#I can ship my mc with faith
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Dont get me wrong, I like Vic, and I like the whole Romeo and Juliet "our mobster families are enemies but I'm still in love with you" trope, but the friends to lovers trope gets me every time.
But imagine this:
"You're still looking at the text from Vic when a hand closes over the screen of your phone. You look up into Faith's furious eyes as she jerks the phone out of your hand.
"Hey! Wha-" but you're interrupted by the hard pressure of your best friend's lips on yours and the sensation of her boxing you in on the couch you both are sitting on. She pulls back to glare at you while unbuttoning your blouse.
"I'll make you forget all about Vic Flint, even if it's the last thing I do."
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kaedekolya · 5 months
awakening clarence: the inevitability of tragedy, and what it means to be human
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Human or robot, cyborg or android — how is humanity defined, and where is the line that delineates it? Expanding upon my Clarence monster meta, which covered his Godheim, Eden, and modern routes, this analysis delves into how the theme of dehumanisation presents itself in Clarence’s Awakening route — and why tragedy is endlessly, inevitably, intertwined with his being.
[ SPOILERS: Clarence’s Awakening route and his Faint Night Light SSR story, as well as brief mentions of his Godheim and Eden routes. ]
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“In my mind, I still consider myself human, but you are free to perceive me as you wish. I don’t mind and I won’t dispute that.” This is the faith that Awakening’s Clarence holds fast to — he thinks, therefore he is. He has a concept of his self, therefore he is human.
This can be chalked up to the impact of one’s environment; for example, Archmage Clarence was co-opted into a scheme and transformed into a mutation at a young age, causing him to grow up with no other concept of the self than the monstrous one forced upon him. In contrast, modern Clarence had solid support systems around him, allowing him to develop a reasonably well-adjusted core identity. Since the Awakening stories are not set in alternate universes, but a potential branch of the future that stems from the present-day modern world, it stands to reason that modern Clarence’s perspectives and attitudes would carry forth into his Awakening timeline.
It is this foundation that affords Clarence the fortitude to hold fast to his belief, even when MC counters it with her claims that he is not human. Then Clarence sees how grief-stricken MC’s expression is, and decides to “respect her decision, regardless of the reason,” “if she is so firmly against accepting his view.” He puts her feelings above his own, acquiescing to her opinion despite it contradicting his. Even so, he still hopes that “maybe one day [they] can reach a consensus on this matter.” Deep down, Clarence still yearns for understanding, for someone to view him the way he views himself.
Awakening’s Clarence is an interesting subversion of his usual dehumanisation trope, running counter to how he often perceives himself as a monster despite being biologically human. In Godheim, the Archmage refuses to see himself as anything other than a monster that isn’t human, even though others recognise his good intentions. In Awakening, MC initially refuses to see Clarence as anything other than an android that isn’t human, despite his protests to the contrary.
(As an aside, there are further parallels between Archmage Clarence and Awakening’s Clarence; both put on a stoic front to protect themselves from feeling further pain. Just as Archmage Clarence spent a century in utter solitude until MC returned to his side, Awakening’s Clarence waited for MC to wake him from an eternal slumber, while she wandered that same time in solitude until she found him again. Both stories end with the promise of eternity — or at least a long, long time — together.)
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Clarence’s unwavering sense of self in Awakening makes me think of the Ship of Theseus — when parts of a ship are replaced, at what point is it no longer the original ship? For Clarence, his identity hinges not on his constituent parts, but his awareness of the self. Even if his body is damaged, he is still himself as long as his mind is intact. Clarence’s memories, his reasoning, his emotions, are what form his identity. It is this central focus on the mind and not the body that leads to a lack of regard for his physical wellbeing; his health and safety are secondary to his aims.
In an attempt to figure out the physical properties of his body — whether it is flesh and blood or steel and synthetics — Clarence wounds himself on purpose, cutting through the skin not covered by his mechanical skeleton. He feels the pain as blood flows out, yet the wound heals at an inhuman speed, rendering him unable to “determine if he’s an android, pain and flesh simulated by advanced technology, or a human injected with healing genes.”
Clarence’s readiness to harm himself in order to achieve a certain objective can also be seen in the Book of Tales event, when merman Clarence deliberately hurts himself in hopes of attaining the mermaid’s tear. To Clarence, the injuries sustained to his physical body are insignificant in the face of a greater goal. As long as he can preserve his sense of self, his memories, his purpose, then it is enough for him. Ultimately, Clarence views himself as a tool — as a means to an end.
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Arguably, Awakening’s Clarence demonstrates many traits that could easily paint him as a monster. When a hostile drone poses a threat, he destroys it with his bare hand, bolstered by the enhanced strength of his mechanical augmentations. Combat is woven into Clarence’s being; he is innately capable of destruction, in the same way a monster is. His internal programming makes comments and observations as if it is a separate entity, creating a stark disconnect between Clarence’s consciousness and the programmed voice in his head — almost like it is a monster lurking within him.
As much as his combat may be innate, though, so are his emotions. Clarence feels an instinctual trust towards MC, even if he cannot explain or understand where these feelings originate from. After MC falls asleep, Clarence reaches out to her but stops short of touching her face, empathy guiding his actions. “Have you spent all these years like this, slumbering alone in this barren world?” Clarence asks, not recognising that he too had slumbered alone in the hibernation chamber — only recognising her pain, and not his own. He apologises to her, despite not having done anything wrong, despite also suffering through the same solitude that she has.
Upon seeing MC injured, Clarence grows solemn and sorrowful, remarking that he thinks she is “strong, [admirably] strong.” “It must be tough for you[,] living in this world alone for all those years,” Clarence muses, extending her a compassionate kindness he does not allow himself — neither in this world, nor in others. “I don’t know why I [feel the need] to apologise,” he admits. “But I somehow feel that this should have been my responsibility. I should have stayed by your side. I shouldn’t have left you alone.” Once again, Clarence takes the blame upon his own shoulders, turning the guilt inwards. Even when it is not his cross to bear, Clarence nails himself to it, offering himself as penance for wrongs he has not committed.
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Clarence is so accustomed to taking responsibility upon himself that he always chooses the simplest option, even if it comes at his own expense. Or perhaps it is precisely because it comes at his own expense, and not that of others, that he is more inclined to choose it. The Archmage did not open himself up to any other methods, staunchly refusing to entertain MC’s suggestions, because he was so firmly set in his conviction to sacrifice himself for his country’s future. The Falcon was ready to shoot himself, never considering the possibility of a third option in the dilemma, because his death was the most straightforward way to help MC achieve her goal.
In much the same way, Awakening’s Clarence dies to save others. His android selves were created both to “commemorate [the pioneer’s] sacrifice,” and for the express purpose of sacrificing themselves to keep his original body away from danger. Sacrifice is woven into their beings, just as it runs through Clarence’s veins. It is this enduring selflessness that leads Clarence down the path of a martyr, time and time again.
Awakening’s movie was a warning for Clarence that opened his eyes to the suffering that his selflessness can, and will, wreak in its wake. His diligent and conscientious nature often has him shouldering the weight of responsibility, but it can also lead to him losing himself in his duty. In order to fulfil his role to the best of his ability, he overextends himself, inadvertently letting himself be consumed by what he believes he ought to be and do. Clarence yearns to save the world, to protect the people that live in it, and so he offers himself up as a tool to be used. He gives himself over to his cause, devoting all of himself to it even as the burden of it devours him whole. A selfless sacrifice that saves countless lives, but that selfishly brings pain to those who care for him.
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A good tragedy is at once avoidable and inevitable; avoidable because there are other choices to be made, and inevitable because its actors will always choose the path that leads to despair. It is written into their beings, into who they are as people and what they stand for. There is no other version of this tale, no better outcome, because they are human and they will not pick the rational option. They will pick the option that calls to their heart.
At that crossroads, faced with the risk of venturing towards the power plant and the safety of remaining with his companions, Clarence chooses the former. There is no doubt that he knows he is marching to his death; still, he bears the weight of this sacrifice, in order to fulfil his duty to protect his fellow fighters. Even though there is no guarantee that he will succeed, Clarence undertakes this lonely mission in an effort to do all that he can for the world that he loves. He opts to venture alone into the jaws of danger in order to keep others out of harm’s way, minimising the damage caused to the world and its inhabitants – even if, or perhaps so that, it deals the highest damage to himself. It has always been this way, and will always be this way, for Clarence. The core of the tragedy is that Clarence will always put the world above himself, his duty above his dreams, even if it comes at the cost of everything he is and will ever be.
There’s a parallel, here, with the story of Orpheus. You, as the uninvolved spectator, can criticise him for being irrational, for turning around and losing Eurydice. Yet Orpheus, in that moment, cannot possibly make any other decision. How can you fault a man for having a heart? How can you fault a man for being human?
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For all that Clarence is an android, or a cyborg, or a mutant monster, he is also deeply, painfully human. It is impossible for him to be fully rational and objective, and so he pushes himself to his limits in an attempt to be, and berates himself when he cannot. More often than not, Clarence ends up dehumanising himself – both consciously and unconsciously – in order to fulfil his roles and responsibilities. Rather than having them guide his actions, he gives himself over to them, allowing them to shape the core of who he is. Clarence pushes himself to extremes that are rational in the logic of his worldview, but ironically irrational to the external observer that witnesses the depths of his pain.
One particular line in Awakening stood out to me: “What’s important is that you shouldn’t be sad. You should be happy and free. You should be the beam of light that penetrates the thick clouds.” While this line illustrates how Clarence prioritises MC’s happiness, it also illuminates MC’s role in his story. Her presence in his life teaches him that he can seek happiness for himself, too, rather than solely living in servitude of a greater purpose. She is the light that parts the fog, the sunlight that melts the snow. While she may always be part of Clarence’s motivation to save the world and the people who live in it, perhaps she may also become his motivation to save himself, too.
Clarence is always all too ready to be a martyr, because he often believes that his most significant contribution to the world is what he can do for it. As long as his purpose is fulfilled, then it does not matter much what happens to him afterwards; there will be others to fill his shoes. Yet MC, in Awakening, directly challenges this notion. “Clarence is irreplaceable. Even with the same appearance and body, no one could ever take his place,” she asserts. There can be a second Archmage, or another Falcon, or countless clones in his likeness – but there is only one Clarence, who is precious by virtue of who he is and not what he can do. Clarence, whose worth is not defined by his roles and responsibilities, no matter how much he believes it to be so. This is the arc of his growth – learning to view and cherish himself as a person, not a mere tool to be used.
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thank you for reading!♡
if you have any thoughts about this meta post, i’d love to hear them! responses are always welcome, and my ask box is open~
for more lovebrush meta: here's my brief azure island analysis + theorising! nervously anticipating clarence's route tomorrow...
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blackdagger456 · 2 months
Let's Talk About: MHA 430, How This Fandom Can't Read, How Leaks Ruin Chapters And While Imperfect This Finale Was A Good Sendoff
So, here we are.
Ten years. Ten years and 430 chapters we've been with My Hero Academia. Ten long years of excitement, fandom interactions and so many fics I won't bother to count saved, subscribed and bookmarked.
It's strange really. To be apart of this fandom for so long...and find out that so many still can't read.
Like holy cheeseburgers Batman, so many of my fellow MHA readers/fans can't read it's astonishing.
So, for what'll be the last time for this series, let's go over the latest chapter of MHA and allow me to inform you of what it means. Or at least, that was the plan before the leaks came out. Just with the added addition of going over how people have reacted to chapter 430 before it was even officially out, and we're going to start with the first stone that began toppling Dominos.
[Official Spoilers Below]
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This. Oh god, this sentence has been nothing but a headache for me and so many others. Because of the leaks ,and subsequent mistranslations, being taken as fact the reaction to the finale started out as shit. This entire week leading up to today has been frustrating for me and many others as we tried to explain what should be obvious.
Firstly, none of this is coming from any official translation. What people were seeing before today were things fans and unlicensed translators are spreading around as if it's fact. This does NOT mean that they are correct and therefore these translations shouldn't be treated as such.
Secondly, in no way shape or form does Izuku imply or state that his friends abandoned him after he lost his powers. All he said, was that it was a bit more difficult to meet up regularly. Something that makes sense not only because they were working in different fields but also because work in general is like that.
It can be hard to meet up with the boys n girls for hang outs but that doesn't mean you don't talk. That doesn't mean you don’t call or text or keep in touch. Something which is easier to do when you've fought and lived through an entire war together!
His friends didn't abandon him. They didn't stop caring about him because he became powerless. Hell, the ending of the chapter proves this wrong if nothing else!
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Now, is it a shame the ships didn't get officially confirmed? Yes. But I think the implications are more than enough to satisfy. Even if they aren't, there's no reason not have fun with things being open ended. It opens the door to so many fun possibilities OUTSIDE of this whole NTR trend people are trying to start. [Thankfully that's a small part of the fandom]
But moving on, lets go into what he's been doing since becoming OFA.
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In what way shape or form does him becoming a teacher make him 'fall off'/make the Mc Donald’s meme become a reality?
 First off why are we hating on the man for enjoying his life without conflict after saving the world? We doing my boy like Gohan now? If he wants to retire to a teaching role, one he very clearly enjoys, let him. What do people think they can take him? Ya'll forgetting exactly what he had to do BEFORE he was able to get OFA in the first place. Izuku is still physically stronger than most normal people both in MHA and in reality.
But, I'm getting off topic. The point is Izuku has and continues to be an inspiration to those that will follow after him. Even to the point of mirroring his starting point with All Might when he inspires yet another young kid to become a hero.
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Is he a bit sad he isn't an official hero? Yes. Is he frustrated or unhappy with where he is in life? No. Not at all. He's content. His goal was never to be the No.1 Hero it was to be like ALL MIGHT. To inspire and protect people like his mentor had.
He's done just that and for it---for it he's rewarded.
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His kindness, his determination and his faith in those around him comes back to him in the best way for it was those people he spread said traits too that spent those eight years putting together the thing that would bring his dream back to him.
That would bring HIM back to standing by their side on the field of battle. For Izuku Midoriya never truly stopped standing by his friends. For they too had become their own inspirations to Japan and the world. But now, finally, their friend...their inspiration...their Deku could lead them on the frontlines once more.
They, and he, couldn't ask for anything less.
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 8 months
nobunaga/hideyoshi and hideyoshi/mitsuhide are two obvious ships in ikesen that are both, lol, given a fair amount of tease in the routes, but personally i think a relatively unexplored gold mine is the nobunaga/mitsuhide dynamic. it sticks out to me with mitsuhide's route; first in the scene when mitsuhide is announcing his "engagement" with the mc in front of nobunaga and hideyoshi. afterward nobunaga says he would like to have a word with the mc alone, mitsuhide basically asks if he could stay too, nobunaga reiterates that he's dismissed, and mitsuhide complies without hesitation. (mc's and my reaction was the same here, btw: "...mitsuhide backed down immediately. interesting.") bc i mean yeah, how many people would mitsuhide easily back down against? he also refers to nobunaga as "lord nobunaga" or "my lord" even in his internal thoughts, and while on one hand it's obvious since, yeah, he's nobunaga's vassal, there's clearly a lot of wholehearted respect for nobunaga on mitsuhide's end. like mitsuhide's always taking the piss out of people, but nobunaga's probably one of the few who would be completely unfazed by him, and that's a fun dynamic. it's completely unlike mitsuhide's relationship with all the other warlords and even the mc.
the other thing that interests me is a bit more subtle, but mitsuhide's route delves into how it's affected his mentality to be involved in all this shady and morally questionable stuff, even if it's for the big picture ultimately. the thing is: that big picture is nobunaga's ambition. in other words, it's nobunaga's ambition - a world without classism, a desire mitsuhide shares - for which mitsuhide subjects himself to all That, and he states that he does it without regret despite what it's cost him. i think mitsuhide, like hideyoshi, is deeply, deeply loyal to nobunaga; while it's not that he overly invests his self-worth and identity into serving nobunaga like hideyoshi, he out of all the warlords is by far one of the ones with the most personal stakes in nobunaga's ambition. he has absolute faith in nobunaga and serves him with everything he has. he believes that nobunaga can truly, with the support of the other warlords, bring about the kind of world they both want. and that sort of unbridled trust, that sort of loyalty... it's just fascinating for me to consider that mitsuhide feels that way towards someone.
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lorainelegacy · 3 months
The Mentor
Before proceeding:
1 -What you are about to read is a literal translation of my fanfic in Spanish (my language) and although my level of English is good I have never read books in English so my writing sounds good in Spanish. So please keep this in mind.
2 - Loraine is 23 years old. I want to make this clear so that you don't think I'm a pedo. I would never ship a grown man with an underage girl. In this fanfic there is a variation on the age of each year so that Hogwarts not only functions as a school, but also as a university. It's something that I found interesting and that I think makes a lot of sense since in the Muggle world there are universities within the same school. Apart from that, I hope to be as faithful as possible to the logic and history of Hogwarts Legacy. Always keeping in mind that this is a fanfic and I will create situations, characters and stories of my own. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the game back in the day. Next, I will leave a small guide with the age of the students of each year in this fanfic:
1st Year: 11-12
2nd Year: 13-14
3rd Year: 15-16
4th Year: 17-18
5th Year: 19-20 (O.W.L.s)
6thYear: 21-22
7thYear: 23-24 (N.E.W.T.s)
3 - There will be explicit sex scenes between Eleazar and Loraine, of course, but I'll take it easy. Since I don't want this fanfic to be just a fanfic where there's sex, I want the tension to grow between them as the teacher/apprentice bond grows and their relationship becomes closer. Besides, I think it makes the most sense. I want to keep the sexual tension until the moment it explodes, if you know what I mean.
You can also find it on Wattpad and Ao3.
Pairing: Eleazar Fig x f! Adult MC
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Summary: Loraine Hawks is a young woman who lives with her aunt and uncle in a small village in the south of Scotland. Her life has always been a torment, until one day, a strange, silver-haired man of elegant bearing appears at her door. With a voice that exudes wisdom and an air of mystery, he reveals that the Ministry of Magic has set its sights on her, wanting her to join the seventh year immediately. Loraine, incredulous at such a claim, feels that every word is a whisper of a fairy tale too good to be true. However, the warmth he radiates, his infectious smile and the spark of genuine magic in his eyes, instil Loraine with an unexpected sense of confidence.
And so, with the decision made in a heartbeat, Loraine turns her back on what she once called home, but which more closely resembled a prison without bars. Together with her new mentor, she embarks on a magical journey, full of promise and dreams, towards a destiny that promises to be as surprising as the most unexpected twist of a well-conjured spell.
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List of chapters to date
-> Chapter I — An unexpected visitor
-> Chapter II — The Sleeping Goblin
-> Chapter III — Bad omen
-> Chapter IV — Fire
-> Chapter V — Gringotts
-> Chapter VI — The Vault Twelve test
-> Chapter VII — The Sorting Ceremony
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ge · 1 year
what do you like about rotmhs? like what draws you in?
GAHH IM SO GLAD YOU ASKEDDD at the top of my head thhe top three things i felt really drew me into and made me fall in love w rotmhs is the found family/bonds before blood narrative, the action/fight scenes, and the comedy..
rotmhs is not a romance and i feel like that really pushes people away from reading it, especially folks who were first introduced to east asian novels through bl (specifically mxtxs novels like mdzs tgcf etc etc) which i feel is incredibly disappointing because yallre missing out on a certain depth of writing and nuance you otherwise wouldnt get in a romance focused novel. (orv is another extremely popular knovel with no romance.. if you like orv PLEASE give rotmhs a shot)
rotmhs is about a dead man resurrected a hundred years into the future having to come to terms w the fact that everyone he loved is dead and that the only home he ever had was destroyed, its inhabitants and centuries worth of teachings burned to the ground, and that it was partially his fault these things happened, so in order to prevent a future catastrophe he knows is on the horizon, he trains the youth of this new generation and finds a new home surrounded by ghosts in the wreckage of his home of his past
⬆️…very dramatic but somewhat accurate barebones synopsis of rotmhs which is fairly faithful enough methinks.. rotmhs doesnt make a point of going ‘heyy these guys are family nowww theyre brothers and sisters and love each other like familyyy’ LOL the growth is very subtle and before u can really blink ur like ‘oh man.. chung myung would kill for these kids. obliviously though. i dont think he knows he even likes them’ all the while hes still aching w the loss of his loved ones before.. if we’re being really really honest chung myung, the mc, truly is the star of the show and a character i got attached to incredibly quickly.. hes so stupid but so smart he has so many issues i want to hit him with my car then nurse him back to health just to hit him again
chung myung himself is a whole other thing i could get into but he has so many layers.. so much depth.. on the surface ud look at him and think what a punk but look a little closer and then ud think oh this punk has depression ptsd survivors guilt hallucinations etc etc LIKE DAMN.. I THIUGHT HE WAS JUST A FUNNY LITTLE GUY WHYD I GET SUCKER PUNCHED
what was i even talking about. OH right romance. please please dont let the lack of romance dissuade you, imo it is soooo refreshing to read something that isnt focused on romance like i love yaoi like the next bl reading bitch but damn.. ive always been into found family and while the bl novels i have read did always have a little hint of it, i always wanted more and rotmhs fills that void
(that being said i cant stop yall from shipping if yall want LOL im guilty of shipping charas too despite everythiing i just said… if yall want yalls yaoiyuri fix may i direct yalls attention to the ‘doomed by the narrative, tragic best-friends-to-almost-lovers tangchung’ & ‘love at first sight sweethearts iseolsoso’ ….. :SMILES: I LOVE TANGCHUNG..!!!!!!)
NEXT, the action and fight scenes in rotmhs, even in written text form, are sublime to say the least.. my fail cis dudebro trait is that i love crazy insane adrenaline rushing heart pumping shounen-esque battles so much that i could typically care less for the rest of that specific piece of media as long as the fights are good.. FORTUNATELY FOR ME rotmhs is crazy good at balancing its comedy, action, and otherwise more ‘mundane’ scenes together so harmoniously that its such fun read even when theres no swords crossing or heads being beaten in
also important to note, despite being a knovel w korean naming of characters/places, rotmhs actually takes place in ancient china in a wuxia setting so jumping head first into it wont be all that confusing for first time readers/cmedia fans and u can use ur knowledge of cnovels to fill in the gaps.
theres not really much more i have to say on the topic of fighting, im just personally a huge fan of the crazy spectacles rotmhs brings to the table.
saved this for last but THE COMEDY…!!!!!!!! after being soo dramatic w all my previous points and comments ur probably thnkng rotmhs is heavy and somber w no breathing room.. WELL YOURE WRONG. ROTMHS IS FUNNY AS HELL quips and jokes and simple funny actions and scenes litter nearly every page. i mentioned this novel balances its action and comedy well and im NOT LYING youd think maybe the heavy action and light comedy would awkwardly clash but u cldnt be more further from the truth.. rotmhs wears action and comedy like a pair of twin gloves
rotmhs handles its action and comedy in equal doses and it all fits together like matching puzzle pieces, like i really cant stress enough how fun it is to read. not every fight scene is somber, most of the time its chung myung oneshotting someone by hitting them across the head so hard they pass out..
unfortunately im not really the best at listing instances so its be better for u to go read it for urself but this scene from one of the later chapters is soo funny every time i read it i start giggling
(LIGHT/MINOR SPOILERS FOR THE NOVEL it probably doesnt even matter u wont even remember this when u start reading)
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right so i think thats most of it.. too lazy to read through everything i just wrote so if nothing makes sense… well. …well!
rotmhs deserves to have the same amount of fame as ORV and MDZS and TGCF have and it is my civil duty as one of the oldest mxtx novel outlets on tumblr to put yall on it..
my thumbs hurt from typing so im done now but if u have anymore questions PLEASE ASK IM SO DESPERATE TO TALK ABOUT ROTMHS ok byyyeeeeeeee
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Kind of controversial but why are people acting like TSATS is Rick Riordan's first queer book? Like Magnus chase who? Trials of Apollo?
Warning ⚠️: Long rant under the cut. It's not very tsats friendly so please scroll if you don't want to read.
Idk it just feels like sometimes the fandom doesn't really view queer rep as valid unless it centers around romance. Completely biased as a toa fan but toa had so much rep. The bi mc, the gay geysers, the kindly old lesbian couple taking in unwanted kids, ace characters, characters struggling with comphet, characters crushing on people of the same gender and none of it being taken as something out of the ordinary. It just wasn't centred around romance.
The toa fandom has always been pretty small and chill with activity spiking everytime a new book releases. Then suddenly when Tower of Nero came out there were so many people. So what changed, what brought in so many people who weren't even interested in the premise of the book?
It was Solangelo.
I like solangelo as much as the next person (minus the year of seething rage when they were dominating the toa tag) but the way that people discount an amazing series about change, growth and overcoming abuse with some of the best casual queer rep I've seen and consider the only thing of value being a minor mlm couple with a few pages of screentime leaves a pretty bad taste in my mouth.
Magnus chase is another book. Alex fierro isn't perfect rep (stop calling Alex slurs holy fuck) but it was revolutionary to have a gender fluid character in a children's series and this was back in 2016. Fierrochase is pretty popular but I wonder sometimes if Alex and Magnus would be as popular as they are if they never got together. They're still not as popular as solangelo but in good faith that might be because people became too fatigued to read mcga.
It just feels sometimes that these books are viewed as lesser queer books just because there's no shipping or it's not a (I'm so sorry don't kill me ) heart stopper esque gay couple. Idk if im taking this too personally as a potentially ace *slides nsfw art under desk* person whose gender is wonky but it's just my thoughts on this.
But I just feel like the focus should be on the countries banning and censoring the book instead of people with perfectly valid criticism of it. There are so many of his books with queer rep and most of the criticism I've seen have come from LGBTQIA+ people that like these books or at least put the same energy into scrutinizing them too. Idk why people assume anything bad said about TSATS was a bad faith reading done out of homophobia.
All that being said, tsats is definitely being marketed as the first queer book. It's banned not very accessible in my country despite all the others going through- which sucks. It's being treated like the first queer focused book Rick has written and it's coming out at a bad time for everyone but especially people in the US apparently. So I understand why any reactions would be taken as the fandoms reaction to the first queer book.
So who is more homophobic? The person who doesn't like a queer book or the person who holds a queer romance as the pinacle of queer? The answer : no clue man it's complicated and it's sucks that we're all so on edge in these trying times that we automatically assume the worst. There's nuance that a smarter person than me can elaborate on but I am not he.
Sorry for writing something so divisive during pride month but it is a conservation that should be had and what better month than one celebrating queer identity and representation. Hope everyone has a great pride month and stays safe.
Peace and love ✌️🏳️‍🌈💜
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lovemyromance · 6 months
I recently found this post that the other side of the ship war rejoices over and it kinda soured my mood. https://www.tumblr.com/lullabestie14/745286670873739264/oh-my-god-look-what-i-just-discovered-so-in?source=share
My faith right now is based on the fact that if sjm really wanted lucien and elain to be mates, then she would do a way better job developing them and would not neglect them for three books straight. Because so far that ship is just unbearably uncomfortable on multiple levels. There is also the fact that i can't figure out what book order would be possible with this line up (like, does it really make sense to have az or mor as the last book's mc? Because elain definitely feels like the next mc. To me the logical thing would be to have az/elain book, then mor novella, then feysand book to wrap things up). There is also sjm saying in one of the latest interviews that no matter how much she tries to plan things years ahead, her characters will still take her where they want. Sorry for the rumbling, ig i am just really trying not to get too upset and believe in the narrative. Anyway, what do you think, should we be worried about something she said way way back then?
Honestly, I really don't think that post is a reason to worry. There are so many logical holes in that flow of thought (aka. assuming she said it was an Elucien book, assuming she is telling the truth about not changing her mind, assuming BB wanted to buy the spinoffs exactly as she said or just 3 more books in general, etc.)
I think she was contractually obligated to write 3 more books. Who knows what she pitched them as?
What I can tell you is that in the text, there is no mention of Elucien in a positive sense. If she were sticking to Elucien, why did she write it like that? Why did she bring in all these Elriel moments? Why did she send Lucien off on an off page mission in ACOWAR and he was basically never seen again, except to occasionally guest star at Solstice??
I also want to point out that SJM's writing style is "Pantsing" , not "Plotting" (she said it herself). Which means she just rawdawgs writing, no outline, no plotting. Which is insane to me considering how detailed and layered her plot lines are and how long her books are. I genuinely think because of her writing style of not plotting it all out before writing, she is a little unorganized (take it with a grain of salt, as I am an extremely type A person lol). That's why she's retconned plot points, that's why she has a bunch of fragmented storylines with so indication she will wrap them up.
Which means even if she were telling the truth with that comment on Facebook years ago, it's very likely she changed her mind 🤷🏻‍♀️
I do think she's just hyping up the plot point she laid out in ACOMAF with that Facebook comment though. I think she changed her mind on Elucien after ACOMAF, and decided to go an Elriel route while she was writing scenes for ACOWAR and realized Elucien doesn't click at all.
But it's not like she can say "oh yeah I messed up on making them mates" "or sike they won't end up together lol" when someone comments on making elucien mates. That would reveal a huge twist. For example, if you look at her interviews in ACOTAR about FeyLin, she gushes about how great they are. She wasn't going to reveal a giant twist then and she still isn't now 🤷🏻‍♀️
That coupled with her most recent interviews of wanting to pursue a rejected mates storyline make it more obvious to me that she's going for Elriel. I mean, it's clear in the text.
In order for her to make Elucien endgame, she would have to:
Fix the massive distance she created with them in the last 3 books
Fix the burgeoning feelings between Elain & Azriel (no I don't think the BC was an ending to them in any way)
Have Elucien fall in love
Have Elain train her powers (which I don't think Lucien could help her with whatsoever. If anything it's going to be Amren or Azriel)
Have them play a part in the Koschei conflict
And I just feel like that is way too much to cover in one book. Not to mention, the book is going to be dual POV and it doesn't make sense that Azriel is getting all this screen time only for Lucien to get a POV.
I think the last 2 spinoff books will follow:
1. Elain & Azriel: They will have forbidden romance trope, rejected mates storyline, maybe something to do with Dusk Court, and they will have some small Koschei conflict but will not defeat him.
(Like we really don't get introduced to Koschei much until the end of ACOSF. They don't defeat Koschei, they just temporarily foil his plans. I think we'll get something like that again for Elriel's book. There will be a Koschei showdown but it won't be the end of him)
2. Lucien & Vassa: Lucien, fresh off his rejected bond will, will fall for a new LI in this book to wrap up his happy ending. I feel like it's Vassa because the whole "Bird of Flame & Lord of Fire" thing, but admittedly I don't have much evidence. I think together with the IC, they will finally defeat Koschei in this book and address the Autumn Court power struggle. Lucien will find out his parentage and he and Vassa will live happily ever after. I know he's Helion's son, but I think it's poetic that formerly Human-hating Lucien will fall for the human queen and stay with her over moving into Day Court.
And maybe she'll have a novella after maybe not. Idk. All I know is she was planning on 3 books after ACOWAR. We already got ACOSF, so I can only see a plan for 2 more so far.
I don't think Mor will get a book tbh. I haven't seen SJM write LGBTQ+ romances as her main characters. She kinda just sprinkles them in for diversity (ahem Fury x Juniper). I don't think Amren & Varian will get a book. There's just not much there, like they're already together. I don't know who else would be relevant enough to get a book.
Plot-wise, I don't think SJM will address the Illyria conflict thing either. It was a plot point to show unrest, but that's it. I don't see her writing an entire book about Azriel/Emerie "saving" it. I also don't think she's going to deep dive into Autumn Court power struggle either. I literally think it will just be Beron will die in Lucien's book and Eris will finally take over. I don't think she will write an entire book on healing journeys and she won't write an entire book on Tamlin's court in spring.
That's just my prediction, so we will just have to wait and see what happens!
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nikethestatue · 7 months
If we elriels happened to be wrong no one can really said we were delusional. The 3X3 connection in the series, MC noticing elriel, the fact that they have a couple name death and the lovely fan and that BC just confirmed that elriels are not delusional that there is something between them. When antis call us dumb and delusional they are just reflecting fear because is canon they want each other noone can denied it. So if for some reason sarah doesn’t want to write elriel because of elain hate no elriel should feel dumb we read it right we got it right but is another thing if the author just decided to change the couple to please fans. Will i feel bad that they are not endgame of course but i will not feel dumb the canon is there telling us regardless of what happens we elriels didn’t read wrong. I have so many elriels feelings discouraged this week after reading HOFAS and it just no right when we are one of the few ship that actually base on canon
So here is what I've learned and, unfortunately, came to realise with SJM and this fandom:
everyone, every side, heavily over-indexes on theories.
Here is the biggest issues and the biggest problem with theorizing about anything that SJM writes--she is an emotional writer. The worst kind of an emotional writer, who uses her characters as vehicles for her own emotional releases. And when it comes to a writer that genuinely falls in love with her characters, that uses them as therapy, that has all these emotional entanglements with them, that hates them, that fantasizes about them--nothing could be theorized in good faith. Because when an emotional writer writes, common sense goes out the window.
We can think 'my god, she's been writing about this for 3 books now, surely this will come to some fruition!' but then, nothing happens, because an emotional writer writes according to their feels and not their plan.
I think since ACOTAR she's become more and more of that kind of writer. Considering her endless gushing over Rhys, her hour long interviews about how she lived through Nesta and how she wrote all of ACOSF as a weird self-help sex fanfic--all of it points to the fact that she allows her current state of mind guide her writing.
I think once she ended the trilogy, plus ACOFAS, she couldn't follow her own plan. A lot of the future books and storylines were set up in ACOFAS, but she veered off the path and started writing random stuff. It definitely shows. Her 3 last books were the longest and also the weakest of all her books.
So I agree with you--the theories ARE correct and the deductions that were made based on her writing ARE correct.
However, whether she is going to actually write what she intended on writing is a whole different question. And sadly, it makes all the theorizing, very wishy washy. It goes for everyone--Elriels, who have the strongest-positioned theories, Gwynriels, even Bryceriels. (Eluciens don't theorize because there is a bond and that's all they care about).
But yes, anything could happen, and nothing might happen. It's not because anyone was wrong, but mostly because SJM lives in her deep feelings.
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ya-boi-haru · 7 months
So my last stream made me realise: I've never shared my MC lore??
Whenever I get to a new server I have a completely new skin, it's cause I like to come up with little stories/ characters/ concepts for it!
(With Haruven seasons lore, there are 2 lores. First one is the connecting lore from Season 1, the second is new characters each season with new lore)
And here they are!!!
Lyra is a Water Bender whose travelled to different towns/sanctuaries to improve their abilities. They struggle with bending - specificly in combat, they learned the hard way. However, this end up effecting Lyras' bending overall and they're worried they're losing the ability to bend all together.
Block Shift:
Ruthvik was a great redstone engineer but was struggling to get their new invention working, they seemed stuck, unable to figure out what was missing for months.
One day she was approached by a God/Spirit, claiming they were of Creation and wanted to help. Desperate, Ruthvik made a deal with the entity, allowing them to help with her creation and they would be free to build wherever in her world.
The god screwed them over. They were actually the God of Chaos and now  nothing can be properly built again.
Word got out about the deal Ruthvik made and they are constantly shunned by society for what they had done.
Essempi (Erets Sub-Server):
Yavai lived in The End for most of their life.
They have severe social anxiety and don't like interacting with people much, so they keep to themselves. However they did like to explore.
Wander the islands of The End, exploring abandoned ships and finding books on the world's around them.
They loved to learn about the Overworld, such a strange and interesting place. The End Ship are designed to travel back and forth between worlds by using a group of Enders teleporting powers to transport the ship. However Yavais' teleportation powers are very weak - they're lucky when they get to the top of an End City Tower. Yavai probably wouldn't be able to be near other crew members anyway, so they never bothered to apply for a Ship.
One day, Yavai found an old book, telling the story of an adventurer who played the Dragon - The Ends Tyrant - and the Universe granted them a way back home via a portal. That portal is still there.
Yavai built up the courage and ventured to The Centre Island and sure enough, the portal was still there.
Taking a literal leap of faith, they jumped through the portal and landed in the Overworld.
It was extremely overwhelming at first but when Yavai saw the beauty of the world, they decided to stay.
Free Souls (Mels Server:)
Myca has dedicated his life to the studies of - in summary - Life and the afterlife. Souls, gods and gods magic, the bridge between life and death and the tombstone keys that follow.
Haruven SMP:
Haru met Arion, a God of Creation.
The two grew close and eventually fell in love. Their love was so strong that Arion shared a small part of her power with them.
Soon, they were set to be married.
Before their happy day could be planned, Arion left and Haru waited for them to come back. And waited and waited and waited.
Worried for them Haru set off to go and find her, traversing the lands, searching through anything they can.
They found a few scrolls that allowed people to harness elememtal power learned by spirits.
Haru learned the technique of Water and learned quickly.
During their time there, they worked on an allium field, a place he and Arion could be when/if she returned.
She still didn't.
Haru was later approached by a God of Chaos, promising to tell them where Arion was in exchange for the small bit of power that she gave them.
Desperate, Haru agreed, but the plan backfired.
The small part of Creation mixed with Chaos, just caused a splatter of nonsense.
Haru is still trying to find their love, but now with spikes of Chaos around.
I have a channel for my lads on my Discord!
Hope you enjoyed my info dump and and am happy to answer questions or anything👉🏻👈🏻
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pact-with-faith · 1 month
I realize I don't have one of these, which makes a lot of my stuff inaccessible on mobile, so I'm tossing one together real quick!!
- Requests aren't guaranteed. It’s only if they catch my interest
- Please be respectful, to me and other bloggers. 
- Please be patient with me! I have a life outside of my computer as well so it might take me a bit to get to things
- Feel free to let me know if you want me to tag for something! I’ll do my best!
- You’re also more than welcome to share your MCs!
My Masterlist can be found here!
Here is a link to my OCs page, but a quick run down:
Faith - Human - Envy - She / Her - My MC - shipped with Beel
Lola - Human - Pride - She / Her - Witch, student in charge of the angel and demon exchange students in the human world - shipped with Levi
Andras - Demon - Greed - He / Him - Fangol player - shipped with Asmo
Elinyss / Nyss - Demon - Lust - She / Her - works at Majolish - shipped with Barbatos
Malthus / Mal - Demon - Wrath - They / Them - Demon exchange student to the human world
Zissa - Demon - Greed - She / Her - Lucifer's Assistant, Demon Exchange Student to the human world
Raziel - Angel - Sloth - He / Him - Shipped with Diavolo
Sahariel / Sahari - Angel - Gluttony - Angel exchange student to the human world
Shamsiel / Siel - Angel - Sloth - Angel exchange student to the human world
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tina-hale · 2 years
I started to watch spn from season 4(bc my friend kept saying I should, she said it was boring, that it was a waste of time to start from season 1. so I did–try–to watch from there and I didn't understand a thing, I knew the plot but it was so confusing for me dude.
I hated sam, 'cause of him dean went to hell, he was so selfish, he didn't care about his brother at all. as you can imagine I liked cas more than him, wishing he was the mc and have more screen time with dean. even though I didn't ship them I thought their relationship was deep( cas saving dean and listening him, standing with him ) 'till the ep where they give flasbacks of sam when dean went to hell and he was trying to make a deal with a demon, how he tried everything to bring dean back? so after that I decided to watch it from season 1, and I realized how wrong I was thinking about sam and their relationship. I felt frustrated too, how can you say it is not important, that it is pointless and a waste of time when they show us their childhood, how sam cared about dean as much as him. faith episode, croatoan, and other eps where we see how deeply they love each other? I am at s7 and funny thing is my fav season is 2
so, what do u think about those who suggest new fans to start watching from s4? I dont get it why they do that
Hallo Anon!
I always thought it’s weird to watch a show from a later season onwards. Because there is a lot of story, lore and character development missed.
In the case of Supernatural especially. Sam and Dean have such a deep and complicated relationship with each other (and their dad) and skipping forward one would miss all of that. I love the first three seasons and can’t imagine not watching them.
I really think the only ppl who skip them are Cas stans or those who ship Cas with Dean. To each their own I guess…
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mlqcdrabbledabble · 2 years
MLQC - Medieval AU ideas drabble!
We have seen the guys in medieval roles, but what if we mash them together!
- takes place during the 17th to 19th century
- the MC can have various roles like:
Being a peasant, maid or servant, who is in a lot of trouble because of her parents, or the daughter of a noble family-- who wishes not to be married off to someone she barely knows and does not love. Some ideas there.
Let's give our main guys some roles!
More below
In order of Hiarchy:
"A kingdom is nothing without the strength and faith of it's people."
He is the King, Emperor, or a Duke (duh :P)
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A true king of the people-- Victor was appointed to become the King (or emperor) by the previous royal council he was apart of for many years. He had no direct claim to the throne, however, he worked hard and the concil of the people favored him. He now is at the top of the kingdom (or empire) and continues to do what is best for the kingdom and it's people.
Although he is extremely pragmatic and a bit disconnected from the problems of common folk. However, no one can deny he is extremely intelligent and given the right information-- he can solved just about any issue.
"Knowledge is the greatest weapon one can wheld."
Royal Phasician, Apothecary or Medicene man-- also a close advisor to the King.
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Eventhough they seem at odds, Lucien is one of King's closest and most trusted advisors. He is the right hand man and probably the second most (if not the most) power person in the kingdom.
Additionally he has a network of spies and knows everything there is to know about the kingdom and it's enemies. This is a man you want on your side because he knows everyone's weaknesses, and more than 101 ways to make people talk.
"I am on the side of order and justice in a world filled with chaos."
Cheif Knight, General, Commander and advisor of the kingdom's military forces.
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Extremely loyal to the crown and the complete opposite of his younger brother. He is dedicated to justice and apprehension of criminals. Though he pleaded for his younger brother to be spared when he was caught doimg criminal actitives. Which was very out of character for him to do.
Gavin lives with the fact he spoke up for his brother, and must be the one to put him down if he causes too many more issues with the kingdom.
"I live to bring the music and soul we all have a connection to-- let it all come forward and shine."
Bard, musician, jester and voice of the people-- and a spy master.
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Kiro is the most talented musician in the whole kingdom. His songs heal the broken hearted and uplift the downtrodden. Though he has a darker (hidden) side that no one suspects from such a bright and brilliant man.
He easily infultrates high class parties and other kingdom's realms with his famous performances. All the while gathering valuable information about them as well.
"I am a freeman. Because I chose to be."
The outlaw, criminal, pirate Captian, secret agent, hunted and treasure hunter.
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He had always been a trouble maker from a young age. He never out grew his criminal nature, unlike his older brother, he became a theif and a lowlife. He was captured and was going to be excuted, but his older brother pleaded for him to be spared.
Instead, he was exiled and resents his older brother for saving his life. Shaw was able to commendere a ship and crew to do piracy. He deliberately steals from the kingdom that spared him. Though he has heard there is a great treasure there... not made of gold nor silver. He will take this great treasure for his own.
Main Character (MC)
My idea is that depending on where the MC starts will affect how they interact and know our main male leads.
High-class: Knows Victor or Kiro
Princess from another Kingdom or Related to Nobility
Mid-class: Knows Victor, Gavin, Lucien or Kiro
Royal Maid
(could be bumped up to head maid or fruther, if they work hard enough ;))
Lower-class: Knows Gavin or Shaw
Criminal: Knows Shaw, Lucien, Gavin or Kiro
Theif, witch, or some other thing that's considered a severe criminal act...
Extra stuff!
Not sure if they should have evol or not...
Thinking not because they'd be hung for witch craft...
But Shaw probably be like, "yeah! give me cool lighting powers!" (That'll make him too op xP)
I want them to interact more!
Anywhoo you got any thoughts or feedback? Would love to heart it.
Cheers! (^3^)/
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hellhoundmaggie · 8 months
1,2,3,5,7,8,15,16 Tabitha
Thank you Anon! Ask game here
Why do you like or dislike this character?
Tabitha was designed to be hard to love, but somehow that makes her even more loveable.
Favorite canon thing about this character?
Her autism coding. Even though Tabby and I are very different, I can relate to her autistic traits. That and some of her physical characteristics -- blond hair, pale skin, permanent eye bags -- make me feel almost like she's my real cousin.
Least favorite canon thing about this character?
This isn't a trait that diminishes the character at all, but Tabby's faith in capitalism as a force for good drives me up the wall. Not only would it be better for the town if she gave up on being a "job creator" and ceded control to the workers, she'd also be happier not carrying that feeling of responsibility. I don't expect she'd ever go full communism but maybe I can pull her a little to the left, you know?
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I don't listen to a ton of music, so I don't have a specific song I associate with Tabby. But the strike makes me think of "Which Side Are You On?" a classic union protest song.
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Oh, lots of things! I like pretty much all fanworks of Tabby.
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I don't like it when fans disparage Kaneeka for not liking or trusting Tabitha. Tabitha hasn't done enough to earn Kaneeka's trust at the start of the game. Yes, I know Tabitha is sad and hurting, but so is Kaneeka -- if Tabitha deserves grace, then so does she.
What's your favorite ship for this character?
Stabby Stabby Stabby! Just let them be happy together again I want them to be happppppppy
What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Tabby/MC, because incest is not my cup of tea. Next least favorite is Tabby/Goop Wayne, because she is so terrified of Wayne during their encounter in the Ep 3 haunting. It feels cruel to Tabby to pair her with someone who frightens her so badly.
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primoresplendens · 2 years
Tagged by @marinecorvid ❤
Last Song: Something on my Eisbrecher playlist this morning 😔 I was driving to work and I usually have my spotify on
Last Show: Planet Earth on netflix ✌
Currently Watching: Nothing, actually. I can't even commit to my current single obsession right now, can't afford to start a new one. I just watch my documentaries every now and then
Currently Reading: Shelved my snub towards ranobe's to start Eighty-Six, and I recommend it even to those who don't read ranobe (like me). Lovely characters, gives twists to what's essentially a zombie war apocalypse with topics of death, fantasy racism, child soldiers, etc. I'm not sold on the main couple yet, but it's more than that. I actually like the particular way I do not agree with everything the author seems to suggest for this work, as it opens rooms for discussions pertaining to both in-universe and real world. Ready for talks o.<☆
Current Obsession: Lord of Heroes, very particularly f!Lord 😌 The story is about, well, heroes, certainly larger-than-life people but very much trying to make the most of their lives as heroes of their own story, not just the main character's. It's a story about human dignity("human" in a broad sense) in the face of hardships and of evil, very much against cynicism and nihilism if those aren't your cup of tea. Features strong and dignified women characters including the female version of the MC, also has a slew of highly lovable male and gnc characters, and everybody's favorite enby man to really drive it in. I'm pretty much asking myself what would Lord do in situation whenever I want to be a good person xD Lord is just a perfect example of a character who must struggle to be good, a display of what daring to be good can entail - namely, it comes with a constant need for decision-making, responsibility-taking, and facing your own shortcomings. But Lord will persevere. I have faith in her
Unrelated Obsession: So you know I'm a multiverse-multishipper, I very much ship both Rangerschoolshipping and Vatonageshipping in their own "timelines". Although I think of Kellyn and Kate as completely interchangeable protagonists, I do slightly differ in their characterizations, so my ship of them with Keith each come with a different flavor. Granted, I'm the Kellyn person, so I'm more ""obsessed"" with Rangerschoolshipping... But Vatonageshipping enjoys a healthier relationship with better outlook of working out, not the least because I enjoy torturing my faves xD
Tag: @audre-falrose @universallynightstar @roseheart-exe @littledragonkana @humanblt @tokimaeki
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crim-bat · 2 years
Poe Dameron is Always Right
Pretty frequently in the sequel Trilogy of Star Wars we see that he is framed as being the one that's in the wrong or at least the one who's always argued about being in the wrong a by other characters.
But when you actually examine what's going on you can kind of see that for the most part he's normally right about things. Let me explain.
In the force awakens we don't really see enough of his character to really establish this character trait. We see enough to know he's a very confident commander and an even more confident pilot. He is a magician behind the stick of an X-Wing and in fact most ships you can pilot
In the last jedi, we start to see that him being wrong is very much an informed trait. Those bombers that got destroyed in the start of the movie? They had already set up their attack. Turning back probably would have caused all of them to be destroyed anyway without them actually doing anything to the enemy. He made a Command Decision and not only was it the right tactical decision but given that it gave them one less massive Star Destroyer to worry about in the upcoming Chase sequence of the movie he was also Vindicated on a strategic level.
But the movie framesman is being wrong. He's demoted from Commander to Captain (which is bullshit because captain is a higher naval rank and commander doesn't exist as a rank in a branch where he'd have been promoted to general but Star Wars is bad at military ranks ik ik) by Leia for pressing the attack. But the only way he's in the wrong here isn't because it was the wrong tactical or strategic decision. It wasn't. It was because of insubordination which is kind of fair
The next we see him clash with authority is with vice admiral holdo and she opens up hostilities like a turbo laser. The first thing he does is ask for Direction on what they're doing next because even if he is just a captain he is still one of the senior officers on board and that is a very fair thing to ask the now acting Commander of the fleet that's being torn apart. So she tells him to just follow orders which he just asked for and didn't get
The movie frames him is being a hot head and just wanting to fight. But that's not really how it's framed for most of the movie. Because strategically and tactically he was right to press the attack against the dreadnaught. And he only expresses his need to engage the enemy and fight when he sees that they are refueling the transports which is a very dumb character decision tbh. Like obviously there's no way they could fight against the ships chasing them at that point and the first time he's actually wrong in the movie it feels like a forced wrongness rather than an informed rockness. Him being wrong never feels both natural and accurate
Then we come to the rise of Skywalker where the real fun begins. I just rolled my eyes by the way. Because we see him open up with hyperspace skipping which is bad for the falcon, which makes sense because it's an older ship and I have no idea how it's still active at this point other than faith and duct tape, and he immediately gets lambasted by the main character. But he was still right to do it because those were hyperspace capable Tie fighters which is kind of a typical. So he gets points for being right or being prepared for a hyperspace Pursuit after what happened last movie when the basic premise of his side of it was being pursued through hyperspace
And then you have him leading the resistance fleet to exogol for final stand against a new empire. This was after Rey decided to just rush headfirst into a problem she had no idea how to handle (standard Star Wars mc flaw, not an indictment of her character to be fair). And honestly? He didn't really have much of a choice because there was almost no better opportunity because the opportunities to do this were only getting worse
All this to say. Very rarely is p
Poe Dameron in the wrong. He might be annoying about it sometimes. But Poe is almost always right on a strategic or tactical level but he only ever gets black or push back on it.
Anyways stan Poe Dameron
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