#I always see people still use the MC's given name
whimsytoon · 6 months
Would you still call a character you make from a game where you play a customized MC a self insert? 🤔
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smahell · 1 month
is there a villain in obey me?
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yes. according to this simple search, diavolo is the antagonist we should fear. and date. and collect cards of. for some reason.
this was sent in a discord server I was in as a very very obvious joke (hopefully) and this result is surely ai generated, or google's done a whoopsie-doodle and taken something off of reddit.
yes, diavolo can assert himself as an antagonistic force, but all of his actions are always within logical reason. though it may be against the wishes of the brothers and MC, he always does what is right for the devildom, whether that may be putting lucifer on house arrest, or locking belphegor away from his brothers.
diavolo is literally just trying his best, and he's been doing that since his father basically dumped the responsibility of a whole realm on his shoulders and abandoned him to sleep at the bottom of the devildom. his past is genuinely so sad.
so, who's the villain in obey me????
you could certainly say it's belphie.. but you can also date him. belphie changes through our the story, and as of right now, he holds nothing against humans and anyone in general. though it was a short span of time, he has gained the (somewhat undeserving) forgiveness of everyone around him after trying to kill MC.
like yes, michael, but it's very obvious with him disguising himself as raphael, going against god's will, and even his manipulation of the brothers that he wants the brothers back, and still sees them as family. even if that may not be reciprocated.
you could say father. but in a sense, lilith broke the rules, and so did the brothers. they all needed to be punished accordingly. and the brothers still refer to him as "father" and not by any other name. they don't hate him as of now.
they feel sympathy. an attachment. a connection.
in the og where michael was mentioned once or twice, the fandom was quick to assign him as The Bad Guy™, but getting to know him through nb, he really is just like all the other characters in terms of role. and throughout nb michael is doted on fondly by the brothers. it's that sort of difficult familial love estranged families can relate to.
are these good decisions? no
but he's not a villain.
if you lost the loving family and friends you knew, and you had the power to get them back through such unconventional means... michael is just using the powers he was given.
"so then.. maddie's the bad guy." okay grandpa, let's get you back to your wheelchair..
she's barely even mentioned for starters, and from what I've heard, she's not even been mentioned in nb. all she's done is made mammon cry at some point, and tried to marry diavolo. she might be a shitty person, yes, but she's never even involved enough to make out lives, or even all the brothers's lives a living nightmare. she's a very minor nuisance, at most.
all the characters do something antagonistic. every single one of them. if there was a villain it would discredit the fact that the game isn't about heroes and villains and morality, but about people. and that's what makes obey me so good. and if there was (a villain), the story would've ended by now, long before the franchise's fifth anniversary. ****
every character is morally grey, and the fact that it leaves it up to the player to annotate what is good and bad makes the whole experience more immersive and personal than ever. however, it speaks volumes concerning a lack of media comprehension that anyone would try to assign a villain to obey me.
obey me is about dating silly demon boys, and watching people live, whether that be in peace and harmony, or in tense, on-the-brink-of-destruction moments. the story has no need of a true antagonist, when we have well developed and wide range of characters gets that impact the story no matter what. enjoy the game, hate or love the characters.. whether they're antagonists or not, just have fun.
****(because the devs weren't very good at writing the first game.. so I doubt they could've had the support to have written a second one)
[edit: this was brainstormed between @prettylittlelambs and i on discord :3 thank you for sort of inspiring me and going me come up with more ideas]
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mars-barsz · 29 days
In this essay I will talk about how Rick could have made Jason a more interesting character to more people
Im not joking, Drews is next and why she really wasnt that bad of a person, just a traumatized teen
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Starting off I fully believe most people didn't like Jason because he was a random new guy, like we were expecting Percy and got some amnesiac and didn't get to see out hero happy and living his life for the entire book, and he was so confused most the time, because he fully didn't remember anything, he wasn't even given the same fake memories to try and act normal, he didn't know his own name when he woke up on that bus, we had to personality to go off of at the start, because HE DIDNT KNOW WHO HE WAS! People always say Leo was the best out of the lost trio and that's because so many people could relate to him, he used humor to cover stuff up, like everyone's favorite mc did (Percy). Piper had her own struggles, like finding out who she thought was her boyfriend, didn't know who she was, she was being manipulated and her dad was being held hostage as she was told to kill her friends, and she AND Leo were in a WILDERNESS SCHOOL. A. WILDERNESS. SCHOOL. I got off topic, sorry, but piper had so many of her own stuff she was working through in the way she thought was correct, by lying and hiding things. Jason had nothing, he knew he didn't remember anything and he was sad. Leo had a personality and was content separate to them, obviously he had issues but he was the most similar to Percy, so fans liked him the most (imo)
Now, onto how rick could have made Jason better
made him actually an awesome fighter, he killed monsters with his bare hands and was raised by wolves since two, he should have been equal to or even better than Percy with muscle memory and all, which yeah he had but he still should have had a more feral side to him, he was said to climb the ranks at camp Jupiter and was a bit more wild than other romans, I think it would have been interesting to see Jason use his instincts more and be a little feral when he lost his memory, not having his camp Jupiter training but muscle memory and instincts to guide him and keep him going
He should have been more separated from Percy, he was not a comparison to Percy and I don't like that was how he was written, I don't have much to say about this but I really didn't like when they both sat at the head of the table
He should have gotten his memories back like percy did, He never got to learn who he was or what he stood for in the past because he never got to get those back, even after the war ended hera/juno didnt return them, which I think would have made a really interesting ending to TLH, or getting them during the quest or something, but he dies without knowing who he was, only a pawn for the gods
Have had mention of him previously, like a picture thalia had and thats why she even agreed to bring annabeth, because she reminded her of jason, or just that she even HAD a little brother so readers could have had a fun plot twist and even more of a heart warming reuniting scene
Adding to that a bit i think thalia and jason really should have had more time together, like maybe in toa mentioning that thalia had been visiting jason when she could to catch up on lost time, to be siblings again and try to live as normally as possible. (off topic but i think the jason/luke comparisons are 50/50, i like others seeing it and Thalia at first but removing the idea immediately because at one point she liked luke and jason is her baby brother)
Let him be awake during fight scenes
I think jason could have grown more, and adapted a mix of fighting, a bit roman, a bit greek, and a bit feral, to match how his life was
when we see him in toa i think it would have been fun to see how much he had grown, experimenting with new styles (maybe a bit more alt considering his older sister, but he was at a boys school so maybe outside of it?) Just, growing into himself and not focusing on the gods as much, he lived and died for them, without much in return
Let us know who his friends were before he lost his memories, like have percy seens people asking around or being asked if he had seen a blonde gut about yae high, named jason, just stuff like that to show he had a community or at least someone who truly cared he was gone
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Ik it was more of a list but yk, also sorry for the lack of punctuation, i forget it exists unless its an excessive amounts of commas, i like commas, and forget to capitalize my I's
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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skynapple · 6 months
Hi! Sorry to bother you but could you tell us (me) the plot of Love and Deepspace? I've seen a lot of tiktoks and tumblr post about the main 3 💦voice lines💦 but now I'm really interested about the plot of the game. I've only read about a Caleb dying in an explosion, Zayne seeing mc die in every timeline (?) and Rafayel being a Lemurian but I still don't know the contexts. I'm asking because I can't spend money on the game so I have no idea. Thank you in advance!!!
*cracks knuckles* Alright Anon.
This story is SO, so rich and deep and I can't even begin to cover it but I will try to be as thorough yet brief as I can for people who are interested!
In a futuristic earth, the audience plays as a new hero in a world of alien invaders. When a sudden tragedy occurs, the world is revealed to be far darker than previously thought, and evil forces seem to be at play behind the scenes. Seeking the truth, our protagonist begins to investigate on her own.
On the outside, the story is about a heroine's journey, and also the internal struggle in seeking revenge and how far she'll go to find answers.
It's really about time loops, alternate universes colliding, and how far will you go for the one you love.
I'm going JUST off the main plot here not the myths or too far into the side stories and trying to avoid the in-game jargon:
About the three love interests in order of proximity to her:
Her childhood friend Zayne is introduced early on as her primary care physician and cardiologist. They spent 8 years apart and only recently reconnected. At this point in the story, he is the one she's closest given that history.
He is outwardly stoic but cares deeply not only about the MC but about people in general. This is widely noted by the hospital staff and patients you encounter.
He has an ice power that he uses sparingly and it's currently unknown whether or not it's because he doesn't have total control over it or because it causes him pain or...?
Secretly good at random things like he studied how to peel an apple perfectly in one go
Is shown to be very thoughtful. Always keeps candy around for MC (and his patients!) (they both have a sweet tooth problem)
Speedran med school (he's 27 good God)
Was a combat medic before taking up his current hospital residency
Plot-wise: he knows the most about MC's heart disease and a little about the evil forces who might be seeking to capture her? To me its obvious he may know a lot more than he lets on but he might be withholding to protect her
Xavier is introduced as a mysterious fellow hunter and colleague who is very powerful. They have odd run-ins and she's initially suspicious of him until his employment and position are confirmed by her supervisor, who seems to trust him greatly. Xavier is very knowledgeable about the antagonist's group (Onychinus, lead by the antagonist named Sylus) and what they are seeking. Proximity wise, he's her work partner and upstairs neighbor but it's unclear how much MC trusts him yet in the current plot.
Many things hint to him having lived a long, long time but his age is unconfirmed (he has mentioned he's around 23)
Has a light superpower, in that he can weaponize and control rays of light. Can also teleport.
Is probably definitely an alien
Has a secret alter-ego as a superhero vigilante called "Lumiere"
Is often shown needing to sleep to recover energy and finding out why killed me dead
Obviously knows more than he lets on
He's a bit standoffish with MC at first but this is revealed to be because he can't let her know too much and it's made clear he's very protective of her and shows up often to rescue her
Has a playful "play dumb" side
Rafayel is a renown artist who is currently living in the same city. He's introduced as somewhat rude and maybe even arrogant. Because of his wealth and popularity, he's targeted by no-gooders and the MC is sent to investigate. She ends up being coerced into being his personal bodyguard-for-hire, in exchange for some information. Rafayel, too, knows more than he lets on and its clear very quickly that he is no ordinary artist. At this point, while they are friendly it's clear that he might be the person she trusts the least (just because she knows the least about him at this point and it's so, so obvious he's hiding a lot).
His paintings are implied to have occasional hypnotic abilities
Is obsessed with the ocean
His special power is fire and it can't be put out by water
Is older than MC
Its revealed to the audience but not MC that he is a Lemurian from the ancient and long gone civilization under the sea (not actually a merman but can and does take the form of one)
Has a strange work partner that may or may not be related to Onychinus but either way he's definitely involved in the underworld somehow
Initially comes off bratty, whiny, and demanding, seemingly thinking only of himself. Overall very over-dramatic
Has a lot of faith in MC for seemingly having just "met her"
Lore-wise: his backstory is very, very deep, tragic, and intriguing where you learn the brattiness is somewhat of an act
The Myths:
Each love interest has an equivalent "mythical" story self, either long, long in the past, long in the future, or simply an alternate world altogether. There's no official word yet on whether they're all connected, or if the myths truly happened. The myths at least add layers and layers to the love interest's personalities and interactions with the MC, at least in showing their deep care and also how they conduct themselves in different circumstances. In each myth, the MC is known to either be romantically involved or wanting to be romantically involved with the corresponding love interest. In all of the myths, the MC has the same heart disease. All the myths have tragic endings.
Rafayel: a former sea god
Xavier: an immortal prince
Zayne: a cursed demigod
About the MC:
The version of her in the main story was adopted by her grandmother-like figure (but no confirmation of true relation) alongside her adoptive brother, Caleb. They fit into the mix for only a brief moment in the story and both die tragically early on in an explosion. This being the event that shakes her world and sets her off on her journey to seek truth of what secrets her grandmother may have been hiding.
Can reincarnate
She's shown to be headstrong, determined, diligent, and a little mischievous.
Her superpower is "resonance" which. I'm still... a little lost on what that means altogether. We do know that she can "connect" and "enhance" other things so in the gameplay by "resonating" with the love interests' powers she can enhance their abilities and make them stronger and maybe even mirror them(??). Don't quote me on this. Anytime she does something I'm like "okk?? I guess she can do that now??"
Her heart is Broken™️ in that she has some kind of disease that only exists in that world. Something struck her heart in a catastrophe when she was young and is now just... lodged itself in there.
Whatever is lodged in her heart is what the evil group (and literally everyone) is seeking.
It's somewhat obvious in the plot that her power is actually going to be crazy OP and strong and that "Only She Has The Power To Save Us All" type of trope
Has a mischievous side
When she wants something, come hell or highwater she's gonna get it
Currently does not have feelings for any of the love interests in the main plot
There you have it!
There's so many layers, so much to uncover, but the main plot is relatively simple so far. The gameplay is fun, and easy. Apparently its similar to Genshin Impact but I've never played that so I can't say!
There's a ton of content on Youtube so if you ever have more questions pls pls bother me I will be glad to send a link or explain more things! My brainrot is spinning so bad.
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skz317cb97 · 2 years
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Chan x Thick female reader
Word count: 9.5k 😬
Synopsis: You can't believe your dumb luck when you see your gorgeous blind date walk in but he seems disinterested in being there during your dinner conversation or lack thereof more like it. You're so ready to leave when the check comes but he offers to drive you home. When Chan finally admits why he was so quiet during the date you have a hard time believing it. Will there be a date number two or were you right about blind dating all along.
A/N: 18+ only! This is the fifth installment of the 'Thick reader series'. I hope you all enjoy this one! I've seen so much feed back on the others about people relating to these mc's and its bitter sweet for me. I'm glad you're all feeling represented and valid but I don't like that it means that we still deal with so much hate and fat phobia in the world. No matter your size you're beautiful and worthy of a beautiful life! If you enjoy this please leave a like, comment, reblog, shoot me an ask what ever! The feedback from this series has been so inspiring! Thank you! As always warnings and smut below the cut.
Warnings: MDNI 18+ ONLY strong language/cursing, oral (f&m receiving), a little spitting, protected piv sex (use condoms kids), praise and pet names (beautiful, baby girl of course), coming in mouth/cum eating. I think that's everything but if I missed something please let me know and I'll add it immediately!
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You had NEVER spent so much time and effort preparing for a date in your life. When your friend Sarah, who had set up the blind date you had agreed to, told you the restaurant you were meeting your date at was the fancy new Italian place, you decided to go all out. If not now; then when? You were perpetually single but it had not been for a lack of trying on your part. You had all but given up on the whole dating thing when Sarah told you about her friend Chan, how he never went out, and how perfect she thought you two would be for each other.  
You didn’t like the idea of blind dates. Going in cold, not knowing what the other person was like or looked like. It seemed like a recipe for disaster, especially for you. You had been on those dates, the ones where the guy you met from whatever random dating app you matched on would walk in, take one look, see you were a thicker girl than they realized and then you would have to sit through the disappointed looks and the forced pleasantries during the only date you would be having with them.  
You were certain Sarah wouldn’t even be friends with a jerk let alone try and set you up on a date with one, so you agreed but she hadn’t told you much about him other than his name was Chan and that he was a nice guy. Had she told him about you? The idea of him walking in and getting another disappointed look made your stomach turn with anxiety. It was one of the reasons you had stopped dating in the first place and it was also another reason you went all out getting ready. You trusted Sarah and if she thought you would be good together you wanted to make the best first impression you could. 
The day before your date you went to the spa and got pampered, a facial, mani, pedi, waxed, the works. The day of, you took a long hot shower to try and relieve a little of the stress you were still feeling. You dried your hair and put it up in a bun, you didn’t bother with the tendrils of hair that wouldn’t go back, just letting them fall around your neck and face. Your makeup wasn’t too over the top but you did highlight and contour. A little blush, black wing liner, some mascara, and a bright red lip and you were done with makeup.  
It was time to put on the dress you’d gone out and bought especially for the occasion. Normally you’d grab whatever little black dress you managed to feel comfortable enough in. This time you had found a wine-colored velvet bodycon dress. Definitely WAY out of your comfort zone typically but when you tried it on it fit you perfectly, which didn’t happen often for a big girl in a department store, so you decided you had to have it. You put on your black heels, a spray of your expensive perfume, that you only pulled out for special occasions, and you were out the door and headed to the restaurant you were meeting Chan at. 
That’s where you were at now. Seated at a table in probably the most elegant restaurant you had ever stepped foot in, waiting on your date that was now... you looked at the clock by the bar area. Twenty minutes late. You bit at your painted lips nervously and felt like everyone's eyes were on you. Watching the poor chubby girl wait for a date that was most likely, not showing up. They weren’t watching but it didn’t make you feel any less embarrassed. You told yourself you’d give him ten more minutes and if he didn’t show you would just leave. No way were you staying to eat if you got stood up by this guy.
About five minutes later you saw a man walking at a quick pace into the restaurant and up to the hostess. You were positive, no question, he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen. He was in all black. A nice tailored pair of slacks that fit him perfectly, a suit vest, a suit jacket, and a little silver chain connecting the two that matched the chain and earrings he was wearing. He had no shirt and the low cut of the vest allowed a healthy view of his chiseled chest underneath. You were positive about another thing, there was no way HE was be the date Sarah had set you up with.  
When the hostess pointed over to your table and the man’s eyes followed her finger until they landed on you, your heart stopped. He looked you over and when his face fell your stomach turned. Fantastic. Not only was your worst nightmare happening but it was happening with an Adonis. Perfect. You half expected him to turn around and just leave but he made his way over to the table you were at. The closer he got, the better you could see the finer details of his face. His perfectly arched eyebrows, his soft brown eyes, his strong broad nose and his full pouty lips, his defined jaw. When he gave you a half smile you saw a dimple pop up in his cheek and his perfect white teeth peek. He was so handsome he couldn’t possibly be real. 
“y/n? I’m Chan, I uh... I’m so sorry I’m late.” You stood and took his hand to shake. He awkwardly leaned in and gave you a quick peck on the cheek. He seemed to be looking anywhere BUT at you. 
“Yes, hi Chan it’s nice to meet you. Sarah has told me such nice things about you.” He let out a little nervous laugh. 
“Oh, has she?” No, she really hadn’t but you gave a small nod and sat back down as Chan sat in the chair across from you. 
“She really didn’t tell me much about you.” Chan admitted. You cringed. Great. You shrugged and gave him a weak smile. 
“Oh, probably because there isn’t really much to tell.” He nodded quietly and opened the menu. When the waiter came over for your drink orders Chan quickly ordered. 
“Whiskey on ice. A double please.” You stopped yourself from chewing at your lips again as the waiter turned to you for your order. 
“Oh, just a glass of red wine for me and a water please.” The waiter bowed and left to fill your drink orders leaving you and Chan in awkward silence again. When you looked up from your menu Chan actually made eye contact with you for a split second before looking back at his own menu again. He didn’t seem to want to talk, didn’t want to look at you, what were you even doing there. It was going even worse than you thought it would and you could practically feel the disappointment oozing from him. When the waiter came back with your drinks Chan grabbed his and drank most of it quickly. God, he has to be drunk to even sit here, you thought to yourself. This was a mistake. You felt a lump forming in your throat and you cleared it, unintentionally getting Chan’s attention.  
“I uh... will you excuse me for a moment.” Chan’s eyes were on his menu again already and he nodded in reply. You pressed your lips together tightly and excused yourself to the bathroom. As soon as you were alone in a stall you couldn’t help but let a few tears go. You were so embarrassed. This is exactly what you worried about, exactly why you had stopped dating. Even putting in all the effort you had to look nice, he was clearly disappointed and you wondered how the hell Sarah thought this was a good idea. You sniffled a bit, wiped the couple of tears you had allowed to fall, pulled out your phone and called her. She answered quickly, excited for an update. 
“Hey girl! How’s the date? He’s cute yea?” You took a shaky breath trying to compose yourself so you didn’t start bawling the minute you spoke and she could tell you were upset. 
“Hey hey hey, what’s wrong?!” She asked concerned. 
“It’s terrible Sarah! Why on earth did you think HE would be interested in ME?! He was almost thirty minutes late and he looks so disappointed and barely talks and won’t look at me. It's awful Sarah, I knew this would happen. We haven’t ordered food yet; I think I’m just gonna leave. I’m not forcing him to stay on a date he clearly doesn’t want to be on. I can’t sit through another date like that.” Sarah quickly tried to talk you out of that idea. 
“No no, don’t do that. He’s just shy, give him a bit to warm up to you. I swear if you just give him a chance you’ll see.” You let out a sigh. 
“Fine.” You hung up with Sarah, left the stall, and went back to the table. When you sat down Chan gave you a strange look. 
“Everything okay?” You kept your head down but nodded and picked up your menu again. Shortly after coming back to the table the waiter came over for your food orders. Chan ordered some pasta dish with vodka? You weren’t sure, spaghetti and alfredo were the expanse of your knowledge when it came to pasta dishes. Then the waiter turned to you for your order. 
“Uh, I’ll have the salad with balsamic vinaigrette.” You closed your menu and Chan gave you a funny look. 
“That’s all?” You nodded again, making no effort to make eye contact anymore and handed your menu to the waiter. 
“Yes sorry, I don’t have much of an appetite.” That was a lie. You hadn’t eaten all day letting your nerves get the best of you. You were starving but eating a big meal in front of someone that seemed put out by you didn’t sound that appealing. You sat in relative silence as you both waited on your food and Chan ordered another whiskey. You picked at the napkin by your plate and did your best to not look dejected but it was difficult and the tightness in your chest getting was getting worse as every awkward minute passed. You were thankful when the food showed up because at least then you’d have a reason to not be speaking to each other.  
Chan dug into his pasta dish, which did look good. He seemed to have a healthy appetite. You took a few bites of your salad and pushed the rest around your plate as you finished your third glass of wine. As Chan finished up his meal you asked to be excused again. He finished the bite he had in his mouth quickly. 
“Of course.” You got up and made your way to the bathroom to gather yourself a bit and freshen up your lipstick. As soon as you were in the bathroom you called Sarah again. 
“Hey! So?” You sighed heavily. 
“Just... when I’m making you sit on the phone with me later while I cry about this just deal with it okay?” Sarah felt bad that it wasn’t going well. She had really thought the two of you would hit it off. 
“Later, you can cry on the phone with me as much as you need. I’m sorry. I love you sweetie.” You took another deep breath. 
“Don’t apologize, I love you too. I’ve gotta get back.” You both said your goodbyes and hung up. Before you left you looked in the mirror to do your lipstick and you noticed the slight trail of mascara under your eyes from crying earlier. Oh great! No wonder he asked if you were okay. You fought off the urge to cry again, wiped the mascara off from under your eyes, and fixed your lipstick before heading back to the table to get the rest of this over with. Chan was putting his phone away as you came back to sit down. 
“I ordered you another glass of wine.” You nodded and gave Chan a weak smile. 
“Thank you.” Whatever helped get you through the rest of this absolute train wreck. 
“The waiter asked about dessert, I wasn’t sure... I mean you didn’t eat much of your dinner,” Chan pointed at your plate. 
“So, I wasn’t sure if you wanted sweets.” You shook your head no. 
“No, it’s fine, when he comes back we can just pay the check. I’m sure you’re ready to go.” Chan frowned. You had been upset the whole date. 
“Okay, while you finish your wine, I’ll pay the tab.” You declined the offer. 
“No. I hardly ate my food.” And drank half a bottle of wine, you had thought to yourself.  
“You don’t have to pay for me, I can get my own.” Chan raised his hand shaking his head. 
“No. Let me please. It’s the least I can do for being late.” You went ahead and accepted not wanting to drag out an awkward argument about the bill any further. Your wine came and Chan gave the waiter his card to pay the bill. You sat there sipping your drink and realized Chan seemed to be watching you closely now. You glanced up and when you made eye contact you straightened up a bit and he smiled at you. You forced a smile back but it was obvious that it was not genuine and Chan felt awful. 
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Chan NEVER dated. Ever and all his friends knew that. So, when Sarah told him she knew someone that would be perfect for him he agreed to a blind date, trusting her. He was on edge as soon as he found out you had agreed to the date as well. He couldn’t sleep the night before and he thought he might puke day of he was so nervous. When he went to get dressed it was a disaster, even with his friend Felix’s help. 
“Black black black why the fuck is everything I own black. FUCK. I’m gonna look like an undertaker no matter what I wear.” Felix laughed at Chan. 
“It’s your closet man don’t ask me. Besides that, you look good in black.” After Chan rifled through the closet frustrated a bit longer Felix walked over and pushed Chan out of the way. 
“Okay maniac, where are you going for dinner again?” Chan huffed out a breath. 
“That fancy new Italian place. Sarah picked it.” Felix nodded and shifted through the sea of black clothing hanging in front of him pulling out a black pair of slacks, a black vest, a black suit jacket and pushed them towards Chan. 
“Here. This.” Chan looked at the clothes and then at Felix. 
“What about a shirt.” Felix quirked and eye brow and shook his head. 
“Trust me, no shirt, just that. No way you’ll look like an undertaker in that.” Chan was about to argue but then he noticed the clock. 
“FUCK! I’m supposed to be there now!” He pushed Felix out of his room, quickly got dressed and raced to the restaurant. When Chan was walking up, he had glanced through the window trying to see if he could spot his date. At one of the tables, he saw a woman in a red dress, her hair up in an elegant looking bun and delicate whisps of hair around her face and neck. Chan’s jaw dropped. He shook his head and got himself together, he wouldn’t be that lucky, your husband must be in the bathroom. He got it together and headed in, he didn’t want to keep his date waiting any longer. He hurried in and straight up to the hostess station. 
“I’m so sorry, I’m meeting someone and I’m running a bit late. The reservation is for Chan and y/n?” The hostess nodded, smiling. 
“Yes, sir the rest of your party is already seated, just over there.” The hostess pointed in the direction of the table where the woman in the red dress was and Chan’s face fell. You were even more stunning than he’d realized. You were clearly, naturally, very beautiful and all dressed up like that, Chan was speechless. He gave you a little smile as he walked over. 
He had gotten as far as introducing himself and apologizing and then he was trying to be smooth and kiss your cheek but got nervous half way in and only gave you a quick peck. Even then he couldn’t get himself to look you in the eyes again after. When you said Sarah had said nice things about him, he felt a little cheated. 
“She didn’t tell me much about you.” He admitted. Sarah hadn’t really told him anything about you other than a name, you were sweet and that you would hit it off.  
“Oh, probably because there isn’t really much to tell.” He picked up the menu thinking about what to say to strike up a conversation, drawing a total blank and just nodding. It was like his brain went into fight or flight and one hundred percent chose flight. The waiter came over for your drink orders and Chan nervously blurted his order out quickly, then immediately realized he probably should have let you order first, like a gentleman. He was internally kicking himself.  
As soon as his drink touched the table Chan grabbed it and almost downed it all in one go. He noticed you glancing at him and that was the only reason he hadn’t. He didn’t want you to think he was a drunk. He rarely drank actually, but he needed something to take the edge off and maybe loosen him up a bit too. You were so pretty he was having a hard time making his brain work. He was always bad at talking to pretty girls. You took a sip of your wine and then excused yourself to the bathroom. 
Chan was waiting patiently for you to come back from the bathroom and he was determined to loosen up a bit and stop acting so weird. You’re just an incredibly attractive woman, he can talk to you, he can. Then his phone vibrated in his pocket. When he took it out, he saw he had a text from Sarah and he opened it.  
Sarah: What the fuck are you doing? 
Chan: What do you mean? 
Chan: Nothing! I swear! What’s wrong? 
The three little dots popped up as Sarah typed out her response but you were coming back to the table before Chan could get a reply. He put his phone back in his pocket. When you sat down, he noticed your mascara had run a bit, it looked like maybe you had been crying.  
“Everything okay?” You had nodded your head yes but Chan knew it wasn’t. He was being too quiet, he knew he was, but every time he thought he’d worked up the courage to start a conversation or ask a question he’d look up at you and lose his confidence just as fast. The waiter came over and took your meal orders. Chan got penne alla vodka because it was the only thing he actually knew on the menu and only because of a cooking show and you ordered a salad.  
“Is that all?” Chan was surprised. He’d been so nervous all day he hadn’t eaten a thing so he was starving now. He had thought maybe you would have been as well but you apologized saying you weren’t very hungry. Chan nodded and motioned for the waiter to order another whiskey. He could tell you were not happy with how the date was going. That was obvious. Sarah had probably promised some interesting outgoing guy, the guy Sarah knew and saw, and here he was too shy to talk to a beautiful girl. He had managed to say maybe twenty words the whole time you had waited for your meals. Mostly answers to your basic questions, trying to pull conversation from him. 
When the food showed up you both seemed thankful for the distraction. Chan was starving, he couldn’t wait another second and started eating. He tried not to scarf it down like a stray dog. Which was hard because it was really good. You seemed to not be very interested in your meal and Chan wondered if you just didn’t like eating around people you don’t know. Some people were like that. Chan was getting to the end of his plate, there was definitely enough that it should have been two bites but it was just so good. Chan scooped it up and ate it all in one. 
“I’m just gonna freshen up, if you’ll excuse me.” The first words uttered since the food arrived and Chan’s mouth was full. He felt like an idiot. He chewed his bite quickly. 
“Of course.” You left for the bathroom and Chan wiped his mouth rolling his eyes at himself. The waiter came over and asked about dessert for the two of you. Chan wasn’t sure. You might be more interested in something sweet. He decided to wait and ask you but ordered you both another drink. When the waiter walked away Chan’s phone buzzed and he had remembered that Sarah had been texting him. He grabbed it and opened their texts. He saw the one she sent from before first. 
Sarah: TALK to her! She thinks you’re not interested. I saw how she looked tonight, Chan. You’d be stupid not to be interested. TALK! 
When he saw the next texts that had just come through from Sarah, he felt awful. 
Sarah: Chan, I can’t believe you! She’s so upset! Why don’t you like her? You haven’t even given her a chance and really talked to her! 
Sarah: If she actually cries on the phone with me tonight because of you, I’m punching you. 
Oh no! You weren’t upset because Chan was an awkward dork you were upset because you thought he didn’t like you! How could he not? He didn’t have a chance to message Sarah back before you were coming back to the table again. When you sat down Chan tried to be more outgoing immediately.  
“I ordered you another glass of wine.” Chan noticed you had cleaned up the mascara from earlier. 
“Thank you.” He was determined to not let this whole date go down in flames because he was too shy to talk to a beautiful woman. 
“The waiter asked about dessert, I wasn’t sure... I mean you didn’t eat much of your dinner,” Chan pointed at your plate. 
“So, I wasn’t sure if you wanted sweets.” You shook your head no. 
“No, it’s fine, when he comes back, we can just get the check. I’m sure you’re ready to go.” Chan hated the fact that he made you feel that he was put out or disinterested.  
“Okay, while you finish your wine, I’ll pay the tab.” You immediately said no. 
“No. I hardly ate my food. You don’t have to pay for me, I can get my own.” Chan wasn’t going to take no for an answer on this. 
“No. Let me please. It’s the least I can do for being late.” Chan was glad when you agreed without further argument. The waiter came over with your drinks. Chan handed him his card and told him he just needed the bill. As the waiter walked away you picked up your glass of wine and sipped at it and Chan finally allowed himself to look at you, not just glance, but really look. God you were gorgeous, it unnerved him but he had to get over that. You noticed him looking and looked up at him. Chan smiled but the smile you gave him back was so forced it made him feel awful. The waiter came back with Chan’s card and you started to get up to leave while Chan was still signing the receipt. 
“Thank you for dinner Chan, it was nice meeting you.” You bowed as Chan finished signing quickly and stood up. 
“Oh, it was really nothing at all. Did you drive?” You shook your head. 
“No uber.” Chan squeezed the back of his neck trying to release the tension he felt. 
“Well, uh... I could take you home.” He’s a nice guy. You were sure he was only offering to be polite, so you would be polite and not make him. 
“It's fine I can just uber, you can go. I won’t have to wait long.” Chan shook his head. 
“Let me make sure you get home safely. To make up for being late.” You didn’t know why he was so adamant about it. Wasn’t the dinner awkward enough? You needed to have an awkward car ride too? 
“That’s why you paid for dinner.” You reminded him. Oh that was right. That was why you had let him pay for dinner. 
“Well then just for my peace of mind. Please?” He gave you this look and even as uncomfortable as the dinner had been, he was trying to be nice and it was a face you couldn’t say no to. 
“Okay Chan. You can take me home.” He put his hand behind you but not on you and offered for you to lead the way. Once you were outside he pointed to a black Fiat compact. You looked at the car and then him. You wouldn’t have guessed a man that looked like such a playboy, was driving that car like that. 
“What?” He asked smiling. You shook your head. 
“Nothing just... I expected you to drive a Mercedes or Maserati or something.” Chan scrunched his nose. 
“Nah never. I don’t need all that. Wade here is plenty of car for me.” He tapped the top of the car. It was your turn to make a funny face. 
“Wade?” Chan nodded with a little smile on his face. 
“Yea! A car has gotta have a name!” He opened your door and helped you into the vehicle then hurried around and got in the driver's seat. He closed his door and it was a bit intoxicating being in such a confined space with him. You could smell his cologne and you were close enough you could make out a few little freckles on his face. You didn’t realize but you had started staring. You couldn’t help it. He was so handsome. It was easy to get lost in the details of his facial features. Chan looked over at you and gave you a little smile. He seemed to have loosened up a little and had said more than he had the whole night, walking to the car.  
“So! Where are we going?” He asked as he started the car. You gave him your address and he typed it into his navigation before taking off. Silence filled the car but it wasn’t as awkward of a silence as before. Maybe because there was music softly playing or maybe because he had opened up a bit. Whatever the reason it didn’t seem as tense to you. Chan on the other hand was doing a marvelous job at pretending to not be freaking out. He had managed to talk to you and not come off like a complete idiot. It only took as long as pulling out of the parking lot though, when Chan could smell your perfume, it started to invade his senses. Part of his brain was ready to go flight on him again but by the time he pulled up to your place he’d gotten control of his faculties. He parked the car and sat for a minute trying to figure out where to start with his apology for his odd behavior at dinner. Just as he was about to, you spoke. 
“Well, thank you for the ride home Chan and again for dinner. Have a good night.” You started to open your car door and Chan was quickly losing his chance. 
“I’m sorry!” He just blurted it out, shouted it really. You jumped a little and your hand fell away from the door. You turned to him with a confused look on your face. 
“For what?” He was a nice guy, you figured it was a ‘sorry you’re just not my type’ kind of apology. 
“I’m sorry for being so quiet during dinner. I... I don’t date. EVER. I was worried.... I mean, well, I can be kind of a dork.” You scoffed and looked at him incredulously. 
“A dork? Do you see yourself?! Who on earth... you’re a walking Korean Ken doll okay? You could be the biggest nerd on the planet and I don’t think it would bother anyone. Certainly not me.” Chan looked down at himself. He was in such a hurry when he left since he was late, he really hadn’t taken a good look at the outfit he had put on. He was usually in gym clothes or sweats and hoodies, baggy clothes that didn’t show his body at all. He hadn’t even thought about what he looked like in the outfit Felix had picked him, he had just hoped he looked nice. Apparently, Felix had chosen well by your words. Chan laughed a little nodding. 
“Fair enough but never the less I hurt your feelings so I should apologize.” You shook your head and furrowed your brow. 
“You didn’t-” Chan raised one of his perfect eyebrows at you. 
“Sarah texted me when you were in the bathroom.” Oh you were going to kill her. 
“Oh.” You looked down and picked at your finger nails. 
“Even if she hadn’t though, I... noticed a little mascara under your eyes when you came back from the bathroom.” You buried your head in your hands hiding your face as it turned red in embarrassment. 
“If I made you cry y/n I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I’m just... I’m really shy and it’s worse around pretty women.” You rolled your eyes and huffed a hard breath out. 
“Right. Okay your apology is accepted but you don’t have to pander to me.” Chan didn’t know what you meant. 
“Wha... pander?” You pressed your fingers into your eyes. 
“Yes. You can say you’re not attracted to me. It was just one blind date together. I’ll survive.” Chan thought he was doing a good job at expressing how sorry he was for giving you the wrong impression. Clearly, he wasn’t doing as good of a job as he’d thought. 
“I... I’m not pandering.” His tone changed, his voice was quieter, his eyes were cast down at his steering wheel and he wrung his hands. 
“I’ve been nervous since Sarah said she had a friend she wanted me to meet. She knows I don’t go out so if she was suggesting I meet a friend of hers, I knew it was probably going to be someone worthwhile. I trust Sarah. I am attracted to you y/n. Very much so and if you’ll give me a second chance, I’d like to actually talk some, get to know you, and maybe... go out again?” He wanted to see you again, after that disaster of a date?! 
“You want to go out again?” You asked shocked and he nodded looking at you hopeful. 
“Can I be frank with you?” Chan asked and you shook your head. 
“I saw you through the window as I was walking up and I thought, God whoever she’s there with is a lucky bastard. I was positive I was not that lucky bastard. Then I walked in and the hostess pointed right over at your table and I realized holy shit! I am! You’re so beautiful y/n and I have no doubt if your friends with Sarah you’re a good person. Sarah doesn’t have the patience to deal with assholes. Well except me.” You put your hand on Chan’s, he looked over at you again and you shook your head at him. 
“You’re not an asshole.” Chan smiled at you and his dimples popped out making you smile back. 
“Look, I know it wasn’t the original date but I have a little roof top garden and a bottle of wine. If you want to come up, we can sit and talk for a little while? Get to know each other?” Chan’s smile grew times ten, scrunching his eyes up into little crescents. 
“Absolutely! I’d love to!” You both got out of the car and you lead Chan to your building. When you walked into your condo you kicked off your heels and let your hair down. Chan couldn’t help but watch your every move, just being in your space, you already seemed more relaxed. When you looked over and noticed him staring at you butterflies erupted in your stomach. When Chan saw you look he started scanning the room like he had been looking at the décor of your apartment and you smiled to yourself a bit. 
“Would you mind grabbing the wine from the fridge while I get the glasses?” Chan’s attention was drawn back to you by your question and he nodded. 
“Oh sure!” Chan followed you into your kitchen and grabbed the wine like you asked, when he turned back around he saw you reaching on your tip toes for the glasses that were just out of your reach. Your dress riding up a bit exposing more of your thighs and he was distracted for a split second before he came up behind you and reached up easily with his long arms. Chan grabbed two of them between his fingers by the stem. He was so close to you so he could reach them; his chest pressed up against you. You could feel his warmth of his exposed chest against your back and smell his cologne again. 
“Here, I’ve got these too. You lead the way.” You were blushing when he stepped back and smiled at him. You led him through your living room grabbing the throw blanket off the back of your couch on the way out. 
“Just in case, sometimes it can get a little breezy up there.” You slid on your house shoes, opened the window to your fire escape, and lead Chan up to the section of the roof you were permitted your garden. He stepped through a latticed arch way and it was like he was in a mini paradise in the middle the city. Chan couldn’t believe it. 
“You... you did all this?!” You nodded shyly. 
“I don’t really do much to it these days honestly, it kind of takes care of its self for the most part now.” Chan’s eyes were overwhelmed by the colors of the flowers the way they weaved together creating a private oasis. In the middle was a wide flat swing with an overstuffed cushion. You walked over to it and tossed the blanket on before crawling on yourself. 
“Give me those and you get on.” Chan handed you the bottle and then the glasses and kicked off his shoes as he climbed on to the unusual swing. When he got settled, he looked at you and smiled the biggest toothy smile. It made you melt inside. He grabbed the bottle of wine and started to open it, pouring you both a glass. 
“What even is this thing?” Chan laughed. 
“It’s just a swing. I come up here to read and stargaze, think, I like doing those things laying down so...” You motioned to the swing and Chan nodded in understanding. 
“I love it.” He exclaimed. You blushed as Chan put the cork back in the bottle and leaned over to set it on the ground. You handed him one of the glasses and then the conversation just seemed to flow out of the two of you. Careers, hobbies, siblings, what you envisioned with your futures, you talked about everything. As the two of you talked you both got more comfortable, more relaxed, sitting closer together. Then Chan’s hand sneakily found yours and he gently played with your fingers as you both continued on and on, music, movies, books. You started getting cold and Chan put the blanket you brought around your bare shoulders, then mustered up all his courage and put his arm around you too, warming you. Your cheeks flushed and you smiled leaning into his body more and you both continued to talk.  
Eventually Chan’s legs were stretched out and he was leaning back on his hands looking up at the stars. You were curled up with the blanket your head resting on one of his thighs looking up at the night sky too. Somehow you both were still asking questions, laughing, learning about each other’s likes and dislikes. It had been the most tense, awkward date in the beginning and now all you could think about was how you had probably never been so comfortable around a date, ever. You noticed your phone light up and grabbed it pressing the button, lighting up the screen. 
“Oh wow! It’s midnig- Oh shit. Do you have missed texts and calls from Sarah?” Chan grabbed his phone and looked. 
“Yeap. We’re in big trouble I’m guessing.” You nodded and pressed the call button by her name. It rang once, maybe, and she answered. 
“What the hell!? I’ve been worried sick!” You felt bad that you had forgotten to text her and let her know you were okay. 
“I’m sorry! Chan brought me home and we’re up in the garden having some wine and we lost track of time. I’m so sorry I made you worry Sarah.” She was instantly calmer knowing you were okay and even happier that it sounded like you and Chan had finally clicked. 
“Wait, he’s still there?” She asked with a hint of suggestion in her voice. 
“Yeeeaaasss....” That was all you said with Chan sitting right there. 
“Mhmm. Be safe, have fun.” You rolled your eyes and hung up on your friend. Chan smiled at you and it was as if stars had fallen from the sky and into his eyes. 
“Why do you look at me like that?” Chan’s smile transformed into a smirk. 
“Like what?” You shrugged unsure of how to word it. 
“Like... I’m so... interesting to you.” Chan scooted in closer to you again and twirled a bit of your hair between two fingers. 
“You are interesting y/n...” You nudged him shaking your head, not accepting the non-answer. 
“I look at you like that y/n. Because you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life. I saw exactly why Sarah thought I would like you as soon as I laid eyes on you and now getting to really talk to you, getting to know you, I knew I was right to trust her. You’re talented and intelligent, kind hearted and I just really feel like I grazed over that beautiful part at first.” Your face got warm. You couldn’t help but smile and you were about to look away when Chan cupped your face, leaned in, and kissed you gently. You were surprised at first. Even with the hand holding and cuddling, you hadn’t really expected him to kiss you. His lips were soft and warm, you leaned into them. He pulled back quickly keeping it respectful. 
“I’m sorry I... I just had to do that once tonight.” You smiled and pushed a piece of Chan’s hair that had fallen forward back before running your fingers softly down the side of his face and holding his strong jaw in your palm looking into his beautiful deep brown eyes. 
“Only once?” The dimple popping smile appeared on his face before he leaned in and kissed you again. This time both of your lips parted and slotted together. He tasted like the wine you both had drank. The tip of his tongue teased your bottom lip and you opened your mouth, deepening the kiss as your fingers carded through his hair and you held on. The two of you carried on for a bit. Lips and tongues battling for dominance, hands roaming over clothes until Chan pulled away. 
“I’m sorry. I am, I’m trying to be respectful. I don’t want you to feel like I’m trying to pressure you but if we keep at this I... I might just lose my mind.” You sat up on your knees moving closer to Chan letting the blanket fall off your shoulders. You ran your hands across his broad shoulders, sliding your fingers up his neck and into his hair at the nape of his neck, you leaned in kissing him again. Chan closed his eyes and kissed you back. You started to lay back, pulling Chan on top of you. When he realized what you were doing, he stopped again. 
“y/n... we don’t... I didn’t say that so you would-” You pulled him down into another kiss silencing him before stopping and looking him in the eyes. 
“I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I don’t normally act like this but you are not pressuring me Chan. Anything we do tonight is because we both want to. Okay?” Chan shook his head before leaning down and tentatively kissing you again. It didn’t take long for your make out session to get heated again. Chan’s lips traveled down your jaw and neck leaving a warm wet trail of kisses against your skin. Chan’s lips met yours again in a fiery kiss and when his hips involuntarily pressed into yours you moaned into the kiss. 
“God you are so beautiful... you sound so sexy... can’t believe... can’t believe I’m touching you, kissing you...” Chan said between kissing you. Your hands went under Chan’s blazer and pushed it off.  
“More... fuck... please... more Chan.” Chan pulled at the top of your dress, pulling it down and freeing your full breasts, pleasantly surprised to find you braless. He stopped and looked at you before touching you, wanting to be sure you were okay with every step of what was happening. You gave Chan a little nod and his big hands cupped your bare breasts as he attacked your neck and chest with his lips and teeth. Your fingers found purchase in his hair again and tugged a bit when his pouty lips wrapped around one of your nipples and sucked on it. When it was perked and hard Chan let go and ran his flattened tongue over it. 
“Chan that feels really good. God!” He hummed around your other nipple as he sucked on it, then let go and teased it with the tip of his tongue. 
“You taste so good baby girl.” Your core throbbed at the sudden use of the pet name. He looked at you and raised that perfect eye brow at you again. 
“Could... could I taste... more?” Your legs instinctively wanted to press together at the idea of Chan’s head between your thighs. Your face and chest started turning red. 
“You mean...” Chan was not about to mince words anymore after the first half of the date. 
“I wanna go down on you. Will you let me eat you out? You don’t have to do anything to me, I just...” 
“Yes.” Chan stopped rambling immediately. 
“Yea?” You bit your bottom lip and nodded, smiling at him. Chan crawled down, his hands running down your body over your dress. When he got to the hem at the bottom, he gathered it under his thumbs and slowly started pushing the skirt up, exposing your white lacy panties. A wet patch already visible making them a little see-through allowing Chan a glimpse of your slit. You had never been so happy you had waxed as his fingers traced up your panties before hooking into them and sliding them down and off. You pressed your legs together and your hands came down covering yourself. Chan ran his hands gently up and down your soft thighs giving them a little squeeze.  
“Do you have any idea how beautiful you really are y/n?” You shook your head no biting your lips nervously. Chan grabbed your hands moving them away and spreading your legs so he could see how wet you were for him and then smirked. 
“Let me show you.” His lips made contact with your throbbing sex and it made your hips jerk. One of Chan’s hands splayed out on your soft tummy holding your down as his other reached and teased one of your nipples. 
“God! Chan! Oh my god that feels...” before you could tell him how well he was doing his lips puckered around your clit and he hummed in delight at the sounds you made when he started sucking on it. Between him sucking on your clit and the vibrations from him humming, you couldn’t help but try and grind up against his face, even as he firmly held you down. His free hand traveled back down your plush skin before spreading your lips. Chan stuck his tongue out and started going back and forth between a quick flicking motion with the tip and flat wet stripes before gently sucking your clit again. You gripped the cushion of the swing tightly as you felt the string inside you tighten. 
“I’m... I’m gonna... Chan... please. Don’t, don’t stop.” Your words were a breathy whisper as you begged him to push you over the precipice. He grunted with no intention on stopping, in fact your pleas made him eager to get you to your climax that much faster. The way he started going at your pussy was messy but with precision and with a flick of his tongue your world exploded. 
“Ooooooh my... fuck. Chan... fuck. I’m coming!” He slowed down and continued kissing and licking you as you twitched and shuddered through the remnants of your orgasm. When you relaxed and let out a deep breath Chan climbed back up next to you and smiled looking down at you flustered and blushing from coming. His fingers traced across your breasts gently, teasing your nipples. 
“That was so sexy baby girl. I love the way you sound when you moan my name.” He kissed your neck by your ear and it tickled, making you turn your head and look at him. He pushed a few stray hairs out of your face and you leaned up and kissed him. You sat up, gently pushing Chan to lay back and he pulled away from the kiss as you started to get between his legs. 
“You don’t have to...” You made him lay back and straddled his thighs as you started undoing the buttons of his vest, pushing it open but not off and running your hands down Chan’s firm chest and abs stopping at the waist of his pants. 
“Chan? Do you want a blow job?” Your fingers toyed with his belt a little. He swallowed hard and his ears turned bright red as he shook his head. 
“Yes. Please.” You unbuckled his belt, undid the button of his pants, slid his zipper down and Chan’s heart was already ready to beat out of his chest. You grabbed on to the waist of his pants and underwear and Chan lifted his hips up so you could pull them down. His cock sprung free from his briefs and was already so hard from just the thought of your mouth on it. You tossed Chan’s pants and underwear aside a little and kneeled next to him. He sat up a little, his fingers weaved through your hair and pulled you into another kiss. As he was distracted by kissing you your fingers gently wrapped around his shaft. Chan broke the kiss as his head fell back between his shoulders. 
“So soft. Your hands are so soft.” You squeezed him gently and started to stroke him a bit. He was the perfect size, fit nicely in your hand and above average length. You really wanted to know what he tasted like. You leaned over his cock and let a little spit drip from your mouth onto the head and spread it down his length. Chan groaned and laid the rest of the way back as you took him into your warm mouth. 
“Mmyes your mouth feels so fucking good.” He looked down at you and gathered all of your hair up, holding it away from your face so he could see his cock disappearing into your mouth again and again. Your head bobbed and Chan helped set the rhythm as you struggled to take him deeper. 
“Stick your tongue out baby, you’ll be able to take more. Fuck! You’re sucking me so well beautiful.” You did as Chan said and stuck your tongue out allowing a little extra room in the back of your throat for his cock. You gagged a little and pulled off. He kept your hair pulled back out of your face as you looked up at him and stroked him. He grabbed your hand stopping you before he came. Chan sat up and pulled you into another passionate kiss, his tongue invading your mouth immediately. He held your face and pushed his plump lips against yours softly again and again.  
“I... I want you y/n. If you don’t want to, if this is as far as you want to go tonight, that’s fine but... just... FUCK I really want you baby girl.” He grabbed your hand and weaved his fingers through yours looking at the intertwined limbs as he confessed how badly he wanted you. You pushed his hair back out of his face again. It was messy from you running your fingers through it before and his edges were starting to curl a bit from the light sweat on his forehead and temples. You ran your hand down the side of his face and he closed his eyes. 
“Do you have a condom?” It was a whisper but Chan heard it clearly. His eyes shot back open and he looked at you to make sure he actually heard what he was sure he had. You sat there on your knees your dress bunched around your midsection, biting your lip giving Chan the sweetest doe eyes. He took in every inch of you, every soft curve, every plush bit of flesh exposed to his eyes was drank in. He shook his head and you quirked an eyebrow at him. 
“Not that I thought... well I just... I was a boy scout. Always prepared you know?” You laughed a little. 
“It’s okay, grab it?” Chan relaxed again and leaned over, grabbing his slacks and pulling 3 foil wrappers out of his pocket and tearing one off, tossing the others to the side. You laid back and spread your legs looking at Chan and he was certain he’d died and gone to heaven. 
“I want you Chan. Please.” He wasn’t going to make you beg, no. He ripped the condom open and rolled it down his length before grabbing your soft hips and pulling you closer so that he was nestled in between your thick thighs. You looked down and watched as Chan grabbed his cock and rubbed the head through your folds, collecting your arousal before slowly pushing the tip inside you. Your mouth fell open in a silent cry as you watched him slowly bury himself into you until his hips were flush against yours. 
“Fuck! So tight, fuck! I need a second.” You nodded and ran your hands up and down Chan’s abs trying to help him relax a little. He closed his eyes and slowly started thrusting into you and it felt divine. His length and curve made it so he easily hit your g spot. Chan’s rhythm picked up and he grabbed a hold of your dress using it for leverage as he fucked you harder. Your breasts bouncing with each thrust of his hips into yours. 
“Feel so good Chan fuck! Harder, please!” Chan grabbed one of your breasts with his free hand, still gripping your dress around your midsection tightly, pulling you back on to his cock in tandem with every push of his hips. It felt so good but you knew you wouldn’t be able to cum like that. 
“Chan, need... fuck!” Chan slowed down rolling his hips as he continued to fuck you. 
“Need what baby girl what do you need?” You pulled him down to kiss you and welcomed his tongue tasting you again. His hips pushed into you deeper and deeper making it difficult to form the words. 
“Top... on top.” Chan smiled down at you, half fucked out underneath him. 
“You wanna ride my cock beautiful?” You nodded. 
“Fuck! Yes please!” Chan pulled out of you and laid back on the swing patting his hips. 
“Come on and ride it then baby girl.” You sat up and straddled Chan’s waist reaching back, aligning his cock with your entrance and sinking down almost taking him fully. His hands gripped your plump ass and eased you down on him the rest of the way. 
“Oh my god Chan! Yes! Fuck!” Chan squeezed your ass and started grinding you back and forth on his dick.  
“Such a good girl, fuck! Riding me so well beautiful. Does it feel good?” You braced yourself, putting your palms flat against Chan’s abs as your started riding him on your own. His hands now resting on your full hips as he watched his cock disappear between your thick ass thighs. His cock hit your g spot perfectly and the added pressure to your clit from grinding against his pubic bone had your pussy dripping. It was wet and messy and hot. 
“So fucking full Chan, you fill me up so good!” Chan gripped your dress that was still bunched up around you, lifted you, lifted his hips and started fucking you hard from below. 
“Cum for me baby girl. Let me hear you moan my name with that pretty voice again. Cum for me beautiful.” The next snap of Chan’s hips up into you sent you reeling into the most mind-blowing orgasm of your life. Chan lowered his hips and you and helped your grind against him riding out your climax for as long as possible. Chan couldn’t take his eyes off you, flushed, chewing your bottom lip, full of his cock and softy, slowly rotating your hips in circles as you came down. His finger-tips rubbing you gently up and down your sides as your body buzzed.  
Chan cupped your cheek and rubbed his thumb across your bottom lip before gently pushing it in your mouth. You wrapped your lips around it and sucked, swirling your tongue, giving it a similar treatment to what his cock had gotten earlier and you could feel him twitch inside you. You were locked on Chan’s dark lust hazed eyes as he chewed his lip and watched you suck on his thumb. He gently pushed down on your tongue making your mouth open a little so he could see the pink muscle inside. 
“Can I cum right here baby girl?” He let the pressure off your tongue and you wrapped your lips around the digit again, gently taking it between your teeth as you nodded your head. Chan pulled his thumb out of your mouth and held your waist as he sat up and laid you back down. Chan pulled his cock out and pulled the condom off before crawling up by your head and getting on his knees.  
“Open up for me beautiful let me see your tongue.” You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out flat as Chan spit in his hand and started stroking the head of his cock fast. When he was close he started working his shaft, pushing his tip down towards your tongue, ready to cum in your mouth. Without warning you wrapped your pretty lips around the head of his cock and sucked as you rubbed your tongue firmly against the sensitive spot at the base of his tip and hummed. 
“FUCK I’m gonna cum!” You sealed your lips around the head of Chan’s cock firmly as warm thick cum filled your mouth. He twitched and jerked as you sucked every drop he had to offer. When he pulled his cock out he saw his load of cum in your mouth for just a second before you swallowed it and laid there utterly fucked out of your mind. Chan ran his hand through your hair, leaned down and kissed you before laying down next to you and pulling you in close to his chest. You leaned over for a moment and he wasn’t sure what you were doing until you pulled the blanket you had brought up over the two of you and nuzzled back into Chan’s embrace. You both laid there looking at the stars, holding each other in the most comfortable silence of the entire night before Chan broke the silence. 
“So what are my chances at a second date?” You looked up at him, shook your head and laughed. 
@caroline-ds-world @ughbehavior @chansynie @jquellen27 @hyunelixies @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny
“I’d say pretty good.”   
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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malthemagnifisent · 9 months
Pairing: Aerin x Male!elf Mc (Cyrus)
Summary: The Elves of Undermount and King Arlan of White Tower form an agreement, to be sealed by the marriage of the King’s youngest son and Cyrus of House Nightbloom. A political alliance between the two was long in the making and important to uphold, so despite the heavy burden, Cyrus knew he could not shirk his duty and could only hope that his husband would be good to him.
Notes: There will be another part to this story soon enough, I wanted to make it multiple chapters cause why not? I think there’s a lot of material to work with
Tags: @oh-so-youre-a-nerd @baldwinboy5ive @lilyoffandoms @guinevre @vicissavior @lancelotsimp
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“Why me?” Cyrus demanded, suddenly and loud enough to be heard over the wind rushing in their ears as they flew toward the palace of the white tower.
“Because you’re unimportant to Undermount,” Tyril said back, which Cyrus had known was the answer, but he still wanted to hear it out loud.
The tensions between Undermount and White Tower had been rising, and in an attempt to smooth over that tension, a simple deal had been made. A marriage was an easy alliance that was not so easily broken, and Cyrus had been chosen as the most obvious choice to be given away.
Because, like Tyril said, he was not important. Sure, he had mobility, but his family was dead, his contributions to elven woxiety would not be a great loss, and marrying some human prince would be a better use of his time.
Or so everyone thought.
So he’d been packed up, given a Drake, and Tyril Starfury as an escort before taking off to White Tower to meet his new fiancé, a man named Aerin.
They’d never interacted before as Cyrus had never gotten to stray far from Undermount, and he wasn’t the most pleased with the arrangement, but it was considered his duty, and shirking his duty would get him nowhere.
Besides, there was a small part of him that was interested in seeing the world. He’d never been given duties that brought him far, but he had a curious mind and was hoping to see the best in the situation. The best part was that he would get to see something new.
The peaks of the white tower came into view, shimmering softly in the setting sun. It made the white stone shine orange and yellow, which would have been a beautiful sight if Cyrus wasn’t so absorbed into his own head.
As they drew closer, it became clear that there were people waiting for their arrival. At first, they appeared as little more than tiny specks, but soon it became clear they were people. Not close enough to make out any features yet, but Cyrus still felt a tightening in his chest and forced himself to look away from the looming castle with its many white spires.
“What if he’s cruel?” Cyrus blurted out, his fear finally slipping out, but it was far too late for any real assurance. He didn’t know the man he was to marry; he didn’t know his humor or temperament; he didn’t know if he would even like the man.
He liked to believe that no deal would have been made that would put him in harm's way, but he didn’t truly trust that all the elves in Undermount would care more for his well-being than whatever alliance stood between the elves and humans.
They would gladly give Cyrus to a cruel man if it meant they kept their power and peace.
Suddenly, the drake dropped steeply, and Cyrus was forced to tighten his grip on Tyril’s waist. The wind flew wildly through his hair and made his eyes water as they came into a steep landing, and the dragon's feet alighted gracefully onto the stone floors.
He heard the chatter of the people around them, but was too busy getting his bearings to really pay attention to what anyone was saying. Tyril, of course, did not have the same problem; he slid off the drake with ease and the same refined grace he always possessed.
“King Arlan, this is quite the reception committee,” Tyril said, and as Cyrus finally got his wits about him, he realized it was true. There were nobility, guards, and servants gathered for their arrival, all of which seemed overboard to Cyrus, but who was he to say how the humans did things?
With a quiet sigh, Cyrus slid from the back of the drake, landing behind Tyril, his head held high and his back painfully straight. He’d been quite trussed up for his first meeting with his betrothed; his hair had been braided back and swept to the side, thin gold wire was running through the dark strands, and intricate clips had been secured at the base of the braise.
And while he looked a little windswept, it didn’t detract from the obvious effort put into his appearance.
“We are happy to welcome you to our home; the alliance between Undermount and White Tower is a long one; it must be maintained,” King Arlan was saying, to which Tyril dutifully nodded along, though out of the corner of his eyes he glanced back at Cyrus, silently checking in, making sure he still stood strong.
Tyril was not very clear with his care, but Cyrus always managed to pick up on it, and right now he appreciates it far more than he usually does.
With a deep breath, Cyrus schooled his expression and put on an easy smile before stepping forward and lowering his head in a respectful greeting. “It’s a pleasure to be here, King Arlan. I am Cyrus of House Nightbloom. I hope this arrangement between our families will help further solidify the relations between our people,” he said, his voice steady, never wavering for a second as he stood up straight again and met the king's eyes.
Two men stood beside the king, and Cyrus knew one of them was his betrothed, but they were both dressed in fine clothes, both Prince's; one was the older son whom he had no interest in, but he couldn’t tell which was which, at least not until King Arlan smiled and gestured at the slightly shorter of his two sons.
“This is my son, Aerin. I trust that the two of you will have much to discuss together,” he said, allowing Aerin to step forward.
The prince looked nervous, not as well put together as Cyrus was, but he didn’t look all that intimidating, and Cyrus was glad it was him and not the other brother he was being married to. He didn’t want to sound rude, but the king's older son had a rather unsettling air about him.
“It’s good to meet you; I know this has been in discussion for a while, so it’s nice to put a face to your name, Cyrus,” Aerin said, bowing his head much the same way Cyrus did before he reached out and gently took Cyrus’ hand and placed a kiss on his knuckles, which were flushed a slightly darker blue, irritated by the cold air from their flight.
His cheeks, however, turned darker for a very different reason. The kiss on his hand was a very human greeting, but it was sweet nonetheless, and Cyrus found the tension in his shoulders melting away.
It looked like things could be worse. Aerin seemed sweet, and he wasn’t unattractive. Which Cyrus noted with some relief. He would have been fine if his spouse did not physically appeal to him, but he thought it would make things far easier if he did find them attractive.
Luckily, it seemed he had come out on top with Aerin.
“I hope the two of us will get to know each other well,” Cyrus finally responded, and he was glad to see Aerin smile, seeming happy with the exchange between the two of them. Perhaps he’d been just as unsure of the arrangement as Cyrus was.
Clearing his throat, King Arlan brought attention back to him. “The ceremony will take place tomorrow, for tonight we thought it best we leave my son and Cyrus alone and allow them to become acquainted,” he nodded at them both, the perfect picture of grace as a king. “You will be given a private meal together, if that is acceptable to you, of course." He explained, addressing Cyrus directly at the end.
“I have no objection; it will be good to speak with Aerin,” he responded, though he felt he didn’t have much of an option but to say yes. This was expected of him, and he would do his duty.
Both he and Tyril were garnering stares from their surrounding audience, and it was starting to set Cyrus on edge. He didn’t like being watched; he stared at it like some sort of spectacle. The people of White Tower were most likely not used to seeing elves, but Cyrus wasn’t exactly used to being around humans. At least he had the decency to not stare.
The king said something that Cyrus didn’t catch, and suddenly they were all walking inside. Tyril walked beside the king, but Curis stuck by Prince Aerin, who seemed almost surprised that Cyrus hadn’t left. He didn’t see any reason to stand by anyone else; after the wedding, Tyril would be gone, so he needed to get used to being without the man.
“Have you ever been to White Tower?” Aerin asked, speaking up so suddenly that Cyrus caught him off guard, and he wasn’t sure what to say, despite the obvious answer being a resounding no.
He raised his hand to his mouth and cleared his throat, trying to think of something more to say that would actually be an engaging response. “No, I’ve spent my life in Undermount, and there was rarely any reason to leave,” he explained, getting a little distracted as they walked further into the palace and the beautiful architecture became more apparent.
The ceilings were high and carved with intricate details, and above them on the walls were windows of stained glass that reflected multicolored light into the ground, all of which rippled and shimmered as the sunlight shifted through clouds and the leaves of tall trees. “I am glad to be here now; it’s beautiful,” he said, turning his head ever so slightly so he could meet Aerin’s eyes.
The prince had nice eyes, soft and brown, with long feathery lashes that cast shadows on his cheeks when the light hit him at the right angle.
“I am happy you like it; I'll show you around after we’ve eaten,” Aerin said, brightening up at the prospect of showing Cyrus his home. It was obvious the prince held a fondness for it, and Cyrus envied that a little. He liked Undermount, but sometimes the way things were done was so exhausting, so confining, and so strict.
Things seemed freer here.
“We have beautiful gardens here, and the library is wonderful; it’s one of the most extensive collections in the kingdom if you're interested in that sort of thing,” Aerin added, stepping a bit closer to Cyrus and looking happy to share. It was rather endearing.
A snort of condescending laughter sounded to the side of them, and Cyrus looked over to see Aerin’s brother walking at a pace behind them. He’d forgotten that the others were still there, and Baldur’s interruption wasn’t appreciated.
“You’ll bore him to death before the two of you even reach the altar,” Baldur said, laughing far louder than was necessary. If his tone had been different, then Cyrus could have brushed it off as a rather tactless joke, but the crown prince sounded like he meant every word as an insult.
The way he laughed was clearly meant to mock, and the ensuing look on Aerin’s face was something that told Cyrus that this was a regular occurrence.
Clearing his throat, Cyrus cast Baldur a withering look and very pointedly looped his arm through Aerin’s own, which seemed to shock the prince so much that he actually stumbled over his own feet. “I’ll be happy to see the library actually; I expect you’ll have interesting Tomes on magic,” he said, directing his words at Aerin but making sure Baldur heard them as well.
It didn’t sit well with him to have a brother-in-law who acted cruelly, so he didn’t intend to take any shit from Baldur, no matter how much he expected to get his own way.
It turns out he expected it a lot, because he sputtered and glared for a moment, looking ready to start a fight, before suddenly the king was speaking up and announcing the party was to split. Cyrus and Aerin would be given a private meal together, while Tyril, Baldur, and King Arlan would dine more publicly. Hosting various lords and ladies at a dinner.
Cyrus was glad he’d get something more private; he didn’t think he could take being a spectacle at the moment.
He understood people’s interest in the arrangement being made, but he’d only just arrived and didn’t feel like being bombarded. He wanted to get to know his fiancé without prying eyes all around them.
They said a brief goodbye, and Cyrus locked eyes with Tyril as they went their separate ways. Aerin and Cyrus were then led by a servant down a short flight of stairs and into a moderately sized dining room, where a table had already been laid with a meal. The room smelled of fresh, cooked meat and fragrant tea. It was nice.
“You were very nice earlier, about the library,” Aerin said, slipping his arm from around Cyrus’ as he stepped forward and pulled out a chair, gesturing for Cyrus to take a seat. “If you’re really interested, then I will be happy to show you, but you needn’t pretend; I know it may seem like a dull pastime,” he added, looking sheepish and unsure of himself.
He stepped away then and took his own seat, across the table from Cyrus, who smiled reassuringly as he picked up the cup beside his plate and took a small sip of the floral-smelling drink inside. “I wasn’t pretending; I would be glad to see the library; even if I wasn’t interested in books, I would still be happy to go with you; we’re going to be married, and I want to know what you enjoy,” he explained, which once again seemed to shock the prince.
Cyrus had a feeling that Aerin didn’t often have people who showed interest in his interests.
“Besides, I feel your brother needed to be put in his place,” Cyrus added, turning his gaze down to his plate, which was beautifully put together. A small bird of some type had been roasted and was topped with a sauce that smelled vaguely like something he ate back home in Undermount.
He would miss the food back home, but perhaps he could find new favorites—things he enjoyed even more.
“It’s better not to get on Baldur’s bad side; he can be rather-“ Aerin broke off and clenched his jaw, looking angry for the barest of moments before his shoulders slumped and he just began to cut up his own food. “He is not used to being told off,” he finally finished, noting a fact that Cyrus had already picked up on quite easily on his own.
“Well, perhaps it’s time someone stood up to him; I’m not one to back down from a challenge, and if we’re going to be married, then I will take that seriously,” Cyrus said, taking a small, practiced bite of the food, which coated his tongue with a salty taste. “What kind of fiancé would I be if I didn’t stand up for you?” He asked, wondering if anyone had taken the time to stand up for Aerin before.
Cyrus could understand not having people on his side; as the last member of House Nightbloom, he was often pushed to the side, shunned, and regarded as lesser in some way, so yes, he understood, and perhaps it meant the two of them could have a marriage built on that understanding, that they were the same and would be on each other's sides.
The sound of a bird singing outside drifted in, but Cyrus was more enraptured by the look on Aerin’s face, the open surprise at being treated kindly.
Cyrus hoped he could make kindness the norm for the prince so that he wouldn’t be shocked by it again.
“I want this marriage to work. I do not expect anything more than friendship from you, of course, but I would like us to be friends at least,” he said, watching as Aerin’s expression continued to twist with surprise.
Eventually, however, the prince’s lips curled up in a smile, and he nodded. “I’ll gladly be your friend; I have not had many of those in my life,” Aerin responded, and Cyrus got the impression that he really would treasure a friendship just as much, if not more, than a lover.
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allthefujoshiunite · 1 year
Entryway to heavens, a.k. the BL genre!
As requested by @weiying-tododeku-2023 , who wanted to dip their toes into the genre, I, Nora, am once again here to compile a recommendation list that you can take a peek. Most titles here won't be any news to my seasoned fujin frens, but it's always interesting to think of which manga or anime would be the best for a newcomer!
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We don't have many options to choose from when it comes to anime, so I might as well start from here.
Stranger by the Shore: This 1-hour, gorgeous movie is an adaptation from Kii Kanna's manga of the same name. Since it's short, I think it's better to focus on what the plot has to offer instead of expecting a deeper dive into the characters individually.
Sasaki and Miyano: Another manga adaptation, but this time it's 12-episode series (with a +1 OVA). Very sweet and emotionally rich coming-of-age story with a fudanshi as its MC. A must see!
NO.6: Less like a BL and more of a sci-fi anime with queer MCs, NO.6 is not exactly suitable for a newcomer, but I still wanted to include it because of its tender story and the companionship between Shion and Nezumi. So you shouldn't expect a big emphasis on romance.
Bonus: This Boy is a Professional Wizard: This is a 4-episode short anime. It's honestly gorgeous and cute, but not very "deep" as every episode is around 8 minutes. You can finish it in one sitting!
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There are so many other popular (and great) BLs or action/sports series that have queer characters out there: Given, Banana Fish, Yuuri!! on ICE, Doukyuusei, Case Study of Vanitas, The Case Files of Jeweler Richard, The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window, Antique Bakery, Yes No or Maybe? etc. They are already popular so with a quick search you can find more about them as you finish the ones you've started!
Now, this... is a challenge. There are SO MANY good stuff that it's hard to pick, so I decided to go with my gut xD
I Didn't Mean To Fall In Love (Suzumaru Minta): There's something in this series that just.. UGH! It hits me. I have reviewed it before so you can head over there to find more information, synopsis, and my thoughts.
Love Tractor (Hmmyongyong & Angrymonster): I started reading it for the sake of the challenge I mentioned above but what a joy this one turned out to be!! Has great balance of fun and drama, gorgeous to boot. The main story is finished but there'll be a continuation! Here's my review.
Here and There and Us (Thanat): This is a very interesting work (as any other Thanat work, I'm a huge fan of the artist) and it's less focused on the romance and more on the main characters and their friend circle navigating their high school life and the the ever-changing relationship between them. If you're looking for something that's more slow burn, this should be your go-to BL.
Under My Skin (Usui Iroha): People tend to stay away from spicy recommendations for newcomers but I say, why not give it a go! Usui Iroha has a way of drawing sultry gazes that'll make your heart skip a beat! I'm taking a break now, but I normally review a new BL title every Friday, and I've also reviewed Under My Skin before because it's THAT good.
Dream Away (Hana Lee): If you like a sprinkle of supernatural on your plate, then this is for you. The art style is simple yet eye catching, it's short and completed, the characters are wholesome; what more you could ask for!
Bonus - Swing Baby (Mudan): This manhwa, again, is a bit different. It does feel like it has supernatural elements at first and is a bit confusing (bc there's an interesting stylistic choice in narration) but it'll feel worth sticking to! Here's another Friday BL review if you'd like to check some screenshots out and read the synopsis.
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And that's it! Welcome aboard and hopefully, at least one of these titles will be to your liking. Thank you for sending an ask, see you around!
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carriehobbs · 25 days
Please tell me all about your Thicker Than MCs (no pressure!!!).
i would love to talk about my thicker than mcs!! 💕💕 i've done all the romance routes, but i don't have really solid mcs for all of them (sometimes i'm just inputting the first name that comes to my mind so i can see what a route has to offer without really getting attached to or thinking about a character, if that makes any sense). the mcs that i do have also all have some similarities (because i find thicker than (and blood moon too) has a fairly strong semi-set personality for the mc), so i'll try and focus on what makes them different from each other
isabelle is my minimum wage schmuck (path of the master) and her whole thing is about power and control. she went from being completely powerless and exploited in her shitty job to being powerless and exploited as blackwell's thrall and now she's finally got a chance to turn the tables and make sure she's never subjugated like that again. she revels in the power that she gets from being a vampire lord. i waffle back and forth on whether or not she makes fledglings pay rent (she doesn't care that much about preserving human lives) or if she kicks them out entirely (it would give her a status boost and, arguably, more power and prestige that way). when she was human, people used to call her izzy but she always hated the name, so when she became a vampire she chose to reinvent herself a little bit and started going by isabelle (she thought it sounded more mature). her relationship with marcel is really interesting because there are major themes of power and control in his romance route. given that isabelle is all about never being exploited again, the amount of trust she places in marcel in their romance is incredibly significant. she's rather submissive to him in the bedroom, but it's this incredibly meaningful gesture that says i trust you with my body. i trust you with my safety. i trust you not to hurt me in any way that i don't ask for. when you drink my blood, i trust you not to take more than i can give. she also super gets off on the fact that marcel is nominally in control, but she knows that she really wields a lot of the power in their relationship (i think a lot about the kiss after the sword fight in chapter 4, where marcel insists on drinking from you first because you're a fledgling and he's older than you, but then gives you back more of his blood than he drank from you originally). isabelle is also incredibly jealous and possessive (the money heist scene in chapter 7 always makes me laugh because marcel brings james, one of his fledgling retainers, and isabelle gets sooooo huffy about it. like what do you mean you brought this fucking fledgling here to help you. i'm your fledgling. you're not allowed to have other fledglings. marcel kill this guy). this also means she's very attached to who she considers to be "her" people and will do just about anything for them and will go after people who try to harm them because they're hers. don't touch her stuff. she's so shacked up with marcel, they're going to spend eternity together (unless they die first lol) 💕
june is my gambler (path of the master). june isn't really about ideals or hard work and (prior to vampire prison) was really more interested in enjoying being a vampire. she likes the power and freedom being on the night court offers her (compared to other fledglings), but she doesn't really care a lot about amassing power for herself. she's not a big schemer (she's more than happy for tracy to handle a lot of the actual running and politicking of her domain) or a planner (she kind of reminds me of astarion in bg3 if you ask him about his plan to kill cazador and he's like "well, first we find cazador, then we kill cazador, and maybe we kill some other people too, i don't know, i'm not a details person" (paraphrased)). she also definitely still has problems with risk-taking from her gambling days: when she's presented with a gamble, she has to take it, even if it is bound to end poorly (for example, when you meet nathan in chapter 5 and he tries to kill you if you've not been a good little vampire, she made every single dumb decision that put her in danger and risked her getting shot just in case it gave her the upper hand). my rule for playing june is that, if i'm presented with a set of decisions, i have to pick the one that seems the riskiest. june is romancing iliya, so she's having a great time as of the last few updates lol. i think they both share a lot of similarities in that they really like parts of being a vampire, and a lot of what drew her to him is that she finds him fun to hang out with. she just enjoys being around him. his betrayal in chapter 8 was very rough for her, because she's kind of in love with him (whoops, she didn't mean for that to happen), and she's still really hurt by it. she's trying to forgive him, though, because in her mind, starving in vampire jail for five years with her is both a) punishment enough and b) pretty good proof that he cares about her too and is sorry. so she's trying to move past all that
lucas is one of my criminals (path of the beast) and he has a daughter named ella ("ella" was originally a placeholder kid name while i thought of something better, but then it stuck, and now if my mc has a kid they're automatically a daughter named ella. it feels weird to have the kid be named something else now, even if it's for a different mc). lucas's whole thing is that he looks like (and thus everyone expects him to be) all brawn and no brain, but he's actually one of my more strategic mcs. he's cautious and thinks things through from multiple angles and deliberately lets people assume that he's less intelligent than he is so that he can use their assumptions to his advantage (he reminds me a lot of iliya, who actually is his bff - weirdly enough, they look kind of similar, too). lucas cares a lot about making his domain a safer place for humans because he hopes (or hoped, after the last few updates, lol) to be able to one day bring ella into his domain so that he could watch over her (without being indebted to marcel) and know that she would be safe. he's romancing freya and they're really rather sweet together. he liked her instantly, mostly because when they met, she was one of the first people to really know him and still treat him like a person. most people either knew he was a vampire and treated him as one (or, worse, knew he was blackwell and treated him like a lord) and had all these expectations for him, or they didn't know he was a vampire and treated him as they would any other human. freya, however, knew he was a vampire, and treated him as if he was a person anyway. being with her was this piece of normalcy where he didn't have to pretend to be something he's not (either a lord or a human), and he could just be himself. prior to vampire jail, he also privately held hopes of introducing freya and ella to each other. on lucas's end, freya is someone he can be soft for and take care of. she gives him an outlet for his desire to care for and (to a much lesser extent) provide for someone (see the scene with freya in chapter 7 where you take her back to your place after her debacle with the ghost and get her food and insist she rests - lucas wants to be able to protect and provide for and take care of the people he cares about).
jackie is one of my divorcees (path of the shadow) and she was actually the first mc i made for thicker than, and in her first iteration she was a super-pathetic 40-year-old divorced dude named jack. the goal for jack was to be just an incredibly pathetic, cowardly, self-serving person, and while you can get a lot of that in the game, i found the feel of the dialogue really didn't fit the particular kind of pathetic feel i was going for with him. but then i realized i could age jack down a bit so that the dialogue would feel more natural and then her gender got swapped (mainly because i found the thought of the scene with tracy in the bathroom in chapter 5 to be really compelling when i imagined blackwell as a woman) and jackie was born. i took the "you're a loser" opening very seriously with her and imagined her as a character who went almost overnight from being a loser with no power, no friends, a bad relationship with her ex, and nothing going for her, to being a vampire lord (and, personally, i think the power's kind of gone to her head). she doesn't really care much about human life, and, prior to being in vampire jail, leaned hard into the power and prestige being a vampire lord gave her. now she mostly wants to tear lucius a new one and, if the rest of the night court goes down with him, that's fine by her. i think she and tracy share a kind of mentality where they prioritize self-preservation over other (what she would call) lofty ideals (e.g., preserving human life, etc.)
kate is my doctor (path of the shadow). her entire thing is that she has a very strong code of ethics and strongly prioritizes human life. she trained for years to be a doctor to help and save people's lives, and she's not going to let some asshole decide to kill her and change all of that. she has a lot of anger towards the previous blackwell and the night court (it's not just that blackwell murdered her, but that he asked permission from gaius to do it. gaius made an executive decision about whether or not kate should live or die as if she was just some object, because her life meant so little to them, and then blackwell murdered her). she hates the night court and always felt trapped and unable to leave it (because being in the night court offered protection that fledglings normally don't have), and the second she met nathan, she jumped on his offer to help him destroy the night court. kate is romancing nathan, which works really well with their mutual hatred of the night court and desire to protect humans from vampires. he also brings out a kind of teasing, playful side of her that she doesn't normally get to indulge in anymore: she used to joke around more as a human, but being murdered and turned into a vampire and forced to become a lord all while trying to simultaneously maintain as normal a life as she can have doesn't really leave you with a lot of humour left. but she finds it so fun to pester him and get under his skin, and being with him makes her feel more human (and not just because she can mimic him). she also really admires nathan, his commitment to fighting against vampires who hurt and kill humans, andnthe way he turned the pain he experienced into a driving force that allows him to try and do good. i think she recognizes that instinct in herself.
ken is my other criminal (path of the beast), also with a daughter named ella (they're attempting to romance minjo - we all know that's not going well right now). she's also my only mc who has a tag (even if there are only 2 posts in it right now, lol)! ken is nonbinary and uses they/she pronouns (even if the game defaults to they/them). ken is fun because they're genuinely kind of a mess. they're have pretty poor impulse control, have no filter, and can be really irreverent. i think they're gaius's favourite of all my mcs because they will not act deferential to him (which, after hundreds of years of posturing courtiers, entertains him). most likely to be murdered by werewolves after saying something stupid. ken's very much the kind of person to say "what could go wrong?" and then fuck everything up so extremely badly. ken, like lucas, is driven to keep her domain safe for humans out of a desire to bring ella into their domain some day and become a bigger part of her life. they appreciate pete for trying to take care of ella and keep her safe, but they also would not hesitate to kill him if given the chance because he pisses them off so badly lol. they're currently trying to work things out with the werewolves because they feel really bad about everything that's happened with minjo (bailing on them for 5 years and the other thing. if you've read the most recent chapter 11 update you know) and they want to be able to work things out with her, but they really don't expect to be able to. however, if anyone could get werewolves to accept the world's weirdest vampire in their pack, it would be ken.
abby is my divorcee (path of the shadow) who has a good relationship with chris (mostly because she's romancing them). abby was only recently promoted from the amorphous ooze where all the other "mcs" who just have names and exist only to show me romance scenes from other routes live and is gradually growing a personality, so i'm kind of studying her like a bacteria culture and i don't really know what she's going to turn into yet. she is trying to get back with her ex and co-parent their child (ella!! i wasn't kidding when i said all my thicker than kids are named ella) together and, though they've hit some stumbling blocks, she remains optimistic! abby, like lucas and ken, is driven to keep her domain safe for humans because she wants her domain to be a safe place for chris and ella, but she does still care about the well-being of all humans (they're just not as important to her as chris or ella). abby is generally a pretty positive person who tries to avoid conflict (cue her disappearing on chris pre-divorce, which caused a lot of problems in their marriage) and has, over the past few years as a vampire lord, changed for the better, oddly enough. she's become more confident, more assertive, and more willing to fight for what she wants (whereas, in her pre-divorce marriage with chris, she was avoidant, petty, and argumentative, and willing to use her positive thinking to ignore problems chris tried to raise in their relationship). however, her five years in vampire prison have changed her too, and she's finding herself to be a little more brutal and cut-throat than she used to be.
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sketch-guardian · 1 month
I feel like I need to start adding a -___ anon because of how much I send requests now, I would love to send them without anon but it’s honestly so scary to post or comment anything 😞
I don’t know if you’re very comfortable with writing certain types of mental illnesses, like I saw on your boundaries post that you were fine writing mental and physical conditions but I just wanna know if you’re comfortable with a request where child mc has like ptsd or depression and always seems to be sad and gloomy (turns out it’s from bullying back in the home realm.) I really like seeing posts where child mc isn’t very energetic since I didn’t really get that very happy experience and can’t relate (〃▽〃)
Also I wish there was a snow leopard emoji, that’d be so cool. I love snow leopards
Well, there's no obligation to add a -___ anon, only if you feel like it🤷🏻and don't worry, I know how scary it can be to write openly to people you don't know or are close to🙈so it doesn't matter the number of asks you send, if you prefer to stay anonymous, so be it, it's not a problem☺As a (hopefully) future psychologist (I'm still studying at university-), it doesn't make me uncomfortable to talk about such topics, I just hope to write them well and not make too many mistakes😖so your ask is perfectly fine and I thank you for asking anyway just to be safe💜Furthermore, as a child I was very quiet and lazy, I was sometimes compared to a doll even though I was content, so more or less I can relate and I hope you are doing better now✨Also I agree, more animal emojis should be added💕(perhaps you could be snow leopard anon?🤔). Now let's get started with the platonic headcanons, I assumed you wanted all OCs btw🙈:
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Demya didn't spend an exactly normal childhood, firstly due to the type of environment in which she was born as a demon, part of a bloodthirsty tribe, and secondly due to the events that characterized her turbulent past, that is, having seen her family die in front of the her eyes and then being imprisoned in a human circus as a freak, chained and malnourished, only later when she was freed was she able to begin her journey of recovery. Demya might seem brash and prone to violence, in some respects she is, however she softens towards children and with child MC in particular she would be very protective, especially considering what they had to go through. Demya would not tolerate abuse towards child MC and would ask them to give her all the names of those who bullied them on Earth, not to kill them, not wanting to get child MC into trouble and considering that most likely the bullies are children as well, but simply to scar them for life and thus prevent them from finding other victims, the sight of her bloodied on the ceiling should be enough. Demya would also feel sorry for child MC being miserable most of the time and would try in her own way to make them happier, to make them overcome their trauma, because together they are stronger, Demya would always welcome child MC into her arms in case of need of comfort and they could stay in her nest (of blankets and pillows) for as long as they need to
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Domnra had a fairly normal childhood, according to celestial standards at least, given that as a soldier, he was trained to fight from a young age. The most difficult period of Domnra's life began after his fall from the Celestial Realm and after Mobim's birth, it took him time to metabolize and get used to the new situation. Child MC would remind Domnra of Mobim during its first days of existence: small, weak, helpless and afraid. Having matured over time and having learned to take care of Mobim, Domnra would try to help child MC learn how to defend themselves, both physically and emotionally, from bullies or fears, because they would have the full right to assert their own person. Domnra would become like child MC's shadow, always at their side in case of danger, as a figure to hide behind or as a shoulder to cry on, anyone who mistreats child MC should pass through Domnra first if they have the courage. Mobim would also help make child MC feel less sad, becoming their friend, playmate and comforting them, without the need for words and showing child MC that crying is good for letting off steam
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Azul was a happy and energetic child, who enjoyed running among flowers along with colorful butterflies, without a care in the world, his mood management problems began in adulthood, after his fall from the Celestial Realm. Azul is a very empathetic demon when it comes to feelings, especially those of people he cares about, so when he would sense child MC's sadness, his colors would change from light blue to dark blue in a sense of recognition and Azul would carry child MC in his arms, to comfort and console them. Azul would be worryingly quiet at the news of child MC being a victim of bullying and it's likely that one day, in the form of a spirit, he will enter the bullies' bedroom and scare them so much that they will never repeat such actions again. Azul would try to help and support child MC to find a way to express themselves, such as drawing or photography and as he is better trained in managing emotions, he would try to help child MC overcome their depression, one step at a time, always by their side, showing pride at every small milestone achieved
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Since she was a child, Zuri has always followed a rather rigid discipline and had to meet very high expectations from other angels towards her, therefore she didn't spend much time playing or having fun as perhaps it would have been more appropriate for a young angel, too busy excel and show herself as a symbol of purity. Old habits die hard, so even after she became a demon, Zuri remained a perfectionist, however she would never want something like that for child MC, after the way they have already suffered. With Zuri, there would be no expectations of happiness and joy to respect, but rather a probable professional therapeutic path, for child MC's sake, to provide them with the tools to process their trauma and work on their depression. Zuri would probably explain to child MC that the bullies who bothered them have likely been through difficult situations, however that doesn't excuse their actions and child MC would not be required to forgive them, but rather to move on with their life and heal. Anyone who has any comments to make about child MC's behavior should respond personally to Zuri and while not often very loving, Zuri would cradle child MC in her arms during depression or ptsd episodes
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Odon had a bizarre childhood due to their ancient eldritch nature, they don't know what it means to have a family and as a child they did anything to feel a single emotion, even if it meant committing genocide. Over time Odon got "bored", because suffering became repetitive and they realized that showing kindness received much more interesting and varied reactions, that was the reason for the beginning of Odon's change for the better, however difficulties weren't lacking, since everyone was too afraid of them. Odon knows what it means to be marginalized and isolated, they also know sadness although they don't show it, therefore Odon would be very understanding and patient with child MC's issues, accompanying them step by step during their growth. No sane person would be stupid enough to bully child MC given Odon's reputation, so they would stop being teased, while as for the rest, Odon would read stories with child MC on their lap while they drink a hot beverage, to make them feel protected and safe for once, with even the eye-like creatures in tow as silent guardians. Odon would go back to being the monster they were in order to ward off the evil that afflicts child MC, after all, how could pain approach child MC, in Odon's even scarier presence?
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Remiel had a lonely childhood and not exactly by choice. As a half angel-half nephilim, many angels, the most conservative ones, have always seen Remiel as a sin, an impure angel not worthy of being called such and having always been very literal-minded, despite the reassurances from her mother Azrael and her father Death, Remiel could never help but see such statements as the truth, because after all they weren't entirely wrong, she wasn't a pure celestial being, she have learned to live with it, however Remiel would see child MC's situation as unfair, being different. Since both child MC and Remiel are often gloomy and somber, they could actually be mistaken for related. As an angel of death, Remiel would frequently face issues such as depression and negative feelings, therefore she would be quite capable of making child MC feel better, having comforted several human souls in the past. One thing that child MC would appreciate before going to sleep would be, for example, having Remiel embrace them with her wings while softly humming them a lullaby that her mother Azrael used to sing to her when she was a child
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Nathaniel, although he has always been a quiet angel even as a child, who let himself be carried away by the course of events, has always felt as if he was not in control of his actions, as if his destiny was in the hands of someone superior who controlled his every move and emotional response. As an extremely patient angel, caring for and managing a child MC with depression or ptsd would not necessarily be a problem, if anything a challenge, which Nathaniel would not intend to give up or abandon for any reason. Nathaniel would try to teach child MC how to let non-constructive criticism and insults slide over them, using failures as material to grow and improve, killing with kindness when possible those who show resentment towards them for no reason. Nathaniel is chill, but when annoyed he would be quite scary, so people would hardly bother child MC in his presence, also Nathaniel would show child MC the wonders of the world, trying to rekindle the spark of life in them. Nathaniel would always be child MC's guide
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Uriel's childhood was characterized by continuous attempts on her part to show her worth of becoming a warrior angel and by seeking compliments to feel valid, no matter how many times she fell and felt inadequate, she always got up in order to reach her goals and Uriel would like to help child MC achieve their dream whatever it may be, however she's aware that first they should be motivated enough and that currently it would be too soon. Uriel would see child MC being a victim of bullying as a real violation of justice and as an angel who represents it, she would go straight to the bullies, making them regret and reconsider every choice in their life and she would force them to apologize to child MC personally, with the threat of them going to hell if they act bad again or even worse, even if they ended up in heaven, then they would have to deal with Uriel. Uriel would act as child MC's shield and sword, promising that when they're unable to fight, she will protect them, for as long as they need, that she'll be the rock on which they can lean when they don't feel well
(also here's a small bonus of some OCs reaction to child MC fighting back against a bully):
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sapphic-agent · 10 months
Not sure if I even read the Breaking Point fic. Maybe, maybe not. But I have my own share of fics that "we can fix canon" but make worse.
There one fic I recall (the name slipped from my mind) where ofa somehow shows the class A1 all the abuse Izu endured by BK - it was all thanks to bk and Izu forced team up- and still...people did nothing.
Now think about this premise: ofa shows the abuse and people are just midly concerned.
Why is that? Why make Izu be seen as a victom and get help and support is smth so rare in this fandom?
It is rare see Ochako and his so called friends do stick up for him in fics and not be demonized. Hell, there one where class A1 finds out bk bully Izu(OH MY GOD HE TRIED TO KILL HIM...why fics make them discovery their past as if is a big plot twist?) And proceed to give a taste of his own poison.
And...."this is bad. They shouldnt do this. Poor bk"
You know, some stories talk aboht forgiviness and can be a really touching and well done thing....but those are rare, extremely so. I'm tired of "forgive them bc this is correct" let Izu hold grudges. Let Izu dont forgive bk and be in his right.
A dorama who got this right is The Glory. The mc was horrible abused and got her revenge and in no point people were "forgive them" to mc.
To conclude: this fandom seems to tnink Izu and pain are the OTP when it really isnt nor should be.
Yeah, the fandom can be... Desensitized to this issue so to speak. I think this is for two reasons.
1. So much of Bakugou's behavior is brushed off as a joke. It's easy for people to turn a blind eye to his treatment of Izuku because so much of it is glazed over by cheap laughs.
Honestly I'm pretty sure that's why people think we're so stuck in the suicide baiting in episode 1. Because that's the only moment the series ever really treats Bakugou's behavior as serious as it is. Like, yeah, that was bad, but that's far from the only thing Bakugou's ever done to Izuku. There's attacking him during the Quirk Apprehension Test, hunting him down and seriously injuring him during the Battle Trials, being purposely uncooperative and punching him during the Final Exam, coercing him into a fight after curfew and demanding information that absolutely wasn't his business, throwing his headpiece at him, attempting to forcibly draw Blackwhip out with no consideration of the consequences, etc. Mind you, everything I just listed happened at UA (a few when he was supposed to be "changing"). I would argue that a good number of these things were worse than the suicide baiting.
But they don't register in people's heads the same way because the narrative doesn't treat them the same way. So when fanfiction authors try to write these stories, they're only looking at one aspect of it while turning a blind eye to everything else. They might do a decent job addressing how Bakugou treated Izuku in Aldera, but do a piss poor job of addressing his behavior at UA.
2. Horikoshi doesn't allow Izuku to be looked at as the victim.
This wasn't always the case. We're supposed to feel bad for him in episode one. We're supposed to think that his treatment at Bakugou's hands during the Battle Trials is brutal. He was written to be the sympathetic underdog who's been given a bad hand in life and gets treated like shit because of it.
But that began to change around Deku vs Kacchan Part 2. Hori knew that Izuku had to forgive Bakugou if the viewers were going to. But there was also no way to realistically do this if he actually had a negative response to Bakugou's treatment of him. So he gave us the implication that Izuku wasn't bothered by it at all (which we know isn't true because he was extremely upset when Bakugou said what he said in episode one). He confirms this through All Might of all people, so it has to be true, right?
And most viewers will accept this at face value. Because they're looking for an out for Bakugou. They're looking for a way they can like him while not condoning a bigoted bully.
That's how I see things anyway
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dereliction-if · 5 months
Hi Sai 👋
I'll be honest (kind of ashame for admitting it) my MCs are more like Self-sona of me 😅 what ? can't i imagine living in a fantasy world like everybody thought at least once ? Isekai you know lol
i get as close as possible from what i look like, with the few/multiple options i'm given + the Thaoraq features. For the personality, i take the choice close to what i could have probably answer IRL or decide to act like a badass/outspoken girl during some decisions all the while keeping a sweet personality most of the Time.
So yeah the main personality traits are : kind, polite and quiet/introvert (with some badass here and there)
In a world like Dereliction and with how much info i know, i think a sweet MC can be possible. Mainly in childhood with the parents who are lovely ones, but also with some of the ROs (i'll talk about them next paragraph) especially if they are close to MC or not seeking conflict with MC.
In order of romance :
Solas (because childhood Friend to lover is a sweet one and the most lavable RO in IF)
M!Jia (because puppy love is cute and a sweet MC could work well with him)
Darius (the romance just sound sweet to me)
M!Havu (i can fix him.. Nah just kidding. Because i believe a sweet MC could be a nice change in a certain way ?)
+ imagine the guilt/heartwrenching feeling after using/hurting MC (like Alex in his route with a sweet MC) 😏
I would like to know more about Serjan, he married a Thaoraq so his love life could be also some type of what if would possibly happen if MC dates Solas for example.
I would also like to know Gareth (buddy has a name but not a face or presentation)
More about the parents too specially the dad with all the bullshit he goes through as King's right arm.
Now to know in game or not, well it just depends of the information which will be share or given to me during our regular conspiracy theory share ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
YOUR MC & some LORE!
Damn Sarah,
thanks for the insight! I loved reading your perspective.
I know it may still be hard to create a specific Mc with that little details you have, but yeah, self inserting is actually a way i find very fascinating. I think it offers a good opportunity to learn something about ourselves. So yeah I'll root for you and your Mc 😂🫶🏻
I think your Mc will def encounter some... challenging situations in this world, but also very heartwarming ones for sure.
Your choice of ROs will also allow you to discover a lot of lore hidden deep down in this world. People who just play one path or focus on spending time with just one character will risk missing out on some mysteries, drama, politics and more. So you have a good cut here!
Ah your uncle Serjan, yes...
Him and your aunt have a very fulfilled life. Yk all the cheesy fully in love thingy 💁🏻‍♀️ your uncle is absolutely smitten with your aunt. Her strong personality, unique sense of humour and overall cheerful demeanour is what had your uncle fall for her. Your uncle on the other side is rather reserved and observing, yet warm and soft to those he cares about.
He is the finest armourer in the country, his craftsmanship well-known beyond the kingdom. He primarily works for the king personally, as well as for his guards. Your aunt on the other hand is a scholar, specialized in history and politics, working at the court. They own a little house a bit away from the castle, in the middle of the city, halfway to the nearby forest.
🤔 what else? Their relationship to your parents is solid, warm, even though work doesn't allow to see each other too often, they make sure to visit as much as possible and on special occasions.
You and your parents live in another city / town...
Your father and the Lord have a good relationship overall. It's a respectful and loyal one. It's not always easy tho because while your father is his subordinate, he does not hold back with his opinion when he considers it to be the right thing. Luckily your father has the knowledge and experience to prove his point. So far so good, right ?
Oh Gareth... yeah, that boy works for your father. The best way to describe his position would be to call him your father's squire. And your babysitter lmao He is around 6 years older than you. And well, he actually likes you. Why? I don't know... you tell me! He's a confident boy unless he's in the presence of your father. He is always up to no good, has a lot of friends, who you'll also meet, and I would describe him an optimist.
Hope that was a bit of an insight for you 😁✌️
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jerzwriter · 11 months
Detective Rose's Momma?
Pixelberry has been very Pixelberry and given us no backstory on our MC's Mother. I've wanted to create my own HC, but I'm hesitant because now that we know there will be a book 3, it could be ripped to shreds in a matter of seconds. Still... I have ideas, and I'm curious to know what others have dreamt up for Detective Rose's mother's backstory.
My ideas are below the break, but please reblog with your own HC. I'm tagging some CoP fans/creators I know of, but please, anyone is welcome to jump in. I'd love to know your thoughts.
I've toyed with several different HCs. I'm not sure which is the winner at this time lol I will use Carolina since that's my MC's name.
Runaway Mom - Carolina's mother and father were HS sweethearts. Her mother found herself pregnant not long after graduation, thwarting her dreams of attending college and potentially putting a damper on Jaime's (Jimmy - hey, my MC is Latina!) plans of attending the police academy. Her family wasn't very supportive, but the Rose family agreed to help out so Jimmy could still become a cop. But they weren't very supportive of her mother being able to pursue her dreams (a little old-school mentality, a little cultural). After Carolina was born, her mother suffered from post-partum depression. Between that and feeling her life was essentially stolen, she ran away, leaving full custody to Jimmy. Carolina was raised by her dad, her late abuelos, and Uncle Tommy. There would def be more drama in this route (Mom tried to come back once - why didn't Carolina know? Some really angsty stuff). In this scenario - she's still out there... and how could that be woven into the story. It could go different ways: a) She tried to come back after getting therapy and, being protective and fearing losing Carolina (perhaps a buddy recently lost child custody?), Jimmy refuses to allow her to have contact. He says she can see Carolina when she is 18 - if Carolina wants to. Her mother (obviously still unnamed, lol) could be heartbroken but accept it. Or heartbroken but angry and wanting vengeance... Do you see where I"'m going here? Or, b) She walked away and never looked back. But one day, she wants to reach out to Carolina. She contacts the NYPD trying to get in touch with Jimmy, and finds out he died when Carolina was only 13.
2. Dead Mom - Her mother died when she was young. During childbirth - something her father/Tommy always hid from Carolina to protect her from feeling guilty - is my preferred story. Since I don't think I want Carolina & Trystan to have children, this could tie into that story somehow. I also toyed with her dying of an illness when Carolina was very young and that she has little or no recollection of her.
3. Deported Mom - Another thought was her mother was deported when she was a child. Jimmy fought tirelessly to have her returned, but when things looked hopeless, her mother decided to try and build a new life in her homeland (not sure where this will be yet... undeveloped.) When Jimmy learns there is a chance that she will be able to reenter the US, he learns she's moved on with someone else, and they're expecting a child. She tells him to raise Carolina alone.
I don't know what I'll go with - but I'd love to explore this more during the break between Book 2 and 3.
What are your thoughts? What do you think happened to MC's mom in your HC?
Tagging some people - again - anyone can reply!
@storyofmychoices @lilyoffandoms @trappedinfanfiction @inlocusmads @starsarewithinme @moominofthevalley @reveluving @brycesgirl @aces-and-angels @cariantha @coffeeheartaddict2 @custaroonie @kyra75 @alj4890 @shreyamistry @ao719 @a-cloud-for-dreams
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thatdesklamp · 10 months
hihi!! i absolutely love ur writing and was wondering why you dislike using y/n ? i hope this doesn’t come forward as hateful !! much love 🤍🤍
omg no not at all! This is actually a very funny question, so absolutely.
Let's talk about x reader fics, hell yeah.
This is all to do with my personal preference: when I have read x readers in the past, I have literally never imagined 'myself' as the 'reader' character. I've always found it awkward to do--it's just not my thing--and so to combat this, I just imagine the reader character as this... separate character, more of an OC than anything, and I'm just reading a fictional story and oh wow maybe she doesn't actually have a name, there we go, cool.
This then evolves into me reading x readers where the characters are, actually, essentially OCs: in order for the fic, assuming it's multi-chaptered and pretty longform, to be interesting, the perspective character needs to have good and consistent characterisation, and they can't be a bland 'eh' type person that the reader (e.g. me) can just project onto. Give me a character with flaws and personality! That's the type of 'reader character' I prefer. This is even better when authors give them a name--I've often seen authors sidestep the 'absolute OC'-ification of the reader by having the MC's 'real name' never be mentioned and them only be referred to by a nickname, or something like that. I like this! It's more fun when the MC has a name and a personality: it gives strength to the romance and idk man, I just like it, especially since this 'OC-ification' is just what I was doing anyway.
However, I still don't like 'absolute OC-ificaton', just 'partial OC-ification', and prefer a good middle mix. And I know that some readers do like to project themselves onto the MC, so I've tried to go for the same middle mix too.
You can see it in IW, really. This is the type of balance I like: I've given our MC a name, but it's only her surname, so you can pretend that her first name is your name if you want to, or you can lean into the 'partial OC-ification' and chill with the fact that this is a character with a different name to you. I've definitely given Hebi a personality (or, hell, I've tried to), and she's got her own set of flaws that some people will or won't relate to. But IW's got a wordcount of over 150k now, and it would've been pretty tricky to write all that much without feeling like our perspective character was... well. A character, you know?
Despite this, I try really hard to avoid mentioning physical descriptions, because that can be pretty jarring, imo. Hence why Hebi doesn't have the wattpad-y 'long blonde hair and blue eyes and also she's 5'1 and so petite and little with F CUP TITS' etc. I try not to make overt references to hair (like, no-one will ever 'smoothly run their hands through your hair' because, like,,, not everyone has pinstraight smooth type 1 hair, yk? However, someone might 'brush some hair away' or 'curl their fingers in your hair' etc etc, since that's a bit more universal). I'm not infallible, and I've probably slipped up somewhere without noticing, but I try my best to make it as universal as I can, yk?
As for 'y/n' specifically, I just am not a fan, lmao. I find it disrupts the flow of the writing, and takes you out of the story; it reminds you that you're reading something, rather than letting you get sucked in, you know? It also reminds me of 12yo mafia alpha male harry styles wattpad fanfictions and oh lord, I would rather forget those days.
I like my little x readers where the characters have names etc, but I know some people find that to be jarring and off-putting instead of y/n! It's just what you're used to, you know? <3
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Do you have some fun facts about the main cast you can share with us? Thanks!!
Sure, I'd love to share some facts about the characters!
Empress Dalia
She killed her father for the throne, it was for the best really.
She's a perfect 8ft tall, about 244 cm for the rest of the world
Her magic is air and storm based.
She is engaged to her childhood sweetheart. The only person outside of immediate family she respects.
Accidentally turned her tutor into paste when her gravitational magic first manifested, it happens. She could level a large city easily these days, but she's never had reason to do so.
Dragons are his favorite creature, he hopes to meet a true dragon one day.
He loves the ocean, he's rarely gotten the chance to see it due to Aea being land locked. Swimming is his favorite activity.
He doesn't have a favorite sibling... but if he did it'd be Diedre. He loves them all but they were nearly inseparable when Diedre was born.
Camilla and Camillo
Only one of the twins can use magic, I'll let you guess who.
Camilla is the older one, Camillo claims he's the older one.
They are both trans, they just kinda switched at some point and nobody ever mentioned it.
Aurora does a lot of needlework in her spare time. She also weaves silk, she's not great an expert at it by any means but it makes her happy.
She only gets along with her brother Sigonia, all her other siblings were competition to her growing up.
Poster child for daddy issues
He likes scents, especially of people he likes (platonic or romantic)
Uses nicknames a lot... totally not cause he forgers most peoples names or anything.
Taught themselves how to read as a kid.
Studied under of the best mechanical geniuses of the world's current generation. A woman who will go onto being the reason wartime laws will need to be created. These mad scientist tendencies have rubbed off on them for sure.
Is probably an insomniac, if they could get away with not sleeping they would.
If I had to put down a red flag ro, it'd be Asrani. They have obsessive tendencies that would bleed into any romance.
She used to stare into the sun as a way of worship, only thing stopping her from continuing is the fact that you can't see the sun in Aea.
She has a little 'book club', Laika is of course a member. Diedre is too, though nobody knows how she's gotten him to join her.
She is very protective of her remaining siblings. Venus is her honorary little brother.
She's great at math, her parents wouldn't have it any other way.
She has a rock and sea glass collection. She also has a pet rock, it was given to her as joke at first but she takes it everywhere with her.
Noel raised all their siblings as a child themselves. Still looks out for them.
They are pretty clumsy indoors, outdoors they are just fine. Dexterous in fact.
Always knows which way is north.
Their wolf familiar's name is Ragnar, a very sweet and helpful large friend.
Seren, her quail chick, goes everywhere she goes. It is a simple must.
Her jewelry collection is massive, if you ever need to give him a gift jewelry is the way to go.
Favorite colors are blue and green.
They love insects, which is pretty obvious from their mask.
Mc has actually met them before, it was a brief and fleeting moment though.
Hates eating chilled foods, unless they are sweet.
Diedre dreams of seeing the stars one day, but that involves leaving Aea, and they don't do well with travel.
Can't stand extreme cold or heat, they are already bitter but that only makes them more pissy.
They are a hopeless romantic all things considered.
Used to work under Diedre before being reassigned to mc.
Has a great memory, they'll remember everything for you if they need to.
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CFWC Writer of the Month: Takeharryandgo
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @takeharryandgo ​! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! Writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
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Tumblr Blog: takeharryandgo Tumblr Masterlist
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? Kelsey
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
What is time? I literally have no sense of the time that has passed since the pandemic, but I do know I started playing Choices shortly before, so it must have been 2019. My first book was Perfect Match, and it set the bar pretty high!
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
After a massive betrayal by my bestie @jamespotterthefirst . . . no, jk, I just discovered that she had a secret side-blog dedicated to Choices, for which I had never even considered there might be an entire fandom! I don’t know why I didn’t go looking for one, but I’m very glad I found it! First, I joined because I am contractually obligated to read everything Bree writes, but I’ve stayed for the opportunity to post my own fics and interact with the lovely people here.
3- How did you pick your url name? 
Ha, well, I don’t run a Meghan Markle hate blog, contrary to what some may believe ;)  I joined Tumblr in 2011 or 2012 and was active in the Lily/James/Marauders-era corner of the Harry Potter fandom. There were a LOT of us, so it was difficult to find a url that wasn’t already taken. I had to get obscure, lol. So, my url name is a reference to James Potter shouting “Lily, take Harry and go!” before Voldemort kills him, in honor of my favorite tragic idiot.
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
Well, since this is a blog that I’ve had for over a decade...I decided to go back to my first post tagged #Choices as a close proxy. No surprise, it was a fic by @jamespotterthefirst (Adore You). That was Book 2-era, though, so obviously, I must have posted something before then. No doubt it was also Open Heart-related!
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
Since college. Ah, the fanfiction.net days....
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
Open Heart, since it is the ONLY one I’ve written about!
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
Choosing to interpret this as the first Choices fic, because I don’t even want to think about how cringe my VERY first fanfic was.
The first one I posted was Irresistible (nsfw). I’m still happy with it, but if I could change anything, I would make it sluttier 😏
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
My first Sherlock AU series will always have a special place in my heart 😊 Although I did also feel quite proud about tackling the logistical challenges of writing an actual “choices” fic with The Night Shift.
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but could use a little more love?
I guess I never really go in with any particular expectations, because I know that isn’t the healthiest approach to writing (easier said than done of course!) But I am always surprised and grateful for how many people are willing to stick with series-length fics and see them through to the end!
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
This is like a really tough FMK! For Ethan and Meredith, though, it would have to be smut. I can’t imagine never writing another sexy fic for them again 😔
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Oh, definitely! Not necessarily in the major personality traits, but I’ve given Meredith several life details similar to mine (like the fact that she grew up in MN, some of her likes and dislikes, etc.) It makes them easier to remember for one lol, but I also think it felt natural for a Choices MC where the stories are told from the second person point of view. I think she has a bit of my sense of humor, too 😉
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Scene-setting, and emotional descriptions. I’m terrible at finding metaphors that don’t sound cheesy or like I was trying too hard. Writing dialogue flows naturally for me, while the rest is something I have to put more intentional work into. I actually get so caught up in the dialogue sometimes that I have to go back and write narrative or scene transitions after the fact!
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
I’m really weird and rarely have multiple WIPs going at once, nor do I have any abandoned fics. I do owe people the third part of my Lawyers AU though!
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? 
I’m not sure! I tend to like mystery/thriller/crime writing, but cannot write those genres to save my life lol. I don’t think I’ve explicitly tried to model any particular kind of author. For much of my life I probably would have said JKR, but.... 😬
As far as fanfic writers, I always try to channel Bree’s brilliant use of metaphors, but usually fail miserably lmao.
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
Gotta go with the Sherlock AU again! That would be brilliant.
17- Do you write original stories? 
Only when I was younger. My best friend in middle school and I had a whole series planned, where we were each writing about characters in the same invented universe who would eventually meet. The premise was two sisters separated at birth who end up being raised in separate countries that go to war with each other. Each sister disguises herself as a boy to join the army (we were both really into the Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce at the time), and naturally end up marrying the princes of their respective countries, as well as discovering the connection to each other. They are then the key players in bringing peace between the two nations 😂. We had full, detailed timelines planned out and everything. And I’d written a good part of a first book, all by hand in a notebook with different colored gel pens 😆. I transcribed it into Word at one point and it was over 100 pages! But 100 pages of extremely terrible, pre-teen writing.
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
Is watching Netflix a hobby? 😆
Between working full-time and taking care of a house (which I am very privileged to have, and don’t take for granted, but I’ve also discovered that being a homeowner is a LOT of work), I don’t really feel like I have the energy for much else! When I do have free time, I like taking walks with my dog, going on bike rides with my husband (summer) or snowshoeing (winter), playing piano, baking, and spending time with friends or family.
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
I think I use this one a lot 🥰
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
I’m so grateful for @jerzwriter and @lucy-268 and the many others who go WAY above and beyond to keep this fandom engaged and connected! I honestly don’t know where you find the energy (see my answer to 18 lol), especially since some of you are also raising kids! I know I do the bare minimum to stay engaged here, and I’m so in awe of those who take the time to do much, much more.
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ohsilverplease · 11 months
We went to WWWY yesterday and it was so good I bought a ticket for today too. My feet are killing me, my pickleball knee is stiff and sore, and I got lost in the hotel shops trying to take a shortcut and added an extra 20 minutes to my walk back, but it was all so good. (I mean there were def bands I didn’t care about, and bands I couldn’t bear to listen to, but SoCo-MCS-STD-PWTs-TAI were fun.)
In fact, it was Saves the Day that sold me on day 2, because they were so good and played all the hits and I’d forgotten how much I loved them. They remind me of such a specific time and people, I still remember the first time I heard them when I was 16, and I’m going to message my friend Caitlin tomorrow and tell her how much I love that memory: “Let me take this awkward saw,” and we were hooked on this album some guy she’d been chatting with had recommended to her. I have a feeling that will be a deep dive into old albums when I get home.
Speaking of memories, and things I need to tell beloved friends, we ran into the bassist for TAI at the SoCo show and someone asked how we all knew each other, and he told us about his most vivid memory of our friend group (the VA Crew, a name given to us by a security guard after we’d waited in line all day for one of their shows—the group fluctuated between 3-13 people at any given time, and once you were in you were always in, even though only a few of us were actually from Virginia). His memory was from when we went up to Atlantic City to see them, and we were hanging out in line all day, as we did, and the guys would come chat with us throughout the day. And that was in 2006, and it was the tour that kind of solidified everything for us as a friend group. AND that specific day is also one of my most treasured memories of VA Crew hangs, eating at a diner in a casino after the show, and we all got grilled cheeses, and Kokomo came on over the speaker and the 8 of us all sang along, and this, like, stereotypical New Jersey guy, like a Tony Soprano kind of guy, sang along with us, and it was just such a moment of connection with humanity. And so even though we saw them as a group dozens of times after that, I’m glad that’s the day that Adam remembers about us, because it was a great day for us too.
Anyway, Jess and I got barricade for TAI today and saw some other good bands (note to self, listen to Citizen and No Pressure and Turnover again) and she and I are the ride or die fans and there is no one I’d rather be seeing them with than her. I’m pretty lucky to have good people in my life.
Tomorrow the conference starts, and I am looking forward to easing back into work this way instead of going straight back to the office. I still think the Strip is a hellhole, but I’m glad to be here.
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