vigilantewives · 8 months
him having the surgeon's card for half a year means, in the event that jiwon somehow developed stomach cancer again, she can get it treated right away. before it progressed further.
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sulky-cabbage · 4 months
I was wondering About the reason gege chose to make megumi trapped inside of sukuna, and got some ideas...
don't take this super seriously it's just for fun & sorry if my English sucks.
So we know sukuna has megumi's memories from when he was possessing his body, so he thinks megumi was abandoned by his parents (because that's what megumi thinks), and knows that gojo took him in and is almost a parental figure...
He said this while in Megumi's body btw.
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(He killed ate his brother in the womb, and possibly killed his mother too? We need that backstory ASAP)
you could say he was born cursed, he killed those closest to him just by being born.
He could gain respect and devotion, and fear, and all that because of his strength, but not true love.
we know yoruzu loved him, but he didn't reciprocate nor did he take her seriously, because he doesn't see her as an equal, she doesn't get him, he doesn't connect with her.
She's like all the other people that love him and revere him for his power.
(*cough* like Uraume *cough*)
because those below him don't understand.
He can't find love beacuse he can't find an equal.
he's one of a kind.
(Reminds me of that video of the last kauai bird singing to a female that will never respond because he's the last of his kind, it's actually so sad..)
So he reincarnated as a curse!!
and kashimo called him out on this, why did you come back?? didn't you die?? Are you perhaps looking for something??
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And him saying love is worthless right after killing gojo too, like... this was his chance to find love but it didn't work out 😢
If he truly didn't care about it then what is this???
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He incarnated in the same era that satoru was born, what are the odds??
He was ruminating yorozu's words in his head every time he sees gojo, he can't help but think of love when he sees him, because he's the strongest person he fought, the closest to actually reach him.
But when even gojo couldn't keep up, he gave up for real, All this talk about not needing love, he's saying this because love is the thing he can't have, so he's like fuck love who needs it? its worthless i have everything I need.
He doesn't want to feel helpless, he's like: who said I even wanted love in the first place?? Baka!! (Tsunkuna is very real)
Doesn't mean he's gonna just forget about gojo though, what he felt during the fight with gojo was incomparable with anything he ever felt.
And I would say he needed to lose gojo to realize this..
Like... what is this...Sukuna???
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He hasn't been the same since he killed Gojo I'M TELLING YOU!!
He's starting to question himself after centuries!!
What changed?? Huh Sukuna????
So...back to megumi
When gojo hugged him in the fight, we were wondering if he's hugging megumi or sukuna..
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I think the point is that HE'S HUGGING THEM BOTH!!!
(He's also doing it to avoid getting cut off by sukuna, pun intended)
Gojo hugging Sukuna is the equivalent of hugging a cat that keeps scratching you lol.
And when sukuna did the same and bypassed gojo's infinity [which only sukuna managed to do by the way] the result was gojo's death, like?? Sukuna really be killing everything he touches huh... this and his poor baby brother.
We know one of Satoru's main goals is that he doesn't want anyone to feel lonely..
And he felt like he failed to do that!! He couldn't keep up, once sukuna reached him and bypassed his infinity he immediately died.
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I guess the parallelism between sukuna and megumi is being symbolized by megumi looking all depressed and lonely inside of sukuna, they're the same, and satoru tried to save both.
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The fact that megumi's name means blessing, and he's inside sukuna the king of curses...
I guess it was implied megumi was a blessing to gojo in that scene when he found him.
And he asked him to become stronger to keep up with him..
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And he did!! But as a vessel of sukuna..
Gege what does that mean..
is Love the strongest curse? Or is it a blessing?👀
Gege Are you even doing this on purpose??
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sillygoose067 · 5 months
Charles’s Angel(s)
Ch. 33
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
The next few days pass with a kind of mundaneness, going through the motions of your everyday life as usual. You text and call Charles in between breaks, usually late at night, because, as Sabrina Carpenter said, “I’m working late, ‘cause I’m a singer [and music producer]”. 
Charles sends you a text one night. Are your suitcases packed?
…No,why?, you reply.
You didn’t forget that I’m taking you with me to LA, did you?
Shit. It had completely slipped your mind with how busy you’d been on a recent project. 
…I did. Ok, thanks for the reminder though, I’ll get that done ASAP.
When’s the flight?
Of course, baby. I knew you had a lot on your mind. Flight’s in 2 days, I’ll pick you up around 1:30 pm, we board at 2:45.
The day of the flight, the moment Charles steps into your place, you drop everything and rush to him, hugging him tightly. He oofs in surprise but then reciprocates. “I missed you”, you mumble into his hoodie, squeezing him tighter. 
When you part, he regards you with soft eyes and a little smile, cupping your cheek (which you lean into), and bending down to leave a peck on your lips. “I missed you too Cherie.”
By the time you’re boarding the plane, which you find out is somewhat private, meant to transport all the grid drivers to their destinations together, you are a ball of nervous energy. Now that you knew that the other drivers and their WAGs (a term Marie taught you, now that the two of you were a part of the category) would be there, you were worried about first impressions. 
You hear loud laughter coming from inside the aircraft, and Charles manages to drag you in. You feel all eyes turn to you as your boyfriend pulls you along to your seats. You stand awkwardly, unsure of how to act when one of the women rises and welcomes you, taking your hand to come sit with her instead. “Hello! I’m Francisca, but just call me Kika. I’m Pierre’s girlfriend. Come sit with me and the girls so we can get to know each other more. Us women need to stick together, you know?”
Turning to Charles, you silently ask if it’s alright for you to leave your intended seat and join the WAGs instead. You get your answer when one of the other drivers, Max? claps Charles on the shoulder and hands him a Nintendo controller, plopping down into your original seat as Charles shrugs at you.
You get introduced to Kelly, Lily, Heidi, Lily Z., Carmen, and Rebecca, all wonderful, beautiful women. You share stories about your different occupations, and how each person met their partner. You meet P, Max and Kelly’s daughter, a sweet little girl bubbling over in curiosity. When it’s your turn to share, you tell the ladies about California being your home state, and one of your plans being to go to some beaches. 
“Wow! Can we come too?”, asks Kika. 
“Sure, I’m sure Charles won’t mind.”
“Yay! Ok, I’ll just check with Pierre, he should be fine with it.”
“And I’ll talk to Carlos. There’s no way that man’s going to refuse me”, says Rebecca slyly. 
Kelly tells you that unfortunately, she’d already made plans to take Penelope to Disneyland, and Lily, Alex’s girlfriend, tells you that she’d love to come, but she has a golf tournament the entirety of her stay. 
The eight of you bond over how cute your drivers are and predict how the next GP will go.
When you land in LA, you’re met with a sweltering heat you certainly hadn’t missed. The staff drop all of you off at our respective hotels. Charles changes out of his sweater and into a T-shirt. You decide to stay in for the day and rest. 
“Wow! An infinity pool! That’s so cool, I’ve never seen one before!”, you exclaim excitedly as you skip around the hotel room– No, actually, the hotel suite because your boyfriend just didn’t know how to even pretend to be broke. Not that you minded, duh. Poor man had to follow you around as you yanked him around by the arm. 
You both take some cooling showers and change into some thinner clothes for the sake of not melting into the ground from the heat.
Refreshed and lazing around in each other’s comfort, Charles rolls on top of you. “Oof”, you groan. He simply ignores you and lays his head on your stomach while you run your fingers through his hair. “Cheri, I think I’m going to take a nap like this.”
You let out a horrified shriek. “Charles! I will literally die if you do that. You DO know that you have a huge head… and a lot of it is from your ego.”
He tickles you in response and you squeal, squirming to get out from under him, but his weight on top of you traps you, his fingers relentles. When you finally manage to take a breath, cheeks flush and glowing, hair askew, Charles pulls out his phone and snaps a picture of you. “What was that for?”
“Mmm, I finally have the perfect lock screen wallpaper, duh.” He sticks his tongue out at you.
You hum, unable to move yet. “Your fingers are evil”, you comment. 
Your boyfriend just lifts his head and smirks, mirth in his eyes. “Really? You’ll be saying something VERY different about my fingers in a few months.”
You just quirk an eyebrow, confused by what he means when it hits you. Somehow you find it in you to smack him. “Charles, ewwww!” And the little bitch just cackles. You mumble something into your arm. 
“What was that baby?”
You whine, refusing to repeat, but he pokes your stomach again and you’d rather not be tickled again while you’re already so weak from the last round. “I said… it might not take a few months…”, and somehow you manage to turn even redder while you watch his eyes widen and pupils dilate.
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ireneaesthetic · 2 years
Hey! Hope you're doing well!
I just wanted to ask you: what do you think about the scene after they found out that was Sara the one who told August, where Wille is chasing Simon and he doesn't want to be hugged... I really get that he's overwhelmed and that he feels he can't trust anyone anymore, but it's quite hard the way he push Wille away and it confuses me a bit. Maybe because he doesn't want to be seen having a breakdown and he feels more comfortable talking and crying with Rosh and Ayub... but idk. Anyway I thought you probably have a nice and better pov. Thank you in advance!
Hii, hope you're doing well too (and sorry for the late late answer). 💜
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This whole scene ... ouch. this is simon's breaking point, it has been said more than once and it's written all over him, in his expression, tone of voice, his quick steps to leave asap. He well knows what betrayal feels like by know, but sara's confession hits harder and so close to home - too close.
He doesn't even let himself cry or vent whatever he's feeling, but soon turns around to step out of the situation and her sight when he comes to the heavy realization. He doesn't wait to be followed, because he doesn't want for anyone to follow him. He really just "wants to go home".
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Simon rejecting wille's hug is confusing if seen from wille's pov - he reaches out to comfort, to make simon aware he's right there for him to let it all out - but not as much from simon's pov, at least to me. I totally get his rejection in this specific moment: the comfort of a hug isn't the thing he's looking for, but rather spending time alone to process and deal with the weight of his emotions by himself first. he gives priority to what he needs and feels best for him to do, i find it so important. Is he a bit too hursh in pushing wille away? probably, but i can't blame him honestly.
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And the best thing is that wilhelm understands him too: he forces simon into the hug at first, but takes a step back when he knows it won't be reciprocated and he's been asked for space. simon's emotional state needed a hug, but he simply wasn't in the right mindset to take it.
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purpledaisiesthings · 5 months
I feel like I'm one of the very few Dimone shippers left 😭
I'm sorry but they are my engame....PERIOD
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I recently rewatched season 1 & 2 and I was reminded that that man has truly been in love with her from day 1. In a way, he has always been waiting on the sidelines for her. But there never seemed to be the right time for them.
I do feel like they haven't really done their story justice. I hated the love triangle but then again it's a cw show so it's expected lol. One of the things I missed in season 2 was how they were always leaning on each other. TBF, they actually had a few of those moments but because season 1 set the pace for their relationship, I expected to see even more in season 2. I love how they just get each other equally. She knows him so well, and he knows her so well. Their relationship is reciprocal. They are eachother's person. It's almost like they literally can't do without the other.
Season 2 ended on a cliffhanger on who she picks. If it's Lando (just to mess with us), then she will eventually make her way to Damon and they finally get their timing right. OR, she picks Damon (I'm 99.9% sure it's Damon) but they break up for just a short time, go through some drama but find their way back to eachother. It's a teen drama tv show afterall. They're not gonna have it easy. Either way, all roads lead to Damon.
To me, it just makes sense if they're endgame. They've shared a deep bond since day 1. They are the love story that they've been telling since the beginning. Everything has been consistently leading up to their endgame. That has to count for something. I don't care what anyone else says....they are THE SHIP of the show, the backbone of the show both individually and together.
I really need them to get back to the original formula in season 3, for their relationship, the friendship group and also for Damon's character. I need that cocky, confident, "I ain't no number 2," Mr MLB, swaggy, smooth, and arrogant Damon who is also kind hearted, smart, considerate, wears his heart on a sleeve, emotionally intelligent, wonderful friend brother and son.
Anyways, I'll probably just watch the first and last episodes and just follow up on what's happening on social media. Then I'll watch the whole season depending on how it ends. I ain't putting myself through all that just incase I hate the ending.
I need that friends to lovers arc asap 😭
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bcbdrums · 3 months
Any and all soul eater ships? I know crossstitch and soma but are there others?
I answered this before but I don't feel like digging up the post, lol. So here we gooooooo..... Only lightly touching on the first two.
Soul x Maka = perfection. I'll elaborate should anyone wish, heheh.
Stein x Spirit = extremely messy perfection (my fave flavor). I actually prefer them platonically but I don't knock the romance. It shows up in my fics here and there lol.
Not going into those two cuz I already do that in other posts and you already know those, so moving on....
Black Star x Tsubaki = I know a lot of folks prefer them as a found family vibe, but they're no different than Soul and Maka. Teens who once grown up, have found their other. These two with all their quirks absolutely complete each other. And it's one of those things...again like Soul and Maka, where they don't need a...big moment of love declaration, or confused and gradual realization of feelings... They already know. And it's just that matter of...coming of age to where they step into that next phase of life, you know? (manga spoiler here) aahhhhhh just imagining Black Star and Tsu raising little Angela! The absolute chaos, that would be so fantastic!
Kid x Liz = they're also a found family (with Patty) but I see them....as they get older, Liz realizing her feelings of protectiveness are something far deeper.... and she keeps it to herself, doesn't wanna mess with what they have. Until it's one day hurting her in the future, how much she loves him and can't do anything about it. And Kid notices she's not well, and asks her, so she just tells him cuz it's the easiest thing... and much, much to her surprise he fully reciprocates her feelings! Aaaaahhh!! I've mentally written that fic so many times I can hear their voices. Kid by his nature just doesn't have any of that as a priority, so he would not be the one to bring it up. It would definitely be Liz.
Stein x Marie = since they are sooooooo different between the two canons I'm still wrapping my head around my feelings for these two, in terms of how they come together. I think manga gives them a much stronger foundation. (so manga commentary here) Stein is obviously interested in her from the beginning, but the dude ain't gonna make a move it's not his nature. Marie... she has this sort of ideal picture in her head, and Stein while she loves him doesn't fit the bill so she's got her own issues to overcome. That's one of the things I love about them in manga... We don't get to see what happened offscreen sadly, but, we can surmise that just by nature of their being there for each other and the day to day stuff they had to do in exile... she was able to forget about her "gotta get married asap and do the housewife/nuclear family thing" and actually let herself....be herself. With Stein. And get to know him past her duty and her own issues. And Stein too, in a very new situation, recovering from madness and trying to figure out what on earth to do with his feelings. I need to give this more thought, but, I know they're still learning each other but also that they're good for each other. Anime... idk man, I don't feel it as hard there. (And Stein and Spirit are still soulmates in both canons regardless fite me.)
Ox x Harvar = we needed a lot more of Harvar in general but we needed Harvar pining after Ox okay? Okay. You can tell this dude will follow his meister to the ends of the Earth and beyond (like Kim and Jackie) but it's also pretty one-sided (also for Kim and Jackie, on Jackie's part.... just easier to see that in the story since the author likes girls and seems a bit anti-gay guys...). But anyway. Yeah I could see Harvar slowly and slowly winning Ox over one day with his absolute faithfulness.... ah! I love angst.
Ox x Kim = (manga spoilers) it's freaking canon first of all they're an actual dating couple, but also maaaaaan that dude's love and devotion for her....! My gosh. Those are some of my favorite chapters, absolutely phenomenal.
Black Star x Patty = chaos duo, enough said.
Sid x Naigus = that's just canon and awesome. Power couple. Also there's the vibe that she's older (like Tsu and Black Star) and that's kinda neat too, the slightly older voice of wisdom. I don't think about them much tho.
That's all that's leaping out at me... If I've forgotten something I'll add to this later. Kilik gets no one, sorry lol. I have some NOTP's as well, but you didn't ask about those haha.
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rp-partnerfinder · 5 months
hello everyone ! i'm on the lookout for a couple of 18+ writers who may be up for writing oc x oc rps within the dark romance genre, which may or may not heavily favour booktok vibes for rp inspiration (ifykyk 🫡). yours truly is an adv.lit–novella writer (this means i'll max out the discord message limits multiple times per reply and i would like that reciprocated to some extent though i will adjust to your general length and shift my lengths according to what the scene needs. though 2 messages is my minimum, and my max is untested as of yet, so bring all the details and pretty prose to me because i'll devour it like the cookie monster 🍽). and to provide some info on me, i'm a twenty+, she/her writer who favours the third person perspective and has a hard-on for writing f characters in mxf, with an additional preference towards writing with other f writers (so mdni) and for everyone else be reassured that my f characters are far from typical, my girls are often dark, twisted and obsessive in their own ways and will send your boys on the ride of a lifetime, scouts honour to that.
i might write a lot, but i do also reply slowly and am a very understanding partner, so an average of 1 reply per week is very brilliant per my standards and all i'll truly require is for the space between replies to be bridged with ooc planning and sharing of headcanons, plot dev, using tuppers for small text ideas, etc. on this note, if you can not communicate effectively or hold a conversation with equal effort to what i'm putting in, then i'm likely not the writer for you. your girl is a certified and proud yapper who has an undying love for analysing our ocs, plots, and dynamics !! i'm a huge sucker for collaboration regarding the plot and i will push for brainstorming headcanons and plotlines before we start the rp, for sharing pinboards, tiktok vibes, music and media that remind us of the ocs, and i sincerely need this interaction to upkeep my interest so please give it to me !!
for tropes, i'd love to explore ones like possessiveness**, obsession**, rich kids gone wild**, step-siblings** (plsplspls), toxic x toxic, power imbalances, killer x stalker, dark side of the entertainment industry (music, acting, hollywood or kpop/jrock), modern aristocracy, old money v new money, dark academia, sports, arranged marriages and more.
and a side note here, but i'm mainly interested in writing ocs between the ages of 18 – and 26 as of now (flashbacks to younger ages are fine) and i do NOT enjoy large age gaps so please come at me with oc ideas within this same age range. i also need to leave a note that i have a preference for model fcs or lesser-known actor fcs– the only exception for popular actors would be if they're foreign such as kdrama actors or if you ask for suggestions and i mention it but otherwise, i'm not interested in the common fcs and am fine with using no fcs too. i'm totally with writing smut, cool with darker kinks too or doing fade-to-black based on your preference. but dear god, i need our ocs to be villainous and toxic and just a little problematic.
if this ad appeals to you, then hit the post with a like, and i'll get back to you asap.
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
Empyrean’s Advent: Day 4
Prompt: “Oh honey you look miserable.”
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Sick Reader
Wordcount: 878
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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿ ‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
“Oh honey you look miserable!” Wanda cooed as she came into your bedroom holding several plastic bags.
She wasn’t wrong either, you were currently slumped up against the headboard, your face flushed with heat. You had been feeling unsteady the night before, but neither you nor Wanda had anticipated that the next morning you would have woken with a raging cold, one so awful you were forced to spendable the majority of the day in a fever-fueled haze practically unable to leave your bed.
Beside your half-empty bottle of water, crumpled tissues littered your nightstand several of which spilling off and forming their own small mound next to the empty box laying on the floor.
“You’re back.” Your voice was a hoarse remnant of its former cheery tone.
Wanda smiled as she hung the coat she was wearing on the back of the door, “It was okay, abit boring without your sarcastic side-comments. Seriously it was so dull that we had to resort to looking at funny-shaped clouds for entertainment. Even Nat was bored, she even told me that when I got home I have to take super good care of you so that you can come back into work asap.”
You gave a small smile at that, “I’ve missed you.” You sniffled and rubbed your nose against your blanket, trying and failing to stave off the itch inside, “Hh-huh’tshhiew!”
“Aw bless you. ” Your fiancé cooed, “You been doing that all day?” She asked, glancing over towards tissue mountain.
“Yeah but I’ve mainly been sleeping.” You mumbled, pulling the blanket around you as your body shivered.
“My poor baby,” Wanda sighed, “I have some things that should help you feel better.” She said with a smile, giving the shopping bags in her hands a light shake.
On one of the bags was the logo of your local pharmacy, and you sat up to get a better view as she came to perch on the edge of the bed, opening the bag infront of you.
Wanda began to take out the first item but you stopped her, raising a hand in the air as your breath caught in your throat, sending you in a fit of chesty coughing, Wanda stared worriedly, hearing your chest rattle and she gently coaxed you to take a sip of water. It seemed to help, you finally stopped coughing however moments later your nose twitched sharply.
“Hup’Tshhiew! Hh…H-Hep’TSSHIEW!”
She pulled out a box of tissues from the bag and set the box in your lap, giving it a tap, “Bless you again. I figured you might need these so I picked up afew boxes, oh and they’re the type with the lotion in them too! It should stop your nose from getting all chapped.”
“Thank you so much.” You gave a relived sigh, opening up the tissues and taking some to blow your nose before watching intently as Wanda dived back into the bag.
She pulled out 2 bottles of colourful liquid, Dayquil and Nyquil and she placed them on your nightstand, “You should probably take some of that before you go to sleep, it’ll help soothe that cough of yours.”
“Oh sweetie you’re amazing,” You sniffled, leaning forward to kiss her. When she reciprocated you tried to move deeper she pulled away, kissing your neck instead and she didn’t miss the small disappointed whine you gave.
“We can do that when you’re better sweetie, as much as I love you Y/N, Im really bot too keep on catching whatever bug you’re down with.”
You yawned widely and sank back down into the bed, “M’kay, I don’t wanna get you sick either, you always so get whiny when your sniffly, it is kinda adorable though.”
“I do not get whiny!” She laughed in a fake-offended tone but moved up to tuck the duvet closely around you, “I have something else for you too.”
“What is it?” You peaked your head over the cover curiously, you must’ve looked like a burrito in that moment, your body snuggly wrapped in blankets while only your head poked out.
Wanda reached down to grab the small brown bag on the floor and pulled something out, “Have a look.”
Your curiosity was peaked, you looked up to see Wanda holding a circular takeout container, steam rising from it. Even through your heavy congestion, you could smell the distinct aroma of Italian chicken soup. And balancing ontop of the container was a cup and you easily recognised the Starbucks logo on the front.
“The Starbucks down the road is selling limited edition ‘Winter Hot-chocolate’ I thought it’d make you feel better.” Wanda smiled, helping you shuffle upwards a little so you could take a sip.
“Oh Wands.” You sighed happily and set the cup down, “Its amazing, everything is. Thank you.”
“No problem baby.” She kissed your forehead before you sunk back into the covers, “Do you want me to pour you a bowl of this?” She signalled to the soup still in her hand.
“Sure but first cuddles,” You patted the empty spot next to you, “Please?”
Wanda smiled and put the soup ontop of your drawers, she could always reheat it later if necessary, “Who am I to deny that request, especially when you’ve asked so nicely.”
✧*̥˚ Taglist! *̥˚✧ @somber-sapphic @lyak12 @natashamyl0ve @scrambled-brain-eggs @ceiestiaie @santana1437 @lovethewhumps @likefirenrain
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findroleplay · 5 months
hello everyone ! i'm on the lookout for a couple of 18+ writers who may be up for writing oc x oc rps within the dark romance genre, which may or may not heavily favour booktok vibes for rp inspiration (ifykyk 🫡). yours truly is an adv.lit–novella writer (this means i'll max out the discord message limits multiple times per reply and i would like that reciprocated to some extent though i will adjust to your general length and shift my lengths according to what the scene needs. though 2 messages is my minimum, and my max is untested as of yet, so bring all the details and pretty prose to me because i'll devour it like the cookie monster 🍽). and to provide some info on me, i'm a twenty+, she/her writer who favours the third person perspective and has a hard-on for writing f characters in mxf, with an additional preference towards writing with other f writers (so mdni) and for everyone else be rest reassured that my f characters are far from typical, my girls are often dark, twisted and obsessive in their own ways and will send your boys on the ride of a lifetime, scouts honour to that.
i might write a lot, but i do also reply slowly and am a very understanding partner, so an average of 1 reply per week is very brilliant per my standards and all i'll truly require is for the space between replies to be bridged with ooc planning and sharing of headcanons, plot dev, using tuppers for small text ideas, etc. on this note, if you can not communicate effectively or hold a conversation with equal effort to what i'm putting in, then i'm likely not the writer for you. your girl is a certified and proud yapper who has an undying love for analysing our ocs, plots, and dynamics !! i'm a huge sucker for collaboration regarding the plot and i will push for brainstorming headcanons and plotlines before we start the rp, for sharing pinboards, tiktok vibes, music and media that remind us of the ocs, and i sincerely need this interaction to upkeep my interest so please give it to me !!
for tropes, i'd love to explore ones like possessiveness**, obsession**, rich kids gone wild**, step-siblings** (plsplspls), toxic x toxic, power imbalances, killer x stalker, dark side of the entertainment industry (music, acting, hollywood or kpop/jrock), modern aristocracy, old money v new money, dark academia, sports, arranged marriages and more.
and a side note here, but i'm mainly interested in writing ocs between the ages of 18 – and 26 as of now (flashbacks to younger ages are fine) and i do NOT enjoy large age gaps so please come at me with oc ideas within this same age range. i also need to leave a note that i have a preference for model fcs or lesser-known actor fcs– the only exception for popular actors would be if they're foreign such as kdrama actors or if you ask for suggestions and i mention it but otherwise, i'm not interested in the common fcs and am fine with using no fcs too. i'm totally with writing smut, cool with darker kinks too or doing fade-to-black based on your preference. but dear god, i need our ocs to be villainous and toxic and just a little problematic.
if this ad appeals to you, then hit the post with a like, and i'll get back to you asap.
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findyourrp · 5 months
hello everyone ! i'm on the lookout for a couple of 18+ writers who may be up for writing oc x oc rps within the dark romance genre, which may or may not heavily favour booktok vibes for rp inspiration (ifykyk 🫡). yours truly is an adv.lit–novella writer (this means i'll max out the discord message limits multiple times per reply and i would like that reciprocated to some extent though i will adjust to your general length and shift my lengths according to what the scene needs. though 2 messages is my minimum, and my max is untested as of yet, so bring all the details and pretty prose to me because i'll devour it like the cookie monster 🍽). and to provide some info on me, i'm a twenty+, she/her writer who favours the third person perspective and has a hard-on for writing f characters in mxf, with an additional preference towards writing with other f writers (so mdni) and for everyone else be reassured that my f characters are far from typical, my girls are often dark, twisted and obsessive in their own ways and will send your boys on the ride of a lifetime, scouts honour to that.
i might write a lot, but i do also reply slowly and am a very understanding partner, so an average of 1 reply per week is very brilliant per my standards and all i'll truly require is for the space between replies to be bridged with ooc planning and sharing of headcanons, plot dev, using tuppers for small text ideas, etc. on this note, if you can not communicate effectively or hold a conversation with equal effort to what i'm putting in, then i'm likely not the writer for you. your girl is a certified and proud yapper who has an undying love for analysing our ocs, plots, and dynamics !! i'm a huge sucker for collaboration regarding the plot and i will push for brainstorming headcanons and plotlines before we start the rp, for sharing pinboards, tiktok vibes, music and media that remind us of the ocs, and i sincerely need this interaction to upkeep my interest so please give it to me !!
for tropes, i'd love to explore ones like possessiveness**, obsession**, rich kids gone wild**, step-siblings** (plsplspls), toxic x toxic, power imbalances, killer x stalker, dark side of the entertainment industry (music, acting, hollywood or kpop/jrock), modern aristocracy, old money v new money, dark academia, sports, arranged marriages and more.
and a side note here, but i'm mainly interested in writing ocs between the ages of 18 – and 26 as of now (flashbacks to younger ages are fine) and i do NOT enjoy large age gaps so please come at me with oc ideas within this same age range. i also need to leave a note that i have a preference for model fcs or lesser-known actor fcs– the only exception for popular actors would be if they're foreign such as kdrama actors or if you ask for suggestions and i mention it but otherwise, i'm not interested in the common fcs and am fine with using no fcs too. i'm totally with writing smut, cool with darker kinks too or doing fade-to-black based on your preference. but dear god, i need our ocs to be villainous and toxic and just a little problematic.
if this ad appeals to you, then hit the post with a like, and i'll get back to you asap.
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
Ozzy obsessed anon here again.
Back with cursed thoughts and hypotheticals.
So remember at the beginning when Amelia came in and she was going after Ivy’s guy and in the challenge she went after Ozzy too the first challenge. Now remember also everyone thought Amelia was going to pick Ozzy when the public paired her with our guy.
I was thinking more about that and the fact that Amelia seems to be chasing the guys that are into us not her. I feel bad for her yes but she IS chasing our sloppy seconds and it IS weird like I would NEVER do that to my sister. Like every time someone has shown interest in us she then starts to go for them like. We were already couples with LJR, Roberto chose us for the date, and Ozzy has not hidden his interest in us at the challenges or when we are talking 1 on 1 AND we know Amelia saw us this past volume chatting and where she says there’s just something about the way he looks at you.
Now I know you probably see where I’m going and it’s why I called it cursed. 💀
So what if Amelia, not immediately but in the future when we finally get with Ozzy or are about too for the the absolute time (cause I think the Elliot stealing us is probably bang on the money at next recoupling) she starts to pursue him too. Omg what if she asks us to give her a shot or we finally see her be angry about wanting a chance too. OR coming up with a narrative and a way to make it seem like he’s interested in her when he’s not. Like a it’s not what it looks like thing. I wonder if at some point it’ll be like s1 Cherry who mirrors what you say to her and how you treat her and goes after who you like but more subtle. I don’t think we have anything to worry about it because Ozzy would not reciprocate like if Ozzy liked Amelia at all he’d pick her at the challenges and would never have told us he likes us 1 on 1.
I don’t think this discrepancy in the Zeph story is going away though. He is coming in, he’s definitely gonna be the unknown islander in the files I’m positive on that. I think the issues between MC and Amelia are going to reach a tipping point. My money is shit will start going south at Movie Night. I definitely think we are going to see some shady shit from Amelia that night.
I feel like we are missing major things about Amelia. That could be happening on the dl right as things are going along now. Like how the secret garden kiss happened. There’s more I just feel there’s more. I’m curious to see if Amelia is interested in Elliot too. I’m sure she will be. It’s a 8/10 chance she will be.
If Amelia had us skip prom because she didn’t want to see us with Zeph. I wonder if in that scenario we fell asleep early what if she snuck out to go to prom saw Zeph and said we weren’t feeling well.
Another note based on what Ozzy tells us about family and basically that he has a difficult relationship with his brother we all assume. I wonder if we will help him with that. Help them talk it out or something. And if it’s a mirror for our own relationship with Amelia. We are unaware the relationship has some strain but from Amelia’s pov it’s obvious she resents or is jealous of something. I think Marshall is going to be unaware of the strain on his and Ozzy’s relationship.
I would love to see Grace show interest in Elliot though. 👀 Imagine she’s into him but he steals us and Ozzy is pissed cause he wants us and was going to choose us. I’m living for the angst and that would just make that soooo good. Poor Grace, not trying to cause her more grief, but it would be sooooo good. The drama and cliff hanger for that would be so delicious.
🫣🤭😳🙃😭 those were all of my emotions reading this bc OH. MY. GAWD. IMAGINE?!?!?! Bc you’re so right there’s so much about Amelia we do not know. They keep showing us tinyyyy hints that Amelia def feels less than MC. The fact that the Zeph stories don’t match up is so sus. And why did we not get the chance to question Amelia about that?? I need to know about prom night asap!! Bc I like ur theory and think it’s right.
I would DIE for the angsty stolen recoupling moment with Elliot!! So I really hope that happens.
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mahoutoons · 2 years
sonic frontiers thoughts
alright i just finished watching all the cutscenes of sonic frontiers and here are my unorganized thoughts.
non spoilery thoughts:
spoilery thoughts
sonic and amy both sounds like they're going through puberty
sonic is so powerful if he can handle being thrown a great distance by a titan without breaking at least a few bones
i love how sonic shows concern for his friends. like he asks them how they're feeling being ghostly.
sonic dancing every time he gets a chaos emerald is cute
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amy is just so kind, i love her. she wouldn't even abandon a koco.
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knuckles would punch a child for sonic and i think that's so romantic.
speaking of shipping, this game is really feeding the sonamy and sonknux shippers.
this will be my approach to sonic discourse from now on
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also love that knuckles told sonic he's useless underwater he went straight for the throat lmao
i love how they addressed the trauma of the events of forces, AND that one scene with tails. because forces was.... forces, we forget how traumatic it actually was. and sonic asking tails if he wants to talk because he's worried.... this is good stuff. i need ian flynn to rewrite sonic forces asap.
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sageee my poor baby girl :(
also that vocal theme that played during sage's flashbacks... someone give me the adoption papers i've got a child to adopt.
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also eggman being genuinely upset at sage's death.... :(
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also i'm gonna need an idw spinoff of that road trip between amy, cream, and sticks asap. get on it, flynn and stanley!
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OKAY FINAL THOUGHTS: god this was so much fun! i know others have already said it but SONIC IS BACK BABY!!! i love all the characters arcs flynn gave tails, knuckles, and amy. i love sonic's interactions with all of his friends. and sage, my god she's already become a fave of mine. she's such an interesting and tragic character. she may be a digital girl but she's still a child and all she wanted was to be loved. and she sacrificed herself in the end. and eggman did care about her, in his own way as sonic said. god the wait was certainly worth it.
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sablelab · 2 years
Covert Operations - Chapter 231
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SYNOPSIS: Murtagh recalls times when his godson and Claire proved their loyalty to Section One.  Jamie and Claire make their way to their destiny while those in the hub of Section sense that new beginnings are imminent.
THANK YOU all for supporting this story, for your feedback, for your likes and for reblogging each chapter. I am so grateful that you are still enjoying Covert Operations.  Thank you all so much. 👋
Chapter 230 and all other chapters can be found at … https://sablelab.tumblr.com/covertoperations 
 *This can also be read on AO3
“Jamie!  Could you and Claire make your way to the Perch ASAP.  There are some pressing matters that need to be addressed.”
James Fraser looked at Claire and nodded.  The order they had been waiting for had finally arrived.  The Head of Centre wanted them to come to the Perch to hand over the Chain of Command.  Now was the moment when it all would become real. All they had discussed with their uncles and with Letitia Chisholm about taking over the leadership was upon them, and once they walked out this door of Jamie’s office their lives would change. As the new Operations his workplace would be in the Perch and she would inherit Madeline’s old office as his second in command.  Their level status would change too, and no longer would Jamie be a Level 5 operative, but would be promoted to the level he deserved and was more than entitled to … Level 9. Claire’s level as well would change given the new position she would hold. However, despite this, they were not going to change, they would still be the same person, albeit playing a different role within the organisation … but it was those in Section who would ultimately do so.  They would still be able to go into the field as they had always done if needs be, and on those occasions that they had to be away from Section, Letitia Chisholm had offered to step in when required.  As the founder of Section One she was the obvious choice to take command when they were on missions or downtime.  Leading by example was their code of behaviour and it was how they would take Section into the future. 
Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser noticed the unspoken glances they exchanged and felt a surge of pride course through his body.  The moment he had waited for was imminent.  His godson and the woman he loved as a daughter would take over the reins of Section One this very day.  These two special people were on the precipice for a long-awaited new regime.  He knew that all the operatives would be as ecstatic as he, and he couldn’t wait to tell Bóinne and Fergus that change was happening.
“Are ye ready Claire … to face our destiny?” Jamie asked taking her hand in his and squeezing her fingers gently.
“With you by my side … always Jamie,” she replied reciprocating his gesture.
Bursting with the pride he could not contain Murtagh added, “All of your friends in Section have waited for this day Jamie.  They will be with you all the way as you both start this new journey together.”
“Thank ye Murtagh.  We appreciate yer support truly.”
Jamie and Claire, both gave him a furtive glance and placing their Section faces on … walked towards the door, leaving his godfather to remain behind for just a moment to collect his thoughts.  Murtagh’s grin however was contagious.
Although his godson had been at Section One for some years, he’d no real ambitions of being the leader until the time was appropriate. Jamie had all the qualities that the Head of Centre would have admired and Claire complimented him perfectly. Their paring and subsequent team leadership had made them the best of the best, so he knew that they were certainly the only choice to be the new leaders of Section One. His godson and his partner had been undervalued as operatives for far too long, while the extraneous things that Madeline and Dougal had subjected them to over the years were intolerable. Cancellation threats, mind altering drugs, manipulation, Protocol One directives and constant challenges thrown in their way had been obstacles they had overcome, and triumphed over. But then again, they were also challenges they had met head on, therefore because of them, both Jamie and Claire had become stronger and more resilient.  It was ultimately these issues relayed to Colum Mackenzie about Madeline and Operations that he’d highlighted in his dossiers, which were instrumental in the verdict brought down by the Head of Centre. 
He had watched them become resourceful, loyal and respected by other operatives. If given a choice, all those in Section would unanimously back Jamie and Claire now that they were to be given the reins of leadership. This had been the case when Operations had gone berserk in Section and a rebellion nearly resulted. Operatives had stood as one with Jamie and Claire on that occasion. It was clear that operatives had feared Operations and Madeline and the consequences of their actions should they fail an assignment.  On the other hand, they admired, respected, and feared James Fraser, not for what may happen to them if a mission was not successful, but more so that they had let him down when he had given his all to keep them safe. Many, if not all, admired his and Claire’s tenacity and loyalty to each other and to Section One. They saw in him the potential for a great leader who valued their efforts in the field, unlike their superiors who valued only the successes and punished the failures by subjecting their operatives to cancellation. 
Murtagh Fitzgibbons remembered another incident that demonstrated their loyalty to Section and its people.  It had occurred some months before the Rising Dragons’ missions when Ralph Mowen, a member of Jamie’s team had returned from their mission in Scotland. That incident nearly caused the demise of Section One and all who worked there, had it not been for Jamie and Claire.
Ralph had given him two small evidence cases containing vials of residue he had collected on the terminated mission that needed to be analysed by Biotech. However soon after Mowen had dropped off the cases, as he crossed the floor to Comm, he began to wince and rub his temples as if he was just hit with a headache. He’d watched from his station, as Ralph started to leave, but the operative had felt something trickle down his nose and had wiped it away with his finger. On looking down he saw a smear of blood. For a moment he just looked perplexed as to what and why this had happened … then the pain hit him. Mowen yelled out in agony, then collapsed onto the floor. Before anyone could reach him, he started to convulse, blood streaming down his face. He had come down with a lethal genetically modified bacteria contagion ... an anthrax variant, that had penetrated all inside Section One.  Not only did he fall ill and eventually die a painful death, but the contagion went through Section like wildfire until over 92% of personnel was infected and many operatives also died.
On hearing this his friend Fergus immediately sprang into action. While all those around him were in panic mode Fergus Claudel seemed to be the only one on the floor who kept his head. His buddy was the hero of the situation, showing incredible calmness and control in the face of imminent death. While other operatives crumpled around him, he managed to keep a level head and stayed on top of every aspect of Comm. Keying in an emergency code he alerted all in Section to the bio hazard warning and to proceed to a containment area. All operatives had fifteen seconds to do so, after which the bio-containment shields dropped down over all doorways and exits.  Those people who did not have a chance to reach a containment area were trapped in the Common Area or Section hallways for the duration of the segregation. Sadly, those operatives caught there either died, or were dying with the same symptoms as what Ralph Mowen had.
Although Jamie and Claire had also been on the mission, monitoring it from a Section van, they had not entered the building where Mowen had been. The mission however, was a ploy. They had been set up by a terrorist group knowing that once any Section operative was in the building, they would become infected.  The enemy knew that the operative would come back to Section to report their findings.  Jamie and Claire were in isolation and were ordered to find the scientist who had been coerced in setting up this deadly scenario. They needed a liquid or injectable antibiotic that could be sprayed through the air system or administered by injection to save all in Section including himself.  Operations had even dictated an End Game scenario to those inside the building… Situation, critical.  End Game procedures are in place. All relevant files ... will be downloaded to a secure site. If the antibiotic ... is ineffective ..., I have programmed an incineration plan ... to contain the outbreak.
The escalating jeopardy of a deadly bacteria loose in Section drove Jamie and Claire to reveal the true core of their personalities. Because of the dire situation they had the perfect opportunity to destroy all there, and begin a new life away from Section One. Instead, they had obtained the antidote and had saved everyone from a painful, horrible death and the Section from certain disintegration. Their loyalty under these trying circumstances never wavered and the two of them did all they could to save as many operatives as possible. When they arrived back with the antidote, Fergus had said to them, “You don't need to come in. You can just leave the antibiotic.”
To which Jamie had replied … “Ye need all the help ye can get. Hurry up!” “That's crazy. You'll be infected for sure. You don't even know if the antibiotic works yet.” Claire had been adamant that they were not going anywhere. “Open the doors Fergus … Now!”
Thinking back on the situation as he watched Jamie and Claire begin to leave his office, Murtagh grinned with the knowledge that they would make the perfect leaders of Section.  
Because of the situation back at Section One, they had been given the chance to start a life together away from this hellhole, to live freely with no one looking over their shoulders, but had refused to do so.  He knew that the compassion they had both shown would indeed be the building block on which their leadership would grow and flourish. The most compelling aspect of the situation Jamie and Claire found themselves in, was the collision of the personal choices they could have made with the professional aspect of their characters.  When they returned with the antibiotic, they also deliberately exposed themselves to the bacteria in order to deliver the cure to their friends.  Had it not worked, they too would have died with their companions.
Jamie and Claire were so professionally in sync with one another in order to save those in Section, for that was their main goal not the fact they could have been free.   Had they not, all would have died a cruel death. It was this kind of leadership that they exhibited, that had been irrefutable. Leaders who gave their all for their personnel were extremely powerful in fostering like ethos in others. Operatives from all sections were in awe of Jamie and Claire and their manner in dealing with people. They were ruthless, when needed to be, compassionate and decisive and showed courage under fire. They put their life on the line time after time but expected no more of their team. Respect was earned. Jamie and Claire had that respect and admiration.
Operatives also had the added benefit of Claire acting as a go between if they needed to negotiate or plead with Jamie. His Sugar was emotionally caring; Jamie was one of them, a man who had come up through the ranks of Section, albeit quicker than others though. They had watched, as he became the penultimate operative, a man who was more deserving of more than the Level 5 status that he held. Operatives had seen that Claire would go to almost any lengths to keep them alive on missions, and while Jamie would sacrifice them if no other course was available, they also knew he would do the same. He asked for diligence and loyalty … nothing more than he would expect of himself. He appeared ruthless … he was, ruthless, ruthless in all aspects of control, profiling and in play manoeuvres, but this was his guise for expecting excellence from his team on missions. He knew that Jamie and Claire would never do anything that would jeopardize themselves or their team or compromise each other in any way, something which was the antithesis of Operations and Madeline’s mode of operation and control. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
His godson, James Fraser, and his partner, Claire Beauchamp, were leaders who led by example. They were perfect for the role they were about to take on, and he couldn’t wait to assist them in any way they saw fit.  
“I believe in you two,” Murtagh Fitzgibbons called out after them as they exited Jamie’s office hand in hand.
Jamie and Claire both stopped and looked back at his godfather. “Thank ye Murtagh, truly.”
The grin on the older operative’s face was one of immense pride in this young couple.  He knew that his godson and his Sugar would take over this role as Section’s leaders with the same tenacity that they faced any challenge … together.
“The very best luck … not that you’ll need it. I know you are both up to the challenge.”
Seeing the beaming grin on his face, Claire smiled at her friend in appreciation. “That means a lot to us Murtagh.”
The munition’s expert watched them leave as he too exited the door behind them to make his way to the Common Area.  He planned to meet up with his fiancée Bóinne, his pal Fergus and Marsali to observe what was going to be a momentous occasion in the Perch.  He could not wait to see the reaction of their colleagues when the announcement was made.
In the hub of Section …
Making their way back through the Common Area, James Fraser and Claire Beauchamp gave the impression of a Power Couple to all those who were witnessing their presence as they made their way towards the aerie, where the Head of Centre and the others were waiting for them.  The operatives had observed them this morning when they had arrived in Section, and then again when they returned from the Committee Room after the inquisition with Section’s past leaders.  Now as they watched them approach again, their vibes about the two of them brought forwards feelings of anticipation and change for the better.  The Section One they once knew would be irrevocably reformed with these two operatives at the helm.  Everyone knew it.  They couldn’t hide their joy at the prospect that at long last Section One would have leaders of the calibre of James Fraser and his partner Claire Beauchamp. Every person was overjoyed at the prospect of new beginnings.
“Jesus H Roosevelt Christ!” Claire exclaimed as she noticed the grinning faces of the Section personnel.
“What is it, Sassenach?”
“We are being watched again. This time the looks on the operatives’ faces is quite different from the times before.”
Jamie was in agreeance of her observations. “Aye, ‘tis Claire.  It is because they ken why we are heading to the Perch.  They have seen the Head of Centre, as well as Colum and Letitia there.  They have put two and two together where we are concerned.  They now realise that they wouldna be there for no reason.  They are there because of us.”
“They look happy Jamie.”
“Indeed, they do mo ghràidh. Verra happy. It is a new beginning for them as well as us.  They ken that things will change for the better, and the life they kent before with Madeline and Operations will be no longer.”
“Section One will be all the better with you as its head, my love.”
“We are a partnership Sassenach, and I couldna have done this without ye.”
Claire smiled at Jamie with all the love and pride she could feel in her heart for her partner in crime. She just knew that all would be well, for Section was in the most capable of hands.
Observing their body language, the operatives in the Common Area could tell by James Fraser and Claire Beauchamp’s bearing, that their footsteps in unison and their stoic demeanour were all evidence of their new status.  These two individuals were on a trajectory of significance and greatness, albeit one that would also benefit all who resided in Section One.  They were the preeminent couple who knew Section inside and out, from the secret non surveillance meeting locations they themselves had met in from time to time, the classified areas, the different levels of expertise, as well as the hub of Section where all the action happened.  They were destined this day to take command of the realm of this organisation and take it into the twenty first century.  James Fraser and Claire Beauchamp were the new breed of leader, one who got their hands dirty, one who worked alongside their team to achieve results, and one who would see that Section One evolved as the institution it was meant to be. 
All those who were observing their walk to the aerie knew that they were watching the changing of the guard at Section One. This time, everything would be very different. Jamie and Claire’s rule would be more humanistic, more compassionate more empathetic.  Under their leadership Section’s members would be highly trained professionals, recruited differently than that of convicted or falsely accused criminals and where regardless of gender, all would be valued based on their skills and position not on their sex.
Madeline and Operations saw compassion as a weakness to be overcome, but this was a strength to Jamie and particularly Claire. She was Section's personified conscience, James Fraser, the one who was highly respected and esteemed. He was tough, loyal but fair. In the past Jamie had to shut down and hide his humanity in order to survive, but this character trait would undoubtedly be a cornerstone to his and Claire’s leadership. When life and death hung in the balance, he and Claire were willing to die for each other, which made them stand out for what they believed and for what they were willing to sacrifice.  Together they would bring balance to all Section members professionally as well as personally to live as normal a life as possible despite the job they needed to do.
As a Power Couple they were hands down a force to be reckon with. These two operatives complimented each other's strengths and supported each other's individual qualities that would hold them in good stead in their new role. They empowered each other while at the same time wanting to succeed together in anything that they did as leaders of Section for the good of the world. That is what made them a formidable Power Couple. Their relationship was driven by trust and confidence in each other, encouraging one another to be the best individuals they could be.  They were the ying to each other’s yang, and together they would bring positivity to those around them.  
The operatives watching knew that there was always a certain menace that hung in the air with megalomaniac Operations and Machiavellian Madeline as leaders.  Their leadership was heartless and cruel, and the only thing that kept them busier than killing terrorists was killing their own employees.  Their relationship was fractured and self-serving, whereas James Fraser’s and Claire Beauchamp’s partnership was their strongest bond. They were equals who supported and respected one another.  They were each other’s best friend, completely comfortable with each other, and truly enjoyed each other’s company. They brought out the best in one another. This strong relationship would certainly filter down from the top and would impact in how other operatives viewed their colleagues in future endeavours.
The men and women of Section were excited to see this new leadership style come to fruition.  They had a bird’s eye view from the hub of Section, and would be able to see everything that transpired in the Perch.  They waited anxiously with expectation to see what happened when Jamie and Claire arrived where the Head of Centre, Oversight and Letitia Chisholm were waiting for them.
As their footsteps neared the corridor and the staircase that led up to the Perch, Claire couldn’t help but ponder on what had actually brought them both to this moment in time.
Through all their ups and downs in the past, they were now in a place where their relationship was strengthened by all the shared moments they had endured on missions, and none more so than the twists and turns of the Rising Dragons’ mission itself. It was these exploits that had cemented their relationship, and despite what they had endured there, it had only strengthened their bond by the shared experiences.
Nevertheless, it was these life lessons that as the new leaders of Section One they would use to create and set goals for the organisation.  They would be able to accomplish them together in a collaborative way with their operatives. Validating these values and beliefs, would only strengthen their two-way trust with the Section personnel. She had great confidence in this remarkable man beside her, whose decisions would take Section one in the direction it needed to go, and if this trust was reciprocated then anything was possible. They were both completely motivated in making appropriate changes in Section a reality by bouncing ideas off one another, and being accountable for their choices.  Common goals and forward vision for a new Section One would be beneficial for all in the institution.
Thinking back to her recruitment, the biggest struggle for her in the beginning was to find her identity in Section without losing her own soul and compassion. Sadly, her empathy was a weakness that Madeline and Operations hammered home that she must overcome. But she never did comply to their directives in this matter, that is except when under the influence of the Gelman mind altering procedure they had administered on her. Instead, she found the love of her life with the man who now would inherit the leadership legitimately and have the power to be an agent of change within Section. Her Jamie was the epitome of sangfroid, dignity and self-assurance. He’d had to be cold, ruthless and dually acquiescent at times, yet rebellious to the games and machinations of Operations and Madeline more times than she could remember. However, he’d forge a new beginning for those who worked within Section from hence forth. Blessed with charm, good looks, mental and physical strength, skill with weapons and exceptional intelligence, at times Jamie seemed to also have the luck of the Irish, always finding the resources and grace to move forward despite the surveillance of Madeline and Operations of his every move. As he adopted a new persona, Jamie revealed a new shade of his soul to her. It was the sum of those shades … of strong combatant and leader, perceptive operative, and resilient victim that earned him the moniker King of Men in her eyes, but now he would also bear the name …  King of New Beginnings.  The qualities that had held him in good stead, wisdom and resilience in adversity, were the same ones that would help him navigate his new role in the future.
Her man was more than a mere Section survivor, he was strong, with a spirit that was rarely broken. In essence, James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser was born for this role of Section One’s leader.  He had the gift of easily discerning when it was best to negotiate and when it was time to act. He also had a sense of justice and duty that differed from their past leaders.  He was light to their shade.  Everything Jamie stood for was the antithesis of Madeline and Operations.  
No doubt life in Section for them with their new roles would at times be stressful, but planned downtime would buffer any negative effects of stress. They would ensure that their time together away from Section One had no distractions so they could stay connected, and continue to build their trust, and deepen their emotional bond and love.  Looking at her man she blushed a little just thinking of her Jamie, her sublime lover.  In her mind his most endearing quality was that he was an attentive romantic partner with exceptional seduction skills and how to use them to curl her toes. Just the thought of being together was all they would need to recharge the batteries before returning to face new challenges in this covert world.
Just as they were about to climb the stairs to the Perch, James Fraser looked at his partner and saw that Claire seemed a little rattled.
“What’s the matter mo nighean donn? … Yer looking a little flustered.  Are ye okay?”
Her eyes were sparkling in embarrassed mischief as she replied, “I am perfectly fine Mr. Fraser …” She then gave him a knowing look.  “It’s just that my thoughts were elsewhere … for … just … a moment.”
“Would ye care to share, Miss Beauchamp?” he asked noting the slight breathlessness in her voice and the rosy hue on her cheeks increase.
“No … not here … but maybe later I can share those thoughts with you Jamie.”
“Ah!  I see … then ‘tis something we can look forward to together then, Sassenach,” he teased understanding her hidden meaning.
“I surely hope so. So, I will duly compose myself before facing my uncle and the others.  I’m sure they will think that I am just a little nervous at what is about to happen to you, and I,” Claire replied taking a deep breath as beside her Jamie gave a slight chuckle.
“Indeed … Verra well then, Sassenach. Brace yerself Claire!”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~to be continued Friday 14th October.
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bisluthq · 6 months
I know I keep sending you asks about debut rejects but I just discovered the song "Making Up For Lost Love" and if that isn't a euphemism I don't know what is😭
Taylor at 15 was mad horny idk what to tell you. I will try find my Harry Potter fanfic for you guys because I, at granted a bit earlier but also at 15, was also super horny 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
I think I told you guys like my frenemy in school who in hindsight I had a huge crush on which idk if she reciprocated but we’d like beef and then we’d be besties and for my 16th I had a sleepover out of town with just my (as it now turns out homophobic) best friend, that girl, and a girl who’s still my close friend (actually the one who introduced me to Taylor lol like repping the original Swiftie vibes) and then we beefed again and idk like reflecting on it now I think it may have been a mutual thing but we didn’t act on it??? Anyway. Point is she went on summer vacation and lost her virginity to the scuba instructor and I heard this and I was like “I need to do this asap” but then 🙄🙄 I got into a relationship and he wanted to wait and like make it special 🙄🙄🙄🙄 so of my group of friends I was like the third to lose my virginity.
Swiftie friend waited till uni and so did homophobic friend (and homophobic friend married her first ever guy so like she’s not only homophobic she’s actually just idk deeply conservative and it’s still such a shock to me) but frenemy did it and our other friend had that homeless stoner boyfriend and she did it too before me and anyway I didn’t like that because I was like “I wanna be first” lol.
when I listen to Taylor’s debut castoffs I get that vibe from her. She just wanted to get laid man 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
and for any young readers like I’m not saying there’s a good or a bad option. Do what feels right for you. I think it’s quite nice that I did like have a special occasion with my first time but I *know* it wouldn’t have bothered me too much if it had just happened and I’d gotten to beat Sally and Catherine lol 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😂😂😂😂
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dontpetmeibite · 1 year
Why do I care... That's, that's a big bundle to unwrap. I guess the biggest reason is because you let me care. You let me reach out, and you let me hold you, and you let me kiss you. And then you just... I 'unno. You let me keep coming back. And then you introduced me to your Conjunx. And you let me meet your kids. You just opened all these little doors like it was no big deal, but I know it was a little cause if you didn't trust me you wouldn't let me. But you did, you trusted me. You let me care about you and him and all of them and you still keep letting me. ... I guess, long story short. You didn't mind that I wanted to give you my love. Then you treated that love like it mattered. Hard not to care about you, y'know?
Sometimes I think that love is the only thing that matters.
It should never be treated like something that doesn't matter, even if you can't reciprocate.
(Of course, this only applies to love that is actually love. Obsession matters, but in the sense that you should get the fuck away from it, and love that is based on a false perception of you is going to cause you problems, because people who love what they think is you get really upset when they find out that you are not that person at all.)
People who love me for my real, true self are precious to me.
I do wonder what would've happened if we'd figured it out during my first trip on the Lost Light. Would you have been willing to come home with me?
But I did need to go with the Scavengers. It was better for Viridian that I was with them when they found her. Spinister might not have even recognised her as mine if I hadn't been there.
Also, we would have potentially got into a ridiculous amount of Megatron trouble, and what I really needed to do was go home and fix my primary, sparkbound relationship ASAP.
But I'm glad I came back for a visit, and let you seduce me (it wasn't difficult, but then it shouldn't be--)
Too bad you can't be both amica benefica and amica endura. (I guess you can if you're Nautica, but we were aemulae, at least at first. <3)
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buckybgal · 3 years
just waiting on you
tasm!peter parker x gn!reader 
summary: peter’s always loved you, he was just waiting for you to catch up. 
wc: 1.8k
warnings: swearing but that’s pretty much it. a major fluff overload, it’s like teethrottingly sweet but i needed this lmao. 
note: by the grace of god whoever she may be and a draft i forgot i had i wrote a little fic. we’re working on it guys i’m a chaotic college student with perfectionist tendencies, expectations should be beneath the floor. anyway, enjoy!! requests are open and i will get to them asap :) 
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It was Saturday in New York and like every anxious, academically-driven university student you were holed up in a coffee shop elbow deep in school work. Admittedly, you would’ve much rather been asleep in your cozy little studio apartment, wrapped up in your marshmallowy comforter, dead to the world, but your need for academic validation outweighed your desire to sleep in. And maybe also, just a little bit because you wanted to see Peter Parker, who promised to buy the first round of coffee. The lanky, nerdy, ridiculously cute biochem student with an interesting choice in extracurricular activities you’ve known nearly your entire life. You were six when you met, some asshole kid took Peter’s glasses and was calling him a nerd. That didn’t sit particularly right with little you. So, you marched right up to the older boy and punched him in the nose, catching Peter’s glasses with one hand, grabbing the bully’s ear with the other, giving the idiot a piece of your mind.  Safe to say Peter kept you around after that, and you weren’t going to complain. Your slight adolescent anger issues earned you a best friend. One who took you to prom when your date ditched you for the hot senior, and hugged you when you were sad, and helped you study for science exams. And you were the best friend that would stand up for him when Flash was being an ass, and helped him with English papers, and listened to him ramble and let him take endless photos of you even if you didn’t like it. He would do anything for you, and you would do anything for him. 
Which is how you found yourself hunched over your laptop at half past seven waiting for one Peter Parker to finish ordering coffee for him and tea for you. You’d managed to find a coffee shop that wasn’t packed with people, the quiet hum of machines and small talk between the baristas creating a good atmosphere for you to crank out some work. You were typing so furiously you didn’t notice when Peter scooted into the booth next to you. 
“Hey bub,” Peter poked your side, chuckling when you jumped a little bit. Stupid spider skills. 
“Why are you sitting on this side? There’s two perfectly good seats across from me.” You quipped, poking his side in return . 
“Obviously the booth is comfier. But maybe I just wanted to sit next to you, is that a crime?” Peter raised an eyebrow, 
“One of utmost atrocity Peter, how could you?” He laughed, but didn’t move a muscle to switch seats. You didn’t really mind. You both got lost in your work, keys clattering periodically and pages rustling being the only sounds breaching the silence.  Until you heard the barista call Peter’s name. Peter went to stand, but you stopped him.  
“I got it bug boy,” you mumbled, patting his cheek and sliding out of the booth. You somehow missed the look of sheer adoration on his face while you made your way to the bar. 
“Hi, we had an iced coffee and a chai for Peter.” You flashed the older female barista a warm smile that she reciprocated easily, 
“You mean the iced creamer with a splash of coffee, right?” The barista jokes, pulling a laugh from you. 
“That would be it, he’s got quite the sweet tooth.” you murmured affectionately, taking the cups from her and grabbing two straws. 
“I do too, but that’s practically drinking sugar cubes!” she chuckled, 
 “You and your boyfriend are so sweet by the way,” the barista added. “You clearly mean so much to each other, it’s nice to see something so genuine these days. Makes me think of my lady and I when we were your age.”  Something about the statement made you stop everything. 
Peter Parker has always been a lot of things to you. A friend, a confidant, a partner in crime. But it never dawned on you how being so attached would look to other people. He was your Peter, that much was true,  but not like a possessive “your Peter”, it was more just a simple truth. It was never like a boyfriend thing, and you never thought of it that way, but now that somebody pointed it out, you couldn’t unsee it, unsee the possibility of Peter really being yours, and you being his. It was just right. 
“T-thank you, but he’s not my boyfriend.” You stuttered, but the older woman just gave you a mischievous, knowing look. 
“Alrighty doll, whatever you say. You and that boy who is your friend have a good day now.” You thanked her once more and flashed her a far away smile before scurrying away. 
As you made your way back to the booth your thoughts were racing. They didn’t relent even as you handed Peter his coffee and plopped down next to him. He flashed you a grateful little grin before putting his head back down to keep working. You studied him out of the corner of your eye. The stupid fluffy brown hair, his dad’s glasses, the muscled curve of his arms under his navy t-shirt, the faint smile lines peaking out beside his eyes. As you studied him sitting next you, doing whatever nonsense STEM reading he had to do, he adjusted his glasses. The scrunch of his nose was probably the cutest thing you’ve ever seen and– the realization suddenly hit you like a train. You were stupidly in love with Peter Parker. Your best friend. The only person you’ve ever truly felt comfortable being yourself with. The person who was always positive, but not in a toxic way. The person who always made you feel valued and loved. The person who never forgot even the littlest things about you, who was always thinking about you. What the fuck. You were in love with Peter Parker. 
“What the fuck.” you mumbled. 
His light chuckle interrupted your mini-crisis and one simple glance from him sent you reeling. You were absolutely dumbfounded that you didn’t figure it out sooner. He literally just chuckled a little bit and you felt warm and fuzzy, and you know it’s always been this way, you just associated the feeling with him as a friend feeling. Not a love feeling. Peter always made you feel so warm and loved you didn’t realize what it was. For fuck’s sake he’s been here the whole time. 
“Bub why are you staring at me?” Peter asked, not looking up from his textbook. You couldn’t even find an answer for him. He looked up at you when you didn’t respond, resembling a confused, concerned puppy, his head tilted to the side, nose scrunched.  And that massive wave of feelings slammed into you all over again. 
“Love you’re freaking me out.” Has he always called you love? Maybe, but it never meant this much, it never made you feel like this. You weren’t sure if you were going to vomit or start screaming. 
“Love, you’re getting pale, are you okay? What’s the matter? Do you need water?” He scooted closer to rest a hand against your forehead. But you still didn’t say anything, shaking your head more out of disbelief than at what he was saying. You couldn’t look him in the eye. What were you going to do now? Peter took your face in his hand just then and you nearly had a heart attack when you were met with the intense look in his eyes. 
“Do you want me to take you home? I know you were feeling a little overwhelmed and I shouldn’t have pushed you to come out and-” and you were kissing him. You were kissing Peter Parker, wait why were you kissing Peter Parker? You wrenched your body away from him, his confused puppy face back on, but you missed the heart eyes in your haste to get away. 
“Oh my god I am so sorry I don’t know why I did that. Well I mean I do, you’re so sweet and cute and you care about me so much and I didn’t even tell you how I was feeling about the last few weeks, you just knew and-” and now he was kissing you. He was kissing you. What was happening. He rested his forehead against yours.
“What was that?” You exhaled against his lips. He chuckled 
“Just rewarding you for finally figuring out that we’re in love.” 
“Wait, you knew?!” You shoved at his chest but barely moved him a centimeter. 
“I’ve loved you from the first day I’ve known you, I was just waiting for you to catch up.” 
You spluttered for a moment trying to form some sort of response and just settled on, 
“But, but you watched me have boyfriends and girlfriends! And you had them too! I’m so confused, what about that lover of your dreams you were telling me about, were you lying? I-” He pecked your lips again to shut you up. 
“Okay well I didn’t think you felt the same at first so I tried to move on and when I told you about the lover of my dreams I was literally talking about you, but you’re insanely oblivious when it comes to your own romantic interests. Which I think you can agree to because you didn’t know I was in love with you for 18 years and it was painfully obvious according to Gwen.” Your jaw was pretty much on the floor at this point. This bastard knew you so well you couldn’t even be mad. 
“I also thought that blatantly calling you love would clue you in, but it seems that didn’t work either.” He added and now you were even more annoyed because you knew he didn’t call anyone else that. You knew this, you knew all of this and didn’t connect the dots. Some honors NYU student you were. 
“Okay fine smartypants, if you know everything then what am I thinking right now?” You pouted like a petulant child. 
“You’re wondering if everything will change now that we’re together and you’re worried this will ruin our friendship. Which I have also considered in the last 18 years of pining over you. But I hate to break it to you bub, you’re stuck with me, no refunds.” Did being spiderman come with mind reading abilities? You’d have to look into that. You smushed your face into his chest to avoid eye contact. 
“And now you’re thinking ‘Wait he hasn’t even asked me out!’ So my darling, idiot, oblivious, sweet love, will you be my idiot?” 
Refusing to move from your spot on his chest you mumbled, 
“Fine, but then you have to buy me chai lattes and pop tarts forever.” Peter’s chest rumbled as  he laughed and he pulled you impossibly closer and placed a cheesy kiss on your forehead. 
“Anything for you my love.” and he meant it. Peter didn’t know what that barista said to you, but he was definitely leaving a hefty tip every time he came from now on. And you were thinking the same thing. 
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