#I also have the sequel to the werewolf fic from a while back
flygonaltaria · 2 months
I have a modern day Clivesdale AU where Curt’s tracking down the deadliest man alive and meets Owen, who works at a little coffee shop, who keeps trying to get Curt to leave so he doesn’t get killed. Every agent who’s ever tried to track down the DMA gets killed, why should Curt be any different?
Curt wakes up in bed with Owen, at Chimera HQ, and realises he doesn’t remember the last few years. The last thing he remembers is Owen revealing himself as the DMA
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blouisparadise · 11 months
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Upon request, today we have the fourth part to our enemies to lovers rec list! You can also find part one here, part two here, and part three here. If you enjoy our rec lists and would like us to continue making them, please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word! Happy reading.
1) Say My Name And Everything Just Stops | Explicit | 5,089 words
Harry and Louis are enemies and their friends leave them behind on a camping trip to sort out their differences. In a short amount of time, they do.
2) It’s Hard To Fight Naked | Explicit | 11,189 words
Prompt 6: Louis and Harry are roommates, but they cannot stand each other. When Harry heard Louis moan his name while Louis was riding a dildo in Harry’s room (Louis thought he was alone at home), Harry couldn’t stop himself and so he ended up fucking Louis against the mattress. Happy ending!
3) Works Like A Charm | Explicit | 18,088 words
Ever since Louis joined the team in fifth year, a few facts have become set in stone. One: Louis is the best chaser in Hogwarts. Two: Harry is the best beater in Hogwarts. Three: They do not get along. So it’s really unfair of Liam to think that forcing them to spend time together as Louis recovers from his injury will make them the best of friends. The last thing Louis would do is get along with that git.
4) Uncomfortable Truths | Explicit | 18,125 words
Louis (a sophisticated asshole with a god complex, according to Zayn) is confident, bored out of his mind and in a desperate need of a challenge. Harry moves back to the city, ready to provide him one. Things go sideways. Obviously.
5) Angel Of Small Death And The Murder Scene | Explicit | 20,634 words
Ever since Louis read about the new up and coming Detective in town, he had immediately disliked the man, despite never having met him. So, naturally, it can only be the worst thing that could have happened to Louis when he gets stuck with Detective Styles trying to solve a murder during his supposed to be relaxing vacation over the seas.
6) Manners And Misjudgements | Explicit | 21,178 words
“Everyone you mention the Duke to raves about him, just like you are defending him now. But no one looks behind the façade he so ably maintains to deceive you all.” Liam sighs deeply. “You sound like a crazy man right now, Louis.” “I will prove to you who the Duke really is, just wait.”
7) Help Me, Help You Find Love | Explicit | 23,789 words
The one where they all attend a university for supernaturals and Werewolf Frat president and resident heartthrob Harry approaches on campus matchmaker Louis to help him find love.
8) Strong Enough To Get Us Wrong | Explicit | 24,289 words
Omega Louis have always considered the soulmate etching on his left thigh to be a curse. It takes a world tour, the bustling city of Tokyo, a hike to see Mt. Fuji, some hidden feelings, sea urchin sushi and the alpha he hates most in the world to change him.
9) Like It’s A Game | Explicit | 32,223 words | Sequel
There is little Harry hates more than truth or dare. And Louis.
10) Spoonful Of Sugar | Explicit | 42,900 words
Note: We'd recommend reading the prequel to this fic first.
Louis Tomlinson cares for his family above all else, a fact that’s led him on a twisted path peddling drugs to support them. Just as he’s made the decision to jump ship, Louis gets snared between the two largest crime syndicates in the city. To keep his family safe he’s forced to trust the man that failed to keep his promise two years ago, the resident drug lord he’s unknowingly been working for, Harry Styles.
11) From Dust To Lust | Explicit | 45,437 words
From the moment Louis set eyes on the gorgeous stranger across the airport terminal, he knew the guy was trouble, which was the last thing he wanted. He wouldn’t have thought spending two days cooped up in a car travelling from the Australian Outback to the East Coast would change his mind. It’s funny how things work out.
12) Catch Me If I Fall | Explicit | 47,099 words
Lovers when on the stage but bitter rivals as soon as they step off, Harry and Louis have butted heads from the moment they first met. Locked in a stalemate that they hope to ride out until graduation, things take a turn when Harry learns that Louis is hiding a secret.
13) Hold Me How the Deep Night Has | Explicit | 48,018 words
Louis Tomlinson needs a change. Stuck in a cycle of going to the job he hates, spending time with his friends, and avoiding the one man he hates most in this world, Louis' in desperate need of something new. So when he discovers an abandoned notebook on the way to work, the decision is easy to take it for himself and begin a journal amidst the empty pages. What can't be expected are the words that appear overnight directly beside his own, written on the same day 400 years in the past. What are the consequences of a magical connection between two men of different centuries? And who, among it all, is the mysterious E who only exists on the other side of Louis' journal?
14) Falling Without Caution | Explicit | 50,350 words
Louis Tomlinson, a wanted criminal, was captured by the FBI after years of chasing. Instead of being locked up in a high-security prison, he was offered a deal. What was supposed to be the end of a decade long chase turned into a morally grey circumstance for Agent Styles.
15) A Place With Skeletons | Explicit | 50,765 words
“I would choose anyone other than you,” Louis says, picking up his train of thought again. He feels a lot more cornered and defensive when they’re in Harry’s house, for some reason. It doesn’t really make sense, considering that this time, Louis was the one who couldn’t hack it any longer. He broke first. There’s something about being in Harry’s space, though, the green and earthy feeling of it. It should feel like open space with all the plants, but Louis has never felt more claustrophobic than he does when he’s here. Harry’s chest moves against his back, a sharp intake of air. Before he can open his mouth to defend himself, Louis keeps going, “If I had a choice in any of this, I would have been saved by that elderly security guard over you. I wouldn’t mind having to have the occasional cuddle with her.”
16) We Are But Dust and Shadows | Explicit | 51,468 words
Louis is part of a well respected Shadowhunter family, and Harry is the Mundane turned Shadowhunter who just can’t seem to get it right.
17) Lunar Waltz | Explicit | 56,795 words
Louis has to replace his (missing) twin brother and marry one of the most dangerous alphas of the kingdom.
18) The Luna of Which Pack? | Mature | 72,696 words
When Harry's wolves accidentally kidnap the intended Luna of Simon Cowell's pack, he must decide what to do with the irritating omega that does not want to return home. With the elders disagreeing with the new ‘naive’ pack alpha Styles, a war erupts due to his opposed decisions. And Louis finds himself right in the middle of it.
19) Echoes & Omens | Mature | 100,707 words
Echoes of the dead come in many forms. Their imprints forever tied to the ones who'd killed them. Louis Tomlinson is able to track the dead using their echoes, they call to him. He's used that gift to aid Scotland Yard in their investigations, with the hopes of studying Criminology at Cambridge University. He's lived a life of privilege and good fortune as a Marquess, son of the late Duke Tomlinson, with his life mapped out since day one. Until two terrible truths are revealed. One, he's adopted. Two, his biological parents are London's most notorious serial killers. Against his family's wishes, Louis travels to Chicago to uncover the truth of their incarceration. Much to his dismay, his biological mother's Lawyer, Harry Styles, wants to take his case. Together, they work to uncover what really happened all those years ago, but perhaps more is revealed than they could've ever anticipated. Trapped in a whirlwind of portents and omens, Louis and Harry find themselves pitted against an enemy they'd not foreseen.
20) Where I Burn To Be | Explicit | 143,346 words
There were very few people who managed to get under Louis’ skin as effortlessly as Harry had, and even fewer who had done it in only a day and a half. It was quite an accomplishment, really. They’d only interacted a handful of times and yet Louis had the insatiable desire to slam the locker into that frustratingly well-defined face that never seemed to hold any expressions other than contempt and arrogance. “That’s right. I do own the skies. And you wanna know why?” he sneered. Without his boots on, Louis was a fair bit shorter than Harry, his eyes pretty much level with Harry’s chin and his socked toes bumping into the boots of the other man, close enough that Louis could make out the tiny scar on Harry’s brow and the individual shades of emerald in his irises. He was handsome, but that only made Louis hate him more. Heart thumping heavily against his sternum and his hands balled into fists, Louis lifted his chin defiantly and plastered a coldhearted smirk across his lips. “Because I’m the best goddamn pilot here.”
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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starlightkun · 11 months
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❧ word count: 11.8k ❧ warnings: cursing ❧ genre: fluff, modern magical creatures au, fantasy au, college au if you squint, werewolf jeno, human reader, ft. various other magical dreamies & neos and human!renjun (and an extra special guest appearance), hybrid au adjacent? (you’ll see what i mean, but i swear he’s a big bad werewolf), same universe as strawberry sunday ❧ extra info: this work is set in the same universe as strawberry sunday but can be read as a standalone! there is no continuing plotline between fics in this universe, they simply take place in the same world/magic system and may have overlapping characters (neos may pop up in more than one work!) ❧ author’s note: and here’s werewolf jeno too! continuing my big baby jeno agenda in this one so please take care of him, y’all <;33 ❧ sequel
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ explore the strawberry sunday universe more here!
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Your friend’s eye roll was practically audible over the phone. “Just because I’m a Magical Creature Studies major doesn’t mean I’m a werewolf doctor, Y/N. I study them in a sociocultural context—”
“He’s grown ears and a tail, Renjun. Not wolf ones.”
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Unlocking the back door to the bakery, you flicked on the light switch by the doorway. Immediately, the kitchen was illuminated, and you dumped your bag on a stool to root through it. You secured your navy blue apron from inside it, putting it over your neck then fastening the straps around your waist, now ready to start your opening checklist. The idea of a 4 a.m. opening shift should’ve made you shudder, but you always came into Half Moon Bakery with a bounce in your step despite the distinct lack of sunlight.
The first thing was to preheat the ovens: separate ones for yeast breads that needed more moisture, and sweets like cookies, muffins, and cakes that didn’t. You took the yeast doughs out of the fridge first that you’d prepared yesterday. It was all muscle memory, turning and shaping the dough with your hands and bread scraper. After shaping loaf after loaf after loaf, you put those aside for their final proof, then started on the sweets. Some had also been prepared the night before by the closing shift, whichever cookie doughs needed to sit overnight before being shaped. In the mornings, you mixed up the doughs and batters that didn’t need to be chilled prior to baking.
By the time the bread was finished proofing, you had usually at least spooned out your first batch of cookies as well. Those went in the sweets ovens first, then you turned to scoring the loaves before putting those in the bread oven. And it was usually at this point that you were entirely on autopilot, operating solely on dings of timers, no other units of time or place really having meaning to you.
You only knew that it was 6 a.m. when your coworker arrived. The employee entrance opened again while you were setting a hot pan of blueberry lemon scones down, Lee Jeno stepping through. He pushed some of his hair out of his eyes sleepily, lifting a hand in your direction in greeting.
“Morning, Jeno!” You chirped, pausing the music blaring from your phone.
He mumbled something akin to ‘morning’ back as he dropped his own apron around his neck then fumbled with tying the knot around his waist.
“You are never going to be a morning wolf, huh?” You sighed, grabbing the other pans that were in the oven.
“No,” he shook his head. “‘S too early.”
“What if I told you, that I…” You set down the pan of chocolate chunk cookies you just took out, then darted over to a different counter. A plate was there, a single broken sugar cookie on it. If the cookie were whole, it would have been half-dipped in chocolate to look like a half-moon. But alas, this one didn’t make it.
You held the plate out towards Jeno. “…Saved you a discard.”
The werewolf visibly perked up at this. “Really?”
“It’s not peanut butter, sorry.”
He rushed over to take the plate from you. “I can have it?”
“Yeah, Jeno,” you chuckled. “I accidentally snapped it trying to take it off the baking sheet. Better it go in this garbage disposal than the actual garbage.”
You poked his stomach on the word ‘this,’ earning an indignant scowl from him. Which didn’t have the intended effect, as he already had stuffed the entire cookie in his mouth.
“Thanks, Y/N,” Jeno said once he’d swallowed the food in his mouth. “I didn’t have much for breakfast.”
“Oh?” You frowned as you returned to your station, starting on preparing the icings to drizzle over the batches you’d just taken out. Werewolves usually had quite the appetite compared to humans, Jeno must be starving. “Were you running late or something? You could’ve eaten, I wouldn’t have minded if you were a couple minutes late.”
“No, I just… I don’t know, wasn’t that hungry.” He shrugged, starting to go about his own opening tasks.
“Who are you and what have you done with Jeno?” You pointed a whisk at him accusatorily as he opened up the storeroom.
He laughed. “I’m serious, though. It was weird, I made breakfast but when I sat down to eat I just… didn’t want to.”
“You seemed to handle that cookie just fine at least.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, voice slightly muffled as he took a couple steps inside the storage room to tally up the ingredients. “I don’t think I’d ever be able to turn down your baking, Y/N.”
You grinned to yourself as you whisked up the lemon icing for the scones. “Aw, thanks, Jeno.”
“Seriously, I don’t know how Mr. Minseok and I managed before you came along.”
“You seem to be forgetting that Minseok bakes. And very well, too,” you scoffed, referring to your sphinx boss. He had started the bakery by himself some years ago and Jeno had been his very first hire when he realized he couldn’t handle the front and back at the same time. You’d only started at the bakery a little less than a year ago, having been a passionate home baker who needed extra income now that you were in school. It was the summer right now though, between spring and fall semesters so you found yourself at the bakery most days.
“I know, I know. But like half our menu is your recipes now. And you improved some of Mr. Minseok’s.”
“Okay, improved is a choice word there, I streamlined the process a litt—”
Jeno emerged from the storeroom with a big sack of flour over his shoulder, and you completely lost the rest of that sentence as your eyes were drawn like magnets to where the muscles in his arm flexed and tensed. The sleeve of his white t-shirt—the same one you were wearing, with a small half-moon embroidered above the cuff—strained a little around the bulge of his bicep, veins crisscrossing his skin like roots of a tree.
“Y/N?” Jeno tilted his head curiously. This was truly so unfair; he was simultaneously looking like a confused puppy while holding a bag of flour one-handed that would take two humans to carry normally. “That’s a lot of icing on that scone.”
You looked down at where your hand had frozen over a scone, the spoon that you’d been drizzling icing with now pooling and entirely covering one with it instead. “Oh, shit!”
Picking up the scone, you held it over the icing bowl to shake and scrape off as much as you could, taking a few deep breaths.
“Anyway, this is our last bag of bread flour, and we’ve only got half a bag of whole wheat. We need to order some more?”
“Yeah, yeah.” You kept a laser focus on the scones as you went back to drizzling, refusing to look up at Jeno or his stupid big, stupid strong werewolf muscles. “Uhm, two bags of bread flour, one whole wheat. And how are we looking on all-purpose?”
“Still got three bags.”
“Order a bag of that just in case.”
“Heard, chef!” You could see him salute you in your peripheral vision before disappearing back in the storeroom.
After finishing his back of the house opening tasks, Jeno went to start to open the front of the bakery. You, very thankfully, didn’t do much in the front of the house. People in general were alright, but you’d much rather deal with dough and batter, and hear secondhand from Jeno how much everyone supposedly enjoyed what you baked and how delicious they apparently thought it was. You still had a job, so you figured that the customers liked your food just fine, at least. Sometimes you’d be called in as a very last resort to cover a front house worker’s shift, but usually the only times you ever emerged from the kitchens was to drop new batches off in the cases, then you’d disappear again.
Jeno popped in and out to take the food out to the display cases as it got closer and closer to opening, then dropped off an empty tray without picking up a new one.
“T-minus ten minutes until opening,” he informed you with a bright smile, disappearing back through the swinging door to the front for the last time this morning.
You knew it was 7 a.m. when you heard the quaint coffee shop playlist Jeno always put on start to filter in from the front. There wasn’t always a customer right at opening, so you usually relied on the music to reorient yourself in time. Chatter from the front would rise and fall as waves of customers came in and left, but you just kept working on your batches and washing up between them. Now with the bulk of your baking done for the morning, you had a lot of cleaning to do.
Minseok’s arrival let you know that it was 8 a.m., you were already 4 hours into your shift. Your boss came in through the employee entrance as you were dipping some now cooled half-moon cookies in chocolate.
“Morning, Minseok!” You greeted him with a grin.
“You know, Y/N,” he stopped in the middle of the kitchens to turn to you. “I will never doubt my decision to hire you. You know why?”
“Uh... why?”
“Who else could I possible give the 4 a.m. opening shift to and they would still give me such a nice greeting every single time?” He chuckled. “You should’ve seen Jeno’s face the first time I told him what time I open the bakery at.”
“Oh, yeah, he doesn’t seem to be a morning person.”
“You kidding me? Kid asks for the morning shift now,” he snorted, shuffling over to inspect the cookies you were dipping. “Jeno used to be about ready to rip my throat out with his teeth whenever I had him open with me.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Really?”
“Really,” he confirmed. “Though that was the early days of the bakery, you know, when he was just my hormonal teenage summer hire because I was doing his dad a favor and needed someone to work the register while I baked.”
“Now it’s almost like you two are a real business or something.”
Minseok laughed, his sharp canines glinting in the fluorescents. “Almost. Anyway, I’ll be in the office. Holler if you need me.”
You knew it was 11 a.m. when another coworker arrived. It usually cycled between a few different front house workers, and today it was Donghyuck, a dryad friend of Jeno’s who was a newer hire. You waved at him as best you could with two soapy hands, cleaning while a new batch of bread dough bulk proofed. A second front house worker usually came in a little before the lunch rush to help out, make sure whoever opened could take their break, and take over when their shift finished.
A little while later, Jeno came into the back, stretching and groaning. He took his apron off, hanging it on a hook against the wall by Minseok’s office door.
“That time already?” You asked knowingly.
“Yep. Lunch?” Jeno grabbed his keys from his pocket, spinning them around on his finger.
“Wish I could, but these loaves are going to finish proofing in like half an hour,” you sighed wistfully.
“I’ll go bring something back for us.”
“Oh, Jeno, you should go enjoy your lunch break away from work,” you tried to insist.
He made a face. “All by myself? How would I enjoy that? No, I’d rather hang out with you. Now, what do you want?”
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Sat on two stools in the small, usually unused breakroom attached to the kitchen with Jeno, you bit into your sandwich gleefully.
“How do you not get tired of bread after working here?” He asked, peeling up one of the slices of his own sandwich.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “I just like it. Isn’t that kind of part of the job requirements?”
“Mm... good point.”
You were halfway through your sandwich when you realized that Jeno had barely taken a bite of his. The most he’d done was pick a little bit at the fillings, but he really had just been chatting with you. Normally he would have already devoured his, and been pretending not to be eyeing yours.
“Jeno? Aren’t you going to eat?” You asked, gently pushing the food towards him by the wrapper.
He wrinkled his nose in disgust. “I don’t... want to...”
You set your lunch down. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I feel fine,” he nodded. “I’m just not very hungry.”
Concerned, you stood up and headed towards the door that led back into the kitchen. “Wait here.”
You went over to the cooling racks, searching for a specific tray of cookies. You pulled off a peanut butter cookie and walked back over to the werewolf, holding it out towards him. He sat up a little straighter, but it wasn’t the usual ecstatic reaction he had to his favorite kind of cookie.
“Here,” you pushed it in his hand. “You can have it.”
To your relief, he didn’t hesitate to eat half of it in one bite. His eyes crinkled into familiar little crescents as he happily munched on the cookie, quickly polishing off the other half.
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Minseok approaching your station from the front typically let you know that was mid afternoon, about time for your shift to end as well. His schedule was variable, it depended on what kind of administrative duties needed to be done, and whether or not he needed to help out in the front or back at all that day.
The sphinx stopped across the counter from you as you put away clean utensils that you didn’t need anymore. “Hey, it’s too slow today. I already sent Donghyuck home and I’m having Jeno close the front. Go home once you’re done cleaning up.”
He was walking towards the back door when you suddenly thought of something. “Oh, Minseok!”
“Yeah?” Your boss stopped, his hand almost on the handle.
“I actually wanted to ask if I could stay after my shift and test a new recipe?”
“Sure. What kind?”
“New flavor of brownie?”
“Hm. If all goes well, it can be a limited flavor. Keep Jeno to taste test.”
You grinned, already planning on doing that yourself. After all, this recipe really was for him. “Will do, thank you!”
“Call if you need anything. Bye, Y/N.”
“Bye, Minseok!” You sent him off for the day with an enthusiastic wave.
Jeno came into the back just a few minutes later, tossing a washcloth into the laundry basket. “You need any help back here?”
“Yes, actually.” You couldn’t hide your beaming smile.
“Oh no,” he groaned. “What is that smile? We’re getting off early and you’re happy about giving me more work?”
“You can go if you want...” you sighed teasingly. “If you really don’t want to help me taste test the peanut butter brownies I’m about to make.”
He gasped, face immediately lighting up, “You’re making what?”
“Yep, the test kitchen is open this afternoon. But, since you want to leave work early, I guess I won’t have my trusty taste tester this time.” You let out another comically deep sigh, shutting away mixing bowls into cabinets. “And to think... all that peanut butter just going to waste... I guess I could give some to Sungchan. I know he says it’s not a werewolf thing to like peanut butter but—”
“Y/N!” Jeno cut in with a whine, grabbing your arm. “I’m staying! I’m your taste tester!”
You couldn’t help but giggle, turning to your friend and patting his cheek, “I know, Jeno. Now come on, help me put this stuff away and we can get started.”
Despite having worked at a bakery for a few years, Jeno didn’t know much about baking. He knew what the different kinds of baked goods that the store offered were, but he didn’t do any of the cooking. Mostly his role in your little test kitchens was to just taste test. And when your arm got tired of mixing sometimes, you’d pass the batter and spoon off to him. Sure, you had electric mixers for that kind of stuff, but for small batches like this, you preferred to just do the mixing by hand.
This time, you were making brownies swirled with peanut butter and with mini peanut butter cups in them. It was something Jeno had been begging for nearly as long as you’d been working at Half Moon. It had been sort of always in the back of your mind to get around to eventually, but Jeno’s disturbing lack of appetite today had finally spurred you into action.
As you folded the mini peanut butter cups into the brownie batter, you saw a hand snake under your arm towards the batter.
“Hey,” you gently pushed Jeno’s hand away from the mixing bowl. “That’s unsanitary, Jeno.”
“We’re not serving it to customers!”
You shook your head, pouring the batter into the square pan. Turning back to Jeno, you handed him the big mixing spoon, still coated in batter.
As he happily went to work licking the batter off the spoon, you put the finishing peanut butter swirls and mini peanut butter cups on top, popped the pan into the preheated oven, then set the timer.
“Alright, now we wait,” you declared, grabbing your hand towel off your shoulder and wiping a stray dollop of batter off the back of your hand.
“And by wait, you mean…”
You latched onto his forearm, the hand of which was holding a now batter-free mixing spoon, and hauled him over to the sink, which was filled with the dirty dishes from preparing the brownie batter. “I mean active waiting, of course. Come on, Jeno, do you want to wash or dry? I’ll let you pick, I’m feeling extra nice today.”
He sighed, nudging you over towards the other side of the sink, “I’ll wash today.”
Your eyebrows shot up as he turned on the faucet and picked up the sponge, squirting a small amount of dish soap on it. Normally if either of you were given your pick, you’d take drying, hands down. No chance of touching gross wet food, no soapy smelling hands, and no pruned fingertips. Drying was clearly the superior task.
But you were never one to look a gift horse in the mouth—or a gift werewolf, you supposed—so you grabbed a clean dish towel.
By the time you two were done with the dishes, the brownies were only about halfway done. So you did Jeno’s preferred method of waiting: passive waiting. Grabbing two chairs from the dining area, you sat down right in front of the oven, the interior light on, and watched them bake.
“And you’re sure liking peanut butter isn’t a werewolf thing?” You double-checked.
“I’m sure.” He confirmed with a chuckle.
“Okay, because you like really like it. Don’t get me wrong, Jeno, it’s endearing. But it’s practically supernatural how much you like it.”
“Well, it kind of is.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know that werewolves have heightened senses, right? Compared to most other creatures. Other than vampires, I guess…”
“Well, yeah.”
“Sight, hearing, smell, taste…”
“Touch?” You asked curiously. That one was always left out of whatever werewolf lore you’d hear about.
“Oh, sure. I like really fuzzy blankets.”
You couldn’t help but smile fondly at the image of Jeno bundled up in a bunch of fuzzy throw blankets.
Jeno continued on with his justification of his love for peanut butter. “So, when I find something that I like the taste of, I really like it. At least, compared to a human, you know.”
“Because you taste it a lot more strongly than humans do.”
“Yeah!” He beamed at you.
“Got it. That makes sense. And you just happen to like peanut butter, like some humans will like peanut butter-flavored stuff more than others.”
“That’s part of why I like working here so much, too. Everything you make smells so good.”
“Aw, thanks, Jeno. I like working here too. You’re one of the easiest coworkers I think I’ve ever had. Aside from the incessant begging for peanut-butter flavored menu items.” You lightly flicked his ear, your tone teasing.
“I’m sorry!” He rushed to apologize.
“I’m kidding. Like I said, it’s endearing.” You waved off his apology. There were a few beats of silence, the two of you continuing to stare at the brownies. Something he said had stuck in your brain, though. “You said that was only part of why you like working here. What’s the other part?”
“Uhm…” Jeno’s eyes widened, flicking between you and the brownies nervously. “You know, Mr. Minseok is a really great boss! He’s super easy about asking for time off, and making the schedule around our classes and finals and stuff!”
“Yeah, Minseok’s great…” You agreed, eyeing your friend suspiciously. He was absolutely lying. Not about your boss being a good boss, Minseok really was great, but that definitely wasn’t what he meant when he said that just then.
But then the oven timer went off, and you decided not to press the matter any further. If Jeno wanted to be weird, that was his prerogative, you weren’t going to demand that he tell you something that he was clearly uncomfortable about.
Grabbing the dish with your oven mitts, you now transitioned into your least favorite part of doing test recipes with Jeno…
“Is it ready?”
“No, Jeno, it needs to cool down.”
And just a minute later:
“Is it ready?”
“No, Jeno, still too hot.”
Two minutes later:
“Are you sure I can’t have just one bite?”
“It’s still steaming.”
Another minute later:
“Jeno, I know you think I’m doing this because I’m a big meanie, but I promise it’s because I care about you and don’t want you to singe off all your tastebuds.”
And finally, once he'd given up:
“They’re ready?!”
“Yes,” you confirmed, grabbing a knife and triangle server.
Serving Jeno up a corner piece, his favorite, onto a half-moon plate, you then dropped your own piece onto a full moon plate. After tapping your brownies together in a little cheers, you two took your first bites.
The brownie was still warm from the oven, fudgy, and gooey thanks to the swirls of peanut butter in there. You got a couple mini peanut butter cups in that bite that melted over your tongue. Altogether, you had to hand it to Jeno, this was a fantastic idea. It was missing a little something, though. Quickly grabbing a shaker from the counter, you dropped a couple flakes of coarse sea salt on top of just your brownie, then took another bite. Oh yeah, that was perfect.
Jeno had already polished off his brownie, and you could see him trying not to be obvious as he eyed the pan of seven others.
“That was really good, Y/N!” He praised you, eyes turning up into delightful crescents. “Like, I think the best thing you’ve ever made!”
“You say that with everything I make,” you pointed out, taking another bite.
“But this one’s seriously the best!”
“Because there’s peanut butter in it?”
“You can have another one, by the way.”
The sentence was barely out of your mouth before he had dished up another brownie. It didn’t even make it to his plate, instead going straight from pan to his mouth. You chuckled. Why did you even bother with dishes with him, honestly?
But really, it warmed your heart to see somebody enjoying your baking so honestly, so thoroughly, and unabashedly. You’d take a hundred customers like Jeno over any pompous pastry chef any day. And you were glad to see that his appetite was back.
He’d finished his second, and you guessed was about to go for his third when you stopped him.
“Jeno, hold on.” You grabbed his upper arm, looking around for a napkin or paper towel.
“What?” He asked, eyes on your hand that was on his arm, curious.
“You’ve got chocolate like, all over your face, dude.”
You’d finally secured a napkin, and stretched back to dampen it in the persistent drip from the sink faucet. Scooting your stool closer to Jeno, you leaned forward to get a better angle at your task. The werewolf jerked away, but you just clicked your tongue in your mouth and grabbed his chin to gently pull him back towards you.
“C’mere, Jeno. It’s just a little water,” you teased him, wiping away the brownie, chocolate, and peanut butter that were on his cheeks. “Don’t tell me the big bad wolf is scared of the equivalent of a baby wipe?”
“‘M not,” he mumbled as you dragged the wet napkin over the corner of his mouth.
You got a smear that was on the tip of his nose next, “How’d you get it up here anyway?”
He made a ‘I don’t know’ noise in the back of his throat, but stayed perfectly still as you moved back to scrutinize your work. Jeno’s face and ears were definitely much pinker, and he was looking straight up at the ceiling.
“Oh, missed a spot,” you sighed, bringing the napkin up one more time to the curve of his bottom lip. “There, Jeno, all good to go.”
It was then that your heart seemed to have caught up with the rest of the team, as you froze where you were. Jeno’s eyes were locked on yours, his warm breath hitting your face as he took shallow, quick breaths. Your blood roared in your ears. You were so close to him, your hand was still holding his chin, if you just—
Before you could actualize that thought, Jeno let out a yelp, tucking his chin to his chest and curling in on himself in pain.
“Jeno?” You stood up, panic overtaking you as he let out something closer to a grunt this time. “Jeno, are you okay?”
He keeled forward into you, and you easily caught him. Easing him off the stool and onto the ground with you, you sat down, cradling him to your chest as he still wasn’t responding.
“Jeno, what’s wrong?” You asked, carding a hand through his dark hair soothingly.
“It hurts, Y/N,” he whimpered.
Your heart broke at how distressed he sounded. “What hurts, Jeno?”
“Everything!” The werewolf wailed.
“Oh my god, okay. Shh, shh,” you tried to calm him back down, still stroking his head. Pressing the back of your hand to his forehead, you swore he felt warmer than normal. Werewolves naturally had higher body temperatures than humans, but he felt hot. “How bad? Do you need to go to the doctor? Should I call someone? What do you need from me, Jeno?”
“Don’t go!”
“I didn’t say I was going anywhere. But you need somebody else.”
“No I don’t—”
“Jeno—” Your sentence stopped in its tracks as your hand that had been running through his hair suddenly bumped into something. Turning your eyes back down from the ceiling to the werewolf in your arms, your eyes widened comically when you saw two fuzzy white ears emerging from the mop of dark hair atop his head. Trailing further down, you saw a fluffy white tail, too.
“I don’t need anybody else,” Jeno insisted.
“Jeno.” You stated quietly, desperately trying to maintain your composure. “I need you to listen to me. I’m not going to leave you. I’m not going anywhere. But we need to call somebody else to look at you.”
“You have ears and a tail.”
Jeno huffed. “I’m a werewolf, remember?”
“Are they always white and fluffy?”
He narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, “No...”
“I’m going to call Renjun.” You decided, shifting so you could ease your phone out of your back pocket.
“Y/N!” Jeno buried his head in your lap.
“I’m not going anywhere, Jeno,” you reassured him, resting your free hand on his back. “I was just grabbing my phone.”
Dialing up the contact, you prayed that your friend wouldn’t be deep in a study session. Renjun had an annoying habit of being a good student and turning his ringer off when he studied. Finally, after way too many rings for your liking, he picked up.
“Hello?” Renjun picked up tersely. It sounded like there were other voices in the background.
“Hey, Renjun!” You put as much pep into your tone as you could muster. “Sorry, are you busy?”
“I’m at Chenle and Jisung’s, but we’re just watching movies.” He referenced two of their other friends, a fairy and dragon, respectively. You really just knew them from when they'd come into the bakery to (lovingly) pester Jeno. “What’s going on? I thought you and Jeno were working.”
“That’s why I’m calling.” While you felt bad interrupting their hangout, you had something a little more pressing. “I think Jeno’s sick.”
Your friend’s eye roll was practically audible over the phone. “Just because I’m a Magical Creature Studies major doesn’t mean I’m a werewolf doctor, Y/N. I study them in a sociocultural context—”
“He’s grown ears and a tail, Renjun. Not wolf ones.”
“I’m coming over right now.” And he hung up.
Jeno was still letting out little groans and whimpers every few minutes when you heard a knock at the rear employee entrance.
“It’s open!” You yelled out. It felt like you wouldn’t be very successful if you tried to get up right now.
Renjun threw open the door, eyes scanning the kitchen for a moment before they finally found you. The two of you were in the same position as before: you propped up against the cabinets, Jeno curled up nearly fetal, head in your lap as he clutched at whatever hurt. His stomach, his chest, his head. Everything.
He rushed over, face turning pained when he saw the state that Jeno was in. Squatting down beside the two of you, the human looked over your friend, but was careful not to touch him.
“He says that everything hurts, and I swear he’s running a fever.” You reported to Renjun. “In addition to, well, the obvious.”
Jeno’s feet scrambled for purchase against the concrete floor as he tried to curl up into an even tighter ball, holding his stomach.
“I know, Jeno, I know,” you murmured, stroking his back. “I’m sorry, I’m trying to help you get better. Just hold on.”
Renjun leaned towards his head, squinting at where the ears were growing out of his hair.
“You know... I’m surprised the other two didn’t come with you.” You commented, just to say something, to fill the silence.
Fae were naturally mischievous folk, there was no way Chenle would miss an opportunity to see Jeno with literal dog ears and a tail. And usually, wherever Chenle was, Jisung wasn’t far behind. From your understanding, dragons tended to be solitary creatures; however, according to Jeno, Jisung had taken a liking to the fairy some time ago and vice versa, and the two were inseparable ever since.
“I told them Jeno was throwing up. Didn’t mention the ears and tail.” The human scooted to inspect the tail next. “Now, I’m guessing he didn’t show up to his shift like this.”
“No, he was fine. We were testing a new recipe and then it just happened out of nowhere.”
Renjun sighed. “I think he’s just pupsick.” 
“Pupsick. Usually only little werewolves get it, hence the name. It’d be kind of like if you or I got chickenpox. Like, we can get it, but usually only kids do. Pupsickness isn’t contagious to humans, by the way, so don’t worry about that.”
“Then how’d he get it?”
“Pups usually get it from each other, outbreaks will sort of crop up in daycares and classrooms. But the fact that Jeno’s got it… I don’t know for sure. Werewolf immune systems are practically superhuman once they’re adults, even to their own diseases. This one’s past my expertise. I’d call Sungchan, see if he knows anything.”
“Alright, I will. Thanks, Renjun.”
Renjun stood back up, then looked around the bakery. The half-eaten brownies were still on the countertop, not to mention you had your close-up checklist to do. “You should get him home, Y/N. Here, give me your keys, I’ll clean up here and lock up. I’ll put them under your mat when I’m done.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’d much rather be on bakery clean up duty than pupsick Jeno duty,” he nodded towards the werewolf. “Trust me, I don’t envy you.”
You gave him a half-hearted smile, then looked down at Jeno. He’d been quiet all throughout your conversation with Renjun, and you prodded him gently. “Jeno?”
“Yeah?” He mumbled.
“Can you stand up? I’m going to take you home.”
He let out a whine again, but this time higher pitched, sounding more like a petulant child than like he was actually in pain. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Come on, you’ll be so much more comfy at home in bed with all those fuzzy blankets, right?”
“Fine.” He dragged out the vowels, but scooted off of you to let you stand up.
“Alright, come on, Jeno,” you helped him get to his feet. “Now you’re going to have to walk there mostly of your own power. You’re a bit too solid for me to carry on my own.”
You patted his firm chest for emphasis. “If the stairs are going to be too much, let me know and I’ll make a couple calls. I think Sungchan and Jisung combined could probably get you up there. Maybe get Shotaro for good measure. I know sirens aren’t super strong like werewolves and dragons but—”
“No, I can do it,” he mumbled, looping an arm around your shoulders. “Don’t need… don’t need them.”
After untying both yours and Jeno’s aprons and handing them to Renjun, you took your bakery keys off your keyring to give those over as well, then wrapped one arm around Jeno’s waist and started guiding him over to the back door.
“Y/N,” Renjun caught your attention before you could push it open. “Don’t worry too much. It’s like a bad cold. He’ll just be really pitiful for a few days.”
“Right,” you nodded, mustering up a small smile. You were sure you looked frazzled still. “Thanks again, Renjun. We owe you one.”
“Free muffin and we’ll call it even.” He waved goodbye to you two. “Feel better, Jeno!”
It was thankfully a very short walk to Jeno’s apartment, he lived just around the corner. Once you got him inside, normally you would’ve been able to pass him off to his dryad roommate. But Jaemin was studying abroad for a month, as evidenced by the very droopy-looking plants around the living room.
“Here, let’s get you to bed, Jeno,” you murmured. “Which one’s yours?”
He pointed. “Left.”
Jeno’s room was surprisingly tidy. Though you weren’t sure if you were expecting it to be messy because he was a college boy, a werewolf, or based off his distaste of cleaning up at work. But regardless, you pulled back his covers and ushered him into bed.
“I’ll get you some ice water, you still feel really warm.” You told him, pressing your hand back to his forehead. “Do you want something to eat?”
“No. Don’t want you to go…” He grabbed your hand with both of his as you went to take it off his forehead, nuzzling his cheek against it this time instead.
Okay, his brain was definitely melting in there.
“I’ll be right back here, Jeno. You definitely need some water.” You shook him off as gently as possible. “I’m just going to your kitchen.”
Now free, you rushed to his kitchen, throwing open cabinets until you found one with cups, grabbing the first one your eyes landed on. You scooped ice in, then filled it up from the tap. Initially, you had planned on calling Sungchan while you did this, but you didn’t think Jeno would be that patient.
You speed-walked back down the hallway to his bedroom, finding the werewolf exactly where you left him, curled up in bed, staring at the doorway. You offered him as bright of a smile as you could, “Hey, Jeno! I’m back! Here’s your water.”
He lit up, moving to get up in bed, and you surged forward in concern.
“Woah, hey, are you good to do that, dude?” You asked, hands flitting over him nervously.
“‘M fine, Y/N, I’m fine. Just…” He yawned, covering his mouth. One of his ears twitched. “Really tired.”
“Well, drink this water first, please.” You lifted the glass to his mouth. His refusal of food was still worrying you, though. Werewolves had much higher metabolisms than humans, and the appetites to match. “Are you sure you don’t want something else? You ate hardly anything on break. Other than those brownies, the only thing you’ve had today was whatever you had at breakfast. It’s almost two…”
After gulping down half the glass, Jeno wiped his mouth and shook his head. “I’m not hungry.”
You sighed, patting his cheek and pressing the glass back to his lips. “Okay… Just let me know if you change your mind. I’ll make something or order something. Whatever you want.”
He took a couple more sips before pushing your hand away. “You’re- You’re not going to leave?”
His voice was hopeful, eyes round and pleading—literal puppy dog eyes—as he asked that. You shook your head.
“No, Jeno, I’m going to stay right here with you. I want to stay with you.” You set the cup on his nightstand, gently nudging him forward and further in to make room for you to scoot onto the bed behind him.
Jeno immediately flopped around onto his front, wrapping his arms around your middle and burying his nose into your stomach. You giggled, squirming around for a moment.
“Ah! Jeno, that tickled.”
He mumbled something that sounded like an apology into your lap, squeezing his eyes shut. Your hands dropped to his head, careful to avoid the two white ears there as you ran your fingers through his hair again.
Soon, his breathing evened out, and you stilled your hand. He was asleep.
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It was dark when you woke up. You didn’t remember falling asleep in the first place, the last thing you remembered was scrolling on your phone and thinking to yourself how good a nap looked and sounded right now. Jeno was still wrapped around you, peacefully asleep, and you were slumped in the multitude of pillows at the head of the bed. There was a little crick in your lower back, and you had the urge to stand up and crack it. Your stomach growled, and good god you needed to pee.
You tried to sit back up all the way, but Jeno was remarkably heavy in his passed-out state, and you barely moved an inch. Flopping back down, you instead tried shaking him awake.
“Jeno. Jeno, hey,” you said softly. Your lips twitched in amusement when you saw one of his white dog ears perk up towards the sound of your voice. The rest of him didn’t move, though. You shook him with a little more gusto. “Jeno... come on.”
The other ear was at attention now, and you could feel a grumble start in his chest. You switched to lightly squeezing his human ears, sides, and whatever parts of his arms you could reach.
“Jeno! Up! Wake up!” You pleaded with each gentle pinch, finally feeling victorious when he recoiled after you got his nose.
He jerked an arm back to cover his face in his elbow as he sneezed three times in a row.
“Bless you!” You snickered, quickly pulling yourself into a cross-legged sitting position now that you had an opportunity.
“Ack! Y/N, what was that for?” Jeno complained, voice thick with sleep, sitting up as well.
“I needed you to move so I can go use the bathroom,” you snorted, scooting towards the edge of the bed.
Before your feet could touch the floor, a pair of arms had wrapped around your shoulders, and a nose was nuzzling into your neck. “Y/N...”
“Jeno...” You mimicked his tone in an attempt to cover up how the sudden contact had made your back stiffen. You almost tilted your head to the side on instinct to give him more space, but kept your spine pin-straight.
You half-heartedly tried to push at him. “Dude, seriously, I need to pee. And aren’t you hungry?”
“Not hungry.”
“For real?” You frowned, contorting awkwardly to look at his face as you tested for his temperature again. “You’re still burning up. Do you have a thermometer around here? What’s a werewolf’s temperature even supposed to be?”
“We don’t have a thermometer. ‘M fine.”
“I’ll believe that when you’re back to eating six meals a day, Lee Jeno.” You scoffed. “Now I am going to the bathroom, then I’m coming right back. Okay?”
“No!” He clung onto you tighter, and you swore you saw his eyes getting moist as his lower lip trembled.
“Jeno, I’ll be right back, okay? I pinky promise.” You held one of your pinky fingers out to him. He begrudgingly linked one of his with it before letting go of you.
“Thank you.”
You slipped down the hall quickly. After relieving your screaming bladder and washing your hands, you pulled out your phone, seeing that you had a couple texts. They were both from Renjun from several hours ago.
[renjun: locked up the bakery, keys under your mat. how’s jeno doing?]
Then, a couple hours later.
[renjun: hey, just double checking that you found your keys and that jeno got home okay.]
[you: sorry for not replying, he’s been a bit of a handful. i haven’t made it home yet to grab my keys, still at jeno’s. thanks for locking up and dropping my keys off tho!]
You briefly thought of calling Sungchan, but you were worried about Jeno. Poking your head out of the bathroom and back down the hall, you listened for any signs of life. You could hear him tossing and turning restlessly in bed. So he at least hadn’t fallen back asleep.
Your stomach growled again, taking center stage now that the more pressing need had been dealt with.
“Hey, Jeno,” you said loudly as you entered the room, already pulling up a food delivery app on your phone.
Jeno sat up at attention, and with the sheets falling away from him, you could see the fluffy white tail behind him wagging vigorously as he gave you possibly the brightest smile he’d had since this whole thing started. “Y/N!”
“Jeno!” You repeated his name with a bewildered chuckle. “Am I covered in peanut butter or something? What’s got you in such a good mood all of a sudden?”
“Can I not just be happy to see you?” He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. His tail kept wagging, though.
“No, you can. I was just curious.” You leaned against the doorway, scrolling through the restaurant options. “I think I’m going to order delivery. Which means you’ll have to let me go get it when it gets here. Do you think you can do that?”
He yawned and stretched. “No promises.”
“Alright.” You turned your phone off. “Let me go raid your pantry really quick. You do have food, right?”
“Yeah...” Jeno laid back down, his sudden burst of excitement seeming to be wearing off expeditiously.
Giving him a thumbs up, you took off down the hall again. Jaemin and Jeno’s pantry was fairly human-friendly. Jaemin left three weeks ago, so there weren’t many of his organic trail mixes and granola bars left. And of course, plenty of Jeno’s werewolf protein bars—to supplement when he just couldn’t get enough protein for what his diet naturally called for. But mostly there were snacks that you’d find in your own human apartment, which you were grateful for; you’ve had some unfortunate moments with friends of yours whose appetites didn’t line up as closely with humans. You still shuddered at the thought of the plate stacked with slimy kelp that you’d been offered by Sungchan’s siren roommate, Shotaro. Sungchan and you ordered pizza that night.
Grabbing a few things for yourself, a couple water bottles, you then headed back towards his room. You’d also snagged one of Jeno’s protein bars, maybe you could convince him to get something close to a meal in him.
“I’m back, I’m back,” you announced as you hurried in, dropping the snacks on the nightstand.
Jeno rolled over just enough for you to sit back in your same place against the headboard. As soon as you were settled in, he scooched to put his head in your lap.
“How are you feeling? Still hurting?” You asked, cracking open the first bottle, then the other.
“Yeah…” He rubbed at his eyes.
“Tired?” You stroked his bangs away from his face.
“What about your temperature? Still got that fever?” You leaned down to press your lips to his forehead before you realized what you were doing.
You froze halfway back up, eyes locked on Jeno’s. Letting his bangs fall through your fingers and back down onto his face, you forced out a chuckle.
“Sorry, uh, my mom always did that to check my temperature when I was sick as a little kid. Just, kind of happened,” you stammered out as you kept fixing his hair to cover his forehead back up. “Do- Do you feel hot, Jeno? Or cold? Like any sort of chills or hot flashes or anything?”
His whole face was pink, and you couldn’t remember if it was already like that from the fever or not. The werewolf blinked up at you a couple more times before answering your question.
“I’m cold.” He pulled one of the fuzzy blankets up to his chin then as if for emphasis.
“Okay. Alright, well if you’re tired, hurting, and cold, I think you should get back to sleep.” You smiled down at him, patting his chest over the blanket. “Can you just drink a little more water for me?”
After getting a couple sips in him, Jeno rolled over and was out like a light. Oh that looked nice. You would probably take care of your hungry stomach and then join him in dreamland, honestly. Today had been… a lot.
The thought of spending the night in Jeno’s bed made your stomach twist and turn, and you briefly considered creeping out to the couch. But if something happened to Jeno with this pupsickness and you weren’t there, you’d hate yourself forever. No, you needed to stay right by his side, as much for yourself as for him. And so, you grabbed some trail mix and prepared to settle in for a long night.
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You were still munching on some of Jaemin’s trail mix when suddenly, your phone rang. You panicked, scrambling to grab it so that it didn’t wake Jeno up. The werewolf in your lap didn’t even stir as the loud ringer kept going, though.
Keeping an eye on him, you answered the call in a whisper, “Hello?”
“Y/N? Sorry, is this a bad time? I had a question about the lecture from yesterday.” It was Sungchan on the other end, your only other werewolf friend, and project partner in your Magical Botany I class.
“Hey, Sungchan. Uh, it’s sort of a bad time but also the perfect time.” You kept your voice low and quiet, holding the phone close to your mouth.
“Oh. And what does that mean?”
“You go first.”
“Can you send me the notes?”
“That’s all you needed to ask me?” You snorted. “The notes from yesterday?”
“Can you send me all of the notes? From the whole semester?” His voice was pleading, sounding like he was braced for ridicule.
“Are you kidding me?”
“The last full moon was rough, okay?”
“Used your Bot I notebook as a chew toy, huh?”
“Will you send me them?” He groaned.
“Yeah, yeah, it might be a little while though.”
“That’s fine! You said this was a bad time, right? Sort of?”
“Right.” You gently dabbed at Jeno’s sweaty forehead. “So I have a werewolf question…”
Sungchan paused, sighed, then said, “Because you’re you, and I know are therefore not about to ask me anything weird, I will entertain this. Go ahead.”
“Do you know why an adult werewolf might get pupsick?”
“Is Jeno okay?”
Sungchan didn’t know Jeno as well as you did— the two werewolves had met a couple times in passing, when your classmate would buy something from the bakery, or the two of you would bump into Jeno while studying at the library. But Sungchan mostly knew of him from you. You happily talked about your job, your sphinx boss, and werewolf coworker to your friends, so it wasn’t exactly a surprise that he was able to guess what this was about.
“Immediately blew my cover, huh?”
“It seemed like an awfully specific question.”
“Yes, Jeno’s pupsick. At least, according to Renjun.” You tested his temperature again, with your hand this time, on his cheek. He was still burning up, feeling very much like a heated, weighted blanket. “He’s exhausted, he’s moody, he doesn’t want to eat, he’s got a fever I think—”
“Wait, are you with him now?”
“Yeah, his roommate’s studying abroad for a month and I felt bad leaving him alone.”
“Those are his only symptoms? Sounds like he’s just got a cold.” Sungchan scoffed. “Why would Renjun say it’s pupsickness? Just because he’s a werewolf? Honestly—”
“Oh and he’s got ears and a tail.”
The other end of the call was silent for far too long. “Channie?”
“Ah. Yeah. He’s pupsick.” He confirmed.
“So… do you know why he’s got it? Renjun said that adult werewolves usually don’t get pupsick.”
“They don’t. Although I’m not surprised Jeno is.” 
“What? Why? Is he okay? Does he have like… a werewolf autoimmune disease or something? Do you guys have those?” 
“Jeno’s immune system is fine, Y/N,” your friend reassured you.
You relaxed again. “Oh, good.”
“It’s a combination of things that determines whether a werewolf gets pupsick or not. Yes, it’s our immune system, but one of the biggest symptoms of pupsickness is what you’re looking at: the partial shift.”
“The ears and tail.”
“Yeah. Pups can’t control their shifting yet because they’re more volatile emotionally and magically.” Sungchan walked you through it. “And like any other kids, they’re germ factories. So they get pupsick a lot more than adults do.”
“Then why’d Jeno get it? It’s not like he’s an education major or anything, he hasn’t been around any pups.”
“Adults usually get it when there’s something in their life that’s made them emotionally and magically volatile again.”
“Volatile?” You echoed, looking down at the peacefully napping wolf. He really just looked like an oversized puppy.
“You said he’s moody?”
“Mhm. Kind of… down? I don’t know, he’s not as bubbly as he normally is, you know? I could barely get him to let me get up to use the bathroom earlier, he looked like he was about to cry. And then when I came back, you’d think I brought him a jar of peanut butter or something he was so happy.”
“That’s what I mean, not like he’s going to snap and break a vase or something. And his shifting is obviously not in control either.”
“Well he’s going to get better, right?” You asked hopefully. “Renjun said it should just be a few days.”
“It is for pups.” 
Your stomach dropped. “That sounds like there’s going to be a but coming…”
“But for adults, they got sick because something in their life was out of balance.” Sungchan reiterated.
“So he’s going to be like this unless we get his life back in balance? I’ve got to what, sign him up for werewolf yoga or something?”
“Or wait until the next full moon. A full shift should do the trick to reset him.”
“Oh. When’s that?”
“Three weeks.”
“Three weeks?!” You couldn’t help the loud panic in your voice. One of Jeno’s ears flicked, and you held your breath as he shifted slightly, but ultimately stayed asleep.
Sungchan was still talking, “And there’s no promise that he won’t just catch it again if he’s still at unrest.”
“God, who knew you werewolves were so sensitive? You’re like orchids, you need a very specific soil pH or you’re going to die!” You hissed into the phone.
“We’re a very hardy species, actually. You know, if the Black Plague were to come back, humans would—”
“Yeah, I’m sure humans would all die out, and werewolves would inherit the Earth or whatever Revelations says.” You cut him off, all too used to his lectures on the differences between humans and werewolves. With a sigh, you determined that you’d gotten all the useful information you could from him. “Well, thanks, Sungchan.”
“Of course, Y/N.”
“Why did you say that you’re not surprised that Jeno’s pupsick then? Do you know what’s making him sick?”
“Y/N…” Your friend sighed. “You are so smart, and yet…”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’ve only met Jeno a couple times, but the guy so clearly has a huge crush on you. A better name for what’s wrong with him would be that he’s lovesick, honestly.”
Your jaw dropped as your eyes were glued to Jeno’s peacefully sleeping features. “S-Seriously?”
While you’d had a creeping suspicion—you weren’t that stupid, no matter what Sungchan was implying—you were also a little worried that it was all in your head.
“Every time I see you two together, he’s all heart eyes for you, Y/N. I don’t know how you’re missing it.” Sungchan chuckled.
“Must be your superior werewolf eyesight,” you replied sarcastically.
“Must be.” He repeated humorously.
“So like… what should I do?”
“He’s your wolf, Y/N. Do what you will.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You sputtered out, jolting up in your seat.
Sungchan’s cackling laughter came through your speakers as you felt Jeno shift and stir in your lap. He lifted his head up slightly as he mumbled out a very sleepy, “Y/N?”
“Oh my god, you woke Jeno up!” You snapped at the other werewolf at the phone. “I’ve got to go!”
“I woke him up? Oh really—”
You cut Sungchan’s incredulous words off by hanging up, then tossing your phone aside on the bed. Jeno had settled back down a little bit, and you scratched between his ears.
“Go back to sleep, Jeno,” you murmured quietly. “Back to sleep… Sweet dreams, baby.”
As he relaxed again, you started humming a familiar tune, a lullaby that your mom used to sing to you when you would wake her up in the middle of the night because you weren’t feeling well. You didn’t let up even after Jeno’s breathing had evened out again, keeping it going as you slowly shifted around until you were no longer sitting up, laying down now. Jeno’s head still laying on your midsection, a comforting pressure. The rest of him was under all his fuzzy blankets, and you made sure he was securely under them all, gave him one last head pat, then let your eyes flutter shut, drifting off still humming that lullaby to yourself.
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It was bright out when you woke up. You sighed, squeezing your eyes shut and trying to roll over to bury your face into your pillow. Except there was a weight attached to your back, and a low whine right next to your ear. Your eyes flew open, and you quickly remembered that you were not in your own bed.
Which meant that— Yep, that was Jeno koala-hugging you from behind. He had a pout on his face even his sleep, which turned into a peaceful smile as soon as you’d given up on moving, relaxing back into him.
His two white dog ears were splayed out to the sides, and while they were very cute, they also worried you. Your conversation with Sungchan yesterday came back to mind. God, what the hell were you supposed to do about that?
“Hey, Jeno? You awake?” You asked softly, quiet enough that if he weren’t, he hopefully wouldn’t wake up.
“Mm… mhm,” he nodded his head against your back. “Yeah… ‘m up.”
You turned over onto your back in Jeno’s arms, then feeling for his temperature on what part of his forehead that you could get to. “How are you feeling?”
“Still sleepy…” He muttered, the words muffled against your collarbone from where he had readjusted to nestle his face into the crook of your neck.
“Sorry if I woke you up,” you hummed, stroking his head. “You can go back to sleep.”
“Who were… who were you talking to?”
“When— Oh, last night. Sungchan. I was trying to figure out how to make you better.”
He made a noncommittal noise of acknowledgement, and for a brief moment you thought he might’ve fallen asleep again, until he looked up at you with the most heart-stopping, big, round eyes.
“Uhm, he said that when you shift on the full moon, that’ll probably kind of reset everything.”
“But the next full moon’s in…” he let out a yawn, punctuated by a sniffle. “Three weeks. I don’t know if I can take feeling like this for another three weeks.”
You rubbed a hand up and down his back soothingly, “I know, Jeno, I’m sorry. He did say something else.”
The werewolf’s animal ears perked up. “Something else?”
“Well, he was telling me about why adult werewolves get pupsick when its usually only pups who get it.”
“But I haven’t done anything to throw off my spiritual balance,” he whined. “I think… I mean, I haven’t pissed off any witches that I can think of, my shift on the last full moon went great, and everyone in my pack back home is okay.”
“Well, Sungchan said that it could be something personal, too. Not exactly related to werewolf stuff. Any kind of serious rift in your life, you know.” You tried to paraphrase your friend’s explanation as best you could without the heavy implications that he had. “Can you think of anything like that?”
“No...” he dragged out the vowel. “Just—”
Jeno suddenly stopped in the middle of his sentence, going still in your arms.
“Just? Just what?”
“Nothing. It’s nothing.”
“Clearly it’s not nothing,” you said pointedly, giving one of his dog ears a gentle tap. He fidgeted a little, but didn’t move away from your touch.
He shook his head. “No.”
“It’s going to ruin everything.” Jeno just sounded utterly defeated now, refusing to look up at you. “I’m going to ruin everything again.”
You were ashamed to say that you were gobsmacked in that moment. You took a deep breath, desperately trying to throw together any kind of acceptable response.
“What are you talking about, Jeno?” You needed more information.
“I always break stuff, and I get too excited, and I don’t stop, and I’m too much and that’s not even on the full moon!” Jeno rambled. “I always have to replace my stuff because I tear it or break it or chew it or crush it and I don’t even realize and—”
“Jeno, Jeno, Jeno, woah, woah,” you shushed him firmly but kindly, hearing in his voice that he was getting himself too worked up. “It’s not like you’re Godzilla out here leveling cities or anything, okay? You’re not ruining anything, and you’re not too much or whatever stupid stuff you’ve been told before. Don’t be offended, but I honestly can’t imagine you as some big bad wolf blowing houses down and eating little piggies.”
The dog ears on his head perked up, and he sniffled again. “Really?”
“Really,” you confirmed, scratching behind one of the animal ears. Under the sheets, you could see that the dog tail had started wagging back and forth. “I mean, you’ve been curled up in my arms like an overgrown puppy for over twelve hours now.”
You had expected him to have some kind of objection to you calling him an overgrown puppy, but instead he just seemed to melt even more into your hold, his eyes fluttering shut as a lopsided, content smile took over his features. Seeing him so relaxed almost made you rethink your want to press the issue.
“Was that it? Do you think that’s what was wrong to make you pupsick?”
Jeno let out a heaving sigh, and his eyes opened again as the smile fell from his face. “No. But fixing my pupsickness is just going to ruin something else. Something really important.”
“You can’t stay like this forever, Jeno.”
“What? You don’t like the ears?” He joked with a dry chuckle.
“They’re cute, but not so much if they’re a symptom of you being so sick.” You habitually checked for his temperature on his forehead again (hot, as expected), then wrapped both your arms around his shoulders tightly. “Now, humans don’t exactly have pupsickness, but when we get really stressed out in work or school, it puts too much stress on our bodies and our immune systems, and we get sick more easily too. It makes us take a break and take care of ourselves. Whatever’s wrong, it’s not sustainable for you and clearly your body knows that too.”
“Yeah… I know.”
“So? What is it? Can I help?”
The werewolf shifted in your hold, and you loosened your arms to let him sit up from you completely. You followed his lead curiously, the two of you now sitting cross-legged on his bed facing each other, knee to knee. He brushed some of his hair out of his eyes, other pieces sticking up in random directions around the two fluffy white dog ears. Now that the covers had fallen off both your bodies, the tail rested beside him, no longer wagging happily as he gave you a forlorn look.
“Y/N… please remember that in order to cure the pupsickness, I just need to get this off my chest, okay? My health is not dependent on your response at all, it’s all about my internal state being stagnant for too long. So… don’t feel obligated to respond any one way for my sake.”
Your heart picked up speed in your chest, and there was no doubt that he could hear it. But still, you put on an encouraging smile for him. “Okay. Go ahead, Jeno.”
He kept his gaze down on his hands, seemingly messing with a seam on one of his blankets. And after one more deep inhale, he finally admitted, “I really like you, Y/N. Not coworkers, not friends. And I’m really sorry that I just—”
“You didn’t ruin anything.”
“Do you think I really would’ve done all this for like… just anybody?” You confessed weakly. “I like you too.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah, Jeno, I do.” You couldn’t help but laugh at his constant disbelief in what you were saying. “Why do you just think I’m constantly lying to you? Like— Oof!”
Your sentence was cut short because in that moment, you were caught in a tackle-hug and nearly smothered under the weight of a very excited werewolf. Laughter poured out of you as you wrapped your arms around his neck, squeezing your eyes shut as you just let the happiness in your chest get bigger and bigger with each passing second.
“You really are just a big puppy, huh?” You teased, reaching up to scratch behind the dog ears on his head. Except, they weren’t where you were expecting them. You couldn’t find them by feeling around in his hair, and opened your eyes to look for them. The only thing on his head was his mop of dark hair, fluffed up by your fingers, but otherwise, entirely typical. Peering around his shoulders, you couldn’t spot a tail either.
“Jeno!” You gently pushed on his chest to encourage him to get off of you for a moment.
“The ears and tail are gone! You’re not partially shifted anymore!” You pushed a little harder, and he seemed to finally get the idea, rolling over and flopping onto his back instead. You shot up to a kneeling position beside him, looking down at him excitedly. “How are you feeling?”
He seemed to think about this for a moment, and you couldn’t help but put the back of your hand to his forehead once more, relief washing over you when it was just a little warm compared to your skin, but pretty much the usual difference between humans and werewolves this time.
“Feels like your fever’s broken,” you announced giddily.
“I still feel a little yucky, like I’m getting over a cold,” he informed you, grabbing your hand that had been feeling for his temperature and resting your linked hands over his middle.
“Aw, poor pup,” you cooed, squeezing his hand, and not missing the way his cheeks flushed, but he didn’t reject the nickname entirely. “Well, we do have today off anyway. I can stay, if you want?”
“On one condition.”
You leaned over to grab something off the nightstand, the werewolf protein bar you had snagged for him yesterday. It hadn’t been touched at all the night before, and you now held it out to him.
“You eat.”
He nodded. “I think I can make that work.”
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Jeno was still feeling off by the end of the day, so you called Minseok and explained most of the situation to him—that Jeno was getting over pupsickness and you were helping take care of him. Your boss was understanding, and easily gave you two the next day off as well, sending the werewolf well wishes to get better soon.
Slowly but surely, Jeno’s appetite was coming back, but your mind wouldn’t truly be at ease until he was back to eating six meals a day, no matter how many times he reassured you that he felt fine.
Jeno wasn’t sleeping as much, but now he’d finally taken one of his rare naps on the couch—he’d fallen asleep trying to show you one of his favorite movies, which you’d paused as soon as you’d realized he was asleep, so that you could finish it together later. You were snugly in his arms, head resting on his chest and now contemplating attempting a nap of your own.
Then the front door opened. You would have sat up to look at who it was, if your position allowed for that at all, and if you didn’t know well enough already who that definitely was.
“Jeno?” A voice carried through the apartment from the front door easily. “Thanks for picking me up from the airport, asshole! I had to get a ride from His Highness, so now I owe him one! Which, by the way, you’re so going to help me repay when he comes to collect—Oh!”
The dryad had finally made it to the living room and stopped in his tracks as soon as he spotted the two of you. He was in a hoodie and sweatpants, a duffel bag over his shoulder and towing a suitcase behind him. Clearly fresh off the plane back from his month of study abroad.
You and Jaemin just stared at each other for a moment. Jeno hadn’t stirred.
“Uh, hey,” you greeted him awkwardly, cringing internally at the crack in your voice. “I’m uh… I…”
“Y/N, right?” Jaemin grinned down at you. While you had seen each other in passing when he'd come into the bakery on occasion, and of course knew of each other through the still slumbering werewolf with you, you'd never really been properly introduced.
“Yeah, I’m Y/N,” you smiled back at him, not-so-subtly smacking at Jeno’s arms to try to wake him up. “It’s nice to meet you, Jaemin.”
“It’s so good to finally meet you, Y/N.” Jaemin gushed. “How are you doing?”
“I’m good. Uhm, how was your trip?”
“It was great! Saw lots of sights. Still seeing some more now that I’m home, too.”
The werewolf under you had finally come to at that point, and groggily looked between you and Jaemin, eyes snapping open with alarm when he realized what was going on. “Jaemin! What the hell?”
“Could ask you the same thing, Jeno.” The dryad threw a hand over his chest. “I was abandoned at the airport and had to call Chenle for help—a fairy! And then I finally make it home, thinking the whole time that surely you must be injured; in the hospital; dead! to have gone back on your promise. Only to come home and find you napping with the Y/N. I mean, I was only gone for a month, what the hell happened?”
Jeno single-handedly chucked a pillow at Jaemin’s head, which the dryad easily dodged.
“I was sick, you little shit,” the werewolf groaned, rubbing his eyes with one hand, and keeping his other arm firmly wrapped around you. “I got pupsick like two days ago, I’m still recovering. I’m sorry about forgetting about your flight.”
“And what did I tell you before I left?” Jaemin put his hands on his hips, staring his roommate down pointedly. “I hate to say I told you so but—”
“No you don’t.”
“—but I told you that you were going to get yourself pupsick if you didn’t do something about Y/N.”
“You’re lucky I don’t have another pillow to throw,” Jeno covered his face with his hand.
“And you just brushed me off like everyone else does.” Jaemin threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. “Dryads aren’t just a bunch of hippies, you know. Nature and your connection to it is very important, it’s nothing to mess around with. I hope you know better now, Lee Jeno.”
A low grumble started in his chest at the scolding he was getting from his friend, and you bit down on your lip to stifle your giggles at the scene that had been unfolding around you.
“Yeah, Jaemin, I know that you’re always right and I don’t know anything ever and should always listen to you. Happy?” Jeno retorted sarcastically.
“Quite.” Jaemin smiled back with the same amount of sass, but you could feel that the tension was dissolving in the air. He grabbed his bags again. “You're also helping me repay the favor I now owe His Highness, by the way."
Jeno groaned again, but didn't argue.
"Anyway, I’m jetlagged and exhausted. I’ll leave you two alone. Lovely seeing you as always, Y/N. So sorry you had to deal with a pupsick Jeno for this idiot to finally confess to you. Goodnight!”
“Hey!” Jeno cried out indignantly.
“Goodnight, Jaemin,” you replied humorously, taking a look at the clock. It was only 11:00 a.m.
And with that, it was just you and Jeno again.
“Ugh, sorry about him.” The werewolf readjusted his hold on you, pecking your forehead.
“Don’t worry,” you chuckled. “I had a pretty good idea of what he’s like.”
“I know, but he didn’t have to make a scene like that.”
“I think he was entitled. You left him for dead at the airport, after all.”
“Oh my god.”
“He had to get a ride from Chenle.”
Jeno scrunched his nose, presumably remembering that he and Jaemin now jointly owe the fairy a favor. “Yeah, I probably should’ve at least arranged for one of the other guys to pick him up.”
“Mhm…” You picked up the remote again. “So, ready to finish the movie, pup?”
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sequel :・゚✧。・:・*
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lopsicle · 1 year
Okay this is going to be a really late fic but I wanted to get out a Christmas themed one before January. Also, this is a sequel to the last fic I wrote, ‘Smiles of Laughter’.
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Tangled up
Characters: Lee! Enid, ler! Wednesday
Warnings: Tickle fic,
‘Ah! Thing! Be careful with that!’ Enid reminded the hand as he shakily placed a gold and black star on the top of the Christmas tree. Enid has always been a fan of Christmas, she didn’t really understand how it was possible to hate it; it was so fun for her. Though, it could be hard due to her family, but she was going to ensure her first Christmas at Nevermore was a good one for herself, and others. She already had some neatly wrapped gifts on her bed for some of her friends, and had decorated her side of the room. You could barely see the wall through the sheer amount of tinsil she had layered in it. Enid figured it would be best to not decorate Wednesday’s side of the room, with one exception. In the dead middle of the room was a fairly sized Christmas tree, the side that was facing Enid was covered with traditional, vibrant decorations, like baubles and lights, while Wednesday’s side had some more, one may say, gothic decorations. Spider webs, black bats, it was tough to find things like this, but Enid managed.
At the moment, Thing was struggling to keep his balance at the top of the newly decorated tree. He was holding a star behind his index finger and his thumb since Enid could barely reach up there and figured using Thing would be easier, but it was not. ‘Okay, okay, here, I’ll do it,’ she offered, letting the appendage fall into her hand before placing him onto the floor. She stood on her tip toes, facing the tree as she reached her arms. She blindly felt her hands the top of the tree, the leaves blinding her sight before she finally managed to connect the star. She gave a small hum of pride, turning herself around and trying to walk away from the her work to look at it, but she felt something tugging at her arms. She tilted her head back, and found that her left arm was tangled up in one of the cords to her bright red lights, while her right hand was pinned underneath one of the fake cobwebs. She tried pushing her arms against them, or sliding them out from underneath the decorations, but those didn’t work. ‘Hm, Thing, could you give me a ha-?’ Midway through her sentence, she saw the door to her room silently open.
She took in a small gasp as she watched Wednesday enter the room. She paused as she closed the door, examining the changes to the room cautiously, before turning her attention to Enid. ‘Is this some kind of joke where your meant to be the gift under the tree?’ She tried to make sense of the scene in her room. Enid looked around nervously, not spotting Thing anyway before turning back to Wednesday. ‘N-no, I-I just..I wanted to have a good Christmas here, so I tried to decorate the room, but I wasn’t sure if you were gonna like it, so I tried to find things that seemed more in your style, and then I got tangled up on the tree!’ She blurted out, before looking cautiously to the side. ‘Do you..do you like them?’ Enid asked, her voice a bit shaky. Wednesday peered over and spotted the decorations her roommate had gotten for her. They weren’t that evasive on her space either. ‘I think they’re fitting and you put time into them,’ she nodded at the werewolf, who immediately had a wide smile appear on her face. Her tail swished around, brushes against the leaves of the tree. ‘Oh, so you do like them!’ She confirmed, with a rather smug expression. ‘Don’t push yourself, Sinclair,’ Wednesday reminded her, staring at the lights that were wrapped around her arm. ‘Do you want me to get you out of here or not?’ She offered her. Enid rolled her eyes and leaned back into the tree slightly, pushing the branches out of her way. ‘No, I was planning on staying here,’ she retorted with a small smirk, which Wednesday nodded at. ‘If you insist,’ she stated bluntly, as she began walking towards her bed. Enid rolled her eyes and turned her head towards the girl. ‘Come on, you know I was joking!’ She called out, which Wednesday’s eyes slightly softened at. Luckily, no one saw that apart from Thing.
‘Alright, let’s see, how badly did you get yourself tangled up?’ The girl asked, but it was more to herself. She first examined the lights around her left arm, considering it would probably be easier to free her from the cobweb later. She saw the beginning of the light cord was wrapped near the girl’s underarms. ‘I’ll just loosen that for you..’ she muttered, moving her hands near her armpits, brushing her nail passed it as she gently grasped the cord. The action, however, caused Enid to flinch back, which caused Wednesday to pause as she looked up at her, expecting a response. ‘O-oh, that was nothing, sorry!’ She said, a bit too quickly as Wednesday raised an eyebrow. ‘It didn’t seem like nothing,’ she argued, tapping her pinkie finger against the girl’s armpit, a slow, annoying repeated motion. Enid wasn’t a stranger to tickling, she grew up with nearly a dozen older brothers, of course she was a victim of tickle attacks. But this time seemed different, it was Wednesday doing it. Wednesday Addams was trying to tickle her, and it wasn’t that part that was shocking to Enid. It was the excitement bubbling up inside of her from it, she never remembered liking tickles before this, maybe it was the fact that her roommate was the one doing it. Despite being tickled nearly her whole life, she never got better at hiding her reactions and a toothy smile curled onto her face. ‘Oh, sensitive?’ Wednesday asked, in an unusually soft, almost teasing tone. Nervous butterflies shot all around Enid’s heart as she heard the words exit Wednesday’s lips. She couldn’t help but let a few giggles slip as she squirmed around a bit more. ‘Wehehehednessay!’ She giggled, her cheeks turning the tiniest bit pink.
Wednesday was more then delighted with this new discovery, though she’d never admit it out loud. ‘It seems someone’s a bit ticklish,’ she observed, tracing her hand down from her armpit to her ribs freely as she began digging her fingers into them. This got more of a reaction out of Enid as the werewolf was practically jumping with laughter. ‘ *squeal* Wehehehehednesday, ihahahaahahahaht tihahahahahahackles!’ She stated, wiggling from side to side as her head shook around frantically. ‘Oh, really? I didn’t notice,’ Wednesday said, truthfully she was only doing this because just a couple nights ago, Enid had tickled her to see her smile, and she figured this would be a suitable punishment of sorts. ‘S-shuhahahahaut uhahahaahp!’ Enid ordered, pressing her eyes shut as her face was only getting redder and redder at Wednesday’s surprisingly effective teasing. ‘What was that?’ Wednesday asked, as her nails suddenly dug into Enid’s stomach. This really set the girl off as she began squirming more and more. Her laughter got louder as her feet were practically pounding against the ground with her kicking. An interesting thing that Wednesday could note though, was that the girl’s tail was swishing merrily from side to side against the branches of the tree. ‘I-ihahaahahahahahahaaht wahahahahaahahAHAHAHAAHahahs nahahahaahahahahahthing, ihahaahahahahaahha’m sahahahaahahahahaahahrry!’ She apologised, bouncing around on the spot.
‘Hm, if I didn’t know better, I’d say your enjoying this right now,’ Wednesday flatly stated, moving her dexterous fingers more quickly and randomly against Enid’s sensitive tummy, giving her no time to get used to the sensations. The werewolf’s eyes widened at Wednesday’s words and began squirming around more vigorously. ‘W-whahahahaahahahahaht?!’ She practically screamed out, her face entirely red as she tried to hide her blushing cheeks in her shoulders. ‘Yes, you’ve not asked me to stop once and your tail has been wagging for a while now,’ Wednesday stated once again, looking up at Enid, who had turned her face away from her. ‘Shuahahhahahahahaut uhahahahahp!’ Enid said in an almost whiny tone, kicking her legs in Wednesday’s direction. The goth had no problem is grabbing the girl’s left calve, which she then traced her hand down so she had a firm grasp on her ankle.
‘That’s wasn’t very smart now,’ she said, digging her nails into the girl’s socked sole. ‘Was it?’ She added. Enid couldn’t really squirm around that much anymore, only wiggle and twitch whenever Wednesday’s fingers grazed a particularly sensitive spot. Her blush had calmed down a lot by now. Enid definitely preferred the much lighter tickling that she was enduring, and her roommate liked the calmer giggles that was filling the room. She kept tracing her fingers around the girl’s arches, watching her jolt upwards and take in a sharp inhale every now and then. ‘You had this coming, you know,’ Wednesday broke the silence, pinching the girl’s heels lightly. ‘Whahahat do you mehahaahn?’ Enid asked, tilting her head towards her. ‘Last week, you tickled me with Thing, so it was only natural I’d get revenge,’ she explained. ‘Ahahahaha cahahahahame on, I hahahahaahd a gahahahaahahd reahahaahason!’ She persisted with a smile, trying to tug at her ankle now, to no avail. ‘Hm, you had a reason, it wasn’t a good one though,’ Wednesday argued back. ‘Ihahahaahaht whaahahahahs, yohhahahahau shouhaahahahaahahld smihahaahahahahahale more!’ She said with a somewhat cheerful tone under her laughter. Without warning, Wednesdays hands raises to Enid’s sides as she began rapidly squeezing them, causing the tangled up one to began bouncing and jerking her arms with each squeeze as she barked with laughter. ‘If you don’t take that back, you’re going to end up passed out on the floor by the end of this,’ Wednesday warned her. ‘Ahahahahaahahahahakay, ahahahaahahahahkay, ihahaahahahahaha’m shaahahahahahaahahahahaharry, I tahahahahaahahahahahahhaahke ihahaahahahahaahahahaht bahaahahahahaahck!’
Wednesday huffed slightly, pulling her hands away and letting the girl catch her breath. Enid tilted her face up to look at Wednesday, a playful glint in her eyes. ‘You’re so cruel!’ She said with a halfhearted smile, which Wednesday found somewhat adorable. ‘If I was cruel, I would leave you in there for the rest of the night,’ Wednesday stated, gently grasping the light around Enid’s arm so she wouldn’t break it and loosening it just enough so the werewolf could slip out of it. She then pulled back the cobweb for her, freeing Enid from the festive prison. The girl gave her a thank you, and stretched out her arms. Wednesday took a step back, and looked at the tree once more.
‘You were right.’
‘About what? The fact that you should smile more?’
‘No. The tree. It does look nice.’
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linddzz · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@gretchensinister tagged me, and I realized I can't mope about lack of interaction if I don't interact! This ended up being a really fun sort of retrospective :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
44. tbh I think that's an inflated number since for some reason I posted every single chapter of the Evil Boyfriends Series as a separate ficlet??? and there's like 30 of those.
2. What’s your total word count?
349,680 if my math is right (it rarely is)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Rise of the Guardians, The Hobbit (movies), Fantastic Beasts (first movie only and wrote is in bold past tense there lmao), and now getting back into it (arguably returning to my roots of dramatic hot mess Nightmare/Dream King Sandmen) with The Sandman (Netflix)
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Safe and Distant (Thorin/Bilbo, The Hobbit)
Mahrâna (The Hobbit, Thorin POV companion to S&D)
A Study on the Habits of the Adult Obscurial (Fantastic Beasts movie 1, Newt/Credence) ((ngl I was surprised this was so high in the ranking))
The Blizzard of '68 (Pitch Black/Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians)
The Intervention (same as above lol, man that Evil Boyfriends Series was fun)
The Device Has Been Modified (Kozmotis Pitchner/Jack Frost. Rise of the Guardians movie/novels/a wild fuckin "Jack is a sci-fi AI" AU. holy shit I forgot about this one it was a wild blast)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Rarely and not as often as I'd like. I'm also bad at responding to texts from friends tho, so it's a Thing. I love and read every comment repeatedly though!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Shiver/Tremble for the Rise of the Guardians. No question. They're also the darkest things I've written. First thing I ever wrote seemed to purge all my darkest impulses out right at the jump.
(I ain't linking those lmao. I don't regret writing dark noncon fic, or even taking on writing it from the predator POV. They're just my very first published works and shit is ROUGH.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Cultural Misunderstanding series of Safe and Distant and Mahrâna. Based on the fact that they actually ARE finished and I always held that the Evil Boyfriends Series isn't exactly a "good" ending for Jack, even if it isn't a bad one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Mahrâna had a commenter who was mad that all the dwarves said fuck because "Tolkien wouldn't have them say that."
This was on the sequel to a fic where Thorin and Bilbo explicitly touched their dicks, and thus it remains the funniest comment I've ever received.
(They also thought Thorin was too obviously Mentally Ill and since there were no therapists in Middle Earth they didn't see why anyone would put up with him. So. Y'know. Fuck that commenter in general.)
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Safe and Distant has been translated to Chinese, German, and Russian!
Steady Hands has been translated to Russian
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Tremble, the equally fucked up sequel to Shiver, was done with a co-author where we went back and forth on chapters!
Currently, Audacity in Human Form has @amahhi as my co-author, as it's written based off of our RP where I wrote Dream and she wrote Hob, and she's who I bounce ideas on for adapting it all into fic form while she also acts as my beta editor.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
This is like asking for a favorite food why. Hell some of my favorite ships are ones I haven't written fic for (Newt/Hermann, Jayce/Viktor, William Laurence/Tenzing Tharkay to name a few).
(Tbh I wouldn't even say whether or not I write fic depends on how much I like the characters. Amahhi and I also have many rp storylines that are basically full fics of all of the above ships (shout out to the Newmann Star Trek AU that remains one of my favorites ever, along with the Willzing with Werewolf!Laurence). It just depends on if my brain figures out how they'd be written as a fic.)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
A Study on the Habits of the Adult Obscurial. In my heart I still love my version of Credence, who is pretty much an OC of mine with how far I went "oh fuck that" at canon after the first movie. But between the terrible sequels, Rowling going full terf, and the fact that I had not actually plotted out a good outline and was hitting a wall.....yeah that thing's never getting finished. I recently put a note on there letting any new readers know it's officially abandoned.
Things That Were also ran into the problem of me taking on a big fic idea without the big fic planning. I had specific future scenes in my head but didn't have a strict guide on what happened when or how characters would get from A to B. That one I'm more sad about needing to give up on though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
According to friends and comments: dialogue, particularly capturing a characters voice in the dialogue and POV prose, and getting a solid characterization overall.
I'm also told I'm good at making a ship into a convincing couple and how they work as a couple.
Which is good for me, because those are my favorite things to write! Most of my fics are built on scenes of dialogue that popped into my head and the dialogue is what I have the most fun writing (hence why most of my Tumblr posts are goofy dialogue bits).
And I just like taking the characters as they are at a point in their story and going "ok, if these two get together, how does that happen?" and exploring it from there. Tbh I consider most of my successful fics to be character studies hiding in a full fleshed fanfic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
What the fuck is a story plot????
Is a plot not just "two people take 50k words to figure their shit out with almost no other characters coming in?" What the fuck is actually planning out a storyline with beats to it and an outline? (Trying to get better on the last one, Audacity actually has an outline that includes what specific RP scenes to flesh out or what gets subtracted/added!) (As far as plot goes I've now accepted that I'm not actually A Writer. I just wanna do my drawn out character studies and that's what I'm gonna do damnit.)
Besides that: laying out scenes beyond just the dialogue. Using repetitive descriptive language or getting rambly with it. I legit don't know if my occasional super short sentence lines for character reactions come across as punchy or if it's just choppy and disjointed, which ties in with a general struggle to keep small scenes flowing into each other without getting bogged down in details that fuck pacing up.
According to my various betas: punctuation is my mortal enemy, and I don't know how to make a sentence that isn't a fragment or an eternal run-on. I will sometimes fight them on my sentences and they put up with a lot.
Also, writing discipline in general. I'm uh, very bad at making myself sit down to write even when I want to, and my job tends to burn up the executive functioning points that my ADHD meds give me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Did it a little bit for Mahrâna with Thorin speaking Khuzdul, but not more than short sentences and it took a stupid amount of looking things up for a couple sentences of dwarvish dirty talk lmao.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If we count what was actually posted: Rise of the Guardians.
But there's some notebooks rotting away somewhere with a classic early 2000s isekai LOTR fic in it with an OC that was so much like Tauriel that my old buddy and I joked that "Peter Jackson fuckin stole my OC!!" This isn't a dig at Tauriel bc my OC was rad.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Safe and Distant/Mahrâna are my magnum opus, with Safe and Distant as my personal favorite even though there are bits I'd change (mostly in the smut scene).
I think finishing Mahrâna was a bigger accomplishment and it was overall a bigger challenge to write Thorin's pathos and the mental journey he had to go through, but Safe and Distant was just FUN to write. It was the last time I was young and dumb enough to do things like stay up until 7AM writing nonstop. I think I did a good job of managing to take my strength of chronologically disjointed, shorter character driven scenes and stringing them together into something cohesive. I still like the back and forth flashbacks I did and think I did a good job making the flashback scenes related to the current storyline, even with the flashbacks being out of order.
(Ironic that Bilbo was more fun to write, when Thorin was who I fixated on more ferally and thought about more as a character. I'm having the same thing now with Hob and Morpheus lmao. I love rotating those dark, dramatic, brooding king types in my head, but actually writing the internal brooding out makes me want to chew glass and bully their dramatic asses.)
((still don't know why tf I thought Bilbo would be the virgin of the two of them, or why I have that bit in there with a fucking hobbit being a little insecure about pudge. God I was off base with that lmao))
Tagging @alienfuckeronmain, @avelera, @spicedrobot, @insufferablearchanist
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goldammerchen · 3 months
happy easfsdtr, here something about eggs—nothing explicit, but it is about oviposition so lets call it mature at the very least. also sad themes like unborn [bird] child and child [bird] death.
this is something i will only insinuate in the current fic, to leave more for later. spoilers!
last chapter mentioned the children of the harpies, and in the next of chapter rode and gil will have a brief encounter with them, and rode learns they are more bird than half-person in their current forms: in fact they look like giant raptor-vulture birds. after it happens, gil will imply that one of them could be his, but there is no way to know after multiple feather moulting and color changes. little after they fledge, they leave for [number] years, and not all of them will return.
[for prequel/sequel, story of 2 clutches] so, gil and feliks first nest, [number] years ago. they were young, and could even have had it a year or two sooner but there was a literal war. both were nervious, and still shacken from the war... feliks to the point of task paralysis (won't be described that way obv), when he had the responsibility of the making of the nest and looking after gil. the more anxious feliks got, the more (scared) gil yelled him, which obviously didn't help. thankfully they recieved some help, but after the first egg, while gil was running a fever. of a clutch of 3, one never hatched, while another didn't survive for too long. third one was a male harpy chick, that are much less frequent, making their survival important. older harpies didn't trust the young parents, so the chick was taken away for a while. said chick stopped to eat until was reunited with the parents.
after the chick [who's obviously NAME] fledges, a lot of things happen, including feliks joining a fucking convent with a different name for a while?! their boyfriend leaving left tolys and gil aimless. both flirted with swan maidens / swanmays(?), especially with one named natallia and another ivan... things went better with one than with the other, way better.
flash forward [SPOILERS:] to after rode basically joining the polycule, it's time for the harpies to have the next nest. but, this feliks is going to help a couple of Iesbians. gil is allowed to bring a new mate, and using the excuse the instructions were too vague, he brings three, tolys (they finally get along), and the friends he made in the war, antonio and francis. tolys is used to harpies customs, often being with one or another, meanwhile antonio and francis not so much, and they will be stuck in the mountains for at least a few months. in addition, the mino and the satyr are long-lived races, and will live even longer than tolys that has an average lifespan. serious-anxious werewolf, existentialism [also term to avoid] satyr, and a carefree taur, being under the talon (lol) of a harpy that hopes everything will be perfect this time. after the fun part, and after eggs are laid (also fun part), doubts begin. no, fran and toño weren't there only for sex, however perhaps didn't take as seriously being parents—harpies leaving and then maybe returning makes easier to take things lightly.
hope that if i write this, i tell both events back and forth(?). gnight!
*another note: harpies have 4 genders lmao, anything out the boxes will be considered weird but its whatever as long reproduction happens, so no that part isn't great.
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kitchenisking · 1 year
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Seires Fic Rec part 11
Whats up? its the end of the holiday and its time to get back to life! I hope everyones spring is treating them and for the people to have allergies I feel your pain and hope its not to bad! please don't forget to send kudos and love to our authors ❤️
Ritual Love by TobytheWise - (Sterek Valentine Week 2019) - (Rating: G, Words: 500, sterek)
The morning after Stiles performs a ritual to find his soulmate, who thankfully, was always by his side.
To Catch a Predator by Bittah_Wizard - (We Found Love in a Halloween Rave (The Team Jacob Chronicles) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1574, sterek)
Stiles meets the Big Bad Wolf at a party. 
Well, mark him down as scared and horny.
Stupid Derek by the_diggler - (Stupid Derek) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1921, sterek)
Stiles should’ve known better. Stupid werewolves with their stupid werewolf hearing. He should’ve known better than to moan Derek’s name, no matter how quietly. But stupid Derek, with his stupid face, and beard, and abs… And okay, Stiles should’ve known better than to leave his bedroom window open while getting off. Because yeah, stupid Derek with his stupid lurking ways...
Psychedelic Coitus by twistedwings - (Text Me Maybe...) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1980, sterek)
"You didn't seem to mind when I was stinking up your sheets. Did you Stiles?" this was Derek, he was naked and laying there and his voice reeked of sex and Stiles wanted more, wanted all of him. So you can understand when all Stiles could do was shake his head and then jump him.
Definitely a Thing by Reia - (A Thing) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4126, sterek)
Scott gets bitten by a werewolf, of all things, and Stiles has a short, fleeting thought of 'Wonder if he has a knot now' before his world goes topsy-turvy and all he can think about is survival.
That's Why He Lets Him In by alisvolatpropiis - (That's Why He Lets Him In) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3210, sterek)
So this is a pretty significant tone shift from my other fics - if you're expecting my typical happy/fluffy/lovey Sterek, you will not find it here! 
I wanted to challenge myself to write a darker fic that didn't end in declarations of love - my notes at the top of the page were "ROUGH SEX NO LOVE NO FEELS!!!!". As you will see, I totally failed at the NO FEELS part, but alas. These boys just do something to me. I was also going for 1500 words and this is more than twice that, so really I'm a total failure.
So yes, there are feels, but they're not happy feels. 
As mentioned, rough sex, some agro dirty talk, nothing too outrageous.
Still Frames In Your Mind by elisera - (Still Frames In Your Mind) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 9530, sterek)
Stiles meets Derek in Prague the morning of his seventeenth birthday. He’s hungover as fuck, and looking like it, too.
Anything for My Boy by kinkilyeverafter - (Sterek Daddy Kink) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2231, sterek)
A stressed out Stiles needs to stop thinking, and his Daddy is more than willing to help him with that.
The next two fics go hand in hand🥰😇
How to Melt an Alpha by GigaCat - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5104, sterek)
Stiles' love life takes an awesome change of direction all because Allison talks Scott into taking some parenting classes.
Of Pregnancy, Pups, and Pack. by GigaCat - (Rating: Mature, Words: 23650, sterek)
Well, the look on Deaton's face isn't exactly what Stiles had hoped for. 
This is the official sequel to How to Melt an Alpha.
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luxheroica · 1 year
Fandom Fic Rec: Throwback Edition
Tagged by @blackestglass
Choose 5 fandoms you are no longer active in (as in actively participating/creating in), and then choose 1 fic for each fandom that's stuck with you. Tag 5 people when you're done!  
1. The End of the World by FernWithy and sequels (Hunger Games, Haymitch/Effie)
I don’t consider myself a Hunger Games fan. I consider myself a The End of the World by FernWithy fan, and that it incidentally happens to take place in the same universe as The Hunger Games is incidental. I came to these fics having not read anything in The Hunger Games, having only watched the first Hunger Games movie to give me any familiarity with the characters and the stories, and absolutely fell in love. FernWithy has written six full novels and three interstitial novellas clocking in at nearly a million words to tell the story of Haymitch Abernathy (and Effie Trinket) from age 16 to adulthood and they are masterful. Her worldbuilding and plotting are top notch and her ability to mimic the styles of other authors is superb. (I came to know FernWithy through her Harry Potter fanfiction, which is about as stylistically different as it is possible to be.) I come back to reread these once ever few years.
2. Yggdrasil Dreaming by Barkour (MCU, Sif/Loki)
Ah, Sif/Loki, my beloved ship of yester year. This was the fic that really got me shipping them and I never looked back. It goes so hard with the dream imagery and the mythic storyline that draws a lot from Norse myths. The characterization is absolutely top notch, and Barkour has the most gorgeous lyrical prose I’ve ever read. This provides an alternate (ie, written pre-Avengers) take on Loki’s storyline post Thor (2011) and is absolutely beautiful.
3. Cowboys and Indians by Minisinoo (Twilight, Gen Fic Jasper & Leah)
Taking a page out of Trish’s book and rec’ing a fic by Minisinoo. This is what I think of when I consider a fanfics power to be transformative. Obviously the big glaring problem (of many big glaring problems) at the center of the Twilight series is the treatment of the Quileute Tribe. This takes that premise and turns it on its head and creates a deeply poignant metaphor for the relationship between white people and Natives in the offering. Minisinoo is Native (though not Quileute) and the perspective offered in this bit of fanfic is fascinating as it explores an unlikely friendship between a former Confederate soldier turned vampire and a 21st century Native woman turned werewolf.
4. Cutting Water by NessieGG(Naruto, Neji/Tenten & Sasuke/Sakura)
This is basically a wuxia AU and... what a knockout premise for an alternate universe, frankly? This reads like a Chinese fantasy drama in all of the best ways. Technically it’s a Naruto fic, but also I don’t know that you need to know a thing about Naruto to enjoy this. This is high drama, with lots of adventure and action and factional politics with no side necessarily being completely wrong. I love the worldbuilding, and I love the two romances which both are quite distinct and interesting!
5. Baiting the Beauty by @glamaphonic (Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, Jaime/Brienne)
Technically it’s unfinished, but only by a few chapters and still absolutely worth a read. Jaime/Brienne Regency AU in the style of the Regency Romance Novel. This is pure romance novel tropes in the best ways. Brienne makes such an excellent unconventional heroine, a wallflower through and through, and Jaime absolutely fits the role of the rake. The rest is all enemies to lovers and sexual tension and uncovering one anothers hidden hurts and furtive misunderstandings. As befits George RR Martin’s reversal of the Beauty and the Beast trope, they fit the roles of hero and heroine of a romance novel perfectly, and yet they are still recognizably Jaime and Brienne.
6. Mass Effect: Discovery by @pigeontheoneandonly (Mass Effect, Shepard/Kaidan Alenko)
Bonus sixth rec because while I still consider myself in the Mass Effect fandom this fic rearranged my entire brain and I still think about it constantly since I read it. This is a narrative retelling of Mass Effect 1 (with a WIP sequel telling the story of Mass Effect 2) with Shepard/Kaidan as the main pairing. And the characterizations in this are absolutely fantastic. There is a tendency in Mass Effect fanfic to idealize Commander Shepard a bit (owing both to the game idealizing them and their placement as player proxy) that this fic elides. Nathaly Shepard is a fully formed and deeply flawed character from moment one, and Pigeon manages that neat writerly trick of making all of Shepard’s flaws her strongest traits as well. That same level of incisive characterization is applied to everyone else, all woven together with some of the most interesting and tense action scenes I’ve read.
@rogueimperator @blindvogel @siderealsandman @wheremermaidsdwell @deliriumsdelight7 and honestly anyone else who wants to do this give me fanfic recs.
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lunarsands · 1 year
ALSMP Fanfic: Hellbent Ch 1
Characters: Scott Major, MythicalSausage
Tags: Canon divergent, We’re way off the canon origin list now, featuring derivatives such as werewolf!Scott, guardian!Sausage, enderian!Scott, vampire!Sausage, wither!Scott, merling!Sausage, floran!Scott and including the return of blazeborn!Myth and gravital!Smajor
WARNINGS: Blood, Violence, Injury, Body Horror, Character Death, So Much Death that I’ll be here for days listing warnings for them all. We got water, we got fire, we got neuro-toxins, we got stabbing. Nothing is portrayed in graphic detail, but consider yourself warned! No Fluff Only Murder.
Summary: The cycle that started with a hungry vampire and an imprisoned angel comes full circle.
Scott and Sausage – now going by Smajor and Myth – have broken the cosmic respawn system with their continuous murder of each other, and more than ten lives later they are still at it. Even an encounter with peaceful versions of themselves in a limbo dimension doesn't deter them for long, but Myth at long last gains the upper hand. He has a choice: end the feud, or… Well, that’s it, that’s his only choice. But he’ll do it one way or another…
Sequel to Bloodfall, Witherrise, Fatemirrored, and Heavensent, with references to (and later picking up after) the crossover Mirror Mirror Break Our Fall.
Part Five of the Soul Liminality Series.
(Also available on Ao3! )
[A/N: Scratch what I said about Mirror Mirror not being canon to either fic universe, it’s now canon to this one. I’ve had this sitting in my pocket for a while and it finally came together, once again with brainstorming help from @cynthrey! You know you might have too many origins/types of death of those origins to keep track of in one fic when your friend goes and makes a spreadsheet.]
Chapter One
Fox blood wasn’t as good as angel blood, but as Smajor clamped his wolfish jaws down on Myth’s red-furred throat, he was just as happy to swallow down another of his nemesis’ lives. Both happening to be creatures of the forest – relatively speaking, for a werewolf -- had done little to deter Scott from sniffing him out once again and hunting him down. Myth usually tried to hide and strike when the opportunity presented itself; Smajor just actively killed on sight most of the time. He admitted to admiring Myth’s newfound skill – regardless of what he became – to remain quiet, but it rarely saved him for long.
Scott had come to resent first the loss of his lovely, delicious prisoner, and then at the betrayal when vampire became angel and Myth’s own reaction had been unyielding vengeance. It seemed like they had managed to be allies for all of five minutes, and the rest of the time it was just sheer hatred for each other. Even when they came back as something that had similar traits – although the cosmic roll of the dice proclaimed them never to be the same thing at the same time – there was instant animosity. The battle of back-and-forth murder had been going on for so long that they had started losing track of some of what they had been – except for the ones that had precipitated everything. It was even hard to remember how many times they had died, so they settled on keeping count of how many times they had killed the other.
Sausage – after reluctantly accepting the moniker of ‘Myth’ because Smajor wouldn’t call him anything else now, swearing to obliterate him until he was nothing but some legend in a forgotten story – had been scratching tally marks into the metal arm guard he somehow always regenerated with whether he was humanoid or animal. Scott, meanwhile, dubbed himself ‘Smajor’ after one time when Myth had tried to call him a ‘major pain in the ass’ with his dying breath and slurred the first word instead.
Smajor had a scrap of leather that he kept on him, and currently added a new tally mark with a claw before licking the blood from his chops. Well, that was a nice even twenty in number of kills. He left Myth’s body alone for the moment, trotting away behind some trees, amused by the thought of letting him regenerate and try to escape again, then maybe he would howl and chase him through the forest for a while until biting into him again. He did very much enjoy whenever he turned into something with a good set of sharp teeth.
A few moments later he heard Myth begin to cough, then gasp. He smiled. Sounded like maybe he had become a merling and was having a little trouble breathing. There was a lake nearby… Maybe he would make it. Smajor decided to wait, and then he followed the sounds. As much as he liked killing Myth with his own hands, an unfortunate roll of the dice that led to side effects was just as fun to see, and hear, play out.
Myth turned out to be faster than he expected, however, and he heard the splash before he himself was near to the lake. He also underestimated how fast his nemesis could now swim, because as Smajor stepped out from the trees onto the lake shore, a figure was darting from the opposite shore into that tree line. Ah. Myth knew these woods, too. He would know where the next body of water was. He wouldn’t allow himself to be limited to one little puddle to be picked off when he surfaced.
Smajor smiled again and began loping around the edge of the lake. He could pick up the fishy trail and simply sniff him out no matter how many bodies of water he tried to cross. This would be a nice game. There was nowhere for Myth to go – neither of them had any place they really called home anymore, just a few hidden caches set up here and there when time permitted. Yet even that was difficult to do when one of them was destroying the landscape with their powers in pursuit of the other.
Nowhere and no one was safe at this point. The others had long since learned that if they saw either of them coming it was time to also run and hide. The few exceptions were when someone else more powerful got involved and tried to stop them, but that tended to result in double death, and another new start of the chase with different powers.
Meanwhile, Myth’d had it in his head for a while that if he could just get the right combination of abilities, he might be able to keep Smajor on a metaphorical chain long enough to take the fight out of him – or put him where he would be forced to do nothing but think about how pointless this unending feud was.
Turning into a Temple Guardian-type mer this round gave him an idea: he knew he could gain additional abilities by slaying an Elder Guardian, so he was now making a beeline for the nearest ocean via every source of water he could think of that could sustain him on the way. It would be a wondrous miracle if he could get his hands on a bucket of water and some Aqua Affinity gear along the way, but he knew he wouldn’t have much chance of finding a place to make them himself and spend precious minutes trying to roll for them in an enchanting table.
Smajor would catch up to him, as was inevitable, so he might as well go straight for an ocean monument to be prepared ahead of time with as much of an arsenal as he could get from one. It was harrowing a few times when he almost came up short between the abrupt end of a river and the next small lake, but he kept pushing himself. Eventually he would find a river that led out into the ocean, and he could get a reprieve out in deeper waters.
It did cross his mind to try to live out his life in the possible safety of a remote biome with abilities that Smajor couldn’t interfere with, but in all honesty, Myth wouldn’t put it past his nemesis to pick a way to end himself just to get new powers that would allow him to continue the chase. With the other, actual Temple Guardians and the Elder Guardians, Myth might possibly have some additional protection… However, he would prefer to not have the constant threat hanging over his head altogether.
One of these times things would have to work out in his favor for longer than a few hours.
And so, after wresting a trident from a Drowned, he made his way into a monument, unbothered by the effects of his current brethren, and slew the Elder Guardian. Once he absorbed its powers, he started making plans for how to deal with Smajor. There was the obvious: hit him with fatigue, then drag him down to the monument and secure him there, where a horrible process could be repeated until Smajor gained an aquatic-based body. Then Myth would have to think of something else, because there was every chance Smajor could have some ability that allowed him to escape, and of course he would kill Myth on the way out – or turn the tables on him, and trap him in the exact same spot.
Well, Myth needed to start somewhere, anyway, and this was at least one opportunity. As he was collecting some extra blocks from the monument itself to build a holding cell, he saw the sponges and realized a better option might be to actually keep Smajor alive down here, without risk of him becoming something that could survive in water. Myth then worked to create an extra area clear of water as a backup plan.
Soon, however, it dawned on him that he could even rest here. Smajor was currently limited to land, and if he did find a way through the water, he would first have to figure out where Myth had gone, and then have to get past the other Guardians. He allowed himself a smile and made a sweep of the monument, checking the locations of the cyclopean fish. He sonar-pinged a warning to them of a possible invader, telling them to stay on alert, then he returned to the center and burrowed into the sand to sleep. If Smajor made it through all that, Myth could still attempt to stay hidden.
Later on, he was awoken by agitated pinging from the Temple Guardians that hit his own sonar-like senses. They hadn’t noticed an intruder, but some type of ruckus on the surface was setting them off. Myth warily swam toward the outer rows of columns to make sure nothing was directly above him. He could tell that it was now nighttime from the extra darkness, although he could see through the water just fine. The sound itself wasn’t in the water, but was enough to be heard through it.
Ah, there was a very frustrated werewolf nearby.
Myth gave a tired smile and began a careful ascent. He would have to creep through the shallows if Smajor was on shore, but he wouldn’t be surprised if he had gotten ahold of a boat just to keep pursuing his prey. Myth rather hoped for the latter so he could come up directly underneath and overturn it.
The words were muffled but the rage came through just fine. “Myth!! Show yourself, you coward!! Come and face me!!”
The noise bounced off his sonar as well, and that made it easier to find which direction it was coming from. And Smajor actually had been foolish enough – or overconfident enough – to row a boat out here. Myth sped upward and shoved both hands against one side of the bottom of the boat, nearly flipping it in one go. But it was enough to knock Smajor into the water. The wolfish menace attempted to grab for the boat; Myth was quicker and wrapped his scaly arms around him, immediately pulling him down. “If you decide not to struggle, I have a nice place for you to stay! You’ll like it, I promise. You can even yell at me all day there!”
Unable to speak lest he end up with a lungful of water all the faster, Smajor instead began thrashing his whole body. Myth used the pointy spines on both arms to dig into him to try to discourage this, but Smajor didn’t seem to care about the extra pain and kicked his legs next.  Myth’s hold was secure and they only sank deeper. Finally, Smajor snarled, releasing a rush of air bubbles as he tried to twist around and snap at his captor’s face. Myth responded with a tight squeeze of his arms, forcing out more of that precious air.
Smajor stopped struggling soon after that. Well, that works, too, Myth thought as he carried his nemesis down toward the monument. At least that makes this part easier. Yet before he got much closer, Smajor’s body vanished. Myth blinked. That had never happened so quickly after a death.  Usually there was more time before one of them regenerated as something new and then revived.
Then Myth spotted a flicker of purple particles, and he chuckled darkly to himself. Oh, huh. He’s Enderian now. That was like an automatic teleport. So he’ll die even faster if he’s pulled into water...
He turned to swim toward the nearest land mass this time. An enderman who accidentally ended up in a body of water always teleported to the first bit of sand and soil within range.
Even though he attempted to be cautious again and was ready to grab Smajor right away, as soon as his head cleared the water he could hear the sound of an aggroed enderman. A lanky, obsidian-skinned version of Smajor rushed at him, jaw unhinged as he screeched horribly and slashed at Myth’s face despite the water running off of him.
Myth sank back into the ocean’s surface but Smajor pursued, spitting and flinching as the water injured him, but was not deterred. One of his strikes finally landed and Myth yelled in pain. The Enderian grabbed him and started to haul him out of the water. Myth clutched at the gashes across his face, beginning to lose sight in his right eye. He then extended the sharp fin on his left arm and sliced Smajor across the chest, deep enough to expose the enderpearl at his heart.
Myth took hold of the pearl and yanked it out, throwing it in the next motion to teleport away and gain time to recover. However, being half-blinded as he was, he judged the direction incorrectly. He teleported out of the dying Smajor’s hold straight inland.
At least the pearl landed under a tree instead of on it. Not that it mattered all that much; Myth was in too much shock to try to make it back to water. He knew he would die there, laying gasping on the ground while he clutched his face with both hands. But at least he had gotten Smajor an extra time, as well. He used his last few breaths to pull a shaky left hand away from his eye and scratch two new tally marks into his arm guard with a sharp spine.
Myth revived sometime later relieved to find sight had returned to his right eye, but a touch revealed new, horizontal scars. He had suspected for a while that his body wasn’t regenerating one hundred percent, and this proved it, but at least he hadn’t lost the eye.
This time.
He decided the next thing he would do was to find a pond or something to check for certain how he looked. He wasn’t sure yet what he even was now, but it wasn’t aquatic fortunately, and he felt rather strong. It was also still nighttime, so he had the cover of darkness to sneak around in, although he did hope Smajor was nowhere nearby.
He found his steps moved faster than average, and it was reassuring to be able to dart past Creepers and skeletal archers. There might be a reason they didn’t seem to mind him, because nary an arrow was shot his way, but he chose not to worry about it.
Then it turned out he had much bigger concerns, when he finally reached a small stream and leaned over to have a look.
He had no reflection.
“Oh, gods. No. No… Anything but this…” His stomach churned at the revelation and he turned away to be sick behind the cover of a tall fern. He could feel his fangs as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He returned to the stream and made an attempt to clean up even without being able to see himself, pretending he was just washing off his own blood from the new scars.
Blood blood blood. The thought pounded through his head. He should go find some fresh blood, from someone with a lovely, beating heart…
No. Absolutely not.
He couldn’t cross the stream from ground level but he didn’t have the strength of will to try leaping yet. He would follow alongside it for now, and just eat raw beef or fish when he found some. He would have to contend with sunrise soon enough… and yet, he was also tempted to let the sun do its own work so he could become something else. Gods forbid he come across Smajor as this, too… but at least the other would be extremely unlikely to be an angel again. He didn’t need that kind of parallelism in his life ever again, nor did he have any interest in tasting his nemesis’ blood.
Myth felt lucky when he stumbled upon a small cave just as the sky began to lighten. Maybe it was a sign to tough this one out for a little longer. There was no evidence of it being an animal den, so he slipped inside and was able to move some large rocks over to the entrance to block it off so no one could stumble across him. He slept through the day, and instinctively woke at nightfall.
Unfortunately, hunger also awoke around the same time. His new senses were telling him that all sorts of warm, pulsing veins were out there beyond the cave. He began to clear away the rocks. He couldn’t fight it… He would have to do something. No people. He would not bite any people. Livestock were fair game; he could keep telling himself that, and everything would be fine.
The thought worked up until he saw lights from a village, and he soon heard the sound of a zombie beating on a door. He swallowed after his mouth reflexively salivated and he turned to dart off in a different direction to avoid the temptation, but a different flash of bluish-white light and an explosion drew his attention, and instead he crept closer. Someone else with supernatural powers was around, although he wasn’t sensing a living heartbeat to go along with it.
The light flashed again, and he recognized it. Wither. Was someone trying to make themself useful and was taking out the zombies to save the village? That seemed vaguely noble, and better than he had done as one.
His assessment changed as soon as he caught a glimpse of the sunken eyes and bitter expression of the perpetrator, then he let out a loud laugh and stepped forward, baring the fangs he had desperately been trying to ignore. “So, it looks like irony is still on the cosmic table. We’re both back on the dark side at the same time. Do you want to put the warring behind us and team up again, Scott?” He purposely used the other’s former name.
Smajor gave a raspy laugh of his own, refraining from attacking right away. “Oh, that will go well, sure. Tell me, how many people have you bitten so far? I haven’t seen a trail of bodies anywhere, unless I managed to miss it completely. Not thirsty right now, are you? I was just doing this because I was bored, but if you want to have a snack before I raze this place, help yourself. Go ahead.” He smirked. “You ate plenty of souls before, now you can appreciate the taste of blood. Go on.” He gestured to one of the doors that were shut tight against the roaming undead. “You don’t have to worry about being invited in, I’ll blast it open for you.”
Myth refused to be baited into looking away from Smajor, although he could hear the heartbeat behind the door, speeding up with fear from realizing there were now additional dangers outside. He swallowed again but played it off with a shrug. “Nah. I’m good right now.”
“Fine. I’ll get back to what I was doing.” Smajor conjured a skull in one hand and threw it toward a blacksmith, exploding the wall and causing lava to start flowing onto the path. He raised his hand again to conjure another, then conjured a second one in the other hand.
He grinned to himself, then spun and flung both of them toward Myth before turning it into a repeating volley of thrown skulls.
The reluctant vampire was ready for him. Myth’s red eyes flashed as he marked Smajor, waiting, waiting… He switched places right before the first two skulls hit, leaving Smajor to be pummeled by his own explosions. For extra measure, Myth ran to the spilled lava, standing one step away before triggering the mark again after the volley ended, leaving a battered Smajor standing – just barely standing, that is – in the spot. He followed up by rushing over and shoving the wither backward into the lava pool.
Myth hoped it would be enough, but he wasn’t going to stick around to risk getting set on fire just to make sure the other stayed in the lava. He bounded away to the hill that overlooked the area and instead waited there to keep an eye on things. He would see if Smajor emerged as something different, then act afterward.
It wasn’t long before a figure that was decidedly on the green side stumbled out of the wreckage that he himself had caused. With his keen eyesight, Myth could see Smajor had flowers all over his hair, which seemed to be causing the newly created floran some distress. He chuckled and decided to go back down to confront him again, although he more so wanted to laugh at Smajor’s burgeoning temper tantrum to his face.
The floran was currently trying to rip all of the flowers out of his hair, but he stopped when he saw Myth approaching. “Of course this would be the one time you don’t run away. Go ahead, laugh your big, bad vampiric head off, then suck out whatever passes for blood that I have. Not like I can do anything to you with some pathetic little flowers. Just get it over with!” There wasn’t any less vitriol in his tone, despite the harmless-looking flowery exterior.
“Still not hungry,” Myth proclaimed blithely. “Maybe this is a sign for you to stop and smell the roses for a bit, maybe take some time to reflect and realize this cycle we’re stuck in doesn’t have to continue. You could settle down, raise a garden, maybe actually start caring about the land around you instead of treating it like an obstacle in the way of getting to me.”
“Oh, and you’ll just waltz off and claim a dark castle somewhere, feeding off the rest of the mere mortals around you? Remember, that eventually made someone come for me – if you want me to bring up more of the past. Maybe if you hadn’t come after my wings, none of this would have happened!”
“Oh, no, don’t you try to turn this around on me. You’re the one who won’t let it go. I will definitely find something better to do with my time than run around watching my back every second because you’re set on some unending vendetta.”
Smajor spread his green-dappled hands to indicate himself. “Look at me. This is useless. Do you want me to say ‘Congratulations, Sausage, you win!’ Because I won’t.”
“I know you won’t. And I don’t want you to. I just want you to bug off and not hurt anyone ever again.”
Smajor now held out one arm, where a smattering of pink tea roses had started to bloom. “Really? You think I can harm anyone with this happening to me?” He began brushing off the small flowers, only for more to blossom on the other arm. “Nether blast it, I can’t even control these things!”
Myth chuckled. “So, you literally have to stop and smell them. Look at that, a new hobby for you.”
“Yeah, and the other things that come with roses…” Smajor stopped fussing over his own arms and abruptly lunged at him. Myth felt a sharp pain in his chest and looked down, seeing the palm of the floran’s hand held outward and a giant thorn sticking out of it, piercing into the vampire’s heart.
Smajor smirked. “I can’t believe you fell for that and let your guard down so stupidly. As if I would ever be weak around you. Goodbye again, Myth. The most pathetic excuse for a vampire ever. You could have gloated after biting me, but I knew you wouldn’t. Wouldn’t want to experience all that trauma again by your own fangs, would you, dear angel? Off to dust you go. I’ll catch up to you later.”
Myth hated that the last thing he saw was that smug face as his body crumbled away beneath him. Now he wished he’d had the courage to bite him, just so Smajor would know how it felt to have the life and spirit drained out of him.
 [ Chapter Two ]
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linkspooky · 2 years
Hi, I would like to tell you that your jujutsu kaisen fics are great, especially the one that starred mai, so I would like to ask you if you will do more fanfics addressing things like nobamai or something similar?
Hello, sorry for the slow response. I’m bad at responding to praise. Whenever someone sends me a compliment I just want to print it out and frame it and put it on my wall, but not respond to it because I’m socially awkward. 
Anyway, this is in response to Werewolf, my Nobamai fanfic. A fanfic where Nobara, Mai and Maki go on a mission together to deal with a cursed spirit attacking a small village before the Shibuya Arc. 
To answer your question, yes I was actually planning on doing more Nobamai fanfics in this series!  Real life has gotten in the way recently (no I don’t want to talk about it) but more or less I have a plan for an entire series of fics developing Nobara and Mai as a couple, and also Maki. 
First, I plan on writing an additional epilogue chapter to the Werewolf Fic, because the fic itself ends on a cliffhanger, just wrapping things up with what happened after the mission.
I also plan on writing a sequel to the Werewolf fic, which takes place in an alternate continuity version of the Zenin Family massacre. Basically the idea is to write a version of the Zenin family arc with Maki which is better paced (In my opinion the original was kind of rushed, though it’s understandable because Gege was on an author crunch at the time and stressed from having to produce so many chapters while he was sick), which gives us more insight to Maki’s perspective. 
Also, I plan on having Mai surviving the Zenin family massacre arc instead of dying. So after the arc itself there’s still a conflict between Maki and Mai, with Mai who is now overpowered and following Toji’s path, and Mai who never wanted this life for the both of them and just wants to be a normal family with her sister. So an AU version of the story where not only Mai lives, but also Nobara lives past the Shibuya arc, and the three of them have to develop and change their relationship while reacting to the fact that Maki has killed a lot of people and is just a little bit on edge. 
That’s my plan for a future Nobamai fic, basically a Zenin family arc fic where Mai lives, and then a Culling Game Arc fic, where Mai and Nobara are both alive and participating and Maki killing the Zenin family has sent her teetering off the edge and she needs the support of both Mai and Nobara to come back into the fold and return to her friends and family instead of pursuing strength and power alone at the sacrifice of everything else. 
I hope that answers your question! I’m planning on going back to my Jujutsu Kaisen fics once I finish the current one I’m working on, I hope you look forward to that. 
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
hi hazel! what's your favourite show from your childhood? favourite snack? favourite fic or book atm? favourite 5sos5 song(s)? favourite play you've been in? gonna also use this to ask your favourite 911 characters/pairing (romantic or not)/season cause i'm curious jdfjgd hope you're having a nice day! -taylor
@jbhmalumm hi taylor!!! thank you for asking!
favorite show from childhood: when i was little, I was a big fan of Dragon Tales. if we're going older, my family watched the show Monk together starting around when I was in middle school, and it's still my overall favorite show!
favorite snack: my favorite snack is Cheez-Its! It's a cheesy, salty cracker. I absolutely love them
favorite fic or book at the moment: my favorite book series is hands down The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater! I'm also back in a raven cycle mood because the last book of the sequel trilogy came out in october so i'm having Big Feelings about it. My favorite fic at the moment is actually maybe unobserved particles by leohttt. it's a cobra kai fic where sam is a werewolf. i'm not a horror person at all but tbh samtory is a horror pairing vibes-wise, and i really enjoyed this one. i like the characterization and i really like how the dynamic developed in this.
favorite 5sos5 song(s): "Bad Omens" is the favorite! big fan of that one still!!!! coming in at second is "You Don't Go To Parties"
favorite play you've been in: i played Clarisse in Fahrenheit 451 in high school and absolutely LOVED it. I like Bradbury, and he did his own stage adaptations, which is interesting! Clarisse is also simply a very enjoyable and lovely character. Switching gears from plays to musicals, I was in Newsies this summer, which was a bucket list show for me!!!!! I was a featured dancer, and Newsies is Very Much an ensemble show, and our choreography was fantastic, and it was stressful and a lot of work but it felt so so so good to be able to dance again after not having an outlet for it in college. i got to tap dance again!!!!! i got to tap dance on a table!!!!!!!!! i'm very glad i had the opportunity to be in it, because i've been wanting to for almost 10 years at this point.
favorite 911...
characters: ahhhh this is actually pretty difficult because I do love them all for different reasons and in different ways, but I think Buck is my favorite, and I also really love Maddie, and I have a soft spot for May
pairing: I'm a buddie girl! i love the single parent tropes in romance, and these two have so many little things that make my heart flutter! all of the other romantic relationships with the characters happened pretty quickly and have been established for a while, so I would love if buddie gets to be the seasons-long slow burn of the series. i'm not getting my hopes up, but i would really really love for that to happen. all that aside, i also really like madney! for platonic pairings, i love the firefam as a whole!!!!!!!!! i love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's found family baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but also the buck and hen dynamic makes me happy i love how he looks up to her and goes to her for advice and i love how she's endeared by him but also won't take any of his crap.
season: ohhh i don't know? they kind of have all run together at this point since i binged 1-4 two years ago. maybe season 2, because we got maddie and eddie and christopher, plus s1 was kind of rough so that was where they truly figured out how to do the show and make it good lol.
send me "what's your favorite..."
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prettyboybuckley · 1 year
find the word challenge
rules: share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the word in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word)
tagged by the lovely @honestlydarkprincess to do the words: soft, care, tear, scar, and hope
Soft - from The Ace Kink Fic (Part 2)
The pillow is soft beneath his knees and Buck kneels back on his haunches. Eddie's legs are on either side of him, spread wide around Buck's shoulders, and Eddie is somewhat slumped on the couch as he tries to get comfortable himself.
Care - from the sequel to High On You
Except Philip and Margaret Buckley do it in the same way they do everything regarding their children. Silently, with a look in their eyes that conveys it all. Almost as if they feel they should care about anything their children do wrong without actually caring at all.
Tear(s) - from Buck's POV of the College AU
There are tears in his eyes and Buck can't do much more than wrap his arms around the other man and hug him tight. Eddie clings to him, burying his face into the crook of Buck's neck as his shoulders shake. Buck can't resist running his hand through Eddie's hair, remembering how the man had always seemed to find it comforting.
Scar - from a Thiam fic I started last week
And while Liam as a werewolf doesn't scar, he has a feeling that these scars on Theo's body aren't old. Not old enough to be from before the doctors turned him into a Chimera, at least. 
Hope - also from the sequel to High on You
"Hope you're as confident about your blowjob skills as you are about your mini golf skills, then," Buck bounces back, following Eddie's example and effortlessly getting the ball in the hole as well. 
tagging @holdmygum @rogerzsteven @alyxmastershipper @buddierights @monsterrae1 @swiftiediaz @morganofthefairies @princessfbi @elvensorceress 💕
I am giving you guys the words: heart, window, time, bed, freeze
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starlightkun · 9 months
Missed you too, mel 💗💗💗 Taking the time to finish everything was a good decision but it made my mind and me feel burn out for sure, really glad I'm over with it though. Getting my old but kind of new routine back feels great! And I have to say that I'm already really excited for the release of the changer, loved reading the teaser, I'm looking forward to reading the full story!!! I'm confused about this werewolves dating human girls for a ego thing? Like is it one of the problems in their (Strawberry Sunday 🍓) world. And I'm sure you did an awesome job again with your stories so I'm super excited for changer and it's sequel, did changer2 got a name? Did I miss anything while I was gone? Any updates on the stories?. And I'm glad that you are doing ok, hope that your new medications will turn out really good for you and hope you won't have any problems with it! And yeah, other than my high school studies everything went pretty good 👍🏻☺️ - 🌺
yeah, the concept was kind of touched on in abh, when reader got called a 'knotslut' in reference to human girls who only date werewolves for the uh....the difference between human men and werewolf men in bed. there's also gonna be the inverse, which is werewolf men who only date human women to get their egos stroked bc of that same difference
changer2 doesn't have an official title yet, you haven't missed much there! i've been futzing around with titling it cassiopeia after bears in trees' new song, which i've listened to on repeat a lot while writing it (and i think fits it really well) but i'm not sure yet. nothing's jumped out at me like changer by a.c.e did (not that im necessarily looking to use a song for it, usually just something will jump out at me to be the title, like a song/song lyrics, or excerpt from the fic itself, or whatever, but i've been drawing a blank and im almost 15k into it)
but i have been creeping towards the end of dr_magic2303 so i'm super psyched for that. i think it's gonna be a really fun one. just gotta finish literally the climax and resolution. like im in the home stretch here lol.
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