#I am finally breaking free
arlyonne · 1 year
"Mi casa será un hogar sin rabia ruidosa, sin rabia explosiva, sin puertas azotandose o vidrio rompiéndose, sin llamar nombres, culpar o chantajear. Mi hogar será amable, cálido. Mantendrá a mis seres amados seguros. Sin miedo, sin heridas ni preocupaciones. Quizá vengo de un lugar retorcido y roto pero voy a construir algo completo y seguro. Volveré a cantar en la regadera, cocinar y sonreír en cada habitación. Sanaré. "
Text translated to Spanish by me @arlyonne
Original by @iamfinallybreakingfree
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homeofwyrm · 2 months
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Part 2/2 (If I misspelled something, please don't tell me I can't read and will NOT learn)
Finally had some free time to finish this and now the brain worm is fed.
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starjammin · 9 months
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“Hi, pretty !”
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dent-de-leon · 6 months
can you imagine being Essek and watching this tiefling on a total power trip turn into a 10 feet tall--incredibly ripped??--god and kill the boy you're catching feelings for?? And brand you with some kind of evil cursed hivemind magic you're worried might corrupt you forever?? This thing that your friends swear was once family, but all you see is something monstrous and otherworldly and tearing himself apart at the seams, screaming when all their loved ones call out to him??
Just. the way it must have felt to see Lucien go from that to. Just the most sweet and affectionate little tiefling. Gentle and curious and so full of joy and wonder. He's got the brightest smile and warm eyes and this mischievous playfulness. He runs off at first--startled, scared. But then once he's calmed, the first real word he says other than Empty is Love. And right after that he calls out for his Magician, for this man who did everything he could to save him, held him close and kissed him so tenderly on the forehead--
And Caleb throws his arms around Essek and Veth and just watches the Nein all descend on Tealeaf and embrace him amidst laughter and tears and Molly's starting to smile again and Caleb's so so happy just to see him finally alive and.
In that moment, Essek understands why they came all this way--
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sammygender · 3 months
sam’s life is like a possession john hands over to dean right before he dies with the words ‘save him or kill him’. sure dean has always protected sam, always cared for sam, but in that moment dean inherits sam. all decisions about sam become dean’s, just like before all decisions about sam were supposed to be john’s <3 has he ever had a scrap of autonomy in his life. has anyone ever thought he deserved it
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ozzo-the-wozzo · 3 months
I need to you guys to stay with me and imagine Adrien Agreste experimenting with what to wear after he quits modeling but being hopelessly lost on where to start so, after much consideration, he gets the brilliant idea to mimic his friends clothing aesthetics.
So naturally one week he’s wearing a backwards cap and baggy jeans in an attempt to mimic Nino who is ecstatic and another he’s wearing a lot of flannel which makes Alya roll her eyes and another him and Marinette are practically twins much to his delight until she gently tells him he only likes it because they are matching and he should probably keep looking until he finds something that is his own.
But instead he just keeps on mimicking classmate after classmate until he runs through them all and he starts talking to Kagami who’s figuring things out herself and doesn’t provide much to go off of and he settles on wearing suits until someone mistakes him for Felix.
So then he decides to move on from people and starts to look on Pinterest at Marinette’s suggestion and he copies the outfits down to a science but why does everything STILL feel not right? He decides it’s the website so he moves on and copies what he sees in magazines and in ads and it feels a little better but he also feels a little sick when he does it and why isn’t anything right and he’s twisting the ring on his finger so much it’s leaving a mark and hes pacing around the mansion and it has so many portraits and his dad is in all of them and why is he suddenly getting the feeling nothing he puts on will ever be right and why in the world does this stupid ring feel so heavy.
And so after a month of experimenting, he gets up in the morning one day and decides to try on the outfit he always used to wear and attempts to do his grown out hair the old way and looks in the mirror and stares at himself for a while. He slips on his sneakers and then the door rings and he heads downstairs to meet Marinette for school. As they’re walking he is still trying to decipher what he feels and he suddenly realizes that his dad would like this outfit a lot. He smiles to himself and tells Marinette and she smiles weakly and says she supposes he would and then avoids his eyes.
Adrien feels that familiar twist in his stomach that tells him something isn’t right, but when he tries to reflect on why that would be he’s only met with the same fuzzy memories of his father that he can’t quite sort out. He wonders if that’s where the unease comes from but then he shakes his head because those memories must be good because his father died a hero.
And so he wears the same outfit he always wore, ignoring the fact it feels a little too tight on him and that it makes his new ring feel heavier than ever.
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hplonesomeart · 28 days
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I can’t think of any funny quips to put as description for this one so uh- suppose this time around I’ll just let the art speak for itself lol
Enjoy the daily dose of fanart while it lasts because I can’t quite guarantee I’ll be able to keep up this speed throughout the upcoming month. But I’ll sure try to! Thank you all for the support <3
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sketchy-scribs-n-doods · 10 months
i'm a little sad at how sparse steddyhands and stizzy art and writing is on here now after the finale (thankfully, i am still digging through the couple thousand fics up on ao3 so i'm not totally bereft)
because during the airing of the season there was new stuff in the tags every day, sometimes even every few hours, but i think the finale really punched all of us in the face
there's lots of good stuff from before s2 to go digging through of course, and ao3 and twitter still have some new art and fic and memes if you go looking for it, but the difference from before and now seems a bit stark
don't misunderstand me, this isn't me being defeatist, just being a bit melancholy (and mad at the s2 finale tbh lol) about it. shout out to the regulars i see in the tags still making stuff and posting jokes, ya'll are doing the most and i wish you all the passion and motivation and time to create in the world <3
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alicentflorent · 3 months
Instead of Alicent meekly agreeing to Ottos dead toddler parade for PR and only going along with it out of “duty” they should have given her her own motivation: RAGE. Perhaps Alicent wants the city to see the child that has just been martyred, to remind the people of the cruelty inflicted on her family by her enemies. She wants them to remember the little Prince Jahaerys and what was done to him. She wants people to see what they did to her girl, their beloved queen, who is in so much pain. She wants people to feel her families pain and suffering so they remember what the blacks did to an innocent child, not just as a ploy to keep the people on their side, that’s ottos reasoning, but because Alicent wants everyone to know their pain, so she puts her families pain on display because she is done hiding it. After hiding her pain for years, suppressing her feelings and remaining dutiful and poised. Alicent is done pretending. Unfortunately, this leads to Alicent hurting her children, the parents of the murdered child, as her pain and rage consumes her more because they didn’t want their child to be a martyr or for his body to be on display for strangers to see on the day of his funeral.
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homemadebabka · 2 years
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me when i am on spring break and can draw again
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quaranmine · 2 months
does anyone have any ideas for treating headaches if you're not supposed to be taking NSAIDs? please note that tylenol and acetaminophen DO NOT work for me. i know tumblr isn't a doctor but i'm crowdsourcing here
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fujoshiwarrior · 10 months
limbus company 1 am (edit: now 2 am) ramblings (massive spoilers abound for canto v)
these are just some quick sleep deprived thoughts, and my analysis could be better, but i feel like talking about it anyway
i saw a post in the main tag talking about why the op really disliked canto v, and i don't wanna get into an argument and i don't want to vague the op in a way that makes it seem like im attacking them because im not, i just wanna talk about why i disagree with them
i don't think canto v was perfect or the best canto but i thought it was absolutely incredible (yes i did cry during the final boss fight), and i agree that starbuck and queequeg deserved way more screentime and development than they got (i also think the adaptation of queequeg from moby dick to limbus was woefully clumsy, which might have have been remedied by more time with her, though i still love limbus!queequeg)
however, i wholeheartedly disagree on ahab as a villain. i thought she was amazing. even if she doesn't really have any shades of gray to her, i think the point is that a lot of horrible, evil, selfish people genuinely believe what they are doing and their behavior is right and justified. furthermore, she was completely and utterly steeped in delusion and obsession to the detriment of herself and every single person remotely in proximity to her.
i need to say first that i've never read moby dick unfortunately, so i can't comment too much on limbus!ahab vs book!ahab. what i do know is that just like in limbus, ahab's obsession leads to the demise of every single crew member with ishmael as the sole survivor. since i haven't read moby dick, i had to consult sparknotes for a profile of book!ahab, and it describes him as much of a victim as he is an aggressor---however, i'll touch on that in a bit.
what i want to bring attention to is that both book and limbus ahab are characterized by sheer hubris, pride, and a god/savior complex. i want to bring attention to another classical literature character who is characterized by hubris and who also spends the entire novel on a ship: victor frankenstein.
this comparison might seem like it's coming from left field, but i promise i have a point. also, while i don't think limbus!ahab was overtly inspired by victor frankenstein, considering how obsessed pm is with literature i think there is a very low chance that kjh or at least one of the writers haven't read frankenstein. see also the parallels between angela and the monster/ayin and frankenstein in lobotomy corporation and library of ruina (especially library of ruina, where there is a direct connection between angela and lucifer related imagery, who the monster is also associated with). frankenstein ends with victor, after telling his, encouraging the sailors not to give up on trying to find a new passage channel in spite of the fact they will probably die doing so---victor has not learned his lesson, and now he's luring a group of sailors to their deaths.
ahab is so full of herself and so egocentric that even when she was facing the death of her very "self" (or...ego) she did not falter in her delusions, not even at the very, very end, and was happy to continue the cycle. the point i'm trying to make here is that a character being unambiguously bad and selfish doesn't necessarily make for a bad or uncomplicated character. i will concede though that op again has a point with the lack of screentime with ahab means that she didn't have the time to prove her complexities.
this brings me to canto v's ending. in the post credits scene, we saw the ahab somehow survived the collapse of the white whale (this is just speculation, but i think it has something to do with her ego awakening---judging off the cg art, i would guess the ego fused with the pallidification from the whale or nullified it entirely...or both maybe). i was initially disappointed by this.
however, we know very little about hermann's crew. as op touched on, and as i have touched on, ahab had little screentime and not a lot of character development. her now being a member of hermann's crew gives ample opportunity for further development of her character---i think we'll see why exactly she became so obsessed with the whale and why she is the way she is (the aspect of ahab as a victim, i imagine there's a deeply personal reason why the decided the whale was the source of all evil)
this leads to me another point op mentioned: ishmael sparing ahab.
op talks about this as a bad thing. i STRONGLY disagree.
the name of the game here is obsession. ishmael's new ego for this season is even named "blind obsession". from the 4.5 event, we saw that this obsession has been tearing her apart. several people theorized after that event, and during this canto, that she was for sure going to distort. the fact that she had a distortion effect behind her battle sprite made lots of people (including me) extremely confident that she would distort and be the boss of this chapter (outis said in part 1 that lcb doesn't need all 12 sinners to operate and you only use half in battle anyway).
if ishmael had killed ahab, she would have given into her obsession and may have *actually* distorted if she did. and she would have proven ahab completely and utterly right.
ishmael stealing away the opportunity to be the one to kill the pallid whale from ahab and leaving her to rot inside the collapsing whale with that knowledge is the best possible punishment ahab could have gotten.
that's why i didn't like the fact that ahab had survived, it felt like it defeated the point of ishmael's development and the canto itself. i changed my mind because the point of ishmael's character development was letting go of her obsession and being free from ahab, and ahab doesn't need to be dead for her to do that. and her involvement with hermann's group means an opportunity for a bigger and better comeuppance since she's probably going to have a new obsession soon enough.
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cottonii · 1 year
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(extra versions w/o the text and some rose petals i added last minute as well as an alt font for the text. i am very indecisive.)
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squisheebugdoodles · 2 months
Okay Here Is The Problem: everything costs money and yet money is something that i just literally never have. solution? kill the idea of money so that nothing costs anything Please. i'm so tired
#despite making more money w/ my commissions than ever before this year#i am still. not able to save up literally even one (1) single penny of it bc of bills#i have to make like 600 every month just to break even at like 5 dollars in my acct#please i am so fucking tired#i want to get myself things and do shit#i want to buy things for archie and jack's dog and for the house so that things are better for all of us#i want to be able to afford snacks more than once every three months like if i maybe want a bag of chips#instead of saving up for three months and going 'yeah okay 5 dollars for a normal sized bag of chips is finally worth it' ?????????????????#why the fuck are chips so expensive that is potatoes and spices and like all of it is automated hello?? what are we fucking paying for?????#ANYWAYS.#i am just fucking. Tired#due to recent events I was like#'okay how much are dog treadmills.... oh. i see. i will never be able to afford that even after three years saving. got it'#there are five hundred fundraisers on my dash (BARELY hyperbole) every single day and everybody needs help#so i COMPLETELY get people not having a ton of disposable funds this isn't me complaining about that i'm just.#i wish that i sometimes had money so that i could MAYBE save anything up or y'know. have ANYTHING to show for it#bc right now i am working full time at this job (commission/freelance artist and adopt maker etc) and making like maybe 4 dollars an hour#which is great bc when i started i was only getting about $0.11 an hour but like. that's still not. Good. For all the time i put into it#but due to circumstances and situations this is about all i'm physically and mentally able to do here and i LIKE doing commission but it's#not really. getting me anywhere and i just want to afford things finally.#i'm 27 and everything i own fits in one room and almost all of it was gifted to me for free bc i couldn't afford to get it on my own#delete later i'm just so tired man
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liesmultixxx · 8 months
i‘m back😽 finally on a break from uni
…and i‘m reading the first Percy Jackson book (better late than never)
and i just want to say that percy & sally >>>> their relationship is so precious to me
the way she sacrificed herself for percy (+grover)😭😭😭
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(@asktheoger )"Okay, okay, truth!!" Aya exclaims, running up to Rimi with a twinkle in her eye. "What. Is your......favorite story!!!"
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Oh, hi! I really love your outfit, young miss... And sure, I'll tell a story between two friends…
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And thus Rimi invites Noelle to her school, because the other one is full of bad people, including teachers and students.
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Now they both evolved and met a Meowstic named Edin. He's a really nicest guy, however is very clumsy. And the trio has formed a music band called "RNG", later renamed to "The Virbank Baddies".
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Also, did I said two or three? I swear I said two, haha…
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Oh, hey, that's the same story that exactly happened to us in our lives, remember?
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Now ya mention it... Alright I think we gotta go... Remember...
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Rimi and Noelle are no longer receiving any sleepover asks.
[ @asktheoger ]
The full story is under the cut (I tried to make this text as readable as possible on images, but just in case):
Once upon a time, there was a Rockruff. She was quirky, creative, and most important - she has the voice of an angel.
One day, at the court, she found a crying Houndour. She is going after her.
Is something matter? - she asked her nicely, but the latter doesn't want to answer that. She asked the different question this time: What's your name?
N-N-NOELLE!! - the Houndoor said loundly.
Nice to meet ya, Noelle. - the Rockruff smiles. - I'm Rimi. Wanna be friends?
S-Sure… - Noelle said without confidence.
And thus Rimi invites Noelle to her school, because the other one is full of bad people, including teachers and students.
At class, the girls are now sitting together. At first, Noelle is not very positive about Rimi. But as the time goes, she becomes more and more friendly towards her and now sees her as a true friend.
Now they both evolved and met a Meowstic named Edin. He's a really nicest guy, however is very clumsy. And the trio has formed a music band called "RNG", later renamed to "The Virbank Baddies".
Now they all have their own stage and perform here at the town's heart. They quickly gained popularity.
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