#I blame baby Emilia
doevademe · 2 years
Prompt: Percy, Nico and baby Emilia are having a nice family time at the parc (or some other public place) Nico leaves for a minute but when he comes back he find Percy surrounded but ladies who could not not go talk to that handsome guy who seems to be a wonderful dad ( we all know how attractive it is). Percy being Percy ofc thinks they re just cooing over Emmy but Nico being Nico knows better and can t let that happen. I need drama, yes.
It was supposed to be a fun day at the beach.
Percy had convinced him that it would be better to see if Emilia had an affinity for water as a grandchild of Poseidon by going to a public beach, the safest place since there were mortals all around.
Unfortunately, his husband had forgotten many of the essentials when packing, really only bringing along swimsuits and a change of clothes.
It had been a pain to Shadow Travel from Florida to New York and back to get Emmy's diaper bag, and take some sunscreen and towels while he was at it.
All in all, it took him 27 minutes to get everything ready and go back (yes, he had counted, whether it was to shove that in Percy's face or not was no one's business but theirs).
It was all it took for Percy to be surrounded by at least 5 women, with the oldest being in her forties and the youngest couldn't be older than twenty.
"She's already learning to eat on her own," Percy was telling them, gushing about their daughter. If he were paying attention, he would notice that they were all looking at his bare chest and not at Emilia, who was nestled against it. "Seeing her try to grab the spoon is adorable!"
"I bet it is," One of the women said with a sigh. "Why isn't the mother here?"
Nico raised an eyebrow. That one went straight for the kill. He also noticed her wording, avoiding calling someone Percy's girlfriend or wife.
"Oh, Emmy has no mom," Percy said in a cheerful tone. The women still 'aww'ed and some even put their hands around their chests. Nico had to resist the urge to gag. "But she doesn't need one, do you Emmy? Because you are so loved!"
"You're so good with her," the youngest woman said, she approached to touch Emilia (and maybe Percy too, while she was at it), only for the girl to scream at the top of her lungs. "Oh!"
"That's my girl," Nico muttered, smirking.
Percy started rocking her a bit, trying to check for anything wrong with her.
"Is it your diaper, sweetie?" Percy asked, worried. He spared an apologetic glance at the women before turning his full attention to Emilia. "Don't worry, papa will fix it soon."
And if that wasn't his cue, nothing was.
"I would say sorry I took so long," Nico said loudly, making the women look at him. "But you were the one to leave the baby bag back at home"
"Nico!" Percy said, relieved. "Emmy, papa is here!"
The women looked a bit confused, but Nico sat down and took Emilia from Percy's arms.
"Come here, Principessa," Nico cooed. At seeing him, his daughter stopped crying. "Did you have fun with dad, Emmy? Did you miss your papa?" He said, getting closer to Percy to put on a show. The women squirmed uncomfortably as he stared at them with a raised eyebrow.
"Um... my friends must be wondering where I am," one of the women said, getting up quickly and waving. "It was nice meeting you, Percy, Emilia, um..."
"Nico," he said coldly. Percy had already said his name before. He turned to Percy. "Emmy's fine, just a bit overwhelmed."
"I never know how you can just tell how she feels," Percy said, moving his finger around and watching Emilia's stare following it like a hawk.
"Well, she takes after me," Nico said proudly.
The other women muttered excuses and goodbyes as they left one by one. Nico smiled at all of them, only frowning once the last one left.
"I'm mad at you," he said, taking his distance from him.
"What did I do?" Percy asked, bemused. "Is it because I forgot the baby bag?"
"I leave for half and hour and you're already using our daughter to pick up a harem," he accused without any heat. Emilia gurgled. "Emmy agrees."
Percy's eyes widened.
"A harem? What in Tartarus are you talking about?" He said. "Those women were just enchanted by Emilia! I mean, look at her, she's the cutest baby in the world."
"I know she is, but that's not the reason those women were flocking to you," Nico said. If anything, Percy looked even more confused (it was adorable). "Did you mention me?"
"Of course I did!" He said. "I talked about Emmy's papa all the time!"
"And did those women know that Emmy's papa and dad are two different people?" Nico raised his eyebrow. Percy stared at him before hitting his forehead softly. "I'm not mad at you flirting, because I know you'll never do that. I'm mad at you not noticing they were using our daughter to flirt with you."
"Look, I've dated two... two and a half people in my whole life," Percy said. "You can't expect me to pick up on these things!"
"Half?" Nico asked, blinking.
"Rachel and I never really defined what was going on between us before she became the Oracle, but that's not the point!" Percy said. "I don't notice these things, because I only have eyes for you and Emmy!"
Nico stared at him for a few seconds, but it was Emilia making grabby hands at her dad that made him sigh and pass her to Percy.
"You are way too charming for your own good, Percy Jackson," he said. "Come on, let's introduce Emilia to the sea."
Percy gave him a fleeting kiss and stood up.
"Come on Emmy! You're going to love this!" Percy said. "Your dad is pretty awesome in the water, and your papa was born by the sea!"
Nico smiled as he watched his family. He stood up and followed behind.
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nmakii · 6 months
Hii! Hear me out on this, right, Alastor (in your current yandere husband au) has one-on-one bonding with our lovely Noah. (I have a cat named Noah...lowkey imagining him here.) Idk what dads do with kids but for the sake of plot I'm going to call it hunting. Reader is sitting quietly as Noah tells her all about his day in the forest and how he got to see his food before it was his food! She starts thinking that no amount of nurture can overpower someone's nature. Reader doesn't hate her son...but she's just worried and is trying her best, because in her mind, she's still a single mom and always will be. (Rightfully so) Alastor is egging this on and almost trying to get reader to lose it in front of Noah, to prove something. Other things ! Alastor is def not happy with one kid lmao. Seven years is a long age gap...better hurry up! He wants his Emilia....not because his mother is asking for it or anything like it! Speaking of his mother...god rest her soul man...i lowkey would just marry him for her to be my legal mother (in-law). Rip mom...fly high girl... (Ps, can i please hug you platonically, i literally love you and your writing so much. Please remember that you've made so many cool things and will continue to make cool things no matter which path you go. Love you girly (gn), a little more than Alastor's mom) - Charry Anon
[before you read this, read the rest of the story!]
— the more and more alastor influences your son, the more he becomes just like his father. but, why stop at just one child?
— i love u i will make MORE yandere alastor bc hes now my fave
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you hated this house. no matter how much alastor tried to hide it, the subtle scent of blood reeked from all over this house.
you oh, so desperately wanted to run away— hop on a train all the way to long island. but, it isn’t so simple anymore. you had a son to think of, a son who’s growing scarily closer to his father.
the thought of hurting noah might have never crossed alastor’s mind, but he wasn’t above threatening it to bring you back home. and above all that, you couldn’t leave him alone with this wolf.
and so, you stayed.
“and then, papa told me to stay quiet… and he shot the turkey! papa took me to his butcher room and showed how get the yummy turkey meat! y’know mama, papa has lots of meat in his butcher room.” your son rambled on, kneeling on a stool by the kitchen counter as you prepare for dinner. “lots of meat, you say?” you raised an eyebrow. “…that sounds really fun, baby.” you sighed.
it’s only been a month since he forced you back. and, noah’s already calling alastor ‘papa’. he tainted your sweet boy’s mind— ‘mama lied to you, she wanted to keep you all to herself. she’s really selfish, but then again, i can’t blame her!’
and, you couldn’t protest. if you did, if you broke the rose-tinted filter alastor created— he would hurt you. not physically, alastor is still a ‘gentleman’. he’d hurt you mentally, break your little mind until you can’t do anything but nod your head.
alastor would never strike his hand on noah. after all, deep down, there’s some part of him that’s still in love with you, albeit in his own twisted way. and, noah is apart of you, alastor couldn’t bear to hurt him, not unless he’s misbehaving…
“mama, can we have the turkey we hunted for dinner?!” noah asked excitedly, slamming his hands against the counter over and over again. “sure, baby… but, remember before..? you got in trouble with mr. yee because you released all his chickens…” you asked, quite desperate. this little boy, the one who finds hunting fun. he is nothing like the one who wanted to become vegan after he found out where chicken comes from, despite failing because of his love for chicken burgers.
“yeah, but papa showed me how fun hunting is!” he squealed. at the mention of papa, alastor laughed, carrying noah from behind, tickling his belly as he kissed your little boy’s head. “talking to mama about our little trip, huh?” alastor grinned.
“ah, alastor… dinner will be ready in a half hour.” you glared at him. “no worries, my love. it just means that i have a half hour to play with our beautiful son!” he smugly said. he saw the hatred in your eyes the moment he said ‘our’.
he was trying to make you lose your shit. make you seem like a hysterical woman. that way, if you even tried to divorce him, noah would be left in his care. now that you were older and wiser, you wouldn’t play into his little trap.
“alright, you two have fun.” you begrudgingly smiled. alastor’s eyes widened, showing his shock for just one split second. alastor nudged noah, “go on for a second. papa wants to talk with mama.”
oh god, what now?
once noah left, alastor went behind you, straddling your waist. “what is it, alastor?” you groaned. “i want another child, darling” he whispered against your ear. “i visited my mother with noah last week, she adored him, my love. she said she’d adore a granddaughter this time. she even picked out a name, emilia.” he rambled on. “as much as i love your mother, i don’t want another child, alastor.” you hissed out.
“oh, but it’s not just my mother, dear. little noah also wants a little brother or sister of his own.” at the thought of a little sister for noah, it would keep him busy, away from alastor, wouldn’t it? he’d gain those brotherly instincts that are so reminiscent of the soft hearted boy you raised.
“…alright…” you frowned. alastor’s grip on your hips tightened as he pressed kisses onto your neck. “good girl.” your head leaned back as you melted into his touch. as much as you didn’t want to, the warm sensation of his soft lips on your skin was to die for. “after dinner, darling.” he grinned, finally leaving you alone.
what had you done to be forsaken with this monster?
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harrypoppinss · 20 days
Hey !! So, maybe a Charles Smith with a chubby s/o w stretch marks 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
You ask and I shall answer 🫡
Charles Smith x afab!reader
(I didn’t proofread this one🙏 i apologize for any spelling mistakes)
Warnings: fluff, a hint of insecurity, post van der linde gang
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If there was one way you could describe the feeling you had in America, it would be suffocating. The revolution of machinery made it less desirable for you and Charles to stay in Saint Denis.
You had considered renting off a piece of John’s ranch for your homestead that Charles has been mentioning about making for the two of you, but it just didn’t feel right. You had been in America during your time running with the Van Der Linde gang, and now that it was over; it was time for some fresh scenery.
You two had considered Mexico, but decided the weather was less than desirable. Then your minds turned to Europe, but the only issue was travel, you were weary of boats. Then you came up with a solution; Canada.
That’s how you found yourself in the cold country, with a small ranch with your now husband Charles. The journey to this new life was rough, but you had eachother through it all. That you never doubted. You had built a stable life, there was no more running to be done. You had expanded your bloodline with a 5 year old little girl name Emilia.
Currently, you were standing on your porch, watching Emilia endlessly chase the dog around the small expanse of the area between the barn and the fence where the horses were grazing on the pasture, you arms crossed over your chest. The birth was hard for you, with it being a day long event of agonizing pain.
It had left your body with some stretch marks, along with a small amount of chub from just how big of a baby she was. But that never changed how Charles saw you. Everytime he looked at you, it was with absolute adoration, love. Before the baby, you had always been a bit chubby but still, that never deterred him from doting on you.
Postpartum was mainly to blame for your lack of self esteem. It was hard for you, but Charles was there by your side, encouraging you and helping you through the small episode of depression you fell into. He never once saw you as any less than a woman for it, in-fact the new life brought into the world by your body made his love swell for you even more.
The sudden feeling of hands sliding over your stomach as you stood on that porch, admiring your little girl as she yelled at the dog to come back with her stuffed toy. Charles rested his chin on your shoulder. A small grin on his face as he saw the scene. You leaned back into his embrace, contentment flowing through your veins.
“She gets that from you.” he said to you, a soft tone lacing his voice. He was referring to how stubborn she was about getting that toy back, even if she didn’t even play with it.
You shook your head in a small protest, denying it even if it was true. She was spitting image of you. She had your hair, your eyes, and your nose. Her skin was a mix of both of the colors that made up you and Charles.
“She doesn’t,” you hummed out, you head turning to look at where his own head rested on your shoulder as his arms tightened around your waist. “If anything she gets that from you.” He glanced over to your face as you looked at him, before he leaned in, bringing his lips to yours in a small kiss.
His hands moved to grab your hips as he spun you around in his arms, his hand taking their stop on the small on your back. One of his hands did end up moving to cup your face, his thumb brushing against your cheek softly as his eyes held nothing but adoration.
“Everyday you seem to get more beautiful.” he hummed out. The sudden compliment made a crimson shade slowly creep up your neck as you bashfully looked away from him. Your self doubt was swimming in your mind, he could tell. He always could.
“None of that,” he hummed out, his hand guiding your face back to his as he gently made you look at him. “You’re beautiful.” He said again, his free hand sliding to rest on your hip. “Every part of you, it’s exquisite.”
You knew he meant it too, how could you not? His eyes were practically shaped into hearts the entirety of his small speech he just gave you. He leaned forward, his lips pressing onto your forehead, before he dipped his head down to be level with yours.
“I’ll show you what I mean tonight.” He declared, a small grin tugging back at his lips as they met yours once again. Your hands slid up to cup his strong forearms, before your kiss was interrupted.
A loud “eww!” rang out in the air. You both looked in the direction to see your daughter’s face scrunched up into a grimace as she saw the scene of her parents kissing infront of her.
“Ew?” Charles said, sidestepping as he had a small, mischievous glint in his eyes. He always did this what Emilia would do something along those lines, he gave you one small glance before he made his way down the porch steps. Making your daughter squeal as she darted away from her father.
A smile tugged at your lips as you watched Charles easily catch her, lifting her into the air as he pressed a series of small kisses playfully to her cheek. Yeah, you were definitely glad you moved to Canada.
Authors note: I’m finally back😼 I’m in my rdr stage again currently and I have SO many ideas🙏
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Fannon Steve Harrington is such a "you never asked so I never explicitly said (because I thought it was a known fact/obvious and I wasn't hiding it and I did mention it)" girlie and I appreciate it...
So here's some rambly angst.
The fall of 1984 was an absolute fucking nightmare for Steve. He had no friends, no girlfriend and no parents and the upside-down returned. To be fair, by simply choosing to be and stay with Nancy after last year was the main reason why most of his friendships by virtue of Steve pulling away. Nancy cheating on him and then leaving him for Byers crushed his soul and self-esteem but he should have seen it coming when he returned to school after missing a week to attend his parents funeral and she didn't acknowledge any of that, only focusing on the guilt eating at her from hiding Barbs death from her parents. It had crossed his mind to bring it up to Nancy what was going on in his life but... when they died in that accident it was all over the news and he had told her he was going to Italy to bury his parents.
His father Aidan Harrington, an Irish Hawkins born, was a famous international operatic tenor. It was during the production of La Traviata that his father met his mother Emilia and their romance and careers grew from there. They eventually got married and had their baby Stefano Harrington. So for the first few years of life he travelled with them to different productions until they eventually settled down into semi retirement until he turned 14.
It was Steve that pushed his parents to get back into opera once he entered high school. He was old enough to take care of himself and he had a phone so he could call every night. So when they died in a car accident on their way from the Opera house in Italy, Steve in that moment couldn't help but blame himself for their death. The crash was plastered over screens and the papers as the music community mourned heir loss and the funeral in Italy doubly so -now with his face attached. And for that week, he didn't cry
He had expected when he returned some acknowledgement of the event but, other than one band geek with the curly hair, that did not happen. So he did what he did best, ignore it and go to a party with Nancy on Halloween. Then everything with the upside down unfolded and there was no time.
By the time he returned from the hospital to his empty home, he broke down. He was now completely alone with no support system. Its probably why he reached out to Owens for a therapist. If it wasn't for Dr Kelly... Steve wasn't sure if he might have stayed around long enough to meet Robin and he certainly would not be around to save Eddie...
Which is how he ended up here.
In the hospital.
In a hospital bed and the rest of the party stuffed into the room.
El and her group had arrived at the hospital half an hour before and were exchanging stories from the past few days. Apparently, El was kidnapped, had regained her powers and was able to stop Vecna with the help of the guy with the amazing silky hair. Steve just watched them from the bed, trying not to move too much
"Xiomaro Argyle. But I prefer Argyle, dude" the man with the long silky hair introduced himself to Steve. somewhere in the background, Steve hears someone say, "his name is Xiomaro?"
"Stefano Harrington, but everyone calls me Steve," he replied. One of the kids echoed Stefano.
He hadn't expected Argyle's response. "Wait -like that opera couple my yaya always listens too? What were they called?"He paused as he racked his brain before snapping. "Adrian and Emilia, right? My grandma was crushed when they died in that car crash. She light's a candle for them every Dios de los Muertos. Sorry about that bro."
And at that, Steve's world froze, because this was the first person other than his parents to say those words to him. He quickly wiped the tear from his eye before the other's could see. He hadn't realised that the room had quieted.
"YOU'RE PARENTS ARE DEAD?" Dustin yelled.
Steve barely had the chance to speak when Nancy cut in, angry, for some reason.
"When did this happen and why didn't you say anything? Jesus H Christ, you're always hiding from your feelings like some macho idiot and you neve confront anything!"
Nancy had continued to berate him but Steve zoned out. Chest feeling tight with the boiling anger growing behind his sternum.
"I. did." He interrupted simply.
"No you didn't."
"I did because
You were still my fucking girlfriend at that time and it would be shitty of me not to tell you
I had to go to Italy to bury them at my mother's family cemetery according to their will. It would be wrong if I didn't tell my girlfriend I was going to be missing a week of school and why. Which I did the night I learnt about their death and I came by your house."
Nancy faltered a bit at that, losing some of her righteous fury, but she pressed on. "I would remember something like that, Steven"
"No you wouldn't. The same way you can't seem to remember that my name is Stephano and not Steven even though I told you that and it was all over my stuff home."
Her mouth clicked shut at that and an embarrassed blush covered her face. On a normal day, he would have stopped there and maybe vent to his therapist but he was still raw from the past few days and Nancy toying with his emotions only to forget about him once Johnathan came back.
"Okay, let's say I didn't tell you. My parents' death was everywhere including their funeral and you didn't see it although you always read the papers. I was not in the country for a week, which meant I was not at home for a week, and thus not in school for a week and you didn't notice that I your then-boyfriend just disappeared? You didn't think to question where I was, if you did notice, when I got back?"
There was no answer. He couldn't stop the bitter laugh from bubbling up
"Fuck. You really weren't paying attention to me? I just thought you were feeling guilty about barb and trying to fix things for her parents which is why you didn't say anything. Not just that I registered so low on your list of importance that my words just flowed into one ear and out the other."
He was getting worked up and his therapist would be disappointed that he didn't stop there. "And what about the rest of you? You saw my parents and just what? Assumed they abandoned me or something?"
The silence was now suffocating, and Steve could not stand their ashamed looks at each other.
"And none of you asked me any questions about it?
"You know what? Fuck you, Nancy! You're standing there on your pedestal, calling me a "macho idiot" that I'm hiding from my feelings as if I would have had anyone to talk to seeing that you and Johnathan avoided me once you started dating. Newsflash! That's why I have a fucking government therapist I see every Wednesday since 84!"
He let the last statement hang heavy in the air like the sword of Damocles over the group before deflating and flopping back In his hospital bed, emotionally spent. Eyes glued to the ceiling.
"Everyone, just... just leave."
He waited until he thought he heard everyone leave and looked back down, startled when he saw that Eddie was still in the room.
"Don't be too hard on the shitheads for too long. For all their collective intelligence they are still a pack of idiots too sure of themselves to not consider that surface-level Steve is all that exist."
Steve said nothing to that, already feeling shitty for blowing up on the kids, and a little less shitty about blowing up on Nancy.
"Anyway, you also seem to forget that I wished you condolences that week so maybe yoy should not be too hard on them."
At that, Steve focused on Eddie, wracking his brain and being confused with its results.
"You were a band kid?" Steve asked incredulously
Eddie lazily shrugged, "It was a phase. Now, seeing that it seems that you have it on your chest heavy enough that just hearing their names almost made you cry; tell me about your parents, Stevie."
In Steve's chest, he felt something... Flutter.
This one got away from me, but this is all I have. This is slightly inspired by a post I saw from piratefishmama about Steve having good parents and everyone just assumed they were bad people even though they never asked him any questions (it's deleted; don't look for it). And don't ask me why they are opera singers my brain just latched onto that being their profession and why their death was everywhere.
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Cabinet of Curiosities Opinions
Roland (Lot 36) is not a neo-Nazi and the hair wreath is not made from the hair of concentration camp victims.
I didn't think this needed to be stated, since he called the Wolmar family evil, which he definitely wouldn't have done if he agreed with them. But apparently some people see "German guy talking about Nazis" and assume he's one himself. Weird.
As for the hair wreath, such things were popular in the 19th century, not the 1930s-40s. I went looking and couldn't find any extant examples from that era. Given the presence of other antiques from that period in the storage unit, like the summoning table, it makes far more sense for the wreath to be an earlier family heirloom. At the very least, even if it WERE some perverse latter-day craft project made by Dottie or her mother or something, there would be no reason for Roland and Agatha to assume that. So they'd probably believe it was innocent even if it wasn't.
2. Emilia is an avenging angel sent to test people like Nick.
This is a bit more of a stretch, but bear with me. When he gives her the lock, she says (in Spanish) "What kind of man are you?" An understandable response to him being a racist asshole, but to me it sounds like she's saying it in a measuring way, as if she's really wondering. Later, in her final appearance, the light behind her umbrella gives her a halo effect. And condemning him to be devoured by a demon he set loose seems like a pretty fitting thing for an angel to do if she's seen that he's past helping.
(This take brought to you by: whiny pissbabies on Reddit going on about "well he's not THAT bad and even if she couldn't see the demon, she KNEW the loan shark was after him so she should have REALIZED he was in real danger and let him out!!! the clearly symbolic racial-, gender-, and class-disadvantaged person in this 45-minute fictional story is the TRUE bad guy here, not the man who was listening to a white nationalist radio show and agreeing with it!")
3. Stacy's coworkers (The Outside) weren't actually that bad.
She feels isolated from them because they have nothing in common to talk about. We never see them actively being mean to her; just not being her best friend- and nobody is obligated to befriend coworkers if they don't want to. They invite her to the party, so clearly they do think of her. Sure, the one lady reacts badly to being given a taxidermy duck for Christmas, but...taxidermy IS a pretty contentious gift. Not something I would spring on someone at all. Stacy was just doing her best, so I don't blame her either. It's just an awkward situation all around, that's nobody's fault.
I feel like the point is not "this woman's bitchy coworkers drove her to change herself." It's that marketing and the media cause women to be internally critical on a deeply harmful level, even if nobody else is actually being critical of us.
4. The Outside has themes of sublimated homosexual desire.
Stacy has a tense relationship with her hsband, idolizes the women at work who are constantly touching and stroking each other, and literally makes out with the feminine-looking Allo Glo creature in the basement. I mean. Come on. This one seems like a no-brainer to me. I don't think that's the PRIMARY theme, but it's definitely there.
6. Nancy (The Murmuring) had something to do with Ava's death.
One theory I saw online was that she'd rolled over on her while co-sleeping, since the ghost she mistakes for baby Ava appears in the bed next to her. I'd believe it, and it definitely adds another layer to her sympathy with the mother ghost- who I just learned is named Claudette in the credits. Even though I very much doubt she did anything that purposeful.
7. Alternatively, Ava was not a baby when she died.
Edgar and Nancy are both on the older side to be new parents (Essie Davis was 52 during filming, though the character is probably somewhat younger), and Nancy has clear experience talking to older children when she addresses the little boy ghost. Ava's death was recent, so while I suspect the intention is that she was a surprise baby to a couple who assumed they'd never have any, she could have been any age within childhood.
8. Ava was named after birds.
"Avis" means bird in Latin and her parents are ornithologists. It just makes sense.
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theroyalsims · 1 year
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Crown Princess Anastasia’s visit to the Lotus Palace yesterday was front and centre both in Brindleton and in Simdia publications, but one particular photo made a splash online, but for all the wrong reasons.
The photo showing the Crown Princess posing in front of the reflecting pool was put side-by-side an old family photo taken during a private trip to Simdia. The family photo shows a then Crown Princess Emilia and Prince Jacques, with their daughters, Princesses Eleanore and Anastasia, posing on the same spot, in front of the very same reflecting pool.
While the composite would’ve been a nice throwback photo, it came with a snarky caption, which surely put a damper on HRH’s trip. The caption reads:
“On the left, we have a proper crown princess who found a good man and secured the throne with two children, all before the age of 35. On the right, we have a failing future queen who sleeps around but never manages to catch one of her exploits for good. At 30, she has no man, no future, and no children. Too bad she was born first. Maybe Alistair will do better.”
Already, the highly misogynistic post has divided people online. While some agree that Anya is actively failing her role as a future monarch since she’s (gasp!) unmarried at thirty, most people have shown their support for HRH as well. One commenter wrote:
“I absolutely do not care for the monarchy. I’d be happy if we all wake up tomorrow and decide to become a republic, but the bullying Anya is receiving for not being a baby factory is just outright disgusting. Let the woman live ffs.”
Another wrote:
“We have poked and prodded at Anya since she was a child. I think she’s done a marvellous job as our Crown Princess and deserves respect. She has been made a villain for the sins of her sister - yes, yes, we all love Eleanore NOW, but she was a massive spoiled brat who slapped a server, stole official engagements, and ran away to Al-Simhara because she had a temper tantrum, etc., etc., and managed to blame all that on her older sister who did nothing but support her through the years. I am fully convinced that the hate Anya is receiving now are remnants of the whole Anya vs. Eleanore ‘feud,’ and I’m sorry but I will always be Team Anya all the way. She doesn’t deserve this hate, this vitriol. So what if she’s unattached? She knows what finding the right person means: she only has to look within her family. She wants what her parents have, not what her uncle had. I say let her take all the time she needs.”
While there is that looming responsibility of securing the line of succession, we can’t help but agree that Anya shouldn’t be pressured into “settling down” just because. After all, she is a Crown Princess, not a broodmare.
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18, 21, and 25 for the ask game 🥺
🥺🙏 thank you so much for the enrichment in my quarantine enclosure.
18. Do they have any irrational fears?
I answered this one for Annette, but I'm going to answer it for a couple others. For Harold, my dumb of ass and pure of heart templar, it's birds. He does not like birds, he does not want them near him, and this turns into someone else in the party always sending messages because he won't go near the ravens.
For Murin, they are terrified of horses. They like their dracolisk a lot more, to everyone else's regret. They also don't like flowers, but its because they're allergic to daisies and the first time they encountered flowers on the surface, they were daisies and they had a Bad Time and now they don't like any flowers.
Katria Hawke hates snakes and bugs. She's a force mage and she can take care of herself, but that sort of logic flees in the face of a wasp flying in her space.
21. What is their biggest regret?
For Annette, for a while it's the loss of her mother's journals. Her mother, Lucia, loved baking, but was stopped by Bann Trevelyan because it wasn't ~ ladylike enough ~, and when Lucia died, their pastry chef (who 100% had an affair with Lucia), took Lucia's journals because he and Annette both knew Bann Trevelyan would have destroyed them.
After that, it becomes agreeing to come to the Conclave. For fairly obvious reasons. She eventually makes her peace with being shunted into the role of Herald/Inquisitor, and her biggest regret returns to being the loss of her mother's journals.
For Katria, her biggest regret is the loss of her family. Carver's still around, but him becoming a templar did drive a wedge between them, that they never quite recovered from, and then in her desire to protect her companions from her own inability to kill Anders, she splits from them all and wanders alone. She regrets that she made that choice, but she also wouldn't have made another one, and that contradiction only makes her more resentful.
For Thalia, ehehehe, it's that she left Ferelden for the Free Marches just months before the Fifth Blight began. Duncan went to Highever thinking she was there, and he picked up her baby brother, Aiden, instead. Two days before Thalia managed to arrive back in Ferelden, Aiden dies killing the archdemon. Thalia will blame herself the rest of her life.
25. What did they plan for their life to look like before the events of the game happened?
Annette would have eventually agreed to marry for politics, have the required heir and spare, and then play society wife. She was less than enthused about that, having seen how rare truly happy marriages are within the nobility, but if she found someone who had the power and influence to keep Emilia safe from Bann Trevelyan? She would have done it in a heartbeat. And that or staying a spinster managing House Trevelyan's Orlesian affairs was the plan.
For Katria, her life was just going to be hiding from the templars and practicing her magic with Bethany. That did not happen. She really, really wishes it did.
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snzyflowrr · 2 years
More sneezy OCs. Emilia is a photic sneezer so I wrote a scenario with that.
snzr: emilia
CW: sneezing, swearing, nudity
It was a hot day in early June. One of the first truly hot days this year and Molly and Emilia were going to make the most of it. 
The two girls dressed in their smallest bikinis in order to get as much surface area exposed to the sun as possible.
“It’s so not fair you're already tan,” Molly whined, despite her best efforts her fair complexion never got nearly as tan as Emilia did. 
“Just genetics, don’t blame me,” Emilia shrugged.
The two opened the door to their small balcony outside their flat and laid their towels in the ground.
“Just don’t get burned, I don’t want you to look like a lobster like last year,” Emilia teased, lying on her back, warm sun hitting her face.
“Piss off,” Molly said, doing the same.
Emilia gazed upwards at the beaming sun, feeling a small itch in the back of her nose. Emilia never failed to sneeze once or twice when she went outside due to the sun. 
Emilia not thinking anything of it sneezed into the air, her head jerking upwards,
She opened her eyes and immediately gasped again and jerked forward with another sneeze
“HUUH-EPTCHHSH!! sssorry,” 
“Bless you,” Molly said, laying on her back, eyes closed.
Emilia massaged the tip of her nose vigorously. A few gasps escaped her lips.
“You gonna sneeze?” Molly asked 
“I think so?” Emilia rubbing her sinuses with her index fingers.
“HUH-EPTCHHSH!! HIIH-EPPXTCHH!! Hooo!!” Emilia’s hands shot up in front of her face to catch the sneezes.
“Blesses,” Molly replied.
“Jeez, thank you” Emilia sighed, “it’s the dam Sun,”
“I figured,”
“HUH-EPXTCHchh! Oh god, HUH-EPTXHHCH!!” Emilia convulsed forwards yet again. Her hands shot up to the strap of her top. She was wearing a triangle bikini and the two little bits of cloth were not doing enough to hold her breasts in place while sneezing.
Molly giggled behind her hand.
“This isn’t for you,” Emilia sighed, massaging the bridge of her nose with her index and thumb.
“How’s your nose?” She asked.
“I still have to sneeze,”
“Look into the Sun,” Molly teased.
“No shit,” Emilia replied snarkily, but her sneeze was stuck so she looked up into the sun to try and coax a sneeze out. 
It worked like a charm her nostrils began to flair and she gasped dramatically and with ample force to relieve herself of the tickle.
Her breasts jiggled and she clamped on hand to keep them from spilling out of her bikini and one hand under her nose. 
Emilia moaned and caressed the bridge of her nose slightly so as to not irritate it further.
“Bless you, baby,”
Emilia held her hand over her nose getting ready to sneeze again. And in no time her chest rose and she gasped for breath.
“HIH-EPTCHXHCHAHH!! Gahh!” Emilia gasped as her breasts slipped out of her bikini. 
She tried to readjust her top but she still had to sneeze.
“Here” Molly kneeled next to Emilia and pressed her nose closed with her fingers.
Emilia tried to fix her bathing suit but her large chest was heaving and stuttering as she gasped for air.
Molly's fingers were tightly clamped so no sneeze could escape but it was getting hard to restrain.
The tickle was reaching its climax and when Emilia glanced upward at the sun, she gasped and convulsed into Mollys pinched fingers.
The sneeze was desperate to escape but was smothered into silence by Mollys hands. 
Before Emilia could catch her breath she was thrust into another torturous sneeze stifled into Mollys fingers.
The force was causing her breasts to bounce even more and Emilia grasped her chest with both hands on either side.
Molly released hee grip and Emilia gave into the attack.
Emilia moaned in relief and Molly stroked her hair with her gentle fingers.
“Todays not your day, huh?” Molly said.
“No definItely not.” Emilia said, massaging her nostrils.
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gyubby99 · 9 months
@disneyanddisneyships the "Why I hate J*hn" list is finally complete after all this time?
Why I hate J*hn
1. He has guards/knights to wake Alistar up via whip
2. He cheated on Carolyn multiple times
4. Blames Alistar for his failed siblings
5. Burned a photo of Queen Ella Maria Alden Of Morellia >:(
6. Fanonly killed Elias
7. That means he fanonly kidnapped Emilia too. SICK PERSON!! >:(
8. Emotionally damaged alistar
9. Physically damaged alistar
10. Beating his own son at ten years old for something that was not his fault.
11. He threatened Jacob into marrying his daughter off to his son
12. He scared his wife into standing back and watching him hurt her only baby. HER MIRACLE. HER MOONSHINE.
13. Was the reason Carolyn neglected Alistar
14. Offensive jokes about mary anne
15. Called alistar a worthless piece of shit
16. Would probably hit Alistar's siblings if they had grown up
17. Misogynystic as hell
18. Ugly
19. Fatshamed Queen Ella Maria Alden of Morellia
20. Manipulated Alistar into becoming a sociopath
21. Manipulated Alistar into thinking that love is weak, therefore making him push Ella away
22. Traumatized both his wife and his son
23. Does not regret a single thing
24. He's the reason songs like, "Family Line" exists
25. He exists.
26. Knocked Carolyn out when she was trying to protect Mary Anne
27. Emotionally abusive
28. Called Carolyn a faliure
29. Called ALISTAR a faliure
30. Sucky parenting
31. Locks Alistar into a dungeon if he misbehaved
32. Called Alistar a piece of shit
33. Prolly called Carolyn a bitch or smth
34. Couldn't last 5mins
35. His demon form is ugly
36. He kidnapped Ella and her friends
37. He tried to assault ella
38. He burnt one of alistar's fingertips for bringing Ella cookies
39. Karma, but he raped Linda
40. Tried to stab Ella in the back
41. Stabs his own son
42. Flirted with Furcalor
43. Insulted Furcalor
44. Hurt Carolyn
45. Made carol so miserable she killed herself and left alistar
46. Caused 12 of carol's miscarriages
47. Probably fcked his maids
48. Pedophile
49. Looks at Alison like a pedo
50. Would've probably beat Alison
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authoramalgam · 11 months
I finally wrote the part two to something I wrote like... a few months ago or something, And I wanna post some of my bullshit. *vibrates like a jar full of angry hornets*
This was bullshit. All of it was bullshit. Ant knew it and Michael knew it. Scenery Saloon and Steakhouse. Emilia had set the entire place up as a trap for Dan. He would be arriving there tomorrow for this job that Emilia, using an illusion disc to appear as Ant, had offered him.
Even now the defunct circus animatronic, not bothering to use its human disguise, wandered through the building, making sure her trap was set.
And they couldn’t do anything about it. Ant knew why. If they interfered too early, and got Emilia's attention, their plan to permanently destroy their remnant and end Ronaldo’s Torment would be ruined. That didn’t stop Ant from hating this vehemently. To know his best friend would be going through this hell Again. Just as he was actually starting to get better again. “And you’re sure that that jail cell thing will hold up?” Ant asked dubiously. It felt too easy.
Michael frowned. Or at least he probably did. Him being some sort of an amorphous grey entity sometimes made it hard to read him. Occasionally he was able to take a different form. A yellow bunny looking thing, but he really despised the way it resembled Spring Bonnie, so he didn’t use it often. 
Ant had asked once why he was grey like that. Ronaldo was to blame, of course. Apparently Michael was the first he’d tried to bring back. It hadn’t worked properly, leaving his soul permanently changed, and when Michael started going against Ronaldo, he stopped trying to bring him back. Father of the century right there.
“It’ll work for a while.” Michael finally clarified.”If Emilia doesn’t try and sabotage it right off the bat. It should last until I figure out how to get that door in place.”
Ant’s ear twitched in irritation. “...Fine I guess.”
“Oh, c’mon, don’t be like that. Dan’s gonna be fine.” Michael tried to reassure him. “He’s gotten this far-” “Yeah and?! Everyone’s undefeated till they’re not Michael!” Ant snapped. “What if things go wrong? I can’t- I won’t let Dan end up like this.” Some wandering soul, another victim of Torment.
“Ant it’s-” Michael was cut off by what felt like a shock wave. Every single object in the room, from the chairs, the tables, the speakers onstage, and even the bottles in Bonnie’s bar all jolted. Half the glasses fell to the ground and shattered.
Emilia stopped in her tracks, green eyes glowing as she scanned the room.
In normal circumstances, Ant would wonder if that had been some weird earthquake, or if something had exploded, but this wasn’t normal. Ant was a ghost, if that had been an earthquake, he shouldn’t have felt it. And glancing at Michael, it was obvious he’d felt it too.
“What was that?” Ant asked, hoping the grey entity would be able to give some kind of answer, but he didn’t.
“I have no idea.” He sounded nervous. Nervous was never good.
Instinctively, Ant’s mind went to one place. “You don’t think Ronaldo-” Michael cut him off. “No. He isn’t even in town.” Yet. Supposedly he was headed towards the steakhouse. But if Ronaldo wasn’t behind the shock wave, what was? “I…” Michael was quiet, almost hesitant. “I think we need to check the salvage shed. Just in case.”
The salvage shed. It had apparently been near impossible to even build without being found by Emilia. Supposedly if they were ever able to trick her inside they may be able to drain away the remnant inside Circus Baby, putting an end to her, but that was a big if.
As Ant was about to leave and follow Michael outside, he glanced over his shoulder. Emilia had gone back to her wandering. A janitor was already sweeping up the broken glass. The animatronics were all stationary.
There wasn’t supposed to be a janitor here.
“Hey- Wait- Michael wait, there’s-” Ant chased after Michael, passing through walls until he reached the back of the building. “Oh my god how are you this fast?!” He hissed as he passed through the chain link fence and ducked between trees on his way to the salvage shed. “Hey!” He finally managed to grab Michael by the shoulder, yanking him back a bit. That was one of the neat things about being a shadow animatronic thing, he was way stronger than he had been before. Not strong enough to fully fight off Ronaldo’s stupid Nightmare thing, but at least strong enough to handle most other ghosts. “There’s a guy.” “A guy?” Michael deadpanned as he pulled out of Ants grip. “What do you mean there’s a guy?” He glanced around, checking the woods for movement.
“No. Not here.” Ant explained. “In the saloon. There was a janitor, and I know there’s no way anyone would be in the building right now.” Especially if Emilia was walking around without her illusion disk active, she’d kill anyone who saw her like that. “He was over sweeping up the mess at the soda bar but,” Ant paused. “He showed up right after that… whatever the heck earthquake thing. There has to be some connection.”
Burying his face in his hands, Michael groaned. “Great.” Him being frustrated was pretty understandable. If this was another ghost suddenly popping up, it probably was, then they’d probably have to be the ones to deal with it. Before it decided to start trying to possess animatronics or actively try and interact with Dan. “Let’s just check this,” He waved a hand at the salvage shed. “Then we’ll go find out what this janitor guy is doing.”
Rolling his eyes a bit, Ant went along with Michael. Poking his head through the wall he was able to see the cramped room was unchanged. “Yeah. Everything looks-” “Shh!” Michael shushed him, pointing at the table in the center of the room. How Ant had missed it, who knows, but there was something there.
At first, he thought it was a dead body. A human figure slumped over, face in their arms. Almost like they’d fallen asleep or something. But they weren’t breathing and their skin was a sickly greyish colour. Then, its hand twitched. Blackened claws scraped against the wooden tabletop as the ghost raised its head slightly. A single bloodshot eye could be seen peeking out of the long tangled mess of greasy purple hair.
The room was dead silent. That is until the ghost stood up, its joints all popping and twisting as its body distorted. It towered over them, looking at the pair with an elongated smile seemingly frozen on its face. Not wanting to stare into its maddened eyes, Ant’s gaze flickered down towards the ghost's chest. It looked like it had been torn open. A jagged, ripped open wound that dripped with blood. There were what looked like glowing magenta wires wrapped around its broken ribs, pulling them even further apart. The wires wrapped around the entirety of the ghost’s torso and even parts of its arms and neck, digging into the skin. That had to be painful.
Letting out a quiet laugh, the ghost leaned in towards Ant’s face, barely a few inches from him. “My eyes are up here, rabbit.” A sickeningly familiar voice rasped.
A deep panic filled Ant. Like when you’re a little kid, terrified of the monster in the closet. Except the monster was real and right in front of him. “Ronaldo?!” He should be miles away, and his soul was trapped in the Spring Bonnie suit. So who, or what, was this thing?
The entity's eyes widened, its smile stretching just a bit as it tilted its head. “Oh.” It glitched. “Ant. It’s you.”
Ant stared almost helplessly into the eyes of the entity he could only liken to the devil itself. In turn, Ronaldo, or whatever this thing was that sounded like him lifted a clawed hand as if to grab him.
Then, there was a blur of grey from Ant’s left as Michael lashed out, his fist connecting with Ronaldo’s jaw with a satisfying crack. “Get away from him!”
The entity reeled back, clutching at its face. The eerie smile it wore never faded but it looked strained, and the look of surprise and  anger on its face belied its true feelings. “Rude.” It spoke like it was scolding a disobedient child. “Didn’t your parents ever teach you that hitting people is against the rules?”
Michael bristled with rage at Ronaldo’s mockery. His spectral form flickered and burned like an out of control fire. “Oh, yeah, sure Dad.” He spat the word like venom. “Hitting is wrong, but murder, that’s just fine by your rules, isn’t it?”
Ant grabbed Michael’s shoulder, just in case he tried anything stupid. Whatever this thing was, it was pretty safe to assume it was some sort of threat. Even now, the twisted figure glared at Michael, an unreadable expression on its face.
“Who are you?” Ant challenged it first, then rethought his question. “What are you?” It sounded like Ronaldo, and seemed to act pretty similar, but it looked nothing like him.
The entity flickered for a moment, glancing at Ant, then back at Michael. “...Hah…Hahahaha!” It burst out in deranged sounding laughter, its form flickering and distorting before it settled back into a more human-like form. The wires and jagged chest wound were gone, and its body was no longer twisted. He could almost be mistaken for a person. “Fun…” It drawled, completely ignoring what Ant had asked him.
“What. Are. You?” Michael repeated, louder, still infuriated.
Ant already had his own theory. This was possibly one of Ronaldo’s creations. Some sick experiment with Torment. Like the Nightmare. That didn’t explain why it sounded like him though.
“What?” It finally responded to the questioning. “What am I? What are you?” It countered, taking a step towards Michael. “I don’t recognise your face.”
Ant took a step back away from the approaching entity, pulling Michael with him. “I could say the same to you.” Michael just kept getting more irritated. “You’re avoiding the question.” He growled, crossing his arms defensively.
“Hahah…” The entity at least stopped walking towards them, but it still examined them closely. “Interesting. This is interesting.” It tilted its head as it again went back to staring at Ant. He could almost swear he saw a look of pity on its face. “Shadow Bonnie… Hmm.” Then, without another word, it turned on its heel and walked out of the salvage shed, passing through the door, heading towards the steakhouse.
Ant and Michael stood there for a moment, before their minds kicked back in and they tore after the rogue spirit. “What is that thing?!” Ant asked, hoping Michael may have some kind of answer. Of course he didn’t.
“I don’t know.” The grey figure responded as he wove back through the dense trees. “Maybe someone's ghost, but…” He momentarily flickered, a visual indicator of his doubt. “My dad has to have done something to him. I don’t know what, but we need to stop him.” Before he got inside, before he did something drastic.
Yet as they passed through the back wall and into the steakhouse, they found no trace of the purple entity. Maybe it had faded, maybe it was simply hiding, maybe it was somewhere else in the building.
“Wh- Where did he go?!” Ant leaned into adjacent rooms, just to check, but found no traces of the thing nearby. “God- AAAGHH-” He yelled into his hands, doing his best to stay composed. “G r e a t .” That was just another problem to add onto the stack. Ronaldo, Emilia, weird Not Ronaldo, and whatever that tremor had been earlier. Though, Ant was fairly confident in his assumption that that ghost had something to do with it. “Now what?”
Michael seemed just as infuriated as Ant, and he flickered every couple seconds. “I don’t know.” He said after a long pause. “Whatever or whoever that was, it's hiding from us. We’ll just have to keep an eye out for it while we’re dealing with Emilia.” That was, in theory, all they could do. Trying to find a ghost that didn’t want to be found was a losing game, but it still was frustrating. Knowing something, especially something connected to Ronaldo, was roaming around freely, was stressful. There was no telling what it wanted, or what it was planning to do. It seemed safe to assume it wasn’t friendly though.
Ant groaned again, feeling almost defeated. “...Fine. Whatever.” This wasn’t ideal, but they could deal with it. Probably. Dan had certainly made it out of far worse situations. Like back at the foundry. One extra renegade spirit was not the breaking point. “Wait. That janitor.” The memory suddenly came flooding back to Ant. With all the panic about Ronaldo earlier, he’d completely forgotten.
“Oh. That.” Michael sighed, sounding worn. “We should go see what that was about, huh?”
“Yeah, we should.” Hopefully it wasn’t anything too terrible. Sometimes, just because of the supernatural influence over Fazbear entertainment as a whole, ghosts would just wander into establishments on their own. Like some kind of draw. Most were content to wander, many left once they’d satisfied their curiosity. The biggest concern was when they wouldn’t leave. Some, for whatever reason, would possess the animatronics. Even then, sometimes it turned out well. They would hang out for a few days, just wandering around causing minor problems. The violent ones though, they were an issue. Usually outside spirits weren’t too hostile, since their deaths weren’t caused by Fazbear entertainment, but occasionally, there were ones that just seemed to like raising hell.
Michael usually had to deal with these types of things alone, considering he’d been the only ghost strong enough to do anything, so there was at least one plus.
They made their way back towards Bonnie’s bar. Sure enough, even as they entered the showroom, Ant spotted the guy. He was just standing by the stage, looking up at Chica.
“Hey. Hey!” Michael cautiously drew closer, yelling a bit to try and get the ghosts attention. Ant followed behind him, but kept back a bit. He knew he wasn’t exactly a very friendly looking entity.
The janitor jumped a bit, then turned and looked over his shoulder. Now that Ant was closer, he could see just how bad a condition the guy was really in. His once blue jumpsuit was torn, dirty, and splattered with blood. There was what looked like a blanket wrapped around his arm and shoulder as a makeshift sling. Most noticeably, there was a screwdriver sticking out of his neck, and as he fully turned, Ant could see stab wounds in both his throat and just above his stomach.
“Oh… This… This isn’t good.” He muttered as he looked between Ant and Michael. He looked nervous.
Michael was the one to start talking. “Hey, we’re not here to hurt you. We just want to know what you’re doing here.” He raised his hands a bit in a placating gesture.
The janitor was still giving them doubtful looks, but seemed to calm down a bit. “Uhm… I…” He seemed hesitant about talking. “Who are you?” He was definitely avoiding answering questions. Not a great sign, but this guy seemed more confused or scared than outright hostile.
Ant took this as an excuse to interject, hoping that maybe it would make him seem less intimidating. “Well, I’m Ant, and this is Michael. We-” The janitors eyes grew wide as Ant spoke, and he clutched at his wrapped up arm. “Oh no. No no no no no-!” He turned, and Michael tried to grab him, but he’d already vanished within a second. “...That was weird.” Michael muttered, staring at the spot the spirit had just been a moment before. “Did you know that guy?”
Ant shrugged. “I don’t think so?” He couldn’t remember it off the top of his head. “Maybe he was freaking out about you?”
“I don’t know, but this is getting weirder and weirder.” He seemed tense. “Something is going on here. I don’t know if my dad or Emilia are behind it or what, but we need to be careful.”
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lettherebemonsters · 1 year
I haven't done anything for you guys in days so here's some fun facts about my clowns! (Well....fan facts. Outside of Ringmaster the other two have their own canon.)
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Kenneth was actually a triplet and the smallest of the babies.....at least he was going to be. His mother died giving birth to her children and only the very smallest managed to survive, though he'd have permanent lung problems all his life.
His mother's name was Emilia, and she chose the name Kenneth for her son after her father. Unfortunately Kenneth never got to know his mother's side of the family and was trapped being victimized by his father.
Kenneth actually took most of his looks from his mother rather than his father. He had her blue eyes and bright red hair. He lost this with age and the Entity corrupting him into an immortal slasher.
Kenneth is almost permanently drugged up. His sense of reality is so warped that he lives permanently in his own Wonderland. Reality was too horrifying to him...so he invented his own reality to escape it.
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Ringmaster is Venetian and Corsican, but he hates his Corsican half so much he's extremely violent towards anyone who brings it up. To him, Corsicans are traitors (mainly due to his mom and dad divorcing and him blaming his mom for it.)
Ringmaster is a vampire, but a strange one. He's mutated from eating other vampires and absorbing their viral strains. As a result of cannibalizing other vampires as he himself was turned, the surviving vampires locked him away as punishment.
Unfortunately.....he didn't stay locked away.
Ringmaster is very deceptive and manipulative. Whether he was always like this or is a consequence of the madness brought on by being turned into a vampire and infecting himself with a myriad of vampire strains is unclear. But he's hedonistic, vile, obsessive and extremely dangerous. He's very much like Dorian Gray only that the one or two people he truly cares about he cares about too much.
Ringmaster's main ability is to lure victims by song. He can hypnotize the weak with his music and lures them close to feed on. Most he kills and hangs their bodies as his puppets, but those he likes, he infects and adds them to his Cirque Asylum. He's also able to psychically control his undead thralls using marionette wires bonded to his nervous system. These wires are also a major weakness because he can feel pain if they're torn off his body. The cross on his back is attached to his spine and spinal column, making it extremely painful for him if the entire apparatus is removed forcibly.
The only people capable of stopping Ringmaster is his sister the Dollmaker and her boyfriend Freakenstein. At one point, Freakenstein was forced to decapitate the Ringmaster to end his tyranny. However, decapitation isn't enough to kill him permanently.
Ringmaster is immune to sun and holy objects, and the only way to 100 percent end him is to destroy him at the cellular level.
If you survive a bite from the Ringmaster, you'll forever be his slave and/or become a vampire. Only Freakenstein has been able to avoid this due to being a Horseman of the Apocalypse, and thus, a much more potential viral strain than Ringmaster's vampire virus.
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Clown Springtrap is a technological genius and a narcissist. He's not afraid to let people know that he just doesn't care about anyone. The people he truly loved are all dead and the one person he gives a shit about ran off to his former best friend. So he's thoroughly done with everyone and wants to make it EVERYBODY'S business.
Clown Springtrap only looks like a clown. He very much HATES being permanently bonded to his clown body and gets very salty over the clown jokes. Though sometimes he uses them when he kills people since fear brings out more Remnant for him to feed on.
Clowntrap relies on Remnant to keep functioning. He can't die since he's already dead but he craves Remnant to keep himself from going completely out of control. In a way he's similar to a vampire, in that he'll literally guzzle the blood from a victim in order to extract as much Remnant as he can.
Clowntrap is probably the only straight clown of the bunch but you wouldn't know it because he's extremely metrosexual. He loves bright colors, loves fashion, loves to cook, loves the arts.....Basically he's the most unstraight straight guy that ever lived.
He's also very loyal to his late wife. Only after thirty years since she passed away has he started opening up but largely his heart will only belong to his bunny queen.
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silver-inked · 2 years
I want to know all of them, but I am especially curious about your horse plinko now
“horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)”
Ive decided to put brake this question up until different kinds of horse plinkos.
I would torture for fun because I genuinely hate them: Benicio, Sharon and Gary, I hate them with a passion and there is nothing that can convince me that they deserve to have anything great going for them.
I would torture them for “fun” in the name of writing a narrative for them, because I genuinely think they are cool but they are also at times terrible people and so I and want them to growth through personal development: Emilia and Ambar, I would rewrite parts for them and give them a pretty rough experience but for the goal of bringing them out of the experience with growth.
I would torture them for fun because I love them and are great people but having them have a bad time brings fun allows me to write them under stress and have them grow and develop (or maybe not maybe they get worse who knows): Luna. Writing anything related to her having a rough time through finding her identity and then finding love and friendship through the experience is everything to me.
Here are the others:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Luna Valente. Love her. Please allow me to write her into a thousand complicated scenarios as a show of love. Let her be upset. Let her explore that identity crisis more.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Nina. She is great, she is lovely. I want her to be happy.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Ramiro. The one character who keeps a consistent character development and yet gets blamed and yelled at for no reason at times. Yes he is a bit random, yes he needs to chill sometimes, but he is great he knows what’s up.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Fernanda. Honestly I didn’t like her but I grew to really respect her.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Emilia. I wish she had good development.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Sharon. Hate her.
Thank you for the ask!
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crazy-loca-blog · 1 year
I've been super busy in the last two days, but I needed to come here to tell you that when I woke up this morning, for some reason the TV was on (I blame my fur baby for it, he tends to press the remote buttons) and Emilia Clarke was on TV! Was it a sign? Because I take it as a sign to do something (anything!) with my Open Heart HC lol
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Emilia Butler
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Imagine you and cole sprouse had a baby together but soon as the baby was born he left. So you go back to your ex Austin Butler.
A/N: I know that it takes six months or a year to make the adoption final but I'm going make it six months for this story .
January 8th, 2016
Wait. You want to adopt her as your own ," You asked ?
Yes. I want to adopt Emilia as my own only if you are ok with it," Austin said as he smiled at you.
You bite your lips before you look at him.
I don't mind at all," You said as you smile at him.
Austin look at you before a smile came upon his face.
Six Months Later. July 20th, 2016
It's been final by the laws of California. That Emilia Sprouse is now Emilia Butler," The Judge said.
You smiled at him.
Emilia lets out a whine as she reached her hands out towards Austin.
Hi princess ," Austin said with a smile as he takes her from you .
You smiled at them.
I'm so happy that she is finally mine ," Austin said as he smiled at her.
She has always been yours but this makes it real ," You said as you smiled at him.
Austin looks at you with a smile.
( One Year Later ) October 14th, 2017
Austin Robert Butler is an American actor.
Born: August 17, 1991 (age 26 years), Anaheim, CA
Height: 6′ 0″
Partner: Y/N Urban (2016-)
Children : Emilia Butler
Parents: Lori Butler, David Butler
Y/N let her ex boyfriend adopted my daughter ," Cole said as he reads the news about you letting Austin adopted Emilia.
You told me that soon the baby was born. You left them and I can't blame y/n for letting Austin adopt Emilia. Austin has been there since day one helping with Emilia. He is basically her father and now he is. This is on you completely," KJ glared at him.
Daddy ," Emilia yelled.
Cole look at her with sad eyes as he watches her run to Austin.
Hi my princess," Austin said with a smile as he picks her up.
There you are emilia ," You said with a smile as you walk up to them.
Did you run away from mommy," Austin asked as he look down at her.
Yeah she did," You said with a laugh.
Austin look at you with a smile .
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Take a Hike
Prompt: When Harry and Y/N take the baby for a hike and end up being followed by fans.
word count: 2.2 k
contains: language, sexual content
Harry was furious. He just wanted to go on a hike  - like a normal family on a warm June day in a beautiful foreign country.
You were currently in Madrid - on Harry’s European leg of the tour.
While Harry had been doing press - you and Sasha had taken to the hotel pool where she could splash and enjoy the water all day.
It wasn’t without a eagle-eyed security guard who lurked in the background for shady characters and overzealous fans.
Fans - they wanted picture with you because you were Harry Styles’ wife. Not inherently famous on your own.
It was a bit odd, but you didn’t mind occasionally stopping to snap a pic with a excited fans. 
However, when you and Harry were out with the baby - it was completely off limits. Neither Harry nor you would stop for fans and paparazzi if you were toting around your little love.
She didn’t like the crowds and shouts that came along with swarms of people. She would slap her little hands over her ears, dig her face into her parent’s neck, and whimper.
Harry had always been protective of you when it came to these situations. One of the major downfalls of being so famous.
Harry had nearly gotten arrested when a clumsy pap had nearly push you over while you were eight months along. 
You and Harry had loaded up all the necessities for the five-mile hike on one of the trails right outside the city.
Sasha had a generous amount of sunscreen on and a little hat to protect her face. She refused to wear the sunglasses.
Harry had a pack for her - so you helped him load your two-year-old onto his back. He knew it was going to ache like a motherfucker but she was a bit too heavy for you. You opted for the backpack with everything in it.
The trail was semi-busy. Both of you donned sunglasses and hats to attempt to disguise yourselves a little bit.
Harry had even pulled on a hoodie - despite the heat - to cover his very recognizable tattoos.
You made it the two and a half miles in without any interruptions. 
Sasha falling asleep halfway through the trek with her cheek smushed against her father’s shoulder blade.
You snapped a few pictures in front of the waterfalls and beautiful rock structures. But you had decided not to wake your daughter from her nap.
You and Harry had taken an obligatory kissing selfie that would likely be your new Lock Screen. 
You both had made the mistake of taking off your sunglasses for the picture because you can hear muted whispers from other tourists.
“Is that fucking Harry Styles?”
“Yes. Oh my god! That’s his wife and baby!”
“Snap a video, Emilia!”
Harry’s noticeable tenses as he slides his sunglasses back onto his nose. Protective papa bear was in full-force around strangers who knew who he was.
The most important thing in Harry’s mind was his family’s safety.
“Let’s go, lovie,” Harry murmurs softly. His British accent surely giving him away if they heard it.
You nod anxiously - pointedly not making eye contact with the fans and small group that was gathering.
As you begin the journey back down the small mountain - you notice the group trailing behind you. Following you guys.
Jaw clenched, you want to scream at them to stop taking pictures of your sleeping baby. But you attempt to keep your cool.
It wasn’t more than ten teenage girls but it didn’t really matter who it was.
The girls are getting louder, more excited. When one of them squeals in joy of seeing her celebrity crush - who she had ticket for his concert tomorrow as did the rest of the group.
The noise startles the curly-haired baby on Harry’s back awake. She immediately starts crying - her hands coming to grip frantically in her fathers matching curls.
“Daddy,” Sasha sobs, grabbing at him as the girls keep snapping pictures and cooing.
Harry’s face is stone - attempting to keep his anger at bay. He was about to lose his shit and you couldn’t blame him.
He couldn’t always treat people with kindness.
“Down, want down,” she lisps, no longer wanting to be confined in her pack. It was also most likely time for a diaper change.
“Not right now, sweetheart. Please be good for mumma and I,” Harry rasps, reaching back to give her leg a comforting pat.
You look at your husband, “Please - let’s just try to make it out of here as soon as possible.”
Harry sighs, “I’m sorry, love.”
You brush his shoulder lightly, “it isn’t your fault people act this way. I just can’t stand when this happens around her.”
Harry’s slight smile from your reassurance turns into a glare when he realizes the nosy fans were trying to talk to his upset baby - who notably did not like strangers.
He’s quick to unstrap the toddler and shuffle her into your arms. You cradle her and turn you back away from the group. 
“Mumma, no cameras,” she whines, her words a little jumbled but you understood.
“I know, baby. Daddy’s going to take care of it,” you coo assuringly. Her fingers finding their way into her mouth to soothe her.
Harry slides her carrier off his shoulders and tosses it next to your feet. He’s trailing over to the jumpy, overly-excited fans.
“Listen,” he states firmly, speaking loudly over their giggles, “y’need to stop following us and takin’ pictures. You’re scaring our baby.”
They chatter a bit, begging from picture and then they promise they’ll leave us alone.
“Absolutely not,” Harry states, trying to stay level headed with these immature teens who adored him.
With that, he’s headed back to you guys. The girls shouting unflattering things at him like “asshole” and “douchebag.”
He decided to ignore it and quickly allows you to strap the baby back into her carrier. His eyes study your face to make sure you’re alright and you give him a calm smile, squeezing at his bicep.
The girls trailed off after a few more minutes of following us. Harry hummed and sang a few nursery rhymes to Sasha to keep her calm but she was still fussy.
Back the hotel, Sasha was freshly bathed and laid down for a nap in the second bedroom. A baby monitor sat on the bathroom countertop as you two showered off the sweat and dirt.
Harry was still upset about the incident so you decided upon a good cuddle in a warm shower. His cheek was rested in the top of you head and his arms holding you to his wet chest.
“Just want to be normal - for one fuckin’ day,” he huffs with frustration.
“We had a totally normal, fun hike. It wasn’t ruined, I promise. It’s our reality so they’re is no use in being upset about it.”
Harry loved how level-headed you were to balance out his irrational, impulsive feelings and actions.
“You’re t’good to me, I love you.”
“At the end of the day, I knew what I was signing up for when you and I got married. I also knew when we had Sasha that paparazzi would still hound you.”
“Didn’t sign up to be harassed constantly though. I just feel so bad about it sometimes. It scares Sasha and it makes me feel like a bad father.”
You knew he was about to throw himself into a downward spiral if you didn’t distract him. 
“You know what else I signed up for when I married you?” I murmur into his neck, letting my lips ghost over his hammering pulse.
“Wha’s that?” He asks genuinely, a little slow on the uptake because of how deep in thought he was.
“That you would fuck me whenever I wanted,” you nearly purr, landing a not-so-gentle nip to the vein protruding on his neck.
“Is tha’ right? Put a ring on your finger and now I gotta give you my cock whenever you please?” He grunts at your teeth pinching his sensitive skin.
It’s amazing how it takes little to no effort to get this man in the mood.
“Mmm, if you want to be a good, dutiful husband,” you taunt - knowing he’ll take the bait.
“Am I not a good husband, pet? I fuck you any chance you let me. Give it to you anytime time you wan’ it. You know that.”
His hand is tugging your thigh up roughly, making your centers align with delicious pressure as he slips right between your folds.
“Harry,” Y/N groans, your head falling down to watch where he’s teasingly grinding his cock against your entrance and clit.
“Want me t’put it in, love?” He drawls like he has all the time in the world. The water pelting on his back making him pink.
“Ple-please,” you choke out, nipples harden against his chest even in the warmth of the shower. Sensitive with every brush against his smooth pecs. 
“You know what else you signed up for when y’married me?” He asks, his voice as deep and smooth as honey.
“What?” I reply, whining each time he teases at pushing in.
“That when you beg for my prick - you’ll be a good girl and take it.” 
With that, he’s thrusting up into you with full force. His sharp hipbones meeting the plushy, soft skin of yours.
“Ooh, oh fuck,” Y/N gasps, wrapping an arm around his neck as he presses brushing marks into your thigh where he’s holding you for leverage.
“C’mon, you can take it,” your husband goads, relentlessly hitting the spot that send licks of flames of your spine.
Your legs are feeling weak with how hard he’s pounding into you. He is so intuned with your body that he moves his hands to you backside.
He lifts you up easily, your legs wrapped around his waist, and his presses you back into the cold tile wall. 
He was so fucking good. How’d you manage to marry him? Unexplainable. 
“Am I good husband? Fuck you well enough?” He hisses against your open mouth as you pant heavily.
“So so good, H. Best husband ever,” you whimper, welcoming the friction from his pelvis against your swollen bud.
“Sweet girl,” he murmurs happily, “I think you deserve to come”
You throw your head back as he speeds up, fingers reaching to flick at your nerves - just on the right side of painful.
It’s just what you needed to climax. He always somehow knew what you needed. His fingers are consistent as he lets you ride it out.
It is only a few more rough thrusts before he’s cursing and coming as well. His hand grasping harshly at your jaw to bring you into a searing kiss.
“Never gonna get sick of watchin’ you come on my cock,” he chuckles, carefully placing your feet back on the ground but keeping a tight hold of your hips.
You lean in to give him a quick but meaningful kiss before going about cleaning your body again after the mess you two created. 
It takes a little longer than necessarily due to you constantly having to bat his wandering hands away from your body.
It dark out now, the city of Madrid illuminated through the large windows of the high-rise hotel.
Sasha was exhausted after the hike and full day at the pool - despite napping twice. She was always out like a light around eight-thirty
You were tightly tucked into Harry’s side, head resting on his shoulder. Your eyes becoming bleary from drowsiness. 
Your toddler was sprawled out on Harry’s chest, fast asleep with one of your husband’s large hands resting on her back. 
Harry was scrolling aimlessly through his phone when he chuckle softly, handing you his mobile to see what was on the screen.
It was a video-recording of an Instagram Live. 
The video forwarded by Jeff. The volume low to not disturb your daughter.
It was a teenager girl who looks unpleasantly familiar.
“Um - yeah. So we saw him and we were hiking freaking out. ‘Cause like we’re going to his concert tomorrow.”
Then girls eyes flick to the commenters to answer questions.
“He had his baby. His wife was there too.”
“No, so he was so unfriendly! He flipped out because we wanted an autograph!”
The girl was mimicking Harry’s thick accent, “when we asked for a picture - he legit said ‘absolutely not.’”
I shake my head at the girl’s antics, “how dare you not take a photo. You’re such a dick.” You tease.
Harry smirks, taking the phone back and tossing it on the cushion. His hand rubbing gentle circles on his sleepy baby.
“None of tha’ matters,” Harry says softly, “I don’t care what anybody but you thinks ‘bout me. At the end of the day, as long as I have you and the bab - I’ll be happy.”
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seriouslysam8 · 2 years
Legerdemain Sneak Peek
Chapter Thirty-Two: The One with the Extractor
Lily stood at the foot of Teddy’s hospital bed with Dora sitting happily on her big baby bump. She held onto the little girl’s arms and bounced her up and down, Dora’s head thrown back as she laughed. Remus sat curled up against Teddy’s side, looking uncharacteristically sad and withdrawn. Victoire sat beside the bed, a soft smile on her face as she watched Dora laugh. 
“Oh! Dora! Baby Emilia is kicking your bum,” Lily teased the little girl as she felt one of the twins press where Dora sat. “She’s saying, Oi! That’s my mum!”
“My Lee Lee!” Dora squealed. “My Lee Lee!”
Lily leaned forward and brushed her nose against Dora’s, causing the little girl to melt into a fit of giggles once more. “I am your Auntie Lily and I’m your godmother and favorite person in the entire world.”
“My Lee Lee,” Dora said once more as she cuddled against Lily’s chest. 
She snaked her arm under Dora’s bum to lift her off her belly bump as her weight had started to cause her stomach to hurt. Lily rounded the bed to sit in a chair next to Victoire and get off her swollen feet. She had been doomed to wearing flats instead of her heels, but the flats didn’t feel much better. Her feet were swollen so badly that some mornings she worried she wouldn’t be able to even put shoes on and she’d pathetically have to seek out her grandmother’s help to charm her shoes wider.
Lily winced as she plopped Dora to the front of her belly and onto her thighs. Dora crossed her arms and rested them on Lily’s belly, her chin resting on her hands as she stared up at Lily with her wide cerulean blue eyes. Wincing, Lily kicked up her feet onto Teddy’s bed.
“Lils, you can go home, you know,” Teddy told her, his face soft and affectionate. 
Lily made a smooch face at Dora and the little girl bounced on her lap before kissing her aunt. “I know, but I am enjoying my Dora cuddles. Besides, Koko won’t let me leave by myself.”
Victoire arched an eyebrow. “He won’t let you leave?”
Lily sighed, her fingers running through Dora’s fine hair. “Not like that. It’s just… well, I asked Ko to stay with Albus when we found out Teddy was in the hospital. He said he would for a bit but he had a meeting with his dad about the Youth Quidditch League’s finances or something. He said he’d swing by the hospital to help me home afterward. He wanted to be there in case, well, you know. He’s just nervous ever since the penthouse incident. He barely leaves the house and I can see he bites his tongue when I leave to go to work every morning like he thinks I should just quit or take a leave of absence.”
“Dominique told me some of the stuff that Nolan has told her and, well, I don’t blame him for having anxiety over everything,” Victoire said. “I mean, it’s sickening the things they were forced to do and the way… the way they were forced to hurt you.”
Teddy’s head snapped towards Lily. “They hurt you?”
Lily rolled her eyes. “No! They didn’t harm me. They just… held me still while… you know, it doesn’t matter.”
“Jamie said you were pretty shook up but you seemed fine,” Teddy pressed.
“Well, I wasn’t going to tell James anything that happened,” Lily retorted. “He’d blab to the entire family.”
“Did you talk to someone?” Teddy asked. “I mean, does Dad know what happened?”
“Teddy, your sister is a grown woman who doesn’t need her dad or big brothers going primal when someone so much as looks at her wrong,” Victoire explained.
Teddy’s jaw tightened. “This wasn’t just a look, Vic, if someone laid hands on my baby sister-”
“Merlin, Ted, I’m fine! I told Albus everything. He was murderous enough for the lot of you,” Lily explained. “And I told him because he can’t leave the bloody house and overreact.”
Teddy sighed. “Have you met Albus? He’s a mini-Dad who wouldn’t bloody care if he went to jail if it meant protecting someone he loves.” 
“You better watch yourself because Albus will literally murder you for calling him a mini-Dad,” Lily replied as she looked down at her niece. “Dora, darling, my legs are going numb. Can you sit beside me?”
“Well, Ted’s not wrong,” Victoire commented as she leaned over to haul Dora off Lily’s lap. “Albus is a lot like your dad in more than just the looks department.”
“LEE LEE!” Dora cried as she stretched her arms out for Lily.
“Auntie Lee Lee has a baby in her belly and it’s very uncomfortable and your bony little bum hurts after a while,” Victoire explained gently as she cuddled an angry Dora to her chest.
“Yes, Albus is a lot like Dad but that doesn’t make him like it,” Lily explained, feeling slightly bad that Dora was so upset but she was just so bloody uncomfortable. “I would say Albus takes his grumpy sassiness to a level that Dad could never achieve.”
“I’ve seen Uncle Harry have quite a few sassy comebacks before,” Victoire replied as she rocked Dora in her lap.
“Dad can be really grumpy, especially when he’s in the hospital or in pain,” Teddy added. “Remember that time he was stung by a jellyfish on that Muggle beach?”
Lily laughed. “That little old lady told Mum to pee on Dad! That it would help with the pain! Dad just yelled at you and Albus to help him back to the house so Mum could perform some healing charms. I think that was the first time I actually heard Dad yell.”
“I thought she did pee on him,” Victoire interrupted. “Uncle George always said that’s what happened.”
“Nobody knows,” Teddy replied. “Mum was trying to heal it but it wasn’t working. Then she just closed the bathroom door and they placed some Silencing Charms and… they won’t admit what happened that day.”
“She so did,” Lily said, her face scrunched up. “I don’t think I’d want Koko to pee on me.”
“It depends on how much pain I was in,” Victoire admitted with a shrug. “And where I was stung. I mean, if I was stung on my face or something then that’s a hard no. A foot…” Victoire bounced her head back and forth. “I’d debate on it.”
“Ew, Vic!” Lily replied, her tongue sticking out as she made a gagging sound.
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