meownotgood · 7 months
dub aki moments I like
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tangerinesteve · 1 year
( you probably did.... I've learned in the past couple weeks i am LITERALLY THEEEEEEE WORST at keeping up with new music releases.... two of my favorite artists released new stuff.... more than a year ago... and i didnt know about it... until last week... 😭😭 )
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latinokokonoi · 5 months
when zoro and luffy’s twelve-month-old adopted daughter enters the stage where she begins to learn how to walk, they hold her hands for her to take her first steps. as soon as they let her palms go, she slips and her butt falls onto the wooden floor. it makes luffy immediately burst out his roaring laughs, his stomach hurting and body collapsing.
he keeps on cackling until he realizes he’s unintentionally being too loud and sees his daughter looking at him with startled, shocked, watery eyes, leading to a crying toddler.
“wait! what happened?! what’s wrong?!” luffy asks and sits up, stretching both arms to grasp the little girl and hold her close against his chest.
“she thinks you were being mean to her,” zoro firmly responds, a small smile coming out of him.
“whaaaaaattttt?!!!!! i don’t want to be mean to her!” luffy pouts at his still-sobbing daughter, so he pats her back as an attempt to calm her down, just like what chopper taught him, and it rapidly works, resulting in only small sniffles starting to come out of her.
“attagirl! no more tears! i’m so sorry for being a meanie! will you forgive your silly daddy?!” luffy coos to the baby girl with the high-pitched baby talk he solely uses for her. he rubs his nose against her cheek, picking her up and swinging her into the air each time a new giggle comes out of her.
“see?! now she doesn’t hate me anymore!” luffy brags to zoro, smooching and pretending to bite their daughter’s face, which is one of his favorite things in the world to do with her and it’s making nonstop laughters come out of her small body.
zoro will never imagine living without his adorable, precious little family.
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carefulfears · 1 year
top five annoying mulder moments <3
okay, i have two lists for you: annoying moments that i find endearing, and annoying moments that make me want to beat him over the head with a chair
annoying moments that i find endearing:
(as of today, these could all be different tomorrow)
1/ "you mean i might get my 29.95 worth after all?" (731)
insane thing to say with 6 minutes to live about the mail-order VHS tape that might save your life. the way he casually cracked jokes in front of that bomb haunts me. unfortunately, this joke made me laugh so hard when i first watched this episode, that it became a core memory of the show to me, and it's still one of my favorite lines
related: putting on a comedy show for the nazis in the pine bluff variant
"ooh, is this the pepsi challenge? how 'bout some fresh air, boys" "you can just call me a cab, that'd be fine" sir they are about to execute you in a field
2/ his general behavior with the neighbors in arcadia
not his behavior towards scully, that's a different thing. i'm talking about mulder showing up in a neighborhood that deeply values regulations and appearances, and dragging out his basketball hoop at 10:30 at night. kicking mailboxes. putting that plastic flamingo in the lawn.
he went undercover in this subdivision to investigate the disappearances of multiple missing families, and his entire investigative strategy, is to fuck around and find out.
the fact that the neighbors start off concerned for him, worried that the monster is going to kill him for violating the HOA rules, and trying to warn him and help him, but eventually are so irritated that they decide to just leave him to die
is without a doubt my favorite thing about this episode.
3/ running in front of a car (colony)
literally made eye contact with the driver and kept running into traffic....busted up that guy's whole windshield.....like he went THROUGH that guy's windshield.....once again, i say, do you have ANY IDEA HOW PISSED I WOULD BE to just be minding my own business driving home from work, and end up with a MULDER-SHAPED HOLE in my windshield.....and then he just mumbled something about getting the wind knocked out of him?? and got up and kept running?? you KNOW he didn't pay for that guy's car. used "i got hit by a car" as an excuse for not filing his report on time??? i love him but he is not serious people
4/ reading the articles in a porno mag at the office (the jersey devil)
the jersey devil my most beloved most watched episode ever....cannot even express to you how funny i find it that when scully got into work, he's just sitting there staring intently at porn and starts telling her about the articles. he turns the magazine so that she can see. kinda the funniest thing that he ever did.
+ scully's lil "workin hard, mulder?" and "sorry to interrupt your serious investigation" ...they're best friends
5/ "why don't you take that gun and shoot yourself in the head like you shot my father" (piper maru)
BONUS: all of his comments about religion (various episodes)
i put this one on the list and took it back off so many times but i have to speak my truth. every last one of them. i know they're mean and judgmental. i like it.
honorable mention: the mulder ditch™ (too many episodes in too many circumstances to make one of the lists but the way he constantly just leaves scully places deserves to be included. he literally has the object permanence of a 3-month old)
annoying moments that make me contemplate violence:
(only came up with 4 for now...but they're serious to me)
1/ "when he's old enough, tell the kid i went down swinging." (vienen)
me when i'm two weeks out of the grave and have purposefully endangered my ass on a boat full of killer alien goo and my idea of a funny sarcastic joke is to goad my partner into saving me by JOKING!!!! about her having to tell my baby that i'm DEAD!!!
what compelled him to say this. this is my "WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS" infographic mulder moment.
my favorite part is how scully doesn't even address it she just gives that kind of "jesus fucking christ" sigh and tells him to put doggett on the phone lol
2/ “all this because i didn’t get you a desk?” (never again)
literally god forbid a girl have an existential crisis in some FUCKING PEACEEEEE
3/ "diana saw it too. and no matter what you think, she's certainly not going to go around saying that just because science can't prove it, it isn't true." (the beginning)
listen, i defend him for the diana stuff, and i get it. i could write you a dissertation on the complications and emotions of it and why he says things like this or whatever. but it still annoys the ever-loving fucking hell out of me.
this one bothers me more than "scully, you're making this personal" because it's such a direct blow to the core of their dynamic and to what she tries to do for him. this comes so soon after he looked at her in the hallway and told her that her rationalism and science saved him.
which is a moment that meant so much to her and that she references in this same episode. she grabs his hand and she says "you told me that my science kept you honest. that it made you question your assumptions. that by it, i'd made you a whole person."
she has memorized everything that he's ever said and she heard him so deeply in that hallway. she stays so dedicated to offering that science and rationalism that she knows he needs, that she heard him say was best for him.
that moment in that hallway changed them for the rest of their lives, and this is when skepticism and belief start to morph from genuine ideology into roles that they play for each other.
she's doing her part, she's offering him her side, she's playing her role. and he throws it back in her face, says he'll just go play with diana then, because diana would never counter him with science.
LOLLLL okay then spooky, we'll fucking see if it's diana that comes to save your ass in the bermuda triangle
4/ "you act like you're surprised" (three words)
debated putting this one on here because everyone knows i loveeee three words and i loveeee s8 mulder and i'm obsessed with this scene, i've written multiple pieces about the fish in it, i wouldn't change a word of it
but i just have to because this is the other one that grates at me in the back of my head from time to time...because it's not that he doesn't think resurrection is surprising. it's not that he thinks it's a given that he'll always be around.
he just cannot hear and acknowledge how painful and difficult losing him was for her. because it would mean hearing and acknowledging that what he does matters, not because of what he can do or find, but because it matters that he's there. because it matters whether he lives or dies.
this episode is so heartbreakingly cruel in a way that they just aren't to each other, and that's what i love about it and what makes it stand out to me.
she's pregnant with his baby and she buried him. she was ripped off of his corpse screaming and she planned a funeral and decorated a nursery at the same time, alone. she sat in a hospital chair and held his hand for days when she knew he couldn't feel it.
for six months, he was gone. for three months, he wasn't ever coming back. that first day that they were looking for him, she teared up and whispered, "i just can't take the chance that i'm never gonna see him again," to skinner, and then she lived in a reality where she was never going to see him again. for three months.
she prayed and she prayed and she prayed and then she got to cry and laugh and hold onto him and take him home. and she tried to tell him, quietly, about the last six months. about how she doesn't think he could ever understand what it was like. about how she prayed, and about how her prayers "have been answered."
she told him how hard it was to learn he was missing, to search, to find him dead. "and now to have you back...," she smiled and said through tears.
"well, you act like you're surprised."
in less than 24 hours he is going to run towards death again and she is going to be left again with nothing to do but pray, and he cannot hear that it matters.
(y’all, remind me to do a post about mulder + humor in s8)
BONUS: referring to his mother's house as "the vineyard" (various episodes)
this one isn't that deep to me but "scully, i'm at the vineyard" just IRKS me like it gets on my NERVES. just an obnoxious ass thing to say
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j0nika · 3 months
HOLD UP, since your mom bought Rebellion for you as a birthday present, is today your birthday?!
Also…how was it…? I hope you liked it! (Of course if you have trouble processing what happened, feel free to ask)
That was the best movie
i have ever watched.
i went through all 5 stages of grief within the matter of 5 minutes.
i feel like i have never been so touched by a piece of media in my life
since the movie is so long, im not going to touch on every part, only the ones that were the most important to me
I WAS VERY CONFUSED AT THE BEGINNING. it was a huge surprise that the world had been fake (pretty much), because i was almost positive that was homura in her early stages of time travelling....NO. everything had already happened...
when they had begun talking about how the world was created by a witch, i was confused on how Bebe was relevant, since there had been no previous mention of them...and for them to imagine this ENTIRE WORLD just didnt sit right with me. once they started to mention it a little more, i had immediately known it was homura.
still, i started to get emotional when the world started to burn, and it was revealed that homura really was behind this. homura had been the thing she had sworn not to trust, what she hated with all her heart, trapped in her own cage she was trying to escape from...quite literally. that in itself was pretty beautiful to me :(
after all of that, when homura had pretty much sentenced herself to death to make sure that madoka would not be taken advantage of, madoka ended up trying so hard to save homura...i think that their love for eachother is definitely mutual, even if it seems like homuras might overpower madokas, i know that madoks truly cares about keeping homura safe and even in a moment of sacrifice madoka still just longed to be with homura and didnt want her to end that way, it was such a heartwarming moment
especially when god madoka came down to help homura, i started tearing up, it was really pretty and i had these lighst going on in my room and i was wondering the whole time "what does fantasy mean by people dont like what homura does at the end? everything seems fine right now!"
i was STARING at my tv with my mouth open i could not believe it.....AND WHEN SHE STARTED TO SMILE, I GOT SUPER EXCITED!! I tend to accidently headcanon characters insanity as the smiling insanity, as if they broke, and i had started drawing homura like that but figured it wasnt fitting for her.....DAMN WAS I WRONG!!!!
i LOVE how homura had become an obsessive....not quite lustful, but more...PURELY EVIL DEMON....who had seperated madokas human form and god form to create a madoka who would be able to live happily (i believe?) with an altered memory...GOD, that scene was so POWERFUL, ive been stuck thinking about it all day today....DAMNIT HOMURA, I LOVE YOU EVEN WHEN YOU ARE EVIL!!! And this insane character development just made me love her even more!!!!!!!
then, at the end, when madoka had ended up quickly reuniting with her god form....and the way that homura said that the ribbons look better on madoka....JESUS...i was THIS CLOSE TO CRYING!!! it was almost a bittersweet ending, and that was the best route they couldve chosen...i couldnt tell if i felt sad, at peace.....it was really really beautiful!
that scene with the flower field....THE SCENE WITH THE FLOWER FIELD HAD ME NEAR SOBBING...i thought it was gorgeous and the way that they hugged...the thought that this would be one of the last times homura would be able to hear madoka say those heartfelt things to her, just seeing her sit there....it was really blissful :(
THE SCENE WITH THE STATUE TURNING TO TAR!!!! that was AMAZING symbolism, holy shit! i just kinda stared at the tv for a little bit...its as if homuras love was infecting madoka....i love it so much.
i cant quitteee remember this one very well, but when madoka started t-posing and sunk into the ground, becoming this liquid, the homura becoming liquid, then a mini homura smashing it up? I DONT THINK IM REMEMBERING IT RIGHT, but i just know that it kind of hit me, it reminded me of no matter how hard homura had kept trying to save madoka, she kept dying...and all she went through within all of the timelines were ultimately very small and hardly mattered, since in the end, she failed...THATS HOW I SAW IT!
(and also, the fight with mami was AMAZING!!!! The music, the combat, the intensity, oh my god!! and when homura shot herself, and then held it up to mami, i was like WHATS GOING ON?!?!?)
this movie was absoloutely beautiful, touching, intense, i....literally have no words to describe it.
I PROBABLY WOULDVE NEVER GOTTEN TO WATCHING IT IF YOU DIDNT RECCOMEND IT TO ME FANTASY!!! THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO MUCH...that was *seriously* one of the best experiences of my life, i went through so much in such a little amount of time...the fascinating scenery with the witches and the everything looked amazing as always, this was just a very very special and UNIQUE movie to me and i stayed involved the whole time...I DONT THINK ANYTHING THAT ILL EVER WATCH WILL TOP THAT, HONESTLY.....
thank you SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!! I LOVED IT!!! 10000000/10.....it genuinely couldnt have been better!!!!! and it only made me love homura even more!!!!!!!!
(ALSO, TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION, it is not my birthday! my birthday is in 9 days, march 16th! STILL COUNTS AS A BIRTHDAY PRESENT!)
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legolasghosty · 2 years
Heyyyyy bestieeee, I heard you have a dance teacher Willie au (I say as if we haven't thoroughly discussed it already /aff) 👀
Can I request a drabble where Willie figures out that one of their students might prefer dancing the women's part instead of the men's? 👀 Pretty please? 👀 👀 👀
- @michelangelinden
Whaaaaaattttt, what ever could you possibly be talking about??????? /j
I do in fact have such an AU, and yes of course you may have a drabble! I ended up having to start this one over cause it wasn't flowing the way I wanted, which is why it took so long, but I wanted to do it right! Enjoy!
Willie prided himself on being a safe person for his students. When they took the teaching job, they swore to himself that he wouldn’t be like some of the teachers he had as a kid, strict, uncompromising, and more inclined to pay attention to tradition than the needs of their students. That’s why they made sure at their interview that they would be able to set their own classroom rules, use the spaces early or late if a student needed extra help, and introduce the students to all sorts of dance influences, not just the traditional ones.
To Willie, dance was about expression, letting your thoughts and feelings come out through your fingertips and heels instead of your mouth, not perfect, precise tendus and pliés. So he let his students wear whatever they wanted to class, provided it wouldn’t hinder their movement or put them in an unsafe situation to dance. Their students were always welcome to come early or stay late if they wanted to ask questions, and he did his best to make sure everyone felt comfortable speaking up during class if they were having trouble. If it seemed like everyone was too stressed out or tired for anything productive to happen, Willie would throw on some Disney music and they would all have a giant dance party instead of trying to force more ‘real’ dancing.
He also prided himself on paying attention to his students. So when one kid they’d been teaching for a little over a year seemed to be getting more and more uncomfortable with each passing tango class, they noticed. He was sort of confused by it, since the student had seemed so intrigued by the style back when the class schedule for the semester was announced. But well… they knew better than most people how something could seem like so much fun, but actually be a living nightmare to be doing. 
Regardless of the reason, he wanted to help if he could. So, after another class of watching the student’s face tense with every step, he resolved to do something. Once the class was over, they waited near the doors to the locker rooms, waving goodbye to other kids as they left.
“Hey,” he said when the student emerged, raising a hand. “Can I talk to you for a second?”
The student’s brow furrowed in what seemed to be a mix of confusion and fear, but nodded. Willie tipped their head toward the empty classroom, then led the kid inside.
“You’re not in trouble, I promise,” he started, dropping down to sit cross-legged on the floor. The kid seemed to relax a bit at that, but the confused expression remained. Willie hesitated, then said, “You’ve seemed pretty… tense during tango classes this semester. Is everything okay?”
“What, yeah, I’m fine,” the student answered, the words coming out too quickly to be convincing.
Willie raised one eyebrow. “You don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to,” they said gently, “but I’m here if you need to say anything. I’m just here to help.”
The student glanced down, eyes seeming to catch on Willie’s stomach. Willie glanced down at his crop top, confused. It had ridden up a bit with how they were sitting, the light blue fabric just revealing the bottom hem of their binder, nothing really out of the ordinary for the day’s classes. Willie couldn’t always wear his binder at work. Depending on the styles and levels he was teaching in a day, it sometimes wasn’t safe. But intro level tango classes and a private lesson for a pair of fiances preparing for their wedding wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle in a binder.
“I want to dance the girl part,” the student blurted out, still staring at that strip of black material.
Oh. That made more sense.
“I mean, like in the dance,” the student continued, words coming out in a rush now. “I just… the guy part is fine and stuff, but the girl part has all the cool footwork and the hip motions and it just feels so much more like me when I do that part in my room and I know I probably can’t but-”
“Woah, hang on,” Willie interrupted, “who said you can’t dance a different part?”
The student stopped, startled. “I mean… everyone, I guess. I’m a boy, so I have to dance the boy parts.”
Willie gave the kid a smile. “Not in my classroom. Screw anatomy or whatever, in my class, you dance whatever part feels best to you.” 
The student’s smile could have lit up the whole studio in the middle of the night. Willie returned it with a wide grin. “Really?” the kid asked, almost like it was too good to be true.
“Heck yeah,” Willie responded, tucking his feet under him to stand up. “I gotta warn you though, you gotta get used to walking backwards if you’re gonna switch tango parts,” they chuckled, offering the student a hand up.
The student laughed and accepted the help. “I’ll figure it out.”
“You’re gonna rock it,” Willie agreed. 
The kid glanced at the door, then back at Willie. “I should probably go, mom’s gotta be wondering what’s taking me so long,” the student sighed.
Willie nodded and started walking toward the lobby. Before they exited the room though, he turned back to his student. “If… if there’s anything else you wanna talk to someone about,” they said hesitantly, remembering the way the kid’s eyes had fixed on his binder, along with other little moments over the last year, “I’m here for you. Even if it has nothing to do with dance.”
The student seemed to be trying to avoid tears, stepping forward and hugging Willie quickly. Then the kid was halfway out the door, calling, “Thanks Willie, see you next week.”
Willie waved goodbye with a bright smile, then headed back inside to pack his own stuff up for the day. 
About a year and a half later, he was almost in tears as he cheered Ava and her dance partner on at a local amateur tango competition. She hugged him tight afterwords, skirt swirling around her legs and second-place trophy in her hand. Willie wasn’t sure he’d ever felt prouder.
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sundrownsmil · 5 months
I feel so crazy around people like it’s probably just the fact that behaviour towards me is my biggest trigger ever and literally anything will set me off but honestly it is so draining analysing every tone and mood and behaviour towards me 24/7 and always letting it destroy me and make me feel so small or get me so fucking angry for whaaaaaattttt
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First off if you’re reading this shit uninvited that’s foul?
I am feeling very activated today! But you know what? I’m going to continue to move like everything is fine because it is and my brain is just not being nice! Because it IS in my head and not in my gut.
Idk I just get scared that I’m going to be made to look or feel like a fool lol but you know what a fool is? Optimistic. Hopeful for new things. Eager!
0, only up from wherever I am. Only up. Only up.
The up and down of my emotions is concerning lmao but I will get better one day.
The was communication yesterday, I feel tho like I maybe said or did too much but you know whaaaaaattttt? That doesn’t exist with the right person. Too much doesn’t exist with them. I guess I understand that it’s scary, actually I completely understand BUT at one time or another you gotta do what the kids call standing on business. You gotta stand on business.
So idk how to move forward other than be along for the ride to a degree. There will come a time where an answer will be clear but it is not now and I want to be okay with that.
Writing it down helps but it’s also so frustrating to go back and SEE the fluctuations of my mind. It’s embarrassing?
Everything is fine and everything is going to be fine. I just get scared when I can’t control something. That’s no one’s problem but my own and I do not want to control this so it is better that I can’t.
I allow myself to receive and I allow myself to let go.
No crazy lovey dovey too-into-it-too-quick flowery bullshit. That will not make this strong. It will not make me strong.
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atsukashii · 3 years
*rhetorical question here*
But what the actual f u c k happened to eren?!?!?
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sheerioswifties · 5 years
Does anyone else ever think about the night when the LWYMMD video debuted and KP, the host, later simply recapped it by saying "Ed Sheeran's friend is DEAD!" because
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nanamisflowerfield · 2 years
Scenario time with Leona x Royal Guard Lioness! MC But wait! It's future AU!
MC: Can you stop lazing around for once and come with me to buy stuff?
Leona: *Groaning* What stuff? You already moved the things you in the palace after we got married, what stuff do you need? Did something broke, or got lost?
MC: No silly, it's something else
Leona: Like what? What's the occasion?
MC: *Blushing* There'll be a third one...
Leona: Oh...
Leona: WAIT WHAT?!
MC: You heard me...
Leona: WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAAAAAATTTTT?! *Falling on his knees and mumbling* eeehhuiwgsuhwkoaiwhwuwhek Y-you're- You're- YOU'RE!
MC: Come on Leona, we need to go *Helping Leona up*
Leona: *Slowly standing up* What do you mean... What... What... Whaaaahahahahaaatttttt....
Farena and his wife in the background: YOU HEARD IT LEONA! NOW HELP YOUR WIFE!
MC: Okay, we'll be going now *Leaves while dragging Leona with her*
Leoan: A third one... A third one... A third one in our family... In me and MC's little family... OOOOOHHHH MYYYY GGREEAAATTT SSEEEVVVEEENNNSS!!!
MC: *Thinking* I wonder... Is this how Farena-san reacted when he found out his wife was pregnant with Cheka?*
(Insert Scar and Mufasa's souls flabbergasted by Leona's screaming and shocked reaction)
*screams* omg, Leona will be a daddy!!!
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hockeygossip101 · 2 years
WHAAAAAATTTTT THEY BROKE UP WHAT DID I MISS I swear she posted him last week
She did! She posted a picture of her kissing his cheek after a performance and she said she's proud of him and love him. Then they suddenly unfollowed each other and it seems like they aren't together anymore lmao
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turtle-babe83 · 3 years
Aww @bluesakurablossom I 💜 it!!!! Thank you for writing this for me! And damn, don’t I wish I actually owned that outfit! I hope you like your fic when I get it done!!!!
Spicy Outfit <3 Hope you love it!
You thought this idea was genius!
This would be the perfect way to surprise your boyfriend of a whole two years, he had been working so hard these last three weeks and you saw how stressed your nerdy birdy lover looked, it was all etched all over his face even if he tried to hide it behind his glasses that looked so adorable on him.
You had booked the whole weekend off from work and decided to go out the city for a full-blown makeover. You had gotten your hair done at one of the nicest salons in Manhattan, did your nails in his color of course, and went to a high fashion designer and found the perfect outfit that was skin tight that showed off every single curve of your body.
As you walked down the sidewalk, you felt so confident the way you walked in your brand-new high heels, you felt like a supermodel. But you couldn’t help but feel the butterflies flying around in your belly eager to see the reaction of your boyfriend.
Making your way to the lair you made your way to the lab where you heard Donnie hard at work even through the metal doors. Checking your makeup in your little mirror one last time, you smiled with approval before putting it into your purse. Sliding them open you could hear a grunt of annoyance barely stepping inside. You saw Donnie underneath the garbage truck laying on top of a roll away cart. Dirt and grease covered his pants and boots. “Mikey I told you if you broke your game console again….”, he said
“Not Mikey” You called out sweetly
Upon hearing that voice, Donnie could feel his heart jump at the sound of your voice, it had been so long since he had paid you any attention he was so busy, he felt guilty about not being there so much but now that he had finished his project, having you here was the best reward that he could ask for. He slid out from underneath the truck and taking a rag and cleaning his glasses off, before putting them back on. “Hey princess, I was just-wait whaaaaaattttt”
He couldn’t even finish his sentence as he looked over at you leaning against a pillar in the lab on one arm giving him a seductive smile and wink. The way that you looked in your dark purple silk shirt that hung off from your shoulders, your skin looked creamy and delicious. Your black tight leather pants that exfoliated your hips, ass and waist made his mouth water with much desire. He wasn’t entirely sure if this was the same girl he had fallen in love with years ago, was this a model or was he dreaming? You couldn’t help but giggle seeing him quickly took off his glasses rubbing them again with the rag before putting them back on his face, looking so surprised. His amber green eyes were wide and you could see the terrapin flushing red in his cheeks.
“Woah….I….uh….wow”, He let out a nervous snorty laugh as you made your way over flipping your hair in a playful way
“You like it? It’s all for you Poptart” You twirled around on your heels walking up to him
His palms began to sweat, his heart began to pound uncontrollably and was starting to feel his pants become incredibly tight as he tried to not make it so noticeable
“For me? Holy shit….Yes, yes, yes, this day just got a whole lot better” He dropped his rag and stumbled over a few of his tools he had left on the floor almost tripping, before you caught him in your arms. But with that move, he had you trapped as in his muscular arms as he brought you into a deep passionate kiss, soon to be followed by another one and another one. Soon he was starting to kiss all over your face as you giggled feeling his warm baby soft lips against your skin. “Baby you are all dirty…”, You giggled not trying to ruin the moment but you didn’t want to get your new outfit dirty, keeping your arms in front
“I really don’t care. You still look so hot and I’m trying not to kiss you senseless right now.”
“And that plan is failing” You teased but you felt one of his hands move down your back, over your hip, till it rested on your ass giving it a squeeze
You automatically felt something poking in between your legs hitting your straight on your sex that made you moaned lowly unintentionally. “I have been neglecting you so long, now you have made me very…..hungry”
He kissed along your neck sucking hard against your throat leaving it red with marks of his owning of you. “Can I at least take my shoes off before you pounce on me? These heels are hurting my feet a bit”
“It won’t be the only thing coming off, you are mine now” He suddenly lifting you up as you jumped bringing you into another kiss this time with his tongue not slipping into your mouth
Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he made his way out of the lab and soon you felt you and him falling down only to hit the softness of his bed hit your back. You automatically felt him grip at your shirt pulling it quickly above your heard before tossing it aside. His kisses left your mouth and began to explore downwards as you moaned uncontrollably gripping the sheets in your fists.
Soon they met with your chest, unclipping your bra with a hand he released your breasts as he gave each one a kiss and suckle on your perked nipples before moving down your belly. He tugged away at your pants leaving your bare angelic body for him to see it whole. Gripping your thighs apart, he gave a desirable lick over your sex that made you nearly scream. You missed that tongue so much.
A few more teasing licks and giving your bud a few kisses, you were a quivering mess. You wanted him inside you so much, as you felt your sex throb with desire. As his finger went over your bud teasingly tickling you, leaving you shivering and hot“You know there was one other project I was working on and I think you are going to love it”
“And what’s that?” You tried to regain your composure, but you were suddenly flipped over where your back was to him as he pinned you down with his hand.
“Care to try my newest toy?” You looked to your side and you saw in his hand a long purple vibrator with a huge head “It has over ten pleasuring levels, let’s start out with one and see how long you can last till level ten”
Your eyes went wide but you felt excitement wash over. “And just what kind of pleasure does each level have?”, You asked, peeking over your shoulder with a smile
“You will see, Donnie always leaves his princess surprised” He grinned lifting your hips up till your ass met with his waist
He slid down his pants and before you knew you it you had him finally inside of you and began at slow and deep pass. You barely could speak a work as that thickness of him stretched you out making you moan with bliss. Then you heard the sound of the vibrator being turned on and pressed against your sex as he continued to thrust into you faster as the toy tickled your nub making you giggle and groan. It was just only a slow vibration now, but you have yet to find out what the other levels were like. You and him were going to be there all night, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. You should dress up like that more often.
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birds-punch · 3 years
The Three - Way Scandal
Summary: When Mickey Mouse accidentally stumbles upon his best friend, Donald Duck kissing two certain Caballeros; the mouse quickly takes it upon himself to investigate if the duck is cheating on Daisy or not.
Characters: Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Daisy Duck, Panchito Pistoles, José Carioca, Several other Disney Characters.
Pairing: Donald x Panchito x José (Three Gay Caballeros), Donald x Daisy (past!)
This is literally the first OT3 fanfic I’ve written in a long time and not to mention the very first time I actually written Mickey, Goofy and Minnie so I apologize if I made anyone OOC in this.
I also used Google Translate for the Spanish and Portuguese words that Panchito and José speaks in this fic, so feel free to tell me if I got anything wrong and I’ll quickly fix it.
“Hey Minnie, have you seen Donald? He wasn’t at the door earlier.” Mickey asked, getting off the stage after he introduced himself to the crowd.
Minnie looked up from her schedule, tapping her chin with her pen. “Sorry Mickey, I didn’t see him either. But Panchito and José are here tonight, why don’t you go ask them?”
Mickey’s expression lit up at the suggestion, “That’s a great idea! Thanks, Minnie!” He said giving her a wave, before walking off to find the two birds.
Surely finding two colourful looking birds would be easy right? Well apparently not, because after going through the entire theatre and checking every single table along with the foyer, (where he got the same answer from Daisy) the mouse still couldn’t find the duck. Letting out a tired sigh, Mickey went back to sit on the red couch that’s near the dressing rooms and the back entrance to the stage.
‘Where could Donald have gone off to?’ The mouse thought to himself, trying to come up with some ideas on where his best friend might’ve gone to.
As if the universe finally got tired of him trying to figure out, the sound of three muffled voices came into ears. Turning his head into the direction of the noise, Mickey found himself face to face with Donald’s dressing room door. Quickly getting off the couch, he walked over to the door about to knock when he noticed that it wasn’t even locked or closed properly, showing a gap large enough for anyone to peek through.
Despite knowing that’s incredibly rude to listening in on other people’s conversations and spying on them at the same time. Mickey couldn’t control his curiosity or his impatience from peeking through the gap, tuning his round ears towards the conversation.
The white duck fiddled with his work jacket, looking quite uneasy towards two familiar birds.
“Ooohh... I’m so nervous guys. I’m not sure if this is gonna go well for us in front of everyone.”
José immediately stepped in, a calm supportive smile on his beak, “It’ll be alright, meu patinho. Don’t forget that this not only you’ve been waiting for a há muito tempo, but also Panchito and I as well. We’ll be here by your side, up on that stage tonight.”
Panchito also stepped in, placing a hand on the duck”s shoulder. “Being nervioso for this big confession is normal, Mi Patito. But I promise everything will be alright in the end and if no one accepts us for what we have together,” the rooster then shook a fist in the air. “Iré a ellos y los haré comer mi puño!”
Mickey felt a rush of confusion go through his body. He doesn’t remember asking the Three Caballeros to perform for tonight or Minnie changing the schedule a little. They’re probably just here to visit their friend.
A smile finally forms on the mallard’s face, before wrapping his arms around the two Caballeros in a two way embrace.
“Thanks guys, I really needed that.”
“You do not need us to thank us, meu amor,” José replied, returning the hug. “Panchi and I tell you these things because we love you very much and are proud of how far you have come and how brave you are.” The parrot finished, taking Donald’s cheek into his hand.
“I love you guys too.”
Hearing those words was still as powerful as the very first time he told the pair his feelings of love a long time ago. Taking the initiative, José gently placed his beak over Donald’s before letting Panchito do the same.
Mickey’s mouth dropped open in shock at the scene that was happening right in front of his eyes. A million questions ran through his short circuited head. ‘When did this happened?!’, ‘Why didn’t Donald tell him and Goofy?’, ‘How long have they all been together?’
The mouse rubbed the back of his head, still trying to process what the Three Caballeros just did in Donald’s dressing room. He couldn’t believe that Donald had kept this secret relationship to himself for a very long time and so well that no one had even suspected that anything had changed about the white Pekin. But... if Donald didn’t tell anyone other than the fact that he either bi or gay (not saying that the mouse has anything against it.), does that mean it’s because he’s cheating on Daisy?
He immediately shook his head, trying to erase that last thought.
‘No way! Donald may cheat at anything, cheating in a relationship just isn’t like him!’ The star thought to himself furiously. A second thought then invaded his mind, ‘Then again... Whenever Donald and Daisy are together and Minnie and I go on double dates with them, he never really smiled on any of them.’
Mickey started to walk away from Donald’s dressing room towards the stage. But if that was the case, why would Donald even be cheating on her? Well, he’ll get some help trying to figure this out later. He must go and introduce the first cartoon to the guests.
“Hey Goofy!”
Said Goof looked up from the table he was serving.
“A-hyuck! Hi Mickey, what’s up?” He greeted, placing the ordered dish on the table.
The mouse looked around, before gesturing to his best friend to come down so he could whisper in his ear.
“There’s something I need your help with at the moment. It might have to do with Donald and Daisy.”
Goofy turned to look at his friend with surprise, already forgetting that he’s supposed to head back to the kitchen.
“Gawsh Mick. Is there something going on between Donald and Daisy?”
Mickey opened his mouth but then closed again, pursing his lips. Is this really a good idea? Getting Goofy involved in all this? Getting Donald to stop cheating on his girlfriend is one thing but he also doesn’t want to ruin Goofy’s friendship with the duck as well!
“Mickey, what wrong?” The dog asked, looking at how worried his best friend looked.
Drawn out of his thoughts by the waiter, Mickey looked up for several seconds then looked back at the table where Panchito and José were seated at, the two birds speaking to each other before getting off their seats and heading straight for the foyer, the parrot taking with him a glass of water. The mouse then turned back to look at his friend, still looking concerned as ever.
“Okay, Goofy I’ll tell ya. But not where everyone can see us.”
“WHAAAAAATTTTT?!!!!” Goofy’s voice echoed through the entire building.
“Shh!!” Mickey quickly shushed his best friend, looking around to see if Goofy’s outburst attracted any attention.
Goofy covered his mouth to prevent himself from yelling again.
“Are you sure, Mick? Is our pal Donald really cheating on Daisy with Panchito and José?” The black dog asked, still shocked by what his best friend told him.
Mickey scratched his chin, “Well I’m not really sure, until we get all the facts. It all might just be an inside thing they do together. But I did saw them heading for the foyer, so they be looking for Donald right now and we have to go see what they’re up to!”
With that, the two best friends quickly headed into the foyer before hiding themselves behind a pillar. There was Donald at the door greeting Pogo, Perdita and their one hundred and one children. After finishing with the last puppy, the duck wiped the sweat off his forehead in a show of exhaustion, before slowly looking up to see his fellow Caballeros coming up to see him again, a smile growing on his beak once José handed him the glass of water.
“Gawsh Mickey, I’ve never seen Donald look so happy to see someone like that before.” Goofy whispered, peeking out from behind the pillar with said mouse.
“Yeah...” the mouse couldn’t help but feel a stab of jealously at how happy the duck looked with his two fellow Caballeros. Not even he saw Donald this happy through all the past years they’ve spent together.
Panchito then said something that made Donald shook his head, smile still attached on his beak. Mickey believed he heard the duck saying he can’t take a break because he’s still quite busy tonight and that he wants to go over what he plans to say in front of the guests. José then placed a hand on the duck’s shoulder, whispering something in his ear that made the white mallard turned red before trying to cover his face, feigning annoyance as his two best friends (unknowingly) watched in surprise.
Before Mickey and Goofy could even try to process Donald’s extremely flushed face, Panchito then gently grabbed the duck’s head, pressing a soft kiss on the top of the duck’s beak before allowing the Brazilian Parrot have his share of kisses with the duck.
Goofy’s eyes bugged out and his mouth went slack jawed at the sight. He couldn’t believe his eyes! Panchito and José are smooching their best friend Donald and he seems to be enjoying it.
“I-It really is true... Our pal Donald is a cheating heart...” The dog muttered, still watching the three birds shower each other with loving affection.
“Yeah I... I guess there’s no point denying it anymore.” Mickey sighed, sounding quite sad that there’s a chance both his and Goofy’s friendship with Donald is ruined.
“What are we gonna do, Mick? Donald can’t keep cheating on Daisy like this!” Goofy whispered.
The mouse rubbed his chin in thought. “I’m not sure Goofy, but I remember the three of them discussing something about announcing to the guests up on stage tonight. Maybe if I can stop Donald and the other Caballeros from getting up on the stage, we might just be able to get this all sorted out.”
“Okay, but how’s that gonna work?”
“First; you go find Daisy while I’ll stall for time and once she’s here; Donald, Panchito and José will have to explain themselves to her, making them run out of time to get on stage and announce what they’re gonna say.”
Goofy saluted, “Got it Mick!” He than ran off to go find Daisy, leaving Mickey to continue watching the three birds talk to each other a little longer before making their way to the backstage, unaware of the spying mouse.
Donald wheezed from nervousness, going through some breathing exercises with Panchito and José, the two of them gently holding his shoulders.
“That’s it, Donal’. Breath in, breath out. Breath in, breath out.” José spoke softly, helping the white duck.
The rooster gently shushed in his ear, “It’s alright, mi Patito. We’re right here besides you and we’ll be together on that stage.” He then nuzzled the duck’s head feathers in a comforting manner.
A tiny smile grew on the duck’s beak, from his lovers’ support and the slow nuzzling on his head. The smile slowly changed to a determined expression as confidence slowly began to surge within in, his chest starting to puff out.
“Alright, I can do this! Panchito, José, come on! Let’s get on that stage!!” The duck spoke with much spirit and energy, immediately marching for the stage in a straight line. The two Latin birds shared a look of surprise before breaking into a small run to keep up with the confident Pekin.
“Pato, wait!” José called out, stopping just behind Donald who was an inch near the curtain. “Shouldn’t we wait for senhor Mickey first?”
“Aw, phooey!” Donald scoffed. “We don’t have time to wait for Mickey to introduce us, I’ll do it myself!”
“Whatever you say, mi amigo.” Panchito shrugged, unable to stop a proud smile from growing on his beak at how brave and confident his American boyfriend is.
“Donald, wait!” Mickey panted, stopping just front of the three birds as he tries to catch his breath.
The three birds watched the exhausted mouse with bemusement before the white duck turned back towards the curtain, not listening to his best friend due to being too focused on his current goal.
“Sorry Mickey, but We gotta go up on stage now.” The duck then hooked arms with Panchito and José, all three of them heading onto the stage as Mickey watches helplessly.
Upon seeing the crowd of Disney Characters sitting at the tables with all eyes on them, the duck chuckled nervously as he pulls his shirt collar. The two Latin birds gave their American lover’s arms a supportive squeeze, still holding onto to him. Letting himself take a very deep breath, he managed to regain the strength to speak.
“H-Hi everybody. Unfortunately we’re not here to perform tonight,” Several disappointed groans echoed through the auditorium, the crowd obviously wanted to watch the trio sing, like the previous times they were here at the house. “But we got something incredibly important to tell all of you.” Unhooking his arms, Donald took his two lovers’ hands in his’.  Here we go, it’s the moment of truth.
“Panchito, José and I. We’re a-“
“Donald, stop! You can’t do this!!” A certain mouse exclaimed, quickly running up on the stage.
The American Pekin looked incredibly outraged, temper rapidly starting to rise. “WHAT?! WHY NOT?!”
Panchito and José quickly took hold off the angry duck’s arms to stop him from beating up the mouse, but they each still looked just as vexed as their boyfriend.
“Isn’t it obvious, Donald?” Mickey asked, trying his best to keep his cool and guard in case the duck goes after him.
“NO MICKEY, IT’S NOT IF YOU DON’T TELL ME WHAT IN THE NAME OF DISNEY YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT!!” The duck responded, struggling to put up his fists.
“STOP CHEATING ON DAISY, DONALD!” Mickey finally yelled.
Every guest in the auditorium gasped in shock from what their favourite mouse just yelled at the duck. Whispers started to fly around the tables between each Disney Character, everyone wanted to know what’s going on.
Donald’s expression turn from anger to utter confusion, loosing the adrenaline from wanting to punch the mouse as Panchito and José looked at each other, just as equally confused.
“Say that again, Mick?” The white mallard said, having trouble trying to process what he was just accused of.
Mickey’s expression also melted in bemusement. “Stop cheating on Daisy, Donald...” he repeated, also sounding confused.
“What’s going on here, boys?” Said female duck asked, walking onto the stage with Goofy and Minnie following behind.
Every single eye in the building landed on Daisy, as Donald facepalmed himself, silently asking himself why is this happening to him.
Thankfully José spoke up for him, “Nossas desculpas senhorita Daisy. It seems our amigo, senhor Mickey is accusing our Patinho of cheating on you.”
Daisy’s eyes widen slightly, looking at Mickey then at Donald and the two birds before sighing to herself, shaking her head. “Mickey, you’ve got it all wrong. Donald isn’t cheating on me; we broke up a long time ago.”
Another loud gasp went through the audience who were watching everything that unfolded right in front of their eyes. Mickey open and closed his mouth, unable to find the words to say when Donald chimed in, fiddling with the rim of his uniform jacket.
“Mickey, I broke up with Daisy so I wouldn’t cheat on her with the two guys before I started dating them. She knew the whole time because I had to tell her I love Panchito and José, I didn’t want to lie to her.”
The mouse took a while to process what the two duck’s just told him. Another question however, was on his mind. “But if you told Daisy a long time ago, why didn’t you tell me or Goofy until now?”
Donald slumped slightly, still fiddling with his jacket. “Because it wasn’t safe for all three of us at the time.”
Everyone in the audience immediately went quiet as they watched, Panchito and José gently placed their hand on the duck’s shoulder with sadness in their usually bright and energetic eyes.
A sigh passed the duck’s beak. “When all three of us started dating two years after our movie came out in 1945, we couldn’t have an open relationship because of society at that time and aside from Daisy and my three nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie. no one would’ve understand what we have together. So all three of us with Daisy’s help, kept it a secret from everyone else.” Donald then let out a short laugh, “We’ve almost been caught a few times before, but somehow we still kept it under wraps.”
Shortly after the white mallard spoke his word, Panchito quickly took over.
“But you see Señor Mickey, now that sociedad has become more open minded and free, the Three Caballeros talked about finally coming out and we all agreed to tell everyone tonight at the House of Mouse.”
José then noticed that Mickey looked rather downcast, covering his face with his hands.
“Você está bem, Mickey?” The parrot asked just after Donald and Panchito noticed that something was wrong with the host.
“No.” The mouse replied, lifting his head up to look at his best friend, “I’m so sorry Donald. I should’ve asked you what’s going on between you and the other Caballeros instead of just assuming you’re cheating on Daisy and ruining your confession to everyone.” Mickey then turned to look at Goofy, “I’m really sorry I got you involved in this too, Goofy.”
The waiter simply brushed it off, “Aww, Mick. It’s fine. You were worried for both Donald and Daisy, I was too.”
Donald placed a hand on Mickey’s shoulder. “Well, the whole coming out wasn’t really how me and the boys expected it and I was pretty mad when you tried to stop us, but in the end we managed to do it and it seems everyone here, is okay with it too.”
As if on cue, everyone in the crowd started clapping and cheering as a show of support as Mickey pulled his best friend in a hug, saying his own words of support.
“What a night this turned out to be, huh?” Donald asked his best friend before saying a goodbye to Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.
“Ha ha, it sure has.” Mickey’s smile weaken a little. “I still can’t believe how much of a jerk and an idiot, I acted towards you and your boyfriends though.”
Donald sighed, “Mickey I already told you, it’s alright. It was kind of my fault as well since I didn’t tell before the show started.”
“You wanted it to be a surprise and I kind of ruined it.” The mouse rubbed the back of his head. “But it still turned into a surprise somewhat.” He remarked, laughing a little.
“Yeah, did you see the look on everyone’s faces when you accuse me of going behind Daisy’s back? That was priceless!”
The two best friends fell into a small fit of laughter when José rushed back inside the club, just stopping at their feet.
“Meu bem, it’s an emergência!” The green parrot said in between pants.
Donald quickly rushed to his Brazilian lover’s side. “What’s wrong, Joe? Are you hurt?!”
José shook his head, smoothing out his cream coloured jacket. “Não it’s not me. Do you remember, what you Americans called him...uh what’s the termo?” He snapped his fingers, trying to think. “Ah! That air headed dog called Gaston? He just said some really palavras horríveis about the three of us and Panchito just challenged him to a gunfight!”
The duck wakked in shock before grabbing a chair and running outside.  “Panchito! Hang on, I’m coming!” He then ran off onto the street.
“Donal’ wait, you’re going the wrong direção!” The Parrot turned to the mouse and shook his hand in a way that would’ve made the rooster proud. “Sinto muito Mickey, but I must go and help my namorados now. Obrigado pelo seu gentil apoio, despedida!”
With that, José ran into the direction of the duck, swinging his black umbrella around like a sword as Mickey watched on from the inside of the House of Mouse.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
MISS ISLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UR WRITING IS SO GOOD WHAAAAAATTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i spent an entire day reading through your masterlist 🤭 THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE BAD STORY ON THERE. THEY'RE ALL SO FUCKING BRILLIANTLY WRITTEN I COULD CRY. also have developed a kink for being called ‘mama’ courtesy of mlb!harry. AHHH!!!!! THE GANGRRY SMUT FROM EARLIER !!!!! MY OVARIES ARE SCREAMING!!!!! ANYWAY i love u and ur writing xoxo SENDING SO MUCH LOVE MUAH
I’m so so glad you liked everything! Thank you so so much!!!!
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kyber-kisses · 4 years
Bone Crushing
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: spn level gore, cursing, Dean being whipped by muscles- you know how it is.
Summary: Sometimes Dean forgets just how strong his best friend is. . . And it may or may not be one of the small factors playing into his crush on you.
A/N: this is me just channeling how I too become whipped by strong women. Please enjoy. The screenshot I based this fic off is at the bottom btw!
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This was bad.
This was a huge no no.
It’s a universal truth that you are not supposed to go and catch feelings for your best friend, it’s that simple. You don’t take a joint from a guy named Don, there are no dogs in the car, and you do not develop a dumb crush on your best friend.
What was so hard about following those rules? Specifically the last one?
the answer was easy. You just had to go and be one of the coolest people Dean had ever met didn’t you? You with your dumb jokes and wacky sense of humor, and your kindness and compassion. . . And your dumb muscles.
He felt like a friggin teenage girl that was stunned by some tall hunk. Your muscles weren’t massive by any means but they fit your body well, especially after years of hunting. You were strong as all get out. He had seen you take down demons twice your size and lift up heavy objects with ease.
Dude was almost jealous of your strength if he was gonna be honest.
The moments that really get him though are when you're doing the damn simplest of tasks, like that one morning in the bunker when he watched you open a particularly tight jar in a tank top and your biceps just. . . And then there was that one time up at Jodys place during the Fourth of July when Claire dared you to try and crush a watermelon with your thighs, and that was just an experience within itself. And then there were your hugs, and how you always gave the best ones, sometimes squeezing the air from his lungs. Add that to all the times Dean had let himself be beat by you in sparring and it all equaled one thing:
The man was whipped. and he would be lying if he hadn't thought Please crush me with your biceps more than once.
But you and your muscles were probably the last thing on Deans mind at the moment. . . Seeing as he had been knocked out and chained up by a couple of werewolves in what looked to be a massive storage unit, the massive metal cuffs around his wrists were chained to a bolt in the ceiling, forcing the hunter to stand.
He didn’t know how long he had been out, but when he woke his body jolted, the metal chains rattling slightly as he did. It was dark, the only source of light seeping underneath the heavy duty corrugated door, the type that clearly needed a remote or something to open with how massive the damn thing was.
He had gone out to get food. That was it. He had left you and Sam back at the motel, nose deep in research, saying he would be back in twenty. It had clearly been more than twenty by now. . .but who knew if either of you had realized how long he had been gone.
Yanking on the chains, he turned his gaze upward towards the bolt, squinting in the dark in an attempt to see better, not that it did much good. How he was gonna get out of here, he didn’t have a clue.
God, if he managed to get out of here intact, you were gonna make fun of him for this for years to come. The great Dean Winchester, bested by a couple of werewolves.
Dean spent the next half hour continually pulling on the damn chains, but it was no use. They were bolted in place, the rattling links being his only companion in the dark space. The wolves had yet to come back, no doubt planning all the brilliant ways they could off him, because if you manage to capture a Winchester is something you’re gonna wanna revel in.
Eventually he gave up, instead counting the minutes so he had something to do.
Five minutes.
Ten minutes.
He was about to hit the fifteen minute mark on his counting when he heard it. A round of gunshots echoing somewhere in the near distance, accompanied by a series of shouts.
Dean watched as a shadow quickly passed by the door and he let out a yell, doing his best to make sure whoever it was heard him through the steel door. A second passed and then the shadow backtracked.
“Y/N? Oh thank god.”
“I’ll get you out of there, just a sec-“
“Doors pretty damn heavy, I think you need a remote or something to ope—“ Dean was cut off as the wheels squealed in their tracks as you pulled up the door, fingers curling around the bottom as you did. Once open far enough, you ducked and rolled into the room, the metal door slamming against the floor behind you.
“What?” Groping the walls for a light switch, you finally flicked one, the room lighting up all at once. You spun around, sending him a smile. “There you are.”
“Mmhmmm-“ Dean hummed, doing his best he to not hint at the sudden squeaky high pitched noise that left his throat.. “What the hell took you so long?”
“Well-“ taking a deep breath you squatted down, pulling off your backpack to rifle through it. “Mr. I’ll leave my phone back at the motel. I put a small tracker in your wallet.”
“Oh creepy. You do that to all your friends?”
Popping back up with your lock picking tools you got to work on the massive ones locking his shackles together. “Only the idiot ones that I’m afraid might get themselves captured.”
“Oh how nice of you.”
“I know right?”
A minute later the shackles loosened and slid off his wrists, the hunter stretching as you stepped back and slid the kit back into your pack, slinging it back over your shoulders and cinching the straps.
“You good to go?”
“Yep-“ Dean started, taking a step forward, only to wince as a sharp pain went up his leg, his arm reaching out to brace himself on the wall as he inhaled. So he twisted his ankle, no big deal. He didn't need to make you worry.
Just act fine, Dean, Just act fine.
You were too busy wrestling the massive door back open to notice, your back holding it up as you looked back over. “Dean?”
“I’m fine, all good here-“
Being as subtle as he could, he ducked under the door, you popping up to him a second later as it slammed shut again. “Alright, well then let’s hit the road.”
This time unfortunately you noticed Deans limp as the two of you began to move down the hallway of storage units, the hunter doing a poor job at masking his pain. You stopped quickly in your tracks as your hand went out to grab his arm.
“Dean! I thought you said you were fine?!”
“I am.” He brushed you off, taking another step forward, wincing as his foot hit the floor. “Where’s Sam? Is he okay?”
“Sam’s fine, you big dummy. He took out the wolves-“ rushing forward, you looped Deans arm around your shoulder, supporting his weight, this time the hunter choosing not to protest and just give in. “Now what happened?”
“Probably just twisted my ankle or something when they jumped me. It’s fine.”
And then before he could even register what exactly you were doing, you were quite literally scooping the man up into your arms, carrying him down the remainder of the hallway and out into the brisk night air.
“What are you doing?!”
“Carrying you, what does it look like?”
“Yeah, but why?!”
“Because I can. And because you fucked up your ankle.” You responded, eyes finding Sam leaning against the impala. The younger Winchester raised an eyebrow before Dean sent him a silent middle finger, eyes daring him to bring up what was happening.
“What uh- what happened?” Sam cleared his throat, swinging open the passenger side door so you could slide Dean in.
“Your brother stubbed his toe.”
“Hey, I rolled my ankle!”
“Sure, Jan.” You grinned, sending him a quick wink. The hunter suddenly praying you couldn’t see the pink hue creeping across his face in the dimly lit parking lot.
Sam quickly chose to be the new driver, you sliding into the back as he started the engine and pulled out of the lot.
The drive home was quiet apart from the soft hum of the radio turned down low. You were in the back stitching up a gash you had gotten earlier, Sam had his eyes on the road, and Dean? Dean was trying not to think about the fact that he had a huge fucking crush on you and the fact that you had quiet literally swept him off his feet.
And it was like that all the way home and even when he sunk into one of the many vacant chairs in the library, you excusing yourself so you could go grab a brace for Deans ankle, (Even though he kept insisting he didn’t need one.)
The second you were out of earshot though Sam was turning to his brother, an amused look on his face. Dean frowned, knowing where he was going with this.
“Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything. . . But you having a crush on Y/N is pretty amusing.”
“I don’t not!”
“. . . But you so do.”
“Okay-“ Dean slowly pushed up from his seat, setting down the glass of whiskey you had poured him. “Just because I think about holding her hand and kissing her. . .or whatever, does not mean I have a crush on her.”
Sam’s face slightly pulled up in further amusement, Deans death glare just making the whole thing funnier. “Wow, you are so much dumber than I originally thought, holy shit.”
“Okay, you know what? Your gonna do that thing where you shut up forever, okay? Okay, cool.” Grabbing his jacket off the back of the chair, the older Winchester headed for the hallway, half limping as he did.
And then he turned the corner. . . And froze.
You were standing in the middle of the hallway, your box of braces tucked under your arm, eyebrows raised.
“H-HEy! Didn’t see you there!” His attempt at acting smooth and calm sailing out the window as he talked, giving you an awkward smile.
“Oh, I know you didn’t.”
“H-how- how much did you hear just now? Just curious.”
You took a several steps closer, lightly shrugging. “Not much. Other than the fact that you have a big ol crush on me.”
“W-whaaaaaattttt? No!” Dean shook his head, bumping into the wall as he backed up. “No! I don’t- I don’t have a crush on you!”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He could feel his cheeks heating up again. Damn it.
You dropped the box on the floor, stepping over it slowly as you continued to walk closer. “Are you sure about that? Because your rosy red cheeks are tellin me another story.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Think about something else. Look at something else- No! Not her arms you idiot, that’s just gonna-
Your chest was practically touching Deans now as you stood toe to toe with him, the wall cool against his back as he looked into your eyes.
“You want me to stop?”
“S-stop what?” Dean stuttered, his breath coming out slightly shaky as he did.
Oh my god, why were you so pretty and badass and cool and strong and-
And then you were bending your knees slightly, hooking your arms around Deans thighs and picking him up, successfully pinning him to the damn wall, his arm flying out to brace himself as the sudden action took him by surprise. The hunter letting out a light yell.
Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.
And then your lips were on Deans and he was suddenly taken back by how gentle you are because he knew how much strength your body held and the feeling of your lips on his was so gentle it was just. . . So surprising.
And so damn nice.
Dean hardly had a moment to react before you pressed your tongue to the seam of his lips and, at his grant of access, delved inside his mouth.
Oh this was so much better than could have thought. So so much better. And he didn’t even give a single damn that you were the one pinning him to the damn wall. If anything he liked it. . . A lot.
As the two of you deepened the kiss the only thing that went running through Deans mind was that he was completely unprepared. You would think that after all the hours he’d spent with you- watching you talk, laugh and frown - that he would know all there was to know about your lips. But he hadn't imagined how warm they would feel pressed up against his own.
“Seriously guys?! I mean, not that I’m not thrilled or anything but in the hallway?! C’mon!” Sam’s voice breaking you apart slightly as you looked over your shoulder, Dean flipping him off once again as Sam grimaced and walked down a separate hallway.The younger Winchester shaking his head as he went.
When you looked back around, eyes finding Deans yet again, arms still holding him up he felt the awkwardness return.
“Y-your uh- you’re really strong.”
“Oh why thank you.” You smiled, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on his cheek. “And if you couldn’t tell by now, I got a big ol crush on you too.”
(Interested in which screenshot this fic is based off of?)
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SPN Taglist: (Still Open)
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