#I actually think we're both happier this way in the end even if he won't admit it
herladyshipsnope · 1 year
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mister-eames · 4 months
how do you think arthur and eames would take in other slowly growing old.. I don’t see either of them as characters being insecure about themselves but how the other person would see it is kinda a mystery and exciting.. so how do you think it would go? hugs xx
Oh my goodness I love this question. I agree on them not being overly insecure in themselves - not much, or too seriously, at least. They may lament a thing here or there but nothing that would take up too much mental space.
I know it sounds a bit cliche, but overall I think they'd fall more in love with each other, tbh. Growing older is a sign of survival against an often unkind world. Of experience. It's the sexiest fucking thing in the world to see your SO earn those signs of age alongside you, to say you made it, you keep making it, despite everything life has thrown at you, you are strong enough to survive.
Though, at first, I can see Arthur having a sort of existential crisis about it.
Not because he finds Eames any less attractive. On the contrary, he loves Eames extra padding, the changes in him; the very real markers that signify that they both have survived and they are experiencing this very real privilege to get older and to do it together; that they get to share a life, full of good and bad memories - to trust someone with who you were, who you are, and who you are going to be.
But in that same regard, I can see it finally hitting Arthur in a very real way (kind of the way it hits all of us); oh... our time here is actually limited... isn't it.
Perhaps it's when they're no longer in dreamshare, risking their lives, but it occurs to Arthur in a strange, sudden sense that some day the world will go on without them. That they are in fact, mortal, despite cheating death so often in their dreams and in real life too.
Arthur might be having this crisis at 35 or 45 (probably has it every ten years after his mid-thirties tbh) and he has literal decades ahead of him, but their own own mortality really hits him. He knew, intellectually, and with Mal and Dom, and with others in his life, that nothing is guaranteed. It's just... he feels like he has earned this life with Eames, after all they've been through together and personally, and it's not even that they're geriatric or "old" by any means, but the signs are there - they are not getting younger. They are visibly growing older. There's the greys, and the aches, and the weight gain here, the fat loss there.
The fact is plain and simple with life: there is no turning this car around.
Time is a real thing. One day it starts tick-tick-ticking away very loudly in Arthur's brain, like a bomb about to go off, setting off the same kind of panic in Arthur that says do something about it -- but there is nothing to be done about it. That's the worst part. It's just life, and not even Arthur, point man extraordinaire can mitigate it or stop it.
So Eames unearths the source of Arthur's panic after Arthur takes up three new languages, asks Eames for the fiftieth time if he's sure he won't regret not having kids, dyes his hair to get rid of the greys, takes up trumpet lessons and books them a cruise or seven - and then Eames is utterly bewildered by Arthur's heightened state of existential panic because he's not even fucking old, they've never been better or happier.
At first, Eames is like, "Calm down, dear. Complain to me when we have liver spots and we're both using walkers to get around. Old is just a state of mind."
Arthur, in the midst of frantically planning a new diet for them both sans-alcohol, is not amused.
So Eames asks him, "What are you so afraid of?"
"I don't know... losing time, I guess." Arthur replies. "Or... not making the most of it."
To which Eames asks plainly, fondly, "Aside from spending your days panicking, what are you gonna do about that? What do you need to do, at the end of it all, on your final day, to look back and say 'I regret nothing'?"
"Ask yourself: what does your life without regrets look like?"
Arthur thinks, and after a long pause says:
"I... need us to live... exactly as we are now."
"That's good."
"Maybe tell you I love you more."
"And I will do the same."
Arthur takes the deepest breath he's had in days.
Then Eames adds, "By the by, I hear that not being on your husbands back about folding laundry is the key to a long, happy life."
"Nice try," Arthur rolls his eyes, taking his beloveds face in his hand and kissing that cheeky smile. "Speaking of which. I hear helping your husband fold the laundry does wonders for longevity."
The press of his lips against Eames and the quiet laughter between them in that moment, is one he never forgets.
Later, once all the laundry is folded and they're enjoying a glass of wine, Eames will Arthur that he is wrong. They are not losing time - that every day is more time they gain together.
Arthur will concede that Eames is right, sometimes.
As for Eames, well. He has all the pride, heart growing with love, etc etc, but you best believe he has several canvases and sketches and papers with a timeline of every iteration of Arthur, a visual chronicle of a beautiful man, drawn by Eames, over time, in varying mediums.
Not to say Eames has never felt strange about growing older, or Arthur growing older. But he's very much at peace with it, and earned the ability to be at peace with life - and himself. He's not afraid, not when there is so much to look forward to, and so much to learn.
And so many more versions of Arthur to appreciate and adore; on paper, and in person.
They both take the other ageing as something wonderful, something to be cherished. We only get one chance to get old, after all, but we get near endless chances to grow older. They don't get it right every day -- that is to say that sometimes life is an alarm clock that you get up and get on with on first ring, and sometimes in life you just press snooze and both is okay -- but they get it right often enough that they can call theirs 'a life, lived'.
So, yeah, they fall deeper and deeper in love with all the signs of age on each other -- it's all the time they've had, and all the incredible time they still have to gain.
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lunar-years · 1 year
Hmmm I agree that Roy and Keeley’s getting back together arc has been pushed back way too far for my taste (and I don’t love how drawn out both of their individual arcs were), but I think there’s still time for them to get back together in a fulfilling way. We have three episodes left- that’s plenty of time for them to have that long awaited heart-to-heart where Roy finally explains why he broke up with her, then time for them to rekindle their friendship, and eventually tentatively start things up again. There probably isn’t time left for them to work their way back to exactly where they were before, but I could totally see them agreeing to try again in the finale. And since it’s probably the last season, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a flash forward a few years later and they’re engaged or smth.
I’ll be honest, I haven’t cared much for Keeley’s arc this season either. I don’t care about the KJPR storyline – it’s boring since its all new characters, and Keeley doesn’t seem like she knows or cares about what she’s doing. It feels like they’re aiming for an arc where Keeley realizes that progress isn’t always about moving forward. It’s obvious that she does not fit into the corporate world, nor does she want to, and that she’d be much happier coming back to Richmond. And I bet that’s how Roy will tie into it: just bc you can move on, doesn’t mean it’ll make you happier. And I do really feel that the best ending for Roy’s arc about learning to let himself be happy is by actually letting himself be happy with Keeley again. Anyway I have faith that the writers love Roy and Keeley as much as the fans do, and that whatever way they decide to end will be the perfect ending.
Ohh I really love your take on Keeley's arc and what they're trying to show with it and I really hope you're right. Even if it's not solely coming back to Richmond, but coming back while continuing to take on a couple additional clients freelance, or branching off with Barb to start something smaller, just generally taking it slow instead of leaping in to being CEO of a whole PR firm like she's done this season. Building her confidence surrounded by people who love and support her and whom she actually has time to see because she's no longer making work her entire life.
Roy's arc I think has been building up to him allowing happiness into his life in more ways than just Keeley. I think it will be a number of things for him: finally having a reckoning with her over the breakup, but also gathering up with the Diamond Dogs as an actual member, admitting he cares about Jamie Tartt, taking on a larger role as coach (perhaps by doing more of the pressers, we saw how good he was at it tonight, especially if Ted goes back to Kansas)... going to therapy (**hoping, kicking, screeching, praying**)....
You may yet be right about Roy/Keeley! Before the season began, I had zero doubts in my mind they were endgame. Also, I forget sometimes that between a lot of these episodes, we're meant to believe like...actual months have gone by, so it's more spread out than I'm thinking it is. However, it's also that the show has a lot they need to wrap up in three episodes if this is the end of the end, & Roy and Keeley are only one part of it.
I think, ultimately, I care way more about their individual arcs ending well in a way that is both satisfying and sensical than I do about them getting back together in the canon timeline. I absolutely do need them to end on good terms though, preferably at least as close friends.
What I want more than anything and still believe is in the realm of possibility is for them + Jamie to sit down and admit they are all caught up in each other irreversibly at this point and won't be shaken away easily. That they care deeply about one another and will most likely care forever (terms & conditions undefined).
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If we're talking about Taylor swift and young royals for the midnights album
Lavender haze X wlimon?? "I've been under scrutiny/ you handle it beautifully" that part in particular really fits to me but idk about the rest of the song, I think this song would fit them in like S3 when they're dealing with the fallout of being a public couple and suddenly Simon's thrust into the royal life and into wille's world and ends up learning a bunch of stuff he had no idea of before and learning what it's like being a royal and being with a royal and also learning more about wille and wille's life?? If that's the route S3 goes this would be the song for them
Umm I haven't seen anyone say this but midnight rain X sircus? 💀 "I broke his heart cause he was nice" ofc there's a lot of debate about whether Marcus really was nice or not bc a lot of the things he did were manipulative, whether intentionally or not, but we can all agree he's the poster boy for nice guys. "He wanted it comfortable/ I wanted that pain" how Simon's relationship w Marcus was nice and sweet and comfortable but he still yearned to be with wille even tho it was more difficult and painful and he'd have to deal with being a secret
I've already seen "you're on your kid" edits with wille specifically the part where it goes "you're on your own kid you always have been" accompanied by a bunch of shots of wille alone looking sad and those make my heart hurt lmao
Oh and both karma and vigilante shit fit wille I feel like. Vigilante shit bc he was taking revenge on August and entering his reputation era and all that "don't get sad get even" I think he took it a little far with pointing a gun at his head but I do not mind 💀 and karma would fit really well for the next season bc wille and Simon would be happy thriving and together while August would be in prison ❤️❤️❤️
What ab the other songs on the album? Do you think they could fit?
OHHH this is gonna be a long discussion so buckle up🤝
I can totally see Lavender Haze as S3 Wilmon. Like, "The 1950s shit they want from me", Wille being expected to be a conventional Crown Prince like the old times(especially the heteronormative aspect)but he's here to bring change baby😌🤚 and "I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say" like he won't be giving a SHIT about people are saying about him because he's finally with the person he loves, and he's already done giving shit about unnecessary opinions, S2 showed us that.
I agree with Midnight Rain being a Simon-Marcus song.
"My town was a wasteland / Full of cages, full of fences / Pageant queens and big pretenders / But for some, it was paradise" like it screams of Simon's desire of leaving Bjästard and how much he hates the vanity he sees everyday in Hillerska.
"I guess sometimes we all get /Just what we wanted, just what we wanted / And he never thinks of me /Except for when I'm on TV /I guess sometimes we all get /Some kind of haunted, some kind of haunted /And I never think of him /Except on midnights like this"
In the end, Simon got what he wanted(being with Wille), and he can't be any happier, but the way he treated Marcus still haunts him sometimes. Like the "except when I'm on TV" line is so on point for them because after Wille admitting he was in the video, Simon would be in the limelight again and Marcus would be reminded of everything quite a lot because of that.
Also, I totally agree that it's debatable that whether Marcus was actually nice or not, but if we think from Simon's perspective, Marcus was pretty nice to him, so yeah.
I've also seen the YOYOK edits with Wilhelm, but it's a Simon song in my mind all the way. Like "I didn't choose this town, I dream of getting out" , "Something different bloomed, writing in my room/ I play my songs in the parking lot /I'll run away" IT'S SO SIMON CODED. I think Anti-Hero fits Wilhelm way more than YOYOK.
Vigilante Shit and Karma are so bad bitch Wille and Bejeweled is Felice's song😌🤚
Sweet Nothing is also such a S3 Wilmon song for me like Simon wanting nothing from him in a world where everyone wants to derive benefit from him because he's the Crown Prince, and especially the bridge makes me wanna cry: Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors/ And smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other/And the voices that implore, "You should be doing more"/To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it"
Labyrinth was already S2 Simon song in my mind and I'm glad I was right😌
Mastermind is such a Wilhelm- coded song like every line SCREAMS of Wilhelm pursing Simon in S1 and the bridge drives me INSANE like "No one wanted to play with me as a little kid/ So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since /To make them love me and make it seem effortless/This is the first time I've felt the need to confess/And I swear/I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian /'Cause I care"
Anyway I'm never gonna stop so I'm just gonna end this ask here. 😭😭 thanks for sending this, btw!
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bluiex · 2 years
WHOOO SO this is loosely a part of my scarian hero/villain au but you need literally no context besides boatem is a team and a heads up for some medical stuff, enjoy the unrequited grumbo >:) this was meant to be a 500 word challenge but somehow is double that, whoops lmao
also idk why but i wrote it from grian's pov, style change i suppose! _______________
"This will only hurt for a moment." Mumbo says that every time he pulls the IV cart towards me.
I don't know why he bothers, I know it's going to hurt. It hurts every time, him repeating the fact doesn't make me any happier about the situation. Maybe he thinks it'll help me prepare for it, that reminding me of the pain will cue me to brace myself against it.
But I know it's coming. It's Sunday evening, after all, we have a schedule for this. Impulse and Pearl mysteriously left the compound about half an hour ago, as they do every week around this time.
I think they took the new guy with them, too. What was his name again? 'S' something, it started with an 'S'. Hmm… St… Sc… I don't know.
Not that it matters right now. Because this will only hurt for a moment.
Mumbo always looks upset whenever he's strapping my wrists down for this. I don't blame him, I wouldn't like it if I had to do it to him, but it just makes me feel terrible. Like I'm some monster about to lash out at him, simplified down to my bare bones, animalistic instincts.
(That did happen the first time, though, I'm not proud of it. The viscera was horrible. I don't like thinking about it, so I don't.)
Either way, I try not to complain about it too much anymore. It's not Mumbo's fault that I'm like this.
…It's entirely his fault, but not in the way most people think. He didn't mean to hurt me, he didn't mean to cause me any pain. I can't blame him for reacting the way he did, even if it's the exact reason I'm stuck in this chair right now.
He was just so, so, scared.
I try to remember that when the needle goes in. I grit my teeth— less from the pain and more from the anticipation— while Mumbo checks the IV bag for what feels like the millionth time now. He finally sits down, leaning on one of the spare gurneys we have in the medical suite.
"Isn't it bad luck, to rest on a gurney?" I ask, watching his sunken eyes blink open. He's not looking at me, but rather the IV bag; we're both stuck here until it's finished draining.
"Something about predicting your own death," I add, because I can tell he's not listening. Mumbo doesn't listen well when it's Sunday evening.
"For as often as you end up on them, I'd rather not think about that expression," he replies, trying to make light of the situation. Or at least, that's what I think he's trying to do. Mumbo looks tired, as he always does, so it's hard to tell whether it's delirium or sarcasm that he's going for.
He looks at me for a moment, and I stare back. His eyelids are heavy, and he seems to be falling asleep sitting up, but he won't. He never sleeps during this strange, shared moment we're forced to have.
I wish he would sleep when it was Sunday evening, so that I don't have to bear the weight of his guilt on my back. I wish I could run the IV alone, and not be forced to make idle small talk, dancing around the elephant in the room that is my existence.
"I'm sorry," Mumbo says, his eyes drifting from mine to my tied-down wrists. I hate this part of the evening the most, when he apologizes half-way. It's been almost a year of incomplete apologies, you'd think by now he'd have figured out how to finish what he wants to say.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," I reply. We both know that I'm lying, but it's the polite thing to say.
"Except I do." Mumbo's getting upset now, I wish I could say I felt the same. It's hard to feel much of anything these days. "And I, I keep trying to fix what I did wrong, but it never comes out right."
He means me. I didn't come out right.
"You were only doing what you thought was best," I say, trying to soften the blow even though I don't want to. I'm too tired to deal with one of his spirals right now, as much as a part of myself wants to lash out at him. It isn't the time, we're both too exhausted to deal with the mess that is us.
"No, no, stop it. Please, stop saying that," Mumbo snaps. He's looking at me properly now, all cross and with a pinched face, and I think I've done something wrong. His eyes have moved beyond empty now, like he's looking through me and talking to someone else.
I think, in his mind, he is talking to someone else.
"Stop trying to say what I did was right, stop trying to protect me from my own choices," he says, but softly this time, like I'm a feral dog who's been scared into a corner. "I messed up, I was selfish and did this because I wanted to feel like I didn't fail you."
"Fail him, you mean." I didn't mean to correct him, but those words have been sitting in my mouth, festering a bitter rot on my tongue since I met Mumbo eleven months ago.
I'm not angry with Mumbo. I'm angry with me. I'm angry with my recklessness, with my stubbornness, I'm angry with a version of myself that the man in front of me would have moved heaven and earth for.
I'm angry with a me who is dead, and I'm angry that Mumbo loved that version of myself so much that he tried to give him second breath. I'm angry that my flesh and blood is from a person who is me, but isn't at the same time, and I'm angry that I'm not him.
Because every Sunday evening, while I'm trapped in a chair with an IV drip I need weekly to keep this stupid, cobbled together body alive, Mumbo's heart won't stop bleeding, and I'm not the person who can patch it up for him.
That person is dead, and I was supposed to be his replacement.
When I opened my eyes for the very first time those months ago, what I saw was a man with all the love in the world for 'me', weeping for joy.
And I don't feel the same for him— or, better said, this version of him doesn't, at the very least. Seems that dying breaks your heart along with stopping it.
I can live with not having him for a partner, but he couldn't. He still can't. And he doesn't realize it, but I can tell. Every time he looks at me, he's waiting for a reply that I can never seem to get right. To everyone else, I'm the spitting image and have the same verbosity as who I used to be, but not to Mumbo.
He looks at me like I'm an experiment gone wrong, and I loath that he's right.
Alright, so maybe I am cross with Mumbo. A little bit. I don't want to be, but I am.
"This will only hurt for a moment." What a horrible lie.
THE POV MAKES THIS ALL THE MORE BETTER HONESTLY Bruh this was SO good. It puts you in his head and makes you feel the emotions more- lvoe it love it love it
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Kingdom - 68: Climax
Translator: Creampuffs
Subaru: Ahaha ♪ Geez, Hokke~, you're making scary faces again~
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Auditorium
Subaru: Ahaha ♪ Geez, Hokke~, you're making scary faces again~
We're not fighting with our lives on the line, so let's have more fun ☆
Hokuto: I know that. Right now, I'm the happiest I could be. It looks like I don't particularly dislike competition.
Coming up with a strategy, going on the offensive, coping with an emergency, and then obtaining victory. I'm having the most fun I could right now.
Subaru: You're a man, too, huh, Hokke~ But now that you're able to see the entire venue, you've neglected your footing just as much.
Sari's~ moves are pretty intense, so he'll crash into you if you just stand there~
Come over here, I'll pull you over! It's Sari's~ turn right now, so you shouldn't get in the way of his performance, you know?
Hokuto: You're right. Well, knowing Isara, I think he'd avoid me even if I was standing there.
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Mao: (What…? Don't expect so much from me~ You're giving me way too much credit.)
(Well, I'm happy to see that they trust me though.)
(I don't have that in the student council. All I did was finish the work in front of me, uninterested. That was comfortable in itself, though.)
(That's what it means to become part of the mighty status quo. You have to prioritize overall gain instead of personal gain.)
(I played my cards well and landed a position in the student council, but…)
(Compared to that, it feels much better to sing and dance while watching the audience's response! I guess I really am an idol in the end, too~♪)
(Sorry, everyone. To be honest, I was still just a little bit uninterested. I've always suspected that I'm just being tricked and used.)
(I still couldn't be your ally from the bottom of my heart. I thought you were only after my position on the student council.)
(The rest of the students who are watching at the school of Yumenosaki Academy, too… They can have peace of mind and vote for Trickstar, seeing as I'm a student council officer.)
(If they vote for us, it means that it's beneficial to the student council. They can use it as an excuse, that it's because they voted for me, for the student council.)
(The ones who don't have the guts to defy them head on, too, won't hesitate to vote for us.)
(It's because of things like that that I wondered if I had really been accepted as your ally… I doubted it somewhere in my mind. Are you really not after just my title?)
(But now, all my hesitations and doubts have blown away!)
(I'm having so much fun right now! That's more than enough. I'm standing on an exhilarating stage with the best allies!)
(This magnificent song and melody, this atmosphere! The smiles of the audience! That's the best reward out there!)
(I might be Trickstar's enemy one day since I'm a member of the student council.)
(Or on the contrary, I might actually be used just for my position and then carelessly tossed aside.)
(But I definitely won't regret it. Right now, I'm content just by standing on this stage at this very moment!)
(Thank you. For letting me be your ally. For holding my hand instead of rejecting me despite being on the student council.)
(For the me as I am, because of who I am… For letting me stand beside you within this brilliance.)
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Mao: (Thank you! I'm filled with gratitude. I'll put those feelings into my singing and send it out to the audience!)
(I can't be any happier! Absolutely everything in this world is precious!)
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Makoto: (Ohh…)
(Isara-kun's amazing~ Up until now, it felt like he was a step behind compared to Akehoshi-kun and Hidaka-kun in both singing and dancing, and yet…)
(That's because he had sculpted himself into a mold and shut himself out, isn't it?)
(If he performs freely and comfortably with full power, full throttle… then he has this much brilliance! This is essentially Isara-kun's real power.)
(He was always looking out for others, prioritizing and supporting those around him. He was the unsung hero who was never in the spotlight, himself.)
(He devoted himself to working behind the scenes without showing his own characteristics. But Isara-kun's the center right now!)
(He's the star of the show, at the center of this stage! Isara-kun is this captivating by nature…!)
(They're all amazing -- Akehoshi-kun and Hidaka-kun… Isara-kun, too.)
(That's right, huh? Like a doll, I suppressed my heart and carried out the work given to me… I've always been working hard even while taking a detour.)
(I trained, improved and did my best in order to stand here, after all!)
(I don't expect to reach everyone, the way they are, in a flash. It's only disrespectful to.)
(But one day for sure! No, even if it's just right now, I'll show you that I'll stand with them, shoulder to shoulder!)
(In the next song, I'll be the center. I won't be afraid of making mistakes anymore. Everyone will back me up. I was training so hard to the point that blood oozed out!)
(I'll believe in myself! And the fact that we're invincible right now!)
(Let's win together with everyone. Let's make the star of hope shine here at Yumenosaki Academy!)
(…The Transfer Student's watching over us too, in a premium seat in the front row.)
(Watch us! You chose us and we walked together, hand in hand…)
(I definitely won't make you regret that! So let's see a scenery we've never seen before together!)
Subaru: Ahaha ☆ Dream time is far from over~ A star's brilliance is everlasting!
Hokuto: That's right. From the stage, the cyalumes that everyone is waving for us look like a starry sky.
It's very beautiful, I want to make it shine even brighter. Let's create a bright and fun starry sky with Trickstar at the center.
Mao: Together with everyone, okay? ♪ Let's create a countless number of constellations, tonight is the holy night where unknown stars are glittering the brightest!
Makoto: Alright, your attention, please~♪ The next song is a song even an idiot like me can sing. Everyone will definitely be able to remember it quickly, too!
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Makoto: So gather your voices and sing together! It'll be a little weak with just my singing, after all~♪
Let's shine together! With our voices, let's fill the pitch black cosmos with brilliance!
Please enjoy Trickstar's live right until the end, okay~? ♪
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ibuki-loves-you · 4 years
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SDR2 boys with an S/O who is like Mikan
Warnings: Mikan's personality/actions
Mod Ibuki: Back at it again with the Mikan series! I had absolutely no idea what to put for Nekomaru and Imposter Twogami, so please let me know if you want them I'll try to add them. Thanks for the overwhelming support, means so much! More to come, enjoy!
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Instant protectivity
No fucking joke
As soon as you met, he was by your side 24/7 making sure no one bothered you
If anyone ever made fun of you, mean Hajime commence
"What did you just say? Do you know how rude that is? Back off, and don't come back. Don't let me hear you say that again."
If you ever took a fall in front of him, suggestive or not he'd pull you to him as soon as possible
"Shh, shh, it's okay. It's okay, don't worry. It was an accident, don't worry."
He found that petting your hair calms you down very quickly so he does that very often
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for him, he'd be opposed the minute the words came out of your mouth
"No, no no no. No, S/O. I don't need to have sex just because I'm in a mood. That's taking advantage of you, and I'd never do that. I love you, alright? Please don't offer that to me unless you yourself want it."
The one time you thought he was angry with you, he got very upset
"S/O, baby, no. I'm not angry with you, the others were just annoying me a bit. If anything, I'm a lot happier now that I'm with you." "R-Really?" "Yeah! I get so happy around you. I love you." "I-I love you t-too, hehe!"
Overall, Hajime is very protective and loves you very very much
He won't let anything happen to you
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Nagito adored you the minute you met
Although he felt as if it was selfish, he wanted to be around you at all times
He just wanted to protect you
If anyone ever made fun of you, he'd scare them
No joke, Nagito can be very intimidating when he wants to be
"Hey, S/O! Get on all fours and bark like a dog!" "O-Okay..." "S/O, please don't. You don't have to do anything. As for you, you really must be pathetic. I'm gonna assume you're talentless. How worthless."
If you ever offered to take off your clothes for Nagito, he'd cry on the spot
"M-My hope, y-you don't have to do that just to make me happy! I-I don't want that! I'd much rather have a conversation than sex, especially because it's only to p-please me. P-Please don't offer yourself to me unless you w-want to do it with trash like myself..."
Nagito's self deprication would go through the roof if you thought he was mad at you
"W-What!? God I really am the worst, aren't I? I made you think I was angry with you! A-Angel! I promise, I am not mad at you! I-I don't think I have the ability to be mad at you! P-Please, don't ever think that. Never."
If you fell in front of him, he'd be very fast to pick you up, albeit with a red face
He never wants you to feel exposed or embarrassed
"Love, it was an accident. Please don't cry, it's okay."
Nagito would go to hell and back for you I swear
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When Kaz first saw you, he was immediately attracted to you
Of course, when he got to know you he was concerned
Why were you so shy?
He stayed by you a lot to make sure you were alright
If someone started making fun of you, he'd immediately start screaming
"Hey!!! What's wrong with you!?! Leave them alone or else!!"
Sometimes it works sometimes it gets him laughed at
But it's the effort that counts
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for him, he'd get really confused
Like we're you asking for sex?
But then it clicked that you were trying to make him happy
"S/O, no. Never. Don't ever offer to do that for me because you think I want it. I don't! If you're gonna offer that, offer it because you want it!"
If you thought Kaz was mad at you, poor boy would be very confused again
"M-Mad? S/O I could never! Babe, I'm not mad. I can promise you that. Never ever! Never in a million years! How could I get mad at such a cute face?"
If you ever took a fall in front of him, he'd try to catch you but probably fail
Whether you fell in a suggestive position or not, he'll scream and squeeze you into his chest after the fall
"I got you, S/O! Don't worry!"
Kaz will protect and attack anyone who dares hurt you
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Fuyuhiko got annoyed at first
He was very conflicted
Peko pointed out that he most likely had feelings for you
Ah, so that's why he felt those protective urges
If anyone ever made fun of you, Atua only knows if they made it out alive
"The fuck you just say!? You better take it back, bitch/bastard!! I'll fuckin' kill you!"
He definitely sent Peko on them after
If you ever took a fall in front of him, most of the time he'd catch you because he has fast reflexes
But if he didn't then he'd help you up as soon as you hit the floor
"S/O! You alright? How the hell did you manage that? C'mon, baby it's okay..."
If you ever thought he was mad at you, he'd blow up at himself
"I'm a fucking dumbass! God dammit! S/O, n-no, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Shit. I'm mad at myself, baby. I-I never want you to think I'm mad at you, because I'm not. That bitch Hiyoko pissed me off again, not you. I-I'm sorry I made you think that."
You offered to take your clothes off for him one time and one time only
He shut it down quick
"No, S/O. Don't offer that. Please don't, just don't. That's your body, and it's beautiful. It shouldn't be shown so easily. I love you so fuckin' much, and that's because of you, not your body. That won't please me, you yourself will."
Let him protect you, Fuyuhiko will never let anyone hurt you, ever
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You were an interesting mortal
You managed to attract the dark lord to you with a mere look?
Gundham was around you very often
And if he wasn't one or more of his devas were
They loved you
People usually don't make fun of you
The way he carries himself keeps people away from you
If anyone ever tried to make fun of you (which is rare, Gundham is very intimidating even when he doesn't try), he would flip the fuck out
"Pardon!?! How dare you say such a thing to a wonderful person as themselves!? Must I harm you!? Fiend!!"
If you ever took a fall in front of him, he would try to catch you but would be too late
"H-Huh!? I-I'm sorry, my love. D-Don't fret, it is alright. It was an accident, d-don't cry..."
His personality gets so soft around you it's amazing
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for him, he'd freak out
"M-My love!? No, my dear. Your body is not what I wish when I'm in a foul mood. I wish for you and your comfort. Your body is far to beautiful to be shown to the eyes of others so willingly. Pick carefully who sees such a blessing sight."
If you ever thought Gundham was mad at you, he'd instantly try to soothe you
"Dearest, I may have a devilish temper, but never would it be caused by you. You are precious, far too much so for me to be angry at. I love you with all my heart, my dear. Please don't forget that."
Bless this boy <3
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Izuru found you interesting
The minute he realized he wasn't bored by you, he was around you like a lost puppy
Your safety was his number one priority
If anyone ever tried to make fun of you, keyword tried, they'd have to be pretty bold
Izuru is fucking scary
"S/O~Can I have a little private show? It'd make me very happy~" "Repeat yourself." "..." "Go on. What's wrong?" "..." "That's what I thought. I ever catch you near them again and I will be sure to end your worthless existence."
Okay, you would never fall in front of him
He knows when it's gonna happen, so he literally always catches you
And when he does he knows you're embarrassed, so he pulls you to his chest and plays with your hair
"No need to be embarrassed, S/O. It's normal to fall. It is alright."
If you ever thought he was mad at you, he'd be a little upset actually
"I can assure you, I am not angry. I am actually a little upset right now. Weird..." "I-I'm s-sorry! I-I can't do anything r-right!" "I have never felt this before, so thank you. You can do no wrong, love. I promise. I barely get angry, let alone at you...I love you." "R-Really?" "Of course." "I-I love you m-more! Hehe!" "Impossible."
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for him he'd immediately deny you
"If we are going to do something so intimate I want it to be because both of us want to. Not because one wants to please the other. I don't need pleasing, having you in my presence is enough to make me feel, uhm, bubbly? I believe happiness. So, happy. Come here, I believe affection is needed here. I would like to hold you."
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
Hatred, you thought.
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↪︎ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
SUMMARY: enemies that get trapped in the same room and have no choice but to work together to get out, inevitably leading the two of them to realize their true feelings for each other to lovers.
WARNINGS: is it angsty? i don't think so, fluffy ending tho
A/N: i'm not really sure what this is, but i used my prompt and this came out... i don't think i ever mention draco but i wrote this with him in mind. also, i don't think they are in school, it's an au of some sort and it's very messy :) it will make sense as you read it tho!!
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No way out. An empty room. Just you and him.
Oh, how ironic Fate could be, how insensitive, cruel and ironic.
No way out.
You were stuck, how it happened was still a mystery to you. Such a fool for having let yourself be trapped in there.
An empty room.
No windows, just a door, which was now sealed. The only source of lightning was enough to illuminate both of your faces, his features so sharp in the pale light emanated from the dangling lamp above you.
Just you and him.
It could have been anyone, but it had to be him, of course. He wasn't any happier than you, he despised you just as much as you did, if not more.
But there you were, alone together. Words weren't needed because facial expressions were enough to convey each other's feelings: scowls perfectly disclosed any emotion that passed through your minds. Aversion, loathing, abhorrence, hate.
Such a strong word, you never thought you'd have used it to describe someone, but he was worthy of the title. You hated him, so deeply, so violently, so passionately.
He was much more generous with the use of the word, he hated pretty much everyone who didn't agree with him. But with you. Oh, with you it was different. He made sure you knew he actually hated you. It was not playful banter, it was not temporary animosity. It was pure, unfathomable hatred.
Then why did you find yourself there with him? Fate, once more, came into play.
It has such a weird way of playing, Fate. It can conjoin long lost lovers just as easily as it can unite sworn enemies who would happily have nothing to do with each other. And it takes great pleasure in doing the latter; you couldn't help but imagine the Moirai laughing, deriding you as they spun the inexorable thread that was your own Fate. Insensitive and cruel they were as they got their merciless job done.
"What now?" he asked, but he already knew the answer. He didn't want to admit it, admit he needed your help; neither did you.
But the only alternative was waiting, waiting for the inevitable destiny that would have hit you if you hadn't got out of the room. However, that meant more time to share with him, and neither of you was hoping on it.
"We find a way out, isn't it obvious?" you couldn't refrain the sarcasm dripping from your tone. The even deeper scowl decorating his face was worth it.
"How?" it took a lot out of him to stop himself from snapping at you as he analyzed the only object in the chamber, the door.
"Aren't you the one always preaching about his above-average intellect? Put it to good use, then." you knew snarky remarks wouldn't have helped you to find a way out, but they did help improve your mood, even if only in the slightest.
"No lock. No handle. No hinges. What is your great intellect suggesting?" he threw away that last ounce of restraint he had in him and decided to play your game. A challenge, to entertain you while you endured his vile presence.
"Push it. Break it down."
"Ladies first." you took a running start and collided with the door. It didn't budge.
You tried again, this time he joined you. It didn't budge. Useless attempts.
"Great idea." you could feel the smirk in his voice but you didn't give him the satisfaction and stared at the still-closed door instead.
No way out. An empty room. Just you and him.
When suddenly an illumination: while scrutinizing the room, you looked up and, narrowing your eyes, you noticed a square-shaped line, so thin you couldn't have seen it if you hadn't been so focused.
"Give me a hand, quick!" you let of all the hostilities as an opportunity arose and grasped his shoulder, forcing him to look towards the area your finger pointed to.
He joined his hands and helped you reach what you hoped was a trap door.
"God, i thought you were lighter..."
"And i thought you were stronger but look at us." you stretched your arms to reach it but it was still too high up, "Higher!"
"I can't extend myself, you know?" he said, quite irritated.
"Oh woah, something you can't do? Bewildering..." arms still outstretched, you lifted yourself on your toes. A mistake.
You lost balance and could already taste the blood in your mouth from the inevitable contact with the floor, but it never happened.
Because he caught you. You were shocked and from the look in his eyes, he was too.
"Try not to do other stupid things because i won't be there to catch you again." you quickly lifted yourself from his hold and immediately started to study another way to reach the trap door, your only hope, but in your mind thoughts about what had just happened still roamed freely.
There was no explanation other than the fact that he could not work with an injured person; if you had hurt yourself, you would have been weaker and therefore unable to help him get out. Yes, that was the reason.
"Give me a lift again."
"You can't reach it-"
"Give me a lift. Again." your tone was sterner and he complied, but not before scoffing and rolling his eyes.
You climbed on his hands once more, but it was still too high. You lifted your foot tentatively and placed it on his shoulder.
"Woah, are you trying to kill me up there?!"
You didn't answer, instead using the new added height to reach the ledge. You pushed it open and climbed up, successfully exiting the room you had called prison just moments ago.
He smirked disapprovingly, a smile that didn't reach his eyes, and signaled for you to help him out now, so you moved to find something, anything to help him.
It was dark, the only light brightening the new corridor that had just appeared was faint and came from the far end of it.
You crossed the entire hallway, looking for a rope or a box strong enough to support your nemesis when it dawned on you: your nemesis. Why were you even helping him? Sure he had helped you, but that was before you were free.
You had now a choice, he didn't have any. If he did, he wouldn't have been so magnanimous. He surely wouldn't.
You kept on going towards the light, strengthening with every step you took when a rope appeared in your way.
The choice was now concrete. You could help him. Or you couldn't.
"Y/l/n! Found anything?" what to do now? He wouldn't have helped you.
"Took you long enough, huh?"
"I was trying to find something, you ungrateful twat." you sneered as you threw him the rope. He grasped it and began climbing, but you had still time. Time to let the thread go and leave him there. Time to save yourself.
But you didn't, an actual reason still missing in your mind. Too much compassion, too much pity, you thought. But you weren't convinced, you couldn't lie to yourself, there was something else.
He climbed all the way up, you offered your hand to finally hoist him on the ledge. He considered it, he refused it.
"We're not friends, y/l/n."
"Believe me, i know. I was just trying to make sure i hadn't to get you up here all over again. I thought you were lighter, you know?" he glowered at you, but it was not the same as before, as always.
One way out. Just you and him.
You treaded that same corridor you had crossed seconds ago, besides him this time. It was narrow and your bodies tried so hard not to touch but it was close to impossible. Shoulders collided, legs bumped, hands grazed. But eyes refused to meet; hatred, you repeated to yourself.
The light seemed to never arrive even as you quickened your step. You were running, striving to reach that light that you so desperately clang to. But then a sudden stop.
The hand that was once ruthlessly brushing against yours, grasped you. It was rushed, it was vital, it was puzzling. But it held you close to him.
He was your enemy, you needed to distance yourself, but you couldn't find the strength in you to do so. Hatred, you repeated in your head and you pushed him away.
"Watch your step." he said, pointing to a hole in the floor, a square one. You were running in circle.
You felt stupid, to think he had forgotten your rivalry so easily, to think things had changed between you.
"Thanks." it came out of your mouth without thinking. Good manners are hard to forget, you reckoned.
A pause.
"You're welcome." could a situation of forced proximity really change the feelings between two people?
Incredibly thin is the line between love and hate.
You didn't love him. You didn't hate him either. Things were evolving, you didn't know whether it was good or bad, but they were.
"We have to find another way." you thought aloud. He agreed with a simple nod, no remarks. The awkward exchange must have had an effect on him just as much as it did on you, or so you thought.
His eyes were lighter than you had ever seen them, his face seemed tense, but it was not a grimace; that was new. He looked quite entrancing when he wasn't too busy glowering at you, his features looked endearing as they attentively surveyed the area.
Sense of guilt took over because you knew you shouldn't have been thinking about such things, but had he always been so tall and captivating? Had you never noticed that sparkle in his eyes that caused the image of crystals glinting in the sun to appear in your mind? Was he thinking the same?
Undecipherable; intriguing. You wanted to know more, was it possible? You pondered no further and returned your gaze to the corridor, unwillingly.
It was his turn to watch you now because when you turned again you caught him staring.
"What are you looking at?" you couldn't help the defensive tone with which you uttered the sentence, but it didn't bother him.
"You saved me. Why?" he was genuine, he was sincere and this had you even more confused than you already were.
"You did too, it's nothing but a temporary truce."
"Is it?" he whispered without missing a beat and suddenly the walls weren't narrow anymore, no, they were far too wide, he was far too distant. As if reading your mind, he took a step closer.
"Of course it is." were you that sure?
"Are you sure?"
"Of course i am."
"But why did you save me?" what game was he playing? Your mind was not able to form any coherent thought as the man in front of you kept on making questions to which you didn't know the answer. You didn't want to admit the answer.
"It's just a truce, we hate each other-"
"Do we?" his questions were quick, it was much simpler making them than answering them.
"Do we?" you repeated.
"You could have left me there..."
"Do we?" you insisted.
"You didn't have to do that, you could have-"
"Do we hate each other?" you were impatient to hear him say it.
He remained silent but his eyes were speaking, only his mouth didn't allow them.
"Do we hate each other or-"
He cut you off, that same mouth that had suddenly become dumb reached yours. Hatred, you repeated in your head.
You kissed him too, logic leaving your mind, hands entangling in his hair, bodies flush against each other.
Love, you admitted.
Maybe Fate wasn't as cruel as you thought.
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julyarchives · 3 years
Third Time Is The Charm
Two times you and Wooseok didn't kiss, and one time you did.
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→ Pairing: Wooseok x Reader
→ Genre: Fluff
→ Words:  1.5K
→ Warnings: teeny tiny mention of Alcohol; a little bit of awkwardness
→ A/n: we absolutely adored writing this story, it is so cute and matches this boy-ish side of Wooseok we love so much! Thank you, Anon, for making this request, we hope you like it!
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It was a drunk slip when Hongseok said "It's just like Wooseok! He is so whipped for Y/N but doesn't make a move because he's intimidated by her." The words slurred through his intoxicated lips.
You were sure that if Wooseok was there, he would have smacked Hongseok in the back of the head, but everyone that was there just giggled and joked at his expense. But you were also there and you don't think they were aware that you had a huge crush on Wooseok as well. Or they actually did, and letting you know about his side was part of some sort of evil plan.
Either way, since that day you tried to reach out to Wooseok, but there just wasn't a good moment. He probably heard about what happened from some of the other boys and was extra shy around you. You decided to give him some time and just be a normal friend to him, so he would start acting normal again.
It was a normal hang-out day and you went to the kitchen to get everyone some drinks. Wooseok arrived with the food and entered the room struggling with a bunch of bags in his hands.
"Here, let me help you" you took a few bags and placed them on top of the table, making it easier for him to manage around the ones left for him.
Once done with the food, you two stood awkwardly in silence.
"Hey" you smiled shyly, realizing you hadn't greeted him yet.
"Hey, Y/N" he answered just as shyly as you did, it was adorable to see the blush on his cheeks.
You just stared at each other with the dumbest smile on your faces, but you decided that being alone with him while the others played videogame was a good opportunity to come forward with your feelings.
"Can I-"
You both spoke at the same time and giggled at the coincidence, but he motioned for you to go first.
"I believe the boys told you about what Hongseok said the other day" you began
"I'm really sorry about that, he's just being silly" he scratched the back of his head, messing with his fluffy hair.
"No, it's fine" you reached up and gently grabbed his hand, holding it in between both of yours. His doe-eyes widened in surprise, but you just continued "are you really intimidated by me?"
"No!" He answered anxiously "I mean, yes, but no" he stumbled onto his words and you giggled and squeezed the hand you were holding, trying to give him some reassurance. "It's just, you're the coolest, you know? I don't know what to do around you, I'm afraid to make a fool out of myself."
"You're cool as well, you idiot" you chuckled at the last word "and you are one of the coolest boys I know, you don't have to be self-conscious around, really."
"Thank you" he said, smiling at you.
You didn't think much, just let go of his hands and reached up to cup his cheek, caressing it with your thumb, and he immediately leaned into your touch. You took a deep breath, gathered some courage, and stepped closer to him. His gaze darted from your eyes to your lips, and his hands shyly rested on both sides of your waist.
You were so close now that you could feel his hot breath against your face, and his eyes closed when you leaned further. You felt your lips grazing his, and your stomach filled up with butterflies of anticipation when suddenly a yell interrupted
"I smell fried chicken! Did Wooseok arrive with the food?!" Shinwon shouted from the living room, and you could hear the other agreeing
You sighed and buried your head on the crook of Wooseok's neck out of frustration.
"Yes, you freaking vultures, the food is here" you turned around, shouting back.
Before leaving the room, you looked back at him, who stood motionless, probably processing what almost happened, and you shot him a wink, making a small grin rise on the corner of his lips.
After dinner, everyone agreed to put on a movie, and you sat on the couch next to Wooseok, who you have been exchanging smiles and secret looks all night long, but unfortunately no opportunity to be alone again.
Under the covers, you gently slid your hand under his, to which he immediately intertwined your fingers together.
Everyone was paying close attention to the movie, eyes glued on the screen, and you decided it was a good opportunity to scoot closer to him without dragging unnecessary attention. Wooseok caught up on you, and also moved closer, releasing your hand only to put his arm around your shoulder.
This time it was Wooseok who made the first step, nuzzling your cheeks quietly, making goosebumps rise on your skin. You leaned into him, turning your head teasingly slow, biting your lip to provoke him.
Your lips actually touched his this time and you sighed in content, but just when you were going to deepen the kiss a jump scare happened in the movie, startling everyone, and consequently startling you. Rather than being frustrated, you and Wooseok started giggling, causing a few curious looks to you two.
Maybe they all noticed you two because when the movie ended everyone acted awkwardly, and they all decided they had to leave, rushing their ways outside and leaving you and Wooseok behind.
The door closed behind them and silence filled the room. Suddenly you felt shy and you and Wooseok stood awkwardly facing each other, neither of you certain of what to do next.
"So," you broke the silence "I guess we're alone now."
"I guess" a small smile lit upon his face
"So what do we do now?" You asked, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt.
"I don't know" he chuckled embarrassedly.
Without saying another word you got closer, smiling shyly at each other. When you moved to end the distance between you, so did Wooseok, you accidentally bumping a shoe against his, almost tripping. He caught you and chuckled, your embarrassment growing.
"Not that intimidating anymore, am I?", you laughed.
"Not much", he laughed with you. "Come here". He pulled you closer, holding you by the hips.
You moved closer, straightening your back to reach him and end the distance between you, only to see him doing the same. Your noses touched first, leaving you with half-closed eyes and confused expressions. You couldn't help but giggle even if Wooseok looked embarrassed about it.
"This isn't working. Seriously, what does the world have against us kissing?", he said with a pout.
"Let's go slow". You smiled, gently moving your hands to his cheeks, guiding both of your movements.
Your lips touched and while it was sweet, it was a bit weird as both of you had your eyes open to monitor how you'd move. Both of you backed away with a laugh but nodded at each other as a mock concentration agreement. When you moved next, it was wonderful. The kiss fit perfectly, a gentle peck of lips first but then Wooseok took the initiative to deepen the kiss, his tongue gently prying your lips open.
You sighed into the kiss, a whole day of pent-up want finally coming out. His hands started to caress your sides, running up and down gently and you smiled into the kiss. Your thumbs retributed the caresses on his cheeks, to which he only took as a sign to kiss you deeper, bodies now moving with the kiss, feeling each other slowly.
It was a sweet slow make-out session and you couldn't be happier. When the air was needed you pulled back, hiding your face on Wooseok's neck, your new favorite place. He kissed your head and gently pried you away from your hiding spot, a sweet smile on his face. Staring at each other in silence wasn't as awkward as it was before but your mind was torn. You had no idea what you were supposed to do now and apparently neither did he.
"I think I want to kiss you more", he said and you smiled wider, not needing to decide anything.
"I do too", you answered.
"Good thing we have time and space now", Wooseok seemed to be way more relaxed now.
You didn't even answer, you pulled him down for another kiss and gently moved both of you to the couch. Sitting down, you managed to hold him close and make out more and more at ease. After a few minutes of not many words and a lot of kissing, both of you just held each other, giving small pecks once in a while.
"We should do this more often", you said.
"I won't complain if we do", Wooseok was smiling beautifully.
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"Won't it end too late? How will I leave?"
"That's actually my goal", you laughed. "Stay". He kissed you again before answering as if he couldn't help himself.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Made with love | Helmut Zemo
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Chef Zemo AU! 👨‍🍳
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 7
You knock on the hotel door twice, firmly. Wanda opened the door swiftly. She had been waiting. You were grinning as you entered the room and all kinds of thoughts were running through her head.
"What happened?"
She follows you over to the beds and watches as you sit down, scrambling to take off your shoes and sit back against the headboard. She got comfortable on her own bed again, having been sat there watching TV while she waited for you.
"We kissed."
The squeal that she made did not sound even remotely human. There was a huge grin on her face as she leaned forward. Wanda to hear every detail.
"What happened? Tell me!"
"Well, we got to The Iron Grill. Helmut was a perfect gentleman, pulling out my seat for me. Stark made a speech that I couldn't care less about, and then out cane the food. It was a taste testing session, basically."
"Taste testing?"
"Yeah, their were samples of every main course meal on his menu. We're talking about two dozen tables each sampling the same things. Then he brought out deserts for us to pick from. Helmut and I chose one each and sampled each others deserts just to try. Honestly, the sweets were the best part. The menu was otherwise standard and not all that interesting."
"Then there can't possibly be anything to worry about," she tilts her head at you.
"Well, about that..."
Her brow furrows as she looks at you. A sudden dread filled her as she waited for your words. Something was very early wrong here.
"Tony Stark had us back at the end when it was all over. He wanted to buy Escorpión Morado from Helmut, claiming he might as well do it now before it fails. He said he would buy it anyway, renovate it to accompany The Iron Grill."
"What? The audacity of that man! What did Zemo do?"
"Well, he got angry, of course! The biggest insult that could be offered was just spoken. You can't just buy Helmut's family business and think that's OK! I stepped in before Stark could any more damage, I defended Helmut ad his restaurant. Then we left. Helmut pulled me to the side and looked at me like I was the only other person in the world. He kissed me and told me to stay
"He is so in love with you."
You chuckle softly.
"What are you going to do?"
You look Wanda on the eye, smiling.
"I'm going to stay."
She leaps off the bed and collides into you, arms wrapping around you as you both both laugh. Wanda is so happy for you. She's so proud of you.
The next morning, over breakfast, Wanda tells you about some of the places she had found for you. She has meant it when she said she would look for somewhere for you.
You were glad she did.
You spent most of the day looking at the places she had found. It was quite fun looking around the apartments with her.
Lunch time rolled around and of course you both headed to your favourite spot. The doors were open and waiting for you.
Helmut was at the bar, talking to Sam, but they both stopped when they saw someone entering.
Suddenly, no one else mattered. You both looked at each other and smiled. Wanda tries not to make a fuss, but she was ecstatic to see her best friend hopelessly in love with the chef in front of them.
Helmut walks around the bar and comes to stand in front of you.
You both just smile at each. His hands reach out for yours and he brings them to his lips, kissing them both.
Helmut wasn't going to hold back.
"How are you?" You ask, very much aware of the other people in the room watching.
"I'm good, I promise."
You lift one hand to the side of his face and caress his cheek softly. He melts into your touch, holding your hand there.
Wanda coughs into her fist.
You both drop your hands and turn to her. Sam also looking rather smug from behind the bar.
"What can I get for you?" Helmut asks, making his way back to Sam's side. Wanda and yourself sit at the bar.
"Surprise us," you say, smiling.
Helmut chuckles and nods. He looks at you for a moment before disappearing into the kitchen.
Wanda and Sam share a look.
Sam fixes you both a drink.
"So, what have you two been up to then?"
"We were looking at apartments," Wanda tells him.
"Apartments? You're thinking of moving here?"
"I am, yeah," you say, smiling down at the counter.
"Zemo really got through to you, didn't he?" He grins.
You glance up at him.
"Yes, he did. I think... I think he needs me, now more than ever. His pride and joy is being threatened and we have to do something to save it."
"No wonder he's so in love with you," Sam chuckles.
The more they say it, the more embarrassing it becomes, but also, the more true it feels.
Helmut returns with two dishes in hand, he places them down in front of you and comes to stand opposite you.
"Enjoy," he whispers, voice a little raspy, and most definitely sexy. Did he do that on purpose?
You glance at him before tucking in.
"Thank you."
As always the food is delicious.
Wanda and Sam end up conversing with each other as you and Helmut get lost in your own conversation. He can see only you when you're in the room.
"Wanda and I were looking at apartments," you tell him.
Helmut's smile seems to grow.
"You're going to stay?"
He leans over the bar and captures your lips in a fierce kiss. You smile into it, no longer caring about Wanda sitting right beside you.
You're so very happy!
"Then don't look any further," Helmut says, pulling away, but not too far away. He wanted to remain close to you.
"Because you could come live with me. I don't live far. My place is big enough for the two of us."
"Are you asking me to move in with you?"
"Only if you're comfortable doing so. I don't mean to move things along so quickly, but I have a spare room you can have."
You glance at Wanda.
She nods rather quickly.
Your eyes meet with Helmut's again and you smile.
Just when he thinks you can't make him any happier, you do. He kisses you again. You're laughing softly as you kiss him back, reaching for his hands that were resting on either side of your face.
"I must be the luckiest man alive."
You chuckle, lowering his hands and smiling at him.
"I would say I'm the lucky one."
"You two are so cute, its sickening," Wanda grins.
Both yourself and Zemo laugh. He stands upright, the distance between you feeling large now.
"I can't believe I'm actually doing this," you say, going back to your unfinished meal.
"I'm glad you are," Zemo smiles.
"I'll make sure they move in quickly," Wanda chimes in.
"Enough about me, what are we going to do about Stark?" You look at Zemo.
"What can I do? He is sure he is going to be a success here and that I will fall. Everything my father created will just fade into nothing and I'll have to go elsewhere. I'll work for Stark when Hell freezes over," he sighs.
"Then, we have to do something big."
"Like what?" Wanda asks, looking at you.
"What if we give Escorpión Morado a make over of our own? Reinvent the menu, have a grand opening of our own. Remind people that this place is here."
Helmut looks at you at so softly.
"You would help me do that?"
"Of course! I need time to become a citizen of Sokovia, but then I'm all yours!" You smile at him.
"All mine?"
If it weren't for Wanda and Sam looking at him, he would kissed you again.
"Then we better get started," Wanda said, pulling out her phone.
"What are you doing?"
"Looking up what we have to do to make you a citizen. You'll move in with tall, dark, and handsome chef over here, work in the beat restaurant in the country, and live happily ever after!" She grins.
"This isn't a fairytale, Wanda," you laugh.
"It's much better than that," Helmut said, looking at you with big soft eyes.
"I'm really doing this."
"Yes, you are."
You smile at him.
For the rest if your stay in Sokovia, you visit the restaurant every day. Helmut shows you where his apartment is, letting you look around. It's very him. Wanda gets all the details you'll need for moving here, and before you know it, you're standing outside the airport with Zemo's arms around you.
"Next time you come back, you'll be here to stay."
"Yes. Just like you asked me to," you say, softly in his ear.
"Don't keep me waiting too long."
"I won't. I'll be back before you know it."
You pull away from one another to look at each other. He has this huge goofy grin on his face as he looks at you.
"I want to tell you something, but I don't know if it's the time to say it," he says, almost whispering.
"What is it?"
He licks his bottom lip, seemingly quite nervous. His eyes flicker between yours, trying to make up his mind on if he should say it or not.
He's going to say it.
"I love you."
You smile.
You kiss him, hands tugging at his collar to bring him to you. His hands settle on you as he kisses you back just as urgently.
"I love you too," you say, breaking away from him.
"We to go!" Wanda calls from behind you.
"I'll see you soon," you tell him.
"I'll be waiting for you!"
You regretfully let go of him and grab your bags. Helmut watches you as you wall with Wanda into the airport. He hates seeing you leave again, but knows that when you come back, you'll be coming back to him, to stay.
You blow a kiss at him before you disappear from sight.
He smiles.
Things feel like they're turning out for the better, and he feels over the moon.
@namethathasnotbeentaken @belle82devart @cathrin2405 @lieutenantn @wilder-fangirl @latenightartist-author @lucky-luck-lucky @hb8301 @charistory @thatoneartgalsstuff @thesuitkovian @malkaviangirl @zemosimp420 @realremyd @the-chaotic-cow @lostghostgirl94 @zafiro-draco @lazygurl05 @pinkcutiepiee @goddessofmischief03 @whovianayesha @myybebe @awesomesauce-abbie @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @swooning-for-mc-avoy @nonamec0s @apparrio @scuttle-buttle @alex-the-nb @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @greeneyedblondie44
111 notes · View notes
kpop---scenarios · 3 years
Same Time (5)
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five |
Pairing: Changbin x Reader/ Minho x Reader
Warning: Angst..
Word Count: 2.7k
Taglist: @binnieboyswhore @f4ncyvelvet @skittlez-area512 @biaswreckingfics @buttvi @imhyvnjin @wheeintaer @rindomo @lizsvcks @zhaqifa @markswifeu @qtieskz @joonies-destiny @etherealbyeol @straytannies @twnklbb @multi--kpop--fanfics @lilithxray @nothingmorethanamoonchild
Unable to tag: @hwly0ung
Changbin sat in the hallway outside the dorm, replaying what you had said to him. He had tried to tell you that he loved you, the words you had been waiting to hear from him, but yet you just blew him off? He understood that you were mad at him, he knew he fucked up and treated you like garbage and he wanted to apologize and make it up to you, but how could he possibly do that when you won't talk to him. 
"You okay man?"
He turns his head to look beside him, seeing Felix standing there, concerned plastered on his face. "I don't know what to do." Changbin sighs, rubbing his face. He needed to win you back, he loved you, he couldn't lose you, especially not to Minho. "I need to get her to listen to me." 
"Do you want my advice?" He asks.
Changbin nods his head. 
"Then go to her." Felix says. "Show her you care about her. Put in effort and don't stop ever. Even if you end up winning her back, never make her feel like she is less than your entire world. You want her, then show her." 
"You're right." Changbin exclaims. He stands up, rushing down the hallway, on his way to find you. "Thanks man!" He yells. "I owe you." 
Felix rolls his eyes, opening the door back up only to see Minho standing there with his arms crossed. "That's almost the exact same advice you gave me." He glares. 
"Hey." Felix laughs, putting his hands up. "I only asked if you guys wanted my advice, never said I wouldn't share it with others." 
Minho rushes out the door, hoping to find you first. There was no way he was going to let Changbin make it right with you, not when he was so close to having you to himself. 
"Beautiful?" You scoff. "Don't even try it, random, handsome man. I have enough boy problems." You groan, dropping your head into your palm. 
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks, taking a sip of his beer. You perk up, turning your head to look at him. 
"Actually?" You ask. 
He eagerly nods his head. "Might be helpful to you to have some male advice." He suggests, shrugging his shoulders. 
"Thank you kind stranger. Bartender, another round for me and my friend here." You order, scooting closer to Wooyoung. "So.." you begin, starting at your reluctant acceptance to the friends with benefits idea, your dates with Minho, the way Changbin treated you, the fighting, confessions up until now, sitting at the bar, getting drunk and spilling your disaster love life to a stranger. 
"Sounds like they both have their flaws but they also both have good redeeming qualities. I think you need to think about who you're going to be happiest with, when I say boyfriend, who is the first one that comes to your mind?" He asks. 
You smile at the question. Only one person came to mind at his question. But you were still unsure if that was the right choice. You needed time to think. 
"Thank you." You say to Wooyoung, you genuinely appreciate the advice he has given you. And now you needed to make a choice. You knew you did. You knew who you should pick but you felt conflicted. Your heart was going to hurt one way or the other. 
Minho or Changbin. 
Changbin or Minho. 
You felt so confused in the moment. You were drunk, you were tired and felt lonely. 
With a sigh, you half smile at Wooyoung as you slide down from the bar stool, trudging your way back to the house with your head hung low. Maybe a good night's sleep would help. You drag your feet up the stairs, collapsing in your bed. You drift to sleep within seconds, dreaming about what your life would be like, had you never started your thing with Changbin, and nothing turned out how it did. 
You wake up early the next morning, stretching your entire body, for the first time feeling like things were going to be okay. Yes this was only your second day here, but you knew this was going to be so good for you to be away from everyone and everything. You needed to just have fun with no worries, be yourself and carefree. 
You were excited. 
You got dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top with your bathing suit underneath. You grab your purse and head downstairs, opening the front door to see someone standing there with their fist up to knock. 
It took you mere seconds to recognize the man standing in front of you. 
"Changbin?" You whisper. Your eyes must be deceiving you, there was no way he was standing in front of you at this moment. 
"Hi." He says, looking up at you. His eyes were red and puffy, tears stained his cheeks. 
"Are you okay?" You ask. You knew you shouldn't, you knew he didn't deserve your sympathy or concern. 
But you still loved him.  
You still cared for him. 
"I miss you." He croaks, trying to hold back tears again. "I miss you and I love you and it's you. I need you. I want you. I know I fucked up, I know I treated you like shit." He sniffles. "I was scared and I know that's no excuse but I just need you to know that I'm in it for the long haul. Whatever you ask me to do, I'll do it. I'll wait for you if you need time, I'll go to counseling, I'll do whatever you want. Just please.. tell me you love me back. Tell me you want me." He pleads.
"I.." you pause. This wasn't how you wanted to do it. This wasn't how you wanted to tell one of them the news. You had everything planned out for when you got back, in a familiar setting and not here and now at the front door of the rented beach house. "Come in." You sigh, grabbing his hand and pulling him inside the house. You take him up the stairs and into your room, sitting him on the bed. 
Changbin sits there with his head in his hands, sniffling as he waits for you to say something. Anything. He just wanted you to tell him it would be okay and you weren't going to leave him. You were all he wanted, but he understood if you decided you didn't want him.
"I love you." You whisper, waiting to see his reaction. His head jolts up, hoping you're not going to take it away now. "But.." you pause. His heart sinks again. "We need to take things slow." You finish. 
"You're not joking?" He asks, his hands gripping the bed tightly. 
"Why would I joke about this?" You ask. "I'm being serious. You're the one I have loved for so long. How could it be anyone other than you?" 
Changbin stands up, wrapping his arms around you, holding you as closely as possible. 
"So what does this mean exactly?" He asks. 
"We don't sleep with anyone else, but we're seeing each other, taking things slow." You explain. 
"I can do that. I would do anything for you." He says, tilting your chin up, to place a small kiss on your lips. 
Over the next few days, you were in absolute heaven. Changbin was staying at the beach house with you and you honestly couldn't have been happier. He was sweet, attentive, passionate, loving and caring, he made you laugh constantly and made you feel like you were the only girl in the world. 
You felt as though you whole-heartedly had made the right decision. 
That night you were getting ready to head to a party with Changbin and Jessi. You had been invited through Jessi by Wooyoung, and you were excited to introduce Changbin to your new friend. You had really thought they would get along great and become friends. You were both so happy when you were on your way to the party. When you arrived you both got a drink and you and he made rounds, meeting new people, talking and laughing. As you were talking you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turn around and are met with the smile of Wooyoung. 
"Hey!" You say excitedly, wrapping your arms around him for a hug. He tightly hugged you back, and as soon as you let go and looked at Changbin the energy he was giving off had completely changed. You tried to ignore it, but he was glaring at Wooyoung, his hands balled into fists as you talked to him. "This is Changbin." You smile, motioning to your boyfriend. Wooyoung extends his hand towards Changbin, who just looks at it and scoffs before walking away. 
"I'm sorry." You mumble, taking off after him as he weaves through the crowd. You finally managed to grab onto him outside, turning him around to face you. 
"What was that?" You ask. "That was so rude. What is wrong with you?" 
"You. You're what's wrong with me." He spits. "Are you fucking him too? Fucking him and me, like you did with Minho?" He yells. 
You step back, your hand over your heart as you look at him, shock and hurt plastered across your face. 
"Are you kidding me?" You laugh. "After everything? Wooyoung and I are just friends. Like you and Hwasa." You say, rolling your eyes.
"Yeah, me and her are just friends." He says. 
"See." You point out.  
Changbin stands there with thoughts rushing through his head. "I fucked up." He whispers. 
"Yeah you did." You spit, turning around and heading back to the beach house. Changbin follows, incessantly apologizing to you, begging you to just hear him out. But you would rather not hear him say anything, you were so mad at him. 
How could he just accuse you like this, out of nowhere. You thought you were past all this bullshit. You chose him, what more did he want? Minho was in the past, you would always have a past with him and Changbin was just going to have to accept it. 
You made your way to the beach house, your night now was ruined thanks to Changbin's jealousy. You stomped up the stairs to your room with Changbin trailing behind you, trying to get you to talk to him, to let him apologize but you wanted none of it. You slammed the door in his face, locking it from the inside as you laid down on the bed and cried. You could hear the faint knocks from Changbin on the other side. His pleading for you to open the door, but you didn't want to. 
"I'm insecure." He yells through the door. "I'm worried that I'm not going to be good enough for you, or you're going to realize that you made a mistake and leave me. I know I need to work on it. I'm sorry Ayn. He was so handsome, I immediately felt so insecure and I lashed out." He finishes. 
You unlock the door, facing the man that you chose. "I'm allowed to have male friends. And sometimes they might be attractive, but you desperately need to remember that what happened with me and Minho was when we were just friends. We weren't together. But now that we are, I would never cheat on you. Okay?" You say, stroking his cheek. He leans into your hand, kissing your palm before you pull him into the bedroom with you. 
This was his last night here with you, and you didn't want to spend it fighting over some dumb words. So you spent it laying in his arms, talking about what the future held and where you saw yourselves, and wow were you so in love with this man. 
Changbin left the next morning, while you stayed for the remainder of the vacation. You spent your time at the beach, drinking and having a blast with Jessi and Wooyoung. You didn't want it to end, but you were excited to get home to Changbin and see how your relationship was in a familiar setting. 
You also knew you needed to talk to Minho, which wasn't going to be easy. You really did like him, but love will always outweigh like. 
"I'm sorry." You whisper, as you sit next to Minho after breaking the news. "I just.." you pause with a sigh. 
"I get it." He says. "I mean I'm not happy about it but you love who you love. I'm happy for you guys." He smiles. 
"I really hope we can still be friends?" You ask. 
"I'd like that." He says, standing up and walking towards his room. You walk to Changbin's room, crawling into bed with him, letting out a sigh of relief. 
"How'd it go?" He asks, rubbing your head. 
"Good. We're going to be friends. He looked so sad though." You sigh.
"He'll be okay." Changbin reassures you. 
You knew he would be, but you still felt guilty for some reason. You tried to ignore it, but the weird, anxious feeling in your stomach never went away. 
4 months. 
That's how long it lasted until you and Changbin were in another fight. 
"I don't like the way he looks at you." Changbin yells. 
You had gone out for lunch with some coworkers and Changbin, introducing him to them and one of them happened to be a guy. According to Changbin he was eyeing you up, and practically fucking you with his eyes. 
"We're friends. Remember, I'm allowed to have male friends. You're my boyfriend, not my keeper." You yell, rolling your eyes. 
Changbin scoffs again, stepping back from you. "You're fucking him, aren't you?" He says, looking you up and down. 
"I'm sorry, what?" You ask. 
You could not do this again. Not this shit again. 
"It's like fucking Minho all over again." He spits. "Fucking slut." He spits. 
"Get the fuck out, Changbin. You need to calm the fuck down." You yell, pointing to the door. 
His eyes turn soft seconds later, realizing what he had just said to you. But he doesn't say anything, he just storms out of your apartment, slamming the door behind him. 
You plopped on your couch, laying your head down on the back of the couch as you take a deep breath. This was fucking stupid. You couldn't keep dealing with him and accusing you of fucking people because of what happened in the past when you were friends. This wasn't fair to you. It wasn't fair for him to be treating you like this, and the two of you needed to have a serious conversation and figure some stuff out. 
Life was too short to be stuck in a relationship without any trust and it was very obvious Changbin had 0 trust in you. 
A few hours later, you make your way to the dorm, ready and calm enough to talk to Changbin. He had been ignoring your phone calls, so you figured you'd just go and then he would have no choice but to talk to you. 
"Hello?" You call out as you open the front door to the dorm, walking in, a bag of yours and Changbin's favorite snacks in your hand. It was quiet, it seemed as though no one was around.
"Changbin?" You call out. 
Suddenly someone rushes out of a room, running over to you. 
"Oh. Hey Minho." You smile. 
He doesn't return the smile, but instead looks panicked. 
"What are you doing here?" He asks, looking around. 
"Changbin and I got into a fight..  I'm here to talk to him. Is he in his room?" You ask, trying to move past Minho to go to Changbin's room. 
"I uh, you can't go in there." He whispers. 
"What?" You laugh. "Why not?" 
"Ayn.. you don't want to go in there." He says sternly. 
"Minho, you're scaring me. What the hell are you talking about?" You ask, moving past him. You quickly walk to Changbin's room, placing your hand on his door knob. 
"Ayn, don't." He calls out. 
You turn the knob, pushing the door open. You see your boyfriend's back, naked and sweaty as he thrusts his cock into someone, making her moan loudly. 
You drop the bag of snacks, catching his attention. He turns around, seeing your horrified face watching him cheat on you. 
"Ayn.." he whispers, pulling out of her, covering himself on the bed. 
The girl sits up, and suddenly everything makes sense. Your heart shatters into a million pieces. 
With tears filling in your eyes, you look between the two of them. 
"Just friends, right?"  
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brainrot-the-frog · 4 years
Arguments with the Hashira
《I only did *some* of the Pillars!》
《The Pillars x S/O HCs | Arguing》
《Giyuu Tomioka》
— Giyuu is not going to know how to act when you two have a genuine heated argument, if he's angry he's going to try his best to conceal his feelings which makes the situation much worse as you two continue on. He'd probably snap depending on how serious the conversation is.
— Now here's the thing, if you were the one in the right it's going to take a while for him to admit and apologize, however if you two stop talking you'll catch him staring at you like a lost puppy. He doesn't know how to convey his feelings and opinions very well but he'll sure as hell try if you two haven't talked in days.
— "I'm sorry for what I said.. I shouldn't have yelled like that..."
— Now if he was the one in the right then this is going to go very differently, he'll wait for you to apologize to him. Often giving you the cold shoulder and waiting for you to be vocal, you were the one in the wrong- he shouldn't be the first to apologize after your argument, he'll still say sorry for getting vocal though.
— "I forgive you.. I'm sorry as well."
— If you both were in the wrong he'd actually bring it up rather fast. He wants this to be resolved as quickly as possible.
— "We should move on from this.. please."
— when you two make up he's much happier, he'll hold your hand more often and give you more physical affection if need be. 
《Shinobu Kocho》
— Shinobu has you wrapped around a finger, whatever insult you throw at her due to your anger, or whatever thing you have to say to the point where you're yelling, she'll reply with a refute at every given chance. She's going to try and deal with the argument calmly albeit if you anger her she's going to reply much colder, she won't really yell but she will be spiteful in a way. You can already see the veins and her twisted smile beginning to show. It gets so scary if you argue for a while. She doesn't need to shout to get her point across.
— The sisters are gonna be sad when you two argue :(
— If you were right, Shinobu wouldn't wait around for so long, she'd want to apologize when you've calmed down and she's managed her feelings and has them in check. She'd approach you with a calm demeanor and wouldn't fake up a grin, she's wearing a serious expression on her face. She'd grab your hands and kiss your knuckles, then smile at you sweetly.
— "I'm sorry for angering you Love, I was wrong for what I said.. please forgive me."
— If you're wrong she's going to mock you a little bit, but then eventually demand an apology from you. She is NOT going to wait longer than a day or two, it'd irritate her to no end if you didn't apologize for longer than that. You'd have to muster up a damn good apology and give her an immense amount of affection to ease her mood. When you do she's all smiles and laughter and immediately goes back to teasing you.
— "Fine! I forgive you.. couldn't stay away could you?"
— If the two of you are both in the wrong she's going to turn the argument into a joke and call you as well as herself out on it. Would probably resort to teasing you and kissing you to change the atmosphere. Commence smooth talking and her beginning to flirt with you.
— "We're both wrong silly, lets move on please. I love you~"
《Kyojurou Rengoku》
— I mean– Kyojurou yells regardless? He'd yell at you but you can tell his tone of voice is calm, and still holds lots of enthusiasm depite the situation. Either he ends the argument himself, or you end it because you get tired of his hard-headedness. I don't think he has it in him to get genuinely mad at you, he just hopes he can get his point across without resorting to anger or snarky comments and insults. (Not like he has any of that- he's far too wholesome.)
— If you were right then he'll probably apologize on the spot, there's no doubt in my mind that Kyojurou would apologize first and without hesitance. If he's wrong then he's wrong, he isn't waiting around and will initiate a conversation with you the moment he wants to speak his feelings. He can't handle not talking to you for longer than a day.
— He'd miss you so much :(
— "I'm so sorry my Dear! I was wrong and I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me! I love you so much!" 
— He's saying that with such a warm smile, he takes you in a needy hug and cuddles you without even hearing your response. He just wants to be near you and have you stroke his hair. 
— If you were wrong he's telling you on the spot, "YOU'RE WRONG BUT I STILL LOVE YOU–" 
— He'd wait so calmly for you to apologize, you'd often catch him with his arms folded and his foot tapping the floor, he's beaming his signature smile and patiently waits for you to approach him. He looks like a golden retriever with the way he acts. If you're still upset with him and avoid him he's going to be hurt!
— "Haha! It's alright my Love! I forgave you a long time ago!"
— He's just excited to have you back, he takes you out that day, he takes you to dinner and constantly shows you off to any bystander the two of you come in contact with. He'll be locking arms with you and compliments you the entire trip.
— If you're both wrong he's going to be like Shinobu and attempt to ease the mood, he'd nod along and eventually hug you.
— "What were we even fighting for?! We're better than this!"
《Mitsuri Kanroji》
— STOP. YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE THE BABY CRY. I believe Mitsuri would tear up and try and talk back through her sobs, a heated argument isn't going to last long with her because you're going to be left comforting her or watching her walk out, holding herself. She'd be left in her estate, crying in her room until she had to leave. She's not even mad at you, the entire time all she wanted to do was kiss your lips and ask for you to tell her everything calmly. She actually didn't know what you were getting mad for.
— If she were to be mad she could man handle you so easily lmao
— Iguro HATES you if you make her cry, he'd try and throw hands SO quick! It'd be Mitsuri that would stop him despite the fact she's still sad. Even if the two of you aren't speaking she'd still make sure Iguro left you alone and gave you space.
— If you were right she's apologizing then and there, enveloping you in a tight warm hug as she cries on your chest. She wouldn't let go until you accept her apology and hug her back. If you don't accept her apology she's going to get so sad and walk out. If you do then she's kissing you for a good minute or two, she was so scared!
— "I'm so sorry for what I did! I won't do it again I promise!"
— Immediately wants to have a nap with you and cuddle! She's just so happy she can be in your arms again, expect her to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and pepper your neck with kisses.
— If you were wrong she's going to tell you and explain to you as eloquently as possible, no doubt she'd probably stutter once or twice but it's the effort that matters most! Again, I can't imagine her being extremely angry, she just wants this nightmare to end. She'd be impatient for an apology, constantly waiting for you to go up to her and just say sorry.
— "It's okay! I'll love you no matter what! You just get upset sometimes and that's okay."
— You'd probably be the one to realize if you're both wrong, she's quick to apologize but would deeply appreciate if the two of you discussed and settled your differences.
— "I'm so glad we made up! It felt like a fever dream!"
《Muichiro Tokito》
— Starting an argument with Muichiro is not going to work out in your favor, Muichiro can barely remember what bird just flew by, he's definitely not going to be very good at focusing on what you're saying when his head is too busy in the clouds. However if you do manage to get him to focus he's going to be anything but happy. He's actually rather serious and cold in response if you're shouting at him. He wouldn't exactly shout but he would curse a bit.
— If you're the one at fault, he's going to tell you right away, he's forward with what he says and how he says it, you can notice the subtle fumes of rage in his tone of voice. He doesn't really care for an apology, he just wants you to acknowledge what you said was wrong of you and go on with his day. He sees no reason in dragging anything out so when he speaks his mind he's walking away so you can process everything.
— "You need to sort yourself out.. I know you're upset but so am I."
— Now if he was the one at fault, you'd have to tell him and explain to him why that is. And when he realizes, he's not really apologizing but more so promising you that he'll never say or do the thing that upset you in the first place. He IS sorry though but expresses himself differently. He's trying.
— "I realize what I said was insensitive... I promise I won't speak that way again.."
— If you're both in the wrong you'd be the one to tell him that, it's not as if he thinks he's always right, he just disagrees with some things which sometimes can't be helped. He means well but can't show it half the time. 
— "Let's not fight anymore okay?"
《Tengen Uzui, Makio, Suma, Hinatsuru》
— It's not everyday you have an argument that reaches everybody, it would be so tense you'd catch yourself holding in the air within your lungs, scared at the idea of exhaling being your downfall. Tengen never wants to raise his voice at you, but sometimes even his emotions get the better of him and he can't help it. He cares so much about you but arguments tend to leave everything messy.
— Suma is tearing up when the argument starts, she holds onto you and whispers softly in your ear, begging you to calm down and not yell. Telling you that everyone was getting upset. She didn't want a bigger fight to start, she just wanted everyone to get along.
— Hinatsuru treats this argument as something that will eventually pass, she is so confident that this argument will be settled within the week. However this doesn't stop her from trying to calm you and everyone else down, she's the calmest one in the situation and would rather speak about your problems without the use of shouting or getting angry.
— Makio on the other hand, wants to hit you so bad for even starting an argument, this indeed worsens the matter terribly, Hinatsuru and Suma would hold Makio back so she didn't attack you. She loves you deeply, but this behaviour could wreck your relationship and that leaves her so scared. And the fact she was having those thoughts didn't sit right with her, more than ever she really just wants to hold you securely and fix this with a kiss.
— If you're the one in the wrong- welp, they are going to tell you without a moment of hesitation. You can't get away either as they'd sit you down until you apologize and tell them what's wrong without having to start fights.
— Makio is gonna slap you but make up for it later 
— "It's alright my girl- it happens to the best of us." Tengen rubs circles on your hands. Happy to have resolved the issue.
— Hinatsuru kisses your cheek and rubs your back, she's so proud of you for admitting your fault and being clear with everybody. "You're doing so well Baby, I'm so proud of you."
— Suma gets so soft, she'll give you lots of affection and will hug you for a while. She's glad you and Makio didn't harm one another and just wants to bask in the comfort of your embrace. 
— "Well- I'm sorry too.. I was just upset.." Makio turns away for a moment before she reaches her hand out and holds yours. She admits to being quite brash about the whole thing, she cares but has a different way of showing it is all! They all want to kiss you so bad.
— Now, if you were the one in the right, they're going to make up for it in a flash. Starting with Suma who gets teary eyed whilst bowing in shame, she's holding onto the hem of Tengen's clothes for a sense of comfort. Tengen is bowing also, with flowers in his hand.
— Hinatsuru is lowkey holding down Makio so she's bowing as well, however in her free hand Hinatsuru has a plate of your favorite treat "Please forgive us for not listening to everything you had to say, we're sorry."
— Makio brought nothing lmao- in the end though she goes out of her way to buy you a new blade. "I'm sorry for hitting you..."
— When you're ALL in the wrong Tengen is the one to bring up how lame it is you're all fighting in the first place. 
— "My girls.. this isn't FLAMBOYANT! We have to get over this!"
— When you all settle your differences you have a night out eating dinner and having fun in each others company. You're at peace..
— They're probably gonna bed you when you get home
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owl-house-lover · 4 years
I've wanted to talk about the relationship between Willow & Boscha for awhile now.
Long post is long (accidentally posted it too early. My bad!)
Boscha the Bully
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According to the Inner Willow, Boscha (along with the other popular girls) picked on Willow for years.
We don't find out why tho.
Compared to when Amity would insult her, Willow didn't seem to have much of a reaction to Boscha's bullying.
Which could mean Willow possibly didn't see Boscha as much of a problem until Wing It Like Witches.
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Boscha's bullying only got worse when Willow (unknowingly) became more popular than her.
- Note: Boscha's fully aware of how great Willow (as well as Luz & Gus) can be. She must really want Willow to not be aware of her greatest just satisfy her own ego.
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How long has this been going on? On to the next part.
Are Willow's Dads aware of this?/Willow's history with Boscha
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Willow's fathers love her very much & could be quite protective of her (I headcanon that they put her in the abomination track cause she got mad & hurt herself with plant magic by accident).
How do you think they'd react to their daughter coming home crying about the mean girls that hurt her? They wouldn't be happy about it.
Don't think her dads would like Boscha very much...
On the subject of them as kids, I think the nickname "Half-a-Witch" came from Boscha (noticed how no one calls her that anymore tho?).
Now we're getting into these two as people.
Willow's only getting better
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At her first appearance, Willow had no confidence, but look at her now!
She's also a lot happier with her friends and is actually well liked at school (even by Boscha's friends).
She's now even aware that she's stronger and smarter than Boscha too!
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She's taking a stand for herself and others in need. Which is what I really like to see & I wanna see more of it in later seasons.
Boscha could have problems of her own
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It's clear to anyone that watches this show that Boscha's not a good person.
She's egotistical, sadistic, a brat to her mother, rebellious to the point it's harmful to others, & really petty for pretty much no reason.
We know she was a mean kid (thanks to Understanding Willow), but why is this?
How she thinks she's better than others & how she thinks she needs to be feared to get her way (as will as be good at sports), I think she has both a superiority and a inferiority complex.
Now to the other people in Willow's life that clearly wanna protect her from Boscha.
The Willow Protection Squad
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- Amity: Willow's childhood friend who stopped being her friend to protect from her parents. Never really liked Boscha to begin with. So she has no problems standing up for Willow against her.
- Augustus (Gus): Willow's genuine friend that cares for her so much, he's willing to stand up to kids older than him to help her out (including Boscha).
- Luz: Willow's new friend that would absolutely become a human shield for her if Willow asked (which she obviously won't do of course).
Why did I bring them into this? Because all of them wouldn't hesitate to wipe the floor with Boscha, but Willow won't let that happen because...
Willow's so nice (even to Boscha)
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Willow could've ended Boscha's popularity at Hexside anytime after she became more confident in herself (& her magic skills), but she didn't.
Even at the end of WilW (after Boscha ruined her whole day), Willow showed her mercy when Boscha never thought of doing the same to her.
Maybe this'll cause a change in Boscha (a "Maybe I don't have to be worse to be better..." type of deal)?
Or Boscha could double down on her awful ways & want to get revenge on Willow?
Either way, I want these two to interact more in Season 2.
And now, something I've wanted to talk about regarding these two for awhile.
Willow and Boscha from a shipping POV
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The ship between Willow & Boscha is quite popular in this Fandom & I get it!
- The want for Boscha to get a Redemption Arc (she doesn't seem as bad as Belos, it may be possible?).
- The want for Willow to be a big part in said Redemption Arc (although this would be a good idea, I don't want Boscha to dump all her problems onto Willow nor do I want Boscha to be Willow's responsibility).
My favorite fanon dynamic with these two is Boscha thinking Willow would say yes to dating her (cause of her ego), only to get rejected (Willow looks so done with Boscha's BS in the fanart, it's hilarious).
- Also Willow would kindly reject Boscha (baby girl's just too nice).
- But if Boscha is too pushy, Willow will have to hurt her a little (The Willow Way is a strong way).
- Also Willow's (clearly protective) dads should be in more Boschlow fan pieces. Just shocked & angry that Boscha's at their door, demanding to speak with Willow (I don't think it'll go well for her...).
I wouldn't be surprised if these two did become a thing in canon.
In conclusion
Do I ship Boschlow? Mixed feelings about it to be honest.
Do I get why people ship it? Yeah.
Do I think Boscha's good enough for Willow? Now, of course not!
Do I think she can be? Maybe... It all depends on what the writers want (the show has great writing as it is).
Tell me what you guys think!
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To Hell & Back
Part Two: “Lucky for me, your kind of heaven’s been to hell & back”
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Summary: You still hate Bucky. But you need him to keep you from going to jail... So, what’s the harm in inviting him over to dinner?
Prompt: “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.”
Warnings: Angst?? (i think). Probably typos( which will be fixed). Implied violence. 
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Part one [In case you missed it]
It's Saturday.
Your day off. Well, what used to be your day off until it was turned into a family therapy session.
Well... Not an actual therapy session. It is literally just dinner with your family, including your sister's husband - a man you refuse to identify as your brother in law for reasons that will end in you being called the j-word. The husband, because he's the only son-in-law your parents have, has been dubbed the "referee" of the Saturday Sessions.
Each session, since you've been discharged, has made committing murder seem more and more appealing.
So appealing, that you're standing in front of your neighbour's door with a basket of muffins and a please-keep-me-from-committing-felonies smile.
Bucky, because he just spent the afternoon searching for a new bar, is standing on the other side of the door. Both confused and frightened to see you at his door voluntarily.
"Is there a bomb in that basket?" He asks, eyes roaming over you suspiciously. "Believe me, it's not gonna work."
You blink at him, then at the basket. Then back at him. "Why would I put a bomb in a muffin basket and then hold it?"
He raises a sceptical eyebrow at you.
You huff. "Fine, they're poisoned. I accidentally added laxatives while making them-"
"Yes, accidentally-" you glare at him. "-they're not for you. They're from us."
He blinks at you, confused. You haven't spoken to him, actually spoken to him, for a few months. You avoid him like he has a disease and when your paths do cross, you just glare at him like he threw your cat into on coming traffic.
It's been a few days since the coffee machine incident. He has a brand new one - better than the last one - sitting on his kitchen counter, waiting for him to develop the courage to give it to you. It should be easy. He has mastered the art of making amends.
But... He can't, for some reason, bring it to you.
"Wait-" he frowns, your words finally registering in his head, "-did you just say from us?"
You set the basket down. "So, remember when you broke my one shot at happiness?"
"Oh god." He forgot how dramatic you are, as well.
"Yeah, you can fix that little error by being a doll and-" you pause, then frown, struggling to find the right words.
"Muffin poisoned your tongue?"
"I'm trying to ask you to be my plus one for tonight's dinner-" you grit your teeth, your blood beginning to boil. "-at my parents house."
You didn't look him in the eye when you said that. And by the sounds of it, he doubts this is something he should be going to. Or something you should be going to. Not if it brings out this side of you.
"Who are the muffins for?"
They were for your sister. You broke her nose last week, which was never your intention, and the guilt has been eating you up alive since. The punch was meant for her asshole husband.
"You coming or not?"
"Let me grab a wine and the keys."
"We have muffins. No need to waste your good wine on mediocre tastes."
"I'm bringing the wine."
"If you make us stop to pick out flowers, I will watch porn with the volume on full blast every night for a week."
"Why are you always so violent?"
"So, how bad is it?" Bucky asks.
You've been in the car for a half an hour, because you chose the busiest route and the most congested during rush hour, and that's the first thing either of you have uttered since you politely dragged him out of his apartment.
You shrug. "Three roads lead to this one, so we'll be here another half hour."
"I mean the situation-" he drums his fingers against the wheel. "-you literally chose to be in a car with me, for the longest time possible. Either you want to get there late or you don't want to get there at all."
"Maybe I just like spending time with you."
Bucky scoffs, but doesn't question you further.
The car is silent, aside from the traffic outside, and you could almost relax. For just a moment, you could close your eyes and imagine you're somewhere else.
But you can't. Because you're not. You're on your way to a dinner that shouldn't be happening and is only happening because you're part of your neighbour's redemption list.
Because he just had to have a conscious.
"I punched my sister last week," you mumble.
Bucky wants to laugh. He wants to laugh so badly. He has met your sister, a handful of times - at the hospital, outside your room and outside your apartment door.
Every time she'd come over, she would knock hard enough to make him think she's part of SWAT team. And each time, he would could hear you scramble to switch off all devices that could alert her of your presence inside.
One time, you'd both arrived a few minutes after each other. His door was closer and already open, so you shoved your grocery in his hand and dived into his apartment to hide from your sister. He had to pretend he hasn't seen you since you left for work , and that the packet of sanitary pads that fell out were for his girlfriend.
He didn't have one.
He wants to laugh, because he doesn't like her at all. But he doesn't, because she's your sister. "What did she do?"
"She married an asshole-" you scoff. "-and decided to get in the way and I tried to punch said asshole."
At this, he grins. "And you need me there because?"
"I need you to keep me from trying to kill him," you begrudgingly admit. "I'm too high maintenance for prison."
"How bad is this guy that you need me to help you not kill him?"
"Bad enough that I'm gonna need you to park a few blocks away from the house," you turn to look at him, his confused eyes meeting yours for a quick second. "I told them we're taking the bus."
"Which means we only get to spend less than two hours there, if you drive a little slow-" you pause when he drives passed a McDonald's. "-hey, can we stop and get milkshake?"
He deadpans. "We have dinner plans with your parents."
"I get that you and them might have gotten along since you decided to be a hero," you glare at him. "But they're not as cool as the hospital visits made them seem."
Your parents have invited him over to dinner a handful of times, and each time he had to decline. You and him weren't on the best of terms, and he didn't want to make things worse by showing up for dinner without your knowledge.
He knows, first hand, that a few interactions aren't enough to give the full depth of a person. But he saw how devastated they were, how heartbroken they were, at the sight of tubes and needles sticking out of you.
He doesn't believe, he can't believe, for a second that they're as bad as you say they are.
But he won't argue with you. Not about this. "We'll get milkshake after."
"Hey, remember that coffee machine you br-"
"Oh, fuck you!"
You're not a fan of wine. At least, not the wine Bucky brought to the dinner.
An hour into the dinner and you've already had enough glasses to have Bucky worried. The wine is halfway to empty by the time dessert rolls in, and when your sister's husband clears his throat, you abandon the glass and drink straight from the bottle.
The second hour into the dinner is where things got interested. Interesting enough for Bucky to take the bottle from you before you could throw it at someone's head. Mainly because he wanted to throw it at someone's head. Your sister's husband's head to be specific.
Just as your mother gets up to start making tea for the muffins you brought, Bucky is the first on his feet and the first to use the 'we have to get going before we miss the bus' excuse.
You grin at him, vision slightly hazy from the wine you drank on an empty stomach.
"Mhmm," you hum as you cling into him to get to your feet, "the bus. We gotta- the bus. Bah-yeee."
"I'll make sure she gets home safe," he promises to your parents and they believe him.
Hell, you believe him. If there's one thing you can trust your neighbour to do, it's to save your life. But not your coffee machine.
He guides back to the car, which is parked exactly where you told him to, and he's never been happier to have listened to you. You sing all the way back, some ridiculous song about when you're fat and old, and you're the most content he's ever seen you.
Drunk off wine, eyes glassy and smile wide, as you try to mimic his steps. You sigh when you get into your seat, even though you fight him on opening your own door, and fumble lazily with your seat belt until he helps you clip it in.
Your struggle to find a comfortable position, but forget all about that when he parks the car outside your favourite coffee shop. You're out before he can even unclip his seatbelt and you're inside before he makes it to the door.
"Hi," you whisper-yell as you lean against the counter. "Pssst. Hi. Hello."
The barista blinks at you. Bucky cuts in before he can get a word out. "We'll take coffee. Filter. And anything that's bread-"
"-don't listen to him, he breaks hearts for a living. Sometimes he rips them out." I jab your pointer finger against the countertop. "I will take the strongest coffee you've got. I'm in the mood for bad decisions and-"
"We'll be at the booth, in the back." Bucky gently pries you from the counter. "One coffee and two bottles of water-"
You try to smack his hands away. "Why must you be so- Barnes, I swear to god, I will take your parking space."
He shoves you into the booth, then takes a seat opposite you. You attempt to make a break for the counter, but the glare he fixes you with is enough to keep you in your place.
It should scare you. The look he gives you. You know what he is capable of, without mad scientists to control him, you know the damage he's done. It takes a special kind of strength to face people like the flag smashers, and a special kind of crazy to go after them.
Bucky is both. And yet, his glare doesn't scare you. So much so, that you return it.
"I hate your brother-in-law-"
"Sister's husband," you cut in to correct him. "I refuse to recognise him as my anything."
He nods. "Right. So, let me get this straight-"
Bucky pauses as the barista sets down the coffee, the water, two croissants, some breadsticks and a garlic roll. When he's satisfied that there's nothing else, he leaves you alone with Bucky and the breads.
"You got work tomorrow-" he puts sugar into your coffee and stirs, before handing it to you. "-so you're gonna need to eat as much, so that it absorbs all that wine."
You glare at him but still do as he says. He's right and you'd rather sulk than admit it.
"So," he clears his throat to get your attention. "Your sister is an asshole, that married an asshole. And your parents are enablers of all that bullshit?"
You nod, practically shoving the garlic bread into your mouth. You didn't touch the food your mother cooked and, other than that milkshake Bucky bought you, you haven't had anything to eat all day.
"Instead of just sending you to therapy-" he scrunches his face in disgust at the thought. "-I can't fucking believe I'm advocating for that, but instead of paying for therapy. They do that? Host a dinner, sit a circle and kumbaya the problems away?"
Taking a sip from your coffee, you continue to nod. "Is it helping?"
He frowns, meeting your eyes. "What?"
"The mandated sessions-"you swallow. "-I heard you and Wings talking about it."
Thin walls. Shared balconies. Despite not being in each other's life, both of you know more than enough because of your apartments.
Your balcony and his are separated by a small barrier, but you can still hear his conversations - and visa versa- if you leave your glass door open enough when he's out there.
The wall that separates your apartment is thin enough for him to pick up on your habits. You don't think you're a creature of habit, but he would disagree.
He can tell, just from your foot steps, what you're going to watch or do in the living room. From the little sounds you make, he can tell which series you're binge watching for the umpteenth time and which one is on just for background noise.
If you weren't a creature of habit, he wouldn't have found you in time. You wouldn't be sitting in front of him, asking about his wellbeing, instead of dealing with yours.
"Wings is Captain now," he corrects, and you accept the deflection.
You would never overstep, or push. Not with him. Never with him.
"If Captain, why Wings?"
Narrowing his eyes, he pushes the bread sticks closer to you. "Fine, Captain Wings."
Again, you obey the silent instruction.
"Where were we-"
"We were plotting an asshole's abduction," you tell him, "and then dropping him off at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. If that's not available, then maybe near Dyer Island."
He raises an eyebrow at you. “Why would we drop your sister’s husband on an Island?”
"It's a place, with a shitload of great white sharks."
"And you know this because?"
"I like to always be prepared."
"For what?" His brows furrow. "Do you just know random places to dump people that–"
You cut in. "–will lead to an inevitable death by natural causes? Yes."
He stares at you. Actually stares. Openly, at you. He can't remember the last time he did that, looked at you, for no other reason than to just look.
You didn't always hate him. When he first moved into your apartment building, and the landlord introduced you too, you were indifferent. He didn't think you knew who he was, most people don't at first glance, so he was relieved. Indifference was definitely better than everything else.
That was until you walked passed him and Sam in the lobby of the building, a week after he moved in.
"Sarge–" you nodded at him, as you checked your mail. Then nodded at Sam as you made your way out of the building. "–Wings."
You knew, you always knew who he was, and just didn't care. That was refreshing, to say the least.
The hate only came that night, or the following morning, he wasn't sure. All Bucky knows is, he meddled, and now you hate him for it. For saving you.
He's tried to talk to you about it. Countless of times, he's tried, and each time you hate him a little bit more. Or so it seems.
He wants to talk about it now. It's obvious in the way he's looking at you, like he can't believe you're here, in front of him. You can't either, but you won't ever admit that to him.
Hell would sooner freeze over before you actually admitted that maybe, just maybe, he should have meddled sooner.
You won't. So, instead, you put down the bread stick and sit back. "I know a really cool coffee place... If you still need a new place to hang."
It's an olive branch. You don't ever say what you really mean, he knows that, and he smiles at that little fact. That he knows that, he knows you.
"Is the barista as dramatic as I hear?"
"Only to strangers that break down her doors," you shrug. "Oh, and guys who break her coffee machine–"
"You're never gonna let that go, are you?"
You grin. Because you're just as petty as he is.
Tags: @sunflowerxbarnes , @ginger-swag-rapunzel​ , @arctic-duchess​
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 8 (Bucky Barnes au)
“No, I don't wanna know, Where you been or where you're goin'
But I know I won't be home, And you'll be on your own”
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Maniac by Michael Sembello was blasting from Wanda's room as she was going through her closet,  looking for something you could wear at the party. You were tapping your feet to the beat and shaking your head softly.
"This is perfect," Wanda said as she handed  you  jean shorts and a T-shirt. Finding something in your style had been hard, but the outfit turned out really cute on you. "And before you ask, I still have your plaid shirt if you want to wear that."
Your sister knew you too well ; or maybe it was just her ability to read minds. You were pretty sure it was a mix of both. You looked at your watch : five in the afternoon were already passed and you knew Nat was supposed to arrive soon, so you went to the kitchen after changing. Actually, she was already there.
"Happy birthday, girl! How do you feel about hitting thirty, huh?"
"Surprisingly good, to be honest," you answered as you hug her tight. "I'm glad you came by."
"Me too. Steve told me pretty interesting news about some guy." She wiggled her brows, making you raise yours.
"Not that interesting. Yes, he is my supposed soulmate, but I got married last week, not matter how that's turning out."
"Yeah, sorry I couldn't be there, by the way. However, if I trust Steve's words..."
"Don't? Please." You smiled, making her laugh. You really must've sounded desperate, or in denial –  or, once again, both.
"Fine. But I can't promise I'll hold back my thoughts."
"I know you won't," you joked. "Anyway, is the cake already here?" You asked Sam.
"No, Bucky's not back yet."
"Oh, alright. I thought since he left early..."
"He had stuff to do, apparently." He shrugged, showing he didn't know any more than you did. A smirk appeared on his face. "Miss him already?"
"Ugh, I hate you all."
"No, you don't!"
Everyone around you laughed and, frankly, you couldn't hold it in either. These people always had a way of making you forget about your problems, and Darren hadn't crossed your mind until now.  Hours went by and more people arrived at the compound. It wasn't supposed to be a big party, but Tony was obviously unable to resist to Peter Parker asking if he could tag along. This kid loved being around here, maybe as much as you did. Once eight hours rang, almost everyone was there, except for Bucky. You were sure he'd eventually show up, even though you  couldn't help but feel a little anxious while everyone shared champagne bottles.
"Alright, close your eyes," Sam said, dragging you out of your thoughts. He put his hands on your eyes as you giggled softly.
"What is it now, you asked?"
"Patience, lady."
You couldn't see  anything – obviously – but you soon heard voices around you singing you a happy birthday. When Sam removed his hands, your eyes took some time to adjust to the sparkling candles on the big birthday cake. More importantly, it took you a second to recognise the man carrying it. Where had his hair gone?
"Your hair," you whispered once he was close enough.
He shrugged. "C'mon, the candles will melt if you don't blow them out." His own smile quickly spread to your face as you blew out your thirty candles. Everyone applauded and Bucky started cutting it so that people could help themselves. Once seated next to him, you took a bite of your own piece and closed your eyes in delight.
"Raspberries. I love those."
"Yeah, Wanda said it was your favourite," he told you before eating a chunk of cake. "How do you like the party  so far?"
"I love it. Everyone I love is here, so I couldn't be happier, really." You didn't even think about what you were saying. Tony's champagne did that to you for sure.
"Of course, why do you ask?" You gave him a confused look  before it dawned on you. "Oh,  I know. Well if he's not here by now, I guess that means something."
"Well I'm not the one saying it. It's your night, anyway, so let's not talk about him and let you have fun." He gently poked your arm – you felt delighted, as it was him who'd  made the move this time. It felt as if he was becoming more comfortable around you : you'd noticed he'd been laughing with you a lot more frequently these last few days.
"So, why the new haircut?"
"I wanted some change. New me, old me, I guess." He took a sip of his beer.
"I like it. Can I have some?" You pointed at the bottle. He gladly handed it to you ; damn, this man did not know what one beer might do to you, especially after champagne.
Wanda spotted you from across the room and stopped walking towards you, interrupting her conversation with Scott Lang.
"I hope that's your first drink tonight," she said with a grin. "You don't want to expose your party demon now, do you?"
You chuckled at Bucky's scared eyes. "I'm taking this back," he said, taking his beer back and finishing it.
"Don't worry, Bucky. I'm fine. I'm just a little more outgoing when I drink, that is all."
A screeching sound made you turn your head : Steve had just plugged a microphone into the speakers.
"Alright, so, as you all know, tonight's Y/n's thirtieth birthday. For the occasion, I'm sure she'll gladly treat us to a speech now."
If looks could kill, Steve would've died on the spot, super soldier or not. You never had inspiration for that kind of stuff.
"C'mon guys,  she needs some encouragement," Sam chimed in.
Tony and Peter both whoo'ed  at you with huge smiles, and you had no other choice than going on that improvised stage which consisted of the space between the speakers. You took the microphone from Steve's hand and Nat handed you a beer.
"Oh my, thanks for that," you said, chuckling. "I want to thank you all for coming. You  might have known me for a while, or not, but hum...you guys are family. I couldn't be happier to celebrate thirty years on Earth with you." You raised your bottle in front of you. "To found family."
Everyone  drank to that, and you jumped as Sam placed his hand on your shoulder and started speaking in another mic.
"So many emotions there, I love to see it. Now we're not done with you. Remember that night in Brooklyn?"
"Oh no."
"Oh, yeah... we're  gonna do it. And you're gonna love it, don't you dare say otherwise."
You stared at Sam before downing your drink. He was damn right.
"Okay Scott, fire away!"
"Toniiight,  I'm gonna have myself a real good time..." Sam started singing this fabulous bop as the music soared in the air. You obviously joined him right away.
"I'm burning through the skyyyyy, yeah." You probably were not singing right, but you couldn't have cared less. Everyone around  you was singing – more like yelling – along and you finally let go of your last inhibitions.  You were singing and dancing,  pretending you were the international rock star giving a representation. For once, you saw a wide smile on Bucky's face that couldn't seem to go away, and you decided to have fun with him a little. You pointed at him and smiled as you basically jumped to the beat.
"I'm a sex machine ready to reload like an atom bomb about to oh, oh, oh,  oh exploooode!"
He couldn't help but laugh and he even started tapping his feet to the beat as well. You went back to Sam and you ended the song back to back, definitely yelling more than you were actually singing.
"See, I told you you'd love it!" he exclaimed.
You laughed out loud before handing the mic to Scott. "You have fun now, I gotta rest for a sec."
You happily got back to Wanda and Bucky as Scott and Sam were joined by Peter to keep this improvised karaoke going. Your sister was less than surprised, since this wasn't the first party she had with you. Bucky, on the other hand...
"I didn't know you could do that," he said with a grin.
"What, absolutely slay the day with a mic in my hand? Hell yeah I can, only after some drinks though."
"Yeah, I don't know if your cheeks are this red from drinks, dancing or just regular blush."
You chuckled at his laugh, even placing your hand on his shoulder while doing so. When your eyes were done squinting from all the laughs, you froze.
"Darren, I-"
"That science guy let me in."
Bruce shot you a sorry look, raising his hands in the air. "He wouldn't let me ask you for your opinion first anyway."
Damn, you hadn't realised how much everyone disliked your husband. After all, no one had ever been rude to his face, unlike his friends. Bucky turned around to face him and crossed his arms over his chest : his smile was long gone now, as if it had been only a fever dream.
"You put on quite a show there."
"Wow, so not even a 'happy birthday', huh?" You didn't even look down this time : you stared at him, no trace of a smile on your lips. "When I said you could come if you wanted to, I didn't say  that so you could come and be condescending."
"I'm not gonna wish you a happy birthday after I saw you hit on that guy in a fucking song!" he yelled, pointing at Bucky. Darren's anger was so unjustified that you would've laughed at him, hadn't you been remotely nice and equally angry at him.
Bucky didn't say a word as he slowly put Darren's hand down. You noticed he'd used his metal arm, even though you knew for a fact he was right handed and usually prioritised his dominant hand. That was quite passive-agressive ; you held back a smile.
"Do you even hear what you're saying?" Keeping your cool was not an option anymore, and you walked away from everyone. Contrary to Darren's belief, you didn't like 'putting on a show'.
"We're going home, now," he said firmly. "Your little crisis lasted long enough."
"My crisis? You've left me alone at home for days and now you expect me to come back? You're unbelievable, Darren. And you started pulling this shit before we were even engaged!"
"You never complained about this,  so why do it now?"
"Because I can't take it anymore! Is that so hard to believe? Is it hard to understand that I want to be treated the way I deserve?"
You ran a hand through your hair, looking at Darren in disbelief as the anger in his eyes just grew harder.
"You know what?" you continued. "If you have nothing better to say, I might as well just  go back to the people who really love me. As far as I'm concerned, this" — you gestured at the both of  you – "is over."
You turned around, feeling a huge confidence boost that still wasn't strong enough to overcome your disappointment.
"What's that on your back?" His voice was so low compared to seconds earlier that you looked back at him.
He walked up to you fast, but too slowly not to be noticed by Steve and Bucky, who'd been watching the scene carefully. Despite their obvious strength, they couldn't get to you before Darren violently lifted the back of your t-shirt, scratching  your back with his nail at the same time. You let out a cry and next thing you knew, Darren was pinned against the wall, held back by Bucky's arm.
"You lied," he whispered. "You do have a tattoo."
Damn. You had always been careful to wear high waisted jeans. All it took was one careless pair of shorts. You had no answer to give to him, so Darren looked at Bucky instead.
"It's you. Right? I fucking knew it." He looked back at you. "I should've known you weren't to be trusted around other guys. You're such a-"
"I think you should leave." Steve had laid his hand on his friend's shoulder to try and calm him down. Bucky let go of your husband and shot you a side glance to check on you. You were crossing your arms on your chest and your eyes had never been more interested in the floor.
"Steve's right," you uttered. "You should go." You  walked away with these words. You hadn't even noticed there was no longer any music playing in the room. Silence was oppressing and everyone seeing you cry was not an option. You walked to your room in daze. Once you felt the door closing behind you, you allowed yourself to break down. It was a knock on the door that made you tilt your head up a few minutes later.
--- You have no idea how excited I am for part 9!!! If I wasn't strictly following my self-imposed rule of having two unpublished chapters at all times, I would post it right away. x) I hope you liked this one!! Feel free to give me any notes you may have : I improve thanks to readers.
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@ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02 @coniumalces @writehistorynotthegrocerylist @bluemoon-icecream @lady-loki-ren @simplybombshell
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serenityseventeen · 3 years
Love & Letter: To The Thirteen Boys I've Loved Before
The Twelfth Letter
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To: Chwe Hansol/Vernon
From: Y/N
Hello, Vernon.
It hasn't been that long. Actually, as I'm writing this letter, we had our first kiss a few days ago.
I guess I must have the worst timing when it comes to love or just falling in love in general. Maybe I took way too long getting to know you. Maybe I didn't believe in myself enough and I let the curse take effect again.
I told you about how I had the worst luck with love. During all of my time in graduate school, I haven't fallen in love again, but now, I guess I have fallen in love with you.
I don't know what it is that made me realize what I had for you was love, but from the moment we met, I felt a spark in my chest.
That day when I had my ears plugged with white headphones, looking down at my phone with music blasted high, you grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to your chest. You also had headphones on.
I guess that left a great first impression.
You saved me from a dashing motorbike that could have crashed into me and for the first time in years, I felt my heart race. With your hand holding my back, you asked me if I was okay, but I couldn't hear a thing.
Then, you removed my headphones and brought me back to reality when I was having a daze.
“Are you okay?” You asked as you let go of my body. “You should watch where you're going, always.”
I was almost too caught up in your handsome visuals to say anything. Your eyes were such a beautiful brown and your foreign-like visuals were mesmerizing. In the end, I just nodded and thanked you for saving me.
As you were walking down the street, about to plug in your headphone piece that fell, I was still able to feel my heart thumping. I brought my hand to my chest and I knew this undeniable feeling.
That's when I called out to you and told you that I'd repay you.
Liking you brought back the feeling of having a youthful crush. I felt like I could fall in love again. It felt like I was returning to my youth and I was able to recover all those broken love stories with yours. Of course, I knew I was just getting ahead of myself.
I didn't expect anything from us. Our career paths and majors were similar but also different. We didn't get to see each other often and when we did, it was usually always coincidental; at the coffee shop nearby, or library, or the burger place nearby campus... It was just like that for us.
We didn't start hanging out until I asked you out to the movies. Well, not really ‘asking you out’, I just asked to hang out as repayment, since you saved me from getting hit by a bike. I remembered that you liked to watch movies.
I guess that would be named our first date for me. It was fun, sad, and scary, thrilling, and fun, and I could tell that you enjoyed the movie a lot. It was awkward being at the movie theater with you at first, but the moment we sat down, you talked to me casually, making me feel comfortable when I was the one who should have made you.
You acted like yourself during the entire movie and seeing that side of you made my heart race. You laughed and clapped out loud. At times, you seemed to be an extrovert who was confident, and at times, you seemed to be a quiet introvert. Your personality baffled me in a good way but I know one thing for sure.
You give the best reactions.
Watching you laugh at the movie was enough to make me almost laugh as well. Before I knew it, I was enjoying it just as much as you did. I think the fact that I was with you left an impact on my happiness during that movie.
Vernon, you're a fun guy. We started hanging out more often after the movies. Sometimes we would even grab lunch together, go buy books, chill at the beach watching the waves, stay cool at a pool, etc, whenever we had free time. We also talked a lot with each other.
I liked that we talked a lot with each other. I had only a few friends that I could talk to but with you, I felt like I could tell you anything. You just had this trustworthy aura floating around you at all times and I knew I could trust you.
You seemed to tell me everything too. I'm glad that I could vent out my anger to you and you would always be willing to listen to me and give me advice. I'm also glad that I was able to hear all of your problems and help you with them too.
I remember a day, when we were walking in the park while drinking soda, you told me about your insecurities. It was the first time you ever brought it up. Usually, we didn't talk about anything too personal like that - just our families, work, friends, hobbies. Yet, you were able to tell me about what you were insecure about.
To me, Vernon, you seemed like a perfect guy that I didn't even know you had such insecurities. I don't want to write them down in this letter to you just in case someone reads it, so I won't. I'm glad I was able to make you feel better about your insecurities though. I just always remembered your insecurity and complimenting that part of your body made me feel happier too. I can still remember that smile of yours when I complimented it. It was so bright, shining, and warm.
Since you were able to tell me such things, I felt that I could tell you such things about myself too. I had many insecurities and as a person, I wasn't satisfied at all with how I looked. To me, everything about my body seemed like a flaw.
Thank you, Vernon. I can still remember that scolding tone of yours when you responded to my confessions.
“What are you talking about? Why are you even insecure about that? You are literally- your skin is perfect! Your hair- it's not oily at all?! And your fingers- I mean, they are so delicate, how could you even be insecure of them?”
I wanted to say the same thing to you. How could you be insecure about that one thing? To me, you were complete perfection with imperfections, and it was alright to be that way.
You took my hand and that's when I noticed your long and large hand. It was much bigger than but since it was the first time our hands were up against each other, I could finally compare the size; which revealed to be strikingly different, unsurprisingly.
Vernon, you were like a therapist. Every week that I spent with you, my feelings began to grow. I'm sure I loved you but at the same time, this feeling that I feel for you seems to be like friendship. I don't know if I love you as a lover or a friend.
I guess spending so much time with you made me realize what a great guy you are as a friend and potential boyfriend. I would be glad to keep you as both, it doesn't matter which one. I just wish that I could keep you by my side; though it's quite obvious that being friends is the more obvious chance.
A few days ago, we kissed each other.
I know you know which day that is because it's your birthday. You held a small celebration and invited me over. Of course, I wasn't expecting much but since it was your birthday, I decided, “Why not get dolled up for it?”
After the birthday party, we were both a bit drunk. I'm pretty sure I was drunker than you were so the memories I write down may be blurry.
Everyone else had left except us. The restaurant was closing and since I was drunk, it was a bit hard for me to walk. I managed to get out the front door with the help of your hand holding my arm but when I took a few steps outside of the restaurant, my feet finally turned to jelly.
Like a hero, you caught me with your large hands. You had pulled me with your hand and scooped my waist with your other hand.
Trust me, even though I was drunk, I was able to feel emotions and I was a tiny bit sober enough to think properly.
Standing in front of the restaurant in our cliche but romantic position, it just felt like the right moment for the drunk me. We were holding eye contact and though I couldn't tell what you were thinking, it seemed like you felt it was the perfect time too.
That's why I wrapped my arms around your shoulders and pulled your face closer to mine until our lips were gently mashed. My heart was pounding but I couldn't distinguish whether it was from nervousness or enjoyment.
I just remember your warm breath and the strange sweet taste of wine lingering on your tongue as you kissed me. I'm sure the kiss was a bit sloppy but to me, it was passionate and sweet, even though I was a bit out of it. You had your hands tracing up and down my waist and hips while my hands were digging the back of your hair, my chest pressed against yours.
After that, I think you took me home.
After your birthday, you told me that you'd want to stay friends, though it seemed like you were a bit unsure of what you were saying. I was fine with that decision though because, after the kiss, I sort of felt that it wasn't right for us to date. It seemed like to us, friends were the best we could be. You and I could lean on each other.
Kissing that night on your birthday was probably just a one-time thing for you and me.
I'm glad that we can stay friends though. Even after that kiss, you're acting normal around me, like we're still friends, which I'm thankful for.
Up until now, I'm pretty sure I loved you. Love is a confusing topic to me. I still love you.
I've loved you romantically.
And now, I'll love you as a friend.
I'm thankful enough for that.
© serenityseventeen
7/13/21 - 8:40 pm
a/n: Vernon Chwe... Gosh why does he look so good in that photo!? + I have a plan/general plot for a book but I am having trouble deciding the male lead... I plan for it to be a fanfiction but I'm stuck on the male main character.
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