#I am making another batch but I'm looking for images
snek-panini · 3 days
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Today's completed book is a bind of Glimmer, by @tawnyontumblr (hi, it's me, the person who asked to bind your story way back in April). This story is a Good Omens human au about sex workers in the Regency era, and it's gorgeous and lush and fantastic. Sexy and vulnerable and all the good adjectives. Go read it if you haven't yet, it's wonderful.
This is another legal-size quarto, my second (of 4; more are on the way). It really is an addictive size, and perfect for fics this length. The cover is done in this really pretty red damask lokta paper that highlights different parts of the image depending on the angle of the light. I was toying with the idea of binding this fic, and when I found this paper I immediately bumped it up the list because it's so perfect. The spine is dark gray lineco book cloth that I simply cannot resist putting on spines. I realize this is a pattern and I do not care. It's softer visually than black and it coordinates with everything and I will not stop.
More photos under the cut!
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What did I tell you, it coordinates with everything. I used silver foil HTV for the title, and I elected to put it just on the spine so as not to cover up any of the floral patterns on the cover. Honestly, I thought about it but just couldn't bring myself to cover it up. The interior of this one has some very fancy fonts and I wanted one for the spine but they were all too spindly. But this one's a good compromise, I think. Delicate but straightforward.
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Top view. I really wanted to do custom end bands for this one, for maximum luxury, but it was too thin, so it has pre-made black ones. They sort of disappear in the photos but make a nice contrast in person. I am totally in love with the starry endpapers even though they are only scrapbook paper from Joann's. It was surprisingly difficult to find something that looked good with the red cover, because plain solid colors looked too lackluster and most prints were too bold with the floral, not to mention a lot of colors clashed with the red. But I love these gray-on-gray stars. They're perfect. And a lot of the fic takes place under cover of darkness, and stars are a symbol of hope, and this fic's about wanting to escape your current circumstances, so it's kind of thematically appropriate. I'm going to say it is, anyway XD
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So I think the title page is my favorite part of the bind again. I found this vintage valentine graphic on rawpixel for free and it's probably the most opulent thing in the whole typeset. The sort of uneven ink distribution is on purpose and adds to the vintage feel. I remember thinking about a year ago that my title pages were too plain and I needed to level them up somehow, and with the batch of binds I've been posting for the last week or two I think I've done it. The fonts here are called Annabel (the one with the trailing ends) and Victorian Decade (the swirly one that my bindery name is in). Both are available for free from DaFont. I did have to get a little tricky with the line spacing to get them to print correctly, but it was worth it. I wanted opulence for this one.
And that's that! I hope I did the fic justice, because I couldn't be more pleased with the outcome.
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kozachenko · 3 months
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Here, have a fairly light sketch dump with two relatively complete sketches and some of the process for the main Zanmu one. Also, Gensokyo's specalist girl makes an appearance here too
Artist's Notes;
Zanmu is such a fun character to draw, like, there's so many little aspects in her design that you can emphasize, and her colour palette is so satysfying too. The reason I ended up drawing this was because when I was scrolling on Pinterest I found a specific pose that just screamed Zanmu to me (it was the skull that did it for me) and I just had to draw her in that pose. I did end up taking my liberties with my reference though, and also I am not drawing feet, I just straight up don't like it, and this is mainly something more on the sketchy side so it didn't really matter lol. Also, IDK too much about the hands, I'm usually pretty good with them but I struggled with them a bit this time. Also Zanmu is sitting on nothing because I just didn't feel like drawing what she was sitting on (plus I already drew in the clothes and including what she was sitting on would mean having to change the sleeves and I just didn't wanna do that lol). Also realized that I should probably start trying to improve on drawing frills in clothing, and I tried a new technique for drawing them. I do like how they look, but at the same time it can still be better.
I do love how Zanmu's pose turned out the most in this batch of sketches. In my process, I put the reference image on the canvas and then roughly blocked in the silhouette. One change I knew I wanted to make since the beginning of the sketching process was opening up the space between the bent arm and body more, mainly to make the silhouette of the pose clearer (even though with the addition of the clothes it does get closed up a lot). I also wanted to turn the torso towards the viewer and change the position of the legs to something more cross legged/casual. In another sketching pass, I just kinda quicjly scribbled what I wanted the pose to look like just so I could get my idea out and I'm glad I did that because that helped me focus more on the pose itself rather than the small details. Afterward, I did a sketch of the body, clothes, and hair all together and then coloured it to get the coloured Zanmu sketch!
Again, I could've done a better job with the feet and the legs themselves for that matter, but the nice thing about sketches is that they don't need to be perfect, and I was more so focused on the gesture/feel of the pose rather than the minute details. With her facial expression, I knew that I wanted something very specific with her eyes, so I just simplified it into this "almost closed" eye and I do like how it turned out a lot. Also, a problem that I often have drawing Zanmu is that in the poses I put her in, I don't really know how best to draw in those triangle cut outs she has, so instead, I added these little triangle details onto her sleeves and pants to add some visual interest and allude to them instead, also because they can kinda allude to a crown and Zanmu is the king of Hell so it fits lol (also, love it when people add details like that onto sleeves sm lol). The hair and tassles did a lot of heavy lifting when it came to making the drawing have a nice flow to it, and I have the headcanon that Zanmu is just able to make those float on there own by.... honestly I don't know, I just like the idea of her tassles defying gravity and floating all the time. Also IDK if you can see them, but I did make sure to include her scars as I'm basically adding that as a part of my way of drawing Zanmu. It just adds a certain something, y'know? Also found a specific reference for the skull and made it the red that it is in Touhou 19, and also because drawing skeletons and skulls is just fun lol.
Now onto Reimu, so that face drawing was mainly there just so I could get a better idea of how I wanted to draw her face in the future. My main concern was trying to make it different to Keiki and Zanmu's faces, so as I was sketching hers I had the drawings of Keiki and Zanmu's faces turned on to make sure I wasn't drawing the same thing again. Down here I included this little test I did where I hyper simplified the eyes of the three faces and just traced over their face shapes, noses, eyebrows, and mouths. While the nose is the most consistent trait shared among the three of them (tbf that can just be chalked down to an aspect of my style), I feel like the three are different enough from each other to where they don't have same face syndrome, even if you simplify the eyes into dots and also didn't include the detail of Zanmu's scars on her face.
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I'm obsessed with giving Reimu these tiny little eyebrows for some reason, IDK it just works for her. I also really like using a red as a highlight for whenever I draw her hair black, mainly because it helps to give the illusion that her hair is just a really dark brown and incorperates her main colour of red into another aspect of the design. I also wanted to try and draw Reimu's eyelids differently to try and imply monolids but tbh IDK how well that reads. I also like how her pupils turned out, as I'm experimenting with different characters in my style having different kinds of pupils. I didn't even bother properly rendering her clothes, so I just did them linelessly (I think I wanna try drawing in my lineless style again for a future piece sometime as I kinda miss the feel it had). I of course had to give Reimu her big bow, and also use that specific shade of red. IDK what it is about that shade of red specifically, but I just love it, it looks so nice to me you have no idea- Now that I think about, I kinda wanna draw Reimu more now, as I feel like I can still do some more experimenting with how I draw her eyes specifically. Also because I've got some ideas when it comes to how I wanna draw her body type.
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scuttlingcrab · 4 months
Raphael reacting to being given a surprise little peck on the cheek. Just a brief and sweet little thing and the kisser is already gone before he can really do anything.
I made it so Tav kissed Raphael on the lips instead, brief and sweet as you suggested; but still shocking to the Devil, hehe. Tav always seems to get Raphael's knickers in a twist.
Summary: Raphael is fuming after Tav shows absolutely zero decorum, kissing him in the middle of an important meeting between prospective clients. How will the Devil manage? 
Link to my other work in the Devil's Archive.
Only a Kiss
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(Image via certifieddilfenjoyer)
The Devil gingerly sipped his wine, no longer cringing at its watered down consistency. Each taste allowed him to make a careful observation of the reception, a mere glance was all he needed to sense whether the evening was going in his favour. And it most certainly was, despite it feeling like he was stuck in an infinite loop of monotony.
Raphael stood in the dining hall of a soon-to-be forgotten Duchess. A group of Faerûn’s most politically influential women surrounded him, cramming into the room like fish in a barrel. These parties were all nonsense to Raphael, another trite characteristic of his role as the resident Devil. 
The establishment was stuffy, not due to the growing crowd, but from the obvious lack of taste. Paintings decorated every inch of the walls, statues filled every corner, and none of the art seemed to co-exist. Each piece was random, gaudy, and only attempted to achieve one thing to any unlucky guest who was smart enough to see through the facade. 
Wealth! Status! Luxury! A tawdry display and an overt cry for help. 
Raphael pursed his lips. Was he the only one there who had even a sliver of self-respect? Who understood the complexities of art?
But of course he was. 
The evening was growing late and these mortals were on the verge of tipping over, their goblets overflowing with the very wine that coursed through their veins. Raphael was stuck entertaining them until they signed his contract.
It didn't matter. He would consume their souls and move on; just a little longer and this next batch of cattle would be herded into their pens for slaughter.
Raphael opened his mouth as he prepared to continue the dragging exchange, but he was taken by a sudden gush of air. Within seconds, his mouth was locked with a stranger's in a delicate kiss.
He blinked, a pair of striking blue eyes within inches of his own. Soft hands cradled his face. Cloves and roses. That smell. Those eyes. The sheer display of indecency. Tav. 
The fleeting act stunned the Devil. Before he could speak, move, or incincinerate; Tav winked, quickly disappearing into the crowd. 
“Lord Raphael! I didn’t realise…” One guest began. 
The herd of women grew excited, sharing hushed whispers with each other. A few of them began giggling. 
“Far from it, I’m afraid.” Raphael cleared his throat, adjusting his collar.  
“Well, that kiss told me everything I needed to know.” Another woman continued. She raised her brows high, a suggestive glint growing brighter in her eyes. “Your reputation precedes you, my Lord. Perhaps we can look at adding something similar to our agreement?”
He was going to destroy Tav, remove them from existence once and for all.
A thousand deadly thoughts ran through his mind at once, causing him to go into overdrive. The things he could do to them. Would do to them. He would make them beg for forgiveness, in every way imaginable, before he would even consider giving them the freedom of death.
“Of course I'm always open to discussing terms with prospective clients… but I am unfortunately unavailable.” Raphael responded. 
The women groaned in disappointment, a few of them, the richest ones, dismissed Raphael almost instantly. As they began to break away from the group, he could feel the threads of his perfect plan unravelling. Chaos closed in, circling him, suffocating him.  
“No need to fret, my dears. I have something for you that I don’t offer to just anyone, guaranteed to exceed all expectations. You will find them a far more pleasant experience, I’m sure.” 
This not only stopped the women from disbanding, but actually seemed to excite them. 
“Oh my Lord, forever a tease. Do tell us more!” One of them shouted. 
Raphael’s knuckles turned white as he gripped the empty chalice. He could feel his internal temperature bubbling as it rose. The chalice began to bend from the heat, slowly drooping like a dying flower.
He bit the side of his tongue, bowing respectfully. 
“I operate under the shadow of discretion. If you will allow me, you’ll soon be able to have a little taste, and discover first hand what awaits you upon signature.”
As the women huddled closer to Raphael, devouring every word from his lips, he searched the room for the culprit. That vile, unhonorable creature. He spotted them at the far end of the room, chatting with an unfamiliar face. 
He continued to glare at Tav, hoping his scathing gaze would pierce through their chest. The longer he stared at them, the more he hoped they’d feel his eyes on them; daring them to glance in his direction.  
When there was no response, Raphael set the tip of Tav’s outfit on fire with a flick of his wrist. He watched in pleasure as the flames slowly grew, nearly reaching their knees before they reacted to the warmth.
Tav jumped back, quickly killing the flames with a spell. Their cheeks grew redder as they tried to laugh off the embarrassment. Tav rubbed the back of their neck, looking around the room until their eyes caught Raphael’s. 
The Devil tilted his head in acknowledgment, a smile filled with scorn and amusement overtaking his lips. 
Try something like that again, little mouse, his expression hoped to convey; and he’ll be sure to leave them with permanent scars next time. 
Raphael soon discarded Tav from his mind, he wouldn’t waste anymore time thinking about that creature. He gathered the rest of his energy for the upcoming engagement at hand, the final one of the evening.
“Madams,” he began, turning back to the women. “This soirée has grown rather dull. Perhaps it’s time we move things somewhere more secluded as we close our deal? I think my House of Hope would suffice, no? Besides, there is someone who is dying to make your acquaintance.”
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moriarty-sisters · 4 months
The Arsenic Poisoning of Episode 3
Hello hi I'm a history major currently doing research of the Victorian use of arsenic in textiles, and I figured, why not see how much arsenic poisoning Lokius would have gotten at the fair?
Poor Mobius is about to have a rough time. I'm assuming Loki has some genetics that make his less susceptible to arsenic poisoning. But Mobius's sweet tooth would be the most likely to get him into trouble.
First of all, arsenic was EVERYWHERE. It was in upholstery, paint, playing cards, curtains, clothing, pesticides, paper stationery, wallpaper, candy wrappers, even dust. The most common pigment was Scheele's green, which was used to produce a very vibrant green.
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Let's look at the fair. What from here would they have come into contact with? They spent a good chunk of a day there, and Mobius seems like a fun guy. Let's assume they were in buildings. Many of the buildings were temporary constructions, so I would assume they would not be the most furnished, like a home would, but they could have stopped by the domestic product exhibit by the Pratt Institute. And they may have come across artificial flowers in decorations, stopped to look at gloves or in an art hall, or Mobius could have played a few rounds of cards painted with arsenic green. He might have accidentally brushed against someone wearing a green arsenic-dyed dress and had the offset sit in his skin for a while. Here is an illustration of the wounds direct contact with arsenic could cause.
Here you can look through photos and an account of the fair.
Arsenic was sold in grocery stores before restrictions were passed in Parliament (my research focuses on the UK right now, but I'm going to apply it to Chicago. I am also assuming many things from the UK were shipped to Chicago for the fair). The Arsenic Restrictions Act of 1851 limited the sale of arsenic to 10 pounds or less and to pharmacists. Not very effective, if you ask me, and according to this cartoon and this one.
(Quick background info was that Parliament was hesitant to pass arsenic restriction laws, which even led to an increase in the use of arsenic. Arsenic was not just in the green pigments, but for the purpose of this post and because it's the Loki series, I'm focusing on green.)
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Doctors had widely suspected arsenic in domestic textiles and products caused arsenic poisoning since the 1870s. Most of the time, symptoms disappeared once the patients left the room/house because they weren't around the arsenic wallpaper/cloth/etc. But arsenic was so widespread at the end of the 19th century, I firmly believe that Mobius would have been seriously ill at the end of episode 3. Here are symptoms noted by two different doctors.
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This is not even mentioning the fact that arsenic had a history of being in sweets and other foods. As mentioned in the second image, candies were sometimes wrapped in paper dyed with arsenic, but arsenic was also used to dye confectionery, and also substitute other ingredients, whether accidental or in an attempt to cut costs. In 1858, a confectioner accidentally mixed 12 pounds of arsenic into a batch of peppermint. 200 people got sick and 21 died in the Bradford Sweets Poisoning.
One historian, James C Whorton, posits that arsenic was added to lower costs and that the Arsenic Restriction Act actually did nothing to restrict arsenic being released into the public.
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This brings us to another point. We know that at the fair, knockoffs were a large business there. If even before the fair, there was the temptation to lower costs by carelessly replacing it with arsenic, then it might be probable to assume some candies had a strong presence of arsenic at the fair, given how prevalent knockoffs were. Poor Mobius, unless he was very careful to do his research, probably ate a few. This is where the sweet tooth gets him in trouble. Loki didn't eat anything, the most he would have encountered was probably fabric and dust.
A report from 1900 shows that arsenic was suspect in glucose products. Glucose is sugar, which is used to make caramel and molasses, which are used in the making of: you guessed it, Crackerjack. The Crackerjack of the 1893 World's Fair was made with molasses, which is from refining the sugar cane, but arsenic mixed with molasses was also used as a pesticide so it would perhaps not be uncommon to have arsenic-laced molasses in the vicinity, especially at a fair showing off new agricultural developments. Given that this report is from 1900, I am assuming arsenic may have been more prevalent in sugar before 1900.
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So Mobius could have been exposed to any amount of this during the day at the fair. What about onscreen? When they reach the bar, Mobius could have brushed against clothing containing arsenic given how crowded it was. We see him think about ordering a beer. Also not a good idea, Mobius.
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I would also say Timely might have had exposure standing next to the stage curtains. But Loki's magic when they leave also kicks up a lot of dust. If we look back at the first image, we can see the concentration of arsenic in dust. Inhaling that wouldn't have done Mobius any good either.
There are several factors that we did not see onscreen that I could only guess that they did. But Timely's lab may have had arsenic in it, and given how dusty it seemed to be, that very well could have also been a place that added to Mobius's exposure. Many physicians reported arsenic poisoning, likely from their work.
This post will likely be edited for a while as I continue my research (it's also 1 am and I wrote this in an hour) and then I'll do a full bibliography (if you want a certain source, ask in the notes and I'll post it), but this is my conclusion that Mobius would probably have been ill after returning to the TVA if we lean into his sweet-tooth side, so Lokius hurt/comfort fics anyone??
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endy-x · 2 months
ArtFight Recap (3)
Recap 1 / Recap 2 I thought I'd go and post my attacks from artfight that I did, I had a ton of fun this year, I'm going to post them in batches because there is a lot and I do not have the energy to make an individual post for all of them
If you want me to remove you from this list, or add or remove any links in any way just message me and I will!
Im going to put a keep reading here because there is a lot of stuff here so I dont want to block your feed if you're not interested
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Attack 61 was Agnes Willowbee for @maydaymadier I am super proud of how she turned out, she was the first character after a couple days of artblock so she got a couple days worth of effort put into her and I think I can confidently say that it shows
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Attack 62 was Leniss for @kr4shz This character looks really cool and I'm happy with how it turned out
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Attack 63 was William for LinFan [Twitter @LinFan1590 Instagram linfan159] I am super happy with how this one turned out , the overlaying images took a lot of fiddling for me to be happy with but I'm really proud of how this turned out
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Attack 64 was Dewi for @lilybug-02 I've been reading the comic this lil guy features in so stumbling upon him on artfight was a good excuse to draw him
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Attack 65 was Jimbo for @simplysanders A very fun looking guy who was a joy to draw
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Attack 66 was Sanquo for Emilykun [deviantART EmilykunRocks] I loved the character design and the hand resting on the horn was really fun to draw
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Attack 67 was No name for EightBitAutumn [deviantART JinxTheBlissfulBunny] I really loved that character design
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Attack 68 was Nova (ISAT) for @laciedoesdraw I love seeing ISAT characters and Nova was super fun to draw
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Attack 69 was Beatríz for @shushetho777 Another adorable character as a revenge
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Attack 70 was Nuray for @ixabits I hope I did her justice because shes so pretty
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Attack 71 was ♡♡♡ Devil's Rose for @leafy-lilac I am super happy with the half and half and it worked really well with the really cool characcter
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Attack 72 was Gwyidion for @shinibobo Another really cool character design that I hope I did justice
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Attack 73 was Holly - Empiral Blue Pearl for Pomdough A really cool character with a very pretty design
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Attack 74 was Iri for TaffySnow There were so many colours and I loved drawing this
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Attack 75 was Phoenix for macaronimissile She has a super pretty refrence and I think I managed to draw her super pretty too
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Attack 76 was Umbra for Snaz_uwu The reference was super Majestic but I think I did pretty well
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Attack 77 was [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️] Ozzie for Lycanrosie [deviantART Lycanrosie Twitter Lycanrosie_ Instagram sierrarosie.art] I love how I did the lineless for this, Im very proud of it
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Attack 78 was Bia for hinareks [Instagram hinareks] I am very happy with this art and I had a great reference to work with
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Attack 79 was Mona Lisa for @zeawesomeness I really like how this one turned out, the two versions staring at eachother is something I am really proud of
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Attack 80 was Ghost for User_Kara [Twitter User_Kara Instagram entity_kara] This is a really cool looking character, I dont think the amount of detail I managed did it justice but I think I did well regardless
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Attack 81 was Forlorn for throat A really fun looking character, unique animal characters are always cool
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And Finally, attack 82 was Jubilee Maples for @dqrshrtck A really pretty character that I drew with just over 10 minutes left of artfight
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BB Season 3 Trailer Breakdown
I am very excited, as you know, for the final season of The Bad Batch. Despite its ups and downs, this show means a lot to me and I adore the characters, particularly Omega and Crosshair. So, without further ado, here we go!
The trailer starts off with the Empire pursuing the boys on a turbo tank as they escape from some sort of facility (I think). Later in the trailer, we see the same tank firing upon the Empire while they head away from wherever they are.
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As Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair (he can be seen for a split second) realize that they can't get out of trouble with the tank, Phee drops in to pick them up, commenting "not exactly a stealth exit boys." This makes me wonder if the boys snuck in to get information on Hemlock or Mt. Tantiss. I also believe that this sequence with the tank chase correlates to the episode titled "Juggernaut." It makes sense to use a name meaning something big while the Batch are in a huge tank.
We then see some sort of transport (?) ship headed towards Coruscant. The next shot is of Rex and Hunter talking so maybe they're on the ship. Rex says that ending the war would mean that the clones would no longer be killed in battle. However, we see that's not the case; the clones are still used as soldiers, experiments, or left to die without a thought. The end of the Clone Wars only made things worse for them.
While Rex says this, we briefly see the palace on Teth, burning. I believe this is where we'll see Ventress as that's where we first meet her in Clone Wars. However, this is pure speculation because the only other place I can see her being is Dathomir. Then, we see a downed ship with two figures walking away from the wreckage. Based on the image of Omega desperately piloting a ship later in the trailer, I think she and Crosshair somehow managed to escape. Unfortunately, only Crosshair was able to actually get out. I think we could see this event happening between episodes 5-8.
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Rex then says he was wrong about the clones' fate before we get a brief flashback to the railcar incident and Tech falling to his presumed death. Rex continues on, saying "we can't just walk away" whilst images of an imperial occupation flash by. Citizens run away in terror so this could either be Pabu, found at last, or another planet in which the Batch travel to. Rex finishes by saying "not with the Empire imprisoning the kid."
Then, we cut to images from Mt. Tantiss, including post and pre-time skip Omega. Omega walks in and sees a broken Crosshair. Since this looks like the first two are seeing each other, I think these are shots from the first episode "Confined." Hemlock is shown next saying to secure Omega in her cell. There are two Delta Squad commandos behind him. Now, I'm not sure what Omega is holding in the cell, but it looks like she's being scanned. We also see Emerie looking somewhat unhappy. Hunter says that Omega's been waiting for them for a long time and we see her pre-time skip in a cell overlooking the outside world. Perhaps this is a privilege for cooperating? Hunter also says a "long time," so I'm guessing that it's been at least a year since season 2. Hunter concludes with that the Batch's mission isn't over yet.
The next several scenes show a ship being chased (maybe the one Omega is flying?) and what I assume to be a mirrored shot of Hunter and Wrecker because of their facial characteristics being flipped. Then, we see Palpatine with Nala Se and Hemlock saying that their operation is most important to the Empire's future and Hemlock will have everything he needs. My crazy theory? He wants to build an army of force sensitive clones. Will this come true? Idk.
The Empire is seen firing upon a ship (again, the one Omega stole?) and we get a glimpse of a new antagonist, the dark armor-clad figure commanding the TK troopers. While I Initially thought it was Cross because of the helmet design, I feel like that's backpedaling on this character arc so I'm gonna say it's Tech or CX-1, a new clone we see later. If it is CX-1, then it makes sense why we hear him say that the Batch will be hunted down. I'm not sure who this is but I'll be theorizing later. Speaking of that line from CX-1, we see flashes of Fennec, Cad Bane, and Nala Se. While Cad Bane will definitely be after then, I think Fennec will help because she's spotted on the boat when Hunter almost gets eaten by an alligator.
We later see in the trailer, Hunter on Pabu, Wolffe hopefully leading an early clone rebellion, and two clones running towards a big explosion. I'm not sure what's happening, but it could happen during the "Infiltration" and "Extraction" episodes. There's also a clone with a flamethrower so it could be during the same sequence. There's one shot of Echo walking towards... the Batch, Rex... idk. We'll find out together.
Wrecker, in true fashion, asks for a "real challenge" so I think we hear this in the episode "Paths Unknown." It sounds like the Batch are trying to get money or something to pick themselves back up. There are several shots of ships flying; to where, I'm not sure. Hunter and Wrecker are also getting ready to fight. We see the same two clones from earlier in combat and Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair aiming at someone. Hunter says they're not big on following orders. This is proceeded by more shots of Tantiss, TK troopers being attacked by creatures, and troopers being shot at. Hunter tries to hijack a gunship as well. Maybe this happens during "Flash Strike" or the other action heavy episodes. We'll see.
The trailer ends with Asajj Ventress, alive and well, swinging her yellow saber as blaster bolts fly at her. She says that she doesn't plan on killing "you," but "you're" making it very tempting. She might be talking to the Batch. Based on the shot of Hunter and Wrecker, maybe they ask her for information on Tantiss or she is hunting them down. Idk.
Anyways, that's all I have for now. I will be doing some theories on CX-1 and the mysterious imperial as well as what I think might happen based on episode titles and Palpatine's ultimate plan so stay tuned for that!
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cutiedwaekki · 10 days
I was the one who requested chubby chan and omg, I love it so much!!! Thank you!!!💫 (and that part 2 idea sounds AMAZING)
ITEM pt.2
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summary : who would have thought that with a special mod on the Sims 4, Felix would change his life and that of his boyfriend? But now it's even their friend ? What's happening ?
contain : magical weight gain , intense weight gain , stuffing , button popping , tight clothes
Hi anon ! I'm sorry for taking so long for making this second part , i hoped you'll like it ♡
Don't hesitate to ask me another ideas in the future that'll be a great pleasure :)
/!\ for understand this fic , reading pt.1 is highly recomended , this fic is happening during the part 1 /!\
Enjoy ♡
A few days after Felix installed the mod in The Sims, he noticed that Chan was starting to become more greedy and slightly rounder. This amused Felix a lot, who was still playing around with the mod settings, not realizing the extent of the changes. However, things truly changed the day Changbin, another close friend of theirs, was invited for the first time since the installation of the infamous mod.
Changbin entered the apartment, his gaze sweeping the familiar room before settling on Chan, who was comfortably seated on the couch with a batches of cookies in hand. A mischievous smile appeared on Changbin’s lips as he approached his friend.
— "Well, Chan, you’re not wasting any time with the snacks, I see," he teased, casting an amused glance at Chan’s slightly rounded belly.
Chan, used to gently teasing Changbin’s insatiable appetite, rolled his eyes with a mock indignation.
— "That's not very nice," Chan replied with a laugh, his dimples briefly showing as he took another bite of a cookie.
Felix, sitting nearby with his eyes on his computer screen, couldn’t help but smile at their exchange. This was their relationship—constant teasing, like brothers squabbling.
— "Felix! Tell your boyfriend not to hog all your cookies!" Changbin shouted from the kitchen.
After this visit, Changbin, clearly amused by the situation, couldn’t resist wanting to be included in the game as well. He joked with Felix, begging him to create a Sim in his likeness.
— "Felix, make one for me too! I want to see if I’m as good-looking in pixels as I am in real life!" he exclaimed with a laugh.
Felix raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Oh, you’ll look magnificent, that’s for sure," he replied, quickly agreeing to fulfill the request. It didn’t take long for him to model Changbin in The Sims, without really thinking about the potential consequences.
— "Do you like it?" he asked, turning to his elder.
— "Wow, it’s really realistic! I didn’t know you could make Sims look so real."
— "Yes, it’s thanks to the CC—custom content made by fans of the game that—" he stopped as he saw Changbin moving closer to his computer, startling Felix while the older friend played around with questions like "What if I do this, what happens?"
Unknowingly, Changbin had included himself in the already existing mod.
The next day, things took an unexpected turn. As Felix was browsing Instagram, a recent post by Changbin caught his attention. The photo showed Changbin posing happily, but something seemed off. He looked… more substantial than he had during his visit the day before. His cheeks were noticeably rounder, and his otherwise muscular body seemed broader, with a burgeoning belly slightly spilling out from his tight pants.
Felix frowned, zooming in on the image. "This is strange," he thought , the transformation was evident. Something was wrong.
Later in the day, Felix and Chan were sitting together again, playing another video game when Chan, munching on chips, made a casual remark.
— "At least I’m not the only one gaining weight now," he said with a laugh, recalling the photo of Changbin.
Felix smiled, but the comment left a bitter taste. Both Chan and Changbin were changing. But was it really due to their eating habits, or was something else at play?
Meanwhile, across town, Changbin was starting to notice similar changes. Usually strict with his diet and training, he had recently found himself feeling hungrier and hungrier. An almost insatiable hunger drove him to eat more, even after substantial meals.
One morning, sitting in front of his mirror, he took time to examine himself. He frowned, noticing that his cheeks were fuller than usual. His gut, typically rounded, was now slightly covered with an extra layer of fat. His belly was beginning to be a bit too visible under his fitted T-shirts.
— "What’s happening to me?" he murmured, incredulous.
He tried to rationalize the situation, telling himself he had just overindulged recently. But a small voice inside him said he had never been this careless with his diet, even during his "bulking" periods.
This feeling of oddness did not leave him throughout the day. Later, he met Jisung, their other mutual friend, for a recording session at the studio. When Jisung saw Changbin come in, he couldn’t help but notice the changes.
— "Hey, what’s up with you? Bulking again or did you just discover an all-you-can-eat restaurant?" Jisung teased with a smirk, giving Changbin’s slightly protruding belly a gentle tap.
Changbin, visibly embarrassed but taking the teasing humorously, laughed.
— "I don’t know, man. I’m hungry all the time right now," he admitted, scratching the back of his head, a bit puzzled.
Jisung burst out laughing but quickly noticed that Changbin seemed genuinely concerned. He raised an eyebrow but decided not to press the issue. "Well, as long as it doesn’t slow you down in rap, I guess it’s fine."
As days went by, Felix could no longer ignore what was happening. Chan and Changbin continued to gain weight. Chan, despite being active and energetic, complained more and more about his insatiable appetite and difficulty maintaining his exercise routine. Changbin, on the other hand, struggled with his cravings and began buying larger clothes to hide his weight gain.
One evening, plagued by doubt, Felix decided to check something. He opened The Sims, focusing on Chan and Changbin’s characters. Their Sims, both modified by the infamous mod, were significantly larger than they were originally. Felix clicked on their avatars, noting how much he had increased their virtual weights.
His heart sank.
— "No… This can’t be," he murmured. But a part of him knew there was a connection. The sudden weight gain of Chan and Changbin couldn’t be just a coincidence. He remembered the small changes he had made and realized these modifications had real-world repercussions.
A shiver ran down his spine. Felix looked at Chan, who, unaware of what was happening, was serving himself another slice of pizza in the kitchen. His face now had fuller cheeks, and his rounded belly was slightly spilling out of his T-shirt.
Felix turned off the computer and stepped back, arms crossed over his chest. What if this was all real?
Felix continued to observe the effects of the mod, his mind occasionally touching on the idea that there might be a link between The Sims and reality. Yet, every time a more serious thought began to form in his mind, he was interrupted.
Chan would call him for a game, or a notification on his phone would grab his attention. And quickly, he let those doubts dissipate, absorbed by other things.
Meanwhile, Changbin continued to experience the growing effects of his increased appetite. Unlike Chan, who was gaining weight more noticeably due to his metabolism, Changbin, with his already significant appetite, saw his body changing day by day.
Even before the mod’s arrival, he had always had a slight belly he accepted as a result of his love for food. Yet recently, this belly had thickened, giving his stomach a more pronounced appearance visible through his clothes.
He had the idea of weighing himself and was almost shocked to see the number displayed. How had he gained almost 10 kg in such a short time?
One afternoon, Changbin received a message from Chan, inviting him to join him and Jisung for a small get-together at Jisung's place. These kinds of gatherings were a regular habit for the three friends, who enjoyed spending time together, talking about music, games, or just relaxing. Despite being aware of his recent physical changes, Changbin chose not to pay much attention to them. He dressed in slightly looser clothing than usual, a subtle way to hide his rounder belly, and headed over to Jisung's place.
When he arrived, Chan was already there, sprawled on the couch with an energy drink in hand and snacks scattered across the coffee table. Changbin smiled at the sight of his friend in this state, realizing he wasn't the only one giving in to endless snacking. Chan had gained a bit more weight since they last saw each other, and his round face wore a nearly blissful expression of satisfaction.
— "Hey, Bin!" Chan exclaimed, waving a hand to greet him. "I saved some chips for you, but hurry up, Jisung is going to eat everything."
Changbin chuckled and helped himself without hesitation. He didn’t need any excuses to snack. He sank into an armchair, feeling surprisingly comfortable despite the slight discomfort caused by his belly pressing against his t-shirt. A few minutes later, Jisung walked into the room.
— "Yo! Guys, have you been here long? Sorry, I was upstairs working on a new track."
Suddenly, Jisung stopped in his tracks upon seeing Changbin and Chan sitting there, calmly munching away. He couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow, both surprised and amused. The physical changes in his friends were striking, especially to someone who hadn’t seen them in a few days.
— "Wait a second..." Jisung observed them, his gaze shifting from Chan to Changbin. "Have both of you... I mean..." He approached Changbin and lightly patted his noticeably protruding belly. "Is it just me, or have you gained some weight, Bin?"
Changbin burst out laughing, feigning indifference, though the comment made him blush slightly.
— "Yeah, maybe. But don’t worry, I can still lift more than you," he joked, giving Jisung a light pat on the shoulder.
Jisung then turned to Chan, noting his rounded belly and how his previously loose clothing now clung a even more to his body. He blinked, half-shocked, half-impressed.
— "You two, seriously... Did you have a food contest or something?"
Chan, still in good spirits, burst into laughter, almost spilling his chip bag.
— "It’s the late-night pizza effect, man. Spending too much time gaming leads to this," he said, patting his own belly, clearly more amused than concerned.
Jisung was torn between shock and a strange admiration. He knew Changbin well, who, despite his always slightly present belly, had always had a good appetite. But now, it was different. Changbin wasn’t just bigger; he looked broader, with a slightly altered posture, as if he had come to terms with his changing body. Chan’s transformation was more striking, his round face and tight clothing clearly indicating that he hadn’t just had a few occasional indulgences.
— "Well, as long as it doesn’t stop you from working on music, I guess it’s okay," Jisung joked, flopping onto the couch between his two friends.
The three continued to chat, laughing and sharing stories as if nothing had changed. Yet, Jisung couldn’t help but wonder how his two friends had changed so quickly. It wasn’t just a matter of occasional snacking. There was something more... intense about their weight gain, something unusual. But he didn’t press the issue. After all, it might just be a phase.
Meanwhile, Felix, alone in his room, tried to focus on The Sims, occasionally glancing at Chan and Changbin’s characters in the game. Their virtual avatars continued to round out, almost as if they were a faithful reflection of reality. But every time a serious thought about the mod crossed his mind, something distracted him. A notification on his phone, or Chan calling him from the other room.
It’s probably nothing, he told himself each time.
Felix sat at his desk, staring at his computer screen with a thoughtful expression. The repetitive clicking of his mouse echoed in the room as he manipulated his friends’ avatars in The Sims. He watched closely as Chan’s character wandered around the virtual kitchen, with a slightly rounder belly than when he was first created. It wasn’t the first time he had noticed this change, but this time, something intrigued him.
Felix shifted his gaze to Changbin’s avatar, which, subtly but undeniably, had also gained some volume. The little belly that had always characterized Changbin in real life seemed to be manifesting with more presence in the game. It was unsettling. How could a simple modification in the game have such an impact on reality?
He frowned. His mind began forming hypotheses. Maybe this mod wasn’t as harmless as he had thought. He remembered the first days after installation. Chan had mentioned being hungrier than usual, and Changbin seemed to follow a similar path, consuming impressive amounts of food without hesitation. What if this mod...
Suddenly, his phone vibrated on the table, cutting off his train of thought. Felix glanced at the screen.
A message from Chan: "Hey, come on, let’s have a quick game before I have to leave."
He hesitated for a moment, his mind still clouded by his suspicions, but the temptation to play with his friends quickly took over. He sighed, closed the game, and grabbed his controller. Maybe he was just overthinking it. It was just a game, nothing more.
But he recalled the last evening. Chan had been late because of a “detour for an extra burger,” and Changbin had devoured three slices of pizza in record time. Felix had laughed with them at the time, but now, seeing the avatars continue on this strange trajectory, a slight unease began to rise within him. What if it wasn’t just a coincidence?
The next time it crossed his mind, he was about to delve deeper into this thought when suddenly, his screen went black. Total darkness. Felix realized he had forgotten to plug in his computer. He grumbled, irritated by yet another distraction. Another interruption, another missed opportunity to dig into this story.
It’s crazy how he never has the right moment to think about it, right?
A few weeks had passed since the last evening at Jisung’s place, and although Chan and Changbin’s physical changes had surprised him at the time, he hadn’t really thought about it since. After all, he knew his two friends loved to eat, and it could simply be attributed to a bad phase where stress and fatigue made them snack more than usual. Jisung himself wasn’t a stranger to late-night cravings, especially when working late on tracks.
But that morning, as he waited for his friends at the studio to work on their latest project, he had a strange feeling. A slight doubt lingered in his mind. He was reflecting on their recent encounters, and something seemed off. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but the memory of Chan and Changbin’s rounder faces, their tight clothing, and their jokes about food kept resurfacing.
Sitting in the studio’s chair with his legs crossed, Jisung absently fiddled with his phone, scrolling through social media without really paying attention. Minutes passed, and Chan and Changbin still hadn’t arrived.
When he finally heard the door open, Jisung looked up and froze. Chan and Changbin walked in together, and what he saw left him speechless.
Chan, usually lively and energetic, had noticeably gained weight. His once lean and athletic frame was now marked by softer curves and a very visible belly that seemed to slightly protrude from under his t-shirt, which struggled to cover him properly. He still had his bright smile, but it was impossible not to notice the transformation. His round face had taken on fuller features, and even his shoulders seemed broader. The clothes he wore, which had been fitted at their last meeting, now looked almost too small.
Next to him, Changbin displayed a similar transformation. His belly, which had been slightly noticeable before this strange weight gain, was now much more prominent, just like his hips which had grown wider like the rest of his body. he couldn't hide it anymore, it had grown bigger and had done nothing to stop it. He could even notive that some of his belly were hanging out and stretching his sweatshirt to the point where it no longer concealed anything. Changbin had always had a sturdy build, but today, he looked no longer than who he was 1 month ago , as if his muscles had been replaced by a softer weight, rounding out his appearance even more.
Jisung sat, motionless, unable to hide his surprise. The two continued to act as if nothing had changed, joking as usual as they entered the room. But this time, he couldn’t help but notice how their walk itself seemed slightly heavier, less fluid.
— "Hey Sungie! Sorry for the delay," Chan said with a broad smile as he plopped heavily onto the couch. The furniture let out a slight creak under his weight, and Jisung couldn’t suppress a start of surprise.
Changbin, meanwhile, went straight to the small studio fridge to grab a bottle of water, but not without passing by Jisung, his belly nearly brushing the coffee table.
— "Didn’t you have time to eat before coming?" Jisung asked, trying to keep his tone light, though his astonishment was clearly evident.
— "Haha, no, actually, I had a big breakfast," Changbin replied, opening his bottle. "But I’m already starting to get hungry," he added with a laugh, as if it were a usual joke.
— "Maybe we should order something. I saw a cafe nearby having some pancakes , they even got cheesecake for you Sungie" added Chan as he was taking out his phone , already about to order what he was mentioning
Jisung was stunned , he remembered the teasing from last time, but now it was much more pronounced. It wasn’t just a slight weight gain from a few indulgences; it was a clear physical transformation. The two seemed to have literally indulged in endless banquets.
He sat up in his chair, trying not to stare too much at his friends, but his eyes kept drifting back to their round bellies, which seemed completely comfortable in their current state. Chan placed his laptop on the top of his tummy, visibly ignoring his own belly that was protruding over his pants.
— "S-Shall we get to work, guys?" he asked with his usual enthusiasm.
Jisung, still a bit dazed, nodded. But as the session began, he couldn’t help but think about Chan and Changbin’s rapid transformation. He recalled their last conversation about pizzas and late-night cravings. It couldn’t just be due to a few extra meals, could it?
As the music played through his headphones, Jisung glanced at his two friends, focused on their respective tasks. Chan, bent over his keyboard with his belly pressing against the edge of the table, and Changbin, casually snacking on a cereal bar he had pulled from his bag.
A question was on the tip of his tongue, but he didn’t dare ask it. After all, they seemed comfortable with themselves, showing no signs of discomfort or embarrassment about their sudden changes. Maybe it was just a phase, as Chan had said earlier. Maybe he was overthinking it.
But as he tried to concentrate on the music, Jisung couldn’t help but wonder if something else was at play. How had they changed so quickly?
And as Chan burst into laughter at a joke from Changbin, Jisung decided not to dwell on it too much. Maybe it was better not to ask questions.
—"Jisung , Felix want to know if he can make a sims of you"
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aniamra · 1 month
If FurAffinity Goes Down
Last night it was announced that Dragoneer has passed away. For those not in the know, Dragoneer was legally the sole owner of FurAffinity. I'm not really here to talk about his passing, instead, I'm here to talk about the reality that many of those that use FurAffinity, may have to consider: FurAffinity could very well go down.
Personally, I do not really use or care for FurAffinity, but I have many friends and colleagues that do and I wanted to write this up so that they could have a reference of options available to them. Even if FA turns out fine, I think now is a good time to remember that it is always a good idea to have mirrors of your work as well as maybe consider establishing a personal website for yourself. I'm going to try to provide a rough rundown of the options that will be available to those looking for another home in addition to FurAffinity so that if the worst does happen, they won't completely loose years of archives.
(a lot of links have been stripped from this version so that Tumblr hopefully won't think this post is Spam =_= )
How To Get The Files
furarchiver.net If for whatever reason you do not have your own archives on your computer, this can be used to grab files off of FA, easily. (also useful if you want to archive someone else's work) This also makes copies of descriptions for all the images. Right now their queue for new archive requests is getting hammered but they will remain online even if FA goes down and still have whatever archives have already been made.
github.com/BruceDone/awesome-crawler cyotek.com/cyotek-webcopy httrack.com There are also a huge selection of crawlers out there you can use to personally crawl FA and capture the whole page if you want to keep anything like notes and comments.
Where To Put Those Files
Now that you have the archive, if you want to put your own work online you have 3 decent choices. Art Galleries, Blogs, and Self-Hosting.
Art Galleries
I am only listing galleries that will accept EVERYTHING that can be posted to FA. If a service wouldn't allow something FA hosts, it is not going on this list.
anthro.art - Despite the name they do allow humans. This is currently invite-only, you'll have to joint Kameoh's server in order to gain access to it. I haven't used it, I just know it exists and it seems to be comparable to what FA allows but if that changes for the more restrictive I'll remove it from the list.
buzzly.art - Eeehh it exists but I honestly cannot recommend it after all the mess that has gone on with the owner. I'm only listing it in anticipating someone else suggesting it.
hentai-foundry - It exists, people use it, but I think it's garbage. It's juried which means every submission has to be approved before it goes live which can take anywhere from days to over a month. Take that as you will.
itaku.ee - This will be BY FAR the easiest service to archive to. They allow for mass uploads, I don't even know what the upper limit is, but I've uploaded as much as 50 images at a time. When doing batch uploads it auto-fills the title and description with the name of the file for the title and date of the file for description. From there you have to choose 5 tags which can seem daunting but if you pile up the meta tags like style and type, it helps. Tags can be applied to the whole batch, which can make it go faster. There are also three access options: Public, Gallery View Only, and Unlisted (can only be accessed via direct-link only). It also offers folders within folders for organization and you can submit the same image to multiple folders.
newgrounds.com - They have changed A LOT since they came on the scene and if you haven't checked it out in a long time there is no harm in doing so now. Uploading is a lot easier and they have support for image stacks (posting multiple images in the same submission) but they limit tags to only 12 per submission which is frustrating.
pixiv.net - You'd have to censor things according to Japanese censorship laws, but it's use-able.
sofurry - Mostly associated with writing but they allow art. I genuinely don't know much about this service other than it exists.
weasyl.com - I know the the owners and like them but the service has not had updates to the functions in a while. It is stable at least, has functional tag filtering, also has a friends-only post feature. There is a misconception that it doesn't allow humans, but it allows all subjects, it's not restricted to furries-only.
Honorary mentions to picarto.tv and piczel.tv, as they have their own gallery services, but most people associate them with their streaming. Both of their galleries also support image stacks.
For this I am covering what amounts to 'Social Media' but specifically I am using the category of Blog to indicate a post system that favors long-format. I will not be listing microblog services.
pillowfort.social - You can upload like 50 images at a time so being able to make posts with large chunks of images at a time can be helpful if that is something you're keen on. It has tags and tag filtering, and it also truncates your feed so if multiple people reblog the same thing, you only see it once in your feed. It offers a lot of privacy options if that's important to you, including Public, Logged-In Only, Followers-Only, Mutuals-Only, and Private post options. It has communities and the ability to re-blog posts which can help for discovery.
cohost.org - Currently, their editor only allows for 4 images to upload at a time, adding any more requires off-site hosting and using HTML or BBcode to link to it. But it has the best tag and content warning filtering system of the social media services out there.
I guess Plemora and Pixelfed instances could fall under this but you'll have to do your own searching for these. I'm not going to be listing them.
This option always seems intimidating to people, but now more than ever it is important to consider making your own website. This isn't a whole and complete guide on how to upload and host things but rather a list of options of what you could be looking at if you want to get started hosting yourself.
The Hosts
Free: neocities.org - Static websites only, but it's low commitment since you don't need a domain and you'd be surprised how much you can store on 1 gig with properly compressed files.
nekoweb.org - Pretty much the same as Neocities
leprd.space - They are application-based only and not always available, but they allow PHP
netlify.com - This is more of an advanced user service for people using deployment services like Git, but they do offer a free tier.
Paid: nearlyfreespeech.net - Pay as needed service. If your site is small you can get it for pretty cheap. But if you plan on having any databases or a lot of websites, it might not be as good of a deal. But the owner seems pretty dedicated to protecting all forms of expression.
hostwinds.com - By far the most straight forward adult content policy. If it's illegal according to US law, it's not permitted. That's it.
amscomputer.com/deals.php - Pretty average adult content policy, will be good for anything that was hosted on FA. But this is by far the cheapest plan I've found for shared hosting that also provides multiple domains and email.
webhostingpad.com - Pretty permissible adult content policy, average prices.
greengeeks.com - Popular with a lot of cam services so it'll host furry just fine. Also pretty average prices.
There are certainly hundreds of hosts that allow sexually explicit content, but the ones I have listed have some of the most straight-forward and flexible policies that I've found thus far.
The Domains
For any self-hosting I recommend registering your domain separate from your host, my personal preference is namecheap.com or porkbun.com You can also get a free subdomain here: freedns.afraid.org
But a side-note, if you're looking for no fuss and cheap SSL options, cloudflare.com you can use to register your domain and manage your DNS, or purchase your domain with another service and manage the DNS with Cloudflare.
The Files
If you downloaded your stuff from The furarchiver, you could just upload those files whole to any of the static site services. You'd have to make a directory page to link to every page but it would be functional. Otherwise you'd have to create everything from the ground-up. https://discourse.32bit.cafe/t/resources-list-for-the-personal-web/49 This has a massive collection of help and options and templates to help guide you through making a website.
If you have access to PHP hosting, one of the easiest, and fastest methods of creating an archive you can use that only takes FTP access is this PHP-Powered image dumper, which is what I use for my art gallery.
HeckScraper's Image Dumper https://mega.nz/file/Fa8lQbZS#hnh6dc4YYx7v611oiV_pWCx5rY3g43DxCZUzHnGNRDY In it includes both the OG image dumper as well as my edits to detect more file types and display in chronological order. To use it, all you have to do is drop the index.php and image.php into the same directory as the images you want to display. Like so:
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How it works is the index file looks for all the images in the folder it is sharing space with and then displays those as a thumbnail. The image file is the one that displays the large version. All you have to do is upload images to that folder and the index file will automatically detect and display the new images.
There is also a With Text version that pulls text from a corresponding text file to display with the image.
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If you would like something a little bit more Robust than that, and also allows you to make webpages, I recommend this CMS named Kirby. getkirby.com It requires PHP 8, which shouldn't be a problem for most hosts, but something to keep an eye on when setting up a new hosting account. But it's a very simple system that uses all text and image files, while also giving you an interface to work with for uploading and editing if you need it.
Website Builder Notice: I don't want to recommend these, but I know some people are terrified of doing anything else so if you HAD to pick one, Wix is the only one that allows sexually explicit content. And Hostinger has a website builder I guess. slashpage.com also doesn't seem to have anything in its TOS that restricts sexually explicit content.
I hope this has been helpful to someone as well as maybe provided some options/perspective to those interested in creating mirrors for other gallery services.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hi! I just found your blog and I am obsessed with your headcanons! I think you really capture their personalities so well (and I may or may not have indulged and read almost everything in only a few days 😅 it’s just so good!) anyways, if you are still looking for ideas, how do you think the guys would respond to Y/N proposing a threesome, either MMF or FFM (I’ll let you decide)?
Aloha! Glad you found me, and very happy to read that you like my stuff! 😊
Okay, I think that's a tricky one, because I'm sure a lot of people out there have their own, "thirsty" image of this. But then again, my HCs are usually what I honestly think of the guys, unless smut is specifically requested. So at the risk of being a killjoy, I'll take the honest approach. If you had something thirstier and not necessarily 'authentic' in mind, let me know. I put 'authentic' in quotation marks because, after all, these are fictional characters whose preferences I'm only guessing at.😅 So this is not a Smut-fest, it's just their reactions/answers to the threesome proposal.
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - The Threesome Proposal
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Warnings: Suggestive/Sexual Themes/Mention Of Sexual Themes/18+
Just a little side note: Neither of them would be willing to have a threesome with another brother. I know I've written something like this before, you know thirst thoughts, but my honest guess is that neither of them would really feel comfortable doing that.
He's surprised, to say the least. Depending on how long and deep this relationship is, he might consider your proposal.
He is not necessarily directly averse to the idea, in fact it has a certain appeal for him, but he is also realistic. Hunter doesn't like to share your attention, and your body even less. He's afraid he might get jealous, even if you assure him that your real feelings are only for him.
Even if Hunter were not jealous, he fears you might regret it afterward and perhaps be jealous yourself. On the whole, he doesn't want to jeopardize your relationship, and he doesn't want to bring any unrest into your relationship, which has been going really well up to now. Therefore, he will think about this for a long time and discuss all his concerns with you in detail.
Only if both of you can honestly rule out all fears regarding jealousy and the like, he will be willing to give it a try.
Echo is a bit shy, but also quite honest and open with you.
"I don't think that's such a good idea, Mesh'la."
"Why not?"
He shrugs and says, "Well, in a fantasy it might be quite stimulating, but the implementation probably feels very different. Besides, I don't quite know if I want to share you with anyone at such an intimate moment"
"So you don't want to try it?"
He sighs softly and says, "Rather not, if I'm honest. Look, I don't want to be a killjoy, but I don't want to jeopardize our relationship either. Honestly, as much as it looks interesting in the holomovies and in fantasy, putting our happiness at risk isn't worth it to me to try."
He looks at you gently and asks, "Can you be understanding about this, Cyare?"
Well? Can you?
So, in general, he is not averse. Wrecker has a healthy self-confidence, he does not get jealous easily, and he is quite open-minded in general.
Your suggestion will fall on open ears as long as everything has a certain respectful structure. He will not allow the other participant of your threesome to dominate you, this is something he is reluctant to do. He just can't get over his protective instinct. Other than that, however, he is open to almost anything.
Whether another man or woman participates in your tryst doesn't really matter to him, his focus is you anyway.
"Whatever makes you happy, Cyare".
If you really want to make this proposal to Tech, then you better wait with it until your relationship is really solidified, and he has opened up to you completely, physically, intimately.
He takes a long time to warm up, physical affection is a very shy subject for him at first, even if he eventually turns out to be a passionate lover once you bring him out of his shell.
However, since you have been in a solid relationship for quite a while now, your proposal tickles his curiosity and eagerness to experiment. Tech likes to try things out, and basically he wants to see you satisfied and happy.
"If we both agree that our real love is only between you and me, we don't have sex with other people separately, and this remains the exception rather than the rule, then I don't see a problem."
He doesn't really mind the gender of the third party, either.
This is more complicated. Actually, he is anything but uptight, but he is also very jealous and, contrary to the impression you probably have of him, quick to unsettle.
More than anything else, he'll wonder why you're suggesting it.
One brow shoots up critically.
"Am I not enough for you?"
"What? No, that's not the point at a-"
"Then why do you want to do this?"
A helpless shrug and the words, "curiosity," aren't really explanation enough for him. But being curious himself, sooner or later he gives in. However, he has a huge pile of conditions.
You may not touch the other person, but you may be touched. The other person is not allowed to kiss you, at least not on the mouth. Should the other person be male, he is not allowed to cum inside you, and your pussy belongs to Crosshair alone. If it is a woman, he has no problem watching you get eaten out, though. Fingering is not allowed without his explicit permission (and your consent, of course). Apart from him, no one is allowed to dominate you, neither male nor female. All three have to agree on a safe word (This last one is actually very reasonable and probably for the best).
If you agree to all his conditions, he will give it a try. As long as you both stick to agreed-upon rules, this could work out quite well and may not even remain a one-time thing, depending on your preference.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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colorcodedbeanies · 2 years
Long pause between updates there. I've backlogged a bunch of episode notes that I'll hopefully be releasing in batches.
TW: Racism, elder abuse, ableism
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Ok so I took these notes a few days ago and the first thing that greets me is "car looks like its fucking the sand", with the sub point "put that in the post". I hope this provides insight into the rigorous intellectual process I work with.
The cop scene is basically an endless series of hits, enough that its difficult to not just transcribe it fully. Tuco's head is mounted on a shooting target by Hank, who talks floridly about interrogating his meth-hag girlfriend and then does a whole routine about apologizing to hr for using the word "hard-on" in the presence of ladies, which is frankly only further fuel to the fire in terms of eroticism literally being criminal in Breaking Bad. He comments on Mexico, saying to general agreement "We all know what's going on down there. We sure as hell don't want it going on up here." which is just. Very interesting considering next episode is going to open with two men illegally crossing the border. Finally, when Gomez asks him if he really thinks they'll track him down, he laughs it off, commenting that its about "keeping up appearances". If he's implying that most of the DEA's work is about the appearance of stopping bad guys and saving good guys....well! He said it not me.
Skyler is hesitant about describing Walter as depressed, especially in front of his son. Even in front of the guy who (theoretically) is trying to find him and needs information, saving the face of the middle class white patriarch takes precedence. She softens it to simple stress. This is echoed again later when Marie blurts out Hank's knowledge about the second cellphone. Sure, Hank is very possibly trying not to add more emotional strain onto his sister-in-law. But he's also denying her information (and in his mind, possibly even covering for Walt's affair). They may be more comfortable possibly letting him die than they are ruining his image as a good family man.
I didn't expect to emerge out of this as a WaltTuco truther but literally what am I meant to take from Walt momentarily imagining Tuco as Skyler appearing to him and telling him that she understands.
The yard is littered with a lot of broken toys. While I'm not super thrilled with the way this visually suggests Hector as another "broken" thing in the house, I do think it lends itself into an understanding of Tuco as ultimately, a bit of an overgrown child. I don't say that to be infantilizing. Trauma, especially as a child, can freeze up your mental development a little bit. Tuco tends to approach his circumstances with a very simply and childlike logic. His paranoia (tragically unable to ever catch the actual threats) is his special powers, his visions of the future. While talking about No-Doze and Gonzo he's clearly seeking out some absolution, insisting "I was good to him! I was good!". None of this, of course, makes Tuco any less dangerous or unstable. But he's a lot more vulnerable than Walt (or arguably, the audience) gives him credit for. He takes personal betrayals of his love aso wildly personally, and seeks escape in drugs when he fails to threaten people into staying loyal to him.
So there's a clear disability horror going on with Hector. The first level of that is inherently ableism, implying that there's something unsettling about being in the proximity of someone with an atypical body and atypical means of expression. The second level (and I believe the unintentional one) is the horror movie happening inside Hector's own perspective, seeing a threat to someone who you, in your own fucked up way, love, and being unable to effectively communicate about it because Tuco is not intuitive with how he approaches Hector's communication needs. Regardless I think it is important that treating Hector like an object fucks over everyone, Walt, Jesse, Tuco, and Hank in the next episode.
Speaking of ableism, though, in a rare Jesse L he does briefly position his life as inherently more valuable than Walt's, because Walt's going to be dead soon anyways. Notably Walt does advocate for his life in a way that he did not when chemo was on the table. Still, Jesse, there are so many better reasons Walt should kill himself for your sake.
At this point I don't even need to do analysis, I can just tell you Skyler says "Marie, you don't get hooked on pot like that" and you can put the pieces together yourself. Post-War on Drugs American normalcy challenge Any% never passed never succeeded.
So I'm not going to quibble with Walt and Jesse trying to kill Tuco, or even (for once) Hank succeeding. The guy was an active threat to all parties involved and his life is taken in self-defense. But I want to highlight this line in particular: "We tried to poison you. Because you're an insane, degenerate piece of filth, and you deserve to die." Given how Walt's historically used the term I think its fair to read "degenerate" as interchangeable with "junkie". So of all the reasons Walt has decided to highlight that Tuco might need to die here....the ones he highlights are "junkie" and "mentally ill".
Jesse kicks Tuco into a hole hope this doesn't foreshadow anything in his future.
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tbnrpotato · 6 months
Our Own Choices
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Chapter 5
Captured! Returning from a perilous assignment in the Outer Rim, Jedi Master Even Piell's cruiser has fallen under attack and been boarded. Seeking vital information he carries about secret hyperspace lanes called the Nexus Route, Separatist forces have taken him alive. Now, the Jedi are preparing a stealth mission into the heart of Separatist space in an effort to rescue Master Piell from the deadly prison known as the Citadel.
I wait for Fives and Echo to come back to the barracks from their briefing of breaking into that maximum security prison which I am so hyped up to break into. I can't sneak into the venting system, because I remember someone trying that before and it didn't really go too well for them. I've grown like 10cm, so I've had to adjust my armor to fit my new height.
I receive a holo-transmission from Rex. He's somewhere on a jedi cruiser or probably on another mission, but I'm stuck here on Coruscant. 
I open the transmission and open the hologram on the floor. Rex's image appears in front of me, he's like half a head taller than me. 
"Hey kid," Rex takes off his helmet.
"Hey dad, please don't tell me this is something about the bad batch minifigures that I've been building."
"What bad batch minifigures?"
"Nevermind. I'm guessing this is something about the Citadel mission?"
Rex nods. "Look kid, I know you wanna go, but this isn't the place to get experience. There's a high chance that you'll get killed, and I can't be responsible for that. So-"
I groan, putting a hand to my forehead. "You said I was good enough to be an ARC trooper, why can't I go?"
"Kid, it's too dangerous, and I can't have you getting killed. You're not going. That's an order."
"Dad please-"
"You're not going, and that's final. Fives and Echo will make sure you stay here." 
The hologram turns off, and I lean against the wall, sighing.
Fives and Echo walk into the barracks.
Echo puts a hand on my shoulder. "Sorry kid, but you can't-"
I roll my eyes and put on my helmet. "Yea, I know, I know, I can't go on that prison break in that I've been wanting to go on for days now."
"Yea, sorry kid," Fives says. "Rex told us to make sure you wouldn't come."
I glare at him from under my helmet. "And you're gonna defy the bro code just because Rex said so?"
Fives and Echo look at each other. "Sorry kid, you ain't coming with us. On the bright side, Commander Tano isn't going either, so you can hangout with her while we're out."
I sigh and head to the hangar with them, and go up to Commander Tano, who's talking with another Jedi. My anxiety's rising, I hate talking to Jedi so much. So I just stand at the side and wait for my chance to speak up.
"Master Plo? May I speak with you?" Commander Tano asks the other Jedi.
"What is it, little 'Soka?" the older Jedi replies.
"It's about the mission. Master Skywalker doesn't want me to go."
"Rex doesn't want me to go either," I speak up.
"That is their choice," the Jedi says.
Commander Tano sits down on the wing of the ship that the other Jedi is fixing up and I sit down next to her.
"I know, but I think he's being overly protective. He's picking and choosing which assignments I can be a part of," Commander Tano says.
"I know right, Rex literally does the same thing to me, even though he says I'm good enough to be an ARC trooper along with Echo and Fives," I complain.
"He is your master," the other Jedi says.
"Yes...but it's not for him to decide when and how I should put my life in danger. That should be my choice." 
"So after the others get carbon-frozen, they won't know if we go with them, and we could just sneak onboard," I suggest, and the other Jedi nods at us.
After the others get carbon-frozen, we get in and get carbon-frozen ourselves. It is definitely not a pleasant experience.
Soon enough, we get unfrozen by the droids. I see Rex getting unfrozen next to me as well.
"Hey kid..." Rex groans as he gets unfrozen.
"Hey dad," I reply, cracking my neck slightly.
"What are you doing here?!" Rex folds his arms.
"Fives, do I have carbon sickness or is that Aris," Echo asks as he cracks his neck. I walk up to him and slap him in the face. "Does that seem like carbon sickness to you?"
Echo rubs the place where I slapped him, chuckling. "Good to see ya, kid."
Rex grabs my arm and turns me to face him. "I gave you a direct order not to come!"
"I got orders from General Plo Koon and Commander Tano to come anyways," I fold my arms, smirking, putting my helmet on before any other troopers can see me. Rex rolls his eyes.
"Welcome aboard, kid," Fives and Echo clap me on the back and I smile slightly.
We walk to a ledge which overlooks the lava. Definitely don't wanna fall into that. General Skywalker takes out some binoculars and scans the building.
"I see the entry point," he reports.
"You were right," Cody says. "The wind conditions are too strong for jetpacks."
"Yes, we'll have to do it the old fashioned way. With ascension cables and a steel grip," General Kenobi says.
I already don't like this idea. Burning in lava seems like a painful way to go down, and I already had a problem with climbing that ledge back on the Rishi outpost, I'm starting to regret my decision of coming along.
"I don't think so," General Skywalker says.
"What do you mean?"
He looks through his binoculars again. "Electro-mines. There's nowhere to put a grappling hook at that height. And we hit one of those, the mission's over. They'll know we're here."
"I suppose that means we free-climb it," Rex says, and I look at him.
Echo puts a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, kid, if you fall, I'll catch you."
We continue walking along the ledge and manage to make our way to the bottom of whatever shit we need to climb.
I'm climbing behind Rex, and Echo and Fives are below me. Rex constantly looks down to check if I'm still alive. 
I really hope Echo actually meant what he said because my arms are burning and I'm losing my grip on the rocks.
The electro-mines are sparking with electricity, and I really hope that doesn't hit me or I'm definitely gonna die. My speed of climbing starts to slow down, and Echo and Fives are almost overtaking me, Rex is really far ahead.
"Cmon kid, we're right behind you, don't worry," Echo says below me. I'm breathing heavily inside my helmet, my hair's wet with sweat, it's so warm in there. The wind isn't helping either.
And then I lose my grip and I slip off the rock, and I'm thinking "Oh shit" until Echo catches me and helps me up.
"Thanks..." I'm breathing heavily, I think my heart rate just spiked up after that. I'm shaking from the adrenaline rush, and it takes me a few moments to get back to climbing.
I see everyone stop, and I stop as well. I look up and see a few droids on the platform above me, and I cling to the rock as close as I can, holding my breath, hoping that they won't hear any of us.
And then everyone starts climbing again, and I finally take a breath, pushing myself up to the next grip I can find, I'm below Commander Tano now, don't worry I'm not looking up her skirt, although I would really like to, I heard General Skywalker and General Kenobi say they told her that space underwear wasn't a thing so every time you looked up her skirt you could see her orange-
I hear General Kenobi saying they locked the door, and that it's ray shielded, and General Skywalker's kinda freaking about how it wasn't part of the plan.
Commander Tano climbs up and sees an opening up there and reports it to us.
"We know, they're ventilation ducts, but they're far too small for us to gain access," General Skywalker says.
"Too small for you maybe, but I think I can squeeze through," Commander Tano says.
"I could as well," I speak up.
Rex nudges me in the side and gives me the "don't you dare do it or I'll kill you" head tilt. 
"He can come along as well," Commander Tano points to me. 
General Skywalker nods at us and we climb to the ventilation duct. Commander Tano reaches up there in no time, opening the cover to the vent duct, while I'm struggling to climb up there.
When I reach the platform where the vent duct is, she helps me up. 
"Thanks," I'm panting, breathing heavily. Then Ahsoka slips inside the vent duct and I follow behind her. She looks down from the cramped space to check if there are any droids, before jumping down. I follow her, keeping my pistols drawn to cover her if there are any droids as she opens the ray shield.
I see the others climb up and I help Fives and Echo up. 
"Good job kid," Echo's breathing heavily as well.
"See Rex? I can handle myself," I fold my arms and look at him. I don't call him "dad" here for obvious reasons.
I see the last trooper reaching the platform, but then he slips, and starts to fall. I extend my grappling hook out to him, hoping that he can grab it in time, but he can't, and gets absolutely destroyed by an electro-mine.
The alarm starts to sound.
"They know we're here," General Kenobi says.
So we start running along the hallways, checking the corners to see if there are any droids.
"Take out their surveillance," General Skywalker says, and I shoot one of the security cameras with my pistol. And then some stuff from the ceiling start shooting down at us, but the boys and I take them out quite quickly.
And then, as I stand behind Rex, I hear someone shouting that the walls are electrified, and we run towards cover. I see one clone left behind, and I extend out my hand to grab him, but the wall gets him first and I get an electric shock in my hand. I shake it away, it feels like it's burning but I don't care, and I run towards the trooper who got caught in the electric wall and check for a pulse. There's nothing.
"We must keep moving," General Kenobi says, and I reluctantly leave the trooper behind and follow the others.
Soon, we reach the room where the dude we're supposed to rescue is kept, and we start blasting the droids inside the moment we open the door.
Some of us stand around the room while the others guard the door, and I hear the Jedi dude that we just saved talk shit with the Generals about how we gotta rescue his captain for some reason.
So we continue running through the hallways, checking to see if there are any droids. Suddenly, 3 commando droids appear at one end of the hallway, and a few more at the other end. I stay close to Rex, Fives and Echo as the Jedi draw their lightsabers. I draw my sword and hold my pistol in my other hand.
The droids start firing at us, the Jedi are blocking the blaster bolts with their lightsabers as the droids start jumping off the walls, they're getting closer, and one of them gets close enough and pins a trooper to the wall, and before I can reach him he's getting stabbed. 
I throw my knife at the commando droid who's still stabbing the trooper, and it hits the droid in the head, and I slice it in half with my sword to make sure it's dead. I see another commando droid behind Echo, so I shoot it with my pistol.
The Jedi slice the remaining droids with their lightsabers and Fives gently punches me in the shoulder. "You stole my kill."
I chuckle a bit. "Too slow?"
"We need to keep moving," General Kenobi says, and we start walking through the hallway again.
Suddenly, I hear some high-pitched noise, it's hurting my ears, so I cover them, even through the helmet I can still hear the sound, and all our weapons get attracted up to the ceiling, including the sword on my back and my hidden knife, carrying me up to the ceiling as well. Anakin's up there with me as well, attracted to the ceiling by his hand.
And then some electricity goes through the ceiling, going to both me and General Skywalker, it feels like my body is burning, it's shaking so much, and then it stops, and I'm trying my best not to black out, everything's spinning, everything sounds muffled...
I reach for my knife and General Skywalker reaches for his lightsaber, and I'm about to throw it at the place where the electricity comes out of, and then electricity comes out of it again. The burning feeling comes back, I'm losing the feeling in my legs, and my body...
I throw the knife at the electricity generator as General Skywalker cuts it with his lightsaber, and we fall to the ground, I'm trying so hard not to black out right now, everything's blurry...
The rest of the action happens in a blur until Echo and Rex help me up. "You good kid?" I can hear the concern in their voices. The feeling in my legs starts to come back and I nod.
"Yea I'm fine."
And then we start running through the hallways again, reaching the place where the other prisoners are kept. The Jedi handle the droids and General Kenobi suggests we split up.
Fives, Echo, Rex, some others and I follow General Skywalker and Commander Tano.
General Skywalker's looking at the holo-map, and then suddenly plunges his lightsaber into a wall, cutting a circle through it.
"Everybody in," he says.
Echo, Fives and I push through the circle that General Skywalker cut through the wall, and we find ourselves in one of the old fortress tunnels.
Commander Tano goes off to check the tunnels.
"The tunnel's clear," she reports.
"Looks like Obi-Wan's distraction worked," General Skywalker says. "Things seem to be going as planned."
"Don't jinx it," I tell him.
"It's when things do not go as planned that concerns me," the captain dude says. "What then?"
I go over to Echo and Fives and stand around with them for a bit. There's still a slight tingling feeling in my arm from the electricity just now. I can still hear my heart pounding in my chest, I gotta calm down.
Echo seems to notice this, and he puts a hand on my shoulder. I flinch slightly, but relax after a moment. "Thanks," I tell him.
Then we put the piece of metal that we pushed through just now back into the wall and head off.
We walk along the narrow sides of the tunnel which overlook the lava, making sure to be careful not to fall in. General Skywalker goes to guard the flank while I walk in between Fives and Echo.
"So uh, what are yall gonna do when we get back?" I ask them, to break the silence a bit.
"I'm probably gonna go get a drink at the cantina," Fives says. "And maybe Echo would come along as well."
"Can I come?" I ask.
"Nah kid, you're too young to be drinking alcoholic stuff, you're not 18 yet," Echo says.
"Aw cmon," I protest. "Please???? I'm like 16 years old biologically, I can handle it."
"Sorry kid, can't go till you're 18," Fives says. "I heard you're working on writing that story of yours about our missions and stuff, maybe you could do that after the mission."
"But I wanna hangout with yall," I protest again.
Echo chuckles. "Maybe we could go to the arcade or something after we go to the cantina, how does that sound?"
My eyes light up. "I'll definitely have to carry yall in battle royale today, maybe we could play some hardpoint, but we can't play ranked cause I'm legendary rank and yall are like pro rank-"
"Yea kid, we get it, you're a lot more pro than us," Echo sounds slightly annoyed.
"What's wrong?" I nudge him playfully in the side. "Jealous?"
Fives and I laugh, clapping him on the back. "Don't worry, you'll get better in about 30 years."
Our laughter's cut short when I hear Rex say we hit a dead end.
Fives, Echo and I stay at the back to defend the flank, and I hear the faint sound of footsteps behind us. Fives turns around the corner, checking to see what's there, and almost gets headshotted by a droid.
Fives and I manage to get some shots on the droid, knocking it off the tunnel and into the lava, and General Skywalker slices the other 2 in half.
Then some commando droids jump in from the walls with shields, and start shooting at us again. I see Commander Tano put grenades to the wall and roll some at the commando droids as Fives and I try to blast them, and the grenades on both sides explode, clearing out the commando droids and causing a whole lotta dust. At least the dead end's not a dead end anymore, and we continue walking through the tunnel.
We reach the pipe.
"This pipe leads to the top of the ridge," General Skywalker says. "Where R2 will pick us up and get us out of here. There's the hatch."
He goes to open it, and the rest of us walk towards it.
"Let's go, everyone in," General Skywalker says. "Don't use your lights, and make sure your weapons are locked. The slightest electronic pulse could ignite this whole tube." Rex and the rest of us nod, checking that our weapons are locked and our lights are turned off. Echo and I are the last ones to climb into the pipe.
We climb up the ladder in the pipe, it's kinda dark in here, and it smells terrible. Smells worse than Fives's socks, and that's saying something. Commander Tano's flexing by climbing on the outside of the ladder, swinging herself up to the high ground.
"How much longer are we going to wander through this tunnel in the dark?" Captain Tarkin asks.
"Stop complaining," I say from the back. Tarkin and General Skywalker start discussing stuff I can't quite hear, until Commander Tano says, "I think I found a way out." She points at a hatch above us, and goes to check if the area's clear.
"What do you see, Snips?" General Skywalker asks.
"The coast is clear," she reports.
"Any sign of Obi-Wan and the shuttle?"
"No, I don't see him or R2 anywhere," Commander Tano says as she opens the hatch and starts to climb out, but stops. I can hear the sound of the droids from down here, but a severed metal hand falls into the pipe and I assume that she's taken care of things.
"We've gotta go," she shouts into the pipe, I can hear the sound of blaster fire now. We all start climbing up the pipe, hoping that no blaster bolts hit us in the head and kill us. We slide down the pipe and take cover behind a rock.
General Skywalker throws a charge into the pipe and we all take cover behind the rock, bracing ourselves for the explosion. The ground shakes, and a droid lands in front of us. We get up from our positions on the floor and General Skywalker says we're gonna do plan b: meet R2 at General Kenobi's position. We start walking over the droid and head off.
We reach their position in a short while where the blaster fight has already started. I shoot one of the droids manning a turret, and we run over to where General Kenobi and the others are, taking cover behind some containers.
"We gotta take out those turrets," I say to Fives and Echo. 
"I think we have a bigger problem," Echo says, as some droids on flying thingies fly over, shooting at us. One of the turrets shoot at our position, hitting the containers and sending some of us to the floor. I instantly get up, trying to clear my vision, holding my head with one hand and my pistol in the other.
The Jedi and taking care of the flying droids, there are some 4-legged ones advancing to where Fives and Echo are hiding, and I run over to them.
I really regret not stocking up on grenades before I came, because I only have one grenade left, and I through it at the 4-legged droid, where it explodes and kills it.
"How do we take out those turrets?! If we try anything, they'll blow up our ship," I shout.
And then a bunch of commando droids with shields come out, shooting at us. I hide behind the boxes, breathing heavily, the odds aren't good, we might not survive this, and I'm telling my brain to shut up right now because Fives just threw a grenade which knocks some of them back.
"General Skywalker, a droid is manning one of those turrets. They're going to blow up the shuttle, sir," Echo says into his comlink, and I check to see which turret it is, almost taking a blaster shot to the face. 
I see the turret shooting at the incoming General Skywalker and that other short dude that kinda looks like Yoda but with human skin tones, and they crash-land near the turret.
"This is our only chance, we've gotta stop him," Echo says, before running out and grabbing a shield, running towards the shuttle. Fives shoots from behind, keeping his distance from the turret. I see the turret firing at him, and I run to pull him away from the shuttle which the turret is going to fire at...
I see flames. I'm knocked backwards, I land on my back, I can't move, pieces of shrapnel are digging into my skin, I can feel myself burning, my gloves are on fire, and I can't do anything...
Where's Echo?
I can't see his body anywhere, only his helmet at the side. I see the Jedi running back to the shuttle, and I want to shout at them, to tell them that I'm still alive, but I can't.
And then Rex looks back at the explosion site and see me lying there, my vision gets blurry as he runs over and picks me up and carries me. His voice is muffled.
"You're gonna be okay ad'ika...you're gonna be okay..."
And everything fades into black.
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CHRONICLE ZERO, 30/7 - 6/8
(if any of the IRL dates are wrong by a day, blame it on my timezone being very different)
Okay! So! I'm just going to keep somewhat up to date by doing these in chunks! Yeah! Most of these are just initial thoughts and commentary, but that's to be expected. Anyways-
(long post, you know the deal) (isn't Tumblr supposed to shrink long posts anyways?) (I've seen it on other posts but not mine)(weird)
Dated July 30th 19XX
I've previously covered this, so here's a link to that.
Although as an add-on to it, I should mention that I am leaning away from the tape idea now (as cool as it was,) as some of the posts were a bit- too visual? Such as using arrows, the misspellings, and crossing out words. I've heard from people that it could be a journal, a typewriter, a pink pricess digital diary-
All of which would make 100% sense, absolutely.
The Poll (same day)
The poll! This will be another interactive, it seems. The options were just saying Hello in various ways. Didn't seem to affect or interact with the next batch of writing so likely it's one of those "keep trying, at some point it will work and get through!" features. (Ask blog Chronos go!!)
"Hello?" won, if anyone's interested-
August 4th (irl date, assuming it matches)
So, it's een eight months since some kind of event. (It was December 4th if so). It's hard to forget aforementioned event, although they wish "they could stop keeping time as much as they do." It's interesting phrasing for sure.
"been through hell and back since then" (awww Chronos....)
'yoXX you'd think I would get used to the looks, the glaXX (glances?), The phrXX (uh.. phrases?) the REMARKS, the notes. But they don't understand. "
Show them? Make them understand? Make them think about how their actions affecting Chronos and family? Who is them? By itself I was thinking that "they" are the GIC's, hense the inability to communicate. But with the stuff from before it could also just be the general populace being all "ooh something happened to those guys let's all STARE AT THEM AND WHISPER." Which isn't great either, or easily stoppable. Small town vibes too.
Then the list of good things, like "my family" and "my dog", including an individual named Jay (likely the "she' mentioned before) and another entry that is crossed out. (Also I'm worried that uh, everyone on this list isnt going to get out this well-)
Bad things: Unforgettable. But not a lot of information given to us just yet-
Chronos is also coming around to how useful/helpful the Chronicles are
And if anyone's curious, this is what was notable on December 4th last year:
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(Photo sourced from @generationlossupdates with the following Id: [Id- a tweet from Generation Loss, it says "2" with a image attached to the tweet, the image is the logo, looks hand painted and bloody. - end id] )
I'm currently under the assumption it's just coincidence, but I'll give it to you all anyway.
Second Poll, Same Day:
Another poll, also with a just question mark for the text. The options are "Who?" And "What?". I think it's asking what we want to know more about in the Chronicles, the characters? Or the world? (Well idk for What, what can mean a lot of things)
These polls feel eerily similar to the early gamey interactions in TSE, with the first one being a little bit of a dud and not wholly consequential, whilst the second leads to more more information about the area, and kinda controls what the character says and does. (In this case, what they write about next for our information)
Choose your own adventure book style, ya know
"Who?" won, so let's see if this is backed up in the next lot.
August 5th
J (presumably, Jay) suggested Chronos log their "Wild dreams" the past few days. there's another X cross out in the word "another" (anohtX) but this time, only one. The first one is misspelt so could be simply just crossing out (quite literally) the misspelling.
(Damn Chronos just like me fr fr)
So... Kinda info about the characters??? In terms of the Who/What from before? It's not as strong of a link as I would like it to be but it's all good-
D1: (Same Day)
(a dream discription, one of a number to come)
Standing in field of an unidentified plant, under a red sky. Weird terrain, felt like the ssky was curving upward. The sun was gone. (gnX)
Walking, trying to find something, not presently remembered. Then they started to sink, and they fell into a Chasm, a created, almost geometric yet unstable cave. Smooth white rock or concrete walls. Shifted and changed as they went deeper, until they saw "it". (Whatever it is, they didn't want to see it.) Dream be forcing them to see it though.
Then they're back in the field.
Stay tuned for Zero looks up Dream Interpretation and pretends to know what they're doing! (Cause I'm 100% sure it will be a long one, so different post)
August 6th
(aka the funny post that made GLRanboo jokingly ask if I was Chronos/Chronicle, bc of the screaming about work thing-)
Damn guys I think they don't like their work or their manager. One could interpret the million years old thing as just another word for "old geezer" but wouldn't it be funny if he actually was a million years old-
Anyways, I'm going to hazard a guess that what they sell is something technology related. Anyways, we don't like the manager here, how dare they not give any respect to Chronos.
XX update: another two XX's on the word making (he's maXX), and then another four at the end of a lot of exclamation marks.
Moving on, Chronos showed their dream to Jay, who suggested that's to do with a cycle and being forced to relive stuff (RELIVE THINGS YOU SAY-)
As for the snacking comment- I have no idea if that actually has anyy correlation to what you dream. More J lore about liking the crazy and supernatural, but what I find interesting is the three different ratios Chronos gives. Like, yeah okay man we get it you wanna be right, I'm sure you are I'm sure-
50/50, 60/40, 70/30. Just constantly increasing your chances at winning, I see u-
So, we have got a little bit of lore building! Real cool real cool.
(I feel it in my bones that MatPat would mention all over the rewriting and changing and the three different ratios, but in that case he'd be absolutely horrified if he saw my old school books-)
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sshbpodcast · 1 year
Doublemint, Doublemint, Doublemint Trek: Doppelgängers in Star Trek (Part 2)
By Ames
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Our blogtivity for character doubles in Star Trek obviously needs double the posts, doesn’t it! Continuing on from our batch from last week, A Star Steer Her By is reviewing the doppelgänger of that batch here! The topic had about fifty instances that we listed in last week’s podcast episode, so it was just too much for one post. You can follow along below and see if you can tell the real deal from the cheap carbon copy.
Some SPOILERS for new Trek (including season 3 of Picard!) under the fold.
[Images © Paramount/CBS]
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“If Wishes Were Horses”
Update 3/13/24: How could I forget this awful Deep Space Nine episode? For simultaneously two reasons at once, there are two Jadzias at once! Bashir’s horniness for Dax is so strong that it conjures one straight out of his imagination, and she is thirsty AF! Also, it’s an alien being simply taking on the form of a familiar being, like Rumpelstiltskin and Buck Bokai, for some freaking reason. Sigh.
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Update 1/28/24: There are even more character doubles than I even remembered! Now that I’ve been doing another rewatch, here are a few more additions, starting with Maura, Aquiel’s dog who turns out to be a coalescent organism that has taken on the shape of this very good puppy. We also learn that this organism apparently perfectly mimicked Aquiel’s superior officer, Lt. Rocha, for who knows how long?
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Update 1/28/24: One more from TNG that totally fits this increasingly long list is the subspace creature that takes on the shape of Silva La Forge in order to communicate with Geordi (or at least the probe that Geordi is controlling at the time) and try to get him to help them while they’re in some kind of distress. Why they didn’t just ask normally, who knows? There’s also one more update that I was able to cram in show order! Go find it below!
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“A Man Alone”
Should've mentioned this one last week, but I literally just remembered it right now. That rat Ibudan makes a clone of himself just so he can murder it and frame Odo in a scheme so convoluted a Romulan must've helped. And THEN Bashir makes another clone, like a freakin' mad scientist.
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“Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night”
One more Deep Space Nine episode I should have mentioned last week when we did that batch, but listen. I'm only one person, not two like all of these people! In this case, we have two Kiras who briefly meet and shake hands when our Kira goes back in time to watch Dukat romance her mom, and then things get weird.
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Okay, finally on to Voyager, where we’ve already got Torres talking to herself, quite literally. Like in “The Enemy Within” or “Second Chances” from last week, the drama in this episode is all in the interpersonal conflict between, well, one character. It’s also a lot of excellent work from Roxann Dawson in both a lot more and a lot less makeup than usual!
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“Deadlock” duplicates the whole Voyager and crew, and not for the last time either! In this one, the two crews are occupying the same space while in different versions of the same ship and need to work together to escape some damn Vidiians. Luckily, they’ve got the expertise of not one, but two Janeways, so half of our two crews make it out okay.
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“The Thaw”
One of Janeway's most badass moments is technically not Janeway herself, but her holodouble that was swapped in for her to torment Fear the Clown for all of eternity, and I am 100% here for it. It's such a sneaky little character swap that I have to give both of these Janeways a ton of credit.
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“The Swarm”
The Doctor is a hologram so it’s pretty common to have multiples of him running around. You’d think he’d just make a crew of nurses that look like him, but alas. Instead, we’ll have to make do with the hologram diagnostic program, which of course has Zimmerman’s face. We’re used to it already from the whole Soong family, so it only makes sense.
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In one of my personal favorite time-travel episodes (if not one of my favorite episodes overall), we demolish the temporal prime directive by not only involving several Janeways, but also letting Seven interact with her alternate self to save the ship from the bullshit of one of the Braxtons (it doesn’t matter which one). And she looks great doing it!
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“Demon” and “Course: Oblivion”
I’m clumping these two together for my own sanity, as the silver blood duplicates we meet in “Demon” provide quite the twist for “Course: Oblivion” in a revisited plot no one saw coming. And good on them because it provides quite the little identity crisis for all of the crew members to learn they aren’t the real thing and are fated to possibly the bleakest demises of the franchise.
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More double EMHs and we’re not even done yet. Being a hologram makes it easy for the Doctor to meet copies of himself since that’s exactly what he was built for. Sure, he wasn’t built to be the Voyager’s chief medical officer, and neither was he built to be the Equinox’s chief medical officer, and yet here we are with both of them in “Equinox.”
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The Qomar are super into the Doctor’s singing, so they find an excuse to duplicate him and provide us with yet another instance of multiple EMHs running around. Their copies range from the tiny tapedeck version of their opera-singing superstar, to a full-sized singing program that can hit an absurd range of notes but have none of the bedside manner clogging up the works.
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Finally, a non-Doctor double to feast your eyes on, this one a future Kes that travels back in time to save herself from… herself. It’s kind of confounding since they rather rewrite the whole Kes character to make this reappearance work, but we were indeed missing Kes so much that even one version of her would have been a sight for sore eyes, and here we have two!
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“Author, Author”
Like in “Living Witness,” we start off “Author, Author” with the some excellent alternate members of the crew, all slightly more exaggerated than their normal characters for the sake of the EMH’s story. We also get to see the Doctor get a taste of his own medicine when Paris confronts him with his own fictional doppel, and wrap things up with so many Robert Picardos in one room that it’s a thing of beauty.
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“Renaissance Man”
Update 1/28/24: Sadly, we missed this one when we first made this post, so enjoy this great moment from “Renaissance Man” when the Emergency Medical Hologram created a full holodeck of himself to distract Tuvok just long enough to continue his ploy of taking over the ship for the Hierarchy. Like a simp. And with this update, we've maxed out the blogpost again!
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As we’ve seen, we love a good time-travel paradox in which someone gets to meet themself. Sure, you should normally try to avoid confronting yourself out of time, but that’s not the Janeway... way. At the end of a series, you get a pass to just break the timeline as a treat, almost certainly pissing off the Bureau of Temporal Investigations entirely.
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“Dead Stop”
Enterprise is usually a more meat-and-potatoes kind of show since a lot of the great duplicaters like the transporter and the holodeck are still in development. But even they get into the act when we find a dead Mayweather lying around and determine that he’s actually a near perfect forgery. He does about as much as Mayweather does in the series, so it’s a miracle they could tell!
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When Enterprise sinks its teeth into a big moral conundrum that rivals the induced rage of something like “Tuvix,” it really goes for it. It’s heartbreaking to watch the spare Tucker come to accept his fate as mere organ donor for his original self, and Connor Trinneer really nails that level of simultaneous hope and vulnerability that he’s great at. But boy do some of these characters piss you off.
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Star Trek (2009)
We've got another time travel instance to bring up from the reboot movies, because in the first Abrams movie, Leonard Nimoy is back as prime timeline Spock while we already have Zachary Quinto Spock running around and making out with Uhura all over the place. It is only logical.
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“Kayshon, His Eyes Open”
We’ve mentioned back in our transporter accident post how this Lower Decks episode is an ode to “Second Chances,” with direct references to the classic TNG episode to boot. I also complained last week how The Animated Series didn’t capitalize on its cartoon nature to create really impossible-to-film scenes. Well, this animated Trek makes up for that and then some, as you’ll see below!
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“An Embarrassment of Dooplers”
This second season episode is so full of duplicating (or should I say, dooplercating) characters that they literally can’t fit any more in the episode without causing a singularity. It’s a decent gag and Richard Kind is absolutely in his element as the voice of all the overly sensitive beings we see so many of. You get a Doopler. You get a Doopler. Everyone gets a Doopler!
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It’s tough being a cybernetically enhanced humanoid whose forgotten past self is literally fighting to get out and take over your body. Rutherford’s backstory continues to be one of the most intriguing elements of Lower Decks, and the episode in which we literally get to see him fighting with himself in his own mind is one of the most visually mesmerizing and intellectually fascinating yet!
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“Broken Pieces” et alia
Hey fam, we hear you like Santiago Cabrera. Well season one of Picard has all the Santiago Cabrera you can stomach and still you’ll be wanting more. All the Rios holograms are a fun addition to the show and also provide some great comedic moments and some Moon-worthy compositing that might be the best we’ve ever seen on Trek. And what can I say, they’re easy on the eyes too.
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“Et in Arcadia Ego”
Our definition of doppelgänger somehow includes golems that take on the form of the… I’m gonna say engrams because why not… that get inserted into it. In an uncharacteristically unselfish move, a Soong doesn’t create something that looks just like Brent Spiner and jams Picard’s consciousness into a Picard-shaped robot suit. The future is weird.
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PIC: Season 3
Sorry for the spoiler (you were warned!), but by season three of Picard, the changelings are back and goopier than ever. Their ability to blend in has gotten way better, again they’re everywhere, and now they’re here for your children. We’ve seen changelings tons before, so I’ll not go further into detail here save to say that it's great to see more Tim Russes!
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What we’ve never seen before is a Data-Lore battle inside the head of… well, Brent Spiner mostly playing himself but it’s such a great scene that no one’s complaining. Like in the Lower Decks episode “Reflections” with Rutherford above, it’s a great use of the mental battle of someone with all kinds of circuits in their head and memory problems out the wazoo.
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We already had a ton of double Janeways acting across from herself in Voyager, but the holoJaneway of Prodigy gives us the opportunity to do it again in CGI form! I’ll not be a broken record going on about how much we love Prodigy (well, unless you count saying that as such), but it’s some great work from Mulgrew playing two very unique Janeways, plus Dal a little!
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“A Quality of Mercy”
Last one, I promise. For now. I’m sure upcoming seasons will give us even more doppels, but the final one I have to show you was not one we were expecting from season one of Strange New Worlds! Of course the time crystals from Discovery are back since Pike has interacted with them before, and now it’s up to alternate reality Chris to convince himself to embrace his beepy, beepy fate. Beep!
After such a long, long list, I’m seeing double. 120 Star Trek doppelgängers! Oh wait. Next week, we’re back on course, so keep up with us on the Voyager on SoundCloud or wherever you podcast, communicate with our alternate selves on Facebook and Twitter, and join me now in just doubling over.
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flamechar33 · 2 years
I am only posting enough about some Sonic AUs I've had in mind for context for an image I've come up with that I don't think I can just Not share: This entire chain of AU ideas started when I was in my mid/late teens when I started reading Ghosts of the Future (that Future AU written by Ian Flynn Evan Stanley, don't know how I got that wrong ) and after catching up I ended up thinking up a Future AU of that set after GUN's been defeated. All that's relevant of what I called GofT Whirlwind is:
The 'main' character who I'll refer to as the originally planned last name Hunter is a descendant of Infinite and son of a famous Extreme Gear racer known as the 6th Black Baron, who originally was a member of GUN before a whole Plot happened and ended up on the other side and taking up the mantle of his dad's opposing racer the Red Rider. (He was a faded green wolf originally but now I'm thinking that Hunter and his dad should be Jackals. Also I could go into depth about his suit as the Red Rider and how it isn't necessarily red. Also I can't remember if the notion of Chaos Powers was introduced in GotF or if I just expanded/made it up from somewhere, but his ability was Chaos Sight which gave him...essentially Eagle Vision from AC? idk I was inspired by the tracking mechanic from Lego Lord of the Rings. There's also just too many OCs from this to talk about Just in this post so, like, ask I guess.)
The only other OC I will mention is sleeper agent murder android fox who very much does not like 4 of those 5 words and ends up defecting before Hunter. She's called Sabina, probably more of the protagonist than Hunter is at first.
Tails uploaded his mind immediately post death to become an AI. He gets a robot body after being stuck inside the Tornado up until (reads notes) Story Chapter 2 of...5? (the entire Plot I mentioned earlier? That's just Chapter number 1)
Also there's another noteable part of this AU which is that Infinite had a sister who survived/left, who had a son who ended up as a part of the batch of Rookies and the main one's best friend. Remember this later
Then I ended up making an AU of the Dark GotF AU (where Shadow died instead) with Hunter having things A Lot Worse. His family died in a resistance raid and he nearly burnt to death, only to be taken by the GUN higher ups and made into a living chimera weapon who could absorb Chaos powers through absorbing blood. His deal in this AU is that when he gets introduced he pretty much only likes Silver, and that he disguises his nature with a longcoat, gloves, orange tinted glasses and a lot of other things to hide the wings and tail...and pretty much everything but his head.
That's the past context: onto this year, where Adult Me is looking back and brainstorming/rethinking again, while I'm also looking at IDW comics - especially Surge. I looked at Surge and Kit, I looked at Dark GotF Hunter, and said "yeah this could be fun" So onto the last AU of this, this time of IDW. A bad future ends up happening with Eggman Empire in control because Surge ended up killing Sonic, so Silver ended up going back in time to help Sonic. Hunter ended up going back in time as well to also stop Surge but meets them and goes "wow ok these guys need help." Sabrina also comes back in time but everyone thinks she's here to stop them from Preventing Sonic's death.
Long Story Short Surge ends up unable to kill Sonic, Sabrina finally gets to reveal that No she's here to stop Hunter because he gets all the Chaos Powers and ends up getting a vision that Maybe drives him insane/is him being possessed. I would have kept that as a surprise but Hunter going and releasing Infinite from the Phantom Ruby as his right hand man is important. But eventually everyone (except Sonic) wins and the future is changed again with only the timetravellers remembering the whole deal.
A later incident ends up with the planet from two different times (present and Silver's future) being in each other's sky. Another long story but basically Infinite joins Eggman and the future villain because he learnt from last time that he has surviving family, and basically Hunter redeems himself during this whole thing and takes Infinite to go see his sister (leading to him retiring). AI Tails also appears from the future world.
Then there's story set exclusively in the future, which I'm Not going to spoil since If I write it well it's going to have some really good twists, but I ended up thinking about in this future Surge and Kit being immortal due to whatever Starline did to them (Kit's also taller now) and them being part of Gun, and a bit where Shadow and Robo Tails meeting up with them (Tails is not allowed in Kit's stuff) ended up during the thinking process having Surge say something along the lines of "the hangout's not today".
So yeah, the image: Shadow, Surge, Kit, Robo AI Tails, Infinite, Metal and Mecha Sonic all sitting around at their usual immortals hangout session.
That's it, that's the entire reason I've released the knowledge of 3 of my Sonic AUs out into the wild. dropping this and seeing what happens overnight
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benjaminsisko · 1 year
i'm just curious what is your title about?
ooohohoo buddy, i am SO glad you asked!
THAT line is a lesser known benjamin sisko line, but one that i consider to be from one of the most endearing scenes with ben and his family. it's from season 7 episode 1: image in the sand at around 35 minutes in, if you want to see the exact scene. it's the one with jake right before that bajoran guy stabs him.
it's just a little scene that doesn't really have any effect on the episode or anything. it's just a cute moment with jake where ben has just finished up shucking a bunch of bags full of clams for joseph's creole restaurant.
jake comes up and asks him how many clams he's cleaned, and ben says "a lot! that was my last batch...but then i got to thinking.... maybe I'll take a couple of sacks tomorrow on the runabout; give me something to do on the way to tyree."--and he just...he says this so bitterly, man. he says the word tyree like a man who is being forced to wade through knee-deep horse shit. so jake, being jake--jake who grandpa joe makes do all the menial tasks around the kitchen (as any family restaraunt does lmao) peel the shrimp, chop the okra, wait tables, etc. is like "you're kidding right??" (disbelief mostly, but you know there is REAL FEAR just beneath the surface)
and ben looks at him and he gives him that dad voice? the one where your parent looks at you and just says "[name]...." in that voice where you know they're implying you're being kind of a goofball right now? he goes, "jake....if i never see another clam--"
"--it'll be too soon!" jake says this along with him, to their mutual amusement. they have a laugh and ben takes this towel he was holding (he was just shucking clams) and he whips jake's ass with it like you do in the locker room (wet towel)(clam juice in the towel)(SMELLY) and goes "WOO!!" and kinda walks away a little while whistling a jaunty tune.
idk what else to say about it other than i just really love the subtle layers of family dynamic on display, but since it's such a minor scene, that's about it.
but it's fucking everything to me. more than the big epic speech from in the pale moonlight, more than his unhinged javert shenanigans in for the uniform (which i also am SO normal about i prommy), benjamin sisko becoming a silly guy with clam shucking fatigue and palling around with jake is just such a good moment to me. i guess especially because it's good to see him have such a sweet moment of familal levity while he's going through Some Shit™ for like. the entire episode otherwise.
AND he immediately gets stabbed afterward. CLASSIC fucking sisko moment.
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silwer999 · 2 years
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