justmanu · 1 year
purple hearts
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Summary: Since you've joined the Strawhats crew, you've had a lot of fun and good time. But your capitain is someone who is a little clumsy. And, sometimes, that clumisiness affects you in ways he can't even imagine.
Pairing: Monkey D. Luffy x Reader.
Warnings: It's a little angst to fluff, but mostly angst. But with fluff. And cursing, ig.
A/n: OMG. I had this idea when I was remembering the funny moments between Luffy and Zoro, and I imagined it. It was one of the best scenarios I've ever imagined. Really loved this one. I'm thinking about doing hcs for the Vinsmoke brothers, would you guys want that? They've rented a triplex on my head and I can't stand it.
Words: 1,540 words.
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It was another normal day on the Sunny. Sanji was in the kitchen, preparing drinks and snacks for you, Nami and Robin; Usopp and Franky were drawing new machines and inventions to improve things on the ship; Brook and Chopper were playing cards; Zoro was in the crow's nest doing his daily strength training and Luffy was fishing. All seemed to be going normal, but, of course, things on this ship never stay peaceful for too long.
"I got a big one! Usopp! Chopper! Help me out here!", your captain yells and starts pulling his rod at full force. Usopp and Chopper go and start helping him pull it, and then the fish is out of the water. To help him, Luffy used his devil fruit abilities. You were just walking to the kitchen to ask Sanji about your drink when you felt it. The arm Luffy had stretched came at full speed at your back, throwing you against the wooden ship wall.
The wall you hit on was part of the kitchen, so Sanji had a good fright when he heard the really loud thump on the wall. Everyone outside stopped gasped and stopped everything they were doing. This time, there was no way you didn't get hurt. You've been the main target of Luffy's "stretch back on's" for quite some time now. You've only shown how they affected you to Chopper because he was the doctor and insisted on looking at your wounds. You were always covered in deep purple bruises all over your body.
You begged Chopper not to tell anyone, especially your captain, about them. You didn't want the rest of the crew to be worried about your every step because Luffy might hit you. But this time, there was no way to hide it. You hit face-first. You were going to have a huge black eye for a long time. And, come on! That hurt like a bitch! Time seemed to stop for the Strawhats, all of them worried about the hit you just got. But Luffy couldn't have been more oblivious to the harm he's just caused.
When Sanji came out of the kitchen to see what was happening, his eyes widened at you; sprawled out on the floor. Even Zoro got out of the crow's nest to see what was happening. He heard the bang from up there. "Y/n-swan! What happened?!", Sanji asked, running to help you up. Zoro came running as well, worried and curious as to why you were on the floor. You couldn't stand it anymore. You hadn't said a word, trying your best not to cry in front of the whole crew. "I'm okay.", you said, voice a little high pitched. Was all you could manage to say before running to your room, tears already running down your face.
"Hey! Usopp! Chopper! I asked you guys for help, not to stay there looking at the wind!", Luffy said, a little bit annoyed that his friends were not helping him. That's when Nami lost it. "Luffy, are you fucking serious right now? You didn't see what you just did to Y/n?", she screamed at the boy. Luffy was a little taken aback by the shouting. "What do you mean? Y/n is perfectly fine! She's right the-", he pointed to where you were a few minutes ago, resting. He was confused. Where were you? "Luffy, when you stretched your arm to get that fish, while it was stratching back, it hit Y/n with full force and she hit the ship wall at full, too. You hurt her really bad this time.", Robin explained to him the situation.
"Hold the horses, I hurt her?", Luffy asked, not believing what his ears. "Yes, Luffy. You've been hurting her for quite some time now, actually. She asked me to keep this a secret from you all, but I see no point in hiding it now. She is covered in black bruises all over her body.", Chopper said, hoping it would make things a little clearer. "That's why she's been wearing long sleeves and pants? I thought she was sick because there was no way she was feeling cold in these hot days we're going through.", Usopp said.
Luffy hasn't said anything. He was feeling the worst person on the planet. He's been hurting you over and over and didn't even notice! How could he? He was supposed to protect you. Not harm you. He started walking towards his cabin, head low and totally silent. "Are you alright, captain?", Zoro asked. "Yeah, just need to think about the things I've done. I need to think of a way to redeem myself.", Luffy said and walked away. Nami started walking to your room. She needed to make sure you were okay.
When she arrived, she heard you crying from outside the door. She opened and couldn't believe her eyes. She heard Chopper say you were covered in black bruises, but she didn't think it was like this. How were you even standing? "N-Nami! What are you doing here?", you asked, trying to cover your body. "Don't need to hide it anymore. Chopper told us everything, but I didn't know they were this bad!", she said, worried. You couldn't believe it. Chopper told them?! That little reindeer was gonna pay you back.
You and Nami talked the whole afternoon, and you decided you shouldn't be ashamed of the bruises. So, instead of going to dinner in the long sleeves and pants you were used to, you went with a tank top and shorts. When you arrived at dinner, all the Strawhats were shocked at the amount of bruises you had, but didn't dare say a word, and you were thankful for it. You were feeling better not having to hide them anymore. Dinner rolled around pretty light, everyone laughing and having a good time. But something was missing. Where was your captain?
"Hey, guys. Where's Luffy?", you asked, really worried. He never skipped any meal. But as soon as the words left your mouth, the kitchen door swung open to reveal a blood and bruise covered Luffy. "I'm right here." he said, entering the kitchen in most calm of ways. "What happened to you?!", you yelled, worried. That's when he turned to you and saw your bruises. The guilt was eating him alive. He's done all those bruises on you. How dare he? How dare he be so stupid? So distractive. He dropped to his knees in front of you. Turning to look at you, tears in his black eyes. "Please, forgive me. I never, ever intended to hurt you. You are one of the few people I care about most in the world. I can't believe I've done this to you and not noticed! God, I feel so stupid!", he said, gripping his hair as if trying to rip it off.
You couldn't believe your eyes. How did he get this beaten up? "Me and the stupid marimo did it. He asked us to go at him with everything we got, and he didn't dodge one hit.", Sanji said, you didn't realise you said your thoughts outloud. "He said the only way he could redeem himself for what he did to you. If he suffered all the pain he made you feel.", Zoro said, completing Sanji's speech. You were feeling your eyes get filled with tears and a chuckle scaped you. "Stupid, wreckless captain. Of course I forgive you.", you said, gripping his chin for him to look at you. Luffy looked up and searched for your eyes to see if he could find any doubt. He didn't.
He smiled up at you and hugged you tight, you giving him the same treatment. He got up and started spining around with you in his arms. He was so happy right now. When he stopped spinning, he looked in your eyes. You had feelings for your captain way before this all happened, but never told them to anyone. Not even Nami. So when you sealed your lips on a sweet kiss, you were terrified of what was going to happen. But feelings were already all over the place. What harm could it cause adding one more?
The crew went dead silent and focused closely on what would happen next. Luffy looked at you, astonished. It passed a few seconds, and you thought you ruined everything. But then Luffy opened that usual wide grin of his, letting that laugh of his and kissed you again, spinning you around one more time. The Strawhats started shouting, happy for their captain and their crewmate. "Yohoho, I never expected that y/n would have hidden feelings for our dear captain!", Brook commented happy.
All the joy quieted down a bit, and everyone started eating the delicious dinner Sanji had prepared. Luffy sat beside you, not letting go of your hand for one second. You were going to figure out what you and Luffy were, but for now, you were happy to be more than just a friend. "Okay, now that everyone has solved their problems. Can you please stop hurting yourselves? I'm tired of taking care of beaten up crewmates.", Chopper said, making everyone burst out laughing.
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zorosjuicymelonsx · 7 months
Finding You
A/N: Welcome to Chapter 7 ya'll!
I was torn between two gifs to use for this chapter (its getting harder to pick) but like can we please take a moment to admire Zoro in this gif? I just imagine he doing this when Y/N catches him staring and he's like 'oh shit act casual' 🤭💚 I loved writing this chapter so much, I really got in my feels and hope you guys enjoy reading it. I'll be back in two weeks with the next chapter. I need some extra time to catch up with planning and writing the next chapters 🥺✨
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Chapter Seven Previous Next
Hours had passed since Zoro sent himself to train in the Crows Nest. His body cocooned with sweat and his arms began to numb as he swung his heavyweight barbell over his head for the thousandth time. He knew it was overkill but he didn’t know what to do with himself. In his head; you were just you with no mental attachments but he couldn’t understand the yearning ache he felt around you in his heart. He had remembered only one memory that he would never admit he replayed in his head often in the hopes other memories would spur to end the vicious war his mind and heart were playing with each other. 
Eventually Zoro forced himself to drop the heavyweight barbell. As the weight hit and he brought himself to sit, he grabbed the towel he had nearby to wipe off the excess sweat. Satisfied with the moisture to dried skin ratio, he closed his eye to clear his mind and zoned in on his breathing. 
“Focus.” He mumbled to himself in the hopes it would help. 
In the thick of the silence and his ongoing mental confusion, he did not anticipate that his mind would take him back to recapping the entire day he’d spent with you, flickering through the outfits you’d tried on and your smile on constant display throughout despite how sour it ended with the dirtbag at the bar. You had shone brightly in the dimness that was his mind. 
He opened up his eye to look down at his hands, bringing his attention to the hand that bruised your wrist. The guilt he felt then returned and twinged his heart.
“For fucks sake.” He spoke irritatedly, clenching his fists for a few seconds. He gave up on meditation as a whole and laid himself back on the floor in defeat letting his mind go into the mental tangent he’d fought so desperately not to have since leaving you on the deck. 
The words he spoke earlier were still bothering him. He had no clue where it had come from, having no recollection of prethinking the words before they came out. He couldn’t fathom what was going through your head after hearing him say the words. Remembering the surprised look on your face, he was appreciative that you tried to change the topic to keep him calm. 
‘I called her my wife.’ He thought over it. It was the first time he spoke the words and solidified it into existence. 
Is it possible that somewhere deep down inside he felt more for you than he could mentally wrap around his mind?
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Somewhere in the vast sea of the New World, a large dark ship hidden away sailed miles behind the Thousand Sunny undetected. The very capitain of the ship Enver who had invaded the Straw Hats sat in his captains quarters going over every plan he could think of to get closer to you and achieve his goal without compromising his plans or crew.
“We failed to capture her. I can’t seem to comprehend how we keep missing her at every chance.” Enver spat, his teeth gritted as he scrunched an old map he had in his hand out of anger. He hadn’t anticipated you would actually find the Pirate Hunter, the last few years he had spent tailing you and waiting for the right moment to make his move and reintroduce himself. 
“What do you want to do about Roronoa?” Enver’s first mate Jacob stood beside watching the demise on his captain's face. 
“I’ll admit that we underestimated just how strong the Straw Hats are. We need to lure her away from them to have a chance. Especially him. I don’t like how strong he’s become since the last time I met him.” Enver stood from his chair, moving away to glare out of the window in his quarters with his arms folded. 
“Would he regain any memory of her?” Jacob questioned. Enver sighed out frustrated at the small possibility but shook his head to disagree. 
“He has no memory of her whatsoever. I made sure to remove every trace of her from his mind during our fight in Shimotsuki.” Enver affirmed to himself. 
“It would’ve been easier to wipe hers completely rather than his.” Jacob mumbled out. This set off Enver. He turned and with a few quick strides grabbed Jacob by his shirt and slammed him against the wall nearest to them. 
“I’ve already explained this to you a hundred times: Roronoa was blocking my way when I had planned to wipe her memory after their wedding. I had to get rid of him to even stand a chance to get closer to her. Even then, she left to look for him.” Enver angrily spat out before releasing Jacob. He regained his composure knowing how easily riled up his captain can get. No matter how angry Enver became and took it out on him, Jacob owed Enver his life for saving him when he was poor and pathetic back home. He brought him back to life and purpose. He would do anything to ensure his captain's goals are met. 
“It won’t be easy but I can’t take much more of this. I need her.” Enver mumbled out, turning to look back through the window and live in his head of fantasies of everything he wanted to do to you.  ————————————- ⚔️✨ ————————————
The next week you could say was…weird. You noticed Zoro seemed a bit more observant with you. Whenever you were at the table in the galley with everyone for food or if you were training on deck, you could feel Zoro’s gaze on you. You’d be lying if you say you didn’t love the attention you were getting from him but at the same time you didn’t want to give yourself false hope that maybe he could feel the same way you do. You couldn’t explain the hug or the way he referred you as his wife in the bar. He had been sporadic in the past and when you did question him then he just gave a ‘felt like it’ reason. 
For that, you chose not to overthink it but you’d already spent an embarrassing amount of time questioning Zoro’s intentions despite drawing no conclusions from them. 
You were officially put on your first night watch. You’d arranged for pillows and blankets to be comfortably placed in the Crows Nest, courtesy of Sanji and Robin for helping you set it all up. Sanji had also made you an assortment of your favourite snacks with plenty of beverages to keep you full and satiated throughout the night. 
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay by yourself up here Y/N-chan?” Sanji asked with a hint of worry in his voice. 
“Of course Sanji, don’t worry.” You said assuringly as you patted his shoulder to comfort the cook. You would have considered it a sweet moment between the both of you but seeing Sanji lift up his blazer to sniff where you patted him definitely changed that for you. 
You waved bye to Robin and Sanji, settling into your warm furnishing whilst picking up a book you had ready to read. You were not used to the silence that settled in around you, finding comfort in having background noise but you were also appreciative of it from time to time. As you opened the book to begin reading the adventure book Robin had recommended to you, the sound of the hatch could be heard opening. On instinct, you frowned as you immediately dropped the book and reached for your sword only to see a head of green pop through. 
On realisation it was Zoro, you breathed a sigh of relief before you released your grip from the sword with a smile now etched on your face. Zoro had closed the hatch behind him, walking a few steps forward to stand in front of you whilst awkwardly observing your setup. 
“You look cosy.” Zoro mumbled.  
“Well well well, what brings you here Zoro? Surprised you found your way here.” You teased, smiling at him whilst he offered an eye roll. 
“The stupid cook kept whining about you being up here all alone and I couldn’t sleep so..” Zoro slurred the last few words out. Knowing the swordsman's sleeping habits made it hard to believe but you gave him the benefit of the doubt. 
Zoro won’t admit that he’s gotten used to sleeping next to you. He didn’t want to migrate back with the others, having gotten used to the sounds of your gentle breathing as opposed to the loud snores Luffy breathed out on a nightly basis. 
“Would you like to join me?” You offered as you lovingly patted the space next to you. Zoro looked at how comfortable you were under the blankets, nodding before untying his swords to place them next to yours and crawling to sit next to you. He sighed a breath of relief before digging in his sash and pulling out a bottle of sake. 
“Of course.” You mumbled out giggling before going to pick up your book and attempt to start reading it. 
A minute of silence passed and you’d expected to hear the sound of gulping but heard nothing. You looked up from the page to see Zoro staring at you intently, the unopened bottle still grasped firmly in his hand. 
“Does it bother you?” Zoro asked. 
“Does what bother me?” You asked, feeling confused by the nature of his question. 
“My drinking habits.” You let out a small ‘ah’ in understanding. You shook your head to disagree.
“Not at all, you’ve always been like this since the start. Wouldn’t change a thing. I’m sorry if I made you feel anyway.” You said with guilt laced in your voice. Zoro grunted before opening the bottle of sake and taking a few chugs from it. You returned to your book and you both sat in comfortable silence for some time. You managed to get through the first chapter of your book before bookmarking it and picking up your beverage to take a sip. With your thirst quenched, you put your drink back and turned to see Zoro’s eye closed and his breathing evened out. You knew he wasn’t sleeping and you decided to ask him the one question that's been nagging you since you arrived on the Sunny. 
“Can I ask what happened to your chest?” 
Zoro opened his eye to see you looking at him, your eyes beaming with curiosity. He forgot that you didn’t know what happened to him. 
“Challenged Mihawk.” He said in two simple words. Your eyes widened and you soon changed your seating position to now face him entirely, your smile widening. 
“You found him?!” You asked excitedly, taking your drink back in your hands to centre your excitement. 
“Y-yeah, how did you know? Did Robin tell you or?” He asked, confused. He hadn’t expected your reaction to be this animated. You laughed before taking another sip of your drink. 
“I mean we are married, duh of course I would know. You were always so excited to tell me how you would find him and challenge him to take his title. Plus, you promised Kuina afterall to be the world's greatest swordsman.” The mention of Kuina made Zoro’s eye widen with surprise. 
You nodded before crossing your legs to sit more comfortably. 
“I was devastated when she passed away, everyone was. She was amazing and an example of how being a woman shouldn’t stop you from achieving your dreams. Heck, she’s even given me a lecture to grow a backbone.” You smiled, your voice was filled with both humour and sadness that she was taken away so early. 
You sighed, looking away from Zoro and down at your lap. You sighed before clearing your throat. 
“I wasn’t supposed to but after the funeral, I was walking through the dojo to get my bag when I heard your voice coming from the room you were in with Koshirou. Seeing you like that…I remember how sad it made me. You could tell you took it the hardest out of everyone and when I heard you say you wanted Kuina’s sword, I felt somewhat relieved it would be in good hands. I’m glad you’re treating Wado well. She would be proud of you.” You shyly confessed. You hadn’t told him this even before he lost his memory. 
Pain seared back into his head, Zoro closed his eye grunting as he captured his head with his palm leaning forward. He knew what this was and didn’t fight it. He welcomed the memory into his head despite the infuriating ache that came with it. 
‘The memory took place from a different perspective; he was himself as he was currently and stood somewhere as if he was in observation.
“Honey, what's that you’re holding behind you?” 
Hearing your voice, Zoro turned in the direction of where it was coming from to see you. 
You giggled as you approached Zoro who stood by a tree. He assumed it was the forest back home as he watched a younger version of himself walk to you with something wrapped behind his hands. He saw himself now stood in front of you and leaned to give you a quick peck before bringing the gift from behind him to offer it to you. 
He saw you beam while you perked an eyebrow before accepting his gift. You unwrapped it and saw a sword. He recognised the sword to be the same that you carry with you now. He saw you gasp and display the biggest grin on your face. 
“Please accept this. I wanted you to carry something from me to remind you that I’ll always be by your side.” He saw the smile bright on his face. He made a note that you both look younger, assuming this is a much older memory. 
“I love it, thank you.” You blushed before tiptoeing to kiss him. He felt himself blush seeing how he watched himself grab you to pull you in closer to deepen the kiss.’
He was shook out of the memory, the pain dulled down as he opened his eye to see the worry in your eyes. His eye wandered to the sword that you had propped next to you. It was in pristine condition and felt his heart swell with pride. He wasn’t ready to leave the memory, he wanted to see more. 
“Are you okay? What was that?” You questioned him, panic laced in your voice. 
“n-Nothing, I think it's for the sake. I drank it a bit too quickly.” He mumbled out. You felt some relief hearing this despite the fact you’d spent the last minute trying to call out for him. You only realised then it wasn’t the first time he’d shown this kind of pain and made you question whether you should disclose this to Chopper or not. 
“I hope you’re not mad about me listening to the conversation you had about Kuina’s sword. I’m sorry, I know it's not easy to talk about. I just held onto that for years and felt now was the right time to talk about it.” You rambled guiltily as you fidgeted with your drink in your hand. 
Being brought back to reality, Zoro hadn’t expected anyone to know about his breakdown with Koshirou. Being a child and losing someone who you looked up to would affect anyone. He didn’t know what to say or do other than grunt in acknowledgement, turning to look at Wado. The sword will always keep him grounded, reminding him of his shared dream with her. 
“It's fine, we were kids. You didn’t know better.” You looked at him before nodding to yourself. You then saw the sake bottle was still in his hand and you reached over to take it away from him. 
“Maybe lay off this for a bit.” You said before laughing and tucking the bottle behind you. For once, Zoro didn’t argue and willingly accepted letting you take it. 
Silence filled the room again as you leaned back and returned to your book. Unknowing to you, Zoro used the silence to process the memory as he looked across the room. He never remembered ever seeming so…happy. The way he smiled at you in the memory, there was so much life in it. The way you looked at him with so much care and content. Seeing the both of you together somehow began to make more sense to him. He recalled over the last few weeks how easy it was for him to just converse or sit in comfort with you. Your kindness, your will, your selflessness. It didn’t go unnoticed by him. 
Zoro turned to look at you to observe you, seeing your eyes sparkle as they glided across the page along with the words. His eye trailed down from the gentle slope of your nose to the suppleness of your lips as they slightly pouted out in concentration. He then took in your face as a whole and the way your hair sat to bring your whole beauty in together. He fought back a blush, allowing the tips of his ears to reddin. He’d previously acknowledged your looks but seeing you as you are now… 
‘You’re beautiful Y/N’ 
“Everything okay?” 
He didn’t notice you were staring at him puzzled. The swordsman feeling embarrassed he’d been caught staring harder than he anticipated nodded before looking away to stare at the wall. 
“How did you get your devil fruit powers?” Zoro asked, hoping to change the subject now looking down to his lap as he pinched at his haori. 
“You finally want to admit it's cool?” You joked. Zoro looked back up at you, smiling as he scoffed at your ridiculousness  before shaking his head at you. You hummed in acknowledgement of his question, taking your time to collect your thoughts before you told the story for the first time out loud. 
“I stole the fruit.” You admitted your second confession of the night. 
Now this made Zoro laugh out loud. 
“Now that I wasn’t expecting to ever hear from you.” He said as he stared at the growing redness of what seemed to be a mixture of embarrassment and shame. 
You’d never told anyone how you obtained your fruit, choosing to keep it to yourself in case the very people you robbed decided to go on a widespread manhunt for you. 
“What? You don’t think I’m capable of doing bad things?” You defended, knowing you didn’t look the type to steal. In all honesty, you wanted to live a life as honestly as possible. Unfortunately, the last few years had opened your eyes to accept that sometimes you had to be dishonest to survive. 
“Alright, I'm invested now; why’d ya steal it?” Zoro continued encouraging you. 
You placed your drink down, wiping your hand from the moisture that collected from it on the comforter. You leaned to lay back down, your head sinking into the pillow before sighing out and looking at the ceiling. 
“After you disappeared and I made the decision to travel out and find you, the biggest con was the travel was taking too much time. Not a lot of ships as you know come to the village and finding my way around islands became a chore. A few months into my journey, I was in a bar resting and planning the next place to go to look for you when I overheard a couple guys on my right bragging about a devil fruit they stole from a group of pirates. They spoke about the fruit and how it was rumoured to give the user the ability to travel through holes to go to different places at your will or by chance. I was intrigued and desperate.
I made the choice to take a risk and steal it for myself. I followed them to where they were staying and thankfully they were so drunk and passed out once they got to their own ship. I snuck onboard and looked around for it. It was really hard to see since it was dark but I eventually managed to find a box that stuck out like a sore thumb and when I opened it; I saw the fruit. 
I knew that there was no guarantee it was the right fruit and I would lose my ability to swim but if it meant I got this advantage then so be it. I ate the fruit, bare in mind it was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever eaten in my life.” 
This made Zoro laugh again. You smiled before continuing. 
“I ate every last bit of that fruit. I managed to leave the ship without being detected and decided to flee the island itself just in case anyone else may have seen me sneaking on the ship to begin with. I chose to travel to a quieter island, one where there weren't a lot of people and where I could have some privacy to practise using the fruit. The fear of just being on the boat knowing one wrong move and I’d drown is scary as hell. I wasn’t ready to die just yet. 
I spent a LOT of time practising how to use my new abilities. It was a huge challenge and it took me about a year to summon just my first hole. The first island I travelled with my new abilities I unfortunately ended up being on an island with cannibals. They really tested my stamina. I was forced to use my ability again to travel back and because of that I found out the consequence of using the holes more than once in a day. I ended up spending three days barely conscious and recuperating completely alone. I don’t even want to get into the time I landed on Marijouse Island and was almost sold into slavery.” 
“I hate that place, some guy didn’t want to admit he wanted directions and had the audacity to point a gun at me.” Zoro mumbled out bitterly. 
“I mean look where I am now. It was worth it.” You said brightly to lighten the mood. 
“Did you have doubts you’d never find me?” Zoro questioned. 
“I did at one point. It was about two years into travelling when I had second thoughts. I was exhausted. I was running low on money, my father refused to help me. Lily had started her life with her new husband and children and I couldn’t bare the thought of burdening her. 
I didn’t give up because I knew that I would spend the rest of my life thinking about how much I would regret not getting any closure from you. I couldn’t bear the thought of starting another life with someone else. I couldn’t get over you and I don’t think I could love anyone as much as I love you. I respect you for having your ambitions and I had planned to stay by your side as you worked towards becoming the world's greatest swordsman. If I had to sacrifice myself to make sure you continue and achieve that, I would do it in a heartbeat.”
Zoro was stunned in silence as he stared at you. 
“Well that was a lot, haha.” You breathed out feeling somewhat lighter. 
“i-I don’t know what to say other than I’m sorry.” Zoro mumbled.
“Why are you sorry?” 
Zoro was silent, gathering his thoughts together before answering. 
“Don’t you feel you wasted the last few years just because of me?” Zoro looked at you intently. You looked back harder, your mouth thinning at his question. 
‘Was he trying to make you feel that you wasted your time over him?’ You thought to yourself.
“Zoro, I want you to listen and listen well. If I had to go through all of it again, I would do it. I don’t regret anything I did if it meant I could be here now.” You grinned. 
Zoro's heart became erratic. 
‘There it was again, his heartbeat.’
Ba dum, ba dum, ba dum. 
Ba dum, ba dum, ba dum.
The longer you both held each other's gaze, the faster his heartbeat became.
Zoro concluded that his heart reacted because of you. 
Ba dum, ba dum, ba dum.
The ache he felt to be close to you and protect you till his last breath. He felt the gentle rising and falling of your steady breath as you both sat so close to each other. 
Ba dum, ba dum, ba dum. 
How your eyes were so gentle and full of hope. 
Ba dum, ba dum, ba dum. 
How your skin was so soft whenever you’d held his hand. 
‘Is this what love feels like? Is this it?’
And it was.
At that moment, Roronoa Zoro had accepted that he was in love with you. Despite struggling to mentally understand his feelings, he decided that his heart had won the war.
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A/N: God I am a sap for romance, writing the last line made my heart go BA DUM BA DUM BA DUM 😭❤️
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amelia-jane-writes · 2 months
are you jealous darling?
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nikolai lantsov (sturmhond) x reader
Tw: nothing really just some feelings of self doubt
Summary: when the sun summoner comes along, you find yourself unreasonably upset
The sun summoner hadn't even been on board for a week and yet you had changed direction completely to help her little mission.
You also seemed to lack the jobs that you usually did. For example, the very important job of lighting Sturmhond's candles in the evening because the sun summoner had it covered. He started asking her for favours and not you and you hated it.
It wasn't that you hated Alina, not at all. She seemed nice, but you just couldn't stand to be in the same room as her when your capitain was making heart eyes at her. Not when you'd been in love with the man for as long as you'd known him.
After almost a week of your strange behavior, people started to notice. First the twins, then some other crew members that you were close with. Then finally, Sturmhond himself. He stopped you in the hallway quite suddenly one day.
"What's going on with you? I don't know what but somethings weird," He said. Well, his reputation had never been for having great observational skills.
"I don't know what you're on about. I'm just not feeling myself."
"Have you come down with something?" He put a hand on your arm as if you steady you and you caught your breath.
"No. I reckon I'll be okay."
He nodded, then looked like he was debating saying something. "I missed you. I know you didn't go away but normally we have these talks in the evening and you haven't been coming to my office recently."
"I thought you just called me there to light your candles."
He looked at you puzzled. "I would've lit my own candles if that were the case."
You felt very stupid and embarrased all at once. That made sense and the revelation that he'd invited you to be the one that he poured over maps with made you feel special.
"Why haven't you been coming to my office?"
You debate telling him a lie about having some sickness to save yourself from embarrassment but decide not to. "Because Alina's here. The sun summoner. She's been taking over so many of my jobs and I thought it was stupid to try talk to you because you're always together."
"Come into my office." He grabbed your hand and pulled you behind him.
"Do you have an obsession with me being in your office or something?" You asked, but then he turned around and there was a new sort of intensity in his stare that made you shut up.
"Why didn't you talk to me at all? You were avoiding me."
"I was kinda avoiding Alina too."
You took a deep breath, but the words were out before you had the chance to figure out how to properly reply. "Because I thought you were in love with her."
He stared at you for a few seconds before his face broke into a sly smirk. "Are you jealous, darling?"
You scoffed, face turning red. "Of who? You or Alina?"
"Of Alina. Would you like me to be in love with you?" For all his jokes, he said that last part as soberly as a judge, his hands coming up to cup your face.
You felt breathless and nodded slightly because it's all that you could do.
"Well then, it's a good thing I do, isn't it?" He said, before leaning in to kiss you.
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bluelotuswrites · 4 months
i love ask games!!! is three asks excessive? three might be excessive… pick and choose if you don’t want to answer all of them!
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you l
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairing
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
hope you’re having a good day and your wips aren’t giving you trouble <3
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
I'm gonna link a couple because I have lots.
butcherbird, fly away home One of Jason's instructors kidnaps Bruce fucking Wayne. This changes nothing, or at least that's what Jason keeps telling himself.
Six Degrees of Separation by @oliocelottafanfics Catatonic Jason is picked up by Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds. It changes many things. Very good and fun
Melodyverse by @rainymeadows If you like Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright, then this is a fun continuation fic.
The Wayward Boy Instead of Jason going after his mother in Ethiopia, he instead enlists in the military.
Ed Elric/Marvel Fem!Ed gets transported to the MCU during Capitain America First Avenger movie. It's actually really good and I hope the author is doing well since it's been a few years since they updated.
The Volatile Verse Comics Jason crosses dimensions to YJ season 1 and becomes a big brother figure to Dick. It's locked so you'll need an AO3 account to see it.
Batman: Arkham Compendium Listen to me. When I tell you this is the best Arkhamverse fic, I mean it. It follows Jason's life in Arkhamverse from before and after Arkham Knight. The author left the fandom a long time ago, but I will forever love the worldbuilding that was put into it.
Not that big a distance really Bucky and Jason meet after Bucky goes to Jason's apartment address in NJ instead of NY. Bucky and Steve becomes kinda like a pseudo-dad figure to Jason.
Remnant Michael Afton is on the YJ Season 1 team and has super powers after the incident at Sister Location. He's 15-16 in this, and William Afton is one fucked up dude. It sounds like a concept that is so out there but it's actually really fucking good.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairing
Okayyyy so. I'm not really an active fandom shipper? I guess the only one I really am open about is Laywright. For them, I headcanon that during the 7 years that Phoenix was disbarred, he had met up with Hershel and was the person he knew in London. Also, Hershel helped him back on his feet and was a soundboard for Phoenix's idea for revamping the justice system in America.
For platonic pairing, I headcanon that Tim and Jason tend to have regular bitch sessions about the idiots in Gotham/family. Tim is a sassy little shit in canon and Jason is Jason. When their paths cross or Bruce has pissed them off again, they go to one of Jason's safehouses where Jason cooks and they bitch about whatever is on their minds. Dick is not allowed and regularly gets kicked out if he tries to butt in.
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
Oh god, my favorite piece??? You're evil. I can't have just one! Okay, okay.
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So this is actually a painting the lovely @gremlinscogs did for their art class based off RitCoS. It's glorious, and it was sent to me in DMs but they gave me permission to post. It's really a beautiful piece that captured the vibes of the first fic in Red is the Color of Sinners perfectly.
(digital concept art version they did)
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Also, this bad boy by @speaching back when we first started talking and I teased a small chapter bit I had written but hadn't posted yet. I went to bed and woke up to that, and thus started a chaotic friendship that has lasted for quite some time.
Speach also drew this one that never fails to make me laugh. Just the image of Matt aggressively shoveling snow sends me.
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stellarred · 10 months
While we all know that in All Good Things Q had a directive from the Continuum to test Picard, it's worth noting how during the courtroom scenes and the Ready Room scene, Q tried to get physically close to Picard, and yet didn't say anything.
What I mean is during the first courtroom scene, Picard asks Q, "Are you responsible for my shifting through time?"
To which Q responds with, "I'll answer that question only if you promise to never tell anyone."
(Rather odd, isn't it? Why wouldn't Picard tell people that Q was responsible?)
Anyways, Q leans very close to Picard, and whispers, "Yes."
He just had to get close to Picard, didn't he?
Then, in Beverly's Ready Room when Q shows up as an old codger with a hearing trumpet, he pulls Picard down over the table closely to him until their faces are inches apart.
The camera doesn't show Q's right hand fingers inside the chest of Picard's jacket, but photos of the scene do. When I watched this episode last week, I could swear I almost heard the faintest brush of fabric when Q raises his right hand from under frame (Picard's jacket) and raises a finger to emphasize his point to Picard.
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Again, Q had to get close to him, to touch him. He had a lesson to teach Picard, but Q took this opportunity to get close and personal with him by touching his chest and getting close to his face.
Finally, of course, we have Q's whispering into Picard's ear in the final courtroom scene.
Why does Q love to whisper like this? Why all these close brushes near Picard?
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Q is being watched by the Continuum. So, he knows he has to follow orders, or risk punishment. But, this is his capitaine we're talking about.
At what point did the Continuum decide to have Picard tested again? Who really knows?
Why did the Continuum focus on Picard and not Picard and his crew, as they did at Farpoint?
By this time, the Qs HAD to have known how Q felt about Picard. So, was the Continuum vetting Picard as a worthy object of their brother's love?
In AGT, Q's courtroom verbal lashings out at Picard were for the Continuum, NOT for Picard. (I'll bet the Q Continuum liked the "obtuse piece of flotsam" line.)
Through it all though, while Q knew he was being observed by the omnipotent eye in the sky, he tried to let some of his feelings for Picard peek out, and he tried subtly to physically get close to him multiple times.
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celestialholz · 1 year
The Anatomy of an Outfit (aka 'holy fucking Continuum THE LOOK™)
Y'all know I haven't seen a single STP episode since 2.9. I would rather gargle with acid than go near this show ever again frankly, but, well...
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... Good sweet sanctuary what the fucking hell is THIS. :O (@tennant, clearly a fellow appreciator of all things ancient god, must be thanked profusely for these glorious few shots I'm about to show off. <3)
I called this lovely, lovely man returning about ten minutes after he 'died', but I don't think any of us were expecting his outfit to slay THIS HARD when he did. And not only is it the sexiest thing my fortunate eyes have ever had the pleasure to absorb, but it also happens to be very, er... well let's be real here, it's ridiculously Qcard-coded.
Let's break it down, shall we?
We'll start with the obvious: it's maroon and black. This look appears to be a mad fusion of his Encounter at Farpoint judge robes (which is fair, we end as we begin), and his husband of forty years' captain's uniform. That piped shoulder's hugely reminding me of this, in fact:
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It's the inverse! You know, the same look, flipped? Because they have perfectly distinct personalities but are also mega gay???? Costume department allies fr.
The delightfully dramatic sash Q's rocking is also interesting - it places maroon at the centre of the outfit, and is its grandest statement, which makes it an excellent example of the importance of the colour to its wearer. This is the clothing equivalent of him having mon capitaine tattooed across his essence, which... well yeah, valid. Canonical facts. It's worn across virtually his whole chest, too, because nothing says 'that's my husband' more than having him literally held against your heart.
It's a different era of captain, across two shoulders - the old teasing, and the new love.
Also, this fucking brooch.
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Now, whilst I doubt they've given even John de Lancie a piece made of actual rubies for a fifteen-second scene, the stones here are very clearly meant to evoke them. And rubies are interesting for several reasons:
They're Picard's birthstone, his birthday being July 13th;
They're symbolic of power and protection. What follows is some of the interesting info I've picked up from internet gemology on rubies:
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... Huh. Resolve disputes. 'Dispel anger,' when we've seen a darker Q in this series. And 'protective powers'... mm, how many times has Q saved Picard's life again? What did we get up to, six?
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... 'Romantic love.' 'Devotion.' Uh-huh.
This brooch is also evocative of the Navaratna, or this thing:
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The brooch itself is clearly stylised, but it features eight gems orbiting a central larger ruby (which is meant to be the sun by the way, as though this motherfucker wasn't already evocative ENOUGH of the sun here or here), and is an important cultural and religious symbol in Hinduism. What's it symbolic of, exactly?
... Oh, nothing much. Just... just this.
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... Like I said, nothing much, just the whole concept of Qcard in fucking jewellery form.
The brooch's also, as the wife @porgthespacepenguin pointed out, an eight-pointed star.
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... Have I mentioned yet that I fucking detest this show? Because I really fucking detest this show.
There's nine rubies on it, as well. Picard's in his nineties.
So, let's recap:
Nine of Picard's birthstone for his ninety years
Sun symbolism, AGAIN
Celestial relationships
Beyond space and time
So, all that, from a brooch worn over an outfit that looks suspiciously like Picard's, which has a sash across it in Picard's colour.
... And I'm supposed to believe that Qcard isn't endgame? You're really going to gaslight me to this degree right in front of my salad, you absolute bastards????
Guys, when you inevitably wipe this shitshow of a Star Trek from your collective minds like I'm about to do, just... take this with you. Take the fact that everything about this outfit and this SHOW has said all along that Qcard is endgame, until they couldn't be arsed. Until they lost their balls for the pathetic few who might have naysayed it.
Patrick, and certainly John, deserved so much better. I'm glad that at least someone on this set understands that. (I see you, costumers. I see you, and I love you.)
Just going to... just going to stare at the absolute fine-aged wine of a man that is John de Lancie for a moment, before I lose my whole shit. He calms my soul, you see.
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lilkumquat27 · 12 hours
Your art gives me JUST the right amount of serotonin. Something about your style. From Josie always going CAPITAINE!!!(which cracks me up every time) to the bairns of the rig, it keeps getting better and better. But now I’m curious to see another trio. What are the chances of us seeing Trots, Gibbo, and O'Connor together?
Thank you so much! This really did brighten up my day. What a lovely thing to open my phone to. 🥹 I’m glad I’m giving you that precious serotonin we all need. Wouldn’t you know, reading this did just the same for me.
And THAT is an amazing idea. Another awesome trio. The three musketeers, if you will. I would gladly give a crack at drawing up these guys! May start tonight or tomorrow, but it’ll be my next one.
Thanks again whoever you are, you truly made my day! I hope you have a fantastic one, too.
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ziteyra · 1 year
A good soldier
Chapter 5
Chapter 1 and Chapter 4
🐟 Synopsis: You'r little expidition with Lyle doesnt go quite as planned
🐟 characters: Quaritch Recom, Waynfleet Recom
🐟themes: same as the last chapter. A bit of cursing, roughing around but nothing serious.
🐠Note:Uhh im almost sorry for the little Quaritch were getting but i promise its not gonna be long. Love y'all 💙
Tagging: @babyduk213 💙
“Well if you reall ywant to help me with my research Lyle there are actually a few things we could do.” you say smiling down at your datapad, not really knowing what to expect the next few hours with him. “Actually we wouldnt even need to leave the grounds to conduct these. Some strength and dexterity tests would be in order as well as the usua-” you are abruptly interrupted by Lyle hitting you on the back and laughing out loud. “OH Y/N! We both know thats not why were out here. Now come on theres something i want to blow your little scientist brain with.” he says as he eagerly licks his sharp front theet.
Nothing about this makes your really excited. Neither the fact that youve been following Lyle for over twenty minutes through the jungle, that your shoulder still hurts from him hitting you and that he still refuses to tell you where you are going. Even your relieve about finally being gone from the dustfilled chambers of the compound seems to be blown away since you left both by Lyles rigorous speed but  also by the Pandoran Flora and Fauna for which you have to watch out every step your taking.
“I swear Lyle im not joking if you dont tell me where your going and how this has any effect on our scientific mission im stopping right here and now and let me get picked up by a helicarrier.” you shout at him having twigs and leaves stuck in your hair as well as sore muscles from trying to keep up with Lyles gigantic Avatar body.
“Oh dont be such a killjoy little scientist. I swear were almost there and you wouldnt wanna miss it. Even your favourit little Capitain comes here from time to time, its almost like our little secret.” he calls back at you, not even bothering to turn around, “ and if your really to tired to walk i can always just throw you over my shoulder again. Its what does savage Navi do with their woman anyway isnt it?”. 
As he laughs more then once about his own jokes, you give up trying to convince him. It was no use anyway threatening him and he probably even knew that no helicarrier would come out here just for you. 
Since Lyle clearly seemed to be eager on reaching his destination you start to wonder what that mysterious place might be. And sooner or later your thoughts drift of to Quaritch again and the fact that even he keot that place a secret. You almost feel something like jealousy again, about their sense of teamspirit in the phoenix project. They certainly seemed to be connected not just through their missions and training together.
You even catch yourself for a second thinking about life with them, as another Navi soldier fighting at the frontiers of PAndora when Lyles voice pulls you out of your daydreams.
“Well isnt that something worth your sweat!” he proudly exclaimed as you both enter through a small tunnel of purple leaves, what seems to be a big clearing with a big burned down tree in the middle. 
“Lopez and Prager discovered it on one of their little trips. You know you always tell us to get a bit more familiar with the local culture and i guess thats what we did.” Lyle grins at you.
Upon hearing these words you look back at him confused but once you get closer to the tree you realize that there once were Navi huts and building all around and inside it. Now taken back by the nature, overgrown and destroyed but still clearly visible with colourfull paintings and beads and even more of their culture hidden behind dirt.
“That wasnt you was it…?” you say as you stumble a few steps back realizing that you just discovered what seemes to eb the remainins of a small navi village.
“Oh sadly not no. No, as i said Lopez and Prager discovered it, already deserted by those tree people. We just set up a little outside base you know. Our basis on enemy grounds as you will. But thats not even the best, come on.” Lyle says proudly.
He almost has to pull you away from the tunnel, with you still being in somewhat of a shock. This was your first time seeing one of their villages for yourself, deserted or not. There was this strange eary atmosphere around the whole tree, you didnt notice it at first but now that Lyle dragged you along with him, around the gigantic treestump, you finally started to notice.
Rarely any birds could be heard across the camp and even the colourfull and almost always glowing Fauna of the jungle seemed to be dampened and grey.
Like it could be feel the life being erradicated in the village not sign of Life could be heard the further you followed Lyle. 
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op81s · 5 months
dont be surprised if i send u a link in the next few minutes 🫡
okay, that link might be the greatest thing i've ever seen!! let's react to it 'cause i have follow up questions but fair warning, i might have written an entire fucking essay 😂😭
now, let's start!!
romain ntamack aka rolaj
a) being so shy that you could go an entire day without talking to anyone #relatable b) what do you mean he almost blinded his brother???? c) a little bit of a hoe AND and has cute doggos?? sign me the fuck up. d) ....i'm not gonna lie.... the pornstache kind of does it for me.... 🙃
melvyn jaminet
a) telling me that most people hate him is a surefire to get me intrigued in him 'cause i'm a petty and contradictory bitch 😈 b) what do you mean the coach had to call his parents so they could help him understand mr jaminet better?? that's really sweet?? 😭 c) doesn't use social media aka has probably reached a higher plane of existence than us mere mortals who are all chronically online
baptiste couilloud aka mr booty
a) i will admit that as someone who is very close to my siblings, seeing sport blorbos have good relationship with their siblings does make me a little soft for them b) #shortking (also love that in rugby being 176cm classifies as 'short' because i'm 158 cm...) c) this man jumped into not one, but two rivers?? two seperate rivers?? whilst half naked?? i need context here?? ...and photos...
charles ollivon aka mr ollivon aka mr thighs
a) i'm sorry if i offend the entirety of france... but to me you all sound the same... but i did look up an interview with him and i do love his accent?? b) calls everyone chicken?? okay... why tho?? 😂 c) tHIS MAN IS 199CM TALL??? and his teammates goes around yeeting him into the air?? holy fuck... d) mr capitaine!! e) very large man with a soft gooey center that loves animals?? it's a good thing he has a girlfriend or i would be on my way to france right now...
martin page relo
a) ooooh bestie to mr rolaj. i love me some childhood friends who grow up and achieve their dreams of playing their sport at the highest levels b) okay but you need to stop calling these fuckers small, he's still 15 cm taller than me... c) okay but when you say he doesn't speak italian, do you mean he's not fluent or that he doesn't speak any italian?? because i feel like that would get quite lonely?? d) loves food #relatable and great cook #unrelatable...
baptiste serin
a) okay first of all, we love a private king. someone who shows up, does his job and goes home. does he have children?? literally no one knows. b) he used to facetime his cat??? okay i've found my favorite, the competition is over, everyone else can just pack up and go home. c) swears a lot you say??... again... #relatable d) smaller sports blorbos picking fights with people twice their size that their teammates then have to finish. name a more iconic sport dynamic.
louis rees-zammit aka lrz
a) okay, first of all, looks like a fuck boi but in a way that's kinda hot but he's also six years younger than me sooooo. no. b) he joined the nfl?? what, so he just up and went halfway across the globe to join the fake football league?? okay. c) ...not gonna lie... the accent... kinda hot d) ...but what do you mean he had to protect a giant lion plushie for weeks?? from what?? was someone trying to take mr plushie away from him?? e) i need picture proof of this lightning haircut 😂
antoine dupont aka sQUARE HOE?? 😂
a) awww, his teammates protecc!! b) #educatedking but for real, getting an education feels like a good idea when your day job is rugby... one of the most physical sports in the world... c) hmm... model you say?? 👀👀 d) okay, so he's one of the best rugby players in the world who also finished school and models in his spare time... so he's perfect??
matthieu jalibert (not gonna lie... read that as jailbait the first time...)
a) why is mr jalibert with his doggos getting hated on?? don't people know he has doggos and as such can't be that bad (don't quote me on that...) b) ouchhhh, getting misdiagnosed and worsening the injury is pretty much every athlete's worst dream 😐 c) ooooooh, give me the drama deets... d) what do you mean chipped off a tooth whilst rowing?? how do you chip a tooth, whilst rOWING?? don't you use your arms for that, not your teeth??
damian penaud
a) okay but getting your teeth knocked out, getting replacements but either never wearing them or sometimes wearing them but taking them out to play with them the rest of the time is SUCH a hockey player move... b) aGAIN, give me the deets on the drama. who was this reality show douchbag?? why was it such a big deal?? c) attended his team party celebrations for their grand slam victory in shorts and flip flops 'cause he jumped into a bubble bath with his suit on?? ... i love these idiots already 😂😊 d) THEY LOST THE TROPHY?? HOW DO YOU LOSE A TROPHY?? WHERE WAS IT?? HOW DID THEY FIND IT?? e) i've been told i laugh like a hybrid of a hyena and a disney villain so i feel you... f) a gamer AND a golf addict?? well... you win some, you lose some
ange capuozzo akA THE PRETTIEST BOY???
a) i don't know if it was the picture you choose but i think i'm in love... his soft brown eyes... the little swoop of his hair... b) joris is like charles' personal assistant right?? c) i'm not suprised you love him if he's a huge charles fan, like calls to like 😊😂
bonus round:
cyril baille
first of all, you weren't kidding when you said he's a huge teddy bear, i love him already. secondly, him and i are birthday twins!!
ethan dumortier
'he's smart. still can't believe it.' ....i love that being your only comment... 😂
gregory alldritt
mr alldritt didn't even get a comment... poor mr alldritt 😂
anyway, this was an absolute blast!! i will definitely be trying to memorize these fuckers!!
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thetruearchmagos · 11 months
Writer Positivity Tag
Thank you kindly for the Tag, @sleepyowlwrites , I decided to take it up!
What motivates you to write?
Well, part of it's the history of it all. It feels nice to think of how many thousands of people across time have been somehow involved in the business of the written word, and I feel that what I do is in some way an homage to that long legacy. One that carries a personal, and so unique, touch.
A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not, maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them):
Uhh... haven't actually had the time to write much beyond fanfic these past few days! Here's one odd blurb I've thought over recently though:
The view from L'Orchidee was panoramic. From twenty five storeys up, it cast its gaze across the bay, whose surface glimmered in the last light of a setting sun. Those who passed through its doors would find nothing less than the best Cagnan could offer, serenaded that night by a full string ensemble striking up a tune. As it was, the only thing Captain Castex could hear was the sound of chewing. "Ahh, yes..." Colonel Francois Moreau, sitting opposite him, rose from his steak with a satisfied sigh, dabbing his mouth with a by now quite stained cloth. Of course, the gaze and shark's smile he cast at the Captain shot down any humour Castex might've been tempted to find in the display. "And you, Capitaine? I hope it is the company that is not to your taste, Chef LaCroix's talents are simply beyond reproach!" Castex's soup was long cold, half finished and currently untouched. A single scrap of bread circled on its surface, which Castex thought of as a kindred spirit. "Both are much appreciated, sir. I only wonder why it is me who you've chosen to share both with. Colonel, again I must---" "Enjoy myself, I hope you were about to say. And why shouldn't you? Tell me, how many months has it been since you last took leave, hmm? Six, Castex recalled, but did not say.
It'll be a while before I get to work on it, bit passes the bar of 'existing' I suppose.
Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them, and what are they like?
Well, Gustav of course, and Higgs too. Fiercely skilled, passionately for each other [eventually], these two have been with my writing for a loooooong damn time.
What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Worldbuilding, which is awkward considering one of the questions down below! I've been one to imagine my 'Setting' as having a story, a history, of its own, one made up of the stories of the billions of people who've made their lives in it, writ large and gathered in the long arc of history. When I make writing from it, I pick one thread, and a few more, and just sorta bring them to light.
What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Uhh--- Descriptions? Of environments, features, more tangible stuff usually? I mean, I do it a lot, and I suppose more than much else.
What is something in the writeblr community that is most enjoyable?
People, and just existing while knowing they exist too! I feel like I'm a lonely person, but it's indescribably nice to know that someone else, somewhere I couldn't imagine, is typing out words the same as me, if differently. And sometimes, they even talk with you about things you like, and that's the real ticket.
A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
World Anvil, despite my neglect of it recently, really is a wonderful application for my Worldbuilding stuff! I should get back into it...
A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law, etc)
Okay, really, really hard to pick just one. I really like what I've been doing with my histories, of course. I feel like a lot of them, in fiction at least, are... maddeningly easy to understand? Weird, sprawling, gangly systems of cause and effect charting the evolution of institutions, cultures, and technology across a timeline of about 2.5 centuries is apparently one of my callings, and I intend on hearing it out to the end.
[There's also a certain piece of Worldbuilding I love, and which causes me utter unbridled terror everytime I consider sharing it with people out of a stupid fear that it'll make them hate me. Again, hopefully just stupid.]
Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters:
I love every one of you!!!!!!
@lividdreamz @athenswrites @hessdalen-globe @dogmomwrites @theprissythumbelina @caxycreations @marinesocks @thatndginger @moonscribbler
[P.S., consider that my Tagging of you lot for this too!]
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danstupidaushit · 1 year
Decadent Society LEGACY
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So uh, kinda having to move the info from the old tumblr page to this one, judging i am making an archive with "all" of my au shit, so yeah, i probably won't be having to rewrite much stuff like i did with 80% of the other things i'm posting in this page (haha i'm not tired at all)
But anyways, here's all the info i've written in the past about the original Decadent Society
Decadent Society’s basic story: Once upon a time, there was two races, monsters and humans One day by the monsters greediness, a war broke between the two races But unfortunately, the humans ended victorious They took a huge indemnity from the monsters and sealed them in the underground Mount Ynadd 20XX Legendes say that whoever climbs the mysterious mountain never comes back
Info about the chars - Frisk: The Fallen Child. * It’s a curious child, but gets afraid pretty easily. Items: Broken Stick and Bandage. Stats: 2 ATK 5 DEF 20 HP - Flowey: Your Only Friend * A scared Desert Flower/Black Flower. * Tries to attack Frisk, but soon he joins Frisk on their journey. * Usually hums classical music when bored Stats: 3 ATK 1 DEF ?? HP His themes are “Your Only Friend”, “Your Only Savior” and “FINALE” - Napstablook: The Lonely Beat Maker * Not really feeling up to. sorry. His theme is “Espiritual Strife” - Toriel: The Guardian Of The Decaying Catacombs * Can act super protective with Frisk, but is a sweet person to anyone who is nice with them. * She bakes Cheesecakes, but she isn’t really good at it so she bakes a pie instead. * Won’t let you leave that easily. * Nobody have ever saw her without the hood, that covers half of her face with a shadow. * Loves reading suspense and horror books. Stats: 75 ATK 55 DEF 450 HP Her theme is “Heartattack” - Sans: The Easiest Enemy…? * Always trying to earn some money so he can sustain his brother and himself. * Really enjoys telling puns, mostly involving dark humour or imature humour. * Sells chili dogs for high prices, but usually making discounts to his friends. * His favorite drink is Mayonnese. * He calls frisk “Poker-face” and “My Safe Box” * The judgement eye is blind. Stats: HP 1 ATK 1 DEF 2 His themes are “smells like rotten bones.”, “Song That Will Play When Sans Judges You”, “There is a storm somewhere” and “Sentence.” Check: He won’t lose to a stupid child that easily. - Papyrus: The Evilest and Coolest Skeleton * Wants to be a part of the Royal Guard, but got rejected 5 times in a row for being too stupid. * Loves making puzzles and traps, but mostly fails on making his traps actually harmful. * He cooks meatballs, but sometimes he tries to cook spaghetti or lasagna, but always fails to cook it. * Likes to say “Nyar har har” * Hates seeing sans smoking, but he always tries to not just slap his cigar * He got his scar and battle body while fighting undyne and supposely winning. Stats: ATK 40 DEF 30 HP 750 His themes are “Facing The True Evil” and “Sharpboned Cataclysm” Check: Likes to laugh like a goofy maniac. - Undyne: The Black Eyed Hero…? * She is the capitain of the Royal Guard. * On one of her fights, she got injured on her eyes, making her get hyphema on both eyes. * She liked to play piano, but stopped after the situation of the underground got a bit worse. * She doesn’t use much armor, meaning why her body is full of scars and marks. * After the fight she had with Papyrus, they don’t talk much like before. * She thinks sans is a weirdo and is a little afraid of what he hides. Stats: ATK 60 DEF 30 HP 2000 Her themes are “Agonizing Spears Of Fear” and “Confronting The Most Malignent Hero” - Alphys: The Royal Scientist * As said, she is the Royal Scientist of the underground, got promoted after the previous scientist disappeared. * Even tho she might look like a mad scientist, she is pretty chill, but sometimes she might get a bit out of control during her experiments. * Loves to eat spicy noodles and watching she buys illegaly. * As undertale alphys, she is romantic attracted to Undyne, but she can hide her attracting better than her undertale counterpart. * She was the one who created Mettatron, but didn’t really worked well on him. Stats: Unknown Her theme is “Alphys…” - Mettatron: A Broken Robot * Was the first experiment of Alphys that actually worked. * His humanoid body is just a prototype. * When on box form, he have four hands with destroyed arms, that are just connected to each other by some unknown liquid. * While on EX Form, smoke comes out of some of his orifices, mostly because his body is overheating. * He have a whole brand called MTT Enterprise. * Usully his brand makes every type of stuff, but usually focus on the food market. Stats: HP 9999 (Box)    ATK 40 (Box)    DEF 300 (Box)       HP 2000 (EX)    ATK 64 (EX)    DEF 40 (EX)       HP 30000 (NEO)    ATK 90 (NEO)    DEF 5 (NEO) His themes are “Metal Slammer”, “Tragic Death By Charm” and “The Lethal Power of NEO” - Muffet: The Negotiatior * She is still as greedy as undertale muffet, but she have great administration skills. * She owns a sodas and snacks brand named “Muffety’s Sweets Inc.” * Her brand is Mettaton’s biggest competitor. * She have a small shop hidden at the Decaying Ruins. Stats: ATK 45 DEF 20 HP 135O Her theme is: “Arachno Swing” - Asgore: The King of The Underground * Haven’t appeared to the public in a while. * His garden is full of Black Flowers/Desert Flowers. * He says that he likes how his garden looks like a huge hole. * He won’t let Frisk get out that easily. Stats: ATK 100 DEF 100 HP 4000 His themes are “Foran deres konge” and “THE KING ASGORE.” - Asriel: … * The King and Queen’s son. Stats: ATK ∞ DEF ∞ HP 9999 His themes are “His old theme…”, “Destruction and Despair”, “BURN!” and “SAVE the world”
Basic information about the locations Forgotten Palace: ruins replacement, once the first hideout for the monster kind, now just an abandoned castle, it’s dark but there is a lot of plants growing there, with huge trees included Foggyville: snowdin replacement, the most poor city of the underground, contains a small amount of establishments and has most just houses, instead of snow, there is a lot of fog, but is still as cold as snowdin… somehow Submerged: waterfall replacement, once a decent city, now completely flooded by the sudden unending rain, contains ruined/submerged buildings, with just some specific locations still not submerged VolcanoNation: hotland replacement, an industry only location, with both abandoned and still working buildings, the location of muffet’s and mettaton’s brand industries The CORE: still da core, is powered by the volcano’s lava, might turn off at any moment as the volcano is in risk of dying Capital: the most rich city, based around Brooklyn on it’s 80’s Precious Home: new home replacement, a small and dark house
Yeah and that's it, i don't have anything else to say The concept for the au, since from it's first iteration, was to be an underfell take based around the idea of using the way that Butter (commonly known as Khhoppang) did the fell for Swapfell, and make a new fell version with the aesthetic of Swapfell Yeah, it was that simple
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hermit-called-he · 1 year
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Did you know you're the epitome of my type? 
You check all my boxes, you're just right 
Your wit is sharp, 
Never failing to hit its mark 
You're so fucking intelligent 
About such a wide range of topics, excellent 
You're not afraid to be unapologetically you 
And you don't know what a relief that is too 
I have a thing for cute nerd boys 
Meeting one like you is one of my greatest joys 
I could talk about so many things with you all day 
Even if I eventually run out of things to say 
I know I stop myself from telling you about my feelings 
I'm not exactly sure you want to know about all my emotional dealings 
My emotions are a hot mess 
Besides, wouldn't you rather worry about me less? 
We both hate dealing with our emotions 
We'd rather just go through the motions 
Without the complications 
Of feeling things like devotion 
You're the kind of cute I see myself with 
Even if love for me just ends up being a myth 
I want to believe you entering my life is some sort of gift 
Even if it's not, I don't want to make a rift 
I want to complete your puzzle, 
Be the missing piece,
Curl into your chest with a nuzzle 
That is, of course, if our intimacy continues to increase 
What is your type I wonder
Do you like a girl who isn't afraid to make a blunder? 
A tall girl? Someone smart? 
Someone who looks like a work of art? 
Someone who makes you laugh until your stomach hurts? 
Or someone who you only see in short bursts? 
Is she pretty or does that not matter to you? 
I don't think I could ever do 
You're way too out of my league 
I should really stick to guys who are a little more my speed 
There's a reason I refrained from telling you more about my type 
I knew if I elaborated you might understand 
Why I think you're so worth the hype, 
That you're what I crave in life 
I can't have you wanting to pull away 
That shit would just ruin my day 
I hope that's not selfish of me 
I try to be as least vain as I can be 
Now, I'm not saying I want you all to myself 
But please keep thoughts of me on your shelf 
In some capacity, not necessarily romantic 
It can be platonic, I'm not into the semantics 
Just be by my side, mon capitaine 
For a few hours, not necessarily even a whole day long 
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
hihi! who are some of your favourite french authors/poets? this is for a school project but feel free to ignore if you want! i already have victor hugo in the list, but if you have any information you'd like to add on him id appreciate it! hope you have a good day~
Hmm! I'm actually not too well-versed in French literature. Even though they did a lotta cool shit, I never really took to reading them that much.
Charles Baudelaire, though. He will always be number 1 in my heart. His poetry invented symbolism and beauty in the grotesque (literally). Balzac had some good ideas, but, similarly to Hugo, I have no idea what French prose authors were on in the 19th century, but I just can't make myself read 20 pages of a street being described (<- literally what happens in Le Père Goriot). That said, I do have Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes and Notre-Dame de Paris on my read list, because like. It's worth it. It's a slog, but it's worth it.
Jules Verne, too. I condemned Balzac for his twenty fucking pages of street description, but Verne's prose is everything to me. It's a slog. It's a fucking slog. But i have been doing my damn best to read L'île mysterieuse since I was in middle school, bc I want to read it despite the fact that Verne is also a 19th century French novelist and Jesus Christ he can describe. At least his descriptions tend to stick to describing technology and mechanisms which actually has a function, though. My mom's warm recommendation is also Un capitaine de quinze ans, but I haven't started reading it yet myself.
If it's for a school project, you can use Jules Verne as a fun fact, too, a lot of his novels are considered science fiction, but a lot of them feature stuff that was later invented and stuff that's now feasible. But it's still super cool to read, even tho "around the world in 80 days" isn't a feat anymore, it's fun :)
And since it's a project, i'm gonna be nice and give you some extra names :> : François Rabelais (renaissance lit rep. I don't even know how to summarise Gargantua and Pantagruel, but we love grotesque satire), Molière (wrote satirical comedies - an icon), Voltaire (Candide actually kinda smacks tho I never finished it) and Albert Camus (Stranger is a masterpiece of absurdist literature, but Mersault should not have been condemned for being unemotional, free my man)
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seii-fantasy · 2 years
A lil trailer of my little one-shot
Thief! Hades x Pirate! Capitain!Reader
Im currently writing a One shot of Qin Shi Huang x Reader called My little doctoress
Im preparing the one shot of the RoR character you're all gonna choose
I started to write Thor since i thought Thor is gonna be the character you chose
Then i started to write this one shot of Hades x reader because Hades was first
Im litteraly reseeing Kazumi Hachijo's history cause i litteraly forgot it😭 for the Chapter 1 of Poseidon x reader
Inspired by the movie : The pirates:The last royal treasure. Mostly by those two : Capitain Hae-Rang and the thief Muchi
Song playing :
_________《Here we go》__________
"Are you an angel coming from the Heavens just to take me , *sigh* i met my destiny upon death , so go ahead and take me" Hades sighed .
A gang of thieves , the most fearsome
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"Don't ever put "ger" in tiger cause i don't want to hear it again" you said to the silverette hair who started to eating his food , as he smirked and he growled and you looked at him , furiously as he growled a second time you hit him and the both of you started to fight
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"You do really wanna kill me aren't you~"
"Where in the world , did you hide the treasure!"
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A beautiful Capitain has been taking care of those thieves
"Did you came here for the little treasure i stole or just because you've missed me~?"
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"Tell me something"You said "What?" Hades replied "Do you wanna still walk alongside me or you prefer stay and live your life?" You asked as the silverette man chuckle "The divine swordsman of the Kingdom of Olympus shall walk alongside you until forever" , and as you started to approach him further more you whispered "Let's make sure of one more thing"
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Will the capitain will fall in love with the leader of the gang of thieves?
The what so called thief have found his love but will she love him back?
Coming soon!
Don't worry Hades fans im litteraly writing it♡
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stellarred · 1 year
Let's Think About Tapestry!!
**Consider how Picard describes himself when he was younger during the first afterlife scene with Q.
Picard describes himself as: "arrogant, cocky, undisciplined, with far too much ego, and very little wisdom."
And of course, he just HAD to take a swipe at Q with, "I was more like you."
Q retorts with, "Then you must have been far more interesting. Pity you had to change."
**And then, after all was said and done with Picard discovering what he'd be like after avoiding getting impaled in the heart, we have this second afterlife scene exchange:
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Q: "I gave you something most mortals never experience. A second chance at life. And all you can do is complain?"
Picard then insists, "I cannot live out my days as that person."
->"That person is bereft of passion and imagination! That is not who I am!"
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Q: "Au contraire! That is the person you wanted to be. One who was less arrogant and undisciplined in his youth? One who was less like me?"
**We know that while Picard was describing qualities in himself during his youth in the beginning afterlife scene with things such as, "arrogant", "undisciplined", etc,...
Picard was also describing Q.
Hence Q's line near the end of the episode: "...One who was less like me."
But, what I have always liked is how Picard chooses the words *bereft of passion and imagination.*
How did we go from "arrogant, "undisciplined", "cocky", "far too much ego", etc to "passion" and "imagination"?
In his indirect description of Q as being arrogant, undisciplined, etc while describing himself, **Picard is also insisting to Q at the end that instead of the shell of a man that he is in the blue uniform, he HAS passion and imagination.
Really, Picard? Passion and imagination?
If the man he was had passion and imagination, and if he was also finding shared character qualities with Q in describing himself at the beginning of the episode,
Is he, or is he not saying that Q has passion and imagination, too?
Uh, yeah! In spades, mon capitaine!!!
Final note: I just wonder what happened that inspired Picard to choose different words like *passion* and *imagination* that Q embodies.
Did Q demonstrate passion and imagination to Picard at some point in the episode?
It should be obvious to Picard, akin to a brick to his bald head obvious, that Q definitely has imagination, and that he has a zest for life, and most especially for HIM.
Notice how very insistent Picard is to Q in saying he has those qualities, too!
Ah, don't you just LOVE the similarities you and Q share, Picard????
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c0smic-coral · 3 months
Coral? Participating in WIP Wednesday? It’s more likely than you think!
I present, an excerpt from the upcoming next chapter of my Qcard fic, Unraveled!
“You don’t understand, Jean-Luc.”
“What don’t I understand, Q?”
That you don’t love me, Q thought. That you’re about to be tossed in a jail cell and have most likely made enemies with an entire planet, thus making diplomatic relations between Starfleet and Rexia III difficult to say the least in the future and it’s my fault. Not that I care about Starfleet personally, but that you care. That’s one thing I really love about you, mon capitaine; how you care so deeply about others. But what I do know is that you don’t truly care for me, do you? This is Q2’s doing. 
You don’t…
You don’t love me how I love you.
And we kissed. And we made love. But it’s not real. It just isn’t. And I used to think that maybe deep inside you really did love me, but you didn’t, did you? How could things change so fast if you did?
It’s hopeless, Jean-Luc. I’m sorry.
Q sighed. “I’ll explain in the cell.”
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