kiss, full of passion and familiarity. So much is being said at the moment, and Y/N knows they won’t ever forget it. 
Y/N loved Harry. She knew he was her person. The person she was meant to spend the rest of her life with knew he felt the same. 
2024 so far had brought them lots of joy, and with Harry’s birthday coming up, she knew it would only get better. Ultimately, Y/N had no idea what 2024 had in store for them, but as long as she kept loving Harry and he loved her, she knew everything would be alright.
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cringefailvox · 7 months
i absolutely adore all of your hazbin fics theyre so good!! and well-written as well. u just get these guys ,,,🫠 what r some of ur fave hazbin fics >_<
ahhh thank you so much!!! that means so much to me <3 i've written 44k words of hazbin fic since the show came out which. is absolutely insane for me, but we're rolling with it LMFAO. i have a lot of fav fics but i'll try to limit myself and not let this post get totally out of hand:
Vintage Electronics by ckret2 — absolutely hysterical radiostatic fic written pre-s1 where vox replaces his dick with a microphone to seduce alastor. made me cry laughing. furthermore, anything written by ckret2, they're a fantastic author
a poor sinner's hand by vintagecassette — chronicle of husk & alastor's relationship, a brilliantly imagined backstory for how husk eventually ended up selling his soul
666: Live On Air! by @prince-liest — everything bel writes is fantastic, but this series in particular is incredible; radiostatic au where alastor lets vox fuck him ironically and then. well. it gets out of hand
BossaNova.EXE by vol_ctrl, XIntensity_FallsX — another pre-s1 radiostatic au where alastor attempts to manipulate vox by pretending to reciprocate his feelings, and again things get way out of hand. the experience of reading this one is electric, and if you commit to syncing the linked playlist with chapter 13 i guarantee you won't regret it
'tis but a flesh wound by leoandromeda — radiostatic, alastor accompanies rosie to an overlord party, dances with vox, and causes a brawl
pancakes, small talk by mirotic_chess — post-s1 reluctantly domestic radioapple. the summary says it best: lucifer makes pancakes and alastor keeps making jabs at him about his wife missing. they definitely get along!
Pornstar Martini by blatantblue, brightened — achingly soft series about husk & angel learning how to love each other as best as they can
Static Shock by @birdsaretoddlers — in progress, darkly hilarious and insightful radiostatic slowburn where vox drags alastor's unconscious body out of a dumpster 6 months after the finale
Strange Appetites by Gotllphi — in-progress, radioapple not-quite human au where lucifer & charlie go on vacation from hell to new orleans in the 1920s, where a certain serial killer is in desperate need of inspiration. literally a wacky dark romcom
Ye Mighty, Lay Down Your Arms by Expectosplendiferous — post-finale, alastor gets stitched up by rosie and subjected to dubcon cuddling by vox, respectively
No hiding place down here by ReminiscentBells — post-finale radioapple, tense and sweet and difficult by extremely satisfying. my fav "lucifer heals alastor after s1" fic and one of my fav explorations of sex-favorable asexuality. delicious
i'm realizing this list makes it exceedingly clear what characters and dynamics i tend to gravitate towards, but hell, i already reveal too much about my proclivities in my writing, why not commit to it
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r0ckgoblin · 2 years
Would that I- bella ramsey xreader
“true that i saw her hair like the branch of a tree”
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summary: bella is a person of many trades, your favorites just so happen to be when they play guitar and sing. you have always admired this about her, as any friend would. b/c you and bella have always been supportive of each other’s interest, they always come to you first when he’s written a song or learned a new one. why would this time be any different?
a/n: idk how to write summaries… but anyways enjoy:) (p.s. hc wise, i think they listen to hozier…yea she definitely does)
warnings: unproper grammar(maybe) how i've passed all my lit classes i will never know. probably not fully proofread, i miss the smallest things smh
*all pronouns for bella used*
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you wiggle the key into the stubborn door of bella’s apartment, eventually winning the fight against it. opening the door you’re met with the sound of guitar strings being plucked and you smile softly. setting your bag on the kitchen counter you begin wandering around looking for your best friend.
“hey bels?” you call out.
“in here” he says from the sunroom.
you laugh softly grabbing a small throw blanket from the couch.
"hi" you smile, bending down to hug her, finding it a little difficult due to the guitar in their lap. the smell of old spice wonderfully clouds your sense of smell as they reach up to hug you back. the two of you gently sway for a few seconds before you pull back to adjust yourself next to him on the small couch, covering your legs with the blanket.
"how was your day?" he asks smiling over at you.
"it was good, slow, it was just a lot of cleaning up some scenes" you exhale recalling your most recent project, a movie you had been working on for the last few months, one only the people a part of it and the people closes to you knew about. acting was stressful sometimes, but the final project was always worth it, and that's something you and bella could both agree on.
"those days are inevitable, but i believe in you." they say as the lean back to rest their head on your shoulder. this caused you to blush a light pink color, luckily, he couldn't see your face at the moment. you didn't know what it was but lately you've been feeling certain ways about your best friend, and you were scared you wouldn't be able to hide those feelings for much longer. the only thing stopping you was the incessant fear of losing her friendship if they didn't feel the same way.
after moments of peaceful silence bella breaks it be jolting up excitedly. "oh! i learned a new song!"
"really? show me!'' you smiled mirroring her excitement. for as long as you've known bella your favorite thing about them has been her ability to play guitar and sing. they were so good at it, and it seemed to be a big passion of his as well.
"of course! you're going to love it, it's a hozier song" they beam at you holding eye contact waiting for your reaction, which didn't take long because you immediately grinned so big.
" you learned another one? which one?!" you question with giddy.
"you'll have to guess."
"c'mon that's no fun" you whine putting on a fake frown.
"you'll live" she jokes.
"okay, fine go." you pout resulting in a laugh from her.
she plucks some cords before playing, listening to them intently. you just stare at him in awe. before you know it, you're hearing the first notes of hozier's "would that i". you gasp in amazement, and they let a small laugh leave their mouth, somehow without losing focus. as if it couldn't get any better, he also starts singing the words along with the music.
you feel your eyes water, you have no idea why that would be happening. was it the emotional toll of being in love with your best friend, someone who you've watched grow into a beautiful and talented human being? the fear that if you were to express how you feel, it could all turn against you, and you lose the one person who means the most in the world to you? or maybe it's just because the song is so beautiful? its defiantly the song.
you got so lost listening to his voice and the way the sun setting through the window made their skin glow and made his hair shine like honey. shit you were head over heels.
by down you had drowned out her voice due to your staring that you didn't even realize they had finished. not until they're talking directly at you. you blush a little realizing you 100% got caught staring.
"so what do you think?" she ask not making eye contact.
"i loved it," you smiled,
"thank you so much." he grins, and you swear you see faint pink on their cheeks.
"i, um-", you go to say something, but you stop yourself.
"what was that?''
"i uh... i should get back to my hotel.''
"just stay here'' she says but its more of a begging question.
"no, i can't, ive got an early morning and we both know i'm not quiet in the mornings, i wouldn't want to wake you that early.'' you try and lie.
"y/n please'' he begs, grabbing your hand giving you those big brown puppy eyes.
"i'm sorry.'' you shake your head.
they tug you closer, your chests touching. they stare you in the eyes, you notice her give a quick glance to your lips. you in return look to theirs.
"there's something uh... i've mean meaning to tell you," they exhale nervously, "and i really need to get it off my chest. this um..." they swallow hard, "this is harder than i thought."
"shut up" you say with a fake serious tone.
"what i haven't even gotten to what i wanted to say." they knit their eyebrows in confusion.
"you don't have to, if it's what i think it is, i already know," you smile, "because i want to tell you the same thing."
"i like you, like REALLY like you okay!"
"i-" they were speechless. you two just stared back at each other, waiting for the other to speak.
"i like you two, like reeaallyy like you." they smile wide.
you smile and release a breath of relief, resting your forehead on theirs. you two stay like that giggling back and forth.
"can i kiss you?" they speak up.
"of course." you smile.
she then softly presses their lips to yours, grabbing your face, she deepens the kiss making it more passionate but soft. his hands travel to your hair gently brushing it while your hands find the small of their back caressing softly. this goes on until your both pulling away for air, laughing breathlessly.
"so... stay the night?"
you laugh hugging them as they spin you around like something out of a movie.
the rest of the night you spend cuddled on the couch watching your favorite movies until you're both passed out in each other's arms.
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a/n: AAAAHHH LETS GOOOO!!!! so BAHAHAAHAH this took longer than i wanted and it's not even as long as i wanted it:( anyways here it is, i hope you really enjoy it. there will hopefully be more in the future:) feel free to request, also let me know if my replies are off bc i clicked on one of my post and it says my comments are turned off??? idk, but my asks should be on:) love you! have a great day/night!🫶
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