ricopop · 8 months
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more. vital asimsts. .. UVH!!!MMM GEOCITIES 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤!!!
sorry for fhs tags its tradition i think ugnm inspo by @superbellsubways and @cephalonheadquarters ^_^ !!!!! super lazy stephanie .sorry.. . art block 🤤
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zzoguri · 6 months
1, 3, 12 and 24 for the ask game!! :p
hi bar ily ❤️‍🩹🥳
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
man… i will always always love of linked arms and bruised hearts :’)) i know that the writing style may be just average but i have such a personal connection to that story. maybe its because i definitely self projected but i will always love friendships!!! i feel that its become such an important and recurring theme in my fics, if i’ll be honest <3
another favorite of mine is familiarity (it’s all sticky) <3 definitely an idea ive had for a long time and i had lovely @wuahae betaread it :’)) its very personal to me… idk i like to think of it as a fic that commemorates not only how much i do l*ve that loser but also how much i love cat <3
idk if this is cheating but of guitar strings and peeled tangerines earns its spot too!! the outline i made since the second half of the year and ive really been hyped and happy writing it <3 i feel like its a reflection of the nooks and crannys of moni imo </3 so its crazy that it’ll be even more personal than of linked arms and bruised hearts
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
OH I DEFINITELY HAVE SO MUCH FAVORITE ONES 😭😭 and alot of them will be from of linked arms and bruised hearts im afraid… i have a bad habit of rereading my works to see what i can improve on or what couldve been changed but also its a way to reflect on my growth as a writer
first, we have the scenes where reader and jichang come back to cheongju for the holidays :’) i think its just sooo domestic imo and it really does have u reflect on what reader and jichang have <3 i personally love the scene where reader finds out jichang has been keeping clippings of their articles <3 it does smth to my lil heart <3
another one is of course the train ride back home… idk to me its just a very sentimental scene about the idea of home and how they find it in each other :’))) particularly these passages always do smth to me
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another scene in particularly loved writing is the scene between kevin and reader where they talked about reader’s life… they were discussing editorship and possible topics for the opinion piece and i just thought that the whole reflection of it was beautiful :’)
now for of guitar strings and peeled tangerines… ugh so much to say… first off i loved writing the scene where reader comes back to town… its the whole progression of them getting off the station, meeting juhak again, arriving at their father’s restaurant, u know the vibes :’)) in between every passage, u really see how much grief and resentment they hold towards this town.
The waves are strong enough to tip your balance. You do everything to stand on your own feet. The image of Jacob you drew on the sand has been washed off—it’s your fault for drawing it too close to the shore. 
i know u particularly love this line and i think i do too now :’) smth i didnt know i would enjoy </3
another one i loved writing is the flashback… the first time we see how much peeled tangerines mean between the two… just so much astonishment joy and love <3
12. favorite character to write about this year
rah i think my favorite charas to write abt were definitely the friendgroup in of linked arms and bruised hearts! i also really loved writing moonbae and reader :’))) to me, they just have so much love for each other!!! it was just so nice to see them grow in my eyes as well
if were talking abt members tho, i did love writing about eric :’))) i know i couldnt give justice to the plot with my whack writing style but it was a treat to write abt that lil guy!
24. favorite fic you read this year
we have ofcourse gravity by @wuahae … still a banger i love her forever!
we also have the whole liu series by @sungbeam but special shoutout to off the record which brought me back to deobism and party people for being my comfort fic!! i also love beam’s night terrors… UGHHHHHEHEJS I HAVENT READ A FIC THt hits all the SPOTS I NEEDED DURING MY FINALS SEASON. genuinely saved me
sorry for such a lengthy post <3 just so happy to have spent even just the second half of 2023 here on deobiblr
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Stranger Things Demon AU, The Witching Hour
"I don't know man, are you sure we should be messing with this shit?" Gareth asked as Eddie led him and the other members of Corroded Coffin into the woods. "I mean DnD is one thing but this is like actual old satanic shit. What if it actually does something?"
"You don't have to come Gare Bear." Eddie held the book he found tight to his chest. Kevin had the bag of supplies needed for the ritual slung over his shoulder. "If you're going to be a chicken maybe you should go home." Eddie teased the other highschooler.
"I'm not a chicken."
"Nah just a pussy scared of the dark." Jeff laughed. Gareth responded by elbowing him in the gut. "Ow!"
It was a late Friday night. Glancing down at his watch Eddie saw it was eleven fifty four and came to a stop.
"Come on, book says it had to be at exactly midnight or the summoning ritual won't work." Kevin took his flashlight out, pointing it at the ground as Eddie grabbed the bag from him.
"And ugh, why are we trying to summon a demon again?"
"Not sure. I'm thinking maybe asking for our band to hit it big time. Or if that's too much maybe just for Jason Carver to fall down some stairs or something."
"But we'll have to sell our souls." Eddie shrugged.
"If you ask anyone in this shit hole, they'd say we're already going to hell. Might as well have some fun before it happens." The other band members shared nervous glances when Eddie began to draw a circle in chalk on the ground he'd cleared off. Tracing a pentagram on the inside, he opened the book and read the symbols carefully before etching them along the points. Grabbing the candle, Steve put one on each point and used his light on each one. Everyone switched off their flashlights, now the candles and the moonlight illuminated the four.
"Demon of old!" Eddie called out, his eyes scanning the open pages before him. "We summon you tonight on the blood moon! We ask for your powers and promise ourselves, body and soul to forever serve you in the after life! Come forth and reveal yourself!"
There was a momentary pause before a large gust of wind came at them suddenly, blowing the candles out in the process. A loud shriek followed. Most likely Gareth.
"Fuck this shit, I ain't dying today." Kevin said audibly and he made a break for it. The other two members quickly following and leaving Eddie alone.
"Oh come on guys! It was just some wind!" But they kept going and Eddie sighed. "Fine, whatever." He muttered before turning back to the circle. Looking down at his watch he saw it was now twelve o' one with no demon in sight. "Huh. Guess I shouldn't be too surprised." Eddie didn't really believe in God or Hell but it was still a bit disappointing. All the ritual effort for nothing-
"You rang?" A new voice rand out and Eddie jumped. Quickly spinning around and coming face to face with...someone.
"Actually, it's kind of the opposite." The figure stepped forth out of the shadows into the clearing where his body was revealed by the moonlight. It was a normal guy. Well, relatively normal. He was actually quite handsome. The first thing Eddie noticed was his hair. It looked fluffy. He almost wanted to feel it. The next thing he noticed were the wings. Tall and leathery. Like large black bat wings.
"Ugh....." Eddie stumbled for words. Was it suddenly hotter?
"Hello?" The man, demon?, waved his hands in front Eddie's face. "You okay there buddy?" The young man shook his head before words came spilling forth.
"You're a demon?"
"In the flesh." The demon grinned. A surprisingly handsome flesh. "And you are...?"
"Eddie." Eddie wasn't sure why he was so eager to answer this guy's questions but he kept going. "Eddie Munson."
"Well Eddie Munson," the demon purred, circling around the metalhead, "what is it you desire in exchange for your soul? Money? Power?" The demons eyes darted down to his shirt. "Let me guess, you want your band to get it's big break. Wouldn't be the first time. Just say the word and it's yours."
Eddie Munson was enraptured by the demon as his mind raced. What the hell was he supposed to say?
"I...don't know?" It was more a question than a statement. The demon's face turned.
"I don't know! I didn't even think this would work!" Eddie tried to defend himself. "We were just messing around. I didn't even think God was real but hey. The more you know." The demon stared at him dumbfounded and his facade fell as he grabbed Eddie by his vest.
"You idiot! Do you know what you've done?!" The demon snapped at Eddie. The highschooler shook his head and the creature sighed. Letting go of him and glancing around. "That little chant you did? For fun? Was a binding spell. Until you make a wish and give me your soul I can't leave your side."
"But I don't want to give you my soul. Now that I know this shit is real I think have a few things about my life I need to re evaluate all things considered."
"Come on, don't do this to me. There has to be something you want. A girlfriend? A million bucks? A sandwich? Just ask me."
"I'm not gonna do that." Eddie said, now snapped out of the creature's spell. If it could be called that.
"If you don't I'll...ugh, I'll kill you. Strike you down right where you stand!" The demon threatened none too convincingly. Eddie laughed. "What's so funny, human?"
"If you could kill me, I think you would've done it already." The demon floundered at Eddie's comment.
"...okay fine I can't actually hurt you but come on, please? I'm bound to you until you make a deal...or die. And I don't know how long that the second one's going to take." The demon's time continued to get more annoyed but Eddie refused to give in.
"No. I'm not trading my soul for something stupid." Eddie was firm as he eyed the demon, now more pathetic than anything else. It was making him feel bad. "But maybe...you can stick around and help me decide what to wish for."
"Well considering I have no other choice in the matter, I have to concur." Eddie stuck his hand out and the demon took it in agreement.
"So...if you're going to be sticking around for a while...what's your name?" The demon stared at him.
"My name?"
"I can't just call you demon."
"Ah right." The demon's face twisted as if in deep thought. "Steve. You can call me Steve."
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dokiyeom · 1 year
OK 2ND PART YAYAYAYAYA my biases from these groups are namjoon + yoongi , taehyun + beomgyu , sunghoon + jungwon & hongjoong + san!! from the other groups it's eunchae + maybe sakura / chaewon (not sure yet!) , hoshi + hao + cheol + gyu + shua (THE LOMLS <3) & chenle + renjun + yuta + taeyong + xiaojun for nct 😇😇😇
i also really like the boyz , p1harmony , newjeans + other groups & soloists + krnb
i only have 1 friend who's into kpop because here they are lets say.. v closed off and narrow-minded so they are more the type to make fun of u or directly judge it without even having heard a single song (ive experienced it firsthand MULTIPLE times & almost everytime received a judgy comment when they found out i liked kpop 😑) NOT THAT I CARE BUT STILL ! it would be really fun to make pcs of each & listen to kpop tgt ngl but it's ok since i got my one closest friend who's also a kpop fan so we can talk about our groups, cbs, pcs and kpop news and buy albums tgt 😁 we were even supposed to go try and see ateez last year + this year but BOTH times it was exam season so we couldn't but she likes svt so much now she said she would accompany me if they go on europe tour 😝
omg should i watch it if i can ...... that sounds genuinely so cool 😭 imo art is so so cool i love it sm but as much as i would like to and admire it, i am not too much of an art gal except for writing. i did draw a bit when i was young and even got a drawing tablet & i love watching dance videos but writing is my thing yk so i just do that and have been for years hihihi
BUT i do get what u mean because it's difficult to turn those things into jobs yk like u have to be really really good at it and even then it's still difficult. WHAT ARE U GONNA STUDY because ur not into stem apparently and much more into arts obviously
don't flatter me too much hehe 😚 nekoma <33 always a soft spot for them ngl i think in general i had a huge thing for captains ... HELLO WE KINDA HAVE THE SAME FAV LIST :O i haven't watched s4 yet because im trying to collect the manga but yes i heard the animation was a but eh . But that the matches were v interesting like i saw so many tiktoks about the inarizaki game & it looked so so cool i wanna watch it so bad i swearrr I NEED TO REWATCH IT I STOPPED BEFORE THE TRAINING CAMP
omg the amount of overlap in biases that we have,,, im vv much jin, taehyun + beomgyu, sunghoon + jungwon, eunchae, jeonghan + dino + dokyeom, yuta + johnny + mark + chenle + ten + hendery biased :DD and potentially yeosang bc he’s so ?? pretty ?? AND AAGH TBZ !! i love kevin omfg ++ soul from p1h && haerin n hanni from newjeans :D ugh all of the newjeans members r so <3 tbh
and ugh so sorry to hear that !!! tbh i think it’s bc i live in a predominantly asian town so i think people around me r a lot more receptive to kpop,, but so glad u have a close friend u can share the joy w :DDD && vv much hope svt goes on a europe tour for u guys !!!!
yesyes !! u should def watch it !! the set is on youtube && it’s like 6 mins long so it won’t take too much time out of ur day :D and i’ve applied to most unis as a creative writing/english literature major !! but i’d hope to minor in media studies, linguistics, or fashion communications/styling/journalism !! it really just depends on which school i end up committing to && what they offer,, but im honestly so unsure abt my future so i want to explore diff options if possible :D what abt u ?
AND YESYES !! dori omg watching the rest of haikyuu imo is soso worth it,, like overall the series is just,, vv comforting && fun :D
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What Else Can Two British Vampire's Have In Common? {Klaroline}
What Else Can Two British Vampire's Have In Common?
Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)
I do not own "The Vampire Diaries", it belongs to its original creator Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. Nor do I own "Originals", which belongs to its rightful creator Julie Plec, Michael Narducci, Leslie Morgenstein, Gina Girolamo. This is only a fanfiction that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release of "The Vampire Diaries" and "Originals". Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the web. Thus, most of them aren't mine (because I really, really can't draw) unless mentioned. To fit the story, images are also edited by various apps and websites. So they aren't mine, just edited.
Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out. P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and publish it onto any other website.
Warnings: Cami Bashing, Character death, ripped out hearts, blood, mentions of killing, mentions of poly and threesome, Lighting people on fire, fire, setting things on fire
Info You Might Need To Know: "Speaking",
Word Count: 1.9K
Requested By: Request by PrimitiveParadox on Ao3: I also think Enzo is like someone super protective of Caroline, yk. Like esp after what happened w Stefan, and he doesn't fail to tell that incident to Klaus in his version of a shovel talk. I also have this headcanon of Enzo seeing Camille and immediately being all "she's such a cheap version of gorgeous it's not even funny" because he has no compunctions about being polite and his loyalty is only to Caroline. God i would love to see Enzo confront clammy ugh
Summary: Enzo and Klaus bond over their mutual interest of keeping Caroline safe, and happy.
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Today's Special
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know
You say I'll never get your blessin' 'til the day I die
"Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is no"
Caroline nervously glanced between the two British vampire's sitting across from each other. Both their glasses looked just about ready to crack under all the pressure they were being put under.
"Are you sure we should leave them alone?" The baby vampire asked, scared to even take her eyes off the boys.
"They'll be fine." Rebekah rolled her eyes. "More importantly, we need to get your wardrobe updated. I refuse to let the Queen of New Orleans run around looking like this."
Caroline whipped her head around to stare at the blond, "What! I'm not queen." she denied.
Rebekah shrugged, "They sure think you are."
"Blame the giant portrait of you hanging in the wanker's office, above the mantle, and in the meeting room." The blond original answered, pointing a perfectly manicured finger at her brother.
"Now enough of that. The blond skank is almost done making her round, and as much as I'd love to see reality slap her in the face, I want her to meet you in front of all of New Orleans elite, where they can all see the look on her face. Plus, I won't ever hear the end of it from Kol if he missed out just because he insisted on showing your witch friend around. I also think that he's trying to convince your British friend to join them in a threesome, and I wanna be back to see that conversation go down. Which means we need to leave now." Rebekah said, grabbing Caroline by the arm and dragging her out.
"You know, you really didn't need to accompany Caroline down here." Klaus says casually, taking a sip of his drink.
There's only enough room for one accented man in her life.
Enzo leaned back casually in his chair, "Well someone needed to be there for her."
Bring it.
"Do you know your old pal Stefan, or you call him the Rippah right, has been up to?" Enzo asked, leaning forward ever so slightly like a cat ready to pounce.
Klaus raised an eyebrow, "I've heard some tibids here and there."
"Well, did you know he pulled a page out of your book?" Enzo challenged. "Just that he went completely MIA. Gorgeous was worried sick about him." he said, finally catching the hybrid's attention.
"Did he now?"
"Had this little side piece, Evy, Ivy, Izzy? I can't for the life of me remember? Well not like I really bothered," The younger vampire shrugged, "It was one little snap and toodeloo Ivy."
"She was a lot like your friend Cathy over there," Enzo began, pointing at the blond who was approaching their table and had surely heard them. He waited for Klaus to correct him, but resisted the pleased smile that was about to appear when he didn't. "She talked too much, a little too clingy. Worse of all, she made Caroline cry."
"Wanna know what I did to her?" Enzo asked.
Klaus smirked, "One little snap?" he quoted.
"Exactly. I honestly didn't really want to cause her pain, I just wanted to make Stefan suffer. He was the real cause behind her hurt." Enzo's voice then darkened, "Tell me. Would the little bartender's death cause you pain?"
Klaus leaned back in his chair casually, "She means nothing to me. I'm only using her." He said, knowing very well that the other blond could hear him, and ignored the little gasp she let out. His gaze fully focused on the one he perceived as a threat to his happiness.
Enzo may be able to persuade Caroline to leave New Orleans, and that was a much bigger threat than whatever hold Camille may have on Marcel and his little witch.
"Good, I don't get how she'd ever even compare. She's clearly nothing but a cheap version of gorgeous," Enzo glared at Klaus with a disgusted look, "Seriously, it's not even funny."
"Klaus!" Cami finally spoke up, "Aren't you going to say anything?"
"No." Klaus answers bluntly.
At Cami's confused expression, Enzo stands up. "Let me clear this up for you. You know why he even showed you a sliver of interest. Because he looked at you and saw a blond, blue eyed girl with a lack of survival instincts that he misplaced as courage. He saw a cheap imitation of Caroline. Which disgusts me. You are nothing like her. She's brave, strong, and loyal. You," Enzo scoffed, "are nothing. You're dull, boring, and have no idea what you're talking about. Caroline can understand Klaus, they both connect. But you, you can analyze him all you like. But you'll never know him."
Klaus smirked from the rim of his glass, Enzo had officially just earned some respect with that comment. He was right.
Camille could break down his past and psychology all she likes, but she'll never even begin to know him.
Not in the way his family does.
And never on the level Caroline does. No one could touch that one.
As Enzo sat back down, the hybrid glanced at him. "Interesting story. But you know what would have been better?"
"Do tell?" The vampire challenged.
"I would have literally burned Stefan's life to the ground, starting with his house. Next, we would change what he loved most about his little girlfriend, her humanity. Then I would have bitten her, and Elena." Klaus smirked.
Enzo gave him a crooked grin, "I see. Make him choose who to save."
"Exactly. He would choose Elena."
"Without a doubt." Enzo nodded.
"Then, I would heal his other woman. Leaving him with no other choice than to beg Caroline to save Elena." The hybrid chuckled.
Enzo smirked, "Shame. I would have loved to see that happen. But I could still see something like that happen." Seeing Klaus' confusion, he grins, "Rip out Cami's heart."
Klaus raised an eyebrow, "That's all?"
Enzo shrugged, "I've seen Caroline go down this road before, and I don't want to again. So easy solution, destroy the said road. I could do it, but why have all the fun. Rip out her heart." Enzo said seriously.
Enzo half expected Klaus to now back off, but the thousand year hybrid was never one to shy away from bloodshed. So before he could even fully blink, there was a whoosh and a still beating heart appeared in the center of the table in front of him.
"Now what to do about Stefan?" Klaus asked, tapping his blood coated fingers on the table.
Enzo paused, before a smirk slowly appeared on his face, "I think we're going to get along." He said, completely changing his tune from before, and he flashed Klaus a genuine smile that displayed his fangs. "Now your idea was well, but..."
When Caroline and Rebekah came back later that day, they found Klaus and Enzo no longer trying to light each other on fire, but instead discussing the best way to light someone on fire to cause them the most amount of pain.
As if they were long lost friends.
Brought together by their mutual interest of keeping a certain blond baby vampire, safe and happy.
I know this was on the shorter side, but I just wanted to capture the possible bromance Klaus and Enzo could develop over their mutual interest of keeping Caroline safe and happy.
I love Caroline and Enzo, but as friends (More like brother and sister) than anything. I know a lot of people shipped them, and I can totally get why. But again, I've always seen their relationship as platonic, because at the end of the day, Klaroline is my top ship. (Plus, I also shipped him with Bonnie a lot. Heck one of my favorite pairing slightly underneath Kennett is Kol x Bonnie x Enzo).
Also, I'm assuming I got the incident you were referring to? (Because if there's another, and I missed it, I really want to know. I'd love to see Enzo being protective of Caroline.)
I had someone call me out for quote, 'Slutshamming' and how I was putting down Klaus' other love interest's to make myself feel better about Klaroline or something like that. I can't remember, because I deleted the comment. Anyway, are they right. I kind of feel like they are. But honestly, I can recognize that it may seem a bit toxic, but I honestly don't care. I'm putting down a character, and I can clearly see the difference between a character and Cami's actress - Leah. My hate ends at Cami and does not travel to Leah. So I think I'm fine in that area, and my 'toxicity' is fine. Because I am only hating a character, so if you don't like it. Don't read my content. I make sure to put my warnings up. If you don't follow them, that's on you, not me.
You are entitled to your OPINION, but it won't change that at the end of the day I am happy with myself, with who I hate.
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sunwoo-hoo · 3 years
↣ kevin moon ☽ as your boyfriend
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↳ a/n: hello lovelies! here we go! this is the headcanon for the moonlight boy himself kevin! this is for you anon. I hope you enjoy it! please, if your under the age of 18 do not interact with this post.
↳ genre: fluff, smut, angst??
↳ send me your requests here!
↳ word count: 839
↳ kevin moon x fem reader
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↳ General
your so lucky to have a guy like kevin in your life 
your relationship is very laid back and easy going
he’s the type who doesn’t care if you wear makeup or if you walk out the house in sweatpants
to him your perfect regardless 
your relationship is very effortless
it’s non stop laughs whenever your around him
he the type to text you memes while your sitting right next to each other 
“babe look at this real quick” he laughed barely holding it together
the type to do a double date with jacob and his s/o 
but you also have one on one dates which include late night driving blasting your favorite music singing together
would probably eat at a late night drive thru 
family is really important to kevin so he would definitely want to show you where he grew up in vancouver 
meeting his family in the process
his love language is definitely words of affirmation
he loves it when you tell him he’s doing a good job or when you leave little notes for him to find 
he greatly appreciates you
he’s definitely teaching you how to play piano 
at first you think he’s going to teach you classical pieces but it’s literally all beyonce 
he’s always singing all of me to you by john legend
he loves it when you kiss his nose finding it adorable
he’s then giving you all the jawline kisses
you love stealing his clothes especially his hoodies because it smells like him
he doesn’t mind at all in fact he encourages you to wear his clothes
he secretly loves to draw you when you aren’t looking
you have the type of relationship where everyone thinks your similar to each other 
basically the boy/girl version of each other
your two peas in pod 
together your both unstoppable there’s nothing you can’t do
↳ Fights
kevin is big on communicating so he’ll probably want to have a rational discussion before things escalate too quickly into a fight
he’s also not the type to waste his energy over the little things
so fighting with him is rare to nonexistent 
the only time you do ‘fight’ it’s probably because he’s saying something sarcastic and hurt your feelings without realizing
“damn babe, you know i was just joking right? i didn’t mean for it to come out that way. can you forgive me?” he pouted
you rolled eyes playfully before replying “ugh fine..” you teased sticking your tongue out 
next thing you know he’s giving you all the tickles by your ribs while your laughing uncontrollably 
↳ Making Up
if the fight was somewhat bad he’s definitely the type to try to laugh about it afterwards with you
or is finding ways to make you laugh like watching funny youtube compilations that may or may not include animals
he’s definitely cuddling you giving you all neck and cheek kisses 
playing with your hair
↳ Sex
switch™ 2.0 
definitely the type to have music in the background while you two are fucking
he secretly loves it when you dom him because he loves giving all the power to you
definitely tie him up and give him the teasing blowjobs
“fuck babe, don’t tease me i need you right now, please..” he moaned
he loves it when your on top because he can grab your hips and thrust in a precise angle which hits your g-spot perfectly making you cum 
you hear all the praise coming from him 
“yeah fuck, hop on my cock.. just like that.. your doing such a good job” 
you’ll definitely have toys in the bedroom kevin is not afraid to experiment 
he loves it when you pull his hair especially when he’s fucking you, please give him all the praise back 
“god kevin i-i’m gonna cum soon your so fucking big” you cried out 
he’s in love with your breasts so expect a lot of breast fucking with his cock between them
when kevin dom’s he’s an entirely different person 
will usually dom when he’s feeling stressed or overworked 
praise goes out the window it’s nothing but dirty talk
“get on your fucking knees and suck this cock” he snapped
“yes sir” you replied looking up at him with doe eyes
definitely will have some light choking covering your mouth to muffle your moans 
as he’s trusting into you deeply and sloppily 
he loves to cum on your breast or lips
when it’s all over he’s collapsing on the bed beside you giving you a high-five with a quick peck on your lips 
telling you that it was amazing and that he loves you
↳ Aftercare
your both cuddling for awhile not wanting to move from your spot until kevin suggests that you should clean yourselves up
your then taking a bath together just enjoying each other’s company
until you finally head to bed where he’s playing a lullaby on his piano in your shared bedroom waiting for you to fall asleep before joining you 
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* © sunwoo-hoo 2 0 2 1  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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writersrealmbts · 3 years
A Natural: Part 7/Finale
Description: Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader: You’re a single mom, and your son is your entire world. When you take him to get his first hybrid, his choice is pretty bewildering, until you realize that he was picking out a dad.
Posted: 04/09/2021
Tags: Taehyung, Hybrid Taehyung, Human Reader
Wordcount: 3,673
A/N: Yay! Another series finished! Thanks for loving this story!
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Theo was talking animatedly with Taehyung as he was wheeled toward the house, but he got quieter as you approached the front door to unlock it, looking down at the ramp beneath the wheels of the wheelchair.
Tae pushed him through the front door, his conversation also lulling.
Theo looked around, a bit of a smile on his face. “I get to stay now, right?”
You nodded, kissing his forehead. “You get to stay now and forever. We do have to go back for checkups and therapy but you’re home and you’re safe and I’m making roast beef and mashed potatoes.”
“Yummy! Can we go play, Dad?” Theo asked, brightening instantly and sort of bouncing in his wheelchair.
“Sure!” Tae pushed the wheelchair through at a speed that made you nervous. But you knew he would never purposely endanger Theo: Theo was his pup. That was evident in all of his actions, in his conversation, and in the effort he had made to get certified so that he could be there when Theo was released.
You went into the kitchen to baste your roast and then start peeling the mashed potatoes, trying to calm your heart because your baby was finally home again. Finally, finally home again, after weeks and months of too little patience and not enough answers, and a whole sea of tears. Therapy, rehab, tests, more tests, and after all of that, you had your baby home—less mobile than before, but still your baby.
You watched Theo playing on the bed with Tae, fighting the tears and hopelessly losing because he was back where he belonged.
Peace, comfort, and everything right in the world. Nothing intruding, just your little family.
So, of course, your phone rang.
You groaned and answered it. “Yoongi? Really? We just got Theo home.”
“It happened. We’re out of a job,” Yoongi answered, sighing. “They closed the company down.”
“Ugh. You could have texted me that,” You huffed, heading back to the kitchen. The two of you had basically considered everything going on and known that the company was going to collapse. You’d almost been told as much when the two of you went in to talk to an IRS agent who wanted you to walk her through your jobs and some files and go over the discrepancies that had led to the audits.
“Yeah, well, I also had to tell you that the paperwork came in the mail today, and we close on the building next week.”
“Okay, that was worth calling me,” You said, hopping onto the counter. “What’s next on the list?”
“Fixing the building? Getting the classes organized. You finish the certification class tomorrow?”
“Yeah, it’s kind of pathetic,” You said, shrugging. “Too easy. Let’s make our classes thorough, yeah?”
“Agreed. Jin is already writing a teaching plan. He’s got it halfway done—at least, I hope that’s the halfway point. Jungkook’s been helping, which makes hyung happy. And he’s finished the dog-training next week. The teacher was really excited to hear about what we’re doing, by the way, and gave Jin a bunch of things. She asked Jin to sit in on her next couple of classes as her helper.”
“That’s really great. Jimin?”
“He’s hitting garage sales to celebrate getting the building, hoping to find some cheap stuff to get us started. How’s Theo?”
“He’s fine. He’s bright and happy and playing with Taehyung right now. He’s taking things well and I’m making his favorite, and he’s looking forward to everyone coming over tomorrow.” You checked your timer, then sighed. “We’re totally doing pizza, though. I’m already exhausted.”
“Okay. I can pick it up on my way over.”
“Thanks. I’ve got to go. Need to get the rest of dinner started.”
“Tell Theo we’re looking forward to playing games with him tomorrow.”
“You got it. Eat well.”
“You too.”
You slipped off of the counter, and started putzing around the kitchen making some side dishes to go with dinner.
Tae came out. “How long until dinner?”
“Twenty minutes?”
“Better keep it warm, he fell asleep.”
You nodded, letting him stop you and hold you still. “He okay?”
“Very okay. He’s so happy he’s home that he just sort of passed out.” He kissed your cheek, then sighed. “I’m so happy too. I finally get to see him and hold him. I just want to hold him and cry.”
“I’ve almost been in tears for the entire day,” You told him. “I figure once he’s in bed for the night, I’ll cry my little heart out.”
“Can I cry with you?”
“Of course you can. I would never ask you not to cry when you wanted to.” You turned to meet his gaze, gently touching one of his furry ears. “It’s been hard for both of us. It’s still going to be hard. I’m terrified of the next few days.”
“Me too. Even if they told us what to expect and how to care for him, there’re still a lot of mistakes we’re going to make and that scares the fur off me.”
You nodded. “I wouldn’t be able to make it through all this if I hadn’t had you, you know.”
Taehyung nodded. “I know.”
“Mommy! Look! I made it in my chair and through the house!” Theo called, managing the last push through to the kitchen and raising his arms in victory.
“My baby! Look at you!” You hurried over bending to kiss his face all over. “Excellent job!”
“It’s exhau…it’s tiring,” Theo finished, nodding firmly to cover for his lost word.
“Exhausting, fatiguing, tiresome, or draining,” You supplied, sharing a smile with him and moving around to the back of the chair, bringing him over to the table. “What do you want to drink?”
“Water. It smells really good, mommy.” Theo smiled up at you.
You dropped a couple kisses on his face before going to get him his drink.
Tae was bringing over the side dishes. “You want to stay in your wheelchair, or you want to sit on the chair?”
“Chair, it’s a little too high,” Theo said, touching the table edge, which was practically to his chin.
Tae nodded and pulled the wheelchair back. “Arms around my neck.”
Theo did as he was told and the two of them moved him to the dining chair.
“You okay, baby?” You asked, noticing the way Theo was sort of fidgeting in the chair as you brought the roast over.
Theo looked up at you. “It’s still weird.”
“Your legs?” You guessed, resting your hand on his cheek.
He nodded, leaning into your touch. “I don’t like it.”
“I know. Neither do we. But…there are some things in life that are out of our control.” You pressed a kiss to his forehead. “And we’re going to be with you every moment of the way.”
Theo nodded, sighing. “I missed you, mommy.”
“I was with you,” You teased gently, but you understood exactly what he meant. It had always been the two of you, three once Tae had joined, and while he was in the hospital everything felt wrong. You didn’t get to hold him like you wanted, and it seemed like every time you had him in your arms and both of you were comfortable a nurse would come in to do something or other.
“But we weren’t home,” He said, watching Tae put the bowl of mashed potatoes down. “I really, really missed you daddy.”
Tae came over and nuzzled Theo. “I missed you more.”
“I missed you most,” Theo responded easily.
You hummed softly. “Come on. Time to eat, boys, before it gets cold.”
Theo hummed happily as you filled his plate, immediately trying to cut his own food first before ultimately letting Tae do it. “Too tired. Too hard.”
“That’s fine, kiddo,” Tae answered easily. “We all need help sometimes. And cutting things can be hard. At least you try.”
Theo nodded. “Mommy said that as long as I try, I can make it through the world.”
“Your mom is really smart,” Tae said, smiling at you. “She’s got a good history of trying her best at everything, including taking care of you and me. You chose her well.”
Theo laughed. “I didn’t choose her!”
“What?! Of course you did!” Tae objected, grinning himself. “Every kid chooses their parents!”
Theo and Tae launched into a playful debate and storytime about how every kid chooses their parent while you ate, quietly listening and just enjoying the fact that you were home.
Theo was home.
“Uncle Hobi said that he’d help me catch up to the rest of the class over the summer. I don’t want to do school work in the summer, but I don’t want to be behind. Kevin and Jun were close to being my friends, and they sent more drawings and letters than the other kids.”
“They wanted to visit, too, but they didn’t want to tire you out,” You told him. “We told them that they could come play with you once you were home.”
He grinned. “When? Tomorrow? Tuesday?”
“I’ll talk to their moms and arrange it all, and let you know. But, let’s have a couple days just our family.”
Theo nodded, but then looked back up. “Wait, does that include my uncles?”
“Of course. We’re working on projects together so they’re over quite a bit lately. And they’re coming over tomorrow, remember?” Tae nuzzled Theo, then added more potatoes to his plate. “Eat up.”
“More food?”
Tae nodded. “You need to eat well to recover.”
“Oh. Okay.” Theo started eating the extra food on his plate.
“Only eat until you’re full, though,” You instructed.
“Yes, mommy,” Theo answered, smiling at you.
Your baby was home.
“Woohoo!” Theo cheered as he rolled down the ramp at a speed carefully controlled by Jungkook.
You finished edging the window and set your brush aside.
The building for the training center was almost finished, and all of the licensing and training that you all needed, and the first classes were slated to start in three days.
“Over here is our obstacle course, which we think will help those training with us, as well as those in physical therapy, learn how to maneuver around things that they’ll come across on a regular day. As you can see, our happy tester is enjoying going down the ramp after he was working on trying to get up it on his own for a while.” Jimin high-fived Theo as he led the group past. “We’re also finishing painting, so try not to touch the walls unless you like paint on you.”
The people chuckled, fascinated by Jimin’s enthusiastic tour. He was showing some hybrid-shelter owners through the facility to sell them the idea of sending hybrids there for training to increase adoption rates. He’d given multiple tours so far, because he was by-far the best at it, aside from Taehyung, but Taehyung had the disadvantage of being a hybrid.
Hoseok was trailing the group, but split off to join you. “They’re practically eating out of his hand.”
“Good. We have bills coming eventually.”
“Yeah.” He sat down next to you. “But this place is amazing. You guys are going to do really well.”
“I hope so.”
Hoseok handed you the folder. “So, I looked things over.”
“Good news, then?” You asked sarcastically.
“Not bad news. He’s learning more slowly, but he’s still learning. As he grows stronger, I think he’ll be okay. He just gets tired so easily that I think it’s causing his trouble. So, once he gets stronger and isn’t as tired, I think he’ll catch up just fine. But for now, he’s going to stay just a little behind. I’m moving up with the class as part of the new program, so I can keep following his progress and helping him.” He patted your shoulder. “I already talked to the higher-ups about it. They agreed that it was important for him to be with his friends. Especially since we’re working on catching him up. And he’s still a bright kid, that catches on quickly. Tired equals distracted, distracted equals slower learning.”
“Thanks for the crayons, teach,” You answered dryly.
He grinned at you. “Hey, there’s a reason I teach kids.”
“Because you are one?”
He laughed and the two of you watched as Jungkook helped Theo work his way up the easiest ramp so he could go down the hardest again.
“He really likes this place. After we left yesterday, it was all he could talk about,” You told him, smiling as Theo cheered on his way down the ramp again.
“His friends are coming to play here, aren’t they?”
You nodded. “They’ll be here soon. Taehyung is waiting to show them in. Their mom’s were excited to hear that this was practically a playground, rainy days are hard.”
“You could market day-passes and make that one room into a playroom for kids, that’d help bring in more income. I know several sets of parents that would bring their younger kids in, especially on rainy days. And if hybrid rights ever get reestablished, you could make it hybrid friendly which would really help.”
Yoongi paused in the doorway and looked at you.
You looked back, then at Hoseok. “So, we told you you’re a shareholder, right?”
Hoseok nodded.
Yoongi pulled out a notebook and wrote the idea down. “I’ll start pricing things and we can discuss it.”
You looked over as Kevin and Jun ran over.
“Hi!” Theo greeted them enthusiastically and they started talking.
Taehyung was leading in their mothers.
“I should go talk with them,” You excused yourself and headed over.
“Y/n, it’s so good to see you. Thanks for letting the kids play here, it looks great,” Jun’s mother (Debby?) said, sounding genuinely enthusiastic.
“And safe. Kevin has a habit of hitting his head on everything so I’m glad to see everything is padded. Lumps are easy, cuts are hard,” Kevin’s mother (Jamie?) added. “Plus the rain.”
You nodded. “They’re little balls of energy, but I’m really grateful for you two bringing them. Theo was so excited to hear he would get to see them.”
“Jun’s been asking about Theo almost every week. These past months must have been so hard. I don’t think I could have handled it.”
“I have a really good support system,” You answered easily, turning with them to watch the three boys playing, Jungkook keeping an eye on them to help if Theo got stuck.
The other two boys were being really thoughtful and kind and they saw the wheelchair and Theo being stuck in it as a challenge and a game, which would definitely help. They listened when Jungkook did have to help them and they already seemed to be having fun.
“Are you sure you don’t want us to hang around and keep track of them?” Kevin’s mom asked after giving you her husband’s number as well as Kevin’s backpack.
“We’d be happy to help,” Debby added.
You shook your head. “Go home, relax. Or clean, or whatever you need to get done. I’ve got several helpers on hand if I need them, including their favorite teachers. That is, as long as you’re okay with Jin and Taehyung helping out.”
“Of course, this whole law is ridiculous. It won’t last.” Debby waved a hand as if dismissing the law.
“Can’t last, more like. My favorite babysitter is a golden retriever hybrid, she’s been living in our basement ever since this happened. She was really excited to hear about this place, though, so I told her I would bring her once it was open.”
You smiled. “She’d be very welcome, and just let me know if she wants to take any of the classes.”
They nodded and left after telling their boys to behave and listen to you and the other adults.
You went into different rooms, double-checking the painting and making sure everything looked nice and correct.
Namjoon was sorting through the area rugs, placing them in order by thickness and type. This would make it easier to not only determine what carpets might be easier for people in wheelchairs, but help them and those helping them grow accustomed to the type of challenges that different carpets could present.
Yoongi was going through and making notes of different things that still needed to be finished, or other things that came to mind, as well as double checking some of the safety parameters.
Jimin was still talking with the people he was giving the tour to.
Hoseok was sorting through the spare office supplies that all of you had managed to scrounge up (a lot of yours came from your college years, like the dozen or so sticky note pads, the handful of highlighters, a plethora of paperclips and binder clips, push pins, pencils, pens, erasers, loose-leaf lined paper, binders, folders, and index cards—so many index cards), while keeping the kids in his sight should Tae or Jungkook get distracted.
And Seokjin was setting up the kitchen, which was going to be teaching cooking classes as part of companion training, but also used to show the difficulties a person in a wheelchair would face on one side of the kitchen while the other side was made for people in wheelchairs. He really liked the kitchen, and it was his pet project
Which meant you could go and look at the room that wasn’t being used yet.
Hoseok was right, it would make a really good room for kids playing. Something that would be easy to sanitize, but still allow for the kids to play. A slide would easily fit there, some rock wall-type of holds on the wall there….
You backed out of the room and stuck a sticky-note to the door, labeling it the Jungle room.
Yoongi joined you, giving you a questioning look.
“If we’re going to make a room for all kids to play in, we should have a theme for it. Kids like themes. Jungle is a good theme.”
He nodded. “That cafe I told you about, they said if we get busy enough, they’d love to partner with us and open in the cafeteria.”
“That’d be perfect. For now we’re just going to have to offer snacks by the front desk, though.”
“Jimin is on the phone with the local paper.”
You slowly turned toward him again. “What?”
He nodded. “They called, wanting to talk to someone about this place and Jimin saw me starting to stumble so I pretended I was just an assistant and told them I was handing the phone over to one of the founding members. He’s good at the talking thing. Between him, Jimin, and Tae, we should never need to talk on the phone.”
“I’ll believe that when I see it,” You answered, hurrying to find Jimin because you wanted to know how the interview went.
“Yes, thank you so much for your inquiries. You have a nice day as well.” Jimin hung up, and grinned at you. “Well, we’re definitely getting some attention!”
“What did they ask? What did you say?”
“Well, they asked why we started this, when we were opening, what we were offering—I added on hybrid companion training for the elderly, but I didn’t think you two would mind—and I gave them the answers, I didn’t divulge first names or anything. I used strictly last names, because even that lends us more anonymity and autonomy. I told them we wanted to help our community and those who were currently suffering—I even added that our training areas worked great for kids playing when it was raining outside because they could hear the boys laughing. They asked if we had considered opening it as a playground for the kids as well when it wasn’t being used for training and I answered yes—but I also added that we’d need another permit or two that we haven’t filed for yet. We have considered that, right?”
“We have, actually, we were talking about turning one of the rooms into a kids playroom specifically. Then if we have hybrids who have kids, the kids can play while their parents are in classes,” Yoongi said, definitely adding that to his notebook, as well as the elderly thing. “This is going to be a life-long project, isn’t it?”
“If we’re lucky,” Jimin answered cheerfully.
You left Yoongi grumbling to go check on the boys, noticing that Theo wasn’t playing as much, but he was still laughing with them and apparently they were rescuing him from pirates or something.
Taehyung wrapped an arm around your waist. “You know…I’m really proud of you.”
You relaxed into his hold, resting your head on his shoulder. “I’m really happy Theo chose you as his father.”
“I’m really happy you let him,” He whispered, then tilted your chin up to gaze into your eyes for a moment.
Then he leaned in and kissed you, softly and gently, a silent promise for forever.
“I knew it!” Theo yelled happily, definitely staring at you two when you looked over. “YES!”
“Whoops,” You whispered, trying not to laugh. It seemed an age ago that you told Theo not to expect the two of you fall in love. Told him he could call Taehyung his father if he really wanted to.
An age since Taehyung first kissed you.
A lifetime since you told Theo he could adopt a hybrid.
Taehyung laughed and kissed you again. “Thank you for my family.”
“Does that mean you don’t want more pups?” You asked cheekily.
He shrugged. “I’m satisfied with whatever I get in life. If that’s more kids, then I’m not going to complain. But Theo’s enough for me.”
You kissed his cheek and rested in his arms, knowing everything in your future was going to be worth the trials. But he was a natural at helping you through it.
You couldn’t ask for anything better than this.
Taehyung Masterpost.  Masterlist.  
Tagging:  @alex–awesome–22  @missmoxxiesworld  @bryvada @knjhe  @i-dont-even-know-fck  @forvever-ddaeng  @ncttzuuy   @briramirezalipio   @givebuckysomelove  @bunnyboyenthusiast  @rosita7703 @veryuniquenamegoeshere  @lottosehunnie   @forevermoremagcon  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @0mysticx0  @littlewolfieposts @kerikaaria @hemmofluke @beauthiefully
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So...*inhales deeply* Taskmaster. Spoilers, obviously.
I want to start this by saying that I would call myself a comics!Taskmaster fan. I don’t want anyone saying “yeah but you haven’t read the comics” because I have. I know what it’s like when a character or storyline that you love gets the big screen treatment and it’s not at all what you imagined. I can sympathise with that.
But the only reason dudebros are mad is because it’s a woman. That’s it. I can say that with confidence. They keep crying “we wanted Tony Masters”, but the fact is that if Mason had been revealed to be behind that mask, like a lot of us thought, they would be fine with it. “We wanted to see his humour and strength”, they sob. No, they wanted another male power fantasy they could project onto, and now that it’s a woman, they won’t get that. (Well...they didn’t in this movie at least.)
Kevin Feige knew exactly which group he was targeting when he put Taskmaster in this movie. He needed a way to draw non-Nat stans to the theatre. And he knew exactly what he was doing when he put Antonia Dreykov in that suit. This is not a Mandarin-twist misstep, he knew what the backlash would be when he approved it. He just doesn’t care. 
I think it’s pretty obvious that this is not the end of Taskmaster? The thing is, now that they made the skill set all down to technology in the MCU, it means that anyone can wield it. Tony Masters can still show up, and likely will do soon. I’m not sure Antonia’s gonna be crazy about hanging on to the symbol of her oppression when she has things like, I don’t know, building a life and identity, to worry about. (Or, inversely, she may want to hold onto the only power she’s ever known and use it for her own means, after all it’s only evil in the wrong hands, but I digress). 
I thought it was genius, to be honest. That little girl, that explosion in Budapest, being the thing to tie everything together, being a physical reflection of Natasha’s guilt when Taskmaster’s power is that they can mirror anyone...ugh it’s so good.
Yes, I do think Taskmaster was underused. I wish she’d had more hand-to-hand fight scenes because even though I guess it was cool for some people to see her pull out Hawkeye’s bow or throw the shield like Steve or do the ‘Wakanda Forever’ gesture, I only cared about her fighting Nat, mirroring Nat, which we got to see, like, once. But that was my only problem with how they handled her, really.
Basically, episode 274820743829 of dudebros forgetting the main character is not, in fact, the male antagonist they want to see fuck shit up because ✨violence✨, but actually a woman who just happens to also be the title character of the movie they paid for, and therefore thoroughly missing the point.
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codename-adler · 3 years
foxes + onesies (1/9)
based off of that one post i saw and don’t remember, where people once caught Allison wandering around Fox Tower in a giraffe onesie, and i absolutely melted for her. here is the Foxes’ journey to getting a onesie each!
in the aftermath of the “mob war”, Allison still sees Betsy for counselling, mostly to cope with Seth’s death still, her ED and to process her childhood and teenage trauma
Betsy teaches her a lot about self-care (and not in Allison’s traditionnal definitions of self-care, which are: bottle it up, act out, burn through 500$ in clothes, repeat)
all in all, Allison has a lot to come to terms with by the end of the semester, and Betsy won’t be there as much in the summer, so she leaves her with a little list of self-care tips to look at when Ally feels overwhelmed
- pick a time to make yourself some tea, or try out some new ones and tell me about it next time
- try drawing with those wonderful pencils of yours, but in different art styles (because yes, Allison does have a fashion sketchbook. but silly doodles? abstract drawings? anatomy sketches? she never tried)
- watch movies by yourself, and for yourself, Allison
- since you love shopping and spending so much, find yourself a cozy thing, a soft thing that will only be for yourself, when you need to be reminded to love yourself and be gentle with yourself
those were the suggestions that stuck to Ally the most
so the next time she goes out to the mall with Dan and Renee, she doesn’t expect to find anything like Betsy suggested
she does look for some herbal tea at David’s Tea, and ends up getting some hibiscus + rose water green tea
but then they go to Walmart (she wants to gag)
fucking Walmart
the girls need some pads and tampons, and the gatorades are on sale (because all the Foxes, as a treat for winning the Championship and bc they all want to stay close after the hard year they endured, got to stay on campus for the whole summer (idc if it’s unrealistic, sue me, that’s how i roll))
for once, Allison follows Dan and Renee, without looking at anything, without touching anything (what if she catches it??)
then Renee wants to look for socks
that’s when Ally passes a rack of colorful onesies
one brushes the tip of her elbow, and wow it’s so soft
not at all the quality material she expected
she stops in her tracks, lets the girls go on to the underwear section, and really looks at the pajamas
there are lots of unicorns, and pandas, a few mouses, and two giraffes
bright yellow, light-spotted giraffes, with their little ears and antlers and all
the sewn-on eyes are closed and have cute little lashes details
Allison imagines herself wearing it and feels utterly stupid
but- she keeps running her fingers through the synthetic velvety material, mesmerized by its softness
she thinks back on Betsy’s list
the folks would absolutely loathe it. the high school bitches too. God, even Seth would say it’s fucking stupid. Nobody should ever be seen wearing that…
But I wouldn’t have to worry about my man-shoulders in it… or my stomach… or my thighs… I could even go braless, or wear just that cute little bralette I haven’t got the courage to wear yet… and I think Renee would agree it’s cute…
then she hears Betsy’s soothing voice in her head
But do you like it?
Yes. Yes I do.
and that’s how Allison takes down the onesie, cashes out and waits for the two other girls outside the Walmart entrance, feeling silly, and jitty, yet quite happy with herself
back at Fox Tower, she washes it immediately, only to stuff it back under her bed
it stays there for quite a few weeks, until it’s almost time for school to start again, her last year at PSU
the boys are out at the beach, Andrew and Neil are God-knows-where, Renee is meeting a friend, and Dan is out shopping with her Sisters
Ally is alone, and lonely
she’s craving something, something that feels close to how one of her nanny used to take care of her hair before bedtime, telling her stories of folklore around the world
guessing that nobody will be back before sundown, she reaches underneath her bed and takes out the giraffe onesie
she gets rid of her high-waisted skinny jeans, her silky cropped blouse and her high-heeled sandals in favor of Seth’s old Marvel boxer shorts, her baby blue bralette she still hasn’t worn, and the infamous onesie
and wow, it’s so baggy
as she buttons up the front, it almost feels like being wrapped up in a giant, fluffy pancake
she giggles to herself, like a little girl
until she goes to look at herself in the mirror, where she straight-up bursts out laughing
she feels so, so light
she puts on a pair of Renee’s fuzzy socks with the sticky soles and leaves her bedhair as it is
she spends the rest of the day on the couch, watching Barbie movies from the hidden collection she has in her closet while painting her real nails in rainbow colors
she makes herself a big cup of the tea she bought, and lights an ocean-breeze candle
between Barbie as the Island Princess and Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus, she even goes so far as going at the end of the hallway to buy some sugar-free gummy bears from the vending machine, completely forgetting herself…
of course, this is when the boys, including Andrew and Neil, are coming back from their day outdoors
she stops dead in her tracks when she turns around and sees them, a *giraffe* caught in the headlights
the boys only notice her because she stops moving so abruptly
she’s speechless
the boys, not so much
Kevin: *oblivious to the onesie situation* So you’re the one hoarding the healthy gummies. Dude give back some.
Matt: Oh, hi Ally… *raises his pointer finger, opens and closes his mouth in awe, lowers his arm back down* Cute?
Andrew: *his face says he doesn’t give a shit, but he’ll let the image make its way to his heart eventually* *very sneakily snaps an adorable pic for the group chat*
Neil: *whispering to Andrew, genuinely confused*  I thought these were for babies? Do we qualify as babies? Why is Ally dressed like a baby, Andrew?
Nicky: BITCHHHHHH I shoulda made a bet on THAT!
Aaron: Well fuck. 60 points to Hufflepuff for cuteness.  Ugh. I can’t believe I said “cute”. Jesus, I wanna vomit. Eurk.
Allison slowly makes her way back to her dorm room without a word, her cheeks flushed and her eyes to the ground, clutching her bag of gummies
she hasn’t felt this vulnerable since Seth’s passing
an hour later, she’s still hiding under her blankets as Renee and Dan file in
of course, they saw the photo posted to their group chat, and they heard everything from Matt and Nicky
Renee gets under the covers with Ally, and Dan proceeds to show off the goods she got with a very silly runway walk
they don’t say anything, until Neil sends a new picture on the GC
it’s a printed version of Andrew’s picture, pinned to the locker room wall with all the other photos they’ve accumulated
and everybody in the chat is dying of cuteness overload
Ally’s got that look of a toddler caught red handed, so open and genuine and surprised; her mouth is slighlty opened in an “o” shape; her mismatched fuzzy socks are peeking from underneath the bunched up fabric at her ankles; the hood is pulled up and slouching over her head…
but nobody, nobody, is making fun of her
we’re talking about the Foxes here. they never pull their punches.
so this? unexpected. shocking. astounding.
and right at the bottom of the picture, in shaky black marker: Baby Ally
with a poorly drawn heart next to it
in Neil’s unmistakeable handwriting
she cries
and never again is she ashamed of wandering around in her giraffe onesie
and if from then on, many Foxes gifts are soft things for her, well, that is called character development
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aureolusfirewrites · 3 years
Ugh due to some realization being crammed down my throat by minecraftninjerkid I've decided to write something that doesn't end in Ben being beaten to a pulp or dead it's still angsty as fuck though don't kid yourself.
Waking Nightmares
'No. Not this dream again.' He thought as he realized what was happening.
Unbeknownst to the general public Ben Tennyson, savior of the universe, was someone who generally suffered from night terrors. And those night terrors were something that he could only imagined being concocted from a hellscape.
True some were less horrifying than others but there were seldom ones that didn't cause him to wake up in a cold sweat screaming. And this one, this nightmare, was one of his worst.
He kept getting plagued by it and personally it terrified Ben what his mind might be trying to get him to do.
His dream started out just as viscously as the rest of it. He was standing with nothing but black surrounding him. No horizon, no escape, nothing but black until... The crowds, people so many people, everyone they were surrounding him. They yelled he couldn't actually hear them there was no sound in this awful place. But still he knew they were yelling and fear from it gripped at him.
Then the crowd parted and made way for someone special. For a moment he felt relief as his now grey colored cousin walked towards him. He smiled and reached out for her rushing forward. Trying to hug her something to tell him he'd be okay because Gwen would help... Right?
When he got to her though he stumbled when his body passed through hers like she was a ghost. Ben turned to look at his cousin, a horrid cruel smile plastered over her face. She pointed behind Ben and be turned around. The people who had been shouting were slowly one by one turning to dust. All of them silent as if to tell him it was his fault. Terrified he turned back to Gwen in time to watch her disintegrate before his eyes.
"n- no! Stop please! No no no" he begged in shock.
He fell back hitting the ground trying to scramble away. Loud crackling split the landscape and white cracks spread across the floor under him. Within seconds it had broken and plunged him down.
He plunged down into freezing cold water. The water was grey turning to black and white air bubbles went up around him. He tried to swim. Get closer to the surface. But he only went down further.
His lungs were screaming in pain it felt like he was burning from the inside out.
His sight was dimming not that it was much different than what he would see if he was focused but a key difference made his eyes snap awake again.
Kevin. The taller teen was covered in metal but wasn't sinking any faster than Ben was as he carefully glided over to him. Ben looked at his friend expectantly.
Kevin reached over and gripped his shoulders. For a second Ben relaxed as he grabbed ahold of Kevin hugging him, but then there was a new sensation. It was slow at first as he felt something else curling around his midsection. He looked up to Kevin. The metal had his body and wrapped in a tight binding around his chest. Surprised he let go of Kevin who just waved before sinking back into the dead black water.
For a second Ben just stared looking at where Kevin had dissapeared to but then he saw something else. Fast as a whip a metal cuff snapped over his left hand and a chain connected to it. Fear jolted through his body as slowly it made him sink faster then another chain snapped around his right hand. He struggled pulling against them but more chains wrapped around him dragging him deeper.
His lungs couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't take it anymore. Ben let out a howled scream but the sound was lost as bubbles burst from his mouth and water filled his lungs.
Suddenly the water released him and he fell hard to the ground. He laid there spluttering and panting for more air as he coughed up more water.
He shuddered and fell to his side. The pain, the shouting from all those people, everything, it was all getting to be to much. It just hurt to bad.
For what felt like a long time he just stayed there curling in on himself shaking. Then he heard footsteps.
Soft thudding drawing closer to him. When he looked up relief washed over his entire body. "Rook!" He stumbled running over to his partner and fell down in front of him. Ben stayed sitting down on the floor not wanting to look up so Rook wouldn't see him breaking. "R- Rook I- I- I can't it hurts, and it's loud, it's so loud I- I can't-" he stuttered. Then Rook knelt down in front of him and lifted a hand under Ben's chin turning his face towards him to make eye contact. Ben searched his eyes for something but all that was there was a dead condescending smug look that radiated 'I'll make it better' but in the worst way.
They stared into each other's eyes for a moment then Rook reached behind his back. There was a soft click when the object was set in his arms.
'So it's the prototool this time huh?' Ben thought outside of his dream.
He looked at the weapon for a moment understanding what this part meant. He slightly shook his head not looking up from his fixed spot on the floor. He felt something brush against him as Rook got closer to him. Then the alien whispered something right into his ear and whatever he said must've broken him because silent tears formed and fell down his face.
Ben gulped and numbly picked up the prototool, in gun form, and turned the barrel to his chest. He made a hiccuping noise clenched his eyes shut and pulled.
He bolted upright. He was panting, gasping, his body trying to force air into itself to make sure it was still alive.
He was still sitting there rigid when he felt something warm wrap around him. He flinched for a moment but soon recognized his boyfriend's arms around his waist and chin resting on top of his head.
"Nightmare again?" Rook asked quietly not releasing Ben from his grip.
"Y- yeah it's nothing Rook j- just go back to sleep sorry I woke you up."
There was a discontent sigh as Rook pulled him closer.
This is the fifth time this weak you have woken up in tears. I highly doubt that it is nothing."
Ben flinched at the words. "You heard those to?" He tried to dodge the subject.
"Ben despite what you may believe it is hard to not be woken up when the person sleeping with you suddenly jumps and begins crying, much less the two nights of screaming."
"sorry" he mumbled.
"You will be forgiven when you tell me what is wrong."
Ben let out an exasperated sigh and leaned further back against Rook.
"Please tell me?"
"Alright alright fine. It's one nightmare, it keeps repeating. Everything is loud and it hurts and then everythin- it's to much. I- I feel trapped and then..."
"Then...?" Rook prompted trying to get Ben to continue knowing that at any chance he would shut down the conversation and act as if it had never happened.
"and then you show up and for a second I think it'll be okay but- but then you just tell me that I'm right and there isn't any fixing it, that there's only one way that it'll all go away. Then I get- I get a choice. And- and I always choose the easier way."
Rook had frozen at the description starting to get a good picture of what Ben was describing. It certainly explained why he had been screaming if nothing else. He was staring to really regret having asked but still felt the conversation was necessary. Ben needed him right now, he needed a listener.
He could tell there would be no stopping now until Ben had finished getting all of it of his chest.
"s- sometimes it's just a normal human weapon, sometimes it's something Ive seen some bad guys use when we fight in undertown, tonight it was the prototool, and then sometimes..."
Another shudder ran through his body and Ben shook his head. Heaving out deep breaths while His boyfriend ran long fingers through his messy hair.
"And sometimes it's the omnitrix. It- it zaps me and electrocutes me and it burns. It feels like I'm burning from the inside out and all I can see is green. And it just- It just hurts Rook. I- I don't know maybe something's wrong with me."
"You are right." Rook simply said catching Ben off guard.
"huh? W-What you- you do think there's something wrong with me?"
Rook nodded.
"Ben, there is something wrong with all of us. With everything you have been through I am not surprised at all of your flaws but the good in you is still much greater than all of those "problems" combined."
Ben sniffed and stayed quiet for a long time taking in what his boyfriend told him.
"Hey Rook?"
"Mmhmm" the cat like alien responded sleepily.
"Thank you"
A small chuckle came from his partner and he gave his last words before they fell asleep in each other's embrace.
"Trust me Ben If there is one thing I know about it is that Ben Tennyson never takes the easy way out."
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
The Queen of Underland: Izzy
CW: Panic attack, child of recovering adult whumpee, anger as trauma response, referenced noncon kissing and touching (nonsexual), childhood bullying, referenced past domestic and child abuse, some gendered and ableist insults (kid to kid and nothing too intense - just fair warning)
Izzy, at nine years old, has been free with her family for almost five years now, and her mother has been in prison on a life sentence for two. With attention, affection, and therapy, she has blossomed into a quiet kid who nearly always has her nose in a book.
When two classmates try to put her in the center of a storm, Izzy finds something inside herself that she has pushed down for so long she had nearly forgotten she ever had it.
Izzy finds her father’s anger.
Jax Gallagher belongs to @comfy-whumpee and is used with permission.
Izzy sits at her desk, perfectly still, reading a book while the teacher’s out of the room speaking with another teacher in low voices, just in the hallway. The sun shines in the windows that line the wall, lighting the pages of her book, and one of Izzy’s hands rubs repeatedly over the seam down the side of her uniform skirt, the only movement she makes beyond her eyes.
Around her, the others are whispering, passing notes and giggling (except for Noah, who has his own book open, and Jack, who is drawing his story about giant killer robots in a notebook, and Sarah, Jack’s twin sister who is trying to build a tower of pencils and paper), but Izzy barely notices them.
When the teacher comes back in, Izzy will not be whispering, or giggling, or doing anything that might bother her. When the teacher comes back, Izzy will be quiet, and good, and put her book back into her desk and look up with her hands in her lap. She’s the quietest kid in class, she heard the teacher say so.
At home, she’s not always quiet anymore, but at school she still holds a balance, protecting herself and keeping herself safe in the best and truest way she knows - by simply being exactly what the adults need her to be, and keeping all her real feelings and thoughts inside her head.
Still, while the teacher’s out of the room, she takes a few minutes to read while she has the chance. Her heart beats cold and heavy in her chest as she scans over the words on the page, biting down on her lower lip, worrying at a bit of chapped skin. Her left hand settles over the soft texture of pages nearly yellowed with time spent in the school library being held by hundreds of small hands. The fingers on her right hand feel over the seam of her skirt, right along the outside of her leg, again and again.
Fierce anxiety, and a little fear, swirl inside her for the characters that exist only in ink and her imagination.
Two Earthmen entered, but instead of advancing into the room, they placed themselves one on each side of the door, and bowed deeply. They were followed immediately by the last person whom anyone had expected or wished to see: the Lady of the Green Kirtle, the Queen of Underland. She stood dead still in the doorway, and they could see her eyes moving as she took in the whole situation—the three strangers, the silver chair destroyed, and the Prince free, with his sword in his hand.
“I think I like Karissa,” Henry Fitzgerald, who sits at her left, says to his best friend Kevin Magden - not to be confused with Kevin Michaelson, and didn’t the teacher sigh over that sometimes. He has to speak over and around Izzy’s head. 
“Like, like like her?” Kevin Magden asks, sounding half-horrified, half-fascinated. Izzy fights not to roll her eyes, and tries to focus back on her book, on the entrance of the Queen, on the Prince freed but faced with great danger.
The Queen of the Underland, the lady who held the Prince in the dark for ten whole years, that’s older than Izzy even is. Coming into the room to find the children and the Prince, and her having no control any longer. 
She turned very white; but Jill thought it was the sort of whiteness that comes over some people's faces not when they are frightened but when they are angry. For a moment the Witch fixed her eyes on the Prince, and there was murder in them. Then she seemed to change her mind.
“Run,” Izzy whispers, to the children, to Puddleglum the strange marsh creature, to the freed Prince. “Don’t talk to her, just run. Don’t listen to whatever she says, don’t.”
“What are you even saying, Izzy?” Kevin Magden says.
“She’s all in her book like always,” Henry Fitzgerald says, shrugging. He makes some sort of gesture - Izzy doesn’t look up to see it - and the two of them laugh. She doesn’t care about that. The story is far, far more important than they are anyway. “Anyway, Kev, I like-... yeah, I think I like like her. I’m gonna tell her at break.”
“Gross,” Kevin says, but he sounds fascinated. “What if she says she doesn’t like-like you back?”
Henry shrugs again - Izzy can see the movement from the corner of her eye. “Dunno. Maybe kiss her.”
“Gross,” Kevin repeats, much more emphatically. 
Izzy tries to keep her mind on the page, but shifts uncomfortably in her chair. She closes her eyes briefly, thinking of the Queen of the Underland, standing in the doorway. She imagines her with very white skin and dark, long fingernails, wearing a long dress that brushes the earthen floor, making a soft swish-swish sound as she walks. In her mind, the Queen of the Underland has very bright blue eyes and lots of curly, dark brown hair that is threaded with silver down her back, wild and uncontrolled, like it can reach out and grab you and drag you into the dark with her.
She feels like the Queen is not a stranger to her, and not hard to picture at all. Try as she might, she can’t make the Queen in her imagination look like the description of the Queen in the book. She only ever looks one way - beautiful and wicked, deceptively soft, eyes brilliant and shining too bright when the Prince is in pain.
Will she hurt him, while the children have to stand and watch and can’t save him at all?
"Leave us," she said to the two Earthmen. "And let none disturb us till I call, on pain of death." The gnomes padded away obediently, and the Witch-queen shut and locked the door.
"How now, my lord Prince," she said. "Has your nightly fit not yet come upon you, or is it over so soon? Why stand you here unbound? Who are these aliens? And is it they who have destroyed the chair which was your only safety?"
Izzy can hear the Queen’s voice, musical lilt, simpering sweet and dangerous. Why are you leaving me? How dare you. Come back here, Jax, you can’t leave, you’re mine. 
Kevin and Henry are still talking, but Izzy doesn’t hear them any longer. She’s lost in the panic rising inside of her. Run, she thinks, in a scream, a shout in her mind. It isn’t that she doesn’t understand it’s just a book, but that she is still scared, frightened for the prince whose father had grown older while he was gone, whose family must have missed him so much. She is frightened for the children who do not understand the witch or how to fight her. She’s frightened even for Puddleglum, who only wants to help, to do the right thing. Don’t talk to her, don’t give her the chance, just run. She’ll make you hers again. She swallows - it feels like her heart beats itself right up into her throat, like she is swallowing around it - and keeps reading.
Prince Rilian shivered as she spoke to him. And no wonder: it is not easy to throw off in half an hour an enchantment which has made one a slave for ten years. Then, speaking with a great effort, he said:
“I’ll kiss her even if she doesn’t like me back, anyway.”
Izzy’s breath catches, and she blinks, feeling like she has been pulled out of a spell herself. She looks up, glancing sidelong at Henry, who isn’t looking at her at all, just talking to Kevin. “Hen-... Henry-... what did you say?”
“None of your business,” Henry replies, voice harsh and loud enough to get some of the others to look over at them, and Izzy’s shoulders creep up towards her chin, face burning red. She hates when everyone looks at her, hates it more than anything. Henry looks back at Kevin. “At break, I will. I’ll tell her, and I’ll kiss her, whether she wants to or not.”
Izzy looks back down, but the words on the page run together, she can’t see them any longer, they’re just squiggles, meaningless little lines. What I want just matters more, whispers a nightmare she can never quite feel woken up from. She tries, she really does, to focus again on the book but she sees secondly, she took out a musical instrument- 
Izzy slams the little paperback shut, sticks it back in her desk, and says in a thin voice, “You can’t do that if someone doesn’t want you to, it’s wrong.”
“It’s not a big deal, Izzy, geez.” Kevin on her other side speaks up now, and between them she feels like she’s being battered, tossed on a sea, shoved down, locked in the dark. Izzy stares down at her desk, then, letting her eyes lose focus on the wavy colors in the polished wood. Light brown, almost auburn, and darker brown, almost a chocolate color, very like the hair on Izzy’s own head, clipped short and spiky.
Very very like the wavy, thick curls that ran down her mother’s back, that smothered Izzy in the smell of her shampoo and perfume. 
“It is a big deal,” Izzy whispers. “It’s wrong, to make someone kiss you. It’s wrong. It-... it hurts them. It matters what they want, too.”
“Ugh. It's just a kiss. You’re bonkers, you know that?" Henry leans over, almost in her space, and Izzy sits back as far as she can until she presses her back hard into her chair, enough to hurt. “Absolutely mad.” 
“No, I’m not,” Izzy mumbles, but panic twists even worse inside her. Is she? Her mom is. Isn’t she? Don’t you have to be, to be evil? Dr. Marty says no, that those two things are totally separate and people are just bad at understanding that people can be really, really, really bad and still be sane - that bad people almost always are - and Dr. Marty knows everything about crazy and not-crazy, that’s his whole job, and she’s not like her mother anyway, she’s not. 
“Are so,” Henry taunts, falling easily into the familiar cadence of mockery, and Izzy’s face burns brighter and hotter as the room begins to fall quiet, other conversations falling away as the others realize there might be some entertainment now. Her breath comes faster, and she closes her hands into fists at her side, fighting to control the way the fear and a new rise of anger start to twist around inside her stomach, making it flip, making her feel sick. “You’re bonkers for sure, Izzy Gallagher.”
“I-I’m not. I’m not, I’m not, I’m not! It’s not right to kiss people who you don’t know if they want to or not! It’s not!”
The room feels suddenly too small, and too big - she can’t escape Henry’s bean-breath and she can’t run far enough to get to the door, she can’t run at all. Some small voice inside her demands she stay still, shut her mouth, never talk again. She should have just finished her book, seen how the Prince would escape the Queen of the Underland, seen if the children help him or just weigh him down, one more bit of stone tying him to Underland and maybe he wishes he could just leave them behind, if they bother him, if they’re no good-
“Ewwwww, who would want to kiss Izzy?” A girl near her wrinkles her nose - Lindsey Smith, Izzy’s brain supplies, in an airless dizzy spin of details that aren’t important but she can’t stop circling around. “She looks like a boy.”
“Hey, back off.” Izzy, surprised, glances over her shoulder to find Noah Hawkins looking up from his own book, eyes narrowed. “Izzy’s hair is cool, and it’s cooler than yours anyway, Lindsey-kins. You just wish you looked as good as she does.”
“Shut up! You just say that because you’re a boy, of course you think boy hair looks cool.” Lindsey sticks her tongue out, crossing her arms in front of herself. She has big poofy hair like Izzy’s would be if she didn’t have her dad cut it so short, held back with a clip. Hers is red, though.
“There’s no such thing,” Sarah says from over by the window. “As boy or girl hair, I mean. There’s no such thing. It’s all just hair. Izzy’s hair does look cool. You all should leave it alone, Mrs. Brent is going to be back inside any second and we’ll all get in trouble if there’s fighting.”
“Yeah, Izzy,” Henry hisses at her, leaning in close. Too close. She forgets how to breathe. “Stop causing trouble, Izzy.”
“I’m not,” Izzy whispers. Her face feels like it might light on fire. Her fingernails dig into her palms, until she feels flashes of pain, creating crescents that could take hours to fully fade if she did it hard enough. “I was-... I was just-”
“Just butting in where you don’t belong,” Henry finishes for her. “It’s not your business.”
“It’s-... but, but I just-” Her voice is fading fast, airy and breathless, barely a whisper. Quiet little Izzy Gallagher, who never stands up for herself, who lets everyone talk to her like this, who never says a word she isn’t asked to say. Her fear batters her with wings inside her chest, but beneath it is something else entirely, trying to rise up and take over her mind and mouth. Anger. She and Dr. Marty had talked about it, about how it was a normal feeling to feel, but every swell of it within her was met by the rising tide of fear in response.
She never lets herself be angry. That would make her like her mother, who was angry so much, and she’s not like that, she’s not. 
She doesn’t think, in the moment, that her mother isn’t the only parent who knows how to be angry.
The thoughts are not conscious. They aren’t driven by any kind of logic, they loop and swirl around each other. They flash bright like light in the back of her mind. She thinks about the story, the book inside her desk, the way the Prince fell upon the silver chair, how he swung his sword in dim light. 
She thinks about the prince walking out the hotel doors with a baby in one arm and a little girl on his hip, a backpack heavy against his back, into the sunlight outside. She can remember the way he breathed quick and shallow against her hair, the racing of his heart as he asked her to be very quiet, and very brave. She didn’t know he was scared, he didn’t say it, he was just the Prince, shining in the sunlight, asking for directions to the train station and going in a suit to court later and the silver gave way before the sword’s edge like string, and in a moment a few twisted fragments, shining on the floor, were all that was left of the chair. 
“But-but-but-but, I just-” Henry is still going, and Izzy’s eyes burn as hot as her face, lips pulling back from her teeth in a grimace like a snarl. “Just shut up, Izzy Gallagher, nobody cares what you think.”
“Don’t be a dick, I care,” Noah says, from the back of the room, his voice getting louder, now. Other students whoop and go ooooh, Noah likes Izzy, but Noah ignores them, and he doesn’t turn even a little bit red. “Izzy hasn’t done anything wrong to you.” She barely knows Noah, he’s in her class but they don’t talk or anything. This is the first time he’s done more than help her with a math problem, this is the first time she’s heard him even talk in class without the teacher calling on him.
But it feels good to have somebody else stand up for her. 
“She’s butting in!” Henry protests, hands up like he’s the innocent one. “Kevin and I were just talking-”
“About kissing Karissa Bellweather!” Izzy half-shouts. “From the other class! You were talking about kissing someone even if she doesn’t want to! You said you would even if she said no! That’s not right!”
“Ew,” Someone says, Izzy doesn’t know who. Her blood is rushing in her ears almost too loud to hear. “Do you like-like Karissa Bellweather, Henry?”
“No! I don’t!” Henry looks stricken. He hadn’t expected her to just say it out loud like that to everybody. “Gallagher’s lying! She’s a liar!”
“I’m not! I’m not a fucking liar!” Her voice is too loud and she claps her hands over her mouth. Don’t cry, she thinks to herself, and her own thought-voice twists into her mother’s sharper edges. Her palms ache and she wonders if her nails have broken skin, but the wonder is faint, and faded. She feels a hand pressed against the back of her neck, the Queen of the Underland’s voice beside her ear. Don’t cry, Bella. You’re so ugly when you cry. Jax, get her out of my sight. 
“Fuck off,” Izzy says, voice trembling. She isn’t really talking to Henry, not anymore. “Leave-... leave me alone.”
“Oooh, what’re you gonna do, huh? Gonna throw some punches?” Kevin is too close on the other side, now. They’re both too close. Izzy’s heart beats all out of time, and when she goes to breathe, it… it doesn’t work. Her breath is stuck in her throat, halfway down. The air just… sits there, and she can’t hitch it in or exhale it. It feels like her throat is closing up, she’ll choke on nothing, black out and fall down. “Bonkers Izzy Gallagher, gonna fight us, are you?”
“I-I could-” Her voice is a whimper, and Izzy closes her eyes. 
“Could not,” Henry mocks, from his side of her. “You’re weak as a puppy. What are you gonna do?”
“Stop-... stop you from talking anymore,” Izzy says, and pushes her chair back with a loud scrape, getting to her feet. She should tell Dr. Marty about the book, she thinks, about the Queen of the Underland. She should tell her father about the Prince tied to the chair, and how he chopped the chair to bits, and she should tell them all about it, nice and safe and quiet at home, and not do what she’s afraid she’s going to do instead.
“How, gonna use something you learned from your mam in prison?” Henry asks, and Izzy remembers, all at once, how to breathe - but it’s all poison. She gulps in air, fear sparking up, her nerves feel like a hundred thousand tiny lightning strikes. She wants to run but she’s at school and there isn’t anywhere to go. 
“My dad says your mam’s famous in the States for being in prison,” Henry says, leaping on this new tactic as the blood drains from Izzy’s face. He’s like animals on the nature shows that James likes to watch at home with their snack, circling a calf all alone. She’s a wounded baby calf, she’s weighing the herd down, she’s not strong or brave enough, she never was. “Did she teach you how to prison-fight? Ooooh, did she show you how to make a-” He jabs at the air, fist closed empty around an imaginary knife. “A prison-blade?”
“Shiv,” Kevin supplies helpfully.
“Right, that. Did your mam show you how to shank someone?”
“I don’t-... I don’t talk to my mom,” Izzy says, half-strangled by her own words. Her head is spinning. Her backpack is so far away. “We don’t-... we don’t have contact-... she doesn’t talk to me, isn’t allowed-”
“Oh, ew.” Henry sits back, and his face lights up with the simple cruelty of wounding someone who looks unable to fight back, of regaining his own stability and distracting everyone from his embarrassment by bringing up Izzy’s shame instead. “Are you so awful even your mam doesn’t want to talk to you?”
No. She doesn’t. Izzy’s lip trembles. She can’t bring herself to try and respond. She doesn’t, she doesn’t want to know anything about me at all. The last thing my mom ever said to me was yelling at me not to look so scared all the time and Dad said she never asked about me when he talked to her during the trial she never asked she never-
“Hey, Henry,” Someone says. “This is super gross stuff to say, isn’t it?” Izzy can’t see anything but Henry’s face, everything else is white noise and his words ringing through her, settling too deeply inside, meeting her own thoughts that match them, sometimes, on hard days. She never asked about me, she doesn’t even care that I hate her. Your mam is supposed to care if you hate her. You’re so awful your mom doesn’t even care about you. Your mam is supposed to-
“Yeah, Henry. That’s too far, that’s really mean.”
“She can’t help who her mam is, Hen.”
“Yeah, it’s not like she went to the mam shop and picked a rubbish one.”
“My dad was away for a while, Iz, I get it. My mam says it doesn’t say anything about us. People make bad choices is all.”
“I haven’t even seen my dad since I was five, Izzy, it’s okay, don’t be sad.”
“Yeah, it’s okay, Izzy, don’t be sad, Henry’s just being awful.”
“Hey, she was awful first!”
“Go run up a pole, Henry. I like you, Izzy,” Sarah says, from the window, and moves in her direction. “Henry’s being a jerk, don’t listen to him. Don’t be sad. It’s okay.”
“I like you, too, you’re fun at break, you always have good ideas for games.” That’s Amira, using that certain kind of tone you use when you are trying to comfort an upset person, and Izzy feels some of the ice closing around her heart starting to warm up, to melt, to crack apart. 
Even Lindsey says, almost grudging, “Don’t be sad because of Henry, Izzy. He’s really mean sometimes.”
“I think you’re really cool,” Noah says, in a quieter voice. “Please don’t be sad. Want to play monsters at break?”
They don’t all hate her, they don’t. Someone puts a hand at her back, and she flinches, and they pull the hand away, but they don’t hate her for pulling away, they don’t hate her voice or her hair and they don’t hate her for speaking up, they don’t. 
Henry hasn’t given up, not yet. “Your mam’s in prison for being a shit to your dad, isn’t she?” 
Izzy doesn’t look at him, leaning down to pull the book out of her desk, trying to think. She can pull her backpack out and go the nurse, say she’s feeling sick, and maybe her dad will come get her and take her home. They can call Dr. Marty and she can tell him what happened and Dr. Marty will know what to tell her and her dad to work on for the next time. She can tell him that there were good things, too, like that Noah said he thinks she’s cool, and Amira likes her game ideas, and not everybody hates her because she has the wrong mom, and it’s going to be okay. 
It’s going to be okay.
“Henry, stop it,” She says, in a half-whisper. “Please stop.”
She can go to the nurse. Say she’s sick, it’s not a lie, her stomach is all twisted up in knots. It’ll be true, she’s not going to feel better. She has sweat on her forehead drying cold, making her shiver a little. It’s not a lie, being scared makes her sick, it’s a real sick, it’s not a lie. She gets sick a lot from being scared, Dr. Marty says it’s normal for kids who have anxiety, she has exercises to do, she can picture all her hurting thoughts and move them away, and… 
“That’s what my dad said.” Henry’s voice cuts in. “He said your mam’s a piece of fucking work and probably made your dad one, too-”
“Don’t talk about my dad!” She rounds on him, then, book clutched to her chest. “Don’t you dare, you don’t-... you don’t have any right! You don’t know what happened, you don’t know us, you don’t know anything! My dad is better than yours ever could be! And, and stronger, and braver, too!”
Izzy Gallagher, quiet as a mouse, teacher’s pet from sheer terrified inaction, who always sits still and listens carefully and takes direction so well and is just an absolute pleasure to have in class, Mr. Gallagher, an absolute pleasure, is shouting and doesn’t realize it until the words have left her mouth. 
She should stop, some part of her brain begs her to stop, but the anger is suddenly larger than the fear and she is a little girl with a sword. Where they came from, and what she and her father and her little brother have survived, is a silver chair she will hack to bits until all that’s left shines like jewelry when held up to the light.
Henry’s eyes widen, they are big saucers, and they are very bright and very blue.
“My dad is amazing.” She can’t stop shouting. She’s not even trying to stop any longer. “He lived through really bad stuff and he still got us away from it! Even though it would have been easier to go by himself and leave us, he didn’t, and my mom is evil, and I’m not, because you don’t have to be what your mom is and I’m not ever going to be like that, but you are evil, Henry Fitzgerald, and you don’t even have an excuse! You’re-... you’re mean for no reason, and I hope Karissa spits in your face and kicks you between your legs as hard as she fucking can! You are an asshole, Henry Fitzgerald, and you can go fuck yourself all the way home!”
“Isabella Gallagher!” Mrs. Brent’s voice is shocked, and the words die in Izzy’s throat, as she slowly turns to see the teacher standing in the doorway, staring at her like she’d grown three heads and all of them have fangs. 
Izzy feels like she has fangs, too. And claws, like she is a monster herself. She should be scared, or sad, or ashamed of herself, but all she feels is anger burning bright and hot and good in her veins, louder than fear. Angry feels safer than scared. She feels proud of herself, a feeling so unfamiliar it seems like it must be someone else’s. Sarah, close to her now, whispers, go Izzy, in a soft impressed voice, and Izzy feels her eyes burn again, more than before, but for a different reason. 
They don’t hate her, and Henry isn’t saying bad things about her dad any longer, because of her. They don’t hate her.
“You might be even cooler now,” Amira says, and the teacher shushes all of them and points Izzy out, telling her to go see the Head Teacher. Any other Izzy would slink out with her shoulders hunched, full of fear, but this Izzy feels the buzz of standing up for herself running through her and warming all the cold, chasing the heavy hand on her neck away. This Izzy walks with her chin up and her shoulders back.
Some of the warm feeling goes away when the Head Teacher calls her dad to come get her, and says in her stern hard voice that Izzy was yelling and cursing at another student. The Head Teacher doesn’t say that she had a reason, and makes it sound like Izzy just stood up and started cursing for no reason at all. That’s… that’s not fair. Grown-ups always do that, make it seem like kids just go off for no reason, and Izzy can’t hear what her dad says back to the Head Teacher, but a lot of the warm feeling goes away, then. Her heart feels cold and scared again.
What if he’s mad at her?
What if she can’t be sorry enough to fix it?
Izzy sits in a hard wooden chair that is shaped all wrong for kids and makes her legs hurt after a while, waiting for him to come get her with a racing heart, her book open in her lap. 
There’s some brown-y red smeared on the cover, drying. She made her palms bleed when she was scared and didn’t even notice. She’ll ask her dad to buy the school library a new one. She wants to keep this one for herself.
"I have come," said a deep voice behind them. They turned and saw the Lion himself, so bright and real and strong that everything else began at once to look pale and shadowy compared with him. And in less time than it takes to breathe Jill forgot about the dead King of Narnia and remembered only how she had made Eustace fall over the cliff, and how she had helped to muff nearly all the signs, and about all the snappings and quarrellings. And she wanted to say "I'm sorry" but she could not speak. Then the Lion drew them towards him with his eyes, and bent down and touched their pale faces with his tongue, and said:
"Think of that no more. I will not always be scolding. You have done the work for which I sent you into Narnia."
"Please, Aslan," said Jill, "may we go home now?"
"Yes. I have come to bring you Home," said Aslan.
A flash of gray, worn jeans in her vision brings her slowly into awareness of the world around her, but it’s the voice that breaks her completely from the story’s spell. 
“Talk to me, kiddo.”
Izzy looks up to meet her father’s eyes, surprised - she hadn’t even heard him come up. But they’re quiet movers, the Gallaghers - except for Jamie, who never had to learn to move so quiet she couldn’t hear him, who never had to push down all his sounds so deep inside himself he could go whole days without making any at all. 
Her dad drops into a crouch in front of her, and his knees crack a little, but if it bothers him he doesn’t show it. He looks up at her, from this angle, and he doesn’t look mad.
He almost never looks mad at her.
“I got a call that you were fighting in class.” He looks like he’s trying not to twitch a smile at the corner of his mouth. “And using some pretty creative language.”
“Can’t imagine where I learned to curse,” Izzy says gravely, and there - that was definitely a smile on his face that he has to hide as fast as it shows. She lives for her father’s smile. Still, she closes her book, and folds her hands on top of the stain on the cover so he won’t see it. “I only yelled a little. Henry Fitzgerald was mean to me, and he was going to-... he was going to kiss a girl who didn’t want him to kiss her, even if she didn’t want him to. He said it didn’t matter if she wanted to or not.”
“Ah.” It’s all he says, at first. His face doesn’t show much, now. Her nervous heart starts to beat fast again.
“It’s, that was, um, that was before he got mean. He got mean when I told him that it’s wrong to do that and… I kind of… told everybody in class he was going to.”
Her father’s eyebrows raise, a little. “You did, did you?”
“Yes. Then he said his dad told him my mom’s in prison and that-” She stops herself, closing her hands tightly over the book, before her voice can start to shake again. She takes deep breaths, strong ones, fills her whole lungs up. Her dad waits for her, he always waits for Izzy when she needs him to. “He said, it was just, it was a stupid thing, but it made me really angry.”
Her dad’s face hasn’t changed, but Izzy knows when emotions change in a room, even without anyone’s face moving at all. She can feel that something has shifted inside him, something he’s not showing her. “What did he say?” 
“That I must be awful if my mom doesn’t even want to talk to me.” She says it flat, like it doesn’t bother her at all to hear it. No big deal, it’s normal to have a mother who hates you for stealing your father even though it didn’t happen that way. “Then he said mean stuff about you, and… I was already upset, so… I kind of went off on him. I’m sorry you got called and had to come get me.”
“But you’re not sorry you did it,” He says, and it’s not a question.
She presses her lips tightly together, and shakes her head. “I’m… I’m not. He needed to be yelled at. I’m not sorry, Dad. I mean, I am sorry that you have to do anything, but, I’m not-... sorry for calling him all those names and I will put my money from my birthday in the swear jar if you want, I’ll skip tea for a week and put all my chocolates in there, but I still won’t be sorry for yelling when he was mean about you.”
He huffs a sound like quiet laughter and offers her his hands. “Izzy… I don’t care what a year three kid - or his dad - says about me. But clearly it was important to you. Let me go in there and talk to the Head Teacher about it, and we’ll talk out what happens next on our way home. Okay?”
No anger, or threatening punishments, no mention of discipline ever leaves his slightly smiling lips. Izzy is never taught through making her afraid, not anymore. But he waits, seriously, for her to acknowledge what he’s said. 
“Okay, Dad. We’ll talk about what I need to do. And-... can we call Dr. Marty when we get home? I-... want to talk to Dr. Marty about what happened.”
He looks surprised, but not unhappy about it, and nods. “Yeah, kiddo. Good plan. I’ll be back out in just a bit.” When he turns to walk into the Head Teacher’s office, she thinks that even with everything, he looks very like a grown-up prince, and the rings in his ears look like shredded silver. 
She lifts a hand to touch the shell of her own ear, on her left side. 
Izzy opens her book, to the murmur of their voices as they talk about her. She decides to finish it later, and instead she flips back to read again the bit where the prince takes his sword to the chair that kept him under the spell and tells the evil Queen of Underland that he isn’t hers any longer. 
He will go home, to his family, to be freed of her entirely, even if she still shows up in bad dreams… bad dreams are the only place she can come to, now. He’ll wake up and someone will tell him that she’s gone and she can’t come back, and it will be true. They’ll tell him, again and again, until he believes it. 
Izzy will tell her dad, until he believes it.
Jax will tell her, until she believes it, too.
But first… 
Prince Rilian shivered as she spoke to him. And no wonder: it is not easy to throw off in half an hour an enchantment which has made one a slave for ten years. Then, speaking with a great effort, he said:
"Madam, there will be no more need of that chair. And you, who have told me a hundred times how deeply you pitied me for the sorceries by which I was bound, will doubtless hear with joy that they are now ended for ever. There was, it seems, some small error in your Ladyship's way of treating them. These, my true friends, have delivered me. I am now in my right mind, and there are two things I will say to you…”
“Go fuck yourself,” Izzy whispers with a smile on her face and the thrill of forbidden words up her spine. She isn’t talking to Henry Fitzgerald this time, either. She never really was. “And I’m not sorry you’re not Queen anymore at all.”
@astrobly @finder-of-rings @burtlederp @wildfaewhump @whump-tr0pes @moose-teeth @orchidscript @sableflynn @pretty-face-breaker @raigash @vickytokio @eatyourdamnpears
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emilyartstudio-s · 4 years
On a scale from 1-10 whats w Your opinion on these ships Crenny- Cryde- Style- Kyman- Bendy- Bunny- Tyde- Creek- Twenny- Crutters- Stenny- K2- Candy- Staig- Stolovan- Bratters- Clenny- Dip- Fike- Gregstophe- All right that's all I got but just put your number next to the name also I freaking love your art ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Okay; If it is alright;;; We are doing this in my terms meaning I am ranking 1-5 (because the stakes are higher).
5 meaning I LOVE it It’s perfect for me and all in between <3
And 1 being that I don’t think about it too often and that I am okay with that ;;u;!! (And 3 is like I WANT to think about it more aaaa) etc.
You didn’t ask for a long ass answer but here you go:
Crenny- 4! I think about crenny pretty often and their dynamic comes easily to me to create in art work even without words on screen! You also never go wrong with complimentary color ships like come ONNN (Love the wholesome and even the weird phase of edgy content omg the aesthetic)
Style- Another five omg Fives in the house dude UM I think i said enough because I always talk about Style so I’ll give it a break now but just know that This is literally no competition for any other ships like-
Kyman- HKASL 1;;;; I dont think about it often as a ship but I had a lot of mutuals who liked kyman that drew such amazing art for them ;;u;!! It’s fun drawing them in the same room though! I really like this more as them in the group of friends and Cartman is the one that gets the most annoyed versus it being vice versa all the time;;;
Bendy- 3! I love my girls so much aaa They’re so soft ;;u;;!! But I don’t draw them enough together because I like Clybe and Stendy a bit more;; they’re in the same wavelength for sure!
Bunny- 4 :,)!! Super lovely ship full of wholesome moments and angst um yes to all of that!!! I didn’t think about this ship too much before but damn was I hit by a train
Tyde- 3 OMG AA I love this but ajhjks I think I like Cryde/Croken a bit more :,) I don’t know why but I definitely need to draw more of them !!
Creek- 4!!! Creek is amazing aaa I love it and I’d say it can also be a five easily :,D!!
Twenny- 3 or 2! I don’t think about it as often as I would like :(!! But the times that I do think about it I get happy thinking of small scenarios aaa All kenny ships are so good;;;!
Crutters- 3 oh heck yeah dude I always say I can get behind this like??? SO GOOD
Stenny- 3 or 4! I need to make more art of them but im a La Z Y insect and think about the fives too often;;;!!
K2- 4 or even;; 5 :,)!!! It was this year that I started to REALLY like this pairing omg the ship of the GODS.
Candy- An easy 2! I have a lot to say abou tCandy but I feel better leavin git with the note that I don’t mind it at all!
Staig- BROO SAY LESS OMG 5 and everyone knows it
Stolovan- 3! I like this ship BUT I HAVEN'T DRAWN KEVIN LIKE;;; AT ALL;;; The poor boy ugh;;;
Bratters- a 3 or 2 for sure! I don’t think about it too often :(! But it’s got so much potential in the ideas department!!
Clenny- 3 or 4!! I try way too hard for them to the point that;;; I draw something for them and then I don’t post it because I don’t think it’s any good LMAO;;; But i do enjoy this sHIP SO MUCH!!!
Dip- 2;;; I don’t think about it often :( The content for this ship is amazing though jesus
Fike- 2;;; aaa I don’t know it doesn’t live rent free in my mind sadly :( But all 2s can always turn to 3 or 4s because I really do like keeping an open mind!)
Gregstophe- 3! I want to like this ship more but I don’t draw them enough to see that sweet sweet potential ;;u;!! BuT IT’S SO GOOD AA
I decided to add these: (Less things to talk about lmao)
Stutters: 1 if i'm being honest ;;; Cutest moments on screen though!
Cryle: 4 :,)! Just the best simply the best here omg;; It’s the same as Clenny where I think I need to make good content for it at all times but I always end up not doing a good job? :(
Kyndy: um;;👀👀👀 3 :)
Kendy: ahaha a 3 too im-
Kenbe: THIS IS A 3 or 4!!
Clybe: 4 but can easily be a 5 :,)!
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red-becca · 3 years
The History Of Wrong Guys
If you wanna know where I got inspiration for this, either listen to the song with the same title or watch a Creek animatic with the same title, as well. I actually did write a Creek one before. Back when Red was just a background character and a Craig punching bag. But now, Red is her own character for me. I actually wish I could draw/ animate bc I want an animatic of this. But writing about it is good too.
Second, I see Tweek and Red as besties... Just cause. For funsies. I did it back when Red and Craig were cousins and I still do it now because I see it as an interesting dynamic.
And last thing, before you go at me, the list of wrong guys at the near end is just crackships I may have shipped at some point and just put there for fun, hehe. So, yeah. Please, don't come at me.
"Thanks again for managing to get me a job here, Tweek! Now, we get to hang out twice as much now without me feeling like I disrupt your work!" Red laughed as she waited for Tweek to finish tying her apron from behind.
"Pft..." Tweek jokingly tied her apron really tight on her waist, making her let out a small noise of pain. "Yeah, well... You can thank me for getting you this job by working hard, alright? Not by ogling at boys. Which I know is the real reason you got this job..." He playfully rolled his eyes before giving her a wink. "Also, you never disrupted me at work, girlfriend. In fact, I'm glad to have a girl best friend like you who takes the time to visit me during work."
Red let out a long breath as she untied the tight knot he made, tying it up herself properly. "So much for helping me with this apron..." She pouted then snickered, giving him an eye- roll back. "And please... That is the last thing I'll be doing. I am so done with guys now after what happened with my last boyfriend. I've had too many boyfriends at this point that I could write a whole book about them." She rolled her eyes again, putting her hands on her hips.
Tweek just gave her a pat on the shoulder. "Red, don't you worry. You'll find that right guy who'll sweep you off your feet, I just know it. I mean, just look at me. I'm not exactly the typical uber masculine male nor am I... Okay, you get the point. I don't want you berating me about bringing myself down and all. Ironic, really, since you do it a lot to yourself." He rolled his eyes afterwards.
"Mmm, no, not really..." Red laughs softly at him, making the blonde sigh heavily. "What? You didn't really make a clear point, okay?"
"Fine. My point is that... We all get a chance at finding the right person for us, no matter who we are." Tweek smiled before snickering. "Like take Craig as an example... For being such an asshole, he got a long- time boyfriend. Then again, I'm not that purely nice, either. But you get my point now, right?"
The redhead just rolls her eyes at the mention of the raven's name, making her exit the employee's room before him. "Ugh, please... Asshole is an understatement to what Craig is. Fucking asks me to be his girlfriend and yet he never treated me like I was... Why I stupidly said yes back then, I have no idea..." She sighed as she sat behind the counter, resting her head on the palm of her hands. "And how you get him to treat you so nicely, I don't know either."
Tweek just chuckled at her actions. "Well, that's how true love works. This might sound really corny but we end up acting differently around the person we love."
"So, what you're saying is that Craig never loved me when he asked me out back then?" She playfully pouted at him as he nodded at her. "Okay, ouch. Brutal honesty that I already knew. But still, ouch." She pretended to look hurt, putting a hand on her chest.
"Mmm, yes. No point in sugar coating things for you, Red." Tweek pinches one of her cheeks hard. "You're a big girl now, after all."
"Gah! Hey!" Red groaned, slapping his hand away. "So, are we working or what?! Seems like I'm just even more of a distraction now that I'm working with you!"
He snickered. "Well, yes. Go on and do the honors of opening up, then. Since you're so excited to get to work and stuff..." Tweek stood behind the counter, right next to where she was standing.
"Tch, well... I don't just want to paid for not doing anything, you get me?" She raised a brow at him, turning the sign at the door as she did so. And she was gonna say more to him until she heard a thud from the door, making her jump. "Jesus Christ!"
A tall looking male wearing glasses was the person who bumped into the shop's doors, giving the girl who was looking at him from inside a small wave before going inside himself. "Heh, sorry about that, Red... Still getting used to these glasses of mine..." He said as he adjusted them. "Ironic how I need them to see yet ever since I started wearing them, I bump into stuff more..."
Red blinked rapidly, giving the stranger in front of her a confused look. "I, uh... It's okay, I guess?" She let out nervous laughter. "I'm sorry, but who are you? And how do you know my name?"
"Red, are you serious? I get glasses and suddenly you don't recognize me? Wow, Superman's disguise actually works, then." He snickered, taking off his glasses for her to recognize him. "It's me! Kevin!"
The female went red soon after she realized who it was, giving him a quick onceover. "Kevin?! As in... Kevin Stoley?! No way! When did you get so much more taller?! And hotter too?! I mean-!" She immediately covered her mouth after she said that.
Kevin started blushing with her, nervously rubbing the back of his neck as he puts his glasses back on. "Heh, yeah... That's me. Kevin Stoley, the name my parents gave me. And wow... You really think I'm all that? Thanks, I guess... We've only not seen each other for like a month... I couldn't have changed that much, have I?" He looks back at her with a shy smile.
His smile got her heart racing, opening her mouth as she tried to say something but nothing came out. "I... Uh... Yes?" She managed to squeak out, giving him a few shy giggles as she rubbed the back of her head.
"Well... As long as it's a good change, I guess it's fine..." He replied, chuckling once before everything between them suddenly became awkwardly quiet.
That was until Kevin's friends came into the store after him, Bradley smacking him behind his back as he passed him. "We're gonna be sitting over there if you need us, alright?" He said, pointing to the table where two other people have just sat in. "Though we don't mind if you take a while... What with you being distracted and all that~" He teased which immediately got him a punch on the shoulder from Kevin.
Kevin gave out nervous laughter, dismissing what Bradley said with a frantic waving of his hand. "Ignore what my friend just said there, Red. I'll be back with all my friends' orders, okay?" He gave her the same smile from earlier before running off back to his friends.
Red sighed happily as she watched him walk away, a hand on her chest as her heart started to race again and a small smile formed on her face.
"Well, well, well~ Guess who's ogling a guy at work after she said she wouldn't?" Tweek teased as he stood behind her. "Also, told ya that you would find the guy that would sweep you off your feet, Red~ Just didn't think it would happen right after I said it." He chuckled, patting her shoulder.
Red scoffed out loud as her hair matched her face, brushing his hand away from her shoulder. "Tch! No, I'm not! What are you even talking about? Nuh-uh! No way! I'm just surprised to see him again! That is all and it! End of story!" She huffed, grabbing a broom and started to angrily sweep the floor.
Tweek sighed at this, playfully shaking his head. "Alright, you fucking tsundere. Whatever you say there..." He gave a playful eyeroll before walking back to the counter.
"I am not a tsundere!" Red yelled on the top of her lungs, making Kevin and his friends look her way. "Oops, sorry about that, you guys!" She nervously laughed at them.
Tweek chuckled softly at this, trying not to burst into laughter at her actions. "Pft, sure, you aren't a tsundere... But you definitely are an idiot with how you're holding that broom in your hands..."
"Huh?" She looked at the broom in her hands and went bright red when she saw that she was holding it upside down. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" She mumbled to herself as she cleaned the floor while holding the broom properly this time.
"Okay, girl... Time to focus on doing a good job at this job of yours... No distractions..." She said inside her head, only to immediately get distracted to wave at Kevin. The redhead shook her head and slapped her face repeatedly in hopes of getting her to focus. "Oh, no! No! Girl, don't you dare! I swear to God, I am warning you!"
She groaned at her thoughts, making her look back at Kevin again. "Fuck... No... You are definitely crushing on him, girl! But you can't! You shouldn't! And yet... Here you are falling for him..." Red bites her bottom lip as she looks and stares at Kevin before shaking her head again, a small smile on her face. "I mean... Why not, right? This shouldn't hurt..."
Red continued thinking to herself as she went back to sweeping the floor, her thoughts being on how women have been making bad choices since the beginning. And she wondered if Kevin was going to be another one of hers, making her sigh and get lost in her thoughts.
So lost in her thoughts, she was unable to notice Kevin walking over to her again which makes her bump into him accidentally. "Oh my God! I am so sorry!" She shouted, panicking as she got back into reality and also, continuously apologized to him.
Instead of being weirded by this though, Kevin just chuckled. "Red, Red... It's okay, calm down. I did just randomly sneak up on you and all that..." He reassured her, putting a hand on her shoulder. She let out a small squeak at what he did, making her blush heavily and shyly look away from him.
"Anyway... I was going to tell you my friends' orders and mine but seeing as you seem to be not feeling well, I might just tell them to Twe-" Kevin was about to walk towards the counter but Red was quick to stop him by grabbing him by his arm.
Red immediately cuts him off, grabbing a notepad from her pockets and then the pencil from her ear. "Oh, no! There will be no need for that, Kevin! I'm fine, really! So, please... Tell me what your order will be." She gave him a small smile.
He gave her a smile back along with a nod before telling her what him and his friends have ordered. "You got everything?" He asked as he finished with telling his order, raising a brow when he saw Red just staring at him. "Umm, Red? Everything okay? Is there... something on my face? In my teeth, maybe?" Kevin wiped his face to see if there was anything on his face.
"Hmm?" Red snaps out of her dazed state, shaking her head to get herself feeling normal. "Oh, no! You have nothing in your face, Kevin! You're fine! So fine even!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, blushing madly in realization at what she yelled. "Anyway! Yes! I got everything you told me written down! I'll be the one who personally delivers your order to you once it's ready!" She nervously laughed and gave him a quick wave before walking back towards the counter.
As Kevin watched her walk away, an idea suddenly came to his head. "Hey, wait! Red! Can I ask you for one more thing?"
"Kev!" She suddenly yelled in shock, making her cover her mouth again then turning to face him again. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry about that... Yes? What is it, Kevin?"
"Well, uh..." He suddenly got tongue tied, laughing nervously while rubbing his neck. "I was hoping that maybe... I don't know... Hang out during a break or... You know, after your shift is done with..." He nervously swung one of his legs back and forth. "That is if you want to, obviously..."
"Oh, wow... Really?" She got flustered at his request, a small nod coming from him at her question. "Why, yes! I would love to! Sure thing! You got it!" She gave him a few awkward finger guns while walking backwards.
"Alright! Sounds great!" He gave her a small smile along with a thumbs up before heading back towards his table. "See you later, Red!"
Red gave the Kevin's order to Tweek before looking back at Kevin with a loving stare. "Kev..." She took in a deep breath as she sat behind the counter, thinking about nothing but Kevin.
"You know, I used to think you were quite the nerdy, dorky geek... That was a month ago... Look at you now, though! Who exactly is brand new handsome guy I am looking at?" She giggles at her thoughts. "You're actually kinda cute when you're not so shy, Kev..." She sighed happily before turning to Tweek, who had yet another teasing look in face which made Red frown then start helping him with making Kevin's order.
"Are you literally forgetting what you were just lamenting about earlier today, girl? You've literally just been here before! Have you really come back for more?" She looked over at Kevin while still working on the order. "He might just end up being another chapter in your book about the history of wrong guys..."
"Well, then again... He used to be not that much of a catch, right? Not your type whatsoever... But look at him now! He's changed into something I just can't ignore so easily!" She groaned to herself at her dilemma. "Oh, Kevin! Honestly! If only you knew how much I've been hurt like this before! Is there something more to you than what I've always thought?" She huffed before turning her back to Kevin and started helping Tweek with the order. "Oh, whatever... I'll just see if you can surprise me any more than you already have..."
"Hey, Red?" Kevin suddenly approached the counter again, making Red gasp in shock and quickly fix herself before facing him. "Hope I'm not being too much of a bother for telling you this..."
"Oh, no! Are you kidding me? You could never be a bother! So, what is it that you need? If it's about your order, well..." Red grabbed the order that she and Tweek just finished. "Why, we just finished it, actually. Here you go." She smiled as she gave him a tray of his order.
"Oh, why thank you! I'm impressed you two got this to us so quick! What with it being just the two of you..." Kevin laughs a bit while one of his friends grab the tray and bring it to their table. "But, no... You see, in all this excitement, I had completely forgotten to order for Esther. She wants a tall skinny mocha..." He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "So, yeah... I hope it doesn't bother you and Tweek much if I gave you another order to do..."
"Esther? Who is that? Most likely his girlfriend, right?" Red looked over to Tweek, who just shook his head and had an annoyed look on his face. Then she looked back at Kevin with a smile. "Like I said earlier, you could never be a bother! I will personally do Esther's order myself!" A faint groan from Tweek could be heard. "Esther's mocha... A mocha for Esther... Alright then, no more surprise orders, right?"
He shook his head. "Nope! No more surprises here! And oh, be sure to get it out as soon as you can, if you don't mind? The last thing I want is for Esther to be really mad at me..." Kevin finishes with a hearty laugh.
"Yep, definitely his girlfriend..." She thought to herself, a fake smile hiding the pain she felt. "Oh, don't you worry! I promise you we will get Esther's order ready quickly!" She does the same laugh he did.
Kevin didn't say anything more, just gave her a small nod in response before going back to his table.
Tweek slowly scooched right next to her, leaning close to whisper into her ear. "Yo, Red... I don't mind getting an extra order all of a sudden but... Did you have to reassure Kevin that we could get it out so quickly?" He raised a brow when he noticed that Red wasn't moving. "Uh, Red? Everything okay?" He yelped when the girl suddenly puts her hands on his shoulders.
"He has a girlfriend, Tweek! Waa!" She shook the male around as she freaked out about the revelation. "Why do they have to be so nice when they're..." Red lets him go then looks back to Kevin with a frown. "Unavailable?"
"Kevin? Unavailable? What? Pretty sure he is available because-" Tweek tried to explain to her what Kevin and Esther's relationship but gets cut off by Red.
"Oh, Tweek! Don't get my hopes up like that! I couldn't possibly steal another girl's man! Not again! I am a changed woman, after all! The last thing I wanna be with Kevin is star- crossed lovers! Because well... We all know how that ends..." She made a slicing motion across her neck.
The blond took in deep breaths as he puts a hand on her shoulder. "Look, Red... Listen to me, Esther is-"
"His girlfriend! I know, I know! No need to rub more salt in my wounds!" She whined while Tweek groaned, completely giving up on trying to explain that Esther and Kevin were actually siblings. "But you know what? I'm not gonna let this bother me! In fact, I'm better off without him! We're better off as friends!" She beamed before immediately hugging Tweek and turning into a sobbing mess.
"Shh, shh... It's okay, Red..." He sarcastically cheered her up as he slowly pats her back, hoping she would figure out the truth later seeing as he couldn't be the one to tell her.
Red sniffed as she pulled away, wiping away her tears. Meanwhile, Tweek went back to work in order to get to work on getting Esther's mocha to her. "Damnit, Tweek! I've been hurt like this before! Why does it hurt so much more when it came to Kevin?!" She groaned loudly again before grabbing a photo album from under the counter. "When I said that I have had so many boyfriends that I could make a book about them, I meant it. I really have a book about the guys I have dated who were just the wrong guy..." She sighed as she flipped through the pages of the book where there were old pictures of Red with her exes who were Kenny, Pete, Jimmy, Stan, Craig, Token, Bridon, Kyle, Clyde and Butters. To name a few examples...
"And now, a new addition to the book... Kevin Stoley... Who has a girlfriend named Esther..." Red grumbled underneath her breath, tearing a piece of paper from the book she held in her hands. "Damnit, why am I so damn stupid and easily fall for guys like this?!" She huffed before finding herself angrily eating the paper she tore up.
"Uh, Red?" Kevin suddenly spoke up once he noticed what Red was doing while he picked up Esther's mocha, very confused at what he had just seen and wondering if he had seen something he wasn't supposed to see.
She froze at the sound of his voice, turning to face him then spitting out the paper in her mouth. "Hey, Kevin... How's it hanging?"
"Pretty good, really. Hope you found that paper delicious..." He laughed which makes her blush in embarrassment. "Anyway, I came here because well... My sister would like her receipt, please..."
The word "sister" started echoing in her mind, a smile slowly forming on her face in excitement. The exciting thought in her head caused her to completely space out.
"Umm, Red?" Kevin waved his hand in front of her face, even more confused at what was going on. "Can I get my sister's receipt, please?"
Red simply put a finger up. "Excuse me for one moment, please..." She turned to Tweek with an annoyed expression. "Hey! Did you know that Esther is Kevin's sister?! If you did, why didn't you tell me?!"
Tweek sighed and shook his head. "Look, I tried to tell you earlier about it. But no, you were just too caught up on being heartbroken and stuff..."
"Hmph..." Red huffed, giving Kevin the receipt he wanted. "Here you go, Kevin..."
"Thanks, Red." He smiled at her. "So, uh... Me and my friends are gonna head out now... See you later, I guess?" The male waved before starting to head out.
Red gasped at what she heard, turning to Tweek with a cheesy grin. "Tweek, you know I love you, right?"
He sighed at her words. "Just go on your damn break already, Red... Don't let me stop you..." Tweek chuckled as he shook his head, giving the girl a few pats on her shoulder. "Also, have fun..." He smiled at her.
"Thanks, Tweek! Like I said, I love you!" Red happily beamed, quickly taking off her apron and running off to Kevin. "Hey, Kev!"
"Yeah, Red-?" Kevin yelped when Red suddenly tackled him to the ground with a hug.
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unforth · 3 years
Ko-Fi Commission for Diminuel
@diminuel here you go love! <3 (sorry it’s not Naga Dean, I got it written before I saw your reply)
Fandom: Supernatural
Ship: Destiel
Rating: Explicit
Tags: A/B/O dynamics, canon adjacent, omega bottom Cas, alpha top Dean, mutual pining and idiots kinda sorta using their words, heat, mentions of Dean/Kevin (in a platonic “alpha helping an omega friend through a heat” way.)
Word count: 1,646 words.
Read on AO3 or read more...(ugh Tumblr is being impossible about formatting sorry it ate all the italics, sigh...you’re probably better off just reading it on AO3)
“Where is he?” Dean demanded, slamming open the door of bunker library and storming into the room. 
Startled, Sam jumped up from his chair, hand reaching for a pistol he didn’t actually have at his side when they were at the Bunker, and then relaxed. “Who, Cas? How did you kn--?”
“No, I mean the fucking Easter Bunny - of course I mean Cas!” Anger and arousal and anger about the arousal simmered beneath Dean’s skin. “And he’s been lighting my phone up with texts like you wouldn’t believe.” This was all wrong. “I didn’t even know he knew how to use the goddamn camera on his phone, much less how to send me a dick pic.” Cas didn’t - couldn’t - want Dean. “What the fuck is going on?”
“Oh, um.” Swallowing, Sam looked away, cheeks flushing. “Maybe you should, uh...I mean, he’s in his room. I thought you two…”
Dean glared, eyes narrowing. “We...what?” 
Come on, Sammy, I dare you to say you legit thought we were a couple, when you know better. He’s a fucking angel, and I’m a fucking mess, and he’d never…
“Nothing! I...look, Dean, I’m not involved. I offered, but he said it had to be you, so...go.”
...I’d never…
“What had to be me?!”
...that’s a total lie, I would if there was even a prayer that he’d want…
“Just go,” ordered Sam, gesturing toward the door and dropping back into his chair to hunch over whatever esoteric nonsense he was reading today.
...but he never would.
Grumbling, Dean obeyed, leaving the library and navigating the tunnels of the Bunker. His nose tickled, an unfamiliar scent permeating the air, and he tried to place it. It smelled a little like Charlie, with the soothing aspect of her betaness easing Dean’s tension even when he didn’t want his tension eased. It smelled a little like Kevin, especially that one annoying time he’d gone into heat, spicy and clinging and inescapable. It didn’t smell like Cas, who never smelled like anything. Jimmy had been an omega, Dean thought, but if Cas had a presentation type, Dean had never caught a whiff of it.
It smelled good, tempting, taunting. An itch teased down Dean’s spine, a whisper of desire thickening his dick.
It smelled wrong, like it didn’t belong, like Dean shouldn’t be following it.
Except he had to check on Cas.
Except the scent intensified the closer he drew to Cas’ room.
Except that Dean didn’t think he could stop himself pursuing the source of that enticing aroma if his life fucking depended on it.
Finally, he stood before Cas’ door. The mystery aroma suffused the air, and the explicit selfies Cas had sent him suggested intriguing possibilities, and Dean stood there, paralyzed.
If he added all the pieces up, it was hard to imagine anything other than that, somehow, Cas was an omega and had gone into heat.
And, if that was the case...the last thing Dean should be doing was knocking on that door.
Cas did not want Dean...but apparently, when he was in heat, maybe he did. Dean would never be that alpha. He would never--
“Dean?” Cas’ shout, frantic and deep and raspy and fucking sex incarnate, was barely muffled by the door. “Dean, you came! Please...oh, please…”
“Yeah,” Dean replied, heart aching. “I’m here.” He should walk away. “But I can’t…”
“I know,” Cas moaned, the scent intensifying. “...I know, I know, you don’t want...I mean...but…” The air was awash with musk and a heavy scent like a thick fog descending, and Dean’s erection stiffened. “...but just this once...please…”
Catching a lip between his teeth, Dean furious debated in his head as Cas continued to beg. On the one hand, Dean was never one to take advantage of an omega in heat. On the other hand, there was a world of difference between scenting a stranger and getting a dumbass alpha boner, and helping a friend through a difficult time. When Kevin had been desperate, Dean had offered himself up, after all...consent was a bitch in cases like those but friends were friends, and working it out after the fact was a time honored tradition...if Dean went in and helped Cas, it wouldn’t be any different.
“...Dean, I’m begging...I need you so badly...need you...only you…”
Right. Not a bit of difference. Nope. Not like Kevin really is just a friend, whereas Cas is…
“...I’ll do anything…”
...is everything...
“...I’m so hot…”
...is nothing...nothing to me...we’re nothing to each other…there’s nothing between us...
“I can’t,” Dean muttered, hoping like hell Cas could hear him, hoping like hell Cas couldn’t hear him and might stop babbling enticingly long enough for Dean to escape. “Cas...look...I get you feel all...some kinda way...right now...but you don’t actually…” Dean laid an arm over the door, leaned his forehead against it, and took a deep breath despite himself. “...you don’t actually want me…” 
Fuck, Cas smelled amazing.
“I do!” said Cas frantically. “I do, please - I need you.” He sounded like he was sobbing, and Dean’s heart could have broken - he wanted to help so badly, wanted to believe Cas so, so badly. 
“...you don’t…”
...he couldn’t.
“I’ll show you!”
Surprised, Dean took a step back from the door and blinked as if the dull gray would tell him what the fuck Cas meant.
Naw, don’t need X-Ray vision to know what he means. He’s horny, and of course between Sam and I’d pick me, I’m hung, and Sam’s a little bitch. When I open this door, he’ll be on his bed, presenting a slick hole, and if my willpower doesn’t snap it’ll be a fucking miracle.
And even knowing all that, Dean couldn’t resist the desperate catch in Cas’ voice.
Fuck, but Dean was gonna hate himself when this was over.
Fuck, but I already hate myself…
With a resigned sigh, Dean pushed the door open and stared.
He’d been partially right - Cas was on the bed presenting a slick hole.
The wings were a surprise, though.
And Cas’ scent was fucking insane, powerful, unearthly, drawing Dean into the room like a siren’s call. He’d heard some nonsense about how a true mate might smell and had never believed a lick of it, and he didn’t believe it now, no matter how amazing Cas smelled, no matter how drawn to him Dean felt - this had to be some bizarre angel mojo, no “meant to be” involved, for all that Cas moaned like a damn pornstar when the first gust of Dean’s scent swept before him into the room. There was no fucking way this was Jimmy’s humanity at work. This was pure angel grace insanity, complete with black feathers, and Dean wanted...Dean needed…
“Bedside table!” Cas gasped, craning his neck to look back at Dean. His eyes were wide, his pupils blown, his cheeks coated with sweat and tears.
Who’d’a thought Cas would have protection next to the bed...good thinking though, I’m about 2.3 seconds from sinking in balls deep, and--
Dean tugged the drawer open.
There weren’t any condoms in the drawer.
There was a book with a leather cover and all the hallmarks of being a journal. 
“Read it - please read it - and then help me, if you still want to - I’ll understand if you don’t - but I need...need...and it can only be you, it has to be you, has to be…” Cas’ supplications dissolved into sobs as, confused, Dean withdrew the book and leafed through the pages…
...Dean, it said on one page...my mortal love, it said on another...anything for him, it said on yet another...doesn’t want me, on another page...here for him no matter what, on another...don’t need more than this, on another...but I want him, on another...page upon page of devotion and care written in Cas’ unmistakable neat handwriting.
The book dropped from Dean’s numbed fingers.
He can’t want me.
He can’t think I don’t want him.
He couldn’t possibly…
Slowly, Dean turned toward the bed. Cas panted desperately, rocking back against nothing, eyes fixed on Dean...no, fixed on the bulge in Dean’s pants, his gaze was definitely directed down with the look of a starving man...and Dean stared.
...why would he…
“...need you…” Cas whimpered pathetically.
...but he does.
Certain this must be a dream, Dean crossed the scant steps separating them, fumbling hands undoing his belt on the first step, letting his pants drop on the second, stepping out of them on the third and fourth, and then he was beside the bed, and Cas was displayed before him like a banquet, and Dean’s cock was so hard it ached, and the scent of angel heat made him dizzy, and there was nothing, nothing between them except years of devotion and uncountable words of near-confessions that never said everything and desperation and pining and need and devotion…
...there was nothing between them, not a shred of cloth, not a single inhibition, not a hint of uncertainty.
Dean climbed onto the bed.
Though...they would have a fuckton to talk about once Cas’ heat was over.
Or it’s a dream, and I’ll wake up...either way, awkward feels talks can wait...hell, they can wait forever if I’m lucky...and Cas needs me now.
“Don’t worry,” murmured Dean as he pushed forward and the head of his dick breached that perfect, tight pucker for the first time. “I’ll take care of you.”
Everything could wait until Cas was sated - until Dean had been the alpha that Cas deserved.
“I know you will,” Cas whispered, rocking back against him. “You always do...always...always…”
Yes, Cas...always...always here for you...always your alpha...always your Dean…
...always yours.
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neoskidz · 4 years
Just Trust Me || Hyunjae
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WC. 1.48K
GENRE. Fluff / College!au / Soulmates!au
All this time you thought soulmate is just a bedtime story your grandma used to tell. But, seeing how you wound completely healed just with his touch makes you wonder. Is he your soulmate?
TAGLIST. [Networks] @tbznetwork​ @deobiwritersnet
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When you were a child, your grandma used told you many old legends as your bedtime story. One of it was about a magical red string that tied you with a person who was made for you, your soulmate. It literally the most favorite bedtime story you ever heard. There even a time where you would ask her about it, asking when the red string will appear in your pinkie. Which only gained a laugh as the response.
It took you 7 years to learn that it was just a legend. A bedtime story your grandma used to told as a bedtime story. But it didn’t mean soulmate wasn’t real. It was real.
In this world, soulmates are not tied by magical red strings nor tattoos like in novel. However, by a special ability you shared with your soulmate. Each pair of soulmates has different abilities. For example, your parents could teleport to each others side, and your grandparents stop aging at their 30s.
Usually those abilities would show up when you’re 16. Yet, until today, you didn’t see any change in you. You are still you, without any power or abilities.
Because of it, you started to losing hope. Maybe, after all, you’re destined to not have a soulmate.
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Can someone remind you why you agreed to be a part of the university expo committees for your club again? Right, you need more student activity points to able graduate faster and somehow you couldn’t say no to Sangyeon’s request. The club’s president was trusted you too much than those good for nothing guys.
The late summer breeze blew your hair as you walked under the hot bright sun with pamphlet in your hands, trying your best to kept smiling and recruit as many students as you can to join your club. It supposed to be a 15 minutes work of giving flyers to the college students that passed around the hall. However, someone thought it was a great idea to ditched you and made your work doubled. Maybe you need to give a piece of your mind to make Sangyeon stricter to his club members, especially to Kevin.
This was not the first time someone bailed on you and made you do all the works. You tired of it.
To make it worse, a freshman who was happen not using her eyes properly bumped into you, resulting the pamphlet in your hand to shattered on the grass and arm scraped by her bag. She didn’t try to pay any attention toward you and just left like that.
“Ugh, freshman nowadays,” You grumbled to no one as you pick the flyer. You couldn’t help but wince every time you moved your hand. It looked very bad for just a scratch.
Next time, you need to learn how to say no to every favor Sangyeon asks you, even if you could get student activity points in exchange.
Walking back to the stand, you met Younghoon who happened to bring some freshmen. He was about to ask you about the progress until he noticed the scratch and the pained look you had. The question was completely forgotten as he quickly passed the freshmen to other members and bring you to the clinic for some aid.
Younghoon slammed his hand to the door, opening it with a little bit of panic. “Nurse, my friend—”
Instead of the nurse, the two of you were greeted no other by Jaehyun who was busy looking for something at the cabinet. He just looked at the two of you before back to his own business. “If you’re looking for Nurse Kim, she was out for a while.”
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the stand with Juyeon right now?”
“Sangyeon hyung asked me to get a stomachache medicine— Oh, here it is!” Jaehyun happily cheered before looked at you two. “About you two?”
“Our [Name] here scratched her arm pretty bad and she kept insisting that she is fine.”
“But, I’m indeed fine! It just hurt a little when I move my arm,” You lied. It actually hurt so much to the point you can’t feel anything beside the pain. But, you couldn’t tell the truth either. Younghoon will sure panicked if you didn’t endure it.
Jaehyun looked at your wound in silence for a minute, thinking how should he handle this situation, before let out a sigh.
“I will take care of her.”
“Huh?” Both of you looked at Jaehyun in dumbfound and back to each other.
“I mean, you still have work to do and I apparently not. So, just leave her to me and go back to your work.” Jaehyun pulled one of Younghoon’s hand and the stomachache medicine on it. “And if this to Sangyeon hyung in your way. Now go!”
Before Younghoon could make any protest, Jaehyun pushed the man out from the clinic and shooed him. Not a second later, he turned to you and pointed the chair near you to sit. He even didn’t start a conversation with you, just sit across you and examined the scratch.
“Y’know I can treat the scratch by myself, right?” He nodded. “Then why are you still here?”
“Because I said I will take care of you.”
His answer made you kinda confused and speechless.
There was one thing that you learned from befriend Jaehyun for almost 5 years and he wasn’t the type of person that care for his friends. On the contrary, he likes to make his friends lose their temper, including you. So seeing him like this made you worried.
Did he eat something wrong this morning? Or he wanted to use this change to torture you!? Maybe you should have made Younghoon not leave you alone with Jaehyun.
“Close your eyes, this might hurt a bit.” You quickly closed your eyes and hoping for the pain that he was talking about. However, You didn’t feel anything, moreover, the scratch on your arm felt less hurt. “It’s done.”
You slowly opened your eyes and moved your arm a bit. There no sign of scratch or wound on it, like there was nothing happened to you since the beginning.
“I just discovered it few months ago and apparently I can heal wounds.” You looked at him in awe. That was... unexpected. So not Jaehyun like. “However, I can’t just heal anybody. It only worked on my soulmates.”
Now you were jealous of his—
“Wait, what!? Soulmates?” You looked at him to your arm and back again to him. “You mean I’m your soulmate? I thought that was a myth."
“What are you? Five? Soulmates are indeed real.”
“But.. I thought...” You sighed. “Anyway, how do you know about it? Our soulmates ability and the fact I’m your soulmate.”
Just like he said, he just discovered it recently. At first, he found it weird to see his wound heal faster than usual, especially when you were around. It must be a coincidence, he thought, until he witnessed how his fresh wounds from basketball practice completely healed right on the moment you showed him some concern.
He never tell you about it because he was not sure. Moreover, he never find the chance to test the ability on you. That’s also explained why he shooed Younghoon away since he didn’t want to embarrassed himself if you happen to be not his soulmate.
“So, what now?” You asked Jaehyun, eyes timidly wandering around the clinic except him. “Should we tell the others too?”
“Let’s get know each other better first and hide it from them. I’m sure they will never let it go if the news out.”
You chuckled at the thought, “Sure. Let’s get some waffle on way back too. They look tempting to not be bought.”
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Looking at the masterpiece he just made, Kevin decided that it was the time for him to show up on the university expo and show the drawing he made to the others. Maybe also to apologize for bailing his job on you.
“Hey guys, guess who’s here?”
“Great, you’re finally here!” Sangyeon smiled tightly at him before gave him the stack of recruitment pamphlets to spread. “We need to recruit more freshmen and make sure you bring at least ten people by the end of expo.”
“Wait, where is [Name]?” Kevin looked around the stand and couldn’t find you anywhere. You supposed to be either spreading some pamphlet too or helping with the registration.
“I don’t know. I haven’t see her since this morning and apparently Jaehyun is missing too. Has anyone see them?”
Changmin, who was just back with a few freshmen, looked up and pointed the stands on the snack section, “Jaehyun and [name]? I think I saw them eating some waffle there. Together.”
This made all the other members looked each other with a frown. Together?Since when you two were close?
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cpd5021 · 4 years
Go Forth Slowly - Chapter 5
Two updates in one day? Oops? Or yay! Depending on how you want to look at it.... 
Hailey’s one moment of weakness the night before was making her life living hell this morning. She was so distracted this morning that she was almost late to work, skirting into the bullpen at the last second possible. No one seemed to notice her untimely entrance or her slightly disheveled appearance. Well, no one except Jay. His eyes followed her from the second she walked in and they still lingered on her now that she was seated at her desk. One eyebrow quirked in question but she did her best to blow him off. He let it go and didn’t push the issue, but she didn’t miss his little smirk that flashed across his face just before he looked away. Hailey poured herself into her reports, spending way more time on the little details than she normally would, but needing the distraction from the thoughts racing through her mind. By mid afternoon her eyes were burning from a combination of no sleep and staring at a screen all morning. She leaned back in her chair and let out a yawn, stretching her arms above her head as she did so. When she looked back down, she found Jay’s eyes locked on her with that darkness swirling behind them once again. Hailey’s cheeks burned and she quickly stood from her chair, walking as slowly as her body would let her towards the break room despite wanting to run from the room. She pulled the fridge door open to look for a snack and sighed when the cool air washed over her face. With her body bent over into the fridge she didn’t hear Jay come in until she stood back up and nearly ran into him since he was standing so close. 
“Are you okay?”
He questioned, glancing down at her and causing her to tilt her head up to look at him. 
“Yeah, I just didn’t hear you come in.”
She shrugged it off, moving to the cupboard that everyone stashed some snacks in. Hailey saw Jay smirk at her response but tried to ignore it. 
“I meant in general. You seem...distracted.”
His words trailed off and Hailey felt her palms slick with a nervous sweat. She kept her eyes glued to the cupboard, trying her best to be nonchalant about it.
“Nope. All good.”
She snagged a box of crackers and feigned interest in the ingredient list. Once again Jay was behind her before she even realized he moved. His hand came to grip the box, resting just above hers as he mimicked her reading the list.
“Really? Nothing on your mind?”
He was close enough that his breath ghosted over her while he spoke and she fought the urge to shiver at the sensation. He was pushing her and they both knew it. Hailey forced a deep breath in and turned around to face him, watching as it was his turn to blush slightly with their proximity. 
“Nope. Anything on yours?”
Hailey challenged, raising an eyebrow at him for emphasis. It backfired though and she watched as his eyes grew impossibly darker.
“A few things.”
His words sent a heat racing through her but before she could even begin to form a response, Kevin knocked on the door telling them they caught a case. Jay sent her another smirk before he turned and followed their fellow officer out of the room, leaving Hailey feeling more flustered than she ever had been before. Hailey followed him out to the truck, briefly debating just taking her own vehicle but not wanting to draw any attention to herself. Luckily, by the time she climbed in beside him, Jay was fully focused and in work mode. They raced to the scene, heading to help patrol with a robbery in progress and speeding up even more when the call for shots fired came across the radio. 
Once on scene, Hailey jumped out after Jay, gun in hand and followed after her partner. He moved in such a way it was obvious he had more training than just a police academy and his confidence in these situations was something Hailey cherished about him as a partner. She followed after him as they flanked the back of the building, motioning for patrol to take the other side. Just as they rounded the back alley, the back door of the shop burst open and a man ran out into the alley, instantly spotting them and taking off. Adam and Kim were behind them now and the four of them set off on a foot pursuit. Kim ducked off into a different alley, hoping to cut him off and Adam followed to back her up. Jay did his best to keep up with the offender but the maze of alleys and side streets was making it difficult. Hailey was fast but Jay was faster and he rounded the corner half a minute before her. No sooner had he disappeared from her view did the sounds of gunshots sound through the air. Hailey’s run faltered for a split second as her stomach sank with the sound. She rounded the corner after him, gun drawn up and ready to fire, and her breath caught in her throat when she saw Jay down on the ground. A few feet ahead of him lay the body of their offender, a large pool of blood forming underneath him making it obvious Jay’s shot was fatal. Hailey’s attention was immediately on Jay and the smaller pool of blood running underneath him. She collapsed beside him, her hands instantly traveling all over him searching for the source of the blood. He was awake and wreathing beneath her but he couldn’t speak. She frantically ripped away his shirt, finding a bullet lodged in the center of his vest. The sight made her breath hitch once again as the thoughts of what could have happened flashed before her. Hailey quickly undid the straps holding his vest in place and Jay was able to finally take a breath. She felt a rush of relief but her hands went right back to looking for the source of the blood. 
“My..ugh..my leg…”
He panted out, groaning beneath her touch when she found the wound in the middle of his thigh. Her hands clamped over it as she felt panic set it. Jay frantically shook his head, trying to form words between the waves of pain. Her eyes met his and she tried her damndest not to let the tears she could feel coming fall. 
“You gotta tie it off. Tourniquet..remember..?”
She nodded, how could she forget that day. But in her panic she froze when she realized she didn’t have the kit they had been provided. His hand tugged at his belt briefly before it slipped away again and she took the hint. Letting go of the wound to quickly undo his belt. In any other circumstance, this task would have her in a puddle on the ground, but right now this felt like life or death. She managed to pull the belt out from his jeans and fastened it around his leg tightly. Just as she finished Adam rounded the corner, screaming for an ambulance into his radio while he went to their dead offender. Kim came over to Hailey and Jay, looking just as panicked as Hailey felt but Jay did his best to assure them both that he would be okay. Sirens wailed in the distance and finally a team of paramedics was beside her, taking over her attempts at stopping his bleeding and hauling him onto the cot. Without hesitation she followed them up into the ambulance, having no intention of leaving his side until she knew he was truly okay. One medic started the drive to the hospital while the other quickly tended to Jay’s injuries. 
She said, handing Hailey a pair of scissors and motioning for her to start cutting away his close. Jay was calmer now and his eyes met hers momentarily when she hesitated. She swallowed hard and moved down to his boots, quickly pulling them off before using the shears to cut up the length of his jeans. The area around his wound had already been ripped open by the medic so Hailey went back down to cut up the other leg. When she got to his uninjured thigh she hesitated again, noticing the thigh holster strapped to his leg. 
“It all has to come off. You’re probably better with those things than I would be.”
The medic nodded to the holster, her tone obviously trying to lighten the atmosphere just a touch. Hailey nodded and her fingers began to fumble with the straps around his leg. Jay lifted his good leg slightly to give her a better angle and she managed to get the lower strap unhooked. The second strap, the one much higher up his leg and closer to a region she felt should be off limits, seemed to be a little harder to undo. She jiggled the holster around, slipping her fingers underneath as she wiggled it loose and her cheeks started to burn when she remembered Jay pulling away from her the day they were training. Her eyes glanced up towards the front of his jeans before she could help herself but she quickly averted them up to his face. His eyes were locked on hers and she knew she had been busted with her glance. Jay gave her a small smile, almost like the smirks he had been giving her all morning, and she was tempted to roll her eyes. This whole situation was ridiculous and the fact that she was currently more focused on her proximity to parts of him she had only dreamed out instead of his injuries or their current location made Hailey hate herself all the more. Finally the strap was off and they pulled into Med. Hailey followed along after the stretcher, knowing no was one going to stop her. She lingered at the edge of his room, watching as a team of doctors and nurses assessed his injury and stitched him up. She watched his face while they were working and hated the pain she saw there. Not only was he in discomfort because of the gunshot wound, but she knew better than anyone that he hated hospitals. This would be pure hell for him and she wished she could give him some comfort. Once they finished, the nurse told her she could sit beside him and they would be back momentarily. Hailey pulled a chair up to his bedside and settled into it slowly. 
She spoke softly, almost a whisper. 
He replied, sending her a small smile. It didn’t fully reach his eyes but she understood why. Hailey glanced down his body, lingering on the area where he had been shot and the sounds of the gun going off echoed through her head. She blinked and was surprised when she felt wetness on her cheek. Hailey quickly wiped away the tear that had fallen, frantically blinking away the others. 
“Hey...don’t do that.”
Jay whispered, reaching a hand out towards her. Without fully realizing what she was doing, she took it, grasping his hand firmly in hers. 
She mumbled, feeling embarrassed with herself for her show of emotions. 
“No I’m sorry.”
He countered, squeezing her hand. Hailey met his eyes again, feeling hers still burn with unshed tears. 
“For what?”
Jay gave her a somber smile before he replied. 
“For always getting shot.”
Hailey let out a chuckle at his response, using her free hand to wipe away the tears that had sneaked out. 
“Yeah...if you could stop doing that it would be great.”
She smiled at him and the look in his eyes made her heart skip a beat. 
“I’m sorry for making you cry.”
His words almost broke the flood gate inside her and she wanted to tell him it wasn’t the first time. She cried the first time she saw him lying on the pavement, leaving Adam to pick up the pieces. She cried when he was kidnapped and again when she found him shot by Angela. And again when she sat in the waiting room, after Vanessa’s words had crashed into her like a freight train. But instead of saying anything she just pursed her lips into a smile and nodded slowly at him. Before either of them could say anything else, the curtain whipped open and Will barged in. Hailey pulled her hand away from Jay’s quickly, hoping his brother hadn’t noticed, but she didn’t worry long when she took in the look on Will’s face. She wasn’t even sure he had noticed she was here. 
“Dude. Really?”
Was all he said and Hailey couldn’t help but grin at his words. Jay glanced at her, a slight smirk on his face, before turning back to face his brother.
“All part of the job.”
Jay shrugged, earning an eye roll from Will. 
“A part you seem to be really good at.”
Will scoffed, grabbing Jay’s chart and flipping through it. He nodded in silent approval before turning back to address Jay again. 
“You’re lucky, a gunshot wound to the thigh can go bad quick. It didn’t knick anything important and they said bleeding was controlled well on scene.”
Jay nodded towards Hailey as Will finished speaking. 
“You can thank this one for that. Used my belt as a tourniquet to control the bleeding.”
Hailey ducked her head down, shaking it back and forth and feeling slightly embarrassed. Will really did thank her though before he left them alone again, citing a packed ER and not enough doctors. 
“I do owe you a thanks for that.”
Jay stated, drawing her attention back to him.
“It was your idea, I totally forgot.”
Hailey shrugged him off, pulling at a string on her jeans. 
“Yeah well that training day was...kinda distracting.”
Her eyes shot up at his mention of that day, something she had hoped he would just totally forget about. But of course she wasn’t that lucky. 
“If you say so…”
She brushed it off, despite the fact that her heart was pounding inside her chest. 
“Oh I do.”
Jay smirked again and Hailey wanted to smack it off his face. He knew exactly what he was doing to her and his grin only grew when her cheeks flushed again. 
She mumbled, looking for a reason to bolt out of the room. 
“You do that a lot now.”
He stated, eyes locked on her once again. It was a trap and she knew it, but it didn’t stop her from walking right into it. 
“Do what?”
She challenged, meeting his eyes in an intense stare. 
If she thought she was blushing before it was nothing compared to the fire that ignited in her face now. His eyes held hers and she couldn’t look away no matter how hard she tried. His eyes darkened again and it was everything in her not to look away. When it became obvious she wasn’t going to say anything, Jay decided to push her one step farther. 
“And thanks for saving my holster too. That top latch is kinda tricky, really gotta play with it sometimes.”
Hailey nodded slowly, unable to form any coherent words. Jay seemed to know the effect this conversation was having on her, what his looks could do, but she wasn’t sure how or what she should even feel about that realization. 
Jay’s doctor came into the room then, telling them Jay was good to go and that he could follow up in a week to have the stitches removed. Hailey stepped out for him to get dressed and pulled the truck around, someone had dropped it off earlier while Jay was getting stitched up. When Hailey pulled up to the entrance she saw Jay somewhat limping his way out of the door. His face flashed surprise when he saw her behind the wheel of his truck and it stayed there when she made no motion to get out from the driver's seat. He pulled the passenger door open and just stared at her, causing Hailey to just smile in return. 
“You can’t drive. I distinctly remember that being part of your discharge instructions.”
It was her turn to send him a smirk as he slowly climbed inside, his eyes never leaving her. 
“But it’s my truck…”
He trailed off, looking bewildered. 
“Well, if you don’t want to ride in it, I can call someone else to pick you up. But I’m driving this thing home.” 
Hailey let her foot rest on the gas pedal, revving the engine for added effect and was pleased to see his jaw drop slightly. He stared her down but slowly moved to secure his seat belt. Hailey shifted into drive, feeling pleased with the response she had received. It wasn’t her plan to drive his truck, but this is the vehicle they dropped off instead of her Jeep and it was ended up being the perfect payback for the torture Jay had put her through today.
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