#I am a bit ashamed that I thought of these lines myself but I'm sure they exist elsewhere in some iteration
devildom-moss · 1 year
(Horny) Solomon testing MC's patience
Solomon: MC, how about I call you my little 24-hour landfill?
MC: Excuse me?
Solomon: For they way I’m always down to put my junk in you and dump a load in you.
MC: Leave. Now. Get out.
Solomon: Wait, maybe I could be your little fracking site?
MC: You could just stop talking.
Solomon: Because I would love for you to drill me and pump me full until I’m left empty and degraded.
MC: Are you sure it’s not because you’re ethically suspect? Now, please, just leave.
Solomon: Please, MC? I just want to be your e-waste.
MC: You know what, I actually want to hear this one before I kick you out.
Solomon: Because I want you to use me until I’m spent or damaged and then have a hard time getting rid of me.
MC, pulling out their D.D.D.: We’re going to skip right to the getting rid of you part. I’m calling Diavolo.
Diavolo: MC, how nice to hear from you. Is there something I can help you with?
MC: Yeahhh. Solomon is going to require a temporary living situation for a few days while I think of reasons why I shouldn’t cut his tongue out.
Solomon: I gave you one last night.
Diavolo: I see. Of course. I’ll take care of everything, my roller-coaster.
MC: I’m not being emotionally unstable. Solomon’s being a pervert!
Diavolo: Oh, no, I just meant that whenever I ride you, you make me scream and feel like my head is in the clouds.
MC: Fuck you both-
Diavolo and Solomon: You do.
MC: I’m telling Barbatos.
Diavolo: Wait! No. I’m sorry. I thought that was human-world flirting. Solomon taught me. He showed me a clip about a strap-on and a-
MC: I don’t need to hear the rest.
Solomon: You know what, I will show myself the door. I’m sure Asmo will let me crash with him for a few days.
-- Later that day --
Barbatos: I’m very ashamed of you, Young Master. How could you do such a thing?
Diavolo: I suppose that attempt at flirting was a bit crude. Maybe MC isn’t fond of dirty talk in general.
Barbatos: Goodness no. They use dirty talk on me all the time - it’s not usually so… heavy-handed, though. I meant that I am ashamed of you for listening to Solomon. Frankly speaking, your courting already requires work. It won’t do to tarnish your skills. It would be a shame if Lucifer was no longer the only one leaving you read, My Lord.
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equalseleventhirds · 1 year
"I don't understand how I'm losing," Reigen said, his hands flying over his keyboard. It was so late now—too late, maybe—if only he'd used the same technique as with the Player Killer from the beginning, he might have stood a chance, but he hadn't seriously thought he'd lose—
"Shishou," Mob said, "why is this so important? You already have second place from Twitter."
Reigen laughed, not at all nervously, and splayed a hand across his forehead. "You don't understand, Mob. The publicity from something like this, even a rematch, would do wonders for Spirits and Such. This is about business."
(He would never admit to his pride being on the line.)
"And anyway, who is this guy? A radio host? I've been on TV, you know."
Mob carefully did not bring up what had actually happened when Reigen made his television debut.
Ritsu had no such qualms. "When they exposed you as a fraud? That was publicity too, right?"
Serizawa leaned over Reigen's shoulder to see the computer screen, careful not to spill the tea he placed on the desk. "Oh, Cecil from Welcome to Night Vale? It's been a while since I listened to that, maybe I should catch up."
Reigen stared at him. "You? What? Serizawa?"
"Ah... yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Back when I was... well, when I didn't leave my room much, the podcast was popular. I guess it gave a sense of... community? Feeling less alone, even when you are." He shrugged. "Plus, hearing another gay man in a show like that was comforting."
"He's gay? Canonically?" Why can't I be gay canonically?
"Sure, he got married in episode 100. It was very emotional."
"I nearly died in our chapter 100—"
-- -- -- -- --
Well, listeners, there's still a few hours left on the poll, but I'm now leading at 56%! I must say, I did not expect this, especially after Twitter users so clearly forgot—or perhaps never knew—about my Tumblr Sexyman Origins.
But, that's neither here nor there. I certainly am grateful, if a bit bemused, about all of this, but let us not forget that this is all a friendly competition. Unlike the annual War On Christmas—and let us all take a moment to remember our fallen allies against that terrible holiday foe—this is a battle of kindness. Love, even. The love we feel for Tumblr, for our favorite sexy men, for pressing a button on a meaningless internet poll. The love we feel, listeners, for each other.
And in the spirit of that love and friendliness, I figured I'd get to know my opponent a little better! A bit of googling, which of course you know means searching via every search engine but Google, what with the Town Council imposing the Google Search Tax and getting all Night Vale IP addresses shadowbanned, has led me to... oh my, listeners. I do not know who made this, but Reigen Arataka has the single most beautiful professional web page I have ever encountered. It's... words do not do it justice. I am tearing up. This... I could not make anything better myself.
A-hem. Listeners, now that I've wiped away the tears such beauty inspired in me, I can now see that Reigen's website advertises his business, one Spirits and Such Consulting. Well! We may be rivals in this moment, but I am overjoyed to learn that Reigen runs such an innovative and important business! I am nearly ashamed that, while my opponent works to make the world a better place, I, a mere community radio host, am winning the sexyman contest.
Nevertheless, we must respect the polls. Not respecting polls could get us in hot water with the Town Council, or with the demigods of numbers who lurk in the sharp edges of percentages. So since I can't hand my victory over to him, I think I'll do what I can as a community radio host, and promote Reigen Arataka's important business!
So if you're a spirit in need of counseling, a ghost in need of therapy, or an eldritch beast in need of a shoulder to cry on, head on over to Seasoning City and pay our good friend Reigen a visit! I'm sure he'll be pleased as anything to see you.
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Hem! Sorry to send this message to someone from Paldea, but I got the idea considering the close relationship between your region and Blueberry Academy, where I teach history -
Slim Pickens (Snorlax, late adult, male, cowboy hat) and the Little Professor (Gengar, unclear, female, mortarboard cap with bright purple tassel) are two Pokemon I've had since my former career as a Gym Leader, and I like to flatter myself by thinking that I'm in tune with their needs and emotions. (Believe me, when Slim Pickens doesn't like something, he doesn't hesitate to let me know it. His son, Shady, is the same way.) The Little Professor has been moving around and getting excited less and less as of late. While a few years ago I could find her using Pickens' stomach as a trampoline while he uneasily slept and interrupting my lessons at random with demands for attention, she's been doing that less and less lately, sleeping nearly as much as both Slims. At first I thought she was just getting older - we all are, nothing to be ashamed about - and while I admit that I missed the Little Professor's disruptive presence in my life, I assumed everything was part of the natural process of aging - or as close to the 'natural process' as a Ghost-type can manage.
Unfortunately, we've got a new Ghost-type expert teaching at Blueberry Academy, and she says that I'm 'starving' my Gengar. I was shocked since there wasn't any changes in their diet from what I'd been giving them for years - and she says that the Little Professor needs a steady supply of new 'pranks' to pull on people in order to be fulfilled, happy, and healthy, and that my insistence that the Little Professor limit their mischief to me and not permit them to bother my students is resulting in some sort of Ghost-type malnutrition.
I'm not sure I trust her - she's a bit of a mystic and given to anthropomorphization. So I thought I would ask for a second opinion, since Pokemon Centers in Unova tend to focus more on the brute survival and nutrition of the Pokemon they treat rather than 'enrichment' and environment - is my insistence that the Little Professor *not* yank chairs out from underneath my students and then levitate them around the center of the room, spinning them around near the ceiling lights, a physical or mental health issue for her? Am I really being too hard-headed and rules-oriented with my Pokemon, have I let my old Gym Leader instincts make me be too harsh and demanding? And if you aren't sure, what do you think the best way to tell or research more would be?
(NB: If this is serious enough to refer this to your local Ghost-type Gym Leader, please do not mention my identity. It's embarrassing, but I fumbled the ball *badly* when asking her sister if she was married when she visited from the Academy.)
you work at one of the most well-funded and well-regarded schools in the world and you haven't consulted their library for pokemon care information? i'd highly recommend looking there.
as for your gengar, she's just slowing down as you age, because- as i would hope a ghost-type expert knows- they're life force feeders. i'm not sure where this expert has gotten her information, but the gengar line are not like misdreavus or shuppet. they prey upon people's life force by hiding themselves in shadows. it would in fact be unusual for them to draw so much attention by playing pranks. she's less active because she's basically "aging" with you.
now, while i don't mind to reassure you on your care, i do take issue with you saying pokemon center nurses in unova dont worry about enrichment. theyre as hardworking and well trained as any other nurses i've met. if you haven't heard about care outside of battle from them, it's because you haven't asked. and as for ryme, don't assume she's not professional enough to put aside whatever faux pas you committed for the sake of a pokemon. these are professionals, and it's unkind and unfair to act like they won't do their jobs properly.
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starry-snippets · 1 year
Hi! I was hoping I could get a matchup! I've only seen the first 3 episodes of JJBA part 1 so far so I need a character that I can look forward to rooting for no matter what happens. I don't mind what part they come from.
Name: Eren
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality: I'm pretty quiet in social settings but if someone talks to me first, I can keep a conversation going. I will occasionally go up to someone to initial a conversation but not very often.
With people that I'm close with, I'm very open and sarcastic. And I make a lot of self-depreciating jokes (even though I have a high self worth).
Likes: Reading, writing, anime, video games, Marvel, and listening to music (stuff like Hamilton, Panic! at the Disco and Offspring).
Dislikes: Spiders (deathly afraid of those), being forgotten when I'm gone, and disappointing those who I care about.
Looks: I'm 164cm (5'4") and have an average build (not too curvy but definitely not straight up and down). I have green eyes that everyone thinks are brown and curly/frizzy dark brown hair that is just below my shoulders.
Extra Info: I'm at university and am majoring in English and Writing. I regularly get distinctions and high distinctions with my assignments and have very high expectations for myself. I want to be a published author and have written several manuscripts.
Hopefully I've put a good amount of the right information and I hope the rest of your day goes well for you!
sorry for the delay here! i hope you've enjoyed jjba so far and this matchup!! @justsomeoneintoomanyfandoms also feel free to tell me if you like these characters when you've gotten to their parts! (pt 2 and pt 4)
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☆ caesar would love talking to you! the way you don't talk over him and how you really listen to the deeper things he has to say, as many people stop listening once the bold flirting has concluded. he wouldn't force you to talk either, despite his own extroverted nature, caesar knows how to respect your wishes to be in silence if that's what you want! ☆ you two make a lot of jokes when you chat, and he really likes how you have a witty comment to all his snips. it's like he's met his equal when it comes to clever commentary and it's unfortunate for joseph whenever you two decide to include him in the banter. caesar likes that you're sarcastic and despite making depreciating jokes (which worried him at first) he knows you actually don't believe what you're saying (he does take the time to make sure you know those jokes aren't true) ☆ caesar LOVES that you appreciate music! listen to mamma mia! with him he's so enthralled. isn't ashamed at all to reenact scenes from musicals, especially the ones that involve him getting to be a gentleman. he'd sing along with you after minimal coaxing since he wants you to have to ask, but won't make you beg ☆ if you'd let him, caesar would read to you. it doesn't matter if it's text about how hummingbirds fly or the most eccentric young adult novel, he'd like to share the story with you by reading it to you. his voice is smooth and calming, and he loves the intimacy of sitting besides you while you read together (he's not there for the book, he's there for you) ☆ caesar isn't a fan of bugs but he doesn't actively hate them. he'd rather not deal with them, but he will purely so he can tease you a bit for being scared. he'll play it up, act like he's a hero saving you from a beast, when really he's just trapping it in a bubble before luring it outside
☆ your fears (besides bugs) line up too. caesar understands the fear of being forgotten - the fear of letting people down - too much. if you ever have nightmares about it or just need his reassurance he is there for you. he doesn't just understand, he feels it immensely. it hurts him that you hold the same fears, as it's an intense pain imagining it for himself and he knows it hurts you too. caesar wants to help in anyway he can ☆ he thinks your eyes are the most captivating, priceless, and mystical green eyes he's ever seen. he loves the way that depending on what you wear they look more brown, but caesar always finds himself lost in the shades of emerald, jade, and jasper that always twinkle at him. his favorite body part is likely your eyes, as he loves the expressions that you show him whenever you're together ☆ caesar LOVES your hair. he loves to play with your hair, loves to style it if you let him. you remind him of italy and of nature, with your green eyes and curly hair. caesar loves whenever you cuddle because you're shorter, as he can successfully be the big spoon and whenever he holds you close he can feel the softness of your pretty curls ☆ caesar loves to listen to you read your own stories to him. the way your voice becomes animated, how you may even change your voice when there's dialogue. he views it as you opening up part of your heart to him and he'll be damned if he doesn't take care of it ☆ in conclusion, caesar enjoys how you two differ in interests and behavior but have reached an understanding. you bring out the best in each other, and you accept the worst. it's like your best friends first, lovers second; perhaps evenly split
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☆ he's a shit and he's evil and he LOVES you. loves that he can get a rise out of you but you have something to say back. rohan is so intrigued by your calculated comebacks within seconds. he feels like he's finally met someone who can challenge him ☆ if you make a self depreciating joke he's playing it up most likely. he will do things like agree, or say stuff like "you're being too nice to yourself!" but only once you've gotten closer. close enough where you both know you can throw it at each other, where you both understand you have self worth that isn't impacted by the stupid comments of a smartassy friend ☆ rohan can't stand when you put on musicals and says he'll rather listen to nails on a chalkboard. but you know he's lying and he knows it too. rohan listens to your favorite musicals while he works out since running on a treadmill is a mindless activity for him. it's true he's not into it, but a smile comes on his face whenever he listens to "guns and ships" and he imagines you missing the timing during the rapid rapping ☆ really appreciates your eyes. the color, the shape, the emotion. rohan would convince you to let him do eye studies with them as a reference. likely when he's falling in love with you or when you've begun dating, either way he wants an excuse to sketch every single detail and bring it to life so he'll always be able to appreciate this part of you, even when he's gone (rohan hangs it up because he's "just proud of the drawing") ☆ pokes fun at you being scared of spiders. he doesn't mind them as we've seen, but he'll act like it's a big deal to take care of one that's bothering you. it'd be better off not to tell him in all honesty. with your other fears though, rohan understands and reassures you that no matter what he could never forget you. he tells you often that if you die before him (he just about prays you won't) he'll make the most beautiful art out of your ashes, and rohan truly means that ☆ rohan also loves drawing you, all of you, because of your hair. he likes to try new things and drawing your curls was originally difficult but after sketches upon sketches he's mastered inking your hair texture. you better not doubt if they look as beautiful as they're drawn, because he doesn't lie in his art ☆ makes fun of your height! despite making fun of it, he does love how the difference comes in handy when you're cuddling or when he's trying to annoy you a bit. he's immature, but he does know how to respect whenever you've had enough or how to console you if he goes too far ☆ he loves that you love to read and write. if you're a fan of his he'll be even more elated and have such an ego boost. don't even tell him his head is already inflated so big it's in the clouds. but also do tell him, because he'll sign all your copies and actually leave heartfelt messages (and a few stupid remarks) ☆ cares so much about your manuscripts. if you show him any of them he'll treasure it. he may act like it's not a big deal, but you can tell in the way he listens and provides feedback that he truly does care, and your happiness about it is why he's happy while you read. secretly loves when you give him feedback too, even when he acts like he won't possibly need it ☆ in conclusion, you two make each other better creators. you also keep each other in check, rohan needing it more than you... but still. rohan would go through so much for you and he may be a bit of a smarmy jerk, but he's more of a lovesick artist who's finally found his muse more than anything else
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Count Raymond III of Tripoli aka Tiberias for the ask meme (yes this is an excuse for you to talk about your fav ^^)
All right, anon - here's the tea on my old boy:
favourite thing: that he's both weirdly caring and simultaneously tries his hardest not to show how much he cares. He is grumpy but kind and I am so here for that. Also his sassy eyebrows.
least favourite thing: that he can - often at the most inopportune of times - be very self-serving. He protects the people he loves like a herding dog, but doesn't give much of damn about anyone else. As soon as he does no longer have any personal interest in an endeavour, he's out.
favourite line: "At first, I thought we were fighting for God. Then I realised we were fighting for wealth and land. I was ashamed." A somewhat anachronistic sentiment, but it sums up his disillusionment pretty well. Poor thing needs a holiday - and a hug.
BrOTP: Godfrey, obviously. I wish they'd had a scene together in KoH.
OTP: Not sure. I ship historical Raymond pretty hard with his badass wife, I could see myself shipping Tiberias from the movie with a variety of characters including Godfrey and Balian, and in my AU fic I ship a blend of historical and movie-verse Tiberias with my OC Isolt because grumpy bitches in love are my soft spot, I suppose. So yeah, it depends.
NOTP: Raymond x Baldwin (in a historical sense). In theory I'd be all over this because they have such a great dynamic and I love them both, but the incest aspect is a bit iffy to me. However, if it's strictly movie-verse and not a word is breathed about them being cousins, I'm totally fine with it.
random headcanon: This man is a bisexual disaster and you cannot change my mind.
unpopular opinion: To me, Raymond is the most fascinating character from the movie / historical figure from that particular time period (at least on the side of the Franks) and, as far as this fandom goes, that's the hill I will die on. In a lonely manner. But that's okay.
song: I Can't Go On Without You - Kaleo. Not a perfect fit, but some of the lines are quite Raymond, I think.
favourite picture: I have two. The first one is just regular silver-fox-y goodness and the second one is Tiberias when the guards throw him out of bed at 4 o'clock in the morning to play chess with Baldwin:
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beskad · 2 years
I am absolutely disgusted by this country right now, but not one bit surprised. I grew up in the kind of culture that has been fighting to overturn roe v. wade for decades. I used to be one of them.
my extremely far-right, deeply abusive, controlling, fundamentalist christian parents moved our family to a suburb of memphis (in north mississippi, right at the state line) in 2005. my parents kept me carefully physically isolated from outside influences and used threats of hell to keep me in line. In the years that followed, they forced me and my younger siblings to participate in anti-abortion protests from 2007 to 2012. candlelight vigils, hours of praying and sign-holding outside planned parenthood in memphis, etc. they thought it made them look good to have their 4 kids out there with them, especially because my youngest sibling was just a toddler. my face is still visible in a 2008 photo on a damn anti-choice blog to this day. I was a minor and I had no choice in the matter but it still turns my stomach knowing I was involved in any of it.
I was clinging to religion as a teen and solidly anti-abortion (with some exceptions) at the time, but only because I didn't know any better. I KNEW what it was like to be shamed by family for things and I didn't like that I was part of shaming others, but I had been thoroughly brainwashed into thinking a 10 week old blob of cells was a whole human baby with legal rights.
I never spoke during any of those events, but my presence alone surely caused hurt and damage to the people going inside for some damn healthcare. i couldn't say no, I couldn't refuse to participate because doing so could have resulted in physical violence to myself or my siblings by one or both of my parents. and there was a GUARANTEE of screaming and shaming and damnation if I did anything less than enthusiastically participate. so I spouted off the necessary rhetoric to my parents, and kept my mouth shut for my own safety, and along the way, halfway convinced myself that I was right because I couldn't handle the idea that maybe what I was doing was more nuanced than I thought. I'm still ashamed that I didn't try harder to counteract what I was doing, but I was a minor and facing threats of violence and was already suicidal due to the hell that was my home life growing up not-straight in a deeply patriarchal, controlling, ultra-religious, far-right and borderline white supremacist household.
I cut off my parents years ago, once I was able to escape them. I am absolutely disgusted by people and parents who brainwash their kids into this anti-choice rhetoric with fake sob stories and heavy handed religious shaming.
if you were at all like me, stuck in a situation where pushing back would have been unsafe for you or put those around you in danger - please try to forgive your younger self.
We can't undo what we contributed to in the past. But we can and will do better now.
Memphis Center for Reproductive Health:
Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund:
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letterstodreams · 1 month
Crazy Quilt Religion Alterations, Part 2
I recently read the book, 'The Light We Give: How Sikh Wisdom Can Transform Your Life' by Simran Jeet Singh, and it helped me a lot. I felt like I had quite a few realizations while I was reading it and my spiritual views were being influenced in a positive, deep way. Maybe in a way that was hard to fully put into words. I remember that one or two passages in the book seemed to be things I really wanted to remember and to add to my crazy quilt religion, but I got a little busy and distracted and kind of forgot exactly what they were. I had thought I would remember and it would somehow be easy to recognize and find, but now I'm not sure.
But I think I might know what it is, and looking back at it, it feels a little bit weird to me, now, how it felt so powerful then. I still do think it is powerful, but it doesn't feel as convincing or moving to me now, if it was the same thing I think it was. I think that maybe reading that whole book made it all feel more powerful, and reading it at the same time as I was reading other books and contemplating different things, somehow it all came together for me and I saw it differently.
Or maybe I really just forgot which points were the most powerful for me, and just can't recognize them anymore. It might have been more than just this, or other things. I skimmed back through the book, trying to recall, and this is the point that felt most familiar, like it was probably the one I wanted to remember, so I will write it down.
It is an exercise in which you list twenty or so qualities you wish to embody. And then choose five that feel central to who you are and want to be. Then come up with one action to take to practice each of those five qualities, every day. And ask yourself what you'll do to hold yourself accountable to those commitments.
So that is it, and I think that part of why it felt so powerful to me was because I was seeing it from the point of view of practicing these things every day, finally turning intentions to actions. Seeing that everyone tends to focus on values but not so much on acting on the values, and it's hard to see who is really living their values, in a balanced and heartfelt way, sometimes. So even the religious people who judge and advise others might often not be living so in line with the values they promote. But if I can live in line with my own values, I can see how powerful and rare it really is to live them consistently and not just talk about or hold the values.
I can live according to my own chosen values that work in my life, in action and not just theory. What works for me and not what other people say should or will work, but repeatedly, miserably fails for me and creates a ripple effect, bringing down my whole life in various ways, and affecting all who depend on me too.
It's so powerful, because I am realizing and accepting that practicing my chosen core values will actually, finally be good enough, for me, and for God. I will not keep feeling I'm not good enough, a failure, or think of myself as too weak or inadequate, anymore. Accepting I may have character strengths in some areas and not others and I don't have to try to be strong and virtuous in every way, or in all of the ways others say I must be.
Another thing in the book is where it talks about having a personal mission statement and core values. He writes, "When push comes to shove and there's no easy answer for how to respond, what would you use as a guide so that you feel proud of your actions rather than ashamed?" The answer is not one-size-fits-all, he says, but different depending on who you are and what your life is like over time as well. This goes along with the idea of God forgiving me for being so imperfect, day in, day out, over the long course of my lifetime, maybe always being fraught with weaknesses, but still feeling forgiven if I still feel I am really trying my best.
And this book also mentions Guru Ajahn, who said, "I don't care about salvation, and I don't even care about power. All I really want is to be in love with the Divine." And it talks about how love is the goal in Sikh teachings. He writes, "In Sikh teachings, the goal of life is the same as is practice: We achieve love by trying to live with love, day in and day out."
So it's not about achieving heaven or worldly results, nor perfection or comparison with others. It's about loving, and practicing that, however you can as an individual. And I want to define what love means for me, what my values are, the specific actions I'd take towards my values, and then accept that is enough for me, enough too for my crazy-quilt religion and my crazy-quilt God.
I think part of love for me is self-love, because I feel so weak and unable to live up to some of the ideals that many selfless people try to demand as the standard for what they think we should all aim for. But for me, part of self-love is creativity and playfulness, for example. Another thing is rest and intuition. Those things aren't really counted as being very selfless but I think they have a place in the whole and that some people need to focus more on those things in their lives. They might be part of their core values.
These things can be gifts to others, too, especially to some who need more of those things, those who crave creativity and need intuitive things because they too see the world that way and need the answers and experiences that such things offer. When I dive deep, find answers I hope to share one day, and do self improvement that I hope will make me a better person, then it all ripples out, even if my focus often seems so small and self-contained in so many instances, but I feel I absolutely need that in my life, because of my mental and physical illnesses and weird personality. I think God sees, and accepts this as one of my gifts of loving and giving in life. I also give to my daughter and pets, so it's not all so inwardly focused.
So anyway, I will give all this some more thought and see what else I can come up with and how to apply it in my life. I feel like it's powerful. I even had a dream of a turbaned man, before I even read the book (I had just checked it out from the library). He just smiled at me in this short little dream segment, and when I saw the picture of the author of the book, who I'd never seen before, his face looked like the man in my dream too. I was quite surprised by that dream, because I didn't even know at all what to expect from this book. But I'd been praying so much for spiritual guidance, and then I had that dream and then the book did seem to help me so much.
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creatingcarla · 6 months
5 things an artist should learn to be ok about
Every year during my long holiday break I take a bit of time to have a retrospective or reflection about what I did as an artist. I take notes of projects, commissions and paintings that I am proud of. I make sure to transfer my digital files of those artworks into my hard drive for safe keeping. I also think about my overall "performance" as a artist. Did I improve my craft? Did I paint enough? Have I tried something new that I didn't do last year? How much did I earn?
All of these questions swim in my head as I decide whether I did "ok" or "not ok" for the year. While my mind is still processing the "grade" that I will award myself, I also thought...as an artist what should I try to learn next year? And usually I would think of a new medium or art style that I would put in as a goal to work on. This time I thought of improving my overall mindset of what an artist should learn to be ok about.
so I present to you, 5 things an artist should learn to be ok about.
Not feeling inspired to create
We are not built to feel creative every day. Even the most talented artists in the world has days when they couldn't even muster up the courage to pick up a pencil. We should not feel ashamed of not producing art or practicing your craft especially when there are a lot of other things going on that needs your immediate attention. Like family, chores, your physical or mental health, your day job or whatever. All of these require attention, time and effort and expecting ourselves to draw or paint every day on top of what we are doing to survive is just setting yourself up to fail. And I remember listening to an art vlog or podcast and the person said that you don't have to have the same form of creative output each day. Like for example I'm a painter and I shouldn't expect to produce a painting every day. I could still be exercising my creativity through other activities like cooking, trying a new recipe, or journaling or arranging flowers you picked out, etc.. so there are many ways to be creative but bottom line is that we must be kind to ourselves and be entuned with what we really need to do.
2. Not finishing paintings or artworks when they no longer spark joy
I am very guilty of this. I am a very moody artist so sometimes I like to paint something and I get into the flow of drawing and painting, even focusing on it for many hours on end until I finish it. However there are times when in the middle of my flow I get interrupted and that's when I had to abandon my artwork. I find that when this happens it's very hard for me to return to my previous inspired state and finish what I started. So I have quite a number of unfinished works lying around, I don't throw them away at once. Because sometimes I'll be browsing my drawers and I find then and it would trigger an inspiration to complete it so you never know. Still I feel so guilty of not finishing artworks because of course I think of the materials wasted and the time as well. But I would like to learn to be more forgiving of myself when it comes to this. I think it's very much a part of an artist's process to experiment and sometimes abandon what they are working on. We do have bouts of inspirations and I believe as an artist this is like our compass. If our artist compass says we gotta move in this direction then I think we should follow it.
3. Not having a distinct art style
For many years having a distinct art style is like a mark of a real artist. Like if people can glance at an artwork and say it's from this artist, then that artist is legit. I also used to measure this about myself before. I would very much want to have a distinct art style and people can recognize my works immediately. I have tried a lot of ways to keep my art style consistent but when I look at my portfolio now I still see different versions of art styles. And I have learned to accept that this is how I view art and the way I create. Having different art styles doesn't make me less of an artist. I like trying new mediums and seeing what I can create from them. And most importantly I am having fun making different art styles. It is also very freeing in a way because people do not expect my art to look the same as it is always.
4. Buying new art materials
Let me say this - I love watching haul videos, especially art materials haul. Even if I am not the one unboxing the package, just seeing the excitement and how the artist's eyes light up in the videos make me smile. And I am also someone who likes filming unboxing videos when a brand sponsors me. Instead of feeling guilty about buying or receiving art materials I feel grateful that because of these brands I get to try more things that can help and enhance my craft. Honestly you don't need a lot of materials to make art, but there is also a different kind of joy in buying an art material that you've saved up for, or you've put on your wishlist for a long time, or something that gives you excitement to create. New art materials can be a source of inspiration and also of growth in trying something new.
5. Not earning from making art
We have to learn to be ok as an artist even if we don't make art our full-time job or hobby or passion. Of course if this is your main source of income then it's a different ball game. But for many like myself who choose to live a double a life as a corporate worker and a small time artist, I do think about how I can even call myself an artist when it is not my profession. I do have feelings of guilt when I spend so much time for my art and still there is no return in terms of profit. This guilt intensifies as I grow older and there are more responsibilities on my shoulder, still I spend my time creating and painting, in the hopes that I can turn my art into something more. Maybe I should look at it this way: instead of monetary gains what has my art given back to me? It has given me a sense of fulfillment in mastering a medium. It honed my discipline in repeated practice. It allowed me to share what I love and inspire people to find an activity they can be passionate about. It gave me opportunities that I never imagined in my wildest dreams.
It's cliché to say "Money isn't everything." but in this case, what I gained in return for pursuing my art for more than a decade now, I can honestly say that these these are the things that money cannot buy.
Thank you for reading. And I hope this list helps you in some ways as we move towards the end of this year and onto to a new one. I would love to know your thoughts on this in the comment section below. Happy holidays!
0 notes
yami-kada · 3 years
Mission 2
Recently I read a fanfic on AO3 called Interlude - Class 1-A by @itslivybear and was inspired a bit to write a fic based on that! Well really I got inspiration for a single line (you'll know it when you see it) and then had to write a whole thing to be able to share that one line, but oh well. This is my first time writing a chatfic or even any BNHA content at all, so I hope it doesn't suck! Thanks to @shadesofflame for being an awesome beta!
(Quick FYI in this AU M*neta and Bakugou are replaced with Shinsou and Monoma, sorry for any confusion. Also a name guide can be found at the bottom.)
RockSolid: Um, so.
RockSolid: Remember the missions during the Sports Festival?
PurpleGrape: Oh hell yeah.
PurpleGrape: Still cherish the look on that bastard's face.
Spoderman: jehxgjc Kiri I got it on video!!!
JazzHands: You've had video of the capture of the bounty this whole time and never showed us???
LSD: I thought we were friends Sero!
Spoderman: omg no not that I totally would have shared earlier if i did
Spoderman: im talking about That.
RockSolid: no Sero don't tell them!
RockSolid: it's embarrassing!
PikaCHU: Tell us, tell us!
NYOOM: Kaminari-kun! If Kirishima-kun wishes to keep his privacy, then it is our duty as his classmates to respect that!
Spoderman: ok but consider: he already gave them a major hint and they are about to POUNCE
BreadIsPain: As a witness as well, I must say that Kirishima was si attirant que j'ai failli m'évanouir~*
RockSolid: thanks, I think?
MOMo: To paraphrase Aoyama, he is essentially saying you were very manly, Kirishima!
RockSolid: aw thanks bro!! Don't believe you but thanks!
Spoderman: you take that lack of confidence back I have evidence right here that says you are super fucking manly!
LSD: ok please now we have to know so that we can show Kiri how great he is!!!
MOMo: I must admit that the commentary seen thus far has me rather curious as well.
RockSolid: You guys…
RockSolid: alright then, I'll tell you!
Spoderman: sweet ill pull it up!
RockSolid: bro don't you dare! my story, I get to tell it!
Spoderman: oh yeah of course bro!!
Spoderman: but if after you wanna show it then i am READY.
JazzHands: This is very sweet and all but I am very thirsty for this TEA.
RockSolid: on it!
Kirby: Kiri you've been typing for so long that I'm getting Izuku vibes here.
GreenGrape: Hey!
RockSolid: sorry! this is harder than I thought!
Spoderman: want me to start it off?
RockSolid: you know what, sure.
Spoderman: aight so,
Spoderman: Council, what qualifies as capturing the bounty?
GreenGrape: Guys no the bounty is over please no more bounty-hunting Kacchan.
MOMo: Your objection is noted and overruled, Izuku.
MOMo: For your question, Sero, I do not believe we ever set specific limitations on what qualified, but I was under the impression that it was limited to the Sports Festival. Why do you ask?
Spoderman: just double checking
Spoderman: because my bro here just totally shot both missions out of the park!!!
LSD: gaSP!!!
JazzHands: bOTH?!
RockSolid: no not both!! we have no confirmation for either, technically!
Kirby: Technically? What do you mean by that?
RockSolid: ahhhh ok so Sero and I were eating lunch in the courtyard because it was nice out, right?!
RockSolid: and we were chillin, being bros, birds were singing, all was good.
RockSolid: and then we heard a small explosion before the bounty walked in at the other end of the courtyard and started kicking at the wall.
PikaCHU: omg so angy.
RockSolid: and like fine, we can tune him out, just try to act like he's not there, you know?
RockSolid: But then he started yelling at random people in the courtyard, just acting pissed as hell.
PikaCHU: oMG so ANGY.
RockSolid: and that's just not manly at all, you know? going off on people like that just because you're in a bad mood.
GreenGrape: Yeah… that's Kacchan for you.
RockSolid: so he's making his way around the courtyard now, like everyone needs their daily dose of asshole for him to be happy, and the closer he got the more annoyed I got.
Spoderman: here it comes!
RockSolid: and eventually I get up, because I have had just about enough, and walk right up to him.
RockSolid: he doesn't see me coming, because he was too busy yelling at some girl, and I get right up behind him.
RockSolid: and then I just called out to get his attention, and spun him to face me while making sure I end up between him and the girl.
RockSolid: and well I told him off a little bit and got him to back off then left in a hurry.
RockSolid: and that's it!
Spoderman: oh no you don't
BreadIsPain: Oui! Monsieur Kirishima, you must tell the climax with just as much zest as the build-up!
Spoderman: what he said! no skipping out on the best part!
RockSolid: but!!!
Jacked: No buts, mister. We're all way too invested now for you to back down.
RockSolid: :(
RockSolid: fine! you win!
RockSolid: so uh when I got his attention, I also got my hand onto his shoulder, and used his surprise to knock his feet a bit off balance and pulled him back, but then I ended up with him in my arms and could tell he was about to start yelling so I just…
RockSolid: you know…
RockSolid: flirted?
LSD: oh my GoD this is great!!!
PikaCHU: Hell yeah Kiri! Go get yourself a manz!
RockSolid: I'm not getting a man! He's probably going to kill me the next time he sees me!
Spoderman: i dunno, it took him a good long while to reboot after what you said there
Spoderman: you might have a shot
PurpleGrape: Well if you're not going to get a man out of this, mind telling us what you said so I can bait him next time he tries to be an ass?
RockSolid: uhhh…
RockSolid: I'm nervous.
BreadIsPain: If you will allow me, I shall finish your tale off dazzlingly!
RockSolid: Thanks Aoyama.
BreadIsPain: Bien entendu!
BreadIsPain: While holding him in his arms tightly in a dip, faces inches apart, Monsieur Kirishima leaned impossibly closer to emphasize his point.
RockSolid: oh god I regret everything.
LSD: Hush, it's getting good!
BreadIsPain: With a growl to his voice and his eyes burning above a smirk, he said "You know, you're damn cute when you're angry, but you'd be downright sexy if you shut the fuck up." Then he straightened up to fling the lost soul to the side, and saunter off like the devil was guarding his back, leaving the bounty terribly confused in his wake.
PurpleGrape: Whoa.
PikaCHU: Holy shit?!
RockSolid: what is that description?!?!?!
JazzHands: Kiri that was PERFECT oh my god?!
LSD: It's ART is what it is!
Spoderman: don't forget how red the guy was! Kiri was cool as a cucumber but the other guy couldn't stop blushing after seeing his face!!!
MOMo pinned a message
RockSolid: Yaomomo!!!
MOMo: My apologies, Kirishima, but I felt it only right to ensure easy access to your most manly moment.
LSD: Yeah Kiri! Then one day we can all look back on this and celebrate how everything started!!
RockSolid: How what started???
LSD: E v e r y t h i n g
RockSolid: @Spoderman bro hide me I’m scared.
Spoderman: hey guys, wanna see a GREAT video?
Spoderman: the stars are our main man, Kiri, and the bounty!
PikaCHU: hell yeah!!!
Jacked: Lay it on me.
PurpleGrape: Sure.
JazzHands: Do you really have to ask????
RockSolid: but I already told you what happened!
RockSolid: why do you want to see me being so embarrassing?
PikaCHU: bro we all appreciate you so much of course we want to see you being manly!
LSD: Just from what you all said there is no way you don’t look great in that vid, Kiri!
PikaCHU: gotta give support where support is due!!
PurpleGrape: They’ll all bully Sero into showing them one way or another anyways, might as well give in now.
RockSolid: but...
BreadIsPain: Nous devons vous montrer à quel point vous brillez et dissiper ces pensées douteuses!**
MOMo: I could not have said it better myself, Aoyama!
RockSolid: I don’t even know what he said though?!?!?!?!?!?!
Spoderman: Kiri.
Spoderman: Bro.
Jacked: Well shoot he’s using proper grammar and everything.
Spoderman: Rude.
Spoderman: Anyways Bro.
RockSolid: yeah?
Spoderman: You are epic. This video shows you being epic. And putting an asshole in their place.
Spoderman: You have nothing to be ashamed of, and every reason to be proud. So please let me show the video so that everyone can appreciate you like you deserve bro.
RockSolid: bro…
Spoderman: Bro.
RockSolid: bro -
Spoderman: Bro?
RockSolid: bro!
Spoderman: aight everyone down to the common room its up on the big screen
Spoderman: i have popcorn too
Jacked: Not even gonna question that.
LSD: Finally!!!
JazzHands: Yuss!!!
BreadIsPain: Je vais regarder avec enthousiasme!***
MOMo: As will all of us I’m sure, Aoyama!
RockSolid: Thanks guys!
RockSolid: Now get down here and watch me maybe get a man!
*so attractive that I almost swooned.
**We must show you how much you shine, and dispel those self-doubting thoughts!
***I shall excitedly watch!
Guide to names:
GreenGrape - Izuku
PurpleGrape - Hitoshi
CopyCat - Monoma Neito
MOMo - Yaoyorozu Momo
datBoi - Asui Tsuyu
JazzHands - Hagakure Toru
NYOOM - Iida Tenya
SnowWhite - Kouda Kouji
LifeIsPain - Tokoyami Fumikage
BreadIsPain - Aoyama Yuga
Kirby - Uraraka Ochaco
LSD - Ashido Mina
PikaCHU - Kaminari Denki
RockSolid - Kirishima Eijiro
RipHarambe - Ojiro Mashirao
IcyHot - Todoroki Shoto
MuffinMan - Sato Rikido
Octodad - Shouji Mezou
Jacked - Jirou Kyoka
Spoderman - Sero Hanta
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baeklination · 3 years
🎃Acting like a Crazy Person
Tumblr media
Date: 211016
Warnings/Contains: stalking, fluff
Characters: Byun, Reader, Baekhyun
WC: 2k
"What do you mean? On his head, like a footballer? That's not so bad, is it?", Codee asks.
"No, like...pigtails..!"
"Pigtails!?", she bursts out, cracking up.
"Maybe not pigtails, but two top knots. On the top of his head..!"
Turning the corner you immediately see him, his red hair being unmistakable even with the meagre light shining from the entryway. Leaning on the fence surrounding the swings, head bent, he's flipping through his phone. There's a definite "no…" in your head, but his now toned down outfit - black trousers and sweater - gives you a sense he has some sense.
Hearing footsteps he looks up, smiles cautiously and puts his phone away.
"Hi… I… Can we talk?"
Not wanting to invite him in, you gesture to a bench nearby.
"I came off too strong, didn't I?", he asks as soon as you sit down.
"A little… No, a lot. Did you come to my house yesterday? I mean, I know you did. It's, you can't do something like that."
Knitting his brows, he looks ashamed, seemingly aware he deserves the telling off.
"Can I explain? First of all, I left the note on my way to work, not at night-"
"That's not really my point, Byu-"
"I know, I know", he says holding his hands up. "I could tell you were different, on our date, and I guess it was because of my outfit?"
"No, I…"
"It was. I don't think about it that much, I just wear whatever. I'm in workwear five days outta the week, so I have a little fun sometimes, you know? I guess it was too soon..?"
Hearing his explanation makes you feel like the close-minded person you don't want to be, especially when he apologizes for it, so you soften a bit, nod. He continues.
"When I got back home I felt sad. I usually let things run out in the sand, turn to nothing, but I thought if I try again you might still like me so I wanted to do something cute. I even thought to myself it's too much, but then...you know, in those romantic movies they always do shit like that and…", he trails off, scrunching his nose. "I didn't think it through. I'm sorry if I scared you."
"It kinda freaked me out, I don't know…"
"But if it was a movie, it would've been cute, right?"
"Yeah, sure, but-"
"Then I'm not so bad, am I?"
"But it's not a movie. Cute is, I don't know...texting a picture of a cat with a cheesy line…", you sigh with laughter, now feeling more at ease.
"Cats? Give me one more chance? Please? I can do cats."
Sitting here, teasing, joking, Byun seems exactly the guy you perceived him to be when you first met last week - easygoing, a little awkward (very easy on the eyes). Knowing both sides - being excited and going all in to have it end up disappointing and being too shy to do anything at all - you can sympathize. The sense that you should move away from this situation is painted over by feeling you should be open and kind - or is it rather that you're sexually attracted to him and don't want to be single anymore? Whatever the case you're willing to give him the second chance people so often want but don't get.
"Hmmm, okay. But no notes, just cats", you say, putting up a warning finger.
"No notes. Swear."
His eyes glitter with cheer where you sit in the dusky night; tentatively reaching out his hand you let him take yours.
"Tomorrow?", you echo, laughing at his eagerness. "I work really late rest of the week. Weekend?"
"Okay. That's...one, two, three days", he says cutely. "Three days and no notes."
Stunned, you blink at the folded paper on the floor. With anger and worry (and hope it won't be what you think), you bend down and open it:
"I can't wait until the weekend", a drawing of a cat at the bottom.
"What the fu…"
Hearing footsteps outside the door you hurry to look out the peephole, but luckily it's just your neighbour. With a growing unease you look out the windows as well, but there's nothing out of the ordinary to be seen there either.
Crumbling up Byun's note and throwing it in the trash with an uncanny feeling of violation, you decide to ignore any future attempts by him, wishing you'd done so in the first place.
This is where it started.
Thinking "ignore him" became your friends saying "ignore him", to them saying "call the police", to the police saying "ignore him", and then "...unless something actually happens we can't do anything".
Many things had happened.
Even that first week, texts, calls, voicemails wondering why you didn't respond, sounding distressed one time, cheerful the next. That Sunday night you'd come back to the apartment to find a small mountain; slipped under your door there was note after note; drawings of cats, flowers, love letters.
Calling the police was the right thing to do, but it made it all the worse, as they (presumably) had told him to stay away.
At first glance it was so disappointing: your brand new used car had gotten a scratch at the back, thinking you must've hit something while at the same time knowing you hadn't. Then came the punctured tires, one by one he'd cut them, until you'd had enough and left it alone alltogether.
Phone calls to family, work, and friends denouncing you, spreading rumours, vile pictures edited to look like you posted on your own social media accounts. When the police came knocking on your friend's door, as you never stayed at home, you thought it was finally it, they'd get him, but they'd come for you; anonymous reports of both child neglect and abuse had been made. Luckily, what had been going on was unearthed rather quickly and the matter was closed, but that was also all that happened. The questions were always the same:witnesses, footage, tangible proof? And of course the answers were always the same as well.
Until one day when your boss, supporter extraordinaire, said they were opening a new branch out of town, close enough to visit every few months;
"It's not much, but…"
"Did I do that?", Baekhyun snickers, pointing at your pyjama top.
Scratching the washed out stain, you scrunch your nose.
"Toothpaste. My other t-shirt as well." Fluffing up your pillow you cosy in next to him. "...It's 'cus you're always rushing me, I must've become a guerrilla brusher."
"I'm..? Aeh, in a few months it'll be warmer…" Sneaking his hand round your waist he shakes his head "...you won't have to spill on your clothes."
"Not much" as your boss had called it turned out to be your lifesaver. Discussing with both family and work you'd decided that you didn't want to arrive at a new place and pretend it was going to be a "new you". No, taking precautions so nothing would happen or in the worst case scenario, if something did, it wouldn't be a mystery as to what it could be. Even before moving you'd explained the situation to your soon-to-be boss, who'd proven to be grown out of the same understanding soil as your current one. The same went for your landlord; going over with Codee, who'd managed to get nine days off, exchanging phone numbers and a promise to not give out information about you to anyone who came asking. The local authority wouldn't do much, as expected, but it eased your mind to know that they'd at least "have it on file", as they said.
When Codee eventually went back home, terrifying weeks followed. In the quiet any sound is him; in the night, every shadow. Every red hat, every person's back, every piece of paper.
Three weeks after the move you'd come home to see it hanging halfway down, stuck in the mail slide. The walls closing in, you didn't know what to be afraid of: staying outside or going in? You hadn't thought it was over, but neither had you actually thought he'd...come. Yanking it from the door you opened it, the torn paper showing only the monthly newsletter of the neighbourhood…
In a frenzy you did your checks; paperslips still stuck in every window, doors aligned right over transparent scotch tape, drawers open the width of one pencil. Collapsing on the floor you'd called your brother crying, your throat so thick with fright and dejection it made it difficult to speak. After understanding you were physically fine he still promised to come down for a few days.
Everyone else's days might've been getting colder, but yours were at last getting warmer. As the cliché goes it really was "one foot in front of the other" and "day by day" until they weren't filled with trepidation about turning a corner or checking and triple checking everything and everyone; a stillness had settled. When your family came to visit six months in, your brother remarked:
"You're finally getting some fat back in your face", and pinched your cheek.
And there was Baekhyun - or Mr. Norwegian, as he was jokingly called per his platinum blonde hair. Having a horizontal power structure at work meant having a casual relationship between boss, manager and staff, so much so that he'd often come work at the desks with the rest of you - sometimes just to check to see who was almost done and wanted to play billiards in the rec room.
He understood well enough why you at times would stare out the window, flinch when a co-worker came up behind you or why you preferred going straight home instead of joining their spontaneous get-togethers at the end of the day. Yet he didn't see you as feeble; you were a capable person having a hard time. And apparently, as the months went by, he'd started wanting you to come out on top for more than just empathetic reasons.
One afternoon, going over details about work you'd said it was almost done, but the final touch - pièce de rèsistance - was eluding you. More sombre than the situation called for, he'd smiled a little, put his chin in his palm.
"You'll get there. When you're ready."
Thinking back during the evening you couldn't be sure: had it been what you thought or had your mind been so warped you were making things up?
Putting the dishes in the washer, a low-key surprise celebration at the office ended, Baekhyun steals a quick kiss.
"Happy birthday. Was it alright?"
"M-hm. It's always a bit embarrassing, isn't it? But thank you", you say flicking his red bowtie. "Nice touch."
Throwing a glance at the door he leans closer.
"I wanted to put it somewhere else, bu-"
"I just remembered I've got a lot of work to do. See ya tonight..!"
"Should I bring something else? Feels like I forgot something…", you say to Baekhyun at the other end of the line.
"Maybe… I mean, I'm packing my bag full of risqué lingerie…"
"Ha! I hope you are. It is my birthday."
"If the cops pull me over they're gonna think I'm a real freaky guy", he mumbles.
"What are you eating?"
"Leftover cake. But I'm leaving now", he assures you, his cutlery clinking against the sink. "Mm. I'll be there in twenty. Bring an umbrella for me too. Bye."
Giving the bag a once-over - risqué lingerie included - you zip it up, satisfied nothing important is missing, and lock your door.
"The rain really had to come today", you sigh, watching the trees thrashing in the wind from the entryway. "Aeh, it'll make it cosy once we get there."
Maybe it's because you know these surroundings so well you subconsciously register it; under the trees below your window it's too dark. Leaning forward, squinting to get a better look, you could swear it moves. And so it does - an umbrella tipping up to reveal the timid face of your nightmare.
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seekingseven · 3 years
Last one: Twilight & Legend bonding! I'm thinking maybe they get stuck somewhere after a world-switch, and that means they actually have to talk to each other and work together. And not lamenting over lost loves - rather, learning how to work together despite their differences (e.g. Legend's use of magic and Twilight's avoidance/lack of)
they are my favourites and I'd love to see them together more!
Linked Universe Prompt Request #9!
What an awesome prompt to end off this little series with! It was really fun to work on this one; I hope you'll enjoy it too!
(You can also read the fic here on Ao3, or view the entire drabble series here!)
"You really think they left without us?"
Legend chewed idly on a fingernail as he stared at the ground, eyes fixated on a sprig of daisy blooming in a pavement crack. Beside him, Twilight crossed his arms and huffed.
"Not intentionally, I'm sure, but yeah. They're gone."
"How could they forget us?"
Legend's question was flat-toned, but his syllables pinched at the corners in his characteristically melodramatic way. Twilight rolled his eyes. Of all the people he could be stuck with in an unnamed Hyrule in an unnamed timeline, it had to be the veteran.
Oh well. Could have been worse.
"I guess they didn’t realize we were still here,” Twilight began, taking a seat on an upturned rock and flicking ants off his arms. “Still a surprise to know that those portals don’t wait or anything.”
Black steam curled off the pavement by Legend’s feet, the only memory of the gaping portal that had stood there just seconds ago. Legend carded his hands through his hair and gripped the back of his head.
“What are we supposed to do now? How can we get back to them? Are we permanently separated? Are you even listening? Twilight! Hey, are you just going to stand there? We need to find someone to give us directions!"
"Directions?" Twilight snorted. "We don't need directions."
"We do, too!"
A swing and a clatter of metal, and Twilight was back on his feet. His arms were crossed tight across his chest. 'We're heroes, we don't need directions."
"Yeah, if we want to get lost! Listen, let's at least buy a map."
"For what? Where are we even planning to go?"
Legend opened his mouth, then closed it again, lips pursed and pulled to the side. "Huh."
"Getting all huffy about nothing. I suggest that we just stay here."
"Stay here? We're in the middle of some goddess-forsaken road, who knows what'll come along and trample us!" With a dramatic sweep of his arm, Legend gestured to the crumbling brown pavement underfoot and the greying sky overhead.
Goddess-forsaken might have been a little bit of an understatement.
"Well, what else do you suggest we do? Walk off and let the others try and find us?"
"That's what they did to us, in case you weren't paying attention."
"Do you really think being petty is going to get us anywhere?"
"What, so you think being high and mighty is going to get us out of this?"
Blue locked with blue. Legend narrowed his eyes. Twilight snorted. The veteran's personality was like corn whisky--pungent and sharp, and pleasant in only small doses with a generous distance. The rancher's upper lip curled at the thought.
"Hey, don't look at me like that," Legend demanded. Twilight's eyes remained trained on the ground. Legend tried again. "Twilight? You listening?"
"I don't know, maybe."
"Listen, man. I'm, uh, sorry."
"Don't--just, uh. Sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I'm a little stressed, obviously, but that isn't an excuse, and I apologize. I didn't mean to make it sound like it's your fault or something." Legend's eyes flickered to Twilight's, whose own had widened to take up half his face. He coughed into his fist before continuing. "I...uh...if you think it's best that we stop here, then we can. They'll come back. Probably."
Twilight was still staring. The muscles along his arm relaxed, and the bitterness from earlier faded to guilt.
"Oh," he began, "I didn't mean to make it sound that your idea was bad. I was just worried...I don't know where we could go from here."
Legend nodded. The move wasn't sympathetic, not yet, but at least his mind was doing the talking. "Yeah. Do you think we should stay?"
"Here? I think so. What do you think?"
Silence. Legend's eyes slimmed in thought. Mind goaded on by the quiet, Twilight slipped into his own brooding bubble. His eyebrows flickered upward as he alighted on a compromise.
"How about we wait? Maybe an hour or so, and if they're still not back, we can move on?"
Legend nodded slowly, then beamed. "Yeah! Let's do that. Okay then, huh, could you scooch over? I want to sit too."
Cloth ruffled as Twilight slid to the side, then patted the grey rock beside him. Legend sat down with an awkward grunt. A hot breeze swirled up debris on the side of the road, and a squirrel hurried across the pavement. Far away, a goat brayed.
"We really are in the middle of nowhere," Twilight mused.
"It's not so bad, though. The sky is pretty."
Twilight glanced at the pinking, sunset-flecked clouds overhead. "Yeah. Huh. It's sort of a nice day, isn't it."
"Mhm. Hey, I've got a question."
Legend idly knocked the sheaf of rings on his finger against his teeth. "Magic. You have some sort of problem with it. Am I right?"
If Legend's earlier apology hadn't soothed Twilight's prickliness into an ashamed buzz, there was no telling what his response might have been. Yet with the clouds puffing their way across the sky and the gentle hum of music, distant, Twilight's reservations faltered.
"It's just not my thing," he began. "I like doing things myself. With what I've already got. Augmenting things or changing them...that's not my deal." Upon noticing the incredulous look on Legend's face, Twilight's mouth pressed into a culpable smile. He scratched the back of his neck as he continued. "But maybe I'm just old fashioned, favoring my hands and whatnot. It's nothing against you."
It was only upon Twilight's last words that the tight look on Legend's face faded. The veteran really did take things too seriously and too personally, didn't he? Maybe that's why he panicked so easily.
"Well," Legend began, "I guess I can understand that. You should try it sometime, though. Magic."
Twilight raised an eyebrow. That familiar stubbornness, the complete lack of tact...sometimes he forgot that the others were quite literally iterations of himself. "Thanks, but I'm good."
"Really, Twi, I mean it. I mean, of course it takes some time getting used to, but I think you'll enjoy it. It's more down-to-earth than you think."
"You really think so?"
"I know so. And anyway, it takes you way too long to start a campfire with a twig and a flintstone."
Twilight huffed, then, upon seeing the frustratingly serious expression on Legend's face, leaned forward and flicked his nose.
Legend's eyes went wide. Twilight recoiled. Had he gone too far? It was just instinct--he had flicked the champion's nose more times than he could count, but never the veteran's...had he crossed some sort of line?
His internal monologue stuttered to a stop with Legend flicked his nose right back.
"Hey!" Twilight protested, shielding his nose and surprised smile behind his arm, "cut that out! Cut it--cut it out!"
"Not unless you promise to try on some of my spellcasting rings."
"I won't!"
"I--hey! Stop that!"
"Say 'Legend, I promise to practice magic with you and I'm sure you'll be a good teacher' and then I'll stop."
"Are you crazy? No way!"
Twilight tried to protest again, but his words muddled into an embarrassingly high-pitched giggle. He blinked quickly against the water building in his eyes and tried to hide his head between his knees.
"Fine, fine!" Twilight exclaimed, hands in the air and nose pink. "I'll do it! I'll do the magic thing with you. Just--uh, you promise to go fishing with me. Or something. Don't--Legend, I swear to Hylia, if you do that again I'll kick you in the nuts."
Legend paused, pointed finger pressed behind his thumb in a menacing 'o,' and considered the peace offering (and auxiliary threat) presented. After a tense moment, he let his hand drop into his lap.
"Fine. Surrender accepted."
"Wh-surrender? I didn't surrender anything."
Legend smirked and laced his hands under his chin. "History is written by the victors, you know. Now, stand up."
"And take these," Legend added, dropping a few golden bands into Twilight's lap. A faint vibration, like music rumbling from the floor, oozed off the polished metal. "Put 'em on and stand up."
Twilight did as instructed and slipped on the rings. His mind caught up with his arms just as he began to stand up.
"Wait, hold on; are we starting this thing now?"
Legend raised an eyebrow and crossed one leg over the other. He bore a surprising resemblance to an irritated schoolteacher. "Of course we are."
"By Nayru's teeth, are you serious?"
~~ Fine ~~
I hope you enjoyed! Thank you so so much to everyone who submitted prompts--I hope you enjoyed how they came out--and a big shoutout to everyone who read them! I hope some of them were able to make you smile :D
Until next time!
[Previous Request]
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lilallama · 3 years
Valentines Day
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TW: Obsessive behaviour, mentioning of stealing and slight homophobia, proceed with caution!
"Taehyung sweetie, wake up.~"
I groan and turn in my sheets, slowly regaining consciousness. "I've prepared you breakfast. Get dressed and come downstairs." The clacking of my mother's heels echoed through the hall as she went away. Groggily I sit up and stretch. I push my bangs out of my eyes I stare towards the window to my left. The sun shines through the thin curtains casting an orange light on my bedroom wall. I yawn and stand up, pulling the curtains aside and flooding the room with light. I take a moment to look outside, admiring our beautiful garden before remembering what day it is. Today is Valentines day! My God/Goddess asked me to meet up with them. Oh, spending Valentines with my saviour is the best thing to have ever happened to me!
I rush to pick out a white dress shirt, a khaki sweater vest with a black pair of slacks. After also brushing through my hair to untangle any knots I opened my secret Y/n shrine. The picture of their smiling face makes my heart pound so fast. They are otherworldly, absolutely ethereal! I take out a shirt of theirs which I borrowed a while ago. If I close my eyes it still smells like them, it's addictive.
Just to make sure that no items were robbed from their place I go through all items once again. Five chewed on pencils, a small box of empty wrappers, my 20 most favourite photos of them, the candle they accidentally bit into because they thought it was edible, the borrowed shirt, a pair of their underwear, a bunch of pins and hair ties they touched, the bundle of 36 hair strands I managed to collect (I only collect the hairs that have fallen out, I would never dare to cut or rip out my God's/Goddess' hair) and my water bottle which they drank out of (I had to buy a new one to keep this in my shrine but it was so worth it). All my items were there.
Suddenly I hear clacking and a small thud. I turn around in confusion, what just happened? But then I hear Yeontan's bark from the other side of the door. He ran against the door again. I can't help but laugh as I go to open the door for him. He jumps up a bit so I kneel down to pet him. "I'm meeting up with Y/n today, isn't that exciting!" Yeontan immediately started yapping, he loved my God/Goddess almost as much as I do. It's really incredible what an effect Y/n has on everyone, they all seem to love them. Well, then again that is expected to be the case considering Y/n is such a godly being.
"Taehyung!" "I'm coming!" My mother called me again. "Come on, boy." I hurry downstairs with Yeontan following me. "Good morning, Ma. Good morning, Pa." My father nodded at me while my mother beckoned me to sit down and eat. While I finish my breakfast my mother was talking about a lot of stuff. "Have you heard, they're trying to make gay marriage legal here. That is complete nonsense! God created a man and a woman for a reason." I have no clue what my mother was raging about. I concluded that she's probably just misinformed, Y/n said that being part of the lgbtq community is completely natural and alright. I know they know better than anyone else. "What's so bad about it, Ma?" My mother looked at me with horror. "They can't help who they're attracted to. It's all natural, isn't it?" My mother shook her head. "No!" She exclaimed, "Being gay or trans or something is inherently selfish! Gays are selfish! Men and women were created by God to conceive a child and stop the human kind from getting extinct. Trans are selfish! God gave you a body and you chose to change it in it's entirety! Such behaviour is unacceptable." "But I thought God loves everyo-" "Where have you even gotten that idea? Maybe you should go back to homeschooling. Clearly these other kids are having a bad influence on you." I look over to my father who just continues reading the newspaper. I respect my mother but she clearly isn't ready yet for the wisdom Y/n has bestowed upon me. Not everyone is as lucky as I am. "Look at the time we'll have to go now." Right, it was Sunday which means we're going to church. I always like going there, the windows astound me everytime. And the pastor is always so welcoming and friendly. I vividly remember asking him about the lgbtq community after Y/n had told me about them. He said that God loves everyone regardless of their sexuality or gender identity. He truly is a wise man.
As soon as we returned my father got a call from a business partner. They said they'd have to go now and want me to take Yeontan with me to my meet up. While I was a bit saddened that I couldn't be alone with my God/Goddess I decided it wouldn't be a problem.
Yeontan excitedly trots besides me as I make my way to the place where my saviour and I would meet up. I debated getting them a bouquet of red roses for Valentines day, but figured that the 20 letters, 12 stuffed animals and 18 bouquets I gave them during the past week would be enough, for now. As I make my way there I couldn't conceal the excitement I felt. Getting the chance to spend time with my Master/Mistress was something I believed I'd only ever dream about. The euphoria I feel from the mere thought of getting to see them today is dizzying.
Suddenly Yeontan starts barking and storms off. He never leaves my side, that's why he's not kept on a leash. To see him run away from me like that was surprising at best. But then I notice the reason for his behaviour. The puppy ran towards Y/n who was waiting for me a few metres away. How could I have just ignored my saviour like that! What I did was unacceptable. I would punish myself, but it would likely ruin Y/n's day, I can't let that happen. So I run after Yeontan, towards my God/Goddess.
"Good morning, Y/n! I'm sorry about him." I look down at Yeontan who's still getting pet by Y/n. He better cherish that they're even looking at him. It's bad enough that he practically demanded pats from them. So disrespectful. "No worries. He's so adorable!" At least Y/n seemed to enjoy his behaviour. I doubt it would work if I behaved that way towards them, but that's for another day to find out. "I dearly hope you didn't have to wait too long." They smile up at me. Oh, their smile is to die for. So incredibly perfect! I feel my knees getting weak. "Don't worry about it. I just arrived too." Yeontan started barking again and was noe excitedly jumping around, making Y/n laugh. "Awe! Yeontan is so adorable. I didn't know you'd take him with you." "It was unexpected for me as well." They stand up and take my hand. My heart is beating so fast, I feel as if I'm about to explode. It's getting harder to breathe. "Let's go now!" We start walking along the path with Yeontan rushing after us.
We sat outside a small café and each ordered our desired dessert. "Have you ever been on a date?" That question caught me off guard. "Oh, no. I haven't." I believe that much was quite obvious, but perhaps I was mistaken. They look surprised, shocked almost. "Really? How come? Aren't you getting asked out left and right?" "I suppose I just never had interest in anyone. I barely know those who ask me out. They're all so shallow to confess without knowing anything about me." Just then the waiter returned with our desserts. We thank him before we start eating.
Both of us watch as Yeontan is running around and playing in the snow. I look over to see Y/n smile at him, leading me to also smile. I adore their smile. Everything about them is so perfect. I could stare at them for hours and never get bored. Each detail is something new, something beautiful to discover. Unable to take y eyes off them I-
"Excuse me." Who dares interrupt my special time with my God/Goddess?! Two girls stood next our table. One almost cowering behind the other and mumbling something along the lines of, "Oh my god, no. Jess, don't." But I really couldn't care less. "My friend thinks you're really cute and was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with her." So annoying. I eye them down and make one thing clear. "I'm not interested." The girl cowering behind the other looked disappointed, perhaps ashamed. Good. She should be. After they interrupted my date with the Y/n they can go burn for all I care. "Have a good day." After the girls back away with the other girl exclaiming, "What a jerk!" I turn my attention back to Y/n. "Uhm, wasn't that a bit harsh?" They looked unsure. "Was it? I thought it was reasonable. Better to tell the truth than lead them on, am I correct?" They took another bite of their dessert. "I guess you're right."
We had a grand time strolling through the park, even having a snowball fight. They won. Obviously I could not compete with my God/Goddess, no one could ever. Yeontan was also very entertained as he kept trying to catch the snowballs as they flew over his head. Soon the sun began setting. It was incredible how fast the time flew by. Both our clothes were slightly damp due to the snow. I didn't think much about it untill Y/n began shivering. No no no no! My saviour could get sick, or die! I couldn't let that happen. I take off my jacket and gently place it over their shoulders. "But, won't you be cold?" I give them a reassured smile. "Don't worry about me, my God/Goddess. If I may, I'd love to accompany on your way home." They let out a bashful chuckle, making me melt. I feel my entire body heating up from that gorgeous chuckle. Their power over me is simply astounding.
All the way home I keep my arm atound them in hopes of providing some form of warmth for them. I cannot bear knowing that they're freezing. Never would I be able to forgive myself if they'd catch a cold. Yeontan was also slowly getting tired, which was by bo means a surprise considering how he played and jumped around all day. "Thank you for bring me home, Taehyung." Hearing them say my name makes my entire body tingle and flutter. "You do not have to thank me, Y/n. It was an honour!" Whatever I expected, it was not feeling their lips against mine. My mind went blank and I could barely stand. I felt dizzy, yet so so good! They gave me my jacket back after the short peck and laughed. "Goodnight!" Then they went inside and closed the door. I stood there for a moment, shocked at what had happened yet freling absolute bliss. After a minute or so I manage to finally pull myself together. I put on my jacket, it smells like them! And then I picked Yeontan up and walked home.
Oh, this day was the best I've ever had!
If you liked my work please reblog! 💌
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kissesformonsters · 2 years
I have a question that's fully meant to be genuine and I'm not sure how to phrase it better, but please know I mean no accusation: If you're Dragonite Kin, why do you self ship with Flygon as a human instead of making a Pokesona or something along those lines? I like the Pokemon/Human dynamic, just curious why.
Oh no worries! It's something I've thought about a lot, myself, so I got an easy answer for that! :)
Even before F|ygon I was a pretty big fan of feral/nonhuman x human stuff, I have quite a few stories and AUs where humans will fall in love with nonhumans, or a human will be turned into a nonhuman and their partner(s) have to adjust to this change.
For a long time, I was really fucking ashamed of it, and kept trying to figure out why I liked it so much. I felt really strong guilt over it, wondering if I'm some kind of z00 in denial, wondering if it was wrong that I post anything online because it'll attract z00s. Even though so much of my enjoyment relies on the fact that the feral communicates with English, or has a translator, and gives explicit verbal consent, and the thought of anything irl makes me physically sick... I thought that I was just in denial that I was a horrible person.
But I just needed to think about it in a different way! Over time I realized so much of it is tied to my identity: the fact that I'm asexual and don't experience or understand physical attraction.
This might be a bit TMI but I've always felt a little 'broken' because of that. I love the idea of getting intimate, I'm so excited to bond with my partner with those kinds of interactions; but the biological, physical attraction was never there, will NEVER be there. I always worry that that means I won't be able to perform well. That without the attraction I won't be able to please my partner, that I won't be a good match physically for them and they won't be satisfied no matter how much we love each other. That without physical attraction I'd never be a good match for anyone.
So with these feral ships, where someone is a creature that one wouldn't think is compatible with a human, but their human counterparts love them all the same and want to be with them; I realized I'm playing into this fear of mine by giving myself just that. F|ygon isn't exactly compatible with me as a human. But I love him for who he is, and I'm still his partner, and still love being with him and figuring out how we can be together. F|ygon is not broken and unable to be loved physically. I am not broken and unable to be loved physically.
So although I do like daydreaming about being with him as a Drag0nite too, I get a lot of comfort out of shipping with him as a human and that's what I'll post about most of the time ^^
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dalleray · 3 years
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If I hadn't been very good interviewing [Patricia] Highsmith in Aurigeno, there was someone I was downright bad at, and yet it must have been the start of a surprising, singularly charming story: Edwige Feuillère....
I arrive one afternoon at rue de Longchamp in Neuilly. Rather banal building. I get on the elevator, my throat a little tight: I felt her authoritarian. They open the door for me and show me into the living room, I find it a little too pink, a little too sweet. She enters. Not very much makeup on; she wears a funnel neck sweater. Her body no longer has the firmness of my memories. Still, there is the way she carries her head. It's her, but she's an old woman.
Today, I'm sure she saw it all in my eyes in a second. So, she pulled out all the stops. She offers me a seat on a couch and sits next to me, almost thigh to thigh. I move back. She raises her eyebrow and just says: “You are sitting very badly. Lean on the cushions.”
“Sorry, but I can't work like this.” “Okay, I'll take the cushions away.”
And we start. She responds, but very quickly interrupts me and brings her face closer to mine. "Ah, now that I see you with my glasses on… But you have very pretty green eyes," with that voice that makes all screens shudder. I do not know where I am. I pick up the thread as best I can.
“You read my book! You are indeed the first journalist who comes to see me for this book to have read it.”
I stammer. I am getting worse and worse. I bend down to turn on the tape recorder. She lifts my face, touches my hair, on the forehead, to the right. "But you have a strand of white hair. Is it natural or are you doing it on purpose?" There, I feel that I am confused, maybe even that I blush, I flounder, I sink. That’ll teach me to betray that, in her sweater, I couldn't find the one I had placed on a pedestal at all. I'm mad at myself, but at her too. Now she wants me to eat chocolates. And tell me that she is a great reader. As if! I wonder what literature she likes, but I don't feel like digging. I want to go. She goes to get my item of clothing, a black leather jacket and helps me put it on. She runs her hand all the way down my back and says, still her voice, "I love the feel of leather.”
Okay, she's seventy-seven, I'm thirty-three, but she took over and covered me with the ridicule I deserved. Let's run away together.
I was not at the end of my punishment, though. I listen to the tape. I am lamer than lame: I don't raise the right questions, I don't push her to explain, I say totally incongruous things. Nothing to get out of it. Unreliable. And, to make matters worse, she wants to reread before publication. What to do? Meet with close friends to whom I dare not even speak out. Common sense advice, but easy to say: "Try to remember what you wanted to know, what she started to say when she stops and you forget to start her again. Rewrite everything: there will probably not be a word of what's on the tape, but we'll see what she says about it." A whole weekend, for an interview page in Le Monde. And a close reading by my friend Monique Nemer. Questions at last intelligently formulated and answers reconstructed, but perhaps just a bit “off.”
On Monday, the interview is printed. Two hours later, Feuillère on the phone: "My little one, it's absolutely perfect...I've never read an interview so true to who I am.” That’s when I realized she was extremely intelligent.
She offered for me to see her again. She told me about what she read. A very sure taste for literature, the classics—she had not forgotten Claudel's lessons. She was very attached to her hand-annotated edition of Dante's The Divine Comedy in Italian—her father's nationality. She gave it at the end of her life to Hector Bianciotti, whom I introduced to her. But she had a curiosity for everything that was published—I brought her my favorite recent books—and the eclecticism of avid readers. She happily returned to Claudel's side, but discovered with the same interest Philip Roth, who made her want to reread Joseph Roth. Dante would bring her back to Philippe Sollers' side, and she would go back to the Italian side to read Svevo and Elsa Morante. She read the ones I told her about: Eudora Welty, Anna Maria Ortese, Annie Ernaux, Danièle Sallenave. But Highsmith's murky tales seemed too worrying to her. When we went to dinner, I always tried to convince her, to make her love this "black queen” without much success.
When she played at the theater at night, we used to go to lunch. She seduced me in every way—because she liked to seduce, because her conversation was brilliant, humorous, her language sometimes deliciously old-fashioned. One day when I was talking to her about a man, she said to me, “Alors, vous êtes éprise?” (“So, are you in love?”) with a sort of ‘h’ sucked in front of "éprise.” She lunched “en chapeau” (“in hat”) as it should be if you arrive in a restaurant wearing a hat, but nobody knows how to do it anymore. After coffee, without using a mirror, she reapplied her lipstick. She would sometimes use an indignant grandmother's voice to say, "My little one, stand up straight. This is an absolute rule.” When I complained about a married man who liked neurotics—those who harass you to snatch an evening, a weekend—and I told her that I hated these behaviors and that, asking for nothing, I did not get anything, she punctuated with a laugh: “But my little one, this is the story of my life! Men, if not burdened with recriminations, give nothing."
I loved going to see her at the theater. The presence on stage of a person with whom you have a form of intimacy is always moving. Anguishing, too. When, at the Théâtre Montparnasse, she took over La Maison du lac with Jean Marais, I went there almost every evening. Marais-Feuillère, for the last time, you had to see and see again. One day when she invited me to lunch in a restaurant near the theater, whose old-fashioned and provincial character, like the clientele, amused us, she reproached me: "Stop coming to the theater!" Seeing my crestfallen face, she added, “But this is not a good play! How can you listen to these banal lines over and over again?” “Of course, it's not Claudel, but I'm not coming for the lyrics, I'm coming for your shoulders and for the melody.”
“Cheeky and incorrigible, that's what you are. So, come on tonight, I'll introduce you to Jean."
Juliette Gréco, who laughed at this improbable friendship and imitated Feuillère so well, would sometimes call me, mocking her voice. I hesitated for fear of saying to the real Feuillère: "Stop your stupid jokes! " One morning, I hear Feuillère's phrasing on the phone, too over-played for it to really be her: “My little one, I had a great time last night.” And Juliette Gréco tells me, with her own voice and the tone of a kid delighted with her triumph, that she was at a party the day before, and that seeing Feuillère at a table she approached silently, passed her arms around her shoulders, and leaned over say to her ironically: "So, are we seducing the same young woman?"
Despite my protests, I admit that I was rather entertained by imagining this scene between these two. The tastiest was yet to come. Call from Feuillère, the same afternoon: "My little one, we mustn't tell Juliette Gréco that we are seeing each other, she is very jealous"
I joked: "No, she knows very well that we have incestuous loves.” “Incestuous, perhaps, but not Sapphic.” There is no one left to utter such phrases!
Talking about her relationships with women, one day, when once again I had just passed a passionate admirer on her doorstep who was chasing her and whom she received, while remaining aloof, even disdainful, I joked: “You are a tease.”
“At last, my little one, how dare you?”
“Sorry, but it's the truth!”
She didn't comment. I thought of Sartre telling Sagan, who was cutting meat badly, that he could no longer cut himself: “Respect is lost."
I was a little ashamed: I had crossed a line—thin, barely perceptible, and yet very present, beyond which she wanted to safeguard her unalterable dignity. More than Claudel, it was Mallarmé's Hérodiade that she made think of: "Who would dare touch me, a respected lion?”
- Josyane Savigneau on her friendship with Edwige Feuillère in Point de côté
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ajokeformur-ray · 3 years
Hi again, Erika!
I wanted to thank you for your kind words! It means more to me than I can ever express that you are always so supportive🥺🥺😭😭 I am so incredibly grateful to you for that, my love❤️❤️ You really cheered me up a bit, but I still feel bad... So I hope it's okay that I'm venting to you. If I'm annoying you with this, you can just ignore it and I apologize to you😔
Everything is a little overwhelming and too much right now. I've spent most of the day repeating my lecture material again, but somehow it still doesn't feel right. Like I didn't study hard enough. Which actually isn't true, because I literally spent weeks studying for this exam. And now I've reached a point where I can't concentrate anymore. I want to keep going, but I can't, which makes me feel even worse...
I found out this morning that the exam will be an online exam. That's a bit of a relief that I don't have to go to the other end of the city to the campus. But on the other hand, I haven't written an online exam before, so I'm hoping that at least everything works out with the internet connection - sometimes that's a bit of a problem with with my provider.
Omg, I'm panicking so hard right now. I'm so tense, I'm kind of grumpy, almost angry. But sad and tired at the same time. My brain feels like mush, like I've forgotten everything. My hands are shaking, I feel like crying and like I'm going to throw up at any moment. I'm craving a hug or something. I'm... Why do I always have to beat myself up like this?
I apologize so much for burdening you with my problems. I feel really bad and ashamed about it😔😭 I just hope everything is okay with you, darling, and that you are taking good care of yourself. I love you so much💜💜 I'm sorry...
Sue, my love!🥰💖
You're most welcome, darling.🥺💝I'm so sorry that you're feeling so badly, angel, I've been thinking of you so much and I'm worried about you.😩Please take care of you, angel, you're so much more than you know you deserve much better than to be so stressed about this. You can always vent to me, angel, and I'm so proud of you for sending this in to me!💙
I'm so sorry that everything is so overwhelming, my love.😔You've worked so very hard to revise and to prepare for this exam, and please know that I say this with love, but you know more than you think you do. At this point in the day, if you don't already know it, then you're not going to know it. I sincerely doubt that there's anything you haven't revised time and again, my love, and right now I really do think that it is best for you to stop working. Take the rest of the night off, get some good sleep if you can (even just lying there with your eyes shut is adequate rest if you can't fall asleep!) and eat some snacks. Please, please take care of you, honey.
There is such a thing as overworking, which makes things worse in the long run, and again, I say this with love, honey, but you're starting to cross that line and I promise that your thoughts are lying to you. You have studied enough, you have worked hard enough - you've said it yourself, you've spent weeks on this exam. You can't concentrate anymore, darling, and forcing yourself to do so will only harm yourself and neither J nor I want that for you. Please, please take care of you, darling, and get you some rest, hydration and good food. Rest easy, honey, knowing you've done everything you possibly can. I promise you, darling, it's not so scary as what your mind is telling you. I promise you.
I'm glad that the exam is an online one; it saves you the commute backwards and forwards. I'm sure everything will work out, my love, but to help you to go into this easily, I would recommend emailing your tutor if you can about the iffy internet connection, just so if anything goes wrong, you are covered and your tutors have been pre-warned. I'm sure nothing will go wrong but if it does, it's best to be prepared.
Deep breaths, my darling. You are more intelligent than you know. You have worked so very hard and you know much more than you're aware of. Take deep breaths, honey. You have done everything you can and I'm so very proud of you; I know that J is too, as are your loved ones. I'm sending you so many hugs and lots of love, darling. Get some rest, okay? It's easier said than done, I know it is, but right now rest is the best thing for you. Your mind and body need to rest now, to digest and to soak in everything you've revised today, and working any further from this point would be detriment to your health and well being. Please know I say this with love and tenderness, darling, as someone who has been in and is in similar shoes.
I'm so sorry, darling. Take good care of you, my love. You care so deeply about your studies and it's so inspiring.💙You're no burden, my love, and I'm so proud of you for messaging me and for reaching out about this. I hope that even one thing in this message is what you need, darling. I love you so much and I'm doing what I can to take care of me, and I hope that you're able to get some rest. I love you so much too.🥺💛
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kawaiikatchi · 4 years
My Thoughts on Case 4 for Great Pretender (Part 1 of 2)
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For some reason, I have a very complicated relationship with Case 4. Whenever I think about it, it feels like two parts of myself are having a debate with one another, and I can't decide who is winning because they're both right.
Let's just start from the beginning. Keep in mind that I've only watched this chunk of episodes once, so this will be my honest first impressions of how I think the show concluded (does anyone know if we're getting a season 2???).
To start off with a lot of the positives for this case, I LOVED the heart to heart moment that Edamura and Laurent had at the beginning. It felt very necessary, considering that it was rare that these two would sit down and talk about something serious. It was nice, even if you're not looking at it through a shipping lense like I am (yes, I ship Laurent and Edamame, and no I will not feel ashamed) that Laurent could give him advice considering that they both fell into becoming con artists because they had no real path in life. As we learn more about Laurent's backstory through this arc, it becomes a lot more obvious that Laurent sees a bit of his younger self in Edamura, but his comment about doing what Edamura thinks is right shows that Laurent, at least on some level, recognizes the fact that Edamura isn't Laurent, and he has the freedom to be whatever person he wants to be despite what the blonde confidence man may want for him.
I also enjoyed this case when it explored Edamura's charcter (even though it kinda came at the expense of Laurent's character, but we'll get there). He definitely has been through the most highs and lows (actually mostly lows) of the series, making his decent to the darkside all the more interesting. I wasn't all that worried that he would betray the team or die when it was time to put the last phases of their plan into motion, (heck, we had two boat scenes where four people in total seemingly "died" yet they all turned out to be alright) but I was definitely worried as to how all this was going to affect Edamura's mental state. Throughout the series he has repeatedly gotten the short end of the stick, attempting to make his own life decisions only to find out Laurent was one step ahead of him. Then in one of the most crucial moments of the show, Edamura's good deed unintentionally gets two of his closest allies killed, making him go into a murderous rage and killing his own father. At least, that's what it looked like on the surface. Until he finds out that that too was a part of Laurent's plan, and once again it seems as if nothing Edamura does will ever be of his own free will. There is one line in particular that kinda hits different after now finishing the show, and it's what Edamura says to his father after finding out the truth of what's been going on behind the scenes.
"Everything Laurent had me do until now was a practice run for this, wasn't it?....I'll do it...Just like I'm told." (Episode 21)
At this point in the story, Edamura has completely given up control of his own life. He tried at one point to write his own destiny, but it got people hurt in the process. Even hearing the fact that the deaths were staged just reaffirmed the idea in his mind that nothing he ever does will truly mean anything. It's all just a game where someone else will always be the one pulling the strings. I think this is also one of the main reasons he stayed so close to Akemi Suzaku. He knew that all he could do is play the part they told him to play, because he had no more fight left to go against it. That and they'd probably kill him if he tried to leave again, and he may or may not have viewed her as a mother figure after his mother passed away. In the case of switching sides and betraying Suzaku Akemi, his life wouldn't really be that much different than what it already was. Sure he wouldn't be helping with illegal trafficking anymore, but he'd still be following someone else's plan for his life. It would just be a matter of which plan he's going to follow, Laurent's or Akemi's. Either way, he loses.
This is when I think the advice that Laurent gave Edamura at the beginning is the most applicable (funny how Laurent was giving him the solution to the problem that he started without even realizing it). The advice from earlier is also emphasized to a higher degree by Abby when she says:
"You're no longer trapped by gravity. Malice, envy...You can be free from everything. That's what you said. Who you decieve or betray is totally up to you. Do what you like. Just...forgive yourself. That's what saved me." (Episode 23)
This speech that Abby gives to Edamura is perfect in every sense of the word. Instead of saying something like "hey you better not betray us", she communicates to Edamura very eloquently that the problem isn't whether or not he'll betray Akemi, Laurent, Abby or Cynthia, but rather if he will choose to keep betraying himself. Will he keep giving up what he wants for the sake of others? He needs to decide that on his own, and once he finds his answer he needs to forgive himself.
At first glance, I thought "well Makoto ends up contributing to the success of Laurent's scheme, so what's the difference this time?" The difference: Makoto is in the perfect position to betray Laurent, plus he has every reason to do so, but he doesn't. Because that's not who he is. He's not Laurent. He's not his father. He's not Akemi. He's Makoto Edamura. For probably the first time in the series, Edamura is able to make Laurent follow his plan instead of the other way around, outsmarting him and showing everyone that he is the only one in charge of his destiny. He's not helping with the con for his allies, Akemi or Ozaki. He's doing it for himself.
Changing subjects completely to another thing that I liked about episodes 15-23, is that I did enjoy what we did get of Laurent's development. Despite the fact that later in my review, I'm gonna kinda complain about Laurent's story (more of just from a story structure perspective), Great Pretender KNOWS how to make a charcter's backstory engaging. They also seem well equipped to write romances, as I thought that Laurent and Dorothy had some definitive cute moments together. It was intriguing to see how the ever confident Laurent got his start as well, and how he grew to become who he is today. In addition to that, I loved how the show was able to bring us back to the first episode by showing the important events that led up to it (especially how Laurent met Abby and Cynthia). For some reason, I'm a sucker for when shows try to pull the "remember when it all began" nostalgia card for their own show. Very well executed.
Finally, the last great thing that I'll mention about the Great Pretender finale, was the ending. I wasn't sure how I felt about it upon first viewing, but after some deliberation, it just makes sense. The group ends up going their separate ways while still staying somewhat connected. Abby looks like she's become a bit of a traveler, while Edamura is journeying to taste a bunch of different coffee (fitting). Cynthia is taking care of a kid named Kawin, who looks like he might be considering becoming an artist (Cynthia will always be surrounded by artistic people, she has no choice lol), and Laurent is working for the president of the United States I guess???? All of these life decisions are just believable enough for me to buy it, so I won't complain. I guess I just have a bit of bittersweet emotions towards the ending, since the characters seem so content with where they are now, but I was kinda hoping for a another season of their shenanigans. I really need to stop getting attached to shows right before they are about to end. However, if this was truly the end of the Great Pretender series, I'm glad it ended in the way that it did. I feel conned.
Next time: the not so good, but still decent things about Great Pretender Case 4.
(Continued in Part 2 of 2 (Coming Soon))
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