#I call 07!Don “Don”
deadtiredghost · 4 months
a donnie appreciation post cause I haven't posted much about them yet
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I didn't realise I made 30.... I was just focused I guess hehe
Guess imma have to do this for all of them now- oh well
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marvelstars · 5 months
X-men 97 S1: 07
Loved this chapter it looks like Rogue and Captain America were investigating Hydra/Bastion Operation Zero Tolerance
It was a good showing for Rogue´s grieff but also of the X-men getting together to defeat this new enemy.
I LOVED Amelia Vogh appearing again, with her on Genosha along with Emma I get the sense that we are going to see the Ultimate Sentinel but with Mr Sinister and Cable there we also could be seeing Apocalypse soon, OZT could very well be his way of separating the strong mutants from the weak ones as his motto survival of the fittest said.
Loved nightcrawler comforting Rogue over Gambit and Magneto on days of the death in Mexico. Remy´s funeral was also very heartfel and beautiful, I don´t think the X-men made one for Magneto because without a body they know he still could be alive even if it´s a long shot and to be honest, no one of them except the professor was close enough to mourn him properly.
Cable calling Scott Dad and remembering Maddie was awesome, is what I always wanted to see in the comics, I love Jean but Maddie gave birth to Nathan and loved him, she deserves to be remembered by him as well.
Talking about that, Bastion having Magnus is horrible, my poor blorbo :( but if what Cable said was true, if only the electromagnetic fields can cointain prime sentinels then it makes sense to take Magneto out of the board and of course Bastion is a sadist so I can see him turning Magnus into a prime sentinel and if Apocalypse is also involved, he could also take the opportunity to turn him into one of his riders.
That last part gave me chills with that music, it´s just Magneto´s luck to die apparently and be taken by Bastion, Mr Sinister and their sentinels while Charles dies apparently and he gets a vacation, marriage and a galactic crown. That man just can´t win. Lol at them not only taking his powers away but also keeping his mouth shut, his mouth is too powerful not to take it away in this series.
In short I loved this, Genosha looks like it will still be a factor in this series in the near future so I hope we see other characters besides Amelia and if Exodus was a survivor that would give them another reason to become antagonists in this series.
PD: We also saw a short scene of Quicksilver and Strong Guy was on Genosha, that gives me hope of seeing Lorna in the next chapters especially if they are going to need someone who uses magnetic fields.
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This ends up a bit long. Also, english is not my mothertounge language so, there may be errors of grammars here and there.
Anyway, Some of prev hc of 07!turtles are here. Some of them may be ooc so just look away from this post. I just think that they deserve to be goofy
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While he is the ghost of the jungle, he has his own fair share encounter of ghosts as well. Many of them caused him to get a fever the next morning.
One of the 'encounters' is him accidentally called out for it, other times is chase it, other time is that he picked an unusual stench(he should've ignored it) and questions it. Although he redeems himself from jabbing the supernatural encounter by meditating at night for 3 weeks.
When he tells his 'ghost story' to his brothers and splinter, he has a smug face that annoys Donnie and Raph(with affection) but when Splinter ask him 'Ah, my son, do you experience any after effect the next morning'
Beloved eldest brother cannot - No, he must never lie to his father - Never -
Leo: ...I got a fever the next morning...and it's hard to sleep even if I'm really exhausted...
Donnie: Smug ghost
Raph: Ironic fearless
Mikey: ghost of the jungle being ghosted
Splinter: Even a ghost must learn to recognise its own pride
Leo: Alright, alright, I'm sorry, sorry, I thought it was just dumb local kids pranks that's why I respond. Also, If it were you 3, I'll have you all set up as a sacrifice(bait) for the ghost if we are in a haunted situation
Raph, Mikey and Donnie: Love to see you try, Ghost 👻
He is fond of sharp stuff since he takes good care of swords and other sharp object mechanical parts and etc. For example, he sharp pencil until it's really sharp, every night he make sure that his blades are clean from remains stuck on it.
For that he is in charge of their metal weapon such as fixing broken swords, sometimes Raph sai, he even makes chain but he enjoys keeping them from rusting rather making it.
Also due to his fondness of sharp stuff, he bought kitchen knives straight from the shop, it cause Donatello to transform into mamatello
Leo: *from his room*oh no, it's mamatello.
He occasionally forgets the name of certain technology products so he refers to them as it and may have forgotten some of their form
Leo: Is the tv really this big? Did it get bigger?
Raph: No it aint, you just shrunk, bro. Remote.
Leo: ..Wha..Oh*picks up the remote* this black thing plastic thing is it?
Raph: I say man 🤦
Silly time aside, Leo is the one who often does solo night patrol when other are busy or asleep.
In the comics of prequel movie, he has killed people, sometimes he wants too far as in broken arms, legs and bloody head and face for the thugs, he doesn't kill them just cause some serious concussion.
He and Raph both can be absorbed in the thrills of battle, only Leo tends to go overboard sometimes upon returning from central america.
Leo reads a lot about the stars, minerals and plants after the movie, he still reads strategy books like Sun Tzu art of war.
I hc that he can write poems, and haiku after his training. fight me
He is fluent in japanese, he picked up on some spanish but he is able to read it well, just not speaking in spanish.
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I hc that he comes clean with everyone about him being nightwatcher after the whole winter thing. He even bowed apologetically to everyone in the dojo
Don and splinter had their suspicious but Don interrogates him how he snuck in and out of the lair.
Mikey on the other hand felt like an idiot for not recognizing his own brother based on the news and rumors that seem so related to one of them. He was shocked for 3 days.
After 3 days, Raph offers Mikey a ride on his bike donning night watchers helmet and a red motorcycle suit for Raph and Mikey an orange one suit and helmet. He wants to make up for his abscence despite being at home. They both had but Raph won't allow Mikey to ride on his bike unless if it's emergency
He paint his nightwatcher bike in red.
Ever since he bacame Nighwatcher, he became a vehicle expert it's mostly on his bike to take care of but he learns other vehicles in order to sabotage a gangs dirty job.
He is also super stealthy, won't see him coming.
Him being Nightwatcher has also made him to remember all the routes in the city, every road and every rooftop.
The others sometimes would tease about him being Nightwatcher. As a friendly sibling joke
Leo: Hey Raph, do you think you have a fanclub for Nightprince? Any admirers?
Raph: No, and if it did I'll run away from them. And it's Nightwatcher.
Donnie: But you're not nightwatcher anymore, you're Raphael, a grumpy sleepy snappy turtle.
Mikey: Haha, grumpy sleepy snappy turtle. Still, no jetpacks?
Raph: Obviously no, that's an offense to all our stealth training. I only have my bike and that's enough.
Donnie: Ah, yes of course your true love
The 3 of them are chased by Raph
It is Raph that started to call Donnie, Mamatello, To him Donnie became 'bossy' but still cares and worry for the well being of others in Leo's abscence and it still stays with him even after his return.
He also has convinced Leo to 'join' him because sometimes he feels like Donnie would became an Aunty-tello after his day job, and that is worse esppecially when he's mad.
Leo: What's in it for me?
Raph: He can sop bugging us about both of us not havin a job. I'll think of a day job that works for all 4 of us.
Leo: I do miss our geeky dorky brother being a geeky dorky brother. I'm proud that he's grown up but he's so...(irritated grumble) I'm in
Raph: Alright, we'll start by giving father extra cakes in silent
Leo: Wha...0_0
Leo went along with him anyway.
But Leo and Raph had a great time bonding and spendy their mundane free time
Raph may not look like it but he really is thinking of a job for all 4 of them
Raph just miss the old days because he actually miss the time they spend togeher.
When they go out on patrol, He is the most shocked towards Leo's violent impulse that he froze and is hesitant to intervene.
Luckily he was able to snap Leo out of it
Raph himself is too a battle maniac as mikey calls him and Leo but as nightwatcher he exercise some restraints.
Donnie akamamatello
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Since he works from home, he sometimes cleans up the lair except for Raph's room because he sleeps all day with the door locked(or so he thought)
Since he works from home, makes him the 'leader' of the lair.
His job had him mentally drained because he's dealing with karens and boneheads every day, it drives him insane.
Poor harwoking turtle became sleep deprived, and if he does sleep, he dreams about a working his job without encountering any karens it's so peaceful until he wakes up
I like to hc that deep down he despise both Raph and Leo for just leaving him and Mikey by themselves to take care of the lair.
He can take care of the technological needs of the lair but it's difficult when he and Mikey are the ones that handle it when their father's health need to taken care of
He vents out all his frustration by training with his bo staff in the dojo
Donnie dosen't mind being called mamatello(who else has been managing the lair, splinter is getting old dude) He is proud of it too, because he discovered that there is something he can manage but if one of them calls him while their on a battle or etc. There's hell to pay.
I like to think that when he and Mikey have saved enough money for months they buy medical equipments and technologies, They sill have enough for grocery.
Sometimes he call on his brothers conducts a checkup but really he wants to test their equipment, he is so excited to use such fancy equipment bare with him
Example, Donnie: Raph, Mikey, Leo! X-ray come on all of us! I already test it on dad, It's all of you guys turns now.
Leo: He sounds...happy..
Mikey: Don's just happy we get to buy a new medical tech beside I won't be alone for the checkup.
Raph: Well, better than scolding us for some unfinished chores
Leo: Or buying kitchen knives.
Raph: Nah, I think you deserve that. Wtf, man?
Donnie: Hurry up!
In their nights of keeping the city safe as a brothers together, it's up to he 3 of them to exercise restraint on Leo, making sure that he dosen't accidently kill a thug.
Donnie is little afraid and worried of his eldest brother violent but he will do what he can to keep it in check with Raph and Mikey too.
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When he decide to quit being cowabunga Carl, he and Donnie come up with a plan to let Raph and Leo experience the horror of birthday parties for 2 weeks after that he works for 1 week before quitting completely.
It's mosly to compensate their absence and boy he enjoys it listening to their reactions from his headset.
Surprised at Raph's ability to adapt with the kids with a monotonous voice and Leo scolding the kids behind the parents back when he had the chance(it's rare don't worry), Both of them a one poin accidently knocked out a kid in the process.
Mikey: How's your job, fearless?
Leo: One of them were holding markers like their gonna stab me. They look like Chucky. It's annoying.
Mikey: *wheezing* Chucky. You're so mean
Mikey: Having fun, Raphie?
Raph: I didn't mean to knock that kid out, they're having fun.
Mikey: Dude, why
Raph: I didn't mean it
Since the 2 weeks of their shift, the kids stop slamming Mikey so hard due to Leo's shift, he scold some of the kids for slamming him when the adults are not seen somewhere.
He thanks Leo for that but that alone dosen't make up for his abscence.
I hc that he was frustrated when Leo stopped writing letters to them, when he didn't come home when his training period has ended.
Mikey opens up his frustration to Donnie and Splinter who empathise him, Raph at the time brushes him off by saying that he wants to stay in his room.
He has so much to tell him, he wants to lean on to Leo after his day job(back when he can enjoy it) like the youngest brother he is.
Yet, he wants to be angry at Leo but he distracts himself by focusing on his job Cowabunga Carl and be a goofball when he's back at the lair to rest before he continues the job the next day.
Having Leo to tell him about his journey is one way
Sometimes he handled the lairs technical issues by himself thanks to his observations on Donnie doing it while he explained to him. In return, he dragged Raph or Leo or both of them with him.
He has a diary in which he writes the name of the parent who scolded their kid for slamming him, he is very grateful to them, they are angels.
In their patrol when they are beating up bad guys and Leo would lose himself in the thrill of battle, Mikey was the first turtle to immediately stop restraint him from killing and Leo immediately snaps to reality.
Mikey: Yo, you nearly killed that punk! Sure their bastards acting all tough and harming folks but we don't kill them, we stop them! It's what we do, remember? Let the police and court, I guess to them.
Leo: ...Yeah...You're right, Mikey, Thanks, little bro.
Mikey: Your welcome, It's my job. come on let's give this to the police
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rottmnt-hc · 1 year
The Donatellos and Rise Raph
'87 Donatello
Ah yes, a new person to protect! (I HC for this Donnie is probably the most protective of the Donatello's and that's saying something)
Definitely chill between his new little big brother's spikes and talk about anything and everything.
Calls Rise kids babies ((MM are itties))
Is called Peepaw Donatello
03 Donatello
Calmly takes Raphie into account and keeps his separate from his brothers.
He and Rise Raph get to know each other and get along pretty well.
He teaches Raph how to build machine when he shows interest and gushes over the few things he manages to make.
Raph is nephew shaped.
Is dubbed Uncle Don
07 Donatello
Definitely is worried about getting Rise Raph home
Asks advice about his own Raph
Feels relieved when Rise Raph helps out with jobs.
Scolds Raph for accidentally joining the foot clan.
Remember to eat while watching him
Called Uncle DeeDee
12 Donatello
Has a meltdown about Raph being the biggest and oldest
Loves studying the difference between the Raph's
Tells April, Casey, and Mikey about him
Sleeps against Rise Raph's side
Cracks jokes against his own Raph (the taller you are the closer to heaven you are, but the ABSOLUTE gremlin of a brother have is incredibly short and probably one leg in Hell)
Mindless scratches
Is dubbed Uncle Dee
14/16 Donatello
Anybody wants this child? Takes him anyway
Is gentle with Rise Raph
Yells at his own Leo for him
Let's him go feral and then holds him like a new born baby
HC that the Bay Turtles are largest in the turtleverse
Definitely let's Mikey Raphie sit until he gets the portal open.
Is called Mama Tello
Rise Donatello
Despite being closest to Leo, Donnie is actually really close to Raph.
He looks up to Raph out of everyone in his family
He likes sleeping in between Raph's spikes
Rise Donnie is Raph's favorite
He tries to take care of Raph when he's taking care of everyone else.
(Bonus) Future Rise Donatello
Overprotective times ten (Raph died first gang)
He is the only brother to find out about Raph's secrets and they died with him.
Doesn't helicopter mom him
Gives mini him bits of information regarding Raph.
Keeps an eye on the squad so Raphie can relax a bit.
(NGL, This Donnie wants to hide Raph in bubble wrap and hold him.)
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isitdonproof · 7 days
19 and 28 for the tmnt ask game!
19.) Who is your favourite ally?
Vanilla choice but I'm gonna go with Casey. That boy is always ready to throw down with the guys no matter what. He's a true friend throughout all incarnations and manages to frustrate the turtles + splinter the way only a real friend can.
28.) What is one thing you would like to see explored more in TMNT art/fics?
I'll be real here; I don't read much fic at all for tmnt - i'm quite particular about my boys and the iterations. I don't like ships involving the turtles. However, anyone who knows me knows I love love love angst and suffering. So anything that taps into exploring that, particularly with Donnie, is an automatic win. Especially if Raph is trying to support because they have my favourite dynamic. Actually, there is an 07 fic called Snow Blind that I like which focuses on Raph and Don and Nightwatcher -- so something I'd like to see would be Don knowing Nightwatcher is Raph because imo there's no way he didn't and in the prequel comic he had trackers on everyone. Make it make sense. 🤷‍♀️
I did also go through a phase though of being obsessed with MNT Gaiden.
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biffhofosho · 2 years
Prisoner to Temptation | Chapter Six
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Word Count: 8.3k
A/N: This chapter was bear to edit to my satisfaction, but I hope it reads to yours. ;)
Cvr | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
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At the sound of the knock, Naran’s eyes shot open. The first thing she saw upon waking was Hyungwon’s messy mop shading his face as he slumbered on the pillow beside her. He had rolled onto his side so he was facing her, his nose close to her shoulder though they did not touch. When he slept, he looked so innocent and yet untouchable, like a cherub in a fresco.
The second thing she saw was the sunlight.
Oh, this was bad. Very bad.
“My lord, I think we fell asleep.”
Hyungwon grumbled and burrowed deeper under the blankets.
“My lord—”
He cut her off with a hand around her waist and his chin nestled against her shoulder. His eyes stayed stubbornly closed, which only showcased how long his lashes were kissing the pillows of his cheeks.
“They’re knocking for you, sire.”
Though his eyes stay closed, Hyungwon’s brow furrowed. “This is the best night’s sleep I've ever had. I beg you, please don't end it.”
Naran hesitated, but finally, she sat up and ran her hands through her hair a few times before wiping the sleep from her eyes and lips. Only then did she realize with sheer horror that her dressing gown was still around her waist, leaving her fully exposed. As she clambered to get the straps back up and the hooks refastened, she said, “Please, your grace, they’re getting angrier.”
With a growl, Hyungwon splayed onto his back and barked to the interloper, “What the hell do you want, demon?”
Hansol’s stern voice came through the door, “Your Highness, it’s mid-morning. You’ve missed breakfast.”
At this, Hyungwon’s eyes creaked open resentfully. “Don’t newlyweds get a day off?”
“They should, Your Highness,” his valet agreed, “but, unfortunately, the royal families have been inquiring about you, and indeed, your father has become particularly insistent on an answer. What answer must I give, Your Grace?”
The prince sighed and rolled his head toward his wife in time to find her leaping out of bed and into the biggest, most amorphous ceremonial robe she could find on the floor. With a different sigh now, he called back, “You may tell them I shall meet them in the tea room.”
“Very good, Your Highness. And…” There was an uncertain note in the valet’s voice as he considered his next words. “How shall I answer for Her Highness?”
Mortification ran rampant through Naran. They all knew she was still in the prince’s room, and all the princess wanted to do was fade into the shadows in the corner.
Luckily, Hyungwon said, “She may answer for herself. Why don’t you send Magda to her room to inquire?”
Naran let out a grateful breath.
“Very well, My Lord. I shall go at once.”
The sound of Hansol’s feet padding down the corridor brought air rushing back into Naran’s lungs, and she hurried to gather her wedding clothes from the floor.
Hyungwon sat up on his elbow and studied her as he asked, “Do you have plans for today?”
Keeping her back firmly to him, the princess answered, “I’m going to spend the day in the gardens with my sister.”
“Oh, I shall join you then.”
“You needn’t bother—”
Hyungwon shrugged and swung his feet over the bed as he looked for a pair of pants. “It has been a while since I’ve visited the gardens, and I am also very fond of your sister. We are one family now, are we not?”
“I don’t think we need to push that agenda so hard, don’t you agree?”
“I’m sorry?”
“I’m not going to run away, you know,” she blurted, and they both stopped.
“I didn’t think you would,” the prince said cautiously. His pants sagged in his hands now as he considered her words. “Have you been thinking about that?”
After a long pause, Naran said, “Most days, yes. But there’s no point, I know this. I won’t risk my family and my people for my freedom.”
Hyungwon didn’t have anything to say to that. He simply donned his pants and headed to his wardrobe for a fresh shirt.
“I’ll leave you to your morning routine,” she said with a bow. “Please do not wait for me to head out.”
“I will not.”
Hyungwon’s voice was very cold. Usually, it was colored—sometimes with lively yellows and oranges and sometimes with intense blacks and reds—but this time, it had no color in it at all, and Naran was surprised at how deeply its emptiness penetrated her, especially after its brilliant textures last night.
Cold as it was, it was necessary. Lines were already blurry when they shouldn’t have been. Maybe she should have expected that considering all that had been asked of them so soon, but business was business, and Naran had to put herself first since no one else would. After all, the only one who ever ended up jilted in a palace was the woman.
“And, my lord,” she said with her back to him in the doorway, “I am very sorry I fell asleep in your room last night. I won't let it happen again.”
Hyungwon cleared his throat roughly and answered, “Please close the door on your way out.”
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“Hello?” came a very annoyed voice from out of nowhere.
Naran blinked and looked to her right to find her sister staring at her with high brows.
They were sitting at the edge of the lotus pond with a handful of pebbles that Naran barely remembered collecting to startle the frogs from the lily pads. The crown princess had no idea how long they’d been sitting there, and she had even less memory about walking there in the first place.
“Sorry, my mind was wandering,” Naran confessed.
“Obviously,” replied Saran with a roll of her eyes. “Why on Earth are you with me today? Shouldn't you be spending time with your new husband?”
“I spent an entire night with the man. Isn't that enough?”
Naran chucked a rock into the pond, and it made a satisfying plip! as it sank beneath the surface.
Saran followed suit with a cast of her own pebble, this one farther and much more spectacular in its splash. “What was that like anyway, hm? Was it scary? Was it fun? The prince is a good kisser like I thought, isn't he?”
“Mother told you to ask me that, didn't she?”
Saran pouted. “So what if she did? I want to know, too.”
The crown princess clambered up to her knees and scrunched her nose at her sister. “You can tell Mother that everything went as it was supposed to, and I’ll say nothing more about it. Ever.”
Naran started back down the path again, and her sister raced after her, the pebbles scattering all over the once-tidy path. “You mean I could already be an aunt?”
The look of joy that flooded across Saran’s face as she glanced at the crown princess’s stomach made Naran’s throat tighten.
“There's no way to know such a thing so soon,” the older sister grumbled. “Now, did you want to ride my horse today or not?”
“I do!”
“Then quit talking nonsense and try and keep up.”
With that, Naran took off like an arrow from a loosed bow, cackling and hooting while her sister wailed in protest. Saran had always been slower, but the regulation hanbok the crown princess had to wear now billowed like a parachute against the wind and slowed her down enough that her sister could snag one long sleeve and stop her. Laughing, they walked arm-in-arm to the stables, stopping once along the way to pluck pears from the trees and take shelter from the blazing late summer sun.
By the time they reached the stables, they had nearly forgotten they were anywhere other than back at home in Moghulikhan, but the majesty of the grounds brought a little of their composure back. A long row of shiny-coated, eager horse faces perked at the appearance of guests, and one further down the line even whinnied in excitement.
“Is that one yours?” Saran asked.
“It is.”
The teenager beamed and took off down the pathway to greet the enthusiastic horse.
“He's a stallion. Have you ridden one before?” asked Naran.
“I have.”
The older sister glared at the younger. “Are you sure? They can be a challenge.”
“I have! You know I’m Moghul, too, yes?”
“All right, but if you fall off, I’m telling Mother you stole my horse.”
Just then, a beautiful black horse stepped from the last corral, its rider already tall and proud on its back. A look of surprise passed through all three riders at once.
“Apologies, my ladies,” said Prince Hyungwon with a bow in the saddle. “I thought you were in the gardens today?”
“We were, my lord,” answered Naran though she wished she didn’t have to. With his own black mane to rival his horse’s, the prince cut a dashing figure, especially with the leather reins threaded between his fingers. Her eyes fell instead to his shiny boots tucked in the stirrups, and she continued, “Now, we came for a ride. What are you doing here? I thought you didn’t ride?”
“Of course I can ride, just not as well as some coin-nicking tigresses I know.”
Hyungwon and Naran exchanged brief smiles while Saran cocked an eyebrow. “What are you two talking about?”
“Only that your sister is the finest rider I have ever seen. She bested my best rider handily.”
“Naturally. You know, once when Naran was a girl, she tried to start a rumor that she was born on a horse, but none of the kitchen boys believed her.”
“Oh, stuff it, you rodent!” groused the crown princess as she elbowed her sister. “For that betrayal, you shall not ride my horse today.”
Saran started to pout, but before Naran could fold, Hyungwon beamed down at the girl. “Fear not, sister. I have just the horse for you. Since I could never catch up to the Princess Supreme anyway, why don’t you ride my horse for the day?”
A pang of something strange hit Naran in the chest as she watched her sister’s eyes dance from the gorgeous beast in front of her to the one sitting astride it. For his part, Hyungwon smiled in his usual way—with his full lips pulled taut like a bow and his bright eyes nearly squeezed shut by his puffy lids.
“She’s beautiful! I’ve never seen her equal, even back in Moghulikhan.”
“I’m glad you like her,” the prince said as he hopped off and buffed the saddle. “Her name is Jajung.”
Hyungwon grabbed Saran’s waist to give her a boost, and once her feet were in the stirrups, she looked down at him with gratitude. “Oh, but what shall you ride, Your Highness?”
The prince seemed to remember himself, and his moment of levity dissipated with the lone cloud across the afternoon sun. “No worries, my lady. I shall bow out for this ride and let you sisters chat in peace. I was just trying to escape my duties anyway, but they always catch up with me in the end, don’t they?”
“But you came to ride, sire!” Saran protested. “Ride with us. I will rein in Naran so she does not leave us in her dust.”
Hyungwon looked to the crown princess, but one glance in her frantic eyes supplied his response for him. “I shall take you up on that another time, my dear Princess Sarangerel. I bid you two a wonderful ride. It’s a beautiful day to enjoy the grounds.”
With that, Hyungwon bowed and headed back toward the palace proper. Saran glared at her sister. “Why did you not insist Prince Hyungwon ride with us?”
“Why should he? I thought today was about us?”
“You mean besides the fact that you literally just got married yesterday? As much as I want to spend every waking minute with you, Naran, I should like to know my brother a bit better, too, especially if he is to be father to my nephews and nieces. After all, you’re the one who stood me up for him this morning.”
Naran flushed as she remembered she’d been expected to breakfast with her sister first thing. “That wasn’t what happened, honest. You know yesterday was a lot for me.”
“Fine. We may ride now, but I expect that you make time for all of us to be together moving forward. Besides, don’t you think Prince Hyungwon looked very lonely?”
“This is his house. He has plenty with which to occupy himself and plenty of people with whom he can occupy himself. I don’t have to worry about such things.”
“That’s exactly what newlyweds should worry about,” scolded the girl.
“Talk to me about this again when you’re married, okay? I don’t want to hear any more advice from you on the matter.” Saran slumped in the saddle, and the crown princess regretted her words immediately. With a sigh, Naran said, “I have heard you, I swear it. And since I don’t want to spend our time together arguing, would you please forgive me, my beloved?”
At this, the girl brightened. “Always.”
Relieved, Naran hopped into in her own saddle, too, and nudged her horse in front of the prince’s beautiful beast. “Come, let me show you the pastures. They really are beautiful.”
Her sister followed her out of the yard, and as they enjoyed the day, Naran did her very best to put from the back of her mind the man she now called her husband.
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Part of the princess expected Hyungwon to be waiting at the stables when they returned, at the very least to ensure his horse’s safe return, but he was not. Instead, Hansol was there. He helped Saran disembark and then fed and watered the horses for the ladies as they returned to the palace.
“You’ve been awfully quiet, even for you,” Saran observed as the ladies strolled through one of the flower gardens on their way back toward the tearoom.
“Have I? I’m probably just tired from yesterday.”
“Do you want to stop and rest for a bit? It’s pretty here.”
Naran shook her head. “I think I’m just a little hungry.”
“Well, you didn’t eat breakfast,” her sister reminded smugly, and the crown princess rolled her eyes.
As they entered the palace, they came across the empress leaving the tearoom. She greeted both of the princesses with a shallow bow and a shallower smile. “I was just speaking about you two. Did you enjoy your ride?”
Saran, who was too intimidated by the great lady, kept her eyes and voice low as she praised the grounds and the horses, leaving Naran to bear the brunt of the empress’s peerless gaze. There was something in it that made the crown princess feel like she was being reprimanded.
“And you, Princess Narangerel?” pressed Indeok.
“It was lovely, thank you.”
“I’m so pleased that after a busy day like yesterday you found a way to unwind. I believe my son was looking for ways to relax a bit as well.”
“Perhaps that’s why he’s nursing his third cup of tea by himself in the tearoom,” the empress continued.
Naran’s heart sank. Her mother-in-law’s meaning couldn’t have been clearer, and the crown princess felt heat rise beneath the neckline of her hanbok.
“Do you think it’s all right if we disturb him then?” Naran said carefully.
Empress Indeok pursed her lips. “I can’t imagine a time where a new husband wouldn’t welcome the face of his beautiful wife.”
Naran could feel her sister fidgeting beside her, and she knew she had to remove the poor girl from the mess she’d made as fast as possible. “Then if Her Highness would please excuse us…”
Both princesses bowed deeply as the empress passed, and when they finally rose, Saran slapped her sister on the arm. “I told you!”
“I know, I know.”
“Well, I’m not taking tea with you then. Go apologize to the Prince, and I’ll go to Mother.”
“Oh, please don’t leave me!” Naran begged. “I don’t know what to say. I’m so bad at this.”
Saran raised an eyebrow. “I’m just a dumb teenager, remember, but I’d say why don’t you start with exactly that?”
The older sister wrapped the younger into a tight hug and kissed the crown of the girl’s head. “You’re not dumb. You’re the best and cleverest sister ever.”
“Says the sister who sacrificed time with her handsome prince to be with me. Now, go!”
Saran pushed off and headed down the hall toward the guest quarters, leaving Naran face-to-face with the ornately carved door to the tearoom. With a deep breath, she entered.
As the empress had not-so-subtly hinted, Hyungwon was there, seated with his back to the door and staring at the shadows of the leaves dancing through the papered windows. His voice came over the rim of his teacup as he barked, “I said I don’t want to be disturbed.”
“Shall I go then?” Naran replied, and the prince whirled around so fast, his tea splashed into his saucer.
“I’m sorry,” he said sheepishly. “I thought you were my mother. She’s been bothering me a lot today.”
“If you still want, I can—”
“Please stay,” he insisted, gesturing to the open seat across the little table from him.
Naran nodded and sat, folding her hands in her lap. Hyungwon raced toward the teapot to pour her a cup, and she took it with a grateful smile. After a couple sips, she found her husband still staring at her, and she cleared her throat.
“I’m sorry about today.”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Well, about the horses. I should have asked you to join us?” She hated how obvious it was that she had no idea what she should be saying, but for once, she took her sister’s advice and persevered through the awkwardness. “I’m not used to having to answer to someone in my life. I barely know how to do so with my own parents.”
Hyungwon nodded. “It’s okay. I had things to do anyway.”
Like drink three cups of tea by yourself?
“No doubt, my lord.”
As she mused back on her long walk of shame toward her sister’s room that morning, Naran found her fingers were gripping her teacup like a vise. She thought that maybe she shouldn’t bring it up, but the words were out before she could think better of them. “I overheard a few of the servants talking about our wedding this morning.”
At this, Hyungwon raised an eyebrow. “Did you?”
“They definitely did not know I was there; otherwise, they might not have been so free as to voice their worries.”
The prince bit his bottom lip, and Naran mirrored the gesture.
“That they might not receive the same attentions they were used to from their favorite royal…”
Hyungwon’s ears reddened. “Oh…”
The princess watched the amber ripples in her teacup as the air seemed to fog in the room.
“I’m sorry you had to hear that,” he said.
“It’s fine, my lord. We have discussed this, after all, but it occurred to me that one caveat to our contract may not have been so clearly spelled out especially after last night’s events.”
Though his skin was still pink and his foot was shaking, her husband studied her now. “What is it?”
“We agreed you may continue your trysts with whomever you’d like, as you are accustomed, so long as I might indulge my own fancies as well.”
At this, Hyungwon put down his teacup rather harshly, and when he spoke again, gone was any note of embarrassment he might have. “The difference here is that if I get a maid pregnant, she is put up with a comfortable assignment as a consort and her child is raised in privilege. If you get pregnant and the baby looks like my footman, well, that does not end so neatly.”
Emboldened by his frank words, Naran laughed bitterly. “Let me speak plainly, sire, so we understand one another perfectly for once. The deal was my freedom for yours. If you do not hold up your end of the bargain, neither shall I. If you’d prefer a life without a harpy over your shoulder at every turn, boxing in your mistresses’ ears as well as your own, then I suggest you let me do as I please.”
“I don’t like the idea,” the prince asserted.
“And I don’t care. We are equals here, Prince Hyungwon, as you wished, and I shall never let you forget it.”
“I’m learning that,” he said bitterly.
Naran grinned. Maybe her mother had been right after all. She was a master usurper when she needed to be.
Hyungwon cleared his throat and brought her attention back to the discussion at hand. “And what of our own efforts to continue the Chae family line?”
The tone shifted at once. Instead of the spotlight being on the prince, it now illuminated her, and the princess squirmed in her seat. If last night had taught her anything, it was that while she might not have desired their marriage, that didn’t mean she couldn’t desire her husband. The feeling of his breath on her neck or his mouth on her breast had not diminished. Instead, the memory had spread and warmed, leaving her biting her lip at the most inopportune times.
“I won’t begrudge you at my doorstep, my prince. It is expected of us, and, frankly…” Naran petered off. Her surge of memories was loosening her tongue in ways that only a fine rice wine could.
“And I didn’t hate the night we spent together.”
Hyungwon exhaled softly. It was small, but it made her throat tighten.
“All that practice with your maidens paid off, to be sure.” Naran was being crass now and perhaps even a little unpleasant. There was no good reason for it, but Hyungwon didn’t seem to mind. His eyes were strangely bright even as they darkened, and their edges sharpened thanks to the hint of a smirk that vanished a second later.
“As long as you don’t resent that part of our marriage, too. Shall I visit you tonight?”
Naran blinked, absolutely stunned. “So soon?”
“I think…” he fumbled though his eyes betrayed the well of confidence he still felt at her admission. “I think it is still expected of us this close to the wedding.”
It was a perfectly reasonable answer, yet the princess felt a flare of heat between her legs.
“If you think we must, then…”
Hyungwon leaned across the table, and for a second, Naran thought he might renew his attempts to kiss her. He smelled of jasmine tea and fresh lemon, and it made her thirsty. She was breathing too fast and too loudly for it to go unnoticed, but try as she might, the princess couldn’t calm it.
Hyungwon nodded almost slowly, his gaze unwavering from hers. “I shall visit your chambers before midnight then. Please leave a candle burning for me.”
“Afraid you’ll trip, sire?” Naran laughed to dislodge the lump in her throat, but his eyes were very serious as he watched her.
“I should like to see you, Naran.”
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The rest of the day, the princess chewed her nails. She knew her mother wanted to whack her with the ivory of her fan for indulging in her anxiety like this, but since much of the rest of the day was spent in the company of the royal ladies, there wasn’t much Queen Jigme could do without calling more attention to her daughter’s unladylike habits.
Even as the women made plans for a special excursion to a silk festival in the city, Hyungwon’s words, as much as his eyes, haunted the crown princess.
I should like to see you…
It wasn’t just the implication that the prince liked the sight of her open-mouthed and sweaty during their coupling. It was her name. Excepting the day he had tried to win his wager to be informal with his then-fiancée, Hyungwon had not said her name, just as she hadn’t said his without his title, because the intimacy had felt unreasonable for a pair of reluctant spouses. Keeping things professional felt like the only sensible solution for their arrangement. The more familiarity they had with one another, the more expectations might come with it. Yet, the prince had muddied the waters now. Naran had never felt so confused.
“Sister, you’re breathing weirdly,” Saran observed as she bumped their knees under the table.
It was enough to shake Naran back to her senses, and with the same clear-minded focus she had used back when she was hunting, she powered through the day with a reasonable impersonation of a functioning royal.
By the time dinner rolled around, all things considered, the party was rather lively with both royal families in attendance. The emperor had indulged in a few glasses of soju as, shockingly, had the empress, and Naran found they were much more agreeable when they weren’t formally on duty. So, too, were her parents enjoying themselves. Even though mere months ago the two nations had been on the secret precipice of war, they laughed as though they were old friends, especially the khan, who was always predisposed to enjoying himself in excess. Alcohol led to singing and singing led to bawdy joke telling, which had the red-faced empress scolding the men and the queen shooing the youngest princess out of the dining hall. With all the chaos, Naran had lowered her guard.
Beside her, the prince seemed to be enjoying himself, too. Naran hadn’t had many occasions to indulge in his laugh, but, in spite of his deep voice, it had a jubilance to it, almost kid-like, and it was infectious. Once, after the emperor had stuttered over a tongue twister, Hyungwon’s hand had fallen to her knee as the prince came down from his laughing fit. After that, it was rather difficult for the princess to laugh again. The claws of desire had sunken into her, and it impossible to focus much on anything else.
Which was how she found herself stiff as a board on her mattress, staring up at a shadowy ceiling and wondering if she would ever hear the promised knock at her door. After the highs and lows of her day, the princess was wound tight as a thread and looking for any excuse to fray. There was no clock in her room, so Naran felt like she’d been laying that way for hours, her sheet all the way to her nose as her hands clutched the fabric. Beside her bed, the only time-telling device she had, her candle, was dwindling with every wax drip.
How dare he suggest such things if he had no intention of upholding his end of them, she swore to herself. To make a lady wait like an obedient fool when—
Naran’s rant ceased as a soft double rap on her door reverberated in her chest.
“It’s open,” she called quietly.
The door swung open. Silhouetted in the frame was the lithe figure of her husband. From the opposite end of the room, the candlelight struggled just to illuminate his eyes as he searched the shadows.
“Did I wake you?” Hyungwon asked.
From the way he sucked in a deep breath, Naran knew her answer had exposed her.
“This is okay with you, right?” he pressed.
“It’s our job, my lord.”
His eyes drifted to his slippered feet. “I suppose that’s true.”
“Come in then,” she insisted.
Hyungwon shuffled in, closing the door behind him with both hands to mute any sound. Something about it made their contractual obligation feel much more illicit, and her muscles constricted with anticipation beneath the sheets.
“What time is it?” Naran asked.
“Not sure,” he confessed. “Hansol just went to bed.”
The princess was stunned. That meant she’d only been laying in her bed for likely less than an hour. It was still well before his promised midnight visit, so why had time passed so slowly? Was all of it an illusion or was she dreaming?
“Oh,” was the best response she could manage.
Hyungwon lingered at the foot of her bed. His eyes played about her room, taking in everything but her, it seemed. He wore a robe over his nightshirt, but still, a long sliver of skin winked between the slash in the fabric at the neckline. Naran knew she was staring, but she wasn’t sure what else to do. It was the first time a man had ever stolen into her chambers, let alone one who looked like Prince Hyungwon.
He forked a hand through his hair, and it flung back like the grasses in a stiff steppe breeze. Naran licked her lips.
“I suppose I should—” he fumbled as he looked to the empty space beside her.
The princess let out a shaky breath. “I suppose you should…”
Hyungwon moved to the bedside and shed his robe. The moment wouldn’t have been nearly as tense as it felt if he didn’t trap her gaze for the display. Something about the way he shrugged so the garment simply gave way spread Naran’s thighs of their own accord. He sat down with his back to her as he took off his slippers. Even Naran could admit to herself that the breadth of his shoulders had always stirred something within her, but as he hunched over, the thin fabric of the shirt pulled taut at the mercy of his muscles, and she had to resist the urge to touch him.
At last ready for bed, Hyungwon lifted the covers and sighed. “It’s so warm under here.”
“They don’t warm your bed for you, sire? You ought to speak to your staff, I think.”
“Not like this,” the prince murmured. His voice was luscious like pooling honey. “This is the kind of warmth that sinks into you and warms you from the inside. And the smell…”
A flash of insecurity blazed through Naran until Hyungwon took a deep breath, his nose in the sheets.
“It smells like you.”
“Is that an accusation?” she said tersely.
“Not at all. It’s… enticing. Like tea and—” This time, when the prince took in a breath, he was closer to her shoulder, his head on her pillow. “Something pretty and flowery.”
Naran couldn’t move. Whenever he talked this low, her limbs grew as heavy as her eyelids.
“It’s iris,” she murmured, her tongue drunk and slow. “They put it in the bathwater.”
If she turned her head now, their lips might touch, so the princess stared at the ceiling.
“Tea and iris,” Hyungwon echoed. He had eased close enough now that her body tipped toward him as the mattress dipped beside her. “There’s something else, too. I recognize it though.”
He kissed just below her ear, and Naran’s eyes fluttered shut.
“From last night,” he continued.
Another kiss, this one under her jaw.
“The smell of you…”
Hyungwon sounded like he was purring at first, but as his hand slithered under the sheet at Naran’s waist to grab fistfuls of her nightgown to raise it up her legs, it deepened to a growl. His fingers brushed the bare skin of her inner thigh, and she gasped and squeezed his hand inadvertently between them.
Naran’s face swiveled to him then, her pupils blown out by more than just the darkness.
Hyungwon was waiting for her. Their breath collided hot and ragged, making her a little lightheaded. With the smallest tilt up of his chin, his nose brushed hers, and Naran let out a tiny whimper. With absolute horror, she realized that, for a split second, she was overwhelmed by the compulsion to press her lips to his.
Quickly, the princess juked away to her bedside table where the candle flickered, and she blew it out, plunging them into blissful darkness.
“Didn’t I ask you to leave the candle?” the prince admonished, and in the ebony of night, she could actually feel the sharp bite of his annoyance.
“You did.”
“Yet you blew it out anyway.”
Hyungwon huffed and reached over her for a match on the table. He lit the wick again only for Naran to blow it out once more. Even the brief flash of his beautiful face in the soft light was too uncomfortable for their tenuous arrangement.
“I’d prefer the darkness,” she insisted. An embarrassing quaver warped her voice, and Naran knew that the candle would only amplify its power. “You had the light last night.”
Hyungwon sighed.
To distract him, she traced her nails up his arm to his shoulder and slipped them beneath his neckline to stroke his bare skin.
“I can feel you better this way, my prince,” she promised.
At least that was true. Last night, Naran had not had the presence of mind to explore more of the prince’s body than was required for the consummation, but the perfect excuse had presented itself now.
Hyungwon’s skin was something special. Of course, as a royal, he was pampered unlike anyone else in the empire, but even then, there was something more to it. He was without blemish. No calluses or scars dared to mar the silken expanse of skin. Beneath the superficial softness was a firmness, too, a barely contained strength that flexed with the gentle exploration of her nails. It was mesmerizing.
Naran held her husband’s wrist then and moved it to her covered breast. The pucker of her nipple was unmistakable beneath the sheets, and his fingers pinched the little bud automatically.
“Can you feel me better, too?” she asked with a hitch in her breath.
He nodded, his head bumping against hers on the pillow. “I want to feel more of you.”
Hyungwon moved his hand back under the sheet to her thigh again and slipped beneath the hem of her nightgown. His fingers danced over her hip bones, up the breadth of her stomach, and along her ribs until they fondled her breast at last. He kneaded her softness there before he tugged on her nipple just hard enough to make her yelp pitifully.
“Mm,” he said, his lips at her shoulder now, “I can hear you better, too. You make such lovely noises for me.”
For him? Naran echoed in her mind. She would make these sounds for anyone who made her feel this good, wouldn’t she?
Wouldn’t she?
Her hand groped under the sheets, too, and easily found his hardening length. Hyungwon was nearly to full mast for her, and just a few strokes over his shirt brought him to desperation.
“I have to be inside you,” he panted in her ear.
“Yes, hurry.”
This time, as Hyungwon propped up onto his arms, Naran didn’t argue with the position and simply spread her legs. He tossed the covers back, a torrent of heat and scent flooding the room. The princess felt a chill as the night air bombarded her damp lower lips, but it was only a moment before her husband glided between her thighs. He pushed up and back on one of her legs to tilt her core up for him so he could position his tip at her entrance.
The princess put her hand on his shoulder to hold him back, and through the darkness, she caught his panicked eyes as he waited.
“For the throne,” she clarified.
Hyungwon nodded. “For the throne.”
With that, the prince pushed inside her, and they shared a gasp. Naran grasped his shoulders as he plumbed deeper into her walls. Words—even sounds—failed her.
When she didn’t say anything, he froze. “Are you okay?”
“More than. Please move.”
Slowly, Hyungwon withdrew to his tip and slid back in to his hilt. Naran tried to swallow her moan, but she couldn’t. It poured out of her with reckless abandon, and he was only too happy to repeat the motion for an even more pathetic cry from her. He added a hand now to curl around the back of her neck while his thumb found a home just under her chin, his fingers gripping firmly as he rocked into the cradle of her hips. That wicked thumb tugged on her bottom lip now as moan after moan welled up from her chest.
“Look at me, princess,” he ordered.
Her eyes effortlessly found his in the dark.
Hyungwon kept his thrusts measured but emphatic as he looked down at her. Naran couldn’t tear her eyes away.
He grunted, plowing in extra hard for a moment so her breasts bounced beneath her bunched up nightgown, and, instinctually, her leg hooked around the small of his back. The prince let out a sigh and drove in fiercer so she would hold on tighter. The friction felt wonderful, and every time his sex crashed into hers, little fireworks of pleasure ignited at her apex.
“You feel so good,” he murmured.
“So do you,” Naran agreed though she immediately wished she hadn’t.
Hyungwon had been in many bed chambers; he would have said the same things in all of them. It wasn’t a good idea to play into even a short-lived fantasy when this was merely a transaction for her own freedom. But he did feel good. Too good. Better than the other men she’d been with, and she hated that she knew that with such certainty.
The hand at the back of her neck released, and for a moment, that weightless feeling of being fully possessed by Hyungwon lightened, but it came back more forcefully than ever seconds later. This time when he gripped her chin and stared down at her, Naran sensed a struggle behind his eyes. She wasn’t sure why, but it was forgotten the next moment as he turned her face away from him so her cheek presented itself.
She felt his lips about her ear now, kissing and sampling everywhere from the shell to the lobe to the virgin skin behind it. Since no one had ever kissed her there before, she thought it was a little strange until his tongue flicked at the back of her lobe to curl it into his mouth. He held this untouched part of her between his teeth before he released a hot and raspy exhale and then suckled it gently. The sensation was overwhelming.
“You taste as good as you smell,” he mumbled before sucking again at her lobe.
“Stop talking, please,” she whimpered, and Hyungwon pulled back with a half-grin on his swollen lips.
“I— I—” Naran struggled to form a lie or distraction or really any words as he pistoned ceaselessly into her, but it only forced out the truth. “I like it too much!”
As the smile reached his cheeks, Hyungwon slowed his strokes back to something far more intimate. Fingers still at her chin, he turned her back to him. Naran wanted to look away. She wanted to close her eyes, but his gaze commanded hers.
“You like it when I tell you how beautiful you are beneath me?”
“Yes…” she whined.
“And how hard you make me?”
“Yes, yes, yes!”
“And how you take me better than anyone ever has?”
“Please stop…”
Instantly, Hyungwon did as she asked, but it only sent a wave of panic through the princess. She clutched at his forearms as she stared feverishly up at him. “What are you doing!”
“I stopped as my lady requested.”
“Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”
“You didn’t mean it?” he prodded, but Naran knew from his wicked tone that he was just toying with her.
Hyungwon’s other hand settled on her thigh, where his thumb stroked the secret skin there in a way that had Naran melting into the pillows as her eyes fluttered shut to better savor the tenderness. Her walls quivered around him, begging even though she fought the urge to voice it.
His voice was extra deep and textured like midnight as the prince said, “Tell me why I should keep going.”
“Because I want you to,” Naran said breathily. “Because I need you to.”
His eyes closed. Instead of just his thumb, his whole hand caressed her thigh now. “You want me?”
“I want you, my prince. Please!”
His fingers groped her yielding flesh, and Naran whimpered. Something bumped against her forehead, and when she opened her eyes, she realized it was his forehead pressed to hers. His nose brushed alongside hers, too, as his lips hung a hair's breadth away. Hyungwon upheld her boundary and did not kiss her, but it was taking every last bit of her willpower to stop herself from crossing her own line.
At last, he withdrew to the head of his cock before gliding back in. Naran cried out and flung her arms around his neck to wind her fingers in the long curtain of black hair at his nape.
“Is this what you wanted?” Hyungwon asked.
His strokes were so measured, so fulfilling, that the princess could only breathe when he pulled out, and the moment he pushed back in, she forgot the air. She couldn’t answer. She just nodded dumbly as she tugged on his hair as much to anchor herself to reality as anything else.
“Yes, just like that,” Naran whispered at last.
“Do you like it when I’m deep or when I’m fast?”
Hyungwon’s words muddied her mind, like a cocktail freshly stirred. She was dizzy. She was drunk.
“I like it all with you.”
“With me,” echoed Hyungwon.
He clutched her breast and buried himself in her suddenly, his hips jerking between her thighs. He let out a high note that bottomed out into a long, low groan before he collapsed on top of Naran in a heaving mess.
“I’m sorry. I���m sorry,” he said over and over. “I was overcome.”
Hyungwon kissed her clavicle as his fingers toyed idly with her nipple. Beneath him, Naran laid hovering somewhere between proud and disappointed. The part of her that relished her husband’s desire for her body preened at how quickly he’d succumbed, but her own desire had been accelerating only to have the reins jerked to a full stop. Last time, that had been her decision, but she didn’t think she had the presence of mind to do it again in the face of such ecstasy.
Still, Naran didn’t fight it when her arms wrapped around his heaving shoulders though she did manage to tame her urge to pet his head. They laid like that for a moment as he recovered, every twitch of his manhood keenly felt in her throbbing walls.
Gradually, Hyungwon pressed back onto his knees, still wrapped up in her core for now, and studied his wife’s wrecked form. His hand trailed from her breast to her core, where his deft fingers alighted across her most sensitive skin. Naran shuddered at the contact, and his fingertips skimmed to where he was still joined to her. He traced their intimate connection, grazing her parted lips with his knuckle.
“What are you doing?” she asked warily.
Hyungwon’s attention remained focused at their coupling as he answered, “I thought you’d like a release, too.”
“Isn’t this— Isn’t this just about future heirs?”
“It doesn’t have to be. Do you want me to stop?”
His thumb caressed the pink pearl between her legs, and the princess sucked in a sharp breath through gritted teeth. He dared to repeat the motion with focused intention this time, but with the monstrous addition of eye contact.
“You can keep going,” she said, painfully aware of how shy she sounded. That, in and of itself, was humiliating.
Naran wasn’t shy. Ever. If anything, she was aloof or untouchable. But with Hyungwon’s thumb on her aching hill and his shaft still in her core, she felt small and pathetic and very, very needy.
“Is this where you like it best?” he asked, rubbing lightly over the tight blossom of nerves.
“Right there, yes…”
Hyungwon focused his ministrations there, finding a rhythm that had Naran’s legs trembling and her walls seizing frantically around him. He hummed, half in bliss, half in wonder. The pressure mounted in the pit of her belly as he worked her until, suddenly, he stopped. Her eyes flew open on the verge of madness only to find him licking his thumb, and then it was right back, moving faster than ever.
“I can’t—” she whined. “I can’t take it.”
“Yes, you can,” he assured.
“No, I’m going to— Oh, god, I—”
Naran came up off the bed as the tension in her body snapped. Her teeth ground and her fingers clawed at the mattress while a guttural cry tore from her soul. She had never felt anything like its power before, not alone, not with someone else. A series of incredulous gasps bubbled up from within her, bordering on inhuman. Hyungwon watched her, slack-jawed.
“I felt all of that,” he confessed.
Naran couldn’t really see him through her glassy eyes. She just moaned pitifully.
“And I’m sorry,” he said, though, from the rough edges of his voice, he was anything but.
At last, she found language enough to ask, “Why?”
“I’m hard again.”
Not that Naran could mistake that with the way he had swelled within her walls.
Hyungwon’s cheeks flushed as he looked down at her, his long hair in his eyes. “Can you handle it again?”
“It’s—” Naran chose her words as carefully as she could manage with the whole room spinning. “It’s my job, isn’t it?”
The prince slid his hand along her body to cup her cheek at last. “No, it isn’t. I want you to want it as much as I do. If I’m too much, you must tell me to stop.”
Damn Hyungwon and the way he could bend sound into a feather caressing her skin. Naran felt like she was floating. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“Again, my prince. I can take it.”
Hyungwon muttered something that she thought sounded almost like a thank you before he hitched her leg high again, and when she didn’t protest, he risked moving it to his shoulder. He looked down at her with wide eyes. “Okay?”
“Move and we’ll see,” she said.
The prince thrust into her deeper than she’d ever had him. Naran rose beneath him, drawn by magnetic pleasure she had never experienced before. Her hands fisted the pillow as her muscles tensed. A delicate cry issued from her throat while her eyes rolled back.
“Yes… There…” she whimpered. “So good.”
“So good,” echoed the prince.
He stoked her fire like that for several more strokes, each one more decadent than the last, until impatience got the better of him, and he quickened his pace. Elegant fingers wrapped around her ankle at his shoulder as he held her through each stride.
Naran could barely fill her lungs with breath, she was so full of her husband. Every insertion drove her rationality—and her humanity—from her until she was a coil of mindless nerves and untamed energy. If she’d had any sense left, she would have cringed at the lurid symphony between her thighs, but it was hard to hear over the roar of blood in her ears.
“I can’t—” Hyungwon was panting now in between his grunts as his strokes grew faster and sloppier. “Darling, I can’t hold it.”
Why was that the one thing Naran could make out?
“You’re pulling me in,” he whined.
And just like that, Hyungwon crumpled on top of her with a strangled cry and a few erratic thrusts into her heat. Her walls were overflowing with his spend, both uncomfortable and strangely arousing. She could feel it seeping from her core onto her sheets, but she didn’t care. She didn’t care about anything but the stars dancing behind her eyes.
Together, they groaned as Hyungwon pulled out, and his arousal threatened to soak the mattress. Naran quickly sealed her thighs and rolled with her back to him so he couldn’t see the way she gnawed her lip.
“Forgive me,” he managed between puffs of breath. “That's never happened before.”
“What hasn't?”
“I've never needed to release back-to-back like that. I've made such a mess, but I don’t think I can move my legs to fix it.”
Naran laughed incredulously. “You’re so lazy.”
“I’m serious.”
As flattering as the prince might have intended that to be, it also set precedents the princess dreaded.
She took in a long, stiff breath to steady her heart before she said, “I don’t think it’s a good idea to linger much longer, your highness.”
“Your highness? Only moments ago, it was ‘my prince.’”
“The moment has passed,” she said firmly. It was crueler than intended, but Hyungwon did have a tendency to dawdle, especially when sleepy, and Naran really couldn’t bear another morning waking up to his face. The staff had enough to gossip about as it was.
Feeling guilty, the princess added, “I’d like to wash up anyway, and then I shall lay back down as Court regulations mandate.”
“Oh. Of course. I should as well.” Slowly, Hyungwon swiveled his legs over the side of the bed, and using the wall for support, he stood up. Once he’d steadied himself, he turned back to bow lightly to her though it didn’t quite hide his solemn face. “Thank you for letting me intrude, my lady.”
“It was no trouble at all,” Naran said as she rose on shaky legs of her own. She offered a bow back, and suddenly, they were in a strange sort of stalemate.
Hyungwon stood there for a long moment. Neither said anything nor could they look each other in the eye. Eventually, the awkwardness got the better of the prince, and he said in a rush, “I’ll give you your space. Good night, Princess.”
“Good night, my lord.”
As soon as the door closed, Naran’s legs gave out.
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apologeticallyfat · 2 months
Watching the Kids Choice Awards with my nephew and actually don’t remember liking the KCA when I was a kid, in fact, even then I thought it was corny. I thought that while actively a kid, so imagine watching this now, as an alleged adult.
I’m pretty sure Xtina and Britney were nominated several times, so I’m not sure why some of these nominations surprise me. But this particular nephew definitely was not listening to any of the songs nominated, he’s 7… though literally the night before we put YouTube on the tv and watched the Eminem video for Tobey, out of curiosity. It ended with him donning a Jason mask and dismembering himself, and I swear there was no build up to that, you didn’t see it coming. Kid promptly told his mother in great detail the following morning with glee (as if he hadn’t been horrified by it). You know the scene, *the mom slowly turning her head in my direction as he finishes his exposé*. Snitches get stitches, my homie Stelio Kontos got somethin’ for the kid on the playground come next month, trust. All that to say I wonder what the age range is for the “kid” demographic.
The slime gimmick does not fit for this generation. Slime was part of the whole Nickelodeon culture, ooze, goo and slime were part of kid culture in general during my childhood. It really has no place as part of the KCA in 2024.
Honestly it’s kind of funny because the aesthetic is overwhelming SpongeBob. This could just as easily be called the Spongies. My nephew kept getting hype over YouTuber sightings and honestly I’ve never been so disappointed in a child so close in my proximity since earlier in the day. All the A Listers skipped the show and sent these hilarious low effort instagram reel thank you speeches.
Something about spongebobs 25th anniversary? Every time I see a clip of “new SpongeBob” I cringe. The same person from 99’ voices SpongeBob, but SpongeBob sounds like someone who’s trying to sound like SpongeBob, at this point there is a lot more new SpongeBob than good Spongebob.
What the fuck am I going on about? Lol. Damn, didn’t anything more important happen today 07/13/24? No, nothing at all.
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@eievuimultimuse // ❛ where do you purchase your audacity from? ❜ (07 SF ^^)
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" At a department store, called No Fucks Given. It's great, I think you would enjoy it. " Nice sarcasm, Don.
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14muffinz · 2 years
Statistics Rambles!!
so, before we begin, this includes unposted/never to be published chapters, going from old drafts of the 07 crossover to the beginnings of a cassandra-centric adventure in the bayverse, but here is the calling out statistic post that nobody wanted, made in the nice hours between 1 and 4 in the morning
Some characters have not appeared yet.
Spoilers, obvis. Some is from deleted which I will not be specifying but still.
So to clarify names:
slipper_slime = 18!Sunita kickin_karai: 12!karai nardo87 = 07!Leo
If you do the math, the 07 boys could have been mutated in 1987, which is obviously something that this fandom would find nice enough to headcanon. It's not just me. anyways.
For each individual universe, here's who (percentage-wise) talks the most! (Sorry mobile users)
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In order:
2012 Dontron97 24.7% - 473 happy_Mike 20.2%% - 387 newage_red_artist 19.1% - 366 Cpt_Leo 13.7% - 263 sticks_n_pucks 10.6% - 204 ello_yello 7.6% - 146 kickin_karai 4.1% - 78
I was honestly surprised by how close Casey was to Leo? I knew he was gonna catch up despite his late entrance but have I not been including Leo enough or is Casey just everywhere.?
I thought that I had April talking a lot more than i did, lmao. Then again I have a few chapters in my notes app that aren't in these numbers yet so maybe she's a lil closer than will be shown in the images.
Rise NeonLeon9000 27.3% - 512 Bootyyyshaker9000 21.7% - 407 mystic_mike 17.5% - 328 red_Raph 14.7% - 276 sherlocked_corn 7.3% - 137 free_brownies 6.1% - 114 CJones 4.4% - 83 slipper_slime 0.9% - 16
Raph's number in comparison to his bro's is where I expected 12Leo to sit. Percentage-wise the two are essentially the same, but Leo is way behind his mikey whereas raph is only about 40 messages away, which mind you is still a lot but its less noticeable.
Cass is definitely further up because of the times her name is used in the 600 word abandoned draft of an actual fic I mentioned previously, but other than that her being just barely below April is what I guessed. CJ being so close, though, was a surprise.
Bayverse sleepdeprived_shell 26.9% - 286 im_blue_katanas 26.5% - 282 dear_pizza_supreme 23.3% - 248 callme_rafi 21.1% - 225 Casey 1.2% - 13 April 0.9% - 10
I knew Don was going to be first. Not a doubt in my head. I expected Mikey to be above Leo, but I guess I had a little too much fun writing the blue one. I did also use Bay mike as a conversation starter rather than a carrier a lot, so I guess that's why he's so little to what I remembered. Raph's expected, I removed him for the entirety of the winter arc which is like 1/6 of the fic rn.
Poor April and Casey 😭. I'm sorry but Bay April is confusing and Bay Casey is annoying and that's how they're probably going to stay for the durration of the fic.
2007 secretly_mike 56.9% - 112 don_247 29.4% - 58 raph87 10.7% - 21 nardo87 3.0% - 6
Leo and Raph were in an old draft of the first 07 appearance. In that draft, Mikey also sends 34 messages, apparently? I was surprised when I saw it, but it turns out i just had him do triple messages a lot.
MM sarcasm_stabs 33% - 35 tech_hits 27.4% - 29 actually_mike 19.8% - 21 blueberry 19.8% - 21
Next up: who do I write the most.
There was a version of this with every character in the fic, but it is way too eye-hurty and way too long for me to list out each individual character in this post, but here's the simplified version that combines each iteration into one person.
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Same numbers as last time, just combined differently.
Characters Don 24.6% - 1149 Leo 21.4% - 998 Mike 21.2% - 990 Raph 18.6% - 871 Casey 7.5% - 351 April 5.4% - 251 Karai 1% - 47 Sunita 0.3% - 16
I knew Don was gonna be in first. Hes the fav. Leo being in second? Surprising, but Leon was the most talkative person which is not only on brand but theres also 2 leo cult chapters and I'm always a sucker for some disaster twins. I expected Raph to be 2nd, so him being 4th? Shocker.
I knew the Caseys would be bigger than the April's just because there's an extra one for their possee. I considered making JR his own collumn but decided eh whatever.
Also Rip Karai n Sunita I love you both but self control <3
And of course, finally, by dimension. We already knew the results but here we go.
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By Iteration Rise 40.1% - 1873 TMNT 2012 32.9% - 1539 Bay 22.8% - 1064 TMNT 2007 4.2% - 197
Yep. Just as I guessed. Rise, then 12, then Bay. And then of course 07 who haven't even been given a chance to shine yet.
I'll get to them. At some point.
Anywhizzle, I'll come back to this post a lot just to edit numbers if I'm bored, but the images probably won't ever change, so take then with a grain of salt.
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lavena · 1 year
So I've been listen to The Narcissist Cookbook recently and "I think I'm going to leave my phone at home tonight" has been on repeat and for some reason I can't get Michelangelo out of my head with this song. It doesn't sound like him or have the usual vibe of him, but its sticking. So rather than simply satiate my need for mikey content specifically in the 07 verse by scrolling through the entire tag once more, I have been crafting the story my head has been picking at me to make. While I almost feel as though the 12 stem adhd kid that mikey is would work well with this. 07 has a special place in my heart and I was throughly stripped of all my content from that universe. So here is my headcannon:
Splinter sends each of his sons on a journey of self discovery. Leo was the first ( get where 07 is coming in now eh), he went to South America and spent 2 years finding what he though Splinter sent him to find. " What it means to be a Leader and a Ninja" he came home expecting his brothers to fall in line with their old dynamics, but they had spent those years changing just as much if not more than he had.
A bit after the Winters debacle Raph was sent on his journey, he took Splinters words as " find what it is you are fighting for" he left to Canada, spending a touch over a year exploring the wilderness, trying to find inner peace and what it was he fought for. In the end he discovered he was never fighting against anything, he was protecting. Raph may be violent and volatile, but he protects to a fault. He came home with a different sense of self and with a new ferocity to protect the people of his town and his brothers.
Despite Donatellos reluctance to leave Mikey after the relation they had built up during the years of feeling as though they were the only family they had left, Donnie was next to leave. He tried to remain close should any of his brothers need to contact him or need help from him. Don traveled through the US, going from college town to college town, interviewing students in the night and speaking at event remotely in the day. He meet new people, gained a wealth of new knowledge, and found what he felt his purpose was. To learn, and to teach. When he cam back home after two and a half years, he became a professor for online classes with the University of New York, and continued to learn all he could manage.
Michelangelo was the last to leave. He had spent all these years working and making sure the Lair stayed running throughout his brothers excursions, by the time he left he was nearly 23. He left the farthest, a cross the sea to the lands of old. He explored waterfront Europe, looking at the works of the original Michelangelo, finding art and graffiti that caught his eye. Michelangelo had the most trouble trying to figure what his fathers words ment. Throughout nearly 5 years Michelangelo was left to roam, he sent his last message to his family at his 2nd year mark, simply stating " I think I'm going to leave my phone at home tonight". They lost connection with him after that until a single message was sent to splinter alone. His eldest 3 sons peeked in to listen to the video message their littlest brother sent. Michelangelo looked calm. Peaceful, but most of all, he looked serious. In his message he slowly explained his journey in the only way Mikey know how.
The city doesn't look like any other
It is piled on top of itself, like layers of sediment
I followed a path that felt level enough
Across roads and down alleys and then coming to a railing
I look over and I see the roof of a dizzying cathedral beneath me
That ten minutes earlier I had been staring up at, in wonder
The city is a curse on cartographers
Bridges passing over bridges
Streets stacked upon streets upon streets
Parallel worlds, never quite meet
Buildings larger inside than out
Non-descript doors that lead somehow to entire hidden towns
Stairwells stretch ever up and ever down
And all of this, I strongly suspect
Moving, and changing when no one is around
The city sleeps, and it sleeps deeply
Drawing long heavy breaths
You might mistake for the groan of traffic
Or the groan of machinery
And when it dreams
The empty streets swell with figments of its dreaming
Like you
Like me
You and me, we
Peer curiously down back alleys
We scale cathedrals and cling to their spires
To crawl with the gargoyles
We scratch dark prophecy into bathroom stall walls
And answer calls on disconnected payphones
And through our eyes and our hearts and mouths
The city begins to know itself
Through our missed exits, bad calls, and wrong turns
It thoroughly, painstakingly, maps itself out
Michelangelo learned a message much different than his brothers. Michelangelo was know well for making mistakes and his goofy nature often caused problems. But throughout his years he realized that no one is perfect, and those imperfections are what makes life so exciting,. Its why humans, or more closely to him, conscious beings, were so rare. Were we cities they could never be fully mapped out. There will be brilliant sites only seen through hard endeavors, climbing a mountain, scaling a sky scraper, diving deep into an abyss, or following your heart through wrong directions and strange turns. No person can be fully mapped out. But taking the time to search within someone to get to know their strangeness and taking a leap unsure of what lies ahead. We can get to know ourselves just a bit more.
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
on the topic of the 07 movie being cannon to the adopted dee au
so for the first two-or-so years of leo's disappearance, mikey and don see jackshit of raph.
but then raph finds dee, and suddenly he's awake more during normal hours, spending less time doing... whatever he does at night, and dee helps the boys stay a little closer during those last few months without leo around
also i had the idea that the first time dee meets marie is during the movie. he's literally dumped alongside marie at the apartment of a friend of the turtles and told to play nice with one another, no context given to either toddler. whoever got stuck babysitting is in for a treat
Yes! exactly! Dee doesn't even know it, but he brings a little bit of life back to the lair. He brings the 03 boys together b/c he needs them and all three of them know that.
And as silly and adorable as that would be, i think Dee and Marie would have actually met before then (if only b/c Casey would want his kid to meet his best friend's kid as soon as physically possible.) But this would probably be the first time they're both left alone together without their parents present so yeah, their babysitter is not going to have a good time that night.
Thank yoU!
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Lol, pretty much! : )
Leon tries to apologize to Raphie after everything has calmed down and Leo calls from the other room-
Leo: Don't apologize for biting him. He deserves it. Dee bit me several times as a kid and he just sat there laughing.
Raphie: You kept picking him up! What did you expect to happen?! Of course i was going to let your dumbass get bit.
Leon just ends up standing there as the two start bickering and have completely forgotten why they were on the subject to begin with.
Thank yoU!
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Yeah, with the addition of the 07 timeline to the mix, Dee would take a bit to warm up to Leo. Because he trusts his Papa and this guy just shows up out of nowhere and is making is papa mad, so that means he can't be a very good guy.
He does eventually warm up to him, especially once the events of the 07 movie are over and Leo and Raphie aren't fighting as much.
Thank yoU!
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deeptrashwitch · 7 months
Operation Ironfist (2011)
Objective: Extract documents and classified information
Note (2018): Alicia gave me this man's archive. And I heard about this operation, I wonder why it was signalized as something to look into.
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A base in the middle of a mountain range, reported to belong to a terrorist organization. Date and location are classifed. The intel had report of many objectives to kidnap and ransom or assassination, so the fifth team of the 75th Ranger Regiment was assigned to the mission. They had the mission of bring the list of the objectives and some other documents.
Their deadline was two weeks maximum, but to everyone surprise it was finished just after a week. It was a sharp team work under Captain Cromwell command, but every soldier coincided on something. The Sergeant of the team at the time, Luke Michaelis, was an indispensable piece of it, mostly when the comms failed and divided the team.
Note (2011): Apparently the comms expert assigned to the team made a mistake while preparing the lines.
Apparently the structure was unstable and collapsed, there were no casualties while the injuries were minor. From it was reported from said Sergeant and the other soldiers, comms failed because of a mistake before the mission and they were isolated from eachother without a way to get in touch with the commander officers to get instructions. Sergeant Michaelis reported little details and just said that he went for his teammates with all he had.
On the other hand, the rest of the fifth team said other details about it. The Corporal mentioned that the ones who found eachother, before crossing paths with the Sergeant, heard how something or someone fought with savagery. Soon they encountered the Sergeant again, and said that all of them were surprised to see him so differently to how they knew him.
The team advanced and searched for the other soldiers. Fortunately they found the rest soon enough, everyone was unharmed and the worst injury were cuts on Sergeant Michaelis' arms. From there, the path was clear for the most part, just the collapsed walls on their way.
Archive 01830273: Case Stormbringer (October 4th, 2011) Seven minutes
▶️ ------------------ 0:00/07:18
"Are you Corporal Mike Amery? Fifth Ranger Team?"
"Yes sir"
"Were you involved in Operation Ironfist?"
"Yes sir"
"Tell me about what happened after the structure collapsed"
"I found some of the soldiers while I walked around and looked for an exit, but we didn't find the Sergeant, the Lieutenant or the Captain. At least until we heard a fight behind one of the piles of rubbles, and it was...worrying."
"Worrying? How come?"
"It was similar to hear a fight between two wild animals, there were screams and something that sounded like bones smacked against metal."
"I see, did you know what caused it?"
"Yes, it was the Sergeant"
"I'm sorry, what? The Sergeant? Are you sure?"
"Absolutely, we saw with our own eyes how Sergeant Michaelis made his way across the stones and metal"
"Is this something usual with the Sergeant...?"
"Hell no! He usually is really polite and calmed, always with an impecable uniform even in warzones. But this time was really different!"
"How different?"
"He was covered in stone dust, filled of cuts in his arms, basically growling and cursing like a drunken sailor. Hmm, may I ask what happened with that fight, sir? The Sergeant never told us"
"The only thing I can say is that he was cornered and made his way out"
"Well, that's explains a bit"
"I guess we ended here"
End of recording
Note (2011): I recommed keep Sergeant Michaelis under vigilance, he has the potential of becoming a threat when pressured.
Note (2018): That part of cornered...I don' t know what to think about it.
Note 2 (2018): I just talked with this guy, apparently he fought three soldiers on his own and won. He called it "being on the storm zone".
Medical record: Lieutenant Luke Michaelis (Sergeant at the time of the OP), patient 0-65
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Cuts to the epidermis: Left and right arm
Scratches: Face and neck (caused by the stones that continue falling after the collapse)
Bruises: Chest, legs and arms
Note (2018): He went away...surprisingly intact.
Information obtained
List of objectives:
Mayor Oliver Reyes
Notes (2018): Reyes? Isn't that the former Captain of the 267? I should ask Alicia about him.
7th May, 2012
25th June, 2012
3rd January, 2012
16th December, 2011
28th September, 2012
1st November, 2011
Documents recovered:
Amounts to ask for ransom
Precepts of The White Tomorrow
A telegram about a threat to the White House
Organigram (sent to the Delta Force intel department for a human hunt)
Causalities: Three terrorist afilliated to The White Tomorrow. (Cause of death: A broken spine, a slit throat and a stab to the femoral artery) (The wounds match with Michaelis' combat knife)
Note (2018): Why did I even expected something different? Alicia, what the hell? Where did you find him?
Note 2 (2018): I have to say, this one is good, but he still dangerous. I'm keeping an eye on him.
Objective: List of objectives (recovered)
Mission accomplished
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littleladymab · 8 months
FebruarOC - Beryl
today we're talking about Beryl Dawn from my affectionately nicknamed "07 Nano" project that I think i've posted about on here before. (I went checking and what the hell I FORGOT I EVEN DID A SECOND DRAFT OF THE BEGINNING) And as a treat for me, I've picked the others of the main quartet for their respective letters for this month. 
Beryl (like Ren) was one of the founding characters for this project after I took a short story I (started to, lbr, it wasn't finished) write about a boy being tasked to go bring back a girl that was kidnapped. Which sounds very, "huh??" when put that way. And as I've talked about before, I've got "city dwellers" and "hill folk" and a super basic-level dichotomy set up between the cultures that at the time I thought was good world building but i know enough now to say "girl that ain't it" at my past self. 
In this setting, there is a swathe of land that's sort of a no-man's land. The Hill Folk are cut off from their elements/gods and the City Dwellers think that it is too wild. It is, for all intents and purposes, a demon grave yard. What are these demons? Pft don't ask me I never explained it. I don't think I even had an inkling kicking around in my head. 
But there was one from the City Dwellers that would go and dig up the graves of demons and using their bones to carve masks and he gave them to people and they got the nick-name Grave Robbers. Now this, unfortunately, is knowledge that was lost to time before I'm pretty sure I had an idea of what Cantur was up to and what the Deacon was for (more on that in Sam's post later this month), but for the life of me I can't remember, and I didn't write any external notes (or any that survived like three laptop crashes). So I can't tell you anything about that. 
Beryl was taken when she was super young and given a Raven mask. Upon donning the mask, the Grave Robber is robbed (badum tss) of their memories and they become a semi-host for the spirit in the mask. She lived as Raven for a few years until Ren Hari showed up and said he'd come to bring her back to the Hill Folk and if she would be so kind as to go with him that would be great. 
As for the Hill Folk lore, the culture is divided into four seasons and each season is divided into two elements. Beryl is a Spring Water cleric (I don't know why I called them clerics probably too much Forgotten Realms/Dragonlance). I went a step further because i'm an Extra Bitch(tm) and I like forbidden romances and I made her and Ky (you'll see her later too) part of a division of "nymphs" which is an all female-division of their Spring element (Wood and Water) and they were extra forbidden from falling in love/being with a man (note: I didn't take queer anything into consideration, which would change in a rewrite)
Now, Beryl-as-Raven was considered a Fallen in the eyes of the Hill Folk elders because, strictly by their rules she "turned her back on her goddess" (we can't get too deep into it now this is just an intro to the character). Technically they would have let her remain as a City Dweller except the priestess of the Spring Water Nymphs had a vision and that means that the goddess hadn't completely given Beryl up for lost. So they sent Ren to get her (I'll talk more about that on his post). 
However once they get back, before they can review Beryl's case, a massive uprising of Fallen/discontent Hill Folk/City Dwellers doing something idk attack the main establishment of the Hill Folk and everything falls into chaos. 
So by the rules, Beryl is still a Fallen because they never could revoke her status, even though she has returned to them and has gained favor from her goddess to use her magic again. 
She and Ren use this loophole to carry out a relationship because, if things ever settle and they fully review her case and revoke the Fallen status, then she will be fully reinstated as a Spring Water Nymph and that will be BAD NEWS BEARS for Ren, who could be severely punished for being intimate with her. 
Now which of these rules and practices will I carry over? Fuck if I know, this isn't the time to figure that out. For now, enjoy this conversation between Beryl and Ren when she agrees to go back with him.
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turtlecleric · 8 months
3+7? 👀
khayaaaaa <333 omggg
3: What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
This is actually uh. Hard for me to answer.
My favorite ever that I've written?? A venty sanders sides fic I wrote back in 2018 called hold me (wrap me up). I'm not going to link it because I sincerely doubt anyone is interested, and it's also extremely triggering. But if you really want a link hmu and I'll be happy to share it.
My favorite TMNT fic that I've written? A ~6k fic called on my own about 2012!Raphael getting captured during the whole Don Vizioso (spelling??) thing. I LOVE 12!Raph. My SON, my CHILD, my BOY. He's my favorite and therefore he suffers. (This is not an x reader fic, and since this blog is specifically for x reader stuff, I'll once again not link it. And once again if you're actually interested feel free to hmu)
My favorite x reader TMNT fic is probably... the bad future symphony thing I wrote where Leo takes care of Donnie on a bad grief day, if that counts. There's not even a reader in that one, goddamn it, sorry, but I just [clenches fist] love angst. So much. And I'm really proud of it.
7: How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
WELL there is, of course, a part two that I'm working on for 07!Viole(n)t (Leo and Raph sharing you in bed). That is what I am uh. currently procrastinating. BUT I'M WORKING ON IT I SWEAR LOL.
There's also Good Girl, the nsfw Bay!Raph x Reader ficlet that I've been trying to finish for... weeks at this point. Sneak peek of that is here. It's not going to be long (none of my stuff ever is) but for some reason I just can't get it done.
There's a (not x reader) rise fic that I started and never took anywhere, and it's basically your generic "time passes differently in the prison dimension, and now Leo is back and recovering" thing. But really most of the time when I get "ideas" for fics, ESPECIALLY when it comes to x reader stuff, it's inspired by something someone else made or said that I grab with my grubby little hands and run off with in a frenzy of activity lol so I don't have a list of "fic ideas" that I keep or anything like that.
I feel like. I answered with way more than was necessary here. Sorry [cue sweat drop] but omg khayaaa thank you for the ask!!!
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ronniethemoonandsun · 2 years
Love Unholyc Walkthrough
Season 3 | Destiny.
William Route
Day 11
Silent night
Visual Novel: Eater, William
I have no intention of letting Liam go either. +William
I´m sorry I can´t embrace you sadness. +Eater
(But I havce to be cool-headed at times like these.) +William
(I should speak nicely so Eater doesn´t get hurt...) +Eater
That I can´t believe everything in this situation.
That Liam and I are finally... In that... Relationship. +William
You´re not just going to go, are you? +William
I don´t want to sleep alone tonight.
I can´t understand
Visual Novel: William
Is it perhaps because you want to spend more time with me? +William
No way, Liam. Did you fail to sleep all night and came to wake me up at this time?
(Thank William.)
(Tell William off.) +William
Hi! Are you with Leo and Sol? +William
It´s a relief you all don´t look different from usual!
How are you all? +William
Nothing happened. Nothing. At. All
It´s just... Apart from feeling a bit disturbed, nothing happened. +William
I´m the one that´s anxious...!
Anxious, about what? +William
Okay, I will. Thank you guys! +William
Liam has three new friends that think about him like this...!
A poor man
Chat room: Jung Hi, Sol, Leo
Visit VS Interruption
Chat room: Jung Hi, William, Leo, Sol
Dirty room
Visual novel: William
I was thinking about Liam.
Because William is more good looking than usual today. +William
You couldn´t because you were up all night worrying about me?
Did you think of something scary at night? +William
Crying in front of the door?
Finding a way to save me?
Housework? +William
Why did she do that?
Chat room: William
No, I´m just thinking.
It´s something Liam doesn´t need to know about. +William
What was Liam doing.
How did you know?! +William
Don´t you dare try to read my mind.
Maybe she didn´t want to miss him again.
Maybe she wanted to show him pretty self? +William
Dinner already?! +William
Uhm... Roasted fish!
Belated realization
Visual Novel: William
I was thirsty.
...I think I´m a bit nervous. +William
We both like each other. +William
We´re both Unholycs.
(Run to William and apologize.) (any option is fine)
(Send a message to William.) (any option is fine)
The man named William
Visual Novel: William
I think there´s too much and I should organize...! +William
No... Nothing...!!
What was that just now?!
Chat room: William
What was that just now?!?! +William
No! Liam can go first!
No way! +William
Uhm... A little?
There was so much dust in my room, and it went into my eyes. +William
...How did you know that I cried?
I do have something to say... (any option is fine)
You call this enough?! (any option is fine)
My heart isn´t ready...!! (any option is fine)
I´m planning to say that tomorrow! (any option is fine)
Okay, I promise. +William
You never know what happens.
I´m here, my dear
Visual Novel: Eater
You should have told me if you´re here...! +Eater
How did you come here? +William
I´m sorry, Eater. Please go back now. +William
Eater, I think this is different from what we promised. +Eater
What are you talking about? I´m not going anywhere! +William
Where´s the house for the two of us? +Eater
No, I know. +William
I´m sorry, for not knowing. +Eater
The smell of respiration
Visual Novel: William
Yeah, he came to see me. +William
Nothing happened!!
Why, why are you smelling my hair? +William
I-it tickles...! Stop it...!
(Nod.) +William
S-stop...!! (any option is fine)
W-wait...!! (any option is fine)
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laresearchette · 1 year
Saturday, October 07, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
CRAVE TV TRAITORS: CANADA (Season 1, Episode 1)
MEN’S RUGBY WORLD CUP (TSN4) 11:45am: England vs. Samoa (TSN4) 3:00pm: Ireland vs. Scotland
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:00pm: ALDS - Rangers vs. Orioles - Game 1 (SN) 4:30pm: ALDS - Twins vs. Astros - Game 1 (SN1) 6:00pm: NLDS - Phillies vs. Atlanta - Game 1 (SN) 9:00pm: NLDS - Diamondbacks vs. Dodgers - Game 1
NHL HOCKEY (TSN4) 7:00pm: Leafs vs. Red Wings (TSN5) 7:00pm: Habs vs. Sens
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN) 7:00pm: Ti-Cats vs. Roughriders
MLS SOCCER (TSN3) 7:30pm: CF Montreal vs. Portland
CRIME BEAT: MOST WANTED (Global) 7:30pm: Daniel Tomassetti is the final suspect in a pair of murders; he and two other men were wanted for two first-degree murders in a case that ignited a mob war and destroyed an innocent woman's family; Mila Barberi was killed picking up her boyfriend.
A TOWN CALLED LOVE (City TV) 8:00pm: Emma needs to prove herself to her boss, the owner of a series of travel books. However, when she butts heads with the mayor's son while on a mission to scout out a town called Love, she decides to impersonate her boss to teach him a lesson.
LOVE ON THE REEF (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm: A smart and serious marine biologist and a fun-loving and laissez-faire dive instructor must team up to save their beloved reef from being destroyed before it's too late.
GUY'S ALL-AMERICAN ROAD TRIP (Food Network Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): The Fieris and their caravan kick off their Appalachian road trip with amazing "Triple-D" food trucks; a dairy farm visit turns into an ice cream contest; everyone dives into an epic campground feast and real deal barbecue is served at an old prison.
PLANE (Crave) 9:00pm: Pilot Brodie Torrance saves passengers from a lightning strike by making a risky landing on a war-torn island. When dangerous rebels take the passengers hostage, Torrance seeks help from an accused murderer who was being transported by the FBI.
OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH (HBO Canada) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): While Stede adjusts to his new normal, a heartbroken Blackbeard fills the void with daily raids, sparking concern amongst Izzy and the crew.
THE BLACKENING (Starz Canada) 9:00pm: A group of old college friends reunite for a Juneteenth weekend getaway, only to find themselves trapped in a remote cabin with a twisted killer. Forced to play by his rules, they soon realize this isn't a game.
ARKANSAS (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: A series of mistakes leads to a deadly collision between two criminals and a drug kingpin in Arkansas.
BATMAN: THE DOOM THAT CAME TO GOTHAM (adult swim) 10:00pm: Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham City and learns of a sinister doomsday cult planning its destruction. Bruce must don the mantle of Batman to fight against ancient magic foes and fiery demons while guarding his sanity against the Old Gods' corruption.
THE GRAHAM NORTON SHOW (BBC First) 11:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Kylie Minogue, Stephen Graham
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